
Dataset Preview
The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    EOFError
Message:      Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1995, in _prepare_split_single
                  for _, table in generator:
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 797, in wrapped
                  for item in generator(*args, **kwargs):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/", line 108, in _generate_tables
                  batch =
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/utils/", line 1104, in read_with_retries
                  out = read(*args, **kwargs)
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 300, in read
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 68, in readinto
                  data =
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 506, in read
                  raise EOFError("Compressed file ended before the "
              EOFError: Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1524, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations, partial, estimated_dataset_info = stream_convert_to_parquet(
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1099, in stream_convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

NEWS: Pacific community thanks EU on Europe Day Honiara SOLOMON IS, 10 May 2012/ SS/ ACP: On the occasion of Europe Day, 9 May, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Solomon Islands Government thanked the European Union (EU) for its support to many key activities in Solomon Islands. Mr. Rence Sore, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Mines and Energy, commented: “EU funding has helped Solomon Islands Government and its partner SPC implement valuable projects in many sectors to help Solomon Islanders improve their quality of life.” The EU,within the framework ofits partnership withtheAfrican, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP)Group of States,has funded a large amount of important and high impact projects in the Solomon Islands that SPC has assisted the government to implement over the past few years. These projects include The Development of Sustainable Tuna Fisheries in Pacific ACP Countries –Phase II (DevFish2) project, implemented by the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) with SPC. This has greatly helped the Ministry of Fisheries build the country’s ability to manage its own tuna fisheries. Other recent EU-supported fisheries activities in the country include the National Tuna Fishery Status Report, observer training and training/assessment work relating to sea cucumbers including support for a national sea cucumber survey and management plan. The EU also has funded two projects for building civil society that SPC is implementing to help reduce gender discrimination and strengthen knowledge of human rights in communities. The EU Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) Planning Project has been effective in helping to address the water quality and management issues in Honiara. In response to government requests, there will be an EU sponsored SIG/SPC Deep Sea Minerals Project, commencing with a national workshop later this month. Another important EU-funded activity that SPC and the Ministries of Forests and Agriculture and Livestock are implementing is the Facilitating Agricultural Commodity Trade (FACT) project. The overall objective of the FACT project is to promote and increase trade in Pacific members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP). The FACT project aims to increase competitiveness of potential exports by addressing and, where necessary, upgrading substandard components of the supply chain of selected products. To achieve this, FACT has adopted the following approach: it provides technical and financial support and training to experienced farmers/established enterprises and their employees in the commercial farming sector to increase the range of their export products and make them more competitive. FACT also works with other stakeholders to address institutional constraints to trade (including access to credit). It disseminates information regarding best practices in production systems to subsistence farming communities and resource owners to encourage the development of rural agricultural enterprises. FACT has been supporting the Value Added Timber Association, the Nut Grower’s Association of Solomon Islands, Direct Management Limited and Maraghoto Holdings (exporters of dried nuts and other products) – all small associations or companies that already have some basic skills and experience in commercial production and marketing. Direct Management Limited opened a cocoa consolidation warehouse for export on the road junction at Henderson with SPC and EU help and has received technical assistance from SPC to help develop better products for export and gain access to better markets. It is a successful enterprise which is currently working toward fair trade exports of dried cocoa beans. It has developed a programme for its cocoa producers that provide free seedlings to planters who are willing to enter into partnership. The sharing of cocoa seedling is a way of ensuring its sustainability. Maraghoto has received assistance from the SPC EU-funded FACT project in the form of processing facilities and much needed equipment for drying and processing oil from the canarium kernel nut. However, a general assessment of the country’s nut resources is important to gauge the level of input required to make this industry more profitable. The FACT project is supporting the Value Added Timber Association (VATA) with the Ministry of Forestry by helping Solomon Islands establish its own National Forest Stewardship Council Certification Standards as guidelines for exporting responsibly produced wood from a sustainable source through proper chain of custody. This means helping small farmers harvest their timber sustainably and sell it for the best price to reputable buyers who support countries that are conserving their forest resources and managing their tree exports in a sustainable way. In May 2011 the FACT project organised workshops in Honiara and Gizo for stakeholders to come together and work toward developing guidelines for timber leaving the country to qualify for ‘Verified Legal Origin’ and to track chain of custody. This training is to determine guidelines for Forest Stewardship Council Small and Low Intensity Managed Forest certification. The next step is for Solomon Islands to undergo an internationally conducted audit in July. With the SPC Solomon Islands Country Office and EU-funded FACT staff on the ground, Solomon Islands is receiving much needed technical assistance to achieve national certification. The Natural Resource Development Foundation, Marovo Lagoon Sustainable Timber, Kongukolo and other timber processors from Choiseul and Vella la Vella have received training to develop a standard operating procedure for timber processing to achieve the premium grade for export. This procedure could be incorporated into the standards for the national certification. The successful EU funded SPC FACT project is merging into a new EU funded project (IACT) this year. SPC is gearing up to focus on increasing the number of small farmers and exporters receiving assistance and the number of products they produce. An invitation for expressions of interest for the IACT project for support to small farmers with their existing enterprises or work received more than a hundred applications from various enterprises in Solomon Islands. Selection of the successful enterprise will be done in tandem with the Ministries of Forests and Agriculture and Livestock. Dr. Jimmie Rodgers, Director General of SPC, commented “The support of the EU via SPC to Solomon Islands has had a notable positive impact on the lives of the people of the country.” – Solomon Star
nNguyễn Văn Thịnh Admin Chúng tôi xin chân thành cảm ơn Quý công ty đã quan tâm và tạo điều kiện. Chúng tôi đã tổng hợp thông tin và chuyển đến bộ phận tư vấn, Công ty chúng tôi sẽ kiếm tra thông tin và gọi lại sau 1 ngày làm việc để lên kế hoạch khảo sát. Quý khách có thể xem thêm dịch vụ tại: hoặc liên hệ trực tiếp 0911.72.79.97 để được tư vấn nhanh nhất. Xin trân trọng cảm ơn! Thành viên: La Thanh Phú, Bùi Kim Ngân, Hoàng Văn Dương, Đào Xuân Mạnh, Nguyễn Minh Hiếu, Lương Như Thuận, Vũ Văn Thoái, Trần Ngọc Thơi, Hoàng Anh, Võ Uyên Thi, Lưu Minh Ngọc, Hoàng Văn Bảo, Hoa Cúc Quỳ, Đào Xuân Mạnh, Đào đức Long, Khổng Thanh Vũ Bằng và 1 người. ThienNhien.Net – Trong khuôn khổ chuyến thăm CHDCND Lào của Thủ tướng Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, hai bên đã ra Tuyên bố chung giữa CHXHCN Việt Nam và CHDCND Lào. Cổng TTĐT Chính phủ trân trọng giới thiệu toàn văn Tuyên bố chung.
For today i have made wallpaper of Luc Longley, the first Australian basketball player who played in NBA. And what a career he had, he was part of Chicago Bulls championship team that won 72 games in single season (out of 82). This entry was posted in Australia Basketball Wallpapers, Chicago Bulls Wallpapers, Luc Longley Wallpapers and tagged 1600x1200. Bookmark the permalink.
早晚关窗,避免湿气入侵,巧妙通风。天气过于潮湿时,家中窗户不宜多开,特别是朝南和东南的窗户,别给窗外湿气任何潜入的机会。防潮的最重要时段是每天早晨和晚上,这两段时间的空气湿度较午间更高,若不及时关上门窗,水汽将渗透至家中的每个角落。午后湿度小,通风效果好,可以趁这段时间打开窗户通风。家具摆放留出换气的空间。家具的摆放最好和墙壁之间留出空隙,给出换气的空间,减少家具和墙壁发霉的可能性。尽量减少衣柜的开闭,避免吸湿性比较强的棉、麻衣物受潮。衣柜放置除湿剂,减少柜内空气中的水分,保持衣物干燥。 (一) 内蒙古自治区政府副主席白向群涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受中央纪委国家监委纪律审查和监察调查。,两国都期待利用贸易和商业活动作为管控战略分歧的支点,实现关系正常化。
Plants make homes more welcoming, desirable, and add value to properties. From trees to flowers, plantings need to have their needs met to remain healthy and vibrant. They typically obtain nutrients through the soil, but there are times when that source is insufficient for their needs and fertilizer will be required. Even if you began with ideal soil, over time the plants will absorb those nutrients and they will need to be replaced with an application of fertilizer. Each plant has specific nutrient needs and no fertilizer is a one-size-fits-all solution. There are signs that plants require certain nutrients, but fertilizing plants should be done carefully. Over fertilization is one of the most common mistakes that gardeners make. Plants with a deficiency will demonstrate the following symptoms. Plants in need of nitrogen will have new growth that’s light green in color and it will typically be spindly and stunted. Leaves will also begin to drop and new growth will be weak. A lack of nitrogen also affects blossoms and fruit. Both may be delayed and the fruits and flowers produced will typically be smaller than usual. A lack of phosphorus will cause plant leaves and stems to take on a dull green appearance. Older leaves will show the effects first and may turn a purplish hue. Tips of leaves will begin to brown and die. The plant’s root system will be weakened, resulting in smaller plants and few or no flowers. When a lack of potassium is the culprit, you may see small spots on the undersides of leaves. Those spots will get larger over time and expand into significant areas of discoloration. Leaf tips will become yellowish colored, curl, and plants will often have a scorched look. The development of roots, seeds and fruits will be reduced. RCH Landscaping is a full-service landscape company based in Boca Raton, Florida. We design, install and maintain Commercial and Residential landscapes all around Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and The Palm Beach areas. Our team of highly skilled landscape technicians has an undisputed track record of creating and maintaining beautiful commercial and residential landscapes all over South Florida. Contact RCH Landscaping Today for a Free Estimate
User: React + React Router + ASP.NET MVC / IIS showing blank page in production only? I'm setting up a simple app using ASP .NET MVC 4 and React / React Router running on IIS. Everything is working fine when running on my local IIS express (the instance that is started by Visual Studio), but when trying to run on production, I get a blank page. **No JS errors or 404s, the bundle is being loaded correctly but not executing.** I'm totally lost on why this would be working in the local IIS started by VS2013 but not running when moving the project to run as an application on an existing IIS website. Any and all help would be appreciated. I have only one catch-all route set up in `RouteConfig.js` which serves `Index.cshtml` using `View()`: routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "{*url}", defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); My single `.cshtml` file is: <div id="app"></div> @Scripts.Render("~/Scripts/dist/bundle.js") And my `webpack.config.js` file is: const path = require('path') module.exports = { entry: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/js/App.jsx'), output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, './dist'), filename: 'bundle.js' }, resolve: { alias: { Components: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/js/components'), Pages: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/js/pages'), Util: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/js/util'), Styles: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/scss/'), } }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.jsx?$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: { loader: "babel-loader" } }, { test: /\.s?css$/, use: [ { loader: 'style-loader' }, { loader: 'css-loader' }, { loader: 'sass-loader' } ] }, ] } }; Assistant: Turns out it was not a problem with my config but rather with my React Router. The dev site's base URL is just "/", but the version I was deploying to has a base URL of "/appName". Setting the "basename" prop of my BrowserRouter fixed the issue.
粤剧粤曲知识竞赛题 - 粤剧粤曲知识竞赛题 1、粤剧是广东省的地方剧种之一。流传于广东、 及港澳和东南亚、海外粤籍华侨居住的地区。 A、湖南 B、广西 C、贵州...
活动中主办方通过展示城市形象、推荐当地美食、特色文艺演出等方式,与来自全球的参会嘉宾互动交流、共话未来。,2019-07-0209:01当日,香港渔民团体联会的70艘渔船插满鲜艳的国旗、区旗和庆祝标语,在维多利亚港巡游,庆祝香港回归祖国22周年。。从打开烘箱的大门进入高温环境到焊接完成离开合上箱门,需要不到5分钟时间,这让车间的焊工们不禁心里敲起了小鼓。。 截至当天收盘,道琼斯工业平均指数比前一交易日上涨点,收于点,涨幅为%。,7月1日,位于海河之上的天津解放桥在夜色中缓缓开启桥面,周边灯火璀璨引万人围观。。从民主革命时期起,我们党就认识到,使党员真正从思想上入党,既要注重党员社会成分,更要加强党员教育管理。。 2019-07-0217:04天津解放桥在7月1日晚开启(无人机拍摄)。,省委常委带头深入深度贫困县和困难矛盾多的地方开展调研,听取群众意见,主动发现问题,研究思路措施。。据叙利亚通讯社7月1日报道,以色列空军战机当天凌晨对叙利亚境内多处目标实施空袭,导致至少4名平民死亡、21人受伤。。 7月1日,位于海河之上的天津解放桥在夜色中缓缓开启桥面,周边灯火璀璨引万人围观。, 高质量跨越式发展是革命老区与全国同步建成全面小康社会的必然选择。。仲夏时节,在重庆忠县新立镇中岭社区出现水稻拼成的"笑脸""橘子"等图案,成为一道靓丽的乡村田园风景线。。 看看是不是手机的收件箱满了,把不需要的短信删除试试
My Friend Alyson Beecher at Kid Lit Frenzy hosts a weekly link up to share Nonfiction Picture Books. Please visit her amazing website. For The Right to Learn: Malala Yousafzai's Story by Rebecca Langston George Illustrated by Janna Bock Available September 2015 Nonfiction Picture Book Digital Review copy obtained by Netgalley She grew up in a world where women were supposed to be quiet. But Malala Yousafzai refused to be silent. She defied the Taliban's rules, spoke out for education for every girl, and was almost killed for her beliefs. This powerful true story of how one brave girl named Malala changed the world proves that one person really can make a difference. Many people are familiar with Malala's story. This book provides information about her story for younger readers in a matter of fact and informative way. The book opens with Malala receiving her Nobel Peace Prize and then flashes back to her early educational experiences. I love how the importance of education and the determination of Malala and her friends to receive an education is at the forefront of this story. The author scaffolds the information in bite-sized pieces that make it easier to understand. Original quotes are woven into the narration and add to the authenticity of the story. The illustrations really bring the story to life and have a soft Disney-like feel to them. I loved the muted earth tones of the desert scenes. Children in America often take their freedoms for granted because they are unaware of the struggles of people in other countries. Of course her shooting and the Taliban is discussed so you will need to be prepared to talk about it. I will definitely be sharing Malala's powerful story with my class this fall.
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Besides Microsoft Windows, Xhun Audio products are made to be fully compatible with all Apple macOS operating systems up to macOS Mojave (version 10.14). Xhun Audio products are not natively compatible with macOS Catalina (version 10.15). Xhun Audio products are natively compatible with any Intel-based Mac, but can also run on an ARM-based Mac using Rosetta 2. For more infos, please visit the Products Compatibility Section Plugins location / path on macOS Catalina In addition to the infos and procedures reported below, on macOS Catalina it may be necessary to install Xhun Audio plugins under the [Library] path (instead of the proper [∼Library] path) in order to be recognized by DAWs / Hosts after a scan. Depending on the DAW / Host, a system restart may be also necessary after plugins installation. About upgrading to macOS Catalina Due to the recent, very questionable strategies adopted by Apple starting with their macOS Catalina operating system (for example, a completely missing compatibility with all legacy softwares - apps, drivers, plugins, etc.), it is strongly recommended not to upgrade to macOS Catalina or most of pro audio softwares (apps and plugins) may definitely stop working. How to successfully run Xhun Audio softwares on macOS Catalina Gatekeeper is a macOS technology that steps in whenever you try to run a software (app or plugin) which hasn't been downloaded from Apple's App Store or hasn't been signed using Apple's new notarization process. Unfortunately, this approach prevents macOS to be fully compatible with legacy softwares. By the way, macOS itself offers a workaround to overcome this limitation. By temporarily bypassing Gatekeeper, it is possible to run legacy softwares on macOS Catalina too. Xhun Audio products are 100% safe, trustworthy softwares. In order to install and run them on macOS Catalina, please follow the easy steps reported below : Alternative readings / methods for bypassing macOS Gatekeeper Install Xhun Audio softwares following all the instructions provided in the products packages. At the end of the process, an operating system restart may be required. Launch your DAW/Host software, load the Xhun Audio plugins you want to run and acknowledge the Gatekeeper warning. Head to "System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General" and look for a note at the bottom of the screen about a Xhun Audio plugin launch being denied. Click on "Open Anyway" to bypass Gatekeeper and relaunch your DAW/Host software. The "Open Anyway" button is available for about an hour after you try to launch a software (app or plugin). Reading / method 1 (external link) : Reading / method 2 (external link) : Reading / method 3 (external link) : To verify your macOS operating system compatibility, it is highly recommended to download and install the demo version of Xhun Audio products before buying the full version.
import _ from "lodash"; import * as React from "react"; import ReactPaginate from "react-paginate"; import { Link } from "react-router"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import * as protos from "../js/protos"; import { AdminUIState } from "../redux/state"; import { refreshRaft } from "../redux/apiReducers"; import { CachedDataReducerState } from "../redux/cachedDataReducer"; import { ToolTipWrapper } from "../components/toolTip"; /****************************** * RAFT RANGES MAIN COMPONENT */ const RANGES_PER_PAGE = 100; /** * RangesMainData are the data properties which should be passed to the RangesMain * container. */ interface RangesMainData { state: CachedDataReducerState<protos.cockroach.server.serverpb.RaftDebugResponse>; } /** * RangesMainActions are the action dispatchers which should be passed to the * RangesMain container. */ interface RangesMainActions { // Call if the ranges statuses are stale and need to be refreshed. refreshRaft: typeof refreshRaft; } interface RangesMainState { showState?: boolean; showReplicas?: boolean; showPending?: boolean; showOnlyErrors?: boolean; pageNum?: number; offset?: number; } /** * RangesMainProps is the type of the props object that must be passed to * RangesMain component. */ type RangesMainProps = RangesMainData & RangesMainActions; /** * Renders the main content of the raft ranges page, which is primarily a data * table of all ranges and their replicas. */ class RangesMain extends React.Component<RangesMainProps, RangesMainState> { state: RangesMainState = { showState: true, showReplicas: true, showPending: true, showOnlyErrors: false, offset: 0, }; componentWillMount() { // Refresh nodes status query when mounting. this.props.refreshRaft(); } componentWillReceiveProps(props: RangesMainProps) { // Refresh ranges when props are received; this will immediately // trigger a new request if previous results are invalidated. if (!props.state.valid) { props.refreshRaft(); } } renderPagination(pageNum: number): React.ReactNode { return <ReactPaginate previousLabel={"previous"} nextLabel={"next"} breakLabel={<a href="">...</a>} pageNum={pageNum} marginPagesDisplayed={2} pageRangeDisplayed={5} clickCallback={this.handlePageClick.bind(this)} containerClassName={"pagination"} activeClassName={"active"} />; } handlePageClick(data: any) { let selected = data.selected; let offset = Math.ceil(selected * RANGES_PER_PAGE); this.setState({ offset }); window.scroll(0, 0); } // renderFilterSettings renders the filter settings box. renderFilterSettings(): React.ReactNode { return <div className="section raft-filters"> <b>Filters</b> <label> <input type="checkbox" checked={this.state.showState} onChange={() => this.setState({showState: !this.state.showState})} /> State </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" checked={this.state.showReplicas} onChange={() => this.setState({showReplicas: !this.state.showReplicas})} /> Replicas </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" checked={this.state.showPending} onChange={() => this.setState({showPending: !this.state.showPending})} /> Pending </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" checked={this.state.showOnlyErrors} onChange={() => this.setState({showOnlyErrors: !this.state.showOnlyErrors})} /> Only Error Ranges </label> </div>; } render() { let statuses =; let content: React.ReactNode = null; let errors: string[] = []; if (this.props.state.lastError) { errors.push(this.props.state.lastError.message); } if (this.props.state.inFlight) { content = <div className="section">Loading...</div>; } else if (statuses) { errors = errors.concat( => err.message)); // Build list of all nodes for static ordering. let nodeIDs = _(statuses.ranges).flatMap((range: protos.cockroach.server.serverpb.RaftRangeStatus$Properties) => { return range.nodes; }).map((node: protos.cockroach.server.serverpb.RaftRangeNode$Properties) => { return node.node_id; }).uniq().sort().value(); let nodeIDIndex: {[nodeID: number]: number} = {}; let columns = [<th key={-1}>Range</th>]; nodeIDs.forEach((id, i) => { nodeIDIndex[id] = i + 1; columns.push(<th key={i}><Link to={"/nodes/" + id}>Node {id}</Link></th>); }); // Filter ranges and paginate let rangesPairs: [string, protos.cockroach.server.serverpb.RaftRangeStatus$Properties][] = _.toPairs(statuses.ranges); let filteredRanges = _.filter(rangesPairs, ([, range]) => { return !this.state.showOnlyErrors || range.errors.length > 0; }); let offset = this.state.offset; if (this.state.offset > filteredRanges.length) { offset = 0; } let ranges = filteredRanges.slice(offset, offset + RANGES_PER_PAGE); let rows: React.ReactNode[][] = []; ranges.forEach(([key, range], i) => { let hasErrors = range.errors.length > 0; let rangeErrors = <ul>{, (error, j) => { return <li key={j}>{error.message}</li>; })}</ul>; let row = [<td key={-1}> {key} { (hasErrors) ? ( <span style={{position: "relative"}}> <ToolTipWrapper text={rangeErrors}> <div className="viz-info-icon"> <div className="icon-warning" /> </div> </ToolTipWrapper> </span> ) : "" } </td>]; rows[i] = row; // Render each replica into a cell range.nodes.forEach((node) => { let nodeRange = node.range; let replicaLocations = (replica) => "(Node " + replica.node_id.toString() + " Store " + replica.store_id.toString() + " ReplicaID " + replica.replica_id.toString() + ")", ); let display = (l?: Long): string => { if (l) { return l.toString(); } return "N/A"; }; let index = nodeIDIndex[node.node_id]; let raftState = nodeRange.raft_state; let cell = <td key={index}> {(this.state.showState) ? <div> State: {raftState.state}&nbsp; ReplicaID={display(raftState.replica_id)}&nbsp; Term={display(raftState.hard_state.term)}&nbsp; Lead={display(raftState.lead)}&nbsp; </div> : ""} {(this.state.showReplicas) ? <div> <div>Replica On: {replicaLocations.join(", ")}</div> <div>Next Replica ID: {nodeRange.state.state.desc.next_replica_id}</div> </div> : ""} {(this.state.showPending) ? <div>Pending Command Count: {(nodeRange.state.num_pending || 0).toString()}</div> : ""} </td>; row[index] = cell; }); // Fill empty spaces in table with td elements. for (let j = 1; j <= nodeIDs.length; j++) { if (!row[j]) { row[j] = <td key={j}></td>; } } }); // Build the final display table if (columns.length > 1) { content = <div> {this.renderFilterSettings()} <table> <thead><tr>{columns}</tr></thead> <tbody> {_.values(rows).map((row: React.ReactNode[], i: number) => { return <tr key={i}>{row}</tr>; })} </tbody> </table> <div className="section"> {this.renderPagination(Math.ceil(filteredRanges.length / RANGES_PER_PAGE))} </div> </div>; } } return <div className="section table"> { this.props.children } <div className="stats-table"> { this.renderErrors(errors) } { content } </div> </div>; } renderErrors(errors: string[]) { if (!errors || errors.length === 0) { return; } return <div className="section"> { string, i: number) => { return <div key={i}>Error: {err}</div>; }) } </div>; } } /****************************** * SELECTORS */ // Base selectors to extract data from redux state. const raftState = (state: AdminUIState): CachedDataReducerState<protos.cockroach.server.serverpb.RaftDebugResponse> => state.cachedData.raft; // Connect the RangesMain class with our redux store. let rangesMainConnected = connect( (state: AdminUIState) => { return { state: raftState(state), }; }, { refreshRaft: refreshRaft, }, )(RangesMain); export { rangesMainConnected as default };
Q: Casting into the Date format Issue In TPT Script I am working on a TPT script where I am getting input a flat file in below format. File.txt 12191|2010-04-06|2010-09-08 28036|2009-05-20|2009-05-20 30742|2016-05-27|2016-05-27 Below is the portion of code from TPT scripts. I am not able to run this script as it is failing during computation of casting into the date format. APPLY ( 'INSERT INTO '||@WorkingDatabase||'.'||@TargetTable||'( id ,actvtn_dt ,end_dt ,load_dt_tm ) VALUES ( :id , CAST(:actvtn_dt AS DATE FORMAT ''YYYY-MM-DD'') , CAST(:end_dt AS DATE FORMAT ''YYYY-MM-DD'') , CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0) );' ) Can anyone help in this regard?
Important Disclaimer: Treadmill Wale is a free referral / listing service that connects users with local TreadmillSellers. All sellers are independent and NOT associated with us. We have NOT verified their any identity including Names, Email address, Phone numbers or Address. Treadmill Wale does not warrant or guarantee any transaction /deals performed. It is the responsibility of the user / buyer to verify the sellers they are contacting has the necessary treadmill / equipments / bills etc. We (Treadmill Wale) Do not take any responsibility of the product delivery and transactions. Any Fraud / Scams We are not responsible. Any third party products, brands or trademarks listed above are the sole property of their respective owner. No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied. If you do not agree with the above terms then please stop browsing this website. If you continue to browse then its recorded as your confirmation to the above disclaimer.
Excerpt from Lecture No. 3 Delivered by Petrine Archer-Straw - 4th December, 1985 As we view the vast body of work created by Carl Abrahams and, in particular, the masterpiece of the National Gallery's collection, "The Last Supper" painted originally in 1955, it becomes apparent that here is an artist inspired by religious conviction and by his careful reading of Old and New Testament src="files/ps/images/_cabrahams.jpg" alt="CAbrahams.jpg" width="150" height="113" align="left" />"The Last Supper", painted in 1955, although the first of three renditions of this time honoured event epitomises the life work of this artist Carl Abrahams. For in this work we see the coming together of two facets of Abrahams' abilities - the facility to paint and the facility to interpret and speak to his audience in a visual form which even the layman can understand. The scene is a familiar one: Christ surrounded by his disciples shares a last meal, a meal full of such meaning and symbolism that this communion has enacted a million times over. Yet, the solemnity of the meal is overshadowed by the drama which follows when Christ announces knowledge of his betrayal. In shock, fear, jealousy, rage, and sorrow, the disciples are depicted, displaying a range of emotions as they turn one to another to consider this announcement. The setting, as well as the colour is spare - muted shades of grey, with occasional pink and blue highlights are explored to capture an atmosphere of intensity and impending gloom. But the sparity of colour and background feature seem intentional as the viewer is impelled towards the faces of the actors in this scene. For here Abrahams comes into his own as the painter unparalleled in Jamaican painting as he documents the personalities of the disciples who surround Jesus. All twelve are depicted possessing individual qualities, but it is the viewer who is ultimately left to decide who is the betrayer. Yet, it is Abrahams' portrayal of Christ which is most moving. Christ attended by his devoted Peter, almost recedes into the background of this painting; He has no part in this discussion which so animates the disciples. He appears so deplete of the mortal energies which revel in condemnation and accusation of sin. Abrahams' every brushstroke supports this; the painting very expressively painted, certain quick, brushstrokes document the various expressions on the faces of the twelve, spontaneity of response is evoked, yet this haste is not apparent in the paint Christ image. This Christ figure obviously more considered than the others, is captured in response - hand folded and constrained, eyes cast downwards and the shoulders somewhat hunched . Christ is no longer a partaker, of this meal, he is preparing himself for the This scene of the "Last Supper" is but one instance in the unfolding narrative in Jesus' life which Abrahams, in his career as an artist, has documented. This work in 1955 was to instigate a body of religious works, some of the most moving, belong to his depiction of the passion.
| ***Miranda Miller*** | | --- | | | | **Contestant Profile** | | --- '**Survivor: Battleground'** | **Tribe(s)** | Chorik | | **Placement** | 16/20 | | **Challenge(s) Won** | 4 | | **Vote(s) Against** | 6 | | **Day(s) Lasted** | 14 | | **Survivor Score** | -0.369 | | **Survivor Average** | 0.200 | **Miranda Miller** was a contestant on *Survivor: Battleground*. Survivor: World of War ---------------------- ### Skills Standings | Competition Ability | Other Abilities | --- | --- | | General | Physical | Endurance | Mental | Strategic | Loyalty | Social Skills | Temperament | Decent | Terrible | Great | Average | Average | Great | Great | Average | ### Voting History | **Miranda Miller's Voting History** | | --- | | Episode | Miranda Miller'sVote | Voted AgainstMiranda Miller | 1 | *Chorik Tribe Immune* | 2 | *Chorik Tribe Immune* | 3 | *Chorik Tribe Immune* | 4 | *Chorik Tribe Immune* | 5 | Alex | Alex, Evan, Hannah,Micki, Rowan & Shannon | Voted Off, Day 14 | References ----------
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摘要: 我国自主研发的空警-2000预警机被称作"争气机",自从2009年国庆阅兵"霸气"亮相后,它一直备受国内外高度关注。人们不仅关心它的技战术性能,不时拿它与美国、日本、印度和以色列等国的同类预警机相比,还关心它 ...
I have been wanting to try this recipe for some time to see if it is as good as I imagined it would be, and who doesn’t love two ingredient no bake treats!! My freezer is starting to fill up already. I have so many ideas for wonderful recipes I want to share that even thought it is just early November I am already starting to fill it up with delicious treats. Which is handy if we need to go somewhere or give a little thank you to a friend as deliciousness is never far away! The things I do in the life of a blogger….. I have to feel a little sorry for my husband and children, as rarely is an ingredient in the cupboard for its intended purpose. Many a time I have found a half eaten packet of biscuits that were intended for a recipe, but how are they to know! So it took me a few attempts to make this one as the biscuits kept disappearing. My recipe for Tim Tam Truffles has been so popular. They are a really simple way to make a great looking treat for gifts or a special occasion, especially as they now come in so many flavours you can create an amazing array of combinations. Many recipes out there use Cream Cheese, which is great but I am not such a huge fan so I tried it with Condensed Milk and it was wonderful! You can search for that recipe here. The next step was to see what it would be like combining Condensed Milk with Chocolate Mint Biscuits and they are just lovely! So quick and simple to make, and you can make them as simple or as flash as you choose! I have rolled them both in coconut and also dipped them in chocolate to show you just a few ways to make these truffles look great. Or of course you could leave them plain….but sometimes more is more! You can find Mint Treats or Mint Slice biscuits in the biscuit aisle. One packet of biscuits does not make many truffles, so always consider doubling or even tripling the recipe if you want it for a crowd or to make as gifts. The rolling is of course time consuming but also a great way to catch up on Netflix or some other more intersting telly. So onto the recipe, just two ingredients, plus extra stuff for rolling, this one is so easy you will find yourself making several batches before Christmas I am sure! - 1 x 200g Chocolate Mint Slice Biscuits - ⅓rd Cup Condensed Milk - Optional: Finely Dessicated Coconut, Melted Chocolate, Milk, Dark or White - Blitz the biscuits in the food processor until they resemble coarse crumbs - Add the ⅓rd Cup Condensed milk and blitz again. - Prepare a small bowl with ¼ cup of coconut and a large plate for the prepared truffles - Begin to roll the truffles, taking a teaspoon sized amount and rolling well until it forms a solid even ball, then roll gently in the coconut, set on the plate and repeat. - Pop in the fridge or freezer for 30 minutes until firm to the touch. - If coating in melted chocolate, prepare the melted chocolate, then dip the truffles in carefully using a spoon then drain off the bulk of the chocolate and set it down on a tray covered in baking paper and allow to cool at room temp. - Can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge or cupboard until ready to share, best served at room temperature. So it is all pretty simple and straight forward! I have a lovely selection of Christmas Recipes on the blog, be sure to check them out to see what inspires you this holiday season. These delicious truffles can of course be enjoyed any day of the year! Be sure to stop by and let me know on Facebook if you make this recipe, I always love seeing photographs of what you make so flick that through too!
Ice Cream/Frozen Desserts Your Favorite Ice Cream Sandwich Says Soooo Much About You What Your Go-To Vinegar Says About You Food52's Automagic Thanksgiving Menu Maker Is Here! Quiz: What Should You Make for Thanksgiving? Name the Artwork: A Pop Quiz in Famous Food Paintings Because the best food art deserves to be both admired and cooked. November 9, 2015 Showing 5 of 5 results
Q: Let z(c) be the first derivative of -35*c**6/6 + c**2/2 + c - 87. Find the second derivative of z(v) wrt v. A: -700*v**3
Lát sau, L. rủ Phinh đi uống cà phê, Phinh đồng ý và rủ Cuôi đi cùng. Lúc này, Cuôi lấy xe máy chở Phinh và L. đi tìm quán cà phê uống. Trên đường đi, do không có tiền nên Cuôi điều khiển xe khi đến khu vực đất vườn thuộc tổ 12 (ấp An Thạnh, xã An Hảo) cả 3 xuống xe. Khi được sự gợi ý và chấp thuận của L., Phinh và Cuôi đã thay nhau giao cấu với L.. Sau đó, L. lấy chìa khóa xe máy của Cuôi rồi đến Công an xã An Hảo trình báo. Sau khi tiếp nhận tin báo, lực lượng Công an tiến hành mời Phinh và Cuôi đến trụ sở cơ quan làm việc thì cả 2 đã thừa nhận hành vi giao cấu với L.. Trồng cây dọc theo đường phố đô thị và đường cao tốc làm giảm tốc độ của lái xe và giảm tai nạn giao thông ở Mỹ, Canada và Đức.
Kam, AKA Mr 6, is a cyvian member of the The Black Heather. They feels like a godfather to The Corsairs. Their armature is a dull grey, with its single eye in an antenna. They also has highly sensitive touch sensors. It's go-to drink is "Liquid-EMP" and dresses in a translucent shirt and black trousers at formal events. Background ---------- * Basic Programming: A lot can go wrong in space, and few problems are as immediately lethal as a breakdown in a ship’s life support systems. Biotechs not only serve as medical crew but are also responsible for maintaining and repairing the ship’s life support. * Companion: The AI once specialized in interpersonal relations and human psychology. Some such AIs were devout hedonists seeking to experience the glorious permutations of human passion. Others were dedicated students of the human mind, determined to understand the mysteries of the thoughts that had given them birth. * Infiltrator: Some AIs excelled at getting into and out of places that humans were never meant to enter. Their toughness and the confidence of their phylacteries gave them a cool-handed capacity for infiltrating some of the most hostile environments and dangerous places in the galaxy. These infiltration skills represent a past spent going where others dared not tread. Gear ---- * Raven Armature: Representative of the most common surviving models of AI armature, the Standard model includes respectable physical capabilities in addition to several integrated on-board systems. * Compad: standard handheld communicator, capable of everything a modern cellular phone can accomplish. In the absence of a modern comm grid, it can reach other compads within one kilometer.(Ringtone: * Metatool: This wrist-mounted housing contains a myriad of small, useful tools designed to handle the widest possible range of technical needs. While a metatool is too limited to handle major jobs, it is usually sufficient to manage jury-rigged repairs and temporary fixes until the tech has time to apply a larger wrench to the problem. * Lazarus Patch: A vital tool for adventurers, the lazarus patch is a heavy compress laced with antibiotics, coagulants, system stabilizers, plasma, and a one-shot diagnostic suite. * Las-Rifle: Laser rifles are the most common type of energy weapon. The phased multifrequency beam is capable of penetrating any ordinary mist or haze, but a thick cloud of thermally-resistant particulate matter such as ash or sand can seriously degrade the beam, applying up to a -4 penalty to hit and cutting ranges in half. * 2 Grenades: Grenades are thrown explosive weaponry * 5 Type A Powercells: One of the few standardized artifacts inherited from before the Silence, power cells are small cylindrical objects designed to take and hold electrical charges. Type A cells are usually used for personal equipment, and type B cells for vehicles and heavy gear. The engineering for the cells is substantially different, and they cannot be exchanged or recharge each other without a trained tech’s modifications or a converter unit. * Mastercrafted Knife and Vibro-Knife * Postech Toolkit: Containing a wide range of necessary tools for a particular skill set, toolkits can handle most any job that doesn’t require a fullscale shop or lab. Most toolkits are specialized, and not terribly useful when turned towards other purposes * Bioscanner: While an untrained user can use this tool to discern internal bleeding, gross physical distress, or toxins in a plant or animal. * 2931 Universal Credential Units Skills ------ Notable Feats ------------- * **Please don't kill me nice Mr. Mob Robot sir:** 17/2/3264 Successfully svaed its crew from the wrath of Terzo and even got paid * **The Blood of the Covenan**t...: 5/3/3264 lost their eye defending their family * **Thanks Tesla:** 15/3/3264 went a whole night on tesla coils until 4am and powered through it.
/** * 标记常量属性 */ var TASK_END_COLOR = "#458f05"; var TASK_END_WIDTH = "2"; var TASK_ING_COLOR = "#ff7200"; var TASK_ING_WIDTH = "2"; var RUNNING_TRACK_COLOR = "#ff7200"; var RUNNING_TRACK_WIDTH = 5; var RUNNING_MILLESIMAL_SPEED = 1000; /** * 全局变量 */ var _GlobalFlowVar = { taskListEnd : [], taskListIng : [], nodeInforArr : [], isIE : window.ActiveXObject && $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 8.0, _self : this, _bpmServiceUrl : _bpmServiceUrl, init : function(config) { this.taskListEnd = config.taskListEnd || []; this.taskListIng = config.taskListIng || []; this.nodeInforArr = config.nodeInforArr || []; } }; var backUpColorDictionary = {}; var backUpWidthDictionary = {}; // var TaskDeatailInfor; /** * 任务详细信息 */ Foxbpm.TaskDeatailInfor = function(flowConfig) { this._config = flowConfig || { taskDetailDiv : 'taksDetailInfoDiv', runningTrackDiv : 'runningTrackDiv', flowGraphicDiv : 'flowGraphicDiv' }; this._flowGraphic = new FlowGraphic({ 'isIE' : _GlobalFlowVar.isIE, 'parentId' : 'flowImg', 'action' : _GlobalFlowVar._bpmServiceUrl + '/flowGraphic/flowImg', 'processInstanceId' : _processInstanceId, 'processDefinitionKey' : _processDefinitionKey }); this._runTrack = new RunTrack({ action : _GlobalFlowVar._bpmServiceUrl + '/task/runTrack', processInstanceId : _processInstanceId }); this._processInfor = new ProcessInfor({ }); TaskDeatailInfor = this; }; Foxbpm.TaskDeatailInfor.prototype = { init : function() { var _self = this; if (_processInstanceId && "" != _processInstanceId) { // 设置定义名称 $.ajax({ type : "get",// 使用get方法访问后台 dataType : "json",// 返回json格式的数据 url : _GlobalFlowVar._bpmServiceUrl + "/task/taskInfor",// 要访问的后台地址 data : { processInstanceId : _processInstanceId }, success : function(msg) {// msg为返回的数据,在这里做数据绑定 if (!msg && ! { alert("返回数据为null"); return; } var data =; //加载流程状态 _self._processInfor.loadProcessSetp(data.nowStep); var taskDetailDiv = $("#"+ TaskDeatailInfor._config.taskDetailDiv); //添加流程主题信息 $("#processInfo").before($("<div class='container process'><h1 id='processDefinitionName'>" + data.processName + "</h1></div><br>")); if (data.endTasks) { taskDetailDiv.append("<div style='border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-color:#ddd'><span style='padding-right:4px;padding-bottom:3px;padding-left:4px;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;display:inline-block;line-height:1;padding-top:3px;color:rgb(255,255,255);padding-top:0.2em;padding-left:0.6em;padding-right:0.6em;padding-bottom:0.3em;font-size:75%;display:inline;background-color: rgb(153, 153, 153);'>已完成</span></div>"); var completedDetailInfoDiv = $("<div class='js-discussion js-socket-channel'>"); var participants = ""; $.each(data.endTasks, function(j, data) { var completedRecord = $("<div class='timeline-comment-wrapper js-comment-container'>"); var a = $("<a href='javascript:void(0);'>"); var img = $("<img width='48' height='48' class='timeline-comment-avatar'>"); img.attr("alt", data.userName); img.attr("src",_GlobalFlowVar._bpmServiceUrl+ "identity/users/"+data.userName+"/picture"); a.append(img); var comment = $("<div class='comment timeline-comment js-comment js-task-list-container is-task-list-enabled'>"); var comment_header = $("<div class='timeline-comment-header'>"); var comment_action = $("<div class='timeline-comment-actions'>"); var comment_header_text = $("<div class='timeline-comment-header-text'>"); comment_header_text .append("<strong> <a class='author' href='javascript:void(0);'>" + data.userName + "</a>"); comment_header_text.append("<strong>&nbsp" + data.nodeName + "&nbsp" + (!data.commandMessage? '': data.commandMessage) + "&nbsp" + data.endTime); var comment_content = $("<div class='comment-content'>"); var edit_comment_hide = $("<div class='edit-comment-hide'>"); edit_comment_hide.append("<div class='comment-body markdown-body markdown-format js-comment-body'><p>" + (!data.taskComment ? '': data.taskComment) + "</p></div>"); comment_header.append(comment_action); comment_header.append(comment_header_text); comment_content.append(edit_comment_hide); comment.append(comment_header); comment.append(comment_content); completedRecord.append(a); completedRecord.append(comment); var loadMsg = $("<a style='text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;float: right;'>"); loadMsg.attr("href",'javascript:void(0);'); loadMsg.attr("flag",'false'); loadMsg.html("+"); loadMsg.on("click",{obj:loadMsg,flag:j},function(event){ _self._processInfor.loadMsg(,; }); completedRecord.append(loadMsg); completedDetailInfoDiv.append(completedRecord); if (participants.indexOf(data.userName) < 0) { participants += data.userName+ "#"; } /**********************处理信息*****************************/ var html = _self._processInfor.createMsgTemplet(j,; completedDetailInfoDiv.append(html); /**********************处理信息*****************************/ }); taskDetailDiv.append(completedDetailInfoDiv); //初始化流程参入者信息 participants = participants.substring(0, participants.length - 1).split("#"); var len = participants.length; if (len > 0) { var participationDiv = $("#partial-users-participants"); participationDiv.append("<h3 class='discussion-sidebar-heading'>"+ len+ " 流程参入者</h3>"); var participationAvatarsDiv = $("<div class='participation-avatars'>"); var a = null; var a_Img = null; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { a = $("<a class='participant-avatar tooltipped tooltipped-s'>"); a.attr("title", participants[i]); a.attr("href", "javascript:void(0);"); a_Img = $("<img width='20' height='20' class='avatar'>"); a_Img.attr("alt", participants[i]); a_Img.attr("src",_GlobalFlowVar._bpmServiceUrl+ "identity/users/"+ participants[i]+ "/picture"); a.append(a_Img); participationAvatarsDiv.append(a); } participationDiv.append(participationAvatarsDiv); } } // 未结束任务 if (data.openTasks) { taskDetailDiv .append("<div style='border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-color:#ddd'><span style='padding-right:4px;padding-bottom:3px;padding-left:4px;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;display:inline-block;line-height:1;padding-top:3px;color:rgb(255,255,255);padding-top:0.2em;padding-left:0.6em;padding-right:0.6em;padding-bottom:0.3em;font-size:75%;display:inline;background-color: rgb(153, 153, 153);'>未完成</span></div>"); var unfinishedDetailInfo = $("<div class='js-discussion js-socket-channel'>"); $ .each( data.openTasks, function(j, data) { var completedRecord = $("<div class='timeline-comment-wrapper js-comment-container'>"); var a = $("<a href='javascript:void(0);'>"); var img = $("<img width='48' height='48' class='timeline-comment-avatar'>"); img.attr("alt", "admin"); img .attr("src", _bpmServiceUrl+"/identity/users/admin/picture"); a.append(img); var comment = $("<div class='comment timeline-comment js-comment js-task-list-container is-task-list-enabled'>"); var comment_header = $("<div class='timeline-comment-header'>"); var comment_action = $("<div class='timeline-comment-actions'>"); var comment_header_text = $("<div class='timeline-comment-header-text'>"); comment_header_text .append("<strong> <a class='author' href='javascript:void(0);'>" + data.userName + "</a>"); comment_header_text .append("<strong>&nbsp" + data.nodeName + "&nbsp" + (!data.commandMessage? '': data.commandMessage) + "&nbsp" + (!data.endTime? '': data.endTime)); var comment_content = $("<div class='comment-content'>"); var edit_comment_hide = $("<div class='edit-comment-hide'>"); edit_comment_hide .append("<div class='comment-body markdown-body markdown-format js-comment-body'><p>" + (!data.taskComment? '' : data.taskComment) + "</p></div>"); comment_header .append(comment_action); comment_header .append(comment_header_text); comment_content .append(edit_comment_hide); comment .append(comment_header); comment .append(comment_content); completedRecord.append(a); completedRecord .append(comment); unfinishedDetailInfo .append(completedRecord); }); taskDetailDiv.append(unfinishedDetailInfo); } // 初始化全局变量 _GlobalFlowVar.init({ taskListEnd : data.endTasks, taskListIng : data.openTasks, nodeInforArr : data.positionInfor }); // 加载流程图上展现任务完成情况 _self.getFlowGraphic().showFlowImgStatus(); //加载运行轨迹信息 _self.getRunTrack().loadRunTrackData(); } }); } else { $("#processInfo").hide(); } _self.createFlowchartOper(); // 加载流程图 _self.getFlowGraphic().loadFlowGraphicData(); // 加载运行轨迹数据 }, flowImgStatusClick : function() { TaskDeatailInfor._flowGraphic.hideFlowImgStatus(($(this) .attr("checked") == 'checked')); }, runningTrackClick : function() { TaskDeatailInfor._runTrack .runningTrack(($(this).attr("checked") == 'checked')); }, getRunTrack : function() { return this._runTrack; }, getFlowGraphic : function() { return this._flowGraphic; }, /** * 加载流程图操作 */ createFlowchartOper : function() { var flowGraphicDiv = $("#" + TaskDeatailInfor._config.flowGraphicDiv); var h3 = $("<h3>"); h3.append("<span id='lct'>流程图</span>"); var ul = $("<ul>"); ul.append("<li class='img01'>已完成</li>"); ul.append("<li class='img02'>进行中</li>"); ul.append("<li><input id='yczt' type='checkbox' name='cczt' />&nbsp;&nbsp;隐藏状态</li>"); ul.append("<li><input id='runningTrackTable' type='checkbox' name='runningTrackTable' />&nbsp;&nbsp;轨迹信息</li>"); ul.append("<li><input id='runningTrack' type='checkbox' name='runningTrack' />&nbsp;&nbsp;轨迹动态运行</li>"); h3.append(ul); flowGraphicDiv.append(h3); flowGraphicDiv .append($("<div id='flowImg' class='pos_abs' style='position: relative; overflow-x: auto; width: 100%;'></div> ")); //事件注册 $("#yczt").bind("click", this.flowImgStatusClick); $("#runningTrack").bind("click", this.runningTrackClick); $("#runningTrackTable").bind("click", function() { if ($(this).attr("checked") == 'checked') { $("#" + TaskDeatailInfor._config.runningTrackDiv).show(); } else { $("#" + TaskDeatailInfor._config.runningTrackDiv).hide(); } }); } }; /** * 流程信息加载 */ function ProcessInfor(config){ this._config = config; } /** * 设置属性 */ ProcessInfor.prototype = { init : function(){}, loadStatus: function(){}, //创建流程信息模板 createMsgTemplet:function(flag,taskId){ var html = "<div id=msg_"+flag+" style='display:none' taskId="+taskId+" >"; html+="<div id='warning' style='text-align:center;'><span id=tips_"+flag+" style='display:none'>数据为空!</span><img style='display:none' src='"+_bpmFilePath+"/images/loading.gif' id=loading_"+flag+" /></div>"; html+="<div id=data_"+flag+"></div>"; return html; }, loadProcessSetp : function(nowStep) { if (nowStep) { /** *****************************展现流程状态*************************** */ var status = nowStep.status; if (status) { var processStatus = $("#processStatus"); var statusEle = $("<a class='label css-truncate-target linked-labelstyle-84b6eb'>"); statusEle.attr("href", "javascript:void(0);"); statusEle.attr("title", "状态【" + status + "】"); statusEle.html("状态【" + status + "】"); processStatus.append(statusEle); } /** *********************************end***************************** */ // 展现当前处理者 var taskInfo = nowStep.taskInfo; if (taskInfo) { var sidebarAssignee = $("#sidebarAssignee"); var spanEle = null; var imgEle = null; var aEle = null; var users = null; var type = null; var id = null; for (var i = 0, j = taskInfo.length; i < j; i++) { users = taskInfo[i].user; if(users){ for(var m = 0,n = users.length;m < n;m++){ spanEle = $("<span class='css-truncate js-assignee-infobar-item-wrapper'>"); imgEle = $("<img width='20' height='20' class='avatar'>"); type = users[i].type; id = users[i].id; if("user" == type){ if("foxbpm_all_user" == id){ imgEle.attr("src","images/default.png"); }else { imgEle.attr("src",_GlobalFlowVar._bpmServiceUrl+ "/identity/users/"+users[m].name+"/picture"); } }else if("role" == type){ imgEle.attr("src","images/group.png"); }else if("dept" == type){ imgEle.attr("src","images/group.png"); }else { //默认 imgEle.attr("src","images/group.png"); } imgEle.attr("alt",users[m].name); aEle = $("<a class='assignee css-truncate-target'>"); aEle.attr("href","javascript:void(0);"); aEle.html(users[m].name); spanEle.append(imgEle); spanEle.append(aEle); sidebarAssignee.append(spanEle); } } } } } }, loadMsg: function(t,i){ var m = $(t); if('false' == m.attr("flag")){ $("#msg_"+i).show(); $("#loading_"+i).show(); var taskId = $("#msg_"+i).attr("taskid"); $.ajax({ type : "get",// 使用get方法访问后台 cache:false, dataType : "json",// 返回json格式的数据 url : _GlobalFlowVar._bpmServiceUrl + "/runtime/tasks/"+taskId+"/operations",// 要访问的后台地址 success : function(msg) { $("#loading_"+i).hide(); if (!msg && ! { alert("返回数据为null"); return; } var data =; if(data.length <= 0){ $("#tips_"+i).show(); return; } $("#tips_"+i).hide(); var html = ""; $.each(data,function(j, d) { html+="<div class='discussion-item discussion-item-milestoned'>"; html+="<div class='discussion-item-header' id='event-130077772'>"; html+="<span class='octicon octicon-milestone discussion-item-icon'></span>"; html+="<img alt='kenshin' class='avatar' height='16' src=';s=32' width='16'>"; html+="<a href='javascript:void(0);' class='author'>"+d.operatorName+"</a>&nbsp"+d.commandMessage+"&nbsp<a href='javascript:void(0);' class='timestamp'><time class='timestamp' datetime='2014-06-10T19:38:56-07:00' is='relative-time' title='2014年6月11日 上午10:38 格林尼治标准时间+0800'>&nbsp"+d.operatingTime+"</time></a>"; html+="</div>"; html+="</div>"; }); //加载数据 $("#data_"+i).html(""); html+="<div class='discussion-timeline-actions'></div>"; $("#data_"+i).append(html); }, error:function(){ $("#loading_"+i).hide(); $("#tips_"+i).show(); }, beforeSend:function(){ $("#loading_"+i).show(); $("#tips_"+i).hide(); } }); m.attr("flag","true"); m.html("-"); } else { $("#msg_"+i).hide(); m.attr("flag","false"); m.html("+"); } } }; /** * 流程图处理类 taskListEnd 任务结束节点 taskListIng 任务进入节点 nodeInfoArr 节点信息 isIE 是否IE * parentId 流程图添加到该元素中 <div id='xxx'><img /></div> action 图形加载后台action * processDefinitionId 流程定义id */ function FlowGraphic(param) { this.taskListEnd = param.taskListEnd || []; this.taskListIng = param.taskListIng || []; this.nodeInforArr = param.nodeInforArr || []; this.parentId = param.parentId; this.isIE = param.isIE; this.action = param.action; this.processInstanceId = param.processInstanceId; this.processDefinitionKey = param.processDefinitionKey; var _self = this; /** img图形处理方式* */ /** * 添加图信息 */ this.addGraphicInfo = function() { var divcontent = ""; for ( var nodeInfor in this.nodeInforArr) { var nodeInfoObj = this.nodeInforArr[nodeInfor]; divcontent = divcontent + getDiv(nodeInfor, nodeInfoObj.x - 4, nodeInfoObj.y - 4, nodeInfoObj.width + 4, nodeInfoObj.height + 4); } $('#' + this.parentId).append(divcontent); }; /** * 生成div */ function getDiv(nodeId, x, y, w, h) { return "<DIV id='" + nodeId + "' class='nodeclass' style='display:none;position: absolute; left: " + x + "px; top: " + y + "px;WIDTH:" + w + "px;HEIGHT:" + h + "px' ></DIV>"; } this.hideMark = function() { $(".nodeclass").css('display', 'none'); }; /** * 标记图形 */ this.markImags = function() { $.each(this.taskListEnd, function(i, task) { markImg(task.nodeId, "green", 2, 0); }); $.each(this.taskListIng, function(i, task) { if (task.taskType == "callactivitytask") { // 如果是正在运行的,则将z-idnex设为最大,因为子流程如果折叠起来,会有重叠的DIV markImg(task.nodeId, "#ff6000", 4, 999); } else { markImg(task.nodeId, "#ff6000", 2, 999); } }); }; /** * 标记单个图形 */ function markImg(svgNodeId, color, width, zIndex) { var svgElement = $("#" + svgNodeId); if (svgElement) { svgElement.css('display', 'block'); svgElement.css('border', '2px solid ' + color); svgElement.css('z-index', zIndex); } } /** svg图形处理方式* */ /** * 标记流程状态 */ this.signProcessState = function() { signEndTaskState(); signIngTaskState(); }; /** * 取消流程状态标记 */ this.clearTaskState = function() { clearEndTaskState(); clearIngTaskState(); }; /** * 清除任务结束状态 */ function clearEndTaskState() { for (var i = 0; i < _self.taskListEnd.length; i++) { var endTask = _self.taskListEnd[i]; var rectAttributes = $("#" + endTask.nodeId)[0].attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpColorDictionary[endTask.nodeId]; } if ( == "stroke-width") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpWidthDictionary[endTask.nodeId]; } } } } /** * 清除任务进入状态 */ function clearIngTaskState() { for (var i = 0; i < _self.taskListIng.length; i++) { var ingTask = _self.taskListIng[i]; var nodeId = $("#" + ingTask.nodeId)[0]; if (nodeId) { var rectAttributes = nodeId.attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpColorDictionary[ingTask.nodeId]; } if ( == "stroke-width") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpWidthDictionary[ingTask.nodeId]; } } } } } function signEndTaskState() { if (_self.taskListEnd == null || _self.taskListEnd.length == 0) { return; } else { for (var i = 0; i < _self.taskListEnd.length; i++) { var endTask = _self.taskListEnd[i]; var nodeId = $("#" + endTask.nodeId)[0]; if (nodeId) { var rectAttributes = nodeId.attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { if (!backUpColorDictionary[endTask.nodeId]) { backUpColorDictionary[endTask.nodeId] = rectAttribute.nodeValue; } rectAttribute.nodeValue = TASK_END_COLOR; } if ( == "stroke-width") { if (!backUpWidthDictionary[endTask.nodeId]) { backUpWidthDictionary[endTask.nodeId] = rectAttribute.nodeValue; } rectAttribute.nodeValue = TASK_END_WIDTH; } } } } } } function signIngTaskState() { if (_self.taskListIng == null || _self.taskListIng.length == 0) { return; } else { for (var i = 0; i < _self.taskListIng.length; i++) { var ingTask = _self.taskListIng[i]; var nodeId = $("#" + ingTask.nodeId)[0]; if (nodeId) { var rectAttributes = nodeId.attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { if (!backUpColorDictionary[ingTask.nodeId]) { backUpColorDictionary[ingTask.nodeId] = rectAttribute.nodeValue; } rectAttribute.nodeValue = TASK_ING_COLOR; } if ( == "stroke-width") { if (!backUpWidthDictionary[ingTask.nodeId]) { backUpWidthDictionary[ingTask.nodeId] = rectAttribute.nodeValue; } rectAttribute.nodeValue = TASK_ING_WIDTH; } } } } } } this.showFlowImgStatus = function() { this.taskListEnd = _GlobalFlowVar.taskListEnd; this.taskListIng = _GlobalFlowVar.taskListIng; this.nodeInforArr = _GlobalFlowVar.nodeInforArr; if (this.isIE) { // 标记流程图 this.addGraphicInfo(); this.markImags(); } else { // 标记流程图 this.signProcessState(); } }; /** * 初始化 */ this.loadFlowGraphicData = function() { if (this.isIE) { var img = $("<img id='flowGraphicImg'>"); img.attr("src", this.action+"?processInstanceId=" + this.processInstanceId+ "&processDefinitionKey=" + this.processDefinitionKey); $('#' + this.parentId).append(img); } else { // 加载svg图片 $.ajax({ type : "GET", url : this.action, dataType : "html",// 返回json格式的数据 data : "flag=svg&processInstanceId=" + this.processInstanceId + "&processDefinitionKey=" + this.processDefinitionKey, success : function(src) { $('#' + _self.parentId).html(src); // 防止详细信息先加载 _self.signProcessState(); } }); } }; /** * 隐藏状态操作 */ this.hideFlowImgStatus = function(flag) { if (flag) { if (this.isIE) { this.hideMark(); } else { this.clearTaskState(); } } else { if (this.isIE) { this.markImags(); } else { this.signProcessState(); } } }; } /** * 定义运行轨迹类 */ function RunTrack(config) { this._config = config; this.action = config.action; this.processInstanceId = config.processInstanceId; // 运行轨迹 var runningTrackInfor = []; var runningTrackIndex = 0; var tempNodeID = ''; var runningTrackLength = 0; var currentRunningTrack = []; var runningTrackThreadId = 0; // 保存流程节点本身式样 var backUpRunningTrackColorDictionary = {}; var backUpRunningTrackWidthDictionary = {}; /** ******************************************函数********************************************************* */ this.clearRunningTracks = function() { runningTrackIndex = 0; if (runningTrackLength != 0 && runningTrackIndex < runningTrackLength) { currentRunningTrack = runningTrackInfor[runningTrackIndex]; var rectAttributes = $("#" + currentRunningTrack.nodeId)[0].attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpRunningTrackColorDictionary[currentRunningTrack.nodeId]; } if ( == "stroke-width") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpRunningTrackWidthDictionary[currentRunningTrack.nodeId]; } } runningTrackIndex = runningTrackIndex + 1; } }; // 去掉重复的节点ID this.distinctProcessNodeID = function() { var temprunningTrackInfor = new Array(); var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < runningTrackInfor.length; i++) { if (!this .confirmExists(temprunningTrackInfor, runningTrackInfor[i])) { temprunningTrackInfor[index] = runningTrackInfor[i]; index = index + 1; } } runningTrackInfor = temprunningTrackInfor; runningTrackLength = temprunningTrackInfor.length; }; // 判断是否存在 this.confirmExists = function(tempArray, tempNode) { for (var i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) { if (tempArray[i].nodeId == tempNode.nodeId && tempArray[i].eventName != tempNode.eventName) { return true; } } }; /** * 加载轨迹洗数据 */ this.loadRunTrackData = function() { $.ajax({ type : "get",// 使用get方法访问后台 dataType : "json",// 返回json格式的数据 url : this.action,// 要访问的后台地址 data : { processInstanceId : this.processInstanceId }, success : function(msg) {// msg为返回的数据,在这里做数据绑定 if (!msg && ! { alert("返回数据为null"); return; } var data =; runningTrackInfor = data.runningTrackInfor; // 生成页面元素 var runningTrackDiv = $("#" + TaskDeatailInfor._config.runningTrackDiv); runningTrackDiv .append("<h3><span id='clz'>流程运行信息</span></h3>"); var taskNotDoneTb = $("<div id='taskNotDoneTb'>"); var table = $("<table width='100' class='table-list'>"); var table_thead; var table_tr; if (runningTrackInfor) { table_thead = $("<thead>"); table_thead .append("<th style='width: 100px'>轨迹编号</th>"); table_thead .append("<th style='width: 270px'>轨迹令牌编号</th>"); table_thead .append("<th style='width: 200px'>轨迹父令牌编号</th>"); table_thead .append("<th style='width: 200px'>执行时间</th>"); table_thead .append("<th style='width: 130px'>事件名称</th>"); table_thead .append("<th style='width: 60px'>处理者</th>"); table_thead .append("<th style='width: 200px'>流程实例编号</th>"); table_thead.append("</thead>"); table.append(table_thead); $.each(runningTrackInfor, function(i, row) { table_tr = $("<tr " + (i % 2 == 0 ? "class='gray'" : "") + ">"); table_tr.append("<td>" + row.nodeId + "</td>"); table_tr.append("<td>" + row.tokenId + "</td>"); table_tr.append("<td>" + (!row.parentTokenId ? '' : row.parentTokenId) + "</td>"); table_tr.append("<td>" + (!row.executionTime ? '' : row.executionTime) + "</td>"); table_tr.append("<td >" + (!row.eventName ? '' : row.eventName) + "</td>"); table_tr.append("<td>" + (!row.operator ? '' : row.operator) + "</td>"); table_tr.append("<td>" + row.processInstanceId + "</td>"); table_tr.append("</tr>"); table.append(table_tr); }); } if (runningTrackInfor) { runningTrackLength = runningTrackInfor.length; } taskNotDoneTb.append(table); runningTrackDiv.append(taskNotDoneTb); } }); }; this.runningTrack = function(flag) { if (_GlobalFlowVar.isIE) { alert("IE浏览器不支持该功能!"); $("#runningTrack").attr("checked", null); return; } if (flag) { if (runningTrackInfor && runningTrackInfor.length != 0) { runningTrackIndex = 0; // 去掉重复的节点ID this.distinctProcessNodeID(); runningTrackThreadId = window.setInterval('moveRunningTrack()', RUNNING_MILLESIMAL_SPEED); $("#runningTrack").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { alert("无流程运行轨迹 数据"); $("#runningTrack").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } }; /** ****************************************私有函数******************************************************* */ // 移除前一个轨迹 removePreviousRunningTrack = function(index) { if (index != 0) { var nodeId = $("#" + runningTrackInfor[index - 1].nodeId)[0]; if (nodeId) { var rectAttributes = nodeId.attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpRunningTrackColorDictionary[runningTrackInfor[runningTrackIndex - 1].nodeId]; } if ( == "stroke-width") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpRunningTrackWidthDictionary[runningTrackInfor[runningTrackIndex - 1].nodeId]; } } } var markerPathId = runningTrackInfor[index - 1].nodeId+"MarkerPath"; var markerPath =$("#" + markerPathId)[0]; if (markerPath) { var rectAttributes = markerPath.attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpRunningTrackColorDictionary[markerPathId]; } if ( == "stroke-width") { rectAttribute.nodeValue = backUpRunningTrackWidthDictionary[markerPathId]; } } } } }; // 移动节点光标 moveRunningTrack = function() { if (runningTrackLength != 0 && runningTrackIndex < runningTrackLength) { currentRunningTrack = runningTrackInfor[runningTrackIndex]; if (currentRunningTrack) { var nodeId = $("#" + currentRunningTrack.nodeId)[0]; var markerPathId = currentRunningTrack.nodeId+"MarkerPath"; var markerPath =$("#" + markerPathId)[0]; if (nodeId) { var rectAttributes = nodeId.attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { if (tempNodeID != currentRunningTrack.nodeId) { backUpRunningTrackColorDictionary[currentRunningTrack.nodeId] = rectAttribute.nodeValue; rectAttribute.nodeValue = RUNNING_TRACK_COLOR; } } if ( == "stroke-width") { if (tempNodeID != currentRunningTrack.nodeId) { backUpRunningTrackWidthDictionary[currentRunningTrack.nodeId] = rectAttribute.nodeValue; rectAttribute.nodeValue = RUNNING_TRACK_WIDTH; } } } this.tempNodeID = currentRunningTrack.nodeId; } if (markerPath) { var rectAttributes = markerPath.attributes; for (var j = 0; j < rectAttributes.length; j++) { var rectAttribute = rectAttributes[j]; if ( == "stroke") { if (tempNodeID != markerPathId) { backUpRunningTrackColorDictionary[markerPathId] = rectAttribute.nodeValue; rectAttribute.nodeValue = RUNNING_TRACK_COLOR; } } if ( == "stroke-width") { if (tempNodeID != markerPathId) { backUpRunningTrackWidthDictionary[markerPathId] = rectAttribute.nodeValue; rectAttribute.nodeValue = RUNNING_TRACK_WIDTH; } } } this.tempNodeID = markerPathId; } } } else { $("#runningTrack").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#runningTrack").attr("checked", null); if (runningTrackIndex == runningTrackLength) { clearInterval(runningTrackThreadId); } } //移除轨迹 removePreviousRunningTrack(runningTrackIndex); runningTrackIndex = runningTrackIndex + 1; }; };
Hormetic effect induced by alpha-particle-induced stress communicated in vivo between zebrafish embryos. We report data showing that embryos of the zebrafish, Danio rerio, at 1.5 h post fertilization (hpf) subjected to a low-dose alpha-particle irradiation can release a stress signal into the water, which can be communicated to unirradiated bystander zebrafish embryos sharing the same water medium to induce a hormetic effect in the bystander embryos. Hormetic responses are characterized as biphasic dose-response relationships exhibiting a low-dose stimulation and a high-dose inhibition. The effects on the whole embryos were studied through quantification of apoptotic signals at 24 hpf through staining with the vital dye acridine orange, followed by counting the stained cells under a microscope. The results show that, for low alpha-particle dose, the number of apoptotic signals decreases in the irradiated embryos and also in the unirradiated bystander embryos having partnered with the irradiated embryos. These suggested that alpha-particle-irradiated zebrafish embryos could release a stress signal into the water, which could be communicated to unirradiated bystander zebrafish embryos sharing the same water medium to induce a hormetic effect in the bystander embryos.
After Scott Aukerman, co-creator of Funny or Die's "Between Two Ferns," released the latest episode featuring Hillary Clinton, many wondered whether he would invite her opponent Donald Trump to be on the show. At the time, Aukerman somewhat skirted around the question, saying he didn't believe Trump would ever ask to be invited and that the Republican presidential nominee would just "lash out and start taunting" host Zach Galifianakis. Now that the Clinton "Ferns" segment has been out for several weeks, Aukerman tells The Huffington Post that Galfianakis and he would never invite the Republican presidential candidate to be on their show. Aukerman explained that he was initially coy about whether "Between Two Ferns" would record a segment with Trump because he didn't want to make the Clinton video more political than it already was. In late September, Zach Galifianakis told the Los Angeles Times that he wasn't interested in creating a "Between Two Ferns" with Trump, but it was unclear how definitive the show's stance was on working with the politician. Aukerman also gave HuffPost some background into the Clinton shoot, telling us there was a time that Clinton improvised a line and made Galifianakis break into laughter, ruining a shot. The opposite was true as well, with Galifianakis often making Clinton break.
本届慈展会的"重量级"活动——"大国攻坚,决胜2020"2018中国慈展会国际公益峰会,于慈展会首日在深圳市会展中心举行。 为此,本报就社会各界关注的几个重点问题,邀请中组部人才局有关负责人进行了解读。 党的十九大以来,"优先发展教育事业、加快教育现代化、建设教育强国",习近平对我国教育事业发展的深切关心,在一项一项具体工作中加以部署、深化落实,让高质量的教育成为人民群众追求更加美好生活的重要基石。 论坛上,与会嘉宾就海外华文媒体如何打开市场,如何影响主流社会,如何达到合作共赢等问题进行了探讨,同时就"国际话语体系中的海外华文媒体"这一主题发表《重庆宣言》,表达了全球华文媒体共同致力于建设一个公正、平衡、合理的国际话语新体系的信心和决心。 此外,花旗集团准备增持东方花旗的股权至51%,但相关谈判未果,因此正考虑退出东方花旗,在中国另设控股券商。 同伴章佳杰偶然发现,就在我们对面,一块昨天还干涸着的晒盐场已经被几厘米深的积水所覆盖,他迅速深入探路,并兴奋地告诉我们这就是理想的拍摄场地。 网站设置24小时举报电话,值班人员负责接听举报电话并做好电话记录;网站设置举报邮箱,值班人员定期查看邮箱并整理记录;值班人员每日登录相关举报业务处理系统,查收转给本网站的举报信息并整理记录;以上记录均报送总编室,由总编室统筹受理。 一位业内专家告诉北青报记者,鉴定这幅画的一大难点在于目前没有确定属于苏轼的画作流传下来,"虽然国内也有博物馆藏有传为苏轼的作品,但都没有明确能认定是苏轼的证据,争议还是存在的。 另据新华社消息称,据外电报道,印度尼西亚交通部29日说,当天失联的客机上有178人。 "邓晓峰说,依琳有10年的武术基础,是一名高水平的选手,但她想在武术项目上获得全国冠军难度很大,因此像她这样的选手完全可以转型为空手道选手,有很大机会在全国乃至国际大赛中取得优异成绩。 青瓦台还表示,文在寅将于17-18日正式访问梵蒂冈,期间将向教皇转达金正恩的邀请。 为中国城市的智能化建设贡献力量作为城市智能物流研究院的发起方之一,京东物流通过十余年的持续发展,不仅为消费者提供了高品质物流服务,同时基于庞大的物流基础设施布局和丰富的运营经验,在区域物流统筹、基础设施建设、物流大数据和人才搭建方面进行了大量积累,拥有完整的区域、城市物流规划能力。 解放以后,怒江州的州府和成立于1954年的碧江县府,以及驻军部队的团部都设在了这里,知子罗一度成为怒江政治、经济和军事的中心。 其作品特点整体端庄,师古不泥博采众长,用笔凝练精到、章法规整有度、线条饱满刚柔并济,阖其气以求精,涵气韵以通神,禀赋天地灵气,富有很强的韵律感,创造性的做到了景致与情怀的融合,历史与现实的和谐统一,展现出娴熟的艺术功力,尽显本人的艺术风格,颇具大家风范,实谓最具收藏价值作品。 "破解实验"在现实中操作性差清华大学自动化系副教授冯建江在接受采访时认为,之所以出现这样的情况,是因为传感器面积小的限制,手机采用的指纹识别技术,只需要部分信息相符就能通过,这和传统的公安刑侦、考勤和身份证等采用的指纹识别技术相比,验证并不严格。 2008年7月,时任国家副主席的习近平赴港检查北京奥运会、残奥会马术比赛筹办工作并在香港考察,给香港民众留下深刻印象。 今年3月,微软再次进行架构调整,新成立人工智能平台事业部,收购了多家人工智能工作室。 符合这种条件的医生在数量上本来就少得可怜,把绝大部分医生排除出在这种资质之外,是看得见面包却吃不到面包的游戏。 3.属于享受政府优惠政策人员的适龄子女在申请学位时除应按上述要求提供资料外,还应出具优惠政策规定的有关材料。 围绕加快金融中心建设,出台加强金融专业人才队伍建设的支持政策,加大金融人才和团队支持力度,引进培养一批高素质、创新型、国际化金融专业人才。 学校形成了"视野开阔,注重实际,热衷创新,崇尚竞争"的人才培养特色,8万多毕业生,绝大多数扎根特区,用人单位总体评价优良,办学满意度不断提高。 此外,像1992年这样的海外招聘深圳又进行了六次,从2001年的美国行到2008年到伦敦和巴黎的欧洲招聘,陆续有不少留学生和外籍人士被深圳吸引。 同时,通过技改项目还带动了高技能实用人才培训38人,形成具有一定技改能力的技能人才团队18个,11人获得了深圳市的技能标兵或优秀技师。 如果你对于吃不感兴趣,但是对于喝感兴趣,那么Merivale餐厅提供的岗位可能正是你想要的,因为他们正在寻找饮品鉴赏(BeverageConnoisseur)。 本届慈展会的"重量级"活动——"大国攻坚,决胜2020"2018中国慈展会国际公益峰会,于慈展会首日在深圳市会展中心举行。 该机型集歼击机、强击机和轰炸机功能于一体,可使用现代化高精度武器打击空中、地面和海上目标,并可在无需加油的情况下续航3000公里。 内容摘要:17-18世纪英属大西洋世界的奴隶制表现出很强的跨地区特征。目前,学者的研究很少把奴隶制、奴隶的反抗和废奴运动作为一个整体来加以考察。所以,对英属大西洋世界的不同社会经济特征及其需求如何相互作用、相互影响,导致该地区奴隶制的产生和发展,并最终孕育出反奴隶制的社会运动进行考察,十分必要。一、英属大西洋世界奴隶制特征的形成16世纪初,英国人口开始迅速增长。二、黑人反抗行动对英属大西洋世界奴隶制的影响17世纪后半期,黑奴的重要性日益为人们所认识。三、英属大西洋世界白人的废奴运动最早反对奴隶制的白人是一小批宗教人士,他们从基督教人道主义立场抨击奴隶贸易和奴隶制的罪恶,并声称这是违背基督教义的。
Question: Let v = 16/5 - 19/6. Let a(k) be the second derivative of -7/12*k**4 + 0*k**2 - v*k**6 + 0*k**3 + 0 - 3*k + 0*k**5. Find the third derivative of a(w) wrt w. Answer: -24*w
184 Cambridge Science Park Milton Road, Milton Cambridge, CB4 0GA See our 'getting here' page for travel information. Hours of Operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Public Access / Reception Service: 8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. 8:00am - 3:30pm Monday to Friday.
Break My Heart Tonawanda I worked as a part of a four person team in the creation of this cartoon. I wrote code and made each character a functioning puppet in After Effects. I also assisted in the animation of several scenes in the story. The story itself is a cut scene within a longer film.
誠摯邀請你成為好朋友--><p><b>All around you~</b><p>如果各位是喜歡到電影院裡頭欣賞電影的人,應該對這個句子不會太陌生,因為只要你常去的戲院所使用的音響設備是<b>杜比數位系統</b>的話,前面都會有這段聽起來有點震撼、有點讓人起雞皮疙瘩的介紹詞。<p>不過其實杜比數位系統的壓縮技術或各種版本介紹都不是今天主角,編輯 … 行動遊戲<p>sanchan<p>據日本 Hanbit Ubiquitous Entertainment(HUE)公司宣佈,將預定於 iOS/Android 等手機平台上推出一款新作遊戲《鋼之管弦樂》(はがねオーケストラ)與玩家們見面,目前本作預定將於 2015 年內在日本地區上市,並將由 HUE 負責企劃.開 … 在討論有關台灣前途的問題時,常常會遇到一種質疑:「如果中國不惜以武力介入,台灣有能力依靠單獨的力量來與中國抗衡嗎?」就現實的層面,這樣的問題是沒有一點思考價值的。因為這種愚見是把台灣與中國的關係,侷限在一種「單邊」或是「雙邊」的框架中。也就是說這個問題本身就把台灣與中國的外交關係陷縮在「兩國」的關係中。<p>然而這種條件限制本身就是既不切實際,又昧於現實的。因為台灣與中國雙方在60多年來的外交關係,就是不停的被整個國際局勢的變化所影響。也就是說台灣與中國的關係其實是被鑲嵌在整個國際「多邊」局勢下的一環。例如美國當初會決定支持台灣,就是起因於朝鮮半島所爆發的韓戰。而美國之所以願意與國民黨政府簽訂《中美 … 今日新聞淺談:未來每個人的 New Macbook USB-C 旁,都可以看到人形蜈蚣 - 癮科技 有緊緊發漏 New Macbook 相關新聞的朋友應該都有發現,台灣 Apple 官方網站 New Macbook 已經上架許久,只差還沒通過 EMC 核准而已,各家廠商也紛紛推出可以無限延伸 USB-C 連接埠的相關商品,官方有一對多的設計,在 Kickstarter 上也有設計團隊設計了一款每個 … 周五,在中國最後一位皇帝亡故約50年後,其兄弟姐妹中唯一在世者金友之於北京辭世,享年96歲。<p>以中國末代皇族為研究對象的歷史學家賈英華證實了金友之的死訊。<p>小學退休教師金友之是滿清王朝末代皇帝溥儀(Henry)同父異母的弟弟。在1912年中華民國成立前,滿清王朝統治中國長達268年之久。<p>「他的辭世標誌着中國歷史上一個時代的終結,」賈英華周日接受採訪時表示。 北京甘肃企业商会常务执行会长、商会党支部书记,香港卓富投资集团董事长罗刚参加恳谈会北京甘肃企业商会执行会长、女企业家分会会长,未来四方集团有限公司董事长翟金叶参加恳谈会北京陕西企业商会会长、东盛集团(广誉远中药)董事长郭家学参加恳谈会北京重庆企业商会会长、重庆三峡燃气(集团)有限公司董事长谭传荣参加恳谈会中国已经进入新时代,综合实力今非昔比,我们坚信,在这个时代里,特朗普胡作非为只会唤起中国人更加强大的斗志,只会让我们的自主创新产生更大的加速度。
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Using what many call travel hacking, we have been able to save over $12,000 in the past three years of travel. This was money saved on Airfare, Hotels, Rental Cars and more. If you want to get into using credit cards so that you never have to pay for hotel or airfare again, I recommend the following... We were amazed at the authentic flavors we found at Taco Rico. Not to mention, the menu items that boast a 100% hand-made standard of excellence. On our way back to our hotel, we both tried to think of another Mexican restaurant that we had ever tried that could top it, and, we may be really deprived of Mexican food here, but we couldn’t think of a better Taco.Read More King Munmu, the 30th King of the Shilla Dynasty, achieved the unification of the countries of the Korean peninsula in AD 688. The King used to express his desire to become a dragon after his death to protect his kingdom from enemies. When the king died he was buried under a great rock in the East Sea in accordance with his will and transformed into the guardian dragon of the kingdom. People, therefore, call the rock ‘Dae-Wang Am’ meaning ‘The Rock of the Great King’. It is located in Gyongju, South Korea…Read More In a previous post, we let you know 5 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Finances & Start...Read More We are saving hard for our 12 month trip around the world. As we prepare for our trip, we wanted...Read More
#include <stdio.h> #define __space(a) struct MyStruct { __space(3:.) float *pFloat; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { __space(0) float a; __space(3;0) float *pa; __space(3:0) float *pb; __space(3:0:0) float **ppb; __space(3:0:0) float **ppc; __space(0) struct MyStruct myStruct; __space(3:0) float *pFloat = myStruct.pFloat; return 0; }
据黄冈市市长邱丽新介绍,当前,黄冈市已启动组建7个工作专班,一期安排财政资金1000万元,组织各方力量开展防控。黄冈市将把遏制疫情蔓延作为头等大事,全市总动员,全面抓防控,全力抗疫情。优发娱乐苹果版下载安装但是在旅游业,来自中国的投资者有不同的逻辑。控制他们支出的是他们自己同胞不间断的旅游热。 国家文化公园是国家推进实施的重大文化工程,通过整合具有突出意义、重要影响、重大主题的文物和文化资源,实施公园化管理运营,实现保护传承利用、文化教育、公共服务、旅游观光、休闲娱乐、科学研究功能,形成具有特定开放空间的公共文化载体,集中打造中华文化重要标志,进一步坚定文化自信,充分彰显中华优秀传统文化持久影响力、革命文化强大感召力、社会主义先进文化强大生命力。
The Medaris Ridge can be taken in both directions, but is generally enjoyed from west to east while using Pubview to access the western end of the trail. Access to the Medaris Ridge is via Medaris Ditch and Salty Dalty Assuming you climbed Pubview , take a right on the Medaris Ridge and begin traveling to the east. The trail is generally intermediate, but there are several rocky sections along the way that will challenge intermediate runners. There is one steep downhill section, where cyclists are often seen. Though those on foot have the right of way, be prepared and courteous to your fellow trail users. The Medaris Ridge is a popular multi-use trail in New Castle, so being polite to others (especially in this steep section) is crucial in avoiding conflicts with other user groups. Straight ahead at this point is East Medaris, a trail that is open to foot traffic only which makes for a great experience. Please obey all regulations while running on Mount Medaris.
Final FY 2014 FMAPs On September 25, 2012, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released revised state personal income and per capita personal income data for 2011 as well as revisions for prior years. The federal government uses state per capita personal income to calculate each state’s reimbursement rate for Medicaid and other grant programs such as Title IV-E adoption assistance and foster care. This matching rate, calculated annually, is known as the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP). The BEA release permits calculation of the final fiscal year (FY) 2014 FMAPs, which are based on per capita personal incomes for calendar years 2009-2011. This Issue Brief summarizes the BEA data and provides FFIS’s estimates of the final FY 2014 FMAPs. Based on the new data, only 14 states will receive increased FMAPs in FY 2014 while 22 states will see decreases.
Women’s health clinical trials: breaking down barriers through decentralisation Women tend to be harder to recruit for clinical trials due to socioeconomic factors. But decentralised study designs help ease barriers to participation. By Kezia Parkins and Andrew Hillman. atient recruitment is one of the most challenging aspects of running clinical trials. Certain socioeconomic factors, such as the disproportionate burden of childcare, make women harder to recruit and, in women’s health clinical trials, this challenge is only exacerbated. “[Women] have that double burden of working and childcare and caring for older people,” says Medidata principal of global compliance and strategy Fiona Maini, adding that this can make getting to a site to participate difficult. “This is where DCTs [decentralised clinical trials] really help.” Positive trends in harnessing decentralisation techniques in women’s health trials can be seen over the past decade. In fact, a peak in uptake can be seen in recent years, even predating the Covid-19 pandemic—in the past two years, we have seen increasing decentralisation across all clinical trials. Between 2010 and 2015, the percentage of women’s health clinical trials in high-income countries that included a decentralised element varied between 1.4% and 3.1% each year. In more recent years, decentralisation has become more common in women’s health trials. For example, in 2018, one in every 10 newly initiated trials included a decentralised element. Even more recently, from 2020 to the first quarter of this year, over 8% of women’s health trials in high-income countries include a decentralised element, ranking women’s health as seventh out of 22 therapy areas in Clinical Trials Arena’s exclusive DCT adoption tracker. The tracker analyses 12 years of data based on clinical registry protocols, research papers, and press releases to find trends in the uptake of decentralisation approaches. Women’s health covers a broad range of indications, including urogynaecology, female sexual and reproductive health, osteoporosis, and menopause. Due to sexist and ingrained belief systems, many women’s health indications are deemed taboo topics, which means some women may still feel uncomfortable discussing certain health issues, especially with their doctor, points out ObvioHealth chief operating officer Matty Culbreth-Notaro. This can make recruitment in women’s health trials tough. Clinical Trials Arena explores trends in decentralising women’s health trials, and some of the ways decentralised techniques are helping overcome enrolment challenges. Positive DCT trends in women’s health trials With the US being an epicentre of women’s health studies, one in 10 women’s health studies in the country within the past decade has included decentralisation, according to GlobalData’s Clinical Trial Database. GlobalData is the parent company of Clinical Trials Arena. Since the beginning of 2018, 16% of women’s health trials with sites in the US have included a decentralised approach. Further, during that period, US women’s health trials have utilised ePRO/eCOA/eDiary and digital data collection at a higher share of trials versus any other therapy area. Vasomotor symptoms of menopause, commonly known as hot flashes, is one of the indications within women’s health with the highest rate of decentralisation, with 12% of global trials involving a DCT approach since 2010. This is followed by endometriosis (7.6%), with female contraception (1.4%) noticeably low in comparison. Because of the added stress of the pandemic and the fact that women’s busy lifestyles make them tougher to recruit, US-based FemTech firm Renovia employed ObvioHealth’s DCT platform to collect patient data in what they claim is the world’s first fully virtual urogynaecology trial. The trial evaluated Renovia’s Leva Pelvic Health System for female incontinence. Some tend to think that some of the technology involved in DCTs will present a problem for women, especially for older women, Culbreth-Notaro notes. “People just consider men to be more tech-savvy.” But from ObvioHealth’s experience, the virtual research organisation (VRO) found compliance is very high, with older women being the most compliant. eDiary: a mainstay in women’s health trials eDiaries appear to be the go-to decentralised element in women’s health clinical trials. Among the 46 ongoing Phase I–III women’s health trials involving a DCT element, eDiaries are in 16 studies. Telemedicine is the second most used DCT element with 12 uses in active trials. The positive trend of eDiary use in women’s health trials can be traced back to early years of DCT. Between 2010 and 2016, more than half of all decentralised women’s health trials involved eDiary approaches. As the use of decentralisation has grown, eDiaries have become even more common, with at least six newly initiated trials in women’s health harnessing them each year since 2017, our analysis shows. AbbVie and Myovant Sciences, for instance, have both used eDiaries in more than half of their women’s health trials in the past decade. A large share of AbbVie’s research in women’s health has focused on endometriosis. Privacy: a key reason for high eDiary uptake The discreet nature and convenience of eDiaries make them ideal for collecting sensitive information in women’s health trials where a lot of pain or symptom reporting is needed, eClinical solutions chief marketing officer Sheila Rocchio says. As an example, Rocchio says that even post-menopausal women having as many as 50 hot flashes a day were compliant in a trial with eDiaries, recording each incidence. The alternative is recording high volumes and often sensitive information on paper, which can open privacy issues within the household, she adds. Research also shows that eDiaries lead to higher reporting among participants due to privacy, Rocchio says, pointing to trials that measured arousal levels and satisfaction after sexual encounters in a female sexual dysfunction study. She explains that eDiaries were imperative in these trials: “A lot more data was reported electronically because it was private.” If patients had to visit their doctor to discuss every sexual encounter, they would not have collected the same quality data, she adds. Further, eDiaries can curb “parking lot syndrome,” a well-known occurrence in patient-reported outcomes. This refers to patients completing diaries and questionnaires shortly before a visit, when they should have been filled in daily or when specific symptoms are manifesting. With eDiaries, questionnaires are deployed when they are supposed to be filled, and notifications can be sent, says Culbreth-Notaro. “Capturing that data in real-time without recall bias is much more exact.” Social media: a channel for women’s health recruitment DCTs are designed to help break down access barriers, and this can allow women to participate in clinical trials from their own homes without too much disruption to daily life. Yet, another barrier is the lack of general awareness that these trials are happening, Maini says. And this is where social media could potentially help with recruitment. “Now there are so many more platforms and methods to communicate and lots that are talking about women's health,” she adds. Culbreth-Notaro says that for an indication like incontinence that many women find embarrassing to discuss with their doctor, being able to advertise a fully virtual trial via social media dramatically sped up the recruitment timeline to 3.5 months, and reduced recruitment costs. ObvioHealth studied the online search and purchasing behaviours of women scouring the web for products or solutions for pelvic floor disorder. “Then we placed our creative ads in front of those women via social media like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook,” Culbreth-Notaro adds. The decentralised trial design proved attractive to female incontinence sufferers as they could participate privately and discretely from their own homes, she says. Clinical Trials Arena previously reported on the advantages of social media recruitment, and potential blind spots for sponsors. While positive trends can be observed in decentralising women’s health trials, there is room for growth. This can be supported by further technology advancement and stakeholders becoming even more accustomed to decentralisation. “DCTs are becoming more prevalent and it's our job to educate the world on what that model brings,” Culbreth-Notaro says. “Then we will see more DCT trials in women's health.”
Bayern Munich coach Pep Guardiola believes midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger will have a brilliant second half of the season, he told a press conference in Doha on Friday. "Something tells me he's going to play really, really well," said the Spaniard, ahead of Saturday's friendly with Saudi Arabian side Al-Hilal. Since his starring role at the World Cup Schweinsteiger has played just six league games for Bayern and two Champions League matches due to a niggling knee complaint. But the club are in upbeat mood at their winter training camp in Doha. "Mehdi Benatia had to train on his own because of back problems but the rest of the group have been training well and that makes me happy," said the former Barcelona coach. "I'm deeply satisfied with their efforts and their level of concentration," said Guardiola. Bayern play second placed Wolfsburg on January 30 as the Bundesliga action resumes from the winter break with the Munich club 11 points clear at the top. Defenders David Alaba and Holger Badstuber are both fit to start after undergoing surgery, while record-signingSpanish midfielder Javi Martinez has also been in full training after missing the first half of the season with knee ligament problems.
若您是因對收到的產品不滿意而要求退換貨服務,則產品退回時的運費需由您自行負擔。 請告訴我們退換貨理由,我們將致力改進。 欲退換貨的商品必須是全新狀態且完整包裝,請保持商品、附件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料之完整性。 為避免不必要的糾紛,商品在出貨前我們將會拍照存證,以保障雙方的權益。 2.若會員為未滿二十歲之未成年人,應於會員的家長(或監護人)閱讀、瞭解並同意本約定書之所有內容及其後修改變更後,方得註冊為會員、使用或繼續使用本服務。當會員使用或繼續使用飲食共和國科技時,即推定會員的家長(或監護人)已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本約定書之所有內容及其後修改變更。 3.會員及飲食共和國科技雙方同意使用本服務之所有內容包括意思表示等,以電子文件作為表示方式。 4.為了確保會員之個人資料、隱私及消費者權益之保護,於交易過程中將使用會員之個人資料,謹依個人資料保護法第8條規定告知以下事項; 蒐集之目的:蒐集之目的在於進行行銷業務、消費者、客戶管理與服務、網路購物及其他電子商務服務及與調查、統計與研究分析(法定特定目的項目編號為O四O、O九O、一四八、一五七)。飲食共和國科技將藉由加入會員之過程或進行交易之過程來蒐集個人資料。 (3) 利用對象及方式:會員之個人資料蒐集除用於飲食共和國科技之會員管理、客戶管理之檢索查詢等功能外,亦將利用於辨識身份、金流服務、物流服務、行銷廣宣等。例示如下: b. 為遂行交易行為:會員對商品或勞務為預約、下標、購買、參與贈獎等之活動或從事其他交易時,關於商品配送、勞務提供、價金給付、回覆客戶之詢問、飲食共和國科技對會員之詢問、相關售後服務及其他遂行交易所必要之業務。 c. 宣傳廣告或行銷等:提供會員各種電子雜誌等資訊、透過電子郵件、郵件、電話等提供與服務有關之資訊。將|員所瀏覽之內容或廣告,依客戶之個人屬性或購買紀錄、飲食共和國科技網站之瀏覽紀錄等項目,進行個人化作業、會員使用服務之分析、新服務之開發或既有服務之改善等。針對民調、活動、留言版等之意見,或其他服務關連事項,與會員進行聯繫。 依本服務註冊表之提示提供會員本人正確、最新的資料,且不得以第三人之名義註冊為會員。每位會員僅能註冊登錄一個帳號,不可重覆註冊登錄。即時維持並更新會員個人資料,確保其正確性,以獲取最佳之服務。若會員提供任何錯誤或不實的資料、或未按指示提供資料、或欠缺必要之資料、或有重覆註冊帳號等情事時,飲食共和國科技有權不經事先通知,逕行暫停或終止會員的帳號,並拒絕會員使用本服務之全部或一部。 關於會員的註冊以及其他特定資料依飲食共和國科技「隱私權政策」受到保護與規範。 會員的密碼或帳號遭到盜用或有其他任何安全問題發生時,會員將立即通知飲食共和國科技 公布或傳送任何誹謗、侮辱、具威脅性、攻擊性、不雅、猥褻、不實、違反公共秩序或善良風俗或其他不法之文字、圖片或任何形式的檔案侵害或毀損飲食共和國科技或他人名譽、隱私權、營業秘密、商標權、著作權、專利權、其他智慧財產權及其他權利違反依法律或契約所應負之保密義務冒用他人名義使用本服務傳輸或散佈電腦病毒從事未經飲食共和國科技事前授權的商業行為刊載、傳輸、發送垃圾郵件、連鎖信、違法或未經飲食共和國科技許可之多層次傳銷訊息及廣告等;或儲存任何侵害他人智慧財產權或違反法令之資料對本服務其他用戶或第三人產生困擾、不悅或違反一般網路禮節致生反感之行為其他不符本服務所提供的使用目的之行為或飲食共和國科技有正當理由認為不適當之行為 1.會員同意飲食共和國科技所提供本服務之範圍,飲食共和國科技均得視業務需要及實際情形,增減、變更或終止相關服務的項目或內容,且無需個別通知會員。 1.會員使用本服務進行交易時,應依據飲食共和國科技所提供之確認商品數量及價格機制進行。 2.會員同意使用本服務訂購產品時,於飲食共和國科技通知確認交易成立前,飲食共和國科技仍保有不接受訂單或取消出貨之權利。會員向飲食共和國科技發出訂購通知後,系統將自動發出接受通知,但此通知並非訂單確認通知,關於交易成立與否飲食共和國科技將另行告知。若因訂單內容之標的商品或服務,其交易條件(包括但不限於規格、內容說明、圖片、)有誤時,飲食共和國科技仍得於下單後二工作日內拒絕該筆訂單。 1.本服務所提供之各項功能,均依該功能當時之現況提供使用,飲食共和國科技對於其效能、速度、完整性、可靠性、安全性、正確性等,皆不負擔任何明示或默示之擔保責任。 2. 飲食共和國科技並不保證本服務之網頁、伺服器、網域等所傳送的電子郵件或其內容不會含有電腦病毒等有害物;亦不保證郵件、檔案或資料之傳輸儲存均正確無誤不會斷線和出錯等,因各該郵件、檔案或資料傳送或儲存失敗、遺失或錯誤等所致之損害,飲食共和國科技不負賠償責任。 1.飲食共和國科技所使用之軟體或程式、網站上所有內容,包括但不限於著作、圖片、檔案、資訊、資料、網站架構、網站畫面的安排、網頁設計,均由飲食共和國科技或其他權利人依法擁有其智慧財產權,包括但不限於商標權、專利權、著作權、營業秘密與專有技術等。任何人不得逕自使用、修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、進行還原工程、解編或反向組譯。若會員欲引用或轉載前述軟體、程式或網站內容,必須依法取得飲食共和國科技或其他權利人的事前書面同意。尊重智慧財產權是會員應盡的義務,如有違反,會員應對飲食共和國科技負損害賠償責任(包括但不限於訴訟費用及律師費用等)。 3.若會員有涉及侵權之情事,飲食共和國科技可暫停全部或部份之服務,或逕自以取消會員帳號之方式處理。 若有發現智慧財產權遭侵害之情事,請將所遭侵權之情形及聯絡方式,並附具真實陳述及擁有合法智慧財產權之聲明,以下列方式聯絡飲食共和國科技: 以電子郵件(E-mail)寄送至: 對於會員上載、傳送、輸入或提供之資料,會員同意飲食共和國科技網站得於合理之範圍內蒐集、處理、保存、傳遞及使用該等資料,以提供使用者其他資訊或服務、或作成會員統計資料、或進行關於網路行為之調查或研究,或為任何之合法使用。 若會員無合法權利得授權他人使用、修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表某資料,並將前述權利轉授權第三人,請勿擅自將該資料上載、傳送、輸入或提供至飲食共和國科技。任何資料一經會員上載、傳送、輸入或提供至飲食共和國科技時,視為會員已允許飲食共和國科技無條件使用、修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表該等資料,並得將前述權利轉授權他人,會員對此絕無異議。會員並應保證飲食共和國科技使用、修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、轉授權該等資料,不致侵害任何第三人之智慧財產權,否則應對飲食共和國科技負損害賠償責任(包括但不限於訴訟費用及律師費用等)。 因使用本服務所提供之網路交易或活動,可能須透過宅配或貨運業者始能完成貨品(或贈品等)之配送或取回,因此,會員同意並授權飲食共和國科技得視該次網路交易或活動之需求及目的,將由會員所提供且為配送所必要之個人資料(如收件人姓名、配送地址、連絡電話等),提供予宅配貨運業者及相關配合之廠商,以利完成該次貨品(或贈品等)之配送、取回。 會員同意飲食共和國科技得基於維護交易安全之考量,因任何理由,包含但不限於缺乏使用,或違反本服務條款的明文規定及精神,終止會員的密碼、帳號(或其任何部分)或本服務(或其任何部分)之使用,或將本服務內任何「會員內容」加以移除並刪除。此外,會員同意若本服務(或其任何部分)之使用被終止,飲食共和國科技對會員或任何第三人均不承擔責任。 可於付款完選擇「到店取貨」,由於出貨需經過公司的出貨流程,故請先來電確認是否有現貨(請勿尚未聯絡就直接到店)確認過後至新北市板橋區光武街2巷51號 飲食共和國科技門市,出示身分證件取貨,必須在完成付款之訂單上面備註「到店取貨」,否則一律直接寄出。 「收到您訂單後,如該訂單之商品因缺貨、停產或是其他因素導致您所訂購的商品本公司無法於收到訂單7日內完成出貨,會在3日之內以電話、簡訊或電子郵件與您聯繫~」 根據消費者保護法之規定,飲食共和國科技將提供消費者享有商品到貨七天猶豫期隨時解約退貨之權益(注意:猶豫期非試用期),但提醒消費者注意,商品退貨時必須為全新未拆箱狀態且包裝完整 ( 包含主機、附件、內外包裝、隨機文件、贈品等,外觀不得有刮傷,破壞,受潮,且必須保有外箱,配件,保護套,光碟,說明書,保利龍和贈品的完整性)。 (3)原廠提供商品檢測證明 產品因消費者個人不當使用拆卸產生人為因素造成故障、損毀、磨損、擦傷、刮傷、髒污、或是發票、附配件不齊者 ※如產品為保護貼/機身膜/印表機/墨水匣等商品或智慧財產權商品:書籍、軟體:新品不良或包裝瑕疵七日內退換貨處理 ,【因無法重覆使用或銷售】使用過一律不受理退貨 。 ※電腦軟體為數位智慧財產權商品,若您在購買軟體前,不確定是否符合您的需求時,可先詢問清楚,購買後因設備內已附有商品版權啟動序號,拆開後性質上無法復原, 故消費者保護法第十九條所定之七天的鑑賞期將無法適用,也就是將無法為您辦理退貨退款。 无法拒绝别人请求的老好人少年铃木入间,意外地成为了魔界大恶魔沙利文的孙子!受到溺爱的入间,开始到沙利文担任理事长的恶魔学校去上学……虽然感到困惑,但入间还是和阿斯莫德、克拉拉等同班同学一起过着愉快的学园生活。本以为已经习惯了魔界,但就在这样的某一天,更进一步的磨难降临到他的身上!戒指开口说话,入间…变成不良少年了!?入间波澜万丈的恶魔学校生活仍将继续【小保姆嗓门特别大,主人叮嘱,今晚来的都是有身份的人,说话务必小声一点。吃完饭,主人客人玩牌,小保姆收拾完想早点休息,于是凑近男主人耳边轻声道:"那我先睡了哈。"】
FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) — IndyCar, NASCAR, and various other vehicles have been racing at Texas Motor Speedway since 1996, when the speedway opened in North Texas. But an entirely new motorsport is heading to Fort Worth. The Red Bull Air Race World Championship, advertised as the “world’s fastest motorsport”, will dominate the skies of Texas Motor Speedway next September. Texas Motor Speedway, which will host a race on on September 6-7, is one of only two U.S. sites chosen for the series — along with the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. “We like doing things no one expects. I think the thing that will be so appealing to motorsports fans and gearheads is that this is a real competition,” said Eddie Gossage, President, Texas Motor Speedway. “Red Bull Air Race is truly a head-to-head, nose-to-nose competition on the clock, where these pilots are running through the Air Gates to see who can turn in the best time.” The air race will feature a 12-pilot field “racing in high-performance airplanes between 50 and 80 feet above the ground and navigating a challenging obstacle course of Air Gate pylons at speeds of up to 230 mph.” The circuit, which was created in 2003, has been on a three-year break to improve safety and reorganize. (©2013 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.) Sports Stories You May Also Be Interested In: - Report: Nerve In Jaylon Smith’s Knee Regenerating; LB Can Lift His Foot - Falcons Wide Receiver Mohamed Sanu Shares Heartwarming Note From Fans - Always Be Looking For Fast Starters In Fantasy Baseball’s First Month - Jeff Cavanaugh’s NFL Draft Top 50 Board - Video: Bowler Sets World Record For Fastest 300 Game
答:抖音粉絲引流如何才能夠做的更好,那么我們來看看,抖音營銷粉絲引流,其實是可以做的更加的好,那么我們需要了解的是,只有做好了抖音營銷,才能夠更加的做好粉絲的引流,抖音平臺推薦的原理。 一個賬號如果正常,每個視頻平臺都給你200-300左右的播放量,在根據視頻,點贊,評論,轉發量,推薦下一個級別播放量,幾千,幾萬,幾十萬,甚至幾百萬的播放量。 因此我們要做的就是:注冊的號必須要是模擬正常用戶使用,拍攝或者制作的視頻質量必 答:可以說現在抖音粉絲多了,怎么樣都可以賺錢,那么現在很多都是喜歡玩抖音,粉絲引流推廣,那么粉絲引流到一定的程度了以后,如何變現呢,現在互聯網自媒體真的非常的火,快手,抖音火山這些短視頻平臺每天都人氣很旺,特別是抖音,每天都流量都有幾個億。流量在哪里錢就在那里,所以很多人都想通過抖音這個特大的流量池掙錢。那么流量變相方法很多,也都是五花八門的,嘴直接的官方的,帶貨變現賺錢,還有官方不支持的,賣號賺錢,做廣告等等,都是可以锝。 其實 答:現在使用抖音粉絲引流軟件也是非常多了,那么現在使用還有沒有效果呢,可以說,現在基本都是人工智能化了,那么營銷軟件也是一樣的,在2019年,短視頻持續爆發,而抖音已然成為了行業老大,如此大的用戶量,帶來了巨大的流量,也帶來了眾多的賺錢機會。但這一切的前提,都是需要你有大量的粉絲。那我們該如何提高抖音的粉絲量呢? 如何提高抖音的粉絲量? 1、及時互動。 很多時候我們需要和大眾去互動,增加用戶粘性。視頻的配文最好 答:抖音現在確實很火爆,不過運營技巧也很多的,我們很多人開始玩抖音的時候,都想著如何快速表現、如何快速漲粉,但是你要知道,如果背后沒有大佬支持,僅憑個人是需要好好策劃和運營的。(短視頻運營方案班)。 1.首先要找好定位,根據自身優勢和特長,想明白自己到底做一個什么樣的賬號,這是第一步。如果這一步都做不好,以后的工作都是無用功。 2.另外,就是認真做內容,好好做視頻內容才能吸引精準粉絲,后期也更好變現。 定位和內 答: 之前一直都是人工粉絲引流的,要不就是發發視頻,要不就是自己人工在抖音里面轉轉,自己花了不少時間,花了我一個多月,可是也就幾萬粉絲,可是聽他們說,巨量推幾天就幾萬粉絲了,到底是怎么操作的?巨量推抖音粉絲引流軟件真的那么好用嗎?有沒有人勇敢過,具體的真的可以漲粉嗎 答: 抖音粉絲引流加微信現在很多的做抖音營銷的,沒有自己的商城,那么很多都是直接加微信來做銷售的,那么現在抖音粉絲如何引流到微信上面呢,那么還是有一定方法的,那么我們來看看抖音都是如何引流到微信上面的哦。隨著抖音的爆火,越來越多的個人創業者(微商、電商、實體店老板)和企業,開始意識到 www.389244.com基于虚荣心接受贿赂的案例在女性职务犯罪中也十分常见。腕表、皮鞋、衣裤、箱包等,都是很多女官员的心头爱。最出名的是邢台"八斤哥",这段长3分多钟的视频中,一名男子将8瓶白酒倒入透明大杯,并称这是60多度的白酒。只是,男子并未喝完杯中的液体。后来,有人爆料,该视频有作假炒作的嫌疑。
13:7 "Don't Look Now" was a creepy 1974 film. Artist Steve Bissette wrote in Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman that the director, Nicholas Roeg, is a favorite of his and Moore's. [WATCH VIDEO] The "Chaos" episode of Simon Pegg's comedy TV series SPACED includes a scene referring to Roeg's film, wherein a little figure in a red coat scurries through the background. 15:2 Dennis is having a flashback; not unusual for veterans of the VietNam war. COMMENT: Steve Bisette gave an exclusive account of the tremendous effort which went into creating this issue in his March 30th and 31st and April 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th 2009 entries at his website. It's an interesting tale of deadlines, transitions and alliances. Check out the original page pencils there, and excerpts from Moore's script. Many of the letters sent between the creative team are archived at the Bissette Collection at HUIE Library at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. COMMENT: A number of minor characters appear for the only time in this issue and are called by name: Otis, Roy, Andy and Giuseppe. I was wondering if they could be named after friends of the writer/artists, but Moore's original script seems to indicate that the names of the soldiers who "killed" Swampy are random. Otis and Roy are the names of supporting characters on the old Andy Griffith Show, so that may be where they got the names. Paul Evans of the Alan Moore Transcription Project wonders if one name was inspired by Giuseppe Arcimbaldo, whose art is referenced in issue #23. COMMENT: Liz Tremayne and her boyfriend Dennis Barclay (a former Sunderland employee) were scientists, supporting characters and friends of ST during Martin Pasko's tenure as writer. COMMENT: In 2009, DC Comics collected/reprinted issues 20-27 in a hardcover book titled (again) "Saga of the Swamp Thing". This was the first time that issue 20 was reprinted in the United States, but the caption on the final page of issue #24 was left out!
Q: Flask app, button refreshes the browser. How to prevent it? I am working on building a simple app with Python Flask. I am having a problem with the button inside of this form. Users can comment and then push the button to post their comment. When this button is clicked, the form action(this action in python, redirects to the current page.) is fired. Now, when the button is clicked, the comment is posted on the browser but the browser is refreshed. I don't want the browser to be refreshed every time when users post their comment. How should I make this button not to refresh the page and still post the comment and show the comment on the page without refreshing the page? <form method="POST" action="{{ url_for('feed_app.message', }}" role="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> {{ form.hidden_tag() }} <div class="form-group"> {{'form-control', rows=1, style="background-color:#ffffff;width:200px;display:inline-block;") }} <input type="hidden" name="to_user" value="{{ user.username }}" /> <button style="border-radius:5px;" type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Comment</button> </div> </form> This is the python code. @feed_app.route('/message/<message_id>', methods=('GET', 'POST')) def message(message_id): form = FeedPostForm() message = None user = User.objects.get(username=session.get('username')) message = Message.objects.filter(id=message_id).first() if not message: abort(404) if message and message.parent: abort(404) if form.validate_on_submit() and session.get('username'): # process post from_user = User.objects.get(username=session.get('username')) post = # write the message comment = Message( from_user=from_user, text=post, message_type=COMMENT, parent=message_id ).save() return redirect(url_for('home_app.home', return render_template('feed/message.html', message=message, form=form ) Is it because I set the message to redirect to the current page? I am not sure if this is an HTML problem or Flask problem. A: Now, when the button is clicked, the comment is posted on the browser but the browser is refreshs This is how synchronous requests actually work. To achieve your goal you need to use either asynchronous requests (AJAX) or websocket. If you new to web development - it's recommended to start with AJAX using jQuery for example and once this technology is learned - it will be easy to start to work with websockets. AJAX requests are regular HTTP requests (GET, POST, etc..) but they are asynchronous that means 1) not necessary to refresh browser page 2) not necessary to wait for server response so front end scripts can do another work instead of waiting for response. Here you can find more info about sending AjAX requests using jQuery.
他牢牢记住了父亲当时有感而发的一句话:"当这个国家醒来,我们国家也会变得富裕。这势必要求统战工作要能在网上调研、网上座谈、网上聚人,以更具亲和力与影响力的方式,让工作从单向交流向多向互动转变,从被动接受向主动交流转变。 其次,充分运用市场的手段,通过利益纽带,把景区、住宿、餐饮、购物等行业连起来,用市场的手来优化资源配置,引导景区转型发展,做大自身产业经济。 从制度经济学的视角来看,经济发展与制度选择紧密相关,甚至是一个国家或地区兴衰的决定性因素。 。, 凝聚共识,上下同欲者胜。。当然,这要做好其中的退出与补偿工作。。 世界杯上有强队而无不变的冠军,有弱旅而无恒定的出局者,看足坛风云变幻、观世间百味人生,恰是世界杯精彩迷人之处。,有患者表示,"网约护士"提供的并非只是基本的医疗护理,还有附加的上门服务指导,同时省去了去医院的时间和交通费,总体来看是合算的。。所以,要护关节,必须减肥。。 同时,对于委托代理销售机构销售的,应当同时提供这些机构是否符合代理销售监管规定的说明、双方合作产品的有关情况、相关风险判断、双方各自遵守黄金市场法律法规的承诺、投资者保护等方面的材料;此外,还应提交央行要求的其他材料。,注重培养和储备国际化法律人才,建立"一带一路"建设参与国法律人才库,鼓励精通国际法、国际商贸规则以及熟练运用外语的国内外法律专家参与到争端解决中来。。相当一部分适婚年龄的人并没有结婚,也使得结婚人数偏低。。 但是"在高校有一些'制度外'生存的人",比如保研党、出国党、补考党,比如看重升学率、就业率,再比如学生告、学生闹、上访、抑郁等等。,这种双向互动而非单向被动、积极引导而非盲目灌输的党员教育模式,可以大大增强党员教育的实效。。此次首发的"福建省志辑"(共有方志11种)和"台湾志书辑"(共有方志41种),其中有大量关于闽台关系的记载。。 利来手机app官网,・两架轰油-6空中加油机拖着长长的加油管,与4架歼-10B歼击机组成加受油机梯队飞过天安门广场上空,以预加油状态演绎"长空之吻"。2019-12-1009:33德国柏林动物园9日为在该园出生满百天的一对熊猫双胞胎举行官方命名仪式,这两只雄性幼崽分别得名"梦想"和"梦圆"。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央对进一步办好光明日报作出了一系列重要指示。当日正值周末,安徽省合肥市天气晴朗,不少市民和游客来到户外休闲。
User: Saving the entire git diff between two commits in a text file is there a way where I could save the entire difference between two diff in a text file? Suppose I wanted all the changes between `A1` and `A10` on `master` branch. --A11-A10-A9-A8-A7-A6-A5-A4-A3-A2-A1-master Or, is there a way where I could get the entire diff in Terminal which I could copy+paste? Assistant: git diff {commit1} {commit2} > diff.txt Being {commit1} and {commit2} a reference to the initial and finish commits you want to compare (reference could be an entire or partial SHA, a tag, HEAD.....)
Mechanism of Shoulder Injury in Automobile Collision - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing Depicts injury to the shoulder in a motor vehicle accident. Shows a woman inside a car with both hands locked on the steering wheel. Arrows indicate force transfers through the steering wheel traveling to the shoulder. Compares a normal shoulder joint with a posteriorly dislocated shoulder with tearing of the acromioclavicular (AC) joint capsule. Labels: clavicle, humerus, scapula, acromion, acromioclavicular capsule, and capsular tear.
My friend was recently visiting Turkey and sent me these funny photos of “genuine fake watches” for tourist souvenirs. The “genuine fake watches” signs were visible everywhere. It is kind of shocking. Turkey with about 70 million of people is surely an interesting place to be. Why? At least in China, they don’t openly declare that their products are not genuine even you know the fact very well hehe… Subscribe Comments (7) That is really funny, another example is when you want to buy something the seller asks let`s say for example 100$ and he says you could negociate and finally he sells that object with 10$, and with those 10$ the seller still has profit. Turkey is beautiful but you need to be carefully when you buy something Travel Best of The Best Top 5 Scariest Locations in Asia Travellers Should Not Go | Asia has been embroiled in so much turmoil in the past 100 years, and is only just getting out of it now. Some people start to investigate places that have ghost stories, but these places are actually haunted by history. A lot of terrible […] Top 5 Mystery Places in the World | There is so much we can learn about the ancient world. With every discovery, archaeologists uncover more about civilizations that came before us. What we know, however, is nothing compared to the questions left unanswered. Even today, these 5 historic places remain obscure and mysterious to us: […] Best Grand Canyon Amazing Shots | The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in Arizona in the United States. The Grand Canyon is 446 km long, up to 29 km wide and attains a depth of over a mile 1,800 meters. Nearly two billion years of Earth’s geological history has […]
Last month, CFC reported on how the hosts of the popular HGTV show, Fixer Uppers, came under fire from several national media outlets for attending a church that preaches the Biblical view of marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Many came to Chip and Joanna Gaines defense, calling the articles a “witch hunt,” but the Gaines didn’t immediately respond to the controversy. But as the New Year started, Chip Gaines posted a kind-hearted response on the couple’s blog saying they “refuse to be baited into using [their] influence in a way that will further harm an already hurting world,” and pleaded with people to treat those with differing opinions with love and respect. “This past year has been tough. In my lifetime, I can’t recall humanity being more divided,” Gaines wrote. “Plenty of folks are sad and scared and angry and there are sound bites being fed to us that seem fueled by judgement, fear, and even hatred…. If there is any hope for all of us to move forward, to heal and to grow – we have got to learn to engage people who are different from us with dignity and with love. Joanna and I have personal convictions. One of them is this: we care about you for the simple fact that you are a person, our neighbor on planet earth. It’s not about what color your skin is, how much money you have in the bank, your political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender, nationality or faith. That’s all fascinating, but it cannot add or take away from the reality that we’re already pulling for you. We are not about to get in the nasty business of throwing stones at each other, don’t ask us to cause we won’t play that way.” Gaines concluded the post calling on others to join them in “building bridges” with those they disagree. “We want to help initiate conversations between people that don’t think alike. Listen to me, we do not all have to agree with each other. Disagreement is not the same thing as hate, don’t believe that lie,” Gaines wrote. “Our family wants to fight for a world that knows how to lovingly disagree. We believe it starts when we operate from a position of love in all things.” The Gaines’s post received praised from Christian organizations like Focus on the Family, who posted a blog stating that, “Chip’s words echo the heart of God toward humanity,” and from non-Christian publications, like Country Living, who called Chip’s message “inspirational.” But the Gaines’s message still didn’t resonate with some of their harshest critics from LGBT community. One of those is the Executive Editor of The Huffington Post’s Queer Voices, Noah Michelson, who responded to the Gaines’s post by writing he wasn’t willing to agree to disagree on the issue of his sexuality. “The bottom line is: My humanity is not something you get to disagree with,” Michelson wrote. “You don’t get to tell me that I’m morally corrupt or sexually deviant or unworthy of the same rights that you enjoy and then look me in the face and tell me that you still love me. That’s nothing remotely close to resembling love. What those like Noah don’t realize is they don’t have a problem with the Gaines and their church as much as they have a problem with Jesus and the moral teachings of the Bible. Jesus came to the earth to preach love and acceptance, but he also came to save ALL of humanity from its moral corruption. That message of truth isn’t tolerated among a larger and larger segment of American society, as the Gaines have discovered. But their example of grace and love under pressure is an example to us all.
User: Here is an extract from a webpage: "Accession: 998.17.1 Sponsor this artifact for a year and know that you’ll be supporting the ongoing care and preservation of the museum’s extraordinary artifacts. When you sponsor a canoe, your name will be showcased on a label in the museum’s galleries for all to see. Prefer to remain anonymous? You can do that too. Sponsor your favourite artifact today. This meaningful initiative also makes a lovely gift or memorial tribute. For more information about this artifact, or any other in the collection please contact Kate Kennington by email or call (705) 748-9153 ext 220 Prefer to make automatic, monthly payments? Please contact Kate to make easy arrangements.". Write an informative and insightful blog post that expands upon the extract above within the context of "Travel". Your post should delve into the nuances of the topic, offering fresh perspectives or deeper analysis. Aim to: - Inform: Provide valuable, well-researched information that educates the reader. - Engage: Write in a conversational tone that connects with the audience, making complex ideas accessible. - Illustrate: Use examples, anecdotes, or personal experiences to bring the topic to life. Assistant: Title: The Art of Traveling Through Time: Sponsoring Museum Artifacts Have you ever wished you could travel back in time and witness historical events unfold before your very eyes? While we may not have figured out how to build a working flux capacitor just yet, there's another way to immerse yourself in history - by sponsoring a museum artifact! That's right; by becoming a benefactor for these precious relics, you are playing a vital role in their conservation and getting a unique opportunity to learn about our past. Let me take you through the fascinating world of artifact sponsorship and its connections to travel. Firstly, what does it mean to sponsor a museum artifact? Essentially, when you choose to support a specific piece, such as a beautifully crafted canoe at Accession number 998.17.1, you ensure its continued existence and accessibility for generations to come. By contributing financially towards its upkeep, you enable institutions like museums to maintain, preserve, research, and display these treasures in the best possible condition. As a token of gratitude, your name will appear alongside the artifact, serving as a reminder of your commitment to cultural heritage. And if you prefer to stay incognito, that option is available too. Now, let's explore why sponsoring an artifact ties so closely with the concept of traveling through time and space. Imagine walking into a gallery and spotting a canoe that has been meticulously restored thanks to your efforts. Suddenly, you're transported to the era when such objects were essential tools for exploration and survival. You envision indigenous communities paddling down vast rivers, discovering new lands and forming rich cultures. This connection allows us to appreciate not only the beauty of the object but also the stories it carries within its worn wooden structure. Artifact sponsorship transcends geographical boundaries as well. Many museums collaborate with international partners to exchange knowledge, expertise, and sometimes even physical items. Thus, when you decide to support an artifact from another country, you embark on a virtual journey across oceans and continents. Perhaps you've always dreamt of visiting Japan but couldn't find the time or resources. Why not try "traveling" there vicariously by sponsoring a stunning Japanese silk kimono instead? Or maybe you feel drawn to Egypt's enchanting allure – become a guardian angel for one of their ancient artifacts and experience the thrill of uncovering hidden secrets without leaving home. Moreover, many institutions offer exclusive perks for artifact sponsors, allowing them behind-the-scenes glimpses into restoration processes, curatorial decisions, and even private tours led by experts. These opportunities provide unprecedented insights into the lives of people who created and used these objects, further fueling our wanderlust and fascination with different cultures. Finally, consider the impact of your contribution beyond the individual artifact. By participating in such programs, you help sustain museums' educational initiatives, which often include public lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and publications. These platforms foster dialogue between diverse communities, encouraging mutual understanding and respect while breaking down barriers imposed by distance and time. In conclusion, sponsoring a museum artifact offers much more than mere financial assistance – it provides an engaging, immersive experience that transports us through both space and time. So why not embark on this exciting voyage today? Choose an artifact that speaks to you, whether it's a humble canoe or an exquisite tapestry, and play your part in preserving our shared human story for future generations. After all, every journey begins with a single step, and yours could start right here, in the hallowed halls of history.
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Author: Youngjoon Sun STOP Struggling. START Succeeding. I’m here to help! Greetings! My name is Young Sun. I’ve spent years figuring out how to make money selling products online. If you want personal, step-by-step coaching and instruction on how to make great money selling on Amazon… Sale Page : This product is available AMAZON IS A MONEY-MAKING MACHINE… IF YOU KNOW HOW TO WORK WITH IT. As of January 2018, Amazon Prime had over 100 million customers. And the number just keeps growing. Each prime customer spends about $1,300 a year on average. AMAZON collects nearly $10 BILLION a year alone just from collecting Amazon Prime Membership fees! AMAZON PRIME guarantees 2-day delivery for its customers. How do they accomplish this? With Amazon FBA. “FBA” Stands for “Fulfillment by Amazon.” Amazon stores, packs and ships YOUR products from its fulfillment centers for a fee – and you keep the rest of the profits! AMAZON FBA makes it extremely easy to automate your own business. You simply ship your products to the Amazon warehouse, and they take care of the rest. IT’S REALLY THAT EASY. You ship your products to Amazon. They Pick, Pack and Ship your products when you make a sale. PLUS, Amazon takes care of all the customer service for you. AND they can even manage returns. WHAT MAKES THIS PROGRAM DIFFERENT FROM OTHER AMAZON SELLING PROGRAMS? Most programs that teach people how to sell on Amazon concentrate on showing students how to sell products through their own private labels. Creating and promoting your own private label, or brand, is VERY EXPENSIVE. It involves a lot of investment in online advertising, web hosting, fulfilment, customer service, and more. MOST PEOPLE WHO LOSE MONEY TRYING TO SELL ON AMAZON ARE TRYING TO RUN THEIR OWN PRIVATE LABELS. Our system is different. Our system teaches you how to sell existing POPULAR, IN-DEMAND, BRAND-NAME ITEMS … LEGALLY AND WITHOUT WORRY! BUT MY PROGRAM TEACHES YOU HOW TO BECOME AN AUTHORIZED SELLER OF BRAND NAME PRODUCTS … GETTING YOUR PRODUCTS FROM AUTHORIZED SUPPLIERS. Your suppliers are legally authorized to distribute their brands legally. They’re called Distributing Channels. They sell brand-name products wholesale. And they sell within the U.S., so you can buy within the U.S., making the process easier.
Question: What is the first derivative of 1 + 3 - 2*i**4 + 5*i**4 + i**4 wrt i? Answer: 16*i**3
根据教师的年龄特点和工作经验,成立了青年教师和骨干教师成长共同体,她们有着相似的学习工作轨迹和更多的共同语言。 爱岗敬业、热爱本职。10-200米无论从节约人力、物力和财力,还是从挽救干部的角度,设法遏制腐败产生,远胜过腐败后再查处。。 uw88优乐mg手机版家长也慢慢接受了我,时不时地还会悄悄告诉我:"高老师,我们家宝宝回家说特别喜欢你""高老师,我们家宝宝说喜欢听你上课"……我想,有这些暖心的话,足已让我欣慰。新时期赋予机关事务工作许多新内涵、新知识、新理念、新要求。要多请示汇报,多协调沟通,不等不拖。多伦多手机客户端"重合同守信誉企业"、"市级明星企业",不久,小李看到水里的浮子猛地一沉,接着便都泛了起来,小李一打鱼杆,果然有一条指把长的小鱼被钓上来。"起初,王继才心里也是打鼓的:别人都待不久,我能待下去吗?家里人怎么办?可是岛也不能没人守啊?最终他还是选择留在岛上。可以说修身、齐家、治国都离不开勤俭节约,诸葛亮把"静以修身,俭以养德"作为"修身"之道;朱子将"一粥一饭,当思来之不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰"当作"齐家"的训言。构建阅读机制,强化组织保障。2010年8月通过ISO9001:2000国际质量管理。 我公司以"初相遇,便难相忘。、多伦多手机客户端用户至上"无名苹果版手机端民主管理会成员单位代表在认真听取了相关工作情况汇报后,对于当前机关后勤服务保障工作给予了充分肯定,同时,对于后勤服务工作中存在的不足和急需协调解决的问题提出了诚恳的意见和建议,充分表达了大院机关工作人员的切身诉求,对苏州市局今后进一步完善和提高后勤服务保障工作质量有着很好的指导和借鉴意义。对驾驶员出勤、油耗、日常管理、用车服务、交通安全等五大类28条事项进行全面考评,每月考核并予以公示,考核结果纳入优秀驾驶员评选依据,通过强化人员考核,着力打造一支高素质的驾驶员队伍。其实,讨论读书的功利性本身就是一种蔑视。、DVOR安全工作是一项长期而艰巨的任务,不能一劳永逸、一蹴而就,更不能抓抓停停、边走边看,而需要年年抓、月月抓、天天抓,扎实做好打基础、管长远的工作。二是建立星级评估机制,根据行政中心等保障部门,参考兄弟单位星级物业管理标准,制定适合本部门的星级评估办法。同时结合实际工作需要,由交通局下属的两家国有企业汽运集团和交通投资公司分别组建社会化服务平台,形成"1+2"(一体两翼)公车服务保障模式。。 首页 > 中央对主题教育进行督导 > 医保局谈判视频设备 > 好卡炉石传说 > 多伦多手机客户端汽车也能通过! 积极务实推进5G今年6月,工信部向中国电信等企业发放5G商用牌照。中国电信开始全面加快5G布局,积极抢占5G产业风口。在技术研发方面,中国电信打造5G核心能力,推进5G与云计算、AI等技术的融合创新。在应用创新方面,中国电信广泛开展合作创新,加快丰富和推进具备5G特征的信息化解决方案在个人生活、家庭小区、政企客户领域的落地。在网络建设方面,中国电信坚持独立组网(SA)方向,已率先实现SA组网下4G与5G互操作、异厂商互通、SA终端芯片与多厂家互通等多项业界领先成果。
Question: Let w(y) be the third derivative of 5327*y**5/60 - 403*y**3 + 619*y**2 + 2*y + 2. What is the first derivative of w(i) wrt i? Answer: 10654*i
Due to a change in circumstances I've had to re-arrange storage for Bertie and found a CaSSOA Gold site much nearer to home that had a space free and the cost was comparable. Advised the insurance brokers and was astonished when a reply came to the effect of an INCREASE of premium by 75%, rather than the discount I expected! ‘Twas a good job it was in the evening I got the email because it gave my blood pressure (and temper!) time to cool down before I called. I won’t go into the full details here, suffice it to say telephone calls and emails were exchanged with my broker, another specialist, CaSSOA and of course the site owner who was alarmed because the reason given for the increase was the postcode! Turns out I was moving the van from a Durham postcode, which was in the lowest risk category, to a Newcastle code that was a much higher risk – high enough that if the van was to be kept at home in that area the insurers would have declined cover! No consideration was given to the high security and excellent record of the CaSSOA Gold site. Other insurers could not better the new premium and retain the extra cover I needed so I told everyone the move was off until I could sort something better out. Then at 1802 last night I received a telephone call from my broker who had reviewed the case with their underwriter and agreed that they would accept the new storage facility without any increase in the premium. Result! So we’re moving at the weekend. And the name of my broker? Comfort Insurance, as recommended on here, went that extra mile and have ended up with an extremely satisfied customer who is happy to recommend them to all and sundry. I also shouldn't forget Nigel at AIB (forum sponsors) who spent a good deal of time with explanations and trying to find me a suitable alternative. Thanks pal. I know that this situation is probably not typical, but the moral is that if you feel you are being treated unfairly (do you think I was?) it is worthwhile persevering. And check with your insurer before arranging storage!
by Scott Sclafani There are few references that show precise JUMO engine detail for the ME-262. However, I found good documentation that best explained how the engine was attached to the underwing on the 262 in the Model Art series. Three attachment points were used on the upper part of the engine. Two were forward side by side and one aft. There were also numerous small fuel lines and connectors that were also needed, but for my purposes I left those out. I used small plastic rod cut to 1/8″ to actually mount the engine to the wing. This bird was flown to neutral Switzerland during the last days of the war by a JG. 7 pilot. The aircraft was photographed from all angles, with engine detail most noteworthy. Some color photos even exist. A precise documentation of the color scheme was also made by Swiss officials. (I have no idea why). RLM 82 light green, and 83 dark green were used for upper surface camouflage on wings and tailplane. RLM 76 light blue was used on lower engine and fuselage sides. A unique wavy demarcation line was seen separating the green and blue colors on the sides of the engine and fuselage. Mottling was done using RLM 82 and 83. Photographic references were used where possible to authenticate patterns. Undersurfaces, except wooden gear doors were unpainted natural metal. This aircraft was chosen because of it’s very colorful paint scheme and much photographed camouflage pattern. Most late war 262s were left in a one color dark green on all upper surfaces. Very plain and not too eye appealing, but this coloration provided good concealment while 262s were displaced along autobahns hiding from marauding Allied fighters. The Verlinden detail set for the DML 262 was used for this aircraft. Front slats, flaps on wings and tailplane, engine, cockpit interior were all added to the standard DML kit. Photos by Phil Novak
2021年8月26日博彩城管理网由中国城建院绿色发展设计研究中心(以下简称"绿色中心")白伟岚教授级高工领衔的研究团队承担的国家重点研发计划"受损生态空间生态重建与服务功能提升技术与示范"(2016YFC0503003)(以下简称"课题")课题验收会在京召开。课题研究成果得到了专家高度认可,经与会专家严格审核,最终以"优秀"的成绩顺利通过绩效评估验收。 作为一个创造性的工具,这支笔具有压力灵敏度,倾斜支持,兵器几乎没有延迟感。电池由一个AAAA电池(9号碱性电池)供电,续航时间长,但充电不像Apple Pencil那么方便。去年,这支笔的一个大问题是无法轻松安全地跟平板放在一起,今年谷歌为解决这问题,供了一个双面胶黏扣……
River based canoe, kayak and stand up paddleboard hire near Aldeburgh, Suffolk Iken Canoe is a small and friendly canoe and kayak hire centre based on the stunning upper reaches of the Alde estuary between Snape and Aldeburgh, close to the Suffolk coast. We hire out canoes, kayaks and stand up paddleboards (SUPs) for people to explore this wonderful stretch of river at their leisure. Discover creeks and flood waters, or gently glide with the tide at low water and get up close to seals basking on the mud banks as well as observing a multitude of different wading birds. Use of our equipment can be arranged from a short hire of 1 hour or more on a SUP, and 2 or 4 hours in a canoe or kayak. All craft are suitable for a wide range of skill levels and ideal for couples, groups or family outings. Iken Canoe opens on April 29th for the 2017 season. Following that it is open in May and June (weekends only), July and August (every day) and weekends only in September. **Corporate bookings can take place on weekdays throughout the season. GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE Seals are often seen close up by our paddlers throughout the season.
The ZIP folder includes the following set: 1x Clothes for P’s/IDL: Scary Teddy Suit 1x Accessory for P’s/IDL: Scary Teddy Mask ***Wallpaper not included*** NOTE: These are not custom characters! The suits are full body outfits (accessory + clothes) overlaying the actual Tamagotchi character. The outfit best fits Kiraritchi that was tested! Not all characters can wear the outfit, and best fit depends on the character shape! You can read the list of characters that can wear the outfit in the PLEASE READ.txt file. Do not resell, redistribute, or edit our download sets in any form. Digital downloads are non-refundable
This Stage 1 cold air intake system produces 7 horsepower, 10lbs. x ft. torque and out-flowed the factory intake by 75%. This system Includes a durable 16 gauge, powder-coated heat shield; this air intake system features a large 5 1/2" washable/reusable conical air filter. This intake system incorporates a unique 3-angle filter adaptor that smooths air transition into the intake tract for better performance. One-piece heat shield requires little or no assembly and the filter is constructed with 100% polyurethane for long life and multiple cleaning cycles. This system is finished off with a clear coat anodized top for an clean under hood style. This System Fits: BMW 545i (E60/61) 04-05 V8-4.4L BMW 645ci (E63/64) 04-05 V8-4.4L - Reviews (0)
End of preview.

Dataset Card for EagleX v2 Dataset

This dataset was used to train RWKV Eagle 7B for continued pretrain of 1.1T tokens (approximately) (boosting it to 2.25T) with the final model being released as RWKV EagleX v2.

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

EagleX-WorldContinued is a pretraining dataset built from many of our datasets over at Recursal AI + a few others.

  • Curated by: M8than, KaraKaraWitch, Darok
  • Funded by [optional]:
  • Shared by [optional]: M8than
  • Language(s) (NLP): English, Chinese, Russian + 100 others
  • License: cc-by-sa-4.0


Dataset files are JSONL with each line representing one conversation. Each entry is keyed with the full text entry.

Data Splits

  • final
    • Contains full conversations.

The config names are dataset chunks 0 to 9. They may have slightly varied sizes because the dataset was built by document count rather than tokens/word lengnth.

Dataset Curators

M8than. (If something is wrong, @m8than on discord.)

Licensing Information

This release contains content from europarl.

Recursal Waifus (The banner image) are licensed under CC-BY-SA. They do not represent the related websites in any official capacity unless otherwise or announced by the website. You may use them as a banner image. However, you must always link back to the dataset.

Citation Information

  author = {Penedo, Guilherme and Kydlíček, Hynek and von Werra, Leandro and Wolf, Thomas},
  title = {FineWeb},
  month = April,
  year = 2024,
  doi = { 10.57967/hf/2092 },
  url = {}

  title={The {P}ile: An 800{GB} dataset of diverse text for language modeling},
  author={Gao, Leo and Biderman, Stella and Black, Sid and Golding, Laurence and Hoppe, Travis and Foster, Charles and Phang, Jason and He, Horace and Thite, Anish and Nabeshima, Noa and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00027},

  author = {Soboleva, Daria and Al-Khateeb, Faisal and Myers, Robert and Steeves, Jacob R and Hestness, Joel and Dey, Nolan},
  title = {{SlimPajama: A 627B token cleaned and deduplicated version of RedPajama}},
  month = June,
  year = 2023,
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  url = {},

      title={MADLAD-400: A Multilingual And Document-Level Large Audited Dataset}, 
      author={Sneha Kudugunta and Isaac Caswell and Biao Zhang and Xavier Garcia and Christopher A. Choquette-Choo and Katherine Lee and Derrick Xin and Aditya Kusupati and Romi Stella and Ankur Bapna and Orhan Firat},

      title={StarCoder 2 and The Stack v2: The Next Generation}, 
      author={Anton Lozhkov and Raymond Li and Loubna Ben Allal and Federico Cassano and Joel Lamy-Poirier and Nouamane Tazi and Ao Tang and Dmytro Pykhtar and Jiawei Liu and Yuxiang Wei and Tianyang Liu and Max Tian and Denis Kocetkov and Arthur Zucker and Younes Belkada and Zijian Wang and Qian Liu and Dmitry Abulkhanov and Indraneil Paul and Zhuang Li and Wen-Ding Li and Megan Risdal and Jia Li and Jian Zhu and Terry Yue Zhuo and Evgenii Zheltonozhskii and Nii Osae Osae Dade and Wenhao Yu and Lucas Krauß and Naman Jain and Yixuan Su and Xuanli He and Manan Dey and Edoardo Abati and Yekun Chai and Niklas Muennighoff and Xiangru Tang and Muhtasham Oblokulov and Christopher Akiki and Marc Marone and Chenghao Mou and Mayank Mishra and Alex Gu and Binyuan Hui and Tri Dao and Armel Zebaze and Olivier Dehaene and Nicolas Patry and Canwen Xu and Julian McAuley and Han Hu and Torsten Scholak and Sebastien Paquet and Jennifer Robinson and Carolyn Jane Anderson and Nicolas Chapados and Mostofa Patwary and Nima Tajbakhsh and Yacine Jernite and Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis and Lingming Zhang and Sean Hughes and Thomas Wolf and Arjun Guha and Leandro von Werra and Harm de Vries},

  title         = {europarl-translation-instruct},
  author        = {M8than,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {europarl-conversation},
  author        = {M8than,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {Recursalberg},
  author        = {KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {LectureGratuits},
  author        = {Darok, KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {arxiv-CC0-v0.5},
  author        = {M8than,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {Stacking Exchange},
  author        = {KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {MDN},
  author        = {KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {SCP-Recursal},
  author        = {Darok, KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {SuperWIKI-1.5},
  author        = {KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {Devopedia},
  author        = {KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {FanaticFandom},
  author        = {KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

  title         = {SuperWikiNEXT-32B},
  author        = {KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

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