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audioduration (s)
It was against common sense to charge her with murdering the only friend she had in the world
Assess if the speech and text correspond to each other. The answer could be yes or no.
Jenson however had many contemporaries who used beautiful type
guidelines for an experimental program to develop more detailed criteria
Verify if the speech and text are congruent. The answer could be yes or no.
To say a few words on the principles of design in typography
The total amount was never exactly made out but the false stock created and issued by him was estimated at two hundred twenty thousand pounds
Determine if the speech and text are coherent. The answer could be yes or no.
with criminals and misdemeanants of all shades crowding perpetually into its narrow limits the latter state of Newgate was worse than the first
The rentals of rooms and fees went to the warden whose income was two thousand three hundred seventytwo pounds
Judge if the speech and the text express the same ideas. The answer could be yes or no.
The rentals of rooms and fees went to the warden whose income was two thousand three hundred seventytwo pounds
Their conduct too was orderly on the whole
Is the speech and text paired? The answer could be yes or no.
Their conduct too was orderly on the whole
That is a tremendous gain for the principles of democracy
Does the speech accurately represent the text? The answer could be yes or no.
The sheriff demanded four shillings six pence for his liberate the jailer six shillings ten pence more and the turnkey two shillings
In the fall of that year John Pic and Robert Oswald went to a military academy
Determine if the speech and text are matched. The answer could be yes or no.
indeed the place with its oak floors caulked with pitch and smoked ceilings
three Prisoners guilty of misdemeanors four Prisoners charged with misdemeanors five Debtors
Determine if the speech faithfully represents the information and language used in the text. The answer could be yes or no.
Prisoners were committed to it quite without reference to its capacity
A formal and thorough description of the responsibilities of the advance agent is now in preparation by the Service
Verify if the speech and text match each other. The answer could be yes or no.
The name still survived in the new press yard which was the receptacle of the male condemned prisoners It was generally crowded like the rest of the prison
and the general insufficiency was such
Is the speech and text paired? The answer could be yes or no.
and the general insufficiency was such
She uttered loud imprecations cursing judge jury barristers witnesses and all who stood around
Verify if the speech and text match each other. The answer could be yes or no.
were imposed in case of misconduct and when there had been an attempt at escape
An active committee was appointed comprising many names already well known some of them destined to become famous in the annals of philanthropy
Is the speech and text paired? The answer could be yes or no.
An active committee was appointed comprising many names already well known some of them destined to become famous in the annals of philanthropy
Under the reckless contempt for regulations
Does the speech and text convey the same information? The answer could be yes or no.
was by a kind of chimney which the prisoners kept hermetically sealed and which had never been opened in the memory of the turnkey
mainly through the exertions of a new governor Mr Brown who succeeded Mr Newman at Newgate in eighteen seventeen
Determine if the speech and text are coherent. The answer could be yes or no.
mainly through the exertions of a new governor Mr Brown who succeeded Mr Newman at Newgate in eighteen seventeen
But his condition was hopeless and the extraordinary efforts of the doctors to save him could not help but to have been unavailing
Is the speech and text paired? The answer could be yes or no.
Among those whom the Society found arrayed against it was Sydney Smith
and in moral and religious duty and which after a time sought to provide them with suitable situations was supported entirely out of the funds of the Society
Assess if the speech and text correspond to each other. The answer could be yes or no.
and in moral and religious duty and which after a time sought to provide them with suitable situations was supported entirely out of the funds of the Society
I shall not hesitate to ask Parliament for powers to compel them to make the necessary alterations for it is not to be endured that these local jurisdictions should remain
Determine if the speech and the convey the same meaning or not. The answer could be yes or no.
I shall not hesitate to ask Parliament for powers to compel them to make the necessary alterations for it is not to be endured that these local jurisdictions should remain
of vice and misery debasing all who are confined within their walls and disseminating through their respective communities
Decide if the speech and text are consistent. The answer could be yes or no.
of vice and misery debasing all who are confined within their walls and disseminating through their respective communities
I shall now return to the great jail of the city of London and give a more detailed account of its condition and inner life
Assess if the speech and text correspond to each other. The answer could be yes or no.
I shall now return to the great jail of the city of London and give a more detailed account of its condition and inner life
Another time he fought with two brothers who claimed that he had picked on the younger of them three years Oswalds junior
Determine if the speech and text are coherent. The answer could be yes or no.
I shall have occasion to speak again and more at length of Mr Copes careless and perfunctory discharge
This too was in the depth of the winter and during a most inclement season
Decide if the speech maintains the organization of the written content. The answer could be yes or no.
This too was in the depth of the winter and during a most inclement season
Mr Turner was on the verge of bankruptcy He was at that moment at Kendal and wished her to join him there at once
Decide if the speech and text express identical meanings. The answer could be yes or no.
He made collections when it suited him for ward purposes to be spent as he chose in candles and so forth
He only attended chapel once on Sunday never on the weekday and generally devoted the time service was in progress
Does the speech align with the intended message of the text? The answer could be yes or no.
He only attended chapel once on Sunday never on the weekday and generally devoted the time service was in progress
Mobbs systematically illused his wife for a long space of time and at last cut her throat
Determine if the spoken content and the given text are consistent. The answer could be yes or no.
A lad named Matthew White has had a wound in his eye by a bone thrown at him which very nearly destroyed vision
hot meat poultry and fish were also forbidden
Does the speech match the text? The answer could be yes or no.
hot meat poultry and fish were also forbidden
all of them instruments calculated to facilitate attempts at breaking out of prison
Judge if the speech and the text express the same ideas. The answer could be yes or no.
all of them instruments calculated to facilitate attempts at breaking out of prison
and that when the restraining influences of the ladies were absent the female prisoners relapsed into immoral and uncleanly discourse
Does the speech match the text? The answer could be yes or no.
and that when the restraining influences of the ladies were absent the female prisoners relapsed into immoral and uncleanly discourse
in the face of impediments confessedly discouraging
Verify if the speech and text match each other. The answer could be yes or no.
in the face of impediments confessedly discouraging
were the ten persons committed to Newgate by the House of Commons in eighteen thirtyfive
Determine if the speech and text are matched. The answer could be yes or no.
were the ten persons committed to Newgate by the House of Commons in eighteen thirtyfive
Pilgrim Bond and Clamp had refused to give evidence before the House of Commons Committee a Speakers warrant was issued for their arrest when they absconded
Determine if the speech faithfully represents the information and language used in the text. The answer could be yes or no.
Pilgrim Bond and Clamp had refused to give evidence before the House of Commons Committee a Speakers warrant was issued for their arrest when they absconded
and his connection with them is confirmed by that devotion and generosity towards their paramours in adversity for which these otherwise degraded women are remarkable
Determine if the speech matches the text or not. The answer could be yes or no.
and his connection with them is confirmed by that devotion and generosity towards their paramours in adversity for which these otherwise degraded women are remarkable
where the apparatus for the punishment she was about to experience
Determine whether the given speech and text pair are a match or not. The answer could be yes or no.
where the apparatus for the punishment she was about to experience
On one occasion Mr Wakefield tells us the Recorder who had attended the council at Windsor did not deliver the report till the following day
Determine whether the given speech and text pair are a match or not. The answer could be yes or no.
On one occasion Mr Wakefield tells us the Recorder who had attended the council at Windsor did not deliver the report till the following day
Sometimes any who had had a narrow escape fainted but the bulk of those respited looked on with unfeeling indifference
Verify if the speech and text are congruent. The answer could be yes or no.
Sometimes any who had had a narrow escape fainted but the bulk of those respited looked on with unfeeling indifference
I now propose that we establish by law an assurance against any such illbalanced court in the future
Verify if the speech and text match each other. The answer could be yes or no.
The Chronicles of Newgate Volume two By Arthur Griffiths Section twelve Executions part two
He is quite content to die
Verify if the speech and text are congruent. The answer could be yes or no.
He is quite content to die
But there was an attempt to revive it at that date when the act for dispensing with the dissection of criminals was passed
Evaluate if the speech accurately represents the text. The answer could be yes or no.
But there was an attempt to revive it at that date when the act for dispensing with the dissection of criminals was passed
sometimes in the Strand or the West End
Evaluate if the speech accurately represents the text. The answer could be yes or no.
the convict was half on the platform half hanging and the convulsions of his body were appalling
The Chronicles of Newgate Volume two By Arthur Griffiths Section thirteen Newgate notorieties part one
Decide if the speech maintains the organization of the written content. The answer could be yes or no.
The Chronicles of Newgate Volume two By Arthur Griffiths Section thirteen Newgate notorieties part one
and that this was the same shirt which Oswald wore on the morning of the assassination
Determine if the speech and the convey the same meaning or not. The answer could be yes or no.
those against the person became more and more limited to the most heinous or those which menaced or destroyed life
his association with the Castro groups would have been of concern to us a knowledge that he had I believe
Verify if the speech and text match each other. The answer could be yes or no.
the same and happily often futile precautions taken to conceal the crime
S and W Special twoinch Commando serial number V five one zero two one zero end quote
Determine if the speech and text convey the same information. The answer could be yes or no.
Later on the Chartists agitated persistently for the concession embraced in the socalled Peoples Charter many of which
After this he tried farming but failed
Verify if the speech and text match each other. The answer could be yes or no.
After this he tried farming but failed
and it was arranged that one of their number should knock at Lord Harrowbys door on the pretense of leaving a parcel
Decide if the speech and text express identical meanings. The answer could be yes or no.
and it was arranged that one of their number should knock at Lord Harrowbys door on the pretense of leaving a parcel
all of which declared their approval of the commanderinchief
Verify if the speech and text match each other. The answer could be yes or no.
all of which declared their approval of the commanderinchief
and in five twentyone Nebuchadnezzar the third a native Babylonian was placed on the throne
Assess if the speech and text correspond to each other. The answer could be yes or no.
had been sold out under a forged power of attorney
circulation metabolism excretion oxygenation part of respiration
Evaluate if the speech can be accurately transcribed to the provided text. The answer could be yes or no.
Mr Mullay went and a second interview was agreed upon when a third person Mr Owen
Spirits were freely introduced and although he at first abstained
Verify if the speech and text are congruent. The answer could be yes or no.
But he once more persuaded the turnkeys to pause at the public where more liquor was consumed
When the journey was resumed Mrs Solomons accompanied her husband in the coach Halfway to Newgate she was taken with a fit
Determine if the speech aligns with the intended message of the text. The answer could be yes or no.
When the journey was resumed Mrs Solomons accompanied her husband in the coach Halfway to Newgate she was taken with a fit
He asserted that the victim was a Lincolnshire lad and not an Italian boy although the latter was fully proved
Decide if the speech maintains the organization of the written content. The answer could be yes or no.
He asserted that the victim was a Lincolnshire lad and not an Italian boy although the latter was fully proved
and there was now evidence sufficient to establish conclusively that the woman thus collected piecemeal had been barbarously done to death
Determine if the speech and text are coherent. The answer could be yes or no.
and there was now evidence sufficient to establish conclusively that the woman thus collected piecemeal had been barbarously done to death
Many changes have already been made and others are contemplated some of them in response to the Commissions questions and informal suggestions
Decide if the speech and text match each other precisely. The answer could be yes or no.
he carried under his coatflaps through the streets and afterwards on his cap in a crowded city omnibus
The crime soon became public
Decide if the speech maintains the organization of the written content. The answer could be yes or no.
The crime soon became public
Burgess who was purposely on leave from the bank effected the sale which was paid for with a cheque for nearly the whole amount on Lubbocks Bank
Does the speech align with the intended message of the text? The answer could be yes or no.
Burgess who was purposely on leave from the bank effected the sale which was paid for with a cheque for nearly the whole amount on Lubbocks Bank
as soon as that gentleman was referred to
Determine if the speech faithfully represents the information and language used in the text. The answer could be yes or no.
as soon as that gentleman was referred to
which were soon developed much to that firms subsequent anger and regret
Determine if the speech and text convey identical meanings. The answer could be yes or no.
and thence to Halifax whither he followed them accompanied by a confidential clerk from the bank
Of this class was the ingenious yet peculiarly simple robbery effected at the house of Lord Fitzgerald in Belgrave Square
Determine if the spoken content and the given text are consistent. The answer could be yes or no.
Of this class was the ingenious yet peculiarly simple robbery effected at the house of Lord Fitzgerald in Belgrave Square
and one of these agents Robert A Frazier
Determine whether the given speech and text pair are a match or not. The answer could be yes or no.
the furniture turned upside down the drawers of the escritoire open and rifled
The other remaining unclaimed for ten years was transferred at the end of that time to the commissioners for the reduction of the National Debt
Decide if the speech and text match each other precisely. The answer could be yes or no.
Daniel Goods crime might have remained long undiscovered but for his own careless stupidity
The modern printer in the teeth of the evidence given by his own eyes considers the single page as the unit and prints the page in the middle of his paper
Verify if the speech and text are congruent. The answer could be yes or no.
Good had told her much to her perturbation that she was to move from South Street to Roehampton and one day he fetched her
His demeanor was a strange compound of wickedness falsehood and deceit
Decide if the speech closely matches the content and structure of the provided text. The answer could be yes or no.
His demeanor was a strange compound of wickedness falsehood and deceit
All three after recapture passed on as originally intended to Leicester where they did their bit and were released
Judge if the speech and the text express the same ideas. The answer could be yes or no.
while Calcraft adjusted the noose
Joshua Fletcher a surgeon and three others were charged with forging wills for the purpose of obtaining unclaimed stock in the funds
Determine if the speech aligns with the intended message of the text. The answer could be yes or no.
and without reference to or comparison with the documents in which the payment was claimed
The cheques drawn by the directors also passed through his hands to him too they came back to be verified and put by
Assess if the speech and text correspond to each other. The answer could be yes or no.
The cheques drawn by the directors also passed through his hands to him too they came back to be verified and put by
The latter when first taxed with his offense protested his innocence boldly and positively denied all knowledge of the affair
Judge if the speech and the text express the same ideas. The answer could be yes or no.
The latter when first taxed with his offense protested his innocence boldly and positively denied all knowledge of the affair
The Strahan of the firm which came to grief was a Snow who changed his name for a fortune of two hundred thousand pounds
Assess if the speech and text correspond to each other. The answer could be yes or no.
The Strahan of the firm which came to grief was a Snow who changed his name for a fortune of two hundred thousand pounds
Share in the weekly allowance of meat might also be denied to debtors who had not paid garnish as well as in the weekly grant from the charitable fund
Check if the speech and text are paired. The answer could be yes or no.
This was the question which presented itself to the fertile brain of one Pierce
The safes while on the line en route between London and Folkestone were in the guards van
Decide if the speech and text match each other precisely. The answer could be yes or no.
The safes while on the line en route between London and Folkestone were in the guards van
was probably made within a day or a day and a half of the examination on November twentytwo
Decide if the speech closely matches the content and structure of the provided text. The answer could be yes or no.
A weight of shot was bought and stowed in carpet bags ready to replace exactly the abstracted gold
Just as the train was starting Agar slipped into the van with Burgess and Pierce got into a firstclass carriage
Determine if the speech and text convey identical meanings. The answer could be yes or no.
Just as the train was starting Agar slipped into the van with Burgess and Pierce got into a firstclass carriage
Some time elapsed before Robson succumbed to temptation
Determine if the spoken content and the given text are consistent. The answer could be yes or no.
He dealt too in the precious metals when they had been improperly acquired
His method was comprehensive and deeply laid
Does the speech align with the intended message of the text? The answer could be yes or no.
His method was comprehensive and deeply laid
A confederate followed the emissary closely
Does the speech and text convey the same information? The answer could be yes or no.
A confederate followed the emissary closely
and he asked me did I know which way he was coming and I told him yes he probably come down Main and turn on Houston and then back again on Elm
Decide if the speech maintains the organization of the written content. The answer could be yes or no.
Charles Thomas White awaiting execution for arson made a desperate effort to escape from Newgate in eighteen twentyseven
watch all night Adjoining the felons side lodge is the keepers office where the prison books are kept and his clerk
Determine if the speech and text convey identical meanings. The answer could be yes or no.
They asked him how he had cut his hand which was bleeding and he said he had done it while working up on the roof
wine and beer might be had in any quantity the only limitation being
Assess if the speech and text correspond to each other. The answer could be yes or no.
The last escape from Newgate was only three years ago and occurred just before the final closing of the prison
she had never witnessed such scenes before and hopes she never shall again it was dreadful
Decide if the speech and text express identical meanings. The answer could be yes or no.
He was at work under the supervision of the artisan warder of the prison
In the second edition of the Regne Animal published in eighteen twentyeight
Decide if the speech and text express identical meanings. The answer could be yes or no.
He had disappeared
It was read for the first time in March eighteen sixtysix but did not become law till eighteen sixtyeight
Determine if the speech faithfully represents the information and language used in the text. The answer could be yes or no.
It was read for the first time in March eighteen sixtysix but did not become law till eighteen sixtyeight
The request was not granted as the old custom of allowing capital convicts whatever they asked for in the way of food has not been the rule in Newgate
Determine if the speech aligns with the intended message of the text. The answer could be yes or no.
The request was not granted as the old custom of allowing capital convicts whatever they asked for in the way of food has not been the rule in Newgate
As a result of that conversation Marina Oswald wrote the Soviet Embassy in Washington concerning a request she had first made
Determine if the speech and text convey identical meanings. The answer could be yes or no.
Wainwright was allowed a cigar the night before execution which he smoked in the prison yard walking up and down with the governor Mr Sydney Smith
in the interests and for the due protection of the public that the fullest and fairest inquiry should be made
Determine if the speech faithfully represents the information and language used in the text. The answer could be yes or no.
in the interests and for the due protection of the public that the fullest and fairest inquiry should be made
he would not give him a visa end quote and that quote
Verify if the given speech and text convey identical information. The answer could be yes or no.
The stick and bag were his but not the hat
There was no mystery about his departure he had gone to Canada by the Victoria sailing ship starting from the London docks and bound to New York
Check if the speech and text are paired. The answer could be yes or no.
There was no mystery about his departure he had gone to Canada by the Victoria sailing ship starting from the London docks and bound to New York
But as there was no independent corroboration of the informers evidence according to the custom of the British law
Does the speech and text convey the same information? The answer could be yes or no.
But as there was no independent corroboration of the informers evidence according to the custom of the British law
There may be a serious question as to the wisdom of many of those devices to control production
Verify if the given speech and text convey identical information. The answer could be yes or no.
In Newgate the Lennie mutineers were extremely well behaved
At Pentonville the rate was higher but there the expense had been increased by the site
Judge if the speech and the text express the same ideas. The answer could be yes or no.
At Pentonville the rate was higher but there the expense had been increased by the site
the difficulty of access and the admitted necessity of giving architectural importance to this the national model prison
Decide if the speech and text match each other precisely. The answer could be yes or no.
the difficulty of access and the admitted necessity of giving architectural importance to this the national model prison
In eighteen fifty Sir George Grey brought forward a new motion to the same effect
Decide if the speech closely matches the content and structure of the provided text. The answer could be yes or no.
In eighteen fifty Sir George Grey brought forward a new motion to the same effect
The minor borough prisons were the worst blot on the still dark and imperfect system
Determine whether the given speech and text pair are a match or not. The answer could be yes or no.
The minor borough prisons were the worst blot on the still dark and imperfect system
chairman of quarter sessions or even by a couple of justices
Evaluate if the speech accurately represents the text. The answer could be yes or no.
chairman of quarter sessions or even by a couple of justices
But these preferred tactics now may prove to be too limited in the near future
Decide if the speech closely matches the content and structure of the provided text. The answer could be yes or no.
to close useless prisons and to insure that uniformity of system which all thoughtful persons had long admitted to be of paramount importance
At a short distance stood another prison of detention that of Clerkenwell
Is the speech and text paired? The answer could be yes or no.
At a short distance stood another prison of detention that of Clerkenwell
They viewed him with some suspicion as one of whom they knew nothing
Judge if the speech and the text express the same ideas. The answer could be yes or no.
Mould one into a round ball and set aside for a loaf as already directed
Once the Secret Service has formulated its new standards for collection of information it should enter into written agreements with each Federal agency
Verify if the given speech and text convey identical information. The answer could be yes or no.
And in many directions the intervention of that organized control which we call government
Marwood till latterly seemed to have done his work more effectually and has been known to give as much as six feet fall
Verify if the speech and text are congruent. The answer could be yes or no.
strengthened with the acceptance of those obligations to the public interest which rest upon us all
An additional one hundred fifteen cases concerning Texas residents were established but not investigated
Verify if the given speech and text convey identical information. The answer could be yes or no.
just as other countries have had them for over a decade
John of Spires and his brother Vindelin followed by Nicholas Jenson began to print in that city
Determine if the speech and text convey the same information. The answer could be yes or no.
Did England let nature take her course No
Great Britain in many ways has advanced further along lines of social security than the United States
Decide whether the speech accurately reflects the written words. The answer could be yes or no.
Great Britain in many ways has advanced further along lines of social security than the United States
The same evening both started for Liverpool and embarking on board the mail steamer Britannia escaped to the United States
Does the speech and text convey the same information? The answer could be yes or no.
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