The lungs are clear. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The heart is not significantly enlarged. There are atherosclerotic changes of the aorta. Arthritic changes of the skeletal structures are noted.
No acute pulmonary disease.
Bullous Emphysema/lung/apex/bilateral;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/multiple/mild
Bullous Emphysema;Thoracic Vertebrae
Cardiomediastinal silhouette are normal in size and contour. Again demonstrated are biapical bullous emphysematous changes. No focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. Mild multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. 2. Stable bullous emphysematous changes.
Breast Implants/bilateral
Breast Implants
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are grossly clear. Bilateral breast prostheses are noted.
No acute disease.
Calcified Granuloma/lung/middle lobe
Calcified Granuloma
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. Negative for focal consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Middle lobe calcified granulomas. Normal XXXX.
Negative for acute abnormality.
There are lower lung volumes. There is central bronchovascular crowding. Volume loss in the medial right upper lobe seen on XXXX is not as well-demonstrated on radiography. No lobar consolidation. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
No acute abnormality identified.
The heart and mediastinal silhouettes are within normal limits. The lungs are clear without focal airspace opacity, large effusion, or pneumothorax. The XXXX are grossly intact. Interval removal of right PICC. Persistent elevation of the left hemidiaphragm.
No acute visualized cardiopulmonary abnormality.
No pneumothorax, pleural effusion or airspace consolidation. Heart size and pulmonary vasculature appear within normal limits. XXXX XXXX are intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Granulomatous Disease;Spondylosis/thoracic vertebrae
Granulomatous Disease;Spondylosis
Cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. Prior granulomatous disease. The lungs are clear. Thoracic spondylosis.
No acute findings.
Heart size within normal limits. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. No typical findings of pulmonary edema. No pneumothorax.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings
No acute osseous abnormality. Soft tissues are within normal limits. Borderline enlargement of the heart. Normal hilar vasculature. No focal area of consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax.
1. No acute radiographic cardiopulmonary process.
Heart and mediastinum are at the upper limits of normal size. There is no focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or large pleural effusion. There is no acute, displaced rib fracture. Bony structures are unremarkable.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for size and contour. The lungs are normally inflated without evidence of focal airspace disease, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. No acute bone abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary process. No evidence of active tuberculosis.
No large pleural effusions. No pneumothorax. No focal airspace opacities. Heart size is normal.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Lung/hilum/left/prominent/mild;Lucency/thorax/scattered/multiple;Emphysema;Calcified Granuloma/bilateral/scattered/multiple;Hernia, Hiatal/large
Lung;Lucency;Emphysema;Calcified Granuloma;Hernia, Hiatal
The heart is normal in size. Mild fullness of the left hilum, small interval change from prior exam. Lucencies throughout the chest XXXX representing emphysematous change. Scattered bilateral calcified granulomas. No pneumothorax. Large hiatal hernia, increased from prior exam.
1. Increased left hilar fullness. This may represent superimposed XXXX, adenopathy cannot be excluded on this exam. If there is clinical concern, suggest reference to prior exam or CT chest. 2. Large hiatal hernia, increased in size from prior exam.
Lung/hyperdistention;Diaphragm/bilateral/flattened;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/multiple;Emphysema
Lung;Diaphragm;Thoracic Vertebrae;Emphysema
The heart size and cardiomediastinal silhouette are normal. There is hyperexpansion of the lungs with flattening of the hemidiaphragms. There is no focal airspace opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. There multilevel degenerative changes of thoracic spine.
Emphysema, however no acute cardiopulmonary finding.
Cicatrix/lung/apex/bilateral;Calcified Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/left/small
Cicatrix;Calcified Granuloma
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. There is again biapical scarring. Small stable calcified left lower lobe granuloma. The lungs are otherwise clear.
No acute disease.
Heart size, cardiomediastinal silhouette, and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits. There are no infiltrates, effusions, or pneumothorax.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Scoliosis/thoracic vertebrae/right/mild
Cardiac and mediastinal XXXX appear normal. No visible pneumothorax, focal airspace opacity, or pleural effusion is seen. No visible free air under the diaphragm. The osseous structures appear intact. There is a mild dextro scoliotic curvature of the midthoracic spine.
No acute radiographic cardiopulmonary process. .
Scoliosis/thoracic vertebrae/right/moderate
2 images. Moderate thoracic dextroscoliosis, similar to prior imaging. Heart size is normal. No focal airspace consolidation is seen within the lungs. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
No acute changes from prior imaging.
Opacity/lung/hilum/right;Nodule/lung/upper lobe/hilum/right
Size is normal limits. Cardiomediastinal silhouette has normal contour. There is a vague opacity in the right infrahilar region. There is also a 5 mm well circumscribed nodule in the right upper lung XXXX. It is not well visualized on lateral view.
1. Right perihilar lung nodule. Recommend CT thorax with contrast to further assess. Dr. XXXX XXXX the findings XXXX.
Opacity/lung/bilateral/interstitial/diffuse;Pulmonary Congestion;Pulmonary Edema/interstitial
Opacity;Pulmonary Congestion;Pulmonary Edema
Diffuse, right greater than left, interstitial opacities. Central vascular congestion. No pneumothorax or focal consolidation. No pleural effusion. Heart size normal.
Bilateral interstitial opacities and central vascular congestion XXXX interstitial edema.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear.
No acute disease.
Opacity/retrocardiac/mild;Infiltrate/lung/lower lobe/right/patchy;Infiltrate/lung/base/left
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. There is patchy infiltrate within normal right lower lobe. Mild XXXX opacities in the retrocardiac region. No large effusions or pneumothorax.
Patchy right lower lobe infiltrate as well as probable left basilar infiltrate versus atelectasis.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for appearance. No focal areas of pulmonary consolidation. No pneumothorax. No pleural effusion. The thoracic spine appears intact.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary process.
Cardiomegaly/mild;Calcified Granuloma/lung/base/right;Spine/degenerative/mild;Markings/lung/interstitial/chronic
Cardiomegaly;Calcified Granuloma;Spine;Markings
Heart size is mildly enlarged. The pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia. There is a calcified granuloma in the right lung base. There are mild degenerative changes of the spine. There are some chronic increased interstitial markings noted.
Cardiomegaly without superimposed acute disease identified.
Cardiomegaly;Scoliosis/lumbar vertebrae/right/mild;Scoliosis/thoracic vertebrae/right/mild;Opacity/lung/base/left;Pulmonary Fibrosis/base/left;Cicatrix/lung/base/left
Cardiomegaly;Scoliosis;Scoliosis;Opacity;Pulmonary Fibrosis;Cicatrix
Compared to prior examination from XXXX, there has been extubation and removal of central line and enteric tube. Stable cardiomegaly and mild thoracolumbar dextroscoliosis. Left basilar opacity XXXX represents chronic fibrosis/scar. No focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or effusion. No acute osseous abnormality.
Stable cardiomegaly without acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
No focal consolidation. No visualized pneumothorax. No pleural effusions. Heart size normal. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Cardiomegaly/moderate;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Cardiomegaly;Thoracic Vertebrae
There is moderate cardiomegaly. No interstitial edema or pleural effusion. No focal airspace consolidation. No pneumothorax. There is mild degenerative disc disease of the thoracic spine.
1. Cardiomegaly without radiographic evidence of heart failure. 2. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Cardiomegaly/severe;Pulmonary Congestion;Hypertension, Pulmonary;Opacity/lung/base/left;Costophrenic Angle/left/blunted;Spine/degenerative/mild
Cardiomegaly;Pulmonary Congestion;Hypertension, Pulmonary;Opacity;Costophrenic Angle;Spine
The heart size is moderate to severely enlarged. There is prominence of the central pulmonary XXXX suggesting pulmonary artery hypertension. There has been removal of the right-sided PICC line. There is persistent left basilar airspace opacity with left costophrenic XXXX blunting which is not evident on the lateral exam. There are mild degenerative changes of the spine. There is no pneumothorax.
Moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly with probable pulmonary artery hypertension. Persistent left basilar opacity without significant effusion.
Heart size and mediastinal contour within normal limits. No focal airspace consolidation, pneumothorax, or large pleural effusion. No acute osseous abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Lung/hypoinflation;Opacity/lung/base/left/mild;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/left/mild;Infiltrate/lung/base/left/mild
Lung;Opacity;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Infiltrate
Normal cardiomediastinal contours. Low lung volumes with minimal left basilar opacities. No pneumothorax or pleural effusions.
Minimal left basilar atelectasis versus infiltrate. Low lung volumes.
Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory ;Markings/lung/interstitial/chronic;Opacity/lung/middle lobe/right;Cicatrix/lung/middle lobe/right;Pleural Effusion/middle lobe/right/small;Thickening/pleura/middle lobe/right/small;Lung, Hyperlucent;Emphysema
Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory ;Markings;Opacity;Cicatrix;Pleural Effusion;Thickening;Lung, Hyperlucent;Emphysema
Evaluation is limited due to obscuration by the patient's arm on the lateral view. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits of size and appearance. Pulmonary vascular is unremarkable. XXXX are chronic, coarse interstitial lung markings. Peripheral opacity along the right mid lung XXXX reflects scar or a small amount of loculated pleural fluid or thickening. Otherwise negative for focal airspace disease or consolidation. Hyperlucent lungs with apical XXXX. Negative for pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Limited evaluation reveals the XXXX XXXX to be grossly intact.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. 2. Emphysema.
Heart size within normal limits, stable mediastinal and hilar contours. No focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. Bronchovascular crowding without typical findings of pulmonary edema.
No acute findings
Hernia, Hiatal/retrocardiac/large;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/left
Hernia, Hiatal;Pulmonary Atelectasis
[<Heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits. There is a large hiatal hernia seen projecting in the retrocardiac region. This is XXXX from prior examination. There is associated atelectasis in the left lung base. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified.
1. XXXX large hiatal hernia. 2. Left base atelectasis.
Heart size within normal limits. Trachea is midline. The lung volumes are is somewhat low. Both lungs are otherwise clear bilaterally. No pleural effusion. No pulmonary nodules visualized.
No pulmonary nodules. Negative chest.
Heart size and mediastinal contours appear within normal limits. Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. No focal consolidation, suspicious pulmonary opacity, pneumothorax or definite pleural effusion. Visualized osseous structures appear intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Opacity/lung/base/left;Atherosclerosis;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative
Opacity;Atherosclerosis;Thoracic Vertebrae
Vague increased opacity which appears to be within the left lower lobe. Question of this could be developing or resolving pneumonia. Lungs are otherwise clear. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. heart and mediastinum are stable normal size heart. Atherosclerotic vascular disease. Degenerative changes in the thoracic spine.
Vague opacity at the left lung base which appears to be within the left lower lobe. This may represent resolving or developing pneumonia given the patient's history.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear.
No acute disease.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vasculature are within normal limits in size. The lungs are clear of focal airspace disease, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion. There are no acute bony findings.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings. .
Lung/hypoinflation;Pleural Effusion/bilateral/small
Lung;Pleural Effusion
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are hypoinflated. Small bilateral pleural effusions are seen.
Small bilateral pleural effusions.
Calcified Granuloma/lung/middle lobe/left
Calcified Granuloma
The lungs are clear. A calcified granuloma is seen in the left midlung zone. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The heart and mediastinum are normal. The skeletal structures are normal.
No acute pulmonary disease.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. XXXX scarring and emphysematous changes noted. The lungs are grossly clear.
No acute disease.
Lungs are clear bilaterally. There is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothoraces. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. XXXX are unremarkable.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Lung/hyperdistention;Pulmonary Emphysema;Calcinosis/lymph nodes;Calcified Granuloma
Lung;Pulmonary Emphysema;Calcinosis;Calcified Granuloma
The heart size and pulmonary vascular appear within normal limits. The lungs appear hyperexpanded consistent with emphysema. Calcified lymph XXXX and granuloma are noted. No acute appearing focal airspace disease is seen. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is noted.
1. Hyperexpanded lungs consistent with emphysema. No evidence of active disease.
Cardiomegaly;Markings/lung/interstitial/prominent;Pleural Effusion/base/left/small;Catheters, Indwelling
Cardiomegaly;Markings;Pleural Effusion;Catheters, Indwelling
Stable cardiomegaly and mediastinal contour. Increased interstitial lung markings are seen, possibly due to volume overload. There is improved aeration of the lung bases with small residual left basilar effusion. No XXXX focal consolidation or pneumothorax. Stable tunneled dialysis catheter. Visualized osseous structures appear intact.
Stable cardiomegaly. Improved aeration of lung bases with persistent left basilar effusion. Prominent interstitium, possibly due to mild volume overload. .
Pleural Effusion/right/moderate;Pleural Effusion/left/small;Deformity/abdomen
Pleural Effusion;Pleural Effusion;Deformity
There is a moderate sized right pleural effusion. Severe slightly smaller than is compared to XXXX. There is a small left pleural effusion. This is unchanged as compared to the prior study. There is a right chest wall venous XXXX XXXX which appears accessed. No pneumothorax. Scaphoid abdomen.
1. Moderate sized right pleural effusion appears smaller than the prior study. 2. Small left pleural effusion appears unchanged.
No Indexing
No Indexing
The heart and lungs have XXXX XXXX in the interval. Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
No active disease.
Heart size is normal. The lungs are clear. There are no focal air space consolidations. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. The hilar and mediastinal contours are normal. Normal pulmonary vascularity.
No acute abnormality.
Heart size within normal limits. No focal airspace disease. No pneumothorax or effusions.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Diaphragm/right/elevated;Spine/degenerative;Catheters, Indwelling/right
Diaphragm;Spine;Catheters, Indwelling
The heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. Right hemidiaphragm remains elevated. No pleural effusion is seen. No pneumothorax is identified. No discrete nodules or adenopathy are noted. Degenerative changes are present in the spine. Right XXXX-a-XXXX has been inserted since the previous study. The tip projects over the lower superior XXXX XXXX.
1. No evidence of active disease.
Density/right/paratracheal;Atherosclerosis/aorta;Spine/degenerative/mild;Surgical Instruments/breast/left;Diaphragmatic Eventration/mild
Density;Atherosclerosis;Spine;Surgical Instruments;Diaphragmatic Eventration
The lungs are clear. There is no focal airspace consolidation. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Heart size is within normal limits. Right paratracheal density is stable from prior radiographs and may reflect tortuous vasculature. There is aortic atherosclerotic vascular calcification. There are mild degenerative changes of the spine. Surgical clips are noted in the region of the left breast. There is mild diaphragm eventration.
No evidence of active disease.
The XXXX examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. The cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limits. Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax identified. The visualized osseous structures and upper abdomen are unremarkable.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality identified.
Medical Device;Opacity/scattered/round/multiple;Calcified Granuloma/scattered/round/multiple;Granulomatous Disease
Medical Device;Opacity;Calcified Granuloma;Granulomatous Disease
Frontal and lateral views of the chest with overlying external cardiac monitor leads show normal size and configuration of the cardiac silhouette. There are scattered nodular opacities, XXXX calcified granulomas. No XXXX focal airspace consolidation or pleural effusion.
No acute or active cardiac, pulmonary or pleural disease. Probable previous granulomatous disease.
Calcified Granuloma/bilateral/scattered/multiple
Calcified Granuloma
The heart size and mediastinal contours appear within normal limits. No focal airspace consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Scattered calcified granulomas bilaterally. No acute bony abnormalities.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for size and contour. The lungs are normally inflated without evidence of focal airspace disease, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. No acute osseus abnormality.
No acute cardiopulmonary process.
The trachea is midline. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal and unchanged compared to prior examination. Lungs are clear, without evidence of acute infiltrate or effusion. There is no pneumothorax. The visualized bony structures reveal no acute abnormalities.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
Lung/bilateral/hypoinflation;Opacity/lung/base/bilateral;Costophrenic Angle/sulcus/bilateral/blunted;Implanted Medical Device/left;Cardiomegaly;Spine/degenerative;Airspace Disease/lung/base/bilateral;Pleural Effusion/bilateral
Lung;Opacity;Costophrenic Angle;Implanted Medical Device;Cardiomegaly;Spine;Airspace Disease;Pleural Effusion
Low lung volumes bilaterally with bibasilar airspace opacities, right greater than left. There is blunting of the bilateral costophrenic sulci. Cardiac device overlies left chest, leads intact, tips overlying right atrium and right ventricle. No pneumothorax. Cardiomegaly. Degenerative changes of the spine.
Cardiomegaly with bibasilar airspace disease and bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left. .
Foreign Bodies/thorax/left/small;Calcinosis/aorta;Spine/degenerative/mild
Foreign Bodies;Calcinosis;Spine
The heart, pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia. There is a small stable XXXX foreign body noted over the left chest. There are vascular calcifications over the aortic XXXX. There are mild degenerative changes of the spine.
No acute cardiopulmonary disease.
Heart size normal. Lungs are clear. XXXX are normal. No pneumonia, effusions, edema, pneumothorax, adenopathy, nodules or masses.
Normal chest
Heart is mildly enlarged stable. Mediastinal contour is normal. Pulmonary vascularity is normal. Lungs are hyperexpanded but clear. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces.
1. Stable mild cardiomegaly. 2. Hyperexpanded but clear lungs.
Diffuse bilateral coarse interstitial markings are unchanged. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothoraces. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Degenerative changes of the shoulder. Soft tissues are unremarkable..
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. .
Aorta/tortuous;Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/severe;Lumbar Vertebrae/degenerative/severe;Deformity/thoracic vertebrae/anterior/mild;Lung/azygos lobe
Aorta;Thoracic Vertebrae;Lumbar Vertebrae;Deformity;Lung
Heart size within normal limits. Tortuous aorta. There is an accessory azygos fissure in the right upper lung. No focal air space consolidations are noted. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. There is severe degenerative change at the thoracolumbar junction with mild anterior wedging at approximately T12.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits in overall size and appearance. Central vascular markings are symmetric and within normal limits. The lungs are normally inflated with no focal airspace disease, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. No acute bony abnormality. Stable scarring in the right lung apex.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary process.
The lungs and pleural spaces show no acute abnormality. Heart size and pulmonary vascularity within normal limits. .
1. No acute pulmonary abnormality.
There are no focal areas of consolidation. No suspicious pulmonary opacities. Heart size within normal limits. No pleural effusions. There is no evidence of pneumothorax. Osseous structures are intact.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
Calcified Granuloma/lung/lower lobe/left;Calcinosis/lung/lower lobe/left;Nodule/lung/lower lobe/left;Hernia, Hiatal/moderate;Calcinosis/mediastinum/lymph nodes/left
Calcified Granuloma;Calcinosis;Nodule;Hernia, Hiatal;Calcinosis
There is a 22 x 14 mm calcified nodule in the left lower lobe. A moderate hiatal hernia is present. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. Pulmonary vasculature and XXXX are normal. No consolidation, pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. Osseous structures and soft tissues are normal.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary disease. 2. Calcified left paraesophageal versus intrapulmonary lymph node. 3. Moderate hiatus hernia.
Normal heart size and mediastinal contours. The lungs are clear. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. No acute bony abnormalities.
No acute cardiopulmonary process. No obvious rib fractures. .
No focal consolidation. No visualized pneumothorax. No large pleural effusions. The heart size and cardiomediastinal silhouette are grossly unremarkable.
1. No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are hypoinflated but clear.
No acute disease.
Stable scarring near the right lung apex along the lateral aspect. Lungs are otherwise clear. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour. Degenerative changes in the spine.
Stable appearance of the chest without acute abnormality noted.
Granulomatous Disease;Spine/degenerative
Granulomatous Disease;Spine
Sequelae of old granulomatous disease is again noted. Lungs are clear without focal air space disease. No pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. Heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour. Degenerative changes in the spine.
Clear lungs.
Diaphragm/right/elevated/mild;Opacity/lung/lower lobe/bilateral/patchy;Calcinosis/aorta;Aorta/tortuous;Scoliosis;Arthritis;Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive
Diaphragm;Opacity;Calcinosis;Aorta;Scoliosis;Arthritis;Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive
There is persistent mild elevation right hemidiaphragm. There is suggestion of subtle patchy opacities in lower lung XXXX bilaterally. This is XXXX to be similar to XXXX scan. The heart is normal. The aorta is calcified and tortuous. The skeletal structures show scoliosis and arthritic changes.
COPD and chronic opacities more pronounced in the lower lung XXXX.
Diaphragm/left/obscured;Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory ;Airspace Disease/lung/base/left
Diaphragm;Technical Quality of Image Unsatisfactory ;Airspace Disease
There is obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm, suggesting left retrocardiac airspace disease. This is not identified in the lateral view, which is limited by rotation. No evidence for effusion.
Left basilar airspace disease. Recommend follow up chest x-XXXX to document resolution XXXX for better characterization.
Costophrenic Angle/right/blunted;Pleural Effusion/right/large;Infiltrate/lung/lower lobe/left/patchy
Costophrenic Angle;Pleural Effusion;Infiltrate
Right costophrenic XXXX is blunted. In the left lower lobe a patchy infiltrate is present. The pulmonary XXXX are normal.
Large right pleural effusion and patchy left lower lobe airspace disease.
Low lung volumes with bronchovascular crowding. Otherwise, no focal alveolar consolidation, no definite pleural effusion seen. A dense nodule in the right base suggest a previous granulomatous process. Heart size within normal limits, bronchovascular crowding without typical findings of pulmonary edema.
Low lung volumes with no definite acute findings.
Lung/hypoinflation;Costophrenic Angle/blunted
Lung;Costophrenic Angle
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are hypoinflated with blunted costophrenic XXXX. No focal consolidation is seen.
No acute infiltrate.
The lungs are clear, and without focal airspace opacity. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour, and stable. There is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
The lungs are clear. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
Negative chest .
Spondylosis/thoracic vertebrae;Scoliosis/right/mild
The cardiac contours are normal. The lungs are clear. Thoracic spondylosis. Mild dextrocurvature the spine.
No acute process.
Pleural Effusion/bilateral;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/bilateral;Markings/lung/base/bilateral;Pulmonary Edema/interstitial/mild
Pleural Effusion;Pulmonary Atelectasis;Markings;Pulmonary Edema
The XXXX examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. Again seen is evidence of prior CABG. The cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged. XXXX XXXX right and XXXX left pleural effusions. There is XXXX right greater than left bibasilar atelectasis. XXXX B-lines seen at the lung bases. No consolidation or pneumothorax.
XXXX XXXX bilateral pleural effusions, right larger than left. Early interstitial show pulmonary edema.
Cardiomegaly/severe;Implanted Medical Device/left;Pulmonary Congestion/mild;Pericardial Effusion
Cardiomegaly;Implanted Medical Device;Pulmonary Congestion;Pericardial Effusion
Stable marked cardiomegaly. Cardiac XXXX generator projects over the left mid hemithorax with a XXXX terminating in the right ventricle. No focal airspace disease. Mild central pulmonary vascular congestion. The heart has the same configuration as seen previously with a pericardial effusion on an abdominal CT in XXXX.
Cardiomegaly with central pulmonary vascular congestion and no acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Thoracic Vertebrae/degenerative/mild
Thoracic Vertebrae
Heart size within normal limits. Negative for focal pulmonary consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. Mild degenerative changes thoracic spine.
No acute abnormality.
Cardiomegaly/mild;Hernia, Hiatal/moderate;Spine/degenerative/mild
Cardiomegaly;Hernia, Hiatal;Spine
The heart size is mildly enlarged. The pulmonary XXXX and mediastinum are within normal limits. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. There is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia. There is a moderate sized hiatal hernia. There mild degenerative changes of the spine.
Cardiomegaly and hiatal hernia without an acute abnormality identified.
Cardiomegaly;Pulmonary Congestion;Opacity/lung/interstitial;Pleural Effusion/bilateral/small
Cardiomegaly;Pulmonary Congestion;Opacity;Pleural Effusion
AP and lateral view of the chest.
1. Cardiomegaly with central vascular congestion and increased interstitial opacities suggesting mild interstitial pulmonary edema. 2. Small bilateral pleural effusions. 3. No visible pneumothorax.
Cardiac and mediastinal XXXX appear normal. No visible pneumothorax, focal airspace opacity, or pleural effusion is seen. No visible free air under the diaphragm. The osseous structures appear intact.
No acute radiographic cardiopulmonary process. .
Cardiomegaly/moderate;Pleural Effusion/left/small;Thickening/pleura/left;Opacity/lung/base/bilateral/patchy/streaky;Costophrenic Angle/left/blunted/mild;Diaphragmatic Eventration/right
Cardiomegaly;Pleural Effusion;Thickening;Opacity;Costophrenic Angle;Diaphragmatic Eventration
Heart size moderately enlarged. Mild left costophrenic XXXX blunting. Streaky and patchy bibasilar opacities, left greater than right. Right hemidiaphragm eventration noted. No typical findings of pulmonary edema.
1. Cardiomegaly and small left pleural effusion versus pleural thickening 2. Streaky and patchy bibasilar opacities may be compatible with atelectasis versus consolidation, aspiration, clinical correlation recommended
Low lung volumes. Heart size normal. No focal airspace consolidations. No pneumothorax or effusions.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
Costophrenic Angle/bilateral/blunted;Pleural Effusion/bilateral/large
Costophrenic Angle;Pleural Effusion
One XXXX are low. Both costophrenic XXXX are blunted. Pulmonary XXXX are normal. No visible infiltrates in the aerated lungs.
Bilateral large pleural effusion, possibly from pleuritis or sympathetic from the known pancreatitis.
Opacity/lung/base/bilateral/multiple;Fractures, Bone/clavicle/right;Airspace Disease/lung/base/bilateral/mild;Pulmonary Atelectasis/base/bilateral/mild
Opacity;Fractures, Bone;Airspace Disease;Pulmonary Atelectasis
The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. There are a few XXXX opacities in the lung bases bilaterally. No definitive pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Displaced fracture of the mid one-third of the right clavicle.
1. Previously identified small right pneumothorax is not visualized on today's exam. 2. Minimal bibasilar atelectasis/airspace disease.
There are low lung volumes. Cardiac silhouette and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. There is no focal opacity. There is no large pleural effusion. There is no pneumothorax.
Low lung volumes without acute cardiopulmonary disease.
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are clear.
No acute disease.
Normal heart size. Mild unfolding and atherosclerotic calcification of the aorta. No focal air space consolidation. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Visualized bony structures are unremarkable in appearance.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
The heart is normal in size and contour. The lungs are clear, without evidence of infiltrate. There is no pneumothorax or effusion.
No acute cardiopulmonary disease.
The lungs are clear bilaterally. Specifically, no evidence of focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.. Cardio mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality. Specifically, no evidence of rib fractures.
No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality..
The heart is normal in size. The mediastinum is unremarkable. The lungs are slightly hypoinflated but clear. There is no pleural effusion.
No acute disease.
The cardiomediastinal silhouette and vasculature are within normal limits for size and contour. Lungs are hyperexpanded without focal airspace consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax.. Degenerative endplate changes of the spine..
1. No acute radiographic cardiopulmonary process.
Both lungs are clear and expanded. Heart and mediastinum normal.
No active disease..
Heart size is within normal limits. No focal airspace consolidations. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.
No acute cardiopulmonary findings.
The lungs are clear. Heart size is normal. No pneumothorax. There are endplate changes within the spine.
Clear lungs. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. .
Cardiomegaly/mild;Granulomatous Disease;Spine/degenerative;Implanted Medical Device/heart
Cardiomegaly;Granulomatous Disease;Spine;Implanted Medical Device
Heart is mildly enlarged but stable. Pulmonary vascularity is normal. The patient is status post valve replacement. XXXX sternotomy XXXX intact. No focal airspace disease or effusion. Residuals of prior granulomatous infection. Degenerative change of the spine. No pneumothorax.
1. Stable cardiomegaly without evidence for acute pulmonary process.

Dataset Card for "Medical_reports_Splits"

Orignal Source Kaggle Source Chest X-rays (Indiana University)

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