### Instruction: may I know lifecyle of white flies ### Response:
6-10 days for egg hatch, 3-4 days as a nymph I, 4-5 days as nymph II, 4-5 days as nymph III, 6-10 days for the pupa. Adults can live for 30 to 40 days.
### Instruction: Which variety of cassava is resistant to disease? ### Response:
NARO has produced cassava varieties resistant to cassava mosaic disease (NASE 1-NASE 19 and NAROCASS1 ) and tolerant to cassava brown streak such as NAROCASS 1, NASE 14 and NASE 3
### Instruction: which diseases attack maize and how can I control them? ### Response:
Bacterial leaf blight and stalk rot, Bacterial leaf spot, Bacterial stalk rot, Bacterial stalk and top rot, Bacterial stripe, Stewart's disease, maize streak disease, etc, Use crop-rotation to control disease
### Instruction: How can I manage maize stalk borer in my maize garden ### Response:
Spray against stem borer caterpillars when they have attacked 2 to 3 in 10 plants. Spray when they are young caterpillars on leaves and funnels.
### Instruction: when should I spray my maize gardens against stem borer ### Response:
Spray against stem borer caterpillars when they have attacked 2 to 3 in 10 plants. Spray when there are young caterpillars on leaves and funnels.
### Instruction: which disease are affecting maize? ### Response:
Bacterial leaf blight and stalk rot, Bacterial leaf spot, Bacterial stalk rot, Bacterial stalk and top rot, Bacterial stripe, Stewart's disease, maize streak disease, etc
### Instruction: How does cassava mosaic disease spread? ### Response:
Cassava mosaic disease is caused by cassava mosaic virus which is mainly spread by whiteflies and use of diseased planting material. To avoid it, use clean planting material of resistant varieties
### Instruction: How should I apply fertilizer in my bean garden ### Response:
Depends on the fertilizer but most of them are applied in the soil where the crop is to be planted (proximity) or sprayed on the growing leaves for foliar fertilisers
### Instruction: how can I know the quality of soil ### Response:
Hand test; take a handful of soil and squeeze it. If it stays together, but crumbles when you poke it, the soil is loamy, which is good or use soil testing kit
### Instruction: why are there some caterpillars under the roots? ### Response:
Some insects lay eggs in the soil and when they hatch into larvae, the larvae keep in the ground while feeding on roots before becoming adults to complete the life cycle.
### Instruction: why do I always need to spray my beans in order to get good yields? ### Response:
Spraying eliminates pests which most of the times are the vectors of most diseases. When pests and diseases are eliminated, then bean yields will increase.
### Instruction: what causes black spots on my bean ### Response:
It happens when pores of the fungus germinate and infect individual plant cells.when this happens the sorrouning cells die and the fungus can not advance thus resulting into ablack spot on the bean pod
### Instruction: when should I use my cassava ### Response:
Depends on what you want to do but the leaves can be used for sauce even when cassava is young while stems are used for seed and firewood after harvest and the roots are used for food
### Instruction: if I put beans on cement, will it make it not to germinate? ### Response:
Yes, on the cement, the beans will absorb moisture and rot due to high moisture content which causes them not to germinate.
### Instruction: what are the pest of beans ### Response:
Depending on the stage of growth, they include bruchids, stem maggots, several types of flies, thrips, bettles, pod borers, sap sucking insects etc
### Instruction: how to plant maize in a cassava garden ### Response:
Maize can be planted between the cassava plants at a spacing of 0.5m away from cassava plant and 0.5m away from another maize plant
### Instruction: is it possible to avoid cassava green mite ### Response:
yes, by planting of certified healthy cuttings, planting at the onset of the rains to encourage vigorous growth and thereby increase tolerance to mite attacks
### Instruction: what brings worms in the inner part of the cassava root? ### Response:
Naturally nematodes parasites eat the plant roots but when the root is damaged by the virus, worms easily get in through the damaged part
### Instruction: How can a farmer control caterpillar from eating stems of beans? ### Response:
Synthetic pesticides and powders can kill caterpillars but you can manually kill off the caterpillars also
### Instruction: how can I sell when the price is good enough? ### Response:
By avoiding to sell beans when the farmers have just finished harvesting. At least wait for some time when most farmers have sold their produce and then you sell yours.
### Instruction: what diseases attack beans, how can I control it? ### Response:
Bean root rots attack beans and can be controlled by spraying to eliminate the bean fly, can also be controlled by crop-rotation to break disease cycle
### Instruction: How can cassava bacterial blight be controlled? ### Response:
Through pruning of infected plant tissue, weed removal, use balanced amounts of plant nutrients, allow fallow fields to dry in order to suppress disease
### Instruction: Is deep digging the best way to prepare a garden for planting beans? ### Response:
Yes, because deep digging exposes pests barrowing in the soil which are then killed by the hostile environment or eaten by predators
### Instruction: What is cassava bacterial blight ### Response:
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis is the bacteria or pathogen that causes bacterial blight of cassava.
### Instruction: When should I harvest my beans ### Response:
Harvest when they have reached physiological maturity for fresh consumption and when they have dried to a moisture content of about 20 for drying and storage of grain
### Instruction: Which type of beans is resistant to pest and disease? ### Response:
Depending on the pest, most NARO bred varieties are resistant to different pests and diseases. This includes especially the NAROBEAN varieties
### Instruction: how can I use my eyes to see that a seed is good for planting before buying? ### Response:
By checking if the beans are not having holes on them. Also by checking that the beans have no fungal growth on them.
### Instruction: what can I use to spray cassava with brown streak ### Response:
Insecticides that kill anthropod pests such as whiteflies can be used in case of so many whiteflies in the garden which spread the disease
### Instruction: what fertilizer can I use when planting cassava cutting ### Response:
Fertilisers such as NPK, CAN and Urea containing nitrogen applied just before planting are good for improved germination and vigor in plants
### Instruction: by the time of planting beans what type of fertilizer should I apply ### Response:
In Uganda, the common fertility problem is lack of nitrogen so you can use nitrogen fertilizers such as NPK
### Instruction: how can I control caterpillar eating the stem of my beans ### Response:
Synthetic pesticeds and poweders can kill caterpillars but you can manually kill off the caterpillars also
### Instruction: if the cassava plant is healthy, what makes it's leaf to wilt and steam to dry. ### Response:
Drying of stems and wilting of leaves is due to cassava bacterial blight disease
### Instruction: what can I do to make the folded leaves open? ### Response:
If it is due to a viral disease, there is no way because there is no solution yet for the viral diseases especially in healing the already sick plant.
### Instruction: what may make my maize seeds not to germinate well? ### Response:
The main reason for failure is a non viable (embryo destroyed, seed young or dormant etc) seed or lack of right germination conditions.
### Instruction: which type of pest affect maize ### Response:
The moth group( which includes cutworms, earworms, borers and grain moth), beetles (grubs, grain borers and weevils)
### Instruction: does cassava diseases affect only the leaves? ### Response:
Not really,cassava diseases affects both leaves,stems and roots.especially cassava mosaic disease and cassava brown streak disease
### Instruction: how can I carry out seed germination test ### Response:
Get a known number of seeds and place them in a moist place, count the number of those that germinated and those that didn’t. Express it as a percentage
### Instruction: how can I control string in my cassava garden ### Response:
Strega can be controlled by using Strega free seeds, culturally by hand pulling or removal using hoes, you can also use resistant varieties
### Instruction: how can I make sure that my seeds are always available for planting? ### Response:
By storing them appropriately e.g, adquate drying and keep them in silos or when seed dressed to avoid storage pests.
### Instruction: how can I prevent diseases in Maize ### Response:
Use of tolerant hybrids, adopt crop rotation, destruction of previous crop debris completely, deep ploughing and applying balanced dose of fertilizers
### Instruction: what type of fertilizer should I apply in cassava garden for planting cassava stems ### Response:
Fertilizers containing nitrogen applied just before planting are good for improved germination and vigor in plants
### Instruction: why do some cassava plant which is having virus rot and others do not route yet are in one Hole? ### Response:
When the plant is not highly challenegd by the virus, it can be able to produce some roots
### Instruction: Is it healthy to eat sprayed cassava? ### Response:
If a contact insecticide is used the tubers under the ground remains safe, however where systemic pesticide is used may incorporate into the tubers
### Instruction: how can I prevent the spread of cassava diseases? ### Response:
Use clean seed (stems) of CMD and CBSD tolerant varieties such as NAROCASS 1 and NASE 14
### Instruction: what brings cassava plant brown streak disease. ### Response:
Whiteflies and infected stems carry A virus called cassava brown streak virus found in tissues of cassava, especially stems causes the disease
### Instruction: what can I use to control birds from digging out the planted seeds? ### Response:
By scaring the birds using the scare craws, also by physically chasing away the birds from the gardens of beans
### Instruction: what kind of fertilizer should I use for planting cassava ### Response:
In Uganda, the common fertility problem is lack of nitrogen so you can use nitrogen fertilizers such as NPK
### Instruction: How can I make compose manure. ### Response:
Segregate waste and choose only organic waste which you add to dry leaves and grass and cover for about a month or two to allow it to compost and make manure
### Instruction: What causes premature yellowing in beans ### Response:
Yellowing in beans is mainly due to lack of nitrogen and other minerals in the soil. Some diseases in beans also lead to yellowing
### Instruction: What makes bean seeds not to germinate well? ### Response:
The main reason for failure is a non viable (embryo destroyed, seed young or dormant etc) seed or lack of right germination conditions.
### Instruction: Which cassava variety has short maturity period? ### Response:
Purple cassava verity best for consumption within 90 days as opposed to white cassava varieties which takes 6 - 7 months
### Instruction: how many times do I need to weed my cassava in order to get good quality? ### Response:
Weeding is done every time there are many weeds in the garden but atleast three times in the growing cycle
### Instruction: what is sclerotium disease ### Response:
Soil-borne fungus infecting most active during warm, wet weather in tropical and subtropical region sand causes rots of the lower stem, roots and crown.
### Instruction: when should I weed my cassava ### Response:
Recommended for cassava is 4, 8 and 12 weeks after planting though some farmer tend not to follow the schedule because of the costs
### Instruction: What makes beans not to germinate well? ### Response:
The main reason for failure is a non viable (embryo destroyed, seed young or dormant etc) seed or lack of right germination conditions.
### Instruction: What makes cassava to yield less or small root tubers? ### Response:
Low yield (small tubers) is due to effect of pests/disease, lack of nutrients and other poor management practices
### Instruction: how can I plant beans cheaply at a less cost? ### Response:
By practicing early planting and using locally available resources like home generated manure such as compost and cultural practices of fighting pests and diseases
### Instruction: what causes root rotting in cassava ### Response:
Infections caused by casava brown streak an cassava mosaic disease caused by a virus spread by whitefly an planting of dieased material
### Instruction: what makes cassava leaves have yellow spots ### Response:
Yellow spots or y yellow leaves or allowing is mainly caused by viral diseases but lack of Nitrogen in the soil can also cause yellowing
### Instruction: what makes my cassava fail to germinate ### Response:
The main reason for failure is a non viable (embryo destroyed, seed young or dormant etc) seed or lack of right germination conditions.
### Instruction: what makes my maize not to germinate well ### Response:
The main reason for failure is a non viable (embryo destroyed, seed young or dormant etc) seed or lack of right germination conditions.
### Instruction: what makes my seeds not to germinate well ### Response:
The main reason for failure is a non viable (embryo destroyed, seed young or dormant etc) seed or lack of right germination conditions.
### Instruction: why should a farmer would choose to use a disc plough rather than a mold board plough. ### Response:
The disk plough can do several functions such soil breaking, soil raising, soil turning and Soil mixing
### Instruction: I have 15 acres of improved cassava ready for harvesting. Help me with marketing please ### Response:
Please consult with Nile breweries ltd, Uganda breweries, etc
### Instruction: What makes fails beans to germinate? ### Response:
The main reason for failure is a non viable (embryo destroyed, seed young or dormant etc) seed or lack of right germination conditions.
### Instruction: Which variety of cassava is resistant to cassava green mites. ### Response:
Most improved varieties are tolerant to the grreen mite but this should be done along side good crop management practices
### Instruction: how can I get very many seeds on harvest when I plant beans? ### Response:
Ensure good agronomic practices like early planting, early weeding, proper control of pest and diseases.
### Instruction: how do this white caterpillars get in the garden? ### Response:
The adult stage of the pest (butterflies) lay eggs which grow into larvae (caterpillars)
### Instruction: what are the side effects of using chemicals for spraying? ### Response:
They get absorbed by the plants and are deposited in plant tissues, they can be poisonous to the one spraying also
### Instruction: what are the varieties of maize? ### Response:
Bazooka, Longe 1, longe 3, longe 4, longe 2H, longe 5, etc
### Instruction: what brings very small flies in my cassava garden ### Response:
Failure to spray with effective insecticide, poor field sanitation i.e. failure to completely destroy previous crop debris.
### Instruction: what causes difference in growth pattern of cassava in the same garden? ### Response:
Prevalence of devastating pests/diseases, use of varieties with low adaptation rates and low genetic potential
### Instruction: what is the different between fertilizer and manure. ### Response:
Manure is all-natural animal droppings while fertilizer may be natural but may also have chemicals and other unknown substances added to it
### Instruction: what variety can l use in beans ### Response:
NARO has good bean varieties. The recent ones include NAROBEAN 1, 2,3 and even the NABE beans are good.
### Instruction: where do this caterpillars that eat the maize come from? ### Response:
The adult (moth) lays eggs on the leaves and after hatching, caterpillars eat maize
### Instruction: which pests and caterpillars are spoiling my beans? ### Response:
This can be bean leaf beetles, cut worms, bean flower beetles, flower thrips, etc
### Instruction: when should I start spraying my beans ### Response:
Spraying for diseases should be done when any economic pest is spotted but foliage fertilizers can be sprayed just before flowering
### Instruction: If my cassava germinates very many branches per hole, is it ok for me to break some branches of it to live only ? ### Response:
It's not advisable to prune cassava
### Instruction: Which type of crop is good for intercropping with cassava? ### Response:
Nitrogen fixing crops like beans,and maize can be intercropped with cassava very well
### Instruction: are cassava leaves poisonous? how much cyanide is in cassava leaves? ### Response:
Some leaves are poisonous. They contain up to 1000ppm of cyanide
### Instruction: how can I control diseases and caterpillars in the garden? ### Response:
By spraying chemicals (pesticides), uprooting the diseased plants, using crop-rotation
### Instruction: how can I control pest from attacking my beans ### Response:
A full cover spray with a systemic or contact insecticide, removal of all diseased plants, weeding in the first of growth
### Instruction: how can I control white caterpillars digging out the maize seed after planting? ### Response:
You can carry out soil drenching with pesticides or dress the seeds before planting
### Instruction: what are the fertilizers used in beans ### Response:
Adding in low nitrogen fertilizers at planting time is ok though usually beans manufacture their own nitrogen directly from the soil.
### Instruction: what causes bean weevils in my store ### Response:
Weevils are a result of improper crop management pre and post harvest. Good control and management strategies will reduce weevil infestation
### Instruction: when are we to start spraying maize ### Response:
Spraying for diseases should be done when any economic pest is spotted but foliar fertilisers can be sprayed just before flowering
### Instruction: which beans varieties are tolerant to bean diseases ### Response:
NABE beans especially NABE 1, NABE 2, NABE 3 which are also high in iron
### Instruction: which veriety of cassava is tolerant to cassava green mite ### Response:
Most improved varieties are tolerant to the grreen mite but this should be done alongside good crop management practices
### Instruction: why are the stems given by government getting infected so fast? ### Response:
In most cases, they do not test whether the stems are infected already before supplying and so they supply infected stems
### Instruction: How can I control bean weevil during storage ### Response:
Good storage practices such as using Pico bags, storing on pallets and use of insectides when combined allow for better storage iof maize
### Instruction: How can we control cassava brown streak disease ### Response:
Use clean seed (stems) of CBSD tolerant varieties such as NAROCASS 1 and NASE 14
### Instruction: after how long should I start spraying ### Response:
Spraying for diseases should be done when any economic pest is spotted but foliar fertilizers can be sprayed just before flowering
### Instruction: do I need to replace beans with another plant the next season? ### Response:
Not really, however it's good to repalce with one from a different family to avoid same pests and diseases
### Instruction: does cassava have seeds suitable for planting? ### Response:
Cassava seeds are not suitable for planting but can germinate and be used to get cassava cuttings or stakes
### Instruction: how can I grow without diseases affecting the beans? ### Response:
Grow beans at the start of the first seasonal rains and spray with appropriate pesticides at the right time.
### Instruction: how can some one know that cassava has mosaic ### Response:
Foliar symptoms include; mosaic, mottling, twisted leaves , overall reduction in the size of leaves and plants
### Instruction: what can I use to spray cassava? ### Response:
Most chemicals are good for example Rocket, cypermethrin, dudu cyper, imidacloprid, etc
### Instruction: what is bacterial blight in cassava ### Response:
A bacterial disease of cassava caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis 
### Instruction: what makes the Root of My beans rot ### Response:
Poor and infertile soils and lack of related nutrient to root growth during germination and growth stages of the crops in the garden
### Instruction: what should l do so that l stop cassava mosaic in cassava garden ### Response:
Cassava mosaic disease is controlled by the use of clean planting material of resistant varieties exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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