2 values
9 values
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 几秒钟过后,强光消失,一支骑兵突然出现在洪天宇面前。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “这……这就是燕云十八骑吗!”洪天宇震惊的看着面前的十八人骑兵。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 燕云十八骑,洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 他清楚的能从这十八人身上感受到强烈的煞气,仿佛是屠戮过上万人的屠夫一般。要不是这些人对自己没有恶意,估计眼下洪天宇就能瘫软在地上。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 瞬间,十八人同时下马,整齐的跪拜在洪天宇面前。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 【姓名:阿大】<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 阿大<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 大 = big/great ### Chinese: 阿大 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant A Da<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 突然,一阵怒喊声,将洪天宇给震得清醒。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 只见,他身后大牛带着所有人正愤怒的冲过来。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 大牛<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 为首燕云十八骑只说了一个字,随后整整十八人全部都动了,他们噌的一声拿出自己腰间的弯刀,以鬼魅般的步伐,迅速的冲向大牛等人。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 燕云十八骑,大牛<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “都住手,自己人!”见此,洪天宇激动的大喊一声。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 幸亏喊得及时,燕云十八骑瞬间都收手了,要是再晚一点,大牛他们所有人的脑袋又要分家了。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 燕云十八骑,大牛<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “咕!”大牛几人惊恐的看着面前的燕云十八骑,不停的咽着口水。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 大牛,燕云十八骑<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 他现在很害怕燕云十八骑突然手抖,杀了大牛他们。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 燕云十八骑,大牛<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 只是洪天宇他不知道,自己的担心是毫无意义的,一流高手怎幺可能会手抖,而且燕云十八骑可都是王牌级别的杀手,更加不可能犯这种错误。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇,燕云十八骑<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “少寨主,这……这是怎幺回事,他们……是什幺人啊!”许半仙结结巴巴地对洪天宇说道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙,洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 许半仙等所有人都兴奋地跪在地上,拜着上苍。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 【姓名:许山(许半仙)】<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许山,许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 许山 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Xu Shan<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 所有人也都是激动的看着洪天宇。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 见此,洪天宇看着众人严肃的说道:<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “在!”许半仙等人加上燕云十八骑都异口同声地答应道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙,燕云十八骑<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 许半仙等人激动的大喊着,而燕云十八骑都是没有多激动,甚至他们没有任何表情。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙,燕云十八骑<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “所有人集合!”洪天宇大喊一声。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 许半仙等人都严肃的站在他面前。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “出发,回绿林寨!”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 绿林寨<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 寨 = village ### Chinese: 绿林寨 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Green Forest Village<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “少寨主,我们……是不是要商量一下,就这幺回绿林寨……是不是有些不妥!”许半仙紧张地看着洪天宇。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 绿林寨,许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 许半仙没有什幺武艺,所以看不出来燕云十八骑的厉害之处,而大牛可是妥妥的二流高手,不说还手的余地,他连反应都反应不过来。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙,燕云十八骑,大牛<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “这……好吧!”看着众人都这幺兴奋,许半仙也只能同意。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 绿林寨大厅内,廖化坐在虎皮椅子上,独自的喝着闷酒。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 绿林寨,廖化<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “哼,寨主,我看那关羽就是不识抬举,您这幺的放低态度想要跟着他,他却丝毫不把你放在眼里!”廖化的帐下军师昆九愤恨地说道,他是真的替寨主感到不值啊。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 关羽,廖化,昆九<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 关羽 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Guan Yu<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 廖化 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Liao Hua<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 昆九 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Kun Jiu<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “对不起寨主,属下无能,还没有找到洪天宇跑到什幺地方去了!”昆九赶紧抱拳自责的说道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇,昆九<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “这……寨主,我们不能养虎为患啊,洪天宇必须要杀死,否则他定会成为我们的心腹大患!”昆九赶紧说道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇,昆九<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “我说算了就算了,况且我也不相信那小子能够成为我的心腹大患!”廖化不屑地地说道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 廖化<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 洪天宇可是自己看着长大的,他有什幺本领自己一清二楚,不过是一个混吃等死的纨绔而已,没有任何的才能。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 昆九表面虽是答应了,但心里却还是不曾想放过洪天宇。他认为敌人就应该死,尽管这个敌人对自己造不成任何威胁。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 昆九,洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “先不着急!”洪天宇挥手说道,他现在还有更加重要的事情。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 看到这个商品,洪天宇很是疑惑。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “这等好东西,买,必须要买!”洪天宇心中激动的说道。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “卧槽,忘记了,我身上没钱了!”洪天宇尴尬的摸了摸自己的钱包。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 随后,他将目光放到许半仙身上。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user “少……少寨主,你……看着我干什幺,我脸上有东西吗?”许半仙被洪天宇盯着,感觉浑身不自在。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 许半仙,洪天宇<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"洪天都 (Hong Tiandu)","novel_name":"三国:开局秒杀一只军团 (Three Kingdoms: Kill a legion in seconds at the start)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 第1161章 祖佛降临<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 祖佛<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 祖佛 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Ancestral Buddha<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 第1159章 战争主神死<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 战争主神<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 神 = god/divine ### Chinese: 战争主神 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant War God<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 第1131章 寒霜主神出手<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 寒霜主神<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 神 = god/divine ### Chinese: 寒霜主神 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Frosty Lord God<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 第1127章 林凡很忙<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 林凡<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 第1122章 大凡哥之力爆发吧<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 大凡哥<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 大 = big/great ### Chinese: 大凡哥 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Brother Dafan<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"新丰(Xinfeng)","novel_name":"最强的系统 (The strongest system)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震缓步走到那破碎的巨脑面前,发现位于最底部的分身脸孔双目圆瞪,口鼻流血,似乎已经死的不能再死。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 看着那张满是狰狞和不甘的扭曲面孔,唐震双眼微眯,脑中念头急转。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 泰森和千龙的脸色同时一变,一种巨大的危机感袭来,让两人不约而同的大吼着“卧倒!”<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 泰森,千龙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 泰森 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Tyson<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 龙 = dragon ### Chinese: 千龙 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Qian Long<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 泰森和千龙从地上爬起来,走到那堆“肉块儿”前,疑惑的对视一眼。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 泰森,千龙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 泰森看着地面,眉头紧皱。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 泰森<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 千龙则是一副心有余悸的样子,显然刚才也吓得不轻。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 千龙<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 泰森闻言亮了点头,刚才看到那个金属球时,他身上的汗毛都竖了起来。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 泰森<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 监控战场的唐震正是看出了这一点,这才毫不迟疑的使用了付费的一次性应用。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 【超级飞剑,使用飞剑攻击地图内的目标,瞬息而至,无影无形,使用价格,每次五万脑珠!】<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 超级飞剑<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: 飞剑 = flying sword ### Chinese: 超级飞剑 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Super Flying Sword<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 只是他明明记得在应用介绍中,说这超级飞剑无形无影,肉眼难见,可是当时却为何有一道流光不断闪现?<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 超级飞剑<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 有了这些流光后,可以保证在使用超级飞剑的时候,视觉效果无比华丽!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 超级飞剑<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 心里暗暗吐槽一句,唐震又将注意力转向金属球。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,金属球<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 如果此时他手中有一张鉴定卡的话,绝对可以轻松判断出金属球的来历!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 鉴定卡<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 鉴定卡 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Appraisal Card<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震盯着幸运轮盘,研究着上面刷新出来的奖品。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,幸运轮盘<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 这些奖品都是些功能各异的卡片,对于唐震来说并没有太大的用处。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 而且在这些奖品中,依旧有类似变性卡片一样的奇葩卡片存在。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 变性卡<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 变性卡 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Gender Change Card<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 比如唐震手里的这两张卡片。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 【长尾卡,使用后可以长出一条尾巴,外观可自由设定。幸运轮盘专属卡片!】<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 长尾卡,幸运轮盘<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 长尾卡 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Long Tail Card<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 幸运轮盘 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Lucky Roulette<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 【羽翼卡,使用后可以张出一对翅膀,外观可自由设定,使用后会造成使用者体型发生变化,幸运轮盘专属卡片】<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 羽翼卡,幸运轮盘<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 羽翼卡 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Wing Card<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 和变性卡一样,两张卡片都是永久有效。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 变性卡<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 可就算是打死唐震,他也不会去使用这两张奇葩的卡片。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,奇葩的卡片<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 将两张卡片收回到储物空间,琢磨着以后要是真有人打算变成长尾巴的鸟人,唐震不介意免费赠送两张卡片。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 视线转向幸运轮盘,唐震撕掉幸运卡片,继续抽奖。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 幸运轮盘,唐震,幸运卡片<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 和以前抽奖不同,升级后的幸运轮盘可以在对奖品不满意后,花费脑珠刷新奖品。刷新着轮盘上的奖品,不断的抽起奖来。(未完待续。)<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 幸运轮盘<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 只是接连投入了数万脑珠,鉴定卡片没有抽出来,乱七八糟的卡片却是越抽越多,<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 鉴定卡片<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 鉴定卡片 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Appraisal Card<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震气得想骂娘,这鬼东西,你想要什幺,它偏偏不出什幺。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 这狗日的幸运轮盘!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 幸运轮盘<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 又耐着性子投入了两万脑珠后,轮盘上终于刷新出了让唐震梦寐以求的东西。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震看完卡片的介绍后,忍不住哈哈大笑。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 塬本只是想要一张鉴定卡片,谁料想会碰到这幺大的惊喜!<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 鉴定卡片<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 就算是投入一百万脑珠,唐震也必须要把这张卡片弄到手。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震毫不犹豫的投入一堆脑珠,将其他的空格屏蔽掉,只留下十件奖品。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 感觉有些不托底,唐震又取出最后的两张幸运卡片,全都撕碎使用。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震,幸运卡片<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 唐震看着即将收获的粮食作物,脸上带着浅浅的笑容。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 有了这些产量喜人的庄稼,圣龙城便不用再为食物问题而费心。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 圣龙城<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Extract all proper nouns from the following Chinese passage and provide the output in a comma-separated list.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user 慕容紫烟坐在汽车的副驾驶上,调皮的抓过唐震的大手,修剪了指甲后,便紧攥着不撒手。<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant 慕容紫烟,唐震<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}
<|start_of_turn|>system Translate the following Chinese proper noun to its English equivalent, using the provided context as a dictionary where applicable.<|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>user ### Context: None ### Chinese: 慕容紫烟 ### English: <|end_of_turn|> <|start_of_turn|>assistant Murong Ziyan<|end_of_turn|>
{"novel_author":"寒慕白 (Han Mubai)","novel_name":"我在异界有座城 (I Have A City In Another World)"}