### Instruction: how can I get a good estimate of yield from my garden? ### Response:
First know how big the garden is, then the spacing used while planting
### Instruction: how can I know that my beans dry for store ### Response:
Measure their moisture content and make sure it is below 14%
### Instruction: how can I target the best time to harvest and sell maize? ### Response:
Harvest maize then store it until the prices rise and sell
### Instruction: how does fall armyworms look like ### Response:
The fall army worm larvae is a dark green caterpillar almost brown
### Instruction: how long do cassava stems mature for planting ### Response:
A stem will mature within 9-12 months depending on variety
### Instruction: how to prevent and control sclerotium rolfsii ### Response:
By using clean seeds and making sure the garden is free from old plants
### Instruction: if my beans are eaten up by weevils what can I do ### Response:
Kill the weevils and use beans as grain
### Instruction: what are the importance of soil moisture in the growth of maize crop. ### Response:
Allow for successive completion of crop life cycle
### Instruction: what happens if I plant stems with some damages, can it still grow? ### Response:
Yes, they can grow but it is not advisable
### Instruction: what is the courses of pest and diseases in cassava leaf ### Response:
Poor planting material and insects and poor crop management
### Instruction: what makes cassava root to be rotten during rainy season ### Response:
A lot of water causes proliferation of pathogens
### Instruction: what makes maize to be sold at a very low price sometimes? ### Response:
Farmers sell their maize immediately after a bumper harvest
### Instruction: what makes my maize to turn brown in storage ### Response:
Because of substances in the maize that get colored on drying or loss of water
### Instruction: where can I get cassava stems for planting? ### Response:
From any certified seed company, or from fellow cassava farmers
### Instruction: which diseases cause the leaves to fold? ### Response:
It is bean common mosaic disease, bean pod mottle virus disease, etc
### Instruction: why are some not germinating after planting and even raining? ### Response:
Seed dormancy, poor storage or weevil damage
### Instruction: why are the beans not flowering properly? ### Response:
It can be due to insects eating the flowers and nutrient deficiency
### Instruction: why are the cassava stems looking damaged in the garden? ### Response:
This are streaks caused by cassava brown streak virus
### Instruction: why are the roots not having cassava? ### Response:
This can be an effect of cassava brown streak virus disease (CBSV)
### Instruction: why are the roots turning into ashes? ### Response:
This is because of Sclerotium (substance like ash developing on the plant base)
### Instruction: why does cassava yields differ in different areas? ### Response:
Differences in the yield is due to the potential of the soil or variety used
### Instruction: why is it that some cassava is rotten and others are not? ### Response:
This happens when the root is damaged by rodents
### Instruction: why is the cassava watery and some rotten in the garden? ### Response:
This is due to starch reduction or degradation
### Instruction: Can I use chemicals to kill weeds in a cassava garden? ### Response:
Yes, there are some chemicals that are selective
### Instruction: Cassava and maize which one makes you stronger in food stuff? ### Response:
Cassava has more calories and maize has more proteins
### Instruction: Does cassava mosaic affect the cassava stems? ### Response:
Yes, It makes them small and not good for planting
### Instruction: How long should I keep my beans in store ### Response:
At least for 4 months and as long as they are not attacked by pests
### Instruction: How many times should I plough my garden for planting cassava ### Response:
Two times are enough to ensure a smooth and well prepared garden
### Instruction: Is cassava also sprayed ### Response:
Yes, sprayed with insecticides to control whiteflies and mealybug in some regions
### Instruction: Is it healthy to eat cassava affected by cassava mosaic. ### Response:
Yes. Plant viruses do not affect humans
### Instruction: What is crop rotation? ### Response:
A management practice of Growing different crops on the same field in consecutive seasosns.
### Instruction: What is the different between fertilizer and manure ? ### Response:
Fertilizer from natural sources with no additives is manure
### Instruction: When should I harvest My cassava ### Response:
Harvest when it has reached physiological maturity at around 12 months
### Instruction: When should the fertilizer be applied in cassava garden? ### Response:
At planting or foliar fertilisers at vegetative stage
### Instruction: Which pesticide is suitable for control of maize stem rotting? ### Response:
Otho, Bug B Gon or insect killer
### Instruction: at what time should I water my crops in the garden ### Response:
Usually in the evenings when the evaporation is low due to heat
### Instruction: can a lot of plant cover affect cassava quality? ### Response:
Yes, a lot of plant cover affects cassava quality negatively
### Instruction: how can I control termites in my maize gardens ### Response:
Use termiticides on reccomendation of the agric officer
### Instruction: how can I control what is making the beans dry? ### Response:
Practice crop rotation, plant early and spray at the right time
### Instruction: how can I get good maize yields? ### Response:
Early palnting, timely weeding, timely spraying and appropriate spacing
### Instruction: how can I improve germination of beans seeds ### Response:
Use viable seeds that are good and make sure you provide the right conditions
### Instruction: how can I maintain my soil to be better for growing cassava or beans ### Response:
Add fertilizer and stop soil erosion
### Instruction: how can I over come drought? ### Response:
By application of mulching, irrigation and planting drought resistant seeds
### Instruction: how can I prevent digging pests and insects in the garden? ### Response:
Soak the seeds with chemicals prior to planting
### Instruction: how can I prevent diseases from attacking beans? ### Response:
By planting early, By practicing crop-rotation, etc
### Instruction: how can I stop cassava leaves from folding? ### Response:
Plant uninfected plant material without cassava mosaic virus
### Instruction: how can I treat maize for storing after harvesting? ### Response:
You can mix the seeds with a storage chemical to prevent pests
### Instruction: how can a farmer prepare his garden for the season ### Response:
Use tractor and hoes to remove trees, stamps and volunteer plants
### Instruction: how do I know my cassava is measured ready to be uprooted? ### Response:
Check for presence of roots after 12 months
### Instruction: how many fertilizer is good for growing beans ### Response:
Depends on acreage but about 25Kg per acre
### Instruction: how many maize plant seedlings should I leave while thining ### Response:
Dependning on plant vigor, one or two should be left
### Instruction: how many months should a planted beans take s to get ready for uprooted ### Response:
2.5-3.5 months
### Instruction: how many times can I harvest cassava in a year? ### Response:
Once, because cassava takes a whole year to mature
### Instruction: how many times should I plough my garden before planting cassava ### Response:
Two times are enough to ensure a smooth and well prepared garden
### Instruction: how often should I spray my cassava plants? ### Response:
Spray 4, 8 and 12 weeks after planting
### Instruction: if I intercrop crop cassava and maize does it have any effect? ### Response:
NO, it is economically viable
### Instruction: these cassava infected by cassava mosaic don't they have effect in the body when eaten? ### Response:
### Instruction: what are the processes of preparing cassava ### Response:
Harvest-Peel-Chop and prepare either fresh or dry and make four
### Instruction: what are the signs of the Southern Blight in the beans ### Response:
Yellowing of foliage with a slight darkening of stem
### Instruction: what are these long small caterpillars eating the maize in my garden? ### Response:
Fall armyworm or stem borers
### Instruction: what brings diseases on the roots? ### Response:
Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) affects all part of the cassava
### Instruction: what brings in white fly in a cassava garden ### Response:
Whiteflies come from neighbouring gardens and plants and infest your field
### Instruction: what happens to cassava tubers when the leaves are infected? ### Response:
They rot caused by mainly cassava brown streak disease
### Instruction: what herbicide can I use to control weeds in my cassava ### Response:
Glyphoshate based herbicieds
### Instruction: what is making the roots form balls and be like ashes? ### Response:
They are root nodules formed by nitrogen fixing bacteria
### Instruction: what is the mixed farming in my cassava ### Response:
Growing cassava along other crops and animals on the same farm
### Instruction: what makes maize in suckest yield better? ### Response:
They are F1 maize and are well sorted and tested for high yielding
### Instruction: what makes my beans fail to put well during drier season ### Response:
Drought affects the way nutrients are used in the plant
### Instruction: what makes my beans to get rot inside the pod ### Response:
Rots are due to fungus and a lot of moisture or rain
### Instruction: what makes my maize plants to break from the mall of the stems ### Response:
Lack of nutrients like Nitrogen
### Instruction: what makes my soil to lose its fertility ### Response:
Leaching of minerals from the soil by erosion or by removing crops
### Instruction: what makes the bean pod to have very small seeds ### Response:
High temperatures during certain parts of the growing season maybe one of the reason.
### Instruction: what quantity of maize can plant an acre ### Response:
Recommended that you sow 10 pounds of corn seeds per acre
### Instruction: what should I do to the beans if the weather suddenly turns to hot or dry after planting? ### Response:
Carry out mulching
### Instruction: which cassava variety is suitable for all soil types? ### Response:
Most improved varieties in tye NASE and NAROCASS series
### Instruction: what depth should I plant my cassava cutting ### Response:
About 30 cm deep in the soil to allow for good germination and establishment
### Instruction: How can I apply fertilizer in cassava garden? ### Response:
Apply just when planting to improve germination and vigor
### Instruction: How can I do drip irrigation method to my maize garden? ### Response:
Use drips available from irrigation experts
### Instruction: How can I know that my bean crops have excessive application of Nitrogen. ### Response:
A lot of leaves on the plant
### Instruction: How can I prove that My cassava is free from disease? ### Response:
Test it in the lab for viruses and bacteria
### Instruction: How can I sundry me crops at home. ### Response:
Use tarpaulins or a dry drying ground or racks
### Instruction: How should I plant my beans ### Response:
Space at 10X30 cm and plant at about 5 cm below the soil
### Instruction: Is good to plant maize, and beans and cassava in one garden? ### Response:
It can be done but not so good
### Instruction: What are the ways in which I a farmer should minimize the effects of drought on crops? ### Response:
Use irrigation
### Instruction: What causes cassava to taste bitter? ### Response:
Hydrogen cyanide is the poison that causes cassava to be bitter
### Instruction: What causes the wilting of cassava at its initial stages? ### Response:
Attack by diseases and pests like whiteflies
### Instruction: What is seed dressing ### Response:
Applying chemicals like quintizone so that seeds are not affected by conditions when planted
### Instruction: What is the best quality of cassava to plant? ### Response:
Cassava that is high yielding and disease resistant and tolerant
### Instruction: What is the importance of proper spacing ### Response:
Proper spacing allows crops to use nutrients maximally without competition and hence big yields
### Instruction: Which type of bean seeds is resistant to pest and disease? ### Response:
Improved varieties that are resistant to disease
### Instruction: Why do they mix beans with millet for babies feeding? ### Response:
To improve on nutrients for babies
### Instruction: Why is excessive irrigation harmful to the Crops? ### Response:
Causes low oxygen saturation in the soil
### Instruction: Why should I do mulching with the leaves? ### Response:
Leaves retain water and can decompose in the soil without polluting it
### Instruction: after cultivating my maize during rainy season where can I keep ### Response:
Leave it in the garden to dry and make a store
### Instruction: can I use a chemical to kill weeds in my cassava garden? ### Response:
Yes, some herbicides are selective
### Instruction: for how long do I need to dry my cassava before storing? ### Response:
About 3 -10 days depending on theseason
### Instruction: how can I control the cartepilar from eating the stem of my maize plant ### Response:
Use herbicides or cultural control
### Instruction: how can I detect good stems for planting? ### Response:
They should have no streaks, have buds, be mature enough
### Instruction: how can I get good harvest when in dry weather? ### Response:
By mulching, application of fertilizers and irrigation
### Instruction: how can I know that My beans is dry for storage ### Response:
Measure the mositure content if it is below 14%