Description: What causes skin discolouration while having leg cramps?
Patient: I have been experiencing leg cramps(Charlie Horse). I am post menopausal it happens in my right leg which will stay sore days afterwards. Also I have noticed that the area of my leg that the cramp is in will discolor like a bruise. My question is why does my skin discolor,? Why does the area remain sore? And what can I do to stop the Charlie Horse?
Doctor: Hi,If the the leg shows discoloration after Charlie Horse phenomenon then this is most probably related to the internal structures.The causes can be varicose veins with insufficiency.Deep vein thrombosis.Muscle cramps.These can be diagnosed by the following ways:Color doppler of the lower limb.This along with clinical evaluation and examination can help to get a proper diagnosis.Also get relevant blood tests for coagulopathy and so on.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. T. Chandrakant, General Surgeon
Description: Any remedy for lower back pain due to the crunches ?
Patient: my lower back hurts when I arch it but relief after a decent arch. Also my ribs tend to rub my anytime I try to build my core or slim down. my tailbone seems to be protruding further than normal. I cant sit up straight I either lean left, right, or forward resting my elbows on my thighs or knees. No tailbone pain but sit ups cause it to rub the skin and either irritate or tear it, it is not polyps it only happens with a repetitive sit up motion leaning left or rite prevents this, so I am stuck with crunches which is even worse on my lower back.
Doctor: Hello,Welcome to HCM,The posture of your body during sitting an standing is very important. If you are having severe back problem take rest for sometime donot stretch the muscle and make it worse.To relieve pain you can take NSAID for reliving the pain from your treating doctor.For longstanding back pain you need to strengthen up your back muscle by doing particular exercise which increases the muscle strength and tone.I suggest you to take some physiotherapy and follow the exercise for long term benefits.Hope these suggestions will improve your condition.Than you.
Description: Is the sperm count normal?
Patient: Dear Sir, This is Sammy & I have gone through Semen Analysis & the below is report for your refernce Colour- Creamy Volume- 3 ml Viscosity - Normal Viscous Reaction- Alkaline Liquefaction-Liquefied upon received minutes Sperm Count- 11 million/ml Abnormal Forms- 30 % Microscopy Pus Cells 3-8/H.P.F Red Cells 2-4 /H.P.F Spermatogenic cells 3-6 /H.P.F M. After Liquifaction: Markedly Directional 15 % Moderately Directional 15 % Non Directional 20 % Non mortile 50 % Please advise on this & what will be the solution if I want to see my partner pregnant.
Doctor: hai,as your report shows abnormality in total count and active motile sperm should be total count -20 million/ml and active motile sperm should be 50 you got primary infertility.kindly consult an infertility specialist to fix the problem to get proper treatment. medication like protein supplements, multi vitamins and ANTIOXIDANTS will help in increasing the sperm count. .thank youhope i answered your query
Description: Suggest treatment for severe back pain and sleeplessness
Patient: A good friend, female 64, with back injury from work many years ago, heart issues and high blood pressure and colitis is having great difficulty finding a doctor in Porters Lake/ Dartmouth/Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dr. Dan Nicholson, Minesville, N.S. accepted her as a patient after she disclosed all her medical issues. On the next appointment she delivered her list of prescriptions since October 2013. He immediately dismissed her and denied her any medical services because in the past her Dr. Brown (since retired) prescribed narcotics to help her manage severe pain and lack of sleep. Dr. Nicholson did not elaborate and she left crying and feeling unwanted and unworthy. Dr. Isis Dawood who was accepting new patients also refused to accept this patient because she was a patient of a former colleague at Lacewood Medical Clinic that closed down and the doctors all moved to Ontario, including her doctor and Dr. Dawood. When her doctor returned to Nova Scotia he set up in Bedford but did not contact her. Before he left he told her he was moving and could not longer be her doctor. IN the Halifax Metro Newspaper, April 2, 2015, Tony MacIntryre tells his story of being declined by 10 physicians and some declined because he uses narcotics to control his severe pain. My two questions are: If a patient was prescribed narcotics to ease and manage their pain in the past, are there other more effective prescriptions available today that are not narcotics for her conditions? If so, what didn t or wouldn t Dr. Dan Nicholson not explain that alternative and option and try her on those? Second, Capital Health listing of physicians accepting patients is not kept current and is not helpful to find a family physician that specializes or interested in patients with her medical issues. Can you refer us to a human being who is knowledgeable and has access to a data base of family physicians who are accepting patients and can assist a patient with her medical issues? She is so discouraged she just wants to give up.
Doctor: hiMorphine is habit forming and you may ask your doctor to substitute with other pain medicines like tramadol.You may consult an orthopedic surgeon also for back pain and x rays may be needed for wishes
Description: Suggest treatment for bruise and swelling of bicep after donating plasma
Patient: I am 27 years old and I recently donated plasma. A couple of hours after donating I noticed that my bicep was swollen and it was painful. At the time there wasn't a bruise but the next day there was a purple bruise and it was still swollen. It is now the third day and the swelling has gone down but the bruise is bigger and it has turned grey in color. Is this something I should be worried about?
Doctor: Hi,Thanks for asking.Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. After donation, there might have been a small subcutaneous hematoma.2. This hematoma, as it ages, changes its control into red, purple and later on grey and it slowly disappears.3. You need not worry about it, and it will disappear within a week.Hope it helps.Any further queries, happy to help again.
Description: Is there any test to find food allergy and can telekast10 cause any side effects?
Patient: hi, my mother is having food allergy which causes swelling on face and little breathing problem to her. on daily observation we found some food not suitable to her. kindly tell us is there any specific test is available to identify the allergy causing food. Right now she is taking telekast10 tab everyday night as per prescription, is there any side effects persist from the daily use.
Doctor: Hello, A common type of food allergy test is the skin prick test (or SPT). For this kind of test, an allergist injects tiny doses of food on a small area of your skin. You're then monitored for signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives. However, the skin prick test isn't the only way food allergy testing is done. Telecast has side effects like sleeping, fatigue, dry mouth etc. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Blerina Pasho, General & Family Physician
Description: Q. Does rapidly declining memory mean Alzheimer's disease or vascular dementia?
Patient: Hello doctor, My father is experiencing rapidly declining memory and cognitive function. He was taken to the hospital a year back due to confusion and memory loss and was treated for diabetic ketoacidosis and had a quadruple bypass performed. They also did various scans and MRIs and found nothing to indicate a reason for the memory issues. They ascribed it to the DKA and lack of oxygen to the brain due to heart blockages and told us his symptoms should subside after his recovery. After 13 months, he is only getting worse. He cannot remember appointments or plans and has to put everything on his phone to remember (including his birthday). He does not remember what he has done the previous day and sometimes believes he did something he did not. He does not remember events of past 10 to 15 years (including forgetting where his house is that he has lived in for 24 years), but his youth is still vivid in his mind. He turns 61 tomorrow, so he is fairly young for this kind of memory loss. Does this point to Alzheimer's, and if so, what stage is he in? Or does this seem more likely to be vascular dementia? Or something else entirely?
Doctor: Hello. Your father's symptoms are indicative of dementia. I would like to review his brain MRI report, to give a more professional opinion if it is Alzheimer disease or vascular dementia. As he is diabetic, vascular dementia cannot be excluded. Anyway, you should know that vascular dementia is associated with many small strokes visible in the brain MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) while Alzheimer is associated with brain atrophy in the temporal lobes. I would recommend consulting with a neurologist and performing some cognitive tests to determine the stage of the disease. Based on your prescription, it seems to be an advanced stage, as he forgets about his past too. I would recommend starting treatment with Donepezil or Memantine. Taking Aspirin daily and better control of diabetes and hypertension is necessary to slow the progression of the disease. You should discuss with his doctor on the above treatment options. For more information consult a neurologist online -->
Description: Smoking marijuana. Incredible headaches after smoking. What is causing them? How to stop headaches?
Patient: Hi, I m a 20-year-old female looking for some answers regarding marijuana and headaches . I ve been a casual smoker for about 5 years with very little use in the past couple of years until recently. I started smoking more regularly again because a little bit before bed helps me sleep. My doctor is aware that I smoke though I forgot to ask her about the headaches (which only started in the last couple of months) last time I saw her. It seems now that almost every time I smoke I get incredible headaches that last for hours, starting around the time my high starts to come down. I ve done everything I can to prevent them and treat them (food, lying down, fresh air, Advil/ Tylenol beforehand, lots of water, massage, reducing the amount i smoke overall as well as the amount I inhale each time) but nothing works . Do you know what could be causing the headaches and what could prevent/treat them? And yes, I m aware that quitting is the obvious answer. If that s the answer I was looking for I wouldn t be asking. Smoking really does help me sleep and calms my occasional anxiety so I m hoping I can find a way to stop the headaches without quitting. Thank you.
Description: Q. Am I at a risk of possible pregnancy after missing my contraceptive pills?
Patient: Hello doctor, I am currently taking a low dose of combined birth control medication (Femme 20/100) containing 21 hormone tablets and 7 placebo tablets. I was on a higher dose of contraceptive medication (Microgynon 30). Microgynon 30 was switched to lower dose pill because of severe PMS type symptoms. Currently, I am taking Ritalin 60 mg per day in 3 x 20 mg intervals, Abilify 300 mg depot injection monthly, Femme 20/100 contraceptive pill and Clonazepam 2 mg twice a day as needed. I had unprotected sex on day 6 of inactive pill. I forgot to take active pills on day 1, 3 and 4. But, I had 2 pills on day 2 and had unprotected intercourse. I am concerned about the possibility of pregnancy. It is now day 5 and I am regular on my pill. Am I at risk for a possible pregnancy due to missing so many hormonal pills? Also, what should I do from this point onwards? Should I continue as normal or begin a new packet entirely?
Doctor: Hi. Since you have missed three pills, you are not protected for this cycle for further intercourse. But, you were protected in earlier intercourse. To keep your cycle regular continue the present pack, but take extra precaution during this cycle. Use condoms. You can also use a Morning-after pill, not more than once in this cycle. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: Suggest treatment for dengue with a low platelet count in males
Patient: Hi, my father was suffering from dengue. He was admitted to the nearby nursing home and was treated but after some days his stomach bloated abnormally including his eyes, though he passed 7 days in this situation the platelates haven t come to the preferable count, but he has no pain in his stomach along with no appetite for food, please suggest me what should I do. His recent platelates count is 20,000
Doctor: dengue is a viral infection and treatment is mainly supportve ie plenty of fluids ,paracetamol for fever and antihistamincs for cures by itself within 7 -10 days .but if there is a bleeding manisfestations eg nasal bleed etc ...platetlet count less than 10000 ,then prophlactic platelet transfusion is doNE.FOR ur father if he has no bleeding tendency then he only needs symptomatic treatment ....if platelets goes down to 10000 thn he might need platelet transfusion
Description: How soon can pregnancy test be done?
Patient: Hello Doc, I have been planning for a baby. I have a proper 26-27 day menstural cycle. My husband and myself tried for baby twice during my fertility week. I have missed by periods by 3 days but pregnancy test shows negative, Can there still be a possibility of me being pregnant ?
Doctor: Welcomewait for 3 days more. then repeat urine test again to confirm your pregnancy.if you have still doubt, sonography will help you.thanks
Description: Will there be any effect on my babies due to my mental weakness during 28 week pregnancy and how can I come out of it ?
Patient: I m 28 week pregnant with twins i have become emtionally very weak i will get disturbed and pissed off with family matters and i dont get proper sleep in the night..will these affect my babies health and pls help me suggest to overcome this mental weakness
Doctor: hello dear patient any tension or any thing which affects your health will surely affect your babies normal growth. stay calm you can try meditation practice also. avoid any such thing because it will lead to ill health and that will lead to disease than finally tablets and medication which will definetly affect your babies so to avoid all these problem stay calm for few more months. take care regards dr
Description: Suggest remedy for mild hydronephrosis and hepatomegalia after surgery
Patient: Hello Doctor, I have made pcnl of my both the kidneys just after surjry i have reported inflammation and burning sensation on my lower abdomen. but in USG a mild hydronephrosis with mild hepatomegalia. after 20 days of surjury the inflammation remain same . i am taking prulivfloxacin for UTI. but it is same and inflammation is visible by naked eys. Pls adevice what the cause.
Doctor: HelloThanks for query.Based on the facts that you have posted I think you have developed UTI after surgery of Bilateral PCNL for removal of stones in kidneys.In most of the cases of stones in kidney there is infection in center of the stones and fragmentation of stones results in to bacteria being liberated in general circulation causing infection (UTI).This is common sequel after PCNL .Please get your routine urine test and urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to and take appropriate antibiotic as per culture report.Ensure to drink more water .This will help to flush out the debris from the kidneys.Dr.Patil.
Description: What causes fast heart rate and abnormal EKG?
Patient: My mother had a quadruple bypass in August of 2009. She went to the dr. this morning and her heart rate was fast and had an abnormal EKG. They sent her to ER and they did another EKG and it was normal and they sent her home. Should we be concernced?
Doctor: Hello. I understand your concern towards your mom's health hopefully, she will be fine. From your explanation, your mom probably has supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) more specifically "Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia". It's not harmful most of the time, just could be scary. Most of the time they spring up suddenly but go away in an instance and rarely require medications, except if physical maneuver fails. Warm regards
Description: What could be the cause of soreness between ears and respiratory virus?
Patient: I got diagnosed with a respiratory virus and shortly after with restrictive airway disease . My upper throat and across between my ears is very sore with no visible redness. My coughing was pretty intense ...could there be an infection in my throat that's not visible? My glands are swollen.
Doctor: in viruses there is only feeling no signs visiblethe viral infection take three week to go thje glands are swollen due to reaction of viruses infection of throateven with medicine it may take 3 weekyou can take symptom wise treatmentcourse of antibiotics to prevent infectionanti allergic tab for reducing mucus in tractand anti allergic syp also to reduce coughanalgesic antipyretic sos for cough and painuse plenty of fluids
Description: Suggest remedy for headache with hair fall
Patient: I suffer from severe headache days now and at the same time my hair falls , i found it is not normal anymore. my hair is getting thin , our company doctor said i lack nutrient and gave me vitamins but it never cure the losing of my hair and I still suffer fr headache . please help me .
Doctor: It can be of stress. So reduce stress first. And stop noticing your hair, which make you more stressfull which can be your cause for headache if you still persistently get headache, go for a consultation with a neuro physician you may have migraine or a ct brain plain can be done to rule out other illness
Description: What could be the large lump on hand after accidentally hitting it?
Patient: I hit the side of my hand full force with a hammer today while remodeling our bowling alley. It instantly started bleeding profusely for about 30 minutes. Since the bleeding has stopped my hypothenar muscles are extremely sore and I have like a hard lump where I accidentally hit it. I ve been using ice for 20 minutes every hour, but it is still really large and hot to the touch. Could this lump just possibly be a blood blister that is extremely hard? Or possibly just badly bruised?
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have haematoma formation. You have clear cut history of injury. After that there is extravasation of blood. Haematoma and bruise is common. You should take anti inflammatory plus analgesic drug. If needed go for dressing of your wound. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: What causes dark vaginal discharge after taking iron supplements for conception?
Patient: I havent had my periods from 2 months. Last Tuesday I went for pregnancy checkup. And found out that I am not pregnant. However the doctor gave me iron tablets for 10 days and Folvin for 30 days so that I can plan pregnancy for next month. The problem now is that I had black discharge from vagina yesterday and it seemed like the iron tablet itself was being excreted from vagina. It was melted but it looked like the tablet and also the amount was similar to the size of the tablet. Pleas suggest
Doctor: Hello,Iron tablet side effects are nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and black stool, not change in color of the vaginal discharge.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Sheetal Agarwal
Description: What could the loose skin in mouth which causes irritation after teeth extraction be?
Patient: Hello. I am a 15 year old male, and I had three of my teeth removed yesterday morning. At one of the extraction sites, there is loose skin. It keeps getting in the way of my tongue. I rinsed my mouth yesterday night, and some pieces of the loose skin fell out of my mouth. However, I do not know what to do with the rest of the loose skin. It is very irritating. Should I pull it out gently, or wait for it to come out by itself? Or is there anything else I should do?
Doctor: Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting HCM, I have gone through your query, as you have undergone extraction of tooth now, you feel loose skin dont worry it is unhealed socket . Take proper course of antibiotics prescribed by your dentist, and wait for 15 days atleast for healing of socket. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day. After one week of you wont get relief then go and consult your dentist for oral examination .Hope this will help you.
Description: Will artery block reoccur long after bypass surgery?
Patient: My husband had quad by pass surgery 12 years age. Is it true that after a length of time he will start having trouble again. Male 73 5-9 weight 220. He now has been diagn with parkinsons and had a severe back surgery that keeps hm from bein mobile. Just wondering about the heart thing.
Doctor: Yes, unfortunately heart disease is a chronic, lifelong, progressive, and often recurrent disease. Having had bypass surgery corrects the blood flow at the time of surgery, but, over time, the same processes that caused fatty plaques to deposit in the walls of the original or "natural" arteries will continue to occur in the "bypass" arteries. Some bypass arteries, transplanted veins, are more susceptible than others to this process. Bypass arteries that used to be actual arteries (like the Left Internal Mammary Artery or "LIMA," an artery that supplies blood to the muscles and structures of the chest wall, and can be re-directed in open heart surgery to feed the LAD--Left Anterior Descending Artery--at the front of the heart) will usually hold up better over time, but even these can eventually succumb to plaque formation.You mentioned that your husband is significantly obese and is very sedentary, which are factors that work against him avoiding further coronary artery disease. It is often difficult for people with Parkinson's Disease and also with chronic severe back pain to get enough aerobic exercise safely, so I understand the difficulties he would have with this.A few questions I have for you are: is he seeing a Cardiologist or a Primary Doctor on a regular basis? Is he diabetic? Is his cholesterol optimally controlled or not? Is he on a statin drug (to lower cholesterol levels, and which have been proven to prevent MI's, cardiovascular deaths, and recurrent plaque formation in people who have had prior cardiac events or interventions)? Does he smoke cigarettes?The answers to those questions above will be important in knowing whether your husband's medical situation is optimized to prevent the development of new arterial blockages in either his 12-year-old bypass arteries or even worsening disease of his natural arteries. One way to find out if he has developed significant blockages in any of his heart's arteries, despite maybe being unable to exercise or walk long or fast or far enough to develop angina would be to have a Nuclear Stress Test, in which his doctor would give him a medication in his IV that makes the heart think it is exercising, followed by a radioactive imaging agent that creates a picture of the blood flow in his heart. That would tell us how his blood flows under exercise or stress conditions compared with his "natural" or "resting" state. If his blood flow seems abnormal, his doctor might adjust his medications or might refer him for an angiogram to see whether and where and how severe the blocked arteries might be. He wouldn't necessarily require a repeat open heart surgery if new blockages are confirmed, since the more common situation nowadays is that he could be treated with ballooning and/or stenting of his blocked artery if that is what would be discovered. Good luck, and write back if we may be of further help to you, or if you have any further questions about anything I've said above.
Description: What causes flutters in middle of sternum after eating?
Patient: Lately I ve been having flutters right in the middle of my sternum, especially after eating. I had an echo about six months ago and it was normal, other than having a hyperdynamic left ventrical. It happened several times while I was on the treadmill the other night. Should I be worried?
Doctor: Hello, It could be due to acid reflux. As of now, you can take antacids like Omeprazole or Pantoprazole for symptomatic relief. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician
Description: What is the treatment for severe abdominal pain?
Patient: Hi, I am a 20 year old mother, of a 20 month old child. Ever since I had my son, I have been experiencing some really bad abdominal pains, that have just been increasing by the months. What could it be? And what should I do? There have been multiple pelvic exams (courtesy of the ER) no sign of infection has been noticed, my very irregular and painful menstral cycles have been increasing with very heavy blood clots. As a plus to all of this, I have had horrible inflamation in different regions of my abdomen.
Doctor: you should go for an imaging diagnosis , like ultrasound or MRI, it will help to make a proper diagnosis and then treatment will be startes according to that,
Description: Got my teeth removed and the extraction site started bleeding when i blew my nose. How to stop bleeding?
Patient: i had all four wisdom teeth removed on the 17th. my upper right extraction site started bleeding profusely after i blew my nose tonight. How do i get it to stop bleeding? i've been placing gauze on it and applying pressure for about 4 hours now but it just won't stop. what do i do?
Doctor: Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting HCM, I have gone through your query, as you have profusely bleeding from socket , you consult your dentist and go for treatment , irrigation of socket and zinc oxide eugenol pack . You can apply cotton dipped in cold water and compress the socket . Consult dentist as early as possible .Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health.
Description: What could be the cause pain and tightness in arm?
Patient: i have left humerus pain radiating down to forearm and a tightness to hand.i have had an mri of neck and i had some pathology but was told it was mild. i am now going to have a shoulder mri to r/o rotator cuff tear or other pathology. now i have spasms to flank hips and calf? what could be wrong with me? i work in the operating room and i am getting very frustrated.i am 55yrs old and have been employed for 33yrs.
Doctor: Hello, Your symptoms may be due to cariogenic, First consult a cardiologist or Physician for proper investigations like Blood pressure checking, ECG, 2D Echo. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Krishnakanth. K
Description: What could be the cause of pain in hip bone?
Patient: Hi my name is Yolanda and my hip bone has been hurting me for a couple of months on and off but i have noticed that when i walk all day or go jogging it feels worst it hurts to lay ob the side like its bruised and swollen please someone let me know what this could be
Doctor: Dear Yolunda,I think if you can bruise and swollen it's means the pathology is not in the hip joint ( because the hip joint is very deep and the inflammation in huo joint will not show bruise & swollen )I think Maybe it's from inflammation around your soft tissue.such as trochanteric bursitis
Description: Q. I had a sudden outbreak of hives. Are my medications appropriate?
Patient: Hello doctor,This is regards to my urticaria problem. I had a chronic urticaria three years back, for which I underwent a course of Loratidine and Xyzal-M for close to one and a half years and was keeping well. All of a sudden, I had a severe outbreak of hives last week and was put on Dazit-M, Allegra 180 and Xyzal along with Methylprednisolone (8 mg).This time it is so severe and after three days it is not coming down. I need your advice on my current condition and if my medications are appropriate.
Doctor: Hello. At the moment, you are having acute exacerbation precipitated by one of the exaggerating factors like artificial flavoring agents, any drugs or some chemical agents. You have already been prescribed steroid which is Methylprednisolone for three days and some other antiallergic medicine as well. I will recommend you to be patient for one more week and continue the same medication. If in case there is no improvement, only then I will recommend having another short course of steroid. Meanwhile, I will ask you to please avoid readymade or take away meals, use bland products for washing, avoid perfumes deodorants, etc. I know this is difficult to do but avoid as much as you can. You can apply topical steroid lotion mixed with vaseline lotion in equal parts and then apply on your hives two times daily. Please continue with your oral medicine in addition to this. In case you have any breathing difficulty then see a doctor on an emergency basis. Next time please send a picture of the lesion as well to know the extent of disease too. Revert after a week to a dermatologist online -->
Description: What does it mean by tropozoite: intestinal parasite seen,Pus cells: 2-4/hpf in fecalysis of my 8 months old?
Patient: Hi, my sons fecalysis result shows Macroscopic examination : color: brown, consistency: watery Microscopic examination: Ova or cyst: no ova or cyst of any tropozoite: intestinal parasite seen Pus cells: 2-4/hpf Red blood cells: TNTC /hpf What is the interpretation of the above result? He is an 8 mos old.
Doctor: This is normal report.Trophizoite is a stage of intestinal parasites.repirt says no ova , cyst or trophozoite seen.(means normal)
Description: Suggest treatment for prolonged cough while suffering from flu
Patient: I have a prolonged cough after 8 days of the flu. No fever, non productive, dry cough. No sore throat, dysphagia or sputum. I took a course of Tamiflu with no relief. The only relief I get is if I lean forward at about a 45 degree angle which helps alleviate the coughing.
Doctor: HI, thanks for using healthcare magicUnfortunately the cough following a viral infection can last up to 6 weeks even after all of the other symptoms have resolved.This is called post viral or infectious cough.It may be due to persisting inflammation in the chest.The use of over the counter cough and cold medications may be helpful.I hope this helps
Description: Q. Am I prone to get HIV if I have shared cups of water and straw with an HIV person?
Patient: Hello doctor, I am a 23-year-old female and I have been sharing cups of water and straw and occasional food with a friend for a few years. The friend is no more but I do not know if she was HIV positive. I am worried if I may have caught something from the sharing. Do I have a risk of getting HIV? Do I need to get myself checked?
Doctor: Hello. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Description: Feeling non focused and depressed
Patient: Hiya I am 17 years old female, and finding to hard to say different words and forgetting what I am going to say half way through a conversation with someone, I also feel really happy one minute then next feel like everyone hates me! Please can you help you out best you can!
Doctor: HiThanks for using healthcare magicI think, you are in stress and some antidepressant that would help to control the mood swing. You can consult a psychiatrist for proper mental status examination, You can also do some relaxation exercise that deep breathing or JPMR. You can also follow life style modification technique, but before doing that this, just consult a psychiatrist.Thanks
Description: What are the chances of getting pregnant after unprotected sex while on birth control pill?
Patient: ?I had unprotected sex once. I ve been on birth control for 8 months, I switched to amethia about 2 months ago. I take my pill everyday. What are my chances of getting pregnant? Also, is it true that if you take 4 amethia pills it is as effective as the morning after pill?
Doctor: Hi,Thanks for the query. If you use the contraceptive pills according to the guidelines, the possibility of pregnancy is very less. For more details: you have taken the pills daily, complete protection can be expected. If you are still having doubt regarding pregnancy, go for urine pregnancy test three weeks after the day of intercourse. Oral contraceptive pills in high dose can act as emergency contraceptive pills. But according to your history they may not be needed in your case.Taking single tablet daily as you are taking is enough for contraceptive purpose. Take care.
Description: Using quadriderm for allergy on face. On not applying skin becomes red. What should i do?
Patient: Hello ! I was using qudariderm cream to get rid of small allergy on my face..I used that cream for long term may be for 1.5 years. Later i come to know that cream have some steroids in it. So i think my skin is habitat to that cream. Now what should i do ? If i m not using that cream some allergy(reddish color) appear on my face which look really bad & give me allergic sensational feeling. I think immunity on my face is too week now..How can i get rid from this situation ? Pls pls help me..
Doctor: Hello, Red Skin Syndrome or steroid skin syndrome is caused from the overuse of steroid creams.This  is causing unecessary suffering in people all over the world. The only remedy is to slowly coming out of it by reducing the amount of cream very slowly. The problem is the QUADRIDERM  has affected your bodies natural cortisone production and slow withdrawal of cortisone will allow your body to slowly come back up to speed regulating it's natural levels. Sudden change in cortisone strength should be avoided. It is better to taper off very slowly so your body can catch up. The withdrawl process is basically two steps forward and one step backward,so be patient,reduce the quantity and number of applications very slowly and the end result would be your good skin back,but after may be many months. Thanks
Description: Suggest treatment for typhoid
Patient: Hi,Good Evening from India,my wife is suffering from cough,breathing problem,weakness. i went to our doctors chamber he suggest some test,i went to lab and all the test got done by me and found thyroid out of tolerancelimit and for blood DLC test found out of tolerence limit,so please doctor suggest me what can do?
Doctor: hello. welcome to HCM.I am Dr Jigar(Infectious Disease Specialist).It would have been great if you have provided the details of tests and result. Here the case history you are giving does not match with signs and symptoms of typhoid.You should confirm it by blood culture test.Still if it is typhoid then there are many good antibiotics( e.g fluroquinolones) which can cure the disease. Take these medicines after consulting your doctor.I hope i have justified your query. Do revert back if you need further help.Regards.Dr Jigar.
Description: Suggest remedy for lump under the penis and cloudy urine
Patient: hello I have two difrent questions first I need to know what would cause a mans part to curve drasticleyrather fast ? my husband has always had lower back pain when we have sex and in a matter of less then a year he had a small lump on the under side of his stuff as it got bigger he began to curve upword and now is very bad he sayes it don t hurt when we have sex yet we have t n two years he tries to say that it is from trama when he was younger he raced bikes and hit himself a time or two he also said that it is partly my falt because I like to get a little ruf , between them two things he is messed up and notihng can be done for it I think it is not that simpel and that he needs to be seen the sex was NEVER that ruf Not in my mind ther eare other things that I think needs to be conciderd because just befor this started he had what looked like pulp in his urin and it was very cloudy. he will not even talk about it and he knows how importat it is to me what else could it be or can I give you more info
Doctor: Hello Mam,This problem can be approached in a way first to evaluate the cause of his back pain(having a history of riding),next cloudy urine looks like a normal phenomenon to have semen in it(urine routine examination would be helpful) and at last surgical correction is a feasible option for Penile problemsHope this helps youThank you
Description: Got cardiac arrest with arteries blocked, underdone angioplasty, stenting, creatinine high. Can it lead to kidney problem?
Patient: Hi.. Good noon.. My brother is 41 year old, just fifteen days before he got a cardiac arrest with two arteries blocked and now undergone with angioplasty and stenting.. now he is recovering himself.. but doctor also asked us to meet nephrologist because his Urea creatinine was high ie. 3.7 and my brother even undergone dialysis because of the same reason... As per the diagnosis we consulted nephrologist too. but they were not very clear about the kidney problem. max to max they could bring down Urea creatinine to 2.6, so I just want to know that whether my brother really has a kidney problem, whether it is acute or chronic.. and even his sugar levels are not decreasing and he is been prescribed to take insulin for sugars(ie..Human Actrapid insulin 3 times and Human insulatard 1 time a day).. Please do carify my doubts and do the needfu
Doctor: welcome to the forum. There could have pre-existing damage due to diabetes. In addition, he has developed contrast nephropathy due to i.v contrast. Only time can say how much his kidney will recover. Keep in touch with your nephrologist. best regards
Description: Suggest treatment for large purple bruises on knee after injury
Patient: my son 14 was playing around and landed on his knee really hard. Looked as if he had a goose egg on his knee, the swelling has went down and now he has a large bruise with some purple polka dot bruising. Should I be concerned? He says it doesn t hurt.
Doctor: Hello,He has suffered a soft tissue injury around the knee. The purple dot bruising is just a reaction of the body to the injuries which will slowly subside over a period of 2 weeks. I would suggest you to wait for a week and if there is increase in pain or strange sensation in the knee then to consult a orthopedic surgeon who will examine his knee to look for any ligament strain or injury. I would also suggest your son to avoid sporting activities for about 10 days to allow the injury to heal.Wishing him a speedy recovery. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Santosh S Jeevannavar, Orthopedic Surgeon
Description: How to get rid of impotence?
Patient: hi,i am surendra 38, iam suffering from impotence since last 1 year , for that time i was a chain smoker but not today.i do exercise from one month and i feel groin marriage life is worst. please advice what can i do for impotency and groin pain.
Doctor: Hi, You need to stop smoking completely as smoking is one of the cause for erectile dysfunction. I suggest you get checked your serum sugar level and measure your blood pressure as well to exclude diabetes and hypertension as cause for ED. If you have anxiety history than it is also aggravating factor for Ed. Practice more foreplay before sex and Tadalafil can be taken 40-60 minute before sex for short duration. If you are obese than loose weight. Intraurethral injection of alprostadil also can be beneficial. Kindly consult sexologist for detailed discussion of all these. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Parth Goswami, General & Family Physician
Description: Need medication for fever of about 95F & cough
Patient: hi my daughter has fever 95 f and she has cough with sound and her nose is running .while coughing she has problem breathing feels as if she is gonna vomit.v consulted a doctor and he told us to give her brikanyl syrup ,montain kid tabblet and coscopin.plz help
Doctor: HI 95f is not a fever.We consider as fever if above 99f ONLY.Continue the medications advised and give plenty of fluids,steam inhalation to your kid to relieve the symptoms and she will get better soon
Description: Q. How long should my husband and I wait to try for a baby if we did cocaine?
Patient: Hello doctor,I am trying to conceive but my husband and I did cocaine a week ago. How long should my husband and I wait to safely continue to try to get pregnant? How long until it is out of our system? How long does cocaine stay in sperm? Thanks in advance.
Doctor: Hello, Wellcome to There are few researches/studies on cocaine use by males and its effect on pregnancy. Few suggest that cocaine by itself has limited effects as most of the time it is taken along with other drugs or as a cocktail of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco). So, most of the people take not just cocaine but a combination of drugs. Cocaine narrows blood vessels (vasoconstriction). It can lead to erectile dysfunction. Few studies suggest that it has receptors on testicles and sperm. So, it can degenerate testicular tissues/or sperm quality, transfer from sperm to female egg and can lead to early miscarriage. Cocaine is a very fast acting drug which affects the nervous system and produces short-lived euphoric attitude for 15 minutes to an hour, but causes long-term damage to the body and brain like anxiety, depression, aggression, impairment of logic and critical thinking, heart problem, hypertension and decrease in bone density. Its half-life is an hour. So, it takes about an hour for half of the cocaine consumed to leave the body. But, with long-term use, the drug starts to accumulate in the blood and body tissues allowing certain tests to detect it in the system for an extended period of time. After a single use of cocaine, agents created by its metabolism can be detected in the urine for two to four days, and in chronic users, cocaine can be detected up to 12 days and highly concentrated cocaine can be detected in the urine up to three weeks. It can be detected in the saliva and blood for an average 12-48 hours. In hairs and sweat for an extended period of time, it can be detected. So, after all the above description, I do not know how your husband had cocaine, as a cocktail along with other drugs, or just cocaine? Secondly, how long he has been taking it? For you, have you been on alcohol, cocaine or smoking? If you had taken in the past, better to quit completely. My advice is, try to avoid drugs like cocaine, alcohol, ketamine, and MDMA completely for a couple of months before trying for pregnancy. Because, if the mother has an addiction, it has psychosocial effects on the fetus in addition to the drugs' side effects itself. Best of luck. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: What causes painful nodule on the elbow?
Patient: Hello, I have a painful nodule located just below the inner crease of my elbow. It hurts more when I goo to pick something up, yet resting it the pain is always there. I did not bump it or injure it 4- wheeling or anything like that. Any ideas what it might be and what sort of doctor should check it?
Doctor: not to worry much as it could be just a bursa, lipoma or a lymph nodeget examined by a surgeon for best opinionall the best............!
Description: What could be the large lump and bruise on inner thigh causing pain while walking?
Patient: I am a 68 year-old male with a past history of 2 strokes, quintuple by-pass, and am taking an array of meds, including blood thinners. I have just noticed a very large egg-shaped lump and bruise on my inner thigh that gives be pain when I walk. Could it be from carrying wood for my wood stove?
Doctor: Hi ! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.From the history, it seems that you might have sustained some kind of trivial trauma while cutting woods resulting in oozing of blood in the tissue forming a collection of blood (hematoma). Usually, small collections of blood get absorbed of their own. However, this may not happen in cases where the blood clotting is hampered by the intake of blood thinners as is in your case and the same might also get infected causing more pain due to an abscess.If I were your doctor, I would consult your physician who started your blood thinning agent for consideration of discontinuing these medicines for some time till it heals up.If it does not even then, I would refer you to a general surgeon for a clinical examination and further management.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Dr Shareef.If I were your doctor,
Description: What is the diffrence between tumor and cancer ?
Patient: HI DOCTOR my mother is 46yrs recently she is diagnised having heterogenous myometrium(tumor in uterus). i wanted to know is it a cancer ?
Doctor: Hi.. Tumor is any abnormal growth of the normal tissue resulting in uncontrolled and unwanted proliferation in a normal tissue.. A growth from the lining of the tissue is known as cancer while the growth from the connective tissue/muscles is known as sarcoma.. Hope you have understood that...
Description: What is the needle prick like pain in my thigh when i walk?
Patient: Hello Doc, I am 53 years old male,weighing 110 kgs,height 5'10" and waistline being 42"I keep getting time & again needle prick like pain in left thigh especially when I try to walk at length for 5 or more minutes.I also suffer pain in my knees more so when I climb stair steps.when I am on my feet I experience acute pain in above the heels back area of legs.Will appericiate if you could advise on same
Doctor: Hi,from history it seems that you might behaving osteo-artheritis in your lumbo-sacral spines and knee joints as well.You might be having sciatica pain in your thigh and back leg muscles.Go for X-ray of Lumbo-sacral region and knee joints.Go for physiotherapy, short way diathermy and lumbar traction.Go for patellar exercise.Take calcium, vitamin A and D supplements.Avoid weight lifting.Ok and take care.
Description: MS with pain in head, right ear, neck, shoulder, bad cough with difficulty in swallowing. Any suggestions?
Patient: I have a son who has had MS for twenty-eight years. His doctor died of cancer. He has been sick for six weeks. His wife has had him in the hospital, to doctors and last night I took him to the hospital in Flint. They release him today He is no better we need to get someone who will take an interest in him now. He has pain in his head, right ear,neck, and beck right shoulder. He has a bad cough, and has a hard time to sollow. If we don t get him help I m afraid for him. Please help us.
Doctor: HIThank for asking to HCMI really understand your son's problem If I would be his Doctor then I would surely put him on antibiotic therapy looking to his history, and the short course and the best choice is the 'Azithromycin' 500 mg just one tab. in day for three days this would give very good result and for the headache the Acetaminophen is the best drug, no need to worry he will get alright very soon have nice day.
Description: Q. My baby suffers from cough the whole night. Should I give Levolin syrup?
Patient: Hello doctor,My 26 months old baby suffers from cough the whole night. She has a cold as well but no fever or spasm of the chest. Should I go for Levolin syrup?
Doctor: Hello. It is better not to give it. It contains only Levosalbutamol which acts as a bronchodilator which is useful in bronchial asthma or bronchitis, etc. There is no mucolytic or antihistamine in it. It also causes palpitations and tremors. I suggest using Flucold syrup. It contains Paracetamol, Phenylephrine, Chlorpheniramine, and Sodium citrate. It acts as a decongestant and antihistamine. Depending upon the weight of your baby, you can use the above syrup. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start giving the medicines with their consent. Use water vapor inhalation and salt water gargling. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Description: Have blotches on teeth. Could it be bone cancer?
Patient: Hello my sister came home today and said the dr told her he seen blotches on her teeth and that it could be bonne cancer . This is tuff and scary to deal with he wants to look again .She has to follow up with him in a wk for the second go round to see if its for sure. Just want to know what kind of cancer if it is she looking forward to?
Doctor: Dear friend.Thanks for sharing your concern.To detect any type of cancer certain biopsies are done and mere glancing at a lesion cannot confirm a lesion to be cancer.Therefore please donot be worried.Also give us complete history and symptoms so that we can arrive at a conclusion.Does she has any pain,bleeding,tumor like growth in gum or jaw.Does she find difficulty eating or swallowing? IF any habits,please mention.answer these queries to help you better.Thanks.Wish you good health.Take care.
Description: What is the treatment for a tooth ache?
Patient: hi, my left bottom wisdom tooth is causing me a lot of trouble, the gum is half covering it and is not pussing and bleeding, i am in a lot of discomfort and i am now unable to go to work because of this, i need treatment asap, my local hospital has a minors unit, would you reccomend i visit there
Doctor: Hello, thank you for consulting with healthcaremagic. The type of condition you are mentioning, it looks that you are having pericoronitis, in this when there is not much space is present in the mouth, the wisdom tooth cause pain and swelling while erupting. You should visit a good dentist as he will start with antibiotics and painkillers, and if needed surgical exposure of the tooth. Hope it will help you.
Description: Q. Does low hCG level indicate ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage?
Patient: Hello doctor, Before a week I went to the hospital and I found out that I was pregnant with a hCG level of 23. The next day, I started getting cramps on my lower right side stomach. Four days later, I got two transvaginal ultrasounds and nothing was found in the uterus, or anywhere else. So I was sent to the hospital again concerning an ectopic pregnancy or possible miscarriage. I got blood tests done, and they told me that my hCG levels went down. So, they ruled it out as a miscarriage or I was in the process of losing it. So on the next day, I went to my doctor, and she told me that she does not understand why they said to me that my levels went down as they went up from 23 to 100’s, so she said it could be an ectopic pregnancy. I got more blood test done, and I came to know that my hCG levels are going up but very slowly. I do not know what is going on. First, they said it was a miscarriage and now something else. I need answer. This is my first pregnancy.
Doctor: Hello. Let me give you a few basic facts about beta hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone is produced from fetal tissue. Once it reaches a level of 25 mIU/mL, it is detectable in the urine test. A normal rate of rising of beta hCG is double in 48 hours. This doubling would mean a healthy pregnancy inside uterus. Rise less than double would mean either an abnormal or ectopic pregnancy. But your level has risen satisfactorily. Many times even a rise just below double also is normal. Only when the level reaches 1500 mIU/mL, then the fetus will be seen on the scan. So do not decide about the health of the baby until the scan sees the sac or fetal heartbeat. The blood test is not always right. Just wait for 10 to 14 days and have a scan. Hope for the best and pray well. I hope I have clarified your query, do write back if any more questions, for feedback.
Description: Is LDN effective for pain,depression and anxiety remedy?
Patient: I ve experienced trigeminal neuralgia for some 12 yrs or so. Taking carbamazepine for pain and recently have been trying low dose naltrexone (LDN), hoping to get off the carbama because of unwanted effects. What do you know about LDL as a pain/depression/ anxiety remedy? Thanks!
Doctor: Hello,Thanks for choosing health care magic for posting your query.I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.Some reports have stated so, but it is not a popular option. Hope I am able to answer your concerns.If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned Wish you good health,Kind regardsDr. Srikanth Reddy M.D
Description: Suggest methods to deliver a large baby from the womb
Patient: im 38 weeks 2 days pregnant my baby is measuring 46 weeks. the doctors have said that she has not dropped far enough into my pelvis to do anything regarding the largeness of my baby. they have said to wait till i either go in labour and see what happens or wait till past my due date. however im worried that as she is so big is it right and safe to wait so long or is it possible that she is still high its because she is to big and doesnt fit into my pelvis
Doctor: deardelivering a large baby needs patience & expertiseif your baby has not dropped in the pelvis it may b due to baby's head is not in proper position or head is big to negotiate your pelvic diameter, or short umbilical cord.I hope your blood glucose level is normaltrust your Dr.He/She knows what is best for youall d bestDr.Mira Butani
Description: What causes pain in the arm after bitten by the dog?
Patient: Two weeks ago I was bitten by a dog and a week later I couldn t extend my arm all the way without immense pain so I went to the doctor and they put me on antibiotics. I finished those but the pain is still there and there is a red/purple line going down the inside of my elbow now exactly where it hurts when I try to extend my arm.
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. There might be some deep bites extending to muscles, which can cause sharp pain for few days. You can take Diclofenac/Seratiopeptidase combination for pain relief as it shows good response because of its anti inflammatory actions also. Apply ice packs and immobilize the hand for few days. If the pain persists for long, better to consult a physician and get evaluated. Wishing you good health. Thanks.
Description: What causes bumps in penis?
Patient: well ever since i was old enough to notice ,i had a Little bumps with a whitish end small but noticeable and not a lot around the ring of my penis but i went to a med and he told me that it was not herpes cause herpes cause pain,itching,and transportability,witch i don't have ,but i really want this to go away, what might it be ?
Doctor: Hello,If you have shared a picture of these lesions it would be of great help for me to diagnose. With your given description it seems like fordyce spots which are benign spots fades on itself although harmless. I still suggest you to take a formal consultation of a certified urologist and follow his advice with the diagnosis and treatment if needed any.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Sameen Bin Naeem, General & Family Physician
Description: How likely is it that she could become pregnant by missing the 6th pill of Microgynon ?
Patient: Hi I have been seeing a girl and she is on Microgynon 30. We slept together on night 4 of her 21 pills and she took pill number 5 the following morning, but on day 6 she forgot to take it and on day 9. How likely is it that she could become pregnant after doing this, it is over a week ago now so is too late to do anything. She says not too worry as she s been on it for a very long time and always gets her withdrawal bleed on time but I m worried because she s missed a couple. I know this is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string but I just want to know if possible. Thanks for any help.
Doctor: Hi there thanks for posting your query ' I must tell that if she had missed the pill on one day , she must have taken 2 pills together the next day . What are trying to ask about day 9 is not very clear . And if she has missed her periods she must get the urinary pregnancy test done to confirm the pregnancy
Description: Using zotreem extra, have asthma, using ventolin, white circle on tongue. Side effects of using both medicine together?
Patient: Hi i am 26 years old female usind zotreem extra to lose weight i also have asthma and using the inhaler called ventolin . Is it safe for using both at the same time? Is there any side effects for using both together? I also have with lines that has a circle shape on my tongue and has been there for more than a year now. Visited doctors And took medications but no changes also they had no answer to what couldbe causing this. I need help plz its streesing me out a lot
Doctor: Hello,Zotreem extra is a commercial product and not aware of the contents.So I'm not in a position to comment on the drug to drug interaction with Salbutamol(Ventolin).Being an asthmatic use should be extremely careful before taking any self medication.Consult your local doctor for more information.
Description: Disc prolapse, shoulder pain. MRI shows cervical lordosis, bulge, nerve root compression. Treatment?
Patient: I have been diagnosed for Disc prolapse on L 6-7 left shoulder and left arm pain for the last 1.5 months. I was treated with pain killers and now been asked to do neck exercises. At the begnning situation was improved and I started the neck Exercise. When I do the exercise I expereince pain which I didnt have for the last couple of days. When I consulted the doctor he advised to take Dicloran 75Mg for one week to manage the pain during the exercise. Is pain is natural during exercise? Please advise. Thank you. The diagnosis of MRI Loss of cervical lordosis Left paracentral extrusion of C6-7 disc with nerve root compression Right Paracenral bulge of C5-6 disc with nerve root compression
Doctor: Hi, . I understand your concern. Physiotherapy is one of the treatment options available in the treatment of cervical disc prolapse. Here pain reduction occurs gradually; however if the pain is immense it advisable to avoid those. In this circumstances, if I were to be your treating doctor, I would suggest you to continue the analgesics prescribed to you along with warm compresses. We can hold the physiotherapy till pain reduces. Restart it slowly after pain reduction. Discuss this with your treating doctor. Hope this helps. Regards
Description: Q. Why people drink more water in chronic mercury poisoning?
Patient: Hi doctor, In the case of chronic mercury poisoning, is there an increased consumption of water? The same question, for chronic fluoride poisoning. Please guide.
Doctor: Hi. In chronic mercury poisoning, it binds and stops the functions of SH (sulfhydryl-containing enzymes). It also gets deposited and causes cellular toxicity. If the toxic pathology happens in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), then the patient feels burning inflammatory sensation in the GIT. In order to cool it, he consumes more water. This concept is mentioned in Indian Traditional Siddha Literature. But, no modern study is available on this concept. It also says that even a person become psychotic. In chronic fluoride poisoning, there are no such symptoms as the fluoride target calcium sites like teeth and bones. It also has other effects in internal organs. Many geographical areas are contaminated or rich in mercury and fluoride. The groundwater (or drinking water) is rich in mercury or fluoride. The same water is used for agriculture. Thus, people tend to consume mercury and fluoride through drinking water and vegetables. Fish (from mercury-contaminated sea) consumption also leads to mercury poisoning on a chronic basis.
Description: Have stage 4 metastasis gallbladder cancer. Has A fib, chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure. Life expectancy?
Patient: My mother was diagnosed 10 months ago with stage 4 metastasis gallbladder cancer into her liver , they were never able to do further testing to see how far advanced because dye would of shut down her kidneys, she also has A fib, chronic kidney disease 3, has had open heart surgery & had congestive heart failure & just came home from the hospital after a hemoglobin of 4.2 from a bleeding ulcer which was repaired & given 5 units of blood. She did have the rapid weight loss & swollen abdomen but no pain. She s 89 & loves life, we take her away as often as she wishes. Since hospital stay she s getting stronger every day. 9 years ago she had Coumidin poisining with a 13. They told us she would die but bounced back, she is an amazing & strong woman. How long can someone like this survive on an average?
Doctor: Hi, Actual data in this sort of particular cases are lacking. Your mother has done exceptionally well in this period. Metastatic gall bladder cancer generally has poor prognosis. Your mother is doing well with so many medical comorbidities. I do not know exactly what treatment is she receiving but you should consult your cardiologist , nephrologist and oncologist for better guidance. Let us hope for the best.
Description: Can I take oral anti fungal for yeast infection?
Patient: 28 years old, 197 pounds and sexual active female. Take Lexapro 20 mg and clonzepam 0.5mg once a day. I have recently been diagnosed with HPV. I have a low grade lesion and will get another pap test done in 3-6 months. I am experiencing some itching on vuvla area. I also noticed that the opening to my vagina is unusally warm. I am currently taking an oral antifungal for yeast infection. Started antifungal two days ago and still itchy and warm outside vagina.
Doctor: Hi, I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concerns. The itchy and warm outside vagina might be due to possible vaginal yeast infection. Apart taking oral anti-fungal medication, I highly recommend to apply an anti-fungal cream locally into your vagina. Can discuss this further with your doctor. I also advise to:- keep good genital hygiene- some of my patients had found relief in applying Greek yogurt locally- avoid sexual intercourse until improvementAll the best!Dr.Albana
Description: How to repair damaged heart muscles?
Patient: A family member had a heart attack and was admitted in the hospital after several hours...because of which his valve has got damaged, the heart muscles as well as the kidney...he is diabetic. They had the stress thallium test done today and docs say only 25% heart is functioning. What do you suggest we should do now. Thanks in advance.
Doctor: Hi, Your family member has severe heart attack and only 25% of heart function is remaining. After heart attack damage to heart muscle is usually permanent and extend of damage depends upon duration between onset of symptoms of heart attack and the time of revascularisation achieved either with medicine or by stenting or other method. So our aim is to preserve the remaining function of heart. For which we have to prevent future heart attack. So it is advisable - 1) Coronary angiography and depend on it permanent revascularisation of at risk blood vessels of heart. 2) Strict compliance with medicine advised (blood thinning, cholesterol lowering, other to preserve heart function like Beta blockers, ACE inhibitor or ARBs. 3) Regular BP check and keep it under control. 4) Diabetes control with medicine appropriate for current heart function insulin is preferred. 5) Keep cholesterol under control. 6) Regular tolerable exercise after consultation with your cardiologist.. 7) Avoidance of smoking, alcohol. As far as heart valves damage is concerned treatment is depends on extent of heart damage (usually leakage) and patient's symptoms, recurrent heart failure may require surgical correction Kidney damage after heart attack is usually reversible in most of cases. Recovery of kidney function depends upon presence of underlying CKD (chronic kidney disease) and it's stage.
Description: What causes unresponsiveness with low blood pressure?
Patient: My mum became unresponsive and sat rigid after eating dinner at a restuarant.? My mum and dad live in Canada and my sister went out to visit them. One night they decided to have dinner, after dinner my sister was talking to my mum, when suddenly she said she wasn't feeling well and felt faint. The next minute, she became totally unresponsive, her eyes flickered and her body was totally rigid. My dad kept trying to talk to her, but she was totally unresponsive for about 2 minutes. Then my sister laid her down and she was okay and tried to sit up. When she sat up it happened again, then my sister made her lay down again and she was okay again. My sister made her go to the hospital and they said that she had dangerously low blood pressure, they couldn't find anything else wrong with her. What could be the cause of this and what would the treatment be? Please only give helpful answers as I am really worried about her.
Doctor: history of hypotension with giddiness or loss of consciousness after meals specially high carbohydrates diet indicates Dumping cautious about ur diet...advice is take small frequent meals with less carbs. take good amount of fluids along with meals.
Description: Is No spalgin tablet useful in healing duodenal ulcer and what are the side affects ?
Patient: I have been put on medication because I have a duodenal ulcer. The doctor prescribed Eso kit, Motilium & No spalgin. I realized the No Spalgin is a paracetamol and I dont feel its necessary for me use it for 14 days so I am only taking the first two, does the No Spalgin have any benefits to my healing process and what are the side effects of the others? I am 34 years old, 5.2 weigh 60 kgs and I have never had any serious ailments.
Doctor: Welcome to Healthcare Magic Good Day Paracetamol is given to prevent you from experiencing fever or mild pain as headache is sometimes associated with Duodenal ulcer. Motilium is Domperidone which is given to prevent vomiting sensation. It may cause mild abdominal discomfort in some patients as side effect, otherwise relatively safe. Eso kit is to kill the bacteria causing Acid Peptic Disease called H.pylori. Continue taking all the medication as the Doctor ordered. You should be fine after the treatment for 14 days. Did you get an Endoscopy done before.
Description: What causes swollen lymph nodes?
Patient: do tonsils disappear on their own ? I have a swollen left gland in the jaw area. And a canker sore in my bottom inside mouth for a week now. I looked at the throat tonight and my tonsils are not there, throat red but not swollen. I did have very large tonsils so you could see them .
Doctor: A canker sore can be triggered due to high stress, long periods of acid reflux disease or just some tooth edge trauma. If you have a fever with a swollen lymph node then it is an indication for active infection. Otherwise sometimes a swollen lymph node is just the body fighting off some insect bite on the area of drainage. If your tonsils are painful or you have difficulty swallowing then you should see a doctor who would examine you and take appropriate action like putting you on antibiotics. Otherwise you can wait it out and let the tonsils recede on its own. Thank you for your query
Description: Suggest remedy for ring worm like infections on face
Patient: I have a spot on my face that looks like ring worm, I am already taking anti funcal medication for what doctors thought was a regular fungal infection. I have taken the pills for about a month and nothing has improved, is there somthing else I can be suffering from? Excema has already been treated and nothing works
Doctor: Hello,If you have taken anti-fungal pills for a month and it's not better then it's probably not a fungal infection like ring worm. Eczema would have been another thought but if you have tried a mild steroid cream and moisturizer then it may not be that like you said. I would search for pictures of something called granuloma annulare. This can sometimes look like ring worm but it is not the same thing. If this looks like what you have then you could see a dermatologist for treatment advice which could be steroid treatment, etc. You may want to try putting nothing on it but vaseline to keep it moisturized for a week or two and see if it goes away.Good luck,Dr D
Description: Suggest treatments for shortness of breath and stomach burning
Patient: i am 45 years old. i have blood pressure,allergy,gas trouble,isnophelia,and body pains. for this i use different different pills for these diseases.but now i am getting problem in breathing.i am feeling sleepiness and burnings in my stomach.once i got kidney infection also. i am feared of eating medicines because i have used so many medicines and suffering so many problems because of that like confusion, memory loss, weakness and i can recover well from all these problems.what type of checkups i should do? and what precautions i have to take.....
Doctor: Respected user , HiWarm welcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* Guidelines for all remedies - Always maintain hydration levels with plenty of liquids .- Soft , light diet .- Avoid oily , spicy , non veg , hot beverages .- Quit smoking or alcohol consumption if doing .- Regular walking in fresh air , deep breathing exercise , YOGA .- Have adequate sound sleep of 8 hrs .- Keep your BP , blood sugar , cholesterol levels under control .Hope this will help you for sure .Regards .
Description: Can the SGPT test results be affected by consumption of alcohol?
Patient: I took about 10 pegs of whiskey since Saturday afternoon till late night. The next morning I had a SGPT test done and the result shows a count of 203. I have however had a normal appetite and no nausea etc. Can the test results be affected by consuption of alcohol? I a going for a Liver Function Test tomorrow. Is it necessary that I have the SGPT test also done again?
Doctor: Hi and Welcome.I appreciate your concern for the high SGPT level.Yes, consumption of alcohol can cause liver injury which is reflected in the form of high SGPT. Beside SGPT, other enzymes like GGT, SGOT are also raised in those who consume alcohol or alcohol containing beverages.A high level of GGT is highly specific for toxin like or drug induce liver injury.dSo, beside liver function tests you are advised to undergo an abdominal ultrasound to study the extent of liver injury.
Description: What are the possible treatments for abdominal pain and increased frequency of stools ?
Patient: good afternoon,my age is 25years,height 159cms,weight63kgs,suffering with abdominal pain since last night,associated with increased frequency of stools,initially 4 episodes normal consistency stools later liquid type bad odour stools,what should I do?can I use oflox and ornidazole?prescribe the drugs which are safe in a wudbe pregnant woman?
Doctor: Hi,thanks for writing in.The best combination for your problem is a combination of ciprofloxacin and metronidazole for a period of 10 days. Confirm the presence of pregnancy before starting the treatment.Consume only freshly cooked home food and clean water.regards
Description: What causes dents above eye and temple of a baby?
Patient: My 1 year old baby just fell onto my parents recliner bar and when I picked her up I noticed 2 small dents above her eye and by her temple. I am concerned, not freaking out, just concerned, should I have it checked? Could she have fractured her skull? She only cried for a couple mins, but it looks quite bruised...
Doctor: Hi,No need to worry as of now. Just apply ice packs there, and give paracetamol 3 times a day to relieve pain for 2 days. She will be alright by then. Need to see doctor if she develops excessive drowsiness or repeated vomiting.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Muhammed Aslam T. K., Pediatrician
Description: Q. I would like to get tubal ligation reverse surgery. Is it safe?
Patient: Hi doctor,I have had tubes tied for about seven years now and had a tummy tuck before four years. Now, I would like to get tubal ligation reverse surgery done. I was wondering is it safe to have the procedure done. Please explain.
Doctor: Hi. For further information consult an infertility specialist online -->
Description: Suggest treatment for swelling on temporal bone
Patient: hi, a 3 yr old son have a swelling in his right side temporal bone which grows gradually after the injury which was occur 2 wks is non tender and not firm.what would be the diagnosis and how would i characterize the swelling in the physical examination
Doctor: Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.The swelling could be because a inflammatory origin due to the impact during trauma or it can be secondary to a fractured bone. Nothing to be panic, consult a oral physician and get a radiograph done like PNS or PA view to rule out any fractured bone. Meanwhile you can give cold and hot fomentation over the swelling alternatively every 10seconds for 1-2 minutes.I hope my answer will help you, take care.
Description: What causes a hard lump above the eyebrow with history of skin cancer?
Patient: Yes, I have a Bump (large) that is hard and feels like bone growing on my forehead above my left eyebrow.At first I thought it could be a clogged pore but it is bone and getting bigger. I m 69 years old and have had some skin cancer on my face removed so am concerned.
Doctor: Yes definitely it's a concern. Hard swelling could be a bony metastasis or a lymph node. Needs further evaluation.
Description: What is the remedy for knee pain after an injury?
Patient: I hit the dead center of my knee cap about as hard as you could imagine hitting it against the edge of a metal door frame at work. I can barely walk, my knee is swollen and hot to touch and pain is unbearable in my knee when I bend or unbend my leg.What could I have done?
Doctor: Dear Friend.. I am Dr Anshul Varshney. I understand your concern.I would advise you following :1. A pain killer with anti inflammatory action like Tab Zynase D twice a day for 5 days.2. Volini gel locally 3-4 times a day3. Hot fomentation.I suppose you will get relief by this.But an Xray / MRI is advisable to see for any fracture / ligament tear.If you have any further query, you may please ask me.Stay Healthy
Description: What is the cure for chronic back pain and neck pain?
Patient: I have chronic back and neck pain, along with Thyroid edema (chronic) and I have a hard time finding a doctor in my area that will treat it with pain medicine. Its the only thing that works - I have tried every over the counter medicine and they do not work. What can I do? YYYY@YYYY
Doctor: Hi,Chronic neck and back pain may be due to spine problems. Most common is spondylosis but a complete clinical examination is required. You may require MRI spine depending on the type of pain. If analgesics are not responding then pain may be due to nerve compression. You have to consult a local orthopedic doctor to find out the cause and treatment accordingly.Do consider a positive feedback as a credit to my work. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Description: Q. How long should my husband and I wait to try for a baby if we did cocaine?
Patient: Hello doctor,I am trying to conceive but my husband and I did cocaine a week ago. How long should my husband and I wait to safely continue to try to get pregnant? How long until it is out of our system? How long does cocaine stay in sperm? Thanks in advance.
Doctor: Hello, Wellcome to There are few researches/studies on cocaine use by males and its effect on pregnancy. Few suggest that cocaine by itself has limited effects as most of the time it is taken along with other drugs or as a cocktail of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco). So, most of the people take not just cocaine but a combination of drugs. Cocaine narrows blood vessels (vasoconstriction). It can lead to erectile dysfunction. Few studies suggest that it has receptors on testicles and sperm. So, it can degenerate testicular tissues/or sperm quality, transfer from sperm to female egg and can lead to early miscarriage. Cocaine is a very fast acting drug which affects the nervous system and produces short-lived euphoric attitude for 15 minutes to an hour, but causes long-term damage to the body and brain like anxiety, depression, aggression, impairment of logic and critical thinking, heart problem, hypertension and decrease in bone density. Its half-life is an hour. So, it takes about an hour for half of the cocaine consumed to leave the body. But, with long-term use, the drug starts to accumulate in the blood and body tissues allowing certain tests to detect it in the system for an extended period of time. After a single use of cocaine, agents created by its metabolism can be detected in the urine for two to four days, and in chronic users, cocaine can be detected up to 12 days and highly concentrated cocaine can be detected in the urine up to three weeks. It can be detected in the saliva and blood for an average 12-48 hours. In hairs and sweat for an extended period of time, it can be detected. So, after all the above description, I do not know how your husband had cocaine, as a cocktail along with other drugs, or just cocaine? Secondly, how long he has been taking it? For you, have you been on alcohol, cocaine or smoking? If you had taken in the past, better to quit completely. My advice is, try to avoid drugs like cocaine, alcohol, ketamine, and MDMA completely for a couple of months before trying for pregnancy. Because, if the mother has an addiction, it has psychosocial effects on the fetus in addition to the drugs' side effects itself. Best of luck. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: How to train a child to defecate twice in a day?
Patient: My 6 year old son defecates once, sometimes twice a day, his stool is large, has good bacteria, plenty of fruits and vegetables, thinking about training his body to defecate twice a day with water in the morning and practise in the evening, What do you think, possible?
Doctor: Hi dear, I understand your concern. You should be worried,but not to much.It is not required to teach him defecate twice a day. It depends from amount. of food and fibers,which child eat.Hope I answered your query.Wishing you good health
Description: How to reduce high BP and salt in the body?
Patient: hi,iam 23 years old..i have been doing (gym) heavy weight exercises since two months.three days back i incresaed the weights in the gym for doing exercises as usual,one more thing i started aerobics also since 5 days.So three days back i did my aerobic and then gym and after that within 15 minutes i took power horse,then after coming home almost after an hour took bath and i boiled eggs in which by mistake too much salt i thought the egg shell would prevent it from penetrating in the egg.gradually after two hours my heart heart started beating fast and its been three days i havent seen any change..its still beating fast.i went to the docter,the docter told me that its 159 BP ..i was so shocked.she said no need to worry but just dring as much as water as i can...please docs here .please guide me.what should i do..should i take steam bath and swimming or should i go to gym for removing the access salts in body....please suggest me
Doctor: The information regarding your readings is incomplete. I am not sure whether 159 is your pulse rate or blood pressure (BP). In either case, I would suggest you to be retain your calmness. A single ingestion of high dose salt does not cause any harm in most of the cases. Your body does have a mechanism to get rid of excess salt. Please follow the instructions given by your consultant. Drink fluids and cut down a bit on your workouts till you feel completely normal. Have a regular blood pressure and pulse rate measurements till you are normal. Stay calm and relaxed buddy. You will be normal in a few days. Hope the above information helps.
Description: What causes cerebral palsy disease?
Patient: Ok, so I have a friend that is 30 years old and about 8 years ago she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy disease. I think it is a mild case. But , why was she diagnosed so late in life, like why didn t her symptoms show up earlier? Will her life expectency be effected? I am 15 years old and it is really hard to understand this all. Can you help explain this?
Doctor: Hi, Why the detection may have been late.I must say, I can only guess. The exact reason for your friend's case can only be given by the treating doctor and family. While symptoms are commonly seen in childhood, many people have mild symptoms that may be missed. Also, the symptoms may vary, both in the way they appear and at the age they appear. Those are the commonest 2 reasons when the diagnosis is delayed. Hope I have answered your queries. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care. Regards, Dr. Saumya Mittal
Description: Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Patient: Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Doctor: Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Description: Suggest treatment for cracks and white patches on face
Patient: Hi doc. my son is 11 yrs and he has some white( patches) on his face and cracks like a geographic tongue on his per family doc. he recommened apply selson blue shampoo on white patches before shower and night timr apply loprox....but after few days it comes tell me what i should do....thanks
Doctor: HiThanks for writing to us. There could be multiple reasons like fungal infection, vitamin deficiency, atopy.Try sending some pictures to help more.Ensure he eats plenty of fruits and vegetables for micronutrients. Wishing your child speedy recovery. Regards Dr Arun
Description: Does amlopres at, ecosprin and rozavel cause ED?
Patient: My Cardiologist has advised me to take following medications one tab daily - Amlopres AT 25 (Morning), Ecosprin 150 (Afternoon) and Rozavel 5 (Night). Using above since last 10 years. Does these medications causes ED ? I cannot tolerate Vigara, and alternate medications for ED. I am 66.
Doctor: HelloThanks for your query .Based on the facts and medicines that you have been prescribed I would state that yo have hypertension with high cholesterol .Now you are facing problem of Erectile Dysfunction .At the outset I would state that the problem of ED is not due to side effects of these drugs but primarily is due to following two reasons.1)Long standing hypertension 2) As the age advances there is generalized atherosclerosis of the vessels which causes narrowing of penile artery too which supplies arterial blood to erectile tissue in penis and this reduced blood flow to erectile tissue of penis is the cause for ED after the age of 65 years .You need to consult Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to establish cause of your Ed 1) Serum Testosterone 2) Color Doppler ultrasound scan of the penis .If you can not tolerate Viagra or other similar drugs You can take Intra Cavernosal injection of Alprostatdil (Caverjet).This will definately help you to get good hard erection to have enjoyable sex .Dr.Patil.
Description: What causes increased blood pressure after stopping crystal meth?
Patient: My friend is 30, not overweight, and used crystal meth for the last 5 years. Now he's been off drugs for about 3 months and went to the VA for a physical and his blood pressure is 230/150. They told him to come back in a month or so. Should he be worried?
Doctor: Hello!Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!I passed carefully through your question and would explain that these blood pressure values are extremely high and may lead to an increased risk for intracranial bleeding or eye bleeding, which may have serious consequences.High blood pressure could be related to Meth intake, but it is unusual considering the fact that he has stopped meth from three months. Has he monitored his blood pressure before, while taking Meth? For this reason, I recommend performing some tests to investigate for secondary causes of high blood pressure: - a chest X ray study- a resting ECG and cardiac ultrasound- complete blood count- fasting glucose- kidney and liver function tests- blood electrolytes- thyroid hormone levels- cortisol and aldosteron plasma levels. He should discuss with his doctor on these tests. If these high blood pressure values persist, it is necessary starting anti-hypertensive therapy. I would also advice reducing caffeine and salt intake. Hope you will find this answer helpful!Kind regards, Dr. Iliri
Description: How to treat upper abdominal spasms and bloating after a stomach injury?
Patient: I had a fall onto my stomach/rib area and getting spasms when trying to move especially when lying down also my bowel movements have been affected. I am feeling bloated and worried if I have a twisted bowel. I Fell onto a chair back two days ago and have tried to let it heal up but the spasms keep coming if I try some normal movements like picking up things of the floor.
Doctor: Hello,Any injuries to the abdominal wall, always better to rule out any injury or damages to internal organs also. If such a Patient comes to me in my clinic, I suggest him to get these evaluation done Immediately1) An UltraSound whole abdomen2) X-Ray erect abdomenReview with a General Surgeon.If you have any further queries related to this medical condition you can get back to me.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Mohammed Abdullah
Description: Q. What is the reason behind neutropenia in an infant?
Patient: Hello doctor, My baby boy is 3.5 months old. When he was 38 days old, he got a fever. I went to the hospital and the doctor said any infant who has fever without any other symptoms may have meningitis and so lumbar puncture was performed. It was positive and the WBC was 570 (clear), monomorph 80% and polymorph 20%. Though the culture of CSF was negative, no bacteria found. He was put on Penicillin and Cefotaxime for two days, but the fever did not settle down. Then, Penicillin was replaced with Vancomycin and the fever finally went away. He was on Cefotaxime and Vancomycin for 14 days. Then, CBC and differential had been tested and the neutrophils were low. It read 0.6. The next day before my baby was discharged it read 0.7. The doctor said that as long as it kept raising there was nothing to worry about. A week later the same test was done and the neutrophils were 0.9. Two weeks later it read 0.6 and then 0.9 and 0.6 in an interval of every two weeks. It kept raising and decreasing, but overall it is still very low. I have not noticed any viral infection other than sometimes he gets red eyelid and teary eyes, but it disappears within a few hours. He usually rubs his face, eyes, nose and ears, especially when he wants to sleep. When he was in the hospital, I found a soft lump on his head. We did an MRI and the doctor said it is just a hematoma. He was born by an emergency C-section. I visited a pediatrician today who encouraged me to meet a hematologist. What is the reason behind neutropenia? Also, he has high lymphocytes of 7.70, lymphocytosis. Could it be something serious? I have attached his final test reports. Can you see anything else? Please help us.
Doctor: Hi. Based on your query and attached reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), my opinion is as follows: Routine evaluation is not necessary. Repeat complete blood count after three months or if there is any infection. Continue the same. Near normal range and variations are normal. For further information consult a hematologist online.--->
Description: Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Patient: Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Doctor: Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Description: Are Glynase and Glucomet good for diabetes?
Patient: I am 69 years, Male, having type 2 since 2000. Taking Glynase XL10 2 times before breakfast and dinner, glucomet 1 gm 2 times, after breafast and dinner.Is it ok. FAsting 140/160, PPBS 190/220 like that. Fasting BS flactuating-120/160. Please advise.
Doctor: Hi, Thanks for your question. At present you are on optimal dose of Glynase and Glycomet. With this your blood sugar levels are out of acceptable range. Considering absence of heart or kidney disease in you target blood sugar levels for you areFasting below 130 and Postprandial below 180.It is advisable to do - HbA1c which gives fair idea about blood sugar control over last 3 to 4 months. - Kidney function test. - Urinary albumin creatinine ratio. - Lipid Profile. - Liver function test. - Thyroid function test. - ECG and if required 2DEcho. For blood sugar control I will advise addition of Voglibose with lunch and dinner. Frequent monitoring of blood sugar levels. Depending upon blood sugar levels and HbA1c level future changes in medications can be done. All this need to be discussed with your doctor. Hope this helps you, if so do vote.
Description: Will Plan B be effective after unprotected sex done 10 days after the period started?
Patient: I had protected sex on December 31st, however the condom broke. The first day of my last period was between December 20th-21st. I took Plan B, January 1st. It dissolved in my mouth. What's the chance of me getting pregnant and is the pill still effective?
Doctor: Hi, Thanks for writing to us. The chances of pregnancy are very less in your case because you had I -pill with in 72hrs. You should wait and watch for your period if you are overdue then take urine pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy. Good luck. Regards Dr.Richa
Description: Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression
Patient: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hello Doctor,I am suffering from depression and anxiety neurosis for about eight years.I am taking the following medicinces1.escitalopram-10mg2.clonazepam3.oleanz -2.5 mgIs there better medication . please tell me sir,
Doctor: DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The medicines you are taking are should be apt for your condition. Psychiatrists prescribe medicines taking so many things into consideration. They know you better before prescribing medicines. Work with your psychiatrist for good results and cure.Many researches and researchers confirm that medicines alone cannot cure mental disorders. Life style changes, change in thinking pattern, relaxation etc are as essential as medicines. Psychotherapy can help you changing your lifestyle and thinking patterns. Yoga and meditation help you to streamline your metabolism and neurological balance. Please consult a psychologist for further information.If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck.
Description: Q. For how long should I take Kalachikai powder to overcome PCOD problem?
Patient: Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem?
Doctor: Hello. For PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), powder Kalachikai has a good effect, but the duration of treatment is long (more than three months). For proper evaluation of disease, please go for USG whole abdomen and other investigations. If the size and number of cysts are more, then I suggest consulting a gynecologist as you may require surgery. If the number and size of cysts are less, you may continue treatment along with syrup Evecare 10 ml BD and Kanchnar Guggulu two BD. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online -->
Description: What causes back pain and abdomen pain?
Patient: i am having back pain.some time in right and sometimes in left.mean while i have a pain in the right abdomen.some times there will be back pain on both left and, what to do.......and towhich doctor i should well as when i stands for long time or walks for long time then the pain comes to my hip and leg also.plz reply.
Doctor: Hi, thank you for posting.I have gone through your query and I understand your concerns.I think that your symptoms are caused by IBS(Irritable bowel syndrome).To relieve you should follow these guidelines:1. Avoid spicy and acidic foods.2. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee and milk.3. Give up smoking cigarettes(if you do smoke).4. Take proton pump inhibitor medications such as Nexium.To confirm the diagnosis you need a fibrorectosigmoidoscopy, complete blood count, liver function test and urine test.Consult your gastroenterologist.All the best.Dr. Behar.
Description: Q. Can Yasmin birth control pill be used as an emergency contraceptive pill?
Patient: Hello doctor, My fiancee and I had unprotected sex a few days back, but I did not ejaculate inside her. Just to be on the safer side, we wanted to use the emergency contraceptive pill. But due to some restriction in the country where we live, Plan B or emergency contraceptive pills are not available. I read that Yasmin, which is used as a regular contraceptive pill can be used as an emergency contraceptive pill at a higher dosage. Can Yasmin be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? And at what dosage?
Doctor: Hi. How are you doing? Yes, as you have heard, Yasmin can be used as an emergency pill. Even if you have not ejaculated into her, she stands a chance of pregnancy if the pre-seminal fluid, the clear fluid that comes out before semen, which is rich in young healthy sperms, comes in contact with her genitals. As soon as possible, earlier the better, I suggest taking four tablets of Yasmin (combination of Ethinyl Estradiol and Drospirenone) at the time, repeat four more tablets after 12 hours. This being a high dose of hormones, it will suddenly increase the inner lining of the uterus. Then as it is a single dose, the inner lining will fall off. This makes it unfavorable for the possible embryo or baby to settle into the uterus. She will get her periods within 7 to 10 days of the last pill. But do not keep repeating this frequently, it can disturb the hormonal balance and can reduce the effectiveness of the pill. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines after their consent. This is an old method, but it is an effective emergency method. Just do not delay the pills. As time passes by, the effectiveness reduces. Hope I have clarified your query, do write back. All the best. For further queries consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: What is the dosage of Lovenox?
Patient: I m getting a knee replacement. the surgeon prescribed 40 mg of lovenox once daily. the cardiologist changed it to 100 twice daily pre surgery. on line info for lovenox shows 40 daily or 30 twice daily for knee replacement. I don t think 100 twice daily is correct. what to do?
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. You can take 30 twice daily. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Description: Are blood tests reliable to diagnose liver disease?
Patient: Thank You for your time. I just received my CT report without contrast . I'm concerned because I just finished Breast surgery March 7th. I had reconstruction. I feel great but my Ct report stated right lobe has irregular shape and appearance is worrisome for mass. I showed my oncologist and she took a series of blood tests for my liver and they were all in range.The ALT,Alkaline Phosphates , AST CA15-3, and CEA were all perfect and in the normal range. Are blood test reliable to ascertain or to diagnose Liver disease?
Doctor: Thank you for posting query.i have gone through your history.yes liver enzyme tests is a reliable source to determine liver functions.since you blood test are normal and your experience NO symptoms so Observation is required only,i advice you to repeat the CT scan after 3 to 6 months.hope the lesion size is regressing or lesion is case,if the size of lesion (mass) is increasing as compared to previous CT scan, then visit a hepatologist.any further questions are welcomed.hope to answer your concern.Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health.regards,Dr Tayyab Malik
Description: Q. There was no withdrawal bleeding after I-pill and I miss my period now. Can I be pregnant?
Patient: Hi doctor, I have a regular cycle of 28 to 30 days cycle. I got my last period last month, and I had bleeding for five days. But I had unprotected sex on the third day of my periods, and I took I-pill within 10 hours. I have not got a withdrawal bleed, and also, I have not got my periods this month. Can I be pregnant? When can I get my periods? Is there anything to worry? Please suggest.
Doctor: Hi. I have seen many ladies taking I-pill post unprotected sex are unable to get withdrawal bleed. But they can have heavy bleeding in the same menses during which they had sex, or they can have prolonged bleeding during the periods when the I-pill was taken in the proper dose, timings and without vomiting. You can also do a blood pregnancy test if you feel anxious. The result would be less likely positive as the sex was not under a fertile period. You can have a menstrual induction. Take tablet Primolut 10 mg (Norethisterone) twice daily for five days and wait for bleeding for one to weeks.
Description: Suggest treatment for spinal narrowing at L5 vertebrae while having diabetes
Patient: My friend has spinal narrowing at the L5 Vertibrae, I think. He has been receiving injections every 6 months for the past two years (I think it is cortisone). His back is consistently getting worse with steadily increasing pain. His sister just had surgery in California for the same condition with great success. I don t know where to take him or who to take him to see. Naturally I want the best doctor in the Colorado Springs area. He is 69 years old, diabetic and severely overweight. What do I/we do???
Doctor: Hello. I have been through your question and understand your concern.If the stenosis explains the symptoms your friend can seriously consider surgery because diabetes is not a contraindication to surgery.Still, you need a neuroaurgical consult to determine if surgery is needed.Hope this helps. Best regards
Description: What is the treatment for intestine infection?
Patient: Dear sir 8 years ago I was pain in urine my all test is cleared but problem doesn t cleare doctor side you have Intestine infection? What I do? My all test urine culutur urine Dr and ivp is cleared and also use heavy antibiotics But problum is not clear
Doctor: HI.The pain in urination for 8 years in spite of treatment and normal report mean that you have pain in the urethra. The commonest reason is local urethritis. This is always non-specific and the cause can be found only on direct inspection of the urethra by Cysto-urethoscopy. The treatment is by taking urinary alkalizer syrup in water, drink plenty of oral fluids. Intestinal infection does not cause pain in urination.
Description: Suggest treatment for renal cyst
Patient: As a result of a recent abdominal CT scan of my abdomen, results show that I also have a right rental cystic mass, which was first detected back in 2009. Percutaneous cryoblation of this right renal mass was performed at that time also. However, I recently learned that my right renal mass has increased from 4 centimeters to 4.6 centimeters. Is is a medical issues that requires immediate medical attention? I m also scheduled for iliac aortic aneurysm repair on Apr. 2, 15.
Doctor: Hi,Welcome to healthcare magic.Renal cyst can be an incidental finding on Ct Scan.CT with contrast will help us to determine its severity and then take urologist's opinion, especially it is causing pain. infection, and bleeding.I think this would be helpful to u.Thanking u.
Description: Suggest medication for pain in neck and right shoulder
Patient: I was involved in a mva in April of this year. As a result, I have been going to therapy for appr. 6mths for neck, right shoulder and arm pain. About 2mths ago my right elbow started popping almost every time I moved it...afraid to stretch arm all the way out because it feels as if something is pulling...right thumb to midarm gets numb/tingling...also swelling of arm.
Doctor: Hello,The symptoms seem to be related to a pulled muscle. I suggest using a muscle relaxant such as Baclofen three times a day. I also suggest using magnesium supplements for muscle relaxation. I also recommend to do an X-ray of the elbow to exclude a fracture.Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Dorina Gurabardhi, General & Family Physician
Description: What does a lump on the leg indicate?
Patient: I'm on antibiotics for cellulitis in my leg from a fall that I took, my swelling has come down some and bruise looks better but is still very tender! I also noticed I have a hard lump under the skin that is tender (feels like a bruise) with no discoloration! Is that just the muscle? I took xrays no broken bones just concerned about this lump that I feel, it's not like a pus filled abscess, it's just skin and very tender and hard? Only have 2 days left on my antibiotic?
Doctor: Hello dearWarm welcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query in depth .* This indicates post traumatic inflammation underneath the hematoma formation .* Needs clinical confirmation or evaluation of photo pic as an attachment .Hope this clears your query .Regards .
Description: How can severe pain around the neck be treated?
Patient: I have not been treated for the CRPS/RSD that I was sent to Atlanta Ga the my doctor in Commerce sent me. I moved to West Virginia in 2006 and a few years ago my Dr Chaney was treating for the pain. But he lost both his legs and since then I have not been treated for the CRPS/RSD. The pain doctor at the pain center will not even listen to me. Even his nurse told me in Feb. 2018 that I was wasting my time, that no matter what I said it was going in one ear and out the other because he was only going to treat me for what he can see in Xray s and MRI s etc. He allows me three Percocet 10 a day. I was on a higher dose and taking it four times a day. There were days I could take one or two and then there were days I had to take the four for a few days. And I could sit at my computer and write my poetry and work on my novel. I could do my oil painting. But since Chaney left, I could not get a doctor to do anything for me for a year. I ran into his Practitioner who know m,e from CHaney s office and he is treating me now, but I get the Flexaril and Percocet from the pain center. He wont even listen to me. I need a doctor and don t know of one anywhere around here. I can t go to Charleston because I get lost even with the expensive GPS my brother in law bought me after my husband died, 100% service connected I am proud to say. How can I make the pain center listen, and also, the Neurologists refused to even see me after they found I have a herniated spinal cord in my neck area and a herniated spinaol cord in my low back. What can I do? Please help. Living in excessive pain. And I have a high tolerance for pain.
Doctor: Hello, As per your history, it may be due to nerve compression at cervical spine level For further assessment I would suggest you to do MRI neck and nerve conduction studies For that you can take tablet acetaminophen. Apply diclofenac gel or ointment locally. Heating pads will also help You may require tablet Pregabalin after consultation. Do regular physiotherapy Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shyam B. Kale, General & Family Physician
Description: Can a root canal extraction cause dry socket and thrush?
Patient: i was recently diagnosed with sle and was on prednisone. i had a painful broken tooth and my dentist put me on clindamyacin (im allergic to pen) before i went in for a root canal that turned into an extraction. OK for two days then developed dry socket and thrush. Any ideas if this is all related? my dentist packed the socket last night but the thrush is making the paking slimy and it wont stay put leading to more pain and the t3s are not cutting it anymore.
Doctor: Hello!Welcome to HCM.Steroids are one of the many risk factors for dry socket.You did not mention if you mentioned to your dentist and stopped this medication during extraction.Candida infection is also very common during low immune status.I suggest you to see your physician immediately for a change in the dosage of prednisolone.Also clearly tell your dentist that you are on prednisolone.Maintain a good oral hygiene.You must change the dressing for dry socket everyday with your dentist.Regards.
Description: What causes high blood pressure after taking Sudafed?
Patient: I went to the Dr with a cold--- had been taking sudafed --- always had normal to high normal blood pressure ... blood pressure was 171 over 90... Stopped taking Sudafed dropped to 142 over 75 two days later.. and now is at 136 over 70... Should I be concerned about Blood Pressure or just stop taking sudafed like decon.
Doctor: hello, Sudafed can certainly raise you bp, so you should stop using it. Rather you can use local decongestant like xylometazoline nasal drops as and when needed. But frequent use should be avoided. Rather get the cause treated like if you have allergic manifestation then get prescribed steroid drops for some time. Also, you can try normal saline drops like nasoclear for your problem which are much safer.