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ruined my life
this will be more of a my experience with this game type of review because saying things like great gameplay will not suit something ive experienced with counterstrike here you go i remember back in 2002 i was at a friends house and he was playing a game i didnt know the name of the game nor i had internet to find it a few weeks passed by and another friend came over he didnt have a computer so he brought a disc with a game in it he told me that it was one of the best games and from that very moment i knew that it is going to be the game i saw at the other friends house when i saw the counterstrike logo i was filled with gamegasm and i was so happy i was playing it hardcore made friends clans was involved in communities and even made two myself counterstrike is my first game which i played competitively and it was a such an experience playing public servers with mods were very fun but playing it competitively made it very intense and stressful in a pleasant way ofcourse looking at the current esport scene it might not seem like much but back then it was different shooters these days try to be different advanced in a way sometimes the most simple games like counterstrike are the ones that live to this day also there are plenty of mods to keep your attention to this game the gameplay is very simple defend as a counterterrorist attack as a terrorist to plant the bomb or save the hostages as a ct i am sure most of you already know this and i doubt there are gamers that havent heard or know the gameplay of counterstrike so i am sharing here more of my experience i wish i could find my cs anthology account which ive lost since 2008 so i decided i am going to buy this game again and here you go more than a thousand hours played i still play it from time to time to this day and it brings back many great memories and i sometimes even stumble upon people ive played with years ago i think counterstrike changed gaming in a major way and we wouldnt have many games like we have today if this game wouldnt exist i am sure many of people already have played games like csgo but never the roots i doubt any of you will play it for more than an hour because its much more simple and it differs a lot in my opinion from csgo and modern games its harder though
this game saved my virginity
β€’ do you like original games β€’ do you like games that dont lag β€’ do you like games you can run on low end pcs β€’ do you like games where you dont meet children who have slept with your mother then this is for you
easy to learn hard to master
no r8 revolver 1010 will play again
still better than call of duty ghosts
cant buy skins cases keys stickers gaben cant steal our money 1010 would play again
counterstrike ok after 9 years of unlimited fun with friends i have finally quit counter strike counter strike in all of its versions its just a great fps game that anyone can enjoy it its a great game and all you just cant stop playing it you can just sit and play with your friends for days with out stoping the huge weaoponary option you can choose and the smooth and sound of the game its just fcking addicting with this games ive met so many different people and unique friends this game is literally gold to all the young players who are looking for a good cheep and fun game to play with their friends i highlly recommend on this ive got with steam record 2484hrs record in counter strike in tottal and who knows how many more hrs in a non official steam version of this game great game gg wp and too all the people who will keep playing this game all i can say as always gl amp hf lt3
every server is spanish or french i can now fluently swear in both languages 910
fire in the hole simulator 1999
i never played a better first person shooter graphics doesnt matter for gamer gameplay only
warning do not buy this game if you do youll never see the sunlight again
cs is one of the greatest and undermined games in history it is in my opinion the best game to ever have a crosshair it is not a contact sport so for the girly girls it is an activity to indulge in it starts off with a team trying to kill another team i started playing cs when i noticed jacking off isnt the only activity to do on a computer i started inviting a lot of friends out and getting drinks as well as a boom box to spend a nice summer day in the living room playing this wonderful game i wanted to play every chance that i could on my road of cs adventures i encountered a couple of problems those being that nobody was as fervent as i was about playing and that when we did play nobody was good enough so it wasnt a lot of fun then i discovered that i could sign up for a class with dboorn i was overly excited and signed up but with skepticism at how the class was going to be sure enough i was proven wrong we started off by practicing a little bit then we split off into teams and started playing almost everyday of class i made some friends and played with people who had built up their skill gradually over the period of the course when i play counterstrike the whole world disappears only i the mouse and my teammates remain we are united in a common goal we strive collectively towards an end we all desire each player has a spot to hold they stand ready and waiting eager for their chance to aid the team in what they hope will be a forthcoming victory thus cs celebrates the unity of man the indomitable spirit in all of us that pushes us and drives us towards excellence when i play cs i play until my veins pump battery acid and then i play some more cs is unique among the games because it teaches all of us that no matter where we are in life there is a role for us to play and we can help our fellow man by fulfilling that role and thereby our destiny what destiny might you ask i spoke before of unity and it is that unity that brings us all together like one big loving family that is the nature of counterstrike the many working as one one machine made of well oiled cogs and wheels moving in unison happy to play their part in the production of something greater than themselves not that these small metal objects are actually animate im of course speaking only metaphorically over the course of the years i have increased in skill but i have learned a greater lesson than how to be a better cs player i have learned how to cooperate with a team to accomplish a goal that we all share even if that team is less than ideal i have realized that cs is about more than just ones athletic ability instead there is a deeper meaning behind the colt the ak the awp the deagle the sands under my feet in d2 or inferno and more importantly the teammates at my side i love them it is the human element of cs that gives cs its greatness in conclusion i love cs i love to win i love pushing myself to my physical limits its that feeling that first drove me to the computer for every second that i am not playing cs there is only an unquenchable thirst to play a thirst that grows as every minute passes by when i am outside sitting at the television or playing sports i had an extraordinary time playing this game and i will return to look at the future students of this game to see that bright eager look on their faces to remind me of how i used to feel this review may be over this game may be dead but i will never stop playing counerstrike 16
its aight
i met a lot of people who slept with my mother 1010
ruined my life 1010
when you crouch you lift your feet in the air and fall to the ground its allright
best shooter for 10 years steam evolved because of this game
one of the best fps games the 16 version will stay always in our hearts i recommend it vor everyone who wants a tacticalaction shooter
many players learned here what do wellknown terms like lag noob or ragequit mean oh how i miss old 16 days 910
playing it since 2010 still bad at it 1010 best game in cs series
this game is the best game forever lt3
blame this game for the rise of the online multiplayer modern military shooter good game great custom maps terrible community not much has really changed since 2000 has it i dont think anyone still plays this particular version of cs though edit wait there are over 8000 people ingame right now wow guess i have to give this a yes then because it isnt dead
2006 43 800x600 resolution windows xp 2001 office computer fully white white keyboard grey characters white mouse grey scroll wheel public library half of the people in the room are playing cs after more than a decade later this game is still alive
best game ever started my gaming addiction d
probably the best fps shooter ever made nothing can beat counterstrike 16
playing this game since 2001 it ruined my life five stars
update to my review with some shameless advertising 05102016 hey readers i am now hosting a server on cs 16 where you can play and enjoy the fun experiences i did back in the day map rotations vary from vehicle aim surf knife defusal and hostage maps ip address 173199737827025 review 21102014 ive played this game since i was around 6 years old back in 2002 and it still makes me laugh and have fun whenever i launch it to this very day over 12 years of endless entertainment no other game on this planet has given me more entertainment and enjoyment than counterstrike 16 has and i doubt no game ever will reason ive only got 38 hours here is because i no longer use the account i originally played cs 16 on funcvehicle is what makes this counter strike game the best out of all the others in the franchise find a server that has car maps or maps with funcvehicle entities and you will have endless fun running over teammates and enemies in all kinds of hilarious and goofy vehicles not giving a care in the world you can drive a fork with a meatball on the end of it do i need to say more mods on this game are amazing too there is a mod where you can catch pokemon level them up train them and use their skills call of duty mod that is suprisingly better than cod its self warcraft mods zombie mods basebuilder and so on there is even a map for the jailbreak gamemode that has driveable snowmobiles 133710 leet crew 5 lyf kicks csgos β™₯β™₯β™₯ by a mile i forgot how good wallbanging is in this game ps cs 16 is the only counter strike game where you can headshot with a knife or buy riot shields enjoy oh yeah you dont have to pay to use sprays in this game either
well look at my hours played you can already tell if its a good game or not yes it is
still better than call of duty
we wont forget 16
havent played much but looks ok
first of all its my first online game ever i was very young and i was playing with my friends lan matches sometimes for fun sometimes with bets the loser treats refreshments xd this game its the reason that i maked my mum to buy me a pc to playing this game at my home with the time i learn how to modding on cs 16 serversplugins and more stuffs about pc after this i learn how to aim on the enemy head how to fire inside the walls how to hear someone with his steps and how to fight i have played many fpsfirst person shooter games that they called me hacker of my fast killing i had so fyckin good and bad moments on that game that i will not forget never for others its only a game for me it was my life this wasnt a review but a little story so counterstrike ftw β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯es
after 14 years of existence this legendary game is still in the steam top 10 most played multiplayers in the world while earning tons of money based on counterstrike sales valve shows its appreciation to the players that bought the game by still not maintaining it and treating it like it doesnt even exist even more starting with february 2013 valve has released a couple of minor updates for counterstrike which intentionally created problems for the gamesuddenly stopping afterwards so that the players would be forced to migrate to and buy csgowhich currently has and most probably will keep having major problems like fps drops and hit misdetection problem present on all source engine based multiplayers since 2004 congratulations valve counting the players that migrated to or play the nonsteam version of counterstrike the game still easily classifies itself even today in the top 5 most played multiplayers in the world
old but gold
old but gold
pros no crates which you can waste your money you dont pay for the extra maps less russians less cheaters very alive game after 16 years more than 11 000 active servers according to gametracker you dont need actually pc to play this you can run it on a calculator more mods than games on steam you can spray in the game you can buy mp5 you can use flashlight and nightvision you can choose a character you can play assassination mod you can use bunnyhop you can play csgo mod and other stuff i cant remember
joins a cs 16 server filled with people that dont speak english
i only write this because of how nostalgic i feel the game that gave me my passion for shooters hands down in my opinion best game made in history this game i cannot explain how many emotions it gave me and thousands or millions of other players cs 16 please stay alive pros everything cons nothing
lock and load go go go fire in the hole the bomb has been planted counterterroriststerrorists win it is uncountable just how many times have these few sentences echoed in cybercafΓ©s across the world for many days were spent in front of the computer screen manipulating the wasd keys with left hand and whirling the mouse with the right one people yell and frown they cheer and jeer as they team up their cyberpersona and pit them against another team it doesn’t matter who won who lost who managed to kill to most of their opponents and who died the most as everything will be scrambled up and reset when a new match begins what is important is that for those who are a part of the team this computer game is their reality these personas within the computer screen are their true identities this is counterstrike originally a modification mod in short made for valve’s critically acclaimed halflife counterstrike has gained much prominence since its initial launch it is one of the first and definitely one of the most critically acclaimed multiplayer computer games of all times it is also the game used for many professional electronic sports competitions such as esea league of course this does not put counterstrike as a β€œprofessional only” game as it has been enjoyed by many since its launch getting started with counterstrike is simple you start off in one of the two teams counterterrorists or terrorists before the round begins you will have to purchase your own gun from the market namely the famous ak47 m4a1 desert eagle mp5 awp and many more do not ask me why the counterterrorists namely the police have to buy their own gun and that they will have to go out with their lousy default colt pistols perhaps the government had some budget cuts and the swats have to buy their own guns no one knows but at least this will balance up the game also you can equipment such as highlyexplosive grenades flashbangs not recommend for beginners smoke grenades helmets and kevlars you can also grab a defuse kit if you are playing on the side of the counterterrorist but normally we will steal that from dead teammates oh and you will be given a knife for free don’t worry about it as most likely you use it to run instead of anything else the gameplay is fairly straightforward as well there are quite a few number of game mods the most frequently played ones are the bomb defusal maps such as the alltime famous dedust the hostage rescue maps such as csassault the vip escorting maps and the kill them all maps such as the custom fyiceworld and awpmap like all multiplayer first person shooters you will need good coordination and communication with your teammates if you want to win don’t worry about it though because if you are new just stick around and listen to what others have got to say just remember you are not john rambo you only have 100 hp and a stray bullet from a sniper rifle awp will deal more damage than that as time press on the mechanism of counterstrike became outdate of course the legacy of counterstrike continues through its successors such as counterstrike condition zero counterstrike source counterstrike online asia only and the newest of all counterstrike global offensive throughout the years counterstrike has evolved to become what it is today while its legend remains together with halflife and maybe team fortress classic counterstrike has not only helped valve to thrive as a gaming company but also defined what first person shooter should be
1010 would get fire in the hole tattooed on my β™₯β™₯β™₯ again
its a nice game
the original counterstrike is the raw uncut cocaine of shooters honest game trailers
nice oldschool game counterstrike is very cool game but now we can play the cs series of games like cssource and csgo i cant say which game is better its your choice but i cant forget this game like my childhood thanks to valve for it
i tried it a few times
with only 4000 hours of playtime plus a few thousand prior to steam i might not be worthy of reviewing this game so ill just leave it at recommended
counterstrike is a great series though the real change they made was in csgo counterstrike has been one of my favorite fps games of all time if you prefer a fast based shooter this game isnt for you counterstrike can have exciting moments where its you vs 5 others or where you have no defuse kit with only a few seconds left to defuse the bomb a comparable version of counterstrikes defuse gametype is the call of duty search and destroy
this game is like an infection you cant uninstall it
compared to csgo this is pure gold joined a french server where i asked if they could speak english and they did someone said no rush and everyone listened the community is way more friendlier and the game isnt about how volvo can make more money
enjoyed the game for only a few minutes
the first crush you just cannot forget her
no lag no russian guy saying β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯ β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯ classic no expensive skin no need to rank up cheap lot of great server ripno porn spray
after 17 years 13 if you want to count from 16 steam theres still 2976 servers running nuff said
steam awards nomination 2016 review for the badge when i saw the the β€œjust 5 more minutes” award category instant flashback amp cold sweat year 2005 clock around 7 pm tomorrow is school day and im at a local internet cafe playing with some friends counter strike 16 time flies u know how its cs cell phone rings constantly yes im coming home just need to finish the match 5 minutes top im losing big time i skipped some calls later big mistake for the sake of the match long story short i was late and there were consequences left in hurry after and didnt pay the net fee not that day at least time 1 am gameover
this game will never get old lt3
its a real legend legend of pc games
theres nothing to say about this legend
first starting off as a cute little mod based on the goldsrc engine a heavily modified quake engine counterstrikes legacy continues to strife for a decade and a half over initially developed and released on top of a halflife modification with the inspiration from the developers strong theme and intriguement for military warfare and terrorism the mods success was immediately a marvel to behold selling over 25 million units as a whole in the counterstrike franchise the maps and various scenarios set around the globe players assume the roles of soldiers on two teams counterterrorists and terrorists both with a task depending differently on the mission bomb scenarios the terrorist team must plant a bomb in a secured bomb location while the counterterrorists must fight back and ultimately defuse the bomb if it may have been planted hostage scenarios is where the counterterrorists must rescue a group of hostages being held by the terrorists with both these modes it has become a traditional campaign over time in different sequels the player depending on what team they have been assigned to can change their class into eight different character models as well as buying weaponry and equipment such as armour and grenades to help against the opposing team as the round is about to begin youre left in freeze time that allows you to buy things with the money you earned by killing opponents the rounds before this of course gives players the time needed to choose wisely on what many strategies they will execute and whether it will be successful compared to your opponents this game is also highly customizable on the players endthe game gives the options allowing for the user to either install or create their own custom skins spray graphics sprites sound effects and huds that can be used ingame i forgot to mention that modding is possibly one the biggest things that makes counterstrike such a versatile game to begin with i dont have much to complain about this game other than its become one of the biggest targets of hacking and cheaters since its release aimbots that autotarget other players while the player should naturally aim and shoot is just on of the many cheatings that players have executed wallhacks that allows the player to see through walls through work by displaying objects that have translucent textures and can easily see targets through them while the opposing team has no idea from their own perspective to me the cheating in this game is now more to do with experimenting than it is to do with cheating overall theres a different meaning when it comes to something that is outdated and oldschool oldschool is for nostalgic value something that will guarantee to put a smile back on your face from all these past memories youve experienced and this is what the first title of counterstrike engulfs outdated being something you dont particularly want to go back to while there is the famous remake counterstrike source that runs on the more powerful and overlyrecycled source engine allowing for better graphic and communication capabilities nevertheless if youre looking for original flare that is burning in the counterstrike series this game is definitely for you and to think all of this success for the counterstrike series began as small little mod proof on how something so little can create something so big recommended
this game is unlike the other counter strike games this game requires a different type of skill you have to become used to the recoil each weapon has you also have to become familiar with the different advantage points of each map i personally think this is the best counterstrike game
im sorry to say for other games but with counterstrike 16 i had best gaming experience in my life
ive had lots of fun with this game graphics are outdated but community is still here to support it
best sequal to pokemon since skyrim
ah this is where it all started from the mecca of online competitive scene i still remember bunking my extra classes and play this game in a bunker of a gaming center during my school days i didnt think that it would take root inside of me that would fruit up some years later come the post graduation years and i found myself playing this again this time on a competitive level and making sure i had fun the entire time i spent whistling away at this fond old memories still growing strong still making more and more as we keep walking through the life
the game that started it all i love global offensive but i always return to 16 because of the hardcore oldschool feeling i dont even know why im recommending this because obviously you all have it right
if you dont like 16 then you can suck some balls
played 60 fps with a 20 dollars laptop top kek mate
graphics is not everything old school love
old but gold i really can recommend it to new cs go players at there rise
counterstrike is a firstperson shooter game from valve the first of the counterstrike series play the worlds number 1 online action game engage in an incredibly realistic brand of terrorist warfare in this wildly popular teambased game ally with teammates to complete strategic missions take out enemy sites rescue hostages your role affects your teams success your teams success affects your role counterstrike is a round based game where you play as counter terrorist or play as terrorist as a counter terrorist your task is to prevent the terrorist from planting a bomb and detonate it or rescue a captured hostages and lead them to the hostage rescue zone while the terrorist team has to do the opposite weapons has hard recoil so you cant just spray and pray short burst fire can save you in critical situation before the round begins you can and need to buy weapons and equipments with money you get money by winning the round or killing the enemy team this type of gameplay encourages team work
this game is legendary this started back in 1999 and havent got lost the pleasure of playing it the graphics are not the best its an old game but its fun that was the point of the game its one of the best first person shooter in the world its not me saying that all over the world people consider counter strike 16 one of the best shooter games and it had lans and big event until csgo showed up in 2012 its still played by lots of people 17 years old and still rocks
goes ingame sets server requirements joins a server empty joins another server cursed at in rapid spanish asks for tips says i play csgo gets cursed at some more gets a kill you have been kicked from this server
this is a great game with a great community i even own the original disk httpsteamcommunitycomsharedfilesfiledetailsid772601842
one of my all time favourite games you never get bored playing this you may not find its graphics to be very cool as per todays standard but old is gold
so old still a better story then twilight
this game is awesome still a lot of full servers from all countries you can find many friends in this game unbelievable ugly graphics β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯ that this game is 15 years old
almost screw up my exams at high school 19992000 when i was doing my vocational training 20012003 and at university 20042009 due to playing way too much cs great game would risk my future again 1010
2k9 2k16 so much time a lot of memories
playing since 2006 nonsteamsteam more that 3k hours others after all this time me always
this game appears to remain no 1 fps action games since 2000 for around 8 to 11 years it is a intense game as your health and your exposure is important as well sticking together with your team mates at all costs you should maybe try this game and learn the routes in common cs maps like dust or assault go on try it however they are a several downsides to this game like the weapon nerfs like the recoils and smoke grenade failing to detonate airborne and the lame tactical shield and cos this game is so popular that thousands of servers host this game online that some pc criminals tend to take advantage on players like using hacking or server addon hacking materials so you maybe best to stay clear of weird or dodgy servers with extreme adult material and steam cannot unban victims who got hijacked and vac banned so please be careful but if you are old and wise enough to handle this intense action gamebuy it soldier
oldshool classic totally worth of buying it
more than 15 years and yet best fps ever made
i want to you add achivements for cs 16 because game is legendary
wordless very very good
best fps of all time
i still suck at csgo
β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–„β–„ β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–„β–„β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–„ β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ loved it β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–€β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–€β–€β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–€
best game thank you valve
the best game ever d
in this game you can play many many modes and its the most positive thing its not only about shooting or about playing tactic games you can just chillout on some kinds of servers and thats what i always loved in cs 16
the 1st and best game i ever played in my entire life lt3 i β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯ing love cs lt3 d
in the days of my youth i was told what it means to be the game and now ive reached that age i try to do all those things without a shame no matter how i try i find my way to the same old jam good times bad times you know there was a game when a woman left home for a browneyed man but i still play and not seem to care sixteen i fell in love with a game as sweet as could be it only took a couple of years till i was rid of it i swore that i wont play again and i did not come back but when that csgo came out i knew it will be sad good times bad imes you know graphs not at 1st place when a smurf plays against silver ranked men bring me back to those happy days hitbox was good and people were kind now its not the same those amazing rounds deep on my mind and all the pros into hall of fame if you talk about cybersport so that game was of that type now just money flows like a river and everyones getting hyped good times bad times you know what do i mean when people were saying go 1 on 1 and you knew it will be fun 93 nearly the best online game in the world dont start playing go if you havent played that who am i talking to you never played you never will
gods creation
best fps game of all time its a shame only a few people still play it great for older counter strike players and newer ones to experience what older players had with this game this is where counterstrike is love counterstrike is life really have a meaning after several thousand hours in the game i still love and cherish it a must have for any fps player out there
moms credit card is not maxed out 1010
pillar of online fps gaming this game will never die no matter how many new versions are launched
simply the best shooter that you can play to forget the anger that built up inside of you after playing too much csgo it truely is a relief to play another shooter than csgo without messing with your aim movement etc just set everything up the way it is in csgo sensitivity keybinds etc and escape from the austerity pressure to perform well in csgo and relax theres nothing you can do wrong here even when theres a cheater just dont give a f i mean there isnt even a statsrecord like theres only a serversided statstracking if at all so without specifically searching for your stats on a specific server that has some kind of playerstats on it nobody will ever know how bad you arewere
the β€œtest of time” award this award is for the game that is just as good today as the day you first played it newer games may come out but it doesn’t matter… you’ll always come back to play this one
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