{ "en": "Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot (Dimension)", "me": "OPASNE IGRE Pilot epizoda" }
{ "en": "Blood, half naked, wandering the streets at 7:00 A.M.", "me": "Krvava, polugola, luta ulicama u sedam ujutro." }
{ "en": "Just your type.", "me": "Tvoj tip." }
{ "en": "You get a name?", "me": "Imamo li ime?" }
{ "en": "She's not responsive.", "me": "Ne odgovara." }
{ "en": "All we found on her was this.", "me": "Našli smo samo ovo." }
{ "en": "\"Hollis M. Nye, attorney-at-law.\"", "me": "\"Holis M. Naj, advokat. \"" }
{ "en": "The rest is a mess.", "me": "Ostalo se ne vidi." }
{ "en": "I guess we know her lawyer.", "me": "- Izgleda da joj znamo advokata." }
{ "en": "Or her John.", "me": "- Ili klijenta." }
{ "en": "Or both.", "me": "- Ili oboje" }
{ "en": "You want to get her some clothes?", "me": "Želiš li da joj daš neku odjeću?" }
{ "en": "Who the hell are you, sweetheart?", "me": "Ko si ti dođavola, dušo?" }
{ "en": "Ellen, I think you'll find our offer more than fair for someone just out of law school.", "me": "Elen, mislimo da je ponuda više nego poštena za nekoga ko je upravo završio školovanje." }
{ "en": "6 MONTHS EARLlER We'd like to bring you in as a junior associate, five years guaranteed with a starting salary of...", "me": "6 MJESECI RANIJE Želimo da budeš mlađa saradnica, na pet godina i s početnom platom od..." }
{ "en": "Holy shit.", "me": "- Dođavola!" }
{ "en": "Damn right, \"holy shit.\"", "me": "- Imaš pravo." }
{ "en": "Congratulations.", "me": "Čestitam." }
{ "en": "You can go ahead and breathe now.", "me": "Možeš da počneš disati." }
{ "en": "Saying yes is going to be the easy part.", "me": "Ovo će biti lakši dio." }
{ "en": "Ellen...", "me": "Elen...?" }
{ "en": "With whom else have you met?", "me": "S kime si se još srela?" }
{ "en": "No one, Mr. Nye, but", "me": "Ni sa kim, g." }
{ "en": "Hewes & associates called me yesterday.", "me": "Naj, ali Hjuz & saradnici su me juče zvali." }
{ "en": "Patty Hewes.", "me": "Peti Hjuz." }
{ "en": "Well... good luck to you.", "me": "Pa... srećno." }
{ "en": "You might have mentioned that sooner.", "me": "Trebala si da mi to ranije kažeš." }
{ "en": "Hmm?", "me": "Hm?" }
{ "en": "All right, I'll tell Ms. Hewes. $25 million is their final offer.", "me": "Dobro, reći ću gđi. Hjuz. $25 miliona je njihova zadnja ponuda." }
{ "en": "No, it isn't.", "me": "Ne, nije." }
{ "en": "They don't have the stomach for a verdict.", "me": "Nemaju oni želudac za presudu." }
{ "en": "The answer's \"no,\" Mr. Cutler.", "me": "- Odgovor je ne, g. Katler." }
{ "en": "Enough of this shit.", "me": "- Dosta sranja." }
{ "en": "Would you please put Patty on the phone?", "me": "Daj mi Peti?" }
{ "en": "He wants to talk to you.", "me": "Želi da razgovara s vama." }
{ "en": "Nothing's changed, Mr. Cutler. $150 million to settle.", "me": "Katler. Tražimo $150 miliona." }
{ "en": "Put her on the goddamned line.", "me": "Daj mi je na prokleti telefon." }
{ "en": "Yes, Martin.", "me": "Da, Martine." }
{ "en": "You want to be professional for a second?", "me": "Možeš li malo biti profesionalna?" }
{ "en": "Spring's almost here.", "me": "Proljeće stiže." }
{ "en": "I adore it.", "me": "Obožavam ga." }
{ "en": "Rebirth.", "me": "Ponovno rođenje." }
{ "en": "Do you think that's because I'm a water sign?", "me": "- Misliš li da je to zato što sam vodeni znak?" }
{ "en": "I'm trying to do you a favor, Patty.", "me": "- Pokušavam da ti učinim uslugu, Peti." }
{ "en": "You see the way that forewoman was looking at me?", "me": "Vidjela si kako me predsjednica porote gleda?" }
{ "en": "I'm a pisces, what are you?", "me": "Ja sam riba, šta si ti?" }
{ "en": "Who gives a shit?", "me": "Koga briga?" }
{ "en": "Fine.", "me": "Dobro." }
{ "en": "Aries.", "me": "Ovan." }
{ "en": "April 3rd, House of the Rising retrograde Mercury bullshit.", "me": "3. april, kuća uzdižućeg retrogradnog merkurovskog sranja..." }
{ "en": "$25 million, Patty.", "me": "25 miliona, Peti." }
{ "en": "Aries is a fire sign, Martin.", "me": "Ovan je vatreni znak." }
{ "en": "25, Patty.", "me": "25, Peti." }
{ "en": "Throw me back something I can work with.", "me": "- Daj mi nešto s čim mogu da radim." }
{ "en": "Your sign's function in life is to resolve conflict.", "me": "- Smisao tvog znaka je da rješavaš sukobe." }
{ "en": "You're right.", "me": "U pravu si." }
{ "en": "25.", "me": "25." }
{ "en": "I guess this time you came up short.", "me": "Izgleda da ovoga puta nijesi uspio." }
{ "en": "This is charity, Patty.", "me": "To je samo milostinja, Peti." }
{ "en": "I shredded your experts on cross.", "me": "Sredio sam tvoje stručnjake." }
{ "en": "Did you?", "me": "Jesi li?" }
{ "en": "You didn't prove my client was at fault.", "me": "Nijesi dokazala krivicu mog klijenta." }
{ "en": "Children died, Martin.", "me": "Djeca su umrla, Martine." }
{ "en": "Ms. Hewes?", "me": "Gđo. Hjuz?" }
{ "en": "The verdict's coming in.", "me": "Porota je završila." }
{ "en": "It's your last chance to get off cheap.", "me": "Zadnja šansa da prođeš jeftino." }
{ "en": "150.", "me": "150." }
{ "en": "50, Patty.", "me": "50, Peti." }
{ "en": "Tops.", "me": "Najviše." }
{ "en": "Reggie Dwayne Thomas.", "me": "Redži Dvejn Tomas." }
{ "en": "Who the hell's that?", "me": "Tko je dođavola to?" }
{ "en": "A second grader and a mets fan.", "me": "Učenik drugog razreda i navijač Metsa." }
{ "en": "You know him as patient 61.", "me": "Znaš ga kao pacijenta 61." }
{ "en": "As his immune system was being decimated, Reggie asked me for two things... 75, Patty. That his team make the playoffs and that someone punish the company that made him sick.", "me": "Dok mu je imuni sistem bio desetkovan, zamolio me je dvije stvari... 75, Peti. ...da njegov klub ode u plej-of i da neko kazni kompaniju zbog koje se razbolio." }
{ "en": "All right, goddamn it, 150!", "me": "Dobro, dođavola, 150!" }
{ "en": "That's it, we're done.", "me": "Evo, gotovi smo." }
{ "en": "Soon as you tell it to the judge.", "me": "Kada to kažeš sudiji." }
{ "en": "Judge Catrall.", "me": "- Sudija Kentral." }
{ "en": "My call is for the defense, your honnor.", "me": "- Martin Katler za odbranu." }
{ "en": "We reach the settlement: 150.", "me": "Nagodili smo se... 150." }
{ "en": "You're a real hard-dicked bitch, you know that?", "me": "Prava si kučka, znaš to?" }
{ "en": "Afternoon, madam Foreman.", "me": "Dobar dan, gospođo porotnice." }
{ "en": "I thought you just reached a verdict.", "me": "Mislio sam da ste upravo donijeli odluku." }
{ "en": "Not at Quiznos, we didn't.", "me": "U restoranu nijesmo." }
{ "en": "We broke for lunch.", "me": "Prekinuli smo zbog ručka." }
{ "en": "If you were a man, I'd kick the living dogshit out of you.", "me": "Da si muško, prebio bih te." }
{ "en": "If you were a man, I'd be worried.", "me": "Da si ti muško, zabrinula bih se." }
{ "en": "And then I left 150 grand on the table.", "me": "I tako sam ostavila 150,000 na stolu." }
{ "en": "That's twice the money my parents make in a year.", "me": "To je dvostruko više od onoga što moji zarade za godinu dana." }
{ "en": "Combined.", "me": "Zajedno." }
{ "en": "Am I crazy?", "me": "Jesam li luda?" }
{ "en": "I hope so.", "me": "Nadam se." }
{ "en": "You want to grab a table?", "me": "Da nađemo sto?" }
{ "en": "First round's on me.", "me": "Ja plaćam prvu turu." }
{ "en": "What the hell is he doing here?", "me": "Šta kog đavola on radi ovdje?" }
{ "en": "Who?", "me": "Ko?" }
{ "en": "Mr. Nye.", "me": "G. Naj." }
{ "en": "I was told this is your spot.", "me": "- Rečeno mi je da ovdje izlaziš." }
{ "en": "All my secrets are out, huh?", "me": "- Izgleda da su sve moje tajne otkrivene." }
{ "en": "I appreciate your offer today.", "me": "- Cijenim vašu ponudu." }

Dataset Card for [opus_montenegrinsubs]

Dataset Summary

Opus MontenegrinSubs dataset for machine translation task, for language pair en-me: english and montenegrin

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

The underlying task is machine translation from en to me


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Dataset Structure

Data Instances

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Data Fields

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Data Splits

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Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

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Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

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Additional Information

Dataset Curators

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Licensing Information

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Citation Information

J. Tiedemann, 2012, Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012)


Thanks to @spatil6 for adding this dataset.

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