audioduration (s)
What tag(s) would you use to describe the genre, instruments, and atmosphere of this piece of music? The options are electricguitar, world, trance, chillout, techno, alternative, hiphop, happy, acousticguitar, instrumentalpop, drummachine, lounge, triphop, bass, soundtrack, reggae, keyboard, poprock, energetic, drums, dance, classical, experimental, violin, ambient, pop, film, popfolk, computer, atmospheric, metal, newage, emotional, electricpiano, downtempo, relaxing, house, orchestral, electronic, funk, guitar, jazz, piano, indie, easylistening, strings, synthesizer, folk, voice, rock. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['alternative', 'electronic', 'experimental']
Based on the feel and dynamics of the audio, assign the most suitable tag(s). The tags cover multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are chillout, guitar, electronic, metal, downtempo, alternative, computer, dance, popfolk, classical, experimental, electricpiano, indie, orchestral, piano, world, trance, easylistening, poprock, funk, atmospheric, relaxing, voice, instrumentalpop, drummachine, newage, reggae, rock, strings, hiphop, violin, pop, triphop, techno, drums, bass, ambient, emotional, energetic, film, synthesizer, soundtrack, jazz, keyboard, house, folk, acousticguitar, lounge, electricguitar, happy. Multiple valid answers may be allowed.
['electronic', 'house', 'trance']
Choose the tag(s) that best capture the atmosphere, rhythm, and genre of the music. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are rock, emotional, atmospheric, folk, energetic, metal, orchestral, strings, trance, voice, electronic, ambient, dance, newage, techno, jazz, synthesizer, triphop, relaxing, keyboard, electricguitar, guitar, poprock, bass, pop, house, funk, film, happy, drummachine, instrumentalpop, soundtrack, reggae, classical, violin, easylistening, indie, downtempo, chillout, piano, hiphop, alternative, lounge, acousticguitar, electricpiano, experimental, computer, popfolk, drums, world. Multiple answers may apply.
['ambient', 'atmospheric', 'synthesizer']
Identify the tag(s) that best match the mood, genre, and instruments in this piece of music. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are chillout, downtempo, instrumentalpop, violin, newage, hiphop, drummachine, atmospheric, ambient, orchestral, film, triphop, metal, relaxing, dance, emotional, acousticguitar, synthesizer, rock, piano, easylistening, strings, soundtrack, guitar, classical, indie, funk, electricguitar, energetic, happy, trance, electronic, world, voice, bass, poprock, experimental, lounge, alternative, computer, reggae, pop, techno, electricpiano, folk, keyboard, popfolk, drums, jazz, house. Multiple answers may apply.
['alternative', 'experimental', 'house']
Select the most fitting tag(s) that describe the genre, instruments, and energy of the music. The tags cover various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are film, energetic, funk, dance, synthesizer, instrumentalpop, jazz, violin, lounge, soundtrack, classical, voice, happy, keyboard, poprock, house, easylistening, indie, drums, atmospheric, emotional, techno, ambient, alternative, downtempo, bass, newage, metal, hiphop, popfolk, piano, electricpiano, acousticguitar, pop, strings, relaxing, world, electricguitar, experimental, chillout, orchestral, drummachine, electronic, triphop, rock, reggae, folk, computer, trance, guitar. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['pop', 'popfolk']
Choose the tag(s) that capture the genre, instruments, and energy of the music. The tags include various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are emotional, ambient, synthesizer, hiphop, lounge, indie, keyboard, violin, electricguitar, instrumentalpop, orchestral, folk, house, drums, energetic, atmospheric, trance, relaxing, world, dance, pop, piano, reggae, electricpiano, soundtrack, drummachine, newage, classical, electronic, funk, bass, experimental, poprock, downtempo, voice, film, strings, techno, guitar, happy, acousticguitar, rock, chillout, metal, computer, alternative, jazz, triphop, easylistening, popfolk. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['ambient', 'atmospheric', 'electronic', 'guitar', 'piano']
Select the tag(s) that reflect the rhythm, genre, and instruments of the music. The tags cover various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are happy, bass, acousticguitar, keyboard, downtempo, pop, rock, film, folk, classical, electricpiano, triphop, alternative, piano, reggae, metal, dance, voice, drums, relaxing, lounge, orchestral, techno, soundtrack, emotional, house, easylistening, computer, popfolk, chillout, electricguitar, drummachine, electronic, violin, ambient, energetic, jazz, guitar, experimental, funk, hiphop, atmospheric, world, newage, strings, indie, instrumentalpop, poprock, synthesizer, trance. Multiple answers are possible.
['electronic', 'jazz', 'soundtrack']
Choose the tag(s) that best represent the rhythm, genre, and instrumentation of the audio. The options are film, electricguitar, funk, rock, piano, pop, trance, synthesizer, relaxing, techno, lounge, drummachine, energetic, violin, hiphop, instrumentalpop, computer, classical, folk, acousticguitar, bass, popfolk, jazz, triphop, emotional, world, indie, house, metal, reggae, keyboard, easylistening, experimental, poprock, orchestral, voice, soundtrack, atmospheric, downtempo, ambient, electronic, newage, strings, happy, guitar, chillout, alternative, electricpiano, drums, dance. Multiple correct answers may be possible.
['classical', 'pop', 'soundtrack', 'piano']
What tag(s) would you use to describe the genre, instruments, and theme of the given music? The options are reggae, trance, violin, electronic, ambient, lounge, orchestral, synthesizer, techno, electricguitar, chillout, piano, alternative, voice, indie, folk, jazz, pop, metal, atmospheric, popfolk, happy, hiphop, instrumentalpop, emotional, house, experimental, soundtrack, dance, classical, newage, triphop, keyboard, rock, bass, electricpiano, energetic, computer, drums, world, relaxing, easylistening, funk, film, poprock, strings, drummachine, acousticguitar, guitar, downtempo. Multiple correct answers may apply.
['rock', 'bass', 'drums', 'guitar', 'voice']
What tag(s) would you use to describe the genre, instruments, and theme of the given music? The options are guitar, house, atmospheric, strings, hiphop, film, voice, dance, piano, bass, chillout, pop, downtempo, alternative, emotional, easylistening, funk, experimental, techno, acousticguitar, reggae, ambient, trance, jazz, triphop, folk, poprock, soundtrack, synthesizer, newage, electricguitar, instrumentalpop, drums, electronic, classical, computer, orchestral, indie, electricpiano, violin, popfolk, energetic, rock, keyboard, happy, metal, drummachine, world, relaxing, lounge. Multiple correct answers may apply.
['rock', 'soundtrack']
Based on the rhythm and dynamics of the audio, determine the most suitable tag(s). The options are electricpiano, guitar, metal, triphop, keyboard, energetic, drummachine, folk, chillout, electronic, techno, violin, ambient, dance, jazz, soundtrack, hiphop, electricguitar, lounge, voice, film, pop, atmospheric, funk, experimental, popfolk, poprock, rock, easylistening, house, world, orchestral, downtempo, bass, alternative, relaxing, piano, indie, synthesizer, strings, acousticguitar, happy, reggae, trance, emotional, classical, instrumentalpop, newage, drums, computer. Multiple correct answers are possible.
['ambient', 'synthesizer', 'relaxing']
Determine which tag(s) best reflect the energy, genre, and instruments of this audio. The tags span various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are indie, alternative, acousticguitar, energetic, rock, downtempo, pop, ambient, orchestral, violin, keyboard, popfolk, atmospheric, classical, chillout, reggae, electricguitar, happy, computer, soundtrack, techno, metal, voice, emotional, electronic, newage, strings, house, drummachine, guitar, experimental, lounge, dance, funk, jazz, easylistening, hiphop, synthesizer, instrumentalpop, world, bass, poprock, trance, relaxing, electricpiano, drums, folk, film, triphop, piano. Multiple valid answers are allowed.
['funk', 'hiphop']
Based on the melody and feel of the audio, determine the most suitable tag(s). The options are relaxing, funk, poprock, indie, trance, hiphop, world, electricpiano, alternative, rock, newage, energetic, electronic, triphop, classical, computer, lounge, instrumentalpop, synthesizer, voice, film, reggae, soundtrack, acousticguitar, guitar, metal, emotional, drummachine, strings, downtempo, pop, techno, happy, easylistening, atmospheric, keyboard, ambient, violin, piano, jazz, popfolk, drums, folk, house, electricguitar, orchestral, dance, experimental, bass, chillout. Multiple answers may apply.
['ambient', 'synthesizer']
Choose the tag(s) that best capture the genre, mood, and instrumentation of the music. The options are electricpiano, newage, drummachine, indie, film, ambient, happy, atmospheric, soundtrack, keyboard, hiphop, guitar, piano, strings, triphop, rock, poprock, drums, easylistening, bass, classical, synthesizer, voice, metal, funk, downtempo, reggae, dance, world, instrumentalpop, electricguitar, computer, jazz, relaxing, lounge, orchestral, trance, techno, emotional, acousticguitar, energetic, pop, popfolk, house, electronic, violin, chillout, alternative, experimental, folk. Multiple answers are possible.
['indie', 'rock', 'bass', 'drums', 'electricguitar', 'voice']
Based on the rhythm and structure of the music, select the most suitable tag(s). The options are electronic, guitar, funk, popfolk, triphop, happy, ambient, atmospheric, jazz, experimental, lounge, instrumentalpop, pop, emotional, techno, metal, folk, bass, strings, soundtrack, electricpiano, dance, synthesizer, reggae, relaxing, house, newage, drums, classical, electricguitar, downtempo, film, poprock, drummachine, easylistening, voice, chillout, piano, rock, violin, hiphop, keyboard, world, trance, acousticguitar, alternative, indie, computer, energetic, orchestral. Multiple correct answers are possible.
['electronic', 'instrumentalpop']
Select the most fitting tag(s) that describe the genre, instruments, and energy of the music. The tags cover various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are indie, soundtrack, triphop, folk, world, guitar, computer, bass, electricguitar, jazz, happy, dance, emotional, instrumentalpop, drums, electronic, drummachine, metal, violin, popfolk, ambient, hiphop, keyboard, funk, downtempo, strings, energetic, techno, piano, voice, chillout, atmospheric, acousticguitar, electricpiano, reggae, synthesizer, rock, relaxing, poprock, trance, house, orchestral, pop, newage, experimental, film, classical, alternative, easylistening, lounge. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['dance', 'house', 'pop']
Choose the tag(s) that best represent the rhythm, genre, and instrumentation of the audio. The options are folk, triphop, electricpiano, guitar, violin, computer, relaxing, soundtrack, alternative, energetic, downtempo, rock, reggae, film, strings, experimental, dance, acousticguitar, piano, funk, house, trance, keyboard, electricguitar, techno, poprock, pop, chillout, classical, orchestral, synthesizer, happy, metal, newage, ambient, atmospheric, instrumentalpop, easylistening, electronic, jazz, indie, hiphop, lounge, emotional, popfolk, world, drums, drummachine, bass, voice. Multiple correct answers may be possible.
Identify the most fitting tag(s) that represent the mood, instruments, and genre of this audio. The options are downtempo, ambient, dance, computer, reggae, experimental, piano, pop, strings, atmospheric, triphop, classical, bass, funk, soundtrack, poprock, newage, synthesizer, voice, alternative, chillout, happy, techno, metal, popfolk, relaxing, keyboard, trance, energetic, lounge, acousticguitar, violin, guitar, drums, instrumentalpop, jazz, hiphop, folk, easylistening, world, electricpiano, emotional, indie, house, rock, drummachine, orchestral, electronic, electricguitar, film. Multiple correct answers are possible.
['bass', 'drums', 'electricguitar']
Select the most appropriate tag(s) that reflect the rhythm, genre, and instruments of the music. The options are piano, techno, reggae, keyboard, energetic, violin, jazz, electricguitar, rock, emotional, lounge, newage, alternative, house, film, instrumentalpop, orchestral, hiphop, trance, classical, voice, experimental, drums, ambient, triphop, synthesizer, atmospheric, popfolk, indie, guitar, computer, poprock, folk, bass, chillout, world, electronic, relaxing, metal, electricpiano, downtempo, dance, pop, soundtrack, drummachine, strings, easylistening, happy, acousticguitar, funk. Multiple answers are possible.
['easylistening', 'electronic']
Select the most fitting tag(s) that capture the rhythm, instruments, and genre of the music. The options are keyboard, electricpiano, house, chillout, downtempo, orchestral, triphop, strings, electricguitar, techno, rock, guitar, trance, piano, relaxing, newage, voice, easylistening, electronic, popfolk, pop, folk, atmospheric, synthesizer, classical, ambient, film, drummachine, experimental, reggae, lounge, computer, happy, jazz, funk, violin, world, instrumentalpop, alternative, drums, metal, dance, hiphop, soundtrack, indie, energetic, acousticguitar, poprock, bass, emotional. There may be multiple correct answers.
['pop', 'rock', 'soundtrack']
Select the most appropriate tag(s) that represent the mood, genre, and instruments in the audio. The options are newage, drums, bass, energetic, poprock, dance, happy, piano, jazz, electricpiano, house, drummachine, soundtrack, classical, electricguitar, keyboard, downtempo, acousticguitar, alternative, violin, synthesizer, relaxing, folk, triphop, pop, metal, world, popfolk, easylistening, ambient, computer, instrumentalpop, trance, strings, hiphop, atmospheric, chillout, experimental, electronic, funk, emotional, film, rock, guitar, voice, techno, lounge, reggae, orchestral, indie. Multiple correct answers may be possible.
['experimental', 'poprock', 'rock', 'bass', 'drums', 'guitar', 'voice']
Choose the tag(s) that best represent the rhythm, genre, and instrumentation of the audio. The options are electricpiano, voice, dance, indie, piano, happy, chillout, easylistening, relaxing, folk, keyboard, classical, techno, ambient, emotional, bass, downtempo, electronic, hiphop, instrumentalpop, newage, pop, drummachine, alternative, guitar, reggae, popfolk, violin, computer, jazz, funk, film, electricguitar, world, strings, experimental, atmospheric, lounge, orchestral, metal, acousticguitar, triphop, poprock, drums, trance, rock, energetic, synthesizer, soundtrack, house. Multiple correct answers may be possible.
Determine the tag(s) that best capture the atmosphere, genre, and instruments of the music. The options are electronic, drummachine, violin, reggae, voice, lounge, emotional, strings, rock, alternative, house, relaxing, guitar, world, ambient, popfolk, chillout, orchestral, easylistening, drums, piano, electricguitar, newage, jazz, poprock, funk, classical, instrumentalpop, keyboard, metal, acousticguitar, hiphop, film, synthesizer, dance, techno, triphop, pop, computer, soundtrack, atmospheric, happy, experimental, trance, bass, electricpiano, folk, downtempo, indie, energetic. Multiple correct answers are possible.
Select the most appropriate tag(s) that reflect the rhythm, genre, and instruments of the music. The options are classical, energetic, ambient, experimental, bass, downtempo, trance, chillout, funk, relaxing, techno, drums, instrumentalpop, house, electricpiano, poprock, lounge, soundtrack, keyboard, rock, film, pop, triphop, voice, popfolk, indie, orchestral, computer, drummachine, happy, guitar, atmospheric, violin, emotional, acousticguitar, strings, electronic, newage, electricguitar, reggae, dance, world, metal, synthesizer, jazz, alternative, folk, piano, easylistening, hiphop. Multiple answers are possible.
['reggae', 'rock']
Determine which tag(s) best match the genre, instruments, and mood of the music. The tags cover various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are downtempo, trance, newage, drummachine, classical, piano, triphop, alternative, synthesizer, hiphop, guitar, voice, ambient, bass, indie, chillout, strings, house, techno, acousticguitar, film, energetic, electronic, experimental, computer, reggae, drums, lounge, popfolk, folk, funk, atmospheric, keyboard, relaxing, orchestral, dance, world, jazz, pop, happy, violin, emotional, electricguitar, rock, electricpiano, soundtrack, poprock, metal, easylistening, instrumentalpop. Multiple valid answers may exist.
Based on the audio's structure and harmony, assign the appropriate tag(s). The tags include various genres, instruments, and moods. The options are emotional, newage, soundtrack, computer, hiphop, energetic, experimental, atmospheric, happy, alternative, rock, instrumentalpop, world, strings, techno, piano, house, funk, violin, easylistening, voice, acousticguitar, lounge, poprock, film, orchestral, folk, pop, downtempo, electricpiano, popfolk, ambient, trance, keyboard, triphop, indie, guitar, chillout, drums, reggae, metal, dance, drummachine, synthesizer, electricguitar, bass, electronic, relaxing, jazz, classical. Multiple valid answers are possible.
['electronic', 'electricpiano', 'keyboard', 'synthesizer']
What tag(s) would you assign to describe the mood, genre, and instruments in this piece of music? The options are newage, computer, world, jazz, synthesizer, ambient, electronic, instrumentalpop, happy, classical, rock, lounge, voice, trance, chillout, electricpiano, triphop, dance, atmospheric, popfolk, bass, guitar, reggae, techno, relaxing, poprock, soundtrack, electricguitar, downtempo, pop, easylistening, experimental, house, emotional, drummachine, piano, drums, hiphop, funk, metal, orchestral, acousticguitar, energetic, alternative, keyboard, strings, folk, indie, violin, film. Multiple answers may apply.
['electronic', 'hiphop', 'instrumentalpop', 'orchestral']
What tag(s) would you use to describe the mood, genre, and instrumentation of this audio? The options are relaxing, jazz, emotional, chillout, keyboard, piano, triphop, ambient, electricpiano, computer, downtempo, instrumentalpop, experimental, techno, electricguitar, orchestral, guitar, bass, dance, soundtrack, world, voice, atmospheric, drummachine, trance, acousticguitar, funk, synthesizer, hiphop, violin, film, strings, indie, classical, newage, happy, poprock, alternative, popfolk, reggae, house, electronic, energetic, pop, rock, metal, easylistening, lounge, folk, drums. Multiple answers may be allowed.
Identify the tag(s) that describe the rhythm, genre, and instruments in the music. The options are metal, hiphop, house, techno, happy, electricguitar, keyboard, acousticguitar, alternative, newage, poprock, pop, experimental, chillout, voice, electronic, world, drummachine, rock, film, atmospheric, popfolk, ambient, electricpiano, dance, violin, emotional, trance, guitar, reggae, downtempo, jazz, easylistening, synthesizer, instrumentalpop, soundtrack, bass, classical, lounge, folk, energetic, piano, computer, indie, relaxing, strings, funk, triphop, drums, orchestral. Multiple correct answers are possible.
['dance', 'electronic', 'house']
What tag(s) would you assign to describe the genre, instruments, and mood of the given music? The options are emotional, hiphop, indie, guitar, chillout, acousticguitar, dance, bass, electricpiano, metal, poprock, funk, popfolk, computer, electricguitar, folk, voice, reggae, instrumentalpop, house, pop, synthesizer, drummachine, rock, relaxing, orchestral, energetic, alternative, strings, ambient, newage, soundtrack, lounge, atmospheric, downtempo, happy, easylistening, film, piano, world, trance, drums, techno, violin, jazz, electronic, keyboard, triphop, experimental, classical. Multiple valid answers may apply.
Select the most appropriate tag(s) that reflect the rhythm, genre, and instruments of the music. The options are piano, techno, reggae, keyboard, energetic, violin, jazz, electricguitar, rock, emotional, lounge, newage, alternative, house, film, instrumentalpop, orchestral, hiphop, trance, classical, voice, experimental, drums, ambient, triphop, synthesizer, atmospheric, popfolk, indie, guitar, computer, poprock, folk, bass, chillout, world, electronic, relaxing, metal, electricpiano, downtempo, dance, pop, soundtrack, drummachine, strings, easylistening, happy, acousticguitar, funk. Multiple answers are possible.
['ambient', 'electronic']
Identify the most appropriate tag(s) to classify the mood, genre, and instruments in the audio. The options are ambient, synthesizer, newage, orchestral, bass, strings, metal, poprock, electricpiano, happy, jazz, emotional, drummachine, violin, indie, relaxing, reggae, keyboard, techno, world, funk, downtempo, energetic, lounge, alternative, experimental, house, dance, soundtrack, drums, triphop, film, chillout, acousticguitar, electronic, rock, classical, hiphop, voice, computer, atmospheric, pop, electricguitar, trance, piano, folk, easylistening, instrumentalpop, guitar, popfolk. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['popfolk', 'rock']
Choose the tag(s) that reflect the mood, genre, and instruments of the audio. The options are reggae, voice, hiphop, ambient, easylistening, keyboard, synthesizer, techno, popfolk, violin, funk, trance, experimental, downtempo, folk, instrumentalpop, electricguitar, rock, relaxing, triphop, emotional, electronic, electricpiano, strings, jazz, happy, world, energetic, drummachine, lounge, house, soundtrack, computer, guitar, piano, drums, poprock, newage, alternative, classical, chillout, film, acousticguitar, pop, metal, orchestral, indie, bass, atmospheric, dance. Multiple answers may apply.
['piano', 'strings']
Based on the feel and structure of the music, assign the appropriate tag(s). The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are downtempo, triphop, folk, orchestral, acousticguitar, electronic, film, chillout, emotional, violin, poprock, keyboard, classical, drummachine, ambient, lounge, hiphop, world, experimental, piano, funk, atmospheric, instrumentalpop, metal, computer, jazz, alternative, rock, electricpiano, reggae, happy, voice, soundtrack, synthesizer, house, guitar, newage, relaxing, trance, easylistening, popfolk, electricguitar, energetic, techno, drums, indie, dance, strings, pop, bass. Multiple answers may apply.
['bass', 'synthesizer']
Choose the most appropriate tag(s) to classify the rhythm, genre, and instrumentation of the audio. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are orchestral, experimental, drummachine, house, soundtrack, relaxing, synthesizer, energetic, techno, rock, triphop, ambient, alternative, drums, classical, instrumentalpop, trance, downtempo, easylistening, bass, atmospheric, popfolk, poprock, electronic, jazz, folk, voice, strings, hiphop, happy, piano, keyboard, computer, emotional, metal, acousticguitar, dance, newage, violin, world, electricguitar, chillout, lounge, indie, pop, reggae, electricpiano, funk, guitar, film. Multiple valid answers may apply.
['electronic', 'experimental', 'keyboard']
Choose the tag(s) that capture the genre, instruments, and energy of the music. The tags include various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are instrumentalpop, atmospheric, techno, hiphop, piano, drums, guitar, lounge, film, world, strings, experimental, energetic, funk, emotional, chillout, violin, happy, poprock, electricguitar, orchestral, electronic, pop, popfolk, bass, voice, newage, metal, easylistening, reggae, house, folk, computer, triphop, alternative, electricpiano, indie, soundtrack, classical, keyboard, rock, jazz, downtempo, acousticguitar, synthesizer, relaxing, trance, ambient, dance, drummachine. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['folk', 'rock', 'guitar']
Select the tag(s) that represent the mood, genre, and instrumentation of the music. The options are pop, poprock, piano, funk, electronic, guitar, computer, orchestral, emotional, keyboard, voice, world, downtempo, lounge, alternative, acousticguitar, film, violin, happy, reggae, hiphop, bass, experimental, soundtrack, trance, ambient, energetic, metal, relaxing, newage, easylistening, synthesizer, jazz, instrumentalpop, indie, folk, electricpiano, popfolk, drums, atmospheric, house, techno, dance, classical, rock, strings, electricguitar, chillout, triphop, drummachine. Multiple valid answers may apply.
['ambient', 'experimental', 'orchestral']
Choose the tag(s) that best match the emotion, instruments, and genre of the audio. The tags cover multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are experimental, synthesizer, popfolk, electricpiano, lounge, instrumentalpop, folk, newage, jazz, alternative, downtempo, emotional, trance, electricguitar, piano, electronic, film, indie, triphop, dance, strings, funk, easylistening, hiphop, house, drums, chillout, computer, violin, soundtrack, happy, pop, guitar, ambient, world, relaxing, metal, keyboard, acousticguitar, rock, bass, energetic, orchestral, classical, techno, voice, reggae, poprock, drummachine, atmospheric. There may be multiple valid answers.
['classical', 'orchestral', 'soundtrack']
Determine the tag(s) that best describe the atmosphere, genre, and instruments in the audio. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are reggae, popfolk, easylistening, techno, downtempo, funk, bass, orchestral, triphop, pop, newage, electricguitar, experimental, chillout, electricpiano, instrumentalpop, guitar, alternative, film, lounge, trance, world, rock, metal, soundtrack, poprock, indie, happy, dance, synthesizer, piano, energetic, atmospheric, hiphop, strings, voice, house, computer, classical, emotional, relaxing, ambient, drummachine, violin, jazz, keyboard, electronic, acousticguitar, folk, drums. Multiple correct answers may apply.
['pop', 'popfolk']
Based on the structure and rhythm of the audio, assign the suitable tag(s). The tags span various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are strings, relaxing, downtempo, pop, piano, indie, electricguitar, bass, orchestral, alternative, triphop, guitar, film, atmospheric, jazz, drums, rock, chillout, ambient, techno, electricpiano, funk, energetic, synthesizer, reggae, violin, acousticguitar, hiphop, drummachine, happy, voice, metal, popfolk, keyboard, folk, world, classical, dance, emotional, house, poprock, trance, experimental, electronic, newage, soundtrack, computer, lounge, instrumentalpop, easylistening. Multiple valid answers are allowed.
['alternative', 'electronic']
Choose the tag(s) that best match the emotion, instruments, and genre of the audio. The tags cover multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are acousticguitar, piano, dance, happy, metal, electricpiano, hiphop, violin, easylistening, film, house, alternative, drummachine, jazz, rock, chillout, orchestral, bass, relaxing, soundtrack, instrumentalpop, drums, poprock, downtempo, world, guitar, computer, electricguitar, trance, pop, techno, popfolk, voice, reggae, synthesizer, indie, triphop, experimental, keyboard, classical, ambient, strings, energetic, newage, electronic, folk, emotional, funk, atmospheric, lounge. There may be multiple valid answers.
['dance', 'techno', 'synthesizer']
Based on the feel and dynamics of the audio, determine the appropriate tag(s). The options are bass, chillout, electricguitar, world, computer, synthesizer, downtempo, pop, soundtrack, lounge, keyboard, ambient, dance, folk, house, triphop, indie, rock, classical, newage, experimental, orchestral, instrumentalpop, film, electricpiano, piano, reggae, poprock, violin, relaxing, trance, alternative, happy, guitar, metal, energetic, drums, electronic, atmospheric, voice, emotional, techno, drummachine, hiphop, jazz, funk, strings, easylistening, popfolk, acousticguitar. Multiple correct answers may be allowed.
Determine which tag(s) are suitable to describe the energy, instruments, and genre in this music. The options are drums, folk, ambient, voice, world, easylistening, jazz, classical, pop, emotional, chillout, poprock, experimental, dance, violin, popfolk, rock, triphop, energetic, relaxing, trance, downtempo, techno, house, drummachine, metal, soundtrack, keyboard, hiphop, computer, piano, synthesizer, instrumentalpop, lounge, happy, electricguitar, acousticguitar, alternative, newage, strings, orchestral, indie, electronic, atmospheric, bass, reggae, film, funk, guitar, electricpiano. Multiple answers are allowed.
['ambient', 'classical', 'film']
Choose the tag(s) that best fit the genre, instruments, and overall theme of the music. The options are relaxing, drummachine, instrumentalpop, computer, folk, keyboard, ambient, soundtrack, funk, hiphop, poprock, downtempo, newage, strings, dance, happy, atmospheric, techno, drums, violin, rock, easylistening, electronic, lounge, pop, world, house, popfolk, voice, electricpiano, triphop, reggae, classical, electricguitar, synthesizer, jazz, experimental, metal, piano, indie, alternative, chillout, bass, trance, film, guitar, acousticguitar, emotional, orchestral, energetic. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['orchestral', 'soundtrack', 'piano', 'violin', 'film']
What tag(s) would you choose to represent the mood, genre, and instruments of the music? The options are drums, techno, triphop, ambient, electricpiano, orchestral, energetic, soundtrack, jazz, strings, electronic, drummachine, newage, electricguitar, piano, pop, classical, downtempo, lounge, trance, relaxing, funk, film, voice, folk, popfolk, guitar, alternative, bass, indie, synthesizer, house, experimental, metal, emotional, instrumentalpop, easylistening, poprock, dance, computer, world, chillout, hiphop, keyboard, acousticguitar, atmospheric, rock, reggae, violin, happy. Multiple correct answers may exist.
Choose the tag(s) that best describe the mood, style, and instruments of the given audio. The options are orchestral, easylistening, metal, acousticguitar, drummachine, house, poprock, violin, electricpiano, jazz, popfolk, electronic, film, ambient, soundtrack, atmospheric, guitar, piano, emotional, hiphop, keyboard, reggae, triphop, bass, relaxing, strings, voice, pop, world, techno, rock, downtempo, alternative, experimental, newage, electricguitar, folk, lounge, happy, drums, chillout, funk, computer, energetic, trance, dance, classical, indie, instrumentalpop, synthesizer. Multiple answers may apply.
What tag(s) would you use to represent the rhythm, genre, and instruments of this music? The options are guitar, drums, funk, rock, piano, electricpiano, world, keyboard, strings, ambient, violin, electronic, lounge, techno, computer, pop, drummachine, emotional, poprock, relaxing, easylistening, atmospheric, energetic, happy, film, folk, chillout, indie, reggae, popfolk, synthesizer, bass, hiphop, acousticguitar, house, newage, metal, jazz, trance, triphop, experimental, downtempo, voice, alternative, soundtrack, instrumentalpop, classical, orchestral, dance, electricguitar. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['electronic', 'experimental', 'soundtrack']
Choose the tag(s) that best match the emotion, instruments, and genre of the audio. The tags cover multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are popfolk, indie, guitar, reggae, happy, acousticguitar, film, rock, instrumentalpop, lounge, orchestral, voice, house, funk, emotional, violin, dance, electronic, pop, atmospheric, poprock, computer, soundtrack, alternative, electricpiano, energetic, experimental, downtempo, jazz, drums, relaxing, trance, bass, techno, folk, easylistening, metal, electricguitar, ambient, newage, classical, drummachine, keyboard, piano, chillout, triphop, hiphop, world, synthesizer, strings. There may be multiple valid answers.
['pop', 'acousticguitar', 'electricpiano', 'violin']
Based on the rhythm and structure of the music, select the most suitable tag(s). The options are drums, newage, experimental, emotional, classical, hiphop, synthesizer, acousticguitar, strings, poprock, bass, ambient, indie, energetic, electronic, folk, pop, keyboard, electricpiano, alternative, popfolk, soundtrack, computer, metal, world, happy, film, chillout, funk, dance, voice, piano, drummachine, reggae, trance, instrumentalpop, rock, triphop, relaxing, techno, atmospheric, lounge, electricguitar, jazz, orchestral, violin, easylistening, house, guitar, downtempo. Multiple correct answers are possible.
Choose the most fitting tag(s) that capture the rhythm, genre, and instruments in the given music. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are atmospheric, dance, film, newage, electricpiano, electronic, orchestral, triphop, techno, violin, poprock, world, popfolk, reggae, drummachine, metal, downtempo, drums, folk, alternative, voice, guitar, instrumentalpop, ambient, jazz, classical, hiphop, emotional, easylistening, computer, strings, experimental, energetic, piano, synthesizer, indie, rock, happy, relaxing, house, soundtrack, acousticguitar, funk, chillout, lounge, keyboard, bass, pop, electricguitar, trance. Multiple correct answers are possible.
Select the most appropriate tag(s) that describe the rhythm, instruments, and genre of the audio. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are downtempo, drummachine, guitar, strings, alternative, keyboard, indie, acousticguitar, experimental, violin, folk, orchestral, popfolk, hiphop, chillout, instrumentalpop, poprock, classical, relaxing, voice, ambient, happy, triphop, metal, electricguitar, computer, drums, pop, trance, jazz, electricpiano, house, easylistening, synthesizer, emotional, electronic, soundtrack, energetic, atmospheric, lounge, funk, bass, dance, piano, reggae, techno, newage, rock, world, film. Multiple answers may apply.
['dance', 'jazz', 'rock', 'drums']
Based on the dynamics and feel of the audio, assign the appropriate tag(s). The options are instrumentalpop, indie, world, voice, drummachine, drums, poprock, electronic, jazz, violin, techno, piano, rock, orchestral, film, experimental, newage, electricpiano, house, hiphop, energetic, acousticguitar, classical, folk, ambient, pop, triphop, bass, popfolk, easylistening, atmospheric, keyboard, computer, chillout, relaxing, guitar, downtempo, happy, synthesizer, reggae, electricguitar, alternative, strings, emotional, funk, metal, lounge, dance, soundtrack, trance. Multiple valid answers are allowed.
['alternative', 'electronic', 'drummachine', 'synthesizer']
Select the most appropriate tag(s) that reflect the rhythm, genre, and instruments of the music. The options are indie, relaxing, computer, jazz, rock, reggae, drummachine, lounge, drums, electronic, voice, electricpiano, triphop, soundtrack, pop, instrumentalpop, techno, guitar, metal, keyboard, newage, piano, synthesizer, energetic, dance, ambient, world, easylistening, hiphop, acousticguitar, atmospheric, funk, experimental, trance, downtempo, happy, bass, emotional, alternative, film, poprock, folk, chillout, orchestral, strings, house, violin, popfolk, classical, electricguitar. Multiple answers are possible.
Based on the feel and structure of the music, assign the appropriate tag(s). The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are violin, dance, piano, poprock, pop, drums, atmospheric, guitar, keyboard, hiphop, ambient, downtempo, strings, trance, computer, electronic, classical, alternative, house, acousticguitar, electricpiano, relaxing, film, reggae, energetic, easylistening, experimental, newage, metal, instrumentalpop, triphop, orchestral, synthesizer, emotional, voice, folk, electricguitar, chillout, techno, world, jazz, happy, soundtrack, rock, bass, indie, funk, popfolk, lounge, drummachine. Multiple answers may apply.
['electronic', 'experimental', 'soundtrack']
Based on the dynamics and feel of the audio, assign the appropriate tag(s). The options are classical, relaxing, triphop, techno, house, violin, chillout, atmospheric, emotional, guitar, soundtrack, pop, rock, computer, downtempo, piano, alternative, jazz, folk, keyboard, experimental, easylistening, popfolk, bass, indie, energetic, orchestral, drummachine, funk, hiphop, instrumentalpop, happy, electricpiano, electronic, electricguitar, poprock, lounge, metal, trance, drums, synthesizer, voice, reggae, film, acousticguitar, world, newage, strings, dance, ambient. Multiple valid answers are allowed.
Based on the audio's structure and harmony, assign the appropriate tag(s). The tags include various genres, instruments, and moods. The options are emotional, ambient, computer, experimental, violin, metal, easylistening, reggae, strings, energetic, acousticguitar, pop, dance, house, trance, hiphop, keyboard, world, rock, electricguitar, classical, triphop, chillout, electronic, piano, popfolk, guitar, happy, synthesizer, lounge, bass, drummachine, indie, techno, jazz, newage, soundtrack, downtempo, instrumentalpop, folk, film, electricpiano, funk, alternative, relaxing, drums, orchestral, atmospheric, poprock, voice. Multiple valid answers are possible.
['indie', 'rock', 'drums', 'guitar']
Choose the tag(s) that capture the genre, mood, and instrumentation of the given music. The options are alternative, strings, violin, funk, emotional, reggae, acousticguitar, downtempo, instrumentalpop, house, techno, folk, trance, classical, experimental, film, lounge, pop, bass, triphop, drums, electricpiano, electronic, electricguitar, easylistening, poprock, drummachine, happy, chillout, hiphop, piano, rock, keyboard, relaxing, popfolk, soundtrack, guitar, newage, orchestral, metal, voice, indie, world, dance, atmospheric, jazz, computer, energetic, synthesizer, ambient. Multiple correct answers are possible.
['electronic', 'instrumentalpop']
Choose the most fitting tag(s) that describe the genre, instruments, and overall feel of the audio. The options are energetic, atmospheric, electricguitar, house, drums, trance, electronic, orchestral, easylistening, acousticguitar, funk, strings, hiphop, chillout, poprock, lounge, violin, piano, film, emotional, instrumentalpop, relaxing, folk, synthesizer, voice, rock, classical, experimental, soundtrack, downtempo, keyboard, popfolk, jazz, dance, pop, guitar, bass, reggae, drummachine, electricpiano, computer, newage, happy, triphop, ambient, world, metal, alternative, techno, indie. Multiple valid answers may apply.
Choose the tag(s) that best fit the genre, instruments, and overall theme of the music. The options are rock, funk, popfolk, voice, easylistening, emotional, ambient, trance, reggae, indie, soundtrack, experimental, guitar, orchestral, newage, electricguitar, hiphop, poprock, strings, chillout, jazz, computer, alternative, violin, drums, dance, lounge, keyboard, acousticguitar, atmospheric, electronic, world, triphop, bass, instrumentalpop, folk, electricpiano, techno, film, piano, energetic, downtempo, house, drummachine, pop, synthesizer, happy, metal, classical, relaxing. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['trance', 'synthesizer']
Based on the feel and dynamics of the audio, assign the most suitable tag(s). The tags cover multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are voice, pop, orchestral, emotional, popfolk, house, techno, guitar, world, rock, reggae, soundtrack, energetic, film, poprock, funk, downtempo, electricguitar, experimental, lounge, indie, acousticguitar, bass, ambient, metal, keyboard, happy, dance, drummachine, hiphop, alternative, electronic, classical, drums, newage, instrumentalpop, electricpiano, synthesizer, piano, computer, jazz, trance, chillout, easylistening, relaxing, triphop, folk, atmospheric, strings, violin. Multiple valid answers may be allowed.
['electronic', 'hiphop', 'pop', 'bass', 'drums', 'piano', 'synthesizer']
What tag(s) would you assign to classify the mood, genre, and instruments of this piece of music? The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are drummachine, instrumentalpop, newage, computer, soundtrack, film, trance, reggae, orchestral, experimental, easylistening, bass, triphop, techno, dance, guitar, alternative, voice, keyboard, energetic, electricguitar, acousticguitar, popfolk, pop, funk, folk, downtempo, classical, ambient, hiphop, happy, lounge, jazz, house, emotional, strings, indie, world, chillout, synthesizer, rock, electricpiano, drums, violin, atmospheric, relaxing, poprock, piano, metal, electronic. Multiple correct answers may be possible.
Based on the feel and structure of the audio, determine the best tag(s). The options are electronic, hiphop, happy, synthesizer, world, soundtrack, easylistening, poprock, techno, drummachine, downtempo, rock, jazz, keyboard, ambient, lounge, energetic, guitar, emotional, dance, electricpiano, pop, classical, triphop, experimental, funk, alternative, bass, atmospheric, relaxing, chillout, indie, film, violin, voice, reggae, drums, trance, instrumentalpop, piano, folk, newage, computer, house, popfolk, strings, metal, electricguitar, orchestral, acousticguitar. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['metal', 'rock']
Choose the tag(s) that best represent the rhythm, genre, and instrumentation of the audio. The options are electricpiano, funk, acousticguitar, synthesizer, classical, emotional, reggae, downtempo, folk, computer, pop, jazz, voice, hiphop, instrumentalpop, soundtrack, trance, energetic, film, dance, piano, rock, lounge, guitar, orchestral, techno, world, triphop, keyboard, chillout, atmospheric, happy, electronic, drums, indie, poprock, popfolk, ambient, house, experimental, newage, violin, alternative, electricguitar, relaxing, bass, metal, drummachine, easylistening, strings. Multiple correct answers may be possible.
['classical', 'piano']
Based on the feel and structure of the audio, determine the most suitable tag(s). The options are atmospheric, film, classical, drums, voice, synthesizer, house, chillout, easylistening, ambient, instrumentalpop, emotional, newage, jazz, electricpiano, world, downtempo, relaxing, reggae, bass, experimental, trance, drummachine, keyboard, electricguitar, pop, popfolk, guitar, indie, alternative, dance, acousticguitar, metal, hiphop, triphop, violin, rock, folk, computer, strings, piano, funk, soundtrack, poprock, techno, lounge, orchestral, energetic, happy, electronic. Multiple correct answers may apply.
['ambient', 'experimental']
What tag(s) would you choose to represent the mood, genre, and instruments of the music? The options are dance, experimental, triphop, easylistening, computer, trance, emotional, electricpiano, electronic, strings, lounge, acousticguitar, bass, happy, classical, jazz, downtempo, poprock, orchestral, metal, pop, energetic, newage, soundtrack, instrumentalpop, piano, atmospheric, electricguitar, rock, indie, chillout, popfolk, techno, house, violin, drums, reggae, voice, world, hiphop, synthesizer, keyboard, funk, drummachine, relaxing, film, guitar, folk, alternative, ambient. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['house', 'techno', 'bass']
Based on the melody and instrumentation, pick the tag(s) that best describe this audio. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are violin, electronic, acousticguitar, metal, emotional, alternative, indie, lounge, relaxing, experimental, happy, dance, atmospheric, keyboard, drummachine, downtempo, soundtrack, world, electricpiano, guitar, energetic, ambient, voice, synthesizer, piano, film, orchestral, classical, newage, rock, jazz, drums, reggae, hiphop, triphop, electricguitar, instrumentalpop, strings, computer, pop, popfolk, bass, chillout, techno, house, folk, funk, poprock, easylistening, trance. More than one correct answer may be allowed.
['chillout', 'classical', 'easylistening', 'piano', 'emotional', 'film']
Select the tag(s) that reflect the rhythm, genre, and instruments of the music. The tags cover various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are rock, acousticguitar, dance, film, drums, funk, easylistening, relaxing, reggae, folk, electronic, electricpiano, lounge, poprock, trance, piano, jazz, world, instrumentalpop, newage, voice, synthesizer, guitar, computer, metal, house, techno, triphop, happy, keyboard, downtempo, experimental, energetic, alternative, drummachine, indie, strings, chillout, orchestral, bass, pop, violin, atmospheric, electricguitar, popfolk, hiphop, soundtrack, emotional, classical, ambient. Multiple answers are possible.
['chillout', 'lounge', 'bass', 'guitar']
Classify the given audio by choosing the tag(s) that reflect its genre, instruments, and mood. The options are drums, pop, popfolk, metal, newage, relaxing, easylistening, emotional, triphop, folk, acousticguitar, computer, electronic, orchestral, poprock, chillout, rock, drummachine, lounge, dance, keyboard, guitar, techno, house, downtempo, experimental, funk, world, synthesizer, alternative, bass, soundtrack, indie, ambient, voice, hiphop, strings, atmospheric, energetic, electricpiano, jazz, reggae, violin, piano, film, instrumentalpop, classical, trance, happy, electricguitar. There may be either one or more valid answers.
['classical', 'pop', 'world', 'guitar', 'energetic']
Based on the audio's structure and harmony, assign the appropriate tag(s). The tags include various genres, instruments, and moods. The options are emotional, newage, soundtrack, computer, hiphop, energetic, experimental, atmospheric, happy, alternative, rock, instrumentalpop, world, strings, techno, piano, house, funk, violin, easylistening, voice, acousticguitar, lounge, poprock, film, orchestral, folk, pop, downtempo, electricpiano, popfolk, ambient, trance, keyboard, triphop, indie, guitar, chillout, drums, reggae, metal, dance, drummachine, synthesizer, electricguitar, bass, electronic, relaxing, jazz, classical. Multiple valid answers are possible.
['hiphop', 'piano']
Select the tag(s) that best capture the emotions, genre, and instrumentation of the given audio. The options are relaxing, funk, drummachine, lounge, instrumentalpop, synthesizer, violin, newage, piano, alternative, house, reggae, experimental, easylistening, world, rock, orchestral, dance, triphop, guitar, computer, indie, popfolk, hiphop, film, poprock, emotional, atmospheric, electronic, happy, energetic, soundtrack, ambient, pop, drums, metal, classical, bass, techno, electricpiano, chillout, keyboard, electricguitar, trance, downtempo, acousticguitar, jazz, voice, strings, folk. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['electronic', 'techno', 'trance', 'film']
Determine which tag(s) best reflect the energy, genre, and instruments of this audio. The tags span various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are rock, strings, funk, violin, emotional, poprock, energetic, dance, trance, triphop, keyboard, drummachine, soundtrack, indie, easylistening, newage, drums, orchestral, classical, bass, hiphop, happy, electronic, electricguitar, folk, electricpiano, ambient, downtempo, house, instrumentalpop, guitar, popfolk, reggae, atmospheric, synthesizer, voice, computer, piano, world, pop, film, acousticguitar, lounge, techno, metal, experimental, jazz, relaxing, alternative, chillout. Multiple valid answers are allowed.
['electronic', 'pop']
Select the tag(s) that represent the mood, genre, and instrumentation of the music. The options are classical, bass, atmospheric, drums, computer, hiphop, world, popfolk, trance, guitar, strings, energetic, happy, newage, pop, relaxing, alternative, jazz, lounge, electricguitar, piano, voice, poprock, emotional, triphop, chillout, drummachine, rock, keyboard, electricpiano, soundtrack, reggae, synthesizer, indie, funk, experimental, dance, film, folk, violin, easylistening, instrumentalpop, house, orchestral, metal, downtempo, ambient, acousticguitar, techno, electronic. Multiple valid answers may apply.
['techno', 'bass', 'drums', 'piano']
Identify the appropriate tag(s) to describe the mood, genre, and instrumentation in this audio. The tags span across multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are easylistening, triphop, newage, energetic, poprock, voice, electricpiano, rock, soundtrack, relaxing, guitar, jazz, experimental, bass, downtempo, computer, emotional, metal, alternative, lounge, folk, orchestral, reggae, electricguitar, synthesizer, indie, classical, dance, violin, house, happy, hiphop, techno, pop, film, funk, world, atmospheric, trance, instrumentalpop, chillout, electronic, popfolk, acousticguitar, drummachine, ambient, keyboard, strings, drums, piano. Multiple answers may apply.
['electronic', 'house', 'techno', 'piano']
Select the tag(s) that represent the mood, genre, and instrumentation of the music. The options are world, indie, soundtrack, experimental, guitar, energetic, triphop, funk, hiphop, dance, easylistening, strings, synthesizer, classical, electricpiano, poprock, instrumentalpop, rock, violin, reggae, keyboard, alternative, ambient, metal, lounge, popfolk, happy, acousticguitar, atmospheric, newage, drummachine, voice, emotional, chillout, relaxing, trance, pop, house, bass, film, drums, folk, electronic, techno, jazz, computer, orchestral, downtempo, piano, electricguitar. Multiple valid answers may apply.
['indie', 'pop']
Identify the tag(s) that represent the mood, genre, and overall atmosphere of the music. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are experimental, reggae, film, emotional, acousticguitar, techno, energetic, atmospheric, metal, soundtrack, easylistening, lounge, orchestral, computer, happy, electricpiano, electricguitar, electronic, trance, ambient, rock, popfolk, hiphop, jazz, folk, drums, house, chillout, relaxing, bass, triphop, violin, voice, downtempo, alternative, pop, classical, drummachine, funk, synthesizer, guitar, instrumentalpop, poprock, piano, keyboard, dance, indie, newage, world, strings. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['atmospheric', 'electronic', 'soundtrack', 'piano', 'film']
Based on the tempo and structure of the audio, determine the best tag(s). The tags cover various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are electricguitar, drummachine, funk, computer, reggae, rock, lounge, drums, classical, soundtrack, relaxing, experimental, strings, bass, energetic, easylistening, acousticguitar, metal, popfolk, alternative, guitar, techno, world, atmospheric, ambient, violin, electronic, jazz, house, emotional, piano, film, voice, happy, synthesizer, newage, electricpiano, chillout, hiphop, dance, poprock, downtempo, triphop, orchestral, pop, keyboard, indie, instrumentalpop, trance, folk. Multiple answers are allowed.
['metal', 'rock', 'guitar']
Choose the most appropriate tag(s) to classify the rhythm, genre, and instrumentation of the audio. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are drummachine, electricguitar, trance, instrumentalpop, alternative, indie, pop, reggae, drums, strings, guitar, electronic, poprock, jazz, electricpiano, voice, violin, keyboard, house, folk, emotional, techno, rock, soundtrack, dance, film, lounge, metal, easylistening, hiphop, downtempo, newage, triphop, ambient, popfolk, relaxing, experimental, orchestral, chillout, bass, funk, energetic, piano, happy, synthesizer, acousticguitar, computer, classical, atmospheric, world. Multiple valid answers may apply.
Based on the melody and feel of the audio, determine the most suitable tag(s). The options are keyboard, piano, ambient, strings, easylistening, newage, experimental, instrumentalpop, electricpiano, funk, orchestral, downtempo, classical, lounge, film, electronic, indie, emotional, pop, voice, happy, popfolk, bass, computer, world, poprock, atmospheric, drums, guitar, hiphop, drummachine, triphop, metal, jazz, rock, acousticguitar, relaxing, house, soundtrack, reggae, synthesizer, alternative, trance, energetic, dance, violin, folk, techno, electricguitar, chillout. Multiple answers may apply.
['dance', 'trance']
Identify the most suitable tag(s) that describe the mood, instruments, and genre in this piece of music. The options are reggae, pop, experimental, dance, folk, ambient, orchestral, lounge, chillout, strings, alternative, classical, electricguitar, computer, newage, downtempo, triphop, guitar, trance, film, voice, world, electricpiano, poprock, keyboard, bass, happy, house, acousticguitar, electronic, emotional, indie, relaxing, jazz, energetic, violin, funk, techno, atmospheric, drums, instrumentalpop, popfolk, hiphop, piano, metal, soundtrack, rock, synthesizer, easylistening, drummachine. Multiple correct answers may apply.
['dance', 'electronic', 'trance']
Identify the best tag(s) to describe the theme and energy of the music. The tags include several genres, instruments, and moods. The options are lounge, triphop, violin, pop, instrumentalpop, synthesizer, popfolk, alternative, happy, computer, energetic, ambient, poprock, easylistening, experimental, electricguitar, newage, strings, electricpiano, emotional, guitar, metal, piano, film, reggae, folk, techno, funk, keyboard, world, acousticguitar, classical, drums, chillout, bass, rock, atmospheric, trance, drummachine, electronic, voice, soundtrack, indie, house, hiphop, jazz, downtempo, relaxing, dance, orchestral. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['electronic', 'pop', 'drums', 'piano', 'synthesizer']
Identify the tag(s) that best match the mood, genre, and instruments in this piece of music. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are easylistening, hiphop, electronic, techno, pop, poprock, keyboard, film, emotional, metal, popfolk, violin, alternative, energetic, triphop, orchestral, atmospheric, bass, rock, world, downtempo, instrumentalpop, funk, piano, classical, jazz, voice, drums, guitar, happy, electricguitar, folk, chillout, newage, indie, computer, soundtrack, strings, reggae, acousticguitar, lounge, trance, ambient, house, dance, relaxing, electricpiano, synthesizer, experimental, drummachine. Multiple answers may apply.
['pop', 'world']
Determine the tag(s) that best represent the emotion, instrumentation, and genre of the music. The options are trance, funk, electricpiano, strings, chillout, drums, triphop, soundtrack, techno, bass, instrumentalpop, easylistening, ambient, drummachine, hiphop, popfolk, poprock, folk, happy, reggae, dance, film, synthesizer, violin, piano, downtempo, indie, rock, newage, electronic, guitar, relaxing, atmospheric, lounge, computer, energetic, orchestral, metal, voice, classical, electricguitar, experimental, house, pop, keyboard, acousticguitar, alternative, world, jazz, emotional. There could be one or more correct answers.
Choose the tag(s) that reflect the mood, genre, and instruments of the audio. The options are triphop, indie, synthesizer, atmospheric, dance, reggae, newage, soundtrack, house, folk, experimental, easylistening, poprock, happy, funk, jazz, drums, electricpiano, popfolk, acousticguitar, computer, ambient, bass, alternative, world, rock, emotional, lounge, techno, orchestral, keyboard, downtempo, metal, classical, film, relaxing, piano, guitar, hiphop, electronic, chillout, strings, trance, instrumentalpop, drummachine, violin, electricguitar, energetic, pop, voice. Multiple answers may apply.
['rock', 'bass', 'drums', 'electricguitar']
Based on the feel and tempo of the audio, assign the suitable tag(s). The options include metal, computer, techno, drummachine, classical, electronic, rock, bass, trance, voice, acousticguitar, drums, indie, keyboard, lounge, downtempo, soundtrack, film, pop, experimental, happy, synthesizer, chillout, ambient, house, newage, electricguitar, strings, dance, energetic, instrumentalpop, world, piano, orchestral, hiphop, triphop, emotional, atmospheric, guitar, violin, popfolk, easylistening, poprock, alternative, relaxing, folk, funk, electricpiano, reggae, jazz. Multiple answers may be valid.
['classical', 'orchestral']
What tag(s) would you assign to describe the genre, instruments, and mood of the given music? The options are violin, strings, house, film, classical, easylistening, newage, hiphop, electronic, guitar, orchestral, electricpiano, electricguitar, dance, happy, relaxing, alternative, drums, trance, atmospheric, popfolk, piano, acousticguitar, rock, drummachine, funk, synthesizer, folk, downtempo, jazz, chillout, keyboard, triphop, energetic, instrumentalpop, ambient, pop, soundtrack, reggae, bass, indie, emotional, computer, voice, world, techno, poprock, lounge, metal, experimental. Multiple valid answers may apply.
Choose the tag(s) that best fit the genre, instruments, and overall theme of the music. The options are violin, soundtrack, downtempo, guitar, poprock, strings, bass, atmospheric, emotional, pop, electricpiano, drums, funk, indie, synthesizer, classical, triphop, trance, hiphop, instrumentalpop, easylistening, ambient, energetic, metal, techno, electronic, jazz, piano, lounge, newage, dance, relaxing, experimental, world, electricguitar, computer, reggae, popfolk, acousticguitar, keyboard, film, voice, drummachine, house, happy, folk, chillout, orchestral, rock, alternative. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['electronic', 'synthesizer']
What tag(s) would you choose to represent the mood, genre, and instruments of the music? The options are electricguitar, funk, newage, indie, reggae, orchestral, chillout, metal, computer, bass, drums, voice, soundtrack, film, rock, easylistening, trance, electronic, drummachine, piano, acousticguitar, lounge, atmospheric, synthesizer, energetic, world, electricpiano, popfolk, downtempo, guitar, folk, keyboard, classical, emotional, jazz, strings, pop, instrumentalpop, alternative, happy, poprock, house, ambient, dance, triphop, relaxing, violin, experimental, techno, hiphop. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['ambient', 'classical', 'soundtrack', 'emotional', 'film']
What tag(s) would you use to describe the genre, instruments, and atmosphere of the music? The options are electricguitar, voice, electricpiano, keyboard, relaxing, violin, popfolk, pop, metal, ambient, synthesizer, alternative, world, newage, hiphop, orchestral, energetic, guitar, film, poprock, easylistening, computer, trance, drummachine, rock, techno, indie, downtempo, lounge, house, classical, happy, folk, experimental, emotional, atmospheric, triphop, piano, funk, chillout, reggae, jazz, bass, dance, instrumentalpop, strings, acousticguitar, electronic, soundtrack, drums. Multiple answers may apply.
['alternative', 'rock', 'acousticguitar', 'bass', 'drums', 'electricguitar', 'voice']
Choose the tag(s) that best describe the atmosphere, instruments, and genre of the music. The options are classical, keyboard, triphop, indie, acousticguitar, metal, drums, jazz, funk, electricguitar, house, soundtrack, energetic, rock, piano, poprock, bass, happy, hiphop, computer, alternative, drummachine, experimental, violin, instrumentalpop, easylistening, newage, popfolk, strings, ambient, lounge, emotional, pop, electronic, chillout, downtempo, folk, film, voice, reggae, atmospheric, orchestral, relaxing, techno, synthesizer, electricpiano, trance, dance, guitar, world. Multiple answers are possible.
Identify the appropriate tag(s) to describe the mood, genre, and instrumentation in this audio. The tags span across multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are energetic, atmospheric, reggae, emotional, electronic, dance, indie, hiphop, metal, guitar, acousticguitar, funk, orchestral, newage, triphop, rock, trance, film, bass, relaxing, house, piano, alternative, lounge, experimental, violin, electricpiano, poprock, keyboard, soundtrack, instrumentalpop, chillout, synthesizer, drums, drummachine, computer, downtempo, world, popfolk, folk, jazz, ambient, electricguitar, classical, happy, easylistening, techno, strings, pop, voice. Multiple answers may apply.
Select the tag(s) that reflect the genre, instruments, and overall energy of the music. The options are pop, reggae, instrumentalpop, newage, soundtrack, rock, drums, chillout, voice, energetic, triphop, downtempo, metal, acousticguitar, folk, dance, techno, drummachine, atmospheric, lounge, happy, popfolk, violin, synthesizer, film, guitar, funk, computer, orchestral, jazz, ambient, trance, poprock, alternative, indie, electricguitar, experimental, electronic, bass, electricpiano, keyboard, emotional, house, relaxing, piano, classical, strings, world, hiphop, easylistening. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['classical', 'film']
Choose the tag(s) that capture the genre, mood, and instrumentation of the given music. The options are popfolk, emotional, piano, chillout, dance, instrumentalpop, house, violin, newage, classical, indie, atmospheric, downtempo, electricpiano, guitar, hiphop, funk, film, world, folk, ambient, energetic, computer, electricguitar, lounge, orchestral, synthesizer, acousticguitar, electronic, drums, alternative, pop, strings, metal, rock, poprock, jazz, drummachine, voice, techno, trance, easylistening, reggae, triphop, experimental, bass, keyboard, soundtrack, relaxing, happy. Multiple correct answers are possible.
['easylistening', 'instrumentalpop']
Identify the most appropriate tag(s) to classify the mood, genre, and instruments in the audio. The options are energetic, instrumentalpop, strings, violin, guitar, bass, electricguitar, newage, lounge, electronic, indie, acousticguitar, atmospheric, funk, triphop, orchestral, trance, soundtrack, rock, relaxing, alternative, classical, poprock, drums, hiphop, easylistening, metal, dance, piano, pop, emotional, synthesizer, downtempo, keyboard, chillout, experimental, computer, film, electricpiano, ambient, house, techno, reggae, folk, jazz, happy, voice, drummachine, popfolk, world. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['classical', 'orchestral', 'soundtrack', 'strings']
Determine the tag(s) that best capture the atmosphere, genre, and instruments of the music. The options are house, experimental, easylistening, chillout, rock, happy, synthesizer, world, acousticguitar, electricpiano, downtempo, electricguitar, soundtrack, drums, instrumentalpop, keyboard, jazz, lounge, triphop, alternative, indie, film, techno, computer, relaxing, energetic, electronic, dance, classical, popfolk, guitar, voice, orchestral, trance, folk, piano, metal, emotional, strings, funk, atmospheric, newage, violin, drummachine, reggae, hiphop, bass, pop, poprock, ambient. Multiple correct answers are possible.
['alternative', 'soundtrack', 'guitar', 'film']
Based on the rhythm and dynamics of the audio, assign the appropriate tag(s). The tags cover various genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are relaxing, indie, classical, voice, poprock, rock, hiphop, emotional, violin, drummachine, lounge, orchestral, soundtrack, trance, newage, electricguitar, electronic, acousticguitar, triphop, popfolk, energetic, bass, computer, happy, electricpiano, easylistening, chillout, house, piano, metal, jazz, synthesizer, folk, guitar, world, pop, dance, alternative, funk, techno, strings, experimental, keyboard, drums, instrumentalpop, reggae, film, atmospheric, ambient, downtempo. Multiple valid answers are possible.
['folk', 'world']
Determine the tag(s) that best capture the rhythm, genre, and instruments of the audio. The options are classical, experimental, pop, happy, synthesizer, instrumentalpop, chillout, drums, relaxing, piano, energetic, electricguitar, techno, dance, metal, soundtrack, folk, alternative, triphop, computer, keyboard, strings, popfolk, world, house, trance, reggae, funk, emotional, film, acousticguitar, hiphop, downtempo, voice, rock, newage, electricpiano, poprock, bass, jazz, electronic, guitar, easylistening, orchestral, lounge, ambient, violin, atmospheric, indie, drummachine. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['classical', 'folk', 'guitar']
Based on the feel and dynamics of the audio, assign the most suitable tag(s). The tags cover multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are orchestral, triphop, electricguitar, soundtrack, piano, dance, film, lounge, reggae, chillout, bass, downtempo, hiphop, relaxing, popfolk, newage, metal, funk, jazz, rock, electricpiano, guitar, synthesizer, voice, happy, alternative, instrumentalpop, experimental, ambient, keyboard, trance, acousticguitar, easylistening, pop, drummachine, atmospheric, techno, house, drums, poprock, folk, world, indie, violin, classical, emotional, electronic, computer, energetic, strings. Multiple valid answers may be allowed.
Choose the tag(s) that best describe the mood, style, and instruments of the given audio. The options are orchestral, easylistening, metal, acousticguitar, drummachine, house, poprock, violin, electricpiano, jazz, popfolk, electronic, film, ambient, soundtrack, atmospheric, guitar, piano, emotional, hiphop, keyboard, reggae, triphop, bass, relaxing, strings, voice, pop, world, techno, rock, downtempo, alternative, experimental, newage, electricguitar, folk, lounge, happy, drums, chillout, funk, computer, energetic, trance, dance, classical, indie, instrumentalpop, synthesizer. Multiple answers may apply.
Select the tag(s) that capture the atmosphere, rhythm, and genre of the given music. The tags include multiple genres, instruments, moods, and themes. The options are energetic, violin, popfolk, techno, relaxing, alternative, chillout, classical, drummachine, piano, soundtrack, folk, newage, instrumentalpop, strings, jazz, metal, indie, film, synthesizer, electricpiano, funk, electricguitar, hiphop, easylistening, lounge, drums, atmospheric, keyboard, downtempo, emotional, trance, happy, rock, ambient, triphop, bass, dance, guitar, computer, reggae, house, voice, acousticguitar, electronic, experimental, orchestral, pop, world, poprock. Multiple correct answers may exist.
['electronic', 'computer']
Based on the feel and structure of the audio, determine the best tag(s). The options are voice, film, soundtrack, poprock, funk, easylistening, dance, trance, emotional, drummachine, pop, bass, happy, metal, experimental, chillout, synthesizer, popfolk, electricpiano, indie, electronic, instrumentalpop, keyboard, hiphop, lounge, techno, world, alternative, computer, acousticguitar, guitar, jazz, drums, folk, triphop, classical, violin, newage, strings, piano, atmospheric, reggae, relaxing, electricguitar, rock, orchestral, house, energetic, ambient, downtempo. Multiple valid answers may exist.
['ambient', 'techno', 'drummachine']

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