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Site pays $5K to anyone who calls Bill Clinton a ‘rapist’ at ralliesNews Modal Trigger Getty Images Alex Jones and his conspiracy-obsessed website InfoWars prompted a series of disruptions at pro-Clinton rallies this week by offering $5,000 to anyone who can be heard shouting “Bill Clinton is a rapist.” During an event in Greensboro, NC, on Tuesday night, President Obama was bombarded by protesters who donned shirts with slogans accusing the ex-president of rape. “Those folks are auditioning for a reality show,” Obama joked at the hecklers. “Get your own rally!” POTUS repeatedly barked. “If you can’t get your own rally, don’t come mess up somebody else’s rally.” Jones, an avid Donald Trump supporter, has been offering up the bounty to Bill-bashers for about a week now. His supporters have since been spotted at Hillary events in Miami and Wisconsin, where the former president was targeted during an appearance in Milwaukee Saturday. The typically-jovial Arkansan looked visibly rattled when a protester shouted “rapist” at him during a discussion about the billionaire candidate’s position on global warming. “No one can dispute the fact,” Clinton said about climate change, after which the person in the audience added: “That you’re a rapist!” After several uncomfortable seconds, the former commander-in-chief began laughing and smiling. “You gotta feel sorry for them. They had a bad day yesterday,” he said, in reference to Friday’s video leak in which Trump was caught speaking crudely about women. It was not clear if Jones has actually made good on his $5,000 offer. An InfoWars spokesman told The Post on Wednesday night that at least 13 “successful participants” had so far come forward to claim their $5,000 prize. However, many people who participated had still not contacted the site for their payouts as of 9:30 p.m. The spokesman added that none of the protesters had been paid yet and that checks were set to be mailed at the end of the week. According to the website, the “Bill Clinton Rape” offer will be running through the election, or until $100,000 in prizes have been given out.
Navajo Code Talkers Day: A day dedicated to heroes of World War IIOn July 28 1982, President Ronald Reagan designated August 14 as Navajo Code Talkers Day. Reagan called it a day dedicated to "all members of the Navajo Nation and to all Native Americans who gave their special talents and their lives so that others might live." "When called upon to serve the United States, [the Navajo Nation] contributed a precious commodity never before used in this way. In the midst of the fighting in the Pacific during World War II, a gallant group of men from the Navajo Nation utilized their language in coded form to help speed the Allied victory." According to the U.S. Marine Corps, Code Talkers took part in every assault by Marines in the Pacific during the war from 1942 to 1945 serving in all Marine six divisions. The Code Talkers were a vital part to the Allied forces victory as the Navajo language is the only spoken code to have never been deciphered. "The dedication and unswerving devotion to duty shown by the men of the Navajo Nation," Reagan said the proclamation, "should serve as a fine example for all Americans." PHOTOS: Honoring the Navajo Code Talkers
12 Psychological Tactics Donald Trump Uses to Manipulate the MassesPoliticians are trying to deceive you. Modern (American) politics is essentially a game in which politicians say and do whatever they possibly can to persuade people that they are an ideal leader deserving of a vote. But you already know that. Hopefully. Most of us are pretty cynical about politics and straight-up expect politicians to lie to us. We understand that posturing, over-promising, tricky rhetoric, and psychological manipulation are par for the course in the political arena. Interestingly, though, I’ve been hearing some claims regarding the current presidential race that contradict the typical cynicism with which most people view political candidates. Specifically, I’ve heard many people expressing the belief that Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are refreshingly different from typical political candidates. Why? Because they say what they really feel and think, supposedly. They aren’t just talking heads. They’re real people who will let their real views and ideas be known, for better or worse. That might be true, to some extent. Trump and Sanders might be more authentic than most politicians (which wouldn’t take much). It’s almost impossible to say. The Truth But even if they are, make no mistake: They are still playing the game like everyone else. I’m not saying anything about their merits as candidates or people, and I’m not making any kind of moral judgment. I’m just saying that they too are posturing, over-promising, and employing tricky rhetoric and psychological tactics to win over their audiences. Don’t think for a second that they’re not. No one would have a prayer of winning a presidential race without doing those things. But people are viewing them as utterly genuine. People are taking them at face value. Sanders has this effect on people because he’s so fiercely passionate about the issues. I actually believe he sincerely cares about the things he wants to change, and so he exudes an earnestness while speaking that captivates many people, especially people in my generation. Nonetheless, I assure you that Sanders is self-aware of his grandiose, fiery style and his calls for revolution. He knows he’s over-promising, and he’s consciously trying to create a tsunami of unrealistically high hope for a better world and ride that wave into the White House, like Obama did. It’s a good strategy, though if he gets elected, many people will probably be upset when the revolution doesn’t arrive, when the billionaire class continues to exist, and when big money continues to influence politics.¹ Trump, on the other hand, is perceived as honest because he says and does so many ludicrous things, compared to traditional candidates. Trump’s behavior is so ridiculous that people can’t fathom that most of it could be an act, a strategy, a role he’s learned to play. But it is. And whereas Bernie is trying to ride a wave of hope into the White House, Trump is trying to ride a wave of fear and anger. Trump’s appeal is downright frightening because we are at a rather precarious moment in the history of the United States and the history of the world. The planet is filled with nuclear warheads; environmental crises are occurring/looming; the largest refugee crisis since World War II is taking place. The 21st century is a time in which the countries of the world need more than ever to cooperate with one another, consider a global perspective, and devise strategies that will make the human enterprise sustainable through the 21st century and hopefully far beyond. But Trump isn’t much of a cooperator. He’s explicitly stated that he wants to build a wall around much of the United States, and he’s made comments that reveal a frighteningly uncritical and violent approach to international relations (on ISIS: “I would bomb the shit out of ’em,” and “ … you have to take out their families.”). From my vantage point, a leader like Trump is more likely to help bring about World War III than a more sustainable, equitable, and unified human enterprise.² Many people don’t see it this way, though. Many believe that Trump’s aggressive and America-centric approach to politics will be our saving grace. This may have something to do with the hypothesized psychological divide between people who lean Left versus people who lean Right. Some fascinating studies have suggested that there are neurobiological differences between liberals and conservatives. One study found, for instance, that conservatives tend to respond to threatening situations with more aggression than liberals. If one wanted to appeal to conservative-minded people, it follows then that one could paint a picture of the world as One Giant Threat to America and propose an extremely aggressive plan to ameliorate the situation. As we’ll see, Donald Trump is a master of this persuasive tactic. He’s a master of a number of other tactics as well, and the cumulative effect of these tactics is that he’s gone from being considered a joke candidate to having a decent chance of becoming the next leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. 12 Psychological Tactics That Make Donald Trump a Master Manipulator Let’s take a closer look at the various tactics Trump has used to climb into his present position. The following points were gathered primarily from two YouTube videos³ created by Charlie Houpert, which provide an excellent analysis of Trump’s various psychological strategies. You’ll find the videos embedded at the bottom of this article, if you’d like to watch them, but that isn’t necessary, as I’ll thoroughly summarize the 12 strategies they discuss. 1. Sowing Seeds of Fear Wiki Commons Trump has said, “You’re going to have more World Trade Centers. It’s going to get worse and worse, folks,” and “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs; they’re bringing crime; they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” These are blatant instances of fear-mongering. Trump deliberately hones in on frightening statistical rarities — terrorist attacks against the US and immigrants who are dangerous rapists — and acts like they’ve become the norm. Violence has actually declined over recent decades and centuries, but Trump makes it seem like the opposite has happened. Why does he do this? Charlie Houpert, the creator of the videos I mentioned, explains it well: “Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion. It captures our attention like no other emotion can. We focus intensely on the thing that is giving us that fear. Secondly, it shuts down higher thinking. When we’re terrified by a bump in the night, we don’t focus on the probability that it’s just the wind. Our critical thinking skills dip as we focus solely on protecting ourselves. Thirdly, it feels crappy, so the fastest way to get out of fear and move toward a powerful emotion is to move into anger.” Proven Winners Visit Site Major news outlets portray the world as a terrifying place because doing so captures people’s attention. Trump is doing the same thing. Fear ensnares our attention like nothing else can, while simultaneously short-circuiting our higher cognitive functioning. This is unsettling because our natural response to fear is to escape or destroy whatever is threatening us as quickly as possible. It is quite natural for humans to cope with fear by becoming angry and aggressive. Trump fuels this fire of fear-driven rage and hostility as much as he possibly can and directs it toward non-American outgroups. He says things like “China is taking our jobs; they’re taking our money,” and “Syrians are now being caught at the Southern border; we don’t know who they are; could be ISIS.” He sets up false dichotomies between the interests of Americans and the interests of other humans of the world, such that if you disagree with him, you appear to be anti-American. This leaves many credulous viewers with one obvious response: to be an angry, aggressive, Trump-supporting American who views the rest of the world with suspicion and aggression! This potent combination of fear-, anger-, and aggression-mongering then sets Trump up for one of his most effective lies: that he is the only big, strong man tough enough to do what needs to be done to kick everyone else’s ass and “make America great again.” Trump makes unrealistic claims such as “No one else will keep you safe,” and “No one is going to mess with us.” He presents himself as the most dominant and strongest-willed candidate — the only candidate capable of returning the US to its rightful position as Imminent, Dominant Global Superpower. But again, do we need America to dominate other countries/entities at this point in history? It’s likely that some amount of military action is advisable, as certain groups (e.g. ISIS) are committing brutal crimes against innocent people. However, if one looks at the bigger picture, it becomes clear that cooperation rather than conflict must become the rule in the human enterprise, if the human species is to persist into the deep future. On a planet now laced with nuclear warheads, unbounded aggression is no longer an option. And in a biosphere facing various environmental crises, our species must recognize the collective goal of devising sustainable systems to avert catastrophe. But, as I mentioned earlier, research has suggested that conservative-minded people respond more aggressively to threatening situations than liberal-minded people. Instinctively aggressive people respond favorably to Trump’s call for a return to an Ultra-Dominant America. That some people are more instinctively aggressive than others is not a “bad” thing. Clearly, this arrangement was beneficial in our primal past, or we would not have evolved this way. However, we don’t live in the world of our distant ancestors anymore. We live in a world in which excessive aggression/conflict is a potential threat to the entire biosphere and all sentient life. Thus, we need leaders who are capable of taking calculated aggressive measures after a thorough analysis of all available courses of action, not leaders whose default response to problematic circumstances is to use hyper-aggressive military force, as Trump wishes to do. The world is a damn complex and ambiguous place, but admitting this reality is not a good political strategy. It’s much more effective to paint the world as a simple place where things are either X or not-X. To do so is to commit the ‘false dilemma’ fallacy. A quintessential example is a much-cited statement made by George W. Bush in 2001: “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” It comforts people to tell them that things must be either this or that because it makes them feel that they understand the insanely complex bramble of global affairs that no individual human actually understands en toto. Trump is brilliant at reducing the complexity of the world to black-and-white narratives. One of his favorites is the narrative of Winners vs Losers. In Trump’s story, America has been unambiguously losing in recent memory; America is becoming a perma-loser before our eyes, and we’re just getting used to it. Wiki Commons Of course, with Trump as president, America is going to start winning again in all regards. “We’re going to start winning so much that you’re going to get used to winning instead of getting used to losing,” he has said. Does it even make sense to conceive of individual countries as “winners” or “losers” in a world where the future of our entire species and all life on Earth is potentially at stake? Probably not. Yet Trump’s black-and-white narrative appeals to our desire for simple, digestible stories and our American hyper-competitiveness. And again, when people are afraid and angry, they are primed to accept whatever convenient narrative promises to allow them to escape their fear, and thus the absurdly vague and reductive America is Going to Start Winning So Much Again That We’ll Have Nothing to Worry About story begins to seem quite alluring indeed. One downside of portraying yourself as the Big Strong Man is that there will still always be situations in which someone gets the best of you, making you appear foolish or weak. Donald Trump has found himself in this situation on a number of occasions. One of the most notable was a situation in which Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly confronted Trump about past comments in which Trump had called women he disliked “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” This question was a potential landmine for Trump, but he interrupted Megyn Kelly halfway through her question by saying, “Only Rosie O’Donnell.” This comment caused an uproar of laughter in the audience and all but derailed the inquiry into Trump’s juvenile and dehumanizing remarks. Trump has perfected this strategy of deflecting potential threats through the use of humor. As Charlie Houpert put it: “So that is the power of laughter. It is a pattern interrupt[ion]. You can’t stay booing and upset and angry when somebody makes you uncontrollably laugh. It also makes you more receptive to whatever comes next that somebody has to say because they’ve already started to lead you emotionally. So what Donald Trump is doing is using laughter to take control of situations where he’s starting to lose control. And what that does for him is it effectively helps him dodge any points that you make against him because he can almost erase them with a laughing crowd.“ Humor isn’t Trump’s only strategy for avoiding discussion of some of the more contentious issues in his record. Another favorite strategy of his is to simply act superior to all opponents and criticisms. In one of the GOP debates, Jeb Bush attempted to point out that Donald Trump had completely changed his stance on ISIS in a matter of two months. As Jeb was saying this, Trump didn’t even pay him the courtesy of looking in his direction. Instead, he looked only at the audience with an expression of disbelief and disgust that said, “Who is this guy?” This maneuver indicates to the audience that Bush’s attack is ridiculous, laughable, not even worthy of attention, allowing Trump to bypass any sort of rational discussion. By contrast, when Trump attacked Bush, Bush looked directly at Trump with an expression of distress and disconcertedness, playing perfectly into Trump’s game. Jeb appeared to be something of a confused and insecure novice looking to Big Daddy Trump for answers. This point is related to the previous two, but it deserves emphasis. Trump’s power plays — whether making jokes in the face of criticism or acting superior to other candidates — are all aimed at making him appear as the leader of a game in which everyone else is merely a player. In social dynamics, this is referred to as “frame control.” Trump frames every interaction as if he is unquestionably superior to those around him, as if everyone else is in his world. When it comes to politics, whichever politician has the strongest and most unflinching frame will make that frame a perceived reality. And Trump is very good at unflinchingly selling his frame. As a billionaire, thick-skinned businessman, he’s been practicing this tactic for decades. Combine this with his fear-mongering, anger-mongering, and presenting himself as the One Great Strong Solution to Loser America, and you’ve got a potent combination of factors coming together to make Donald Trump appear to be an untouchable, iron-willed leader in comparison to his opponents. Another of Trump’s favorite tactics (and another form of frame control) is to trap other candidates in double-bind situations. Essentially, this means that he puts them in positions where it doesn’t matter what they say or how they react to him — however they respond, he will come out looking better and they will come out looking worse. Charlie Houpert cites the example of Trump taunting Jeb Bush about having low energy during one of the GOP debates. Trump says, “I know you’re trying to build up your energy, Jeb, but it’s not working.” In the face of such a statement, Jeb Bush has two options: to try to ratchet his energy up or keep it where it is/take it down a notch. If he chooses the former, he appears to be reacting to Trump, making Trump look like he’s in control. If he chooses the latter, he remains low-energy and Trump can just steamroll him throughout the debate. It’s a lose-lose situation for Jeb Bush, and this is the power of a double-bind. Donald Trump repeats emotionally provocative words like “strong” and “win” over and over and over. The second of Charlie Houpert’s videos shows one absurd clip in which Trump manages to say the word “win” 12 times in about 15 seconds. This tactic subtly conditions people to associate strength and victory with the Trump campaign. You might think that this tactic is silly or would only be effective on unintelligent people, but you’d be wrong. There’s a reason large companies pour millions of dollars into ad campaigns with catchy taglines and jingles: through sheer repetition, certain associations become embedded in the mind, if only on an unconscious level. Watch the documentary Century of the Self sometime if you don’t believe me. Trump loves to hammer social proof. He repeats over and over and over that he’s ahead in the polls or that people agree he won a particular debate. As social creatures, we have a distinct and sometimes malignant tendency to do and believe whatever we think everyone else is doing and believing. Trump understands the importance of this fact, and so at every turn, he acts as if he has an army of people behind him. Trump is also very careful to avoid negative social proof. For instance, at one point Trump appeared on the O’Reilly Factor, and Bill O’Reilly suggested that people had seen Trump as a “buffoon” when he first announced his campaign. Trump outright rejected this statement, acted as if it was outrageous, and assured the audience that people did not feel that way. He was very deliberate and forceful about this because he knows that what people think other people think is one of the most potent forces driving human belief and behavior. His decades in business almost certainly ingrained that lesson into his mind. Trump loves to assert that authority figures approve of him and disapprove of other candidates. The second video of Charlie Houpert’s cites Trump saying, “Larry Kudlow likes my tax plan,” and “Experts wonder if Cruz can run the US because he was born in Canada.” Trump understands that especially in our uncertain postmodern world with its endless sources of competing information, people look to experts to form their opinions. There is also a cognitive bias known as the Asch effect that is relevant here. From Wikipedia: “In repeated and modified instances of the Asch conformity experiments, it was found that high-status individuals create a stronger likelihood of a subject agreeing with an obviously false conclusion, despite the subject normally being able to clearly see that the answer was incorrect. So not only do we tend to feel pressure to conform with the herd, but we also feel pressure to agree with high-status individuals. Here’s an off-the-cuff armchair-evolutionary-psych explanation for this phenomenon: When our ancestors lived as bands of hunter-gatherers, it was beneficial to have an extraordinary level of cohesion of belief and action in a given tribe; it was often a matter of life or death. Thus, tribes in which people unquestioningly accepted the worldview passed on by wise elders and readily conformed to the herd mentality would be more likely to survive. Anyway, for whatever reason, we’re much more likely to believe something if an authority figure or expert tells us it’s true. Trump understands this and takes advantage of it at every turn. This might come as a surprise, but humans actually suck at making rational decisions and are much more likely to make emotion-driven decisions. This is a great thing a lot of the time because in many areas of life, our emotions and feelings are excellent indicators of an appropriate course of action. But when it comes to choosing the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, it might be a bad idea to vote for a guy because his smile gives you the warm fuzzies. Unfortunately, it’s damn difficult for humans to use rationality, especially if they haven’t been trained to think critically or haven’t researched the various cognitive biases that result in inaccurate thinking. Donald Trump knows that most people make their decisions on the basis of emotion rather than reason. He also knows that there are certain methods of manipulating people’s emotions to get them to do what you want. Most all of the items on this list — from fear-/anger-mongering and deflection via humor to repetition, social proof, and appeal to authority — are effective methods of making people feel very confident about a position, despite the fact that they haven’t considered any statistical evidence or rational arguments. Donald Trump understands this, and that’s why you’ll never see him engaging in a rational discussion of the issues or of the criticisms levied against him. When challenged to do so, Trump will deflect via humor, appeal to vague authorities or social proof, or utilize some sort of half-relevant anecdote to appeal to emotion and distract from his shortcomings. As I said before, Donald Trump isn’t the only one playing the manipulation game. Other candidates also understand that people are emotional creatures, and any candidate who wants to have a chance of winning must use some or all of these tactics. Such is the nature of American democracy in 2016. What’s frightening about Trump is that he’s so damn good at playing this game. He’s spent decades learning the subtle art of being a dominant social presence and persuading people to do what he wants them to do. His actual values and ideas could be egregiously ill-conceived. Hell, they could be a recipe for World War III. But because he’s such a talented hypnotist politician, his actual values and ideas don’t matter that much. If he wins the race, it will be because he effectively encouraged and harnessed the fear, anger, and emotion-driven decision-making of a large portion of the American public. Personally, I would prefer not to find out what happens to America after electing one of the most effective fear- and anger-mongers since, uh, Adolf Hitler. I would prefer not to find out if a man who has spent the last 30 years plastering his name on everything he could put his name on gives two shits about the interests of most Americans. I would prefer not to find out if a businessman with no political experience is prepared to approach the challenges of the presidency with wisdom and acumen. I would prefer not to find out if Trump’s hard-ass, violence-friendly approach to political problems is as dangerous for planet Earth as I think it is. If you found this article educational or important in any way, please pass it on to your friends. 1. Don’t get me wrong: I like Bernie and would likely vote for him if he were to get the nomination. All I’m saying is that he’s playing the game too, and that in reality, he had no choice but to play the game if he wanted to have any chance of winning. 2. One could also argue that an extremely passive or pacifistic US President could inadvertently cause a World-War-III situation by failing to take action to neutralize dangerous groups or leaders who are gaining power. Some argue that this is essentially what happened pre-World War II. My view is that we need leaders who are capable of taking aggressive measures after a thorough analysis of all available courses of action, not leaders whose default response to problematic circumstances is to use hyper-aggressive military force. 3. The two outstanding videos that inspired this post and provided many of the insights: 97.1% of users agree: 30 Challenges to Enlightenment is a life-changing set of tools. Start your journey now
John Legend Says Harvey Weinstein Shouldn’t Work In HollywoodJohn Legend has added his voice against those speaking out against disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused of sexual harassment, assault and rape by multiple women in Hollywood. He was recently fired from the Weinstein Company but has reportedly vowed to continue making movies. TMZ spoke with Legend and asked for his thoughts on the matter. He said: “I think he did some despicable things and he is rightfully being shamed for it. He shouldn’t be working in Hollywood if he’s abusing his position that way. I think it’s good we’re bringing light to this issue and hopefully more women will be able to tell their stories. Men need to listen and change their behavior.“
New video shows struggle in Huntington Beacch officer-involved shootingHUNTINGTON BEACH (FOX 11 / CNS) - New video has emerged showing what happened before the shooting took place that left a man dead in Huntington Beach on Friday. A Huntington Beach police officer fatally shot a suspect outside a 7-Eleven store Friday in a confrontation that was caught on video and posted online. WARNING: VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES AND CONTENT The shooting occurred about 9:30 a.m. outside the store at 6012 Edinger Ave., where the suspect got into a scuffle with the officer just before the shooting, according to a Huntington Beach Police Department spokeswoman. The suspect later died at a hospital, police said. It happened fast, and like most everything these days, was captured on cell phone video by a bystander. A Huntington Beach Police Officer, in a violent struggle with a man outside a 7-11. The man appears to be a transient, and what spurred their initial interaction is still not clear. After a few seconds of fighting...the two pull away, the man appears to have something in his hand. What it is is not clear. The officer, a few feet away, takes aim with his handgun and fires, once...twice...7 times. The suspect at first takes the shots standing up, then crumbles to the ground. It's quite graphic, quite real, and quite dramatic. In fact, we don't even want to show it on TV it's that violent. The suspect would later die at a hospital and per protocol, the Orange County Sheriff is taking over the investigation. What made this all the more scary was that diagonally across the street is Marina High School. Police ordered it ''locked down'' and immediately cell phones lit up with texts and emails between parents, students, and administrators. There was confusion and near panic among some over reports that there was an active shooter on campus, which there was not. Why? Well, it appears that the shooting happened adjacent to a shopping center called 'Marina Village'. On campus there's an area referred to as ''The Village", so reports of a shooting in ''The Village" or at "The Village'' led to understandable confusion. Yet one of the benefits of social media and that fact that every student has a cell phone, is that the accurate story got out there quickly and students and parents worst fears were calmed within minutes. Cell phone video of the shooting was posted on Twitter, showing the officer firing five shots at the suspect, who stumbles, collapses against a wall of the convenience store, then crumples to the ground.
Racial slur reportedly found scrawled in KCK school bathroomA racial slur was found on a boys bathroom stall at a Kansas City, Kan., school, according to reports. “Kill all n------,” someone wrote on a stall at Piper High School, Fox4 reported. The message was discovered Wednesday, and a special assembly was held Thursday to address the issue, according to KSHB. In response to the incident, Fox4 reported some students planned to protest for the first 20 minutes of class on Friday. Today's top news by email The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Piper High administrators could not immediately be reached Friday morning. “We should all just be getting along. It doesn’t matter what color our skin is,” Delaney Degroot, a freshman, told KSHB. Piper High Principal John Nguyen sent an email home to parents addressing the incident, Fox4 reported. “PHS maintains a zero-tolerance stance regarding racist, discriminatory, and threatening comments,” he wrote. “School administration is working diligently with our School Resource Officer in conducting an aggressive investigation to determine the origin of the comment. At this time, the investigation has revealed no credible safety threat whatsoever to PHS students or staff.” About a year ago, a similar incident upset students, according to Fox4. Then a student wrote, “Kill all Blacks.” The student was later disciplined. Max Londberg: 816-234-4378, @MaxLondberg
BREAKING: Note Found in Stephen Paddock’s Room Contains Cryptic List of Numbers – Attack May Point to 9-11? On Sunday night crazed killer Stephen Paddock murdered 58 people and injured another 500 at the Harvest 91 Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada. Investigators are still looking for a motive. The killer left a cryptic note on a table in his room the night of the attack. There are now reports that the cryptic note was full of random numbers. The Metro reported: A cryptic note full of random numbers has been found in the Las Vegas shooter’s hotel room, police say. Authorities are still trying to find out what drove Stephen Paddock to launching the worst mass shooting in US history. The mystery piece of paper was found near his dead body and Sheriff Lombardo said it’s been sent off for analysis. It is not believed to be a suicide note. The 64-year-old to killed 58 and injured 489 when he opened fire on people at the Route 91 Harvest Festival off the Las Vegas strip on Sunday night. Investigators are looking into whether Paddock also planned a car bombing. Investigative journalist Laura Loomer noticed something interesting. The killer targeted the Harvest 91 festival on October 1 or 10-1. The numbers come out to: 91 10-1 or 9-11-01. Coincidence? I was thinking about the numerology surrounding the #LasVegasShooting at Harvest 91 on October 1. 91 10-1 That would be 9/11/01. Eerie. — Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) October 7, 2017 Sponsored Sponsored
Can Deep State Be Trusted? Why Won’t the FBI Release Any Information on Las Vegas Shooting?Guest post by Joe Hoft Former FBI Directors James Comey and Robert Mueller have done much to discredit the name and reputation of the FBI. Now the FBI won’t release information in regards to their investigation of 59 people killed in Las Vegas. This further tarnishes this respected organization’s good name. James Comey hurt the FBI’s name immensely by the actions he took surrounding Hillary Clinton in last year’s campaign. Liberals believe Comey gave the election to President Trump because her name was tarnished from Comey’s actions but they totally disregard her criminal actions that led her to be in that place. Conservatives felt like Comey gave Hillary a pass for her obvious criminal actions. On June 27th Bill Clinton met with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch in her plane in Arizona for a half an hour. Within a week Lynch’s Department of Justice dropped the investigation into Hillary’s emails and FBI’s Comey made the announcement. Comey’s statements were later compared to Hillary’s prior statements – After FBI Director Comey announced that the FBI would not recommend criminal charges be filed against Hillary, he was grilled in Congress by US Representative Trey Gowdy – Comey then announced in late October, shortly before the election that the FBI was reopening its investigation into Hillary’s emails. Apparently emails recovered in the pervert Anthony Wiener case ended up being related to the Hillary investigation. Wiener was the husband of Clinton confidant Huma Abedin and reportedly Clinton emails were found on Huma’s computer after Huma stated under oath that all her emails were turned over. A week or so later, again Comey let Hillary off again. This was in spite of the fact that an email released from WikiLeaks showed that Hillary’s longtime assistant Cheryl Mills ordered Hillary’s email server to be bleached clean. There was and is more than enough information in the public arena to have Hillary brought to court for her actions. After President Trump was elected President he fired Comey as Head of the FBI. After this Comey appeared at a Congressional Hearing and after berating President Trump stated under oath that he had leaked classified information to the press (a clear crime). Former Director Mueller was even worse. He was Comey’s mentor. There are many major scandals and likely crimes that Mueller did not meaningfully investigate when he was FBI Director resulting in no arrests and no consequences related to Obama and the Clintons: Emailgate (2007): discovery that several top Bush administration officials violated the Presidential Records Act by using an RNC server for email communications while conducting official business, followed by the deletion of millions of the same emails IRS Targeting (2010-2013): the IRS intentionally selected and then delayed or denied tax-exempt 501(c)(3) applications from conservative groups to prevent them from participating in the 2012 election, followed by IRS agent Lois Lerner invoking her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination Fast and Furious (2010): this ATF program, which seems to have served no rational purpose, allowed over 2,000 guns to be purchased illegally inside the United States and then “walked” into Mexico for use by criminals, one of which was later used in the 2010 murder of Border Agent Brian Terry by the member of a Mexican cartel Associated Press Spying (2012): the Department of Justice illegally seized the communications of AP reporters made during April and May 2012, allowing the DOJ to unmask journalists’ confidential sources Clinton Foundation Pay-for-Play (2009-2013): during the period in which Hillary Clinton held the office of Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton received millions of dollars in paid speaking fees and a million dollar “gift”from countries involved in matters with the State Department, many of which had ties to terrorism and human rights abuses; some of these funds were apparently diverted from charitable causes to personal expenses, such as Chelsea Clinton’s 2010 wedding Russian Uranium Deal (2009-2013): Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to control 20% of the uranium mining production capacity inside the United States, which was followed by millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation from people associated with the transaction Clinton Private Email Server (2009-2013): during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dodged Freedom of Information Act requirements by using a private email server to conduct official government business, as well as sent and received classified information that was Top Secret over an unsecured system—an “extremely reckless” (and obviously illegal) act.” Mueller, by not upholding the law in these cases above, created a two-tiered system of law in the US – Laws for the political liberal elite and laws for everyone else. Mueller is a bad cop for other reasons. Although he has many conflicts of interest he went ahead and accepted the position to investigate the fake Trump colluded with Russia story. Even liberal publications like the USA Todayreported in June that Mueller should step down as special prosecutor because of his conflicts of interest with the investigation he is carrying on. Another reason and more justification for Mueller being a bad cop is related to the personnel he has hired to assist in the Russia investigation. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s fifteen attorneys are a Who’s Who of Liberal Activism. He is not performing an investigation, he is on a liberal witch hunt. This leads us to today. Last night a press conference was held jointly by the FBI and the local Sheriff in Las Vegas concerning the recent killing of at least 59 people in that city a few days ago. The Sheriff was very transparent in the information he supplied. But the major question that everyone wants to know is – why did the killer do it? What was his motive? At this point, the FBI Investigator took the microphone. Instead of providing any information relevant to the mass murder – suicide, he berated everyone there and the millions watching on TV. The Special Agent In Charge for the Las Vegas Division of the FBI said: Our resolve is firm. We will get to the bottom of this no matter how long it takes…we must focus on facts. We cannot give into conjecture. We cannot respond to every little Twitter feed that may indicate a theory. We need to be focused on the facts. You need us to be right. You expect us to be right and we want to be right…. After interviewing the killer’s girlfriend and God knows what else the FBI has uncovered, they provide nothing. The FBI’s lack of transparency along with the corrupt and criminal acts by former FBI Directors lead all of America to begin forming conspiracy theories and to further lose trust in the FBI. It’s time that the FBI cleans shop and restores it name and reputation. Sponsored Sponsored
Hurricane Irma: Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd threatens to arrest fugitives at sheltersPOLK COUNTY, Fla. - People with active warrants in one Florida county might want to think twice about heading to a shelter for Hurricane Irma. HURRICANE IRMA | Real-time tracking maps, Hurricane supply kit info & Hurricane Center IMPORTANT LINKS Hurricane Supply Kit Checklist | Things to know before the storm | Preparations for your pets | Power outage maps & resources | Know your evacuation zone | Price gouging: How to protect yourself and report it | Insurance protection: Video tape home inventory | Tampa Bay sandbag locations | Find a hurricane shelter near you | Hurricane Irma Emergency Phone Numbers Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd posted on his official Twitter account Wednesday that deputies will be checking identification at the county's shelters, and anyone with a warrant will be arrested and taken to "the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail." Judd also posted that sex offenders and sex predators would not be admitted to the shelters. Sheriff's spokeswoman Carrie Horstman says they're trying to educate the public before the storm hits this weekend. She says they're hoping people with warrants will turn themselves and use the next few days to deal with their legal issues. If you go to a shelter for #Irma and you have a warrant, we'll gladly escort you to the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail— Polk County Sheriff (@PolkCoSheriff) September 6, 2017 If you have a warrant, turn yourself in to the jail - it's a secure shelter— Polk County Sheriff (@PolkCoSheriff) September 6, 2017 We cannot and we will not have innocent children in a shelter with sexual offenders & predators. Period.— Polk County Sheriff (@PolkCoSheriff) September 6, 2017
What is a 'dotard'?What is a dotard? In one of the strangest war of words we’ve seen here at PolitiFact, President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un traded insults recently, culminating in the use of the insult "dotard." Merriam-Webster noted that searches for the word spiked. Older PolitiFact staffers informed our younger counterparts that a dotard is someone who has entered his or her dotage, and that dotage is "a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness," according to Merriam-Webster. Kim Jong Un hurled the word at Trump in response to Trump’s recent speech at the United Nations, saying that Trump’s speech was "unprecedented rude nonsense one has never heard from any of his predecessors. A frightened dog barks louder. I’d like to advise Trump to exercise prudence in selecting words and to be considerate of whom he speaks to when making a speech in front of the world." Later in the statement, Kim said, "Whatever Trump might have expected, he will face results beyond his expectation. I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire." Trump responded on Twitter: "Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!" Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2017 Where this war of words will lead is anyone’s guess. PolitiFact recently reviewed the issues surrounding North Korea as a preview to Trump’s speech at the United Nations, and we fact-checked Trump’s speech as well.
Steve Bannon hires lawyer ahead of House Intelligence Committee interview Steve Bannon hired Bill Burck, a co-managing partner of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP's Washington, D.C., office, who also represented Don McGahn and Reince Priebus. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist, has hired a lawyer as he prepares to appear before the House Intelligence Committee as part of its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, according to a report. Bannon hired Bill Burck, a co-managing partner of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP’s Washington, D.C., office, according to The Daily Beast. White House counsel Don McGahn and former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus hired Burck in September to represent them in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Bannon is scheduled to testify before the House Intelligence Committee next week. Sources told The Daily Beast the former chief strategist intends to “fully cooperate.” Bannon was hired as chief executive of the Trump campaign in August 2016 and was tapped by President Trump to serve as White House chief strategist. He left his post there in August 2017 and returned to Breitbart News as its executive chairman. But, Bannon and Breitbart parted ways earlier this week amid a spat between President Trump and his former chief strategist. Bannon made derogatory comments about the president and his family in a new tell-all book, prompting a fiery condemnation from Trump. Though Bannon had previously avoided being swept up in the Russia probe—until the House Intelligence Committee asked last month for him to appear before lawmakers—he had been discussing the probe with Trump behind the scenes.
Trump travel ban can be enforced, says US Supreme CourtThe US Supreme Court has ruled that Donald Trump’s ban on travellers from six Muslim-majority countries and two others can go into full effect, even as legal challenges against the executive order continue in several states. The ban means that the US can refuse entry visas to travellers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, as well as North Korea and Venezuela. “The ruling does not mean that the Supreme Court has accepted the ban as constitutional, but that it finds persuasive the Trump administration’s argument that an emergency injunction against the ban was unnecessary,” The Guardian reports. US Attorney General Jeff Sessions called the ruling "a substantial victory for the safety and security of the American people". “The Constitution gives the President the responsibility and power to protect this country from all threats foreign and domestic, and this order remains vital to accomplishing those goals,” Sessions said. Omar Jadwat, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project said he was disappointed by the court’s decision. “President Trump’s anti-Muslim prejudice is no secret - he has repeatedly confirmed it, including just last week on Twitter,” Jadwat told The Washington Post. “We continue to stand for freedom, equality, and for those who are unfairly being separated from their loved ones.”
Julian Assange: This Is The REAL Reason Bernie Sanders Dropped Out Of The Race Credit: It’s no secret that Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has great disdain for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Shortly before the Democratic National Convention, the activist released incriminating email showing that the DNC had worked against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in favor of a Clinton nomination. Though that did much to shake up supporters of the American political system and infuriate supporters of Sanders, the Vermont Senator pledged his support to Clinton nonetheless. He cited that it was important to unify the party and prevent a Trump presidency. Rigged or not (and it’s most definitely rigged), is this truly the reason Bernie Sanders gave up the good fight? According to Assange, Bernie Sanders was threatened. During an interview with Australian journalist John Pilger, who is based in the United Kingdom, Assange disclosed some very concerning information. Pilger, who is working on a documentary about Assange, asked: “Julian, we cut you off earlier when you were talking about what you felt were the most significant emails that you have released. Is there any last one that you’d like to mention? And also, do you have any thoughts on Bernie Sanders? I mean what is your opinion why Bernie Sanders drop out of the race?” Assange responded: “Look, I think—you know, we know how politics works in the United States. Whoever—whatever political party gets into government is going to merge with the bureaucracy pretty damn fast. It will be in a position where it has some levers in its hand. And Bernie Sanders was independent candidate trying to get the nomination trough the Democratic Party and if you ask me he did get the nomination, but he was threatened to drop out.” Again, Assange has promised to release incriminating emails which are sure to result in Clinton’s indictment. He says he has evidence that Hillary made deals with an alleged Islamic state sponsor, as well as damning information about the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton campaign knows he’s on to her, too, which is why a strategist called for an assassination of Assange on TV. “Of course, we’re very interested in revealing the truth about any candidate and yes we have some material about Bernie Sanders that will be published,” Assange added. What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news! This article ( Julian Assange: This Is The REAL Reason Bernie Sanders Dropped Out Of The Race) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and
Roger Goodell: NFL wants all players to stand for anthem, won't make themThe NFL‘s position after commissioner Roger Goodell‘s news conference Wednesday was clear: The league wants its players to stand for the national anthem. However, it appears there will be no rule passed to force that issue. Goodell had a news conference at the NFL’s fall meetings that lasted about 20 minutes and almost every question was related to the anthem and player protests. Goodell’s main talking point was that the NFL also will listen to its players about social issues and wants to be a part of the solution. Everyone was focused on what will happen at NFL games with the national anthem, which has become the most divisive issue among fans that the league has seen in a long time. “We believe everyone should stand for the anthem,” Goodell said. “That’s an important part of our policy, it’s also an important part of our game that we all take great pride in. It’s also important for us to honor our flag and our country and we think our fans expect us to do that.” The best outcome for the NFL would be for the players to stop protesting without the league making a rule change. Goodell sounded like the league hopes that if it keeps working with its players to help with their issues, with racial equality and law enforcement reform, then perhaps the protests will end. “The fact is, we have about a half a dozen players that are protesting,” Goodell said. “We hope and we’re going to continue to work to try to put that at zero. That’s what we’d like to do. But we want to make sure we’re understanding what the players are talking about, and that’s complex.” The number Goodell cited seems low, considering seven San Francisco 49ers players alone took a knee for last Sunday’s anthem, and as many as 30 49ers players were taking a knee two weeks ago. But it appeared he wanted to make it a point that it’s not as widespread of an issue as it is being made out to be. Goodell was asked why the NFL wouldn’t make it a rule to stand. New York Giants owner John Mara told the Daily News that the league has no plans to make a rule about standing for the anthem. “We believe our players should stand for the national anthem. That’s an important part of our game and our moments, and we believe in that,” Goodell said. “I think we also have to keep focus on this: We have about six or seven players involved in this protest at this point. This is something, what we’ve tried to do is we’ve tried to deal with the underlying issue and understand what it is they’re protesting and try to address that matter. The important thing for us is to be able to do that and take that opportunity to make real differences in our community. That is really what’s ultimately going to be the important aspect for us long term. Because this is a long-term issue. “I understand the way our fans feel about this issue, and we feel the same way about the importance of our flag, the importance of patriotism, and I believe our players feel that way. The will state to you and they have stated to everyone publicly, they’re not doing this in any way to be disrespectful to the flag, but they also understand how it’s being interpreted.” Goodell was also asked about the latest tweet from President Donald Trump about the NFL. The NFL has decided that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our National Anthem. Total disrespect for our great country! Goodell said he has not talked to Trump about the anthem issue. “We respect our country, respect our flag, respect our national anthem,” Goodell said. “I think you look at our clubs and what they do on a daily basis, look at our players and what they do and how they participate in that, we all feel very strongly about our country and our pride.”
Georgia teacher in custody after report of shots at schoolPolice in Georgia say officers have responded to reports of shots fired at a high school and a teacher who may have been barricaded in a classroom is in custody. Police in Dalton tweeted that no children were hurt or were in danger. Police spokesman Bruce Frazier tells The Associated Press that the scene is secure. Police are not immediately saying what happened inside the school. Police say the school has been evacuated and students have been taken to the Northwest Georgia Center. Police are advising parents to go there to pick them up. Repeat: no children hurt, no children in danger. - Dalton Police (@DaltonPD) February 28, 2018 Dalton is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) north of Atlanta. The identity of the teacher has not been released. The high school's website says it has 2,000 students. Click/tap here to subscribe to Khaleej Times news alerts on WhatsApp. Make sure you add our number +971545860953 under Contacts on your phone for uninterrupted service.
Sixteenth consecutive month of record global warmthAugust 2016 was the warmest August on record for global land/ocean surface combined, according to NOAA. Records go back to 1880. This is the 16th consecutive month that a new, record high global temperature average has been set. Fourteen of the fifteen highest monthly global temperature anomalies have occurred since February 2015. August 2016 averaged 0.92 deg. C above the 20th century average, breaking the old August record of +0.87 just set in August of 2015. In terms of land surface only, August 2016 averaged 1.29 deg. C. above the 20th century average, breaking the old record of +1.10 deg. C. set in August 2015. For ocean surface, August 2016 was the 2nd warmest August on record averaging 0.77 deg. C. above the 20th century average. The warmest August on record occurred last year (+0.79). For the record, the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) was neutral for the month of August. Weak La Nina or neutral conditions are predicted for the remainder of this year. ---------- Warmest June-August period on record The June-August 2016 period was the warmest such period on record, according to NOAA. June-August 2016 averaged 0.89 deg. C. above the 20th century average, beating out the record of +0.85 set in 2015. The 10 highest three-month global temperature departures in the record have all occurred since August-October 2015. ------------- Warmest January-August period on record globally The January-August 2016 period was the warmest such period on record, according to NOAA. So far this year, the average temperature anomaly was +1.01 deg. C., which easily beat out the previous record of +0.85 set last year. Based on these numbers I conclude that 2016 will easily end up as the warmest year on record globally. ------ All images courtesy of NOAA. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of AccuWeather, Inc. or
Trump Must Now Be Compelled to WithdrawThis is now bigger than who becomes the next president. Trump is a threat to our democracy.
Shoutout To This Father-Son Duo Who Avenged Their Daughter/Sister’s Death By Kidnapping And Kicking The Shit Out Of Her Heroin Hookup Until He Named NamesShoutout To This Father-Son Duo Who Avenged Their Daughter/Sister’s Death By Kidnapping And Kicking The Shit Out Of Her Heroin Hookup Until He Named Names Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at for more information. Trashlive: Hours after a 32-year-old woman from Western Massachusetts fatally overdosed in Rhode Island on Monday, her father and brother were arrested in what police are calling a kidnapping and attack on her suspected heroin hookup. Police arrived on Baldwin Hill Road in the small Berkshire County town of Egremont around 4:15 p.m. to find the late woman’s father allegedly choking and striking a struggling man while his son helped hold down his arms. Both father and son were “screaming different versions of ‘you killed my [expletive] daughter’ and ‘you killed my [expletive] sister,'” according to a report by Egremont Police Officer Hans Carlson, obtained Friday by MassLive. The man was able to escape the slow-moving van on Baldwin Hill Road, whereupon both Lombardis allegedly followed him out and continued the attack, which residents of the street observed and reported to police, who intervened in a quick response. I don’t normally condone vigilantism, but at the same time, we’re living in a state filled to the brim with Deval Patrick judges that let scumbags out onto the street time and time again. Some times you just gotta do what you gotta do. Nah mean? Big shoutout to this father and son duo who realized that this was the only way they were going to receive any sort of satisfaction. There’s no way the idiot they kidnapped ever saw it coming either. There’s a reason it was just the son that was supposed to show up. The Dad looks like he done killed 4-5 people before. Plus his name is Ralph. I don’t fuck with guys named Ralph who wear shirts like that. That’s just common sense. Meanwhile the son appears to be your average Berkshire hippie jock who is no stranger to craft beer festivals: Never in a million years did the “victim” think that guy right there was gonna kidnap him in a van and waterboard him to kingdom come until he named names. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – there is no one more gutless than a heroin dealer. Pot dealers are great, and coke dealers I don’t have strong opinions on. Know why? Because they do their own product. Heroin dealers don’t. Because they’d be dead pretty quickly. If you can’t stand by your product then you’re a piece of shit. People who sell heroin are choad monkeys because they KNOW they’re profiting off of the self-destruction of another person. There has never, ever, ever been a positive affect of heroin. Ever. You are selling poison to stupid and vulnerable people who don’t know any better. You are the lowest of the low. Granted the guy they kicked the shit out of wasn’t the actual dealer. But he knew who the dealer was and it was time to name names. This is the only way to get that information. Big props for doing it mafia style too by using a van, and telling the idiot they picked up that they were gonna magically fix his debt problems. The only surprising part about this story is that they got caught in Egremont. Egremont is easily top 5 places to dump a body in Massachusetts. Ever been there before? It’s a real trip. Nestled next to Alford, Mount Washington (there’s a town called Mount Washington), New York state, and the metropolis of Great Barrington, there’s no reason for anyone to ever go to Egremont. Ever. The fact that this nudnik jumped out of the van and people were actually there to see it is nothing less than a statistical miracle. I don’t wanna say that father and son are heroes, but they kind of just revolutionized the opiate epidemic. If you sell heroin, you no longer get a free pass from some SJW judge. You get old school punishment from the family. At least that might present a detriment for potential dealers down the road. We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community!
Substitute teacher calls police on Muslim boy with Down syndrome, 6, claiming he's a TERRORIST who keeps saying 'Allah' and 'Boom' - even though his father insists he can't speakA substitute teacher in a Texas elementary school called police on a six-year-old Muslim boy with Down syndrome, fearing he was a terrorist. Mohammad Suleiman's father, Maher, felt discrimination was in play after the teacher claimed the boy kept repeating 'Allah' and 'boom' in his Pearland, Texas, classroom. 'Mohammad was born with Down Syndrome chromosome 21, the father said to F ox 26 about his son's intellectual difficulties and his inability to speak, something the school claimed he could do. 'It's not true, he doesn't speak at all.' Teacher calls police on special needs student CONNECTING... A substitute teacher at CJ Harris Elementary school in Pearland, Texas, allegedly called the police on Mohammad Suleiman, six, (pictured) and claimed he was a terrorist A substitute teacher at CJ Harris Elementary school in Pearland, Texas, allegedly called the police on Mohammad Suleiman, six, (pictured) and claimed he was a terrorist Maher can't help but be disgusted by the allegations against his son being a terrorist that the substitute teacher at CJ Harris Elementary School made. 'She claimed he was a terrorist,' added Maher. 'This is so stupid, it's discrimination. Actually, it's not implied discrimination, it's actual discrimination.' The phone call placed by the teacher prompted both the police and Child Protective Services to launch investigations into the Suleiman family. The teacher said that Mohammad kept saying 'Allah' and 'boom' but his father, Maher, asserts that the boy has down syndrome and does not speak The teacher said that Mohammad kept saying 'Allah' and 'boom' but his father, Maher, asserts that the boy has down syndrome and does not speak 'This is so stupid, it's discrimination. Actually, it's not implied discrimination, it's actual discrimination,' the father (pictured) said 'This is so stupid, it's discrimination. Actually, it's not implied discrimination, it's actual discrimination,' the father (pictured) said 'The last three to four weeks have been the hardest of my life,' said Maher. 'My wife and kids were crying a few days ago and I told them everything is fine.' The Pearland Police Department did tell FOX26 that an investigation took place but found that there was no need for police involvement. Child Protective Services is still conducting their investigation. Due to privacy laws, the Pearland Independent School District has not released any information pertinent to either the student or the personnel, according to a spokesperson. The phone call placed by the teacher prompted both the police and Child Protective Services to launch investigations into the Suleiman family The phone call placed by the teacher prompted both the police and Child Protective Services to launch investigations into the Suleiman family
Donald Trump's September fundraising lags behind Hillary Clinton Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during an event in Scranton, Pennsylvania, August 15, 2016 and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a rally in Roanoke, Virginia, September 24, 2016 in a combination of file photographs. Donald Trump reported raising $100 million for his presidential campaign and the Republican party in September, a number that trails far behind Hillary Clinton’s fundraising haul in the same month. Trump’s campaign sent a statement Saturday announcing its “new fundraising record,” which will fill the coffers for his presidential bid as well as the joint efforts of the Republican National Committee, and various state GOP parties. The campaign said Trump himself contributed $2 million of that total. In total, the campaign and its affiliated joint fundraising committees finished September with approximately $75 million cash on hand. “These numbers show that Donald Trump continues to have incredible broad based support from across America,” Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s finance chairman. But Trump’s campaign apparatus is playing a catch-up game compared to Hillary Clinton’s behemoth fundraising efforts, which drew in more than $154 million for her campaign and the Democratic Party in September alone. HFA, along with the campaign’s other joint fundraising committees, began the month of October with a combined $150 million cash on hand. And when it comes to advertising, the numbers in the final stretch of the campaign continue the election-cycle trend of Clinton outspending Trump. Bloomberg reports that Clinton and various super PACs supporting the Democratic nominee have booked ads through election day with buys totaling $78.3 million. The amount is more than twice what Trump and his super PAC backers have scheduled -- $50 million, according to Kantar Media.
Let America Be America Again - Poem by Langston HughesLet America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free. (America never was America to me.) Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed-- Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above. (It never was America to me.) O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe. (There's never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free.") Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars? I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart, I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars. I am the red man driven from the land, I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek-- And finding only the same old stupid plan Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak. I am the young man, full of strength and hope, Tangled in that ancient endless chain Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land! Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need! Of work the men! Of take the pay! Of owning everything for one's own greed! I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil. I am the worker sold to the machine. I am the Negro, servant to you all. I am the people, humble, hungry, mean-- Hungry yet today despite the dream. Beaten yet today--O, Pioneers! I am the man who never got ahead, The poorest worker bartered through the years. Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dream In the Old World while still a serf of kings, Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true, That even yet its mighty daring sings In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned That's made America the land it has become. O, I'm the man who sailed those early seas In search of what I meant to be my home-- For I'm the one who left dark Ireland's shore, And Poland's plain, and England's grassy lea, And torn from Black Africa's strand I came To build a "homeland of the free." The free? Who said the free? Not me? Surely not me? The millions on relief today? The millions shot down when we strike? The millions who have nothing for our pay? For all the dreams we've dreamed And all the songs we've sung And all the hopes we've held And all the flags we've hung, The millions who have nothing for our pay-- Except the dream that's almost dead today. O, let America be America again-- The land that never has been yet-- And yet must be--the land where every man is free. The land that's mine--the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's, ME-- Who made America, Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain, Must bring back our mighty dream again. Sure, call me any ugly name you choose-- The steel of freedom does not stain. From those who live like leeches on the people's lives, We must take back our land again, America! O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath-- America will be! Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death, The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies, We, the people, must redeem The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers. The mountains and the endless plain-- All, all the stretch of these great green states-- And make America again!
Amendment 1 constitutionally guarantees your Florida solar rightsUsually, the person with the most information makes better decisions. But when you rely on info that’s wrong, chances increase that your decisions are wrong. So it is with Florida’s solar power ballot Amendment 1. Opponents are funneling misinformation into the discussion. The truth is that by voting for Amendment 1, Florida voters have a historic opportunity to advance solar power in the Sunshine State, at the same time ensuring that energy consumers are treated fairly; this includes those who choose solar and those who do not. What does the amendment do? It constitutionally guarantees individuals and businesses the right to buy or lease solar equipment to produce their own energy; this means consumers will always have the right to generate their own solar electricity, and politicians cannot tamper with that right. Contrary to what opponents say, solar customers can still sell any excess electricity they generate back into the electric grid. More importantly, it protects Florida consumers from scams, rip-offs, overcharging and unfair subsidies. It treats all electricity consumers fairly. Because it is renewable energy, a tax break is provided. This is because renewable solar energy aids in protecting the environment. If you choose not to install solar, you won’t be required to subsidize the costs of electric grid access and back-up power to those who do. Another good point made by Florida TaxWatch is that, for Floridians who want the right to provide their own energy needs, “this amendment raises that right to Constitutional status, which strengthens that right, as it cannot be changed by state or local governments without going back to the voters.” Something else you should know, since we are seeing political leftists like the League of Women Voters dishing out misinformation to welcoming publishers like The Palm Beach Post (which editorially calls Amendment 1 a “fraud”), is that this ballot initiative is being supported by a wide list of groups other than utility companies. These include bipartisan coalitions of business, civic, non-profit and faith-based organizations working to promote solar energy without sacrificing common sense consumer protection. Many of those opposing Amendment 1 are companies that don’t want you to buy your own solar panels to generate your own electricity because they want you to buy solar electricity from them. Their business model is to lock consumers into 20-year contracts to put their solar equipment on your roof and sell you the electricity from it. And here’s the awful catch: The current published price for one of the leading companies, Solar City, is nearly 50% higher than what average Floridians pay for electricity today, plus its contract includes an automatic 2.9% cost increase—double what Floridians normally face. Something else these opponents fail to divulge is that they want a subsidy to operate their business model in Florida, a “stand-by charge” uniformly applied to every electric customer to ensure their model makes economic sense—for them. I do not believe that’s good for Floridians. Amendment 1 protects consumers from this type of subsidy. The Amendment does not block ownership of solar, it does not make solar more expensive, and it certainly does not discourage people from installing solar on their homes. These are outright lies to pull the wool over your eyes. Florida deserves a holistic approach to solar. Thankfully, Amendment 1 will provide a constitutional framework for solar in the Sunshine State, which will keep politicians and special interest groups from tampering with it.
Former President Barack Obama Reportedly Got Called to Serve Jury Duty in ChicagoFormer President Barack Obama has reportedly been called to serve jury duty next month, according to The Chicago Tribune. On Friday, Chief Judge Tim Evans reportedly told county commissioners during a budget hearing that Obama had not only been called for jury duty in Cook County, but that he was also planning on serving it, according to the Tribune. “He made it crystal-clear to me through his representative that he would carry out his public duty as a citizen and resident of this community,” Evans later told the newspaper. “Obviously, we will make certain that he has all the accoutrements that accompany a former president,” Evans continued. “His safety will be uppermost in our minds.” Last week, Obama joined forces with the four other living former United States presidents to host a relief concert to aid victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. The event, “Deep From the Heart: The One America Appeal,” was held at Texas A&M and featured performances by Sam Moore, Yolanda Evans, Lyle Lovett and a special guest appearance from Lady Gaga — and it apparently also featured a little comedy from George W. Bush. Jimmy Carter (left), George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton After all five former presidents took the stage at the event, Bill Clinton stepped to the mic to deliver remarks. Meanwhile, behind him, the younger Bush made an unknown comment to Obama out of the corner of his mouth, prompting his predecessor to break into laughter. Obama quickly stifled his laughter as Bush smiled and shot him a couple of sideways looks. While Bush’s remark was sadly inaudible to the rest of us, Stephen Colbert stepped up to offer some guesses at what he said during Monday’s episode of The Late Show. Cueing up a clip from the concert and doing his best Dubya impression, Colbert quipped, “Hey, were you born in Kenya?” Another option: “Twenty bucks if you pants Clinton right now.” Or perhaps Bush said, “Yo, real quick — where’s Puerto Rico?”
VIDEO- AG SESSIONS: Comey Went Rogue In Hillary Email Case; Usurped Entire Justice DepartmentEx-FBI Director James Comey went rogue, according to testimony Wednesday from Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions said in a Senate hearing that by clearing Hillary Clinton from prosecution for leaking and transmitting classified and top secret emails, Comey acted as investigator, judge and jury. And that is why he was fired. Sessions was addressing questions from Sen. Diane Feinstein about why Comey was fired as FBI chief. AG Sessions “I don’t think the significance of the ERROR that Comey made on the Clinton matter is fully understood”! — ‘GITMO’ BAMA ▪️ (@President1Trump) October 18, 2017
Cowboys back to business as usual with anthem, per Dez BryantThe Dallas Cowboys will go back to their previous stance on the national anthem Sunday against the Los Angeles Rams, receiver Dez Bryant said. The team will stand with their hands over their heart for the anthem. There will be no pre-anthem kneel for unity as they did last Monday against the Arizona Cardinals. That show of solidarity was about joining the brethren across the league in responding to the expletive-filled attacks from President Donald Trump against the players who kneeled during the anthem in protest against racism and social injustice. “We’re going to stand, we’re going to stand and going to put our hand over our heart and we’re going to do what we did before,” Bryant said. “You all know what that was, that was just a response to Trump and that’s all that that was.” Today's top news by email The local news you need to start your day Recaptcha requires verification. protected by reCAPTCHA Privacy - Terms Privacy - Terms Owner Jerry Jones said earlier Friday on his radio show that Bryant “was absolutely torn” about the decision and was getting a lot of pressure to kneel. The compromise of kneeling before the anthem and standing during it was one way of appeasing both sides, per Jones. Asked about the external pressures to protest and being torn on the issue, Byrant passed. Sports Highlights Up Next: Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald Your video will play in: 5 seconds Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald NFL Network insider Ian Rapoport reports that the Los Angeles Rams seem to be making progress on a new contract for Los Angeles Rams defensive end Aaron Donald. Play Video | 00:52 Your video will resume shortly. 00:52 Rapoport: There's newfound optimism in Rams' contract talks with Aaron Donald NFL Los Angeles Rams | 00:52 01:34 Patrick Peterson highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Arizona Cardinals | 01:34 02:50 How good will Dak and Zeke need to be for Cowboys to make playoffs? NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:50 05:24 Texans vs. Rams highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Los Angeles Rams | 05:24 04:51 Cardinals vs. Cowboys highlights | Preseason Week 3 NFL Arizona Cardinals | 04:51 00:52 Can't-Miss Play: Muffed punt turns into wild scramble and Cardinals TD NFL Arizona Cardinals | 00:52 00:38 Can't-Miss Play: Patrick Peterson jumps in front of receiver for easy pick-six NFL Arizona Cardinals | 00:38 02:04 Sunday Ready: Dak Prescott NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:04 02:06 What does Frederick's absence mean for Cowboys? NFL Dallas Cowboys | 02:06 01:19 How Elliott, Prescott are affected by o-line injuries DraftKings NFL | 01:19 Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 0:00 Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Stream TypeLIVE Remaining Time -0:00 Playback Rate 1 Chapters Chapters descriptions off, selected Descriptions subtitles off, selected Subtitles captions settings, opens captions settings dialog captions off, selected Captions Audio Track This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. Advertisement X “I’m going to leave that all in the past,” Bryant said. “You know, it is what it is. I’m focused on this week. I’m letting that ... I don’t even want to think about it. I’m done with that.”
Two dead after shooting on White Horse Road, sheriff saysGREENVILLE, S.C. — Two people are dead after an officer-involved shooting Friday afternoon on White Horse Road, according to the Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis. The sheriff’s office got a call that a man with a gun was chasing a woman near McAfee Funeral Home, according to Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis. Deputies responded to a call that came in just after 4 p.m. according to dispatch. The shooting happened near the McAfee Funeral Home on White Horse Road, dispatch said. As the woman ran across White Horse Road, the man shot her, according to Greenville County Coroner Parks Evans. He said when deputies confronted the man, the man fired at deputies. The coroner said the deputies returned fire killing him. The woman was taken to Greenville Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead just before 5:30 p.m., said Evans. Saturday afternoon the Greenville County coroner's office identified the woman as Candy Rosario, 25, of Greenville. Witnesses on scene said a deputy confronted the man and ordered him to put down his gun and the deputy was forced to discharge their weapon after the man did not put the gun down. Witnesses on scene said about 10 to 15 shots were fired. On Sunday, the Greenville County coroner identified the man as Ramiro Bravo Ramirez, 34, of Greenville. The coroner said autopsy results on Ramirez are still pending. Dispatchers said White Horse Road reopened around 6 a.m. on Saturday. All of the deputies are fine and the investigation has been turned over to SLED, Lewis said. Following standard procedure, the deputy is placed on administrative leave while the investigation is pending. We will continue to update this story as we get new information.
Diddy Makes Urgent Plea To Public After Trump’s Ignorant NFL Protest SpeechMany of you have probably heard Donald Trump’s ignorant comments about NFL players protesting injustices against African Americans by now. But in case you haven’t, we’ll get right to it. On Friday, Trump held a rally in Alabama and gave his true thoughts about the mostly African American NFL players, who take a knee in protest of the mass murders and injustices of Black people by police. Trump then called the players ‘sons of bitches’ while urging the NFL team owners to fire them: Trump wishes NFL owners would tell anthem protesters "get that son of a bitch off the field right now" — Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 23, 2017 “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he’s fired. He’s fired!’,” Trump said. “You know, some owner is gonna do that. He’s gonna say, ‘That guy disrespects our flag, he’s fired.’ And that owner, they don’t know it. They don’t know it. They’re friends of mine, many of them. They don’t know it. They’ll be the most popular person, for a week. They’ll be the most popular person in this country.” Diddy’s Response & Call To Action Well, now Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs has taken to social media and declared a virtual war against the racially motivated antics by the president of the United States. Here are the messages Diddy posted in response: @diddy:THE LINE HAS BEEN CROSSED!!!! Time to show them #blackexcellence LETS GO! #teamlove REPRESENT REPRESENT! Repost this to the world Not only did Combs make a plea to the world to spread the message about Trump, he also extended a word of advice for ALL NFL players to take a stand on Sunday: Public Reacts To Trump’s NFL Comments & Calls For NFL Players To #TakeAKnee Many people have taken to social media to call out Trump after his NFL comments and to urge NFL players to ALL take a knee come Sunday: Racism. Police brutality. This is what the NFL protests were about from the start. Not about disrespecting the flag or anthem. #TakeAKnee — The Undefeated (@TheUndefeated) September 23, 2017 ** Remember they tried to take their medals away… #TakeAKnee — me (@destro1979) September 23, 2017 ** I'M a vet taking a knee. I didn't fight for your right to be a racist who equates white supremacy with military service. #TakeAKnee — R. J. Clark (@Soph_Clydesdale) September 23, 2017 Dear @NFL players, Please #TakeAKnee on Sunday. We support your FIRST Amendment right to protest. Sincerely,America — Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) September 23, 2017 ** If peaceful protests did nothing, the powerful wouldn't try so hard to silence them. #TakeAKnee — NYCLU (@NYCLU) September 23, 2017 ** Why's it OK for our President to #TakeAKnee to Vladimir Putin, but not for a Football player to do so in peaceful protest? — Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) September 23, 2017 ** If you are still on the fence, remember this: Trump attacked Colin Kaepernick with more conviction than he has NAZIS #TakeAKnee — The NFL Boycott (@TheNFLBoycott) September 23, 2017 Trump’s Contradictions As is usually the case, Trump has yet again contradicted himself. He’s gone on record defending white supremacists in the media. In 2011 he also tweeted that when citizens burn the American flag its is a “respectful way” to “voice their displeasure.” Well that's interesting, #dotard is fine burning the flag but not #TakeAKnee? Where are the squeals from the 'patriots'? @realdonaldtrump — Deep State USMC (@johnpmcneil02) September 23, 2017 I wish I could say I was surprised by Trump’s latest racially/culturally/socially biased antics, but unfortunately folks, I am not.
One Year Ago Today: Trump Tells Hillary “You’d Be in Jail!”… It’s Time to Fulfill That Promise, Mr. PresidentIt was one year ago today. During the second presidential debate in St. Louis, Missouri, candidate Trump told Hillary Clinton, “You’d be in jail!” when he enters the White House. IT WAS THE BEST DEBATE LINE EVER!!!! TRUMP to Hillary: BOOM! It’s now been one year and Trump supporters are still waiting to see Crooked Hillary behind bars. Trump supporters weren’t kidding when they chanted, “Lock her up!” at Trump rally after Trump rally. In 2015 former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani famously said Hillary Clinton should be investigated for breaking 15 federal laws. Rudy Giuliani: General Petraeus was got prosecuted for doing approximately one-tenth of what she’s alleged to have done… There are specific federal crimes, I could give you a list of fifteen of them if you’d like, that she should be investigated for, for which there needs to be an answer. According to the public record, the answer to many of those is there is probable cause to believe she committed a crime. I qualify that by saying the public record. It’s been a year since President Trump told Hillary Clinton to her face that he would lock her up. Americans are tired of a two-tiered judicial system — one for the elites and one for the common man. Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to get on it. Sponsored Sponsored
Donald Trump and womenIn March 2016, Trump tweeted: “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used an image of Melania from a GQ shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!” Trump followed up his initial comment by retweeting an unflattering photo comparing Heidi Cruz with his wife, Melania, stating, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It was reported in the same story that a friend of Diana, Selina Scott, said the princess felt stalked after her divorce from Prince Charles; Trump “bombarded Diana at Kensington Palace with massive bouquets of flowers.” In a tweet that Trump later deleted, he wrote on April 16, 2016: “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” In December 2015, Trump said Clinton “got schlonged” by President Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential primaries. In doing so, he turned the Yiddish word for penis into a verb. According to CNN, Yiddish scholars were shocked by the word’s use in a “filthy” context. Trump condemned Clinton for “shouting” during her appeal to female voters. In an MSNBC interview, he acknowledged that he was using gendered terms when referencing Clinton’s decibel level. Trump has also criticized her credentials for president by saying, “Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she’s got going is the women’s card.”The Republican candidate followed that remark up by calling Clinton an “enabler” of her husband’s infidelity. California: Say Goodbye To Your Mortgage If You Have No Missed Payments Forget Skinny Jeans. These Are What You Should Be Wearing This Summer. Thinking About Solar For Your Home? Read This First "Gesture of love": Photo of police officer breastfeeding malnourished baby goes viral Members of Amazon tribe never seen by outsiders filmed by drone Natasha Aponte, woman who tricked thousands of men on Tinder, explains purpose behind dating competition Ivana Trump Ivana Trump worked for the Trump Organization after they were married. She was president of Trump’s Castle casino resort and the Plaza Hotel. According to the New York Times, she was only paid an annual salary of $1. He wrote in his book “The Art of the Comeback” that he regretted taking Ivana out of the role of being his wife and making her a businesswoman, because business then dominated their personal lives as well. Ivana has praised her ex-husband, telling the New York Post that his trust in her business skills was proof of his respect for women. She said, “He loves women. But not a feminist.” When she filed for divorce from Trump, instigated by his affair with Marla Maples, she stated in a deposition that her husband had raped her. However, she later said that “it was all the lawyers,” adding, “I was never abused.” It was Donald Trump’s affair with Marla Maples that led to his divorce from Ivana Trump. The couple married in 1993 and divorced six years later in 1999. It was Trump’s relationship with Maples that also provided fodder for recently resurfaced allegations that Trump posed as his own public relations rep in interviews with various publications. In a 1991 phone interviewwith People magazine reporter Sue Carswell, a recording of which was released in May 2016, a rep who identified himself as “John Miller” explained why Trump had left Maples for Italian singer-model Carla Bruni. In the interview, “Miller” bragged that Trump was constantly pursued by famous women and that “he’s living with Marla and he’s got three other girlfriends.” According to Carswell, Trump later apologized for the ruse, saying it was a “joke gone awry,” though he currently denies he ever posed as his own rep. In the recording of the phone conversation, “Miller” -- whose tone, cadence and style of speaking are all remarkably Trump-like -- gave intimate details of Trump’s encounters with celebrities like Italian singer and model Carla Bruni and pop star Madonna. Of stories that Trump dated Bruni, the woman now married to former French President Nicolas Sarkozy told London’s Daily Mail, “Trump is obviously a lunatic.” She stated Trump dreamed up the match for publicity sake. “It’s so untrue and I’m deeply embarrassed by it all.”
Republican Student Group At SDSU Demands Muslim Student Association Condemn Barcelona Attacks Shutterstock A Republican student association at San Diego State University is facing backlash for sending a letter demanding Muslim students condemn last week’s terror attacks in Barcelona. The Republican Club at San Diego State University wrote to the Muslim Student Association, claiming that the campus community could not move forward creating ‘an inclusive environment for all students’ until radical terrorism was “disavowed”. The letter said if no condemnation was forthcoming, the leaders of the student group should be forced to resign. The letter, signed by SDSU College Republicans Chairman Brandon Jones, stated in part that “until radical Islamic terrorism is disavowed by the Muslim Student Organization at SDSU, we cannot move forward in creating an inclusive environment for all students on campus.” It added the Muslim Student Association’s leadership should resign if they do not disavow Islamic terrorism. The national Muslim Student Association expressed support for the San Diego State chapter for “their solidarity, strength and perseverance in the face of ignorance and hate.” The Young Democratic Socialists of SDSU responded by declaring: “We condemn the San Diego State College Republicans’ disgraceful statement towards the SDSU Muslim Student Association and the SDSU Muslim community. Retract and apologize now.” The Transfronterizo Alliance Student Organization, which describes itself as working to create an “inclusive campus environment for SDSU students who live a transborder lifestyle,” joined the chorus.
Fmr. FBI Asst. Director: Comey's Professional, Ethical Experience is at RiskFormer FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom weighs in on significance behind the FBI reopening the case against Hillary Clinton. The FBI announced Friday afternoon it will reopen its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her tenure as Secretary of State. The decision comes as the FBI said it is reviewing new information related to the original case. James Kallstrom, former FBI assistant director, discussed the news on the FOX Business Network. “These guys that run the FBI now came to the conclusion that they look like absolute fools and that they’ve done a horrible job, they’ve thrown the agents under the bus, they discredited the FBI’s reputation,” he told Neil Cavuto. “And I can tell the people listening to you, it’s not the FBI agents, believe me. It’s two or three people at the top of the FBI.” Kallstrom believes the government agency shouldn’t have started an investigation in the first place if it didn’t meet certain guidelines. “If they were not ever going to impanel a grand jury, that means you really don’t conduct a criminal investigation. You don’t have subpoena power, you don’t have warrants. That was apparently apparent early on in this investigation. I would’ve liked to have seen somebody with the integrity not to just conduct an investigation that doesn’t meet any of the criteria of how the FBI operates,” he stated. He added: “I suspect that they never had a really bonafide investigation because the Justice Department wouldn’t let them do it.
Hillary Clinton Funnels $800,000 to Her Political Group That Funds ANTIFAInternet censorship is hurting conservative websites like DC Clothesline. If you enjoy our articles please consider making a small donation today. Thank YOU! ******************************************************************************** If you recall, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was one that was always talking about money in politics while hypocritically soliciting donations from some of the world’s most corrupt people and organizations. Now, it’s come to light that Clinton apparently funneled over $800,000 from her campaign money to her new political PAC, Onward Together, which is backing several groups of resistance against the current administration, including ANTIFA. The Daily Caller reports: As a presidential candidate, Clinton railed against “dark money” groups like Onward Together. Clinton transferred$800,000 from her failed 2016 presidential campaign to Onward Together shortly before announcing the group’s launch in May, documents the campaign filed with the FEC reveal. Clinton doesn’t even deny that she is supporting such groups. In an email signed by her that went out last week asking for money, Clinton wrote, “You may not have heard much about the work we’re doing at Onward Together,” Clinton wrote. “That’s because we’re working behind the scene to fund, support, and amplify the work of the groups we’re supporting. We’re not the story: they are.” Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit & Feel Samples Each of five political groups that were mentioned were contacted by The Daily Caller and asked if they were being funded and supported by Onward Together. Out of those five, only one group, the Soros-backed Indivisible, responded. “Onward Together has not given any financial support to us,” Helen Kalla, an Indivisible spokesperson, wrote in an email. Kalla added that Clinton’s group has “been amplifying and highlighting our work through their digital networks,” which she explained has consisted of “retweeting [Indivisible], and they’ve highlighted our work via their emails to their list too.” Onward Together is not required to reveal donors’ identity as a 501(c)4 “social welfare” organization. The group also will not be revealing those identities, something that is only occurring to protect the guilty. Meanwhile, because the Trump administration did not keep its promise to investigate and seek prosecution of Mrs. Clinton, she is freely promoting her blame book, What Happened, and now she is funding the little Communists known as ANTIFA, which are working against the administration and against the very heart and soul of American culture and history. But we can’t do anything about the Clintons because they are really good people, right Mr. President? Courtesy of Freedom Outpost Tim Brown is an author and Editor at,, and He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle. Follow Tim on Twitter.
Hillary Clinton's "What Happened" Book About Hillary Clinton's "What Happened" Book is an upcoming memoir written by Hillary Clinton discussing the contentious 2016 United States presidential election. The book title was widely mocked on Twitter following its announcement in late July 2017. On July 27th, 2017, Hillary Clinton unveiled the title of her upcoming book What Happened, a memoir discussing experiences during her 2016 presidential run against Donald Trump (shown below). [1] Book Cover Spread That day, Twitter user @Kno tweeted a photoshopped version of the book cover edited to read "What in the Entire Fuck Happened?" (shown below, left). Meanwhile, Twitter user @ColeLedford11 posted a photoshopped picture of the inside of a book with a passage about Clinton getting "3 million more votes than Trump even with his collusion with the Russian government" (shown below, right). What in the Entire Fuck Happened? "I got 3 million more votes than Trump even with his collusion with the Russian government" Also on July 27th, several Twitter users posted joke names for the book along with the hashtag "#BetterNamesForHillarysBook" [2] (shown below). Meanwhile, The Daily Dot [3] published an article about the online reaction to the book titled "Hillary Clinton’s new book title is getting laughed off of Twitter." Search Interest External References
Could Hurricane Matthew loop around and hit Florida for a SECOND time? Americans are putting up defences and clearing shelves at supermarkets before the hurricane Americans now know that the eye of the powerful hurricane will either just miss Florida’s coast or perhaps hit the shore this week. But there are also fears that the hurricane could go out to sean and loop round return to the battered state early next week as well. The National Hurricane Center’s latest forecast shows that the hurricane is likely to hit or brush Florida then to go back out to sea. It is not yet known when the hurricane will leave the coast at Florida or further north in Georgia or the Carolinas. Some models are now showing that Hurricane could go out to sea and then do a u-turn and head back to Florida for second time. This would be a devastating double blow for the state where thousands of Americans have been told to evacuate the coast before it is “too late”. This is the latest map from the National Hurricane Centre The Met Office storm tracker yesterday showed the hurricane was going to make a clear loop back in the direction of Florida But the latest map has been updated and shows the hurricane heading further out into the ocean towards Bermuda. The Met Office said: “There is high uncertainty in the movement of Matthew early next week. “It may stay out at sea and slowly weaken, but there is a possibility that it will make a clockwise loop and head towards Florida or the Bahamas again.” This is the map from the Met Office storm tracker on Wednesday October 5 This is the updated map from the Met Office storm tracker on Thursday October 6 Met Office tropical prediction scientist Julian Heming said there is a “huge amount of uncertainty” about what Matthew does next. He said that some of the models yesterday showed that the Matthew could drift off out to sea and then “lift off” the northeast. Other models showed that the hurricane could go off the coast but then loop round to the south, possibly back to the Bahamas and Florida. But Mr Heming said its was “far from clear” what was going to happen that far in advance because hurricanes often change course. Large swathes of this section of the East Coast are being evacuated and under states of emergency as the hurricane approaches. Tue, October 4, 2016 At least 108 people have been killed by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti and the Dominican Republic as the United States braces itself for the worst storm in a decade. Tropical Storm Matthew, which has since gained hurricane strength, is seen in an image captured by NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite. A Hurricane Warning is in effect for North of Golden Beach to Fernandina Beach and Lake Okeechobee. In addition, a Hurricane Watch alert warns that hurricane conditions are possible in north of Fernandina Beach along the coast in Georgia to Edisto Beach in South Carolina. There is also a Tropical Storm Warning in effect for Florida Bay, Chokoloskee to Golden Beach and Florida Keys from Seven Mile Bridge eastward. The NHC said hurricane conditions are due to hit Florida by late today and will spread northward Thursday night and Friday. It said that hurricane conditions are also possible in Georgia and South Carolina by late Friday.
Freddie Gray fallout in BaltimoreJustice Department began investigation of police department's patterns, practices after 2015 death of Freddie Gray The U.S. Justice Department unloaded on Baltimore's police department Wednesday, accusing officers of routinely targeting African Americans. Federal and local officials are now demanding change. Jeff Pegues reports. The Justice Department has released a scathing report on the Baltimore Police Department, highlighting routine violations of civil rights and discrimination towards African-Americans. CBS News justice reporter Paula Reid joins CBSN with details. Criminal charges have been dropped for the remaining Baltimore officers in the death of Freddie Gray. Gray's neck was mysteriously broken in a police van. After four trials and no convictions, the prosecutor conceded it would be impossible to convict any of the cops. Jeff Pegues reports from Baltimore. After failing four times in a row to get a conviction, prosecutors decide not to pursue charges against the last of six cops arrested for a black man's death in custody Lt. Brian Rice, the highest ranking of the six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray, was found not guilty Monday. It's the fourth trial to end without a conviction after the death of the Baltimore man in police custody. Kris Van Cleave has more. CBS News' Paula Reid breaks down the acquittal of Lt. Brian Rice, who was charged with involuntary manslaughter in the 2015 death of Freddie Gray. Baltimore police officer Caesar Goodson was acquitted Thursday of second-degree murder and all other charges in the death of Freddie Gray One of six police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray was found not guilty Monday. Gray sustained fatal injuries in police custody last year, spurring violence across Baltimore. Chip Reid has more Prosecutors had said Officer Edward Nero arrested Gray without probable cause and was negligent when he didn't buckle his seat belt In the wake of the Baltimore riots after Freddie Gray's death, police commissioner Anthony Batts was fired. He told CBS News' Jeff Pegues he thought the city was just starting to make improvements to be built upon. It's been a year since the death of Freddie Gray in police custody sent Baltimore into riots. The man who was in charge, former police commissioner Anthony Batts, was fired in the fallout. Since that moment Batts has maintained his silence -- until he spoke with Jeff Pegues. When the 25-year-old died April 19, 2015, and riots erupted, Baltimore and its residents were forced to confront old, painful issues It's been one year since the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who died while in police custody. Gray's death led to violent clashes and a national debate over the relationship between police and the black community. Deray McKesson is an activist and Baltimore mayoral candidate, and joins CBSN to discuss what has changed in the city since last year. Court rules that Officer William Porter must testify against co-defendants charged in case of 25-year-old who died in police custody Baltimore judge ruled that Officer William Porter, whose trial ended in a hung jury, does not have to testify against three fellow officers PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo PlayVideo
Gloating Trump Renews Attacks on 'Fake News' After CNN Corrects Russia Probe StoryPresident Donald Trump renewed his attacks on the "fake" news media in a series of tweets early Saturday morning, lashing out at CNN after the network corrected a story on the Trump campaign and Russia. Trump accused CNN of making a “vicious and intentional mistake” and called on the network to fire those responsible, and also called for ABC reporter Brian Ross, who has been suspended, to be fired for a separate erroneous report. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is introduced during the CNN presidential debate at The Venetian Las Vegas on December 15, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Getty Images "Fake News CNN made a vicious and purposeful mistake yesterday. They were caught red handed, just like lonely Brian Ross at ABC News (who should be immediately fired for his “mistake”)," Trump wrote. "Watch to see if @CNN fires those responsible, or was it just gross incompetence?" Trump continued to taunt CNN in a second tweet. "CNN’S slogan is CNN, THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS. Everyone knows this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on the American Public. There are many outlets that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!" the president tweeted. The news media has been one of Trump’s most frequent targets since he took office in January. He derides organizations that publish reports critical of him as "fake news." In July, he was accused of inciting violence against journalists after he tweeted a gif showing himself body slamming a CNN avatar. In the corrected CNN report Trump referred to, it was claimed that Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., had received a “heads up” email on September 4, ahead of the release by WikiLeaks of a cache of emails stolen from DNC servers, allegedly by Russian government linked hackers. CNN later corrected its report to state that Trump Jr. had in fact received the email on September 14, subsequent to their public release by WikiLeaks. The network has said it will not discipline the reporters responsible for the story, because they followed company procedure and used multiple sources to verify the claims, and does not believe they acted with malicious intent. ABC’s chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross had mistakenly reported on-air that Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russian officials before the 2016 presidential election. The network later corrected the report to state that Trump had made the request as president elect, prior to taking office in January. Fox News, whose coverage Trump has praised and contrasted with CNN's, also issued a correction for a story Friday in which it was claimed that one of the women who has accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual assault forged his signature in a high school yearbook. At a rally in support of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore Friday night, Trump had attacked news networks. “CNN apologized just a little while ago,” Trump said, referring to the error correction. “They apologized. Oh, thank you, CNN. Thank you so much. You should’ve been apologizing for the last two years.” More from Newsweek
Robert Mueller Wiretapped The Trump White House Will this outrage stand? Today’s breaking story of the DOJ surveilling the communications of POTUS Trump’s longtime personal attorney is just now filtering through news watchers across the country. Remember, the Cohen surveillance was referred to by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, (and signed off by the DOJ’s #2 Rod Rosenstein who was the one who originally pushed for President Trump to fire then FBI Director James Comey) meaning it was effectively Mueller’s operation. And what THAT means is Robert Mueller was wiretapping the Trump White House. THIS HAS NEVER BEEN ALLOWED BEFORE. Early reports indicate at least one direct phone call between President Trump and Cohen was surveilled/recorded. In a normal world, as soon as the President of the United States was on the line, the DOJ would have initiated an all stop on surveillance. That has been long-standing (albeit unofficial) protocol for decades. That didn’t happen which would indicate capturing the President’s communications to Cohen was the primary purpose of the Mueller-originating surveillance all along. Consider this that the Department of Justice is charged with upholding the powers of the Constitution but in this case (and likely many-many others) it has shredded those same Constitutional protections in order to bring down a duly-elected President of the United States. When will enough Americans finally stand up and say ENOUGH? This is no longer merely about President Trump. It isn’t about Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. This is about America, our personal liberties, and the now-fractured foundation that was the Constitution. For if the government can go after a sitting president via such questionable/illegal means it can come after any of us at any time. Hear that knock at your door? It’s for you.
LIVE STREAM: Donald Trump Victory SpeechDonald Trump will address the nation from New York City this evening as the president elect of the United States. The Trump campaign has been holding its election night party all night at the New York Hilton Midtown, with the festivities beginning at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Trump’s supporters have become more and more energized as the hours have ticked on, and Trump will take the stage to address them soon. The speech can be viewed live in the embedded YouTube player via Right Side Broadcasting. It’s not currently known when Trump will take the stage, as we’re still awaiting for many more results to come in. But at about 1:00 a.m., Decision Desk HQ officially made their call that Donald Trump has been elected president, and it looks incredibly unlikely that the election will end any other way at this point. It’s difficult to overstate how monumental of an event this is in the history of American politics. Donald Trump went into this election night being seen as having no real shot at the White House, with many Democrats not even expecting the race to be remotely close. Trump has pulled off what will likely go down as the most shocking political upset in history, and the election result proved nearly every single poll and electoral projection wrong. In fact, it seemed for a while that even Donald Trump himself wasn’t sure that he was going to win the election. After all, when he was asked during the presidential debate whether he would concede to Hillary Clinton if he loses, Trump refused to commit to doing so, saying, “I’ll keep you in suspense” seemingly because part of him doubted he could pull this thing off. Obviously, conceding to Hillary Clinton is no longer an issue. So what will Trump say in his speech tonight? Both supporters and detractors alike are hoping for the new president to start to heal the divide after an incredibly heated and contentious election cycle. It’s also unknown how Donald Trump may address Hillary Clinton, his opponent who he has repeatedly said should be in jail. Hillary Clinton is also expected to speak from the Javits Center in New York City, although many of her supporters have already left the arena in tears. Read more about Donald Trump and Melania in Spanish at Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox.
Certified fraud expert reveals the subtle hints that someone is lying to youDeception can destroy confidence. Pamela Myer, the author of “Liespotting: Proven Techniques to Detect Deception” has made a career developing interview techniques and identifying verbal and non-verbal ques a person trying to lie to you might exhibit. Follow TI: On Facebook Follow Business Insider Australia on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Eric Paddock, Shooter Stephen C. Paddock’s Brother: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know Facebook Stephen C. Paddock has been identified as the lone shooter in the Las Vegas shooting that occurred at the Route 91 Harvest Festival, as reported by USA Today. The shooter is currently dead and suicide has been reported as the probable cause of death. Since news of the shooting broke, Paddock’s family has begun to speak out and his brother Eric, from Orlando, Florida, has been talking to the media. Get to know more about the shooter through his brother Eric, the incident itself, and how Eric Paddock views the tragedy. 1. Eric Paddock Said His Brother Had No Religious Affiliations, Prior to ISIS Reports “Not an avid gun guy at all…where the hell did he get automatic weapons? He has no military background,” gunman’s brother says — CBS News (@CBSNews) October 2, 2017 In an interview with Daily Mail, Eric Paddock said that his brother had no political or religious affiliation of which he was aware. Paddock added that: He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo also told FOX News that a motive is not known, explaining: We have no idea what his belief system was. Right now, we believe he was the sole aggressor and the scene is static. Unfortunately, ISIS accounts online are claiming Stephen C. Paddock actually converted to Islam months ago and the shooting was on their behalf. It is unclear if this is coming from actual ISIS propaganda accounts or random supporters, though Good Morning America has begun discussing the possibilities of this as well. The Associated Press has posted the above tweet, announcing this news. 2. Stephen C. Paddock’s Family Is “Dumbfounded” Brother Eric Paddock tells Daily Mail that their family is confused and shocked. He explained: We know absolutely nothing, this is just, we are dumbfounded … We have absolutely no idea. Our condolences go to the victims and all their families. The Orlando Sentinel reports that, according to public records, much of Stephen C. Paddock’s family resides in Florida. 3. Paddock’s Family Is Worried About Being Attacked Over the Incident Eric Paddock says that his 90-year-old mother, who lives close to him, is struggling to cope with the news and is “in shock”. Paddock told Daily Mail: Our family is OK, we’re sitting in here in our house hoping that everyone doesn’t attack us. My mother is 90 years old, lives down the street from me, we’re just completely dumbfounded. Like his brother was reported to be, according to his Facebook page, Eric Paddock is retired, like several of his family members in Florida. Stephen C. Paddock was living in Nevada at the time of the shooting. 4. The Shooter and His Brother Were Not Very Close Stephen C. Paddock and his brother’s relationship was not strained, but they were not very close. Eric Paddock said that he and his brother lived on different coasts and that they did not speak very often. Eric Paddock said his brother was a regular at Las Vegas casinos, according to Good Morning America, and Stephen used to work as an accountant. In an interview with Las Vegas Review Journal, Paddock also said: We have no idea how this happened. It’s like an asteroid just fell on top of our family. He then added: There is no reason we can imagine why Stephen would do something like this. All we can do is send our condolences to the people who died. Just no reason, no warning … As far as we knew, he had enough money to live the rest of his life in comfort. Paddock said that, as much as he knew, his brother had no known health or financial problems at the time of the shooting. 5. This Was the Deadliest Shooting In US History With over 50 people dead and over 400 injured in the shooting, this is reported to be the deadliest shooting in American history. Country star Jason Aldean was on stage performing at the time of the shooting and he ran off stage once aware of what was happening. Shooter Stephen C. Paddock opened fire from a 32nd floor hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino.
Conservatives & Trump Can Still Stop the Worst of ObamacareWhen the Graham-Cassidy bill failed to reach the Senate floor last week, the media wanted to put a stake in the heart of the administration’s agenda, declaring all Obamacare repeal efforts to be dead. For the millions of Americans struggling under the Affordable Care Act regime, however, the fight to make lemonade out of lemons must continue this fall. Luckily, conservatives in Congress who want to see the end of Obamacare and understand the perils of inaction are not giving up. Earlier this week, America Rising Squared, a conservative policy organization which I lead, issued a path forward. We outline five popular conservative actions Congress and the president can take by the end of the year to protect taxpayers and those disproportionately harmed by the ACA while the larger repeal effort remains delayed until next year. The first step is to protect them from new Obamacare taxes coming in January. Americans should be encouraged to know that conservatives in the Senate have introduced legislation to stop the health insurance tax and the medical device tax. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) and 10 fellow conservative senators, including Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced legislation last week to stop the insurance tax. In the House, a bipartisan effort is underway to do the same, led by Republican Rep. Kristi Noem of South Dakota and Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. These members of Congress understand that Obamacare taxes will harm Americans of all walks of life, and will disproportionately harm seniors and small businesses. In all, if Congress fails to act, the health insurance tax would amount to a new annual $14.3 billion tax increase. Republicans don’t want to see a tax hike go into effect on their watch, and Democrats don’t want to put more of a burden on vulnerable Americans, so action is required now. Second, there should be no bailouts for Obamacare. While bipartisanship is a key to success in getting legislation passed, the president and conservatives in Congress ought to fight back against all efforts to bail out this law. When House Republicans sued President Obama in 2014 over the health-care act's cost-sharing subsidies, a federal judge sided with the plaintiffs, deeming these bailouts unconstitutional. The Obama administration appealed, so today President Trump can easily drop that appeal and end unconstitutional Obamacare cronyism. Liberals in the Senate want new bailouts, but conservatives such as Cruz have warned colleagues that they must oppose any such efforts. The third step needed to cripple the health care law and protect Americans is for President Trump to direct the IRS to weaken the individual mandate and expand the hardship exemptions. The individual mandate has forced many Americans to purchase coverage they do not want and cannot afford, and even candidate Obama admitted in 2008 that under Massachusetts' plan, “there are people who are paying fines and still can’t afford [health insurance], so now they’re worse off than they were.” He was right, and President Trump can give these Americans relief from fines easily by directing the IRS to ease the mandate. The two final steps the president and Republicans in Congress can take before the end of the year is to fully implement 90 percent cuts to Obamacare marketing, which would save the federal government some $90 million, and fully protect American seniors from new taxes on Medicare plans. Among the taxes going into effect next year, those enrolled in Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D will see taxes increased nearly $3,000 each over the next decade if Congress fails to act. Time is running out, and President Trump and Republicans in Congress must act now to stop new Obamacare taxes, end the cronyism of bailouts, free Americans from burdensome federal mandates, cut wasteful ACA marketing, and protect America’s seniors. President Trump and conservatives have it within their power today to stop the most harmful aspects of the health care law, but time is short; the time to act is now. Want to protect your brain and revitalize your memory? You NEED this Super Coffee!
At least 10 arrested as clashes break out during Berkeley protestsBERKELEY, Calif. (KCRA) — Several fights broke out during largely-peaceful protests in Berkeley Sunday afternoon when about 4,000 people converged on the city, police said. Thirteen people who ranged in ages from 20 to 47 years old, were arrested for "various violations” including assault with a deadly weapon and felony assault during the events, Berkeley police said. Of the people arrested during the protests, several were wearing masks while others were connected to assaults. Two men were arrested after exchanging blows. The SFGate reported they were quickly swept up by officers inside Civic Center Park. Police detained Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson at the protests. The SFGate reported he was handcuffed after being chased by a mob of demonstrators who took swings at him and pepper sprayed him. Police said Gibson was actually "rescued" and was not arrested or charged. The crowd began to diminish around 3:30 p.m., six hours after a march led to the protests. The event was one of several rallies that had been called for Sunday in Berkeley, a day after a controversial freedom rally planned by Gibson in San Francisco fizzled amid throngs of counterprotesters. Hundreds of people gathered on the UC Berkeley campus around 10 a.m. Sunday. They then marched to Civic Center Park, where police had set up barricades and secured the area with bomb sniffing dogs. The march was part of the Bay Area Rally Against Hate Rally. In a statement early Sunday, the group said "we fully intend to move forward with (the Rally Against Hate)" on the campus despite calls by the university police department for people to stay away for safety reasons. The rally was held in response to the planned right-wing protest "No To Marxism in America." However, organizer Amber Cummings canceled the protest on Friday, saying Berkeley officials and left-wing extremists made it impossible to hold the event and she would be the sole attendee. Despite the cancellation, hundreds of ring-wing protesters showed up to the park. Around 1 p.m., police reported the crowd had grown to several thousand. A skirmish broke out between several dozen left-wing demonstrators and a handful of right-wing supporters. The skirmish was tense but ended quickly. The left-wing protesters surrounded the small number of right-wing supporters, then shouted at them and pushed them. The right-wing protesters sought protection from police and were escorted away. Before the unpermitted events, Berkeley police put into place several rules in response the protests, stating, "To ensure the peaceful expression of free speech, the City of Berkeley will be prohibiting sticks, pipes, poles and anything else that can be used for a 'riot' at Civic Center Park." Other banned items include explosives, pepper spray, axes, dogs (except for service animals), eggs, torches and more. Police also said anything that "covers or partially covers the face and shields the wearer's face from view, or partially from view, is prohibited." However, protesters with an anarchist group arrived at the park wearing masks and hoods that covered their faces. The group of more than 100 hooded protesters, with shields emblazoned with the words "no hate" and waving a flag identifying themselves as anarchist, broke through police lines, avoiding security checks by officers to take away possible weapons. Then the group blended in with the rest of the crowd. The group pushed their way past police barricades and into Civic Center Park. They assaulted at least five people by punching and kicking them. Gibson was one of the people assaulted by the group. Police broke up the fights, using what appeared to be a smoke grenade to stop one scuffle. The three people who were attacked ran behind police lines to escape. Then around 2:30 p.m., more than 1,000 people left the park and began marching north Martin Luther King Way. An hour later, the crowd had diminished and many roads reopened. ---- The Associated Press contributed to this story.
ISIS sex slave describes horrifying scenes: 'Forced to do things that were disgusting'Depraved ISIS thugs are little more than serial rapists who claim sex assault is a byproduct of implementing teachings of the Qur’an. The grisly details are laid out in a new report by Nikita Malik called, “ Trafficking Terror: How Modern Slavery and Sexual Violence Fund Terrorism.” In it, a Yazidi survivor describes how ISIS henchman would line up young girls against walls before groping their chests. “If they had breasts, they could be raped; if not, they would wait three months to check again,” Victim 1 said, according to an interview cited in the report. The girls – many of them minors – were raped together in rooms as children looked on, she said after finally eluding ISIS’ grip. Victim 1 also described how she was raped by six ISIS guards one night after attempting to flee. “She was raped in every place possible," the report reads. "She was forced to do things that were disgusting to her and they kept her without clothes in this room so that anybody could come at any time and rape her.” Yazidi women were told by brainwashed ISIS brides that they needed to be raped to become fully Muslim, according to the report. They were often sold, but lost monetary value the more times they were purchased by men in Iraq and Syria. The report also describes how sexual depravity continues to act as a pull factor for prospective terrorists “Sexual slavery serves as an incentive for new recruits and foreign fighters, with the promise of wives and sex slaves.” writes Malik. The Henry Jackson Society reports human trafficking brought Islamic terrorist groups upwards of $30 million last year. It’s believed ISIS could turn to kidnapping and sex slavery as a means to sustain itself as its shrinking caliphate continues to crumble.
John Ashcroft: This is Not The Justice Department That I KnewFormer U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft on the outrage over the Clinton email investigation. With FBI Director James Comey announcing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal would be reopened, Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft weighs in on the backlash as well as the political fallout as Election Day quickly approaches. “Well, first of all, I’m deeply saddened by what’s happened by the Justice Department,” Ashcroft told the FOX Business Network’s Neil Cavuto. Ashcroft then brought up claims that the Department of Justice blocked the FBI from using many of the investigative tools available to it in its investigation of the Clinton Foundation. “There’s been a pervasive perversion of the Justice Department process over and over again and recent reports like in The Wall Street Journal that suggest that, not only suggest, allege that the Justice Department has denied investigative tools to be used in investigations related to the Clinton Foundation and frankly, the absence of the use of tools that should have been used in the initial investigation of Hillary Clinton.” As a result, Ashcroft explained, “The Justice Department sent the FBI in to investigate the Clinton Foundation with its hands tied behind its back.” The fact that the investigation is being reopened now, so close to the election, was not a surprise to Ashcroft, but the result of stonewalling by Hillary Clinton and her staffers. “This isn’t an October surprise in my judgment, this is the continuity of an issue which had been stonewalled, for which information had been requested which was not fully given and there was an erroneous statement earlier, much to the acclaim of the people who did the stonewalling, that the investigation was over.” According to Ashcroft, it is unfair for the Clinton campaign to blame the FBI for the timing of the announcement when the campaign’s stonewalling is ultimately at fault due to its lack of transparency and delays in providing information requested. “There’s a sense in which it’s a little disingenuous to be complaining about information coming out late when you are the cause of the information coming out late because of a significant stonewalling effort that’s been unfortunately facilitated by the way in which the Attorney General and others have allowed this particular investigation to be conducted.” Ashcroft viewed this investigation as damaging the credibility of the Justice Department he once knew. “This is not the Justice Department that I knew, in which I trusted, which I admired.”
Does the New NRA Ad with Dana Loesch Call for Violence? “The NRA’s Dana Loesch ad calls for nothing more than the truth, and obviously that is more than the progressive left can take.” Recently the NRA put out a new ad featuring their female spokesperson Dana Loesch that calls for people to join the NRA. The ad has been called many things across social media. Many on the left are calling it an outright call for violence against the left and protesters. They cry that it is attempting to incite violence. Some even said it was “barely a whisper shy of a call for full civil war.” Now I am a firm believer in the right of all people to defend themselves. The ad is very easy to understand, and pretty straight forward if you are a logical and sensible person. But if you are looking for a reason to incite violence I guess you can try and twist the words of the ad to suit your needs. Here is the transcript of the ad: “They use their media to assassinate real news. They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again. And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance. “All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia. To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding — until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness. “And when that happens, they’ll use it as an excuse for their outrage. The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth. I’m the National Rifle Association of America, and I’m freedom’s safest place.” The only thing in the entire ad that talks about fighting back is this one line, “to fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth”. Now if that calls for attacks and violence against others, you really are stretching your imagination a bit and need to look at all the other things listed that are already being done by the anti-American types. Now I may be just a simple man, and try to look at things as logically as I can, but in listening to the ad, and reading the transcript, all I see is the statement of facts on how some people act, and that you confront them with the truth. The reference to the “fist” is in reference to the fist emblem used by the “resist” movement, not the NRA. I have found in debating people online (@downrangewithcw) that when you bring out the facts and truth, they resort to name calling and ugly threats. The reasons that progressives use violence against law-abiding innocent citizens are simple and straightforward. In addition, remember those reasons which Dana Loesch mentions are already used to commit riots and violence against communities across this country. No compatible source was found for this video. So to all of those that are crying that the ad incites violence and calls for a civil war, I say get a life! You are what is wrong with this country. Here we have a spokesperson talking about using truth to combat violence and you, the ones complaining about the ad are whining that it calls for violence. I hate to break it to you, if you thought Ms. Loesch’s words were inciting you must be apoplectic in reading my article “ Protesters Be Warned” where I discuss the facts surrounding the lawful use of force to defend yourself if confronted by a violent crowd. It’s time for the people that think it is OK to violently protest anything that comes to mind to understand that a time is coming when they will find that the law abiding people of this country, who would love nothing more than to be left alone, will no longer allow their businesses or homes to be burned and looted. People will no longer allow themselves to be dragged from their cars and beaten for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The NRA’s Dana Loesch ad calls for nothing more than the truth, and obviously is more than the progressive left can take. You know the old saying, the truth hurts, doesn’t it! Oh, I guess that is calling for violence too.
Las Vegas Shooting, Mandalay Bay Guard Reveals Violent Moment of Engagement to Ellen Hotel Guard Opens Up Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard who alerted police to the Las Vegas shooter, is speaking out for the first time about the violent encounter that left him with gunshot wounds. Jesus opened up to Ellen DeGeneres ... detailing the harrowing moments leading up to him discovering Stephen Paddock on the 32nd floor, just as he was starting to open fire on the crowd of concertgoers below. He thinks a loud slamming door during his routine check of the floor is what tipped off his location to Paddock, who then started shooting into the hallway -- and hit Campos in the leg. Miraculously, Campos says he was still able to somehow get on his radio and tell his team shots had been fired. You can hear his full story on Wednesday's episode of 'Ellen.'
How liberal Democrats use lies to get what they want Now the plan is for arch-Socialist Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren to win the presidency in 2020 for a slightly postponed takeover. (AP Photo/Steven Senne) "There’s something happening here." — Buffalo Springfield, 1967 Every major leftist movement the world has seen has been totalitarian by nature. Occasionally this brand of extremism arises elsewhere along the ideological spectrum, such as Islamo-fascism, but Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany remain the archetypes of the socialist genre of dictatorship among many incarnations which clearly include today’s “liberal Democrats” in the United States. Contemporary liberal Democrats reveal their totalitarian proclivities in many subtle ways, such as support for single-payer healthcare and all other forms of big government, and some that are not so subtle. Recent years have seen a surge in the latter variety. Shouting down conservative speakers on college campuses to silence their views has been ongoing, but now the practice has graduated to violent attacks on speakers and audiences. There is no record of comparable suppression of speech by conservatives. And why is it only the left that abides no dissent from its preferred orthodoxy? The adherents expose through their own behavior that they fear a fair debate of ideas, so they attempt to quell intellectual challenge through brute force—just as all autocrats do. America’s so-called liberal Democrats resort to the most aggressive tactics out of the Saul Alinsky manual, i.e., destroy any threat to the radical agenda. Truth is beside the point to them. To substantiate via illustration of such Stalinist “politics of personal destruction,” here are a few examples: (1) Mitt Romney, as 2012 presidential candidate, was Mr. Nice Guy until Democrats got ahold of him. Then the public found out that he had abused his dog, caused an employee to die of cancer, and sadistically imprisoned women in a torture device known as a binder! All this derived from the Obama campaign’s suitably-named “ kill Romney” strategy. Of course, candidate Obama’s own personal history was deemed off-limits. Hypocrisy is a familiar trait of leftist totalitarians. (2) Poor George W. Bush. Investigations by three different governmental commissions concluded that he did not lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. If anything, he received the same information worldwide intelligence agencies did about Saddam’s WMD arsenal. Yet “Bush lied” was burned into the national consciousness through liberal Democrat propaganda, paving the way for election of a true leftist president. (3) Barack Obama advanced the practice of despotic repression by weaponizing every office of his government for domestic political use. The IRS campaign of terror against conservative groups was only one of the most obnoxious. Richard Nixon received an article of impeachment for much less. (4) The grand master of personal destruction politics was Bill Clinton, who slimed anyone seen as a threat whether James McDougal, Ken Starr, or Juanita Broaddrick. This m.o. was the whole point of the “war room” of Clinton’s permanent campaign, not to mention Hillary’s “bimbo eruption" squad. A colorful couple, those Clintons. Hillary, in particular, was a disciple of leftist Saul Alinsky. (5) Currently we have liberal Democrat rioters, following the Occupy Wall Street slow-motion riot. Black Lives Matter extremists demand the murder of police, and the misnamed Antifa ironically lives the fascist ideal of causing mayhem whenever someone utters a thought contrary to liberal Democrat political correctness. After the first violent act by a right-wing fringe fanatic in many years, in Charlottesville, the fake news narrative is that conservatives are the violent ones. In reality, almost all political violence in this country is committed by the far left (for example, a Bernie Sanders-supporting maniac actually attempting to assassinate Republican members of Congress). (6) A telling symptom of the left’s nascent despotism is the public shaming of any entity that disagrees with them, e.g., organizing against businesses that violate leftist dogma by supporting a traditional position. For instance, dare to agree with the view on homosexual marriage held until a few years ago by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and you become a target. (Recall Alinsky’s “isolate it, freeze it, personalize it.”) Likewise, the revelations about leftist groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center demonizing those they disagree with. The left decided long ago to downplay debate over ideas—their ideology having failed empirically all over the world—and to simply use neo-McCarthyist tactics instead. (7) In Animal Farm, some pigs really are more equal than others. Hillary Clinton was found to have committed numerous email felonies, and then the gutless James Comey said “never mind.” Clinton’s Benghazi malfeasance with Barack Obama also has gone unpunished. The political elite elevating itself above the law is a hallmark of leftist dictatorship. (8) One of the liberal Democrats’ favorite slander devices is the accusation of racism, which has become the supreme insult in our society. White-on-black racism, in particular, has become socially unacceptable, which actually is a measure of how anti-racist America has become in overcoming vestiges of its more primitive state. Recognize, however, that for the past 45 years, the only legally permissible, sometimes legally mandated, racial discrimination in the U.S. is that which is committed in favor of minorities against Caucasians. This is the extreme state of our social law, for better or worse, yet many on the left trot out “white supremacist” allegations more often than we can count. There is a more substantive reason for the liberal Democrat amalgam’s resort to this odious tactic, beyond findings of its marketing effectiveness: Liberal Democrats cannot permit the mass healing of race relations in our country. They need to aggravate those relations so their side is better able to exploit the issue. Is there no limit to their neo-McCarthyist cynicism? Politics is everything to liberal Democrats, because government power is everything to them. (9) Perhaps the worst of the Big Lies was “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” designed to give liberal Democrat government absolute life-and-death power over all citizens through the enactment of Obamacare. What better way to achieve totalitarian rule than mortal power over all the ruled people? See why socialized medicine is the liberal Democrats' Holy Grail? A broader explanation for the liberal Democrats’ current hysteria: Their camp had some very sinister plans for the country, and was oh-so-close to ultimate success. With the election of President Hillary Clinton, a prospective second straight subversive in the office, Democrats could have finally amnestied 11 million illegal aliens, i.e., new Democrat voters, thereby ensuring that no Republican could ever again be elected president. This outcome would establish their goal of a one-party dictatorship, in effect―if only it had happened. The dream scenario having been snatched away is what has driven the liberal Democrats over the edge. So, in their delirium, they lash out. It is all understandable for a group of closet totalitarians in the throes of catastrophic disappointment. And if they tear the nation apart as they act out, so much the better, in their warped view. They always despised the country anyway. Now the plan is for arch-socialist Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren (who misrepresented her own race for financial gain), to win the presidency in 2020 for a slightly postponed takeover. Pleasant dreams, America. There is something happening here. John Gaski is an associate professor at the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. He is a long-time registered Democrat and long-time registered Republican—intermittently, not simultaneously. If you would like to write an op-ed for the Washington Examiner, please read our guidelines on submissions here.
Trump’s debate incompetence a slap in the face to his supportersHillary Clinton was boring and exceptionally well-prepared. Donald Trump was exciting but embarrassingly undisciplined. He began with his strongest argument — that the political class represented by her has failed us and it’s time to look to a successful dealmaker for leadership — and kept to it pretty well for the first 20 minutes. Then due to the vanity and laziness that led him to think he could wing the most important 95 minutes of his life, he lost the thread of his argument, he lost control of his temper and he lost the perspective necessary to correct these mistakes as he went. Methodically and carefully, Hillary Clinton took over. Her purpose was to show she was rational and policy-driven, the kind of person who could be trusted to handle a careful and delicate job with prudence and sobriety — and that he was none of these things. And she succeeded. By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O’Donnell and about how he hasn’t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking. Most important, he set ticking time bombs for himself over the next six weeks. As she hammered him on his tax returns, he handed her an inestimable gift by basically saying he pays no federal taxes despite his billions — and moreover, that if he had done so, it would have been “squandered” anyway. By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O’Donnell and about how he hasn’t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking. That’s not going to go away, nor is her suggestion that his refusal to release his returns is the result of his either not being as rich as he says or not being as charitable as he claims. Clinton quoted him saying in 2006 that he hoped for a housing meltdown because it would provide buying opportunities and thereby goaded him into saying “that’s called business, by the way.” To which she quickly replied that 9 million people lost their jobs and 5 million lost their homes in the housing meltdown he was so excited about. Blammo. His reply to Hillary’s recitation of the fact he’d begun his career settling a Justice Department lawsuit about racial discrimination in Trump housing was that there was “no admission of guilt,” which is the sort of thing the villain said at the end of “LA Law” and sounded no better in real life. Even when he could have taken her down, he was so incompetent he didn’t go for it. A question about cybersecurity was the perfect opportunity to hammer Clinton on her outrageous mishandling of classified information. Instead, he went into a bizarre digression in which he alternately wondered whether his son Barron might grow up to become a hacker and defended Vladimir Putin from the accusation Russia had tapped into the Democratic National Committee’s emails (which the FBI says almost certainly happened). That has to count as the biggest choke of his political life. By the time the last 15 minutes rolled around, he was reduced to yammering about Rosie O’Donnell being mean to him and Hillary running mean commercials about him and praising himself because there are some really terrible things he could have said about Hillary but hasn’t. By this point, even his smart closing zinger — “she has experience but it’s bad experience” — was buried inside a weird word salad that reduced its effectiveness to almost nil. His supporters should be furious with him, and so should the public in general. By performing this incompetently, by refusing to prepare properly for this exchange, by not learning enough to put meat on the bones of his populist case against Clinton, he displayed nothing but contempt for the people who have brought him this far — and for the American people who are going to make this momentous decision on Nov. 8.
FBI: No charges against Hillary Clinton are appropriate for email server useThe Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is recommending to the Justice Department that no charges should be brought against Hillary Clinton for her use of private email servers as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday. "Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," Comey said after detailing the FBI's findings in its investigation of Clinton's use of personal email servers. "No charges are appropriate in this case." Comey announced that the FBI has completed its investigation of Clinton's use of a personal email server and is now referring the matter to the Justice Department to decide whether to prosecute. Comey made clear he didn't coordinate his statement with the Justice Department or any other part of the government. The FBI assessed whether classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on Clinton's personal email server or whether classified information was mishandled intentionally or in a grossly negligent way -- which is a felony -- or whether people knowingly removed classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities, which is a misdemeanor, Comey said. He added that the FBI also investigated whether there was computer intrusion by nation states or hostile actors. Comey said that the FBI found that Clinton actually used "several different servers" and administrators of those servers during her four years as secretary of state as well as "numerous mobile devices" to send and receive email on her personal domain. When one of the servers was decommissioned in 2013, the software was removed, but millions of email fragments remained in a "slack space of the server" which the FBI had to use to piece the puzzle of her emails back together. "We searched through all of it to understand what was there and what parts of the puzzle we could put back together again," Comey said. From the group of approximately 30,000 emails that Clinton provided to the State Department, the FBI found 110 emails in 52 email chains that "have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received," Comey said. Eight of those chains contained top-secret information, Comey said, 36 chains contained information that was considered secret at the time and eight were considered confidential. Comey said that the FBI "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them in some way." Therefore, Comey said the FBI has "reasonable confidence" that there was "no intentional misconduct" in connection to the sorting of Clinton's emails. The FBI director, however, slammed Clinton for her general use of the email server. "There is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," he said, adding that anyone in Clinton's position or in the positions of people she communicated with "should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation." Comey said that the FBI did not find "direct evidence" that Clinton's personal email domain was hacked successfully, but cautioned that the government is "unlikely to find such direct evidence." At the same time, he warned that "hostile actors gained access" to private email accounts with which Clinton was in regular contact. He also said that because Clinton sent and received work emails in territories of sophisticated adversaries, Comey said, "It is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton's personal email account." The conclusion of the investigation comes after Clinton met with FBI officials in Washington for three and a half hours Saturday about her use of the private email server she used while she was secretary of state, her campaign said. Federal investigators also interviewed Clinton's top aides, including Huma Abedin, who was questioned in April. Clinton had turned over her email server to the FBI in August, and at the time she turned it over, it had been wiped clean. In May, Clinton told CBS News that she expected a quick conclusion to the FBI probe into whether she mishandled classified information on her server, which Clinton used exclusively to send and receive State Department correspondence. "I always took classified material seriously," she told "Face the Nation" host John Dickerson. "There was never any material marked classified that was sent or received by me. And I look forward to this being wrapped up." There has been increased scrutiny of the Justice Department, which oversees the FBI, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch after she had a spontaneous half-hour-long meeting with former President Clinton early last week.The attorney general said Friday of the meeting with Clinton that she "certainly wouldn't do it again," a sentiment seconded by the former president and by Hillary Clinton, who told MSNBC in an interview that "hindsight is 20-20." Lynch confirmed Friday that she would be accepting the recommendations of the career prosecutors in the email case, though she stopped short of formally recusing herself from the matter. CBS News' Paula Reid contributed to this report.
Trump Voters Are Angry? Well, Here’s What’s Really Worthy of AngerThere’s nothing patriotic about the lunatic outrage of the angry white male Trump voter. Real Americans have had enough.
Do Not Resist (NR)Do Not Resist is an order to the viewer: Watch. Videos in newsfeeds depicting the murder of black men by police open automatically without warning on our screens all the time, forcing another wave of trauma for some black folks and other people of color. This film changes the perspective, offering on-the-ground footage of protests, police-academy training and interviews with people involved in both. Why does our society so often discount the stories of black people who face danger from the police? The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has just passed a ruling declaring that it is reasonable for black men to flee police officers, so great is the risk. In this new and vital documentary, Craig Atkinson interrogates what is happening in American police departments and why cops' presence on the streets looks more and more like war. There's no need for commentary in the film when footage from protests in Ferguson, Missouri, immediately following Michael Brown's death at the hands of a police officer shows squads of cops in riot gear, holsters on their hips, facing down young black men wearing shirts reading "STOP KILLING US." Why do police act this way? What is the culture creating this? At local and national levels, Atkinson investigates. His visit to a police academy, where officers in training are told that the riskiness of their day jobs guarantees great sex back home, illuminates the objectification, detachment and selfish brutality of American police culture — and why it might be so seductive. Atkinson focuses on the growing resistance to it; we must, too. Director:Craig Atkinson Writer:Craig Atkinson
Trump Again Has The Lowest Approval Rating In Modern TimesPresident Trump’s approval ratings continue to lag behind those of past presidents at the same point in their first terms. In the video above, see why his approval rating is lower than even President Ford’s.
When the Parades Are Over, Who Stands With Unions? First U.S. Labor Day Parade, September 5, 1882 in New York (Image by wikimedia) Permission Details DMCA The Labor Day parades are over. The bands have packed up. The muscular speeches celebrating workers are finished. The trash is getting collected from parks across the country. And now conservative politicians from Trump on down will revive their systematic efforts to weaken unions and undermine workers. Trump -- despite all the populist bunting that decorates his speeches -- sustains the deeply entrenched Republican antipathy to organized workers. Their attack is relentless. Trump's budget calls for deep cuts in the Labor Department, eviscerating job training programs and cutting -- by 40 percent -- the agency that does research on workplace safety. It would eliminate the program that funds education of workers on how to avoid workplace hazards. It even savages money for mine safety enforcement for the miners Trump claims to love. Trump is systematically reversing any Obama rule that aided workers. He signed legislation scrapping the rule that required federal contractors to disclose violations of workplace safety and employment and anti-discrimination laws. His Labor Secretary has announced his intention to strip millions of workers of the overtime pay they would have received under Obama DOL regulations. Trump is creating a pro-business majority at the National Labor Relations Board, which will roll back Obama's efforts to make it easier for workers to organize, and make it possible to hold home companies responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees. The GOP's Anti-Union Strategy This is simply standard operating procedure for today's Republican party. Long ago, Republicans realized that organized labor was a central "pillar," as Grover Norquist described it, of Democratic Party strength. Now Republican office holders at every level -- from county officials to statehouses to judges -- know that their job is to weaken labor unions. From right to work laws to administrative regulations to court challenges, Republicans sustain an unrelenting attack. And aided by our perverse globalization strategies, they've been remarkably successful. Unions are down to about 7 percent of the private workforce. Public employee unions, a relative stronghold, are facing court challenges -- essentially allowing workers to enjoy the benefits of union negotiations without paying dues -- that will decimate their membership. True conservatives would embrace unions. They are a classic "mediating institution," a voluntary civic organization between government and the individual. Unions increase the voice and power of workers in the workplace, helping to keep executive accountable, and to protect workers from abuse. They also educate their members, teach democracy, and are central to community volunteer and service efforts. They teach and practice democratic citizenship. The modern Republican Party, of course, is the party of big business and big money. It isn't conservative; it is partisan. And weakening unions is a constant target. While Republicans understand how important unions are to Democrats and to workers, Democrats don't seem to get it. Sure, they line up to get union donations; most will vote to defend unions and worker programs. But as the money in politics has gotten bigger and the unions have gotten weaker, the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party has become more powerful. The result is clear. When Republicans get control, they attack unions relentlessly. When Democrats gain control, as they did in 2012 with the election of Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in both houses, labor law reform, empowering workers to organize is not a priority. Obama essentially told unions that if they could get the votes, he'd sign the law, but he wasn't leading the charge. And so as under Carter and Clinton, changing the law to make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively didn't happen. Unions Under Siege Now unions are under siege. Yet it is hard to imagine how a small "d" democracy can be robust, or a large "D" Democratic Party can regain its mojo without a revived movement of workers. It's time for Democrats at every level to realize: strengthening workers and their unions isn't an elective; it's a requirement and a first priority. The loop works like this: Unions are in decline. As a result, unions lose influence inside the Democratic Party. The Democrats then feel no pressure to stem unions' decline, and the economically disadvantaged lose what was once their most powerful advocate. Then the cycle continues. We cannot revive unions, and we have no template for egalitarian politics without them. Unions aren't simply economic actors. They're political actors. Labor still needs the Democrats. The Democrats, more than they realize, still need labor. But most of all, all those who want to build a fairer society need their partnership. How To Easily Kill 98% Of Mold In Your Home Stunning Video Will Make Any Atheist's Jaw Drop How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria — Without Lifting A Finger Republican elites understand the doom loop. Big business, small business, and Tea Party alike have pushed hard against unions. As the parties have polarized, Republicans have taken the gloves off, risking the votes of the 40 percent of union members who back Republicans in order to crush a pillar of the Democratic coalition. Even President Bernie Sanders would have real trouble rebuilding unions in the face of a Republican Congress and a federal judiciary eager to swat down pro-labor executive action. Even without Republican politicians digging their graves, labor unions face deep challenges. In the private sector, unions must sign contracts workplace by workplace. Gawker writers here and home-care workers there will continue to organize their workplaces, but the barriers remain dauntingly high. In the public sector, unions have stood steady. But cops and teachers alike face blowback for putting their own prerogatives above the public interest. And if the Supreme Court bans the collection of agency fees in the public sector (thus imposing "right to work"), public-sector union membership could halve in a decade. Revolutionary Hearing Aid Is Now Giving Free Fit & Feel Samples First U.S. Labor Day Parade, September 5, 1882 in New York (Image by wikimedia) Permission Details DMCA The Labor Day parades are over. The bands have packed up. The muscular speeches celebrating workers are finished. The trash is getting collected from parks across the country. And now conservative politicians from Trump on down will revive their systematic efforts to weaken unions and undermine workers. Trump -- despite all the populist bunting that decorates his speeches -- sustains the deeply entrenched Republican antipathy to organized workers. Their attack is relentless. Trump's budget calls for deep cuts in the Labor Department, eviscerating job training programs and cutting -- by 40 percent -- the agency that does research on workplace safety. It would eliminate the program that funds education of workers on how to avoid workplace hazards. It even savages money for mine safety enforcement for the miners Trump claims to love. Trump is systematically reversing any Obama rule that aided workers. He signed legislation scrapping the rule that required federal contractors to disclose violations of workplace safety and employment and anti-discrimination laws. His Labor Secretary has announced his intention to strip millions of workers of the overtime pay they would have received under Obama DOL regulations. Trump is creating a pro-business majority at the National Labor Relations Board, which will roll back Obama's efforts to make it easier for workers to organize, and make it possible to hold home companies responsible for the employment practices of their franchisees. The GOP's Anti-Union Strategy This is simply standard operating procedure for today's Republican party. Long ago, Republicans realized that organized labor was a central "pillar," as Grover Norquist described it, of Democratic Party strength. Now Republican office holders at every level -- from county officials to statehouses to judges -- know that their job is to weaken labor unions. From right to work laws to administrative regulations to court challenges, Republicans sustain an unrelenting attack. And aided by our perverse globalization strategies, they've been remarkably successful. Unions are down to about 7 percent of the private workforce. Public employee unions, a relative stronghold, are facing court challenges -- essentially allowing workers to enjoy the benefits of union negotiations without paying dues -- that will decimate their membership. True conservatives would embrace unions. They are a classic "mediating institution," a voluntary civic organization between government and the individual. Unions increase the voice and power of workers in the workplace, helping to keep executive accountable, and to protect workers from abuse. They also educate their members, teach democracy, and are central to community volunteer and service efforts. They teach and practice democratic citizenship. The modern Republican Party, of course, is the party of big business and big money. It isn't conservative; it is partisan. And weakening unions is a constant target. While Republicans understand how important unions are to Democrats and to workers, Democrats don't seem to get it. Sure, they line up to get union donations; most will vote to defend unions and worker programs. But as the money in politics has gotten bigger and the unions have gotten weaker, the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party has become more powerful. The result is clear. When Republicans get control, they attack unions relentlessly. When Democrats gain control, as they did in 2012 with the election of Barack Obama and Democratic majorities in both houses, labor law reform, empowering workers to organize is not a priority. Obama essentially told unions that if they could get the votes, he'd sign the law, but he wasn't leading the charge. And so as under Carter and Clinton, changing the law to make it easier for workers to organize and bargain collectively didn't happen. Unions Under Siege Now unions are under siege. Yet it is hard to imagine how a small "d" democracy can be robust, or a large "D" Democratic Party can regain its mojo without a revived movement of workers. It's time for Democrats at every level to realize: strengthening workers and their unions isn't an elective; it's a requirement and a first priority. The loop works like this: Unions are in decline. As a result, unions lose influence inside the Democratic Party. The Democrats then feel no pressure to stem unions' decline, and the economically disadvantaged lose what was once their most powerful advocate. Then the cycle continues. We cannot revive unions, and we have no template for egalitarian politics without them. Unions aren't simply economic actors. They're political actors. Labor still needs the Democrats. The Democrats, more than they realize, still need labor. But most of all, all those who want to build a fairer society need their partnership. How To Easily Kill All Indoor Odor, Mold, And Bacteria — Without Lifting A Finger The Mysterious “Secret Stock” – It Could Fund Your Retirement
Watch Jimmy Kimmel Help Voters Process Donald Trump's VictoryJimmy Kimmel addressed crestfallen Clinton supporters on Wednesday night in the hopes of helping them cope with Trump’s election victory. “A lot of voters woke up this morning happy that Donald Trump had won the election, but the other half of them, especially here in California, were very upset,” Kimmel noted. “People were shocked, despondent, some were even crying.” As a result, the late-night host decided to walk his viewers through the five stages of grief. The first stage in the process is denial, which Kimmel summarized as “no, the host of Celebrity Apprentice can’t possibly be our president, CNN must have the math wrong.” After that comes the anger stage: “Who do I blame for this?” Kimmel wondered. “Bernie? The FBI? Gary Johnson? Jill Stein?” “How is it possible that half the country is too busy to even vote?” he continued. “They all managed to play Pokémon Go.” After getting that out of his system, Kimmel moved on to the third stage: bargaining. “Maybe this needed to happen to wake up everyone up,” he reasoned. “Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe he’ll only build the wall waist high, to keep short people out.” This rationalization period was quickly followed by depression, “where you get a spoon and you just eat peanut butter out of the jar.” Finally, many jars of peanut butter later, Kimmel suggested that tearful voters will eventually reach acceptance – possibly with the aid of some narcotics. “No matter how you feel about it, Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America,” Kimmel said. “So thank god we legalized marijuana yesterday.” California passed Proposition 64, a law legalizing recreational marijuana. Watch here.
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Farmers' Almanac predicts 'teeth-chattering' winter... 'Global-Warming' Advocates Pressure Media to Silence Skeptics... Supersonic without the boom... Return of commercial faster-than-sound travel? NYC Housing Authority employees accused of using projects for wild orgies... Supervisors, subordinates, residents... 3 AM GIRLS CINDY ADAMS MIKE ALLEN BAZ BAMIGBOYE DAVE BARRY FRED BARNES MICHAEL BARONE PAUL BEDARD BIZARRE [SUN] BRENT BOZELL DAVID BROOKS PAT BUCHANAN HOWIE CARR MONA CHAREN CNN: RELIABLE SOURCES [NY DAILY NEWS] CONFIDENTIAL DAVID CORN ANN COULTER LOU DOBBS MAUREEN DOWD LARRY ELDER JOSEPH FARAH RONAN FARROW SUZANNE FIELDS ROGER FRIEDMAN BILL GERTZ JONAH GOLDBERG GLENN GREENWALD LLOYD GROVE HANNITY VICTOR DAVIS HANSON STEPHEN HAYES HUGH HEWITT KATIE HOPKINS DAVID IGNATIUS LAURA INGRAHAM INSIDE BELTWAY RICHARD JOHNSON ALEX JONES MICKEY KAUS KEITH J. KELLY KRISTOF KRISTOL KRUGMAN HOWIE KURTZ MARK LEVIN DAVID LIMBAUGH RUSH LIMBAUGH RICH LOWRY MICHELLE MALKIN ANDREW MCCARTHY DANA MILBANK PIERS MORGAN DICK MORRIS PEGGY NOONAN PAGE SIX ANDREA PEYSER POLITICO MORNING MEDIA POLITICO PLAYBOOK BILL PRESS WES PRUDEN REX REED RICHARD ROEPER JIM RUTENBERG MICHAEL SAVAGE GABRIEL SHERMAN BRIAN STELTER ROGER STONE CAL THOMAS TV NEWSER JEFF WELLS GEORGE WILL WALTER WILLIAMS BYRON YORK China Withholding Samples of Dangerous Flu Virus From USA... Russia biggest war games in four decades; 300,000 troops... Northeast Set to Sweat With Temps Near 100 Degrees... Tropical Atlantic About to Wake Up? Redford rides into sunset... How Venice Film Fest Re-emerged as Oscar Launching Pad... SECESSION: Redstone Civil War Heats Up Again As Daughter Prepares To Take Control... Deaths from drugs, alcohol, suicide now outpace diabetes... 1 in 7 adults on pot... 1 in 20 use e-cigs... Half Americans can't pay for basic needs? Scientists discover mysterious new type of human brain cell... Alec Baldwin to Play BATMAN Father as 'Trump-Like Figure'... Gamer Targeted Competitors, Walked Past Patrons... Strange online persona... Had been hospitalized for mental illness... Fate of 22 grizzly bears up to judge's decision. Should trophy hunters be allowed to kill? Teen Suits Up As Varsity Football Team's First Female Player... ESPN Anchor 'Angry' Tiger Woods Refused to Attack Trump... Massive fish die-off creates smelly mess in Malibu... AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE AP TOP AP RADIO BLOOMBERG DEUTSCHE PRESSE-AGENTUR INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE INTERFAX ITAR-TASS KYODO MCCLATCHY [DC] PRAVDA PRESS TRUST INDIA PR NEWSWIRE REUTERS REUTERS POLITICS REUTERS WORLD XINHUA UPI YONHAP GOOGLE NEWS SEARCH DRUDGE RECENT DRUDGE HEADLINES... WEATHER ACTION QUAKE SHEET VISITS TO DRUDGE 08/26/2018 021,630,090 PAST 24 HOURS 845,089,325 PAST 31 DAYS 10,626,276,451 PAST YEAR DRUDGE REFERENCE DESK EMAIL: DRUDGE@DRUDGEREPORT.COM BE SEEN! 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Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegationsThursday's New York Times features accounts by two women who say Donald Trump made unwanted sexual advances. The Trump campaign called the article "fiction," and his lawyer demanded the paper retract its story and issue an apology. Michael Barbaro, New York Times' national political reporter and host of the Run-Up podcast, and reporter Megan Twohey join "CBS This Morning" to discuss their article.
Jennifer Lawrence pens inspiring letter on Donald Trump victory: 'Let it enrage you' Jennifer Lawrence has told fans to have hope after Donal Trump Presidential victory The Hollywood actress previously said Trump becoming president would be "the end of the world". Now she has vented her anger over the result of the US Election in a column for Broadly. "Is this the stark reality?," asked Lawrence. "It doesn't matter how hard you work or how qualified you are, at the end of the day, if you're not a man? Is that what we just learned? Clearly furious with the result, the Hunger Games star added: "The country was founded on immigration and today the only people that feel safe, that their rights are recognised and respected are white men." The Hunger Games star urged caution against rioting in the streets She urged caution against "rioting the streets" but those angry by the result should think about the next steps "because we cannot change the past". "Do not let this defeat you - let this enrage you! Let this be the fire you didn’t have before,” she wrote. “If you are an immigrant, if you are a person of colour, if you are LGBTQ+, if you are a woman – don’t be afraid, be loud!" But the 26-year-old came unstuck when giving advice to women. “If you’re a woman and you’re worried that no matter how hard you work or how much you learn, there will always be a glass ceiling, then I don’t really know what to say," she said. Jennifer Lawrence is a big Hollywood star has urged her fans to not be afraid Wed, November 9, 2016 Following Trumps shock victory we look at celebrity Twitter reactions Celebrities take to Twitter on election night Donald Trump has been elected the 45th President of the United States "I don’t know what I would tell my daughter if I were you. Except to have hope. To work for the future." Lawrence insisted the result should not make anyone feel defeated but to continue having hope. “We’re all allowed to be sad that the present isn’t what we thought it was. But we mustn’t be defeated. We will keep educating ourselves and working twice as hard as the man next to us because we know now that it is not fair.” Other stars such as Lady Gaga and Katy Perry have also showed their outrage at Trump being elected the 45th President of the United States.
Terry Crews: 'Men Need to Hold Other Men Accountable'Terry Crews, photographed Nov. 2017. Billy & Hells for TIME When dozens of women came forward with sexual assault and harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein—who has continued to deny all allegations of non-consensual sex—actor Terry Crews noticed that some people on Twitter were skeptical. Crews knows from personal experience how hard it is to experience harassment and muster the courage to speak out: He says he was groped by William Morris Endeavor agent Adam Venit at an industry event in front of his wife. The agency said they suspended and demoted Venit, who declined to comment for this article. He has since returned to work. Crews is now suing Venit and the agency for sexual assault. Crews—who was recognized as one of the Silence Breakers, TIME’s Person of the Year—realized that men had a responsibility to lend credence and support to these women’s claims. Almost without thinking through the consequences, Crews tweeted out his own story; in his viral series of tweets, he became one of the first men to join the chorus of women speaking out about harassment. Crews spoke to TIME about the reception to his story and why it’s imperative that men advocate for women’s rights. What was the moment you decided to speak out about what happened to you? I’d actually just read a comment someone made on Twitter about one of Weinstein’s accusers. It went something like: She’s just looking for attention and a payday. It really affected me. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I remember going to my phone and I started writing. And I couldn’t stop. What it became was this sixteen-tweet missive from me. I just remember having to say what I felt. I was really angry because these women were being discounted. These women were being discarded. Their pain was just—it was nothing. I wanted to join in. I wanted to say something. I wanted to support. But I did have to let these women know they weren’t alone. And that I understood. My whole mission was to give them strength. Don’t accept the shame that people are giving you. Because that’s what it was. They were being shamed. They were being victimized again. I just couldn’t stand for it. Watch: Why the Silence Breakers Are the 2017 Person of the Year Mute Current Time 0:00 / Duration Time 0:00 Loaded: 0% 0:00 Progress: 0% 0:00 Progress: 0% Stream TypeLIVE Remaining Time -0:00 Playback Rate 1 Chapters Chapters descriptions off, selected Descriptions subtitles off, selected Subtitles captions settings, opens captions settings dialog captions off, selected Captions Audio Track This is a modal window. Caption Settings Dialog Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window. TextColorWhiteTransparencyOpaqueBackgroundColorBlackTransparencyOpaqueWindowColorBlackTransparencyTransparent Font Size50% Text Edge StyleNone Font FamilyProportional Sans-Serif What was the reaction like? In a matter of hours it had become the #1 trending topic on Twitter. And I had a realization: I didn’t check with my wife, I didn’t check with my publicist, I didn’t check with anybody. I just did it. But at that moment, I was free. Until men stand up and say, “This harassment, this abuse, these assaults are wrong,” nothing will change. If I was silent, it would mean I’m consenting to all of it. I always have felt women have been able to take care of themselves, 100%. But men need to hold other men accountable. That’s my thing. I came up in the cult of masculinity, in football and the sports world and entertainment. You’re in places and guys are saying the wildest thing. People need to be called on that. You need to be held accountable for the things you say, the things you do. What it came from is literally a belief that as a man you are more valuable than a woman. The reason I have the authority to say it is because I was like it. I truly believed I was more valuable than my wife and kids. Until I had a major paradigm shift in my own life—it was like I hit rock bottom in order for me to see that I had it all wrong. I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault. It’s not. What happened to me was a prime example. People were saying, “You should have beat him up.” I’m like, “Why is no one questioning him?” No one questions the predator. The person who is doing the harassment doesn’t even get a question. You know why? Because they just expect it. And I said, “No more.” Why are you questioning the victim here? Let’s flip it. What would you say to people who think this is becoming a witch hunt? Hollywood was so far into the fact that everyone thought this behavior is normal. It needs to swing all the way back. What we need is a reset. People say, “Oh, it’s a witch hunt. People could lie.” You know what? First of all, the thread of that is going to keep people right. We need to know you can’t do it. If it’s not a witch, it’s a witch hunt. If there are actual witches there, we need to stop them. I have people coming to me saying, “Hey, man. You could ruin this guy’s life.” Very clever. That’s a very clever thing to say. But he ruined it when he did it. All these people need to be disciplined into knowing what is acceptable and what isn’t. The only way to do that is by holding people accountable every time. This is something that gives my life meaning. There’s no reason why—why should I be the guy to survive Flint, Michigan; survive forty-nine years on this Earth; married twenty-eight years with five kids, the whole thing—and then I just sit in my big house and relax. This gives my life meaning. Now I know why I was put here. Let me tell you—the guy who messed with me messed with the wrong guy. Is Hollywood a microcosm for how power is imbalanced in the rest of the world? I believe that. It is in every field, in every business, in sports, in politics. It’s bipartisan. It’s not Democratic, it’s not Republican, it’s not Russian, it’s not American, it’s not black, it’s not white. Because I am an African-American man, I’ve been just as vocal about the abuses in my own community. The pimp culture, where guys are praised for having two or three girls. I’ve been to the rally for civil rights, and they will look at a woman and say, “Bitch, sit down.” And you’re like, “Wait a minute—this is civil rights here.” When it’s like, as a black man, I’m equal to a white man, but they don’t believe that a man is equal to a woman. Self-defeating. Self-destructive. How are you going to get justice, and you aren’t even treating the women in your circle with justice? If you’re a Democrat, you can’t gloss over your own problems of the people in your party. If you’re a Republican, you can’t gloss over those problems in your party. If you’re American, you can’t say just because I’m an American, let’s gloss over that stuff. And sometimes you’ve got to be willing to walk alone. I get most of my courage from my wife. When I went through my trauma, she was right there with me. I’m very thankful to have a wise woman on my team. This interview has been edited and condensed.
Trump Can’t Get Congress To Repeal Obamacare, So He’s Making Changes That Will Penalize Low-Income Americans InsteadSave Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images On Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order that will begin to deplete the Affordable Care Act, and allow companies to offer cheaper healthcare plans with fewer benefits. Or, as he put it, he is “saving the American people from the nightmare of Obamacare.” Just a few hours later, the Trump administration announced it's ending federal subsidies for health insurance companies that help millions of low-income people pay deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. These subsidies were projected to cost about $9 billion this year, according to the New York Times, and nearly $100 billion in the coming decade. The new decision will go into effect immediately, the Health and Human Services Department announced on Thursday. According to the Times, without the subsidies, "insurance markets could quickly unravel." Insurers have already threatened to pull out of the insurance exchanges created under Obamacare if subsidies are cut off, because they said they will need much higher premiums. “The government cannot lawfully make the cost-sharing reduction payments,” the White House said in a statement. “Congress needs to repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare law and provide real relief to the American people.” In a joint statement, Senate and House Minority Leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi said Trump has “apparently decided to punish the American people for his inability to improve our health care system.” They consider Trump's decision "a spiteful act of vast, pointless sabotage leveled at working families and the middle class in every corner of America."
Corey Taylor - America 51 reviewCorey Taylor doesn’t like Donald Trump. In fact, that’s probably something of an understatement, the President being dubbed ‘the Cheeto’ throughout America 51. But on the other hand, Corey doesn’t like the two-party system of American politics at all, which he makes abundantly clear at the beginning of his fourth book. One thing The Great Big Mouth loves, however, is his country – the United States Of America. In his typical stream-of-consciousness style, often flailing wildly off-topic, the Slipknot frontman airs his gripes with all the political bullshittery that has gone down on his home turf recently. While his previous books have taken aim at the unending list of humanity’s traits that annoy Corey, this is a takedown of modern-day politics and (of course) the Trump administration from a man who admits he feels no kinship to either big party, but has a wealth of knowledge on American politics and a comical yet vicious tongue to match. Using his band life and turbulent childhood as reference points throughout, Corey shares his liberal views on everything from Black Lives Matter to Reaganomics, with cursing and caps lock firmly in place, forever reminding the reader that he’s an asshole (his words!). And while not everyone will agree with the points made on these pages, this asshole knows his shit.
Las Vegas Police still unsure of concert shooter's motive Las Vegas Metro Police hold a press conference to discuss the ... During a press conference, Las Vegas Metro Police under Sheriff Kevin McMahill told reporters that the department is still unclear on shooter Stephen Paddock's motivation for the attack he perpetrated earlier this week. Lombardo also asked anyone with more information about the attack to come forward. He said that he believed that someone must have seen something that was out of place, whether it was suspicious activity, or someone who seemed to be acting strangely. The girlfriend of the man behind a recent mass shooting in Las Vegas told investigators he displayed “mental health symptoms” before the attack, according to NBC News. NBC News on Friday reported that one former FBI official briefed on the matter confirmed that Marilou Danley recently made the remark about Stephen Paddock. “[Danley] said he would lie in bed, just moaning and screaming, ‘Oh, my God,’” another former FBI official aware of the situation said. NBC News’s sources said Paddock may have been in mental or physical anguish before committing the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history last Sunday. Accusations of fake news are everywhere lately. How well can you tell apart the actual fake headlines from the real ones in this quiz? Test your skills! The sources added, however, that the FBI has not yet identified what motivated Paddock to open fire upon an outdoor concert. The FBI also does not believe Paddock’s mental health had eroded to a point that would have triggered him to begin his rampage, according to NBC’s sources. Federal and state law enforcement officials additionally confirmed to NBC News that Paddock had been prescribed an anti-anxiety medication called Valium. Some Twitter users on Friday speculated about Danley and her reported remarks to investigators about her boyfriend. One of the former FBI officials said that investigators are additionally scrutinizing about six media devices Paddock left behind. The search includes an inquiry into Paddock’s web browsing history before he began shooting at a country music event last weekend. Responding police found Paddock dead inside his hotel room on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. The shooting killed at least 58 people and wounded more than 527 others, sparking renewed national debate over gun control.
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this weekA roundup of some of the most popular, but completely untrue, headlines of the week. None of these stories are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked these out; here are the real facts: NOT REAL: Charlottesville Killer Was Hillary Supporter, Funded By Soros THE FACTS: James Fields, who's charged with murder after police say he drove his car into a Charlottesville, Virginia, crowd last weekend, supported President Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, his former teacher told the AP. GoFundMe confirmed that it removed "multiple campaigns" to raise money for Fields; none were started by billionaire George Soros, who has been a frequent target of hoax sites. The stories shared by YourNewsWire and other sites claim Fields' arrest is part of a "false flag" aimed at sparking a civil war. ___ NOT REAL: President Trump Fires All 14 Muslim Federal Judges THE FACTS: There aren't any Muslims on the federal bench and the president has no authority to fire federal judges. Abid Qureshi, a Washington, D.C., attorney, was nominated last year by former President Barack Obama to be the first Muslim federal judge, but he wasn't confirmed by the Senate. The hoax story by a site named As American As Apple Pie and shared by others also claimed Trump used the "evacuation clause" to remove the judges. There is no such clause that is part of federal law. ___ NOT REAL: MYSTERIOUS NAZI SUBMARINE FROM WWII DISCOVERED IN GREAT LAKES THE FACTS: Divers didn't find a German U-boat at the bottom of the Lake Ontario despite a story posted last year by admitted hoax outlet World Daily News Report, shared recently by other sites. The story suggests the ship may have sunk during the non-existent Battle of Niagara Falls. The photos included with the article show in reality a rusted Soviet submarine and two divers from a 2010 expedition to the North Pole by a French team. ___ NOT REAL: British PM Theresa May: Pedophiles Should be Allowed to Adopt Children Too THE FACTS: The story by Neon Nettle is based on a 2010 article by a British law professor that called for May, who was the U.K.'s home secretary at the time, to relax rules banning sex offenders from caring from children. May had previously ordered a review of vetting procedures for adults coming into regular contact with children other than their own, but May's spokesman said at the time that her office wouldn't consider allowing pedophiles to adopt. ___ NOT REAL: What Adam Sandler is Saying About Mormons THE FACTS: The comedian didn't come to the defense of Mormons on a recent podcast, despite a slew of identical articles on websites designed to look like local news outlets. The story claims Sandler stepped into say Mormons were "decent people" when an unnamed interviewer began to disparage them. All of the sites include a disclaimer saying the stories on them aren't real. ___ This weekly fixture is part of The Associated Press' ongoing efforts to fact-check claims in suspected false news stories. ___
Secret Service: Package cleared near White HouseAn unattended package near the north fence of the White House was cleared by the Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Tuesday afternoon. The White House was placed on an apparent lockdown Tuesday while President Trump was en route to Arizona for a rally in Phoenix, according to multiple reports. The Hill reported that Secret Service cleared the White House’s North Lawn and sent media members and construction workers in the area into the West Wing. The Secret Service confirmed via Twitter that it and the Washington, D.C. Police Department were responding to an unattended package near the north fence of the White House complex. Trump is reportedly heading to a campaign-style rally in Phoenix late Tuesday, an event which is also expected to draw major protests. The president will also reportedly visit a Border Patrol facility in Yuma, Arizona before Tuesday’s rally. Trump will examine Border Patrol equipment such as a Predator drone and an agency boat during his stop in Yuma. Immigration is a major issue for Trump’s supporters, and the president campaigned extensively on the topic during last year’s White House race. Trump has long vowed to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, arguing it will reduce illegal immigration and increase America’s border security. The president has also pledged to take a tougher stance on drug trafficking across America’s borders.
Hunter Who Says He Was Shot At By Immigrants At U.S.-Mexico Border Was Victim Of Friendly Fire, Investigators ConcludeEarlier this year, two hunters suffered gun-related injuries while camped out at the Circle Dug Ranch, a Texas ranch near the U.S.-Mexico border. According to Texas Monthly, a 26-year-old hunting guide named Walker Daugherty was shot in the abdomen. One of his clients, 59-year-old Edwin Roberts, was shot in the arm. When Daugherty reported the incident to law enforcement officials, he and his fiancée claimed that the gunfire came from illegal Mexican immigrants who were attempting to steal the Daugherty’s RV and kidnap their clients. After the incident, a GoFundMe page was launched to help Daugherty pay for his medical expenses. According to KOSA CBS 7, the now-inactive campaign page stated that Daugherty was shot by illegal immigrants who were trying to steal his RV. More than $25,000 was raised to cover Daugherty’s medical expenses. CREDIT: Credit: GoFundMe Upon hearing the story, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller posted a message to Facebook calling Daugherty a hero and pledging his support for a border wall. “This is why we need the wall and to secure our borders,” wrote Miller. According to the Dallas News, the post was shared 6,500 times before Miller deleted it. Weeks later, law enforcement officials determined Daugherty’s story was false. According to KOSA CBS 7 in Texas, an investigation by the Presidio County Sheriff’s Department found that the gunfire did not come from immigrants crossing the border — it came from the hunters themselves. That’s right: friendly fire. Investigators determined that Daugherty shot Roberts and that another hunting guide, Michael Bryant, shot Daugherty. The Daugherty family reportedly released a statement about the Presidio County Sheriff’s investigation that was published on the blog The Westerner. “We do not deny that our hunter client was hit by a bullet that resulted from a horribly fearful and confusing situation. However, the bullet that shot our son was not. That shot came later and from an entirely different direction. We are unable to reveal all the details of the event at this time but we do not agree with the Sherriff’s stated conclusion to the incident.” Read their full statement here. Daugherty and Bryant have since been indicted on charges of deadly conduct by discharging firearms in the direction of others, reports the Austin American-Statesman.
Police: 3 Seattle brothers arrested spent majority of lives sexually abusing childrenSEATTLE - Three brothers in their 70s and 80s have been arrested in Seattle for allegedly possessing images of child-sex abuse with police still investigating them, according to Seattle Police Department. >> Read about the latest in the investigation here Key developments: 82-year-old Charles Emery, 80-year-old Thomas Emery and 79-year-old Edwin Emery were charged Monday with two counts of possession of depictions of minors engaged in sexual conduct. Police say a family member was cleaning the men's Green Lake home and discovered what she believed to be materials depicting the sexual abuse of a child. Charging papers say authorities including members of the FBI's internet Crimes Against Children Task Force searched the home, finding evidence prosecutors say that each of the men spent the majority of their lives sexually abusing children and exploiting children depicted in child pornography. Detectives say it was Charles' "manifestos" about Satanic rituals, kidnapping, raping and killing girls that led them to dig under sheds, searching for evidence of potential murder. What the investigation first found On Aug. 19, Seattle child sex crime detectives say they acted on a tip from a relative who arrived to clean out the garage of the brothers. The relative called 911. At the home, detectives collected a staggering amount of child porn. They also found evidence of the sexual exploitation of young girls as well as children's worn clothing and underwear, children’s shoes, toys and movies. Homeland Security's Internet Child Exploitation team assisted in the search, which involved digging for potential buried evidence under locked sheds and garages. About the brothers Neighbors in the quiet Green Lake neighborhood along Northeast 59th St.Street say they always wondered about the dilapidated house and the three guarded, mysterious Emery brothers who lived there since 1962. "I've never seen a girlfriend, a wife, a woman of any type visit that house," said Don Smith, who lives next door. Seattle police say the brothers, ranging in age from 78 to 82, began molesting their own sister and eventually molested other young relatives for decades. None of them had ever married, none had their own children or many relationships outside their own siblings. Police arrested 82-year-old Charles Lee Emery in a Queen Anne nursing home. Eighty-year-old Thomas Edwin Emery and 78-year-old Edwin Harold Emery were arrested at their home. Scroll down to read about the manifesto. RELATED COVERAGE: Detectives say Charles, Thomas and Edwin sexually molested young relatives for years, and collected pictures and even children's shoes. But detectives say it was Charles' "manifestos" about Satanic rituals, kidnapping, raping and killing girls that led them to dig under sheds, searching for evidence of potential murder. Detectives say one of Charles' writings was found buried and partially burned -- along with a child's hat. "Their writings express desires to kill children," said Capt. Mike Edwards, who leads SPD's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force. The search extended from the home in the Green Lake neighborhood to another home the brothers owned 90 miles away in Shelton. "It's very clear that these three individuals have an obsession with young female children, they've had this obsession for most if not all of their lives, and they acted on it," said Edwards. Charging documents indicate SPD detectives questioned Edwin Emery and his relatives about child porn found on his computer in 2013, but no charges were ever filed. Now detectives are hoping to identify the children in the photos and they hope to find victims who may have been molested decades ago and never came forward. Neighbors react to brothers’ charges Neighbors have been wondering exactly what happened in this home since investigators swarmed the home over the weekend. The new details Seattle police and court documents revealed leave them stunned. For decades, neighbors didn't think much about the three brothers who've lived there for 55 years. “I just thought they were harmless weird old guys,” said Julie Vandenberg, who lives directly across the street. Neighbors saw the investigators in hazardous materials suits and police bring out box after box of evidence on Friday and Saturday. Watch coverage from our report over the weekend below, scroll down to keep reading. “It was shocking. I didn’t know what to think,” said Smith, who watched investigators work late into the night Friday from his home next door. “It’s way worse than I thought. It is sickening, it's really sickening,” Vandenberg said. “Something happened to little children here - it sounds like little girls, and that's horrific.” Neighbors say many young children live on the block. The neighbors say they wish they would've noticed some sign earlier, about what was going on in the house but they're just glad the three brothers aren't there to victimize kids any longer. Neighbor Don Smith said he was surprised the allegations were kept quiet for so long. "I mean, to be next door to these guys for all these years, if. If they're going out every day and doing something like that, I was like, wow. This is too much" © 2018 Cox Media Group.
Hannity: How far will the deep state go to damage Trump?On 'Hannity,' Republican lawmaker from South Carolina says he wants to give John McCain the send-off he deserves.
Clinton campaign does damage control after email hack Counselor to the President John Podesta speaks to the Center for American Progress’s Second Annual Policy Conference in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) Following another dump of his personal emails, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, is claiming that Russian hackers targeted his account to try and influence the presidential election -- and he suggested that those hackers tipped off a Trump advisor. CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes reports that Podesta on Tuesday went step-by-step through all the contact Donald Trump and his campaign aides have had with Russian actors or with Wikileaks. He argued that it’s all circumstantial evidence pointing so some kind of secret understanding between Trump and the highest reaches of the Russian government. Podesta said the theft of 10 years worth of emails from his gmail account is now being investigated as part of the FBI’s larger probe into hacks at the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The U.S. intelligence community said on Friday that it is “confident” those hacks were directed by the “Russian government.” “Russian interference in this election and their apparent attempt to influence it on behalf of Mr. Trump is, I think, of -- should be of utmost concern to all Americans,” Podesta told reporters from the Clinton campaign plane. Podesta noted that long-time Trump confidant Roger Stone appeared to have advance notice of the hack, when Stone tweeted back in August: “Trust me, it will soon be the Podesta’s time in the barrel.” Stone also recently told Florida Republicans that he was in touch with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The emails are a revealing and sometimes embarrassing window into the workings of a major campaign. In one, now-interim DNC chair Donna Brazile (who was working for CNN) appears to slip the campaign a “question” Clinton was to be asked at a CNN town hall during her primary contest against Bernie Sanders. In another, Starbucks CEO and major Clinton donor Howard Schultz called the campaign “stale” and lacking the “transparency that the American people...will need to trust and ultimately elect” Clinton. Trump, for his part, has brushed off accusations that his words and his proposals seem to favor Putin. “She doesn’t know if it’s the Russians doing the hacking,” Trump said during Sunday’s presidential debate town hall. He also claimed “I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia.” In North Carolina, President Obama said Trump sounded much like a Russian dictator when he threatened to jail Clinton if he won. “I frankly never thought I’d see the day when we had a major party candidate who would be promoting those kinds of notions,” the president said at a Clinton campaign event. Podesta said he doesn’t know why Trump would be sympathetic to Russia, but he suggested that it might be his business dealings or his fascination with Vladimir Putin. He added that he expects the leaks to soon follow the pattern of other Russian-led hacks, where they begin by releasing real documents at first -- and then start releasing fake ones.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Colin Kaepernick Is A Hero Muhammad Ali Would Be Proud Of Upon hearing about the establishment of the award in his honor, Muhammad Ali said, “I know there will be a great tradition of champions to receive this award in the future." He would be proud to know of all that Colin Kaepernick is doing to help change the world and fight systemic racism. I have never been prouder to be an American. That might seem like a strange confession in these dark times, when there is so much divisiveness in the country. Every day we are faced with cringe-worthy behavior by our country’s leaders: sexual harassment, enabling hate groups by publicly echoing their messages, the enactment of policies that curtail the constitutionally guaranteed civil rights of the nonrich. We who love our country are often left embarrassed, enraged and exhausted. It’s as if some jokester slapped a going out of business sign on our country’s back and scribbled underneath: everything (we stand for) must go. Then why am I so proud of America? Because, to paraphrase what Thomas Paine famously said during the Revolutionary War, these are the times that try Americans’ souls. It is during tumultuous times like these—times when we are challenged to defend our most sacred beliefs with more than trite slogans on caps—that real heroes rise up to face that challenge. Among these heroes are the athletes who recognize that they have a responsibility not just to defend a goal or a hoop, but also to defend American values and ideals. There are certain iconic images that will forever live in our social collective unconscious of activist athletes who risked their lives, not to mention their careers, to uphold their principles and commitment to their country: Jesse Owens receiving his gold medal in the 1936 Berlin Olympics while a German runner-up beside him gave the Nazi salute. John Carlos and Tommie Smith raising their black-gloved fists when receiving their medals at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics to protest injustice and poverty in the African-American community. In 1996, Nuggets guard Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf bowing his head in prayer during the national anthem as a protest against racism. In 2014, LeBron James and other NBA players wearing i can’t breathe shirts to protest Eric Garner’s death at the hands of police. These heroes remind us what true patriotism is: people caring more about protecting the principles of the Constitution than about their own careers, fame, money or even lives. Colin Kaepernick, the recipient of this year’s Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award, is one such hero. What makes Colin so deserving of this award is that he fully embraced all of those risks in order to remind Americans about systemic racism. This is exactly what Muhammad Ali did when, at the height of his boxing career, he refused to be drafted during the Vietnam War. Ali knew that he was not at risk of being sent into combat and could have served as a celebrity soldier. But he insisted on standing up for his principles, even though it cost him millions of dollars and resulted in death threats, harsh attacks from the press and public, the loss of his title and the possibility of prison. Since Colin first declined to stand for the national anthem on Aug. 14, 2016, to call attention to the astounding number of unarmed African-Americans killed by police, the citizens have responded with both praise and condemnation, just as they always have whenever anyone exercises their right to free speech on a contentious topic. This is the same treatment bold Americans of conscience have always received. People rarely want to hear the truth when that truth reveals problems they don’t want to face. It’s easier to blame the messenger and ignore the message. He is forcing the country to continue to have a meaningful conversation about racial inequality when many want to pretend there is no problem. That’s why Colin has been vilified and glorified, ostracized and memorialized, demonized and idolized. Though supporters have come and gone, Colin has never wavered in his commitment. This selfless courage has inspired other athletes—from high school to professional ranks—across all sports, races and genders to make their voices heard. He is forcing the country to continue to have a meaningful conversation about racial inequality when many want to pretend there is no problem. Sports Illustrated’s Muhammad Ali Legacy Award was created to honor individuals whose career in athletics has directly or indirectly impacted the world. On Nov. 30, it was reported that a group of about 40 NFL players and league officials had reached an agreement for the league to provide approximately $90 million between now and 2023 for activism endeavors important to African-American communities. Clearly, this is the result of Colin’s one-knee revolution and of the many players and coaches he inspired to join him. That is some serious impact. It has always been perplexing that people criticize athletes like Colin as being unpatriotic because they are exercising the rights the Constitution protects. It’s especially puzzling when they are accused of disrespecting the national anthem, which contains the lyrics, “No refuge could save the hireling and slave/From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave,” and was written by a man who referred to blacks as an “inferior race of people.” When that song is playing, it seems like an especially appropriate time to bring up the fact that 200 years after it was written, we are still treating African-Americans as an inferior race by denying them equal opportunities in education, jobs, health care and voting. We praise our military for risking everything to make sure America lives up to the promises in the Constitution: equal opportunity and respect for all people. Upon hearing about the establishment of the award in his honor, Ali said, “I know there will be a great tradition of champions to receive this award in the future, and I look forward to celebrating their spirit and accomplishments.” Were my old friend still alive, I know he would be proud that Colin Kaepernick is continuing Ali’s tradition of being a selfless warrior for social justice. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is a former recipient of the Sports Illustrated's Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. His new book Becoming Kareem: Growing Up On and Off the Court details his most influential mentors, including his lifelong friend, Muhammad Ali.
Breaking! Poland’s President just went after CNN. They are Done!Poland’s President Andrzej Duda says CNN is lying. He’s joining President Trump in his fight against FAKE NEWS! Contrary to what CNN has been pushing all day, he and his wife did shake hands with President Trump and the First Lady. The anti-Trump media has been pushing a fake news story along with edited video all day. The claim was that the first lady of Poland snubbed President Trump when he tried to shake her hand. The truth has been uncovered in the unedited footage. PLEASE SHARE THIS TO EXPOSE CNN ONCE AGAIN! Watch: The Polish First Lady was looking at Melania & didn't see Trump's hand. Liberals are cutting the clip & saying "she denied his handshake"…
Turns Out The Uxbridge Fresh Prince Of Bad Hair Is 19, Still In High School, And Put Uxbridge High On Lockdown After A Gun Incident On SnapchatTurns Out The Uxbridge Fresh Prince Of Bad Hair Is 19, Still In High School, And Put Uxbridge High On Lockdown After A Gun Incident On Snapchat Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at for more information. Earlier today we blogged about the Uxbridge Fresh Prince of Bad Hair, who thought it would be wise to shoot a cop car with a BB gun, and then shoot an autistic man the next day. We couldn’t find his Facebook page, but within an hour we had a million people pointing us to his Uxbridge street name – Tre Patterson: As you can see, we’re dealing with a real winner here. Turns out this 19 year old is STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL!! I shit you not. That’s why the two others he was with aren’t having their names released – because they’re his minor friends from high school. He tells kids in his peer group what things were like “back in my day.” This year Tre, who recently moved here from “down south,” and claims to have enrolled at Uxbridge High School because the coach at UConn told him it would help him get recruited, was suspended multiple times. One of the incidents happened when he got the school put on lock down because he had beef with kids from another school on snapchat, and he claimed he had a gun on snapchat, DURING SCHOOL HOURS, and the other kids were coming to UHS with more guns. After being uncooperative with the principals AND the cops about it, he was escorted off the premises and suspended. Not expelled- just suspended. Because I’m sure when he came back he had a newfound thirst for knowledge and a desire to follow school rules. He also was on the basketball and football teams, but hardly ever played because his grades weren’t good enough. It’s hard passing college prep math when you’re only 19 years old. So much for UConn. Here he is all dolled up for the first of many junior proms to come for Tre-Tre: Of course he’s the cool kid because he can legally buy booze in Canada and no one else can: Don’t worry though, the fam is holding it down on Facebook and has gone full free my boi! Apparently his response to the cops after he shot the autistic man was that he “didn’t know he had autism.” Because it’s OK to shoot people with BB guns in public as long as they’re not autistic. Oh, and autistic people all have tattoos on their forehead that let them know they’re autistic. That’s literally the though process of this nudnik. Anyway, this is yet another example of the failed educational policies from our state and federal government. This is what happens when administrators value their graduation rates more than the well-being of the entire school – they keep shitheads like this in school instead of expelling them. Because it looks better on a chart if they have less dropouts. Oh, and don’t forget that schools all have mandates from the federal government, due to Arne Duncan’s reign of terror, to reduce suspension rates, particularly for students of color. So now schools like Uxbridge are forced to keep morons like this, who obviously have no intention of learning, enrolled in schools. They make it impossible for teachers to do their job and they poison the rest of the student body with their bullshit. Uxbridge High School lost an entire day of learning because of him. If somehow he graduates this year he’ll be 20 when he does so. And it will only be the result of social promotion, fueled by a desire for better charts. We urge you to support the following local businesses.
The Next Appeasement?It will be only a matter of days before the Democratic Party press in America starts taking up the suggestion of Chancellor Merkel of Germany that we seek with North Korea a pact of appeasement like the one the Obama administration engineered with the ayatollahs at Iran. “I could imagine such a format being used to end the North Korea conflict,” Frau Merkel told the Frankfurter Allgemeine. Were Germany asked to participate, the chancellor warned, she would say yes “immediately.” This is a devilish demarche, coming, as it does, at a time when the American administration is seeking to demonstrate its resolve against North Korea’s atomic bomb program. Frau Merkel’s interview is calculated to short-circuit any refusal on President Trump’s part to certify Tehran’s compliance with the Obama-Khomeini pact. It is dog-whistling to the New York Times, which is no doubt scrambling to get aboard the Merkel appeasement. Let’s see if it can bring aboard Mr. Trump’s newest pal, Senator Schumer. New York’s senior senator, now the minority leader, played a double role in the drama on the Iran appeasement. Ostensibly he opposed the pact. Yet he refused to take a leading role in the fight against it, even when opponents sought to have have the pact itself put to a proper vote. In other words, he took a powder. That was all the more disappointing because it was clear that if the pact had been put to the Senate it would have been rejected. This point is acknowledged even by the Times, which concedes that the Iran pact was opposed in the Congress “overwhelmingly.” The Gray Lady suggests that “many critics now see its value,” though its editorial fails to name any such critics. Germany, of course, never gave a fig about what the Congress thought of the pact. And why should it have? The Obama administration took the unratified deal straight to the United Nations, where Ambassador Power voted against the Congress of her own country. “It’s presumptuous of some people to suspect that France, Russia, China, Germany, Britain ought to do what the Congress tells them to do,” Secretary of State Kerry snickered. President Putin must have loved that line. Frau Merkel, in any event, isn’t waiting for any formal nod in respect of what President Trump wants to do about the Iran deal — or about North Korea. She’s prepared to leap right into a negotiated settlement with Pyongyang that would, if Iran is any guide, leave its communist camarilla not only entrenched but richer to boot. This is a moment for President Trump to remember the 30 American states that lofted him to office. The platform on which he stood described the Iran deal as a “personal agreement” between President Obama and his negotiating partners. It described it as “non-binding on the next president.” Mr. Trump himself promised to “rip up” the agreement. That he has grounds to do so was underscored last week at Washington by his envoy at the United Nations, Governor Haley. She is a better tribune of American interests than Chancellor Merkel. receive the latest by email: subscribe to the new york sun's free mailing list
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Trump calls for prosecution of Democrats after reports of impending indictments in Russia probe: 'DO SOMETHING' Trump said the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with the Kremlin is "phony," "bad for our country," a "witch hunt," and "evil politics." (AP Photo/ Brennan Linsley) President Trump responded to reports that special counsel Robert Mueller is about to indict people in his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election by pointing the finger at Democrats. Trump said the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with the Kremlin is “phony,” “bad for our country,” a “witch hunt,” and “evil politics.” He added the news that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the unverified dossier alleging scandalous behavior by Trump has united Republicans. “Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more,” Trump tweeted. “Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, ‘collusion,’ which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!” The $12 million figure refers to the amount of money Clinton’s campaign paid to Perkins and Cole, a law firm that then paid Fusion GPS to do opposition research on Trump. Fusion GPS then paid former British spy Christopher Steele, who authored the dossier on Trump that was released shortly before the inauguration. It’s not clear if all $12 million the Clinton campaign paid to the law firm went toward funding the dossier. Trump was also referring to a deal between an American company and a Russian government agency to purchase the company, which controlled about 20 percent of the country’s uranium supply. Clinton’s State Department was one of nine government agencies that signed off on the purchase, and that decision has come under new scrutiny after revelations that the FBI was investigating if Russians were trying to gain influence in the American uranium industry. Later on, Trump added the new focus on the Russia investigation is likely a distraction from the Republican push for tax reform. "All of this 'Russia' talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!" Trump tweeted.
Americans Were Asked To Find N. Korea On A Map, And What Resulted Is Painful To Watch Credit: YouTube Considering over 60 percent of United States citizens support going to war with North Korea, one would hope the majority would be able to, at the very least, locate the country on a map. Unfortunately, no such luck. The laughable discovery was made when Jimmy Kimmel and his team visited Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, and asked passersby to locate North Korea on a map. Many citizens were upfront about their lack of geographic knowledge but guessed anyway. Their estimates ranged from Canada to the Middle East to Australia. Only the minority actually knew where North Korea is located. Though the political situation in the United States is less than ideal at present, at least the people interviewed aren’t in charge of firing any missiles. What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!
Stinkin’ Dinkadoodles! Gupta Patel Slams New Bill Passed To Teach Your Kids Anal Sex In Public School And He’s Fired Up Like A Samosa Fresh Out The Pan!Stinkin’ Dinkadoodles! Gupta Patel Slams New Bill Passed To Teach Your Kids Anal Sex In Public School And He’s Fired Up Like A Samosa Fresh Out The Pan! Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at [email protected] for more information. Everyone knows and loves Gupta Patel – Turtleboy’s crazy Indian Tech Guy and proud convenience store proprietor. He’s never blogged for us before but something caught his eye in the news that sent him reeling. Let’s give him a warm welcome as he has a meltdown about the statehouse deciding to teach kids as young as 12 how to safely take it in the back door! Your uncle Gupta read this one news article last night and choke on his Vodka Slushee! Last Thursday, the Massachusetts Senate passed new sex education package by a 31-6 vote in favor. Look like the usual chutiyas in the statehouse been drinking the same strange flavor KoolAid again. Take a look at this nutty-ass booshit: From New Boston Post— As it did in 2015, the Massachusetts Senate passed a bill nearly entirely along party lines on Thursday dictating how school districts teach sex education; and just like two years ago, the biggest sticking point for the bill’s opponents was the lack of an opt-in stipulation for parents and guardians. Unlike in 2015, however, it is likely this version of the bill will reach the House floor for a vote, but it remains to be seen if lawmakers on the other side of the State House attach the failed parental opt-in amendment touted Thursday by House Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). Following the 31-6 vote in favor that saw the only Democratic opposition come from state Senator Michael Rush of West Roxbury, Tarr praised the “robust and healthy debate” that transpired Thursday afternoon but expressed “hope that as it makes its way through the legislative process” that lawmakers outside the Senate will wind up adopting proposals like a parental consent stipulation. The bill’s lead sponsor, state Senator Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett) took issue with Tarr’s opt-in proposal. “This amendment would gut the bill,” DiDomenico claimed, noting that the legislation already features an opt-out amendment for both parents and school districts. “This amendment would effectively take all the work we put together and throw it out the window. “We do not have opt-in for science, math, English — we don’t have any opt-in initiative for any other subjects in our schools — this subject in particular could save lives.” Other Democrats who spoke out in opposition to Tarr’s amendment included state Senator John Keenan of Quincy, Worcester’s Harriet Chandler, and Boston’s Sonia Chang-Diaz. Keenan and Chang-Diaz added that a parental consent requirement would add an unnecessary level of bureaucracy, with Keenan claiming that it “would require school districts to chase down the parents of every single student” while Chang-Diaz noting that “many of my colleagues in the chamber in the minority are avid proponents of small streamlined government.” Chandler claimed that an opt-in provision would result in a “very limited number of people who would be taking advantage of it.” “The alternative of what we’re talking about is our children learning about these behaviors from what they hear on the school bus or read on the Internet,” she added. State Senator Vinny deMacedo (R-Plymouth), responding to Keenan’s point, used student field trips as an example of opt-in protocol. “I don’t think that’s an impossible hurdle to overcome,” he said. “The reality is that asking parents if they’re comfortable with this or not is not a stretch by any means.” Tarr appeared to take issue with the claim linking parental approval to an added layer of bureaucracy. “Well well well, it is interesting that some of these folks have stood at this microphone and suggested somehow that obtaining parental consent is so burdensome that we shouldn’t follow through with this,” Tarr quipped. “Suggesting that the role of a parent should be subordinate to the role of bureaucracy, now that’s a deeply concerning thought.” Tarr also challenged DiDomenico’s claim that an opt-in provision would “gut the bill.” “That somehow this bill is jeopardized by the fact that we might want to involve parents in the decision making — what does that suggest about the priorities of the bill?” Tarr questioned. “It suggests that somehow we ought to subordinate the role of the parent to the role of the state. “It’s also been suggested that we don’t have opt-in provisions for math, science, and other things, well that is true, but we also don’t have opt-out provisions for those things, because they don’t fit the same matter as the subject matter that we’re discussing here.” Conservative organizations, including the Massachusetts Family Institute, are vehemently opposed to the bill over the proposed curriculum’s subject matter, which suggests that instruction regarding sexual aspects such as anal intercourse is age-appropriate for children as young as 12.Some of the instructional material approved by state education officials was created by Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. “If you have to have an affirmative act from a parent in order to go on a school trip, should you not have to have the affirmative act of a parent to be involved in education that involves morality, subjective judgment, and important health matters?” Tarr said. “I think the matter speaks for itself.” DiDomenico responded to Tarr’s argument by noting he is not looking to subvert the role of parents and countered that he “would put this in the same category as English, math, and science.” “In some respects I’d put it ahead of those subjects,” DiDomenico added. “There are life-ending, life-long consequences, and a critical mistake can change their lives forever.” State Senator Barbara L’Italien (D-Andover) also spoke, mentioning an incident in which her older sister became pregnant during high school. “Getting married at age 17 locked her into a life of virtual poverty,” L’Italien said. “I wish there had been accurate health information when she was a student back in the ’70s, I think her life might have changed dramatically. “There are times when government needs to be proactive, and protective, and this is one of those situations.” Sweet Baby Vishnu! The anal sex education is age appropriate for 12 year old? What fucking version of goddamn Kama Sutra they been reading? The Paul Georgio translation? This Hindu had the very very bad nightmares after reading this news! In my dream, my daughter, Gupta Jr, was back in the grade school. I was watching my favorite American movie “Mansion of Blood” and Mindy Robinson was just about to show all the peoples her hot hot Samosas when my daughter come running through the door, She say “Papa! Papa! I have the question about the sex!” And I say “Yes my little one, I have been preparing for this conversation long time. Ask your papa your questions”. She say “Papa, when will it stop hurting my ass so much?” Your old Uncle Gupta almost had the bad heart attacks! “As it did in 2015, the Massachusetts Senate passed a bill nearly entirely along party lines on Thursday dictating how school districts teach sex education; and just like two years ago, the biggest sticking point for the bill’s opponents was the lack of an opt-in stipulation for parents and guardians.” Really? Uncle Gupta think the biggest sticking point probably gonna be the anal sex. Seriously though. You can opt out of goddamn Pledge of Allegiance in school in Massachusetts without facing the punishments, but you can’t opt out of learning how to send your pork soldier to the battle in Brownsville? “The bill’s lead sponsor, state Senator Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett) took issue with Tarr’s opt-in proposal. “This amendment would gut the bill,” DiDomenico claimed, noting that the legislation already features an opt-out amendment for both parents and school districts. “This amendment would effectively take all the work we put together and throw it out the window. “We do not have opt-in for science, math, English — we don’t have any opt-in initiative for any other subjects in our schools — this subject in particular could save lives.” Ganesha, please take me now, These chutiyas gonna drive this humble Hindu to carnivorism. “Johnny, study the maths and the science good so you can be great physicist someday!” “Susie! finish your English homeworks so you can be excellent writer someday.” Mary! Make sure you don’t miss any of the Massachusetts mandated sex education class so you can be great wide receiver some day!” In the name of heavenly teacher Guru Deva please reincarnate these people as pimples on Kim Kardashian’s face at bukake session after Black Lives Matter rally. State Senator Barbara L’Italien (D-Andover) also spoke, mentioning an incident in which her older sister became pregnant during high school. “Getting married at age 17 locked her into a life of virtual poverty,” L’Italien said. “I wish there had been accurate health information when she was a student back in the ’70s, I think her life might have changed dramatically. Ms. Barbarabhen! Did you really just say “Damn, my sister’s life would be so much better now if only she had taken the rusty trombone in her swamp starfish that one time instead of in her hoo-ha.”?? It Take one real classy lady to say she wishes her niece or nephew had taken a wrong turn down Willy Wonka’s garbage chute. Uncle Gupta don’t think it’s too strange that Barbara L’Italien advocating for taking it from the behind. Nobody gonna want to be looking at this in the face during the hot nookie-nookie session.. Holy mother of Kali! Blowjob from this one probably count as anal anyways. No surprise here really . Both L’Italien and Chandler recently vote to give themselves fat pay hike, so they have lot of experience stuffing the pepperonis in the peoples hot pockets. This one Hindu here don’t know about you, but when I see Hariette Chandler’s face, the first thing that come to mind not going to be anal sex: Sweet baby Hannuman! Her ass probably look like dying Yoda’s forehead. Going to work up her Lincoln Log Factory probably sound like punching a fist into the open jar of Miracle Whip! (Miracle Whip! Two jars for five dollar at my Main South Happy Hindu Mart Convenience Store in Worcester. Next five minute only.) She so old her dunghole probably look like the hopper on a meat grinder after Porketta night. This one Sonia Chang-Diaz though? Would. This Hindu just saying. “There are times when government needs to be proactive, and protective, and this is one of those situations.” I agreeing that government should be protective and proactive. Maybe if they had voted to give the Police the Kevlar Vests instead of giving their fat samosa asses big raise it would have been good start. Educating the 12 years old child about anal sex? Not so much. You know what going to happen in the class full of 12 years old kids when teacher start talking about the anal and oral sex? Gonna be like comedy scene in bad Hindi movie. Maybe not during class, but afterwards they gonna make the fun. “Rectum? Damn near killed him!” joke gonna get old real quick in the cafeteria. State Legislators are calling this bill the “Healthy Youth Act”. That really nice way of putting it. As usual with these “Dheela Lund Ni Olaad” (That my Gujarati language for “Sons of the broken penis”), the devil is in the details…and Uncle Gupta all about the details! One of the textbooks approved in the bill is called “Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works,” put out by the Planned Parenthood. Book is only available in bundles of 50, and this thrifty Indian man not buying if he can’t find the coupon or get the good deal. I ferret couple passages out on the internets for you. You’re welcome. One lesson teaches the childrens that A dental dam is “placed over the vulva or anus during oral sex”. Then it goes on to say the people can also use the “Non-Microwaveable Saran Wrap”. Papa Gupta spend most of his daughter’s pre-teen years yelling at her to do the healthy things. “Don’t touch that! Do not step in the dog mess! Don’t put the statue of Baby Krishna in your mouth! Wash Your hands before eating! Use the Purell after shaking Senator McGovern’s hand!”. Now, she would have to go to school next day and learn how to toss the big salad?? It’s ok though…. Happy Hindu Mart sell plenty of non-microwaveable Saran Wrap. This handsome Indian TurtleBoy don’t think Saran Wrap company be too happy knowing sex education class teaching the children to use their product to cover the chocolate cannoli. Another lesson talk about using the “ internal condom that is inserted into the anus.” They say it acts as a barrier but warns that “it may slip out of place during vaginal or anal intercourse and may be difficult to insert.” Wait…what you say? I had to call my cousin the Gastroenterologist about this one. Dr. Dharmendra Tubupyeresh. I say “Hey, Dharmendra, you ever hear of such thing?” He say to me “Gupta, you been lighting up the porn hub again? Yes there is such the thing.” He send me over this picture. “Insert two fingers inside the condom and gently push it into the anal cavity. The inner ring can be removed after inserted if desired.” Lovely. 12 year old gonna learn how to shove the ziplock bag up the friend’s wazoo before doing the zoom-zoom in the boom-boom. When Uncle Gupta first read this news, he knew something smell funny…and not just the anal sex! Then this bald prick rears his ugly head and everything make sense… Senator Jamie Eldridge. You might remember him from such blogs as these. This bhenchod one real professional turtle poking man! In my former country he would not have been problem because we would have already kill him already. Notice how he don’t tweet about the content of the bill…only that the Mass Senate GOP (all six of them) oppose it. Let me tell you something, Senator Jamie…nobody going to oppose young adults learning the safe ways to make the sweet nookie-nookie, but not letting parents opt them out? What kind of glass dinka-doodle you been smoking from? This Hindu gets it. Too many kids having the sex at young age… Definitely should be options available to teach healthy sexual practices to children, but if any citizen ever texted the contents of some of these lessons to a child, they would go to the prison. And we all know what happen in prison. Dunghole come out looking like Saarlac sand monster from the Return of the Jedi. Anyway, this Hindu try hard to reach these senators on Twitter but they not responding. Wonder why. Namaste TurtleBoy Nations! May the supple trunk of Ganesha goose your buttocks!
Flynn: Assault on Law Enforcement Is Out of ControlAs seen on Fox & Friends Former FBI Asst. Director: Original Clinton Probe 'Not a Real Investigation' Fmr CNN Executive Reacts to Donna Brazile-Hillary Debate Question Leak On "Fox & Friends" this morning, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.) reacted to the "unbelievable tragedy" of two Iowa police officers being gunned down in their squad cars. "The assault on our law enforcement professionals in this country is out of control," Flynn said. He said that the leadership in our country needs to come out and say, "This has got to end." Flynn, a Donald Trump supporter, said that the law enforcement community is reaching out to the Republican presidential nominee because he's willing to speak up on their behalf. "This is just another tragedy, another example of the lack of safety that we have in our streets and in our country for these police officers." What do you think? Let us know in the comments. What Did Clinton Campaign Chair Mean By 'Dump Emails' Before Subpoena? Krauthammer: Clinton 'Drowning in Cumulative Effect' of WikiLeaks, FBI Probe Gutfeld on Clinton 'Sexism': Hillary 'Looks Out for Only Herself'
Run You(Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) [Verse 1: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] It doesn't matter what they say I won't accept it in any single way and-a Through the floors and-a through the cabling They're permeating in through every single day But I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers And we're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you [Buildup: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] What you wanna do What you wanna do What you wanna do Don't let 'em run you What you wanna do What you wanna do What you wanna do Don't let 'em run you (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Do what you want to do) (Don't let 'em run you) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 1: Bruno Balanta] Don't let them run you [Verse 2: Olly Simmons] They're gonna take it all away This is a war and the enemies engaging But you can see through their lies and decide for your life I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers We're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 2] [Verse 1: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] It doesn't matter what they say I won't accept it in any single way and-a Through the floors and-a through the cabling They're permeating in through every single day But I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers And we're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you [Buildup: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] (Do what you wanna do) (Do what you wanna do) (Do what you wanna do) (Don't let 'em run you) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 3: Olly Simmons, Bruno Balanta] You! You! You! Don't let 'em run you! Don't let 'em run you [Verse 2: Olly Simmons] They're gonna take it all away This is a war and the enemies engaging But you can see through their lies and decide for your life I won't be confined by their regimented borders We've got the strength of over fifty thousand soldiers We're not duty bound to anybody's orders (Come on everybody now) Don't let 'em run you! [Drop 4] [Outro: Bruno Balanta] Don't let 'em run you
Fund: Hillary’s ‘Ravings’ Are Only Evidence of Voter Suppression Clinton now baselessly blames election-integrity laws for loss, media parrots By Kathryn Blackhurst, LifeZette: American Spectator Senior Editor John Fund blasted the media for refusing to cover former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s “ravings” claiming that “voter suppression” contributed to her Election Day loss, during an interview Wednesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” Fund, a national-affairs columnist for National Review Online, said both Democrats and the mainstream media ridiculed President Donald Trump for claiming that 3 million to 5 million people voted illegally while giving Clinton a complete pass for her claims. Pointing to the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s Monday report proving that more than 5,556 illegal voters were enrolled across 138 of Virginia’s counties and cities, Fund claimed that voter fraud is far more substantiated than Clinton’s claims. “All they do is yell ‘voter suppression!’ But they don’t have any evidence. They don’t have any statistics. They don’t have any of them. All they have are Hillary Clinton’s ravings.” “There’s no evidence that voter ID laws prevent people from voting. What really defeated Hillary Clinton was that in every single swing state, including states that don’t have voter ID, African-American turnout went down because African-American voters didn’t particularly like Hillary Clinton,” Fund said. “What we have is the Democrats actively trying to hide the ball on any attempt to find out if there is voter fraud,” Fund continued. “All they do is yell ‘voter suppression!’ But they don’t have any evidence. They don’t have any statistics. They don’t have any of them. All they have are Hillary Clinton’s ravings.” No compatible source was found for this video. Fund referred to Clinton’s recent interview with New York magazine in which she insisted, “I would have won had I not been subjected to the unprecedented attacks by Comey and the Russians, aided and abetted by the suppression of the vote, particularly in Wisconsin. . . . Whoever comes next, this is not going to end. Republicans learned that if you suppress votes you win.” Declaring this unsubstantiated claim to be utter nonsense, Fund noted that even liberal organizations such as the fact-checking site Snopes, Vox, and Slate have all “called Hillary’s assertion that she lost because of voter suppression just a fantasy.” “But by the way, how much media coverage did you get?” Fund said. Instead, Trump’s claims of 3 million to 5 million people illegal voters have been getting all the attention. “Trump should have never have said it. It discredits the cause,” Fund conceded. “Having said that, the outrage against Trump was perfectly appropriate. But where’s the outrage at Hillary Clinton coming up with her fantasy about voter suppression with just as little evidence? I don’t know if anyone in the media … has talked about it or heard about it.” Pointing once again to Virginia and its resident “consigliere of the Clinton White House,” Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Fund noted that he has “desperately tried to prevent groups like the Public Interest Legal Foundation to go into voter registration rolls and try to find out who has been removed from the rolls in Virginia because” they were illegally registered to vote when they obtained a driver’s license. “That would be the evidence that there were non-citizens voting in our elections,” Fund said. “Well, McAuliffe sent out a directive to every local election official: Don’t cooperate with these questions. And it turns out they now have the answers from 138 communities in Virginia. Not the whole state, just part of it, [that] 5,500 non-citizens have been removed from the voter registration rolls in the last 5 years. Over a third of them had been voting.” The real issue, Fund insisted, is former President Barack Obama’s reluctance to investigate or illegal voting or allow others to investigate whether the country’s democratic election process had been compromised. “For eight years, state after state asked the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security, ‘You have a list of every legal alien in the country, people with green cards, student visas. Please send us the list. All we’ll do with it is match it with out voter-registration rolls and see if some non-citizens are registering and possibly voting,'” Fund said. “For eight years the Obama administration refused to turn over those lists, claiming ‘privacy’ considerations, which were bogus,” Fund added. “The reason why he claimed there is no voter fraud is he’s actively trying to hide it.” The Trump administration has since set up, by executive order, a commission to investigate voter fraud. This article was used with permission from LifeZette.
Donald Trump's campaign rejects endorsement of Ku Klux KlanThere are not many newspapers that have published positive views on Donald Trump, but the GOP nominee rejected the praise of this one outright. The Crusader, the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan, leapt to defend Trump in its quarterly issue with a front-page banner headline, “Make America Great Again. Pastor Thomas Robb, the Klan’s national director, wrote,“Can America really be great again? This is what we will soon find out.” In an interview with the Washington Post, Robb embraced Trump’s campaign, but he denied that his opinion piece amounted to a formal endorsement “Overall, we do like his nationalist views and his words about shutting down the border to illegal aliens. It’s not an endorsement because, like anybody, there’s things you disagree with,” Robb said. “But he kind of reflects what’s happening throughout the world. There seems to be a surge of nationalism worldwide as nationals reclaim their borders.” The paper quotes Trump’s slogan and features a large photo of Trump wearing the hat, but it does read more like an essay on the nationalist strain of the GOP nominee’s campaign slogan than a traditional endorsement. “While Trump wants to make America great again, we have to ask ourselves, ‘What made America great in the first place?’” the article continues. “The short answer to that is simple. America was great not because of what our forefathers did — but because of who our forefathers were. America was founded as a White Christian Republic. And as a White Christian Republic it became great.” The Trump campaign was quick to denounce the publication, issuing this statement Tuesday night: “Mr. Trump and the campaign denounces hate in any form. This publication is repulsive and their views do not represent the tens of millions of Americans who are uniting behind our campaign.” White nationalist and former Klansman David Duke announced his support for Trump in February, and initially, Trump was slow to reject it when asked about it by CNN, saying he “didn’t know anything about him.”
Biden: Clinton didn’t recognize “gravity” of setting up private email serverVice President Biden defended Hillary Clinton’s decision to use a private email server as secretary of state in an interview Thursday with “Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson. Dickerson asked Biden about a lesson from his Grandfather Finnegan: “Public servants are obliged to level with everybody, whether or not they’ll like what he, the public servant, has to say.” He asked the vice president, “Do you think that applies to Hillary Clinton’s dealing with this private server that she set up?” “Well, I think it’s a combination of a couple of things,” Biden replied. “One, I don’t think she understood the gravity of setting it up. She thought it was, ‘This is okay to do.’” Clinton has said she set up her private server for the sake of convenience, but she has since acknowledged that it was a mistake and that she would use the government system if she had to do it over again. Biden further suggested that Clinton may be a bit battle-scarred from her long time in the public eye, and he said that may have contributed to her initial clumsy response to the email controversy. “This woman has been so battered over 30 years,” Biden explained. “I think then when faced with, ‘This is a problem,’ I think instead of just cutting it and dealing with it immediately, there’s always an inclination to overthink it.” The vice president also weighed in on his own future after his time in the Obama administration. “I’m not going away,” he began. “Everything from this issue of violence against women, to income inequality, to the cancer ‘moonshot,’ I’m gonna devote the rest of my life to this.” “I have been so proud of being involved in public service that I’m not sure exactly how I’m gonna do it,” he added, “other than the structure of [the] American political system.” When Dickerson asked Biden what he’ll do on his final day in office, the vice president replied, “What I’m going to do is go home and begin to figure out what I do for the rest of my life.” More of Dickerson’s interview with the vice president will air Sunday. Check your local listings for airtimes.
IN MY VIEW: In this civil war, Trump winsThe story is told that one evening, President Lincoln greeted a Congressional delegation, ushered them into his private study and asked their business. “We present you with a petition,” said the group leader, “demanding that you dismiss General Grant.” “And why should I do that?” asked Lincoln. “Grant is a drinker,” replied the leader. “He is known to have been drunk in his tent.” The president replied, “Gentlemen, I wish all my generals drank what Grant drinks; he wins!” This is how we should regard President Trump’s tweeting and his unbecoming, personal attacks on members of the media. We may cringe at Mika’s still-bleeding face, as we would in the tent of a drunken general. But Trump wins! In office barely five months, he has moved sure-footedly to correct the derelictions of the feckless fool who preceded him. His cabinet, the best since Lincoln, the Keystone pipeline, the impeccable Supreme Court nominee, the gathering of what amounted to the formative meeting of a Middle East NATO to defeat ISIS, the facing up to North Korea and Iran and Russia and China, the withdrawal from the rigged, insufferable Paris Climate Accord, sealing our borders to prohibit illegal entry, especially entry by dreadful thugs and terrorists, and moving aggressively to rid the country of those thugs and illegals like MS-13 and the monster who killed Kate Steinle, whom Obama welcomed, either directly or through insolent benign neglect. And on and on. We are awestruck at the vision, purpose and energy Trump has brought to the leadership of his country. But he is yet hampered by a war at home. The Democrats, the Progressives (or do I repeat myself), the Radicals, The Anarchists, the Communists, the university intelligentsia, Black Lives Matter, all amalgamated into a huge mass of vicious, unhinged hatred for Donald Trump. He alone stands between A Great America and the Sorosification of America. And so we see a level of disgusting personal attack on Mr. Trump such as has never been seen before, including faux-beheadings, calls for his impeachment, calls for his assassination, magazine covers depicting the president’s head with the cross hairs of a rifle at his temple, queries about his sanity, “professional” assertions of his imbalance, bastardized Shakespearean plays, allegations that he is a modern Hitler, utterly invented stories of misconduct by Trump or his team, based on unidentified “sources.” Ad nauseam. I propose you did a disservice to your community and your country when you admonished Rep. McSally to come out and vigorously oppose President Trump and school him in proper conduct (“Time for McSally to take a stand,” July 5, Page A6). And I propose you were in error when you promised that if she did not follow your advice, she would be punished in 2018 by the voters. You have it exactly backward. She owes her president her complete loyalty. She doesn’t need your advice. She is already wobbly enough. And, if she is punished at the 2018 election, it will be for failure to support and defend her president, and the punishment will be at the hands of We The People, who elected Mr. Trump.
Gutterpube Who Says “F All Them Crackas” Who Got Shot In Vegas, Is A Deadbeat Dad Coke Dealer Who Claims He Donated Drug Proceeds To PR ReliefGutterpube Who Says “F All Them Crackas” Who Got Shot In Vegas, Is A Deadbeat Dad Coke Dealer Who Claims He Donated Drug Proceeds To PR Relief Want to advertise with Turtleboy? Email us at [email protected] for more information. Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 10.29.56 AM Obviously the big story of the day is the massacre that occurred in Las Vegas last night at a Country Music concert, where at least 50 people were killed by a man from a 32nd floor hotel room at Mandalay Bay casino. Naturally this has already been politicized, with people arguing about immigration, gun control, and all things Trump. Oh and Hillary said this: The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017 But yea, Trump is the only one who tweets dumb things. Good thing the democrats gave us a viable alternative in 2016 that we could really get behind. Those machine gun silencers are a real killer. Anyway, we have no interest in going all political about this. Maybe Jay Dub will. Just not my cup of tea. What we do is always find the worst people on the Internet and see what they have to say about this tragedy. Today’s winner is an illiterate drug dealer from Hartford named Allen Lozada, AKA AP El Titere. Here’s his initial reaction to the mass shooting: He might not have finished his GED, but he basically sees the world the same exact way 99% of employees at CNN do – everything is Trump’s fault. And those crackas who were peacefully watching a concert in Vegas? They deserved it. The whole thing was a big setup to draw attention away from hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. He was just getting started though: But he’s one of the good guys because he admits to donating his profits from drug transactions towards disaster relief: Oh yea, he’s a winner. And you’ll never guess who his favorite bouncing ball team is….. There’s gonna be a lot of talk in the days and weeks ahead about banning whatever guns were used in Las Vegas. But I think we can all agree that what REALLY needs to be banned are flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hats and anyone who is inclined to wear them. There are plenty of responsible, law abiding gun owners out there. But there has never, ever, ever been a decent, law-abiding person who has chosen to wear that thing on their head. If you know anyone that owns that hat, disassociate with them immediately. They will only bring you down. He even rocks the Chicago Bulls winter hat when he’s pouring out some Henny for the homeys in the January: Easy on the Henny Allen – it’s not good for your bowels: I know when I die I want people to come to my headstone and drink copious amounts of Red Bull and Henny, the nectar of the hoodrats. He really misses his boy, who I’m sure lived a noble and worthwhile life, because now that Sito isn’t around, he doesn’t have anyone to come scoop him up to he can “turn up on these fuck n words”: You can also find Allen Lozada on, with his own profile: Oh good, he’s a cokehead deadbeat “dad,” who allegedly threatened to choke his baby until she turned blue. Shocking. Especially considering his overall philosophy on women: When he eventually gets killed by a cop and SJWs pretend like his death is an actual loss to the community, he wants you to commemorate him by burning Hartford to the ground: He’s very familiar with the inside of a courthouse: He lives the good life by cashing in his SSI check for stays at the Marriott: Last year things were beginning to look up for Allen. He was trying to stay out of the police logs, and gave himself one Internet cookie for going a full month without stabbing, shooting, or running over someone with a car: He gets another Internet cookie for going four days sober: And he’s going legit because the “feds out here snatching everybody”: Also this: I have no idea what that means, but it sounds important. VERY important. Anyway, it is gonna be interesting to see what the killer’s motivation was in Las Vegas. He shot at a country music festival. A place that more than likely was filled with people who voted for Donald Trump. Not saying that’s his motive, but he could’ve shot up any large group of people and he chose this one. Just sayin. Either way, Allen Lozada is a useless sack of gutterpubes, and the 50+ who died in Las Vegas are much, much bigger losses to society than he could ever be. We urge you to support the following local businesses. They provide terrific services for the community! Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 10.14.48 AM Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 2.17.19 PM Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 8.48.23 PM
THEY DON’T CALL IT ‘THE GREAT TWEET OF CHINA’During the campaign, Donald J. Trump made lots of promises -- he'd be the greatest jobs president God ever created, he'd cut taxes, he'd balance the budget, he'd give all Americans fantastic health care, he'd renegotiate NAFTA, he'd scotch the Iran deal and so on. But there was one central promise without which he wouldn't have been elected: He said he'd build a wall. Either Trump understood the urgency of our border crisis, as his every campaign speech suggested, or it was just meaningless boilerplate to get himself elected. If it was the latter, then our search continues for one politician who won't lie to us. It was precisely the Nietzschean Eternal Recurrence of politicians promising to get tough on immigration, but never, ever doing it, that caused voters to cling to Trump like a life vest in a tidal wave. If Trump actually believed what he claimed to believe, he would treat the building of a wall as a far more urgent priority than sending FEMA after a hurricane. Taking nothing away from the fine people who lost their lives in the recent hurricanes, since the 2005 hurricane season, about 200 Americans have died in hurricanes, plus 82 in Hurricane Harvey and 50 in Hurricane Irma. That's 332 deaths from hurricanes in the past 12 years. Even a federal government determined not to tell Americans how many illegal immigrants are committing crimes admits that -- at a minimum -- there are 350,000 illegal immigrants incarcerated in state prisons and jails, and 3,500 are in for murder. Considering that the average time served for murder in America is six years, that means that, in the last 12 years, hurricanes have killed 332 Americans, and illegal immigrants have killed 7,000 Americans. Throw in the more than 30,000 Americans who die every year from heroin and fentanyl brought in by Mexicans, and illegal immigration is a problem at least 100 times more urgent than Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and every other hurricane since 2005, combined. (If we're including U.S. territories and Hurricane Maria ends up killing another 100 people -- current estimates are zero dead -- illegal immigration is still 80 times worse than the last 12 years of deadly hurricanes. Of course, if we're including territories, then we also must note that illegal immigration is especially disastrous for Puerto Ricans living in the U.S., in terms of crime and diminishing job prospects.) There is no question but that illegal immigration dwarfs any other issue, not only in dead Americans, but also in welfare expenditures, taxes, lost jobs, police and prison expenditures, declining neighborhoods, ruined schools, overwhelmed hospitals, facial reconstruction surgeries and rape counseling services, to name a few costs. We thought Trump understood this. We were counting on him to fight for us on the border -- not with rallies, not with hats, not with tweets, but by building a wall. And yet, as of Wednesday this week, Trump will have been in office 243 days without having begun the wall. Imagine if Hurricanes Harvey and Irma had hit 243 days ago and all we'd gotten from the president were assurances that FEMA would be coming any day now -- just as soon as he got the go-ahead from Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan! (Or worse, from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.) The more accurate analogy would be if Trump responded to the recent hurricanes not only by sending zero federal aid, but also by demanding that we dismantle FEMA and the National Hurricane Center. That's exactly what he's doing by proposing we respond to the crisis of 40 million illegal aliens in our country with an amnesty that will lure another 40 million across the border. We hoped we wouldn't have to spell it out. We thought Trump understood that this was an emergency. We believed he was capable of getting the job done. If he did understand, then 243 days ago, he would have sent the Navy Seabees and Army Corps of Engineers to start building the wall. For most of the nation's history, the primary job of the military -- of which President Trump is the commander in chief -- was building walls and fortresses on our borders. That's why we have an Army Corps of Engineers. It may not seem like it from recent history, but the job of our military is to protect America's borders -- not Ukraine's borders, not Jordan's borders. This is our one and only chance to get this done, and we're losing the fight. While Trump dallies, last week California became a sanctuary state. Sixteen-year-old girls are taking lessons to learn to be safe drivers, but when they're smashed into by drunk-driving illegal aliens, the state won't tell ICE, and taxpayers will spend $40 million to pay for their defense. The wall has to get built, and nothing else matters. Trump will not be able to tweet his way out of not building the wall. He will not be able to change the subject by attacking the media or Crooked Hillary. He will not be able to get away with blaming Republicans in Congress. Obviously, it suits the rest of the traitorous GOP -- which ferociously opposed him -- to pretend that Trump's election had nothing to do with immigration. I don't know about a lot of things. I don't know which part of their bodies women will let you grab if you're a rich celebrity. I don't know how to play a wind instrument. But when everyone else said Trump was a joke, I said, nope, he's going to be our next president. If anyone is telling Trump that a "virtual wall," drones, a conga line or a "Don't Cross!" sign are as good as a wall, he can get his stock tips from them, but not his political advice. If Trump doesn't get that wall built, and fast, his base will be done with him and feed him to Robert Mueller. COPYRIGHT 2017 ANN COULTER DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION
U2’s St. Louis Concert Cancelled; Fans Offered Refunds Getty Bono and the Edge are seen playing a set in honor of the new iPod in 2004. (Getty) U2 has cancelled its September 16 concert in St. Louis, Missouri after a night of unrest over a police officer’s acquittal that saw rocks thrown at officers, injuries, and arrests. The mayor’s house was damaged, and a public library’s windows smashed, among the other developments. In the midst of all of this, U2 wrote on Saturday morning on Twitter: “Tonight’s St. Louis Show Cancelled ‘We cannot risk fans’ safety.” The iconic band released a lengthy statementexplaining the decision to no longer play at The Dome America Center. It was posted to U2’s website and reads: Live Nation and U2 regrettably announce their St. Louis show scheduled for tonight, September 16, 2017 has been cancelled. “We have been informed by the St. Louis Police Department that they are not in a position to provide the standard protection for our audience as would be expected for an event of this size. We have also been informed that local crowd security personnel would not be at full capacity. In light of this information, we cannot in good conscience risk our fans’ safety by proceeding with tonight’s concert. As much as we regret having to cancel, we feel it is the only acceptable course of action in the current environment.” – Live Nation and U2 Fans who purchased tickets online will receive a refund on the credit card tickets were ordered on. Refunds for non-internet purchases will be available starting Monday at 10am at point of purchase. Here’s the band’s tweet on the cancellation: Here’s some of the reaction on Twitter. Some people expressed sadness, others said they were angry (at those causing the unrest, at U2), and others wanted the band to make a social statement. The concert being cancelled upset fans on social media, but it was just one of multiple closings in St. Louis because of riots and protests over a judge’s acquittalof a white police officer in the shooting death of an African-American man, Anthony Lamar Smith. Prosecutors had argued that the former police officer, Jason Stockley, planted a gun after the shooting, something he denied.
Hillary Clinton to Colbert: Putin "Had A Personal Grudge Against Me," "Partly Because I'm A Woman"Hillary Clinton continued her book publicity tour Tuesday night on CBS’ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. "I don't take it personally," Clinton said. "I see it as I was doing my job. I was honored to speak out on behalf of American values and our democracy." Transcript: STEPHEN COLBERT: Folks, I am terribly excited, because she was first a First Lady, then a Senator, then Secretary of State, and I would have bet anything the next President of the United States. Please welcome Hillary Rodham Clinton! [audience cheers and applause as Hillary Clinton walks out; she shakes Stephen Colbert's hand as they greet each other warmly; a large part of the audience gives her a standing ovation; she takes her seat on stage to extended cheers and applause] COLBERT: Thank you so much for being here. CLINTON: Oh, Stephen, it's good to see you. COLBERT: It's good to see you. It's an honor to have you here. CLINTON: Thanks! COLBERT: You have a new book. It's called "What Happened." And I don't know how else to start this interview, other than saying: What happened?! [audience laughter; Clinton laughs] What happened? CLINTON: Well, that's the question I try to answer. COLBERT: Okay. CLINTON: Yeah, because it was the question I asked myself starting on election night. COLBERT: Mm-hmm. CLINTON: And I started— COLBERT: What time on election night? [audience laughter] CLINTON: Ugh! Well, as I write in the book: Midnight. [shrugs] Midnight. COLBERT: Yeah, I remember. CLINTON: The dark time of the soul. Midnight. [audience laughter] COLBERT: Yeah, I'm waiting for it to not be midnight soon. [audience laughter] CLINTON: Yeah, right. And so I — I was asking it like you just said: What happened?! You know? And I figured, maybe I'd better try to find out, to figure it out. So that's why I dove into this book. It was, ah, very painful and difficult, but, at the end, I really feel like I've done my very best to lay out what happened so that it doesn't happen again. I mean, that's my primary goal here is so that it doesn't happen again. [lengthy audience cheers and applause] COLBERT: Well, a lot of people have said, "Oh, I, boy, I wish Hillary Clinton would just go away." CLINTON: Yeah. COLBERT: "Just go away." CLINTON: Well, you know, if they take up a collection and send me somewhere really nice— [audience laughter] COLBERT: Really? [chuckles] CLINTON: I might consider it! COLBERT: Really? Yeah! CLINTON: But it, you know— COLBERT: Obama's on David Geffen's yacht a lot. You could go with him. [audience laughter] CLINTON: [shrugs] Well, you know, I — I am not going anywhere. [massive audience applause] COLBERT: Well, I'm glad you're not! CLINTON: So. [extended audience cheers and applause; Clinton smiles and chuckles] COLBERT: I agree. At first I could understand some of those calls — people saying like, "The Republicans are tearing themselves apart; don't give them, you know, someone to rally around in opposition to," because you are a convenient figure for them to unite against. CLINTON: Right. COLBERT: But I actually do not think that's how what's happening to our government is going to be stopped. I think it's people who are willing to be civically engaged and believe in the promises and the progress of the last fifty years that will save this country. CLINTON: I agree completely— COLBERT: So thank you so much for not going away. CLINTON: —absolutely completely! COLBERT: But wait a second: It must not have been easy. CLINTON: No. COLBERT: It must not have been easy to write this book. CLINTON: It — it wasn't easy! I mean, it was painful. It was horrible reliving it, and, you know, being as candid, open as I could be about the mistakes I made and talking about those. But also trying to come to grips, as I write in the book, about everything from, you know, sexism and misogyny, to voter suppression, to the unusual behavior of the former director of the FBI, and the Russians. And the Russians! — and you have been sounding the alarm about this — because I believe so strongly that they think they succeeded in messing with our democracy, and I just can't abide that, so— COLBERT: Do you think they succeeded in messing with our democracy? CLINTON: Yes I do. I do. I do. Because— COLBERT: To what degree? Like, influencing the vote? Or influencing opinion? CLINTON: Influencing voters, and therefore influencing opinion, I think is becoming clearer and clearer. I don't know what the Congressional investigations and I don't know what the Special Counsel investigation are going to find; I'm gonna wait for that. But I don't think anybody can with a straight face say that the Russians did not set out to influence our election, and they did so. This latest revelation about the way they bought ads on Facebook and targeted them — we're gonna find out a lot more, Stephen. And I am saying as clearly as I can — I feel like I'm a bit of a, you know, a Paula Revere; I'm trying to sound the alarm about this [audience laughter and applause] — is that the— You know, you've gotta understand what Putin's strategy is. He really doesn't like democracy. He thinks it's an inconvenient, messy process. And he doesn't like us, and he wants to destabilize our country; sow doubt about our democracy. I mean, these latest revelations, where you had Russians pretending to be Americans — so you had fake Americans, with fake news, and fake stories, and fake demonstrations — that wasn't just because he's bored and has nothing to do. He wants to undermine how we see each other, how we respect each other, how we support our institutions and our society. So, I think that they believe they had a good outing in twenty-sixteen, and I think that they will be back in twenty-eighteen and twenty-twenty, unless we stop them. [audience applause] COLBERT: Now, you mentioned that he — that Putin doesn't like democracy and he doesn't like America; part of the speculation is that he specifically doesn't like you. Do you think this was personal on a certain level? CLINTON: I think it was mostly about the role I played as Secretary of State, which he did morph into a grudge against me, because I would say things like, you know, "The Russian people deserve free and fair elections. They deserve to have a democracy." COLBERT: Questioning the legitimacy of his election in two-thousand eleven. CLINTON: The parliamentary elections, that's right. And, so, our intelligence community and others have said that he did have a personal grudge against me— You know, I don't take it personally. I think it's part of his worldview, which is all tied up with his anger, his disappointment in the collapse of the Soviet Union, and his feeling that we're his number one rival — he wants to really undermine the European-American alliance. And so I see it as: I was doing my job — I was honored to do my job, to stand up and speak out on behalf of American values and our democracy — and, partly because I'm a woman, which does seem to get him a bit agitated— [audience cheers and applause] And he actually has said that, um, some things about that— COLBERT: Has he — did he ever say anything to you personally that demonstrated his misogyny? CLINTON: Well, he demonstrated— As I write in the book, you know, there's an expression, we certainly know it in New York, called manspreading. [audience laughter] COLBERT: [chuckling] Yes. CLINTON: And every time I met with him, it would be— [spreads her arms and flops back in her chair, taking up lots of space] Okay? [audience laughter] The whole deal! And, so, I'd go to meetings with him— One in particular, we were in his dacha outside of Moscow, and the press comes in, and he just berates America about one of the many things that annoys him about us, and then the press leaves, and I've got four or five things we're trying to deal with him and Russia on — and I always came to my meetings with him trying to find something that I could actually engage him about. So, we went through the economy and human rights and all these other things that are critically important, and he was, you know— [mimes staring off into space] Like, as President Obama once said, like the bored guy in the back of the room. He couldn't care less. Then I said: "You know, I am really pleased to hear that you care about wildlife conservation, and that you are trying to save species in Russia, like Siberian tigers and polar bears." Then he came alive! And then we had an interesting conversation, so— COLBERT: [mimicking Putin] "I wrestle polar bears!" [audience laughter] CLINTON: Yeah! "I wrestle po—" No, he said to me, so he said: "Come with me!" He takes me down the stairs, down this corridor, into the door — all of his security guys are jumping up, because we weren't expected — into this inner sanctum with this huge desk and the biggest map of Russia I think exists, and he started telling me he's "going here to tag polar bears." And then he says to me: "Would your husband like to come?" [audience gasps and laughter; Clinton grins broadly] And I said, "Well, you know, I'll ask him, but, if he's busy, I'll go!" [she grins as the audience cheers] COLBERT: We're gonna take a little break, and when we come back, Secretary Clinton and I just might break out the chardonnay.
Police: Knightdale man stabbed in head, neck during domestic disputePlease sign in with your account to comment on this story. You also will need a Facebook account to comment. Oldest First I think WRAL should be ashamed! How can you just assume this person is a man? What if that is not the pronoun they choose for themselves and here you are all over your story just, "Man", "his", "he".I mean what you've basically done is committed a terroristic act on trans-non-binary people everywhere. You should post a public apology because I'm literally autistic and this makes me want to cry. I'm not even joking right now! I cannot believe how insensitive this story is!If this were California, you'd be in jail right now!! Just when I have a sliver of faith in humanity, I go and read WRAL story comments. Good job being horrible people. That is one creepy looking "guy." So Democrats want their daughters to be okay with going to the restroom with this guy? Where does the story say anything about anyone using a female restroom? it possible for them to assault each other and never trigger an "assault on a female" charge that often coincides with domestic disputes? Oldest First
What Happens to the @POTUS Twitter After Obama Leaves?President Obama won't just be handing over the keys to the Oval Office in January — he will also be relinquishing the all-important @POTUS Twitter account. Obama is the first sitting president to join Twitter, making this transition unprecedented. However, there's already a plan for what happens next. On January 20, 2017, when either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton takes office, they'll gain access to the @POTUS account and its 11 million followers, according to Twitter. The National Archives and Records Administration will also archive other Twitter handles, including @WhiteHouse, @VP, and @PressSec, according to Twitter. One big question mark is what will happen to the @FLOTUS Twitter account. While it's also included in the transition, it's possible Twitter may need to change that to @FMOTUS come January 20 if we elect our first female president.
Statue of the Unknown Soldier Possibly Pushed Down in Park in LongviewThe Veterans Recognition Foundation built Veterans Park in Longview, Texas to serve as a thank you for the work of veterans in all branches of the military and as a reminder of their sacrifice. Unfortunately, something happened earlier this week in the park that has deeply upset many veterans and visitors. The Longview News-Journal reports that the statue of the Unknown Solider has been destroyed. Air Force veteran David Applewhite posted a photo to Facebook saying, “One of the statues guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument has been pushed over by vandals at the Veterans Plaza in Longview! Was not young children who did this!” Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any news on who could have ruined the statue, nor if this was definitely an act of vandalism. Some are speculating that it could have been the result of a structural failure in a weak part of the sculpture. Several Longview residents are expressing their anger on social media, calling for all kinds of punishments for the vandals. Others are just hoping to see the statue repaired as quickly as possible. The Veterans Plaza website has a “ support” page where they accept donations to rebuild what was lost.
The Prime Minister should not wait to trigger Article 50, writes Stephen PollardEver since last week’s High Court judgment threw a spanner in the works of the Government’s plan to use the Royal Prerogative to trigger Article 50 there have been all sorts of rumours and suggestions as to how the Government is going to deliver Brexit. Theresa May has already said she will appeal to the Supreme Court. Brexit Secretary David Davis confirmed this in the Commons on Monday. Another suggestion is to bring forward a Bill that specifically rejects the High Court’s ruling and hands the Government the power to act alone. Or there’s the idea of a simple one-line Bill to trigger Article 50 itself. And those are just the more obvious ideas. There seem to be as many different theories and suggestions as there are EU members. The moment we trigger Article 50 the clock starts ticking and we know we will leave the EU 24 months later, deal or no deal. Brexit will mean Brexit Things would be so much better if, as in the joke, we didn’t have to start from here. Or, to put it another way, if Mrs May had done what her predecessor had suggested should happen. Because for all his faults David Cameron got one thing bang on. Back in February, when he was setting out to MPs the details of the pathetic “deal” he had negotiated with the EU, Mr Cameron made clear what he thought would and should happen if we voted for Brexit: “If the British people vote to leave there is only one way to bring that about, namely to trigger Article 50 of the treaties and begin the process of exit and the British people would rightly expect that to start straightaway.” The referendum took place in June. Theresa May’s plan is to trigger Article 50 by the end of March next year. Even if she sticks to that timetable that will have been a nine-month wait. By no stretch of the imagination can that be described as triggering Article 50 “straightaway”. Mr Davis confirmed that Mrs May has already said she will appeal to the Supreme Court But Mr Cameron was clearly right that the British people would expect the process to have started straightaway. With hindsight it is surely now clear to everyone who isn’t plotting to stop Brexit – and was clear after the referendum to many of us – that Mrs May should have done what Mr Cameron said would happen and triggered Article 50 as soon as she entered Downing Street. Indeed he might even have done so himself. Imagine how different things would now be. Instead of politics being consumed with questions of procedure and timing – almost all of which are fig leaves pushed by Remainers who don’t want us to leave – and instead of the Remainers being handed ever more time to plot how they can frustrate the will of the British people, the path would have been set and the referendum result honoured. Straightaway. The moment we trigger Article 50 the clock starts ticking and we know we will leave the EU 24 months later, deal or no deal. Brexit will mean Brexit. Unless there is a unanimous decision by the rest of the EU to change that timetable nothing can alter that. So that’s what should have happened. But the fact that it didn’t doesn’t mean there aren’t important lessons for the future as to what should now happen and how we can avoid a further mess. Mrs May repeated after the High Court ruling that she still plans to trigger Article 50 by the end of March. The crucial word here is “by”. That doesn’t necessarily mean waiting until March. It means making sure it’s done by March, which could mean acting now. And there are compelling reasons why she should put a stop to the uncertainty and trigger Article 50 now. Most obviously it would destroy the Remainers’ attempts to keep us in. They are playing for time. They have been doing that since the vote and will continue doing so for as long as they can. Their hope is that the longer they delay Article 50 being triggered, the more they can make a case that the referendum result is no longer valid. Make no mistake about this: they will do whatever they can to stop Article 50 coming into force. That’s just one reason why appealing to the Supreme Court carries a huge risk: that the Government might lose. The Remainers who brought the case are using the language of parliamentary scrutiny because it sounds appropriate and modest. But their goal isn’t scrutiny: it’s destruction. They want to destroy the referendum result. And handing them any victory, especially from the Supreme Court, is unnecessary and unwise. Wed, September 14, 2016 Britain has voted to leave the EU. So who's next? We look at which European countries want to hold their own EU referendum. Frexit, Nexit or Auxit? Who will be next to leave the EU On Monday the Brexit Secretary confirmed in the Commons that the Government could introduce a one-line Bill triggering Article 50 now, bypassing any Supreme Court decision. The Remainers would then be put on the spot and their plots exposed. Voting against triggering Article 50 would reveal their real agenda of ignoring the referendum result. They would doubtless seek to amend the Bill and use every parliamentary device at their disposal. But their motives would be obvious and the wiser among them would surely realise the huge risk they were running with democracy itself. They would in reality have no choice but to accept the result of the referendum and implement Article 50 – or risk sticking two fingers up to the very idea of a sovereign people. And even the Remainers, surely, are not that wilful.
Police issue suspicious device warning to people living in Dungiven The PSNI issued the warning on Thursday afternoon. The PSNI has urged people living in Dungiven to be vigilant as a device "may have been left in the area". The warning was issued by the PSNI on Thursday afternoon. Inspector Johnny Hunter said: “It follows information that a device may have been left in the area. Police are carrying out a number of enquiries and would ask anyone who finds anything suspicious to report it to police immediately.” More to follow.
Philly cheesesteak joint started by Italian immigrants removes iconic ‘This is America – Speak English’ signWhen the removal of a sign becomes a sign of the times… In the open border utopia ushered in by President Barack Obama, it’s no longer socially acceptable to think Americans speak English and thus, down comes a famous sign at Geno’s Steaks in South Philly. More from Fox News: Geno’s has held its prominent location at South Philadelphia’s ‘cheesesteak junction’, at the diagonal meeting of 9th and Passyunk–and across from cheesesteak originator “Pat’s”, since 1966, but Vento’s contentious sign set it apart from the rest. Joey Vento, who died in 2011 at age 71, drew regional and national attention over his “This is America, When Ordering Speak English” sign posted to the walk-up window at ‘Geno’s’. After Vento’s death, his son Geno, named for his father’s shop, apparently decided to take the sign down. SEE ALSO: Dana Perino Erupts ‘Like Mount Vesuvius’: ‘After 20 Years Of Defending These Guys … Done!’ Turns out, the descendant of Italian immigrants never refused service to anyone and said he posted the sign as political commentary on illegal immigration, according to Fox News. Geno’s Steaks released a statement on the removal of the sign, saying it’s time to move on. “While Geno continues to honor his father’s traditions of good quality food, cleanliness and giving back to the community, he has decided that after 10 years it is time to move on,” the statement said. “It’s not about the sign. It’s about what you do and what your mark in life is, and Geno wants to change that mark in life.” Geno’s was in the news recently when GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, who is strongly opposed to illegal immigration, came by for a cheesesteak while campaigning.
Top 10 Best Hillary Clinton Quotes of All Time Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Des Moines As Early Voting Begins In Iowa The final full day of campaigning is over, and on Tuesday, Americans will determine which candidate will be the next president of the United States. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton appeared in Michigan on Monday, while Republican candidate Donald Trump made his way to Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Although Trump has provided America with some colorful statements on the subjects of race, wealth, women, and politics, Clinton has also made some contentious remarks that have divided the public. Read on for a list of Clinton's top 10 best quotes of all time. (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D Hillary Clinton Addresses Nat'l Education Association Representative Assembly "I call it 'Trumped Up, Trickle Down' because that's exactly what it would be." - First presidential debate (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Hillary Clinton And President Obama Speak At The Congressional Black Caucus' Annual Phoenix Awards "Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” - Rally for Martha Coakley in Boston (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D Hillary Clinton Campaigns On Labor Day In Ohio And Iowa “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” - Speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008 (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Final Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Held In Las Vegas Hillary Clinton Hillary served as the 67th Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, and was a junior Senator for New York between 2001 and 2009. As the wife of former President Bill Clinton, Hillary served as First Lady from 1993 to 2001. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947, and her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, managed a small textile business. Clinton's mother, Dorothy Emma Howell, was a homemaker. The former first lady has two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony. (Getty) Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Philadelphia “I hope the fact checkers are turning up the volume and really working hard.” - First presidential debate (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Face Off In First Presidential Debate At Hofstra University "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life." - March 26, 1992, Interview with Ted Koppel (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Hillary Clinton Holds Primary Night Event In Brooklyn, New York "The great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president." - NBC's Today Show (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Hillary Clinton Holds Early Voting Rallies In Iowa "If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle." – 1995 (Getty) Join over 240,000 people who get the most important news stories and the best shopping deals from Heavy – Delivered right to your inbox. 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Charlotte, North Carolina "We need a new politics of meaning ... we are part of something bigger than ourselves." - 1993, speaking at University of Texas (Getty) 3 Comments ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D ELECTION IN AMERICA 2016 = = = H D
David Brooks: The Abbie Hoffman of the Right: Donald TrumpIt has to be admitted that Donald Trump is doing exactly what he was elected to do. He was not elected to be a legislative president. He never showed any real interest in policy during the campaign. He was elected to be a cultural president. He was elected to shred the dominant American culture and to give voice to those who felt voiceless in that culture. He’s doing that every day. What’s troubling to me is that those who are the targets of his assaults seem to have no clue about what is going on. When they feel the most righteous, like this past weekend, they are actually losing and in the most peril. Let me try to explain what I think is happening: After World War II the Protestant establishment dominated the high ground of American culture and politics. That establishment eventually failed. It tolerated segregation and sexism, led the nation into war in Vietnam and became stultifying. So in the late 1960s along came a group of provocateurs like Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and the rest of the counterculture to upend the Protestant establishment. People like Hoffman were buffoons, but also masters of political theater. They never attracted majority support for their antics, but they didn’t have to. All they had to do was provoke, offend the crew-cut crowd, generate outrage and set off a cycle that ripped apart the cultural consensus. The late 1960s were a time of intense cultural conflict, which left a lot of wreckage in its wake. But eventually a new establishment came into being, which we will call the meritocratic establishment. These were the tame heirs to Hoffman and Rubin. They were well educated. They cut their moral teeth on the civil rights and feminist movements. They embraced economic, social and moral individualism. They came to dominate the institutions of American society on both left and right. Hillary Clinton is part of this more educated cohort. So are parts of the conservative establishment. If you’re reading this newspaper, you probably are, too, as am I. This establishment, too, has had its failures. It created an economy that benefits itself and leaves everybody else out. It led America into war in Iraq and sent the working class off to fight it. It has developed its own brand of cultural snobbery. Its media, film and music industries make members of the working class feel invisible and disrespected. So in 2016, members of the outraged working class elected their own Abbie Hoffman as president. Trump is not good at much, but he is wickedly good at sticking his thumb in the eye of the educated elites. He doesn’t have to build a new culture, or even attract a majority. He just has to tear down the old one. That’s exactly what he’s doing. Donald Trump came into a segmenting culture and he is further tearing apart every fissure. He has a nose for every wound in the body politic and day after day he sticks a red-hot poker in one wound or another and rips it open. Day by day Trump is turning us into a nation of different planets. Each planet feels more righteous about itself and is more isolated from and offended by the other planets. The members of the educated class saw this past weekend’s NFL fracas as a fight over racism. They felt mobilized and unified in that fight and full of righteous energy. Members of the working class saw the fracas as a fight about American identity. They saw Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin try to dissuade Alejandro Villanueva, a three-time combat veteran, from celebrating the flag he risked his life for. Members of this class also felt mobilized, unified and full of righteous energy. I don’t know which planet is bigger, or which would win an election, but that frankly doesn’t matter. All that matters is that Trump is shredding the culture and ending the dominance of the meritocratic establishment. He continually goes after racial matters in part because he’s a bigot but also in part because multiculturalism is the theology of the educated class and it’s the leverage point he can most effectively use to isolate the educated class from everyone else. He is so destructive because his enemies help him. He ramps up the aggression. His enemies ramp it up more, to preserve their own dignity. But the ensuing cultural violence only serves Trump’s long-term destructive purpose. America is seeing nearly as much cultural conflict as it did in the late 1960s. It’s quite possible that after four years of this Trump will have effectively destroyed the prevailing culture. The reign of the meritocratic establishment will be just as over as the reign of the Protestant establishment now is. Of course Donald Trump is a buffoon. Buffoonery is his most effective weapon. Because of him, a new culture will have to be built, new values promulgated and a new social fabric will have to be woven, one that brings the different planets back into relation with one another. That’s the work of the next 20 years.
This Police Department Found Out Employees Were Radical Racists After Someone Aired Them Out On FacebookQuick: what is the appropriate response to the stabbing death of a human? And let's just never mind the fact that the stabbing was completely random and unprovoked. Or that the victim just happened to be days away from graduating from Bowie State University and had recently been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army and was preparing to move to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for training in defending the country against chemical attacks. What is important here, since it seems to be the only thing that is ever important in these situations, is that the victim - Richard Collins III, 23 - was Black. His murderer, Christopher Urbanski, 22, who saw fit to plunge a knife into Collins's chest for reasons no one apparently knows but the FBI is investigating as a "possible" (possible!!!) hate crime, is white. Save Yes, "possible." As a matter of fact, Urbanski, who was charged with assault and first- and second-degree murder and is being held without bail, is a member of the white supremacist Facebook group Alt-Reich: Nation, according to NBC 4 Washington. So yes, it is fair to say that it is certainly "possible" this was a hate crime. Ah, but the story doesn't end there, because why would it. After Collins died, a civilian employee of the Anne Arundel County Police Department in Maryland took to social media to praise the act. Welby Burgone, a police-academy recruit and obvious national treasure in Trump's America, worked in the Anne Arundel County Police Department’s communications department as a civilian employee. He was also a classmate and presumable "boy" of Urbanski's. When one Matt Worth posted on Twitter: "Fuck Yeah Sean!!!! That’s what happens when n***as try and get frosty with an OG. Talk shit, stabbed, lol." To which Burgone replied with a meme that he apparently found funny, even though it objectively isn't funny under ANY circumstances, and certainly not when it refers to the slaying of a fellow human being. Save Thankfully, because sometimes the world isn't a completely awful place, the Anne Arundel Police Department also didn't find it funny and immediately suspended Burgone, issuing the following statement: "The actions of this employee are a betrayal of the values of the Anne Arundel County Police Department. Any employee who espouses or supports hateful or racist ideology will be held accountable and we will not allow the public’s trust in their police department to be eroded." This person is, however, still alive and freely roaming the streets being a good ol' 'Murican and contributing to the "dialogue" on his possible pro-hate crime radical extremist white supremacist group, and will go on to find employment elsewhere and ban together with like-minded fragile white men and possibly even reproduce and indoctrinate his progeny into his viciously racist ideology, all the while hiding behind his God and guns, so, awesome. Honestly it's hard to say what the most disturbing part of this story even is.
Three House Democrats introduced a resolution to censure Trump over CharlottesvilleThree House Democrats on Wednesday introduced a resolution to censure and condemn President Trump over his response to recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. The measure was introduced by Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ), Jerry Nadler (NY) and Pramila Jayapal (WA). The trio’s resolution calls for Trump’s censure over his “inadequate response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.” The proposal also cites Trump for “his failure to immediately and specifically name and condemn the groups responsible for actions of domestic terrorism” in Charlottesville. The group’s resolution additionally demands that Trump “fire any and all advisors who have urged him to cater to the alt-Right movement in the United State.” The document criticizes Trump “for employing people with ties to white supremacist movements in the White House.” White House officials with ties to white supremacy include chief strategist Steve Bannon and national security aide Sebastian Gorka, according to the resolution. Bannon previously served as the executive chairman of Breitbart, which he characterized as “the platform for the alt-right” last year. Gorka formerly worked as a national security editor at Breitbart, an outlet which has faced accusations of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and misogyny. Trump insisted Tuesday that there is “blame on both sides” for bloodshed in Charlottesville last weekend. “What about the alt-left that came charging at the – as you say, the alt-right?” he asked a reporter. “Do they have any semblance of guilt?” “What about the fact they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs?” Trump continued at Trump Tower in New York City. “Do they have any problem? I think they do.” “I have condemned neo-Nazis. I have condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me.” White nationalists descended upon Charlottesville last weekend to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. One person died last Saturday when a car drove into people protesting the white nationalists in the city. Two other Virginia State Police Department officers were killed the same day in a helicopter crash authorities linked to the unrest.
CNN Commentator: Trump Thinks 'He Is a Slave Master of Black People'Apparently, condemning the NFL's kneeling protests of the national anthem is a step too far for CNN commentator Keith Boykin. He believes that, because of President Trump's tweeting, he sees an anti African-American trend -- that Trump is a racist puppet master, attempting to pull the strings on the black community. Boykin said, "We have a white supremacist president of the United States. He's encouraging white supremacists." And the CNN host even called him out for saying that, questioning whether he could back up that statement. But, then he said something even more radical: It's not about respect for the flag. It's about fanning the flames of racial hatred and this president is a master of that and that's the reason why he’s playing plantation politics. He thinks apparently that he is a slave master of black people in the NFL, of black people in the country.
Are All Men Supposed To Be Financially Buoyant? Lady Warns Women Who Broke-Shame MenA lady identified as Monisola (@Monaayy), has taken to the social networking platform to talk down on women who are in the habit of broke-shaming men. There is a mentality in this part of the world which has led to a lot of unrealistic expectations from women who believe it is their entitlement to be taken care of and to be with a wealthy men and as a result of this, they tend to look down on struggling men. The lady who appears to be fed up with this mentality, took to the online platform to share her opinion concerning the issue. She wrote:“I’m sick of broke shaming. It is obnoxious and cruel. To expect a man to be financially buoyant simply because he’s a man is just as offensive as expecting a woman to cook and clean simply because she’s a woman. Not every man has deep pockets .” “If we’re kicking against patriarchal norms then we can’t *expect* men to be rich because they’re men, especially if you as a woman don’t even have your own money! That’s a disgraceful double standard. If you don’t want the validity of your womanhood to be evaluated based on your domestic prowess, then stop devaluing men for being “broke”. “Everyone is on their personal journey. He’ll get there when he gets there. If you don’t want to date a man without money, fine, you have every right to make that choice. But don’t shame him for his financial status. “That is cruel. Money does not grow on trees. I even see women shaming men for being in the exact same financial position as them and honestly I’m embarrassed. Don’t be hungry please.” The post which went viral on social media, received several reactions from people who seemed to be in agreement with her post. Read the thread in full below; Stay updated with the latest Nigerian news from Information Nigeria Trending Today
Celebrities’ Political Affiliations Michael Buckner/Getty Images LL Cool J (Independent) Although he attended the 2004 Republican National Convention, and supported the GOP’s former gubernatorial candidate for New York state in 2002, the Bay Shore, NY native told Piers Morgan earlier this year that he’s actually an Independent. The Rock (Republican) WWE superstar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is a registered Republican, and was reportedly invited to speak at the 2000 Republican National Convention. Shannen Doherty (Republican) "I realize that the majority of people in the entertainment business happen to be Democrats," Doherty has said about her conservative views. "I have no problem with that. And they should have no problem with the fact that I'm a Republican." Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt (Republicans) The Hills pot-stirrers were big McCain-Palin supporters in 2008. "I'm voting for John McCain," Montag told Us Weekly in 2008. "I'm a Republican and McCain has a lot of experience." Still, the pair weren't going to let their candidate's defeat by Barack Obama bring them down. "We're behind America and America's decision," Pratt told MTV News. "You win some, you lose some." LeAnn Rimes (Independent) Performing at GOP fundraisers does not a Republican make, according to Rimes. When asked via Twitter last year why she agreed to participate in a Republican fundraiser in Washington, D.C., she replied, "It's a job! I'm entertainment, not making a political stance," and added that she performed at the Democratic convention years ago and for Clinton "several times." Heather Locklear (Republican) The former Melrose Place scene-stealer is a registered member of the Republican party.
Trump: Comey ‘lied and leaked’ and protected Clinton U.S. President Donald Trump, left, shakes hands with James Comey in January 2017 | Pool photo by Andrew Harrer/Getty Images President Donald Trump said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey “lied and leaked” information and ultimately protected Hillary Clinton, while also questioning the credibility of the FBI’s probe into her email. Trump’s early morning tweets come in the wake of news that the bureau’s former director had drafted a statement exonerating Clinton before the investigation was over. “Wow, FBI confirms report that James Comey drafted letter exonerating Crooked Hillary Clinton long before investigation was complete. Many people not interviewed, including Clinton herself,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Comey stated under oath that he didn’t do this-obviously a fix? Where is Justice Dept?” “As it has turned out, James Comey lied and leaked and totally protected Hillary Clinton. He was the best thing that ever happened to her!” the president added later. Newsweek reported Monday on documents released by the FBI that included an email sent on May 2, 2016, by Comey to other FBI officials that included a file titled “Drafts of Director Comeys July 5, 2016 Statement Regarding Email Server Investigation Part 01 of 01.” Despite Comey having already drafted a statement on the investigation into Clinton’s email practices while at the State Department, the probe would continue on for months. Clinton herself was not interviewed until July 2, 2016, three days before Comey held a press conference to announce that the FBI would not recommend filing charges against the former secretary of state. That Comey had drafted a statement exonerating Clinton with months to go before the completion of the investigation has raised concern among Republicans on Capitol Hill, including Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who wrote a letter to current FBI Director Christopher Wray noting that “the outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts.” While the president has complained that Comey was too easy on Clinton, the former secretary of state has made no secret that she believes it was Comey’s late October 2016, announcement that the bureau was examining potentially fresh evidence related to the email investigation that cost her the election. The evidence examined by the bureau came up fruitless, but Clinton has complained that the resurfacing of the scandal so close to Election Day reintroduced doubt into voters’ minds. Trump, who reveled in the bureau’s investigation into Clinton throughout the campaign, fired Comey last May, a move the White House initially said was based on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s assessment of Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation. Trump later conceded that he had already made his mind up to fire Comey before receiving Rosenstein’s recommendation and that he had made the decision with the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election weighing on his mind.
Harvey Weinstein Has Destroyed Hollywood -- Now What?Hollywood will not easily recover from Harvey Weinstein -- not for a long time. The hypocrisy level has hit Defcon 1, 9.9 on the Richter scale. Hollywood’s politics have always been a self-serving charade, a liberal masquerade for a rapacious and lubricious lifestyle. But now, thanks to the Weinstein scandal, we see it more clearly than ever. And it couldn't be more repellent. (I had always thought Bill Clinton would have made the greatest studio executive of all time. Now I'm convinced of it.) If conservative investors had any courage, this would be the time to make a hostile takeover of the movie business. Unfortunately, they don’t. I know this from bitter personal experience. Wealthy conservatives are delighted to support the Philharmonic, but when it comes to popular culture they turn away, as if afraid to get their hands dirty. That this is a huge mistake should be obvious. They have abandoned the culture -- and our children -- to the creepiest people imaginable. What is going on in Hollywood is far from being just about Harvey. It’s approaching a pandemic. So many previously silent assaulted or raped women are coming out of the woodwork, it seems like a long-belated remake of “Cheaper by the Dozen.” No one knows who will be next or if it will stop at Harvey. The rot is everywhere, even, perhaps especially, in the precincts of “high art.” Gwyneth Paltrow says now is the time to put an end to these attacks on women. But where was she years ago when Harvey got “handsy” with her? Looking the other way while earning millions and garnering Oscars. Meryl Streep claimed she was clueless about Weinstein’s repulsive antics. Time to award her her greatest Oscar yet -- for playing someone deaf, dumb, and blind while living as a troglodyte in the Gobi desert. Either the woman’s a liar or an utter nincompoop. I’ll go with the former. As for the great feminist George Clooney -- the first male star out of the box to condemn Weinstein’s behavior -- let’s give him the Nobel Prize in virtue signaling. By coming forward, he was able to ace out his competition -- Howard Zinn-loving Matt Damon, who disgraced himself forever by covering up for Harvey a decade ago. (For those who may have missed it in the onslaught of sleazy details, Damon assured then New York Times reporter Sharon Waxman that Miramax’s high-paid Italian representative was a genuine “creative film executive” and not Harvey’s European procurer, as was, evidently correctly, rumored. Damon is the same “progressive” movie star who makes films opposing school choice for the masses while living in a thirty million dollar house and sending his kids to private school. I take it back -- maybe we should give him the Nobel in virtue signaling.)