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The shortest war in history is a little-known conflict that occurred between the nations of Britain and Zanzibar in 1896. The war lasted just 38 minutes, making it one of the shortest wars in recorded history. The war began when Britain, under the leadership of Sir Evelyn Baring, the British Consul-General in Zanzibar, demanded that the Zanzibari Sultan, Hamad bin Thuwaini, agree to a number of demands. These included the abolition of the slave trade and the appointment of a British consul to Zanzibar. When the Sultan refused to comply, British forces launched an attack on the city of Zanzibar. The war began at 9:02 am on August 27, 1896, when British ships began bombarding the city. The attack was brief and intense, with the British using their superior naval power to devastating effect. By 9:40 am, the Zanzibari forces had been defeated, and the British had taken control of the city. The war was over in just 38 minutes, making it the shortest war in recorded history. In the aftermath of the conflict, the British imposed a number of reforms on Zanzibar, including the abolition of the slave trade and the appointment of a British consul. Despite its brief duration, the war had far-reaching consequences. It marked the end of the slave trade in Zanzibar and the beginning of British influence in the region. It also set the stage for the eventual colonization of Zanzibar by the British Empire. But the most interesting thing about this war is that it was over so quickly that many people didn't even realize it had happened! In fact, some historians believe that the war was so brief that it didn't even qualify as a real war. Instead, they suggest that it was more of a really aggressive negotiation that ended in Britain getting its way. In conclusion, the shortest war in history is a fascinating example of how modern warfare can be conducted with incredible speed and efficiency. It's also a reminder that sometimes, a little bit of aggression can go a long way!
Introduction to Digital Maps (BM-140) Map projections are attempts to portray the surface of the earth, or a portion of the earth on a flat surface. Some distortions of conformality, distance, direction, scale, and area always result from this process. (Illustration 1). Different types of Map Projections have different benefits. In digital mapping applications, layers are used to organize map content and display. (Illustration 2). It may appear that maps are flat, but in reality they are composed of various layers and layers types such as; - Buildings - Points or Polygons - Rivers - Lines or Polygons - Streets - Lines - Points of Interests - Points (maybe displayed with special Icons) WGS 84 is the reference coordinate system used by the Global Positioning System (GPS). The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The system provides critical capabilities to military, civil, and commercial users around the world. The United States government created the system, maintains it, and makes it freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver. Why is WGS 84 important to Business Mapper? How about Namria Maps? Business Mapper uses the WGS84 projection to be compatible with GPS based devices (such as cellphones, navigation systems and tablets) that are commercially available. These GPS devices make it possible for Business Mapper to do live and real-time mapping. (Live Connect and Field Master) These mobile apps make the cost of field surveys very competitive and covenient. Namria maps are designed for Philippine reference. However conversions need to be done to make it compatible with GPS devices. University of Colorado - Article Wikipedia - Article Business Mapper Team
The UK Government has set out a new approach to regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI), in a white paper released by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. The white paper outlines five principles that regulators should consider to best facilitate the use of AI in the industries they monitor. The plan is expected to help unleash the benefits of AI, which already contributes £3.7 billion to the UK economy, while protecting public privacy and human rights. In a bid to avoid heavy-handed legislation that may prevent innovation, the government is allowing existing regulators - such as the Health and Safety Executive, Equality and Human Rights Commission and Competition and Markets Authority - to tailor approaches depending on how AI is being used in their sectors. The five principles The first principle is ensuring that applications of AI should function in a secure, safe and robust way where risks are carefully managed. The second focuses on transparency and ensures that organisations developing and deploying AI should be able to communicate when and how it is used in an appropriate level of detail. The third is to ensure that AI is used in a way that complies with the UK’s existing laws and does not discriminate against individuals or create unfair commercial outcomes. Fourth is accountability and governance, which involves putting in place measures that offer appropriate oversight of the way AI is being used. Fifth is to ensure that there are clear routes to dispute harmful outcomes or decisions generated by AI. Over the next 12 months, regulators will issue practical guidance, tools and resources to organisations as a way to help implement these principles in their sectors. Down the line, legislation could be introduced to ensure regulators consider the principles consistently. Unleashing the 'technology of tomorrow' Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan said: AI has the potential to make Britain a smarter, healthier and happier place to live and work. Artificial intelligence is no longer the stuff of science fiction, and the pace of AI development is staggering, so we need to have rules to make sure it is developed safely. “Our new approach is based on strong principles so that people can trust businesses to unleash this technology of tomorrow.” Organisations and individuals working with AI can share their views on the white paper as part of a new consultation.
evilness : Definition, Usages, News and More - n the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice - Louder than ever boomed the great voice; the mountainous man, lithe for all his bulk, stalked, the incarnation of sinister and engaging evilness upon the boards. - Esthetes strove to imitate in prose and verse the Beardsley gift for wistful evilness. - The feisty but sporting animal-rights activist closed out the interview talking about the general evilness and eco-hostility of eating meat, and imagining how she'd like to, after . - Coen brothers in Catholic Online The film reviewer also pointed to the unbalanced portrayal of the Cohen brothers saying, "Even if in the Cohen movie there is no complacence in showing the evilness of a killer : there isn't the slightest sign of credible compassion either." - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Los Angeles Times It showed that their [Western politicians'] tricks, spending money and political evilness do not influence the Iranian nation,said Khamenei, who was greeted with chants of "Leader, we offer our blood to you." - Judith Kaye in Forbes Unless you have had real experience of a family member who has spiralled downwards because of methamphetamine you don't know the pernicious, evilness of this drug. The way it affects not only the person who is addicted but the family member as... Paul Holmes http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Holmes_(broadcaster)&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNF6tqRUdXWRfuYQYmurclXqcTQc1g TVNZ http://www.google.com/url?q=http://tvnz.co.nz/national-news/holmes-roasted-during-p-fundraiser-2739126&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHIO7vJWszALVQbob6tT3_41Z0W0A May 14, 2009 34671 44440 evince Louise Wise Services Inc.'s conduct in connection with the adoption did not evince the high degree of moral turpitude required for punitive damages," Chief Judge Judith Kaye wrote in the 7-0 decision.
The influenza (flu) season of 2020–2021 will be different from previous years as a result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. Although the number of daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 continues to decline in the UK, experience from other countries such as Iran and Spain indicates the possibility of secondary surges at regional or national levels. This year’s flu vaccination rate will be lower than previous years due to reduced access to healthcare services; however, flu vaccination is still crucial during the outbreak of COVID-19 as it prevents possible co-infection and contributes toward hospital bed availability and primary care access. The flu, similarly to COVID-19, affects the elderly more than any other age group. According to GlobalData’s 2019 report Seasonal Influenza: Epidemiology Forecast to 2028 (GDHCER219-19), it is estimated that in 2019 about 72% of people over 65 years old received the flu jab in the UK. This means that about 10% of hospitalizations as a result of the flu was averted. Public Health England’s recent report estimates that about 45% of primary care general practitioner (GP) services demand was avoided as a result of flu vaccinations for the 2019–2020 season. This indicates that vaccination contributed to the availability of hospital beds for COVID-19 patients. Additionally, when there are fewer flu cases in the population, any emerging flu-like disease outbreaks are easier to detect. Furthermore, recent findings show that co-infection of COVID-19 and flu is possible. However, more research is needed to determine the prevalence of such co-infection. One study (Hashemi et al., 2020) conducted in Iran found two cases of type A flu and COVID-19 co-infection among 600 COVID-19 patients. Both patients, following complex treatment courses, died. Such cases highlight the importance of flu vaccination among the elderly. The UK has one of the highest flu vaccination rates in the world. However, during the pandemic, extra precautions need to be taken to avoid COVID-19 contamination during vaccination, which consequently increases the length of each appointment. Therefore, and despite the importance of vaccination during the pandemic, GlobalData epidemiologists predict a lower flu vaccination rate in the UK in 2020–2021.
Speaking as a Leader How to Lead Every Time You Speak - From Boardrooms to Meeting Rooms, From Town Halls to Phone Calls About the Summary Whether it’s among colleagues at lunch or an audience of a thousand, a leader’s role is to move and inspire others. It’s not only the big occasions that test a leader’s mettle, but the little ones as well — in a casual conversation in the elevator, in phone calls, or one of many incidental, seemingly "insignificant" interactions in everyday work life. Written by one of the world’s leading communications coaches, Speaking as a Leader shows you how to make the most of your daily communications, creating a presence on the job as a genuine and constant leader. In This Summary You’ll Learn: - How to think like a leader. - How to script yourself as a leader. - How to use the language of leadership. - How to achieve a leader’s presence. - How to move others — engage them and inspire them to action. - Impromptu Judith Humphrey - The Blueprint Douglas Conant, Amy Federman - Contagious You Anese Cavanaugh - The Intelligent Leader John Mattone - The Leader of the Future 2 Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith - The Leadership Challenge James Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
In a quintessentially British celebration, London commemorated the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London by burning the whole city down all over again—this time in miniature. Spectators packed the banks of the River Thames to watch as a 394-foot wooden replica of 17th-century London was set alight on a barge Sunday night, the CBC reports. The 1666 blaze, which started in a baker's shop, destroyed the homes of 70,000 of the city's population of 80,000 as it burned out of control for four days. The burning of the model, designed by US artist David Best, was the climax of the city's "London's Burning" festival. "I've seen a shed blown up in the name of art, I've seen fireworks, I've seen artists bury themselves, I've seen the trace of an artist shooting himself in the hand or nailing himself to a car, but actually I've never seen anyone collaborate with so many people in such an extraordinary and exciting way, to make a commemorative replica of a skyline 350 years ago and then set fire to it," Royal Academy of Arts artistic director Tim Barlow tells the BBC. "I mean this is spectacle and then some." (In 2014, the British embassy in Washington, DC apologized for the way it commemorated the 200th anniversary of British troops burning the White House during the War of 1812.)
Famous the world over for the creative brilliance of his insights into the physical world, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman also possessed an extraordinary talent for explaining difficult concepts to the nonscientist. QED--the edited version of four lectures on quantum electrodynamics that Feynman gave to the general public at UCLA as part of the Alix G. Mautner Memorial Lecture series--is perhaps the best example of his ability to communicate both the substance and the spirit of science to the layperson. The focus, as the title suggests, is quantum electrodynamics (QED), the part of the quantum theory of fields that describes the interactions of the quanta of the electromagnetic field-light, X rays, gamma rays--with matter and those of charged particles with one another. By extending the formalism developed by Dirac in 1933, which related quantum and classical descriptions of the motion of particles, Feynman revolutionized the quantum mechanical understanding of the nature of particles and waves. And, by incorporating his own readily visualizable formulation of quantum mechanics, Feynman created a diagrammatic version of QED that made calculations much simpler and also provided visual insights into the mechanisms of quantum electrodynamic processes. In this book, using everyday language, spatial concepts, visualizations, and his renowned Feynman diagrams instead of advanced mathematics, Feynman successfully provides a definitive introduction to QED for a lay readership without any distortion of the basic science. Characterized by Feynman's famously original clarity and humor, this popular book on QED has not been equaled since its publication.
The art of blueprints and charts analysis is not fresh. They have been used as long as give paintings. Through the Enlightenment, that they became more prevalent. Diagrams are a two-dimensional manifestation of information in a symbolic approach. Unlike charts, which use figures to represent info, diagrams represent qualitative info with models connected by simply visual links. As what they are called advise, there are several types of charts. Beneath, we’ll talk about some of them and a few of the techniques they are used. A common form of graph is actually a bar chart. A club graph gives data on a column or possibly a horizontal axis. This helps an individual understand the info and examine it within a clear and concise approach. Bar graphs, for instance, show the percentage of accelerating and reducing trends, even though line charts depict the percentage of minimizing values. Charts are also valuable when analyzing statistical data, mainly because they can be overlaid with a quantity of points of http://infographicsaplenty.com/board-portals-and-graphics-intersection-points interest. A fishbone plan is another form of a decision sapling. It shows the decisions and conceivable consequences of each. The “starting point” is normally at the top left corner, or possibly a 12 on a clock. Decision tree blueprints can show the decisions that needs to be made by each person. Some of these layouts include swimlanes, decision bushes, and SIPOC diagrams. If you’re unsure of how to create an efficient chart, have a look at our absolutely free organizational chart format.
Nursery Busy Bees Chick hatching Video 20.03.19 Chick Eggs - hatching 20.03.19 A trip to the Library to encourage our love for reading and to learn more about our new topic 'People that Help Us' Once upon a time - Learning through tradtional tales Nursery busy learning from Christmas activities - Performance practise, 'Winter Peppermint Soup' in the water tray, a visit from Mrs Stanbury to talk about stories from the Bible, Christmas card making, carrot printing, Santa's shape games and using langauge of size to describe shapes. Christmas Market prepration - Christmas Puddings made from rice crispy cakes. Planting spring time bulbs. Music and Movement to act out the Rainbow fish story for 'Anti-Bullying Week' Firework fever! - Exploring mixing colours We have been exploring a range of celebrations including birthdays by decorating cupcakes and playing in the roleplay area. Creating our Poppy wreath for an assembly for Armistice Day Exploring shapes and using our fine motor skills Making scarecrows to celebrate harvest time Favourite Food Week - Making sandwiches with our favourite filling. Maths - Exploring number, shape, space and measure around our nursery. First day - Our older nursery children settling back into the nursery routine Adverse Weather Home Learning Ideas Read your favourite book. Look out the window and describe the weather. Create a picture of what you can see. Look for footprints in the snow. Discuss which ones are longer/shorter. Who do you think made the footprints? Build a snowman - Don't forget to email us a photograph. Collect snow in pots and time how long it takes to melt in different rooms in your house. Which are the warmest and coldest rooms?
Click save settings to reload page with unique web page address for bookmarking and sharing the current tool settings, or click flip tool to reverse the tool function with current settings Calculate how far away the receiver is from an electromagnetic wave emission source, by entering the time it takes it to travel in a vacuum between the two locations. Electromagnetic waves are divided up into regions of what is called the electromagnetic spectrum. Starting with the shortest wavelengths, the spectrum is made up of gamma rays, x rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infra-red, microwave, and radio waves. This delay time to emission source distance calculator can be used for all types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum travelling through a vacuum. Enter the time delay in receiving an electromagnetic wave from the location of the emitting source, along with selecting the relevant measurement unit of time, and then select the required distance measurement unit to calculate the corresponding distance between the receiver and the emission source . The result will then be displayed in the answer box along with a dynamic conversion scale to show how the distance will vary for delay times, shorter and longer than the entered value. The formula used to calculate the distance between the receiver or observer and the source of emission for em waves propagating through a vacuum is: d = t · c0 - d = Distance to emission source of EM wave - t = Time delay before receiving EM wave - c0 = Speed of light in a vacuum Enter the time an em wave will take, to travel through a vacuum, from the source of emission to the receiving point. This time delay is often used to predict how long it would take for a radio communication to be sent between mission control and a spacecraft exploring the solar system. This is the distance which the electromagnetic wave will travel between the receiving point and source of the electromagnetic wave emission.
The schools Ullvigymnasiet and Lycée Charlie Chaplin are participating in an Erasmus+ project. The purpose of the project is to exchange ideas and learn about cultural differences between the two countries and also to increase integration. Both schools are upper secondary schools. The students from Lycée Charlie Chaplin are part of the European section, which means that they study more English than average French students. The students from Ullvigymnasiet come from 6 different programs: Healthcare, Childcare, Technology, Natural Science, Economy, and Social Studies. In this blog, the students will write about their experiences of the exchange and about cultural traits of each country. Through our European project, we want to help our students and the public in our hometowns to learn more about what we can do to reach some success with integration. By giving our students opportunities to talk, discuss and reflect about their own culture and traditions, and compare it to other cultures and traditions, we hope to create a dialogue between the Swedish and the French students, and at the same time integrate our newly arrived/immigrants at the Swedish school, Ullvigymnasiet. The dialogue we have created between our schools and our two different cultures will help the students comprehend the benefits of an integrated society. This project will give the students tools for combating discrimination, segregation, and racism. It also gives the students opportunities to practice their language skills. By opening up their homes to students from a different country and by staying in a local family, we are convinced that our French and Swedish students will develop intercultural competence and improve their critical thinking.
Daylight saving time will begin Sunday. Time pieces move forward one hour. When the time changes each spring and fall, change batteries in your smoke alarms and test them, suggests Sherry F. Nelson, human development specialist with University of Missouri Extension. Smoke alarms provide vital, inexpensive protection for your family, Nelson says. Each year nearly 4,000 Americans die in fires and approximately 16,000 are injured. At least 80 percent of fires in the United States occur in the home, Nelson says. The National Fire Protection Association says that roughly three out of five fire deaths happen in homes with no smoke alarms or alarms that are not working. Nelson offers the following tips: • Install a smoke alarm in every bedroom of your home. • Put a smoke alarm on every level of your home. Large homes need more smoke alarms. • Install smoke alarms on the ceiling or high on the wall. • Test alarms monthly by pushing the test button. • Change batteries twice a year, in the spring and fall, when you change your clocks for daylight saving time. • Replace smoke alarms 10 years from the date of manufacture. Special alarms are available for those who are hard of hearing. Safety improves when smoke alarms are connected so that when one sounds, all sound. “Take some time this weekend to create and practice an escape plan as well,” Nelson says. For more fire safety tips, go to http://missourifamilies.org/features/housingarticles/testsmoke.htm.
EV Charging Mode 1 Mode 1 charging technology refers to home charging with a simple extension cord from a standard power outlet. This type of charge involves plugging an electric vehicle into a standard socket for household use. This type of charge involves plugging an electric vehicle into a standard socket for household use. This charging method doesn’t provide shock protection against DC currents for users. Deltrix Chargers do not provide this technology and are recommending not to use it for their customers. EV Charging Mode 2 A special cable with integrated shock protection against AC and DC currents is used for Mode 2 charging. The charging cable is provided with EV in Mode 2 charging. Unlike Mode 1 charging, Mode 2 charging cables have built-in cabling protection that protects against electrical shock. Mode 2 charging is currently the most common charging mode for EVs. EV Charging Mode 3 Mode 3 charging involves the use of a dedicated charging station or a home-mounted EV charging wall box. Both provide protection from AC or DC currents by shock. In Mode 3, the wall box or charging station provides the connecting cable, and the EV does not need a dedicated charging cable. Currently Mode 3 charging is the preferred EV charging method. EV Charging Mode 4 Mode 4 is often called ‘DC fast-charge,’ or simply ‘fast-charge.’ However, given the varying charging rates for mode 4 – (currently starting with portable 5kW units up to 50kW and 150kW, plus the upcoming 350 and 400kW standards to be rolled out) To sum it up
2MHZ Ultrasonic Transducer for Level Measurement (mounted outside) What is Ultrasonic Level Sensor? Level sensors detect the level of liquids and other fluids and fluidized solids, including slurries, granular materials, and powders that exhibit an upper free surface. Substances that flow become essentially horizontal in their containers (or other physical boundaries) because of gravity whereas most bulk solids pile at an angle of repose to a peak. The substance to be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural form (e.g., a river or a lake). The level measurement can be either continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors measure level within a specified range and determine the exact amount of substance in a certain place, while point-level sensors only indicate whether the substance is above or below the sensing point. Generally the latter detect levels that are excessively high or low. In short, level sensors are one of the very important sensors and play very important role in a variety of consumer/ industrial applications. As with other types of sensors, level sensors are available or can be designed using a variety of sensing principles. Selection of an appropriate type of sensor suiting to the application requirement is very important. Ultrasonic Level Sensor TL2000KA Technical parameters: |Launched wave beam angle | (-3dB full opening angle) |Electrostatic capacity||1800PF ± 20%| |Minimal parallel impedance||60Ω ± 30%| |Maximum operating voltage| (Pulse Duty cycle ratio 2%) |Dimension(diameter * height, mm)||Φ36mm * 14.6mm| |Case Material||Aluminum Alloy| |Cable length||1meter (normal)| Ultrasonic Level Sensor TL2000KA can be applied to ultrasonic level meters (B-ULM) which have been developed in our company.
Many consumers have adopted plant-based diets in recent years as a way of being both healthier and more eco-friendly. While swapping out red meat for plant-based options has become popular, so have plant-based milk alternatives (PBMAs), like almond milk, cashew milk, oat milk – the list goes on. Now, in an effort to make things as clear as possible for shoppers picking up these products, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is recommending changes to the packaging and nutrition labels on milk alternatives. “Today’s draft guidance was developed to help address the significant increase in plant-based milk alternative products that we have seen become available in the marketplace over the past decade,” said FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf. “The draft recommendations issued today should lead to providing consumers with clear labeling to give them the information they need to make informed nutrition and purchasing decisions on the products they buy for themselves and their families.” In short, the FDA draft guidance says plant-based milk products can be called milk as long as the label makes clear what was used to make it. Getting clearer on labeling The goal is to make the labeling clearer and easier for consumers to understand when they’re in the store and deciding between different milk products. The FDA is recommending that PBMAs that have the word “milk” in their names include information on their labels that shows how they’re different from traditional milk products. Options like oat milk, hemp seed milk, coconut milk, and flaxseed milk – among several others – all differ in nutritional content – from each other, and from dairy milk. The new guidance would require PBMAs to have labels that indicate how these options are nutritionally different. This could look like how vitamin or calcium levels in plant-based choices compare to the vitamin and calcium makeup of traditional milk options. While these recommendations are still in the draft phase, plant-based milk distributors can decide at this point whether or not they want to update their labeling. “Food labels are an important way to help support consumer behavior, so we encourage the use of the voluntary nutritional statements to better help customers make informed decisions,” said Susan T. Mayne, Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.
When ready to sprout, or germinate, a seed starts to absorb water. It swells up. The embryo sends hormones (called gibberellins) to the seed coat to signal proteins to start making other molecules that the new plant will need to live and grow. The stored food begins to break down, providing energy to the embryo for growing. Soon a tiny root peeks through one end of the seed. A shoot rises in the opposite direction. Just as Sleeping Beauty needed a kiss from a prince before she could wake up, some seeds need a cue from the outside world so they sprout when the world is good for growing, rather than in midwinter or during drought. Hot and cold. Some seeds must be exposed to cold before they germinate. Wild rice seeds, for example, usually need time in cold water. Seeds of false rue anemone, a woodland wildflower, need summer's heat to sprout. All wet. Chemicals called inhibitors send the embryo of some seeds a message not to grow. When exposed to water, the inhibitors leach away (the way flavor disappears from bubble gum after you've been chewing it awhile) so the seed can sprout. Right light. Some seeds need a period of darkness. Others need light to sprout. Rough stuff. Seeds with tough coverings might need roughing up—such as tumbling downstream and bumping into rocks, or freezing and thawing, to crack. Fungus helpers. To sprout and grow, orchid seeds need certain fungi to supply water and nutrients. Jack pine cones need heat to open. Heat of a hot summer day can cause some cones to release seeds. But others can only open when a forest fire blazes.
Parents of teenagers know first-hand how hard it is to encourage them to have healthy diets and take part in regular physical activity or organised sport. Teenagers have so much else going on in their lives and healthy eating/physical activity are not usually at the top of their agenda. We get that. That is why we have developed the Engaging Adolescents in Changing Behaviour (EACH-B) programme, to develop and test a new intervention that aims to encourage young people to eat healthily and move more. We are rolling out EACH-B in 50 schools across Hampshire and the surrounding areas, and each school will take part as either a control (comparison) school or an intervention school. This is what is known as a randomised control trial, or RCT for short. We will measure the young people’s health status once in Year 8 and once again in Year 9, by asking them to complete a series of questionnaires about their eating habits, their activity levels and their wellbeing. We will also ask them to wear an activity tracker for one week to measure how much activity they do. At the end of the trial we will compare the control school and the intervention school children, to see if there is a difference in these health markers between the two groups. The intervention school children will have been exposed to what we are testing, known as “the intervention” which consists of three main elements: - specialist teacher training in Healthy Conversation Skills - teaching of the LifeLab module in school and an activity day at LifeLab - access to a smartphone app with games to encourage healthy lifestyle choices For children in the intervention arm of the study, there will also be a parent app so that parents can support their child at home. If you would like to know more about the EACH-B trial, or would like to find out if your child’s school is taking part, please email us at firstname.lastname@example.org EACH-B is funded by the National Institute for Health Research, and has full ethical approval from the University of Southampton’s Faculty of Medicine Ethics board: Ethics number 49226
By Kodee Summers On December 7, 1941, just before 8 a.m, Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, a Naval Base near Honolulu, Hawaii. They destroyed or damaged nearly 20 American naval vessels, eight battleships, and over 300 airplanes. More than 2,400 Americans died and pver 1,000 people were wounded, including civilians. The attack came to a surprise to the Americans, even though they knew Japan would attack due to rising tensions. They thought that they wouldn’t be hit so close to the mainland and one of the islands closer to Japan would be the target. The United States was unhappy with Japan’s increasingly belligerent attitude toward China. Japan wanted to expand into the neighboring territory and take over its import market. At 8:10 a.m, a 1,800-pound bomb smashed through the deck of the Battleship USS Arizona. The ship exploded and sank with more than 1,000 men trapped inside. Torpedoes pierced the shells of battleships USS Oklahoma. USS California, USS West Virginia, USS Utah, USS Maryland, USS Pennsylvania, USS Tennessee, and USS Nevada; all sustained significant damage. President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan. Although this event was a tragedy, Japan failed to end the Pacific fleet, especially since battleships were no longer the most important naval asset. Aircraft carriers were much more important. The American people were united in their determination to go into war. On December 8th, Congress approved Roosevelt’s declaration of war on Japan. Three days later, Japan’s allies Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. One of the casualties of the attack on Pearl Harbor was Marvin Shughart, a Cañon City local. Shughart was born February 18, 1917 and was a graduate of Cañon City High School in the class of 1936. He worked for a time at the Cañon Hotel and later was employed in Alamosa. He enlisted in the United States Navy over a year before the attack on Pearl Harbor and held a naval rating as a radio operator. He was the first casualty from Fremont County officially reported after the outbreak of war.
This workbook is for first grade students or those working at that level. - Lessons emphasize the correct use of lowercase letters in words and sentences. - Activity pages combine handwriting instruction with other language arts lessons. - Practice pages teach writing on different styles of lines. When to Choose - Your child is learning to print lowercase letters and could use a quick capital and number review. - Your child is writing words and simple sentences. - Your child is learning to place letters correctly on lines. - Your child can copy from a visual demonstration/model. Other materials that can be used at this level include: - Slate Chalkboard - Blackboard with Double Lines - 1st Grade Printing Teacher’s Guide - My Printing Book - Big Sheet Draw and Write Paper - Draw and Write Notebook - Wide Double Line Notebook Paper If Student Is Not Writing at Grade Level Your student may need extra help with handwriting. Review the criteria listed above, decide which materials would be appropriate for your child, and begin at that level. The teacher’s guides will help you address letter formation, spacing, cursive connections, sentence writing, placement of letters on double lines, and more. You may need to meet with your child’s teacher to determine the appropriate amount of written work from your child. When a child is learning a new skill, it may be necessary to decrease the amount of written work until your child masters handwriting. If overburdened with writing while having bad handwriting habits, your child will become very frustrated. Allow mastery of handwriting skills before expecting quantity in the work. The teachers’ guides can guide you with troubleshooting. Products for a Child with a Learning Disability Our materials are designed to teach handwriting in a developmental sequence. Teaching strategies encourage mastery of certain handwriting skills before progression to the next lesson. This strategy is appropriate for all children, including those children with special needs. Review the criteria lists above and determine which materials would be most appropriate for your child. Based on developmental ability, an older child may use a workbook designed for younger children.
Exp-1 Diffraction of light by single slit. Exp-2 Diffraction of light by double slit. Exp-3 Diffraction of light by multiple slit. Exp-4 Diffraction of light by fine wire. Exp-5 Diffraction of light by cross wire. Exp-6 Diffraction of light by wire mesh. Exp-7 Diffraction of light by transmission grating. Exp-8 Diffraction of light by coarse grating. Exp-9 Diffraction of light by circular aperture (Pinhole). Principle and Working : Diffraction phenomenon of light can be observed when a laser beam passes through a diffraction slit. The intensity pattern can be determined using a pin photo detector with fine movement across the diffraction pattern. In the present setup, the light intensity in the terms of current or voltage is noted at closed intervals by finely traversing the detector movement and observing the light intensity on a digital multimeter. The intensity versus distance curve is plotted on a graph for calculations. The device consists of one meter long optical bench with two transverse saddle for laser and slit mount and one transverse saddle with micrometer for detector. A number of diffraction slits and gratings are provided with this setup. |Cat No.||Item Name||SK078||SK173| |CD567||Saddle with micrometer||1||1| |CH829||Diode laser with power adaptor||1||1| |SN1016||Pin hole photo detector||1||1| |SL744||Diffraction slide set (Imported)||1| |R5199||Set of 13 slides||1| |SL795||Diffraction grating (15000 lines)||1|
The funding received by individual Authorities varies significantly depending on the amount of Government grant, local council tax and the local need and availability of services, but they tend to be sourced as follows 1: - central government grants (75%) - council tax (10-25%) - fees and charges for council services (10-25%) Central government grants are dictated by the Barnett formula 2 and are made up of a general grant and specific grants: - The general grant is largely funded by local business rates income, a tax on business premises collected by local government and re-distributed by central government - Specific grants are provided to pay directly for individual services, such as schools and housing. Local authorities can only spend this allocated grant money on the specified purposes. Council tax is a tax collected directly by the Council and is calculated on residential property. Councils must hold a local referendum if they want to raise council tax above a threshold set by central government (two per cent in 2013). 3 Councils also raise funds through some of the services they provide, like rents from social housing, sport and leisure facilities, licensing or collecting fines. Most of these are ring-fenced and used to maintain the services they are collected from, but in some cases they can be used for other services. In recent years Councils have increased their revenue from services with a third of Councils raising more funds from services than Council tax. This can have the negative impact of excluding the most vulnerable citizens from access to services that should be available to all. 4 Central government plans public spending on a multi-year basis through Spending Reviews. Local Authorities find out their individual grant allocations for the next financial year through the Local Government Finance Settlement, which is published in December. Once the settlement has been approved by Parliament in February, Councils know the level of Government funding they will get and can set Council tax and service charges for the next year. The Local Government budget year runs from April to March.
One of the most important sanctuaries of ancient Naxos, dedicated to the god Dionysus and possibly a female deity of nature, was operated at Yria, south of Naxos town and in the middle of the fertile valley of Livadi, between the 14th century BC (Mycenean era) and the Roman period. Worship was conducted outdoors up until the Middle Geometric period (850-750 BC), when four sequential buildings were constructed with the same orientation. These were designed to serve the permanent and growing needs of the faithful in an area whose swampy geomorphology presented particular difficulties. The last of all buildings at the site, a monumental temple constructed around 580 BC (Archaic period), has been restored in the framework of a joint research program involving the University of Athens and Technical University Munich. The Yria temples on Naxos provide unique and full evidence of the birth of Greek marble island architecture. This temple was converted into a Christian basilica in the 5th or 6th century AD. Frequent floods, however, caused it to be abandoned and worship was transferred to the neighboring church of Agios Georgios. The complex included a restaurant for the faithful. Its initial construction phase dates to the early Archaic period and it was replaced by larger buildings during the Classical and Roman periods. A limited sample of the movable finds found after a long excavation in the area is exhibited in the building of the Museum Collection. Vassilis K. Lamprinoudakis |Open daily except Monday||08:30 – 15:00| |22850 42325, 22850 22725||22850 227285| |Directions for access||The site is not served by public transport.| |Parking||A parking area is located outside the entrance to the site.| |Accessibility for wheelchairs||Accessible for wheelchairs.|
As part of the commemorative activities of the Patriotic Month and in salute to September 2, 1927, the date on which the Army for the Defense of National Sovereignty was founded, the Mayor's Office of Managua, through the Department of Historical Heritage, held a conference on the National War of 1856 and the present 2022, in addition to an exhibition of historical murals. The keynote address was attended by Vice Mayor Enrique Armas Rosales, who stressed the importance of learning about the events in the history of Nicaragua, "as has been the interference for decades by North Americans in Central America and specifically in our country, each time we are going to meet depth, mainly in these days of national holidays, on this September 14 and 15 ". The National War of 1856, was a fight in defense of national sovereignty and against William Walker and his ideology that was the Central American "Doctrine of Regeneration", fundamentally based on the reestablishment of slavery in all of Central America. This conference was given by the historian Clemente Guido Martínez, to officers of the Nicaraguan Army and community leaders of District IV. “More than a conference, a conversation with fellow leaders from the neighborhoods of Managua, political leaders from this district, committed to Nicaragua, we are showing them 2 murals made by Rolando Bojorge on the Battle of San Jacinto and the National War, on the Independence of Central America, but the idea of coming here is that we delve into the facts, so that we are clear that the National War was not between some filibusters and some Nicaraguans, but rather belonged to an international context, where the South of the United States wanted to dominate Central America to unite the slave causes of North America”.
The headline: Watch the evolution of COVID-19 in all 50 states (and DC) from March to September. - The COVID rates (weekly cases per million population) are plotted for each state from March 11th to September 23rd. The states plot in order from when they reached their peak rate, starting with Michigan and Vermont who both reached their peak rate on April 10th. The animation wraps up with North Dakota who, as of September 23rd, are currently at their peak rate. - The states are colored according to the 2016 election result. Red states voted for Trump, with dark-red states having the largest Trump vote percentage. Blue states voted for Clinton, with dark-blue states having the largest Clinton vote percentage. - Louisiana is the most notable state to have significant peaks in both the first COVID wave (March to early- June) and the second COVID wave (mid-June until present). Other examples include South Dakota and Iowa. - Nine states have had their peak in the last seven days: Wisconsin, West Virginia, Arkansas, Wyoming, Minnesota, Montana, Utah, Oklahoma, and North Dakota. The data: COVID-19 data were collected from USAFacts (https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/). Election data were collected and compiled by Charted Territory. Leave a Reply
Photography is a fancy art which needs quite a lot of attention, and abilities of thinking past the bounds of normal human being. Niépce died in 1833 and Daguerre then redirected the experiments towards the sunshine-delicate silver halides , which Niépce had abandoned many years earlier because of his inability to make the pictures he captured with them gentle-quick and permanent. A big number of photographic methods and media are used within the strategy of capturing pictures for photography. Pulitzer-nominated photographer Natalie Fobes takes viewers into the studio and on location to explore the weather that combine to make an efficient photograph. Starting Change into a Photographer will pause your earlier path and save your progress. The primary coloration photograph made by the three-coloration technique prompt by James Clerk Maxwell in 1855, taken in 1861 by Thomas Sutton The subject is a coloured, tartan patterned ribbon. Ultraviolet and infrared movies have been accessible for a lot of many years and employed in a variety of photographic avenues since the Nineteen Sixties. Live performance Photography focuses on capturing candid pictures of each the artist or band as well as the ambiance (including the gang). Photography majors transfer from a extremely structured program their freshman and sophomore years to a self-determined program in their junior and senior years. Images, both monochrome and colour, might be captured and displayed by two side-by-facet photographs that emulate human stereoscopic imaginative and prescient.
Wednesday 18 Oct 2017 Anti Poverty Week is being observed 16-22 October 2017. It is a reminder that three million working Australians are living in poverty. In 2014 2.99 million people, 13.3% of the population, were living below the internationally recognised poverty line in 2014, an increase of 1.5% from 2004 (11.8%). The number of children living in poverty increased from 14.8% in 2003-04 to 17.4% in 2013-14. ACTU President, Ged Kearney said, "The current minimum wage is not enough to lift all Australians above the poverty, according to the Fair Work Commission Expert Panel. Roughly three million Australians are currently living in poverty line. Cuts to penalty rates will only make life harder for 700,000 low-paid workers. The Turnbull Government has created an environment where working people are having their wages cut at one end and their bills increased at the other, while big business gets a tax cut Inequality in Australia is at a 70 year high. Addressing poverty means improving the wages and conditions for working people. The Turnbull Government is consistently attacking working people, cutting wages and doing nothing to address insecure work and casualisation. Things are even worse in remote communities where the Turnbull Government is pushing families into poverty and destroying real jobs through the Community Development Programme. Under this programme jobseekers work 25 hours a week with no workplace protections and receive no wages. The increase in costs of housing and energy are growing far faster than wages, and working people are struggling to keep their head above water."
Sulan Solar SystemAserra is a moderately sized planet in a single sun system known as Sulan. There are seven planets in the Sulan solar system; Verar, Nysen, Aserra, Seret, Enroth, Denbana, and Ler’gar, from the sun outward, respectively. The Sulan system closely mimics our Sol system with the first two planets being too hot and close to the sun to allow for life, with the Earth-like Aserra being the third, and potential life-supporting world of Seret being in the same position as Mars. Following Seret, much like Mars, are a series of gas giants—Enroth, Denbana, and Ler’gar. Verar, the first planet in the system is a small, lifeless rock that darts around the star at a close orbit, much like our Mercury. At certain times of the year, it can be spotted crossing Aserra’s skies as a yellow star. Nysen, the second planet, is in a similar position as our Venus. It is a bit larger than Verar, bit still much smaller than Aserra. Lacking a substantial atmosphere, it is rather similar to Verar in environment, if only slightly cooler. It appears as a yellow star across Aserra’s skies at certain times of the year. Seret, the fourth planet, following Aserra at third, takes the same place as Mars, but does support life. Unfortunately, it is constantly pummeled by asteroids which has so far stunted the evolution of life on the planet. It appears as a pale green star in Aserra’s sky at certain times of the year. Beyond Seret is an asteroid belt, though it is this belt, the orbit of Seret, as well as Aserra’s three moons that protect the planet from many stellar threats. Enroth is the fifth planet, and one of the three gas giants in the system. Around the same size as Saturn, and is yellow-orange in color. The sixth planet, Denbana, is larger than Enroth, and appears reddish-pink. Ler’gar, the seventh planet, is around the same size as Denbana and is blue.
Swans have only one partner for their entire life. If their partner dies, they could in fact die of heartbreak. Relationships have always been an integral part in the life of human beings. A person comes to be in a number of relationships in his life; like, a relationship with parents and relationship with loved ones. However, not just human beings are engaged in sharing their love and relationships; but even some other living things share such relationships as well, which the human beings cannot even dream of. Swans are the creatures which have only one partner for their entire life. They mate with the same partner till the bond is broken either because of death or if any partner is preyed. They are purely the symbol of true love. The scientists from Slimbridge found that swans, the members of monogamous species could pass away from a broken heart if their partner dies and they don’t find any other partner unless they are widowed. In a study made on swans, it was found that they get another partner after some time of their being widowed or they mourn the death of their partner. Not only this, swans being the most loving creatures are the most aggressive too. They take really good care of their eggs and young ones. In 2001, a man in Ireland had his leg broken by a swan when he was trying to provoke it. The world has become modern; all the people moving around the face of the world find it difficult to make time for their loved ones, which is the major cause of separation. However, relationships like that of swans are found one in a hundred or thousand. The swans can teach us a lesson to live a life with love!
Last updated on March 16th, 2022 at 02:30 pm In this post, let’s solve Numerical problems based on the motion of a charge in a uniform electric field between two parallel plates. In the case of the motion of a charge in a uniform electric field between two parallel plates, the acceleration is constant because of the constant force, so either the work-energy theorem or the laws of dynamics can be used. (Because the electric field is constant (uniform), the force acting on a charge q is also constant because F = qE.) Numerical problem set 1 ) An electron enters the electric field between two charged parallel plates, as shown in Figure 1. (a) sketch the motion of the electron between the plates. (b) If the electron experiences a downward acceleration of 2.00 x 1017 m/s2 due to the electric field between the plates, determine the time taken for the electron to travel 0.0100 m to the positive plate. a = 2.00 x 1017 m/s2 (down) d = 0.0100 m Required to find out (a) sketch of the electron’s motion (b) time t Analysis and Solution (a) The electron’s acceleration is downward, so the motion of the electron will follow a parabolic path to the positive plate (Figure 2), similar to the projectile motion of an object traveling horizontally to the surface of Earth and experiencing downward acceleration due to gravity. b) We will use this equation: d = ut + (1/2)at2 here, u = 0 d = (1/2)at2 ….(i) Here, the time required for the electron to fall to the positive plate = t t = (2d/a)1/2 = (2×0.0100/2.00 x 1017 )1/2 sec = 3.16 x 10-10 secs.
Depression has been affecting a considerable amount of the population from time to time. Major depression affects 20 percent of people while 4 percent are affected by severe and recurring depression. It is predicted to become the disorder with the highest disease burden in the world by 2020. A study led by King’s College London has discovered the first clear cut proof that genetic variations on chromosome 3 may cause depression. It has been concurrently put forward by a group from Washington University too. The study put forth by King’s is a part of the Depression Network project of over 800 families with persistent depression. The study showcases the result of their 10 year hard work. Dr Gerome Breen, lead author and lecturer at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry stated, “In a large number of families where two or more members have depression we found robust evidence that a region called chromosome 3p25-26 is strongly linked to the disorder. These findings are truly exciting as possibly for the first time we have found a genetic locus for depression.” Dr Breen further specified that these findings will not serve as a test for depression but will help to reveal the genes that change in the course of the disease. This important discovery of being aware of the risk of depression may help to develop certain important therapies although they can’t be expected in the next 15-20 years. “Any one of 40 genes in chromosome 3p25-26 could be responsible so we are currently conducting detailed sequencing examinations in 40 of the families involved, to identify specific genes and variations that are causing the linkage. Results of these studies should be available next year,” he confirmed. Dr Michele Pergadia, lead author and Research Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Washington University commented, “I think we are just beginning to make our way through the maze of influences on depression and this is an important step toward understanding what may be happening at the genetic and molecular levels. Our future research may focus on trying to learn more about how heavy smoking and depression are linked in this area.” Dr Breen concludes by expressing his satisfaction over the study where two different sets of data collected and examined at two different places got a common ground. He believes that this is a rare phenomenon in genetic studies of depression. The study has been published in the American study of Psychiatry.
Wolves in areas where the animals are heavily hunted have higher stress and reproductive hormones compared with those under lower hunting pressure, suggests a new study involving scientists from British Columbia, Alberta and Israel. Researchers measured hormone levels in small tufts of wolf hair gathered in Alberta, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. They compared steroid hormone levels in hair of wolves living in Canada's tundra-taiga region, which has heavy rates of hunting, with those in the northern boreal forest, where hunting rates are lower. "The hair samples revealed that progesterone was higher in tundra-taiga wolves, possibly reflecting increased reproductive effort and social disruption in response to human-related mortality," the researchers wrote in a paper published in the journal Functional Ecology. Researchers found "human-caused harassment" elevates stress hormones such as cortisol, alters a wolf pack's elaborate social structure and might have evolutionary consequences. Reproductive hormones such as testosterone and progesterone may also be elevated when social conditions are unstable, the study says. University of Calgary Prof. Marco Musiani, who co-authored the study, said the hormonal changes could result in unintended increases in reproduction rates and altered genetic structure for the animals. "Though increased reproduction might be viewed as a positive response of wolves to population reductions, the implications on lifetime reproductive output and generational survival of offspring as compared with undisturbed populations are unknown," the study said. The Raincoast Conservation Foundation, whose researchers participated in the study, opposes B.C.'s grey wolf management plan, which was released this spring after a review of more than 2,500 public input submissions. B.C.'s Environment Ministry did not respond to a request for comment. Raincoast's executive director Chris Genovali said the study highlights the need for conservation strategies that go beyond numbers to include psychological and social effects on animals.
Are you getting bitten by mosquitoes? Submit a service request here or call 650-344-8592 to report mosquitoes - one our our certified technicians will visit to investigation the source and stop the mosquitoes. Why Control Mosquitoes? Mosquitoes are more than a nuisance! They can carry and transmit diseases that can make people very sick. Even when they don’t transmit disease, their bites may be uncomfortable or become infected. Controlling mosquitoes interrupts the disease transmission cycle and protects people from disease. How We Control Mosquitoes The District controls mosquitoes through a program of integrated mosquito management (IMM). This program focuses on controlling mosquitoes in their larval stage and preventing problems before they occur. Larval control has many benefits: - Lower toxicity. The pesticides used to control the larval stage are much less toxic to the environment and are highly specific to mosquitoes. - Less pesticides. The pesticides are applied to a smaller area than would be required for treatment of adult mosquitoes. - Less disease. Targeting immature mosquitoes kills them before they are capable of transmitting disease. Sometimes, however, it is also necessary to control adult mosquitoes, such as when we find that they are carrying a disease that can be transmitted to humans.
Consider A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson Rely on our professional academic writers and forget about missing deadlines. All custom papers are written from scratch. Order a Similar Paper Order a Different Paper Requirements: each entry must be at least 125 words. 1. Consider A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. In her narrative, Rowlandson provides an account of the time she spent in captivity. The narrative documents the abduction of Rowlandson and the death of some of her family members, and clearly one of the purposes of the work is to describe this terrible time in her life. However, the narrative also serves to describe the Native American culture. Rowlandson makes several observations about the similarities/differences in cultural traditions between the Native Americans and the European settlers. Discuss one similarity and one difference that Rowlandson describes. What is her attitude toward these differences? 2.Fight for Freedom. Consider Douglass’s speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” What logic does he use to make his point? His speech contains a lot of emotion, including anger. His anger is certainly justified, but does his anger take away from the effectiveness from his argument? Describe a time when you argued a position you were angry about. Were you able to make an effective argument? Why or why not? Needs help with similar assignment? We are available 24x7 to deliver the best services and assignment ready within 3-4 hours? Order a custom-written, plagiarism-free paperOrder Over WhatsApp Place an Order Online
Conductive structures made from conductive polymer films are used in a wide variety of applications and often offer advantages over their metallic counterparts. For example, conductive structures made from conductive polymers can offer advantages in cost, flexibility, weight, form factor and ease of manufacturing to name a few. For example, conductive structures made from conductive polymer films can be used for connecting, fastening and electromagnetic shielding, to name a few applications. Some conductive polymers comprise conjugated double bonds which provide the electronic conduction. Redox-active polymers are conducting polymers comprising functional groups capable of reversibly transitioning between at least two oxidation states wherein the transition between states occurs through oxidation (i.e. electron loss) and reduction (i.e. electron gain) processes. In addition to redox activity provided by the redox center, some redox-active polymers may be electrically conductive through the polymer chain (e.g. polyaniline). Researchers at Arizona State University have developed devices comprising conductive polymers and more particularly tagging devices comprising a redox-active polymer film, and method of using and manufacturing the same. In one aspect, an apparatus includes a substrate and a conductive structure formed on the substrate which includes a layer of redox-active polymer film having mobile ions and electrons. The conductive structure further includes a first terminal and a second terminal configured to receive an electrical signal therebetween, where the layer of redox-active polymer is configured to conduct an electrical current generated by the mobile ions and the electrons in response to the electrical signal. The apparatus additionally includes a detection circuit operatively coupled to the conductive structure and configured to detect the electrical current flowing through the conductive structure. This innovation is covered by:
This book explores the challenges of teaching European history in the 21st century and provides research-informed approaches to history teaching that combine civic education, historical consciousness, and the teaching of controversial social issues. With contributions from researchers across Europe, the book includes both theoretical and case study chapters. The first part of the book addresses issues such as globalization and teaching in an interconnected world, using multicultural and critical approaches, decolonizing education, and teaching uncomfortable narratives of the past. The second part of the book showcases thematic chapters dedicated to teaching intersecting topics in the European curriculum such as violence and armed conflict, social inequality, gender equality, the technological revolution, and religion. Ultimately, this volume promotes criticality, civic engagement, and reflection on social issues, thereby prompting methodological change in the teaching of history as we know it. It will appeal to researchers and students of history education, democratic education, and citizenship education, as well as teacher educators and trainee teachers in history. The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. TABLE OF CONTENTS chapter |10 pages part I|69 pages Teaching approaches on history education chapter 2|17 pages The origin and development of research into historical thinking chapter 5|12 pages Controversial heritage for eco-citizenship education in Social Science didactics part II|138 pages Cross-cutting topics on European history
Organizations define the term “major gift” by an arbitrary dollar amount, set for their own convenience. Planned gifts are defined by a gift vehicle. But neither is correct from a donor’s point of view. In fact, from the donor’s perspective, both of those constructs are irrelevant to him or her. From the donor’s point of view, the asset he or she gives philanthropically, whether cash or real estate or stock, is the important factor. Why would s/he give this asset and what does it accomplish? Without understanding why he or she gives, and what he or she will give, the two functions of the development office cannot be blended successfully. When an organization creates a major gift level, such as $5,000 or $50,000, or any other dollar amount, it has failed to realize what is a major gift to that donor based on his or her level of wealth. When the same organization sets up a planned giving program, it is assumed that the gifts produced are in the form of a gift structure, such as a charitable remainder trust or a gift annuity. But neither the strategy nor gift vehicle is the gift. The gift will be the asset given. That is the very essence of Asset-based Philanthropy. The wealth of donors is not their cash in a bank account, it is in their ownership of assets. As a donor’s net worth increases, the share of that wealth held in cash decreases. Note that all planned gifts, almost entirely of assets, are, in fact, major gifts. Note also that all major gifts, whether of cash or assets are in fact planned. So, why not change the paradigm? That is what we teach at Plain English Planned Giving. Seamless and frictionless Asset-based Philanthropy that works for both the donor and the donee. Take a look at our curriculum and see for yourself. Read what our students say about the program.
Gulbarga tours will help you delve deep into the legacy of royal dynasties. Tour of Gulbarga is a journey into the past of the Gulbarga city. The Gulbarga fort was originally built by Raja Gulchand, a feudatory of the Orangal Kakatiyas. As Gulbarga gained prominence as the Bahmani capital, the fort was fortified by Alauddin Bahman. Nestled within the ramparts of the Gulbarga Fort, the Jumma Masjid bears a striking resemblance to the great mosque of Cordova in Spain. Built by Muhammed Bahmani in 1367, the Persian architecture of the mosque features stilted domes and narrow entrances. The mosque's unique feature is the roof which contains 68 domes that resemble a collection of gigantic pots. Historians reckon that the Jumma Masjid was built to commemorate Gulbarga's status as the Bahmani capital and is one of the earliest mosques in South India. Khwaja Bande Nawaz Durgah The Khwaja Bande Nawaz Durgah, the tomb of the great Sufi saint Syed Mohammad Gesu Daraz (1320-1422), is another major tourist attraction of Gulbarga. One of South India's holiest Muslim shrines, the Durgah is a unique example of communal harmony. The annual urus held at the Durgah is attended by thousands of devotees including both Muslims and Hindus. The dargah library contains nearly 10,000 books in Urdu, Persian and Arabic on subjects ranging from history and philosophy to religion and Gulbarga features a profusion of royal tombs and mausoleums. A complex of seven royal tombs known as the Half Gumbaz lies to the west of the Khwaja Bande dargah. Among the royal mausoleums, the one resting Firoze shah Bahmani is the largest and the most elaborate.
Posted: August 4, 2020 Submitted by: https://www.songsimian.com/ Guitar Effects Infographic History An infographic detailing the history of guitar effects, starting all the way back to the 1930s with Rickenbacker’s Vibrola Spanish Guitar and progressing to the present day. Along the way, we’ll see iconic guitar-effect breakthroughs like gain and reverb in the 1940s to 1950s’ effects like fuzz (discovered by accidentally dropping a Fender Bass amp on a rainy street!) and distortion (the fortuitous discovery when Link Wray stabbed a hole in his amp’s speaker). The guitar effects hit their stride in the 1960s with the first transistor-powered guitar pedals, including the first wah-wah pedals and the first octave effect pedal among glorious others. The explosion of effects pedals in the 1970s reverberates today: signal alterations, distortion, modulation, time-based effects, and filter effects. A timeline of all these effects along with the iconic musicians who used what—Bo Diddley’s Trem Trol 800 Tremolo, Jimi Hendrix’s Leslie rotating speaker, the Rolling Stones’ Maestro Fuzz Tone, etc. All these will be highlighted by this infographic, courtesy of Songsimian.com. Original Post: Guitar Effects Infographic History
Scientists have discovered the warning signs of the coming flood “Black smokers” – this is the name of the geothermal sources operating at the bottom of the oceans. From these objects, in the form of multi-meter pipes, incredibly hot water under the pressure of several hundred atmospheres enters the oceans. As a general rule, the “smokers” are located along the axes of the mid-ocean ridges. Scientists stumbled upon the “deposit” of new smokers in an unexpected place. A vast field dotted with geothermal springs has been discovered by American researchers led by Jill McDermott of Lehigh University. The field formed over an area of more than 5,000 square meters in the northern part of the East Pacific Rise – near the Peruvian coast of South America. The field has more than 20 “black smokers” about 10 meters high. “Hot” water gushes out of it – it comes from some reservoirs located under the ocean floor at a depth of about 2 kilometers. It is possible that in these hot reservoirs, heated by magma, water rises from the inner ocean, which is very deep underground, hundreds of kilometers from the surface. It is not at all excluded that groundwater may one day have become the source of the global flood – the very one described in the Bible. Lehigh University fears that the activity of “black smokers” precedes the imminent massive eruption of underwater volcanoes. It is possible that the flow from the bowels also indicates that the planet is preparing for another flood.
“Basically, solar panels are completely safe. It’s mainly about how you install them,” explains Johan de Vries, Safe Energy Transition Advisor for the Dutch Fire Brigade. “A solar panel installation consists of many components. For example, what are the cables and inverters? You also have to take into account the bugs under the panel and different weather conditions. These are the chances of failure. But determining exactly what is the cause of the fire is sometimes difficult. “. Problems can also be caused by the installation company. “Residents often have no idea what they’re putting on their roofs,” says de Vries. “They usually have boundless confidence in the installer, but they have no idea who is standing on their roof. If you find a less skilled installer, it can cause problems. In principle, anyone can install solar panels. A licensed electrician To submit contact. When asked about the potential for more fire hazards in the summer, again, the slab itself didn’t appear to be the culprit. “In principle, high temperatures don’t matter for a good composition,” says de Vries. “For example, if there is less expensive and cheap wiring, it can have an effect during very sunny days. The temperature can go up to 80 degrees under a panel. If the installation is not quite right, it can cause problems. We also warn that Insects, which may take flammable objects under the baseboard.” “Lifelong zombie fanatic. Hardcore web practitioner. Thinker. Music expert. Unapologetic pop culture scholar.” Senior is really welcome in the job market | Economy King giving a speech during a slavery ceremony and expecting an apology This is how you put extra money aside if you’re unsure about your new pension economy
What Is A Spark Detection System? Spark detection systems, also referred to as optical detection systems, are important elements of explosion protection systems, which are used to prevent deflagrations in manufacturing facilities. Spark detection systems are used in dust collectors to instantly identify the formation of a spark among combustible dust, which is a by-product that is created by manufacturing processes that work with combustible raw materials. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has a set of codes that outline the standards that must be upheld in manufacturing facilities to limit the chances of catastrophic explosions occurring. Some of these codes include NFPA 69, NFPA 650, NFPA 652, NFPA 654 and NFPA 664, each of which require spark detection systems. Without explosion protection systems and spark detectors, combustible dust explosions cause damage to a facility, extended downtime, and worst of all, serious injury or death to employees. How Do Spark Detections Systems Work? Spark detection systems monitor infrared light, giving them the ability to detect anything that gives off heat. Sparks and embers give off more heat than the area surrounding them in a dust collector, so they give off more infrared light and are easily detectable by spark detection systems. Spark detections systems will detect sparks and other ignition sources within milliseconds of their formation. Once an ignition source has been detected, the spark detection system will send a signal to the explosion isolation & explosion suppression systems, where the spark and resulting explosion will be chemically suppressed and mechanically isolated. The spark detection system and explosion protection system work in unison to prevent deflagrations that can spread through ductwork and cause devastating damage to a facility and its workers. Contact Safety Systems Inc! If you have any questions about spark detection systems, please contact our team at Safety Systems Inc. today to learn more about explosion protection systems for combustible dust hazards! We provide explosion protection system recommendation, design, installation, project management, & commissioning services in the manufacturing markets of New England, the Mid-Atlantic, & Eastern Canada! Give us a call today at (888) 877-1778 or fill out the contact form on our website, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible!
< Back to Glossary | Edit with Form CF-netCDF Description: [[TermDesc::CF-netCDF is the Climate and Forecast Metadata Convention for NetCDF Files. Names in NetCDF don't have any meaning associated in them, CF Conventions standardizes the semantic meaning of names, and physical dimensions. CF-netCDF files can be read with semantic meaning associated to the data.]] Glossary Domain: WCS Links to this page [[Links::CF Conventions Data Configuration for Cubes]] No History Available NetCDF file format contains four kinds of information: - Global attributes - Simple name=value pairs - Only declares the length of the dimension - Contains no dimension data. - Array data with any number of dimensions. - Zero dimensions meaning scalar data. - Variable Attributes: - Simple name=value pairs associated to a variable. While these are enough to describe any data, it's not easy to interpret what the data actually means. What is self-evident for humans is difficult for a computer program to reason. If you have a NetCDF viewer, it should be possible just open the file and display the data on a geographic map. But making a program that can automatically get the geographic dimensions from a NC file, is very difficult. Conventions come to rescue. CF Standardizes many things: - Standard name: what is the measure data about - How to tell, that a variable is one of the following: - Data Variable, containing real data. - Dimension Coordinate Variable, containing dimension coordinates. - Dimension Bounds Variable, containing lower and upper bounds of a dimension coordinate. With this part standardized, your program can list the data variables for you and tell you exactly what you can filter by. CF 1.0 - 1.5 contain conventions for cube data and 1.5 contains some station data. Unofficial CF-1.5 contains point data encoding. Expired certificate, add security exception.
The Sami people are one of the oldest semi-nomadic indigenous groups in the world. Traditionally herding reindeer in the Arctic regions of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia’s Kola Peninsula (the region is known as Sapmi), they learned to work with the rhythms of nature in order to survive the harsh climate. Editor’s note: For the past couple of centuries the Sami people has seen increased oppression and colonialism from the swedish state, but they’re still preserving their old ways and today a new generation of Samis are fighting for the rights to their native lands and the preservation of their culture. “Nature is everything for us because we think we belong to Mother Earth,” explains Sami writer/artist/teacher Gunnel Heligfjell, “It is not as with Western European thinking that the earth belongs to us, to the human beings. We think that we belong to the earth like the animals and the plants and everything.” Following the reindeer migrations, they built transportable homes called lavvu from wood and fabric (similar to Native American tipis, but less vertical to sustain high winds). They also have more permanent homes called goahti made from fabric, peat moss or timber and curved poles. The reindeer are used for food and materials: clothing, shoes, tents, tools, toys, and handicraft. They even play a role in one of the Sami creation myths. Gunnel Heligfjell is an artist/writer who teaches the Sami language to school children (recognized as an official Swedish minority language in 2000). While she lives in a more conventional home in Vilhelmina, Sweden most of the year, she still spends time in a goahti or lavvu during summer or hunting trips. She believes in this traditional self-reliance and knows how to build traditional shelters and still cures reindeer meat (from her husband’s herd) and makes shoes, bags and fabrics from the skins.
Longest road tunnel in the world features an air treatment plant and the illusion of daylight. The longest tunnel in the world extends 15.2 miles (24.5 km) between the cities of Laerdal and Aurland in western Norway. Known as the Lærdal Tunnel (or Lærdalstunnelen in Norwegian), the tunnel’s construction lasted five years and was completed in 2000, surpassing the world’s second longest tunnel, the St. Gottard Tunnel in Switzerland, by five miles. Aside from its length, the Lærdal Tunnel is also the first to feature its own air treatment plant. Located in a 328-foot (100 m) cavern, the plant is comprised of two large fans and an electrostatic and carbon filter, which all work to remove dust and nitrogen dioxide from the large structure. Since it takes the average driver 20 minutes to travel through the tunnel, special design features were added in order to prevent drivers from falling asleep. The tunnel is thus divided into four different sections that are broken up by “mountain caves.” The mountain caves are 3.7 miles (6 km) apart and each one is equipped with special lighting that gives off the illusion of driving into daylight. In the mountain caves visitors can stop to rest, make a U-turn, or even have a wedding ceremony, as one couple has done. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders.Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook
Ayoreo mother and child in the relocation settlement of Campo Loro. This month, Global Justice Ecology Project is showcasing a photo from Orin Langelle’s recent trip to an Ayoreo community in the Chaco region of Paraguay. Langelle, by invitation of the community, traveled with Dr. Miguel Lovera, chairperson of Global Forest Coalition. Lovera also also works with the group Iniciativa Amotocodie. The photos Langelle took were called “Sharing the Eye” with the Ayoreo. An exhibit of his photographs will be given to the Ayoreo relocation settlement where the photos were taken and in the near future will be posted on the GJEP Photo Gallery. The settlement is “Campo Loro” (Parrot Field), a 10,000 hectare field which was given to the community in exchange for their nomadic realm of more than 10 million hectares. The Ayoreo were the masters of the harsh northern Chaco territory. They lived off hunting and gathering and were fierce warriors. Because they posed a threat to the expansion of white “civilization”, in the late ’70’s they were forced into settlements. The subhuman confinement conditions, which subdued these proud warrior people, depleted their self esteem. They have over a 50% unemployment rate. The Ayoreo that have been put into settlements are now in the process of regaining their dignity through the recovery of their culture and territorial rights organized by the Union of Native Ayoreo of Paraguay (UNAP). GJEP supports the Iniciativa Amotocodie and UNAP’s work to recover the Ayoreo culture and territorial rights. GJEP also supports the Indigenous Peoples of the Gran Chaco region who have eluded “civilization” and are not in captivity.
Simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability driven by coronal mass ejections in the turbulent corona Recent high resolution AIA/SDO images show evidence of the development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) expand in the ambient corona. A large-scale magnetic field mostly tangential to the interface is inferred, both on the CME and on the background sides. However, the magnetic field component along the shear flow is not strong enough to quench the instability. There is also observational evidence that the ambient corona is in a turbulent regime, and therefore the criteria for the development of the instability are a-priori expected to differ from the laminar case. To study the evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability with a turbulent background, we perform three-dimensional simulations of the incompressible magnetohydrodynamic equations. The instability is driven by a velocity profile tangential to the CME-corona interface, which we simulate through a hyperbolic tangent profile. The turbulent background is generated by the application of a stationary stirring force. We compute the instability growth-rate for different values of the turbulence intensity, and find that the role of turbulence is to attenuate the growth. The fact that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is observed, sets an upper limit to the correlation length of the coronal background turbulence. - Pub Date: - August 2014 - Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Sports are any form of competitive physical activity that involves use, maintenance or improvement of physical ability and skills. Often they are designed to provide enjoyment or entertainment to participants and spectators. The effect of sport on culture Sports have a great impact on society, as they can bring people together from all walks of life and make them feel more connected to one another. In addition to promoting healthy socialization, they also can improve the mental health of those who participate in them and increase self-confidence. The symbiosis between sports and the media is a powerful force for shaping public culture. This relationship is rooted in the 18th century when commercial mass media began to cover sporting events as an inexpensive way of reaching a large audience and increasing their profit margins. In modern times, sports have played a central role in the construction of national identities and nationalistic pride. They have been used to reaffirm or reinforce the nation’s nationalist narrative, to create new traditions, and to solidify social cohesion. Athletes in sports are often the face of their country and reflect its values, strengths and interests. Many of them have a community-relations department, and they frequently raise funds or perform service to benefit the wider community. Athletes are seen as heroes who lift up their countries, and they are often regarded as a symbol of strength and courage. Their success can inspire others to follow their lead, making the world a better place.
The common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is a hardy, deciduous shrub that can grow 8-20 feet tall with a width of up to 20 feet. Their fragrant white, purple, or pink flowers bloom among dark green heart shaped leaves and are a favorite for gardeners. Although deer will feed on over 700 species of plants found in garden and landscape areas. The common lilac is one that deer tend to avoid. According to Rutgers University lilacs are rated “seldom severely damaged” on their rating scale. Deer are very determined hungry animals. Once they discover plants they like to eat such as hostas, daylilies, and English ivy, they will devour the plant. They will hop fences, ignore scare tactics, and show up daily. Even though lilacs are considered deer resistant, they will nibble on them if no other food is available. Watch out for your friendly squirrel. He likes to eat lilac shrubs. Oftentimes, squirrels will strip the bark from the lower portions of lilac plants. Keeping Deer Away From Lilacs Lilac shrubs can add color, texture and fragrance to your landscaping area, but they can also help to repel deer. Deer tend to avoid plants with strong aromas, like the common lilac. If you live in an area that is prone to deer, choose plants that deer dislike to protect your garden. If you find that deer are nibbling on your lilac bush, commercial deer deterrents sprayed on or around the garden area help. These sprays emit a foul taste and odor that deter deer. Will Lilacs Come Back After Deer Eat Them? Even though lilacs are labeled as deer resistant, they can be vulnerable during the first few weeks after planting. Even if your plant has been snacked on, as long as the root system is not damaged, the shrub should survive. You can cut a lilac plant almost to the ground and it will recover and flourish. Lilac plants are very hardy and can actually benefit from being pruned, even if it is unintended. Sources: Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station ‘Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance’ 2018
Fragments of the world’s oldest known Koran, discovered last month by British Scholars, may have been written before the accepted date of the founding of Islam by the prophet Muhammad. Radiocarbon dating of the fragments, tested by experts at the University of Oxford, were manufactured between 568 and 645 A.D. The accepted data of the founding of Islam has been designated as sometime after 610 A.D. Medina, the first Muslim community, was founded in what is now Saudi Arabia in 622 A.D. The two pages were accidentally bound into another copy of the Koran, one that dates back to the seventh century. They came to the library of the University of Birmingham in England as part of a collection of Middle Eastern texts accumulated in Iraq back in the 1920’s. The earliest known text of the Koran was put together by the order of Uthman, the third caliph after Muhammad’s death. That document had been assembled in 653 A.D. Prior to that time, parts of the work had been written on parchment, leaves, bone or stones, but mostly was circulated through oral tradition. The carbon dating has only been done on the sheep- or goat-skin parchment of the newly discovered fragments so far. If it turns out that the inks also were from the same time frame, that would likely mean that at least some portions of the work pre-date Muhammad, moving the time of an Arabic literary culture back into the 500’s, say the researchers. Muslim scholars dispute the notion that the fragments predate Muhammad. “If anything, the manuscript has consolidated traditional accounts of the Koran’s origins,” said Mustafa Shah of the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies. Leave a Reply
It only takes a moment for a fear memory to become embedded in one’s brain. It’s part of the aftermath of either being involved in or witnessing a traumatic event. Overcoming the fear can take time, but scientists at Northwestern University say that it can be done in your sleep. They have been able to lower fear levels in people by using certain odors to trigger and then redirect the frightening memories into innocuous ones while a subject is in a deep sleep. Memories form while we sleep. Neurologist Jay Gottfried, senior author of the study, which was slated to be published by the journal Nature Neuroscience, commented that, “Sleep sort of stamps memories in more strongly. That’s when a lot of memory formation can take place.” For their study, the researchers created fear of a particular face in their subjects’ minds using conditioning. The participants linked a face and an odor in their minds with a painful electric shock. After some trials, the participants became afraid of the face, and the smell became a cue associated with it. Smell also triggers memories. At that point, the researchers used the smell to trigger fear memories during sleep as a way to enable the participants to adjust without feeling afraid while they were awake. Gottfried and his colleagues have not attempted to use this technique on people who live with phobias, but it makes sense to try to treat stressful memories in this manner. The technique could be used to create a connection between a phobia and a particular odor. The first types of patients who could be helped using this technique are people who have a particular odor associated with their fear, such as people who are afraid of the smell of gunpowder. Sleep does play a role in consolidating memories, which involves parts of the brain replaying the events of the day and determining which parts it will store for safekeeping and which ones it will forgo. Rutgers University psychologist Mauricio Delgado brought up the interesting question of whether there is a window during the process when memories can be updated.
Am Fam Physician. 2016;93(8):online See related article on cancer screening in older patients What is a screening test? A screening test can find diseases before you have symptoms or feel sick. Screening for certain cancers when you are at the right age can sometimes lead to better treatment, which may lower your chances of dying from the disease. What are some common screening tests for cancer? Pap smears look for signs of cervical cancer. Mammograms test for breast cancer. Colon cancer can be found using a colonoscopy test or by testing your stool to see if it has blood in it. Low-dose computed tomography (CT scan for short) is used to find lung cancer in smokers. The screening test for prostate cancer is called a prostate-specific antigen test. Should I ever stop getting screened for cancer? Cancer screening tests can save lives but can also cause harm. As you get older, screening tests may become more risky and can lead to more testing with bad side effects. Also, screening tests are not always accurate. They can cause you to worry and have procedures that are not needed, like biopsies and surgery. In time, your doctor may recommend that you not be screened for cancer anymore. How do I know when I should stop getting screened? Talk to your doctor. Before you make a decision, you should talk about your medical history, overall health, and personal wishes. Think about if you want to get further testing and treatment if you might have cancer. Women who are 65 years and older who have had regular, normal Pap smears for the past 10 years can usually stop. Many patients older than 75 years, and almost all patients 85 years and older do not need to be screened for breast or colon cancers because these cancers grow slowly and are unlikely to harm patients of this age. Where can I get more information? AAFP's Patient Education Resource American Cancer Society Electronic Preventive Services Selector U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
“Bullying Hurts Everyone.” That is the title of an activity book that Northern Community Mediation created for distribution to the elementary school students in the Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District service area. The focus of the activity book is to draw attention to how a person that is being bullied feels and then to sensitize young people with tools that they can use to stop the bullying. Each page has a question or suggestion: On the last page of the coloring book, the student signs an agreement that he/she will not be a bully and will be an Upstander. NCM received funding from four, local Kiwanis clubs to fund the design, production and printing of the activity books: Kiwanis Club of Charlevoix, Kiwanis Club of Harbor Springs, Kiwanis Club of Petoskey, and the Kiwanis Club of Little Traverse Bay in Petoskey. Executive Director Jane Millar has been distributing the activity books by meeting with the teachers and administrators in each elementary school and explaining how the books can be optimally used. To date, the activity books are in the hands of approximately half the K-5 grade students in the Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District service area. Once the schools re-open following the COVID-19 pandemic, she will continue to distribute the activity books.
As the Internet of Things (IoT) develops, there is an increasing need to “sense” changes in the atmospherics which surround semiconductors. In other words, the working chips must get smarter and smarter and have feel! Some of that AI feel in chips is being supplied by sensing chips – the layered structure of wafers of semiconductor material which can “sense” changes in the environment it is measuring or into which it is placed. Gas sensors are particularly important and patent applications for these devices are on the upswing internationally, with Sony and Samsung leading the way. See Relecura article at http://tinyurl.com/ybrojuq2 Edaphic Scientific describes a gas sensor’s performance as follows: “Semiconductor gas sensors rely on a gas coming into contact with a metal oxide surface and then undergoing either oxidation or reduction. The absorption or desorption of the gas on the metal oxide changes either the conductivity or resistivity from a known baseline value. This change in conductivity or resistivity can be measured with electronic circuitry. Usually the change in conductivity or resistivity is a linear and proportional relationship with gas concentration. Therefore, a simple calibration equation can be established between resistivity/conductivity change and gas concentration.” http://tinyurl.com/y6ufz7vx The IoT relies on smarter and smarter technology as it governs many things around us. Products will have this smarter and smarter technology and converting “sensing” into electronic circuitry will likely have a positive impact on performance, but will present new challenges as products fail and cause damage to person or property. How deep a dive will be required in products liability litigation for example when a “sensor chip” fails to sense. Sensor chips have been around for a while, but they are becoming tremendously sophisticated and integral to the virtual world in which we operate. Posted by Henry M. Sneath, Esquire Co-Chair Litigation Practice Group and Chair of the IP Practice Group: Houston Harbaugh, P.C., 401 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please contact Mr. Sneath at 412-288-4013 or email@example.com You must be logged in to post a comment.
Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy mouth, and it’s an essential part of your overall health and well-being. Your teeth and gums are the first line of defense against harmful bacteria and other harmful substances that can lead to dental problems. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of oral hygiene and share some tips on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy. - Brushing Your Teeth Brushing your teeth twice a day is one of the most crucial steps in maintaining good oral hygiene. Use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean your teeth and gums. Be sure to brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the fronts, backs, and tops, and don’t forget your tongue. - Flossing Your Teeth Flossing your teeth once a day is just as important as brushing. It removes food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gum line. Use a piece of floss about 18 inches long and wrap it around your fingers, then gently slide it between your teeth. Avoid snapping the floss or forcing it into your gums. - Rinsing with Mouthwash Using mouthwash after brushing and flossing can help kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Choose a product that’s alcohol-free and contains fluoride. - Healthy Eating Eating a healthy diet that’s low in sugar and processed foods can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can help strengthen your teeth and gums and promote overall health. - Regular Dental Check-Ups Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential to maintaining good oral hygiene. Your dentist can detect and treat problems early, such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. Don’t skip your dental appointments, even if you feel fine. In conclusion, good oral hygiene is essential for healthy teeth and gums. By following these tips, you can maintain good oral hygiene and reduce your risk of dental problems. If you have any questions or concerns about your oral health, don’t hesitate to contact Bellissima Clinic to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced dental professionals.
The Muttaburrasaurus langdoni has been chosen as Queensland's fossil emblem. I was an ornithopod dinosaur (which means ‘bird-footed’). This group also includes famous dinosaurs such as the Iguanodon and Parasaurolophus. I differed from other ornithopods as I had an inflated, bulbous snout and a powerful bite with specialised shearing teeth. How do you say my name? How big was I? I was about seven to eight metres long, which is the length of two average cars. When did I live and what did I eat? I lived during the Cretaceous period, about 100 million years ago. I ate plants including seed ferns, ferns and conifers. Where was I found? My fossil was found in Muttaburra, Central Queensland, where the Traditional Owners are the Inigai people and Bidjara people. A local grazier, Doug Langdon discovered my fossil bones while mustering cattle in 1963. About my name I was named by Queensland Museum Director Alan Bartholomai and Queensland Museum curator Ralph Molnar. My name Muttaburrasaurus langdoni is taken from the town of Muttaburra in Central Queensland and the local grazier Doug Langdon, who discovered the first fossil specimen. What makes me special? My skeleton was the first relatively complete Australian dinosaur fossil found.It was the first Australian dinosaur to be fully reconstructed as a life-size model. My fossils have only been found in Queensland. Where can you find information on me? You can find: - a replica of my skull and a mounted fossil skeleton on display in the Lost Creatures Exhibition, Queensland Museum - information and reconstruction on display at the Muttaburrasaurus Interpretation Centre, Muttaburra - replica mounted skeletons on display in Hughenden, and in state museums around Australia.
The Hongkong Telegraph. Wednesday, April 4, 1923. BOY SCOUTS JAMBOREE. Scouting as an Educational Training. Hongkong's Boy Scouts are to have a Jamboree at the City Hall on the 13th and 14th inst., at which demonstrations in Scoutcraft will be given. The value of this movement is widely acknowledged. Viewing educational training merely from the viewpoint of the acquisition of knowledge, it must be admitted that there is much in a boy's life left untouched by the formal lessons given in a classroom. The Boy Scout organization supplies this need. Its aim is the development of good citizenship among boys by individual character training in resourcefulness, observation, obedience, and self-reliance; by inculcating loyalty and thoughtfulness for others; by teaching them services useful to the public, and handicrafts useful to themselves; and by promoting their physical development and hygiene. Scout training takes the individual boy, and through attractions of organization, activities, and awards devised for the purpose, it urges him to develop himself in the four directions towards citizenship given above. It endeavours to supply training rather than teaching, education rather than instruction, character rather than knowledge, active sell-education instead of passive reception of ideas. Many schoolmasters have taken up scouting for their boys to help their character training and discipline, and have found it is a splendid method of training. It makes the acquisition of knowledge a living process. Lord Rosebery has said: "Schoolmasters ought to be interested for their own benefit in the Boy Scouts. If they can get the influence that the Boy Scout movement gives the Scoutmaster, if they can get that influence over their boys in playtime, that at present some of them only have in school time, surely they will have an incalculable reward in the formation of the character of their pupils, far the most important education they can impart."
Educator resource packs: COVID-19 challenges All NSW services have been sent a resource pack to assist educators with some of the COVID-19 related challenges that children may be facing. 17 August 2020 Each pack includes two books: - Birdie and the Virus by Andrea Baldwin - The Circle of Security: Roadmap to Building Supportive Relationships by Robyn Dolby. This pack is intended to be used as a shared resource amongst your service and has been developed in partnership with Early Childhood Australia and the Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health. Birdie and the Virus This book is part of the popular Birdie’s Tree series of children’s books. The series is designed for families and educators to help young children process their emotions and concerns after experiencing a natural disaster or other significant events. Birdie and the Virus follows the main character, Birdie, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Accompanied by colourful illustrations, the book explores changes that happen in the world through the eyes of the Birdie character. This perspective provides age-appropriate talking points for educators and caregivers to use in assisting children to process their feelings and thoughts about the pandemic. A digital version of the Birdie and the Virus book can be found online, including translations of the book into languages other than English. The Circle of Security: Roadmap to Building Supportive Relationships This book introduces the Circle of Security model, and how this can be implemented in education and care environments. The Circle of Security is a relationship-based early intervention program designed to enhance attachment security between children and their caregivers. It encourages caregivers to look beyond a child’s immediate behaviour and think about how to meet their holistic relationship needs. This book provides practical guidance on empathetic communication, building positive relationships with caregivers, and how to enhance opportunities for connections with children. Order an extra copy for your service A limited number of extra copies are available of each book. If your service would like to order an extra copy, please complete this form.
Payment & Shipping Terms: |Method-1:||Microbial Genome Transformation||Method-2:||TALEN Targeted Gene Knockout| |Method-3:||Cas9 System Gene Knockout||Processing-1:||Isolate DNA From The Organism| |Processing-2:||Put The DNA Into The DNA Vector||Processing-3:||Transfection Or Transformation| TALEN Targeted Molecular Genetic Analysis, Gene Knockout Molecular Genetic Analysis Genome manipulation is a powerful technology, which can be used to specifically modify endogenous chromosomal DNA. This approach can be used to destroy or inactivate a gene, repair adverse mutations or increase the diversity of microbial population. With the help of this technology, various microorganisms can be genetically modified to create engineering microorganisms that meet our human needs and benefit human beings. It can also be used in fields such as synthetic biology, gene directed interference or multiple gene network interference, and gene therapy. Currently, we can provide microbial genome transformation, TALEN targeted gene knockout, Cas9 system gene knockout and other technical services. The Process of the Gene Manipulation We can get the part of the DNA thanks to restriction endonucleases - type II. The DNA strand is broken up in the specific places which are bordered by short nucleotide sequences. Both strands are cut out. Then we can recognize them and categorize by their size by agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA ligase governs the properties of the segment. The cohesive ends are created and the insertion can takes place. It is absolutelly necessary to choose the right vector for the DNA. It must accept the foreign DNA and continues its cell cycle. The most common are bacteria – especially E.coli. The transformation of DNA from a virus is called transfection. We have ensured that the integration into the host genome will be successful. The most important is to maintain the ability to replicate DNA. The Complications of Use The use of gene manipulation is difficult. It is a process that can change the human genes. So it brings many ethical problems. The safety is still discussable. The scientists are worried about the genetic diversity, because all of the modified organisms will be the same.
Buddha taught that there are various worthy happiness in our world. One of which, is the happiness of being debt free. A peaceful contentment that we do not owe others. Contrary to the current world view, the ability to obtain credit, spend first and pay back later, is not to be celebrated and abused. Buddhism advocate living within ones means and the practice of contentment. In this instance, the intention is to encourage simple living and focus on spiritual training. Besides material debt, we also try to avoid karmic debt. Unlike monetary debt, karmic debt is ‘invisible’. We do not get a bank statement, telling us how much we owe. Instead it is recorded in our karma. Due to rebirth, any karmic debt owed in this life gets carried over to the next one. The idea is to be fair towards others and not to take advantage of people. For example, if we are employer, we must not exploit employees. If we are a manager, we have to be fair in our performance appraisal. If we are employee, we have to be conscientious. If we are in business and trade, we should not cheat our customers. We may fool others and we may not be caught in this life. However, we cannot hide from our own mind. Whatever we get away with now, will boomerang and come back at us. If not in this life, then the next. That is why we have to live honestly, with integrity and with fairness. That way, our mind will be bright. There will be lesser obstacle when our mind is ready for the next leap. May all be well and happy. Leave a Reply
On May 26, the second of two supermoons in 2021 will assume control throughout the night sky as a “blood moon” because of a comparing lunar eclipse. As indicated by NASA, a blood moon happens during an total lunar eclipse, where the Earth lines up between the Moon and the Sun and hides the Moon from any sunlight. “When this happens, the only light that reaches the Moon’s surface is from the edges of the Earth’s atmosphere,” the space office clarifies. “The air molecules from Earth’s atmosphere scatter out most of the blue light. The remaining light reflects onto the Moon’s surface with a red glow, making the Moon appear red in the night sky.” May’s “Flower Moon,” named for the abundant flowers in the Northern Hemisphere during spring, is likewise a supermoon, which happens when the Moon approaches Earth inside 90% of perigree, making the Moon seem bigger and more brighter than normal. That, combined with the total lunar eclipse and its subsequent blood moon, breeds the “Super Flower Blood Moon,” which will top for around 14 minutes on May 26, as per NASA. The rare moon will be at least partially visible anyplace on the “night” side of the planet, which incorporates portions of Asia and Australia just as the majority of the U.S. furthermore, South America. The best survey will be in Hawaii, Alaska and western states, however the eclipse will in any case be apparent on the East coast at dawn. Lunar eclipses are safe to see with the naked eye, so there’s no need to take any visual precautions beforehand. The Virtual Telescope Project will likewise have a live feed of the whole event, starting at 3 a.m. PDT on May 26.Topics #blood moon #Flower Moon #NASA #Super Flower Blood Moon #supermoons
Abstract paintings, unlike representational paintings, have designs, shapes and colors that do not look like specific physical objects. They are more difficult to analyze than representational paintings because you may have no idea what you are looking at. Artists in the early 20th century began painting in this manner as a way of evoking deep unconscious emotions. By experiencing and thinking about your emotions, you can analyze an abstract painting. Observe the painting for at least ten minutes without letting yourself be distracted. Pay attention to how the painting makes you feel and how your emotions change from when you first looked at the painting to after you have spent some time with it. Abstract painters use art as a tool for indirect access to their viewers' inner psyches. Relax and allow the art to have an impact on yours. Concentrate on the specific content and technique of the painting. Make note of how the painter uses color, lines, textures and balance. Observe how different elements are distributed across the canvas. Decide how you would describe the painting to someone who couldn't see it. Research the artist's biography either using the internet resources below, by going to a library and asking a librarian or by looking in a book on art in the reference section. Find out how your painting compares to the artist's earlier and later works. Discover what was happening in the artist's life at the time she produced the painting. Research how your painting fits with the course of art history. Find out what paintings it reacted to and what paintings reacted to it. See what other kinds of paintings were being produced at that time. Investigate what art critics have had to say about the painting and see if it has been copied and by whom. Return to the painting and look at it again. Keeping in mind what you now know about the painting, ask yourself how the painting now makes you feel. Consider how your emotions are influenced by your research on the artist and on the painting's place in history. Karen Smith has been writing professionally since 2008. Her articles are published in the "Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History" and the upcoming "Dictionary of African Biography," as well as on Patheos.com and in volumes of "Anthropology News," "Contemporary Islam," "Islamic Africa" and "American Ethnologist." She has a Doctor of Philosophy in anthropology.
Padmasana is a Sanskrit term that translates to “lotus posture” in English. It is a seated yoga posture that is commonly used for meditation and pranayama (breathing exercises). To perform Padmasana, start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend your right knee and place your foot on top of your left thigh, as close to your hip as possible. Then, bend your left knee and place your foot on top of your right thigh, again as close to your hip as possible. Your knees should be on the ground and your feet should be pointing upwards. Place your hands on your knees or in a mudra of your choice. Keep your spine straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your chin slightly tucked in. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing your mind to become calm and still. Padmasana has numerous benefits for the body and mind. Some of the main benefits of Padmasana include: - Improves Posture: Padmasana helps to improve posture and align the spine properly, reducing the strain on the back and shoulders. - Increases Flexibility: Padmasana helps to increase flexibility in the hips, knees, and ankles, which can help prevent injuries and improve overall mobility. - Calms the Mind: Padmasana is a meditative pose that helps to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. - Boosts Concentration: Practicing Padmasana regularly can help to improve focus and concentration, which can be beneficial for work, school, and daily activities. - Stimulates Digestion: Padmasana helps to stimulate the digestive system, improving digestion and reducing bloating and constipation. - Reduces Menstrual Discomfort: Padmasana can help to reduce menstrual discomfort and cramps, making it a beneficial posture for women. - Improves Blood Circulation: Padmasana helps to improve blood circulation throughout the body, which can promote overall health and wellbeing. - Enhances Lung Capacity: Padmasana can help to enhance lung capacity and increase oxygen flow to the body, which can improve overall physical performance. Overall, Padmasana is a beneficial posture for both the body and mind, and regular practice can lead to improved health and wellbeing. However, it is important to practice Padmasana safely and avoid any discomfort or pain.
Growing evidence suggests that turmeric may afford protection against neurodegenerative diseases. Epidemiological studies show that in elderly Indian populations, among whose diet turmeric is a common spice, levels of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s are very low. Concurrently, experimental research conducted recently found that curcumin does appear to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s in mice. Preliminary studies in mice also suggest that curcumin may block the progression of multiple sclerosis. While it is still unclear how it may afford protection against this degenerative condition, one theory is that it may interrupt the production of IL-2, a protein that can play a key role in the destruction of myelin, the sheath that serves to protect most nerves in the body. A number of studies have suggested that curcumin, the biologically active constituent in turmeric, protects against Alzheimer’s disease by turning on a gene that codes for the production of antioxidant proteins. A study published in the Italian Journal of Biochemistry(December 2003) discussed curcumin’s role in the induction of the the heme oxygenase pathway, a protective system that, when triggered in brain tissue, causes the production of the potent antioxidant bilirubin, which protects the brain against oxidative (free radical) injury. Such oxidation is thought to be a major factor in aging and to be responsible for neurodegenerative disorders including dementias like Alzheimer’s disease. Another study conducted jointly by an Italian and U.S. team and presented at the American Physiological Society’s 2004 annual conference in Washington, DC, confirmed that curcumin strongly induces expression of the gene, called hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) in astrocytes from the hippocampal region of the brain.
Aikido is a form of Budo, a Japanese word translated into English as “martial arts”. Original arts were not only aimed to strengthen the body, but went further, involving man as a whole. Unlike the modern concept of martial art, they were focused on the Path (Do) a man or woman should follow through training in order to attain a deeper knowledge. Budo includes all Paths (Do) deriving from Japanese martial arts (Bujutsu). Actually, it is made of many different systems (Judo, Karate-do, Kyudo, Aikido, etc.) all containing the word “Do” in their graphical description. This clearly indicates that the combat technique is not the goal of the practitioner, but a means to reach a higher ideal. Budo was developed as a path from Bujutsu, which was pure war technique. Bujutsu masters became aware that techniques only aimed to death were nonsense and of no value for humanity. Therefore they changed the goal of their exercises, focusing the efforts towards themselves, not against an opponent. Those masters became aware that the attraction to outward appearence was an obstacle on the Path, an abstacle that prevented them to reach a higher knowledge. They also recognized that the enemy to be defeated is not the opponent on the battleground, but something within ourselves. With this in mind, many 16th century masters abandoned the arts of Japanese combat formulating a new principle, which was not one of death but a teaching of life. Hence, as Budo we don’t mean a Path to knowledge and power, but the practice of martial arts to reach the inner Self. From Budo, la Via Spirituale delle Arti marziali, by Werner Lind – Ed. Mediterranee, Italy,1996
Protecting our water and our residents Imagine a full glass of water. That glass has a straw in it. Where ever you place the straw within the glass, you are still drinking from the same container of water. That glass/straw scenario is how a well relates to an aquifer. Our Village has two aquifers, unfortunately the first aquifer has a surface water to ground water connection. What’s that mean? That means: Whatever goes into a storm drain, a pond, or a ditch will eventually make contact with the aquifer. Wait, that’s sounds scary? Scary or not, it’s factual. This is why the Village Board has been working hard to protect not only what goes into the water, but what is put on the ground – because, you know, it rains. Last year the Board passed the Ground Water Protection Ordinance. This ordinance limited certain chemicals that could be used around your house or in your yard that could find their way into the water supply. Our Village has made many changes over the years to prevent chemicals of any kind from getting into the water supply. It started off small, like becoming a phosphorus free Village, then moving to brine to lessen the amount of road salt in the winter, to finally the Ground Water Protection Ordinance. Last year there was a scare and out of concern for the health and safety for our residents the Village felt it had no choice but to run a water quality test on several homes. Thankfully, those homes tested clear for chemical contaminants. As a Village, we must remain vigilant in our protection of our ground water. If there are suspicious smells or spraying in your area, please call the Village Hall immediately. All of these activities now require a permit and plans to be reviewed by the Village Engineer. As a Village we must remain vigilant in our protection of our ground water. If there suspicious smells, or spraying in your area, please call Village Hall immediately. All of these activities now require a permit and plans to be reviewed by the Village Engineer.
What Was Before Will Be Again As we continue to explore what a pandemic world means, it seems reasonable to expect that legal, regulatory, and ethical rules and guidelines will develop based upon historical events. Lessons learned should inform changes and growth in knowledge upon which ethical actions are fine-tuned. History will be ignored at our own peril. If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens,how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.-George Bernard Shaw It seems every time a pandemic occurs, and it occurs with such regularity that scientists can loosely predict the cycles, we act surprised and appalled at the interruptions in our daily lives as if we had no warning and could not possibly know what to do. And yet we know that public health officials attempted to do exactly the right things 100 years ago. They were mostly ignored, with deadly consequences. Watch minutes 30-40 of the following video (minutes 0-30 are optional): 1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary Determine missed public health opportunities that may have lessened the impact of the 1918 flu. Include the following aspects in the assignment: · While watching the ten minutes at the end of the video, list all missed opportunities that had the potential to lessen the impact of the pandemic · Next to this list, place who you think was the responsible party for the missed opportunity · San Francisco avoided the second round of the pandemic. Why was this? · Who should be in charge of decision-making during pandemics, public health departments or politicians? · Make a simple two-column chart for the first two bullets and a paragraph narrative for the second two · Cite any references used. Use proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling at all times. Put everything in our own words. There is no copying and pasting allowe
Heritage Trail Board 6 – Bolton’s Copper Mill In 1790 Thomas Patten, owner of the Cheadle Copper and Brass Company, bought the tin plate works at Oakamoor. His intention was to convert the site to the smelting and processing of copper ore and the last tin plating took place in 1793. Copper ore from Ecton was taken to Cheadle, and later Whiston, for smelting. Patten built a wire mill in 1792, followed by othe buildings, culmulating in the “Alton” wire mill of 1827. In 1852 the Oakamoor works were put up for sale. Thomas Bolton, a copper manufacturer from Birmingham, sent his sons to Oakamoor to buy some plant for their existing works. They returned having bought not just plant, but the entire works! Morse code, the system for transmitting dots and dashes by electricity, had been invented in 1840 and Alfred Bolton could see the potential of Oakamoor in the burgeoning electrical telegraph industry. The major challenge was to lay a trans-Atlantic cable. Wire for the first cable was produced at Oakamoor in 1857, when60 tons of copper was drawn. It was laid at the second attempt and carried only 700 messages before it was broken. By 1881 Oakamoor was the most important factory of its kind in Britain, with almost 200 men producing brass and copper in various forms. The demand for copper fluctuated after 1901, with surges during the two world wars, and by the 1960’s it became apparent that the site a Oakamoor had become redundant. The works closed in 1962 and soon after the factory was razed to the ground. After more than 800 years Oakamoor’s industry fell silent. Little evidence of this industrial history remains on the site, although the gate posts which once stood either side of the railway are visible in a small copse and some raised stone platforms still exist close to the bridge.
In the sociological theories developed in the nineteenth century men’s masculinity strategies are seen as those of investment, as the game of honor does have economic and political effects. Excluded from the ‘games’ of the men, women are in a critical position; they both recognize the ‘silliness’ of the games and provide the ‘flattering mirror’ to them. Femininity, no less than masculinity, may be considered an asset, dependant on context. Indeed, the strategies of middle class feminists that led to increased education for women and second wave feminism may in part be responsible for the reconstitution of the mental/ manual divide which restricts working class women to employment centered on their ‘traditional’ skills. No capital has a ‘pure’ field, as there is always resistance; the family may be said to be dominated by the gender sufficiently to constitute its primary field. The family has long been studied within feminism as the primary site of gender domination and social reproduction. It is not enough to view the gendering of levels of capital as limiting life-opportunities; gender itself must be viewed as a capital and a strategy, with the power to cross fields. A child is gendered before it learns to speak. The gender capital gained as a child has repercussions throughout life; an infant that learns to be a woman will find that her femininity is both a constraint and an enabler; her habitués is gendered, as is her future. By learning to be a woman, she unwittingly reproduces the system that subordinates the feminine; by choosing the forms of education and employment that she does; by adopting the behavior considered suitable for her sex and teaching this to her daughter, a woman plays an important role in the continuation of the existing social hierarchy.
SEL Lessons That Prepare Students for the Classroom and Beyond All of the Moshi SEL lessons are designed to equip students with the skills they need to interact successfully with their peers, teachers, and academics. Each lesson has a clear objective that is aligned with the CASEL 5 SEL competencies. They are developmentally aligned to three age groups: PreK (ages 3 to 5), K–2 (ages 5 to 8), and 3–5 (ages 9 to 11). Below is a summary of some of the objectives you’ll find in our Moshi SEL lessons. Each lesson also includes a teacher-led conversation guide, student activity, and take-home activity. Use techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, positive self-talk, and visualization to focus attention, regulate emotions, and ease away stress. Recognize emotions—including stress and anxiety, happiness and joy, and anger and sadness—and learn how to identify them and apply them to situations. Maintain a positive outlook, show concern for the feelings of others, and develop positive relationships. Reflect on one’s role in actively promoting personal, family, and community well-being. Make decisions about personal behavior and interactions with peers that are safe, respectful, and in alignment with the classroom norms. Establish and maintain caring relationships with others by sharing, being kind, and showing empathy and compassion for others’ feelings. Seek and offer support and help when needed.
Mindfulness means paying full attention to something. It means slowing down to really notice what you're doing. Being mindful is the opposite of rushing or multitasking. When you're mindful, you're taking your time. You are focusing in a relaxed, easy way. Mindfulness teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body. ... Techniques can vary, but in general, mindfulness meditation involves deep breathing and awareness of body and mind. Why is mindfulness important? Being mindful helps you: pay attention better be less distracted stay calm under stress avoid getting too upset about things slow down instead of rush listen better to others be more patient get along better feel happier and enjoy things more The more you practise, the better you get! Here is an example of a relaxing meditation for children: Other meditation sessions can be found at: Time Out (Peace Out: Guided Meditation for Kids) | Cosmic Kids - YouTube Have a go at some of these challenges: Find out about some breathing techniques: More about Mindfulness: More helpful website links: Zen Den: zen den - YouTube Mindfulness Exercises for children and parents: 10 mindfulness exercises for kids | BBC Good Food
A controversy is a prolonged public dispute or debate, with people having different opinions. There may be several groups of people who have different opinions and who cannot agree. Examples for controversial topics are the question of whether abortion should be legal, or whether research on embryonic stem cells should be permitted. Controversies can happen when there is not a lot of understanding about a topic. A controversy may also happen when different people interpret the same information differently based on their own biases. Any opinion that has opposing sides or points of view can become a controversy. In the winter of 2015, consumers argued over the color and design of Starbucks Christmas cup. Some suggested a boycott of the coffee brand to protest. References[change | change source] - ↑ "controversy". Vocabulary.com. Retrieved 8 July 2016. - ↑ 2.0 2.1 Ilya Somin (October 11, 2013). "Democracy and Political Ignorance". Cato Institute. Retrieved 8 July 2016. - ↑ Emma Green (10 November 2015). "The Inanity of the Starbucks Christmas Cup 'Controversy' Seeking religious affirmation from corporate branding is ironic, misguided, and culturally damaging". The Atlantic. Retrieved 12 June 2016. Related pages[change | change source]
The aroma of coffee is how it smells. It is made up of volatile compounds (vapors and gases) we inhale which are released or agitated during the brewing process. Our roastery team trains their noses to distinguish between different aromas. Aroma is evaluated at multiple points during the tasting process.As you brew your coffee, stop to take notes on the different aromas you smell when: - the coffee is first ground - just after water is added to the grinds - during the coffee brewing process* *A layer of grinds will float to the top during the brew process. Concentrated volatile compounds are trapped underneath this layer inside the water. This is called the crust. Agitating this layer (breaking the crust) will release those concentrated compounds in one burst of aroma. Breathing in the aroma while breaking the crust can help pinpoint flavors. At home, this crust will not be evident in all brewing methods, though may be most noticeable while brewing a pourover. Look for little bubbles forming as you add additional water to your pourover. This is the trapped gasses and vapors escaping from the coffee as the pouring water agitates the crust. Briefly pause while brewing and carefully take a whiff! If your brewing method does not have a noticeable crust, try taking a deep breath of the aromas just as it finishes brewing and the grinds are discarded. Can you notice any differences in the aromas between the 3 points?
In a paper published in the September issue of Nano Letters, Hickey, et al. reported a series of technologies that streamline enrichment, expansion, and detection of a wide range of antigen-specific T cells for cancer, infectious disease, and autoimmunity. The authors developed a concept of “adaptive artificial antigen presenting cells,” which can target an array of T cell specificities and are compatible with a 96-well plate format to facilitate high-throughput enrichment and expansion of rare, endogenous T cells. Likewise, adaptive detection particles are designed to be both modular and sensitive enough to detect a variety of T cell specificities, including rare, cancer-specific T cells. Together, these tools can provide a facile, “off-the-shelf” means of studying antigen-specific T cell responses across many different diseases. This article has been curated and made freely available by the Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource (IEDB) with an IEDB Reference ID 1036997. The IEDB is sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID). IEDB seeks to collate experimental data about T cell and antibody epitopes for a variety of diseases and across a range of animal species. This resource is provided to the scientific community at no charge. The authors artwork was also featured on the cover. Using magnetic nanoparticles to “find the needle in the (immune cell) haystack”: Adaptive artificial antigen presenting cells (black) can isolate rare antigen-specific CD8+ T cells (red) from a “haystack” of irrelevant immune cells. Our method provides a multiplexed, streamlined method for simultaneous magnetic enrichment, expansion, and detection of a wide range of antigen-specific T cells for cancer, infectious disease, and autoimmunity.
Food moths, also known as pantry moths, weevil moths, Indian mealmoths, and scientifically, Plodia interpunctella, are the most common species of moths that can reproduce inside of homes, developing as a pest of various foods, commonly found in pantries. Prevent infestation with Food Moths Plodia interpunctella, also known as the pantry moth, they are a common grain-feeding pest found around the world, feeding on cereals and similar products. They can infest a wide range of dry foodstuffs of vegetable origin, such as cereal, bread, pasta, rice, couscous, flour, spices, or dried fruits and nuts. Information about Food Moths The food moth (Plodia interpunctella), alternatively spelled Indianmeal moth, is a pyraloid moth of the family Pyralidae. P. interpunctella larvae (caterpillars) are commonly known as waxworms. It is important to note that they are not the same species as the waxworms often bred as animal feed. The Indian mealmoth, also known as the food moth, is part of the Plodia order and Plodia interpunctella specie. It can infest a wide range of dry foods, the most common being dry pet food, birdseed, cereal, bread, pasta, rice, flour, spices, dried fruits and nuts. Once larvae or moths have been discovered, it is important to throw out all food sources, as they are contaminated, as this will also interrupt their mating and reproduction process, and then repel them from where the dry food is being kept. In order to prevent an infestation, you need to keep the food they are attracted to in tightly sealed containers.
101-0615-01L Materials Lab Exercises |Semester||Autumn Semester 2021| |Lecturers||R. J. Flatt, U. Angst, I. Burgert, D. Kammer, H. Richner, F. Wittel| |Periodicity||yearly recurring course| |Language of instruction||German| |Abstract||Introduction into the basic and practical knowledge of important building materials and testing methods.| |Objective||Introduction into the basic and practical knowledge of important building materials and testing methods.| |Content||o Introduction of material testing equipment, with various examples of experiments on metals (tensile behaviour, hardness, bending and impact loading).| o Theoretical background and practical aspects of concrete technology: mixture design, casting and setting; determination of mechanical properties. o Properties of bricks and mortar: individual materials and the composite brickwork. Parameters like strength, Young’s modulus, water absorption and thermal conductivity are determined. o Understanding the characteristic properties of wood: anisotropy, hygroscopic behaviour, shrinkage and swelling, and effect of size on strength. Introduction to test-methods for wood and wood-products. o Introduction into the basics of scanning electron microscopy: practical exercises with the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). o Introduction to fundamentals of Finite Element Methods and their application in examples. o Introduction to durability of building materials and building structures: assessment of potentials for detecting and locating corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete. |Lecture notes||For each topic a script will be provided, that can be downloaded under www.ifb.ethz.ch/education|
Advancing Universal Rights and Justice Uprooting Fascisms and Fundamentalisms Across the globe, feminist, women’s rights and gender justice defenders are challenging the agendas of fascist and fundamentalist actors. These oppressive forces target women, persons who are non-conforming in their gender identity, expression and/or sexual orientation, and other oppressed communities. Discriminatory ideologies are undermining and co-opting our human rights systems and standards, with the aim of making rights the preserve of only certain groups. In the face of this, the Advancing Universal Rights and Justice (AURJ) initiative promotes the universality of rights - the foundational principle that human rights belong to everyone, no matter who they are, without exception. We create space for feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements and allies to recognize, strategize and take collective action to counter the influence and impact of anti-rights actors. We also seek to advance women’s rights and feminist frameworks, norms and proposals, and to protect and promote the universality of rights. Through this initiative, we: - Build knowledge: We support feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements by disseminating and popularizing knowledge and key messages about anti-rights actors, their strategies, and impact in the international human rights systems through AWID’s leadership role in the collaborative platform, the Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs)*. - Advance feminist agendas: We ally ourselves with partners in international human rights spaces including, the Human Rights Council, the Commission on Population and Development, the Commission on the Status of Women and the UN General Assembly. - Create and amplify alternatives: We engage with our members to ensure that international commitments, resolutions and norms reflect and are fed back into organizing in other spaces locally, nationally and regionally. - Mobilize solidarity action: We take action alongside women human rights defenders (WHRDs) including trans and intersex defenders and young feminists, working to challenge fundamentalisms and fascisms and call attention to situations of risk.
Notes & Neurons: Music, Emotion and the Brain From axons to a cappella, or why music gives us chills and thrills. By Maria Popova Music is easily the widest-reaching, most universal emotional facilitator. Anecdotally, it shapes so many of life’s everyday experiences: An epic movie would fall flat without a cinematic soundtrack, a party without dance music is unthinkable, and a run without an upbeat playlist feels somehow much more tiresome. Scientifically, music has been shown to impact anything from our alertness and relaxation to our memory to our physical and emotional well-being. Today, we take a look at just how music affects our brain and emotion, with Notes & Neurons: In Search of a Common Chorus — a fascinating event from the 2009 World Science Festival. But before we launch into the geekier portion, here’s a quick improvised treat from phenomenal jazz and a cappella performer Bobby McFerrin, who embodies the intimate relationship between music and the human element. The panel — hosted by John Schaefer and featuring Jamshed Barucha, scientist Daniel Levitin, Professor Lawrence Parsons and Bobby McFerrin — takes us through a series of live performances and demonstrations that illustrate music’s interaction with the brain and our emotions, exploring some of the most interesting questions about this incredible phenomenon. Is our response to music hard-wired or culturally determined? Is the reaction to rhythm and melody universal or influenced by environment? We encourage you to see the full Notes & Neurons: In Search of a Common Chorus program, or snack on some more digestible bites over at World Science Festival’s Vimeo channel. And while we’re at it, we highly recommend neuroscientist Oliver Sacks’ Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain — an utterly fascinating read about the extreme effect music can have on our cognitive and emotional lives. Published August 7, 2009
Industrial coatings are the best way to keep a variety of surfaces safe maintain the product as new as it was yet produced same color& gloss. Also we have opportunity to color the world around us no degradation or fade under environmental conditions. Coating preserve geometrical ferrous and non-ferrous materials sustaining same dimensions as rust affects by reducing thickness as external layers are oxidized sustaining same mechanical behavior under stresses. Sometimes you may need to make a surface non-slip or non-stick. Decorative columns walls facades. Floors are one case of a place where you may require a mechanical quality covering to avoid slipping, particularly in ranges where there is a great deal of fluid that could drop onto the floor. Different machines may require a non-stick surface within them to guarantee quick, quality handling of materials. Mechanical coatings are the most ideal approach to guard an assortment of surfaces. Coatings give rise to the esthetics and usefulness of matters, these benefits usually must be weighed against environmental costs. Coatings are intended to stop corrosion by maintaining the part from exposure to oxygen and water. Galvanizing or Zinc coatings protect ferrous metals from rusting by another way-zinc is oxidized before zinc-coated metal components begin to rust. The zinc coating will corrode instead of the protected ferrous metallic component. Anodizing is a process for non-ferrous metals that eliminates or reduces corrosion which we do it for aluminum in our facilities upon request.
JolasMATIKA: An Experience for Teaching and Learning Computing Topics From University to Primary Education Larraza Mendiluze, Edurne Lucas Múgica, José Francisco MetadataShow full item record IEE Transactions on Education 63(3) : 136-143 (2020) Contribution: A learning-by-teaching methodology through games can be used to promote informatics (computer science) in primary and secondary education. Applying the proposed activities can change students' perception of informatics from seeing it as merely using computers to seeing its relationship with mathematics. The experience can also help students acquire competences in teaching. Background: Although students, specifically in primary and secondary education, are increasingly competent in terms of technology use, it has been found that in many cases informatics, as a science, has been relegated to a secondary status; it is usually considered only as a tool or additional resource, and not as an object of study. Intended Outcomes: To refine the application of the learning-to-teach-to-learn (L2T2L) methodology, a learning-by-teaching methodology that has students learn and then, in turn, teach that learning to younger students, in cascade from university to secondary to primary students. To analyze its effects on students' attitudes toward informatics. Application Design: The model incorporates a learning-by-teaching approach in a multistage sequence across different kinds of learners and teachers, using fun, game-like materials. Findings: The use of the action research methodology allowed adjustment of the educational methodology, providing more reliable data and enough experience to suggest how to extend the project to a broader audience. Although the results obtained were less significant than expected, the experience did give students a more realistic view of informatics.
Eco-friendly energy is electricity produced by renewable sources for example wind, sun, water, waves, geothermal power heat and organic matter. It is a type of souped up that is created in a fashion that has a lesser negative impact towards the environment than powers like non-renewable fuels, that are frequently created with dangerous negative effects. The robust growth and development of new waterpower technologies, for example individuals of Hydro Eco-friendly Energy, will substantially bolster efforts to lessen the impacts of global warming, improve quality of air, stabilize the electrical power company, better help meet growing electricity demand and reduce reliance on fossil sources for producing electricity. It is now simpler than ever before to aid eco-friendly energy generation from sources such as the sun and biomass. A minimum of 50 % from the alternative energy originate from solar sources. As interest in alternative energy increases, the greater cost of eco-friendly energy generation might be offset by improved technology and production efficiency. Among the most effective we may have a direct effect on climatic change and also the environment is as simple as powering the house with eco-friendly energy. Using the growing prices of oil, eco-friendly energy now become the best looking resource for renewable power. Simultaneously, the increasing price of capital is which makes it tougher for both consumer and suppliers of other energy equipment and services to invest in new eco-friendly projects. However with constant growth and development of fraxel treatments, eco-friendly energy will less expensive. Solar energy is really a eco-friendly power source, the power the originates from the sun’s rays and changed into electricity using a solar energy system. The disadvantage is the fact that solar might not produce much energy in places that don’t get enough sunlight. Though, this is often compensated if there’s a great storage, just like an variety of top quality batteries. The aim of eco-friendly energy is to create power with very little pollution as you possibly can created like a by product. When utilized correctly, solar power could be created in this way, which may be delivered back with the local power company and used at other destinations. Should you generate your personal electrical power too, you might really have the ability to earn revenue by selling it towards the power company, or safeguard yourself from power blackouts by choosing a stand-alone, off-grid system. Comments are closed.
This image shows a lava channel north of Kuiper Crater in the high southern latitudes just before spring equinox. It was a target suggested by members of the public, using our suggestion tool called HiWish . The channel confluence at the top of the image illustrates interesting volcanic processes that took place long ago. However, it was the mounds on the rim of the channel to the south of the confluence that we initially found alarming. These mounds, up to 400 meters in diameter, are decorated by radial and concentric patterns that resemble spider webs . Radial and concentric fractures are familiar from forces penetrating a brittle layer, such as a rock thrown through a glass window. These particular fractures were evidently produced by something emerging from below the brittle surface of Mars. It seems likely that ice lenses, resulting from the accumulation of ice beneath the surface, created these peculiar mounds. Ice is less dense than rock, so the buried ice rose and pushed upwards on the surface and generated these spider web-like patterns. An analogous process creates similar sized mounds in arctic tundra on Earth that are known as “pingos,”, an Inuit word. The Martian fractures in this location are nowadays filled with dust instead of ice, so it is unclear how long ago this activity took place. It seems likely that these pingo-forming periglacial processes took place much more recently than the volcanic activity also evident in this region of Mars. Written by: Paul Geissler (audio: Tre Gibbs) (19 October 2016) More info and image formats at http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/ESP_046359_1250 Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
There are many different ethnic groups in the world. We can all learn something new from each one of the ethnic groups. Our race does not completely make up who we are. It has some influence as we may follow some of our cultural traditions. How we are raised, who we learn from and who we spend much of our time with is what mainly helps to make up who we are. For example, if you hang around with friends that get into trouble frequently, down the road do you think you will get into trouble? Probably. We all know the saying "guilty by association." Even if you are not a troublemaker, but you spend a lot of time with troublemakers, you will soon see your reputation as a person start to change in other people’s eyes. We usually share the same beliefs and values with the people we become friends with. If we hang around racist people, most likely we will hear it enough and find ourselves thinking and saying some of the same things. People need to keep an open mind and only judge people for their personalities and deeds they have done, do not throw race into the mix. There are so many ethnic groups in one area. For instance, did you know that the Philippines has many ethnic groups? Besides having different ethnic groups, the Philippines has a sub-list of groups. You will find the Visayan ethnic group to the Ilocano ethnic group to the Tagalog ethnic group, etc. In the United States of America which is named "the melting pot" you will find Hispanic ethnic groups, Black ethnic groups, Caucasians ethnic groups, etc. Each ethnic group brings something to the table so to speak. We can all learn something from each other. Instead of jumping to conclusions and prejudices, we should embrace our differences. We should try to understand and learn about each other’s cultures. Think of all of the fascinating things we could learn. We may even adopt some of each ethnic group’s culture traditions. If your neighbor is of another ethnic group or someone you work with or go to school with, sit down and get to know him or her. Really listen. You may find that you enjoy getting to know other folk’s culture. You may also find that you have made a new really good friend. For more information on ethnic groups, please visit http://www.usariseup.com. By: Lisbeth Salander Your details are safe with us
People who are interested in space activities will like the month of May. On May 15 and 16, the world will experience the first lunar eclipse of the year. The crimson moon will be seen during the Lunar Eclipse. When the Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth and the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, the natural phenomenon happens. This is also the first Lunar Eclipse of the year, which will be complete. When the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, a lunar eclipse occurs. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock) Dates and Times of the Lunar Eclipse in 2022 According to NASA, the whole Lunar Eclipse will be visible from Earth will also be known as blood moon. It will start at 07:58 a.m. IST on May 16 and last until 11.35 a.m. IST the same day. On May 16, a Lunar Eclipse is projected to last more than three hours. When will the Lunar Eclipse be at its most powerful? On May 16, the red moon will be at its fullest at 9:41 a.m. Will India be able to see the lunar eclipse? The Lunar Eclipse will not be seen in India this time, according to the space agency. Only South America, Eastern North America, sections of Antarctica, Western Europe, Western and Southern Africa, and the eastern edge of the Pacific region will see the crimson moon. What is the significance of the name Blood Moon? Because the Lunar Eclipse will occur on a full moon day, the moon will seem red as the earth’s shadow falls on it. The moon will reflect various colours and keep the red colour due to its wavelength as sunlight falls on its surface after passing through the Earth’s atmosphere. It will appear reddish in colour as a result of this. The term ‘Blood Moon’ comes from this.
The Different Ways Earthmoving Equipment Is Used in Preparing Sites for Construction Projects Before work can commence at a construction site, proper site preparation will need to be carried out. As the name suggests, site preparation involves getting a site ready for actual construction work. All the different types of heavy construction machines used in site preparation are collectively called earthmoving machines. The construction professionals that use these machines to get work done are known as earthmoving contractors. Earthmoving machines are versatile pieces of construction machinery that can be used to perform a variety of tasks at a construction site. Take a look at a few common uses of earthmoving equipment below. Although it often causes disturbance to the local ecology, land clearing is usually a crucial aspect of virtually any construction project. It involves clearing off any trees, vegetation, large rocks, rubbish, and other obstructions that may be present on-site to give way for new development. By removing the obstacles, earthmoving contractors make the site more accessible to the crew and the various types of heavy construction equipment needed to complete the project. This helps get work done faster, thus increasing the likelihood of beating the deadline. This is a construction activity that can be performed for a variety of purposes, but mainly for site levelling. Where the slope of the land makes it difficult to start construction, earthmoving contractors can move earth from higher spots to lower spots to achieve a perfectly level base for installing the foundation of a building. This helps keep the structure strong and stable. Land grading can also be performed to reconfigure the topography of a worksite — that is, for the land to take the shape the site surveyor wants. Laying the foundation of a building often requires major excavation work. This is because the weight of the building should be transferred to a stable layer of the soil. Earthmoving machines can be used for digging and removing large volumes of earth from a site to allow crew members to start building the foundation. The debris should be removed from the site safely and efficiently to minimise workplace accidents and keep work flowing smoothly. As you can see, construction teams heavily rely on earthmoving machines to get work done fast and efficiently. If you want to learn more about the uses of this type of heavy construction equipment, don't hesitate to get in touch with the experts at an earthmoving company near you.
May 31st, 2010 On April 20th, 2010 a Deepwater Horizon and BP oil rig exploded off the southeast coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico, sparking what became the worse man-made environmental catastrophe in American history. The unfathomable amount of leaked oil far exceeded the Exxon Valdez spill, which ravaged Alaska’s Prince William Sound in March of 1989, at the time causing the largest oil spill our nation had ever seen. The formation of our production company served the immediate purpose of producing a film that strives to document the effects of the spill and the way in which BP and the United States Government has responded to it. Two decades ago, the Exxon Valdez spilled left the shores of Cordova, Alaska stained black with oil. One of our nation’s most pristine and naturally vibrant ecosystems, Prince William Sound was devastated. The spill attached the sound’s wildlife but it’s effects reached far beyond the waters in which it took place. The livelihoods of entire communities were forever changed and many have not recovered to this day. Despite this unspeakable disaster, BP and our nation have allowed another oil crisis to occur, this time on an unconscionable scale. Regardless of the details of who and what and why, one thing is clear; this negligence can not continue. Our hope is that the film that we produce can help educate and inform the public and serve to inspire change, in action and in mind, in the way that we interact with our environment. November 11th, 2010 Our crew spent over five months shooting throughout the Gulf of Mexico, exploring the environmental, social, and economic impacts of the April, 2010 British Petroleum oil spill. In our time there we’ve found that while the spill itself was possibly the worst man made environmental disaster in North American history, it was what followed that was the true crime. Throughout our time in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida it was impossible to ignore the public outcry for increased efforts. Just as evident was BP and the U.S. government’s general neglect of such outcry. Why was BP allowed to run the clean up of the spill that they allowed to happen? Why were governmental agencies like NOAA less stringent with their scientific data than independent researchers from all over the country? These are just some of the questions we’ve been asking and topics we’ve been exploring.
South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in said that an agreement in principle had been reached by both countries and their respective allies, China and the US The Korean War, which lasted from 1950 to 1953, split the peninsula into two ( North Korea and South Korea ), but the war technically has never ended. The conflict ended in an armistice (to stop fighting for some time), not a peace treaty. The US fought alongside South Korea during the war, and China backed North Korea. South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in said that an agreement in principle had been reached by both countries and their respective allies, China and the US. - Japanese occupied Korea between 1910- 1945. - When the Japanese got defeated in WW2, it was agreed in principle to establish a “four-power trusteeship over Korea” consisting of the USA, Great Britain, the USSR, and China. - But, the USSR invaded Korea and took control of the north. The South remained under the rest of the allies, mainly the USA. - The two regions were divided along the 38th parallel north, which still continues to be the official border dividing the two Koreas. - In 1948 the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) were established. - However, the world started witnessing the start of the cold war between the USSR and the USA for hegemony. To establish their clout, both the countries tried to spread and impose their ideology on countries that were still trying to chart out their course of action. - Korean War – In 1950, North Korea, backed by the USSR, launched an attack on South Korea and occupied most of the country. In response, the USA retaliated. - In 1951, US forces crossed the 38th parallel triggering China’s entry in support of North Korea. - Finally, in 1953, the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, leading to an official ceasefire but without any peace treaty. - Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) was established – It is a strip of land across the Korean Peninsula that acts as a buffer zone between North Korea and South Korea. DMZ roughly follows the 38th parallel, the original demarcation line between North Korea and South Korea at the end of World War II. For the complete story and everything you need to know about North-South Korea relations – Watch the video here
Expert Answers / (Solved): Biology 3400: Principles of Genetics FINAL STUDY GUIDE II: DNA Transcription \& Translation 1. Draw ... Biology 3400: Principles of Genetics FINAL STUDY GUIDE II: DNA Transcription \& Translation 1. Draw a diagram representing prokaryotic transcription and translation. Try eukaryotic on the back of this sheet!: 2. Label the diagram of The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology below: 3. Label the DNA structure: 4. Find the start codon AUG and translate the polypeptide, label the introns and exons: CACUUGCAUCCACGGACUAUGCCGAUUCGUUAAUGAAGCUACUAGCAUGCUAGCAUCGA Prokaryotic Transcription and Translation: In prokaryotes, such as bacteria, transcription and translation occur simultaneously in the cytoplasm. The process involves the following steps:Transcription:The DNA double helix unwinds, exposing the template strand.RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region on the DNA template strand.RNA polymerase synthesizes a complementary RNA molecule by adding nucleotides according to the base-pairing rules (A-U and G-C).Transcription continues until the RNA polymerase reaches a termination sequence, which signals the end of transcription.
ISPARC Move, Play, Compete In 2007, driven by the desire to improve the health and well-being of BC’s Indigenous people, several prominent provincial Indigenous organizations came together to develop a social legacy from the Cowichan 2008 North American Indigenous Games—a legacy that would lead to transformative change in the health and well-being of Indigenous people across the province. Click here to explore the Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council website. It highlights many opportunities for community recreation, coaching opportunities, performance sport programs, as well as healthy living activities and grant opportunities. Indigenous Games for Children The Indigenous Games for Children Resource is a collection of traditional Indigenous games and activities to help front line leaders introduce or reconnect children to recreational and sport activities that reflect the rich cultural heritage of our Indigenous peoples across Canada. Through consultation with Indigenous communities and cultural organizations, researchers and existing publications, this resource is a collection of activity cards for use by leaders working with children in a program setting. There are several activities that put children in touch with nature. Indigenous people in Canada have always had a special bond with their natural environments and for many years, depended entirely upon Mother Earth for their survival. Many games were introduced to children by elders to help them learn and develop skills necessary for survival, building strength and agility, hunting and gathering food in harsh weather environments. Many of these active games will also help children increase their physical activity levels while strengthening their sense of culture and tradition. Indigenous Support Worker Jessica Flowers, of Inuit ancestry, teaches traditional Inuit games to students at Miracle Beach Elementary. Easy to teach, and no equipment required…give them a try!
CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (Commands): BOX usage: box [ color v1 v2 width flag ] ; where V1 and V2 are vectors or: box [ color x1 y1 nx ny width flag ] BOX draws a rectangle on the graphics display by adding line drawing instructions to the list of graphics vectors. The box is drawn with intensity COLOR (default COLOR is the value of the internal variable LCOLOR). The size and position of the rectangle is determined by the coordinates of two diagonal corners. These corners can be specified either as two vectors, each of which has its own X, Y, and Z values, or by entering explicit X and Y values for the upper left corner, and NX and NY for the size of the box – in this case Z is set to the current value of the internal variable ZVALUE (see ZVALUE(4)) and NZ is 0. If the coordinates for either corner are missing, then BOX waits for cursor input to specify the missing corner. The WIDTH parameter specifies the width of the lines to be drawn and can take on values 1 to 15. The FLAG parameter allows you to select various drawing options: 1 - draw shape in absolute coordinates (ignoring transformation and clipping settings). 2 - don't store vectors in VECS (assumed if FLAG & 1). 4 - store lines or surfaces as individual vectors to facilitate transformations (ignored if FLAG & 3). 8 - paint inside of box. 16 - XOR values rather than replacing them. The default value for FLAG varies depending on the context in which BOX is called: If called during a SKETCH(2) command then FLAG defaults to 0, other- wise the default value is 2. box ; waits for you to mark 2 corners with ; the cursor; color is LCOLOR box 14 ; waits for cursor corners; color is 14 box 100 v1 ; waits for cursor for V2; color is 100 box 100 10 20 150 200 ; box from (10,20) to (150,200) CIRCLE(2), ELLIPSE(2), GETBOX(3), GETXYZ(3), GRAPHICS(1), LINE(2), SKETCH(2), VARIABLES(1), VECS(4), ZVALUE(4)
Explore Myths about Mars Ares was the Greek god of war. He was identified with the Roman god, Mars. Ares was driven ...Read more In Hindu mythology, the planet Mars is known as Mangala. Hindus believed in the existence ...Read more Mayans were sophisticated observers of the sky. Mayans used their astronomical knowledge to ...Read more Explore Myths about other nearby planets Venus was the goddess of love and beauty. To the perfection of her figure and the purity of ...Read more Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli is an Aztec deity representing the planet Venus and an apparition of ...Read more In Roman mythology, Jupiter was the king of heaven and Earth and of all the Olympian gods. ...Read more Ganymede was a son of Tros, first king of the classical land known as Troy. One day Jupiter ...Read more Io was a priestess of the Greek goddess Hera. Hera was the jealous wife of Zeus, the king of ...Read more Europa was the beautiful daughter of the Phoenician king of Tyre, Agenor. Zeus (Jupiter), the ...Read more Did you know? Did you know that the Phoenix Mars Lander landed on Mars on 25 May, 2008? Did you know that different cultures imagined different constellations, based on their own cultural context? Earth and Space Science Concept of the Day Do you know what this word or phrase means? xGraben : A graben is a down-dropped block of the earth's crust resulting from extension, or pulling, of the crust. Click on the word to find out! Researchers have found a primitive Earth mantle reservoir on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. Geologist Matthew Jackson and his colleagues from a multi-institution collaboration report the finding--the...Read more
Responsible gambling involves knowing the odds, knowing when to quit, and budgeting accordingly. It is not a realistic way to make money, and the best way to stay on track is to treat gambling as a cost and not as a source of income. It is helpful to understand why we gamble, and then use this information to avoid it. For instance, most of us gamble to pass the time, so we can’t spend too much on gambling. Gambling addiction affects the individual mentally, physically, and socially. It is considered an impulse-control disorder and has negative social, professional, and psychological effects. Some individuals with gambling addiction experience physical health problems such as digestive disorders, abdominal discomfort, and migraine. The psychological toll of problem gambling can be devastating, resulting in feelings of hopelessness, depression, and even attempts at suicide. Fortunately, there are various ways to overcome the addiction. Read on to learn about gambling addiction treatment. Most states in the U.S. have legalized gambling, with the exception of Hawaii and Utah. These two states are notable for their high Mormon populations, which affects regulations. Additionally, Hawaii’s residents are concerned about gambling’s impact on their family relationships. Despite the legality of gambling, most states have laws prohibiting gambling outside of gaming towns. Those living in these states must follow the laws of their state to avoid being a victim of gambling law enforcement. A game of chance can be considered gambling if it involves a wager or prize. Gambling is a form of betting, where the player wagers money or valuables on the outcome of an uncertain event. While gambling is most often associated with casinos, there are other forms of gambling such as lottery tickets, playing bingo, and betting on office pool games. It doesn’t matter what form of gambling you enjoy, just as long as it is legal, you should be aware of the rules before participating.
Next-gen space travel is here, or at least according to Thoth Technology it is. The Canadian space firm has been granted a patent in the U.S. for a freestanding space tower that could change the way astronauts launch rockets into space. Space elevators aren’t exactly a new concept—the idea dates back to the 20th century. The problem is, engineers have struggled to develop a working design since there is no known material capable of supporting the entire weight of a freestanding building at such heights. Thoth claims they’ve found a solution to this design challenge: Build the space tower only 12.4 miles high so that it sits in the stratosphere rather than going all the way out into geostationary orbit, where satellites fly, which is around 22,000 miles up. The ‘ThothX Tower’ would be inflatable, made with reinforced segments and topped with a runway from which satellite payloads could be launched. It would stay upright using a complex arrangements of fly-wheels to compensate for the tower bending. So how would this thing work? Astronauts would board an electrical elevator, which would take them 12 miles above sea level. Once passengers reach the top of the tower, they would then board a space plane that takes them the rest of the way into space. The building wouldn’t actually be a true geostationary space elevator, since 12 miles isn’t even a quarter of the way into space. Instead, it would function more like a very high launching pad for space exploration. According to its patent, pressurized cars would either run in the core of the structure, or they could climb up the outside like a funicular railway, with each car able to carry around 10 tons of cargo. Apparently they’d also be used for communications, scientific studies and power generation using wind turbines. If we were to ever see one of these things come to life, a space elevator could be a potential alternative to costly, energy eating rockets that burn most of their fuel supply trying to fight against the atmosphere. That all sounds great, but I still think there are more design challenges than Thoth is leading on. What do you think the biggest challenges launching a space elevator will be?
The Poetry of Mirza Ghalib This program features some of the most famous poems by Urdu’s greatest poet Mirza Ghalib. He was born in Agra in 1797 and died in Delhi in 1869. His birth name was Asadullah Khan. Mirza is a title indicating high rank or nobility. In his early poems, he used the pen name Asad, which means lion. Later he took the pen name, Ghalib, which means dominant, which indeed he was. He died in Delhi. Among the featured poems, ghazals, are such classics as “Bus ke Dushwaar hai,” Muddat hui hai,” “Ye na thi Hamari Qismat,” and “Bazeecha-e-Itafaal hai.” You will hear the original poem recited in Urdu by Asad Zaidi and then sung by either Begum Akhtar or Muhammad Rafi, followed by the English translation. Begum Akhtar and Muhammad Rafi of India were two giants of ghazal singing and both had a particular affinity for Ghalib’s poetry. Produced and hosted by David Barsamian as part of his World Poetry Series on KGNU. Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan known by his pen name Ghalib was Urdu’s finest poet and master of the ghazal, love poem. He was born in Agra in 1797 and died in Delhi in 1869. His range, imagery, and command of language are stunning. Today his poems are recited by South Asians everywhere. There are no reviews yet.
February 12, 1809 arrived like every other day before it, with the turning of the Earth to accept the rays of the early morning sun. But on this particular day, two men were born who would both later find themselves mentioned on the list of the world’s all-time most influential people. Their names were Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. The men could not have had more dissimilar origins. Charles Darwin was born that day in Shropshire, England to a wealthy doctor and financier. His mother was descended from the wealthy Wedgwood lineage (of Wedgwood China fame) and his paternal grandfather was the famous scientist Erasmus Darwin. He attended the University of Edinburgh Medical School, but found more interest in taxidermy, which he learned from a freed slave. In 1831, young Charles embarked on a five-year voyage on the HMS Beagle to help chart the coastline of South America. Charles spent much of his time on the journey collecting specimens of plant and animal life. His studies eventually led to the formulation of his Theory of Natural Selection many years later, which brought the concept of vast eons of time and the mutability of species into the discussion of life on Earth. His writings still stir up controversy 150 years after they were first published. Lincoln was born that same day in a log cabin in central Kentucky, 5,000 miles away. Not having the luxury of wealth, he was largely self-educated. Lincoln possessed a sharp mind and a keen sense of humor, which enabled him to become a successful attorney. Unlike Darwin, he never ventured much farther from his home than the White House. Shortly after Darwin published his landmark treatise On The Origin of Species in 1859, Lincoln found himself the leader of a divided nation: one where many citizens believed that the ownership of other humans was not only proper, but divinely ordained. Lincoln spent the last years of his life waging a war partly to insure that slavery would never again be permissible on the North American continent. While their contributions came in far different arenas – Lincoln’s primarily political, and Darwin’s in the field of biology – both men ended up bringing about far-reaching change by making people question whether the conclusions reached by the majority were correct and by suggesting that it was time for humanity to embrace new modes of thinking.
Letter to the Editor Ice age coming Australia’s Hottest Summer 2018/19 Report is Baloney — the BOM deliberately did not tell you of 33.5°C recorded at Rutherglen in 1938/1939 or Charles Sturt’s Records in 1828 it was a blistering 53.9 °C at Buddah lake. The BOM report is an insult to the 71 lives lost on 13 January 1939 and embarrassment to science. The Black Friday Firestorm destroyed four times the area of farmland and forest as the devastating February 2009 fires – twenty times as much as burnt this last summer. The norther hemisphere is cooling, winters longer and much colder, the southern hemisphere is hotter, that’s how climate works. Prominent Russian Scientists have predicted the northern hemisphere will be in an ice-age mid-century “Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age.” Dr. Abdussamatov is featured on page 140 of the 2009 U.S. Senate Report of More Than 700 Dissenting Scientists Over Man-Made Global Warming. European and Russian scientists say the next ice age will arrive suddenly dropping fast, temperatures are dropping quicker than previously known. No one is sure if it will accelerate or not? The Sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age. Sunspots have been absent for nearly two years, and the Sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply dropped. The new NASA findings are in line with studies released by University Califorin-San Diego and Northumbria University in Great Britain last year, both of which predict a Grand Solar Minimum cooling in coming decades due to low sunspot activity. Both studies predicted Sun activity similar to the Ice Age in the mid-17th to early 18th centuries. G J May
What are we willing to give to help those in need? Judaism’s word for giving, tzedakhah, translates most accurately as justice, not charity. This week’s Torah portion Re-eh offers some guidelines for giving in the Jewish tradition and introduces the idea of tithing. Tithing is giving 10 percent of your income in money, time, or products. Even though we are encouraged to be generous in our giving, the text indicates that we should not give more than 20 percent. The tradition is trying to model a balance between taking care of others and taking care of ourselves. There are many ways to give and countless opportunities to make a difference. We can give money to causes or institutions that align with our values. We can work in advocacy, raising awareness and trying to promote change. We can donate food, clothing or household goods. We can teach and educate those around us. We can be the heads of organizations working for good in the world, and we can be involved on the most grassroots level as helpers. We can make a difference at home in private, and we can make a difference publicly in our communities. What is important is not how much we give, but that we do give graciously in relation to our means. TALK TO YOUR KIDS about giving of themselves to those in need. CONNECT TO THEIR LIVES: - How can you make a positive difference in this world? - What can you give in money, time, or items? - What is keeping you from giving in this way? - How does it feel to help people in need? - How do you avoid embarrassing someone you are trying to help? Values & Ethics—Through a Jewish Lens is created by Fred and Joyce Claar to bring the wisdom of Judaism into family discussions.
A graphical user interface's navigation bar, also referred to as the navigation system, aids users in finding information. Navigation bars are used in web browsers, file browsers, and as a design element on some websites. On all pages of a website, there is usually a major navigation bar and a secondary navigation bar. These areas of the website will contain links to the site's most significant sections. A significant part of web design and usability is the implementation and design of navigation bars. There are many types of nab bars like fixed navbar(whose position is fixed at any location in a webpage), scrolling navbar( which scrolls up with the page), and sticky navbar ( which sticks at a specified position no matter where its relative position is). The difference between the fixed navbar and sticky navbar is that to make a navbar fixed we use its position as an absolute and provide a location where to fix it(i.e. top, bottom, left, and right), but in the case of the sticky navbar, we define a position as sticky and then specify the location where to make it sticky. In the sticky navbar by default position of the navbar is relative(i.e. where it should be as per the flow of HTML), but as we scroll the page, it will stick at the specified location as it reaches there. A sticky navbar is simple to create on your own if you know a little HTML and CSS. You will learn how to create a straightforward sticky navbar in this article. The code is very easy to understand and understandable. For better understanding, we advise you to watch the video after the code: See the Pen sticky nav bar by Vidyasheela (@_vidyasheela) Post a Comment thankyou very much sir. your video was a great help
Populations of benthic invertebrates in neighbouring streams are isolated from each other by intervening terrestrial habitat. The adult stages of stream insects that are capable of flight may disperse between streams, although little is known of the extent of inter-stream dispersal, or the degree to which movement is influenced by riparian vegetation. Double-headed Malaise traps were set at differing distances from the channel to measure the numbers of adult stoneflies moving towards or away from three upland streams draining adjacent catchments on the Plynlimon ridge in mid-Wales. Riparian vegetation differed between the streams: open sheep-grazed moorland, buffer strips left free from 15 year old plantation forestry, and mature conifers planted up to the stream bank. Adult abundance was broadly consistent with benthic larval abundance. In three of the five most abundant species (Amphinemura sulcicollis, Leuctra fusca and Siphonoperla torrentium) abundance varied inversely with the amount of forestry in the riparian zone. In the others (L. inermis and L. nigra) numbers caught were unrelated to forestry. Relationships between adult abundance and distance from the channel were best described by inverse power functions. Numbers of adults declined sharply with distance from the stream; 90 % of adults were caught within 11m of the stream channel. The rate of decline of adult numbers with distance did not differ with riparian vegetation. Inter-stream differences in the numbers caught at particular distances were due to differences in overall abundance. There were no differences in the number of males or females caught at different distances from the stream. At all times more stoneflies were caught in the side of the trap facing the stream than that facing away, although the difference was greatest in the middle of the flight period and least at the beginning and end. Overall, the majority of adult stoneflies did not disperse a significant distance from the stream channel, suggesting that only a very limited number of individuals are likely to disperse between streams. |Number of pages||18| |Journal||Archiv für Hydrobiologie| |Publication status||Published - 2002|
How do you spell 429000 in words: Convert 429000 dollars in words (USD): 429000 spelling in British Pound amount (GBP): How to write 429000 Canadian Dollar in letters (CAD): How to write numbers in words similar to 429000 Reminder of the spelling rules to write the number 429000 in letters Here are basic rules for spelling out 429000 and other cardinal numbers : - To write the number 429000 in dollar amount, the currency symbol is placed before the number, with no spaces : $429000 . If spelled out in words, the currency symbol is removed : Four hundred twenty-nine thousand dollars dollars. - Decimals should be separated by periods and thousands by commas. - Numbers from 21 to 99 are written with a hyphen : Seventy-six, Seventy-seven - From 13 to 19, these numbers are composed of the digits from 3 to 9, and they all end with "-teen" : Seventeen, Eighteen - If you want to know how to spell another number in English, type any number in the number to words converter above to see how it is spelled in English. More information about the number 429000 Other conversions of the number 429000 429000 in Roman numerals 429000 in Spanish 429000 in Italian