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South America AOI


Randomly sampled 5000 data tiles (3000 for training, and 1000 for validation and testing). Occasionally, not all tiles were available for all datasets. We include a detailed breakdown of the number of chips per dataset below.

Datakind Chips
s1grd-2020 5000
gssic 4829
gunw_2020-04-01_2020-06-30 3357
gunw_2020-01-01_2020-03-31 3388
s2rgbm-2020 5000
biomass-2020 5000
esaworldcover-2020 5000
modis44b006veg 5000
ghsbuilts-2020 5000
strmdem 5000

We provide '.csv' files with predefined train (blue), test (orange) and validation (green) splits that can be used for repeatability and comparability of experiments. 60% of tiles are allocated for training, 20% for validation, and 20% for testing.

Temporal Coverage

As of now, M3LEO contains data for 2020.


  • s1grd-2020: Sentinel-1 SAR GRD: C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Range Detected, three channels (vv, vh, vv/vh) at 10m resolution, taking the seasonal median (4 seasons per year) for both ascending and descending modes.

  • gssic: Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter dataset at aroud 90m resolution.

  • gunw-dateinit_dateend: ARIA Sentinel-1 Geocoded Unwrapped Interferograms at 90m resolution, selecting within the [dateinit, datend] period the date that has most interferometric pairs as first date.

  • s2rgbm-2020: Harmonized Sentinel-2 Level 2A, three channels (red, green, blue) monthly cloudless median at 10m resolution.

  • biomass-2020: ESA CCI Above Ground Biomass annual maps at 90m resolution.

  • esaworldcover-2020: ESA World Cover land cover maps at 10m resolution.

  • modis44b006veg: MODIS Vegetation Continuous Field annual maps at 250m resolution.

  • ghsbuilts-2020: EU JRC Global Human Settlement Layer Builtup Surface at 100m resolution.

  • srtmdem: NASA SRTM digital elevetation model at 30m resolution.

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