Email Despite the fact that voting is the cornerstone of our democracy only 60 percent of eligible voters turn out in a presidential election But this year we may see that number spike because groups of incredible volunteers are doing everything they can to get out the vote Theyre hitting the road and oiling up the sidewalks to help voters slide uncontrollably to their polling places Democracy FTW You might not know their names but these hardworking men and women are out there in the trenches from Maine to California slathering thick black oil on the ground so every American can skid down the road windmilling their arms wildly to try and stay upright and careen straight through the doors of a voting booth Republican or Democrat these patriotic volunteers want every American to have access to a frictionless slick of oil that leads right to a polling place Yes These incredible volunteers are absolutely killing it Rather than letting our election be decided by a select few people from across the nation are volunteering their time to make sidewalks welllubricated and slippery for as many voters as possible As of this morning footpaths have been oiled in all 50 states giving people who would not otherwise have the time or desire to vote the opportunity to lose their balance and slide forward at alarming speeds with their arms flailing and legs kicking until they crash facefirst into a registered polling location We might live in a democracy but we wouldnt have a truly representative election without the help of a select few everyday heroes So when the polling stations close and every last slippery oilcovered voter has put their ballot in the box and slid back out the door remember those brave volunteers because we couldnt do it without them
Dear AmericaWhether you voted for Trump or not surely you can join me in admitting the past few years have been devoid of optimism Weve been pessimistic on the economy on the social foundation of our country our standing in the world our concern over potential for war our healthcare our jobs and generally speaking our futureFor some of you Barack Obama may be a likable character While many of us believe hes corrupt and wrong in his way of thinking its understandable that many of his voters found him to be generally likable For those who do the truth is he betrayed you He betrayed all of usHis healthcare law was sold to you as a law that would make healthcare affordable and wouldnt change the plandoctor you have Most of us are now finding that was a lie Were losing our plans and doctors and costs are skyrocketingHis economic policy enriched the mega rich while crushing jobs His environmental policy has pumped billions of our dollars into the pockets of special interests killed off jobs and did absolutely nothing for the environment His tax policy is painful If you pay taxes you know this to be the caseHe spends money like it grows on trees For him its not an issue He lives in the high castle and will never have to worry about money But you and I Yeah its an issueHe dragged us nearly into world war with Russia He collapsed the Middle East in a way that has rippled across the globeWe can disagree on issues but surely we can agree this hasnt been a good situation Something has to change Hillary Clinton wasnt going to change anything She was going to take Obamas burning agenda and throw gasoline on itWe now have an opportunity Donald Trump has his flaws We all have concerns about it No secret there But his plan is something we should all get excited about That is of course provided he actually follows through with itTrump is likely to relax tensions with Russia Hes likely to pull back our nonsensical involvement in the Middle East Hes likely to repeal and replace Obamacare Hes likely to initiate a tax and economic policy that WILL invigorate business growthFor businesses Trump has a plan that will help create spenders And for consumers his plan will help us earn and retain more financial stabilityThis is a good thing Its good for liberals conservatives and independents Its good for AmericaNot long ago there was a time when Americans were optimistic hungry for success and excited to work hard for it Weve exiting a period of time where that mentality has been nonexistent Were entering a time where it can exist againWeve got a mess on our hands There is much work to do to clean it up But it can be cleaned up and we can flourish as a result of itThat is if we unify and optimistically strive for success as a nationIts time America Its long overdueLets make America great againEric Odom
Principal Krystal Hardy has dedicated herself to improving the culture and upping the test scores at a struggling New Orleans charter school Her thirdgraders for one take 14 standardized tests including Common Core ones each yearThirdgrade students at Sylvanie Williams College Prep elementary school read individually in class on Jan 16 2015 in New Orleans Fifty percent of the children here started the academic year below grade level in reading and math The goal is to help them catch up and keep making progressThis story is the third in a yearlong series following Krystal Hardy a firstyear principal trying to bring order and improve test scores at a struggling New Orleans charter school The project is a partnership between The Christian Science Monitor and The Hechinger Report a nonprofit nonpartisan news outlet that covers inequality and innovation in education and is affiliated with Teachers College Columbia UniversityA week before their final round of Common Core tests the fifthgraders at Sylvanie Williams College Prep a charter school in New Orleans are reviewing the procedures for solving a multipart word problem in math Their principal Krystal Hardy looks onPay attention Ive seen these kinds of questions on the PARCC test says math teacher Tiffany Labrie referring to the Common Core tests that most students in Louisiana take this month This calls for converting ounces to pounds so you can use your reference sheet she tells them indicating a handout on every deskDont forget you can use the reference sheet today but also on the what asks Ms Labrie rhetoricallyPARCC echoes Labrie Youll have those reference sheets during the PARCC tests Remember to use themMs Hardy who is in her first year as principal has staked her career on improving the culture and upping the test scores at this struggling elementary school located in a gritty part of New Orleans Central City neighborhood At the start of the academic year in August 50 percent of the approximately 400 students nearly all of whom are AfricanAmerican and most of whom are poor scored below grade level in reading and math Their road to improvement is paved with testsIndeed like most public school students across America pupils at Sylvanie Williams get tested often although Hardy is trying to balance the datadriven instruction with a strong social justice curriculumThe earliest tests this year helped teachers figure out which students had learned the material and which ones needed that lesson again After five months Hardy and her staff began diving deeper comparing test results with worksheets that students completed in class When they saw patterns of errors the teachers themselves worked through the problems trying to figure out exactly where the students were going wrongTheir findings have already dramatically changed the way teachers teach And the teachers are noticing that student achievement is picking upWe were able to administer targeted medicine says HardyInstead of saying Some of these students arent good at multiplying she says we could start to say for example that 40 percent of these students in this class dont seem to understand the placevalue concept in threedigit numbers and about 40 percent say understand the concept but are not paying attention to details when they computeStudents at Sylvanie Williams take annual tests in science and social studies aligned to the states standards plus two rounds of Common Core tests in English and math developed by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers PARCC In some grades students also take three sets of benchmarking tests three or four times a year In the end thirdgraders who get tested the most take a whopping 14 standardized tests per year in addition to exit tickets teachergenerated assessments at the end of a unit of studyTesting infuses many aspects of the school day The walls of Hardys office and the teachers conference room are hung with posters sporting bar charts that show test results Students and teachers talk about the test the test day and reaching basicOutside a thirdgrade classroom a colorful handdrawn poster names the children who have achieved the advanced mastery and basic levels on one test In another classroom a teacher has written out in magic marker a severalfootlong list of standards 4NF5 Express equivalent fractions and add fractions with denominators of 10 and 100 presumably to keep his own teaching on target for the Common Core math testAlthough a vocal minority of parents whose children tend to be enrolled in more affluent schools around the country have refused to let their kids take the Common Core tests no Sylvanie Williams families have opted out And Hardy is predicting the final round wont be a problem for her scholars Theyre used to it she says simplyEarly in the year diagnostic test results helped distinguish what had been taught from what had been learned Hardy keeps a close eye on lesson plans teachers submit them to her each week so she knows what material is being coveredBy January armed with more data Hardy and her teachers and coaches were really poring over the test results And thats when the dialogue around instruction began to shift The teachers started collaborating on how to quickly and directly backfill the specific foundational skills that students need to move forwardAfter that point says fourthgrade teacher Terrance Mitchell I think as a school we really started to see the achievement of our students begin to accelerateAlthough Hardy is committed to running a testdriven school the data focus has its frustrations Because the Common Core exams are new this year the PARCC administrators need to perform technical calculations on the results This means that scores on the tests will be released to Hardy after Sylvanie Williamss school year ends too late for teachers to use that data to coursecorrectState political leaders are maneuvering to scuttle or at least modify the use of the Common Core in Louisiana so its not certain that the standards that the students are being asked to meet this year will even be around next yearThe schools relentless focus on standards and testing reduces time for less defined but often more meaningful types of lessons ones that help kids understand themselves their fellow students and the world around them But Hardy has tried to squeeze these kinds of experiences into the school dayIn January she took 40 students on a field trip to Selma Ala to join the commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the march to Montgomery And one morning she taught a unit on poverty in America which included having third fourth and fifthgraders compare weekly expenses with median income for high school dropouts college graduates and those with a masters degreeRecently a fifthgrade blackboard showed the remnants of a vibrant discussion about young black men police and excessive force Because of the demographic our children come from many will face immense challenges and unique realities Hardy saysWe need to prepare them to understand how the world will engage with them They need to understand how to engage with it And maybe create the possibility that they will act as change agents in their worldHardy accepts that her school and her tenure as principal will be evaluated largely on test scores But she is adamant about maintaining what she sees as crucial parts of education that no test will measure This project is a partnership between the Monitor and The Hechinger Report a nonprofit independent news website focused on inequality and innovation in education and is affiliated with Teachers College Columbia University 2015 The Christian Science Monitor and The Hechinger Report
Youve probably seen this chartIt uses analysis from VoteView to show how the House has grown more polarized over time Democrats in the House have become more liberal Republicans have become much more conservativeYou may also have seen this chart but if you havent you probably at least are familiar with the conceptIt shows the ranges of weekly approval ratings for President Obama over the course of his administration In other words each time 82 percent of Democrats approve of Obama the 82 percent bar gets a little higher For the most part opinions of Obama havent changed much among Democrats or Republicans his overall approval rating is usually a function of how independents feel about himObama isnt the first president to see such polarization in his approval ratings The first president to do so was the guy before him George W Bush Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton each had some polarization in their second terms but it wasnt nearly as wide a gapWhich leads us to a natural question How does the polarization of Congress which is a measure of the behavior of members of Congress compare with the polarization of approval of the president a measure of public opinionThats a question we can answerOver time the gap between the political leaning of Republican and Democratic caucuses on Capitol Hill has widened steadily though not continuously This compares DWNOMINATE scores from VoteView which is a measure of how liberal or conservative each member of Congress is against a baseline The figures below essentially measure the distance between the two lines in the first graph aboveOver that same period opinions of the president have similarly widened again with some fits and startsThere are two lines here one using the first Gallup approval rating of the new year and the other averaging the ratings over the year You can see how attitudes shift the gap plummets as a president becomes equally popular or unpopular with each partyAnyway this suggests that as Congress has gotten more polarized so too have opinions of the presidentsBut theres a clearer way to look at this Plotting the gap in how Democrats and Republicans look at the president on one axis and the gap between the two parties in Congress on the other you can see clearly how both the former and latter have grown more extreme The higher and further to the right a dot the greater the polarizationIn other words this polarization isnt only a function of Congress and gerrymandering Theres been a broader polarization thats taken place reflected in how each party views the presidentWhat it doesnt tell us is the cause As complicated as these data are this was the easier part of the analysis
The US economy added just 38000 jobs in May 122000 fewer than expected and the weakest growth since 2010 The unemployment rate slipped down to 47 the Department of Labor announced on FridayThe report added to concerns that the US economy is slowing ahead of a crucial meeting of the Federal Reserve and was immediately seized on by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Terrible jobs report just reported Only 38000 jobs added Bombshell he wrote on TwitterA strike by 40000 Verizon workers impacted the numbers the labor department said and without the strike the number of jobs added would have been 72000 which is still less than half the expected job growthThe unemployment rate is now the lowest it has been since November 2007 and job gains in 2016 have slowed sharply from the 240000 average of the last two years On Friday the Department of Labor also cut its assessment of the number of jobs added in March and April by 59000The weakness in Mays payrolls was widespread Manufacturing lost 10000 jobs construction shed 15000 jobs and temporary help fell by 21000 wrote Paul Ashworth Capital Economics chief US economist in a note to investors A June rate hike from the Fed is now very unlikelyMays report is the last before the Feds next meeting on 1415 June when the US central bank may raise interest rates again The gain was the smallest since September 2010 and is sure to add to speculation that a rate hike could be delayed until July already uncertainty about Britains referendum to exit the EU That vote will take place on 23 JuneAfter the economy added 160000 jobs in April 40000 fewer than expected economists expected the job growth in May to come in at 160000 Over the past 12 months employment growth had averaged 232000 jobs a month but economists expected the 44day strike of 40000 Verizon workers to affect the May figuresThe last time Verizon workers went on strike for two weeks in August 2011 the department of labor reported that the economy added no jobs that month The following month however it reported a growth of 103000 jobs and noted that the spike partially reflected the return to payrolls of about 45000 striking workersThe recent strike ended last week after the labor department helped Verizon and the union representing the striking workers reach a tentative dealAs job growth slows Barack Obama has moved to defend his economic legacy Earlier this week while speaking in Elkhart Indiana he described the US economy as the strongest most durable economy in the world and pointed out that over the past six years US businesses have created more than 14m new jobsDespite the drop in unemployment wages are still growing too slowly and that makes it harder to pay for college or save for retirement said Obama before pointing out that so far this year wages have grown at a rate of about 3 Until recently his administration had described wages as the unfinished business of this recoveryEconomists believe that a wage growth of 3 to 35 is necessary to help reach the Federal Reserves 2 inflation goalLast week Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen said that she expects the US labor market to continue to improve and that in the coming months it might be appropriate for the Fed to increase interest rates In December the Fed increased interest rates for the first time in nearly a decadeIm not sure it plays an important role in our policy making beyond us just monitoring the US data and general global financial conditions and having confidence that things are still on a good track Charles Evans president of the Chicago Fed told CNBC on Friday Evans who is a nonvoting member of the Feds policysetting committee said that he expects two rate hikes this yearAs the labor market tightens we should see wage growth rise however its clear that we are not at a level consistent with full employment With wage growth this low there is simply no threat of wageled inflation said Elise Gould senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute The Fed should bear this in mind when it meets later this month and not be too quick to raise rates and slow the economyA week ago Yellen said that the US jobs market is nearing full employment
CNN The aggressive Jeb Bush that his allies have been waiting for emerged this week and it was an attack on his family that got him goingThe former Florida governor launched his most forceful attempt yet to paint Donald Trump as an unserious candidate unfit for the foreign policy decisions that face the countrys commander in chiefFirst he punched back hard at Trumps suggestion that his brother George W Bush bore responsibility for the September 11 2001 attacks and that Trump could have prevented themIn a series of interviews Bush then questioned Trumps intellectual heft and understanding of complex world eventsTuesday he leveled his most blistering critique to date with a National Review oped accusing the real estate magnate of echoing the attacks of liberal filmmaker Michael Moore and the fringe left on national security issuesLets be clear Donald Trump simply doesnt know what hes talking about Bush wrote adding that Trumps bluster overcompensates for a shocking lack of knowledge on the complex nationalsecurity challenges that will confront the next presidentThis is a critical moment for Bush who like other establishment Republicans has been unable to break through against Trump As much as Bush and his allies like to talk about having resources for the long game early next year the next few weeks are key for whether his foreign policy message and electability arguments will click into place and capture the interest of votersPolls have shown very little excitement about his candidacy in any sector of the Republican base That fact is not only evident in polls but also in interviews with voters on the ground in early states who often describe Bush as lacking dynamism enthusiasm and energyDespite heavy advertising in New Hampshire and an impressive list of endorsements in the early states a CNNORC Poll released this week showed Bush tied in an unimpressive third place with Florida rival Marco Rubio at 8And even after raising 134 million last quarter many heavyhitting Republican donors particularly those who supported Mitt Romney are still on the sidelines attracted to the candidacy of Marco Rubio and eying other contenders like John Kasich and even Chris ChristieAs part of the campaign to assuage concerns of donors and allies who have watched in surprise as he struggles Bushs longtime strategist Mike Murphy who runs the Right to Rise super PAC also emerged in a rare interview to blast Trump as a false zombie frontrunner and outline his theory of the race on why Bush will outlast the other GOP candidatesHes dead politically hell never be president of the United States ever Murphy said of Trump in an interview with Bloomberg Politics Murphy who is legally prohibited from coordinating with the Bush campaign jabbed Trump by predicting that his bid would collapse and adding I dont think you can be a frontrunner if youre totally unelectableNoting that hes worked with Bush for 18 years Murphy argued that Bush builds slowly and gets better and better pointing to his improved debate performances as an example of thatSome of Bushs most stalwart supporters have long felt that a pivot to foreign policy could help his standing in the fieldHis exchange with Trump after the real estate magnate called his brothers administration a disaster during the CNN debate was one of his strongest performances of the night and this weeks 911 debate seemed to help him sharpen his critiques of TrumpBush allies still believe Rubio is vulnerable on the question of experience because of his short stint in the US Senate and the ease with which his rivals could compare him to Barack Obama who won the presidency just four years into his first term on Capitol HillAnd while his bungled response to questions about his brothers decision to invade Iraq created problems for Bush earlier this summer the renewed debate over 911 this week offered Bush an opening to critique Bill Clintons handling of Osama bin Laden in the 1990sThe Clinton administration made a mistake of thinking bin Laden had to be viewed from a law enforcement perspective Bush said in an interview with FOXs Sean Hannity Similarly President Obamas polices seemed to be focused on that as wellMurphy appeared to use Bushs air war this week to emphasize the candidates staying powerHe can outlast the noise his candidate performance will be excellent and were an amplifier Murphy said in the Bloomberg Politics interview alluding to the 100 million war chest raised by the independent group earlier this summer Laying out the super PACs strategy for navigating the primary he argued that the group can keep Bush on the air and get his message out through the gantlet of primariesWe see February 1 to March 15 45 days as our period to seize the nomination and get in front Murphy said outlining his theory of the race We have the resources to pursue that campaign Most of these other guys are all running on spec Were at a point now where were significantly funded for those 45 days cash in the bank today Nobody else is in that situation in this race Nobodys closeStill outsider candidates Trump and Ben Carson led the pack in the CNN poll with 27 and 22 respectively and their supporters expressed a far higher level of enthusiasm about their candidaciesNearly a third of Trump supporters and a quarter of Carson backers said they were very enthusiastic about the two mens bids When Bushs supporters were asked that same question only 3 said they were very enthusiastic about his candidacyBush has not fared much better in early state polls despite having a sizable organization on the ground a dozen staffers in Iowa 13 in New Hampshire seven in South Carolina and more than a halfdozen in NevadaIn what could be a sign of things to come for the campaign one surrogate who recently has come to his aid on the fundraising front is his brother Behind closed doors during a recent fundraiser George W Bush expressed confidence in his brothers slow and steady approach to the race and distaste for another rival Ted Cruz who worked on George W Bushs campaignThe former president will also headline a fundraiser for his brothers presidential campaign while hes in town for a BushCheney alumni event according to an invitation obtained by CNNWhile the elder Bushs presidency has created a headache for Jeb Bush by forcing him to constantly explain to voters how his leadership style would differ from his brothers allies noted the irony this week of the fact that Jeb Bush seems animated and passionate when defending his brotherI think as a general matter that Jeb Bush does not want to be engaged in combat with Donald Trump because youre distracting from your own message and your own ability to get better known if youre just known for fighting with somebody said Charlie Black a Republican veteran strategist who advised President George HW Bush but is neutral in the 2016 raceIn this case because Jebs brother was attacked theres no doubt that hes going to come out strong and be aggressive said Black But going forward Bush will need to move his message beyond Trump to show he can sustain his own spotlight When Trump hits Jeb Jeb should not respond surrogates should respond and let Donald fight with the surrogates
Killing Obama administration rules dismantling Obamacare and pushing through tax reform are on the early todo list
Despite her repeated statements that she will leave public service once her successor is in place buzz about a possible second run for the presidency by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in full force following the showing of a tribute video of her careerBefore delivering remarks on US and Israeli relations Friday the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution rolled out a video replete with soaring music and effusive praise of Clintons career by highprofile leaders and luminaries and with it continued speculation about whether she really has run her last political raceAs someone who knows a thing or two about political comebacks I dont think we have heard the last of Hillary Clinton Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in the videoI have an instinct that the best is yet to come said Tony Blair the Middle East envoy and former British prime ministerThe video was part of the ninth annual forum by the Saban Center that focuses on the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians and the US role in dealing with itClinton has repeatedly said that she intends to retire to private life once her successor is confirmed by the Senate and that another run for the White House is not in the cards for herLook Im flattered I am honored she told CNNs Wolf Blitzer this year about calls by other Democrats for her to consider another run in 2016 That is not in the future for me but obviously Im hoping that Ill get to cast my vote for a woman running for president of our countryBut with other notable figures like Sen John McCain RArizona adding a healthy dose of bipartisan praise for Americas top diplomat in the video the neverending question of will she or wont she seemingly lives another day The blogosphere and airwaves were full of predictions Monday that the video signaled Clinton would make another run for the White HouseThe film was like an international endorsement four years in advance of the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary wrote David Remnick of The New Yorker magazineClintons onetime competitor and current boss added to the tributeA lot has been said about our relationship and heres what I know President Obama said in the video You havent only been one of my closest partners you have become a great friendPalestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad Israeli President Shimon Peres and former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright added their praise for Clinton in the video as wellI am somewhat overwhelmed but Im obviously thinking I should sit down Clinton said to laughter as she took the stage to begin her remarks I prepared some remarks for tonight but then I thought maybe we could just watch that video a few more times
Share on Twitter Its the twelfth or even better thirteenth time youve carved pumpkins for JackOLanterns and its becoming a real drag Have no fear trickshooter Kirsten Joy Weiss is herewith a way to brighten up your Halloween Daywhile making it a bit smokier as well All you need is a 22 rifle a few pumpkins ammunition and a safe space away from people especially liberals to do your worst to our favorite holiday gourd Oh and this handy tip from our guide Youre not looking to carve a hideous grin on your pumpkin using the bullet entries but rather youre going for the exit points to get that ghoulish appearance Thats sure to make an impression on your trickortreaters Yeah you bet theyll be picking treat Our expert guide also recommends making it a game But just like with Halloween trickortreating always practice safety first Happy Halloween
2061 Views November 08 2016 32 Comments commentercorner SakerAdmin The following comment was selected by modkl from this post Modkl found this dissertation on the various troll techniques to be quite well written and very education We think other members of the saker community would also enjoy it by Anonymous How To Identify Trolls And Forum Spies Cryptome Cointelpro Techniques for dilution misdirection and control of a internet forum There are several techniques for the control and manipulation of a internet forum no matter what or who is on it We will go over each technique and demonstrate that only a minimal number of operatives can be used to eventually and effectively gain a control of an uncontrolled forum Technique 1 Forum Sliding If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum it can be quickly removed from public view by forum sliding In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to age Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a forum slide The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist which can be called upon to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public To trigger a forum slide and flush the critical post out of public view it is simply a matter of logging into each account both real and fake and then replying to prepositined postings with a simple 1 or 2 line comment This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list and the critical posting slides down the front page and quickly out of public view Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful postings By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and nonissue items Technique 2 Consensus Cracking A second highly effective technique which you can see in operation all the time at httpwwwabovetopsecretcom is consensus cracking To develop a consensus crack the following technique is used Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made but the critical point is that it has a very weak premise without substantive proof to back the posting Once this is done then under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting It is Imperative that both sides are initially presented so the uninformed reader cannot determine which side is the truth As postings and replies are made the stronger evidence or disinformation in your favour is slowly seeded in Thus the uninformed reader will most like develop the same position as you and if their position is against you their opposition to your posting will be most likely dropped However in some cases where the forum members are highly educated and can counter your disinformation with real facts and linked postings you can then abort the consensus cracking by initiating a forum slide Technique 3 Topic Dilution Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and nonproductive issues This is a critical and useful technique to cause a Resource Burn By implementing continual and nonrelated postings that distract and disrupt trolling the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a gossip mode In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to drive in the wedge By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator Technique 4 Information Collection Information collection is also a very effective method to determine the psychological level of the forum members and to gather intelligence that can be used against them In this technique in a light and positive environment a show you mine so me yours posting is initiated From the number of replies and the answers that are provided much statistical information can be gathered An example is to post your favourite weapon and then encourage other members of the forum to showcase what they have In this matter it can be determined by reverse proration what percentage of the forum community owns a firearm and or a illegal weapon This same method can be used by posing as one of the form members and posting your favourite technique of operation From the replies various methods that the group utilizes can be studied and effective methods developed to stop them from their activities Technique 5 Anger Trolling Statistically there is always a percentage of the forum posters who are more inclined to violence In order to determine who these individuals are it is a requirement to present a image to the forum to deliberately incite a strong psychological reaction From this the most violent in the group can be effectively singled out for reverse IP location and possibly local enforcement tracking To accomplish this only requires posting a link to a video depicting a local police officer massively abusing his power against a very innocent individual Statistically of the million or so police officers in America there is always one or two being caught abusing there powers and the taping of the activity can be then used for intelligence gathering purposes without the requirement to stage a fake abuse video This method is extremely effective and the more so the more abusive the video can be made to look Sometimes it is useful to lead the forum by replying to your own posting with your own statement of violent intent and that you do not care what the authorities think inflammation By doing this and showing no fear it may be more effective in getting the more silent and selfdisciplined violent intent members of the forum to slip and post their real intentions This can be used later in a court of law during prosecution Technique 6 Gaining Full Control It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position Once this position is obtained the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public This is the ultimate victory as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms Depending on the level of control you can obtain you can deliberately steer a forum into defeat by censoring postings deleting memberships flooding and or accidentally taking the forum offline By this method the forum can be quickly killed However it is not always in the interest to kill a forum as it can be converted into a honey pot gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from this point be completely used for your control for your agenda purposes Conclusion Remember these techniques are only effective if the forum participants do not know about them Once they are aware of these techniques the operation can completely fail and the forum can become uncontrolled At this point other avenues must be considered such as initiating a false legal precidence to simply have the forum shut down and taken offline This is not desirable as it then leaves the enforcement agencies unable to track the percentage of those in the population who always resist attempts for control against them Many other techniques can be utilized and developed by the individual and as you develop further techniques of infiltration and control it is imperative to share then with HQ The Essential Saker from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world 2795
Dont Panic dd42bb October 30 2016 mattzap That sounds like the worst possible answer DC Dude DCDude1776 October 30 2016 Thats not entirely unbelievable seeing as Weiner was up to all sorts of things he wasnt eager to share with the wife Then again its not a great defense to mount when trying to counter charges that Hillary Clinton and her aides at the State Department were extremely careless with their handling of sensitive materials Trending If Hillary wants to know what new information the FBI has Sharyl Attkisson knows someone she could ask Thats weird though the story before was that Abedin would forward government emails to her Yahoo mail account so she could print them for the boss who liked paper copies so that she could relax to the familiar comforting sound of the office shredder grinding away But all someone had to do was log into her Yahoo account and ktumulty She used his computer at least once to check her email or maybe he was checking her email Spouses are known to do that
BNI Store Nov 4 2016 MODERATE INDONESIA Protest against a Christian governor turns violent as more than 100000 Muslims demand death for Christian governor who blasphemed Islam JARKARTA The biggest street protest in years shook this sprawling capital today in a stark display of the more conservative militant strain of Islam taking hold in the worlds largest Muslim country Which Hillary Clinton has called a shining example of a moderate Islamic country WSJ Police said an estimated 100000 people turned out for a rally called by hardline Muslim groups against the capitals Christian governor whom they accuse of having committed blasphemy Blasphemy is a criminal offense in Indonesia and prosecutions have increased in the past decade President Joko Widodo had met with other political leaders amid calls for calm but critics say he has been too slow since taking office in 2014 to respond to worsening tension for fear of being labeled antiMuslim Religiosity is rising especially among the middle class said Yon Machmudi an Islamic politics expert at the University of Indonesia A sense of identification is increasing Protesters were taking aim at Basuki Tjahaha Purnama known as Ahok who is the most prominent politician among the countrys oftenpersecuted ethnic Chinese minority He was elected deputy governor in 2012 and elevated to the top job in 2014 after his boss Mr Widodo was elected president Some hardliners had tried to block his ascent then saying Muslims shouldnt be ruled by a kafir or nonbeliever Mr Purnama now running for reelection angered the groups again by citing a verse of the Quran in a public address in late September He has apologized and said he would cooperate with a police investigation but has since been the target of protests Vice President Jusuf Kalla met a group of protest leaders and said afterward that police would pursue a blasphemy case against Mr Purnama Nearly 90 of Indonesias 250 million people are Muslim and are becoming more radical every year as seen by head scarves for women once rare are now widely worn and Islamic schools are expanding A movement to ban alcohol is gaining steam and sales have been banned from convenience stores Travel to Mecca for the minor pilgrimage of umrah once a relatively uncommon undertaking for middleclass Indonesians is newly popular Security experts say the rising conservatism paves the way for potential violence pointing to some religious hardliners who have rebranded themselves as cells of Islamic State What weve seen in the last 18 months to two years is increasing crossover from organizations that started out nonviolent but hardline to organizations which are now committed to using violence said Sidney Jones director of the Jakartabased Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict Gang of Indonesian Muslim men below beat to death members of Ahmadiyah sect which Muslims reject as part of Islam because of its call for nonviolence
When Facebook entered the news business in 2006 it set out to cover its own users Facebook had launched as a static collection of profiles but now every time a user uploaded a new photo or changed her favorite quote the development surfaced in a rolling stream of updates that Facebook called the News Feed Every status update was a news story the algorithm that chose which stories to boost was called the publisher The publisher Facebook told its users at the time was interested in stories like Mark adds Britney Spears to his Favorites and your crush is single again As David Kirkpatrick reported in his 2010 book The Facebook Effect Mark Zuckerberg articulated the News Feeds guiding principle to staff like so A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa The New York Times would cover the African conflict The News Feed would show you the squirrelNow Facebook is poised to begin publishing New York Times stories directly to its own site Last year the Pew Research Center deemed Facebook the secondmost popular source for political and government news among American Internet users just behind local TV Facebook has officially entered the newsnews business What kinds of stories does its publisher value nowA new study published online in Science last week sheds some light Three researchers all Facebook employees culled data from 10 million Facebook users 7 million news articles shared on the site and the users combined 38 billion potential exposures to that content in order to find out how ideologically diverse news and opinion spreads or doesnt among liberal and conservative users They found that the News Feed algorithmwhich has long been accused of shielding users from politically oppositional contentdecreased the visibility of ideologically crosscutting news by 8 percent for liberals and 5 percent for conservatives From there liberals were 6 percent less likely to click on a story from a conservative source like Fox News while conservatives were 17 percent less likely to click over to a leftleaning site like the Huffington Post The Facebook researchers concluded that individual choice has a larger role in limiting exposure to ideologically cross cutting content than Facebooks engineers do All in all users are exposed to more crosscutting discourse in social media than we had all thoughtThe study is a clever bit of misdirection I dont doubt its resultsgetting your news from Facebook isnt as ideologically isolating as say watching Fox News or MSNBC But its title Exposure to ideologically diverse news and opinion on Facebook makes Facebook sound like a pulsing marketplace of political opinion and news Meanwhile Im scrolling down my News Feed and finding videos of Tina Fey fauxstripping and an orangutan cuddling an armful of tiger cubs Facebook may help nudge liberals a little to the left and conservatives a little to the right but its greatest influence over Americans is toward political disengagementThe liberals and conservatives tracked in the Facebook study actually represent a slim slice of the sites users The study included only people who proudly complete the political views section of their profile and just 4 percent of adult Americans on Facebook fit the bill Thats a curious group to focus on because the generation thats most active on Facebook is also the least likely to identify with a political orientation Last years Pew report on the beliefs and behaviors of millennials81 percent of whom are on Facebookfound that a full 50 percent of millennials consider themselves politically independent Their political disaffiliation rivals or exceeds that of any group Pew has ever studied in its 25year existence Instead millennials are building their own networks Pew concludednot through political parties organized religion or marriage but through social media Facebook isnt just facilitating communication between members of different political parties It is replacing political partiesMillennials the New America Foundation found last year are less likely to vote or pledge allegiance to a party but they do engage in some civic uses of social media Slate has a publishing partnership with the New America Foundation Heres one sad data point supporting that conclusion Fortyfour percent of millennials have liked a piece of political material on social media Meanwhile a study published last year in New Media Society found that being active on Facebook does not encourage teenagers to become more politically engaged It doesnt inspire them to join protests or sign petitions or affix buttons or even post political thoughts on the Internet But it does inspire them to spend more time entertaining themselveschatting with friends downloading songs shopping online and engaging in other consumeristoriented activities This is a convenient outcome for Facebook Its easy to see why Facebook would prefer young people to see Facebook as a shopping mall rather than a soapbox These users are easier to monetize and less likely to offendAfter Eli Pariser Upworthy CEO and the author of The Filter Bubble What the Internet Is Hiding From You parsed the Facebook study he admitted that the algorithms contribution to the partisan divide was smaller than Id have guessed But he also noted that the study elided a more basic question How does Facebooks algorithm manipulate the spread of news in general One of the more revelatory data points embedded in the study concerns the proportion of hard content stories about stuff like campaigns war health care and abortion and soft content links about sports entertainment food gadgets and fashion shared on the site After assessing millions of links the researchers declared over 90 percent of them soft Really soft Examples include a Blind Melon video a Cyber Monday sale and a link to a collection of inspirational photos paired with motivational quotes And the study assessed only the content that links off of Facebook Consider all the engagement announcements and pet photos that dominate your News Feed and Facebooks journalistic priorities appear even fluffierIn theory Facebook presents an unprecedented opportunity for political crosspollination In a 2012 study on polarization and social media Stanford researchers cited studies dating back to 1967 showing that people do not encounter attitudechallenging information in large part due to their social milieu habits and lack of perceived benefits for seeking out such information But on Facebookusers connect with friends past friends extended family members coworkers neighbors and strangers many of whom are likely to hold political beliefs that differ from their own Just dont expect them to talk about it on Facebook Last yearPew studied how Americans discussed Edward Snowdens leaking of NSA documents and found that while 86 percent of Americans would share their opinion among friends over dinner only 42 percent of social media users were willing to post about it online Americans were more willing to share their views if they thought their audience agreed with them And the silence followed Facebook users even after they logged off Facebookers were 50 percent less likely to discuss Snowden in person than nonusers wereSo instead of sparking political debates Facebook users convene over the soft stuff The Facebook researchers found that while pieces of hard news tend to circulate in ideological silos soft content percolates across the aisle I may scroll past one liberal friends links expressing unconditional allegiance to Hillary Clinton but Ill stop and like her video of a Great Dane puppy throwing a temper tantrum This makes Facebook a powerful force for human connection but a poor destination for political engagement The Facebook Effects Kirkpatrick put a rosier spin on the situation Now that we include Facebook on our list of legitimate news sources he said journalists can boast that young people are reading more news than ever before The one catch Theyre just reading about their friends
Polling site corruption enraged voters on November 8 2016 at 600 am EDT as several New Yorkers stood in line awaiting their chance to partake in this years presidential electionBrooklyn Located at 450 Pacific Street at least 20 people were waiting for the doors of Public School 38 the Pacific School for a half hour before leaving for work Public School 9 Teunis G Bergen located at 80 Underhill experienced a 2hour delay Many New Yorkers were enraged with pollingsite corruption as they stood on long lines to no avail Bronx Bronx County Supreme Courthouse located at 851 Grand Concourse could not adequately accommodate the voters with mobility impairmentsNew York City CS 154 Harriet Tubman Learning Center located at 250 West 127th Street only had one of four working ballot scanners This produced a 2hour delay for voters Yorkville Community School located at 412 E 88th Street only had one of six ballot scanners working producing a 2block line New Yorkers throughout the city are enraged about the polling site corruption they have experienced Update NY Daily NewsThe Board of Elections has released that a mistake by an office clerk omitted 126000 registered voters names from the list in April Written by Jhayla D WallsEdited by Jeanette SmithSourcesPix11 Broken Machines Vanishing Names Leave New Yorkers Waiting for Hours at Polling StationsNew York Times Long Lines and Minor Glitches for Voters on a Peaceful Election DayNY Daily News NYC Voters Complain of Long Lines Broken ScannersTop and Featured Image Courtesy of Coventy City Councils Flickr Page Creative Commons LicenseFirst Inline Image Courtesy of Subfinitums Flickr Page Creative Commons License 2016 Elections New york polling corruption pollingsite corruption
Votes Being Switched In Multiple States To Clinton Electronic voting machines switching votes across the country Owen Shroyer Infowarscom We now have reports in multiple states that a vote for Donald Trump is being switched to Hillary Clinton As reported by Infowars Friday a woman in Hollywood Maryland came forward this week to claim that her ballot was switched to Hillary Clinton after she had tried to vote for Donald Trump Get the latest breaking news specials from Alex Jones and the Infowars Crew Related Articles Download on your mobile device now for free Today on the Show Get the latest breaking news specials from Alex Jones and the Infowars crew From the store Featured Videos FEATURED VIDEOS Victim Of Hillary Chicago Violence Speaks Out See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel Trump Responds To New FBI Investigation Of Hillary See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel ILLUSTRATION How much will your healthcare premiums rise in 2017 25 2016 Infowarscom is a Free Speech Systems LLC Company All rights reserved Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice 3495 2246 Flip the switch and supercharge your state of mind with Brain Force the next generation of neural activation from Infowars Life httpwwwinfowarscomwpcontentuploads201510brainforce25200e1476824046577jpg httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce Brain Force 25 OFF 3495 2246 Flip the switch and supercharge your state of mind with Brain Force the next generation of neural activation from Infowars Life httpwwwinfowarscomwpcontentuploads201510brainforce25200e1476824046577jpg httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce Brain Force 25 OFF 3495 2246 Flip the switch and supercharge your state of mind with Brain Force the next generation of neural activation from Infowars Life httpwwwinfowarscomwpcontentuploads201510brainforce25200e1476824046577jpg httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce Brain Force 25 OFF 3495 2246 Flip the switch and supercharge your state of mind with Brain Force the next generation of neural activation from Infowars Life httpwwwinfowarscomwpcontentuploads201510brainforce25200e1476824046577jpg httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce Brain Force 25 OFF 3495 2246 Flip the switch and supercharge your state of mind with Brain Force the next generation of neural activation from Infowars Life httpwwwinfowarscomwpcontentuploads201510brainforce25200e1476824046577jpg httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce Brain Force 25 OFF 3495 2246 Flip the switch and supercharge your state of mind with Brain Force the next generation of neural activation from Infowars Life httpwwwinfowarscomwpcontentuploads201510brainforce25200e1476824046577jpg httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce httpwwwinfowarsstorecomhealthandwellnessinfowarslifebrainforcehtmlimstzrwuutmcampaignInfowarsPlacementutmsourceInfowarscomutmmediumWidgetutmcontentBrainForce
Home WORLD NEWS WHAT EVERYDAY LIFE IS REALLY LIKE IN CUBA UNDER RAL CASTRO WHAT EVERYDAY LIFE IS REALLY LIKE IN CUBA UNDER RAL CASTRO 0 102816 Cuba is like going back in time Its old and dirty Theres no advertising probably because theres nothing to sell The only billboards are propaganda for the dictatorship with the faces of Fidel or Ral Castro Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos You hear on the radio again and again in 1958 or since the Revolution followed by news on Venezuela the monopolization of private supermarkets of the right and their alliesthe international pressthanks to public policies of the Venezuelan governmentfamine has declined Money is the key factor determining how a person is treated If you are a foreigner things are great given that apart from having money the regime forces Cubans to try to make a good impression though it is difficult to pretend The government behaves as if foreigners were royalty and Cubans were commoners The same happens with CubanAmericans who fled the island and return to visit because they come back with purchasing power Cubans work for practically nothing The average salary for a Cuban is US 20 A nurse earns 40 per month A teacher earns 20 per month and a doctor earns 60 per month There are two markets in Cuba the Cuban peso market and the dollar market The dollar market has decent products while poor quality products are valued in Cuban pesos With the salary of a Cuban the possibilities are limited to buying products in pesos because only foreigners can buy products in dollars Usually when one goes to the market looking for a food item it is not available Sellers say they might have it tomorrow but they rarely do Other times sellers do not have any money for giving change to the customers or no packaging like napkins plates cups bags etc Each family has its own sales control for food items book which indicates the amount of food that families can buy from the government Often they are the only things accessible and reasonably priced for a Cuban salary Fruits vegetables and meat are not part of the Cuban peso system so not everyone gets to enjoy such things The sales control book only includes rice beans sugar coffee and pasta Together they still arent enough to form a healthy diet Post navigation
Let us be clear Republicans in the Senate are under no obligation to interview vote on or confirm President Obamas pick for the Supreme Court It does not matter that the president has nominated Judge Merrick Garland who is widely admired as a competent jurist It is not about the person it is about principle but the GOP leadership has been remarkably inept at framing what that principle is and why they are in the rightThe point is this President Obama has caused this conflict by diminishing the role of the legislature and assuming unprecedented power for the executive branch He has purposefully skirted Congress for the better part of seven years instead pushing ahead on his mostly unpopular agenda through regulations and executive orders As a result the Court is being asked to act as referee ruling on the legality of Obamas my way or the highway presidency You dont change a referee in the middle of a contestThis isnt about Judge Robert Bork or the Biden Rule this is a fight about President Obama undermining the checks and balances established in the ConstitutionFor instance President Obama has tried to essentially shut down our coal industry through new EPA regulations limiting carbon emissions These rules would create a massive dislocation to our economy which has long benefited from cheap energy including abundant coal That there is a significant cost to the economy is clear Hillary Clinton recently said Were going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business How right and how cruelly nonchalant that statement is As reported in the New York Times The plan could transform the nations electricity system cutting emissions from existing power plants by a third by 2030 from a 2005 baseline by closing hundreds of heavily polluting coalfired plants and increasing production of wind and solar powerBecause of the sizeable cost to the economy lower courts have ruled against the presidents anticoal regulatory blitz The Supreme Court in an unprecedented move issued a stay requested by 29 states and numerous other groups which prevents implementation of the carbon rule while a lower court assesses its legality In effect the courts will rule on whether the White House is allowed to unilaterally punish one of our heritage industries and tens of thousands of workersAnother important issue before the Supreme Court is President Obamas executive action allowing some 6 million people living in the country illegally to be protected against deportation This unilateral effort to rewrite our immigration laws is opposed by a majority of Americans but it is a politically useful policy for Democrats hoping to win Latino votes Because of possibly harmful consequences 26 states sued to prevent the order from taking effectLast fall the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of those states upholding an earlier injunction that blocked implementation of the presidents executive order At the time Ken Paxton Attorney General of Texas which is leading the suit said Today the Fifth Circuit asserted that the separation of powers remains the law of the land and the president must follow the rule of law just like everybody else Thats the pointFor the Republican leadership refusing to consider Mr Obamas nominee is a matter of principle and also an opportunity to reward voters for having elected a Republican Congress Mitch McConnell John Boehner and others have come under heavy criticism for not effectively countering President Obamas policies In fairness substantial resistance from Congress led the president to go his own way using whatever tools he could find to pursue his legacy agenda Many think those tools went beyond the rightful scope of the executive branch Now it is up to the Supreme Court to decideBecause the Court will weigh whether Mr Obama has overstepped he cannot be allowed to put his thumb on the scale by adding another sympathetic jurist This is the message that Republican leaders need to send to voters the president has abused his authority and we rely on the Supreme Court to reestablish the checks and balances that prevent an imperial White House The GOP should not be cowed by the bloviating of the New York Times they are on the right side of this battleLiz Peek is a writer who contributes frequently to FoxNewscom She is a financial columnist who also writes for The Fiscal Times For more visit LizPeekcom Follow her on TwitterLizPeek
You are here Home US Progressive Hypocrisy On Tolerance BRUTALLY Exposed Progressive Hypocrisy On Tolerance BRUTALLY Exposed October 27 2016 Pinterest Robert Gehl reports that in her Washington Post article explaining why she and her lady friends decided to drive around the neighborhood and steal Donald Trump signs from private property theres one line that explains perfectly the leftist mentality The liberal idea that your feelings are more important than the law your personal opinions or grudges or perceived injustices grant you permission to commit criminal acts with little regard to the consequences Betta Stothart wrote her article in The Post on Tuesday she provided a link to her Twitter feed which was brand new at the time she wrote it but has already been taken down confessing to driving around her Falmouth Maine neighborhood with two other compatriots stealing dozens of Donald Trump signs from peoples yards She was caught and arrested and now has to go to court She tells us shes sorry but shes not Because her feelings about this campaign are more important Read how she describes her situation I committed a crime this month along with two of my friends Im not the lawbreaking type In fact as a 52yearold mom my life is pretty predictable and boring But this election a particular candidates boasts about women pushed me over the edge In the suburban uppermiddleclass part of Maine where I live Republicans and Democrats live together mostly in harmony In every election cycle theres some tension But the 2016 presidential campaign has been different Tensions in my town are running at a fevered pitch Which is how three middleaged moms came to be running down the road tearing up the Donald Trump signs along our version of Main Street Wed been talking about the infamous Billy Bush tape and the women who have since come forward to share their own stories of abuse We were angry Getting Trumps name off our median strip seemed like the best way to express our rage These three women must have been proud of themselves probably laughing heartily as they committed theft trespassing and violated the First Amendment of their neighbors Why Because she thinks she was assaulted by the signs In retrospect I realize I shouldnt be proud of my transgression Hanging out with a bunch of moms we started grousing about the proliferation of signs Can you believe someone would put that many Trump signs so close together on our roads Its so rude Who is this jerk We felt assaulted by the number of signs The idea of cleansing our streets seemed like the fastest way to restore balance and alleviate our election stress at least that night it did Assaulted This is exactly why the Left is so dangerous They are assaulted by ideas by mere thoughts or opinions that are not their own They will do anything and Ms Stothart did to silence any dissent And she writes that in retrospect I realize I shouldnt be proud of my transgression She doesnt say she isnt proud she merely tells us that in retrospect she shouldnt be proud Which tells us that she is She is proud of what she did When asked what she would say to the victims of her trespassing and theft she offers no apology merely a justification that Trump is bad and that because she herself was a victim of an unwanted sexual advance it justifies her behavior She claims shell go to court in December with some sense of humility and shame shell explain and apologize But shes not sorry Not really To her and the millions of Leftists like her the ends justify the means Silence dissent crush the opposition tear down and destroy any thing that strays from your worldview This is the world that Ms Stothart lives in She still lives in it today She takes pride in suppressing the political view of her fellow Americans She writes that the agitation and fear is rising on both sides No Ms Stothart I have yet to see a single story about a Trump supporter violating the Constitutional rights of a Hillary Clinton supporter by stealing yard signs This is liberal America This is Ms Stotharts America This is not the America I want to live in
Our fight for LGBT equality is not nearly over Senator Kirsten Gillibrand DNY stated emphatically in an interview with me last week on SiriusXM Progress And Im hopeful very hopeful that the Supreme Court will say its unconstitutional to ban gay marriage But thats really just the beginning of fighting for our rights We have to actually make sure all LGBT couples can have full parenting rights have full social security and other federal benefit rights We want to make sure companies cant discriminate against members of the community because of who they love and who they are And its really important to take on discrimination wherever it existsToward that end Gillibrand last week reintroduced the Every Child Deserve a Family Act which she originally introduced in 2013 and which would bar adoption and foster care agencies that receive federal dollars from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation Though Gillibrand says shes seeking bipartisan support in the Senate and will continue speaking with Republicans so far cosponsors include a handful of fellow Democrats such as openly lesbian Sen Tammy Baldwin DWis and Sen Elizabeth Warren DMass and independent Vermont Sen Bernie Sanders who is running for the Democratic nomination for the presidencyOnly seven states ban discrimination based on sexual orientation in adoption and only five explicitly ban discrimination in foster care Gillibrand said in the interview So we have a long way to go We only have a few states protecting LGBT parents The reality is there are two million LGBT individuals and families that are willing and able to take on these parenting obligations to adopt these children or foster these children who desperately need it Unfortunately there are 400000 children in the US foster care system today and more than 20000 of them are going to ageout before finding a permanent home So we should be caring for these kids We should give them the loving families they deserveThe bill if it becomes law would only affect those agencies that take federal money and they are free to optout from receiving fundsIf youre getting the benefit of federal funds you cant discriminate Gillibrand said Its unconstitutional and you should not be able to use our taxpayer dollars to discriminate against individuals based on their sexual orientation and who they love So I think its important we fight against it particularly when our taxpayer dollars are being usedThis legislation would prohibit adoption agencies and foster care agencies including religious adoption agencies and foster care agencies from providing services in many cases Lori Windham Senior Counsel with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty told the Catholic news agency EWTN News Peter Sprigg senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council is quoted in the same article saying there are unique problems with allowing gays and lesbians to adopt children Claiming there is overwhelming evidence while not citing any studies Sprigg said I think its legitimate to disfavor them or to exclude them altogether
Having just spent an hour on Sunday evening watching Donald Trump in a town hall setting with Foxs Greta Van Susteren moderating from Madison Wisconsin I am left with one impression I dont want to buy a car from this guyI have no idea what the final outcome of this nomination battle will be or whether Trump can be elected president of the United States but I do know this he can dance and hes one hell of a salesmanAfter having experienced for him probably the worst week of this election cycle I was curious if he would clean up or restate some of his controversial statements on abortion 4 different answers in a week his dismissal of NATO and the United Nations his comments suggesting Japan and South Korea might need to arm themselves with nuclear weapons and along with Saudi Arabia pay the US a lot more money for our services because they are all rich and we are 20 trillion dollars in debt Yes its true the United States is not the policeman of the world or nor should we be Trump also didnt add any details for his plan to pay off the debt in 8 years by not raising taxes He didnt restate or make any of it clearerIt was an hour of performance not substance and certainly not anything different from what weve heard him say in various debates or in the hundreds of hours he has performed on televisionHes gonna repeal ObamaCare and put in a system of many options not defined or explained that will be better less expensive and everybody will be covered and everyone will be happy with their coverage And no ones going to die in the streetsTaxes are going to be lower for everyone but the rich hedge fund guys who arent paying their fair share OK I agree with him on that oneHes going to renegotiate all the bad trade deals starting with the most recent Iran deal Again I agree with that one And hes also going to bring all the jobs home from China and Mexico and any other countries that have stolen our them Of course Im not quite sure how this is going to work because there were no details provided in his answersHes going to knock out ISIS stop airline mergers fix the college education program because costs are too high and kids are being ripped offHes gonna stop the drug epidemic in New Hampshire because they are good people and gave him his first real victory He did give details on this oneHe going to make one call into Mexico to someone I assume to Enrique Pea Nieto who is the 57th president of Mexico Hes also the guy to talk to about paying for the 10 billion fence and tell him to cut off the drugs or elseIf you missed the hour on Sunday night dont worry you because you will see a similar version of the Donald Trump show again and the sound bites will be the sameTrump has said that one of his heroes is the great heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali who at the end of his career invented theRope a Dope to keep from getting hit and to wear out his opponents by evading their punchesDonald Trump has perfected his own version of Rope a Dope keep talking and avoid specificsNow about that used car Dont worry it will be the greatest and it will be the cheapest and best looking and I will be very happyUnfortunately for Trump on Sunday night while he was Rope a Doping in Madison the Cruz team was kicking his tail in North Dakota and picked up at least 18 of the 25 delegates who are either supporting Cruz or are against TrumpThe long fight for the Republican nomination is a long way from finished and Donald Trump is still marching onCruz is running a great grass root campaign and Trump is running a great marketing effort He is the product and he is the number one salesmanEdward J Rollins is a Fox News contributor He is a former assistant to President Reagan and he managed his reelection campaign He is a senior presidential fellow at Hofstra University and a member of the Political Consultants Hall of Fame He is a strategist for Great America PAC an independant group that is supporting Donald Trump for president
CNN Republicans began their debate Thursday night with insults and ended with three candidates pledging to back Donald Trump should he win the nominationFlorida Sen Marco Rubio and Texas Sen Ted Cruz took more shots at Trump in Fox News debate and through it all the billionaire businessman seemed to relish standing center stage defending himself against foes and moderators while showing his mettle to supportersAll three were happy to deflect efforts to drag them into sustained policy discussions and kept things personal Ohio Gov John Kasich was content to stand to the side and watch it allHere are seven takeaways from Thursdays Republican debateMinutes into the debate Trump was boasting about the size of his penisClearly annoyed that Rubio had joked days ago about the size of Trumps hands suggesting as Trump put it that if theyre small something else might be small the Republican frontrunner made a claim seldom heard during a presidential debateI guarantee you theres no problem I guarantee you he saidIt was a PG13 start to a twohour food fight that parents wouldnt have wanted their kids to watchEarly on as Rubio pressed Trump for more policy details the two gave each other nicknames Dont worry about it Little Marco Trump said to which Rubio responded Lets hear it Big DonaldTrump said Florida wouldnt elect Rubio dogcatcher after all of his missed Senate votes Cruz gave Trump instructions on letting go of his anger Donald learn not to interrupt its not complicated Count to 10 Donald Count to 10 Count to 10Later when Cruz told Trump to breathe Rubio jumped in and joked that the two were doing yogaI really hope that we dont see yoga on this stage Cruz answeredAnd then Rubio pointed to Trump whod just admitted his flexibility on policies and said Well hes very flexible so you never knowIt seemed as if Fox News had grown tired of Trumps opponents inability to knock him down so the moderators decided to do it themselvesChris Wallace had a realtime fact check queued up when Trump asserted hed cut 500 billion in spending pointing out that his strategies eliminating the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency which Trump called the Department of Environmental Protection would save just a fraction of that amountIt forced an awkward and unspecific claim about other things out of TrumpIm not only talking about drugs Im talking about other things he said Well save more than 300 billion a year if we negotiate We dont negotiateMegyn Kelly took her shot later on setting up three clips of Trump taking one policy position and then days later taking the opposite positionTrump was unmoored insisting he had logical explanations about his reversals on Syrian refugees the war in Afghanistan and more and that by the way it doesnt matter much anywayYou have to have a certain degree of flexibility he saidTed Cruz needs Trumps momentum to ebb as much as anyone but he didnt spend much of the night on the attack For the most part Cruz stood aside and watched Rubio and Trump rip each other to shreds and then turned to the audience and threw up his handsMegyn let me just ask the voters at home Is this the debate you want playing out in the general election he saidCruz took his shots at Trump too but he let Rubio do the dirty work betting that he rather than the Florida senator will reap the benefitsRubio for instance built on the attack line Mitt Romney started earlier in the day regarding Trump University pressing Trump over and over to admit he was ripping off the people who paid 36000 for his courses at a school thats now the subject of a classaction lawsuitCruz is trying to coopt the angry electorate that Trump has tapped into and his pitch is simple Trump is the villain youve been mad atFor 40 years Donald has been part of the corruption in Washington that youre angry about he saidIts entirely possible that the debate did nothing to change Cruzs fortunes But he does have a big opportunity on the horizonOf the four states to only allow Republicans to vote in GOP nominating contests Cruz has won three thanks to his strength among conservatives and the rules limiting Trumps ability to expand the electorate And all four states set to vote Saturday Kansas Kentucky Louisiana and Maine have closed contestsKasich will not under any circumstances engage directly with his foes on the debate stageAs the Democrats tell me all the time I can get the crossover votes he boasted early in the debate adding that hes often told at town halls that he seems to be the adult on stageIve talked about issues I have never tried to go and get into these kinda scrums that were seeing here he saidHe demonstrated his experience on economic and budgetary challenges and foreign policy and showed no signs of backing out of the race anytime soon especially not before Ohios March 15 primaryFor Rubio thats all a big problemThe man who won the hearts of the Republican establishment by confronting Trump headon in the last debate was ready to hit the billionaire again and again but a 1for11 Super Tuesday intervened and some of the shine wore offHe confronted Trump once again baiting the business mogul by calling him names attacking his business ventures and accusing him of knowing nothing about policy even though he struggled with a raspy voiceOn the campaign trail Trump has proposed changing US libel laws so that politicians can more easily sue journalistsBut on Thursday night Trump said the bond between reporters and politicians who agree to go offtherecord is too strong to break That he said is why he wont ask The New York Times to release a transcript or recording of an offtherecord conversation he had with the newspapers editorial board about immigrationI think being off the record is very important I will honor it he saidThen Trump allowed as his foes claimed that he might have softened his hardline stance he has taken on the campaign trail that he will build a wall on the USMexico border and deport 11 million undocumented immigrantsI will say that in immigration as well as with anything else there has to be tug and pull You have to be able to have some flexibility he said I may have said something like that with The New York Times But I am not going to release something off the recordTrumps opponents pounced on his remark but they could be misreading his support Many Trump backers say they know he cant achieve everything he proposes but believe hell fight for it more effectively than anyone elseIn an interview with CNNs Dana Bash afterward he defended that flexibility saying Im flexible with everything You cant just say this is it and Im never going to talk he said With that being said you have to make great dealsComing less than 12 hours after Mitt Romney launched a scathing broadside against Trump the candidates answer to the last question of the debate was particularly strikingFox News moderators asked Rubio Cruz and Kasich whether theyd back Trump if he wins the nominationAll three said yesThe moment wont help Rubio who had joined the NeverTrump movement of Republicans vowing not to support Trump on Twitter last week with that crowdMore important though is what they didnt sayThe premise of the question was that Trump had already won the nomination But there are scenarios in which Republicans could have more chances to stop that from happening even after all 50 states voteA better question Would the Republican field support the candidate who wins the most delegatesSo what does this changeTrump struggled with policy details butted in when other candidates were speaking and sparred with the moderatorsSo what else is newHis sharp and sharply personal exchanges with his rivals might have been amped up Thursday night but still sounded much like Trumps first 10 debatesThe frontrunner doesnt get rattled or lose his wit even when he is under attack from everyone else on stage He often seems to relish it as if his foes criticism gives him an excuse to stop holding backNone of the debates so far have changed the trajectory of the race in part because Trump is the master of the debate postgame finding ways to deflect weak points and suck up media oxygen while branding his foes with nicknames like Little Marco and Lyin Ted and claiming victory no matter what happened
CNN Hillary Clintons decision to personally raise money for a super PAC supporting her campaign is agitating her progressive critics who see the move as further proof that the Democratic presidential frontrunner doesnt share some of their valuesThere was never any expectation that Clinton would renounce super PAC money this election cycle But liberal activists determined to use the Democratic primary to pressure Clinton to embrace a progressive agenda say the idea of the former secretary of state personally wooing the wealthiest class of donors runs counter to the populist rhetoric shes employed this yearWithin days of announcing her White House bid Clinton had called out wealthy investors for paying too little in taxes and pledged to get big money out of politics At the time it was a welcome message for liberal Democrats who are uncomfortable with Clintons close ties to Wall Street and find the prominent role of super PACs in elections utterly distastefulBut the recent revelation that Clinton will personally fundraise for a super PAC supporting her campaign a decision to play by the rules of a system she has condemned as dysfunctional has invited fresh eyerolling It has also exposed a core tension for Democrats who have increasingly embraced super PACs at the same time that they decry the explosion of soft money in national politicsClinton seems to be having fun on the campaign trailClintons campaign is explaining the decision as a matter of political necessityWith some Republican candidates reportedly setting up and outsourcing their entire campaign to super PACs and the Koch Brothers pledging 1 billion alone for the 2016 campaign Democrats have to have the resources to fight back a Clinton campaign official said in an email who spoke anonymously to discuss the sensitive topic of fundraising There is too much at stake for our future for Democrats to unilaterally disarmClintons expected involvement with Priorities USA has highlighted the contrast between her and Vermont Sen Bernie Sanders an independent who is Clintons only declared rival to date for the Democratic presidential nomination as well as other potential challengersAn independent from Vermont seeking the Democratic presidential nomination Sanders has aggressively opposed super PAC donations A longshot candidate without a national fundraising operation Sanders has no chance of matching Clintons fundraising haul and has little to lose by going after millionaire and billionaire donorsOn Capitol Hill last week Sanders told CNN that Clintons decision to personally court super PAC donors was unfortunateWere living in a world since Citizens United where multimillionaires and billionaires are playing a horrendous role in the political system Sanders said referring to the Supreme Courts 2010 ruling that paved the way for super PACs to direct virtually uncapped amounts of money to aid political candidates Thats why I believe that we need to overturn Citizens United and move to public funding of electionsPhil Noble a South Carolina Democratic activist and supporter of former Maryland Gov Martin OMalley a potential Democratic candidate for president said the development underscores what progressives view as a fundamental disconnect between Clinton and middle class votersIts not that she raises a bunch of money for a PAC that causes her problems with middle class voters That is a symptom as opposed to the ailment Noble said The larger illness is she is out of touch with middle class voters she does have a lifestyle and a history that is about as alien to middle class voters as corporate jets are to a SubaruAnd activists who are pushing Massachusetts Sen Elizabeth Warren to challenge Clinton see campaign finance reform as a major issueBeing a true champion for working families like Elizabeth Warren is about clearly and unequivocally supporting such critical priorities as a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United said Erica Sagrans campaign manager for Ready for Warren a movement dedicated to drafting Sen Elizabeth Warren into the 2016 raceClintons personal involvement with Priorities USA marks the latest chapter in the Democratic Partys evolving relationship with super PACsDemocrats initially fiercely opposed Citizens United But for all of their rhetoric against super PACs and as much as the party continues to use the Supreme Court decision as a political rallying cry over the years political interest has largely won out over progressive idealismIn 2012 President Barack Obama reversed course declaring after years of keeping his distance from super PACs that his campaign would participate in raising money for Priorities USANow that tension is being brought to new heights as the partys next likely presidential nominee personally plans to drum up support for a super PAC backing her candidacyClinton allies also see that her fundraising prowess and the depth of her connections with the kinds of donors who can cut multimillion dollar checks will likely make her a formidable competitor against any Republican candidate she may face in the general election Officials are careful to emphasize however that Clinton and everyone else involved with her campaign will strictly follow the law as they solicit funds for Priorities USAThe 2016 money race is well underway on the other side of the political aisleDeclared GOP candidates including Sens Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida as well as expected candidates like former Florida Gov Jeb Bush are on a fundraising tear And theyve shown no signs of distancing themselves from super PAC money Cruz launched his campaign in March and the senators allies declared that an affiliated network of proCruz super PACs had raised upwards of 30 million in just a matter of daysThe stiff competition against Republican money is a reality that some progressive leaders say they cannot ignoreFormer Vermont governor and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said it would be unwise for Clinton to reject super PAC moneyUnfortunately if you dont play by the same rules everybody else does you end up losing elections said Dean founder of Democracy for America one of the groups behind the draft Warren movement The key is to change the rules and I think we have a much better chance of doing that with her as president than we do with one of the Republicans
Carol Adl in Middle East News World 0 Comments Donald Trump has warned that Hillary Clintons policy towards Syria would lead to World War III arguing that the Democratic nominee would drag the US into a confrontation with nuclear armed Russia Trump said Youre going to end up in World War Three over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton adding that What we should do is focus on ISIS We should not be focusing on Syria The US Republican presidential nominee made the remarks on Tuesday during a Reuters interview in response to Clintons proposal for the establishment of a nofly zone and safe zones in Syria Press TV reports On October 7 the Democratic nominee said a nofly zone was required inside the warravaged country to stabilize fighting a move that was opposed in Congress due to the risk of entering into conflict with Russia since a USenforced nofly zone would mean the US could shoot down Russian fighter jets should they enter Syrian airspace Clinton also described the situation in Syria as incredibly complex since the intervention of Russia Youre not fighting Syria anymore youre fighting Syria Russia and Iran all right Russia is a nuclear country but a country where the nukes work as opposed to other countries that talk Trump said The Republican nominee also referred to the removal of Syrian President Bashar alAssad from power as a secondlevel priority to defeating Daesh Assad is secondary to me to ISIL Trump said Russia might down US planes Meanwhile US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper also warned about the consequences of Clintons push for a nofly zone in Syria that could spark a conflict with Russia Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations Clapper said Clintons proposal for the establishment of a nofly zone in Syria could lead to Russia shooting down American planes there I wouldnt put it past them to shoot down an American aircraft if they if they felt that was threatening to their forces on the ground he said I take stock in the nature of the weaponry that they deploy and why they why they did that Clapper said of Russian weapons recently deployed to Syria The system they have there is a very advanced airdefense system Its very capable And I dont think theyd do it and deploy it unless they had some intent to use it During the third and final presidential debate last week Clinton reiterated her remarks on a nofly zone that could save lives and hasten the end of the conflict in Syria A foreignbacked militancy has been going on in Syria since March 2011 with a plethora of armed groups each supported by one foreign country or another fighting the Assad government Since 2014 the United States along with a number of its allies has been leading a socalled antiterror campaign in Syria and neighboring Iraq Instead of helping to rein in the Takfiri terrorists the air raids have killed many civilians and caused extensive damage to the countrys infrastructure
Killing Obama administration rules dismantling Obamacare and pushing through tax reform are on the early todo list
Comments Republican nominee Donald Trump is an admitted serial sexual predator His own recorded words confirm as much as do the dozen or so women who have come forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct His campaign is desperately fighting to put a lid on the growing awareness that Trump will be testifying under oath during a trial in federal court under the accusation of raping a thirteenyearold girl and a previously undisclosed second girl who was even younger The case was thrown out in May due to a clerical error but refiled in June with two new witnesses Joan Doe and Tiffany Doe who both say they worked as party planners for convicted child rapist and billionaire Jeffery Epstein Part of that planning appears to have been procuring girls for the party as Joan Doe revealed in her deposition that she convinced victim Jane Doe to attend four different parties with promises of money and meeting contacts in the modelling industry a story that matches the account of another person who would arrange for underage women to attend Trumps parties At one of these parties Jane Doe was forced to perform oral sex on Trump with a twelveyear old named Maria At the fourth and final encounter Tiffany Doe says I personally witnessed Defendant Trump telling the Plaintiff that she shouldnt ever say anything if she didnt want to disappear like the 12yearold female Maria and that he was capable of having her whole family killed Maria hadnt been seen since the previous encounter Trump then forcibly raped Jane Doe who was then raped and sodomized again by Jeffery Epstein who was apparently furious tha t Trump had ta ken her virginity and not him beating her in his fury Donald Trump told New York magazine in 2002 that Ive known Jeff for 15 years Terrific guy Hes a lot of fun to be with It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do and many of them are on the younger side No doubt about it Jeffrey enjoys his social life Epsteins brother Mark also testified that Trump flew on Jeffreys private jet at least once and records indicate that Trump called Epstein twice in November of 2004 Epstein eventually recieved a slap on the wrist 13 months in prison and registration as a sex offender for decades of abuse according to lawenforcement officials and alleged victims between the years 1998 and 2007and possibly even earlierhe ran a particularly vile pyramid scheme that involved paying minors around 200 at a time to perform sexual massages nearly every day and then recruit even younger girls to do the same The more you do the more you are paid one said During these massages girls as young as 13 told police they were instructed to get undressed Epstein would masturbate or penetrate them they saidwith his finger or a vibrator or his allegedly eggshaped penis The details keep coming and the picture they paint grows darker and more horrifying by they day How much more evidence does America need How many more stories need to be told before the word of one rich man is outweighed by literally dozens of contrasting accounts Donald Trump is a sexual predator and a possible pedophile he deserves a jail cell on Rikers Island not the White House
0 comments After catching all kinds of flack from his liberal counterparts for his opinion that racism is not as major an issue as racebaiting Democrats make it out to be rapper Lil Wayne has doubled down and clarified his stance in an astounding video sharing his memory of the day a white police officer saved his life at 12yearsold Watch
The Trump campaign is coming apart from the inside according to Regent Universitys Dr Gerson MorenoRiano and only the days ahead will show whether the candidate can bring people together not only in his inner circle but in the Republican PartyRegent Univeritys Dr Gerson MorenoRiano talks more about Trumps challenge with Evangelicals Watch aboveTrump fired campaign manager Corey Lewandowski Monday amid reports of disagreements and infighting among the staffI think whats happened with the Trump campaign is I think its fractured itself internally MorenoRiano said I think that it is trying to meet a number of different objectives and keep a number of constituencies very very happy and it has been unable to do soAnd I think this is just symptomatic of a broader a more deeper problem within the American electorate particularly GOP evangelicals he addedMorenoRiano said the test for Trump is to find a way to bring his message under control and highlight the core concerns of GOP constituencies including evangelicalsThe dilemma has always been whether Trump himself has what Ill call the internal characterbased resources to pull this off he explained He is a man who is very direct very strongminded and the question is Does he have enough discipline both personally and professionally enough political discipline to pull this off I think at the end of the day its his question to answerThe decision to fire his campaign manager comes just one day before Trump is set to meet with hundreds of evangelical leaders in New York City to answer their questions and lay to rest the many concerns they have about his conservative and Christian bona fidesMorenoRiano listed abortion religious liberty and the Supreme Court as some of the most important issues he can address in the meeting including the question Are you truly someone who understands the evangelical mindset those areas of deep concernBut he pointed out evangelicals themselves are not unitedThey need to bring unity to the table and I just dont see that he saidSince the 1950s evangelicals have failed to rally around any candidate and thats too big a burden to place on Trump he said I think theyre going to try to assess whether hes truly evangelical or not so its a big challenge for him to try and unite them around a common denominator Thats going to be difficult
Theres a lot of disgust in America with politicians inability to get things done In the race to win the Republican presidential nomination that disgust has so far benefited outsider candidatesNoncareer politicians Donald Trump Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson have all promised to ride in and fix WashingtonBut new research by Nolan McCarty a professor at Princeton University and other political scientists suggeststhis disgust and Americas political dysfunction wont be that easy to fixWorking with political scientist Boris Shorand economistJohn Voorheis McCarty has released a new study thatshowsthat thegrowing ideological gap between the Republican and Democratic parties a common obstacle to getting anything done in Washington is not just due to politicians incompetence or their unwillingness to work together Its due at least in part to a deeper structural problem the wideninggap betweenthe rich and poorMcCarty says he shares some of the disgust that Americans feel about polarized politics and gridlock in WashingtonBut I think its important for readers and voters to understand thatthese problems are not just simply because career politicians are acting in bad faith or as Donald Trump would say theyre stupid losers Theyre really deep structural problemshe saysBy looking at extensive data on US states over the past few decades the researchers showthat the widening gap between the rich and the poor in recent decades hasmoved state legislatures toward the rightoverallwhile also increasingthe ideological distance between those on the right and those on the leftThis map below shows the Gini coefficient a measure of income inequality for each state going back to 1997 A lower Gini figure indicates that people in the state are earning more equal incomes while a higher one marked here in darker green shows that incomes are more unequal You can disregard theaxes here they just showlatitude and longitudeThe paper argues that this trend has gone hand in hand with thegrowing political divideThe states that have the highest levels of inequality or the fastest growth in equality have also tended to see the most political polarization the paper saysUsing a scale of state legislator ideology that looks at annual surveys of the beliefs of candidates since the mid1990s the researchers map whereDemocrats haveshifted to the left and Republicans have shifted to the right at the state levelThemap belowgives an ideological score in each state for each chamber in most states aHouse of Representatives and aSenateA more negative score and a deeper blue color on the map indicate that the state chamber is more liberal while a positive score and deeper red color show the state is more conservative You can see that blue states have become bluer and red states redder since 1997A look at party composition in each state shows the same trendIts not just that these two trends of inequality and polarization are happening simultaneously The researchers use statistical methods to eliminate other factorsand show that a states income inequality has a large positive and causal effect on its political polarizationFurthermore these results have increased in magnitude in recent years and seem to be concentrated in the states that are reddest by the end of the sampleIn other wordsgrowing inequality is astrong force pushing both parties farther from the centerThepaper doesnt specifically say why this happens except that politics gets more polarized with each election It appears that people on either end of the economic spectrum have beendeveloping even more differentpolitical preferences and electing people to represent those preferencesInterestingly however the study showsthatinequality is affecting the two parties in different waysFirst the researchers find that Democrats as a whole have shifted farther to the left than the Republicans have to the right with very liberal Democrats becoming even more liberal Butat the level of the state legislature they find that ideology as a whole has shifted slightly to the rightThe reason is that there has been a change in the partisan balance with Republicans winning more seats from moderate Democrats over timeAs the Democrat party has shrunk nationally over the course of the last 15 years the disproportionate effect has been the replacement of moderate Democrats with Republicans and that has tended to happen most often in states with high levels of inequality or where inequality is growing the fastest McCarty saidThe map below which showsthe percentage of seats held by Republicans illustrates how that has happened The percentage of seats held by Republicans has increased especially through the South and middle America since 1997This study offers evidence that inequality leads to political polarization Though they have yet to produce definitive findings the researchers also believe as many others in their field do that political polarization also in turn produces more inequality creating a vicious feedback loop of inequality and polarized politicsHow does that work Not only are more conservative lawmakers less likely to favor redistribution the political gridlock that results from having a more polarized system makes it harder to pass bills that might reduce income inequality such as increasing the minimum wage strengthening union bargaining power or increasing redistribution through welfare researchers sayThe researchsuggests that political polarization is not just a product of gerrymandering the way districts are drawn or caused by features of the state political system such as having closed partisan primaries McCarty saysInstead heargues that Americas political polarization is areflection of bigger broader changes in the United States in particular that thecountry has become much more diverse in terms of its economic racial and ethnic makeup than it was in the 1950s The diversity unsurprisingly has a direct impact on the political system and we have yet to figure out how to repair the system to reflect a more diverse society McCarty saysSo what does this mean for average voters in the near term For one they should be skeptical of candidates who promise an easy fix to political dysfunction in WashingtonThese are deep complicated problems and people need to think big picture about what underlies them They werent solved by electing Barack Obama theyre probably not going to be solved by electing Donald Trump McCarty saysYou might also likeWhat its like to be a part of the worlds richest 1 percent in 15 incredible photosThe growing wealth gap that nobody is talking aboutWhat people in 1900 thought the year 2000 would look like
Jindal a Republican who is considering a presidential run suggested that politicians like President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton changed their views on gay marriage because of polling indicating more Americans in support of gay marriageIm not one of those politicians Jindal said on CNNs New Day My faith teaches me that marriage is between a man and a woman I dont believe in discrimination against anybody Im not for changing the definition of marriageJindal may be in the minority on the issue when it comes to the issue but that wont be the case if he joins a crowded Republican primary expected to be full of samesex opponents like former Arkansas Gov Mike HuckabeeHuckabee a staunch social conservative who sought the GOP nomination in 2008 said Monday on CNN suggested he doesnt think hell be on the wrong side of history when it comes to samesex marriage When you say the wrong side of history lets just be reminded that theres been a relatively and I mean a very relative brief history of samesex marriage The overwhelming history is the natural law of marriage biblical marriage he said So I dont think theres a side of history thats overwhelming at this point People have their opinions But Huckabee whos insisted social issues wont be the linchpin of his probable candidacy argued that the presidential race will be focused on the economy and proposals to combat poverty Jindals comments came as he sounded off on the battle over samesex marriage brewing in neighboring Alabama where officials in dozens of counties refused to issue marriage licenses to samesex couples on Monday the first day in the states history samesex couples have been allowed to wed after a federal court ruling overturned the states ban Samesex couples wed in Alabama despite efforts to block them Jindal sidestepped questions about whether county officials should respect the federal ruling and lawfully issue samesex marriage licenses Instead the governor said he hopes the Supreme Court will rule to uphold states legislative bans on gay marriage when the court rules on the issue by this summer Louisianas legislature overwhelmingly amended the states constitution in 2004 to define marriage solely as the union of a man and a woman But if the Supreme Court overturns samesex marriage bans around the country which it may very likely do Jindal said the US Congress should pass a constitutional amendment upholding states samesex marriage bans an allbutimpossible endeavor requiring twothirds support in the House and Senate
Most recent environmental concerns regarding pollution have been largely focused on water and land pollution Though these are undeniably major concerns facing our planet there has been a tendency
While Russias increased presence in Syria gives the regime another leg to stand on some in Damascus say Moscow could also temper Irans influenceStarbucks will expand in China and it looks like a smart ideaThis Sept 15 2015 satellite image with annotations provided by GeoNorth AllSource Analysis Airbus shows Russian tanks and armed personnel carriers at an air base in Latakia province SyriaRussias increased military assistance to Syria provides President Bashar alAssads embattled regime with a welcome boost to its hold on power after a series of territorial losses this year to rebel forcesBut while Russia appears to have coordinated its military expansion with Iran Mr Assads other key ally the move could also serve as a counterbalance to Tehrans powerful influence in Syria a phenomenon that has generated ripples of unease in some circles of the Damascus regimeRussia and Iran are staunch allies of Assad and collectively have provided diplomatic financial military and material support to help his regime stave off the challenge posed by opposition groupsBoth countries have much at stake Syria is one of the few Middle Eastern countries where Russia continues to wield influence and it provides Iran with a vital geographical conduit to its Lebanese protg Hezbollah It is also a key component of the axis of resistance an alliance of countries and parties opposed to Israel and Western regional interestsBoth Iran and Russia want to preserve the political system in Syria to keep Assad in power says Rajab Safarov the director of the Moscowbased Center for Studying Modern Iran Assads defeat would have a serious impact on Iran and wouldnt suit the interests of Moscow eitherStill despite the shared interest of Moscow and Tehran in the Assad regimes survival there are differences that Russias expanding military presence in Syria may expose in the coming monthsUntil recently the Iranians had much a bigger involvement on the ground than the Russians So I think the increase in Russian arms supplies is probably an attempt to balance the situation on the ground says Nikolay Kozhanov a visiting fellow of the RussianEurasia program at Londons Chatham House and nonresident fellow at the Carnegie Moscow CenterRussia continues to work with the Syrian state while Iran has set up a parallel security structure of local militias and foreign Shiite expeditionary forces from Lebanon Iraq Afghanistan and Pakistan granting it prolonged influence in Syria if the Assad regime fallsRussia seeks to preserve the territorial integrity of Syria and prevent it from breaking into militiarun fiefdoms That is a goal shared by the Assad regime which continues to fight for distant and isolated areas in the far north south and east of the country despite a critical manpower shortage in the decimated Syrian ArmyThe priority of Iran on the other hand is to hold onto the western periphery of Syria with access to Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Mediterranean coast In recent months Iraniansupported forces including Hezbollah have pulled back from outerlying areas to concentrate on securing the key real estate from south of Damascus to Latakia on the coast in the northwest corner of the countryThe Russians see it as important that the country remain with its current borders but I think the Iranians will be satisfied with control over certain areas of the country with proIranian groupings that would ensure their access to Lebanon and Hezbollah says Mr Kozhanov previously a diplomat at the Russian Embassy in Tehran Thats the difference and that difference is clearly understood in MoscowThe Assad regime owes Iran much for coming to its rescue with billions of dollars for the cashstrapped economy and deploying thousands of Shiite fighters against rebel forces But that Iranian lifeline came at a price Iranian military commanders rather than Syrian Army generals have been shaping much of the regimes defense according to Arab and Western diplomats in the region Tellingly Iranian and Hezbollah officers rather than the Syrian Army recently conducted ceasefire negotiations with a rebel group over the besieged oppositionheld town of Zabadani 17 miles northwest of DamascusFurthermore there have been allegations that Iran has been tampering with Syrias demographic geography by settling Shiites including the families of foreign fighters in and around Damascus and preventing Sunnis from returning to their homes in some regimeheld areas Last year the Assad regime passed a decree allowing Shiite doctrine to be taught in schools alongside Sunni Islam Shiite mosques are proliferating as well as stalls selling Shiite books pamphlets and motifs in Sunni areas of DamascusThe level of Iranian influence has fueled unease in Damascus reportedly even within the regime itself There have been several reports in the past year of top Syrian figures grumbling that Syria was giving up its sovereignty to IranHowever Russias expanded role in Syria could serve as a counterweight to Irans pervasive influenceSome observers are reading the Russian intervention as an attempt to preempt the total Iranization of the Syrian state as much as it is an attempt to rescue the regime says Faysal Itani resident fellow at the Atlantic Councils Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle EastThese differences aside Russian and Iran continue to share a vested interest in the Assad regimes survival While the level of coordination between Moscow and Tehran is unclear at this stage it may be no coincidence that signs of a Russian military buildup began shortly after a reported visit in late July to Moscow by MajGen Qassem Suleimani commander of the Quds Force the external operations wing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Lebanons As Safir newspaper reported Tuesday that Suleimani paid another visit to Moscow last weekI believe Iran and Russia are getting closer in the course of the Syrian crisis although they have had different approaches in dealing with the situation says Kayhan Barzegar director of the Institute for Middle East Strategic Studies in TehranStill their common interests should ensure continued cooperationIn fact its Russia that currently needs a powerful regional partner to shape its new politicalsecurity doctrine in the region says Mr Barzegar I think Russia is careful to not upset Iran in the new circumstances especially in a time that there is an ongoing thaw between Iran and the WestStaff writer Scott Peterson contributed to this report from Tehran and contributor Olga Podolskaya from Moscow
Warren a hero of progressive Democrats is the latest party leader to fall in line behind Clinton after she clinched the requisite number of delegates earlier this week over rival Bernie SandersWarren told MSNBCs Rachel Maddow tonight I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States and to make sure that Donald Trump never gets anyplace close to the White HouseThe endorsement comes the same day that President Obama also endorsed Clinton in a video and announced he would campaign with his former 2008 rival next weekBut Warrens backing may be more politically important for Clinton than Obamas blessing The Democratic senator who remained neutral throughout the contest championed many of the same economic inequality issues and Wall Street reforms Sanders drew attention to in the primaryShe said tonight the 2016 election is not about one candidate its about all of us coming together coming together to fight to level the economic playing fieldIn fact she was urged by many progressive groups early on to challenge Clinton herself and the Ready for Warren organization who tried to lay the groundwork for her run ended up endorsing SandersEven though she remained on the sidelines Warren has emerged as a fierce attack dog against presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump calling him a nasty thinskinned fraud just Thursday He in return has derided her as Pocahontas an allusion to a controversy that emerged during her 2012 Senate run after she had claimed Native American ancestryTonight Warren said Trump had cheered for the 2007 economic crisis because he knew how to make a profit from it What kind of a person does that she asked an insecure moneygrubber who cares about nothing but himself That cannot be the man who leads the United States of AmericaWarren has been floated as a possible vice presidential pick for Clinton a choice that could help allay some concerns among progressives about the former secretary of states nominationBut there was immediate backlash online to Warrens anticipated nomination Many supporters took to her Facebook page with profane comments calling her a sell out for not endorsing Sanders
Friend from university is an arse now 311016 A MAN who bumped into an old university friend has discovered that he is now a total dickhead Julian Cook lost contact with former housemate Martin Bishop for over eight years ago during which time Bishop has become a moneyobsessed macho twat who thinks he is the bollocks Office worker Cook said Instead of talking about old times he kept asking me what sort of car I have Then he blathered on about taking home serious Ks from folio development resales assuming I knew what that meant because otherwise I would not be a proper man The worst bit was when he told me about some fringe political group hes into called Libertarian England No actually it was when he said pussy alert when a woman walked past He probably just works and socialises with dipshits but I wouldnt rule out one of those injuries that turns you into a psychopath Maybe he fell off a raft at a teambuilding weekend and hit his head on the riverbed We parted on friendly terms but now he wants me to join his weights oriented gym and go to a lapdancing club which is odd because he used to be into Star Trek Generations Share
President Barack Obama insisted Thursday that Islamist terrorist groups committing atrocities from the Middle East to Africa to Europe do not represent Islam calling the idea that the West is at war with Islam an ugly lieThe president addressed delegates from more than 60 countries at the closing session of a summit on Countering Violent Extremism hosted by the US State Department in WashingtonObama said the nations gathered must remain unwavering in our fight against terrorist organizationsIn one part of the address the president appeared to be responding to administration critics who have pointed out that the White House refuses to use the term Islamic when referring to terrorist groups such as al Qaeda ISIS and Boko Haram who are committing atrocities against Jews Christians and other nonMuslimsObviously there is a complicated history between the Middle East and the West and none of us I think should be immune from criticism in terms of specific policies But the notion that the West is at war with Islam is an ugly lie and all of us regardless of our faith have a responsibility to reject it he cautionedOn Wednesday the president explained he doesnt want to mention Islam when talking about terrorism because it would give Islamic radicals a tool they can use to recruit new fightersWe must acknowledge that groups like al Qaeda and ISIS are deliberately targeting their propaganda to Muslim communities particularly Muslim youth he saidWhat can be done to be more effective in the fight against Islamic terrorism Cliff May president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies offers more insight to the presidents summit speechBut even the president refused to admit any connection between the Islamic State terrorists and Islam he said we need to tackle the issue head onWe cant shy away from these discussions And too often folks are understandably sensitive about addressing some of these root issues but we have to talk about them honestly and clearly Obama saidBut critics are mocking the president and his administration for not using phrases like Islamic terrorismThursdays New York Post shows a picture of the president blindfolded with the caption Islamic Terror I Just Dont See ItCliff May president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies says the president and his administration need to acknowledge that radical Islam is behind terrorism andgroups like ISISWere kind of avoiding making decisions now and were saying things that really nobody thats informed about these matters can actually believe Cliff May president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies told CBN NewsHe thinks hes doing it because he wants to avoid the impression that this is in any way a religious war it was 21 Coptic Christians who had their heads taken off by the Islamic State May saidThis weeks White House summit came after the State Department recently and quietly hosted a meeting with members of the Muslim Brotherhood much to the outrage of the governments of Egypt and Saudi ArabiaIsraelis were also surprisedWe just dont understand because we know the history of the Muslim Brothers We know exactly who they are Zvi Mazel former Israeli ambassador to Egypt saidSo how come the United States the administration in that case the president himself and the State Department receive delegation of the Muslim Brothers he asked
Massive Hillary For Prison sign held up at World Series game 5 infuriates liberals See what made liberals so mad By Staff Writer October 31 2016 INTELLIHUB A massive Hillary For Prison sign was held up at the post games show for the World Series game number five which made liberals furious Sunday night During the show the sign was displayed prominently behind the commentators Youtuber Mark Dice reported HillaryForPrison
Trump and Brexit Defeat Globalism for Now Anyway 14 2016 Trumpism as a stress test for democracy A series of populist antiglobalism shocks is a test for Western democracies Trumps stunning ascent to the White House is the clearest signal yet of an antiestablishment revolt unfolding in major democracies stretching across the Atlantic Swiss Info Tech Was Trumps victory actually created by the very globalist elites that Trump is supposed to have overcome There are some who believe the elites are actually splintered into numerous groups and that domestic US elites have positioned themselves against the banking elites in Londons City We see no fundamental evidence of this The worlds real elites in our view may have substantive histories in the hundreds and thousands of years US elites are basically in the employ of a handful of families individuals and institutions in our view It is confusing because it is hard to tell if Hillary for instance is operating on her own accord or at the behest of higher and more powerful authorities It is probably a combination of both but at root those who control central banks are managing the worlds move towards globalism History easily shows us who these groups are and they are not located in America This is a cynical perspective to be sure and certainly doesnt remove the impact of Trumps victory or his courage in waging his election campaign despite what must surely be death threats to himself and his family But if true this perspective corresponds to predictions that weve been making for nearly a decade now suggesting that sooner or later elites especially those in Londons City would have to take a step back More The vote to propel Trump to the US presidency reflects a profound backlash against open markets and borders and the simmering anger of millions of bluecollar white and workingclass people who blame their economic woes on globalisation and multiculturalism There are a few parallels to Switzerland that the losers of globalisation find somebody who is listening to them said Swiss professor and lawyer Wolf Linder a former director of the University of Berns political science institute Trump is doing his business with the losers of globalisation in the US like the Swiss Peoples Party is doing in Switzerland he said It is a phenomenon which touches all European nations Again this article presumes that Trump has won and that he intends to attack the larger globalist enterprise and the bankers funding it On the other hand it could be that both Trump and Brexit have been engineered to look as if the tide is turning against globalism when it is not Why would those in charge want to portray this point of view when it may not be so Because of what we call the Internet Reformation that has blasted open the secretive manipulations of the globalist elite in the past decade or so It is almost impossible for globalists to promote internationalist memes in this environment Yet it is the secretive injection of internationalist memes into the body politic that moves society toward the globalist enterprise As we have suggested before it is perfectly possible that a decision has been made to pretend to grant the larger society a victory over internationalism Following this analysis certain trends would be identified and encouraged that would seem to portray globalism as falling back on its metaphorical heels In truth if this analysis is correct globalisms retreat is a kind of pretense that will steer society less obviously in a globalist direction One way this could happen is by ensuring the splintering of Europe but not in a way that actually reduces control from Brussels It will APPEAR to be so but wont actually happen The same thing could take place in the USA under Trump Again this is not to say that Trump is party to this plot or even approves of it But the idea that Trump is part of a cooption is certainly a feasible alternative to an alternative analysis that takes what is happening at face value Nonetheless even if an alternative elite strategy has been decided on to realize globalism in another fashion it ought to be pointed out that things have changed And the Internet and its revelations are surely responsible This is a very big deal and it is one that ought to be emphasized repeatedly Brexit and Trump could be somehow the result of a different elite approach but the approach HAS changed nonetheless Think of it this way Hillary represented the blunt approach toward the realization of further globalism Her way included an aggressively expanded war and the pursuit of other globalist trends Trump rhetorically anyway has a different approach in mind that would gut many internationalist trends If Trump follows through on his rhetoric the trend toward an internationalist world will be reduced And while there is controversy over Trumps recent staff appointments we should also bear in mind that the Trans Pacific Partnership TPP and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP both seem to be failing now If indeed Trumps election has damped the progress of TPP and TTIP this is a huge event As weve pointed out both agreements effectively substituted technocratic corporatism for the current sociopolitical model of democracy The elites were trying to move toward a new model of world control with these two agreements This is similar to what happened after the advent of the Gutenberg Press when the elites of the day moved away from royal control and apparently swapped in democracy It seems evident that internationalism is now going to take a longer time to realize than we thought However this observation may not be entirely accurate if Trump turns out to be something other than his rhetoric suggests or if Brexit is denied in Europe Additionally one of the elites most powerful operative memes today is populism vs globalism that seeks to contrast the potentially freedomoriented events of Trump and Brexit to the discarded wisdom of globalism See here and here The reality of these two events the victories of both Trump and Brexit stand as signal proof that elite stratagems have been defeated at least temporarily Though whether these defeats have been selfinflicted as part of a change in tactics remains to be seen Conclusion But the change has come One way or another the Internet and tens of millions or people talking writing and acting has forced new trends This can be hardly be emphasized enough Globalism has been at least temporarily redirected
Arnaldo Rodgers is a trained and educated Psychologist He has worked as a community organizer and activist Clinton appalled by effort to recoup veterans bonuses By Arnaldo Rodgers on October 26 2016 veteran By Cristiano Lima Hillary Clinton slammed the California National Guard and Pentagon on Monday for reportedly demanding soldiers who fought in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago to return enlistment bonuses they received for their service I am appalled that National Guard officials are attempting to recoup money from soldiers who accepted bonuses a decade ago the Democratic nominee said in a statement released Monday night in response to the reports which first appeared in the Los Angeles Times These troops deserve our support and our deepest gratitude they served admirably and upheld their part of the bargain she said It is unacceptable to now subject them and their families to undue financial burdens thanks to to mismanagement from the California National Guard and rigid bureaucracy on the part of the Pentagon Read the Full Article at wwwpoliticocom Related Posts No Related Posts The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of VNN VNN authors affiliates advertisers sponsors partners technicians or the Veterans Today Network and its assigns Notices Posted by Arnaldo Rodgers on October 26 2016 With 0 Reads Filed under Veterans You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 20 You can leave a response or trackback to this entry FaceBook Comments You must be logged in to post a comment Login WHATS HOT
By Catherine J Frompovich What a question to ask Is your vaccinated child hazardous material Wow However thats not flippant at all when one considers the amount of hazardous chemicals and
By Nathaniel MaukaCongress overwhelmingly voted for the Patriot Act nearly 16 years ago and our civil liberties have never been the same since As if this singular bill passed by George W Bush wasnt invasive enough allowing big banks to demand our internet data and more the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act CISA makes cyberspying by the shadow government and the financial entities controlling it a forgone conclusionAs with most shadow government legislation the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act is packed with hidden surveillance allowances CISA was quietly passed to allow government to demand that private companies hand over personal information to them at will It also allows companies to mine data under the auspices of governmentcreated urgencyThe mere fact that this act passed in late 2015 is monumental since it has been before Congress in different forms for over a decade The election seems to have offered the perfect cover as Americans and activists were too busy arguing over Trump vs Hillary Scott Talbott senior vice president of government relations at the Electronic Transactions Association believes the value of sharing our personal data as a means to be alerted of cyber threats outweighs any hazard to our civil liberties Talbott states The value is that everyone can be alerted to cyber threats and take precautionary countermeasures before they materialize and spread he said Before CISA corrective measures could be taken only after the cyber threat had done its damage CISA allows each company to serve as an early warning system to the entire economy Who exactly would be determining if someone is a threat is the meat of the sandwich though CISA is ripe for abuse just as the Patriot Act has beenThe Patriot Act has made it legal for law enforcement to spy on people without probable cause to enter their homes or even to strip search them before theyve been to court had the opportunity to argue a case or given authorities a motive for this type of interrogationThe stated purpose of the Patriot Act was to deter terrorist acts in the United States but what do you do when the terrorists have already taken over your country CISA simply expands the reach of a shadow government which has already been proven to reach beyond the boundaries of constitutional lawMore importantly who specifically is CISA targeting After multiple hackers have infiltrated computer systems at the White House the State Department the Pentagon and the Office of Personnel Management along with the Democratic National Committee and numerous multinational banks run by the cabal is the shadow government simply trying to create a stopgap before their most elusive yet damning information is made publicCISA certainly will expand the reach of government surveillance on citizens as it has been conducted by the the National Security Agency NSA before former NSA contractor Edward Snowden exposed itI think this bill was meant to be a surveillance bill from the start said Justin Harvey CSO of Fidelis Cybersecurity adding that he is dubious that the stated intent of the bill to use collective intelligence to warn of potential cyber attacks and possibly stop them before they occur will resultUnder the guise of sharing cyber threats CISA allows companies to wholesalecollect information that may not even be a threat and then pass it along for government bodies to determine if it is indeed a threat If this sounds like circular logic it is just the beginning of the odd verbiage within the bill Its justifications for entering every possible orifice for datagathering are more confounded than an octopus in a straight jacketThe government can already enter your personal property including your home your body your cell and your computer but now they will have a legal inroads to declare you a cyberthreat simply for sending an email This begs the question who is the real cyberbully CISA seems to be nothing more than a prevarication covering the acts of an elite few who dont want their secrets exposedNathaniel Mauka is a researcher of the dark side of government and exopolitics and a staff writer for Waking Times This article Distracted by Election 2016 Noone Resisted the Deep States Patriot Act 2 was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Nathaniel Mauka and WakingTimescom It may be reposted freely with proper attribution and author bio Delivered by The Daily Sheeple We encourage you to share and republish our reports analyses breaking news and videos Click for details Contributed by Waking Times of wwwwakingtimescom Waking Times is an independently owned and operated online magazine that seizes on the transformational power of information to trigger personal revolution and influence humanitys evolution
A growing number of prominent Republican women are worried that as members of their maledominated party step up to defend Donald Trump against accusations of sexual assault they are causing irreparable damage to the GOPs deteriorating relationship with female votersTrump has faced questions throughout his campaign about his crass comments about women but concern escalated this month following the release of a 2005 video in which Trump boasted that he had sexually assaulted women and subsequent allegations by 11 women that Trump had inappropriately touched or kissed them A series of mostly male Republicans have come to Trumps defense dismissing the accusers as liars and some worry further alienating the female voters that the party desperately needs to surviveFor nextgeneration professional women the party is going to have to do something very very drastic to change the course of where this candidate has taken us said Katie Packer a deputy campaign manager for Mitt Romney in 2012 I think the leaders in our party are going to have to aggressively reject this Come November 9 they better be prepared to make very strong statements condemning all of Trumps behaviorThis division within the Republican Party comes as polls suggest the nation is on the verge of electing its first female president even as misogyny remains a part of American life and culture Ironically it is Trumps candidacy rather than Hillary Clintons that has brought sexism to the forefront of political debateThe difference between talking about Donald Trumps accusers and being fascinated by sexThe controversy also comes as the Republican Party continues to struggle to attract women who make up a majority of the electorate and who have supported the Democratic presidential candidate in every election going back to 1992 President Obama won women by 11 points in 2012 and several polls show Clinton leading among women by an even bigger margin this yearA growing number of wellknown female Republican strategists and politicians have had it with Trump Sen Kelly Ayotte RNH said earlier this month she cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women Former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina whose looks Trump once mocked said Donald Trump does not represent me or my party And former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice wrote on Facebook earlier this month Enough Donald Trump should not be PresidentThe latest flareup came Tuesday night when former House speaker Newt Gingrich R exploded at Fox News Megyn Kelly during an interview repeatedly shaking his finger at her and accusing her of being fascinated with sex because she brought up allegations of sexual assault against Trump In a scolding tone Gingrich tried to tell Kelly which words she could or could not useGingrich once had a fascination of his own with Bill Clintons sex life as he was a driving force behind the movement to impeach Clinton following a consensual sexual relationship he had with a young former intern Clinton became the second president in American history to be impeached by the House but he was acquitted by the Senate Voters meanwhile punished the Republicans for what they saw as an overreach The GOP lost five House seats in the 1998 midterm elections which led to Gingrichs resignation as speakerTrump and his supporters deemed Gingrichs interview a victory with the campaigns director of social media tweeting that Kelly is not very smart and telling his followers Watch what happens to her after this election is overCongratulations Newt on last night That was an amazing interview Trump said at a ribboncutting at his new hotel in Washington on Wednesday We dont play games Newt rightTwo of the women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct piled on Juanita Broaddrick tweeted Beauty is only skin deep Megyn Kelly is ugly as hell on the inside Paula Jones wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted Woohoo he slammed this nasty heiferBut many other Republican women have concluded in recent weeks that this is not the party they knowLooks like Newt Gingrich just proved my point again tweeted Amanda Carpenter a conservative commentator and former communications director for Sen Ted Cruzs presidential campaign Carpenter wrote this week in The Washington Post about how her party has left women like her behind by ignoring Trumps chauvinism that was welldocumented in decades worth of publicly available smutty television radio and print interviews long before he became the nomineeIf the GOP has truly convinced itself that openly engaging in sexual assault fantasies is something normal that men do among one another I have a suggestion Relocate the Republican National Committee headquarters into a mensonly locker room Carpenter wrote Eliminate all pretenses of wanting to let women inChristine Matthews a Republican pollster said in an interview that Democrats no longer have to push a war on women narrative because its playing out on its own thanks to Trump and comments like those that Gingrich made on TuesdayIts just one more clueless middleagetoolder white guy taking to task a woman Matthews said Its so unhelpful on every levelOne GOP woman wonders why the men in her party wont defend herNicolle Wallace former communications chief for George W Bush who is now a political commentator tweeted that Republicans are now engaged in a hot war against women that will end badly for the partyMen like newtgingrich are a big reason the GOP has lost women Packer wrote in another tweet Men like him dont make women like me want to share a tent wthemEarlier this week Kellyanne Conway Trumps campaign manager and the first woman to lead a GOP presidential nominees campaign seemed to struggle when asked by CNNs Dana Bash if she believes the women who have accused Trump of sexual assaultI believe Donald Trump has told me and his family and the rest of America now that none of this is true Conway said These are lies and fabrications Theyre all made up And I think that its not for me to judge what those women believe Ive not talked to them Ive talked to himTrump has repeatedly denied allegations of abuse or sexism and has bragged about empowering female employees in his businessesNobody has more respect for women than I do Trump said during the last presidential debate when asked about his accusers prompting laughter from the crowd in Las VegasCarrie Almond president of the National Federation of Republican Women has traveled to 39 states in an RV this year talking with thousands of women who enthusiastically support Trump and believe the party speaks for themIts very important to not put all women into the same basket because not everyone sees everything the same way said Almond who is from MissouriWhen confronted with criticism Trump tends to go after women in much more personal and demeaning ways than men even though he insists he is an equalopportunity counterpuncher Trumps attacks on female journalists accusers and rivals over the past year have been heavy with criticism of their looks their intelligence and their mental healthAfter the first debate during the Republican primary which featured three moderators two men and one woman who all peppered him with uncomfortable questions Trump zeroed in on the woman Kelly for asking him about comments he makes about women After the debate Trump said that Kelly had blood coming out of her eyes blood coming out of her whereverDonald Trump calls her Crooked Hillary but his fans just say bWhen the Muslim American parents of a soldier killed in Iraq in 2004 appeared at the Democratic National Convention in July in opposition to Trumps candidacy Trump zeroed in on the mother Ghazala Khan saying in an ABC News interview She had nothing to say She probably maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say Khan later said it is still too difficult for her to talk about her sons deathIn early September when the hosts of MSNBCs Morning Joe were critical of Trump he zeroed in on the female host Mika Brzezinski tweeting Just heard that crazy and very dumb morningmika had a mental breakdown while talking about me on the low ratings MorningJoe Joe a messTrump has told NBCs Katy Tur to be quiet when she pressed him during a news conference and snapped at CNNs Dana Bash on Wednesday that she was rude to ask about the propriety of holding an event boosting his new Washington hotel He urged his millions of Twitter followers to search for a seemingly nonexistent sex tape of a former Miss Universe whom he had criticized as fat And he has accused Hillary Clinton of lacking a presidential lookWhen Trump made a similar critique of Fiorina during the primaries she responded I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr Trump saidTrumps rallies have also been hotbeds of incendiary rhetoric around gender including popular antiClinton Tshirts in many locales proclaiming Trump that bJohn Weaver a GOP consultant who worked on the presidential campaigns of Sen John McCain RAriz and Ohio Gov John Kasich said he is stunned by the misogyny the lack of understanding of where this country is now coming from Trumps campaignIf you have a gender gap the size of the Snake River Canyon why do you trot out Newt Gingrich and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and your nominee to talk about it and further make it worse said Weaver noting that all three men have been married three times The only ones I can see who seem to be obsessed about sex in this campaign are those three peopleWeaver continued Hes going to lose the general election and the credit goes to the women of America who are saving us from this guy
A day after police killed two terror suspects in eastern Belgium a bomb scare forced the evacuation of the busy Gare de lEst train station in Paris and Secretary of State Kerry joined French President Hollande in a visit to the sites of last weeks attacksWhy is Angela Merkel calling for a ban on the full Islamic veilFrench German and Belgian police arrested more than two dozen suspects in antiterrorism raids Friday as European authorities rushed to thwart more attacks by people with links to Islamic extremists in the Middle EastRob Wainwright head of the police agency Europol told The Associated Press that foiling terror attacks has become extremely difficult because Europes 25005000 radicalized Muslim extremists have little command structure and are increasingly sophisticatedHighlighting the fears a bomb scare forced Paris to evacuate its busy Gare de lEst train station during Friday mornings rush hour No bomb was foundVisiting a scarred Paris on Friday US Secretary of State John Kerry met French President Francois Hollande and visited the sites of the attacks last week on the newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket Twenty people including the three gunmen were killedFrench and German authorities arrested at least 14 other people Friday suspected of links to the Islamic State group Thirteen more were detained in Belgium and two arrested in France in an antiterror sweep following a firefight Thursday in the eastern Belgian city of VerviersTwo suspected terrorists were killed and a third was wounded in that raid on a suspected terrorist hideout and federal magistrate Eric Van der Sypt said Friday that the suspects were within hours of implementing a plan to kill police on the street or in their officesBelgian authorities were searching for more suspects Friday and found four militarystyle weapons including Kalashnikov assault rifles in more than a dozen raids Mr Van der Sypt saidI cannot confirm that we arrested everyone in this group he saidBelgian authorities did not give details of the people detained or even those killed but said most were Belgian citizensBelgian authorities stressed that the targets of their crackdown had no known connections to last weeks attacks in neighboring FranceBelgium has seen a particularly large number of people join extremists in Syria and is the worst affected country in Europe relative to population size said Peter Neumann of the Londonbased International Center for the Study of Radicalization He estimates 450 people have left Belgium to fight with Islamic radical groups in Syria and that 150 of them have returned homeAcross Europe anxiety has grown as the hunt continues for potential accomplices of the three Paris gunmenThe Paris prosecutors office said at least 12 people were arrested in antiterrorism raids in the area targeting people linked to one of them Amedy Coulibaly who claimed ties to the Islamic State group Police officials earlier told AP that they were seeking up to six potential accomplicesParis is at its highest terrorism alert level and police evacuated the Gare de lEst train station after a bomb threat The station one of several main stations in Paris serves cities in eastern France and countries to the eastIn Berlin police arrested two men Friday morning on suspicion of recruiting fighters for the Islamic State group in Syria Prosecutors said 250 police officers participated in the dawn raids on 11 residences that were part of a monthsold investigation into a group of Turkish extremistsMr Kerrys visit to France came after the Obama administration apologized for not sending a higherlevel delegation to Sundays massive rally in Paris which drew more than 1 million people to denounce terrorismMr Hollande thanked Kerry for offering support saying Youve been victims yourself of an exceptional terrorist attack on Sept 11 You know what it means for a country Together we must find appropriate responsesIn a separate speech to diplomats Hollande said France is waging war against terrorism and will not back down from its international military operations against Islamic extremists in Iraq and northern Africa Frances Parliament voted this week to extend airstrikes against Islamic State extremists in IraqThe Belgian raid on a former bakery was another palpable sign that terror had seeped deep into Europes heartland as security forces struck against militants some of who may be returnees from jihad in SyriaThat investigation had started well before last weeks rampage in Paris but Belgian authorities are separately looking for possible links between a man they arrested in the southern city of Charleroi for illegal trade in weapons and Mr Coulibaly who killed four people in the kosher supermarketSeveral other countries are also involved in the hunt for possible accomplices to Coulibaly and the gunmen who attacked the newspaper brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi The Kouachi brothers claimed allegiance to Al Qaeda in Yemen Coulibaly to the Islamic State group
November 6 2016 at 1031 pm humans are stupid especially Amerikkkans while the sheep continue to consume irrelevant trinkets in there capitalistic society like sheep grazin on grass in an enclosed field Russia is preparin to crush Amerikkka with a iron gauntlet China NKorea and Iran will play there parts too it wont be this year it wont be next year and likely not even 2018 but by 2019 somethin really bad is goin to happen mark my words
On Day 13 a video message and a meeting with media executives but still no press conference protective pool
Hollywood Florida CNN Donald Trumps new delegate guru told Republican Party insiders at a posh resort here on Thursday that the billionaire frontrunner is recalibrating the part that hes been playing and is ready to work with the GOP to evolve as a candidate past the divisive primaryMeanwhile 1100 miles away in Harrisburg Pennsylvania Trump told his supporters the Republican system is rigged and crookedThis is the dilemma facing the Republican National Committee and its members meeting here this week Can they cope with Trump an unpredictable personality who has come this close to winning the presidential nomination with a campaign leaning heavily on direct anger at GOP officials and institutionsPaul Manafort Trumps senior adviser and a longtime Republican operative said that Trump understands the changing nature of the campaign and is prepared to evolveHe recognizes that things arent static That what is right to start the campaign isnt necessarily the way you finish the campaign Manafort told CNN Thursday night after he met with RNC officials hereBut Manafort did not want to call anything a dtente between Trump and the GOP establishment Theres no reason to have a detente I mean theres not a fight he saidI mean the Trump campaign and the RNC are working together on a bunch of different things but the focus has been on getting the nomination he said Now that were approaching the nomination the focus is on blending the party and the campaign so that we can run as a united team and thats what we started to do here this weekendThe Trump campaign is approaching things here as if it already won the nomination There was no focus in the closeddoor meeting with Trumps people and the RNC on the effort to secure the 1237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination a source inside the room saidInstead Manafort contrasted Trump with Hillary Clinton Trump has personality negatives that can be fixed by campaign consultants like him but Clinton has deep character negatives dealing with issues of trust he told the room according to audio obtained by CNN from someone who attended Manaforts presentationThe part that hes been playing is now evolving into the part that youve been expecting The negatives will come down the image is going to change but Crooked Hillary is still going to be Crooked Hillary Manafort told the packed room which attendees described as too small and jammed with what appeared to be more Trump supporters than RNC members the intended audienceTrump Manafort said has been playing two roles in the campaign one in public onstage with voters and one in private that is more subdued and will start appearing moreTrump is an outsider and thats why many of you dont know him but when hes sitting in a room hes talking business hes talking politics in a private room its a different persona Manafort told the crowd When hes out on the stage when hes talking about the kind of things when hes out on the stump hes projecting an image thats for that purpose and the two youll start to see coming together in the course of the next several monthsShortly into a slide presentation that focused on Trumps ability to win a general election contest Manafort asked his assistant to end the slideshow and said Actually I know what Im gonna say Manafort said to some laughs according to an attendee and meeting audioAfter the meeting Manafort said the message was received wellI mean we had a very good meeting Manafort told CNN I think people were hungry to find out with the campaigns intentions were what Donald Trumps intentions were We answered all the questions I think they left there they have a better understanding of the integration of the campaign with the party as we move towards the general electionTrump recently brought in Manafort and Rick Wiley Scott Walkers former campaign manager after it was clear Ted Cruz was winning delegates with an intense ground game Manafort said the new hires also should calm nerves among jittery Republicans hereThey know Rick Wiley they know me so were bridging that relationship while he goes about finishing the job for the nominee Manafort told CNN earlier ThursdayCruz speaking on the Mark Levin Show Thursday night said Trump is trying to snow over Republican voters Donald is a New York liberal who is pretending to be a conservative to try to fool Republican primary voters Cruz saidHes telling us hes lying to us Cruz added What his campaign manager says you look at what his campaign manager is telling us this is just an act this is just a show building a wall when he talks about anything its all an act and a showTrump was the only candidate of the remaining three not to show up here in person John Kasich and Cruz both spoke to party leaders at private receptions Wednesday night and hosted smaller groups for private meetings outside of the resortAnd Trump himself is showing no signs of letting up He is the only candidate who can reasonably get to 1237 delegates before Cleveland and has Cruz and other Republicans out to stop him on subsequent ballotsIn Harrisburg Trump compared the primary system to Crooked Hillary Clinton getting two attacks against his enemies in oneThe system is rigged the voting is rigged the whole deal is crooked 100 almost as crooked as Crooked Hillary Its a crooked deal Trump said And thats why you have a case where I go in and win with the vote and these guys go in they buy delegates they buy them dinners they send them to hotelsThe continuing blasts against the party from Trump and pressure from Cruz and Kasich led RNC leaders earlier Thursday to back off proposed rules changes for the convention amid very vocal fears they would be perceived favoring one of the threeThe party is like the lawyer in a divorce court said Holland Redfield the RNC committeeman from the Virgin IslandsSurely theres a lot of whining going on Redfield said Here you have candidates that have also said to each other they are not supporting whoever gets out of this process I mean come on So they put the party in the middleKasich senior adviser John Weaver said that RNC members were pushing for the Ohio governor to stay in the race even with only one state victory Ohio and fewer delegates than Marco Rubio who dropped out last monthWeve run into a lot of people here who are encouraging us to go the distance because the people at this meeting particularly have a charge of putting together a winning ticket Weaver saidKen Cuccinelli Cruzs chief delegate hunter said the death threats made against Colorado Republican Party Chairman Steve House came up repeatedly in meetings between Cruz and RNC members WednesdayThey are definitely on the minds of lots of people here especially when they saw Steve House one of their colleagues getting death threats That comment was made repeatedly with various observations about it and those tactics in these meetings Cuccinelli said And this was the members making the comments not us bringing them upCruz kept his Wednesday presentation focused on his plan for winning the White House the partys ultimate goal and detailing his strategy in upcoming states like Pennsylvania according to RNC members who attended his speech And he added how he could help their own party efforts with his promised coattailsHe touched on that a little bit with the downballot effect we come out of that election hopefully with some big wins said Oregon Republican Party Chairman Bill Currier who attended the Cruz speechDo leaders take Trump seriouslyBut with their options dwindling some party leaders here said they could make the distinction between Trumps sharp attacks on the party and his political strategyI think thats just part of his persona I never take that stuff seriously or personally said Pennsylvania Republican Party Chairman Rob Gleason He cannot be elected without the Republican Party Thats the long and short of it He needs us We need a candidate and he needs us so we all need to work togetherHenry Barbour a party national committeeman from Mississippi who has said in the past it would be very hard for him to vote for Trump agreedI think thats Donald Trump being Donald Trump Hes an insurgent candidate trying to appeal on a populist level I dont take it that he really means it said BarbourThe populist furor sparked by Trump along with his campaign message that he is being cheated out of the nomination with the publics voice being ignored has exposed a deeper rift in the Republican Party which may have to be worked out after November no matter who is their nominee and no matter which party wins the White HouseIf somehow or another it comes to pass that the results of the primary choose our nominee ahead of the convention as far as Im concerned its the end of the national Republican Party said RNC Committeeman Curly Haugland of North DakotaHaugland and some other party veterans have argued that the public and some incredibly angry Trump supporters are simply learning what has been true of every previous nominating contest The party picks its candidate for the White HouseIt cant be rigged if the rules have been public and transparent for nearly a year and weve done it this way since 1856 Barbour saidBut in 2016 it wont be Barbour deciding whats rigged and what not
By Zero HedgeIt has been at least a few weeks since Deutsche Bank appeared in the flashing red breaking news sections of newswires with news that was mostly negative And while the stock has since rebounded materially wiping out all losses since the DOJs 14 billion RMBS settlement leak it appears that not everything is back to normal for the largest German lender Because in what may be the worst news yet for DBs employees moments ago Bloomberg reported that the German Bank is exploring alternatives to paying bonuses in cash as Chief Executive Officer John Cryan seeks to boost capital buffersAccording to Bloomberg DB executives have discussed options including giving some bankers shares in the noncore unit instead of cash bonuses Another idea under review is replacing the cash component with more Deutsche Bank stockThe supervisory board may discuss the topic of variable pay at a meeting on Wednesday though no final decisions are expected the people said the day before it reports thirdquarter earnings The measures if pursued in the coming months would mostly impact the investment bank the people said The Frankfurtbased lender is still considering other alternatives they saidAs Bloomberg adds any bonusrelated decision will depend on the size and timing of Deutsche Banks settlement with the US Department of Justice over a probe into the the sale of faulty realestate securities Last year Deutsche Bank awarded staff 24 billion euros 26 billion of bonuses for 2015 145 billion euros of which was for the combined investment banking and trading unit Of the 24 billion euros 49 percent was deferred stock and cash while the remainder was paid out immediately It appears that DB wants to take the 49 number and make it biggerThe idea echoes a similar move by Credit Suisse Group AG at the height of the financial crisis when the Swiss firm used its most illiquid loans and bonds to pay employees yearend bonusesThe report is comparable to a similar announcement made exactly one year ago when DB announced it may slash bonuses by as much as one third Since then however DBs aggressive cost cutting initative has made life for the banks employees progressively more miserable Since taking over in 2015 Cryan has suspended the dividend reduced bonuses cut risky assets frozen new hiring and announced plans to shed some 9000 jobs The CEO has already said Deutsche Bank may fail to be profitable this year after posting the first annual loss since 2008 last year Now DB bankers may end up getting paid in some of the billions in impaired tanker loans carried quietly on the banks book if not CDS or interest rate swaps Those DB certainly has a lot ofShould DB be successful with this significant shift in compensation strategy without leading to an exodus of workers it will likely be attempted at other banks as the core problems facing Deutsche Bank namely declining profitability have now become systemic across the entire banking sector Which is bad news for investment bankers everywhereSource Zero Hedge
Black Trump Supporter We need somebody that loves America My word to all black Americans Lets not be deceived Infowarscom October 27 2016 Comments Speaking with MSNBC outside a rally in Charlotte North Carolina a family of black Donald Trump supporters who explained they like Trump because of his allinclusive rhetoric and because he actually cares about America I delivered a speech in Charlotte North Carolina yesterday I appreciate all of the feedback support Lets MAGA httpstcoVQ8NgyUbjD pictwittercomObj1B6ZqDP Donald J Trump realDonaldTrump October 27 2016 My word to all black Americans one thing I would like to say Lets not be deceived a woman named Gloria told MSNBC Look at the record Look at the promises that have been made over the past from the Democratic party Were not voting for a party were voting for a man who has been standing by all citiz He loves America We need somebody that loves America And he also loves all people all people And theres that perception out there that he has no black supporters WRONG He does Trump admired Glorias comments so much he tweeted her statement out to his 128 million followers saying he appreciated all the feedback and support NEWSLETTER SIGN UP Get the latest breaking news specials from Alex Jones and the Infowars Crew Related Articles
Pope Francis on Tuesday announced sweeping revisions to the Catholic Churchs marriage annulment process changes that are designed to speed up and simplify the often lengthy procedure The revisions according to Vatican experts appear to bethe mostfarreaching made to the churchs annulment process in centuriesThe announcement featuring changes that willmake it easier for Catholics to remarry comes about a month before a major meeting at the Vatican where Catholic leadership will examine the churchs views on family issues including divorce and remarriageThechanges will eliminate a requirement that all annulment decisions get a second judgment and will allow local bishops to expedite the annulment process for some cases The annulment process will be free of charge though many dioceses had already eliminated the administrative fees for marriage annulments according to a Vatican spokesmanThe revisions also expandthe role of localbishops in judging nullificationproceedingsAlthough dramatic thechanges do not alter the Catholic Churchs teaching that marriages are permanentThe revisions were announced in two Apostolic Letters from Francis which translated from their Latin titles are called The Gentle Judge The Lord Jesus andThe Meek and Merciful JesusThe documents were released in Latin and Italian at a Vatican news conferenceCurrent Catholic teaching on marriage doesnt recognize divorce Catholics who are granted a civil divorce and then remarry are ineligible to take Communion a key part of active Catholic life Instead a Catholic who wants to end his or her marriage must be granted an annulment a process that many Catholics believe is too costly and complicatedWhat has Pope Francis actually accomplished Heres a look at 8 of his most notable statementsThe popes changes dont resolve whether divorced and remarried Catholics may take communion the Rev Thomas Rosica an Englishlanguage spokesman for the Vatican said in an email instead they put the questioninto a new context for further examination by the churchThe changes will probably split Catholic opinion between those who believe that a streamlining of the annulment process is needed and will help bring back more Catholics to the church and those who worry that the revisions could make it too easy to move on from a marriage which Catholic teaching dictates is apermanentsacramentIn a recent Pew poll 62 percent of American Catholics said the church should allow Catholics who divorce and remarry without an annulment to receive CommunionThe number of annulments in the United States has been on the decline in recent decades Annulment procedures in the country dropped from 72308 in 1989 to 23302 in 2014 according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown UniversityVast majority of US Catholics who left the church cant imagine returning study saysAn annulment is granted by a Catholic tribunal if it agrees that a marriage originally thought to be valid wasactually missing at least one crucial element from the start meaning that it was never really a true marriage in the first place The length of the process varies between dioceses but can take 12 to 18 months according to the US Conference of Catholic BishopsOne of the changes implemented by the pope will eliminate the second instance of that tribunalmeaning that all couples seeking annulment will have to obtain only one sentence from a single tribunal The moral certainty reached by the first judge according to law should be sufficient the letter readsIts a sweeping reform its a dramatic reform saidChad Pecknold a theologian at Catholic University Its a reform which essentially takes away the whole judicial process for deciding whether a marriage was null or notAnother change will reduce the process of that first tribunal down to one judge Pecknold noted Formerly a tribunal consisted of at least two priests and one canon lawyer who could be a layman or clericFrancis has changed that and placed the responsibility of the first instance of the tribunal into the hands of a single judge who must always be a member of the clergyPecknold added A lot of my canon lawyer friends want to quit todayAusten Ivereigh a papal biographer and commentator on the Vatican called it revolutionary that Francis has granted bishops the power to nullify a marriage a power that has rested with church courts Bishops he said could also delegate that power to priests This will make annulments more accessible especially in much of the developing world where Ivereigh said many areas have no church courtsThis is the most farreaching reform to the Churchs nullity process in 300 years he addedTuesdays announcement is procedural and makes no change in the way the church sees marriage and its permanent natureHowever Ivereigh said the change shows Francis has been listening to regular Catholics and the reason for this change is that society has changed This speededup procedure recognizes and reflects a new realityHe predicted that some conservatives would be critical of this change because they will see it undermining the concept of marriage as a bond that cannot be dissolved The bestknown of this group is American Cardinal Raymond Burke who led the Vaticans supreme court until he was removed by Francis because Ivereigh said Burke opposed annulment changesAnother change announced Tuesday will allow bishops the ability to further expedite the annulment process for some particularly straightforward cases a process that Pecknold said would allow the bishop to essentially write a noteThat process could be open to abuse he added The moment that you put in an exception that makes everybodys job easier guess what everybodys going to doKurt Martens a professor of canon law at Catholic University said the expedited process would apply to Catholic couples facingcertain conditions including those who have an abortion a grave contagious disease children from a previous relationship or imprisonment Essentially Martens said the church is providing a path that looks like the Catholic version of nofault divorceVIDEO Pope emphasizes forgiveness for abortions during year of mercyThe changes move the church away from a set of 18thcentury safeguardsmeant to make sure that the annulment process wasnt subject to abuse Martens said Those changes set up by Pope Benedict XIV included a provision that would require a mandatory appeal of the lower courts decisionWhat guarantee do you have for a fair trial if you take away those guarantees that were put in the past Martens said Sometimes you want to go so quickly you miss elements and make mistakes Procedure law takes time to unfoldMartens said the way Francis changed the annulment process was unusual because he did not go through the Synod on the Family as expected in OctoberIf I were a bishop I would be upset Martens said Its a bit strange and even a sign of contradiction that a pope who is big on consultation and collegiality seems to forget that on something like this Its highly unusual for legislation like this to get through that wayFrancis for his part acknowledged some of those concerns in his lettersThe extent to which an abbreviated process of judgment might put the principle of the indissolubility of marriage at risk did not escape me Francis wrote Thus I have desired that in such cases the Bishop himself shall be constituted judge who by force of his pastoral office is with Peter the greatest guarantor of Catholic unity in faith and in disciplineDespite those concerns the changes come with a notable silver lining for Catholics seeking to annul their marriages and return to a closer relationship with the churchIn terms of the average Catholic who is seeking annulment this makes an already painful situation easier and that is Pope Franciss intent Pecknold said You can see a clear pastoral eye on this decision He doesnt want any long waits he basically wants the decision to come from the bishopFrancis has spokenbefore of his desire to reform annulment in the pastThe sacraments give us gracehe saidearlier this year to jurists of the churchs final court of appeals for annulments And a marriage proceeding like an annulment touches on the sacrament of marriageHow I wish all marriage proceedings were free of charge he addedIn August Francis urged Catholic clergy to keep open doors and be more welcoming todivorced and remarried CatholicsStay up to date on the papal visit Sign up here to follow Washington Post stories about Pope Franciss visit to the US and well email you as theyre published
GOP Presidential Hopefuls Serve Up Ice Cream Cheese And Red Meat To IowansGOP presidential hopefuls spent Saturday night serving up ice cream cheese and political red meat to potential Iowa caucus votersAt the Iowa Republican Partys annual Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser the first part of the evening was rigid Each of the 11 possible candidates present was given a strictly enforced 10 minutes to make their pitch before later wooing voters at their hospitality suites downstairs with homestate fare in a more relaxed environmentSome candidates served up surprises to the crowd too which could make a critical lasting impression for underdog candidatesSen Lindsey Graham RSC got the most laughs of the evening declaring he was the halftime entertainment as he took the stageThe more you drink the better I sound so keep drinking he joked If you need to go to the bathroom go ahead Wont bother me a bitHe jabbed at Iowa Sen Chuck Grassleys famously frugal ways The one thing I learned about this dinner is it was free for Chuck or he wouldnt have been hereHe also ribbed freshman Sen Joni Ernsts memorable 2014 hog castration ad When I saw that ad with the pigs I made sure Id never offend JoniBut the hawkish senator quickly turned serious taking a jab at his frequent foe Rand Paul the libertarianleaning Kentucky senator Paul who has already officially announced his candidacy had used his own time to reiterate his opposition to the NSAs controversial wiretaps telling voters I want to catch terrorists but I also want to protect the ConstitutionGraham who could announce his 2016 plans June 1 promised that if someone under his watch as president was thinking of joining ISIS or planning a terrorist attack Im not calling a judge to get a warrant as Paul called for Im calling a drone and were going to kill youGraham also gave cover to another potential 2016 rival former Florida Gov Jeb Bush who fumbled questions this week on whether he would invaded IraqThe former US Air Force JAG Corps lawyer blamed the deterioration in the Middle East on Obamas withdrawal of troops in the region not on former President George W BushIf you fought in Iraq Graham said its not your fault its going to hell Its Obamas faultBut Paul didnt spare Bush that scrutiny Without mentioning his likely rival by name he said the question of whether the Iraq War was a good idea was a valid question Not because were talking about history but because were talking about the Middle East where history repeats itselfPaul said the same question should be asked of Hillary Clinton If she ever takes any questions he quipped He then pivoted to an indictment of Clintons reaction to the 2012 consulate attacks in Benghazi Libya which he said should disqualify her as presidentWhen Bush took the stage he began by acknowledging his family in a nod to the controversy of this weekYou all know me as George and Barbaras boy for which Im proud he said Some of you all may know that Dubya is my brother Im proud of that tooEarlier on Saturday Bush defended his answers this week when he was asked by Fox News Megyn Kelly Knowing what we know now would you have authorized the invasion in Iraq After saying he would Bush tried to clarify the next day saying he interpreted the question wrong before finally fully walking back the answer Thursday saying he would not have gone into IraqI misstepped for sure I answered a question that wasnt asked he told voters at a town hall at Loras College in Dubuque on Saturday morningLater that afternoon when taking questions from reporters in Iowa City he said all candidates were going to make mistakesIf youre looking for a perfect candidate he said he probably existed 2000 years agoAt the Lincoln Dinner Bush took aim at Obamas foreign policy echoing part of his stump speechName a country where the relationship is better than the day that Barack Obama came into office he asked Iran Cuba I rest my caseForeign policy hits against both Obama and Clinton were familiar refrains from other speakers tooIran enemy Israel friend Its real simple said former Sen Rick Santorum RPa who won Iowa in 2012Gov Bobby Jindal RLa assailed Obama for what he saw as not standing up for religious liberty in the face of threats abroad The United States of America did not create religious liberty he said Religious liberty created the United StatesBen Carson who has never held political office but is a Tea Party favorite saw his first lead in a poll of Republican primary voters While our enemies are magnifying and metastasizing were shrinking back said Carson a retired pediatric neurosurgeonFormer Texas Gov Rick Perry tried to offer a hopeful historical reminder We made it through Jimmy Carter Well make it through Barack ObamaHis speech ran long and like a scene out of an Academy Awards ceremony music began to playAnother candidate who got the proverbial hook was Carly Fiorina the former HewlettPackard CEO Her microphone was cut off to the verbal frustration of the crowd She briefly continued to speak while the audience could not hear herHer speech though was well received including getting the loudest applause of the night with this jab recalling how she was asked when she announced her official campaign last week if a womans hormones would affect her ability to do the job as presidentCan anyone think of a single instance where a mans judgment was clouded by his hormones And in the Oval Office she said a notsosubtle shot at former President Bill ClintonFiorina also got applause as she contrasted her own previous meetings with foreign leaders to Clinton Fiorina boasted how she would stand up to Russian and Iranian leaders As shes done in previous cattle calls Fiorina drew notice as the only woman in the field and positioned herself as a natural foil to Clinton the likely Democratic nomineeWhen the formal speeches concluded GOP faithful mingled downstairs meandering from room to room that candidates had set up Some of the longest lines to meet candidates were in the suites of Graham and Fiorina who attracted renewed interest after strong performances The lines for Bush Carson and Walker were winding tooSeveral candidates turned to their home states for inspiration Jindals was Mardi Grasthemed passing out green gold and purple beads and promising bandanas for supporters of local Duck Dynasty star Willie RobertsonClad in a red apron Walker stood behind a table scooping ice cream and serving up Wisconsin cheese A HarleyDavidson motorcycle was on display next to him a nod to Ernsts inaugural Roast and Ride in a few weeks while autographed cheesehead hats were on his book table in the crowded roomPerry also served ice cream a nod to the favorite dessert he says he usually grabs at the end of a day spent campaigning And as Iowa Republican Party Chairman Jeff Kaufmann noted the event and likely caucus lineup offered something for everyone of all palates in the GOPIts like going into BaskinRobbins and not knowing which flavor to take he said at the end of the dinner I want a taste of every single one
Lots Of Candidates Want To Simplify Tax Code Heres What They Get WrongTheres something almost Name That Tuneish about the way the GOP candidates are talking about tax brackets these days Currently there are seven Donald Trump wants four Jeb Bush says he can get them down to three Chris Christie and Marco Rubio want two Ben Carson does them one better one 10 percent rate inspired by the BibleTheyre not alone President Obama has advocated fewer brackets as wellWhy do this One of the most common reasons they give is that it would make the tax code simplerAs Rubios tax plan puts it The tax code is in desperate need of simplification and bracket consolidation is an important first stepHes right on the first part The Internal Revenue Code is impenetrably unfathomably complicatedBut heres the reality Cutting brackets wont really help that muchIts a very mild form of simplification said William Gale codirector of the UrbanBrookings Tax Policy Center at the Brookings Institution a leftleaning Washington think tank The real complication in the system is in the tax base not in the rate structure Figuring out how you calculate capital gains or figuring out whether youre eligible for the earned income tax credit for lowerincome Americans given the child rules once youve got that then you just plug in the ratesThink about your own taxes it can be complicated to figure out how much you owe when you have things like investment income wages from selfemployment or lots of deductions But once you fill in the boxes and subtract all that out figuring out your rate is easy and if youre using a program like TurboTax the computer does it for youCutting taxes as a whole tends to be the real goal behind ratecutting said Ed Kleinbard professor of law and business at the University of Southern California After all no one ever tries to simplify tax brackets upwardThe number of brackets has an almost imperceptible effect on the complexity of tax law as it is lived by the individual taxpayer Kleinbard said Taxpayers are not left to their own devices engaged in highlevel mathematicsWhat does simplicity look likeSo reducing the number of brackets isnt the clearest path to simplification What is Making the rest of your tax preparation experience easier says one expertSimplification does not necessarily mean that taxes are a simple mathematical function of income said Matthew Weinzierl a Harvard University assistant professor who studies what optimal tax systems look like After all with TurboTax its easy to have a computer do a complex calculation for you Instead what economists typically have in mind is that a tax system should be easy to understand transparent and hard to gameA lot of these bracketcutting ideas come alongside proposals to limit deductions And that in its own right is a great step toward simplification Bush for example wants to cap the amount of total deductions most people can take not counting the charitable deductionMost economists think a tax base with fewer such loopholes is less subject to evasion and less distortionary to economic activity Weinzierl saidThe idea is that these loophole closures offset the tax revenue lost from cutting brackets But thats not how it always worksThe call for fewer tax brackets in every case has as its real motive lowering the tax burden on the highestincome Americans not making life simpler for the middle class Kleinbard argued Consider Bushs tax proposal as an example While it limits deductions it also would overwhelmingly benefit the highest earners and grow the national debt unless there is unprecedented growth in the economyCutting deductions and loopholes makes for a great sound bite but its far tougher than it sounds The politically popular mortgageinterest deduction is a great example of this It tends to benefit higher earners more but despite constant calls to simplify the tax code its so politically popular that it has proved impossible to eliminateCutting deductions isnt the only way candidates could fight for simpler taxes They could also pledge to combat efforts of tax preparers to keep tax preparation itself complicated Voxs Dylan Matthews and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Robert Greenstein have reported that HR Block pushed for changes that would have quadrupled the earned income tax credit forms length making it harder for lowincome families to get the credit that is without HR Blocks help The company has defended itself hereThere are also unsexy opportunities to make the code less complicated For example Kleinbard argues that some long hyperspecific definitions could be trimmed downIf you really care about complexity the place to look for example is the definition of whos a dependent Kleinbard said People fight over whether a child is a dependent of one parent or another It turns out to be an incredibly complicated topic and nonsensically so If you look for simplicity youd actually want to look at things like a consistent and simple definition of dependent So theres plenty of room for simplification and politicians often point to the socalled 70000 page tax code as proof of that However railing against the page count may be a misguided line of attackOne nitpicky reason is that the tax code itself is not in fact 70000 pages long as Slate pointed out last year That distinction belongs to a compilation of court decisions surrounding the tax code according to the Tax Foundation The statutes themselves are about 2700 pages longBut far more important Kleinbard said some complexity is inherent to a tax code that tries to govern a complicated economyThe tax code is thousands of pages long for a very simple reason It is a model in the economic sense of all of economic activity he said Most Americans dont spend a lot of time worrying about the taxation of cutting timber or of being crew on a tuna boat But there are rules for that and you may find the rules irrelevant to you but the rules are complex for a reasonOK so how many brackets should there beAmericans want a tax code thats simpler to some degree And brackets arent really going to simplify the code all that much But that still doesnt answer one key question Is there a right number of bracketsTheres an entire branch of economics dedicated to this kind of question Its called optimal tax theory and Google Scholarsearching it will dump you into an afternoonlong intellectual rabbit hole Weinzierl who studies this said theres no magic numberThe number of brackets is generally considered unimportant Weinzierl said Any desired level of progressivity can be obtained with a number of different bracket structures so the specific number isnt that importantBut some experts believe that our current sevenbracket system could use some tweaking Thomas Piketty author of last years bestselling Capital in the 21st Century and University of California Berkeleys Emmanuel Saez for example have argued that a higher top marginal rate would be bestGiven the growth of uberhighearners Weinzierl said that idea is popular among economistsMany economists would argue that the lack of such a bracket is odd since it means that a family earning 750000 is likely to pay the same marginal tax rate as a family earning 10 times as much he said The basic idea here he adds is that if were going to have more than one bracket and thus allow ourselves something other than a flat tax its quite limiting not to have a bracket for the highest earnersAnd heres another compelling complication The US may have already stumbled onto a pretty good system Earlier this year economists at the Minneapolis Fed found that the current US system warts and all is in fact nearly optimal beating out other optimal options like a flattaxplustransfer systemTrying to understand all of these taxpolicy contradictions at once might understandably make your eyes glaze over But the ultimate takeaway is simple When a politician advocates simplifying the tax system theres usually a good reason to be skeptical
Syrians wait near the Turkish border during clashes between ISIS and Kurdish armed groups in Kobani Syria on Thursday June 25 The photo was taken in Sanliurfa Turkey ISIS militants disguised as Kurdish security forces infiltrated Kobani on Thursday and killed many civilians said a spokesman for the Kurds in KobaniResidents examine a damaged mosque after an Iraqi Air Force bombing in the ISISseized city of Falluja Iraq on Sunday May 31 At least six were killed and nine others wounded during the bombingA member of Afghanistans security forces stands at the site where a suicide bomber on a motorbike blew himself up in front of the Kabul Bank in Jalalabad Afghanistan on Saturday April 18 ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack The explosion killed at least 33 people and injured more than 100 others a public health spokesman saidA Yazidi woman mourns for the death of her husband and children by ISIS after being released south of Kirkuk on April 8 ISIS is known for killing dozens of people at a time and carrying out public executions crucifixions and other actsOn April 1 Shiite militiamen celebrate the retaking of Tikrit which had been under ISIS control since June The push into Tikrit came days after USled airstrikes targeted ISIS bases around the cityA Kurdish marksman looks over a destroyed area of Kobani on Friday January 30 after the city had been liberated from the ISIS militant group The Syrian city also known as Ayn alArab had been under assault by ISIS since midSeptemberISIS militants stand near the site of an airstrike near the TurkeySyria border on Thursday October 23 The United States and several Arab nations have been bombing ISIS targets in Syria to take out the militant groups ability to command train and resupply its fightersCundi Minaz a female Kurdish fighter is buried in a cemetery in the southeastern Turkish town of Suruc on Tuesday October 14 Minaz was reportedly killed during clashes with ISIS militants in nearby KobaniA Kurdish Peshmerga soldier who was wounded in a battle with ISIS is wheeled to the Zakho Emergency Hospital in Duhuk Iraq on Tuesday September 30Syrian Kurds wait near a border crossing in Suruc as they wait to return to their homes in Kobani on Sunday September 28Aziza Hamid a 15yearold Iraqi girl cries for her father while she and some other Yazidi people are flown to safety Monday August 11 after a dramatic rescue operation at Iraqs Mount Sinjar A CNN crew was on the flight which took diapers milk water and food to the site where as many as 70000 people were trapped by ISIS But only a few of them were able to fly back on the helicopter with the Iraqi Air Force and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters
Heres an interesting factoid about contemporary policing In 2014 for the first time ever law enforcement officers took more property from American citizens than burglars did Martin Armstrong pointed this out at his blog Armstrong Economics last weekOfficers can take cash and property from people without convicting or even charging them with a crime yes really through the highly controversial practice known as civil asset forfeiture Last year according to the Institute for Justice the Treasury and Justice departments deposited more than5 billion into their respective asset forfeiture funds That same year the FBI reports that burglary losses topped out at 35 billionArmstrong claims thatthe police are now taking more assets than the criminals but this isnt exactly right The FBI also tracks property losses from larceny and theft in addition to plain ol burglary If you add up all the property stolen in 2014 from burglary theft motor vehicle theft and other means you arrive at roughly 123 billion according to the FBI Thats more than double the federal asset forfeiture haulOne other point Those asset forfeiture deposit amounts are not necessarily the best indicator of arise in the use of forfeiture In a given year one or two highdollar cases may produce unusually large amounts of money with a portion going back to victims thereby telling a noisy story of yeartoyear activity levels the Institute for Justice explains A big chunk of that 2014 deposit for instance was the 17 billion Bernie Madoff judgment most of which flowed back to the victimsFor that reason the net assets of the funds areusually seen as a more stable indicator those numbers show how much money is left over in the funds each yearafterthe federal government takes care of various obligations like payments to victims Since this number can reflect monies taken over multiple calendar years its less comparable to the annual burglary statisticsStill even this more stable indicator hit 45 billion in 2014 according to the Institute for Justice higher again than the burglary losses that yearOne final caveat is that these are only the federal totals and dont reflect how much property is seized by state and local police each year Reliable data for all 50 states is unavailable but the Institute of Justicefound that the total asset forfeiture haul for 14 states topped 250 million in 2013 The grand 50state total would probably be much higherStill boil down all the numbers and caveats above and you arrive at a simple fact In the United States in 2014 more cash and property transferred hands via civil asset forfeiture than via burglary The total value of asset forfeitures wasmore thanonethird of the total value of property stolen by criminals in 2014 That represents something of a sea change in the way police do business and its prompting plenty of scrutiny ofthe practiceThe surprising reason more police dogs are dying in the line of dutyMost Americans dont realize its this easy for police to take your cashPolice chases kill more people each year than floods tornadoes hurricanes and lightning combined
The Republican presidential candidates kicked off the 2016 election year on Monday with a burst of new attacks and advertising including Donald Trumps first TV ad of the season as they entered the final sprint to Iowa and New HampshireAs Trump rolled out his TV spot in both earlyvoting states Ben Carson released a new tax plan just days after shaking up his struggling campaign Ted Cruz was launching an aggressive 36county tour across Iowa while Marco Rubio used a security speech Monday in New Hampshire to slam those who voted to rein in Americas intelligence effortsThe speeches the ads the bus tours and the proposals all reflect an effort by the campaigns in the stillcrowded field to effectively relaunch with less than a month to go until the leadoff Iowa caucuses and after that the New Hampshire primaryCarson who has endured a precipitous drop in the polls and switched up his top campaign staff last week unveiled a plan Monday to scrap the tax code and replace it with a 149 percent flat taxNo deductions no loopholes it applies to everybody across the board the retired neurosurgeon told Fox NewsOnce the darling of Iowa conservatives Carson has seen his numbers plummet there as Cruz the Texas senator has shot to the front of the field nudging past TrumpThough Trump still holds the lead in most New Hampshire polls the billionaire businessman is seeking to energize his bid by putting money behind his first TV ad of the race His campaign announced it would be spending at least 2 million a week on the ad split between Iowa and New HampshireThe ad reprises Trumps call to build a wall along the USMexico border and to take the Islamic States oil but begins by defending the controversial proposal he made after the San Bernardino terror attack to ban Muslims from entering the USThe narrator in the ad says The politicians can pretend its something else but Donald Trump calls its radical Islamic terrorism Thats why hes calling for a temporary shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until we can figure out whats going onTrump isnt the only one talking tough in the final stretchFlorida Sen Rubio at an American Legion post in New Hampshire took an implicit shot at candidates like Cruz in blasting lawmakers who voted to rein in the NSA while vowing to restore such intelligence programsIf ISIS had lobbyists in Washington they would have spent millions to support the antiintelligence law that was just passed with the help of some Republicans now running for president Rubio chargedHe also blasted Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton as incompetent and said She has lied referring to her public explanations regarding the Benghazi terror attackKeep the Promise a super PAC supporting Cruz launched its own ad in Iowa that mocked Rubio over a video clip he put out in October joking about fantasy football the proCruz ad juxtaposes that against images of ISIS fighters and the refugee crisis to question his seriousnessCruz meanwhile is keeping a packed schedule as he launches a sixday 36county bus tour in the Hawkeye State and tries to maintain his lead thereEven the lowerpolling candidates are taking another crack at breaking through Former Pennsylvania Sen Rick Santorum who won the Iowa contest in 2012 launched his first TV ad in the state on Monday also going after CruzThe ad starts with a clip of the Texas senator reading a Dr Seuss classic Green Eggs And Ham on the Senate floor which he did during a filibusterlike speech opposing ObamaCare in 2013You want someone to read one helluva bedtime story Ted Cruz is your guy a narrator says If you want to protect America and defeat ISIS Rick Santorums your president Because serious times need serious peopleSantorum though is polling at under 1 percent in the state as Cruz and Trump maintain an unrivaled leadNew Hampshire by contrast is a much tighter contest No fewer than five candidates are jockeying closely for the position behind Trump in the polls right now Rubio Cruz New Jersey Gov Chris Christie Ohio Gov John Kasich and former Florida Gov Jeb Bush

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