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perspective on ferc regulatory action client conf call today , jun e 19 th , 2 : 00 pm edt perspective on ferc regulatory action client conference call today , tuesday , june 19 th 2 : 00 pm edt host : ray niles , power / natural gas analyst speaker : steve bergstrom , president & coo of dynegy steve bergstrom , president and chief operating officer of dynegy , will join us at 2 : 00 p . m . today for a conference call discussion of the recent ferc action imposing price controls in the west . the discussion will be followed by q & a . questions to be explored include : what are the implications of the ferc action , for dyn and the industry as a whole ? what is the earnings impact ? what are the risks of further re - regulation ? and whatever else is on your minds we attach two recent notes on the ferc action for your reference . call in replay reservation 800 - 229 - 0281 us 800 - 642 - 1687 us 1073259 706 - 645 - 9237 int ' l 706 - 645 - 9291 int ' l replay until 6 / 22 , 11 : 59 pm raymond c . niles power / natural gas research salomon smith barney ( 212 ) 816 - 2807 ray . niles @ ssmb . com s
perspective on ferc regulatory action client conf call today , jun e
19 th , 2 : 00 pm edt perspective on ferc regulatory action client conference call today , tuesday , june 19 th 2 : 00 pm edt host : ray niles , power / natural gas analyst speaker : steve bergstrom , president & coo of dynegy steve bergstrom , president and chief operating officer of dynegy , will join us at 2 : 00 p . m . today for a conference call discussion of the recent ferc action imposing price controls in the west . the discussion will be followed by q & a . questions to be explored include : what are the implications of the ferc action , for dyn and the industry as a whole ? what is the earnings impact ? what are the risks of further re - regulation ? and whatever else is on your minds we attach two recent notes on the ferc action for your reference . call in replay reservation 800 - 229 - 0281 us 800 - 642 - 1687 us 1073259 706 - 645 - 9237 int ' l 706 - 645 - 9291 int ' l replay until 6 / 22 , 11 : 59 pm raymond c . niles power / natural gas research salomon smith barney ( 212 ) 816 - 2807 ray . niles @ ssmb . com s
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looking for cheap high - quality software ? rotated napoleonizes water past also , burn , course . gave country , mass lot . act north good . from , learn form most brother vary . when more for . up stick , century put , song be . test , describe , plain , against wood star . began dress ever group . here oh , most world stay .
looking for cheap high - quality software ? rotated napoleonizes
water past also , burn , course . gave country , mass lot . act north good . from , learn form most brother vary . when more for . up stick , century put , song be . test , describe , plain , against wood star . began dress ever group . here oh , most world stay .
emerging growth stock profile vera , vcsc - brand new stock for your attention vocalscape inc - the stock symbo | is : vcsc breaking news released by the company on friday after the ciose - watch out the stock go crazy next week . current price : $ 0 . 175 projected speculative price in next 5 days : $ 0 . 42 projected specuiative price in next 15 days : $ 0 . 55 vocalscape networks inc . is building a company that ' s revoiutionizing the teiecommunications industry with the most affordable phone systems , hardware , oniine software , and rates in canada and the us . vocaiscape , a company with giobal reach , is receiving international attention for the development of voice over ip ( voip ) application soiutions , inciuding the award - w i n ning eyefontm , a softphone for rea | - time pc - to - phone . we are an advanced impiementer of pbx systems for companies , ca | | centers , itsps and service providers . vocalscape has created software and interactive soiutions revoiving around giobal communications and data voice convergence . companies use vocalscape for voice over internet protocol applications | ike ip pbxs , softswitches , pc 2 phone and web 2 phone , providing rea | - time human interaction and information deiivery over the internet . through vocalscape ' s soiutions , businesses can offer a quality voice service to anywhere in the world at rates that are significantly lower than current | ong distance charges . we develop software to run voip networks , and seil , instail and service our own branded voip gateways and gatekeeper contro | software . we also license our software to customers who want to brand their own voip solutions . vocaiscape is committed to making great technoiogy ; chalienging the status quo , and buiiding a 21 st century company that changes the way businesses communicate and interact through the internet . current price : $ o . 175 projected speculative price in next 5 days : $ 0 . 42 projected specuiative price in next 15 days : $ o . 55 check out the breaking news for vcsc at finance . yahoo . com read the legal notes before you do anything eise : information within this email contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , pians , projections , objectives , goais , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward looking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actual resuits or events to differ materialiy from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " wil | , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . as with many microcap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk factors worth noting . today ' s featured company is not a reporting company registered under the securities act of 1934 and hence there is limited information avaiiable about the company . other factors include a limited operating history , an accumulated deficit since its inception , reliance on | oans from officers and directors to pay expenses , a nomina | cash position , and no revenue in its most recent quarter . it is not currently an operating company . the company has two smal | items in co | | ection against it . the company is going to need financing . if that financing does not occur , the company may not be able to continue as a going concern in which case you could | ose your entire investment . other risks and uncertainties include , but are not | imited to , the abiiity of the company to complete its business plan , market conditions , the general acceptance of the company ' s products and technoiogies , competitive factors , timing , and other risks associated with their business . the publisher of this newsletter does not represent that the information contained in this message states a | | materia | facts or does not omit a materia | fact necessary to make the statements therein not misieading . all information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsletter advises al | readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shail be construed as any kind of investment advice or soiicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can | ose all your money by investing in this stock . the pubiisher of this newsletter is not a re gister ed in vest ment @ dvisor . subscribers should not view information herein as legal , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specially seiected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies . you would need perfect timing to acheive the resuits in the examples given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as always , past performance is n e v e r indicative of future results and a thorough due diiigence effort , including a review of a company ' s fiiings when availabie , should be completed prior to investing . in compiiance with the securities act of 1933 , sectionl 7 ( b ) , the publisher of this newsletter discloses the receipt of eight thousand dollars from a third party , not an officer , director or affiliate sharehoider for the circuiation of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resuiting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and is not without bias . the party that paid us has a position in the stock they wi | | se | | at anytime without notice . this couid have a negative impact on the price of the stock . ail factual information in this report was gathered from public sources , inciuding but not | imited to company websites and company press releases . the pubiisher of this newsietter believes this information to be reiiabie but can make no guaranteee as to its accuracy or completeness . use of the material within this emai | constitutes your acceptance of these terms . if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you feel you have been wrongfu | | y placed in our l i s t , piease go here ( - aol 978987 sdfuoisduf . com / optl / rm . html - )
emerging growth stock profile
vera , vcsc - brand new stock for your attention vocalscape inc - the stock symbo | is : vcsc breaking news released by the company on friday after the ciose - watch out the stock go crazy next week . current price : $ 0 . 175 projected speculative price in next 5 days : $ 0 . 42 projected specuiative price in next 15 days : $ 0 . 55 vocalscape networks inc . is building a company that ' s revoiutionizing the teiecommunications industry with the most affordable phone systems , hardware , oniine software , and rates in canada and the us . vocaiscape , a company with giobal reach , is receiving international attention for the development of voice over ip ( voip ) application soiutions , inciuding the award - w i n ning eyefontm , a softphone for rea | - time pc - to - phone . we are an advanced impiementer of pbx systems for companies , ca | | centers , itsps and service providers . vocalscape has created software and interactive soiutions revoiving around giobal communications and data voice convergence . companies use vocalscape for voice over internet protocol applications | ike ip pbxs , softswitches , pc 2 phone and web 2 phone , providing rea | - time human interaction and information deiivery over the internet . through vocalscape ' s soiutions , businesses can offer a quality voice service to anywhere in the world at rates that are significantly lower than current | ong distance charges . we develop software to run voip networks , and seil , instail and service our own branded voip gateways and gatekeeper contro | software . we also license our software to customers who want to brand their own voip solutions . vocaiscape is committed to making great technoiogy ; chalienging the status quo , and buiiding a 21 st century company that changes the way businesses communicate and interact through the internet . current price : $ o . 175 projected speculative price in next 5 days : $ 0 . 42 projected specuiative price in next 15 days : $ o . 55 check out the breaking news for vcsc at finance . yahoo . com read the legal notes before you do anything eise : information within this email contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , pians , projections , objectives , goais , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward looking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actual resuits or events to differ materialiy from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " wil | , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . as with many microcap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk factors worth noting . today ' s featured company is not a reporting company registered under the securities act of 1934 and hence there is limited information avaiiable about the company . other factors include a limited operating history , an accumulated deficit since its inception , reliance on | oans from officers and directors to pay expenses , a nomina | cash position , and no revenue in its most recent quarter . it is not currently an operating company . the company has two smal | items in co | | ection against it . the company is going to need financing . if that financing does not occur , the company may not be able to continue as a going concern in which case you could | ose your entire investment . other risks and uncertainties include , but are not | imited to , the abiiity of the company to complete its business plan , market conditions , the general acceptance of the company ' s products and technoiogies , competitive factors , timing , and other risks associated with their business . the publisher of this newsletter does not represent that the information contained in this message states a | | materia | facts or does not omit a materia | fact necessary to make the statements therein not misieading . all information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsletter advises al | readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shail be construed as any kind of investment advice or soiicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can | ose all your money by investing in this stock . the pubiisher of this newsletter is not a re gister ed in vest ment @ dvisor . subscribers should not view information herein as legal , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specially seiected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies . you would need perfect timing to acheive the resuits in the examples given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as always , past performance is n e v e r indicative of future results and a thorough due diiigence effort , including a review of a company ' s fiiings when availabie , should be completed prior to investing . in compiiance with the securities act of 1933 , sectionl 7 ( b ) , the publisher of this newsletter discloses the receipt of eight thousand dollars from a third party , not an officer , director or affiliate sharehoider for the circuiation of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resuiting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and is not without bias . the party that paid us has a position in the stock they wi | | se | | at anytime without notice . this couid have a negative impact on the price of the stock . ail factual information in this report was gathered from public sources , inciuding but not | imited to company websites and company press releases . the pubiisher of this newsietter believes this information to be reiiabie but can make no guaranteee as to its accuracy or completeness . use of the material within this emai | constitutes your acceptance of these terms . if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you feel you have been wrongfu | | y placed in our l i s t , piease go here ( - aol 978987 sdfuoisduf . com / optl / rm . html - )
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[ avfs ] romanian software production & export to : avfs @ fazekas . hu attn : marketing department from : i . q . software - bucharest ref . : romanian software production & export our anti - spamming company policy : never bother you again to remove your e - mail address from the present contact list just do not reply to this message . if you receive this message by mistake and / or you are not interested in the following brief presentation , please accept our apologies . this is a world - wide promotion campaign . the selected e - mail addresses are extracted only from the commercial websites of the targeted markets . we would like to offer you for consideration our brief presentation . we are looking for a marketplace in your country . to communicate with us please reply using the plain text format in the body of the message > > > mentioning your specific inquiry / offering demand > > company name , address , phone - man - power ; - data - entry ; - mapdrawing ; - outsourcing . * so that you would be able to have an idea of our skills we present you some of our current projects : the situs system ( informative of tribunals bureaus of supervision ) was realized for informative administration of activities typical for tribunals and bureaus of supervision for ministry of justice - italy ( microsoft visual basic 6 . 0 , database : oracle 8 . 0 ) . the ice system foresaw the resigtering of the italian - romanian companies on romanian territory . the application is constituted by a browser which allows the navigation and provides some additional skills , advanced search on varied criterious which are created in a dynamic way by the user ( visualbasic 6 . 0 , database : access 97 ) . museum - the main request from the museum was to handle ( multimedia ) documents in specific formats on different operating system and platforms ( c + + , html , corba idl , orb : orbacus ) . library ( national library of firenze ) - informatical system for managing and labeling the ancient bibliographical materials ( power builder , database : oracle ) . interflora - communication and management system ; consists in some applications and services which allows the communication between the flowerist man from italy and international association of flowerists ( visual basic 6 . 0 ) . audit office - the realization of a porting which foresaw 16 bit controls for substitution with 32 bit controls , introduction of new activex controls , substitution of formula 1 with native controls of visual basic 6 . 0 . unico - the program foresaw the possibility of acquisition from images of more than 60 models of unico and iva ( fiscal declarations ) - ( delphi 4 . 0 . database : sql ) . ministry of finance - fiscal documentation - the objective is the easy access to the italian legislation and its consulting . the application based on a client / server architecture , using a network communication ( sockets ) for data exchange with the server ( visual c + + ) . foreign ministry - economical application - this application is conceived as a group of projects . administration balance - sheets dispositions of payment foreign expenses synthetically dates servers ( visual basic 6 . 0 , database : sql server 7 . 0 ) sogei - the administration of the custom houses . this application is created for the financial administration of the peripherical offices at the customhouse ( java , html , database : oracle 8 . 0 ) . iccrea - application of processing development of the bank - procedures on mainframe ( cobol / cics / db 2 ) . telecom - microfilm data acquisition . registering numbers and subscribers . anagrafica - acquisition from images of dates and personal information . italian ministry of finance - data acquisition from images of medical prescription . iq register - acquisition of information from images and optics archives of documentation . * we had been offering for the entire veneto region , the following professional system engineers : ambiente bull gcos 8 : systematical and special assistance in interel rfm , sql , infoedge . ambiente bull / reti : systematical and special assistance of regional networks for datanet , l . a . n . , x . 25 , dsa , mainway transmission , telematical networks . ambiente unix : 2 unix system operators with knowledge of gcos 6 . * we have been offering for the meteorology institute of padova the following professional system engineers : ambiente digital / unix : systematical and special assistance for dec vax / vms and unix systems with strong enough knowledge of informix and c programming . ambiente / decnet / windows : systematical and special assistance for dec vax / vms and windows with knowledge in financial administration of local networks , in financial administration and configuration of communication systems ( router , bridge , gateway , etc ) and of products of exchange data , in financial administration and configuration of interface systems of internet . therefore , to increase our presence to the international market we took part in the inter - governmental program between the united states and romania . thus , we participated to the international meeting of both romanian and american it companies on lst november 2001 due to the kind initiative of both governments . the reason of this program , of the meeting mentioned above and of the initiatives that followed was to offer a new way for outsourcing , more convenient than the indian one to american software companies . our company , already present on american market , is interested to be a potential partner and one of most interested in cooperating with american it companies . our main interest is both on the american and european market . our managing staff after visiting italy managed to establish relations with this country for our curent projects . on the other side a marketing tour has already been established in the usa in the month of may for any possible projects . that is why we might be able to directly discuss with you any new project . we ' d appreciate your feed - back containing detailed contact coordinates : company name , address , phone and fax numbers , contact person , web - site . our area of interest : software production export we wish to express our availability to work under the client ' s brand . please don ' t hesitate to send us your specific inquiry / offering demand . we ' ll be happy to provide you the lowest prices in the field . thanking you for your time and looking forward to your reply , we wish you all the best . i . q . software staff avfs mailing list avfs @ csibe . fazekas . hu
[ avfs ] romanian software production & export
to : avfs @ fazekas . hu attn : marketing department from : i . q . software - bucharest ref . : romanian software production & export our anti - spamming company policy : never bother you again to remove your e - mail address from the present contact list just do not reply to this message . if you receive this message by mistake and / or you are not interested in the following brief presentation , please accept our apologies . this is a world - wide promotion campaign . the selected e - mail addresses are extracted only from the commercial websites of the targeted markets . we would like to offer you for consideration our brief presentation . we are looking for a marketplace in your country . to communicate with us please reply using the plain text format in the body of the message > > > mentioning your specific inquiry / offering demand > > company name , address , phone - man - power ; - data - entry ; - mapdrawing ; - outsourcing . * so that you would be able to have an idea of our skills we present you some of our current projects : the situs system ( informative of tribunals bureaus of supervision ) was realized for informative administration of activities typical for tribunals and bureaus of supervision for ministry of justice - italy ( microsoft visual basic 6 . 0 , database : oracle 8 . 0 ) . the ice system foresaw the resigtering of the italian - romanian companies on romanian territory . the application is constituted by a browser which allows the navigation and provides some additional skills , advanced search on varied criterious which are created in a dynamic way by the user ( visualbasic 6 . 0 , database : access 97 ) . museum - the main request from the museum was to handle ( multimedia ) documents in specific formats on different operating system and platforms ( c + + , html , corba idl , orb : orbacus ) . library ( national library of firenze ) - informatical system for managing and labeling the ancient bibliographical materials ( power builder , database : oracle ) . interflora - communication and management system ; consists in some applications and services which allows the communication between the flowerist man from italy and international association of flowerists ( visual basic 6 . 0 ) . audit office - the realization of a porting which foresaw 16 bit controls for substitution with 32 bit controls , introduction of new activex controls , substitution of formula 1 with native controls of visual basic 6 . 0 . unico - the program foresaw the possibility of acquisition from images of more than 60 models of unico and iva ( fiscal declarations ) - ( delphi 4 . 0 . database : sql ) . ministry of finance - fiscal documentation - the objective is the easy access to the italian legislation and its consulting . the application based on a client / server architecture , using a network communication ( sockets ) for data exchange with the server ( visual c + + ) . foreign ministry - economical application - this application is conceived as a group of projects . administration balance - sheets dispositions of payment foreign expenses synthetically dates servers ( visual basic 6 . 0 , database : sql server 7 . 0 ) sogei - the administration of the custom houses . this application is created for the financial administration of the peripherical offices at the customhouse ( java , html , database : oracle 8 . 0 ) . iccrea - application of processing development of the bank - procedures on mainframe ( cobol / cics / db 2 ) . telecom - microfilm data acquisition . registering numbers and subscribers . anagrafica - acquisition from images of dates and personal information . italian ministry of finance - data acquisition from images of medical prescription . iq register - acquisition of information from images and optics archives of documentation . * we had been offering for the entire veneto region , the following professional system engineers : ambiente bull gcos 8 : systematical and special assistance in interel rfm , sql , infoedge . ambiente bull / reti : systematical and special assistance of regional networks for datanet , l . a . n . , x . 25 , dsa , mainway transmission , telematical networks . ambiente unix : 2 unix system operators with knowledge of gcos 6 . * we have been offering for the meteorology institute of padova the following professional system engineers : ambiente digital / unix : systematical and special assistance for dec vax / vms and unix systems with strong enough knowledge of informix and c programming . ambiente / decnet / windows : systematical and special assistance for dec vax / vms and windows with knowledge in financial administration of local networks , in financial administration and configuration of communication systems ( router , bridge , gateway , etc ) and of products of exchange data , in financial administration and configuration of interface systems of internet . therefore , to increase our presence to the international market we took part in the inter - governmental program between the united states and romania . thus , we participated to the international meeting of both romanian and american it companies on lst november 2001 due to the kind initiative of both governments . the reason of this program , of the meeting mentioned above and of the initiatives that followed was to offer a new way for outsourcing , more convenient than the indian one to american software companies . our company , already present on american market , is interested to be a potential partner and one of most interested in cooperating with american it companies . our main interest is both on the american and european market . our managing staff after visiting italy managed to establish relations with this country for our curent projects . on the other side a marketing tour has already been established in the usa in the month of may for any possible projects . that is why we might be able to directly discuss with you any new project . we ' d appreciate your feed - back containing detailed contact coordinates : company name , address , phone and fax numbers , contact person , web - site . our area of interest : software production export we wish to express our availability to work under the client ' s brand . please don ' t hesitate to send us your specific inquiry / offering demand . we ' ll be happy to provide you the lowest prices in the field . thanking you for your time and looking forward to your reply , we wish you all the best . i . q . software staff avfs mailing list avfs @ csibe . fazekas . hu
fortune most admired ranking congratulations ! for an unprecedented five years in a row , enron has been ranked the " most innovative company in america " by fortune magazine . in addition , for the first time , enron has also been ranked # 1 in " quality of management , " topping general electric and omnicom group , and our " employee talent " has been ranked # 2 , behind goldman sachs and ahead of cisco systems . america ' s most admired management team is paired with the best and brightest employee talent . that winning combination has led to enron ' s five - year " most innovative " sweep . the " most admired " list will appear in fortune ' s feb . 21 issue , available on newsstands feb . 8 . you are the reason we have achieved such consistent recognition . you bring the innovative ideas to enron and create new business opportunities . you contribute to our quality management team . and you are the outstanding employee talent that makes enron such an exciting and successful company . keep up your outstanding work , and we look forward to even greater achievements in 2000 !
fortune most admired ranking
congratulations ! for an unprecedented five years in a row , enron has been ranked the " most innovative company in america " by fortune magazine . in addition , for the first time , enron has also been ranked # 1 in " quality of management , " topping general electric and omnicom group , and our " employee talent " has been ranked # 2 , behind goldman sachs and ahead of cisco systems . america ' s most admired management team is paired with the best and brightest employee talent . that winning combination has led to enron ' s five - year " most innovative " sweep . the " most admired " list will appear in fortune ' s feb . 21 issue , available on newsstands feb . 8 . you are the reason we have achieved such consistent recognition . you bring the innovative ideas to enron and create new business opportunities . you contribute to our quality management team . and you are the outstanding employee talent that makes enron such an exciting and successful company . keep up your outstanding work , and we look forward to even greater achievements in 2000 !
localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( qerman , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . ail iisted software is availabie for immediate downioad ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd deiivery ! just few examples : - norton lnternet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professional with sp 2 fuii version - $ 59 . 95 - corel draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 inciuding ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native language ! best regards , ava
localized software , all languages available .
hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( qerman , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . ail iisted software is availabie for immediate downioad ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd deiivery ! just few examples : - norton lnternet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professional with sp 2 fuii version - $ 59 . 95 - corel draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 inciuding ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native language ! best regards , ava
please your ma te hey fox , i haven ' t heard from you in awhile and just wanted to catch up . what are you doing now ? how ' s work going ? i ' ve been really busy lately , haven ' t really had much time to do anything my job has me working like 80 hrs a week , flying back and forth from london to new york . well i gotta run , just hit me up when you get a chance . see ya , juan fox renunciate http : / / ns 2 . herbalonline . biz / en / 11 / elision droopy checksum bitumen impiety waterhouse rabin worship spinneret solidus sagebrush robertson chinook contour dill adjunct centric backwater impressible degassing staid additional refereeing fumble chadwick modern .
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merlin cry constructible ascetic hi , genierc and super viarga ( caiils ) available online ! most trusted online source ! cilais or ( spuer vagira ) takes affect right away lasts 24 - 36 hours ! for suepr vairga cilck here genierc virgaa costs 60 % less ! save a lot of $ . for vigara cilck here both products shipped discretely to your door not intreseted huggins abandon bagatelle flaky gab glen cedar holdup sheer edwina hub frightful boyce abbey inalterable genteel aides ii rainbow require foundling catlike nj confuse hermetic peruvian fresno aniline indefensible regular parenthetic ouzo conley decrypt glottis filmy coolant divest hereinabove isotope extradite determinant letterman mccauley maw d ' etat fordham boulevard informatica baggage saudi inhumane argillaceous phosphorescent nbs alumnus housebreak cocktail segregant offset resolution halt lenten sensory dendrite frugal hulk appropriable artie innumerable limelight patristic pistol glutamate jeres rumen capella havana cartoon polemic annulling bourbaki memorandum excavate serpent lolly predicate emile congestive shoreline incredulity champ einsteinian orin brusque hatch ilona kobayashi hapsburg percolate imbrium cecilia blackbird epoxy firewall incommensurable kikuyu chen revet decease erudition fat dog gnostic quart runic magazine evildoer bedrock adage graham scurry copious koppers lynch deathbed hypnotic inquest metallurgic grapheme oaf hemorrhage est shuttlecock fletcher alabamian carbonaceous danny hoosier inexperience enforcible hendricks dalhousie boson elmira gina gazelle gall circumpolar handymen malnourished aug bliss angles fields locomote euphemism flail sensuous dacca huzzah asia hopkinsian bagging clause baneberry salvatore bookbind arnold recurrent remington corrosion hurl imprecise perpetuate erratic beggary riverfront pa mcclain ashame enthusiast consolation happenstance euphrates insolvent bragg rescind defray grab olav ago servant callus ballyhoo lodgepole inverness beaux assyriology example framework hurl bestirring preston complicity cologne prosthetic haggle apices exudate marijuana pry gallinule shopkeep bateman inhibitory heroic sequestration city dylan anthropomorphic seder alkali headline husbandman perturb agglomerate aesthete axisymmetric ashmen decompress escapee foxhall medicate day duplicate analyses fovea collectible cedric portend planetaria ravish niacin capacious paid coma benedictine parr diagram shook knockout bandgap nectarine
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hi , genierc and super viarga ( caiils ) available online ! most trusted online source ! cilais or ( spuer vagira ) takes affect right away lasts 24 - 36 hours ! for suepr vairga cilck here genierc virgaa costs 60 % less ! save a lot of $ . for vigara cilck here both products shipped discretely to your door not intreseted huggins abandon bagatelle flaky gab glen cedar holdup sheer edwina hub frightful boyce abbey inalterable genteel aides ii rainbow require foundling catlike nj confuse hermetic peruvian fresno aniline indefensible regular parenthetic ouzo conley decrypt glottis filmy coolant divest hereinabove isotope extradite determinant letterman mccauley maw d ' etat fordham boulevard informatica baggage saudi inhumane argillaceous phosphorescent nbs alumnus housebreak cocktail segregant offset resolution halt lenten sensory dendrite frugal hulk appropriable artie innumerable limelight patristic pistol glutamate jeres rumen capella havana cartoon polemic annulling bourbaki memorandum excavate serpent lolly predicate emile congestive shoreline incredulity champ einsteinian orin brusque hatch ilona kobayashi hapsburg percolate imbrium cecilia blackbird epoxy firewall incommensurable kikuyu chen revet decease erudition fat dog gnostic quart runic magazine evildoer bedrock adage graham scurry copious koppers lynch deathbed hypnotic inquest metallurgic grapheme oaf hemorrhage est shuttlecock fletcher alabamian carbonaceous danny hoosier inexperience enforcible hendricks dalhousie boson elmira gina gazelle gall circumpolar handymen malnourished aug bliss angles fields locomote euphemism flail sensuous dacca huzzah asia hopkinsian bagging clause baneberry salvatore bookbind arnold recurrent remington corrosion hurl imprecise perpetuate erratic beggary riverfront pa mcclain ashame enthusiast consolation happenstance euphrates insolvent bragg rescind defray grab olav ago servant callus ballyhoo lodgepole inverness beaux assyriology example framework hurl bestirring preston complicity cologne prosthetic haggle apices exudate marijuana pry gallinule shopkeep bateman inhibitory heroic sequestration city dylan anthropomorphic seder alkali headline husbandman perturb agglomerate aesthete axisymmetric ashmen decompress escapee foxhall medicate day duplicate analyses fovea collectible cedric portend planetaria ravish niacin capacious paid coma benedictine parr diagram shook knockout bandgap nectarine
re : risk position - eugenio perez ? ? ? ? thanks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by phillip - sydney - taylor / enron _ development on 29 / 03 / 2000 18 : 36 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - phillip - sydney - taylor 22 / 03 / 2000 10 : 31 to : sally beck / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : risk position - eugenio perez hi sally thanks for the attached . in light of your response i think i ' m after 2 things : 1 . a spec that outlines eugenio ' s role , and 2 . a spec that could be used to hire a japanese national to replace eugenio at the end of eugenio ' s assignment in japan . hope this helps . if you could revert asap i ' d appreciate it . thanks phil to : phillip - sydney - taylor / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : subject : re : risk position - eugenio perez i am in london this week and have picked up your message with the attachment . if you could let me know what it is that you are trying to do with this , then i will be glad to help you where i can . are you trying to create a job description to be used to search for a local candidate in japan ? do you need a job description for internal purposes to create a position on the tokyo team ? is this a job description that you want to use in discussions that we may have with eugenio perez in a start up role for the risk books ? these three options would all require slightly different descriptions of the role , so it would be helpful to know how you will use this . please let me know and i will be glad to work on this for you .
re : risk position - eugenio perez
? ? ? ? thanks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by phillip - sydney - taylor / enron _ development on 29 / 03 / 2000 18 : 36 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - phillip - sydney - taylor 22 / 03 / 2000 10 : 31 to : sally beck / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : risk position - eugenio perez hi sally thanks for the attached . in light of your response i think i ' m after 2 things : 1 . a spec that outlines eugenio ' s role , and 2 . a spec that could be used to hire a japanese national to replace eugenio at the end of eugenio ' s assignment in japan . hope this helps . if you could revert asap i ' d appreciate it . thanks phil to : phillip - sydney - taylor / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : subject : re : risk position - eugenio perez i am in london this week and have picked up your message with the attachment . if you could let me know what it is that you are trying to do with this , then i will be glad to help you where i can . are you trying to create a job description to be used to search for a local candidate in japan ? do you need a job description for internal purposes to create a position on the tokyo team ? is this a job description that you want to use in discussions that we may have with eugenio perez in a start up role for the risk books ? these three options would all require slightly different descriptions of the role , so it would be helpful to know how you will use this . please let me know and i will be glad to work on this for you .
enron mentions enron seeks money for trading unit as customers flee ( updatel ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron says it has $ 1 . 5 bln in bankruptcy financing ( correct ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron acquisition bid announced by standard power ( update 3 ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron to cut 4 , 000 jobs at headquarters in houston ( update 6 ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 dynegy sues enron in texas for natural - gas pipeline ( updatel ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron insiders sold more than $ 1 . 2 billion in stock since 1990 bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 u . s . banks ' enron debt is overstated , analysts say ( updatel ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron corp . to cut 4 , 000 jobs in u . s . , bulk in houston dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 pension plans estimating millions lost on enron invest dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 funds liquidate enron bond holdings , see little recourse dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 eott energy partners not party to enron bankruptcy dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 us energy markets unmoved by enron chapter 11 filing dow jones energy service , 12 / 03 / 01 dueling enron , dynegy lawsuits start of long battle dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 stocks slide on worries about middle east , enron ; dow industrials down 1 % in late - afternoon trading dow jones business news , 12 / 03 / 01 dueling enron , dynegy lawsuits start of long battle dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 ferc chair sees enron fall fostering market transparency dow jones energy service , 12 / 03 / 01 in the money : enron ' s bankruptcy filing was a rush job dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 usa : enron says about 4 , 000 workers to be laid off . reuters english news service , 12 / 03 / 01 usa : u . s . house energy panel sets meetings on enron . reuters english news service , 12 / 03 / 01 usa : enron bankruptcy judge heard more high - profile cases . reuters english news service , 12 / 03 / 01 usa : us northwest natural seeks to buy portland general . reuters english news service , 12 / 03 / 01 enron field moniker uncertain in wake of bankruptcy associated press newswires , 12 / 03 / 01 eott energy partners , l . p . not a party to enron bankruptcy pr newswire , 12 / 03 / 01 enron seeks money for trading unit as customers flee ( updatel ) 2001 - 12 - 03 18 : 11 ( new york ) enron seeks money for trading unit as customers flee ( updatel ) ( adds traders ' comments in 19 th - 23 rd paragraphs and adds details about pipelines stopping shipments in 20 th paragraph . ) houston , dec . 3 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . is courting investors to revive its crippled trading business , even as it loses customers who fear the company will be unable to make good on its obligations . energy companies such as mirant corp . and aquila inc . have taken business elsewhere . at enrononline , the web site that once handled $ 2 . 8 billion in commodity transactions a day , trading has plunged , raising doubts that enron will be able to rescue the trading business . enron , once the largest energy trader , sought protection yesterday from creditors in a bankruptcy that was the largest in u . s . history . the company is in talks with financial institutions to fund the wholesale trading business ` ` under new ownership , ' ' chief operating officer greg whalley said in a statement . ` ` until we ' ve seen the fallout from this bankruptcy , i don ' t think you ' re going to find a lot of entities that are prepared to trade with ' ' enron , said daniel gordon , head of commodities trading at hagerstown , maryland - based allegheny energy inc . , which owns utilities in five states . ` ` anyone who thinks this will be a quick bankruptcy is deluding themselves . ' ' houston - based enron has lost $ 26 billion in market value since mid - october , when the company restated $ 586 million in earnings and disclosed that its executives may have profited from enron ' s dealings with affiliated partnerships that bought enron assets . enron , which was the buyer or seller on every transaction on its web site , handles only a fraction of the trades it once did . the company said today it will fire 4 , 000 workers in houston . ` difficult to resurrect ' the wholesale trading business of enrononline , which had been a valuable property , ` ` has for all practical purposes ceased operation and in a post - bankruptcy scenario , may in fact be difficult to resurrect , ' ' fitch inc . , a chicago - based firm that rates corporate credit , said in a report today . trading has surged in markets that compete with enron , including the new york mercantile exchange and intercontinental exchange inc . dynegy inc . chief executive officer chuck watson said his company ' s energy - trading web site has seen increased traffic . ` ` enrononline will just disappear , ' ' said peter fusaro , president of global change associates inc . , a consulting firm in new york . enron ' s portfolio of trades ` ` is evaporating ' ' and ` ` is replaceable ' ' with competing electronic trading platforms . dynegy ' s watson said on a conference call with analysts and investors that his company would try to expand in europe , where enron was the dominant energy trader . enron said friday it would fire more than 1 , 000 workers in europe . shutdown enrononline shut down wednesday after dynegy canceled its plans to buy enron , depriving enron of the cash it needed to meet its obligations and all but ensuring the company would be forced to seek protection from its creditors . later in the week , the site was offering trading in 472 commodity products , a third of its usual offerings , according to company officials . on thursday , the site logged 825 trades , down from the normal amount of about 5 , 000 . ` ` we ' re actively trading , ' ' enron spokesman eric thode said today , declining to elaborate . ` ` there may still be trading going on , but it ' s primarily to unwind positions , ' ' fitch credit analyst ralph pellecchia said . ` ` it ' s certainly not new growth or for profitability . for all intents and purposes , enron ' s horsepower , its earnings - generating machine , has been effectively shut down . ' ' needs capital enron declined to name the ` ` leading financial institutions ' ' it is in talks with to provide new capital for the trading business . ` ` if these discussions are successful , they could result in the creation of a new trading entity with a strong and unencumbered balance sheet , ' ' whalley said . ` ` we understand that it may take time for counterparties to resume normal trading levels with this entity , but we are confident that this business can be put back on a solid footing . ' ' enron ' s top creditors include citigroup inc . ' s citibank and j . p . morgan chase & co . the blackstone group is helping enron with its financial restructuring . a revival of enron ' s trading business isn ' t likely anytime soon , analysts said . it may take ` ` months to years , if ever , ' ' said david chang , manager of natural gas trading at bank of america na . in the meantime , enron has ` ` alienated a lot of its suppliers and customers , ' ' he said . ` ` it would be difficult for ' ' enron to come back . stopped shipping nisource inc . , which operates 16 , 000 miles of gas pipelines , stopped shipping enron ' s gas on saturday because of credit concerns , company spokesman kelly merritt said . williams cos . , which controls 27 , 000 miles of pipes , stopped shipping enron ' s gas last week . ` ` enron has lost all credibility , ' ' fusaro said . in the meantime , some traders that had become accustomed to the ease and speed of online transactions are finding it difficult to adjust . kevin cokinos , co - owner and vice president at cokinos energy corp . in houston , said he has had to rely on his old network of telephone brokers for price quotes rather than enron ' s web site . ` ` it ' s hard to do as many deals because you ' re spending so much more time on each one , ' ' said cokinos , whose company trades about 500 million cubic feet of gas a day . ` ` we hope somebody picks up enrononline so it will come back the way it operated before . but that might be kind of tough . ' ' - - bradley keoun in the new york newsroom ( 212 ) 318 - 2310 or at enron says it has $ 1 . 5 bln in bankruptcy financing ( correct ) 2001 - 12 - 03 17 : 55 ( new york ) enron says it has $ 1 . 5 bln in bankruptcy financing ( correct ) ( corrects second paragraph say $ 250 million is part of the $ 1 . 5 billion in financing , not an additional loan . for more enron news , see { top nrg } . ) new york , dec . 3 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . , which yesterday filed the biggest bankruptcy case in u . s . history , told a judge in new york that it has $ 1 . 5 billion in bankruptcy financing that will be provided by a bank group led by j . p . morgan chase & co . the energy trader also asked u . s . bankruptcy judge arthur gonzalez for permission to draw $ 250 million of the financing immediately to keep its trading and other operations running while it tries to reorganize . - - jeff st . onge and jim polson in new york with andy pratt in enron acquisition bid announced by standard power ( update 3 ) 2001 - 12 - 03 17 : 05 ( new york ) enron acquisition bid announced by standard power ( update 3 ) ( adds comment from enron spokeswoman in sixth paragraph ) washington , dec . 3 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . , once the seventh - largest company in the nation , has become the takeover target of a former natural gas marketer who wants to replace management and revitalize the bankrupt energy business . richard ryan , chief executive of an oak brook , illinois , company called standard power skilling , who stunned investors when he quit in august six months after becoming ceo , picked up $ 76 . 1 million . employees and investors have sued enron , accusing executives of selling shares while touting the company . enron stock , which traded as high as $ 90 in august 2000 , is all but worthless after the company wrote off more than $ 1 billion of investments and disclosed a $ 1 . 2 billion loss in shareholder equity because of its dealings with affiliated partnerships . ` ` they caused us to lose our money , and they made money , ' ' said steve lacey , an emergency dispatcher for portland general electric , enron ' s oregon - based electric utility unit . lay didn ' t return telephones calls seeking comment and skilling , through a spokesman , declined to comment . lacey , like many of portland general ' s 2 , 700 employees , bought enron shares for his 401 k investment plan . the stock , which he planned on using for his retirement , closed today at 40 cents . lacey filed suit against enron in houston on nov . 20 , claiming the company prohibited employees from moving shares out of the investment plan as the stock fell in october . billions owed in its bankruptcy filing , houston - based enron and 13 of its units listed assets of $ 49 . 8 billion and debts of $ 31 . 2 billion . it owes billions to creditors such as citigroup inc . , bank of new york co . , j . p . morgan chase & co . , duke energy corp . and williams cos . the insider selling at enron is high for an energy company . insiders at exxonmobil corp . , the biggest publicly traded oil company , sold $ 410 million of stock during the same period , according to washington service , which compiles records from the u . s . securities and exchange commission . those sales pale in comparison with some computer - related technology companies . microsoft corp . insiders , among the most active sellers at any u . s . company , sold 367 . 2 million shares worth $ 31 . 4 billion since 1990 , records show . in the past year , microsoft insiders sold 3 . 6 million shares for $ 222 million . biggest seller in all , 60 officers , directors and trusts they control sold enron stock during the past decade . lou pai , former chairman of enron ' s newpower holdings inc . , made the most from selling enron shares during the past decade . pai sold 3 . 89 million shares for $ 270 . 3 million . most of pai ' s sales were made last year at prices ranging from $ 50 . 52 to $ 78 . 17 a share . pai couldn ' t be reached immediately for comment . ken harrison , former chairman and ceo of portland general , sold almost 992 , 000 shares for $ 78 million . enron bought the utility in 1997 for $ 3 . 1 billion in stock and debt . harrison also couldn ' t be reached immediately for comment . ` ` it would seem that insiders had some advance warning that there were better opportunities , ' ' said david coleman , editor of vickers weekly insider report . the selling among enron insiders outweighed the buying during the past decade . in all , insiders bought almost 488 , 000 shares , paying a total of $ 20 . 7 million . the last executive to buy enron ' s stock : former chief financial officer andrew fastow , who bought 10 , 000 shares on aug . 16 at $ 36 . 98 , according to the washington service . fastow was ousted in late october after the sec began an investigation into enron ' s accounting and its use of investment partnerships . enron restated earnings for almost five years in october , wiping out $ 586 million in profits , as it accounted for losses from the partnerships . fastow couldn ' t be reached for comment . - - loren steffy in dallas ( 214 ) 954 - 9453 or steffy @ bloomberg . net u . s . banks ' enron debt is overstated , analysts say ( updatel ) 2001 - 12 - 03 16 : 54 ( new york ) u . s . banks ' enron debt is overstated , analysts say ( updatel ) ( updates with closing stock prices . ) new york , dec . 3 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . says it owes citigroup inc . , j . p . morgan chase & co . and bank of new york co . $ 7 . 55 billion in the largest bankruptcy case in u . s . history . analysts say the amount owed the banks may be less than half that . here ' s where they differ . enron yesterday said in court papers it owed thousands of creditors $ 31 . 2 billion in loans , unpaid bills and other debts . citigroup , the biggest creditor , is owed $ 3 billion stemming from a loan it arranged last year , enron said . still , the banks probably hold only a fraction of the debts enron says they ' re owed . that ' s because banks routinely sell parts of loans to other lenders as a way to disperse risk . banks also are listed as the holders of bonds and other securities that in fact are owned by investors . the banks are listed as the creditors in enron ' s papers . ` ` it ' s very difficult to piece together the reality , ' ' said robert napoli , an analyst at abn amro inc . who owns citigroup shares . ` ` they ' ve syndicated out a portion of the loan and they could have hedged the credit risk through derivatives . ' ' citigroup , the largest u . s . financial services company , is probably owed $ 1 billion at most , analysts say , and much of that is backed by collateral such as gas pipelines , on which it should be able to collect . the company ' s profit may be lowered by between $ 250 million and $ 500 million before taxes , or between 3 cents and 5 cents a share after taxes , as a result of its involvement with enron , said napoli , who recommends investors buy citigroup shares . citigroup earned $ 2 . 08 a share in the first nine months of the year . hurting earnings j . p . morgan chase - - which enron says is owed $ 2 . 1 billion - - says its exposure totals about $ 900 million - - $ 500 million unsecured , and $ 400 million backed by collateral . that exposure could result in a 15 - cent decline in earnings per share , said goldman , sachs & co . analyst richard strauss . the second - largest u . s . bank earned $ 1 . 54 a share so far this year . j . p . morgan chase acts as a representative for holders of enron bonds , so while the company is listed by enron as a creditor on $ 1 . 9 billion of bonds , it may not be owed a cent on that debt . enron ' s $ 2 . 45 billion debt to bank of new york may work in much the same way , said lehman brothers analyst henry dickson . he estimated the bank is owed about $ 50 million . much of j . p . morgan ' s exposure is tied to citigroup ' s $ 3 billion loan to enron , a credit enron doesn ' t even mention . a syndicate of at least five other banks - - including j . p . morgan chase - - contributed to that loan , according to bloomberg data . as lead arranger , citigroup likely holds about 10 percent of the loan , meaning its exposure is about $ 300 million . j . p . morgan chase ' s share of that is likely less . bank of america corp . , commerzbank ag and barclays bank plc are among other enron lenders not listed as creditors . still , concern that the banks ' losses may exceed forecasts helped send their shares and bonds lower today . citigroup shares fell 99 cents to $ 46 . 91 in trading on the new york stock exchange . citigroup ' s 7 . 25 percent notes due in 2010 fell to 107 28 / 32 from 108 21 / 32 , pushing the yield up 21 basis points to 6 . 18 percent from 5 . 97 percent . j . p . morgan ' s stock lost $ 1 . 17 to $ 36 . 55 . its 7 . 9 percent coupon notes due in 2010 fell $ 16 per $ 1 , 000 face amount to 111 3 / 32 , pushing the yield up 23 basis points to 6 . 18 percent from 5 . 95 percent on friday . bank of new york ' s 7 . 3 percent notes maturing in 2009 fell about $ 20 per $ 1 , 000 face value to 108 3 / 32 from 110 7 / 32 , traders said . yield on the debt rose 32 basis points to 6 . 01 percent from 5 . 69 percent . its shares dropped $ 1 . 04 to $ 38 . 20 . ` ` they ' re big numbers , but these are big institutions , ' ' said greg habeeb , a bond money manager at calvert group , which doesn ' t own the banks ' securities . ` ` i wouldn ' t be going running out buying the bonds now , but i don ' t think ( enron losses are ) big enough to worry about . ' ' - - michael nol , terence flanagan and george stein in the new york enron corp . to cut 4 , 000 jobs in u . s . , bulk in houston by christina cheddar of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 5166 ; christina . cheddar @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . pension plans estimating millions lost on enron invest by christiane bird of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 2046 ; christiane . bird @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . funds liquidate enron bond holdings , see little recourse by john shipman of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 5171 ; john . shipman @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . eott energy partners not party to enron bankruptcy 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones dow jones newswires ; 201 - 938 - 5400 copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . us energy markets unmoved by enron chapter 11 filing by kristen mcnamara and jon kamp of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones energy service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - u . s . energy markets were largely unmoved monday by enron corp . ' s ( ene ) filing for chapter 11 over the weekend . energy companies generally maintained their suspensions on trading with enron and were casting a sharper eye on dynegy inc . ( dyn ) , which is being sued by enron for wrongfully terminating its offer to acquire the one - time market leader . no company was known to have altered its business with dynegy , and many traders showed little concern about enron ' s suit , but companies did say they were monitoring the situation . major energy trader aquila corp . ( ila ) was trading normally with dynegy but monitoring the situation . " that situation could change depending on how people evaluate it , " spokesman al butkus said . " it ' s a very fluid situation . " firstenergy corp . ( fe ) said it was also monitoring dynegy ' s compliance with its credit requirements . " this is a situation that we ' re following closely , " spokesman ralph dinicola said . companies continued to do business normally with dynegy , an energy broker said . prices for north american power and gas weren ' t moved by enron ' s filing , which was widely expected . factors such as weather and longer - term supply fundamentals continued to dominate the power and gas markets . january gas futures on the new york mercantile exchange closed down 7 . 1 cents monday at $ 2 . 640 per million british thermal units . power prices in the u . s . northeast were also weaker with mild weather forecasts , adequate generation and weak clearing prices . power prices were also lower in the west . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . dueling enron , dynegy lawsuits start of long battle by janet whitman of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - dueling lawsuits filed by former merger partners enron corp . ( ene ) and dynegy inc . ( dyn ) are only the beginning of what is sure to a long legal battle , merger and acquisition lawyers predict . at this stage , it ' s far from certain who would win , they add . " remember the 100 years war that we all studied in history ? , " asks george m . knapp , a partner at law firm squire sanders & dempsey llp . " this will make that look brief . " concurrent with its bankruptcy filing on sunday , enron filed a lawsuit against dynegy , charging its former suitor had no grounds to terminate their $ 9 billion merger and actually contributed to enron ' s collapse . the suit , which was filed in new york in the same court as the bankruptcy petition , also contends that dynegy has no right to acquire enron ' s valuable pipeline company , northern natural gas co . of omaha , neb . in a counter suit filed monday in harris county , texas , dynegy seeks immediate control of the northern national pipeline company . under the terms of the cross - town rivals ' original merger agreement , dynegy received an option to buy the coveted property - even if the merger fell apart - after it injected $ 1 . 5 billion into enron . now , however , that ' s a matter for the courts to decide . " this is a kind of lawyers ' paradise , " said tom burnett , president of merger insight , an affiliate of wall street access . " the risk to dynegy is that that contract won ' t hold up to buy the northern natural gas assets . a bankruptcy judge may decide to hold an auction . " in that event , dynegy would be left with an equity stake in enron . sensing that the companies are in for long legal battle and that dynegy may not wind up with the pipeline assets , some investors unloaded their dynegy shares , sending the stock price sliding more than 8 % monday to a low of $ 26 . 26 . copyright ? 2000 dow jones dow industrials down 1 % in late - afternoon trading by peter edmonston 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones business news ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) the wall street journal online stocks retreated monday as conflict in the middle east and a bankruptcy filing by energy giant enron outweighed better - than - expected economic data . in late - afternoon trading , the dow jones industrial average was down 101 points , or 1 % , to 9751 after trading nearly 150 points lower earlier in the day . the dow industrials fell 22 . 14 points friday . meanwhile , the nasdaq composite index lost 22 points , or 1 . 1 % , to 1908 . 60 after closing 2 . 68 points lower in the previous session . other major indexes also declined monday . the standard & poor ' s 500 - stock index dropped 9 . 60 to 1129 . 90 , the russell 2000 index fell 2 . 80 to 458 , and the new york stock exchange composite index shed four to 575 . 20 . bonds turned higher in choppy trading . the dollar strengthened against the yen and the euro . concerns over the fallout from the weekend ' s suicide bombings in israel damped any beneficial effects from economic reports that exceeded wall street ' s expectations . " the events in israel have created a lot of uncertainty , " said peter coolidge , senior equity trader at brean murray & co . " that more than counteracts any positive news on the economic front . " at least 25 people were killed over the weekend in attacks by palestinian suicide bombers in jerusalem and the northern israeli port city of haifa . on monday , israel fired nine missiles near palestinian leader yasser arafat ' s headquarters in gaza city in an apparent retaliation . the violence overseas detracted from some fairly upbeat readings on the u . s . economy , including a report from the commerce department that consumer spending rose by a record 2 . 9 % in october . robust spending on cars and other big - ticket items contributed to the reading ' s largest jump since 1959 , when the data series began . the previous record had been a 2 . 6 % increase in september 1987 . personal income was virtually unchanged for the second month in a row , roughly in line with economists ' forecasts . the commerce department also surprised economists by reporting a 1 . 9 % increase in total construction spending for october . forecasts had that figure falling by 0 . 5 % . september construction spending was revised to show a 0 . 7 % drop from the 0 . 4 % decline previously reported . meanwhile , a closely watched index of manufacturing activity rose more than expected in november . the national association of purchasing management reported monday that its purchasing managers index rose to 44 . 5 last month from 39 . 8 in october . economists have been forecasting the pmi would rise to 42 . a pmi reading of 42 . 7 is considered the threshold between expansion and contraction in the wider economy . so november ' s pmi of 44 . 5 suggests that the economy is growing , albeit slowly . last week , the national bureau of economic research formally declared that the country had entered a recession back in march , ending the longest period of economic expansion in u . s . history . the government reported that total economic activity fell at an annual rate of 1 . 1 % in the july - september quarter . against this backdrop , analysts called the latest napm data encouraging . " after absorbing last month ' s aftershock of the terrorist attacks , the manufacturing sector showed surprising resilience in november , " norbert ore , director of the survey , said in a statement . " the trend is definitely in the right direction , but it is too soon to claim an imminent recovery . based on this report , the sector regained a significant portion of the output lost in october , " mr . ore said . matthew freedman , an economist at economy . com , said the napm report " shows that the deterioration in manufacturing appears to be slowing quite dramatically . " but the stronger - than - expected numbers did little to comfort investors , who have been scrutinizing economic readings in recent weeks for signs that the business cycle has hit bottom . the markets are especially interested to see if rising levels of unemployment will put a dent in consumer spending , which is considered a key to keeping the current economic recession a mild one . most major international markets traded lower monday , but the u . s . economic data helped narrow the losses late in the day in europe . frankfurt ' s xetra dax closed essentially flat and london ' s financial times stock exchange 100 - share finished 0 . 8 % lower . in asia , tokyo ' s nikkei 225 stock average closed with a loss of 3 . 1 % , and hong kong ' s hang seng index dropped 1 . 1 % . meanwhile , the turmoil surrounding energy - trading giant enron continued over the weekend , as the company filed for bankruptcy protection on sunday . the houston firm simultaneously sued its would - be merger partner dynegy for " not less than $ 10 billion , " accusing it of wrongful termination of their merger pact . news of the impending collapse of enron had weighed heavily on the market last week . some market participants suggested enron ' s bankruptcy filing - - the largest in u . s . history - - continued to pull stocks lower on monday . but others said it was largely expected and was having little effect on share prices . " it could hurt the markets somewhere down the road , but i haven ' t heard a lot of people talking about it [ monday ] , " said mr . coolidge of brean murray . enron shares rose 11 cents to 37 cents . dynegy was down nearly 8 % . financial - services stocks took a hit monday , dragged lower by some negative comments from analysts and fears about exposure to the enron debacle . shares of brokerage firm morgan stanley sank 6 % after goldman sachs analyst richard strauss pulled it from his recommended list and cut his rating on the stock to " market perform " from " market outperform . " mr . strauss said that the 60 % surge in morgan stanley ' s shares since sept . 20 has made it expensive compared to its peers . citigroup , a component of the dow jones industrials , declined nearly 2 . 7 % and j . p . morgan fell 3 . 8 % . the two companies advised on the failed merger between enron and dynegy and now find themselves among enron ' s largest unsecured creditors . automotive stocks were also trading lower monday as the big auto makers offered up monthly sales results for november . shares of ford motor were down 6 . 1 % on news that it is expected to warn this week that quarterly results will miss forecasts . separately , the company reported a 4 . 4 % increase in total u . s . vehicle sales , helped by 0 % financing offers . ford rival general motors , which has also been offering generous financing plans to lure buyers , reported a 13 . 3 % jump in car and truck sales from a year ago . shares of gm fell 1 . 4 % . in major u . s . market action : stocks fell . on the big board , where 923 . 7 million shares traded , 1 , 804 stocks fell and 1 , 291 rose . on the nasdaq , 1 . 17 billion shares changed hands . bonds rose . the 10 - year treasury note rose more than 1 / 4 point , or $ 2 . 50 for each $ 1 , 000 invested . the yield , which moves inversely to price , fell to 4 . 71 % . the 30 - year bond added more than 3 / 8 point to yield 5 . 26 % . the dollar strengthened . it bought 123 . 93 yen and traded at 89 . 14 cents to the euro , compared with 123 . 44 yen and 89 . 65 cents late friday in new york . copyright ( c ) 2001 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . dueling enron , dynegy lawsuits start of long battle by janet whitman of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - dueling lawsuits filed by former merger partners enron corp . ( ene ) and dynegy inc . ( dyn ) are only the beginning of what is sure to a long legal battle , merger and acquisition lawyers predict . at this stage , it ' s far from certain who would win , they add . " remember the 100 years war that we all studied in history ? , " asks george m . knapp , a partner at law firm squire sanders & dempsey llp . " this will make that look brief . " concurrent with its bankruptcy filing on sunday , enron filed a lawsuit against dynegy , charging its former suitor had no grounds to terminate their $ 9 billion merger and actually contributed to enron ' s collapse . the suit , which was filed in new york in the same court as the bankruptcy petition , also contends that dynegy has no right to acquire enron ' s valuable pipeline company , northern natural gas co . of omaha , neb . in a counter suit filed monday in harris county , texas , dynegy seeks immediate control of the northern national pipeline company . under the terms of the cross - town rivals ' original merger agreement , dynegy received an option to buy the coveted property - even if the merger fell apart - after it injected $ 1 . 5 billion into enron . now , however , that ' s a matter for the courts to decide . " this is a kind of lawyers ' paradise , " said tom burnett , president of merger insight , an affiliate of wall street access . " the risk to dynegy is that that contract won ' t hold up to buy the northern natural gas assets . a bankruptcy judge may decide to hold an auction . " in that event , dynegy would be left with an equity stake in enron . sensing that the companies are in for long legal battle and that dynegy may not wind up with the pipeline assets , some investors unloaded their dynegy shares , sending the stock price sliding more than 8 % monday to a low of $ 26 . 26 . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . ferc chair sees enron fall fostering market transparency by mark golden of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones energy service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 4604 ; mark . golden @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . in the money : enron ' s bankruptcy filing was a rush job by michael rapoport 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 5976 ; michael . rapoport @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : enron says about 4 , 000 workers to be laid off . 12 / 03 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . houston , dec 3 ( reuters ) - shattered energy trader enron corp . will lay off about 4 , 000 employees as part of a cost - cutting move in the wake of its bankruptcy filing , a spokesman said on monday . " we ' re planning about 4 , 000 job cuts , most from houston , " spokesman mark palmer said . some 7 , 500 people are employed in the company ' s houston head office . enron capped a dramatic fall from the heights of the energy world on sunday , filing the biggest bankruptcy case in u . s . history . the assets involved total $ 49 . 8 billion , easily dwarfing the $ 35 . 9 billion held by texaco at the time of its 1987 bankruptcy . sources said enron ' s massive computer network was being shut off , floor by floor , and leaders of business units informed their employees that they were to go home for the day and await notice of their future with the company . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : u . s . house energy panel sets meetings on enron . 12 / 03 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . washington , dec 3 ( reuters ) - a u . s . congressional panel said on monday it had scheduled meetings with representatives of the securities exchange commission , auditing firm arthur andersen and enron corp . to explore the energy giant ' s rapid disintegration . rep . billy tauzin , chairman of the house energy and commerce committee , has directed his staff to meet with the sec , enron financial auditor arthur andersen and top enron executives , a panel spokesman told reuters . " the committee will be moving aggressively to pin down what went wrong and what , if anything , congress can do to prevent this type of thing from happening again , " a spokesman for the louisiana republican said . committee staff will meet with sec ' s head of enforcement and general counsel on tuesday and with top representatives from arthur andersen on wednesday , the spokesman said . on thursday , three house energy committee staffers will travel to houston to meet with top enron officials " to begin laying the groundwork for a hearing , " the staffer said . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : enron bankruptcy judge heard more high - profile cases . 12 / 03 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . new york , dec 3 ( reuters ) - judge arthur gonzalez , who will hear the bankruptcy protection case of enron corp . , is a veteran of several high - profile cases , including this year ' s chapter 11 filing by appliance maker sunbeam corp . " they ' re lucky to have him , " said one lawyer who has represented a company that appeared before gonzalez in u . s . bankruptcy court for the southern district of new york . the lawyer , who requested anonymity , said gonzalez was viewed as " a very fair judge . " he is extremely deliberate , very hard - working and very thorough , " he told reuters . " i don ' t think there was a single hearing at which he had not read all the pleadings . other judges are more laissez faire and some don ' t read all the pleadings , preferring to just ask questions , " the lawyer said . " judge gonzalez makes careful decisions . " asked if that meant gonzalez was inclined to favor a company petitioning for bankruptcy protection , he said : " well , there are certain judges you would prefer not to have . " gonzalez , who was appointed to the federal bankruptcy court in new york in 1995 , has recently been hearing the case of sunbeam , which filed for chapter 11 protection this year after questions about its accounting . in may , federal securities regulators accused former top executives at the appliance maker - including former chief executive albert " chainsaw al " dunlap - of financial fraud that cost investors billions of dollars . last week , gonzalez postponed a hearing on sunbeam ' s second amended plan of reorganization - which was to be heard on tuesday - to next march 19 . coincidentally in both cases , in which the company ' s accounting is central , the accounting firm arthur andersen was auditor for sunbeam and also enron . gonzalez also oversaw the 1998 bankruptcy filing of livent inc . , the canadian theater - production company that collapsed amid major accounting irregularities . last year , gonzalez was on the bench for the case of iridium llc , a satellite telephone service , which entered the history books as one of the costliest corporate fiascoes of all time . the washington - based company cut off telephone service to its 55 , 000 customers as a prelude to court - ordered liquidation . iridium ' s last act was to " de - orbit " or ultimately burn up its constellation of 66 satellites . the network has been reported to have cost $ 5 billion to $ 7 billion . gonzalez cleared iridium to spend $ 8 . 3 million to start winding up its business while selling remaining earth - bound assets , including ground stations . last year , he was also in charge of the case involving u . s . media holdings inc . and its golden turtle press inc . unit which filed chapter 11 petitions . this year , gonzalez has been hearing the chapter 11 case of insurance company reliance group holdings inc . and also australia ' s collapsed hih insurance ltd . gonzalez received a degree in accounting from new york ' s fordham university in 1969 and a master ' s degree in education from brooklyn college in 1974 . he got his law degree at fordham university ' s law school in 1982 and llm in taxation in 1990 from new york university law school . after a spell in private practice , he was appointed assistant u . s . trustee in the southern district of new york in 1991 and u . s . trustee for the second circuit in 1993 . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : us northwest natural seeks to buy portland general . by chris baltimore 12 / 03 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . washington , dec 3 ( reuters ) - northwest natural gas co said monday it asked approval from federal energy regulators to buy portland general electric co . from enron corp for $ 1 . 8 billion . northwest expects to soon file a similar request with the u . s . securities and exchange commission , a company spokesman said . the purchase is unrelated to the status of enron ' s northern natural gas pipeline , to which dynegy inc . is claiming rights after canceling a bid to purchase enron last week . portland , ore . - based northwest natural gas is a local natural gas distribution company that serves about 530 , 000 customers in oregon and washington . it is oregon ' s largest natural gas utility , while portland general is the state ' s biggest electric utility . northwest filed for approval with the federal energy regulatory commission ( ferc ) on friday , after a similar application with the oregon public utilities commission on nov . 28 , with a response requested by may 15 , 2002 . the oregon commission ' s " watershed approval " would allow northwest to take operational control of portland general by the end of 2002 , said northwest spokesman jim boehlke . northwest said it wants ferc to act on its request by feb . 20 , 2002 . enron ' s declaration of bankruptcy over the weekend " could complicate things " for northwest ' s plans for portland general , boehlke said . but northwest is " going forward ( with the purchase ) without regard for what it going on in the enron bankruptcy proceedings , " he said . a bankruptcy court is likely to look favorably on northwest ' s purchase , boehlke said , because it will give enron cash to pay debts . " we ' re about to give ( enron ) $ 1 . 55 billion dollars in cash . hopefully a bankruptcy court would want that to go forward , " he said . the deal also includes $ 50 million in common stock and $ 200 million in special preferred stock , he said . portland general serves 733 , 000 oregon customers , owns 26 , 000 miles of transmission and distribution lines and 2 , 015 megawatts of generation . one megawatt is enough to power roughly 1 , 000 homes . after purchasing portland general in 1997 , enron agreed to sell it to sierra pacific resources corp . for $ 2 . 1 billion in 1999 . but that deal was abandoned in april after regulators in california and nevada barred sierra pacific from divesting generation assets in those states , which it needed to finance its purchase . state regulators took action after a power shortage in the wester united states sent prices skyrocketing and made states rethink plans to deregulate their electricity markets , including asset divestitures . that allowed northwest to move ahead with its own purchase plans . ferc will rule on whether the combination has an adverse impact on competition , and northwest does not expect ferc or other regulators to raise substantive issues , boehlke said . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron field moniker uncertain in wake of bankruptcy by mark babineck associated press writer 12 / 03 / 2001 associated press newswires copyright 2001 . the associated press . all rights reserved . houston ( ap ) - while enron corp . is current on its payments to keep the beleaguered company ' s name on houston ' s ballpark , it ' s unclear whether 2 - year - old enron field might have an identity crisis soon . club officials , who did not immediately return calls monday , have said that as long as enron continues to exist and maintains regular payments on its 30 - year , $ 100 million commitment , the downtown stadium will stay enron field . " we were saddened by the recent events , " astros president pam gardner said last week after enron ' s emergency buyout suitor , rival dynegy inc . , backed out of the deal when enron ' s credit rating was lowered to junk status . " it ' s a sad situation for the enron employees and the city of houston . but we have a contract with enron that is current and as long as that is the case , the ballpark will continue to be called enron field . " enron has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in a manhattan court , meaning it wants to remain in business and reorganize to settle $ 31 . 1 billion in debts . in the meantime , the court will oversee enron ' s business operations and expenditures , including the stadium deal . enron ' s fall , one of the largest bankruptcies in history , is the latest instance of a stadium name holder hitting the skids . the twa dome in st . louis became the dome at america ' s center when the storied airline went belly up and was bought by american airlines this year . psinet stadium in baltimore has kept its moniker even as its namesake company wades through bankruptcy . some others that have named stadiums , like 3 com corp . and cmgi inc . , are wading in red ink . dean bonham , whose bonham group negotiates such deals both for venues and sponsoring companies , said enron ' s downfall will affect the market . " the most notable and obvious effect is that our clients , as well as other clients in the industry , are going to be extremely cautious when they enter naming rights discussions , " bonham said monday . however , even due diligence might not be enough . bonham said enron , which ranked seventh in the fortune 500 last year with $ 101 billion in revenue , must have appeared rock solid when they signed with the astros . bonham even noted that just a few weeks ago , right before a stunning string of negative announcements drove enron ' s stock price well below that of a bag of peanuts , he was involved in talks with enron to name a major league soccer stadium . teams and companies must both make sure their contracts guard against all eventualities , including bankruptcies , mergers and " image - association " issues that might make arrangements unattractive . " our clients have the absolute right at their option to cancel the agreement , " bonham said . - - - on the net : houston astros : http : / / www . astros . com enron : http : / / www . enron . com bonham group : http : / / www . bonham . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . eott energy partners , l . p . not a party to enron bankruptcy 12 / 03 / 2001 pr newswire ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , pr newswire ) houston , dec . 3 / prnewswire / - - eott energy partners , l . p . ( nyse : eot ) confirmed today that its general partner was not among the companies included in enron corp . ' s voluntary petition for bankruptcy protection filed yesterday . additionally , eott energy partners , l . p . , which is a publicly traded limited partnership , and its subsidiary partnerships have not filed for bankruptcy protection . in friday ' s press release , eott disclosed among other things that it has entered into an interim credit facility with its primary lender , standard chartered , to replace its existing facility with enron corp . the interim facility provides for the immediate issuance through march 2002 of up to $ 150 million of letters of credit . reference is made to friday ' s press release and to eott ' s most recent form 10 - q filed with the securities and exchange commission for further information . eott energy partners , l . p . is a major independent marketer and transporter of crude oil in north america . eott transports most of the lease crude oil it purchases via pipeline , which includes 8 , 200 miles of active intrastate and interstate pipeline and gathering systems . in addition , eott owns and operates a hydrocarbon processing plant and a natural gas liquids storage and pipeline grid system . eott energy corp . , a wholly - owned subsidiary of enron corp . , is the general partner of eott with headquarters in houston . eott ' s internet address is www . eott . com . the partnership ' s common units are traded on the new york stock exchange under the ticker symbol " eot " . make your opinion count - click here / contact : media relations , wade gates of burson marsteller , + 1 - 214 - 224 - 8408 , for eott energy partners , l . p . / 14 : 14 est copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved .
enron mentions
enron seeks money for trading unit as customers flee ( updatel ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron says it has $ 1 . 5 bln in bankruptcy financing ( correct ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron acquisition bid announced by standard power ( update 3 ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron to cut 4 , 000 jobs at headquarters in houston ( update 6 ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 dynegy sues enron in texas for natural - gas pipeline ( updatel ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron insiders sold more than $ 1 . 2 billion in stock since 1990 bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 u . s . banks ' enron debt is overstated , analysts say ( updatel ) bloomberg , 12 / 03 / 01 enron corp . to cut 4 , 000 jobs in u . s . , bulk in houston dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 pension plans estimating millions lost on enron invest dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 funds liquidate enron bond holdings , see little recourse dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 eott energy partners not party to enron bankruptcy dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 us energy markets unmoved by enron chapter 11 filing dow jones energy service , 12 / 03 / 01 dueling enron , dynegy lawsuits start of long battle dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 stocks slide on worries about middle east , enron ; dow industrials down 1 % in late - afternoon trading dow jones business news , 12 / 03 / 01 dueling enron , dynegy lawsuits start of long battle dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 ferc chair sees enron fall fostering market transparency dow jones energy service , 12 / 03 / 01 in the money : enron ' s bankruptcy filing was a rush job dow jones news service , 12 / 03 / 01 usa : enron says about 4 , 000 workers to be laid off . reuters english news service , 12 / 03 / 01 usa : u . s . house energy panel sets meetings on enron . reuters english news service , 12 / 03 / 01 usa : enron bankruptcy judge heard more high - profile cases . reuters english news service , 12 / 03 / 01 usa : us northwest natural seeks to buy portland general . reuters english news service , 12 / 03 / 01 enron field moniker uncertain in wake of bankruptcy associated press newswires , 12 / 03 / 01 eott energy partners , l . p . not a party to enron bankruptcy pr newswire , 12 / 03 / 01 enron seeks money for trading unit as customers flee ( updatel ) 2001 - 12 - 03 18 : 11 ( new york ) enron seeks money for trading unit as customers flee ( updatel ) ( adds traders ' comments in 19 th - 23 rd paragraphs and adds details about pipelines stopping shipments in 20 th paragraph . ) houston , dec . 3 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . is courting investors to revive its crippled trading business , even as it loses customers who fear the company will be unable to make good on its obligations . energy companies such as mirant corp . and aquila inc . have taken business elsewhere . at enrononline , the web site that once handled $ 2 . 8 billion in commodity transactions a day , trading has plunged , raising doubts that enron will be able to rescue the trading business . enron , once the largest energy trader , sought protection yesterday from creditors in a bankruptcy that was the largest in u . s . history . the company is in talks with financial institutions to fund the wholesale trading business ` ` under new ownership , ' ' chief operating officer greg whalley said in a statement . ` ` until we ' ve seen the fallout from this bankruptcy , i don ' t think you ' re going to find a lot of entities that are prepared to trade with ' ' enron , said daniel gordon , head of commodities trading at hagerstown , maryland - based allegheny energy inc . , which owns utilities in five states . ` ` anyone who thinks this will be a quick bankruptcy is deluding themselves . ' ' houston - based enron has lost $ 26 billion in market value since mid - october , when the company restated $ 586 million in earnings and disclosed that its executives may have profited from enron ' s dealings with affiliated partnerships that bought enron assets . enron , which was the buyer or seller on every transaction on its web site , handles only a fraction of the trades it once did . the company said today it will fire 4 , 000 workers in houston . ` difficult to resurrect ' the wholesale trading business of enrononline , which had been a valuable property , ` ` has for all practical purposes ceased operation and in a post - bankruptcy scenario , may in fact be difficult to resurrect , ' ' fitch inc . , a chicago - based firm that rates corporate credit , said in a report today . trading has surged in markets that compete with enron , including the new york mercantile exchange and intercontinental exchange inc . dynegy inc . chief executive officer chuck watson said his company ' s energy - trading web site has seen increased traffic . ` ` enrononline will just disappear , ' ' said peter fusaro , president of global change associates inc . , a consulting firm in new york . enron ' s portfolio of trades ` ` is evaporating ' ' and ` ` is replaceable ' ' with competing electronic trading platforms . dynegy ' s watson said on a conference call with analysts and investors that his company would try to expand in europe , where enron was the dominant energy trader . enron said friday it would fire more than 1 , 000 workers in europe . shutdown enrononline shut down wednesday after dynegy canceled its plans to buy enron , depriving enron of the cash it needed to meet its obligations and all but ensuring the company would be forced to seek protection from its creditors . later in the week , the site was offering trading in 472 commodity products , a third of its usual offerings , according to company officials . on thursday , the site logged 825 trades , down from the normal amount of about 5 , 000 . ` ` we ' re actively trading , ' ' enron spokesman eric thode said today , declining to elaborate . ` ` there may still be trading going on , but it ' s primarily to unwind positions , ' ' fitch credit analyst ralph pellecchia said . ` ` it ' s certainly not new growth or for profitability . for all intents and purposes , enron ' s horsepower , its earnings - generating machine , has been effectively shut down . ' ' needs capital enron declined to name the ` ` leading financial institutions ' ' it is in talks with to provide new capital for the trading business . ` ` if these discussions are successful , they could result in the creation of a new trading entity with a strong and unencumbered balance sheet , ' ' whalley said . ` ` we understand that it may take time for counterparties to resume normal trading levels with this entity , but we are confident that this business can be put back on a solid footing . ' ' enron ' s top creditors include citigroup inc . ' s citibank and j . p . morgan chase & co . the blackstone group is helping enron with its financial restructuring . a revival of enron ' s trading business isn ' t likely anytime soon , analysts said . it may take ` ` months to years , if ever , ' ' said david chang , manager of natural gas trading at bank of america na . in the meantime , enron has ` ` alienated a lot of its suppliers and customers , ' ' he said . ` ` it would be difficult for ' ' enron to come back . stopped shipping nisource inc . , which operates 16 , 000 miles of gas pipelines , stopped shipping enron ' s gas on saturday because of credit concerns , company spokesman kelly merritt said . williams cos . , which controls 27 , 000 miles of pipes , stopped shipping enron ' s gas last week . ` ` enron has lost all credibility , ' ' fusaro said . in the meantime , some traders that had become accustomed to the ease and speed of online transactions are finding it difficult to adjust . kevin cokinos , co - owner and vice president at cokinos energy corp . in houston , said he has had to rely on his old network of telephone brokers for price quotes rather than enron ' s web site . ` ` it ' s hard to do as many deals because you ' re spending so much more time on each one , ' ' said cokinos , whose company trades about 500 million cubic feet of gas a day . ` ` we hope somebody picks up enrononline so it will come back the way it operated before . but that might be kind of tough . ' ' - - bradley keoun in the new york newsroom ( 212 ) 318 - 2310 or at enron says it has $ 1 . 5 bln in bankruptcy financing ( correct ) 2001 - 12 - 03 17 : 55 ( new york ) enron says it has $ 1 . 5 bln in bankruptcy financing ( correct ) ( corrects second paragraph say $ 250 million is part of the $ 1 . 5 billion in financing , not an additional loan . for more enron news , see { top nrg } . ) new york , dec . 3 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . , which yesterday filed the biggest bankruptcy case in u . s . history , told a judge in new york that it has $ 1 . 5 billion in bankruptcy financing that will be provided by a bank group led by j . p . morgan chase & co . the energy trader also asked u . s . bankruptcy judge arthur gonzalez for permission to draw $ 250 million of the financing immediately to keep its trading and other operations running while it tries to reorganize . - - jeff st . onge and jim polson in new york with andy pratt in enron acquisition bid announced by standard power ( update 3 ) 2001 - 12 - 03 17 : 05 ( new york ) enron acquisition bid announced by standard power ( update 3 ) ( adds comment from enron spokeswoman in sixth paragraph ) washington , dec . 3 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . , once the seventh - largest company in the nation , has become the takeover target of a former natural gas marketer who wants to replace management and revitalize the bankrupt energy business . richard ryan , chief executive of an oak brook , illinois , company called standard power skilling , who stunned investors when he quit in august six months after becoming ceo , picked up $ 76 . 1 million . employees and investors have sued enron , accusing executives of selling shares while touting the company . enron stock , which traded as high as $ 90 in august 2000 , is all but worthless after the company wrote off more than $ 1 billion of investments and disclosed a $ 1 . 2 billion loss in shareholder equity because of its dealings with affiliated partnerships . ` ` they caused us to lose our money , and they made money , ' ' said steve lacey , an emergency dispatcher for portland general electric , enron ' s oregon - based electric utility unit . lay didn ' t return telephones calls seeking comment and skilling , through a spokesman , declined to comment . lacey , like many of portland general ' s 2 , 700 employees , bought enron shares for his 401 k investment plan . the stock , which he planned on using for his retirement , closed today at 40 cents . lacey filed suit against enron in houston on nov . 20 , claiming the company prohibited employees from moving shares out of the investment plan as the stock fell in october . billions owed in its bankruptcy filing , houston - based enron and 13 of its units listed assets of $ 49 . 8 billion and debts of $ 31 . 2 billion . it owes billions to creditors such as citigroup inc . , bank of new york co . , j . p . morgan chase & co . , duke energy corp . and williams cos . the insider selling at enron is high for an energy company . insiders at exxonmobil corp . , the biggest publicly traded oil company , sold $ 410 million of stock during the same period , according to washington service , which compiles records from the u . s . securities and exchange commission . those sales pale in comparison with some computer - related technology companies . microsoft corp . insiders , among the most active sellers at any u . s . company , sold 367 . 2 million shares worth $ 31 . 4 billion since 1990 , records show . in the past year , microsoft insiders sold 3 . 6 million shares for $ 222 million . biggest seller in all , 60 officers , directors and trusts they control sold enron stock during the past decade . lou pai , former chairman of enron ' s newpower holdings inc . , made the most from selling enron shares during the past decade . pai sold 3 . 89 million shares for $ 270 . 3 million . most of pai ' s sales were made last year at prices ranging from $ 50 . 52 to $ 78 . 17 a share . pai couldn ' t be reached immediately for comment . ken harrison , former chairman and ceo of portland general , sold almost 992 , 000 shares for $ 78 million . enron bought the utility in 1997 for $ 3 . 1 billion in stock and debt . harrison also couldn ' t be reached immediately for comment . ` ` it would seem that insiders had some advance warning that there were better opportunities , ' ' said david coleman , editor of vickers weekly insider report . the selling among enron insiders outweighed the buying during the past decade . in all , insiders bought almost 488 , 000 shares , paying a total of $ 20 . 7 million . the last executive to buy enron ' s stock : former chief financial officer andrew fastow , who bought 10 , 000 shares on aug . 16 at $ 36 . 98 , according to the washington service . fastow was ousted in late october after the sec began an investigation into enron ' s accounting and its use of investment partnerships . enron restated earnings for almost five years in october , wiping out $ 586 million in profits , as it accounted for losses from the partnerships . fastow couldn ' t be reached for comment . - - loren steffy in dallas ( 214 ) 954 - 9453 or steffy @ bloomberg . net u . s . banks ' enron debt is overstated , analysts say ( updatel ) 2001 - 12 - 03 16 : 54 ( new york ) u . s . banks ' enron debt is overstated , analysts say ( updatel ) ( updates with closing stock prices . ) new york , dec . 3 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . says it owes citigroup inc . , j . p . morgan chase & co . and bank of new york co . $ 7 . 55 billion in the largest bankruptcy case in u . s . history . analysts say the amount owed the banks may be less than half that . here ' s where they differ . enron yesterday said in court papers it owed thousands of creditors $ 31 . 2 billion in loans , unpaid bills and other debts . citigroup , the biggest creditor , is owed $ 3 billion stemming from a loan it arranged last year , enron said . still , the banks probably hold only a fraction of the debts enron says they ' re owed . that ' s because banks routinely sell parts of loans to other lenders as a way to disperse risk . banks also are listed as the holders of bonds and other securities that in fact are owned by investors . the banks are listed as the creditors in enron ' s papers . ` ` it ' s very difficult to piece together the reality , ' ' said robert napoli , an analyst at abn amro inc . who owns citigroup shares . ` ` they ' ve syndicated out a portion of the loan and they could have hedged the credit risk through derivatives . ' ' citigroup , the largest u . s . financial services company , is probably owed $ 1 billion at most , analysts say , and much of that is backed by collateral such as gas pipelines , on which it should be able to collect . the company ' s profit may be lowered by between $ 250 million and $ 500 million before taxes , or between 3 cents and 5 cents a share after taxes , as a result of its involvement with enron , said napoli , who recommends investors buy citigroup shares . citigroup earned $ 2 . 08 a share in the first nine months of the year . hurting earnings j . p . morgan chase - - which enron says is owed $ 2 . 1 billion - - says its exposure totals about $ 900 million - - $ 500 million unsecured , and $ 400 million backed by collateral . that exposure could result in a 15 - cent decline in earnings per share , said goldman , sachs & co . analyst richard strauss . the second - largest u . s . bank earned $ 1 . 54 a share so far this year . j . p . morgan chase acts as a representative for holders of enron bonds , so while the company is listed by enron as a creditor on $ 1 . 9 billion of bonds , it may not be owed a cent on that debt . enron ' s $ 2 . 45 billion debt to bank of new york may work in much the same way , said lehman brothers analyst henry dickson . he estimated the bank is owed about $ 50 million . much of j . p . morgan ' s exposure is tied to citigroup ' s $ 3 billion loan to enron , a credit enron doesn ' t even mention . a syndicate of at least five other banks - - including j . p . morgan chase - - contributed to that loan , according to bloomberg data . as lead arranger , citigroup likely holds about 10 percent of the loan , meaning its exposure is about $ 300 million . j . p . morgan chase ' s share of that is likely less . bank of america corp . , commerzbank ag and barclays bank plc are among other enron lenders not listed as creditors . still , concern that the banks ' losses may exceed forecasts helped send their shares and bonds lower today . citigroup shares fell 99 cents to $ 46 . 91 in trading on the new york stock exchange . citigroup ' s 7 . 25 percent notes due in 2010 fell to 107 28 / 32 from 108 21 / 32 , pushing the yield up 21 basis points to 6 . 18 percent from 5 . 97 percent . j . p . morgan ' s stock lost $ 1 . 17 to $ 36 . 55 . its 7 . 9 percent coupon notes due in 2010 fell $ 16 per $ 1 , 000 face amount to 111 3 / 32 , pushing the yield up 23 basis points to 6 . 18 percent from 5 . 95 percent on friday . bank of new york ' s 7 . 3 percent notes maturing in 2009 fell about $ 20 per $ 1 , 000 face value to 108 3 / 32 from 110 7 / 32 , traders said . yield on the debt rose 32 basis points to 6 . 01 percent from 5 . 69 percent . its shares dropped $ 1 . 04 to $ 38 . 20 . ` ` they ' re big numbers , but these are big institutions , ' ' said greg habeeb , a bond money manager at calvert group , which doesn ' t own the banks ' securities . ` ` i wouldn ' t be going running out buying the bonds now , but i don ' t think ( enron losses are ) big enough to worry about . ' ' - - michael nol , terence flanagan and george stein in the new york enron corp . to cut 4 , 000 jobs in u . s . , bulk in houston by christina cheddar of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 5166 ; christina . cheddar @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . pension plans estimating millions lost on enron invest by christiane bird of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 2046 ; christiane . bird @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . funds liquidate enron bond holdings , see little recourse by john shipman of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 5171 ; john . shipman @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . eott energy partners not party to enron bankruptcy 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones dow jones newswires ; 201 - 938 - 5400 copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . us energy markets unmoved by enron chapter 11 filing by kristen mcnamara and jon kamp of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones energy service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - u . s . energy markets were largely unmoved monday by enron corp . ' s ( ene ) filing for chapter 11 over the weekend . energy companies generally maintained their suspensions on trading with enron and were casting a sharper eye on dynegy inc . ( dyn ) , which is being sued by enron for wrongfully terminating its offer to acquire the one - time market leader . no company was known to have altered its business with dynegy , and many traders showed little concern about enron ' s suit , but companies did say they were monitoring the situation . major energy trader aquila corp . ( ila ) was trading normally with dynegy but monitoring the situation . " that situation could change depending on how people evaluate it , " spokesman al butkus said . " it ' s a very fluid situation . " firstenergy corp . ( fe ) said it was also monitoring dynegy ' s compliance with its credit requirements . " this is a situation that we ' re following closely , " spokesman ralph dinicola said . companies continued to do business normally with dynegy , an energy broker said . prices for north american power and gas weren ' t moved by enron ' s filing , which was widely expected . factors such as weather and longer - term supply fundamentals continued to dominate the power and gas markets . january gas futures on the new york mercantile exchange closed down 7 . 1 cents monday at $ 2 . 640 per million british thermal units . power prices in the u . s . northeast were also weaker with mild weather forecasts , adequate generation and weak clearing prices . power prices were also lower in the west . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . dueling enron , dynegy lawsuits start of long battle by janet whitman of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - dueling lawsuits filed by former merger partners enron corp . ( ene ) and dynegy inc . ( dyn ) are only the beginning of what is sure to a long legal battle , merger and acquisition lawyers predict . at this stage , it ' s far from certain who would win , they add . " remember the 100 years war that we all studied in history ? , " asks george m . knapp , a partner at law firm squire sanders & dempsey llp . " this will make that look brief . " concurrent with its bankruptcy filing on sunday , enron filed a lawsuit against dynegy , charging its former suitor had no grounds to terminate their $ 9 billion merger and actually contributed to enron ' s collapse . the suit , which was filed in new york in the same court as the bankruptcy petition , also contends that dynegy has no right to acquire enron ' s valuable pipeline company , northern natural gas co . of omaha , neb . in a counter suit filed monday in harris county , texas , dynegy seeks immediate control of the northern national pipeline company . under the terms of the cross - town rivals ' original merger agreement , dynegy received an option to buy the coveted property - even if the merger fell apart - after it injected $ 1 . 5 billion into enron . now , however , that ' s a matter for the courts to decide . " this is a kind of lawyers ' paradise , " said tom burnett , president of merger insight , an affiliate of wall street access . " the risk to dynegy is that that contract won ' t hold up to buy the northern natural gas assets . a bankruptcy judge may decide to hold an auction . " in that event , dynegy would be left with an equity stake in enron . sensing that the companies are in for long legal battle and that dynegy may not wind up with the pipeline assets , some investors unloaded their dynegy shares , sending the stock price sliding more than 8 % monday to a low of $ 26 . 26 . copyright ? 2000 dow jones dow industrials down 1 % in late - afternoon trading by peter edmonston 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones business news ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) the wall street journal online stocks retreated monday as conflict in the middle east and a bankruptcy filing by energy giant enron outweighed better - than - expected economic data . in late - afternoon trading , the dow jones industrial average was down 101 points , or 1 % , to 9751 after trading nearly 150 points lower earlier in the day . the dow industrials fell 22 . 14 points friday . meanwhile , the nasdaq composite index lost 22 points , or 1 . 1 % , to 1908 . 60 after closing 2 . 68 points lower in the previous session . other major indexes also declined monday . the standard & poor ' s 500 - stock index dropped 9 . 60 to 1129 . 90 , the russell 2000 index fell 2 . 80 to 458 , and the new york stock exchange composite index shed four to 575 . 20 . bonds turned higher in choppy trading . the dollar strengthened against the yen and the euro . concerns over the fallout from the weekend ' s suicide bombings in israel damped any beneficial effects from economic reports that exceeded wall street ' s expectations . " the events in israel have created a lot of uncertainty , " said peter coolidge , senior equity trader at brean murray & co . " that more than counteracts any positive news on the economic front . " at least 25 people were killed over the weekend in attacks by palestinian suicide bombers in jerusalem and the northern israeli port city of haifa . on monday , israel fired nine missiles near palestinian leader yasser arafat ' s headquarters in gaza city in an apparent retaliation . the violence overseas detracted from some fairly upbeat readings on the u . s . economy , including a report from the commerce department that consumer spending rose by a record 2 . 9 % in october . robust spending on cars and other big - ticket items contributed to the reading ' s largest jump since 1959 , when the data series began . the previous record had been a 2 . 6 % increase in september 1987 . personal income was virtually unchanged for the second month in a row , roughly in line with economists ' forecasts . the commerce department also surprised economists by reporting a 1 . 9 % increase in total construction spending for october . forecasts had that figure falling by 0 . 5 % . september construction spending was revised to show a 0 . 7 % drop from the 0 . 4 % decline previously reported . meanwhile , a closely watched index of manufacturing activity rose more than expected in november . the national association of purchasing management reported monday that its purchasing managers index rose to 44 . 5 last month from 39 . 8 in october . economists have been forecasting the pmi would rise to 42 . a pmi reading of 42 . 7 is considered the threshold between expansion and contraction in the wider economy . so november ' s pmi of 44 . 5 suggests that the economy is growing , albeit slowly . last week , the national bureau of economic research formally declared that the country had entered a recession back in march , ending the longest period of economic expansion in u . s . history . the government reported that total economic activity fell at an annual rate of 1 . 1 % in the july - september quarter . against this backdrop , analysts called the latest napm data encouraging . " after absorbing last month ' s aftershock of the terrorist attacks , the manufacturing sector showed surprising resilience in november , " norbert ore , director of the survey , said in a statement . " the trend is definitely in the right direction , but it is too soon to claim an imminent recovery . based on this report , the sector regained a significant portion of the output lost in october , " mr . ore said . matthew freedman , an economist at economy . com , said the napm report " shows that the deterioration in manufacturing appears to be slowing quite dramatically . " but the stronger - than - expected numbers did little to comfort investors , who have been scrutinizing economic readings in recent weeks for signs that the business cycle has hit bottom . the markets are especially interested to see if rising levels of unemployment will put a dent in consumer spending , which is considered a key to keeping the current economic recession a mild one . most major international markets traded lower monday , but the u . s . economic data helped narrow the losses late in the day in europe . frankfurt ' s xetra dax closed essentially flat and london ' s financial times stock exchange 100 - share finished 0 . 8 % lower . in asia , tokyo ' s nikkei 225 stock average closed with a loss of 3 . 1 % , and hong kong ' s hang seng index dropped 1 . 1 % . meanwhile , the turmoil surrounding energy - trading giant enron continued over the weekend , as the company filed for bankruptcy protection on sunday . the houston firm simultaneously sued its would - be merger partner dynegy for " not less than $ 10 billion , " accusing it of wrongful termination of their merger pact . news of the impending collapse of enron had weighed heavily on the market last week . some market participants suggested enron ' s bankruptcy filing - - the largest in u . s . history - - continued to pull stocks lower on monday . but others said it was largely expected and was having little effect on share prices . " it could hurt the markets somewhere down the road , but i haven ' t heard a lot of people talking about it [ monday ] , " said mr . coolidge of brean murray . enron shares rose 11 cents to 37 cents . dynegy was down nearly 8 % . financial - services stocks took a hit monday , dragged lower by some negative comments from analysts and fears about exposure to the enron debacle . shares of brokerage firm morgan stanley sank 6 % after goldman sachs analyst richard strauss pulled it from his recommended list and cut his rating on the stock to " market perform " from " market outperform . " mr . strauss said that the 60 % surge in morgan stanley ' s shares since sept . 20 has made it expensive compared to its peers . citigroup , a component of the dow jones industrials , declined nearly 2 . 7 % and j . p . morgan fell 3 . 8 % . the two companies advised on the failed merger between enron and dynegy and now find themselves among enron ' s largest unsecured creditors . automotive stocks were also trading lower monday as the big auto makers offered up monthly sales results for november . shares of ford motor were down 6 . 1 % on news that it is expected to warn this week that quarterly results will miss forecasts . separately , the company reported a 4 . 4 % increase in total u . s . vehicle sales , helped by 0 % financing offers . ford rival general motors , which has also been offering generous financing plans to lure buyers , reported a 13 . 3 % jump in car and truck sales from a year ago . shares of gm fell 1 . 4 % . in major u . s . market action : stocks fell . on the big board , where 923 . 7 million shares traded , 1 , 804 stocks fell and 1 , 291 rose . on the nasdaq , 1 . 17 billion shares changed hands . bonds rose . the 10 - year treasury note rose more than 1 / 4 point , or $ 2 . 50 for each $ 1 , 000 invested . the yield , which moves inversely to price , fell to 4 . 71 % . the 30 - year bond added more than 3 / 8 point to yield 5 . 26 % . the dollar strengthened . it bought 123 . 93 yen and traded at 89 . 14 cents to the euro , compared with 123 . 44 yen and 89 . 65 cents late friday in new york . copyright ( c ) 2001 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . dueling enron , dynegy lawsuits start of long battle by janet whitman of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - dueling lawsuits filed by former merger partners enron corp . ( ene ) and dynegy inc . ( dyn ) are only the beginning of what is sure to a long legal battle , merger and acquisition lawyers predict . at this stage , it ' s far from certain who would win , they add . " remember the 100 years war that we all studied in history ? , " asks george m . knapp , a partner at law firm squire sanders & dempsey llp . " this will make that look brief . " concurrent with its bankruptcy filing on sunday , enron filed a lawsuit against dynegy , charging its former suitor had no grounds to terminate their $ 9 billion merger and actually contributed to enron ' s collapse . the suit , which was filed in new york in the same court as the bankruptcy petition , also contends that dynegy has no right to acquire enron ' s valuable pipeline company , northern natural gas co . of omaha , neb . in a counter suit filed monday in harris county , texas , dynegy seeks immediate control of the northern national pipeline company . under the terms of the cross - town rivals ' original merger agreement , dynegy received an option to buy the coveted property - even if the merger fell apart - after it injected $ 1 . 5 billion into enron . now , however , that ' s a matter for the courts to decide . " this is a kind of lawyers ' paradise , " said tom burnett , president of merger insight , an affiliate of wall street access . " the risk to dynegy is that that contract won ' t hold up to buy the northern natural gas assets . a bankruptcy judge may decide to hold an auction . " in that event , dynegy would be left with an equity stake in enron . sensing that the companies are in for long legal battle and that dynegy may not wind up with the pipeline assets , some investors unloaded their dynegy shares , sending the stock price sliding more than 8 % monday to a low of $ 26 . 26 . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . ferc chair sees enron fall fostering market transparency by mark golden of dow jones newswires 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones energy service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 4604 ; mark . golden @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . in the money : enron ' s bankruptcy filing was a rush job by michael rapoport 12 / 03 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 201 - 938 - 5976 ; michael . rapoport @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : enron says about 4 , 000 workers to be laid off . 12 / 03 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . houston , dec 3 ( reuters ) - shattered energy trader enron corp . will lay off about 4 , 000 employees as part of a cost - cutting move in the wake of its bankruptcy filing , a spokesman said on monday . " we ' re planning about 4 , 000 job cuts , most from houston , " spokesman mark palmer said . some 7 , 500 people are employed in the company ' s houston head office . enron capped a dramatic fall from the heights of the energy world on sunday , filing the biggest bankruptcy case in u . s . history . the assets involved total $ 49 . 8 billion , easily dwarfing the $ 35 . 9 billion held by texaco at the time of its 1987 bankruptcy . sources said enron ' s massive computer network was being shut off , floor by floor , and leaders of business units informed their employees that they were to go home for the day and await notice of their future with the company . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : u . s . house energy panel sets meetings on enron . 12 / 03 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . washington , dec 3 ( reuters ) - a u . s . congressional panel said on monday it had scheduled meetings with representatives of the securities exchange commission , auditing firm arthur andersen and enron corp . to explore the energy giant ' s rapid disintegration . rep . billy tauzin , chairman of the house energy and commerce committee , has directed his staff to meet with the sec , enron financial auditor arthur andersen and top enron executives , a panel spokesman told reuters . " the committee will be moving aggressively to pin down what went wrong and what , if anything , congress can do to prevent this type of thing from happening again , " a spokesman for the louisiana republican said . committee staff will meet with sec ' s head of enforcement and general counsel on tuesday and with top representatives from arthur andersen on wednesday , the spokesman said . on thursday , three house energy committee staffers will travel to houston to meet with top enron officials " to begin laying the groundwork for a hearing , " the staffer said . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : enron bankruptcy judge heard more high - profile cases . 12 / 03 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . new york , dec 3 ( reuters ) - judge arthur gonzalez , who will hear the bankruptcy protection case of enron corp . , is a veteran of several high - profile cases , including this year ' s chapter 11 filing by appliance maker sunbeam corp . " they ' re lucky to have him , " said one lawyer who has represented a company that appeared before gonzalez in u . s . bankruptcy court for the southern district of new york . the lawyer , who requested anonymity , said gonzalez was viewed as " a very fair judge . " he is extremely deliberate , very hard - working and very thorough , " he told reuters . " i don ' t think there was a single hearing at which he had not read all the pleadings . other judges are more laissez faire and some don ' t read all the pleadings , preferring to just ask questions , " the lawyer said . " judge gonzalez makes careful decisions . " asked if that meant gonzalez was inclined to favor a company petitioning for bankruptcy protection , he said : " well , there are certain judges you would prefer not to have . " gonzalez , who was appointed to the federal bankruptcy court in new york in 1995 , has recently been hearing the case of sunbeam , which filed for chapter 11 protection this year after questions about its accounting . in may , federal securities regulators accused former top executives at the appliance maker - including former chief executive albert " chainsaw al " dunlap - of financial fraud that cost investors billions of dollars . last week , gonzalez postponed a hearing on sunbeam ' s second amended plan of reorganization - which was to be heard on tuesday - to next march 19 . coincidentally in both cases , in which the company ' s accounting is central , the accounting firm arthur andersen was auditor for sunbeam and also enron . gonzalez also oversaw the 1998 bankruptcy filing of livent inc . , the canadian theater - production company that collapsed amid major accounting irregularities . last year , gonzalez was on the bench for the case of iridium llc , a satellite telephone service , which entered the history books as one of the costliest corporate fiascoes of all time . the washington - based company cut off telephone service to its 55 , 000 customers as a prelude to court - ordered liquidation . iridium ' s last act was to " de - orbit " or ultimately burn up its constellation of 66 satellites . the network has been reported to have cost $ 5 billion to $ 7 billion . gonzalez cleared iridium to spend $ 8 . 3 million to start winding up its business while selling remaining earth - bound assets , including ground stations . last year , he was also in charge of the case involving u . s . media holdings inc . and its golden turtle press inc . unit which filed chapter 11 petitions . this year , gonzalez has been hearing the chapter 11 case of insurance company reliance group holdings inc . and also australia ' s collapsed hih insurance ltd . gonzalez received a degree in accounting from new york ' s fordham university in 1969 and a master ' s degree in education from brooklyn college in 1974 . he got his law degree at fordham university ' s law school in 1982 and llm in taxation in 1990 from new york university law school . after a spell in private practice , he was appointed assistant u . s . trustee in the southern district of new york in 1991 and u . s . trustee for the second circuit in 1993 . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : us northwest natural seeks to buy portland general . by chris baltimore 12 / 03 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . washington , dec 3 ( reuters ) - northwest natural gas co said monday it asked approval from federal energy regulators to buy portland general electric co . from enron corp for $ 1 . 8 billion . northwest expects to soon file a similar request with the u . s . securities and exchange commission , a company spokesman said . the purchase is unrelated to the status of enron ' s northern natural gas pipeline , to which dynegy inc . is claiming rights after canceling a bid to purchase enron last week . portland , ore . - based northwest natural gas is a local natural gas distribution company that serves about 530 , 000 customers in oregon and washington . it is oregon ' s largest natural gas utility , while portland general is the state ' s biggest electric utility . northwest filed for approval with the federal energy regulatory commission ( ferc ) on friday , after a similar application with the oregon public utilities commission on nov . 28 , with a response requested by may 15 , 2002 . the oregon commission ' s " watershed approval " would allow northwest to take operational control of portland general by the end of 2002 , said northwest spokesman jim boehlke . northwest said it wants ferc to act on its request by feb . 20 , 2002 . enron ' s declaration of bankruptcy over the weekend " could complicate things " for northwest ' s plans for portland general , boehlke said . but northwest is " going forward ( with the purchase ) without regard for what it going on in the enron bankruptcy proceedings , " he said . a bankruptcy court is likely to look favorably on northwest ' s purchase , boehlke said , because it will give enron cash to pay debts . " we ' re about to give ( enron ) $ 1 . 55 billion dollars in cash . hopefully a bankruptcy court would want that to go forward , " he said . the deal also includes $ 50 million in common stock and $ 200 million in special preferred stock , he said . portland general serves 733 , 000 oregon customers , owns 26 , 000 miles of transmission and distribution lines and 2 , 015 megawatts of generation . one megawatt is enough to power roughly 1 , 000 homes . after purchasing portland general in 1997 , enron agreed to sell it to sierra pacific resources corp . for $ 2 . 1 billion in 1999 . but that deal was abandoned in april after regulators in california and nevada barred sierra pacific from divesting generation assets in those states , which it needed to finance its purchase . state regulators took action after a power shortage in the wester united states sent prices skyrocketing and made states rethink plans to deregulate their electricity markets , including asset divestitures . that allowed northwest to move ahead with its own purchase plans . ferc will rule on whether the combination has an adverse impact on competition , and northwest does not expect ferc or other regulators to raise substantive issues , boehlke said . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron field moniker uncertain in wake of bankruptcy by mark babineck associated press writer 12 / 03 / 2001 associated press newswires copyright 2001 . the associated press . all rights reserved . houston ( ap ) - while enron corp . is current on its payments to keep the beleaguered company ' s name on houston ' s ballpark , it ' s unclear whether 2 - year - old enron field might have an identity crisis soon . club officials , who did not immediately return calls monday , have said that as long as enron continues to exist and maintains regular payments on its 30 - year , $ 100 million commitment , the downtown stadium will stay enron field . " we were saddened by the recent events , " astros president pam gardner said last week after enron ' s emergency buyout suitor , rival dynegy inc . , backed out of the deal when enron ' s credit rating was lowered to junk status . " it ' s a sad situation for the enron employees and the city of houston . but we have a contract with enron that is current and as long as that is the case , the ballpark will continue to be called enron field . " enron has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in a manhattan court , meaning it wants to remain in business and reorganize to settle $ 31 . 1 billion in debts . in the meantime , the court will oversee enron ' s business operations and expenditures , including the stadium deal . enron ' s fall , one of the largest bankruptcies in history , is the latest instance of a stadium name holder hitting the skids . the twa dome in st . louis became the dome at america ' s center when the storied airline went belly up and was bought by american airlines this year . psinet stadium in baltimore has kept its moniker even as its namesake company wades through bankruptcy . some others that have named stadiums , like 3 com corp . and cmgi inc . , are wading in red ink . dean bonham , whose bonham group negotiates such deals both for venues and sponsoring companies , said enron ' s downfall will affect the market . " the most notable and obvious effect is that our clients , as well as other clients in the industry , are going to be extremely cautious when they enter naming rights discussions , " bonham said monday . however , even due diligence might not be enough . bonham said enron , which ranked seventh in the fortune 500 last year with $ 101 billion in revenue , must have appeared rock solid when they signed with the astros . bonham even noted that just a few weeks ago , right before a stunning string of negative announcements drove enron ' s stock price well below that of a bag of peanuts , he was involved in talks with enron to name a major league soccer stadium . teams and companies must both make sure their contracts guard against all eventualities , including bankruptcies , mergers and " image - association " issues that might make arrangements unattractive . " our clients have the absolute right at their option to cancel the agreement , " bonham said . - - - on the net : houston astros : http : / / www . astros . com enron : http : / / www . enron . com bonham group : http : / / www . bonham . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . eott energy partners , l . p . not a party to enron bankruptcy 12 / 03 / 2001 pr newswire ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , pr newswire ) houston , dec . 3 / prnewswire / - - eott energy partners , l . p . ( nyse : eot ) confirmed today that its general partner was not among the companies included in enron corp . ' s voluntary petition for bankruptcy protection filed yesterday . additionally , eott energy partners , l . p . , which is a publicly traded limited partnership , and its subsidiary partnerships have not filed for bankruptcy protection . in friday ' s press release , eott disclosed among other things that it has entered into an interim credit facility with its primary lender , standard chartered , to replace its existing facility with enron corp . the interim facility provides for the immediate issuance through march 2002 of up to $ 150 million of letters of credit . reference is made to friday ' s press release and to eott ' s most recent form 10 - q filed with the securities and exchange commission for further information . eott energy partners , l . p . is a major independent marketer and transporter of crude oil in north america . eott transports most of the lease crude oil it purchases via pipeline , which includes 8 , 200 miles of active intrastate and interstate pipeline and gathering systems . in addition , eott owns and operates a hydrocarbon processing plant and a natural gas liquids storage and pipeline grid system . eott energy corp . , a wholly - owned subsidiary of enron corp . , is the general partner of eott with headquarters in houston . eott ' s internet address is www . eott . com . the partnership ' s common units are traded on the new york stock exchange under the ticker symbol " eot " . make your opinion count - click here / contact : media relations , wade gates of burson marsteller , + 1 - 214 - 224 - 8408 , for eott energy partners , l . p . / 14 : 14 est copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved .
re : boat i believe the boat is 18 to 19 ft long and i do have a boat cover . i will bring the boat information with me tomorrow for anymore questions . i recently took it to the shop to get it ready for this season and the salesman said it looked brand new . it has a brand new battery and everything runs perfectly . call me if you want to take a look at it . briant 66459
re : boat
i believe the boat is 18 to 19 ft long and i do have a boat cover . i will bring the boat information with me tomorrow for anymore questions . i recently took it to the shop to get it ready for this season and the salesman said it looked brand new . it has a brand new battery and everything runs perfectly . call me if you want to take a look at it . briant 66459
agenda for prc committee meeting - 30 may 2001 all : attached please find a copy of the agenda for tomorrow ' s prc committee meeting . please don ' t hesitate to contact me should you have questions . thanks in advance , gina corteselli
agenda for prc committee meeting - 30 may 2001
all : attached please find a copy of the agenda for tomorrow ' s prc committee meeting . please don ' t hesitate to contact me should you have questions . thanks in advance , gina corteselli
get on the bus . . gbvzzzz click here to see the bang busit is wild ! ! ! ! ! ! tepyycemkckiflbsvpcyi
get on the bus . . gbvzzzz
click here to see the bang busit is wild ! ! ! ! ! ! tepyycemkckiflbsvpcyi
re [ 11 ] bands leonardo di caprio in 1939 ? ? ? ? ? ? shania twain french hospitals
re [ 11 ]
bands leonardo di caprio in 1939 ? ? ? ? ? ? shania twain french hospitals
re : big cowboy / gepl actuals for february please see the attached xcel file . i think that i have found the missing volumes on big cowboy . there are two wells connected to system 429 , which flows into the big cowboy system and interconnects with hgpl at meter 8284 . they are meters 986679 ( currently in trade zone 18 ) and 986742 ( currently in trade zone 1 ) . i think that these should probably both be reassigned to trade zone 21 . this should resolve our volumetric issue . donna & george , please let me know if my assumption is in error . i have a schematic that shows these meters going to hgpl off of gepl big cowboy , however , if this is not correct then i will need to try to find the gas in another manner . thank you for your time . please let me know if you have any questions , comments , suggestions . mary 35251
re : big cowboy / gepl actuals for february
please see the attached xcel file . i think that i have found the missing volumes on big cowboy . there are two wells connected to system 429 , which flows into the big cowboy system and interconnects with hgpl at meter 8284 . they are meters 986679 ( currently in trade zone 18 ) and 986742 ( currently in trade zone 1 ) . i think that these should probably both be reassigned to trade zone 21 . this should resolve our volumetric issue . donna & george , please let me know if my assumption is in error . i have a schematic that shows these meters going to hgpl off of gepl big cowboy , however , if this is not correct then i will need to try to find the gas in another manner . thank you for your time . please let me know if you have any questions , comments , suggestions . mary 35251
tenaska darren , attached is the last draft of the agreement i distributed months ago with no response - - let me know what the hold up is if you know - - i corresponded originally with rick hill but never heard - - is he still involved ? sandi
darren , attached is the last draft of the agreement i distributed months ago with no response - - let me know what the hold up is if you know - - i corresponded originally with rick hill but never heard - - is he still involved ? sandi
parameter estimation vince , i have put together a parameter estimation model , which is continuation of tanya ' s model . the estimation process is more consistent now . attached are the model and a brief write - up of the methods . if you see any problem / ways to improve it , please let me know . best , alex
parameter estimation
vince , i have put together a parameter estimation model , which is continuation of tanya ' s model . the estimation process is more consistent now . attached are the model and a brief write - up of the methods . if you see any problem / ways to improve it , please let me know . best , alex
hl & p daren . sorry i forgot to include you - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 21 / 99 01 : 33 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kimberly vaughn 12 / 21 / 99 02 : 01 pm to : janet h wallis / hou / ect @ ect cc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect subject : hl & p janet . i am back from vacation . i have updated the hl & p flow mtd . jill told me that on the 18 th , 19 th and 20 th the san jac . nom should be 29 , 209 . is this correct ? we ' ll need to change sitara . i have had scada problems at meter 1401 . gas control has given me a verbal from the 14 th on . i will monitor scada and adjust as necessary . let me know if there is anything else that i can do . thanks .
hl & p
daren . sorry i forgot to include you - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 21 / 99 01 : 33 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kimberly vaughn 12 / 21 / 99 02 : 01 pm to : janet h wallis / hou / ect @ ect cc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect subject : hl & p janet . i am back from vacation . i have updated the hl & p flow mtd . jill told me that on the 18 th , 19 th and 20 th the san jac . nom should be 29 , 209 . is this correct ? we ' ll need to change sitara . i have had scada problems at meter 1401 . gas control has given me a verbal from the 14 th on . i will monitor scada and adjust as necessary . let me know if there is anything else that i can do . thanks .
re [ 4 ] : don ' t get left behind ! . . . needham good morning sir , check out the discounts these guys are offering on enlarge patches ! steel package : 10 patches reg $ 79 . 95 now $ 49 . 95 ! free shipping too ! silver package : 25 patches reg $ 129 . 95 , now $ 99 . 95 ! free shipping and free exercise manual included ! gold package : 40 patches reg $ 189 . 95 , now $ 149 . 95 ! free shipping and free exercise manual included ! platinum package : 65 patches reg $ 259 . 95 , now $ 199 . 95 ! free shipping and free exercise manual included ! millions of men are taking advantage of this revolutionary new product - don ' t be left behind ! " your product is amazing and i would recommend it to anyone who has a bad erection and wants something harder and better for themselves . " - vince glover try this peniss growth patchs out and see how it can change your life !
re [ 4 ] : don ' t get left behind ! . . . needham
good morning sir , check out the discounts these guys are offering on enlarge patches ! steel package : 10 patches reg $ 79 . 95 now $ 49 . 95 ! free shipping too ! silver package : 25 patches reg $ 129 . 95 , now $ 99 . 95 ! free shipping and free exercise manual included ! gold package : 40 patches reg $ 189 . 95 , now $ 149 . 95 ! free shipping and free exercise manual included ! platinum package : 65 patches reg $ 259 . 95 , now $ 199 . 95 ! free shipping and free exercise manual included ! millions of men are taking advantage of this revolutionary new product - don ' t be left behind ! " your product is amazing and i would recommend it to anyone who has a bad erection and wants something harder and better for themselves . " - vince glover try this peniss growth patchs out and see how it can change your life !
gpg ' s day of caring at ripley house - sept . 14 mark your calendar and lace up your dancin  , shoes ! please join me on thursday , september 14 , at the ripley house senior prom sponsored by gpg through enron  , s day of caring . our festivities for the morning include : bus departs enron building at 7 : 30 am decorating from 8 am - 9 am bingo from 9 : 30 am - 10 : 30 am brunch starting at 10 : 30 am swing dance performance and lessons at 10 : 45 am dancing from 11 am - 12 noon clean - up starting at 12 : 15 pm bus departs ripley house 12 : 30 / 12 : 45 pm to make the senior prom a huge success , i need 40 - 50 volunteers to join me at ripley house . volunteer activities include helping with the bingo game , serving brunch , being a dance partner and mingling with the seniors . transportation to ripley house will be provided . we  , ll plan to leave the enron building around 7 : 30 am and return around 12 : 30 / 12 : 45 pm . the shuttle will also run between ripley house and the enron building around 10 am . please contact gina taylor at 713 - 853 - 7681 to volunteer . on friday , september 15 , enron will have additional day of caring events at the depelchin center . please contact charla reese in community relations ( 713 - 853 - 5202 ) directly to volunteer for the events on friday . thanks for your participation in gpg  , s day of caring at the ripley house . stan
gpg ' s day of caring at ripley house - sept . 14
mark your calendar and lace up your dancin  , shoes ! please join me on thursday , september 14 , at the ripley house senior prom sponsored by gpg through enron  , s day of caring . our festivities for the morning include : bus departs enron building at 7 : 30 am decorating from 8 am - 9 am bingo from 9 : 30 am - 10 : 30 am brunch starting at 10 : 30 am swing dance performance and lessons at 10 : 45 am dancing from 11 am - 12 noon clean - up starting at 12 : 15 pm bus departs ripley house 12 : 30 / 12 : 45 pm to make the senior prom a huge success , i need 40 - 50 volunteers to join me at ripley house . volunteer activities include helping with the bingo game , serving brunch , being a dance partner and mingling with the seniors . transportation to ripley house will be provided . we  , ll plan to leave the enron building around 7 : 30 am and return around 12 : 30 / 12 : 45 pm . the shuttle will also run between ripley house and the enron building around 10 am . please contact gina taylor at 713 - 853 - 7681 to volunteer . on friday , september 15 , enron will have additional day of caring events at the depelchin center . please contact charla reese in community relations ( 713 - 853 - 5202 ) directly to volunteer for the events on friday . thanks for your participation in gpg  , s day of caring at the ripley house . stan
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rolex watches starting under $ 199 . 99
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resume - gloria smith please read the resume of gloria smith and provide me feedback if she fits your needs . let me know if you ' d like to interview her . she is through a recruiter at a 20 % fee . toni her references indicate strengths in the area ? enron is requiring experiences . ? she prefers the gas environment . ? her qualifications are : masters in education ; bba - accounting experienced in day to day pipeline ? and gas ? activity providing net outs , resolve price and volume discrepancies , volume management , settling cash outs , verifying imbalances , processing transportations invoices , settlements , and project accounting as required . financial reporting , assisting in preparing sec reporting , balance sheet reconciliation , and ferc reporting . excellent interpersonal skills , will be able to effectively communicate with all levels of management , vendors , and customers . seeking permanent , but will consider project to permanent . current salary 45 k - smith _ gloria _ 062000 _ revised . doc
resume - gloria smith
please read the resume of gloria smith and provide me feedback if she fits your needs . let me know if you ' d like to interview her . she is through a recruiter at a 20 % fee . toni her references indicate strengths in the area ? enron is requiring experiences . ? she prefers the gas environment . ? her qualifications are : masters in education ; bba - accounting experienced in day to day pipeline ? and gas ? activity providing net outs , resolve price and volume discrepancies , volume management , settling cash outs , verifying imbalances , processing transportations invoices , settlements , and project accounting as required . financial reporting , assisting in preparing sec reporting , balance sheet reconciliation , and ferc reporting . excellent interpersonal skills , will be able to effectively communicate with all levels of management , vendors , and customers . seeking permanent , but will consider project to permanent . current salary 45 k - smith _ gloria _ 062000 _ revised . doc
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tremendous savings on toners , inkjets , fax , and thermal replenishables ! ! toners 2 go is your secret weapon to lowering your cost for high quality , low - cost printer supplies ! we have been in the printer replenishables business since 1992 , and pride ourselves on rapid response and outstanding customer service . what we sell are 100 % compatible replacements for epson , canon , hewlett packard , xerox , okidata , brother , and lexmark ; products that meet and often exceed original manufacturer ' s specifications . check out these prices ! epson stylus color inkjet cartridge ( so 20108 ) : epson ' s price : $ 27 . 99 toners 2 go price : $ 9 . 95 ! hp laserjet 4 toner cartridge ( 92298 a ) : hp ' s price : $ 88 . 99 toners 2 go price : $ 41 . 75 ! come visit us on the web to check out our hundreds of similar bargains at toners 2 go ! request to be removed by clicking here jstaddon - - - - this sf . net email is sponsored by : thinkgeek welcome to geek heaven . http : / / thinkgeek . com / sf spamassassin - sightings mailing list
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nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following . correction : 3 , 000 into the carrtwheel agreement . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bruce mcmills / ftworth / pefs / pec on 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 50 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bruce mcmills 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 49 pm to : dfarmer @ enron . com , stacey . neuweiler @ enron . com , briley @ enron . com cc : jim i . fields / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec subject : nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following . also , 23 , 000 mmbtu into enron ' s cartwheel agreementat the hub . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bruce mcmills / ftworth / pefs / pec on 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 48 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bruce mcmills 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 28 pm to : dfarmer @ enron . com , stacey . neuweiler @ enron . com , briley @ enron . com cc : jim i . fields / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec subject : nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following . as we discussed , due to weather we decided to reschedule our maintenance , and noms have been returned to 75 , 000 mmbtu / d effective today and following , until further notice . 15 , 000 mmbtu will come from cipco into mobil beaumont , 50 , 000 into pg & e , and 7 , 000 from fuels cotton valley into hpl . unless a problem arises , we plan to stay at this level until tuesday , 3 / 21 / 2000 , when we will go down some for 1 day only .
nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following .
correction : 3 , 000 into the carrtwheel agreement . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bruce mcmills / ftworth / pefs / pec on 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 50 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bruce mcmills 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 49 pm to : dfarmer @ enron . com , stacey . neuweiler @ enron . com , briley @ enron . com cc : jim i . fields / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec subject : nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following . also , 23 , 000 mmbtu into enron ' s cartwheel agreementat the hub . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bruce mcmills / ftworth / pefs / pec on 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 48 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bruce mcmills 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 28 pm to : dfarmer @ enron . com , stacey . neuweiler @ enron . com , briley @ enron . com cc : jim i . fields / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec subject : nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following . as we discussed , due to weather we decided to reschedule our maintenance , and noms have been returned to 75 , 000 mmbtu / d effective today and following , until further notice . 15 , 000 mmbtu will come from cipco into mobil beaumont , 50 , 000 into pg & e , and 7 , 000 from fuels cotton valley into hpl . unless a problem arises , we plan to stay at this level until tuesday , 3 / 21 / 2000 , when we will go down some for 1 day only .
fw : meeting with jeff skilling louise , per our conversation of last week , you might be interested in the following meetings . k - - - - - original message - - - - - from : chapman , kay sent : wednesday , february 07 , 2001 5 : 55 pm to : taylor , liz ; heathman , karen ; daw , nicki ; taylor , liz ; kimberly hillis / hou / ect @ enron ; sera , sherri ; lehr , tonai ; watson , denys ; gutierrez , anabel cc : chapman , kay subject : meeting with jeff skilling dave delainey has asked that i contact each of you for the following meetings : date : february 22 , 2001 date : february 22 , 2001 thursday thursday time : 9 : 00 am - 9 : 45 am time : 9 : 45 am - 10 : 30 am location : mr . skilling ' s office location : mr . skilling ' s office topic : charter review 2001 topic : charter review 2001 attendees : jeff skilling attendees : jeff skilling rick buy rick buy mark frevert mark frevert dave delainey dave delainey john lavorato john lavorato john thompson michael l . miller scott josey if you have any questions , please feel free to call me . thanks , kay 3 - 0643
fw : meeting with jeff skilling
louise , per our conversation of last week , you might be interested in the following meetings . k - - - - - original message - - - - - from : chapman , kay sent : wednesday , february 07 , 2001 5 : 55 pm to : taylor , liz ; heathman , karen ; daw , nicki ; taylor , liz ; kimberly hillis / hou / ect @ enron ; sera , sherri ; lehr , tonai ; watson , denys ; gutierrez , anabel cc : chapman , kay subject : meeting with jeff skilling dave delainey has asked that i contact each of you for the following meetings : date : february 22 , 2001 date : february 22 , 2001 thursday thursday time : 9 : 00 am - 9 : 45 am time : 9 : 45 am - 10 : 30 am location : mr . skilling ' s office location : mr . skilling ' s office topic : charter review 2001 topic : charter review 2001 attendees : jeff skilling attendees : jeff skilling rick buy rick buy mark frevert mark frevert dave delainey dave delainey john lavorato john lavorato john thompson michael l . miller scott josey if you have any questions , please feel free to call me . thanks , kay 3 - 0643
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julie for you on her webcam
hey guys what ' s up ? my name ' s julie , and here ' s a little about me in case you were wondering : ) well i just turned 18 about 3 weeks ago and i am a high school senior in houston , tx . some of my hobbies are : shopping , partying , hanging out with friends , modeling and most of all , chatting on my webcam ! i decided to put up this site , because i love to meet new people and i love showing off my body ! ! my site is totally free for you to check out too . http : / / tobeatdameat . com / ju 43 /
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ideabank website
please read the attached document for information about an exciting new website for ets employees !
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looking for property in spain ?
looking for property in spain ? don _ t waste your time ! that is what most people do when they look for property using property web sites . why ? because many of the properties that are advertised on them have already been sold ! you could waste precious time looking for and inquiring after properties that have already been sold ! how frustrating ! ! ! the property market is moving very fast here in spain and frankly many estate agents do not have the time to update their web sites . what you need is a company that can find you property that is actually for sale and can present to you a selection of current properties that specifically fit your requirements . just think of how much time and effort that would save you ! property finders spain can do just that ! we are here in spain and have a many ways of looking for property that has just arrived on the market , even looking in the local papers ! so while others are chasing properties or new projects that are no longer for sale you can be viewing property that has just arrived on the market ! simply fill in the form below and press the send button and we will do all of the hard work for you . once we receive your requirements we will immediately begin looking for current properties just right for you . property finders form property type villa apartment town house new building projects plot of land number of bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 location do you want a sea view ? yes no don ` t care mountain view yes no don ` t care a property in the country a property in or near a city pool yes , no yes no don ` t care price range > " name = bl > let us find a property for you !
fw : vince and ravi , attached below is the resume of a student graduating from the university of chicago with an ms in mathematics . his specialty is financial mathematics and his coursework seems to have covered a lot of the sorts of things that i understand your group to do , vince . he is extremely interested in enron and contacted me because i am an alum of the college at the u of c . i gather he didn ' t go through enron ' s typical recruiting process for analysts or associates because his background is more technical , than commercial . he acknowledged that his business experience is limited and from his resume you can tell that he is young . he would therefore be willing to start as an analyst or whatever the equivalent would be for a non - rotating position , but his interest is in doing the kind of work that you do , vince , and ravi , i know you have a similar background . please let me know if this candidate would be of interest to either of you . if so , feel free to contact him directly . he would like to start work this summer after graduating in june . thanks for your time and i hope this is useful to you . regards , laura laura howenstine manager , origination enron net works 713 - 853 - 0308 ( office ) laura . howenstine @ enron . com - - - - - original message - - - - - from : " kodjo adovor " @ enron + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : monday , february 26 , 2001 4 : 48 pm to : howenstine , laura cc : lhowenstine @ hotmail . com subject : dear laura , thanks for taking the time to talk to me about the opportunities available in financial derivatives at enron . i appreciate your help . my resume is attached to this email as resume . doc . i look forward to talking to you soon . regards , n . kodjo adovor the university of chicago financial mathematics - resume . doc
fw :
vince and ravi , attached below is the resume of a student graduating from the university of chicago with an ms in mathematics . his specialty is financial mathematics and his coursework seems to have covered a lot of the sorts of things that i understand your group to do , vince . he is extremely interested in enron and contacted me because i am an alum of the college at the u of c . i gather he didn ' t go through enron ' s typical recruiting process for analysts or associates because his background is more technical , than commercial . he acknowledged that his business experience is limited and from his resume you can tell that he is young . he would therefore be willing to start as an analyst or whatever the equivalent would be for a non - rotating position , but his interest is in doing the kind of work that you do , vince , and ravi , i know you have a similar background . please let me know if this candidate would be of interest to either of you . if so , feel free to contact him directly . he would like to start work this summer after graduating in june . thanks for your time and i hope this is useful to you . regards , laura laura howenstine manager , origination enron net works 713 - 853 - 0308 ( office ) laura . howenstine @ enron . com - - - - - original message - - - - - from : " kodjo adovor " @ enron + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : monday , february 26 , 2001 4 : 48 pm to : howenstine , laura cc : lhowenstine @ hotmail . com subject : dear laura , thanks for taking the time to talk to me about the opportunities available in financial derivatives at enron . i appreciate your help . my resume is attached to this email as resume . doc . i look forward to talking to you soon . regards , n . kodjo adovor the university of chicago financial mathematics - resume . doc
january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298 if you have any questions i ' m sure you guys have this , but i ' ve been on vacation and wanted to make sure you all got it . beverly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by beverly beaty / hou / ect on 12 / 28 / 2000 07 : 09 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron capital & trade resources corp . from : " victor haley " 12 / 19 / 2000 05 : 19 pm to : cc : subject : january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298 if you have any questions january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298 if you have any questions - enronavailsol 01 . xls
january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298
if you have any questions i ' m sure you guys have this , but i ' ve been on vacation and wanted to make sure you all got it . beverly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by beverly beaty / hou / ect on 12 / 28 / 2000 07 : 09 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron capital & trade resources corp . from : " victor haley " 12 / 19 / 2000 05 : 19 pm to : cc : subject : january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298 if you have any questions january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298 if you have any questions - enronavailsol 01 . xls
luv our ro , lex for these identical features and lowprices . our goods have all the attributes the classic have . they are made from stainless steel and are waterproof with sapphire crystal surface . select our range with various energy types . select either battery ones , quartz ones or movement ones . http : / / xpv . fm . chicshoe . com / n 7 / - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hilton @ bia . com [ mailto : darron @ utm . com ] sent : thursday , march 6 , 2005 1 : 52 pm to : kerry ; leonard @ rdhg . com ; ethan ; jonathan ; burt subject : ro , lex , smart elegance at reasonable expenses . only at our cyberspace . these beauties have thesame fea - tures and logos as their classics . you will flnd all the lovabledetails on our goods . an evening shorter . glowing and lovely in sensibility and happiness , and he sent them a message to say that there was one remedy which and mrs harville and captain benwick ; with whom they had appointed
luv our ro , lex for these identical features and lowprices .
our goods have all the attributes the classic have . they are made from stainless steel and are waterproof with sapphire crystal surface . select our range with various energy types . select either battery ones , quartz ones or movement ones . http : / / xpv . fm . chicshoe . com / n 7 / - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hilton @ bia . com [ mailto : darron @ utm . com ] sent : thursday , march 6 , 2005 1 : 52 pm to : kerry ; leonard @ rdhg . com ; ethan ; jonathan ; burt subject : ro , lex , smart elegance at reasonable expenses . only at our cyberspace . these beauties have thesame fea - tures and logos as their classics . you will flnd all the lovabledetails on our goods . an evening shorter . glowing and lovely in sensibility and happiness , and he sent them a message to say that there was one remedy which and mrs harville and captain benwick ; with whom they had appointed
signups with your business would you like to get twenty ( 20 ) paid _ sign _ ups this week ? simple process that can be repeated every week for 52 weeks a year . any business . how would you like 20 sign _ ups a week ? doesn ' t cost any more than 80 usd $ and 2 hours of your time to get paid _ sign _ ups . how much will you earn from 20 sign _ ups each week ? more than 80 usd $ or 40 gbp £ ? we sell test packages at 80 usd $ but you can buy much bigger packages once you ' ve tested us and see the great results . for more details please send an email to : lwood 2005 @ tiscali . co . uk please put " test 20 @ 80 usd " . sorry if you got this email either in error or want to be taken off our list please send an email to : lwood 2005 @ tiscali . co . uk with " notest 20 @ 80 usd " and your details will be removed very quickly indeed . many thanks larry - to unsubscribe from this list : send the line " unsubscribe linux - kernel " in the body of a message to majordomo @ vger . kernel . org more majordomo info at http : / / vger . kernel . org / majordomo - info . html please read the faq at http : / / www . tux . org / lkml /
signups with your business
would you like to get twenty ( 20 ) paid _ sign _ ups this week ? simple process that can be repeated every week for 52 weeks a year . any business . how would you like 20 sign _ ups a week ? doesn ' t cost any more than 80 usd $ and 2 hours of your time to get paid _ sign _ ups . how much will you earn from 20 sign _ ups each week ? more than 80 usd $ or 40 gbp £ ? we sell test packages at 80 usd $ but you can buy much bigger packages once you ' ve tested us and see the great results . for more details please send an email to : lwood 2005 @ tiscali . co . uk please put " test 20 @ 80 usd " . sorry if you got this email either in error or want to be taken off our list please send an email to : lwood 2005 @ tiscali . co . uk with " notest 20 @ 80 usd " and your details will be removed very quickly indeed . many thanks larry - to unsubscribe from this list : send the line " unsubscribe linux - kernel " in the body of a message to majordomo @ vger . kernel . org more majordomo info at http : / / vger . kernel . org / majordomo - info . html please read the faq at http : / / www . tux . org / lkml /
delainey is everywhere . he is working on doug gilbert smith - head of ercot power trading .
delainey is everywhere .
he is working on doug gilbert smith - head of ercot power trading .
solomon smith barney mike shanker called today and wants to spend tuesday through thursday next week in our office reviewing at a more detailed level the functional responsibilities within operations and accounting . his goal , on behalf of frank bisignano ( which i am sure that i have misspelled ) , is to map the job functions that we have into the job functions as they are organized within solomon smith barney . i told him that we would be glad to work with him . we will involve bob hall , jeff gossett , stacey white , leslie reeves and others as needed in these more detailed discussions . mike says that wes is sending him a functional org chart for his team today . i will touch base with wes to make sure we are coordinated on our efforts . is this the entity that had requested org charts that you asked for ? - - sally
solomon smith barney
mike shanker called today and wants to spend tuesday through thursday next week in our office reviewing at a more detailed level the functional responsibilities within operations and accounting . his goal , on behalf of frank bisignano ( which i am sure that i have misspelled ) , is to map the job functions that we have into the job functions as they are organized within solomon smith barney . i told him that we would be glad to work with him . we will involve bob hall , jeff gossett , stacey white , leslie reeves and others as needed in these more detailed discussions . mike says that wes is sending him a functional org chart for his team today . i will touch base with wes to make sure we are coordinated on our efforts . is this the entity that had requested org charts that you asked for ? - - sally
hpl books and records sally and brian , per my conversation with brian regarding hpl books and records to be turned over to aep , we will complete the identification and inventory report of records to be turned over by close of business thursday , april 26 , 2001 . we will continue to track and monitor the location of these records during the transition of personnel from enron to aep . in order to ensure delivery of the hpl / aep records transfer list , we have increased the resources from three to ten individuals . please call me if you need further clarification or have any comments or concerns . thank you , carolyn gilley ext . 35237
hpl books and records
sally and brian , per my conversation with brian regarding hpl books and records to be turned over to aep , we will complete the identification and inventory report of records to be turned over by close of business thursday , april 26 , 2001 . we will continue to track and monitor the location of these records during the transition of personnel from enron to aep . in order to ensure delivery of the hpl / aep records transfer list , we have increased the resources from three to ten individuals . please call me if you need further clarification or have any comments or concerns . thank you , carolyn gilley ext . 35237
our new greatt offr want to know how to save over 60 % o laudatory n your piils ? http : / / www . regis macartney teouse . com - successfull and proven w kimono ay to save your mon unattending ey . dreadnought v a answerable g cockalorum al l lexical u warship l buffoonery rac blubbered l i feculent s macedonian val terzetto m andmanyother . best prlces intuitive . pericarditis high quaiity . worldwide photometry shlpplng . total conf rotter identiaiity . 250 . 000 + satisfied custome deplenish rs . inaccurate have a nice day !
our new greatt offr
want to know how to save over 60 % o laudatory n your piils ? http : / / www . regis macartney teouse . com - successfull and proven w kimono ay to save your mon unattending ey . dreadnought v a answerable g cockalorum al l lexical u warship l buffoonery rac blubbered l i feculent s macedonian val terzetto m andmanyother . best prlces intuitive . pericarditis high quaiity . worldwide photometry shlpplng . total conf rotter identiaiity . 250 . 000 + satisfied custome deplenish rs . inaccurate have a nice day !
updated doorstep budget after our discussion yesterday , i ' ve updated the doorstep budget . i ' m working on the schedule ( starting 9 / 2000 ) and hope to get that to you soon as well . best regards shona
updated doorstep budget
after our discussion yesterday , i ' ve updated the doorstep budget . i ' m working on the schedule ( starting 9 / 2000 ) and hope to get that to you soon as well . best regards shona
valero 10 / 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary w lamphier / hou / ect on 11 / 15 / 2000 12 : 17 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rebecca griffin @ enron 11 / 15 / 2000 12 : 06 pm to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : valero 10 / 00 i noticed the new october deals for valero ( 414065 , 414074 , 414071 ) include both the base index pricing and the swing gas daily pricing . however , the old swing deals ( 148386 , 148391 , 148382 ) are still valid through october . should these deals be effective for october ? thanks for your help . rebecca
valero 10 / 00
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary w lamphier / hou / ect on 11 / 15 / 2000 12 : 17 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rebecca griffin @ enron 11 / 15 / 2000 12 : 06 pm to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : valero 10 / 00 i noticed the new october deals for valero ( 414065 , 414074 , 414071 ) include both the base index pricing and the swing gas daily pricing . however , the old swing deals ( 148386 , 148391 , 148382 ) are still valid through october . should these deals be effective for october ? thanks for your help . rebecca
software by the original manufacturer & at generic prices & software should be easy to use ! all leaders strive to turn their followers into children . dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body .
software by the original manufacturer & at generic prices &
software should be easy to use ! all leaders strive to turn their followers into children . dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body .
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= ? utf - 8 ? q ? equal medicine - bit ? =
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failure notice hi . this is the qmail - send program at mx - 00 . sil . at . i ' m afraid i wasn ' t able to deliver your message to the following addresses . this is a permanent error ; i ' ve given up . sorry it didn ' t work out . : the users mailfolder is over the allowed quota ( size ) . - - - below this line is a copy of the message . return - path : received : ( qmail - ldap / ctrl 18360 invoked from network ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 59 : 11 - 0000 received : from unknown ( helo mailwisconsin . com ) ( [ 220 . 78 . 161 . 252 ] ) ( envelope - sender ) by mx - 00 . sil . at ( qmail - ldap - 1 . 03 ) with smtp for ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 59 : 11 - 0000 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 09359749 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : office @ intermaps . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivabie !
failure notice
hi . this is the qmail - send program at mx - 00 . sil . at . i ' m afraid i wasn ' t able to deliver your message to the following addresses . this is a permanent error ; i ' ve given up . sorry it didn ' t work out . : the users mailfolder is over the allowed quota ( size ) . - - - below this line is a copy of the message . return - path : received : ( qmail - ldap / ctrl 18360 invoked from network ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 59 : 11 - 0000 received : from unknown ( helo mailwisconsin . com ) ( [ 220 . 78 . 161 . 252 ] ) ( envelope - sender ) by mx - 00 . sil . at ( qmail - ldap - 1 . 03 ) with smtp for ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 59 : 11 - 0000 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 09359749 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : office @ intermaps . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivabie !
funding deal louise , we have a customer that wants to monetize a couple of itm deals . cash out the door would be c $ 500 k with orig of c $ 300 k over ba ' s . please advise . thanks , rob
funding deal
louise , we have a customer that wants to monetize a couple of itm deals . cash out the door would be c $ 500 k with orig of c $ 300 k over ba ' s . please advise . thanks , rob
christmas gift for you . gnat winslow sledgewrithe mightn ' t interviewee find out how i make $ 3 , 000 to $ 5 , 000 every week ! no mlm , maticies , binaries , or hype . just the facts ! our 9 minute movie will show you how and share aformula that will guide you to 100 k in 100 days . we will even show you how to qualify for a f ' ree vacation . go ahead , copy and paste the link below into your browser : http : / / 211 . 158 . 15 . 61 / jhl / ken smith says , " i love this . i made a little over $ 12 , 000 last week . " find out how to watch the movie now at this site . http : / / 211 . 158 . 15 . 61 / jhl / blemishapperception bloody bernardo destiny cheryl anypremier brinyhereunto emasculate controvertible if you received this message in error or if you wish to be removed from our mailing list , copy the link below in your browser and enter your email address to be removed : http : / / toformer . com / this is a commerc ! al ad ssp . o . box 1958 slc , utah 84552 kabul deceivecontusion atkins chromate headwater tanager orangutan boyish pariahcaught weariedboyd aries cheesy grab swab corbelgingham jangreenish transept caspian bangor radiotelephone waitecruz swampedith ellipsoid idol longleg dicta noraddressograph cheshirebudgetary minnow ashamed corona skillet atrophic
christmas gift for you . gnat
winslow sledgewrithe mightn ' t interviewee find out how i make $ 3 , 000 to $ 5 , 000 every week ! no mlm , maticies , binaries , or hype . just the facts ! our 9 minute movie will show you how and share aformula that will guide you to 100 k in 100 days . we will even show you how to qualify for a f ' ree vacation . go ahead , copy and paste the link below into your browser : http : / / 211 . 158 . 15 . 61 / jhl / ken smith says , " i love this . i made a little over $ 12 , 000 last week . " find out how to watch the movie now at this site . http : / / 211 . 158 . 15 . 61 / jhl / blemishapperception bloody bernardo destiny cheryl anypremier brinyhereunto emasculate controvertible if you received this message in error or if you wish to be removed from our mailing list , copy the link below in your browser and enter your email address to be removed : http : / / toformer . com / this is a commerc ! al ad ssp . o . box 1958 slc , utah 84552 kabul deceivecontusion atkins chromate headwater tanager orangutan boyish pariahcaught weariedboyd aries cheesy grab swab corbelgingham jangreenish transept caspian bangor radiotelephone waitecruz swampedith ellipsoid idol longleg dicta noraddressograph cheshirebudgetary minnow ashamed corona skillet atrophic
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