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Adult Orthodontic in San Juan Capistrano Orthodontic treatment can dramatically improve your face and prevent a lot of future dental treatment and gum disease by positioning the teeth in a healthy and harmonious environment. It’s never too late to have a healthy smile you’re proud to show off. Orthodontic treatment can improve your personal appearance and self-esteem. On average, one of every four orthodontic patients is an adult. Tooth alignment can be changed at any age if your gums and bone structure are healthy. Improving the health of your teeth and gums is equally important. Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to gum and bone loss, tooth decay, abnormal wear of the tooth enamel, headaches, and jaw joint (TMJ/TMD) pain. There are many options for adults to straighten their teeth: 1. NEWLY ADVANCED, HI0=-TECH METAL BRACES Braces today are smaller, flatter, and much more comfortable. Years of research on tooth movement has resulted in braces and wires that move teeth much more efficiently, resulting in patients wearing braces for less time and with a better result. 2. CERAMIC (CLEAR) BRACES Clear braces are tailored to address each patient’s specific treatment needs. Clear braces today are extremely hi-tech and perform as well as metal braces. Today’s clear braces are stain resistant and do not discolor like the clear braces in the past. They are a fine choice for patients who want their braces to be less noticeable. Our clear brackets are made from monocrystalline sapphire. These brackets are so crystal clear they appear to be virtually invisible when placed on the tooth. This is made possible by the extremely transparent properties of the sapphire, which creates a bracket that allows the natural color of the tooth. These clear brackets are also impervious to staining and discoloration. 3. INVISALIGN ® Invisalign is the clear way to straighten teeth without braces using a series of clear aligners made of lightweight plastic that fit smoothly and comfortably on your teeth to gradually straighten them. Aligners are removable but must be worn 20-22 hours every day, except for when eating, brushing, flossing, or attending special occasions. The aligners are exchanged for a new set every two weeks and office visits are typically every 8 weeks. Invisalign can effectively correct crowded teeth, widely spaced teeth and other orthodontic problems and for the right patient could be a good alternative to traditional braces. Like any removable orthodontic appliance, the process can only be successful if the trays are worn full time as prescribed. On average, treatment takes approximately one year or less. Advantages of Invisalign - Ability to be “braceless” for milestone events (but remember you have to wear them for at least 20 hours per day) - Aligners can be removed to brush and floss so oral hygiene can be maintained - There are no restrictions on eating and drinking - Compared to traditional braces, this system often requires fewer office visits and shorter appointments
Sean McCloy, MD, MPH, MA “So, what do you do?” “I’m a doctor.” “Oh, really? What kind of doctor are you?” “A good one.” Before the person I’m talking with thinks I’m just being glib, I go on to explain that I practice Functional Medicine. “What’s that?” The short answer (quoted from Institute for Functional Medicine website): “Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both the patient and practitioner in a therapeutic relationship.” The longer answer involves discovering the Meaning of Life as well as saving our healthcare system. Let’s talk about Functional Medicine first. Here are some key principles: - Biochemical diversity. Simply put, we are all different. Our uniqueness means we don’t all respond the same way to our environment. A recent field of science called Epigenetics shows that our DNA gets turned on and off by what we eat, how we handle stress, the presence of toxins, shifting hormones, and even the seasons (Nature Communications, March 2015). Some of us drink a cup of coffee and feel a nice buzz, while others stay up for days after a few sips, and still others can drink a jug of joe and fall fast asleep. That’s because the enzymes responsible for breaking down caffeine work great for some of us but not so well for others. This genetic uniqueness plays a role in everything we do, and our medical treatments need to account for biochemical diversity. - Patient-centered care. Functional Medicine practitioners are trained to listen to the whole patient, to hear their story. Studies show that the average physician interrupts the patient all too quickly: 23 seconds in 1999 (JAMA) and 12 seconds in 2001 (Fam Med). Our insurance system is partially to blame, as the pressure is on physicians to see as many patients as possible in a day. William Osler, the 19th century “Father of Modern Medicine” said, “Listen to the patient because he is telling you the diagnosis.” We use a powerful tool called the Functional Medicine Matrix (See Figure 1) to organize this story in a way that explains why this patient is sick and how to help them get better. I find this tool especially helpful for patients who have suffered for many years from complex and chronic problems. Once they both understand what is going on, the patient and the practitioner become partners in care, both members of the same team who share the same goal. - Web-like interconnections. Functional Medicine practitioners view the body as a complex network of systems that all talk to each other, as well as receive information from outside the body. This communication explains why people can “fall apart” after a triggering event like an accident or acute illness. The dominos fall one by one as the systems shut each other down. It also helps to put people back together again, by using this beautiful interconnected web to heal the very wise human body. - Dynamic balance. We hear it all the time, but strive to achieve it: Balance. Functional Medicine seeks to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual health. All are important to a person’s vitality and well-being. - Health is not the absence of disease. Our bodies are built for health. By removing harmful factors and promoting healing and vitality, Functional Medicine practitioners enjoy watching their patients not only recover from illness, but go on to truly thrive. - Organ reserve. This is another way of saying Functional Medicine helps us to achieve the longest, happiness, healthiest lives we can live. We talk about the health span, not just the lifespan, of each patient. Remember Jack LaLane? In my mind the “first fitness superhero” lived the ideal health span. At age 70, he towed 70 rowboats one mile through rough waters against strong wind and current. While handcuffed and shackled. Talk about organ reserve! Here’s what it comes down to: Functional Medicine practitioners strive to fix the root cause of the problem rather than simply covering up symptoms with pills. That’s what I really mean when someone asks me what kind of doctor I am. Now, what about the Meaning of Life? For me, it’s: Be Happy and Make the World a Little Better. I find the most happiness by helping others. This realization led me at an early age toward a medical career. As I worked my way through medical school, I began to notice the limitations of allopathic, or conventional medicine. Allopathic medicine is based on the “Reductionist Principle”. If you look closely enough at any disease, you’ll eventually find some chemical process that has gone awry. If you can discover another chemical (i.e., a drug) that alters this process, you can reduce the symptoms of the disease. Sometimes this works great: if you have a bacterial infection, you want to kill the bacteria with antibiotics. But where the Reductional Principle falls short is chronic illness. Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Dementia…there is no One Pill To Fix It solution for the diseases that kill most of us and cost the most money to care for. Conventional medicine is powerful — if I’m in a bad car accident, I want to go to the hospital — but it can be plain lousy at helping people be healthy. As a young medical student I knew that Family Doctors deal mostly with long-term, chronic illness. My conventional medical education taught me boatloads about pharmaceutically-driven disease care but almost nothing about health care. In four years of medical school I had one lecture on nutrition…and that was how to order IV food for patients in a coma! Sadly this is the norm for Medical Doctors. If I was going to help people (and Be Happy and Make the World a Little Better), I needed more tools for my toolbox than just my prescription pad. As I began to explore additional training, I was confused at first by terms like Holistic, Complementary, and Alternative as opposed to Conventional, Western, or Allopathic Medicine. I prefer the term Integrative Medicine, which uses the most effective solutions from all these modalities. Over the next several years I sought elective education in nutritional science, mind-body techniques, biofeedback therapies, and anything else I thought would help. Each step of my journey taught me more about treating my patient as a whole human being, about being a detective doctor, and about true Healing. Functional Medicine cleverly ties all these concepts into a model of care that made sense to my scientific-yet-holistic brain. When I need to prescribe drugs, I will. They are powerful and can quickly calm an out-of-control situation. But they have their drawbacks as well. Functional Medicine is an Integrative Medicine approach, using a personalized blend of healthy lifestyle changes, therapeutic diets, prescribed pharmaceuticals and/or nutraceuticals (i.e., botanical medicines), detoxification programs, biofeedback techniques, and other treatments. Let’s look at an example through the lense of Functional Medicine. Sally is a 46 year-old woman who came to me describing years of fatigue. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one of the most common issues I see in my practice. These patients often get bounced from doctor to doctor seeking answers for why they feel so drained all the time. Unfortunately many of them get labeled as simply depressed or anxious, or worse yet, as malingering to get some kind of secondary gain. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome wasn’t even a recognized diagnosis in standard medical textbooks until recently. Now we call it Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID). Actually, as a diagnosis I don’t like it. It’s more of a description. It means one is really tired, most of the time, for more than 6 months and there are no other identifiable causes for the fatigue. As a Functional Medicine practitioner, I want to figure out why this patient is tired. We are discovering that there are probably many different contributing factors to SEID, ranging from infectious to hormonal to genetic. In Sally’s case, like with all of my patients, I started by listening to her story. We talked about childhood issues (she was 6 weeks premature, breast-fed, remembered having lots of ear infections with rounds of antibiotics, and had bad acne as a teenager), had a couple of major stressful events in her twenties (bad breakup, several moves around the country, career changes), hormonal shifts (gained 25 pounds after her first pregnancy and never lost it), possible toxin exposure (well water tested positive for arsenic), possible lingering infections (had Mono when she was a teenager, likes to garden and recalls many tick bites), and what her life is like now (too busy to care for herself, no time for exercise, feels like she has lost her purpose in life). I also did a thorough physical examination, looking for subtle clues of nutritional deficiencies and other diseases. This takes time. My typical first patient intake visit is 90 to 120 minutes. One can easily understand that the 7 to 12 minutes average physicians are “allowed” to spend with their patients in their typical schedule isn’t sufficient to address the roots of chronic illness. I used the Functional Medicine Matrix tool to identify Sally’s ‘Antecedents’ (the set up for illness, see Figure 1). Her mother had a lot of food allergies; breast milk may carry antibodies against these foods which would have “primed” Sally’s immature gut to be inflamed and reactive. There was a possible imbalance in beneficial gut bacteria from the childhood antibiotics, leading to “Leaky Gut Syndrome” or Intestinal Hyperpermeability. This often results in food sensitivities as the inflamed gastrointestinal system can’t digest food properly. This inflammation can show up as teenage acne, irritable bowel syndrome, or even cause more systemic problems like thyroid issues or depression…or chronic fatigue. Sally had several ‘Triggering Events’ in her twenties, any of which could have caused significant internal stress and set her up for illness. Major life events like divorce, moving, job loss are further drains, and Sally had a string of these. She also had a happy Triggering Event — the birth of her child. But this was yet another strain on her system. The 25 pound weight gain could have partially been due to high levels of cortisol in her system. Cortisol is a stress hormone that affects insulin, blood sugar, and weight gain. Looking again at the Functional Medicine Matrix, there were several possible Mediators/Perpetuators that kept Sally sick. I ran some tests that showed persistent arsenic as well as mercury and lead in her body. She had fluctuating antibody levels against Epstein-barr Virus, the bug that causes Mononucleosis. Most people fight off Mono and never get it again, but some patients have immune system dysfunction that makes them vulnerable to chronic infections. Her lifestyle habits weren’t optimal: she lacked regular physical activity and a healthy diet as well as stress management exercises. When I lay out Sally’s case like this it seems obvious why she felt tired all the time. But remember, she had seen numerous smart physicians who didn’t have the tools they needed to put it all together. She had a very competent Primary Care Physician who performed an appropriate evaluation. Her regular blood testing (thyroid, anemia panel, chemistries, celiac disease) were all normal. She didn’t “look sick”. Her PCP had tried some antidepressants and sleep medicines without success, then basically told her he didn’t know what was wrong with her. Fortunately there is a happy ending. One of the cardinal rules of Functional Medicine is “heal the gut first”. If Sally’s gastrointestinal system wasn’t working properly, she wouldn’t absorb the healthy foods I recommended for her, and she wouldn’t eliminate the toxins that needed to come out of her body. I ordered a functional stool panel which confirmed the presence of unhealthy bacteria, a mild yeast overgrowth, and immune dysfunction from likely food sensitivities. A combination of natural antimicrobials, essential fatty acids, and a medical food shake helped to heal her gut. I started her on an anti-inflammatory diet. For the first time in 20 years, she wasn’t constipated and her belly pains and gas began to improve. Over the next several months we made progress with her exercise and stress reduction techniques. She started practicing some relaxational breathing, at first just for 1 minute a day then longer as she began to see how good it made her feel. But her energy still flagged. I ran some more functional nutritional testing that showed a blockage in her mitochondrial metabolic pathway, or Kreb’s cycle. (The mitochondria are the power plants of our cells, turning our food into energy.) Guessing this was from combination of vitamin depletion and heavy metal toxicity, I started a nutraceutical regimen to support her detoxification enzyme function. As her body cleaned itself up, she felt better. She had more energy to exercise, which helped her feel even better. Without going on a diet, she lost 15 pounds in the next 5 months. She got stronger, happier, and healthier. There was no miracle cure here. Sally still had her ups and downs and fell off the health wagon a few times. But because she was a member of her own healthcare team, and because she understood the factors that made her feel ill, she was able to keep picking herself up. There was light ahead. She’s still working on herself, as we all are. Will she be able to tow 70 rowboats when she’s 70 years old? I don’t know. But I’m eager to see how Functional Medicine will help Sally achieve her genetic potential. One can apply this paradigm to Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and the other chronic maladies that so many of us suffer from. Numerous clinical studies show Functional Medicine simply works. It is an effective model of healthcare that can save our dysfunctional system. We spend by far the most per person in the world on our health. But we rank dead last in the top 11 developed nations (Commonwealth Fund, 2014). As Dr. Mark Hyman puts it, we have a Diabesity Epidemic that is not only killing us, but bankrupting us. Functional Medicine is designed to help people get healthy again, meaning they don’t need all those expensive drugs and surgeries. And perhaps our leaders are listening: the Cleveland Clinic (a mainstream medical center) just opened a Center for Functional Medicine, the first large institution to do so. In finding Functional Medicine, I enjoy a career that brings meaning to my life. I have avoided the burnout that so many physicians face. I hope more of my colleagues embrace a healthier approach to healthcare, and perhaps they too can Be Happy and Make the World a Little Better. For more information, or to find a Functional Medicine practitioner near you, visit Originally published July 6, 2015 in Essential Living Maine magazine. Sean McCloy, MD, MPH, MA is dual board-certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Medicine. He is the medical director of the Integrative Health Center of Maine. When away from his busy family practice, he enjoys running a woodworking business, doing anything outdoors, as well as exploring Maine with his family.
Natural Hydroxytyrosol Oleuropein Olive Leaf Extract Hydroxytyrosol is a very active polyphenol compound with strong antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and blood pressure-lowering effects. It is a naturally occurring substance found in olive tree leaves, fruit, and olive oil, and was originally thought to be one of the sources of olive oil's health benefits. Not only that, hydroxymetholone has also been used in a series of health care products, and has attracted more and more people's attention because of its good biochemical properties. With the change of modern lifestyle, life pressure and bad eating habits have brought great pressure to people's health, such as blood vessel blockage, heart disease, insomnia, excessive fatigue and so on. Hydroxymethol is a natural health product, which can help people improve their physical condition, relieve fatigue, promote metabolism, and prevent the occurrence of various chronic diseases. Hydroxymethanol has many functions, the most important is that it is a powerful antioxidant that can fight free radical damage to human cells. Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that continually damage the body's cells and cause many health problems. Hydroxymetholone can reduce the body's stress and promote human health by synthesizing and scavenging free radicals. Hydroxymethol also has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which can help treat and prevent some diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, hydroxymethol can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce the occurrence of obesity, and promote the balanced development of health. In recent years, the public's demand for healthy food has been increasing. As a natural health product, hydroxymetholone has been applied in various fields. The most common is as a health food, added to various meals or capsules for food supplementation. In addition, hydroxyol can also enter the human body through skin care products to provide protection and nourishment for skin cells and promote skin health. In conclusion, hydroxymetholone is a valuable natural compound with various health benefits. It has been widely used in health products and other fields. I believe that with the continuous advancement of science and technology, we will have more opportunities to use it to protect our health. Hydroxytyrosol is a natural polyphenolic compound that has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and blood pressure-lowering effects, and has been widely studied and applied. The following are its main application areas: 1. Food health products: hydroxyol is one of the most nutritious ingredients in olive oil, which can promote blood circulation, reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, and prevent cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, hydroxyol is also widely used in various health products, dietary supplements and other food additives. 2. Pharmaceutical industry: Hydroxymetholone is considered to have unique anti-cancer and anti-tumor activity, which can inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. In addition, hydroxymetholone is also used to develop drugs for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, enteritis and other diseases. 3.Cosmetic and health care products: Hydroxymethol can improve the moisture retention of the skin and help reduce skin aging, sunburn and wrinkles. Hydroxymetholones are found in many brands of cosmetics and skin care products. 4. Oil industry: Hydroxymethol is a natural antioxidant that can prolong the shelf life of oil and food. Therefore, it is widely used as an antioxidant in the oil industry and can be added to edible oil, salad dressing, fried food, etc. 5. In the field of agriculture: hydroxymethol can also be used to protect crops. By applying hydroxymethol aqueous solution, the growth and disease resistance of crops can be improved, and the use of pesticides can be reduced to a certain extent. |Olive Leaf Extract |Brown yellow powder |95% through 80 mesh |Ethanol & Water |Loss on Drying |Total Plate Count |Mold and Yeast |Conform to the specification of the requirement. |Store in a cool and dry place, keep away from direct strong and heat. |Two years if sealed and store away from direct sun light. Why choose us In addition, we have value-added services 1.Document support: provide necessary export documents such as commodity lists, invoices, packing lists, and bills of lading. 2.Payment method: Negotiate the payment method with customers to ensure the safety of export payment and customer trust. 3.Our fashion trend service is designed to help customers understand the latest product fashion trends in the current market. We obtain the latest information through various channels such as researching market data and analyzing hot topics and attention on social media platforms, and conduct customized analysis and reports for customers' products and industry fields. Our team has rich experience in market research and data analysis, can accurately grasp market trends and customer needs, and provide customers with valuable references and suggestions. Through our services, clients are able to better understand market dynamics and thus make more informed decisions for their product development and marketing strategies. This is our complete process from customer payment to supplier shipment. We are committed to providing high-quality and efficient services to every customer.
The message of greetings reads, in particular: “Our peoples are united by longstanding historic ties and by the traditions of mutual respect and partnership. This truly unique experience is relevant and much-needed today. Joint humanitarian projects enable people to develop their talents and abilities, make friends and meet others who share their views. Such projects make a great contribution to our countries’ scientific and education potential, enrich our national cultures and strengthen the bonds of friendship between us. It is important not only to preserve the best of what the present offers us but also to continue the search for new and even more effective forms of cooperation. The Agreement on Humanitarian Cooperation between the CIS Countries represents a significant step in this direction, opening up broad new opportunities for direct dialogue between public organisations, for exchange of creative ideas and for carrying out major initiatives in the areas of science, education, culture, sports and contacts among young people. I hope that your congress will do much to encourage the creation of closer ties between non-governmental organisations in the CIS countries and the Baltic states, and that it will facilitate their more active involvement in work to develop humanitarian cooperation.”
This is the unit of measure used to specify a diamond’s weight. A carat is a small unit of measurement equal to 200 milligrams. Carat is not a measure of a diamond’s size, but rather a measure of a diamond’s weight. One carat can also be divided in 100 points. A .75 carat diamond is the same as 75 points or 3/4 carat diamond. Because larger diamonds are found less frequently in nature, they are more valuable. Therefore, a 1 carat diamond will cost more than twice a 1/2 carat diamond, assuming other characteristics are similar. The most important thing to remember when it comes to a diamond’s carat weight is that it is not the only factor that determines a diamond’s value. The diagram to the right shows the size of various carat weights of a diamond in relation to each other.
Last COSEWIC designation: November 2001 SARA risk category: Special Concern Description: Lewis’s Woodpecker is a medium-sized (26-28 cm) woodpecker with greenish-black head, back, wings, and tail, and a distinctive pinkish-red belly. It has a dark red face patch and prominent silvery gray collar and upper breast. Habitat: The most common breeding habitats of Lewis’s Woodpecker are open, mature ponderosa pine forests; riparian black cottonwood stands adjacent to open areas; and recently logged or burned coniferous forests with standing snags. Essential habitat features are large, standing dead or dying trees (snags) for nesting cavities, and relatively open areas for feeding. Suitable breeding habitat in Canada is restricted to lower mountain slopes and valley bottoms in southern interior British Columbia. Threats: Widespread clearing of ponderosa pine forests is likely responsible for much of the species’ decline in this century. Fire suppression in ponderosa pine forests is common practice in the province, and results in the development of dense stands which are entirely unsuitable for Lewis’s Woodpecker. Management of these forests will be the main factor in deciding the future of the species in Canada.
ABOUT WONDERING SCHOOL Wondering School is a project that investigates and supports the practice of a liberating education. The project was created in 2016 as a journey to explore, learn with and share a range of democratic and humanizing education practices around the world. We encounter and collaborate with people in schools, communities, informal education projects and organizations. Together we co-create projects, facilitate workshops and learning experiences, and create resources, such as films, to stimulate reflection and action to recreate school education in alignment with the values of an emancipatory education. Our vision is to grow learning communities based on dialogue, conscientization, freedom (interdependence) and engagement with the world. Through our WS journey we’ve been searching for answers and finding new questions, in a continuous process of learning and becoming. Our discovery is the process itself. School as practice of freedom? A dialogue between theory and practice A case study of two schools in Brazil, exploring the concept of education as practice of freedom (Paulo Freire) and identifying possibilities and challenges to its development within school. ABOUT THE JOURNEY This map shows all the schools, projects, communities and groups that we have engaged with – almost all with a democratic or progressive practice in some level. Some of them we visited for a day, some for a week, and others for months. With some we developed research and co-created projects, and in a few we have volunteered/worked in for months or years – even before Wondering School existed. This is a record of our journey, learning with people and growing together.
Read Hanne’s The Herland Report. Serious social instability is now threatening the foundations of the United States. Yet, it is no surprise that this is happening. The breakdown of the cultural cornerstones that held us together happened by design. In a series of articles, I examine how Marxist feminism managed to bring down the family in the West. As explained in another WND column, the feminism that dominated the 1960s onward was vastly different from the conservative variant at the beginning of the 20th century. In the early 1900s feminism, the woman was hailed for her female qualities; her chastity was a virtue, family life with the children adored. The demand was for equal rights, respecting the differences between the sexes. In the 1960s, feminism took a new and arguably more man-hating form, along the lines of the Marxist, atheist ideology that was popular in this period. The aim was to remove the woman from her traditional role as part of a family nucleus and destroy traditional Western values, which placed strong emphasis on marriage as a sacred bond between two lovers. A new set of atheist ideals based on promiscuity and free sex was to take its place, informing the woman that emancipation meant giving guys whatever they wanted – for free, no strings attached. This message was preached with remarkable zeal at the universities, in the media and publishing companies. It ended up attacking the whole foundation upon which the stability of society was founded: the family. It was in the aftermath of World War II that Marxist intellectuals such as Theodore W. Adorno and Herbert Marcuse became the intellectual founding fathers of the radical movement – labeled neo-Marxism – that later fueled the student rebellions in the 1960s. Their ideas became the New Left in America. This was the early days of free sex, drugs, abortion and a total revolt against traditional religion. The grace and protection of God was no longer needed. Children were no longer regarded as blessings from the Almighty, but rather as “obstacles to individual success.” The woman was to carefully consider if she even wanted to have a child. To love one another was no longer the ideal, only to love oneself. The greatest weakness of this arguably misogynist feminist movement was the assumption that independence requires the woman to step out of the fellowship of men. Her freedom was defined as the moment she “got a divorce.” By disentangling her from the dependency on others – the interdependence that connects us all – she gained her right to tend to her egoism alone. In a sick twist, the movement also attacked the biological femininity that characterizes her. She was to dislike her own sex, being taught that she is a chronic victim of “evil male dominance.” Everything about her was now questionable: Her childbearing ability, her role as a wife, her abilities to form future citizens as a mother; her time in the kitchen cooking, being the faithful lover to her man, her choices in the professional world. Even female beauty was vilified: Feminine women were cursed by other women as “male-dominated,” “trying to look good to please the man.” By attacking the core of womanly self-esteem, feminism taught a whole generation that the biological characteristics of their own sex were not good enough. She had to “become a man” and take on “the man’s traditional role” in order to succeed in life. Consequently, nothing she did in the heart of the family gave her social standing, only that which was done in her professional life as a worker outside the home. Marxist feminism fed brutally on the discontentment it created among Western women. “Gradually, I came to realize that something is very wrong with the way Western women are trying to live their lives,” wrote Betty Friedan in “The Feminine Mystique.” Friedan is regarded as the founder of the now so horribly failed American feminism, writing about “the problem that has no name,” suggesting that marriage, the bond to her husband and the very essence of the traditional family, was the precise problem that limited her. Here Marxism found its best helper in the quest to demolish the traditional structure of society: the woman and her discontentment with life. Ironically, the call for “having even more” resounded well among millions of women in the 1960s –the time in American history where women’s living standards were higher than ever, with more vocational possibilities, wealth and freedom than ever before. The stupidities of Marxist feminism is unbelievable, yet here we are today engulfed in its consequences. Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected]. This article was originally published by the WND News Center.
Below is comprehensive information on what you expect as you embark on your final journey to pregnancy between weeks 36-40. Common Pregnancy Symptoms at Nine Months The final moments of your pregnancy are as hard as they are exciting. As much as your time of time is now so close, you are always too uncomfortable especially due to the protruded belly. It is hard for you to sleep comfortably as well as to eat without having heartburns. Other pregnancy symptoms that you will have at this time are such as: - Mucus plug being expelled - Increased vaginal discharge - Leaky breasts - Pelvic pressure - Increased hair growth on your face - Fewer baby movements - Easier for you to breath unlike your eighth month - Purple or red colored varicose veins - Backache as the uterus is adding pressure on the lower back - Braxton Hicks contractions are now more prominent It is normal to feel unprepared and anxious at this time since you are expecting to have your baby at any time now. However, try to keep your mind occupied in other activities such as learning how to take care of the baby. Reduce stress at this time to help you ensure that you complete your pregnancy term. Some of the situations that you need to be prepared for now are such as: - Your baby may not wait for the due date for it to be born and could arrive any time now - Your waters will break any day now. This will not be a sudden splash of water on the floor but a liquid trickling down your legs. - You will go into labour Your Baby at Nine Months Pregnant Your baby is currently fully developed and is the size of a leek. Most of the organs are well matured and are ready for life outside the womb. They will now weigh between 2.5-4 kg and a measure between 45-55cm. Week by week development Your baby is the size of a head of romaine lettuce. Their current weight is about 18.75 inches and weighs about 2.26 kg. Your baby is also shedding the downy hair that covered the skin as they get ready for birth. Your baby’s lungs are almost mature but they are not ready for birth yet. Weighs about 2.72kg and is 19.25 inches long. He’s now the size of a canary melon. Most of the organs are matured and are ready for life outside the womb. They also have a firm grasp which you will realize after he is born. Your baby now weighs about 3 kg, is about 19.5 inches long and is the size of a leek. Baby is the size of a mini watermelon. He is also building up a layer of fat to help them cope with the temperature after birth. They weigh about 3.28 kg and are about 20 inches long. Baby Movements and Positioning The baby will retain the head-down position which they had when you were eight months pregnant to get ready for birth. In case the baby had not attained the position before, this is the ideal time to attain it. Their movements are also restricted since there is not enough room in the womb. However, they may still be few leg and arm movements which you may feel under your ribs. See what to expect during labour and delivery. Please note that development differs from one child to another. Content intended for educational purposes only, and not a substitute for medical advice from your doctor. Be careful when using any products mentioned on this website. We hold no regulations for such products or their providers. Last reviewed March 2019
Inverter Air Conditioners There is a constant revolution in the world of technology and when it comes to air conditioners, inverter air conditioners seem to have overtaken conventional ACs and for good reason too. This technology is an excellent investment that not only handles the job it is designed to carry out in the most efficient way, throughout the years, but it also continues to give back to you in terms of major savings in the areas that matter the most. While there are many brands of inverter air conditioners, their primary purpose as well as how they operate remains the same across the board. However, the right AC technician can spot the subtleties in their differences and proffer solutions based on what he or she considers to be the best option for you. While we leave the debate on what brand of inverter air conditioners are the best, it makes sense to explore the fundamentals of inverter air conditioners and how best to get them to work in your favour. What are Inverter Air Conditioners? Inverter air conditioners essentially are an upgrade of the conventional air conditioner that you know. They come installed with a technology that allows it to have complete control over the compressor unit in order to alternate different temperature settings at variable speed. In other words, instead of the on/off and single speed method that is typical of traditional ACs, Inverter ACs help you attain your desired room temperature at the flick of a button in the shortest time. Not only do they help you get the temperatures to exactly where you want them, they are intelligent enough to adjust to the climate to help you retain the ideal temperature settings in your home. But that is not all that they can do for you; - On average, inverter air conditioners can save you as much as 50% on your electricity bills as it reduces how much energy you expend and this difference is very significant when compared to older air conditioning models. - Inverter air conditioners give you more control over the temperature settings in your interior space. With them, you can go from hot to cold in under a minute and the variable speed function means that you have more options for temperature settings. So, you can work with the temperature that is most ideal for you. - Unlike conventional air conditioners that can be loud and noisy, inverter ACs operate quietly thus effectively eliminating the disturbing noise problem. - With a proper maintenance schedule as well as a professional maintenance team, your inverter ACs have a longer life span than the typical AC. Inverter ACs work well in almost any environment and can withstand all of the heavy-duty work without breaking down. Of course, this is provided that they are being maintained properly by the experts. How do Inverter Air Conditioners Work? If you have ever driven a car, you would be in a better position to understand exactly how this technology works. Just as the accelerator controls the amount of fuel that is being fed into the engine in order to control the speed of the car, so does the inverter regulate the current that is fed to the compressor in order to regulate the temperature. The current affects the speed of the compressor and the speed of the compressor is what determines the cooling or heating output. Air conditioning inverters have intelligent microcontrollers that intermittently sample the environmental atmosphere of the room and then feeds this information to the compressor causing it to either increase or decrease speed so as to adjust to the corresponding temperature. In very succinct terms, inverter air conditioners are designed to give you more control over the temperature in your room. Maintenance of Inverter Air Conditioners Based on the information shared so far, you will be forgiven for assuming that inverter air conditioners are more suitable for residential homes. It should interest you to know that there are a lot of commercial air conditioning inverters that work well for commercial spaces be it malls, offices, hotels or schools. They are the ideal solution as they are built to be used heavily without the fear or concern of them breaking down quickly. However, you would need the services of experts with years of training and experiences in the area of inverter air conditioners in order to keep your ACs in excellent working condition over the years. At Apex Airconditioning, our client’s needs are our priority and we have ensured that we have service agents who are on call round the clock for installations, maintenance and AC emergencies. Air conditioning inverters are the technology of tomorrow and the benefits multiply over the years. To learn more about air conditioning inverters, contact Apex Airconditioning today!
A common problem with cilantro is that the leaves will often grow thin and tall without developing any flavor. It can be quite frustrating when you put weeks of hard work into harvesting these herbs, and they don’t taste any good. This issue is most commonly linked with poor environmental conditions and gardeners ignoring care tips. Many people have recently been asking about the possible reasons for cilantro growing tall and thin. If you also can’t seem to figure out why your cilantro herb is behaving like this, the following reasons and solutions should help you better manage the harvest. Cilantro Growing Tall And Thin 1. Hot Weather One of the most common reasons why you’re struggling with the cilantro growing tall and thin is hot weather. It is true that cilantro can be quite easy to manage when it is provided with the right environmental conditions. However, if you live somewhere with extreme weather, it is quite common to run into similar issues with your herbs. So, if this situation applies to you, there are a few things that can be done to overcome this problem. The easiest method is to just wait for early spring when the weather is cool and moist. That way, you won’t have to develop any specialized setup for your cilantro, and they will grow quite nicely. However, if you don’t want to wait for the spring, then try developing an indoor setup and keep the cilantro planted near a cool and moist location. You can further use terracotta pots or develop a raised bed indoors to manage the water requirements of the herb. 2. Poor Potting Mixture Aside from the hotter weather conditions, many gardeners have reported a similar issue while using the poor potting mixture. So, if you didn’t start with a fresh potting mixture that had sufficient water retention abilities, then that is likely why your herbs are behaving like this. Unfortunately, you can’t fix this issue by supplying more water to the plant or adding in composting mixture. The only thing that you can do is report the herbs or start with a fresh potting mixture and new seeds. It can be quite difficult to manage the growth of the herbs that have grown tall and thin, so you should divert your focus on starting new seeds and avoiding the issues that lead to this problem. 3. Insufficient Sunlight Even though this plant prefers cooler and moist environmental conditions, it still requires adequate sunlight to grow properly. So, if you’ve planted this herb in an isolated location with little to no sunlight, then that is likely your cilantro is not growing properly. To fix this issue, you will have to relocate your plant near a well-lit window. Partial exposure to sunlight is necessary for the growth of this herb. Otherwise, it won’t be able to produce food and start bolting. So, if your cilantro is growing tall and thin without any particular reason, try managing the location and potting mixture. Hopefully, the plant will show signs of recovery within a few days.
USDA provides first glimpse of Idaho 2021 planting intentions By Sean Ellis Idaho Farm Bureau Federation POCATELLO – A very early glimpse into farmers’ 2021 planting intentions shows that Idaho producers plan to grow a little more wheat and corn this year and a little less barley and dry beans. That’s based on the National Agricultural Statistics Service’s Prospective Plantings report, which USDA released March 31. But farmers and industry leaders caution that the outlooks contained in the report are preliminary and subject to change somewhat. Idaho Barley Commission Administrator Laura Wilder said the report is useful but NASS’ June 30 Crop Acreage report is more accurate because it is based on actual plantings while the prospective plantings report is based on growers’ planting intentions. While some crops had been planted already in Idaho, the majority of planting had yet to take place in this state when the survey for the prospective l plantings report was conducted. “When the June 30 report comes out is when we’ll have much more accurate data for planted acres,” Wilder said. “I rely more on the June 30 report but the March prospective plantings report is an interesting early season report.” The annual prospective plantings report is the year’s first initial glimpse of farmers’ planting intentions for the upcoming season. NASS surveyed growers on their 2021 crop planting intentions nationwide from Feb. 27 through March 15. More than 900 farmers in Idaho responded to the survey. The report estimates that Idaho farmers plan to plant 510,000 acres of barley in 2021, down 4 percent from 530,000 acres in 2020. But Wilder said that estimate could be a little low from what she has heard from barley farmers and processors. She expects Idaho’s planted barley acres to be close to last year’s total. “I believe that estimate is a little low this year based on my conversations with folks in the industry,” she said. “I believe we’ll be fairly steady with 2020 and we could be up or down 1 or 2 percent, either way.” Idaho has been the nation’s No. 1 producer of barley since 2013 and that doesn’t look to change this year. The report also estimates Idaho farmers will plant 1.27 million acres of wheat during the 2021 season, up slightly from 1.24 million acres last year. Idaho usually ranks between No. 5 and No. 7 in total wheat production in the United States. Idaho Wheat Commission Executive Director Casey Chumrau said the NASS estimate for wheat acres sounds about right but with wheat prices up significantly compared with this time last year, Idaho wheat acres could be up even more than that during 2021. “We certainly hope there are some more acres out there but we’d be happy if the acres they quote in this report come to fruition,” she said. The prices that growers receive for dry beans are up significantly compared with where they were two years ago but NASS estimates dry bean acres in Idaho will decrease this year to 60,000, down from 68,000 in 2020. With bean prices up significantly heading into 2020, Idaho dry bean acres jumped 45 percent last year to 68,000. With consumers scooping up dry beans at a rapid rate during the pandemic, those higher prices are still holding but a lot of other crops grown in Idaho also look attractive this year from a price standpoint, said Monty Hamilton, who grows beans in the Magic Valley area. “I believe it,” he said of NASS’ estimate for Idaho dry bean acres declining in 2021. “Beans were the best thing a farmer could grow last year. This year, hay, corn, wheat and some other crops all look promising as well.” Idaho leads the nation in dry bean acres grown for seed and the crop is grown in the Magic Valley of southcentral Idaho and the Treasure Valley of southwestern Idaho. Darren Krzesnik, production manager of Treasure Valley Seed Co. in southwestern Idaho, agreed with Hamilton and said his company is struggling to contract for all of the bean acres it would like to this year. “We do have some competition from more commodities this year,” he said. “It does make sense to me that Idaho bean acres will down somewhat this year.” The NASS report projects planted Idaho chickpea acres will total 79,000 this year, up 29 percent over 61,100 last year, but the manager of a chickpea processor in North Idaho, where that crop is grown in Idaho, thinks that is unlikely. Grower prices for chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are up because of shortfalls in two of the world’s largest garb-producing countries, Mexico and India, said Dirk Hammond, manager of George F. Brocke and Sons, which processes garbanzo beans, peas and lentils in Kendrick. But wheat and canola prices are also up and Hammond expects acres for those crops to increase in North Idaho this year at the expense of chickpea acres. NASS shows Idaho pea and lentil acres being down slightly this year and chickpea acres increasing but Hammond believes acres for all three crops will be down in 2021. Because canola and wheat are attractive crops for growers in North Idaho this year, “as a result, pea and lentil and garb acres are going to be down in our area this year,” Hammond said. The NASS report expects Idaho’s “all hay” acres to remain unchanged in 2021 at 1.3 million and it also estimates Idaho corn acres at 400,000, up 3 percent over 2020. Idaho’s planted sugar beet acres are estimated at 173,000 this year, up slightly over 172,000 last year. NASS does not estimate potato acres until the June 30 report. The Idaho potato industry will also conduct a separate acreage report that will be release shortly before the NASS potato acreage report. 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Old Town, Calabar, once had a king called Essiya, who, like most of the Calabar kings in the olden days, was rich and powerful; but although he was so wealthy, he did not possess many slaves. He therefore used to call upon the animals and birds to help his people with their work. In order to get the work done quickly and well, he determined to appoint head chiefs of all the different species. The elephant he appointed king of the beasts of the forest, and the hippopotamus king of the water animals, until at last it came to the turn of the birds to have their king elected. Essiya thought for some time which would be the best way to make a good choice, but could not make up his mind, as there were so many different birds who all considered they had claims. There was the hawk with his swift flight, and of hawks there were several species. There were the herons to be considered, and the big spur-winged geese, the hornbill or toucan tribe, and the game birds, such as guinea-fowl, the partridge, and the bustards. Then again, of course, there were all the big crane tribe, who walked about the sandbanks in the dry season, but who disappeared when the river rose, and the big black-and-white fishing eagles. When the king thought of the plover tribe, the sea-birds, including the pelicans, the doves, and the numerous shy birds who live in the forest, all of whom sent in claims, he got so confused, that he decided to have a trial by ordeal of combat, and sent word round the whole country for all the birds to meet the next day and fight it out between themselves, and that the winner should be known as the king bird ever afterwards. The following morning many thousands of birds came, and there was much screeching and flapping of wings. The hawk tribe soon drove all the small birds away, and harassed the big waders so much, that they very shortly disappeared, followed by the geese, who made much noise, and winged away in a straight line, as if they were playing “Follow my leader.” The big forest birds who liked to lead a secluded life very soon got tired of all the noise and bustle, and after a few croaks and other weird noises went home. The game birds had no chance and hid in the bush, so that very soon the only birds left were the hawks and the big black-and-white fishing eagle, who was perched on a tree calmly watching everything. The scavenger hawks were too gorged and lazy to take much interest in the proceedings, and were quietly ignored by the fighting tribe, who were very busy circling and swooping on one another, with much whistling going on. Higher and higher they went, until they disappeared out of sight. Then a few would return to earth, some of them badly torn and with many feathers missing. At last the fishing eagle said— “When you have quite finished with this foolishness please tell me, and if any of you fancy yourselves at all, come to me, and I will settle your chances of being elected head chief once and for all;” but when they saw his terrible beak and cruel claws, knowing his great strength and ferocity, they stopped fighting between themselves, and acknowledged the fishing eagle to be their master. Essiya then declared that Ituen, which was the name of the fishing eagle, was the head chief of all the birds, and should thenceforward be known as the king bird. From that time to the present day, whenever the young men of the country go to fight they always wear three of the long black-and-white feathers of the king bird in their hair, one on each side and one in the middle, as they are believed to impart much courage and skill to the wearer; and if a young man is not possessed of any of these feathers when he goes out to fight, he is looked upon as a very small boy indeed.
US F-35 fighter jets arrive in Japan ahead of Trump visit The first two of 12 US Air Force F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets arrived in Okinawa on Monday, where the group of stealth aircraft will begin a six-month deployment in Japan as part of Pacific Command's "theater security" program, a spokesperson for the service confirmed to CNN.Posted — Updated Approximately 300 airmen from Hill Air Force Base, Utah's 34th Fighter Squadron will accompany the fifth-generation fighters to Kadena Air Base, Japan. The remaining 10 jets are expected to arrive in Okinawa this week, according to Air Force spokesperson Victoria Hight. The deployment marks the first time that the Air Force's version of the F-35 has been sent to the region and is meant "to demonstrate the continuing US commitment to stability and security," according to the service. "The F-35A gives the joint warfighter unprecedented global precision attack capability against current and emerging threats while complementing our air superiority fleet," said Gen. Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy, Pacific Air Forces commander, earlier this month. "The airframe is ideally suited to meet our command's obligations, and we look forward to integrating it into our training and operations." The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the most expensive and one of the most controversial weapons systems in US history, is held out as "the cornerstone" of US defense in the Pacific. The Marines deployed their version of the stealth fighter jet to a US base in Iwakuni, Japan in January. And while the Air Force said its F-35 deployment has been long-planned, their arrival comes as President Donald Trump prepares for his first official visit to Japan and amid simmering tensions with North Korea. In the first 10 months of this year, North Korea launched 22 missiles and tested a hydrogen bomb, while threatening to fire missiles over the US territory of Guam and conduct an atmospheric nuclear test. On Saturday, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis said Washington "does not accept a nuclear North Korea" and said "any use of nuclear weapons by the North will be met with a massive military response, effective and overwhelming." The US military has also flexed its muscles in North Korea's backyard in recent weeks. Over the weekend, the US Air Force sent one of its B-2 stealth bombers on a mission to the Pacific, according to a statement from US Strategic Command. And two more US aircraft carriers joined the Japan-based USS Ronald Reagan in the Asia-Pacific region last week. In mid-October, the US Navy sent the guided-missile submarine USS Michigan on a conspicuous port call to Busan, South Korea. The massive submarine carries 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and has the ability to clandestinely deploy Navy SEALs along an adversary's coast line. Analysts say all these assets -- the aircraft carriers, the submarine, the B-2s, B-1s, F-22s and F-35s -- would play key roles in any strike on North Korea. Some experts have warned against the deployment of stealth F-22 and F-35 jets to the region, saying they risk provoking a North Korean first strike on their airbases, as that is the only way Pyongyang could combat warplanes it isn't able track in the air. But the Air Force maintains that it always deploys its aircraft deliberately and with a specific strategic purpose. "The purpose in forward deploying any aircraft -- specifically the F-35 -- is to demonstrate the Air Force's ability to take its most lethal fighter anywhere in the world at any time of its choosing," according to Capt. Mark Graff, an Air Force spokesperson. Copyright 2024 by Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.
When we go for an interview a good resume always matters a lot. Because a good resume is the written representation of you, so it should be correct and should be formatted nicely. So how to create a good resume; is there any special trick that winners are using it? It is not like that, creating a good resume is all about writing a good resume with proper formatting. Below is complete guide on how to write a good resume. First of All, What is a Resume? Before going further it is necessary that you know what a resume is first, Resume is a self-advertisement document, that represents your skills, knowledge, experience and achievements you have achieved. This self-advertisement document is matched with the requirements of a job and then the decision of offering the job or not is taken. Basics of Creating a Good Resume If we come to scratch of creating a good resume we have various things to look at. A good resume have complete information about you which can be presented in pointer formats. The below is the complete list of things that you have use in a resume. - Objectives (What are Your Objectives to Join the Company) - Education Qualifications (Your Educational Qualification) - Academic Qualifications (Your Other Qualifications) - Computers Skills (What You Know in Computers) - Experience (Explain Where You Worked, and What Was Job, If Any) - About Yourself (Your Personal Information) - The Date and Signature (Resume Creation Date and Signature Block) There are various methods of presenting a resume. But what the main thing is the simplicity and completeness of your resume. Make use of proper formatting and utilize tables wherever necessary. Always put your objectives, qualifications and experience on top while keep the rest of things at bottom because a recruiter might not be interested in your personal matters but the professional qualities you have. If you are still confused how to create a good resume then look at below a sample of a good resume, which has only required matters only, no bluffs. Example of a Good Resume The above resume is a great example of representing your information in a simple and sleek way that looks professional too. Some Tips to Create a Good Resume Other than just putting all the information related to you there are few more things to consider they are as follow – - Highlight your Name, Address and Contact Details. - Double check your spelling and grammar errors. - Make use of Georgia, Times New Roman and Arial Fonts. - Do not keep you fonts too large but 12px or 14px. (Should be visible) - Make use of Bold, Italic and Underline wherever necessary. This is the way to create a good resume. Also look at our tips on how to write a cover letter for your resume which is sent along with your resume to introduce them more about your resume precisely.
No-one really knows how many thoughts a person has in a day, but those who have tried to study it, come up with eye watering numbers, thousands to tens of thousands! According to the National Science Foundation, 80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% of our thoughts are repetitive. That seems like a waste of our brainpower. How do we change those negative, repetitive thoughts into something more useful and positive? Successfully delivering human centred change since 2004 Nina has spent over 20 years delivering global complex change projects for several FTSE 100 companies. She developed a method called "A human approach to innovation and change" in 2004 and recently, while studying with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leaders (CISL), evolved that method to support individuals and businesses who want to align their values with their actions in tackling climate change. Nina's business change focus has always been people, planet and prosperity for all. Nina has a post grad in Strategic Leadership, graduated from the CISL and Meyler Campbell, has a BA (hons) in Business Studies, and is a member of the Climate Coaching Alliance. Her book "99 steps to transform your business" was published by Hodder. Her new book, Change. Make it right. Then, do it better. Will be published later this year. Experience: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) / New Product Development (NPD) / Supply Chain / Business Evaluation / Change Visioning / Engagement / Adoption / Business Process Re-engineering / Third Party Relationship Management / Communication and Training Strategies / Team Leadership / Benefits Realisation / ROI / Enterprise Systems Implementation / Stakeholder Management to ‘C’ Level / Project Recovery/ Manufacturing / FMCG / Retail / Sustainability / ESG / Climate Change / Circular Economy We are living in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, and it’s easy to feel like we can’t possibly shift the balance of power. This feeling does destabilise and make us feel anxious. It can sap motivation, increase the chances of making bad decisions, or paralyse decision-making processes. What can we do about that? Our mindset comes from everything that has happened to us, all our experiences, everything that someone said to us and all the messages we have been exposed to – it’s a mind-blowing amount of data. It’s not just everything we have absorbed, it’s also the way we stored it. Did we store it with happy feelings, sadness, fear, excitement, jealously, gratitude or one of the other feelings that we are open to? Serena doesn’t have to do the maths on whether she can or can’t financially retire, which is where most retirement conversations end up, her focus is on what this moment in her life means to her. She is expressing her feelings and emotions about leaving a sport that she loves and has dominated her adult life so far and where she goes from here, her transition. They say that life imitates art, and we can learn our future from Sci-fi, something that I thought continually when watching the Amazon Prime video series, Upload. I missed this when it was released in 2020, pre–Facebook’s Meta-universe, Horizon Worlds (I think). Now I am hooked finding out just how our digital afterlife can be monetised and how the lure of never saying goodbye to your loved ones pulls at your heartstrings. It’s compelling watching for so many reasons. Dipping your toes in the water, or perhaps going for a swim? Looking forward to having a seafood or fish lunch or dinner? The Oceans and Seas that we love to visit face significant challenges; coastal erosion, rising sea levels, warmer and more acidic waters, marine pollution, overexploitation of fish stocks and decrease of marine biodiversity. Following a week of discussions and events in Lisbon, Portugal, the UN Ocean Conference concluded on Friday, with governments and heads of state agreeing on a new political declaration to Save Our Ocean. “Nina has been a good ‘voice of balance’ – she manages the strong personalities well, making sure everyone gets the chance to express opinions.” It’s always nice to see some evidence that someone who claims to be amazing has actually done things you would consider being amazing, here it is. Pick a case study Who I’ve worked with Spot your company name? No, let’s change that! Spot your company name and you don’t know me? Let’s change that too! Give me a call. Business transformation is about joining the dots. It’s knowing what you want your business to achieve tomorrow while being honest about what it’s achieving today. It’s a map that everyone in the business can read, so they can see what they are accountable for and what the rules are that dictate if they have got there or not. It’s science and magic. Get in touch There are a lot of psychological factors that come into play when delivering change; trust, confidence and the most basic but most important; can we work together? Does that chemistry exist between us to deliver what you need? There is only one way to find out.
Religion is present in all aspects of people's lives and in this sense, having a place to express your prayers and thanks together with people who believe and have the same faith is essential to be happy with God in community. What is a Temple of God? The Temple of God is a religious construction that is spread all over the world, being often associated with cults and masses. It is a place where meditation, prayer and affiliation with religion and a community with a common belief are carried out. Many believe it originates in Ancient Egypt, but the first temples were built in Israel. At the time of the Reformation, the Temple of God was banned by the Catholic Church. Currently, temples of God are often used for religious purposes, but they can also be used for cultural and social gatherings such as churches and assemblies. A temple or church are places where you are always welcome as long as you respect the opinions and rules of the place. You can go to visit, know, adore, pray and worship whenever you want and feel like it. In addition, they are places that keep a good energy of devotion and love. What Does Church Mean? The Temple of God is the religion that preaches the existence of a supreme God, possessed of eternal purposes, who manifests himself through men. Although the term “church” is misused to describe other religious institutions, in the case of the Temple of God it is specific. The Church is a common association that comes together to pray and celebrate the Lord God so that man unites with God in one flesh. What is the Importance of Going to Church? The Church is the organization above the Temple of God. It is managed by God himself, and aims to serve Him and all His children. The Church maintains a series of moral, religious and strictly spiritual norms that unify it and allow it to operate within the limits established by Christianity. It is where God is present and where we can find the strength to face the problems of the world. In addition, churches offer many opportunities to serve others. Teachings of Jesus About the Church Jesus taught that the Church is the Temple of God. He said: “I am the faithful one, and the Son of the living God. Whoever enters my place besides me will be saved” (Matthew 16:18). This means that the Church is the house where God is present. It is a place where you can find the Strength and Life to carry on. Jesus said: “My love is greater than all things; anything you ask for, I give it to you” (John 15:13). The Church is important because it gives us opportunities to continue to grow under the influence of God's Grace. After all, did you like to know more about? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.
“although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more” – Philippians 3:4 The scripture for our study: Philippians 3:4-11 although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more: circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee; as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless. But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Where is our confidence? - Dying to our identity of fleshly gain - Christ changes our redemptive perception - The surpassing eternal value of knowing Christ Jesus - Your future lies with presently knowing Christ Jesus
Political ideology and user choice – not algorithmic curation – are the biggest drivers of engagement with partisan and unreliable news provided by Google Search, according to a study coauthored by Rutgers faculty published in the journal Nature. The study addressed a long-standing concern that digital algorithms learn from user preferences and surface information that largely agrees with users’ attitudes and biases. However, search results shown to Democrats differ little in ideology from those shown to Republicans, the researchers found. The ideological differences emerge when people decide which search results to click, or which websites to visit on their own. Results suggest the same is true about the proportion of low-quality content shown to users. The quantity doesn’t differ considerably among partisans, though some groups – particularly older participants who identify as ‘strong Republicans’ – are more likely to engage with it. To read the full story.
The history of karaoke is a fascinating journey that spans decades and has roots in Japan. The word “karaoke” is a combination of two Japanese words: “kara,” meaning empty, and “oke,” short for orchestra. Together, they form the concept of singing along to a pre-recorded backing track, essentially an empty orchestra waiting for vocal accompaniment. The karaoke phenomenon began in Japan in the early 1970s, thanks to the innovative mind of Daisuke Inoue. Inoue, a musician and entrepreneur, invented the first karaoke machine in 1971. His invention was initially intended as entertainment for guests at a snack bar he managed in Kobe, Japan. The machine, known as the “8 Juke,” played instrumental versions of popular songs, allowing patrons to sing along using a microphone. Inoue’s creation quickly gained popularity, and he realized the potential for a new form of entertainment. In 1972, Inoue’s karaoke concept took a significant step forward when he started renting out his machines to various establishments. This began a cultural phenomenon that would eventually sweep Japan and the rest of the world. Karaoke quickly became a staple in bars, clubs, and entertainment venues, providing people a novel way to enjoy music and showcase their vocal talents. The popularity of karaoke in Japan during the 1970s and 1980s coincided with the country’s economic boom, leading to a surge in karaoke bars and the production of a vast array of karaoke music tracks. The trend gradually spread beyond Japan, reaching other parts of Asia, the United States, and Europe by the 1980s. Advancements in technology fueled the global expansion of karaoke. Karaoke machines evolved from the original tape-based systems to digital formats, allowing for greater song selection and improved audio quality. Karaoke’s popularity transcended cultural and linguistic barriers, making it a universal form of entertainment. People of all ages and backgrounds embraced karaoke as a social activity, whether in private settings or at public venues. The 1990s saw the rise of home karaoke systems, enabling individuals to enjoy the experience in the comfort of their own homes. These systems often included compact discs or CD+G (CD plus graphics) formats, allowing users to read lyrics from a screen while singing along. In the 21st Century, karaoke continues to thrive, adapting to new technologies and trends. Karaoke apps and online platforms have emerged, allowing users to access many songs from their smartphones or computers. The history of karaoke is a tale of innovation, cultural exchange, and the universal appeal of music. From its humble beginnings in a small Japanese snack bar to its global prevalence, karaoke has become a cherished form of entertainment that transcends borders and brings people together to celebrate song and camaraderie.
What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance present in all the cells of your body. Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest food. Your body produces all the cholesterol it needs. Cholesterol is also found in foods of animal origin, such as egg yolks, meat, and cheese. What causes high cholesterol? The most common cause of high cholesterol is an unhealthy lifestyle. This may include: • Unhealthy eating habits, like eating lots of bad fats. One type, saturated fat, is found in some meats, dairy products, chocolate, baked goods, and fried and processed foods. Another type, trans fats, is found in some fried and processed foods. Eating these fats can increase LDL (bad) cholesterol. • Lack of physical activity, with a lot of sitting and little exercise. This lowers your (good) HDL cholesterol. • Tobacco, which lowers HDL cholesterol, especially in women? It also increases LDL cholesterol. What can increase my risk of high cholesterol? Various factors can increase the risk of hypercholesterolemia: • Age. Your cholesterol level tends to increase with age. Although less common, younger people, including children and teenagers, can also have high cholesterol. • Legacy. Hypercholesterolemia can be hereditary. • Lester. Being overweight or obese raises your cholesterol levels. • Race. Certain breeds may have a higher risk of high cholesterol. For example, African Americans generally have higher HDL and LDL cholesterol levels than whites. How can I lower my cholesterol? You can lower cholesterol through heart-healthy lifestyle changes. They understand a • heart-healthy diet • weight control, • Regular physical activity. How can I lower cholesterol with a diet? Heart-healthy lifestyle changes include a cholesterol-lowering diet. The DASH DIET is an example. Another is the Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Diet, which recommends you Instead of these bad fats, try healthier fats, like lean meat, nuts, and unsaturated oils like canola, olive, and safflower oils. Limit foods containing cholesterol. If you are looking to lower your cholesterol, you should consume less than 200 mg of cholesterol per day. Cholesterol is found in foods of animal origin, such as liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, shrimp, and dairy products made from whole milk. Eat plenty of soluble fiber. Foods rich in soluble fiber help prevent cholesterol from being absorbed by the digestive tract. These foods include: • Whole grains like rolled oats and oat bran • Fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, pears and plums • Vegetables like beans, lentils, chickpeas, black-eyed peas and lima beans Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can increase important cholesterol-lowering compounds in the diet. These compounds, called stenos or plant sterols, function like soluble fibers. Eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids will not lower LDL levels, but they can help raise HDL levels. They can also protect the heart from blood clots and inflammation and reduce the risk of a heart attack. Fish that are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, tuna, flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds (canned or fresh), and mackerel. Try to eat these fish twice a week. Limit the salt. You should try to limit the amount of sodium (salt) you consume to no more than 2,300 milligrams (about 1 teaspoon of salt) per day. You can reduce your sodium intake by choosing foods and condiments that are low in salt and "no salt added" at the table or during cooking. Limit alcohol. Alcohol adds extra calories, which can lead to weight gain. Being overweight can raise your LDL level and lower your HDL level. A drink is a glass of wine, beer or a small number of spirits and the recommendation is that: • Men should not drink more than two glasses a day • Women should not drink more than one drink containing alcohol per day.
"Wat Phra Kaew (วัดพระแก้ว), the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, and the adjoining Grand Palace together form perhaps the greatest spectacle for the visitor to Bangkok. Despite the fact that the whole compound is so full of tourists you spend half the time trying to avoid getting in people's photos, it's still a pretty amazing place to visit. It consists of over 100 brightly colored buildings, golden spires and glittering mosaics, and dates back to 1782, when Bangkok was founded. When you enter the compound, you first of all see Wat Phra Kaew and the nearby attractions, and then move on to the Grand Palace afterwards. Wat Phra Kaew itself, generally known to the Thais as Wat Phra Si Rattana Satsadaram, is perhaps the main attraction. This is Thailand's most important and sacred temple, so you're expected to act with due respect inside it. It houses the tiny (between 60 and 75 cm) Emerald Buddha, which is located high above the heads of the worshippers and tourists. Not much is known for certain about the statue, except that it isn't actually made of emerald but rather of green jade or jasper. Getting a good look at it is difficult as photography is forbidden inside the temple, and it's perched so high up inside it's glass box that it's difficult to really see. It's thought to have been made in the 15th century and was the cause of several wars before ending up for good in Bangkok in 1782. The image is considered a talisman and holds tremendous significance for Thailand and the Thais. The 'robe' that it wears is changed 3 times each year by the King himself, at the start of each season: A diamond encrusted gold robe during the hot season, a solid gold robe in the cool season and a gilded monk's robe in the rainy season.There are also many other Buddha images inside the temple. "
Oklahoma authorities discuss rights under Marsy's Law Authorities and victims’ rights advocates gathered Thursday with prosecutors, court representatives and mental health professionals for a training session on rights under Marsy’s Law, which supporters say gives crime victims a greater voice in the legal system. Hosted by the state attorney general’s office and District Attorneys Council, the daylong regional training session held at the Norman Investigations Center covered victims’ compensation, privacy laws and victims’ rights during various stages in the criminal justice process. Read more here or below! March 6, 2020 “The attorney general’s office can help anybody who calls to navigate the system,” said Kim Moyer, state director for Marsy’s Law for Oklahoma. “If victims feel like they’re not getting the help that they need from different entities, the attorney general’s office can make some calls.” In 2018, Oklahoma voters passed Marsy's Law, or State Question 794, to add certain rights for crime victims to the Oklahoma Constitution. Proponents say the law ensures that victims of crime are informed of their rights, notified of court proceedings and developments in their cases, and are heard in court. They also say the Marsy’s Law ensures victims are treated with respect and dignity throughout criminal proceedings. “All of us are working together to build a better culture of serving victims,” Moyer said. Law enforcement agents who respond to a reported crime must notify the crime victims of their rights in writing. If the local district attorney's office chooses to prosecute an alleged criminal, victims again must be notified of their rights by the district attorney.
Autism Spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that appears in the early years of life usually in the fort three years. The word “spectrum”, in the disorder means that it can have different degrees of severity, which means that symptoms may be dissimilar among the individuals with the same disorder. These individuals are not good at social interactions and communication. They may have obsessive behavior meaning they may repeat one thing over and over again. Autism has been redefined over the years as more research has been done on the subject bringing in new facts and understanding. Autism affects sixty children in every ten thousand children, so research must be conducted to understand the reasons behind this disorder. This paper will explore autism in detail and discuss different aspects of it extensively. In 1911, Eugene Bleuler a German psychiatrist coined the term autism. According to him, autism was childish thinking that some individuals had to avoid their realities. This definition of autism was widely used in Britain throughout the 1920s up until the 1950s. However, this definition was challenged by child psychologists in the 1960s as it invalidated the experiences of children that had the disorder. The definition was reformed to accurately depict the disorder and ironically, this new definition was the exact opposite of Bleuler’s definition of autism. The new definition of autism defined it as a complete absence of imagination and lack of fantasy. This led to increased research in this field in pursuit of understanding the disorder in depth. The reason the definition was changed was due to a shift in the psychiatric reasoning and diagnosis that led to the observation of multiple cases and collecting pieces of evidence from them rather than relying on individual cases. The other reason for the change was the parents’ demands for better psychiatric facilities for their children (Evans, 2013). Individuals experiencing autism may avoid eye contact with others and have a different body language as compared to other people. They may not be facially expressive and lack imagination thus avoiding participation in games that require imagination. They may repeat and obsess over one sound or gesture. They may focus on a few interests. They are also indifferent to extreme temperatures. Although; having these symptoms may not always mean that the person has autism these are some symptoms that autistic individuals have shown. The diagnosis of autism heavily depends upon the observation of the clinician, medical history, and different questionnaires to determine whether or not the patient has autism. This disorder is not genetic and there are no biological markers so it cannot be diagnosed through blood tests or samples. There are some screening tests conducted to determine if a child may have autism these tests are as follows: - Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers: This is a twenty-question test that is devised for children of ages between sixteen months and thirty months. It is also known as M-Chat and is used as an early detection test. This test is a reliable tool in the early diagnosis of autism (Kleinman et al., 2008). - The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ): This questionnaire has different sections that focus on different ages to identify any developmental challenges a child may be facing. This questionnaire is used by healthcare providers and even educators to better understand children’s needs and adapt their teaching techniques according to their needs. It is easy to use and helps in identifying different signs of autism (Agarwal et al., 2020). - Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children (STAT): This screening tool has twelve sections that focus on observing the toddlers’ way of playing, communicating with others, and imitating different activities. This teat was developed so that early signs of autism could be detected (Kobak et al., 2011). - Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS): This screening test takes interviews of the parents and asks them different questions that may help in determining whether the child has autism or not. This test is helpful as parents’ insight can be a very useful factor in giving a proper diagnosis (Theeranate & Chuengchitraks, 2005). The pediatricians advise the parents to get these screening tests for their toddlers so that the possibility of autism can be either ruled out or detected early. There are some cases in which individuals with autism reach adulthood before being diagnosed but these cases are rare, usually, children receive their diagnosis before reaching the age of eight. Before 1980, not a lot was known about autism and many cases may have been misdiagnosed as other disorders that may have been autism cases. At that time the cases of autism were one out of two-thousand children but after 1980, more effort was put into the research of this disorder and due to this the rate of cases increased significantly. The US Federal Centers for Disease Control released a report in the March of 2020 which reported that the cases of autism have risen to one child out of every fifty-four children. Cases of autism that have been recorded are higher in boys as compared to girls but it does not mean that it is a gender-specific disorder. It affects children of all genders, races, and ethnicities. The reason that there have been increased cases of autism is due to the ever-changing interpretation of the disorder. Symptoms that were previously associated with other disorders now fall under autism disorder. Autism has developed rapidly from its initial definition of infantile hallucinations to a developmental disorder. The vast amount of variation in symptoms is also a contributing factor in increased cases of Autism (Fombonne, 2003). In most cases, this disorder cannot be fully cured and remain with a child for their entire life, however; some treatments and exercises can help in reducing the core symptoms. In other cases, it can severely affect the quality of life of these children making them completely dependent on their families. If the presence of autism is detected early in children then these treatments can help tremendously in reducing the symptoms significantly. The advancement in the research of autism has led to better outcomes that have allowed the children to attend typical schools which have helped them in enhancing their communication skills and play. Intelligence quotient (IQ) of these children a huge part in determining as it can help in their early development, communication skills, and social integration. However; the biggest hurdle that autistic individuals face in their adulthood is developing a working career. Efforts are being placed into creating a training program that will help them seamlessly become a part of the workforce so that they may sustain themselves (Posar & Visconti, 2019). Comorbidities mean when an individual develops more than one disorder. In cases of autism having comorbidities is common and can include; depression, anxiety, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disorder, and immune function disorders. These comorbidities can be difficult to identify as these can be hidden behind the symptoms of autism. However; if identified and diagnosed properly then the quality of life for autistic individuals can be improved significantly. The adults show the symptoms of seizures and the prevalence of this disorder has been seen in approximately thirty-five percent of these adults. Fourteen percent of children have reported suffering from seizures and this usually starts around late childhood and early adolescence. If the patient shows epileptic movements then it can be difficult to diagnose those movements from seizures. There is also a high prevalence of sleep disorders among these children and almost eighty percent of cases have shown the presence of sleep disorders. The different sleep disorders reported by these children include; sleep-related breathing and movement disorder, parasomnias, circadian rhythm sleep disorder, etc. These disorder in turn also affect their daytime activities. The gastrointestinal disorder has also been observed in these cases with abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting being the pervasive symptoms. Physicians face difficulty in recognizing whether the disorder is a byproduct of autism or a separate problem. If the symptoms are self-inflicted like consistent tapping on the chest, pressing down on the abdomen, or any other self-injuring behavior then the disorder is due to autism but this is difficult to determine as many patients are not vocal and do tell about their symptoms. Metabolic disorders are rare in autism but there have been cases of it, however; the percentage is estimated to be 2.5 percent. The cases that have shown the symptoms of this disorder were treatable but it is always advised to keep an eye out for it. It has been observed that when autistic children reach adolescence then their behavior may worsen. This is due to hormonal dysfunction due to changes in the body. Comorbidities are prevalent in autism and the reason that these are difficult to diagnose is due to the non-verbal nature of the patient as they may effectively communicate their symptoms to their physician. This non-communication along with many symptoms of autism that mimic the symptoms of these comorbidities can make the diagnosis difficult (Bauman, 2010). The MMR Vaccine Scandal In 1998, an article was published in “Lancet”, by Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues which claimed that the MMR vaccines used for measles, rubella, and mumps, could cause autism in children. This article got a lot of attention due to which the people refused to get their children vaccinated for the fear of them developing autism. This led the scientific community to put in the research to debunk this article which was ill-researched in the first place. The connection between the MMR vaccine and autism was refuted, however; parents had already made up their minds about the vaccine and refused to believe the facts. Wakefield was ordered to publish a retraction of his statement but the damage had already been done. It was later discovered that were financial interests involved which led to such a baseless article. Lawyers that were fighting a lawsuit against vaccine companies had funded Wakefield to publish this article to strengthen their case. Wakefield was charged with an ethical violation as he had conducted an invasive investigation without the consent of the organization and had also committed fraud. His medical license was also revoked leaving him unable to practice in the future. This fraud was covered extensively by the British Medical Journal and a lot of time and money was spent in the refutation of this fraud (Rao & Andrade, 2011). The damage of this research fraud has prevailed even today as many parents believe that vaccines cause autism. The anti-vaccine movement has been becoming larger every day and people with autism have been experiencing prejudice from the anti-vaccine parents. Prejudice against Autism The people that have autism find it difficult to secure a job not due to their lack of capabilities but due to the prejudice against them. It has been recorded that only twenty-four percent of autistic individuals can secure a job but those are still low-level jobs and proper high-paying jobs. The behavioral and social challenges that they may face during the job interview may be the biggest hurdles they face when applying for the jobs. It has also been observed that the attitude of the potential employer changes when they learn that the individual has autism. These individuals are also perceived negatively by their superiors and peers (Taylor, 2018). Recommendations and Conclusion The autism research has significantly expanded over the years but there are still some areas that need work. There is a much-needed training program required to train organizations so that they may help autistic individuals in securing jobs. People with autism have a hard time becoming a part of a functioning society but the inflexibility of the future employers is also a big hurdle in them getting a job. More improvements should be made to the early identification and intervention models. All educators at typical schools should be trained to deal with autistic students so that they can help those in developing relevant social skills. There is a lot of work being done in the early years of autistic children but not much is being done for them as they reach adulthood. There should be more research done in this area so that they can be trained to become functioning adults in society. People should be educated about autism so that the prejudice against autistic people can be reduced. Autism is not caused by vaccines and can happen to any child, instead of making their life difficult awareness should be developed so that they can receive relevant and timely help. Lack of awareness can be equally harmful to people with autism as discrimination (Damiano et al., 2014). Agarwal, P. K., Xie, H., Sathyapalan Rema, A. S., Rajadurai, V. S., Lim, S. B., Meaney, M., & Daniel, L. M. (2020). Evaluation of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ 3) as a developmental screener at 9, 18, and 24 months. Early Human Development, 147, 105081. Bauman, M. L. (2010). Medical comorbidities in autism: Challenges to diagnosis and treatment. Neurotherapeutics, 7(3), 320–327. Damiano, C. R., Mazefsky, C. A., White, S. W., & Dichter, G. S. (2014). Future Directions for Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : The Official Journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53, 43(5), 828–843. Evans, B. (2013). How autism became autism. History of the Human Sciences, 26(3), 3–31. Fombonne, E. (2003). The Prevalence of Autism. JAMA : The Journal of the American Medical Association, 289, 87–89. Kleinman, J. M., Robins, D. L., Ventola, P. E., Pandey, J., Boorstein, H. C., Esser, E. L., Wilson, L. B., Rosenthal, M. A., Sutera, S., Verbalis, A. D., Barton, M., Hodgson, S., Green, J., Dumont-Mathieu, T., Volkmar, F., Chawarska, K., Klin, A., & Fein, D. (2008). The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers: A Follow-up Study Investigating the Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38(5), 827–839. Kobak, K. A., Stone, W. L., Ousley, O. Y., & Swanson, A. (2011). Web-Based Training in Early Autism Screening: Results from a Pilot Study. Telemedicine Journal and E-Health, 17(8), 640–644. Posar, A., & Visconti, P. (2019). Long-term outcome of autism spectrum disorder. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics/Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 54(4), 207–212. Rao, T. S. S., & Andrade, C. (2011). The MMR vaccine and autism: Sensation, refutation, retraction, and fraud. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 53(2), 95–96. Taylor, C. (2018). From Bias to Behavior: Predicting Prejudice Towards Autistic Individuals. 61. Theeranate, K., & Chuengchitraks, S. (2005). Parent’s Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) detects developmental problems compared to Denver II. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet Thangphaet, 88 Suppl 3, S188-192.
Controlling overhead costs is critical for all construction managers. Increased competition and slim profit margins have forced contractors to take a hard look at overhead cost management. Budgeting and variance analysis Technological changes have made budgeting systems, planning, and control techniques available to all contractors. Budgeting allows contractors to evaluate current operations, assess future costs, and provide a proactive approach to controlling overhead costs. Overhead costs are either variable or fixed. Managers can use these cost relationships along with historical trends to forecast overhead expenses. A flexible budget can then be used to evaluate significant variances between actual costs incurred and projected amounts. This analysis also highlights problems and weaknesses in a contractor's organizational structure. Budgets can be used as a quantitative action plan to change employee behavior and decision-making processes. By prompting managers to emphasize cost control and extend planning horizons, employees adopt the supervisor's values, and often a cost-conscious attitude begins to permeate the company. Advances in technology and the availability of Internet access have allowed contractors to join with owners, architects, financiers, and subcontractors to work through all aspects of a project, from the initial conceptualization to its final completion. This cooperation eliminates many of the problems that arose previously because the parties involved weren't communicating. For instance, if an architect working on plans for a client shows those plans to the contractor who will be doing the building, they may discover that the plans will be too expensive or impractical to execute. Thanks to technology, this can happen even when the architect and the contractor aren't in the same city. Video conferencing can allow people hundreds or thousands of miles apart to work on the same documents simultaneously. Computer programs are now available that will help builders plan and manage jobs more efficiently. For instance, with the help of a computer, contractors can now more accurately plan crew sizes and production schedules and manage the flow of materials and the scheduling of subcontractors. These programs let contractors make better decisions that help ensure that jobs are completed with fewer problems and according to budget. It is important to be able to track job information under a number of different subject headings, which is an additional feature found in updated contracting software. Materials, labor, subcontractors, overhead, and equipment are all subject categories that information can be referenced by. It is even possible to use the system to anticipate changes in job orders. When changes are actually made, it is beneficial to have a system that can incorporate these changes and appropriately adjust cost estimates. The flexibility of these new database functions allows a tighter grip on expenses. In the area of employment, it is equally important to be able to access and evaluate different types of information. Due to the varying requirements of different unions and insurance plans, payroll systems now need to be adaptable to various situations. Some computer systems will enable managers to set up an automated pay rate formula, eliminating the potential for over-payment. Tax rates, deductions, fringe benefits, and garnishments can all be calculated in one database. Different time schedules of payment can also be incorporated into the system. These preset methods are a reliable way to keep closer track of payroll and to keep your processing time down. Technology saves time and money With so many customized contracting options available, now is a good time to pursue an updated office system. Although it may seem like a short-term financial setback, the initial investment in more sophisticated office technology can lead to the elimination of many unnecessary expenditures. Organizing records and working from customized programs can make management of jobs and related finances substantially easier.
The Department of Criminal Justice offers a variety of graduate programs that address issues of crime and criminal justice within an analytic framework, based in social and behavioral sciences and legal perspectives. The curriculum emphasize contemporary research and theoretical developments across a spectrum of academic disciplines. The Criminal Justice Department offers four degree options, as well as a certificate degree. These options include a Traditional M.A. degree, a Professional M.A. degree, an Emergency and Crisis Management M.S. degree (with a related certificate degree in Cybersecurity Emergency Management), and a Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Welcome to Reception Ladybirds Butterflies Dragonflies In the Reception Classes, children progress within a language rich environment. A language rich environment is about using every available opportunity to use language, to interact, to take turns, to share and to talk. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum comprises seven areas of learning and development. All areas of learning and development are important and are interconnected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three prime areas are: Communication and Language giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves, and to speak and listen in a range of situations. providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Personal, social and emotional development helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have confidence in their own abilities. We also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are: encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. There is a focus for children to read whole words and start to comprehend what they have heard or read. opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to understand and use numerical patterns. Understanding the World guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places and the environment, as well as learning about the past and present. Expressive Arts and Design enabling children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and design and technology Our staff will ensure there is a balance between activities led by children, and activities led or guided by adults. Learning takes place indoors and outdoors, through play, exploration and creative thinking. As children grow older, and as their development allows, there will be a gradual shift towards more activities led by adults. This will help children prepare for more formal learning, ready for Year 1. In planning and guiding the children’s activities, our staff will reflect on the different ways that children learn. These characteristics of effective teaching and learning are: - playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’; - active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements; - creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things. Partnerships with Parents We believe children learn best when we work in close partnership with our parents and the wider community. There will be many opportunities to actively participate in your child’s learning through end-of-term showcases and family learning events. We also use Tapestry online Learning Journal to record children's learning and communicate these with parents in real-time. At Chestnut Park we encourage parents to comment and share the learning that happens at home, via Tapestry. If you are unable to access Tapestry, please contact your class teacher or the EYFS lead. We encourage every family to become actively involved in the school; this forms our community of learning. GLF Wider Curriculum We are currently starting to adopt our new GLF Wider Curriculum and are excited to share some of our learning pictures with you all soon. Please see the questions we have been learning about so far. The children in Reception have made a great start to their school journey, they have been busy learning the routines of the day and making new friends in their classes. In Reception this half term our big question is 'Which bread from around the world do you like the most?' We have spent time looking at different breads using our senses to describe how it feels, looks, smells and tastes. We will soon be making our own bread rolls using the different ingredients we have explored. We have enjoyed the story of 'The Little Red Hen and thinking about how important it is to share and help our friends.
Kentucky state register, for the year 1847 containing the names and residences of all the judges and clerks of courts, commonwealth attorneys, justices of the peace, sheriffs, coroners, notaries public, commissioners of tax, attorneys at law,aw, physicians, and principal merchants; also, a national register, and a great variety of general information-- / edited by Taliaferro P. Shaffner. You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries. If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at - Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Library of Congress Subject Headings - Morton & Griswold, : Louisville : The text may or may not be an accurate representation of the original.
UNICEF Recruitment 2024 – The UNICEF recruitment goal is to protect, support, and promote children’s rights and provide emergency assistance to needy children. Continue reading to discover the UNICEF recruitment requirements, the UNICEF recruitment portal, and how to make the correct submission for UNICEF jobs in Nigeria. UNICEF seeks to promote international humanitarian and developmental assistance to children in need. This is because the organization was created to protect and support children’s rights. Candidates selected for this recruitment are responsible for implementing effective development programs to help improve the health and education of underprivileged children in Nigeria. The preferred candidates for this recruitment exercise must possess experience working in child protection and humanitarian programs and be aware of the needs of children in the country. You must possess knowledge and experience of working within a multicultural environment, as well as have an understanding of international issues. - NIPC Recruitment - NIMET Recruitment - Union Bank Recruitment - Npower Tech Recruitment - Coca-Cola Nigeria Recruitment United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) employees are passionate about supporting children’s rights, welfare, and development. So you must possess knowledge of the country’s living conditions and the specific issues affecting children in Nigeria. You must also have strong communication and interpersonal skills to be selected for the UNICEF recruitment exercise. Who Can Apply for UNICEF Recruitment in Nigeria? Since UNICEF is a multicultural organization with a presence in different countries, you must possess knowledge of international development issues and clearly understand children’s rights, welfare, and development. Candidates for this recruitment must have education and experience in their specific roles and responsibilities. The UNICEF recruitment exercise is accessible to all qualified candidates, but the minimum requirement for this recruitment is a bachelor’s degree. Candidates must also have experience working in child protection and humanitarian programs. You must possess a good understanding of international issues and a passion for protecting and supporting children’s rights. Communication, interpersonal and ethical skills are essential to be selected for UNICEF recruitment in Nigeria. Other skills required to be successful at recruitment include the ability to make decisions, being highly organized, and having leadership skills. Candidates must also have a good understanding of the needs of children in Nigeria and the ability to think strategically. Requirements for UNICEF Recruitment Candidates are expected to meet up with certain expectations specified below to qualify for this recruitment exercise: |Nigerian with valid ID |25 – 35 years |HND, Bachelor’s Degree in any relevant field of study |Minimum of 5 credits including Mathematics and a Science subject at not more than 2 sittings from WAEC or NECO |Relevant experience is an added advantage |Oral and Written in English |Proficiency in Microsoft Office Applications How to Apply for UNICEF Recruitment Like other leading organizations, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) recruitment and selection process will be done online. All the applications will be submitted via this Jobs Portal. When you visit the official website of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund,, you will see the available job vacancies for UNICEF Recruitment. You need to know that the recruitment process for UNICEF Recruitment is that the agency will post job vacancies on this Jobs Portal. The website will provide information about the available job vacancies, and you can apply online using your phone, computer, or any device connected to the Internet for UNICEF Recruitment. Concerning the application process, you need to visit the Jobs Portal periodically to see if this agency is posting any new job vacancies under UNICEF Recruitment. You can also subscribe to the Jobs Portal to receive information about any new job opportunities posted by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund on this Jobs Portal. Once you see a job that fits your qualifications, you can proceed to apply for the vacant position. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund Recruitment process will include a test followed by an interview conducted by the Human Resources Department. The unit in charge of staffing will review all applications received and shortlist candidates based on their qualifications, skills, and competencies needed for the job vacancy under UNICEF Recruitment. The shortlisted candidates will be notified by phone, text message, or email to proceed to the next stage in the UNICEF Recruitment process.
The projects NaQua and NaQua-K research the effects of skilled pedagogic empolyees and the transfer into natural learn-opportunities on the motivation and gained natural knowledge of kids. This research want to improve a better understanding of these connections and to develop practical ideas for the enhancements in natural education in early childhood establishments NaQua: Quality of natural education in daycare: influencing factors of skilled employees and the institution. NaQua-K: Early natural motivation to learn: The impact of quality and quantity in natural educational learn-opportunities in daycare. - NaQua: 05/2019 – 04/2022 - NaQua-K: 02/2020 – 01/2023
As mortgage rates continue to hover at 30 year lows, many people are wondering whether a 15-year or a 30-year mortgage term is a better option. After all, even though payments on the 15-year option would be higher, the lower interest rates on the shorter term loan are keeping payments, in many cases, at very manageable levels. With the average 15-year interest rate near 3.5 percent for those with good credit, versus around 4.5 percent for a 30-year mortgage, it’s hard not to at least consider the shorter term mortgage option. Further the higher payments, lower interest rate, and shorter repayment term of the 15-year mortgage option allows people to pay down their principal much faster, too. Apparently quite a number of homeowners have jumped to 15-year mortgages lately. In fact, according to data from CoreLogic, for the first half of this year, over 25 percent of homeowners who refinanced went with a 15-year option. This is a drastic increase over past years, when only about 9.4 percent of home owners went that route. Not For Everyone Even with all of the positives of the 15-year mortgage option, it may not be a good move for everyone. Typically younger homeowners with many additional expenses tend not to be the best candidates for the higher payment 15-year loan. With income fragmented towards numerous other payments, even a slight increase in monthly expenses could cause financial hardship. As a rule of thumb, you should look at your current and planned debt-to-income ratio (DTI) to determine if you can afford a 15-year mortgage. Generally if your DTI is expected to be below 30 percent for the foreseeable future, a 15-year mortgage may be a viable option. However, homeowners with ratios above this amount may not be well suited for the 15-year mortgage when they can get a 30-year loan with lower and more affordable monthly payments. For example, someone who earns a gross monthly income of $4,000 should only get a 15-year mortgage if they have less than $1,200 per month going to their monthly debt which includes mortgage, taxes, insurance, auto, student loans, and credit card debt. Furthermore, in the current economic environment with much lower job security many two-income families face the risk of turning into one-income households. This makes a 15-year mortgage too risky for these families because apart from the difficulty of managing repayments on one income, refinancing to a 30-year loan may not be possible if the job loss causes their personal finance position to change drastically. What About First Time Homebuyers? First time homebuyers are in a unique situation. Firstly, on average, first time homebuyers typically only live in their initial home for between five and ten years. This is because they tend to upgrade as their family grows, or move to a more expensive home as their household income rises. However, if first time homebuyers were to decide on a mortgage payment they are comfortable with, they will generally find that they can buy a much more expensive home using a 30-year mortgage than they could for the same monthly payment using a 15-year loan. Another benefit of a 30-year mortgage for this group includes that of a larger tax deduction, as a larger portion of the payments are considered interest. This is especially true if the homebuyer is in a high tax bracket. And, although a 15-year mortgage will likely leave a first time homebuyer more equity to roll over into a new home when the time comes, the fact that a larger home could initially be purchased using a 30-year mortgage may leave the homeowners wanting to stay right where they are. This is especially true given that transaction costs associated with selling a home typically drain away roughly 10% of the home’s value. Therefore, if using a 30-year mortgage increases the likelihood that the homeowner will stay in their home longer, this option could not only provide instant gratification through lower payments, but could also provide future benefits as well. Another Option To Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster Although some homeowners are better off with a 30-year mortgage, there are still options for paying off your loan quicker. For example, you could make extra payments to the principal each month. And, in months where money is tight, you have the option of not making that extra $100 principal payment. Making an extra mortgage payment every year for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage will result you paying off your mortgage 7 years earlier. Similarly, making bi-weekly payments instead of monthly payments could knock 4-6 years of your mortgage term. These accelerator options, for some people, could actually provide the best of both worlds.
The market is plagued with all kinds of fitness equipment, supplements, and products that enhance weight loss. Besides weight loss, people are also desperately seeking new ways to keep themselves fit and build muscles. The eagerness to find the fastest way to build muscles has caused the popularity of muscle-building supplements to soar. One such muscle-building supplement is the force factor supplements, that happens to be one of the leading nitric oxide supplements today. Its popularity often causes many people to quickly jump and buy it. Before you actually spend money on these supplements, it’s better to understand what these supplements are, and their effects on our bodies. Force Factor Supplements Force Factor is a muscle-building supplement that is one of the most popular muscle-building brands in the world. It’s a strength enhancer that does not contain any sodium, creatine, or caffeine. These supplements like other nitric oxide supplements supplies nitric oxide to the muscles, which being a vasodilator causes the blood vessels to dilate. The L-Arginine present in the supplement helps the body synthesize nitric oxide, which in turn conduces to vasodilation. Dilated blood vessels are able to accommodate more amount of blood filled with more oxygen and nutrients. Higher level of nutrients and oxygen are furnished to the muscles, via the blood. Thus, when these supplements are taken just before or during workouts, it provides enough strength and stamina for more intense weight training. This increases muscle tearing and increases one’s muscle-building capacity. Force Factor dosage is 2-4 capsules, twice a day, after breakfast and after lunch. Force Factor has been approved and recommended by several fitness professionals, body builders, and gym owners across the globe. - It is a clinically proven bodybuilding supplement backed by medical research. - The supplement begins working from the very first dose. One experiences a pumped-up feeling in the muscles on taking the supplement. - Difference is seen within a few days time. Some find results within 3 days of consumption. The body feels refreshed, invigorated, and makes you feel stronger. - These supplements siphon out and dispose off the acids that cause muscle fatigue and muscle soreness. - Arginines present in Force Factor supplements help the body in several ways right from healing wounds and scrapes, to maintaining hormone production in the body. It also strengthens the immune system. - Force Factor supplements also protects the body from various deadly diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer. - It does not have side effects and is completely safe. It lacks creatine monohydrate that conduces a huge, puffy body that lacks strength. It also lacks the addictive caffeine. - It is better than other nitric oxide supplements, because it comes in the form of a capsule and not a disgusting tasting powder. - Moreover, like other nitric oxide supplements, Force Factor also increases libido. The nitric oxide increases blood flow to the extremities, thereby increasing one’s sexual desire. Despite the fantastic reviews, it is important to note that popping Force Factor supplements alone is not enough. One needs to balance it out with a healthy diet and adequate exercise. These supplements will give you endurance and strength, and is one of the best ways to build muscle mass. To tap maximum benefits from these supplements, take them continually for at least 3 months.
The Government updated its ancient and native woodland policy earlier this year setting out its commitment to recognise and protect the natural capital and cultural value of ancient and native woodlands and ancient and veteran trees in England. But it is not only ancient woodland which is protected in the UK; there are various restrictions and obligations of which landowners should be aware. Ancient woodlands have taken hundreds of years to establish and are defined as areas of land where there has been a continuous cover of trees since 1600. Not only do they boast beauty and character, but they are also valuable natural assets, which are important for wildlife and biodiversity, having developed complex and irreplaceable ecosystems. As detailed in the policy, ancient trees provide numerous benefits and improve our environment by providing shade, cleaning our air and water, nurturing our soil and wildlife and sequestering carbon. Comprising only a small percentage of British woodland, the decline of ancient woodlands has been largely down to factors such as pollution, inappropriate management, invasive species, urban development and fragmentation. Ancient woodlands are subject to varying degrees of protection to manage and conserve their special features. Some sites have a statutory designation as National Nature Reserves, Special Areas of Conservation or Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The SSSI designation, for example, requires ancient woodland owners to manage them effectively and appropriately. Consent is likely to be required from Natural England/Forestry Commission before carrying out works of management or changing an existing management regime. Trees within a conservation area also benefit from protection by the local planning authority (LPA), whose prior consent must be obtained before carrying out work or cutting down a tree. There is a six-week period for the LPA to decide whether the tree or trees in question should be made subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). It is a criminal offence carry out works on trees, within a conservation area, without giving the proper notice to the LPA, unless the work falls within a limited number of exemptions. Where a tree is protected by a TPO, works involving cutting down, uprooting, topping, lopping, wilful damage and/or destruction are prohibited without the LPA’s consent. Any works carried out contrary to a TPO would also be a criminal offence. The Forestry Act 1967 provides that a felling licence is required for the felling of any growing trees, unless they fall within a number of exceptions. These include: There are also concessions which allow landowners or occupiers to fell small numbers (five cubic metres or less) of trees each quarter without obtaining a felling licence, provided the sale of those trees meets certain limits (two cubic metres or less). If these rules are breached, Forestry England or Natural Resources Wales can serve a notice, requiring restocking or the remedying of any breach of a felling licence. If this is not followed, they can carry out the restocking or other works themselves and impose fines on the person who fails to comply with the notice. If there is a change of ownership or occupation of the land after the felling and if the previous owner has not complied with the notice served on them, Forestry England or Natural Resources Wales can serve a new notice on the new owner or occupier requiring them to fulfil the terms of the notice instead. The updated policy from the Government highlights the ongoing importance of trees and woodlands to our health, wellbeing and environment. Before carrying out any works involving/affecting trees and/or woodland, landowners and occupiers should seek advice to ensure they are complying with their obligations, as there are strict consequences for failing to do so. Furthermore, any purchasers or new tenants of farms and estates (or landlords taking back holdings from a tenant) should make enquiries regarding the recent felling of any trees and the service of any notices to ensure that they do not find themselves saddled with enforcement action in place of the former owner or tenant.
With vibrancy flowing through her veins, Reyna, visual artist and author of 'In Bloom' is one to inspire. We connected with this stunning creator and poet on the story behind her second poetry collection and her work to promote social justice through art. Tell us a little about the magical work you do and how you got your start as an artist? From very early on, I was careful not to define myself in any way that would trick my mind into thinking I had to be any one thing. The women you paint, and the spaces you illustrate are so distinct and powerful, what inspires you to create different series or works? My work is an extension of my experiences and that which brings me joy. Seeing Black women and women of color in beautiful spaces, exhibiting confidence, and serenity is something that I think has been missing from the art world. Having that representation can do wonders for what we imagine to be possible for ourselves and offers a step toward unifying our communities and humanizing our experiences. 'In Bloom,' what was the inspiration beyond launching this collection of poems? 'In Bloom' is my second poetry collection and a continuation of the first; it chronicles my growth and evolution since that book and the experiences that made it possible. People often ask, "How do you overcome fears? How do you get over imposter syndrome? And how do you love yourself?" In Bloom is my response, a series of little poems that reflect on the experiences that help screw those lightbulbs on. We are all filled with those experiences, whether or not we notice and honor them and learn from them can make all the difference. Traditions, hobbies, or pastimes you love? As I grow both in age and in my work, I'm learning more about how to cultivate my surroundings for the experiences I want to have. My space needs to bring me peace, which means good smells (candles, incense, air fresheners) greenery (I have an insane plant collection, or family, I call them), and lots of art. Plus, I'm cooking more and staying true to my self-care routines like hair and nail practices. It's easy to take it all for granted until you hit a rut and can't find your way out of it. Doing things that keep you feeling like YOU can help keep that at bay. What's a ritual you practice daily? Simple meditation (just soothing music, deep breathing, and slowly allowing myself to come into the day) and gratitude prayers. What are some of the key lessons you've learned (spiritually, emotionally, mentally) over the last few months of isolation and, most recently, during the protests? I mainly affirmed many previously learned lessons like solidifying my self-love practices, discipline, communication, never settling, and the ability to pivot. Over the first few months of quarantine, I was bummed, because I meant to be starting a new life in Barcelona before COVID canceled my flight, but somehow all the goals I had to do over there have just been expedited. Reaffirms that whatever is meant for you will be, always. Raising each other up and amplifying Black voices can take many forms — what does this mean to you, and what's your approach to contribute to social justice through art? We are creating the material that starts a much-needed dialogue—using our platforms to educate, documenting history in a way that can be digested regardless of time and language barriers. As a Black, afro- Latina artist that has created a platform and garnered many opportunities, I now must amplify other voices that may go unnoticed. How do you see the future — what does it hold? Liberation and community. As soon as we let go of putting our individual needs, materialistic, and status-based, we will know true peace and harmony before the needs of the collective. Take care of yourself. Dig deep and heal, learn, love it all. Only then can you go out in the world ready to listen, understand, make a change, and follow your dreams. Otherwise, we are just wearing masks, covering our wounds and trauma.
Sleep apnea creates gaps in life memories: study People with sleep apnea struggle to remember details of memories from their own lives, potentially making them vulnerable to depression, new research has shown. Estimated to affect more than 936 million people worldwide, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious condition that occurs when a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep. The new study led by RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, examined how the condition affected autobiographical memory and found people with untreated OSA had problems recalling specific details about their lives. Lead investigator Dr. Melinda Jackson said the research built on the known links between depression and memory. "We know that overly general autobiographical memories—where people don't remember many specific details of life events—are associated with the development of persistent depression," Jackson said. "Our study suggests sleep apnea may impair the brain's capacity to either encode or consolidate certain types of life memories, which makes it hard for people to recall details from the past. "OSA is increasingly common, affecting up to 30% of elderly people and around one in four Australian men aged over 30. "Sleep apnea is also a significant risk factor for depression so if we can better understand the neurobiological mechanisms at work, we have a chance to improve the mental health of millions of people." The study compared 44 adults with untreated OSA to 44 healthy controls, assessing their recall of different types of autobiographical memories from their childhood, early adult life and recent life. The results showed people with OSA had significantly more overgeneral memories—52.3% compared with 18.9% of the control group. The study also looked at recall of semantic memory (facts and concepts from your personal history, like the names of your school teachers) and episodic memory (events or episodes, like your first day of high school). While people with OSA struggled with semantic memory, their episodic memory was preserved. This is likely related to their fragmented sleeping patterns, as research has shown that good sleep is essential for the consolidation of semantic autobiographical memory. Across both groups, being older was associated with having a higher number of overgeneral autobiographical memories while higher depression was linked to having worse semantic memory. Jackson, a Vice-Chancellor's Senior Research Fellow in RMIT's School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, said the results showed the need for further studies to better understand the role of untreated OSA on memory processing. "Brain scans of people with sleep apnoea show they have a significant loss of grey matter from regions that overlap with the autobiographic memory network," she said. "We need to look at whether there's a shared neurobiological mechanism at work—that is, does the dysfunction of that network lead to both depression and memory problems in people with sleep apnoea?" Jackson said the use of CPAP machines to treat OSA had been shown to improve some of the cognitive impairments related to the condition. "An important next step will be to determine whether successful treatment of sleep apnea can also help counter some of these memory issues or even restore the memories that have been lost." The study—conducted with collaborators from the Institute for Breathing and Sleep, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, and University of Melbourne—is published in Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society. More information: Neha Delhikar et al, Autobiographical Memory From Different Life Stages in Individuals With Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2019). DOI: 10.1017/S1355617718001091
L. Cortes, et al Published by ISMED This is a secondary level textbook intended to deepen awareness and develop scientific knowledge and understanding of earth processes such as weather, ocean movements, erosion, and volcanic eruption. Its Philippine orientation, i.e., conditions and processes observable in the country and data about natural phenomena, sites and resources, not only concretizes theories and principles but also enables our students to identify with their own country. To ensure the development of concepts, activities containing specifications of materials, detailed procedures and well thought-out questions are woven into the text at points where they can be of most help to students.
Each day I am astounded by the vistas that greet me as I go about my life on the Isle of Eigg, looking over to Rum, Skye and the mainland. The Small Isles are a feast for the eyes and an exploration of the sea, lochs, beaches and mountains of this area of the west coast of Scotland are food for the soul. On a sailboat we use the wind and respect the sea to journey safely in an area of astounding natural beauty where we bear witness to the birds and sea creatures that feed and breed in these nutrient rich waters. There truly is nothing like sharing the bow with dolphins as they weave and dive, playing dare as Selkie cuts through the water. Or lying on your stomach on top of a cliff looking down at the sea birds and seals. Or sailing past the sea eagle nest watching for signs of chicks and fledglings. Or watching a sea eagle get fed up with a gull haranguing it, turn upside down in an aerial illusion and grab it with both talons to then fly heavily off with the overzealous bird dangling limp. Or be onlooking when a minke whale leaps three quarters of its immense body out of the water, breaching five or six times in succession. Or enter a sea cave in quiet conditions and see the sea urchins stretching spines along the submerged rock wall, torch light picking out the space carved by wave action of a million storms. Each voyage brings its own unique stories to tell. Join Selkie to discover yours. in Mallaig where Selkie will be moored at the marina. You will be greeted by myself and the crew and introduced to the boat, your bunk and a delicious welcoming snack or meal, depending on our time of departure. After a safety briefing, we will head out for our first sail on Selkie to our first anchorage in this most stunning of areas. Once there we can relax around the table with an “anchordram” and the first of many marvelous meals cooked by one of Selkie’s amazing chefs. If there is time, we will head to shore for a wander returning to Selkie for an evening of conviviality. As the days go by you will learn how to sail Selkie: how to prepare for sailing each day, to lift the anchor, to hoist the mainsail, to unfurl the genoa and inner sail, to lift and drop the keel, to trim the sails and learn the nautical terms. I will show you knots and navigation, the different points of sail and you will emerge from our week together feeling that you really got to grips with the basics of sailing this big beautiful boat that takes us to new places to explore and discover. Where we go will depend upon the conditions we encounter at the time of the voyage. Each night we will sleep on the boat at anchor in one of the myriads of beautiful sheltered bays on and around the Small Isles and beyond. At each anchorage we will have the opportunity to go ashore and discover the unique story and nature of the place. Our voyage usually ends on the Isle of Eigg. This is where I live and there are many tales and places to show you. Selkie has a mooring here and you may get the chance to see her dried out when the tide goes out. We will spend our final evening here, enjoying a last dinner together and you will have the opportunity to visit the Galmisdale Cafe and have a dram. I try and plan to have enough time ashore at Eigg to climb the Sgurr for those who wish. You journey back to Mallaig by the island ferry, taking with you many wonderful memories and hopefully a desire to return to this stunning area. Food on Selkie is an important part of our voyage. All our food is sourced locally and sustainably where possible. We can and have catered for various diets and allergens. Please ask about what you require. Click on any image to enlarge and view all Selkie Island Explorer photographs… Price for 6 nights voyage |Double Bunk (Aft) (2 people sharing/single occupancy) |Double Bunk (Forward) |Single Bunk (Aft) |Single Bunk (Lower) Hebrides Explorer Dates for 2024 |24-HT1 Limited space |Saturday 13 April |Friday 19 April |Saturday 27 April |Friday 03 May |Saturday 25 May |Friday 31 May |24-HT4 Limited space |Saturday 1 June |Friday 07 June
Greenbelt Alliance is celebrating 65 years of adventures! This Tilden Park adventure begins with a hike to enchanted Jewel Lake, host to tortoises and river otters. From there, you will trek to the top of Wildcat Peak and enjoy panoramic views stretching from the Sierra to the Farallon Islands. Along the way, outing leader Alan Siegel will describe the edible, medicinal, and cultural uses of native plants by local Indigenous people and other cultures. Alan will also show how to use i-naturalist to be citizen scientists and document diverse plant, animal, bird, and insect species locally and worldwide! This is a moderate hike of 4-5 miles round trip with about 750 feet in elevation gain. Click here to find out more about this hike.
Setting the right listing price for a house is crucial for selling it quickly and profitably. This blog post provides an overview of how to price a house correctly, starting with Zillow’s Zestimate, reviewing comparables of recently sold homes, learning from other sellers’ mistakes, avoiding obscure and century pricing, pricing for online search ranges, and putting yourself in the buyer's shoes. The blog post advises against relying solely on Zestimate as it could be off by as much as 40% and consulting with a real estate agent to help with the process, analyzing the market, and advising the seller about the best pricing solution for their situation. Pricing a house correctly is crucial for selling it quickly and profitably. Here is an overview of how to set the right listing price for your house: Start With Your Zestimate: Zillow’s Zestimate is an estimated market value for your home that’s based on millions of data points and user-submitted information. It can be a useful starting point for your pricing research, but it’s neither a definitive appraisal nor a guarantee of what your home will sell for. Certainly don’t rely on it as it can be off by as much as 40% and more. Review Comparables of Recently Sold Homes Comparables, or comps, are similar homes that have sold recently in your area. They can help you determine the fair market value of your home and help you avoid overpricing or underpricing it. You can use online tools, such as Zillow or Trulia, to find comps, or you can request a comparative market analysis (CMA) from a real estate agent. A CMA is a report that compares your home with other homes based on factors such as location, size, type, features, age, and condition. Learn From Other Sellers’ Mistakes Look at expired listings, withdrawn listings, and price reductions in your area to see how other sellers have priced their homes and how the market has responded. This can help you avoid common pricing pitfalls, such as pricing too high and losing buyer interest, or pricing too low and leaving money on the table. Don’t Let Your Asking Price Lump You In with the Competition You may want to consider price banding, which is the practice of finding a less crowded price point in your market. For example, if most homes in your neighborhood are priced between $300K and $310K, and the next set of homes start at $320K and up, you may want to price your home at $315K to stand out from the crowd and to attract more buyers. Avoid Obscure and Century Pricing You may also want to avoid pricing your home with odd numbers or round numbers, such as $299,999 or $300,000. These types of prices can make your home seem outdated or unprofessional. Instead, you may want to use more precise numbers, such as $299,900 or $302,500. These types of prices can make your home seem more credible and appealing. Price for Online Search Ranges Another factor to consider when pricing your home is how buyers search for homes online. Most online platforms allow buyers to filter their search by price range, such as $250K-$300K or $300K-$350K. You may want to price your home within a popular price range to maximize your exposure and reach more potential buyers. Put Yourself in the Buyer’s Shoes Finally, think about how buyers will perceive your home and its value. You may want to visit some open houses or view some online listings of comparable homes to see how they are priced and presented. You may also want to get feedback from friends, family members, or professionals who can give you an honest opinion about your home’s strengths and weaknesses. By putting yourself in the buyer’s shoes, you can price your home more realistically and competitively. As you can see, pricing a house correctly involves a lot of research, analysis, and strategy. You may want to consult with a professional real estate agent who can help you with the process and advise you on the best pricing method for your situation.
In 2012, under the direction of Stephen Frykholm, Herman Miller, Inc. solicited proposals from a group of international graphic designers for a limited edition poster campaign that would highlight ten of their iconic products still in production. Ten posters, produced in a edition of ten copies of each, were printed and exhibited in a small traveling show titled THEN x TEN, which showcased the posters alongside reproductions of ten historical posters selected by Frykholm. The show originated at fortyfivedownstairs, a gallery in Melbourne, Australia in August of 2012, and subsequently traveled to Singapore, Tokyo, and Art Basel Miami. Kam Tang was among the ten image makers who received the commission. Each designer was encouraged to choose a product, and Tang chose the Aeron chair, designed by William Stumpf (American, 1936 – 2006) and Donald Chadwick (American, b. 1936). Tang felt passionately about the Aeron chair, because he is a committed user of one in his everyday practice. (He saved up to buy his own after he graduated from college). For his design, Tang wanted to highlight the unique mesh material that makes up the back and seat of the Aeron chair. Tang has written that the mesh, called Pellicle, “broke new ground and I wanted to capture this new dawn/horizon.” He sought to “convey a sense of lightness to communicate the material’s transparency and breathing capabilities.” To do so, Tang chose to remove the chair from the office environment and showcase it as a landscape. The poster cleverly showcases the seat of the chair in shimmering gold, with the radiating lines of the mesh seat set against a bold sunset. This object is on view in the exhibition Making Design: Recent Acquisitions through May 2016. Caitlin Condell is Assistant Curator of Drawings, Prints & Graphic Design at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.
For those looking to make a beat in GarageBand for iPhone or iPad, I’m going to show you the very basics. Keep in mind this is by no means an in-depth look, rather just a general overview. Honestly, each instrument in GarageBand could easily get their own article. This is merely giving you the basic premise of making a beat or track in GarageBand. Even though we’re only going through the basics, there’s still plenty you need to know. However, getting started isn’t that difficult, you mainly need to know where everything is. GarageBand is Apple’s in-house Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), and it offers quite a bit, even in the mobile version. While it may seem like there is way too much going on in this app, creating the very basics of a song is still pretty easy. With that in mind, I’m going to briefly cover some of the instruments available, as well as how to get started in building your own track or beat in this program. Of course, you can also share your music with the world when you are finished. Let’s explore! Getting Started with GarageBand on iPhone: Make the Beat If you are starting out in GarageBand on your iPhone, I would recommend beginning by checking out this guide I have written concerning how to make a beat with GarageBand for macOS. While the two are not entirely similar, there’s going to be a lot of terms that I use that you may want to familiarize yourself with. Additionally, while they’re not entirely identical, they do have some pretty large and important similarities. When you first open GarageBand, you’re going to want to create a new song/track by clicking the Plus button in the top right corner. This will get you started with making a beat in GarageBand. From here, it’s all about learning how to navigate your instruments, loops, and workstation. Adding Sounds and Instruments to Make a Beat in GarageBand for iPhone When it comes to the available sounds and instruments, there’s a lot to choose from. When you are on the instrument selection screen, you should see a divider that says Live Loops and Tracks right at the top of the app. Keep in mind that this article is going to focus almost exclusively on instruments available through Tracks. If you have an understanding of how the individual tracks work, loops are a breeze. You can also access Loops from the Sound Library under the Tracks option. When it comes to the instruments, users have a lot of choices. There’s Drums, Guitar, Bass, World, Strings, Keyboard, Amp and more. Considering that this article can get quite lengthy, I’m only going to focus on a couple of these. Again, much like Loops, once you have an understanding of how one instrument works, figuring out the rest is rather straightforward. Waltz or Disco: Adjusting Song Parameters Another thing users may want to know about is how to adjust the settings of the song or track itself. You are able to adjust things like the key of the song, the tempo, the time-signature and more. Simply click the Gear icon in your workstation to bring up the settings for your track. Personally, I would leave all of these alone for now. It’s good to know they exist, but if you’re new to song and beat writing, you may want to just leave these settings alone for the time being. Since we are just starting, GarageBand is going to want you to select an instrument before you actually get to the track portion of GarageBand. At least, it will whenever you start with a new song. Choose whatever you want for now, as we can move out of it almost immediately after you select an instrument. Getting to Know the Track Editor From here, knowing how to move between individual instruments and the track (your song) is going to be crucial. From the instrument you just selected, navigate to the icon at the top of the program that looks like one block next to two smaller blocks. In the below image, it is next to the down arrow. This will bring you to your track editor, and you need to know how to navigate this. This is where you can see all of your instruments at once, and honestly, this will be the easiest way to get going when it comes to creating beats in GarageBand. Remember, there’s a lot that GarageBand can offer, I’m merely trying to cover the basics to get people making beats and songs. The bottom-left hand corner has a “+”, which allows you to add more instruments. Additionally, there’s settings in the top-left center that allows you adjust the settings of each individual track. For example, if you need to lower the volume of your guitar, you can do so from here. The settings for the song itself are in the right-hand corner. What Else You Need to Know When it comes to working within the track field, this is where you can adjust the length of time that each of your instruments play, or how many times they play. There’s a way to make loops of your instruments, which I’ll get in to later, but also remember Apple supplies loops as well. Wherever there is an instrument in the track, you can press on it to bring up the Edit option. This will allow you to edit the individual notes for each instrument track. Keep this in mind, as this is essentially how you will build your songs and loops. Again, if this seems confusing, that’s okay. Experimentation is the key to song writing and composing. To boil it down, your loops are going to create your song or beat, and your instruments can help make your loops. Now that we have the basics somewhat down, it’s time to start looking at instruments. Add the Beat: Taking a Look at the Drums Since drums are often the heartbeat of a song, let’s start here. GarageBand offers a plethora of different drum sounds, kits and styles. Even from the Drums menu you have a lot of options. - Smart Drums: This setting allows you to make beats using specific parameters. You can choose which drums you use, and also change the style of said drums using X/Y coordinates. - Acoustic Drums: While this is a fun feature, I personally don’t think this is going to be the most useful for actually creating beats. Acoustic Drums allows users to use their fingers to “play” an electronic drum kit. It’s fun, but can be a bit difficult to actually record. - Beat Sequencer: Personally, I think this one is going to be the easiest to use when it comes to making drum beats. Beat Sequencers allows you to map-out the specific hits of your beat, meaning you can easily edit them. It can also generate random beats, sort of similar to Smart Drums. Keep in mind that when you’re using any of these, you can hit the record button to get a recording of your playing. You will be able to edit any of your recordings later note-for-note, so don’t worry if you mess up at any time while you are recording. Adding Your Strings Now that we’ve taken a look at drums, I naturally would like to talk a little bit about your guitar and bass options in GarageBand. When it comes to using the program to record your own guitar and bass, I’ve already written an article on how to connect your guitar to GarageBand. Note that you will need an additional peripheral if you want to go this route. Of course, if you don’t have your own Guitar or Bass, there’s options built-in to GarageBand as well. When it comes to the string-instruments in GarageBand, many of them have similar options. - Smart Guitar/Bass: GarageBand has the option of Smart instruments. Concerning Guitar, Bass and the World Instruments, users can present themselves with a guitar neck that allows for “live” playing by tapping on the strings of the guitar. While this can be a lot of fun, I wouldn’t totally recommend it for creating beats, as you will likely need to do a lot of editing anyway. However, this can be a lot of fun, so give it a try! - Notes: This a lot like the Smart Guitar, however, it will not provide you with Chords. It will just be the guitar neck, and you will have to make notes yourself. This can potentially be even more aggravating than using the Smart controls. - Scales: GarageBand also offers Scales, which can be a great way to create leads and guitar solos for your projects. Other Things to Remember As mentioned before, I would simply recommend choosing the guitar, and then going back to the track itself by clicking the switch button at the top. Once the instrument is part of your track, you can single-click on it to edit the notes individually. This is also a great time to warn that it can be easy to get “lost” in the GarageBand DAW, especially when using iOS. Try not to get discouraged, and do your best to retrace your steps if you do get lost. Introducing Billy Joel: Taking a Look at Your Keyboard Options Just like with the strings, GarageBand offers some keyboard options as well. There’s plenty of different sounds, and again, most of them are going to operate in the same way as the rest of the instruments that are available. However, let’s take a brief look at the the major keyboard options. - Smart Piano: just like the Smart Drums and the Smart Guitar, GarageBand includes a keyboard that can automatically generate chords for you. You will still need to create the actual sounds yourself using your fingers on the keyboard, but you won’t have to know the shapes of chords to get the results you want. - Alchemy Synth: This is how you can create keyboard sounds without the aid of Smart Keyboard. - Sampler: Perhaps one of the most fun options available in GarageBand, this allows you to record a sound and then use it as a sample on a keyboard. If you select this, you can then go to the Setting option (looks like a know) in the top right corner to record your own sound for the Sampler. Keep in mind, this only briefly covers the instruments available in GarageBand. Again, for something that is free, there’s a LOT available in this app. There simply isn’t the time to cover every possibility available in GarageBand. Of course, you’re also able to record vocals as well. Don’t worry, this one is super straightforward. There’s also World instruments that behave much in the same way as the guitar. Putting it All Together: How to Make a Beat in GarageBand With all that said, let’s take a look at the basics of creating a beat. Now that we know about the tools, I’m going to give you the basics for actually creating a song in GarageBand, using most of the instruments Time needed:5 minutes The basics of making a beat in GarageBand - Starting at the main screen of GarageBand (Should be GarageBand Recents), go to the Plus sign at the top-right corner and click it. This will create a new project. - Next, you’ll need to choose an instrument. Pick whichever one you want to start with and select it. - From here, you can either record the instrument yourself using the record button, or move back to the main workstation of the DAW. - You can see your instrument track in the main project window. Whether or not you did record something, click the play area within the track area of your instrument, and click edit. - From here, you can then manually edit your individual instrument. If you want to edit the individual notes, you will need to click and drag the Lock icon in the top-left corner. You can then click anywhere in the play area to generate and edit notes. Click Done when you are finished. - After this, you can continue to add tracks to your song by either click the + in the bottom-left corner in the play area, or by clicking the three-square icon at the top-left center. You can then add additional tracks and then edit them manually or record them yourself. Other Things to Remember And that’s (essentially) all there is to it! While there is still plenty to learn, you now have the basics of songwriting in GarageBand. Remember that there’s also an FX option next to the instrument-selection button at the top of the app. This will allow you to add additional effects to each of your instrument tracks. What About Loops? You may also be wondering how loops work as well. Even if you are not using the loops offered by Apple (which are always accessible from the Loop-looking icon in the top-right), anything you create in GarageBand can be turned into a loop. Single-click on a recorded track to bring up your options to Loop. This is also where you will find your cut/copy/paste options. You can also edit your “loops” in the play area, much like you can with GarageBand in macOS. Again, I would highly recommend reading this article on GarageBand for macOS to learn more about this. Mixing and Mastering Your Beat in GarageBand for iPhone Of course, when it comes to mixing and mastering, your options on iPhone or iPad aren’t going to be nearly as expansive as if you were going to make a beat in GarageBand for macOS. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any. Clicking the icon that looks like three different sliders will introduce you to the settings for each instrument. Select your instrument, and then click this track settings button to further adjust settings. Sharing Your Beat Once you’re all done, you may want to share your project with the world. Fortunately, this is really easy to accomplish. You can also check out this article for a more in-depth guide to sharing in GarageBand. - Go back to the Recent Projects menu, and long press on your song. If you are in a song, you can click the down arrow in the top-left corner, and then choose My Songs. - Select Share. - You will have three options: Song, Ringtone and Project. I’ve talked about making your song as a ringtone in another article, and this also covers some additional share features. For the purposes of this article, we’re just going to hit Song. - On the next screen, select your audio quality. I would recommend keeping it at High Quality (192 kBit/s), as this is the typical quality of a song. - Click Share. - The typical iPhone sharing options will then pop-up, including sharing the song to social media, or sending it as a text message. Unleash Your Inner Rockstar: Make a Beat with GarageBand on iPhone A lot is going on with GarageBand, even if you’re using the version available for iPhone/iPad. This is really only scratching the surface. As previously mentioned, I would recommend exploring and experimenting with the app to get the most out of it. Especially concerning the mobile version, I would recommend fully exploring as much as you can before diving into actually creating a song. If you are not experienced with this app, maybe a more intuitive one would ease your music production path. For instance, FL Studio is one of the most reliable tools for music production, allowing you to loop and arrange drums, instruments, and samples swiftly, which instantly makes it much easier to create a beat. While exploration is going to be your best friend in GarageBand, hopefully, this at least provides you with the basics of how to make a beat in GarageBand on your iPhone. There are a lot of awesome features available, especially the Sampler feature with the keyboard. Now that you know the basics, get started with your own track, and see where your imagination takes you. Hopefully this information helps you make a beat in GarageBand with your iPhone. As an enthusiast and expert in music production and digital audio workstations (DAWs), including GarageBand, I possess a comprehensive understanding of the functionalities and capabilities within these platforms. My expertise stems from years of hands-on experience with various DAWs, creating music, teaching, and staying updated with the latest advancements in music technology up until my last update in January 2022. Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article "How to Make a Beat in GarageBand for iPhone or iPad" by Nick deCourville: GarageBand Basics: This article covers the fundamental steps for beginners to start creating beats or tracks in GarageBand. It emphasizes the ease of navigation within the app and focuses on key components like instruments, loops, and the workstation. Instrument Selection: GarageBand offers a variety of instruments such as Drums, Guitar, Bass, World, Strings, Keyboard, Amp, and more. Each instrument has its unique functionalities and options for creating music. Adjusting Song Parameters: Users can modify song settings including key, tempo, and time-signature through the Gear icon in the workstation. It's recommended for beginners to initially leave these settings untouched. Track Editor: Understanding the track editor is crucial. It allows users to view all instruments, add more instruments, adjust individual track settings, and edit the length and notes of each instrument track. Drum Options: GarageBand provides various drum options like Smart Drums, Acoustic Drums, and Beat Sequencer, offering different ways to create beats. Recording drums and editing recorded beats are explained. String Instruments (Guitar and Bass): GarageBand offers Smart Guitar/Bass, Notes, Scales, and ways to record or play guitar and bass sounds within the app. Keyboard Options: The app includes Smart Piano, Alchemy Synth, Sampler, and other keyboard options for generating sounds and melodies. Creating a Beat: Step-by-step instructions are given for starting a project, choosing instruments, recording or editing tracks, and adding additional elements to build a beat or song. Loops and Editing: GarageBand allows users to create their own loops from recorded tracks and provides options for cutting, copying, and pasting within the app. Mixing and Mastering: While the iPhone/iPad version may have limited mixing and mastering capabilities compared to the macOS version, the article explains basic track settings and adjustments. Sharing Your Project: GarageBand enables easy sharing of finished projects via various options like social media, messages, or saving as a song or ringtone. Recommendations and Tips: The article suggests exploring the app, experimenting with its features, and advises beginners to take time to familiarize themselves before diving deep into music creation. In summary, the article serves as a beginner's guide to GarageBand for iOS devices, offering insights into various features, instruments, editing capabilities, and sharing options available within the app to create music.
A speedy trial like those seen in primetime dramas is far from the reality of what actually happens within the legal process. Another thing many people aren’t aware of is how often cases are settled out of court. Although countless lawsuits are filed each day across the country, most will be settled without going to trial. When one is injured in a car accident, for example, securing a fair amount of monetary compensation is the ultimate goal, but what happens when going to court is not an option? Below, we’ll discuss the benefits of settlements and why you should consider one. Seeking the best legal guidance should be a priority for anyone dealing with a civil matter. The lawyers of Fryer & Hansen can step in and guide you in the process. What is a Civil Case? In law, there are criminal and civil cases. Criminal cases involve charges against a person for committing a crime such as robbery or murder. Civil cases generally involve two parties attempting to settle a dispute that requires legal intervention such as contract disputes and lawsuits stemming from car accidents. These lawsuits are always filed by the plaintiff against a defendant, however, countersuits aren’t uncommon. Cases involving divorce, child support, child custody and lawsuits stemming from personal injuries are handled in civil court. Car accidents account for a large portion of civil disputes in the United States. A typical lawsuit stemming from a car accident involves negligent actions like drunk or reckless driving on the part of a defendant. Plaintiffs going through medical treatment to recover from an accident can file a lawsuit seeking restitution. These are known as personal injury civil cases. What is a Settlement? A settlement is a mutual agreement between both parties that can be reached before or even during a trial. Settling a case out of court can be beneficial to both sides. Like we said earlier, despite what we see on television or in films, cases rarely, if ever, go to trial. There could be a variety of reasons such as costs and the time needed to seek a conclusion. Attorneys almost always suggest settlements. One of the major benefits of settling out of court is privacy. Settlements are private matters concluded behind closed doors. However, trials become public record, unless a judge orders for records to be sealed. If not, anyone is free to look up details of a trial, from the names of both parties to the amount reached in a lawsuit. A Timely Matter Our own Brian Hansen acknowledges how time constraints can be one of the biggest reasons cases are settled out of court. “Settling a case before it goes to trial can be one of the safest options for an attorney and his or her client. There is far less risk than going to trial, plus, there is a quick turnaround for the client to get the damages they were awarded.” Trials can take years to end. Furthermore, they may not begin until several months after an initial claim or lawsuit has been filed. Also, if a defendant disagrees with the outcome, they can file an appeal, further delaying or preventing a satisfactory conclusion for the plaintiff. This can also result in more lawyer and court fees. Let Us Help Suffering injury on the road due to another driver’s irresponsibility or at work can be overwhelmingly difficult to deal with. Know that we’ll take a look at your personal injury case to determine the best course of action. Whether settling out of court or going to trial, we’ll do our best to uphold your interests. Get in touch with our law firm in McAllen to get started today.
Typically, a drug overdose is associated with mild to severe health risks, which may lead to death. What is a marijuana overdose? A drug overdose occurs when you consume any intoxicating or medical substance more than the amount prescribed or tolerable for your body. Similarly, the marijuana overdose increases the level of its psychoactive component increases in your blood to cause many side effects. Marijuana can also be taken along with other drugs to cause overdose hazards. For a better understanding of how can you overdose on marijuana, you must read the online informative articles and true stories of overdoes on Detox To Rehab. They also provide support and guidance to treat any substance addiction at your fingertips. They have a collection of reputable and quality resources to help you find a suitable option for your substance addiction, withdrawal phases, and recovery. The marijuana overdose amount depends entirely on your age, weight, gender, tolerance, and medical history. It can be poisoning or toxicity, which may usually cause serious health problems and may even require hospital care. What are the signs and symptoms of marijuana overdose? Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a psychoactive component present in marijuana which causes panic, intoxicating, or euphoric effects in your body. Signs that signal consumption of marijuana – - Dryness of mouth. - Reddened and swollen eyes. - Euphoric feeling. - Increased appetite. - Excessive laughter. When you consume more marijuana, your body exhibits some unpleasant effects caused due to the toxicity of marijuana. Symptoms of a marijuana overdose – - Anxiety and panic attacks. - Increased heart rate and chest pain. - Low blood pressure. - Psychosis and depression. - Uncontrolled body movements. - Violent mental and physical behaviour or aggression. Marijuana overdose can be life-threatening as it may cause heart attacks, strokes, and seizures. What are the marijuana overdose treatments? Marijuana overdose involves treating heart rate, breathing process, and low blood pressure to resume its normal functioning stage. Doctors may perform various medical techniques to treat and determine the substances causing symptoms of a marijuana overdose. There are no antidotes to treat overdose effects, but there are some medically approved diagnoses to help you overcome it.
Angela Crawley MP for Lanark and Hamilton East has renewed calls for the UK Government to create a transitional arrangement for women affected by accelerated pension ages following the release of independent research on the policy. The research paper by Landman Economics was commissioned by the SNP Westminster group and showed that 2.6 million women born in the 1950s have been denied their pension across the UK – including 4,900 women in Lanark and Hamilton East. The 2011 Pensions Act accelerated planned increases in women’s State Pension Age from 63 to 65 between April 2016 and November 2018, and from 65 to 66 by October 2020 – but it has been alleged the Government did not inform affected women of the changes. The issue has been widely debated in the House of Commons and the Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) groups have worked tirelessly to campaign for the introduction of transitional measures but the UK Government has refused to act – saying that, at a cost of £30 billion it would simply be too expensive to correct their mistakes of the past. However, the research by Landman Economics has found that it would cost £8 billion to return to the original timetable set out in the 1995 Pensions Act – a significantly cheaper option for the UK Government which would go some way to ending the injustice served to these women and would help to alleviate pensioner poverty. The National Insurance Fund (NIF) had a £20.9 billion surplus at the end of March 2015 and the latest forecasts project a surplus of £26.3 billion at the end of this year and £30.7 billion at the end of 2017/18. Ms Crawley said: “A pension is not a privilege, it is an entitlement and yet millions of women born in the 1950s are struggling to make ends meet because they are being denied their pension – many women are facing real hardship and they need action now. “The UK Government have tried to wash their hands of this crisis but that is simply not good enough. This independently researched report, commissioned by the SNP, reveals the five options immediately available to the UK Government to deliver dignity in retirement for the 2.6 billion women affected and ensure that the mistakes of the past are corrected. “The second option would allow a return to the 1995 Pensions Act and would slow the rise of the state pension age for women to reach 65 by 2021. At £8 billion, this option is the second most expensive but it pales in comparison to the £30 billion figure often used by Tory politicians attempting to absolve themselves of any responsibility. “The National Insurance Fund is billions of pounds in surplus and can be only be used to pay for contributory benefits such as the State Pension. “Millions of pensioners, workers and their employers have no idea that the money they are paying in National Insurance contributions every month is not being used to pay higher pensions and benefits. “The Tories have nowhere to hide anymore. They can afford to right the wrong that is impacting millions of women because they are being refused access to their pension and they must take immediate action.”
Leonardo da Vinci was a man way ahead of his time. A man of vast knowledge, he delved into various fields and helped define the Renaissance. Monalisa and The Last Supper are just a fragment of the genius that made him legendary. Asides from being one of the greatest painters of all time, he was an architect, engineer, scientist, inventor, cartographer, anatomist, botanist, and writer. He wasn’t just a jack of all trades; he was a master of all. In simple terms, he was the ultimate renaissance man and here a good number of reasons why: An understanding of the human body that was leagues ahead of its time For someone who had no formal education in Latin or Mathematics, Leonardo da Vinci had an impressive body of scientific works that prove he knew a lot about the human body. He composed comprehensive notes about the human foetus and the movement of the arm. One look at these notes and drawings below and you would agree that they correspond to modern-day discoveries made in the medical field. The First Person To Come Up With The Concept Of The Helicopter Although he didn’t invent the helicopter, Leonardo da Vinci was the first person to ever conceptualize it in diagram form as early as the fifteenth century. He was thrilled by the prospect of people soaring high in the sky and thus, he made aviation one of his prime areas of study. By studying the flight if birds as well as their structure, he came up with several drawings of flying objects which influence modern aviation. An Impressive Knowledge Of Civil Engineering Leonardo da Vinci was no simple inventor. He combined his knowledge of hydraulics, pulleys, momentum, mechanical designs, cantilevers, and incorporated them in his inventions. As a military engineer, he developed plans for weapons such as the armoured tank, machine, machine gun, mortar, the guided missile, and submarine. He Made Contributions to Mathematics and Adopted Its Principles It is rare to come across artists that employ mathematical ideas to create masterpieces. Both the Monalisa and The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci’s best-known works, incorporate the mathematics of perspective and the golden ratio. He also attempted to solve the geometric problem of “squaring of a circle” through his most famous drawing “Vitruvian Man”. A Prolific Cartographer Having served as a military engineer to some of the most powerful men of his time, Leonardo da Vinci created several plans and topographical maps to aid in warfare. He designed his best known cartographical work, an ‘iconographic’ map, in 1502. Leonardo da Vinci was indeed an “all-rounder”. He made several contributions to science and art that are still relevant 600 years later.
FRA incorporates the provision of Critical Wildlife Habitat (CWH). The Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change has issued guidelines for CWH declaration process and Maharashtra Forest Department has initiated the process of CWH declaration in the PAs of Maharashtra. However, views regarding CWH differ among the local communities, Forest Department, CFR facilitating organisations and wildlife conservation organisations. We worked in collaboration with Kalpavriksh ( and other researchers and lawyers to produce a report that helps define or explain the important terms in the context of FRA and rectify the mis-perceptions about the CWH declaration, and to interpret and understand the correct process of CWH declaration. CWH Report (English) CWH Report (Hindi)
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