### Instruction: what disease affects cassava ### Response:
Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD), cassava common mosaic virus, cassava green mottle virus
### Instruction: what is making the leaves cover each other when it's about to mature? ### Response:
It's due to senescence, the leaf stalks keep weakening gradually
### Instruction: what makes beans price so low here? ### Response:
It's because almost every household grows beans especially in village setting and they are regarded as a crop for the poor
### Instruction: what makes my beans leaf to have brown spots ### Response:
Bacterial infections like halo blight disease and fungal infections like Anthracnose
### Instruction: what type of bean seeds are the best for growing ### Response:
Bean varieties are tolerant to bean diseases like those with medium seeds and Nabe 15
### Instruction: when should I do the first and second weeding? ### Response:
First weeding is done in 3 weeks after planting and second weeding is a month after first weeding
### Instruction: which cassava variety is good for planting? ### Response:
It is narocas1 because it is currently tolerant to CBSV and resistant to CMV
### Instruction: which fertilizers are used in beans ### Response:
Nitrogen based fertilisers such as Urea, NPK, CAN and phosphates and sulfur
### Instruction: which soil is suitable for growing of cassava ### Response:
Most soils that are well drained, fertile loam soils that are deep enough to support plant growth.
### Instruction: why are the bean seeds not germinating even at good weather conditions? ### Response:
This can be a result of seed dormancy or the seeds were stored poorly
### Instruction: why are the beans turning black in the garden? ### Response:
This can be due to diseases and pests e.g. bean anthracnose, aphids
### Instruction: why is the top part of the cassava drying up yet it's raining? ### Response:
Effect of cassava bacterial blight (CBB)
### Instruction: As a farmer which method is good to prevent soil erosion ### Response:
Farmers can terrace their gardens or mulch their gardens to stop erosion
### Instruction: Give me 10 names of cassava? ### Response:
### Instruction: How can I make organic fertilizer. ### Response:
Organic fertiliser is produced by compositing home and agricultural waste and applied as per a crop recommendation
### Instruction: How can I measure the amount of fertilizer to spray I acre of the maize garden? ### Response:
Application rates come with the packaging.. Read them out
### Instruction: How can I store maize grain on large scale? ### Response:
Use tarpaulins or cemented floor free from dust and store in a well aerated shelter
### Instruction: How do we call the virus found in the cassava. ### Response:
Cassava mosiac virus for CMD or cassava brown streak virus for CBSD
### Instruction: How many times cassava weeded? ### Response:
Weeding is done every time there are many weeds in the garden but atleast two times in the growing cycle
### Instruction: How many times should I weed my beans ### Response:
Weeding is done every time there are many weeds in the garden but at least two times in the growing cycle
### Instruction: How many times should a farmer dry his or her Bean seeds before planting ### Response:
Drying up to when moisture is about 14%
### Instruction: Is there any chemical l can use to store my maize after harvesting? ### Response:
Phosphine or weevil and grain borer control pesticides
### Instruction: What is nursery bed ### Response:
The prepared place where the process by which a seed grows from an inert stage into an embryo and thereafter a full plant
### Instruction: Which type of cassava is high yielding? ### Response:
All improved varieties including NASE 1-19 and NAROCASS 1 and 2
### Instruction: how can I care for cassava in order to get good yields? ### Response:
Use good seeds that are resistant to diseases and undertake good agricultural practices
### Instruction: how can I control diseases of maize ### Response:
Doing constant weeding every time weeds show up in the gardens especially like two times during the plant growth cycle
### Instruction: how can I dry cassava? ### Response:
Dry your produce on tarpaulines or cement flor away from dust and grit that would contaminate them
### Instruction: how can I know that fall armyworms have attached my maize gardens ### Response:
You see the green larvae/caterpillars in the garden
### Instruction: what are the solutions to the farms who can not have access to good variets ### Response:
The best solution is to contact the nearest office of NARO for the best advice
### Instruction: what causes Cassava brown streaks disease ### Response:
A virus called cassava brown streak virus found in tissues of cassava, especially stems causes the disease
### Instruction: what causes cassava white mite ### Response:
Insect pests attack plants usually when they are abundant and cause yield losses. They are caused by changes in environment etc
### Instruction: what diseases affect beans? ### Response:
Root rots, bean anthracnose, BCMV, halo blight, bean rust, black rot, etc
### Instruction: what is cassava? ### Response:
Cassava is a shrub in the plant family Euphorbiaceae that develops long tuberous starchy roots underground
### Instruction: what is inorganic fertilizer ### Response:
Fertilizer from Inorganic ions such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus and sulfur
### Instruction: what is making the cassava rot under the ground? ### Response:
This can be caused by cassava brown streak virus disease (CBSV) and also water logging
### Instruction: which instrument should I use for carrying out soil testing? ### Response:
Soil testers are many depending on what you want to test/ You can use soil auger for sampling
### Instruction: why are termites eating the planted cassava stem? ### Response:
This is because cassava stems have nutrients in them and they are moist
### Instruction: why are there weevils in my maize yet it didn't have before? ### Response:
Probably, there were weavil eggs that had not yet hatched
### Instruction: why do I only get low yields in maize? ### Response:
This can be a result of pests and diseases, planting poor variety or inappropriate spacing
### Instruction: why do some cassava variety rot in the ground? ### Response:
This can be a result of cassava brown streak virus disease (CBSV) or water logging
### Instruction: why does the cassava take long to get ready when cooking? ### Response:
This happens when the cassava root has a high water content due to starch reduction
### Instruction: why is my maize attacked by pests ### Response:
All crops are attacked by pests but this can be reduced by practicing good management practices to reduce pest damage
### Instruction: How can I control cassava mosaic disease. ### Response:
Cassava mosaic disease is controlled by the use clean planting material of resistant varieties
### Instruction: How can I control cassava white flies in my cassava garden. ### Response:
Intercorpping cassava maize/spraying pesticides
### Instruction: How can I make organic fertilizer ### Response:
Organic fertilizer is produced by compositing home and agricultural waste and applied as per a crop recommendation
### Instruction: How can I store my food. ### Response:
Store in good pico bags in a cool dry place making sure that pests do not tamper with the harvest
### Instruction: How can I sun dry my crops at home ### Response:
Put on a tarpauline or cemented floor and dry in the sun to reduce moisture
### Instruction: How mature should be cassava stem cutting for planting? ### Response:
A medium size stem of about 9 to 15 months is appropriate for planting
### Instruction: Is there any chemical l can use to store my maize after after harvesting ### Response:
Yes. You can apply reccomended chemicals to stop spoilage
### Instruction: What should I carryout when I have a virgin land and I want to plant my cassava? ### Response:
Clear the land and make it ready for planting
### Instruction: What size of cassava cuttings should I plant ### Response:
A medium size stem of about 9 to 15 months is approriate for planting
### Instruction: What variety of maize is high yielding? ### Response:
Longe聽9H, Longe 10H and Longe聽11H
### Instruction: Why is Sodom apple and tick berry affects crops like beans? ### Response:
They are weeds and compete with beans for nutrients
### Instruction: am I supposed to replace a garden with local maize after planting packed maize? ### Response:
No, replace maize with a crop in a different family
### Instruction: can a disease be transmitted to clean planting material if I use a knife used for peeling diseased cassava tubers ### Response:
Yes, its possible
### Instruction: how can I control maize weevils? ### Response:
By storing maize in silos and by seed dressing the seeds to avoid breeding of pests
### Instruction: how can I maintain cassava in the garden? ### Response:
Ensure timely weeding, spraying with pesticides and uprooting diseased plants
### Instruction: how can I store bean seeds for planting the next season? ### Response:
Dry them well and keep them in silos or you can also do seed dressing
### Instruction: how can dry my cassava ### Response:
Dry your produce on tarpaulins or cement flor away from dust and grit that would contaminate them
### Instruction: what are the agronomic practices of cassava ### Response:
Timely planting, timely weeding, spraying with pesticides, soil anchorage
### Instruction: what are the symptoms of cassava mosaic disease? ### Response:
Curled leaves and die back of the stem plus very little or no roots after harvest
### Instruction: what brings brown streak disease in cassava. ### Response:
Whiteflies spread the disease but also mainly through infested/infected cassava stems
### Instruction: what happens if I don't cover the whole stem during planting? ### Response:
Some parts of the stem will dry up, it can also be eaten by animals
### Instruction: what is the meaning of leaf rust ### Response:
Leaf rust refers to the rust spots on the leaf which look like a reddidh-brown powder
### Instruction: what makes cassava yellow ### Response:
Yellowing is mainly caused by viral diseases but lack of Nitrogen in the soil can also cause yellowing
### Instruction: what makes the bean leaf to have very small seeds ### Response:
High temperatures during certain parts of the growing season maybe one of the reason for stunted bean plant.
### Instruction: what should I do to stunted beans? ### Response:
Spray them with foliar nitrogen based fertilizers. Also spray them with pesticides
### Instruction: which herbicide is good removing weeds in cassava ### Response:
Mesotrione, Chlorimuron and Carfentrazone-ethyl
### Instruction: which insects spoil beans when am about to harvest them? ### Response:
Bean weevils can even begin while beans are in the gardens.
### Instruction: which variety of cassava has a short maturity periods ### Response:
Most varieties mature in 9-12 months but local varieties mature earlier
### Instruction: why does some seeds not germinate at sometimes? ### Response:
They have been affected by weevil damage. It can also be due to seed dormancy.
### Instruction: why is maize of this days easily affected by pests and diseases? ### Response:
It is bred for high yield and not resistance to pests and diseases
### Instruction: As a farmer, how can I know the qualities of a good fertilizer? ### Response:
Check if the chemical composition can sustain crop production well
### Instruction: Can I use chemicals to control weeds when beans are just germinating? ### Response:
No, the herbicides will kill the young beans
### Instruction: Does spraying beans during flowering time affect it 's ability to good yield ### Response:
It may if you don聮t spray the right chemicals
### Instruction: For how many times should I weed maize? ### Response:
Weeding is done every time (at least two times)there are many weeds in the garden
### Instruction: How can I get the percentage of humus in the Soil ### Response:
Dark like color with of the soil can give you a hint on the amount of humus
### Instruction: How can I know that my maize crops has excessive application of nitrogen in it. ### Response:
The amount of vegetative growth-Above normal
### Instruction: How can I space my bean seeds in the garden? ### Response:
60X 20 cm or 40X30 cm depending on variety
### Instruction: How long should I take to plant my cassava cuttings ### Response:
Cassava that is about 9-15 months can be used for planting
### Instruction: How many times should I spray my maize garden ### Response:
Depending on the incidence of pests and weeds in the garden, spray when numbers increase
### Instruction: I can see in prison and School eat beans almost daily why? ### Response:
They have proteins and carbohydrates and are not allergenic
### Instruction: What is difference between terracing and mulching ### Response:
Terracing is making bands to control soil erosion while mulching is covering the soil
### Instruction: What is the effect of mixing Cassava plants with other Crops in the same garden? ### Response:
Cassava can compete with them for nutrients and resources
### Instruction: dry maize and fresh maize, which one gives more money? ### Response:
Fresh maize gives more money because the costs of post harvest handling are avoided
### Instruction: ex which variety of maize seeds is resistant to Sunshine ### Response:
Drought tolerant maize such Longe 4, 2 etc
### Instruction: how can I control cut worms in my maize gardens ### Response:
Use good management practices such as keeping the garden weed free and use insectcides
### Instruction: how can I control halo blight in my beans garden ### Response:
40*30 cm or 30*70 cm depending on variety
### Instruction: how can I control maize pests ### Response:
Use good crop management practices and where possible use chemicals (pesticieds) to kill the pests
### Instruction: how can I control the caterpillars that control the beans when flowering? ### Response:
By spraying using chemicals (pesticides)
### Instruction: how can I determine a good cassava species? ### Response:
it should be high yielding, matures early, resistant to pest and diseases etc
### Instruction: how can I determine that my cassava is ready for harvesting? ### Response:
It should have spent a year after planting, the roots should be big
### Instruction: how can I know when to harvest my maize? ### Response:
When it has matured and has a moisture content of about 20%
### Instruction: how can I plant a cassava stem in a way that prevents termites from attacking it? ### Response:
First soak the stems in pesticides
### Instruction: how can I prevent Cassava mosaic ### Response:
Use improved varieties including NASE 1-19 and NAROCASS 1 and 2
### Instruction: how do I determine a good maize seed for planting? ### Response:
The seeds should have no holes, well dried and no moulds on them
### Instruction: how many times should I apply fertilizer in my cassava garden ### Response:
Not so much required but if there is need for fertilizer apply only Once
### Instruction: how many years should I plant cassava in the same garden ### Response:
Atleast three years and therafter use another crop (Crop rotation)
### Instruction: what can I use for safe driving my beans ### Response:
Beans can be dried on tapaulines on cemented floor to avoid losses in quality
### Instruction: what can I use for. transporting my maize from the garden during hervesting ### Response:
Use of pico bags or sacks that are aerated