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3a. Monday 18th January Resources and register Before we begin, a riddle! Answer to Friday's riddle: C. Riddle: How many months of the year have 28 days? Find the answer on tomorrow's home learning page. Use this page to register and for resources and videos for Monday's lessons. Download the comprehension below. There are answers so you can mark your own work. I have managed to make it stay the right way round this week! If you finish early, have a look at some of our vocabulary words. You can download them from the bottom of this page. Lesson 2: multiply a 2 digit by a 1 digit number. Remember only choose one challenge to complete Challenge 1: Go to Miss O’Brien’s Strengthen page and complete the activities. Challenge 2: practise the method. Answer the multiplication questions using one of the methods we have practised in class. Challenge 3: very tricky! Can you find the missing digits in the mulitplcation problems. There is a help sheet so have read this first before you start. This week we are learning about ‘gue’ making the /g/ sound. Our words for the week are: Challenge 1: tongue, catalogue, Challenge 2: synagogue, plague, league Challenge 3: rogue, fatigue, intrigue, vague, monologue, dialogue NEED MORE HELP? Check out the Spelling Strategies download at the bottom of our Helpful Resources Page. Lessons 1: What is the digestive system and its parts? Go though the lesson power point. Watch and read all about the digestive system and what parts of our bodies make up the digestive system. Complete the mini tasks and quizzes on the slides. Challenge 1: label the digestive system using pictures to help. Challenge 2: using just the key words, label the digestive system. Challenge 3: compare the digestive systems. Have a look at our digestive system, and the digestive system of another animal. What’s the same? What’s different? No comments have been left yet. Leave a comment
Polynesians who first inhabited the Hawaiian Islands told in legend about Pele, Goddess of volcanic fires, who migrated from the Island of Kauai to Oahu, then to Maui, and finally to her present home in Kilauea Volcano's Halemaumau Crater on the Island of Hawaii. Geologists today accept this same relative age progressions for the evolution of the islands, demonstrating the kernels of geologic truth may lie in long-lived myths and legends. J.D. Dana, a geologist with a United states exploring expedition in the 1840's, was the first to write about the increase in age of the Hawaiian Islands to the northwest. He noted that weathering of the lavas, erosional destruction of the islands by waves and streams and the growth of reeds around the islands progressively increased away from the Island of Hawaii. He correctly established the islands' relative ages, but absolute ages had to wait for over 120 years until radioactive age-dating techniques became available. |Title||Volcanology in Hawaii| |Authors||R. Decker, B. Decker| |Publication Subtype||Journal Article| |Series Title||Earthquakes & Volcanoes (USGS)| |Record Source||USGS Publications Warehouse|
From Christ’s martyrdom, through Aztec sacrifice, to the torture and slaughter of Matthew Shepard – human societies around the world and throughout time attempt to placate the gods with their victims. As contemporary representations of this ancient archetype, queer people suffer the scapegoating, and we carry the possibility of healing. Balthus, The Guitar Lesson, 1934 When a city suffered from war or pestilence in Eastern Europe in the 6th C. BC, an ugly or deformed person was chosen as a scapegoat. He was brought to the outskirts of the community, where he was fed, then beaten, serenaded, and burned alive. The inhabitants of the beleaguered city projected their sins onto the victim, who removed them through his suffering and death. Sacrifice transforms the despised scapegoat into a superior being. Among the Iroquois and other North American First Nations, captured warriors were slowly tortured to death. If they could endure unendurable torment with dignity, they won power for themselves and their community. So much of contemporary society seems intent upon avoiding risk. Old age is approached as a disease to cure. Science intends to conquer disability. Children are confined to playpens. Love appears only as weak sentiment. Queer victimization makes us symbols and psychopomps. We lead the way to the refused mystery of loss, grief, and mortal destiny. Shadow: We eschew the power of queer identity and speak only of the suffering. The victim becomes a favourite mask and posture when we go, hat in hand, to seek social acceptance. We invite their pity and beseech their forgiveness. We imagine they will accept us – or perhaps more to the point, we will accept ourselves, when we are innocent victims. Related Figures and Attributes: Innocent, Suffering, Abnormal For more writing on this symbol, see these chapters of Orientation: Mapping Queer Meanings: Innocence, Suffering, The Mother and the Maid Sir James Frazer, The Golden Bough
I’m studying for my History class and need an explanation. Paradox of Progress Industrialization and the development of finance capitalism deeply transformed the U.S. economy, society, and culture at the end of the nineteenth century. As a small number of capitalists and industrialists made fortunes, the living and working conditions for most American wage workers and immigrants worsened, which produced divergent positions on the causes of growing income inequality. Henry George’s Poverty and Progress (1879) and William Graham Sumner’s What Social Classes Owe to Each Other (1883) exemplify some of these positions. After reading the sources listed below, briefly synthesize George’s and Sumner’s arguments. Then, using Phillips Thomson’s poem and Father Edward McGlynn’s comments explain how they reflected on the causes of unequal distribution of income and opportunity. What do you think influenced these views? – Henry George, Poverty and Progress (1879). (Links to an external site.) Read pp. 3-13 only. – William Graham Sumner excerpt from What Social Classes Owe to Each Other (1883) (Links to an external site.) – Phillips Thomson, “The Political Economist and the Tramp” (1878) (Links to an external site.) – Comments on Henry George by Father Edward McGlynn in Louis F. Post and Fred C. Leubusher, Henry George’s 1886 Campaign: An Account of the George-Hewitt Campaign in the New York Municipal Election of 1886 (1887) (Links to an external site.) - In approximately 150-250 words, post your response to the question(s). Your post should use evidence from the provided sources. You may also use the textbook, but only as additional support. Your focus should be the above sources. Use a concise, professional and academic style of writing, free of grammatical errors and colloquialisms.
A cookie is a small text file sent from our web server and saved by your browser. The information stored may for example be information about how our visitors have used our site, or which browser our visitors use. You need to allow the storage of cookies on your computer in order to fully utilize our website. What is a cookie? Types of cookies There are two types of cookies. The first one saves a file for a long time on your computer. For example, it uses features that tell you what’s new since you last visited the site. The other type is called session cookie. While you are browsing a page, this cookie is temporarily stored in your computer’s memory, for example, to keep track of which language you have chosen. Session cookies will not be stored for a long time on your computer, but will disappear when you close your browser. You can delete cookies from your hard disk at any time, but this may cause your personal settings to disappear. You can also change the settings in your browser so it does not allow cookies to be saved to your hard drive. However, this deteriorates the functionality of certain web pages, can prevent access to member pages, and make certain content and certain features unavailable. Through the browser, previously stored cookies can also be deleted. See the browser’s help pages for more information.
Some languages are very difficult to distinguish by ear, especially if you have not tried to learn them. And there is a reasonably desire to find out - what is the difference between them, what is the difference? For example, Spanish and Portuguese, how different are they? Portuguese - language belonging to the Indo-European family, the Romance group. The development was based on the Galician-Portuguese language. Spanish is a language belonging to the Indo-European family, the Romance group. Born in the medieval kingdom of Castile. Despite the great similarity, both of these languages differ in their specific features. At least historically, because they had a different distribution area - the Portuguese-Galician language dominated in the far northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, while Spanish - in the Ebro valley to the Pyrenees mountains to the north. The later colonization of the north-west of the peninsula and, more importantly, the Celtic influence, led to a peculiar sound of the Portuguese language, bringing it closer to Catalan and French rather than Romanian, Spanish and Italian. As for the languages themselves, the greatest differences concern phonetics. The grammar is fundamentally similar, with rare exceptions regarding the use of tenses and articles. For example, in Spanish, analytical forms of tense characterizing duration are more common. The vocabulary also has some specificity, despite the fact that a significant part of modern vocabulary in both Spanish and Portuguese has a common origin. Longer contact of the Spanish language with Arabic led to the emergence of Arabisms in it, while in Portuguese they were either replaced by Latinisms, or completely outdated. - Belonging to the same group, these languages have different areas of historical distribution: for Spanish, this is the valley of the Ebro River to the Pyrenees to the north, for Portuguese, the extreme north west of the Iberian Peninsula. - Due to the later colonization and Celtic influence, the Portuguese language acquired a characteristic sound that distinguishes it from similar Spanish, Romanian and Italian in this respect. - The main differences between these languages relate to phonetics. - In grammar, the differences mainly relate to the use of forms of tense and articles. - The vocabulary emphasizes the greater presence of Arabicisms in Spanish, which in Portuguese have been replaced by Latinisms, or passed into the category of anachronisms.
Bananas and penguins don’t have a lot in common. One’s a fruit, the other is a bird, one is from the hot jungle, the other is from the South Pole… But someone at the Momma Told Me blog decorated some bananas to look like penguins. As explained on their website, you dip a banana into melted chocolate, stick on orange M&Ms for the beak and feet, and finally press on googly candy eyes (or a white candy with a dot of melted chocolate). We love any snack that’s tasty, healthy, or just plain cute. This snack is all three — that’s our kind of math! Wee ones: How many banana penguins can you count in the picture? Little kids: If each of 3 banana penguins has 2 googly eyes, how many do they have all together? Bonus: If you nibble off 3 of the eyes, at most how many penguins might still have both eyes left? Big kids: If each penguin needs 2 orange M&M feet and 1 M&M beak, how many orange M&Ms do you need to make 8 penguins? Bonus: If you bought a bag of 100 M&Ms, how many M&Ms would you have left as a snack after making those penguins? Wee ones: 3 banana penguins. Little kids: 6 googly eyes. Bonus: At most 1 penguin. You’ll have only 3 candy eyes left, which is enough to leave 2 eyes on only 1 penguin. Big kids: 24 M&Ms, since you need 3 per penguin. Bonus: 76 M&Ms. Thank you Kate O. for sharing these funny fruity friends with us! And if you’d all like to make these treats yourself, check out the recipe at Momma Told Me.
The modern-day pirates of the Caribbean are nothing like the ones in the movies. In reality, they’re Venezuelan bandits who smuggle narcotics and children, often hand in hand with corrupt officers from the coast guard of Venezuela and other countries in the region. The Maduro regime’s mismanagement and oppression have led to electricity blackouts and shortages of food and medicine, causing the breakdown of law and order. As shortages mount, smuggling goods from Trinidad — only 16 kilometers away across the Gulf of Paria — has become an attractive choice for those with the means. Motorboats that can be used for smuggling have become a prized commodity, according to media reports. Scores of Trinidadian, Guyanese and Surinamese fishermen have been murdered for their boats or forced to hand them over to pirates at gunpoint. Some fishermen have turned from fishing to smuggling food staples and diapers to Venezuela and returning with guns, drugs and gasoline. Others act as eyes and ears for organized criminal gangs. But something else besides cocaine and gasoline is being trafficked out of Venezuela: women and children. “Because of deteriorating economic conditions in their home country, Venezuelans are particularly vulnerable to trafficking and there has been a large influx of Venezuelans to Trinidad and Tobago in recent years,” according to the U.S. Department of State’s 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report. The U.N. estimates that over 5 million Venezuelans will have fled the country by the end of 2019. The Trump administration has responded to the Venezuelan crisis by working politically and economically to isolate the Maduro regime. The U.S. also has positioned more than 500 metric tons of food and humanitarian supplies on the Venezuelan border and provided nearly $260 million in aid to countries that are supporting displaced Venezuelans.
Here’s a list of foods that should be avoided during summer With the arrival of summer and the rise in temperature, physical dryness, and headache are pretty. However, if you make some changes in your diet, you can avoid these diseases. According to research published in Al-Arabiya Net, such diseases can be avoided by taking precautions, which usually spread through air and water, increase in summer, and affect people. Health experts recommend avoiding certain drinks and foods that cause an increase in body temperature and weaken the immune system. Consuming green tea or iced coffee will not harm your health. 1) Hot drinks There are many people around us who start their day by drinking coffee or tea, although this habit makes you feel more energetic, drinking coffee and tea regularly in the summer season increases the body temperature and water. can lead to deficiency. Therefore, if you use green tea or iced coffee instead of coffee or tea, your health will not deteriorate. 2) Foods rich in fat Foods rich in fat like fast foods and fried foods are unhealthy in every season as they can cause several dangerous diseases. While in summer, the damage of such foods can be more to the body. They can increase body temperature and reduce immunity. 3) Dairy products At a time when the air temperature is rising, the body temperature is also high. Consumption of milk products like butter, cheese, and curd, etc. can increase body heat and cause indigestion. 4) Dry fruits Dry fruits like dates, raisins, and apricots are essential for staying healthy. But dry fruits in hot weather can raise your body temperature and make you prone to itching and stress. Spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper add flavor and aroma to food, but spicy foods in summer raise body temperature, making people more likely to become dehydrated and sick. There is a feeling. Experts recommend eating in limited quantities during this season in a balanced way by adding cool spices like cumin and organic mint. 6) Roast Meat (Tandoori) Roast meat is cooked at a high temperature. When the weather temperature is already high, besides raising the body temperature, the heat of the roast meat increases and can cause the risk of cancer.
Burundi is a landlocked, resource-poor country with an underdeveloped manufacturing sector. The economy is predominantly agricultural; agriculture accounts for just over 30% of GDP and employs more than 90% of the population. Burundi’s primary exports are coffee and tea, which account for 90% of foreign exchange earnings, though exports are a relatively small share of GDP. Burundi’s export earnings – and its ability to pay for imports – rests primarily on weather conditions and international coffee and tea prices. An ethnic-based war that lasted for over a decade resulted in more than 200,000 deaths, forced more than 48,000 refugees into Tanzania, and displaced 140,000 others internally. Only one in two children go to school, and approximately one in 15 adults has HIV/AIDS. Food, medicine, and electricity remain in short supply. Less than 2% of the population has electricity in its homes. Burundi’s GDP grew around 4% annually in 2006-12. Political stability and the end of the civil war have improved aid flows and economic activity has increased, but underlying weaknesses – a high poverty rate, poor education rates, a weak legal system, a poor transportation network, overburdened utilities, and low administrative capacity – risk undermining planned economic reforms. The purchasing power of most Burundians has decreased as wage increases have not kept up with inflation. Burundi will remain heavily dependent on aid from bilateral and multilateral donors – foreign aid represents 42% of Burundi”s national income, the second highest rate in Sub-Saharan Africa. Burundi joined the East African Community in 2009, which should boost Burundi’s regional trade ties, and also in 2009 received $700 million in debt relief. Government corruption is hindering the development of a healthy private sector as companies seek to navigate an environment with ever changing rules. Source: Economy overview provided by CIA Factbook
This French map is one of the most interesting maps of the Great Lakes. It maps the region from James Bay to just below Ft. Duquesne (today's Pittsburgh) and from Lake Ontario well into the Great Plains. Many Indian tribes (Iroquois, Illinois, Sioux, etc) and forts including Detroit, St. Louis, Toronto and Chicagou, fur trade routes and missions are shown. Lake Superior contains Isle Royale, as well as the phantom islands of St. Anne, Maurepas and Ponchartrain, which were reported by the Jesuit explorer Charlevoix. The source of the Mississippi is shown but is noted as inconnu or unknown. Engraved by Andre. Hand colored and matted. 1880 Bonne Map of the Great Lakes Partie Occidentale du Canada, contenant les cinq Grands Lacs, avec les Pays Circonvoisins Map Maker Specifics R. Bonne, 1780, Paris 8.3 x 12.5 in. plus margins Very good example. Issued centerfold is noted and is slightly age toned. Hand color outlines and is matted.
The usage of Radio Shuttle Car Radio Shuttle Racking is made of the VNA(Very-narrow-aisle) racking and combine with Radio Shuttle Car to achieve high-density semi-automatic storage. According to the cargo access port layout, the Radio Shuttle Racking can be divided into First-in First-Out (FIFO) and the Last-In First-Out (LIFO). The following introduction is the advantages and disadvantages of two operating methods: 1. First In First Out mode (FIFO): Deposited from one end of the pallet, picked from the other end of the roadway to achieve First-in First-Out. Advantage: Can achieve the sequential access, comfrom with the general logistics requirements, can achieve logistics access zoning operations, optimizing on-site management. Disadvantages: Both ends of the racking need to be equipped with forklift access, dynamic storage usage is lower than the LIFO. 2. Last-In First-Out mode (LIFO): Forklift access is arranged on only one side of the racking and the cargo is accessed only on one side of the lane. Advantage: Only arranged on one side of the channel, you can maximize the use of storage area, more suitable for the general order of the material out of the order of occasions. Disadvantages: Can not achieve the sequential access requirements of cargo.
Fall is a favorite season for many people. From pumpkin spice, to everything nice, fall definitely has it’s charm. However, as the seasons change and the weather get colder, more people get sick. While many think it is the cold weather, it is actually because a virus can replicate and spread most effectively when the air is cold and dry. The Respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV, causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. The virus enters the body through the eyes, nose or mouth – most likely when someone coughs or sneezes near you or shakes your hand. The virus can also live for hours on hard objects such as counter tops, toys, railings and more. If you touch your mouth, nose, or eyes after touching a contaminated object, you could pick up the virus. Most healthy adults will get RSV and experience mild cold-like signs and symptoms, such as including runny nose, dry cough, sore throat or a mild headache. However, RSV can cause severe infection in some people, especially pre-mature babies, older adults, infants or anyone with a weak immune system. Each year in the United States (according to the CDC), an estimated 57,000 children younger than 5 years old are hospitalized due to an RSV infection. Those at greatest risks are pre-mature babies, and very young infants, especially those 6 months and younger. One to two out of every 100 children younger than 6 months of age with RSV infection may need to be hospitalized according to the CDC. Those who are hospitalized may require oxygen, intubation and or mechanical ventilation (help with breathing) due to more severe symptoms including bronchiolitis, inflammation of the small airways in the lung, or pneumonia, infection of the lungs. Right now, there is no vaccine to prevent RSV infection, but pharmaceutical companies and Rochester Clinical Research is working hard to develop and get one approved. If you would like to help with the advancement of medicine, specifically to help protect our future generations against RSV, we encourage you to participate in some of the RSV vaccine trials occurring soon at RCR. Call 585-288-0890 to see if you qualify for one today!
Another enduring feature of Pride and Prejudice which has kept the novel’s critical discourse alive even today is its engagement with time-related anxieties. Securing a well-to-do husband is in effect securing a safe and steady future for the girl concerned. Irrespective of the fact that securing the future is never fully possible in life, the Bennett sisters go about achieving this through calculated manipulations of people and circumstances. The obvious superficiality and crassness of such manoeuvrings is a failure in terms of its philosophy. Thus, Austen’s philosophy “fails to open itself truly to the random possibilities of the future. A turn towards the future is not enough, in and of itself, to guarantee the authenticity of action. The turn to the future must be made in an ethical way, in a manner that seeks to acknowledge and preserve the freedom of the beloved instead of serving as an act of appropriation.” (Mathews, 2007) In Austen’s defence one can claim that the actions of the characters are not to be taken as the author’s personal didacticism. To the contrary, they merely showcase how people think and act in the real world of pre-Victorian England. To this extent, Pride and Prejudice is a success and it accounts for why the novel continues to garner critical and literary appreciation even today. - Alavi, N. (2006, June 16). Book of a Lifetime ; Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen. The Independent (London, England), p. 27. - Berggren, K. (2003, December 26). The Marriage of True Minds: Pride and Prejudice Offers a Satisfying and Still Useful Guide to Romance. National Catholic Reporter,40(9), 19. - Bonaparte, F. (2005). Conjecturing Possibilities: Reading and Misreading Texts in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Studies in the Novel, 37(2), 141+. - Mathews, P. (2007). An Open Invitation, or How to Read the Ethics of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, 29, 245+.
No products in the cart. Teeth that are not perforated and diligently cleaned could cause Bad Breath, Oatlovers! Bad Breath could also be caused by gastrointestinal diseases such as H. pylori infection (bacterial infection of the small intestine and abdominal lining), and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) where gastric acid often rises into the esophagus. If this disease is the cause of your bad breath, the doctor will probably recommend an endoscopic examination. Endoscopy is a procedure that is carried out with the use of a device called an endoscope to examine the area inside the body. If bad breath is caused by GORD or H. pylori infection, your doctor may need to recommend you to see a digestive system specialist. Handling it will depend on the cause of the disease. Prevent bad breath by routinely check your digestive health, Oatlovers! Hello Oatlovers! Maintaining health during the fasting month is important enough not only with Does Oatlovers ever feel hungry in the middle of the day but don't need Hello, Oatlovers! Hair is a crown for every human being, especially women. Besides being Women in general would want to shape her body is always keep their body
Historical Study of Indian Music, 2nd Edition By Swami Prajnanananda December 2002, Reprint of 1981 Edition Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 444 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4" x 8 3/4" This book covers a wide range from the earliest historical traces of our music to the present day. At a time most historical studies degenerated into a mixture of pseudo-legendary and mythology with large doses of sentimentality and platitudes, but the author's scholarly approach is life a breath of fresh air. The learned author starts with the Vedic music, Grandharva music, and ends with the Rabindra Samgita and Rabindranath Tagore's own theories. And apart from detailed and scientific analysis of music of every type of every age, he has explored practically every relevant field - ancient musical instruments, the nature of Indian and Western orchestra, and the chorus in ancient India, the Saptatantri Vina in the Buddhist caves, the concept of raga, Aryan and non-Aryan theories, the origin and developments of Dhrupad, Khayal, Bengali songs along with other musical types. The author has examined the close relationship that exists between music and dance and has thrown sufficient light on the problems of acoustics, aesthetics, both Indian and Western psychology, philosophy and iconography of Indian music. The learned author has added four informative Appendices which will solve many knotty problems of music, both Indian and Western. The book is, therefore, a compendium and indispensable volume for the seekers of knowledge and experience. Music; Indian History Return to Coronet Books main page
A riveting account of the conquest of the vast American heartland that offers a vital reconsideration of the relationship between Native Americans and European colonists, and the pivotal role of the mighty Mississippi. America’s waterways were once the superhighways of travel and communication. Cutting a central line across the landscape, with tributaries connecting the South to the Great Plains and the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River meant wealth, knowledge, and power for those who could master it. In this ambitious and elegantly written account of the conquest of the West, Jacob Lee offers a new understanding of early America based on the long history of warfare and resistance in the Mississippi River valley. Lee traces the Native kinship ties that determined which nations rose and fell in the period before the Illinois became dominant. With a complex network of allies stretching from Lake Superior to Arkansas, the Illinois were at the height of their power in 1673 when the first French explorers—fur trader Louis Jolliet and Jesuit priest Jacques Marquette—made their way down the Mississippi. Over the next century, a succession of European empires claimed parts of the midcontinent, but they all faced the challenge of navigating Native alliances and social structures that had existed for centuries. When American settlers claimed the region in the early nineteenth century, they overturned 150 years of interaction between Indians and Europeans. Masters of the Middle Waters shows that the Mississippi and its tributaries were never simply a backdrop to unfolding events. We cannot understand the trajectory of early America without taking into account the vast heartland and its waterways, which advanced and thwarted the aspirations of Native nations, European imperialists, and American settlers alike.
نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی استادیار و عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه ملایر عنوان مقاله [English] Muslim philosophers maintain that man's soul comprises natural, vegetative and animal faculties. They are also of the view that the human soul has two special powers namely the theoretical intellect and practical intellect. Very little has been said about the practical intellect, its function and status among the faculties of the rational soul. Thus, this article using an analytical – descriptive method of research concludes that the four qualities, natural, vegetative and animal faculties (numbering about twenty four faculties) are at the service of the practical intellect (at the 25th stage) so that it may also aid the theoretical intellect through its three functions (interaction, inference, voluntary actions) in four stages such as purification of the exterior (zahir), purification of the interior (batin) or detachment (takhliya), beautification (tahliya), annihilation (fanā) and the four journeys. It should, therefore, prepare the theoretical intellect to be influenced by sublime origins and to reach the acquired (mustafad) stage after completing the potential (hayulani), habitual (bil-malakah) and actual (bil-fi'l) stages. Thus, it becomes clear through philosophical reasoning that the world in its entirety and the practical and theoretical intellects are entirely at man's service to enable him to attain the highest degree of perfection which is proximity to Allah.
To assess the strength of the association between blood lead and children's IQ, a meta-analysis of the studies examining the relationship in school age children was performed. Emphasis was given to the size of the effect, since that allows comparisons that are informative about potential confounding and effect modifiers. Sensitivity analyses were also performed. A highly significant association was found between lead exposure and children's IQ (P < 0.001). An increase in blood lead from 10 to 20 micrograms/dl was associated with a decrease of 2.6 IQ points in the meta-analysis. This result was robust to inclusion or exclusion of the strongest individual studies and to relaxing the age requirements (school age children) of the meta-analysis. Adding eight studies with effect estimates of 0 would still leave a significant association with blood lead (P < 0.01). There was no evidence that the effect was limited to disadvantaged children and there was a suggestion of the opposite. The studies with mean blood lead levels of 15 micrograms/dl or lower in their sample had higher estimated blood lead slopes, suggesting that a threshold at 10 micrograms/dl is implausible. The study with the lowest mean blood lead level was examined using nonparametric smoothing. It showed no evidence of a threshold down to blood lead concentrations of 1 microgram/dl. Lead interferes with GABAergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission. It has been shown to bind to the NMDA receptor and inhibit long-term potentiation in the hippocampal region of the brain. Moreover, experimental studies have demonstrated that blood levels of 10 micrograms/dl interfere with a broad range of cognitive function in primates. Given this support, these associations in humans should be considered causal.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that parents bring their children into the dentist for the first time before the age of one. After that, regular dental visits are the cornerstone of keeping a child’s teeth healthy throughout life. Learn about the importance of pediatric dentistry and the treatments that are available at The Dental Dimensions in South San Jose, CA. About Pediatric Dentistry The branch of dentistry that deals specifically with dental care for children is pediatric dentistry. The goal is to ensure that children have healthy teeth and develop good oral care habits from a young age. Here are a few concerns that pediatric dentists have: – Keeping children cavity-free. – Helping children get enough fluoride. – Dealing with bad habits, like thumb-sucking. – Ensuring that the first teeth erupt in a healthy way. – Dental injuries in children who play sports. Why It’s Important Children grow two sets of teeth. When they are growing their baby teeth, parents have to be concerned about issues like baby bottle decay (tooth decay caused by the sugar in milk). When their permanent teeth grow in the main concern is cavities because young children love candy but don’t always love brushing. The way that a child’s teeth develop plays a role in how they will look and function when they become adults. Treatments to Discuss with a Pediatric Dentist When you go to see your child’s dentist at The Dental Dimensions in South San Jose, be sure to inquire about these important treatments: – Dental sealants to prevent cavities. – Cavity fillings (metal vs tooth-colored). – Fluoride treatments to strengthen the teeth. – Dental emergencies for student-athletes. – Orthodontic treatment (braces) for pre-teens and teens. Bring Your Child for a Visit If it has been a while since your child’s last dentist visit schedule an appointment with Dr. Deepak Shetty, Dr. Kavita Bhatia or Dr. May Yoneyama at The Dental Dimensions. Call the South San Jose, CA office at (408) 225-6815 today.
March 24, 2021-Happy Victoria Day, Friends! I hope that you’re finding a fun way to celebrate the holiday. We’re talking about writing for kids, and today we’ll focus on board books! What are board books exactly? A subgenre of the picture book, these are a great way to get books into your kids’ hands at the earliest age possible. Board books are also known as ‘chewables’ because babies tend to stick them in their mouths (along with everything else); the books are made of thick cardboard that is specially bound and ranges from 16-24 double-sided pages. Ages 0-2-year-olds enjoy this type of book the most due to the simplified content partnered with a few easy words. A minimum of 10 words with a maximum count of 20 words, with such a low word count, these books heavily rely on images and simple illustrations. Board books are very simple concept books created by publishers with no outside help or by hiring authors to write to specifications. Usually, the names of the illustrator and authors are left off the book or the publisher uses in-house talent as mentioned above. They cost more than picture books to produce but have to be sold at a lower price. This means that only when the publisher is producing a large print run that they know they’ll sell will they take on a board book. Honestly, don’t bother submitting to publishers for this genre because chances are 99% that we won’t publish it. Stick to children’s picture books and above, that way; you’ll have a real shot of getting published. Check out our Children’s Book Writing Master Class here: Children’s Book Writing Master Class – Pandamonium Publishing House
Did Roman Book Burning Conceal The Pagan Origins Of Christianity? In the times of the Roman empire they had created different sects of Christianity, condemning mystical teachings. Had information contradicting this came out, it would have been seen as a threat to their empire. In approximately A.D. 389 Alexandria’s library was burned down at the order of Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great. Within this library it is believed there were 700,000 books on subjects such as health, science, astronomy mysticism and magic. Within these secret doctrine, it is believed that there could have been information on the Origins Of Christianity and the missing time in which the life of Jesus has remained a mystery. Manly P Hall States in The Secret Teachings Of All Ages: There are persistent rumors that Jesus visited and studied in both Greece and India, and that a coin struck in His honor in India during the first century has been discovered. Early Christian records are known to exist in Tibet, and the Monks of a Buddhist monastery in Ceylon still preserve a record which indicates that Jesus sojourned with them and became conversant with their philosophy. Although early christianity shows every evidence of Oriental influence, this is a subject the modern church declines to discuss. If it’s ever established beyond question that Jesus was an initiate of the pagan Greek or Asiatic Mysteries, the effect on the more conservative members of the Christian faith is likely to be cataclysmic. This is the subject of the video below entitled: Why Men with Dark Intentions Destroyed the Library of Alexandria Image Credit: benemale / 123RF Stock Photo
Community solar projects are an innovative way to bring renewable energy to the masses. These projects allow communities to collectively invest in and benefit from a solar energy system, even if they are unable to install panels on their own homes or businesses. In this article, we will explore the purpose, benefits, and implementation process of community solar projects, as well as real-world examples of successful initiatives. Purpose of Community Solar Projects The purpose of community solar projects is to expand access to clean, renewable energy to communities that may not have the resources or ability to install solar panels on their own homes or businesses. These projects allow participants to collectively invest in a solar energy system, which is typically installed in a central location, such as a community center or a large commercial building. Benefits of Community Solar Projects Community solar projects offer numerous benefits to both the community and the environment. Participants in these projects can save money on their energy bills, as they receive credits for the electricity generated by the solar energy system. Additionally, community solar projects can create local jobs and stimulate economic development. From an environmental standpoint, these projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Implementation Process of Community Solar Projects The implementation process of a community solar project typically involves several steps. First, a community organization or developer must identify a suitable location for the solar energy system and secure the necessary permits and approvals. Next, they must design and install the system, which may involve selecting solar panels, inverters, and other components. Once the system is operational, community members can sign up to participate and receive credits on their energy bills. Examples of Successful Community Solar Projects One example of a successful community solar project is the Solar Gardens program in Minnesota. This program allows residents to subscribe to a solar energy system and receive credits on their energy bills for the electricity generated by the system. To date, the program has installed over 100 megawatts of solar energy capacity, serving thousands of households and businesses. Another successful community solar project is the South Baltimore Community Solar project, which provides access to clean, affordable energy to low-income households in Baltimore, Maryland. The project is a collaboration between the non-profit organization GRID Alternatives and the Baltimore City Housing Authority and is funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Medical term of facial palsy is known as Bell’s Palsy, it paralyzes the one side of the face and causes severe weakness of the facial muscles. List of other viruses that have been linked to Bell’s palsy Chickenpox and shingles virus Cold Sores and genital herpes virus Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV, responsible for mononucleosis Hand-foot and mouth disease (coxsackievirus) Risk factors of Bell’s palsy – The condition more commonly affects: People aged 15 to 60 years Those with diabetes or upper respiratory diseases Women in the third trimester of their maternity Women who conceived an offspring than one week ago Mostly people recover from Bell’s palsy in 1-2 months, Prednisolone hormone can speed up recovery. Physiotherapy and nerve stimulation is required Causes of Bell’s Palsy The facial nerve passes through a narrow gap of bone linked with the brain to the face, most of the muscles in the face and parts of the ear are controlled by the facial nerve. If the protective covering of the nerve becomes impaired, the signals which flow from the brain to the muscles in the face may not be inherited properly which leads to weak or paralyzed facial muscles. The accurate reason why this takes place is unclear.
There are a variety of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries wherein exercises play a vital role in the rehabilitation process. The following instructions are meant for you to disseminate to your patients. Feel free to make them part of your prescription. Individualize the regimen and emphasize proper technique. It is better to demonstrate it while they are in the office with you and have them demonstrate it back. Keep it simple and generally do not exceed three exercises as much as possible keeping in mind they have to do several repetitions for the program to be effective. Like taking medications, the more they have to do, the less adherent they become. Remind them on how they should progress forward depending on their clinical conditions. The stretching exercises should not be painful; otherwise it is time to hold back a little. Give them positive reinforcements on follow-up visits as appropriate. For the healthy ones who are interested in doing home exercises, you can also share these with them. The number of sets and repetitions may vary depending upon the goal of the exercise as well as the stage at which the athlete has progressed in rehabilitation. The number of sets range between 1 and 3 and the repetitions per set range between 8 and 15 (see Ch. 5). See Figures C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, C-6, C-7, C-8, and C-9 with corresponding captions describing the exercises.
This section is from the book "Science Of Legal Method", by Ernest Bruncken. Also available from Amazon: Science of Legal Method. It appears, therefore, that in interpreting a statute one should first look to its reason, then to its logical consistency, and finally to the history of social movements. The following is an example. The statute defines the difference between a design and an invention in such a way that the interpreter may choose from a number of meanings. The reasonable choice would be to find the distinction in this, that the one refers to the utilization of natural forces, the other to an arrangement in space. This form of interpretation will give to industry the best possible protection; it is the most liberal that can be imagined and most capable of promoting the beneficial efforts of industry. By reason of the fact that an arrangement in space comprehends both simple and complicated forms, such a conception of the subject affords especially an opportunity to protect the same article from different sides, to make it capable of receiving both an invention patent and a design patent. Such an interpretation, moreover, will make our industrial legislation a definite, organic body and enable it to develop in a consistent manner. All other considerations should yield to that. Especially, there is no need of troubling ourselves about the fact that the movement for the adoption of a patent law of designs contemplated no such far-reaching consequences but rather desired to protect new ideas of minor importance which were contrasted with "real inventions." Still less can anything of value in this matter be learned from expressions in preliminary reports or parliamentary speeches. Any interpretation based on such considerations is sure to prove defective and cannot succeed in promoting the just requirements of the industrial world.
Should Football Lose The Helmet? The headgear may do more harm than good It doesn't take a Congressional hearing to convince most Americans that football is a dangerous sport. But what if helmets, one of the best protective tools in the game, actually do more harm than good? That's what Reed Albergotti and Shirley S. Wang ask today in the Wall Street Journal. Building on recent discussion about whether NFL head injuries can lead to brain disease, the authors cite a new study noting that "brain damage isn't necessarily the result of any one trauma, but the accumulation of thousands of seemingly innocuous blows to the head." These blows, they say, have become part of the game because football players wear helmets. The problem is that there's nothing any helmet could do to stop the brain from taking lots of small hits... Andrew McIntosh, a researcher at Australia's University of New South Wales who analyzed videotape, says there may be a greater prevalence of head injuries in the American game because the players hit each other with forces up to 100% greater. "If they didn't have helmets on, they wouldn't do that," he says. "They know they'd injure themselves." Should American football go the way of Rugby and do away with helmets? This article is from the archive of our partner The Wire.
|Charlotte & Merl| lounging on the cat tree The incriminating results were startling. According to Kerrie Anne Loyd of the University of Georgia, the lead investigator of the study, 1/3 of the cats successfully captured and killed prey. And, those skilled hunters averaged about one kill for every 17 hours outdoors! Sometimes they brought home their victims, but more often than not they didn’t share their kills which included birds, lizards, voles, chipmunks, frogs, and small snakes. The cold-blooded killers chowed down on 30% of what they killed and left 49% of their causalities to rot where they died.Charlotte and Merl are skilled basement cricket killers. As indoor-only cats their favorite targets are each other, but they’ve both been known to pounce on a cotton mouse now and then. I like to think that they enjoy lounging, like me, on the screened-in porch listening to the birds chirping. But I know them both too well. If either had the chance to spend 17 hours outside, they’d definitely munch on a cardinal or a mouse! For additional information about the study contact firstname.lastname@example.org. Post a Comment
DVST Storage Tube The direct view storage tube (DVST) invented by Bob Anderson in the 1960s had significant impact in multiple industries. We have a number of different exhibits, articles, and documents relating to the storage tube and will tie them all together in this posting. The direct view storage tube story starts with a 1966 TekTalk article on our Storage Story page with an article by the inventor Bob Anderson. He points out that his contribution was making an economic breakthrough thus making the storage tube manufacturable and affordable. The first storage oscilloscope was the Type 564 and is on display at the museum with unique automatic / programmable plug-ins which were very advanced for this time frame. While there were many test and measurement applications for the storage oscilloscope, computer researchers began using hacked 564 scopes and CRTs to make desperately needed interactive computer displays - even though it was only a five inch display! This use opened up a new opportunity for Tektronix to develop large screen storage tube displays and the first non-oscilloscope division was formed and headed up by Norm Winningstad. The museum has a number of DVST displays on exhibit at the museum and detailed on our DVST Graphic Terminal page. Our newest addition is a 4014 graphic terminal which is undergoing restoration with the help of Dick Stack and Kurt Krueger. We also have a 4051 and 4052 Graphic Desktop System on display which also utilize DVST displays. The Information Display Division (IDD) began at the Sunset plant but was the first group to move into the newly constructed Wilsonville site in 1975. More information can also be found on our Information Display Division and Wilsonville pages. Tektronix DVST Graphics Terminals and Graphic Desktop Systems were the choice in computer aided design in the 1970s and early 1980s. It was nearly impossible to go into a technology or research company and not see these terminals everywhere. What a wonderful journey that unfolded from Bob Anderson's storage tube. If you have never watched a DVST graphic terminal in operation, we have videos of both a 4010 and a 4014 in operation on our Video Gallery. They are still amazing to watch drawing images.
The Lighter Side: Things You Probably Didn’t Know About December December is known around the world as a family time of celebration honoring cultures, religions and traditions that have been with humanity for hundreds of years. See below for a mix of the weird and wonderful facts about this magical month! - An almanac prediction states that if snow falls on Christmas Day, Easter will be warm, green and sunny. - The name December comes from the Latin decem for “ten,” as it was the 10th month in the Roman calendar. - December 12th is Poinsettia Day. - Saint Nicholas, who would eventually be called Santa Claus, was originally the patron saint of children, thieves and pawnbrokers! - December 28th is considered by some to be the unluckiest day of the year. - The first artificial Christmas tree was made in Germany, fashioned out of goose feathers that were dyed green! - Spiders and spiderwebs are considered good luck on Christmas. - “Jingle Bells” was composed in 1857, and not for Christmas – it was meant to be a Thanksgiving song! - In 1647, Oliver Cromwell, English Puritan leader, banned the festivities of Christmas for being immoral on such a holy day. Anyone who was seen celebrating was arrested! The ban was lifted in 1660. - An ancient legend states that forest animals can speak in human language on Christmas Eve!
A machine that “taps” on railroad tracks using laser pulses to check for dangerous internal cracking is being tested by the US Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). The laser pulses create ultrasonic waves that travel through rails at high speed. This means the device can scan for cracks while being pulled along a rail track at up to 112 kilometres (70 miles) per hour – much faster than existing equipment. The machine identifies microscopic fractures by monitoring the strength of ultrasonic waves passing through a rail. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and the FRA tested the experimental device at a facility in Pennsylvania, US, in March 2006. These results were promising, the researchers say, and more tests are planned. “It will tell you in real time at which position it finds a defect,” says Francesco Lanza di Scalea, the UCSD structural engineer in charge of the project. “It automatically flags a problem at a given position, and tells you how deep the defect is.” The device consists of platform, about the size of a double bed, on four small rail track wheels. A laser on top of the platform sends short laser pulses down onto one of the tracks below. These pulses vaporise a very small amount of metal, causing superficial scarring to the top of the track. But they also generate ultrasonic waves that propagate lengthwise along the track. A microphone positioned 30 centimetres metres ahead of the laser, and 7 cm above the … track, measures the passing wave. An onboard computer then filters out the noise in order to analyse the signal. If the ultrasonic wave passes through a defect hidden inside the track it becomes weaker. Conventional equipment uses ultrasonic transducers that must stay in contact with the rails. This limits the speed of scanning to about 50 km per hour. And, as the wave is normally reflected vertically, harmless flaws on the surface of the track can often mask deeper, more serious ones. Journal reference: Journal of Sound and Vibration (vol.295, p.685)
A native of Calcutta, India, who wrote in Bengali and often translated his own work into English, Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 — the first Asian to receive the honor. Much of Rabindranath Tagore’s ideology came from the teaching of the Upanishads and from his own beliefs that God can be found through personal purity and service to others. He warned of the dangers of nationalistic thought and stressed the need for new world order based on transnational values and ideas, the “unity consciousness.” “The soil, in return for her service, keeps the tree tied to her; the sky asks nothing and leaves it free.” He wrote poetry, fiction, drama, essays, and songs; promoted reforms in education, aesthetics and religion; and in his late sixties he even turned to the visual arts, producing 2,500 paintings and drawings before his death. “If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.” ― Rabindranath Tagore “Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.” ~Rabindranath Tagore “The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.” ~Rabindranath Tagore “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds “The first flower that bloomed on Earth was an invitation to the unborn song.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore “Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.” ~Rabindranath Tagore “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” ~Rabindranath Tagore “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.” ~Rabindranath Tagore
For some time now, the Federal Government has offered tax benefits as an incentive for employers to hire individuals with felony convictions. The legislative department with representative delegates of the sovereign voters derives its political and constitutional power to perform and act on the official duties of government as mandated by the constitution. Goldwin also chopped down the canned progressive canard, implied by Booker, that every one white People at the time fortunately conspired to disenfranchise individuals of coloration. When it comes to dominance, Federal law all the time prevails over state regulation as a result of the U.S. Structure gives the federal government superiority over the state government. Politicians have distorted “selling the general welfare” to mean empowerment for the federal government to do nearly something so long as it is intended to assist any selected group or particular person. Public Transportation initiatives particularly, assist individuals get to work and on time. In regards to Native Individuals, this variation will profoundly have an effect on their self-picture and self-respect, in addition to to assist publicly preserve and educate others about their methods of life. Our government appears to do a great job in fulfilling its limited powers as set forth in the Bible and the Structure. It is as a result of no free born American would ever commerce their time labor and power for a forex with no value in and of itself. Since U.S. Congress members symbolize their states on a federal stage their salaries are paid by the federal government. Thus, in each private collections and conventional government-run museums, Native People are sometimes proven as relics slightly than as residing beings with a vast and diverse historical past tied to America. That is how the structure was applied, not the speculation of what individuals thought about the structure.
According to the mental health treatment guidelines for dissociative disorders, a dissociative disorder is a psychological disorder in which dissociation is the most important and central characteristic. Dissociation is a disruption and / or interruption of normal psychological functioning, which affects, among other things, thinking, memory, identity, emotion, perception, body experience, motor control and behavior. Dissociative symptoms can disrupt any area of psychological functioning. Dissociative identity disorder The DSM-5 is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: the diagnostic and statistical handbook of psychiatric disorders. According to DSM-5, the following symptoms must be present for dissociative identity disorder (DID) to be diagnosed: - Fragmentation of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states. This fragmentation includes a clear discontinuity in self-experience and the sense of self-control. The fragmentation is accompanied by changes in affect, behavior, consciousness, memory, perception, cognitive and / or sensorimotor functioning. - Recurring gaps in remembering everyday events, important personal information and / or psychotraumatic events. - The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment of functioning. - The disorder is not part of a generally accepted cultural or religious practice. - Symptoms cannot be attributed to the physiological effects of a substance or to a general medical condition. (source: DSM-5: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental health disorders (5th ed.).Washington, DC).
Did you know this? The grape picking in Llíber in the Jalon Valley/ Vall de Pop started last week. Most of the grapes are used to produce wine. Grapes are mainly brought to the two local bodegas in Jalón/ Xaló. But some of the inhabitants of Llíber keep an old tradition alive. They process the grapes into raisins: an old tradition. In 1472 the Moors living in the Jalon valley sent a selection of wines to the Valencian Court. They negotiated with traders in Jávea the sale of a product which, in time, would become the base of Marina Alta’s economy: raisins. The area is now famous for its local wines which belong to the ‘denominación de origen’ of Alicante and raisins are still produced in small quantities. They harvest the grapes, dip them in boiling water and let them dry for about 30 days. Drying is still done as decades ago: on cane beds outside. When weather requires, the cane beds are taken inside the riuraus. This prevents the grapes of rotting and fungus. Riuraus are old arched buildings made from stone. They protect the grapes from rain but allow the wind going through. The most distinctive riurau is in Jávea/ Xàbia: d’Arnauda. Most of the sultanas are not eaten by the Spanish, but exported to the United Kingdom. They are still transported as in the past: by boat from Denia. Curious about this tradition of the grape picking in Llíber? Visit the Lliber harvest fair ‘Feria de Llaurador’ in early September.
Sale Date Ended Page Views : 65 Five Fingers Innovative Solutions is around 3 years young government recognized startup, we provide training and services related to 3D Printing, we helped lot of product companies in prototyping product in field of AR/VR, Architecture, Drones, manufacturing and healthcare. We understand 3D printing from its core as we are working day-in and day-out on the same, we are focused to 3D printing and 3D Deep learning. At the same time, we encourage new aspirants to make their career in this field of technology. In line with same, we are launching 3D Printing Workshop for Children between Age of 10 to 16 years workshop is for children from 4th grade to 10th grade. Student will be awarded a certificate of participation Please find below program details. 1. Introduction to 3D Printing 2. Application of 3D Printing to understand Mathematics 3. Application of 3D Printing to understand Science 4. Application of 3D Printing to understand Science 5. Designing 3D Model from Geometrical Shapes 6. Printing the 3D Model Five Fingers Innovative Solutions
First, the claim: Evolution is usually viewed as a slow process, with changes in traits emerging over thousands of generations only. Over the recent years, however, research has indicated that adaptation in specific traits can occur more quickly. However, very few studies outside microorganisms were able to demonstrate empirically how quickly natural selection shapes the whole genome. A research team led by Dr. Daniel Berner at the University of Basel’s Department of Environmental Sciences has now provided evidence for rapid evolution within a single generation, using threespine stickleback fish as model organism. The five-year study combined lab work, field experiments, mathematical modeling and genomic analysis.University of Basel, “Rapid evolution in fish: Genomic changes within a generation” at ScienceDaily Paper. (open access) Zoologist Timothy Standish comments, This is both fascinating and mundane. The authors seem to have found that if you already have alleles that adapt you to a certain set of conditions, then you will be able to rapidly adapt to those conditions. The speed is impressive, but you could argue that the speed with which natural selection can work is not the real question. The real question is, “How fast can those alleles that make organisms more fit arise de novo in a population that doesn’t already have them?” A secondary question would be, “Could a population survive at all in a changing environment if they were not already preadapted to the changes?” In other words, if organisms didn’t already have the basic capacity to survive in a new set of circumstances, they would not make it past the first generation. Where does that resilience come from in a species that is not, like the hybrid fish released in this experiment, already adapted to the new circumstances? It might have been more interesting to see what happens when you release the lake “species” of stickleback into the stream. How long do they take to adapt to their new environment? Do their acquired genetic adaptations resemble those of already adapted stream species? Were those already present, just in low frequencies, in the lake species? Or do they just die out? At this point, we can’t blame Darwinists for grabbing at low-hanging fruit.
Davallia fejeensis is an epiphytic fern, which means it grows easily on trees and rocks. It gets its nutrients from the rain, air, and debris that falls down from the forest canopy. These growing conditions make it a wonderful houseplant option. Rabbit’s foot fern plant gets its name from the furry rhizomes that grow on top of the soil and resemble a rabbit’s foot. The rhizomes often grow over the side of the pot, adding an extra dimension to the plant. Functional as well as decorative, the rhizomes absorb moisture and nutrients as they crawl across the moist soil. The rhizomes can grow quite long and over time they take on a spider-like appearance. Rabbit’s foot ferns like bright but indirect sunlight, such as that found near a window with an eastern exposure. Water the plants lightly but often to keep the surface of the soil lightly moist. Daily misting helps keep the surface rhizomes from drying out. Light foliage doesn’t hold moisture as well as thick foliage, so the plants need frequent misting and an occasional shower to keep them from drying out. Rabbit’s foot fern care should also include watering the plant with a liquid houseplant fertilizer mixed at half strength. Rabbit’s foot ferns need repotting about every two years, and the best time to repot is in spring. Mix regular potting soil half-and-half with sand to create an ideal medium for rabbit’s foot ferns. This is an excellent time to divide large plants. As an indoor fern, it is perhaps best for pedestals or hanging baskets. Locations in or near bathrooms or kitchens may have better humidity..
Weekly Literacy Academic Routines Planning Form The Weekly Literacy Academic Routines planning form details what is required to effectively implement the Universal Core vocabulary and communication instruction during five common academic routines. Daily Routines Planning Form The Daily Routines Planning Form outlines how adults will demonstrate the use of the Universal Core vocabulary during daily activities like arrival and departure, meals, personal care, and transitions. PDF, 3 pages, 340 KB DOCX, 3 pages, 30 KB General Self-reflection and Observation Form PDF, 1 page, 149 KB DOCX, 1 page, 34 KB Shared Reading Self-reflection and Observation PDF, 1 page, 213 KB DOCX, 1 page, 38 KB Predictable Chart Writing Self-reflection and Observation PDF, 2 pages, 893 KB DOCX, 2 pages, 27 KB Alphabet and Phonological Awareness Self-reflection and Observation PDF, 1 page, 119 KB DOCX, 1 page, 35 KB Independent Reading Self-reflection and Observation PDF, 1 page, 254 KB DOCX, 1 page, 33.9 KB Independent Writing Self-reflection and Observation Classroom Characteristics Form The Classroom Characteristics Form is designed to help school teams consider the characteristics of classrooms and the supports needed to fully implement Project Core and the Universal Core vocabulary. Action Planning Form The Action Planning Form supports implementation teams as they plan activities, assign responsibilities and identify resources for addressing areas of practice identified as priorities for continued development.
Culture is defined as being a shared set of values and perceptions. Culture is a prominent part of everyday life and is an extremely important factor in the health and well-being of your gym and the success of your athletes. Promoting a positive gym culture that flows through to parents, coaches, and athletes will ensure the upkeep of a fun, healthy, and safe environment for all. The first impression is ALWAYS the most important. From the moment a new members walks into your gym, he or she has already been impacted by the way they were greeted, how your gym looks, and the attitudes of your athletes. This is why it is so important to be firm on the nature of your gym culture from the beginning. So, what is “gym culture?” In this context, gym culture is the way in which your athletes, parents, coaches, and other staff conduct themselves on a day to day basis, especially in the gym, but also in other environments. Do you want your gym to have a negative or positive atmosphere? Do you want your athletes to be disrespectful and talk back? Or do you want them to follow directions, be respectful, and help others? If you promote a positive, encouraging atmosphere from the beginning, everyone will follow suit and act accordingly. The way your athletes, parents, and coaches behave reflects the environment of the gym. We are so lucky to have athletes who WANT to be at the gym. Our athletes have been brought up in a respectful and positive environment, so when new athletes and parents join, they help to show them the way of the gym.
Safer Lithium Batteries are increasingly Demanded As more and more accidental overheating issues occured in electronic devices with poor- quality lithium batteries, there has sharply seen a growing need for safer lithium batteries. Manufacturers, sellers and consumers all concern about the safety in lithium battery products. A newer generation of safer lithium batteries is highly demanded. A related paper in the safer lithium battery research published in June 17 edition of Nature Communications clearly points out how the addition of 2 chemicals to the electrolyte of lithium metal batteries can prevent the formation of dendrites. Let’s dig deep inside the lithium structure: - The needles of lithium that grow in the battery cell and puncture the barrier between the 2 battery halves eventually; - In that case, short circuit issues could take place due to their formation; - And the short circuits in the battery will result in overheating and combustion even possibly; Based on the paper’s concepts, this very breakthrough could theoretically remove a major barrier to the future development of lithium-sulfur and lithium-air batteries. So we may probably assume that these promising new types of batteries will lead to a huge change in battery energy and battery size. - Consumers are naturally expecting safer lithium batteries built in the electronic devices they are using. . - With better quality lithium batteries, electronic products like smartphone replacement batteries, battery charger, smart speakers etc. will have better longevity and performance in working and re-charging. 发表评论Want to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute!
Flex Your Gratitude Muscles Objective and Purpose: To reteach the basic concept of mindfulness, introduce the basic concept of gratitude, and learn how to practice both concepts together in an engaging and active way. Mindfulness acronym: P.A.O.P. = Paying Attention on Purpose Gratitude acronym: G.E.T. = Give Enough Time We live in a fast-paced world with a lot of responsibilities. For today’s lesson, we are going to focus on how mindfulness and gratitude work together. Put on your thinking caps and let’s come up with ways how P.A.O.P. and G.E.T. can work together. You will need a blank piece of paper and something to write with. By yourself, with a friend, or family member, start by setting a timer for 10-15 minutes. Picture someone that is important to you. For the next 10-15 minutes, be creative and write or either draw a picture of that important person. Answer the following questions: What qualities/characteristics makes this person great and what have I learned from them? How can I use those skills in the future? How does your body feel after this activity? What emotions do you feel? Now it’s time to really flex your gratitude muscles and focus on you and all of your great qualities/characteristics. This may be more difficult for some and that’s okay. You will need another blank piece of paper and keep your writing utensil handy. For the next 10-15 minutes, be creative and write or either draw something special about you. Answer the following questions: What positive qualities/characteristics do I have? How do I use those skills currently? How can I use those skills in the future? How does your body feel after this activity? What emotions do you feel? Way to go! P.A.O.P. and G.E.T. really do go hand-in-hand. Stay mindful while flexing your gratitude muscles.
Genetics is the scientific study of inherited variation. Human genetics basically represents the scientific study of inherited human variation. As a matter of fact, human genetic research found that no two humans are genetically identical. Even monozygotic twins that develop from one zygote have infrequent genetic differences that are the result of mutations during development and gene copy-number variation. Similar to us, our parents each have two copies of their chromosomes that get them from their parents. As sperm and eggs are created, pairs of chromosomes separate independently and match themselves randomly into two eggs cells in our mother or two sperm cells in our father. We might get one chromosome in one pair from our mom, and our sister might get the other chromosome from that pair. This indicates why there are 8,388,608 possible variations of egg and sperm. It’s indeed a wonder we look like our parents at all! However, it is noteworthy to note that differences among individuals and even between closely related individuals are the keys to techniques like genetic fingerprinting. Additionally, there may be multiple variants of each gene in the human population (alleles), a situation called polymorphism. Alleles are created at various frequencies in different human populations. As well, genetic diversity can be influenced by a range of factors including population size, natural selection, mutation rates, gene flow between populations, introgression from hybridization and historical effects on these factors (e.g., population bottlenecks).Further, genetic diversity is predicted to be low in the terrestrial environment, and the reason is that island endemic species usually have small populations and thus low genetic diversity as genetic variation is increasingly lost through genetic drift. Moreover, the study of human genetic variation has had significant medical applications. It helped scientists understand ancient human population migrations as well as how human groups are biologically related to one another. For medicine, the study of human genetic variation has been important because some disease-causing alleles more often existed in people from specific geographic regions.
What is Open Mouth Posture? When your mouth is not in use for the behaviours of eating, drinking, or speaking, there is a certain way that the mouth and lips should rest. If the mouth and lips instead begin to create irregular shapes and cause development issues to the mouth, lips, and jaw area, an orofacial mycologist should be contacted to fix this issue, referred to as Open Mouth Posture. Open mouth posture is often seen in children but can also be found in adults. This is usually because they did not receive treatment as a child to fix the issue. This condition can be treated through orofacial myology, however it is important to be aware of what to look for in order to get yourself, or your child, the proper help. Here are symptoms that you should look out for in yourself or your child: Proper resting mouth position: – A closed mouth with lips sealed together without strain. – Breathing (in and out) through the nose. – Tongue relaxed along palate, resting behind but NOT pushing against the front teeth. Improper resting mouth position signs that indicate Open Mouth Posture: – Mouth open at rest. – Breathing (in and out) through mouth. – Protruding tongue. – Tongue pushing against front teeth. – Lower jaw is hanging forward. Open lip/ open mouth position can create problems in the development of facial and oral structure function. These problems can be anywhere from developing orthodontic problems such as crowded teeth, under bite, over bite, and protruding front teeth to speech articulation issues, joint disorders and abnormally developed facial features (e.g., long face syndrome, protruding lips, malformed nose, neck, and shoulders, etc.). If your child displays symptoms of open lip/ open mouth syndrome, an orofacial myologist can help address these issues. Being aware of and being able to identify these symptoms will allow you to get yourself or your child the assistance they need to correct the functions of their mouth and jaw. With the application of proper orofacial therapies and techniques, open lip/ mouth condition can be vastly improved. To get expert guidance from an Orofacial Myologist in Vaughan, call Maple Dental Hygiene Care today at 410.835.5002 or visit the Maple Dental Hygiene Care website to book an appointment.
While most of us are aware that you are not allowed to text and drive, a couple of new studies are now looking at the effect of texting while walking. Did you know that London has put bumpers on light posts on city streets due to people walking into them while texting on their phones? How about text lanes on staircases at Utah Valley State. While the latter was done as a bit of a joke, this is actually becoming a serious issue. While we understand the dangers of tripping, falling down stairs or walking into things, only until recently did we look at the effect texting and walking had on our posture and gait. According to a study out of the University of Queensland, texting and walking alters not just your posture but also your balance. In their study they found that the subjects heads were assuming a flexed or tucked chin position. Anyone that has been in my office knows that I am an absolute nut about keeping your head from that flexed position. Another study, this time at Texas A&M, looked at how we actually walk. They took participants and gave them three tasks: 1. Walk Normal 2. Walk while texting 3. Walk while texting and being distracted by a math problem. Want to guess which of the scenarios produced slower walking, shorter strides, and an inability to walk in a straight line? Let me help you, it wasn’t the first one. An altered gait can have severe consequences on your legs, hips and most importantly your spine. As texting becomes more integrated in our lives, lets be smart about how and when we are doing it. Definitely not while driving and let’s give some consideration to limiting it while we are walking around.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), formerly known as Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), is an uncommon disorder often seen as a result of traumatic injury or surgery. This pain is a type of chronic, long-lasting, pain. With chronic regional pain syndrome commonly, you may have unexplained pain that won’t go away. It may be severe, and it may spread. Chronic regional pain syndrome commonly affects the arms and legs on the side of the injury or surgery. Your healthcare provider will work with you to diagnose and treat your complex regional pain syndrome. If you suffer from complex regional pain syndrome and would like additional information on this painful condition, please review the video and frequently asked questions below. If you are interested in or scheduled for a lumbar sympathetic block for complex regional pain syndrome and would like additional information on this interventional procedure please refer to our article on lumbar sympathetic block. Additionally, if you have questions or concerns do not hesitate to discuss them with your physician. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome FAQ Complex regional pain syndrome is an uncommon disorder whose cause is not well understood. Complex regional pain syndrome often seen as a result of traumatic injury or surgery. Chronic regional pain syndrome commonly affects the arms and legs on the side of the injury or surgery. CRPS is characterized by sensitivity to light touch, burning pain, swelling, as well as changes in skin color, hair growth, or sweating. To determine whether you are suffering from complex regional pain syndrome or from another condition, your provider will start with a comprehensive medical review and physical exam. Diagnostic tests that include x-rays, lab results, and/or MRIs will also be reviewed. Complex regional pain syndrome pain may be treated in many ways including non-opioid adjuvant medications, nerve blocks, and complementary therapies such as desensitization physical therapy. Nerve pain may be treated as part of a care team model involving pain psychology, pain management, and primary care specialties working together.
Pachama, the Miners of Bolivia, 2019 In Bolivia, nestled in the Andes Mountains, the cities of Oruro, Popoó, Uyuni and Potosi are home to many mining dating back to colonial time, that continue to support the inhabitants of a region threatened by poverty. Juan Manuel Castro-Prieto went to meet the population to understand their way of life, witnessing their rites and discovering their vision of the world, always rooted in ancestral practices and beliefs. The entire economy of these cities turns around mining, which reminds us that without their exploitation, these cities may no longer exist. One of the most famous places: Cerro Rico, a mountain that dominates the city of Potosi and is the region’s main mining resource. In the past, it had the world’s largest silver veins, but even today it contains many resources such as tin, silver and magnesium. Fearing the prosperity of their mines, Andeans person organize several events to honor their deities. One of the most spectacular ceremonies is the ritual of Pachamama, the goddess Mother Earth, celebrated during the carnival of the Potosi mines. This is followed by four days of festivities during which Juan Manuel Castro-Prieto captures these precious moments of pleasure. In a colorful ambiance, the Bolivians parade and dance in sublime costumes bearing the effigy of Pachamama. It is a way for them to enhance their cultural identity and to spread the history of Bolivia. Popoó et Uyuni
The global trajectory of monkeypox continues to show a declining trend since mid-August, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar told the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. Most cases detected to date have been mild and treatment for the disease remains largely supportive, Pawar said in a written reply to a question. According to the WHO, investigational drugs are used in some countries in clinical research settings only. In terms of building diagnostic capacities for disease diagnosis, 20 ICMR-network laboratories have been operationalised across the country for testing monkeypox. "While the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an outbreak of monkeypox disease as a public health emergency of international concern on July 23, 2022, the global trajectory of monkeypox continues to show a declining trend since mid-August, 2022," she said. Monkeypox is a self-limited disease presenting with fever, intense headache, lymphadenopathy or swelling of lymph nodes, back pain, myalgia or muscle aches, and a rash that tends to be more concentrated on the face and extremities. Symptoms of monkeypox generally last from two to four weeks. The disease is transmitted to humans through close contact with an infected person or animal, or with material contaminated with the virus, Pawar said.
Living a healthy lifestyle has numerous benefits, including improving mental and physical health. Keeping active and eating balanced meals boosts happiness, and a powerful way to improve wellbeing is to get outside. Mrs Raffray encouraged girls, especially while everyone is sitting exams, to make time to go out to the meadow during breaks. There is an oak tree that has been there for twenty years which she recommended they go and visit. The Latin for oak is ‘Quercus robur’, meaning ‘strength’ and this resonates with the resilience our girls are currently demonstrating in their preparation for exams. It is Assessment Week in Key Stage 2 and they are focusing on keeping healthy during exam times and looking at the importance of sleep, exercise and diet. Lower I are keeping a sleep diary and are running around the astro pitch every day! Mrs Costello put together a programme for Preps and Juniors this week, starting with Yoga on Monday morning. A dentist visited the Nursery and Preps in the afternoon to talk about oral hygiene, and the Preps were lucky enough to host a Naturopath and a Nurse on Tuesday morning. Aerobics with Miss Hales and Yoga with one of our Nursery parents was followed by a smoothie demonstration with the Kitchen on Wednesday. In addition, the Kitchen has provided fresh fruit for dessert this week, with sponge cake and custard nowhere in sight. We hope this week has helped the girls to prepare for a productive half term break next week. As Mrs Raffray said in assembly on Monday, “Go out, put your face to the sun, turn off your phones and sleep properly”. We wish everyone a happy and healthy half term. Categories: Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
Drinking water contaminants occur in your water supply both naturally and through human activity. Fortunately, the U.S and Canada rigorously treat their water supply, water supply which is considered amongst the safest in the world. By the time you get the water in your home, some of the dangerous contaminants are either gone or occur only in small, non-lethal quantities. However, drinking tap water over time can cause some of the remaining chemicals in water to build up inside your body, potentially leading to serious health problems for you and your family. Many health experts assert that drinking contaminated water plays a huge part in the increased rate of cancer and learning disorders facing the population today. Just take a look below, at the long list of chemicals in your drinking water. You’ll see that despite your city’s water treatment efforts, every household still needs the added protection of a water filter to remove the majority of remaining impurities. To get an idea of how dangerous these chemicals in your drinking water can be and to find out what kind of water filtration system removes them, just click on the links below. Taste and Odor Total Dissolved Solids Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Leave Drinking Water Contaminants & Go To Best Water Filter Guide
The Lourdais cows are a multipurpose breed of cows. They are a strain of cows in the Pyrenees. The strain is employed for meat production. Cows come from a bunch of cattle breeds that are yellow that are early. Those cows that are yellow were famous for quite a while at Aquitaine, parent of cattle breed. Before getting Blonde d’Aquitaine in 1962, this strain has been sprinkled with additional yellowish strains as “Blondes des Pyrénées”. Amounts of this Lourdais cows breed dropped in the 1980s to 30 cows and one bull. But you will find 20 bulls and 170 cows. A ‘Ferme Conservatoire’ keeps a herd of several twenty cows. Lourdais Cattle Characteristics Lourdais cows are moderate-sized creatures. They’ve creamy yellowish or white colored coat. Both bulls and cows have horns. Their horns are curving. The average body weight of this Lourdais cows is approximately 650 kg. Lourdais Cattle Advantages This cows breed has been considered to be the very most effective multipurpose breed at the Pyrenees. They have been used for making milk and for wood from the hills. Now the breed is utilized for beef production. The Lourdais cows are of very great behavior and have a comparatively calm temperament. The cows are milk manufacturers that are great, and they create approximately 6000 kg of milk per lactation. Milk of this Lourdais cows was used for producing cheese. The strain is great for beef production. And now it’s increased as a beef cattle breed. Lourdais Cattle Breed Information |Breed Purpose||Meat, Milk| |Special Notes||Active, Docile| | Weight | |About 650 kg| |Cows||Less than 650 kg| |Climate Tolerance||All Climates| |Coat Color||Creamy white or yellow| |Country/Place of Origin||France|
Tax Facts – Permanent Account Number – PAN The Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a number used by the Income Tax Department to identify assessees. PAN is a 10-digit alphanumeric number that is printed on a laminated card known as a PAN card, along with other details such as the: - PAN number - Name of applicant - Father’s name - Date of birth - Passport-size photo The PAN number replaces the General Index Registrar (GIR) Number which is given to the assessee by an assessing officer and includes the officer’s details. Under section 139A of the 1961 Income Tax Act, the PAN number is required for individuals. - Whose total annual income exceeds the amount that is not chargeable under the income tax act - Whose income through business or another profession exceeds Rs. 5 lakhs - Who is filing an income tax return. - PAN is required in the following situations: - Filing an income tax return - Any correspondence with the income tax department - Submitting challans for payment of any tax to the department - Verifying the identity of an assessee in the income tax department MORE: Click here to learn more about PAN.
Fluid pressure inside hydraulic fractures causes their propagation. The potential energy of this fluid provides the energy needed for the creation of fracture surfaces. Theoretical analysis of hydraulic fracturing has shown that fluid pressure needed for fracture extension decreases as the fracture becomes longer. Experimental work on two-dimensional fractures show the same trend in laboratory specimens. It also shows that obstructing the natural fracture growth will result in an increase in the fluid pressure. In field operations hydraulic fractures will encounter many obstructions as they propagate. The resulting fractures will therefore have irregular shapes. Obstructions which are overcome earliest during the treatment are the least severe. A relatively severe obstruction can completely restrict fracture growth at its vicinity, thus increasing the possibility of inducing propagation into one of the adjacent formations. A severe restriction to fracture growth increases the fracturing fluid pressure. This enhances the possibility of extending secondary fractures. The smaller the difference between at least two principal stresses, (e.g.; at shallow depths), the higher the chances of creating secondary fractures. Fluid pressure inside a hydraulic fracture provides the energy needed for its extension. During its propagation, the hydraulic fracture encounters various restrictions to its growth, each of which will have its effect on fracturing fluid pressure. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss some of the common causes for fluid pressure changes, and, the effects they will have on the fracture. Suppose the fluid pressure inside the hydraulic fracture is constant. Any obstruction in the path of fluid flow inside the fracture will result in increases in p and consequently borehole pressure. A likely source of obstruction to fluid flow is the proppant, which may be bridged in the fracture, thus reducing the open channel for flow of fluid.
No 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGeAi57CYGw (NOTE: 3 separate links, 3 clips) from the documentary Against the Odds: African-American Artists and the Harmon Foundation. Using information from the film, answer these questions: What is happening in the opening scene of the film? What was the Harlem Renaissance? When did it take place? Even after slavery ended, African Americans were still widely oppressed and discriminated against. What social and economic changes in the United States set up the conditions for the Harlem Renaissance? What was the Harmon Foundation and what was its role in the Harlem Renaissance? Why are some scholars today critical of the Harmon Foundation? Who are some of the artists that were given support by the Harmon Foundation? Who were some of the key African-American spokespeople, critics, or writers (other than the artists) mentioned in the film? Explanation & Answer Running HEAD: HARLEM RENAISSENCE Opening of the film it is the preference of the endowment of humanities as well as giving an idea of the laying down of the Harmon Foundation. Harlem Renaissance was a result of the celebration. In 1920, the sweeping public relations in this campaign were lounged to paint a new picture of the African American which was called the new Negro movement. It was first created in the songs poems and songs and pictures emphasized to the virtues of the race. Civil leaders believed that art could not just ...
Systematic reviews are an umbrella term for a number of different review designs, all with specific goals (e.g., identify scope of available research or gaps, reduce bias, statistically combine and analyze results from multiple studies). They differ from basic literature review articles that qualitatively summarize the literature on a topic and do not necessarily have inclusion or exclusion criteria. Epidemiological meta-analyses are quantitative types of systematic reviews, in which summary measures of exposure–outcome associations are calculated based on the results of a selection of existing studies. In other words, a meta-analysis statistically combines the results from multiple studies, with the goal of calculating more precise measures, increasing sample size, or reducing bias in the combined results. The goal of meta-analysis is to obtain a more robust understanding of the relationship between an exposure and a health outcome than could be obtained from a single study. While meta-analyses are considered to be strong research designs because of their formal, statistical characteristics, they are not without weakness or critics. For instance, existing studies included in a meta-analysis may have strengths and limitations of their own. For this Discussion, you examine the validity and strengths and limitations of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in epidemiological research. - Review the studies and articles provided in the Learning Resources. Consider the strengths and limitations of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Make sure you are clear on the difference between the two approaches. By Day 3 of Week 8 Post a brief summary of your informed opinion regarding the validity of the use of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in epidemiological research. Include at least two strengths or limitations of each technique. Provide evidence from at least one of the articles in the Learning Resources to support and justify your position. The post Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses – Write My Paper Today appeared first on Professors Essays.
From field to package, how is organic cane sugar made? The story of Level Ground organic Fair Trade Cane Sugar touches two communities in Colombia. The first is in Huila, and the second is in Ibagué. The stalks are harvested by hand & machete, and then transported to the 'trapiche' (sugar mill). At the trapiche, the stalks are pressed to release all the flavourful cane juice. The crushed stalks are then used as fuel to heat the cane juice and evaporate the water from the juice – it starts to get concentrated! The cooling concentrate is aerated and stirred. Within minutes it transforms from a liquid to a solid! The newly formed solid is now granular cane sugar, which is put through a sieve and once fully cooled is ready for packaging. In Huila, sugar cane farmers have come together to setup a processing facility for their cane juice. Fresh, organic, whole stalks of cane are pressed and the juice goes through stages of boiling and evaporation to produce the delicious granules of sugar. Large sacks of the sugar are then sent to Fruandes, in Ibagué, where the sugar is packaged and readied for shipment to Level Ground. Fruandes is a Fair Trade Organization (FTO) focused on providing positive employment for women including sustainable wages, vocational training, health care, and education for their children. Check out our video on how it's made!
Glass bottle containing charred bits of barley, circa 1670 Glass and barley DRHS Collection, 2010.063.015 Glass bottle containing burnt (charred) barley, excavated by Reverend Benjamin Kent during his archaeological dig in 1832 of the Captain Myles and Barbara Standish homesite. At the time, it had been rumored that Myles Standish’s house had burned, and Kent used this charred barley as evidence to confirm that rumor. In his object list Kent refers to this artifact as “carbonated wheat from the ruins of Captain Myles Standish’s house.” Myles Standish, born circa 1584, was an English military officer hired to accompany the Pilgrims in 1620 as their military adviser. He played a leading role in the administration and defense of Plymouth Colony. He was one of the first settlers and founders of the town of Duxbury. He is buried at the Myles Standish Burying Ground. Related Object: Kent’s Museum List, Collection of the Duxbury Rural & Historical Society, Drew Archival Library, Bradford Family Collection, DAL.MSS.024 Catalog list of the almost 500 objects in the museum created by Reverend Benjamin Kent and kept in a small museum on Tremont Street, between 1827-1833. Kent solicited local mariners to bring items back from their voyages abroad to be put on display. There were also 16 objects found by Kent during his dig at the Myles Standish homesite in 1832. Kent was the minister of Duxbury’s First Parish Church from 1828-1833. His wife, Eleanor Bradford, was a Pilgrim descendant. Return to Exhibition Main Page.
Whether performing an elegant solo or being the heart of the orchestra, the violin is a "star" in the music world. The origins of the Violin The birth of the violin The eastern ancestors of the violin Instruments like the violin that use a bow to produce a sound are called bowed stringed instruments. The Arabian rabab and the rebec, which came from the orient in the middle ages and was played widely in Spain and France in the fifteenth century, are said to be the ancestors of the violin. Near the end of the middle ages, a bowed stringed instrument called a fiddle appeared in Europe. In the East, the Chinese erhu and morin khur evolved from the rabab, and so they are relatives of the violin Who made the first violin? The two earliest violin makers in recorded history are both from northern Italy: Andre Amati from Cremona and Gasparo di Bertolotti from Salon (Gasparo di Salon). With these two violin makers, the history of the violin emerges from the fog of legend to hard fact. Violins produced by these two still exist today. In fact, the oldest violin in existence today is one built by Andre Amati around 1565. The oldest existing violin, built by Andrea Amati. Bows in the age of environmental awareness The preferred material for the stick of the violin bow has been pernambuco wood, which only grows in the Amazon delta region in South America. Originally, it was exported to Germany for use in creating dyes, but because of its unusual hardness, it began to be used to make bows. However, in recent years, this natural resource has began to become depleted. Tree farms were also created, but it takes 30 years for this tree to attain full growth. The carbon bow shown in the figure below uses carbon instead of wood. Developed to protect the global environment while ensuring that the seeds of music continue to germinate, carbon bows have has good gripping characteristics and are long lasting. Leave a comment
Hurricane Unit Study Tools for Parents and Teachers Hurricane season is getting ready to hit full force making this the perfect time to start planning a hurricane unit study. By preparing ahead of time you can be ready to take advantage when the hurricanes start rolling in. We have been through a few hurricane seasons when we lived down south and one thing that made it fun was using them as an opportunity to get really connected to what we were learning. We would prep for lessons right along with the typical buy bread and batteries prep. How they categorize and track Hurricanes Find the latest news, updates, and storm tracking on TERRAPIN How hurricanes are ranked with TCFAQ Learn about Hurricane Hunters that help us understand the inside of these powerful storms. Get hands-on with your unit study Check out this Hurricane in a bowl Science Experiment Discovery Education has great lesson plans with projects. Rain and inland flooding science Build a rain gauge to help your child connect with how much rain is coming down. Hurricane wind speed chart. Understanding hurricane winds at landfall. How are winds measured? Hurricane Reading List The Magic School Bus Inside A Hurricane DK Eyewitness Books: Hurricane & Tornado Things to do together for this unit study As a hurricane is coming your way you will find the perfect time to learn about this major weather event. Track the storm on the internet, watch as it hits outside, venture out before clean up starts to see how the storm causes damage. Volunteer to help with the cleanup effort as a family or if you have time work together to help friends, family, and neighbors band together to secure homes. If working on this before a storm comes take time to create your own emergency kit together and talk to your child about why it is important to be prepared for anything that can come your way.
The Radcliffe Science Library recently acquired a MakerBot Replicator 2 3D Printer. We also have available two 3D scanners. The Replicator 2 is able to produce three-dimensional models using a biodegradable plastic called PLA (Poly(lactic acid)). Models for the printer can be designed using a CAD program (such as SketchUp or TinkerCad), download from object repositories such as Thingiverse or copied from existing physical objects using a 3D scanner. The library has acquired a printer in order to give researchers and students at the University the opportunity to learn about and use this exciting technology for very little cost. We hope that people will be inspired to think about new ways in which they can use 3D printing to explore their own areas of research. Throughout 8th week we will be running a series of demonstrations of the 3D printer. These will take place in the Entrance Hall of the RSL. Our first demonstration will be at 2 pm on Monday 1st of December. On Wednesday 3rd of December, also beginning at 2 pm, there will be a series of talks taking place in the RSL Entrance Hall in which researchers will talk about how they already use 3D printing in their work. Please join us for one or all of the talks. We are very much looking forward to seeing what people make of (and with!) our printer. You can find out more details on the 3D Printing LibGuide – http://libguides.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/3dprintingscanning You can download a full programme for the 3D Printing in Action talks on December 3rd using the link below –
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining is a fully-automated manufacturing process akin to robotics. Instead of human operators who manually prompt and guide machines using levers, buttons and wheels, this technology uses pre-programmed computer software to command the speed, position and movement of factory tools with little involvement from humans. At iCONN Systems, CNC machining is the secret weapon behind our advanced rapid prototyping capabilities. Here’s how it works: First, our engineers create a 3D CAD drawing. Next, computer programmers translate the design into computer coding that can be interpreted by the CNC system. Where traditional numerical-controlled machining involved a static process of developing and inputting programming via a punch card, computer-controlled machining is far more dynamic. Program coding is stored within the computer’s memory and can be revised or updated at any time to adjust functionality. Why CNC Machining is Important The purpose of CNC machining is to simplify and automate specific manufacturing tasks and processes to increase efficiency and consistency. CNC technology is ideal for operations that involve repetitive movements and predictable cycles, such as turret punchers and wire-bending machines. More importantly, computer-controlled programming can execute the 3D cutting of intricate parts designs with unrivaled precision. Take iCONN’s m8 and m12 product lines. Often times, customers need these standard connectors, but with a custom housing or coupling nut. By retaining CNC capabilities in-house, iCONN can turn unique offerings quickly and cost-effectively. CNC machining enhances cutting performance and enables iCONN Systems to make intricate cuts in brass, stainless steel and aluminum with expert precision. Beyond shaving production time down to minutes, CNC machining offers several customer- and manufacturer-facing benefits: - Improved machine accuracy - Detailed part designs - Increased manufacturing agility - Increased safety - Reduced labor costs - Decreased lead times - Bolstered production volume - Reduced setup-changeover time Using CNC Machining for the rapid prototyping of modified standard connectors and other parts is one of the many ways iCONN Systems adds value to its services. We also implement cellular manufacturing to reduce materials waste and optimize manufacturing processes, and offer in-house testing and certification to deliver a comprehensive customer experience. Learn more about our robust inventory of receptacle kits, cable assemblies, connectors and wire harnesses.
Zero - By: Rocky Teitlebaum The kid refuses the pleading offers of meals or snacks They've refused it for so long Their tongue has forgot the tingling sensation that follows cravings But their still not as empty as they promised themself they would be So the warm salty fries in front of them will wait They've adjusted their diet to Two slices of bread (coated in peanut butter) And as much water as they wish This daily intake of food has theft them so hungry The angry screams from their stomach has become their music Cold and sweating they approach the washroom Their legs threaten to let them crash But they know if they fall they wont get back up The scale stands in front of them 89 pounds They are 89 pounds to heavy Please give a detailed explanation about the meaning and main idea of this poem.: This poem is about how eating disorders change the way of thinking, making it about control. They are not rational, and there is no goal that will ever be satisfactory, yet they consume every moment of your day. Please explain your writing and thought process regarding this poem.: I wanted to share an honest piece of what is could look like to struggle with an eating disorder. Why did you choose to write this poem?: I wanted to minimize the romanticization and jealousy of eating disorders.
The COVID-19 public health emergency has illustrated stark disparities in health care, specifically for minority populations and people of color. Just as minority populations have suffered higher rates of COVID-19, preliminary data also show that racial disparities exist in vaccine administration. In addition to the Biden administration’s emphasis on equity in vaccine distribution, states also have implemented policies to do the same. Properly Collecting Data To ensure the most equitable allocation of vaccines, sufficient data is needed. So far, 26 states and Washington, D.C., publicly report varying data on race and ethnicity for individuals who have received the vaccination. However, states differ in their approaches: - Florida and Pennsylvania report the total number of people vaccinated by race and ethnicity; - North Dakota reports the percent of individuals from each race and ethnicity that have been vaccinated; and - Indiana and North Carolina report the total number of doses that have been administered to individuals by race and ethnicity. Reducing Disparities for Vaccines States also have taken different approaches to address disparities in their vaccine administration processes. For example: - Rhode Island is making vaccines available in high-risk communities by using hospitalization, death, and case data to target vaccines by geography; and - Tennessee is expanding vaccination efforts in rural and underserved communities. Improving Communication on Vaccines to Reduce Hesitancy Vaccine hesitancy is prevalent, especially in communities of color. There are several ways states have worked to improve trust in health care, especially for vaccinations: - some states, including West Virginia and Tennessee, are working with church groups and religious affiliations to help share positive information about vaccines; and - other states are creating vaccine campaigns in different languages, such as Spanish, to reach a wider audience. Visit the America’s Essential Hospitals coronavirus resource page for more information about the pandemic. Contact Senior Director of Policy Erin O’Malley at firstname.lastname@example.org or 202.585.0127 with questions.
Physical trauma is an aggressive form of trauma that can occur from many different occurrences. Many times a person receives physical punishments from caregivers during childhood. This punishment, however, is done in a manner that far exceeds necessity. As a result the child grows up into adulthood with a great sense of confusion. Many times this leads them to believe that their behavior was far worse than it actually was, leading towards a distorted sense of self. Other times the person who has experienced physical abuse in their early stages of development, may develop feelings of aggression later on in life. These feelings of aggression many times are acted out and make it difficult for the person to behave appropriately in social settings. Many times the physical abuse can be passed on, causing an endless cycle of trauma that is passed on for generations. Other forms of physical trauma can occur later on in life. Those who have engaged in real life combat such as war, many times experience physical trauma. This can occur from what they witness happening in combat. In addition it can occur from the aggressive behaviors they must engage in during battle. This can many times be even more traumatic as taking human life is never something anyone wants to experience, no matter how bad the person actually is. Ibogaine By David Dardashti offers an introspective experience to help people deal with physical trauma. The person reflects on the physical harm they have undergone in their past. They then learn to let go and understand that the aggression in their past is nothing to be ashamed of and they are able to continue on a healthy path in life.
This program is a basic introduction of the string family in a presentation we are calling from Bach to Bluegrass. The program describes the evolution of the string quartet through musical eras, starting in the Baroque era with J.S. Bach’s Air on the G String to Mark O’Connor’s arrangement of “Fisher’s Hornpipe”. With each concert, there are specified curriculum tie-ins, including music and European and American history. The K-2 concerts will be only 40 minutes and will give less technical information while 3-5 will be 50 minutes long and will include an opportunity for students to ask questions. Both will include a song to be learned and sung at the concert (Elizabeth Cotten’s “Freight Train.”) Music performed will include works by Haydn, Beethoven, Debussy, Dvorak, Gershwin and Rhiannon Giddens. For grades 6-12, Mallarme can tailor the performance to the needs or abilities of the students. This program can be adapted in a concert as an introduction to students who are starting to learn an instrument or for those who are more advanced. There can be an in-depth discussion on the technical aspects of the instruments and career possibilities for musicians if desired. The Mallarmé Chamber Players are a nationally-acclaimed, Durham-based ensemble of professional musicians who perform in mixed ensembles of two to eight players. For more than 30 years, Mallarme has used music to communicate, educate and inspire audiences. The ensemble offers concerts and educational activities for K-12 students and workshops for educators. Concerts and workshops are also available for community and social events. Planning with the classroom teacher, a study guide and an interactive presentation for each program all make for a well-rounded educational experience. - Program Type: Performance - Discipline: Music - Grade Level: Elementary, High, Middle - Cultural Context: - Accepts bookings in Johnston County
Tapeworms (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) are the dominant component of communities of intestinal parasites in pimelodid and other catfishes (Siluriformes) from South America. Even though these parasites have been studied intensively over more than one century, molecular taxonomy and phylogenetics have questioned their morphology-based classification, thus raising doubts about the systematic value of traits commonly used to circumscribe individual taxa. In the present study, members of three morphologically well-characterized genera of proteocephalids from pimelodid (Hemisorubim platyrhynchos and Sorubim lima) and auchenipterid (Ageneiosus inermis) catfishes from the Paraná or Amazon River basins were subjected to DNA sequencing of the large subunit nuclear ribosomal RNA (lsrDNA) and complete mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). Phylogenetic analyses revealed the sister relationship between Manaosia bracodemoca and Mariauxiella piscatorum, and among Mariauxiella pimelodi and Ageneiella brevifilis. As a result, Mar. piscatorum and A. brevifilis are transferred to Manaosia and Mariauxiella, respectively, as Manaosia piscatorum n. comb. and Mariauxiella brevifilis n. comb., and the genus Ageneiella is suppressed. Diagnoses of Manaosia and Mariauxiella are amended. In addition, the present study revealed misidentification of tapeworms whose sequences are deposited in the GenBank database. Keywords: COI; Catfishes; Cestodes; Molecular systematics; Neotropical Region; lsrDNA.
Dyslexic students can have a hard time processing written and oral language. According to The Society of Neuroscience, about 3.5 percent of American students—slightly more than 2 million children have dyslexia. Using Squigl in the classroom can help support these challenges by creating animated videos using simple images that are easy to consume and retain and help pace out learning content into microlearning chunks. You can also upload any existing PowerPoint or Word lessons and transform them into an interactive Squigl video with quizzing and assessments! Leverage Immersive Reader to increase engagement and accessibility for students with reading difficulties. An average of 9 percent of students in U.S. public schools are English Language Learners (ELLs), according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Most educators have no formal training on how to support English language learners, which adds to the challenge of creating support materials for them. With Squigl, you can create compelling and interactive videos to help support English Language Learners. By tapping into the visual channels of the human memory, Squigl videos can increase knowledge retention exponentially and make English Language content easier to understand! Creating more effective, engaging, and memorable interactive videos for English Language Learners is as easy as 1,2,3 with Squigl. This unique online video maker software helps you connect more powerfully with your audience. Unlike regular slides, Squigl lets you show the relationships between the pictures and the main ideas of your presentation, taking viewers on a compelling, informative journey they’re not only likely to enjoy more, but remember and act upon. Duaa Abu Amara, Educator, Riyadh Schools Access with ease Utilize single sign-on and say goodbye to multiple passwords and accounts. Save time by accessing everything in one place. Want to take Squigl for a test drive? Get a Demo of Squigl for your school! Take this course in the Microsoft Educator Center and earn a Squigl Badge!
Maitreya says- “O Lord! How did God divide Vedas in the form of Veda Vyasa during different yugas?” Parashar says- During each Dwapar Yuga, in every Kalpa, Lord Vishnu takes incarnation as Veda Vyasa and effects the division of Vedas for the benefit of human beings. During every Dwapar Yuga of the present Vaivasvat Manvantara, different Vyasas have divided the Vedas twenty-eight times. During the first Dwapar, Brahma himself had divided the Vedas. During the second Dwapar, Prajapati was Veda Vyasa. During the third Dwapar, Shukracharya was Veda Vyasa. During fourth Dwapar, Brihaspati acted as Veda Vyasa. Description of other sages who acted as Veda Vyasa during the subsequent Dwapars is as follows- Surya- fifth Veda Vyasa; Mrityu- sixth Veda Vyasa, Indra- seventh Veda Vyasa, Vashishta- eighth Veda Vyasa, Saraswat- ninth Veda Vyasa, Tridhama- tenth Veda Vyasa, Trishikh- eleventh Veda Vyasa, Bharadwaj- twelfth Veda Vyasa, Antariksh- thirteenth Veda Vyasa, Varani- fourteenth Veda Vyasa. Names of next fourteen Veda Vyasas are as follows- Trayyarun, Dhananjay, Krutunjay, Jay, Bharadwaj, Gautam, Haryatma, Vajshrava, Trinbindhu, Riksh (Valmiki), Shakti, Parashar, Jatukarn and Krishnadwaipayan. After Krishnadwaipayan, Drona‘s son, Ashwatthama will be the next Veda Vyasa.
Let us tell 'ya about the birds and bees -- for citizen science, that is! Here are just a few buzz-worthy projects to get you started. The Great Sunflower Project Help researchers create a national bee population map to study the decline of bees. Simply plant sunflowers and watch for bee visits a few times a month. Get started! Help ornithologists learn about 16 key species of urban birds by tracking up to 16 species of birds for just 10 mins in a small area near you. Get started! (Photo: Louise Docker) Celebrate Urban Birds Bee Hunt Use digital photography to help provide a better understanding of pollinators' importance in growing food and maintaining healthy natural ecosystems. Get started! North American Bird Phenology Program Millions of bird migration records have been scanned. Care to illuminate almost a century of migration patterns and population status of birds? Transcribe records so they can be included in an open database for analysis. Get started! The Zombie Fly has been found parasitizing honey bees in California, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont and Washington. Where else in North America are bees infected by Zombie Flies? Help solve the mystery by collecting honey bees and reporting easy-to-spot signs of infection. You'll know it when you see it! Get started! This post originally appeared on the SciStarter blog. On Sunday, 5/18 at 9:26 am ET, the Space X Dragon Cargo will be released from the International Space Station to return to Earth. The Cargo will splash down into the Pacific Ocean returning our very own citizen science research project, Project MERCCURI, to Earth! You can watch this all take place, LIVE, on NASA TV: May 18, Sunday 9 a.m. Learn more about Project MERCCURI at SpaceMicrobes.org. Listen to beautifully produced citizen science stories from our partners at WHYY radio! Want your project featured in our newsletter? Contact email@example.com
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a new study warning of the rapid spread of a deadly and drug-resistant fungus known as Candida auris, or C. auris, across the United States. C. auris is a yeast-type fungus that can cause severe infections, particularly in hospitalized individuals or those with weakened immune systems. The CDC reports a mortality rate of up to 60% for those infected with the fungus. According to the study, the number of people diagnosed with C. auris infections, as well as those found to be carrying the fungus through screening, has been increasing at an alarming rate since it was first reported in the U.S. a few years ago. The fungus is often resistant to multiple anti-fungal drugs, making treatment difficult. It can also survive on surfaces in healthcare facilities for extended periods and is easily transmitted from person to person through contact with contaminated surfaces or equipment. The first case of C. auris in the U.S. was reported in 2016, and since then, the fungus has been found in healthcare facilities across several states, including New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, and Florida. Cases of the deadly fungus have tripled from 2019 to 2021, according to data from the CDC. Annual clinical case counts rose from 476 in 2019 to 1,471 in 2021, a 95% increase. The CDC has rated the fungus’ spread as an “urgent threat” due to its resistance to treatment and ease of transmission. The agency attributes the rapid spread of C. auris to several factors, including poor infection prevention and control practices in healthcare facilities and the strain on hospitals and clinics caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To prevent the spread of the fungus in healthcare facilities, the CDC recommends strict infection control practices, including hand hygiene, environmental cleaning and disinfection, and the use of appropriate personal protective equipment. Healthcare providers are encouraged to identify and isolate patients with C. auris infections and report cases to public health authorities. The CDC stresses the need for continued surveillance, expanded lab capacity, quicker diagnostic tests, and adherence to proven infection prevention and control practices to address the alarming spread of C. auris in the U.S. Photo Credit: NBC News
There are many benefits of adding mulch to a garden area, other than aesthetics. - The ability to retain moisture in the soil – Mulch reduces sunlight and wind from reaching topsoil, causing it to dry out. - Reduce winter injury to shrubs and bushes – Mulch keeps shrub and root balls insulated from winter weather. - Contribute to soil health – Organic mulches break down over time and contribute to soil health. This can help if your soil fertility is poor. In spring, the top layer or excess mulch should be removed before adding additional mulch. It is not meant to remain in place year-round. Too much mulch on an actively growing plant may smother it or encourage a variety of crown rots. What is Inorganic mulch – Inorganic mulches do not decompose. (Decorative Stone) The most common types of inorganic mulch are rocks, landscape fabric, and rubber mulch. What are the benefits of inorganic mulch? The benefit of inorganic mulch is that they may initially cost more, but they are more cost-efficient because they do not need to be reapplied or topped off as frequently as organic mulches. When installing inorganic mulch (Decorative Stone), landscape fabric should be used. Landscape fabric should NOT be used when installing organic mulch.
Nancy Gertner, The Judicial Repeal of the Johnson/Kennedy Administration's 'Signature' Achievement, in A Nation of Widening Opportunities: the Civil Rights Act at 50 (Ellen D. Katz & Samuel R. Babenstos eds., 2015). Abstract: The Civil Rights Act of 1964, one of the most significant legislative achievements in American history, has been gutted. This is not because of Congress, or an Executive agency; it is because of the courts. Federal judges, from trial courts to the Supreme Court, from one end of the country to the other, of all political affiliations, have interpreted the Act virtually, although not entirely, out of existence. Plaintiffs in discrimination cases lose on summary judgment, more than any other party in any other type of case. If they get to a jury trial, their damage verdicts run the risk of being reduced by trial judges and their counsel's fees slashed -- more than the verdicts or fees of plaintiffs and plaintiffs' counsel in any other category of case. Even successful plaintiffs' verdicts are reversed more than jury verdicts in any other type of case. It is not simply that plaintiffs lose, but how they lose -- in decision after decision that legitimizes discriminator practices and behavior that would have been abhorrent when the Civil Rights Act was passed. This article offers a preliminary explanation for the pattern and suggestions for change.
CLICK ON THE PHOTO ABOVE FOR A GALLERY OF CHERNOBYL: 35 YEARS LATER, FROM THE SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST ON THIS DAY in 1986, workers ran a safety test at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in northern Ukraine. But the test went awry, starting a fire in a reactor and leading to one of the largest nuclear disasters in history. Smoke from the fire and a second explosion launched radioactive elements into the atmosphere, scattering them over the surrounding fields and towns. Chernobyl is generally recognized as the worst nuclear accident on record, directly killing 31 people and causing widespread contamination in Eurasia. It’s estimated that thousands of people will eventually die earlier than they would have due to the cancers caused by their exposure. Today, 35 years later, scientists are still uncovering the extent of the damage and starting to answer questions about the long-term legacy of radiation exposure on power plant workers, the people in the nearby community, and even their family members born years later. READ: New studies highlight the possible impact of Chernobyl on genes - Published on Science Daily, the studies—both conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), a branch of the National Institute of Health (NIH)—sought to find what kind of changes the exposure to carcinogenic ionizing radiation had on those who came into contact with the explosion.
Sarawak Tourism Board Old Kuching Smart Heritage Old Kuching Heritage Buildings and Monuments Events & Festivals Media and Industry STB Research Library Kuching was the administrative capital throughout the times of the Brunei sultanate, the White Rajahs of Sarawak, and during the British Colonial rule before Sarawak joined the Malaysian Federation in 1963. The rich history of the city is showcased throughout Kuching, as you can see various historical landmarks such as the Old Court House, the Astana, and Fort Margherita, dotted along the city’s landscapes, telling tales of long ago that are still being passed down from generation to generation. Blessed with a tropical rainforest climate with temperatures ranging between 19 °C to 36 °C, Kuching is also well-known for its rainfall. With an average annual rainfall of approximately 4,200 millimetres, Kuching experiences up to 247 rainy days per year and is averaged as the wettest populated area in Malaysia. The wettest times are during the North-East Monsoon months of November to February, while the dry season for Kuching begins from June till August. More of Kuching...
Overlapping Resource Use in Three Great Basin Species: Implications for Community Invasibility and Vegetation Dynamics Journal of Ecology In the Great Basin of the western United States of America, the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum has extensively replaced native shrub and bunchgrass communities, but the native bunchgrass Elymus elymoides has been reported to suppress Bromus. Curlew Valley, a site in Northern Utah, provides a model community to test the effects of particular species on invasion by examining competitive relationships among Elymus, Bromus and the native shrub Artemisia tridentata. The site contains Bromus/Elymus, Elymus/Artemisia and monodominant Elymus stands. Transect data indicate that Elymus suppresses Bromus disproportionately relative to its above‐ground cover. Artemisia seedlings recruit in Elymus stands but rarely in the presence of Bromus. This relationship might be explained by competition between the two grasses involving a different resource or occurring in a different season to that between each grass and Artemisia. Time reflectometry data collected in monodominant patches indicated that in spring, soil moisture use by Bromus is rapid, whereas depletion under Elymus and Artemisia is more moderate. Artemisia seedlings may therefore encounter a similar moisture environment in monodominant or mixed perennial stands. However, efficient autumn soil moisture use by Elymus may help suppress Bromus. In competition plots, target Artemisia grown with Bromus were stunted relative to those grown with Elymus, despite equivalent above‐ground biomass of the two grasses. Competition for nitrogen in spring and autumn, assessed with 15N tracer, appears to be secondary to moisture availability in determining competitive outcomes. Elymus physiology and function appear to play an important role in determining the composition of communities in Curlew Valley, by maintaining zones free of Bromus where Artemisia can recruit. Booth, M.S., M.M. Caldwell, and J.M. Stark. 2003. Overlapping resource use in three Great Basin species: Implications for community invasibility and vegetation dynamics. J. Ecology 91:36-48.
Posted by Hannah Brand on Nov 30th 2022 December 6, 2022 Hey Plant Friends! This week we are talking about Schismatoglottis ‘Thailand’. Schismatoglottis is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Araceae, or Aroid plant family. The majority of this species are native to the Island of Borneo, but many can be found in the tropical parts of Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Melanesia. There are many different species of Schismatoglottis available in cultivation, but Thailand takes the cake because of its silvery, splatter-like variegation Let’s talk about care. Schismatoglottis will thrive in bright, indirect light. Direct sun will cause sun leaf burn. Water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. Your plant will droop like a peace lily when watering is requirred. As always, never let your plant sit in standing water as this will lead to root rot. Schismatoglottis appreciates humidity. Mist weekly with a continuous spray bottle to keep your plant nice and happy. This slow growing plant will need to be repotted eventually. Use a rich potting soil with ample drainage such as Espoma Organic Potting Mix. Keep an eye out for common pests such as mealy bugs and spider mites. Check for pests weekly when watering and keep a bottle of Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap on hand for easy treatment. Schismatoglottis are non-toxic making them a great pet friendly option! Schismatoglottis ‘Thailand’ is available at Tonkadale in 4” pots. If you have additional questions feel free to reach out by phone, Instagram, or email us at firstname.lastname@example.org.
tits on a keyboard = T = TLA /T-L-A/ n. [Three-Letter Acronym] 1. Self-describing abbreviation for a species with which computing terminology is infested. 2. Any confusing acronym. Examples include MCA, FTP, SNA, CPU, MMU, SCCS, DMU, FPU, NNTP, TLA. People who like this looser usage argue that not all TLAs have three letters, just as not all four-letter words have four letters. One also hears of "ETLA" (Extended Three-Letter Acronym, pronounced /ee tee el ay/) being used to describe four-letter acronyms. The term "SFLA" (Stupid Four-Letter Acronym) has also been reported. See also YABA. The self-effacing phrase "TDM TLA" (Too Damn Many...) is often used to bemoan the plethora of TLAs in use. In 1989, a random of the journalistic persuasion asked hacker Paul Boutin, "What do you think will be the biggest problem in computing in the 90s?" Paul's straight-faced response: "There are only 17,000 three-letter acronyms." (To be exact, there are 263 = 17,576.) There is probably some karmic justice in the fact that Paul Boutin subsequently became a journalist. --Jargon File, autonoded by rescdsk.
Kaeberlein is a professor of laboratory medicine and pathology at the University of Washington. He began his career studying cell division in yeast and how many times the cells could divide before essentially dying. “I just got completely turned on to that idea and the complexity of the problem,” he said. Kaeberlein said it’s not so much about how long we live but how well we live. This concept is called healthspan. It can be determined based on a person’s organ function and the number of diseases of aging that person has, such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s or diabetes. “We're interested in understanding how and why animals and people age and, in particular. what are the mechanisms that cause different animals or different people to age at different rates?” Kaeberlein said. This curiosity led Kaeberlein to research how age impacts the health of man’s best friend. Kaeberlein is the co-director of the Dog Aging Project. The project surveys 30,000 pet owners to collect data on what factors may impact dogs’ lifespan. This includes diet, exercise and lifestyle. In addition, a small group of dogs participates in a drug trial with the drug rapamycin to see if it has an impact on extending these pets’ life. Kaeberlein hopes that good health for humans and their pets allows for more quality time with the people and animals you love. “The relationship that a lot of people have with their pets, that probably is the most profound personal thing I've learned from the study,” Kaeberlein said.
The Specific Heat of COPPER(3)GOLD. The specific heat of a Cu(,3)Au long ribbon shaped filament was measured with an A.C. heating method. The filament formed one of the elements of a Kelvin bridge which balanced out the voltage at the fundamental driving frequency. The resistance fluctuated with the temperature during the heating cycle. This generated a voltage at the third harmonic frequency which was related to the specific heat. The experimental problem was to separate the third harmonic signal, which was only 10-100 (mu)V from the noise and the harmonic distortion of the current source. Much of the electronic equipment used to do this was wired on an E.A.I. TR48 analog computer. The purpose of measuring the specific heat was to study the kinetics of the order-disorder process. The curve of equilibrium specific heat versus temperature shows a cusp near the transition temperature. The high values of specific heat below the transition temperature indicate that energy is needed to reduce the order as well as to increase the temperature. The values of specific heat we measured corresponded with the weighted average of the specific heat of pure Cu and pure Au. This indicates that there is no appreciable change in the short range order during one cycle. - Pub Date: - Physics: Condensed Matter
“We’ve got to move all Americans towards that place where we can lay down the burden of race and create one America, one multiracial democratic society.” –Congressman John Lewis, 2013 interview with East County Magazine in San Diego. Hear the full interview. By Miriam Raftery Photo, left: President Barack Obama presented Medal of Freedom to John Lewis in 2011. July 18, 2020 (San Diego) – Congressman John Lewis, famed civil rights leader, has died of pancreatic cancer at age 80. The son of sharecroppers, Lewis drew inspiration from Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks to become a courageous champion in the civil rights movement for more than 60 years. Calling him the “conscience of the Congress” where he served as a representative from Georgia for over 40 years, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced his death yesterday and ordered the flag over our nation’s capitol flown at half-mast. Lewis denounced violence and was arrested more than 40 times for peaceful protests against injustice. In 1965, TV coverage of a trooper fracturing his skull with a bully club in what became known as Bloody Sunday on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama outraged the nation, leading to swift passage of the Voting Rights Act signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson.
What sport is the athlete participating in? In any case, obviously, Front Squats and Back Squats are done for Strength, (please do NOT use them for purposes of conditioning…there are FAR better and LESS riskier ways to conditioning). Front Squats will concentrate more on the Quadriceps. Back Squats concentrate more on the Posterior Chain (Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back). If we take an example of a track athlete, most of their workouts use the quads predominantly. The posterior chain muscles lag behind in strength development, usually. This is ok until the athlete tries to stretch their own limits (as they would, during competition and when they are trying to improve on their Personal Best during practice). There comes a point when the hamstrings for instance are not able to keep up with the quads and injuries (such as tears) to the hamstring happen. These could be quite severe, keeping the athlete out of practice for a long periods. Considering athletes such as in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting, here too, the Clean and Jerk, and the Snatch, all involve a lot of Quad involvement. Even so, these athletes need to Front Squat and Back Squat, as part of getting strong. Back Squats are very good (as are Front Squats) for non-athletes too. With a strong posterior chain, everyone benefits. Injuries such as the very commonly occurring Lower Back pain can be minimized/eliminated. There are variations associated with the Back Squat too (High Bar, Low Bar…), and many debates about which ones are appropriate under various circumstances. However, for the most part, working out with Back Squats, with some Front Squats thrown in too, are perhaps, the most beneficial to athletes, across ALL sports. To state the obvious, Strength Training involves more than just Back Squats and Front Squats. Also, all workouts need to be performed as part of a personalized and well thought out training regimen.
Ask Dr. Jay If you have any questions about the course, feel free to ask the author of the book! You have to register in order to ask questions, but registration is free, and we won’t share your information with anyone. Links for the Twelfth Chapter Extra Help For Chapter 12 This video introduces redox reactions. This video shows you how to calculate oxidation numbers (oxidation states). He has slightly different ways of expressing the rules than me, but as he points out, it doesn’t matter. You get the same answer and use the same reasoning regardless of the rules you use. This video gives lots of examples of determining oxidation states. This video shows you how to determine whether or not a reaction is a redox reaction as well as what is oxidized and what is reduced. This video explains Galvanic cells with an animation. This video gives an example of drawing a Galvanic cell. Interesting Links Related to Chapter 12 This video discusses redox reactions as they relate to biology. This video shows you how to make a battery out of a lemon. This video shows you how to electroplate a quarter with copper from a penny. Extra Problems for Chapter 12 Extra problems for Chapter 12 This gives you more practice on the problems in chapter 12. Here are the solutions.
Master Endicott, who was of our faith, had come to these shores in March of the year 1628, with a company of thirty or forty people, and, finding other men living at the head of this harbor which the Arabella had entered after her long voyage, decided to build his home at this place. In the next year, Master Higginson, coming over with six vessels in which were eighteen women, twenty- six children, and three hundred men, joined the little colony. These last brought with them one hundred and forty head of cattle, and forty goats. However, only two hundred of this last company remained at Salem, the others having chosen to build for themselves a new town, which they called Charlestown, on that large body of water which is set down on the maps as Massachusetts Bay. In addition to these two villages, it was said that there were five or six houses at the place called Nantasket; that one Master Samuel Maverick was living on Noddles Island, and one Master William Blackstone on the Shawmut Peninsula. I have set this down to the end that those who read it may understand we were not come into a wild country, in which lived none but savages, and I must also add that not so many miles away was the town of Plymouth, where had been living, during ten years, a company of Englishmen who had worked bravely to make for themselves a home. And now since I am done with explaining, and since the boat which put out from our vessel and which I left you watching, has come back from that other ship, bringing Master William Pierce, let me tell you what we did on the first day in this new world.
Languages bring people closer. If you want to travel abroad, the Justlearn team has created useful stats for you. Here is our comparision. Mastering Portuguese will take from you 575-600 hours or 23-24 weeks in a class according to FSI. Difficulty category for mastering it is evaluated 1 point. Learning Malay might seem like a overwhelming thing to do. FSI has concluded that it takes 36 hours or 900 weeks in a class to learn the language. The difficulty point is -. You will most likely find people, who speaks Portuguese In Members of the European Union, Brazil, Portugal, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, East Timor, Macau, Verde Islands, São Tomé and Príncipe. Number of native speakers is about 204,300,000. Number of fluent speakers is about 300,300,000. The biggest country in which Portuguese is used as a native language is Portugal. Native speakers of Malay are mostly from Malaysia and are about 77,000,000 people. Malay are spoken fluently by 300,000,000 people. The language is spoken in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, and East Timor, Parts of Thailand. Portuguese came from Romance branch of the Indo-European language family. Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family is the origin of Malay Language
Grenada’s primary natural resources are its fertile arable lands, forests, and marine resources. The agriculture sector is the main user of these resources and is a major contributor to the country’s economic and social development. Activities in the agriculture sector also have significant impact on the sustainability of the resources it uses. Hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Emily (2005) severely damaged the agricultural sector in Grenada. Banana, one of Grenada’s major export crops since the 1960s, was totally devastated and the island has had to import banana from Suriname to meet local needs. Grenada is the world’s second largest producer of nutmeg which accounts for more than 50 per cent of the country’s agricultural export earnings. Agriculture which employs 11% of the island’s labour force has been recovering slowly and contributed 5.6% to the island’s GDP in 2014. With regard to the economy, it is slowly recovering from a protracted recession following the 2008-12 global financial crises. The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) projected modest positive economic growth in the short to medium term averaging 2.6% between 2013 and 2015. Agricultural findings for Grenada include: The sector is highly vulnerable to climate change, and increased incidence of natural disasters and other extreme weather events.
Open-File Report 2010-1083-I The eastern margin of the Australia plate is one of the most seismically active areas of the world due to high rates of convergence between the Australia and Pacific plates. In the region of New Zealand, the 3,000 km long Australia-Pacific plate boundary extends from south of Macquarie Island to the southern Kermadec Island chain. It includes an oceanic transform (the Macquarie Ridge), two oppositely verging subduction zones (Puysegur and Hikurangi), and a transpressive continental transform, the Alpine Fault through South Island, New Zealand. Since 1900, there have been 15 M7.5+ earthquakes recorded near New Zealand. Nine of these, and the four largest, occurred along or near the Macquarie Ridge, including the 1989 M8.2 event on the ridge itself, and the 2004 M8.1 event 200 km to the west of the plate boundary, reflecting intraplate deformation. The largest recorded earthquake in New Zealand itself was the 1931 M7.8 Hawke’s Bay earthquake, which killed 256 people. The last M7.5+ earthquake along the Alpine Fault was 170 years ago; studies of the faults’ strain accumulation suggest that similar events are likely to occur again. First posted December 19, 2011 For additional information contact: This report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. Benz, H.M., Herman, Matthew, Tarr, A.C., Furlong, K.P., Hayes, G.P., Villaseñor, Antonio, Dart, R.L., and Rhea, Susan, 2011, Seismicity of the Earth 1900–2010 eastern margin of the Australia plate: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010–1083-I, scale 1:8,000,000.
-What is a ghost? Stephen said with tingling energy. One who has faded into impalpability through death, through absence, through change of manners. Part 2, chapter 6 of Ulysses: Nabokov instructs his students thus: The discussion in this chapter is one of those things that is more amusing for a writer to write than for a reader to read, and so its details need not be examined. Here, I disagree with the late Professor Nabokov. Yes, it is a dense chapter of allusion and erudition. Much of it I fail to penetrate on this first reading. But to miss the wit and the satisfaction of unlocking at least some of Joyce’s allusion would be a loss, arguably acceptable for students but not for ardent readers. During a debate about Shakespeare, Eglinton contends that Shakespeare’s marriage was a mistake: -The world believes that Shakespeare made a mistake, he said, and got out of it as quickly and as best as he could. -Bosh! Stephen [Dedalus] said rudely. A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery. Portals of discovery opened to let in the quaker librarian, softcreakfooted, bald, eared and assiduous.
Vortices and Dust Devils as Observed by the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer Instruments on Board the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover An important and perhaps dominant source of dust in the Martian atmosphere, dust devils play a key role in Mars' climate. Data sets from previous landed missions have revealed dust devil activity, constrained their structures, and elucidated their dust-lifting capacities. However, each landing site and observational season exhibits unique meteorological properties that shape dust devil activity and illuminate their dependence on ambient conditions. The recent release of data from the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) instrument suite on board the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover promises a new treasure trove for dust devil studies. In this study, we sift the time series from MEDA's Pressure Sensor (PS) and Radiative and Dust Sensors (RDS) to look for the signals of passing vortices and dust devils. We detected 309 vortex encounters over the mission's first 89 sols. Consistent with predictions, these encounter rates exceed InSight and Curiosity's encounter rates. The RDS time series also allows us to assess whether a passing vortex is likely to be dusty (and therefore is a true dust devil) or dustless. We find that about one quarter of vortices show signs of dust lofting, although unfavorable encounter geometries may have prevented us from detecting dust for other vortices. In addition to these results, we discuss prospects for vortex studies as additional data from Mars 2020 are processed and made available. Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Jackson, Brian. (2022). "Vortices and Dust Devils as Observed by the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer Instruments on Board the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover". The Planetary Science Journal, 3(1), 20. https://doi.org/10.3847/PSJ/ac4586
Street artists, The GERMEN, in cooperation with the Mexican government, has turned the troubled hillside district of Palmitas in Pachuca into a giant, brightly colored mural entitled “El MacroMural Barrio de Palmitas“. The crew recruited local youth to help paint the over 20,000 square meters of 209 homes, thus creating positive distraction and paying jobs for the disaffected youth of the town. The GERMEN use the concept of public art to help bring pride back to Mexican cities. (translated) There is potential for interaction and artistic innovation, so we opted to understand the public space as the scene of daily social interaction to be met by educational functions, potentialities, material and tangible, where the aim is to satisfy the needs of collective development beyond of individual and economic. Our work is an artistic offering to our cities because by colors shapes textures and mixed techniques. We share our way of doing and understanding art, seek to detonate the seed as possible to strengthen the heart and enthusiasm who lives in places that we intervene. We rehabilitate public space making it more useful for those who inhabit a place to educate, motivate, help intake and germinate a new relationship between citizens and their environment and expressions which there converge OUR GOAL. Creating murals is a heritage work that uses public space as a means of communication. images via Germen Nuevo Muralismo Mexicano via Street Art News
mounted (7) - Linux Manuals mounted: event signalling that a filesystem has been mounted mounted - event signalling that a filesystem has been mounted SYNOPSISmounted DEVICE=DEVICE MOUNTPOINT=MOUNTPOINT TYPE=TYPE OPTIONS=OPTIONS [ENV]... DESCRIPTIONThe mounted event is generated by the mountall(8) daemon after it has mounted a filesystem. mountall(8) will wait for all services started by this event to be running, all tasks started by this event to have finished and all jobs stopped by this event to be stopped before emitting any other events related to this filesystem or continuing with other filesystems depending on this one. The DEVICE, MOUNTPOINT, TYPE and OPTIONS environment variables contain the values of the fstab(5) fields for this mountpoint. EXAMPLEA tool that should be run after mounting the /tmp filesystem might use: start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/tmp task SEE ALSOmounting(7) virtual-filesystems(7) local-filesystems(7) remote-filesystems(7) all-swaps(7) filesystem(7)
After 2.7 billion kilometers and almost 5 years, Juno successfully entered Jupiter’s orbit in the early hours of today morning. Subsequent to NASA’s Galileo mission (1995), Juno is only the second to have accomplished this feat. While in orbit, the Juno mission aims to better understand the gas giant in the following 20 months of its science phase. Juno also happens to be the fastest ever craft built by humans, travelling at speeds of over 260,000 kilometers per hour (74 km/s). To arrive at Jupiter, Juno took an elliptical heliocentric orbit through the Solar System involving an Earth fly-by two years after launch. This fly-by provided Juno with a further boost of around 3.9 km/s, enabling Juno to reach Jupiter in just under 5 years. “Juno, welcome to Jupiter” were the words heard throughout NASA mission control after the 35 minute engine burn which put Juno into orbit. In the beginning, Juno will make about a 53-54 day orbit around Jupiter during which its scientific instruments and capabilities will be switched on and checked. In October, the real “science-ing” will start when the probe will be made to orbit the planet’s poles in a 14-day science orbit. This orbit will be extremely elliptical and has been designed keeping in mind Jupiter’s extreme radiations. Juno is expected to perform around 30 such orbits around Jupiter in the science phase. Mission Juno aims to study the formation and evolution of the largest and oldest planet of our Solar System, Jupiter. Apart from trying to understand the enigmatic atmosphere of Jupiter, the probe will study its magnetic and gravitational radiation and also, what is Jupiter really made of. When our solar system was formed around 4 and a half billion years ago, Jupiter was likely one of the first planets to be formed. This is believed so because it is mainly made up of the light gases that make up the Sun- hydrogen and helium. Hence, it would have formed when the Solar system was still young. A deeper understanding of Jupiter and it’s history might lead us to answers about the origin of solar systems. – M. Kaur
Did you know? Radium Cannot Be Seen, Smelled or Tasted The only way to know if your community is facing an issue with radium is rigorous testing. Elevated radium levels in the water supply can be mitigated. A number of treatment methods are available to remove radium from water. Here are three proven and recommended methods that any city or town should consider when dealing with elevated radium levels. Tip 1 – Ion Exchange treatment happens when water is passed through a resin containing exchangeable ions. Stronger binding ions displace weaker binding ions and are removed from the water. There are two types of ion exchange—anion exchange and cation exchange. Anion exchange resins generally exchange chloride for anionic contaminants, like uranium. Cation exchange resins generally exchange sodium or potassium for cationic contaminants, such as radium. Tip 2 – Adsorption treatment systems add a cleansing substance directly to the water supply or via a mixing basin. Adsorbents combine chemical and physical processes to remove organic contaminants and the compounds that impart color, taste and odor to water. The most commonly-used adsorbent is activated carbon—a substance which is quite similar to common charcoal. Tip 3 – Reverse Osmosis is highly effective in removing several impurities from water such as total dissolved solids, turbidity, asbestos, lead and other toxic heavy metals, radium and many dissolved organics. The (RO) process will remove chlorine and can also remove nuclear radiation from drinking water. To learn more, read our article Elevated Levels of Radium in the Water Supply, and contact us for advice and recommendations about the best ways to alleviate the impact of radium.
About Carthage Punic Port and Museum The Carthage Punic Port and Punic Port Museum can be found in the area of the ancient Carthaginian harbour near modern day Tunis. Carthage Punic Port and Museum history This ancient superpower built its reputation on its mastery of the seas and the ancient Port of Carthage would have once held over two hundred of the most powerful warships of the time. Originally destroyed after the Roman capture of the city in 146BC, it was later revived by the Romans themselves to serve the growing commercial needs of the now-Roman city of Carthage. According to ancient sources, the commercial harbour was in the shape of a rectangle measuring 456 meters by 356 meters, linked with the sea by a channel 20 meters wide. The naval harbour to the north, which was surrounded by a high wall, had a diameter of 325 meters. A channel giving it direct access to the sea was constructed only during the Third Punic War. The naval harbour alone had moorings for some 220 vessels, both along the landward side and around the island. The ports were filled in by Scipio after Carthage’s destruction in 146 BC, but in the 2nd century AD the Romans reinvented the islet as a circular forum, with two temples, and used the port to house their merchant fleet, which shipped wheat to Rome. Rises in the sea level meant the quay walls had to be raised several times. By the end of the 6th century, the harbour had fallen into disuse. Carthage Punic Port and Museum today Today, only the shape of these legendary ports, the coveted basis of Carthage’s power and prosperity, remains. There are a handful of remains and ruins on the site as well as the small Punic Port Museum which has a number of models that reconstruct what the Punic Port would have looked like in its prime. Getting to Carthage Punic Port and Museum The port is a 30 minute drive from Tunis Carthage International Airport. Carthage Hannibal train station is a 20 minute walk away. Ruins of Ancient Carthage Explore the history of the ancient Carthaginian Empire at these important ruins and relics across the Mediterranean.

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