Write the original essay that generated the following summary: The essay discusses the issue of whether or not children aged two-six should be held responsible for their criminal actions. The author argues that children at this age are not yet mature and their brains are still developing. They also do not have a clear understanding of right and wrong yet.
The essay discusses the issue of whether or not children aged two-six should be held responsible for their criminal actions. The author argues that children at this age are not yet mature and their brains are still developing. They also do not have a clear understanding of right and wrong yet.
2-6-Year-Olds’ Criminal Actions Irresponsibility Case Study Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Biological Argument 3. Cognitive Argument 4. Emotional and Social Development 5. Conclusion 6. References Introduction As the matter of fact, every country has certain norms of the age of criminal responsibility. First and foremost, it should be highlighted that the major argument in support of the raising the age for the responsibility is that children are not mature, and brain development, social, and emotional factors only start to improve. The major purpose of the paper is to analyze three scenarios based on actual events from the point of view of the developmental characteristics of a child aged two-six and to highlight the significance of the implementation of the biological, cognitive, and emotional and social arguments to support the idea that children should not be responsible for crime actions. Biological Argument The childhood is considered to be a very sensitive period in the development of the human being as it is the time when the brain shapes and it affects the development of emotions, concentration, ability to overcome stress, and have self-control (Berger, 2014). In the discussed scenarios, children cannot be responsible for the murder. Their brain chooses the option to eliminate the distraction moment (in the case, where a six-year-old girl murder her brother because he was constantly crying) or the person that caused conflict (in the first and second case, where children decided to kill the offender). As the matter of fact, children usually imitate the actions of parents or something that they saw, for examples, in movies or video games (Berger, 2014). The immature brain cannot analyze or evaluate the consequences; it follows the model of the behavior that was previously seen in the mass media or experienced in some conversations (for example, in a fairy tale, when the bad person got killed for the happiness of the main hero). Cognitive Argument The theory of Piaget is centered on the peculiarities of the cognitive development and improvement of the intelligence (Berger, 2014). Children up to four years cannot analyze the information according to logic, whereas children up to six years use only primitive reasoning. The feeling of justice is highly developed in children. In the first case, the child shot the girl, because he was offended and thought that this way she will be punished. However, he did not understand the consequences and probably could not realize that shooting leads to death as the vast majority of children do not face death (of either family members or friends). They do not have the real understanding of what death is. Emotional and Social Development It should be stressed that the age of the criminal responsibility should be compared to the age when people can make individual choices. Teenagers are legally allowed to have sexual intercourse from the age of sixteen, can get married and vote after eighteen, and drink alcohol after twenty-one. The stated above can sometimes have the same dreadful consequences. Then the question arises, why should children be treated as criminals, when they are not allowed to make certain decisions as they considered to be immature. The child is not emotionally and socially developed (Berger, 2014). To make choices one should realize the consequences they might face. The child cannot control or distinguish emotions. It is the primary reason why the age of criminal responsibility should be raised. Conclusion In conclusion, it should be stressed that the stated above arguments, namely biological, cognitive, emotional, and social should be taken account. One of the most relevant thoughts is that the brain of the child is immature. Children lack logical reasoning, and that is, solve their problems in the way that is acceptable to them according to their personal experience. However, all the discussed above arguments should not be undervalued as they are significant and prove that the child should not be treated as the criminal. References Berger, K. S. (2014). The developing person through the life span (9th ed.). New York: Worth Publishers.
Provide the inputted essay that when summarized resulted in the following summary : The organization's learning and development practices are poor as they involve manual orientation from experienced workers. New employees are not advised of their roles in the organization before assignment of tasks. The orientation process takes long due to lack of a well-coordinated orientation programs.
The organization's learning and development practices are poor as they involve manual orientation from experienced workers. New employees are not advised of their roles in the organization before assignment of tasks. The orientation process takes long due to lack of a well-coordinated orientation programs.
5Ways Foodservices: Staff Learning and Development Essay The organization’s learning and development practices Business in the contemporary times is characterized by stiff competition as each firm seeks to acquire a considerable market share in the local and the international market. Various factors have contributed to the stiffening competition including the desire to increase profitability and the evolution of the global market (Owoyemi et al. 2011). In that regard, firms have embarked in recruiting and retaining the best workers to achieve competitive advantage through increased quality of products or services produced by a competent workforce. Firms are today recruiting the best-qualified workers and paying them competitive salaries to retain them. Some business analysts have however argued that hiring qualified employees and paying them competitive salaries is not the only way to motivate them. Employees need to be trained to handle new challenges in the changing business environment (Batool & Batool 2012). In that regard, most companies have introduced a set of training programs that aim at imparting skills to the workforce to enable them to handle their responsibilities more efficiently. The training programs so far adopted by major businesses target new employees through orientation programs. Most organizations tend to overlook the need to ensure continuous training of the workforce in their respective companies. Most managers are of the view that training should only apply to new staffs as opposed to the existing employees. The view is misguided since the current employees also need to be trained continuously if a firm is to achieve efficiency. The orientation is important since it equips employees with the relevant information before the commencement of the work. Training of new employees in 5Ways Foodservices is poorly administered since it involves manual orientation from the experienced workers. New employees are assigned to experienced workers who take them through the orientation process. The employees are not advised of their roles in the organization before assignment of tasks. The orientation process takes long due to lack of a well-coordinated orientation programs. The wastage of time in the orientation stage translates into losses for the firm. The right orientation leads to increased efficiency since employees since every employee has adequate knowledge of their roles. Duplication of resources is avoided since the scope of each employee’s task is defined. Training instills a sense of job security among workers since it enhances their dignity and job qualification. The feeling of job security instilled upon workers through training translates into high morale among the employees leading to achievement of the set goals (Puhakainen & Siponen 2010). Additionally, training reduces staff turnover in the sense that employees feel secure working in a firm that cares about their development needs. In 5Ways Foodservices, employees are poorly motivated due to lack of development opportunities leading to high staff turnover. The high staff turnover rate amongst the hotel’s workers has increased the operation cost owing to the high cost of recruiting new employees. Moreover, the quality of services in the hotel has been compromised since the firm loses its best employees to competitors. The competitors in the industry have training programs that attract workers with high skills. The rivals have continuous training programs that enhance a sense of job security among employees. The competitors absorb the high-skilled workers from 5Ways Foodservices hence heightening the competition. The organization’s learning and development needs Competition in the food service industry has stiffened in the past few decades prompting the need for training of the employees. In 5Ways Foodservices, employees’ training is overlooked, and only new staffs are trained on the basic of the organization culture when joining the firm. The new employee-training program is poorly managed, and it does not achieve the educational needs of the employees. The program centers on the orientation of the employees, and it is limited to the introduction of the employees to their new roles. No training is afforded to the employees after joining the firm, thus leading to reluctance from the employees in accepting changes. The evolution of the new technology has sparked the need to train employees continuously to prepare them to take new challenges. In 5Ways Foodservices, no such training is afforded to the employees leading to resistance to accepting changes in the organization. The company’s mission is to provide the best quality services in the food and service industry. Therefore, to achieve this objective, employees need to be trained continuously to increase their efficiency. The training program should target both new and existing employees. The training program for the existing employees should focus on 1. Changes in the company’s strategies 2. New technologies 3. Good customer service Employees who undergo the training should be highly remunerated or even promoted to higher positions in the firm. Better remuneration coupled with promotions will act as incentives to push employees to undergo such training. The training shall increase the efficiency of the firm and reduce staff turnover rates. Research indicates that firms that have continuous training programs in place are more efficient and profitable than firms that do not have such programs (Puhakainen & Siponen 2010). Such training will not only increase the firm’s efficiency, but it will also allow the employees to be innovative. It will also increase employees’ morale since it will impart a sense of job security among them. An organization needs to have well-defined vision and missions for it to be successful against the backdrop of the stiffening competition among firms operating in the food service industry. Employees need to be involved in major decisions of a firm. Involving employees in the decision-making process of a firm not only motivates them but also instills a sense of ownership in them. Employees tend to work hard to achieve targets they have set for themselves. In 5Ways Foodservice, decision-making is an exclusive role of the management and employees’ inputs are not allowed. Communication is top-down whereby the top managers communicate decisions to the staff. Little training is done to the employees regarding the decisions coupled with how to implement them in the organization. This aspect leads to mistakes during implementation causing inefficiencies and losses. The orientation of workers is an important process of the recruitment process and involves defining the scope of work for the employee. New employees need to be introduced to the new work environment. The company should develop a new staff-training program that will consider the learning needs of the new employees. Under the program, the new workers should be trained in the following areas: 1. Definition of the scope of work 2. Introduction to the company’s cooperate culture 3. Introduction to the company’s mission and vision 4. Definition of the standards of performance A gap and practice that could be improved A performance management system refers to the strategic approach adopted by a firm to increase the efficiency of its workers and improve the achievement of the set goals. Performance appraisals are important since they guide promotional decisions. The best performing employees are promoted to higher positions in the firm. Promotions based on merit increase the workers morale and encourage the other workers to work hard to obtain such promotions (Ferreira & Otley 2009). The 5Ways Foodservices’ performance appraisal system is below average since workers’ performance is measured manually. Organizations need to have sound job performance appraisal systems to assess the work of every individual worker. In 5Ways Foodservices, the importance of job performance appraisal is overlooked with individual worker’s performance being measured manually. The managers utilize observation to assess the performance of the worker. Lack of job performance measuring tools leads to low motivation among the workforce. In companies with sound job performance appraisal systems, each worker’s performance is measured against the targets set (Folan & Browne 2005). The best performing workers are acknowledged in some cases publicized. In such organizations, promotions are done through merit whereby the best performing workers hold powerful positions in the organization. Promoting employees based on merit increases morale and it encourages them to work hard to achieve the set targets. 5Ways Foodservices lacks a formal job performance appraisal system, and the employees performance is only based on the managers’ view of a certain employee. Managers may be biased when making such assessments leading to promotion of the inappropriate employees. This aspect may contribute to low morale among the workforce and increase staff turnover. Due to the adverse effects caused by lack of a formal performance appraisal system, this paper shall propose a performance appraisal system for the 5Ways Foodservices hotel to improve performance. Currently, the company lacks a formal performance management system to measure the performance of workers. In 5Ways Foodservices, the supervisors assess the workers’ performance and the performance reports are based on the supervisor’s opinion. Managers may be biased when making such assessments leading to promotion of the inappropriate workers. This aspect may adversely affect the morale of the workers affecting the achievement of the set objectives. Performance appraisals are important to an organization since it allows the management to assess the performance of the individual workers. It also allows managers to set achievable targets for individual employees based on their ability and skills. The set targets are reviewed at different stages of achievement and deviations from the set standards are explained. This aspect leads to the high performance of the firm since the targets must be achieved at all cost. For a firm to achieve its missions it has to set its targets in advance and communicate the same to the employees. The achievement of the targets depends on the performance appraisal system adopted by the firm. Performance management and turnover rate Lack of a proper performance measurement system is closely linked to high staff turnover in most organizations. The absence of a performance appraisal system leads to low morale among employees leading to poor achievement of the firm’s objectives. Employees tend to be more concerned about their job security as compared to other aspects. Since low motivation among employees leads to poor performance by the firm, workers tend to seek jobs in rival companies to be assured of job security. Employees need to be assured of their job security to motivate them to perform their duties effectively. Employees tend to prefer working in a well-performing firm to a poorly performing one (Ferreira & Otley 2009. In that regard, employees of 5Ways Foodservices tend to leave the firm to be absorbed by the competitors who are performing better as compared to the firm in question. This aspect leads to a high turnover rate for the firm. The profitability of the firm is affected by such high turnover rates since recruiting new employees increases the operating costs. Performance management and motivation The performance management system should be devised in such a way that it integrates various incentives to motivate employees to work industriously towards achieving the set targets. The incentives should come in the form of promotions for the best-performing employees, publicity for god performance, bonuses. The system should be accommodative so that employees are involved in setting the targets. The system should be designed in such a way that it allows for the assessment of both individual and group performances. This aspect will encourage teamwork, and it will facilitate the achievement of the set goals. Employees tend to be more motivated working on goals they have set for themselves than when such targets are imposed by the management (Folan & Browne 2005). The incentives should be structured to fit both individual and groups within the organization. This move will boost the workers morale leading to the achievement of the set goals. Currently, the organization has no incentives in place to boost the morale of the employees. The work of an individual worker cannot be differentiated from group work, thus leading to low morale among the employees. Reference List Batool, A & Batool, B 2012, ‘Effects of employees training on the organizational Competitive advantage: Empirical study of Private Sector of Islamabad, Pakistan,’ Far East Journal of Psychology and Business , vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 59-72. Ferreira, A & Otley, D 2009, ‘The design and use of performance management systems: An extended framework for analysis,’ Management Accounting Research , vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 263-282. Folan, P & Browne, J 2005, ‘A review of performance measurement: Towards performance management,’ Computers in Industry , vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 663-680. Owoyemi, A, Oyelere, M, Elegbede, T & Gbajumo-Sheriff, M 2011, ‘Enhancing employees’ commitment to organization through training,’ International Journal of Business and Management , vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 280-91. Puhakainen, P & Siponen, M 2010, ‘Improving employees’ compliance through information systems security training: an action research study,’ MIS Quarterly , vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 757-778. Appendix 1 5Ways Foodservices-SWOT analysis 5Ways Foodservices Strengths Weaknesses 1. Location in a tourist destination 1. Lack of a sound performance appraisal system 2. Ineffective workforce Opportunities Threats 1. Introducing a performance appraisal system 1. Competition 2. Opening more branches 2. High staff turnover 3. Introducing a non discriminatory training program
Write the original essay for the following summary: The author of this essay discusses how businesses can use social media to develop a global reach, and how they can do so while still saving money.The author of this essay discusses how businesses can use social media to develop a global reach, and how they can do so while still saving money.
The author of this essay discusses how businesses can use social media to develop a global reach, and how they can do so while still saving money. The author of this essay discusses how businesses can use social media to develop a global reach, and how they can do so while still saving money.
10 Steps of Getting Started With Social Media Marketing Essay Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Main Body 3. Conclusion 4. Works Cited Introduction Businesses are established with an aim of profit maximization. There are several businesses in the global economy, which leads to intense competition in the market. There are different functions of management that must be effectively coordinated towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of an organization. Marketing is the process of informing consumers of new and existing products, how to use the respective products, changes made in production and/or prices among others. Marketing is a process that all organizations, both profit and non-profit, must consider when analyzing and determining the consumer needs due to t dynamic nature of the last. Different authors have different views on global marketing aspects such as planning, increasing sales, and business growth among others. This is a critical analysis of three articles in support of and against the marketing contents of the respective articles. Main Body The article, “10 Steps of getting started with social media marketing” by Susan Gunelius discusses how to use social media towards developing a global business effectively. The author recommends 10 basic steps that individual businesses should consider when using social media as a marketing tool to succeed. The basic steps recommended by the author are determining the goals, evaluating resources, adequate knowledge of the audience, creating amazing content, integrating marketing efforts, creating a schedule, adopting an 80-20 rule, focusing more on quality, giving up control, and keep learning. Furthermore, the author discusses each step and how to implement them towards effective marketing (Gunelius 1). Personally I, as a marketing student, support the contents of the article and the arguments of the author due to several reasons, for instance, effective application of the Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat analysis. The 10 steps proposed by the author on how to get started with social media marketing incorporate the SWOT analysis because it involves an analysis of the strengths of an organization, its weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Social media marketing is a marketing plan. Business organizations must develop effective strategies when implementing a marketing plan to succeed. The 10 steps discussed by the author can be used in the effective implementation of social media marketing. Therefore, I support the contents of the article and the arguments by the author (Gunelius 1). The article, “10 Ways to stretch your marketing budget” by Robert W. Bly discusses useful strategies that organizations can utilize to maximize their campaigns while saving money. The author proposes 10 ways that business organizations can use to ensure accountability of every dollar, and get big results despite small budgets. The author proposes sticking to successful strategies, exploring lead generations, doing things by ourself, and paying vendors on time among others. The author has proposed effective strategies for saving money and accounting for every dollar. However, not all the steps proposed by the author are relevant to global marketing (Bly 1). Business organizations operate within limited budgets. Budget limitations require organizations to plan in advance and ensure their operations and activities are within the organizational budget and achieve short term goals that contribute towards the achievements of the long term goals. The article is relevant to global marketing because it proposes accountability for organizational funds, which is a practice all organizations aspire to achieve. The ways proposed by the author may not necessarily contribute to the maximization of campaigns and saving money, for instance, doing things by yourself. An organization cannot execute all its functions effectively. There are some functions that require the involvement of the third party, for example, support services among others (Bly 1). The author proposes the in-house press release, which might not be effective at all times depending on the needs of the organization. Therefore, this way is not an effective strategy for all businesses, especially for those targeting the global market (Bly 1). The author has also proposed effective ways such as paying vendors on time and appropriate payment for services. Timely payments to vendors create loyalty and build trust with respective vendors, which is an effective strategy because the respective vendors can supply on credit in the future. Appropriate payment is also an effective way of accounting for each dollar in an organization. All expenses must be accounted for and affordable by the respective organization based on their budget. Therefore, the article is appropriate for global marketing if improved (Bly 1). The article, “Ingredients of a marketing plan” by the Entrepreneur is useful because it highlights the elements of an appropriate marketing plan. It demonstrates how to prepare a leading marketing plan that can be used by an organization towards achieving its goals and objectives within a specified deadline or period. The author highlights important areas to address when writing a marketing plan such as the objectives, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities among others (Entrepreneur 1). Conclusion The marketing plan should be prepared to guide the marketing process of an organization. Considering the elements of a good marketing plan, the author has discussed the key areas of a marketing plan and how to handle them. Furthermore, the author has provided a budget range based on organizational size, which is effective in guiding individual businesses in writing an effective marketing plan. Therefore, considering the contents of the article based on the elements of an effective marketing plan, the author has presented an effective article relevant to global marketing (Entrepreneur 3). Works Cited Bly, Robert W. “10 Ways to stretch your marketing budget.” Entrepreneur Press , 2013. Web. Entrepreneur. “The ingredients of a marketing plan.” Entrepreneur, 2013. Web. Gunelius, Susan. “10 Steps to getting Started in Social Media Marketing.” Entrepreneur, 2010. Web.
Provide the full text for the following summary: "A Darkling Plain" a Book by Kristen Monroe Essay discusses how conflict affects humanity. The book uses stories from people who lived through wars and later witnessed flourishing happiness. These narratives form the basis of the book "A Darkling Plain" and they include interviews with people who survived international and civil conflicts. The book is subdivided into six psychological dimensions for easier analysis.
"A Darkling Plain" a Book by Kristen Monroe Essay discusses how conflict affects humanity. The book uses stories from people who lived through wars and later witnessed flourishing happiness. These narratives form the basis of the book "A Darkling Plain" and they include interviews with people who survived international and civil conflicts. The book is subdivided into six psychological dimensions for easier analysis.
“A Darkling Plain” a Book by Kristen Monroe Essay Discussion War periods present a trying time for humankind. War is known to highlight the worst qualities of humankind. During wars, people turn against each other as their moral integrity is compromised. In his book “A Darkling Plain”, Dr. Kristen Monroe investigates how conflict affects humanity. Monroe is a philosophy and political science professor at the University of California at Irvine. Monroe’s book uses stories from people who lived through wars and later witnessed flourishing happiness. These narratives form the basis of the book “A Darkling Plain” and they include interviews with people who survived international and civil conflicts. The interviewed people include soldiers, victims of dictatorial regimes, and refugees. According to the author’s narrative, it is hard for anyone to survive the war with his/her personality intact. Monroe presents the argument that war has profound effects on psychological processes. Moreover, the book is subdivided into six psychological dimensions for easier analysis. This paper explains how Monroe uses narrative analysis to evaluate the issues of humanity and war. “A Darkling Plain” is made up of a series of analyses that span over different periods and continents. These narratives reflect peoples’ attempts at making sense of their reality. Normally, narratives are used to present shared beliefs, similar identities, and common origins. In Monroe’s case, narratives are used to present similar experiences. Most of the interviewed persons have either survived a war or experienced the effects of the war firsthand. For instance, some of the narratives cover wars that happened in the early 1920s while the others cover conflicts that happened in this century. However, all these narratives reveal similarities in inexperience. For example, the story of Frank the South Pacific soldier details war-related experiences in the early 1920s. Nevertheless, Frank’s experiences bear striking similarities with those of displaced African refugees. Therefore, the author is able to create a network of ideas that help to highlight how war affects humanity. Monroe’s style of narrative analysis is quite wholesome as compared to other narrative styles. Most narratives tend to omit the details that are considered to be of less importance. However, Monroe’s narratives are inclusive of all the details that the narrators consider important to them. In some instances, the narratives used in “A Darkling Plain” tend to contain ‘irrelevant’ information. Nevertheless, the wholesome nature of Monroe’s narrative style enriches the quality of her work and adds authenticity to the narrators’ experiences. The narrators are allowed to offer all details of their life during the war period. Significantly, the core aspects of these narrations converge to show how humanity reacts to war experiences. The author’s conclusions about the war are quite accurate. The narratives used in the book only give the version of the story that the narrator wants to be known. Some narrators do not want their readers/listeners to know how bad the war was. For example, Frank the Soldier jokes about the experiences of his life during the war in a bid to cover up the horrible experiences of the war. On the other hand, other narrators do their best to convey the horrors of the war to their audiences. In Ngugi Wa Thiongo’s narrative, he highlights the bloodiest war experiences such as the beheading of the man who would not part with his Bible (Monroe 46). Another situation where the narrative analysis would be necessary is when trying to find reconciliation. Personal Experience According to Monroe, people use several tactics to ensure that they maintain their humanity during the war. The author claims most survivors view humanity as a threefold concept that covers all human beings, the quality of humanity, and the ability to be humane by treating others with care and concern. Therefore, Monroe argues that maintaining humanity “includes the ability to retain the decency that is part of our human condition, to show respect and concern for others, and to demonstrate kindness and benevolence in our treatment of our fellow human beings, even during the war” (Monroe 25). However, the author notes that narrators do not necessarily focus on the aspect of ‘retaining humanity’ in their narrations. It is noted that some people retain their humanity by sharing and memorizing wartime stories. Other people retain their humanity by repressing and trying to forget the experiences of the war. Most of the people who try to forget their war experiences reckon that it is almost impossible to remain human while one is still carrying around the experiences of the war. One of the narrators in Monroe’s book claims that the fact that she was able to love even when she was held up in a concentration camp helped her maintain her humanity. Maintaining humanity could also be motivated by peoples’ service to others. For instance, Monroe notes that some victims struggled to survive for the sake of their families. Monroe’s claims about humanity, survival, and coping mechanisms can be tested and applied using traumatic personal experiences. One of my most traumatic events happened a few months ago when I lost my five-year-old nephew in a freak accident. He had just come from his school’s closing day event. Soon after, I called his mother to make arrangements for how he would stay with me in the next few days. He was in high spirits and he was looking forward to enjoying his December holidays. However, an hour after we had talked someone called me to inform me that my nephew had had an accident; he had fallen from the top of a building and died. There were no witnesses to the accident and with time, suspicions of foul play began surfacing. The period following my nephew’s passing was tough. I had big plans for him and he was a promising kid. It has been a few months since the incident and I have managed to deal with this event and somehow retain my humanity. The first thing I did after the loss was to surround myself with other family members who were going through similar trauma. My cousin had just lost her only child and I knew I had to remain sober for her sake. Like the victims in Monroe’s narration, I struggled to maintain composure for my family’s sake. In addition, I compiled photos of my nephew and wrote poems about the times we spent with my nephew. These compilations are quite similar to Monroe’s shared narratives. My strategy worked because there were few other people who were going through a similar experience. I also shared my poems with other family members through social networking websites. Their comments helped me cope with my loss and at the same time helped them cope with theirs. Avoiding repressing the experience also helped me to cope with my loss. Works Cited Monroe, Kristen. A Darkling Plain, California, CA: Cambridge University, 2014. Print.
Provide the inputted essay that when summarized resulted in the following summary : A little electronic magic at Case study discusses the benefits and cost of use of Alibaba - Write a 2 sentence summary of the essay in the previous text that would also make a good title.The benefits and cost of use of are discussed in a case study of Grieve company, which wants to create industrial heat processing equipment and sell it to customers. The company's goal is to tap into the existing untapped global market. The case study discusses how using
A little electronic magic at Case study discusses the benefits and cost of use of Alibaba - Write a 2 sentence summary of the essay in the previous text that would also make a good title. The benefits and cost of use of are discussed in a case study of Grieve company, which wants to create industrial heat processing equipment and sell it to customers. The company's goal is to tap into the existing untapped global market. The case study discusses how using
A Little Electronic Magic at Case Study The benefits and cost of use Benefits Cost Several manufacturers’ bids on a customer order placed online, as well as a wide range of customers’ products offered by many sellers. Premium charged to use a site like Alibaba online. Manufacture of products designed by the company based in different locations by posting the design in business-to-business sites. Cost of posting the design on the sites. This may include the time which the post stays on the company’s sites. Direct interaction between buyers and sellers through online sites eliminates brokerage and intermediaries. Membership cost for using the site levied on both, the buyer and seller. Buyers make a price comparison of the same products, but different manufacturers. Cost may include the charges for numerous visits to the business-to-business site in use. Comparison analysis Grieve company’s goal is to create industrial heat processing equipment and sell it to customers. The export strategy relies on the existing untapped global market. Locating customers, informing them on product features and shipping sends a challenge to Grieves’s global business. The sale of finished products includes several relevant steps of realizing returns on investment. Using business-to-business sites is a good way of presenting information on new products, and it becomes easy to circulate it online for potential buyers to view. Interested customers place their orders using the same sites. Besides, the company does not need to have many regional offices since customer interaction is through the site. Shipment service providers locate manufacturers such as Grieve on the same online trade sites. The company has the opportunity to compare the prices of the competitors using posts placed on the sites. Pricing information is vital to any competitive market. The cost of doing business reduces significantly. Grieve company only needs to be a member of any of the online trade sites by paying the required premiums. Finally, Grieve stands to benefit from a growing market that would be difficult without the sites that make it easier to locate a new market. Trade Overview All companies have high traffic with millions of visitors daily. This is a key indicator that the online trade venture has experienced massive growth over the years. All sites are business to business targeting customers ranging from small business to big manufacturers. The sites have prioritized buying and selling a concept that aims at connecting buyers and sellers globally. All companies generate revenue in membership charges, as well as advertisements on their sites. There are membership premiums as well. As opposed to this, Alibaba has a greater global outfit than both TradeIndia and TradeKey together, it is evident from its traffic and several different buyers and sellers. TradeIndia has focused mostly on the Indian market as opposed to other new entities. Both TradeIndia and TradeKey have a better new product update than Alibaba. Alibaba has clear safety and security centers to ensure that the users remain safe from fraudulent activities on the sites, more than the other two entities that have no elaborate security details. The cost of doing business has reduced greatly after the entry of online trade sites. Companies reported reduced expenditure on global missions to expand markets. Entry into a new market became much easier with little infrastructure development in the new market. Since the global trend is going online, companies are shifting to online trade to be part of this new development. Companies left out risk loss of market among other grave losses in the future. The short period of doing business makes online trade between companies the most suitable. Loss of person-hours faces a downward trend in the future as companies conduct their transactions in the comfort of their mother locations. Meanwhile, due to a reduction in the cost of doing business revenues increase. This invites competition: putting companies without proper online structures at risk of loss of business. Impact of the global financial crisis The global financial crisis has recently hit the money markets hard. Established markets, such as the European market, emerged as there was a threat of the crisis that could ruin former big economies. Following this change in business activity, Alibaba stands to benefit from the investors fleeing European markets to stable locations such as the Far East. The new entities provide opportunities for the growth of online trade. Emerging economies, such as Africa provide great opportunities to Alibaba business models. Alibaba is located in the world’s fastest-growing economy by trade-China. After the global financial crisis turbulence shook the West, Alibaba tremendously experienced growth in traffic as more customers opted for Chinese products. On the other hand, Alibaba faces competition from other established online companies that have shifted attention from its areas of operation. After the crisis, firms directed resources to the stable markets in a bid to rescue their business entities. Competition by these firms brings a major threat to Alibaba as they compete for market share. New entries often satisfy demand if the existing companies are overwhelmed. Otherwise, the new entities set in competition to the existing firms in new markets. Alibaba also faces a loss of business in the crisis-prone markets. Less traffic flows from such areas due to reduced business potential and reduced activity. However, with the resolution of crises such as the Eurozone debt, Alibaba may continue experiencing an upward trend in its online trade growth.
Write a essay that could've provided the following summary: Sociological theories and concepts argue that human behaviour and actions are influenced by the environment within which they occur. The environment can be macro or micro, the former may, for instance, involve a whole culture. The latter may be contextual (such as a drinking den, a classroom or a church).
Sociological theories and concepts argue that human behaviour and actions are influenced by the environment within which they occur. The environment can be macro or micro, the former may, for instance, involve a whole culture. The latter may be contextual (such as a drinking den, a classroom or a church).
A Local Pub: Sociological Theories and Concepts Essay Introduction Generally, sociological theories argue that human behaviour and actions are influenced by the environment within which they occur, but this influence is not simplistic. It involves how an individual sub-consciously or consciously perceives that environment; that is, what the individual feels the environment requires of them and whether one should act in accordance with or defiance to those requirements, and if so how. This environment can be macro or micro, the former may, for instance, involve a whole culture. The latter may be contextual (such as a drinking den, a classroom or a church). I visited a local pub in order to consciously witness this environmental influence on human behaviour and action. This paper is an interpretation of what I witnessed from a perspective of sociological theories and concepts. Discussion Without going into a step-by-step recounting of what happened, as expected, there were those who drank quietly (most of them ladies) and those who got noisy after a few bottles. Some threw obscene words and obscenely touched the bartenders, others were sober, and there were other small categories of characters. I made a few assumptions about the crowd: of the ‘noisy drunk’, some must have been faking. Of the ‘quiet’, there must have been those who were more drank than the ‘noisy drunk’ and controlling themselves; I also noticed that the barmaids in my observation were not embarrassed or offended. It occurred to me, albeit with no concrete proof as this was not a controlled setting that I was observing a network of role-playing. ‘Role theory’ argues that how one acts is influenced by the expectations held by oneself or by other people. From this point, perhaps it can be guessed that those who drank quietly did so because they expected of themselves and others to expect from them some semblance of ‘genteel’ (as a gentleman or lady). It is universally expected that women are refined in manners, and so in spite of drinking or even drinking, the ladies may have been controlling their behaviour to abide by such societal expectations. Those who were noisy and promiscuous in their behaviour probably did it because they would ‘not’ be cursed for it since it is perhaps expected of one who is drunk. The maids reflected this behaviour in their response to them; they simply jumped out of their reach and laughed off the obscenities, such things are expected if not acceptable and tolerable in a pub anyway. Related to this is the ‘subcultural theory’. By being a member of a sub-culture within a bigger culture (e.g. a gang), one is expected to subscribe to certain norms. Within a certain subculture, what is otherwise disagreeable outside becomes agreeable when in it. The members of that sub-culture are therefore expected to role-play in accordance with the rules; a pub is a setting of sub-culture. Conclusion That said, I got wondering who was acting right and/or wrong in the pub, in other words, how should drunken people act? I guess there can’t be a conclusive answer to this. As alluded to above, the individual chooses how to respond to expectations and plays along or defy. The quiet customers ‘either accepted or refused’ to abide by expectations; the ‘noisy drunk’ as well. What this reflects is that the influence of the environment is not a simplistic one. There is always an interplay of factors that mould ‘that’ environment, in the end, what conforming or deviance in a bar really means cannot be conclusively decided.
Create the inputted essay that provided the following summary: The essay discusses the word choices in William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". It argues that the word choices are appropriate for the discussion of the research but not the senses.
The essay discusses the word choices in William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". It argues that the word choices are appropriate for the discussion of the research but not the senses.
Word Choices in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare Essay The dark night that from the eye his function takes, The ear quicker of apprehension makes; Wherein in doth impair the seeing sense, It pays the hearing double recompense. Thou art not by mine eye, Lysander, found; Mine ear, I thank it, brought me to thy sound. But why unkindly didst thou leave me so? (Shakespeare 52) This passage dwells upon the human senses at night. It is obvious that people cannot see enough at this particular time, at night. The author has chosen the specific words for describing human feelings, thus, describing the simple blindness because of the dark time, the author refers to specific scientific terminology, “function” and “response.” These words are more appropriate for the discussion of the research, but not the senses. The choice of these words may be explained by the desire to show that human senses are particular processes which require adequate treatment. Further, the author refers to the possibilities of better hearing but worse look as to the art. It seems that the author wants to find an explanation for the process of change. When night comes, people suffer from impairing the seeing sense and the doubling of the hearing. Calling this an art, the author wants to show how much miracle is there in the human body. The word art is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “a human creative skill or its application” (n.p.). Thus, the author wants to show that art is not just the things people create but also the skills they possess. Moreover, the Oxford English Dictionary refers to the word “art” to “mystery,” which is exactly the case in this passage. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream . New York: Forgotten Books, 2008. Print. Oxford English Dictionary , 2011. Web.
Write the original essay that provided the following summary when summarized: The essay discusses the expansion of the Bolsheviks and how it shaped the development of the relations between the countries of the Middle East and Russia. The expansion of the Bolsheviks led to a re-conquest of eastern territories, which created a strong opposition to the Russians in the East.
The essay discusses the expansion of the Bolsheviks and how it shaped the development of the relations between the countries of the Middle East and Russia. The expansion of the Bolsheviks led to a re-conquest of eastern territories, which created a strong opposition to the Russians in the East.
“A Peace To End All Peace” by David Fromkin Essay The chapter under consideration deals with the Bolsheviks’ expansion, which shaped the development of the relations between the countries of the Middle East and Russia. It is important to note that though Lenin claimed it was important for nations to become independent, Bolsheviks made everything to re-conquer eastern territories. This Bolsheviks’ imperialistic policy made natives of the eastern territories develop strong hostility to the Russians. Interestingly, Bolsheviks claimed that the power of the proletariat is the most humanness order to build. They also promised to help nations conquered by the czar’s regime to regain their freedom. At the same time, Lenin claimed that the East did not have the working class to help the peasantry to build a democratic and just society. Lenin also stated that “[i]n effect this meant that the peoples of the East were not yet ready to exercise their right to be free” (Fromkin 476). At that, Stalin believed the nations should be subordinate to the central power, i.e., the power of Moscow. Basically, the short-term goals of the two leaders were similar. It is also important to note that religious beliefs and cultural traditions made people of the East oppose the new order. Natives of the East were against the rule of the proletariat, and Lenin inevitably fought the majority. Fromkin provides an example of Turkistan, which reveals the experience of other countries of the Middle East. Eventually, “[l]ike other such colonies, it found that its economy was exploited for the benefit of its European masters” (Fromkin 477). Thus, the Bolsheviks’ policy did not differ from the policies of other imperial European countries, which tended to exploit people of other countries. Therefore, the author provides insights into the development of relations between European Russia and the Russian East. The author also explains the reasons which made Bolsheviks move farther. The new ruling group was afraid of any external threat which could come from such countries as China or Persia. It is possible to claim that the author reveals some of the reasons (or rather major reasons) for complicated relations between European Russia and some countries of the Middle East. Bolshevik’s policies contributed greatly to the development of such tense relationships. Bolshevik’s imperialism can be regarded as another example of European empires’ attitude towards the countries of the Middle East. Thus, Bolsheviks considered the countries of the East to be an inseparable part of their huge empire. This meant that Bolsheviks could exploit people, lands, etc. of that part of their empire. Admittedly, such an imperialistic policy evoked resistance in the people of the East. People of those countries acknowledged that any force which came from the west was hostile. No matter what promises Europeans made, the people of those countries turned out to be deceived. Of course, the East developed a specific profile of the Western country. The East tended to be hostile to Russians. To sum up, the chapter focuses on the relations between Russia and the Russian East in the 1920s. The author provides insights into the development of hostility to Russians in some countries of the Middle East. The author states that Bolsheviks, who claimed to bring a new better order, actually continued the imperialistic policy of czarist Russia. This was one of the ways of exploitation which made people of the East detest and distrust the Russians. The events of the 1920s, to a great extent, shaped the development of the relations between the countries of the Middle East and Russia. Works Cited Fromkin, David. A Peace to End All Peace , New York, NY: Holt Paperbacks, 2001. Print.
Write the original essay for the following summary: A sleeveless dress with a round neck is a great day dress and can be worn for both formal and casual occasions. It has a sweetheart neckline and is made from 100% silk. The dress has a chiffon overlay that covers up the miniskirt and still adds to the class of the dress.
A sleeveless dress with a round neck is a great day dress and can be worn for both formal and casual occasions. It has a sweetheart neckline and is made from 100% silk. The dress has a chiffon overlay that covers up the miniskirt and still adds to the class of the dress.
Sleeveless Dress with a Round Neck Essay Casual wear, day dress, more formal dress The garment is a sleeveless dress with a round neck and has a sweetheart neckline. It has sheer detail on the neckline and on the back. These aspects of design make it suitable to be worn for day and evening occasions. Its great detail and chicness make it suitable for more formal events, while the chiffon overlay makes the dress modest by covering up the miniskirt and still adds to the class of the dress. Season (worn) This type of dress is suitable for summer, spring, and fall because of the comfortable feel. The sleeveless design is extremely convenient during summer, and the lightness of the fabric that was used makes it comfy in the summer heat. More so, during fall, the round neckline coupled with a scarf suffices the cold. The dress is made from materials with incomparable air circulation hence very comfortable during spring. Description of each garment The inner part of the top is made up of 100% silk and covered by sheer material, while the outer top of the dress is covered with a sheer fabric on both the front and back. The tulle fabric is made from 80% polyester and 20% spandex, which makes the sheer material elastic improving the stretch qualities. Tulle is a fine netting frivolous and often starched fabric, and contrary to its lightweight, it is a tough fabric due to its structure that has threads to maintain a state of tension. The bottom half of the dress is made up of a contrast miniskirt, which is covered by a pure chiffon overlay. The mini skirt is made from a fabric that is different from the rest of the outfit, thus adding detail to the dress, preferably 100% silk white in color. The overlay is 94% nylon and 6% spandex for a shimmery and elastic finish. Type of fibers within each garment (Indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each) The silk top is sewn as a crisscrossed band on the bust of the dress. Silk is a protein fiber that can be woven and has a shimmering appearance and a non-slippery soft, smooth texture with a natural shine. It keeps the body warm and has poor elasticity or stretch properties because it remains stretched once overstretched. Furthermore, it is damaged by too much exposure to sunlight, although it is the most durable fabric known but has a larger effect of static cling. The sheer fabric covering the top of the dress is semi-translucent, thin, and delicate since it is made up of thin threads with a low density of knitting, which makes it extremely light and right for the top part of the dress. This sheer quality is popular because it can be embroidered with designs or patterns as required, and they also come in a wide range of colors. The lightness is relieving in very hot weather and offers very little warmth in cold weather and low protection from the sun. The sheer fabric is tulle made from polyester and spandex. The tulle fabric does not collapse courtesy of the starching and also has excellent air circulation. It can also be used to add beauty to a lot of things since it has good stretch qualities. The spandex makes up only six percent of the sheer fabric, and it has superb elasticity, although it is synthetic and not long-lasting. The chiffon overlay in the form of a full skirt covering the bottom half of the dress is stylish. Chiffon is a lightweight, balanced sheer fabric with a little stretch and faintly rough feel. It can be made from silk or cotton in addition to other synthetic fibers like polyester. Chiffon has see-through elements and springs back after pinning, covering up the pin marks. Chiffon is a delicate fabric, and one has to be very careful while sewing it. In addition, it is also shiny and smooth. Types of yarns within each garment (Indicate why each type was used) The chiffon is made from balanced plain-woven sheer fabric with alternate weaving of S and Z twist crepe of yarns, particularly high twisted yarns. Silk fabric also has highly twisted threads since it is woven. The fabric structure of each garment (Indicate why this structure was used) Chiffon has a fine net or mesh structure making it transparent. Tulle is made by wrapping the weft thread around a warp thread, and this creates a hexagonal design that does not fall or twist out of shape. Silk has a triangular prism-like structure in its fiber that is responsible for its shiny nature. Furthermore, it has various textures, weaves, and weights. Types of finishes for each garment (Indicate how the finishes may alter fabric’s performance) The chiffon fabric has French seam finishes that ensure the delicate fabric does not fray since this may damage the threading and look of the finished garment. The seams of silk garments are done with silk threads, especially embroidery. The silk top of the dress should have a lining for a comfortable feel on the inside and also absorb moisture from the body. Type of design applications for each garment (Such as dyeing/printing) The sheer chiffon fabric can be dyed to any color desired, but if it is made of synthetic fiber, this can be difficult to color. It does not require much printing because the fabric itself is shimmery. The tulle netting covering the top of the dress has a wide array of colors and, in addition, can be dyed any desired color by the customer. Thus, silk garments do not require additional patterns since they can be dyed, and they have a natural shine due to their structure. Appropriate maintenance for each garment Silk garments should be dry cleaned or steamed gently to avoid shrinking, although it cannot be bleached since bleaches dissolve silk fabric. Chiffon is gently hand washed due to its delicate structure and can also be dry cleaned, but not tumbled, and air-dried for best results. In the case of ironing, it is ironed when damp. Tulle fabrics are generally hand washed in cold water and flat dried in the air, and while ironing, another material is placed on top. Polyester is also dry cleaned just like the other fabrics; this means that the dress as a whole should be dry cleaned so that it is not damaged since it is made from different types of fabrics. Any other information pertinent to the garment Care has to be taken when sewing two chiffon fabrics together, and techniques such as layering of different materials in between to keep the fabric together should be used. The layer is removed after sewing. The dress should be ironed, considering each piece of fabric individually for best performance. It should not be exposed to too much sunlight since the polyester in the chiffon makes the overlay have static cling.
Provide the inputted essay that when summarized resulted in the following summary : A source of motivation is a vital prerequisite for achieving dreams and visions of an individual. It is a valuable thing to take time and understand the character of the motivator. This can only be achieved through shedding light on the issue of motivation and how it relates to the motivational theories.
A source of motivation is a vital prerequisite for achieving dreams and visions of an individual. It is a valuable thing to take time and understand the character of the motivator. This can only be achieved through shedding light on the issue of motivation and how it relates to the motivational theories.
A Source of Motivation, and Motivational Theories Essay A source of motivation is a vital prerequisite for achieving dreams and visions of an individual. It is a valuable thing to take time and understand the character of the motivator. This can only be achieved through shedding light on the issue of motivation and how it relates to the motivational theories. My uncle, a firstborn in a family of three, has been the source of my motivation. He is a man who is focused on achieving his goals regardless of the hustle and the time taken to reach his real actualization. About Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, he settles for nothing less but tangible results. During his early schooling period, he managed to secure himself a part-time job that not only financed most of his studies but also provided for some of his greater needs. At the time of getting a part-time job, his parents could not afford to cater to the academic necessities of all his siblings, which profoundly motivated him to work extra hard to fill the missing gaps. To his benefit, his undying spirit has enabled him to establish a prosperous security firm that is among the best in the current economy. During his tenure at his first job, he was concerned with the improvement of service delivery to his dear clients, regarding the needs of customers to be paramount in urgency to any of the other matters. Thus, with regards to Herzberg’s theory of motivation, better working conditions and exemplary interpersonal relations had to be established. Believing in spearheading the revolution of seeing the company grow to a giant, he was tasked with the responsibility of making its dreams become realized in the shortest time possible. With his past achievements and increased responsibilities, he tactfully enacted a policy that not only increased the company’s sales but also its customers. The need for job independence and the pursuit of passion, which is direct to expectancy theory of motivation, was one of the pillars towards the creation of the security firm in which he currently holds the position of Chief Executive Officer. The amount of effort he had been inputting in the realization of his goals required a satisfactory level of performance. Regardless of whether the choices he had taken were realistic, achievable, or not, he aimed at being the best by getting the approval of the people and working towards nothing less than achieving the vision of the firm. According to Porters and Lawler’s models, his achievements, passion, and the rewards that awaited him superseded the losses and the embarrassment he was to get if his firm failed. Motivated by realistic goals and moved by job independence, he was always focused on achieving the firm’s goals. Thus by him and his staff putting the correct amount of effort in the daily service delivery to clients, and also conducting surveys on the acceptability of the firm in society, they built a strong pillar towards the achievement of his dreams as an individual. In a greater sense majorly focusing on my uncle’s achievements about the motivational theories, which were and are still realistic, I will always find him to be the spring of all my motivation. Regarding him as a mentor, and I as the protégé, my success in life will always be coined around his hard work.
Revert the following summary back into the original essay: The survey of the Old Testament focuses on the importance of Job's vulnerability, works cited.
The survey of the Old Testament focuses on the importance of Job's vulnerability, works cited.
A Survey of the Old Testament Essay Table of Contents 1. Be fruitful and multiply 2. Responsibilities of Israel’s and Judah’s Kings 3. True Worship is a Dangerous Thing 4. Importance of Job’s Vulnerability 5. Works Cited Be fruitful and multiply The command to be fruitful and multiply was given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God wanted man and woman to reproduce and fill the earth with humanity. However, God’s plan was that the earth would be filled with people who lived in righteousness. The world was to be filled with people in the same spiritual condition as that of Adam and Eve before their fall. However, sin entered the world. Therefore, the multiplication of people led to the multiplication of their sins. One example of how this population increase led to an increase in sin was during the time when the tower of Babel was being built. The people came together, determined to build a tower that would reach the heavens. They claimed that, in building this tower, they would not be scattered all over the earth. Instead, they would build a name for themselves in that single place. This, of course, was in direct contradiction to God’s plan that people should multiply and spread throughout all the earth. This is why God confused their languages and caused chaos that ended up halting the building project (Dillard and Tremper 55). The second instance was when Pharaoh tried to destroy the Hebrew male babies. Pharaoh had noticed that the Israelite slaves were rapidly growing both in numbers and might. Afraid that they would take over the rulership of Egypt, he ordered that all the male newborn babies be killed. His plan was to prevent the Israelites from multiplying. This was in direct contradiction to God’s initial command. Therefore, in an effort to preserve His covenant people, God saved the life of Moses. Moses would later grow up to be the liberator of the Israelite people from their bondage in Egypt. Responsibilities of Israel’s and Judah’s Kings Initially, it was not God’s desire that the Israelites be ruled by Kings. But God knew that they would demand a king, and He set provisions in the law for a king. There were very high responsibilities that God set for the kings in order to set an example for the people. For example, through King David, God demanded that the King be accountable and a person of unquestionable character. This was clearly brought out when he sinned by committing adultery with Bathsheba and tried to hide his sins. God sent the Prophet Nathan to deal with the issue. This was a lesson to the people that not even kings were above God’s law. Through King Solomon, the people learned the responsibilities of a king in ensuring that people worshiped the one true God. Solomon had the responsibility of building God’s temple according to the specifications that God himself had given. The king was thus supposed to display an attitude of service and total submission and obedience to God, setting an example for all (Williams and Stanley 501). King Uziah was a king of Judah. He was a great warrior and is remembered for the many fortifications he put around Judah. However, he grew proud and corrupt. He also defiled the temple and sinned before God when he went to burn incense upon the altar. This showed that even kings were to adhere to God’s law and could not overrule the role of the high priest. They had to obey and live by the law, just like everyone else. God punished Uziah by striking him with leprosy. Throughout the history of Israel and Judah, God displayed His high standards and expectations for the kings. The kings served as a lesson to the people when God rewarded their obedience and punished their disobedience. True Worship is a Dangerous Thing “True worship is a dangerous thing because, in it, we are required to bring our personal failings face-to-face with a holy, righteous, and just God.” Worship refers to the different attitudes of service, submission, and reverence towards God. In other words, it refers to the obedience of God, keeping His commands, and pleasing Him. The author of the above statement is right in terming worship as a dangerous thing. This is because man’s nature is fallen, and he is, therefore, incapable of exhibiting the perfection that God demands. For a man to truly worship God, he must display perfect obedience. Since this is not possible due to sin, there are sacrifices that must be made to atone for man’s failings. These sacrifices also have to be made in accordance with God’s requirements. Failure to meet any one of the requirement puts the person’s own life in danger. In the Old Testament, people worshipped God by keeping the commandments given through Moses. Failure to keep any of the many laws required sacrifices to be made. There were also many other sacrifices that had to be made at certain times and in a certain specific way. The people who failed in one way or another were either stricken by a horrible disease, or they were killed (Arnold and Bryan 46). This clearly shows just how dangerous true worship was. A pure and perfect God demands the same of us. However, humanity is made up of imperfect and sinful people. Also, since God is just, He must punish our failings. This is what makes worship dangerous, especially in the Old Testament. However, in the New Testament, Jesus bore these punishments and justified believers. Importance of Job’s Vulnerability The story of Job clearly revealed the various ways and instances in which Job’s vulnerability was present. First of all, even though Job was wealthy, and he lived a life of obedience to God, he still ended up losing everything. This illustrates man’s vulnerability. It shows that no amount of wealth or righteousness can make us not become vulnerable to disaster. Job’s vulnerability to the calamities that befell him provides an important lesson to believers. First of all, it shows that all men are vulnerable to disaster. It is not just a great sinner that is vulnerable. Even the strongest and most mature believer is vulnerable (Archer, 402). Job’s vulnerability was further displayed in God’s description of the Leviathan in Job 41. In this chapter, God described the strength and might of the Leviathan and how Job was helpless against it. God conveniently showed that Job had no hope of standing against the Leviathan, which in essence represented Satan. God showed that even so, He was stronger than the Leviathan. This chapter gives insight to believers concerning vulnerability. It shows that even though man is vulnerable and totally helpless against Satan’s schemes, God is still stronger than Satan. God still triumphs over evil, despite our own vulnerabilities. These examples clearly show that people misunderstand the way people feel vulnerable to life’s stresses. People always see the stresses as too big, forgetting that God is actually bigger and in control. Works Cited Archer, Gleason L. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, 3 rd Ed . Chicago: Moody Press, 1994. Arnold, Bill T and Bryan E. Beyer. Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey . Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1999. Dillard Raymond B. and Tremper Longman III. An Introduction to the Old Testament . Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. Williams, William C. and Stanley Horton. They Spoke from God: A Survey of the Old Testament. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 2003.
Provide the full text for the following summary: The author of the text conducted an internet survey to determine the number of people who liked the iPhone and those who liked Blackberry. The results showed that more people preferred the iPhone over Blackberry. The reasons given for this were that the iPhone has a better touch screen and keypad, it is more entertaining, and it is less expensive.
The author of the text conducted an internet survey to determine the number of people who liked the iPhone and those who liked Blackberry. The results showed that more people preferred the iPhone over Blackberry. The reasons given for this were that the iPhone has a better touch screen and keypad, it is more entertaining, and it is less expensive.
A Survey on Iphone and Blackberry Report With BlackBerry and iPhone competing in the market, users have encountered a hard time choosing between them (Hendrickson, 2007). An internet survey to determine the number of people who liked the iPhone and those who liked BlackBerry was conducted. Participants were asked to name the phone they like most and the reasons. If one did not like either of them or liked a different phone, he/she was asked to mention (Kerry, 2009). The results obtained were as follows: Which Phone do You like and why? Business Entertainment/Applications Touch screen/ keypad Price Internet Total BlackBerry 8 4 6 3 9 30 Apple iPhone 3 17 12 5 4 41 I have my own (Different) 1 1 4 1 7 I do not use a cell phone 4 The results were analyzed and represented in graphs and pie charts * The number of people who like iPhone, BlackBerry and those who liked/used other phones * Reasons for people liking the iPhone over BlackBerry * Reasons for people liking the iPhone over BlackBerry
Write the original essay that provided the following summary when summarized: A.B.C. Learning Centres' issues essay discusses the company's profits, share price, marketing capitalization, government subsidies, and expansion into new markets.A.B.C. Learning Centres' issues essay discusses the company's profits, share price, marketing capitalization, government subsidies, and expansion into new markets.
A.B.C. Learning Centres' issues essay discusses the company's profits, share price, marketing capitalization, government subsidies, and expansion into new markets. A.B.C. Learning Centres' issues essay discusses the company's profits, share price, marketing capitalization, government subsidies, and expansion into new markets.
A.B.C. Learning Centres’ Issues Essay A.B.C. Learning Centres, also known as A.B.C., is one of the biggest Australian child care chain. In 1988, the first center was established, in 1997 – 18 centers were presented to society, and in 2006, more than 800 centers provide the company with the necessary child care. Within not a long period, as it was dated in 2005, A.B.C. profits were about $50 million. In this case, there are several issues, which have to be pointed out: (1) unbelievable increase of the share price and marketing capitalization; (2) the Government in Australia offers subsidies to parents, but still, they are indirect because it is a kind of family support payment; (3) because of numerous indirect contributions, A.B.C. spend more than $200 million; (4) A.B.C. is going to establish centers at every 5 kilometers in Brisbane; and finally, (5) A.B.C. cooperated with numerous Australian, New Zealand, and American markets. The last issue is considered to be the most crucial because it depends on all those issues, and at the same time, is composed of several other minor issues like acquisition of equity in the chosen for cooperation countries, necessary platforms for developing other products, abilities to control new fundraisings. A.B.C.’s cooperation with American markets is regarded as a problem because it turns out to be more challenging to control all the financial operations, which have connected A.B.C.’s profits. To achieve good results, A.B.C. should have proper control over each operating costs, credit operations, and excessive borrowings. This cooperation and the establishment of new centers all over the world may be identified as one of the major problems of the organization in the case study. To start solving the problem mentioned above, it is crucially essential to pick out an appropriate search strategy and identify the necessary literature. The chosen for this case study strategy will help to save time, find access to a vast amount of information, and be sure of its relevance. First of all, it is different from academic journals and websites; they can be found in databases and indexes.
Revert the following summary back into the original essay: aBox4You's branding, pricing, and distribution strategy essay discusses the company's plan for branding, pricing, and distributing its subscription boxes in order to compete with other similar services. The essay outlines the major inter- and intra-competitors of aBox4You, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. It then goes on to discuss how aBox4You will differentiate itself from these competitors, and how it will use social media and integrated marketing communications to reach its target market.
aBox4You's branding, pricing, and distribution strategy essay discusses the company's plan for branding, pricing, and distributing its subscription boxes in order to compete with other similar services. The essay outlines the major inter- and intra-competitors of aBox4You, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. It then goes on to discuss how aBox4You will differentiate itself from these competitors, and how it will use social media and integrated marketing communications to reach its target market.
ABox4You Company’s Branding, Pricing, Distribution Strategy Essay Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Major Inter- and Intra-Competitors 3. Strengths and Weaknesses of Competitive Brands 4. Differentiation Strategy 5. Leader or Follower? 6. Social Media Tools 7. Integrated Marketing Communications 8. References Introduction The third step in our marketing plan for aBox4You will be the analysis of competition and use of media tools to further our advantage and to stay on top of the competitive chain. Competitive awareness is paramount to any successful business, as it increases awareness of alternative products present on the market and helps predict future competitive challenges, allowing the company to prepare for them beforehand. Major Inter- and Intra-Competitors In marketing, inter-competition suggests rivalry between similar products that are differentiated one from another in some way (Riley, Singh, & Blankson, 2016). Intra-competitiveness, on the other hand, means competition between retailers that distribute a similar product (Riley et al., 2016). Both methods of competition are compatible with our brand, as our company is not the only subscription box service in the world, and at the same time, we distribute products that other companies make, using a subscription distribution model. Our inter-competitors would be subscription box services hailing from the USA, such as Lootcrate, Love with Food, Meatbox, and several other brands. They are very popular in the neighboring country and are looking to expand into other regions, offering shipments to Canada through various transporting companies like Fed-Ex. They offer similar products at similar prices, and unlike aBox4You, which is just starting, they have a name to themselves and a functioning business model. Our intra-competitors, on the other hand, will be companies that distribute the same products we do, only through conventional retail stores. In a way, our suppliers would also be our competitors, as it is likely that some customers would want to buy their products directly, bypassing us. Since our boxes offer food, sweets, spices, and culinary trinkets, any stores dedicated to the distribution of similar merchandise will be competing with us. Strengths and Weaknesses of Competitive Brands In this section, we will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our inter-and intra-competitors, to determine what aBox4You should capitalize on to have a competitive advantage against these brands. For a starting company, it is very important to identify these weaknesses and use them to gain a market share. Lootcrate, Love with Food, Meatbox, and other American brands all have one serious and distinct disadvantage over aBox4You – they are all American brands with little to no foothold in Canada, yet (Bischof, Bottger, & Rudolf, 2016). Our company will be based in Toronto and distribute products offered by local producers, meaning that we cater to the Canadian population. They are more likely to buy products that are fresh and produced locally rather than products made in a foreign country and spent days in transport before reaching their customers. Long-distance transportation can damage certain goods such as food, and increase their price. The strengths of these competitive brands are evident – they are well-known in the USA and have strong customer and resource bases there. However, these strengths are irrelevant in Toronto, as they have yet to open a distribution base here. Our competitors cannot rely on their renown and resources as much as they could in the USA when penetrating the Canadian market. Local producers and retail stores have a distinct set of advantages over us. Depending on the size of their business, they would be able to provide a vastly more elaborate array of products than we ever could and present it to potential customers that visit their stores. Due to operating in Toronto for a long time, they are likely to have some renown among the locals. The traditional retail store model comes with a set of distinct disadvantages, however. Most of them do not offer home delivery, meaning that they are largely restricted to whatever district they are settled in. Additionally, while these companies can offer a variety of products, their stores will be restricted to singular brands only, while aBox4You offers a multitude of products that change every week. Differentiation Strategy Coming up with a unique and one-of-a-kind product is extremely difficult in the age of modern marketing. Any new product is bound to be copied to some degree within a relatively short timeframe. While aBox4You uses the Blue Ocean marketing strategy due to no direct competition present in Toronto, similar services exist in the USA and are bound to appear in Canada. To differentiate ourselves from products such as Lootcrate, Love with Food, and Meatbox, aBox4You will focus solely on promoting local producers and suppliers, should their goods meet our quality standards. This will increase our popularity not only among the companies that we are dealing with but among the customers as well, who would support local brands than invest in foreign businesses (Rothaermel, 2015). Besides, this strategy will allow us to cut costs on our merchandise, and save money on transporting it from other places. This means that aBox4You will be cheaper when compared to our foreign competitors. To penetrate the Toronto market and compete with us for market share, these companies will have to either commit to penetration strategy and drop down prices, meaning a loss of profit, or fully commit to constructing a local distribution base, which will take time and money. Leader or Follower? There are two distinct marketing positions in business, the Leader, and the Follower position. The leader position assumes that the company is going to aim for innovation and breakthrough, to claim its market share (Rothaermel, 2015). This approach has its own set of risks and advantages. The advantage of being a leader is that your company is always first, which promises great profits and a healthy market share. On the other hand, being a leader includes the possibility of failure. The follower position is much safer in that regard – a follower company practices that which has proven to be profitable and effective. At the same time, being a follower means competing with companies that got there first. Claiming market share would be more difficult for a follower company (Rothaermel, 2015). Given the circumstances, aBox4You can use both strategies to its advantage. In a way, it will be a follower company, since it will use the Subscription Box model, which has proven itself as a legitimate business concept in the USA. At the same time, it will be the first subscription box service in Toronto and adjacent localities. Thus, the product will be able to claim significant market share by being the first, while staying relatively safe, since the concept has already been tried and proven successful. Social Media Tools Social media is a rapidly growing outlet for the marketing industry that has the potential to outgrow and eclipse other media outlets, such as television, radio, and even live to advertise. Marketing specialists acknowledge the importance of social media in finding customers, promoting brands, and delivering accurate thematic advertisements based on the location, tastes, and particular interests of the end-user (the Chu, 2011). To promote aBox4You through social media channels, the company must establish a social group on all popular media outlets such as Facebook, Tweeter, and other similar social media services (Chu, 2011). This group will allow getting all active members of the newly-found community together, and inform all potential customers about promotions, discounts, sales, contests, and other activities aBox4You will be made to please its clients and promote its products. Social Media is also an excellent information-gathering tool. Facebook, Twitter, and even popular search sights like Google, all gather information about their clients, which they later use to make personalized advertisements (the Chu, 2011). These ads could promote products similar to those a customer likes, thus increasing the likelihood of them responding to the advertisement, or tie the advertisement to the user’s current location. Facebook and Twitter offer such services, and aBox4You will be using these media outlets to promote their products in such away. The third way to promote a product is through search engines. If your company is on the first page in Google Search, it is more likely to be noticed by potential customers and investors (the Chu, 2011). Some companies can manipulate Google Search to promote a company’s site to appear in search, for a price. aBox4You will use this outlet to its advantage. Integrated Marketing Communications The integrated marketing communications concept suggests cooperation and connection between all branches of the company, including the end-users of the product. Although it can be quite lucrative to implement such a system within a company, IMC can help boost sales, create competitive advantage, save money, and improve inter-branch relationships (Belch, Belch, Kerr, & Powell, 2014). Integrated marketing communications would be necessary for aBox4You and its advertising strategy. The most important parts of IMC for this business model are horizontal integration, data integration, and internal marketing (Belch et al., 2014). Horizontal integration suggests a communal approach of all branches of the company towards a specific goal. For example, during the advertising campaign, production, distribution, communication, and finance branches are expected to work together and realize that their actions send messages to the clients. By acting in the best interest of the client and striving for excellence the company will improve its image. This is important for aBox4You, since the company is only starting, and quality service is the only way to earn loyal clientele. Data integration is vital for brand promotion. For aBox4You to become recognizable to potential customers, the company’s colors and labels must be integrated into products, uniforms, notifications, wrapping materials, and related merchandise (Behzad, 2014). Internal marketing is vital for promoting a healthy customer community and making it grow. All personnel, from regular employees to top managers, are expected to know about the company’s promotions and actively participate in the life of the company both inside and outside the office. This factor is key for successful company promotion through social media, as well as necessary for finding and securing new business contracts and attracting potential investors. References Behzad, M. (2014). The art of packaging: An investigation into the role of color in packaging, marketing, and branding. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 3 (2), 92-102. Belch, G.E., Belch, M.A., Kerr, G.F., & Powell, I. (2014). Advertising: an integrated marketing communication perspective. North Ryde, Australia: McGraw – Hill Education. Bischof, S.F., Bottger, T., & Rudolf, T. (2016). What’s in the box? Risk in surprise subscription models. Association for Consumer Research, 5 (3), 1-15. Chu, S.C. (2011). Viral advertising in social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 12 (1), 30-43. Riley, F.D., Singh, J., & Blankson, C. (2016). The Routledge companion to contemporary brand management. New York, NY: Routledge. Rothaermel, F.T. (2015). Strategic Management. New York, NY: Mcgraw – Hill Education.
Write an essay about: The two theories of absolute and comparative advantage developed by Smith and Ricardo had a significant influence on the perception of international trade. While Smith's theory was given preference in the past, it has been argued that Ricardo's theory is more relevant in the modern world.
The two theories of absolute and comparative advantage developed by Smith and Ricardo had a significant influence on the perception of international trade. While Smith's theory was given preference in the past, it has been argued that Ricardo's theory is more relevant in the modern world.
Absolute and Comparative Advantage Theories by Smith and Ricardo Essay Adam Smith and David Ricardo had a significant influence on the perception of international trade by developing their theories of absolute and comparative advantage. These approaches have long affected economic relations and dictated the rules of play. Nevertheless, as time passed, other theorists started to argue the foundations of these theories, such as complete employment, free trade, and global allocations of products manufactured on a country basis without the existence and interference of multinational enterprises. These questions were investigated by many scholars from all over the globe. To begin with, Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage is the foundation of Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage. The latter was given preference because it is believed that Smith’s theory is not applicable to the real world. However, according to Schumacher (2012a), this belief is based on excerpts from Smith’s theory instead of his original work. Based on this assumption, the author claims that the theory of absolute advantage is still relevant in the modern world due to the fact that some concepts such as specialization and economy of scale were mentioned in his original work – The Wealth of Nations, but ignored in textbooks. Moreover, Smith should be appraised for his dynamic approach to perceiving production and technological change, which derive from the alterations of the global economic environment and international trade. The overall conclusion of the whole paper is the following: a dynamic theory of absolute advantage cannot be seen as the basis of Ricardo’s static theory of comparative advantage. On the other hand, Palley (2008) argues that the perception of comparative advantage has changed over time. His assumptions are based on the works of Samuelson and Gomory, and Baumol. The author believes that comparative advantage is dynamic, as it is influenced by the changes in the global economy, international demand and supply, and distribution of advantages from becoming involved in international trade. Moreover, according to Palley (2008), the influence of unemployment on trade is positive because of inadequate demand for the workforce, while the impact of globalization is seen as negative due to deteriorating influence on domestic innovations and science. Finally, this theory should be viewed from the perspective of modern developments, i.e., high mobility of technologies and floating exchange rate. Bearing in mind the findings of these two articles, the conclusion is evident: even though the authors focus on different theories and perceive them in a different manner (both claim that advantage is dynamic), they recognize the fact that the apprehension of the international trade and the rules of play have changed. For instance, rules for international and domestic trade are the same regardless of the traditional belief that they differ. In addition, full employment mentioned in both theories is economically impossible and damages the development of trade ties, and jeopardizes domestic growth (Schumacher, 2012b). Furthermore, no advantage is fixed. It means that if a country possesses either absolute or comparative advantage, it is affected by external development and overall openness of the global economy, as technologies and knowledge are easily transmitted across the globe (Peng & Meyer, 2016). In fact, it means that these advantages can be created, supplemented, or destroyed. This assumption can be explained by the constant changes in resource allocation strategies developed and implemented by both countries and multinational enterprises based on domestic and international policies and cooperation between the most influential players of the global economic environment (Madhok, Li, & Priem, 2010). References Madhok, A., Li, S., & Priem, R. L. (2010). The resource-based view revisited: Comparative firm advantage, willingness-based isolating mechanisms, and competitive heterogeneity. European Management Review, 7 (2), 91-100. Palley, T. I. (2008). Institutionalism and new trade theory: Rethinking comparative advantage and trade policy. Journal of Economic Issues, 42 (1), 195-208. Peng, M., & Meyer, K. (2016). International business. Hampshire, UK: Cengage. Schumacher, R. (2012a). Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage and the use of doxography in the history of economics. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 5 (2), 54-80. Schumacher, R. (2012b). Free trade and absolute and comparative advantage: A critical comparison of two major theories of international trade. Potsdam, Germany: University of Potsdam.
Write an essay about: The access right to money and the entitlement to money or money's worth is at the center of this case study on the theft of a sculpture. The investigation into the theft is centered on the money and money's worth, and the highest beneficiaries to the theft must be singled out.
The access right to money and the entitlement to money or money's worth is at the center of this case study on the theft of a sculpture. The investigation into the theft is centered on the money and money's worth, and the highest beneficiaries to the theft must be singled out.
Access Right to Money: Sculpture Theft Essay Table of Contents 1. Analysis 2. Why they stole? 3. How they stole? 4. Work Cited Analysis The whole of this case circles around the access right and entitlement to money or money’s worth. The investigation on the theft of the sculpture is, therefore, centered on the money and money’s worth. In this case, there are numerous parties with a vested interest in the value and valuation of the stolen item. To be able to narrow down the number of suspects and possibly identify the persons responsible for the theft, the highest beneficiaries to the theft must be singled out. Fundamentally, it is insured for 3.5 million. It is apparent that there were several past indications to forgeries, and therefore its validity and originality could, therefore, up the market price that a buyer will be willing to part with. Among the suspects, there are those in dire need of the money due to financial problems, while others need the values worth of the item and not the actual monetary price attached to the item. These two prospects must be clearly distinguished and conceived as interdependent yet still different in the investigation. Who stole? The item was stolen by Hector Peters and with the aid of Bridget Perkins and Lucien Higginbotham. The motive of the theft is money or money’s worth. All these parties are motivated by either of the two motives. They are also best described as spending enough time in the kitchen which offers an easy view of the conservatory. They also spend enough time in the kitchen discussing the foundation. Why they stole? Hector Peters has a history with Dr Felix and therefore understands her properly including the affairs of the foundation and its imminent future. He is aware that the foundation is undergoing serious financial concerns and therefore on disclosure of this information it becomes apparent that they need an urgent source of income. Hectors has experience in art selling and is aware that the sculpture is an original and is probably worth a lot of money. The publication of the story of the art seller who was facing art forgery allegations provided an opportunity for him and his new girlfriend to take advantage of Lucien unfortunate eventuality and loss. He approached the gallery owner who is supposedly his former silent partner as described in Dorian’s book and they develop the scheme to acquire the original sculpture form the foundation Acquisition of the sculpture would allow them to recover the losses and restore their reputation as an art gallery. As Hawksblood records “I’m over three million dollars over this mess” It would also provide an opportunity to increase the value of the sculpture as its originality gave it a better outlook in the face of fakes and the rising popularity of similar pieces by Diva Goldsmith(Hawksblood 99). How they stole? The strategy taken by the three suspects is to penetrate the foundation and earn the trust and confidence of its members and administrators. Hector Peters makes his legitimate entrance to the foundation and gains the trust and confidence of its public relations officer Bridget Perkins. That way he was able to control the content and information released to the public and also makes an input in the press releases made. Over this period, he had enough time and opportunity to plan and devise the robbery. On the night of the robbery, Peters and Perkins created a strategic distraction for the journalist and researcher who had in earlier years exposed the frauds that were perpetrated by a young gallery owner who was now befriending Dr Felix who was suffering from the overwhelming responsibilities of the foundation and the financial problems facing the foundation. He assumed the identity of an artist taking interest in the collections to get closer to Dr Felix. Peters and his girlfriend maintained an observant eye on the conservatory and made sure that they led the journalist out of the kitchen just in time for Lucien Higginbotham to enter through the kitchen to falsely alarm Peters and Perkins and who still continue to occupy the journalist to ensure that Dorian remains engaged. Peters and Perkins proceed to the conservatory room after having dismissed Dorian out to get the phone and call the police. All this is stage managed to ensure that the call from the police is made by Dr Felix’s children before Dorian could make the call because he was sent outside through the front. The kitchen and the conservatory are rather closely adjacent in the landscape setting therefore it would be possible at least to hear the sound of shattered glass all the way from the kitchen if at all Peters and Perkins were in the kitchen. They would have ably heard of the breaking but it is recorded that they. It is therefore clear they were aware of the breaking and were hiding the fact that it had actually happened under their supervision. All along Lucien had taken the advantage of the private viewing session to leave the back window open which he used to get into the conservatory and quickly steal the sculpture and head out to the front after hiding it and going through the front window explaining the open front and back windows. All these were facilitated by the assistance of Peters and Perkins. Work Cited Hawksblood, Dorian. Fakes and Forgeries: Post- Modern Sculpture and the Problem of Authenticity , New York: New York University Press. 2010, Print.
Revert the following summary back into the original essay: The essay discusses the accounting standards and their effects report. It talks about how standards are important in determining network value if they entirely rely on size, and how they can be a hindrance if they are not adopted properly.
The essay discusses the accounting standards and their effects report. It talks about how standards are important in determining network value if they entirely rely on size, and how they can be a hindrance if they are not adopted properly.
Accounting Standards and Effects Report Table of Contents 1. Standards and systems effects 2. Standards wars 3. Standard negotiations 4. Choice of standards leader 5. PTSG accounting information 6. Income Statement 7. Works Cited Standards and systems effects Standards are imperative in determination of network value if they entirely rely on size. Given that PSGT is a large corporation with capability to expand to global markets; it is likely that its network will be extremely wide. Owing to the fact that large corporations choose independence or prefer diversity in service provision, adoption of standards is sometimes considered to be less important. For instance, the decisions by technology giants such as Microsoft and America online to neglect standardization in their networking practices have positively impacted their growths on a global scale. This does not however leave an absolute implication that standardization is redundant in corporation success since its adoption can greatly influence company result s in a positive way. The latter explains why consideration and adoption of standards will be important for strategic growth of PSGT Intel Co. According to Varian, PSGT adoption of standards would greatly determine its value according to the equation PSGT Value = PSGT Share x Total industry value (Varian 240). From this equation, it is evident that market share becomes a determinant force in PSGT value. Thus, with an understanding that the value of PSGT will entirely depend on the size of VIS market industry, strategies to implement standards have been laid down. But before standard formation, it is imperative that specific aspect factors be taken into consideration. These will have to be far in mind emerging factors such as negotiation, wars and leadership in regards to standards and standard adoption (Birchler & Butler 45). Standards wars Strategic market acquisition is very important for a company’s wellbeing. In this perspective, PSGT understands that market rivalry is absolutely inevitable. Additionally, earlier preparation for future control of marketing is one of the strategies that PSGT Intel Co. Ltd has committed itself in order to manage future markets through employment of various tactics. For instance, price management through determination and change either in the present and or the future will be solely a PSGT exercise. This will be aimed at overcoming industry rivals and thus acquiring a bigger market share. Secondly, This Company has put in place management strategies that seek to employ marketing domination tactics such as market share bragging. It has also committed itself towards lowering its future prices of products with an intention of overtaking its competitors. Lastly, there have been negotiations with companies such as nuance and McIntosh to make an alliance that would ensure market stability in regards to voice recognition technologies. Standard negotiations Normally, negotiations come at times when there is conflict of interest. With an understanding that during negotiations preference to own standards during the negotiation process is inevitable, PSGT has created a room for deliberating other players’ preferences during a negotiation process. Birchler and Butler (204) contend that if such strategy fails to augment concrete negotiations, then secession to independent bodies, such as neutral third party bodies, would be of great value. In this case, PSGT is relying on either ANSI or ITU just in case the former fails as a mediator in the process of negotiations. Since there is a point of mistrust within organizations during negotiations, it has been considered important that PSGT Company be disclosing all its patents in order to create transparency, aimed at aiding successful negotiations. With deliberation of possible breakdowns in the process of negotiations, it has been understood from previous negotiations, keen interest has been employed to avert serious threats that would emerge after failed dialogue. It is hoped that this could further prevent the image and brand of the company in the technology industry (Varian 180). Choice of standards leader For standardization process to be more efficient and highly effective, there is need of choosing an extremely qualified leader that if it gets affected as standardization process is concerned, then the proprietary companies do not get adversely affected by the same standards. With a suitable leader, it is likely that regular technological changes are bound to be implemented and thus ensure that followers are also regularly upgraded. Lastly, the leader should be able to provide for easy adaptation of standards in case they exhibit diverse characteristics (Varian 60). As far as this is concerned, PSGT has considered the use of standard adaptors in the process of linkages to avoid parallelism with followers and other players in the voice recognition technology industry. These standards include software, hardware adaptations and upgrading criterion modes. When these factors are put into consideration, PSGT is bound to reap economically from the industry given the kind of savings that are expected to be made due to application of economies of scale. According to Birchler and Butler (45), there is also associated reduction of risks involved in the process of upgrading or complete change of hardware and software systems. Standardizations shall thus be specified and broken down to the different components of the whole to minimize risks since there is specialization of manufacturing as the parts are concerned. The use of complements in the adoption of the VIS technology would form a significant part of integration. The decision to delegate responsibility to a final party for integration has been arrived at. With special consideration of the manufacturer’s part in the implementation of the whole process, it has been decided that the end user be responsible for final integration as system performance is concerned. This decision is thought at shedding light and introductory instructions to the use on how to configure and make use of the system. Through such collaborative approach, there is likelihood that PSGT would gain a lot of recognition faster than its competitors. Once this information has been passed on to the end user, regular information dialogue quizzes may be employed to nurture the use of this technology for fast and addictive adoption. These supplements are intended to make this company a stronghold in the voice detection and recognition industry. PTSG accounting information Accounting is a critical aspect of any organization since it is responsible for computational results that draw organizational image (Birchler & Butler 130). Transaction occurrences at PSGT would be unavoidable and as such, the responsibility of mediation has been arrived at. Information provided by the accounting unit of any organization is importance in reflection and determination of company’s future. With presence of record keeping technologies such as those present in Blockbuster and the spread of Electronic vehicle management system have greatly influenced accounting systems of companies in the technology industry. Their adoption would lead to lowering of accounting monitoring costs such as finance and time thus leading to higher levels of efficiency in production. With this perspective in the vision of PSGT Intel Co. Ltd, it is estimated that the company will be experienced a consistent annual growth of more than 40% for the following decade. Our current income statement and balance sheet would provide figures as shown below: Income Statement Works Cited Birchler, Urs & Butler, Monika. Information Economic , Parkton: Routledge, 2007. Print. Varian, Hal. Economics of Information Technology . Berkeley: University of California, 2003. Print.
Write the original essay that provided the following summary when summarized: Action research and educational program evaluation are two related topics that can be best approached through action research. Action research is particularly applicable to specific questions that can be related to the quality of programs, instruction methods, or textbooks. Educational program evaluation is a more general topic that can be approached in many different ways. There are six types of evaluation, and they are aimed at assessing a certain phenomenon from various perspectives.
Action research and educational program evaluation are two related topics that can be best approached through action research. Action research is particularly applicable to specific questions that can be related to the quality of programs, instruction methods, or textbooks. Educational program evaluation is a more general topic that can be approached in many different ways. There are six types of evaluation, and they are aimed at assessing a certain phenomenon from various perspectives.
Action Research and Educational Program Evaluation Essay The topics that are best approached through action research It should be noted that action research is particularly applicable to specific questions that can be related to the quality of programs, instruction methods, or textbooks. As a rule, educators choose this technique when they need to address a specific educational problem arising in a certain setting. In most cases, these topics are related to the classroom activities of students and teachers. Overall, scholars argue that action research applies to so-called local-level settings (Mertler & Charles, 2011). For instance, a teacher can apply this technique to understand what kind of difficulties students face when they do certain tasks such as mathematical problems. Moreover, in this way, the educator will attempt to design strategies that can help learners avoid these difficulties. This is the main task of the action research. In this case, the teacher will also participate in this activity, and he/she can modify the instruction strategy used during the class. One should mention that action research is more suitable to the topics that can be formulated as an open-ended question. In particular, a teacher can apply this model to identify methods that can facilitate learners’ understanding of the new material (Baumfield, Hall, & Wall, 2010). It is possible to argue that the topics examined through action research are not related to large population groups. This is one of the main aspects that can be identified. They should be taken into account by educators and other professionals who can undertake action research. Types of evaluation of educational programs Scholars believe that there are six types of evaluation, and they are aimed at assessing a certain phenomenon from various perspectives (Mertler & Charles, 2011, p. 358). To some degree, they have to supplement each other. Overall, it is rather difficult to conduct a study that combines each of these types of evaluation. The problem is that the techniques described in this section are based on different assumptions. For instance, a teacher can carry out research that involves a participant-oriented evaluation of a certain educational program that is designed to increase students’ interest in natural sciences. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the experiences of teachers and students. In particular, I would focus on the extent to which a program meets the needs of these stakeholders. Moreover, educators can rely on expertise-oriented evaluation that relies on the opinions of people who are experts in a certain field (Mertler & Charles, 2011, p. 358). The problem is that these models can produce dramatically different results. For example, one can mention that educational programs that were designed by educational standards were not successful because they did not meet the needs of the major stakeholders. This is one of the limitations that should not be overlooked. Certainly, it should be noted that educators can conduct separate studies of the same program. So, various groups of educators can carry out various evaluations of the same program. However, it is not advisable to incorporate each of the six categories into single research. Furthermore, researchers often tend to look only at the results that confirm their ideas or hypotheses. Therefore, by doing separate evaluations of an educational program, scholars can improve the validity of their results. This is one of the central issues that should be kept in mind. Reference List Baumfield, V., Hall, E., & Wall, K. (2012). Action Research in Education: Learning Through Practitioner Enquiry . New York: SAGE. Mertler, C. & Charles, C. (2011). Introduction to educational research . San Francisco: Allyn and Bacon.
Create the inputted essay that provided the following summary: The proposal for an extended warranty service at Store A is a direct response to the needs of the consumers who do most of their shopping at the store. The purpose of the project is to create a certain level of added value to a consumers experience at a store by way of additional services that they might appreciate.
The proposal for an extended warranty service at Store A is a direct response to the needs of the consumers who do most of their shopping at the store. The purpose of the project is to create a certain level of added value to a consumers experience at a store by way of additional services that they might appreciate.
Additional Customer Value at the UAE Store Proposal Executive Summary Consumers love a bargain no matter the market demographic and some consumers continue to patronize the same types of stores for their purchasing needs. In the case of Store A, the proposed project is the establishment of a department where consumers could purchase an extended warranty on the products that they purchase from the household or electronic departments of the store. The express purpose of this project is to create a certain level of “added value” to a consumers experience at a store by way of additional services that they might appreciate. Market Summary The current market in this particular case is composed of several of Abu Dhabi’s high end stores while the consumers are primarily clients with high credit scores and a history of timely and prevalent credit card purchases at such establishments. Market Demographics Geographic’s The location of the target market will primarily be in U.A.E the as well as several other prominent locations within Abu Dhabi. Due to the concentration of high end shops and upper income consumers within Abu Dhabi, the area seems to be the most viable location to test out the effectiveness of the added warranty division. Demographics The target market demographics for the extended warranty will primarily be high income clients of Store A These individuals should have excellent credit scores of 600 and above while at the same time show consistent patronage of some of Abu Dhabi’s most prestigious and high end establishments. It is assumed, though not entirely confirmed, that 60 to 70 percent of the clientele that match the specified requirements will be female clients of the store (since they are the ones who do most of the shopping for households within the region) while the remaining 40 or 30 percent will be male. This is based upon consumer market surveys which examined the prevalence of female shoppers at high end department stores as compared to male consumers. Behavior Factors Specific behavioral factors that should be present are: high and occasional purchases of expensive brand name household goods and electronics, little variation in purchasing location (i.e. continuous patronage of the same high end stores), and finally little or no delinquency in paying for purchases made. Market Needs The market need in this particular case is that consumers needs an extended warranty service that links specifically to the store where they do the most shopping and, as such, enables them to derive the most benefit from shopping at their favorite location through an extended warranty service that enables them to make the most of their household and electronic purchases. Market Trends One of the current marketing trends in the retail industry has been to connect special amenities, services and exclusive offers to particular products. This is done in order to increase consumer patronage within a select number of stores given the better value they obtain from patronizing such establishments. Thus, for the commercial services department to establish an extended marketing division would result in greater consumer patronage of the store since that people are always out to get the most value for the amount they pay. Target Market Growth It is anticipated that the target market growth for the extended warranty will be a 10 to 15 percent client base increase per year until full market saturation levels are reached and by that time target market growth will be reduced to 5 to 7 percent annually. SWOT Analysis (both the new product and Bank of America) Strengths One factor to take into consideration is the fact that the extended warranty and its ability to be connected to specific departments within the store for better discounts and services is an option not entirely available with other stores in Abu Dhabi or the U.A.E. The Extended warranty due to its store specific availability gives consumers a far better and wider variety of amenities and services not otherwise available with other retailers and, as such, presents itself as lucrative option for discerning clients. Weaknesses One of the current weaknesses that extended warranty division has to deal with is the current economic downturn that has affected the U.S. While it may be true that the banks and several corporations have somewhat recovered from the 2008 financial crisis, the fact still remains that there is still a lingering financial problem with the current economy. With the debt crisis in Europe having the potential to spread to Middle East the next few months can actually be considered a tumultuous experience for the region. Consumers may be unwilling to spend more on their purchases which would result in the extended warranty division being nothing more than a wasteful and useless expenditure. Opportunities While numerous financial reports within the past few months have indicated that the U.A.E job market has not improved by much, they do indicate that corporate profits have increased. One underlying reason behind this can be attributed to the subsequent increase in outsourcing wherein companies have shifted several aspects of their operations to overseas locations due to the cheaper labor cost. This is important to point out due to the fact that as corporate profits increase so to do the incomes of the upper 1 to 10 percent consumer demographic. It should also be noted that the outsourcing of specific facets of the extended warranty service such as the document processing aspect of the division can be done which can help to greatly reduce the costs needed to continue to run the division. It is based on this that it is recommended that the extended warranty division outsource aspects of its services in order to save money in the long run. Threats Current threats to the successful launch of the extended warranty service come in the form of other retailers. The reason for this is that other malls and retailers already exist in the market which provides their consumers with a wide array of discounts and amenities at several locations already. While it may be true that the extended warranty service enables a far better consumer targeting method since it allows consumers to chose which shops they can get exclusive discounts to, the fact remains that there are other retailers that have been around for far longer and, as such, have a dominating market share of consumers at the present. This situation presents itself as a distinct threat since it limits the ability of Store A from properly penetrating the consumer demographic they are targeting since those consumers also patronize other locations that may copy the success of the extended warranty division. Competition The competition that the store will face in releasing this particular type of service will come in the form of other retailers in the U.A.E who may copy the concept. Products Offered The only product offered in this particular case is the extended warranty and the amenities, discounts and services that come with its use depending on the store in question. Key to Success The key to success in this particular situation is being able to showcase how having an extended warranty would be better than just relying on the limited warranty of a product when shopping at a particular store. By doing this, customers who frequent such establishments would more than likely to buy products from that particular store as compared to other retailers in the general area. Critical Issues The critical issue that must be taken into consideration in this particular case is that will customers actually go for the extended warranty? Though the service is able to give significant amenities and services it can only do so in select locations and, as such, it must be questioned whether consumers will even go for the extended warranty in the first place. Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy for the extended warranty will revolve around primarily targeting affluent consumers and show casing the benefits they will attain from the purchase of the warranty. After which the benefits of the extended warranty will be compared to the benefits of other warranties issued by other retailers and will show how the extended warranty offer by Store A is a superior service in terms of shopping at specific locations. Marketing Objectives The marketing objectives for this particular endeavor are the following: * To increase the extended warranty purchases of the company by 30% * To achieve a product penetration rate of 60% within the affluent consumer market within Abu Dhabi. * To increase consumer awareness of the stability of the company’s services by a margin of 30 to 40 percent before the initial release of the extended warranty card. * To achieve an initial subscription rate of 20% of targeted market demographics within the first year of release after which subsequent increases in consumer subscriptions should increase by 10 to 15 percent per year. Marketing Research In order to determine how well the company was able to meet its market objectives sufficient market research will need to be conducted. First and foremost it will be necessary to examine after six months time whether the company was able to increase the extended warranty purchase of its target clients. After which an examination will be necessary to see how many current subscribers there are in the extended warranty program versus the number of estimated credit card users of the targeted demographic within Abu Dhabi. After combing both data sets it will be possible to see the degree of market penetration, the degree of usage and whether the company was able to meet its market objectives. Financial Objectives The financial objectives of this marketing plan are the following: * To increase the amount of extended warranty users that the company obtains * To increase the amount of revenue obtained via high end product purchases * To increase the company’s market share of the top 1 to 10 percent of spenders within Abu Dhabi Target Markets The specific target market for the extended warranty are the top 1 to 10 percent of income holders within the Abu Dhabi area. Strategies The following will be the strategies utilized: * Promotion through print ads and viral marketing * Sending out invitations targeting specific consumers * Creating agreements with several of U.A.E’s electronic brand repair outlets * Establishing new training regimens for store employees to recognize the new warranty Marketing Mix Product – the product in this particular case is the extended warranty service Price – the price of the warranty will depend on the cost of the electronic/household product that is bought Promotio n – promotion strategies will be those previously described in this paper Place – the place will be Abu Dhabi Distribution Distribution of the production will primarily consist of select brands being chosen or deemed acceptable as products where the extended warranty can be applied. This usually entails an investigation into what types of products need warranty the most. Advertising and Promotion Advertising and promoting the extended warranty will involve three specific strategies: direct consumer invitation, targeted commercials and press releases for the general public. In the first strategy the company will copy the current method of warranty promotion utilized by U.S. retailers by sending specific invitations to select customers via mail. These invitations will include a summary of the benefits the warranty would give to the consumer, how much it would cost them per year to maintain, and the selection of stores that they can link the warranty to. A number or email address will be placed on the invitation that the customer can use in order to directly contact the store and facilitate the transaction at a later date. The second strategy involves the use of targeted advertisements which showcase the release of the new extended warranty service via viral marketing campaigns and various TV advertisements. It is expected that this should drum up sufficient interest for various consumers to call the company and see if they are eligible to purchase extended warranty for their product. The third strategy involves a press release given to specific newspapers and online bloggers who will then subsequently relay the news via newspapers and online blogs. It is expected that by utilizing this strategy the store will be able to better penetrate the desired consumer market. Customer Service All extended warranty certificates issued by the company will come with a 24 hour call center hotline (that has been outsourced beforehand) in order to enable consumers to subsequently call the hotline for a repair to be scheduled. Also, customers can call the hotline if they would like to make specific purchases and arrangements over the phone without having to visit the store itself. Calling the customer service hotline is completely free and can be utilized by an extended warranty holder. Cost Estimate The following is a cost estimate of the costs and profit margins of the project Year 1 estimate along with costs Summary of Financial plan Annual unit sales 14,600 Price P/Unit $ 502.75 Variable cost P/Unit (production and sales) $ 70.97 Fixed costs (machine rent, maintenance, toppings etc.) $ 27,792 One-time start-up costs (equipment, marketing, legal, etc.) $ 109,000.00 Working capital required (receivables, inventory, etc.) $ 202,600 Estimated Annual Gross Revenues and Income: Annual revenues $ 4,000,00 Annual variable costs $ 300,000 Annual contribution margin $ 120,124 Break-Even Point Contribution margin per unit $ 200.78 Annual break-even quantity 2,000,000 Ratio of break-even to expected quantities 10.4% Starting-up the business: Total up-front funds required 13,000,000 Additional units to cover up-front funds 300,000 Break-even quantity with up-front funds 4,300,000 Financial Performance Payback period for start-up funds (in days) 728 Annual return on start-up investment 30% Variable cost to price ratio 35.3% Contribution margin ratio 58.0% Setting up the Logistics and Manpower of the Project Creating an Effective Project Team Framing the Project One of the first steps necessary in creating a project team for this particular undertaking is to frame the project in terms of its goal, what resources are available, what is the timeline for each step in the process and how will responsibility be delegated to individual team members. For this particular project the following can be considered an outline of how the project should look like from inception to outcome: 1. Creation of effective suppliers and supply lines to facilitate the supply of raw materials for the extended warranty process. 2. Determining where the repair facilities should be located in order to facilitate effective repair. 3. Organizing appropriate employee systems to facilitate the process of supply and conversion. 4. Examining potential markets where the warranty will most likely have the highest demand 5. Establishing proper client relations. Team Composition Since the basic project outline has now been established it now becomes necessary to determine the overall composition of the team and how it should be organized. One method of organization that could be potentially utilized is the vertical approach, more commonly known as the “top down approach”, wherein a strict hierarchy is established with orders coming from the team leader getting passed to the appropriate team member resulting in that individual accomplishing the task given to them. Blackstone, Cox & Schleier (2009) indicates that while such an approach in managing a technology intensive company allows greater control over the process of task delegation and compliance to an established plan they state that it limits the ability of a project to effectively respond to changing market forces and actually limits the ability of the project team to effectively respond to changes within a business environment (Blackstone, Cox & Schleier, 2009). What must be understood is that technology oriented businesses do not operate within a vacuum, rather they operate within a constantly changing and shifting environment where new innovations technologies effectively necessitate the need to change project strategies on an almost yearly basis (Thamhain, 2005). Taking this into consideration a more effect approach to be utilized is the horizontal approach wherein each member is given the freedom to contribute ideas, process and implement their own unique methods in getting a specific task accomplished. It is due to this that in the case of Plant Source the recommended project team composition should utilize the horizontal approach in order to help facilitate a more effective sharing of idea and the utilization of innovate processes in order to get the job done. Operation of Project Team Client Relations As mentioned earlier creating effective client relations is an important aspect of the company since the division needs a buyer for its products.. As such it becomes necessary to utilize business to business sales with corporations such as Shell, Exxon Mobile and Petron in order to for the company to actually get its products out there. It is due to this that one division of the project team for this particular venture needs to deal with establishing business agreements with other corporations in order to facilitate the sale of division’s extended warranty whenever these companies/consumers buy their products directly from Store A. In fact this particular aspect of operations can be considered the most important since without it the project won’t become viable at all. Liaison Group One aspect of the project team must deal with developing proper agreements with local repair outlets in regions identified as viable locations for consumers to get to in order to have their product repaired. The reason why a liaison group is necessary is due to the fact that proper agreements need to be created with local repair shops in which they agree to change their current method of production to one that is more inclined towards the needs of the company. Since this at times puts repair shops at risk this necessitates the need for constant reassurances, proper guidance as well as local site teams that will initially assist the repair shops in developing the necessary systems and training for the repair of particular items. Other aspects that the liaison team will have to deal with involves having to create an appropriate technological system where repair limitations, transportation systems as well as seed supplies need to be systematized, catalogued and distributed depending on the inherent need per repair shop. Furthermore, the liaison team will be responsible in determining how much work a certain repair shop can accomplish within a given area and determine how this will impact company production. This can either involve them scaling backing or increasing repair sites within particular regional areas. Product Development One of the necessary aspects of proper project management is to ensure that there is an adequate level of product development within the project team (Lenfle & Loch, 2010).This particular aspect of operations involves the team setting up the necessary warehouses, repair men and repair shops however it must also be noted that this aspect of the project team does not just involve setting up the technology and supervising product quality but it also involves having to examine the current technological environment to see if there are any emerging technologies that can be utilized in the repair process. Product development also involves taking the initial product and seeing if it can be improved beyond its original capacities through the use of new technologies. Response to Changing Technological Environment One of the measures of a successful project by a technology intensive company is how the project reacts to sudden changes in the global market (Thamhain, 2005). What must be understood is that a project timeline can last from weeks, to months and even up to several years. Within this span of time numerous changes can and will occur which may affect the viability of a particular project. One example of this can be seen in the case of the Playstation 3 produced by Sony and the Wii created by Nintendo. While both units were released at roughly the same span of time; sales of the Nintendo Wii eclipsed that of the Playstation 3 due to the innovative concept of a motion controller and the greater degree of person-to-console interactivity that the Wii was able to provide to gamers. Sony on the other hand had banked on the performance and graphics that the Playstation 3 could provide however as seen by the initial sales results of the company the unit was considered far too expensive with fewer game titles available as compared to the Wii which was much cheaper and had a plethora of titles to choose from. It was only when Sony dropped the price of the Playstation 3 by several hundred dollars a year later that the company was able to gain sufficient traction within the gaming community. Based on this case alone it can be seen that companies need to be able to respond to changing technologies which may affect their market shares (Baydoun, 2010).Some possible technological developments that may arise which could cause problems for the company in the form of better extended warranties developed by rival corporations or even changing consumer preferences from extended warranties to normal warranties. The response of the project team to sudden changes in the technological environment that it finds itself in is a measure of how well the current project they are undertaking will succeed. A slow response as seen in the case of Sony can result in rivals capturing a greater market share or even completely capturing the market as seen in the case of the Microsoft Zoon and the iPhone. Thus, when evaluating the project team their response to technological innovations will come in the form of determining how fast they were able to respond to the change, how did they change their business strategy, what processes did they implement to minimize the negative effects on the project and to what extent did they facilitate their own responses to the changes that occurred (Killough & Sheely, 2011). Project Life Cycle Achievement All projects are subject to a certain lifecycle as indicated by the inherent limitations of the project itself and as such it becomes important to determine whether the team either contributed towards meeting deadline objectives, going over the deadline or even completing the project earlier than expected (Howes, 2001). As examined by Thamhain (2005), technology based projects need to conform to set resource and time limits from creation to completion (Thamlain, 2005). Project teams that expend more resources and time than what is legitimately necessary can thus be categorized as inefficient and negligent since it is their responsibility to ensure that projects are able to stay within set limits. Thus, in evaluating a project team on the basis of life cycle achievement it is important to determine whether they sufficiently utilized project management tools as indicated by Thamlain (2005) which are necessary aspects in ensuring proper project completion. This can come in the form of financial planning tools, time sheets, completed project milestones, daily reports and logistics software which combines all this data in order to determine the current rate of project completion versus the rate in which the project team should have been working at. By examining the data from such tools it will be easy to evaluate whether the team was able to properly meet and accomplish specific project milestones within a given time frame and if it was able to meet the project deadline that was created at during the project planning stage. Reference List Blackstone, J. H., Cox, J. F., & Schleier, J. G. (2009). A tutorial on project management from a theory of constraints perspective. International Journal Of Production Research , 47 (24), 7029-7046. Baydoun, M. (2010). Risk management of large-scale development projects in developing countries: Cases from MDI’s projects. International Journal Of Technology Management & Sustainable Development , 9 (3), 237-249. Howes, N. R. (2001). Modern Project Management : Successfully Integrating Project Management Knowledge Areas and Processes . AMACOM Books. Killough, C., & Sheely, K. B. (2011). Efficient Management: From Global Threats to Small Projects. Public Manager , 40 (3), 45-49. Lenfle, S., & Loch, C. (2010). Lost Roots: HOW PROJECT MANAGEMENT CAME TO EMPHASIZE CONTROL OVER FLEXIBILITY AND NOVELTY. California Management Review , 53 (1), 32-55. Thamhain, H. (2005). Management of technology in technology intensive organizations . New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
Write the original essay that provided the following summary when summarized: St. John's Riverside Hospital is a company located in Westchester County, New York State, which values all humans' freedoms and privileges. The agency has one primary hospital and four other secondary facilities within the state that operate under the same management.
St. John's Riverside Hospital is a company located in Westchester County, New York State, which values all humans' freedoms and privileges. The agency has one primary hospital and four other secondary facilities within the state that operate under the same management.
St. Johns Agency and Human Rights: Universal Policies to Support Human Rights Essay Introduction Profit and non-profit organizations have grown beyond geographical boundaries and have exceeded the confinements of local laws and regulations. There is a need for standards that will apply to all agencies globally, particularly those that govern the treatment of humans, be it, workers or clients. Consequently, the United Nations (UN), with the help of the Human Rights Council (2005), has been at the forefront championing human rights and developing universal policies to support the same. Governments, businesses, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have the sole responsibility of adhering to such regulations meant to respect humans and how they are treated. Societies have become concerned about how organizational activities affect human rights. All stakeholders, including investors, governments, workers, and clients, expect agencies to prioritize human rights in all company operations. For most institutions, it is a challenge because there are gaps within national regulations that do not consider related vices. As a result, organizations have committed themselves voluntarily to UN stipulations and related documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in developing company policies and codes of conduct. St. Johns Riverside Hospital (SJRH) is a company located in Westchester County, New York State, which values all humans’ freedoms and privileges. The agency has one primary hospital and four other secondary facilities within the state that operate under the same management. SJRH’s Mission, Purpose, and Services The mission of St. Johns Riverside Hospital is to provide extensive nursing and medical services in a professional, ethical, compassionate, and respectful manner to all patients. Regardless of a client’s background or condition, the hospital endeavors to give equal and high-quality care. Additionally, all employees are expected to follow the company’s code of conduct while attending to them. The organization offers brilliance in nursing and medical care, preventive services, state-of-the-art technologies, and continuing education (St. Johns Riverside Hospital, 2020). Furthermore, SJRH strives to improve its services in all its branches and to impact the general quality of life in the neighboring communities. In conducting its mission, the hospital encourages initiatives and new ideas from the staff members and outsiders. The agency has a set of services divided and accomplished in two primary departments. Behavioral Health Services department is the first one and is meant to help addicts achieve sobriety by attending to their mental struggles and teaching them self-care practices. These services are availed in four distinct locations within Westchester. The main one is Greenburg Addiction Treatment Services, meant to address the needs of the patients by helping them develop a positive attitude in achieving sobriety (St. Johns Riverside Hospital, 2020). Secondly, the agency provides community-based outpatient and hospital-based inpatient services. While the former avails day rehabilitation and treatment procedures for patients with chemical dependency, the latter gives supervised treatment to patients with withdrawal symptoms. Both services are meant to support the agency’s mission. UN Documents Relevant to SJRH’s Work The Right to Health Document United Nations publications or documents are texts linked with the global institution’s agenda and released to the general public for awareness and educational purposes. UN documents apply to the services provided by St. Johns Riverside Hospital, and one of them is the Right to Health publication written by the World Health Organization (WHO). The document entails the major components of the right to health, the common misconceptions revolving around it, and its relationship with other human rights (OHCHR & WHO, 2008). The right to health as an inclusive right is one of the elements which states that the right is not only associated with access to health care facilities and services. It is also linked with all factors that contribute to healthy living. Safe food and drinking water, gender equality, healthy working conditions, and health-related information are other aspects included in the right to health. Moreover, the document stipulates that the right to health also covers health-related freedoms. For instance, a patient has a right to reject non-consensual medical procedures, specifically those related to clinical experiments or research, in the name of trying to find a cure. The document protects patients from torture and inhumane treatment in medical facilities (OHCHR & WHO, 2008). Besides protection, the publication illustrates that the right to health issues entitlements and these include the privilege to important medication, equal access to timely health services, and public participation in health-related decision-making in communities. Furthermore, the document emphasizes providing health care services and facilities without discrimination according to the non-discrimination tenet of UDHR. No one should be more important than another in receiving standard health care. Finally, the publication dictates that all services in medical facilities should be acceptable, available, accessible, and of good quality (OHCHR & WHO, 2008). This element applies to public and private health organizations tasked with ensuring that hospitals have enough health workers and sufficient supplies. The UN Declaration on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Document The UHC publication is similar in composition to the Right to Health but is concerned with improving the global population’s health in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of 2030. As part of the 2030 agenda, WHO introduced the declaration in response to the UN’s desire to double the health coverage by 2030. The plan is to give the privilege to 5 billion individuals who cannot access health care at the moment (United Nations, 2019). UN member states have taken the initiative to engage in the political process of improving key areas in providing universal health care. These components apply to both public hospitals and private medical facilities. According to the UHC declaration document, one aspect that must be improved is the process of ensuring that no one is denied access to health care due to financial constraints. Nobody needs to choose between buying food and paying medical expenses, particularly for women and children. Moreover, governments are tasked with strengthening the health care workforce and improving the necessary infrastructure critical in achieving the UHC objectives. The publication indicates that the UN should be updated on the progress in 2023 (WHO, 2019). Consequently, all health care stakeholders, including national governments, donors, and private medical facilities, have a role in improving the existing primary health care systems that attend to most people’s medical needs. How SJRH Implements the UN Documents Based on the information collected about St. Johns Riverside Hospital, the agency conforms to most of the items included in the Rights to Health and the Universal Declaration on Universal Health Coverage documents. The company incorporates various aspects of the right to health document into its mission and services. For instance, SJRH practices inclusivity in providing access to health care by availing medical services to the addicts and giving them helpful education and information, as indicated in the agency’s mission. The hospital understands that treating the patients is not enough and that they need the correct knowledge to help them deal with their condition once they are out of the facility. Furthermore, the health organization provides complete access to the health entitlements defined in the publication. Although SJRH specializes in medical and nursing care to the addicts, it still provides accessible and acceptable inpatient and outpatient services to its clients, and this also applies to preventive care (OHCHR & WHO, 2008). No one is discriminated against, and as long as they meet the criteria of receiving treatment, they are attended to. Secondly, SJRH factors in the components of the UN Declaration on UHC in its mission statement, departments, operations, and services. For example, St. Johns Riverside Greenburg (ATS) is classified as a non-profit organization and only relies on donor funding from Medicaid, Medicare, and Charity to run its operations. This implies that the company does not need to charge its patients, making the medical services affordable to everyone. The company’s policy supports UHC’s main objective to help patients with financial hardships access high-quality health care services as any other person (WHO, 2019). Similarly, the document indicates that it is the responsibility of all health care stakeholders, SJRH included ensuring the issues listed in the declaration are addressed. The agency plays its role by practicing professionalism and ethics, which strengthens the workforce, and also invests in state-of-art technologies which enhance medical infrastructure. St John’s Agency’s stand in advocating for the Right to Health and Universal Health Coverage is clear in its policies. SJRH’s Degree in Human Rights Consciousness Human rights consciousness is the degree of awareness an individual or a group has on the existing rights and freedoms stipulated by a constitution or concerned laws. St Johns Riverside Hospital has a moderate degree of human rights consciousness because some of the aspects of its operations, strategies, and policies attend to the human needs of the company stakeholders. The agency is a health care institution and demonstrates respect for the right to health care by making the medical services not only affordable but also accessible and acceptable in Westchester County. Similarly, the medical facility respects its patients’ wishes concerning administering treatment, giving them the freedom to accept or reject the concerned therapies. Additionally, freedom of expression is another vital component of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that SJRH prioritizes in its operations (United Nations, 2020). A section of the agency’s mission statement indicates that the company is open to new directions, ideas, and initiatives that will improve its response to the community’s health care needs. However, other aspects of human rights such as equality have not been mentioned in the company policies and mission. Areas for Improving Human Rights in SJRH St. Johns Riverside Hospital is human rights conscious, but there is a need for improvement. One critical area that needs to be addressed is the right to equality and prohibition of discrimination, as stipulated in the UDHR. SJRH is a service-based agency that can attract various forms of discrimination, such as racism and gender segregation. Since this is a key human rights element, the organization should incorporate it into its service, policies and integrate it into its mission statement. Moreover, the agency should create more emphasis on the right to health care since it is its area of specialization. Currently, SJRH has made its services available to various locations in Westchester County, which is a positive step. However, the company should improve on the right to health-related information, which will ensure patients can cater for themselves after leaving the facility and enhance the recovery process. References OHCHR, & WHO. (2008). The right to health [PDF]. United Nations. Web. St. Johns Riverside Hospital. (2020). Web. Universal declaration of human rights . (2020). United Nations. Web. WHO welcomes landmark UN declaration on universal health coverage . (2019). United Nations. Web.
Provide a essay that could have been the input for the following summary: The stages of history in Adam Smith's writing, as reiterated by Paganelli (2020), are the age of hunters, the age of shepherds, the age of agriculture, and the age of commerce. Smith believes that these stages explain the progress of a man in society. The society started from hunting societies (in some publications such as Svizzero and Tisdell (2016) claim hunter-gatherers) who eventually realize that domesticating wild animals and collecting fruits was
The stages of history in Adam Smith's writing, as reiterated by Paganelli (2020), are the age of hunters, the age of shepherds, the age of agriculture, and the age of commerce. Smith believes that these stages explain the progress of a man in society. The society started from hunting societies (in some publications such as Svizzero and Tisdell (2016) claim hunter-gatherers) who eventually realize that domesticating wild animals and collecting fruits was
Stages of History, Capitalism, Class Conflict, and Labor Theory in Adam Smith’s Writings Research Paper Most of Adam Smith’s arguments on capitalism, labor, class conflict, and stages of history (or social development) are contained in his book Wealth of Nations. The stages of history in Adam Smith’s writing, as reiterated by Paganelli (2020), are the age of hunters, the age of shepherds, the age of agriculture, and the age of commerce. Smith believes that these stages explain the progress of a man in society. The society started from hunting societies (in some publications such as Svizzero and Tisdell (2016) claim hunter-gatherers) who eventually realize that domesticating wild animals and collecting fruits was an easier way of obtaining food (the shepherds’ age). Population growth and other social developments demanded a more stable supply of food and agriculture developed as a result. The superfluous products left after meeting the consumption needs were traded for other products, and hence the rise of the commerce age. Adam Smith is optimistic about capitalism because he sees it as the foundation of economic growth where individuals are allowed to produce as much surplus as possible and trade it for a profit. In the Wealth of Nations, Smith argues that the best economic system is characterized by natural liberty where individuals can trade items of value in exchange for others of greater value to them. He defines capital as stock and profit as the expectation of retaining revenues from improvements implemented on the stock (Smith, 2007). Capital and profit are, therefore, the major drivers behind the dynamic of capitalism according to Adam Smith. The conflicts in capitalism are also highlighted in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations where the main idea behind the conflicts is competition. According to Hearn (2018), competition is central to the Wealth of Nations and it causes conflicting interests between the traders and/or manufacturers and the public. The traders/manufacturers seek to widen the market and narrow competition to enable them to gain profits above what they would normally get. Such intentions are contrary to the interests of the public who would like to acquire items at reasonable prices. According to Smith (2007), conflict is a part of human nature. Book III of the Wealth of Nations explains the sources of conflicts including the resources that are unevenly distributed and people went to war in pursuit of control of the resources. Capital is seen as a power and the class conflicts are majorly between the capitalists and laborers emanate from conflicting interests. In chapter 8 of Book I, Smith (2007) argues that one of the two parties will have an advantage in disputes and would force the other into compliance. The capitalists are more powerful and the law authorized or failed to prohibit their combinations while at the same time prohibiting those of the workmen. The logic of the labor theory of value in Smith’s analysis is that labor can be a tradable commodity whose value can be assessed in the same way as all others traded in a mercantile system. As mentioned earlier, surplus items are traded for items of greater value. When people possess skills needed in production, they become valuable to the manufacturer who attaches a price to the skills. In the Wealth of Nations, Smith (2007) argues that just like in barter where people obtained from one another the goods they needed, the division of labor allows people to produce commodities in surplus and trade them for those made by other people. Adam Smith also states that the possibility of exchanging the surplus of own labor encourages people to apply themselves to a particular occupation and to perfect their talents. References Hearn, J. (2018). How to read The Wealth of Nations (or why the division of labor is more important than competition in Adam Smith. Sociological Theory, 36 (2), 162-184. Paganelli, M. (2020). Adam Smith and economic development in theory and practice: A rejection of stadial model? Journal of the History of Economic Thought . Web. Svizzero, S., & Tisdell, C. (2016). Economic evolution, diversity of societies and stages of economic development: A critique of theories applied to hunters and gatherers and their successors. Economic Methodology, Philosophy, & History, 4 , 1-18. Smith, A. (2007). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations – books I, II, III, IV, and V. MetaLibri. Main ideas of mercantilism and physiocrats The main ideas of mercantilism are derived from Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations where the term mercantile system was used to refer to the trade systems in the period between the 15 th and 18 th centuries. According to Beuve et al. (2016), the mercantile system was characterized by illiberal policies followed by the monarchs, including protectionism, money and power, and widespread monopolies among others. The mercantilism system seeks to achieve a balance between economic development and national power and wealth. The key objectives of such a system, therefore, include the expansion of the domestic industry, pursuing favourable commercial balances, augmenting bullion stocks, and acquiring large shares of the foreign trade. These ideas can be seen in Smith’s (2007) Wealth of Nations, specifically Book IV that discusses the systems of political economy. Smith (2007) argues that the mercantile system comprises of money that acts both as a measure of value and an instrument of commerce. The mercantile system is a system of wealth accumulation from commercial activity. Legal constraints such as duties on trade and prohibitions are also seen as elements of Smith’s idea of a mercantile system. Physiocracy, on the other hand, can be seen as a contrast to the mercantile system that insisted on free trade to allow people to easily trade their surplus. Physiocracy is an ideological system that claimed that the economic activities should be determined by natural-divine laws and strictly called against the state’s interference with the operation of those laws (Genç & Kurt, 2016). The government control of the commercial activity in France is seen as the roots of Physiocracy. In 1764, economic policies such as the ‘freedom of grain’ resulted in high grain prices that ruined the poor with some dying of malnutrition. The policies were halted and the older regime of controlled prices and wages restored by the monarchy (Gauthier, 2015). The physiocrats perceived profit as more important than life itself and the traders wanted all the freedom regardless of the impacts of their action on the economy. The common ideas between mercantilism and Physiocracy is that they all sought free trade. The two concepts developed different views possibly because of the different motives pursued in trade. Smith’s (2007) idea of mercantilism was intended to facilitate the trade of the surplus produce in exchange for items of equal or greater value. The physiocrats, on the other hand, pursued an intervention-free economic environment that allowed to fully exercise control of the economic activities. The control sought in Smith’s mercantile system was of the resources or capital for the wellbeing of the state as opposed to the wellbeing of the individuals. In mercantilism, therefore, government intervention was not seen as a major problem or hindrance to the exchange. There are modern examples of mercantilism and physiocracy manifested by the various forms of government and economic systems. Mercantilism is seen from government regulation of commerce where almost all sovereign nations regulate both domestic and foreign trade. Physiocracy, on the other hand, may be seen in other unregulated global commercial activities, specifically the online activities such as Bitcoin mining as explained by Edwards (2018). Both of these systems are defined by the level of regulation and the extent to which the participants embrace government intervention. References Beuve, J., Brousseau, E., & Sgard, J. (2016). Mercantilism and bureaucratic modernization in the early eighteenth-century France. The Economic History Review, 70 (2), 1-32. Edwards, E. (2018). Bitcoin and value: A labor theory perspective . The Partially Examined Life: Web. Gauthier, F. (2015). Political economy in the eighteenth century: Popular or despotic? The physiocrats against the right to existence. Economic Thought, 4 (1), 47-66. Genç, S., & Kurt, F. (2016). The changing role of the state during the development of the economic thought: Mercantilism, pysiocracy and classical economists. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 7 (11), 552-556. Malthusian Population Theory The Malthusian theory of population is among the most important models of population control. The main tenet of the Malthusian theory is that when unchecked, the population increases in a geometrical ratio while the subsistence of man increases in an arithmetic ratio (Malthus, 1998). First published in 1798 in his Essay on Population, Malthus simply sought to explain that the population grew at a faster rate than the rate of food production (among other sustenance products). The geometric progress can be displayed as 1×2, 2×2, 4×4.nx2. The arithmetic progression can be expressed as 1, 2, 3, 4…n. With these two models, it is observable that the population grows by multiplying itself while the sustenance is naturally sluggish (Rahman, 2018). The dangers of allowing population to grow unchecked are explained by Malthus (1998) using the idea of hunting as a means of obtaining food. He argues where hunting is the major occupation and an only mode of acquiring food and where the subsistence is scattered over a large territory, then the population must be comparatively thin to be supported by that economic activity. The logic of the population theory is perhaps the fact that resources are scarce and do not increase in response to their demand. Population increases mean rising demand for sustenance from the scarce resource. Most importantly, the resources should be able to support human life meaning the only way to ensure a balance between the two elements is by controlling the population. Such logic is apparent in the developing world where the theory holds as opposed to the developed world where Malthusian theory fails to apply (Rahman, 2018). Subsequently, much of the politics of population control focus on the third world where the population has exploded over the past decades. Fertility rates in those countries are very high while the economic variables such as per capita GDP, urbanization, forced labor, and education levels are substandard (De Silva & Tenreyro, 2017). The developed world does not face such issues possibly because population control mechanisms have been effective. Malthusian theory can be criticized for not basing its principles on historical facts as there is no evidence of population growing in a geometrical progression. In Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, the population growth is estimated at 2.7% a year year (The Economist, 2020). While that rate is the highest in the world, it does not show any form of geometric progression. The economic variables such as GDP for the same region indicate that the GDP growth rates for 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 are 1.43%, 3%, 3.27%, and 3.07%. Such figures indicate that the rate if sustenance growth could be matching the rate of population growth. Sub-Saharan Africa is used here because the region is a perfect example of developing countries and the population and economic dynamics should reflect those of the ordinary third world. Additionally, with technology advancements, it can be argued that the rate of sustenance growth can surpass that of the population growth with more efficient machines and methods of production. In the developed world, therefore, the theory would not apply as the production could potentially be higher than the rate of population growth. References De Silva, T., & Tenreyro, S. (2017). Population control policies and fetility convergence. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 13 (14), 205-228. Malthus, T. (1998). An essay on the principle of population. Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project. Rahman, M. (2018). Validity of Malthusian theory of population in 20th century in terms of using scientific technology to the economic growth and strength. International Journal of Tax Economics and Management, 1 (1), 13-21. The Economist. (2020). Africa’s population will double by 2050. Ricardo’s Rent Theory Ricardo is considered to be among the most rigorous classical theorists. His rent theory states that the economic rent on land is the equivalent to the value of the difference in productivity between a piece of land and the poorest and/or most expensive land producing the same products under the same conditions. The idea behind this theory is that the appropriation of land and the consequent creation of rent often varies relative to the value of produce and independently of the labor quantities necessary for the production of the commodities (Ricardo, 2001). The landowners, therefore, are not free to choose the economic rent to charge on land as the rent was determined by the costs of the labourer. The marginal productivity, as opposed to labor, determines rent in contrast to Malthus argument. Such an argument could also contrast Adam Smith’s argument that the land rents also failed to reflect the landowner’s efforts (Ryan-Collins, 2017). Ricardo would have expected that the landlords would expropriate all the profits made from the land. The idea of landowners capturing all the economic rent on the land has not been achieved in reality because it would require the landlords to have the powers of expropriation. The landowners, however, did not have such powers and the profits were usually shared with the tenant. Ricardo (2001) uses a simple expression stating that “corn is not high because a rent is paid, but rent is paid because corn is high” (p. 44). He goes further to argue that that rent paid on the land will become part of the price of the sold produce. Additionally, the land yields no rent when most abundant, most fertile, and most productive. Only when these powers diminish does a share of the original produce set apart for rent. The falling rate of profit insinuates that with the land rents constant, the profits from land diminished as more labor was used in the production. In comparison to Malthus’ under-consumption theory, the falling rate of profit produces the same effect as the under-consumption theory. Malthus’s (1998) population theory, it should be emphasized, was not advocating population controls as an end to itself, but as a means of balancing the population growth and the capital needs. The under-consumption theory crisis as proposed by Malthus (1820), states that the habits of the working class depending on commerce and manufacturers may work against the economic controls of population. Increasing the wellbeing of the working class may make them unwilling to work and a new source of labor would be needed. Therefore, the stagnation in production was not the result of the scarcity of capital, but rather the result of under-consumption. The similarity between the under-consumption theory and the theory of falling profit is that in both cases, increasing production does not necessarily lead to growth. Ricardo’s rent theory, as mentioned earlier on, does not always agree with other economists on the same subject. However, he recognizes the challenges in his own interpretation as compared to those of Malthus and Adam Smith. Ricardo and Malthus, however, seem to agree on matters of productivity of the land and other forms of capital. Malthus’s (1820) held that fluctuations in the output could be the result of temporary declines in the demand (or consumption). Such a statement would conflict with Ricardo’s idea that the decline in production leads to the realization of the land rent. References Malthus, T. (1820). Principles of Political Economy, Considered with a View to their Practical Application. John Murray. Malthus, T. (1998). An essay on the principle of population. Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project. Ricardo, D. (2001). On the principles of political economy and taxation. Batoche Boks. Ryan-Collins, J. (2017). How land dissapeared from economic theory. Web.
Write the full essay for the following summary: This paper aims to research all of the pregnancy stages month-by-month.The paper aims to research all of the pregnancy stages month-by-month.
This paper aims to research all of the pregnancy stages month-by-month. The paper aims to research all of the pregnancy stages month-by-month.
Stages of Pregnancy Research Paper This paper aims to research all of the pregnancy stages month-by-month. Moreover, it includes describing a scenario specific to different stages of a woman’s lifespan during these periods: right before and right after prenatal development. Before Pregnancy There are several essential steps women need to make before getting pregnant to lower the risks and improve their health. First of all, a woman must revise nutrition, start eating well and take multivitamins. Folic acid is the most important as it prevents congenital disabilities like neural tube defects. Secondly, a woman must get a health checkup and genetic consulting to become aware of the risks and ways to avoid them. Thirdly, Liou et al. (2016) state that “prenatal visits incorporate psychological assessment for early detection and management to prevent possible adverse birth outcomes”. Mental health must be checked due to the high stress to come with the pregnancy. Lastly, there is a must in limiting or getting rid of bad habits like smoking or drinking alcohol and coffee. Different Conditions of a Woman’s Life-span at the before-pregnancy period A woman’s lifespan can affect the pregnancy; that’s why the conditions of a specific period of life should be considered before getting pregnant. When a woman is in any life crisis, there might be stress-related issues with her menstrual cycles, and the need for additional medical consultancy regarding hormones might appear. At the aging stage of life, a woman risks delivering an ill baby or to have a difficult pregnancy. Steps before getting pregnant, such as health checkups and multivitamins, should be carefully made. Women who discover a failure to launch syndrome need to get psychological assistance before getting pregnant as their self-esteem and expectations are on a lower level at this life stage. The other stressful periods are marriage or divorce, as women might doubt their choices or be overwhelmed by the events. Getting pregnant in these conditions might severely affect women’s mental and physical health, and reliable medical and psychological support is recommended. Modern medicine allows one to get pregnant even when there are grown children and empty nest life. A woman might think that a newborn would be the solution to loneliness or improve the family’s relationship. However, she still has to remember that pregnancy seriously affects the health of an aging woman. If the pregnancy is not the first one, a woman might be a part of the sandwich generation that simultaneously cares about parents and young children. Getting pregnant in this stage requires insurance in someone else’s support, as taking everything on her own might seriously affect the pregnancy. Prenatal Development The average length of prenatal development is 38 weeks from the conception date. A zygote consistently develops throughout this period until becoming a ready-to-born baby. Brewer et al. (2019) state that “from the moment of conception, hormonal changes in the mother’s pregnancy and adapt to the future needs of the embryo” (p. 78). There are three main stages of pregnancy: the germinal stage, the embryonic stage, and the fetal stage. The First Month: Germinal and Embryonic Stages, the First Trimester The conception is the beginning of the germinal stage of prenatal development; it happens when egg cell and sperm unite into a zygote in a fallopian tube. The cells start diviving and get functions that will determine their type once after reaching the the eight-cell point. Then, cells separate into two groups: outer cells turn into the placenta, and inner cells become the embryo. If the implantation passes successfully, it provoke hormonal changes that stop the menstrual cycle. The cells grow, and by the third week form a human-looking embryo. It is how the embryonic stage begins, the most important period for brain development. The embryo divides into three different layers that will form body systems, and, during the week, neural tube forms that then becomes the central nervous system and brain. On the fourth week, the cardiovascular system grows, and develops heart that starts to pulse. The Second Month: Embryonic Stage The buds forming the arms and legs appear, and the systems continue developing at the first week of this stage. The embryonic period ends after the previous month, and the basic structures of central nervous system establish. When the nerves reach proper location, the connection with other neutral cells forms and creates rudimentary neural networks. The Third Month: Fetal Stage The embryo grows into a fetus when the cell differentiation is complete. The fetal period is the longest, and ends on the birth day. The reflexes begin to arise that lets the fetus make reflectively move his limbs. Moreover, the sex organs start differentiating during the month, and, by its ending, the whole range of body parts will establish. The Fourth Month: The Beginning of the Second Trimester The second trimester lasts from the fourth to the sixth month, the fetus’s size increases six times, body system develops, and nails, hair, brows, lashes form. Specifically, during the fourth month, the fetus grows to 6 inches in length. Lanugo, hair layer of the body, begins to form from the head. Muscles, bones, lungs continue to develop, and the fetus makes the first swallow and sucking motions. The Fifth Month The mother might notice the first movements in the stomach during the fifth month of pregnancy because it is the period when the fetus becomes active. It reaches 8 inches in length, and fat starts developing under the skin that is almost covered by lanugo. Fingernails, eyebrows, lashes also begin forming during this month. The Sixth Month Weeks of this month are when the eyes finish developing, and a startle reflex appears. Eyebrows, eyelashes form altogether, the hair on the head keeps growing longer. Hair grows longer on the head, and the eyebrows and eyelashes finish developing. The Seventh Month: The Beginning of the Third Trimester It is the period of brain and nervous system development. The fetus’s brain starts controlling such movements as opening and closing eyelids. The Eighth Month In the eighth month of prenatal development, the fetus learns to make breathing movements, yet the lungs are still immature. Moreover, the bones become completely developed but not hardened, and fat deposits grow above them. The Ninth Month The fetus grows in length and weight during this month of prenatal development. It becomes approximately 16–19 inches in length and weighs 5 lb. 12 oz. to 6 lb. 12 oz. It happens because of the body fat increase. The fetus’s brain start reaches the point when it fully controls all of the body functions. The Tenth Month During the last month, the fetus reaches its full-term conditions. A baby’s hair and nails grow, and if the fetus is healthy, all of the organ systems function well. The birth time depends on how a fetus developed during pregnancy. Shiota (2018) observed that “considerably large variability in the developmental stage among human embryos with the same gestational age” (p. 956). The exact time of a child to born cannot be predicted. Childbirth Generally, labor is divided into three stages. At the first stage, cervical dictation appears and keeps expanding until the active phase of labor. During the second stage, a woman pushes the baby through the birth canal with the intense contractions. The third stage is followed by the delivery of the placenta and called the afterbirth. After the placenta is out of the body, the midwife cuts the cord. Childbirth is a normal human experience, yet each labor is a unique process, so women perceive risks to life, and accompany it with intense fear and helplessness (Muzik & Rosenblum, 2017, p. 13). It is essential to provide a woman with psychological support during childbirth. After Pregnancy After giving birth, there are essential steps women must make for her and a baby’s health. At first, a woman must visit her postpartum checkups to prevent any health problems from appearing. Moreover, she must keep eating healthily and take vitamins to be able to breastfeed a child properly. A new mother must get baby care recommendations from a trusted consultant and follow them strictly during the first month of a child’s life. Different Conditions of a Woman’s Life-span at the after-pregnancy period Factors related to the pregnancy, such as type of birth, a pre-term newborn, health problems, negatively impact women’s quality of life (Martínez-Galiano et al., 2019). A woman’s life-span specifically impacts the after pregnancy period: a mother’s and a child’s health and wellness might be affected by life conditions. During crises, as well as stressful milestones like marriage or divorce, the after-pregnancy time might become a relief that distracts from harmful events. However, psychological assistance or family support might be required. A woman in such life-span conditions as aging has to get intense medical help during the after-pregnancy period as her health weakens after the stress of giving birth. A woman with failure to launch syndrome is likely to get rid of it because of the new chance to change a life successfully. Such a scenario might also be applied to a woman’s life during the empty nest period as the newborn gives many responsibilities and activities. Women in these life-span stages have to get enough support from their friends and family to go through the after-pregnancy period successfully. Sandwich generation representatives might discover difficulties during the first months of a child’s life as even more people require care from a woman. A mother needs to set the priorities right and watch her mental health to avoid depression and overwhelming. References Shiota, K. (2018). Study of normal and abnormal prenatal development using the Kyoto Collection of Human Embryos. The Anatomical Record , 301(6), 955-959. Web. Brewer, S., Bhattacharya, S., Preston, P., Davies, J., & Sheena, M. (2019). The science of pregnancy: The complete illustrated guide from conception to birth . D.K. Publishing. Liou, S. R., Wang, P., & Cheng, C. Y. (2016). Effects of prenatal maternal mental distress on birth outcomes. Women and Birth , 29(4), 376-380. Web. Martínez-Galiano, J. M., Hernández-Martínez, A., Rodríguez-Almagro, J., & Delgado-Rodríguez, M. (2019). Quality of life of women after giving birth: Associated factors related with the birth process. Journal of Clinical Medicine , 8 (3), 324. Web. Muzik, M. & Rosenblum, K. L. (Eds.). (2017). Motherhood in the face of trauma: Pathways towards healing and growth. Springer.
Convert the following summary back into the original text: The article discusses the taste of coffee from Starbucks and Dunkin and how it differs. It also talks about how the taste of coffee can be affected by the way it is prepared and how that can affect people's health.
The article discusses the taste of coffee from Starbucks and Dunkin and how it differs. It also talks about how the taste of coffee can be affected by the way it is prepared and how that can affect people's health.
Starbucks vs. Dunkin Coffee in Terms of Taste Essay (Article) Regardless of the time of the year, weather, and country, there will be people drinking, buying, and making coffee. The coffee culture has expanded immensely with the introduction of global corporations providing hot drinks like Starbucks and Dunkin. There are many variations from bitter ice to seasonal pumpkin coffee, all of which are loved and purchased by coffee drinkers. Most of the known to humans coffee-making methods and hot drink types can be easily purchased at Starbucks or Dunkin. It has even entered the state of routine, so people stop noticing the differences between the producers as long as they get their desired drink. The problem is that the coffee made at the two cafes is similar, and it is difficult to differentiate for a casual buyer. However, there is a slight difference in taste between Starbucks and Dunkin coffee, which draws the careful attention of biomedical informatics scientists. People usually associate coffee with a bitter taste, which may be a huge public delusion. When Tyler (2018) from Business Insider decided to compare Starbucks and Dunkin shops in downtown New York, she claimed bitterness as her coffee quality indicator. Tyler (2018) went to both bakery shops and structured an overall overview of the two, purchasing a cold brew as her final say. She stated that Dunkin’s drink was not “bitter, but … strong” and “super refreshing” (Tyler, 2018, para. 14). Still, Tyler (2018) preferred Starbucks for its stronger bitterness and cheaper price, emphasizing a less “watered down” state (para. 21). Although it may be just what is needed after a short sleep and before a long work-day ahead, a coffee expert Erika Vonie told Grub Street that professionally made pure coffee, espresso, should be “immediately sweet and creamy” instead (as cited in Richardson, 2018, para. 3). Interestingly, Vonie later declared Dunkin’s espresso a winner compared to Starbucks’ “over-extract[ed]” coffee, which prevented the sweet and creamy taste (Richardson, 2018, para. 7). In a chase for more customers who think of coffee as bitter, Starbucks makes their coffee too burnt to be enjoyed by experts like Vonie. Bitter coffee taste forces many to add significant amounts of different sugars and syrups into their drinks, which can result in health problems. The impact of caffeine on the human body has long been debated in the medical world, which connects it to cardiovascular side effects (Grosso et al., 2017). Additional amounts of regular sugar and sugar-based syrups included in coffee making limit research conducted and can be harmful (Grosso et al., 2017). Problems linked to caffeine and in-coffee-sugar consumption are a part of medical informatics scientists’ approach to ensuring food safety. The healthcare data science can significantly improve the state of public treatment through discovering new innovative solutions and updating medical knowledge. The lack of cohesive and concrete information on all possible relationships between caffeine and human health pose an opportunity for informatics experts. More research in this field can go as far as confirming several benefits of coffee consumption, such as the prevention of chronic diseases (Grosso et al., 2017). Thus, the growing and widely practiced coffee culture has great potential for research, in which biomedical informatics is closely involved. Both Starbucks and Dunkin companies make great and affordable coffee, which is enjoyed by millions of regular coffee drinkers worldwide. Even though their methods of making and selling hot and cold drinks differ, there are many similarities. For many, the difference is almost undiscoverable because their preferences are based on individual perceptions and experience with the products. Some might prefer bitter coffee, while others lean towards a sweeter version. The influence of caffeine and sugar on human organism has been an issue of major interest. Therefore, the industry stores an enormous potential for health informatics, which aims to ensure safety and prevent harmful outcomes. References 1. Grosso, G., Godos, J., Galvano, F., & Giovannucci, E. L. (2017). Coffee, caffeine, and health outcomes: An umbrella review . Annual Review of Nutrition , 37, 131-156. Web. 2. Richardson, N. (2018). Is the new Dunkin’ espresso any good? Grub Street . Web. 3. Tyler, J. (2018). We compared Dunkin’ Donuts’ ‘store of the future’ with Starbucks to see which was a better coffee shop: Here’s the verdict . Business Insider . Web.
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