been megan 's plan
got him dressed
considering he was
was a little young
were older
liked to think
think being surrounded by adults and older kids was
was one reason
was a such a good talker
being a good boy
remained focused
knew she better slip
finish getting
getting ready
was grateful
grateful that he looked
were completely hers
was only his build
was only his build that he was taking
was a diminutive 5'3 ''
was 6'1 ''
been interested
wanted to be shackled
wanted to spend
spend his time off the field partying
threatened to have
have his wages garnished
was old
old enough to ask
wanted anything in the world to hurt
knew that being rejected by his father would
caused her to huff
loved how the dress made
made her feel
feel sexy
was very respectable
was her mother 's baby brother
was only eight
meant she spent
to holding
came time
seem to get
was a nickname
now that he was
was thirty
was thirty -
was thirty - four
been no question
been no question that she wanted
been extremely honored
asked her to be
be their son
planned to be
be the best godmother
found that mason had
had yet to move
started to whine
's noah 's baptism
's a party
get to see
help finding
finding it amusing
going to see
was most excited
about being
much to be denied
getting to be
be such a big , heavy boy
was once again a teenager
want to drive , '' gavin said
want to drive
replied , ` ` like i ' m gon
gon na let
let you drive
see you there in just a few , '' her mother called
before cranking
as having
against her character being
being an unwed mother
been a cheerleader
on getting
had her heart set
on going
becoming a doctor
was a little girl
trying to resuscitate
ditched playing
for playing
become a doctor
was why she needed
managed to bypass
was n't until she fell in love for the first time in her life that she threw
say that her first love was
was davis
was another football player
was controlling
for studying
was unprepared
stopped going
ended up flunking

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