Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#9 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary
How are you guys? The 2005 earthquake in Pakistan actually happened because of a "U.S. conspiracy." The U.S. had "triggered a huge underground explosion" near Muzaffarabad and Balakot. It was "not a natural disaster." It was actually a "weapon test." "Man never actually set foot on the moon." "The moon landing video of July 16, 1969 is fake." It was a "conspiracy film" by NASA and Hollywood direcotrs. It was a conspiracy to degrade Russia. . Similarly, "9/11 was done" by America itself to use it as an excuse to attack the Muslim world. A very popular conspiracy theory in Pakistan is about polio vaccination. It says that the polio vaccination is, in reality, a "U.S. conspiracy." The Americans want to sterilize the Muslims to reduce their population and weaken their ability to rule the world. "Then the world is flat not round." Bin Laden is alive in an American safe house and the world is run by a secret organization called Illuminati. You must have read or heard many such conspiracy theories. But the question is, where do these theories come from? Are they true? How can we judge their falsehood? How can we prove that a certain theory is right or wrong? We will discuss all these issues in this Vlog. Actually, human brain have a special thought pattern. It wants to know the reason behind every event. It also wants to know the basic purpose of the conspiratorial forces behind this incident. It can't be satisfied without understanding these 2 things. It is called "cause and effect" in philosophy. So the human brain thinks in the form of cause and effect. It means that why did the event happen and what was its effect? Let's understand this with an example. More than half of the world's population has faced it. You might have experienced that in your dream you want to run but can't. Or you are lying down and someone is sitting on your chest. You want to scream but no sound comes out. Some people see an old woman and some a hunchbacked old man. Who is sitting on his/her chest. It is mostly seen in teenage children or women. Well, for hundreds of thousands of years, man was observing this frightening phenomenon. But he didn't seem to understand the matter. So he was seeing an effect, that was happening to his body. But he was unable to find the reason behind it? He can't understand why is this happening to him? In those days, humans weren't modern enough to share their experiences and draw scientific conclusions. That's why the humans couldn't understand its reason. However, its thought pattern forced him to look for answers. So, the human mind made up stories to explain cause and effects. Such stories satisfied the curious human mind. People of every era and civilization have created their own stories of the terrifying dream. In South Asia, it was believed to be a monster. The monster supposedly climbed onto your chest in the night. People used amulets and spells to get rid of the monster. Even patients were forced to inhale smoke because they were supposedly bewitched by someone. Some thought that their souls were captured by giants. Now humans had a problem. So, humans had no way to know the cause. So they created a story on their own. But the human mind didn't stop there. It wanted to know who had cast this spell on him? He thought that some of his enemies or jealous relatives were behind this. So its thought pattern was satisfied. It understood the effect and the cause behind it. Than it also supposedly found out a purpose behind it. But soon the medical science made new discoveries. It told us that this was not magic but a common disease called "Sleep Paralysis." So, we discovered the real cause of this disease was the paralysis effect. This discovery ended the myth. At least in a logical mind this has no place. Now let me tell you that sleep paralysis is a curable disease now. Better sleeping pattern, medication and pre-bedtime activities solve this problem. Some psychological counseling also helps. Any good doctor will tell you the cure. This was a very simple example. It shows that this is the built-in nature of humans t
[MUSIC PLAYING] PRESENTER: Welcome everyone to 10250. We also have people in 4270 and 4370. Hello, if you can see me. We'd like to welcome everyone. This is a really important occasion. We're on the eve of war. So thank you for being here. This is MIT's second evening of events sponsored by the MIT's Initiative of Peace. And yesterday's event was a tremendous success, with over 3,000 people attending Reverend Jesse Jackson's speech in which he urged us to join our community fellow members and study war no more. [APPLAUSE] This was then followed by the inauguration of the MIT student center to be the Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Center, where we will be having many different various activities organized. For example, we have discussions, open discussions, workshops. There'll be newspapers, political art, political theater, many, many different things. And we urge all of you to join us after this talk to continue the activities that will be going on in the peace center this evening. With no further ado, here's Noam. [CHEERING] CHOMSKY: I guess it's not considered good form to start by admonishing your audience. But I don't think it's a time for cheering. In fact, it's not easy to talk about this topic at all when we're just short of a decision that's going to mean the slaughter of tens if not hundreds of thousands of people and that may set a large part of the world in flames. And that's exactly what is soon going to happen. I suppose there are still possibilities that it may be averted. But right now, they look pretty slim. Well, as I say, it's not easy to talk about it calmly. But since I really can't think of much else to do, that's what I will proceed to do, for what it's worth. At least we can try to understand what's going on and use such understanding as we can get as a basis of making some reasonable decision about how to respond to this and many other things like it that are going to follow. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait on August 2, there were two responses. And they were both very strong and pretty much unprecedented. One response, which went through the United Nations, was sanctions and embargo. And those sanctions were of unprecedented severity. I mean, there's been nothing remotely like them even in cases much worse than this latest crime of Saddam Hussein's. The other response was preparation for war, quick preparation for war, within a day or two. That preparation for war had nothing to do with the annexation of Kuwait. In fact, it took place well before the annexation. So it had to do with the invasion. And at the time that it took place, there was essentially nothing to distinguish Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait from, for example, George Bush's invasion of Panama a couple of months earlier, which was probably more bloody and destructive. Now, these two responses separate world opinion quite substantially. The first response had pretty broad support, at least in the industrial world-- the sanctions. And sanctions, of course, means negotiations. Sanctions means that you put pressure on through some economic means leading to a negotiated settlement of some kind. And diplomacy-- there's another word for diplomacy. It's called linkage. That word is a new one that was kind of invented here. And we're supposed to be against it. But it's just another word for diplomacy. Diplomacy means you consider relevant issues, and you try to reach some solution to them. But since we're supposed to be against it, a new word was necessary, and that's linkage, which is bad. And therefore, everybody's against linkage. So the first response is sanctions and diplomacy equals linkage. And that had pretty broad support. And what was surprising about it is not that it took place, because there's often broad opposition to aggression, but that it could get implemented, that sanctions could be implemented, which is rare, and also that they were so severe, which is also very rare. The second response, preparation for war, that was very limited. In fact, it was limited to the United States and England, with very weak support fr
Insurrectionary anarchism is a revolutionary theory, practice and tendency within the anarchist movement that emphasizes insurrection within anarchist practice. It is critical of formal organizations such as labor unions and federations that are based on a political programme and periodic congresses. Instead, insurrectionary anarchists advocate informal organization and small affinity group based organization. Insurrectionary anarchists put value in attack, permanent class conflict and a refusal to negotiate or compromise with class enemies. == Origins and evolution == === 19th century === An influential individualist concept of insurrection appears in the book of Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own from 1844. There he manifests: Revolution and insurrection must not be looked upon as synonymous. The former consists in an overturning of conditions, of the established condition or status, the State or society, and is accordingly a political or social act; the latter has indeed for its unavoidable consequence a transformation of circumstances, yet does not start from it but from men's discontent with themselves, is not an armed rising, but a rising of individuals, a getting up, without regard to the arrangements that spring from it. The Revolution aimed at new arrangements; insurrection leads us no longer to let ourselves be arranged, but to arrange ourselves, and sets no glittering hopes on 'institutions'. It is not a fight against the established, since, if it prospers, the established collapses of itself; it is only a working forth of me out of the established. If I leave the established, it is dead and passes into decay. Now, as my object is not the overthrow of an established order but my elevation above it, my purpose and deed are not a political or social but (as directed toward myself and my ownness alone) an egoistic purpose and deed. Mikhail Bakunin "was historically important to the development of an anarchism that focused its force in insurrection. Unlike Marx, who built his support in the First International, mostly within the central executive structure, Bakunin worked to build support for co-ordinated action through autonomous insurrections at the base, especially in Southern Europe. And since Bakunin's time insurrectionary anarchists have been concentrated in Southern Europe." Later in 1876, at the Berne conference of the First International, "the Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta argued that the revolution "consists more of deeds than words", and that action was the most effective form of propaganda. In the bulletin of the Jura Federation he declared "the Italian federation believes that the insurrectional fact, destined to affirm socialist principles by deed, is the most efficacious means of propaganda."As anarcho-communism emerged in the mid 19th century it had an intense debate with Bakuninist collectivism and as such within the anarchist movement over participation in syndicalism and the workers movement as well as on other issues. So "In the theory of the revolution" of anarcho-communism as elaborated by Peter Kropotkin and others "it is the risen people who are the real agent and not the working class organised in the enterprise (the cells of the capitalist mode of production) and seeking to assert itself as labour power, as a more 'rational' industrial body or social brain (manager) than the employers."So "between 1880 and 1890" with the "perspective of an immanent revolution", who was "opposed to the official workers' movement, which was then in the process of formation (general Social Democratisation). They were opposed not only to political (statist) struggles but also to strikes which put forward wage or other claims, or which were organised by trade unions." But "While they were not opposed to strikes as such, they were opposed to trade unions of the Russian Empire the right to self-determination. Narodnaya Volya's program was a mix of democratic and socialist reforms. Narodnaya Volya differed from its parent organization, the narodnik Zemlya i volya, in that its members had come to believe that a
card cheating technique
In this video, we will show you how to lock down your crown-jewel data on StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) with PQC encryption using Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall provides PQC data-at-rest encryption by running as a storage proxy in between trusted client applications and storage layer Configure StarWind VSAN NVMe-oF target to be secured by Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Access Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Web Management Console Generate PQC encryption key Select CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium as key encapsulation and digital signature algorithms Attach StarWind VSAN NVMe-oF target to Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Confirm StarWind VSAN NVMe-oF target is attached to Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Configure the storage backend to be secured by Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Select device for Physical Storage Type Choose StarWind VSAN NVMe-oF target for Device Configure Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall secure storage resource for client access Select NVMe for mode Pick the newly configured storage backend Select privacy for protection type Select the newly generated PQC encryption key Configure cryptographic cipher Configure access control Launch Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall secure storage services Mount the Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall secure storage to the trusted client host, in this example, Rocky Linux Any files/data stored via Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall secure storage will be seamlessly encrypted with zero operational impact to trusted end users and software applications As data managed at StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) has been secured by Bloombase StoreSafe PQC encryption, system administrators/operators would not be able to reveal the crown-jewel information In this demo, we have shown how Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall delivers PQC encryption for data-at-rest managed at StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN)
Hi there Welcome to this session Today I'd like to help you with your confidence and then trusting yourself Know that we all struggle with this from time to time Certain situations and relationships demands certain aspects of us They can be difficult to show up sometimes I understand that So today, let's give you some reiki to help you release any self doubt any fears and help you tap into your full authenticity full confidence and alignment so that you can show up in the future fully as yourself As always, we're going to begin with a smoke cleanse This is going to help you release any of that doubt, any of those worries So let's begin I have some dried up sage from my garden Today we're going to use this We're going to use this dried up sage As you can probably hear it's very dry and very crispy I want you to just take this moment to really ground into yourself into your body Take notice of everything that you're feeling right now Knowing that in this moment it is okay to feel doubtful to worry and to have some anxiety, that's okay Validate your emotions and what you're feeling There's nothing wrong with them So just feel into everything that's coming up Notice what you feel in the chest What you feel in the shoulders What you feel in the arms, the hands your belly, that's a big one Notice what you feel in your legs, your feet Just breathe into those sensations Acknowledging that in this moment you feel this way Maybe it's self doubt or self judgment or fear Self criticism low self esteem There's no need to run away from it anymore just acknowledge it That doesn't mean it's here to stay just means it's real in this moment Validating it and acknowledging it doesn't make it true It makes it real Allows you to feel it and allow it to move through Now take a deep breath in, breathe in Allow those feelings to move through Breathe in and move them through Feel the energy moving through your body Might come as big exhale, breathe in and exhale Letting it all go Letting it go Breathe in and let it go Breathe into the sensations You may even want to tense a little bit and let it go Release it Breathe in again and exhale Shake it out Breathe in and out Alright, take one more deep breath in and let it all out Really good I prepared some crystals that are going to be helpful for you in strengthening your confidence and trust in self The first one that I have which is really popular for this sort of work is the Tiger's eye This is associated with a solar plexus so I'm just going to place it over your solar plexus and I want you to just hold it there Feel the tiger's eye on your solar plexus Feel into the energy of the solar plexus Energy of the tiger's eye I'm going to ask you to continue to hold it there We're going to add to it actually We're actually going to add to it We're going to be adding citrine See if you can see it Citrine's also associated with the solar plexus and when you feel into it you can tap into the energy of abundance of confidence, of self esteem So we're going to place this over the solar plexus as well Now you have citrine and tiger's eye on your solar plexus Feel the energy there Feel power abundance conviction confidence trust strength Breathe into the belly and out Breathing in power conviction, strength confidence and exhale Letting go of what doesn't serve you Breathe into the belly and out Breathing in power, confidence conviction, strength and exhaling out anything that isn't that Breathing in power and exhale or release Breathe in strength and exhale Breathe in confidence and exhale Beautiful Continue to take deep breaths as I place a clear quartz above your crown chakra So I'm just going to place it right on top of your head Right above your crown This is going to allow your crown to open up like a portal to receiving higher help to receiving light light energy Breathe in and allow the portal to open Opening your crown to receiving light receiving guidance, help Above all, life energy to make you feel alive within yourself Authentic and aligned Cause here's the thing confidence isn't something you ne
The star Paper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm) Turn over The star Paper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm) Turn over The star Paper: Dollar Bill (15.6 x 6.6 cm) Turn over Fold in half Fold both layers. Unfold Fold in half Fold both layers. Unfold Fold in half Fold both layers. Unfold Fold the corners one forward and one back. Fold the corners one forward and one back. Fold the corners one forward and one back. Reverse-folds. Reverse-folds. Reverse-folds. Valley-fold. Valley-fold. Valley-fold. Valley-fold. Unfold. Valley-fold. Unfold. Valley-fold. Unfold. These are spread-squash folds. These are spread-squash folds. These are spread-squash folds. Slide the paper on both sides. Fold in half. Slide the paper on both sides. Fold in half. Slide the paper on both sides. Fold in half. Reverse-fold. Reverse-fold. Reverse-fold. Spread-squash fold. Slide the paper. Spread-squash fold. Slide the paper. Spread-squash fold. Slide the paper. Make sure that the lateral points of the star are symmetrical. Completed model Make sure that the lateral points of the star are symmetrical. Completed model Make sure that the lateral points of the star are symmetrical. Completed model
there's a blue Sky Rain rolling over the plains there's a blue sky rain rolling over the plains and i could not see it coming it was Tuesday when she said i can't love you anymore one chance is all i need come on one more baby please i will never forget you no matter what i go through because at one time you were the stars in my sky there's a blue sky rain rolling over the plains there's a blue sky rain rolling over the plains and not could not see it coming was a picture perfect romance it was the quick version of the slow dance unique the colors but the picture unclear i know where i should be and baby its not here There's a blue sky rain , rolling over the plains there a blue sky rain rolling over the plains and i could not see it coming and i said carry me down slow where nobody will ever know tell me what you meant when you said i will never let you go never let you go never let you go never let you go never let you go well i have yet to meet a woman who does not play with the strings of my heart i wish it was not so easy to pull to pieces and fall apart there's a blue sky rain rolling over the plain there's a blue sky rain rolling over the plains there's a blue sky rain rolling over the plains there's a blue sky rain rolling over the plains and i could not see no i could not see it coming
Malala. is Lb. Jody. like it. can't go up.
TETRIS TETRIS TETRIS TETRIS TETRIS It's the perfect game. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I played for five minutes, I still see falling blocks in my dreams. It's poetry. Art and math all working in magical synchronicity, it's... it's the perfect game. TETRIS TETRIS TETRIS TETRIS TETRIS, I don't get it. It's a combination of tetra, Greek for four, and tennis. Tennis? The Russian inventor he likes tennis. This game isn't just addictive. It stays with you. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Henk, only ten other people in the world have seen what you are about to see. It's called the Game Boy. Package it with TETRIS. Can you get us the rights? The Soviet Union has worldwide rights. Nothing gets out easily. I'm gonna go to Moscow. You're walking into a country that still considers America enemy numero uno. Okie Dokie. You sure you don't have to talk to your wife about this first? Pioneers have to bet the house to win. But not literally. Listen, have you ever heard our apartment this quiet before? This is the inventor of TETRIS. Your game is brilliant. I'm gonna make you a millionaire. Mr. Rogers, have you ever negotiated with the Soviets? We're here for TETRIS. What did he say? I don't speak Russian. The most powerful men in Communist Party is watching you and your family. Do you know where your husband is? What the hell is going on? The world is changing and Soviet Union will not be left behind. You want to play with the big boys?
welcome to second lecture of political science today our second lecture is scope of political science what is the scope of political science First you must know that what is scope Here is the definition of scope,the space occupied by a subject is called its scope the whole area within an subject is basically the scope of that subject Scope is the pillar of two things (1) CONTENTS (2) BOUNDRIES what is content and what is boundries As i wrote that everything included in a subject is called content we called it in urdu 'mawad'.here it means everything in a subject will be its content On the other hand i have written that single content of a subject is called SUBJECT MATTER In a subject there is no single content but if we talk about a single content that wiil be then a subject matter In which we study one special subject matter .political science is a vast subject .Like International Relations is one of the subject matters of political science In last i have written that covering area of a subject is called boundaries .Means it shows the limitation that upto this extend we will study the specific area i.e in political science we study society but that must be politically organized.Boundaries means that there are certain limitations means power concept should be their in a politically organized society. here i will discuss about contents of political science That what are the major contents of political sciernce on the top i have written the state we will study the state and its pillars there are four pillars or elements of the state (1)POPULATION (2)TERRITORY (3) GOVERNMENT (4) SOVEREINGHTY Sovereinghty means that state is superior over all things within a state and no foreign state can violate the supremacy of another state.We discuss in details all these four elements in future videos
Fibonacci Beta Variant 1. This is a method that involves adjusting your wager. 2. There are 13 levels of wager: 1st level is the base wager, 2nd level is 2 times the base wager, 3rd level is 3 times the base wager, 4th level is 5 times the base wager, 5th level is 8 times the base wager, 6th level is 13 times the base wager, 7th level is 21 times the base wager, 8th level is 34 times the base wager, 9th level is 55 times the base wager, 10th level is 89 times the base wager, 11th level is 144 times the base wager, 12th level is 233 times the base wager, 13th level is 377 times the base wager. 3. For illustration, if your 1st level is 25 (i.e. base wager), then your 2nd level will be 50 (i.e. 2 times the base wager), 3rd level will be 75 (i.e. 3 times the base wager), 4th level will be 125 (i.e. 5 times the base wager), 5th level will be 200 (i.e. 8 times the base wager), 6th level will be 325 (i.e. 13 times the base wager), 7th level will be 525 (i.e. 21 times the base wager), 8th level will be 850 (i.e. 34 times the base wager) , 9th level will be 1375 (i.e. 55 times the base wager), 10th level will be 2225 (i.e. 89 times the base wager), 11th level will be 3600 (i.e. 144 times the base wager), 12th level will be 5825 (i.e. 233 times the base wager), 13th level will be 9425 (i.e. 377 times the base wager). 4. Write down the wager of each level for keep tracking. For example,25-50-75-125-200-325-525-850-1375-2225-3600-5825-9425. 5. If you lose, just continue with the current level of wager you are at. Only after you lose 2 consecutive turns, proceed to use the next level wager amount for the next bet. For example, if you bet 25 (i.e. 1st level) and lose, then your wager will be 50 (i.e. 2nd level) for the next bet, if you bet 50 and lose, then your wager will be 75 (i.e. 3rd level) for the next bet, if you bet 75 and lose, then your wager will be 125 (i.e. 4th level) for the next bet, and so forth. 6. If you win 1 turn, just continue betting with the current level of wager. When you win 2 consecutive turns, return using the second latest level wager amount for the next bet. For example, if you win 2 consecutive turns at level 10 wager, return using level 8 wager for the next bet. If you win 2 consecutive turns at level 8 wager, return using level 6 wager for the next bet. 7. You can only use 13 levels of wager, please stop if you lose 2 consecutive turns on the 13th level. 8. Know the maximum bet limit before using this method and make sure it is possible to execute the 13th level wager. 9. You do not have to make the same bet every time. To put in perspective, you do not have to keep betting the colour black until you get a hit. 10. You do not have to bet immediately after the earlier bet, you can stop for a few turns before placing your next wager. Start demo start with betting 25 on red colour lost 1 turn, betting 25 on red colour lost 2 turns consecutively, betting 50 on red colour won 1 turn, betting 50 on big numbers lost 1 turn, betting 50 on small numbers lost 2 turns consecutively, betting 75 on small numbers lost 1 turn, betting 75 on small numbers lost 2 turns consecutively, betting 125 on black colour lost 1 turn, betting 125 on black colour won 1 turn, betting 125 on black colour won 2 turns consecutively, betting 50 on big numbers lost 1 turn, betting 50 on black colour lost 2 turns consecutively, betting 75 on black colour lost 1 turn, betting 75 on black colour lost 2 turns consecutively, betting 125 on black colour lost 1 turn, betting 125 on black colour lost 2 turns consecutively, betting 200 on black colour win 1 turn, betting 200 on black colour Thanks for watching
You are a flower in my garden, You know my true love for you. You are a flower in my garden, You know my true love for you. When our eyes meet, You smile underneath. When our eyes meet, You smile underneath. My sweet flower. My beautiful flower, My sweet flower. My heart and liver burn in your love fire, My soul burns in your fire. Best flowers in my garden, You are the best among them. Best flowers in my garden, You are the best among them. So many girls in the world, My sweet flower. You are the most beautiful among them. So many girls in the world, You are the most beautiful among them. My beautiful flower, My sweet flower. My beautiful flower, My sweet flower. My heart and liver burns in your love fire, My soul burns in your fire. Your beautiful sheep eyes, Are filled with true love. Your beautiful sheep eyes, Are filled with true love. I won't give up upon you, My fair beauty and love. I won't give up upon you, My fair beauty and love. My beautiful flower, My sweet flower. My beautiful flower, My sweet flower. My heart and liver burns in your love fire, My soul burns in your fire. English subtitle credit to Z
Tell me why you gotta look at me that way You know what it does to me So baby, what you tryna say? Ayy Lately, all I want is you on top of me You know where your hands should be So baby, won't you come show me? Mmm I got you, I got you dreamin' (oh) You close your eyes and you're screamin' (oh) Play with your mind for no reason I know you love how I tease it (oh, oh) You know that I'm playin', so don't be mistaken You already know what I'm thinkin', boy Oh, why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you, ah Why must you make me laugh so much? It's bad enough we get along so well Just say goodnight and go Oh Oh Oh Just say goodnight and go Oh Oh Oh Just say goodnight and go One of these days You'll miss your train and come stay with me (It's always say goodnight and go) We'll have drinks and talk about things And any excuse to stay awake with you And you'd sleep here, I'd sleep there But then the heating may be down again (At my convenience) We'd be good, we'd be great together Why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you Ah Why must you make me laugh so much? Much,much It's bad enough we get along so well Just say goodnight and go Ooo Go Go Just say goodnight and I know how you want it, baby, just like this Know you're thinking' 'bout it, baby, just one kiss While you're lookin' at 'em, baby, read my lips I know what you want, but you can't have this Ta, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da Ta, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da Ta, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da Ta, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da Wanna say goodnight Honey, say goodnight and go Wanna say goodnight Baby, say goodnight and go Wanna say goodnight Say goodnight And Go
Where else will I go? Where else will I go? Where else will I go? Where else will I go? Where else will I go? If not to the arms of my father Where else will I go? If not to the arms of my father There is no better place That in your arms That being with you That in your arms That being with you It is an honor to be To be with my father again To be with my father again Being with my father To be with my father again Being with my father I was born to adore you I live to worship I'm here to adore you Ohh I come home and never leave Never, never, never leave I want to be here with you With my father With my father I run to the arms of my Father I hear you say: My son is you. Sing it to the King I approach the throne of Your grace We're getting closer I approach the throne of Your grace We're getting closer I surrender to You, it's Your love for me We're getting closer I surrender to You, it's Your love for me I run to the arms of my Father Abba Father I run to the arms of my Father Abba Father I hear you say: My son is you. Abba Father I hear you say: My son is you. I approach the throne of Your grace I surrender to you, your love has no end I could tell you so many ways I surrender to you, your love has no end I could tell you so many ways King or Lord Master of my heart But you prefer me to call you father And you remind me what I have no other place Well… You, the only satiable source You, for my soul so favorable And I want to be a nice offering And to be able to correspond to Your inexhaustible love Incomprehensible is how much you love me That you tell me 'my son' when you call me You pour into my life of Your presence Today I long to feel you with emergency I will never deny you, I will always serve you I understand that I was born to glorify you I'm going to follow you, I'm going after your steps And if I get tired I rest in your arms Where will I go, but to you blessed Father? No one better than you knows what I need Hold me, talk to me, fill me, restore me, make me fall in love I run to the arms of my Father I hear you say: My son is you. I approach the throne of Your grace I surrender to You, it's Your love for me Demonstrated on a tree for me I surrender to You, it's Your love for me Demonstrated on a tree for me I run to the arms of my Father From my Abba, from my Abba Father I run to the arms of my Father From my Abba, from my Abba Father I hear you say: My son is you. From my Abba, from my Abba Father I hear you say: My son is you. From my Abba, from my Abba Father I hear you say: My son is you. I hear you say: My son is you. I approach the throne of Your grace I surrender to you, Your love has no end.
Hey Kevin, come on over here and tell em' what time it is Okay Oh that's nice, Kevin Alright, now get outa here I got this feeling inside, Can't find no balance in my mind. I must be missing the point I need a coffee and a joint I got this feeling inside, Can't find no balance in my mind. I must be missing the point I need a coffee and a joint. Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, c'mon man Higher than an F16 in Walgreens Tryna find some eye drops and a bottle of listerine Mr. clean when i step on the scene but yo how did I get here? and what does this all mean? The last thing I remember, was way back in September Johnny had a doobie it was groovy full of pleasure but i prolly didn’t measure the amount i shoulda taken now i’m standing on the ceiling and this feeling got me shaking I get to baking with betty crocker baby dishing out delectables and yeah they tasty so yeah it's amazing, now come come and get a slice and if they try to take my herb, i’ll say TAKE MY WIFE! But kevin you’re not married, oh shit it's getting scary i'm twisting up my history, my memories are buried i don't have a clue what’s real or imaginary so take heed my children cause this stories cautionary I got this feeling inside, Can't find no balance in my mind. I must be missing the point I need a coffee and a joint I got this feeling inside, Can't find no balance in my mind. I must be missing the point I need a coffee and a Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, joint, joint... I was standing in the corner of the kitchen by myself, Eyeing up the pot brownies on the top shelf. I'm thinking maybe just a nibble will do But I didn't eat dinner so I gobbled down two. Oh shiiiit............... wut? I Fukin' blew it........ John! Yo.... I gotta keep this conversation fluid Too high to function Feeling like a clown at a funeral luncheon I'm a goner Man I reached my marijuana maximum consumption goddamn hors d'oeuvre threw my night for a curve But I could be the hero that this party deserves So I boot and rally, sink the last cup Turns out it was my teams cup... fuck. I got this feeling inside, Can't find no balance in my mind. I must be missing the point I need a coffee and a joint I got this feeling inside, Can't find no balance in my mind. I must be missing the point I need a coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Coffee and a joint, coffee and a joint Okay, Okay , Okay Alright lets take em' out I'm terrible at smokin' weed that's okay, I'll handle it thanks yawl
I met him in a swamp down in Dagobah Where it bubbles all the time like a giant carbonated soda S S - O S - O - D S - O - D - A soda I saw the little runt sitting there on a log I asked him his name and in a raspy voice he said "Yoda" "Y" "Y - O" "Y - O - D" "Y - O - D - A" "Yoda" "Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda" Well, I've been around, but I ain't never seen A guy who looks like a muppet, but he's wrinkled and green Oh, my Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Well, I'm not dumb, but I can't understand How he can lift me in the air just by raising his hand Oh, my Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Well, I left home just a week before And I've never ever been a Jedi before But Obi Wan, he set me straight, of course He said, "Go to Yoda and he'll show you the Force" Well, I'm not the kind that would argue with Ben So it looks like I'm gonna start all over again With my Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda So I used the Force I picked up a box I lifted some rocks While I stood on my head Well, I won't forget what Yoda said He said, "Luke, stay away from the darker side And if you start to go astray, let the Force be your guide" Oh, my Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda "I know Darth Vader's really got you annoyed But remember, if you kill him, then you'll be unemployed" Oh, my Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Well, I heard my friends really got in a mess So I'm gonna have to leave Yoda I guess But I know that I'll be coming back some day I'll be playing this part 'till I'm old and gray The long-term contract I had to sign Says I'll be making these movies till the end of time With my Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yo - yo - yo - yo-Yoda Yoda ....
Hello Friends, How are you ? I Mamta, Welcome You at my YouTube Chennal Urban City Desi Hum today we will make the pickle of ginger and chilly this pickle is very good in taste. very spicy. If anyone make it one time then that guy will make again and again but before start my video i request you all if you guys have not subscribed my channel till now first subscribed my channel Urban City Desi Hum first subscribed my channel Urban City Desi Hum like it ,share it ,comment it like it ,share it ,comment it like it ,share it ,comment it I always wait for your comments I always wait for your comments i want to make nice recipes for you guys. i want to make nice recipes for you guys. so please don't forget to do comment how the recipe is? so please don't forget to do comment how the recipe is? let us go to start making our ginger and chilly pickle let us go to start making our ginger and chilly pickle for making ginger and chilly pickle I take 250 grm ginger and 250 grm chilly for making ginger and chilly pickle I take 250 grm ginger and 250 grm chilly . i cut ginger into small pieces like fingers as it is i will cut chilly too i cut ginger into small pieces like fingers as it is i will cut chilly too . First i remove its tip now cut it into long and thin pieces First i remove its tip now cut it into long and thin pieces First i remove its tip now cut it into long and thin pieces i divide it into two parts first i divide it into two parts first if you like this size of chilly then that is ok if you like this size of chilly then that is ok i will cut it into four parts because i like thin pieces of chilly i like thin pieces of chilly if your chilies are too large then you cut from middle too if your chilies are too large then you cut from middle too i will cut all chilies i have cut all chilies now i shift it into big bowl Add two teaspoon salt Add one and half teaspoon powder of mustard seeds Add half teaspoon turmeric Add two tablespoon mustered oil mix it well. if you don't like the fragrance of mustered oil then first heat up the oil and let it cool and after that you just add into pickle. mix it well like all spices should rap at ginger and chilly. Add two tablespoon of vinegar. vinegar increases the life and taste of pickle i squeeze two lemon. now add it into pickle otherwise lemon juice is sufficient fro pickle but we add vinegar because of increasing taste and life of pickle. now pickle is ready but after two days its colour and taste both will increase now we can eat it but after two days it will become more tasty after it we shift it into glass jar. always remember any pickle or chutney only shift into glass jar or Ceramic pot. never use any other metal jar.
[16:38:10] ichbinbacon: HI tim [16:38:10] ichbinbacon: HI tim [16:38:26] juggerjazz: Go Tim Go \o/ [16:38:10] ichbinbacon: HI tim [16:38:26] juggerjazz: Go Tim Go \o/ [16:38:44] fusxfaranto: have you considered doing shorter streams [16:38:26] juggerjazz: Go Tim Go \o/ [16:38:44] fusxfaranto: have you considered doing shorter streams [16:38:53] bananaburger: i missed the end of last night's stream [16:38:44] fusxfaranto: have you considered doing shorter streams [16:38:53] bananaburger: i missed the end of last night's stream [16:39:01] ichbinbacon: you need to stream more that way you get used to do it again [16:38:53] bananaburger: i missed the end of last night's stream [16:39:01] ichbinbacon: you need to stream more that way you get used to do it again [16:39:02] squidmochi: hey dork [16:39:01] ichbinbacon: you need to stream more that way you get used to do it again [16:39:02] squidmochi: hey dork [16:39:03] ilovedaydreaming: Talking for seven hours straight would make anyones throat hurt. [16:39:02] squidmochi: hey dork [16:39:03] ilovedaydreaming: Talking for seven hours straight would make anyones throat hurt. [16:39:27] allstar3339: vidja gamez cerHype [16:39:03] ilovedaydreaming: Talking for seven hours straight would make anyones throat hurt. [16:39:27] allstar3339: vidja gamez cerHype [16:39:47] ichbinbacon: is this the mine [16:39:27] allstar3339: vidja gamez cerHype [16:39:47] ichbinbacon: is this the mine [16:40:08] allstar3339: i'm making frozen pizza [16:39:47] ichbinbacon: is this the mine [16:40:08] allstar3339: i'm making frozen pizza [16:40:10] koolman9921: how you tried not being sick? [16:40:08] allstar3339: i'm making frozen pizza [16:40:10] koolman9921: how you tried not being sick? [16:40:22] koolman9921: have* [16:40:10] koolman9921: how you tried not being sick? [16:40:22] koolman9921: have* [16:40:26] ilovedaydreaming: You need to eat more. It's probably one reason why you're sick. [16:40:22] koolman9921: have* [16:40:26] ilovedaydreaming: You need to eat more. It's probably one reason why you're sick. [16:40:33] allstar3339: have you tried the healing power of beck? [16:40:26] ilovedaydreaming: You need to eat more. It's probably one reason why you're sick. [16:40:33] allstar3339: have you tried the healing power of beck? [16:40:46] rintezuka1: oh [16:40:33] allstar3339: have you tried the healing power of beck? [16:40:46] rintezuka1: oh [16:40:49] dajmasta: timOh [16:40:46] rintezuka1: oh [16:40:49] dajmasta: timOh [16:40:49] kevin1760: Tim have you tried working in the mines for 6 months? That seems to correct lots of issues timClip [16:40:49] dajmasta: timOh [16:40:49] kevin1760: Tim have you tried working in the mines for 6 months? That seems to correct lots of issues timClip [16:40:51] kelpplankton: That's what was happening to me tim, turned out to be an iron deficiency. taking iron daily fixed it [16:40:49] kevin1760: Tim have you tried working in the mines for 6 months? That seems to correct lots of issues timClip [16:40:51] kelpplankton: That's what was happening to me tim, turned out to be an iron deficiency. taking iron daily fixed it [16:41:04] allstar3339: LUL [16:40:51] kelpplankton: That's what was happening to me tim, turned out to be an iron deficiency. taking iron daily fixed it [16:41:04] allstar3339: LUL [16:41:07] afluhatinrapper: What does snake poop look like [16:41:04] allstar3339: LUL [16:41:07] afluhatinrapper: What does snake poop look like [16:41:18] fusxfaranto: i think it was just random [16:41:07] afluhatinrapper: What does snake poop look like [16:41:18] fusxfaranto: i think it was just random [16:41:24] fusxfaranto: but it happened at the perfect time [16:41:18] fusxfaranto: i think it was just random [16:41:24] fusxfaranto: but it happened at the perfect time [16:41:45] fusxfaranto: especially with the "i love the sun" comment afterward [16:41:24] fusxfaranto: but it happened at the perfect time [16:41:45] fusxfaranto: especially with the "i love the sun" comment afterward [16:41:48] ilovedaydreaming: No spoilers pls. I didn't see the end of the stream. :( [
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all this while we're standing this is the first  time see the importance of candidacity and snd the   Candlestick is really important okay because this  is the thing that we look every day every single   day in your trading daily Okay so I really made  trading for a living so I see this every day okay this is the first imbalance uh for Supply you  just need to Flip Flip This okay or you want me   to draw it also must the entire back and include  we exceed the previous uh for confirmation for   confirmation the greater one uh recommended you  have many options actually like um recommended um recommend it only if the spelling is wrong  okay recommended is to break this Shadow okay   uh you're losing connection uh try to refresh okay   it's okay then this one is recorded you  try to refresh okay uh uh let me see in the   yes in this uh on my end uh this is still live  okay so recommended uh to break this High okay   imbalance here by the first imbalance already  happened at the break of this open price okay   break of open price is the first imbalance okay  that's why uh I share you something before this um I show you something like this okay so I do not   need to draw another one okay so  you need to focus on this one okay look you need to break this low okay for the  mine you need to break high for supplying   it to break this low okay so for confirmation  over here you already have the confirmation of   uh imbalance okay so if you want to know in  a lower time frame okay you need to note down   what I'm trying to say right now if you want to  confirm in a lower time frame whether this has   a decision point or this is uh has a good clean  base a clean base is like this clean base uh need   to break before again the way we go on the next  webinar regarding the supply element okay so if   you want to know on the lower time frame over  here got a good decision point you will see a   confirmation rejection on the open price okay  on the open price of the candle or if it is a   bearish one on the open price from here all right  okay so the open price is really important okay   really important to learn regarding  the uh open and close everything   break of the open price is the first imbalance  yes correct and the break of the high or   low is the confirmed imbalance or clean clean  imbalance okay also known as clean clean balance okay if it's a clean break  it will be until high the   first imbalance can start at the open okay let me all right so that's it uh for the theory  uh uh I will try to draw on the chart I already draw a lot try to go into  other pair okay for example like this you can mark something like this okay  but this will be on the next chapter   on the blade we'll be starting the clean  braid and everything okay but right now   I just want you to do something simple okay  just use your eyes to see uh the sideway   you know like ranging Market okay like this  okay so I want you to take uh like this okay um I think I live for supply you can take here bye right now for this moment  for this assignment just take the open price okay we need the first imbalance only first imbalance only for this assignment okay  now for other assignment will be uh changing   now okay so for this assignment we'll be only  focused on the first imbalance okay because we   want to know uh where the imbalance type okay so  do you see where the imbalance right okay do you   see there is a rejection here okay so this  is a good one actually okay this is balance where is the point of imbalance over here okay this red candle   this red candle at this point this  open price this open price do you see this open price break so this is the first   imbalance I need some response  because this is really important um I guess everyone acknowledged this  okay this one is really important   to know where is the first imbalance really  really important to make a really good trade
Ooh, I can't pretend Like you didn't bring my tempo up again My head's in a spin You send my body to a place it's never been Baby, won't you let me Keep you up all night, let the morning come closer You send me so high now, the ceiling can't hold us Listen to my heart, let the rhythm control ya I'll be there when you need my love Just follow the beat of my drum (Drum, drum, drum, drum, drum) It goes um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum- pa-pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Just follow the beat of my drum Ooh, I can't pretend Like I didn't let your love go to my head Ha-ah, mm-mm Ooh, I'm in a spin You send my body to a place it's never been Ah-ah Whoa-oh, oh no, thinkin' about you, makin' my body behave so Crazy, ooh, you make me wanna sway slow You push up on me, baby, you got me for days, oh, you do Baby, won't you let me Keep you up all night, let the morning come closer You send me so high now, the ceiling can't hold us Listen to my heart, let the rhythm control ya I'll be there when you need my love Just follow the beat of my drum (Drum, drum, drum, drum, drum) It goes um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum- pa-pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa Whoa-oh, oh no, thinkin' about you, makin' my body behave so Crazy, ooh, you make me wanna sway slow You push up on me, baby, you got me for days, oh, you do Just follow the beat of my drum-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum- pa-pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-pum, pum-pa It goes um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum- pa-pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa- pum, pum-pa-pum-pum Um-pa-pum-pa-pum, pum-pa-pum Just follow the beat of my drum
[Music] and I'll finish with a quote from my late father [Music] [Music] it's okay though it's okay [Music] [Music] smash this input oh I'm gonna I'm gonna be all up in those feet I can't even begin to see hey yo what the [ __ ] [Music] I just wanna [ __ ] a dude it's almost so sticky Like Glue I made it bro it's too [ __ ] megabytes what is it I don't know what the hell is that bring it up bring it up oh holy [ __ ] bring it up bring it up all right finally [Applause] holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] are you taking me where are you taking me no oh oh Away in a Manger no [ __ ] for him I can't do this anymore at the end of the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you go outside you're gonna burn it's not that hot outside you're gonna burn up whatever you're right it's too hot outside all right to her they believed her statement now would you like to say something make a message to our viewers you can say in English [Music] now this is my side listen look and listen and learn Desperado [Music] pick one pick one Chief there's a boy now the real grab the Reel yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Eye Of The Storm By Ryan Stevenson ft. Gabereal When the solid ground is falling out from underneath my feet Between the black skies and my red eyes, I can barely see And when I'm feeling like I've been let down by my friends, and my family. I can hear the rain reminding me In the eye of the Storm, you remain in control In the middle of the war, you guard my soul You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn Your love surrounds me. In the eye of the storm In the eye of the Storm When my hopes and dreams are far from me and I'm running out of faith I see the future, I pictured, slowly fade away And when the tears of pain and heartache are pouring down my face I find my peace in Jesus' name In the eye of the Storm, you remain in control In the middle of the war, you guard my soul You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn. Your love surrounds me In the eye of the Storm (In the eye of the Storm) (In the eye of the) (In the eye of the storm) When they let me know, and I just don't know how I'm gonna make ends meet I did my best, now I'm scared to death, that we might lose everything And when a sickness takes my child away, and there's nothing I can do My only hope is to trust you I trust you lord In the eye of the Storm, you remain in control In the middle of the war, you guard my soul You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn Your love surrounds me In the eye of the Storm, you remain in control In the middle of the war, you guard my soul You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn Your love surrounds me In the eye of the Storm Eye Of The Storm By Ryan Stevenson ft. Gabereal
that is, you feel some kind of change in the sense and it starts to float as if with acceleration on you let's say Rashat and you just can't do anything against there are four of you as if the mouse is standing in one place and you just take it down it's impossible nothing to do today I will show you how to fix it as if the mouse is standing in one place and you just take it down it's impossible nothing to do today I will show you how to fix it it is desirable to do this Of course from the match, that is, turn on anti-cheat, Go to this match that is, turn on anti-cheat, Go to this match, Play first without a fix and then start fixing and go check for this match, after the fix What will happen in general, go to the link in the description and download this this daddy, that is, the program they are inter-jump unzipped you download unzip to the desktop it turns out two programs we built and in the pole first launched by Cape YouTube on behalf of the administrator we launch launched we find in principle You can just copy my settings that is first NVIDIA GeForce graphics card to put a high priority in the interput priva
J. Fla - 7 rings Breakfast and Tiffany's And bottles of bubbles Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble Lashes and diamonds ATM machines Buy myself all of my favorite things Been through some bad sh*t I should be a sad bi*ch Who woulda thought it'd turn me to a savage Rather be tied up with cuffs and not strings Write my own checks like I write what I sing My wrist Stop watching My neck is flossin Make big deposits My gloss is poppin You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it I see it I like it I want it I got it I want it, I got it I want it, I got it I want it, I got it I want it, I got it You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it Wearing a ring but ain't gon'be no "Mrs". Bought matching diamonds for 6 of my bitches I'd rather spoil all my friends with my riches Think retail therapy my new addiction Who ever said money can't solve your problems Must not have had enough money to solve'em They say, "which one" I say, "nah, I want all of 'em" Happiness is the same price as red bottoms My smile is beaming My skin is gleaming The way it shine I know you've seen it I bought a crib just for the closet Both his and hers I want it I got it I want it, I got it I want it, I got it I want it, I got it I want it, I got it You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it
Our hope is that a missionary will enter the mission field at a time when they're ready and that they want to go. One of the challenges that every missionary has when they're applying for a mission is knowing when they're going to go and when they're gonna come home. This new tool will allow them to figure out when I need to send my papers in, when I'll be leaving and also when I'll be coming home. We hope that it will help them plan school, it will help them plan athletics, it will help them play in employment so that they can actually decide this is when I'd like to serve, therefore this is when I need to send my my papers in. When the announcement was made that missionaries could go at 18 or 19, all of a sudden there became somewhat of a culture that, 'Oh you have to leave right when you're 18,' and that isn't what President Monson or the other leaders of the Church have said. We want them to come when they're ready. Our hope is that they'll be able to plan with this tool and it will make it easier for them to go when they are prepared to go. you
We have now talked a lot about the demand curve and the consumer surplus; now let's look at the other side. Let's think about the supply curve and you could imagine that there might be something called the producer surplus. So let's say that this is price axis, this is the quantity axis and let's say that we are running some type of a berry farm and this is our supply curve. That is the supply curve and this is our demand curve. So that is the demand and just like what we did to the supply curve, for the demand curve, now instead of thinking of a price and think about how much quantity would be supplied, let's think about a given quantity and think about what price would it have to be in order for the producers to produce that quantity. And let's say that this quantity right over here, this is in thousands of pounds of berries, thousands of pounds. So this is 1 thousand pounds, 2 thousand pounds, 3 thousand pounds, 4 thousand pounds, and 5 thousand pounds. And let's say this price right over here is 1 dollar per pound, $2, $3, $4, maybe I could make it more even, so this is $3, this is $4, this is $5 per pound. Let me write this all in per pound. So let's say that we want the suppliers to produce 1 thousand pounds of berries, so this is we want them to produce 1 thousand pounds of berries, What does the price have to be for them to produce 1 thousand pounds of berries. Well think of it from the suppliers from the berry farmers' point of view. If they are going to produce 1 thousand pounds of berries. in order for them to produce it, in order to convince them produce it, they have to get at minimum as much as they would get using the same resources to produce something else. So if they could get a dollar per pound or equivalent in dollars of a dollar per pound for those first thousand pounds, so about a thousand dollars. If they could get that by using their land for an apple orchard or using it to graze or maybe renting out the land to someone else, that's the minimum you would have to pay them. Because if you pay them less than that they would go do the other thing. They would go and rent their land out or they will allow their land for grazing. So you would have to pay them the opportunity cost for them to produce a thousand pounds. So the opportunity cost for them to producing a thousand pounds would be right over there. And this is on average first thousand pounds you could also think that the very first pound, the opportunity cost would be right over there, and the next pound would be right after that. The five hundred pound would be there, the thousand pound would right be there. or you could say the first thousand pound on average would be right over there. Now let's say that we wanted them to produce another thousand pounds. So we want the market or this entire farm to produce or maybe it's multiple farms to produce a total of two thousand pounds. What would we have to do? Well, same exact thing. We kind of assuming the market is already producing that first thousand pounds. So now we would have to think about what are they giving up to produce that next thousand pounds. And now we would assume that for that first thousand pounds, they would have used the land and the inputs that are most suitable so this is the most suitable resources. So we are talking about the labour that really knows how to grow berries. The land where the berries are the best grown and maybe they are really close to transportation networks so it's much cheaper to produce and ship from there. But now if we want another two thousand pounds of berries at this time period and maybe this per year if we want another thousand pounds. They are now going to less suitable resources, maybe the land is slightly further away from the transportation resources, they are now going to have labours that are slightly less efficient, they are going have to take land away from that. might have been slightly more suitable for other things. So now the opportunity cost for these growers for the next thousand pounds is going to be slightly higher. So their opport
hello guys welcome to five minute solutions  and today we'll show you how to display your   twitter profile link on your reddit profile  so without any further ado let's get started to display a twitter profile link on your  rated profile the method is very very very   easy you just have to open write it on your web  browser after that click the top right button and   click user settings you'll be automatically put  to the account settings make sure you're in the   account settings because you can't do that in  any other settings you have to be in account   settings to do that and as you can see there is  an option in the bottom named connected to twitter   i've already connected my account to twitter and  there's another option a switch named show link   on profile just turn it on and the changes will  be saved so now your to the profile link will be   displayed on your reddit profile so that's how  you can this that's how you can display your   twitter profile link on your right profile hope  you guys like this video share this video and   other videos on the channel subscribe to the  channel like this video and have a nice day peace
what's up beautiful people it's nate  bauer from nate power fitness and this   is a 20 minute boxing workout  that you can do on the heavy bag   or shadow boxing this is an audio call  out boxing workout where i will call the   combinations and the combinations will appear on  screen you throw your boxing combinations as you   hear them and will be a guide on screen so that  you know exactly what's coming up and the timing   will allow you to know when to throw them be  calm be controlled throw your hands with power   and speed and let's have some fun while getting  it done remember do this workout on the heavy bag   or shadow boxing put this in your ear and let's  get it done guys your warm up is coming up first   three minute rounds to show you exactly what's up  for the rest of the workout let's go guys glove up   get ready get focused let's have some fun  throwing your hands and getting it done   all right squad here we go now if you're more  advanced i want you to throw two and three punch   combinations starting with the first number  you hear if you're new just do what i do ready   let's go one job two cross three lead hook four  rear hook five lead uppercut six rear uppercuts one two jab cross three four lead hook rear  hook five six lead uppercut rear uppercut   one one double jab two two double  cross three three double lead hook   four one rear hook lead jab or jab five two lead  uppercut rear cross one one two jab jab cross   two three two cross lead hook cross  one two one two jab cross jab cross   six one rear uppercut jab five  four lead uppercut rear hook   let's add in some defense one two slip right two  one slip left one two three slip right slip left   one six duck right two three duck left three  two three cover three two three slip left   one two five dot right one two five  one minute duck left one two one six   cover one two one six duck right two five one two  cover two five one two cover slip left slip right   cover one two slip right slip left cover one one  six cover one one six dock right docked left one   two three two one two cover and then one  two dock right two one duck left good work   guys 20 seconds we're gonna head into round  number one your official first round let's go all right guys we're gonna work off the  job first so everything you do you're   gonna work off the job for round number one  ready and three two one let's go one two one two one two one six one six one six one two that's one  combination one six pause one two one four one one two one four one one two one five two one two one five two one two one one one one one one slip left one one one slip left three one two three two on that pace one two   three two doc right one two three two  doc right one two three two doc right   one two three two dot right one two three  two dot right move left to right one one one two cover one two cover two one two cover two three  one two cover two three two   one three dock right dock left one three dock  right dock left one three dot right dock left   one two one two one one two one two one two one  one two one two one two one one two slip left one four slip left one four slip left  one four slip left slip right six   one fours the brights of left six you gotta  reset off slip left to throw the rear uppercut one one one one one one dock left three two ten  seconds one one one dock left three two   one one one duck left three two  one one one duck left three two and time great job guys 30 seconds rest  and we'll jump into round number two   where you work off the two one all right guys let's go gonna work off the two  one which is the rear cross job let's go two one two one hands up hands up two one reset back  to that strong stack two one back to the stack   two one one two dot right two one one two  dot right two one one two dot right two   two one dot right one two two one two two one two two one two six three two now a faster  two one two two one two six three two two one two six three two cover two one two three two one two three slip left two one two three  slip left two one two t
Against the waves with our swords in our hands Against the sea with our backs to the walls Against distress in the presence of our enemies Against the storms roaring at our faces A cry rang out throughout the skies A beckon, the flight of the cranes The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh The call of the alps The call home, ooh, ooh The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains What's that stir, so blatant in our sallying hearts? What's that urge that lifted up our longing eyes? What's that ring echoing from the leaden skies? What's that augur resounding from the lyre's strings? A cry rang on in the sibilant winds A behest, the outcry of the cranes The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh The call of the alps The call home, ooh, ooh The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains The voice in the wind, the sign in the sky The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh The call of the alps The call home, ooh, ooh The tune in our hearts The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh The call of the alps The call home, ooh, ooh The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains
friends we're going to record that and here we are in the end we have that friends and for the chords there they are the same chords as 'we added here we selected that and then we did control B to duplicate here we are going to listen to that what we are going to do now and we are going to add another sound from Nexus here and there you see in pergios and A1 here is pitchen 50 there we already have a good start and what we are going to do now then we're going to add another sound from Nexus here it is the blog sound what we're going to do we're going to add our kick sound I'm going to show you here we're going to add a beat sound here we go offbeat we're going to listen to that and now what we're going to do we're going to add a cobel sound here we go listen to this and now we're going to add our rhyme sound here then we're going to add our cymbal sound now we're going to add our Kanga sound next we're going to add another sound from Kanga to competent I'm going to show you then we're going to add another very soft sound you can do that too with the buretti here and I'm going to show you it's great friends now what we're going to do we're going to add a guitar sound we're going to record that friends here's for the notes we have that and now what we're going to do we're going to try to add our bass sound it's really heavy so in the end we have that after working our bass we have that it's really water over there it's really heavy we will add r a sound of 6 balls moan here's what we're going to do now we're going to work on the bricks we're going to copy a few symbols here for example here there we're going to add a sound from Qashqai I'm going to show you then we're going to add a sound from openhate here is cymbal to penetrate it's really great friends here then we go here and we will add that I will show you here is not bad then we go here there we will add these are there then we will add this sound there are caches and at the end we are going to add a left sound now we are going to add a Tom sound here we are going to reduce on these notes and we just go on the breakdowns here is from left to right then at the end we are going to remove that and here we are we're going to add here these are from penetrates then we're going to add this sound there I'm going to let you listen to this in short that was all for today if you like the video don't forget to give me a thumbs up and comment on the video thank you friends for watching the video we will find in a whole new new video
A boy from London A boy from London A boy from London tells me, he loves me Haay-O! a boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London Says, Let’s go out somewhere Ohh….! a boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London A boy from London tells me, he loves me A boy from London A boy from London My beloved tells me he’ll take me shopping everyday My beloved tells me he’ll take me shopping everyday I told him “No! No! I don’t need anything He tells me ‘we will have fun and will buy me a Jaguar A boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London A boy from London tells me, he loves me He tells me lets be soulmates! He tells me lets be soulmates! I will settle down with you if you say yes Please listen to me and get married to me Deedar says the boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London A boy from London tells me, he loves me A boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London A boy from London Haay-O! a boy from London A boy from London tells me, he loves me
Four seasons—spring, summer, fall, and winter. The Sun’s rising point and setting point and the length of the day and night changes depending on the season. When the Sun sets and night arrives, we are able to observe numerous stars. The changing seasons also change the stars we are able to observe. Let’s learn more about what brings about these changes. Revolution and Annual Motion The vast Earth we live on makes a full circle around the Sun, from west to east, in one year. This is called the revolution of the Earth. There are 365 days in a year and a full circle is 360 degrees, which means that the Earth only moves around the Sun one degree per day. From our perspective on Earth, it looks like the Sun is moving. The apparent motion of the Sun, as it appears to move one degree from west to east due to the revolution of the Earth, is called the “annual motion of the Sun.” The ecliptic is the path of the Sun’s annual motion along the celestial sphere. The ecliptic is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle compared to the equator of the celestial sphere. The point on the ecliptic with the highest declination is called the summer solstice point, and the point with the lowest declination is called the winter solstice point. The Sun’s annual motion also affects the seasonal locations of the Earth and Sun. The Earth’s revolution around the Sun forms an oval that is almost a circle. On the Earth’s orbit of revolution, the point closest to the Sun is called the perihelion, and the point farthest from the Sun is called the aphelion. In the Northern Hemisphere, the aphelion is in summer and the perihelion is in winter. When the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing summer, the point where the Sun is visible is called the summer solstice point, and when the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing winter, the point where the Sun is visible is called the winter solstice point. The equator of the celestial sphere and the ecliptic meet at two points. The point going up from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere is called the vernal equinox, and the point going down from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere is called the autumnal equinox. In summary, during the spring, summer, fall, and winter, the Sun is located at the vernal equinox, summer solstice point, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice point, respectively. Now, let’s locate the Sun in each season using specific coordinates called right ascension and declination. Because of the Earth’s revolution, the Sun’s annual motion is observed in the direction of vernal equinox, summer solstice point, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice point. The Earth’s revolution not only affects the Sun’s annual motion but also brings about changes in seasonal constellations as well as the actual seasons. Our zodiac signs are based on the date we were born. The 12 zodiac signs refer to the 12 constellations near the ecliptic. Why do we see different constellations depending on the season? Constellations in the direction of the Sun are blocked from view by strong sunlight, while constellations that are in the opposite direction of the Sun are in clear view. This is why the constellations change depending on the direction the Earth faces as it revolves around the Sun. Let’s look at a specific example. In Korea during the spring, summer, fall, and winter, the right ascension of the Sun is 0h at vernal equinox, 6h at the summer solstice point, 12h at the autumnal equinox, and 18h at the winter solstice point. This means that the observable constellations in the spring are Virgo and Leo, located on the opposite side of the autumnal equinox at 12h. in the summer, Archer and Scorpio are visible on the opposite side of the winter solstice point at 18h winter. In the fall, we see Pisces and Aquarius, and in the winter, Gemini and Taurus are visible Stars also have annual motion. What’s different is that stars move from east to west, unlike the Earth’s revolution and the Sun’s annual motion. While the star’s diurnal motion and annual motion both occur in a clockwise direction, the diurnal motion ha
Change the formatting for a chart Web Intelligence provides several options for changing the formatting of our charts, including color palettes, chart styles, and detailed formatting options. The options available depend on the chart type. In this example, we will review and adjust the formatting options for a pie chart. We will then change it to a column chart, and review and adjust several other options. We will start by selecting the chart. Note that the Chart Style tab displays once the chart is selected. We can choose a palette for our chart to apply a unified color scheme to all members. We will change the chart to use shades of blue. Chart styles are also available to adjust the overall appearance of our charts, such as high contrast. For the full range of options for adjusting the appearance of our chart, we can access the formatting settings. The General tab provides options for the general look of the chart, such as the size and rotation. We will expand the width of the chart to 15 cm. Now we will change the rotation of the chart by 60 degrees, which affects where the first slice of pie appears. The Area Display tab controls which items appear in the chart area, such as the title, data labels, and legend. We will add a title to the chart. We need to enter the title, and then set up the chart to show data labels and disable the legend. The Data Values tab enables us to adjust how the data values in the chart display. Here, we will show the labels inside the slices and change the font color to gold for better visibility against the blue. The Palette and Style tab includes the same options for applying a chart palette or style as in the main tool bar, plus some additional settings. We will change the chart to 3D. Next, we will add a simple shadow to the pie chart. The Background tab enables us to apply a color to the chart background. We will change the chart background to pale grey. The Border tab enables us to add lines. Here, we will add a thin grey border around the chart. The Layout tab controls how the chart is laid out on the document. We will set the chart to be exactly 0.5 cm from the left edge of the page. The Title options enable us to apply more complex formatting to the title. We will change the font size for the title. Note that we can also change the border and background for the title, if desired. The Legend options allow us to adjust the formatting of the legend. In this example, the legend has already been disabled for the chart. The Plot Area options enable us to adjust the format of the border, background, and title for the plot area, if applicable. Now we need to confirm the changes to see the results. Note the changes to the format of the pie chart. Next, we will change the chart into a column chart and access the formatting options again. Note that there are several additional options for the new chart type. The Region Type options let us choose the best way to display the members. The Category Axis options enable us to specify how the labels on the Y axis are displayed. We will reverse the order of the members. Now we will increase the font size and change the labels to italic. The Value Axis options control how the values on the X axis are displayed. We will stack the values. Now we will adjust the layout so that the width and height are proportional. Finally, we will confirm our changes to see the results. Note that our changes have been applied. Visit for more tutorials on Web Intelligence and other SAP business intelligence products.
Welcome to the Channel Indian recipes by Meera Gupta. Today we will make tasty pickle of spicy garlic. Spicy and tasty pickle made from garlic enhances taste. It is very easy to make. The essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down. The essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down. The essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down. The essential ingredients to make garlic pickle are shown in this video's description box. From here you can note it down. Now we will heat the mustard oil in a pot after putting it on the gas. When oil will be heated, add spices to it. Mustard oil has become hot, now will close the gas. And when the oil is slightly cooled down, mix all the spices. Mustard oil has cooled. Now put celery in it, add black mustard seeds, add fanugreek, add fennel, add Kalongi, add red chili powder, add turmeric powder , add salt, will now put the grated raw mango. Now mix them all in mustard oil. Now add Garlic and mix all spices You can reduce or increase the salt in it according to your taste. Add 2-3 spoonful white vinegar in it and mix it well. And keep it in sunlight for 4-5 days. This garlic pickle is mixed well, now it will take it out in a bowl. It can also be placed in the container, but it is easy to stir it so that it is taken out in the bowl. Keep it in sunlight for 5-6 days, so that its masala gets absorbed in garlic well. It will keep stirring up and down for 4-5 days. After 1 week, we will fill it in the container but before fill in container keep it in sunlight for 4-5 days. Also stir well so that spices absorbed in it. Garlic pickle is ready and eatable. Hope you will like this video, Please like, share& subscribe our channel and Do not forget to click the bell Ikon
This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs -- one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. This is Democracy Now!,, I'm Amy Goodman. As we end today's show looking at how the parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) into giving a high s
It's been seven hours and 15 days Since you took your love away I go out every night and sleep all day Since you took your love away Since you been gone, I can do whatever I want I can see whomever I choose I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant But nothing I said nothing can take away these blues 'Cause nothing compares Nothing compares to you It's been so lonely without you here Like a bird without a song Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling Tell me baby, where did I go wrong? I could put my arms around every boy I see But they'd only remind me of you I went to the doctor, guess what he told me Guess what he told me He said, "Girl you better try to have fun, no matter what you do" But he's a fool 'Cause nothing compares, nothing compares to you All the flowers that you planted mama In the back yard All died when you went away I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard But I'm willing to give it another try Nothing compares Nothing compares to you Nothing compares Nothing compares to you Nothing compares Nothing compares to you
Tap “Overview” to see a listing of all activities in the app. Tap “Activities” to see a thumbnail navigation of activities. In the chosen activity, tap “Insights” for educational content Tap “Actions” for an infographic of things possible to do. Tap and select the shape and material of your bob. Tap on the bob to modify its volume. Drag the spring balance to immerse the bob in fluid. Archimedes Principle: The buoyant force equals the weight of displaced liquid. Also: The volume of displaced liquid equals the immersed volume of the bob. Also: The volume of displaced liquid equals the immersed volume of the bob. Increase the volume of the bob and immerse again. Archimedes Principle can be verified with the bob at any volume. Tap on an alternative shape and immerse bob again. Archimedes Principle can be verified again. Draw the spring balance out, and tap “RESET” to start fresh Choose a spherical wooden bob to immerse. We will now compare floating to complete immersion. Make the bob immerse completely by modifying the density of the fluid. Archimedes Principle works in all cases. The app includes other activities for progressive learning and exploration...
Chima hunter is sponsored by express VPN. Don't let hackers steal your financial information Protect yourself today by going to express VPN dot com slash let's play Should we should we do an eight person Just do sumo all right. I was How do you want to do sumo? I'm always into sumo. Yeah, you just smash. Hi. Have you played sumo with us before? Nope. So chi where it's teams of two. I believe it is now. Yeah, what you gotta do Is you and your partner have to push the other cars off this side. This is great This is why I love you because this watch our this is kind of great Before I don't know how this is what I love you because you did you tell jack shut the Yeah, I'm familiar with your I want to meet the person that pitched that last game type to I'm like surely I'm missing something right. They didn't just be like Like just kill people in the forest on bikes. What? Yeah, if we did that wrong leave a comment Yeah, what am I wearing? Hey gavin that porn stash. What's good? You like you like my tree? I know you look normal But i'm wearing my jeff and michael lindsey and trevour me and matt and gavin and kai What did sarah just about my baby. Hey fiona. This is for you. I'll try to be the chunk to schwa I Know jack. It was an alien What it was an alien they're everywhere. You a piece Sound like zoid right there. Do you guys see the fucking video of in peru of the mr. Peanut flittner on last night? Why that's what they call him jeff alien. You're the only one who probably has tv in this whole place. I don't thought i'm reddit Yeah, tv reddit tv watching i'm watching peruvian team. You gotta force them out of the zone. Let's do this kai Why is everyone gonna say car? Oh because that's kind of like the game What is it doing with pushing or something? Yeah, it's always gonna get smaller and smaller. You invented this right? You gotta get back in You have to stay in the safe zone. Yeah, jeff was wondering about the peruvian version though. Yeah I'm not a man. You gotta find a safe zone. You're safe. But where is it? Check the map. Check the map. Check the map. It's over to the screen. Someone's hiding stuff in their butt. I heard it. These are uh, these are new new maps, huh? It's possible. I mean new to me. I didn't think i'd die two years. No, never. It's fair I gotta watch peruvian television. I have so much love to do. Killing you would give you the opportunity to where the aliens are It's true. It's if I feel like we have similar uh, youtube rabbit holes. I'm sure we do Lindsey. I'm sure we do. Is this the road? Yeah It was it was not the road Your sacrifice showed me the way To the edge of the cliff, but you just let Is this a person? Hi. What does that do? Uh handbrake if you have it sent to you. I think that's what it is. I keep trying to handbrake. It turns you into the fawns just. I'm not going out, Michael. Uh, you become Henry Winkler. Matt's never been out. That's true. I might try to stay inside. Why am I so slow? We don't know. You were bitten by a sinner. That's the reaction I just nudged you. I thought I was good at that. No, I can't. I'm not going to kill you yet. No, die, please. Where are you lost? One person. Oh my god. Oh, no. Oh, fuck. That was close. Here we go. Here we go. A glory. Oh, well, guess I'm going anyway. These bubbles are getting pretty weak. They're getting pretty tight. Oh, no. Gavin was like you. Well, Gavin killed me. I wasn't really hit. You lost that way. Careful. Careful. Careful. We can all live in this bubble together. Oh, you're dead center. Oh, shit. A bubbler. Simbios. Get that commie. You hear him talking? I call me a fool, Gavin. Oh, no. You're next. Oh, no. Oh my god. Hi, I'm glad you're out of this carnage. It's getting rough out here. Yeah, no, it's kind of disgusting. You can't be very sloppy. Sir, sir, please, sir. Just you and me, baby. Yeah, we just be buddies. Yeah, we're going to hang out. I don't think this guy has a license. I don't think we're not trying to get out of the bubble. We're close. I mean, it's going to get small. That's a tiny, tiny hole. It's a rising typ
Sab Matsumoto: All right. So this is part 2 of section 3.2, Sab Matsumoto: And so what I want to do at here is just to Sab Matsumoto: to illustrate what? what if you can? If you have clearly understood this whole idea of the derivative right? What i'm about to do could be quite confusing to some of you. Just be warned ahead of time. Okay. So I have 2 functions here. X squared and Xq. Sab Matsumoto: Right? And these are sort of a standard types of graphs. And so what I want to I want you to think about is to graph Sab Matsumoto: the derivative functions Sab Matsumoto: now. We have already established. Sab Matsumoto: The derivative of X squared is, 2, x and the derivative of X cube this 3 X square, so you could sort of a cheat and graph those things. But instead of doing that, I want you to focus on right what the derivative is. Sab Matsumoto: and then use that information to inform what the graph of the function. The derivative derivative looks like, okay. So for instance, Sab Matsumoto: you remember the derivative. Represents the the slope of the tangent engine line. Right. So if I drew a little tangent Sab Matsumoto: like tangent pieces, okay. Sab Matsumoto: it'll look like this. So think of this Sab Matsumoto: parabola Sab Matsumoto: as a consisting of a bunch of small segments, mine segments which approximate the curve. Okay, I know no part of this curve, by the way, is actually straight. Okay, it's not flat at any point. Sab Matsumoto: but you can approximate Sab Matsumoto: each little part of the the the problem with, you know, these straight line segments which I indicated what I have just drawn in with a green line segments right? And so now we look at the derivatives. the slope of these segments. Now this one Sab Matsumoto: looks pretty pretty big, right? Sab Matsumoto: And then this looks well. It's still a positive. These are positive. At this point the slope is 0. So, M. If you think of the slope of 0, you know that's that's 0 here. Okay? And let's say, Sab Matsumoto: Well, let's see. The derivative is 2 X here? Right? So if you did think of this as one and 2. Of course that's not quite right. but you know that's okay. so this is for, and this is one, and so on. Sab Matsumoto: this is not the the X and Y. Axes are not drawn to scale the same thing right? But here you know that the slope is going to be 2 Sab Matsumoto: right. Sab Matsumoto: The slope is 0 here. maybe I should write the slope in different color. Sab Matsumoto: So let's see Sab Matsumoto: I am going to use. What color should I use? Blue? Right? So blue numbers represent the slope slope at this point is 0. The slope at one is actually 2, right? So this this little segment has a slope of 2 at this, 2 times 2 is 4. So the slope of this thing is 4. Sab Matsumoto: Okay, what is the slope over here? That would be negative one times 2. So it's native to Sab Matsumoto: remember over in this side, on the left hand side. The slope is always going to be negative, because the graph is going down at this point here it's not here, but I mean it's not quite on the graph. Maybe I should just kind of cheat here. and that's Sab Matsumoto: but anyway, the the slope here is like negative 4, because negative 2 times 2. Is that right? Sab Matsumoto: So if you are to graph the derivative Sab Matsumoto: as the function. Sab Matsumoto: we are talking about something that goes from 4 to 0, and and then going down to negative. Sab Matsumoto: Remember, this is a straight line, right? Sab Matsumoto: So the graph is actually going to be like this. That's the derivative function. Sab Matsumoto: Does that make sense like it has nothing to it. Doesn't. Look anything like the original function Sab Matsumoto: right? But this is the derivative according to our calculation. So, if you remember, the derivative is going to indicate the slope of the tangent line or the tangent segment at these points, and so that is the derivative function drawn on the same plane as the original function. Sab Matsumoto: All right. Sab Matsumoto: So that's the the function. 2 X right, all right. X cubed
You know, Darwin said his whole theory dependent on the fossil remains, and he said we should be able to line up from a single cell organism to man several miles long and just walk right down the fossil trail and see how everything evolved. And he said the only reason they didn't have the fossils is because they were not geologically sophisticated enough, but that we would be in fifty to a hundred years. Well, that was a hundred and fifty years ago. We still haven't found them. Where are they? Where are the fossil remains? Well, that was a hundred and fifty years ago, and that was a hundred and fifty years ago. Well, that was a hundred and fifty years ago, and that was a hundred and fifty years ago. Well, that was a hundred and fifty years ago, and that was a hundred and fifty years ago. Well, when you ask the evolutionist about that, they say, I don't know where they are, they're somewhere, and we just haven't found them yet. That's a pretty lame excuse to be honest with you.
Shoulder, Legionnaires, right on here and welcome back to Permadeath 76, we're here with a killer hunter just outside of a small town that seems to be unnamed, other than of course Greg's mining supply co. Yes, in the last we allowed ourselves a little bit of a detour to a large pharmaceutical company's headquarters and to this small mining supply town, we ran into the building. So, let's go. Okay. So, let's go. How we're doing? I'm getting there. Okay. So, let's go. We're going to be here. Gotcha. You know, what's going on? Okay. All right. Okay. All right. All right. All right. So, let's go. All right. We're going to be here again. All right. All right. Yeah. All right. All right. You You You You
Uh, less Lego this time and more GTA. So, uh, we're swapping and we're gonna be playing some GTA. Matt, you're currently in here inviting people, right? Yup, I'm hitting that Vite crew members. Fuckin' new, yo. Alright, so hopefully you're in the stream crew. Uh, we added a couple people. We got Matt, obviously. We also got a Jeremy and Michael and Mr. G- So if you've never seen a played scoot scoot, basically, everybody has got a motorcycle and a hammer. And there is a golden scooter that you must capture. There's two teams, about 15. So, good luck. Yeah, you know, why do you have to block the scooter, capture it, and then defend your teammate on the same team? Probably not. Where's James? A question that I don't have because it might do it because we're friends. It sometimes does, though. I'm an F. We have friends or friends forever. This should be chaos anyway. Hey, I see Jeremy. I see Michael, Gavin, Matt, Robin's team. Hey, shit it, boys. Alright, shoot. This is what a fish does. This is what I do. Hey, Jeremy. What's up? Shush. Shush. Your fish is making too much noise over there. Team one looks angry. Everyone looks mad. Alright, so let's, um, you know, we have the practice. We have the skill. It's gonna be a nightmare. This is gonna be so rough. Oh, yeah, it's terrible. Will the game end? You don't lose your time limit? 20 minutes. Okay. What's the time limit? 20 minutes. There's a... Why is there a... There was a car there. The Hummer just... He's trying to kill us. Here's the problem. Oh my God, why are there Hummers in front of us? That's just random traffic. Oh. Go, go, go! When enough people hit the scooter, doesn't it explode? It sure does. Yeah, it does. It's like five people. It sure does. Dude, that was like the Huns coming over the mountain. Right, yeah. I wouldn't want to be on this hill here. Um, there is like all of the other team here and very few of us. Okay. I see the scoot, Matt. I see the scoot, Matt. Get him, Michael. Get him, Matt. Oh, they're swarming me. I'm killing like three people. This is so ridiculous. Oh, I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Most of the footage I realized in this stream not gonna be on the scooter because we're gonna die a million times. No, but we're always going to die. Good for the scooter. We're always going through it. It's bad in there. If someone can get any amount of scoot time, guys, just open season. Kill anyone you're passing anything to the herd. Oh, I got a rough spawn. I killed a man. Oh, scooter. We're on a scooter. Protect this man with your life. Protect this man. Someone our team has just a one, two, four protect him like he's your child. I'll die for you, Jessa. Fucker with your core. Gather him. Good luck, friend. I'm walking. Oh, they're not even going for him. Where are they under? Jessa. No, he's been killed. No. He's been killed. Oh, the horn is here, man. The horn is here, man. I got him. I got him. I got him. Get him. Get him. Get out. Go. I'm picking it up. I have it. Michael's on the scooter. We didn't let you out. There's so many bikes underneath me. Oh, Michael was on for one second. There's a digital man. Kill him. Where'd the scooter go? It reached? No. Who's on it? Where is it? Where is it? No, it's not. I don't see it. I think it's respawned. It's just respawned. It's out there. It's respawned. It's a bunch of them on it. Matt ran me over. Look. You were there. Matt, how's all the time for that? We know you want to kill Jack, but please. Oh, no. Oh, this one hit me. They're taking it. Stop. Where'd they go? Are they just going in circles? He's in the middle. He's in the middle. He's in the middle. He's in the middle of the mess. He's going down the pier. All right. All right. I got him. I got him. I got him off. Okay. Where'd it go? Where'd it go? All right. I got it. I got it. Yes. Matt, you got a man in your tail. Oh, he hit me. I'm coming. Oh, he hit me into the... Matt, I've killed him. I've killed him. I've killed him. You're good. I'm your savior, Michael. He's coming in. All right. Uh-oh. I've been eliminated by the threat. All right.
[CLICK] [MUSIC PLAYING] ELMO: It's time to do the Elmo Slide! [LAUGHING] Everybody flap your arms! Here we go, now. Flap, flap, flap, flap your arms. Flap, flap, flap, flap, your arms. Flap, flap, flap, flap, your arms. Flap, flap, flap, flap, your arms. Slide to the front. Slide to the back. Slide to the side. Slide to the other side. Jump one time. Jump two times. Turn around. Turn around the other way. Get down now. Get up now. Lift one knee. Lift the other knee. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. Stop! Here we go again. Let's get to work. Flap your arms, everybody. Flap your arms! CHORUS: Flap flap flap flap! ELMO: Flap your arms! CHORUS: Flap flap flap flap! ELMO: Flap your arms! CHORUS: Flap flap flap flap! ELMO: Flap your arms! CHORUS: Flap flap flap flap! ELMO: Slide to the front. Slide to the back. Slide to the side. Slide to the other side. Jump one time. CHORUS: One! ELMO: Jump jump two time. CHORUS: One, two! ELMO: Jump three times. CHORUS: One, two, three! ELMO: Yeah, come on! Turn around. Turn around the other way. Now the other way again. Now the other way again. Again! Again! Again! Again! Again! Whoaaaaaa! Get down now. Get up now. Tap your toes. Now touch your nose, that's the way it goes. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. Elmo Slide! [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE]
Hello fellow world of the world of the world, how are you guys doing today? Today we've got Mitzi's Arsenal video and Sears and you're gonna be testing Gaitlyn Plasma. I think it's the first time I'm gonna be using that to be honest. First time with the Gaitlyn Plasma. So if you want to see how this went, then sit down, relax and enjoy. So we've got anti-armour Gaitlyn plasma with faster fire rate, reduced weight. We've got prime receiver, rifle, barrel, standard magazine, reflex sight and beam for cursor. So that's the weapon of the choice for tonight. Usually you can see those weapons on legacies, it's like I think one of the most popular legacy, but it's not, it's not explosive, it's just regular Gaitlyn plasma. Let's put on power armor. Because we're gonna be doing the testing in power armor. Okay, we've got power armor, we've got everything. We have the perks. The perks we've got under the strength for the heavy guns, which is... Oh, turn it on. See, it's my red action perk. Then, bear arms, master heavy gunner, heavy gunner, expert heavy gunner, bundle ear. Perception is my commando, the endurance life-giver, fireproof. In carries, we've got tenderizer and strange numbers that is shared. Then we've got under intelligence nerd rage, and now you have to take off the demolition expert and I will put my stabilised. And got batteries included because those cores are very, very heavy. Then we've got true hiker, covert operative, sneak, escape artist. Actually, you could take them off and I will put... I'll put dodgy. And I can put... It may be easy, for example. And in luck, I've got bloody mess, ricochet, class freak, and strategies. And it comes to legendary perks. We've got follow through because it's mixed build for commando and heavy guns. But we've got electric absorption, legendary luck, agility, intelligence, strength. Okay. Now you know everything. Let's see where we can go to test it out. We're gonna go up the map. I know they won't be as high-level as here, but it's fine because you're gonna test it both on an endurance card based, so you can have an idea of the damage. And we've got some friends in the house. That's great. Yeah, here at our level, like... I don't really know much. I forgot this time to try it. Okay. Everything could be green. I mean, it looks nice. With the green beam. It looks good range for the heavy gun. Move after this one. Okay, we're here. Now let's see who'll spawn here because it's random. We'll get the mutants or someone else. We've got mutants. Oh, we're lucky. Let's practice our aiming. We're practicing our aim dice. Practice for a fair winter. So cool. Yeah. If you're using vads, they're dying much more quicker. What do you think? Which one is the most popular at the moment? What to have on can you see the most in game? When you're running around, I'm curious. Let's find the scourge beast. Let's see this one. Although, I've got really bad luck with this visual side. Like three times out of four, it's empty. I don't know why. Is it the same for you guys? I think it's empty. So you don't have to. And the scars seem to be as well. Yeah. It's always empty. Is it supposed to be always empty? Oh, it's just me. Oh, we've got the scars. We're still lucky. I mean, it's spot on here. We always have a scourge beast. Oh, it's her. What is she? I lost her. She's a beginner. I shouldn't have ordered she. How can you not such a big creature? Friends can see me. Oh, I think I have two spots to be more efficient. Oh, he's about to have an animal. It's getting too close to her. And it's not going to fit too much. I would like to get attention to the scourge beast. Thank you. Oh, those are huge damage mid-air. It's possibly more difficult with a chemical and a mid-air. Oh. And then he... Mm-hmm. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. So she's dead. We did pretty good. I know, but slowly goes to... Oh. Oh, that doesn't help. That's it. I think we've got everyone's dead. So, let's check one more place and we're going to go for the robots. I don't know if we'll find the robots outside, but maybe we're going to find them
Hi all! Onion 100 gr, carrots 100 gr and celery 50 gr cut into small cubes. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry minced meat 500 gr. Add greens and simmer a little. Add 100 ml red wine and let it boil. Add 30 gr butter and let it melt. Add 500 gr tomato paste, salt, pepper, basil and rosemary and simmer for about 2-2.5 hours. Switch off. Heat 1 liter milk in a saucepan, add 20 gr butter and a pinch of salt. Gradually add flour 50 gr, stirring constantly, until you get the desired consistency. Grate mozzarella 200 gr. Lubricate the mold with butter. Take fresh lasagna sheets for 6 layers. Grate parmesan 100 gr on a fine grater. Drizzle with a little bechamel sauce. Lay out the layers in this order: First layer of lasagna: Lasagna sheet, bechamel sauce, Bolognese sauce, parmesan, mozzarella. Second layer of lasagna: Lasagna sheet, bechamel sauce, cooked ham (need in all 200 gr) , parmesan, mozzarella. Third layer: lasagne sheet, bechamel sauce, Bolognese sauce, parmesan, mozzarella. Fourth layer: Lasagna sheet, bechamel, cooked ham, parmesan, mozzarella. Fifth layer: Lasagna sheet, bechamel, Bolognese, parmesan, mozzarella. Sixth layer: Lasagna sheet, bechamel, some bolognese sauce, parmesan, mozzarella. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Bon appetit! Thank you for watching.
english vocabulary lesson 100 daily use items phone charger phone charger toothbrush toothbrush hair dryer hair dryer light switch light switch zip zip toilet toilet key key kettle kettle towel towel belt belt plate plate toothpaste toothpaste scissors scissors fridge fridge clock clock laptop laptop mobile phone mobile phone door handle door handle money money plug plug socks socks knife knife fork fork spoon spoon shoes shoes cup cup pen pen headphones headphones television television keyboard keyboard usb stick usb stick stairs stairs glass glass couch couch desk desk soap soap razor razor jacket jacket comb comb sunglasses sunglasses cushion cushion light bulb light bulb bread bread radiator radiator lipstick lipstick watch watch t-shirt t-shirt shower shower fan fan bottle of water bottle of water table table tap tap bed bed pair of jeans pair of jeans mirror mirror diary diary mouthwash mouthwash rubbish bin rubbish bin dental floss dental floss deodorant deodorant sponge sponge ironing board ironing board pillow pillow remote control remote control vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner wardrobe wardrobe vitamins vitamins blanket blanket notepad notepad hair gel hair gel nail clippers nail clippers orange juice orange juice frying pan frying pan thermometer thermometer lamp lamp button button hand sanitiser hand sanitiser plastic bag plastic bag rubber gloves rubber gloves hard drive hard drive brush brush umbrella umbrella bicycle bicycle washing machine washing machine stool stool microwave microwave toaster toaster curtains curtains first aid kit first aid kit teapot teapot slippers slippers iron iron nail polish nail polish safety pin safety pin torch torch basket basket wallet wallet handbag handbag mop mop bath tub bath tub
cut, cut, cut y'all really don't understand how valuable my time is come on now you're making my boys look bad won't you let us come up with our own steps nah nah nah nah see we already tried that don't you remember now come on i want to see some asses wiggling i need to see straight perfection okay then up top baby Now you want it, if you want it if you really need it if you really need it You want me to get it want me to get it They Say it witcha booty, say it witcha booty Now tell if you want it bitch say it witcha booty If you really need it, say it witcha booty Want me to get it, say it witcha booty Just say it witcha booty, bitch say it witcha booty Like woooo Fee, Fi fo fum I’m watching it go dumb Titties jiggling, ass wiggling and my bitch wanna come Big ass bring it over rev it up like a motor Talk that shit wit cha booty leg up over your shoulders Fuck that soft shit, bitch make it bounce hard like you're riding on the dick of a superstar Ass everywhere, bitch got some true skills Fuck around and we gonna do it for real Now you want it, if you want it if you really need it if you really need it you want me to get it you want me to get it say it witcha booty Just say it witcha booty Now tell if you want it, bitch say it witcha booty If you really need it, say it witcha booty Want me to get it, say it witcha booty Just say it witcha booty, bitch say it witcha booty Like woooo Bitch slide down the poles Ass on super swoll Another bitch right on top Pussy right on your nose This bitch on freaky shit She know how to squeeze a dick But after all is said and done I’m just gonna leave the bitch (cya) Headed to the strip club, straight to the dj booth And made a quick dub, and I got a dick rub Bitches on my line, they gone keep trying But if you shake some ass bitch, I got time She got slow work, on that pole work She can stretch that ass but it don’t hurt Looking like an hourglass, treat em the same with no difference Look at all the ass on them bad bitches Now you want it, if you want it If you really need it If you really need it You Want me to get it, want me to get it They Say it witcha booty, say it witcha booty Now tell if you want it, bitch say it witcha booty If you really need it, say it witcha booty Want me to get it, say it witcha booty Just say it witcha booty, bitch say it witcha booty Like woooo Work Work It Work Work It So big, so perfect Twerk twerk it Twerk twerk it Don’t break it, don’t hurt it Work Work It Work Work It So big, so perfect Twerk twerk it Twerk twerk it Don’t break it, don’t hurt it I love it how you make your booty talk I didn’t know you could make it talk I knew you could make it clap But now you saying , you saying something
History I’m Touching A Part Of History I Won’t Let Haters Get To Me Cuz I’m Making My Future Lit For Me I’m Doing It My Way... My Way My Way I’m Getting Out My Way My Way Getting Out My Way Karma Just Another Way Of Testing SO!!! I Won’t Be The One To Block My Blessings. NO!!! Success Got Me Filling My Confession. SO!!! Imma Spend A Hundred On A Tesla WHOA!!! Fly Way Did It My Way Either It’s My Way Or The Highway Understand.... Hundred Grand Did It Klan ( Hold Up ) Run It Man, Run It Man. For The Fam And This For My Town I Know My Dad And My GrandDad Looking Down Feeling Proud In A World Where A Million People Fake It I’m Praying That A Million Of Us Make It History I’m Touching A Part Of History I Won’t Let Haters Get To Me Cuz I’m Making My Future Lit For Me I’m Doing It My Way... My Way I’m Getting Out My Way Getting Out My Way Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! Go! Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! .. It’s Lit! They Say The Sky Is The Limit You Ain’t Ride Or Die You Riding In It Rented I Rather Toll Spots Than No Spots Stay Away From Road Blocks On The Ride To The Riches..... Fly Way Did It My Way Either It’s My Way Or The Highway Understand.... Hundred Grand Did It Klan ( Hold Up ) Run It Man, Run It Man. Life’s A Beach In My Reach Sun And Sand Everybody’s Family Not A Fan In A World Where A Million People Fake It I’m Praying That A Million Of Us Make It History I’m Touching A Part Of History I Won’t Let Haters Get To Me Cuz I’m Making My Future Lit For Me I’m Doing It My Way... My Way I’m Getting Out My Getting Out My Way Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! Go! Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! .. It’s Lit! Only The Strong Survive (Aye) I’m Feeling Alive I Don’t Never Wanna Die I Realize I’m Living Finally I’m Owning My (Aye) My Flaws And Mistakes Take The Awards Pull Them Out The Safe. And Get Them Out Of My Place I’m Getting Out Of My Way I’m Getting Out Of My Way Getting Out My Way Getting Out My Way Getting Out Of My Way Getting Out Of My Way Getting Out Of My Way I’m Getting Out Of My Way Getting Out Of My Way Getting Out Of My Way Getting Out Of My Way It’s Lit! History I’m Touching A Part Of History I Won’t Let Haters Get To Me Cuz I’m Making My Future Lit For Me I’m Doing It My Way... My Way I’m Getting Out My Getting Out My Way Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! Go! It’s Lit! Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! ..Go! Go! It’s Lit!
Christopher Carbone: This is question one for a calculus review for our first test. Christopher Carbone: A tank holds three thousand gallons of water Christopher Carbone: which drains from the bottom of the tank in half an hour. The values in this table show the volume V of water remaining in the tank in gallons. After ten minutes we have for five minutes two thousand and sixty, four gallons, Christopher Carbone: ten minutes, one thousand three hundred and twenty, three minute gallons, fifteen minutes, seven hundred and sixty, five gallons, twenty minutes, three hundred and thirty, nine gallons, twenty, five minutes, seventy, eight gallons, and thirty minutes would be zero gallons. Christopher Carbone: If the point P is the point. Fifteen comma seven hundred and sixty five on the graph of V. We want the slopes of the secant lines. Pq. Will accuse the point on the graph with T being five, ten, twenty, twenty, five, and thirty. Christopher Carbone: Rounding these to one does more voices. Christopher Carbone: And then we want to estimate the slope of this tangent line at P by averaging these slopes of the two adjacent secant lines, corresponding to two points closest to P. Again, running this to one that's more poise, Christopher Carbone: so that start off with I Christopher Carbone: right? Christopher Carbone: So we know. P. Here is this point Fifteen. Come with seven hundred and sixty five. Let me highlight that for lessons sake. Christopher Carbone: So i'm going to Christopher Carbone: kind of redraw this a little bit, just so we can Christopher Carbone: have it for reference as we're doing with slopes, Christopher Carbone: I said, That's about big enough. Christopher Carbone: Our first point was five-comer, two thousand and sixty-four. Christopher Carbone: So for the slope of that line Pq. Christopher Carbone: Based on what we have Christopher Carbone: we are going to have the two thousand and sixty-four, Christopher Carbone: minus seven hundred and sixty five Christopher Carbone: divided by this would be five Christopher Carbone: minus fifteen Christopher Carbone: i'm up here. Christopher Carbone: This would give us this. Give us a slope of negative one hundred and twenty, nine point nine Christopher Carbone: likewise for the point, Christopher Carbone: ten comma, one thousand three hundred and twenty, three. Christopher Carbone: This to be Christopher Carbone: one thousand three hundred and twenty-three, Christopher Carbone: minus seven hundred and sixty-five, Christopher Carbone: divided by Christopher Carbone: ten, minus fifteen Christopher Carbone: that makes negative one hundred and eleven Christopher Carbone: quite sense Christopher Carbone: for the point. Twenty Christopher Carbone: comma, three hundred, Christopher Carbone: thirty-nine. Christopher Carbone: This to make two hundred and thirty. It's gonna be three hundred and thirty, nine Christopher Carbone: minus seven hundred and sixty, five Christopher Carbone: divided by twenty Christopher Carbone: minus fifteen, Christopher Carbone: and for that particular value. Once we put that into our calculator, Christopher Carbone: the value that we would get for that Christopher Carbone: is going to be Christopher Carbone: a value of negative eighty-five Christopher Carbone: point, two Christopher Carbone: based on that particular point. And then we have those last two ones to do as well, and I need more room. Christopher Carbone: The last two Christopher Carbone: would be, This is twenty, five, Christopher Carbone: gamma, seventy, eight. Christopher Carbone: This would be seventy, eight, minus seven hundred and sixty five Christopher Carbone: divided by Christopher Carbone: this would be Christopher Carbone: twenty-five minus fifteen. Christopher Carbone: That makes negative sixty-eight point seven, Christopher Carbone: and then the last one would be thirty kamazoo Christopher Carbone: and zero minus seven hundred and sixty, five Christopher Carbone: divided by thirty, minus fifteen, Christopher Carbone: and this makes negative fifty-one Christopher Carbone: point
I've been calling caves my home I'm living in the myths The spiders and the bones The creepers with their hiss The nights when undead roam Endermen that persist And clearly none of them will match against my feats And I just know where I should go I'm taking all this risk I'm just hunting for that fighter Everyone calls him a glitch An antihero Revenge is my bliss What fight have I got into? A clash of magic blitz I'll be living just like this Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Oh, I'll be living just like this Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo Oh, I'll be living just like this I'll be living just like this I've been reading books of old The legends and the myths The testaments they told The Entity's eclipse The embers he control The flames that burn his fists But I'm not the kind of creature who can glitch And I just know where I should go I'm taking all this risk I'm just hunting for that fighter Everyone calls him a glitch An antihero Revenge is my bliss What fight have I got into? A clash of magic blitz I'll be living just like this I'll be living just like this Oh, I'll be living just like this Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Oh, I'll be living just like this Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Where d'you think I'll go? I've taken all this risk. I'm just hunting for that fighter Everyone calls him a glitch An antihero Revenge is my bliss What fight have I got into? A clash of magic blitz I'll be living just like this I'll be living just like this Oh, I'll be living just like this Oh, I'll be living just like this Oh, I'll be living just like this
This is a video on using the limit definition  to find the derivative. The question states: use   the limit process to find the derivative of f(x)  is equal to the square root of two x minus one.   So first, let's recall the definition of the  derivative which states that f prime of x is   equal to the limit as delta x approaches  zero of f(x) plus delta x minus f(x)   all over delta x. So I'm going to substitute for  f(x) plus delta x where I see an x. Right here   in 2x will become a 2 times x plus delta x and  what I get is the limit as delta x approaches 0   of the square root of 2 times, and here's our x  plus delta x, minus 1. And then I subtract f(x)   which is root 2x minus 1 divided by delta x. Okay  so now that I have a limit that involves roots,   I simplify that by multiplying top  and bottom by the conjugate root.   Remember, the conjugate root means that we  put a plus sign where we saw a minus sign.   So I'm going to multiply top and bottom by the  square root of 2 times x plus delta x minus 1   and then plus the square root of 2x minus  1 and then we divide by the same thing.   We do that because we have an a minus b times  a plus b and that becomes an a squared minus b   squared. So a squared and b squared what that'll  do will cancel the square root and what I get up   on top is 2 times x plus delta x minus 1. That's  the inside of the first root and then minus the   inside of the second root 2x minus 1. And the  denominator stays the same so now let's simplify. I can multiply the two through and  I can multiply the negative through   and what I get on the top is 2x plus 2 delta x  minus 1 minus 2x plus 1. And the nice thing is   much of this cancels. The 2x and minus 2x  cancel. The negative 1 and the plus 1 cancel.   And I'm left with just 2 delta x up in the  numerator. So now I have a 2 delta x up on top,   a delta x down the bottom, I can cancel those, and  I'm left with the limit as delta x approaches 0 of   2 over the square root of 2 times x plus delta x  minus 1 plus root 2 x minus 1. Once I've canceled   that's when it's time to plug in. So my delta  x is approaching 0 so I plug in 0 for delta x and I end up getting 2 over the square root  of 2 times x plus 0 and that's just 2x minus   1 plus root 2x minus 1. Well, it's nice I got a  root 2x minus 1 here and a root 2x minus 1 here   and that's 2 times root 2x minus 1. So the 2's  cancel and my final answer is 1 over the square   root of 2x minus 1. That's the derivative  of f(x). And I'm done with the problem.
All my wolves begin to howl Wake me up, the time is now Oh-oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh-oh, there's a revolution coming Wide awake, the fever burns Sweat it out, lay my turn Can you hear the drumming? There's a revolution coming All this doubt is creeping in Inside out, shed my skin Can you hear the drumming? There's a revolution coming I been waiting all my life To live when I've only been dreaming Give love when I've only been stealing Can't let time keep passing me by Run down what I've always been chasing Block out everything I've been facing, facing All my wolves begin to howl Wake me up, the time is now Oh-oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh-oh, there's a revolution coming Wild things that turn me on Drag my dark into the dawn Oh-oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh-oh, there's a revolution coming Body aches, I'm bound in chains Well there's a fire in my veins and can you hear the drumming? there's a revolution coming Like every king who lost a crown And all those years are history now can you hear the drumming? there's a revolution coming I been waitin all my life Run down what I've always been chasing Black out every fear I've been facing All my wolves begin to howl Wake me up, the time is now Oh-oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh-oh, there's a revolution coming Wild things that turn me on Drag my dark into the dawn Oh-oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh-oh, there's a revolution coming there's a revolution coming there's a revolution coming Oh-oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh-oh, there's a revolution coming I'm rising up, up from the ground From the bottom, can't hold me down Hold me down I'm rising up, up from the ground From the bottom, can't hold me down Hold me down All my wolves begin to howl
White walkers. I saw the white walkers. White walkers. The white walkers, I saw them. I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them, but... I saw what I saw. I saw the white walkers. People need to know. If you can get word to my family... tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry. Forgive me, Lord. In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, - the first of his name... - Don't look away. - ..King of the Andals and the First Men... - Father will know if you do. ..Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die. You did well. You understand why I did it? Jon said he was a deserter. But do you understand why I had to kill him? "Our way is the old way"? The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. Is it true he saw the white walkers? The white walkers have been gone for thousands of years. So he was lying? A madman sees what he sees.
You've got your mother in a whirl She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl Hey babe, your hair's alright Hey babe, let's go out tonight You like me, and I like it all We like dancing and we look divine You love bands when they're playing hard You want more and you want it fast They put you down, they say I'm wrong You tacky thing, you put them on Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess Rebel Rebel, how could they know? Hot tramp, I love you so! Don't ya? Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo You've got your mother in a whirl 'cause she's Not sure if you're a boy or a girl Hey babe, your hair's alright Hey babe, let's stay out tonight You like me, and I like it all We like dancing and we look divine You love bands when they're playing hard You want more and you want it fast They put you down, they say I'm wrong You tacky thing, you put them on Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess Rebel Rebel, how could they know? Hot tramp, I love you so! Don't ya? Oh? Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess Rebel Rebel, how could they know? Hot tramp, I love you so! You've torn your dress, your face is a mess You can't get enough, but enough ain't the test You've got your transmission and your live wire You got your cue line and a handful of ludes You wanna be there when they count up the dudes And I love your dress You're a juvenile success Because your face is a mess So how could they know? I said, how could they know? So what you wanna know Calamity's child, chi-chile, chi-chile Where'd you wanna go? What can I do for you? Looks like you've been there too 'Cause you've torn your dress And your face is a mess Oh, your face is a mess Oh, oh, so how could they know? Eh, eh, how could they know?
la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la A friend through the highs and the lows We all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on Right when you need it the most We all need that someone who gets you like no one else They never really cared if I wasn't Yeah, I was there but I wasn't I was on the outside always looking in 'Cause we were always in trouble Praying we're the ones that the teacher wouldn't call We were young, posters on the wall la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la A friend through the highs and the lows We all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on Right when you need it the most We all need that someone who gets you like no one else And I'm never letting you go, oh Like you understood me Looking back at me from the other side Then I saw your face, your forgiving eyes la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la I'm not gonna make it alone la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la A friend through the highs and the lows And I'll be the one you rely on, a shoulder to cry on Right when I need it the most 'Cause you are that someone that gets me like no one else la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it a-la, la-la-la-la-la la, la-la-la-la-la, 'lone I'm not gonna make it alone
Good morning, welcome to Wednesday. In the  days leading up to Martin Luther King Jr's   birthday I always spend time exploring speeches,  sermons and other inspiration from Dr King for   the upcoming Sunday and it's always such a an  enriching experience and this year came across   something I vaguely remember but had really never  dug into any deeper and it's a a speech he gave   to a junior high school in Philadelphia on my  birthday in 1967 it's called "What is Your Life's   Blueprint?" and I just want to read a bit of the  end um if it falls your lot to be a street sweeper   sweep streets like Michelangelo painted  pictures sweep streets like Beethoven   composed music sweep streets like Leontyne  price sings before the Metropolitan Opera   sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry sweep  streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and   earth will have to pause and say here lived  a great street sweeper who swept his job well   if you can't be a pine at the top of the hill be  a shrub in the valley be the best little shrub   on the side of the hill be a bush if you can't be  a tree if you can't be a highway just be a trail   if you can't be a son be a star for  it isn't by size that you win or fail   be the best of whatever you are that's just  a beautiful inspirational what do you what do   you do what do you what do you spend your life  aspiring to you know be the Michelangelo of that   what an inspiring word and uh I'm going to share  this with children on Sunday but I'm also going to   share this about Carlos on Saturday we're having  a memorial service for a long time beloved member   who was also our Sexton for nearly 30 years 20 30  years he was the best friend a friend could have   he was the best church custodian a church could  have he was the best greeter and hugger at the   door that you could have he was the best at what  he did and he did not aspire to fame and riches   in his life he aspired to be the Michelangelo  of loving us and so have a grateful day, bye.
foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right now [Music] foreign [Music] here [Music] girls only about nothing [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah thank you so much Atlanta we appreciate you thank you [Music] let's make some noise for my band you guys come on [Music] Atlanta yeah [Music] look out what's up [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's a liability practices [Music] hello everybody [Music] foreign [Music] to blow your back and take a dumb ass [ __ ] to hold the sack to take a [ __ ] like me I'm a maniac I'm a maniac I'm a maniac call me Brainiac [ __ ] Can't react I'm a range [Music] six for the pros seven for the numbers [Music] behind big walls [ __ ] these devils and these laws never question the size of ice cubes balls get the biggest group [Music] that's how we got shot on that mysterious [Music] chain react watch my Cranium crack watch these [ __ ] George Bush is like Damien is back can't trust no Republican or Democrat Democrat you all wonder if they care about my black ass the [ __ ] still got a stack cast [Music] running gets a bigger crew [Music] I see the clouds getting lower or maybe I'm getting higher you see these notes that I carry like Mariah I'm playing but they told me that I'm on fire so imma run with it from here to the slums where did I admit it I kill it but they acting like guns [ __ ] so I take off with these bad dreams and these nightmares my girl bought me a fresh pair of night ass I didn't care what they were charging for flight fare so I bought a first class ticket for the nice chairs the flight attendance only sit right here excuse my ways pretty lady but I might stand straight out the window at the city below I was trying to figure out like which city to go my homies say I'm cold like it was fitting below when I'm busting at the seams like I was ready to blow in my self-centered cause I listened to my old tracks I try to put it in the first but I hold back never play cards but deal with a whole stack I don't feening for the Ziploc flows like I saw crack and we yeah like we fresh added a real we the people in charge and the haters couldn't see us you married to the game then it came with a friend up and if you try kicking we fresh out of Adidas roll your tree out what it feel like I'm just trying to make sure that you feel right I love red wine and some good food good no [ __ ] came with a good view uh white girl on the granite yeah I think that they call it Janet I was never involved and I took the [ __ ] for granted cause they say I'm out of this world I'm on another planet cause I'm coasting fly wherever the wind blows I'm in motion we fog all over the windows and I'm ghosts yeah I'm ghost I'm ghost right now shout out to my haters let's toast right now we on another level so close right now but me and my team yelling we yeah we up we up we up we we yeah and we are we up we are and we are we up we up and we are we are we up like me and my team yelling we up we are yeah we are we up we up we up we up and me and my team yelling we up we up we up we thank you [Applause] as I walk through the valley of the Shadow with death I take a look at my life but feel your last there's nothing like this I've been blasting and laughing so long that even my mama thinks that my mind is gone but I ain't never crossed the man that did deserve it me be treated like a punk you know this unheard of you better watch how you talk it but when you walk it or you or your homies vibing lines sure I feel [Music] living in the gangsters [Music] look at the situation they got me facing I can live a normal life I was raised by the streets so I gotta be damned with a hood team too much television watch it got me chasing dreams I'm an educated fool with money on my mind got my tin in my hand in the glimp in my eye I'm alone there are kids to sit dripping Bingo and my homies is dead so don't know [Music] what can I say I'm 23 now what I live to see 24th away this is [Music] all right we keep spinning [Music] money and the power minute after many hour after hour everybody'
Hi, I’m Martin Lindsay from the Study  and Learning Centre at RMIT University. This is a short movie on logarithms. A logarithm is an index but  let’s look at an index first. Here’s the number eight, eight is the  same as two to the power of three. Three things here, eight is  the number, two is the base   and three is the index, two to the power of  three is two times two times two which is eight. So here it is again, eight  equals two to the power of three. Now this can be written as log of  eight to the base two equals three. Notice the three in red, the index  three and the logarithm three. Also note the base two, both two to the  three and log of eight to the base two. In other words we can write the equivalence here,   A to the power of X is equal to N is  the same as log of N to the base A is X. Notice the index in red and the logarithm in red. Now look at some examples, five  to the power of three is 125   which is the same as log of  125 to the base five is three. Notice in each case as I go through these that  the index and the logarithm are shown in red. Here’s another one, three to the  negative two is equal to one over nine,   log of one over nine to the base three is  negative two and finally 25 to the power   of one half is five is the same as log of  five to the base 25 is equal to the half. Study these carefully before  moving on to the next slide. Now let’s work out log of 64 to the base four. We’ll write the equivalent  statement first and beneath that   log of 64 to the base four which equals X  is the same as four to the power of X is 64. In other words what we’re  trying to do here is working out   what the X value is, the power of four. So four cubed gives us 64, four  times four times four, in other words   X is equal to three, therefore log of  64 to the base four is equal to three. Here’s another problem but this time we’re  solving log of X to the base two equals five. In the previous slide we were  working out what the logarithm was,   here we’re working out what the  number is, which is X in this case. First of all let’s write the equivalent statement  and then plugging our log over X to the base   two equals five into that equivalent statement  gives us two to the power of five is equal to X. In other words we’re working out what two to  the power of five is, which is two times two   times two times two times two, which  is 32, in other words X is equal to 32. Now here are two important logarithm rules. The first rule is A to the  power of zero is equal to one,   which the same as log of one  to the base A is equal to zero. In other words for any base  the log of one is zero. Second rule is A to the power of one is  equal to A or the log of A to the same base A   is equal to one, in other words the log of any  number with itself as base is equal to one. There are three laws of  logarithms that you must know. Here’s the first one. The log of two numbers multiplied together, M  N is equal to the log of M plus the log of N. For instance here’s the log of  15 and 15 is five times three,   so the log of five times three is equal  to the log of five plus the log of three. Here’s the second law. The log of a quotient, in other words M divided  by N is equal to log of M minus log of N. So for instance if we have the log of 12  over five that is the same as log of 12   subtract the log of five and finally  the log of a number to a power,   in this case log of M to the power  of P is the same as P log of M. Notice how the index here is  now placed in front of the log. So for instance the log of nine to the  power of two is the same as two log of nine   but notice nine is the same as three  squared so we can go one step further   and write two log three squared, again using  the law three squared we can place the two   in front so it now becomes two times two  log of three which is four log of three. Now try some questions for yourselves. The answers to these problems  are on the next slide. Thanks for watching this short movie.
The evil, it spread like a fever ahead It was night when you died, my firefly What could I have said to raise you from the dead? Oh, could I be the sky on the Fourth of July? "Well, you do enough talk My little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me, what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We’re all gonna die" Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head Was it all a disguise, like junior high? Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction Now, where am I? My fading supply "Did you get enough love, my little dove? Why do you cry? And I’m sorry I left, but it was for the best Though it never felt right My little Versailles" The hospital asked, "Should the body be cast?" Before I say goodbye, my star in the sky Such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth Do you find it all right, my dragonfly? "Shall we look at the moon, my little loon? Why do you cry? Make the most of your life, while it is rife While it is light Well, you do enough talk My little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me, what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We’re all gonna die" We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die
No reason why I can't understand it Open your mind We can understand it Please let me know Moshi kotae ga aru nara Let me know Oshiete hoshii Toki o koete Bokura wa yuku Mabayui hikari no naka de Bokura no koe (one for all) Bokura no yume (all for one) Bokura no ano basho e We are the one Together we're the only one You are the one Forever you're the only one We are the one Together we're the only one You are the one Forever you're the only one I feel it now The time has come for us Believe it now It's time to get ready Tell me why Moshi owari ga aru nara Tell me why Oshiete hoshii We stand in a circle pit Side by side (hand in hand) We stand in a circle pit Raise your hands Bokura no koe (one for all) Bokura no yume (all for one) Bokura no ano basho Kanata e We are the one Together we're the only one You are the one Forever you're the only one We are the one Whenever we are on your side You are the one Remember always on your side We are the one Together we're the only one You are the one Forever, ahhhhh
Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video I'm going to analyze Floor Jansen with the song "Fire". She is a fantastic and extraordinary singer, we have many videos of her on our channel. And in this video I'm going to analyze her performing this song that I've never heard before. And in this video I'm going to analyze her performing this song that I've never heard before. For those who don't know I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer and composer. And in this video, I will make technical observations on vocal behavior, how the instruments work, how she is interpreting this song. And whenever she thinks it necessary, I will make my observations. And if you are not subscribed, I invite you to subscribe to our channel, activate the notification, click like and share this video. And let's go to the most important thing, let's analyze Floor Jansen. Just with the beginnings of this instrument I already consider it very dramatic. With the use of this piano. The piano is an amazing instrument and offers a very different sound. The piano is an amazing instrument and offers a very different sound. Especially with Floor Jansen who is a type of singer who It has a lot of classical and heavy metal influences. And in the style that she sings heavy metal, this piano sound is used a lot. And in the style that she sings heavy metal, this piano sound is used a lot. Which is a very classical instrument. She is an amazing singer and the music is fantastic. Only at the beginning we can already see how she has a dynamism in her voice, very flexible. Only at the beginning we can already see how she has a dynamism in her voice, very flexible. And how she manages to insert nuances, moving her voice very quickly. And how she manages to insert nuances, moving her voice very quickly. Notice that she is projecting and doesn't put much effort into her voice. Notice that she is projecting and doesn't put much effort into her voice. But since she is a singer in a high region of the female voice, even though she is too subtle to convey a sound of her voice, even though she is too subtle to convey a sound of her voice, transmits with great force and great clarity. Precisely because of her region, because of her being a soprano. See how she inserts subtlety and how she manages to work tensing the vocal cords, See how she inserts subtlety and how she manages to work tensing the vocal cords, and while it tenses at other times it relaxes these vocal cords. Precisely because of the way you are articulating your voice. And all this is work that is carried out, in the transitions that she makes very fast with her voice. This is fantastic and the sound is amazing. The instrumental of this song is also fantastic. And the way she works the dynamics of her voice, It is a work in conjunction with the instrumental. Of course, a singer needs to be in harmony with the instrumental. So that the music is contextualized and have some sense in what is achieved and produced in the arrangement, in the composition, in the way of interpreting the song as well. and produced in the arrangement, in the composition, in the way of interpreting the song as well. And Floor Jansen is an amazing and fantastic singer. And the music is amazing. And that's because we didn't get to 1 minute of music and I already consider this music to be extraordinary. And that's because we didn't get to 1 minute of music and I already consider this music to be extraordinary. She has a very consistent voice and excellent note support. Even she makes a different use of her voice. At times she puts more force into her voice, but also when she relaxes her vocal chords. At times she puts more force into her voice, but also when she relaxes her vocal chords. Realize that there is a different sound, but she works those nuances of the voice that is magnificent. Realize that there is a different sound, but she works those nuances of the voice that is magnificent. This song is wonderful. It's an amazing song. I'm really enjoying the dynamic a lot. what does
- [Instructor] What we're going to go over in this video is one of the core principles in calculus, and you're going to use it any time you take the derivative, anything even reasonably complex. And it's called the chain rule. And when you're first exposed to it, it can seem a little daunting and a little bit convoluted. But as you see more and more examples, it'll start to make sense, and hopefully it'd even start to seem a little bit simple and intuitive over time. So let's say that I had a function. Let's say I have a function h of x, and it is equal to, just for example, let's say it's equal to sine of x, let's say it's equal to sine of x squared. Now, I could've written that, I could've written it like this, sine squared of x, but it'll be a little bit clearer using that type of notation. So let me make it so I have h of x. And what I'm curious about is what is h prime of x? So I want to know h prime of x, which another way of writing it is the derivative of h with respect to x. These are just different notations. And to do this, I'm going to use the chain rule. I'm going to use the chain rule, and the chain rule comes into play every time, any time your function can be used as a composition of more than one function. And as that might not seem obvious right now, but it will hopefully, maybe by the end of this video or the next one. Now, what I want to do is a little bit of a thought experiment, a little bit of a thought experiment. If I were to ask you what is the derivative with respect to x, if I were to just apply the derivative operator to x squared with respect to x, what do I get? Well, this gives me two x. We've seen that many, many, many, many times. Now, what if I were to take the derivative with respect to a of a squared? Well, it's the exact same thing. I just swapped an a for the x's. This is still going to be equal to two a. Now I will do something that might be a little bit more bizarre. What if I were to take the derivative with respect to sine of x, with respect to sine of x of, of sine of x, sine of x squared? Well, wherever I had the x's up here, the a's over here, I just replace it with a sine of x. So this is just going to be two times the thing that I had, so whatever I'm taking the derivative with respect to. Here it was with respect to x. Here with respect to a. Here's with respect to sine of x. So it's going to be two times sine of x. Now, so the chain rule tells us that this derivative is going to be the derivative of our whole function with respect, or the derivative of this outer function, x squared, the derivative of x squared, the derivative of this outer function with respect to sine of x. So that's going to be two sine of x, two sine of x. So we could view it as the derivative of the outer function with respect to the inner, two sine of x. We could just treat sine of x like it's kind of an x. And it would've been just two x, but instead it's a sine of x. We say two sine of x times, times the derivative, do this is green, times the derivative of sine of x with respect to x. Times the derivative of sine of x with respect to x, well, that's more straightforward, a little bit more intuitive. The derivative of sine of x with respect to x, we've seen multiple times, is cosine of x, so times cosine of x. And so there we've applied the chain rule. It was the derivative of the outer function with respect to the inner. So derivative of sine of x squared with respect to sine of x is two sine of x, and then we multiply that times the derivative of sine of x with respect to x. So let me make it clear. This right over here is the derivative. We're taking the derivative of, we're taking the derivative of sine of x squared. So let me make it clear. That's what we were taking the derivative of with respect to sine of x, with respect to sine of x. And then we're multiplying that times the derivative of sine of x, the derivative of sine of x with respect to, with respect to x. And this is where it might start making a little bit of intuition. You can't really treat these differentials, this d whatever,
The Four-leaf Clover PAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm. Begin with the desired side up. Symmetrically mountain fold top right corner behind as shown. The Four-leaf Clover PAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm. Begin with the desired side up. Symmetrically mountain fold top right corner behind as shown. The Four-leaf Clover PAPER: Dollar Bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm. Begin with the desired side up. Symmetrically mountain fold top right corner behind as shown. Work front and back of bill to fold as close as possible to the word and numeral of the denomination. Mountain fold remaining corners to match initial fold. Work front and back of bill to fold as close as possible to the word and numeral of the denomination. Mountain fold remaining corners to match initial fold. Work front and back of bill to fold as close as possible to the word and numeral of the denomination. Mountain fold remaining corners to match initial fold. Mountain fold edges behind on border lines. Mountain fold edges behind on border lines. Mountain fold edges behind on border lines. Fold in half; unfold. Turn model over. Fold in half; unfold. Turn model over. Fold in half; unfold. Turn model over. Rotate model as shown. Fold in half. Squash fold flap. Repeat and behind. Rotate model as shown. Fold in half. Squash fold flap. Repeat and behind. Rotate model as shown. Fold in half. Squash fold flap. Repeat and behind. Fold edges to edge. Turn model over. Fold edges to edge. Turn model over. Fold edges to edge. Turn model over. Fold sides in keeping center edges aligned. Match folds. Unfold flaps from behind. Fold sides in keeping center edges aligned. Match folds. Unfold flaps from behind. Fold sides in keeping center edges aligned. Match folds. Unfold flaps from behind. Mountain fold sides behind, matching front folds. Mountain fold sides together. Fold each flap down against edge. Align all edges. Mountain fold sides behind, matching front folds. Mountain fold sides together. Fold each flap down against edge. Align all edges. Mountain fold sides behind, matching front folds. Mountain fold sides together. Fold each flap down against edge. Align all edges. Open sides to inside reverse fold each flap in and through on creases shown. Open sides to inside reverse fold each flap in and through on creases shown. Open sides to inside reverse fold each flap in and through on creases shown. Inside reverse fold each flap. Inside reverse fold each flap. Inside reverse fold each flap. Fold outer flaps down between midpoint of edge and indicated V point. Unfold flaps and sides. Fold outer flaps down between midpoint of edge and indicated V point. Unfold flaps and sides. Fold outer flaps down between midpoint of edge and indicated V point. Unfold flaps and sides. Symmetrically fold corner down. Hold in place. Lift flap to release fold beneath. Refold flap back down, locking corner in place. Symmetrically fold corner down. Hold in place. Lift flap to release fold beneath. Refold flap back down, locking corner in place. Symmetrically fold corner down. Hold in place. Lift flap to release fold beneath. Refold flap back down, locking corner in place. Turn model over and repeat. Match folds. Turn model over and repeat. Match folds. Turn model over and repeat. Match folds. Inside reverse fold corner on each flap: Establish creases by folding edge to crease. Unfold. Open layers to fold corner in on creases. Inside reverse fold corner on each flap: Establish creases by folding edge to crease. Unfold. Open layers to fold corner in on creases. Inside reverse fold corner on each flap: Establish creases by folding edge to crease. Unfold. Open layers to fold corner in on creases. Lightly pinch left flap near top. Firmly pinch right side near center. Slowly pull right side away from left, extending center section enough to later fold left edge to center. Lightly pinch left flap near top. Firmly pinch right side near center. Slowly pull right side away from left, extending center section enough to later fold left edge to center. Lightly pinch left flap near top
This is a video on the directional derivative. The  question states: find the directional derivative   of the function f(x,y) is equal to y/x at the  point (4,1) in the direction of the vector .   So we need our main key formula for directional  derivatives. And that states that the directional   derivative in the direction of a unit vector  of a function f(x,y) where du of f(x,y)   is equal to the gradient of that function  f(x,y) dotted with that unit vector u.   So let's start by finding the unit vector.  We're given the vector v, let's call it,   which is , and that's not a unit vector. So  we need to find the unit vector in the direction   of the vector . To do that, we start by  finding the magnitude of this vector. And the   magnitude of a vector is equal to the square root  of the sum of the squares of the components. So   we take the square root of -1 squared plus  4 squared and that's the square root of 17.   Once we found the magnitude of the vector, to  find the unit vector in its direction, we just   divide by that magnitude for each component. So  what we get is that u is equal to <-1 divided by   the square root of 17, 4 divided by the square  root of 17>. There's our unit vector u. Okay, the   next step is to find the gradient of f at (x, y).  And to do that, those are the partial derivatives   of the function f at (x, y) as a vector. So  let's find the derivative of f with respect to x.   Well, that's the constant over x, which is  the same as a constant times x to the -1.   And the derivative of a constant times x to the  -1 is negative that constant times x to the -2   or negative y/ x squared. Now let's find f sub  y, and that's the derivative with respect to y   of f. nd f is y over a constant because x  is now thought of as a constant. And the   derivative of y over a constant with respect  to y is just 1 over that constant or 1 over x.   So there's my gradient. We want to be at the point  (4,1), so let's plug in x equals 4 and y equals 1.  So I do that and if we have y = 1, x =  4, that's -1 over 4 squared or -1/16.   And then for the second coordinate we take 1/x. x  was 4, that's 1/4. So we can say that the gradient   of the function f at the point (4,1)  is equal to the vector .  Now let's just put everything together. We're  going to dot our gradient with our unit vector   and we do that. So that's du of f(4,1).  That's what we want, is the dot product   of   dotted with and just dot that.  And when I dot that I got the square root  of 17 over 6. And I'm done with the problem.
You're just a little girl with grey eyes Never mind, say something Wait until the crowd cries Oh, wait until the crowd cries You're just a little girl with grey eyes So deep in your room, you never leave your room Something deep inside of me - yearning deep inside of me Talking through the gloom What in the world can you do (x2) I'm in the mood for your love For your love (x3) I'm just a little bit afraid of you 'Cos love won't make you cry But, wait until the crowd goes Oh, wait until the crowd goes I'm just a little bit afraid of you So deep in your room, you never leave your room Something deep inside of me - yearning deep inside of me Is talking through the gloom What in the world can I do (x2) I'm in the mood for your love For your love (x3) Ohh, what you gonna say? Ohh, what you gonna do? Ahh, what you gonna be? To the real me - to the real me I'm just a cool Under the cool, and I'm fighting a wall What you gonna say to the real me, to the real me? Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh
(Humming) (Humming) {Billy Ray Cyrus} Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more (Kio, Kio) {Lil Nas X} I got the horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that's black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche I been in the valley, You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Ridin' on a tractor Lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby You can go and ask her My life is a movie Bull ridin' and boobies Cowboy hat from Gucci Wrangler on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more {Billy Ray Cyrus} Hat down, cross town, livin' like a rockstar Spent a lot of money on my brand new guitar Baby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras Ridin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car Got no stress, I've been through all that I'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back Wish I could roll on back to that old town road I wanna ride 'til I can't no more {Both} Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more (Whistling)
extend extend we plan to extend the kitchen by six feet we plan to extend the kitchen by six feet exhale exhale hold your breath for five  seconds then exhale slowly hold your breath for five  seconds then exhale slowly expand expand the company is trying to expand its customer base the company is trying to expand its customer base expect expect I always expect total honesty from my employees I always expect total honesty from my employees exactly exactly it's exactly the way I thought it would be it's exactly the way I thought it would be exercise exercise the doctor advised David  to avoid strenuous exercise the doctor advised David  to avoid strenuous exercise experience experience the experience has completely ruined her life the experience has completely ruined her life explain explain it was difficult to explain  the problem to beginners it was difficult to explain  the problem to beginners explore explore we decided to explore the surrounding countryside we decided to explore the surrounding countryside exterior exterior the exterior of the building is very unattractive the exterior of the building is very unattractive transfer transfer how can I transfer money  from my bank account to his how can I transfer money  from my bank account to his translate translate I don't speak Italian can you translate for me I don't speak Italian can you translate for me transport transport the snow had disrupted the city's transport system the snow had disrupted the city's transport system transform transform it was an event that would transform my life it was an event that would transform my life transition transition the transition from school  to work can be difficult the transition from school  to work can be difficult transplant transplant he was recovering from a  heart transplant operation he was recovering from a  heart transplant operation transaction transaction all the details of the transaction are on file all the details of the transaction are on file transit transit many of the goods were damaged in transit many of the goods were damaged in transit transparent transparent the water is so transparent that  we can see the fish swimming the water is so transparent that  we can see the fish swimming transformation transformation there was a noticeable  transformation in his appearance there was a noticeable  transformation in his appearance dishonest dishonest he deserves all he gets for being so dishonest he deserves all he gets for being so dishonest disappear disappear they watched the boss disappear into the distance they watched the boss disappear into the distance disobey disobey those who disobey will be severely punished those who disobey will be severely punished distrust distrust I don't have any particular  reason to distrust them I don't have any particular  reason to distrust them disrespect disrespect I don't think he intended her any disrespect I don't think he intended her any disrespect disagree disagree I'm not in the mood to disagree with you I'm not in the mood to disagree with you disgrace disgrace her behaviour has brought disgrace to her family her behaviour has brought disgrace to her family discomfort discomfort the wound isn't serious but  may cause some discomfort the wound isn't serious but  may cause some discomfort disbelief disbelief there is no reason to disbelieve him there is no reason to disbelieve him discuss discuss I don't have anything special to discuss I don't have anything special to discuss unlikely unlikely I think it's highly unlikely that I'll get the job I think it's highly unlikely that I'll get the job unpopular unpopular his attitude made him very  unpopular with colleagues his attitude made him very  unpopular with colleagues untrue untrue it's untrue to say that the  situation has not changed it's untrue to say that the  situation has not changed untidy untidy I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was uncertain uncertain they are uncertain about what to do next they are uncertain about what to do next unable una
Use a White or Gray hat of you choice Use a White or Gray hat of you choice Cut the length of yarn that you want the wig hair Cut the length of yarn that you want the wig hair Cut the length of yarn that you want the wig hair Cut white and gray yarn for a blend or cut only white yarn Cut white and gray yarn for a blend or cut only white yarn Cut white and gray yarn for a blend or cut only white yarn Make several batches of yarn Make several batches of yarn This is where i made the part for the top of the head This is where i made the part for the top of the head This is where i made the part for the top of the head Alternate one full row of white and one full row with both white and gray Alternate one full row of white and one full row with both white and gray Alternate one full row of white and one full row with both white and gray Add yarn to the entire hat Add yarn to the entire hat Brush the yarn out as you go or you can brush the yarn afterwards Brush the yarn out as you go or you can brush the yarn afterwards Brush the yarn out as you go or you can brush the yarn afterwards you can use a hair straightener to help smooth out the hair you can use a hair straightener to help smooth out the hair you can use a hair straightener to help smooth out the hair here is where i switched the yarn to a white hat here is where i switched the yarn to a white hat here is where i switched the yarn to a white hat
hello dears today I want to show you how  we can differentiate second of IX we have   special role to differentiate quotients as you  see differentiate of this quotient F over G it   became F Prime Times G minus G Prime Times f  g squared that is g let's apply to Second by   X we know that second y x we can write this as  T over DX is 1 over cosine IX Now 1 is f cosine   ax is G so F equal to 1 F Prime equal to 0 g  equal to cosine axis G Prime equal to minus a   sine ax now we have to apply this rule to find  the derivative of secant of X is equal to zero   times g g is cosine ax minus 1 times minus a sine  ax over cosine ax all square you can simplify this   as a PSI 9 axis over cosine squared ax we can  also simplify this to a sine ax is over cosine   axis times 1 over cosine IX then D over DX of  second I X is equal to we know that this theorem   equal to a if we write a it's going to stand  sine ax over cosine x equal to tan axis times   1 over cosine axis this theorem equal to Second  ax that's all I hope can be also have a nice time
hello my name is teacher fitz  welcome to our e-classroom and um that's great okay now our lesson for today is  about triangles let's define first triangles   a triangle is a polygon with three  sides and three interior angles   now let's draw a triangle we have here a triangle so it has three sides and it has  also three interior angles okay triangle like this we have here a b or c  you can also name this as triangle a b c triangle b c a okay now let's move to the  next topic our next slide we have here classifications of triangles the  first one is according to sides number one is   escaline ischaeline that is no sides are congruent  or equal in length now look at the picture we have here an example of iscaline triangle triangle the line a b that is equal to 7  and the line b c that is equal to   12. the line a and c that is equal to 15 which  means the line a b is not equal to line bc and line bc is not equal to line ca okay so mauna sang is kalin there is no  sides are congruent or equal in lands   the next one is the isosceles isosceles  that is two sides are congruent   or equal in length now look at  the figure we have here an example   so not a uh example of a source of the isosceles  triangle the line a b which is equal to 5   and the line bc which is equal to 5 but the  line ac is equal to 3 which means the line a b is equal to line bc and the line bc is not equal to line ac okay  and the line ac also is not equal   oh no the line a b is not equal to line ac so  that is the isosceles there is there is only   two sides that congruent or equal in lengths  the third one is equilateral equilateral that is   all sides are congruent or equal in length  now look at the thick okay look at the figure   meron example okay so this is our  equilateral they are the same sides young line a b is equal to 5 at line bc is equal to 5 and the line a c is equal to 5. so  all sides are equal or all sides are congruent   okay now we have here also classifications  of triangles according to angles   soganiya angatang discus is according to  sides so this time is according to angels   number one is acute so look at the figure   acute is all interior angles are acute  or less than 90 degree from 15 degree to 90 degree that is acute angle  okay now number two is right   right means that is one  interior angle is 90 degrees 90 okay so that is our 90 degree  then the rest that is acute   okay that is acute acute means that is  15 to 90 degree okay that is our acute   so the next one is obtuse obtuse that is one  interior angle is an obtuse angle or greater than   90 degree now from 90 degree to 180  degree that is obtuse okay obvious angle now we have here number four that is equi angular  okay so kaniya gania atong discus is equilateral   the same size but this time this is  equiangular so they are the same angles they are the same 60 degree   okay now if we sum up this angles or we if we  sum up these three angles that is equal to 180 that means your triangle or your angle   is not correct always remember that if you sum up  the three angles it must be equal to 180 degree   okay now we have here also the parts of  a right triangle number one is the legs the legs that is the sides of a  right triangle which is perpendicular   so now not a figure not a figure not a line  arcade cutting red line so that is our legs   because it says there that the right triangle  which which are perpendicular okay so mourinho   perpendicular so that is our legs the next one is  hypotenuse hypotenuse that is the side opposite   the right angle and it is the longest side in a  right triangle so not a figure during a triangle   so immun triangle the longest line here is  this one that is what we call hypotenuse   so the line is hypotenuse because this is  our legs because they are a perpendicular   okay so monitor hypotenuse the longest line  or the side opposite the right angle okay so   we have here the right angle so the opposite  of that is this one so this is our hypotenuse   so we have here also parts of an isosceles  triangle number one is legs okay re
My name is Joseph Jevanni and this is iNtensity. Now here's the thing, a long time ago I wrote this song about a girl and uh, the truth is, it don't even have to be about girl, it could be about your friend, it could be about your brother, your sister, yo' momma... I mean, not yo' momma, but your momma. Anybody who's irritated, agitated, aggravated, needs to be vaccinated, or doesn't need to be vaccinated... they getting on your nerves okay? They're always complaining, in fact let me just sing it. It's gonna go like this, y'all ready? Yo, Why you always so frustrated? That attitude you know I hated it baby! See I just try to make you happy, but you have a bad day, now you mad at me! What's that about?! Why you always so frustrated? Giving me your frustrating news. I guess there's nothing left for me to do, but to sing the frustrated blues. My patience is running thin, I'm so ready for your crap to end. I know you're stressed coming from your work day, but when you get home, it's time for us to play. You walking 'round, so aggravated, like your allergies are agitated, It seems that you're always in a state of frustration, Pause, cause I'm bout to turn the station. Girl you got me so frustrated. That attitude you know I hated it baby! See I just try to make you happy, but you have a bad day, now you mad at me! What's that about?! Why you always so frustrated? Giving me your frustrating news. I guess there's nothing left for me to do, but to sing the frustrated blues. Like this, make it moan, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh See you work a 9 to 5, but you know we get our work at night. So when I get home, I gotta run and hide, just to make sure that you don't kill my vibe. You walking 'round, so aggravated, like you're constantly constipated, It seems that you're always in a state of frustration, Pause, cause I'm bout to turn the station. Girl You got me So ooh, yeah Giving me the frustrating news. I guess there's nothing left for me to do, but to sing the frustrated blues. Make it moan. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh This ish gotta stop, my heads bout to pop, there's nothing left I can do, I guess we'll both lose, long as we still choose, to be irritated, aggravated, man I hate it, you got me frustrated too! Singing your frustrating news, I guess there's nothing left for me to do, but to sing the frustrated blues. You got me so, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh, Why you always so, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Girl you got me So ooh ooh ooh yeah, Girl I hate it baby, gotta play it baby (instrumental piano solo) Say Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Girl you got me So Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh hmmm say Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Why You always so Frustrated?!
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary When troubles come and my heart burdened be Then, I am still and wait here in the silence Until you come and sit awhile with me You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas I am strong, when I am on your shoulders You raise me up... To more than I can be (Ooo...) You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas I am strong, when I am on your shoulders You raise me up... To more than I can be You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains (Stand on mountains) You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas (Stormy seas) I am strong, when I am on your shoulders (I am strong. Ooo) You raise me up... To more than I can be You raise me up, (Raise me) So I can stand on mountains (Raise me, raise me up) You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas (You raise me up) I am strong, when I am on your shoulders You raise me up... To more than I can be You raise me up... To more than I can be Bind me not to the pasture Chain me not to the plow Set me free to find my calling Subtitles by the community
Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video I'm going to analyze Sheldon Riley with the song "Not the Same". I don't know this singer and I have never heard this song before. So this will be my first time listening to this song. For those who don't know that I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer and composer. And I'm going to do technical analysis on vocal behavior, musical aesthetics and about music style. But first of all, if you are not yet subscribed to our channel, subscribe, turn on notifications, click like and share this video. Leave more suggestions in the comments. The message has been passed and we go to the most important thing, Analicemos a Sheldon Riley. At first, auditory perception tells me that is a singer in a high region of the male voice. is a singer in a high region of the male voice. is a singer in a high region of the male voice. I heard very little, this is the first impression I have. And I've already been very impressed with the work he does with the mixed voice. Because it balances the emission of the mask voice with the emission of the chest voice. And it's a very dramatic sound that this song introduces at the beginning. And it's a very dramatic sound that this song introduces at the beginning. Working in the lower region of the voice is always a very delicate job. Working in the lower region of the voice is always a very delicate job. Because it is necessary to know the limit of your voice. Because if you lower your voice too much, Because if you lower your voice too much, you can get out of your comfort zone and into your vocal range. And this does not mean that you will work with quality. But here it sounds great. He emphasizes his chest voice a lot. However, there is a mixed projection, with more evidence in the chest voice region. However, there is a mixed projection, with more evidence in the chest voice region. It is a visceral interpretation. I'm impressed. The body language he has when interpreting this song, it's as if he put more emphasis on the message he wants to convey in the song. it's as if he put more emphasis on the message he wants to convey in the song. it's as if he put more emphasis on the message he wants to convey in the song. The message an artist might want to convey, it is independent of anything. Whether it's something very emotional, whether it's telling a story... But here he wants to emphasize this more with his body language. But here he wants to emphasize this more with his body language. Therefore, when you use your body to perform, it means that he puts more emphasis on what he sings and on the message he wants to convey. it means that he puts more emphasis on what he sings and on the message he wants to convey. it means that he puts more emphasis on what he sings and on the message he wants to convey. For him, singing is not enough, he needs to express it with his body. That dark note that he uses in his voice, it's something very beautiful. That dark note that he uses in his voice, it's something very beautiful. That dark note that he uses in his voice, it's something very beautiful. Because the melodies that he uses in his voice are not dark melodies, They are really very nice melodies to listen to. Sometimes I get the impression that he goes beyond the lower region. Sometimes I get the impression that he goes beyond the lower region. He does not lose quality. But if he goes beyond this region he is in, I already think it would be in his vocal range and get out of your comfort zone. But I think he's injecting a lot of emotion into what he's singing and But I think he's injecting a lot of emotion into what he's singing and in a way he gives the impression that he is not very comfortable. But is not. in a way he gives the impression that he is not very comfortable. But is not. Really this emotion, inserts a very strong emotion when interpreting this song. Really this emotion, inserts a very strong emotion when interpreting this song. And I trust only to hear him sing, the way her voice works in this so
and we're back well kind of I'm about to step away to get some more water but I will be back in just a minute I'm gonna make sure oh oh he's done I mean I didn't kill him myself thank you Scotty for helping me scorch beast long scorch beast hide we got it we got it we got it oh my first dead scorch beast look at this guy yet jerk trying to kill me while I'm encumbered yas Mack there we go I can't be too proud of that one because I had a lot of help. In fact, I hardly did anything at all. But still, first downscorched beast. Pretty cool. Oh why not? Let's just see what happens. 65 though. Oh come on. Here I am encumbered. I have come now. Oh, now I didn't get the final hit on him, but he's done. Another Scorch Beast lung and more Scorch Beast bones. I'm guessing those are going to be important to come to the comments later. A Tesla gun. Oh, you can see through his head a little bit. Let's see if we can hide that by putting the crew behind it. There we go. Cool. Okay. What's the deal? Where am I? Where have I gone? I've wandered pretty far south. Well I should go up to Camp Venture to scrap my g- what, oh cool, do you got a workstation in there that I can use to scrap buddy? Wow, I like your camp. Look at that. Oh, that's a cool building material. It's like a stainless steel. Oh, you don't have any workstations, but still cool construction. Oh, wow. Yeah, I mean I should build a tower. I should do exactly what he has done. There's a, if you have a really small floor space, you're going to be much, it's going to be much easier for you to find a place to store your blueprint. Oh, hey, thanks guys. I'm so glad I'm doing this live. Ha, you guys are great. All right, let's scrap a few weapons. Let's scrap the grenade launcher. That's not rare. I'm going to keep the Gauss rifle and okay, based on popular request, I'll keep the 50 caliber machine gun. So I'm really encumbered right now. Oh man, I'm so encumbered. Ah, let's scrap the hallucinogen gas canister. That doesn't scrap automatically and I don't need it anymore. At least I don't think so. It only gives me steel and acid. I thought it was going to give me some nuclear material. Here's my stash. Store all my junk. And do I have any room for this really cool, but really big weapon? No. Where did I get the pyro lyser? What? It's a 26 pound flamer, legendary weapon, 26 pounds. As a reward, oh my. Why do you give me these ridiculous, 26 pounds? That's heavier than this. I'm not going to find room for this blasted thing. Here's an 11 pound cryo later and a six pound daisy cutter and oh, this is 15 pounds. All this legendary gear for finishing quests in a way is the world. They're having a lovey-dovey moment. I'll just hold it for now and drop the ammunition I don't need. Let me store my plasma corners, don't know when I'm going to need those. Then I don't really have any mods for the gals rifle they're doing. Get rid of some of your steel. Yeah, I should get rid of some of my steel. Maybe I'll bulk it up when I get to camp. But now I'm no longer encumbered, which means I can't fast travel. All right. Thank you. Blast from us. Duck and Scott's Kiefer and everyone else who came out, Scotty. We killed some scorched. But while I should say you killed some scorched, and I kind of helped a little. Very cool little hut that you guys got there. I'm going to continue on with the primary quest with the Brotherhood of Steel. We have to find camp defiance, so I'm going to fast travel to my camp. Actually, let's take a look. Where are we headed? That's where we're going. My camp is there. Well, I really don't have any purpose. There's really no need to go to my camp. Is that another, another scorched? Just a second. Okay, south of me is this thing, but this is where I'm going. The closest, tell you what, I'm going to go to the Toga Station. Okay. Okay, now can I go to the Toga Station? Yes. Daniel says, hey, I need to ask, can you build more trunks, or can you only own one? You can only own one. You have one stash, and it has a 400-pound limit. You can craft a variety of different containers
[04:00:47] rintezuka1: also this must be the first time I saw a game set on this channel [04:00:47] rintezuka1: also this must be the first time I saw a game set on this channel [04:00:53] gashapon: You're still awake at this hour :O [04:00:47] rintezuka1: also this must be the first time I saw a game set on this channel [04:00:53] gashapon: You're still awake at this hour :O [04:01:10] urowashere: We're still awake at this hour. [04:00:53] gashapon: You're still awake at this hour :O [04:01:10] urowashere: We're still awake at this hour. [04:01:17] seibbi: Hey Tim and chat [04:01:10] urowashere: We're still awake at this hour. [04:01:17] seibbi: Hey Tim and chat [04:01:31] shimmerfairy: "Microsoft Adventure" makes enough sense for geocities streams, at least [04:01:17] seibbi: Hey Tim and chat [04:01:31] shimmerfairy: "Microsoft Adventure" makes enough sense for geocities streams, at least [04:01:36] apathia0: Sup fool [04:01:31] shimmerfairy: "Microsoft Adventure" makes enough sense for geocities streams, at least [04:01:36] apathia0: Sup fool [04:01:45] seibbi: It's raining so hard here [04:01:36] apathia0: Sup fool [04:01:45] seibbi: It's raining so hard here [04:02:01] seibbi: I think the parking lot for my apartments is going to flood [04:01:45] seibbi: It's raining so hard here [04:02:01] seibbi: I think the parking lot for my apartments is going to flood [04:02:18] seibbi: Oh well [04:02:01] seibbi: I think the parking lot for my apartments is going to flood [04:02:18] seibbi: Oh well [04:04:18] perciacalos: Rain? I havent seen that in months [04:02:18] seibbi: Oh well [04:04:18] perciacalos: Rain? I havent seen that in months [04:04:20] daanzii: Any geocites content today? [04:04:18] perciacalos: Rain? I havent seen that in months [04:04:20] daanzii: Any geocites content today? [04:04:21] drifter_tv: yatta [04:04:20] daanzii: Any geocites content today? [04:04:21] drifter_tv: yatta [04:04:31] urowashere: If its the middle of the night, know one would know that you moved your car to the high ground anakin [04:04:21] drifter_tv: yatta [04:04:31] urowashere: If its the middle of the night, know one would know that you moved your car to the high ground anakin [04:04:40] urowashere: no one* [04:04:31] urowashere: If its the middle of the night, know one would know that you moved your car to the high ground anakin [04:04:40] urowashere: no one* [04:04:50] squidmochi: late puyo [04:04:40] urowashere: no one* [04:04:50] squidmochi: late puyo [04:05:33] seibbi: One time it flooded during the day, and for some gross reason all the neighbor kids decided to swim in the dirty parking lot water [04:04:50] squidmochi: late puyo [04:05:33] seibbi: One time it flooded during the day, and for some gross reason all the neighbor kids decided to swim in the dirty parking lot water [04:06:04] urowashere: Huh. Thats a fun community [04:05:33] seibbi: One time it flooded during the day, and for some gross reason all the neighbor kids decided to swim in the dirty parking lot water [04:06:04] urowashere: Huh. Thats a fun community [04:08:05] sobeman1: goto bed tim [04:06:04] urowashere: Huh. Thats a fun community [04:08:05] sobeman1: goto bed tim [04:09:21] seibbi: Who needs sleep when you have puyo [04:08:05] sobeman1: goto bed tim [04:09:21] seibbi: Who needs sleep when you have puyo [04:10:28] bobvanhallen: puyo is more important then sleep [04:09:21] seibbi: Who needs sleep when you have puyo [04:10:28] bobvanhallen: puyo is more important then sleep [04:13:02] bananaburger: you still plan on streaming tomorrow? [04:10:28] bobvanhallen: puyo is more important then sleep [04:13:02] bananaburger: you still plan on streaming tomorrow? [04:13:36] bananaburger: i like how you said should [04:13:02] bananaburger: you still plan on streaming tomorrow? [04:13:36] bananaburger: i like how you said should [04:13:46] sobeman1: i hate when i goto sleep then wake up 3 hours later full of energy because i just crash 2 hours later [04:13:36] bananaburger: i like how you said should [04:13:46] sobeman1: i hate when i goto sleep then wake up 3 hours

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