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well okay okay okay we're talking about vainess and bitches and quandary ha ha-ha quandary 121 vain motherfucker mate I've said it a long time ago one of my first declarations here on the fucking internet on my webpage was vanity of vanities all is vain think of themselves for their own gain well mr. quandreary one-to-one oh you've oh you got lots of women coming after you now oh! you are so privileged oh! you love your women oh you love the fact that you got women coming around because I put your ugly carp face up onto the fucking internet because you were going around teasing people about fucking having carp faces and fucking teasing people about their appearance and teasing people about this and fucking teasing people about that! well? I fucking like I told yous in my last duckin video that I was teased the majority of my life! I know what it's fucking like to be teased that's right I only tease cunts that fucking deserve it after they've fucking teased me or i see them fucking teasing others or i see them being a childish like little fucking manure piece of fucking dog turd shit that they fucking are! well? fucking vanity of vanities quandary 121 and what about all the fucking dickheads i was talking about on the fucking news and all the sluts that are bred today huh? all the Barbie worshippers you know your fucking trained to be vain from the fucking day you were born your vain your holes that need fillings and poles that want a fucking hole to fucking fill yes! that's right that's what yous all fucking are! eh oh no he's fucking so full on! oh what did he just say well that's what I said your holes that need filling and polls that need a hole to fill now! fucking wake up you fucking ignoramus fucking want to be fucking idiots huh? the whole point of this fucking system society is fucking that to get yous all fucking dick fucking up and you're fucking pussies fucking wet oh no he said that! so that yous fucking go and have children and you become a slave to society then you have to slave your fucking life away for fucking all these fucking up the ass fucking un kosher free masonic societies and scam fucking manipulative cunts out there who fucking want to sit there and fucking have you as a little slave and a little shill so you go and you get somebody you knock somebody up you get a fucking you know you get something in the oven and then all of a sudden you fucken have to slave your life away mmm you have to slave your life away to these fucking pieces of dog turd shit that you never fucking knew you go out and you get loans you get credit cards you get all this stuff and look what's going on Babylon is falling and you're all slaves to the crown that is right! you're all slaves slaves the day you fucking have a child in this fucking so-called day and age and socis fucking corrupt system and system heh learn something from fucking Jordan Maxwell what was the first system the sewer system so in this sewer system you become a fucking slave a fucking slave that's right! a slave you're a bunch of fucking slaves you go and you knock somebody up you have a child and then all of a sudden you have to slave your life away you don't have a life anymore yeah! that's right oh you've got no life oh why? because you become a slave and you fell for their tricks in the first place you followed your fucking dicks yeah! and that's right you fucking got fucking tingly between the fucking legs yeah! well? fuckin that's your fucking bad fucken luck isn't it that's your fucking stupidity and all the other fucking dickheads out there that i was telling yous about in their vain boxes driving around in their fucking vain box oh they love their vain boxes yeah! well half the cunts that I know I don't even have a license by the way people I've never had a license I'm glad I never had a license because if I had a license I wouldn't have accomplished what i have in this fucking life that's right! but all of my fucking people friends and people that I've known in the past that have fucking got a license are still paying off their cars and guess what! their cars are fucking ridden off yeah! that's right how fucking stupid is that slaves you fell for the fucking trick you're fucking cast under the fucking spell and you think you're fucking were doing all this stuff oh you wanted to be great oh I wanted to be gracious oh look at me I've got this see oh look at me I've got that see it's vanity of fucking vanities that's what the fuck it is! vanity of fucking vanities wake up don't fall for their fucking bullshit their fucking bullshit is exactly that bullshit and yous all fucking fall for it well? this world is free we never asked to fucking live did we hmm no we didn't we didn't ask to live or did we? or was it the lyric of life well! the whole fucking point is nobody has the right to charge us for water that's right waters god-given God says in the Bible that everything is given to us by God freely so freely you fucking received freely you fucking give huh yeah well have you ever thought of that mmm yeah! has anybody fuckin ever thought of that no! they have not fucking thought of that that water is freely given by God so give water freely that's right food! hmm give food freely to clothes we're told it's a sin and that we fucken have to fucking cover ourselves up well? give out clothes freely that is right anything else! fucking work for get on your knees for you want to be a vain little fucking shill to a system well? fucking do it but! nobody has the fucking right to sell us water or fucking food food is rightfully alls water is rightfully alls we never fucking asked to live like this this is a fucking big scam that is right! scam you're all been fucking scammed that is fucking right you all fall into the system and you get fucking a book of choices of what you want to be in your life and you get told you have to do one thing and you have to follow this fucking one thing all the way till your fucking death well? no thank you very much this is the 21st fuckin century you have to fucking live and learn if you don't live and learn you die and burn anybody fucking remember that? mmm yeah I've been telling yous it for fucking days you little fucking free Masonic shills coming around to my page and fucking giving me shit cuz I'm standing up for my name against fucking Earthlasthope and he's fucking EDF fucking corrupt society of fiends yes! you're all fucking stupid every last one of yous there's a better way of doing things and it's with the word the Word of God the word is a sword huh I hold a fucking sword yeah! I hold a sword and it cuts like a fucking knife mmm cuts like a fucking knife but it doesn't draw blood unlike your fucking unkosher meat fucking sticks that's right! you fuckin like drawing blood my blood is fucking in the soul my blood will fucking corrupt your fucking bullshit roll my blood will fucking make sure you fucking wake up and fucking do something about this fucking world that is completely upside down messed with thrown about and turned around this is wrong we are fucking living a lie a fucking lie you have been living a lie since you were born your parents force feed you the lie because they were sheep that's right fucking sheep don't follow the fucking sheep we are all lambs Jesus told us that we are a lamb we are to look up as to Jesus or we are to look up at Jesus as a fucking Idol Jesus and John were our idols our fucking idols we asked for idols and we received Idols idle right so don't fucking sit there idle and fucking not doing shit look up to your fucking idol and fucking do something about this fucking manipulative fucking shit! that is fucking right yous don't know fucking nothing what does a sheep do huh? little sheeple the sheep follows the leader what does a fucking lamb do a lamb walks on its own go to a fucking paddock have a look at the paddock have a look at the Sheep you'll find all the sheep following the leader and you'll find all the Lambs off on their own! doing their own thing well? you're the fucking lamb you fucking dumb pieces of un kosher meat that is right! you do not know fucking shit you are fucking force-fed fools you're educated fools that is right hmm! educated fools what you fucking believe what you're taught in school do yous? heh you have got a fucking long way to come if you fucking believe what you're taught in schools I'm telling yous this right! this world is gonna burn it is going to fucking burn and it is going to burn soon and yous are fucking nothing nothing nothing nothing it has burned before and it is going to burn again not one fucking stone will be left unturned you listen to the Christ and you fucking learn right! and if you don't fucking like it well fucking bury your head in the sand huh a lot of people bury their head in the sand I would fucking love to bury my head in the sand but no I'm fucking force fed into this fucking world of fucking corrupt shit and I fucking know better so it's my fucking you know choice and it's my fucking heart and it's my fucking will to stand up and tell you fucking unkosher little fucking turds how the fuck it is because you're all fucked in the head every last one of yous and if you want to fucking argue with me I'll devastate your assholes you ask everybody that's fucking argued with me and try to take me on I'll prove to them how fucking stupid! they are and how their fucking got no right arguing with me because if they fucking look at all my fucking work I've been a hundred percent correct from the fucking start that's right! a little fucking oh mistake it might be fucking a little fucking mistake that's fucking material but that doesn't mean the fucking majority of my message is not fucking right! my message is fucking legit and you people don't know shit so wake up and learn live and learn or read and burn huh? die in this case you're gonna fucking read fucking shit and believe all your fucking taught that's right! if you do that you're a fucking shill a dickhead fucking look for the answers get scripture get all the scriptures and pull them apart put them back together and fucking know your heart all right avoir | 0 |
Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video I'm going to analyze Angelina Jordan with the song Crazy. Angelina Jordan is a fantastic singer. We have many videos with Angelina Jordan. Therefore, I invite you to visit our channel and see the other analyses. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer. And in this video, I'm going to do an analysis on the vocal behavior of Angelina Jordan. Therefore, whenever I deem it necessary, I will make my technical observations. But first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video. And let's break it down, Angelina Jordan. It's fascinating to always listen to Angelina Jordan sing. She makes incredible use of falsetto. And also in the way she carries her voice. It's fantastic. She has impressive vocal control. And it has evolved a lot. It is an incredible evolution. It's very interesting... See how she can move very quickly with her voice. And in some moments he uses the falsetto as an ornament. Is incredible. Amazing. The vibrato is very consistent with incredible note support. She makes light use of fry... This sound is from the use of fry. So this shows that she tenses her vocal chords in very different ways. And this obviously occurs when she projects her voice. If, for example, you project your voice more directly with mask transmission... Or with the chest transmission... The tensions that the vocal cords will have will obviously be in different ways. Amazing. This is cute. A beautiful, beautiful performance. And as Angelina Jordan evolved, in the way she works with her voice. Works in very fast regions, it works in a short space of time in very different regions. She's amazing, she's a perfect singer. And with every song we hear from Angelina Jordan, we notice an impressive evolution. She is a fantastic singer. Amazing. But this is the technical analysis and the reaction of this video. If you want more analysis and technical reactions of Angelina Jordan, subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, click like and share this video. Leave more suggestions in the comments. I end here. I hope you liked this video and see you in the next review. Goodbye then. | 3 |
I just want to be with you, I. I just want to be with you I just want to be with you. There's nothing that can break us through, I. I just need you more than two. OOF Be with you I just want to be with you. There's nothing that can break us through, I. I just need you more than two. I, just need to be with you Nothing can break us through. I need you more than two, you Nothing can break us through I, just need to be with you OOF Be with you Nothing can break us through I need you more than two, you I just want to be with you, I I just want to be with you. | 1 |
Hello music people, welcome to another video on our channel. And in this video I will analyze Diana Ankudinova, fantastic Diana Ankudinova. Wonderful Russian singer. I have been following Diana for a long time. There are a lot of videos with her on our channel. In this video the proposal of this new idea on our channel, I am a heavy metal singer, songwriter, record producer and multi-instrumentalist. And this time I will analyze Diana Ankudinova. Information about the musical style, if necessary, I will also talk about this. But the main thing is that the star of Diana Ankudinova should shine, and she will certainly shine a lot. But first of all, if you are not subscribed, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video. And now let's look at Diana Ankudinova with Brandon Stone. It is wonderful. Diana Ankudinova, as always, sings a lot. She has incredible control over her voice and it's amazing how he manages to insert air around the note, and plan to explore your chest voice as well. Because the highlight of her voice is the bass, as she is an alto. She is an amazing singer. Impressive. This is fantastic, Diana Ankudinova is a wonderful singer. Brandon Stone is also an excellent pianist. It conveys a lot of emotions and feelings when interpreting this song. This is a famous Louis Armstrong song. And Diana shows her personality very strongly, play this wonderful song. And it's very touching to hear Diana Ankudinova sing in this quieter area. It's fantastic. This melisma was beautiful. Incredible. In this second moment we see that Diana Ankudinova, exerts more pressure on the air passage, on the air column. Because in the first part of this song she uses a lot of air around the note, and in the second moment it releases more air in its path. And by letting more air in, you're emitting more sound with less air... And with lots of air... As well as the muscles of the mouth, the opening of the mouth will also have a big impact on this. Incredible. It controls the air in the lungs very well. Because besides his singing, after all... She can project this vibrato, and this is a long vibrato. It has a very well made and designed note holder. And holds this note with incredible ease. Fantasy. He makes a light glissando and inserts a few melodic passages in the manner of singing, It's very reminiscent of some of the ways funk and soul are played. Incredible. Fantasy. Diana Ankudinova is indeed an extremely versatile singer. Incredible. Actually, it's a jazz sound because, the way Diana projects this vocalization is called Scat. And it originated in jazz music. I see it as a big tribute because it's fantastic. It's unbelievable how he can deliver vocals so effectively... Fantastic, she's amazing. My God, look at the use of those falsettos, incredible. Impressive. And that way of singing... It's a way to sing pure and hard jazz. It is extremely associated with this musical style and, like all other songs, Diana connects wonderfully with music... Words are not enough to describe how talented she is, she is incredible. It is not enough for him to project falsetto, he not only projects falsetto as also makes fantastic melismas. She makes amazing designs on a note, amazing. Incredible performance and performance. Incredible voice control. He knows how to connect with a song to interpret it. And it's such a strong connection that you can adapt very quickly. Everything you did here, the subtlety of your voice, melismas and falsettos... The way it creates balance. a lighter, thinner and softer voice projection with a heavy voice is fantastic. So this is a review of this video and I hope you enjoyed it. And before we finish, subscribe to our channel, click on the notification, click like and share this video. And see you in the next review. Goodbye. | 3 |
Daily Routines in English I wake up I turn off my alarm I get up I take a shower I have a shower I get dressed I comb my hair I make breakfast I eat breakfast I have breakfast I brush my teeth I go to work I start work at 9 I answer emails I eat lunch I have lunch I work on my computer I finish work at five I go home I arrive home I feed the dog I cook dinner I eat dinner I have dinner I watch TV I read a book I go to bed I fall asleep Daily routines for school I go to school I have classes I eat lunch I have lunch I finish school at three I go home I do my homework Let's practice Which is correct? I watch TV I brush my teeth I cook dinner I get up I have dinner I read a book I have lunch I comb my hair I fall asleep I answer emails I get dressed I do my homework I make breakfast I turn off my alarm I start work at nine I go home I wake up I have breakfast I feed the dog I go to bed I have a shower I hope you found this lesson about daily routines useful. If you did, click like and remember to subscribe to our channel so you know when we create new videos to help you improve your English. Have an awesome day! | 4 |
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