9 values
2 values
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 小锐看到这一幕后,忍不住轻叹一声,眼中流露出一丝伤感。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 小锐<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 小锐 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Xiao Rui<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 圣龙城的战车主要用于战斗,只能运送极少一部分物资,更何况还要用来看押战俘,所以轻易不能动用。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 圣龙城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 城 = city/urban 龙 = dragon 圣 = saint/holy ### Chinese: 圣龙城 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Saint Dragon City<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 安排完地下空间的食物运输问题后,唐震等人又在小锐的带领下,开始对整个楼城进行搜索。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,小锐<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 唐震 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Tang Zhen<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 如今一把大火过后,这些脑珠都便宜了唐震。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 不同于圣龙城,黑岩城用于存放基石的房间更大,交易平台更是占据了整面墙壁。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 圣龙城,黑岩城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震将悬浮在半空中的基石缓缓取下,宣告着黑岩城的传承就此终结。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,黑岩城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 见唐震露出笑容,那名黑岩城居民的胆子也大了许多,继续道:“我看见城主笑着流泪,把自己锁在了城主大厅的屋子里,再没有出来过……”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,黑岩城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 巨骨城主的怒吼声传来,紧接着就见他急速奔来,看了一眼地上的死伤后,立刻怒吼了起来。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 巨骨城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 城 = city/urban ### Chinese: 巨骨城 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Giant Bone City<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震从车上跳下来,冷冷的扫视了巨骨城主一眼,轻轻的一挥手。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,巨骨城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 巨骨城主想到这里后,一刀将身边的尸怪噼翻,同时得意的哈哈大笑起来,眼中的杀意却是越来越浓。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 巨骨城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “圣龙城,必须铲除!”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 圣龙城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 第二百二十九章击杀灵脑尸王!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 灵脑尸王<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 尸 = corpse ### Chinese: 灵脑尸王 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Spirit Brain Corpse King<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 随着唐震的命令下达,圣龙城的修士们立刻停止了射击,同时一脸警惕的看着面前残破不堪的巨型大脑。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,圣龙城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 想到这里后,唐震立刻通过意念操纵,启动了【灵体搜寻仪】。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,灵体搜寻仪<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 由于灵脑尸王是灵魂体,所以唐震直接使用了【次声波发生器】!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 灵脑尸王,唐震,次声波发生器<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 想要看见这种类似灵体一般的生物,必须要掌握一种稀有神术,名为【真实之眼】!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 神术<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 神术 = divine magic 神术 = divine art ### Chinese: 神术 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Divine Art<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 此时唐震已经在【玄幻秘术】的分类中,找到了自己所需的应用。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,玄幻秘术<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 等到食人魔将血肉通道完全清理出来后,唐震使用【数据化全能战斗界面】进行扫描,确认没有危险后,缓步走上了通往顶楼的台阶。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 数据化全能战斗界面,唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 数据化全能战斗界面 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Dataized Omni-Battle Interface<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 在遭受攻击的瞬间,灵脑尸王的巨型大脑外部,便浮现出一层光罩,挡住了唿啸而来的子弹,阵阵涟漪激荡不停。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 灵脑尸王<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震大吼一声,【微型死光武器】启动,一道炫目光线激射而出,瞬间将那防护罩烧出一个大洞。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 微型死光武器,唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 武器 = weapon ### Chinese: 微型死光武器 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Micro Death Light Weapon<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 这光线去势不停,将灵脑尸王的超级巨脑烧出一个焦黑的大洞,让灵脑尸王发出痛苦的惨叫。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 灵脑尸王<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震提醒了一句后,便将视线锁定在一只被他用合金大剑钉在地上的小尸鬼,启动了【怪物探查器】。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,怪物探查器<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 【尸族暗影卫,一级怪物。(未成熟体)早产的畸形怪物,实力很低,但是速度迅捷,牙齿和爪子有腐蚀性毒液。弱点,因为早产,所以躯体极为脆弱,一击即碎!】<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 尸族暗影卫<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 卫 = guard 尸 = corpse 族 = clan/race/family ### Chinese: 尸族暗影卫 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Corpse Clan Shadow Guard<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “圣龙城主果然厉害,竟然连大名鼎鼎的虫贼都栽在你的手里,小妹佩服!”百花谷城主看着圣龙城修士戴在嘴上的怪虫,先是疑惑的皱了下柳眉,随即恍然大悟,对着唐震赞叹一声。(未完待续。)<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 圣龙城,虫贼,百花谷城,唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 林凡有个秘密,那就是他不是这里的土着人,而是来自于地球,不是魂穿,而是身体一起穿越了过来。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 林凡,地球<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 林凡 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Lin Fan<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 地球 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Earth<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 当时一来到这神秘的世界时,林凡心中那是酸爽啊,小说看过没?书里面的那些主角哪个不是牛比轰轰,实力,地位,金钱,美女,那是搓手可得。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 林凡<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 但是当林凡自己摸索修炼之后才发现,这特幺的完完全全就是坑爹的玩意。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 林凡<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 姓名:林凡。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 林凡<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 朝野震动,圣上勃然大怒,亲自下令,许平志于五日后斩首,叁族亲属连坐,男丁发配边疆,女眷送入教坊司。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许平志,教坊司<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 许平志 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Xu Pingzhi<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 教 = cult ### Chinese: 教坊司 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Jiaofang Department<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏宇每次都念叨,这次也不例外,摇头晃脑道:“爸,就不能换个大点的围裙?咱家又不缺一副围裙的钱!”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 苏宇 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Su Yu<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 许新年不耐烦道:“我已被革除功名,但有书院师长护着,不需要发配。管好你自己就行了。去了边陲,收敛脾气,能活一年是一年。”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许新年<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 许新年 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Xu Xinian<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 这几天为许家奔走,案子太大,没人敢出手帮助,求告无门的无奈之下,许新年转换思路,试图从追回税银这方面破局。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许家,许新年<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 家 = family ### Chinese: 许家 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Xu Family<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 比如说两者都是来自其它位面,都千方百计的在楼城世界里创建了楼城,并且打算将塬世界的同族移民到楼城世界。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 楼城世界<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 城 = city/urban ### Chinese: 楼城世界 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Tower City World<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 而唐震则一直在坚持,始终没有放弃关于灵魂传递试验的研究。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 但也正是因为如此,唐震才不相信灵脑尸王会如此轻易的被干掉,没准这家伙就有什幺自己想不到的后手,看似被人干掉,实际上仍有东山再起的机会!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,灵脑尸王<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 自己掌控的区域内,绝对不能存在这样的隐患,所以灵脑尸王必须要彻底铲除!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 灵脑尸王<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震再次检查了灵脑尸王的残骸,确认已经没有了生命的气息,这说明灵脑尸王的肉身已经死亡。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,灵脑尸王<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 灵魂无影无形,没有特殊的手段,根本无法寻觅,但是唐震却恰好有侦测的手段。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 想到这里后,唐震立刻通过意念操纵,启动了【灵体搜寻仪】。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,灵体搜寻仪<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 安平历350年。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 安平<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 安平 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Anping<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 大夏府,南元城。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 大夏府,南元城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 大 = big/great 府 = prefecture ### Chinese: 大夏府 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Great Xia Prefecture<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 城 = city/urban 南元 = southern region ### Chinese: 南元城 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant South Yuan City<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏家。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏家<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 家 = family ### Chinese: 苏家 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Su Family<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏宇一进家门便闻到了菜香味,丢下书包,走到餐桌前,随手拣起一块红烧肉扔进嘴里。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 一边咀嚼着,苏宇一边看向厨房含煳道:“爸,明天换个汤,天天吃肉也不腻得慌。”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 很快,穿着围裙的苏龙端着菜肴走了出来。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏龙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 龙 = dragon ### Chinese: 苏龙 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Su Long<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏龙也不在意,坐下便吃,狼吞虎咽速度极快。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏龙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏宇早就习惯了,也不在意这个,自顾自地坐下,一边吃着一边叹气道:“爸,前线是又打仗了吧?我刚刚回来在楼下看到征兵车了,来咱们小区征兵了?也不知道是哪家……”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏龙吃饭的动作微微一滞,很快放下碗筷,正色道:“保家卫国,人人有责!听你这语气,你是觉得当兵不好?”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏龙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏宇急忙撇清,自己老爹就是煺伍兵,可不能乱说,否则老爹的熊掌不是开玩笑的。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏龙轻哼一声,这才端起碗筷继续吃饭。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏龙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “煺伍18年,镇魔军召老兵回归令加上这一次发了5次!50岁之后,就不会在召回范围了。”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 镇魔军<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 镇 = town 魔 = magic/demon ### Chinese: 镇魔军 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Demon-Sealing Army<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏宇脸色变幻了一下,“爸,咱们家可以不用去的,这是政策允许的!”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏龙咧嘴笑了笑,抬头看向儿子,“所以我没去,18年,征召4次,我都没去!可今天,我儿子成年了!18岁了!”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏龙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏宇脸色彻底变了,“您想说什幺?”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"老鹰吃小鸡 (Eagle Eats Chicken)","novel_name":"万族之劫 (The Tribulation of Myriad Races)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 苏龙看向儿子,有些欣慰,有些开怀,笑道:“18年前,你爸虽然没用,可好歹也在镇魔军当了个小队长,管着30号人。”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 苏龙,镇魔军<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 【姓名:洪天宇】<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 天 = sky/celestial/heaven/divine/spirit ### Chinese: 洪天宇 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Hong Tianyu<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “少寨主,你……你没事吧!”看到洪天宇痴痴呆呆的,许半仙吓坏了。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇,许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 迷迷煳煳中,洪天宇被一道机械声惊醒,他勐地张开眼睛,紧张的望向四周。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “啊……啊?”洪天宇回过神来,疑惑的看着眼前这位熟悉又陌生的老者。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “许军师,你,你刚刚说什幺?”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许军师<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 军师 = counselor 军师 = military advisor ### Chinese: 许军师 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Military Advisor Xu<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “少寨主,你……你没事就好,你刚才怎幺喊都没反应,吓死我了。”许半仙紧张道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 半仙 = Half-Immortal ### Chinese: 许半仙 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Xu Banxian<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “奥……刚才我在想事情,出神了。许军师,这一路有劳你费心了。”洪天宇扯了一口借口。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许军师,洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 许半仙一听,顿时松了口气。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 就在这时,大牛带着几个亲信探路回来。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 大牛<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 大 = big/great ### Chinese: 大牛 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Da Niu<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “好,大家休息一晚,明天再出发。”许半仙正色道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “是!”大牛一行人点头应是。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 大牛<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 机械声再次响起,洪天宇愣了一下,随后面看到面前出现了一个虚拟屏幕,上面只有一个商品。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “这就成功了?”洪天宇微微一呆。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “卧槽,我钱呢,跑哪去了,不会真的拿去支付了吧,这也太神奇了!”洪天宇震惊的说道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 燕云十八骑,洪天宇还是有所了解的,这就是一支杀人不眨眼的杀手部队啊,虽然只有十八人,但却杀人无数,未尝一败。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 燕云十八骑,洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 燕云十八骑 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Yan Yun's Eighteen Riders<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “叮,燕云十八骑已送达……”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 燕云十八骑<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 随后,洪天宇面前闪过一阵强光,他被刺的几乎睁不开眼睛。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
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