125 values
algal polysaccharide obtained from carrageenin protects 80 to 100 percent of chicken embryos against fatal infections with the lee strain of influenza virus .
{ "id": "C0032594", "name": "polysaccharide", "pos": [ 6, 20 ] }
{ "id": "C0007289", "name": "carrageenin", "pos": [ 35, 46 ] }
rheumatic heart disease associated with atrial septal defect : clinical and pathologic study of 12 cases of lutembacher 's syndrome .
{ "id": "C0018817", "name": "atrial septal defect", "pos": [ 40, 60 ] }
{ "id": "C0024164", "name": "lutembacher 's syndrome", "pos": [ 108, 131 ] }
[ studies on nucleoproteins ; structural correlation between nucleic acid and protein in dnk-alpha-chymotrypsin and in natural nucleoprotein ] .
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 19, 26 ] }
{ "id": "C0028612", "name": "nucleoprotein", "pos": [ 127, 140 ] }
in doses not greatly affecting muscular tone and spontaneous activity , they prolong the hypnotic effects of pentobarbitone and other barbiturates in mice .
{ "id": "C0030883", "name": "pentobarbitone", "pos": [ 109, 123 ] }
{ "id": "C0004745", "name": "barbiturates", "pos": [ 134, 146 ] }
neither distilled water nor 20 % glycerol in water administered under identical conditions produced these effects .
{ "id": "C0790233", "name": "distilled water", "pos": [ 8, 23 ] }
{ "id": "C0043047", "name": "water", "pos": [ 45, 50 ] }
the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla of the cat during splanchnic stimulation .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 15, 25 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 30, 43 ] }
the amounts of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the venous outflow and in the stimulated and unstimulated glands were determined by a fluorimetric method .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 15, 25 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 30, 43 ] }
noradrenaline has thus been shown to cause a vasomotor reversal of dopamine and of adrenaline .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 0, 13 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 83, 93 ] }
the influence of hexamethonium and pentolinium on the responses of certain peripheral effector cells to adrenaline , noradrenaline or postganglionic stimulation was studied in the cat .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 104, 114 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 117, 130 ] }
the actions of adrenaline and noradrenaline on the blood vessels of a limb and of adrenaline and postganglionic stimulation on the nictitating membrane were increased after the administration of hexamethonium and pentolinium .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 30, 43 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 82, 92 ] }
[ acid-soluble compounds in phaseolus aureus seeds . i. isolation of various nucleotides , urocanic acid & nicotinic acid using anion exchange chromatography ] .
{ "id": "C0021966", "name": "i", "pos": [ 4, 5 ] }
{ "id": "C0003075", "name": "anion", "pos": [ 128, 133 ] }
dissociated effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline on capillary resistance and pepsinogen in healthy male subjects .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 23, 33 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 38, 51 ] }
the rate of plasma protein turnover is more rapid in dogs receiving adequate dietary protein than when a diet devoid of protein is fed .
{ "id": "C0012177", "name": "dietary protein", "pos": [ 77, 92 ] }
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 120, 127 ] }
in animals receiving adequate dietary protein , tissue transfer amounts to 70 per cent of the total lost from the plasma proteins each day while the percentage rises to 85 in depleted dogs deprived of protein .
{ "id": "C0012177", "name": "dietary protein", "pos": [ 30, 45 ] }
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 201, 208 ] }
the fat particles now showed the presence of minute amounts of beta and alpha ( 1 ) serum lipoproteins in almost the same proportion as found in chylomicrons .
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 90, 102 ] }
{ "id": "C0008731", "name": "chylomicrons", "pos": [ 145, 157 ] }
chemical analysis of serum chylomicrons showed a concentration of cholesterol and phospholipides higher than could be accounted for by the attached beta and alpha ( 1 ) serum lipoproteins .
{ "id": "C0008731", "name": "chylomicrons", "pos": [ 27, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 175, 187 ] }
on the basis of these results the assumption is made that in the blood stream small amounts of serum lipoproteins , by a process of adsorption , form a complex with the absorbed triglycerides , cholesterol , and phospholipides , to produce chylomicrons .
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 101, 113 ] }
{ "id": "C0008731", "name": "chylomicrons", "pos": [ 240, 252 ] }
experimental induction of marked hyperlipemia and hypercholesterolemia by feeding a high fat egg yolk-rich diet ( supplemented with cholesterol , choleate , and thiouracil ) , and use of viosterol to cause vascular injury , led to severe atherosclerosis , coronary occlusion , and myocardial infarction .
{ "id": "C0020473", "name": "hyperlipemia", "pos": [ 33, 45 ] }
{ "id": "C0020443", "name": "hypercholesterolemia", "pos": [ 50, 70 ] }
the unidirectional fluxes of chloride and the bicarbonate and co ( 2 ) pair revealed no evidence for active transport of either anion .
{ "id": "C0008203", "name": "chloride", "pos": [ 29, 37 ] }
{ "id": "C0003075", "name": "anion", "pos": [ 128, 133 ] }
the distribution of lipid and phospholipid in paper electrophoresis of the serum lipoproteins in normal subjects and in patients with atherosclerosis .
{ "id": "C0023779", "name": "lipid", "pos": [ 20, 25 ] }
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 81, 93 ] }
determination of glutamic acid , glutamine , glutathione and gamma-aminobutyric acid and their distribution in brain tissue .
{ "id": "C0061472", "name": "glutamic acid", "pos": [ 17, 30 ] }
{ "id": "C0017797", "name": "glutamine", "pos": [ 33, 42 ] }
congenital vascular anomalies and their histopathology in sturge-weber-dimitri syndrome ( naevus flammeus with angiomatosis and encephalosis calcificans ) .
{ "id": "C0038505", "name": "sturge-weber-dimitri", "pos": [ 58, 78 ] }
{ "id": "C0002992", "name": "angiomatosis", "pos": [ 111, 123 ] }
the effects of adrenaline , noradrenaline and acetylcholine on the spontaneous motility in different parts of the pregnant and non-pregnant uterus .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 15, 25 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 28, 41 ] }
the effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline on pulmonary haemodynamics with special reference to the role of reflexes from carotid sinus baroreceptors .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 15, 25 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 30, 43 ] }
[ findings on the specific dynamic action of protein hydrolysates & proteins in the premature infant ] .
{ "id": "C0033631", "name": "protein hydrolysates", "pos": [ 45, 65 ] }
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "proteins", "pos": [ 68, 76 ] }
influence of dietary cholesterol , cod liver oil and linseed oil on cholesterol and polyenoic fatty acids in tissues from fasted and non-fasted chicks .
{ "id": "C0008395", "name": "dietary cholesterol", "pos": [ 13, 32 ] }
{ "id": "C0008377", "name": "cholesterol", "pos": [ 68, 79 ] }
relationship between prenatal maternal nutrition and socioeconomic index , weight of mother , and birth weight of infant .
{ "id": "C0005910", "name": "weight", "pos": [ 75, 81 ] }
{ "id": "C0005612", "name": "birth weight", "pos": [ 98, 110 ] }
serum transaminase and alkaline phosphatase levels after large doses of norepinephrine and epinephrine in dogs .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "norepinephrine", "pos": [ 72, 86 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "epinephrine", "pos": [ 91, 102 ] }
antagonism by 2-haloalkylamine compounds of some actions of adrenaline , noradrenaline and isoprenaline on xenopus laevis .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 60, 70 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 73, 86 ] }
[ effect of anserine and carnosine dipeptides on aerobic phosphorylation in isolated mitochondria of the pectoral muscles of pigeons ] .
{ "id": "C0003134", "name": "anserine", "pos": [ 12, 20 ] }
{ "id": "C0012512", "name": "dipeptides", "pos": [ 35, 45 ] }
[ effect of anserine and carnosine dipeptides on aerobic phosphorylation in isolated mitochondria of the pectoral muscles of pigeons ] .
{ "id": "C0007267", "name": "carnosine", "pos": [ 25, 34 ] }
{ "id": "C0012512", "name": "dipeptides", "pos": [ 35, 45 ] }
although this result suggests the absence of histone-like protein , it is not clear whether the bacterial protein found is naturally bound to the bacterial dna in the cell or becomes attached to the dna during the course of isolation .
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 58, 65 ] }
{ "id": "C0004627", "name": "bacterial protein", "pos": [ 96, 113 ] }
all these divalent cations , however , penetrate at rates much slower than do the alkali cations .
{ "id": "C0007448", "name": "divalent cations", "pos": [ 10, 26 ] }
{ "id": "C0007447", "name": "cations", "pos": [ 89, 96 ] }
a comparison between the vascular responses to adrenaline and noradrenaline in individual skeletal muscles of the cat .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 47, 57 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 62, 75 ] }
comparative studies of oleandomycin , triacetyloleandomycin , and erythromycin , with a brief review of the literature concerning oleandomycin .
{ "id": "C0041165", "name": "triacetyloleandomycin", "pos": [ 38, 59 ] }
{ "id": "C0028923", "name": "oleandomycin", "pos": [ 130, 142 ] }
[ effect of tryptophan on the methemoglobinizing activity of 2-methyl-1 , 4-naphthoquinone ( vitamin k ) & sodium nitrite ] .
{ "id": "C0027388", "name": "naphthoquinone", "pos": [ 76, 90 ] }
{ "id": "C0042878", "name": "vitamin k", "pos": [ 93, 102 ] }
[ tension reactions of rat to slow perfusions of adrenaline and noradrenaline : effects of butylsympathol and of drugs reversing the action of adrenaline ( chlorpromazine and yohimbine ) ] .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 64, 77 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 143, 153 ] }
[ application of the hestrin technic as modified by d. vincent to the determination of blood pseudocholinesterase and erythrocytic cholinesterase in guinea pigs ] .
{ "id": "C0008429", "name": "pseudocholinesterase", "pos": [ 93, 113 ] }
{ "id": "C0001044", "name": "erythrocytic cholinesterase", "pos": [ 118, 145 ] }
[ effects of variations of ionic ratios in solutions of three cations ( na , +k+ & ca++ ) on survival time of the roach ( leuciscus rutilus l. ) ] .
{ "id": "C0022023", "name": "ionic", "pos": [ 27, 32 ] }
{ "id": "C0007447", "name": "cations", "pos": [ 62, 69 ] }
[ relations between hormones and gastric chemistry . i. behavior of gastric chemistry in shay rats after the administration of total anterior pituitary extract , follicle stimulating gonadotropin , luteinizing gonadotropin , thyrotropin , somatotropin , acth ] .
{ "id": "C0032016", "name": "anterior pituitary", "pos": [ 133, 151 ] }
{ "id": "C0040160", "name": "thyrotropin", "pos": [ 225, 236 ] }
[ relations between hormones and gastric chemistry . i. behavior of gastric chemistry in shay rats after the administration of total anterior pituitary extract , follicle stimulating gonadotropin , luteinizing gonadotropin , thyrotropin , somatotropin , acth ] .
{ "id": "C0032016", "name": "anterior pituitary", "pos": [ 133, 151 ] }
{ "id": "C0037663", "name": "somatotropin", "pos": [ 239, 251 ] }
[ physico-chemical findings on the products of protein decomposition ; chromatographic analysis of various types of peptones ] .
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 47, 54 ] }
{ "id": "C0030966", "name": "peptones", "pos": [ 116, 124 ] }
the finding that the body weight level which animals will defend can be altered by lesions of the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus has been taken to provide support for this claim .
{ "id": "C0037088", "name": "finding", "pos": [ 4, 11 ] }
{ "id": "C0005910", "name": "body weight", "pos": [ 21, 32 ] }
rats subjected to various levels of +gz acceleration exhibited an increased blood concentration of noradrenalin and adrenalin , indicative of a sympatho-adrenergic reaction .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenalin", "pos": [ 99, 111 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenalin", "pos": [ 116, 125 ] }
the apoproteins of the incorporated lipoproteins were probably degraded and lipid residues accumulated in the cells .
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 36, 48 ] }
{ "id": "C0023779", "name": "lipid", "pos": [ 76, 81 ] }
apoproteins of the incorporated lipoproteins were degraded , and lipid residues accumulated in mature foam cells .
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 32, 44 ] }
{ "id": "C0023779", "name": "lipid", "pos": [ 65, 70 ] }
the protoporphyrin content of the red blood cells was high , but porphyrins and their precursors in the urine and faeces were not excessive .
{ "id": "C0033733", "name": "protoporphyrin", "pos": [ 4, 18 ] }
{ "id": "C0032712", "name": "porphyrins", "pos": [ 65, 75 ] }
of sebaceous gland-containing specimens of melanocytic nevi , a total of 79 specimens from 70 cases of nevocellular nevus ( consisting of 10 cases of compound nevus and 60 of intradermal nevus ) , four cases of juvenile melanoma and three of blue nevus were examined light-microscopically in detail for the presence or absence of nevus cells or dermal melanocytes in the sebaceous glands .
{ "id": "C0027962", "name": "melanocytic nevi", "pos": [ 43, 59 ] }
{ "id": "C0027960", "name": "nevus", "pos": [ 330, 335 ] }
of sebaceous gland-containing specimens of melanocytic nevi , a total of 79 specimens from 70 cases of nevocellular nevus ( consisting of 10 cases of compound nevus and 60 of intradermal nevus ) , four cases of juvenile melanoma and three of blue nevus were examined light-microscopically in detail for the presence or absence of nevus cells or dermal melanocytes in the sebaceous glands .
{ "id": "C0027962", "name": "melanocytic nevi", "pos": [ 43, 59 ] }
{ "id": "C0206736", "name": "blue nevus", "pos": [ 242, 252 ] }
of sebaceous gland-containing specimens of melanocytic nevi , a total of 79 specimens from 70 cases of nevocellular nevus ( consisting of 10 cases of compound nevus and 60 of intradermal nevus ) , four cases of juvenile melanoma and three of blue nevus were examined light-microscopically in detail for the presence or absence of nevus cells or dermal melanocytes in the sebaceous glands .
{ "id": "C0027960", "name": "nevus", "pos": [ 116, 121 ] }
{ "id": "C0206737", "name": "intradermal nevus", "pos": [ 175, 192 ] }
for the glycine or taurine moiety , the effect of increased deconjugation or preferential loss of one of the amino acid moieties was simulated .
{ "id": "C0017890", "name": "glycine", "pos": [ 8, 15 ] }
{ "id": "C0002520", "name": "amino acid", "pos": [ 109, 119 ] }
similarly , the distribution of bile acids between glycine and taurine conjugates reflects the balance between conjugation and conservation for each amino acid moiety .
{ "id": "C0017890", "name": "glycine", "pos": [ 51, 58 ] }
{ "id": "C0002520", "name": "amino acid", "pos": [ 149, 159 ] }
pigment gallstones are defined as any dark brown-to-black stone , consisting of calcium salts of bilirubin , phosphate , carbonate and other anions , and can be separated into carbonate- and noncarbonate-containing groups .
{ "id": "C0031603", "name": "phosphate", "pos": [ 109, 118 ] }
{ "id": "C0003075", "name": "anions", "pos": [ 141, 147 ] }
the increase in anion selectivity below ph 2.0 suggests that phosphate or sulfate groups could also be involved .
{ "id": "C0003075", "name": "anion", "pos": [ 16, 21 ] }
{ "id": "C0031603", "name": "phosphate", "pos": [ 61, 70 ] }
the increase in anion selectivity below ph 2.0 suggests that phosphate or sulfate groups could also be involved .
{ "id": "C0003075", "name": "anion", "pos": [ 16, 21 ] }
{ "id": "C0038720", "name": "sulfate", "pos": [ 74, 81 ] }
in most of the cases reported until today , the primary disease was a sarcoma ( osteogenic sarcoma , soft tissue sarcoma , hemangioendotheliosarcoma , and ewing 's sarcoma ) .
{ "id": "C0029463", "name": "osteogenic sarcoma", "pos": [ 80, 98 ] }
{ "id": "C0553580", "name": "ewing 's", "pos": [ 155, 163 ] }
of the 49 patients treated during hemoptysis , immediate arrest of bleeding was affected in 41 but 6 of these patients suffered relapse two to seven months after the procedure .
{ "id": "C0019079", "name": "hemoptysis", "pos": [ 34, 44 ] }
{ "id": "C0019080", "name": "bleeding", "pos": [ 67, 75 ] }
during the same period , we found enhanced activity of colony-stimulating factor , lack of responsiveness to erythropoietin , and appreciable titers of interferon in blood and spleen .
{ "id": "C0009392", "name": "colony-stimulating factor", "pos": [ 55, 80 ] }
{ "id": "C0014822", "name": "erythropoietin", "pos": [ 109, 123 ] }
survival studies carried out at 36 degrees , 40 degrees , 42 degrees , and 44 degrees , using human fetal lung fibroblasts and mm253 cells , showed that 42 degrees gave the greatest differential effect and allowed reasonable survival of the normal cells .
{ "id": "C0016030", "name": "fibroblasts", "pos": [ 111, 122 ] }
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 248, 253 ] }
when [ 3h ] methotrexate , [ 3h ] aminopterin , and dl- [ 3h ] tetrahydromethotrexate were administered in small amounts ( 15 mug/kg body wieght ) , no metabolites of these compounds were observed .
{ "id": "C0025677", "name": "methotrexate", "pos": [ 12, 24 ] }
{ "id": "C0002583", "name": "aminopterin", "pos": [ 34, 45 ] }
whether the uniform presence of c-type viruses can account for the number and variety of antigens found , or whether the tumor rejection antigens are independent of virus expression , remains an open question .
{ "id": "C0003320", "name": "antigens", "pos": [ 89, 97 ] }
{ "id": "C0003335", "name": "tumor", "pos": [ 121, 126 ] }
phosphonoacetic acid inhibited the synthesis of virus-induced intracellular late antigens , membrane antigens and infectious virus but not the synthesis of the early antigens induced by h. saimiri .
{ "id": "C0003342", "name": "virus", "pos": [ 48, 53 ] }
{ "id": "C0003320", "name": "antigens", "pos": [ 166, 174 ] }
a continuation of previous studies of hormone-dependent tumors in various organs in nb rats concerns the effects of removal of the hormone stimulus from animals with growing tumors .
{ "id": "C0027661", "name": "hormone-dependent tumors", "pos": [ 38, 62 ] }
{ "id": "C0027651", "name": "tumors", "pos": [ 174, 180 ] }
this analysis of thirteen cases of lower airway foreign body aspiration in children reveals a high incidence of aspiration into the left main bronchus , and an increased incidence in older children .
{ "id": "C0008059", "name": "children", "pos": [ 75, 83 ] }
{ "id": "C1455726", "name": "older children", "pos": [ 183, 197 ] }
in 14 patients with essential hypertension , the response of the heart rate and blood pressure to infusion of norepinephrine and epinephrine separately while off ( control period ) or on therapy with beta-adrenergic receptor blockade was examined .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "norepinephrine", "pos": [ 110, 124 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "epinephrine", "pos": [ 129, 140 ] }
the infusion of epinephrine and then norepinephrine produced a significant increase in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure during propranolol therapy , but the magnitude of the rise was significantly greater than that attained in the control period only during epinephrine infusion .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "norepinephrine", "pos": [ 37, 51 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "epinephrine", "pos": [ 268, 279 ] }
101 ml of co-trimoxazole ( 800 mg sulphamethoxazole and 160 mg trimethoprim ) was added to 500 ml of 5 % dextrose in water and infused over a 90-min period .
{ "id": "C0041044", "name": "co-trimoxazole", "pos": [ 10, 24 ] }
{ "id": "C0038689", "name": "sulphamethoxazole", "pos": [ 34, 51 ] }
the data suggest that the higher binding affinity and biological potency of chicken insulin , as compared to porcine insulin , can be accounted for mainly by a slower dissociation rate of the chicken insulin-receptor complex .
{ "id": "C0021641", "name": "insulin", "pos": [ 84, 91 ] }
{ "id": "C0724601", "name": "porcine insulin", "pos": [ 109, 124 ] }
these findings suggest that in female rats hgh , unlike bgh , interacts with additional , `` '' lactogenic '' '' binding sites that are distinct from the `` '' growth hormone '' '' binding sites .
{ "id": "C0169964", "name": "hgh", "pos": [ 43, 46 ] }
{ "id": "C0037663", "name": "growth hormone", "pos": [ 160, 174 ] }
morphine sulfate ( ms ) and the opioid peptide beta-endorphin beta-lph- ( 61-91 ) stimulate prolactin and growth hormone release in steroid-primed and non-treated male rats when injected intravenously or intracisternally .
{ "id": "C0205753", "name": "opioid peptide", "pos": [ 32, 46 ] }
{ "id": "C0014242", "name": "endorphin", "pos": [ 52, 61 ] }
the latter abnormality is caused mainly by an increased secretion of triglycerides into the blood even though a decreased lpl may contribute to development of hyperlipemia in cases with gross elevation of serum triglycerides .
{ "id": "C0020557", "name": "by", "pos": [ 40, 42 ] }
{ "id": "C0020473", "name": "hyperlipemia", "pos": [ 159, 171 ] }
serum levels of free and total insulin as well as total c-peptide immunoreactivity ( c-peptide and proinsulin ) and c- peptide were measured in insulin-treated diabetics with circulating insulin antibodies by the addition of polyethylene glycol ( peg ) before and after acidification .
{ "id": "C0021641", "name": "insulin", "pos": [ 31, 38 ] }
{ "id": "C0033362", "name": "proinsulin", "pos": [ 99, 109 ] }
serum levels of free and total insulin as well as total c-peptide immunoreactivity ( c-peptide and proinsulin ) and c- peptide were measured in insulin-treated diabetics with circulating insulin antibodies by the addition of polyethylene glycol ( peg ) before and after acidification .
{ "id": "C0033362", "name": "proinsulin", "pos": [ 99, 109 ] }
{ "id": "C0006558", "name": "c", "pos": [ 277, 278 ] }
human proinsulin connecting peptide ( c-peptide ) was measured by immunoassay in urine from 25 normal subjects , 18 patients with diabetes mellitus , and 34 patients with various degrees of renal insufficiency .
{ "id": "C0033362", "name": "proinsulin", "pos": [ 6, 16 ] }
{ "id": "C0006558", "name": "connecting peptide", "pos": [ 17, 35 ] }
this adenylyl cyclase activity was also stimulated by 5'-guanylyl-imidodiphosphate and sodium fluoride but not by guanosine-5'-triphosphate .
{ "id": "C0018366", "name": "guanylyl-imidodiphosphate", "pos": [ 57, 82 ] }
{ "id": "C0018353", "name": "guanosine", "pos": [ 114, 123 ] }
5'-guanylyl-diphosphoimide ( gpp ( nh ) p ) , but not gtp , stimulated both the basal and pge1-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activities , although the percentage stimulation by maximal pge was the same with or without gpp ( nh ) p .
{ "id": "C0018353", "name": "gtp", "pos": [ 54, 57 ] }
{ "id": "C0018366", "name": "gpp ( nh ) p", "pos": [ 29, 41 ] }
autoradiography was also performed after mixing mps ii cells and control fibroblasts in a ratio 1:1-8 prior to freezing and the same ratio was found between labelled and unlabelled fibroblasts .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 55, 60 ] }
{ "id": "C0016030", "name": "fibroblasts", "pos": [ 181, 192 ] }
oxidation of aqueous solutions of sugar glycosides with 0.4 mm periodate revealed that sialic acid was oxidized more rapidly than other sugars found in glycoproteins .
{ "id": "C0007004", "name": "sugar", "pos": [ 34, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0017977", "name": "glycosides", "pos": [ 40, 50 ] }
thirteen of 17 ( 77 % ) b bronchiseptica-infected herds experiencing clinical atrophic rhinitis were feedic rhinitis were freed of clinical signs of the disease by the use of this nasal culturing procedure .
{ "id": "C0035459", "name": "atrophic", "pos": [ 78, 86 ] }
{ "id": "C0035455", "name": "rhinitis", "pos": [ 108, 116 ] }
mutants of serratia marcescens nima , designated as aut , hut , or put , did not utilize l-alanine , l-histidine , or l-proline , respectively , as a sole carbon source but did utilize other amino acids or glycerol as carbon sources .
{ "id": "C0001898", "name": "l-alanine", "pos": [ 89, 98 ] }
{ "id": "C0002520", "name": "amino acids", "pos": [ 191, 202 ] }
elimination , transduction , and transformation experiments provided us with a series of derivatives similar except for the presence or absence of genes mediating resistance to penicillin ( penr ) , methicillin ( mecr ) , and tetracycline ( tetr ) and enterotoxin type b ( seb ) production ( entb+ ) .
{ "id": "C0030842", "name": "penicillin", "pos": [ 177, 187 ] }
{ "id": "C0025643", "name": "methicillin", "pos": [ 199, 210 ] }
polypeptide chains of 10 aminoacyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetases ( those for arginine , glutamine , glutamic acid , glycine , isoleucine , leucine , lysine , phenylalanine , threonine , and valine ) have been identified in lysates of escherichia coli resolved by the o'farrell two-dimensional gel system .
{ "id": "C0017797", "name": "glutamine", "pos": [ 96, 105 ] }
{ "id": "C0061472", "name": "glutamic acid", "pos": [ 108, 121 ] }
the bulk of this rna travels as a broad band , trailing the 5.8s ribosomal marker rna on electrophoretic gels .
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 17, 20 ] }
{ "id": "C0035701", "name": "ribosomal", "pos": [ 65, 74 ] }
since this membrane-associated class of rna does not resemble ribosomal rna , messenger rna , or transfer rna and since it is extracted from the cell exterior by methods used to remove extrinsic membrane molecules , we have designated it extrinsic rna .
{ "id": "C0035701", "name": "ribosomal rna", "pos": [ 62, 75 ] }
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 248, 251 ] }
since this membrane-associated class of rna does not resemble ribosomal rna , messenger rna , or transfer rna and since it is extracted from the cell exterior by methods used to remove extrinsic membrane molecules , we have designated it extrinsic rna .
{ "id": "C0035696", "name": "messenger rna", "pos": [ 78, 91 ] }
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 248, 251 ] }
since this membrane-associated class of rna does not resemble ribosomal rna , messenger rna , or transfer rna and since it is extracted from the cell exterior by methods used to remove extrinsic membrane molecules , we have designated it extrinsic rna .
{ "id": "C0035711", "name": "transfer rna", "pos": [ 97, 109 ] }
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 248, 251 ] }
the simultaneous appearance of these enzymes with vegetative holoenzymes in sporulating cells is consistent with the data found previously with dna-rna hybridization studies , which showed that sporulating cells contained both vegetative and sporulation messenger rnas .
{ "id": "C0014442", "name": "enzymes", "pos": [ 37, 44 ] }
{ "id": "C0282109", "name": "holoenzymes", "pos": [ 61, 72 ] }
the simultaneous appearance of these enzymes with vegetative holoenzymes in sporulating cells is consistent with the data found previously with dna-rna hybridization studies , which showed that sporulating cells contained both vegetative and sporulation messenger rnas .
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "dna-rna", "pos": [ 144, 151 ] }
{ "id": "C0035696", "name": "messenger rnas", "pos": [ 254, 268 ] }
the lipid a component of lipopolysaccharides from fusobacterium nucleatum fev 1 consists of beta-1',6-linked d-glucosamine disaccharides , which carry two phosphate groups : one in glycosidic and one in ester linkage .
{ "id": "C0023767", "name": "lipid a", "pos": [ 4, 11 ] }
{ "id": "C0023810", "name": "lipopolysaccharides", "pos": [ 25, 44 ] }
the effects of insulin , cortisol , and epinephrine on general protein synthesis , and specifically on fibrinogen and albumin synthesis , have been tested on cells from both normal rats and adrenalectomized rats .
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 63, 70 ] }
{ "id": "C0001924", "name": "albumin", "pos": [ 118, 125 ] }
with methylated albumin-kieselguhr fractionated 3h-hela dna as a source of native or single-strand dna antigen in a modified farr assay , an increased level of antibody to native dna was associated with active systemic lupus erythematosus , particularly active nephritis .
{ "id": "C0012935", "name": "single-strand dna", "pos": [ 85, 102 ] }
{ "id": "C0012854", "name": "dna", "pos": [ 179, 182 ] }
human beta-glucuronidase deficiency mucopolysaccharidosis : identification of cross-reactive antigen in cultured fibroblasts of deficient patients by enzyme immunoassay .
{ "id": "C0085132", "name": "beta-glucuronidase deficiency", "pos": [ 6, 35 ] }
{ "id": "C0026703", "name": "mucopolysaccharidosis", "pos": [ 36, 57 ] }
an enzyme immunoassay for human beta-glucuronidase was developed to determine the presence or absence of antigenically cross-reactive material ( crm ) in patients with beta-glucuronidase deficiency mucopolysaccharidosis .
{ "id": "C0085132", "name": "beta-glucuronidase deficiency", "pos": [ 168, 197 ] }
{ "id": "C0026703", "name": "mucopolysaccharidosis", "pos": [ 198, 219 ] }
this assay provided a sensitive means of measuring the primary interaction between the enzyme molecule and antibody but required neither pure antigen nor monospecific antiserum , an important consideration , since neither of these was available .
{ "id": "C0003241", "name": "antibody", "pos": [ 107, 115 ] }
{ "id": "C0020960", "name": "antiserum", "pos": [ 167, 176 ] }
small numbers of ln cells will produce many more cytotoxic lymphocytes on in vitro culture with allogeneic stimulator cells if spleen cells from nu/nu mice are also present throughout the culture period .
{ "id": "C3485979", "name": "allogeneic", "pos": [ 96, 106 ] }
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 134, 139 ] }
the second , found in nu/nu spleen cells precultured with alloantigen , sediments more rapidly , is adherent , and radiation resistant , and need not be allogeneic to the stimulator cells to synergize with ln cells .
{ "id": "C3485979", "name": "allogeneic", "pos": [ 153, 163 ] }
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 209, 214 ] }
because cyanogen bromide cleavage of secretory immunoglobulin a results in the release of these subunits , differences in the primary structure of secretory immunoglobulin m and secretory immunoglobulin a must exist around the binding sites for secretory component and j chain .
{ "id": "C0020838", "name": "secretory", "pos": [ 37, 46 ] }
{ "id": "C0036538", "name": "secretory component", "pos": [ 245, 264 ] }
specific ige and igg antibodies were measured in 39 adolescent and adult humans preselected to have less than 0.125 antitoxin units ( au ) ml to tetanus antitoxin ( igg ) irrespective of previous immunization history .
{ "id": "C0003445", "name": "antitoxin", "pos": [ 116, 125 ] }
{ "id": "C0039615", "name": "tetanus antitoxin", "pos": [ 145, 162 ] }
mean antitoxin values ( igg ) measured by sheep red cell hemagglutination ( srbc ) increased by 2 logs to 1.49 au/ml sera for tetanus and by 1 log to 0.025 au/ml sera for diphtheria .
{ "id": "C0003445", "name": "antitoxin", "pos": [ 5, 14 ] }
{ "id": "C0039615", "name": "au", "pos": [ 156, 158 ] }
mean antitoxin values ( igg ) measured by sheep red cell hemagglutination ( srbc ) increased by 2 logs to 1.49 au/ml sera for tetanus and by 1 log to 0.025 au/ml sera for diphtheria .
{ "id": "C0003445", "name": "antitoxin", "pos": [ 5, 14 ] }
{ "id": "C0012547", "name": "au", "pos": [ 156, 158 ] }

Dataset Card for BioRel

Dataset Summary

BioRel Dataset Summary:

BioRel is a comprehensive dataset designed for biomedical relation extraction, leveraging the vast amount of electronic biomedical literature available. Developed using the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) as a knowledge base and Medline articles as a corpus, BioRel utilizes Metamap for entity identification and linking, and employs distant supervision for relation labeling. The training set comprises 534,406 sentences, the validation set includes 218,669 sentences, and the testing set contains 114,515 sentences. This dataset supports both deep learning and statistical machine learning methods, providing a robust resource for training and evaluating biomedical relation extraction models. The original dataset is available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vw2zIxdSoqT2QALDbRVG6loLsgi2doBG

We converted the dataset to the OpenNRE format using the following script: https://github.com/GDAMining/gda-extraction/blob/main/convert2opennre/convert_biorel2opennre.py


The language in the dataset is English.

Dataset Structure

Dataset Instances

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

  "text": "algal polysaccharide obtained from carrageenin protects 80 to 100 percent of chicken embryos against fatal infections with the lee strain of influenza virus .",
  "relation": "NA",
  "h": {
    "id": "C0032594",
    "name": "polysaccharide",
    "pos": [6, 20]
  "t": {
    "id": "C0007289",
    "name": "carrageenin",
    "pos": [35, 46]

Data Fields

  • text: the text of this example, a string feature.
  • h: head entity
    • id: identifier of the head entity, a string feature.
    • pos: character offsets of the head entity, a list of int32 features.
    • name: head entity text, a string feature.
  • t: tail entity
    • id: identifier of the tail entity, a string feature.
    • pos: character offsets of the tail entity, a list of int32 features.
    • name: tail entity text, a string feature.
  • relation: a class label.



  title={BioRel: towards large-scale biomedical relation extraction},
  author={Xing, Rui and Luo, Jie and Song, Tengwei},
  journal={BMC bioinformatics},


  • Xing, R., Luo, J., & Song, T. (2020). BioRel: towards large-scale biomedical relation extraction. BMC bioinformatics, 21, 1-13.

Dataset Card Authors


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