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Can I have this printer that's written off? And my gosh, how could you tomb that whole pile of paper in the shredder? You can still write on the back!
kæn aɪ hæv ðɪs pɹˈɪntɚ ðæts ɹˈɪʔn̩ ˈɔf ? ænd maɪ ɡˈɑːʃ , hˌaʊ kʊd juː tˈuːm ðæt hˈoʊl pˈaɪl ʌv pˈeɪpɚɹ ɪnðə ʃɹˈɛdɚ ? juː kæn stˈɪl ɹˈaɪt ɔnðə bˈæk !
Whoa, whoa, stay back. I just finished work, so I'm all sweaty.
wˈoʊ , wˈoʊ , stˈeɪ bˈæk . aɪ dʒˈʌst fˈɪnɪʃt wˈɜːk , sˌoʊ aɪm ˈɔːl swˈɛɾi .
Think you can run? Not happening, my friend.
θˈɪŋk juː kæn ɹˈʌn ? nˌɑːt hˈæpənɪŋ , maɪ fɹˈɛnd .
Not happening, my friend.
nˌɑːt hˈæpənɪŋ , maɪ fɹˈɛnd .
Look at your supplies. How far could you go?
lˈʊk æt jʊɹ səplˈaɪz . hˌaʊ fˈɑːɹ kʊd juː ɡˈoʊ ?
There's nothing but wasteland for miles. Your only show that survival is staying inside. Ah.
ðɛɹz nˈʌθɪŋ bˌʌt wˈeɪstlənd fɔːɹ mˈaɪlz . jʊɹ ˈoʊnli ʃˈoʊ ðæt sɚvˈaɪvəl ɪz stˈeɪɪŋ ɪnsˈaɪd . ˈɑː .
You have no idea how heartless those snuffs are. They dump just about anyone in the disposal plant.
juː hæv nˈoʊ aɪdˈiə hˌaʊ hˈɑːɹtləs ðoʊz snˈʌfs ɑːɹ . ðeɪ dˈʌmp dʒˈʌst ɐbˌaʊt ˈɛnɪwˌʌn ɪnðə dɪspˈoʊzəl plˈænt .
Kids, barely old enough to work, old folks in bad health.
kˈɪdz , bˈɛɹli ˈoʊld ɪnˈʌf tə wˈɜːk , ˈoʊld fˈoʊks ɪn bˈæd hˈɛlθ .
I can't stand it. But there's not much I can do other than making sure they get fed alongside me.
aɪ kˈænt stˈænd ɪt . bˌʌt ðɛɹz nˌɑːt mˈʌtʃ aɪ kæn dˈuː ˈʌðɚ ðɐn mˌeɪkɪŋ ʃˈʊɹ ðeɪ ɡɛt fˈɛd ɐlˈɔŋsaɪd mˌiː .
Doctor, remember that printer I took off your hands? Here, I fixed it.
dˈɑːktɚ , ɹᵻmˈɛmbɚ ðæt pɹˈɪntɚɹ aɪ tˈʊk ˈɔf jʊɹ hˈændz ? hˈɪɹ , aɪ fˈɪkst ɪt .
Oh, but keep an eye on the thermometer up top when you use it.
ˈoʊ , bˌʌt kˈiːp ɐn ˈaɪ ɔnðə θɜːmˈɑːmɪɾɚɹ ˌʌp tˈɑːp wɛn juː jˈuːz ɪt .
If it goes over the threshold, it could explode.
ɪf ɪt ɡoʊz ˌoʊvɚ ðə θɹˈɛʃoʊld , ɪt kʊd ɛksplˈoʊd .
You need something? If it's not urgent, just go back to your office.
juː nˈiːd sˈʌmθɪŋ ? ɪf ɪts nˌɑːt ˈɜːdʒənt , dʒˈʌst ɡˌoʊ bˈæk tə jʊɹ ˈɑːfɪs .
Yeah, doctor. I've got a temper, and I can't just sit by and watch bad things happen. In the end, I made the wrong enemies and got thrown in the disposal plant.
jˈɛh , dˈɑːktɚ . aɪv ɡɑːt ɐ tˈɛmpɚ , ænd aɪ kˈænt dʒˈʌst sˈɪt baɪ ænd wˈɑːtʃ bˈæd θˈɪŋz hˈæpən . ɪnðɪ ˈɛnd , aɪ mˌeɪd ðə ɹˈɔŋ ˈɛnəmiz ænd ɡɑːt θɹˈoʊn ɪnðə dɪspˈoʊzəl plˈænt .
A whole decade came and went in the blink of an eye, like a nightmare.
ɐ hˈoʊl dˈɛkeɪd kˈeɪm ænd wɛnt ɪnðə blˈɪŋk əvən ˈaɪ , lˈaɪk ɐ nˈaɪtmɛɹ .
But now the dream's gone, and I'm awake. I don't regret it one bit. I'll keep my temper and make no compromises. Ever since we were kids, if folks like us wanted to eat, we had to count on the scraps the snuffs let slip from unhigh.
bˌʌt nˈaʊ ðə dɹˈiːmz ɡˈɔn , ænd aɪm ɐwˈeɪk . aɪ dˈoʊnt ɹᵻɡɹˈɛt ɪt wˈʌn bˈɪt . aɪl kˈiːp maɪ tˈɛmpɚ ænd mˌeɪk nˈoʊ kˈɑːmpɹəmˌaɪzᵻz . ˈɛvɚ sˈɪns wiː wɜː kˈɪdz , ɪf fˈoʊks lˈaɪk ˌʌs wˈɔntᵻd tʊ ˈiːt , wiː hædtə kˈaʊnt ɔnðə skɹˈæps ðə snˈʌfs lˈɛt slˈɪp fɹʌm ʌnhˈaɪ .
I don't regret it one bit. I'll keep my temper and make no compromises. Ever since we were kids, if folks like us wanted to eat, we had to count on the scraps the snuffs let slip from on high.
aɪ dˈoʊnt ɹᵻɡɹˈɛt ɪt wˈʌn bˈɪt . aɪl kˈiːp maɪ tˈɛmpɚ ænd mˌeɪk nˈoʊ kˈɑːmpɹəmˌaɪzᵻz . ˈɛvɚ sˈɪns wiː wɜː kˈɪdz , ɪf fˈoʊks lˈaɪk ˌʌs wˈɔntᵻd tʊ ˈiːt , wiː hædtə kˈaʊnt ɔnðə skɹˈæps ðə snˈʌfs lˈɛt slˈɪp fɹʌm ˌɔn hˈaɪ .
Sadly, that's not enough to fill your stomach. So some folks end up stealing, naturally.
sˈædli , ðæts nˌɑːt ɪnˈʌf tə fˈɪl jʊɹ stˈʌmək . sˌoʊ sˌʌm fˈoʊks ˈɛnd ˌʌp stˈiːlɪŋ , nˈætʃɚɹəli .
That's not something anyone should do, I know. But if there was another way, why would you need to steal?
ðæts nˌɑːt sˈʌmθɪŋ ˈɛnɪwˌʌn ʃˌʊd dˈuː , aɪ nˈoʊ . bˌʌt ɪf ðɛɹwˌʌz ɐnˈʌðɚ wˈeɪ , wˌaɪ wʊd juː nˈiːd tə stˈiːl ?
Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow. There's some limited steak at the canteen today. I'd better get over there right away.
wʌtˈɛvɚɹ ɪɾ ˈɪz , ɪt kæn wˈeɪt ʌntˈɪl təmˈɑːɹoʊ . ðɛɹz sˌʌm lˈɪmɪɾᵻd stˈeɪk æt ðə kæntˈiːn tədˈeɪ . aɪd bˈɛɾɚ ɡɛt ˌoʊvɚ ðɛɹ ɹˈaɪt ɐwˈeɪ .
Doctor, Rhodes Island has done so much for me. What can I say except thank you? If you need anything, just say the word. I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Doctor, I can read a little bit, but the jargon in this video is pretty dense.
dˈɑːktɚ , ɹˈoʊdz ˈaɪlənd hɐz dˈʌn sˈoʊ mˌʌtʃ fɔːɹ mˌiː . wˌʌt kæn aɪ sˈeɪ ɛksˈɛpt θˈæŋk juː ? ɪf juː nˈiːd ˈɛnɪθˌɪŋ , dʒˈʌst sˈeɪ ðə wˈɜːd . aɪl dˈuː wʌtˈɛvɚɹ ɪt tˈeɪks tə mˌeɪk ɪt hˈæpən . dˈɑːktɚ , aɪ kæn ɹˈiːd ɐ lˈɪɾəl bˈɪt , bˌʌt ðə dʒˈɑːɹɡən ɪn ðɪs vˈɪdɪoʊ ɪz pɹˈɪɾi dˈɛns .
I can barely make any sense of it. What? You're giving me a promotion? Me? For real?
aɪ kæn bˈɛɹli mˌeɪk ˌɛni sˈɛns ʌv ɪt . wˌʌt ? jʊɹ ɡˈɪvɪŋ mˌiː ɐ pɹəmˈoʊʃən ? mˈiː ? fɔːɹ ɹˈiːəl ?
Hold up! What was I doing before this? Thanks, Doctor.
hˈoʊld ˈʌp ! wˌʌt wʌz aɪ dˌuːɪŋ bᵻfˌoːɹ ðˈɪs ? θˈæŋks , dˈɑːktɚ .
If it's not urgent, just go back to your office.
ɪf ɪts nˌɑːt ˈɜːdʒənt , dʒˈʌst ɡˌoʊ bˈæk tə jʊɹ ˈɑːfɪs .
If only my old man had lived long enough to see this day.
ɪf ˈoʊnli maɪ ˈoʊld mˈæn hæd lˈɪvd lˈɔŋ ɪnˈʌf tə sˈiː ðɪs dˈeɪ .
His kid, always up to no good.
hɪz kˈɪd , ˈɔːlweɪz ˌʌp tə nˈoʊ ɡˈʊd .
has finally made a name for himself. Ah, it's been a while since I beat anyone up. Hope I didn't get too rusty? Yeah, I can be the captain and chaperone these kids. I'll make sure all of them come back alive.
hɐz fˈaɪnəli mˌeɪd ɐ nˈeɪm fɔːɹ hɪmsˈɛlf . ˈɑː , ɪts bˌɪn ɐ wˈaɪl sˈɪns aɪ bˈiːt ˈɛnɪwˌʌn ˈʌp . hˈoʊp aɪ dˈɪdnt ɡɛt tˈuː ɹˈʌsti ? jˈɛh , aɪ kæn biː ðə kˈæptɪn ænd ʃˈæpɚɹˌoʊn ðiːz kˈɪdz . aɪl mˌeɪk ʃˈʊɹ ˈɔːl ʌv ðˌɛm kˈʌm bˈæk ɐlˈaɪv .
Right there, you little cops. Don't just rush in ahead. You come at me like that. You can't blame me for what happens next. Are you ready? I'm all set to go. Huh? I thought you wanted me here to fix a lock.
ɹˈaɪt ðˈɛɹ , juː lˈɪɾəl kˈɑːps . dˈoʊnt dʒˈʌst ɹˈʌʃ ɪn ɐhˈɛd . juː kˈʌm æt mˌiː lˈaɪk ðˈæt . juː kˈænt blˈeɪm mˌiː fɔːɹ wʌt hˈæpənz nˈɛkst . ɑːɹ juː ɹˈɛdi ? aɪm ˈɔːl sˈɛt tə ɡˈoʊ . hˈʌ ? aɪ θˈɔːt juː wˈɔntᵻd mˌiː hˈɪɹ tə fˈɪks ɐ lˈɑːk .
Whose car is this? Uh, how should I know?
hˌuːz kˈɑːɹ ɪz ðˈɪs ? ˈʌ , hˌaʊ ʃˌʊd aɪ nˈoʊ ?
A one-on-one. Tough guy, huh?
ɐ wˈʌnˌɔnwˌʌn . tˈʌf ɡˈaɪ , hˈʌ ?
What? You think you're gonna grind me down with numbers? There's more of you? Ugh, what a day! Ah, Srewets! Bring it on, all of you! Ugh, I just hope those punks learned a lesson.
wˌʌt ? juː θˈɪŋk jʊɹ ɡˌənə ɡɹˈaɪnd mˌiː dˌaʊn wɪð nˈʌmbɚz ? ðɛɹz mˈoːɹ ʌv juː ? ˈʌɡ , wˌʌt ɐ dˈeɪ ! ˈɑː , ˈɛsɹᵻwˈɛts ! bɹˈɪŋ ɪɾ ˈɔn , ˈɔːl ʌv juː ! ˈʌɡ , aɪ dʒˈʌst hˈoʊp ðoʊz pˈʌŋks lˈɜːnd ɐ lˈɛsən .
No enemies in sight, but I'm sure they left behind some pretty good stuff. No, no, don't chase them. Just let them be. They got beat so bad they won't be causing trouble for a long while.
nˈoʊ ˈɛnəmiz ɪn sˈaɪt , bˌʌt aɪm ʃˈʊɹ ðeɪ lˈɛft bᵻhˌaɪnd sˌʌm pɹˈɪɾi ɡˈʊd stˈʌf . nˈoʊ , nˈoʊ , dˈoʊnt tʃˈeɪs ðˌɛm . dʒˈʌst lˈɛt ðˌɛm bˈiː . ðeɪ ɡɑːt bˈiːt sˌoʊ bˈæd ðeɪ woʊnt biː kˈɔːzɪŋ tɹˈʌbəl fɚɹə lˈɔŋ wˈaɪl .
Relax, nobody wins every fight. Go home, watch your face. Life goes on. Man, this bat is too soft. I just can't fall asleep.
ɹᵻlˈæks , nˈoʊbɑːdi wˈɪnz ˈɛvɹi fˈaɪt . ɡˌoʊ hˈoʊm , wˈɑːtʃ jʊɹ fˈeɪs . lˈaɪf ɡoʊz ˈɔn . mˈæn , ðɪs bˈæt ɪz tˈuː sˈɔft . aɪ dʒˈʌst kˈænt fˈɔːl ɐslˈiːp .
Could you give me something firmer? That's how I like it. Oh, need some help? I'm your man. Ha ha, here! I grabbed you some tanger eats from the canteen. No matter how busy you are, be sure to eat right, doctor. Art Nass.
kʊd juː ɡˈɪv mˌiː sˈʌmθɪŋ fˈɜːmɚ ? ðæts hˌaʊ aɪ lˈaɪk ɪt . ˈoʊ , nˈiːd sˌʌm hˈɛlp ? aɪm jʊɹ mˈæn . hˈɑː hˈɑː , hˈɪɹ ! aɪ ɡɹˈæbd juː sˌʌm tˈændʒɚɹ ˈiːts fɹʌmðə kæntˈiːn . nˈoʊ mˈæɾɚ hˌaʊ bˈɪzi juː ɑːɹ , biː ʃˈʊɹ tʊ ˈiːt ɹˈaɪt , dˈɑːktɚ . ˈɑːɹt nˈæs .
Let me wash up and get a change of clothes. Then I'll come talk to you.
lˈɛt mˌiː wˈɑːʃ ˌʌp ænd ɡɛt ɐ tʃˈeɪndʒ ʌv klˈoʊðz . ðˈɛn aɪl kˈʌm tˈɔːk tə juː .
ɹˈaɪt .
Ha ha ha! Check me out! I made this whole outfit by myself. Yeah, it looks like crap, but it's sturdy. And you see this sickle? I tore a door off a huge car to make it. I've used it for years, and it's...
hˈɑː hˈɑː hˈɑː ! tʃˈɛk mˌiː ˈaʊt ! aɪ mˌeɪd ðɪs hˈoʊl ˈaʊtfɪt baɪ maɪsˈɛlf . jˈɛh , ɪt lˈʊks lˈaɪk kɹˈæp , bˌʌt ɪts stˈɜːdi . ænd juː sˈiː ðɪs sˈɪkəl ? aɪ tˈoːɹ ɐ dˈoːɹ ˈɔf ɐ hjˈuːdʒ kˈɑːɹ tə mˈeɪk ɪt . aɪv jˈuːzd ɪt fɔːɹ jˈɪɹz , ænd ɪts ...
good as new. See that electric cooker of mine? I made it out of an old heater. And my space heater there, I made it out of an old TV. And as for the TV here, I put that together from the parts of a broken bread maker.
ɡˈʊd æz nˈuː . sˈiː ðæt ᵻlˈɛktɹɪk kˈʊkɚɹ ʌv mˈaɪn ? aɪ mˌeɪd ɪɾ ˌaʊɾəv ɐn ˈoʊld hˈiːɾɚ . ænd maɪ spˈeɪs hˈiːɾɚ ðˈɛɹ , aɪ mˌeɪd ɪɾ ˌaʊɾəv ɐn ˈoʊld tˌiːvˈiː . ænd æz fɚðə tˌiːvˈiː hˈɪɹ , aɪ pˌʊt ðæt təɡˌɛðɚ fɹʌmðə pˈɑːɹts əvə bɹˈoʊkən bɹˈɛd mˈeɪkɚ .
See that electric cooker of mine? I made it out of an old heater. And my space heater there, I made it out of an old TV. And as for the TV here, I put that together from the parts of a broken bread maker.
sˈiː ðæt ᵻlˈɛktɹɪk kˈʊkɚɹ ʌv mˈaɪn ? aɪ mˌeɪd ɪɾ ˌaʊɾəv ɐn ˈoʊld hˈiːɾɚ . ænd maɪ spˈeɪs hˈiːɾɚ ðˈɛɹ , aɪ mˌeɪd ɪɾ ˌaʊɾəv ɐn ˈoʊld tˌiːvˈiː . ænd æz fɚðə tˌiːvˈiː hˈɪɹ , aɪ pˌʊt ðæt təɡˌɛðɚ fɹʌmðə pˈɑːɹts əvə bɹˈoʊkən bɹˈɛd mˈeɪkɚ .
Where did I get this bread maker? Aha! I motted an electric cooker I scavenged. The pioneer guys are different from us. They get to wander around. Not us.
wˌɛɹ dˈɪd aɪ ɡɛt ðɪs bɹˈɛd mˈeɪkɚ ? ɑːhˈɑː ! aɪ mˈɑːɾᵻd ɐn ᵻlˈɛktɹɪk kˈʊkɚɹ aɪ skˈævɪndʒd . ðə paɪənˈɪɹ ɡˈaɪz ɑːɹ dˈɪfɹənt fɹʌm ˌʌs . ðeɪ ɡɛt tə wˈɔndɚɹ ɚɹˈaʊnd . nˌɑːt ˌʌs .
Once you come to the disposal plant, you're staying forever.
wˈʌns juː kˈʌm tə ðə dɪspˈoʊzəl plˈænt , jʊɹ stˈeɪɪŋ fɚɹˈɛvɚ .
Why is this office so damn cold? Hey, you there. You okay with me using that for kindling?
wˌaɪ ɪz ðɪs ˈɑːfɪs sˌoʊ dˈæm kˈoʊld ? hˈeɪ , juː ðˈɛɹ . juː oʊkˈeɪ wɪð mˌiː jˈuːzɪŋ ðæt fɔːɹ kˈɪndlɪŋ ?
Oh, how much did you say this book cost? Pricy! Call me Mr. Eiffret, and I'll give it back to you!
ˈoʊ , hˌaʊ mˈʌtʃ dˈɪd juː sˈeɪ ðɪs bˈʊk kˈɔst ? pɹˈaɪsi ! kˈɔːl mˌiː mˈɪstɚ . ˈaɪfɹɪt , ænd aɪl ɡˈɪv ɪt bˈæk tə juː !
You want to strap me to a lab table too?
juː wˈɔnt tə stɹˈæp mˌiː tʊ ɐ lˈæb tˈeɪbəl tˈuː ?
Sorry is here? I want to see her! Silence says no?
sˈɑːɹi ɪz hˈɪɹ ? aɪ wˈɔnt tə sˈiː hɜː ! sˈaɪləns sˈɛz nˈoʊ ?
Silence says no?
sˈaɪləns sˈɛz nˈoʊ ?
Come on, what's the big deal? Just take me to her and keep it off the record!
kˈʌm ˈɔn , wˌʌts ðə bˈɪɡ dˈiːl ? dʒˈʌst tˈeɪk mˌiː tə hɜː ænd kˈiːp ɪɾ ˈɔf ðə ɹˈɛkɚd !
Why are silence and Sariah arguing all the time? I don't get it.
wˌaɪ ɑːɹ sˈaɪləns ænd sɑːɹɹˈaɪəɹ ˈɑːɹɡjuːɪŋ ˈɔːl ðə tˈaɪm ? aɪ dˈoʊnt ɡˈɛt ɪt .
Hey, you gotta know how to get them to make up, right?
hˈeɪ , juː ɡˈɑːɾə nˈoʊ hˌaʊ tə ɡɛt ðˌɛm tə mˌeɪk ˈʌp , ɹˈaɪt ?
Come on, just tell me! I mean, please?
kˈʌm ˈɔn , dʒˈʌst tˈɛl mˌiː ! aɪ mˈiːn , plˈiːz ?
I mean, please?
aɪ mˈiːn , plˈiːz ?
I don't care what you think of me, but you'd better be nice to silence. When she wants something, you go get it for her.
aɪ dˈoʊnt kˈɛɹ wʌt juː θˈɪŋk ʌv mˌiː , bˌʌt juːd bˈɛɾɚ biː nˈaɪs tə sˈaɪləns . wˌɛn ʃiː wˈɔnts sˈʌmθɪŋ , juː ɡˌoʊ ɡˈɛt ɪt fɔːɹ hɜː .
do that and your wish is my command.
dˈuː ðæt ænd jʊɹ wˈɪʃ ɪz maɪ kəmˈænd .
Huh? You want me to read this book? I hate it when people try to tell me...
hˈʌ ? juː wˈɔnt mˌiː tə ɹˈiːd ðɪs bˈʊk ? aɪ hˈeɪt ɪt wɛn pˈiːpəl tɹˈaɪ tə tˈɛl mˌiː ...
And your wish is my command.
ænd jʊɹ wˈɪʃ ɪz maɪ kəmˈænd .
You little? Ugh! You've got guts to ignore me and slack off like this.
juː lˈɪɾəl ? ˈʌɡ ! juːv ɡɑːt ɡˈʌts tʊ ɪɡnˈoːɹ mˌiː ænd slˈæk ˈɔf lˈaɪk ðˈɪs .
You stand before the Almighty Ifret.
juː stˈænd bᵻfˌoːɹ ðɪ ɔlmˈaɪɾi ˈɪfɹɪt .
Silence says Rhodes Island's a nice place, but...
sˈaɪləns sˈɛz ɹˈoʊdz ˈaɪləndz ɐ nˈaɪs plˈeɪs , bˌʌt ...
There's nothing I hate more than you white coat science creepers.
ðɛɹz nˈʌθɪŋ aɪ hˈeɪt mˈoːɹ ðɐn juː wˈaɪt kˈoʊt sˈaɪəns kɹˈiːpɚz .
Except silence. Stronger?
ɛksˈɛpt sˈaɪləns . stɹˈɔŋɡɚ ?
stɹˈɔŋɡɚ ?
Hmm, that means my flames can burn brighter, right?
həm , ðæt mˈiːnz maɪ flˈeɪmz kæn bˈɜːn bɹˈaɪɾɚ , ɹˈaɪt ?
That means my flames can burn brighter, right?
ðæt mˈiːnz maɪ flˈeɪmz kæn bˈɜːn bɹˈaɪɾɚ , ɹˈaɪt ?
What's this? Promotion manual for Rhodes Island operators?
wˌʌts ðˈɪs ? pɹəmˈoʊʃən mˈænjuːəl fɔːɹ ɹˈoʊdz ˈaɪlənd ˈɑːpɚɹˌeɪɾɚz ?
It's from silence? Really? Gr-uh!
ɪts fɹʌm sˈaɪləns ? ɹˈiəli ? dʒˌiːˈɑːɹɹˈʌ !
Promotion manual for Rhodes Island operators?
pɹəmˈoʊʃən mˈænjuːəl fɔːɹ ɹˈoʊdz ˈaɪlənd ˈɑːpɚɹˌeɪɾɚz ?
I guess I'll give it a peek.
aɪ ɡˈɛs aɪl ɡˈɪv ɪɾ ɐ pˈiːk .
pˈiː .
What the hell? So many rules, even after I get promoted?
wˌʌt ðə hˈɛl ? sˌoʊ mˈɛni ɹˈuːlz , ˈiːvən ˈæftɚɹ aɪ ɡɛt pɹəmˈoʊɾᵻd ?
Nuh, pass. That's right. I don't give a damn about all those rules. But if you say you're counting on me, then that's all the words I need. Yeah, yeah, I heard ya.
nˈʌ , pˈæs . ðæts ɹˈaɪt . aɪ dˈoʊnt ɡˈɪv ɐ dˈæm ɐbˌaʊt ˈɔːl ðoʊz ɹˈuːlz . bˌʌt ɪf juː sˈeɪ jʊɹ kˈaʊntɪŋ ˈɔn mˌiː , ðˈɛn ðæts ˈɔːl ðə wˈɜːdz aɪ nˈiːd . jˈɛh , jˈɛh , aɪ hˈɜːd jɐ .
That's right. I don't give a damn about all those rules. But if you say you're counting on me, then that's all the words I need. Yeah, yeah, I heard ya.
ðæts ɹˈaɪt . aɪ dˈoʊnt ɡˈɪv ɐ dˈæm ɐbˌaʊt ˈɔːl ðoʊz ɹˈuːlz . bˌʌt ɪf juː sˈeɪ jʊɹ kˈaʊntɪŋ ˈɔn mˌiː , ðˈɛn ðæts ˈɔːl ðə wˈɜːdz aɪ nˈiːd . jˈɛh , jˈɛh , aɪ hˈɜːd jɐ .
I'm the captain. So just do like silence would, right?
aɪm ðə kˈæptɪn . sˌoʊ dʒˈʌst dˈuː lˈaɪk sˈaɪləns wˈʊd , ɹˈaɪt ?
So, just do like silence would, right?
sˈoʊ , dʒˈʌst dˈuː lˈaɪk sˈaɪləns wˈʊd , ɹˈaɪt ?
They made me the captain, so I'm the one calling the shots here.
ðeɪ mˌeɪd mˌiː ðə kˈæptɪn , sˌoʊ aɪm ðə wˈʌn kˈɔːlɪŋ ðə ʃˈɑːts hˈɪɹ .
Yo! How about another barbecue?
jˈoʊ ! hˌaʊ ɐbˌaʊt ɐnˈʌðɚ bˈɑːɹbɪkjˌuː ?
What does this word mean here?
wˌʌt dˈʌz ðɪs wˈɜːd mˈiːn hˈɪɹ ?
Too slow! Let the world burn!
tˈuː slˈoʊ ! lˈɛt ðə wˈɜːld bˈɜːn !
Let the world burn!
lˈɛt ðə wˈɜːld bˈɜːn !
Hellfire! Locked or loaded!
hˈɛlfaɪɚ ! lˈɑːkt ɔːɹ lˈoʊdᵻd !
Does it hurt? I bet it does!
dˈʌz ɪt hˈɜːt ? aɪ bˈɛt ɪt dˈʌz !
Keep screaming!
kˈiːp skɹˈiːmɪŋ !
Shake all you want! Nobody cares!
ʃˈeɪk ˈɔːl juː wˈɔnt ! nˈoʊbɑːdi kˈɛɹz !
Get in the line of death! Weak, you're all too weak! I am invincible!
ɡɛt ɪnðə lˈaɪn ʌv dˈɛθ ! wˈiːk , jʊɹ ˈɔːl tˈuː wˈiːk ! aɪɐm ɪnvˈɪnsᵻbəl !
Weak, you're all too weak! I am invincible!
wˈiːk , jʊɹ ˈɔːl tˈuː wˈiːk ! aɪɐm ɪnvˈɪnsᵻbəl !
Huh, why don't we torch all the trash into kindling? It'll be nice and warm.
hˈʌ , wˌaɪ dˈoʊnt wiː tˈɔːɹtʃ ˈɔːl ðə tɹˈæʃ ˌɪntʊ kˈɪndlɪŋ ? ˌɪɾəl biː nˈaɪs ænd wˈɔːɹm .
Nothing but cinders left now. I could have handled this all by myself.
nˈʌθɪŋ bˌʌt sˈɪndɚz lˈɛft nˈaʊ . aɪ kˌʊdɐv hˈændəld ðɪs ˈɔːl baɪ maɪsˈɛlf .
I hate it when you white coat treeppers stare at me.
aɪ hˈeɪt ɪt wɛn juː wˈaɪt kˈoʊt tɹˈiːpɚz stˈɛɹ æt mˌiː .
I could have handled this all by myself.
aɪ kˌʊdɐv hˈændəld ðɪs ˈɔːl baɪ maɪsˈɛlf .
Damn you! You made a fool out of me!
dˈæm juː ! juː mˌeɪd ɐ fˈuːl ˌaʊɾəv mˌiː !
You made a fool out of me!
juː mˌeɪd ɐ fˈuːl ˌaʊɾəv mˌiː !
What kind of place is this? Huh?
wˌʌt kˈaɪnd ʌv plˈeɪs ɪz ðˈɪs ? hˈʌ ?
hˈʌ ?
The hell are you doing here? He's nicer than I expected.
ðə hˈɛl ɑːɹ juː dˌuːɪŋ hˈɪɹ ? hiːz nˈaɪsɚ ðɐn aɪ ɛkspˈɛktᵻd .
You're nicer than I expected.
jʊɹ nˈaɪsɚ ðɐn aɪ ɛkspˈɛktᵻd .
Want to hang out? You need something.
wˈɔnt tə hˈæŋ ˈaʊt ? juː nˈiːd sˈʌmθɪŋ .
You need something.
juː nˈiːd sˈʌmθɪŋ .
Ark Nights!
ˈɑːɹk nˈaɪts !
Yeah, I mean you! What you're looking at? Go stare at something else!
jˈɛh , aɪ mˈiːn juː ! wˌʌt jʊɹ lˈʊkɪŋ æt ? ɡˌoʊ stˈɛɹ æt sˈʌmθɪŋ ˈɛls !
Um, okay, fine.
ˈʌm , oʊkˈeɪ , fˈaɪn .
No more scaring people with fire. Back off! You.
nˈoʊmˌoːɹ skˈɛɹɪŋ pˈiːpəl wɪð fˈaɪɚ . bˈæk ˈɔf ! juː .

AniSpeech Dataset

Welcome to the AniSpeech dataset, a continually expanding collection of captioned anime voices brought to you by ShoukanLabs.

  • As we label more and more audio, they'll automagically be uploaded here for use, seperated by language


  • An upcoming update will add an immense ammount of data to the dataset... however... because we cannot manually go through this dataset we have had to rely on manual quality estimation, as such, speaker splits may be innacurate, this shouldnt impact finetuning multispeaker models, but when training single speaker models you may have to listen to multiple speakers to find missing data, we plan on eventually completely overhauling this dataset eventually

Key Features

  • LJSpeech Format Compatibility: The captions in this dataset can be converted to (recent changes have sacrificed native LJSpeech support for better captions) comply with the LJSpeech format, and we plan to offer conversion scripts to said format eventually.

  • Diverse Anime Voices: Train your TTS models on high-quality vocal performances with variations in intonation, timbre, and pitch. The dataset offers a rich assortment of anime voices for creating generalised models.

  • Ideal for Generalized Models: AniSpeech is a perfect choice for fine-tuning generalized models. With a diverse range of voices, it provides a solid foundation for training models that can handle a wide variety of speaking styles (all speakers are labeled with a seperate speaker id).


  • Single-Voice Fine-Tuning: While AniSpeech excels in training foundation models (due to it's diversity), it's not recommended for fine-tuning on a single voice. Its strength lies in contributing to the development of versatile TTS models.

  • Dataset Curation: Due to its size, manually curating the entire dataset can be impractical. If you encounter low-quality files or incorrect captions, we encourage you to contribute by creating a pull request to help maintain and improve the dataset.


This dataset is released under the MIT License.

Your contributions to the AniSpeech dataset are invaluable, and we appreciate your efforts in advancing the field of Text-to-Speech technology.

Happy coding and synthesizing!

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Models trained or fine-tuned on ShoukanLabs/AniSpeech

Collection including ShoukanLabs/AniSpeech