Shortages of women minorities and conservatives are shaping digital content in ways you cant seeWeve learned a lot this month about how Facebook picks its trending topics A team of curators monitors lists of stories organized by an algorithm boosting banning and remixing headlines in real time Those curators may or may not suppress conservative news something thats sparked questions about how the social network shapes the content users seeFacebook is of course free to decide what to publishbut a public conversation about its methods is still a good thing especially if that discussion focuses on more than political leaningsAnyone troubled by the notion of bias at Facebookincluding the conservative leaders who met with CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesdayshould also be upsetby its lack of diversity andthe homogeneous workforces of many tech companies These cornerstones of the social web play significant roles in determining what is and isnt news If the default worker is white male straight and liberalthat increases the risk that journalisms future will repeat the mistakes of its pastIts no secret that traditional journalism has a diversity problem The American Society of News Editors most recent census found that just under 13of daily newspaper journalists were nonwhite and 37were female Broadcast newsrooms are slightly more diverse with 22minorities and 41women As for ideology only7 of journalistsin a 2013 Indiana University survey said they were Republicans Four times as many said they wereDemocrats and over half were independentsA diverse press corps matters for lots of reasons but heres the most important one Theres no such thing as an objective journalist Most of us strive for fairness and accuracy in our methods but every choice we make who we interview what details we include where to deploy our newsroom resources reflects our own subtle biases So when everyone shares the same cultural identity its easier to overlook important stories or to misrepresent entire segments of the populationPracticing journalism means makes countless choices The same it true when it comes to writing the computer code that powers Facebook and other digital platforms Programmers like journalists help determine what goes viral and what vanishes into the deep recesses of the internetFacebook is more racially diverse than typical newsrooms 55 of employees are white and 36 are Asian Blacks Hispanics and people who identify as mixed race make up the remaining 9 Women meanwhile represent 32of the total Facebookworkforce They fill just 16of tech positions and represent 23of senior leadershipFacebook staffers also show signs of leaning to the political left Theyve been far more likely to support liberal candidates and causes according to one analysisof campaign donationsJust like good journalists strive for fairness good programmers follow professional standardsbut neither can escape subtle personal biases Take for instance when software used by Little League Baseball to write game stories attached a male pronoun to female pitcher MoNe Davis Theres also evidence that programs used to screen resumes and loan applications may learn the biases of their creatorsWhen it comes to the modern information ecosystem these subtleties matter more than ever before We are as the Nieman Labs Joshua Benton wrote last year awash in a wave of distributed content material created for platforms other than the news organizations website SnapChat Discover Apple News and Facebooks instant articles are just some of the ways news now finds it audienceGroups like the National Association of Black Journalists the Association of LGBT Journalists and the Journalism and Women Symposium of which Im a memberhave worked for decades to diversify journalism Yetthe Facebook flap is a powerful reminder that pushing for change in newsrooms aloneisnt enough Diversity matters for both the organizations producing the content and the organizations helping it find an audienceFacebooks employees should continue choosing the topics they believe are the most relevant but users must demand that the people who make those choices and the people who write the computer code that helps determinewhat choices are available represent the full diversity of the human experienceMeg Heckman a writer on gender politics and technology is a lecturer in journalism at theUniversity of New Hampshire Follow her on Twitter megheckmanIn addition to its own editorials USA TODAY publishes diverse opinions from outside writers including ourBoard of Contributors To read more columns go to theOpinion front pageand follow us on TwitterUSATOpinion
Amid dizzying chaos in presidential politics at least on the Republican side and seemingly intractable dysfunction in Washington its tempting to conclude that stabilizing influences are nowhere to be found But that wouldnt be true Hidden in plain view state parties continue to play a critical and distinctive role in politics and strengthening them is an achievable way to improve the functioning of the political systemThat is what Raymond J La Raja a political scientist with the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and I conclude in a new Brookings report In The State of State Parties the two of us along with UMass Amherst researcher Samuel VanSant Stoddard looked upclose and in detail at the condition of state party committees surveying all 100 of them 56 responded and interviewing 15 of their leaders We also compared our findings with earlier surveys gathered national data and interviewed nationallevel party officials Our main conclusionsBeyond its conclusions our report provides a rich account of what state parties are doing and how well theyre doing it in the real world The reports findings are data driven and complemented with rich quotations and storiesThe disorganization of American politics is a generational problem that will take years to sort out Being political realists La Raja and I believe reforms need to be gradualist and doable and they need to cut with rather than against the grain of everyday political incentives State parties have been overlooked for too long and they offer fertile ground for practical and attainable solutions for the growing dysfunction in American politics
Republicans are girding for a 2016 campaign debate with Democrats on immigration but their presidential candidates are still unsure of the best way to handle an issue that could make or break their partys ability to win back the White HouseMany of the contenders are equivocating or openly shifting their positions on the central question of how to handle the millions of people who are in the US illegally which Hillary Clinton
Washington DC is poised to give workers in the city the most generous familyleave benefits in the country a plan that is backed by the Obama administration and would sidestep Congress on such issuesIf approved the legislation would give essentially every part and fulltime employee in the nations capital as much as 16 weeks of paid leave for such family matters as newborn care illness or a sick relativeThe plan would be funded by an employer tax and was introduced last week with support from seven City Council members enough to pass in the 13person panel in one of the most liberal cities in the countryThe Obama administration and other supporters argue lowerpaid employees cannot afford to take off work for family matters and that 43 million US privatesector workers have no employerpaid sick daysIts important for women to take time at home when they have a child and for people to take time off when they have a sick family member Dave Alpert publisher of the news website Greater Greater Washington told FoxNewscom on Thursday But a lot of people cannot afford to go without pay to do that This bill would allow them to not have to make the allornothing choiceSupporters also argue the United States lags far behind Europe in proving such benefits and that expanding such care would make the District of Columbia more competitive in the labor marketHowever businesses and other critics say the plan would overburden some companies particularly smaller ones and perhaps force them to leaveThe DC Chamber of Commerce cannot support the legislation said group President Harry Wingo suggesting in part a lack of adequate financial analysis This bill would be unprecedented and make the District of Columbia dangerously uncompetitiveThe administration has thrown its full support behind the effort making at least 1 million in Labor Department grant money available this year for cities and statesIn addition agency Secretary Thomas Perez joined Valerie Jarrett a senior adviser to President Obama this spring on a crosscountry promotional tour that also included blogs web testimonials and an online Google Hangout chatAcross the country state and local governments arent waiting for Congress to take action Perez said in April after the Lead to Leave tour stopped in Providence RIHe also reminded Americans that the administration is committed to expanding access to paid leave by supporting cities and states seeking to enact paid leave policies and that Obama in his 2015 State of the Union address called on them to pass legislation to expand sick pay for workersObama has made some headway in efforts to increase wages and narrow the countrys socalled incomeinequality gap in part by using an executive order to increase the minimum wage for federal contract employeesHowever his efforts to increase the federal minimum wage from 725 to at least 1010 an hour have failed in the Republicancontrolled CongressThis is of national interest and the District is leading the way DC Councilwoman Elissa Silverman an Independent said Thursday about the family leave proposal which she is cosponsoringSilverman also pointed out that companies like Netflix and Facebook are offering similar deals to in part attract and keep employees not just out of the goodness of their heartsDC Mayor Muriel Bowser a Democrat has expressed support for the proposal but has also raised concerns about its potential fiscal impact on the cityThe DC plan kickstarted with at least 96000 of the federal grant money would create a fund by taxing city employers on a sliding scaleThe average annual cost would be roughly 385 per employeeEmployers would have to pay the equivalent of 1 percent of workers salaries of at least 150000 or 1500 a yearCompanies that pay the minimum wage 1050 an hour in the District would pay about 06 percent or about 131 annually for each employeeWorkers making up to 52000 a year would be eligible for full wages or salary for a maximum 16 weeks Those who make more would be eligible for the first 1000 of their weekly income plus a percentage of the remainder up to 3000 a weekAmong the exceptions are the selfemployed and people who travel into the District to work for a federal agency or office because the city cannot tax the US government nor impose a commuter taxCalifornia New Jersey and Rhode Island already have mandated policies on family leave but the Districts offers more than twice as many paid weeks
During a House Appropriations Committee hearing lawmakers added language to the 2016 defense spending bill stating that Congress has a constitutional duty to debate and determine whether or not to authorize the use of military force against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria also known as ISIL or ISISThe amendment offered by Rep Barbara Lee DCalif has no binding effect It does nothing to force a congressional debate on the duration costs or endgame of the war It simply states that it is Congress responsibility to have that debate and then vote to authorize or not to authorize warWe must recognize that Congress has an important role to play in matters of war and peace Its way past time to reassert Congress role in warmaking said Lee We cant allow this policy of endless war to continue This amendment just says Congress has a constitutional duty to debate and determine whether to use military force against ISIL A debate Doing our job Thats all this amendment requiresPresident Barack Obama has been directing airstrikes against ISIS since August and hes been doing so without new congressional authorization The Constitution requires Congress to declare wars but in this case Obama said he doesnt need lawmakers signoff because a sweeping 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force covers his actions Lawmakers have disputed that point for months so the president sent them a new Islamic Statespecific AUMF proposal in February saying he welcomed a vote on it even though he doesnt think he needs itDemocrats say Obamas proposal is too broad Republicans say its too restrictive and their differences have given way to complacency That leaves the US engaged in a military campaign with no end in sight The US has already spent more than 21 billion participated in more than 4000 airstrikes and sent 3000 military personnel to Iraq in the effortThe reality is that many lawmakers dont want anything to do with a war authorization vote for fear that if something goes wrong their fingerprints will be on it A handful of Democrats have been pushing for a debate and a vote but neither GOP nor Democratic Party leaders are doing anything to make the issue a priorityTuesdays committee vote at least showed there is bipartisan support in the House for debating and voting on war authorization something House Speaker John Boehner ROhio has signaled isnt going to happen on his watchWe are not only evading this responsibility on both sides of the aisle quite frankly but we are handing over warmaking authority to the executive branch to all future presidents with both hands It is a gigantic mistake not to do our job said ColeRep Rodney Frelinghuysen RNJ was among those who opposed Lees amendment He called it totally inappropriate to tie a war authorization measure even one that just states the role of Congress to the defense spending billLee offered two other amendments that were rejected One would have repealed the 2001 AUMF with a cushion of eight months for Congress to pass a new ISISspecific AUMF in its place The other would have repealed the 2002 AUMF that authorized the Iraq War Neither of those AUMFs have an expiration date and Obama has leaned on both as his legal justification for taking military action against ISIS on his own
It ought be a local decision I mean a state decision Bush told the Miami Herald The state decided The people of the state decided But its been overturned by the courts I guessIts disappointing to see that Jeb Bush has the same opinion of marriage equality as the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton Angelo told The Huffington Post Jeb had a chance to differentiate himself from her and at the very least say that in Florida marriage equality is settled law and there are more pressing issues demanding attention As it stands Jeb tacks the same line as Hillary that marriage is something that should be left to the statesDuring an interview in June with NPRs Terry Gross Clinton repeatedly said that for her marriage had always been a matter left to the states but never clarified whether she believes samesex marriage bans violate the US ConstitutionI dont think people need to be discriminated against because they dont share my belief on this and if people love their children with all their heart and soul and thats what they do and thats how they organize their life that should be held up as examples for others to follow because we need it Bush said We desperately need it and that can take all sorts of forms it doesnt have to take the one that I think should be sanctioned under the lawUPDATE 545 pm In a statement to The New York Times Monday Bush acknowledged that marriage equality was now the law of the land in many places and seemed to express little appetite for working to repeal itWe live in a democracy and regardless of our disagreements we have to respect the rule of law he said I hope that we can show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious libertyUPDATE 810 pm In a 1994 oped in the Miami Herald dug up by BuzzFeed Bush argued against providing lesbian gay bisexual and transgender individuals equal legal protections writing Should sodomy be elevated to the same constitutional status as race and religion My answer is NoBush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said Bush would no longer use that language Gov Bush believes that our society should have a culture of respect for all people regardless of their differences and that begins with preventing discrimination including when it comes to sexual orientation This opinion editorial from 20 years ago does not reflect Gov Bushs views now nor would he use this terminology today
Killing Obama administration rules dismantling Obamacare and pushing through tax reform are on the early todo list
Share on Twitter The Republican National Committee launched a new video advertisement Thursday hitting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on her support for the Affordable Care Act commonly known as Obamacare The 27second video which is part of a fivefigure campaign on Facebook details the recent developments surrounding increased healthcare premiums for individuals in certain states by reminding voters of Clintons support for the landmark law The video obtained by Independent Journal Review also plays Clintons quote taking credit for the Affordable Care Acts framework Before it was called Obamacare it was called Hillarycare In a statement RNC chairman Reince Priebus said Hillary Clintons tone deaf promises to expand Obamacare will only mean a greater strain on the finances of many American families adding Hillary Clinton has for years touted her own botched healthcare plans as the blueprint for this trainwreck of a law that was designed to fail and the almost daily reports of skyrocketing premiums disappearing options and collapsing state exchanges will remain a reality if she is president Obamacares struggles have been a prominent focus for Republicans in many downballot races across the United States Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has touched on the issue as well releasing a brief healthcare position paper Because of Clintons role in the framework and selling of the Affordable Care Act Priebus said that voters should reject Clinton The best way to hold Hillary Clinton and Democrats in Congress accountable for this mess is to elect Donald Trump president and return Republican majorities to the House and Senate so we can pass patientcentered healthcare reform that wont cripple family budgets he said
From the day we are born into this world we are being taught what our parents have been taught and what their parents have taught them without asking many questions such as who we are why we are here and why things are the way they are Existential questions are simply perceived as irrelevant in a leftbrained society in which money and career performance seem to be the primary focus For those who seek a reason countless financed religious institutions claim to provide the ultimate answers and a securing spiritual identity From cradle to grave we are following the guidelines of what authority defines as a stateoftheart system in which success seems to begin and end within the running wheel of education career performance debt management and retirement A vibrant economy is the ultimate priority of our global hierarchy However a vibrant planet the respect of all life forms healthy foods peaceful ways and conscious actions seem to remain a mere subject of conversation often turned into a few fundraising campaigns with very little or no impact at all After all living consciously and in perfect harmony with nature certainly goes against the principles of industrialism Generations have passed trends have changed technologies have emerged and a better communication has opened doors for alternative information and ideas that are pushing the envelope on societys boundaries Yet they all seem to remain in the fantasy section of our industrialist system for in the good old ways of a governing establishment we ought to trust Authority knows best is the slogan of our conventional wisdom and we meanwhile can mind our own business go on with our lives get our needs met and attempt to live happily ever after as long as we conform to the expected norms of society We then pass on this set of unquestioned beliefs and habits to our children encouraging then to perpetuate the same cycle because after all it is all weve ever known Is this all there is to life Is this way of life forever sustainable Do we have to live this way What is the purpose of our existence Such questions are well worth asking because to realize that there is more to us than what weve been led to believe is the first step towards uncovering answers The search implies that there is something more to life than what is presently the case Jeff Foster Human Nature or Human Conditioning We have been told that the state of our world is purely the result of our inherent human nature Some even say we are born ill intended and learn the good values through stringent parental educational or religious discipline Even though this version of the story has been adopted and repeated by many we are going to take the road less travelled Instead of qualifying our true nature as predetermined and unchangeable could it be that the current state of humanity is the result of a second nature By definition a second nature is an acquired behaviour that has been so long practiced to the point where it seems innate It is a conditioning of consciousness rather than a fundamental characteristic of consciousness Considering the fact that humanitys consciousness has been externally influenced for a very long time shouldnt this lead us to question how much of our behaviours and aspirations are actually ours Without a doubt our society is programmed to sell us on competing belief systems political views brands and products and the list could go on forever After all maintaining the trend of such mindsets is what is profitable to the system Whether it is a cream that promises beauty a substance that promises relief a car that promises attention a career that promises prestige or a luxurious lifestyle that promises eternal happiness this system is an expert at creating billions of needs only to sell us on ideas and products that promises to satisfy them The Mainstream media is the best example of a great influence on the human mind TV shows magazines the news politics education or organised religion all tend to either implement a sense of patriotism materialism idolism conformism or any compliant mindset that seem to fit the bill of an authority figure We have been slowly yet surely trained to avoid critical questioning and to allow what we call our leaders to decide of our individual and collective destiny When it comes to the word conspiracy or the simple thought that the ones in power may not have the benefit of the whole at heart ridicule is a very popular reaction and is often the treatment that whistleblowers experts or exgovernment officialsemployees receive when trying share such simple information The word has even been paired with theory because people in general have better things to do than to research information that is being labeled as theoretical Yet the question that we should begin to ask ourselves is Why would authority would give any credibility to those who challenge and question authority In this article we are going to bypass the scrutiny of information and the need to prove opinions or facts because after all it is no one elses job to think for ourselves but ourselves All information emerging from both sides of the coin in regards to our economic system our governments or even events such as 911 is already out there for us to evaluate It is therefore up to the individual to switch off the tendency to filter information out of acquired preconceptions to step aside from chain reactions and to research throughly and intuitively Then again no matter how much data our brain may take in it is not necessarily more information that shall make us more enlightened As Einstein once said Information is not knowledge The point I am making is that constantly thinking in accord to the beliefs we cherish or the information we advocate is certainly not the extent of what knowledge and understanding is In order to move forward we have to look beyond competing beliefs and conceptual answers Whether we are speaking of individuals who proclaim themselves as awake and aware teachers religious people or intellectuals segregation will always cause us to fail to see the bigger picture as long as we let ourselves be run by our egoic mind The Ego vs The Observer Self The truth is aside from all of the concepts belief systems patterns and behaviours we may have acquired since birth we all possess a profound awareness that does not relate with our egoic mind It is a pure awareness that does not filter information with acquired beliefs and therefore does not have a clouded perception This consciousness is what some call the intuition the innerknowing the heart the gut feeling or the soul yet the word that shall be employed for the moment is the observer self While a teacher teaches what they have been taught a priest preaches the bibles teachings and a politician reiterates the same system the observer self is the awareness that is not manipulated by anyone or anything for it does not depend on external factors to build up an identity It only observes with a clear lens and therefore sees things as they truly are Your original unconditioned consciousness exists only in you so going elsewhere can never give you access to your essential nature to who you really are Byron Brown For example a young child would naturally perceive a hierarchical government creating wars and the destruction of our planet for economical purposes as utter nonsense Yet generations who have been conditioned to believe and teach that war ends war or that pieces of paper and digits on a computer are the only thing that can make the world go round are more likely to ignore the selfdestruction it implies and run with the money As things are interpreted or labeled by the mind they slowly cease to be what they are and start to become what is thought about them John Greven Lets bring forth our observer self for a moment an answer these following questions Would an awake and aware population allow the damaging and destruction of our home the Earth for the sake of the economy Would it perpetuate the use of petrol despite the alternatives for the sake of the economy Would it allow war profiteering for the sake of the economy Would it indebt the poor for the sake of the economy Would its thoughts be consumed by the obsession of material goods and superficial values And finally would an awake and aware population believe in waiting for world leaders to make the world a more harmonious place when the priorities above are specifically what empower them Simple observations are really all that is required to blatantly see and feel the imbalance of such a disconnected state of consciousness However this is exactly what we are collectively enabling while we keep ourselves busy and distracted over competing with each others social statuses beliefs race identities opinions and so forth All of which are often stances that we take on from the very system profiting from all of the priorities mentioned above A sense of separation from each other the earth and all other life forms is an obvious characteristic of our system which has consequently reinforced humanitys own sense of separation from everyone and everything We willingly go at war and kill each other passively accept poverty and famine as being normal while others over consume and continue to obsess over financial profit despite the consequences This sense of separation has gotten to the point where parts of the western world knowingly dump their toxic waste in developing countries as if sending pollution farther away will hide the fact that we all live on the same earth Yet despite our belief in being separated from the environment from each other and by imaginary borders we all possess an inner knowing that remains unhampered by external indoctrination This knowing earlier referred to as the observer self sees all life as a whole Instead of thinking in terms of what can serve or harm ME it naturally thinks in terms of what can serve or harm US Take for example a child who did not yet take on a patriotic identity that gives importance to illusory borders who does not yet comprehend the ownership and price tagging of nature and who does not hold any form of cultural belief system or prejudice Would this child go to war with another earthling destroy the planet in the name of pieces of paper and digits on a computer or be too greedy to desire a world in which we all share the planets resources equally Just like this child the observer self too perceives purely with no concept that taints its vision Many of our ideas and beliefs about ourselves and the world are so deeply ingrained that we are unaware that they are beliefs and take them without question for the absolute truth Rupert Spira When we consciously choose to expand our awareness and to simply observe what our system stands for we realize it does not have to be this way It is simply erroneous to presume that it endorses a foreversustainable way of living It has no concern for respecting nature or even human lives It only profits through the promotion of unconsciousness The simple act of turning on the TV or observing the magazines they sell us at the cashiers waiting line should make the preceding statement very clear We may think that an intellectual society offering a stringent education system which has brought many individuals to a state of esteemed expertise would naturally lead us to the peak of our human evolution Yet when we look at the wars we still engage in the increasing rate of health deterioration the repetitive oil leaks in our oceans and the amount of corrupted government regulations that wont budge shouldnt that lead us to ask ourselves What exactly are we learning Will we need to experience the shutting down of the earths ecosystem before we finally set aside our differences and awaken to our interconnectedness and equality with each other the earth and all life forms A Shift In Consciousness Awakening to Oneness To me spirituality is about two things The liberation of consciousness from all illusion so that the true nature can shine and an embodiment in life that is an alternative to the patterns of manipulation and greed that dominate our current culture Christian Opitz Oneness simply means the awareness of our inherent interconnectedness with each other the earth the animal kingdom and essentially the entire universe It is the profound understanding beyond opinionated beliefs that we are all equal facets of the same underlying consciousness in which all life arises Some physicists call this consciousness The Unified Field some call it a Universal Consciousness others name it God yet the word that shall be employed in this article is Source Source is not a separate superior and judgmental entity as our societys endorsed religious institutions want us to believe but is in fact the core essence of who we truly are beyond the experience of separation Click here to watch the video An Answer To Existential Questions For a long period of time human consciousness has remained caught up within in a very limited archaic programming which led us to perpetually seeing ourselves as separate from each other from all lifeforms and from the earth Hence why we have ended up passively enabling such illtreatment between each other and the environment The reality we have created for ourselves is the result of living our lives with our egoic minds in the drivers seat We are experiencing the projection of a strictly leftbrained consciousness where we believe there is nothing more to us than the individual physicality mind thoughts and emotions Our society which is a reflection of this state of consciousness exclusively honors the egodriven cleverness of the mind instead of encouraging the reunification with our heartsoul consciousness In this state we have allowed division fear and control to keep us from taking responsibility for ourselves and awaken to our true nature all while waiting for saviors or political dictators to outline our individual and collective destiny Such a disconnected state of consciousness is unsustainable and if not shifted would lead humanity to its own demise Our species is far too clever to survive without wisdom EFSchumacker Planet earth is currently undergoing a shift in consciousness This awakening is leading an increasing amount of individuals to reconnect with their observer self which is enabling them to perceive the world from a wider more unified perspective More are beginning to not only question the egodriven structures controlling humanity but to question the very purpose of their existence and of life itself Such an existential crisis has purposefully guided many towards remembering to who they truly are beyond the mind and the physicality Souls the observer self having a human experience Because of a past collective soul agreement we initially incarnated on earth into what is called the experiential realm The purpose was of experiencing and evolving as souls lifetime after lifetime while being overruled by a thicker sense of individual identity mind and ego and having no direct remembrance of our essence of OnenessSource Our souls basically agreed for the experience of feeling what it is like to have a sense of total separation from each other and from Source to the extent where even the concept of a separation from God was later believed as factual This altogether created a rich and highly polarized sensorial experience With the intention of certain beings our experience was later altered with an additional challenge which was to experience the limitation of a hierarchical structure ruled by separation and egoistical purposes The elitist group of individuals at the very top of this hierarchy is often referred to as the Illuminati and are pushing forward their agenda for global control with an intellectual New World Order Totalitarian world government and one world currency all while being aware of this threatening shift in consciousness Humanity has experienced and remained caught up in this dormant state for a long while This undergoing shift in consciousness stems from the fact that we have collectively agreed at the soul level to move beyond this collective amnesia to create a new more conscious harmonious and expansive experience all while uncovering our natural state of creative limitlessness love and peace This is not a matter of blaming an elitist group for where we are at We have agreed to overcome such a challenge as souls having a human experience for us to learn and grow up from it It is simply about finally taking responsibility for what we have created and move on We are not called to fight the bad guy harm it or fear it We are just called to dig within and find our sacred ground To stand in full love by our bottom line And as we do the bad guy will very quickly scuttle away or drop its mask Because it was never about the bad guy but about us all along about finding that essence inside embracing all of who we are when faced with any challenge It is one of the ways in which we can honor the bad guy in his role of carrier of lessons who is volunteering to wear a dark mask so we may reach for more and find what was lost Katie Gallanti Letting Go of the Old Making Room for the New A Shift of Vibration In the midst of these unique times of social upheaval and spiritual awakening many individuals find themselves at a crossroad in their personal lives Challenging situations are arising and a discomfort in old routines is intensifying Why is this happening New energies of a higher consciousness are entering the earth plane while our world is purging its energetic densities of a lower consciousness This process is being sensed in our personal lives as well bringing forth old emotional baggages or situations that challenge our traditional ways of thinking Such emotions and discomforts will build up as long as we keep on missing the point of our souls call which is to let go of the prevailing thoughts and beliefs that keep us from expanding towards the wholeness love and infinite potential of who we truly are As much as collective and personal challenges may feel like turmoil at first it is merely a sign of old and unsustainable structurescomfort zones breaking down to make room for the new If it is not about blaming and fighting this insanity and corruption then where do we go from here Peace cannot be kept by force it can only be achieved by understanding Albert Einstein When we shift our awareness towards the quantum construct of reality we understand that everything we can possibly feel and think of is essentially a form and rate of vibration Quantum physicists accurately describe the fundamental particles of reality as wave functions The reason for this abstract description is precisely because fundamental particles behave in a most abstract manner Their existence emerge in waves in which lies only the potentiality for measurable outcomes The word potentiality is key because we now know through a number of scientific experiments such as the doubleslit experiment httpwwwyoutubecomwatchvt7YBmOk1nQw that the very presence of a conscious mind observing andor intending to measure a particle consequently determines the aspect and location in which it takes form This quantum decoherence is scientifically known as the measurement problem In other words the fundamental nature of reality the Unified field consciousness God or Source is originally open to all potential outcomes Yet our very consciousness is intimately hooked to the one that shall be experienced As the physicist Dr York Dobyns stated Without us conscious beings there would just be this expanding superposition of possibilities with nothing definite ever actually happening Peace in ourselves peace in the world Thich Nhat Hanh That being said everything in the universe and on earth vibrates at certain frequencies including our thoughts beliefs and emotions We are literally molding our experienced reality via the power of our personal and collective perceptions and our innerstate is reflected outwards As Einstein said we cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it This shift in consciousness is but a leap beyond the old dualistic consciousness we chose to experience as souls towards the consciousness of Oneness which is of a higher vibrational frequency one of unconditional Love and understanding of who we really are beyond this physical realm The angry judgmental and reactive egoic mind actually attracts and emanates through it the same lower frequencies that keep humanity boxed in this low vibrational matrix of control Its just a ride and we can change it any time we want Its only a choice No effort no work no job no savings and money a choice right now between fear and love The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door buy guns close yourself off The eyes of love instead see all of us as one Bill Hicks Resuming It All In One Simple Analogy It is as if each and everyone of us are projectors responsible for the projections on our own blank walls Most of us are unconsciously choosing to project a tape of violence of hate of segregation of being powerless and even of blame of the other 3 projectors for playing their hostile tape Here lies the silliness the ironicalness of justifying our own projection through blame And this is where humanity is at playing the same tape over and over again while most individuals are still blaming the projection instead of changing their own tape that is too playing a role in this projection As much as we end up pointing fingers at the powers that be they are no more or less powerful than we are The only power they grant themselves is through influencing our choice of the tapes we shall fill our projectors with Yet weve always had the choice despite us not being aware of it and taking responsibility for ourselves This is the reason why Humanity is so slow in igniting true change No one decides to look at their own tape We seem to rather enjoy the comfort of holding on to the same stories and put them in repeat instead of transcending them instead of BEING the change The ego doesnt want to know that it begins with ourselves it doesnt want us to dig into our own personal belief systems and let go of certain selflimitative mindsets or emotional baggages we carry The ego is afraid of what can liberate us and what can liberate us is ultimately ourselves First realize that your world is only a reflection of Yourself and then stop finding fault with the reflection Nisargadatta This is the illusion so many are still buying into It is the belief that we have no influence over others and the world We even think we have no influence over our own lives no influence as the very projector of our own blank wall This belief stems from the fact that we do not see ourselves at one with the world at one with the people and at one with ourselves We see ourselves as a tiny little separated specs of dust with no power whatsoever through the emanation of our own state of being Yet we are indeed all interconnected we are all one Our own consciousness directly impacts the collective consciousness which is literally the motor of our experienced reality it is the projector of it Just as we can change our tape and project harmony on our own blank wall we can choose to be who we truly are our unconditioned self and therefore reflect Peace Love Awareness and all that which uplifts and unveils a more conscious understanding Or we can play the tape of blame anger hatred victimization pointing fingers and never ever looking at our own projections We ultimately have the choice right here and right now Remember you are constantly in the act of creating yourself You are in every moment deciding who and what you are Neale Donald Walsch Elina The Sacred Science follows eight people from around the world with varying physical and psychological illnesses as they embark on a onemonth healing journey into the heart of the Amazon jungle You can watch this documentary film FREE for 10 days by clicking here If Survivor was actually real and had stakes worth caring about it would be what happens here and The Sacred Science hopefully is merely one in a long line of exciting endeavors from this group Billy Okeefe McClatchy Tribune
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Email The Russian government has engaged in espionage against Americans hacking American websites American accounts of private people of institutions in an effort as 17 of our intelligence agencies have confirmed to influence our election Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told Chris Wallace of Fox News in the third and final debate before the November election But Wallace did not even ask about who hacked her emails some of which have been made publicly available by WikiLeaks Wallace asked Clinton about a private speech she had delivered to bankers in Brazil in which she said she dreamed of open borders throughout the Western Hemisphere But because Wallace had noted that the source was WikiLeaks Clinton chose to discuss how the information had been obtained rather than her shocking statement that she wants Americas borders to be open to any person in the Western Hemisphere who desires to come to the United States Of course that would most likely include the majority of the population of North and South America Certainly it would be millions of immigrants at the very least Donald Trump countered Clintons bold claim that Russians hacked her emails saying that she has no idea whether its Russia China or anybody else In rebuttal Clinton simply repeated her claim and chastised Trump for even questioning the integrity of US intelligence officials who have taken an oath to defend the country Let us assume for the sake of argument that the hacks were perpetrated by the Russian government or at least that there was strong evidence for such Should the Obama administration be announcing this to the general public However considering that the White House has demonstrated so little concern for the wellbeing of the United States it is not surprising that Obama would opt to reveal this information less than a month before the election an action designed to help the candidate of his political party Of course Clinton defended US intelligence agencies as above politics But the reality is that politics has clearly played a role in some decisions of intelligence agencies such as in 2012 when the CIA interjected itself in the last political campaign by creating Benghazi talking points And then there was the distortion of analysis on ISIS and Syria by SOUTHCOM the US Southern Command responsible for all military activities in South America and Central America which conformed to Obamas foreign policy position If the Russians were able to hack into Clintons emails when she was secretary of state because she was so careless at best as to use a private email server then does that not offer a reason that she should have been indicted Hillary did not tell the truth when she claimed that 17 intelligence agencies had determined the Russians were responsible for the hacking Only two agencies the Department of Homeland Security DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence DNI have even addressed this issue and their conclusion is somewhat different from Hillarys interpretation of it The joint statement by DHS and DNI was that the hacks are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russiandirected efforts with the presumed intention to interfere with the election process in the United States Certainly the Russians have a history of interfering in the internal affairs of other nations the KGB and other Soviet agencies regularly used disinformation to plant stories in the Western media And of course Russian President Vladimir Putin who was a highranking KGB agent during the Cold War has publicly stated that he would like to see the restoration of the Russian Empire of the Soviet Era But all that does not prove Russia had anything to do with this specific hack The accusation conforms with the narrative that the Clinton campaign has been spouting for the past few months that Putin prefers Trump over Clinton Perhaps Perhaps not Again it is interesting that when it was clear that Soviet dictators preferred someone other than Ronald Reagan as president the Democrats did not consider that a reason to vote for Reagan Rather they argued that the United States should deal with Brezhnev Chernenko Adropov and Gorbachev and were highly critical when Reagan did not do so in the early years of his presidency Clinton herself vowed to have a reset on relations with Putin and Russia when she became secretary of state however relations have clearly deteriorated with Russia since she and Obama took over American foreign policy Others do not buy the Russianhacker theory anyway Willliam Binney a former highranking intelligence officer with the National Security Agency recently told radio host Aaron Klein that he believed it is more likely it was a disgruntled US intelligence worker who is responsible Binney even argued that the FBI has long had access to the database of the NSA and because of that if the FBI really wanted the emails of Clinton they can go into that database and get them right now He insisted that the NSA has all of Clintons emails including the deleted correspondence Judge Andrew Napolitano speaking on Fox Businesss Judge Napolitanos Chambers challenged the Clinton assertions declaring bluntly the Russians had nothing to do with it The entire discussion of the role of the Russians in passing the information on to WikiLeaks is a diversion from the startling statement Clinton made to Brazilian bankers that she wants no borders in the Western Hemisphere This means that it is highly likely that a President Hillary Clinton will follow the pattern of President Barack Obama who has regularly ignored laws such as those concerning immigration with which he does not agree So the entire discussion of whether WikiLeaks obtained its information from the Russians or someone else is important but if Hillary Clintons dream of a borderless Western Hemisphere were to come true no one would have much motivation to hack into the email of an American secretary of state After all how long could the United States continue to exist in any meaningful way without borders Please review our Comment Policy before posting a comment Thank you for joining the discussion at The New American We value our readers and encourage their participation but in order to ensure a positive experience for our readership we have a few guidelines for commenting on articles If your post does not follow our policy it will be deleted No profanity racial slurs direct threats or threatening language No product advertisements Please post comments in English Please keep your comments on topic with the article If you wish to comment on another subject you may search for a relevant article and join or start a discussion there
Its Over For Hillary After People See What She Snuck In Her Online Post Posted on November 1 2016 by Amanda Shea in Politics Share This Hillary Clinton Social media seems to be a tricky tool for Hillary Clinton as she made a major mistake in what she shared online when she was either inebriated or hopped up on medication to treat whats been plaguing her throughout this election Shocked viewers couldnt believe what was seen in her post which she didnt catch until it was way too late Although weve seen how good Hillary is at hitting the delete button she didnt get to it quick enough after what she mindlessly posted that proved what Americans have suspected Evidently she didnt realize she was making a point against herself when she made the comment with the post that said A guide to help you make your choice for president which mad the mistake all the worse for her Either Hillary takes full responsibility for being corrupt by apparently admitting to it or the person that does her social media is paying a big price today Without reading what she was sharing Hillary blindly posted an article from the super liberal news site Slate assuming that if it was from them it was proHillary when the title of the piece called her out for being one of the most corrupt least popular candidates of all time A guide to help you make your choice for president httpstcoQzK7XZYmJW Hillary Clinton HillaryClinton October 31 2016 Urging her followers in the comment with the post to use it as a guide for making the best presidential pick it was the best and most honest advice shes ever given Its for this reason that the post was likely an accident since we all know that Hillary is incapable of being truthful but karma in this case ensured she was The irony of the situation isnt lost on conservatives but apparently was on Slate whose piece was actually meant to promote the Democratic candidate but came across as just the opposite The truth has a sneaky way of coming out as it did in this headline which calls attention to this womans lack of character and qualifications for the presidency For once theres finally some common ground conservatives have found within this liberal publications pages and thats that Hillary Clinton is corrupt and incapable of being a leader
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New Jersey Gov Chris Christie has taken a major step toward a run for president in 2016 forming a political action committee that will allow him to raise money for a possible White House bidThe creation of the committee called Leadership Matters for America was confirmed to Fox News by a Christie adviser The paperwork was filed Friday before his address over the weekend to the Iowa Freedom Summit a conservative gathering in Des MoinesThe committee first reported by The Wall Street Journal also allows Christie to begin to hire staffers build the foundations of a campaign operation and travel across the country as he weighs a final decision on a run He plans to make such trips starting in February Fox News has learnedThe move comes one month after former Florida Gov Jeb Bush announced that he was launching a similar organization which kicked off an aggressive race to lock down donors and may have drawn 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney into the raceThe PACs staffers will include Matt Mowers a former Christie aide who is stepping down from his job as executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party at the end of the month Christie is named as its honorary chairmanWe believe theres a void right now in leadership throughout the country Christies chief political adviser Mike DuHaime told The Journal We aim to support candidates who are willing to take on tough problems and make tough decisionsA mission statement on the organizations website echoes themes that Christie has focused in recent speeches including remarks on Saturday in Iowa in front of conservative activistsAmerica has been a nation that has always controlled events and yet today events control us Why Because leadership matters the mission statement reads It matters if we want to restore Americas role in the world find the political will to take on the entrenched special interests that continually stand in the way of fundamental change reform entitlement spending at every level of government and ensure that every child no matter their zip code has access to a quality educationChristie a former federal prosecutor who passed up the opportunity to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012 turned quickly toward laying the groundwork for a 2016 campaign after winning a second gubernatorial term in the heavily Democratic Garden State in 2013In the past several months he has held meetings to court donors convened latenight briefing sessions on foreign policy and made repeated visits to earlyvoting states including in Iowa over the weekend where he vaguely referred to himself as a candidateHe takes his next step into the race with several advantages among them having recently completed a banner year of fundraising as chair of the Republican Governors Association The group raised more than 100 million on Christies watch and helped Republican candidates win a series of unexpected races including the nominally Democratic states of Maryland and IllinoisServing as RGA chief also gave Christie the opportunity to travel across the country and build relationships with donors and activists He is also one of his partys most talented retail politicians reveling in the kind of oneonone interaction that voters in the crucial early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire demandBut Christie also has challenges to overcome including the stillpending federal investigation into accusations that former staff members and appointees created traffic jams as political payback against the Democratic mayor of a New York suburb by blocking access lanes to the George Washington Bridge into ManhattanHes also dogged by questions about the economy of New Jersey including several recent downgrades of the states credit rating and sluggish job growth Christie is also viewed with distrust in certain conservative circles while other question whether his brash persona and habit of confrontation will play well outside his home stateWhile Christie has told supporters to relax about the timing of his entry into the race he has faced mounting pressure to get started after Bush whose support and donor base significantly overlaps with Christies said he would actively explore a runChristies campaign is likely to focus on many of the themes hes spent years developing in New Jersey including a pitch that he can expand the Republican Partys tent by appealing to independent women and minority votersFox News Serafin Gomez and The Associated Press contributed to this reportClick for more from The Wall Street Journal
Email According to the JASTA law which allows government and leaders of foreign governments harassment by families of victims of the terrorist attacks it is so likely that Saudi king be tried According to experts the passing of JASTA may cause international chaos Especially after some governments threat they will pass similar legislation to prosecute US officials if US do so Is it possible that Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz being tried for potential liability in events of September 11 The trial is possible by the legislation of Jasta By Jasta law the families of the victims could sue governments and this will lead to chaos in international relations In late September United States Congress ignored President Obamas advice and his veto and passed JASTA law the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act This law made USSaudi relation more chaotic US confederate states expressed concern to JASTA legislation Not just Saudi Arabia expressed concerns to JASTA US confederate states also expressed concern about breaking the US quasisacred treaty with Saudi Arabia and asked for appealing France and the Netherlands have threatened to pass similar laws which lead to a series of judicial complaints against USA and its military and diplomacy allies John Kerry United States Secretary of State showed his displeasure and called it a huge risk A few days ago Kerry and Adel alJubeir discussed about the ramifications of JASTA and pointed out the negative impact on the diplomatic immunity of US interests He said there are ways to fix the problem While experts agreed that it is only possible to reduce the strength of America in complaining by circumvent the law Even Saudi minister warned the danger of chaos in the international system According to Hussein ibish an expert on the Persian Gulf littoral states JASTA will cause chaos at the international level Last September European Union warned Other countries may also want to pass similar legislation and discuss impunity This threat was an addition written letters to US government Also France the Netherlands and the United Kingdom representatives discussed about the feedback of this law The Gulf littoral states Turkey Iraq Jordan Pakistan and Japan Protested against JASTA The SaudiUS Relations in danger of Jasta Bernard Haykel Princeton University Professor said If Saudi king does not appear in New York court to be interrogated warrant will be issued against Saudi Arabia Riyadh and Washington relations declined over the past three years especially with Obamas policies on Syria JASTA shows Saudi ruling that Obama turned his back to its allies in the Middle East he added Riyadh strictly denies his involvement in 911 While 15 of the 19 were from Saudi Arabia Turki alFaisal the former head of Saudi intelligence also comments America wants to invade his most loyal friend over the past 70 years Jasta law does not refer to Saudi Arabia It would allow families of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks to sue the perpetrators of the attack
Tuesday night was an amazing night forHillary Clinton and not just because herwins in Florida and Ohio made Bernie Sanderss path to the nomination nearly impossibleTuesday night was an amazing night for Hillary Clinton becauseMarco Rubio dropped out of the race and virtually ensured she will face eitherDonald Trump orTed Cruz in the general electionA couple of months ago Rubios general election strength was conventional wisdom I sometimes want to run around the country grabbing Republican voters by the lapels and screaming You idiots Dont you realize Democrats are a hundred times more scared of Rubio than any of these other guys wrote Matt Yglesias back in January Rubio was seen as a smart nimble politician who could reassure moderates appeal to Latinos or at least blunt their turnout and unify the fractious Republican PartyBut his poor performance in the primaries has led to a split in opinions on Rubio One view is that he was always a weak candidate it was a mass delusion on behalf of the political establishment to ever pretend otherwiseThe other is that the Republican Party has gone around the bend in ways that made Rubio the partys strongest general election candidate by far unacceptable to the Republican baseI hold the second view Rubios primaryseason weaknesses were general election strengths He does hopeful better than he does angry His record includes occasional pivots toward the center particularly on immigration His rsum was relatively thin and while that reminded some Republicans of criticisms they made of Obama it also left less to attack in a general election Rubio was acceptable to all wings of the Republican Party even if he was the first choice of fewThe result is that Rubio could have unified the GOP while running to the middle His rhetoric was often as partisan and fearmongering as anyone else in the race but crucially he had a second speed too he was able to speak the language of optimism and uplift he was able to come off more moderate than he really was he was able to talk about the economy by making an argument about the future rather than just a divisive critique of the pastNone of this fit the mood of the Republican Party in this moment but these are the political skills you need or at least traditionally have needed to win a general electionTrump and Cruz dont have these skills Cruz is the kind ofhardcore conservative ideologue the Republican Party hasnt nominated since Barry Goldwater Trump is an extremist with extraordinarily high unfavorables who could split the Republican Party to say nothing of the kind of turnout hell inspire among Hispanics women and young voters Either candidate solves Clintons turnout problems among Democrats where shes faced a real enthusiasm gap compared with ObamaThis is the race the Clinton campaign didnt dare hope for In recent years the Republican Party has always turned to the candidate that looks best suited for the general election In 2000 they went with George W Bush the seemingly moderate governor of Texas who ran as a compassionate conservative in 2008 they went with John McCain a politician Democrats and independents once liked so much that John Kerry tried to add him to the Democratic ticket in 2008 in 2012 they went with Mitt Romney who had been a moderate governor of a very blue stateThere was nothing in this record to predict that Republicans would turn to a Cruz or Trump in 2016 But thats what they look to be doingCould Clinton still lose the general Sure Donald Trump is winning elections all across the country American politics is a magical land of surprises But the Clinton campaign couldnt ask for weaker opponents than Trump or Cruz This is an outcome that gives them a chance to win back the Senate to pull off the kind of landslide thats rarely seen in modern American politics
With no presidential election or congressional seats on the line Tuesdays election watchers were focused on some highprofile ballot initiatives a governors race inKentuckyand a handful of other races Here are some of the highlights compiled from the Journals reports across the country
The Obama administration has spent at least 185 million to fly unaccompanied children caught crossing into the country illegally to locations inside the United States according to newly obtained figuresThe numbers shared with FoxNewscom by the Senate subcommittee on immigration were provided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in response to questions from Sen Ted Cruz RTexasThe numbers shed light on the extent of a program that has drawn scrutiny not just from lawmakers but the federal courts amid concerns the US government is effectively aiding smugglersThis shows how fundamentally flawed our approach to immigration enforcement has been in the Obama administration a Senate aide who has seen the questions to and answers from ICE Director Sarah Saldana told FoxNewscomThe administration which continues to grapple with waves of Central American migrants crossing the USMexico border and has gone to great lengths to ensure the safety of minors has defended the practice as appropriateBut it comes with a costThe ICE figures show that from June 8 2014 to Sept 30 2015 ICE spent 48 million on charter flights for the children ICE could not provide figures before that period From March 2009 to Sept 30 2015 ICE spent 137 million on commercial flights for unaccompanied minors utilizing funds appropriated to ICEIn total the cost reaches at least 185 millionThis admission by ICE demonstrates that the United States is a party to countless conspiracies by illegal aliens to violate our immigration laws by facilitating their illegal journey into the United States the Senate aide saidPast accounts have said children have been flown from the USMexico border to live with relatives many of whom also are in the US illegallyBut an ICE official told FoxNewscom on Friday theyre only transporting minors to facilities run by Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement as dictated by the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act TVPRAThe official added ICE does not transport children directly to parents or final destinations We should also be clear that Congress has appropriated funds for the sole purpose of transporting these unaccompanied minorsthat funding is separate from ICEs enforcement and other funding ICE is directed in this process by laws that Congress enacts and with funds they appropriate for that specific purposeSeparate questions to ICE posed by Republican Sen Jeff Sessions office have yet to be answeredIn its written response to Cruz ICE said it was unable to provide specific data regarding the number of unaccompanied children transported via commercial flight but that it is in the process of expanding its use of contractorconducted escorts in FY 2016 and will be able to provide more reliable data going forward ICE reported that between June 2014 and September 2015 about 10000 children were transported by charter flightsICE has defended its role in transporting illegal immigrant children before namely after US District Judge Andrew Hanen complained in a Dec 13 2013 order that federal agents were intercepting human smugglers transporting children at the USMexico border and then delivering those same children to their parentsThe comment prompted John Sandweg ICEs acting director at the time to send an email to ICE employees defending the program and saying that the transportation of unaccompanied children by ICE personnel is appropriate and legalDespite its legality the practice still isnt sitting well with someWhile ICE has spent millions of taxpayer dollars flying these young migrants to their chosen destination it has not taken any action against their illegal alien family members who paid to have them smuggled to the United States the Senate source who spoke on condition of anonymity said
Tweet Home Headlines Finance News 2017 Stock Market Crash Eric Dubin on Markets and the Election Shocker Phil Kennedy sat down with financial and geopolitical analyst Eric Dubin to discuss the Feds failure to raise interest ratesagain Eric explains that financial markets have levitated on artificial liquidity and 2017 will be the year market participants give up their blind faith that central bankers can support asset prices indefinitely TND Podcast Spotlight Kennedy Financial Podcast 78 Phil and Eric discuss how the FBI Clinton probe is impacting the US election and financial markets and scenarios that can develop following the election Phil and John introduce the show on the eve of game 7 of the World Series and managed to poking fun at millennials the cost of owning a sports franchise and more before the first pitch Philip and John Kennedy produce the Kennedy Financial podcast Kennedy Financial is a volunteerbased nonprofit dedicated to teaching families personal finance through the principles of free market capitalism and sound money All services are FREE and confidential Visit the Kennedy Financial website Click here Visit their YouTube channel Click here Philip is an Accredited Financial Counselor AFC and a Certified Financial Planner CFP candidate Philip also has over fourteen years of audit forensic accounting and fraud investigation experience in the public and private sectors He is a Certified Public Accountant in the state of Maryland and Virginia and he is a member of the American Institute of CPAs Philip holds a Masters in Business Administration degree from George Washington University and a certificate as a Certified Fraud Examiner from the ACFE He is a student of Austrian Economics and a member of the Mises Institute John is a graduate of William Mary and he has an extensive background in public forensic and corporate accounting As a student of the Austrian School of Economics Mr Kennedy possesses a strong desire to help clients manage their personal finances with sound money John serves KF as Director of Communications and Marketing while the organization continues its steady growth This work is presented on The News Doctors with permission
USled airstrike kills at least 30 Afghan civilians 11032016 PRESS TV At least 30 Afghan civilians including women and children have lost their lives in Afghanistan in an airstrike carried out by the socalled USled military alliance in the countrys volatile north Local Afghan officials said more than two dozen civilians were also injured in the aerial assault which took place in the northern province of Kunduz on Thursday Afghan forces and coalition troops conducted a joint operation against the Taliban insurgents In the bombardment 30 Afghan civilians were martyred and 25 others were wounded media outlets quoted provincial spokesman Mahmood Danish as saying Airstrike sparks antiUS protest rally Following the deadly airstrike dozens of the relatives of those killed in the USled raid staged a demonstration outside the governors office in Kunduz to condemn the attack as they were carrying the bodies of the victims I am heartbroken I have lost seven members of my family I want to know why these innocent children were killed Were they Taliban said Taza Gul a 55yearold laborer adding No they were innocent children Afghan government forces are engaged in fierce fighting against the militants in and around Kunduz Relatives and members of civilians sit next the dead body of a man who was killed during clashes between Afghan security forces and the Taliban in Kunduz Afghanistan November 3 2016 Photo by Reuters Taliban militants briefly overran the city of Kunduz the provincial capital with the same name in early October They had briefly seized control of the city a year earlier but they were pushed out of Kunduz weeks later They now seek to gain full control over the city Taliban militants were removed from power following the 2001 USled invasion of Afghanistan but they have stepped up their activities in recent months attempting to overrun several provinces Afghan forces have been engaged in fierce clashes with Taliban to contain the ongoing insurgency across various parts of the violencewrecked country The rising violence in Afghanistan comes despite the presence of thousands of foreign troops in the country
Carol Adl in Middle East News US 0 Comments The US led coalition is preparing an offensive to oust ISIS from its defacto capital Raqqa in Syria according to the US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said the operation will likely start before the battle for Mosul is won and Russia has not been invited to join the effort In an interview with NBC Carter said the assault will start in the next few weeks We have already begun laying the groundwork to commence the isolation in Raqqa the Pentagon chief said at a press conference in Paris RT reports According to Carter the two officials agreed that the 13state military coalition that gathered in the French capital would proceed with a sense of urgency and focus and confirmed previous statements that there will be a likely overlap with the assault on Mosul which began earlier this month Earlier on Tuesday French President Francois Hollande warned that many of the ISIS fighters in Mosul could simply sneak out among refugees and relocate to Raqqa unless the coalition cuts them off There were up to 6000 Islamic State IS formerly ISISISIL fighters in the Iraqi city before fighting began while Raqqa which Carter described as the nexus of much of IS operational planning will be defended by an estimated 34000 recruits Carter stated that the bulk of the assault contingent would be assembled from capable and motivated local forces that we identify and then enable The lasting defeat of Islamic State cant be achieved by outsiders it can only be achieved by Syrians enabled by us said Carter With the battle over Mosul a city of 15 million people before it was conquered by Islamic State in 2014 expected to last weeks or months the Pentagon is not committing itself to a tight deadline I think everything is trending positively and that we should be able to commence that effort sometime in the near future And again I cant even ballpark near future right now but its imminent said a senior Pentagon official speaking to Reuters and other media anonymously in Paris Russia has not been invited to join the effort The USled coalition has condemned Moscows involvement in Syria which was officially invited by the government of President Bashar Assad Russia is not a participant in our Raqqa plan said Carter who insisted that despite the breakdown of a proposed US and Russiamediated ceasefire and accusations over Aleppo the two sides have a shared interest in defeating IS We do deconflict our coalition operations with Russia through a very professional militarytomilitary channel That channel is active every day and everyone behaves themselves very professionally on both sides in that channel Carter added The Kurds another major faction that has played a key role in combatting Islamist threats in Syria are expected to stay away from Raqqa in part because it lies outside the area they view as their unrecognized homeland Truthfully the Kurds that Ive dealt with dont intend theyre not comfortable going into Raqqa They know they can play a role in shaping and isolating Raqqa but its not their intent to be involved in the actual seizure of the city said the Pentagon source cited by Reuters The Syrian administration has so far not reacted to the plan though has previously condemned the international force which has supported the uprising against President Assad since 2011 for violating the countrys sovereignty The USled coalition has executed air strikes on Raqqa since 2014 despite having no UN mandate to operate inside Syria It has not been in position to carry out a fullscale ground assault Despite saying he was encouraged by the progress of the campaign against ISIS both Carter and Hollande warned separately that the group may further evolve its tactics and redirect its efforts towards guerilla insurgency or suicide attacks in Europe
Is something wrong with Hillary ClintonIn an unprecedented move and with just 6 electoral votes to go for a Donald Trump Presidency Hillary Clinton refused to address the country and sent her aid John Podesta to address supporters at Javits CenterWe can wait a little longer cant we Theyre still counting votes and every vote should count Several states are too close to call so were not going to have anything more to say tonight Watch At Youtube While the New York Times is now projecting a Donald Trump victory with 95 certainty Clinton will not concedeA candidate would normally address the crowd if there was a question as to the validity of results Or in what is quite possible the most important Presidential election in American history the candidate could at least stay up until the votes are countedThis begs the question Did Hillary have another medical episodePerhaps Hillary isnt ready for that 3AM phone call after all
Videos 30 Civilians Die In US Airstrike Called To Protect US and Afghan troops Attack in Kunduz came after two US service members were killed and had been aimed at breaking siege November 4 2016 Be Sociable Share An Afghan man holds up the body of a child that was killed during clashes between Taliban and Afghan security forces in Kunduz province north of Kabul Afghanistan Thursday Nov 3 2016 Authorities say a joint raid by US and Afghan forces targeting senior Taliban commanders killed two American service members and 26 civilians Afghan officials said they were still investigating the attack and its civilian casualties some of which may have been caused by the airstrikes AP PhotoNajim Rahim As many as 30 civilians were killed in an airstrike on Thursday morning called in to protect US and Afghan troops involved in heavy fighting with the Taliban near Kunduz The airstrike requested after two US service members were killed had been meant to break a siege around the village of Bouz Kandahari three miles from the centre of Kunduz according to Saeed Mahmoud Danish the spokesman for the provincial governor He said the civilians got caught up in the line of fire because the Taliban were using their houses as cover The joint operation between Afghan and US forces began late on Wednesday and killed 26 Taliban fighters including two prominent commanders according to local officials It was not immediately clear who conducted the fatal airstrike Dawlat Waziri a spokesman for the Afghan defence ministry said Afghan special forces had conducted airstrikes around the village The US and Nato mission in Afghanistan said in a tweet US forces conducted strikes in Kunduz to defend friendly forces All civilian casualty claims will be investigated Brig Gen Cleveland a US military spokesman said As part of an Afghan operation friendly forces received direct fire and airstrikes were conducted to defend themselves We take all allegations of civilian casualties very seriously As this was an Afghan operation well work with our partners to investigate but refer you to them for additional details in the near term Well provide updates as we have them A US airstrike on a Mdecins Sans Frontires hospital in Kunduz in October 2015 killed 42 people The governors spokesman put the number of killed civilians in Bouz Kandahari at 30 while Gen Qasim Jangalbagh a police official in Kunduz province said 26 civilians had died According to an internal western security report the USAfghan forces came under fire and were surrounded until about 6am when they broke the siege and escaped Cleveland said the US soldiers had been killed at about 3am or 4am but did not release further details The Afghan ministry of defence said the two American soldiers who were advising their Afghan counterparts on the ground were killed in a fire exchange with insurgents which also killed three Afghan special forces Early on Thursday villagers who tried to transport the dead civilians to the city were reportedly stopped by security forces Later in the day residents staged a demonstration protesting about the killings Laghmani a prominent elder in Kunduz said local media and community leaders had tried to go to the village where the airstrike took place but had been stopped by security forces The security situation around Kunduz which Taliban fighters managed to enter last month a year after they briefly captured the city in their biggest success in the 15year war remains precarious Although US combat operations against the Taliban largely ended in 2014 special forces units have been engaged in combat providing assistance to the Afghan army and police Thousands of US soldiers remain in Afghanistan as part of the Natoled Resolute Support training and assistance mission and a separate counterterrorism mission A US service member was killed last month on an operation against Islamic State fighters in the eastern province of Nangarhar Afghan forces largely fighting alone since the end of the international combat mission have experienced thousands of casualties with more than 5500 killed in the first eight months of 2016 This article originally appeared on The Guardian Be Sociable Share
Sen Bernie Sanders won nearly three dozen delegates more than Hillary Clinton Saturday in sweeping the Alaska Washington and Hawaii Democratic presidential caucuses but the strong comeback victories failed to cut substantially into the frontrunners big leadSanders needs to win 67 percent of the remaining delegates and uncommitted superdelegates through June to clinch the Democratic nomination And so far hes winning only 37 percentThere were 162 delegates at stake Saturday Washington with 101 followed by Hawaii with 25 and Alaska with 16The Vermont senator won 55 delegates compared to 20 for Clinton However more will likely be allocated to Sanders in several weeks when the Washington state Democratic Party releases vote shares by districtStill Clinton still maintains a wide advantage in delegates winning 1243 to Sanders 975 based on primary and caucuses to dateHer lead is even bigger when including superdelegates or party officials who can back any candidate they wish Clinton has 1712 to Sanders 1004 with 2383 needed to winStill Sanders sounded optimistic Sunday about his chancesOur calculations are that in fact we can win the pledge delegates he said on NBCs Meet the Press We have the momentum We have won five out of the six last contests in landslide fashion And the reason is the issues that we are talking about a corrupt campaign finance system the disappearance of the American middle class kids graduating college 50000 in debtTo be sure Sanders had a good Saturday which he hopes will give him some momentum as the primarycaucus season moves to the Midwest Northeast then to the West Coast including California with 546 delegates at stake in JuneSanders won Alaska 81to18 percent over Clinton 6832 in Hawaii and 7326 in Washington with all precincts having reportedThe selfdescribed democratic socialist on Saturday night acknowledged his struggles in earlier contests across the South with its strong conservative voting bloc but struck an optimistic toneWe knew things were going to improve as we headed west he said at a rally in Madison Wis We are making significant inroads in Clintons lead We have a path toward victoryThe next Democratic and Republican primaries are April 5 in Wisconsin Other big upcoming primaries include Maryland Pennsylvania and New York Clintons home stateSanders is popular among younger and more progressive Americans but continues to struggle to connect with Hispanic and AfricanAmerican votersHe was expected to do well in Washington considering residents of Seattle the biggest city in the Pacific Northwest are among the most liberal in the country and major campaign contributorsHe drew more than 10000 supporters at an outdoor rally Friday evening in Seattle And the state appeared to have a record voter turnout similar to others that have helped keep alive Sanders insurgent campaignMost of Washingtons Democratic leadership endorsed Clinton including Gov Jay Inslee Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and Sens Patty Murray and Maria CantwellStill Sanders entered Saturdays contests optimistic after winning more delegate than Clinton in three contests earlier last week nearly 20 in the Idaho and Utah caucuses despite losing the marquee Arizona primary to the former secretary of stateSanders has done significantly better in caucus contests now winning 10 of the last 12Most of his 15 primaryseason wins have been in states with largely white populations and in the caucus contests which tend to attract the most active liberal DemocratsWhile Sanders faces a steep climb to the nomination Clintons recent losses highlight her persistent vulnerabilities including concerns about her trustworthiness and weak support among younger votersClinton has been looking past the primary contests and aiming at potential Republican challengersShe did not hold a public event after the Saturdays results were announcedBut in interviews rallies and speeches last week she largely focused on Tuesdays deadly attacks in Brussels casting GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and Texas Sen Ted Cruz as unqualified to deal with complicated international threatsHer campaign sees the April 19 contest in New York as an important one not just because of the rich delegate prize but because losing to Sanders in a state she represented in the Senate would be a psychological blowShe hopes to lock up an even larger share of delegates in five Northeastern contests a week laterFox News Lauren Blanchard and Joseph Weber and The Associated Press contributed to this report
Afraid of dangerous Trump presidency protesters preemptively burn America down to the ground Clinton Foundation in foreclosure as foreign donors demand refunds Hillary Clinton blames YouTube video for unexpected and spontaneous voter uprising that prevented her inevitable move into the White House Sudden rise in sea levels explained by disproportionately large tears shed by climate scientists in the aftermath of Trumps electoral victory FBI director Comey delighted after receiving Nobel Prize for Speed Reading 650000 emails in one week UN deploys troops to American college campuses in order to combat staggeringly low rape rates Responding to Trumps surging poll numbers Obama preemptively pardons himself for treason Following hurricane Matthews failure to devastate Florida activists flock to the Sunshine State and destroy Trump signs manually Tim Kaine takes credit for interrupting hurricane Matthew while debating weather in Florida Study Many nonvoters still undecided on how theyre not going to vote The Evolution of Dissent on November 8th the nation is to decide whether dissent will stop being racist and become sexist or it will once again be patriotic as it was for 8 years under George W Bush Venezuela solves starvation problem by making it mandatory to buy food Breaking the Clinton Foundation set to investigate the FBI Obama captures rare Pokmon while visiting Hiroshima Movie news The Big Friendly Giant Government flops at box office audiences say Its creepy Barack Obama If I had a son hed look like Micah Johnson White House edits Orlando 911 transcript to say shooter pledged allegiance to NRA and Republican Party President George Washington Redcoats do not represent British Empire King George promotes a distorted version of British colonialism Following Obamas OkieDoke speech stock of OkieDoke soars NASDAQ Obama best OkieDoke salesman Weaponized baby formula threatens Planned Parenthood office ACLU demands federal investigation of Gerber Experts melting Antarctic glacier could cause sale levels to rise up to 80 off select items by this weekend Travel advisory airlines now offering flights to front of TSA line As Obama instructs his administration to get ready for presidential transition Trump preemptively purchases T keys for White House keyboards John Kasich selfidentifies as GOP primary winner demands access to White House bathroom Upcoming TrumpKelly interview on FoxNews sponsored by Lets Make a Deal and The Price is Right News from 2017 once the evacuation of Lena Dunham and 90 of other Hollywood celebrities to Canada is confirmed Trump resigns from presidency My work here is done Nonpresidential candidate Paul Ryan pledges not to run for president in new nonpresidential nonad campaign Trump suggests creating Muslim database Obama symbolically protests by shredding White House guest logs beginning 2009 National Enquirer John Kasichs real dad was the milkman not mailman National Enquirer Bound delegates from Colorado Wyoming found in Ted Cruzs basement Iran breaks its pinkyswear promise not to support terrorism US State Department vows rockpaperscissors strategic response Women across the country cheer as racist Democrat president on 20 bill is replaced by black progun Republican Federal Reserve solves budget crisis by writing itself a 20trilliondollar check Widows orphans claim responsibility for Brussels airport bombing Che Guevaras son hopes Cubas communism will rub off on US proposes a long list of people the government should execute first Susan Sarandon I dont vote with my vagina Voters in line behind her still suspicious use hand sanitizer Campaign memo typo causes Hillary to court New Black Panties vote New Hampshire votes for socialist Sanders changes state motto to Live FOR Free or Die Martin OMalley drops out of race after Iowa Caucus nation shocked with revelation he has been running for president Statisticians one out of three Bernie Sanders supporters is just as dumb as the other two Hillary campaign denies accusations of smokinggun evidence in her emails claims they contain only smokingcircumstantialgun evidence Obama stops short of firing US Congress upon realizing the difficulty of assembling another group of such tractable yesmen In effort to contol wild passions for violent jihad White House urges gun owners to keep their firearms covered in gun burkas TV horror live A Charlie Brown Christmas gets shot up on air by Mohammed cartoons Democrats vow to burn the country down over Ted Cruz statement The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats Russias trend to sign bombs dropped on ISIS with This is for Paris found response in Obama administrations trend to sign American bombs with Return to sender University researchers of cultural appropriation quit upon discovery that their research is appropriation from a culture that created universities Archeologists discover remains of what Barack Obama has described as unprecedented unAmerican and notwhoweare immigration screening process in Ellis Island Mizzou protests lead to declaring entire state a safe space changing Missouri motto to The dont show me state Green energy fact if we put all green energy subsidies together in onedollar bills and burn them we could generate more electricity than has been produced by subsidized green energy State officials improve chances of healthcare payouts by replacing ObamaCare with state lottery NASAs new mission to search for racism sexism and economic inequality in deep space suffers from race gender and class power struggles over multibilliondollar budget College progress enforcement squads issue schematic humor charts so students know if a joke may be spontaneously laughed at or if regulations require other action ISIS opens suicide hotline for US teens depressed by climate change and other progressive doomsday scenarios Virginia county to close schools after teacher asks students to write death to America in Arabic Wear hijab to school day ends with spontaneous female circumcision and stoning of a classmate during lunch break ISIS releases new even more barbaric video in an effort to regain mantle from Planned Parenthood Impressed by Fox News stellar rating during GOP debates CNN to use same formula on Democrat candidates asking tough pointed questions about Republicans Shocking new book explores pros and cons of socialism discovers they are same people Pope outraged by Planned Parenthoods unfettered capitalism demands equal redistribution of baby parts to each according to his need John Kerry accepts Irans Golden Taquiyya award requests jalapenos on the side Citizens of Pluto protest US governments surveillance of their planetoid and its moons with New Horizons space drone John Kerry proposes 3day waiting period for all terrorist nations trying to acquire nuclear weapons Chicago Police trying to identify flag that caused nine murders and 53 injuries in the city this past weekend Cuba opens to affordable medical tourism for Americans who cant afford Obamacare deductibles Statefunded research proves existence of Quantum Aggression Particles Heterons in Large Hadron Collider Student job opportunities make big bucks this summer as Hillarys OrdinaryAmerican all expenses paid travel free acting lessons Experts debate whether Iranian negotiators broke John Kerrys leg or he did it himself to get out of negotiations Junior Varsity takes Ramadi advances to quarterfinals US media to GOP pool of candidates Knowing what we know now would you have had anything to do with the founding of the United States NY Mayor to hold peace talks with rats apologize for previous Mayors cowboy diplomacy China launches cubeshaped space object with a message to aliens The inhabitants of Earth will steal your intellectual property copy it manufacture it in sweatshops with slave labor and sell it back to you at ridiculously low prices Progressive scientists Truth is a variable deduced by subtracting what is from what ought to be Experts agree Hillary Clinton best candidate to lessen percentage of Americans in top 1 Americas attempts at peace talks with the White House continue to be met with lies stalling tactics and bad faith Starbucks new policy to talk race with customers prompts new hashtag DontHoldUpTheLine Hillary DELETE is the new RESET Charlie Hebdo receives Islamophobe 2015 award the cartoonists could not be reached for comment due to their inexplicable illogical deaths Russia sends reset button back to Hillary You need it now more than we do Barack Obama finds out from CNN that Hillary Clinton spent four years being his Secretary of State President Obama honors Leonard Nimoy by taking selfie in front of Starship Enterprise Police If Obama had a convenience store it would look like Obama Express Food Market Study finds stunning lack of racial gender and economic diversity among middleclass white males NASA Were 80 sure about being 20 sure about being 17 sure about being 38 sure about 2014 being the hottest year on record People holding 15 an Hour Now posters sue Democratic party demanding raise to 15 an hour for rendered professional protesting services CubaUS normalization US tourists flock to see Cuba before it looks like the US and Cubans flock to see the US before it looks like Cuba White House describes attacks on Sony Pictures as spontaneous hacking in response to offensive video mocking Juche and its prophet CIA responds to Democrat calls for transparency by releasing the directors cut of The Making Of Obamas Birth Certificate Obama If I had a city it would look like Ferguson Biden If I had a Ferguson hic it would look like a city Obama signs executive order renaming looters to undocumented shoppers Ethicists agree two wrongs do make a right so long as Bush did it first The aftermath of the War on Women 2014 finds a new Lost Generation of disillusioned Democrat politicians unable to cope with life out of office White House Republican takeover of the Senate is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells reporters that she wont change her clocks for daylight savings time Democratic Party leaders in panic after recent poll shows most Democratic voters think midterm is when to end pregnancy Desperate Democratic candidates plead with Obama to stop backing them and instead support their GOP opponents Ebola Czar issues fiveyear plan with mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences Study crony capitalism is to the free market what the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christianity Fun facts about world languages the Left has more words for statism than the Eskimos have for snow African countries to ban all flights from the United States because Obama is incompetent it scares us Nobel Peace Prize controversy Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it Obama Ebola is the JV of viruses BREAKING Secret Service foils Secret Service plot to protect Obama Revised 1st Amendment buy one speech get the second free Sharpton calls on white NFL players to beat their women in the interests of racial fairness President Obama appoints his weekly approval poll as new national security adviser Obama wags pen and phone at Putin Europe offers support with powerful pens and phones from NATO members White House pledges to embarrass ISIS back to the Stone Age with a barrage of fearsome Twitter messages and fatally ironic Instagram photos Obama to fight ISIS with new federal Terrorist Regulatory Agency Obama vows ISIS will never raise their flag over the eighteenth hole Harry Reid Sometimes I say the wong thing Elian Gonzalez wishes he had come to the US on a bus from Central America like all the other kids Obama visits USMexican border calls for a twostate solution Obama draws blue line in Iraq after Putin took away his red crayon Hard Choices a porno flick loosely based on Hillary Clintons memoir and starring Hillary Hellfire as a drinking whoring Secretary of State wildly outsells the flabby sagging original Accusations of siding with the enemy leave Sgt Bergdahl with only two options pursue a doctorate at Berkley or become a Senator from Massachusetts Jay Carney stuck in line behind Eric Shinseki to leave the White House estimated wait time from 15 min to 6 weeks 100 of scientists agree that if manmade global warming were real the last people wed want to help us is the Obama administration Jay Carney says he found out that Obama found out that he found out that Obama found out that he found out about the latest Obama administration scandal on the news Anarchy Now meeting turns into riot over points of order bylaws and whether or not kicking the ass of the person trying to speak is or is not violence Obama retaliates against Putin by prohibiting unionized federal employees from dating hot Russian girls online during work hours Russian separatists in Ukraine riot over an offensive YouTube video showing the toppling of Lenin statues Free Speech Zones confuse Obamaphone owners who roam streets in search of additional air minutes Obamacare bolsters employment for professionals with skills to convert meth back into sudafed Gloves finally off Obama uses pen and phone to cancel Putins Netflix account Joe Biden to Russia We will bury you by turning more of Eastern Europe over to your control In lastditch effort to help Ukraine Obama deploys Rev Sharpton and Rev Jacksons Rainbow Coalition to Crimea Al Sharpton Not even Putin can withstand our signature chanting racist sexist antigay Russian army go away Mardi Gras in North Korea Throw me some food Obamas foreign policy works War invasion and conquest are signs of weakness weve got Putin right where we want him US offers military solution to Ukraine crisis We will only fight countries that have LGBT military Putin annexes Brighton Beach to protect ethnic Russians in Brooklyn Obama appeals to UN and EU for help The 1980s Mr Obama were just calling to ask if you want our foreign policy back The 1970s are right here with us and theyre wondering too In a stunning act of defiance Obama courageously unfriends Putin on Facebook MSNBC Obama secures alliance with AustroHungarian Empire against Russias aggression in Ukraine Study springbreak is to STDs what April 15th is to accountants Efforts to achieve moisture justice for California thwarted by unfair redistribution of snow in America North Korean voters unanimous We are the 100 Leader of authoritarian gulagsite The Peoples Cube unanimously reelected with 100 voter turnout Super Bowl Obama blames Fox News for Broncos loss Feminist author slams gay marriage a man needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle Beverly Hills campaign heats up between Henry Waxman and Marianne Williamson over the widening income gap between millionaires and billionaires in their district Biden to lower 10000aplate Dinner For The Homeless to 5000 so more homeless can attend Kim becomes world leader feeds uncle to dogs Obama eats dogs becomes world leader America cries uncle North Korean leader executes own uncle for talking about Obamacare at family Christmas party White House hires parttime schizophrenic Mandela sign interpreter to help sell Obamacare Kim Jong Un executes own crazy uncle to keep him from ruining another family Christmas OFA admits its advice for area activists to give Obamacare Talk at shooting ranges was a bad idea President resolves Obamacare debacle with executive order declaring all Americans equally healthy Obama to Iran If you like your nuclear program you can keep your nuclear program Bovine community outraged by flatulence coming from Washington DC Obama Im not particularly ideological I believe in a good pragmatic fiveyear plan Shocker Obama had no knowledge hed been reelected until he read about it in the local newspaper last week Server problems at HealthCaregov so bad it now flashes Error 808 message NSA marks National Best Friend Day with official announcement Government is your best friend we know you like no one else were always there were always willing to listen Al Qaeda cancels attack on USA citing launch of Obamacare as devastating enough The Presidents latest talking point on Obamacare I didnt build that Dizzy with success Obama renames his wildly popular healthcare mandate to HillaryCare Carney huge ObamaCare deductibles wont look as bad come hyperinflation Washington Redskins drop Washington from their name as offensive to most Americans Poll 83 of Americans favor cowboy diplomacy over rodeo clown diplomacy GOVERNMENT WARNING If you were able to complete ObamaCare form online it wasnt a legitimate govt website you should report online fraud and change all your passwords Obama administration gets serious threatens Syria with ObamaCare Obama authorizes the use of Vice President Joe Bidens doublebarrel shotgun to fire a couple of blasts at Syria Sharpton British royals should have named baby Trayvon By choosing George they sided with white Hispanic racist Zimmerman DNC launches Carlos Danger action figure proceeds to fund a charity helping survivors of the Republican War on Women Nancy Pelosi extends abortion rights to the birds and the bees Hubble discovers planetary drift to the left Obama If I had a daughterinlaw she would look like Rachael Jeantel FISA court rubberstamps statement denying its portrayal as governments rubber stamp Every time ObamaCare gets delayed a Julia somewhere dies GOP to Schumer Force full implementation of ObamaCare before 2014 or Dems will never win another election Obama If I had a son no wait my daughter can now marry a woman Janet Napolitano TSA findings reveal that since none of the hijackers were babies elderly or Tea Partiers 911 was not an act of terrorism News Flash Sen Mary Landrieu DLA can see Canada from South Dakota Susan Rice IRS actions against tea parties caused by antitax YouTube video that was insulting to their faith Drudge Report reduces font to fit all White House scandals onto one page Obama the IRS is a constitutional right just like the Second Amendment White House top Obama officials using secret email accounts a result of bad IT advice to avoid spam mail from Nigeria Jay Carney to critics Pinocchio never said anything inconsistent Obama If I had a gay son hed look like Jason Collins Gosnells office in Benghazi raided by the IRS mainstream medias worst coverup challenge to date IRS targeting progaymarriage LGBT groups leads to gayest tax revolt in US history After Arlington Cemetery rejects offer to bury Boston bomber Westboro Babtist Church steps up with premium front lawn plot Boston Obama Administration to reclassify marathon bombing as sportsplace violence Study Success has many fathers but failure becomes a government program US Media Can Pope Francis possibly clear up Vatican bureaucracy and banking without blaming the previous administration Michelle Obama praises weekend rampage by Chicago teens as good way to burn calories and stay healthy This Passover Obama urges his subjects to paint lambs blood above doors in order to avoid the Sequester White House to American children Sequester causes layoffs among hens that lay Easter eggs unionwage Easter Bunnies to be replaced by Mexican Chupacabras Time Mag names Hugo Chavez worlds sexiest corpse Boy 8 pretends banana is gun makes daring escape from school Study Free lunches overpriced lack nutrition Oscars 2013 Michelle Obama announces longawaited merger of Hollywood and the State Joe Salazar defends the right of women to be raped in gunfree environment rapists and rapees should work together to prevent gun violence for the common good Dept of Health and Human Services eliminates rape by reclassifying assailants as undocumented sex partners Kremlin puts out warning not to photoshop Putin riding meteor unless barechested Deeming football too violent Obama moves to introduce Super Drone Sundays instead Japan offers to extend nuclear umbrella to cover US should America suffer devastating attack on its own defense spending Feminists organize one billion women to protest male oppression with one billion lap dances Urban community protests Mayor Bloombergs ban on extralarge pop singers owning assault weapons Concerned with mounting death toll Taliban offers to send peacekeeping advisers to Chicago Karl Rove puts an end to Tea Party with new Republicans For Democrats strategy aimed at losing elections Answering public skepticism President Obama authorizes unlimited drone attacks on all skeet targets throughout the country Skeet Ulrich denies claims he had been shot by President but considers changing his name to Traps White House releases new exciting photos of Obama standing sitting looking thoughtful and even breathing in and out New York Times hacked by Chinese government Paul Krugmans economic policies stolen White House when President shoots skeet he donates the meat to food banks that feed the middle class To prove he is serious Obama eliminates armed guard protection for President VicePresident and their families establishes GunFree Zones around them instead State Dept to send 100000 American college students to China as security for US debt obligations Jay Carney Al Qaeda is on the run theyre just running forward President issues executive orders banning cliffs ceilings obstructions statistics and other notions that prevent us from moving forwards and upward Fearing the worst Obama Administration outlaws the fan to prevent it from being hit by certain objects World ends SP soars Riddle of universe solved answer not understood Meek inherit Earth cant afford estate taxes Greece abandons Euro accountants find Greece has no Euros anyway Wheel finally reinvented axles to be gradually reinvented in 3rd quarter of 2013 Bigfoot found in Ohio mysteriously not voting for Obama As Santas workshop files for bankruptcy Fed offers bailout in exchange for control of naughty and nice list Freak flying pig accident causes bacon to fly off shelves Obama green economy likely to transform America into a leading third world country of the new millennium Report President Obama to visit the United States in the near future Obama promises to create thousands more economically neutral jobs Modernizing Islam New York imam proposes to canonize Saul Alinsky as religions latter day prophet Imam Raufs peaceful solution Move Ground Zero a few blocks away from the mosque and no one gets hurt Study Obamas threat to burn tax money in Washington recruitment bonanza for Tea Parties Study no Social Security reform will be needed if govt raises retirement age to at least 814 years Obama attends church service worships self Obama proposes national Win The Future lottery proceeds of new WTF Powerball to finance more govt spending Historical revisionists Hey you never know Vice President Biden criticizing Egypt is unpharaoh Israelis to Egyptian rioters dont damage the pyramids we will not rebuild Lake Superior renamed Lake Inferior in spirit of tolerance and inclusiveness Al Gore Its a shame that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of polar bears Michael Moore As long as there is anyone with money to shake down this country is not broke Obamas teleprompters unionize demand collective bargaining rights Obama calls new taxes spending reductions in tax code Elsewhere rapists tout consent reductions in sexual intercourse Obamas teleprompter unhappy with White House Twitter Too few words Obamas Regulation Reduction committee finds US Constitution to be expensive outdated framework inefficiently regulating federal govt Taking a page from the Reagan years Obama announces new era of Perestroika and Glasnost Responding to Oslo shootings Obama declares Christianity Religion of Peace praises moderate Christians promises to send one into space Republicans block Obamas 420 billion program to give American families free charms that ward off economic bad luck White House to impose Chimney tax on Santa Claus Obama decrees the economy is not soaring as much as previously decreeed Conservative think tank introduces children to capitalism with popup picture book The Road to Smurfdom Al Gore proposes to combat Global Warming by extracting silver linings from clouds in Earths atmosphere Obama refutes charges of him being unresponsive to peoples suffering When you pray to God do you always hear a response Obama regrets the US government didnt provide his mother with free contraceptives when she was in college Fluke to Congress drill baby drill Planned Parenthood introduces Frequent Flucker reward card Come again soon Obama to tornado victims We inherited this weather from the previous administration Obama congratulates Putin on Chicagostyle election outcome Peoples Cube gives itself Hero of Socialist Labor medal in recognition of continued expert advice provided to the Obama Administration helping to shape its foreign and domestic policies Hamas Israeli air defense unfair to 99 of our missiles only 1 allowed to reach Israel Democrat strategist without government supervision women would have never evolved into humans Voters Without Borders oppose Texas new voter ID law Enraged by accusation that they are doing Obamas bidding media leaders demand instructions from White House on how to respond Obama blames previous Olympics for failure to win at this Olympics Official China plans to land on Moon or at least on cheap knockoff thereof KoranContra Obama secretly arms Syrian rebels Poll Progressive slogan We should be more like Europe most popular with members of American Nazi Party Obama to Evangelicals Jesus saves I just spend May Day Anarchists plan schedule synchronize and execute a coordinated campaign against all of the above Midwestern farmers hooked on new erotic novel 50 Shades of Hay Study 99 of Liberals give the rest a bad name Obama meets with Jewish leaders proposes deeper circumcisions for the rich Historians Before HOPE CHANGE there was HEMP CHOOM at ten bucks a bag Cancer once again fails to cure Venezuela of its President for Life Tragic spelling error causes Muslim protesters to burn local boobtube factory Secretary of Energy Steven Chu due to energy conservation the light at the end of the tunnel will be switched off Obama Administration running food stamps across the border with Mexico in an operation codenamed Fat And Furious Pakistan explodes in protest over new Adobe Acrobat update 17 local acrobats killed White House Let them eat statistics Special Ops if Benedict Arnold had a son he would look like Barack Obama
Killing Obama administration rules dismantling Obamacare and pushing through tax reform are on the early todo list
15 Shares5 8 0 2While thousands of humanitarian organisations around the world are struggling fiercely with diminishing support from governments and the public one has achieved a surprising amount of support from Western governments in a surprisingly short period of time and gained a surprising attention from mainstream media and ditto political elites The Syrian Civil Defence or White HelmetsTheir name of course makes you think of the UNs Blue Helmet and white is the colour of those who should be protected in harms way and the colour of innocence However for many years there has been an Argentinian relief organisation with the same nameThe SCD or White Helmets counts nearly 3000 rescue workers who operate in very dangerous areas in rebelheld territories in Syria and claims that it has in three years rescued about 70000 lives according to its Twitter account or 65 per dayContrary to what you might think it isnt a Syrian organisation because Syria has its own organisation incidentally also called Syria Civil Defence which was established in 1953 and is registered with ICDO the International Civil Defence Organisation since 1972The White Helmets seems to have an annual budget of US 30 million and has raised a total support of well over US 100 million And it seems that they operate exclusively in war zones in which the fighting against the Syrian government and the Syrian Arab Army takes place ie in liberated areas where hundreds of groups and some 80 countries mainly NATO members Gulf states and SaudiArabia operateOn the White Helmets briefing page it is stated that funding for their humanitarian relief work is received from the aid budgets of Japan Denmark the Netherlands the United Kingdom and the United StatesHere is how the Foreign Ministry in Copenhagen explains the roughly US 9 million to the White helmets from Denmark a country that bombs in both Iraq and SyriaOther civil society and humanitarian organisations inside Syria have not been so fortunate Youve probably not heard that much about the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and its work How muchlittle support have they received from Western humanitarianconcerned governments And in general civil society organisations in Syria women peace human rights culture etc have received nothing like US 100 million in a few years and no one has such a flashy media appearance as the White HelmetsThe White Helmets was started in 2013 by James Le Mesurier who seems to have tried a little of everything everywhere including the grey zones of special forces and intelligence in virtually all NATO wars Yugoslavia in particular He later set up a foundation in Holland to gather the funds Here is a recent account by Scott Ritter former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and weapons inspector in Iraq with tremendous knowledge of things Middle EastThe organizational underpinnings of the White Helmets can be sourced to a March 2013 meeting in Istanbul between a retired British military officer James Le Mesurierwho had experience in the murky world of private security companies and the shadowy confluence between national security and intelligence operations and international organizationsand representatives of the Syrian National Council SNC and the Qatari Red Crescent Society Earlier that month the SNC was given Syrias seat in the Arab League at a meeting of the league held in QatarAt that meeting the SNC assumed Syrias seat and the Arab League authorized member states to actively provide support including arms and ammunition to the Syrian rebels The Qataris working through the SNC helped assemble for Le Mesurier 300000 in seed money from Japan the United States and the United Kingdom for a sevenday course designed to train and equip a 25person rescue team recruited by the SNC for duty in socalled liberated areas of Syria The SNC made available a pair of Syrian activistsRaed Saleh and Farouq Habibto assist Le Mesurier in this workThe group is as will be seen below treated as uncontroversial in virtually all Western mainstream media However there is enough material with documentation to merit cautionIf you read media reports about the White Helmets and do not see the author mention that this groups real identity is disputed and functions controversial you can be sure that you are wasting your time with somebody who is politically incredibly naive or gullible someone who has not done his or her research or is knowingly part of a deceptive effort serving a onesided political agendaThe White Helmets definitely is an controversial NGO at the same time as it is made difficult to understand clearly what it really isAnd until the whole picture has been developed anyone ought to be cautious with taking information about them at face value So much must be clear given the links belowDual purposeThat said this author has not been on the ground but has studied both the pro et contra links provided belowSome observers draw the conclusion that the White Helmets Syrian Civil Defence is purely good guys rescuing lots of people children in particular The opposite advocacy claims that all told they are part of the terrorist groups serve Western governments with intelligence and that their backers run political propaganda in their name and that they are simply executioners murderers with a human faceBut does it have to be eitherorAn alternative hypothesis could be that the White Helmets is a dualpurposeorganisation They claim to be ordinary Syrian volunteers who came together around the idea of saving lives and are truly altruistic bakers tailors engineers pharmacists painters carpenters students and many more the White Helmets are volunteers from all walks of life It could well be that some of them actually are even a majorityThat doesnt preclude that other elements not the least those operating outside Syria such as foundations PR and marketing firms change organisations NATO government and NGOs are in it with less noble warpromoting purposesLink collection pro et contraFind below a link collection long but fascinating in its wealth of information We bring it as a help to those seriously interested in Syrias fate and in studying how opinions are being built by means of connected actors in a rather opaque networking structure in how NGOs have increasingly become Neargovernmental organisations and for those who do not want to sound foolish when they discuss these mattersFirst some links to how the the White Helmets presents themselves Second some mainstream media articles in their favour of and praising it including some that argue that the White Helmets ought to receive the Nobel Peace Prize which happens to be nonsense since they dont even remotely qualify according to the criteria in Alfred Nobels very clear will and the prize is not a general dogoodprize In addition it must be doubted that the Nobel Committee will get more persuaded by the White Helmets quite immodest campaign in favour of their own candidacyThird some links to the comprehensive network of organisations including governments that the White Helmets seem to be part of and it is quite a confusing lot with absolutely no transparency but quite a few investigations have been carried outAnd fourth and final the main links to investigative reports and other stuff that are sceptical in various degrees to the first three1 The White Helmets present themselvesThe Syrian Civil Defence The White HelmetsThe White Helmet HomepageOn the front page you are asked to sign an appeal for establishing a NoFly Zone which would be a violation of international lawWikipedias entry about the White HelmetsThe White Helmets media FAQsSyria Civil Defence on FacebookThe White Helmets on TwitterNetflixOfficial Trailer about White HelmetsThe AtlanticThe makers of the Netflix movie give their backgroundMayday RescueDutch foundation supporting the White HelmetsAccording to its website it channels government funds to the White Helmets Syria Civil Defence receives funding through Mayday Rescue and Chemonics from the governments of the UK Holland Denmark Germany Japan and the USAChemonicsA US global development corporation through which government funds for the White Helmets are channelled according to Mayday RescueWhite Helmets themselves campaigning for the 2016 or 2017 Nobel Peace Prize2 Sources that promote the White Helmets without questioningTimeHow the White Helmets are being hunted in a devastated AleppoTimeThe White Helmets of SyriaThe EconomistThe rise of Syrias White HelmetsSyrias White HelmetsA film by Danish journalist Nagieb Khaja shown on AlJazeera 30 secs into the film one learns that they have saved more than 56000 lives since the war began in 2011 although the White Helmets were formed in 2013Nominated for an OscarThe Nobel Peace Prize must go to the White HelmetsThe Guardian view on the Nobel peace prize give it to Syrias White Helmets EditorialSyrias White Helmets nominated for Nobel Peace PrizeThe White Helmets get the Right Livelihood AwardThe Right Livelihoods motivation almost a copy of the White Helmets own story3 Organisations in the network around the White HelmetsPurposeA social movement creation and PR company that allegedly wants to change the world cofounded by Jeremy Heimans whose mainstream politically correct background you see here Jeremy of course began his career with the strategy consultants McKinsey Company He also happens to be a cofounder ofAvaazAvaaz means voice or song in several languages and the organisation is known by millions as a petition platform for many goodprogressive causes Avaaz has some 43 million members around the world and is thus easily the largest NGO in the worldAvaaz has also created Purposecom Here Jeremy Heimans cofounder of Avaaz too speaks to Forbes about his background and what the two companies doAvaaz is very active in promoting a NoFly Zone in Syria which it explains in a petition text with these words Lets build a resounding global call to Obama and other leaders to stand up to Putin and Assads terror This might be our last best chance to help end this mass murder of defenceless children Add your nameThe sad thing is that it has learnt nothing from its own campaign for a NoFly Zone in Libya John Hanrahan is a former executive director of The Fund for Investigative Journalism and reporter for The Washington Post The Washington Star UPI and other news organisations has made this extremely interesting analysis about how odd it is that Avaaz maintains an interventionist waragenda in spite of earlier experiences and resistance even by highranking militariesHanrahan Quote s Avaazs campaign director former State Department official John Tye that Avaaz shows 54000 members in Syria in a population of 23 million which means that even if every Avaaz member supported a nofly zone this would still mean that only one of every 426 Syrians had voted for oneAvaaz spearheads at least in this matter an extreme militarist policy while Avaaz is a global web movement to bring peoplepowered politics to decisionmaking everywhere Which people want a NoFly Zone in Syria Do they know its a violation of a sovereign states airspace of international law That it would embolden every terrorist on Syrian soil because they would get rid of the Syrian Airforce as their enemy That it continued into regime change in both Iraq and LibyaMany questions unanswered by this peculiar people power organisation more militarist than governmentsBut back to Purposecom and one of its important clientsThe Syria Campaign homeThey maintain on their website that The Syria Campaign is fiercely independent and has accepted no money from governments corporations or anyone directly involved in the Syrian conflict This allows us full autonomy to advocate for whatever is needed to save lives But they also say that they have accepted funds from the Asfari Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation and other anonymous donorsThe Syria Campaign also states that it is only prohuman rights and profreedom and takes no side But they explain the conflict in these wordsThe regime of Bashar alAssad is responsible for crushing a peaceful uprising that has led to the deaths of over 450000 people the displacement of over 12 million half the country and the emergence of violent extremist groups like IsisToday the fighting in Syria has given way to a world war with more than eighty countries involved on all sidesThe majority of Syrians want neither Assad nor Isis They want an end to the violence and a democratic SyriaWhat is happening in Syria could be happening to any of us No one is free until were all freeI would characterise such a presentation as sidetaking wrapped in substancefree marketing jargon a very politicised statement wearing only blackandwhiteAbout the Syria CampaignWhat the Syria Campaign is proud of Impact pageThe Syria Campaign seeks allstars senior campaigner and You dont need to know anything about SyriaThe Syria Campaign on FacebookThe Syria Campaign on TwitterAnalysis Research and Knowledge ArkA private company headquartered in Dubai that describes itself as a research conflict transformation and stabilisation consultancyIn Syria Ark has been at the forefront of the response to the conflict for the past five years One of its two team members Alistair Harris is described here advocating two years ago that moderates should be armed to fight ISIS and not only in Iraq but also in SyriaThe Britishbased Asfari Foundation for changeWhite Helmets according to their website received seed funding came from the Asfari Foundation trustees of which are heavily related to the oil industry and corporate finance The Asfari Foundations bonds with the Syria Campaign is dealt with here 4 Sources raising investigationbased questions about the White HelmetsVanessa BeeleySyrias White Helmets War by Way of Deception Part IScott Ritter at TruthDigThe White Helmets and the Inherent Contradiction of Americas Syria PolicyHands off SyriaThe White Helmets alQaeda with a facelift videoRick SterlingThe White Helmets ControversyVanessa BeeleyWho are Syrias White HelmetsVanessa BeeleyThe real Syrian Civil DefenceChristina Lin Asia TimesWhite Helmets Instrument of regime change in SyriaJonathan GornellNewsmaker The White HelmetsSyria Solidarity MovementIts list of humanitarianhuman rights organisation that are pushing for war on Syria and its governmentOpen Letter from The Hamilton Coalition To Stop WarWhite Helmets should NOT be Nominated for Nobel Peace PrizeMax BlumenthalInside the shadowy public relation firm that is lobbying for regime change in Syria IMax BlumenthalHow the White Helmets Became International Heroes While Pushing US Military Intervention and Regime Change in Syria IIRick SterlingSeven steps of highly effective manipulatorsThe article contains this diagram21st Century WireCrossTalk White Helmets Really with Vanessa Beeley Eva Bartlett Patrick Henningsen videoRussia TodayMultimillion funded cant be independentGeneral reasons for concern about the real identity of the White HelmetsHere are some of the reasons numbers not indicative of priority1 Huge funding by NATOEU countries which are militarily involved2 A degree of political lobbying a very specific explanation of the conflict and how it started which points to a nofly zone weaponization of human rights issues and speaks strongly against the Syrian government and Russia and very critically of the UN that is extremely unusual for a purely humanitarian organisation3 Incredibly advanced public relation in terms of very professional websites videos and PR strategy dropping the right stories and images at the right time quite unique for a group of bakers tailors and students etcOmram rescued from a Russian airstrike From the White Helmets homepage4 Too professional wordings and images too much playing to exploitation of emotions too catchy smart formulations again and again in short lacking every sense of genuine local quality Too many children and cats in the images speaking to an audience with little politically consciousness but surely a good heart In short populist marketing also in the sense of conveying the message Look how good we are and how evil everybody else are5 Guilt by association If the White Helmets is a 100 humanitarian first responder organisation it must be extremely naive in ignoring that its integrity credibility and noble purposes is put at risk with the specific network of organisations and governments that it has chosen to seek support from6 Substance versus public relation how does a humanitarian organisation justify that millions of dollars are spent on selfpromoting public relation rather than on saving more lives in such a horrific war And taking so many photos and shoot films of its own work in the midst of massacres and bombing raids7 Its very difficult to discern who actually manages the White Helmets in general and in terms of daytoday operations One looks in vain for something like an organisational chart secretarygeneral board executive director although one is mentioned Raed Saleh whom the US has on one occasion actually denied entry into the US8 How come that such an innovative organisation seems to have been started in circles that have to do with oil interests British intelligence mercenarymilitary operations and interventionistbombing countries9 How come it works only in rebelterroristliberated areas Could it do that without cooperation or coordination with some of these groups It has been stated naively by the Right Livelihood Award Foundation that their vision is to operate also on governmentcontrolled territory and later be a leader in rebuilding a new democratic postwar Syria However why should the sovereign state of Syrias legitimate government accept a foreignbased and financed civil defence territory there when it has had its own since 1953Perhaps we should not be that surprisedShould we be surprised that humanitarian workers are involved in something else and are not exclusively devoted to doing no harm and doing good for humanityNot really Ive met that sort of people and organisations during the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the 1990s among other places at the US Embassy in Zagreb where the humanitarian section people most likely CIA operatives after some talk with me about helping the people switched to talk about how good it would be if president Milosevic was killedAre humanitarian organisations like most other NGOs today highly or completely dependent on governments Yes most are And they should therefore always be checked for possible moral corruption and cooptation Many are no longer Non but Neargovernmental and behave at minimum politically correct or servepromote the interests of their governments one way or the otherWasnt Doctors Without Borders started by Bernard Kouchner who advocated military humanitarian intervention as an idea did the dirty job for NATO in Kosovo and morally advocated the bombing of Libya as a peace guarantee Here an interesting video debate with him at Oxford by Mehdi HasanShould it be so surprising that even liberal democratic governments propagandise construct concrete stories to appeal to the human heart in us all for a good cause and that they regularly lie do fearmongering use stereotyping and demonisation present blackandwhite narratives all of which serve their elites interests and may not always be that noble in realityThink of the ugly shadow world of the global arms trade in which virtually all governments take part inOf course not No wars would be possible without one of more of these ingredientsThink of the invented story about the Iraqi soldiers who kicked out babies of incubators in Kuwait city all invented as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign which was run by American Hill Knowlton for the Kuwaiti governmentOr remember James Harf of the US public relations firm Ruder and Finn who in 1991 was hired by the Croatian and Bosnian governments as well as by the KosovoAlbanians to create and promote an antiSerb attitude in the Western mediaSays Harf We were able to equate Serbs to Nazis in public opinion Some kind of balance or truth didnt interest him We are professionals We have got a job to do and we do itIf there is anything new in this field since the early 1990s it is the spectrum the depth the money and the intensity with which public opinion is being deceived about war and peace that war today is peace and peace is preserved by violence And the de facto replacement of knowledge and texts by purposedriven mediatized and emotionalised narratives and images and films right down on you phone and into your mindIn summary Illusions about our goodness that feed social narcissism and the MIMACI do not believe that I know exactly what the whole story and the truth is about the White Helmets But I know that quite a few things dont feel rightAs a sociologist and peace researcher with four decades of academic and practical experience of global affairs and work in conflict zones the word spoken by the guard Marcellus in Shakespeares Hamlet at Kronborg Castle in my native Denmark come to mind There is something rotten in the state not only in the bombing state of Denmark that supports the White Helmets but also in the state of the free media coverage of conflicts and warsIf thus you are generally sceptical of Western media coverage of wars fought by the West and specifically of the story of the White Helmets as a purely brave humanitarian organisation are you then automatically proAssad proRussia or probombing If you are critical to A must you automatically endorse everything B or C doesGiven the Zeitgeist of these times my hunch is that the antiintellectuals the propagandists and the blamegamers answer is a roaring Yes Personally I couldnt care less but there is reason to worry about the fact that our media are not free to take up the issues dealt with herePulitzer prize winner Chris Hedges talks about the incessant manufacturing of illusions that feed social narcissism The unwinnable wars the West fights with the illusory ideology of spreading goodness democracy freedom and peace as well as the alleged good role of the White Helmets in it is little else but an expression of such an incessant manufacturing of illusions that feed social narcissism of the many while filling the pockets of the few in the MilitaryIndustrialMediaAcademic Complex MIMACIts time to give reality show politics and media a reality check But who can and who will And who dares now everything will get worse after November 8
CNN The contamination of drinking water in Flint Michigan has so outraged community advocates that they now pose a powerful question Was the city neglected because it is mostly black and about 40 poorSeveral advocates say yes They charge that Flint residents are victims of environmental racism that is race and poverty factored into how Flint wasnt adequately protected and how its water became contaminated with lead making the tap water undrinkableWould more have been done and at a much faster pace if nearly 40 percent of Flint residents were not living below the poverty line The answer is unequivocally yes the NAACP said in a statementOthers go furtherWhile it might not be intentional theres this implicit bias against older cities particularly older cities with poverty and majorityminority communities said Democratic US Rep Dan Kildee who represents the Flint areaIts hard for me to imagine the indifference that weve seen exhibited if this had happened in a much more affluent community he saidNAACP President and CEO Cornell Brooks drew a direct connection between Flints socioeconomic factors and the toxic drinking waterEnvironmental Racism Indifference Lead in the Water Blood he tweetedBrooks is pressing for a definitive plan of attackWere trying to take action that is specific thats focused thats urgent and speaks to the peoples needs he said Talking with a deadline that has dollar symbols represents action and thats what were trying to doIn an interview with CNNs Poppy Harlow this week Michigan Gov Rick Snyder repeatedly said that he was taking responsibility for the crisis even as she reminded him that his thenchief of staff sent an email in July 2015 to a health department official warning of lead in the Flint drinking water The email was released as part of a freedom of information requestIn October 2014 General Motors stopped using Flint River water at its engine plant because the company was seeing rust of vehicle partsSnyder said that General Motors concern was not a lead issueHarlow responded It was the same issue of the pipes being corroded by the water chemicals in the water just like it is in Flint Its actually the sameThe governor said These are very technical issues But the lead came to my attention in October end of September early October of 2015 We took immediate action need to do more did moreHe said Flint has seen a 45 reduction in crime and he touted a dental program for lowincome children all moves his administration pushed forIn terms of saying it happened because of the nature of the community here Absolutely notSnyder compared Flints unemployment struggles and other economic woes to what people in Detroit have endured in recent years and he said his administration is responsible for improvements thereThis week Snyder was served with a subpoena by attorneys representing Flint residents who have filed a classaction suit They have asked for the governors emails and text messages going back to January 2011Snyder has released some emails from 2014 and 2015Will you release all of those back to 2011 from personal and work accounts Harlow askedI released the relevant emails my emails that address that issue for the relevant time period said Snyder who has released some emails from 2014 and 2015We are complying with every investigation in terms of being open he added Well follow the appropriate legal process for subpoenas and other legal mattersAgain were complying with every investigation Snyder said Well follow the appropriate legal process for subpoenas and other legal matters With respect to releasing my emails I did that This is an extraordinary caseWhether Flints water crisis happened because the city has poor residents has been discussed in social media particularly by filmmaker and Flint native Michael MooreThis is a racial killing Flint MI is 60 black When u knowingly poison a black city u r committing a version of genocide ArrestGovSnyder Moore tweeted at one pointJust to be clear all 102K residents of Flint have been exposed to toxic water all of Flints kids have ingested lead 10 ppl have died Moore tweeted on another occasionThe Black Lives Matter group said AfricanAmericans especially those in rural and poor areas have long been denied equal access to clean drinking waterOn Monday state Attorney General Bill Schuette said he is appointing an exprosecutor and Detroits former FBI chief to join the investigation into Flints water crisis creating a conflict wall between the states inquiry and the lawsuits targeting the stateThe prior announced investigation will determine whether any Michigan laws were violated in the process that created a major public health crisis for Flint residentsFlints state of emergency declared at municipal and state levels began years ago when the city suffered a financial emergency The state took over the citys budget and decided to temporarily switch Flints water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River to save money until a new supply line to Lake Huron was readyThe river however was longknown as befouled Locals call it the General Motors sewerAfter the April 2014 switch residents complained their water had problems Virginia Tech researchers found the water was highly corrosive A classaction lawsuit alleges the state Department of Environmental Quality didnt treat the water for corrosion in accordance with federal law and because so many service lines to Flint are made of lead the noxious element leached into the water of the citys homesThe city switched back to the Lake Huron water supply in October but the damage was already done to the lead pipes The state is now handing out filters and bottled water with the National Guard
Malala Yousufzai is a remarkable young woman who has made headlines and is known globally for the brave work she does in Pakistan her home country Her fight for the right for everyone to have a
Posted Nov 9th 2016 by Guest Click for more article by Guest More Stories about Ticker
Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are spending their final weekend in California before the states big primary Tuesday rallying voters over immigration issues and warning the states diverse electorate about the perils of electing Republican Donald TrumpOn Saturday Sanders expressed confidence that he could win a majority of votes next week in California Montana New Jersey New Mexico South Dakota and North DakotaHowever the Vermont senator acknowledged that hell need a high voter turnout like those that have helped him win previous state contestsIts going to be an uphill battle Sanders said a press conference in Los Angeles repeating what he has said many times recentlyStill a report Friday by the state that a record 179 million Californians or 72 percent of eligible state voters are registered to vote in the primaries could help SandersSanders on Saturday also repeated that the frontrunning Clinton will not have enough pledged delegates after polls close Tuesday to secure the nominationHe said she will have to instead rely on superdelegates or those who have previously committed to Clinton to claim the nomination and that he will continue to try to win over those delegates to take the nomination at the partys convention in JulyWe look forward on Tuesday to doing very well Sanders said There will be a contested convention Super delegates can and have changed their candidate choice in the pastHe also focused on the issue of immigration as Clinton did earlier in the day in California a state that borders Mexico and where Hispanics will be a key voting blocSanders argued that Trump the presumptive GOP presidential nominee should not be elected because his bigotry against Mexicans Muslims AfricanAmericans and others cannot be toleratedDonald Trump cannot be elected president Sanders said He also spoke Saturday to supporters at his campaign headquarters in Los AngelesClinton in a panel discussion in Slymar Calif expressed optimism about passing legislation to overhaul federal immigration lawClinton argued that as US senators she supported bipartisan Senate reform legislation while Sanders did notIt was heartbreaking she said There were people from every part of the planet who were so hopeful I believe that after this election if all goes well we will have a chance to pass immigration reformShe also said Trump plans to deport 11 million illegal immigrants calling such talk the most unfair and dangerous kind of conversation that has veered off toward anger and fearOther scheduled events for Clinton this weekend included a stop Saturday in Oxnard CalifTrump campaigned this week in California despite having enough delegates to secure the GOP nomination but held no events SaturdaySome of those events brought violent protests outside the venuesOne of Californias most influential daily newspapers The San Francisco Chronicle this weekend endorsed neither Clinton Sanders nor TrumpThat the Chronicle wouldnt endorse Trump was not surprising consider the editorial board for the paper in liberalleaning Northern California had previously expressed its distaste for what it calls his lowsubstance highinsult candidacyThe paper was also highly critical of the frontrunning Clinton pointing out her refusal to meet with the board and her many fundraising forays in the stateHowever the Chronicle declined to back Sanders in the neckandneck primary Tuesday suggesting his aggressively progressive promises can never be realized with so many Republicans ruling CongressTwo other major California dailies The Los Angeles Times and The San Diego Union Tribune have endorsed Clinton The Tribune this weekend sarcastically endorsed Ronald Reagan over Trump
The murder charge against Jesse Matthew Jr comes in addition to a count of abduction with intent to defile filed against him previously Albemarle County Commonwealths Attorney Denise Lunsford saidThese indictments signal the beginning of the next phase in what has been an incredibly difficult process for the family of Hannah Graham for our community and for the men and women of the many departments and agencies who have worked on this matter since September of last year Lunsford saidLunsfords team decided not to charge Matthew with capital murder which could have led to a death sentence if he were convicted Lunsford said she wouldnt give details on what led to that decision except to say that a great deal of serious thought went into itThose considerations included the impact on the community the Grahams and the need to provide Mr Matthew with a fair trialI have discussed this matter with the Grahams on many occasions and they are aware of the indictments Lunsford said Matthew also was charged with reckless driving in two incidents about a week after Grahams disappearance Lunsford said Matthews first court appearance on the indictments is scheduled for February 18 His attorney Jim Camblos declined to comment Tuesday except to acknowledge the February 18 court appearance and to say that he received news of the indictments late Monday afternoon Graham 18 went missing before dawn on September 13 after she was last spotted on surveillance video in Charlottesvilles Downtown Mall area In October authorities found what turned out to be Grahams skull and bones on abandoned property 8 miles from where the college sophomore was last seen Surveillance video and other accounts led authorities to identify Matthew as a suspect in her disappearance Matthew 33 was taken into custody on September 24 on a beach in Galveston County Texas about 1300 miles away from where Graham was last seen No link to another slaying Matthews arrest in the Graham case prompted authorities to investigate his possible links to a string of unsolved killings and disappearances in the area One of those cases involved 17yearold Alexis Murphy of Lovingston Virginia who disappeared in 2013 and whose body has not been found But on Friday authorities said they had found no link between him and Murphys slaying in Fairfax Virginia in 2005 the trial in that case is scheduled for March in Fairfax Virginia in 2005 the trial in that case is scheduled for March Matthew is also charged in the sexual assault of a woman in Fairfax Virginia in 2005 the trial in that case is scheduled for March Authorities said that in September 2005 a 26yearold woman returning from a grocery store was grabbed from behind and sexually assaulted The attacker was scared off by a passerby Information from the 2005 victim led police to link Matthew to the case of another missing young woman Morgan Harrington a Virginia Tech student who vanished in Charlottesville in October 2009 and was found dead a few months later Matthew has not been charged in that case Investigators are looking into his possible connection to other similar cases in the area They include the August 2009 killing of Virginia Tech students Heidi Childs and David Metzler and the October 2009 killing of 23yearold Cassandra Morton of Lynchburg Virginia Police are also investigating Matthews possible ties to the disappearance of 19yearold Samantha Ann Clarke of Orange Virginia
A federal judge in Texas is working to block President Barack Obamas executive action on immigrationOn Monday US District Judge Andrew Hanen issued a temporary injunction that gives a coalition of 26 states time to pursue a lawsuit that aims to permanently stop the presidents ordersThe White House said the Justice Department will appeal the decisionThe ruling puts on hold Obamas orders that could spare as many as 5 million people who are in the UnitedStates illegally from deportationOn Tuesday the White House issued a statement saying Mondays ruling wrongly prevents the presidents lawful commonsense polices from taking effectHouse Speaker John Boehner ROhio said the federal judges ruling was no surprise citing Obamas repeated comments about the limits of his authority
Another Trump Surrogate Admits Trump Wont Build That Effing Wall VIDEO By Darrell Lucus on October 26 2016 Subscribe Trump foreign policy surrogate and adviser Walid Phares with several EthiophianAmerican Trump supporters image courtesy Phares Facebook Just after the Republican National Convention I told you that a number of Donald Trumps top surrogates have known for some time that the Donalds signature policy proposala massive wall along the Mexican border only exists in Trumps mind They have all but admitted what we already knowa 2000mile physical wall is simply not feasible Well we got more confirmation earlier this week from another prominent Trump surrogate Specifically his chief foreign policy adviser admitted what we have long suspectedwhen Trump declares Im building a wall hes just engaging in campaign hype People for the American Ways Right Wing Watch noticed that on Monday veteran foreign policy and terrorism expert Walid Phares sat down with France 24s Surabhi Tandon to discuss Trumps approach to foreign policy Phares served as a top foreign policy adviser to the Mitt Romney campaign and took up the same role with Trump He is best known as an ardent Islamophobe who had close ties to extremist militia groups during the civil war in his native Lebanon The conversation soon turned to Trumps wall Right Wing Watch got a clip Tandon asked Phares how Trumps planned wall would affect the United States relationship with Mexico Trump has let it be known that one way or another Mexico will foot the bill for the wall Phares replied that Trump plans to build the wall along the American side of the border However as far as he knows it wont be a brickandmortar wall Now will we see a physical wall on hundreds and hundreds of miles of border I dont know and I dont think so According to Phares what Trump has in mind is something like what exists in Ceuta and Melilla two Spanish enclaves in north Africa He claimed that there was a simple concept in place in those cities for anyone who wanted to cross into Spain via Moroccoyou come you knock on the door you have your paper and you come in Tandon pounced reminding Phares that Trump has been clamoring for a physical wall for the entire campaign But this major Trump surrogate apparently didnt get the memo Phares claimed that Trump only talked about building a wall to raise the attention However since then Phares has said that Trump has evolved the concept of a wall How so Meaning If nothing is done Im going to go back to square one and build a wall But if I can start talking with the Mexicans I may not have to do all the wall everywhere because the Mexican government is going to finally send troops to stop these cartels But wait a minute Trump himself has declared the wall will stretch along the entire border And he even managed to get the wall into the Republican platform See for yourself on page 26 We support building a wall along our southern border and protecting all ports of entry The border wall must cover the entirety of the southern border and must be sufficient to stop both vehicular and pedestrian traffic And yet a major Trump surrogateindeed his top surrogate on foreign policyhas effectively left his candidate on an island Watch the whole thing here the exchange about the wall begins at the 630 mark As I write this on Wednesday night I can find no evidence that either Trump or the RNC has spoken up to correct the record And I can find no evidence that Phares himself has tried to clarify his remarks I can only conclude one thingTrump himself knows hes not building a wall About Darrell Lucus Darrell is a 30something graduate of the University of North Carolina who considers himself a journalist of the old school An attempt to turn him into a member of the religious right in college only succeeded in turning him into the religious rights worst nightmarea charismatic Christian who is an unapologetic liberal His desire to stand up for those who have been scared into silence only increased when he survived an abusive threeyear marriage You may know him on Daily Kos as Christian Dem in NC Follow him on Twitter DarrellLucus or connect with him on Facebook Click here to buy Darrell a Mello Yello Connect
by JerriLynn Scofield JerriLynn here There are many reasons to despair at the choice US voters face in tomorrows election The danger that either candidate will goad Russia or China without respect to consequences is perhaps the most immediate and frightening While many media hounds chase the false scent of alleged Russian manipulation of Trump the election and Wikileaks to name just a few of the crazy allegations being discussed this more serious threat has not been pursued nearly as vigorously In this Real News Network interview journalist John Pilger and TRNNs Paul Jay discuss why the very real prospect of another World War is not taken seriously by the US media Pilger argues that whoever is elected tensions with China and Russia will escalate I tidied up the rush transcript as best I could Please excuse any remaining errors PAUL JAY TRNN Welcome to the Real News Network Im Paul Jay In a few days Americans are going to decide who the next President of the United States is going to be Of course this is an issue of global concern given that the United States considers itself hegemon of the world and acts that way What will be the difference perhaps is the foreign policy of the next President whatever it is Clinton or Trump Based on what weve seen the last few years and how does one assess all of this I think were assessing the degree of danger to the world There doesnt seem to be any other measurement here Now joining us to discuss all of this is John Pilger John joins us from London John is an award winning very celebrated filmmaker and journalist His films have been broadcast on major broadcast platforms and channels around the world His latest film is The Coming War on China which will be released in December Thanks very much for joining us John JOHN PILGER Youre welcome JAY So as I said in the opening its a kind of a question of who is more dangerous There doesnt seem to be any question I think in most thinking peoples minds that one way or the other US foreign policy is going to be dangerous for people of the world particularly in the Middle East but not only What is your assessment in this moment PILGER Well its always dangerous I sometimes think that its extraordinary Ive gotten to this stage in life and I havent been blown up by US foreign policy But so we all of us outside the US quake before a US election That said the US isnt run by presidents its run by a vast national security machine and that hasnt changed in the last 15 years or so I think the other 2 candidates One is clearly a rogue candidate and thats Donald Trump and the other Hillary Clinton is the candidate of this vast national security machine I think whats been a pity for all of us outside the United States and indeed for all Americans is that the hysteria over Donald Trump has obscured the fact that Hillary Clinton may well turn out to be one of the more dangerous presidents assuming she does win as the polls suggest though she may not of course Because she is the president She is almost the embodiment of a status quo that since 911 has left us all in a very precarious state Its left the Middle East in a precarious state But above all its brought us to the brink of some kind of very serious confrontation with Russia and the taunting of Russia the intimidation of Russia is now unabated and just over the horizon there is a similar baiting of the other great nuclear power China Now this issue which of course amounts to the prospect of another world war even another nuclear war have not been touched on Well they have been touched on Ironically in the first debate Donald Trump was asked about this and he said words to the effect words that I would not go nuclear I would not do a first strike This wasnt used It wasnt published Now I wouldve thought for whatever its worth he might not have meant it Trump says a lot of things he doesnt mean Contradicts himself But I wouldve thought that difference between Trump and Clinton on the issue of nuclear war of war and peace was pretty critical At least an issue to be debated But it wasnt JAY Yeah the American media is totally involved in this salacious part of Trumps history and as usual not very interested in any issues of polices of substance You can find things on both of these candidates that would give one the chills Starting with Trump the great danger of Trump is that it wont be President Trump it will be President Pence Pence has been asked who hes going to model his Vice Presidency after and he says Cheney and in terms of foreign policy outlook there seems to be no difference between him and Cheney PILGER Well whats the difference between any of them frankly I mean neocon is a terrible word but it describes them all Trump is perhaps more interesting because he seems to have upset all the establishment The CIA wants him beaten the Pentagon wants him beaten the State Department wants him beaten even his own party wants him beaten I mean something recommends him and just his enemies do So whether there is a difference I think theres a difference of that much I do emphasize this that as you mentioned all these salacious stories about Trump but you know what do people want Do they want to hear salacious stories or do they want to hear about the prospects of war and peace Do they want to hear about whether were entering an extremely dangerous period in relation to Russia or not These issues have not been addressed and I dont think theres any doubt that Clinton who has very unusually named a cabinet already in a sense and a very good article by one of the independent journalists in Washington Gareth Porter listed these people and theyre all war hawks And she said it in the last debate Im going to have a nofly zone in Syria That means attacking Russian planes JAY I think theres no doubt whichever of these people get elected president in spite of Trumps rhetoric and if you look at what Pence says I think both Clinton and I will say a Pence Trump and I put Pence first because I think thats the more likely scenario are going to be looking for provocations with Russia Both Clinton and Pence are using Russian rhetoric to try and engage but using more than rhetoric Theres this very interesting WikiLeaks that I dont think has received nearly enough attention which shows something about the State Department under Clintons mentality It said in the WikiLeaks that its not said who its to or from but when I asked some of the people we know who have some expertise in this they say it sounds like a State Department briefing It says to get the Israelis in support or not in active opposition to the Iran deal we need to get rid of Assad And essentially and one assumes the reason for getting that will please Israel is to undermine Hezbollah but it kind of shows what drives a lot of State Department thinking and I dont think its a big stretch to think it drives Clinton thinking PILGER Yeah well she hasnt hidden it Shes had an obsequious relationship with Israel its well known Her tough talking her militarist talking is all out there in the open Shes made it clear that shes going to face off Vladimir Putin Shes going to talk tough to the Chinese As a kind of insanity about all this I mean US foreign policy is actually run in a straight line since 1945 But its become more extreme in the last 1015 years Thats what worries most of us outside the United States and ought to worry those of you in the United States that its become so extreme now So extreme that the prospect of an accidental war at the very least Here we are at centenaries of the first world war where all the lessons of there are glaring out at us of not quite accidental war Intended war that lit up and became a slaughter partly by accident I dont for a moment think that this verbose provocateur who is currently the Defense Secretary Mr Carter who is forever shouting his militarist slogans around the world I dont for a moment think that he actually wants nuclear war But he sure is trying to bring it on Ive never known anything quite like his constant aggression And this campaign of sending out these admirals and generals Like Admiral Harry Harris in the Pacific speaking like Lord Palmerston in the 19th century You know how much he runs from the world You know what you say from Bollywood to Hollywood You know these rather absurd people but with very great power JAY The overall agenda of American dominance I dont think changes much between the various administrations or parties But do you not think sometimes individual and specific agendas within the complexity of the America elites plays a role Ill give you a couple examples First of all Cheney clearly drove the Iraq war John Kiriakou the former CIA agent said there was a morning meeting with the heads of all the major agencies and top Pentagon officials in the year leading up to the Iraq War and that that completely quite out of the ordinary that morning phone call was chaired by Dick Cheney And that in that phone call and Kiriakou was apparently on it sometimes with some of the CIA people most of the heads of agencies most of the officialdom of the military complex were against invading Iraq Cheney actually threatened these people saying resign or do what youre ordered to There are times when specific agendas can take hold Like for example the people I guess that what the Real News they heard us talk about Project for New American Century often enough The very far right type of agenda The other one where I think it did make a difference is if you look at the ObamaMcCain election This is not to say Obama has not been aggressive and has not committed war crimes because he has On the other hand this is John Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran McCain and Obama does make a deal with Iran I mean there are differences within these corridors of power which are sometimes important are there not PILGER Obama decided not to attack Iran I dont know about making a deal with Iran They decided not to attack Iran Attacking Iran wouldve been a disaster of course for the people of Iran and in the Middle East But it wouldve also been a disaster for the United States JAY As the Iraq War was PILGER He decided not to attack them So yes but Obama has run probably more wars simultaneously than any other president Hes run probably the most comprehensive terror campaign in his drone warfare of assassination You know we can sit here and say that one is slightly better JAY I wouldnt even use the word better I would say in specific circumstances PILGER I was searching I was going to say less insane than the other Sure But in the end here we are in 2016 in a presidential campaign and Ive covered 4 US presidential campaigns and I thought no you couldnt have Nixon as president Well looking back on Nixon compared with some of the others who have come since maybe a little less insane there I dont know But here we are in 2016 with this political freak show in the United States that spells great danger for all of us JAY John talk a little bit about the film youre working on and why you think theres such a looming confrontation with China whats driving it PILGER Well its not what I think The evidence is very clear I mean Obama the one whos done the deals hes announced that he went to Australia in 2011 and announced what was known as the pivot to Asia and that was the deployment the transfer of almost twothirds of US naval forces into the Asia Pacific region by the year 2020 And at the moment there are 400 US bases ringing China They start in Australia and they go all the way through Asia up through the Pacific Korea Japan across Eurasia Afghanistan India If you look at them on a map you can understand why the Chinese have apparently changed their nuclear policy to a first strike policy They never had that They used to keep the missiles and warheads separate They dont anymore In the informed literature the Journal of Concerned Scientists and there have been a number of articles that have described in some detail how the Chinese have changed their nuclear profile Theyre worried I was there not long ago and I spoke to a number of strategists and people are worried rather confused actually but worried and some of them are quite angry The whole building of air strips on the Spratly and Paracel Islands in the South China Sea was a defensive move Last year the United States conducted possibly the biggest naval exercise in history Talisman Saber in which it rehearsed a blockade across the Malacca Straits through which comes 80 of Chinas oil and its raw materials The Chinese understand all of this They know all of this If its not explained to us through our media they certainly know about it This kind of provocation against China has been almost I wouldnt say a sideshow but its another chapter The first chapter of course is the provocation of Russia And that is probably the most dangerous Does anyone in the United States know what the Russians are thinking What people in Russia are thinking That theyre having civil drill exercises What the Russian press is saying What people think about this There is a sense in much of Russia that the United States is about to attack them This is very very dangerous because it puts a country in a defensive position and thats when accidents can happen There is no debate about this in what is it Constitutionally the freeest place in the world in the United States Nothing Read the New York Times for the last couple of days Its become a sort of Cold War propaganda sheet Stories that are clearly nonsense JAY The objective seems to be one would think to weaken Putin but if anythings going to strengthen Putin its this kind of threat that creates an increased amount of nationalism and such PILGER Well I dont know if it will strengthen Putin at all I dont know enough about Russia But the little I do know suggests that Putin is one of those who is always talking about being a partner of the United States He does want to be a partner He sees Russias future in Europe There are others in Russia who have had enough of the talk of partnership and who drink in a deep well of Russian nationalism and Russian memory of all their great invasions of their country So I dont know whether it strengthens Putin or not Perhaps it doesnt Whatever it is its dangerous JAY You mean in other ways it could be strengthening far more nationalists and fascistic forces that could actually PILGER Well not fascistic In fact there are plenty of fascists in Ukraine You wouldnt know that reading the US press There was a coup in 2014 Fascist led Paid for by the United States The truth of that is inverted and it has Russia invading Ukraine I mean couldnt make it up but thats the received wisdom Now Im not sure about the fascistic elements in Russia but there could be militarist elements and there could be those in the very powerful national security sector in Russia that say we have to prepare and they are preparing of course Their weapons industry has been developing in a very sophisticated way in the last few years Their air defenses and so on But this is all war preparation You know whether its Clinton or Trump its deeply worrying and deeply disturbing when reckless politicians like Hillary Clinton can stand up and beat every war drum that is put in front of them Thats reckless JAY Alright thanks very much for joining us John PILGER Youre welcome JAY And thank you for joining us on the Real News Network 0 0 0 0 0 0
In a flurry of activity on Monday Donald Trump named three Republican politicians seemingly in contention to be named as his vicepresidential pick at the partys national convention in Cleveland later this monthThose named were the firstterm Iowa senator Joni Ernst the firstterm Arkansas senator Tom Cotton like Ernst a military veteran and the governor of Indiana Mike Pence Trump spent time with Pence and his family on Sunday and was due to meet Ernst in New Jersey on MondayErnst was endorsed by the Tea Party and won her Senate seat in 2014 running an infamous ad featuring a boast of growing up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm and the promise that once in Washington she would know how to cut pork thus making big spenders squeal In 2015 she delivered the Republican response to Barack Obamas State of the Union addressCotton 39 and thought by some a likely postTrump presidential candidate in 2020 has not been as often named among potential Trump VPs as Pence and Ernst In his tweet Trump said Cotton had been great on Meet the Press yesterday Despite a totally onesided interview by Chuck Todd the end result was solidCotton gave little away in his NBC interview saying Trump could make the case for himself as to why he should be president He was more forthright in attacking Hillary Clinton who he said had been responsible for many of the worst decisions of the Obama administrationTrumps note of complaint about Todds questioning echoed another tweet sent on Monday in which he blamed the dishonest media for a furor over a tweet he sent and then deleted on Saturday which showed Clinton next to a sixpointed star against a background of dollar bills prompting accusations of antisemitism The image was later found by reporters on a white supremacist message board in a post predating Trumps tweetThe former House speaker Newt Gingrich who has repeatedly said he is open to being Trumps VP may yet be considered too forthright Last week in words that echoed strongly on Monday in the controversy over Trumps Clinton tweet he told an audience at the Aspen Ideas Festival Trumps job is frankly to quit screwing up and get the election down to three or four big issuesThe New Jersey governor Chris Christie and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama have also been reported to be under consideration Trump has said the pick will likely be announced at the convention in Cleveland which starts on 18 July but some sources suggest he may announce sooner to help drum up excitementAs evidence of his management of a process which generates relatively positive publicity Trump also tweeted on Monday The only people who are not interested in being the VP pick are the people who have not been askedMany of the Republican partys biggest names are not willing to appear at the convention The former presidents George HW Bush and George W Bush the 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney and the Ohio governor John Kasich all plan to avoid the fourday eventPossible speakers include the former Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight the New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and the boxing promoter Don KingIm going to be involved definitely King who lives in Cleveland told the Associated Press Hes my man I love him Hes going to be the next presidentSome celebrities backing Trump have however passed on the convention The Super Bowlwinning Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka told the Chicago Tribune last week I spoke with Mr Trump this afternoon and he invited me But I dont think Im going to goTrumps campaign has also been in touch with aides to the man who challenged him most strongly in the primary the Texas senator Ted Cruz who has reportedly been trying to win a speaking slot Others under consideration include the former United Nations ambassador and sometime presidential hopeful John Bolton the West Virginia senator Shelley Moore Capito and the Washington representative Cathy McMorris RodgersGingrich a likely convention speaker who also spoke to the AP said Trump understands that if he can appeal to consumer America he drowns political America He also recalled a recent conversation with a Trump family member who confidently told him We know how to do conventionsTrumps daughter Ivanka predicted in a recent radio interview the convention would be a great combination of our great politicians but also great American businessmen and women and leaders across industry and leaders across really all sectors from athletes to coaches and everything in betweenI think it will be a convention unlike any weve ever seen she said It will be substantive It will be interesting It will be different Its not going to be a hohum lineup of you know the typical politiciansA Trump spokesman Jason Miller told the AP This is not going to be your typical party convention like years past Donald Trump is better suited than just about any candidate in memory to put together a program thats outside of Washington and can appeal directly to the American peopleMatt Borges the Ohio Republican party chairman said Trump is going to have to bring all his skills to bear to make this work not just in Cleveland but for the next four monthsIt wont be easy but thats what hes got to do
News Google appoints VicePresident Google appoints VicePresident Tuesday 1 November 2016 0930 Israel Meir Brand has become a new Vice President of Google Corporation Sundar Pichai Chief Executive Officer CEO of Google Inc reported this information Brand was the first Google Israel employee and was appointed CEO of Google Israel At the same time Meir Brand will continue to rule Israel the Middle East Africa Russia Turkey and Greece Against the background of the latest Wikileaks data about rigging custom queries of Google and Yahoo in favor of Clinton and other assistance provided by the corporation of the Democratic Party headquarters also financing by Israeli billionaires the appointment of Meir Brand means the strengthening Israels role in the information space Despite the fact that Google has apologized for the changes on their maps Palestine for example has not been marked as autonomy one there was no Serbian monastery of Visoki Deani Tel Aviv is known to use actively possibilities of censorship in Internet The recent changes are likely aimed to an active information attack including at strategically important areas with which Meir Brand is familiar Russia Turkey Middle Eastern countries Related links
Now the sales pitch is over The Supreme Court will rule this month inKing v Burwell The lawsuitwill determine whether the Obama administration has the legal authority to dole out billions in tax subsidies toObamacare enrolleesUnlike the last time conservatives took Obamacare to the Supreme Court when the Republican party major activists and 26 attorneys general joined forces the new challenge has a more surprising backstory for a big case It is the result of the key players working loosely overcoming lawsuit fatigue in conservative circles pushing an argument that seems more technical than substantive and even a bit of luckI think people imagine a eureka moment It was nothing like thatThere is nothing very organized about it Michael Greve a law professor at George Mason University who supports the case haswritten The litigation has no single mastermind or man behind the curtain The campaign is the product of a loose conservativelibertarian infrastructureThe case now sits with the Supreme Court despite the unusual route it took So while supporters might have viewed it as a nonsense legal challenge never taking it as seriously as the individual mandate case they still find themselves back where they were three years ago fearing that the law could fall apart with just one court decisionTom Christina did not want to take on the Affordable Care ActA former Reaganadministration official turned corporate lawyer Christina is part of the 36person employeebenefits practice at the law firm Ogletree Deakins When Congress began to pursue health reform his firm decided that somebody ought to read the actual bill Christina got the assignmentSomeone had to follow the Act in case it got passed he told me in a recent interview I was volunteered for that jobSo Christina read the law And ata poorly attended conference at the American Enterprise Institute in December 2010 he spoke about his findings No one cared too muchThe conference was aimed at finding new ways to challenge the healthcare law There was a thennascent challenge to the individual mandate winding its way through district courts that looked promising Conservatives were still hungry to hedge their bets and find other ways to bring down Obamacare if the individualmandate argument failed as it ultimately didThe bastard has to be killed as a matter of political hygiene Greve then the director of the federalism project at the American Enterprise Institute declared at the panel I do not care how this is done whether its dismembered whether we drive a stake through its heart whether we tar and feather it and drive it out of town or if we strangle it I dont care who does it whether its some court someplace or the United States Congress any which way any dollar spent on that goal is worth spendingWhere Greve spoke in bold declarations Christina gravitated towards more subdued legalese When he dropped a bombshell in the form of a darkblue PowerPoint slide none of the attending wonks actually seemed to noticeThe slide pointed out that the section of Obamacare that explained how tax credits work Section 1401a2 to be exact specified that the financial help would go to those who purchased coverage on an exchange established by the state There was no similar provision or call out for people who got their coverage on a marketplace that the federal government set upI noticed something peculiar about the tax credits There will be no tax credits for tax payers who live in noncapitulating states Christina told the audienceLooking back on that presentation Christina says he really didnt think much at the time about what this would mean for the healthcare lawI think people imagine a eureka moment says Christina It was nothing like that I was assigned to do this for my firmThe Affordable Care Act did not follow the normal procedure when it became law Normally one chamber passes its own version of a bill The other chamber passes a separate version The two bodies hold a conference where they reconcile any differences between the two bills and generally clean up the language and tighten the statute The merged bill goes back to both chambers which vote againThis did not happen with the Affordable Care Act As anyone who covered it at the time as I did working as a reporter for Newsweek remembers the laws passage was an absolute mess Sen Ted Kennedys death in December 2010 lost the Democrats their supermajority in the Senate and meant that the health law wouldnt survive a second vote in the SenateDemocrats were forced to stick with the Senate bill they had already passed anything they sent back to the chamber for another vote would inevitably fail A final conference never happened All the messy language and loose ends that legislators expected to get ironed out simply became part of the lawDuring the days and nights I spent on Capitol Hill covering the debate the idea of not offering subsidies to some enrollees just never came up Staff who worked on the law say they always intended for all Obamacare enrollees to get healthinsurance subsidies the law simply wouldnt make sense without themThe evidence of congressional intent here is overwhelming John McDonough who worked on the Health Education Labor Pensions committee during the healthreform debate wrote in an email There is not a scintilla of evidence that the Democratic lawmakers who designed the law intended to deny subsidies to any state regardless of exchange statusAs for the language that Christina highlighted they see that as evidence of the health laws rushed passage Nobody corrected the types of drafting errors that a conference committee would typically addressAt the end of the day this should have never happened and is a product of the rushed way the law was passed says Chris Condeluci who worked as tax and benefits counsel for the Senate Finance Committees Republicans during the Affordable Care Act debateJon Adler cant remember exactly when he came across Tom Christinas presentation Sometime in late 2010 or 2011 he thinks Adler a Case Western University law professor was preparing to present at a University of Kansas conference on the healthcare law and was searching online for what others had said on the issueHe listened to the audio from Christinas presentation while driving and later clicked through the slides Adler included the point about the subsidies in his February 2011 talk It was something I highlighted in my presentation Adler says No one seemed particularly disturbed by itAdler wasnt particularly disturbed by it either like Christina he thought it was an interesting snafu in the law but not much more He happened to mention the issue to Michael Cannon the longtime healthpolicy director at the libertarian Cato Institute over email a few months laterNeither Adler nor Cannon could recall what exactly theyd been emailing about in the first place Adler didnt care much about health policy his expertise was in law But he knew that Cannon had spent the past few years testifying before state legislatures about why they shouldnt implement Obamacare So Adler mentioned one more argument he could add to his presentationHe had been talking about how states shouldnt cooperate And I responded to him with something like If they dont create an exchange they cant get the tax credits Adler recalls He said What And I told him Read the statuteI dont think Jonathan understood the significance of the feature when he told me maybe because he wasnt a healthcare wonk who talked about threelegged stools all the time Cannon saysCannon did hes a health wonk who knew immediately that taking away subsidies would leave Obamacare with a giant holeWhat I recognized was that this allowed states to block one of the three legs of Obamacares threelegged stool the subsidies he says And they could do so in a way that would increase pressure on Congress to reopen the law So I started adding that into my list of reasons states shouldnt establish exchangesThere wasnt much that Cannon and Adler could do with their discovery at that point The federal government still hadnt published the rules governing how the insurance subsidies would work it was still possible that the Obama administration might come out and agree with them saying state exchanges were the only bodies authorized to dole out fundsThe Obama administration eliminated that possibility in May 2012 as everyone expected they issued final rules stipulating that all exchanges both those administered federally and those administered by states could provide shoppers with helpThe search for a plaintiff to challenge the rule was officially onOver the past three years Cannon and Adlers argument against Obamacare has evolved significantlyFor about two years they and other challengers made a purely textualist argument The healthcare law says in plain language that the government can only give financial help to those buying coverage in an exchange established by the statePut aside Congress cries that they meant for any healthlaw enrollee to get subsides this argument goes The government has to live with the language in the law that it passed and it says that subsidies only go to those enrolled in statebased exchangesCannon and Adler initially thought this way too They wrote a Wall Street Journal oped calling it a glitchBut their argument changed in 2012 Cannon and his research assistant spent months pouring over every mention of the word exchange in the Congressional record of the healthlaw debate Cannon still keeps a thick black binder with the whole thing in his officeThe argument against Obamacare has evolved from one about a glitch to one over Congressional intentThat effort Cannon says convinced him Congress expressly intended to use insurance subsidies as a way to entice states into building insurance marketplacesIf you look at the taxcredit eligibility rules they are very tightly worded Cannon says Its not in one place but in two places it says that the credits are only available through an Exchange established by the StateThis is where I and others who followed the legislative debate over Obamacare have trouble sticking with Cannons version of the events I covered the drafting of the health law in detail and in every conversation I ever had with anyone involved they always believed that Congress meant for every state to have subsidiesThe whole point of the federal exchanges after all was to make sure Obamacare worked in states that wouldnt or couldnt build an exchange of their own Congress always meant for residents of all 50 states to have access to financial help It was never a question during the five years Ive spent writing about Obamacare whether this would be the caseThis is where judges too have found the challengers case to be weak It is clear Judge Roger Gregory wrote in the Fourth Circuit decision against the plaintiffs that widely available tax credits are essential to fulfilling the Acts primary goals and that Congress was aware of their importance when drafting the billSome King supporters are skeptical of Cannons argument too They question whether their efforts are best spent attempting to divine thoughts legislators had five years agoI dont think you have to get into that Its really quite beside the point says Jim Blumstein a law professor at Vanderbilt University who has previously worked on healthlaw litigation He says that in discussions with some of the King litigants hes pushed hard for a focus to be on what the law actually says The intent is not criticalFinding a major flaw in the healthcare law was only half the battle for conservatives They also had to find a plaintiff someone who the law had harmed who could bring a lawsuit against itThe search for a new Obamacare challenger initially went quite poorly The individual mandate case had failed earlier that summer and among conservatives there was lawsuit fatigue There was no appetite for a lawsuit that appeared to hinge on a drafting errorCannon badgered a halfdozen governors and attorneys general to take the case especially those who had worked on the individual mandate Hes an energetic speaker with a quick wit and an appetite for a long fight For much of 2011 and 2012 he was crisscrossing the country to testify before state legislatures shortly after the birth of his twin daughters he did switch to doing some testimony via video chat Whether in Missouri or Maryland Cannon was turning up at governors doorsteps across the country urging them that they should not in any circumstances help the federal government implement ObamacareNow Cannon had a way that he thought Republicans could in fact halt Obamacare with a new lawsuit The problem was none of them believed himI couldnt interest Ken Cuccinelli or Pam Bondi Cannon says I think I mentioned it to Paul LePage I spoke with Rick Scott and he said he was interested but never did anything Phil Bryant seemed excited but no follow throughNothing worked until Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt became interested He had like many other Republican attorneys general filed a challenge to the health laws individual mandate It was still pending at a district court when the Supreme Court ruled that part of the law constitutionalThe judge gave Pruitt a choice he could drop the suit given the Supreme Court ruling or he could amend his complaint to challenge a different part of the law Pruitt chose the latter On September 9 2012 two years after the AEI presentation and three months after the Supreme Court ruling his was the first lawsuit to challenge the legality of Obamacares insurance subsidiesInitially conservative healthpolicy experts hoped that the Oklahoma lawsuit would include private citizens challenging the healthcare law alongside the government But the state couldnt scrounge up additional plaintiffs before the deadline to amend its case and ultimately went it aloneThis is part of the reason that six months later on May 2 2013 a separate lawsuit arrived in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Halbig v Burwell The Competitive Enterprise Institute a Washingtonbased think tank had financed the lawsuit and recruited a plaintiff Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenbach a former Bush administration official turned consultant for the caseThe newly filed lawsuit moved slowly It irked Mike Carvin the lawyer on the suit enough that he sent the district courts chief justice Royce Lamberth a letter asking him to reassign the case to one his colleaguesSo Carvin filed yet another lawsuit in Virginia King v Burwell on September 16 2013 Eventually one of them had to moveThe initial rulings in King and Halbig did not go well for Carvin in early 2014 he lost both district court challenges District of Columbia Judge Paul Friedman described the plaintiffs arguments as unpersuasive The Virginia judge who ruled in King said the challengers had no direct support in the legislative history of the ACA for Plaintiffs theory that Congress intended to condition federal funds on state participationCarvin appealed both decisions And on July 22 the subsidies argument got its first positive news In the span of two hours and by pure coincidence the appeals courts for the District of Columbia and the Fourth Circuit issued conflicting rulings The DC Court ruled against Obamacares subsidies the Fourth Circuit ruled for themThis was already a good day for the healthcare law challengers The circuit split gave Supreme Court a stronger reason to step in and resolve the conflict CEI organized an impromptu celebration in its downtown Washington offices for that afternoonAs CEIs general counsel Sam Kazman was heading to the party a coworker pulled him aside On his computer he played a video of MIT economist and former White House consultant Jon Gruber essentially making their main legal argumentIf youre a state and you dont set up an Exchange that means your citizens dont get their tax credits Gruber says in the video taped at a 2012 speaking appearanceGruber has disavowed the remarks saying that he spoke off the cuff and made a mistake Theres reason to believe him Gruber spoke regularly to dozens of reporters during this period and never mentioned this idea to any of them So these comments are at odds with the bulk of his work on this issueBut in the video footage Gruber appeared to be providing at least in part the evidence the Virginia judge said the challengers lacked proof that Congress or at least an outside advisor who worked with Congress did intend to condition federal funds on state participationIt was a holy shit moment Kazman says We quickly put it up on our website It went viral overnight and was the subject of a question at a White House press conference the next dayThe Supreme Court agreed to hear King v Burwell on November 7 2014 Oral arguments occurred on March 4 and a decision is expected in JuneThe government has so far won three of the five court decisions on the subsidies issue Court watchersthought the oral arguments went well for the administrationThe governments argument has remained consistent throughout the process of course Congress meant for all 50 states to have subsidies If the legislative language is unclear on whether that is the case then the judicial system ought to give deference to the executive branch in interpreting the lawDuring the time the Act was under consideration no Member of Congress ever suggested that tax credits would be available only in States that established their own Exchangeseven though the language on which petitioners rely was in draft bills for months before the Act was enacted the government writes in its Supreme Court brief Any such suggestion would have produced a firestorm of controversy but there was noneIve talked to about a dozen legal experts who have followed this case the closest Some of them agree with the challengers arguments others dont But none of them are writing off the case as a superficial challenge to the Affordable Care Act A slim majority told me that if they had to place a bet they would expect the Supreme Court to rule against the Affordable Care ActYes they say the Supreme Court did save the Affordable Care Act three years ago by upholding the individual mandate But the legal issues then were about the laws fundamental constitutionality If the court had ruled against the mandate it would have dismantled the lawIn this case the justices may be less likely to view their decision as equally dire theyre simply sending the law back to Congress which would face no constitutional obstacle to changing the law to allow subsidies in all 50 states When experts survey the court they see a panel of justices that could react favorably to the textual arguments that the healthlaw challengers makeAnd they note that it took at least four justices to agree to hear the case It only takes one more to create a majority against the healthcare law The idea of five justices finding the challengers arguments compelling is well within the realm of reality for most observersWhen I read prominent people saying this case was frivolous I winced a bit says Nicholas Bagley an assistant law professor at the University of Michigan who has written extensively on the King challenge This is a serious lawsuit This should make people worry
As the Islamic State seeks to export its brand of barbaric terror to wouldbe affiliates the US faces a growing challenge to find the sources of ISIS funding and blunt its flow to allied militantsThe terror armys most recent atrocity was the mass beheading of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya It remains unclear how closely tied those militants are to ISIS in Iraq and Syria but the Islamic States underground economy continues to thrive Even as the USled coalition strikes at what was long the heart of ISIS revenue stream oil fields and refineries officials say the terror network is making money in other waysWe know that oil revenue is no longer the lead source of their income in dollars Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm John Kirby said recentlyBut he added They get a lot of donations They also have a significant black market program How much money ISIS truly makes from donations is a matter of debate But experts agree that ISIS receives significant revenue from blackmarket smuggling and other operationsISIS is selling anything they can get their hands on Dr Daveed GartensteinRoss a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies said in an interview with Fox NewsPlus according to reports the group is even skimming Iraqi taxpayer dollars by shaking down government employees in areas theyve conqueredIn short ISIS is set on building a terror empire going so far as to tout its annual financialsReportedly ISIS released a 2 billion budget for 2015 including a 250 million surplus though those numbers are disputed After Mosul fell to the Islamic State in June the International Business Times declared ISIS the worlds richest terrorist organization after the central banks vaults were looted of some 420 million Estimates vary but ISIS reportedly rakes in between one and three million dollars per day though the strikes against its oil refineries have taken a tollThe United Nations last Thursday tried to strike at the money stream The Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at cutting off millions of dollars in earnings from oil smuggling antiquities trafficking and ransom payments to ISISThe measure calls for sanctions against individuals and entities that trade in oil with ISIS and Al Qaeda affiliates such as the AlNusra Front in Syria The resolution was cosponsored by more than 35 countries It called for all 193 countries of the UN to take steps to prevent ancient artifacts from being smuggled and sold and to ban the direct or indirect sale of ransomsUS Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said payments and donations to ISIS perpetuate a cycle of horrific brutality giving these groups resources to carry out more murderous acts and incentivizing them to take more people captiveHow much ISIS really receives from donations is unclearMost charities supporting radical Islam in the Gulf are aligned with Al Qaeda not ISIS said GartensteinRossGartensteinRoss pointed to Abdulrahman alNuaymi a Qatari who has been accused by the US Treasury Department of transferring millions of dollars to Al Qaeda affiliates in Iraq and Syria as a prime example of this arrangement While many blame Qatar for playing a double game of supporting both radical Islamist groups and the coalition against ISIS the Obama administration disputes the notion that wealthy Arabs from Persian Gulf countries give generously to ISISISIL derives a relatively small share of its funds from deeppocket donors and thus does not today depend principally on moving money across international borders Instead ISIL obtains the vast majority of its revenues through local criminal and terrorist activities said Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S Cohen in October at The Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceThere is a lot of opacity GartensteinRoss admitted But he said the smuggling of black market goods similar to the opium trade by the Taliban inside Afghanistan taxation among the Iraqi population particularly in Mosul and the sale of oil round out other areas of ISIS funding GartensteinRoss pointed out that airstrikes from the USled coalition against oil refineries in Syria have denied ISIS a large source of revenue Looting and ransoms make up for some of the difference howeverSome experts point to the Iraqi government as unwittingly contributing to ISIS coffers Aki Peritz a former CIA counterterrorism analyst said in a recent New York Times oped that the Iraqi government continues to pay its civil servants in Mosul despite being controlled by ISISPeritz wrote Baghdad provides about 130 million every month to pay all its workers in Mosul and estimated that Iraqs treasury has paid over 1 billion to these civil servants since Mosul fell in June 2014 He estimated that ISIS has taken half of those payments in the form of taxationWhile efforts are currently underway to dismantle key revenue sources for the Islamic State there are signs the caliphate is receiving setbacks from within According to syriadirectorg Assassinations bombings and defections plague the Islamic State in Deir eZor in oilrich eastern Syria The nonprofit news outlet based in Amman Jordan says that over the past month assassination attempts against members of ISIS religious police have become more commonLucas Tomlinson is the Pentagon and State Department producer for Fox News Channel You can follow him on Twitter LucasFoxNews
Texas GOP Sen Ted Cruz on Saturday won the annual CPAC presidential straw poll a gauge of where conservative voters standFlorida Sen Marco Rubio came in second and billionaire businessman Donald Trump came in thirdCruz got 40 percent of the informal vote followed by Rubio with 30 percent Trump with 15 percent and Ohio Gov John Kasich with 8 percentTrump at the last minute cancelled his appearance at the fourday CPAC event Cruz and Rubio spoke at the eventLast year Kentucky Sen Rand Paul won the informal poll with 257of the vote followed by Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker Cruz Ben Carson former Florida Gov Jeb Bush former Pennsylvania Sen Rick Santorum Rubio and TrumpIn 2012 the last CPAC straw poll in a presidential year the winner was Mitt Romney the eventual GOP nominee He was followed by Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich RGa
Federal taxpayers dumped more than 205 million into Hawaiis ObamaCare insurance exchange but after a steady downward spiral the oncehighly praised Hawaii Health Connector is on life supportThe federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has already restricted grant funds to the Hawaii Health Connector after telling officials in March it was out of compliance with the Affordable Care Act because of fiscal instability and ongoing IT issuesWith state lawmakers also blocking additional funds the system is struggling to stay afloat The governors office said it is doing what it can to salvage the situation including approving 30 million to temporarily transition the local portal to the federal exchange HealthCaregov where residents could continue to enroll over the next year while problems with the local site are addressedLaurel Johnston deputy chief of staff for Gov David Ige claimed the state will negotiate the release of federal grant funds and ensure compliance with the lawWhether they will succeed remains to be seen CMS still has to accept the governors proposal and the exchange reportedly is making contingency plans in case the system has to shut down entirelyThe drama has only hardened critics concerns that millions of taxpayer dollars are going to wasteThe 200 million was a complete waste of tax dollars that could have been used for much more productive efforts said Reg Baker a wellknown CPA in Hawaii who for many years was the chief financial officer for the health insurance plan HMAAThe news about the Hawaii Health Connectors troubles went national this week when Hawaiis largest daily the Star Advertiser broke a story based on a leaked draft of the states report to CMS which reportedly said the exchange prepared a contingency plan to shut down local operations and transition to federal government control by Sept 30 The plan purportedly directed that no new enrollees would be accepted by the local exchange after the end of this week outreach services would conclude May 31 and a 73member workforce including staff and consultants would be laid off by Feb 28The governors office maintained that was just a draft report and said recent news reports based on confidential working draft documents have misrepresented ongoing discussions between the federal government the state administration and Hawaii Health ConnectorThe Connectors executive director Jeff Kissel said the first priority is to ensure the continuity of coverage for the 37000 to 40000 Hawaii residents who are receiving health insurance coverage through Hawaii Health Connector If CMS does not accept the governors plan Hawaii also risks losing 1 billion in matching federal Medicaid funds according to Iges officeBaker told FoxNewscom the state should just abandon plans to keep the local Connector open and merge with the federal government website Piggybacking on the federal system is the financially smart thing to do he saidWhile many of the states Democrats praised the ObamaCare exchange when it launched in October 2013 it was riddled with trouble from the start The web portal never worked properly despite the state spending 74 million on a contract with CGI to build and maintain it The exchange experienced tremendous staff turnover with three executive directors appointed in two years Enrollment reached just over 8500 in the first year and as a result Hawaii was ranked the most costly exchange in the nation at more than 23899 per personEnrollment never reached the 300000 number thenGov Neil Abercrombie a Democrat enthusiastically predicted at the opening press conference launching the Connector The enrollment number also never hit 70000 the minimum needed to stay financially solvent At its peak enrollment reached 37000 a fraction of the states 14 million people Hawaiis uninsured population at 8 percent when the exchange opened dropped just 2 percentSome folks might suggest that the Connector was successful because of the 30000 people who signed up but those numbers are questionable since many already had insurance to begin with were transferred to the Medicare system or are no longer enrolled and signups are not as important as the number currently enrolled in the insurance plans offered on the Connector Baker said noting each enrollee cost the federal government about 666666Millions of dollars went to the failed web portal developed by controversial Montrealbased company CGI Federal the same company that developed the botched federal web portal for HealthCaregov under a 937 million contract but was replaced in January 2014 after numerous enrollees had problems registeringBesides the fact that Hawaiis web portal did not function properly since the site launched because it didnt sync with the state Department of Human Services website offering Medicaid the site had another major technical problem the Connectors Small Business Health Options Program targeted at small business owners sent garbled data to insurers preventing them from signing up small businesses and their employeesHawaii is just the latest state that has struggled to sustain its ObamaCare exchange at great cost to taxpayers watchdog group Americans for Tax Reform notesDespite the government investing 45 billion into staterun exchanges Oregon Massachusetts Maryland Vermont New Mexico and Nevada shut down their operationsOne wonders where these tens of millions of dollars actually go ATR President Grover Norquist saidBaker said the system is failing for the same reason most businesses fail the customers did not see the value of the product they were trying to sell
Email Democratic Vice President Joe Biden wants American women to get back in the workforce to help boost the economy If we just put all the women back to work if they were able to afford childcare we would increase the GDP in America by close to eight tenths of one percent he said Thats trillions of dollars over the next decade Biden made his remarks during a campaign event for Hillary Clinton at Chatham University in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania on Tuesday The state of our economy could be characterized by a single word pitiful he argued Were still battling recession I dont care what the official stats are saying America is still in recession And were not doing anything about it He added that it was lazy American women who brought about the downfall of the economy because they sit around on their behinds doing nothing and squandering their days away when they could be improving the country that has given so much to them Im not sure how exactly we got to this point but were here and we need to move Like yesterday he said Mark my words and mark them well he addressed the crowd Hillary Clinton is the only one who can force American women to go to work This is true because of a number of reasons First shes a woman herself and not just any woman shes a selfmade woman So you better believe what shes saying is true and has been tried and tested in practice plenty of times Second Hillary Clinton understands how difficult it can be to give up the status of a freeloader when your husband is the breadwinner of the household and the wife is expected to tend to the house the children make sure dinner is served and always be in the mood for marital duties Shes been all that and shes learned how to break free from it the hard way I might add Biden continued Todays women are pampered and arent used to rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done on their own the vice president said Theyre too dependent too weak and too lazy to contribute to the economy The reason for that is theyve learned how to manipulate men by employing one of the most fundamental laws of economics when a soughtafter commodity becomes short in supply the demand for it rises even higher Now thats all fine and dandy when it comes to their personal interests but if you look at the big picture its the economy thats missing out on valuable workforce And thats why we need to get them off their lazy behinds and get them into their workplaces And like I said Hillary Clinton is the only one who can do it which is what makes her the ideal candidate for the next President of the United States We need to heal this country folks not run it into the ground even deeper Biden concluded
As violence against protestors at the construction site of the North Dakota Access Pipeline escalates social media outlets like Facebook show millions what is actually going on Arrests at the recently erected frontline camp in the path of the Dakota Access Pipeline have begun and they are anything but nonviolent Police and military have moved in on Indigenous water protectors and their allies Law enforcement seem to have been interfering with cell signal making it difficult for protestors to keep Facebook and other social media outlets updated on what is happening Yet the social media users who were able to post videos and livefeeds have been able to spread awareness about the ongoing fight against the build of the Dakota Pipeline a pipeline that could endanger the clean drinking water supply for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe According to eyewitnesses buses filled with law enforcement have been traveling toward the frontline The indigenous water protectors and their allies are prepared to stand their ground even though crackdowns by law enforcement are getting more and more violent while the protesters have continued to use nonviolent tactics in their civil disobedience The Texasbased Energy Transfer Partners warned that demonstrators occupying land in the pipelines path must leave or face prosecution This new frontline camp sits slightly north of the main protest camp on federal land near Cannon Ball Amidst potential arrests violence and legal charges members of tribes from across the United States are standing with Standing Rock ready to give their lives to the cause While the protest is a fight to save tribal lands and fresh drinking water it is also a fight to preserve indigenous rights wants and needs Meanwhile Morton County sheriffs office has been leading police response to the demonstration and it has also been conducting mass arrests like the one that just took place over the weekend The sherif department announced that the use of dogs by private security guards against protesters last month may have been illegal The scare tactics used by law enforcement to get protesters out of the pipelines way are not working the way police forces had envisioned Although protesters have been violently hurt by police use of force and violence they are prepared Tribal leaders led by Standing Rock Sioux tribe Chairman Dave Archambault II called on the Department of Justice to look into the use of an unnecessary amount of force by state and local law enforcement He believes that the state has militarized the reservation With the rising amount of support through social media platforms word about what is going on in North Dakota is beginning to get out to the public Yet with cellular service blacked out in the area supporters are having trouble sharing what is going on Violence against protesters was recorded on livestreams that were shared by thousands of people highlighting what law enforcement is doing to protesters Photos show bloody activists bit by dogs shot with rubber bullets and more There have been canon attacks by police and military tanks have been brought out to disperse road blocks Although mainstream media is choosing to black out what is happening social media is telling a story of people coming together to fight for water land and indigenous rights What is happening at Standing Rock is history in the making
B y Danny Haiphong S yria is the target of one of the greatest misinformation campaigns in recent history The author regrets that left analyst Eric Draitser has contributed to the confusion Draitser criticizes leftists who firmly support the Syrian government Danny Haiphong counters that the left must act with uncompromising dedication to the principle of selfdetermination in every case where US and Western imperialism wages wars of neocolonial plunder PHOTO ABOVE Western supported Takfiri primes field gun supplied via Turkey To claim that the left in the US should fight for peace and at the same time oppose the Syrian government is an intentional attempt to remain neutral in a time of war Imperialisms war on Syria may be the most important question on the order of the day for those fighting for a world free of exploitation and oppression Syria is currently the battleground of imperialisms last gasp of life In nearly six years Syria has been turned into a site of intense struggle between the forces of resistance and imperialisms forces of reaction It has also been the target of one of the greatest misinformation campaigns in recent history The imperialist countries and their media lackeys have sewed deep confusion about the true character of the war being waged on Syria Nowhere is this confusion greater than in the United States and it appears someone I deeply respect has been overtaken by it Imperialisms war on Syria may be the most important question on the order of the day for those fighting for a world free of exploitation and oppression Syria is currently the battleground of imperialisms last gasp of life In nearly six years Syria has been turned into a site of intense struggle between the forces of resistance and imperialisms forces of reaction It has also been the target of one of the greatest misinformation campaigns in recent history In a recent issue of CounterPunch Eric Draitser dives head deep into the confusion 3 He criticizes what he deems as two critical problems with the lefts stance Draitser first criticizes the proimperialist left for their decision to align themselves with the foreignsponsored terror groups in Syria which have been labeled revolutionaries or rebels by the imperialist countries He then goes on to criticize leftists who have positioned themselves firmly in support of the Syrian government ERIC DRAITSER Usually solid analysis but suddenly a plunge into rank political collaboration with the forces of imperialism which he supposedly opposes The question is why act like a liberaloid Given his record we refuse to believe he is that dumb It is his criticism of the proAssad left that needs further examination Draitser reveals his deep confusion when he asks Will you continue to delude yourselves by refusing to accept the plainly obvious truth that no state or group has the best interests of Syrians at heart Draitsers question assumes that the Syrian and Russian governments are equally to blame for the chaos in Syria Their bombs are assumed to be prolonging the war and committing atrocities against the Syrian people at the same rate of the imperialists If this is not the case he doesnt state otherwise in the piece In fact Draitser sets out to prove true what has already been proven false by a wide range of independent and corporate media sources The imperialist countries and their media lackeys have sewed deep confusion about the true character of the war being waged on Syria First Draitser claims that the war on Syria began as a genuine protest against neoliberal reforms instituted by the Syrian government This narrative is popular among the liberalleft media as well as the white left generally However those who make this claim rarely specify what neoliberal reforms were made or how the confrontation all of a sudden became violent Stephen Gowans reviews numerous reports from the corporate media 4 that describe the uprising in March of 2011 as immediately violent illsupported and ultimately insignificant in the midst of reforms from the Syrian government that were broadly supported by the Syrian people At the same time as the violent uprisings thousands of Syrians were protesting in the streets 5 in support of President Assad USSaudi supported Takfiri fanatics operating in Syria and depicted by the media as moderates Furthermore reports from the city of Daraa during the 2011 uprisings confirmed the presence of armed rebels who had freshly arrived from their USNATO backed destruction of Libya 6 These rebels have since infested the country through various channels of the Syrian border Each group possesses a fundamentalist Wahhabi ideology and receives varying degrees of assistance from the Gulf monarchies Israel Turkey NATO and of course the US This is confirmed in Draitsers article Yet he still reinforces the claim that a popular uprising started the war even though Assad possessed broad support in 2011 7 The truth is that the war on Syria has little to do with neoliberalism or popular discontent It has been acknowledged by UN sources that despite reforms the Syrian economy remains highly regulated and socialist in character 8 Syrias own form of socialism has brought many benefits to the Syrian people Healthcare and education are rights guaranteed to all citizens 9 Syria also possesses a secular government where Muslims Christians and all religious and ethnic groups lived peacefully prior to the war Syria is thus a poor example of neoliberalism What economic struggles that do exist in Syria have largely stemmed from the harsh sanctions imposed by the US 10 in 2004 The war on Syria has little to do with neoliberalism or popular discontent Furthermore Draitser cites numerous sources that support regime change to smear the Syrian government and by extension the Syrian people One of the sources receives much of its information from the White Helmets The White Helmets have long been exposed as an NGO that works directly in service of imperialisms regime change operation in Syria The organization receives approximately 33 million in funds 11 directly from the US and UK governments Eva Bartlett recently visited Aleppo and witnessed many White Helmet workers sporting arms and fighting among the terror groups 12 Draister also cites a source from the New York Post The Post article relies heavily on documents collected by the dubious Center for International Justice and Accountability This purported international law NGO 13 is run by a consortium of corporate lawyers former or current Amnesty International staffers and various other servants of empire The organization specializes in transitional justice In other words the Center for International Justice and Accountability CIJA provides a legal framework for regime change on behalf of its imperial funders Draitser claims no group involved in the war has the interests of the Syrian people at heart yet cites directly from an organization dedicated to the promotion of war in Syria The NGOs and their partners in the corporate media have worked together to distort the reality on the ground Aleppo is case and point A ceasefire was brokered by all parties in late October that was supposed to allow Syrians to escape safely from East to West Aleppo However the humanitarian corridors were repeatedly shelled by the Nusra Front 14 the USbacked Al Qaeda affiliate The media decided to ignore this and report instead that the ceasefires failure was due to the withholding of aid by Russia and Syria 15 This is but one example of many where the Syrian government has been blamed for the rebelsponsored terror inflicted on Syrian people His analysis uses an abstract moral argument to violate Syrias selfdetermination After five years of war on Syria it is a wonder how anyone could believe a word that comes from the mouths of the imperialist countries They lied about the origins of the conflict They have continuously blamed the Syrian government for events that have all been traced back to the armed proxies they support This includes the Houla Massacre 16 the sarin gas attack 17 in Ghouta and the socalled starvation of Madaya 18 Aleppo is no different The Syrian city has been under constant siege from NATObacked terrorists The terrorists are holding nearly 250000 Syrians hostage in the Eastern side of wartorn Aleppo This has been verified by journalists on the ground such as Vanessa Beeley 19 These facts seem not to matter in Draitsers newfound assessment of Syria His analysis uses an abstract moral argument to violate Syrias selfdetermination Calling those who unequivocally support the Syrian government fetishists assumes that the US left should take a position different from that of the Syrian people Actual Syrians supported Bashar AlAssad and thus the Syrian Army with 887 percent of the vote 20 in the 2014 elections To claim that the left in the US should fight for peace and at the same time oppose the Syrian government is an intentional attempt to remain neutral in a time of war As Howard Zinn brilliantly stated one cannot be neutral on a moving train And the imperialist war against Syria is moving dangerously toward a World War III scenario Hillary Clinton will be elected the next President of the United States and has repeatedly expressed that she will pursue a nofly zone 20 once in office A nofly zone would place Russian and Syrian military assets at risk of USsponsored bombs and thus the world at risk of a global military confrontation not seen since World War II How convenient it is then that Draitser should rebuke his former antiimperialist stance in place of a stealth form of regime change The world is on fire yet Draitser has interpreted the situation as a chance to distort an already highly misunderstood situation Draisters conclusions ultimately reinforce the Western assumption that the left must come to the rescue and save the Syrian people from their plight Positions such as Draitsers are ultimately shaped by the material conditions of an imperialist empire in crisis and decline White supremacy has been a principal condition of US imperialism since its inception The war machine and white supremacy are deeply connected The peoples and nations on imperialisms hitlist are routinely depicted in a manner that justifies the need for US and Western military medicine This notion has trickled down to the daytoday actions of ordinary people including what currently passes as the antiwar movement in the US today Draisters conclusions ultimately reinforce the Western assumption that the left must come to the rescue and save the Syrian people from their plight Indeed the Syrian people need allies and the left must be organizing toward an end to the war But an end to the war cannot be achieved unless the left supports the will of the Syrian people At the moment this means the US left must align itself with the Syrian government and its allies The left must act with uncompromising dedication to the principle of selfdetermination in every case where US and Western imperialism wages wars of neocolonial plunder Syria should be no exception Of course this critique should not be seen as a personal attack on Draitser himself His body of work reflects a deep commitment to the struggle against war and Empire He has often taken positions on international questions that are deeply unpopular with the US imperialist order However when mistakes are made the left has a responsibility to correct them There is too much at stake Failure to step up in defense of Syria means another regime change scenario similar to what happened in Yugoslavia Iraq and Libya Draitsers piece is a study into the path that all genuine antiimperialists should avoid But what is the correct path forward Imperialism is the unquestionable cause of the war in Syria so imperialism must be the primary target of an antiimperialist movement The US and its allies are risking world war over Syrias destruction On the other side the Syrian and Russian governments along with Iran and China are doing as much as they can to find a peaceful solution to the conflict that also respects Syrias national sovereignty It is without question that this is the side where the left ought to be in the continued struggle to end the war once and for all Source URL httpblackagendareportcomhaiphonganswersericdraitser
The biggest retailer in the world has agreed to boost its US workers pay to 9 an hour which is 175 above the federal minimum wage Walmart announced the wage hike Thursday adding that it expects employees to earn at least 10 an hour by Feb 1 2016 Both fulltime and parttime employees will benefit from the increase The retailer also announced that employees schedules will be set at least 2 12 weeks in advance and some workers will be given fixed shifts
Trump is The Lesser Evil Because Hes Such a Narcissist By Prof Michael HudsonShe a vindictive dictator punishing her enemies appointing neoconsWell both Hillary and Donald Trump say the election is about the lesser evil So if thats true whos the greater evil Posted November 08 2016Ross Ashcroft Youve got two candidates in the US and one is very proWall Street specifically Goldman Sachs She might as well be on the payroll In fact she is on the payroll And the other is a rentseeker inchief and hes built real estate and used the banks So youve got Trump and youve got Clinton Both of them are in bed with Wall Street fundamentally But the people get it nowMichael Hudson Well I think Hillary Clinton has a 79 percent disapproval rating and Trump has an 81 percent disapproval rating So you have the two most unpopular politicians in the United States as the choice So basically the voters in the United States are given a choice YesYes please and Yes thank you I think Trump missed his big chance to make a populist push Instead of saying hes going to cut taxes on Wall Street he can say Look I stiffed the banks I went bankrupt four or six times I screwed the banks and they didnt get paid and I can screw the banks for you people Vote for me I know how to do itAshcroft Yes hes missed thatHudson I think that would have been his winning ployAshcroft You should be his campaign strategistHudson Well except I dont think Id have many friends if I worked for Donald Trump And we dont know that if he agreed with me today what hed do tomorrow Thats part of the problem He doesnt play well with colleaguesAshcroft You sort of prefer him thoughwould that be right Because he doesnt play well with colleagues because hes awkward because hes a loner becausebecause youre saying you dont want a resourceful intelligent and influential type in the job because the jobs so powerfulHudson Well both Hillary and Donald Trump say the election is about the lesser evil So if thats true whos the greater evil Hillary has a whole crowd behind herthe neocons who basically want to be very confrontational toward Russia and continue what she was doing in Libya to Syriamilitarily confrontational Or you have Donald Trump who doesnt really know who he can appoint and whether he can get enough people to work with him So if the direction of America is to try to hold on to a unipolar worldmilitarily confrontationalyou want a president who is least able to do evil And theres no question Trump is the lesser evil because hes such a narcissist and really sort of a blank slate And Id rather take a pig in a poke than someone whoyou already know what Hillary will do Shell do what the husband does And itsthe Clintons have corrupted the Democratic Party Thats what Bernie Sanders ran on against herAshcroft And did very wellHudson And did very well But then he didnt realize that there really cannot be any progress by the labor unions or consumers or the 99 percent as long as the Democratic Party is controlled totally by Wall Street and by the Robert Rubin gang that they brought in And theyre really like a mafia gang If you think the financial sector and the banking sector as crimeand after all remember theyve paid billions and billions of dollars in civil fines without a single banker being sent to jailthats what a criminal wants to do When the criminals take control of the justice system and take over the police force and bribe the judgesall the Hollywood movies in the 1930s were thatthen youve got the criminals in control And youve got the financial sector criminalized Thats what my colleague Bill Black at the University of Missouri at Kansas City has been emphasizing and hes convinced all of us that the business plan of the big banksCitibank Bank of America weve just got and Wells Fargo with all of the huge frauds that are coming outthat was their business plan fraud And people are afraid to say that fraud is banking Theyre afraid to say just exactly what the evidence is because its considered impolite to talk about realityAshcroft What sort of president then will Hillary Clinton beHudson A dictator She a vindictive dictator punishing her enemies appointing neocons in the secretary of state in the defense department appointing Wall Street people in the Treasury and the Federal Reserve and the class war will really break out very explicitly And shellas Warren Buffet said there is a class war and were winning itAshcroft As in the one percent are winning itHudson The one percent are winning it And she will try to use the rhetoric to tell people Nothing to see here folks Keep on moving while the economy goes down and down and she cashes in as shes been doing all along richer and richer and if shes president there will not be an investigator of the criminal conflict of interest of the Bill Clinton Foundation of paytoplay Youll have a presidency in which corporations who pay the Clintons will be able to set policy Whoever has the money to buy the politicians will buy control of policy because elections have been privatized and made part of the market economy in the United States Thats what the Citizens United Supreme Court case was all aboutAshcroft So thats another example of rentseekingHudson Yes political payoffs And thats the largest rentseeking of all Basically for paying one penny you get a whole dollars worth of special privileges And rent is really payment for a privilege Its for a privilege thats created from the private sector And basically as Balzac said every great fortune originates in a great theft that isnt considered a great theft anymore because its all viewed as part of the market Its viewed as if thats how the world works So youll have a theft taking place and the Clintons will say Thats just how the world operates and GDP is going up because were getting richer enough to offset the degree by which you 99 percent are getting poor
Another reason as to why Ryan tried to sabotage Trumps campaign Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planetcom October 27 2016 Hillary Clintons campaign circulated the name of one of Paul Ryans relatives as a potential Supreme Court pick suggesting a conflict of interest that could feed in to the Republican Speaker of the Houses dislike for Donald Trump An email released in part 19 of the Wikileaks Podesta dump features an article sent by Hillary advisor Sara Solow to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and Hillarys foreign policy advisor Jake Sullivan on February 29 2016 The piece draws attention to Ketanji Brown Jackson a judge on the US District Court for the District of Columbia She was confirmed by without any Republican opposition in the Senate not once but twice She was confirmed to her current position in 2013 by unanimous consent that is without any stated opposition She was also previously confirmed unanimously to a seat on the US Sentencing Commission where she became vice chair reads the email Her family is impressive She is married to a surgeon and has two young daughters Her father is a retired lawyer and her mother a retired school principal Her brother was a police officer in the unit that was the basis for the television show The Wire and is now a law student and she is related by marriage to Congressman and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan Earlier this month Ryan said that he would no longer defend or campaign for Donald Trump A poll released this week found that nearly two thirds of Republicans trust Donald Trump more than Ryan to lead the GOP Many Trump supporters speculated that Ryan was involved in the leaking of the infamous Billy Bush tape in which Trump made lewd comments about women as part of a plot to sabotage the Republican nominees campaign Could the fact that one of his relatives is being touted as a likely Clinton Supreme Court pick be another reason as to why Ryan who has been accused by many of being in bed with the Washington establishment has abandoned his support for Donald Trump SUBSCRIBE on YouTube
Your News Wire WikiLeaks Bombshell There Is No US Election The whistleblowing organization also released Barack Obamas personal emails showing that President Bush organized his transition to the highest office in the land before the 2008 election Posted on October 21 2016 by Baxter Dmitry WikiLeaks couldnt have made it clearer in a series of tweets on Thursday the US election for the President of the United States is rigged The establishment have selected their President and by hook or crook she will be elected Responding to allegations that WikiLeaks recent leaks have outed it as playing partisan politics WikiLeaks fired back You are not a fan of publishing true information about corrupt ruling power factions who will take power on Jan 20 On the day WikiLeaks publicized the release of emails from Barack Obamas personal account their Twitter account then stated that the outcome of the election was planned from the outset What election It has been clear from the beginning who is going to win This is in effect a power consolidation exercise Considering what we now know about the behindthescenes rigging of the Democratic primary the collusion between the DNC establishment and mainstream media and the fact Hillary Clinton pushed for Donald Trumps GOP nomination can you possibly disagree Are Presidents elected or selected WikiLeaks emails from Barack Obamas personal email account reveal that the Bush administration contacted the future president multiple times before the election secretly organizing the transition of power The 2008 transition had gone down in history as surprisingly smooth Martha Joynt Kumar in a book about the transition said it was the best in anyones memory in part because 911 made everyone recognize that a transition is fragile time Todays revelations raise questions about why it was so smooth suggestions Obama was selected by the shadow government rather than elected by the people are no longer tinfoil hat territory The most eye catching email in todays leak contains a message from John Podesta about an invitation from President George W Bush to the PresidentElect Should that have read PresidentSelect Podesta sent the email to Obama before the election result was known But it gets even worse The emails show a transition plan was being worked on long before the 2008 election had taken place According to an attached memo in one of the emails Obama was already discussing his transition to office with members of the Bush Administration including thenTreasury Secretary Hank Paulson prior to the election As you have observed in your interactions with Secretary Paulson he is apparently eager to involve you and your transition team extensively in his policy choices following the election Are Presidents elected or selected Another attached memo acknowledges that it was unusual to start the transition process so soon We are now at the point of deciding how to staff economic policy during the transition who should be the point of contact with Treasury and how to blend the transition and campaign economic policy talent Normally these decisions could be made after the election and ideally after the selection of a National Economic Advisor but of course these are not normal times Not normal times Perhaps not in 2008 But eight years later it seems nothing has changed What was not normal in 2008 has become very much the norm in 2016 Thanks to WikiLeaks and the unprecedented peek behind the curtains of power they have granted us the shadow government has been exposed to the light 2008 wasnt a smooth transition of power it was silky smooth power consolidation WikiLeaks variety of journalism cold hard pristine truth has more than ruffled feathers The entire henhouse has gone mad The ruling party are slavering at the mouth and mainstream media has never been so easy to see through Watch CNNs Scott Cuomo the same guy caught lying to Americans about their First Amendment rights put himself in the running for a Razzie Award after the network pulled an interview with Rep Chris Collins as soon as he mentioned WikiLeaks
in Mainstream Media Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News There is no evidence that anything described on these tapes actually took place CNN News Analyst Gloria Borger Now is the greatest time ever to wake up politically to what is really happening in America and in the world Its the perfect time to wake up and see the corrupt ruling elite in action and in realtime Mass deception is at an alltime high Every day the deceivers speak on TV boldly telling us more and more lies without shame Your enslavement is at stake and they are the chosen mouthpieces to make this happen These master deceivers and sorcerers are the reason humanity is where it is today They are the reason why the 911 criminals got away with it and they are the reason for the post911 march toward the new world order that we are in now They the deceptive mainstream media are the reason for the alternative media and for the truth movement Im sure most readers already know this very well It only follows then that historic revelations and leaks of corruption and lawlessness call for historic lies deceit and counter propaganda in order to implement some level of damage control And frankly that is exactly what we are seeing coming from CNN and the rest of the Hillary supporting liberal left corporate media in response to the recent Project Veritas Action bombshell revelation of corruption videos produced by James OKeefe The video tells a very clear story of corruption going all the way up to the DNC and now Hillary herself The video conversation cannot expose Hillary and the DNC any more right Were all thinking there is no way around these very damning videos right Actually there is one thing about the ruling elite and their playalong stooges there is no situation no accusation no video or audio proof no firsthand testimony no form of evidence that is too much for them to outright deny discredit downplay ignore or deflect None whatsoever So as truth seekers rather than getting upset with the tactics employed by the criminal elite and their minions lets admire them and list them for all of us to see The following are just some of the excuses and tactics being employed by the talking heads in this case I will only quote two individuals from a recent CNN panel discussing the topic of the new revelations of Clinton DNC corruption First theres Gloria Borger CNN Chief Political Analyst who appears to be the expert propagandist being rolled out in front of the CNN cameras The other being Van Jones Clinton supporter and former Obama senior adviser The quotes from these two individuals are not just a display of propaganda but examples of professional political damage control That is lies to keep the masses confused and in the dark to what is really happening Below are some of Gloria Borgers recent statements followed by my responses 1 We dont know where the video was gotten Since when does CNN carefully check their sources Truth seekers that challenge the mainstream medias sources all the time get accused of being conspiracy theorists of harassing fake victims families and they get treated like criminals All that aside sorry Borger but the source of the video is not the issue here to begin with What is seen happening in the video and what is being said in the video is the main issue Were talking about DNCHillary associated criminals talking in front of the camera about things no one is supposed to know about corruption inside the HillaryDNC team but now they do 2 We dont know how it the video was edited With this statement senior CNN political analyst Gloria Borger attempts to push the conspiracy without her actually saying it that perhaps these videos are a fabrication with carefully constructed fake voiceovers perhaps photoshopped images and video special effects that make this situation look like its really happening when its not You know The kind of stuff that THEY the controllers would do Again the authenticity of the video is not the issue Remember this is the same CNN that tried to sell us on the laughable Bin Laden death hoax videos of 2011 and the fake ISIS beheadings in 2014 Did CNN question the authenticity of these videos Now all of sudden all videos are hoaxes until somehow confirmed by CNN to be authentic This may quietly be the most stunning thing Borger says here Notice how they are slowly ushering a world where a firsthand video produced by wethepeople or the average person which SHOWS you their corruption is by default not authentic until proven otherwise by them the mainstream media 3 There are so many unanswered questions to this story Really What unanswered questions This is Borgers way of suggesting that there is a pile of questions out there that are not being asked that would immediately change the context of the reality of these damning videos Of course were never told what are these questions Its like they are borrowing this term from the truth movement to defend themselves When critical thinking truth seekers say they we have questions our questions are concrete and definitive Borger thus floats the idea of unanswered questions without the need to be specific knowing that the concept of having questions sounds fundamentally very reasonable 4 You see this story um it first appears in Breitbart Again Borger is appealing to the viewers emotions and hearts instead of their critical thinking mind by resorting to the notion that if the story first appeared on a website that our viewers are told not to believe or trust one of our enemies then the whole story is questionable solely on this premise These are all tactics from a pro who knows how to twist the narrative to deceive the viewers who follow them Of course Borger knows shes blowing smoke at her viewers and that attacking the messengers in this case has no merit given the context of these videos but thats all part of the propaganda tactic 5 I think however this is a story that needs a lot more reporting on it As mentioned earlier Borger is implying without actually saying it that since CNN or the Hillarymainstream complex hasnt acknowledged the videos then as a whole we are far from the point of being able to say these videos and thus the evidence in the videos are authentic Because of this previously suggested delusional lie Borger adds to the point by suggesting that THEREFORE a lot more reporting needs to be done In other words shes saying yeah weve seen the videos but since CNN hasnt approved it yet who knows how real it actually is Now here is a statement made by Van Jones who adds his own layer of super damage control propaganda 6 Jones states that because the report comes from James OKeefe that ALONE get this is reason to withhold judgment Throughout the CNN report OKeefe is repeatedly referred to as discredited and a criminal by several members of the CNN panel including Democratic strategist Maria Cardona and CNN Senior Investigative Correspondent Drew Griffin who tries to sound official when he announces the DNC official response that 7 There is no evidence that anything described on these tapes actually took place Its amazing how the professional liars attempt to sidestep reality in a generation today in 2016 where the ruling elite are desperately trying to keep the masses dumbeddown smack in the middle of a historic information age where all corruption is now being fully revealed How do you sidestep reality under these circumstances Question the authenticity of any evidence that exposes what you are doing This is apparently the strategy including brushing off the revelations as locker room talk another new term we can expect to see used much more frequently in the future including bar room talk etc The locker room talk tactic allows them to take anything said on camera and insert it into this imaginary box the locker room talk box The sheep will accept the new term not even knowing why Because its what George Orwell described as newspeak This was the biggest thing that jumped out at me after watching this CNN segment posted by Project Veritas Action It doesnt matter how much corruption and evil they we expose We now know exactly how the establishment will respond every time They will question the authenticity of that new revelation they will demonize the messenger who exposes them they will look to press criminal charges if possible on whoever exposes them and they will present the evidence as unproven until they themselves approve of it Then they will ratchet up their own counter leaks and allegations beware we should be expecting a huge counter propaganda move very soon as a counterattack and to distract the public from the Clinton leaks that are coming out seemingly every day now This my friends is how professional political propaganda works This is similar to the careful skill and delicacy involved in the plausible deniability tactic described by Scott Foval in the recent videos Its subtle and its a skillful way of doing something without showing the strings that connect to the puppet master giving the orders in this case Hillary and the DNC What all of this means is that it really is time for everyone to wake up and realize once and for all that the mainstream media is constantly lying to us and we cant expect them to turn on their own kind We cant expect the mainstream media to take our side and help us expose the corruption when they themselves are a large part of that corruption It really is time to spread this awareness and to truly prepare for a new paradigm which is already well underway Lets signal to these liars at CNN that they are exposed and their time is coming There is too much goodness in humanity for the dark and oppressive mainstream media led machine to continue doing what its doing to humanity Their lies and deceit must be exposed Endless wars must stop The US empire and their global propaganda and information control must be acknowledged for what it is Thankfully one of the little things all of us can control which is very effective is our ability to share this information and help spread it across the globe Lets do that Submit your review
When the Commission on Presidential Debates on Monday finalized its rules for determining which candidates get invited to this falls headline debates it suddenly made Libertarian darkhorse candidate Gary Johnsons job a whole lot harderJohnson a former Republican who has been picking up voters disaffected by Donald Trump has had his eye on winning a debate slot all summer Though he has conceded that extraordinary things have to happen for him to win its the debates that matter for him If he can get onstage his strategists think he has a chance to upset a race that has left a huge number of Americans unhappy with their choicesHe already knew the threshold for a debate invitation a 15 percent showing in polls a hurdle no thirdparty candidate has overcome since the commission set the bar in the 2000 campaign Johnson harbors hope of being the first But the combination of the polls the commission just announced it will use to make the cut and the decision of most of the sponsoring media outlets to include both Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein in those polls effectively made the bar tougher for him to clear With Stein siphoning off some of the antiestablishment vote hes counting on Johnson is probably going to end up watching the debates at homeThe selection rules the commission just announced seem reasonable in one sense and not obviously designed to undercut a thirdparty run It will use polls released by the five major television news networks ABCWashington Post NBCWall Street Journal CBSNew York Times CNN and Fox News These are the same five polls that were used in 2012 except last time Gallup was used instead of CNN Gallup you may recall predicted a Mitt Romney victory in 2012 then published what was dubbed a mea culpa exploring why its likely voter model was so wrong This election cycle Gallup hasnt done any trial heats taking itself off the tableThird parties should be further pleased that all of those organizations have been including thirdparty candidates in their polling A perennial complaint has been that thirdparty candidates cant get to 15 percent in polls if they arent even mentioned in the polls as the campaign develops But ABCWashington Post NBCWall Street Journal and CNN have been running fourway trial heats while CBSNew York Times and Fox News have done threeway polls that include Johnsons name And upon the commissions announcement Fox News said it would include Stein in subsequent polls That means at least four of the five will include all four candidatesThats what hurts Johnson however As the former New Mexico governor picks up Republicans alienated by Trump and even picks up some progressives excited about his antiwar promarijuana and civil liberties stances his numbers have been climbing into the range where the debate feels like a possibility When Stein is left out of the polls Johnson isnt far short of the 15 percent bar he hit 12 percent in the last Fox News and CBSNew York Times polls A late July CBS poll sans New York Times sponsorship but using the same pollster has Johnson at 10 But in the most recent polls from the three media outlets tapped by the commission which have been running fourway trial heats Johnson comes in at 8 9 or 10 while Stein averages 5 Johnson performs just a bit worse with Stein in the mix but in the race for 15 every inch counts And Stein who would need to triple her support to secure an invite is taking an inch or two from JohnsonThe bottom line By including all four candidates the commissions sanctioned polling outfits are reducing the odds that a third candidate will make the cutThis leaves Johnson with a tough strategic choice to make Does he continue to hold himself up as an amiable alternative to the status quo Or does he turn aggressive and start boring into the candidates who are standing in his way Donald Trump and Jill SteinWhile both Johnson and Stein rail against the TrumpClinton duopoly in reality Johnsons most immediate opponent is Stein and vice versa Theyre each scrambling to claim as much of the small antiestablishment vote as possible The most recent CNN poll found they both draw from independents with Johnson winning 16 percent of selfidentified independent voters and Stein 8 percent They roughly split the pot of Bernie Sanders voters as Stein takes 13 percent and Johnson 10 They also both get a little from disaffected partisans Johnson wins 7 percent of Republicans to Steins 3 and Johnson edges Stein with Democrats 3 percent to 2Yet Libertarians have no ground to demand that Stein be left out of the polls since the Greens may well get on the ballot in 44 states breaking the partys record and far exceeding the commissions ballot access requirement Johnson has little recourse but to boost his standing and fastHe doesnt have much time to make up ground The commission says it will issue invites after Labor Day 2016 but sufficiently in advance of the firstscheduled debate on Sept 26 to allow for orderly planning So he has about a month give or takeTo date Johnson has largely sold himself as a tonic to the status quo His ads and videos tread lightly on ideology and even lighter on policy prescriptions For example in his latest Johnson says to millennials We may never agree on all the small things but lets agree on the big thing both parties have blown it Working together well find fair sensible and honest solutionsNonideological platitudes may be enough to win some of the throw the bums out vote But Johnson needs more He needs to consolidate the leftwing antiHillary vote and the economically libertarian antiTrump vote And those two goals are in conflictHe could directly engage Greenleaners employ the issues where he shares common ground with the left and say bluntly The truth is Jill Stein is not going to get into the debates whereas I might but only with your help If you stand with me I will ensure that there is a voice on the main stage calling for an end to the drug war the abolishment of the NSA and a halt to drone strikesHe could also use the issues where he distinguishes himself on the right and tell conservatives squeamish about Trump but allergic to Clinton The truth is Trump is not a conservative and hes not going to win He opposes free trade rejects entitlement reform and supports budgetbusting stimulus Give me a shot to beat her If you stand with me I will be the only one on the main stage defending the TransPacific Partnership making the case for raising the retirement age and pledging to balance the budget without tax increasesJohnson hasnt been this pointed on the issues in his advertising precisely because the issues mentioned above are just a few of the small things on which people vehemently disagree And he never mentions Stein hoping to silently dismiss her In one video Johnson says All this talk about thirdparty Im it But that is simply untrue Hes not the only thirdparty candidate in the race and Johnson needs to deal with itIts certainly possible even likely that this is a box Johnson cant get out of Its hard to win sufficient support with a thin gruel of nonideological talking points and its also hard with a gumbo of disparate policy specificsThird parties loathe the commissions 15 percent threshold which was established in 2000 The commission is a private entity unaccountable to the public and its chosen number is literally arbitrary Yet it does serve a public purpose There are only so many debates that more than half of the electorate will sit through Its legitimate to ask that a candidate prove that he or she truly represents a significant faction of voters before getting such rarified face time and pulling attention away from the oneonone contest that is almost certain to decide the presidencyThis time around Johnson and Stein have been given every opportunity to prove themselves They have been listed in the polls They have been given exposure on mainstream media networks Johnson has done two CNN primetime town halls and Stein gets her first on Wednesday Both are even outspending one of the majorparty candidates in television ads for the first time since Trump has bizarrely refused to spend a dime But the downside of being included in those polls and getting those town halls is that there are no more excuses If you dont get to 15 percent its your own fault
Republicans face a lot of difficult decisions this year but for the party to come back strong after Donald Trumps divisive candidacy for it to keep its brand as the freemarket democracyloving opportunityfocused alternative to the Democrats the leastworst option is a major loss in the presidential raceBy selecting a nominee that does not reflect the usual fiscal policies a victory for Trump will mean a shift in the partys focus Even if the rest of the GOP holds fast to the platform or to traditional conservative values the presidents policies always reshape the partyIf you have ever promoted a local candidate to voters you know this is true the public looks at the top of the ticket first and judges the party by that persons views Many Trump supporters will see his win as a referendum on their policies and will work to make the party reflect that Fellow Republicans will either need to accept that or leave We have no idea what a Trump presidency will look like but based on his campaign it will be filled with outrageous gaffes inarticulate interviews on policy and offensive media blitzes focused on nonissues Trump will most likely lose minorities and women creating a wider divide that the GOP must bridge in the future Many young voters will continue to associate Trump with the party long after he leaves office This would only further damage Republicans and set us up for heavy losses in 2018Not to mention the party will continue to hemorrhage its best and brightest Candidates staff and volunteers have already walked away from Trump and theres no question it will keep happening If Trump gains a greater control of the party these people might even be forced outBut lets say Trump doesnt win and Hillary Clinton claims the White House If Trump only trails her by a few points you can bet he will blame the Republicans who voted their conscience Or hell kick up dirt over the rigged system as he has already alluded to Trump supporters in the party will go on a witch hunt looking for anyone who acted disloyally to the Republican nominee That infighting could destroy the party
Next Prev Swipe leftright Unbrexit Parliament must vote on triggering article 50 the 9 funniest most ironic reactions Britain has exploded today the news that the Government must offer Parliament a vote on invoking Article 50 Heres the BEST 9 tweets the ones most gleefully relishing the change in fortune 1 So next steps for Brexit and Article50 could be a UK Government appeal to the European Court of Justice How hilarious would that be James DomanPipe jamesmdp November 3 2016 2 With this Article 50 ruling I can see a real path back to our previous position as the graceless arrogant begrudging arseholes of the EU Jon Blyth disappointment November 3 2016 3 Glad to hear the Brexit saga has been resolved comprehensively to the satisfaction of all parties and we wont be hearing any more about it Dai Lama WelshDalaiLama November 3 2016 4 The High Court has upheld Parliamentary sovereignty over Brexit vote in a move so ironic it threatens to destroy the fabric of spacetime Unnamed Insider Unnamedinsider November 3 2016 5 Brexit means Brexit but also not Brexit but kind of Brexit but that Brexit maybe this Brexit but with a hint of Brexit TechnicallyRon TechnicallyRon November 3 2016 6 Someone please publish an article explaining todays Article 50 decision that just says Article 50 decision is Article 50 decision reluctant ex baby mutablejoe November 3 2016 7 If there is a civil war do the remainers get to have the rest of europe on our side Richard K Herring Herring1967 November 3 2016 8 James Herring itsjamesherring November 3 2016 9 Sneak peek at tomorrows Daily Mail front page They dont seem to be taking unbrexit very well pictwittercomnQbDf1iNbZ The Poke ThePoke November 3 2016 And our favourite was UKIP party spokesperson Suzanne Evans frothing with How dare these activist judges attempt to overturn our will Its a power grab undermines democracy Time we had the right to sack them Activist judges Amazing Those activist judges occupying democracy with their hippy laws
UNREAL Calif Soldiers Billed for Thousands After Military Decides Not to Honor DecadeOld Enlistment Bonuses Why West wondered would any sane citizen risk his or her life to serve in a military system so corrupt and backward that it would make its veterans pay back their rightfully earned bonuses What made this move by the Pentagon even more unsettling was how much money it had frivolously wasted on other things that the colonel believed did not deserve to be funded Here we have a Pentagon stating it will pay for sex change surgery for those who are suffering from gender dysphoria he wrote I just want to know how much money did the Department of Defense pay for those transgender handbooks and training materials Advertisement story continues below He asked a similar question regarding all the taxpayer funds wasted on providing welfare to illegal immigrants on operating sanctuary cities and on importing tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into the country with benefits Why not cut that off and provide the funding for these men and women whove served West wrote This has been 10 years past and now were punishing those whove gone on with their lives They did nothing wrong they didnt seek to defraud our nation heck they put their lives on the line to backfill the manpower shortages made by politicians and government bureaucrats he continued Is this truly how we honor those who have served No it is not Or rather it should not be though clearly Obama disagrees Advertisement story continues below
It is no secret that our military forces make great sacrifices to ensure our safety at home and abroad however our nations fourlegged often go forgotten With this in mind the Anaheim Ducks found a very special way to honor one K9 hero during Sunday nights game against the Calgary FlamesAs part of the Ducks Military Appreciation Night one very special bombsniffing German Shepherd was honored with the duty of dropping the ceremonial opening puckWatch belowHT SmokeRoom
Home Badge Abuse An expolice Sergent tells how and why you should fight ALL speeding fines An expolice Sergent tells how and why you should fight ALL speeding fines DriftSpecorg My name is Stan I am a retired Sergeant of the Police force for 14 years I was also a police prosecutor at times so I know what I am talking about I spent half my life in Magistrates Court during my time in the Force I was only ever a very fair copper and I am proud of my time in the job looking after the interests of citizens often to the detriment of my family and my health I never booked any driver for a trifling offence ever People committing trifling offences commonly used to get a warning and a licence vehicle check It had to be serious before I booked anyone I am so annoyed at what is happening these days in what I call Indiscriminate revenue gathering It is absolutely disgusting The government and the Police Force need to hang their heads in shame If you did a survey of current serving members of the police forces in this country you would be hard pushed to find many who disagree with me I know how the legal system works and I know how to beat the system This is how to do it and if about 10 of all drivers booked follow my specific instructions then the entire system will crash and become unworkable to the extent that the government will have no choice but to stop issuing fines for every type of traffic offence The whole lot of them Seriously I do not feel guilty about coming out with this information as I think its about time someone stood up for hard working civil minded law abiding taxpayers in this country who are being screwed This is very simple and very basic The idea is to clog up the system in the traffic camera office and the courts by drivers exercising their rights to remain innocent until proven guilty SIMPLE BASIC LEGAL STEPS TO FOLLOW 1 Do not accept the alleged offence There are numerous valid reasons to dispute every single alleged offence Often the charges are incorrect or the evidence is illegally or incorrectly gathered 2 Challenge it tell them that you are going to defend the matter Make them earn their miserable 150 or 200 or whatever They have to prepare evidence and witnesses Just the wages for the camera operator or the Policeman on the day of the court will be more than the actual fine You are also taking a camera operator or a member of the Police Force off the street for the day But it wont get to that pointread on 3 If a court date is ever set and it does not suit you do not accept it ask for a delay to a time and place that suits you 4 When they re set the date delay it as often as possible keep pleading not guilty all through the process You have every right to be sick or go for an adjournment if the day does not suit for any legitimate reason For example you may have pressing family or work commitments which prevent you from attending a particular court on a particular day 5 If it ever actually gets to court which is unlikely if everyone does this and if you are unwell that day ring the court in the morning and tell them that you cannot make it as you are sick The camera operator and a police prosecutor will already be at court and will be greatly inconvenienced by having to come back another day The whole time this is going on the amount of paperwork involved at the traffic camera office is huge Several staff are involved and it rapidly becomes very costly probably running into thousands with me so farkeep reading 6 The court system is then placed under such a massive load by people who wanted their day in court that it simply will not be able to cope unless they open up about another 50 magistrates courts and this is obviously going to cost the government a lot more than any revenue raised If all the above fails which is highly unlikelyand you actually go to court and get convictedyou have a right of appeal Make sure you appeal the conviction You dont need to be a rocket scientist to see what happens They are not going to spend millions chasing hundreds 7 Tell everyone you know to challenge their alleged offences and the entire system will crash within a few weeks 8 Please pass this on AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY AND THAT THERE IS A VERY HIGH PROBABILITY THAT THE EVIDENCE USED AGAINST YOU IS WRONG YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO CHALLENGE ANY ALLEGED OFFENCE THIS IS WHY COURTS EXISTSO USE THEMA LOT Regards like share and comment make a change this isnt hard to do but it will help everyone The article originally published at Driftspecorg and although it is from our friends from across the pond the information is invaluable as well as universally applicable Share
Donald Trump won GOP primaries in seven states and Sen Ted Cruz took three in a Super Tuesday rebound sparking renewed calls from some Republicans to unify around a single Trump rival as the billionaire tightened his hold on frontrunner statusThe contests in 11 states showcased Trumps dominance over a crowded GOP field Sen Marco Rubio Fla was the winner in one state Minnesota his first victory of the 2016 primary seasonLive updates and results from across the USTrump won Alabama Arkansas Georgia Massachusetts Tennessee Vermont and Virginia according to Edison Media Research In several states his lead was in double digits and his share of the GOP vote neared 50 percent With those wins Trump has more than doubled his victory total in this GOP primary seasonBut even as Trump basked in his Super Tuesday romp a wellfunded super PAC was ramping up its effort to discredit the New York businessman with a new television advertisement that portrays him as a predatory huckster who scammed working and middleclass AmericansThe 60second ad which will begin airing Wednesday on stations across the country at a cost of more than 1 million centers on Trump University the billionaire moguls forprofit enterprise that promised to teach students the tricks of the real estate trade and is now defunct and the subject of a fraud suitThe attack echoes themes that Rubio who is trying to unite the GOPs antiTrump forces under his own banner has advanced as he has addressed swelling crowds in suburban areasCruz won Alaska Oklahoma and his home state of Texas just after 9 pm These are the second third and fourth states Cruz has won in this race he also won the Iowa caucuses the first contest of all The win in Texas in particular was vital It saved Cruz from a humiliating homestate defeat and gave him part of the largest slate of delegates that was up for grabs TuesdayLive updates and results from across the USBut this was not the Super Tuesday that Cruz had hoped for months ago He had campaigned hard in Southern states hoping to dominate among evangelicals and very conservative voters Instead in state after state he saw those voters flock to TrumpFor Rubio the Minnesota win was a boost he sorely needed Earlier in the night Trump had mocked him for not winning any states so far But overall Tuesday was a disappointment for Rubio He had attacked Trump sharply in the past few days and shifted some latedeciding voters into his camp But outside of Minnesota it wasnt enoughOhio Gov John Kasich came in a close second to Trump in VermontThe worry among the party establishment which has put its last hopes on Rubio was strong and growing after Trumps Tuesday victoriesEven Sen Lindsey O Graham RSC an outspoken critic of Cruz said to CBSs Charlie Rose on Tuesday night Well I think were about ready to lose to the most dishonest politician in America Hillary Clinton and how could you do thatI made a joke about Ted but we may be in a position to have to rally around Ted Cruz as the only way to stop Donald Trump and Im not so sure that would work he said adding that when it came to that prospectI cant believe I would say yes but yesCruz addressed his supporters at a venue called the Redneck Country Club in Stafford Tex He sought not so subtly to convince Rubio to drop out of the race saying that a divided field was allowing Trump to succeedSo long as the field remains divided Donald Trumps path to the nomination remains more likely And that would be a disaster for conservatives and for the nation And after tonight we have seen that our campaign is the only campaign that has beaten that can beat and that will beat Donald Trump Cruz said He spoke to primary voters in future states We must come togetherRubio the establishment candidate who had sharply attacked Trump in the past few days ran close to Trump in Virginia boosted by support among collegeeducated voters and Republicans in the Washington DC suburbs But he fell short with Trump piling up large margins in the states rural South and WestNo Republican nominee has ever won all the states Trump hasStill exit polls showed some good news for Rubio In several states he did well among voters who decided late according to media reports That could be taken as proof that Rubios late attacks on Trump worked and it could encourage Rubio to continue them hoping to win more primaries in the coming weeksJust five days ago we began to unmask the true nature of the frontrunner so far in this race Five days ago we began to explain to the American people that Donald Trump is a con artist And in just five days we have seen the impact it is having all across the country Rubio told supporters in Miami We are seeing in state after state his numbers coming down Our numbers going upHe looked ahead to the Republican primary in Florida on March 15 a winnertakeall contest that could vault Rubio back into contention or if he loses doom himRubios campaign has sought to position him as the top alternative to Trump the one whod be waiting and ready when voters or delegates at a fractious GOP convention finally turned on the frontrunner But Tuesdays results showed that isnt exactly true In six of the nine states where polls have closed in fact Rubio was running thirdTrump spoke to supporters at his MaraLago resort in Palm Beach Fla in an ornate ballroom In his speech he mocked Rubio calling him the little senator and reminding his crowd that Rubio didnt win anything He hasnt won anything periodOvershadowed by Trump and Rubio Cruz sees Texas as his last stand Trump also called his campaign a movement and sought to look ahead to a general election contest against Clinton the former secretary of stateI am a unifier When we get all of this finished Im going to go after one person Hillary Clinton Trump said He rejected suggestions that his comments about Mexican immigrants mass deportation of undocumented immigrants and a ban on Muslim foreigners entering the country had divided his partyWe are going to be a much finer party Were going to be a unified party Trump said I mean to be honest with you And we are going to be a much bigger party Our party is expandingLater Trump responded to a question by saying hed been watching all the big cableTV news networks and liked them all See Im becoming diplomatic he saidIn a wideranging news conference that followed Trumps speech he issued a kind of threat to House Speaker Paul Ryan RWis who before Trump came on the scene had a claim to being the most popular figure in the GOPPaul Ryan I dont know him well Trump said Im sure Ill get along with him And if I dont Hell have to pay a big priceIt seemed possible given Tuesdays results that Rubio Cruz and Kasich could find a reason to remain in the race So even where Trump lost Tuesday night he may have won reaping the benefits of a crowded field of candidates and splitting the antiTrump vote into piecesFormer pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson who has failed to win a single primary or caucus so far told supporters he was dismayed with the state of the nations political system and not prepared to quit the race yetIt is rotten it is rotten to the core Carson told a crowd of supporters in Baltimore Im not ready to quit untangling it quite yetCarson has called on the five remaining candidates to meet privately in Detroit in advance of Thursdays upcoming GOP Fox News Channel debate He has asked them to take a pledge to talk about the many serious problems facing our country instead of personally attacking each otherIn the Democratic race with nearly all the votes countedClinton won the Alabama Arkansas Georgia Tennessee Texas and Virginia Democratic primaries as she looks to dramatically widen her lead in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination over Vermont Sen Bernie SandersSanders chalked up four victories his home state of Vermont as well as in Oklahoma Minnesota and ColoradoAt a polling place in Houston where Cruz cast his vote Tuesday Francisco Valle 74 held a sign depicting Trump with a Hitlerstyle mustache and his right hand raised it read absolutely no Mexicans Valle also hung a sign with the letter T and word Trump in the shape of a swastika with STOP written beneathI am here because I want to make awareness of a movement that is very dangerous to all the minorities because Hitler started the same way said Valle who is Mexican American He blamed the Jews for all the problems and now Trump is blaming the Mexicans for the problemsTrump has suggested he is expanding the GOPs base of support by appealing to Democrats and independents even though some say he is alienating some traditional Republican backersWe have tremendous numbers of people coming in and the Republican Party is growing larger he said If it fails to do that he added its not going to winWagner reported from Burlington Vt Eilperin from Washington Katie Zezima in Houston Patricia Sullivan in Arlington Va Laura Vozzella in Richmond Va Abby Phillip in Minneapolis Minn Scott Clement Anne Gearan and Paul Kane in Washington Robert Costa in Atlanta Jose A DelReal in Nashville Fenit Nirappil in Norfolk Va Ed OKeefe in Alcoa Tenn and David Weigel in Castleton Vt contributed to this report
The bloodsoaked executioners of ISIS have spared neither women nor children since the jihadist army established its caliphate a year ago putting an estimated 74 kids and even more women to death for such offenses as practicing magic and refusing to fast during RamadanA total of 3027 people have been executed by ISIS since it declared itself a state under strict Islamic law in Syria and Iraq last June according to a new report by the UKbased group Syrian Observatory for Human RightsMany of the charges against those executed are recorded as blasphemy and spying but others include sorcery sodomy practicing as a Shia Muslim the report statesJust this week two children whose ages were not known were crucified in the Mayadin Deir Ezzor province in eastern Syria after ISIS accused them of not properly fasting during Ramadan The childrens bodies put on public display on crossbars each bore a sign explaining their violation during the holy month for Muslims that runs June 17 to July 17 With each execution justified by ISIS medieval interpretation of the Koran the group is attempting to portray itself as the true practitioners of Islam say expertsUnderlying all these executions is the apocalypse ideology of the final battle between the believers and the unbelievers said Jasmine Opperman the director of Southern Africa Operations at the Terrorism Research Analysis Consortium ISIS is using executions to show its followers and wouldbe followers that the group is the only true representative of believers not only in word but action which is why executions are featured so prominentlyOther children died fighting for their livesThe violent Islamist group appears to demonstrate a particular interest in children releasing videos of children fighting in cages and undertaking military training the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights group said The report also details moves undertaken by the group to entice children to join which include setting up offices called cubs of the caliphate that recruit children to fight for ISISThe United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child released a report in February documenting the many horrors ISIS has imposed on children who are Kurdish Yazidi Christian and even Muslim Children even those who are mentally challenged are being tortured crucified buried alive used as suicide bombers and sold as sex slaves the report saidISIS is hoping to spur current supporters around the world who are dormant of which there are millions into joining their caliphate by advertising acts like these of which there are millions said Ryan Mauro national security analyst for the Clarion Project a nonprofit organization that educates the public about the threat of Islamic extremism They know that they can greatly increase their numbers by appealing to current radicals rather than the broader massesWomen are not spared the cruel brutality of ISIS eitherThe Syrian Observatory found that the terror group carried out more executions this week murdering two married couples by beheading them publicly with a sword for sorceryThe Islamic State group executed two women by beheading them in Deir Ezzor province and this is the first time the Observatory has documented women being killed by the group in this manner Rami Abdel Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told the Daily MailOther citizens suspected of practicing black magic or sorcery also have been killed the organization reports including a magician beheaded in recent weeks in the Iraqi province of SalahuddinThe practicing of anything that is not approved by Islamic State under their very strict interpretation of Islam is Haram or forbidden said Veryan Khan editorial director for the Floridabased Terrorism Research Analysis Consortium If the Islamic State thinks that sorcery is real then black magic would be a threat to them and seen as a dangerISIS stepped up its killing spree this week as it celebrated both Ramadan and its oneyear anniversary as a caliphate in Iraq and Syria with three straight days of ruthless public punishments and executions On June 30 11 workers from alMiadin endured live crucifixion and were forced to wear signs saying 70 lashes and to be crucified for 1 day for breaking the fast in RamadanThe Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the most recent killing spree is less than a week after ISIS released a video of 15 men executed in three terrible ways Drowned in cages having their head blown off with explosives and burning them alive in a car hit with a rocket launcherLast Friday the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the death of 38 people in Tunisia who were gunned down and another 27 people who died after a bomb rocked a Shia mosque in KuwaitIslamic State executions are not merely retribution by the state for behavior seen as illegal said Khan noting executions by the Islamic State include everything from burning alive victims firing squads beatings and beheadings to drowning explosions and throwing people off of buildings The Islamic State uses executions to intimidate and dominate the local population for diplomatic communiqus to world leaders for recruitment purposes and to demonstrate the organization is in complete control
The deal Tuesday to curb Irans nuclear weapons program came at the end of two years of an intricate ballet involving President Obama and the leaders of six other countriesBut as the debate moved from the negotiating tables of Vienna to the halls of the US Capitol Obama faced a new and complicated task to protect the agreement from opponents who would undermine it in Washington over the next two monthsI will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal Obama said Tuesday This is not the time for politics or posturing Tough talk from Washington does not solve problems It would take twothirds of both the House and the Senate to override such a vetoMost congressional Republicans remained deeply skeptical some openly scornful of the prospect of relieving economic sanctions while leaving any Iranian uraniumenrichment capability intact And Democrats offered only cautious endorsements of the deal that represents a cornerstone of Obamas foreign policy as Congress begins a twomonth review of the agreementHours after the deal was announced House Speaker John A Boehner ROhio accused Obama of abandoning his own objectives for the negotiations and called the agreement unacceptableIts going to hand a dangerous regime billions of dollars in sanctions relief while paving the way for a nuclear Iran he said If its as bad a deal as I think it is at this point well do everything we can to stop itSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell RKy said the deal appears to fall well short of the goal we all thought was trying to be achieved which was that Iran would not be a nuclear stateDemocratic leaders meanwhile mainly offered pledges to closely review the deal rather than outright endorsements In a morning statement Senate Minority Leader Harry M Reid DNev called the agreement historic but he did not address the deal at an afternoon news conference until he was prompted by reportersMy staff hasnt read it I havent read it Reid said Lets find out what we have firstHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi DCalif called the deal the product of years of tough bold and cleareyed leadership from Obama but stopped short of a full endorsement Congress will closely review the details of this agreement she saidNot since George W Bush sought the approval of Congress to go to war has a president turned to lawmakers for their support on a matter of such international importance The congressional review of the deal will proceed according to a framework passed by Congress in May and signed into law by Obama It provides for a 60day review period during which lawmakers could do nothing and allow the agreement to take effect vote to approve the deal or vote their disapproval of itPassing a disapproval measure would have to survive the veto that Obama promised Tuesday Overriding that veto would require a twothirds vote in both houses with the decisive vote likely to come in the Senate where the Republican majority is slimmerBroad Republican opposition to the agreement is expected after months of pointed statements and political maneuvering from GOP leaders Over Obamas objections Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a fierce critic of the negotiations to address Congress in March Shortly afterward 47 of 54 Senate Republicans signed a letter addressed to Iranian leaders that was intended to undermine the talksIsrael blasts Iran deal as one of the darkest days in historyAt least 13 Democratic or independent senators would have to join with Republicans to override an Obama vetoSome Democrats expressed pointed skepticism Tuesday starting with Sen Robert Menendez NJ who cosponsored the congressional review legislation In a statement he said the agreement ultimately legitimizes Iran as a thresholdnuclear state and doesnt end Irans nuclear program it preserves itRep Steve Israel NY the highestranking Jewish Democrat in the House said he would review every word sentence and paragraph of the deal to ensure it satisfies my continued concernsUntil then he said you can continue to count me in the skeptical columnFew Senate Republicans indicated Tuesday that they were inclined to vote in favor of the dealSen Bob Corker RTenn chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has for months struck a relatively measured tone on the negotiations but said Tuesday that the deal amounted to managed proliferationI would say the agreement has taken a downward trend he saidCorker said he expected to hold hearings over the coming weeks before Congress breaks for its August recess but said the votes would probably be held in September giving skeptics crucial weeks to marshal oppositionUnder the review law the 60day clock does not begin until the agreement is officially certified and submitted to Congress but it begins no later than five days after the deal is reached During the review period Obama is not permitted to relieve any Iranian sanctionsThe historic nuclear deal with Iran How it worksLawmakers have laid out a wide array of concerns including the terms under which international inspectors will be given access to Iranian facilities the pace of sanctions relief the extent that Iranians will be able to continue enriching uranium for peaceful purposes and the Iranian regimes support for terrorist activities in the Middle East and beyondIn recent days there has been close attention to the prospect that a UN arms embargo imposed in 2007 amid international concerns over the direction of the Iranian nuclear program might be lifted The agreement released Thursday set forth a path for the embargo on conventional weapons to be lifted in as little as five years and for those on ballistic missiles to be lifted in as little as eight yearsGen Martin Dempsey chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the Senate Armed Services Committee last week that under no circumstances should we relieve pressure on Iran relative to ballistic missile capabilities and arms traffickingLawmakers have seized on Dempseys quote in recent days as it appeared more and more likely that the arms embargo could be eased under the final agreementWho thinks its a good idea given the Iranians toppling of the Mideast to give them a lifting of the arms embargo that was not even part of the deal asked Sen Lindsey O Graham RSC during a morning appearance on MSNBC I would have never done that until they changed their behaviorThe announcement of the deal also triggered a wave of criticism from policy experts seeking to sway votes in Congress Experts at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy took aim at whether components of the deal would be sufficient to ensure Irans compliance and whether access to oil money now frozen in escrow accounts would allow it to make more mischief in the regionWhile the nuclear issue and Irans support of terrorism are ostensibly distinct they are in fact implicitly linked David Makovsky and Matthew Levitt wrote on the groups Web siteSen Dianne Feinstein DCalif offered one of the most robust defenses of the agreement to be found on Capitol Hill on Tuesday and predicted that even if Congress forced Obama to veto a disapproval it would not be overriddenAnythings possible but I just dont think so Feinstein said I think people are going to understand that were in a deteriorating situation in the Middle East and this offers the opportunity to turn the page You know nations do change
The scariest causes of death war murder car accidents are also some of the least common ways that we die This fact is made abundantly clear ina graphic from Britains National Health Service which displays the leading causes of death in the United KingdomMuch more mundane things like circulatory and digestive disorders are much more common causes of death murders or car accidents While this data comes from the United Kingdom the leading causes of death in the United States look pretty similarheart disease cancer and chronic respiratory disease are the most common killersin AmericaEvery day we are told of lethal new threats to our health and lives the NHS writes in an explanation of the graphic Food additives knife crime pollution terrorism Its not that these threats are not potential killers but in this blizzard of health warnings its easy to lose perspective and worry about small or insignificant risks while ignoring or being unaware of major threatsThe NHS has also put together a set of risk factors that looks at some of the leading behavioral decisions that cause death whether thats smoking too much or consuming too few fruits and vegetablesYou can also use an interactive version of the Atlas of Risk which lets you break down the risks and causes of death for different demographics For example that data shows that traffic accidents are a much higher cause of death for people between the ages of 1 and 19 than for other age groups This is what that chart looks likeYou can find the Atlas of Risk here And thanks toPeter Ubel for pointing it out on Twitter
DOJ Tried Repeatedly To Kill FBIs Clinton Foundation Investigation 11012016 THE DAILY CALLER Seniorlevel Justice Department officials pushed back heavily on an ongoing FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation according to a bombshell report from The Wall Street Journal The newspaper laid out numerous examples based on law enforcement sources of senior DOJ officials intervening to quash the probe Prosecutors with the US attorneys office in the Eastern District of New York which Loretta Lynch led before taking over as attorney general last year refused to allow FBI investigators probing the Clinton family charity to review emails found on devices turned over this year by two of Clintons lawyers during the separate investigation into the mishandling of classified information on Clintons private email system The rationale according to The Journal was that the devices were covered by partial immunity and limiteduse agreements that the Clinton lawyers Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson agreed to with the DOJ Information recovered from the laptops could only be used in the email investigation and not in others As part of the immunity agreement the FBI and Justice Department agreed to destroy Mills and Samuelsons devices a revelation that sparked outrage from congressional Republicans when it was announced earlier this month The Journals report largely confirms reporting in August from The Daily Caller News Foundations Richard Pollock that the FBI and several US attorneys offices were conducting an unorthodox joint investigation into the Clinton Foundation RELATED EXCLUSIVE FBIUS Attorneys Conducting Joint Probe Of Clinton Foundation CNN reported at around the same time that a Clinton Foundation probe was tabled by the Justice Department Pollocks report and the new piece from The Journal undermine CNNs reporting While the investigation has gone forward the Justice Department has stymied the investigation at several turns according to The Journal The DOJ refused to grant the FBI the power to issue subpoenas or conduct formal interviews It also refused to convene a grand jury to weigh evidence in the case More pushback occurred in August when a senior DOJ official contacted the FBIs deputy director Andrew McCabe to voice his displeasure that New York field office agents were continuing the investigation even though the DOJ had declined to provide investigative support The official was very pissed off that the FBI was continuing its efforts according to The Journal The call occurred on Aug 12 a day after CNN reported details of FBIDOJ discord over whether to investigate the Clinton Foundation It was also a day after Pollock reported that an investigation was underway McCabe figures prominently in The Journals reporting and in the overlapping Clintonworld investigations It was revealed last week that McCabes wife Jill received nearly 470000 in contributions to a Virginia state senate campaign last year from Gov Terry McAuliffes super PAC McAuliffe is a close Clinton ally and is the subject of a separate FBI investigation According to The Journal McCabe refocused the Clinton Foundation investigation a week after FBI director James Comey announced in early July that he would recommend to the Justice Department that charges not be filed against Clinton for mishandling classified information in her emails The charity probe would be led by the FBIs New York office with help from the Little Rock office according to The Journal FBI field offices in Los Angeles and Washington were also involved in the Clinton Foundation investigation The Los Angeles office subpoenaed bank records related to the Clinton Foundation after obtaining information during a separate public corruption case The office in Washington was investigating McAuliffes financial relationships from before he joined the Clinton Foundation as a board member After Comeys announcement on the Clinton email investigation in July McCabe decided that the Washington FBI office would focus on the separate McAuliffe matter He recused himself from that investigation because of the donations his wife received from McAuliffes super PAC in 2015 While the FBI has insisted that McCabe is not compromised in any of the investigations the email probe the Clinton Foundation or the McAuliffe matter The Journal reports that some agents believe he has issued stand down orders in the Clinton Foundation inquiry US Attorney General Loretta Lynch looks on after announcing federal action related to North Carolina at the US Department of Justice Getty Images That claim came from FBI agents lower on the chain of command from seniorlevel officials Still other sources denied that McCabe issued a stand down order They asserted that McCabe ordered investigators to continue on their investigative path McCabes Aug 12 phone conversation with the senior DOJ official would seem to suggest that he supported the investigation Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation McCabe asked the DOJ official according to a Journal source who was familiar with the conversation Of course not the official reportedly said after a brief pause The new report also details a presentation that FBI officials made to the Justice Department in February to lay out the case against the Clinton Foundation Some of the Journals sources said that the DOJs career public integrity prosecutors did not believe that the case was strong Others said that from the start the Justice Department officials were stern icy and dismissive of the case The Journal reported DOJ officials told the FBI at the meeting additional investigative tools subpoenas interviews or a grand jury would not be authorized
A few hours before the start of this weeks Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas the tweets started to pour inThey all had the same strange hashtag FeelTheChafe a reference to the FeelTheBern Bernie Sanders supporters were using to rally around their candidate But it had a snarky twist for Lincoln Chafee the former Rhode Island governor and senator whos been so far a much less popular presidential candidateBy the end of the night FeelTheChafe had gone from being a hashtag Twitter assumed was made by Chafee supporters to being one used to soundly ridicule the manBy the next day the hashtag had even made it to TV becoming part of a Jimmy Fallon riff on his latenight show And a lot of people were asking the same question who in the world on Chafees team thought that hashtag was a good ideaHeres the thing though From what we can tell it was not actually his teams idea At some point over the last few months the occasional Chafee supporter began using FeelTheChafe seemingly positivelyHow did it all change And perhaps an even better question how did it all startWell NPR found the first person on Twitter to actually use the hashtag FeelTheChafe when talking about the Chafee campaign That tweet occurred on May 29 of this year from an account belonging to Greg Newburn NPR reached out to Newburn to see what inspired himNPR It seems as if you were the first person on Twitter to use the FeelTheChafe hashtag in relation to Chafees bid for president Before that it was used when ladies were talking about working out in yoga pants and stuff So talk about that first tweet you did with the hashtag I think you posted it soon after Chafee announced he was running Do you recall thatNEWMAN Yeah I do recall that If I recall correctly that was right around the time that the FeelTheBern hashtag was just taking off among some of Bernie Sanders most diehard and early supporters on Twitter And I follow several of them so I was familiar with the FeelTheBern hashtag And when Lincoln Chafee announced someone tweeted it his announcement and it just sort of clicked it just made sense to me It was just some sort of throwaway joke reallyDo you like Lincoln Chafee Oh I guess from what I know about him sure he doesnt seem like a bad guy But to tell you the truth I havent thought too much about him one way or the otherWhen you tweeted the hashtag for that first time was it meant to be a positive thing or a negative thing or just a funny thingYeah it was not negative nor positive I thought it was funny so I tweeted itWho are you supporting for PresidentI dont really have a candidate to be honest I like several of the Republican candidatesBut not the Dem candidates No I dont think I like any of the Democratic candidates Jim Webb I guess a little bit Im a Republican Ill probably vote RepublicanHave you been following the FeelTheChafe hashtag I was shocked at how many people have used it cause I didnt follow it Like I said it was a joke And I tweeted it Im not even sure I saw anything about Lincoln Chafee between the time I tweeted that and then the debate the other night I dont think I saw him in the news even once I was surprised to see so many people using it Im just under the assumption that someone else independently came up with the same hashtag and it took off from there probably someone with considerably more followers than I haveYouve seen what this hashtag has become Its kind of been used to ridicule this guy Does that make you feel bad Laughter I dont like it when anyone gets ridiculed I guess But hes a politician and hes in the public sphere so I assume he can handle this type of criticism And Im reasonably certain that whatever the intent its probably in good fun its probably in good faithIf you were in a room with Lincoln Chafee and he was like Oh hey youre the guy that did that hashtag what would you say to him Well I guess it would depend on what his reaction to the hashtag is I would hope that he would understand that it was all in good fun and certainly not political in any meaningful way And then I would probably ask him if he supports sentencing reform Newman is the Florida State Policy Director of Families Against Mandatory Minimums And if he does I would say Yay thank youIf you could do it all over again and if you knew that your hashtag would take off so much would you have crafted that tweet differentlyNo I would have written it the same way I think its funnyNPR also reached out to the Chafee campaign to see what it thought of the hashtag gone wrong Team Chafee confirmed it did not start the hashtag and did not know who did When we asked if it had been following FeelTheBern and how they felt about it we got this from campaign spokeswoman Debbie RichGovernor Chafee applauds any political involvement in general and the creative attention to his campaign in particular
After floating a series of ridiculous Vice Presidential picks Carson was axed from Trumps selection team sources close to the campaign told The Daily BeastBen Carson has the ability to say everything he shouldnt at exactly the wrong timeSince the former neurosurgeon has taken up the role of working on Donald Trumps vice presidential team he has suggested that the candidate may pick a Democratic running mate dropped shewhomustnotbenamed Sarah Palin as a potential pick and earlier generally questioned a number of the presumptive nominees habits from his Twitter use to lack of pragmatismLast week Armstrong Williams his business manager and close confidant told The Daily Beast that Carson left the team of his own volition Carson had bigger and more important things to do according to Williams like preparing Trump for his meeting with Speaker of the House Paul RyanBut three sources close to the Trump campaign said Carson didnt leave on his own He was pushedAccording to sources close to Trumps campaign Carson was demoted after Trump specifically wanted him to head up the VP selection team He submitted names that he thought would be valuable picks and inevitably lost his top spot days later Carson allegedly called Trump afterwards and was angry that the situation played out like thisIn the absence of a person to head up the operation embattled campaign manager Corey Lewandowski stepped in and took over the spot as first reported by The Washington Post The Daily Beast has confirmed that Lewandowski is still in charge of the processThe list of names Carson later provided to The Washington Postwhich included Palin Marco Rubio and John Kasichwas apparently just taken from various conversations within the campaign and is in no way confirmed One source claimed that Carson mentioned the list in order to get retaliation for Lewandowski taking his positionWell thats part of what Lewandowski would want you to believe but theres no truth to that Williams said of the takeoverWhen asked about any possible rocky relationship with Barry Bennett now a Trump adviser and Carsons former campaign manager Williams said there were no issues there eitherAnd Williams doesnt either not since December at least when Bennett exited the campaign after internal disagreements with the business manager who he claimed was causing issues with the struggling presidential bidDespite multiple people familiar with the matter confirming that a conversation took place to demote Carson Williams asserted that the relationship between the real estate mogul and the doctor was going swimminglyDr Carson and Mr Trump have a wonderful understanding Williams said Sometimes I along with Trumps top people are not always aware of what they are strategizing Carson doesnt always share with me Thats a good thingWilliams has not always been an entirely reliable source of information about the goingson inside the Trump campaign however When he told The Daily Beast that Carson was off the VP team a Trump campaign source told CNN that he had fucked it up
Christie Lost Republicans The 2012 Election He May Be Losing Them The 2016 Election Too By Ben Shapiro November 4 2016 Ambition can be dangerous Not just for the ambitious man or woman but for the country for all those who ally with the ambitious person For the last eight years one of the most ambitious men in politics has been New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Hailed as a conservative darling after taking on teachers unions in New Jersey brash language about punching them in the face marked his rise as a political force and an upandcomer in presidential politics Christie has nearly singlehandedly destroyed the Republican Party in two straight presidential elections In 2012 Christie was considered and rejected for vice president by Mitt Romney but then gave the keynote speech in primetime at the Republican convention There he spent the bulk of his time talking about his own wonders ignoring Romney completely Fox News Chris Wallace called the speech the most curious keynote speech I have ever heardFor a moment I forgot who was the nominee of the party Then the week before the election Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast While New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told President Obama that his presence was unnecessary Christie invited Obama to New Jersey then hugged him and took him on a tour of Atlantic City where they made political love along the boardwalk underneath the cloudy skies I cannot thank the president enough for his personal concern and compassion for our state Christie said adding that it was my honor to introduce President Obama Christie was at the time facing down rumors that thenNewark Mayor Corey Booker who is black would run against him As The New York Times noted The scene played out on televisions around the country like a stirring campaign ad that hit themes of bipartisanship and crisis management only it was run free of charge Obama surged in the final days and beat Romney handily Fast forward three years Christie was running in the Republican primaries Hed done nothing much in the polls his only hope was to somehow do well in New Hampshire He had no support in states like South Carolina or Nevada or southern states dominated by support for Donald Trump Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio So naturally he used his presence at the debate before the New Hampshire primary a state in which Rubio was surging following his Iowa showing to destroy Rubio Christie rightly labeled Rubio a robotic candidate Rubio repeated himself Christie hit him again and Rubio fell apart in the polling Trump ran away with the state Almost immediately Christie quit the race and fell in behind Trump Thanks in large part to Christies help Trump won the nomination Now with Trump surging in the polls the week before his general election against Hillary Clinton Christie has struck again this time two of his top aides have been found guilty on all charges related to Bridgegate the scandal in which the Christie administration allegedly blocked bridges in order to punish a local Democrat who wouldnt endorse Christies reelection bid This story will allow the media to shift its focus to the Trump campaign since Christie is leader of Trumps White House transition team In a tight election it could be enough to hand Hillary the White House So thanks Chris Christie The Democrats couldnt have done it without you Tags
Headlined to H3 102616 Advertisement The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare was intended to dramatically increase the number of Americans with health coverage while bending the cost curve that is reducing the expected increases in price over time The plan managed the first goal at least in the short term Unsurprising isnt it that more people get coverage when the law requires them to buy it penalizes those who wont and subsidizes those who cant afford to But the progress on that metric is beginning to disintegrate and were moving in the other direction Bloomberg reports that 14 million Americans in 32 states will lose the health plans they now have next year as major providers pull out of the ObamaCare exchanges because theyre losing money Apaprently a business has to take in more than it spends if it wants to remain a going concern Im sure Ive read that somewhere As far as bending the cost curve is concerned well according to the US Department of Health and Human Services cited by US News World Report average premiums rose by 75 last year and will rise by 25 in 2017 Price inflation for most consumer goods over the 20152016 period averaged a little more than 1 Forgive me for thinking that when costs increase at 725 times the rate of inflation thats not really a lot of bend to the curve In 2009 I described the then notional yet to be passed into law ObamaCare as government feeds you to the insurance companies while simultaneously feeding the insurance companies to you The state takes home a doggie bag Which is about the size of it and I was far from the only person who noticed and warned that the plan not only wouldnt work but COULDNT work if the goal was reducing costs and increasing access to health care Artificially increasing demand relative to supply can only have the opposite effects Since 2010 Republicans who by the way first proposed the individual mandate scheme have slowly but surely retreated from the idea of repealing ObamaCare and replacing it with nothing instead proposing various schemes for keeping government as involved as possible in health care while pretending to return it to the free market there hasnt been a free market in health care for more than a century since the American Medical Association got licensing schemes imposed by the states so that it could limit the number of doctors and thereby keep their salaries high Advertisement Most Americans are now worse off vis a vis health care than they were six years ago The only winners have been government health bureaucrats And unfortunately the politicians dont seem to be interested in getting out of the way and letting the market fix things Next stop Single payer Advertisement
Video of a confrontation between a news photographer and protesters at the University of Missouri on Monday led to a dispute between journalists and the activists sympathizers beyond the campus walls In response to a series of racial issues at the university a circle of armlinked students sought to designate a safe space around an encampment on the campus quad When they blocked journalist Tim Tai from photographing the encampment reporters complained that media were denied access to a public spaceCertainly Tai like any journalist had a legal right to enter the space given that it was in a public area But that shouldnt be the end of this story We in the media have something important to learn from this unfortunate exchange The protesters had a legitimate gripe The black community distrusts the news media because it has failed to cover black pain fairlyAs a journalist I understand how frustrating it is to be denied access to a person or place thats essential to my story I appeared with other journalists on local mediain New York City to discuss our frustration over Mayor Bill de Blasios sometimes standoffish attitude towards the pressHe is a public figure whose salary is paid with tax dollars He is obligated to be accessible to usCampus racism makes minorities drop out of college Mizzou students had to actThe student protesters Tai encountered though didnt owe him anything They did not represent a government entity stonewalling access to public information They were not public officials hiding from media questions They were young people trying to build a community free not only of the racism that has recently wracked Mizzous campus but also of the insensitivity they encounter in the news media Newspapers Web sites and TV commentary had already been filled by punditry telling black students to toughen up and grow a pair Then in the noisy conversation about First Amendment rights that Tai elicited journalists compounded the insult by drowning out the very message of the students Tai was coveringAs journalists we should strive to understand the motivations of the people we cover In this case black students at the University of Missouri have had a string of racist encounters on campus The president of the students association wascalled the nword and other black students have been racially harassed while participating in campus activities A Missouri journalism professor wrote in the Huffington Postthat she has been called the nword too many times to count during her 18 years at the university In February 2010 black students woke up to cotton balls strewn over on the lawn of the black culture center on campus The crime carried out by white students was designed to invoke plantation slavery University president Tim Wolfe resigned Monday after graduate student Jonathan Butler went on a hunger strike and the schools football players boycotted team activities to protest the very public racism he and many black students believe the school did little to addressEstablishing a safe space was about much more than denying the media access it was about securing a zone where studentsblackness could not be violated Yes the hunger strike the safe space and other demonstrations were protests and protests should be covered But what was fueling those protests was black pain In most circumstances when covering people who are in pain journalists offer extra space and empathy That didnt happen in this case these young people werent treated as hurting victimsInstead after the confrontation with Tai aggrieved journalists responded with a ferocity usually reserved for powerful entities with the means to inflict lasting damage on their First Amendment rightsThis wasnt a problem with Tais character or his journalistic integrity he was doing his job and his past outstanding work speaks for itself But in this conversation over public space weve overlooked the protesters message that conditions on campus make it an unbearable environment for black students to live and learn in Their approach to creating a safe space should have been better conceived but reporters should also feel a responsibility to try to understand and respect their pain instead of rushing to judge them and panicking about an imagined assault on press freedomsShooters of color are called terrorists and thugs Why are white shooters called mentally illFurther as reporters we have to drop our sense of entitlement and understand that not everyone wants to be subjects of our journalism Our press passes dont give us the license to bully ourselves into any and all spaces where our presence is not appreciatedIts one thing to demand access to public lands its another to demand access to peoples grievingIn many communities that historically have been marginalized and unfairly portrayed by the media theres good reason people do not trust journalistsThey often criminalize black peoples pain and resistance to racial oppression We saw it in coverage of Ferguson and Baltimore when news stations seemed more concerned with the property damage than with the emotional damage that prompted it Though peaceful protests in Ferguson had been going on for days reporters didnt descend on the town in large numbers until there were clashes with police Suddenly coverage spiked but most of it was about cars vandalized and buildings burned On Fox News the channel most watched for Ferguson coverage at the height of the unrest protesters were called thugs Reporting from the protests CNNs Don Lemon noted Obviously theres a smell of marijuana in the air We heard comparatively little about the residents longheld grievances about police harassment and brutalityThe unfair portrayal of black people in the news media is well documented One study analyzing news coverage by 26 local television stations black people were rarely portrayed unless they had committed a crime A 2015 University of Houston study foundthat this imbalanced coverage may lead viewers to develop racial bias against black people because it often overrepresents them in crime rates Recognizing this kind of bias in news media black Twitter users started the IfTheyGunnedMeDown hashtag to call out news images of Mike Brown that many felt criminalized him in his deathThat black students would beskeptical ofmedia is understandable Weve already seen the kind of headlines they undoubtedly feared In an Atlantic piece headlined Campus Activists Weaponize Safe Space Conor Friedersdorf calls the protesters a mob and insists they are twisting the concept of safe space Again a journalist criminalizes black people for expressing their pain It wasanother piece centering the reporters privilege over the students traumaFriederdorfs piece completely ignores the intolerable racial climate that forced the students to establish a safe space in the first placeBlack college football and basketball players are the most powerful people of color on campusThere were other ways to cover these students protest without breaching their safe space and without criminalizing themThe human chain students formed provided ample broll and still photos Students could have been interviewed outside of that space I would have pitched a story to my editors with the headlineWhy Black Students Were Forced To Secure A Safe Space On A Public Campus But to do that requires selfreflection and not a condescending selfabsorbed soliloquy about the First AmendmentFor journalists the Missouri protests are a big news story For the black students were covering however its a fight for their humanity and liberation Tai is correct he was doing his job But in that stressful moment he may have failed to realize that the space he wanted to enter was a healing one that black people had worked to secureBlack pain is not an easy subject to cover but the lesson we can take from this encounter at Missouri is that our presence as journalists with the long legacy of criminalizing blackness that comes with it may trigger the same harmful emotions that led to the students protestsin the first placeWe used to count black Americans as 35 of a person For reparations give us 53 of a voteDont criticize Black Lives Matter for provoking violence The civil rights movement did tooThis is what white people can do to support BlackLivesMatter
Getty Tim Sloan IJR Opinion is an opinion platform and any opinions or information put forth by contributors are exclusive to them and do not represent the views of IJR A Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton presidency is rather mindboggling to many of us At last check there are over 300 million people in the United States and we cant find anyone better than HRC and The Donald Sadly we are watching the American presidential election devolve into a competition between the DNC and the GOP as to who can put forward the most corrupt asinine power hungry candidate possible Although the race to the bottom is a voting conundrum for both sides the extreme left has posited a unique argument that can help social conservatives when it comes to personal principles and the voting booth In a world where biological sex is gleefully separated from gender identification shouldnt it be acceptable that one might separate selecting a candidate from voting for him or her Put another way if having male genitalia doesnt necessarily make you male then selecting someone for president doesnt necessarily mean that you voted for that person Right This type of disconnected reality is only fair if everyone can play the game Wow this is an existential moment I feel better already To quote The Kinks Girls will be boys and boys will be girls Its a mixed up muddled up shook up world Thank you transgender community for helping me work through this mixed up muddled up election Although I will select Donald Trump for President of the United States I will not be voting for him Thats right Im voting for three reasons and three reasons only Im voting to curtail the Clintons power Im voting to curtail the Clintons power Im voting to curtail the Clintons power There you have it three solid reasons for selecting Donald Trump without voting for him Its time to be pragmatic Its time to select a candidate who will create the greatest amount of disturbance within the system albeit with the least amount of power Who might that be Lets see eeny meeny miny moe HRC has got to go Really people how long are we going to elect the same old political hacks who have consolidated their power for decades It is amazing that in a free country weve allowed the Clintons to run the DNC and thus a fair portion of Washington DC for nearly 30 years They have manipulated the system for their personal gain to the tune of 110 million They are willing to sell our country to the nation or company that will pay the highest speaking fee They lie cheat and steal their way to the top Is this not problematic Power and the lack of is the most important thing for the next president yet the media isnt discussing it Heres the most substantial difference between Donald Trump and HRC If elected Donald Trump would have a fraction of the power of HRC For crying out loud 23 of the GOP is already against him Do you hear any major resistance rising up against HRC by DNC insiders No Progressives should wake up to the fact that if they vote for HRC then they prove that their Occupy Wall Street stickittotheman gig is a complete sham Indeed if progressives vote for HRC then theyre either quintessential hypocrites who couldnt care less about the American people or theyre complete idiots being played like a drum by the powers that be in the DNC Make no mistake about it Ill select Trumps name for president but Im not voting for him Rather Im voting to limit the power of the presidency Im voting to stop HRCs quest to become the first Queen of America by wielding the power of her husbands former kingship Wake up America We fought a revolution to prevent such a consolidation of power I would like to think Americans are smart enough to stop the Clintons from gaining even more of it Proverbs 1527 He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house
Print While Donald Trump talks of repealing and replacing Obamacare and Hillary Clinton talks of reopening the conversation about the public option the state of Vermont has begun dealing its own personal health care crisis by invoking something called the allpayer model The Green Mountain Care Board on Wednesday voted to approve this methodology for paying for health care but understanding what that means requires reading the fine print of the agreement By approving the allpayer model agreement Vermont Gov Peter Shumlin seeks to align incentives across Medicare Medicaid and private insurance so health care providers are paid for keeping patients healthy not for providing individual services and procedures The boards approval makes Vermont the first state to pursue an allpayer model statewide In a statement sent from the governors office Shumlin thanked President Barack Obama and US Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell for negotiating the agreement with the state and he said the model would control health care costs and reward doctors for a more preventive approach to care Vermont will now become the first state in America to ensure that your doctor can focus on keeping you healthy rather than running tests or procedures Shumlin said adding By shifting the focus away from the current feeforservice system to one that rewards primary care and prevention we will help Vermonters lead healthier lives and more effectively manage chronic diseases allow doctors to better treat their patients and identify health issues before they become severe and reduce costs in a health care system that if left unchecked will bankrupt our state and Vermont families Green Mountain Care Board Chair Al Gobeille called the event an important next step in providerled health care reform adding that the program will save Vermont 10 billion over the next decade However the boards action did little to address concerns raised by the Joint Fiscal Office In a report released Friday the JFO weighed the supposed benefits of the new system against a list of critiques and uncertainties Among the uncertainties are the administrative costs of the program as well as where funding will come from The JFO report also notes that the next governor could refuse to go forward with the program Republican gubernatorial candidate Phil Scott has said he does not support the program In a statement sent to local media State House Minority Leader Rep Don Turner criticized the plan The proposal raises many important but unanswered questions regarding the ability to cap healthcare cost growth the use of the ACO model and the competency of the Shumlin Administration to successfully run another complex regulatory system given its dismal record with Vermont Health Connect he said Darcie Johnston director of Vermonters for Health Care Freedom said she was shocked at the speed with which the board approved the draft Our legislators made a huge mistake in giving the GMCB so much power the power to enter into contracts to further destroy our health care system Amy Cooper executive director of HealthFirst an independent practice association representing over 250 medical professionals told Vermont Watchdog she believes the concept could be a good one but nevertheless is nervous about the States ability to implement it especially with such a short timeline of reviewing the details that were only released a month ago Shumlin will sign the revised draft document at 2 pm Thursday in his ceremonial office in Montpelier Over the past month health care officials held public forums to explain Vermonts 44page draft agreement with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Still many doctors and patients feel unsure of what the allpayer model will mean for them in part because of the programs many complexities For starters despite the administrations talk of an allpayer waiver the draft document contains a waiver only for Medicare not Medicaid or commercial insurance the other two payers in Vermonts health care system Instead the document gives state health care officials permission to operate accountable care organizations or ACOs under a restructured payment system For health care providers the new payment system will start to replace current feeforservice payments with a staterun global budget the goal of which is to reward positive outcomes and overall population health Once the agreement is finalized Vermont will start using its stateapproved ACO called the Vermont Care Organization That network of health care providers is comprised of representatives from existing ACOs including OneCare HealthFirst and Community Health Accountable Care The smaller ACOs have not yet committed to being managed by the Vermont Care Organization They have until 2018 to decide whether to remain as feeforservice operators or transition to global budgeting within the Vermont Care Organization as overseen by the Green Mountain Care Board Dr Paul Reiss chief medical officer at HealthFirst told Watchdog his ACO is not recommending that physicians sign on with the Vermont Care Organization until details of the offer are known Theres no proposal to change the way physicians are paid under Medicare in 2017 Reiss said Well recommend signing on when there are actually offers on the table At recent public forums both Gov Peter Shumlin and Al Gobeille chair of the Green Mountain Care Board said the Vermont Care Organization would be risk bearing That means the umbrella ACO network not individual providers will absorb losses if providers exceed their budget for the year While the riskbearing stipulation may allay providers worries about going over budget page 8 of the agreement states that the ACO is responsible for at minimum 30 percent of shared losses Put another way providers in some cases will be responsible for paying up to 70 percent of the cost of exceeding the statedetermined budget Delivering care under a global budget worries some doctors who may not be able to survive under a budget cap and offer effective care at the same time When an audience member at the Norwich public forum asked what impact failing practices might have on the system Shumlin replied You cannot be refused care Its the ACOs problem to deal with the bankruptcy It would not affect care in any way It might not be the same provider because they would be out of business theoretically but someone would have an interest in caring for you Gobeille agreed that private practices might face bankruptcy because they couldnt make it work in the independent practice world He added that such practices could be absorbed into the hospital system Since the draft agreement was announced some physicians have criticized the plan on the grounds that hospitals may continue getting reimbursed for services at a higher rate because of their bargaining advantage with insurance companies and the Green Mountain Care Board While its generally expected that the allpayer model will fix the payment reimbursement differential between Medicare Medicaid and commercial insurers Reiss said hes skeptical There are no plans currently diagrammed on any drawing board to make that happen Reiss told Watchdog In fact the draft agreement doesnt fix the reimbursement differential Instead it says by 2020 the state must deliver a report on options to narrow the Payer Differential between payers The long delay could disappoint independent physicians who have been told they dont have to join the staterun ACO if they dont want That freedom of choice may be illusory at best since financial pressure cited in the agreement could coerce doctors to join the network or face financial consequences Specifically the draft agreement says the state will encourage providers and beneficiaries to participate One encouragement includes a potential Medicare payment reduction for practices that remain outside of the ACO However in an Oct19 email exchange obtained by Vermont Watchdog state Sen Tim Ashe told Burlington psychiatrist Robert Emmons that he contacted Ena Backus health policy chief at the Green Mountain Care Board and the financial penalty is now removed from the updated agreement Funding to help Vermont abandon a feeforservice model includes a onetime payment of 95 million dollars from Medicare The state also has a verbal agreement with Medicaid for 200 million likely 110 million in federal money and 90 million in state funds Its unclear where this money and the administrative expense of Vermont Care Organization will come from On Tuesday Johnston unsuccessfully called for the board to delay its vote until outstanding questions are answered We believe that doctors and patients have significant concerns and that the delivery of health care to Vermonters could be significantly impacted We are concerned about the rationing of care the Vermonters for Healthcare Freedom director said in a statement There are too many questions that deserve answers before the Green Mountain Care Board should agree to support such a risky venture Other concerns of Johnstons include a lack of transparency and the models impact on Vermonts doctor shortage A timeline of key events reveals the long road ahead for the allpayer health care model
When it comes to foreign policy Congress sits in the audience and cheers or boos But it seldom has any profound effect on the outcome of the actionHow SNLs the bubble sketch about polarization is all too trueSpeaker of the House John Boehner of Ohio pauses while speaking about his opposition to the Iran deal during a news conference Sept 9 on Capitol Hill in Washington Even though opponents of the Iran nuclear deal cant win in Congress they arent going to go quietly This debate is far from over and frankly its just beginning Boehner said on Sept 10The almostcertain implementation of President Obamas Iran deal despite heated opposition from most congressional Republicans and some Democrats is yet more evidence that when it comes to major decisions of US foreign policy it is the White House that runs the gameCongress sits in the audience and cheers or boos But it seldom has any profound effect on the outcome of the actionAnd if anything the influence of Capitol Hill on the nations diplomacy and military action may be declining in todays highly partisan ageIt isnt obvious from the nations founding documents that the competing powers of the branches of government should lead to that result The Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war after all The Senate participates in the ratification of treaties The power of the purse offers lawmakers a way to try and influence a wide range of foreign policy decisionsBut in general the unitary nature of the presidency allows it to make decisions and react to fastmoving foreign events while the legislature is still debating how to pull its boots onThis is simply an arena of policy that works to the commanderinchiefs advantage wrote Dan Drezner a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University earlier this yearOccasionally Congress has taken command of the nations diplomacy After World War I the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles keeping the US out of the League of Nations In 1999 the Senate similarly blocked US accession to the Comprehensive Test Ban TreatyBut take the Obama administrations bombing campaign against the Islamic State Congress hasnt voted to explicitly approve it Instead the bombing is being conducted pursuant to an authorization of use of force that lawmakers passed in the wake of Sept 11 2001Both Republican and Democratic legislators would prefer that not be the case They would like to move a newer war resolution But after months of hearings and backroom wrangling they couldnt agree on wording Some wanted to authorize a full use of force including the possible presence of US military boots on the ground Others had a much narrower vision So the push for a new resolution has produced nothingSuch partisan gridlock has similarly reduced congressional influence on slowermoving foreign developments The deal to curb Irans nuclear program developed over months of negotiations Almost to a person Congress complains that it should have been tougher But it became a partisan issue particularly after House Republicans invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to denounce it at a joint meeting of Congress As it became more overtly political even some Democrats with reservations about its requirements lined up behind the White HouseEventually Congress approved a complicated review process that gave substantial power to the Democratic House and Senate minorities For President Obama to win all his party needed to do was maintain just enough cohesion to uphold an expected Obama veto of a disapproval resolutionBut they wont even have to go that far apparently On Thursday Senate Democrats blocked the GOPs effort to reject the deal A procedural vote on a resolution of disapproval fell two votes short of the 60 needed to proceedThe White House was quick to declare final victoryThis vote is a victory for diplomacy for American national security and for the safety and security of the world said Mr Obama in a statementThis is a bad deal with decadeslong consequences for the security of the American people and our allies And well use every tool at our disposal to stop slow and delay this agreement said House Speaker John Boehner following the Senate voteIn truth it seems to be all over but the suing Some House Republicans are urging a lawsuit to try and block the accord Speaker Boehner has said thats an option that is very possibleThus the Iran deal will stand as a major victory of President Obamas second term perhaps his signature accomplishment Or that designation might go to the administrations reestablishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba after more than 50 years Thats another foreign policy move on which Congress had littletono influenceRecognition of governments is something over which the president does have unilateral power The Supreme Court affirmed that earlier this year on a 5to4 vote ruling that the White House did not have to give US citizens born in Jerusalem the option of listing Israel as their place of birth on an American passport Why was that an issue Its complicated For decades US presidents have said the status of Jerusalem must be determined by IsraeliPalestinian agreement which needless to say hasnt happenedThis is an issue on which the US must speak with one voice wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy in the majority opinion That voice must be the presidentsHowever there is at least one presidential aspirant who has long said the White House advantage on foreign policy should be rolled back Its too easy for the Oval Office to drag the US into misbegotten wars in this persons view Congress should resume its rightful role as the check and balance on the nations overseas adventures he saysOne hopes Congress both Republicans and Democrats can regain the wisdom to reassert the authority that was so wisely given to it so many years ago he wrote in 2013 in a lengthy National Interest piece on the subjectThat would be former Sen Jim Webb of Virginia who served as Secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration and later opposed the Bush administrations invasion of Iraq
Russian strategic missile troops reportedly launched an RS18 ballistic missile on Tuesday The launch may have been a test of the advanced hypersonic glider warhead which would be able to defeat US antimissile systemsAccording to previous reports this nuke is also going to be made STEALTH and impossible to be detected by any current radar systems and it will carry a payload capable of wiping off areas as big as France or USs Texas state with a single missileThe test was conducted at midday from a site near the town of Yasny Orenburg region in the southern Urals and the warhead reached the Kura test range in Kamchatka in Russias Far EastThe test was a success The warhead was delivered to Kura field the Defense Ministry reportedPopular defense blog MilitaryRussiaru says the launch was meant to test Russias hypersonic glider warhead currently known by its developer designation object 4202 or Aeroballistic Hypersonic WarheadA select few countries are currently developing the technology The US has the HTV2 a device developed by DARPA that has two partially successful tests under its belt The Chinese warhead using the same technology is called DFZF with Beijing first confirming a test in 2014 India is also studying hypersonic flight technology but unlike Russia the US and China it is reportedly not developing a strategic missile warheadA hypersonic glider vehicle HGV is different from a conventional ballistic missile warhead in that it travels most of the time in the stratosphere rather than in space It gives an HGVtipped missile greater range and may give antimissile systems a shorter window to respond to an attackMore importantly an HGV can maneuver during the approach to a target at high speed making interception significantly harder because it makes guiding an interceptor missile towards the attacking vehicle challenging and potentially impossible with current rocket technologyObject 4202 is reportedly meant to be used with Russias nextgen heavy strategic missile the RS28 Sarmat Military experts estimate that the new ICBM an image of which was first made public this week may carry up to three HGVs as payloadA previous possible test of object 4202 was reported in AprilSource
Russias countersanctions for Syria will hit the West below the belt 08112016 Print version Font Size The West and Russia are entering the third year of the war of sanctions Washington threatens to impose new sanctions against Russia this time for Syria Russia will take painful measures in response Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said PravdaRu offers the list of counter sanctions that we made up on the basis of experts opinions 1 Russias first answer would be the abolition of neoliberal economic policies and transition to a new economic development strategy This will block channels of Western influence on our country and thus become the most asymmetric but a tough answer to Western sanctions said Ruslan Dzarasov Doctor of Economics head of the department of political economy at the Russian Economic University named after PlekhanovThe expert noted that we continue to adhere to the export growth model taking capital to the West and forming the budget on the basis of financial interests of capital rather than domestic consumers Russia the expert said should introduce a combination of state planning and market sector similar to what the USSR was doing during the 1920s The state should ensure the financial transparency of corporations expand the rights of trade unions and workers strengthen social control over big business show influence on the formation prices in economy to eliminate price disparity in favor of the mining export sector to the detriment of the manufacturing industry Ruslan Dzarasov told PravdaRu2 Russia could refuse from saving its reserves in US dollars Russia does not take the first place in terms of dollar savings in the world but it could still cause a serious blow on the Western financial system Valentin Katasonov Doctor of Economics Professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Finance the head of Russian Economic Society named after SF Sharapov told PravdaRuA lot of Russias liabilities in national gold and currency reserves are nominated in US dollars Should they are put on the market the US dollar will suffer greatly leading expert at the Union of Oil and Gas Industrialists Rustam Tankan said Noteworthy some privately run Russian companies already abandon the US dollar in their activities Megafon one of Russias three leading cellular providers converted about 40 percent of dollar deposits in euros and Hong Kong dollars The company transferred the funds to accounts in major Chinese banks Norilsk Nickel took similar measures The Hong Kong dollar is a Chinese foreign clone of the dollar and the USA is unable to impose any sanctions on this currency Russia has started abandoning from the US dollar as a reserve currency by opening the Raw Materials Exchange of St Petersburg where Russian energy carriers are traded in rubles 3 Russia could freeze assets of US investors in the Russian economy Foreign citizens are the ultimate beneficiaries of our shadow holdings There are tricky financial mechanisms in the timber industry for instance Igor Gerasimov member of the Committee for Business Security at the Chamber of Commerce security expert told PravdaRu The shadow mechanism works as follows A woodworking company does most of the work while most of the profit goes to a general contractor The latter pays the company a relative price for production plus a minimum profit Most of the profit goes to specific individuals to accounts of foreign companies Therefore Russia could adopt laws about the nationalization of natural resources and cityforming enterprises said Igor Gerasimov4 The State Duma of the Russian Federation has already discussed a draft law to relieve staterun and privatelyowned Russian companies from debts totaling 700 billion These debts are held by Western banks of the countries that threatened to impose sanctions against Russia5 Sanctions in the field of high technology will be no less sensitive Russian titanium will cease to arrive at European companies and this will certainly be a very significant act of pressure on our partners Alexei Mukhin general director of the Center for Political Information told PravdaRu Boeing and United Technologies as well as Europes Airbus Group purchase most of their titanium from Avisma a Russian company which happens to be the worlds largest titanium producer Yet it goes about only 30 percent of needs The USA remains entirely dependent on Russia in the field of rocket engines RD180 is a sixton liquid rocket engine with a thrust of more than 400 tons The USA has been using Russian rocket engines since 2000 US Congress passed the budget which provided for the allocation of hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase an unlimited number of RD180 rocket engines 6 Russias sanctions against Western airlines would lead to their elimination A great deal of airlines fly across the territory of Russia and save a lot of money on this chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Andrei Klimov told PravdaRuIf all of a sudden the Russian authorities try to do something in this field it will generate huge profits to companies from such countries as the United Arab Emirates but at the same time it will cause serious financial damage to German French and other air carriers said the expert7 Many large companies in the West have a strong lobby in legislative authorities Therefore the input of targeted sanctions under the pretext of violation of rules and regulations would be a very strong response Starting from 1 November 2016 Russia banned imports of salt from the EU the US Canada Australia Iceland Liechtenstein Montenegro Albania and Ukraine On February 15 2016 Russia banned imports of soybeans and corn from the United States including through third countries Russia still imports various food products from the United States spending millions of dollars a year PepsiCo Starbucks Cargill McDonalds pharmaceuticals Pfizer cosmetic products Procter Gamble Johnson Johnson plastics machinery textiles footwear automobiles Ford General Motors as well as products under the secret code worth 554 million in the first half of 2016 Lyuba Lulko Read article on the Russian version of PravdaRu Is Russia scared of Western sanctions
Will James Comey Change the Outcome of the Election Is this the gamechanging October surprise that many hope for and others dread November 2 2016 Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center FBI Director James Comeys reopening of the investigation into Clintons emails has roiled once more the presidential election Donald Trump has called the decision courageous and bigger than Watergate Clinton the DOJ Democrat Senators and their media flying monkeys are all having conniption fits over their quondam champions defection calling the announcement appalling absurd strange deeply troubling an attack and unprecedented The bigger question is whether it will move enough voters over to Trumps side and put him in the White House Theres no doubt that Comeys announcement eleven days before the election is mystifying Not because it is unprecedented as the Democrats keep squealing They had no such qualms when the weekend before the 1992 election special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh indicted a pollsurging George HW Bush for his alleged involvement in the IranContra scandal No the mystery is Comeys motives Is Comey like Conrads Lord Jim now sacrificing his FBI careersure to be over if the notoriously vengeful Clinton is elected to atone for having besmirched his office reputation and the principle of equality before the law in service to careerist selfinterest Or was he facing a mutiny and leaks from disgruntled FBI investigators To quote one of our candidates At this point what difference does it make The real question is whether it will make a difference to the voters Right now we dont know if the content of the 650000 emails from the conjugal laptop used by serial sexter Anthony Weiner estranged husband of Clinton vizier Huma Abedin will reveal something damning like say classified materials But we already know that Clinton passed classified information over an unsecured server which didnt bother Comey back in July So what could be in these new emails that rises above Comeys sophistic extreme carelessness and reaches the statutes gross negligence Or has Comey found new evidence of Hillarys intent his other exculpatory sophistry that had little to do with the law There had to be something that made Comey subject himself to the scorchedearth wrath of the Democrats Whatever is found on the Abedin laptop one wonders if will even matter to a sufficient number of voters They have shrugged off so many scandals lies and failures that should have sunk a candidacy that its hard to calculate what level of incompetence unpleasantness dishonesty sleaze and crime is disqualifying anymore Here are the greatest hits from Hillarys catalogue Whitewater Missing billing records from her tenure at the Rose Law Firm Renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to donors Travelgate Illegal possession of FBI files Conducting illegal secret meetings of the Task Force on National Health Care Reform Cackling over keeping a pedophile rapist out of jail Hounding the victims of her husbands sexual assaults and philandering Stealing 200000 worth of china furniture and artwork from the White House Claiming she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia Claiming she and Bill left the White House dead broke Shaking down Wall Street while assuring the Orcs of capitalism that shes got their back Charging exorbitant speaking fees for a half hour of banalities and bromides Calling 30000 missing emails personal communications Lying about the Benghazi attack to the faces of the four dead Americans families Supporting the lie that the attacks were caused by an obscure Internet video when she knew the same night that they werent Perjuring herself before Congress and the FBI about the emails and her private server The disastrous overthrow of Ghaddafi in Libya The disastrous reset with Russia The disastrous nuclear deal with Iran The disastrous withdrawal from Iraq The corrupt Clinton Foundation and its wholly owned subsidiary the paytoplay State Department Using feminist rhetoric while taking cash from some of the planets most brutally misogynistic regimes Serially flipflopping on issues like samesex marriage the Trans Pacific Trade deal and the Keystone pipeline Promising to raise taxes on the middle class and put coal miners out of work Her campaign staffs dirty tricks against Trump and his supporters Her campaign staffs incestuous relationship with the media Her staffs illegal destruction of incriminating evidence during the email investigation Her strong support of gruesome lateterm abortions And last but not least the continuing unanswered questions about her physical and cognitive health Back in the day just a few of these gaffes deceptions and failures would probably have sunk a campaign for Congress let alone the White House And Mr Trumps offenses Hes talks exactly as youd expect a New York real estate developer casino owner reality television star and beauty pageant mogul to talk Hes condemned as a sexual assaulter for saying a decade ago what Bill Clinton and every WhiteHousevisiting rapper movie star or rock star knows about the sexual perks of celebrity When youre a star they let you do it as Trump bragged of his crude sexual advances Hes ignorant of policy He doesnt understand the economics of global trade He doesnt know what the nuclear triad is Hes addicted to a half dozen superlative adjectives He wants to build a wall with Mexico He takes legal advantage of tax law Hes not suitable for office He does not have the right temperament Hes used bankruptcy as a business tool Hes accused of groping over a dozen women including a polymorphously perverse porn star Hes mean and insulting He has orange hair In short Trump lacks the superficial patina of rhetorical decorum and sober demeanor that most modern presidents and candidates spray over their public personas in order to hide their private flaws and vices Just ask Hillarys various Secret Service details how wide the distance between public and private personalities can be The voters will decide for themselves which candidates catalogue of sins is more disqualifying and dangerous But whatever happens its clear that we the people have lowered the bar of acceptability for presidential candidates This transformation happened decades before Trump and Hillary came along After Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury related to his sordid sexual depredations in the White House his approval ratings were 73 He left the White House with a 66 rating higher than any president since Harry Truman including Ronald Reagan Think about it the president who sexually exploited an intern and was impeached for perjury left office with higher approval ratings than the president who rescued the economy and tossed the Soviet Union into its own dustbin of history That was the inflection point for our political culture No wonder that Barack Obamas lack of any realworld experience or achievement leftwing views selfconfessed drug use friends like the antiAmerican racist Jeremiah Wright and unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and gaping holes in his biography were unimportant to 45 million voters So why now are we shocked shocked that offbrand candidates like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are vying for the presidency Decrying these candidates is closing the barn door after the horses of virtue wisdom and decorum have already long gone So absent a smoking howitzer in the next WikiLeaks dump Comeys restart of the investigation which in any case will take months to complete will probably not be the gamechanging October surprise many hope for and others dread especially given a corrupt medias studied indifference to anything that damages their candidate Then again the rapid erosion of Hillarys support is drawing analogies to Reagans late surge against Carter Either way on November 8 most people will vote their economic interests and their ideological passions and decide based on subjective perceptions and silly criteria like cares for people like me Or they might just finally realize that Hillarys accumulated offenses are intolerable But what that standard of selection will deliver is anybodys guess
42 Shoina is a village drowned up to the waist in sand Its denizens are quite fatalistic about it and their only means of protection is leaving their door open for the night as they can never be sure if they can open it in the morning The village of Shoina is situated beyond the Arctic Circle 1400 kilometers north of Moscow This tiny settlement is known for its sands which appeared here over 50 years ago and have been waging a relentless offensive against humans ever since depriving them of living space How did they appear and where else in Russia can you find unusual places like this Solve the mystery on RTDoc SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand httpbitly1MgFbVy FOLLOW US RTD WEBSITE httpRTDrtcom RTD ON TWITTER httptwittercomRTDOC RTD ON FACEBOOK httpwwwfacebookcomRTDocumentary RTD ON DAILYMOTION httpwwwdailymotioncomrtdoc RTD ON INSTAGRAM httpinstagramcomrtdocumentary RTD LIVE httprtdrtcomonair Leave a Reply Login with your Social ID Your email address will not be published Name
President Barack ObamasaidSaturday night that Congress should not shut down the federal government at the end of the month over adispute that involves funding for Planned Parenthood describing such a move as a selfinflicted wound that weve seen before on our economy
By anonewsCondemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance Albert EinsteinNewly obtained video that was reluctantly released by NIST after a lawsuit by the International Center for 911 Studies shows two firefighters on 911 discussing how secondary explosions occurred immediately before the collapse of the twin towers providing damning new evidence that explosive devices were used to bring down the buildingsFiremen discuss how bombs were going off in the lobby of WTC1 as they were staging to move up the buildingThey explain how the building had already been hit by the plane and fires were already burning After two explosions in the lobby a third went off and the whole lobby collapsedListen To 911 Firefighters Tell How Bombs Were Going Off In The Lobby Of World Trade Center 1Even though its an old video its useful to share given the fact that people are still waking up to the possibility that the official story presented to the public was false
Opinions about the Supreme Courts legitimacy and value usually depend on ideology Conservatives shouted tyranny after the Supreme Court upended bans on samesex marriage Liberals were outraged when the court overturned campaign finance limitations in the Citizens United ruling and gutted the Voting Rights Act in the Shelby County caseBut absent the ideological scoreboard how can we judge the merit of the court Is judicial review of laws the best way to avoid political influence Or is major change more lasting and accepted when its accomplished legislatively
Robert Spencer Breitbart reported Saturday that among the many revealing and damning emails that WikiLeaks has revealed from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta one has White House chief of staff Denis McDonough responding favorably to an email forwarded to him by Podesta from a leftwing Catholic organization that said it was arranging meetings with Catholic prelates to urge them to press US senators to vote for the Iran Treaty This plan was apparently hatched by Fred Rotondaro chairman of the farLeft and Catholicinnameonly Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good CACG as well as a senior fellow with Podestas Sorosfunded Islamophobia propaganda organ the Center for American Progress Rotondaro wrote to Podesta and others in the Clinton camp John I thought you might be interested in this report from the CACG exec director Chris Hale on efforts to have the Catholic org community promote the Iran Treaty There is a tremendous amount of potential in these inter Faith orgs including the ability to reach some working class voters Fred Hale wrote in his report Our advertisement began running on National Catholic Reporter and Commonweal yesterday Right now when you click the advertisement the link takes you to MoveOns 60 Day to Stop A War Take Action website From there you are able to dial into your Member of Congress and request them to support the Iran Deal At some point today that link will change to our own website which will list all the groups names simple talking points and give people a chance to dial in three elected officials their one US Representatives and two Senators While the MoveOn site is very effective ours will ensure that people calling into the offices identify as a person of faith which is important in both our narrative creation Catholics support the deal and coalition building the God Squad takes action Hale wrote about contacts with other legislators as well According to Breitbart Podesta forwarded the report to McDonough at the White House who FOR ENTIRE ARTICLE CLICK LINK
This item has been updatedHouse Republicans voted Wednesday to undo years of President Obamas immigration policies launching a fresh attack on his executive actions as part of a plan to renew funding for the Department of Homeland SecurityBut in doing so Republicans exposed fresh rifts in their expanded ranks as more than two dozen members mostly from suburban districts in swing states voted against plans to end a program granting temporary legal status to hundreds of thousands of dreamers or children brought to the country illegally by their parents who have served as the emotional centerpiece of the yearslong debateHouse approval of the spending bill is just the opening act in a debate expected to stretch into late February when homeland security expires Legal challenges to Obamas immigration orders led by Republican state attorneys general are underway A senior GOP lawmaker suggested Wednesday that House and Senate leaders might also file suitThe bill passed 236 to 191 with the support of two moderate Democrats But 10 Republicans voted against the final bill Earlier 26 Republicans including several new members from suburban districts around Chicago Las Vegas Miami and Philadelphia joined Democrats in voting against a proposal to end Obamas Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programRep Mario DiazBalart RFla a veteran Miami Republican who was among those to vote against the bill and the DACA amendment said that his party wont be able to settle the immigration fight until it negotiates a bipartisan compromise with ObamaRegardless of what happens this week this month on this issue it will not make the issue itself go away he saidBut Rep Robert Aderholt RAla said he was encouraged by the strong support the bill received from fellow Republicans He was lead author of an amendment that would effectively invalidate the executive actions taken by Obama in November and his policy instructing federal immigration officers to focus their efforts on deporting illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds The amendment passed with GOP supportIt was a strong vote I think it sends a message to the Senate as it goes forward And were optimistic about it he saidIn the wake of terrorist attacks in France last week Republicans have faced criticism from Obama and congressional Democrats for delaying swift passage of new security funding Some party leaders and operatives also worry that the aggressive nature of the bill will once again spoil GOP attempts to appeal to Hispanic and Asian voters in the 2016 president election But GOP congressional leaders have said that the legislation is designed only to respond to Obamas executive overreachWe do not take this action lightly but there is simply no alternativeSpeaker John A Boehner ROhio said ahead of the vote as he recounted the 22 times he said Obama has raised doubts about his ability to change immigration policy through presidential powers Enough is enough he added laterThe White House denounced the House vote saying Republicans were putting homeland security funding training and longrange planning at risk Obamas top domestic policy adviser Cecilia Muoz reiterated Obamas threatened vetoThe House GOP is interested in debating immigration but only interested in debating it if they undo the most significant and constructive actions that have taken place in many years she said in a conference call with reporters Republicans are doing nothing on immigration that would move the country forwardGil Kerlikowske the commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection said Obamas executive actions are aimed at allowing the department to focus resources on deporting illegal immigrants who have committed felonies or have terrorist ties rather than those who are living in the country illegally but do not break other lawsPrioritization is critical for any law enforcement agency he saidWhile 218 Republicans voted for the amendment ending DACA the no votes came from newlyelected Reps Bob Dold RIll from the Chicago suburbs Cresent Hardy RNev from the Las Vegas suburbs Ryan Costello RPa and Tom MacArthur RNJ from the Philadelphia suburbs Carlos Curbelo RFla who represents a Miamiarea district Martha McSally RAriz who won her election by fewer than 200 votes and Rep John Katko RNY from an Upstate New York district that has switched parties several times in recent yearsThey were joined by senior Republicans in their state delegations including Floridas Mario DiazBalart and Ileana RosLehtinen Adam Kinzinger of Illinois New Jerseys Chris Smith and Frank LoBiondo New Yorks Chris Gibson Richard Hanna and Peter King Pennsylvanias Patrick Meehan and Charlie Dent and Nevadas Mark Amodei and Joe Heck Other members including Reps Jeff Denham RCalif Devin Nunes RCalif David Valadao RCalif Fred Upton RMich and Mike Coffman RColo also voted noIn the Senate Republicans control 54 seats but 60 votes will be needed to advance the bill and no Democratic senator has expressed support for it The impasse means Republican leaders will need to negotiate a watereddown bill that can earn Democrat support pass the Senate and be sent back to the House before current homeland security funding expires on Feb 27If Republicans fail to block Obamas immigration policies through legislation House and Senate leaders may team up on a new federal lawsuit challenging him House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte RVa said Wednesday Noting that several states are now challenging Obamas immigration actions in court he said a similar suit might be brought by GOP lawmakers in the House and SenateNo decision has been made about that he said at a reporter breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor adding that its likely to be the subject of talks at a twoday GOP policy retreat that begins Thursday at a conference center in Hershey PaCongress has the right to write the laws and appropriate funds to programs under Article I of the Constitution and if we are successful in using that legislation and make it clear that there is no legal authority for the presidents actions then we dont need to get to litigation he addedSean Sullivan and David Nakamura contributed to this report
Hillary Clinton won at least four of five primaries on Tuesday pushing her closer to the Democratic presidential nomination as her considerably weakened rival Bernie Sanders vowed to press on with his insurgent campaignClinton won big in Florida North Carolina and Ohio while claiming a narrower victory in Illinois Missouri remained too close to call Sanderss campaign had hoped his raw message of economic justice would prevail in the industrial heartlandBut with her victories Clinton was on track to collect a large share of the more than 1000 delegates she still needed to lock up the contest Sanders ended the day further behind in the delegate count and needing to win a slew of upcoming states by improbably large marginsWe are moving closer to securing the Democratic Party nomination and winning this election in November Clinton said at her victory party here Tuesday As if to prove the point she quickly pivoted to the Republican frontrunner Donald TrumpOur next president has to be ready to face three big tasks First can you make positive differences in peoples lives Second can you keep us safe Third can you bring our country together againClintons indictment of Trumps policy positions sounded like a preview of arguments to comeWhen we hear a candidate for president call for the rounding up of 12 million immigrants banning all Muslims from entering the United States when he embraces torture that doesnt make him strong it makes him wrong Clinton saidClinton has been eager to refocus her campaign to confront Trump more directly But asked Tuesday if she was concerned that a protracted primary fight with Sanders would hobble Democrats ahead of the contest against a Republican nominee she declined to encourage Sanders to leave the raceHer campaign emailed a fundraising pitch Tuesday evening warning of the dangers of a Trump presidency and of complacency among DemocratsTonight Donald Trump could become the presumptive Republican nominee for president the donation request began Too many Republicans tried to ignore him until it was too late it saidItd be easy for us Democrats to do the same thing now Trump is so offensive so vulgar so selfevidently awful You could look at him and think theres no way hell ever get elected and then just wish him away But we cantSanders held a rally before about 7000 people in Phoenix on Tuesday night a week ahead of Arizonas primaryHe said his campaign had defied all expectations but made no mention of the three states that had already been called in Clintons favorWhat excites me so much as I go around the country is to see the incredible energy of people who love this country but know we can do so much better Sanders said to loud screamsIn a statement several hours later Sanders vowed to fight on saying With more than half the delegates yet to be chosen and a calendar that favors us in the weeks and months to come we remain confident that our campaign is on a path to win the nominationSome of his diehard supporters expressed hope that he could still pull out the nominationI still think the revolution is coming said James Homan 55 a sound engineer for rock musicians who has homes in Illinois and ArizonaHoman expressed frustration that as he saw it the fix was in for Clinton among Democratic Party leaders but he said he could see paths for Sanders to prevail including the possibility of more fallout from the FBI investigation into Clintons use of a private email server while she was secretary of stateDemocratic primary voters were split on the candidates key attributes with Clinton seen as more electable and Sanders as more honest according to preliminary exit polls reported by ABC NewsBy roughly 2 to 1 voters across Ohio North Carolina Florida Illinois and Missouri said Clinton had a better chance than Sanders of beating Trump in a generalelection matchup But roughly 8 in 10 said Sanders was honest and trustworthy compared with about 6 in 10 who felt that way about Clinton Sanders has dominated among honestyfocused voters all year while Clinton has won by a wide margin those who care more about electabilitySanders an independent senator from Vermont had scored an upset victory last week against Clinton in Michigan and saw Tuesdays contests as a chance to pull off more comefrombehind wins in states where voters feel damaged by globalizationRepeating his playbook from Michigan Sanders hit Clinton hard on her past support for disastrous trade deals starting with the North American Free Trade Agreement when her husband was in the White HouseAfter Clintons loss in Michigan called her economic message into question her campaign moved to retool her stance on trade by strengthening her opposition to the TransPacific Partnership and emphasizing support for manufacturing in her jobs plan In Ohio Clinton took specific aim at elements of the pending trade package seen as harmful to the auto and steel industriesJust over half of Ohio Democratic primary voters said free trade takes away US jobs according to the early exit polls In Michigan Sanders won among voters with that view by double digits The antitrade cohort was slightly larger in Michigan 57percent than in most states voting Tuesday with less than half of Democrats in Illinois Missouri and North Carolina saying trade costs US jobsI lost my house when the stock market crashed said Williams a member of the local cement finishers union Im an angry voter how bout that Im angry about the way the country is working for the bluecollar worker Hillary gets a big fat zero on thatIn Missouri Sanders aides were optimistic in part because much of the state closely resembles Kansas where the senator easily defeated Clinton in the Democratic caucuses early this month Its worth noting however that Missouri was the smallest of the Democratic delegate prizes TuesdayBefore the polls closed in Missouri Clintons campaign announced that she had been endorsed by the mother of Michael Brown the teenager whose 2014 shooting by police in Ferguson Mo brought more attention to officerinvolved slayings of unarmed black menMultiple polls in the days leading up to Tuesdays contests showed Sanders closing in on Clinton in the three states in the industrial MidwestIn Chicago where Clinton spent her childhood Sanders sought to leverage support from voters disenchanted with the tenure of the citys embattled Democratic mayor Rahm Emanuel a Clinton ally Emanuels approval ratings have dropped to alltime lows amid controversies over a police shooting and school closings and his popularity with African American voters has taken an especially big hitIn the closing days of the race Sanders blasted Emanuels decision to close schools in predominantly black and Latino neighborhoods and Sanders ran television ads featuring some of the mayors criticsAnd Tuesday Sanders had breakfast with Cook County Commissioner Jess Chuy Garca who ran unsuccessfully for mayor against Emanuel in the Democratic primary last yearClintons lead in Florida was never in doubt and she ended up capturing almost the same number of votes as the Republican winner Trump perhaps a preview of how competitive the state will be in NovemberFlorida posed several challenges for Sanders It held a closed primary meaning independent voters who have propelled him to victory in other states were not allowed to participate The states voting population also includes a large number of older voters who have sided with Clinton in previous contestsSanderss aides have argued that the back half of the nominating calendar is more favorable to him with several potential victories in the West and no contests remaining in the Deep South which has been Clintons strongest region by farSanders thinks he is wellpositioned in all three states with contests next Tuesday Arizona Idaho and Utah His decision to spend election night in Arizona signaled his intention to vigorously contest that state in the coming week
Lessig says that his sole mission as president would be to persuade Congress to pass the Citizen Equality Act which would implement three reforms to the political system First it would guarantee the equal right to vote by enhancing the power of the federal government to control how states conduct elections requiring states to provide for online or automated voter registration and shifting Election Day to a national holidaySecond it would guarantee equal representation by banning gerrymandering of districts Lessig also endorses an idea called rankedchoice voting where voters rank the candidates rather than vote for just one The candidate who receives the highest aggregate ranking wins You can find the somewhat complicated details here Third it would provide for citizenfunded elections All voters would be given vouchers that they could use to contribute to political campaigns and small contributions would be matched from public funds Rules blocking government officials from becoming lobbyists would be strengthenedWould these reforms give us citizen equality Unfortunately if money goes to the root of the problem as Lessig says these reforms would have little impact In the best case they would enhance the popular vote in elections by a little bit They might enhance by a small amount cash contributions from lowincome people And Republicandominated state legislatures would lose some of their power to create safe seatsBut in the economy of political influence that Lessig describes in his book none of these things can make much difference Most Americans are terribly uninformed about the political process and rely on very crude proxies such as endorsements or partisan identification to determine how to voteMany people fail to vote not because of barriers to voting but because theyd rather spend their time doing something else Candidates who suited voters a bit better because of rankedchoice voting assuming it works as advertised and who received more small donations from lowincome people would still need to rely on wellinformed lobbyists with whom they had relationships and would still benefit from massive infusions of cash from big business Lessigs cure just doesnt follow from his diagnosisThe current disaffection with the government probably reflects the ideological polarization of the electorate which is an input not an output of the political process People disagree with one another more than in the past sowhatever compromises the government reaches over policythey are more likely to be unhappy with it If people feel that they have no influence on political outcomes thats in part because we live in a huge and diverse country and so even in an ideal system where your vote counts as much as anyone elses its just one of more than a hundred million So there is a mismatch between Lessigs meansa dramatic run for office as an unprecedented referendum president who resigns as soon as his mandate is legislatedand his goal which is at best incremental reform In the past he has argued with a great deal more persuasiveness that the only way to reform the political system is through a constitutional convention and it is easier to see the logic of this position than to understand his campaign goals Constitutional amendments really could go to the root of the problemby limiting campaign contributions and thus overturning Citizens United which held that the First Amendment banned certain limits on political expenditures restructuring the Senate which is a highly unrepresentative body that favors rural interests limiting the power of the Supreme Court and perhaps creating a parliamentary system or something like it which would avoid the twin problems of gridlock and presidential abuse of power that have long been troubling features of our system of separation of powersBut most calls for constitutional conventions come these days from conservatives who want to impose a balanced budget on the federal government and who have no interest in adopting Lessigs electoral reformsnearly all of which would benefit the Democratic party in the short term And the results of a constitutional conventionwhere moneyed interests as well as all kinds of interest groups would play a big roleare unpredictable Well not entirely unpredictable Under the amendment process of the Constitution state legislatures can play an important role in selecting delegates and ratifying amendments And while there is a means to circumvent their formal participation they would probably influence the outcome This matters Republicans have vastly more control over state legislatures than Democrats doin part because of the gerrymandering Lessig wants to endso we can be pretty certain about the ideological tilt of any amendments that might ultimately be ratified if not their content This is probably why Lessig has not adopted his earlier proposal of a constitutional convention to his presidential run The rot goes too deep But it also should raise doubts about whether the Citizen Equality Act can do any good Even if Lessig cant win or cant do much more than hand over the reins to his vice president if he does win his candidacy would bring a rare level of intelligence and political sophistication to the election and muchneeded attention to the problem of electoral reform For that reason you might donate a little money to his campaign I did
GOD Has Chosen Trump Trump cannot win The American people are lost We are about to be totally destroyed Based on what I have learned these are logical conclusions This is what my logical mind would have me believe and my logical mind is wrong Against All Odds To date Donald Trump has defied all odds He is the only candidate in the moderate era with a chance at becoming President who is still his own person He owns himself and from a Christian perspective that is problematic However this is clearly Gods plan He is the only man who broke the choke hold on the GOP by the criminal Bush family We are a nation whose ruler at the moment is planning to attack the American people with foreign troops after collapsing the economy There are plans to attack the American military who would dare stand with the people in defense of our culture Christian traditions and personal liberties In his march to the Presidency Trump has overcome the following Vicious and unrelenting attacks from the media Vilification from both the left and the right He has escaped assassination He won a Presidential nomination when the entire leadership of his party said he would never become President because they choose not the people Trump is not owned by any special interest and the special interests despite their hit ads and secret meetings to plan on how to remove Trump for their personal reasons cannot figure out how to marginalize Trump It doesnt matter who comes against Trump he only grows stronger with each successive victory Just ask Glenn Beck how well he is doing after throwing all his resources behind Cruz And ask lyin Ted and Heidi how their marriage is doing after going through this ideal Hillary is headed to prison And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God Revelation 1915 God Will Choose Whom He Wishes I know that Donald Trump is not running a Christian political campaign But in case you have not noticed God can and has used anybody to lead of his own choosing And that this critical time in history why would God choose a Christian leader After all America has become the most unchristian nation We have murdered 60 million unborn citizens without a trial We glorify every perversion wickedness and intrusive behaviors We live in a nation that kills innocents with drones Our every move is spied upon I have covered how Obama a man of very low moral character has placed enemies of the state ie the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization into key positions in our government ie DHS Our church leaders have been recruited to abandon their flock and to lead them astray Your pastor puts IRS tax laws ahead of the word of God When was the last time your Pastor spoke to the congregation about the evils of abortion and how it needed to be stopped Pedophilia is the last prohibition that remains intact in our Godless nation and that prohibition is about to be removed through the efforts of George Soros and Kevin Jennings Hillary Clintons education lackey who happens to be transgender America has not only become a Godless nation it has become a despicable collection of perverts and murderers The Common Sense Show exists thanks to perverts and criminals like Hillary Clinton Donald Trump is not a Christian and he does not have to be because he does not lead a Christian nation Donald Trump is a modern day Jehoshaphat see 2 Chronicles 20 His people were faced by three overwhelming armies Jehoshaphat and his people had no chance to survive in the same manner as Donald Trump and the American people Yet God worked an amazing miracle and Jehoshaphats enemies attacked each and killed each other as Jehoshaphats men were signing praises to the Lord And what followed was truly amazing And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies and precious jewels which they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days in gathering of the spoil it was so much And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries when they had heard that the Lord fought against the enemies of Israel So the realm of Jehoshaphat was quiet for his God gave him rest round about Serving Gods Will Against all odds we will soon have a leader who will soon serve Gods will whether or not he realizes that this is chosen mission And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God Revelation 1915 KJV Conclusion I know our plight seems hopeless as we are outnumbered outspent and outgunned However my Lord does not know defeat I just need to be silent and trust in the Lord he will use who and what he needs to advance his will So what do we do in this monumental time that we live in Listen to the Lo rd and just keeping working the cause as God would wish it to be This movement will sweep the planet We already see a Trump wannabe in the Philippines We seeing the stage set for the final days Trump is a central figure in the fulfillment of prophecy
Indian princess watches over rare paleontological remains Thu Oct 27 2016 312AM News Bulletin This picture taken on September 1 2016 shows Dinosaur Princess Aaliya Sultana Babi holding a fossilised dinosaur egg at her palace in Balasinor AFP A member of an Indian royal family is leading excavations in an area nicknamed Indias Jurassic Park Aaliya Sultana Babi is a princess by birth She has been dubbed the Dinosaur Princess because of her love for archeology Babis passion started when she accepted to decide a group of foreign geologists to a site in Balasinor which was formerly a princely state The site is now a Dinosaur park and welcomes a large number of visitors every year Aaliya is pushing the authorities towards better preservation of the thousands of eggs and bones buried in the area She believes with more coordination between government departments she can win the UNESCO Geo Park status for the site Tourists can enjoy a luxurious stay at Aaliyas familys palace and see her personal collection when visiting the park Loading
Next Swipe leftright Colin is looking for a songwriting partner Fancy getting into the music business but need a good lyricist to work with Colin has written songs about dolphins Giant Haystacks and Hitler
Washington CNN Donald Trumps criticism about the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier has generated once again a backlash within his own partyJust 100 days from the election Trump has responded in his standard fashion dig in claim hes being treated unfairly and attack backBut the swift condemnation of Trumps response raises questions about whether this controversy is different from the ones that came before itIt certainly isnt going away Khizr and Ghazala Khan appeared for a lengthy joint interview on CNNs New Day on Monday where Khizr accused Trump of ignorance and arroganceKhan also said hes received an outpouring of support for speaking out against the GOP presidential candidate including from many Republicans And he warned that Trumps attacks on Muslims are boosting terror recruitment Khan said it is good Muslims who are the ones who can help stop terror and make American saferWe are the solution to terrorism Khan said on CNN MondayTrump tweeted during the interview that the issue was not the Khans it was stopping the spread of radical Islamic terrorismThe White House also weighed in with an implicit rebuke of Trump saying that Gold Star families deserve only honor and gratitude for their loved ones serviceSpeaking aboard Air Force One spokesman Eric Schultz wouldnt provide a specific response to Trumps comments about the Khan family But he said honoring Gold Star families should rise above politicsFamilies who make the ultimate sacrifice for this countrys freedom and this countrys safety deserve nothing but our countrys honor and gratitude and deepest respect Schultz saidAlso on Monday Hillary Clintons runningmate Tim Kaine said Is it OK to speak in a disrespectful way about the military about a Gold Star mom and dad for Gods sake about people with disabilities or saying offensive things about women or trash people who are Latinos or immigrants more generallyWere either going to build a community that is a more perfect union that is a community of respect or were going to decide to do what has been done throughout American history but never to our advantage Kaine said during a campaign stop in Richmond VirginiaThis time attacks from the Republican presidential nominee on the parents of a soldier who died defending America have put new pressure on GOP leaders to decide whether they will continue to stand by him Already the partys leaders in the House and the Senate have distanced themselves from Trumps remarks and other Republican figures are attacking their nominee forcefullySen John McCain issue a very personal statement Monday blasting Trumps comments about the Khans and paying homage to their son Humayuns sacrifice McCain noted that his son also served in the Iraq War and the McCains have been serving in the US military for hundreds of yearsIt is time for Donald Trump to set the example for our country and the future of the Republican Party McCain said While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among usLastly Id like to say to Mr and Mrs Khan thank you for immigrating to America Were a better country because of you And you are certainly right your son was the best of America and the memory of his sacrifice will make us a better nation and he will never be forgottenSen Lindsey Graham RSouth Carolina said in a statement This is going to a place where weve never gone before to push back against the families of the fallen There used to be some things that were sacred in American politics that you dont do like criticizing the parents of a fallen soldier even if they criticize youIf youre going to be leader of the free world you have to be able to accept criticism Mr Trump cant Graham said The problem is unacceptable doesnt even begin to describe itThe controversy is over Trumps response to the Khans whose son was killed in Iraq by a suicide bomber in 2004 The Khans took the stage Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention where Khizr Khan rejected Trumps proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States as unconstitutional pulling a copy of the Constitution from his breast pocket and saying that Trump has sacrificed nothing and no one Trump has since responded by criticizing Ghazala Khans silence and suggesting she wasnt allowed to speakThe incident recalls Trumps attack last year on McCain Trump said at the time that McCain is not a war hero because he was captured and imprisoned in Vietnam Many had speculated the criticism would spark Trumps decline in the GOP primary race it did notBut there are two key differences Trump was not yet the GOP nominee and McCain himself the 2008 GOP standardbearer is a longtime public figure with experience parrying on the presidential level The Khans are notThis is so incredibly disrespectful of a family that endured the ultimate sacrifice for our country Jeb Bush a Trump rival in the 2016 GOP primary said on Twitter Sunday eveningTheres only one way to talk about Gold Star parents with honor and respect tweeted Ohio Gov John Kasich who skipped the GOP convention in his state and has declined to endorse Trump Capt Khan is a hero Together we should pray for his familyKasichs top strategist in his failed 2016 presidential campaign John Weaver tweeted a scathing attack on Trumps handling of the Khan controversy saying Trumps slur against Captain Khans mother is even for him beyond the pale He has NO redeeming qualitiesAnd both Republican congressional leaders took issue with Trump issuing statements Sunday that praised the Khan family and reaffirmed their opposition Trumps proposed Muslim travel banAmericas greatness is built on the principles of liberty and preserved by the men and women who wear the uniform to defend it House Speaker Ryan RWisconsin said As I have said on numerous occasions a religious test for entering our country is not reflective of these fundamental values I reject it Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military and made the ultimate sacrifice Captain Khan was one such brave example His sacrifice and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan should always be honored PeriodCaptain Khan was an American hero and like all Americans Im grateful for the sacrifices that selfless young men like Captain Khan and their families have made in the war on terror McConnell said in a statement SundayAll Americans should value the patriotic service of the patriots who volunteer to selflessly defend us in the armed services McConnell said And as I have long made clear I agree with the Khans and families across the country that a travel ban on all members of a religion is simply contrary to American valuesBut both men noticeably did not mention Trump by name in their brief statements that came hours after Khizr Khan called on them to repudiate TrumpHe told CNNs Jim Acosta those GOP leaders have a moral ethical obligation to not worry about the votes but repudiate him withdraw the support If they do not I will continue to speakDemocratic nominee Hillary Clinton also criticized Trump on Sunday speaking to reporters alongside Kaine a Virginia senatorAsked if Trumps attack on the Khan family is a pivotal moment in the election Clinton said Well he called Mexicans rapists and criminals He said a federal judge was unqualified because of his Mexican heritage He has called women pigs He has mocked a reporter with a disabilityThats right Clinton said And any one of those things is so offensive and then to launch an attack as he did on Capt Khans mother a Gold Star mother who stood there on that stage with her husband honoring the sacrifice of their son and who has in the days since spoken out about the overwhelming emotion that any mother would feel as her son was being honored and then to have Trump do what he did I dont know where the bounds are I dont know where the bottom isLike the dustup over Trumps criticism of Indianaborn federal judge Gonzalo Curiels Mexican heritage Trumps reaction has been tinged with the stereotyping of Khans Muslim familyId like to hear his wife say something Trump told DowdThen he told Stephanopoulos If you look at his wife she was standing there She had nothing to say She probably maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say You tell me But plenty of people have written that She was extremely quiet And it looked like she had nothing to say A lot of people have said thatDonald Trump has children whom he loves Does he really need to wonder why I did not speak she wroteResponding to the backlash Trump issued a statement Saturday praising Capt Khan as a hero and saying the real problem is radical Islamic terrorists who killed himBut in that statement he again criticized the soldiers fatherWhile I feel deeply for the loss of his son Mr Khan who has never met me has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution which is false and say many other inaccurate things Trump said in the statementAnd Sunday morning he again weighed in over TwitterCaptain Khan killed 12 years ago was a hero but this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the weakness of our leaders to eradicate it Trump wrote in the first of two tweetsHe followed up later by attempting to shift the focus from Khizr Khans criticism of his proposed Muslim ban to the Iraq war in which Khans son was killedI was viciously attacked by Mr Khan at the Democratic Convention Am I not allowed to respond Hillary voted for the Iraq war not me Trump tweetedAs Trump pushed back first asking whether Ghazala Khans silence on stage was related to her faith Khizr Khan again attacked Trump Sunday on CNNs State of the UnionHe is a black soul and this is totally unfit for the leadership of this country Khan said The love and affection that we have received affirms that our grief that our experience in this country has been correct and positive The world is receiving us like we have never seen They have seen the blackness of his character of his soulOn Sunday night Trumps running mate Indiana Gov Mike Pence issued a statement offering praise for Humayan Khan as an American hero Pence also touted the Trump campaigns immigration plan which would prevent newcomers from entering the US if they hail from countries that have been compromised by terrorismCaptain Khan gave his life to defend our country in the global war on terror Due to the disastrous decisions of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton a once stable Middle East has now been overrun by ISIS This must not stand Pence saidBy suspending immigration from countries that have been compromised by terrorism rebuilding our military defeating ISIS at its source and projecting strength on the global stage we will reduce the likelihood that other American families will face the enduring heartbreak of the Khan familyTrumps advisers attempted to move past the controversy downplaying the direct conflict between Trump and the Khan familyWhat hes saying is that Mr Trump has a right to defend himself to make clear what hes saying is this is about Islamic terrorism for him to be criticized like that he didnt think was fair Trump aide Jason Miller told CNNs Brian Stelter on Reliable Sources Sunday
Hollyjood strikes again Quoting Buck Bundy 73107416 They werent far off DH3 came out in 1995 43 was GWB 44th was Obumbletard 44 was supposed to be Hitlary but they knew Obumbletard would cause even more damage so they let him go first Quoting Anonymous Coward 73154155 Thats true the more i think more about it I think they meant because hillary was actually in charge when bill was president which would make her the 43 rd kinda i guess Moulin
On this day in 1973 J Fred Buzhardt a lawyer defending President Richard Nixon in the Watergate case revealed that a key White House tape had an 18
CNN The two presidential frontrunners are both eyeing Super Tuesday 2 as a chance to build on their momentum and pad their leads as they look to put the races away by the end of the monthAnd Donald Trump will try to run the table with four Republican contests on tap He leads in Michigan and has done well in Southern states like Mississippi Idaho and Hawaii vote Tuesday as well a chance to pick up more delegatesHeres what to watch in the days electionsTime is running out for Trumps opponents to turn things around before the winnertakesall states start to vote and the GOP frontrunner racks up enough delegates to lock the nomination up before the conventionTrump leads the polls in Michigan the crown jewel of Tuesdays contestsMississippi meanwhile will test whether Cruzs surge in Louisiana he closed a massive polling gap and finished within four points on Saturday expands to other Southern states or Trump can finish running the table in the Deep South Idaho could be better ground for Cruz who has spent more time in the state than other candidatesAll three states though pose problems for RubioMississippi and Michigan each require candidates to reach 15 to accumulate delegates Idaho requires candidates to top 20 The stronger Trump and Cruz run the tougher it becomes for Rubio to make any gains at allWhat about the late decidersRubio has a history of doing well with late deciders voters who make up their minds in the last week He picked up 39 of those voters in Virginia for example according to exit pollsBut those voters polls have shown typically make up less than onethird of a states electorateIn Michigan a Monmouth University poll showed 23 of voters were undecided or only had a slight preference in the days leading up to the primaryAnd supporters of Trump polls have shown tend to be more lockedin on their candidate than supporters of RubioWhat Tuesdays contests could demonstrate is whether theres enough late movement to help Trumps rivals particularly since the week leading up to the debate featured the most explosive Republican debate yetFor Clinton Michigan will put that claim to the testShes increasingly eager to turn her attention to the general election and to do that Clinton needs to turn the tide with white voters and particularly run up her advantage among women She has performed better in those demographics since Sanders won in New Hampshire just over a month ago and Michigan is a good bellwether for Clinton Its a heavilypopulated diverse state that Democrats absolutely have to have in order to win the general election in NovemberGiven the terrible pressures that the auto industry was under and that the middle class of this state and Ohio and Indiana and Illinois and Wisconsin and Missouri and other places in the Midwest were facing I think it was the right decision to heed what Presidentelect Obama asked us to do she added You were either for saving the auto industry or against it I voted to save the auto industry and Im very glad that I didA victory in Michigan could set Clinton up for a huge March 15 when Florida Ohio Illinois North Carolina and Missouri vote If Sanders cant win Michigan he might not be able to win any of those states A Clinton loss though means Missouri Ohio and potentially Illinois could be in playSo imagine this scenario Kasich beats Rubio in Michigan Then on March 15 Kasich wins his 66delegate winnertakeall home state of Ohio and Rubio loses his 99delegate winnertakeall home state of FloridaSuddenly Kasich would become the leading moderate establishmenttype Republican in the race and Rubio would lack a path forwardThere are a lot of ifs for that to happen But for Kasich to stand any chance of turning whats been a smallerscale campaign thats been much choosier about where he tries to compete into one with a real shot at quickly racking up delegates Michigan is where it has to startWinning Ohio could help Kasich play a small role in denying Trump the delegates he needs to win the GOP nomination outrightBut to have a shot at the nomination himself Kasich has to win the Midwest states like Michigan Illinois Indiana and Wisconsin which have similarlystyled Republican governors and are often general election battlegrounds
Soy should not be consumed in significant quantities unless it has been fermented or otherwise traditionally processed industrially processed soy should be avoided David Gutierrez staff writer Tags soy fermentation phytoestrogens NaturalNews The recent history of soy in the Western diet has been a turbulent one from its status as a nonfood item in the early 20th century through its transition to a health food in the last few decades of that century to current concerns over its high content of natural estrogen mimicsWhat many debates over the nature of soy fail to take into account is that soybased foods are neither healthy nor unhealthy it all depends on the processingThe soy bean itself is highly unhealthy for human consumption In addition to potentially dangerous levels of phytoestrogens it contains exceptionally high levels of chemicals that bind to the nutrients in the bean preventing their absorption Soy derivatives such as soy protein are even worse as they are isolated from the rest of the nutrients in the bean and have usually been extracted with toxic chemicalsTraditional cultures developed two major ways to bypass this problem fermentation and curdling Both are ancient techniques for changing the fundamental nutritional makeup of foods These processes are what transform soy the dangerous food into the healthful products of tofu tempeh miso and soy sauce that have played a major role in the diets of many Asian cultures for hundreds of years Sources
Today September 8 I am holding a prayer vigil and rally for liberty in Grayson Kentucky I will call on Judge David Bunning to release Kim Davis on the grounds that her right to religious liberty has been grossly violated under the Constitution of these United States of AmericaWhen I warned that the Supreme Courts decision on marriage would lead to the criminalization of Christianity in America I was dismissed by many as an alarmist and my comments were mocked by the chattering class Now just two months after the courts lawless ruling an elected county clerk has been put in jail by an unelected judge for refusing to issue amarriage license to a samesex couple removing all doubts about criminalization of Christianity in this countryWhen the people of Kentucky electedDemocratKim Davis as county clerk the states constitution affirmed that marriage is between one man and one woman The amendment passed with 75 percent of the peoples voteTodayI ask on behalf of Kim Under what law is she authorized to issue homosexual couples a marriage license Can you site the specific right in the Constitution Is there a statute passed by Congress that actually says that the five unelected lawyers in the majority of the courts opinion were right to throw out the very definition of marriage and make up one on their ownIn theObergefelldecision the Supreme Court ruled samesex couples have the right to get married Whether you personally agree with that or not doesntmatter in Kims case What does matter is thatthe Supreme Court cannot and did not make a law It only made a ruling on a lawKims stand for religious liberty is a pivotal moment in our nations history Will we continue to pretend as though the Supreme Court is the Supreme Branch with the authorityand ability tomake laws It most certainly is not The Supreme Court is one of three coequal branches of government under our Constitution It is no more the Supreme Branch than it is the Supreme Being with the authority to redefine the laws of nature or of natures GodWhat we know for sure is thatThe Judicial Branchis constitutionally prohibited from writing laws there are religious liberty protections in the Kentucky constitution and Kentucky statute and the plaintiffs in the case did not seek KimsincarcerationDespite these facts KimDavis was thrown in jail for contempt which means she was given no possibility of bailThat seems even more ludicrous when you considermany of the Americas most evil and notorious serial killers murderers rapists mafia bosses and presidential assassinswere actuallylet out on bailAll of these dangerous criminals were given bail A Democrat county clerk in Kentucky who is a Christian was notNo one went to jail when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom ordered city clerks to issue samesex marriage licenses in direct disobedience to California law More recentlyNo one went to jail when San Francisco was set up as a sanctuary city sheltering dangerous illegal immigrant felons in defiance of federal law Not only did NewsomNOT go to jail hes now the lieutenant governor of the stateI am appalled at our governments willingness to accommodate the religious beliefs of all religions ChristianityWhen I traveled to Guantanamo Bay I was amazed byhow wellwe treated foreign Muslim terrorist detainees The US government provides prayer mats and special meals that conform to Islamic restrictions but we cant accommodate the religious beliefs of a popularly elected Christian county clerk in Kentucky We have lost our moral compass as a country when our government accommodatesmilitantMuslims but not conservative ChristiansAs a governor for ten and a half years I followed the Constitution of my state and of the United States The rule of law is a foundation of our democracyBut the reason why our laws are respected by the American people is because our Constitution guarantees reasonable safeguards to protect the rights of dissentersI refuse to sit silently as our Constitution is torched and the courts violate our fundamental rights We did not fight a revolution against the tyranny of one unelected monarch so we could surrender our freedoms and abandon our Constitutionto the tyranny of five unaccountable unelected lawyersThis shredding of the most fundamental civil rights of our citizens cannot stand I will fight for and protect the religious liberty of every American This will go down as a seminal moment in American history if we do not free Kim Davis now and make sure this never happens againFormer Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was a 2016 Republican candidate for president of the United States
Marco Rubios uneven debate performance Saturday has emboldened a trio of governors seeking to stem his rise in the Republican race for presidentWill Trumps plan to register Muslims make it to The White HouseTesla under Trump How will electric cars fare under the next presidentRepublican presidential candidate Sen Marco Rubio RFla answers a question as Republican presidential candidate businessman Donald Trump listens during a Republican presidential primary debate hosted by ABC News at the St Anselm College Saturday Feb 6 2016 in Manchester NHMarco Rubios uneven debate performance just days before Tuesdays New Hampshire primary has emboldened a trio of governors seeking to stem his rise in the Republican race for president But if Rubios rivals can slow him in New Hampshire they are likely to leave the GOP with a muddled mix of establishment contenders and no clear favorite to challenge Donald Trump and Ted CruzAt the heart of the battle between Rubio and Chris Christie John Kasich and Jeb Bush is whether the freshman Florida senator has the experience and policy depth to serve as president or whether hes simply a wellspoken lightweight Christie unleashed withering attacks against Rubio in Saturdays debate and the New Jersey governor tripped up Rubio by calling him out in realtime for his reliance on rehearsed talking pointsThe morning after Christie declared the Republican contest a changed raceThere was a march amongst some in the chattering class to anoint Sen Rubio Christie said on CNNs State of the Union I think after last night thats overChristie and his fellow governors need that to be the case given that theyve staked their White House hopes on New Hampshire Without a strong showing each will face enormous pressure to drop out from Republican Party leaders eager to rally around a single candidate who can challenge Cruz and Trump the toptwo finishers in the leadoff Iowa caucusesTrump has held a commanding lead in New Hampshire preference polls for months Cruz is in the mix with Rubio and the governors though his campaign is more focused on the Southern states that follow later in the primary calendarThe prospect of Trump or Cruz winning the GOP nomination has set many Republican leaders on edge and that anxiousness is only likely to increase should New Hampshire voters leave Rubio and the governors clustered together in the primary results failing to anoint one as their preferred challenger to the frontrunnersA Monmouth University survey released Sunday still shows Trump with a commanding doubledigit lead over his Republican rivals with 30 percent of likely Republican primary voters saying they would vote for him But theres a cluster of candidates statistically tied for second place Kasich has 14 percent of would be voters Rubio came in with 13 percent former Florida Gov Jeb Bush also had 13 percent and Cruz had 12 percent supportWhile most candidates remained unchanged in their polling numbers from last months Monmouth survey Bush jumped nine points since January The Monmouth survey indicated that just 9 percent of NH Republican voters are undecidedThe poll was taken before Saturdays debate but no other Republican candidates had double digit supportRubio emerged from Iowa looking as though he was that candidate with a thirdplace finish in Iowa that was stronger than expected Rival campaigns conceded privately in the days leading up to the debate that he was pulling away from the governorsBut the Florida senator stumbled in Saturdays debate when challenged about his qualifications repeatedly falling back on a retort meant to distinguish himself from President Barack Obama who also won the White House as a firstterm senatorFor Barbara OBrien an undecided voter who had been considering voting for Rubio it was enough to convince her he wasnt the right choiceHe kept saying the same thing over and over again said OBrien a 67yearold from Manchester who is one of New Hampshires many registered independents He didnt look presidentialGOP voter Judy McKenna 66 had been leaning toward Rubio but said she was disappointed in his debate performanceThe governors all made great points about experience especially Christie and Rubio did not have any answer to counter that argument McKenna saidRubio acknowledged the criticism during a rally in Londonderry on Sunday morning He then proceeded to repeat the same line that put him in Christies crosshairsIm going to say it again he told the audience of more than 800 gathered in a school cafeteria The reason why these things are troubling is because Barack Obama is the first president at least in my lifetime that wants to change the country Change the country not fix itRubio senior adviser Todd Harris said the candidates repetition underscores his laser focus on upending the Obama administrations agendaWere going to continue to attack Barack Obamas record over and over and over again Harris said I dont think there is any Republican primary voter who was watching that debate who was saying I wish he would lay off of Barack ObamaSeeking to counter the notion of a misstep Rubios campaign said it raised 600000 during the debate three times more than it has brought in during previous debates The fundraising numbers were unverifiableThe senators crowds remained large and enthusiastic on Sunday and some of the many undecided voters who attended his events said they were more bothered by Christies aggressive demeanorIt was tiresome Ive heard it before said Katherine Bringhurst a 66yearold retired office manager Shes undecided heading into Tuesdays election but leaning toward RubioMaria Tourlitis an independent from Hudson decided to vote for Rubio after hearing him speak in her hometown on Saturday As she greeted the senator after the event she leaned in and said At the next debate please stand up to ChristieIf Christies aggressive attacks on Rubio result in his own standing tumbling it could benefit Bush the former governor of Florida and Kasich the current governor of Ohio Both stepped back in the debate to allow Christie to take the lead in targeting Rubio though they were happy to relish in the afterglowHes a great speaker Bush said of Rubio his onetime political protg on Fox News Sunday But he came across as totally scripted and kind of roboticKasich has prided himself on avoiding direct criticism of his rivals during the campaign and kept up that strategy both in the debate and as he campaigned SundayWouldnt it be great if we could win being positive Kasich said on Fox NewsAssociated Press writer Sergio Bustos contributed to this report from Salem New Hampshire
Crooked Hillary Campaign Used A Green Screen At Todays Low Turnout Rally In Coconut Creek FL When you watch this video of Crooked Hillarys speech from yesterday here in Florida you will see some amazing things First you will see a background section that is in 2D and not 3D like a projected image on a wall would look Why would that be Well that happens in what we call green screen technology and in this case poorly done green screen 26 2016 Crooked HIllary holds phony rally with pretend background people via green screen When you watch this video of Crooked Hillarys speech from yesterday here in Florida you will see some amazing things First you will see a background section that is in 2D and not 3D like a projected image on a wall would look Secondly you see when anyone steps in front of that background there appears a darkened halo around them Why would that be Well that happens in what we call green screen technology and in this case poorly done green screen Hillary Clinton Rally in Coconut Creek Florida using green screen Start watching at the 10300 mark to see where Crooked Hillary starts speaking Another salient clue that she used a green screen is that when she turns around to wave to these people they are mere feet away and yet she shakes hands with none of them Why because they werent there Liberal news rag CNN is infamous for pretending to be in a location but in reality its nothing more than green screen CNN did it here here and also here The handheld video camera exposes the lie Look in the viewfinder of the video camera filming Crooked Hillary its black behind her yet in the official video its filled with people Hmmawake yet America Lastly if you look close at the end of the video you will see the real people behind her with cameras but then the main group of people behind them are flattened out in 2D because they are not actually there Hillarys rally was ubertiny so its little wonder they had to resort to green screen Clinton supporters beginning to enter Broward College for Hillary Clinton early voting rally in Coconut Creek tcpalm pictwittercom8HhLkFltks Eric Hasert TCPalmHasert October 25 2016
Tweet Home Headlines World News Get Ready For Civil Unrest Most Americans Are Concerned About Election Violence There is a tremendous amount of concern on the right that this election could be stolen by Hillary Clinton Voting machines in Texas are already switching votes from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton If Hillary Clinton wins this election under suspicious circumstances it may be enough to set off widespread civil unrest all across the country From Michael Snyder Could we see violence no matter who wins on November 8th Lets hope that it doesnt happen but as you will see below antiTrump violence is already sweeping the nation If Trump were to actually win the election that would likely send the radical left into a violent postelection temper tantrum unlike anything that we have ever seen before Alternatively there is a tremendous amount of concern on the right that this election could be stolen by Hillary Clinton And as I showed yesterday it appears that voting machines in Texas are already switching votes from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton If Hillary Clinton wins this election under suspicious circumstances that also may be enough to set off widespread civil unrest all across the country At this moment there is less than two weeks to go until November 8th and a brand new survey has found that a majority of Americans are concerned about the possibility of violence on election day A 51 majority of likely voters express at least some concern about the possibility of violence on Election Day one in five are very concerned Three of four say they have confidence that the United States will have the peaceful transfer of power that has marked American democracy for more than 200 years but just 40 say they are very confident about that More than four in 10 of Trump supporters say they wont recognize the legitimacy of Clinton as president if she prevails because they say she wouldnt have won fair and square But many on the left are not waiting until after the election to commit acts of violence On Wednesday Donald Trumps star on the Walk of Fame was smashed into pieces by a man with a sledgehammer and a pickax Donald Trump took a lot of hits today and not just in the Presidential race With less than two weeks to go before America decides if the ex Apprentice host will pull off a surprise victory over Hillary Clinton Trumps star on the Hollywood Walk of Famewas destroyed early Wednesday morning by a man dressed as a city construction worker and wielding a sledgehammer and pickax in what looks to be a Tinseltown first And there were two other instances earlier this year when Donald Trumps star was also vandalized One came in January and the other happened in June This is of course not the first time the GOP candidates star has been attacked or defaced since Trump announced his White House bid in summer 2015 The most extreme measure was a reverse swastika being sprayed on the star at 6801 Hollywood Blvd in late January In June this summer a mute sign was painted on Trumps star in a seemingly protest against the antagonistic language and policies some have accused Trump of promoting and reveling in during the campaign In both cases Trumps star was quickly cleaned and back as new within a day We have seen antiTrump violence on the east coast as well Earlier this month someone decided to firebomb the Republican Party headquarters in Orange County North Carolina On the building next to the headquarters someone spraypainted Nazi Republicans get out of town or else along with a swastika There have also been other disturbing incidents of antiTrump violence all over the nation in recent days A recent Lifezette article put together quite a long list and the following is just a short excerpt from that piece On Oct 15 in Bangor Maine vandals spraypainted about 20 parked cars outside a Trump rally Trump supporter Paul Foster whose van was hit with white paint told reporters Why cant they do a peaceful protest instead of painting cars all of this to make their statement Around Oct 3 a couple of Trump supporters were assaulted in Zeitgeist a San Francisco bar after they were allegedly refused service for expressing support for Trump GotNews reports The two Trump supporters were attacked punched and chased into the street by some thugs that a barmaid called out from the back Lilian Kim of ABC 7 Bay Area tweeted a photo of the men in which one was wearing a Trump Tshirt and the other was wearing a Blue Lives Matter shirt On Sept 28 in El Cajon California an angry mob at a Black Lives Matter protest beat 21yearold Trump supporter Feras Jabro for wearing a Make America Great Again baseball cap The assault was broadcast live using the smartphone app Periscope There is a move to get Trump supporters to wear red on election day but in many parts of America that might just turn his supporters into easy targets Lets certainly hope that we dont see the kind of violent confrontations at voting locations that many experts are anticipating Of course there are also many on the right that are fighting mad and a Hillary Clinton victory under suspicious circumstances may be enough to push them over the edge For example this week former Congressman Joe Walsh said that he is grabbing my musket if Donald Trump loses the election Former Rep Joe Walsh appeared to call for armed revolution Wednesday if Donald Trump is not elected president Walsh a former tea party congressman from Illinois who is now a conservative talk radio host tweeted On November 8th Im voting for Trump On November 9th if Trump loses Im grabbing my musket You in And without a doubt many ordinary Americans are stocking up on guns and ammunition just in case Hillary Clinton is victorious The following comes from USA Today Since the polls are starting to shift quite a bit towards Hillary Clinton Ive been buying a lot more ammunition says Rick Darling 69 an engineer from Harrison Township in Michigans Detroit suburbs In a followup phone interview after being surveyed the Trump supporter said he fears progressives will want to declare martial law and take our guns away after the election Today America is more divided than I have ever seen it before and the mainstream media is constantly fueling the hatred and the anger that various groups feel toward one another Ironically Donald Trump has been working very hard to bring America together In fact he is solidly on track to win a higher percentage of the black vote than any Republican presidential candidate since 1960 If Hillary Clinton and the Democrats win on November 8th things will not go well for Hillary Clintons political enemies The Clintons used the power of the White House to go after their enemies the first time around and Hillary is even more angry and more bitter now than she was back then And the radical left is very clear about who their enemies are This is something that I discussed on national television earlier this month As I write this it is difficult for me to even imagine how horrible a Hillary Clinton presidency would be But at this point that appears to be the most likely outcome Out of all the candidates that we could have chosen the American people are about to put the most evil one by far into the White House Perhaps Donald Trump can still pull off a miracle and we can avoid that fate but time is rapidly slipping away and November 8th will be here before we know it On Sale At SD Bullion This Week Only
When disaster strikes you want to know that you have done what you can to prepare for the worst If an event such as a hurricane or nuclear disaster forces you and your family to leave your home without warning you could easily find yourself in a serious situation where you will need firstaid medical attention However during natural or unnatural disasters emergency medical attention might not be able to come to your location so having the resources and knowledge to help yourself and your family members at a time like this can be the difference between life and deathIn the midst of a catastrophe having a functional medical emergency kit is essential for survival and sometimes you have to plan for it on a limited budget In this case the best approach is to build your own while utilizing only the most critical items you need for your survivalPrepare for any disaster stepbystep Build Your Own Four Essential Medical Categories to Concentrate On The four general categories you will want to take into consideration for your medical kit preparations are ointment bandages tools and medicine Knowing the necessary components for each category will help you to form the most costeffective kitOintment The first and most important in this category is antiseptic wipes like iodine wipes or alcoholbased wipes In addition to wipes you may also want to include an antibacterial ointment like bacitracin These are other ointments you may also find valuableHandsanitizing gel Insect repellent Insect sting relief treatment Iodine liquid Sunscreen Lip balm Biodegradable soap Collapsible water sink or basin Watertreatment chemicals Bandages You want to have bandages that can address any possible injury that may arise Keep in mind that a person can die after just 1015 minutes if they are bleeding from a major artery you will want to have sufficient bandages to stop blood flow and close the wound Remember the best thing you can do for an actively bleeding wound is to apply pressure until you are able to apply ointment or bandages The Israeli Battle Bandage is a firstaid device commonly used for major wounds and its only 9 You will also want to include the following bandages in your medical kitBloodstopping hemostatic gauze Triangular cravat bandages SAM splint and finger splint Stretchtoform bandages Liquid bandages Medical adhesive tape Bandaids various sizes Tools You are definitely going to want a suture kit as well as scissors and finepoint forceps to deal with critical injuries You may want to consider buying paramedic shears in order to cut through clothing for injuries that require fast response time Cottontipped swabs will be helpful for applying iodine liquid to wounds In addition to these items here are a few other tools that will likely be usefulMultitool or pocket knife CPR mask Emergency heatreflecting blanket Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries Safety pins Industrial gloves preferably nonlatex Needlenose pliers Medicine There are a number of medications and treatments that you will want to consider packing in your medical emergency kit Aloe Vera can be helpful as both as sun screen and a treatment for sunburns You may also want injectable epinephrine commonly known as an Epipen only 7 to treat allergic reactions Here are a number of other medications or treatments that one may requireAntihistamines for allergic reactions Prescription medications Glucose to treat hypoglycemia Eye drops Aspirin Iodine tablets for water purification Multivitamins Take into account the above mentioned items and each of the general categories as you compare prices on medical emergency kits that are prepackaged versus individual items Many of the prepackaged kits have a great variation of items but they may be lacking on some of the critical components previously mentioned and this is why it often the most costeffective strategy to build your own This information has been made available by Ready Nutrition Originally published November 3rd 2016 Make Your Own Natural QuikClot A Preppers Story Life Threatening Emergencies Happen At 10 Household Items That Have First Aid Uses Basic Emergency Trauma Supply Considerations From a Green Building Your SHTF Gunshot Survival Kit
In the aftermath of one of the most memorable coctober shocks in presidential campaign history Wikileaks continues its ongoing broadside attack against the Clinton campaign with the relentless Podesta dump by unveiling another 596 emails in the latest Part 22 of its Podesta release bringing the total emails released so far to exactly 36190 leaving less than 30 of the total dump left to goAs usual we will go parse through the disclosure and bring you some of the more notable ones In a February 2012 email from Chelsea Clintons NYU alias aj66nyuedu to Podesta and Mills Bill and Hillarys frustrated daughter once again points out the frustration and confusion among Clinton Foundation clients in the aftermath of the previously noted scandals plaguing the Clinton consultancy TeneoOver the past few days a few people from the Foundation have reached out to me frustrated or upset about fill in the blank largely derived meetings Friday or Monday Ive responded to all w essentially the following ie disintermediating myself again emphatically below I also called my Dad last night to tell him of my explicit noninvolvement and pushing all back to you both and to him as I think that is indeed the right answer ThanksSample Please share any and all concerns with examples without pulling punches with John and Cheryl as appropriate and also if you feel very strongly with my Dad directly Transitions are always challenging and to get to the right answer its critical that voices are heard and understood and in the most direct way ie to them without intermediation Particularly in an effort to move more toward a professionalism and efficiency at the Foundation and for my father and theyre the decisionmakers my Dad most of allA February 2015 email from Neera Tanden lashes out at David Brock of the Bonner Group profiled in this post Money Laundering Scheme Exposed 14 ProClinton Super PACs NonProfits Implicated As a reminder the Bonner Group as we showed last month may be a money laundering front involving various SuperPACs and nonprofit institutionsIn the email Tanden says thatBrockBonner are a nightmare Really Suzie Buell isnt giving to the superpac I wonder how that got in this story Big donors holding off making pledges to proHillary Clinton super PAC and concludes by saying that Sometimes HRCWJC have the worst judgement In retrospect she is right Speaking of donor advisor Mary Pat Bonner the following email from March 2009 hints at potential impropriety in shifting money from one democratic donor group to another the Center for American Progress I have moved all the sussman money from unity 09 to cap and am reviewing the others I will assess it and keep you informedSomething else for the DOJ to look into after the elections perhaps And then there is this email from August 2015 in which German politician Michael Werz advises John Podesta that Turkish president Erdogan is making substantial investments in US to counter opposition CHP Kurds Gulenists etc outreach to policymakers and the US GovernmentJohn heard this second hand but more than once Seems Erdogan faction is making substantial investments in US to counter opposition CHP Kurds Gulenists etc outreach to policymakers and USG Am told that the Erdogan crew also tries to make inroads via donations to Democratic candidates including yours Two names that you should be aware of are Mehmet Celebi and Ali Cinar Happy to elaborate on the phone provided you are not shopping at the liquor storeThe email This should perhaps explain why the US has so far done absolutely nothing to halt Erdogans unprecedented crackdown on coup plotters which has seen as many as 100000 workers lose their jobs be arrested or otherwise removed from Erdogans political oppositionSource
NEW YORK Donald Trump seemed to help his case after meeting with hundreds of evangelical leaders in Times Square on Tuesday Hes going to need that crucial voting bloc to have a real shot at winning the presidencyFrom megachurch pastors to longtime stalwarts they heard Trump speak out about defending religious liberty including his desire to get rid of IRS restrictions that muzzlepolitical talk from the pulpit Trump said a repeal may be my biggest contribution to Christianity In that room among the 900 or so evangelical leaders there were quite a few who were not for Trump going into the meeting After the meeting some minds seemed to change The ball has moved forward a little bit And I appreciate Mr Trumps willingness to reach out to the evangelical community said Matt Barber founder and editorin chief of BarbWirecom After hearing him today I will prayerfully consider it as a possibility in light of the alternative reflected Barber That alternative is Hillary Clinton Trump made clear his Supreme Court picks would make them proud unlike what Clinton might bring to the tableTrump also talked about how evangelicals need to band together because their rights and values are under attackWhat pleased some attendees was that Trump didnt appear to make any major mistakes or give reason for pause I cant remember any time during the several hours this morning that his answer disappointed or that there was chagrin about it recalled Gary Bauer president of American Values Trumps senior adviser Sarah Huckabee also attended the event He did something that most Republican nominees in the past have refused to do and thats walk into this room and be willing to sit down take their questions and really interact with them in a very big way Huckabee told CBN News With some evangelicals still wary the brash outsider will need more outreach but for now at least it seems to be working As it pertains to the evangelical vote and the candidacy of Donald J Trump todays meeting may very well be a tipping point predicted Rev Samuel Rodriguez president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference A profamily leader Rodriguez says he knew plenty of pastors who were skeptical before the meeting but inside something changed he said After hearing his commitment his very welldefined articulated commitment to religious liberty and life the Supreme Court especially I think you saw a number of the same pastors walk out going thats what I needed to hear Rodriguez said And thats something the Trump campaign needed to hear after a rough few weeks of headlinesIt will be important for them to build on any progress here by getting evangelicals to move beyond words and work actively for Trump among their flocks
When Ted Cruz came to the Senate in 2013 after winning a squeaker of a Senate race the previous November he didnt waste any time in bringing himself to national attention It wasnt his style to use his freshman term to keep his head down and learn the ropes Just seven weeks after being sworn in Cruz made a name for himself by accusing fellow Republican Chuck Hagel of taking money from communist North Korea during his confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense This accusation startled virtually everyone and earned Cruz a rebuke from committee chairman John McCain Senator Barbara Boxer drew an apt analogy whenshe saidshe was reminded of a different time and place when you said I have here in my pocket a speech you made on suchandsuch a date and of course there was nothing in the pocket She was alluding of course to the notorious Senator Joseph McCarthyAsJane Mayer reported in the New Yorker at the time this was not hyperbole She had personally heard Cruz claim that the Harvard School of Law had harbored a dozen communists on the faculty when he was a student thereWithin seven weeks of becoming Senator Cruz was a national figure who was being compared to one of the most reviled figures in American politics He was often compared to McCarthy from that point forward even including the likes of conservativeDavid Brooks who found him to be quite a distasteful characterThe more establishment figures like McCain and Brooks loathed him the more the right wing of the party loved him He became a backroomadvisorto the Freedom Caucus in the House andhe led the charge to shut down the governmentin 2013 Many on the rightattribute their victoryin 2014 to his strategic leadershipWhen he threw his hat in the ring for president the conventional wisdom was that he was a fringe player along the lines of Michele Bachmann in 2012 and was assumed to be so unpopular within the party that he couldnt possibly raise any money And even if he could overcome those obstacles he had such a repellant personality that nobody in their right mind would vote for him for president He was after all the reincarnation of Joseph McCarthy a man whose name is synonymous with political paranoiaThat doesnt seem to be happening In fact Cruz has shown himself to be a disciplined campaigner and a strategic thinker managing the rough and tumble of this weird GOP primary campaign better than any of his rivals Hes fended off attacks with aplomb and doesnt seem to have been hurt by them And asDave Weigel reported yesterdayin the Washington Post he has not trimmed his ideological sails in the leastOne questioner asked about the alleged influence of the Trilateral Commission and David Rockefeller two bugbears of conspiracy theorists Its a very good question said Cruz pivoting to discuss the Medellin national sovereignty case which is featured in some of his TV ads here Another questioner asked whether the Federal Reserve was constitutional prompting a short monologue by Cruz about why America should return to the gold standard And another questioner asked about the potential threat of Muslim courts issuing their own shariabased rulings within the United States Under no circumstances should sharia law be enforced anywhere in this country Cruz said We should do whatever it takes to prevent thatIt doesnt get any more hardcore than thatBut Cruz has done something else that hasnt been noticed by most of the press corps Hes lost that Joe McCarthy countenance and many of his harsh edges have softened Hes given one on one interviews in which he told personal stories that humanized him Hes lightheartedly sparred with Trump and others on social media batting back criticisms with cleverbon motsinstead of engaging in combat The Christmas ad that caused such a ruckus whena Washington Post cartoonist portrayed his daughters as monkeysonly served to introduce the two darling moppets to many more people than would otherwise have seen them And rather than get down and dirty with Trump as the man is obviously baiting him to do he has maintained a rather stately mein insisting that he is in the race to speak about serious issues The contrast with Donald Trumps crude brashness has had the effect of making the awkward Cruz seem almostmoderatein affect if not ideologyMeanwhile pollscontinue to show a race with Trump at the top then Cruz coming on strong in second and a cluster of socalled establishment candidates one of whom everyone still expects to emerge as the candidate to beat And perhaps that will happen as they predicted all along After all nobody has voted yet But that is a unique way to analyze a race in January of an election year If anyone but Cruz and Trump were in the number one and two position it would be assumed that they were the legitimate leaders and the race would be framed as a race between the two of them with some outside chance of a dark horse making a late move But because they are both in different ways extremists its assumed they both represent a minority faction and the mainstream Republicans will emerge as the majority But theres every reason to believe that in 2016 these two may actually represent most GOP voters while the Washington establishment types are the fringe If thats the case the establishment is going to have a big decision to make Do they back the hated Cruz to stop the loathsome Trump Or do they back the detestable Trump to stop the odious Cruz What a choice Early indications are that some DC insiders are still living in hope that one of the establishment types will break through butstill also harbor so much animositytoward Cruz thattheyll take the risk of Trump rather than accept him as their leaderBut they are in the minority Jeb Bush for instancerefused to saythat he would vote for Trump if he were to get the nomination More interestingly it looks as though some of the mainstream conservative pundits are starting to make peace with the idea that Cruz may end up as the establishment candidate by defaultRich Lowry made this case in Politicoby calling into question the conventional wisdom that Cruz is another Goldwater extremist who will necessarily go down in a massive general election defeat And instead of finding parallels to his aggressive ambition in the repellant Joseph McCarthy he compares him instead to another awkward unlikeable politician who nonetheless got millions of people to vote for him for president in one very close loss one very close win and one huge landslide Richard Nixon Obviously and most importantly Cruz is not a paranoiac He is more ideological than Nixon And he has none of Nixons insecurity in fact the opposite Nixon went to tiny Whittier College and resented the Northeastern elite Cruz went to Princeton and Harvard and could be a member of the Northeastern elite in good standing if he wanted to be But Cruz is cut from roughly similar cloth He wears his ambition on his sleeve and is not highly charismatic or relatable In high school he could have been voted most likely to be seen walking on the beach in his dress shoes If Cruz wins the nomination it will be on the strength of intelligence and willpower He will have outworked outsmarted and outmaneuvered everyone else He has a point Say what you will about Nixon and theres plenty to say he was a very smart politician In particular he overcame the political disability of having an extremely unpleasant personality to win the White House twice Ive written about Cruzs savvy strategy toappeal to the movement conservativesthe Carson evangelicalsandthe Paul libertarianshere at Salon And everyone knows hes killing Trump with kindnessin the hopes of attracting his angry xenophobes and nationalistsover to his campaign if Trump falters or they end up being the last two men standingHes got important billionaires in his pocket And now it appears that some of the Republican establishment is taking notice of his sharp political acumen and work ethic and are offering him the respect of recognizing that hes very good at what he does Thats the GOP coalition right there None of that means that Senator Ted Cruz is not a far right extremist He is But he is not just a canny politician hes also a lucky one After all without a maniac like Donald Trump being in the race its very unlikely hed be in the position he is today no matter how hard he worked or how well he organized And a smart and lucky extremist is a very dangerous one
Disgraced Hedge Fund Manager Focuses on Aiding BY PAUL SULLIVAN Sitting at the circular table in his office near an elliptical machine treadmill and massage table Steven A Cohen struggled to find words to describe what motivates his new philanthropic effort You know what I think it is I was looking for something unique special something that I could own said Mr Cohen the billionaire investor in an interview at his family office Point72 Asset Management It is in the same building as his former hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors which in 2013 paid 18 billion in fines to federal prosecutors and securities regulators I wanted to do something big he added I wanted to do something that was all mine That something is a twopronged initiative to help veterans who return from combat with posttraumatic stress or traumatic brain injuries and a separate nonprofit organization to do research into diagnostic tools and treatments for those conditions wwwnytimescom
Videos Evidence Reveals Possible Link Between Voting Machines And Clinton Foundation According to OpenSecrets the company who provided the alleged glitching voting machines is a subsidiary of The McCarthy Group a major donor to the Clinton Foundation October 28 2016 Be Sociable Share A technician works to prepare voting machines to be used in the upcoming presidential election in Philadelphia Friday Oct 14 2016 Could these connections be enough to implicate the Clinton Foundation in the alleged early vote rigging in Texas As usual the internet has come through as the ultimate watchdog while the supposed safeguards of our democracy have failed A Gab user by the name Special Prosecutor Will Logan has found some stunning information Note as Gab is a members only site youll have to join to see his actual posts but we included all pertinent information in the article Click to enlarge According to OpenSecrets the company who provided the alleged glitching voting machines is a subsidiary of The McCarthy Group The McCarthy group is a major donor to the Clinton Foundation apparently donating 200000 dollars in 2007 when it was the largest owner of United States voting machines Or perhaps the 200000 dollars went to paying Bill Clinton for speeches Either way it doesnt look good But theres more As the same user notes in this post Dominion Voting Systems and The Clinton Foundation did a 225 million dollar charity initiative in developing nations together called the DELIAN Project According to the projects own website In 2014 Dominion Voting committed to providing emerging and postconflict democracies with access to voting technology through its philanthropic support to the DELIAN Project as many emerging democracies suffer from postelectoral violence due to the delay in the publishing of election results Over the next three years Dominion Voting will support election technology pilots with donated Automated Voting Machines AVM providing an improved electoral process and therefore safer elections As a large number of election staff are women there will be an emphasis on training women who will be the first to benefit from the skills transfer training and use of AVMs It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election Of course this is all speculation and we are not making any claims of illegal activity by the Clinton Foundation However it presents a very troubling conflict of interest Most Americans would certainly agree that voting machines should have zero connection to presidential candidates and their foundations Consider the implications further abroad as well Could this DELIAN Project be designed to influence elections in developing nations It can certainly be argued that electronic voting machines do not in fact provide an improved electoral process or provide safer elections Again this is speculation This work by Planet Free Will is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike 40 International License
WASHINGTON Macys said Wednesday that the Trump menswear collection and the man behind the brand are no longer a good fit for its storesIn a statement the retailer denounced recent derogatory comments about Mexican immigrants made by real estate mogul and GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump saying that they have no tolerance for discrimination in any formWe welcome all customers and respect for the dignity of all people is a cornerstone of our culture the Cincinnatibased company said in a statement We are disappointed and distressed by recent remarks about immigrants from Mexico In light of statements made by Donald Trump we have decided to discontinue our business relationshipTrumps menswear collection which includes ties shirts suits and accessories has been sold at Macys since 2004Macys is the latest company to distance itself from Trump whos hoping to win the Republican presidential nomination NBC and Univision have already cut ties following the comments he made during his presidential announcement speech on June 16 in which he said people coming into the United States from Mexico are bringing drugs Theyre bringing crime Theyre rapists And some I assume are good peopleFollowing Macys announcement Trump fired back at both the retailer and NBC in a statement released on his Instagram account stating that he was the one who decided to cut ties with Macys and on TwitterClearly NBC and Macys support illegal immigration which is totally detrimental to the fabric of our one great country Trumps statement said Both Macys and NBC totally caved at the first sight of potential difficulty with professional agitators who are not looking out for the people they purport to represent but only for themselvesLater Trump tweeted a reminder that Macys last year paid a 650000 New York state fine to settle complaints including from a Treme cast member that store staffers racially profiled shoppers accused of stealingTrump overlooked the possibility the embarrassing fine might give Macys a stronger reason not to be associated with Trumps rhetoric about MexicansAnd in other Trump trouble his hotel organization confirmed to USA TODAY Wednesday that it is in the midst of an investigation concerning potential suspicious credit card activityTrumps statement on the end of his relationship with Macys echoes his claims that he chose to quit from NBC before they had even fired him according to The WrapThey wanted me to do The Apprentice said Trump And now with my statements on immigration which happen to be correct they are going to take a different stance and thats OKAs far as ending the relationship I have to do that because my view on immigration is much different than people at NBCNBC announced on Monday that it would no longer air Trumps Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants and would remove him as host of the reality show The ApprenticeDue to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr Trump the statement saidThe move came after Univision announced last week that it would no longer air Spanishlanguage versions of his pageants and Mexico separately announced it would no longer send a contestant to the Miss Universe contestAnd on Tuesday Miss USA cohost Cheryl Burke announced she was ending her relationship with TrumpI cannot in good conscience move forward with participating in this years Miss USA Pageant as its cohost Burke told USA TODAYOn Wednesday more signs of damage to Trumps myriad business interests appeared as musicians lined up to dump TrumpSinger Ricky Martin added to his criticism last week of Trumps remarks by hitting the Donald where it really hurts In his golfcourse empireMartin has cancelled plans to host his annual Ricky Martin Foundation charity golf tournament supporting efforts to end child trafficking at the Trump International Golf Club Rio Grande in Puerto Rico in an act of solidarity for basic human rights and in support of the LatinAmerican community according to a statement issued from his Puerto Rico office Instead the tournament will take place at the nearby Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort on August 21Meanwhile reps for Flo Rida said the rapper will no longer perform at the Miss USA pageant in Baton Rouge later this month He was followed out the pageants door by Country singer Craig Wayne Boyd winner of The Voice last year and pop singer Natalie La Rose who also pulled out No other performers for Miss USA had been announcedShakira too condemned Trump via Twitter This is a hateful and racist speech that attempts to divide a country that for years has promoted diversity and democracy she wrote linking to a video of Trumps presidential announcement speech No one living in this century should stand behind so much ignoranceAdding on to Trumps woes Ora TV a television company backed by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim said it was cancelling a project in development with TrumpAnd this could only be the beginning according to Larry Chiagouris a marketing professor at Pace Universitys Lubin School of BusinessWe are witnessing a jumping on the bandwagon by others who do not want to appear out of step with the trend to put distance between themselves and Donald Trump Chiagouris says
If humans were largely moral and ethical beings then globalization could be a workable proposition Unfortunately the dark behavioral narcissism expressed by compulsive greed and an infinite appetite for power seems to have become the guiding precept of our collective nightmare If only the desire to dominate others and have a lot more than them were not the prime motivations for the global elite on top of the human food chain we could all have our respective modest slice of happiness on this planet The Utopia of globalization through institutions such as the United Nations UN World Bank and International Monetary Fund IMF was supposed to eradicate the universal pestilence of war extreme poverty hunger and slavery using the might of the above supranational institutions to prevent the rise of socalled rogue nations usually ruled by dictatorsWorld order of chaos with misery for profitThe opportunity of this push for a supranational form of government has to be understood in the psychological context of a world traumatized by World War II Many public servants who had fought against the Nazis and their Japanese and Italian allies had genuinely the best intentions at heart when institutions like the UN were set up If some of the original ideas were good and moral to some extend a rot almost immediately contaminated and perverted most of the created institutions and quickly using the pretext of the Cold War allowed the birth of a monstrosity such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO The globalists have controlled and ultimately Wall Street has financed supranational government instances such as the UN IMF World Bank and a myriad of nongovernmental organization NGO little helpers Not only have these done nothing to curtail the manmade disasters of war climate change slavery and poverty but they have exacerbated them all for the sake of profitIn this Orwellian time of moral decay human misery is good for business In a globalization controlled by Wall Streets puppeteer sociopaths who believe they are the masters of the universe ordinary people everywhere have become canon fodder and slave labor They are not even collateral damage but human lubricant as viewed by the elite One can see that if they are not stopped immediately trade agreements like the TransPacific Partnership TPP and its TransAtlantic counterpart could seal the deal of the establishment of an atrocious world government controlled by a few thousands in complete disregard of not only national interest but also cultural diversityLook what happened to Detroit Michigan and countless other manufacturing towns in the United States that are all collateral damage of Bill Clintons North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA The massive trade agreements in the works to be put in place by the globalists if they remain in power are intended to annihilate any form of economic or political independence from the signatory countries and to scatter their populations to the wind as in the case in the globalistcontrolled demolition of the Middle East in Iraq Libya and Syria Displaced and disenfranchised populations are beaten into submission and used as docile worker beesDrastic action or hell on earthIf we let the globalists complete their worldwide coup already in progress then all sovereignty would be lost and most of the worlds population would become slavewage laborers at the mercy of the global corporate empire Countries with a diversified agriculture would be turned into onecrop wastelands to ensure that most of the food supply has to be imported Pseudo local governments would merely officiate as the slave drivers for the global elite This must be stopped at all cost and undone by all means necessary If we allow this final coup by the geriatric psychopaths at the top of the current world order thousands of years of our rich human experience would be wiped out Like poorly made cheap electronic products the cultural garbage of the lowest common denominator empire would flood the world This cultural homogenization would affect primarily the information available to people Since dissent is impossible without correct information and critical thought the globalists want their propaganda to become the only source of information With the UN the World Bank and the IMF the political and economic framework financed by a worldwide network of banksters is already in place Influential nations on paper like France and the United Kingdom which are still officially full fledged members of the UN Security Council have de facto abdicated their sovereignty to become vassals and secondary enforcers of the globalist plan We are at the edge of an existential threat of greater magnitude than ever before in human historyThe semantics of deceptionMachiavelli is known for his cynical view of political power however the advice the author of The Prince gave to the powerful of his time seems innocent by comparison to the depravity of todays puppet masters Words and ideas are gutted of their meaning to signify most of the time the exact opposite For example globalist eminence grise George Soros Open Society Foundation is an opaque giant NGO with more than 100 offshoots worldwide by its own admission but its tentacles are in reality more far reaching The recent publications of Wikileaks in the voluminous Podesta email files have been a revelation of the extent of deception victimizing United States citizens John Podesta may be viewed as a Soros righthand man in the US in charge of delivering the returns for the globalists investments in the US elections The connection between the two men is not only obvious but also official considering that Soros financed Podestas socalled Center for American Progress the fake left equivalent of the neocon think tanks The term progress is a lure that signifies power just like Soros open society is in reality an exclusive club as tight as oysters reserved only for Soros chosen associates to savor What is apparent from the email treasure trove is that Podestas job is really to supervise Hillary Clinton on behalf of Soros In this context the expression leader of the free world to describe the US president becomes a lie The current world order of the globalists is anything but free and one applicant for the job Hillary Clinton is not a queen on the chessboard but a pawnAxis of resistance Russia China and Iran and lessons from Haitis revolutionOne could ask isnt this psychopathic globalist coup of financiers well on its way Isnt it a done deal and how can we resist and salvage anything The examples of Russia China and Iran prove that as national entities we still can Germany Japan and South Korea could reclaim their independence and kick out their US occupation France and the UK could stop being submissive nations and get out of NATO That would be a start The path of war rhetoric expressed by the globalist mouthpieces of the West against Russia Iran and to a lesser extent China has to do with the national resistance of these three countries The citizenry of Europe and North America should understand that if such unprecedented conflicts occur all countries will be on the front line and there is more than enough fire power on each side to ensure massive destruction and no winning side Russia China and Iran are the last national obstacles to the globalist coup and perhaps we are heading back to a bipolar twoblock world order similar to the Cold War era Other options including the dismantlement or at least the curtailment of supranational organizations such as the UN World Bank and IMF would surely be the side effects of what appears to be in many countries a revival of nationalism The final plan of the globalists would be atrocious for all of us Waving the white flag is not an option At this critical time of our history and before our collective enslavement we should all emulate the brave Haitian slaves who beat not one but three empires 212 years ago Haitians were only the last ones to prove that it can be done it must be redone Gilbert Mercier is the editor in chief of News Junkie Post and the author of The Orwellian Empire
After a twoday botched rollout of his grand vicepresidential reveal Donald Trump barely shared a stage with Mike Pence on Saturday morningOn Saturday morning in the Hilton hotel in midtown Manhattan The Rolling Stones You Cant Always Get What You Want reverberated in the hall symbolically announcing the new union of Donald Trump and his veep pick Indiana Governor Mike PenceAfter a whirlwind 48 hours in which the news of Pences pick leaked and Trump reportedly waffled on the choice so much that he was making midnight calls on Thursday night to try to find an escape hatch the two menopposites in most qualitative respectsbriefly shared the limelight behind a podium emblazoned only with Trumps nameAs the Indiana governor looked on from the side of the stage the presumptive Republican nominee devoted much of his address to bashing Crooked Hillary Clinton and weighing in on recent global conflicts including the attempted military coup in Turkey on FridayGreat people amazing people Trump said of the Turks switching back and forth from prepared remarks to his usual riffing We wish them well A lot of anguish last night but hopefully itll all work outA day after the Trump campaign scrapped the initial scheduled rollout for his vice presidential pickwhich was ultimately unceremoniously announced on Twitterthey quickly pulled together an event at the same location where Ronald Reagan announced his 1980 presidential bid with all the pomp and circumstance of a man meeting a mailorder spouseIndiana Governor Mike Pence was my first choice Trump said despite the fact that he reportedly struggled to choose between an establishmentpleasing pick pushed by campaign chairman Paul Manafort and two men with whom hes had better rapport Newt Gingrich and New Jersey Governor Chris ChristieMuch of Saturdays speech a rollout that was accompanied by a website redesign to include Pences face and a new logoreplacing a suggestive image that was mocked on social media on Fridaysounded like any other Trump addressHillary Clinton is the embodiment of corruption Trump said before suggesting that she got away with murder for not being charged after an investigation into her use of a private email server He dropped typically braggadocious lines like I was the one that predicted it in reference to Brexit before seemingly remembering that Pence was supposed to be the man of the hourBack to Mike Pence hed interject before beginning to discuss his success in the Republican primary again I dominated with evangelicals Trump conceded that one of the reasons Pence was selected was for party unity before adding he looks really goodWhen he finally called Pence to the stage the two men shared a brief handshake before Trump waltzed off and gave the governor the floorchoosing not to stand beside him for a visual representation of the Republican ticketIm a Christian a conservative and a Republican in that order Pence said to applause in the room The Indiana governors address and policy positionswhich include much more conservative opinions on LGBT rights and abortionwere intended to assuage onthefence Republicans who cant fathom a former reality television star being the standardbearer of their partyHe told the crowd that Trump had called him with the decision on Wednesday night which runs counter to the narrative Trump himself presented to the media in various interviews on Thursday during which time he proclaimed he hadnt made his final final decisionThe tenuous relationship of the two men has developed over the past two months since Pence made a lessthanenthusiastic endorsement of Senator Ted Cruz ahead of the Indiana primary today Trump said that endorsement was essentially one for himTheir policy differences have played out on Trumps favorite form of social media with the Indiana governor tweeting his support of the Trans Pacific Partnership in 2014 something that the real estate mogul is adamantly againstIn December 2015 Pence tweeted Calls to ban Muslims from entering the US are offensive and unconstitutional in response to an initial proposal from Trump that the United States place a temporary ban on Muslims coming to the country after the attack in San BernardinoBut on Friday during his first interview as Trumps vice presidential pick Pence told Sean Hannity that he is very supportive of Donald Trumps call to temporarily suspend immigration from countries where terrorist influence and impact represents a threat to the United States a more recent iteration of the proposed banBefore the two men appear together once again at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week the governor is returning to Zionsville Indiana on Saturday for what is billed as a Welcome Home Rally according to the Trump campaign