class label
2 classes
Ariel Litte Mermaid with pearl kit
Arrived very quickly and it is a cute topper however I wouldn't have bought it if they didn't provide instructions!!!! I should have listened to the other reviews.... If you are hoping to get more than the topper DO NOT BUY THIS!! So annoyed I have this Ariel and have no idea how to decorate the cake.
Puritanical ostracism
"Easy A" explains it best. If you can't relate in some way you must be a robot. Greatest book ever.
Bulky, feels gross, not worth ordering
I read up on belly-wrapping after my c-section and bought a couple compression tank-tops from Wal-Mart, which worked nicely. I wanted something without straps and something with more compression and purchased the Squeem Perfect Waist on Amazon after reading rave reviews. When I received it and tried it on, it felt disgusting on my skin. It was uncomfortable and totally noticeable (even without a super-tight or thin shirt on), especially when I sat down. The seams and the boning are all very noticeable, and the rubber makes clothes catch and stick in a really weird way, like something would stick to you if you were really sweaty. I have wore corsets for years, and this is by far the grossest feeling and least comfortable thing I have ever put on my body. I returned it immediately.
An Ever expanding story followed by same ol same ol
Very disappointing read. Starts with her tale of what she saw in 1963 then devolves into another "MASSIVE GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY" work. Offering no documentation to support statements made. Unsupported statements about what her boyfriend said, claimed or saw. Lauds Garrison and his persecution of an innocent man in New Orleans. Originally I thought �The Assassination tapes� By George O�Toole was the worst effort in Conspiracy volumes but no more.
Self-Serving Message
This is the tale of a kindly Rabbi, his sweet daughter and the cat who loves her. The tale seems promising at first, until it delves into bitterness over God and those who love Him and follow His laws. The cat represents the glorification of sin itself, and delights whenever the book's characters fall into ungodly habits, judging them forever as hypocrites (taking no account into repentance and future avoidance of said sin). As is the case with most humanist literature the story down spirals from that point until it ends with the Rabbi losing faith in God. At this point the cat is truly happy with the Rabbi, thus giving the tale a 'happy ending'. In short, 'The Rabbi's Cat' is a tale structured to appeal to secular humanists, atheists and pagans who want to feel better about their self-serving, do as you feel, lifestyles.One more note: This book, despite the beautiful artwork and appealing cover, is definitely not appropriate for children.
A sin to humanity
No, I'm not talking about Hester's crime. I'm talking about this STUPID BOOK! If only Hawthorne had kept his job in the customs house (see prologue), this abomination would never have been spawned from the cess-ridden depths of Hawthorne's twisted thinking organ. (You can figure THAT out on your own). This book is untolerably boring (the only proven cure of insomnia - if you don't mind the side effects) and the descriptions are ridiculously entangling. In the words of Mr. Hawthorne himself, this book is "ignominiously" dull. PRESERVE YOUR SANITY! NEVER READ THIS! NEVER!I sleep now...
Little one, maid of Israel
Bill Harvey has a wonderful gift of making history come alive in this book. This book awakens a sense of wonder at the possiblility of a real relationship with God as you follow the faithfulness of one little girl in ancient times. Young girls ages 5-15 will love this book. It has always been one of my most loved treasures, a real Keeper !
Plenty of action
This is my second Higgins novel and I am reall getting into this world that has been created by the author. I have learned a lot of the IRA in ways that I find pretty entertaining if at times a little fantastic.The story once again centers around Dillon the bad boy of the IRA that is now working for the British. His mission is to stop this family of half British and half Arab bilionaires.The action is non-stop and pretty interestng. It's a quick read sometime that is to the point and nothing really deep.The only compaint that I have is that I want to know more of Dillon but little by little we are seeing more of the character and some character growth.
Will not be purchasing another one of these
It worked fine in the beginning. 2 months or so into using it its performance was up in the air. I would find myself sleeping with one hand under the pillow to give it some leverage; otherwise my neck would end up in an awkward position. At times it felt like I needed to have 2 pillows because it was lacking in width and was too soft. I had to also rotate what end and what side I would lay my head/neck on. It, therefore, did not provide the support I needed.
Thank you for Releasing it!!!!!
I loved this movie as a kid and I am so happy the powers that be have decided to release it finally! If you want to see a great 80's movie, this is it!
More politics, less economincs
I wish I had read more of the reviews to learn that this book is less about economics and more about pushing a particular political point of view. The point of view is hard right and the current recession disproves most of the economic patter. After skimming a few pages I threw it away; I didn't even want it in the house.
Works and is easy to use
You drop a fixed number of drops into a fixed amount of water, as measured in the enclosed test tube up to the given line. The number of drops to use is listed right on the bottle. After a few minutes, you compare the color of the water to the color chart on a card, which gives you your nitrite level. It's plenty easy and effective.It could be even easier if the chart was on the bottle (no need for that extra card lying around), or if there was a test where you just stuck a gauge in some water and got the value, but I've never seen anything like that that doesn't expire at some point.
Excellent Book
I read this book for my 11th grade Lit class and I must admit the book was quite a shock. Many of the books I have read have been nothing more than an attempt at delving into the inner parts of the human soul. This book does much more than that. It depicts the struggle of a man with himself and an outside enemy. He commits one of the most unspeakable acts of the time and punishes himself constantly. He lacks the courage to confess his crime and goes through a period of mental and physical torture. He also faces the wrath a cruel and vicious enemy who lives for nothing more than to torture his victim. All in all I believe it was an excellent book and I would reccomend it to anyone.
interesting book
though I'm not a native english speaker, I didn't find it difficult to read it. It clearly represents a period in american history which probably many would like to forget about. Sorry for high school students who couldn't understand it, something needs to be done in order to improve their reading comprehension and interest in their own culture..
Two Hacks
I don't know who is worse- Higgins or Macnee. The plot is so tranparent you can guess what is coming next. Completely implausible. Macnee's narration is so overdone it is laughable. Most of the time the characters do little more than quaff enormous amounts of Bushmills Irish Whisky. A real stinker. Wayne Schwartz, Los Angeles, CA
Meaningless Drivel
I stongly dislike this book. There is too much meaninglessness to it. I can read seven pages for something that can be stated in one's awful. Only Webster would be able to read this and not use a dictionary. I have understood two chapters! I don't see why an English teacher would like this book because it is full of empty sentences! It is hard for one to read this book without his mind wandering. As I stated before, this is not my kind of book!
how to fail economics 101
This book preaches a very right wing kind of economics. If you can imagine one of Rush Limbaugh's readers or helpers writing a primer on economics, then this is it. Keep government small etc. The author most likely was an Austrian school follower. As it is avaiable free on Limewire, maybe get a free copy on the Net or browse it in your local library. No need to buy unless you want to flesh out (sic) the ideas of Mr Limbaugh et al. The book relentlessly hammers home the ideas that government should be amall, self interest drives the economy forward and that state intervention is bad.
no technical information
this book is a great over view of the joints used in building but has no information on beam spans or loads to actually build a building
The Scarlet Letter
One ofthe greatest novels in all of literature, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, tells of a life vastly different from those that we live today. Rejecting the present permissive lifestyle to which we were accustomed, the reader is entrenched in the gloom and doom of Puritan society. It is an exposure to a law that tells what to wear, how to think, and whom to love. The Scarlet Letter is a story of law versus human nature, hypocrisy, and of undeniable passions.Enlightening and refreshing, the reader is taken on an adventure and fully understands the risks of living passionately, beyond the limits that society sets. A novel that can be enjoyed by all ages, The Scarlet Letter is a masterpiece of its time.
If you can't say anything nice,
Well, that's no fun. Honesty is the best policy, right? This was the first of Patricia's books I had the displeasure to become acquainted with. I've tried reading another of her works, but I can't get over the simplistic writing with unnecessary adjectives thrown in for no apparent reason except, perhaps, to make the sentences longer and make the reader suffer from the protracted tripe. More than that, this book failed to make me care about the characters or about the outcome of the story
Economics even you will Understand
For all who avoided economics like the plague, this is the book for you.very informative, and gives the novice a good foundation of the subject... Check it out.. next time you argue economics with uncle Fred, you wont sound like such a dope
Good Deal and Fast Shipping
I bought this book used and it was in very good condition. Also, I received it within a week, which was nice.
It's a knock off.
The official Chrono Trigger OST has 3 discs. This version has some of the major tracks on it, the audio quality is good, but Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) this is a Chinese knock-off.Oh and if you buy the 3 disc version, make sure the cover does not have a green and red logo reading "FX", for this is also a counterfeit. The serial numbers on the real soundtrack CDs are PSCN-5021, PSCN-5022, and PSCN-5023.
Arrived broken!
Well, this is one of those "you get what you pay for" kind of reviews. Didn't pay much, didn't expect much, but basically functional would've been nice. The generator came broken (probably a miswire internally). Yep, I checked the outs with a meter... and if I finagled the probe inside and touched the right spot, I got voltage. Just not externally. Too much trouble to return it and convinced my 10-year old to go with a real light powered by batteries.
My favorite classic
Anybody who enjoys a book should read and keep The Scarlet Letter in their library. It's a classic, must-own for anybody that values the concept of reading. And if you didn't like it the first time, read it again and give it a second chance. I've read it about six times and it gets better each time. Cherish this book.
Makes me look like a i have a perfect hourglass figure
I love how this product makes me look in my clothes!!! its shapes me into a perfect hourglass! i dont know if the claim that it permanantley reduces your waist after 30 days is true because i havent had it that long. my only complaints are that it is a little too short, so i still have a small bulge over the top in vthe back and i think it may be stretching out as i wear it as oppossed to it shrinking me, but overall, it is the best shapewear i have ever purchased. i love it and would recommend it to anyone.
Obviously, not Adam Sandler's best
An acceptable movie, with some good moments by Adam Sandler, and some of the other new American comedy guys; but very far from his really "funny people" involved movies, like "ANGER MANAGEMENT" (with Jack Nicholson) or the hilarious "LITTLE NICKY".
Avg. Rating too high
I've bought this book, underlined every hint of symbolism, found all evidence of romanticism, followed every quote involving thematic oppositions, and noted every example of Pearl's rebellious nature and social alienation, but I cannot find one positive aspect of this novel that makes any of my hard work feel rewarding. The only way this novel could give me a warm feeling is if I place it in a furnace.
Agressive, Wild, Experimental & Honnest poetry
In this experimental album, Bélanger shows his own dark & hidden garden. Obviously describing his fights against a depressive lifestyle and his deepest reflexions in his previous album (Rver Mieux - wich totally impressed me), he comes back with an exclusive musical and lyrical style mostly expressing how he concieves life as a constant fight (analogy: boxe). All songs bearing numbers instead of titles, he lets listners use their intelligence & imagination in order to "feel" the music his own way.One of the most impressive album from Quebec this year.I give 5 stars and two thumbs up.
Nice size
Very good amount for the price. Smells nice too. However, the smell reminds me of clean laundry. I was wanting something a little different, a little younger. Still smells pretty good though. Curve smells better in the men cologne to me.
Cheesy, dangerous gadget,
I've had the smaller model only about a month. Nevertheless, it is starting to go. It puts shards of sharp plastic in the food. (From searching the net on this, I find that my experience is not unique, either.)Not recommended.Better brands include Firth, Unicorn's Magnum and Magnum Plus, William Bounds, and Peugeot.
Does not work!
It worked about 40% of the time when I was standing less than two feet from the outlet. When I moved eight to ten feet away it worked about 5% of the. I would not recommend it.
OMG Soulwax owns
wow - this is like the most amazing album ever. Every track so rocks...specially1) E-talking2) NyLipps3) I love Techo.great job guysMusicChoice played their whole album this Saturday night..and I was jamming to it the whole time going "wow".one more thing, if you're not into House/Techno/electronic then you don't want none of this, cause you won't feel it.
Good choice for getting a vintage look
I have the nude version of this chincher in small.I favour a vintage pinup look every day so the small waist is a main focus. I do have vintage styled cinchers and other authentic shapewear but they are expensive. This is a perfect substitute for day to day wear.As said in annother review you cannot wear this under clingy slinky clothes as it does ripple up at the front.I would recomend wearing a slip under it to avoid skin irritation. I wear a corset liner available from waist training specialists.The length is fine on me, going from just below the bra line down to the hip bones (I am 5ft 4)The cinching effect takes about 1.5 - 2 inches off my waist comfortably, enough to get into my vintage dior.I do not wear it enough to comment on the claims of permenant inch loss...but I think I will give it a try.
Power to women
I read this book when I was 16 and I totally fell in love with it. I love the power it hands over to women. Hawthorne does a great job in illustrating the kind of prejudice society extends to women for actions that can be equally distributed to men but even more so he shows the determination of a woman to overcome whatever adversities may be present with renewed pride and dignity.
unknown Africa
You don't expect music from africa to be so profesionally produced. Me from the white world, don't understand the lyrics, but we do understand the music which is a mixture between salsa, soukous and fado with always the african feeling for rithem. The soft almost borred voice of Oliver N'goma fits pefectly in the music. The CD is recorded in France Paris, you can hear that professionals have been working on the CD. A must for a hot, lazy night.greetings Arno, Amsterdam
This is NOT a bootleg
This is simply not a bootleg. It was an overseas limited box set release. The band (or label) has done similar box sets. They did one for the Hero Of The Day single, limiting it to 1,000 copies. They also have plans to release a limited vinyl box soon. This is simply a collectable, nothing more than that. There are no music extras in this box.As a limited box it doesn't really offer very much at all. The CD you can purchase anywhere and the packaging of the actual disc(s) is no different than the standard (Vertigo) version. Do we really need a hat and a flag?For die hard collectors only.
Slow moving predictable story
The story is a very simple one but the action, so to speak, doesn't really happen until the final third of the book. It was a battle to get through the dry middle!Unfortunately the story is also exceptionally easy to guessand the turns of the story are not surprising in the least.On the plus side, the book gives a good glimpse at life in Puritan early American communities and their moral strucutres.
Perfect book for a long flight....
.... or a lazy afternoon. This book is like watching a romantic movie. It is interesting, feel good and 'tasty'. Capella has done a good job of holding the reader's interest with fun descriptions of food, chefs, Rome, locals and the Italian countryside.I happened to pick this book up at a used book store and I am glad I did. You'll like this book if you are a romantic/ a foodie/ love to travel/ love Italy and Italian food or all of the above.
I washed it before used it for the first time. The next day I wore it, I found my skin were itchy all over place on my stomach. And I feel that the heat on my body trapped on that.
They're blocks - keep that in mind
We got these after seeing the Incrediblocks in the FP Catalog.There are little to no pizazz to the blocks. Some have features where you can "spin" them (like the letter Q - Queen) or the W (watermelon seeds that rattle) - but most are just a "look at me" type of a block.With that in mind - yes I like the product. They're blocks. They're meant for stacking, knocking over and banging - which my son loves (he's had these since he was 6 months). They're better than the plain wooden blocks because they're textured, they have objects inside, letters - lots of opportunities to learn letters, colors, objects, descriptions, etc.For now he's stacking, banging and knocking over. It'll be around for a while until he's ready to learn more words, colors, objects, animals. This review isn't profound or eye openings because again - they're just blocks. Keep that in mind when making your purchasing decision. It will not make your child an overnight rocket scientist =)
The scarlet Letter
The book was wonderful and in good condition. I purchased it for my daughter, who is in highschool. The book arrived around the time it stated it would. Above all of that the price was great.
Disappointment on every page
I'm so glad that this was not my first Jack Higgins novel. If it were, it would also be my last.Normally, I can forgive Higgins his cliche's and his obsessive attention to his characters' drinking habits, because his characters are fun and interesting. He puts them in great plots and pulls the reader happily through them, and you can't wait to find the next book especially if it's got Sean Dillon.But not this one. All the characters are wooden. The action is colorless and completely unbelievable. A president guarded only by one secret service agent and a dog? A professional assassin who whacks his target on the head and then shoots someone else?There is no sense of timing or place, only the thinnest of motivations for most characters, and no justification for many of the decisions made by characters.This book is amateur hour. Don't bother. Read some of Higgins's earlier works instead.
Ick ack. Put it back.
I absolutely couldn't stand this book!I'm not understanding how it's sexy for a woman to give up her friends and life for a guy who wishes to control her completely. The Don was a jerk. Nicoletta is an awesome heroine in the beginning, but turns into a submissive wifey thing by the end. It's a sad thing when a woman, to paraphrase an actually part of Nicoletta's thoughts, "leaves her old life behind because he'll never like it, and because she just HAS to". Eeeeew.I loved the Dark series, and constantly used to stalk the bookstore waiting for the next one. This one was the beginning of the end of my love for Ms. Feehan's work. I bought it to tide me over from one Dark book to the next, and it made me so angry that I wrote the author and got into a big argument over the book!Please, please, something in the Dark series, or Emma Holly's Upyr series. You'll be a lot happier.
Even Mommy has fun with this one!
My four year old daughter loves everything Barbie and loves the Rapunzel movie. This game is tons of fun, even for a 42 year old. We love playing it together. We love decorating all the rooms and finding the gems. What even better is, she can play it alone and I get some me time!
Presley's Worst Film
"Spinout" (1966) represents the nadir of Elvis Cinema - a bad sitcom without the laugh track. The only redeeming features are a few memorable songs, such as "I'll Be Back" and "Stop, Look and Listen." Buy the soundtrack and skip the movie.
It smells like Gap heaven, Very nice. Beautiful color and scent! Can't wait to try Curve Crush when i'm done with this one.
A classic? Hardly. In it's time this book may have ruffled feathers but these days it's a struggle to get through. Hawthorne's writing style is dreary and dreadful; if captivating readers was his aim, he failed miserably.
Negative Stars! Avoid like flesh eating bacteria!
"Lets jiggel the camera to show that the ground is shakeing!"Special effects; haloween leftovers.Acting; Well, the cast managed to repeat memorized lines.Casting apears to have been done in a trailer park.Script; I know nine year olds who write better stories.Cinimatography; Someones home cam.Conclusion: Anoyingly boreing and essentially unwatchable waist of time and money.
Classic tale
Loved this book as well. The movies as always stray from the book- I was pleasantly surprised and taken in by all the characters.
Review From One Book At A Time
I hate giving classics bad reviews. This book was not for me. Nothing captured my attention and I found that I had to force myself to read it. If it had been any longer I would have stopped. It did catch my interest a little in the end, but not enough to redeem the book in any way.
A Book That Is Worth a Second Look
This book is great. It is very informative. It is easy to read and understand and has alot of pictures. i would recommend this book for any one wanting to learn about Chinese Medicine.
Poor support
I've had the camcorder for a while now, and was hoping to be able to use the USB streaming feature to make small computer movies and send them to my friends and family overseas. Although the camcorder is good the included software is weak and the USB streaming makes a very choppy poor quality AVI file. I recently got a new computer and could not find the device driver disk that came with the camcorder. Sony technical support was a joke and they ended up trying to sell me a driver for my camcorder. So now I have a camcorder that I can plug into my TV or record onto a VHS (Do people still use VHS?) but any dreams I have of putting something on my computer are fading fast. I'm going to have to find a new way to send my parents the video I took of my new house.Frankly in this day and age an analogue camcorder is a waste of money.
a let down
This books just didn't do it for me. I enjoy PC but this book. Seemed too easy. Things just happend, people just called. In fact, I think this books had some bad editing. I felt as though all what was needed was there, and that someone just yanked out the big sections for no reason.I am still a fan, but this one is a skipper.The doc just happens, to see the resturante that the killer was using.The polices offer in charge is left in the subway with two people who are not police. Just does not at add.
Give this book to a your children.
Economics in One Lesson elucidates the basic principles of Economics in a simple, understandable language. If you are just starting out on economics, I would recommend this as your first book. College Textbooks will bore you and treatise like Human Action by L.W. Mises are pretty hard for a beginner.Also, be sure to give this book to your children. Schools don't teach economics, a most important of subjects.With that said, I would like to comment on many 1 star reviews. Notice how they don't comment on the content of the book. Economics is a Science, and it is better to put away your Political Glasses when studying it.
Old and good
This book is worth to keep in your collection as it does not only advise what to do with sourdough but Ruth also told you what the picture of past 100 years ago in Alaska where no stand mixer nor any civilized stuffs in kitchen, just a pot of sourdough.
Nineteen folktales of South and Central America
This children's book is a collection of nineteen folk tales collected and retold by the author from his travels throughout Central and South America. The book won the 1925 Newbery Medal for best contribution to American children's literature. I am oviously in the minority with my opinion: I only awarded the book two stars. I simply found it boring. But, this is obviously a good resource of South American folktales. Perhaps those who enjoy such material will like the book more than I.
Bought this camera for Christmas. Had her open it first so she could film the nights party & NO TAPES ARE INCLUDED! Of course all stores are closed Christmas day so the thing is USELESS until the day after. Shame on Sony. How much would a tape included in the packace cost them ? Not included Battery chargers are ....
I've read better.
I'm a 13 year old kid and I just finished reading this book for an English class I am taking. Although it was a very interesting and provkitive novel. I did not like it very much. I think it maybe that I'm still too young to throughly understand this piece of literature.
Finally on CD
I have this still on vinyl! it's great to see it out there on CD( even if its an import)! "Super Strut" and "Rhapsody in Blue" alone are worth it! One of the "must haves " for a collection of '70s jazz. Caan we get the rest of the CTI Catalog back out there???Please?
Very informative
I just returned from a month-long trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, and I found this book extremely useful for Cambodia. Not so much for hotel listings, etc., but for no-nonsense background information on Angkor, Phnomh Penh, and Siem Reap. The Vietnam portion was helpful as well, but I relied more on the Lonely Planet and Rough Guide Vietnam editions for that country. I would definitely recommend this book to someone traveling to Cambodia over the Lonely Planet edition, which is *really* outdated.
This book is a masterpiece of not only American literature, but of world literature. Reading this book was the experience that showed me what good literature is. This is easily in my top three along with Fahrenheit 451 and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Low resolution and poor quality
I bought it new in 2002 for $400. The color is pretty good. The resolution is very poor, only close shot get you satified. Other than that you get blur edge and barrel distortion sometimes. I didn't use it a lot for the first 3 years, only the last 2 years I used it regularly to tape my daughter's piano class homework every 2 weeks for 5-8 minutes each time. Recently I have to knock this camera extremly hard several times to make the recording start (It's common issue as the piano teacher told me.). So I have to find a new camcorder now. I don't know what can I do if it refuses to work one day in my daughter's piano class.
Spun Out
The best things about this heavily formula vehicle are (1) Elvis' opening production numbers (including a nicely staged "Adam And Evil"); (2) Deborah Walley's "girl drummer" role; (3) the Deusenberg; and (4) Elvis' closing production number, the medium walking blues "I'll Be Back". Everything else is redundant.
Seth Kept this movie from getting a 'ZERO' star rating!!
A truly great example - of how terrible some movies have become!! Vulgar!! Offensive. Unnessisary nudity!! I usually love Adam Sandler - and can't believe he'd stoop so low in this role. Seth is highly likeable in this - but still swears and lowers himself as well. The woman who plays Adams 'romantic interest' is mostly great - but also stoops to swearing - blantant sexuality. The writing is the worst in this movie. This awful movie is 2 hours and 22 minutes long - but only feels like 5 hours. - And I could have spent my life doing something more interesting and exciting like watching paint dry or grass grow. I suggest skipping this movie altogether!! Tragic where movies have gone to. Much has been lost!!Scott MacNeil - comedian.
Gauges in chair arms
Chair is the product ordered, however it came with gauges in the arms. The chair was well packed and the damage appeared to have happened at the factory before wrapping for shipment. Poor quality control. Not worth returning the product. Other than that, the bench is substantial and as promised. I have pictures taken while I was unwrapping, but couldn't figure out how to include them.
Pretty Fricken Sweet
You know the movies, and if you're looking at this page, you probably love them. The bottom line is, you get 6 classic campy DVDs, in their own cases, for a good price. Some of these DVDs are hard to find on their own - I personally had been looking for Return to Horror High for quite some time, before I decided to get this set. It's well worth the money - you won't be disappointed.
Hard to clean
We had to buy a new lunchbox for our son after 2 months (a different brand, machine-washable) because this one is way too hard to clean. I have turned it completely inside out, scrubbed between all the cracks, and still food is stuck in the seams andthreads. It is very durable, but we can't get rid of the smell or stains with a reasonable amount of effort.
Bad Deal!!
I ordered this DVD and received a substitute I never received the DVD I ordered from Importcds (the Vendor). I contacted them and did not recieve any feedback. I can't rate a DVD I have never seen. I didn't bother to send it back because it would have cost me more that I orginally paid for it. In the future I will watch for the name of the person and/or persons I am buying from. I thought they were a good company. I understand a simple mistake but, to not get a response at all is not good businees sense. I spend hundreds of dollars a month on building my DVD collection. I guess I will be more careful in the future.
Terror in Central Park
Here is a terrifying novel by Cornwell. Her knowledge of medicine and forensic science keeps you turning the page. A woman's body is found in the snow in Central Park. There is no question that the killer is one Temple Brooks Goult. Scarpetta discovers that his killings are a pattern with one ending. It is one of her best. By Ruth Thompson author of "The Bluegrass Dream"
Boring, very
This book may have been one of the best books of the 19th century but its language and themes don't relate to us very much any more. The Scarlet Letter is very boring and never seems to end. I really disliked the book.
MASK MAKER takes us down a cinematic path often traveled and does it in a typically predictable fashion. A story of revenge with an unstoppable killer who murders his victims and uses their skinned faces to achieve some kind of beauty. Flashbacks reveal his motivation in an attempt to elicit some level of sympathy.MASK MAKER isn't the worst entry in this familiar territory but it doesn't tread new waters either. The cast performs on various levels of competence. WEEKEND AT BERNIE's Terry Kiser is an effective guilt-ridden buffoon. Treat Williams is ill-used in a cameo role. Horror vet Michael Berryman is unusually restrained in a small role. Nikki Deloach is no Jamie Lee Curtis in her leading role, giving a weak performance in a typical survivor role as the resilient resourceful female. Doomed fiance Stephen Colletti (sic) is equally flaccid.An open-ended finale paves the way for MASK MAKER II---something we definitely don't need.
A wildly implausible thriller
This book is so unrealistic that it spoils all the fun, super killers like Temple Gault (a clone for the Satan Incarnate known as Hannibal Lecter) are more silly than super. I found all the other character two dimensional and all the "intrigue" regarding super computers insulting to my intelligence. Has Cornwell done better? I don't know and, after reading this, am in no big hurry to find out.
Hanford Mills museum
My friend is a master carpenter and he saw this book at a recent trip to Hanford Mills museum.He is an avid reader and loved the book so much that I am inclined to read it as well!! Enjoy.
Edge of Danger
1 star - only because that's the minimum.This book proves the famous can publish anything.
You sure can tell this was written by an accountant...
There sure is some exciting literature out there. This is not it. The material is very dry...desert comes to mind. I am using this book for my accounting 211 course at OSU, and boy is it fun (note the sarcasm). And what's with the dates in the example problems (such as 12/31/x1)? What is that? Were they too afraid to put a 9 in there? They didn't think we, the students, could handle it? But hey, I'm not bitter or anything. I don't even think you COULD make accounting interesting. A must read! (HA!)
Woburn: Forgotten Tales & Untold Stories
I purchased this book hoping to find some history of the town that one of my ancestors Samuel Richardson, helped found. Although there was little mention of people from my direct line, this was an extremely interesting read of the history after the town was founded in 1630. The history and characters are real and the various chapter authors did an excellent job of researching facts and putting them into facinating stories. This book gave me a better understanding of what several generations went through in order to make Woburn what it is today. This would be a great read for anyone interested in the early history of the United States.
Don't waste your money
I ordered this because my apartment doesn't have a light switch in the living room. It worked fine for about a week, then occassionaly would take 3 or 4 clicks to get the light to turn out. Now it will work 1 out of maybe 100 attempts, and only within 6 feet of the outlet. Terrible
not really worth it
I wore this for my wedding since I hadn't lost all of my pregnancy weight. It was great for a little bit. But then started getting a crease around my waist. I can't wear it anymore. Plus it made me feel very sick if I wore it for more than a couple hours. They suggest wearing it 8 hours? I couldn't do it. As soon as I take it off I am instantly better.
Janes All the worlds aircraft 1996-7
Great to deal with. Very quick delivery. Very highly recommended. Thank you.
Parents - Don't Let Your Kids Watch This Movie
Someone I know bought this in a discount rack, thinking it was what it pretends to be -- a children's holiday cartoon. Nothing could be further from the truth. I could not believe what a disgusting piece of filth it is, full of perverted sexual innuendo. Movies like this should not be marketed toward children, and no matter what the rating, that is who they were trying to target by making it look like a children's holiday cartoon. It should be kept in the back room of video stores with the restriction that only adults could see it (and then only if they have absolutely no taste nor moral fortitude whatsoever). I can't give this as strongly negative a review as it deserves! I only gave it one star because they wouldn't let me give it none.
Jean Hill's story changed with the wind. She saw next to nothing during the assassination, but used her unique location (and her active imagination)to keep herself in the limelight for years. It got so bad that even the conspiracy writers were shying away from her toward the end. It was laughable.Someone needed to ask her about the "little dog" she said was sitting in the car with JFK and Jackie. (Look at the original interviews- she actually said it.)This book is BS from stem to stern. Go read a fairy tale, at least there's a moral at the end. The only thing you find at the end of this book is your wallet a little lighter!
"Uh oh he's been using Brand X"
An embarassment. Steer clear of this one folks. Just when you thought these guys were the last real "fusion" types about...Since when did the last great secret of the fusion world start taking pointers from Joe Satriani and listening to old Al DiMeola pratice sessions? Where the hell is Phil when you need him, oh yes, Tarzan. The star is for the Bruford and Wilding/Bonus tracks, and well does one really want those?
I don't get it.
I was assigned this book when I was a sophomore in high school (22 years ago). I couldn't get through it; the Cliff Notes version help me pass the test. I found it turgid and laborious reading.I graduated in the top 10% of my high school class. I have a master's degree. Despite my academic success, I don't understand why this book is a classic. I don't understand why Hester didn't just pack up Pearl and her stuff, move to another town and tell everyone she was a widow. That would have saved everyone alot of grief, especially young readers like me.
I love It!
it does what it is supposed to do making you look slimmer in the waist area. my grandmother even notice it, and she didn't even know i bought it. It really makes you look smaller in that area of your body. I would most likely buy another one but next time in a small not medium.
Heart is awesome!!
I absolutely adore Heart and hadn't heard this album in years! I actually purchased it for my mom and it hasn't left her CD player since.
Ludicrous and silly
I remember getting this book so faintly that that says alot about my opinion of it. Basically, while I will entertain lots of odd ideas and theories, this book was basically silly.
Excellent - Very Useful
I find this book highly useful as a desktop reference for just about anything HTML/DHTML related. In addition, Powell does a great job of introducing topics that may be new to some people, like XML.
Duller than dirt
I teach high school English, and was required to teach thisto my students. I don't know who suffered more, me or them.To be fair, as one of America's first novels, it has interestingelements and Hawthorne does a good job.On the other hand, it is excruciating to read. There is nosuspense, little to sympathize or empathize with, and evenless to enjoy. A better writer could have told the samestory in half the number of pages. Some have labelledthis book a tragedy; they are right only in the sense thatit is tragically bad.
just 1 peanuts movie!??!!
Honestly, if you knew about the blu-ray format and the capacity 1 disc has you should be appalled that there isn't the entire peanuts collection on 1 disc. This is such a obvious marketing plot to extort more money out of the consumer. If you buy this disc you are only feeding into that disgraceful behavior. If you don't know, blu-rays can hold more than 10 times the amount of content a DVD can hold. The entire peanuts movie collection can fit on to one blu-ray disc and to seperate them over 10+ discs just takes more money from you to send their fat kids to college. A pox on both your houses.
The Last dissenting Witness
The way Bill Sloan wrote Jean Hill's side of her story of the assassination was in perfect terms. Jean Hill was the closest person to President Kennedy when the shots were fired and she saw where the shots came from and the feds tried to cover everything up. I believe that Jean Hill really knew and saw what happened that day in November. Anyone who would like to find out information about the assassination I believe this is the right book to read and hear what was truly covered up.
No Active Table of Contents
My rating is only for the electronic formatting of this book. I really feel like I don't have any right to complain since the book was free but -you get what you pay for.The book starts with an introduction to the story which goes on for 18% of the book file. The actual text of the book doesn't start until location 604-10. Unfortunately the only way to find this is to page through from the beginning. It would have been nice to have a table of contents or at least a bookmaark for the start of the actual book.
Each read is like peeling layers of a rose
What greater journey than to delve into the human heart? Every emotion one can nurture there is here, bared and examined.Hester, at once forthright and complex, serves as our guide, as she wanders the lambrynth of her own private neart.That we can fall, sin, disappoint and still find redemption in confession make the message of The Scarlet Letter a most comforting tract for out day.
Very nice book
I really liked this book. It is a page turner for sure. I would read before I went to bed and have to force myself to find a stopping point.I think that Patricia Cornwell is at her prime in this novel.
One of the Greatest Books Ever Written
The Scarlet Letter is an excellent book. Hawthorne spends so much time discussing the characters' thoughts and motives that by the end of the book, you can understand why the people act the way they do. It makes them seem almost real. He relates nature to what the character's are experiencing that makes the story even more powerful. In one place he told of a rose bush that grew by the prison so it seemed Nature was saying that even though other people had abandoned them, someone could always count on the nature's love. It's very beautifully written. The story of adultery and jealous spouses happens in our own day which makes The Scarlet Letter relate to the reader. It's just a great book all over, and I feel that it's one of the best ever written.
One of her best in the Night World series!
Out of all L.J.Smiths works this is one of my most highly recommended. If you have read any other books in the Night World series you will have recognized Ash(one of the main characters), who seems to pop up in many scenes. The heroine Mary Lynette is also one of my favorite characters. During the entire novel she dosn't appear as shaken as most would after learning of the Night World,finding her soulmate vampire and befriending 3 rogue vampires. Even if this series is unrealistic what better kind of book to lose yourself in. I find the whole concept of the Night World,wild powers and soulmates fascinating,this book is worth it.
The ending was great!
The most unusual story of a young man facing life with a handicap. I felt like a cheerleader and prayed that he could overcome. I could hardly wait to reach the end of the book. Don't peek!
Poor quality and lousy customer service
The Squeem is a great idea, but their quality is second rate, and their customer service is worse than useless. I'd owned mine for about 4 weeks and worn it only a few hours a day when I noticed that a seam was coming unstitched. The threads aren't frayed; they're unstitching from the seam.Contacting customer service has been an exercise in futility. They've asked for pictures of the damage, and then failed to respond to the pictures, or any further attempts to contact them.For what this costs, it needs to last longer than 4 weeks.
What it is about "Henry Dog". My daughter was 6 when we gave her Henry. Love is not the word. Obsession! A few years later my ex-wife decided he had to go. Under the guise of an "incurable" lice infection my ex-wife threw him out. Trauma followed. We bought a replacement which my daughter has safely on her closet shelf. He is thread bare. I found him online and was overwhelmed to read the reviews at None had less than 5 stars. Each story told how this little guy had touched their lives. These Henry owners, both girls and boys, cherished him as if he had been a "real" dog. I guess to them, he is. Daddy had to buy his little (40 year old) daughter a new one. I got both the 14" and 3". I was on the phone when she opened the box..... Henry was home again. My granddaughter saw Henry got excited and wanted one also. She is 19 years old. This company should bottle "Henry Dog`s" charisma. Thanks for keeping him alive.

Amazon Polarity 10pct

This is a direct subset of the original Amazon Polarity dataset, downsampled 10pct with a random shuffle

Dataset Summary

For quicker testing on Amazon Polarity. See for details and attributions

Source Data

from datasets import ClassLabel, Dataset, DatasetDict, load_dataset

ds_full = load_dataset("amazon_polarity", streaming=True)
ds_train_10_pct = Dataset.from_list(list(ds_full["train"].shuffle(seed=42).take(360_000)))
ds_test_10_pct = Dataset.from_list(list(ds_full["test"].shuffle(seed=42).take(40_000)))

ds_10_pct = DatasetDict({"train": ds_train_10_pct, "test": ds_test_10_pct})
# Need to recreate the class labels
class_label = ClassLabel(num_classes=2, names=["negative", "positive"])
ds_10_pct = row: {"title": row["title"], "content": row["content"], "label": "negative" if not row["label"] else "positive"})
ds_10_pct = ds_10_pct.cast_column("label", class_label)
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