### Instruction: what can be wrong with the stem if it doesn't germinate after two weeks? ### Response:
It is either rotting or it is destroyed by termites
### Instruction: what diseases affect cassava? ### Response:
Cassava mosaic virus disease (CMV), cassava brown streak virus disease (CBSV)
### Instruction: what is the best way of planting beans, scattering or in lines? ### Response:
Planting in lines is better because they makes it easy for garden maintenance
### Instruction: what is the courses of pest and diseases in the gardens ### Response:
Pest and diseases come from environment and are carried mainly by other biological agents
### Instruction: when should I harvest My beans seeds ### Response:
When they are ready with seeds at about 20% Moisture content for dry beans
### Instruction: which month is good for planting my beans ### Response:
Begining of a rainy season. In Uganda its around March to May and September to November
### Instruction: why are my beans not performing well in dry seasons? ### Response:
There is little water in the soil and low nutrient uptake leading to low yields
### Instruction: why are there always termites in the hole which I had dug for planting cassava? ### Response:
This can be because it's soft and wet
### Instruction: why is cassava seed not suitable for planting? ### Response:
Seeds require some level of selection and processing technology as opposed to direct planting of stems
### Instruction: why is the maize looking bad? ### Response:
This could be due to lack of nutrients, poor soils or no fertilizers applied in the garden
### Instruction: As a farmer, how can I control pig weeds in the garden? ### Response:
Weed when they are young and you can also spray them
### Instruction: How can I control Bacterial stripe in Maize plants? ### Response:
Use resistant varieties and increase on water availability for crop vigor
### Instruction: How can I know a bad quality growth in cassava ### Response:
It should have at least 4 nodes and a size of diameter of about 2 cm
### Instruction: How should I know my cassava plants have a deficiency symptom of potassium? ### Response:
Browning and scotching of leaves
### Instruction: Which variety of cassava is tolerant to disease? ### Response:
NAROCASS 1 and NASE 14 tolerant to CBSD
### Instruction: Why is it that farmers are advised to apply phosphate fertilizer at planting time of Maize seeds? ### Response:
To improve yields
### Instruction: a part from weeding maize which method again can I control the weeds ### Response:
Use herbicides in herbicide tolerant maize
### Instruction: can I use soil to kill the caterpillars in the maize cob? ### Response:
No, soil does not kill caterpillars
### Instruction: does rain with stones affect cassava? ### Response:
Yes, it removes the leaves from the cassava plants and causes cassava roots to become bitter
### Instruction: how can I control these caterpillars which is making the bean leaves fold? ### Response:
By spraying chemicals (pesticides)
### Instruction: how can I store beans after harvesting? ### Response:
Dry them well and keep them in silos, alternatively, carryout seed dressing
### Instruction: how do I know that the cassava is ready for harvesting? ### Response:
One year after planting the cassava can be harvested
### Instruction: how early is maize affected by diseases? ### Response:
It depends on the disease but most diseases start the moment maize is planted in the soil
### Instruction: how should I weed a cassava garden? ### Response:
Use a garden hoe to remove weeds while bringing the soil to cover well the root area
### Instruction: what are the good practices when weeding cassava? ### Response:
Do not dig deeper to cut cassava roots, extend the soil to the root area
### Instruction: what causes a beans seeds to be rotten ### Response:
If stored in a moist place, the seeds absorb moisture and rot
### Instruction: what is eating the top part of the maize comb? ### Response:
It's most likely the maize stem borers and fall army worms
### Instruction: what pesticide should I use for spraying my maize ### Response:
Depends on what you are spraying. Ask your DAO to help
### Instruction: what variety of cassava is tolerance to cassava green mite ### Response:
Improved varieties like NASE series and NAROCASS
### Instruction: when should I start spraying my cassava ### Response:
Depending on what you are spraying, if weeds, when plants are mature enough
### Instruction: where can I get fertilizer for planting my beans ### Response:
Fertilzer is sold in stores and shops registered to sell agricultural inputs
### Instruction: which maize varieties are to brand to maize diseases ### Response:
All the released varieties by NARO like Longe 1-10
### Instruction: which organic manure can I use for beans? ### Response:
Apply cow dung, chicken dropping, goat dung or compost
### Instruction: why are cassava leaves yellow? ### Response:
This can be an effect of cassava bacterial blight or cassava brown streak virus
### Instruction: why are the leaves drying up even when there is rain? ### Response:
Your cassava could be infected by cassava bacterial blight
### Instruction: why are the leaves of cassava folding a lot? ### Response:
That is a side effect of cassava mosaic virus (CMV)
### Instruction: why do seeds from the middle of a maize comb germinate better? ### Response:
This is because they are well developed compared to others in both ends.
### Instruction: why does they plant cassava seeds instead of cassava cuttings ### Response:
When you don聮t have cuttings or during breeding
### Instruction: why is hybrid so much affected by caterpillars? ### Response:
They are bred for high yielding but not made resistant to pests
### Instruction: why is the planted cassava stem drying up before germinating? ### Response:
It could've been young or it was destroyed by termites
### Instruction: how can I control pest in my bean garden ### Response:
Pests are controlled using recommended pesticides depending on the pest in addition to good management practices
### Instruction: Cassava and maize which one makes a person stronger? ### Response:
Both can depend on how much but cassava has more calories per kilogram
### Instruction: Do I need to put the cassava stem in the sun for some time before planting? ### Response:
Yes, it stimulates sprouting
### Instruction: How can I control cassava bacterial blight. ### Response:
Good crop management in addition to using disease resistant varieties controls diseases
### Instruction: How can I improve the fertility of my soil for growing beans ### Response:
Use both organic and inorganic fertilizers and good management practices
### Instruction: If I a farmer sown the Bean seeds too deep, What should I most likely going to observe? ### Response:
They may not germinate
### Instruction: Is it good to make alcohol from cassava? ### Response:
Yes, alcohol from cassava is as good as that from other substrates
### Instruction: Is it true or false that pesticides are used to kill small pest but they are not strong enough to humans? ### Response:
It's true
### Instruction: Now as shine have burn maize and it has started raining will this maize be alright? ### Response:
Possibly depending on extent of damage
### Instruction: What causes white spots on cassava leaves ### Response:
It's caused by a fungus called phaeoramularia manihotis
### Instruction: What is the best soil for planting maize ### Response:
Well drained, fertile loam soils that are deep enough to support plant growth.
### Instruction: Why Is it that cassava tastes More bitter during drought season than raining season ### Response:
It is protecting from herbivores
### Instruction: do l need to apply fertilizer in a cassava garden? ### Response:
Not always but if the soil is limited it is advised to apply
### Instruction: how can I control root rot in my beans garden ### Response:
Treat seeds before planting and avoid stressful environments like drought in your garden
### Instruction: how can I control spear grass in a garden ### Response:
By spraying the weeds and also deep ploughing to cut and burn the grass
### Instruction: how can I plant beans without spraying? ### Response:
Plant at the start of the rainy season but yields will be low without spraying
### Instruction: how can I prevent termites? ### Response:
By soaking stems in pestcides before planting or by soil drenching using chemicals
### Instruction: how can I properly prepare a garden for planting maize? ### Response:
Dig twice to break hard bigger soil lumps and remove all the rough residues
### Instruction: how many months should planted beans take to get ready for uprooting ### Response:
Beans usually take about 90-108 days
### Instruction: there many types of beans which one is good for farmers ### Response:
Early maturing and disease resistant beans like NAROBEAN 2
### Instruction: what are the quality of good cassava plant ### Response:
A good cassava plant should have no disease, many nodes and be able to yield highly
### Instruction: what can I do to avoid my beans from getting dry ### Response:
Watering during dry season/ planting seeds at the bringing of the rain seasons
### Instruction: what causes the black black spot rotting of cassava root tuber ### Response:
Cassava brown streak disease or fungal attack on the root
### Instruction: what makes cassava not to put tubers and yet it has grown well? ### Response:
This could be due to soil factors especially over fertilization
### Instruction: what makes my beans to germinate when it's. still young ### Response:
A lot of moisture in the pod and late harvesting
### Instruction: what method can I use for controlling leaf rust in my beans garden ### Response:
Use clean seed from certified dealers and practice good crop management
### Instruction: what natural method can I use to control cassava mosaic ### Response:
Control of whiteflies by integrated pest management or use of natural enemies
### Instruction: what really makes the cassava to rot in the garden? ### Response:
Cassava brown streak disease, water logging and sometimes rats damage the roots
### Instruction: what size of cassava stem should I cut for planting ### Response:
About 10-15 cms long and 2 cm in diameter
### Instruction: what type of herbicide can I use to control weeds in my cassava garden ### Response:
Normal herbicides like weed master
### Instruction: when should I get my cassava in the gardens. ### Response:
When it is ready and mature at around 11-12 months
### Instruction: where can I get a cheap and effective chemical for spraying? ### Response:
By buying the chemical from certified chemical distributors and dealers.
### Instruction: where can I get clean materials for planting ### Response:
Depends on a crop but NARO and OWC NAADS supply clean plant materials
### Instruction: where do weevils come from to attack stored maize? ### Response:
The adult weevils lay eggs on the maize when still in the garden
### Instruction: which type of chemical should I use for spraying my maize garden ### Response:
Use reccomended pesticides depending on what you are controlling
### Instruction: which variety of maize is drought tolerant ### Response:
Longe 10 H, Loneg 11 and other hybrids
### Instruction: which variety of maize is high yielding ### Response:
Longe hybrids and other hybrids on the market such as Bazooka
### Instruction: why are new hybrid maize seeds more affected with pests this season ### Response:
Because of their lush nature, they may attract more pests
### Instruction: why are some bean pods bending and yet some are straight? ### Response:
Due to effect of bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV)
### Instruction: why are the bean seeds so small? ### Response:
It may be due to stunted growth of beans which leads to small seeds or diseases
### Instruction: why do bean seeds go bad when put on the floor ### Response:
They absorb moisture which increases their moisture content causing them to rot
### Instruction: Apart from sun drying which other method used for drying maize ### Response:
Use tarpaulins or cemented floor free from dust
### Instruction: How can I control flies in my beans garden ### Response:
Spray them or use resistant crops of the crop you are planting
### Instruction: How can I control weeds in my bean garden ### Response:
Weed regularly or use herbicides if crop is herbicide ready
### Instruction: How can I plant my Beans? ### Response:
Prepare the garden, plant in lines at a spacing of 10 X30 cm
### Instruction: How can a farmer control premature drying of bean pods ### Response:
By ensuring that seeds are resistant to pest and disease
### Instruction: How can we manufacture a quality maize flour ### Response:
Dry the produce it to a low moisture and mill it into flour
### Instruction: What are the disadvantages of the use of fertilizers? ### Response:
They may lead to loss of other nutrients and are costly
### Instruction: What are the natural methods by which lost nutrients can be replenished in soil? ### Response:
Fertilization using good crops
### Instruction: What are the pest and disease of beans? ### Response:
Leaf based and pod based pests and bacterial and fungal diseases
### Instruction: What chemical can be used to spray white flies in cassava garden ### Response:
Striker pesticides and pyrethroids
### Instruction: What is germination. ### Response:
The process by which a seed grows from an inert stage into an embryo and thereafter a full plant
### Instruction: What makes bean seeds to rot inside the pod ### Response:
Diseases such as sclerotioum and rots and a lot of rain
### Instruction: What makes my Maize plants to break from the middle of the stem? ### Response:
Deficiency of nutrients such as Nitrogen
### Instruction: Which pesticide should I use to kill insects that harm my maize crops? ### Response:
Insects are killed by insecticides
### Instruction: are improved maize replantable ### Response:
No if they are hybrids. However some open pollinated varieties can be replanted
### Instruction: do I need to wait for much rain to plant beans? ### Response:
No, planting beans should be at the start of the rains
### Instruction: how can I carry out germination test for beans ### Response:
Select beans and plant in appropriate conditions. Calculate the percentage that germinates
### Instruction: how can I control Birds eating my Maize grain? ### Response:
Use nets and scare crows where possible guard the crop
### Instruction: how can I control pest in a garden ### Response:
Controlling weeds and applying pest control chemicals will reduce pests in the gardens