6 values
6 values
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "g8f6", "g1f3", "f8g7", "d7d6", "b1c3", "b8d7", "e3e4", "e7e5", "c1e3", "f6g4", "e3g5", "h2h3", "e5d4", "e8g8", "d1c2", "a7a6", "d8e7", "f2f3", "d4b3", "f6h5", "b7b5", "h5g3", "d7e5", "e3h6", "g8g7", "c3e2", "g3f1", "g1f1", "c8e6", "b2b3", "a8d8", "a2a3", "f7f5", "f5e4", "f8f1", "e6f7", "f1d1", "e2c3", "c5b4", "c3a2", "e7d8", "d2b4", "d8g5", "g5d8", "d2b4", "d8g5", "b4d2", "g5d8", "d8b6", "d2b4", "b6e3", "d2b4", "b4c3", "d1d4", "b3b4", "e7e8", "c1d3", "c7c6", "c6c7", "h3h4", "e8e5", "a3b2", "c3e3", "e5e8", "e8b8", "f4d5", "f6f1", "b4b5", "e1c1", "c1f1", "e4e5", "d6e5", "d4d8", "a5a4", "f1c4", "c7c4", "f7c4", "g7f6", "g3g4", "e4e3", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "h8g8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "?"],
{"missing move": "b4e1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"g8f6", "c2c4", "e2e4", "f1e2", "c1e3", "f6e8", "g2g4", "f7f5", "e4f5", "g4f5", "d7c5", "g1f3", "c8f5", "f3g5", "h1g1", "d1d2", "c7c6", "d5c6", "b7c6", "e1c1", "h4h5", "a7a5", "d7d6", "a2b3", "d8d6", "e3c5", "c5f8", "f8b4", "e5e4", "b4d6", "f6g8", "d1e3", "f5g6", "g1h1", "g5h3", "f4h6", "e7f7", "h1a1", "g8e7", "e3g4", "e2d3", "g6e4", "h6e3", "h3g3", "g4e3", "g3e3", "h7h5", "h8g7", "f2h2", "g7h6", "f1e2", "e3e5", "b3b4", "a5b4", "c6c5", "b3a4", "h5h4", "h2h4", "h6g5", "h4h2", "g5f4", "e2d1", "f5d6", "b5c6", "d1h5", "c5b4", "b2d3", "b4c3", "g3f4", "d3b4", "h5g6", "b4c2", "d4d5", "c2b4", "d5e6", "b4d3", "g6e4", "d3e5", "e6d6", "d6d5", "f3g5", "d3e4", "g5f3", "d5c4", "f3e5", "c4d5", "e5c6", "d5c5", "c6b4", "c5d6", "e3f4", "d6e6", "e6e5", "b4c6", "d5c4", "b4c6", "e3f4", "c4d5", "d5d6", "b4d5", "f4e3", "e6e5", "d5f6", "d3e4", "e4d3", "d5e7", "c6b4", "c4d5", "d3b4", "e6f6", "f4e3", "f6e5", "b4d3", "d3b4", "d5e5", "b4c6", "e5d5", "c4d4", "e7c6", "d4d5", "d4d5", "d5c4", "c6b4", "e3f4", "c6b4", "d5d6", "f4e3", "d6c5", "e3f3", "f5e4", "c4c5", "c6b4", "c5c6", "b4c6", "c6b4", "d1c2", "d6e5", "e3d2", "e5d6", "a2c1", "d6d5", "a2c1", "c1a2", "a2c1", "b1f5", "c1a2", "a2c1", "b1h7", "c1a2", "c2b1", "c3d1", "g5h4", "d1b2", "b1a2", "b2d1", "b1a2", "a2b1", "d1b2", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "b1a2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "d2d4", "d5e4", "d2e4", "f5g6", "h2h4", "h7h6", "g1f3", "g8f6", "e7e6", "f6h5", "d8f6", "h5g4", "b8d7", "e8d7", "c2c3", "f6g6", "g4g6", "h7g6", "g6c2", "c1e3", "e3d4", "f7f6", "d4e3", "e6e5", "h1h4", "h8g8", "a1c1", "g7g5", "c2g6", "e1f2", "e3h6", "f8e7", "c1e1", "g8h8", "h4h1", "e6f7", "h6e3", "g6c2", "e1c1", "c2b3", "c1g1", "b3c2", "f6f5", "g4f5", "e7h4", "a8g8", "g8g3", "g1g3", "h8h3", "h3g3", "b5c4", "f5h7", "f2e3", "g6b1", "c3e1", "b1d3", "e3d2", "d2c3", "e5e4", "d5e4", "e1h4", "c3b4", "b4c4", "c2b3", "c4b4", "f5e6", "e7h4", "e5e4", "h4e7", "e4f5", "e7f8", "e6e7", "g7h6", "e7f7", "a5b5", "h6f4", "b3d1", "f4e3", "f6f5", "b5c6", "e3c5", "d1c2", "c6b5", "g6f6", "b2b4", "c5d4", "d4b2", "c5c4", "e4g2", "a3a4", "g5f4", "b7a6", "d4c5", "b6c6", "f5g6", "c6b6", "c4a6", "c5d5", "f7e7", "c5d6", "a6e2", "d5d4", "g6f5", "d4e3", "e2b5", "a5a6", "b5a6", "d4c5", "f5e6", "c5c6", "d3f1", "f1a6", "c6c7", "b5f1", "c7c6", "c6b6", "b6c5", "c5b4", "b5c4", "b4c3", "b2a3", "f3g2", "a3c5", "c4d5", "c5a3", "d5c4", "g2f1", "f1f2", "d4c3", "f2e2", "b2a3", "e2d1", "d1e1", "e1e2", "c4g8", "b2c1", "d3c3", "e7f6", "c1b2", "g8c4", "e2f2", "f2f1", "b2c1", "c4e6", "c1d2", "e6d5", "c4d5", "d6a3", "f1g2", "c5f8", "c4e6", "d2c3", "f8a3", "c4d5", "a3b4", "f2g2", "b2c3", "d5c4", "a3c5", "f2e1", "c3b2", "b2c3", "f1e2", "c5d6", "d6b4", "d1e2", "c5d6", "e2d1", "d6a3", "d1e1", "a3b4", "e1d1", "b4a3", "a3c5", "b3b2", "b1c2", "d4e4", "c2b3", "e4e5", "c4g8", "d6d5", "b1c2", "d5d6", "b6c5", "c2d3", "c5e7", "c8d7", "e7d6", "d3c3", "d5c5", "d7f5", "g6g3", "e5f5", "g3f2", "f5e6", "e6e5", "e5e6", "f2f4", "e6e7", "e7d7", "f6e7", "c5c6", "b8c8", "?"], "0-1"}
{"missing move": "e7c7"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "c7c5", "g1f3", "c5d4", "f3d4", "g8f6", "b1c3", "d8b6", "b6d8", "f2f4", "c8d7", "f6g4", "b5c6", "e1c1", "e7e5", "d4e3", "a8b8", "a2a3", "a5c7", "f4e5", "d6e5", "c1b2", "b2b1", "e7a3", "e3c1", "a3e7", "c3d5", "d1d5", "f8g7", "c1e3", "b8c8", "f1f7", "g4d7", "f7f6", "d7d6", "f6f7", "h8e8", "b1b2", "a7b6", "f6g5", "b6e3", "h2h4", "d8f8", "b3b4", "c8c6", "c2c4", "d2d5", "b4b5", "c6b6", "b3b4", "c8b8", "h6h5", "b8b7", "b4b3", "b7b8", "b3a4", "b6e6", "b5b6", "e8d8", "d5c6", "f6g7", "g7h6", "c5c6", "b8e8", "c7d7", "e8d8", "d7e7", "d8e8", "h6h7", "g6g5", "g5h4", "b6b7", "h8f8", "f8g8", "d6c6", "g8h8", "h8g8", "c6e8", "g8e8", "c7c8q", "g7f6", "d5e5", "e7f7", "f7e7", "f5e5", "e7f7", "f7e7", "g2h3", "e7f7", "f7e8", "f5e6", "e8f8", "h3h4", "f8g8", "e6f6", "f6g6", "result": "1-0"}
{"missing move": "c7c8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "d7d6", "f2f4", "g1f3", "f1c4", "b8c6", "d2d4", "f6e4", "c4f7", "e8f7", "h8f8", "d4d5", "c2c3", "e1g1", "e3d4", "b7c6", "g8g7", "d1d2", "c7e6", "e4g5", "e6g5", "f3g5", "h7h6", "g5f3", "c8g4", "d2d4", "f8f6", "a1e1", "b2b3", "f6e6", "e6e1", "d3f3", "d8d7", "f3e2", "e7e6", "h2h4", "h6h5", "e3g3", "d6d5", "d7d6", "b8g8", "d5d4", "c6b6", "d1d3", "b6a5", "d3e2", "g8d8", "f2f1", "a5a3", "f1g1", "e4c2", "h1h2", "c2g2", "f3b3", "g5c5", "g2e4", "b3b2", "b2c1", "c7h7", "c1f1", "e4g2", "f1b1", "b1f5", "f5b1", "h2h3", "f5b1", "h2h3", "h3h2", "f5b1", "h2h3", "b1f5", "f5b1", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "h2h3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "d2d4", "f8g7", "g1f3", "a7a6", "f1e2", "e7e6", "e1g1", "a2a4", "g8e7", "b8d7", "c8b7", "e2f1", "d7f6", "d4d5", "e6d5", "c3d5", "e3g5", "f8e8", "c2c4", "h7h6", "d1c1", "d8e8", "a4a5", "b7c8", "h2h3", "a5b6", "c7b6", "f3d4", "g7d4", "d2f4", "b1b3", "d4c5", "g2g4", "f5d7", "a6a5", "a5a4", "d2c3", "c3d4", "c1a3", "d4c5", "g1h2", "b6b5", "c4b5", "c5d5", "h2g1", "d4c5", "a3c5", "e3a3", "b5a4", "b3e6", "b8b6", "f2f4", "g1f2", "g8g7", "f2e3", "a3a6", "d4e3", "d8h8", "e3d4", "h8h3", "f4f5", "c4c3", "h3g3", "f5e6", "f7e6", "c6e6", "g5g6", "e5c5", "g3a3", "g5g6", "c5c6", "c5c2", "a3a7", "c2g2", "g4h5", "g2b2", "b2g2", "g4h4", "h4g4", "h2g2", "g4h3", "g2g6", "a7a4", "f4e3", "a4a3", "e3f4", "a3a4", "f4f3", "a4a3", "a3a4", "a4a3", "f3f4", "f4f3", "a4a3", "a3a4", "f2f3", "a4a3",
{"missing move": "e4f3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"c4d5", "b8c6", "g2g3", "f3h4", "f1g2", "g4h5", "g3g4", "h5g6", "c1g5", "f6h7", "d8e7", "h7g5", "d1e2", "g5e4", "c3e4", "c1c5", "g4f5", "a7a6", "d4d5", "c6d8", "f1c1", "c5c8", "d8f7", "e2h5", "f7d6", "c8f8", "f7e6", "d7e7", "f2f3", "e4f3", "g2f3", "e5e4", "f3d1", "d1b3", "g8g7", "c1d1", "d1d7", "g7f6", "a3a4", "b7b5", "a4b5", "a6b5", "f5f4", "e8g7", "e6f4", "f4h3", "f2e3", "f6e7", "h3f4", "e7d6", "d1f3", "d6d7", "f3d1", "d1f3", "f3h5", "d8c6", "e8b5", "e7d5", "f4g3", "d5b4", "g3g4", "d6e5", "b5c6", "g4f4", "b4d5", "f4g4", "c6e4", "c7e6", "e6g5", "d5e6", "g4g3", "g3g4", "f7d6", "g4g3", "g3f3", "d4f5", "g4f3", "f5h6", "h6g4", "f3g3", "e5f5", "d5e4", "f5e5", "g4h2", "h7g6", "h2f1", "f1d2", "f3g4", "d2f1", "e5d4", "g6b1", "b1f5", "d4c5", "e3g4", "e4f3", "c5d5", "f3f4", "d5c6", "c6c5", "e4c2", "c5c6", "f4e4", "e4d4", "f6h5", "d3c4", "h5f6", "c4d3", "d3c4", "c4b3", "d2e4", "e6a2", "d4e4", "d6e6", "a2c4", "e6f6", "d5c3", "e4f4", "d5c3", "c3e2", "d4e4", "e2c3", "e2f4", "a2d5", "g4f3", "f6e7", "e6g5", "e4f5", "e7d7", "d5e6", "f5g4", "f7e5", "e5d3", "f5g6", "c1a2", "a2c1", "c4f1", "f1e2", "a2c1", "e2d1", "c1a2", "d1c2", "a2c1", "c2b1", "c1a2", "a2c1", "b1a2", "a2b1", "c1a2", "h6g5", "e7f8", "a2f7", "c1d3", "d3f4", "a2b3", "g5h5", "h3f2", "b3d1", "f8g7", "d1c2", "g7f7", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "b1c2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "c7c5", "d2d4", "f3d4", "b8c6", "e2e3", "g8f6", "e8g8", "d4c2", "e1g1", "d8c7", "f6g4", "e2g4", "g7c3", "e3e4", "c3g7", "a7a5", "f2f4", "c2d4", "g7d4", "g1h1", "e6d5", "f3d5", "c8b7", "c7b7", "c1b2", "b7c6", "f4f5", "d4b2", "b1b2", "d1c1", "c6c7", "b2f2", "h2h3", "e7d6", "f2f1", "d6d3", "f1e1", "d3d8", "e1e8", "d8e8", "c1d2", "d2d4", "e8e1", "h1h2", "h2h1", "e5f6", "g1f1", "e3f4", "f1e2", "f4e4", "e2d1", "d1c2", "g1h2", "c2c3", "e4d4", "g7g6", "a2a4", "g5g4", "h5h4", "h4h3", "h2g3", "g3b8", "h3h2", "g6g7", "c4c5", "e4h1", "h8b8", "a3a4", "b8e8", "c5c6", "e8e2", "a6a7", "e2a6", "a4b4", "b4c4", "b6a6", "c4c3", "a6a5", "c3c4", "c4d5", "a6a5", "a5b4", "d5c5", "c5b6", "a3b4", "b6c7", "b4f4", "f4b4", "b7a6", "b4a4", "a6b7", "b7c8", "c8c7", "g4f4", "c7b7", "f4b4", "b4f4", "c7b7", "f4b4", "b4g4", "c8c7", "c7b7", "f4b4", "b4g4", "f4b4", "c8b8", "g4b4", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "b4g4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "d2d4", "g7g6", "b1c3", "f8g7", "g2g3", "b8c6", "d4d5", "c6e5", "c1e3", "c6d5", "d1d2", "g8f6", "f2f4", "a2a3", "a7a6", "f1g2", "a5c7", "e1c1", "d7b6", "c8b7", "e3d4", "e7e5", "d6e5", "g8h8", "d5d6", "c7d7", "h1e1", "e4e3", "d7e6", "g2f3", "f6d5", "f3d5", "g7c3", "b2c3", "e3e2", "d1d3", "d5e6", "f7e6", "e1e2", "e6e5", "e2e1", "f8c8", "d3d5", "e1f1", "d5c5", "e6d5", "c5g1", "d7d6", "f1f3", "d6d7", "h3h4", "d5e4", "d7d2", "a6a5", "g3g4", "h4h5", "e4d5", "h5g6", "h7g6", "g4g5", "e5e4", "f1f8", "c4a3", "f8d8", "d5e5", "d8b8", "e5f4", "b8b6", "d1e1", "f1e1", "e1f1", "g2f2", "f1g1", "f2b2", "a6a7", "d3c3", "a7c7", "g1g2", "e3e2", "g2f3", "e2e1r", "a2a1q", "a7a1", "g4f3", "b3c4", "f3g4", "b5b4", "g4f5", "b4b3", "b3b2", "g6f5", "b1e4", "g7f6", "?"], "0-1"}
{"missing move": "a1f1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "e1g1", "f6e4", "f1e1", "e4d6", "f3e5", "b5f1", "c6e5", "e5e1", "f8e8", "c1f4", "e8e1", "d1e1", "d7d5", "b1d2", "c7c6", "g2g4", "a1c1", "c2g6", "f4h2", "d8d7", "f6d8", "f2f4", "f7f6", "d2b3", "g6f7", "g3d6", "a7a5", "d6a3", "d8c7", "c7f4", "g7g5", "a3e7", "g8g7", "b3c1", "f4d2", "d2f4", "d1e1", "e1d1", "d1e1", "e1d1", "d2f4", "d1e1", "d2f4", "?"], "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "d1e1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "g8f6", "g2g3", "c2c4", "b8c6", "c4d5", "d5b6", "h2h3", "g4f3", "e7e5", "b7c6", "d1c2", "d8d7", "f8e7", "c1d2", "a7a5", "f8b8", "e1g1", "b2b3", "e7a3", "g1h1", "d5f4", "d2f4", "h6h5", "b8b5", "g1h2", "f1g1", "f7f6", "c2c3", "g8f8", "c3c4", "e6c4", "b3c4", "b5h5", "b1b7", "a3e7", "g1d1", "e7b4", "c4c5", "h2g1", "d1a1", "a3b4", "b4a5", "h3g3", "e4e3", "f2f1", "e7e8", "b7b6", "e8h8", "b6c6", "c6h6", "d4d5", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "h6h1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"e7e6", "b1c3", "g1f3", "g8f6", "e2e3", "f8e7", "d4d5", "f1d3", "c4d5", "c8g4", "h2h3", "e3e4", "b8d7", "g2g4", "h5g6", "f3d2", "c5c4", "d3c2", "d7c5", "f8e8", "h5g4", "d2c4", "d8c8", "e7d8", "d8b6", "b6e3", "c8c5", "a7a5", "f7g6", "d1e2", "f2g3", "a8b8", "a5a4", "b3a4", "b8b2", "b2c2", "a4c2", "f6d7", "d7e5", "g3g2", "d4b2", "e4d6", "d6e4", "g8f7", "d5d6", "f7f8", "b2b7", "c2e4", "e2e4", "b7e4", "g5e4", "f8e8", "e8f7", "g3b3", "f7f8", "a3a4", "e5c6", "f8e8", "f3f1", "f1e1", "e8f8", "f8g8", "f7f6", "f6g5", "c5e4", "g5f4", "b8e8", "g6g5", "d7d8q", "?"], "1-0"}
{"missing move": "d8g5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "g8f6", "g7g6", "b1c3", "f8g7", "e2e4", "d7d6", "g1f3", "e8g8", "f1e2", "c1e3", "e5d4", "f3d4", "b8c6", "f6g4", "e2g4", "e1g1", "g4e6", "d4c6", "e3d4", "e6f5", "d4g7", "d7g7", "a1e1", "a8e8", "f5d7", "d7f5", "g7f6", "f2f3", "h7h5", "d6d5", "c3e2", "g6g5", "f5g6", "g3e2", "g6f5", "e2g3", "a3a4", "e8e1", "f1e1", "f8e8", "e1c1", "h5h4", "e2d4", "d2c3", "e8e3", "d4c6", "a6c5", "b3b4", "d6d7", "a5a6", "c7b8", "a1a2", "b8a7", "f2e2", "a2d2", "c3c5", "e2e3", "a7a6", "e3d4", "a6b5", "d2a2", "c5c8", "b5b4", "c2c4", "d5e5", "a8a5", "e5f6", "a5a6", "f6f5", "c2d3", "f5g4", "g5g8", "d3e3", "g2h2", "e8e2", "h2g1", "e2e4", "g1g2", "e4e2", "e2e4", "g1g2", "g8h8", "g2h3", "h3g2", "f3f5", "g8h8", "h5g4", "h8g8", "g4f4", "g8f8", "f4g4", "f8g8", "g4h5", "g8a8", "f6f7", "a8f8", "f5f8", "g3h3", "f8g8", "h3h2", "h5h4", "h1g1", "?"], "result": "1-0"}
{"missing move": "f8f1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "b8c6", "d7d5", "c8f5", "c2c4", "g8f6", "e2e3", "f6e4", "c4d5", "e6d5", "f1d3", "e1g1", "f8e8", "a1b1", "f3e5", "f2f3", "f6e5", "d4e5", "g7g5", "d5e4", "d3e4", "f5e4", "e3f4", "g8h8", "d8g5", "g5f6", "h8g7", "g7h8", "b7b6", "e8e7", "a8e8", "f1f3", "a5b7", "c7d7", "d6f5", "g4f5", "f3f5", "g7g6", "e7e6", "f7g7", "g6f5", "a7a5", "f7d7", "e6c6", "h7h3", "f5g6", "d5f5", "f6f5", "f3f5", "f5g5", "g7f7", "g5f5", "h2h3", "f5b5", "c8c3", "c3c2", "g1h2", "c2a2", "h2g3", "b6a6", "a5a4", "h3h4", "g7h7", "a4a3", "g4g5", "a6a7", "g5g4", "b7g7", "g4h3", "g8h7", "g7c7", "a4a5", "h7h6", "h3h4", "c7c2", "a5a6", "a6a7", "g3g4", "c2c7", "d6b6", "a7c7", "c7e7", "d6c6", "e7a7", "h5h6", "c7c5", "g4g5", "c5c1", "e6e7", "h7g6", "e7g7", "h6h7", "c1h1", "h4g3", "h1h5", "g5g6", "f5g5", "h5h6", "h7h8q", "h6h8", "g8h8", "g6h5", "g3f4", "h5g6", "f8f5", "g6h6", "f5g5", "h6h7", "h6h7", "h5h2", "g8f8", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "h2h8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "g1f3", "f1b5", "b5c6", "d2d3", "c8g4", "f6d7", "g4h5", "g2g4", "h5g6", "a2a4", "d2c4", "h3h4", "h4h5", "f8e7", "f3h4", "c1e3", "e8f7", "g7g6", "f5g3", "a8d8", "d1c2", "a7a5", "a1e1", "b7b6", "e3c1", "h8d8", "h1g1", "f7e8", "c1e3", "g1b1", "a7d7", "e2e1", "d8a8", "d7d1", "a8d8", "d1a1", "d8b8", "f2f3", "e3f2", "a8a6", "c2d2", "a6a7", "f2e3", "d2c2", "e7d8", "d7a7", "e8f8", "d8c7", "a7a8", "c2b1", "c7d8", "f2e1", "d8e7", "e7d8", "b2b3", "e6f4", "b1c2", "f4h3", "f2e3", "b3b4", "f4e6", "e3d2", "a5b4", "c3b4", "c5b4", "d2b4", "c2d3", "d4f3", "e2f2", "c6c7", "c7d7", "d7d6", "f2f3", "f3e3", "e7f8", "e3e2", "e2d2", "c6c7", "e2d3", "c7c6", "a4a5", "b6a5", "e7d8", "b6d8", "e4d3", "d8e7", "e7d8", "c3d2", "b6d8", "f3e2", "d8b6", "e2f3", "f3e3", "d6c6", "c6d6", "e4e3", "e7d8", "d6d7", "c3e1", "e1d2", "d2e1", "d3e4", "e1d2", "e4d3", "d6d7", "d3e3", "d7d6", "e3d3", "d8b6", "d3e3", "e3e4", "d8b6", "e1d2", "d6c6", "e4d3", "b6c7", "c6d6", "c7b6", "d3e3", "d7c7", "c7c6", "d2e1", "b6c7", "c7d8", "e3f3", "d8b6", "d7d6", "c3d2", "d2e1", "d7d6", "e4f3", "c7b6", "f3e4", "e4f3", "d2c3", "c7c6", "c3b2", "c7d6", "d6e7", "e4d3", "a1b2", "c7d8", "e7d6", "d3d2", "d6e7", "d2c2", "d8d7", "d7e8", "e7f8", "e3e4", "e8d8", "h5h6", "d8d7", "f8e7", "c1b2", "e7f8", "b2c1", "c1a3", "b2c3", "e7d6", "c3a5", "a5e1", "e7f8", "e1d2", "f8e7", "d2c3", "e7f8", "c3e1", "e1d2", "e7d6", "d2a5", "d6f8", "a5c3", "c3e1", "e7d6", "e1d2", "d6f8", "e1f2", "d6f8", "g1e3", "f8d6", "d6f8", "g1f2", "f2g1", "d6f8", "g1e3", "f8e7", "e7d6", "d2e3", "c1b2", "b2c1", "e7f8", "c1e3", "f8e7", "e3c1", "c1e3", "e3d2", "e7d6", "d2c1", "d6f8", "c1a3", "d6e7", "b2c1", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "e7f8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "g1f3", "b8c6", "f3d4", "d4b5", "f1c4", "f8e7", "c1g5", "e7g5", "d6f7", "f7h8", "c6a5", "g8e7", "e7d5", "b7b5", "d2e4", "d5d6", "g7f6", "f8g7", "h1f1", "a1e1", "a8d8", "f1f4", "d8d6", "f6f5", "e1e5", "a7a6", "f3e3", "e6f7", "f7g6", "f5c5", "d6d7", "e2d2", "d7f7", "d5f6", "d2g2", "f7e7", "g2e2", "e7d7", "h2h3", "g4h5", "e2e6", "d7d1", "d1d2", "c5f5", "g3h4", "e8g6", "f5c5", "h5f6", "g6f7", "h4g3", "g3f3", "d2c2", "e6e7", "c2c7", "e7c7", "g7f6", "a7a6", "f6e5", "h5f6", "a6a5", "e6g4", "f3g3", "a2a4", "e5d5", "a5a7", "b5a4", "d5c5", "a7a6", "d7e8", "f4g5", "e8f7", "a6a7", "f7b3", "a5a6", "c5d6", "g8e7", "g7g6", "d5e4", "e4g6", "h7h8q", "f6e5", "d4d5", "d6c8", "c7b6", "h7b1", "b6c7", "b1c2", "c7d7", "c2c6", "d7e7", "c6c8", "c8f5", "g8f7", "d5d6", "f7f8", "d6e6", "f8e8", "?"], "result": "1-0"}
{"missing move": "g5e7"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "g8f6", "c2c4", "e7e6", "e2e3", "c7c5", "d4d5", "c4d5", "g7g6", "e3e4", "h2h3", "f8g7", "f1d3", "e8g8", "g1e2", "b7b5", "c1e3", "b8d7", "c8a6", "d7e5", "b5b4", "c2d3", "a3b4", "d3e4", "d2e4", "f6e4", "d8d7", "e3a7", "e4c3", "d7e8", "c2b2", "e8e1", "c3e2", "h2h1", "e1g3", "h2h1", "g3e1", "h2h1", "g3e1", "h1h2", "e1g3", "h2h1", "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "h1h2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "e7e5", "d4e5", "f6g4", "g1f3", "f8c5", "e2e3", "b8c6", "a2a3", "g4e5", "f3d2", "d8f6", "e5f3", "f6f3", "h1g1", "h2h3", "c2a4", "f5d7", "f1e2", "f3f5", "e5f3", "e2f3", "f6b2", "b2a1", "d5c7", "e8e7", "g1a1", "a8c8", "c7d5", "a1d1", "a7a6", "f5e5", "e8d7", "d7e6", "d5f4", "g7g6", "d5e5", "d6e5", "f4d3", "h8e8", "d3c5", "c8c4", "c4e4", "e4e3", "e2e3", "b5b7", "a3a4", "f5f4", "g3f4", "e5e4", "a4a5", "g6g5", "a5a6", "g5f4", "h7h6", "?"],
{"missing move": "a7a8q"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["d2d4", "g8f6", "c2c4", "c7c5", "d4d5", "b7b5", "e2e3", "g7g6", "f8g7", "e3e4", "g1f3", "f1b5", "c8a6", "b5a6", "a6c4", "c1d2", "a5b4", "c4d3", "c5c4", "g7c3", "b2c3", "b4c5", "b8d7", "f5e4", "c2e4", "d7f6", "g8h8", "d1d4", "h8h7", "a7b7", "e4d2", "h5g7", "a1b1", "b7a7", "d4c4", "f2e3", "g7f5", "b1e1", "f5g7", "c4b4", "h7g8", "d2b3", "f8c8", "c3c4", "e7e6", "b3d4", "e6d5", "c4d5", "g6g5", "e1a1", "h2h3", "d4b5", "a8b8", "a1c1", "g8g7", "a6a4", "c4a4", "a8a4", "a4a2", "a2g2", "e7g6", "d5d6", "g6e5", "b7c5", "g2a2", "e3d4", "c7c8", "f8g7", "d6d7", "a2d2", "c5d3", "h6h5", "d2d1", "f7d8", "g5g4", "h3g4", "d8d5", "g7f6", "f4g4", "g4f3", "d5f5", "f5h5", "d3f2", "f6g6", "f2d3", "c1g1", "a5f5", "e4e5", "f4f2", "a6c6", "e2e3", "e3d4", "d3c5", "d4d5", "h4h5", "d5d6", "h5h6", "g7h7", "f1g1", "h3e3", "h7h6", "c5e6", "e3e6", "d6e6", "h6g5", "d1d4", "g5h6", "e7e8q", "h6g5", "g5g6", "?"], "1-0"}
{"missing move": "d4g4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "e7e5", "b8c6", "a7a6", "b5a4", "g8f6", "d2d3", "c2c3", "b7b5", "a4b3", "d7d6", "b5b4", "d3d4", "e5d4", "e1g1", "c1e3", "b1d2", "e4e7", "d1c2", "h2h3", "g4d7", "e8f8", "b3c4", "b4b3", "d3c3", "e3g5", "c4b3", "e7e1", "f8d6", "g5f6", "g7f6", "b8b4", "a4c6", "d2f1", "f1g3", "c3e3", "g8h8", "e3e7", "g1h2", "c1c7", "g3h5", "c7b7", "e7f7", "h5f6", "d7c6", "f7b7", "h8g7", "h6h5", "a7b8", "h2g3", "b2b4", "c7d8", "e3f5", "g7h7", "h4f3", "h5h4", "g3f4", "g4g5", "c6d7", "f3h4", "d7h3", "f4g3", "f2f4", "c8e6", "g6h7", "h4f3", "h7g6", "f4f5", "f3h4", "g6g5", "d8f6", "g3f3", "b4b5", "b5b4", "f5d4", "g6f6", "a7a8q", "f6e7", "e3d5", "g8e6", "d7d8", "?"],
{"missing move": "d4c6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "d7d5", "e7e6", "g8f6", "c1g5", "c7c6", "g5h4", "f8d6", "f1d3", "d6e7", "e8g8", "d1c2", "e1g1", "d8e7", "e4d2", "c2d2", "b2b4", "b4b5", "f5d3", "d2d3", "a2a4", "a4b5", "b8d7", "b5c6", "f1a1", "f6c6", "d7f6", "a1c1", "e8c8", "c6e8", "d3f5", "e8e7", "b1b5", "e7e8", "b5b1", "e8e7", "e2f4", "g7g6", "e7e5", "d4e5", "g6g5", "e5f6", "c7c1", "c1c7", "c7d7", "b3d3", "h2g3", "b5b4", "d7d6", "f4f5", "d6f6", "d3b3", "f6b6", "f3e4", "g8g7", "e4d4", "d4e4", "d6b6", "d5c5", "f2f3", "d8d3", "d3f3", "g4g5", "f6g7", "b7b8", "b8g8", "g6f5", "h3h4", "d6e7", "h4c4", "e7f7", "c4c7", "c7a7", "a7a6", "d6e7", "e7d6", "d6c5", "a6a8", "c5d6", "d6e7", "h2h1q", "f8g8", "h1d5", "d5h1", "h7g8", "h1d5", "d5a8", "g7g6", "a8f8", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "g5f5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "e7e5", "g1f3", "b8c6", "f1b5", "g8f6", "e1g1", "f1e1", "d2d4", "b7c6", "d4e5", "d6e5", "f8d8", "f3e5", "f6g4", "e5g4", "c8g4", "c1f4", "b1d2", "g4e6", "h2h3", "d2f3", "a7a5", "h7h6", "a1c1", "c1c3", "a4e8", "e1e3", "e8c6", "f7f6", "f3h4", "h4f3", "d1d6", "f6g5", "b6a5", "e3e6", "e8e6", "g5e3", "c6e4", "e5d7", "e4f5", "d7c5", "h2g3", "b6c5", "g3f2", "f2e3", "c4d5", "d5e6", "e3f3", "f3e2", "b3e6", "e6b3", "f3e3", "e3f4", "f7f6", "c5d4", "d4e5", "e5d4", "d1e2", "e2d1", "c3d4", "g6f7", "d4c5", "d1e2", "c5e3", "f7f6", "e3d4", "f6f7", "h4g3", "g3f4", "e6f7", "e3b6", "f7f6", "f4g3", "g4g5", "f7e6", "e6f5", "f3d1", "g5d2", "d1c2", "d2e3", "c2b3", "e3h6", "h6d2", "d2f4", "f4c1", "b3d1", "c1h6", "d1b3", "h6g5", "b3c4", "g5h6", "c4g8", "h4g3", "g8b3", "b3d1", "g3h4", "d1b3", "d2g5", "b3c2", "g5h6", "c2b3", "c1g5", "g5d8", "e2f3", "f3d1", "g5e3", "f5f6", "e3d4", "h4g3", "d1h5", "g6g7", "h5f7", "f5g6", "e3d3", "g6g7", "a4a3", "g7h6", "d2c3", "c5d4", "d5g2", "d4g7", "c3d4", "g7f6", "g5g4", "f6g5", "c6e8", "e8a4", "a4b3", "c4d3", "b3c2", "d3e2", "e2f3", "c2d1", "g5f6", "e5d5", "f6d8", "d5c5", "c5d5", "e7f6", "d5c4", "c4d5", "d1a4", "h4e7", "a4d1", "g5h4", "h4e7", "e7d8", "d8g5", "b3a4", "e3f2", "f2g3", "d5c4", "g5f6", "c4d5", "g3f3", "e7f6", "d4d3", "f3f4", "b3g8", "f4e5", "e4e5", "b3b2", "f6h4", "e7d8", "d8e7", "b2a2", "e5d4", "a2b2", "e7g5", "b2b3", "g5f6", "g8d5", "e7h4", "d5e4", "c2b3", "b3b2", "g5e7", "b3c2", "c2d2", "d8h4", "e4d5", "h4d8", "d2c2", "c2b2", "b2b3", "g5e7", "e7a3", "b3c2", "b7f3", "e7a3", "f3e2", "e2h5", "b2a1", "a1b2", "a1b2", "b1a2", "a1b2", "b2a1", "a1b2", "a2b1", "b2a1", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "b1a2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"g8f6", "c2c4", "d2d4", "c7c6", "d7d5", "c4c5", "e2e4", "f6e4", "d2e4", "c8b7", "f8g7", "c1f4", "d8a5", "a5d8", "h2h4", "d7f6", "a7a5", "e1g1", "e8g8", "f8e8", "f3e5", "d2g5", "d8c8", "c8c7", "d1d3", "d3f3", "g7e5", "e1e5", "c7c8", "e5e6", "f7e6", "c1e3", "e3e5", "b7c8", "h4h5", "g8h8", "h6f8", "e8f8", "g5e5", "h8g8", "e5d6", "d4d6", "c8g4", "d6c6", "g8f7", "c5c6", "f7f6", "c6c7", "d8d1", "b5c6", "c6c5", "c5f8", "f6e5", "f8c5", "e5f6", "c5f8", "f6g6", "f8e8", "g6f6", "e8e4", "g4c8", "e4f4", "f6g6", "h5h4", "g3h4", "d5d2", "f2g3", "d2c2", "f8g8", "g8f8", "h4h5", "g6h5", "h5h6", "e8e6", "h6g7", "e6a6", "c2c7", "a2a4", "c7c5", "f3f4", "c5b5", "h7h6", "b5b6", "h6h5", "a4d7", "b6b7", "g3h4", "b7b8q", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "b8b6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "g1f3", "f1b5", "d7d6", "b5a4", "e1g1", "e8g8", "g4h5", "a7a5", "g2g4", "h5g6", "f1e1", "f6d7", "a4c2", "d7b6", "d2f1", "d1e2", "a5a4", "g1h1", "d5d4", "b6d7", "c6d4", "e5d4", "g3f5", "c7c5", "e7f8", "b3a4", "b5a4", "f7f6", "f4d6", "g6f7", "b1b5", "d6g3", "h7h6", "h1g2", "c5c4", "d8e7", "d5d4", "d7e5", "d3c4", "e7a3", "e2d1", "c6c4", "f6e5", "b1a1", "a1a4", "b2e2", "c4e2", "a4b3", "g8f8", "g4g5", "h6g5", "f2f3", "f8e7", "e7f6", "g3g4", "e2b5", "b5d3", "d3f1", "f1a6", "g8a2", "a6b5", "g3g2", "b5a6", "a2g8", "a6b5", "g8a2", "a2b3", "f6e7", "e2b5", "g2g3", "f6e7", "g2g3", "b3d5", "e7f6", "d5g8", "g6f6", "b3a2", "g3g4", "f1a6", "a2b3", "g6f6", "g4g3", "a6b5", "g3g4", "b5e2", "b3a2", "e2b5", "g4g3", "f6g6", "g3g4", "d7b5", "a2b3", "b5f1", "b3e6", "f1e2", "a2b3", "g8a2", "b5f1", "a2g8", "d3a6", "g3f2", "a6e2", "b3f7", "g7g6", "f7b3", "h5h6", "g3g4", "d1c2", "c4e6", "c2d1", "d1b3", "a2d5", "b5e2", "d5g8", "b5a6", "e6g4", "h5h6", "d7g4", "h5h6", "h6h5", "c4e2", "c6a4", "a4b3", "b3c2", "a4d7", "d7e6", "a6b5", "e6c8", "b5f1", "c8g4", "g4e6", "f1e2", "g3g4", "e2a6", "e6d7", "a6f1", "g4h4", "f1e2", "h4g4", "h6g7", "d7e6", "g7h7", "h7h6", "h6g7", "g4g3", "e2b5", "c2d1", "b5a6", "a6d3", "a4d1", "d3a6", "f6e5", "e5e4", "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "g5g6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "g1f3", "g8f6", "c2c4", "e7e6", "d1e2", "a7a6", "c4d3", "c5d4", "e3d4", "c1e3", "c6b4", "b7b5", "c4b3", "e1g1", "f8b4", "a2a4", "c8d7", "f3e5", "e8g8", "b5a4", "b3a4", "d7a4", "a1a4", "a6a5", "d8b6", "d3d2", "f8c8", "a4c4", "c8c4", "e5c4", "b6a6", "c4e5", "h7h6", "b1c3", "d5e7", "e7f5", "b2b3", "a4c5", "a8d8", "c1c4", "f6d5", "e5f3", "d5b6", "c4c2", "f5e7", "f7f6", "e5f3", "e7c6", "e4g3", "g8f7", "f3d4", "d5d4", "g4g5", "b5d5", "e4d5", "g5d5", "h5g3", "b3b4", "e5d3", "d3e1", "g2f1", "h2h3", "e1d3", "d3f4", "g3e4", "c1c4", "c4c8", "b3e3", "e3f3", "f4d5", "g3f5", "b2a2", "a2a1", "g1h2", "a1a2", "a2a4", "h2g3", "h3h4", "f3d3", "f5e7", "f4e2", "g3h2", "e4f4", "f5d6", "h2g2", "d3e3", "e2f4", "f4h5", "d6c8", "b4b5", "e3e4", "e6b6", "b5b6", "f6e5", "d5e3", "h5f6", "g1g2", "e3f1", "f2f3", "e5f5", "f5g6", "g4f3", "f6e4", "e4c3", "f4e5", "f1e3", "e4d2", "e5f4", "g6h7", "e3f5", "b3c5", "f4e3", "b3c5", "h6g8", "c5e6", "h5h6", "e3e4", "g7e6", "e4e5", "g5f3", "f4e4", "e1g2", "g5g4", "f3e5", "e5f3", "f3d4", "f5e4", "d4e6", "e6g5", "e5f6", "g5f3", "f3d4", "f5e5", "d4f3", "f3d4", "f4e5", "d4f3", "e5f5", "f3d4", "f5g5", "d4f3", "f3e5", "f6d7", "f7h6", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "g6h6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"g1f3", "f3e5", "e5f3", "d2d4", "f1d3", "c2c4", "b1c3", "c8g4", "b8c6", "c1e3", "d6d5", "c4c5", "c6b8", "b5a4", "a7a5", "e1g1", "b8d7", "c6b5", "c3d5", "e7f6", "f3b7", "e1e3", "d8d5", "e3e2", "d5b5", "b7d8", "b5a5", "d8e6", "b4b3", "a5a2", "f8b8", "g1g2", "g7g6", "e2e3", "f6d4", "e3f3", "b2b3", "b8b5", "a2a4", "b3b4", "b6c5", "b3d3", "a4b4", "b4c5", "e6f8", "g2f1", "c5f8", "b7b2", "b2a2", "f7f5", "a2a8", "g7f7", "a8d8", "g7f7", "b2d2", "f7e6", "e6f6", "e7f8", "b5b6", "f6g7", "c5d4", "b2b4", "h6g7", "g7f6", "g2f3", "f6f7", "f3g2", "f7f6", "g2f3", "f3g2", "c5d4", "a2c2", "d4c3", "c2c1", "f7e7", "c3b4", "d1a1", "b4c5", "c5f2", "a6g6", "g6h6", "g3f4", "h6h5", "f4d6", "f3e2", "h8a8", "f6g6", "g6f6", "h4h5", "d6f4", "g8g6", "f6f7", "g6a6", "c4d6", "e2f3", "h5h6", "a5a6", "f6g5", "h6h7", "f7h8", "f3e3", "h8f7", "e3f3", "f7h8", "f3e3", "e5g7", "a8a7", "h8g6", "a7a6", "g6h8", "a6a7", "a7a6", "b2h8", "a8a7", "a7a8", "h8g7", "a8a7", "g7b2", "a7a2", "e5f4", "e3d4", "f4e5", "e5h8", "a7a8", "f6g5", "a6a8", "g5f6", "f6g5", "a6a8", "g5f6", "a8a6", "a6a7", "f7f6", "a7a6", "a6a8", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "a8a6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "c7c6", "d1d2", "f6g4", "h4h5", "e7e5", "g1f3", "c8g4", "h5g6", "h7g6", "g7h8", "g4f3", "g2f3", "h8f6", "d5c6", "b7c6", "a2a3", "b8d7", "a1d1", "d4c5", "d2e2", "d4c5", "e2d2", "c5d4", "d2c1", "d4c5", "c1d2", "d4c5", "c5d4", "d2c1", "?"], "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "c1d2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"g8f6", "g1f3", "g7g6", "f1d3", "e4d6", "e1g1", "c5c4", "a7a6", "b5b6", "d8b6", "c1g5", "c8b7", "g5e3", "b7d5", "a4b6", "d5f3", "b8c6", "b6a8", "e8a8", "b2b3", "b5h5", "f3f4", "d6f5", "d1d7", "c6d4", "f1e1", "a8d8", "d7b7", "a5a3", "f2e3", "b7b3", "a3c5", "c1d1", "f3d1", "g7h6", "f5d6", "d6c4", "d1c1", "c5e3", "b3e3", "c1c8", "g4e2", "e3f5", "a6c4", "h6f4", "a2a4", "f5d6", "g7f6", "c7d7", "f6e5", "d2b4", "d7a7", "e5d4", "a7h7", "c4e3", "f1f2", "e3d5", "h7b7", "d5b6", "e2b5", "f2f1", "b5c6", "c5d4", "h2h3", "b4c5", "c5b4", "b7e7", "e4g4", "b6d5", "e8b5", "a4a5", "c3d2", "a5a6", "f6d4", "g3g5", "f4h3", "g5d5", "d2c2", "d5d4", "h3f2", "a7a8q", "e3e2", "c3b2", "c4b4", "b2c3", "a8a3", "c3c2", "?"],
{"missing move": "b5d3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"g1f3", "e7e6", "d2d3", "d7d5", "e4d5", "e6d5", "g2g3", "b8c6", "f1g2", "f8e7", "d3d4", "e8g8", "c1e3", "f6g4", "g4f6", "e7c5", "g5f6", "d8f6", "c3d5", "f3e1", "c8e6", "d1f3", "a8c8", "f1e1", "c2c4", "d3f4", "f3e4", "c8c4", "e4c2", "f4d5", "b7b5", "e1d1", "d8a5", "d6b8", "a2a4", "b5a4", "c5d5", "g2d5", "a6a4", "c5c3", "d5g2", "b4d5", "a1d1", "d6c5", "f8e8", "h2h3", "d1d2", "e2e1", "g1h2", "e8e6", "d5c7", "e6e7", "e7e6", "d5c7", "c7d5", "e7e6", "d5c7", "e6e7", "c7d5", "c7d5",
{"missing move": "e7e6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "d2d4", "f3d4", "g8f6", "d4c6", "d7c6", "e8d8", "d8e8", "a2a4", "c1h6", "h8h6", "c3d1", "g6g5", "e1f2", "g5g4", "h1e1", "h4h3", "e4e5", "h7f8", "c8e6", "a8d8", "c4d3", "f8g6", "d1c3", "b7b5", "a5b6", "a7b6", "c3d1", "b6b5", "d1e3", "d5e5", "f8g7", "c6b6", "b6b5", "c2c4", "g7f6", "e5c4", "e1e6", "b5c4", "b8b2", "d4f3", "e6e5", "c4d3", "d3b1", "a4b4", "e7e6", "f6g7", "d2e4", "b4c4", "c2d3", "e4c5", "a4a5", "c5e6", "g7f6", "d3c4", "g3h4", "f6e5", "e5f6", "g6g7", "a3a4", "c4b3", "a4b4", "e4e3", "f7g8", "g5f6", "b4b7", "b7f7", "f6g6", "f7b7", "g6f6", "b7b2", "e2c4", "b2b6", "c4f1", "f1c4", "b2b6", "b6b7", "g6f6", "b6b7", "b6b4", "e6d8", "d8e6", "b6b4", "e6g5", "b4b6", "g5e6", "b6b4", "e6d8", "b4b6", "b4b6", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "f4e6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "g8f6", "c7c5", "e2e4", "b8c6", "g2g4", "e7e6", "f1g2", "d7d6", "g1e2", "e2d4", "d7e5", "c1e3", "c6d4", "d1d4", "c8d7", "d4d2", "f8g7", "e1c1", "h8g8", "e8c8", "h4g5", "c1b1", "g7h8", "b3b4", "h7h8", "g8h8", "b4b5", "g6e5", "b5c6", "g2f1", "c7b7", "c4c5", "c5d6", "b7b2", "d8d6", "f1e2", "d6d1", "a7a5", "b2b3", "d8h8", "e3d4", "d1b2", "d4c3", "e5g4", "e4e5", "c6c5", "g4f4", "g5g4", "c3d4", "f3f4", "d4d3", "f4f3", "d3e2", "c5e6", "e6f4", "a3a2", "d7e7", "a2a3", "e3d4", "a3a8", "d3f4", "d4e3", "d2b4", "c8c4", "b4d6", "c4c3", "e3e2", "f1g2", "c2d2", "d6c5", "c5e3", "g2g3", "c2c4", "e3d2", "g3h4", "e4d4", "d2e3", "d4e4", "e4c4", "h4g5", "g5g4", "e8e7", "e3b6", "g4f5", "a4a3", "f4h5", "g7f8", "h5f6", "a3a5", "d8a5", "a5b4", "e7f7", "f2f4", "f7g7", "f4f5", "g7h8", "h8g7", "f5f6", "g7g6", "h5g4", "f8a3", "a3h3", "h5g6", "?"], "result": "1-0"}
{"missing move": "h3h6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "c7c5", "d7d6", "g8f6", "b8c6", "c1g5", "d1d2", "e1c1", "f2f4", "f1e2", "f8e7", "h7h6", "g5h4", "b7b5", "f4f5", "b5b4", "f7e6", "h4f6", "e7f6", "c3b5", "a6b5", "d4b5", "b5d6", "e8f8", "d6f7", "b4b3", "c2b3", "f8f7", "d2d7", "g7g6", "b8c7", "d4f2", "g6h5", "e4f5", "e6e5", "h8c8", "d1c1", "c7b7", "e7f8", "c1d1", "e5e4", "f1d1", "a8e8", "d5d7", "c8d7", "f8e7", "g2g4", "d7d3", "b1a1", "d3d4", "c1c3", "h6c1", "b2c3", "a1b1", "e4e3", "a2a3", "e3e2", "b1c2", "e2e1q", "b3b4", "c2b3", "e1d1", "b3c4", "c4c3", "d5b5", "g4g5", "c3b2", "g2f3", "d3c3", "d5f3", "c3c4", "f3c6", "c4d3", "c6a6", "a6c8", "e5e6", "a7a4", "a4d1", "d1f3", "c3b4", "f3e4", "e6f7", "a3a4", "e4b1", "c3c4", "a4a5", "a2d2", "b4c5", "d2a5", "a5c3", "c6d6", "c3g3", "d6d5", "f7f6", "e4d4", "b3b6", "d4c4", "c4d3", "b6d4", "d3c2", "d4e3", "c2b2", "e3d3", "b2a1", "d3e2", "b1a1", "d4c3", "result": "0-1"}
{"missing move": "e2b2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["g1f3", "g8f6", "c2c4", "g7g6", "d2d4", "d7d6", "b1c3", "f8g7", "f1e2", "e7e5", "b8a6", "h2h3", "a1b1", "h5f4", "c4c5", "d7c5", "b7b6", "d8f6", "e2b5", "a8b8", "b5a7", "h7h5", "g7h6", "f3e1", "f4e2", "e3e2", "f6f3", "f3e5", "b1e1", "e2a6", "e5f3", "g5g4", "c5d3", "e1e3", "h3g4", "d4e3", "h4f5", "d3c5", "g8h7", "a3b4", "a6d3", "f5g3", "d3b5", "c6b5", "b8a8", "a2a4", "h7g6", "g1f2", "b5a4", "e3e4", "a4d7", "a8a2", "e2d1", "d5d6", "c7d6", "e5d6", "d7b5", "d3c5", "b5c6", "a2a3", "d1e2", "d6d7", "a3a2", "e2f1", "a2d2", "d2d6", "e5e4", "f1e2", "b6b5", "e2d2", "f2g4", "a6e6", "g4f2", "f2g4", "e3f5", "d4e4", "d2c3", "e4f5", "e8f7", "b3c4", "c6c5", "c3d3", "c5c7", "c7d7", "d3c3", "d8e6", "c4d3", "e6c5", "g4g5", "d7b7", "d3e2", "b7b1", "g5g6", "e2d1", "c3c4", "d1d6", "b6g6", "g6g8", "a5a6", "a6a5", "a5a4", "g2e1", "a4a3", "c5c4", "a2a1", "a1a2", "?"], "0-1"}
{"missing move": "b8b2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "c7c5", "g1f3", "e7e6", "d2d4", "c5d4", "b8c6", "d1f3", "g8f6", "c1f4", "d7d6", "e6e5", "f8e7", "f3d3", "a8b8", "g5f6", "f1e2", "e8g8", "e1g1", "d3d2", "a5c7", "g8h8", "g1h1", "f2f3", "d2e2", "f8f6", "a2a4", "c3d1", "d1f2", "d8f8", "g2g4", "f1d1", "b6c5", "f8h6", "d2a5", "c5b6", "a5e1", "a6a5", "d3d2", "h2h3", "a8a7", "c2c3", "c5b6", "e2a2", "h6h4", "h4h6", "b3b4", "d3f2", "h7h5", "e1d2", "a7h7", "a2a1", "f6h6", "h8g7", "f8e8", "h5g4", "h7h1", "g2h1", "e8d7", "d2d3", "d7d8", "h1g2", "g7f6", "c4b3", "d8c7", "f1h1", "h4g3", "g2f1", "h3h1", "e1d2", "h1h2", "d2c1", "b6b7", "a4a3", "c1c2", "c2d1", "a2a1", "a1a2", "c2d1", "a1a2", "d2e1", "a1a2", "f2e1", "a2a1", "e1d2", "a1a2", "d2d1", "a2a1", "d1d2", "a1a2", "d2d1", "a1a2", "result":
{"missing move": "d2d1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["g1f3", "g8f6", "c7c5", "e7e6", "d2d4", "d7d5", "c4d5", "e6d5", "e1g1", "d4c5", "d1c2", "d8d6", "b1c3", "c5b6", "b7c6", "e3e4", "f6e4", "c3e4", "f1d1", "d6e6", "f3d4", "c2c6", "d4c6", "c8b7", "c6e5", "b2b3", "b7a6", "c1e3", "e8e7", "e3b6", "a7b6", "f2f3", "g4e3", "d1e1", "d8d3", "a1d1", "c8c3", "e3c2", "d1d3", "a6d3", "d3g6", "g1f2", "e1e3", "c3e3", "f7e6", "b4d3", "h5e8", "d3b2", "a2a4", "g5g4", "b6b5", "a4b5", "e8b5", "e6d5", "f2g3", "c4e5", "e8b5", "d5d6", "b3b4", "b5f1", "g3h4", "f1e2", "c8b6", "h4g3", "e2f3", "a4c5", "c6d6", "c5b3", "f3c6", "b3a5", "d6c7", "b7c5", "c7d6", "c5b7", "d6d5", "b5e8", "e8b5", "g3h4", "c4d5", "b7c5", "c4d5", "b7c5", "b7c5", "d5c4", "c5b7", "?"],
{"missing move": "c4d5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["d2d4", "c2c4", "g1f3", "d7d5", "c7c5", "c4d5", "f6d5", "e2e3", "f8e7", "h7h6", "e8g8", "d8b6", "c1e3", "d5e3", "f2e3", "a8d8", "g1h1", "d6b8", "e3e4", "d3d2", "g8g7", "b1e4", "d1e1", "f7f6", "e4d3", "f6e5", "d4e5", "d3b5", "e8b5", "c3b5", "a5a4", "b5c3", "c3e4", "f5e3", "e3g4", "h2h3", "g4e3", "e4d6", "f8f4", "e1c1", "d6c8", "b6a5", "e3g2", "c8a7", "f3f2", "g2g4", "a5d2", "d2b2", "b2c2", "h1g1", "g3e1", "g1h1", "f3h3", "h1g2", "h3d3", "g2g1", "a3c5", "g1g2", "c5c2", "g2g1", "d3h3", "b1b2", "c2b2", "b2e2", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "f7f1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "d7d5", "d2d4", "f6d5", "g1f3", "c2c4", "d5f6", "b1c3", "c1e3", "e8g8", "d1c2", "f7f5", "g4e3", "f2e3", "g7g6", "a7a6", "h2h4", "e6e5", "d4e5", "e3e4", "d3e2", "d1d2", "g8h8", "f3e5", "f6e5", "d2d7", "d8g5", "f4f3", "g2f3", "e2c4", "g5h5", "d1f1", "a8d8", "b7c6", "c3d1", "c4a6", "c2b3", "d8f8", "a6d3", "d1f2", "e5b2", "e6g4", "f2g4", "h1h4", "h8g7", "g4e3", "g7f6", "h4h5", "f8f4", "d3c4", "e6e7", "b1c2", "a3c5", "e7e8", "c4d3", "f5e3", "h8h5", "e6e7", "e3f1", "f4f3", "c2d2", "e7f8", "h5f5", "h3f5", "e5e6", "f8g7", "d2e2", "g7f6", "f6e7", "d2c4", "e7f6", "a5c6", "d4f6", "e2f2", "f6g5", "c5c4", "h3f5", "c4c3", "f6h4", "h4f6", "g4f5", "f6h4", "g7f7", "c2b3", "f7e8", "h4e7", "c6e7", "c7c6", "b3c2", "e8d8", "d8e8", "e7g6", "g6f4", "c6c5", "c5c4", "d6d5", "f5f4", "d5d4", "d1c2", "e6d6", "c6d6", "h7g8", "g8e6", "c6d6", "e6g8", "g8e6", "c6d6", "e6d5", "d6e7", "e7d7", "d7e7", "f7e7", "d7h3", "e7f7", "c3a2", "f7e8", "e5d6", "e2d4", "d6e5", "g6f7", "g4f5", "e7f7", "f7e7", "h7f5", "d4c6", "f7g7", "e5e6", "c4c3", "c3c2", "f5c2", "g7f8", "e5d7", "e7f6", "h5h4", "c2d1", "g3h4", "g3h3", "g5f4", "d1e2", "h4h3", "d3e1", "h3h4", "e1g2", "f4f3", "h3h2", "g2f4", "h2g1", "f3g3", "e2c4", "h1g1", "f4h3", "g1h1", "result": "1-0"}
{"missing move": "c4d5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "c7c5", "g1f3", "e7e6", "a7a6", "a2a4", "d7d5", "g8f6", "f8c5", "f1d3", "d5e4", "d3e4", "d8d1", "f7f5", "c5f2", "c1f4", "b8c6", "c2c3", "h7h6", "d1c2", "f2a7", "g2g4", "g7g5", "f4e5", "c6a5", "c4a2", "c6e4", "c2c1", "e5h8", "e7e8", "f1e1", "e4h1", "f6f7", "f8g7", "d8f8", "d5f3", "f8d7", "a5c6", "c1d2", "g5g4", "e6f5", "h6h5", "b2b4", "a7f2", "e1f1", "f2h4", "e4f3", "f3e4", "h5h4", "f1f5", "f5g5", "g7f7", "g5g4", "c6b4", "b4d3", "e4d3", "d7e5", "f7f6", "g4f4", "f4f1", "h3h2", "f1h1", "b5a4", "h1a1", "h2h1n", "e4h1", "a1a4", "a4a6", "a6c6", "c2d3", "b5a4", "g3c7", "c4d5", "a3b3", "g6c6", "c7a5", "c3c4", "b3c2", "c4c5", "c5c6", "c7a5", "g7a7", "a5e1", "a7b7", "e1a5", "c6c7", "g7c7", "d3e3", "e3f4", "f4f3", "f3e3", "c4e4", "e3f2", "d5d4", "f3f2", "g6f5", "d3e3", "g3g2", "e4g4", "h2h3", "?"],
{"missing move": "a4h4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "g8f6", "e7e6", "c1f4", "c7c5", "b1c3", "e2e3", "b8c6", "h7h6", "f3e5", "c6e5", "d4e5", "f6d7", "d1g4", "c3b1", "d8c7", "g4g3", "b1d2", "e8c8", "a2a4", "c7a5", "c5c4", "f1e2", "e3e4", "g7g5", "b7d5", "d7c5", "e1g1", "b2b4", "a5c7", "d5b7", "c8b8", "d8d3", "c4a5", "e3d4", "a5b3", "b3c5", "e7c5", "b4c5", "a8b7", "b8c8", "a1e1", "e1b1", "d8e8", "e8f8", "h1h2", "b1b5", "b5a5", "d7c7", "a5a1", "f8g8", "a1a3", "g8f8", "b6b8", "f8g7", "a3a1", "c2c1", "b6a6", "b8b6", "g4f3", "e4h4", "h2g3", "d5f3", "g2f3", "c6d5", "b6d6", "d5c4", "c4e2", "d4e3", "e2c4", "c7c8", "b1d1", "g7g6", "d1b1", "g6f5", "e3f4", "b1g1", "c4d5", "d5c6", "d7a7", "f7f6", "f2f3", "e5f6", "f5f6", "h2g2", "f2g2", "h6h5", "g2g3", "e6e5", "f3f4", "c8g8", "f6e5", "g6e4", "g3f2", "g8c8", "f2g3", "c3c4", "c6e4", "h8g7", "e4g6", "g7d4", "d4b2", "h5h4", "g3h4", "d3c4", "b2f6", "f6h8", "h8g7", "g6f5", "c4f7", "f7d5", "f5g6", "a1e5", "d5c4", "g7a1", "g6f5", "a1e5", "e5g3", "e6c8", "g3e5", "h4g3", "f5e4", "e5f4", "e6a2", "e4d3", "a2f7", "f1e1", "f4e5", "f7e6", "d6e5", "e5d6", "e5b8", "a2f7", "c7d6", "d6f4", "c4a2", "a2c4", "c7f4", "c4f7", "f4g3", "f7c4", "c2b1", "d6b8", "b1a2", "e1d2", "b8g3", "c4g8", "d6g3", "g3e5", "b3g8", "g8e6", "d6f4", "f4g3", "e5h2", "d6f4", "d2c3", "a2b3", "c7f4", "b3e6", "f4g3", "a2b3", "b8a7", "b3d1", "a7g1", "c1d2", "d2g5", "g5c1", "f1b5", "c3b3", "b3c3", "a4e8", "e8a4", "a4c6", "c3d2", "f7g6", "b2a1", "g6c2", "e1e2", "c2d3", "e2e1", "d3g6", "a1b2", "g6h7", "b2a1", "h7f5", "f5d7", "b2a1", "d7g4", "a1b2", "g4e6", "b2a1", "a1b2",
{"missing move": "c4g8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["g1f3", "d2d4", "g8f6", "h2h3", "d7d6", "h3g4", "c8g4", "f2f3", "e2e4", "d5e4", "f3e4", "d1f3", "e4d6", "d4d5", "f1h3", "d8f6", "f8e7", "c3b5", "e8g8", "h3f5", "f3f5", "b5c7", "e7g5", "c1g5", "c7a8", "f5g5", "e1c1", "e5e4", "h1h3", "g5e5", "e4e3", "d1g1", "e3e2", "c7g7", "g8f8", "c1d2", "e2e1r", "b4a2", "f8g7", "b3a2", "d5d2", "c7e6", "g7f6", "d2f2", "f6g6", "e1g1", "g1h1", "d6c4", "c3c4", "f2f4", "h5h4", "h1h4", "f4h4", "h6g5", "f5h4", "c3d4", "e5c6", "c4b4", "g5f6", "f6e7", "b2b4", "a4b5", "b5a5", "d7c6", "a4a5", "e7d5", "a5a4", "d5c7", "a4a5", "c7e6", "e6c5", "c5e6", "a3b2", "e6f4", "a3b2", "b2c1", "f4d5", "d2e3", "c7a6", "d2e3", "e3d4", "d4e5", "b4b3", "e5e4", "a5a4", "f4e5", "b3b2", "b2b1q", "d5e5", "b1g1", "g1f2", "e5d5", "a5b6", "d5c4", "c4b4", "?"], "0-1"}
{"missing move": "d3b3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "b8c6", "d2d4", "c5d4", "f3d4", "f1c4", "a7a6", "b5c3", "g8f6", "e8g8", "f6e4", "f1e1", "d8d7", "f6d5", "d1d2", "c6e7", "f8d8", "a2a4", "g7g6", "c8e6", "e3d3", "e6d5", "d3d5", "b8c8", "b2b3", "c8c5", "g2g3", "g8g7", "d1d3", "h2h4", "d3f3", "f3d3", "b6c5", "c5a3", "c4c5", "d7c7", "c5d6", "c7d7", "a4a5", "a3b2", "d1e1", "g7f7", "b2c2", "c2f5", "e1d2", "f5e4", "g2h2", "e4d4", "d4e4", "b3b4", "f6f5", "d2c3", "f7e6", "d3d1", "b3g8", "g8h8", "f6e6", "h8g8", "g8h8", "d1e1", "c6c3", "e1f1", "c3c7", "h8e8", "e6f6", "e8f8", "f6e6", "f8e8", "e6f6", "e8f8", "f6e6", "e6f6", "f6e6", "f8e8", "e6f6", "e8f8", "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "f8e8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "g1f3", "b7b5", "e2e3", "a7a6", "a2a4", "b5a4", "a6a5", "e3e4", "f8e7", "e8g8", "f1e1", "d7d6", "d2c4", "a4a5", "d6d5", "a5a8", "e4d5", "f3e5", "b8d7", "b2b3", "d8a8", "d3f1", "d1e2", "h7h6", "c1b2", "a8b7", "e3g4", "e1d1", "c7c5", "d1d2", "b2c3", "b7c7", "g4e4", "b3b4", "c3b4", "f6e7", "c2c3", "c3b4", "d2c2", "c2c4", "b4b8", "f1d3", "c4c7", "c7b7", "b3c3", "e4e3", "g6e7", "d3e4", "f2e3", "d8c8", "f1e1", "g7g5", "e4f3", "c8c2", "g5h4", "g8e7", "d4d5", "g6h4", "c2c4", "e4d3", "d3e2", "h4g6", "d5b5", "g6e5", "d3e2", "f8g7", "b5b1", "b1b4", "g7g6", "b4b1", "e6f6", "f2g3", "g6e7", "h1h2", "g5f5", "f5b5", "h2g2", "e7g6", "b5g5", "g5h5", "f3h5", "h5f3", "d5e3", "h6h5", "f3c6", "h1c6", "h3h2", "g7f7", "b7c6", "f7e7", "c6h1", "e7d6", "h1g2", "d6c5", "c5d4", "a8b7", "d4c4", "f3h1", "h1d5", "c3d4", "d4c5", "g2d5", "c6h1", "c5b4", "b4b5", "b5a5", "b7f3", "a5b6", "f3c6", "b6a6", "c6h1", "h1d5", "b5c5", "d5f3", "c5b4", "b4b5", "b5c5", "f3g2", "c5b4", "b4c4", "c6f3", "c4b3", "f3b7", "a2a1", "c6g2", "a1b2", "b2c2", "c2b3", "b7a8", "c4c3", "a8d5", "d5h1", "c4d3", "c6d5", "c1b2", "f3g2", "a3a4", "g2e4", "a4b5", "e4a8", "b5a5", "a8h1", "a6b6", "b6c7", "g2f3", "c7b6", "g2c6", "c6f3", "b4a3", "f3d5", "a4a3", "g2d5", "a4a5", "a5b5", "h1a8", "b5c4", "c6b7", "c5d4", "b7c8", "f4g3", "f5f4", "f4f3", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "g2f3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "g1f3", "d2d4", "c5d4", "f3d4", "g8f6", "g7g6", "f1c4", "d7d6", "b7c6", "e4e5", "f6g4", "c1f4", "d6d5", "c3d5", "f8g7", "h2h3", "c6d5", "f4e5", "f7f6", "c4b5", "c8d7", "e5c3", "e1c1", "e2e6", "a4b5", "c1b1", "b8b5", "c3d4", "b5b7", "f8b8", "b2b3", "g7f7", "e6a6", "b8c8", "c5a7", "c8a8", "d5a5", "a6a8", "a5a7", "b7a7", "c6a6", "d2e1", "e1f2", "a7f2", "a6a8", "a8c8", "b1c2", "c2b3", "c5d4", "b4b5", "e6e2", "e2g2", "c5c6", "d7c7", "d4c3", "g2g3", "g3h3", "b5b6", "h3h5", "h5e5", "e5g5", "c3b4", "g5e5", "e5e2", "h7h5", "b6b7", "h5h4", "b5b6", "e2e6", "c3d2", "b4d2", "e6d6", "d2b4", "d6e6", "b4d2", "e6d6", "b4e1", "f3f4", "g5f4", "e1h4", "e6d6", "e7e5", "e1b4", "f4f3", "f3f2", "c5b4", "e5e4", "b4e1", "e6c6", "b6c6", "b8a7", "?"],
{"missing move": "b8b6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "c2c4", "f8b4", "d1c2", "d7d5", "h2h3", "d2c3", "c4c5", "a7a5", "a8a1", "f1d3", "b6c5", "d4c5", "d8b8", "a1f6", "f3h4", "e5e4", "d3e2", "d7b5", "c7c6", "e1f2", "c3f6", "b8b4", "b4d2", "d2e3", "h4f5", "e7g5", "f5e7", "g8g7", "e2c4", "c6d4", "g7f6", "e4e3", "g5f4", "g3f4", "e3e2", "c5c6", "f8e8", "f6e5", "e8c8", "e5f6", "f6g6", "h5f4", "g2g4", "c8c6", "h3h4", "e1d1", "f6g7", "e4e3", "d1b1", "b1b4", "e5c5", "g4g5", "c5e5", "b4d4", "e5f5", "f5e5", "f4h5", "g7h7", "d4d6", "e5c5", "c5c2", "d3d2", "c2d2", "d7g4", "g4d1", "e4e3", "d1g4", "e3d3", "d3e4", "a4c2", "d4e5", "c2d1", "e5d6", "d1f3", "d6e7", "f3d1", "f4d3", "d1f3", "d3e5", "f3h5", "e5f7", "g5g6", "h4h5", "e7d6", "f7d5", "g2h1", "c6d5", "b6a5", "d5e4", "e4d5", "a4a3", "d5f3", "a3a2", "f3d5", "c1b1", "h1f3", "b1c1", "f3d5", "c1b1", "d5h1", "h1e4", "h7e4", "e4a8", "e3d3", "d3c2", "c2b2", "e4a8", "a8d5", "b2c3", "a8d5", "d5f3", "d4c3", "f3b7", "c3c4", "b7h1", "c4b3", "b3a4", "d5h1", "a4b5", "h1e4", "b5a4", "e4h1", "a4b4", "h1g2", "g2f3", "f3b7", "d4c5", "b7d5", "c5d6", "d5b7", "d5c6", "b4a5", "b4a3", "h1e4", "a3b4", "b5b6", "b7g2", "b6b5", "g2b7", "b5b6", "g2f3", "a7b8", "b8c8", "c6d7", "c8d7", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "h6h5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "g8f6", "c2c4", "e7e6", "b1c3", "f8b4", "e2e3", "e8g8", "f1d3", "c4d5", "e1g1", "a2a3", "b7b6", "c6a5", "g2g4", "a2g2", "f6d7", "g4g5", "d7f8", "c5d4", "c3d4", "c3b3", "c8d7", "f3f4", "d7h3", "h5g3", "a5c4", "h3g4", "d3f5", "g4h4", "f3h3", "f5h3", "c8h3", "h3f1", "g1f1", "g7g6", "f1f2", "b3b5", "c4d6", "h4h5", "g6h5", "f4f5", "d6e4", "h5h4", "g6f7", "g8g7", "c7c6", "h6h5", "e5b8", "e4g5", "h3g2", "b3c3", "c6c3", "f8g6", "f5g6", "b8e5", "e6g5", "h7h6", "e5h2", "h2h3", "h5g6", "?"],
{"missing move": "h3h6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "c7c5", "g1f3", "b8c6", "d2d4", "c5d4", "f3d4", "d8c7", "e7e6", "g8f6", "c6e5", "f2f3", "d7d5", "b4c3", "d2c3", "c7c3", "b2c3", "d5e4", "c3c4", "c8d7", "e5g4", "e3d2", "b7b5", "e1g1", "d4b3", "f8e8", "g4f2", "c5d3", "f2d3", "b5c4", "d3c4", "b1b6", "f1e1", "e2g4", "e5f4", "g4c8", "b6b8", "c8b8", "g8f7", "f7f6", "a5c3", "f6e6", "g1f1", "g3e2", "g1h2", "e6d6", "g7f8", "d6e5", "f8g7", "e5d6", "h2g1", "d6c5", "a7c7", "c7a7", "c1d3", "g1f1", "a7c7", "d6c5", "a7c7", "c5d6", "c5d6", "d6c5", "a7c7", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "c7a7"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "c7c5", "g1f3", "d7d6", "d2d4", "f3d4", "b1c3", "a7a6", "e7e5", "c1e3", "h7h6", "f1c4", "c8e6", "f7e6", "d8a5", "a5c7", "g2g4", "e1c1", "e2d3", "d4f3", "d3f3", "b7b5", "a2a3", "h3h4", "g4g5", "a4a3", "f6d5", "e6d5", "f3d3", "e4d5", "a8c8", "b5b6", "c5d4", "d3d4", "e5d4", "h1f1", "f1e1", "g8f7", "f7f8", "c2d3", "c8b8", "b1a2", "e7h4", "h4f6", "d2c3", "h2h3", "e4b4", "h3d3", "c3f6", "b4c4", "d3d2", "b3b4", "d2c2", "g7g6", "b4b5", "c2a2", "a2a8", "b4b5", "a2b2", "b5c6", "b6b7", "e5d4", "e1a1", "b2b4", "a1a5", "d4c4", "b4a4", "b7b8q", "a4a5", "b8g8", "a5a6", "c6d7", "c4d4", "b8b7", "b7b4", "d4d5", "b4a3", "d5e4", "a3b4", "e4f3", "g4f3", "d6d5", "d7e6", "f3e4", "h6g6", "e4d4", "g6g5", "d4d3", "d3d4", "f3d5", "e6e5", "c3c2", "e5d5", "a1b1", "d5c4", "result": "1-0"}
{"missing move": "e2b2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"c7c5", "f3d4", "d4b5", "d7d6", "f1c4", "c1g5", "b5d6", "e8f8", "d1d4", "d4c2", "e1d2", "c2a1", "g8f6", "b7b5", "c3b5", "f7h8", "a8c8", "b5d6", "f6e4", "d6e4", "c4d4", "d2c1", "a6d3", "h1d1", "a1c2", "d1d3", "c1c2", "d3d8", "a7a6", "f8e7", "h8g6", "f2f3", "a2a3", "e7d6", "b2b4", "d6c6", "c3e4", "c6b5", "c2b3", "b3c2", "c3e2", "d4d7", "e2c3", "c6b6", "c3e4", "c2b3", "e4c3", "d3d4", "c3e2", "e2c3", "d6d8", "c2c1", "c6b6", "b6b5", "c2c3", "a5a4", "c3c2", "e4c5", "d8a8", "d2c2", "c4d4", "d2c2", "c5a4", "e5e4", "a4b2", "c4d4", "f3e4", "c2b3", "a3a4", "b3a2", "g3h3", "e4e5", "g5g4", "b4b5", "g4g3", "b5b6", "b2d3", "a2b3", "b4b5", "e5e6", "h6e6", "b5a5", "?"], "result": "0-1"}
{"missing move": "e6a6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "e7e6", "d2d4", "e6d5", "b1c3", "f8d6", "e8g8", "f8e8", "c3b5", "c2c3", "c1e3", "a8c8", "f6d7", "c3c4", "d5c4", "h5f3", "c6e5", "f3c3", "d5d6", "g7g6", "d8e7", "e7c5", "b5d6", "e8c8", "c3f3", "g6f4", "c5b5", "d7d5", "b2b3", "c8c7", "f6e5", "b3c4", "c7d7", "g2g3", "g1h2", "b6d8", "f3f5", "e8d7", "f5d7", "c5d7", "f2f4", "e5c7", "h5d5", "d7f8", "h2g2", "g8f7", "d5b5", "c4c5", "c5b6", "d7b8", "g2f3", "b8a6", "f3g4", "h3h4", "g4f3", "h6g7", "g7g8", "g3g4", "h7h6", "c7e5", "e7e8", "g8g7", "e8c8", "a6b4", "e4d3", "g4g5", "g5f6", "g7f6", "e5c3", "d3c3", "f6f5", "c3c4", "b5b6", "g3f3", "f3f4", "a5a6", "f4f5", "b6c6", "f5g4", "c6c5", "g4h4", "c5d4", "h3g3", "a6a7", "a7a8q", "a8e8", "e5d4", "f2e3", "c4b3", "h5c5", "b3a2", "c5b5", "a2a1", "e3d2", "a1a2", "d2c2", "a2a1",
{"missing move": "b5b1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "c7c5", "g1f3", "d7d6", "f1c4", "g8f6", "d2d3", "e7e6", "b7b5", "a7a6", "e1g1", "a2a4", "c8b7", "c1f4", "f1e1", "f8e8", "d3d4", "a8c8", "h7h6", "b6c5", "a4b5", "c5b5", "c2d3", "b3a5", "e5f4", "c8a8", "a8b8", "b2b4", "e7f8", "d7e5", "b8a8", "a6b5", "e8d8", "d3c2", "d8d6", "c2b3", "c4e5", "c8c3", "e5f3", "d8b8", "e1e3", "f8b4", "b4c5", "b8b4", "c4d3", "b4b3", "e2d2", "e4e5", "f6e4", "d2c2", "e4f2", "c5f2", "g2f2", "g8g7", "f2e3", "b4a4", "a4a5", "e3e4", "f7f6", "g5e6", "g7g8", "e5f6", "g8f7", "e6f4", "e4d4", "h5h4", "g3g4", "f6g7", "d3b1", "a1a5", "b1d3", "a1a3", "a3a1", "d4d5", "d5d4", "d4c4", "h6g7", "b1e4", "a1g1", "e4f3", "e1f1", "f3c6", "e1f1", "f3d5", "f1e1", "e1g1", "h1g1", "d5e4", "g7h6", "d5e4", "h6g7", "e4c6", "g1f1", "f2e4", "g7g6", "e4d6", "d6e4", "g6f6", "c6e4", "e4d3", "d6e4", "g7h6", "e4d6", "g7h6", "e4f2", "d1d2", "d3c4", "a2c2", "a6c4", "c2a2", "a2c2", "c2a2", "f1g2", "a2a3", "f2d3", "h6g7", "g2b7", "g7f6", "b7c6", "a3a2", "c6b7", "b7g2", "a7a3", "g2e4", "a3b3", "f6f7", "e3e4", "b3e3", "e4e3", "g7f7", "e3e4", "e7d8", "c1d3", "d8e7", "d5c4", "d7e8", "e8e7", "g5h6", "e7f6", "f6e7", "g4g5", "d6e7", "e7d6", "g7g8q", "d6c7", "g8e8", "c7b6", "e8c8", "b6b5", "b5a4", "a2c4", "a4a3", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "c7a5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "b8c6", "f1b5", "g8f6", "e1g1", "f8e7", "d2d3", "d7d6", "e8g8", "b3c2", "d3d4", "e5d4", "c3d4", "a5c6", "h2h3", "c6b4", "b1c3", "b4c2", "d1c2", "c8b7", "c1f4", "a1d1", "b5b4", "d4c5", "e7f8", "e8e6", "d8e7", "f2f3", "f4g3", "g3h2", "e5d3", "a8d8", "c2c3", "d8d7", "h2f4", "f8g7", "d1d7", "e7d7", "b7c6", "g1h2", "c1d1", "d7e7", "e7f6", "b5e8", "e8c6", "c6e8", "c4c8", "g8h7", "b2b3", "d2d5", "e6c6", "c8f5", "h7g8", "g4f4", "e7b7", "d5d3", "f4f5", "f5f4", "g7f8", "f8e7", "e6g6", "e8a4", "c3c2", "b7b5", "b2c1", "c2c3", "c6d7", "f3f4", "a6a5", "g3f4", "g8h7", "c1e3", "c6c3", "e3c3", "d6f8", "g3g4", "c5d4", "f8g7", "f7e6", "f5e6", "d7e6", "d4f4", "g2g3", "f4d2", "h2h1", "d2c1", "h1h2", "c1b2", "h2h1", "b2e5", "e6g4", "h1h2", "g7f6", "g4f4", "d5e5", "h7g7", "c4g4", "e7d7", "d7c7", "g2f1", "f6e7", "f1g2", "g6b1", "d6d5", "f2e2", "d5g2", "e2d1", "d1c2", "d1c2", "b1c1", "h3g2", "c2d3", "g2d5", "d3c2", "b2c3", "c5b4", "c3d3", "e2e3", "g5c1", "e4f5", "c1c2", "c2b3", "f4e4", "a5a4", "g4g5", "h6g5", "e4f5", "f5g6", "g6h7", "?"], "result": "0-1"}
{"missing move": "a1f6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "e7e6", "d7d5", "e4e5", "c2c3", "b8c6", "g1f3", "f1d3", "e1g1", "c8d7", "g8e7", "e7g6", "h2h4", "g2g3", "a7a5", "g6f8", "c3d4", "f3d4", "b6d4", "b1c3", "d4b6", "d1g4", "g7g6", "g6h5", "g4g7", "d4c3", "c3b2", "e1a1", "a1c1", "d7c6", "g7h8", "g3h4", "f8g6", "h8f6", "b6d8", "d3h7", "g8g4", "f6d8", "c8d8", "h7d3", "h5h6", "f7f6", "h8f7", "f8g7", "e5c5", "e8d7", "e2g4", "c5c1", "g8d8", "g4e6", "c6b5", "c1e1", "e6d5", "d8h8", "b5c6", "d5c6", "c7c6", "h8h5", "e1e8", "f6c3", "a5h5", "c4a3", "a3c4", "c5b5", "d6e6", "f4g4", "d4g7", "g7d4", "d8g8", "h5h4", "h4h3", "g2g8", "b5g5", "f4g5", "d7e7", "e7f8", "f8g8", "h3g4", "c4e3", "e3d5", "d5e3", "f8d6", "d6c5", "c5e3", "e3d4", "g8f8", "g2e3", "f6g7", "e3g2", "g7f8", "g5f6", "e3g2", "f6e5", "h4g2", "e5f5", "g8f7", "f5e4", "g2e1", "f5e4", "g2e1", "e4e3", "e1c2", "e3d3", "d3e4", "e1g2", "e4f3", "f3e2", "e1c2", "e2d3", "c2e1", "d3e4", "e4d3", "e1f3", "d5e4", "h2g4", "e4f5", "g4h6", "f5g5", "h6g8", "g5f5", "g8f6", "f7g8", "g5g6", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "f8g7"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "d2d4", "d7d5", "f1d3", "c2c3", "g8f6", "d8b6", "a7b6", "e7e5", "c7e5", "d4e5", "h5f4", "d3f1", "g7g5", "f3d4", "h7h5", "f8g7", "g2g3", "f2f4", "g4f3", "h5h4", "e1c1", "h8h1", "e8e7", "h1e1", "e7d6", "f3h4", "g7f6", "a2a3", "c8g4", "h4f5", "h1h8", "b5e2", "g4h3", "f5e3", "h3e6", "e2f3", "e5f3", "d4f3", "c1d1", "d1e2", "e3c2", "c8g4", "c2e3", "e2f3", "g3g4", "d5d4", "b2b4", "c5b5", "c3d4", "f6d4", "e3f5", "d4b2", "d6f7", "a3b4", "g5g6", "b4f8", "f7d8", "d8b7", "f3e4", "a4b5", "e4d3", "c6d6", "a5c6", "e5f6", "c6a5", "a5b3", "f8c5", "c4d3", "g6g5", "d3c4", "g5g4", "b3c1", "c4b3", "h5h6", "c1d3", "h6g5", "f4f5", "d3b4", "e7f6", "b4d3", "f6c3", "g4f4", "b3c5", "c4d5", "c3b4", "d5c4", "b4c3", "c3b4", "b4c5", "c4d5", "c5b4", "d3c5", "c3a5", "c5d3", "a5d2", "d3b4", "f4e4", "c4b3", "e4d4", "b3a2", "a2a3", "c3c4", "a4a5", "b2c3", "d3b4", "c3d2", "b6c6", "e3d2", "c6b6", "d8a5", "d3e5", "e5d3", "c6b5", "b4a5", "d3b4", "a5b6", "d4c3", "d3e5", "d3c3", "f4d5", "c3d4", "c5e7", "b5a5", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "e7b4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "d7d5", "e4e5", "c7c5", "b8c6", "g1f3", "d8b6", "c5c4", "c6a5", "g2g3", "c8d7", "a1b1", "e8c8", "f1g2", "b6c7", "a3a4", "g8e7", "b1a1", "c8b8", "a1b1", "f8e7", "d8c8", "d3c5", "e7c5", "d4c5", "a5b3", "b1b3", "c5c4", "g4c4", "c8c4", "d8c6", "a5a6", "b7b6", "c1f4", "b3a3", "c4c7", "f1a1", "c7c5", "c4a5", "c5c3", "f7d7", "a1f1", "f1f2", "d7e7", "a5c4", "e7b7", "b8c8", "g1h2", "g3g7", "g8f8", "f8f2", "b5b4", "c4d2", "a2a4", "f4e3", "e6f5", "c4e5", "a4a6", "d8c7", "c7d6", "f5b1", "b4b7", "h4h5", "d5d4", "b7h7", "h4h3", "h3h2", "e2f1", "h3h1", "h1h2", "f1e1", "c5c4", "h8c8", "d8c8", "c4d5", "c8d8", "d5e5", "e5d5", "e8d8", "d5c5", "d8c8", "c8d8", "h2h1", "e1d2", "c5d5", "d5e5", "e5f4", "e8e4", "f4g3", "h1h2", "d2d1", "g4e3", "d1c1", "e3f5", "c1d2", "h2h1", "d5d1", "d1c2", "f5g3", "d3d4", "g6f7", "h5g3", "d4d3", "f7e8", "e2g3", "d3d4", "g3f5", "d4c3", "f4g4", "e8a4", "g4g5", "c3d3", "h6h5", "e2f3", "h4h3", "g5g4", "a4e8", "e8a4", "g5h5", "f2g1", "g3f1", "h3h2", "g1g2", "h5g5", "d7c6", "g5g4", "c6d5", "g4f4", "d5b7", "e3d2", "d2d3", "d3d2", "f3b7", "e3d4", "a8f3", "d4d3", "g2h3", "f3b7", "e3d4", "d4c5", "a8f3", "f3a8", "c7b8", "d5f3", "f3g2", "a7b6", "f1c4", "b6c5", "h2h3", "c5d4", "d4c5", "g4f5", "f5f4", "e4g5", "d6c7", "f5e5", "c4e6", "d8e7", "e6h3", "g5e6", "h3f1", "e5d5", "f8e6", "d5c6", "d5e5", "f1c4", "d4c6", "e5d5", "c6e5", "e7d6", "e4f5", "e5g6", "c4b3", "g6e7", "f5e4", "e7d5", "b3a2", "d6e6", "e6d6", "c4e2", "d5c3", "c3d5", "b5f1", "f1c4", "a2b3", "d5f4", "g5g6", "h3f4", "g6g5", "g6g5", "f8h7", "g5g6", "h7g5", "c4d5", "e5f4", "d5g2", "f6h5", "d5e6", "a2c4", "h5f6", "c4a2", "f6e4", "a2d5", "f4e5", "e5d6", "h5g4", "e4d2", "d5h1", "d2b1", "g4f3", "h1g2", "f3e3", "d5e5", "g2f1", "e5f5", "f1a6", "b1d2", "f1e2", "e2d1", "d1c2", "f5f4", "c2b1", "f4g5", "a2c4", "g5h4", "c4f1", "f2g2", "h4g4", "g4f4", "f1e2", "f3f2", "e2g4", "d3e1", "e1f3", "d1b3", "b3d1", "d1c2", "g2e1", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "h1h2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "e7e6", "d7d5", "e4e5", "c7c5", "c2c3", "g1f3", "c8d7", "b1d2", "c5d4", "c3d4", "e7f5", "d2b3", "a2a4", "f5h4", "f3h4", "f8b4", "c1d2", "d8h4", "d2c3", "e1g1", "f6e5", "c6b4", "d4e5", "e8g8", "d7c8", "c8d7", "f2f4", "g7g5", "d1d2", "g5f4", "f8f4", "f4g4", "g8h8", "a1f1", "f8f1", "g1f1", "d7a4", "b3a5", "a4c2", "g4d4", "c2e4", "d4b6", "b7b6", "a5b7", "f2e3", "c6e5", "b7d8", "h8g7", "g7f6", "e6c7", "f6f5", "b5d6", "f5g5", "d6e4", "h2g4", "e4e5", "e2h5", "f5f4", "g3g4", "g4g5", "f6f7", "g7f7", "f7g7", "f7g7", "f5f4", "g7f7", "?"],
{"missing move": "g7f7"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "c7c5", "g1f3", "c5d4", "b1c3", "d1d2", "b8c6", "e1c1", "d6d5", "e4d5", "d4c6", "b7c6", "e3d4", "c3a4", "b6c7", "f1c4", "c7d6", "h1e1", "d6h2", "c4d5", "h2g2", "e1e7", "c6d5", "f3f4", "d4f6", "b6f6", "e7e8", "d8e8", "g8g7", "f6f4", "f4g4", "b3d1", "g4g2", "h7h5", "c8c2", "c1c2", "f7f6", "b3d5", "g4d4", "d5g2", "h5h4", "d4g4", "g2a8", "g4g3", "f2f1", "a3a4", "g5g4", "a8d5", "h3h2", "f1h1", "g3h3", "c3d4", "h3h4", "g7h6", "f4g2", "h4h3", "g2f4", "h6g5", "g5f5", "e6c5", "h4h3", "h3e3", "f6f5", "g2h3", "h7d7", "d5g2", "f5f4", "d7f7", "e3e2", "f7f3", "g5h6", "b2b4", "e2a2", "h6g7", "d3e5", "a6g6", "g6g4", "d8d6", "g4h4", "d6e6", "e5d3", "e6e2", "b4b5", "h4g4", "g7f7", "d3f4", "a4a5", "d2b2", "g2d5", "f7f6", "d5c4", "c4b5", "f6e5", "e5f6", "f6e5", "h3g3", "g6a6", "d4c3", "a6a7", "a7g7", "c5b4", "b4c3", "c3b2", "?"], "1-0"}
{"missing move": "c7a7"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "d7d6", "d2d4", "c5d4", "f3d4", "g8f6", "c1e3", "f6g4", "g4f6", "d2e3", "f8e7", "c8e6", "d1f3", "h7h6", "e1c1", "d7b6", "e6c8", "c1b1", "d8c7", "c5b3", "c8d7", "f3g2", "c3a4", "a4d7", "h3h4", "g4g5", "f6h5", "g5h6", "a8c8", "b3c1", "f2g3", "b1a1", "c2a4", "a2a3", "c8c1", "e3c1", "a1b1", "e8d7", "d1d3", "b3a2", "d3c3", "c8c3", "d2e1", "e1f2", "f1e2", "g3g1", "f5f4", "g1d1", "f2g2", "b7b5", "c3c8", "h1h2", "e7d8", "g2h1", "d8a5", "d2d1", "c8c3", "c3a3", "a5a3", "d1d2", "d2c2", "a3c5", "c2d2", "c5a3", "g2g6", "a3c5", "g6g7", "d7e8", "g7b7", "e2f1", "c5a3", "d2g2", "g2g1", "b7d7", "c1a1", "d7c7", "f7g6", "f1h3", "h1g1", "a6a5", "g6e8", "a7a5", "f8e7", "e7d8", "d8e7", "a8b8", "e8c6", "c6e8", "b7b6", "e7d8", "b7b8", "b8b4", "f1c4", "c6e8", "b4b8", "c4b5", "b8b7", "e7f8", "b3d5", "f8e8", "b7g7", "e8d8", "h5h6", "c7b6", "h4h5", "b6c7", "h5h6", "h6h7", "h7h8q", "d7c7", "h8c8", "e7b7", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "c8a8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"e7e6", "d2d4", "e4e5", "c2c3", "c7c5", "b8c6", "g1e2", "f4e5", "c6d4", "e1g1", "d4c6", "d7e5", "d1h5", "e8d7", "d2f3", "e5f3", "f4e6", "c8e6", "f8c5", "h8e8", "e6g4", "d8d7", "c5d6", "d3e2", "f3f8", "e8f8", "e2f3", "d6e5", "a1d1", "d5d4", "e3g5", "d1e1", "c7b8", "b8a8", "h4e4", "e8f8", "f7d7", "e5b8", "h1g2", "d4d3", "e4d5", "d7d5", "f8d8", "d5e4", "d8d4", "g2f1", "d8d4", "e4g2", "d4d8", "g2e4", "d8d4", "d1e1", "d8d4", "e4g2", "g2e4", "d8d4", "d4d8", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "g2e4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "e7e6", "d2d4", "d7d5", "b1c3", "f8b4", "e4e5", "c7c5", "a3b4", "d4c3", "b2c3", "f2f4", "d8c7", "f1d3", "e8g8", "c1d2", "g5h7", "f8d8", "d1h5", "b6c4", "h7f6", "g8f8", "g2g4", "e7g6", "d2c1", "g7f6", "e5f6", "f8e8", "e1g1", "f4f5", "e6f5", "g4f5", "c1f4", "d6e4", "a1e1", "g1h1", "e1e4", "f6f5", "c8e6", "c4d5", "e6d5", "f5d7", "b5d7", "f1d1", "d1d5", "f7f6", "d2h6", "b4a5", "a8c8", "c2c4", "b5a4", "c1b2", "e4e3", "b2f6", "h1g2", "f5f4", "e3f3", "a4b5", "a5a4", "f4f5", "b5c6", "a4a3", "f4a4", "c6d5", "c1c2", "e6f5", "g5f4", "h4h5", "f7f6", "f4e3", "f3g4", "e5e4", "e3g5", "b1g1", "g1h1", "h5g6", "e4f3", "f3e2", "f7a7", "e2f3", "h6h7", "f3e2", "e2f3", "a7f7", "f3g2", "g5h4", "f7f6", "h4h7", "g6h7", "g4g3", "f8f1", "g3g4", "f1f7", "g4g3", "g3g4", "g7g8", "g4g3", "g8f8", "f8e7", "f7f1", "e7d8", "g4g3", "f1f7", "g3g2", "f7f8", "g2g3", "d8e7", "g3g4", "g4g3", "e5e4", "g3g4", "b5d5", "g3f2", "d5d2", "g3g4", "d2d5", "g4g3", "h3h2", "g5a5", "g1f1", "result": "1-0"}
{"missing move": "h5h1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"d7d5", "e4e5", "e7e6", "c2c3", "g8e7", "g1f3", "b8c6", "d4c5", "e7g6", "h7g6", "d8c7", "d1e2", "b7b6", "c6b4", "c3b4", "a1c1", "c7a7", "b3d4", "a7a2", "d1e1", "c8c4", "f4e3", "a8c8", "a2a1", "d2d1", "a1a5", "e1e2", "d1a1", "f2f3", "e2f2", "c8c5", "b2c1", "h4d8", "f1f2", "d4e2", "a4c6", "c1c3", "f7f6", "g1f2", "c6b5", "b1d1", "g6g5", "a5a8", "e2c3", "e7b4", "b4c3", "e2f1", "g5g4", "e5c3", "a4b5", "h3g4", "c3c2", "d1e1", "b3b2", "g4f5", "e6e5", "d3d4", "g1h1", "d4f2", "b5e5", "f2f3", "h1h2", "f2f3", "h3h4", "f3f2", "e1h1", "e5e1", "g2c6", "h5g5", "h7g8", "e1b1", "f6d4", "f4f3", "d4d5", "f3e3", "c3c2", "b1b2", "d5h1", "c2e2", "h1h4", "h8h7", "e2f2", "h4h6", "f3g3", "h6c1", "f2h2", "h7g8", "g8h7", "f2h2", "g8h7", "a2f2", "h7g8", "f2a2", "g8h7", "a2f2", "h7g8", "g8h7", "e2e4", "h7g8", "e4f3", "g8h7", "h7g8", "e4d5", "g8h7", "d5f3", "h7g8", "f3a8", "g8h7", "a8f3", "c1g1", "g3f4", "g1c1", "f3e3", "c1c4", "e3e4", "c4c7", "f5f6", "f6f7", "h6g5", "h1c1", "d5f7", "e8e4", "g6h6", "g4g5", "g6h5", "h5h4", "h4g4", "g6g7", "result":
{"missing move": "g4g5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["d2d4", "e7e6", "c2c3", "b7b6", "g8f6", "g1f3", "c7c5", "f1e2", "c8b7", "c3c4", "g7g6", "b1c3", "b2b3", "c5d4", "e3d4", "f6e4", "e8g8", "b8c6", "d8e7", "g2g3", "a8c8", "f1e1", "e6d5", "c6a5", "e7e6", "h7h5", "f1e2", "g7f6", "h5h4", "d5e4", "c1c8", "g8h7", "e3g3", "g6e5", "f6e5", "f4e5", "f5f4", "h3b3", "g5g8", "g8d8", "b3c3", "e4f3", "c1g5", "c3c1", "g5c1", "h7g7", "d8d6", "c1e3", "b6b5", "f3f2", "g1f2", "d6a6", "b3c5", "a6a5", "c5e6", "a5b5", "e6c5", "c5e4", "g7g8", "f5h3", "b7b8", "b8b7", "g7g8", "e5e6", "e4d6", "b7b8", "g8h7", "h5h6", "g5h6", "h6g5", "g5f5", "d6e8", "h3h8", "e8g7", "e5d5", "d5c4", "c4d3", "d3c2", "a6a7", "b1a1", "a8g2", "h5f5", "a1b1", "1-0"}
{"missing move": "f5f1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["g1f3", "g8f6", "c2c4", "c7c5", "d2d4", "d7d5", "b8c6", "a2a3", "d5c4", "f1c4", "c4e2", "c5d4", "f3d4", "c8b7", "d4c6", "b7c6", "f1d1", "c3d1", "f8d6", "c1d2", "a1c1", "h8c8", "f2f3", "d1f2", "d7b6", "g1f1", "f3f4", "h2g3", "c1c8", "b6c8", "c8d6", "g3f2", "e7d7", "d6e4", "f2e1", "a6b5", "b4f8", "g7g6", "e6e5", "f4e5", "f6g4", "c2d3", "g4f6", "f8h6", "h6f8", "f6d7", "f8b4", "d7f6", "b4a5", "f6d7", "e6d6", "c3a1", "d7b6", "b6d5", "d4c5", "d5e7", "d3c2", "c6e4", "d7e6", "e6f6", "b3d1", "e7g8", "g8h6", "c5d4", "f6e7", "e7d7", "c5d4", "e1f1", "e4d3", "b3c2", "c4d5", "d5c4", "c4d5", "c2d3", "d5c6", "d3e2", "h6f7", "g1h2", "f7g5", "d4f6", "h7g5", "g5e6", "e8f7", "f6e5", "e5f4", "f4g5", "g7h6", "e7f8", "h7g7", "e6f8", "e2d1", "g5f4", "g7f6", "f4g5", "g5f4", "f8h7", "f4e5", "g2c6", "e5d4", "f8e7", "h3h4", "c6e8", "e7d8", "g6g5", "h4h3", "h7f6", "h3h2", "e8c6", "e2d3", "c6d7", "d3f1", "d7c6", "f1d3", "d3e2", "d8e8", "d3f1", "e4d2", "d4c5", "h2g1", "d2b3", "g1f1", "e6f7", "f8d6", "d7e6", "g2c6", "e6c4", "f7e6", "e6e5", "c1d3", "f8e7", "b2d3", "d3b2", "b2d3", "c5f8", "g1f2", "g5e4", "f8g7", "e4d2", "g7f8", "e6e5", "e8h5", "c4d5", "g2g1", "e5e4", "e4f3", "e3e4", "b3c1", "f8d6", "g1f1", "c8h3", "c1d3", "h3g2", "d3f4", "g1f1", "c6b7", "f1g1", "g1f1", "c6d7", "e4e5", "g4f5", "f1g1", "d7e6", "g1f1", "e6d5", "g2d5", "f4d5", "f1g2", "d5b4", "g2g3", "f5e4", "e2d1", "c4e3", "c1b1", "d3d2", "b4c5", "e3g2", "b1b2", "b2b3", "f4d3", "b3c3", "c3b3", "f3g3", "c5d6", "g3g2", "c3b3", "d6f8", "g2f1", "f1g2", "d3b4", "d6c5", "c5d6", "d6c5", "g2h1", "c5e7", "h1g1", "c5f8", "f8h6", "d2e1", "e1f2", "f8d6", "d6c5", "e2f2", "f8c5", "f2f1", "b3c3", "f1g2", "c3b3", "g2g3", "c5d6", "g3g2", "d6c5", "d3b4", "g2g3", "c5d6", "d3c5", "d4c5", "g2f2", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "c5b5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "g1f3", "d2d4", "f8g7", "b1c3", "c5d4", "a7a6", "d7d6", "g8f6", "h2h3", "b7b5", "b5a4", "c3a4", "d8c7", "f1e2", "e1g1", "c8b7", "f1c1", "b2b4", "c2c4", "d4c6", "b8b4", "g7a1", "c1a1", "a1a8", "d8a8", "c4b5", "d7e5", "f8e8", "e2f1", "c8c6", "e8f8", "d4e5", "b2e5", "f7f6", "e5d4", "c1f4", "h2h1", "h1h2", "c1f4", "g1f2", "b5f1", "g6g5", "e4e5", "f6f5", "g7f8", "e5e6", "f2g1", "c2c6", "h5h4", "g1f2", "c6d6", "g5f4", "c4d3", "f8e7", "d3f5", "f5g4", "c6b7", "d6d5", "f3g4", "e7d6", "b7c6", "f2f3", "d6c5", "e6e7", "f5g6", "d5d4", "f3f4", "c6g2", "e7e8q", "b6c5", "e8e7", "c5c4", "g2f1", "f4e5", "c4b5", "h4d4", "g6d3", "h3h4", "h5h6", "c5b4", "h6h7", "c5b4", "b4c5", "?"], "1-0"}
{"missing move": "d3b5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "g7g6", "d2d4", "g1f3", "c1e3", "b7b6", "c8b7", "d1d2", "e4f6", "c1b1", "h7h5", "f3g5", "e7e6", "f1h3", "f6h5", "c6d4", "d1d4", "g7d4", "d5e6", "f7e6", "g8h8", "e2h5", "e6d7", "e8e7", "d7c6", "f8f2", "f2f5", "h3f4", "e7f7", "f4e6", "d4e5", "c6b5", "f5f2", "e6g5", "h1e1", "e5f6", "e1h1", "f6e5", "a2a4", "b5d3", "d6d5", "e5d4", "e3c1", "g5e6", "h2h4", "h4g4", "e6c7", "e7d7", "c7b5", "d7d8", "h8g7", "c1f1", "b3e6", "d6d7", "e6h3", "e4e7", "f1f4", "h3d7", "e7d7", "d7d5", "h4d4", "d4d6", "b6b5", "d6d5", "b1a2", "b5b4", "c3a4", "d5a5", "a5a6", "a2b3", "a6h6", "e4d4", "a4b6", "b3b4", "c4d6", "d7g7", "a4b4", "g5g4", "g4g5", "a6a5", "d6b7", "a5b4", "h6h4", "b4b3", "b5b6", "b3a3", "b7c5", "b6b7", "c6b5", "g8d8", "h4b4", "b4b3", "c3c2", "c2b1", "d8d2", "a8a1", "c5b3", "a1b1", "b1c2", "d2c4", "c2d3", "d3e4", "e8e2", "c2c1", "e2b2", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "b2d2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "e7e5", "g1f3", "f1c4", "d2d4", "e5d4", "f8c5", "d5c4", "f6g7", "c8e6", "c5e7", "g5e7", "d8d5", "c4b3", "a2b3", "g8g7", "d2e4", "g2g3", "a7a5", "c5d5", "f3h4", "c2c4", "d1d5", "e6d5", "h4f5", "e7e6", "e4c3", "f5g6", "f2f4", "g6g7", "g8d8", "e1d1", "g7f8", "g4g7", "h7h6", "g2h3", "g7g6", "c7b5", "b7b6", "g6c6", "f4f5", "c2c5", "g3g4", "c5c3", "c3d3", "f8g8", "g8h7", "d8d7", "h7g8", "d7d8", "g8h7", "d8d7", "h7g8", "d7d8", "g8h7", "d8d7", "d8d7", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "h7g8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "b1c3", "e7e5", "d2d4", "b8c6", "d4c4", "f8b4", "d7d6", "e1c1", "a2a3", "c6d4", "f2f3", "d6d5", "c7c5", "d5e4", "f3e4", "c8d7", "d7c6", "f1c4", "b7b5", "c4b5", "c3b5", "f6e4", "c5d4", "e4c3", "b2c3", "f3e3", "a8d8", "h1e1", "c1d1", "h7h5", "f7f5", "d1e2", "f5f4", "e2f3", "f5c5", "f3f4", "c5c2", "e1e3", "g8h7", "c2c3", "e4a4", "c3h3", "h3g3", "g3g1", "g1h1", "h4g3", "h1h5", "g3h3", "h3h4", "g7g6", "h4g4", "g4g3", "f5g5", "g5c5", "h3g4", "c5g5", "h4g4", "h5g5", "a4h4", "h6g7", "d5c5", "h3g4", "g7h6", "g3h4", "d5f5", "h4g3", "f5c5", "g3h4", "h4h3", "h3g4", "d3d6", "d6d3", "h4g4", "d3d5", "g4g3", "a4c4", "c4c6", "h6g7", "f7e8", "f5g4", "d8c8", "g3f2", "g1g5", "a7f7", "g5d5", "d5d4", "f7g7", "c8d8", "d8c7", "g3c3", "f2e1", "b7b6", "c3c8", "b6a7", "d5a5", "e1f1", "c3c6", "a6b5", "a5b5", "e1d1", "c3c4", "a4b5", "b3h3", "d1d2", "d2c1", "b5c5", "a3g3", "g3g2", "b2b3", "h4c4", "c5d6", "b3b4", "g3g8", "b4c3", "c3b2", "c8c1", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "b2c1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["d2d4", "c2c4", "e7e6", "g1f3", "d7d5", "e2e3", "g8f6", "e8g8", "b4e7", "a1c1", "h7h6", "d1c2", "a7a6", "f1d3", "f8e8", "e6e5", "f3e5", "c6e5", "d4e5", "d6e5", "f1d1", "c2b3", "c8e6", "c4e6", "e8e6", "c3e5", "e6e5", "e2f4", "d8d1", "c1d1", "e7c7", "d1d4", "e5e8", "f4d3", "e8e4", "f6e4", "c2a4", "g1f1", "c7d8", "a4d4", "d8d4", "d3c5", "e6c5", "d4c5", "f1e2", "f2f4", "a6a5", "f5e6", "f3e4", "h3h4", "b2b3", "f7f6", "h4h5", "f4f5", "f7e7", "d3c3", "c3c4", "b3b4", "d7c7", "c4b3", "c7b8", "b3a4", "b8a8", "b4a5", "a8a7", "a3a4", "b7b6", "a5b4", "b7b6", "a4a5", "b6c7", "c7b7", "a5a6", "b7a6", "c5c6", "a6a7", "a7a6", "a6b5", "d6e6", "e6f5", "h6g5", "g7g8q", "h6h7", "b4c5", "h7h8q", "c5b4", "a3a2", "?"],
{"missing move": "c3b2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "f7f5", "g2g3", "f1g2", "e7e6", "c2c4", "f8b4", "a7a5", "h3f4", "b4d6", "f3e5", "b8c6", "e5c6", "b7c6", "f6g4", "g4f6", "f6d7", "d1d2", "f8e8", "d2e3", "g2f1", "c8a6", "d8e7", "e3d4", "d7c5", "a1c1", "a4b3", "b3b2", "c5c6", "a6c4", "f4d6", "c6c7", "d6c7", "d4e5", "c7d6", "d5d4", "e6e7", "e8d7", "g3g4", "e2e4", "d4d3", "f1d3", "c4d3", "g8h7", "b6d6", "d3d6", "d7d6", "e4e5", "d6e7", "g4g5", "e7e5", "g5h6", "e5e1", "e1f2", "g3f2", "h7h6", "f2e3", "c1c4", "e3e2", "e2d3", "c2a2", "h4h5", "d3c3", "g5f4", "c3d4", "c3d4", "d4d5", "a2d2", "d5e6", "e6e7", "?"],
{"missing move": "d2d8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"d7d5", "c2c3", "g7g6", "g1e2", "h7h5", "h5h4", "g3e2", "e7e6", "e2g1", "c6c5", "d4c5", "f8c5", "b5c6", "h2h3", "g8h6", "d1a4", "d8c7", "c1h6", "h8h6", "e1g1", "h6h8", "f1c1", "b2b4", "f8g7", "a7a5", "b4b5", "c6b5", "c2e2", "c8c1", "b1c1", "a8c8", "c1c8", "a2a4", "e2e1", "c1c2", "e1a5", "c5f2", "g1f1", "g7f8", "f6d8", "f8g7", "d8f6", "f6d8", "g8h7", "h7g7", "h4f6", "f6d8", "g8g7", "g7g8", "g8h7", "d8h4", "h7g7", "h4f6", "d8f6", "g7f8", "f6d8", "result":
{"missing move": "d8f6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "g8f6", "e7e6", "g1f3", "b7b6", "a2a3", "e6d5", "c4d5", "e1f1", "f3d4", "e8g8", "e3e4", "c1g5", "f6d5", "e7g5", "b8d7", "g8f8", "f6g4", "f6d4", "d1d4", "a4d1", "e8e5", "f8g7", "c3d5", "e5e4", "a8d8", "c7d5", "a3c2", "d5f6", "h7g6", "d6d5", "e4c3", "d5d4", "d8e8", "e2d3", "d4c3", "c2c3", "e2f2", "c3c4", "f2c2", "c4b4", "c2c7", "d1d8", "c7e7", "f7f5", "g6f7", "g8a8", "f7e6", "e6f7", "f7f6", "f6e5", "f8g8", "e5d5", "g8d8", "d5e4", "e7e5", "g8g7", "e4f3", "g7g5", "f3e4", "b4a4", "d5a5", "a4b4", "g5g6", "e4f3", "c5d5", "b3b4", "b4a5", "d5d4", "a4b3", "b6a5", "b3c3", "d4d1", "c3b3", "d1d8", "b3c4", "c4b3", "d5d8", "g5g6", "e4e5", "b3c2", "d3g3", "e5f4", "c2d1", "g3f3", "f4g3", "a5a1", "f5f4", "g3g2", "d2c2", "a5f5", "c2d2", "d2c2", "g2f1", "c2b2", "f1e1", "e1e2", "c2b1", "e2d1", "b1b2", "d1d2", "d2c2", "a1a2", "a2a1", "?"], "result": "0-1"}
{"missing move": "h3a3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"c7c5", "g1f3", "d2d4", "c5d4", "g7g6", "d1d8", "g8f6", "f2f4", "f1e2", "e5f4", "d8e8", "f6d7", "c1c2", "h7h5", "h2h3", "g7e5", "f4e3", "a8c8", "e8e7", "c3d1", "b6b5", "d1b2", "b5c4", "b2c4", "e6c4", "b3c4", "c8b8", "h1d1", "c2c1", "c1c2", "d2a2", "d3c2", "d7d1", "f3d1", "b6c4", "e3c5", "c4d6", "e7f6", "f6g5", "b8c8", "a7b6", "g5f4", "a2c2", "f4g3", "d6c4", "d3c4", "e5c7", "c4f7", "d1e2", "d8f8", "f8f2", "e2d1", "d1c2", "g3g2", "g6h5", "g2h3", "c2b3", "h3g3", "f4e4", "h5g6", "e4e3", "c5c6", "c7g3", "c6d5", "e3f3", "d5e6", "g3e1", "e1c3", "g3h3", "c3b2", "c6b5", "b5c4", "c4f1", "f1b5", "c3e5", "d7c6", "c6d7", "d4e5", "e5a1", "b5f1", "g3f2", "f1a6", "a1h8", "a6b5", "f2e1", "h5g6", "e1d2", "h8a1", "g6f7", "e2f2", "g8f8", "f2e2", "c6b5", "e2e1", "f8g8", "b5c4", "c4f1", "a1b2", "e2c4", "g8h7", "f1c4", "a1b2", "e4e3", "f3g3", "b5f1", "b2a1", "f1c4", "a1b2", "b2a1", "b5a6", "b2c1", "c1e3", "h7g8", "e3c1", "c1b2", "g8h7", "a1b2", "c4f1", "g2f1", "h7g6", "f1e2", "g6f5", "f5f4", "f4g5", "c4b3", "b3a4", "h5g6", "b2c3", "e4d3", "a4a3", "d3e4", "e4f4", "a1f1", "g5g4", "c3e5", "f1f3", "g5g6", "f3f6", "g6h5", "f6g7", "h5h4", "h4h5", "?"], "0-1"}
{"missing move": "g7g5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "d7d5", "b1c3", "g8f6", "e7f6", "b8d7", "g1f3", "f8d6", "e1g1", "e8g8", "f1e1", "e1e8", "h2h3", "d7f8", "c6d5", "d1d5", "c8e6", "e6c4", "c1e3", "a8d8", "d6g3", "b2b3", "c4e2", "e4c2", "b6e3", "a1e1", "e2f3", "g3f3", "b7b3", "d1d4", "f8g6", "h3h4", "e3f4", "e5g4", "d4d5", "f8c8", "d5h5", "h5d5", "c8c2", "d5d2", "f2f3", "c3a3", "g2f2", "g8g7", "e2d2", "a3a1", "d2c2", "f2g2", "g3g4", "a4a5", "e2e3", "f7f5", "g4g5", "e5e4", "a5a7", "e4f3", "g3f3", "c3c7", "g7g8", "c8c7", "f7e6", "a4d4", "h4h5", "g6h5", "e6f7", "g5g6", "d4a4", "h2g2", "g6f6", "f6e5", "c2c5", "c5c1", "a4a3", "a3a4", "a4a3", "a3a4", "f6g5", "g5h4", "e3f3", "a3a4", "a4a5", "f5e4", "a5a3", "a3a8", "d4c5", "h4h5", "c5b4", "b4a4", "h5h6", "c8c1", "g4g2", "a4a5", "b5c6", "h5h6", "c6d5", "a1a5", "d5d4", "a5a1", "d4c5", "h6g5", "a2a5", "f4g3", "c5c6", "f2e3", "c6c5", "e3d3", "d1e1", "a5a4", "e1g1", "a4a3", "c2b2", "a3f3", "g1g4", "d4d3", "b2a3", "d3c2", "f3f7", "f7f8", "c2c1", "a3b4", "g3g7", "f8b8", "b4c5", "b8h8", "g7c7", "h8a8", "a8a6", "h7h3", "b2c1", "c5b5", "a6g6", "c1b2", "h1e1", "h6h5", "a6b5", "b2c3", "b5c5", "h5h6", "h6h7", "a7b6", "h7f7", "e1c1", "f7e7", "h1h3", "h3h2", "e7b7", "e1f1", "b7c8", "e1d1", "c8b7", "d1e1", "e1f1", "c5d4", "e1d1", "d1e1", "e3f3", "h1g1", "?"],
{"missing move": "b2b1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "g8f6", "f6d5", "d2d4", "c3d4", "d7d6", "g1f3", "d6e5", "f3e5", "b8c6", "c6e5", "e7e6", "d5c3", "d2c3", "c8d7", "f8c5", "e1g1", "d7c6", "e2f3", "d8b6", "b6c6", "a8d8", "a2a4", "d1e1", "d8d2", "c5c8", "d2d8", "c8c7", "c8c7", "d8d7", "c7c8", "d8d7", "c7c8", "d7d8", "d8d7", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "d7d8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "c7c5", "d7d6", "c5d4", "b1c3", "c1e3", "g7g6", "f2f3", "d8b6", "b2b3", "d1d2", "f8g7", "c8d7", "a5d2", "e1d2", "f6d5", "e4d5", "e7e5", "a2a4", "a4b5", "e2c3", "c3b5", "b5d6", "e8e7", "c1d1", "b8c6", "f1d3", "e7f7", "d1e2", "b6a4", "h1d1", "d3b5", "a4b6", "b6c4", "c6d4", "e3d4", "e5d4", "d1d4", "f8c5", "d4d8", "f7f6", "f3f4", "g6g5", "f4g5", "f6g5", "c7c8", "e6c8", "c5d6", "h7h5", "f3e1", "b7e4", "b5d3", "e3e2", "e4c6", "c5d6", "e2f2", "f2e2", "c5d6", "c6e4", "e2e3", "e4d3", "d4f3", "g3f2", "g3b8", "b8d6", "c7b6", "b6c5", "f3e1", "c5d6", "f6e6", "d3c1", "c1e2", "f3f2", "e6f7", "f2g3", "g3f4", "f7f6", "c1a2", "f6g6", "f4e3", "g6f6", "e3f4", "f6e6", "c2c4", "e7d6", "f4f3", "e6e5", "c1a2", "d4e5", "a2c1", "e5d4", "d4e5", "a2c1", "e5d4", "c1a2", "d4e5", "e5d4", "c1a2", "?"], "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "d4e5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"g1f3", "d7d6", "d2d4", "c5d4", "g8f6", "c3d5", "f6d5", "b8d7", "e4d5", "c2c3", "f8g7", "f1e1", "f8e8", "c1g5", "a6a5", "a2a4", "d5e6", "d7e6", "b3d4", "b2a2", "d4e6", "e8e6", "e1e6", "b1b7", "g5d2", "h2h3", "e6c4", "b7a7", "c4d5", "d5d4", "a7b7", "c8c4", "d1b3", "d4a1", "g1h2", "d2a5", "g7e5", "h5h4", "a5d2", "g8h7", "b3e3", "h4g3", "f2g3", "e5g7", "b8b4", "b4f4", "h7g8", "e3b3", "c2c4", "b3f3", "c6f3", "f2f3", "f7f6", "g2f3", "g6g5", "d3b3", "c4c2", "b3d3", "d3a3", "d2e3", "c4c2", "e3g1", "g1e3", "e6f6", "f6f7", "d3a3", "f7e6", "c1c2", "e2f1", "f5f4", "e6f5", "f5g4", "h3b3", "e5c3", "b6d8", "d4d3", "c2c1", "b1c1", "f4f3", "c7b6", "c1b1", "d3c3", "b1b6", "f3f2", "d3e2", "h4h5", "?"], "result": "0-1"}
{"missing move": "b2b5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "c7c5", "d7d6", "d2d4", "f2f3", "d6d5", "b1a3", "e7e5", "b2b4", "f6d5", "f1c4", "d1b3", "a5b4", "a3c2", "f8c5", "d8e7", "e2c3", "b4c3", "h7h6", "c1e3", "d7c7", "c6d4", "c2d4", "g6e4", "a6b6", "f1b1", "d4f2", "g1f2", "f2g1", "d8d2", "c4f1", "a1b1", "c3c2", "f3f4", "g5f4", "c2b1q", "f1b1", "b8a7", "b1e1", "f3b7", "a7b7", "f4d4", "g1h1", "d2d1", "e1d1", "e4e3", "a3a4", "e3e2", "a4a5", "a5a6", "g3g4", "h2h3", "result": "0-1"}
{"missing move": "d1g4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "e7e5", "g1f3", "f1b5", "a7a6", "b5a4", "g8f6", "c2c3", "a4b3", "d7d6", "e1g1", "d1e2", "b5b4", "c5a7", "c1e3", "h7h6", "h2h3", "e3a7", "b1d2", "b2c3", "d3d4", "f8e8", "d4d5", "d8c8", "a7a8", "g6f4", "b5f1", "g7g5", "h3h4", "g2g3", "f6g4", "e3e1", "g6f8", "f8h7", "d2f1", "h7f6", "f3d2", "f2f3", "e8b8", "b6b5", "b8g8", "g3g4", "h5f4", "g8b8", "d7c7", "e3b3", "g1g2", "e2d4", "c7d8", "a8b8", "d2b1", "h6h5", "b1d2", "d6f5", "h7g8", "f7f6", "a7b7", "d5d6", "f8e8", "e8f8", "f5e7", "f8e8", "e7f5", "e8f8", "f5d4", "e5d4", "e4e5", "d7e5", "d5c5", "d2e4", "e5d7", "c5a7", "f8g7", "h3g2", "d7e5", "a5c7", "g7g6", "a4a5", "h4h3", "g2h3", "e5f3", "f3g1", "h3h2", "e8e4", "f3g1", "h2g1", "f4g3", "g3f3", "g1h1", "g3f3", "f3f2", "h2h1", "h4g4", "g4f4", "h2g2", "g2g1", "g1g2", "g2g1", "e4g4", "g1h2", "g4f4", "f4d2", "d2e1", "g3h3", "h3g2", "e3d2", "h3g3", "d2e1", "h2h1", "g4g3", "c8g8", "g8h7", "f5e6", "e6e7", "e7e6", "h7e4", "e4d5", "d5f7", "d8c7", "d5f7", "c7d8", "d8e7", "d5b7", "f7g6", "g4d7", "d7g4", "g6h7", "h7g7", "h4g4", "g7h8", "g4h4", "h8g7", "h4g4", "g7h6", "g4h4", "g7f8", "g4c8", "f8g7", "c8g4", "g7h7", "g4h3", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "h3g4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "d2d4", "d7d6", "b8c6", "g1e2", "e8g8", "b7b5", "b5b4", "c3d1", "f1b5", "c8d7", "e3g1", "e7e5", "d4d5", "g4e5", "g1d4", "a2a3", "a1a3", "c6d5", "d1e3", "g3e4", "e4c3", "e3c4", "c4e5", "e1g1", "a8d8", "d2f2", "e7f5", "a3a7", "a7a2", "f5e3", "f1a1", "e5e4", "h2h3", "b8e8", "a2a7", "c6c5", "a7a4", "e8e5", "f5f6", "f2d2", "f6b6", "a1a6", "b6f2", "g1f2", "b2b4", "a6a8", "g8f7", "a8a6", "f7e7", "a6a7", "c4e3", "h7h8", "h7d7", "d7d6", "b6b7", "d7d5", "f2e2", "e5d5", "b6b5", "d5c7", "b5c6", "h4g2", "e6g5", "g5f3", "h4f5", "e2d3", "c6d5", "d5c5", "h3h4", "f3d4", "d6e5", "e5f5", "f3d4", "f5e5", "d4f3", "d4f3", "f3d4", "d4f3", "e5f5", "f3d4", "?"], "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "f5e5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"g2g3", "d7d5", "g8f6", "f1g2", "d2d4", "e8g8", "e1g1", "d1c2", "c7c6", "c2c4", "h7h6", "b7b5", "d2b3", "b8d7", "c1d2", "a7a5", "f1c1", "b3c5", "f8d8", "f3e5", "c8b7", "e2e3", "f6d7", "e5d7", "c5d7", "b4e7", "d8e8", "e7c5", "b2b4", "a4b3", "a2b3", "e6e5", "a1a8", "e8a8", "d4e5", "d7e5", "c5d4", "c7e7", "d6e5", "c1c5", "h4g5", "h6g5", "g7f6", "e5c5", "g5g4", "g2e4", "d8a8", "c5f5", "f6e6", "f5f4", "e6e5", "f4g4", "g1g2", "c6c5", "g2f3", "e5d6", "h5b5", "d6e5", "b6b5", "e5d6", "b5b6", "d6e5", "a1g1", "e5d6", "e6c4", "b5b8", "g3g4", "c4b5", "g4g5", "b3b2", "g1g2", "f2f3", "f4e5", "g3f3", "g6g7", "b7b8", "b5c4", "b8b2", "g3e3", "b2c2", "g3f3", "g6f5", "f3g3", "f5e6", "c5d6", "e6c4", "g3f3", "f6g6", "f3g3", "g8f7", "f7g6", "f5f3", "f3g3", "g6f5", "c4g8", "d6e7", "c2c8", "c8c6", "f5f6", "result":
{"missing move": "c6c8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "g8f6", "d4d5", "c3b1", "f6e4", "a2a3", "f8e7", "a3b4", "c5b4", "d1d4", "e4c5", "e7f6", "g7h6", "c5b3", "b3c1", "a4b4", "a5b4", "e1d1", "f1b5", "h1e1", "e8f8", "f6e7", "f3g5", "b4d4", "d1c1", "d4f6", "d7c5", "e7f6", "g5e4", "c3e4", "f6e7", "e4c3", "e1e4", "c8d7", "g2g3", "d7b5", "g8g6", "e4f4", "a8c8", "c1d2", "g5e5", "d8e8", "b2b4", "a7a6", "f4d4", "c7e7", "c3b5", "d2c3", "e7d7", "d4f4", "c3d4", "e5e2", "f4f6", "e4f3", "e7e2", "d2d5", "f7e6", "d6e4", "f8f7", "h4h5", "f7g7", "f2f3", "d5d1", "g3f4", "e4c5", "g7f7", "f4f5", "h5h1", "e6d4", "c1c4", "d4f3", "c4a4", "f7g8", "f5g4", "g8f8", "e5d7", "g4f5", "g8g7", "f5g4", "h7h6", "a4f4", "g7h7", "h5g5", "d7f6", "g5g6", "f2g2", "g2g1", "f6d7", "g1h1", "h5g4", "e5f3", "g4g3", "f4e4", "d4f5", "e4e5", "h3h2", "f5d4", "h2e2", "result":
{"missing move": "d4e2"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "d7d5", "d5e4", "e4c3", "e7e5", "d4e5", "f8b4", "c1d2", "a5e5", "g1f3", "e1g1", "e8g8", "f1e1", "f8d8", "b4c5", "e2d3", "e7f8", "b8d7", "c3e4", "h7h6", "f6e4", "e1e4", "e4e1", "d7f6", "d1d2", "b7b5", "d2f4", "g7g5", "h4g5", "h6g5", "f3g5", "g1f1", "e1e7", "b6d4", "g4h2", "f1g1", "e1e2", "d4f6", "c8e6", "e8e6", "g7g6", "c2c4", "g4e5", "e5g4", "b5e8", "g6g7", "b8c8", "c6d5", "c8c7", "g1g2", "g4f6", "e2d2", "g2f3", "d7f7", "f3g2", "c8c4", "c4c2", "e6h6", "a2a3", "h3h4", "b6d8", "h4h3", "d6c6", "a3a1", "h3g2", "a1a2", "a3a2", "g2h3", "e7b4", "g7f8", "c6c8", "c7f7", "g5f5", "f5g5", "a2a3", "h3g2", "b4d6", "f6e6", "d5d4", "a7a5", "f4f5", "e6e5", "d4d2", "a3a4", "e7h4", "f2e2", "e5f4", "e2e6", "a3g3", "g2f1", "g3f3", "f4g4", "e6e4", "g4h5", "e2d3", "h4g3", "f5e5", "e4c4", "g3e1", "c4f4", "e5e2", "e2e3", "b3a4", "a4b5", "e3e2", "e2d2", "d4e4", "a4b3", "f2f4", "e8a8", "b3a4", "a4b5", "f4f8", "e7e6", "a7a6", "f8b8", "b8b2", "a6a8", "d3c4", "c4d4", "d2e1", "a8a7", "f7e6", "d4c4", "e1d2", "a6f6", "d2b4", "b4e1", "a6g6", "b2b4", "g6g7", "d7c8", "d5c5", "g7a7", "c5c4", "b3c3", "a7a4", "f2c5", "c8b8", "a3a2", "g4a4", "c5a3", "c6d5", "c3c5", "e6f6", "a2f2", "f6g6", "f2f5", "e4e7", "c7e7", "?"], "result": "0-1"}
{"missing move": "f5c8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"g1f3", "b8c6", "c3a4", "c5e7", "d2d4", "f3d4", "d4c6", "g8f6", "e8g8", "b2b3", "c1b2", "e7f6", "b2f6", "d8f6", "d1d2", "d7b6", "a7a5", "f2f4", "f6d4", "g1h1", "a1d1", "c8a6", "c3e2", "d3a6", "e2d4", "a2b3", "c6c5", "d4b5", "a6a2", "h2h3", "f8c8", "c8e8", "f1e1", "h7h6", "e8c8", "e4e5", "f4e5", "c8d8", "d2f2", "d8d7", "b1d1", "a2a5", "c2c4", "f7e6", "d1d7", "b6d7", "a5a1", "b5c7", "d7f6", "f2f5", "e6c6", "c6a6", "b8d8", "d8d7", "f5e5", "d6e5", "d7d3", "b3b4", "b4b5", "g8f7", "g7g5", "c5c7", "f7e8", "c7c6", "h6h5", "c6g6", "h3g4", "g6g4", "e8e7", "g4g8", "f6e5", "h2h3", "g8c8", "b4b1", "h3g4", "e5e4", "b1b2", "d3e3", "g3g4", "f4f6", "b4c4", "b5b6", "g5h5", "c4c8", "g4g5", "g6g7", "h4d4", "f6c6", "c6e6", "e6e3", "b3b7", "g7h6", "b7b6", "e3f3", "h6g6", "g6f7", "c2d2", "d2c2", "f3a3", "a3a7", "d2e2", "e2f2", "g6f5", "f2e2", "f5e5", "e2d2", "e5e4", "d2c2", "c2d2", "d2c3", "g7g2", "c3c4", "c4b3", "e4d3", "d3d4", "b4b5", "d4c3", "c3b4", "c6d5", "c2d2", "d5e4", "b4a5", "b6a7", "e3e4", "a7b6", "e4e5", "d7d3", "e4d4", "a5a4", "a4b3", "d4e4", "e4f4", "c4d4", "g4f3", "h8f8", "d4e4", "d2c3", "b8c8", "e4d3", "d3e4", "c8b8", "a5a4", "d5c5", "a3a2", "a2a1", "c3c2", "a1a2", "?"], "1-0"}
{"missing move": "b8a8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "e7e6", "d2d4", "d7d5", "b1d2", "c7c5", "d8d7", "c5b6", "e4d5", "g1f3", "d7d5", "f6d5", "c2c4", "d5f6", "e1e2", "b8d7", "b3d4", "b2b3", "e8e7", "h1d1", "f3d2", "g7g5", "b3b4", "e3d4", "b7b6", "c4c5", "d6f5", "c5c6", "d2e4", "f8g6", "d1d7", "e7e6", "e2f1", "g5g4", "d7a7", "a2b2", "e4f6", "f6d5", "f7g7", "b2b5", "f5h5", "g4g3", "g6e7", "h5e5", "e5d5", "d1d5", "g7f6", "f1g1", "f6e6", "d5c5", "c8c7", "c2c7", "d6e6", "h4h5", "f2f3", "e7f8", "f3e3", "f8f7", "g3g4", "e3e4", "f8e7", "e7f8", "e4f5", "f8e7", "h5h6", "g5g6", "d6c5", "c5b4", "h6h7", "b4a3", "g7g8q", "a3b4", "h7h8q", "b5c6", "h8b8", "c6d7", "result":
{"missing move": "b3b7"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["e2e4", "c7c6", "d7d6", "g1f3", "g7g6", "f1d3", "f8g7", "e8g8", "b1c3", "b8d7", "e7e5", "d4e5", "d7e5", "d6e5", "a4a5", "d1f3", "b7b5", "f1d1", "h7h6", "d1d8", "a8d8", "c1e3", "c3d1", "g7f8", "g8g7", "f3g3", "f8e7", "e3d2", "d2a5", "g3c3", "b2d3", "c3d4", "f2f4", "g2g4", "c5c4", "e6c4", "g6g5", "f4g5", "h6g5", "d3e1", "c4f1", "g1f1", "d7c5", "e1f3", "d4d3", "c2d3", "f1e2", "c5a6", "a6c5", "d4c6", "c6a7", "c5a4", "b1b3", "b3b1", "b4b3", "d3d4", "e3d3", "f8e8", "d4d5", "f7f6", "a7c6", "e8d7", "f6e5", "c6e5", "d7e7", "e5f3", "b7c7", "c7c1", "b3b2", "b2c3", "d1d5", "g5f3", "e7f6", "g4g5", "f6f5", "c3c2", "h3h4", "h4g4", "g4g3", "h3f2", "f5g6", "g6h5", "e2e3", "c3c4", "c4d4", "?"], "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "d5d4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "c7c5", "d7d6", "d2d4", "c5d4", "b8c6", "b1c3", "f1c4", "d8c7", "a2a3", "c6a5", "c4a2", "c8b7", "e3f4", "a5c4", "f4h4", "a7a6", "a2c4", "c7c4", "c1h6", "a8c8", "d1d3", "f6e4", "g8g7", "d3d4", "c4c7", "c3e4", "c7d8", "e4c3", "g2f3", "a1e1", "h4g3", "e1e3", "g8e8", "d4d2", "c3e2", "e7e5", "c4c8", "f3g2", "e2g3", "f5f4", "g7h6", "h5f4", "c5e3", "e3f4", "h6g7", "d2d6", "g7g8", "d6b6", "e8e6", "g2c6", "f8e8", "a6a8", "d7e8", "f1g1", "a8a5", "d7e8", "a5d5", "d5d2", "f8g7", "f6f5", "b5b6", "f5f4", "f4g5", "a3a4", "g5f4", "d2f2", "f2f7", "g3h3", "f7h7", "g4g3", "g3f3", "f3g4", "a6a7", "g4f3", "a7a8q", "1-0"}
{"missing move": "a8e4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["d2d4", "c2c4", "g7g6", "b1c3", "g1f3", "e8g8", "d1c2", "e7e5", "d4e5", "f4g5", "c7c6", "d7c5", "a1d1", "d8e7", "c5e6", "g5c1", "f6h5", "e6d4", "c2d3", "f7f5", "b2b3", "c1b2", "d4e2", "c3e2", "g6g5", "e7d6", "f3e5", "f4f3", "f4g2", "e1d1", "f8e8", "c4c5", "a7a5", "e5c4", "c8e6", "a8b8", "b2e5", "b8d8", "h2h4", "e6f7", "g8g7", "g1h2", "h4g6", "c5d6", "f4d3", "d1d3", "g7f7", "b7b6", "g3g4", "f8f7", "f7f8", "d6d7", "f8d8", "f3f4", "d3b3", "e6d7", "e4e5", "h6d6", "d6d2", "b5b4", "e5e6", "b3b1", "f4f5", "b1e1", "d2d7", "c7b6", "f5f6", "c6c5", "e6e7", "b6c6", "e1e4", "d3e3", "e4e7", "e3e7", "b4b3", "e8b8", "c6d5", "f6f5", "d5d4", "b8d8", "c3b2", "d8c8", "e4d3", "c3c2", "d3d2", "b2a3", "a3a4", "f4f5", "a4b5", "a5a4", "b5a6", "f6f7", "a6a5", "a5b5", "c2c8", "b2b1r", "c2b1", "a4a3", "f8c5", "?"],
{"missing move": "c8a8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["g1f3", "c5d4", "g8f6", "b1c3", "d4b3", "c5e7", "e2e4", "f1e2", "b7b6", "d7d6", "e1c1", "c1b1", "e3c5", "b6c5", "b7a8", "e4e5", "d6d5", "e7c5", "c8c6", "f3a8", "a4c5", "a5b6", "d6d4", "d1d2", "h1d1", "c8b8", "d4d3", "h2h3", "c6b6", "d3d4", "c7b7", "b3d3", "b8c8", "a1b1", "c8c5", "a7a5", "d1f3", "b1a2", "d4c4", "a2a1", "a1a2", "c1c4", "a2b1", "a5a4", "f3f2", "c4d3", "b1c1", "d3d5", "f2f3", "c1d1", "c4d4", "d1c2", "f3f2", "d1c1", "d3c4", "c1d2", "g8g7", "c4d4", "d2c1", "d4g1", "c1c2", "g1c5", "c2d2", "c5d4", "c5g1", "g1c5", "f3c3", "c3d2", "f2f1", "f1b5", "c3d4", "d4e4", "g7g8", "e4d4", "g8g7", "c5c4", "b7b3", "b3b7", "c5c4", "b7b3", "c4d4", "d4d3", "b6b3", "d3e2", "b3b5", "e2e3", "b5b6", "d2d4", "b6c6", "d4d2", "b6b3", "f2f1", "f1e2", "c5b6", "d2b4", "b6g1", "g1b6", "e4a4", "e2f1", "b2c1", "f1e2", "c1b2", "e2f1", "b2c1", "f1e2", "c1b2", "e2f1", "b2c1", "f2f1", "f1f2", "d3d2", "d2d3", "f2f1", "f1f2", "d3g3", "f2f1", "g3d3", "f1f2", "d3d2", "?"],
{"missing move": "d2d3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "c7c5", "g1f3", "f1c4", "d2d3", "g7g6", "f8g7", "e1g1", "e8g8", "f6d5", "e7e6", "f5e6", "d5e6", "f1e1", "d1d2", "b2c3", "d2h6", "a8b8", "h2h4", "a6c6", "g1h2", "b8b1", "d2e3", "c6d6", "g2g3", "a7a5", "c2f2", "c3d4", "d6c7", "b1c1", "c2c7", "c1c7", "h7h5", "h2h3", "g8g7", "f2f1", "a5a4", "e6c5", "c5e6", "g2f2", "h4g5", "a4a3", "f2e2", "f1f2", "b7b1", "c4a3", "a4c3", "e2f3", "b1d1", "f3f4", "f2c2", "d1d3", "a3b5", "d3d1", "b5d6", "f4e5", "e5d4", "g5g4", "d6f5", "f1f2", "d3e3", "a2a3", "e3d4", "a3a1", "d4e3", "a1a3", "a4c3", "g4g5", "h6f7", "a7a3", "c3b5", "d4e3", "f7d8", "c2d4", "d4c2", "e3f3", "c2b4", "c6e5", "e6c5", "g6f7", "f4f5", "f5f4", "c6d4", "d4c6", "c5b3", "c6e5", "e3f4", "f7g7", "f4e3", "e3f3", "g6g5", "h5h4", "g3h4", "g5h4", "d4f5", "h4g5", "f5e3", "c5e4", "f3g2", "g2h3", "e4g3", "h3g2", "f4e5", "g2f3", "e5d5", "e7g6", "g6e5", "g3e2", "d5e4", "g2h3", "e4f5", "e5f3", "e2f4", "f5e4", "h3f2", "f2h3", "g2e1", "e4f4", "e1g2", "h5g4", "g5h3", "g6e5", "h3f2", "f2g4", "g5g6", "e4f4", "g6g5", "g4f6", "f6h7", "g5h4", "e4f4", "f4f5", "g6e7", "f5e5", "e5f5", "h4f3", "e5f5", "f3h4", "h4g6", "e5d4", "g6e5", "g5f3", "g3f4", "d4d5", "d5c5", "c4e5", "c5b6", "f4f5", "b5c5", "f5f6", "f6g7", "c5d5", "g7f6", "c4e5", "e5f3", "g5h7", "f6e6", "h7f8", "f8d7", "d7c5", "e6e7", "d2b1", "c5b3", "b1a3", "b3a1", "a3b1", "a1c2", "b1c3", "b1a3", "a1c2", "b1c3", "c2a1", "c3b1", "b1a3", "f4g5", "e7d8", "a3b1", "h4g4", "b1d2", "d2b3", "h3h2", "e7e8", "e8f7", "a1c2", "b3a1", "h1g1", "g1f2", "f2f1", "a1b3", "b3a1", "g1h2", "f7g6", "h2g3", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "h6g7"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "g1f3", "f3d4", "g8f6", "g7g6", "f1c4", "f8g7", "d4c6", "b7c6", "f6g4", "d7d5", "d5c4", "d8c8", "c1e3", "e3c5", "g7e5", "e1c1", "e5c3", "b2c3", "a7a6", "h1e1", "a8d8", "d1e1", "d8d7", "e8g8", "a2a3", "g2g4", "h8g7", "g4g5", "e4d4", "f8e8", "d4e4", "e4d4", "f7f6", "f3f4", "e8f7", "h2h4", "e6g4", "b4c5", "d4c4", "c5d4", "f6g5", "f4g5", "a5e5", "d2c2", "b2b3", "h2h4", "e5e7", "f7e7", "d4f6", "e7e6", "f5g4", "a4a5", "a3a4", "f5f4", "c3c4", "a8c8", "c8c4", "g4e2", "e4a4", "c6d7", "e2f3", "h1a1", "h5h4", "f3h5", "a6a3", "e4d4", "d8e8", "e7c5", "h3h2", "c5d4", "h1b1", "a3a1", "b1b7", "a1b1", "f4g5", "b8f8", "d7c7", "c7d8", "f3g4", "d7e8", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "c5c8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "g1f3", "g8f6", "d2d4", "f6e4", "f1d3", "d7d5", "f8c5", "c5d6", "d5e4", "e8g8", "c3e4", "d6h2", "g1h2", "d8h4", "h2g1", "e4c4", "b3a5", "c4b5", "b5f5", "b3d4", "f5g6", "c1f4", "e1e3", "g6f6", "d4c6", "f6c6", "b5c4", "b7b6", "c4b5", "b2b3", "c7c5", "c3g3", "b5d7", "c8d7", "g7g6", "g8f8", "a1d1", "d7f5", "h7h5", "g3e3", "f5e6", "f8e7", "a2a4", "a8c8", "d3d6", "g6g5", "f2f3", "g2g4", "f7f5", "g4f5", "e6f5", "a4a5", "c8b8", "d6h6", "b6a5", "d2e2", "f5d7", "e5d5", "d5c5", "a5a4", "b8b1", "b1b2", "f2e3", "h3h2", "c5c7", "h6f6", "f8g8", "f6e6", "g8f8", "h6h7", "b2c2", "c7g7", "g7g5", "c2c4", "g5a5", "c4c6", "g8h7", "e3e4", "c6c7", "c7c6", "h7g6", "g6g7", "d2d5", "d2d4", "f5e4", "g7h7", "d4d6", "d6b6", "h7g7", "b6b7", "a6a7", "f8g8", "g6h6", "g8d8", "h8g8", "e5f5", "?"], "1-0"}
{"missing move": "b8d8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "d7d5", "c2c4", "b1c3", "e2e3", "d7f6", "d1c2", "e8g8", "a1d1", "f1d3", "c8b7", "c2e2", "c5d4", "d8c8", "a6b7", "c8b7", "d1d4", "a7a6", "f8d8", "f3d4", "a8c8", "e2f3", "b7d7", "d4f5", "d7c7", "c7e7", "d1d8", "a6a5", "b7c6", "g2g4", "g1g2", "e7f8", "c3e4", "f1g2", "f8g7", "g2h2", "f8g8", "h2g3", "h7g6", "h2g2", "g6g7", "e5d7", "g3e4", "d7e5", "e4g3", "b7c6", "d3c5", "g3e4", "c5e4", "c6e4", "d8d6", "d6d5", "g2g1", "g7g8", "c2c8", "c8c2", "d5f3", "c2c3", "g7g8", "g8g7", "c8c3", "c3c8", "c3c8", "g8g7", "c8c3", "c3c8", "g8g7", "result":
{"missing move": "c8c3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "e7e6", "d2d4", "d7d5", "e4e5", "c7c5", "a2a3", "d4c3", "b2c3", "b8d7", "f2f4", "d7b6", "g1e2", "e1g1", "g8e7", "c1e3", "a7a5", "e3c5", "b6c4", "d3c4", "d5c4", "e7f5", "d1g4", "f5d4", "c3d4", "c5d6", "d6c5", "f3g3", "c5d6", "e8d8", "b4a5", "c6d5", "c2c3", "g3g5", "d8c8", "a5d5", "b4d6", "f7g7", "f1a1", "e8d8", "d6b4", "d7c6", "f4f5", "d3e3", "g1h1", "h5h4", "b4d6", "c6g2", "h1g2", "h4h3", "g2f1", "f3e3", "f3c3", "c1b1", "c3d3", "b1c1", "c3d3", "d3e3", "c1d1", "e3f3", "d1e1", "f3e4", "e4f4", "e1f1", "e3f3", "f1e1", "g8e6", "c8b7", "f7e6", "c8b7", "b7c8", "b7c8", "e6e7", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "e7e6"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
["d2d4", "c2c4", "e7e6", "g1f3", "b7b6", "g2g3", "c1d2", "b4d2", "d1d2", "c8b7", "e1g1", "c7c5", "e8g8", "d4d5", "c4d5", "f8e8", "e2e4", "h2h3", "a8c8", "a1b1", "c4b3", "b1b3", "e5c4", "c3a2", "h7h5", "g1h2", "c2e2", "b7d5", "a2c3", "d5a8", "a5c5", "d1c1", "d3d1", "f6e4", "c1c2", "e5c4", "c3e4", "a8e4", "g2e4", "c8e8", "h3h4", "g7g6", "a6b5", "h2g2", "g2g1", "c6d7", "g1h2", "d7b7", "e4e7", "d1h1", "c8c5", "f3d4", "c4e5", "h1b7", "e7b7", "h2h1", "c5d5", "d4c2", "h1g2", "d1d2", "c2b4", "d6d5", "d5d4", "b4d3", "f1g2", "e8e7", "c4a5", "e7c7", "d3c3", "b5c5", "c5d5", "a2a8", "h5g4", "g2g3", "f2f3", "g4f3", "h4h5", "a5f5", "f2f1", "h5g5", "c7a7", "f1g1", "d4d3", "c5d3", "d8d3", "f1f2", "f2g3", "d1g1", "g3h4", "?"], "0-1"}
{"missing move": "f5h5"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "b8c6", "c5d4", "f3d4", "d4b5", "d7d6", "b1c3", "a7a6", "b5a3", "c3d5", "c2c4", "b5b4", "f6e4", "c6b4", "d1a4", "a4b4", "e4f6", "g7f6", "f1e2", "d6d5", "d5d4", "e1g1", "e2d3", "d8d7", "d2e2", "f2f3", "h7h5", "c1d2", "h5h4", "h4h3", "f4e5", "g1f2", "g2f1", "f2f1", "e2e6", "g8g2", "e8e7", "d2b4", "e7f6", "d3e4", "a8b8", "c4c5", "f6g5", "g5h4", "c5c6", "d8c8", "a2a4", "c8g8", "f6d8", "b2c2", "f3g3", "g8g7", "c8c4", "f4e3", "d8g5", "e3f3", "?"], "1-0"}
{"missing move": "c4f4"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "g8f6", "e4e5", "f6d5", "d2d4", "d7d6", "c2c4", "f2f4", "c8f5", "g1f3", "e7e6", "f1d3", "f5d3", "c7c5", "c1g5", "d8e7", "c4d5", "b8d7", "d7e5", "f3e5", "e7e5", "d3b5", "b6d7", "b1a3", "g1h1", "e8c8", "a7a6", "b5b3", "d4b4", "b3g3", "f7f6", "f1f4", "b4b6", "b6c7", "d5d6", "d7c5", "h8e8", "e8e6", "c8b8", "c6b6", "d8d7", "d1c1", "e6c6", "c6c3", "a8b8", "b8a8", "b7b2", "g3e3", "e3d4", "c8c7", "a7b6", "c7g7", "h7h5", "d4f4", "h2g3", "f4a4", "g7h7", "a4a5", "h7h6", "g3h2", "a5f5", "h2g3", "a5g5", "g3f3", "f5g5", "g3h4", "h4h5", "a2a4", "f6f1", "a6a5", "f1h1", "g4f5", "f5e5", "f2e2", "e2f2", "f2g2", "g4f3", "g2g8", "h3h4", "b7a6", "h1b1", "f3f4", "b1e1", "a4a3", "a3a2", "e8a8", "a6b5", "g2h2", "f4g5", "b5c4", "a8a2", "h5h6", "h6h7", "f6g6", "g6f7", "f2h2", "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "g8h8"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": "b1c3", "g8f6", "f1c4", "b8c6", "a2a3", "c6d4", "g1f3", "c7c6", "e1g1", "d7d5", "e4d5", "d5c6", "b7c6", "f1e1", "f6d5", "c2c3", "d4e6", "e5e1", "d2d4", "g5h3", "d8h4", "f3f4", "h2h3", "f7f5", "e1e6", "a1e1", "f4c7", "g3f1", "h4g5", "g2h1", "e6f6", "b2b4", "g8f7", "a3a4", "f6h4", "h4f4", "f1e3", "e2e3", "d8c8", "f2f4", "a7a5", "h1g2", "c8c4", "f7f6", "b4b5", "h7h5", "e3e5", "a4a2", "g6g5", "f4g5", "e5d5", "a2b2", "b5b6", "b2b6", "b6b1", "d3c2", "b1h1", "c4c5", "h1h2", "c2d3", "h2h3", "h3h1", "c5c6", "h1c1", "c4d5", "h5h4", "d5d6", "c1c5", "d4c5", "h3h2", "c6c7", "h2h1q", "f4e3", "d6d5", "d5d6", "a2h2", "d6e6", "f5f4", "f3f2", "e7c7", "c7c3", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "g2f1"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
"e7e6", "d2d4", "f8b4", "b4c3", "d8e7", "f3d4", "d5c6", "d7c6", "d1c2", "c6c5", "d4b3", "f1g2", "e1g1", "b7g2", "e7b7", "f2f3", "c1e3", "b7a6", "b3d2", "f8d8", "b1c2", "a4a5", "d1d7", "d8d7", "g2f2", "a7b6", "e3d2", "b6b5", "c4d3", "e2d3", "c5c4", "d3c4", "b5c4", "a5a4", "d5b6", "a4a2", "b6d5", "a2a4", "d5b6", "a4a2", "h4h5", "a2a4", "d6c6", "f2e2", "f6f7", "a4a5", "e2f2", "e3d4", "f6h5", "g3g4", "b8b2", "f2g1", "h5f4", "a5a7", "f7e8", "d4g7", "f4h3", "b2f2", "f1e1", "e6f5", "a7c7", "h6h5", "g7d4", "h3f4", "e1d2", "f3g3", "d4e5", "d2e3", "f4e6", "e5d6", "f7f6", "g2g4", "c3c4", "e3e2", "d4d5", "f6g6", "e2f2", "f2e1", "d2c2", "f4f3", "e7d6", "h8g8", "f5e4", "e1d1", "c5c6", "d1c1", "a2c2", "c2c6", "d6e7", "h5h4", "h4h3", "f8f3", "f3f4", "c4d5", "g5f6", "h3h2", "d1e2", "h4h5", "h5h2", "b4b3", "f6e5", "b3e3", "e4d5", "b2e5", "e8g8", "h2a2", "g8d8", "g7c3", "c4b5", "a4a5", "b5c4", "h6h2", "d1e1", "d3e4", "h2h8", "g1h2", "e4f3", "a5a3", "f3e4", "h8d8", "e5f4", "d8d4", "d4d3", "e4f3", "f3e4", "g3e5", "d3h3", "e1f2", "f2e2", "h5g5", "e3d3", "d5e6", "d3e2", "g1g8", "e5d6", "e2f3", "g8c8", "d6a3", "e7f6", "d5c5", "a4a1", "c5f5", "a1a8", "e2f3", "f5e6", "h1b1", "f5a5", "a5c5", "b8e8", "e6f6", "c3a3", "d4c5", "a3h3", "f8f4", "f4f5", "c5b4", "c1h1", "f5f4", "e6e7", "c2b2", "b2b5", "h8a8", "c3b2", "a8f8", "f8f7", "b2c1", "f7e7", "c1b2", "e2e5", "h6h7", "b7c6", "h7h6", "c6d5", "d5e4", "e4f4", "a3b3", "e2e7", "h6h5", "h5b5", "e7e2", "b5b7", "g4h3", "b7h7", "h3g2", "h7f7", "e2f2", "f7d7", "g2h2", "b3a4", "h2g3", "d8d6", "g3g2", "d6h6", "b5b4", "h6h3", "?"], "result": "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "g2h3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["e2e4", "c7c5", "d2d4", "c5d4", "e7e5", "d4b5", "d7d6", "g8f6", "c1g5", "e8g8", "d2e4", "e7g5", "d1d6", "g5e7", "f1c4", "h2h4", "d8d4", "h7h6", "c8d7", "e4g3", "e7d8", "g3e2", "d4h4", "h1h4", "d8h4", "a1d1", "d5f3", "g2f3", "c3d5", "h4g5", "e1f1", "f1g2", "e8d7", "e5f4", "d5f4", "b2b3", "e2f4", "d7d6", "f4e2", "e5c6", "g2f3", "g7g6", "h5g6", "f7g6", "f2f4", "e5f5", "e3f3", "e2g3", "e6d5", "d5c5", "f3e4", "c6e7", "e7f5", "e4e5", "c1d3", "d3f2", "e5f6", "g3e2", "c6c5", "f6g6", "e2f4", "c5d4", "g6g5", "d4c3", "g5h4", "g3f2", "f2e3", "b3c3", "f4e2", "c5d5", "e2f4", "d5d6", "f4d3", "c3b2", "d3e5", "e5c4", "b2a1", "b7b5", "c4d2", "b5b4", "d2b3", "a3a2", "a1a2", "b4b3", "a2b2", "d4b5", "b5d6", "e4d3", "d6b5", "d3e2", "b5a7", "a7b5", "d1e2", "e2f3", "f3e4", "e4f3", "f3e2", "e2f2", "c3b5", "f2f3", "b5d4", "f3g3", "g3g4", "g4f4", "f4e4", "e2c3", "c3b5", "b5c7", "c4d4", "c7d5", "d4e5", "c3d5", "d6e5", "d5c3", "e5e6", "f5e4", "e4d3", "c3e2", "e3d3", "e2c3", "c3b5", "d4d5", "b5c3", "c3d5", "e6f5", "d5c3", "d5c3", "b5c3", "e6f7", "f7f6", "e2d4", "f6e5", "f6e5", "c3e2", "e5d6", "e2c3", "c3e2", "c5d5", "e2c3", "d5c5", "c3a4", "a4c5", "c4c5", "?"], "1/2-1/2"}
{"missing move": "b2b3"}
Given an incomplit set of chess moves and the game's final score, write the last missing chess move. Input Format: A comma-separated list of chess moves followed by the game score. Output Format: The missing chess move
{"moves": ["d2d4", "g1f3", "e7e6", "g2g3", "b7b5", "d1d3", "c8a6", "d7d5", "b1c3", "d8c8", "f8e7", "d4c5", "d7c5", "f3d4", "c5a4", "d1d3", "a4c3", "d3c3", "d4b3", "c1g5", "g5f6", "e7f6", "b3c5", "d7c6", "d3b3", "a6b7", "f2f3", "e4f3", "f3f5", "c6e8", "d5d4", "g2a8", "c8a8", "b3f3", "f3e4", "e8f8", "e4b7", "f8e8", "b7e4", "e8f8", "c8b8", "f8e8", "b8c8", "e8e7", "c5e4", "f5b5", "d8e8", "b5b8", "f6e5", "b8e8", "e7e8", "g7g6", "e4c5", "a3a4", "e8c8", "d1e1", "d4d3", "e5c3", "a2a4", "e1c1", "f1g2", "a4a3", "d3f4", "c8e8", "c1c2", "c2c6", "g8g7", "b4f8", "g2f2", "a3a6", "a6a5", "f4e6", "a5a8", "a8f8", "e7d7", "d7d1", "h2h4", "d1d2", "g8f8", "d2d7", "d7c7", "a5f5", "e5a5", "c7h7", "f2g2", "g2f2", "a5a1", "h7b7", "a1a8", "f2g2", "a5a2", "a2a5", "b7h7", "a1a3", "f8g8", "a5a3", "a3a8", "d7e7", "b7e7", "e7c7", "c7d7", "a3a1", "d7e7", "e7b7", "a2a8", "a8a6", "c7b7", "g2h3", "a2a8", "b7e7", "a3a5", "e7d7", "d7b7", "a2a5", "g2f2", "a5a8", "a8a2", "f2f3", "a5a1", "f2g2", "d7c7", "a3a4", "c7d7", "g8f8", "d7b7", "a4a3", "a3a4", "h7b7", "a4a2", "a2a1", "a1a2", "b7c7", "c7a7", "e4e7", "a7a8", "f3e3", "h4g5", "f6g5", "g3h4", "f3g4", "f7f6", "g4h4", "f6e5", "d5c6", "c6b6", "a8a1", "e4e5", "c7b6", "a1d1", "d1b1", "e5e6", "a5a4", "a4a3", "e7e8q", "a2a3", "?"], "result":
{"missing move": "b1a1"}
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/datasets-cards)

This contains Broken down chess dataset for training purposes

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