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Former CIA agent wants to buy Twitter to kick Donald Trump offWASHINGTON — Former undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson is looking to crowdfund enough money to buy Twitter so President Donald Trump can’t use it. Wilson launched the fundraiser last week, tweeting: “If @Twitter executives won’t shut down Trump’s violence and hate, then it’s up to us. #BuyTwitter #BanTrump.” The GoFundMe page for the fundraiser says Trump’s tweets “damage the country and put people in harm’s way.” As of Wednesday morning, she had raised less than $6,000 of the billion-dollar goal. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders calls the fundraiser a “ridiculous attempt” to shut down the president’s First Amendment rights. Wilson’s identity as a CIA operative was leaked by an official in former President George W. Bush’s administration in 2003. She left the agency in 2005. If @Twitter executives won’t shut down Trump’s violence and hate, then it’s up to us. #BuyTwitter #BanTrump— Valerie Plame Wilson (@ValeriePlame) August 18, 2017
Judge Responds To Man's Request For Sharia LawA Muslim man was shocked to have his request for a judge to acknowledge Sharia law denied in court. Nadir Ibrahim Ombabi, a Minnesota taxi driver, was killed in a car accident. Following his passing, legal proceedings began to determine a settlement for his spouse or surviving family. A wrongful death suit was filed, in which Ombabi's estate was rewarded $183,000 to go to his wife. Ombabi's brother, Hasameldin Ibrahim Imbabi, subsequently disputed the ruling on the grounds that the money should be distributed to his family in accordance with Sharia law. One of the specifics of that argument was that the men should receive "twice the share of the female." "[The brother] further asserts that “the principles of the private international law should have been applied from the beginning since the law of all parties (the decedent, his widow and decedent[‘s] next of kin) is the Islamic Law and they are all Muslims and follow the specifics of the religion.” … [The brother’s] main assertion of error appears to be that the district court should have applied Sudanese Islamic law instead of Minnesota law when distributing the wrongful-death settlement proceeds…. [He] also asserts that the district court erred by refusing to honor a legal declaration issued by the Sudanese Family Court in Khartoum regarding distribution of the wrongful-death settlement proceeds under Sudanese Islamic law," court documents stated, the Washington Post reported. The judge, however, denied the man's argument due to lack of legal representation and specious arguments. Many reader applauded the judge's decision to reject Sharia law. "Muslim man has no grounds to stand on with that, Sharia Law has NO place in this country ... these people need to get it through their thick skull that the US Constitution which is law of our land and Sharia Law does not and cannot co-exist in our land!" one Newsiosity reader commented on the site's Facebook page. "Welcome to America. If you want to immigrate here and live here then follow our laws and rules. "When in Rome Do as the Romans Do " You are in our country .. respect the laws here or go back to your original country. This an example of what is totally wrong with this country now Everyone who comes here wants America to accommodate them and expect us to change . Not happening," another added.
Alt-left Overview Alt-Left refers to a loosely defined term to describe left-wing principles, organizations, politicians and activists, encompassing almost everything outside the norm of mainstream democratic liberal politics. Used as both a pejorative and an affirmative, alike, alt-left has been used as a catchall term for far-left political ideologies such as socialism, anarchism, communism as well as Antifa groups. However, because this term remains so undefined and widely denounced amongst the groups associated with it, many of the ideologies within the so-call "alt-left" contradict from group to group. Most groups refuse to give the term creedance, and after U.S. President Donald Trump used the term in a 2017 press conference, many have stated that it is a meaningless phrase. History On May 29th, 2010, the Swiss political party the Alternative Left (or "Alternative Linke") was founded. [1] The party's goals were to unite the far-left political parties of Switzerland under a democratic socialist platform. [2] The party's website reads (translated to English): "A call to all these women and men of our country, who are locally involved in the social movement, trade unionism, the associative fabric, environmental struggles, growth objection, food sovereignty, culture: let's create this together A new left-wing political force, an ecosocialist, which is so much lacking in Switzerland." On August 4th, 2015, Redditor launched zxz242 the subreddit /r/AlternativeLeft. [3] According to the Reddit's purpose, the subreddit is open to all far-left leaning ideas. It reads: "To improve communication between individuals who are dissatisfied with the behaviour and morality common to the mainstream Left and the far-Left. This is oriented to be a place for Left-wing Nationalism, Left Communism, Anarchism of all branches, and any other form of political revisionism. Yes, syncretic politics are welcome among regulars and contributors, so long as they're based on empirical evidence, and not on mysticism, romanticism, and traditionalism." On October 12th, 2015, the website was registered. [4] One month later, Rabbit, the site's owner, posted published his first post, entitled "A Clockwork Greenshirt – Introducing the Alt Left." According to the site, the AltLeft politically runs "to the left of Alt-right." On April 9th, 2016, the Facebook group "Alternative Left" launched. [6] The group's about section reads, "Leftist but against political correctness. Against SJWs but still socially liberal. Civil and cultural libertarian. Economic leftism." As of August 2017, the group has more than 2,000 likes and 2,000 follows. On December 1st, The Washington Post [15] published "Introducing the ‘alt-left’: The GOP’s response to its alt-right problem." In the article, the Post reports that conservative advocacy group One Nation released a statement under the subject line "“Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Lead Alt-Left in Hijacking of Bipartisan Medical Research Bill." On April 30th, 2017, YouTuber Tim Pool posted a video entitled "THE RISE OF THE ALT-LEFT." In the video (shown below), Pool draws a distinction between liberals and the "alt-left," asserting that "alt-left" groups are fringe groups "do not do research." He says, "When you're talking to someone who is adamant a Trump hat is triggering and could cause, you know, anxiety to certain marginalized voices that is 'alt-left.' That is this belief almost as extreme as white nationalism." As of August 2017, the video has been viewed more than 67,000 views. On August 15th, the New York Times [13] spoke to researchers who said "there is no such thing as the 'alt-left.'" “It did not arise organically, and it refers to no actual group or movement or network,” Mark Pitcavage, an analyst at the Anti-Defamation League, told the Times. 'It’s just a made-up epithet, similar to certain people calling any news they don’t like ‘fake news.'" Highlights In March 2017, Vanity Fair [7] magazine published an article entitled "Why the Alt-Left Is A Problem Too," which pointed to far-left activist groups that supported Bernie Sanders, derided Hillary Clinton and reject "identity politics" as a problem for American left-wing politics. On March 6th, New Republic magazine responded to that article in a piece called "Liberalism Needs the 'Alt-Left,'" refuting Vanity Fair's assertions. Over the next few months, many centrist and liberal commentators used the term. On August 16th, 2016 MSNBC host Joy Reid tweeted in response to another's post, "'Alt left' -- well done. Perfect descriptor." The tweet (shown below) received more than 120 retweets and 90 likes as of August 2017. "Alt left" -- well done. Perfect descriptor. Liberal use of the term "alt left" has largely been refuted by those within far-left groups. On August 12th, 2017, Twitter @Lukewsavage wrote, "'Alt left' is a term quite literally designed to draw equivalence between white supremacists and people who want universal healthcare." Within four days, the tweet (shown below) has received more than 33,000 retweets and 86,000 likes. "Alt left" is a term quite literally designed to draw equivalence between white supremacists and people who want universal he Trump "Unite The Right Rally" Comments Following the violent Unite The Right Rally that left one person dead and dozens injured, President Donald Trump made a series of statements on the event. Initially, in a press conference he said, "We condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides." [8] The following day, Trump delivered another statement. He said, [9] "Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the K.K.K., neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans." On August 15th, during another press conference at Trump Tower, Trump made more comments on his previous statements, backing up his original words (shown below). He said, "What about the alt-left that came charging at the alt-right? Do they have any semblance of guilt? What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands?" The reaction to Trump's comments brought the term "alt left" into a wider conversation. Many online disagreed with Trump's statements, asserting that he created a false equivalancy between white supremacists and neo-Nazis and those who stand against them. The prevailing take is that "alt left" is anyone who opposes Nazism and as America opposed Nazism in World War II, being American makes one "Alt-Left." That day, comedian and actor Patton Osawalt [11] posted a picture of fictional character Indiana Jones punching a Nazi. He captioned the tweet (shown below, left) "Liberal arts college professor brutalizes Nazi, who has a permit. More alt-left indoctrination." The post received more than 53,000 retweets and 127,000 likes. Twitter user @Scott_Gilmore [12] posted a picture of the U.S. military storming the beaches of Normandy, France to fight the Nazis during World War II. He captioned the post "Alt-left, violently coming at the alt-right, circa 1944." The post (shown below, right) received more than 42,000 retweets and 88,000 likes. Liberal arts college professor brutalizes Nazi, who has a permit. More alt-left indoctrination. Alt-left, violently coming at the alt-right, circa 1944. That day, former head of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, [10] tweeted his support of the president's statements. He said, "Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottesville & condemn the leftist terrorists in BLM/Antifa." The tweet (shown below) received more than 2,900 retweets and 2,000 likes. Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottesville & condemn the leftist terrorist Trump's use of the term alt-left set off more criticism of the more moderate democrats use of the term. On August 16th, New Republic Magazine [14] published an article entitled "Liberals Helped Create Trump’s New Bogeyman, the 'Alt-Left.'" Twitter also pointed out their issues with the term, stating that it creates a fale equivlancy between the left and Nazis. 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9 Famous Criminals Who Were Murdered in PrisonFor some criminals, the notoriety that comes with getting caught for murder, rape, and other horrific crimes is exactly what they want. The newspaper articles, biographies, and constant attention that are often attached to the world’s most evil crimes give certain criminals a sense of purpose, as if they are celebrities who will have their names remembered long after they’re dead. Unfortunately, being a notorious criminal also has plenty of downsides, especially when you’re heading to a prison filled with other hardened criminals. For a few famous criminals, fame is what leads to their untimely death within the walls of prison. If you’ve been wondering “Who are the most famous criminals to be murdered in prison?” this list holds the answers. The men on this list have proved that maintaining a low profile in prison beats having a famous name, since being well known for their heinous crimes is what got many of these criminals a death sentence not ordered by the legal system. From cannibalistic serial killers to pedophiles who ruined the lives of hundreds of children, the men on this list were murdered in prison by fellow inmates, whether it was due to their notoriety or personal issues. Photo: Police Mugshot Albert DeSalvo was better known as the confessed "Boston Strangler," who killed 13 women. While DeSalvo never ended up in jail for those crimes, he served a prison sentence for being a serial rapist. DeSalvo attempted to escape from prison, but the escape was shortlived. In 1973, Robert Wilson was suspected of stabbing DeSalvo to death but he was never convicted for the crime. Age: Died at 42 (1931-1973) Birthplace: Chelsea, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America 32 people have voted onThe Best Horror TV Shows Since 2015 Photo: Pinterest Photo: Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department Photo: Police Mugshot
Sebastian Gorka expects a White House shake-up before Christmas. Here's our Q&A.Sebastian Gorka, who served seven months as deputy assistant to President Trump, alongside former chief strategist Steve Bannon, sat down with Circa to talk about his time in the White House, the "deep state," the future of Trump's Make America Great Again agenda and the Washington, D.C. "bureaucratic swamp." Question and Answer with Sebastian Gorka: "That's why I predict that in the near future, before Christmas probably, there will be some very high-level personnel changes in the White House that are driven by the President." Sara Carter: There's a lot of supporters who are concerned now that with the departure of both you and Mr. Steve Bannon, that the MAGA (Make America Great Again) agenda is gone. Is that true? Sebastian Gorka: No, not at all. I know a lot of people are worried, a lot of people that, from the base felt that November the 8th was politically a revolutionary moment. The fact that Steve left and then a week later I resigned, I always tell people "relax." Count to 10. Take a deep breath. Whether or not the president's agenda succeeds isn't a function of where I sit or where Steve has an office. The president's supporters aren't just individuals who have to be inside the White House. They can be on the outside. And what, what a lot of Steve's critics didn't understand, who celebrated his resignation, Steve today is more powerful than he's ever been. It's like that scene from "Star Wars" when Ben Kenobi gets slain by Darth Vader. I will be more powerful than you can ever imagine. Steve Bannon is now the most powerful man outside of the Oval Office in America. I'm not joking, he is, because there are things you can do, legal things -- OK, relax Huffington Post -- there are legal things that you can do as a private citizen that you cannot do as a government employee. "Steve [Bannon] today is more powerful than he's ever been. It's like that scene from Star Wars when Ben Kenobi gets slain by Darth Vader." Sara Carter: But then access to the president, that's also very important? Sebastian Gorka: Yes. Sara Carter: So when you're not in the White House, you're outside the White House, how does that affect access? Sebastian Gorka: OK. I'm not gonna give away any inside baseball, but let me give you an example. When I was deputy assistant to the president, I'd walk in and out of the Oval Office and I'd regularly see people like Corey Lewandowski, I'd see Dave Bossie in the Oval [Office] with the President. Now, neither of those individuals had a government ID card, neither of them worked for the White House, but they were in there with the president and I can assure you they weren't talking about the weather. So, one thing to know about the president, he is very loyal to those who have been loyal to him. And the idea that you can isolate Donald J. Trump from people he trusts who don't happen to be inside the building is, of course, absurd. So, the President talks to lots of different people and several of them do not work for the White House. So relax. View the slideshow Sara Carter: This brings me to your resignation letter. Sebastian Gorka: Yes. Sara Carter: In your resignation letter you state that there are people ascendant within the White House that do not support the President's MAGA agenda? Explain that, and who are these people? Sebastian Gorka: OK, so first things first, I'd like to try and explain what was special about November the 8th. And if you remember, there was a film, a great John Milius film called "Red Dawn" in the 80s about the Soviet Cuban invasion of America and the resistance that American patriots put up to it. The president of the United States won against the whole establishment on November the 8th. He was just accidentally the GOP's candidate. He had nothing to do with the swamp, nothing to do with the GOP, nobody took him seriously when he announced and what did he do? He proceeded to wipe the floor with 16 establishment GOP candidates and then defeat a woman who'd officially spent $700 million on a position she thought was owed to her. "So what happened on November the 8th? It's like the wolverines from Red Dawn, a scrappy bunch of insurgents defeated the mighty empire that is the swamp." This is the rank outsider. So what happened on November the 8th? It's like the wolverines from Red Dawn, a scrappy bunch of insurgents defeated the mighty empire that is the swamp. As a result, when we moved into the White House, Steve, myself, the president, it was the most leveraged, hostile takeover in political history in the modern age. Because it was a small group of people that came in to run the largest government in the run. Sorry, if you add the armed forces, millions of employees. So, what happened is a natural event. In the intervening months, the establishment figures reacted to the antibodies that represent the MAGA agenda and boxed us out, tried to cut us out of the policy agenda. Fired a lot of the more junior people in the NSC. That's the point at which Steve and then later I realized look, uh, this is about eight years of President Trump and then eight years of President Pence. We have to think about the long game. And if right now we're being undermined internally, what we do is we go on the outside and we support the agenda from the outside. That's why I became the chief strategist for the Make America Great Again Coalition. That's why Steve is doing all kinds of things right now. That's why I predict that in the near future, before Christmas probably, there will be some very high-level personnel changes in the White House that are driven by the president. It's important to know, apart from [Robert] Mueller -- he's a holdover, ignore him -- every single, high-ranking or, or less than high-ranking firing in the last eight months was not driven by the president. OK? All those people fired from the NSC, [Anthony] Scaramucci, these were people who were fired by people other than the president. I think the president already realizes he's being given bad advice on key issues. The Alabama race tells you everything you need to know. And now he's going to get rid of some people who aren't on message and have nothing to do with the original agenda. Take the quiz! Sara Carter: Would one of those people happen to be Secretary of State [Rex] Tillerson? Sebastian Gorka: The President reached out to me the day after I resigned. He thanked me for my service. He said he is gonna stick to the agenda and he'd like me to support him from the outside. That's exactly what I'm doing. One of the things I promised myself I wouldn't do is attack individual members of the cabinet who aren't part of the agenda. So, I'm not gonna talk about individuals just yet, but I'll talk about principles and the fact is, um, Tucker Carlson had a segment after Steve left the White House that I think is crucial to understanding the reality of what's going on in the West Wing. I don't think Tucker Carlson is a big fan of Steve Bannon or Breitbart, I may be wrong, but he said one very trenchant thing. He said, "Whatever you think about Steve Bannon, there's one thing that's certain. He would not be at home in a White House under Hillary Clinton." There are people in the administration of Donald J. Trump who not only would have been at home in a Hillary Clinton White House, they would have been cabinet members in a Hillary White House. So that's the current problem, but again, relax. It's a temporary state of affairs. "There are people in the administration of Donald J. Trump who not only would have been at home in a Hillary Clinton White House, they would have been cabinet members in a Hillary White House." Sara Carter: So the president is surrounded, in your opinion, by some people that would have been comfortable in a Hillary Clinton White House and may be pushing those agendas? Sebastian Gorka: The president has this sense, and I guarantee you right now, he knows who around him is now consistently giving him bad advice and sooner or later he will make decisions to remove those people from around him. Sara Carter: Explain the "deep state." Sebastian Gorka: I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the phrase "deep state." I love conspiracy theories but only as entertainment. There's a reason they're called theories. Conspiracy theories kill critical thought. I prefer the phrase "the deep state." The deep state isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a real thing. Let me give you an example. So, I didn't work in the NSC, I worked for Steve. I was a strategist in the office, or the chief strategist to the president. But because of my national security portfolio, I attended regular classified meetings with the NSC on whatever issue it was. The Qatar crisis, the ISIS plan, you name it. And a pattern developed in these meetings which is really disturbing and explains the permanent state. You're sitting in, a White House meeting that is the pinnacle of policy making in the most powerful nation in the world. The NSC makes national security policy. There's nothing above it apart from, you know, the President and his National Security Advisor. You sit there for an hour, an hour-and-a-half, with key members of the NSC, invited guests from the CIA, DIA, outstations from the Pentagon, you name it. And for 90 minutes on a key issue, you didn't hear the name of the president. You didn't hear mention of the president's strategic objectives, and you didn't hear mention of what he said yesterday in Warsaw or Riyadh. "The swamp is much more. The professional bureaucratic class in America that believes that they know better than the President elected by the people of America to run this country." And it would be up to me, the guy with the funny accent, after 90 minutes to say, "Uh, hey guys. Did you hear what the President said yesterday in Riyadh about ISIS? Did you hear what the President said about NATO in Warsaw?" This is what the president wants to achieve and we're all gonna be on message, right? So what I saw is that the swamp isn't Capitol Hill. A lot of people think the swamp is the political professional class of congressmen and women. The swamp is much more. The professional bureaucratic class in America that believes that they know better than the president elected by the people of America to run this country. A GS14, a GS15 who's been at State Department or CIA for 20 years and thinks, "Oh, I, I've been doing this for so long. I don't care what the president says about Qatar, we need to do this. I don't care what the President says about X, Y, Z, we need to do this." That undermines American democracy and that's the permanent state, and that's what we have to push back on if democracy is to thrive in America. Related Stories: Former WH strategist, Sebastian Gorka, hit back at the 'fake news industrial complex' Sebastian Gorka resigned from his position in the White House View the slideshow
Police arrest suspected deadly al-Shabaab fighters in Kenya- Police in Voi have arrested three men suspected to belong to terror group al-Shabaab - According to sources, two other suspects escaped the manhunt - Meanwhile in Eastleigh 80 terror suspects were arrested in a major swoop on Sunday, June 18 Police in Voi on Monday, June 19, dramatically arrested three men suspected to belong to militant group al-Shabaab. According to sources, police had suspected the men of planning a terror attack in Kenya. The three terror suspects were identified as Yayha Bakari a teacher working in Kikambala, Julius Mwandenzi and Abdallah Ramadhan. The three terror suspects were identified as Yayha Bakari a teacher working in Kikambala, Julius Mwandenzi and Abdallah Ramadhan. has learnt that two other suspects escaped arrest with police launching a manhunt for them. The three suspects are currently being interrogated by the anti-terrorism police and will be arraigned in court this week. Meanwhile in Eastleigh, 80 suspected terror suspects have been arrested after a major police operation on Sunday, June 18. The suspects were said to belong to al-Shabaab terror cells in Nairobi. Police in Voi on Monday, June 19, dramatically arrested three men suspected to belong to militant group al-Shabaab. Install TUKO App To Read News For FREE In the last one month Kenya has experienced more than a dozen attacks on civilians and government officers. The attacks by the terror group has mostly been in northern Kenya, with the militants using Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). The terror attacks have currently claimed lives of 40 Kenyans mostly police officers. Have something to add to this article? Send to Watch PLO Lumumba speak about the Raila conspiracy below: Source:
Statistics Dispel Why Minneapolis Mayoral Candidate Dehn’s Push To Disarm Cops Will Fail “The most self-confident man or woman knows that it doesn’t take much skill to walk up behind them, point a gun to the back of their head, and pull the trigger.” This week, a Minneapolis mayoral candidate is running on major police reform that involves disarming the city’s police force. Raymond Dehn revealed the radical approach to public safety he’ll be taking should he be elected mayor in an interview with Fox 9 Minneapolis less than two weeks following the death of an Australian national by the name of Justine Damond. Damond, of course, was the woman shot and killed by Officer Mohamed Noor on July 15 while attempting to report the sound of a woman screaming behind her house. No one will ever know for sure whether it was the fireworks taking place in the area that night or if it was the alleged “slapping” of the patrol car by the victim just before the shooting that caused it. The only absolute in this tragic situation is that Justine Damond—a woman who called the police for help—is dead from a bullet shot from an officer’s gun. As is the case with every high-profile (Officer Involved Shooting) OIS, the equation cannot be balanced by departmental explanations that offer no objective truth in the minds of the masses. People are angry. They don’t want explanations. They want action. Dehn, of course, knows this and is attempting to capitalize on it at the polls by painting police with a broad brush as incompetent and unnecessarily armed. Don’t miss the fact that the District 59B representative only wants MPD officers to be restricted from carrying firearms on their hips. If he had it his way, he’d still allow them to keep guns in their vehicles. Therefore, his “solution” doesn’t even attempt to prevent the Justine Damond death from occurring. It’s an empty proposal made at an opportune time. There’s a reason the Justine Damond story has become an international story. It is a statistical anomaly. According to the Washington Post OIS Database, of the 574 civilians killed in officer-involved shootings so far this year, Damond is one of five unarmed women. The other four casualties on this list are Sariah Marie Lane, Ambroshia Fagre, Elena Mondragon, and Alteria Woods. No compatible source was found for this video. Lane, Fagre, and Mondragon were all killed while riding as passengers of fleeing vehicles that had been suspected by police to be stolen, involved in burglaries, and/or armed robberies. All four vehicles were used as deadly weapons by their drivers as they rammed police in attempts to get away. Woods, on the other hand, was used as a human shield by her boyfriend during a SWAT raid targeting him and his father for multiple shootings. While these four women were killed during deadly force encounters in which they were accessories to crimes committed by boyfriends, Damond’s case is entirely unique. The trend continues if we go back a few years. In 2016, three unarmed women were killed by police. Jessica Williams was shot in San Francisco after nearly trapping one officer between a fence and the stolen vehicle she was attempting to flee in. Kelsey Hauser was killed riding as a passenger in a stolen vehicle when her boyfriend attempted to run over officers after leading them on a high-speed pursuit in California. The third was 12-year-old Ciara Meyer, who was struck and killed after a constable’s bullet passed through her father’s arm. Meyer’s father reportedly pointed a rifle at the chest of one constable as he served an eviction order at the apartment. Meyer was set to lose his apartment. Instead, he got his daughter killed. In 2015, three unarmed women were shot and killed by police. India Kager was killed in Virginia while driving a vehicle with a homicide suspect in the passenger seat. When police approached the vehicle in a convenience store parking lot, Kager’s passenger opened fire on police. Both were killed in the shootout. The second was a 55-year old woman named Bettie Jones during a domestic violence call in Chicago. As an officer opened fire on a bat-wielding man in the apartment, Jones was caught in the cross-fire. The third, Autumn Steele, was shot by an officer responding to a domestic violence call in Iowa. Steele and her husband were actively fighting upon the officer’s arrival. After being bitten by the family dog, the officer fell backward while opening fire on the animal. Two rounds hit Steele instead. Each of the eleven officer-involved shootings involving “unarmed” females in the past three years is tragic—but the trend shows that seven of them were killed while engaging in criminal activity with boyfriends with a penchant for violence. Bettie Jones, Ciara Meyer, and Autumn Steel were killed as bystanders in legitimate deadly force encounters where officers feared for their lives. That leaves Justine Damond in a class of her own. Like I said, her death is the anomaly of all anomalies. Politicians like Raymond Dehn are free to use their own history of criminality to bolster their political profile in a society that loves a comeback story. Being a recovering cocaine addict and felon doesn’t preclude anyone from running for mayor, but when a politician takes advantage of tragedies such as Justine Damond’s death to suggest that police officers should place themselves in imminent danger…well, that’s where the line needs to be drawn. Despite advances in proficiency for firearms training over the course of several decades, 27 police officers have already been murdered by gunfire in the line of duty this year. In 2015, the total was 47. In 2016, it was 63. According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, we are currently on track to lose around the same number to gunfire this year. Hopefully, we’ll buck the trend. Every officer will tell you that there is a wide spectrum of skill levels as it relates to weapons tactics, handling, and marksmanship. What we’ll also all tell you is that the level of skill a cop possesses matters little if someone is hellbent on killing them. An easy response for anyone telling you Dehn is onto something is to tell them that many of the gunfire-related deaths American police get hit with each year are ambushes. The most self-confident man or woman knows that it doesn’t take much skill to walk up behind them, point a gun to the back of their head, and pull the trigger. Our guns—readily accessible at our hips—are of little use in defending an attack from a gunman who’s got the jump on us. Just last week, Lieutenant Aaron Allan was shot 14 times by the occupant of a rolled-over vehicle on an Indiana roadway. One minute the LT is trying to help people involved in a car accident, and the next he’s getting shot dead by one of them. Earlier this month, New York State Trooper Joel Davis was shot while exiting his vehicle upon arrival at a domestic disturbance. Like Lt. Allen, he hadn’t even gotten the chance to get out of his holster. Four days prior to that, there was Detective Miosotis Familia, who was shot one time in the back of the head in the Bronx while writing in her note pad. Policing in America has become less and less desirable over the years, and the decline in numbers of police patrolling the streets shows it. The city with a major staff shortage will tell you the reason is “a stronger economy” creating more competition for prospective employees. The cop-hating fringe of the public will tell you, “Good. We don’t need them.” The local police union will tell you that it’s because of low pay, dissolving of pensions, lawsuits, etc. The police officer will tell you it’s because the risk is no longer worth it. Many officers feel like this job is punishing whether we do our jobs or we don’t. We’re trained to carry guns to save the lives of others and our own. If we don’t use deadly force when we should, we’re screwed. If we do use it when we should, we’re still screwed. Every now and then, we use it when we’re not supposed to—and that gets twisted to look like it’s the national norm. To pretend that police officers anywhere in America can do the job we do without access to a firearm by our side is to be willfully ignorant of the dangers we face daily in a society armed to the teeth with guns. We are not Great Britain, Ireland, or France. People don’t use machetes to hack at us, or vehicles to run us over. They come at us with guns—and we require our own to stand a chance. Whether it be Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, or Berkeley, mark my words, the progressive metropolis that turns officers into guinea pigs for this social experiment will find itself without a test subject—and without a police force.
Why California is closer to becoming a sanctuary stateSACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) — California is now one step closer to becoming sanctuary state. The Assembly Judiciary Committee approved Senate Bill 54 on Wednesday along party lines -- with eight Democrats voting in favor and three Republicans opposed. Under the proposed bill, ICE agents would be prohibited from entering county jails unless they have a warrant. Get the full story in the video above.
North Carolina authorities arrested the protester they say helped topple a Confederate statue Rally on the University of North Carolina campus near a confed... Authorities in North Carolina arrested a woman they say is responsible for tearing down a bronze statue of a Confederate soldier. During a news conference, Takiyah Thompson identified herself as the woman who climbed the statue Monday night in Durham. Thompson defended her actions, arguing that Confederate statues represent white supremacy. Sheriff's deputies took Thompson away in handcuffs after the news conference ended, but it is still unclear what charges she may face. Previously, authorities said those responsible for tearing down the statue would face felony charges. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper tweeted Tuesday saying Confederate monuments, like the one toppled Monday night, "should come down." In a blog post on the website Medium, Cooper said he hopes the state legislature will repeal a law that prevents state and local governments from removing these statues permanently and limiting their relocation. "Some people cling to the belief that the Civil War was fought over states’ rights. But history is not on their side," he wrote. "We cannot continue to glorify a war against the United States of America fought in the defense of slavery. These monuments should come down." Durham County (N.C.) Sheriff Mike Andrews said Tuesday that investigators are working to identify and charge those who toppled a Confederate statue outside a courthouse Monday. Andrews said in a statement that officers took video throughout the protest and are using the footage in the investigation. Officers did not intervene as the statue was toppled. Andrews said he was aware of the potential for vandalism after meeting with county leaders and protest organizers but chose to exercise restraint. County officials did not immediately respond to inquiries as to whether the statue would be put back up.
Funny SEE IT: Watters Drops by NYC's Dominican Day ParadeAs seen on Watters' World 'More Scandalous Than We Can Fathom': Huckabee Goes Off on Clinton Foundation RPT: Aggressive Protesters Push, Spit on Trump Supporters at Fundraiser Trump: 'Obama Ought to Get Off the Golf Course' and Go to Louisiana Flood Zone On last night's "Watters' World" special, Jesse Watters dropped by New York City's Dominican Day Parade to learn about Dominican culture and to ask revelers about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the 2016 race. "Are you guys out here celebrating or are you just looking for girls?" My vote is for Hillary Clinton, because I think she represents women. "Bill Clinton represents women too..." To be honest, Trump doesn't know how to make up his mind. "Yeah, most men don't." You don't like Trump or Hillary... what about me? Watch more the "Watters' World" clip above. 'Low-Level Simpleton': Thief Leaves Nasty Note After Stealing Man's Trump Sign
"Heartless" fraudsters conned an elderly woman out of thousands of pounds hours after she was told she was going to die of cancer. Warwickshire Police believe the suspect may have been wearing a wig in this picture Linda Gibbs died on 31 August aged 70. She was told her cancer diagnosis was terminal on 14 July. Hours after receiving the news, she was called by someone claiming to be from her telephone provider who told her a direct debit payment had failed. She gave them her bank details and PIN number and was told someone would come and collect her card to sort the payment out. A woman arrived at her home in Nuneaton and collected the card, which was then used to buy thousands of pounds worth of jewellery. Warwickshire Police called the criminals 'heartless' Warwickshire Police have released photographs of a woman they want to interview in connection with the investigation, who, they say, may have been wearing a wig at the time the pictures were taken. Mrs Gibbs' daughter, Anita Foxley, said: "My mum was very vulnerable after being told she had terminal cancer and to be targeted by these people is unforgivable. The extra stress this put on her life in her last days was unbearable. "When they targeted her... she must have been at the lowest point that she's ever been at... I imagine that they preyed on that. Obviously they must have been very convincing, and mum must have trusted them," she added. "I would really like to see justice served on the woman who came to my mum's door that day." Kevin Knight, of Warwickshire Police, said: "These types of heartless criminals regularly prey on the most vulnerable members of the community and in this case they have targeted someone who had just received the most awful news. "You can only imagine the impact this had on the final weeks of Mrs Gibbs' life and the anger it continues to cause her family. We believe the woman in these photos has information that will be vital to our enquiries. Please bear in mind that she might be wearing a wig," he added.
Trump Condoms, Anyone? The Outrageous Swag of the Republican ConventionSouvenirs from this week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland took no prisoners. From Trump bumper stickers that call Clinton the B-word (wow) to a poster depicting Clinton in dominatrix gear (double wow) to Trump- and Clinton-themed condoms (triple wow), the swag was as surreal and distasteful as this historic election has been — and that's saying something. Photos by Steve Truesdell.
Police Get A Truly Horrible Surprise When Searching Boxes On A Suspicious Cargo TruckWhen it comes to illegal smuggling, criminals will try to push anything for a profit. Money is the goal, and it doesn’t matter who or what is being transported; if there is money to be made, you’d better believe that they will go to whatever lengths they can to cash in. Unfortunately, much of the time, living things are the cargo. In certain areas of the world, particular species sell for extraordinary prices on the black market, as immoral as it may seem to traffic them. This was on the minds of officials who recently stopped a large truck carrying freight at the Chinese border. After becoming suspicious about what was on board, they decided to take a look inside. What they found was deeply disturbing, to say the least… Crossing from one country to another, even without a great deal of cargo, can be an extremely difficult process. After all, border crossing almost always warrants a thorough investigation. Few know this more than illegal smugglers. TheMuuj / Flickr Each and every day, literally tons of products are shipped from place to place in huge cargo trucks. Most of the time, they’re perfectly legal items traveling from warehouse to warehouse. Sometimes, however, these trucks contain illegal freight, such as narcotics. These drugs can be molded into various shapes resembling actual legitimate items to throw off the police. There’s seemingly no end to what criminals are willing to do… jm3 / Flickr Border officials are well aware of the potential criminal activity that they could encounter. That’s why they’re well-trained to handle any situation of the sort that may arise. Still, the strange things they uncover might surprise you. Times Asi / Flickr In one instance, a large cargo truck was stopped by officials at the Chinese border. The paperwork that the driver gave to border patrol was slightly inaccurate, which instantly raised suspicions. Pixabay When officials peered into the back of the truck, it initially seemed like everything checked out. Nonetheless, the authorities wanted to take a closer look to be sure that nothing fishy was going on… HM Revenue & Customs / Flickr Police ordered the cargo to be unloaded and inspected to ensure it wasn’t anything illegal. There was a lot to go through, but they needed to be certain there wasn’t anything unlawful slipping into the country. CGTN / Youtube It took a large team of workers to help figure out exactly what was going on. Every individual on duty was required to examine each one of the boxes extremely closely. They weren’t sure if they’d find anything, but they had a hunch… When the police finally uncovered what was being transported, they were horrified. Needless to say, the driver was immediately arrested. He wasn’t the only one involved, however, and police wanted to get to the bottom of this operation… Victor / Flickr Most people probably wouldn’t believe what terrifying items that the border patrol officials finally uncovered in the back of the truck. It’s a good thing that they put a stop to this before it was too late! Find out what they discovered in the video below… (Warning: may be disturbing to some viewers.) The illegal transporting of animals needs to stop. Hopefully, authorities will continue to crack down on this practice so we can put an end to it once and for all. Share this alarming story with your friends below.
Judge Tosses Out Injured Cop’s Case Against DeRay McKesson And Black Lives Matter Judge Tosses Out Cop’s Case Against Black Lives Matter Remember when we told you how an injured officer sued the Black Lives Matter movement and DeRay McKesson after getting shot by Gavin Long in the infamous July 17, 2016 attack in Dallas? The cop, who only goes by John Doe Smith, was shot in the head and through the intestine during the attack that claimed two police lives and wounded several others. He blamed Black Lives Matter for their presence on the scene “inciting violence” to cause Gavin to snipe the cops, and sought damages to the tune of $75,000 for his surgery bills. The thing is… Black Lives Matter is a movement, not a specified group of people or a business. So there’s really no one in particular to sue. According to TMZ, the judge ultimately dismissed the case due to the fact that BLM is a social movement, and McKesson as an individual was only using his first amendment right by appearing at the protest — not inciting anyone to commit any acts of violence. It’s truly unfortunate what happened to his officer, but you can’t blame the peaceful protestors on the scene exercising their rights for the reckless actions of one disturbed individual. WENN/Getty
Donald Trump: Knife crime turns London hospital into ‘war zone’ Donald Trump was speaking at an NRA rally (Niall Carson/PA) Donald Trump has defended the use of guns in America by comparing a London hospital to a “war zone” because of knife crime. Speaking at a pro-gun rally, the US president claimed that knife crime in London is so bad that one unnamed hospital in the capital is “like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds” with “blood all over the floors”. He told the National Rifle Convention (NRA) in Dallas: “I recently read a story that in London, which has unbelievably tough gun laws, a once very prestigious hospital right in the middle is like a war zone for horrible stabbing wounds. All of us here today are united by the same timeless values. We believe that our liberty is a gift from our creator, and that no Government can ever take it away. We believe in the rule of law - and we support the men and women of law enforcement. We have pride in our history...— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 4, 2018 “Yes that’s right, they don’t have guns they have knives. And instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital. “We’re here today because we recognise a simple fact. The one thing that has always stood between the American people and the elimination of our Second Amendment rights has been Conservatives and congress willing to fight for those rights, and we’re fighting.” At least 38 people in London have lost their lives to knife crime so far this year, the Met confirmed. “Thanks to your activism and dedication you have an administration fighting to protect your Second Amendment” @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #NRA— NRA (@NRA) May 4, 2018 Mr Trump also argued that the Paris terror attack could have been prevented if more people were armed. “The terrorists would have fled or been shot and it would have been a whole different story,” he said. The 2015 attack left 130 dead after terrorists carried out a series of suicide bombs and mass shootings in the French capital.
Textbook' Racism: Donald Trump's Attacks on Federal Judge Unite GOP from Ryan to Schwarzenegger; Clinton Warns Women Judges Could Be NextDonald Trump has, finally, all but united the Republican Party – in denunciation of his continued, race-based attacks on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over the civil lawsuits against the candidate’s Trump University. “I disavow these comments. I regret those comments that [Trump] made,” said House Speaker Paul Ryan during a press conference Tuesday. “Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment … it’s absolutely unacceptable.” And Sen. Mark Kirk, a Republican from Illinois facing a tough reelection battle this year, flat out withdrew his support for his party’s nominee, saying “Donald Trump’s belief that an American-born judge of Mexican descent is incapable of fairly presiding over his case is not only dead wrong, it is un-American.” Last week, Trump charged that his plan to build a wall between the U.S.-Mexican border was “an absolute conflict” of interest, charging to the Wall Street Journal that Curiel could not preside fairly over the Trump University case because he is “of Mexican heritage.” (Curiel was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants.) Speaking again to CNN’s Jake Tapper last Friday, Trump maintained his position: “He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico.” When Tapper asked if, by saying that Curiel could not due his job because of his race, “is that not the definition of racism?” Trump responded, “No, I don’t think so at all.” Amid the fierce backlash from his own party, Trump put together a damage-control statement late Tuesday promising not to say anything more about Curiel or the lawsuit – after this: “It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage. I am friends with and employ thousands of people of Mexican and Hispanic descent. … While this lawsuit should have been dismissed, it is now scheduled for trial in November. I do not intend to comment on this matter any further.” Just one day earlier, Trump encouraged supporters on a private conference call on Monday to join his chorus by publicly questioning the judge’s credibility, two participants on the call told Bloomberg Politics. Several Republican politicians, including former Massachusetts senator Scott Brown, were involved in the call, during which Trump overturned a Sunday email from his staff that ordered his most prominent supporters – those surrogates who speak for him on cable news talk shows and at campaign appearances – to cease all talk of the lawsuit and Curiel. “Take that order and throw it the hell out,” Trump said on the call, according to Bloomberg Politics. Is Hillary Clinton Intimidated by Donald Trump? Numerous other prominent Republicans have joined Ryan in disavowing Trump’s sentiments, including South Carolina’s junior senator Tim Scott – the Senate’s only black Republican – who told CNN the commentary is “racially toxic.” Added Arnold Schwarzenegger on Twitter, “Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov.” Freshly-minted presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton also issued a warning on Monday that Trump may next focus his attacks on “women judges … or maybe a judge with a disability, or perhaps one who was a former POW, or African-American.” “He’s trying to demean and defame a federal judge who was a very accomplished federal prosecutor,” she continued on MSNBC. “This is dangerous nonsense that undermines the rule of law, that makes him appear to be someone who has no respect for fellow Americans,” Clinton said. “And I think it is yet more evidence why this man is dangerous and divisive and disqualified from being president.”
Hillary was Wrong. All of Trump's Supporters Are "Deplorable"After another week of violence and mayhem, it's clear Hillary Clinton's controversial assessment of Trump's fans was, well, generous.
An idea: Get a supermodel to tweet some climate policy at Trump.that's hot I mean, it worked in Brazil, where Gisele Bündchen — supermodel, World Wildlife Federation representative, and behind-the-scenes shaper of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady’s political consciousness — tweeted at Brazilian President Michel Temer: It's our job to protect our Mother Earth. @MichelTemer, please say NO to reducing protection in the Amazon! Bündchen’s tweet concerns legislation that would have removed protection from some parts of the Amazon rainforest. Temer’s administration has been remarkably anti-conservation, threatening indigenous lands in favor of new agricultural, mineral extraction, and hydroelectric developments. And lo! Temer responded: That means, “I vetoed those bills, because you are extremely beautiful.” NO! It just means, “I vetoed those bills.” This seems like a good approach to try in America. Can someone please text Kendall Jenner to ask if she feels like doing something substantive for the greater good? The EPA is really hot right now.
WATCH: Alex Jones convulses in demonic rant against ‘evil’ Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Alex Jones (Right Wing Watch) Alex Jones delivered one of his all-time wildest rants against MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, whom he compared to demons, parasites and disease. The InfoWars host attacked the “Morning Joe” co-hosts Tuesday in a crazed tirade that included a bug-eyed, tongue-lolling impersonation of a demonic Brzezinski, reported Right Wing Watch. “They’re both like horrible foot-long tapeworms, man, I’m telling you,” Jones said. “Tapeworms that we vomited out and crapped out and they’re just trying to force-feed themselves back into our lives. They’re like gonorrhea or syphilis, I mean they are just — they’re like HIV, they’re like cancer. They are just — I mean, you have to understand, folks, they literally want to destroy you. God, they’re evil. Do you realize how evil these people are?” He promised the friends-turned-critics of President Donald Trump would be “removed” once Jones and his followers triumphed over their enemies, and then launched into a frenzied spasm of unholy gibberish. “They’re like from upside-down world, folks,” Jones said, making a reference to the Netflix series “Stranger Things.” “You have to understand. They’ve broken into this dimension. They want to destroy us.”
Hundreds marched against 'Confederate pride' in Austin, Texas Altercations between police and protesters in Austin, TX. Radicals lead anti confederacy rally in Austin, Texas. Hundreds marched against a scheduled (but then canceled) "Dixie Freedom Rally" in Austin, Texas, on Saturday. Public pressure against the event was immense, and after receiving threats of violence, the Texas Confederate Militia decided to postpone the event to a later date. That didn't stop the counter march the Austin chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America had planned. Chanting their way through downtown Austin, the capital of Texas, demonstrators denounced Confederate symbolism and called for the dismantling of public works and streets that bear the name of Confederate icons. At the end of the march, fights broke out both between protesters and between protesters and police. Two people were arrested. Event organizers reached out to lawyers and are fighting the charges. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, only Virginia has more Confederate symbols (which include roads, schools, statues and county names) than Texas. Austin has already been taking steps to remove public reminders of its history as part of the Confederacy. Just last week Texas House Speaker Joe Strauss called for removal of a plaque near the Capitol that asserts slavery was not the underlying cause of the Civil War. And finally after years of resistance, administrators at the University of Texas Austin decided to take down Confederate statues on campus. Related stories The University of Texas is removing its Confederate statues Workers removed a statue of Robert E. Lee from a Dallas park under police guard Retailers say Confederate flag sales are surging after Charlottesville
Twin assaults on Iran's parliament and shrine rock TehranTEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Attackers have mounted simultaneous gun and suicide bomb assaults on Iran's parliament building and the tomb of the republic's revolutionary founder in Tehran. At least seven people were killed and 35 others injured in the twin assaults, the semi-official Fars agency reported. The attacks were the most audacious State media reported that gunmen stormed the parliament building in Tehran and went on a shooting spree. At least one attacker detonated a suicide bomb. Five people died and at least 25 were injured there, Fars reported. At the same time, a gun and suicide bomb attack targeted the Ayatollah Khomeini mausoleum on the southern outskirts of the Iranian capital. Two people died and 10 were injured at the shrine, Fars said. A woman was arrested after the attack at the tomb, Fars reported, adding that another attacker has been surrounded by security officers. CNN has not independently verified the number of victims and it was not immediately clear whether the number of dead included the suicide bombers. The attackers were holding a number of hostages inside the highly-fortified parliament building, Press TV reported, as Iranian officials scrambled to establish who was behind the attacks or whether they were coordinated. A picture from semi-official Fars news agency shows a man lowering a young boy from a window of the parliament building onto the street as another man holding a gun watches over them from another window. The man with the gun is reportedly a policeman helping with the evacuation. Attacks of this nature are extremely rare in Iran, particularly in the highly-controlled capital where tourist and government sites are tightly policed. Gun ownership is heavily controlled in Iran, raising speculation that the attackers' guns were smuggled into the country. Symbolic attack Iran's parliament, also called the Islamic Consultative Assembly or Majlis, has 290 members. It has female members and has representatives for religious minorities including Christians, Zoroastrians and Jews. It is currently unclear how the attacker or attackers entered the parliament building, which has multiple security checkpoints. The location of the mausoleum attack is symbolic, targeting the tomb of the Islamic Republic's founder and first supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. He led the revolution that overthrew the Shah in 1979 and was Iran's leader for 10 years. The mausoleum is located around 25 kilometers (15 miles) from the parliament. Attacks rare Such attacks in Iran are rare, but the country -- with its largely Shiite population -- has been involved in military actions against Sunni terrorist groups such as ISIS, who regard Shiites as apostates. Last year, Iran's government said it thwarted "one of the biggest plots" by terror groups targeting Tehran and other major cities during the month of Ramadan. This year's holy month started almost two weeks ago on May 26. The last major attack in Iran was in 2010 when a Sunni extremist group carried out a suicide attack against a mosque in Sistan-Baluchistan killing 39 people. Kurdish groups have carried out small scale attacks against Iranian security forces in the north-west of the country. Print this article Back to Top
Trump Decertified the Iranian Deal, Just 'CauseTrump just decertified the Iran deal, and, oh well, it was nice thinking about peace while we had the chance. True, Trump hasn’t actually repealed the deal. He announced new sanctions, according to ABC News, “but didn’t do anything that would alter the Obama-era deal that he has denounced since his presidential campaign.” Decertification is Trump to a T: you don’t accomplish anything, but you manage to create the shittiest possible situation regardless. It’s a real gift. The deal, Trump said, is no longer in the national security interest of the United States. This decision, which has been referred as “decertification,” is a shift in official position. It is a significant declaration that leaves the nuclear agreement in place, but puts Congress in charge of whether or not to follow up with action — triggering a 60-day window for lawmakers to re-impose sanctions against Iran that were suspended in 2015 as part of the agreement. Trump decertified the Iran deal just ‘cause, why not, since you’re gutting Obamacare and deciding to let Puerto Rico dehydrate; Trump decided to decertify the Iran deal because you’re well on your way to becoming the Worst President of Every Timeline, yeah baby, and why not light another Roman candle on the fast roller coaster down to geohell? Maybe Congress will rescue the deal, maybe not. The important thing is that this takes the best hope we have with Iran and wades back into David Frum’s “Let’s Invent, and then Invade, the Axis of Evil,” which gave us the tragedy of Iraq. That worked so well, why not repeat it again? The President said: “As I have said many times, the Iran Deal was one of the worst and one sided transactions the United States has ever entered into” What does he think we can get instead? The President thinks that Iran has sponsored terrorism (and the Saudis haven’t) and that the Iranian regime “has committed multiple violations of the agreement” (there are mechanisms to deal with these). Trump called on the intelligence community to look at Iran’s help to the North Korean nuclear program. Oh! I can help with that one! There’s a base right south of Camp Fantasy, in the northernmost region of the Your Brain is No Longer Functioning Mountain Region. The President says Iran loves the chants “Death to America” and “Death to Israel,” because the President and his team of wannabe-Iranian bombers don’t see Iran or its eighty million people—they see whatever Islamophobic, racist-ass caricatures get cooked up on Fox News, where Khomeini is still somehow alive in the year 2017. Trump decertified the deal, because nothing, not even human life or world peace, is more important than repudiating every bit of Obama’s legacy. The major powers and American struck a deal with Iran in July 2015. It eased sanctions and got real monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program. Trump’s own Defense Secretary said Iran has complied. The agreement got everything we needed from the regime, and now Trump wants out, because the movie in his head tells him being the leading asshole of the world is definitely, assuredly the best way to go. Trump decertified the Iran deal because he thinks he can get a better one, this man who can’t pass a single piece of legislation and can’t manage to avoid staring at an eclipse. Trump decertified the Iran deal because he doesn’t care. Trump decertified the Iran deal because it doesn’t matter who the Commander-in-Chief is; there is a National Security blob in Washington that no single President can ever fight, and it consumes money and spits out drones and missiles. Trump is incompetent in a million unusual ways, but he’s particularly, peculiarly incompetent in resisting the mechanisms of institutional influence. In other words, Trump will believe whatever the good people of the military-industrial concept whisper in his ear. That community kicked it around, and decided it was best that we threaten Iran again. After all, the NatSec blob has never forgotten or forgiven Iran for rejecting Western hegemony—and anyway, none of their own sons or daughters got shot in Iraq, so yes, why not set the stage for an eventual war with Iran? Trump decertified the deal, and the people of the world were not surprised at all. The man is barely part of reality. What did we expect?
U.S. tip-off helped Russia thwart 'major' terrorist plot: White HouseWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies provided advanced warning to Russia about a major terrorist plot in St. Petersburg, allowing Moscow to thwart an attack that could have killed “large numbers of people,” the White House said on Sunday. “President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia called President Donald J. Trump today to thank him for the advanced warning the United States intelligence agencies provided to Russia concerning a major terror plot in Saint Petersburg, Russia,” the White House said in a statement.
Brown: The oxymoron called social justiceOct 19, 2017 at 3:09 PM From Washington, D.C. to the NFL and Hollywood, America’s idols are tumbling down. This is not a bad thing. For too long, we have wasted precious time and money worshipping these so-called “social justice” warrior hypocrites who continue to disappoint. Here’s to hoping all this disappointment will lead us back to what really matters, but don’t count on it. Huge swaths of Americans still bow at the altar of social justice. They believe government-forced “charity” will advance us to an utopian paradise where everyone enjoys the same outcome, despite personal effort, upbringing, unique abilities and education. Truth is, though, social justice is an oxymoron based on the false premise that the cure for injustice is leveling the playing field and redistributing wealth. As former Vice President Joe Biden once said, “You may call it redistribution of wealth ‒ I just call it being fair.” Karl Marx would be so proud. Marx hated religion, private property and Judeo-Christian values as much as leftists do today. That’s why you should bolt out of any place of worship that combines Jesus, social justice and the government in the same sentence. In his book, “The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism,” economist Friedrich Hayek nails what’s really at stake: “The aim of socialism is no less than to affect a complete redesigning of our traditional morals, law and language ‒ and on this basis to stamp out the old order and the supposedly inexorable, unjustifiable conditions that prevent the institution of reason, fulfillment, true freedom and justice.” Yesteryears’ creepy social justice warriors are now out of the closet and no longer hide their agenda. Instead, they give it a pink boa and parade their intentions to destroy capitalism, silence free speech and scrub Judeo-Christian values from the public square. They harp about injustice and claim only they can fix it, which is one of the most arrogant, egotistical piles of hogwash you’ll ever hear. All that, while they divide us into two groups, normal folks and them. They believe normal folks are about as smart as slugs, therefore incapable of coherent reasoning and self-care. To them, everyday Americans aren’t diamonds in the rough, they are pliable, moldable objects used to reshape America into a socialist nightmare like Venezuela. As I’ve said before, Democrats’ sacrosanct belief that the government was created to control how fairness is spread around is nothing more than a modern-day effort to reinvent Robin Hood, without all the chivalry and green tights. Those who romantically embrace the concept of social justice believe the misnomer that stealing from some and passing it on to those who should have had it in the first place will result in some sort of righteous leveling. Leftists don’t own the market on charity. Normal folks leave government out of the mix and combine their compassion with common sense. They bring food in one hand and a rifle in the other, knowing if they teach someone how to hunt, they’ll eat for a lifetime. In comparison, leftists bring Trader Joe’s bagels in one hand and a voter’s registration card in the other. Seizing the opportunity to convert their victims into non-thinking entitlement aficionados, they stop at nothing to meet an immediate need, then lead them by their noses to leftist-run metropolises where crime and government handouts abound. I know, the devil is always in the details, but I’ll go ahead and say it anyhow. Forced “charity” doesn’t bring about justice. Instead, it creates injustice when it stirs up animosity between the less fortunate and those being penalized, taxed, for their hard work under penalty of prosecution. In sharp contrast, there is a power in authentic generosity that no amount of government social-engineering could or will ever match. The social justice crowd should dust off the knees they protest with and try it sometime. ^ Susan Stamper Brown lives in Alaska and writes on culture, politics and current events.
An FBI agent was injured when a flash grenade exploded in ManhattanAn FBI agent was reportedly injured when a flash grenade detonated Wednesday in a New York City parking garage. Officials told NBC's local affiliate in New York that one person was taken to Bellevue Hospital to receive treatment for burns on his hand. The agent was handling the device when it went off, officials said. Witnesses told the New York Daily News that they called 911 after hearing a small explosion and seeing smoke coming from the back of a federal building that houses the FBI and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
DACA hurts American millennials the most DACA recipients have seized on American millennials' ability to receive financial aid and college scholarships in multiple states. ( AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana) Asking the wrong questions will yield the wrong answers. If you ask yourself, as President Trump did — “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? [...] They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at a young age”- you will surely find the answer is no. However, if you ask yourself if you should support the proposed resurgence of the flagrantly unconstitutional and unjust “amnesty” that greatly disadvantages American millennials, the answer is less clear. The resurgence of the debate over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy would put all millennials in direct competition with illegal immigrants who were granted DACA permits, whether it be through college admissions, job opportunities, or wages. DACA creates competition in the higher education system that inherently favors illegal immigrants through policies such as affirmative action. Affirmative action mandates equal opportunities for, and often results in a larger presence of, minority groups in workplaces and, most notably, universities. Dreamers with permits qualify for affirmative action, giving young immigrants an advantage over not just the skilled worker, but also American college applicants. DACA recipients have seized on American millennials’ ability to receive financial aid and college scholarships in multiple states. Approximately one out of every four DACA recipients — about 200,000 individuals — live in California. California allows Dreamers to receive in-state college tuition and 19 other states have followed suit. The California Dream Act, embolden by DACA, has set a precedent for states to generously allocate funding to students who have entered or were brought into the country Illegally. California is merely one example of states diverting funding from the middle class to fund Dreamers. To fund the Cal Grant entitlement for the state’s “neediest” students, California has “phased-out” the Middle-Class Scholarship Program. Implementing the California Dream Act made certain that undocumented and nonresident students are eligible for state financial aid, and that alone accounts for $67 million of the increase in Cal Grant spending. However, California students and taxpayers are not the only ones who have felt the impact and burden of DACA. California serves as an example of how scholarship and state-funded aid for the average DACA recipient creates a disadvantage for Americans of similar income classes. Middle-Class American students are less likely to receive financial aid from universities and institutions, due to the diverting funds, implemented in State Dream Acts, emboldened by DACA. Additionally, DACA creates competition in the workforce, for the millions of jobless American millennials. Currently, over 10 percent of millennials remain unemployed. There are 800,000 millennials from other countries who are competing legally in the workplace for the same occupations where American millennials are looking for work. According to the Migration Policy Institute, there are an estimated 2.1 million illegal immigrants who are DACA-eligible in the United States in addition to the 800,000 already enrolled. However, the ultimate issue facing both millennials and Americans is that DACA allows for unjust amnesty. The United States admits approximately 1 million legal permanent immigrants every year, which is more than any other nation in the world. It is unjust to the millions of Americans and resident legal immigrants who followed the rules. Giving blanket amnesty to those who neglect to follow our laws is irresponsible and rewards those who fail to follow the rules. Refusing to enforce the law equally, by making special exceptions for favored groups, puts a burden on citizens and lawful residents in the states (especially border states) with the irresponsible federal abdication of immigration law. DACA also blatantly encourages more illegal immigrants to enter the United States in hopes of future amnesty. Granting legal status to Dreamers streamlines the pipeline of illegal immigration through extended family sponsorship. This is a slippery slope for America. The narrative on DACA touts the promise of the American dream by advertising the many who have benefited from the system. What it fails to mention are the impacts and burdens DACA has thrust upon the American millennials. Sydney Jacobs (@the_poli_chick), a Las Vegas, Nevada native, currently resides in Washington D.C and works in Republican politics.
Shocking moment naked man 'high on drugs' goes on rampage in Chicago neighborhood after cutting off his own penisShocking footage shows a naked man screaming at people in a Chicago neighborhood as he is covered in blood after cutting off his own penis. The unidentified man appears to be high on acid or synthetic drugs in the video clip filmed on Monday evening near the intersection of Grace Street and Drake Avenue in the Irving Park community. The footage begins by showing the man, who is bleeding heavily from his crotch, shouting nonsense and swearing at residents who are behind a large metal gate. ... Shocking footage shows a naked man screaming at people in a Chicago neighborhood as he is covered in blood after cutting off his own penis Shocking footage shows a naked man screaming at people in a Chicago neighborhood as he is covered in blood after cutting off his own penis The footage begins by showing the man, who is bleeding heavily from his crotch, shouting nonsense and swearing at residents who are behind a large metal gate The footage begins by showing the man, who is bleeding heavily from his crotch, shouting nonsense and swearing at residents who are behind a large metal gate The unidentified man appears to be high on acid or synthetic drugs in the video clip filmed on Monday evening The unidentified man appears to be high on acid or synthetic drugs in the video clip filmed on Monday evening Witnesses can be heard screaming 'calm down' before he charges toward a female Chicago Police Department officer who is standing in the middle of the intersection. The man is screaming 'get outta here b****' at the female officer, who quickly draws her taser as she shouts at him to 'get on the ground' before firing it at him. The man, who appears to be in his 20s, falls to the ground. The person filming the harrowng video can be heard shouting, 'Oh my God, bro. Shoot his a**. Shoot that mother f****r. This is a time when you shoot people!'. Witnesses can be heard screaming 'calm down' before he charges toward a female Chicago Police Department officer who is standing in the middle of the intersection. She used her Taser to try and subdue the man Witnesses can be heard screaming 'calm down' before he charges toward a female Chicago Police Department officer who is standing in the middle of the intersection. She used her Taser to try and subdue the man Another police vehicle arrives to the scene and an officer gets out of the van. The man tries to stand up again and appears to charge the second officer, who tasered him again Another police vehicle arrives to the scene and an officer gets out of the van. The man tries to stand up again and appears to charge the second officer, who tasered him again Another police vehicle arrives to the scene and an officer gets out of the van. The man tries to stand up again and appears to charge the second officer, who tasered him again. The video clip ends with the man lying on the ground as he is surrounded by officers. It's unclear if the man was arrested; his condition is unknown at this time. has requested comment from the Chicago Police Department. The video clip ends with the man lying on the ground as he is surrounded by officers The video clip ends with the man lying on the ground as he is surrounded by officers
36 People Who Got What They Had ComingImgur | floridali There's a sweet sense of justice when people get exactly what they had coming to them. It's like even the universe is rooting against jerks, along with all of us. All of these people are going to think twice next time they try something that turns us into the eye roll emoji. 1. The girl who thought she was being so clever with bunny ears. Reddit | Eeli100 And yet she had no idea that her own hand was betraying her! In the end, she just gave herself bunny ears. 2. The person who hit this car and took off. Reddit | Nugkill But left their license plate on the car that they hit! What justice is this? Pretty sure they will never hit and run again. 3. The couple that dined and dashed. Reddit | indasheets247 But left their really expensive sunglasses at the table. Also, dining and dashing on a $25 bill? Really? What kind of sick people do such things! 4. The person who hit this car... Reddit | Roxchic " Runs after hitting my car in parking lot. Workers get info and call the police. She gets caught because she ran out of GAS. Received two tickets as she only had a permit." 5. The person who tried to steal this bike. Imgur | 33sphinx33 Little did they know they were stealing from a genius. This girl had truly the perfect plan to get her bike back. Look at her proud smile! 6. The brother who totally tried to prank his brother. Imgur | floridali But ended up pranking himself even more. The fact that it's a donkey only makes it more hilarious. He just can't win. 7. This person, who is regretting everything right now. Reddit | xyzs "Lava butt" is seared into my brain and I will never be able to get it out. What a rude awakening this person is in for. 8. The parking enforcer who get a parking ticket. Reddit | elvijar007 If you live in a city where parking enforcers are basically walking panic attack-inducing humans, then this is truly a welcome sight. 9. The person who thought to put a sign pointing to where the rock slides happen. Reddit | poolguy4208 And the sign then being crushed by said rock slides. Whoops. It's almost a better warning though. 10. The person who decided to obstruct the garbage truck. Reddit | h0pfenbrei Don't ever mess with garbage men! They definitely showed this person up and I'm here for it. Good luck getting out of that. 11. The person who decided to give their cat a bit of its own medicine. Reddit | hurricanekarina Can't help but laugh over this photo. Cats always walk across our keyboards, maybe it's time they know what it feels like! 12. The woman who most certainly regrets her attitude. Reddit | akpenguin This has to be the worst feeling in the entire world for this woman, but also the best feeling for the dude. Karma, baby! 13. The jerk who thought he was above it all. Reddit | GhostalMedia Joke's on him! Even driving a fancy car doesn't matter when it comes to cement. And trying to cut people off, to boot. 14. The person who thought they could park in a restricted area of the beach. Reddit | killermonkey87 It's restricted for a reason! Let's all hope that this car floats because they're going to have a hard time, that's for sure. 15. The guys who tried to knock someone off of their kayak with their boat. Reddit And then this happened to them. Yup, I'd say that got exactly what they had coming. 16. The guy who t-boned this car but left something important behind. Facebook | Rex Borova You know, like the one thing that could easily identify who he is. This is why you don't ever hit and run, people! 17. The guy in the truck who parked like this. Imgur | MahoRhino And the person driving the Smart car was not going to deal with that today. Smart car person is doing the work of the people. 18. Just in case you couldn't read the sign. Imgur | hiddenvalley It's also a good way to get your motorcycle run over. Worth it? 19. The wife who thought she could stop her husband from eating her candy. Reddit | rpboutdoors2 But she just put the candy in the cabinet with the plates. She deserves him eating her candy if she can't find a better hiding spot. 20. The person who did this terrible parking job. Reddit | reedburg And then got that on their tire. Oh man. When you park like that though, you absolutely deserve the boot. There's no way around it. Imgur | hilonate I hope that kid learned his lesson. Being a decent human being includes not shaming or making fun of somebody trying to better themselves. This mom is awesome. 22. This is why you shouldn't try to kick people when they are (sitting) down. Imgur | reasonpolice 23. Look who's having the last laugh. Twitter | @ElSatanico 24. This meal was NOT on the house. Imgur Don't be this guy. Does anyone else want to know what restaurant manager had the guts to post something like this? 25. Was it really worth it? Reddit | caraeeezy 26. This taxi driver plays for keeps. Reddit | KittensRawk Note: don't be a terrible human and leave your taxi driver without paying. It's stealing and you deserve whatever you have coming to you. 27. This is not the kind of bottle service you want. Reddit | Phantom0591 28. To the roommate who used more than his fair share of toilet paper, you know who you are. Imgur 29. This was (re)bound to happen. Don't worry, I'm sure she just shook it off. 30. The person who parked their bike in a parking spot. Reddit | throatfrog And then said bike was promptly thrown into the bushes. Really, though. How are you going to park your bike in a full spot? 31. This is the kind of petty I aspire to be. Not that I ever want to find myself in this situation know. 32. Whoever thought harassing people through text messages was an okay thing to do, sure had it coming. Imgur 33. If Karla didn't know that Pinky shouldn't have been driving, she sure does now. Imgur 34. This person stole from Walmart and is paying the price. Consumerist 35. Or this kind of petty. It doesn't really matter to me. dailyhaha 36. I think it's safe to say that this person will not be parking in front of any more fire hydrants from now on. theCHIVE Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement
Sheriff Who Trump Pardoned Protected Pedophiles By Refusing To Investigate Hundreds Of Child Sex CrimesBy: Rachel Blevins/ The Free Thought Project President Trump issued his first official pardon on Friday, sparing former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was found guilty of criminal contempt after he violated a court order in a racial profiling case by continuing to target illegal immigrants. While both Trump and many of his supporters have applauded Arpaio, who refers to himself as “America’s toughest sheriff,” there is one thing he is not always tough on—pedophiles. In fact, according to a report from the Associated Press in December 2011, Airpaio’s office failed to investigate“more than 400 sex-crimes” that were reported in Maricopa County from 2005 to 2007, “including dozens of alleged child molestations—that were inadequately investigated and in some instances were not worked at all.” The report cited current and former police officers familiar with the cases who claimed that victims of the horrific crimes were as young as 2 years old. In El Mirage, the city where Arpaio’s office was providing contract police services, officials reportedly discovered at least 32 reported child molestations, and even though suspects were known in all but six cases, Arpaio “failed to follow through.” While Arpaio made headlines for his infamous Tent City Jail, a camp in which nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants were forced to live outdoors in Arizona’s sweltering 120-degree heat, he did not make headlines for his treatment of the children of illegal immigrants. According to the officers who worked with him, many of those children were victims of sex crimes, which Arpaio ignored, as he let their American citizen predators run free. After Arpaio’s contract ended, and his office was no longer required to provide police services for El Mirage, Detective Jerry Laird told the AP he found that an overwhelming majority of the cases he received from the office hadn’t been worked, which meant that “there were no follow-up reports, no collection of additional forensic evidence and zero effort made after the initial report of the crime was taken.” While some of the cases Arpaio’s office neglected were turned over to prosecutors, the report noted that the El Mirage Police Department claimed “most were no longer viable—evidence dating as far back as 2006 had grown cold or wasn’t collected in the first place, victims had either moved away or otherwise moved on.” Arpaio held a news conference in response to the 2011 report, in which he said, “If there were any victims, I apologize to those victims.” As The Free Thought Project has reported, a number of cases involving pedophiles have come to light under the Trump Administration, such as a pedophile ring investigation that resulted over 900 arrests in May, and a sex-trafficking investigation that resulted in over 1,000 arrests earlier this month. This raises the question—why aren’t Arpaio and other members of his office being held to the same standards? Joe Arpaio’s harsh treatment towards illegal immigrants has stirred up controversy, but his outright neglect of children who are victims of sex crimes seems to have slipped under the radar. Children have no control over which country they are born in, and they are the most vulnerable to predators. If a child is a victim of a sex crime, the question of whether the predators are “illegal aliens” or “legal American citizens” should not keep officials like Sheriff Arpaio from holding them accountable for their actions, and he should be held accountable for his failure to do so.
Trump Tweets: 'We Will Be Taking Strong Action Today' on SW Border At news conference with Baltic leaders on April 3, 2018, President Trump said he will send the U.S. military to the Southwest Border. (Photo: Screen grab/C-SPAN) ( - Continuing a series of tweets on lax border security Wednesday, President Donald Trump promised quick action: "We will be taking strong action today," he promised, without getting specific. His full tweet, coming shortly after 7 a.m., read: "Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico & Canada are very strong. Congress must change these Obama era, and other, laws NOW! The Democrats stand in our way - they want people to pour into our country unchecked....CRIME! We will be taking strong action today." On Tuesday, Trump said he plans to send the U.S. military to guard the border with Mexico: “We have very bad laws for our border, and we are going to be doing some things — I’ve been speaking with General Mattis — we’re going to be doing things militarily,” said Trump at a White House meeting with leaders of the Baltic nations. “Until we can have a wall and proper security, we’re going to be guarding our border with the military," he said. "That’s a big step. We really haven’t done that before, or certainly not very much before.” Since Easter Sunday, when Fox News and The Drudge Report featured news about a caravan of Central Americans making their way to the United States through Mexico, Trump has issued a dozen tweets on border security. On April 3, he tweeted: The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our “Weak Laws” Border, had better be stopped before it gets there. Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW! WE WILL PROTECT OUR SOUTHERN BORDER! On April 2: As ridiculous as it sounds, the laws of our country do not easily allow us to send those crossing our Southern Border back where they came from. A whole big wasted procedure must take place. Mexico & Canada have tough immigration laws, whereas ours are an Obama joke. ACT CONGRESS Honduras, Mexico and many other countries that the U.S. is very generous to, sends many of their people to our country through our WEAK IMMIGRATION POLICIES. Caravans are heading here. Must pass tough laws and build the WALL. Democrats allow open borders, drugs and crime! DACA is dead because the Democrats didn’t care or act, and now everyone wants to get onto the DACA bandwagon... No longer works. Must build Wall and secure our borders with proper Border legislation. Democrats want No Borders, hence drugs and crime! Mexico is making a fortune on NAFTA...They have very strong border laws - ours are pathetic. With all of the money they make from the U.S., hopefully they will stop people from coming through their country and into ours, at least until Congress changes our immigration laws! Mexico has the absolute power not to let these large “Caravans” of people enter their country. They must stop them at their Northern Border, which they can do because their border laws work, not allow them to pass through into our country, which has no effective border laws. Congress must immediately pass Border Legislation, use Nuclear Option if necessary, to stop the massive inflow of Drugs and People. Border Patrol Agents (and ICE) are GREAT, but the weak Dem laws don’t allow them to do their job. Act now Congress, our country is being stolen! On April 1: Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. “Caravans” coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL! Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL! These big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of DACA. They want in on the act! Read More Please support CNSNews today! (a 501c3 non-profit production of the Media Research Center) DONATE
President Trump shows his true colors | The Sacramento BeeLet’s face facts: Our president holds racist views. Opinion Donald Trump’s words hit the headlines again with reports, first in The Washington Post, that he railed Thursday against immigrants from “shithole” countries, such as Haiti, El Salvador and in Africa, and called for taking more people from Norway, which is nearly 90 percent white. But those who have been paying attention already suspected the darkness in Trump’s heart. Today's top news by email The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms It should have been obvious from the despicable things he said about Mexican immigrants. It should have been clear from his anti-Muslim rants. It seeped through in his reaction to the deadly march in Charlottesville, Va., putting white supremacists on the same level as civil rights demonstrators. And now it’s emerging again in the debate over Dreamers and Salvadorans who have been protected from deportation. Trump says he wants an $18 billion wall on the border with Mexico, and an end to the visa lottery and “chain migration.” His entire immigration policy seems to have the goalof reducing immigration from non-white countries and somehow boosting immigration from Europe. Trump says he wants to put America First in all matters. But this isn’t the America that many of us cherish – the nation of immigrants, of the Statue of Liberty. Advocacy groups for immigrants condemned what Trump reportedly said, and Democrats plan to introduce a censure resolutionnext week. Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, tweeted that the president’s comments “are further proof that his Make America Great Again agenda is really a Make America White Again agenda.” The White House issued a statementthat didn’t deny his slur, but defended his stand on immigration. Early Friday, Trump, who never apologizes for anything, offered a denial in a series of tweets, though it’s difficult to take him at his word given his track record of lies. “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used,” the president tweeted. “What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!” Later Friday, Trump signed the proclamation for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Reading prepared remarks, he called the civil rights icon a “great American hero” who preached racial equality. He refused to answer questions about the uproar, including whether he was racist. To say the scene was jarring doesn’t begin to capture how bizarre it was. This is beyond the daily drama and craziness coming out of this White House, and is already hurting the nation’s standing around the globe. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said Trump’s “vile comments” only “make the jobs of Americans stationed all over the world harder – soldiers, diplomats and businesses.” “We all need to stop pretending that there are no consequences when the most powerful person in the world espouses racist views and gives a wink and a nod to the darkest elements in our society,” Feinstein said in perhaps her toughest statement yet on Trump. “If the president can’t control himself and lead this country with the authority, dignity and leadership it requires, then he shouldn’t be the president. There’s no room for racism in the Oval Office.” Related stories from Sacramento Bee Trump denies 'shithole' comment but Illinois senator confirms the remarks Trump denies ‘shithole countries’ comment and says Haiti slurs were ‘made up by Dems’ Trump asks why US should accept immigrants from ‘s---hole countries’, sources say Yet the sad truth is that all of this may actually solidify Trump’s support among some in his base – the one-third of Americans who apparently will stand by him no matter what he does or says, no matter how outrageous or unfair or damaging. For me, however, the conclusion is inescapable. He’s a stain on the presidency. He’s a demagogue. And he very well could be a full-on racist. It’s terrible. But it would be even worse if we ignore it. Sign up Get on The Take. Read the influential voices on California and national politics and issues. Sign up here. Foon Rhee: 916-321-1913, @foonrhee
4 fictional countries America should invadeEver since a 2015 poll revealed that a certain slice of Americana supported bombing Agrabah, the fictional city Disney's Aladdin calls home, it's been interesting to consider what other fictional countries have actually messed with the United States and totally gotten a pass. Agrabah didn't actually damage its relations with the U.S., presumably because the U.S. either doesn't exist yet in that world, or because they don't have oil. Or because Magic isn't considered a WMD... yet. Meanwhile, a number of other countries have attacked America and/or its American heroes and haven't yet met the full-on retaliation they deserve. 1. Pottsylvania — "Rocky and Bullwinkle" These guys have been sending special agents to try and kill American heroes FOR YEARS. Pottsylvania is populated entirely by special agents and saboteurs. Their children are taught assassination techniques and espionage practices from an early age, their highest medal is the Double Cross and their mysterious dictator (known only as "Fearless Leader") makes Kim Jong-Un look like a teddy bear. Their two most active agents are skilled infiltrators and have never been captured. They are pictured on this surveillance photo, planting an IED. 2. Bilya — "Iron Eagle" Bilya is supposed to be a fictional Arab state in the Middle East. These guys had the balls to shoot down an American F-16, capture its pilot, and then sentence him to hang in a show trial. This is not the face of someone who is just going to let that happen. Luckily, the pilot's 16-year-old son Doug (an Air Force Academy reject) and Chappie, an Air Force Reserve pilot, steal two F-16s of their own and fly off to Bilya to rescue him. What should have happened was America launching an all-out raid on Bilyan infrastructure and military targets. Then, after they released the American they took for no reason, the Bilyans would pay us back the $18 million they owe us for shooting down our F-16. 3. Val Verde — "Commando," "Predator," and "Die Hard 2" This nondescript South American country has more coups than a flock of pigeons (say that sentence aloud for the full effect). For some reason, all of their worst representatives seem to end up in the United States, ready to coerce American heroes to do their bidding. Fortunately, John Matrix lives inside an unlimited ammo cheat code world. In "Commando," a deposed dictator named Arius kidnaps John Matrix' daughter to force him to kill the current president (of Val Verde). Spoiler Alert: he doesn't even make it to Val Verde. Instead, he ices every single person who came near his daughter. I hope Val Verde at least has good veteran's hospitals. In "Die Hard 2," terrorists hit an airport to free another captured dictator, ruining John McClane's Christmas, everyone's flight schedules, and never taking any blame for what they do. And that is United Airlines' job. In "Predator," Dutch Schaeffer's commando team has to mount a hostage rescue from guerrillas in Val Verde. You might know what happens next (hint: it has something to do with an invisible alien). "Well, he has plenty of time to bleed now." (20th Century Fox) Seriously, how many times do they get to mess with America before we do something about this? Who is the President in this movie universe? And I am dying to know more about this place – what are the exports, other than terrorism and contras? 4. Latveria – Marvel Comics Latveria: a perfectly normal country. Latveria is an Eastern European nation tucked back into the Carpathian Mountains, led by a guy whose name is freaking Dr. Victor von Doom. Even George W. Bush could convince the world that this guy needed to be ousted, and he wouldn't have to throw Colin Powell under a bus to do it. Besides, Russia already has a Dr. Doom. Dr. Doom is obviously a state sponsor of terrorism. Doom is responsible for the proliferation of chemical weapons, attempted assassinations of allied heads of state, and oh so many crimes against humanity. And like many 20th century dictators, Dr. Doom got the Henry Kissinger seal of approval. The Fantastic Four can bring down Hitler, a being who eats planets, and the Prince of Darkness, but can't seem to overthrow this tiny country and oust its metal-faced dictator? It's time to send in the Marines.
The FBI Just Blew The Hillary Clinton Case Wide Open She Could Literally Be Going to JailThe FBI just blew the Hillary Clinton case wide open she could literally be going to jail. FBI just dropped could put her in the category of bonafide traitor. FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial n-u-c-l-e-a-r deal with Moscow. Senate Judiciary opens probe into Obama-era Russian uranium bribery… PAPER: Stunning cover-up
$166,000 Left in Plane’s Overheard Compartment, Returned To Owners image: wikicommons Here’s some good advice. Please don’t place valuables likes money and passports in a planes overhead compartment! A couple was flying from Chicago back to Munich last week when they forgot some very precious and valuable cargo onboard. The couple left a bag containing $166,000 in the planes overhead compartment! Lucky for them, the story has a happy ending… The couple was able to go through customs using ID cards, not realizing that the bag they left behind contained their passports and “American cashier’s checks – worth a total of $166,000,” according to T+L. The man had just inherited the large sum of money from his mother. A cleaner saw the bag on the plane and turned it over to the airline. The airline then gave it to the local police who found the cashier’s checks inside. When the police figured out who the owners of the bag were, they had already left the airport. According to T+L the “police tracked them down to their home about two hours away“. Once the man was told what he had left on the plane he headed right back to the airport to claim the valuable bag! Lucky for them this story ended well!
What Do Background Checks Do To Crime Rates? Not What Some ThinkDespite the fact that the Las Vegas shooter would have passed any an all background checks, some on the left still think background checks will somehow solve all of our ills in this country. They’re absolutely convinced that universal background checks will miraculously keep guns out of the hands of not just criminals, but also the man who may someday open fire on an unsuspecting crowd enjoying some music. However, what they think will happen and what actually occurs tends to be rather dissimilar. But such expanded background checks wouldn’t have stopped any of these attacks. Since 2000, all of our mass shooters obtained their weapons without using private transfers. Attacks such as the San Bernardino massacre in California and the Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon occurred in states that already have universal background checks. Indeed, mass public shootings have recently occurred in France, Belgium, Norway, Germany and other European countries where these background checks also exist. This hole in their argument is so glaring that even some of the media have noticed it. Last year, ABC News’s Jon Karl asked Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), “Why are we focusing on things that have nothing to do with the massacres that we are responding to?” Murphy responded, “We can’t get into the trap in which we are forced to defend our proposals simply because it didn’t stop the last tragedy.” But obviously Karl’s question wasn’t just limited to the most recent attack. Research looking at U.S. data has consistently found no evidence that any type of background checks reduce rates of violent crime. Michael Bloomberg’s groups are the source of contrary claims, but they fail to analyze the national data in an academic manner. They compare states with background checks next to those without them. They do not compare states before and after background checks are imposed. The fact is that criminals have a pipeline for inexpensive black market guns that require no background checks either, as was illustrated by CBS in their report on Chicago gun crime. They’re not looking for private sellers who want the best dollar they can get from a prospective buyer. They want a gun, they want it cheap, and they want it now. Let’s also face the fact that criminals are, by definition, lawbreakers. They’re not concerned with whatever laws you pass because they’re already breaking so many, they figure, “What’s one more?” Despite claims by the leftists on social media, no one supports another massacre. No one at all. However, it doesn’t make any sense to make proposals that do nothing except inconvenience and burden law-abiding gun buyers who want to follow the law. While I may disagree with Sen. Feinstein’s bump-fire stock ban proposal, at least that makes some sense in light of what we know from Las Vegas. Universal background checks? Nope. No sense at all. Of course, why should anyone be surprised? These are the same people who still think banning guns will somehow ban violence in general while doing nothing about the underlying causes. Right now, things are no different except they’re also trying to ban things that have no bearing on what happened, just because they figure the public will back it at the moment. And I’ve had people wonder why I call these people ghouls.
Hillary’s trying to make the election a referendum on political correctnessOpinion Modal Trigger Rex/Shutterstock Voters’ top concerns are the stagnant economy and the threat of terrorism, but you wouldn’t know it from Hillary Clinton’s TV ads or campaign speeches. She’s trying to twist the presidential race into a referendum on political correctness. Too embarrassed to run on her party’s economic record or her failed stint as secretary of state, she’s positioning herself as top cop of the speech police. For example, Hillary is running an ad depicting pre-teen girls looking self-consciously in the mirror, agonizing over their bodies. Sometimes such young girls’ worries turn into deadly eating disorders, ultimately killing 10 percent of those affected. Clinton cynically exploits the pain and fear felt by thousands of families. Her ad uses a voiceover of Trump saying things like “she ate like a pig” and “does she have a fat ass?” Parents struggling with their child’s eating disorder run to one doctor after another frantically seeking answers. The causes are complex and still not entirely known — but no one believes the cause is Donald Trump. Some experts blame Hollywood’s glorification of skinny women for at least contributing to the rash of eating disorders and young girls’ body-image struggles. Instead of trying to muzzle Trump and other men, why isn’t Hillary calling out her big supporters in the entertainment industry? The same question applies to Hillary’s double standard in bashing Trump for lewdness but celebrating it in popular music. Clinton’s latest super PAC ads condemn Trump’s bawdy 2005 remarks on a bus with show-biz journalist Billy Bush. Trump bragged to his buddy, “I moved on her like a bitch.” Clinton claims to have been outraged when she heard it, calling it “horrific.” Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald chuckles at Clinton’s hypocritical “sudden onset of Victorian vapors.” After all, Clinton has no problem with the salacious lyrics of her pal and supporter Beyoncé. Even when Beyoncé sings: “I came to slay bitch . . . when he f–k me good I take his ass to Red Lobster.” Clinton says, “I want to be as good a president as Beyoncé is a performer.” Trump can’t catch a break with Clinton, even when he’s trying to do the right thing. Another Clinton ad attacks Trump reaching out to inner-city African-Americans with promises of more jobs and school choice. Reminding minority voters that Democratic politicians have failed to improve their economic opportunities, Trump asks for their vote, saying: “What the hell do you have to lose?” Clinton’s ad says: “Everything.” It follows her ad featuring Ku Klux Klan members praising Trump. It’s McCarthyite guilt by association. Trump has no connection to the group. What’s Trump actually guilty of? Poaching on Hillary’s turf. Worse than tarring Trump, she’s labeling cops, teachers and millions of other Americans racists. Whenever she talks to black audiences, she stokes racial resentment. She told the NAACP that whites “need to recognize our privilege and practice humility.” All whites, she claims, have “implicit bias,” and she wants bias training for police and other professions. Implicit bias — you’re told you have it even if you don’t realize it, no matter how colorblind you try to be, and denying your bias just proves it. Implicit bias is PC drivel. There’s no solid data to support it, cautions social scientists Philip Tetlock of UPenn and Gregory Mitchell of the University of Virginia and experts from New York University and the University of Connecticut. But if Clinton becomes president, we’ll all be undergoing re-education at school or work to cure our “implicit bias.” To see what President Hillary’s America would be like, look at most college campuses today. Few on campus dare to question Black Lives Matter, militant multiculturalism and “safe spaces” to spare students from challenging ideas. Hillary’s dictating how Americans talk about race, sex, even body shapes. Trump calls it like he sees it. He doesn’t stick to the well-rehearsed rhetoric of a career politician. But his supporters are sick and tired of political correctness. He’s not running for saint. He’s running to get the job done, something Hillary Clinton has already proven she can’t do. Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.
South Park Provoked the Rise of White Supremacists—Here's How Image via Getty/Handout South Park is one of television's longest-running shows, a 20-seasons-and-counting award-winning cultural behemoth that has spawned movies, imitations, and countless time-wasting memes. But could the show be, at least in part, responsible for one of the scariest political movements of the present moment? Lindsey Weedston thinks so. Weedston, a 29-year-old writer from Bothell, Washington, penned an article for The Establishment recently which argued that the show helped lead to the rise of the alt-right. The piece, " How 'South Park' Helped Empower the Alt-Right," grabbed my attention enough that I decided to call her up and see why exactly she thought Kyle, Cartman, and crew led us to Richard Spencer, 4Chan, and Charlottesville. Our conversation, edited lightly for length and clarity, is below. To start off, how does South Park treat what some people might think of as "PC culture"? I read a post that explained this really well—South Park’s highest moral goal is to not care. It treats PC culture as [if] the opposite of PC culture is not to care about anything. So caring about an issue is basically stupid, and pretty much every episode goes back to: it doesn’t matter, being PC is uncool, and not giving a fuck about anything is the way you should feel. In your article you trace a history of that attitude, starting with the misinterpretation of a character in an Oliver Stone movie. Can you take me through that? That was interesting. So [the 1987 movie] Wall Street, I didn’t know before I researched for the article that Oliver Stone actually meant it the opposite of how so many people took it. Wall Street was supposed to be an indictment of Wall Street and the type of person that thinks greed is good. It was very interesting to find that so many people actually went with the mantra "greed is good," and it seems like that has shaped a lot of our culture. Now we have prosperity Christianity—actually telling people that God wants them to collect as much wealth as possible. It’s not just Wall Street. For a long time, our capitalist society has led up to this idea that the ultimate goal is to collect as much wealth as possible. That movie accelerated the idea of collecting all the wealth and power you can. And then you talk about shock jock’s of the ’80s and ’90s, the Howard Sterns of the world. What does that have to do with the South Park-popularized attitude of caring being uncool? The original title of this article I pitched was actually "The History of Celebrated Assholes." My first draft of the piece, I ended up researching early forms of shock and asshole comedy. I found out the person considered the first shock jock was actually a black man, Petey Greene. Howard Stern was influenced by him. It’s really interesting to learn the kind of things he talked about. He was appealing because he was very down to Earth, and he spoke to the black community in a very straightforward way that no white disk jockey had ever before. When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, he went on air and started speaking to the community, and is credited with calming the situation down. You can go on YouTube and find some of the shows and listen to the way he speaks. It’s very colloquial. He just acts like a normal person. I think white people at the time looked at that as being shocking, and that’s why he was labeled as a shock jock. He was really active in the community. He promoted education and feeding the hungry. He wasn’t an asshole, but history is very interesting. In my original draft, I wrote about how he influenced Howard Stern. Howard Stern was actually invited onto his show. Stern went on in black face and used the n word, and Greene thought it was funny. Greene died fairly young, so then you move onto Howard Stern’s career. Howard Stern, I’m sure, has done some good stuff in his life. But he is very much associated with the shock jock label, and a lot of what he does is just to rile people up. I think it’s interesting how you have that transition from somebody who was just being real and communicating to his people in a way that made sense to him; and then you have Howard Stern, who makes a lot of money—and in fact an entire career—from pissing people off. How do you get to the alt-right from that? How does South Park's overall attitude connect to the alt-right? I believe that South Park's anti-PC messages paved the way for white supremacist groups to recruit much of the largely white male fanbase into what is now referred to as the alt-right, or other groups that are identical in all but name. Matt and Trey promoted this idea that you should be able to say or animate anything you want in the name of satire and humor, and any harm that it caused either didn't exist or didn't matter. When they experienced backlash for their intensifying mockery of already-vulnerable groups and their attitude of, "Repeating horrible things said by bigots up to and including Nazis is funny because it upsets people," they reacted by depicting their critics as free-speech-oppressing caricatures like the " PC bro." They promoted the idea that marginalized people—trans people, people of color, Jewish people, etc.—speaking out against harm caused by South Park's brand of "humor" and [the show's] "I do what I want" attitude are the real oppressors. White supremacist groups and their better-at-PR counterpart the "alt-right" use this message constantly to recruit young white men and boys. They tell these kids that they're the ones being oppressed by those telling them that they have privilege, and therefore need to make some effort to at least not use certain words and maybe examine prejudiced attitudes they might have picked up from a culture that is prejudiced in many ways. The alt-right promotes the idea of white male victimization, drawing in youth that has been told by South Park that the plight of marginalized groups doesn't matter and that "political correctness" is oppressing them. Once those groups have their loyalty, they can then indoctrinate these young guys into straight up white supremacist ideas under the guise that "the PC police don't want you to think about this." I don't think Matt and Trey meant to create an army for the alt-right, but they seem to be leaning into it rather than admitting that they might have messed up. Cartman plays a big part in your article. He’s often not the hero in the storylines of the individual episodes, but he is a fan favorite. Can you break down why that’s a problem? Cartman is a perfect representation of satire gone wrong. Just like with Wall Street, the people who view your content take the literal meaning of something instead of taking it as the indictment that it is. It’s pretty clear, especially in the earlier episodes, that you’re not supposed to like Cartman. You aren’t supposed to identify with him. You’re supposed to hate him, or at least understand he is the opposite of the ideal of a human being. That is supposed to be represented in his bigotry, his ignorance, and his appearance as well, with him being fat. And yet he is a fan favorite, and people do identify with him. I think it was Matt Stone who said he identifies with Cartman more than any of the other characters. I think their original intention was to say, okay, don’t be like Cartman. But instead, you have the opposite reaction of people idealizing his attitude and his selfishness and his desire to make people suffer and his bigotry. He has become a representation of how the fans feel that you should be. Can you talk about " South Park Republicans"—South Park being adopted by right wingers? That plays into what I think is the logical conclusion of the anti-PC movement. Like I said in the article, there has been a rebellion against this idea of being PC. Political correctness has evolved into a derogatory term meaning, you are being sensitive to someone. It has become this big boogeyman. There is an idea that there is this social justice warrior, PC police entity who will come and yell at you and punish you if you say what you are actually thinking. So there has been a rebellion against this strawman. It has come down to, if you care about anyone at all, if you want to be sensitive to anyone’s needs, then you’re this politically correct nerd or you’re a nun with a ruler or an authority figure telling people what to do. You are therefore uncool and the enemy. It’s very reactionary. But it’s so popular and so widespread on the right now, and you actually have people coming out with articles and people in the White House using that rhetoric to help further their political careers. So it’s really not surprising to me that there articles out there saying South Park is right on actual political issues. What has followed South Park’s wake? The first example that comes to mind is a lot of the cultural treatment of trans people. South Park has had some really transphobic content. Even before the Caitlyn Jenner episode, there was the whole treatment of Mr. Garrison and his sex change. I remember the episode where they included footage of an actual gender affirmation surgery, just saying, "look how gross this is." They had a caption like, "This is footage of the actual surgery," as though it’s supposed to be horrible and sad because it’s gross. But any surgery looks gross and disgusting. Their definite goal was to be like, this is gross and this is wrong. You see a huge amount of transphobia from a lot of alt-right groups. You have these bathroom bills that are trying to keep trans people out of public restrooms, which is basically keeping them out of public life. It’s trying to keep them from having access to any kind of normal life. The sudden emergence of the bathroom bills surprised me, but maybe it shouldn’t have. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but then you look at the timing and it does kind of follow Caitlyn Jenner’s coming out to the public as a woman. That in itself probably would have gotten some backlash, but then you look at how popular South Park is, and there’s no way it didn’t play a role in people reacting the way they did: reacting like, oh that’s just so gross—their existence is gross and wrong. You end your essay with a call for what you call radical kindness. What does that mean? Radical kindness comes from being around young people, specifically in communities that are more social justice-oriented. In my community, I’m seeing a shift towards memes being positive and used to uplift people. I think people are just tired of beating on each other and attacking each other, and the younger generations especially are starting to rebel against that. I feel like a lot of what my generation, millennials, has put out there has been negative. We’re kind of a depressed generation, so I think younger people are reacting to that and deciding, let’s be nice to each other. In a society where being mean to each other is the norm, kindness is punk. That’s rebelling. That’s what’s cool.
Tom Arnold: Clinton begged me to release tape of Trump’s racist rantModal Trigger Tom Arnold Comedian Tom Arnold is claiming Hillary Clinton begged him to release footage of President Trump using racial slurs just days before the November election. The 57-year-old alleged last year he had video of Trump repeatedly saying “n—–” and “every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever,” but is now saying Clinton called him just two days before Americans went to the polls to plead for its release, the Telegraph reported. “I had all the outtakes from Trump saying the N-word on ‘The Apprentice,’” said Arnold, who was just voted off Australia’s “I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here!” “[Clinton] called me two days before the election and said, ‘Please release that,'” Arnold claimed, alleging that the Democratic nominee said, “The weight of the free world is on your shoulders.” “I’d love to be a hero, but I can’t hurt these families,” he claimed to have responded. Arnold says he might still release the reel with “their permission,” thought it remains unclear if he was referring to the targets of Trump’s vitriol or “The Apprentice” producers. In an interview before going on the British sitcom, Arnold told a radio host he didn’t want to release the hate speech out of respect for those involved. “Well, now, these people — two editors and an associate producer — are scared to death. They’re scared of his people, they’re scared they’ll never work again,” he said on Dori Monson’s radio show. The American actor and comic, who starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1994 film classic “True Lies,” also said he didn’t think releasing the racist rant “would work.” “I don’t think people would care,” he said. Trump still managed to cinch the electoral vote despite national outrage surrounding the October release of the notorious “grab them by the p—-” video.
Definition of freedom Examples of freedom in a Sentence Or Bugs would do the impossible by jumping out of the frame and landing on the drawing board of the cartoonist who was at work creating him. This freedom to transcend the laws of basic physics, to hop around in time and space, and to skip from one dimension to another has long been a crucial aspect of imaginative poetry. —Billy Collins, Wall Street Journal, 28-29 June 2008 I can see that my choices were never truly mine alone—and that that is how it should be, that to assert otherwise is to chase after a sorry sort of freedom. —Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, (1995) 2004 It's the beginning of summer. … For many adults who are really closet kids, this means that their blood hums with a hint of freedom … —Anna Quindlen, Newsweek, 18 June 2001 He thinks children these days have too much freedom. She has the freedom to do as she likes. a political prisoner struggling to win his freedom Recent Examples of freedom from the Web These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'freedom.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
She claimed to support same-sex marriageIn an interview with Fancast in 2010, Elisabeth said (via The Huffington Post), "I am not ultra-ultra-conservative on every issue. I actually support gay marriage." She reiterated that stance on The View in July 2011, calling demonstrations against same-sex marriage "uncalled for and tasteless," adding, "If you think anything is killing heterosexual marriage, the only thing that's killing heterosexual marriage is heterosexual marriage."
Trump: FBI Ruined Flynn, Let Clinton Go Free President Trump gives a thumbs-up after speaking to reporters before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) (Newser) – President Trump defended Michael Flynn on Monday by invoking Hillary Clinton. While speaking to reporters, the president said he felt "very badly for Flynn" and declared that the FBI treated the former national security adviser much more harshly than it did Clinton. "Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI," said Trump, per Politico. "Nothing happened to her. Flynn lied, and they destroyed his life. I think it's a shame." He specifically referenced Clinton's grilling by the FBI over her email server in July 2015. "It was the most incredible thing anyone's ever seen," said Trump. "She lied many times, nothing happened to her. Flynn lied and it's like they ruined his life. It's very unfair.” As USA Today points out, former FBI chief James Comey testified to the contrary before Congress. "We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey said in July 2016, when he still ran the agency. There's no such gray area on Flynn: He admitted lying to the FBI in his plea agreement. (Controversy over a presidential tweet on the subject continues.)
Mike Vanderjagt suspended from coaching gigMike Vanderjagt's brief run as a middle-school soccer coach is on the ropes. The former Indianapolis Colts kicker has been suspended from that role after a March incident in which Vanderjagt allegedly grabbed a student by the throat at Charter Middle School in Marco Island, Fla. (Darron Cummings/Associated Press) The Naples Daily News reported Thursday that Vanderjagt, a school parent, was investigated by police for attacking a student who taunted him with cries of "wide left, wide left" through a rolled-up piece of poster board doubling as megaphone. Flashback: Vanderjagt missed a game-changing field goal attempt at the end of the Colts' AFC Divisional playoff loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers in January 2006. According to police, Vanderjagt was crossing the school's parking lot when he heard the taunts. The student told authorities the former kicker "walked up to him, grabbed him by the throat and started cursing at him." Vanderjagt told police he simply placed his hand on the child's shoulder. He claimed a mouthy band of students had been issuing the insults for months. Vanderjagt admitted growing tired of the taunts. Police went so far as to file the incident with the State Attorney's office, which ruled that no charges would be issued against Vanderjagt. He has apologized to the student and currently awaits word from the school's principal about his coaching future. In the meantime, this former NFL kicker is running a pizza joint on Marco Island. Strange days, indeed.
Rolling Stone editor admits rape story was botched Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house on the University of Virginia campus. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Rolling Stone’s deputy managing editor admitted on the stand Thursday that mistakes were made with the magazine’s since-discredited campus rape story, testifying that it “broke a lot of us.” “Everyone was yelling at us and rightfully so,” Sean Woods said of the reaction to the story after gang rape claims made by a University of Virginia student, identified only as Jackie, were called into question. “We needed people to know that we were addressing it as our story was falling apart.” The editor testified at the defamation trial against Rolling Stone, which is being sued for $7.85 million by former UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo, who claims the magazine’s “A Rape on Campus” story painted her as being indifferent to Jackie’s allegations that she was gang raped at a fraternity. “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” Woods told Eramo in court. “If? Did you hurt her or not? …Do you think Ms. Eramo was hurt by this story?!” the former dean’s lawyer, Libby Locke, asked him angrily. “I do. I think she is a public figure and subject to criticism,” Woods explained. Earlier, he’d said that none of the journalists involved with the piece ever fully “recovered.” “You pick up the pieces and you move on,” he said. “I think all of our reputations were trashed. It was a terrible blow.” Woods said he offered to resign after they decided to retract the story in Dec. 2014, but Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner wouldn’t let him. He testified that he was in denial when he left a voicemail for Jackie after the story was retracted saying, “We are standing behind the story. We want to stand by the story.’” “It’s like the stages of grief,” he told jurors.
Nigeria police personnel protest non-payment of salaries Nigerian police force used to illustrate the story Nigerian Police personnel of the Kaduna State Police Command are presently carrying out a peaceful protest against the non-payment of their August and September salaries. Eight Police commands namely: Kaduna, Kebbi Gombe, Nasarawa, Ekiti ,Bayelsa, Imo and Ogun are reportedly owing August and September salaries, PREMIUM TIMES learnt. The protest, which cuts across the rank and file of the command, has over 2000 protesters who are gathered in front of the Salaries Office inside the command headquarters. Cyril Abeh, the state commissioner of police, who said the delay in payment was from the finance ministry’s IPPS office and not the fault of the police, appealed for restraint. “They are police officers operating under the law, if they misbehave, we will deal with them according to the law. This is mutiny. I am in the field attending to a very important security matter, but will be on my way back to headquarters to address them now,” he said. Some of the protesting officers accused the minister of finance, Kemi Adeosun of refusing to allow President Muhammadu Buhari to know the ”exact situation regarding the non payment of the police salaries.” “She already lied to Mr President that all is well. How can you fight corruption and you don’t pay police their two months salaries,” an officer said.
Much Ado about Pickles Obtain Quest: Talk to the hooded old man near the bridge again. Prerequisites (As Far As I’m Aware): Completion of Making A Lord (May have to talk to Mohawk groupie in slums) Guide Talk to the old man again and this time he’ll complain about Captain Mohawk stealing his pickles. During the cutscene with the mayor, you are presented a choice to stop the old man, kill him, or do nothing. I choose to do nothing which led to the old man being banished. Go back to the East Slums. Fight Mohawk and he will flee. Return to the mayor for your reward.
DNC Breaks the Law to Promote Illegal Immigration Share the knowledge! The DNC has gone beyond the pale this year in using an anchor baby Karla Ortiz, her illegal mother and a second illegal immigrant, Astrid Silva, to promote illegal immigration at their convention this year. The child puppet of the Clinton machine was brought on stage to share that she is afraid that her mommy and daddy would be “forced to leave”. The crowd went wild, cheering for this law-breaking family and for the wanton use of a child to promote their open border agenda. Breaking the law, as we have seen with Hillary, is no big deal, and therefore breaking into this country is also of no consequence to Democrats. In fact, one can almost hear Hillary say, “What difference does it make? Let them all stay, as long as they vote for me.” Read the remarks swirling on Twitter regarding Karla Ortiz and her illegal immigrant parents on the next page. Next Page » Hillary has no shame and will use whomever she pleases to make it to the White House. Yeah…great job breaking the law. Everyone is super proud of your family. In today’s Democrat Party, rules and laws mean absolutely nothing if they hurt your feelings. It doesn’t get anymore clear than this. Immigrants are obviously great for this country in many ways. But that’s not the conversation the left wants to have. They want to demonize anyone who thinks we should be able to control who comes in and malign anyone who believes that immigrants should come here legally the right way. It’s pathetic to watch them cloud the issue like this. Here are some of the responses that started pouring in instantly from the left. I am the daughter of an immigrant & a daughter of the American Revolution. Our nation’s diversity is our greatest strength #DemsInPhilly This girl’s speech about the fear of deportation brought people to to tears #DemsInPhilly via @fusion — Mike de la Rocha (@mrmikedelarocha) July 26, 2016 #KarlaOrtiz Beautiful speech I literally cried. #inspiring#weareallamericans#america — Francisco Aguilar (@francoj559) July 26, 2016 Mother-daughter duo who could be separated by deportation try to humanize immigration issues at DNC — Annelize Bester (@AnnelizeBester) July 26, 2016 28-year-old illegal immigrant, Astrid Silva, blasted Donald Trump in her speech at the DNC for his promise to “separate families”: “When I was four years old, my mother and I climbed into a raft and we crossed a river to join my dad in America for a better life,” Astrid Silva, who hails from Mexico, said in remarks delivered to the 4,000-plus Democratic delegation. Silva was the first illegal immigrant to deliver a major speech at either party’s nominating conventions. “My family and I are here because of people like Sen. Harry Reid,” she said, highlighting the Senate minority leader’s defense of DREAMers, or young adults who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. “When Donald Trump talked about deporting 11 million people, he’s talking about separating families like mine,” Silver said. “Hillary Clinton understands that this is not who we are as a country.” “I know she will fight to keep our families together. I know she will,” Silver said of the former secretary of state. Ahead of her convention speech, Silver told Fusion she hoped the invitation to speak demonstrated “the stark contrast” between the Democratic National Convention and the Republicans’ four-day gathering in Cleveland last week, “where undocumented people [were] being called horrible names.” Forget law and order and rational thought, let’s just let our feelings do the voting and put the Queen of Law Breaking in the White House. If Trump doesn’t make it into the White House America as we have known and loved her will cease to exist.
Why Was Twitter Down? Another DDoS Attack? Everything You Need To KnowOn November 7, starting around midnight Eastern Time, went down. The outage only lasted around 30-45 minutes, but users believe it had to do with WikiLeaks, the U.S. election, and a DDoS attack. Before the outage, WikiLeaks tweeted about #DNCLeak2, a release of 8263 new emails from the DNC. It seems to be true that #DNCLeak2was trending on Twitter before the blackout, but has since been removed from the trends list. A bit after the outage, the hashtag was added to the trends list once again. A screencap of Twitter’s U.S. trends taken at 11:54 PM PST on November 6, 2016 (after the outage). The hashtag was missing when Twitter went back up, but it seems to be reinstated. (Twitter) Many are connecting the #DNCLeak2, which implied the Clintons were responsible for the killing of Vince Foster — whose death was ruled a suicide. Here are some twitter users’ ideas on the subject: DDOS ATTACK BY GOV IN PROGRESS! THEY WILL DO THIS THRU ELECTION NIGHT! THEY DONT WANT US COMMUNICATING! STEALING ELECTION UNDER BLACK OUT! — Deplorable Jack! (@risetoflyy) November 7, 2016 Do you think Twitter was in on the outage? Do you think the NSA was involved? Leave your thoughts below!
Trump Attributes Iran Terror Attack to ‘The Evil They Promote’While officially the White House is condemning the ISIS suicide attacks in Tehran today, in keeping with their policy of being against ISIS, President Trump’s own statement on the matter appeared less than wholly sympathetic, attributing the attacks to Iran “ falling victim to the evil they promote.” President Trump has made clear since the campaign that he does not like Iran, and spent much of his recent trip to the Middle East pushing hostility toward Iran, as well as portraying Iran as being to blame for most of the terrorism in the region. That ISIS is the world’s biggest terrorist organization, and that Iran has been heavily supporting both Iraq and Syria in fighting ISIS, doesn’t fit into Trump’s narrative, and the fact that ISIS just launched terrorist attacks in Tehran is particularly unwelcome to the US agenda of trying to spin everything wrong in the Middle East as being Iran’s fault. President Trump’s answer to this, then, is to remind everyone that Iran is a “state sponsor of terrorism,” an official designation by the US government which means effectively nothing, and only currently applies to three countries that the US doesn’t like, none of whom has anything to do with ISIS, al-Qaeda, or other major international terrorist groups. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz
The harassment trail - In 2015, Nation journalist John Ngirachu was arrestedNation Media Group reporter Walter Menya's arrested has brought to the fore the conversation on press freedom and passed cases of harassment of journalists in this country. We thought we'd take a look at a few cases in the recent past. Latest News DCJ Philomena Mwilu charged over abuse of office for personal interest and failure to pay taxes President Uhuru Kenyatta signs multi-billion shilling deal with U.S companies Kiambere residents demonstrate against water shortage and lack of electricity. 5 people escape death in a truck accident along Nairobi - Nakuru highway A suspected thief in Kitengela falls in a manhole County officials in Kajiado sign performance contract to monitor service Governors meet in Makueni to take stock of Devolution NLC Chair, Muhammad Swazuri granted office access by the anti-graft court Garissa Governor Ali Korane arrested over attack on ex-finance minister My Job: Graduate from kenyatta University selling water in Eastleigh Uhuru market traders accuse police, administrators handing market to outsiders Three killed, four injured in Riat accident Two former commissioners denied access to IEBC Dandora residents accuse police of extra-judicial killings Sports PS given 7 days to explain ministry's irregular expenditure Supreme court judge in the soup for engaging in graft Ipsos: We stand by our corruption survey report Governors meet in Makueni to take stock of devolution EAPCC planning to sell part of Athi River land to plug financial holes Matatu operators call off Wednesday boycott after talks with Treasury PS Kaberia given 14 days to furnish PAC committee with details on 1.7B spending West Pokot Government to back eradication of retrogressive practices 3 Dead, 4 injured as passenger van overturned in Kisumu
Obama: Men need to get over their sexism and elect Clinton President Obama Male voters must break their sexist inclinations so the country can “get over the hump” and elect its first female president, President Obama said Tuesday. In a message directed “to the guys out there” at a campaign rally at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, Obama said, “[T]here’s a reason why we haven’t had a woman president before…” “And we have to ask ourselves, as men — because I hope my daughters are going to be able to achieve anything they want to achieve — and I know that my wife is not just my equal but my superior,” he continued. “I want every man out there who’s voting to kind of look inside yourself and ask yourself, if you’re having problems with this stuff, how much of it is that we’re just not used to it. So that, like, when a guy is ambitious and out in the public arena and working hard, well, that’s okay; but when a woman suddenly does it, suddenly you’re all like, well, why is she doing that?” he added. Obama’s closing argument for his possible successor comes as GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has a slight edge over Hillary Clinton in the Buckeye State. The RealClearPolitics average of Ohio pollsshows the mogul with a 2.5-percentage-point lead, with Trump getting 46.8 percent of the vote and Clinton 44.3 percent.
17 ISIS Militants Posed as Refugees to Reach Europe: German OfficialMAINZ, Germany — At least 17 ISIS militants have arrived in Europe concealed as refugees, according to Germany’s domestic intelligence service. Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of the BfV agency, said in an interview with the daily FAZ newspaper over the weekend that “most of them are already in prison or dead." The total includes two suspects who died in the Paris terror attacks, according to the report. Last year, Germany alone welcomed more than 1.1 million migrants, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan. In an interview with NBC News earlier this year, Maassen said that ISIS was trying to "send a political, not an operational signal" by capitalizing on the migrant crisis. “It wanted to show ... that it is capable of smuggling terrorists to Europe concealed as refugees and that every refugee can be a terrorist," the intellgence chief added. His agency's annual security report published last week notes that Europe is faced with “a new dimension of [Islamist] terror," stating that “it has to be assumed that ISIS is planning further attacks in Europe, including Germany.”
‘Serial misconduct and perversion’: Trump accusers describe incidents ‘a thousand times worse than what Franken has done’ Rachel Crooks, Samantha Holvey and Jessica Leeds with documentarian Robert Greenwald (Photo: Screen capture) A total of 16 women joined together Monday to address their stories of sexual assault and sexual harassment at the hands of President Donald Trump. While many of these women came forward during the 2016 election, the Trump campaign attacked them, their lives and many right-wing activists invented information designed to discredit them. The three women that spoke earlier to Megyn Kelly sat at a table with documentarian Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films. He commended the reporters who have investigated the many accounts across all industries about sexual harassment. “There was one man that wasn’t being held accountable — who’s not being called out,” Greenwald said. That’s why he decided to create the documentary with the women. “It really had an impact on your heart, your soul, your emotions,” Greenwald said. He noted that so many women came forward to warn Americans, but “attention was not paid.” Today, Greenwald said “we know better. We know a lot better,” when it comes to predators. He demanded those in politics to act against anyone of either party not to give anyone “a pass.” Jessica Leeds, Samantha Holvey and Rachel Crooks each introduced themselves, telling story after story of their horrifying encounters with Trump. “I have a new dream now that this man will be held accountable for his actions and that future women will not be treated as less than just because they are a woman,” Holvey said. Crooks noted that given Trump owned the building in which she worked, she didn’t have any power to do anything. “Given this hostile work environment, my only solution at the time was to simply avoid additional encounters with him,” Crooks said. “I do realize that in the grand scheme of things there are far worse cases of sexual harassment, misconduct and assault. But make no mistake, there is no acceptable level of this behavior. That some men think they can use their power, position or notoriety to demean attack women speaks to their character and not ours. Which, believe me, is a tough lesson learned.” She went on to say that it was only through other remarkably similar accounts that she felt empowered to come forward. “Instead, this was serial misconduct and perversion on the part of Mr. Trump,” Crooks continued. “Unfortunately, this behavior isn’t rare in our society. Many women of any background can be victims. The only reason I am here today is because this offender is the president of our country.” She went on to note that Trump had dismissed his “Access Hollywood” tape as “locker room talk,” but “having been the victim of such actions, I knew better.” She asked that some things should transcend politics and that all people, regardless of position or power be held accountable for their actions, including Trump. Leeds walked through her disgusting story and further encounter, saying that she never once anticipated being on the front page of a newspaper. She was “absolutely destroyed” by Trump’s election. “The United States is a big strong country,” Leeds said that she thought at the time. “We can survive this person.” But women kept coming up to her in public and told Leeds their own story. She said that she had hoped things were better for women in business, but “apparently I was wrong.” When the Harvey Weinstein story hit and woman after woman began to come forward, people were finally being held accountable. “Except for our president,” Leeds said. She quoted Trump’s White House, who has said that the women are all “liars.” She noted that some are holding men accountable for bad behavior, however, “our president is not being held accountable for what he is and who he is.” Leeds said that this is part of the problem that is happening in Alabama. Crooks agreed, saying that Trump endorsed Roy Moore because he denied the allegations and it “worked for him.” Lisa Boyne spoke via phone to the press conference, telling her own story of being invited to a dinner party with Trump in the West Village. She said that he wanted the women to rate other women on a 1 to 10 scale. While at dinner, the men used the table as a “casting couch.” The women were brought to the table one by one and he told them to walk across the table. Boyne said that Trump looked up their skirts as they walked by. She said that John Casablancas ordered her to drink more but she refused and he was bothered by her refusal. She ultimately excused herself to the ladies room and from the restaurant. She explained that over the years her story was met with shame and questions of why she was there. She tried to pitch it to reporters, but no one wanted to hear it. “As a parent I was so deeply deeply offended… because he had a son around the age of my son and what sort of values are we teaching our children when we say that something like rape is ‘locker room talk,'” she shouted. “And that her husband talking about that is ‘boy talk.’ Everybody is normalizing as something that boys and men say in the locker room. That is the talk of horrible people and Trump keeps staying it to the press pool. And you’re all taking it in like it’s normal. It is not a normal way for people to talk. Why aren’t people calling him out on that. Something that is so horrific — I’m so fed up of listening to people. We take it in like it’s nothing. We shouldn’t teach our boys to talk like this.” She went on to say it was “one thousand times worse that what Al Franken has done.” Watch the full event below: You can watch the clip of the Brave New Films documentary below:
WATCH: Students trash Trump (not knowing Obama did the same thing!)by Walter W. Murray, reporter The easily triggered college students of the left won’t let facts stand in the way of their false outrage. In a hilarious video that’s going viral, students at the University of California, Santa Barbara were hopping mad over President Donald Trump’s plan to send troops to the U.S.-Mexico border just 200 miles away… not knowing they were trashing former President Barack Obama, too. “It’s not justified!” seethed one of the students. “It is, like, a totally uncalled-for act of power.” Sponsored: Did Russians “hack” the secret to eternal energy? Another came right out and admitted to Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform, who filmed it, that “I’m not a huge fan of the military to begin with.” The footage shows student after student steaming over the plan to increase border security. Take a look here — Americans In The Dark On Trump's Plan To End The U.S. Dollar Just one problem: The very act they’re livid over — the actions they blame on Trump — are the same exact moves made by former President Barack Obama, the hero of the young leftists. When that fact is dropped on them, it leaves the liberals stunned into silence. Sponsored: Wow! Scientists discover blood pressure-improving effects of 3 common foods In 2010, Obama sent up to 1,200 troops to the border as part of the $110 million Operation Phalanx. Those troops assisted border patrol with more than 17,000 apprehensions of people caught trying to cross illegally. They also intercepted massive amounts of drugs, including 56,342 pounds of marijuana with a street value of more than $100 million. Liberals didn’t make a peep at the time! Sponsored: Is this Ronald Reagan’s secret cancer cure? When told that Obama did the same thing, these young leftists were left stammering and one was literally speechless. They couldn’t approve the move because Trump did it — but they couldn’t condemn it anymore, either, since their hero did the same thing. “That’s kind surprising,” was the best response one of the students could manage. “People have been so conditioned to think anytime they hear ‘President Trump’ they have to oppose it,” Phillips observed in a Fox News interview. “They’re taught in the classroom, they’re taught by society and the media, it must be horrible, it must be racist.” Sponsored: Did you see this news? It’s not just Obama did the same thing. California Gov. Jerry Brown has also authorized sending National Guard troops to the border both during the Obama administration and now again under Trump. While his most recent act also involved sending a sulky letter filled with textbook liberal gripes, he also was forced to admit that National Guard troops play an essential role in U.S. border security. “Your funding for new staffing will allow the Guard to do what it does best: support operations targeting transnational criminal gangs, human traffickers and illegal firearm and drug smugglers along the border, the coast and throughout the state,” Brown admitted in the letter to Trump. “Combating these criminal threats are priorities for all Americans — Republicans and Democrats.” For your eyes only (personal matter) [sponsored] Quote that letter to the left – tell them Trump said it – and you can bet they would take to the streets. Resist! Just don’t ask them who or what they’re resisting because clearly, they don’t know. — Walter W. Murray is a reporter for The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative and a survival expert, and is the author of “ America’s Final Warning.” Watch This Breakthrough Tech Soar This Year!
Why this Trump row is different Trump had just married Melania when the recording was made in 2005 A couple of weeks ago, after the row over Trump "fat-shaming" Alicia Machado, I suggested the Republican candidate lay off our weight. Warning: This article contains some graphic language Now, and I can hardly believe I'm having to write this, I suggest he lay off our vaginas. The day after a video tape emerged in which he suggested he could have any woman he wants because he's a star and so could just "grab them by the pussy", Mr Trump is in a whole ocean of hot political water. Enough, quite possibly, to sink any chance he had of winning the White House. Why this tape - and not the myriad other controversies that have dogged him in recent weeks? First, analyse what he actually says. There is something particularly sexist, I'd say abusive, about this recording. Read this excerpt: "When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." "Whatever you want," the interviewer says. "Grab 'em by the pussy, you can do anything," Trump replies." It's the way Mr Trump reveals that he sees women as a piece of sexual meat, something he wants, grabs, discards that is so damning. Lay off a woman's size, Trump Is the Trump campaign done for? Could Republicans still dump Trump? The role of gender in the debate Surveys (US government and UN) suggest one in five American women are the victim of rape or attempted rape and a staggering 83% of girls suffer sexual harassment at school. Mr Trump is not guilty of either of those but his language is exactly the kind of language that encourages men and boys to feel it's okay to abuse women. There is a violence in the phrases "grab 'em by the pussy" and "you can do anything" that any victim of abuse would recognise and that most women would find sickening. To dismiss the tape as mere "locker room banter" and imply that the people who are offended are making an unnecessary fuss, or to say, as he did in his bizarre overnight apology tape, that this is just a distraction, compounds his problem. Trump has offended many groups of people before But this tape doesn't just offend women, judging from the reaction in the Republican party - it has offended a lot of men too. Whether those men will now withdraw their endorsements of him is yet to be seen. Mr Trump has denigrated people before. His comments about Muslims and Mexicans have arguably been equally grotesque and many, including some Republicans, have suggested they disqualified him for the presidency too. Not everyone in America, however, knows a Muslim or a Mexican. Most people, and most voters, do have wives, mothers, sisters or daughters and that's why this tape touches a nerve, with both sexes, in a way his previous remarks haven't. Powerful men using their position to get sex is nothing new, even in the White House. JFK and Bill Clinton paved that path. Today some of Trump's supporters are making the case that anyone who voted for Bill Clinton has no right to be offended by Donald Trump. Will the subject of Bill Clinton's infidelities now come up at Sunday's debate? I've been critical of Mr Clinton's treatment of women, and of Mrs Clinton's role in shielding him, but those supporters are missing the point. In 2016, don't we all want more from our leaders than another man who feels getting sex from whoever they want, whenever they want is simply one of the perks of power? For my two daughters, I know I do. How Mr Trump manages the fallout from this isn't clear. He doesn't like apologising. Indeed, he has bragged about never doing so. Yet overnight he did release a video statement in which he said: "I said it, I was wrong, and I apologise." In the tape he then goes on to attack both Clintons' records. So on Sunday night, when he debates with Hillary Clinton for the second time, will he raise the issue of Bill Clinton's affairs and Hillary's role in discrediting the women involved, or will he keep quiet about sex altogether? In the past Mr Trump has not been able to resist lashing out when he's under attack. So, whatever his advisers may caution, I suspect we will see more of that in St Louis on Sunday night.
How Trump Accidentally Made Obama Great Again This post is the opinion of the the author and does not necessarily represent The Good Men Project. Today Trump has pulled the old bait & switch on a group of Americans called “Dreamers”. The harpooning of DACA targets people who are by all accounts as American as apple pie: the children of immigrants. They take nothing away from anybody. They cost nothing and do nothing but contribute to our nation’s greatness. They are fundamentally what America is all about, really. This decision illuminates the fundamental character of this administration: cruel and mean. No longer can there be any denying what Trump’s agenda is. His tenure has but one goal: to eradicate everything and anything associated with Barack Obama. He hasn’t even tried to hide it. I’d previously written that Trump is the Middle Finger President. His one obvious competency is his capacity to give the middle finger to anyone that doesn’t kiss his butt. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Trump is the middle finger himself. He represents a minority of Americans: mostly uneducated, working class/poor whites who feel angry and left behind. They are resentful of the gains that blacks, people of color, and immigrants have made. The majority of them are economically insecure and bent on finding someone to blame because they don’t have the mettle to examine themselves. White supremacy suits them just fine. Among the educated Trump supporters, most of them are elderly, in retirement, who have too much time to sit and get hypnotized by Fox News. They parrot spitting Obama’s name like a foreign four letter word. Enough has unfolded in the past 9 months to clarify exactly what Trump’s presidency is about, and it’s clear that it’s about anything but serving America. At this point, he’s alienated a good percentage of his own party. No need to regurgitate the stream of officials he’s fired or who’ve walked away from his administration. No need to replay senior members of his own party denouncing his behavior. It’s become glaringly obvious: this guy is about one thing, and that is being the stand-in for a basket of American’s once labeled “deplorables”. While this sounds like a petty insult, the polls have been consistent: approximately 1/3rd of Americans have deplorable views about black people, people of color, LGBT, and immigrants. They are overwhelmingly white, and while they are not all Trump supporters, ALL Trump supporters are in this demographic. This is his base. Trump has responded by making every single decision he can to appease and please them. Nothing offended them worse than Barack Obama in the White House. As such, he’s dedicated his entire term to doing nothing other than wiping Obama’s name from the annals of American history. The only problem (for him) is, he’s actually done the reverse. Initially, it appeared that approximately 45% of the country was in his camp. This was alarming and deeply distressing for those who held President Obama as a champion of the environment, of civil rights reforms, and the people. President Obama’s grace and personal skills helped pave the way for a global relationship with the rest of the world. That made many of us feel safer. In just 9 months, Trump has managed to alienate our closest allies, and wall the USA off from much of the world. We look in the mirror and find ourselves facing a toddler-like madman lobbing hydrogen bombs at us. Kim Jong Un is the perfect shadow reflection for Trump who claims to be the “great negotiator” who’s going to make “great deals” all over the world. So far, he’s been successful at one thing: rolling back approximately 800 of Obama deals, mostly concerning the environment, civil rights, and immigration. Look forward: 100 years from now, historians will look back to this era as the turning of the tide in American culture and politics. Trump’s name will forever be etched in the books as the provocative agitator who turned America on its head. For all his publicity stunts and lust for fame, he probably didn’t think it would go this way. Because of his monumental effort to white-out Obama’s name from history, it will forever be impossible to mention Trump without talking about Barack Obama. History will show that trump would never have been possible if not for President Obama. Van Jones called it “white lash”. It’s a rebound reaction from a white demographic entirely uncomfortable with the idea of a progressive black man in the White House. To make matters worse, Obama’s a far more dignified, intelligent, and graceful man than most of us can ever hope to be. Who else could have enraged white supremacists this much? And who other than Trump could have emboldened them enough to take their hoods off and show their faces, marching while shouting racists chants with such shameless bravado? There are no more sacred cows. When he cut funding to Meals on Wheels, most of us thought, huh? What’s wrong with you? Then it was school lunches for children, which prompted Michelle Obama to twist up her face (very un-Beyonce like) and say, “what’s wrong with you?” Now comes DACA and the whole world screws up its face and shouts, “WTF is wrong with you???” Here’s what’s wrong with him: there is a tiny fragment of our society that applauds this sort of attitude, and he is a slave to applause. Speaking of slaves, these are the same people who, when polled said they thought slaves should never have been freed. The same people when polled said they thought white supremacists and Neo Nazis were being marginalized more than people of color. The same people who think the media is a bigger threat to democracy than white supremacists. These are the people Trump is playing to. As such, whenever he’s under fire – which is often – he goes on the campaign trail and holds a MAGA rally, where he (in the words of John McCain) “fires up the crazies”. This is the demographic who hold his base intact, and according to polls should he alienate them, his approval ratings dip into the single digits. Trump and his tiny base have one agenda: to wipe Obama’s name from the books. Unfortunately for him, in the years to come, his name will stand in the shadow of Obama as historians will establish comparisons that will have Trump turning in his gold plated grave. Thanks to Trump, by comparison, President Obama will be seen as a great visionary of supernatural eloquence and character. Trump’s legacy will be pitifully tarnished as the president who did nothing but roll back Obama’s reforms. He will be forever known as the president who stood for nothing more than giving a middle finger to President Obama. All to appease a racist, small minded base standing on their last quivering leg. They’ve found their hero, the archetypal symbol of white supremacy in Donald Trump. In 100 years, when history looks back, it will be Donald Trump’s anti-legacy that will give torque to Obama’s legacy. No matter how many Obama regulations and laws Trump rolls back, whether it be the Paris Accord or Cuba or DACA, history will cast a glorious light on Obama. Much of this will we can owe to the spotlight Trump gave him. We will recognize that this dark era is the result of a progressive black man and his family coming to power, agitating the shadow of racism and white supremacy in America. Because of him, the rising up of this ugly shadow that we now see so clearly is firmly in our collective cross hairs. In 100 years, we will give thanks for Donald J. Trump for making the target so big and easy to hit. We’ll be grateful for how simple he made it for us to see our disease. We will thank him for ushering in a new dream because we were finally able to cut the illness out and begin our healing. Thanks to Donald Trump, we’ll be able to see Barack Obama for the great man that he was, and we’ll build a monument to him upon the failures of Trump and his ilk. I bet Trump didn’t see that coming. The Secret Plan To Destroy Trump's Administration
Eminem lashes out at President Trump in furious rapEminem ignited a social media firestorm at the BET awards Tuesday with the release of a blistering rap on President Donald Trump. The recorded video shows the rapper in a parking garage freestyling on political controversies like the NFL's national anthem protests, Trump's proposed border wall and his international diplomacy. Warning: Explicit language in video below In one verse he rapped: "This is his form of distraction/Plus, he gets an enormous reaction/When he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that/Instead of talking about Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada/All of these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather cause a Twitter storm with the Packers." In another: "But we better give Obama props/Because what we got in the office now's a kamikaze that'll probably cause a nuclear holocaust." Soon after "The Storm" was released, the video became a top trending topic on Twitter, racked up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube and sparked reactions from multiple celebrities. LeBron James quoted his lyrics in a tweet: "Racism is the only thing he's Fantastic 4(fantastic for), cause that's how he gets his rock off, he's orange. Sheesh @Eminem." Racism is the only thing he's Fantastic 4(fantastic for), cause that's how he gets his rock off, he's orange. Sheesh @Eminem!! 🔥🔥✊🏾🔥🔥 #United— LeBron James (@KingJames) October 11, 2017 In the video, Eminem also raised a fist in support of NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, whose decision to kneel during the anthem sparked the current controversy. In response, Kaepernick tweeted: "I appreciate you @Eminem." Ellen DeGeneres also tweeted her praise: "I (heart) @Eminem." There was no immediate reaction Tuesday from Trump or the White House press office.
Donald Trump hits Justice Department, Huma Abedin after FBI email developmentsFollowing the latest FBI developments in Hillary Clinton’s email probe, Donald Trump ripped the Justice Department and top Clinton aide Huma Abedin on Saturday, firing off a tirade during his triumphant swing through western states. “It’s reported today, this morning that the Department of Justice was fighting the FBI,” Trump said in Golden, Colorado. “And that’s because the Department of Justice is trying so hard to protect Hillary.” Trump was referencing reports that Attorney General Loretta Lynch recommended that FBI Director James Comey not publicly disclose the new emails -- what the Justice Department viewed as a violation of its long-standing practice not to comment on ongoing investigations. “There are those, and I happen to be one of them, who think Hillary offered Loretta Lynch a reappointment as attorney general. I happen to be one of them,” Trump said. Offering no proof, the Republican nominee posited that Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, had bribed Lynch with the position when the two had an impromptu meeting earlier this summer on a plane in Arizona. The two met just days before the FBI completed its probe into the private email server. “Perhaps, just perhaps, of course he said he only talked about golf and the grandchildren, but he was on the plane for 39 minutes, he went to Arizona, an unbelievable place, but there are those who think when he went onto the plane that’s what he discussed just prior to a decision being made,” Trump said. The New York real estate mogul then trained his biting attacks on Abedin and her husband, former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner. The emails tied to the Clinton probe were found on the separated couple’s electronic devices from a separate FBI investigation into Weiner’s sexting scandal. “Did I call him correctly, did anybody see?” Trump asked, pointing to his prior criticisms of Weiner. “It’s called good judgement, it’s called good instincts. If you check out the tweets, or if you check out whatever it is I wrote about him, it is so perfect, I said. And that was done a long time ago, but they found, by looking at Anthony Weiner, a major, major, major sleaze, they found what may be some of the 33,000 missing and deleted emails.” Trump has, in the past, wondered whether Abedin was a national security concern because of her relationship to Weiner. “[Abedin’s] receiving very, very important information and giving it to Hillary. Who else is she giving it to?” Trump said back in August. “Her husband has serious problems and on top of that, he now works for a public relations firm...So how can she be married to this guy who’s got these major problems? She’s getting her most important information, it could be, in the world. Who knows what he’s going to do with it? Forget about her.” Trump’s speculation on what the newly surfaced emails contained, however, remains unfounded. The FBI has yet to release any further details about the information found in the emails. Clinton’s campaign, in the meantime, has defended Abedin, with campaign chair John Podesta telling reporters on a conference call that the staff stands behind her. “There’s no evidence of wrongdoing, no charge of wrongdoing, no indication that this was even about Hillary,” Podesta said Saturday. He added that Comey’s letter to top Republicans in the House and Senate was “long on innuendo and short on facts.” Podesta added that Comey knew “full well what Republicans in Congress would do with it” and blasted House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, in particular for taking “the opportunity to distort the facts.” CBS News’ Hannah Fraser-Chanpong contributed to this report.
GOP DOUBLE-CROSSING TRAITORSNow that a federal judge has held Obama's illegal "executive amnesty" unconstitutional, perhaps U.S. senators will remember that they swore to uphold the Constitution, too. Back when they needed our votes before the last election, Republicans were hairy-chested warriors, vowing to block Obama's unconstitutional "executive amnesty" -- if only voters gave them a Senate majority. The resulting Republican landslide suggested some opposition to amnesty. Heading into the election, college professor Dave Brat took out the sitting House majority leader and amnesty-supporter Eric Cantor in a primary, despite being outspent 40-1. It was the greatest upset in history since the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" at the Lake Placid Olympics: Never before has a House majority leader been defeated in a primary. And Brat did it by an astonishing 55.5 percent to 45.5 percent. Again, the voters seemed to be expressing disquiet with amnesty. After that, even amnesty-supporting Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., was denouncing Obama's executive amnesty. "If the president were to do that," he said, "and we have a Republican majority in the United States Senate, why, we have a number of options that we don't now have to remind him to read Article I of the Constitution." Poll after poll showed Americans ranking illegal immigration as the No. 1 most important problem facing the nation. We haven't changed our minds. Last week, an Associated Press-Gfk poll showed that Obama's single most unpopular policy is his position on illegal immigration. In other words, Obamacare is more popular than amnesty. That's like losing a popularity contest to Ted Bundy. Since at least 2006, voters have insistently told pollsters they don't want amnesty. Seemingly bulletproof Republican congressmen have lost their seats over amnesty. President Bush lost the entire House of Representatives over amnesty. What else do we have to do to convince you we don't want amnesty, Republicans? Make it a host on "The View"? Before the election, then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell complained that Obama's decision to delay his executive amnesty until after the election was a ploy to prevent Americans from "hold(ing) his party accountable in the November elections." But voters went ahead and held Obama accountable! Now McConnell is Senate majority leader -- and he claims his hands are tied. McConnell's spokesman at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Brad Dayspring, predicted that Obama's amnesty threat would drive voters to "elect a new Senate (that) will stand up to the president." Check! Mission accomplished! Done and done! Officially off our bucket list. OK, guys, your turn. When do you start standing up to the president? Hello? Hell-oooo? To gin up votes, "Republican insiders" told the Washington Examiner last fall that "the results of the midterm elections" would determine how "aggressive" the GOP would be in fighting Obama's amnesty. Voters gave you a blow-out victory, Republicans. You cleaned their clocks. (Have you seen Harry Reid lately?) Where's that promised aggression on amnesty? Republicans and George Will tell us they can't stand up to Obama's executive amnesty because the media are unfair. Oh, well, in that case, never mind! This is news to them? They didn't know the media were unfair when they were promising to block Obama's illegal amnesty before the elections? The media have blamed the GOP for every failure of Republicans and Democrats to reach an agreement since the Hoover administration. This isn't a surprise development. Why don't Republicans attack the media? People hate the media! Their power is eroding -- and it would erode a lot faster if Congress would challenge them. Instead of submitting to the media's blackmail, my suggestion is, take their gun away. Tell voters what the media won't: that Obama's "amnesty" will give illegal aliens Social Security cards and three years of back-payments through the Earned Income Tax Credit, even though they never paid taxes in the first place. Could we get a poll on that: Should the government issue work permits to illegal aliens and give them each $25,000 in U.S. taxpayer money? I promise you, Obama would lose that vote by at least 80-20. Even people who are against hounding illegal aliens out of the country aren't clamoring to open the U.S. Treasury to them. Tell voters that the media are refusing to report on Senate Democrats' weeks-long filibuster against a GOP bill that would defund Obama's illegal "amnesty." Contrary to hysterical claims by the media and George Will, the government won't shut down if the Democrats' filibuster goes on forever. The government is funded! Only the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be "defunded." Which means, let's see ... I'm counting on my fingers ... yes, that's right: NOTHING. Nearly all DHS employees are deemed "essential" personnel who are required to stay on the job even if the department's budget doesn't pass -- the Secret Service, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Customs and Border Protection and the Coast Guard. Approximately 200,000 of DHS's 230,000 employees are required to keep working through what the media will hysterically call a "government shutdown." By "government shutdown," the media mean: "some secretaries will not go to work." Why don't Republicans spend all their airtime attacking the media for lying about what Obama's amnesty does and what the Democrats are doing? It's hard to avoid concluding that Republicans aren't trying to make the right arguments. In fact, it kind of looks like they're intentionally throwing the fight on amnesty. If a Republican majority in both houses of Congress can't stop Obama from issuing illegal immigrants Social Security cards and years of back welfare payments, there is no reason to vote Republican ever again. COPYRIGHT 2015 ANN COULTER DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL UCLICK
WATCH: This Man Tells The Truth! Exposes politicians creating opportunities for violenceYet again we see more evidence that the media and leftist government officials are lying to the American public. What is the agenda? What reality are they try to protect? Why are they risking violence when it is unnecessary? Watch this video posted on Facebook by Will Johnson, a common sense conservative, who intends to be a part of a free speech rally this weekend in San Francisco. As he states it is intended to be a pro Trump rally, however it is clearly being painted by politicians and the media as a white supremacist rally with a call for the presence of Antifa. How is it possible to have a white supremacy rally when the rally barely has any white people attending? I’ll let you figure that one out! Watch the video below. 60 Celebrities Who Are Mega Trump Supporters - #20 Is Unbelievable!
Hurricane kills 264, Obama declares emergency A woman stands in a field of destroyed trees after the passing of Hurricane Matthew, in Sous Roche in Les Cayes, in Southwest Haiti, on October 6, 2016. The storm has been declared as “catastrophic” after an evaluation. The death toll from Hurricane Matthew, which barrelled towards the southeastern United States, in Haiti has climbed to 264, authorities said, forcing the US President Barack Obama to declare a state of emergency. Emergency officials in Haiti’s Sud province, which bore the brunt of the storm’s impact, provided the new fatality figure just hours after Interior Minister Francois Anick Joseph cited a provisional death toll of 108. Matthew, the most powerful hurricane to strike the Caribbean since 2007, made landfall in southwestern Haiti on Tuesday as a Category 4 storm with maximum sustained winds of 230 kph. Casualties A partial evaluation indicates that more than 20,000 homes were severely damaged, Joseph said, describing the storm’s impact as a “catastrophe.” The search for additional casualties continues, authorities said. Most of the victims were killed by falling trees, flying debris and swollen rivers. Due to the emergency declaration in Florida, the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency are authorised to coordinate all disaster relief efforts, Xinhua news agency reported. Evacuation order Meanwhile, local authorities issued a mandatory evacuation order on Thursday for nearly 1.5 million coastal residents in preparation for the hurricane, one of the most powerful storms to hit the region in a decade. “This storm will kill you. We don’t have much time left,” said Florida Governor Rick Scott at a press conference. According to the US National Hurricane Centre in Miami, Florida, Hurricane Matthew remained a Category 3 hurricane as of Thursday morning. There was still possibility that it would evolve into a Category 4 storm in approaching the east coast of Florida, said the Centre. Matthew is now moving on to the coast of the US. The US National Weather Service warned on Thursday that the hurricane could be the worst storm seen in Florida for decades. Over 2 million people have been ordered to evacuate coastal areas.
Tear Down White Supremacy, Start w/Planned ParenthoodIt is a rich if tragic irony that the same progressives denouncing Richard Spencer and demanding that municipal statues be torn down for their alleged white supremacist qualities are themselves closely aligned with a white supremacist-tied group. I am speaking, of course, of Planned Parenthood, which is to the abortion-loving Left what Adolf Hitler’s bunker would have become to fascists had Germany not demolished it in the late 1980s: a sort of holy shrine upon which adulation and adoration can be fixated. Read Full Article »
Hillary failed as secretary of state — why would president be any different?Opinion Modal Trigger Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives to speak on Sept. 12, 2012, on the killing of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three staff members at the US Consulate building in Benghazi, Libya, from the Treaty Room of the State Department. Hillary Clinton boasts that her experience traveling to 112 countries as secretary of state qualifies her to be president. Don’t believe it. Evidence shows she left the State Department in shambles and our nation weaker. Her record at Foggy Bottom disqualifies her to be president. Her failures go beyond leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, the ridiculous Russian “reset” and the carnage in Syria that she and President Obama idly watched unfold — and that gets more horrific daily. A string of investigative reports from the Obama administration shows that she botched key management jobs as secretary of state, threatening American lives and our diplomatic secrets. Clinton’s State Department repeatedly rebuffed requests for additional security for the vulnerable compound at Benghazi, Libya. The result? Heavily armed terrorists were able to storm the compound and kill Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. But Benghazi wasn’t an isolated case. Clinton failed to secure diplomatic posts in Pakistan, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and other global hot spots. Internal State Department reports show the posts lacked emergency plans in case of attack. Guards assigned to them had no training in chemical or biological threats and, amazingly, some hadn’t undergone background checks. Clinton tried to weasel out of taking the blame for Benghazi, testifying to Congress that she wasn’t personally involved in embassy security. But emails later revealed that was false. Investigators also point to Clinton’s total neglect of cybersecurity. The Bush administration — reeling from the attack on the World Trade Center — had made it a top priority to protect information flow among embassies, the CIA and the FBI. But Clinton dropped the ball, creating what the department’s inspector general called “undue risk in the management of information.” In November 2013, the IG issued an alert to the State Department’s top executives about the urgent “recurring weaknesses” in cybersecurity that had been red-flagged in six previous reports between 2011 and 2013, almost all on Clinton’s watch. The “recurring weaknesses” had still not been addressed, including vulnerabilities to hackers. One of those previous reports — from July 2013 (shortly after Clinton’s departure) — described how much of the cybersecurity work was actually being done by contractors rather than department staff, contrary to government policy. John Bentel, in charge of State’s cybersecurity during Clinton’s tenure, is one of the five State Department staffers who demanded immunity before talking to FBI investigators about Clinton’s private-server scheme. He apparently took his duties regarding Clinton’s secret server more seriously than his duties to safeguard national cybersecurity. According to an IG report, Bentel “instructed his subordinates not to discuss the secretary’s email.” Rudy Giuliani said on Saturday Clinton’s use of a private email service for official business was like taking “all our top-secret material and throwing it out on Fifth Avenue.” Outrageous, but still a lesser offense than Clinton’s neglect of the entire department’s digital security — exposing communications between thousands of agents and diplomats across the globe. Even after WikiLeaks released 250,000 confidential State Department documents in 2010, Clinton didn’t plug the obvious holes in State’s cyber setup. Yet during Monday’s debate, Clinton had the nerve to claim that she takes threats to the nation’s cybersecurity very seriously. That’s a laugh. Hillary’s management of finances at State was also slipshod, according to inspector general reports that point to a whopping $6 billion unaccounted for during her tenure. Clinton’s chaotic mismanagement created “conditions conducive to fraud,” the IG warned, and made it harder “to punish and deter criminal behavior.” She must have felt right at home. True to Clinton’s instinct to cover up problems rather than fix them, she thwarted several investigations of sexual misconduct and prostitution at State. Investigators complained of “an appearance of undue influence and favoritism.” So what are the odds Hillary would run the federal government with integrity, keep the nation safe and get taxpayers more for their money? Zero. Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.
Amal, George Clooney donate $1 million to anti-hate group after Charlottesville violence Amal and George Clooney attend the Celebrity Fight Night In Italy Benefitting The Andrea Bocelli Foundation and The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center Gala on September 7, 2014 in Florence, Italy. (Photo by Andrew Goodman/Getty Images for Celebrity Fight Night) — George and Amal Clooney have donated $1 million to Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit that strives to put an end to domestic hate groups and extremists, in response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month. “What happened in Charlottesville, and what is happening in communities across our country, demands our collective engagement to stand up to hate,” the actor and humanitarian lawyer said in a joint statement. >> Related: More than 900 active hate groups in the U.S., report says On Aug. 12, a rally in Charlottesville turned violent when a group of white nationalists clashed with counterprotesters. One woman was killed when a car plowed into the crowd at the rally. According to Reuters, the donation comes from the Clooney Foundation for Justice, which the couple created in 2016 to promote justice worldwide in courtrooms and classrooms. Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen released a statement thanking the Clooneys for “standing with (the organization) at this critical moment in our country’s fight against hate.” Trending - Most Read Stories
Facebook sets up crisis response page after Las Vegas shootingFacebook has set up a crisis response page so people who are in Las Vegas can let people know they are safe. More than 50 people died in the shooting and at least 400 people have been injured in the shooting, according to Las Vegas police. The shooting started around 10:08 p.m. local time. Those numbers would make this the deadliest mass shooting in United States history. The suspect has been identified as local man Stephen Paddock, 64. Paddock was shooting from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay, Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. Lombardo said the shooter is dead. Police believe Paddock killed himself before law enforcement entered the room, Lombardo said. People can check in to let Facebook friends now they are in Las Vegas and that they are safe. Police also advise people to call 1-866-535-5654 to check in on loved ones.
More than 50 animals found tethered to trees in Florida county as Irma approachesWEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Officials are calling it animal cruelty like they've never seen before. As Hurricane Irma’s outer bands inch closer to Florida, animal control officers said they are hustling to rescue abandoned animals. RELATED: Florida preps for storm as Hurricane Irma | Football games in Florida canceled ahead of Hurricane Irma | Florida air travel shuts down ahead of Hurricane Irma | This is what Hurricane Irma looks like from space And these aren't pets who are just being left inside, Director of Animal Care Diane Suave said. “They are left in a yard, in a pen they cannot escape from or tethered to trees or poles,” she said. Palm Beach County Animal Care reports animal control officers have rescued 49 dogs and two cats in the last 48 hours. “Even a tiny bit of sand can hurt an animal when it’s traveling through 100-plus mph winds,” Sauve said. Animal control officers were slowly pulled off the road at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Sauve said once winds reach a sustained 35 mph, no officers will be permitted to rescue animals. “We are asking the public, if it is safe, consider sheltering any animals you see left outside,” she said. Both Sauve and State Attorney Dave Aronberg said they promise to prosecute anyone who left their animals outside to fend for themselves during Hurricane Irma. “This is a prime example of animal cruelty,” Aronberg said. “We will find you, and we will prosecute you.” Sauve said officials will use every paper trail imaginable to track down animal cruelty offenders. “It’s unconscionable,” she said. “We will not stand for it here in Palm Beach County.” HURRICANE IRMA | Real-time tracking maps, Hurricane supply kit info & Hurricane Center IMPORTANT LINKS Hurricane Supply Kit Checklist | Things to know before the storm | Preparations for your pets | Power outage maps & resources | Know your evacuation zone | Price gouging: How to protect yourself and report it | Insurance protection: Video tape home inventory | Tampa Bay sandbag locations | Find a hurricane shelter near you | Hurricane Irma Emergency Phone Numbers | Evacuations underway | Closures and Alerts | Storm Surge Map Copyright 2017 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Print this article Back to Top
Donald Trump just ceded the presidency to Hillary Clinton Getty Images An hour and 18 minutes into Wednesday night’s debate, Donald Trump effectively acknowledged his coming defeat. “Lotsa luck, Hillary,” he said, after a peroration on the humanitarian disaster in Syria and how it is going to consume much of the next president’s time over the next four years. What will she need luck for if she’s not going to be president? Ten minutes earlier, Trump told moderator Chris Wallace he will let us all know on election night whether he is going to accept the results of the Nov. 8 balloting. It was a shocking and cravenly irresponsible thing to say, the sort of thing that threatens to rend our national fabric, and for that alone, Trump has earned his place in the history of American ignominy. But who needs to wait? Consciously or not, the guy ceded the race. Live. On television. On Oct. 19. Lotsa luck indeed. Hillary sure did luck out having him as her rival. She can basically take the next three weeks off. But why would she? She can just spend the time taking the most luxurious pre-victory lap in American history. Trump will make that phone call on Nov. 8 or he won’t, and he will or won’t make that speech in which he tells his supporters, “I just congratulated Hillary on becoming the next president and we must all come together.” There’s no telling. This is a test of character, but Trump has a different understanding of such tests of character — and he might believe he will only pass such a test by doing what he can to continue to be the expression of the American id’s rage and disappointment. His refusal to do so would be the mark of a tragic decline in our polity, as would the refusal of some significant numbers of his supporters to accept the results as well. But this is the story of 2016. He refused to do other things as well — like concede the fact that the Russian government is attempting to interfere with the election. Hillary Clinton said three times that 17 different US military and intelligence agencies have determined that this is so. Due to his truly bizarre unwillingness to say anything really negative about Russia’s dictator, Trump just said no to that — and handed Hillary her sound bite of the night: “He’d rather believe Vladimir Putin than the military and intelligence people who are sworn to protect us.” How was the debate? Well, it was reasonably substantive, largely due to Chris Wallace’s absolutely perfect work as the moderator. And if you went moment by moment and point by point, you would probably score it reasonably closely. Trump zinged her on several patent dishonesties, and as usual, she handled the zinging badly. On the other hand, every time she needed a way out of a corner, she baited him with something — women he’d said bad things about, or the money he’d borrowed from his father — and he’d fall for it every time. But let’s face it: Do you really want me to tell you who I think won the exchange on entitlements? I mean, who cares? Does it bother me that Hillary Clinton said she was going to apply a strict left-liberal litmus test to her Supreme Court appointments? Yes, it does, but I knew that already, and if you follow the issue, so did you. Very few people are voting in this election on matters of conventional governmental policy. A great many will vote for the team they’ve long been signed up with, while everybody else will be voting against one of these two extremely unattractive and unpopular candidates. Trump just told us he knows she has more people voting in her favor and he has more people voting against him. He just told Hillary to measure the drapes. He can spend the rest of his life never conceding, and she’s still going to be the 45th president of the United States.
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