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13,200 | 377 | 616 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Le pilote ennemi qui combattait les deux tireurs fut bientôt soulagé lorsque l'ennemi Zaku peint avec des rayures blanches atterrit sur le sol et commença à se concentrer sur l'autre zaku lui permettant de respirer une demi-seconde. Il a utilisé sa masse et l'a enfoncé dans les missiles les détruisant avant qu'ils ne puissent endommager son propre coup de feu. Beta Team a pris le but avec leurs fusils et a commencé leur propre contre-attaque contre le zaku rayé blanc. Cependant, un fusil à grande poutre est sorti de nulle part et s'est écrasé dans le sol près de la bêta. "Des tirs de mortier d'ennemi! Poussez-vous!" Bêta Leader grogne alors qu'il s'enfuit pour trouver une couverture qui prend le coup de feu pour une sorte de ronde d'artillerie. "Il était temps que vous arriviez." L'ennemi a déclaré qu'il s'était mis à attaquer Sarah, sachant que l'autre pilote avait un système qu'il ne pouvait pas gérer. Cependant Puru a tiré une explosion de coups de feu le forçant à revenir. "Je m'en occupe! Ne vous inquiétez pas les gars!" commente Puru alors qu'elle continue son barrage de couvrir le feu forçant le pilote ennemi à tomber de lui seulement pour son épaule droite de prendre un coup rapide de dehors de nulle part. Si Puru ne l'avait pas senti venir, elle aurait été morte. "Ahh!" Puru a crié alors qu'elle se retirait alors que Jack lui disait de s'en aller. Cependant, alors que les nouvelles vagues sont venues dans la voix de Hiling Care est venu au-dessus des lignes: "Fucking enfer ils sont une douleur de se débarrasser de! Le flanc moyen commence à s'écraser... et bien sûr j'ai dû aller faire sauter tous leurs foutus pièges." Hiling grondait furieusement alors qu'elle continuait, "En plus, il y a un tueur ennemi par ici. L'ancienne chose ne devrait pas être un pilote de problème est cependant habile." Hiling a commenté pour faire avancer la situation allant vers le sud rapidement.
Malgré l'espoir d'être drainé par la seconde comme plus, et plus d'unités zaku ont atterri un éclair soudain de lignes vertes illuminé le ciel comme une tempête de grêle de coups de poutre a pleuvoir sur le sol. Au moins une douzaine d'unités zakus ont été détruites ou endommagées par l'attaque initiale, mais d'autres tirs ont fait pleuvoir d'autres renforts, mais l'ennemi a réussi à échapper à la plupart d'entre eux, mais a encore subi des dégâts mineurs. "Je crois que cela s'appellerait "sauvegarder ton cul" Conrad." commente la voix de Jason sur les communicateurs comme le visage de Beta Leader illuminé par surprise. "Capitaine, vous êtes au combat?! Vous n'avez pas combattu depuis longtemps!? Mais comment-" Beta Leader a commencé à déclarer comme dans le ciel a flotté un gundam gris foncé entouré de dragons. "Comme l'enfer... quand est-ce qu'on a....Providence Gundam?" a demandé à Beta alors que Jason a abattu un costume de l'ennemi presque prêt à tuer Beta qui a été frappé à nouveau dans la situation réelle alors que le tueur ennemi les a regardés avec dédain. "Il semblerait que j'aie l'air d'être jumelé... mais je ne mourrai pas ici." commente le pilote alors qu'il tirait sur le nouveau coup de feu Jason s'arrêta occasionnellement comme une grêle de poutres d'un dragon détruit le tir. "Vous deux... Jack, et Sara, c'est ça? Va trouver ce tireur d'élite avant qu'il n'ait moi aussi. Je m'occupe de cette poubelle." Jason a commenté avec amusement alors qu'il se souvenait de ses plus jeunes jours avec un peu de dédain. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,201 | 377 | 617 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Jack clignait dans la confusion, mais ne perdait pas de temps à suivre les ordres du capitaine. "Copier ça, monsieur. Sara, allons-y." Une fois qu'ils étaient à une bonne distance de l'endroit d'où le tir venait, Jack soupirait. Comment diable étaient-ils censés arrêter un tireur d'élite qu'ils ne connaissaient pas encore? "Alors, comment faisons-nous ça? Rester ensemble ou se séparer?" | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,202 | 377 | 618 | 192 | 1,260 | Sarah a été un peu soulagée quand les renforts sont venus et ont submergé l'opposition. Mais Puru a presque été abattue par un coup de feu elle-même. Celui que ce capitaine était, il venait de gagner un peu de respect de Sarah, elle n'avait pas vu beaucoup de gens qui haut dans la chaîne en train de descendre de leur cul et de reprendre la bataille. "Monsieur!" Sarah a répondu en partant avec Jack pour trouver le tireur d'élite. Quand Jack a demandé comment ils pouvaient trouver cette sniper Sarah a donné un petit sourire. "On pourrait toujours t'utiliser comme appât, je veux dire que ton costume peut voler fait une belle cible." Elle l'a dit sarcastiquement. "Le coup qui a failli frapper Puru est venu du sud mal mis mon pari sur cette direction. Scanner la zone trouver un endroit avec une bonne vue et nous trouverons notre tireur d'élite." Sarah a dit de lui donner une vraie solution à la situation. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,203 | 377 | 619 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Paul, et George fermaient sur le vaisseau de ce dernier alors que Paul le regardait en utilisant ses caméras secondaires, il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de sentir à quel point la chose était semblable au Sundown... moins la différence de taille. Le Sundown était essentiellement un super transporteur de classe Archangel, tandis que le navire de George était plus au-dessus de la classe d'assaut ZAFT croiseur. "C'est Kyleson qui appelle sur le pont. Laisse-nous à bord, je suis avec Raigo. si quelqu'un blesse Lyons ils doivent me répondre." George gronda sur son appareil de communication alors que Lyons préparait la procédure d'amarrage qu'il traversait habituellement. Alors qu'il atterrissait, il regardait à travers le cintre beaucoup plus petit que ce à quoi il avait été habitué et voyait un certain nombre de pilotes ZAFT aller et retour ici et là. Alors qu'il marchait vers l'une des passerelles mobiles, il a mis George sur le dessus, puis a amené Raigo dans un pot vide et a commencé à l'alimenter, mais pas avant d'activer un verrou système pour empêcher quiconque de l'utiliser sans son mot de passe.
"Sortez de ce foutu truc qu'on doit dépêcher Charlie sur le pont me dit que Lao prépare ses hommes pour une grande poussée." George cria alors que Paul tentait de sortir de son costume, mais il trouva qu'il était bloqué comme tel, qu'il devait passer manuellement, et forcez l'écoutille avec ses mains avant de sortir sur la passerelle, il regarda George pour la première fois dans les années face à face. George portait un uniforme OMNI pourpre déshabillé, et Paul jurait toujours son uniforme noir ZAFT qu'il avait gardé comme trophée. "Oh merde, j'avais oublié que tu portais ce costume." George a dit avec surprise que Paul a profondément froncé et George a pris l'indice comme un groupe de soldats s'est écrasé avec des fusils. "Arrête le feu! Si quelqu'un l'a tiré dessus, j'aurai tes couilles dans un mixeur d'ici la fin de la journée. C'est un pilote ennemi, mais c'est le meilleur de ces putains de gars à l'OMNI. Avez-vous alimenté la liberté, et la justice?" demanda à George alors que Paul regardait les soldats avec malaise, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir impuissant à regarder le grand nombre de personnes qui visaient des armes sur lui. Beaucoup d'entre eux semblaient mécontents de toute l'épreuve. "Je n'arrive pas à croire qu'il soit venu à ce Kyleson, mais oui, tu es prêt." L'un des soldats grogne alors que George s'empare de l'épaule de Lyon et le fait regarder.
"Vous voyez le costume là-bas? Il a un noyau de réacteur nucléaire. Celui-là sera votre costume. Considère ça comme un cadeau de confiance de ma part. Le costume a un certain nombre d'armes dessus, mais j'ai dû désactiver les systèmes de verrouillage automatique juste pour m'assurer que ces gens ne deviennent pas encore plus énervés à propos de moi qui te donne le truc. Regardez le rapporter après ça, et je vais voir si je vais vous rendre Raigo l'a eu?" George a dit hâtivement que les yeux de Paul s'élargissaient. "T'es complètement attardé? NUCLEAR?! C'est une violation du traité!" Paul grondissait alors que George secouait la tête. "Pas mon appel n'a découvert ces choses seulement quand ils m'ont dit de les transporter à une base militaire. Regarde juste dans ce putain de truc, et je le prends jumeau. Ensemble, nous pouvons forcer les unités ennemies. Après cela, nous pouvons parler des choses." George dit qu'il s'est précipité comme Paul a froncé et a fait un pas en avant vers son propre costume mobile.
Paul a froncé en regardant entrer dans l'étrange nouvelle machine. Alors qu'il a commencé à allumer les systèmes, il a été accueilli avec un putain d'OS ZAFT alors qu'il s'enlisait intérieurement au fait qu'il était maintenant à l'intérieur d'une combinaison mobile ZAFT à propulsion nucléaire. Les systèmes de Paul étaient déjà alignés sur le bon canal, car diverses voix de soldats qu'il ne reconnaissait pas s'y trouvaient. Paul entendit la voix de George pas trop tôt après qu'il expliqua le besoin de renforcer, et poussa à travers le point sud qui avait été pris. S'ils prenaient beaucoup plus de temps, ils pousseraient et attaqueraient le vaisseau de commandement. "Je ne reçois pas d'ordres des salauds de ZAFT Kyleson. Lyons se prépare au lancement à Gundam... La liberté, c'était ça? » Paul demanda alors qu'une jeune femme aux cheveux gris apparaissait sur son écran. "Nadia ici je suis l'opérateur de pont pour ce navire. Lieutenant Paul Lyons, vous êtes autorisé à décoller. Bonne chasse." La femme a dit avec un clin d'œil ferme dont Paul se sentait déjà bizarre. Il était tellement habitué à la voix de Baker lui disant où aller. "C'est comme si j'étais dans la putain de zone crépusculaire..." a glissé Paul alors qu'il passait jusqu'au lanceur du cintre. Paul a vérifié ses systèmes d'armes et a découvert que la liberté était une machine à marcher de la mort. Si cette chose était déclenchée sur l'alliance, ils détruiraient tout. Même tous leurs hommes armés ensemble ne pouvaient pas tenir une machine comme celle-ci. Qui l'a fait? "Lyons rapporte le lancement à Freedom Gundam." Paul sentit les forces g le pousser alors qu'il lançait vers l'avant et il vola vers le sud et peu de temps après il lançait George le suivait. Paul a mis dans la liaison radio de sa propre force. "Lyons se rend compte. Je suis dans un costume expérimental ZAFT. Va y arriver plus tard en engageant les hommes de Lao." Paul a dit comme Baker lui a donné une confirmation confuse. En entendant sa voix, Lyons s'est sentie un peu mieux face à toute cette situation.
"Tu es un petit garçon si odieux... mais je suppose que tu sais que j'ai déjà raison? Je ne pense pas que tu comprennes bien que je sois hors de ta ligue." Jason a dit avec un sourire serré que l'ennemi a essayé désespérément de suivre le coup sur l'abattage des coups de poutre provenant des dragons. Avec tous les costumes de l'ennemi qui vont et viennent maintenant alors que les unités alliées consolident leurs efforts et repoussent maintenant les costumes de l'ennemi. "Comment dans le monde y a-t-il une machine aussi forte? Bien sûr, je sais que Barbatos n'est pas le plus fort, mais c'est ridicule. » Mikazuki a dit qu'il essayait désespérément de se remettre seulement pour que sa main gauche s'envole, et son épaule droite a été gravement endommagée. Pendant que Mikazuki esquissait Jason avait soigneusement aligné ses dragons hors de portée de l'ennemi coup de feu, et a délibérément rendu certains des plus importants que d'autres. Il s'était faufilé autour de deux dragons et a réussi à mettre Mikazuki dans une situation extrêmement difficile maintenant. Veux-tu te rendre ou est-ce la mort pour toi? Jason a dit carrément qu'il avait dirigé le fusil de Providence vers l'ennemi. "Non, c'est juste une distraction." Mikazuki a grondé comme Jason a froncé confus puis il a cliqué dans l'esprit de Jason juste ce qu'il avait voulu dire. Il a esquivé à peine à temps alors qu'il tirait son fusil en l'air. Un costume rouge mobile lui est venu en volant et a tiré sur les dragons, mais ils ont réussi à esquiver guidé par l'habileté de pilotage de la débardeur de Jason, même s'il était rouillé, il était toujours aussi bon que jamais. -- Eh bien, si ce n'est pas mon vieil ami Jason Hiyan!? C'est vous, n'est-ce pas? Ou ont-ils trouvé quelqu'un de nouveau pour me remplacer dans ce tas d'ordures que j'utilise pour piloter. Ou tu t'appelles par un autre nom maintenant Jason? Quoi qu'il en soit, il est temps pour toi de mourir vieil ami. Mikazuki retraite pour l'instant, voulez-vous? Vous êtes une vue si pitoyable." Lao La Lugara a brouillé la voix alors qu'il tirait son autre arme, un canon à poutre, de son bras de bouclier forçant Jason à se détacher du pilote ennemi en retraite. "Lao, espèce de traître, je vais te mettre fin!" Jason a crié alors qu'il tirait sur le Lao qui l'a esquivé avec aisance pratique et les deux ont commencé à encercler dans l'air en tirant l'un sur l'autre les uns contre l'autre dans une valse de feux de faisceau d'énergie.
"C'est Baker, vous me recevez? Écoute... beaucoup de choses se sont passées, mais j'ai encore besoin de toi, alors écoute Williams m'a dit qu'ils tiraient à partir d'un endroit non divulgué de ta région. Lieutenant Lyons....Paul vous aidera bientôt une fois qu'il aura terminé son champ actuel si tout se passe bien. Pour l'instant, ils envoient le coup de feu orange qui a combattu Graham à votre endroit. Finissez, ou forcez le tireur d'élite ennemi à reculer si vous ne Hiling sera coincé dans le centre jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Si vous avez besoin de mon aide... je suis là pour vous." commenta Lacus alors qu'elle envoyait rapidement à la fois Sara et Jack une carte de la région montrant qu'il y avait des zakus ennemis détectés dans la région et que les tirs venaient de quelque part dans la petite ville. Il y avait beaucoup de bâtiments détruits autour, cependant, afin que le costume puisse se cacher dans l'une des structures détruites. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,204 | 377 | 620 | 192 | 1,260 | Sara a ajusté sa trajectoire à la position que Lacus avait dirigée. "Copier que nous allons balayer la zone et tirer le tireur d'élite. Peut-être prendre un peu avec la présence ennemie leur cependant." Elle a répondu en préparant ses armes. -- Eh bien, Jack, tu veux que je m'occupe des petites frites pendant que tu cherches le tireur d'élite? Elle a demandé avant d'entrer dans la zone et de déclencher une vague de feu sur les lignes de Zaku avant de se jeter derrière un bâtiment détruit pour se cacher du sniper elle-même. Sans même attendre une réponse de Jack. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,205 | 377 | 621 | 2,595 | 7,022 | OMNI, et les idiots qui travaillent ensemble!? Nous avions raison de faire confiance au commandant Lugara! a crié l'un des soldats ennemis alors qu'ils précipitaient les deux assaillants avec leurs armes tirées se préparant à les abattre. Ils ont tiré une série de mitrailleuses sur Sarah et Jack. Il y avait aussi quelques cartouches de missiles et des grenades lancées sur eux. Malheureusement, le tireur d'élite ennemi n'a pas semblé vouloir faire face à tout ce désordre alors qu'il tirait de l'intérieur d'un des bâtiments de la partie intérieure de la ville et le tir, une pure poutre, a presque abattu Sarah mais heureusement pour elle l'arme a écrémé l'armure de son costume à la place. Il y avait des tirs de suivi, mais heureusement pour Sarah il semblerait que le tireur d'élite ait eu des problèmes visant une raison, ou une autre comme la plupart d'entre eux allaient légèrement large de son costume mobile.
Hiling Care sourit sadiquement tandis qu'elle se calmait, et il était facile de choisir les unités ennemies de loin les unités derrière elle prenaient leur bon temps ainsi que de choisir les unités ennemies. Un coup de feu plus lourd prouvait un problème bien que dépassé, il semblait être entre les mains d'un pilote expert. Peu importe, elle n'avait pas besoin de réfléchir à la façon de traiter avec lui. "Tu sais, je pense que je pourrais me servir pour combattre ces tireurs. Ils sont tellement dépassés qu'ils sont comme des modèles de drapeau." Hiling s'est souvenu de Graham Aker d'une ligne de temps plus tôt en train de piloter cette chose désuète dans laquelle il s'est battu si fièrement. Il ne semblait pas beaucoup mais c'était un cri loin de cette version de Mister Bushido de lui-même. Il était tout aussi chaud de sang, mais il avait un côté charismatique au lieu de ce sentiment ennuyeux d'honneur. C'était quand même ce que c'était. Hiling a regardé le coup de feu essayer de tuer les hommes de Mariemaia à très peu de succès. "Je ne peux pas perdre ceci est pour la restauration de Zeon! Je ne dois pas te laisser me battre!" Le pilote ennemi nommé Gato a grondé il ne semblait pas avoir idée à quel point tout cela fut futile comme il a essayé de descendre le Serpent classe mobile suit leur armure repoussé tous sauf le plus fort de ses attaques. Quelque chose d'inattendu s'est passé en tant qu'armateur orange...Arios? Non, l'ancien modèle Kyrios est descendu et a abattu une grande partie de ces costumes de zaku. "Les salauds d'A-Law... je te ferai payer plus tard mais on dirait qu'on travaille ensemble pour l'instant." Alléluia grognonné comme Hiling glissé, "Il semblerait que ces parasites m'énervent." Hiling accepta alors qu'ils tournaient leur attention vers Gato. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,206 | 377 | 622 | 192 | 1,260 | Sarah a pu éviter les tirs d'armes légères et abattre facilement les missiles des lignes ennemies, mais le tireur d'élite l'a presque eue, laissant une belle marque de mer de son côté. Heureusement, après le premier coup, quelque chose me semblait en train de jouer avec le but du sniper, et malheureusement pour le sniper après le premier coup Sarah avait appris la direction générale et les coups suivants avaient appris sa position. Dès qu'elle a obtenu un moment libre du combat, elle a déclenché un barrage de missiles de son propre côté visant à la position du tireur d'élite. Vidant les munitions qu'elle avait laissées dans son épaule et envoyant son deuxième missile Hornet pour une bonne mesure. Si elle n'éliminait pas le tireur d'élite, elle le sortirait au moins de sa cachette où elle pourrait l'abattre en plein air. "Alors j'ai eu l'attention du Sniper sur moi maintenant et Jack est en train de bousculer leurs forces terrestres, je pourrais avoir besoin d'aide pour la poursuite si ce bâtard essaie de fuir." Sarah est revenue à la base alors qu'elle essayait de regarder où le tireur s'enfuirait. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,207 | 377 | 623 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Jack a tiré une série de coups de feu dans les combinaisons mobiles ennemies, son armure Phase Shift faisant l'utilisation de n'importe quel type de munitions, à l'exception des armes de faisceau inutile. Cependant, Sarah faisait du bon travail et s'attirait l'attention sur elle-même. En utilisant le système de vol limité du Duel pour obtenir qu'il essaye de runer en haut sur les unités Zaku restantes, il libère la dernière des fusées sur sa fusée pod avant de tirer plus de coups de faisceau. "J'ai une ligne de vue décente ici. S'il essaie de s'enfuir, j'appellerai où trouver la douleur." | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,208 | 377 | 624 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Comme Paul et George arrivaient à destination, il ne leur fallut qu'un moment pour franchir les lignes ennemies. La puissance de feu de Freedom correspond à la précision de Justice à un degré incroyable et les quelques zaku ennemis laissés éparpillés avant l'autre zaku dirigé par George. Paul a vu au loin qu'il y avait un combat massif qui se passait au milieu des lignes ennemies, mais s'il se retirait maintenant, il pourrait finir par ranimer la guerre entre l'OMNI et la ZAFT de George. "Pourquoi vous disputez-vous avec Lao? Vous êtes tous les deux des Traîtres de l'OMNI, et des soldats de ZAFT. Qu'est-ce qui donne?" Paul a demandé que le fusil de la liberté a rapidement sorti un zaku fuyant seulement pour George d'achever deux des autres. « Bref, nous avons eu des désaccords sur la façon de gérer les nouvelles unités. Plus sur notre éthique de travail étaient extrêmement différents. Peu après la rencontre initiale avec Alléluia, un de mes amis, il a essayé de les faire exécuter. Je suis entré et l'équipage s'est séparé. La moitié des Laos ont déserté pour mon navire, et il a pris l'autre avec les hommes qui m'ont déserté. Nous nous sommes battus deux fois ces derniers jours." George commenta alors qu'il scannait rapidement la région. "Nous sommes hors des pièges, non merci aussi vos hommes Lyon, alors allez les aider là-bas je vais avancer vers l'est." George a déclaré laisser Paul à ses propres appareils alors qu'il s'envolait vers le milieu lui-même. Il était bon de savoir au moins que ZAFT a été fracturé en interne... au moins sa ZAFT était là pour être plus d'eux quelque part.
- Oui, c'est ça.
Le tireur n'arrêtait pas de tirer sur des tirs qui manquaient à peine aux deux unités alliées, car soudain un visage familier revenait sur la photo. Le missile ne semblait pas l'arracher de sa cachette de la ville. Cependant, il a détruit un certain nombre d'unités zaku qui se cachaient. "J'espère que tu m'as manqué parce que je ne vole toujours pas à pleine puissance. Je suis venu dès que j'ai pu." Graham Aker a commenté que son drapeau endommagé a sauté dans la bataille en mode jet tir et endommager quelques-uns des zakus permettant aux autres de les braquer vers le haut. Comme un autre tour est venu Graham a dû tirer sur ses contrôles juste à peine esquiver. "Frappe-le! Il est au milieu de l'immeuble de la place centrale. C'est ce que j'ai pensé quand Axer m'a renvoyé. C'est un être céleste de coup de feu. C'est un sniper professionnel, alors surveillez-le. Approchez-vous, mais ne vous attendez pas à ce que ce soit facile! Je vais prendre la petite frite autant que je déteste ne pas insister sur vous deux sont plus adaptés pour cela." Graham a crié sur la ligne de communication. Il était tout aussi confiant que jamais, même s'il semblait être légèrement taxé en raison de ses fiançailles antérieures. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,209 | 377 | 625 | 2,768 | 10,520 | {Copier ça, Aker. Reste en un seul morceau là-bas. En ajustant sa propre trajectoire de vol, James fait une ligne pour la place indiquée, tirant son Gae Bulg une fois de plus et tirant sur un tir préventif pour forcer le tireur à s'ouvrir. Après-midi, il a assuré le feu de couverture de Sarah avec son fusil à poutre, tirant sur un flot de coups de feu. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,210 | 377 | 626 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Graham s'est moqué et a ri : "Venez, lieutenant, c'est MOI dont nous parlons ici, ne réfléchissez pas." Graham s'est vanté avec confiance alors qu'il a entrepris de se battre pour les zakus restants, bien que peu nombreux et éloignés entre eux aient besoin d'enlever les autres avant de revendiquer le champ dans lequel ils se trouvaient. Heureusement, les attaques de Jack suffisaient à forcer l'ennemi à partir en position d'attaque. Il avait une coquille chromée avec de la peinture verte, et il semblait être en faveur de son fusil. Bien qu'il n'ait plus été immobile, il a tiré une série de coups de feu vers Jack avec une précision de point d'épingle, il était étonnant que l'homme ait réussi à manquer les deux coups de feu en premier lieu. "Si tu ne fais pas attention, tu seras anéanti. Appelez-moi si vous avez besoin de quelqu'un pour sortir votre cul du feu que j'ai déjà traité avec eux." | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,211 | 377 | 627 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Bien reçu. En esquivant les tirs au mieux de ses capacités, Jack retourne au feu avec une grenade frag de son lance-grenades, puis trois coups de feu tirés dans une tentative de prédire les mouvements du pilote ennemi. Jack avait déjà brûlé à travers la plupart de ses roquettes et missiles jusqu'à ce point dans le combat. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,212 | 377 | 628 | 192 | 1,260 | Sarah était un peu déçue que ses missiles aient eu peu d'effet réel, mais avec Jack attirant l'attention du tireur d'élite, elle a pu se déplacer dans une position flanquée avant de décharger un barrage de tirs avec son fusil Gatling suivi d'une grenade sur l'ennemi lorsqu'il a essayé d'esquiver. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,213 | 377 | 629 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Bon sang, on dirait que je n'ai pas le choix! Activer Trans-AM! Lockon Stratos grondait alors qu'il se préparait à aller de l'avant avec cette bataille futile. Il n'a vraiment pas aimé travailler pour Lao mais il avait vraiment peu d'autre choix. Alléluia a rejoint un groupe de gars qui étaient franchement stupides. Lao est peut-être un idiot fou, mais c'était une chose certaine : un bon survivaliste. Ils auraient dû utiliser les armes à feu pour éliminer tout ennemi potentiel. Il détestait qu'il ait dû envisager cette option, mais dans un monde rempli d'étrangers Lockon ne pouvait pas vraiment se permettre de prendre des risques jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve les autres. Plus Tieria... il devait s'assurer que les choses s'améliorent avant qu'elles ne s'aggravent.
Le costume de Lockon évasait un rose rouge vif alors qu'il entrait en flèche dans l'air, évadant diverses attaques, et les tirs des tireurs ennemis, c'est une simple vitesse de jeu d'un grand facteur. "Ils ont le système que l'autre coup de feu avait!" Graham grondait en colère. "Retenez la défensive jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'épuise! C'est la seule option que nous ayons à notre disposition! » Graham a appelé alors qu'il préparait son drapeau pour se retirer, mais avant qu'il ne puisse faire beaucoup le coup de feu ennemi clignotait devant lui. "Je t'aime!" Il a essayé de tirer ses armes mais son aile a été soufflé en envoyant son drapeau dans une spirale assez heureusement le coup de feu était allé pour un tir non mortel afin d'éliminer les autres ennemis autour de lui avant de se concentrer sur les coups de feu. Il s'est envolé dans un bleu rouge et a tiré ses pistolets qui s'étaient retirés après avoir sorti son fusil de sniper. "Rien d'autre que des gosses, mais tu me gênes!" Lockon a appelé les pilotes ennemis.
Avec Providence, et le coup de feu de Lao en spirale dans l'air comme deux machines l'enfer plié à se tuer l'un l'autre, il semblait être presque hypnotique en essence. Les uns et les autres connaissaient le mouvement de l'autre avant qu'ils ne le fassent. Lao a tiré quelques coups avant d'entrer pour une attaque de portée rapprochée à l'occasion. Jason, quant à lui, a joué avec plus de soin en envoyant ses dragons et en les éloignant des tentatives de lao pour les abattre. À ce stade, le Lao était dans un état de désavantage statistique. Il ne pouvait pas faire grand-chose avec la puissance de feu supérieure de Jason, mais il se maintenait remarquablement bien. Les Dragoons s'approchaient à peine de la machine qu'il pilotait avec des poutres beaucoup trop larges, ou trop courtes selon les mouvements effectués par Lao. Jason est devenu de plus en plus frustré car ses tirs n'ont cessé de manquer que pour le Lao de contrer rapidement avec quelques courtes explosions de coups de poutre. "Tu deviens vieux Hiyan. Tu n'es rien de plus qu'un idiot qui ne peut pas se défendre maintenant. Tu es rouillée, et moins que stellaire en tant que pilote, contrairement à ce que tu as l'habitude d'être. Vous dépendez trop des autres pour faire votre sale travail." Lao se moquait de Jason comme s'il commentait comment il l'avait battu dans un match de ping-pong. Espèce de sadique! Je ne vis pas juste pour tuer des gens! Mon travail en tant que soldat est d'être la meilleure chance pour mes semblables humains de vivre une vie normale! Vous, la vie, c'est plein d'indulgences! Tu as changé loin de l'enfant que je me souviens de Lao!" Jason cria alors que Lao se branlait, et se moquait de lui. "Comme si c'était plus important! On est tous les deux dans cette valse sans fin ensemble Hiyan! On va faire ça pour toujours jusqu'à ce que l'un de nous meure! Il n'y a pas d'autre option!" Lao a rétorqué aux affirmations d'innocence de Jason. "En fin de compte, tu n'es pas meilleur que moi!"
Paul est entré sur le champ de bataille où Hiling se battait et a commencé à activer ses costumes verrouiller sur les systèmes puis ils lui ont donné un flux négatif... bien sûr, il a oublié les connards l'a désactivé. "La vieille façon alors..." Paul a grondé alors qu'il a activé le système d'éclatement complet et dirigé vers le sol au-dessous de lui. Dès qu'il a appuyé sur la gâchette, sa caméra principale s'est allumée avec une explosion de boulons plasma qui asperge l'ennemi en bas en quelques instants. Même si l'ennemi n'était pas concentré, il n'était pas prêt à ce qui se passait. La majeure partie de l'ennemi semblait se boucler sous la masse des tirs. Cependant, beaucoup de choses allaient trop loin et Paul devait s'arrêter de peur de frapper ses propres hommes. Hiling Care et son adversaire se sont repoussés l'un l'autre. Alléluia s'est envolé vers le nouveau costume. "Tu donnes une ambiance bizarre. Vous n'êtes pas George qui êtes-vous?" Interrogé le pilote, Paul soupirait : « J'étais l'un des gars qui tiraient sur vous, regardez, arrêtez de vous moquer de moi et combattez l'ennemi! » Paul a ordonné à Hiling de passer la ligne de communication qu'il a mise en place, "À propos de l'heure à laquelle tu es revenu." Hiling gronda alors que Stella répondit : « Le lieutenant et moi étions occupés assez pour dire que nous faisons de notre mieux pour aider. » Stella a dit à Hiling qui a ronflé, "Bien sûr... attendez où est passé ce coup de feu? Quel que soit mon problème, poussez-les!" Hiling a crié de remarquer qu'Anavel Gato s'était enfui pour le moment. Paul, et le reste des forces se regroupèrent et se rassemblèrent dans une tentative de pousser à travers le zaku ennemi restant. "Pour Lady Mariemaia!" | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,214 | 377 | 630 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Jack ne répond pas au pilote adverse, optant plutôt pour simplement profiter des propriétés réfléchissantes de la poutre du revêtement de son bouclier et le garder entre lui et les tirs de la combinaison ennemie. De temps en temps, il tirait juste un peu avant le costume mobile ennemi, menant sa cible dans un effort pour infliger des dommages et ralentir le costume pour qu'ils puissent le capturer. Tout moyen de réparer leurs propres costumes GN Drive n'était pas à gaspiller. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,215 | 377 | 631 | 192 | 1,260 | Dès que l'unité ennemie a commencé à briller rose Sarah a commencé à se déplacer hors de la vue. Bien qu'elle n'ait pas combattu une de ces unités, elle avait lu les rapports de ce mode "Trans-Am" et elle n'allait pas prendre le risque de frapper cette chose en tête. Sarah a fait son chemin à travers le paysage de la ville se tenant cachée et se déplaçant dans une bonne position. "Jack je t'envoie quelques coordonnées canard dans la ville et attire le Gundam là-bas. Essayez de ne pas donner vous êtes en train de le séduire, mais ne vous faites pas descendre vous-même non plus." Elle s'est relayée avec le point nav. Espérons que la ville aiderait Jack car les bâtiments pourraient faire une bonne couverture pour éviter le feu tout en menant le Gundam dans un tir de ligne de détroit de son pistolet Gatling. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
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