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it is in this same spirit that LAW FILL article two of the european convention of human rights SEP declares the taking of life a flagrant violation
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i would very much like to see a very substantial debate on how PLACE FILL europe SEP intends to take advantage of our unique educational system so that we remain united in our diversity
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as commissioner PERSON FILL barrot SEP has underlined in each individual country of the PLACE FILL union SEP there is a clear and more often than not official legal framework that ensures the protection of our cultural diversity
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real life examples show that solving issues related to education fuels strong community development
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where the need arises higher degree education in the language of minorities is part of the national educational system
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the recommendations of the ORG FILL european parliament SEP and numerous other institutional organisations have been completely ignored
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these people were born in the country or have spent most of their lives there and we are talking about more than QUANT FILL fifteen SEP of PLACE FILL latvia SEP 's population or some QUANT FILL three hundred and seventy two SEP QUANT FILL zero SEP people
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the PLACE FILL eu SEP must take action on their behalf
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this is a question for the commission and ORG FILL council SEP democracy cannot flourish without civil society and there is no civil society without participation
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on the other side the international cooperation of law enforcement authorities is limited
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in my view it is not a good system but that is the current tool
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mr president thank you for your patience and indulgence
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madam president on a point of order i refer to rule one hundred and forty two and on the allocation of speaking time yesterday when we were discussing the guantnamo prison here in the chamber i and several other speakers were interrupted without mercy when we had exceeded our speaking time by a few seconds
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that harsh treatment was meted out by mr PERSON FILL pttering SEP and mr PERSON FILL siwiec SEP the vice president replacing him later in the afternoon
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mr PERSON FILL schulz SEP the NORP FILL socialist SEP group leader on the other hand was permitted by mr PERSON FILL pttering SEP to exceed his time limit by far more than WHEN FILL a minute SEP
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colleagues from big groups elaborating the political message the chair wants to hear are treated with great generosity
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colleagues from smaller groups elaborating the political message the chair does not want to hear are treated with great meanness
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now that is in breach of the rules of procedure where it is clearly stated how speaking time should be allocated
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these people have monstrous lead levels in their blood irreversible damage and need immediate and urgent relocation and medical treatment
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minister PERSON FILL vondra SEP you promised that you would keep this ORG FILL parliament SEP fully briefed
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i appreciate very much what you said but can you make sure that once you foresee this kind of simulation today that you invite some of the people who were actually in PLACE FILL mumbai SEP because it could give you some insight
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man is seen as a creature who is harmful to the environment without making a beneficial contribution
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the content of the report is a direct consequence of an ongoing fashionable green ideology stating that we must put nature and the planet QUANT FILL first SEP that we cannot take care of people their needs and interests the few amendments to the report calling for further progress on nuclear energy and supporting headway on nuclear fusion can hardly
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all our actions have this strategic objective in mind
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this house ORG FILL parliament SEP knows just how difficult and how intractable the situation may seem
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too often the region has been plagued by cycles of violence rising extremism and economic hardship at the same time the conditions for NORP FILL europeans SEP and NORP FILL americans SEP to work together in the search for peace in the PLACE FILL middle east SEP are probably
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better than ever
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however at the same time deeper international engagement remains essential
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of course it is for the NORP FILL israeli SEP people their political leaders to decide on the composition of their new government
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from our side we hope that the new prime minister and government will be solid interlocutors for peace talks
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this will be a key to peace stability and development
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we need to find urgent solutions to get aid in and to reduce the level of suffering of the people
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ahead the new NORP FILL us SEP administration in cooperation with us has confirmed its intention to make full use of the
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at the same time we need to do all we can to end the conflict between NORP FILL israelis SEP and NORP FILL palestinians SEP and between PLACE FILL israel SEP and the NORP FILL arab SEP world
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PLACE FILL middle east SEP we are possibly at a threshold we can choose to pursue the same policies in the same manner knowing that they will lead to the same results the results that
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that gives us a unique tool in peacemaking
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i think that it is becoming a tradition once a year to hold this debate and i am very happy to participate
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by working together by acting together we define who we
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you look it is a very important concept of symbiosis between political civilian and security aspects of
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representative we have to deliver and to deliver in a
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PLACE FILL europe SEP 's competitive advantage should be based on knowledge and innovation
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this should be nurtured and supported by all of us
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in an effective security strategy our NORP FILL european SEP forces should have access to equipment and resources of the highest quality
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while the PLACE FILL united states SEP spends QUANT FILL trillions of dollars SEP on security we in PLACE FILL europe SEP are slow or idle in developing our own strategy
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we would like the PLACE FILL european union SEP to support this kind of agenda knowing that president PERSON FILL obama SEP has ambitions
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mr president last week's elections in PLACE FILL israel SEP showed that the majority of citizens support the parties that see the reinforcement of the military as the best way to protect the country
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activities such as cultural scientific and economic exchange programmes citizen to citizen contacts or political dialogue are regrettably not covered by existing NORP FILL european SEP legislation those being just a few examples
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the PLACE FILL european union SEP has set up numerous programmes and financial instruments under the auspices of different agencies each covering only certain limited aspects of the problems that the developing countries are currently facing
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i find that without a central PLACE FILL european union SEP agency and a comprehensive and coherent policy the efforts that we are making to improve the situation in developing countries are not of notable extent
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the PLACE FILL european union SEP and its member states have contributed immensely to the official development assistance and it should never be underestimated but much remains to be done to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the institutional framework as well as congruence of the legislation
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is at the heart of his portfolio
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we clearly stated that this is not meant for small companies but that the LAW FILL spe statute SEP is available for all companies
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this has not been done
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thank you very much for your support
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as ORG FILL unicef SEP and other organisations have underlined several times it affects a huge amount of children in the world and in PLACE FILL europe SEP
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the situation in which social and economic risks are made worse by the absence of parents who cannot meet their children's needs for care protection and education may lead to an increase in vulnerability the primary responsibility for the development of the child rests with the parents
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and parents in fulfilling their responsibilities are entitled to receive the necessary support from the community and the local authorities whose efforts to meet their obligations unfortunately often fail
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however one aspect was left out the situation of QUANT FILL thousands SEP of NORP FILL european SEP children left behind by parents who go to work in another NORP FILL european SEP country generally called the migration orphans' of which there are almost QUANT FILL three hundred and fifty SEP QUANT FILL zero SEP in my country
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lastly the most important thing is that this report tries to establish a complete system of transparency not transparency for every institution separately but transparency on an interinstitutional basis where all the institutions are taken into account and where the principles of good administration
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we are taking into account the LAW FILL charter of fundamental rights SEP the proposals by the ombudsman and other agencies and the case law of the court
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this meant the elimination of the leaders and elites of a nation fighting for its own and PLACE FILL europe SEP 's freedom
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WHEN FILL four years ago SEP i asked for a WHEN FILL minute SEP 's silence to commemorate them but the house refused
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and add this vote to the list WHEN FILL tomorrow SEP when we have a lot of other things to do
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you can declare adopted' or not adopted'
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however i wish to take the opportunity to emphasise one aspect of the LAW FILL green paper SEP namely the training of the health workforce
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i strongly support the idea that it is absolutely essential to develop training communication courses for the health workforce in order to provide clearer and more complete information to patients
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despite various initiatives to improve the quality and the availability of health information studies indicate that patients want more information than they currently receive and that health professionals tend to overestimate the amount of information that is supplied
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my point is the following WHEN FILL in a few weeks SEP you will meet mr PERSON FILL obama SEP the new president of the PLACE FILL united states SEP
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he is coming with an investment package
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QUANT FILL half SEP how could you imagine that PLACE FILL europe SEP would put itself in a position where we are the ones who are doing less than our NORP FILL american SEP friends and where we are the ones who are demanding more of our NORP FILL american SEP friends how could you imagine respect for the NORP FILL european SEP
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effort if we do not do that we will
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lose it is not about getting better times next year this is a fundamental world crisis that we need to take seriously
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the time has come not to accept new demarcation lines between those who have been members of the PLACE FILL european union SEP for many years and those who came to the PLACE FILL european union SEP with a promise that this would be a better time for ordinary
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people let us now avoid new economic demarcation lines between the new ones and the old
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when you talk about automatic stabilisers it is already in the prognosis
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the thrust of these reports the amendments that will be presented by the NORP FILL socialist SEP members to improve them and also i think WHEN FILL today SEP 's debate show very clearly that there are distinctive policies distinctive NORP FILL right wing SEP and NORP FILL socialist SEP policies towards the crisis
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we need to take some technical measures and things will calm down by themselves and we must express our sympathy to the people who will be hit
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the NORP FILL socialist SEP position is much more complex
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we say that we must attack the roots of the problem the roots of the crisis that we must radically change the economic paradigm that we must change and that we must curb all the speculation that has led us to this financial crisis
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to have those NORP FILL european SEP world languages in today's globalised world in today's globalised economy in this global village which is cultural economic social and political is a most valuable asset for the entire PLACE FILL eu SEP which we must take full account of and
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i mean that some NORP FILL european SEP languages have the ability to establish a very intimate and close connection with various parts of the world and these are english spanish portuguese french and to a lesser extent and on different grounds german and italian
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this use of the word NORP FILL macedonian SEP ' cannot be replaced by any reference to any state name
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we should continue with the efforts to involve those countries more intimately
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it is important that we bear in mind that this LAW FILL epa SEP is a stepping stone agreement which means that it is only a temporary solution in order for trade liberation to have a substantial positive effect on the whole region it is essential that ORG FILL ecowas SEP sign a full LAW FILL epa SEP
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this means eliminating disparities within as well as between regions
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there is consequently a need for improved spatial analysis and the development of indicators against which policies can be designed and their impact assessed
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QUANT FILL second SEP there must be an integrated approach with measurement in advance of the effect that sectoral policies would have at regional levels and the achievement of greater synergy between them
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certainly such impact assessment could pre empt certain problems such as those posed by the electronic identification of sheep in PLACE FILL scotland SEP
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QUANT FILL third SEP an integrated approach demands proper multilevel governance involving all stakeholders in the design and implementation of strategies
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what the commissioner has said in these respects has been very welcome and i hope for great support for this excellent report
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of the ORG FILL european parliament SEP i want to thank you for that very remarkable speech here in the ORG FILL european parliament SEP applause now it is a pleasure to invite the president of the ORG FILL european commission SEP PERSON FILL jos manuel barroso SEP to make his contribution
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please we cannot do it in this way you cannot do it in this way what we need is real investment
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i know that the commission president knows it and i am sure when we sit down together we can do more than we have done up to now
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investing in broadband is ok but do not tell me that this is having any real effect on bringing down the free fall in jobs that we have right now
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business is demanding workers are demanding we are demanding do more
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i would like to thank you for your very committed personal contribution we want to encourage you to continue as you have just said so that the NORP FILL czech SEP presidency will be as successful in its QUANT FILL second SEP half as it was in its QUANT FILL first SEP half
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as those QUANT FILL two SEP had i believe in equal treatment and we can deal with an opinion
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we should not take away the right of free speech on this issue even if i do not agree at all with what he has to say
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