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13,200 | 377 | 616 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Le pilote ennemi qui combattait les deux tireurs fut bientôt soulagé lorsque l'ennemi Zaku peint avec des rayures blanches atterrit sur le sol et commença à se concentrer sur l'autre zaku lui permettant de respirer une demi-seconde. Il a utilisé sa masse et l'a enfoncé dans les missiles les détruisant avant qu'ils ne puissent endommager son propre coup de feu. Beta Team a pris le but avec leurs fusils et a commencé leur propre contre-attaque contre le zaku rayé blanc. Cependant, un fusil à grande poutre est sorti de nulle part et s'est écrasé dans le sol près de la bêta. "Des tirs de mortier d'ennemi! Poussez-vous!" Bêta Leader grogne alors qu'il s'enfuit pour trouver une couverture qui prend le coup de feu pour une sorte de ronde d'artillerie. "Il était temps que vous arriviez." L'ennemi a déclaré qu'il s'était mis à attaquer Sarah, sachant que l'autre pilote avait un système qu'il ne pouvait pas gérer. Cependant Puru a tiré une explosion de coups de feu le forçant à revenir. "Je m'en occupe! Ne vous inquiétez pas les gars!" commente Puru alors qu'elle continue son barrage de couvrir le feu forçant le pilote ennemi à tomber de lui seulement pour son épaule droite de prendre un coup rapide de dehors de nulle part. Si Puru ne l'avait pas senti venir, elle aurait été morte. "Ahh!" Puru a crié alors qu'elle se retirait alors que Jack lui disait de s'en aller. Cependant, alors que les nouvelles vagues sont venues dans la voix de Hiling Care est venu au-dessus des lignes: "Fucking enfer ils sont une douleur de se débarrasser de! Le flanc moyen commence à s'écraser... et bien sûr j'ai dû aller faire sauter tous leurs foutus pièges." Hiling grondait furieusement alors qu'elle continuait, "En plus, il y a un tueur ennemi par ici. L'ancienne chose ne devrait pas être un pilote de problème est cependant habile." Hiling a commenté pour faire avancer la situation allant vers le sud rapidement.
Malgré l'espoir d'être drainé par la seconde comme plus, et plus d'unités zaku ont atterri un éclair soudain de lignes vertes illuminé le ciel comme une tempête de grêle de coups de poutre a pleuvoir sur le sol. Au moins une douzaine d'unités zakus ont été détruites ou endommagées par l'attaque initiale, mais d'autres tirs ont fait pleuvoir d'autres renforts, mais l'ennemi a réussi à échapper à la plupart d'entre eux, mais a encore subi des dégâts mineurs. "Je crois que cela s'appellerait "sauvegarder ton cul" Conrad." commente la voix de Jason sur les communicateurs comme le visage de Beta Leader illuminé par surprise. "Capitaine, vous êtes au combat?! Vous n'avez pas combattu depuis longtemps!? Mais comment-" Beta Leader a commencé à déclarer comme dans le ciel a flotté un gundam gris foncé entouré de dragons. "Comme l'enfer... quand est-ce qu'on a....Providence Gundam?" a demandé à Beta alors que Jason a abattu un costume de l'ennemi presque prêt à tuer Beta qui a été frappé à nouveau dans la situation réelle alors que le tueur ennemi les a regardés avec dédain. "Il semblerait que j'aie l'air d'être jumelé... mais je ne mourrai pas ici." commente le pilote alors qu'il tirait sur le nouveau coup de feu Jason s'arrêta occasionnellement comme une grêle de poutres d'un dragon détruit le tir. "Vous deux... Jack, et Sara, c'est ça? Va trouver ce tireur d'élite avant qu'il n'ait moi aussi. Je m'occupe de cette poubelle." Jason a commenté avec amusement alors qu'il se souvenait de ses plus jeunes jours avec un peu de dédain. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,201 | 377 | 617 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Jack clignait dans la confusion, mais ne perdait pas de temps à suivre les ordres du capitaine. "Copier ça, monsieur. Sara, allons-y." Une fois qu'ils étaient à une bonne distance de l'endroit d'où le tir venait, Jack soupirait. Comment diable étaient-ils censés arrêter un tireur d'élite qu'ils ne connaissaient pas encore? "Alors, comment faisons-nous ça? Rester ensemble ou se séparer?" | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,202 | 377 | 618 | 192 | 1,260 | Sarah a été un peu soulagée quand les renforts sont venus et ont submergé l'opposition. Mais Puru a presque été abattue par un coup de feu elle-même. Celui que ce capitaine était, il venait de gagner un peu de respect de Sarah, elle n'avait pas vu beaucoup de gens qui haut dans la chaîne en train de descendre de leur cul et de reprendre la bataille. "Monsieur!" Sarah a répondu en partant avec Jack pour trouver le tireur d'élite. Quand Jack a demandé comment ils pouvaient trouver cette sniper Sarah a donné un petit sourire. "On pourrait toujours t'utiliser comme appât, je veux dire que ton costume peut voler fait une belle cible." Elle l'a dit sarcastiquement. "Le coup qui a failli frapper Puru est venu du sud mal mis mon pari sur cette direction. Scanner la zone trouver un endroit avec une bonne vue et nous trouverons notre tireur d'élite." Sarah a dit de lui donner une vraie solution à la situation. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,203 | 377 | 619 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Paul, et George fermaient sur le vaisseau de ce dernier alors que Paul le regardait en utilisant ses caméras secondaires, il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de sentir à quel point la chose était semblable au Sundown... moins la différence de taille. Le Sundown était essentiellement un super transporteur de classe Archangel, tandis que le navire de George était plus au-dessus de la classe d'assaut ZAFT croiseur. "C'est Kyleson qui appelle sur le pont. Laisse-nous à bord, je suis avec Raigo. si quelqu'un blesse Lyons ils doivent me répondre." George gronda sur son appareil de communication alors que Lyons préparait la procédure d'amarrage qu'il traversait habituellement. Alors qu'il atterrissait, il regardait à travers le cintre beaucoup plus petit que ce à quoi il avait été habitué et voyait un certain nombre de pilotes ZAFT aller et retour ici et là. Alors qu'il marchait vers l'une des passerelles mobiles, il a mis George sur le dessus, puis a amené Raigo dans un pot vide et a commencé à l'alimenter, mais pas avant d'activer un verrou système pour empêcher quiconque de l'utiliser sans son mot de passe.
"Sortez de ce foutu truc qu'on doit dépêcher Charlie sur le pont me dit que Lao prépare ses hommes pour une grande poussée." George cria alors que Paul tentait de sortir de son costume, mais il trouva qu'il était bloqué comme tel, qu'il devait passer manuellement, et forcez l'écoutille avec ses mains avant de sortir sur la passerelle, il regarda George pour la première fois dans les années face à face. George portait un uniforme OMNI pourpre déshabillé, et Paul jurait toujours son uniforme noir ZAFT qu'il avait gardé comme trophée. "Oh merde, j'avais oublié que tu portais ce costume." George a dit avec surprise que Paul a profondément froncé et George a pris l'indice comme un groupe de soldats s'est écrasé avec des fusils. "Arrête le feu! Si quelqu'un l'a tiré dessus, j'aurai tes couilles dans un mixeur d'ici la fin de la journée. C'est un pilote ennemi, mais c'est le meilleur de ces putains de gars à l'OMNI. Avez-vous alimenté la liberté, et la justice?" demanda à George alors que Paul regardait les soldats avec malaise, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir impuissant à regarder le grand nombre de personnes qui visaient des armes sur lui. Beaucoup d'entre eux semblaient mécontents de toute l'épreuve. "Je n'arrive pas à croire qu'il soit venu à ce Kyleson, mais oui, tu es prêt." L'un des soldats grogne alors que George s'empare de l'épaule de Lyon et le fait regarder.
"Vous voyez le costume là-bas? Il a un noyau de réacteur nucléaire. Celui-là sera votre costume. Considère ça comme un cadeau de confiance de ma part. Le costume a un certain nombre d'armes dessus, mais j'ai dû désactiver les systèmes de verrouillage automatique juste pour m'assurer que ces gens ne deviennent pas encore plus énervés à propos de moi qui te donne le truc. Regardez le rapporter après ça, et je vais voir si je vais vous rendre Raigo l'a eu?" George a dit hâtivement que les yeux de Paul s'élargissaient. "T'es complètement attardé? NUCLEAR?! C'est une violation du traité!" Paul grondissait alors que George secouait la tête. "Pas mon appel n'a découvert ces choses seulement quand ils m'ont dit de les transporter à une base militaire. Regarde juste dans ce putain de truc, et je le prends jumeau. Ensemble, nous pouvons forcer les unités ennemies. Après cela, nous pouvons parler des choses." George dit qu'il s'est précipité comme Paul a froncé et a fait un pas en avant vers son propre costume mobile.
Paul a froncé en regardant entrer dans l'étrange nouvelle machine. Alors qu'il a commencé à allumer les systèmes, il a été accueilli avec un putain d'OS ZAFT alors qu'il s'enlisait intérieurement au fait qu'il était maintenant à l'intérieur d'une combinaison mobile ZAFT à propulsion nucléaire. Les systèmes de Paul étaient déjà alignés sur le bon canal, car diverses voix de soldats qu'il ne reconnaissait pas s'y trouvaient. Paul entendit la voix de George pas trop tôt après qu'il expliqua le besoin de renforcer, et poussa à travers le point sud qui avait été pris. S'ils prenaient beaucoup plus de temps, ils pousseraient et attaqueraient le vaisseau de commandement. "Je ne reçois pas d'ordres des salauds de ZAFT Kyleson. Lyons se prépare au lancement à Gundam... La liberté, c'était ça? » Paul demanda alors qu'une jeune femme aux cheveux gris apparaissait sur son écran. "Nadia ici je suis l'opérateur de pont pour ce navire. Lieutenant Paul Lyons, vous êtes autorisé à décoller. Bonne chasse." La femme a dit avec un clin d'œil ferme dont Paul se sentait déjà bizarre. Il était tellement habitué à la voix de Baker lui disant où aller. "C'est comme si j'étais dans la putain de zone crépusculaire..." a glissé Paul alors qu'il passait jusqu'au lanceur du cintre. Paul a vérifié ses systèmes d'armes et a découvert que la liberté était une machine à marcher de la mort. Si cette chose était déclenchée sur l'alliance, ils détruiraient tout. Même tous leurs hommes armés ensemble ne pouvaient pas tenir une machine comme celle-ci. Qui l'a fait? "Lyons rapporte le lancement à Freedom Gundam." Paul sentit les forces g le pousser alors qu'il lançait vers l'avant et il vola vers le sud et peu de temps après il lançait George le suivait. Paul a mis dans la liaison radio de sa propre force. "Lyons se rend compte. Je suis dans un costume expérimental ZAFT. Va y arriver plus tard en engageant les hommes de Lao." Paul a dit comme Baker lui a donné une confirmation confuse. En entendant sa voix, Lyons s'est sentie un peu mieux face à toute cette situation.
"Tu es un petit garçon si odieux... mais je suppose que tu sais que j'ai déjà raison? Je ne pense pas que tu comprennes bien que je sois hors de ta ligue." Jason a dit avec un sourire serré que l'ennemi a essayé désespérément de suivre le coup sur l'abattage des coups de poutre provenant des dragons. Avec tous les costumes de l'ennemi qui vont et viennent maintenant alors que les unités alliées consolident leurs efforts et repoussent maintenant les costumes de l'ennemi. "Comment dans le monde y a-t-il une machine aussi forte? Bien sûr, je sais que Barbatos n'est pas le plus fort, mais c'est ridicule. » Mikazuki a dit qu'il essayait désespérément de se remettre seulement pour que sa main gauche s'envole, et son épaule droite a été gravement endommagée. Pendant que Mikazuki esquissait Jason avait soigneusement aligné ses dragons hors de portée de l'ennemi coup de feu, et a délibérément rendu certains des plus importants que d'autres. Il s'était faufilé autour de deux dragons et a réussi à mettre Mikazuki dans une situation extrêmement difficile maintenant. Veux-tu te rendre ou est-ce la mort pour toi? Jason a dit carrément qu'il avait dirigé le fusil de Providence vers l'ennemi. "Non, c'est juste une distraction." Mikazuki a grondé comme Jason a froncé confus puis il a cliqué dans l'esprit de Jason juste ce qu'il avait voulu dire. Il a esquivé à peine à temps alors qu'il tirait son fusil en l'air. Un costume rouge mobile lui est venu en volant et a tiré sur les dragons, mais ils ont réussi à esquiver guidé par l'habileté de pilotage de la débardeur de Jason, même s'il était rouillé, il était toujours aussi bon que jamais. -- Eh bien, si ce n'est pas mon vieil ami Jason Hiyan!? C'est vous, n'est-ce pas? Ou ont-ils trouvé quelqu'un de nouveau pour me remplacer dans ce tas d'ordures que j'utilise pour piloter. Ou tu t'appelles par un autre nom maintenant Jason? Quoi qu'il en soit, il est temps pour toi de mourir vieil ami. Mikazuki retraite pour l'instant, voulez-vous? Vous êtes une vue si pitoyable." Lao La Lugara a brouillé la voix alors qu'il tirait son autre arme, un canon à poutre, de son bras de bouclier forçant Jason à se détacher du pilote ennemi en retraite. "Lao, espèce de traître, je vais te mettre fin!" Jason a crié alors qu'il tirait sur le Lao qui l'a esquivé avec aisance pratique et les deux ont commencé à encercler dans l'air en tirant l'un sur l'autre les uns contre l'autre dans une valse de feux de faisceau d'énergie.
"C'est Baker, vous me recevez? Écoute... beaucoup de choses se sont passées, mais j'ai encore besoin de toi, alors écoute Williams m'a dit qu'ils tiraient à partir d'un endroit non divulgué de ta région. Lieutenant Lyons....Paul vous aidera bientôt une fois qu'il aura terminé son champ actuel si tout se passe bien. Pour l'instant, ils envoient le coup de feu orange qui a combattu Graham à votre endroit. Finissez, ou forcez le tireur d'élite ennemi à reculer si vous ne Hiling sera coincé dans le centre jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Si vous avez besoin de mon aide... je suis là pour vous." commenta Lacus alors qu'elle envoyait rapidement à la fois Sara et Jack une carte de la région montrant qu'il y avait des zakus ennemis détectés dans la région et que les tirs venaient de quelque part dans la petite ville. Il y avait beaucoup de bâtiments détruits autour, cependant, afin que le costume puisse se cacher dans l'une des structures détruites. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,204 | 377 | 620 | 192 | 1,260 | Sara a ajusté sa trajectoire à la position que Lacus avait dirigée. "Copier que nous allons balayer la zone et tirer le tireur d'élite. Peut-être prendre un peu avec la présence ennemie leur cependant." Elle a répondu en préparant ses armes. -- Eh bien, Jack, tu veux que je m'occupe des petites frites pendant que tu cherches le tireur d'élite? Elle a demandé avant d'entrer dans la zone et de déclencher une vague de feu sur les lignes de Zaku avant de se jeter derrière un bâtiment détruit pour se cacher du sniper elle-même. Sans même attendre une réponse de Jack. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,205 | 377 | 621 | 2,595 | 7,022 | OMNI, et les idiots qui travaillent ensemble!? Nous avions raison de faire confiance au commandant Lugara! a crié l'un des soldats ennemis alors qu'ils précipitaient les deux assaillants avec leurs armes tirées se préparant à les abattre. Ils ont tiré une série de mitrailleuses sur Sarah et Jack. Il y avait aussi quelques cartouches de missiles et des grenades lancées sur eux. Malheureusement, le tireur d'élite ennemi n'a pas semblé vouloir faire face à tout ce désordre alors qu'il tirait de l'intérieur d'un des bâtiments de la partie intérieure de la ville et le tir, une pure poutre, a presque abattu Sarah mais heureusement pour elle l'arme a écrémé l'armure de son costume à la place. Il y avait des tirs de suivi, mais heureusement pour Sarah il semblerait que le tireur d'élite ait eu des problèmes visant une raison, ou une autre comme la plupart d'entre eux allaient légèrement large de son costume mobile.
Hiling Care sourit sadiquement tandis qu'elle se calmait, et il était facile de choisir les unités ennemies de loin les unités derrière elle prenaient leur bon temps ainsi que de choisir les unités ennemies. Un coup de feu plus lourd prouvait un problème bien que dépassé, il semblait être entre les mains d'un pilote expert. Peu importe, elle n'avait pas besoin de réfléchir à la façon de traiter avec lui. "Tu sais, je pense que je pourrais me servir pour combattre ces tireurs. Ils sont tellement dépassés qu'ils sont comme des modèles de drapeau." Hiling s'est souvenu de Graham Aker d'une ligne de temps plus tôt en train de piloter cette chose désuète dans laquelle il s'est battu si fièrement. Il ne semblait pas beaucoup mais c'était un cri loin de cette version de Mister Bushido de lui-même. Il était tout aussi chaud de sang, mais il avait un côté charismatique au lieu de ce sentiment ennuyeux d'honneur. C'était quand même ce que c'était. Hiling a regardé le coup de feu essayer de tuer les hommes de Mariemaia à très peu de succès. "Je ne peux pas perdre ceci est pour la restauration de Zeon! Je ne dois pas te laisser me battre!" Le pilote ennemi nommé Gato a grondé il ne semblait pas avoir idée à quel point tout cela fut futile comme il a essayé de descendre le Serpent classe mobile suit leur armure repoussé tous sauf le plus fort de ses attaques. Quelque chose d'inattendu s'est passé en tant qu'armateur orange...Arios? Non, l'ancien modèle Kyrios est descendu et a abattu une grande partie de ces costumes de zaku. "Les salauds d'A-Law... je te ferai payer plus tard mais on dirait qu'on travaille ensemble pour l'instant." Alléluia grognonné comme Hiling glissé, "Il semblerait que ces parasites m'énervent." Hiling accepta alors qu'ils tournaient leur attention vers Gato. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,206 | 377 | 622 | 192 | 1,260 | Sarah a pu éviter les tirs d'armes légères et abattre facilement les missiles des lignes ennemies, mais le tireur d'élite l'a presque eue, laissant une belle marque de mer de son côté. Heureusement, après le premier coup, quelque chose me semblait en train de jouer avec le but du sniper, et malheureusement pour le sniper après le premier coup Sarah avait appris la direction générale et les coups suivants avaient appris sa position. Dès qu'elle a obtenu un moment libre du combat, elle a déclenché un barrage de missiles de son propre côté visant à la position du tireur d'élite. Vidant les munitions qu'elle avait laissées dans son épaule et envoyant son deuxième missile Hornet pour une bonne mesure. Si elle n'éliminait pas le tireur d'élite, elle le sortirait au moins de sa cachette où elle pourrait l'abattre en plein air. "Alors j'ai eu l'attention du Sniper sur moi maintenant et Jack est en train de bousculer leurs forces terrestres, je pourrais avoir besoin d'aide pour la poursuite si ce bâtard essaie de fuir." Sarah est revenue à la base alors qu'elle essayait de regarder où le tireur s'enfuirait. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,207 | 377 | 623 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Jack a tiré une série de coups de feu dans les combinaisons mobiles ennemies, son armure Phase Shift faisant l'utilisation de n'importe quel type de munitions, à l'exception des armes de faisceau inutile. Cependant, Sarah faisait du bon travail et s'attirait l'attention sur elle-même. En utilisant le système de vol limité du Duel pour obtenir qu'il essaye de runer en haut sur les unités Zaku restantes, il libère la dernière des fusées sur sa fusée pod avant de tirer plus de coups de faisceau. "J'ai une ligne de vue décente ici. S'il essaie de s'enfuir, j'appellerai où trouver la douleur." | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,208 | 377 | 624 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Comme Paul et George arrivaient à destination, il ne leur fallut qu'un moment pour franchir les lignes ennemies. La puissance de feu de Freedom correspond à la précision de Justice à un degré incroyable et les quelques zaku ennemis laissés éparpillés avant l'autre zaku dirigé par George. Paul a vu au loin qu'il y avait un combat massif qui se passait au milieu des lignes ennemies, mais s'il se retirait maintenant, il pourrait finir par ranimer la guerre entre l'OMNI et la ZAFT de George. "Pourquoi vous disputez-vous avec Lao? Vous êtes tous les deux des Traîtres de l'OMNI, et des soldats de ZAFT. Qu'est-ce qui donne?" Paul a demandé que le fusil de la liberté a rapidement sorti un zaku fuyant seulement pour George d'achever deux des autres. « Bref, nous avons eu des désaccords sur la façon de gérer les nouvelles unités. Plus sur notre éthique de travail étaient extrêmement différents. Peu après la rencontre initiale avec Alléluia, un de mes amis, il a essayé de les faire exécuter. Je suis entré et l'équipage s'est séparé. La moitié des Laos ont déserté pour mon navire, et il a pris l'autre avec les hommes qui m'ont déserté. Nous nous sommes battus deux fois ces derniers jours." George commenta alors qu'il scannait rapidement la région. "Nous sommes hors des pièges, non merci aussi vos hommes Lyon, alors allez les aider là-bas je vais avancer vers l'est." George a déclaré laisser Paul à ses propres appareils alors qu'il s'envolait vers le milieu lui-même. Il était bon de savoir au moins que ZAFT a été fracturé en interne... au moins sa ZAFT était là pour être plus d'eux quelque part.
- Oui, c'est ça.
Le tireur n'arrêtait pas de tirer sur des tirs qui manquaient à peine aux deux unités alliées, car soudain un visage familier revenait sur la photo. Le missile ne semblait pas l'arracher de sa cachette de la ville. Cependant, il a détruit un certain nombre d'unités zaku qui se cachaient. "J'espère que tu m'as manqué parce que je ne vole toujours pas à pleine puissance. Je suis venu dès que j'ai pu." Graham Aker a commenté que son drapeau endommagé a sauté dans la bataille en mode jet tir et endommager quelques-uns des zakus permettant aux autres de les braquer vers le haut. Comme un autre tour est venu Graham a dû tirer sur ses contrôles juste à peine esquiver. "Frappe-le! Il est au milieu de l'immeuble de la place centrale. C'est ce que j'ai pensé quand Axer m'a renvoyé. C'est un être céleste de coup de feu. C'est un sniper professionnel, alors surveillez-le. Approchez-vous, mais ne vous attendez pas à ce que ce soit facile! Je vais prendre la petite frite autant que je déteste ne pas insister sur vous deux sont plus adaptés pour cela." Graham a crié sur la ligne de communication. Il était tout aussi confiant que jamais, même s'il semblait être légèrement taxé en raison de ses fiançailles antérieures. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,209 | 377 | 625 | 2,768 | 10,520 | {Copier ça, Aker. Reste en un seul morceau là-bas. En ajustant sa propre trajectoire de vol, James fait une ligne pour la place indiquée, tirant son Gae Bulg une fois de plus et tirant sur un tir préventif pour forcer le tireur à s'ouvrir. Après-midi, il a assuré le feu de couverture de Sarah avec son fusil à poutre, tirant sur un flot de coups de feu. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,210 | 377 | 626 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Graham s'est moqué et a ri : "Venez, lieutenant, c'est MOI dont nous parlons ici, ne réfléchissez pas." Graham s'est vanté avec confiance alors qu'il a entrepris de se battre pour les zakus restants, bien que peu nombreux et éloignés entre eux aient besoin d'enlever les autres avant de revendiquer le champ dans lequel ils se trouvaient. Heureusement, les attaques de Jack suffisaient à forcer l'ennemi à partir en position d'attaque. Il avait une coquille chromée avec de la peinture verte, et il semblait être en faveur de son fusil. Bien qu'il n'ait plus été immobile, il a tiré une série de coups de feu vers Jack avec une précision de point d'épingle, il était étonnant que l'homme ait réussi à manquer les deux coups de feu en premier lieu. "Si tu ne fais pas attention, tu seras anéanti. Appelez-moi si vous avez besoin de quelqu'un pour sortir votre cul du feu que j'ai déjà traité avec eux." | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,211 | 377 | 627 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Bien reçu. En esquivant les tirs au mieux de ses capacités, Jack retourne au feu avec une grenade frag de son lance-grenades, puis trois coups de feu tirés dans une tentative de prédire les mouvements du pilote ennemi. Jack avait déjà brûlé à travers la plupart de ses roquettes et missiles jusqu'à ce point dans le combat. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,212 | 377 | 628 | 192 | 1,260 | Sarah était un peu déçue que ses missiles aient eu peu d'effet réel, mais avec Jack attirant l'attention du tireur d'élite, elle a pu se déplacer dans une position flanquée avant de décharger un barrage de tirs avec son fusil Gatling suivi d'une grenade sur l'ennemi lorsqu'il a essayé d'esquiver. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,213 | 377 | 629 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Bon sang, on dirait que je n'ai pas le choix! Activer Trans-AM! Lockon Stratos grondait alors qu'il se préparait à aller de l'avant avec cette bataille futile. Il n'a vraiment pas aimé travailler pour Lao mais il avait vraiment peu d'autre choix. Alléluia a rejoint un groupe de gars qui étaient franchement stupides. Lao est peut-être un idiot fou, mais c'était une chose certaine : un bon survivaliste. Ils auraient dû utiliser les armes à feu pour éliminer tout ennemi potentiel. Il détestait qu'il ait dû envisager cette option, mais dans un monde rempli d'étrangers Lockon ne pouvait pas vraiment se permettre de prendre des risques jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve les autres. Plus Tieria... il devait s'assurer que les choses s'améliorent avant qu'elles ne s'aggravent.
Le costume de Lockon évasait un rose rouge vif alors qu'il entrait en flèche dans l'air, évadant diverses attaques, et les tirs des tireurs ennemis, c'est une simple vitesse de jeu d'un grand facteur. "Ils ont le système que l'autre coup de feu avait!" Graham grondait en colère. "Retenez la défensive jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'épuise! C'est la seule option que nous ayons à notre disposition! » Graham a appelé alors qu'il préparait son drapeau pour se retirer, mais avant qu'il ne puisse faire beaucoup le coup de feu ennemi clignotait devant lui. "Je t'aime!" Il a essayé de tirer ses armes mais son aile a été soufflé en envoyant son drapeau dans une spirale assez heureusement le coup de feu était allé pour un tir non mortel afin d'éliminer les autres ennemis autour de lui avant de se concentrer sur les coups de feu. Il s'est envolé dans un bleu rouge et a tiré ses pistolets qui s'étaient retirés après avoir sorti son fusil de sniper. "Rien d'autre que des gosses, mais tu me gênes!" Lockon a appelé les pilotes ennemis.
Avec Providence, et le coup de feu de Lao en spirale dans l'air comme deux machines l'enfer plié à se tuer l'un l'autre, il semblait être presque hypnotique en essence. Les uns et les autres connaissaient le mouvement de l'autre avant qu'ils ne le fassent. Lao a tiré quelques coups avant d'entrer pour une attaque de portée rapprochée à l'occasion. Jason, quant à lui, a joué avec plus de soin en envoyant ses dragons et en les éloignant des tentatives de lao pour les abattre. À ce stade, le Lao était dans un état de désavantage statistique. Il ne pouvait pas faire grand-chose avec la puissance de feu supérieure de Jason, mais il se maintenait remarquablement bien. Les Dragoons s'approchaient à peine de la machine qu'il pilotait avec des poutres beaucoup trop larges, ou trop courtes selon les mouvements effectués par Lao. Jason est devenu de plus en plus frustré car ses tirs n'ont cessé de manquer que pour le Lao de contrer rapidement avec quelques courtes explosions de coups de poutre. "Tu deviens vieux Hiyan. Tu n'es rien de plus qu'un idiot qui ne peut pas se défendre maintenant. Tu es rouillée, et moins que stellaire en tant que pilote, contrairement à ce que tu as l'habitude d'être. Vous dépendez trop des autres pour faire votre sale travail." Lao se moquait de Jason comme s'il commentait comment il l'avait battu dans un match de ping-pong. Espèce de sadique! Je ne vis pas juste pour tuer des gens! Mon travail en tant que soldat est d'être la meilleure chance pour mes semblables humains de vivre une vie normale! Vous, la vie, c'est plein d'indulgences! Tu as changé loin de l'enfant que je me souviens de Lao!" Jason cria alors que Lao se branlait, et se moquait de lui. "Comme si c'était plus important! On est tous les deux dans cette valse sans fin ensemble Hiyan! On va faire ça pour toujours jusqu'à ce que l'un de nous meure! Il n'y a pas d'autre option!" Lao a rétorqué aux affirmations d'innocence de Jason. "En fin de compte, tu n'es pas meilleur que moi!"
Paul est entré sur le champ de bataille où Hiling se battait et a commencé à activer ses costumes verrouiller sur les systèmes puis ils lui ont donné un flux négatif... bien sûr, il a oublié les connards l'a désactivé. "La vieille façon alors..." Paul a grondé alors qu'il a activé le système d'éclatement complet et dirigé vers le sol au-dessous de lui. Dès qu'il a appuyé sur la gâchette, sa caméra principale s'est allumée avec une explosion de boulons plasma qui asperge l'ennemi en bas en quelques instants. Même si l'ennemi n'était pas concentré, il n'était pas prêt à ce qui se passait. La majeure partie de l'ennemi semblait se boucler sous la masse des tirs. Cependant, beaucoup de choses allaient trop loin et Paul devait s'arrêter de peur de frapper ses propres hommes. Hiling Care et son adversaire se sont repoussés l'un l'autre. Alléluia s'est envolé vers le nouveau costume. "Tu donnes une ambiance bizarre. Vous n'êtes pas George qui êtes-vous?" Interrogé le pilote, Paul soupirait : « J'étais l'un des gars qui tiraient sur vous, regardez, arrêtez de vous moquer de moi et combattez l'ennemi! » Paul a ordonné à Hiling de passer la ligne de communication qu'il a mise en place, "À propos de l'heure à laquelle tu es revenu." Hiling gronda alors que Stella répondit : « Le lieutenant et moi étions occupés assez pour dire que nous faisons de notre mieux pour aider. » Stella a dit à Hiling qui a ronflé, "Bien sûr... attendez où est passé ce coup de feu? Quel que soit mon problème, poussez-les!" Hiling a crié de remarquer qu'Anavel Gato s'était enfui pour le moment. Paul, et le reste des forces se regroupèrent et se rassemblèrent dans une tentative de pousser à travers le zaku ennemi restant. "Pour Lady Mariemaia!" | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,214 | 377 | 630 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Jack ne répond pas au pilote adverse, optant plutôt pour simplement profiter des propriétés réfléchissantes de la poutre du revêtement de son bouclier et le garder entre lui et les tirs de la combinaison ennemie. De temps en temps, il tirait juste un peu avant le costume mobile ennemi, menant sa cible dans un effort pour infliger des dommages et ralentir le costume pour qu'ils puissent le capturer. Tout moyen de réparer leurs propres costumes GN Drive n'était pas à gaspiller. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,215 | 377 | 631 | 192 | 1,260 | Dès que l'unité ennemie a commencé à briller rose Sarah a commencé à se déplacer hors de la vue. Bien qu'elle n'ait pas combattu une de ces unités, elle avait lu les rapports de ce mode "Trans-Am" et elle n'allait pas prendre le risque de frapper cette chose en tête. Sarah a fait son chemin à travers le paysage de la ville se tenant cachée et se déplaçant dans une bonne position. "Jack je t'envoie quelques coordonnées canard dans la ville et attire le Gundam là-bas. Essayez de ne pas donner vous êtes en train de le séduire, mais ne vous faites pas descendre vous-même non plus." Elle s'est relayée avec le point nav. Espérons que la ville aiderait Jack car les bâtiments pourraient faire une bonne couverture pour éviter le feu tout en menant le Gundam dans un tir de ligne de détroit de son pistolet Gatling. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,216 | 377 | 632 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Jack a attendu pour répondre, tirant un rafale de coups de feu pour forcer le GN à pousser Gundam à reculer un peu avant de se couvrir. "Essayez de ne pas gâcher ce costume trop mal, nous avons un couple sur le Sundown qui pourrait utiliser toutes les pièces que nous pouvons garder en une seule pièce en supposant que nous ne lui donnons pas un nouveau pilote." Cela dit, Jack a commencé à faire des tirs et des attaques qui étaient des appâts subtils pour le suivre, se déplaçant dans la ville pour fournir une couverture supplémentaire quand il ne pouvait pas garder son bouclier entre lui et l'ennemi.
Tout ça avait été un bordel. Le groupe dans la ville avait attendu, mais pas pour le Sundown et leurs alliés, c'était pour cet autre groupe, qui étaient certainement principalement des partisans de ZAFT, qui a rendu le meurtre des SOBs d'autant plus facile à la fin de la journée. Cependant, cela n'expliquait pas comment le groupe de la ville avait su que N'importe qui venait, et a décidé de parler avec le capitaine des possibilités quand tout cela était fini. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,217 | 377 | 633 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Lockon réussit à peine à sortir du chemin de l'éclatement initial, mais devait compter sur son bouclier pour bloquer les balles restantes, mais comme Haro criait avec son blindage habituel disant à Lockon Stratos que l'énergie de son costume mobile était faible Lockon décida que Lao devait se battre seul pour l'instant. Lockon a décidé de se retirer lui-même. Alors que l'équipage se repliait vers la ville de Lao, Jason était encore au milieu de leur impasse. Il y avait peu et loin entre le reste de l'ennemi zaku à traiter il semblerait mais il y en avait encore quelques-uns. "Yo les gars James ici Black Star pousse les lignes de front. La formation ennemie échoue. George Kyleson, chef ennemi, aurait fait pression sur son flanc. Poussez toutes les unités ennemies restantes dans le secteur, cette bataille sera à nous pour l'instant." James a informé les pilotes de la région. "C'est toujours toi, n'est-ce pas? Tu es toujours celui qui doit causer un problème!" Jason a appelé Lao qui riait de bon cœur alors qu'il s'éloignait des coups de dragon. "Moi? Oh viens maintenant Jason, tu me donnes beaucoup trop de crédit. Rien de tout ça n'est de ma faute." Lao a répondu cocument alors qu'il a réussi à tirer sur Providence paralysant ses fonctions de genou. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,218 | 377 | 634 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Alors que le costume ennemi reculait, Jack a déplacé son attention vers l'endroit où il a vu deux costumes inconnus se battre, mais un avec un genou endommagé. L'un d'eux a reconnu avoir des marques ZAFT, qui a apparemment donné le coup paralysant du genou quand il a vérifié avec Williams, donc il a immédiatement déplacé son focus sur ce costume, tirant son dernier Gaebulg rond droit sur le costume ennemi. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,219 | 377 | 635 | 192 | 1,260 | Avec l'attaque de Sara en fait repousser l'ennemi, il a laissé l'ennemi ouvert pour une contre-attaque. Alors que Jack allait aider les forces alliées dans le centre Sara a couru en avant dans une tentative de couper toute route d'évasion qu'ils pourraient essayer de prendre. "Sara rapportant, J'arrêterai leur retraite espérons que nous pouvons nous attraper un gros poisson et obtenir des informations." Elle a envoyé une transmission en utilisant quelques-unes de ses grenades pour installer un piège pour toutes les unités en retraite et se mettre en attente. | Character's Name: Gabriel Cross
Character's Age: 37
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used:
Gundam X
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used:
Gundam X Divider
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used:
Gundam Double X
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to Gundam site you’re getting your information from:
6’1” Athletic build
Genetic Type: Newtype
Biography: Gabriel was born to a middle class family, the middle child with and older brother and younger sister. Growing up he never seemed to stand out and was always shadowed by his older brother. And although he never fully applied himself he always had one dream to reach the stars. A dream he always though was out of his reach. But as war broke out between the UNE and the SRA young Gabriel saw his chance. And even though he was only 16 he tried to join the military.
It was during his physical when it was found out that Gabriel was a Newtype and was then forcibly taken from his parents to join the military. And the life of a Newtype in the UNE was not an easy thing, Gabriel was submitted to extreme training to hone his skills and become a tool for UNE’s victory in the war. And he grew to hate the UNE for their treatment of him, but he could never turn away from his home, or his dreams of space so he pushed forward. And by the time he was 20 the UNE sent him off into space as a pilot for the war.
Gabriel started his tour of duty piloting the DT-6800A Daughtress mainly in small skirmishes on Earth’s surface. And it took a year before Gabriel finally achieved his dream of seeing space, although at the time he was more concerned about survival than seeing space itself. It wasn’t long after that the UNE developed the GX and Gabriel was soon moved to one of his own. The GX was amazing and preformed so much better than his old suit and it seemed to be turning the tide of the war in the UNE’s favor.
With the stalemate being broken the UNE thought victory was in sight until the SRA initiated the Mass Colony Drop. Gabriel fought to protect the Earth using his Satellite Cannon to destroy one of the falling colonies, but it was nowhere near enough as multiple colonies fell to the planet. The Earth nearly destroyed and the UNE falling apart Gabriel returned to what was left of his home. He was unable to find anything left of his family among the ruins and feared for the worse. For a time Gabriel wandered using his Gundam as cover from the nuclear winter that had fallen over earth. Eventually he had to stop and bunker down with other refugees to survive the nuclear winter.
Over the next seven years Gabriel lived in ruins outside of what used to be London England. The people who were once refugees became a small community and by the nuclear winter was over was a thriving small town. Gabriel himself was ready to move on and decided to work as a guard for Scavengers as bandits were becoming a real problem. Then on one routine run he picked up a strange signal and went to investigate.
Other: Satellite Cannons active, but only usable for Plot use not battle, The GX has the Holster Shield, and Buster Sheath Rifle instead of Buster Shield Rifle.
Character's Name: Sarah Cross
Character's Age: 19
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st Suit: Gundam Leopard
2nd Suit: Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:
Gundam Leopard
Inner Arm Gatling
2 x Breast Gatling
2 x Hornet Missile
11 x Shoulder Missile
2 x Head Vulcan
2 x Head Cannon
6 x Grenade Launcher
Beam Knife
Gundam Leopard Da Vinci
Beam Rifle
-Beam Shotgun (undermount)
2 x Head Cannon
2 x Head Vulcan
Hyper Beam Gatling (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
Missile Pod (2 x in Heavy Armament Form)
2 x Beam Cannon (in Heavy Armament Form only)
Beam Knife
Universe your character is from: After War Gundam X
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
5'6" slender build
Genetic Type: Newtype
The Youngest of three, and the only girl Sarah was the spoiled one. Her youth was spent with little care. That was until her 13th birthday. Her Older Brother, Gabriel, was taken by the UNE because they learned he was a Newtype. And it wasn't even a week later until they came back looking for her.
If things in the UNE were bad for Gabriel, Sarah had it much much worse. After the initial tests confirmed she was a Newtype as well she was carted off to a special facility where her abilities were "tested and refined", Which really meant the poor girl was tortured as they pushed her to her limits as a Newtype. And for the next five years she was placed through Special Training and conditioning to make her one of the best Soldiers the UNE would ever see. Now at the age of 18 and the top of her "Class" she was chosen to join the war against the SRA, she was given a Gundam Leopard and stationed at a key communications base planet side.
The Leopard worked wonders as Sarah was engaged in a few battles in the last leg of the war. her Leopard was perfect for defense and she was able to hold off many advances of the SRA. Sarah became overconfident in her skill not giving an inch to any enemies who came her way. But two days before the Colonies fell Sarah had reported a signal coming from somewhere nearby and disappeared. The UNE thought that she had either gone AWOL or was ambushed, but were unable to confirm her whereabouts before the Colonies fell and sent the world to hell. |
13,220 | 377 | 636 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Lao s'est évanouie comme tout à coup son costume a été touché du côté de sa jambe. Il sentait ses nerfs s'agiter, et brûler il ne pouvait pas croire qu'il avait été tellement concentré sur Jason qu'il avait ignoré la possibilité de représailles ennemies. "Donc Lockon Stratos m'a échoué? Très bien, alors je vous combattrai tous tout seul! » Le Lao grogne alors qu'il essayait de répondre avec un fusil à poutre pour seulement le faire tirer de sa main par un Dragoon, puis une de ses propres unités est apparue sur son écran, "Commander! Les forces ennemies de l'OMNI nous repoussent! Ils utilisent la liberté! Holy shi-" le pilote a dit avant que son écran disparaisse ce qui a donné tout à fait la situation terrible dans laquelle il s'était trouvé. "Vous êtes un homme mort Lao! Tu es une erreur qui aurait dû être rectifiée il y a si longtemps! Maintenant, tombe!" Jason a dit furieusement comme il a pointé le fusil de poutre dans sa main et envoyé des dragons tous dehors contre Lao qui a ri comme l'une de ses unités a tiré sur un écran de fumée aveuglant Jason quand Lao est retombé. "Tu peux essayer Jason Hiyan, mais pour l'instant je pense que ce serait mieux si je reculais. Je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'il rejoigne l'OMNI. George va perdre la face pour cela mon travail est fait." Lao a dit qu'il mettait en marche ses systèmes de communication. "Toutes les forces reculent. Alpha, et Beta. Tu sais quoi faire." Lao a dit à ses hommes que Gato apparaissait à l'écran, "Nous sommes en retraite!? Très bien... je n'aime pas ça, mais je peux comprendre pourquoi. Je resterai avec les hommes aussi longtemps que possible pour donner à plus d'hommes une chance de reculer. Nous pourrions utiliser la tête d'ogive--" Gato a dit comme lao cracher sur le sol de son costume, "Ne soyez pas stupide nuisant la région serait une erreur énorme." Lao lui a dit. Jason décida de ne pas le poursuivre, car toutes les unités de Zaku sur le terrain se tournèrent rapidement pour se précipiter et attaquer les unités importantes.
Hiling, et Paul avait rapidement réussi à forcer leur chemin à travers les unités ennemies Freedom Gundam avait rendu les combinaisons ennemies pratiquement sans valeur contre l'As OMNI, et A-Laws Capitaine n'a montré aucune miséricorde. Les unités de Lao n'étaient pas à leur hauteur, et Gato n'avait prouvé qu'un petit obstacle car son costume était non seulement dépassé, mais trop encombrant pour vraiment dépasser n'importe qui, mais les serpents. "Pour Lady MARIEMAIA!" les troupes alliées criaient au sommet de leurs poumons alors qu'ils poussaient fort contre ZAFT certains de leurs hommes ont déjà commencé à tirer en arrière laissant un simple garde squelette pour permettre à leurs hommes "ZAFT poubelle! Il suffit de mourir avec une certaine dignité déjà!" Paul rugissait alors qu'il tirait sur le Zaku peint blanc comme George apparaissait à l'écran, "Je peux toujours vous entendre trou du cul regarder ce que vous dites je ne veux pas que ce combat implose dans un putain de bordel quand on a fini avec Lao. Je veux avoir des pourparlers de paix avec Jason, alors n'agressez pas cette nouvelle Lyonnaise! » George a rétorqué son vieil ami. Hiling soupira : « Vous êtes tellement puéril que vous vous concentrez sur l'ennemi devant vous! » | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,221 | 377 | 637 | 2,768 | 10,520 | Jack a grondé dans l'ennui que le Gaebulg n'avait pas fait plus de dégâts et avait tiré son propre fusil de poutre quand l'écran de fumée a sauté. "C'est bon!" Tournant son attention, il ouvre plutôt le feu sur les forces en retraite de ZAFT, en veillant à éviter de tirer sur leurs alliés soudains pour le moment. Le fait qu'ils étaient déjà en retraite était quelque peu étrange, bien que le raisonnement pour elle était inconnu. Il avait été occupé à combattre sa propre bataille, donc il n'avait pas eu l'occasion de voir comment les choses progressaient sur le reste du champ de bataille. | Character's Name: Jack Jameson
Character's Age: 25
Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:
1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: GAT-X102 Duel Gundam (With Assault Shroud)
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
Beam Saber
Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use.
175mm Grenade Launcher
Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades.
350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka
A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame.
"Shiva" 115mm Railgun
Mounted on the right shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, this weapon uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
220mm 5-barrel Missile Pod
Mounted on the left shoulder of the Assault Shroud armor, it is similar to those on the Buster.
The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Installed in the head of the Blu Duel are two M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS guns, they are used to shoot down incoming missiles or smaller units.
Anti-Armor Penetrator
Same weapon as the ones on the Windam and Dagger L, Blu Duel stores three Mk315 "Stiletto" rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrators in the left shoulder. These knife-like weapons can be used for close combat or thrown to cause some damage to an enemy unit.
Beam Gun
Each forearm of the Blu Duel mounts a M7G2 retractable beam gun, they are carried in the hands when in use. Their small size made them easy to wield during close combat, while their high rate of fire allows Blu Duel to suppress a large number of enemy units quickly.
Beam Saber
Two ES05A beam sabers are stored on the Blu Duel's legs for close combat. They are created by Phantom Pain for their own use and are a modified version of the ES04B beam saber used by Windam and Dagger L. These sabers have greatly improved reliability and durability.
For defense, a single shield is mounted on the right shoulder of the suit. This shield also mounts an M443 "Scorpion" mobile railgun for additional firepower in ranged combat.
3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: LR-GAT-X102 Regen Duel Gundam
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Installed in the head of the Regen Duel are two "Igelstellung'" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns used for shooting down incoming missiles or enemy units.
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The Regen Duel has a single 57mm high-energy beam rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. The rifle is carried in hand when in use or stored
on the left hip, and is identical in design to the original Duel Gundam's beam rifle.
Beam Saber
Regen Duel is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat and they are stored on the knee armor when not in use.
115mm "Rudra" Rail Rifle
A handheld variant of the "Shiva" railgun used by the Duel Assault Shroud, it is carried in hand when in use or stored on the right hip.
Rail Bazooka
Equipped on the Bazooka Striker, the "Gáe Bulg" 350mm rail bazooka is a projectile weapon which uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile.
An optional piece of handheld equipment designed to increase the Regen Duel's defensive capability. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the suit's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.
Universe your character is from: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki
Stands at 5' 11" with a lithe, muscular build
Genetic Type: First Generation Coordinator
Biography: Jack is considered to be the next step in human evolution by some, and inhuman by others. He was born to the couple of Phillip and Martha Jameson, after having the Coordinator procedure performed on him during the first trimester. As he grew up, he found he could perform better than other people, or Naturals as he had learned they were called, surpassing his fellow students in most sports and always having the highest grades in all his classes. Most frowned at his existance, calling him a Patchworker, a derogative name for Coordinators. His parents loved him all the same though, and he returned that love, even after war hit and ZAFT struck his home.
It happened while he was out late at school, wrapping up a science project with a couple friends and running final calculations to try and minimize the chances for an error and therefor improving chances for a good group grade. The project, a couple of electric toy cars powered by used cooking oil, had taken three weeks of building, testing, rebuilding and more testing before they felt it was ready, and they still did calculations. As they were running the final test, the wall behind James was destroyed and he was sent tumbling head over heels into his friends. Picking themselves up, they watched the ZAFT Ginns destroy their home, destroying the local defense forces and then razing the town. Jack, worried for his parents, raced home to make sure they were OK, but instead found his home a smoking wreckage with their bodies lying just outside.
With his parents dead, Jack grew determined to stop ZAFT and enlisted with the Earth Alliance military, making sure they were aware he was a Coordiantor. This was greeted with much distrust at first, but over the years and multiple tours of duty, he proved himself multiple times and he eventually reached the rank of Lieutenant and was assigned to a Gundam, the X102 Duel with the recommendations of many Natural officers he'd served under. The recommendations, along with the amount of skill he'd shown in the field, top brass decided he was the best choice to pilot the Duel. And no Natural pilot was willing to pilot something they weren't entirely sure they understood. His first tour with the Duel put him against the Zaft force that had destroyed his home and resulted in heavy enemy casualties that lead to their surrender. After the battle, he was assigned to patrol the space borders between the EA and the ZAFT, and he did this dutifully for two years before he was dispatched to investigate a strange signal in the middle of nowhere that had just popped up from nothing. |
13,222 | 377 | 638 | 2,595 | 7,022 | Au fur et à mesure que Paul et Hiling avançaient, les hommes de Lao furent tués rapidement, ou contraints de revenir avant que beaucoup puisse être fait pour entraver l'élan avancé des forces alliées. Avec Alléluia, et Paul dans le ciel, et George les flanquant dans le juge Gundam plus, et plus de l'ennemi étaient tout simplement incapables de faire une grande partie de la faute correctement. Anavel Gato a tenu parole et a fait de son mieux pour retenir l'ennemi, mais le GP-O2 était tout simplement trop encombrant, et dépassé pour rivaliser avec les combinaisons mobiles plus hautes qui se ralliaient contre Gato. Finalement, cependant, même Gato n'a pas pu vraiment combattre contre la pleine puissance des ennemis. Hiling Care a regardé avec un sourire malveillant plâtré sur son visage, "Sad petite fourmi... vous pouvez vivre un autre jour peut-être Ribbons pourrait vous utiliser." Elle murmura comme Stella le disait sur les canaux de l'OMNI, « Tous les ennemis éliminés sur ce flanc. Ordres à suivre?" a demandé à Stella alors que Williams s'est envolé, « les ordres debout actuellement sont de regarder toutes les forces ZAFT, y compris celles que nous combattions ». Elle les informa alors que Paul regardait vers l'est, il trouva Kyleson à l'approche de Justice. "Alors, à propos de ces discussions..." demanda George, alors que Paul soupirait rapidement et s'arrangeait en Jason, "Kyleson veut parler capitaine." Paul lui a dit qu'il était toujours prêt à se battre si George était infidèle. "Je suis d'accord s'il s'amène lui-même, et son vaisseau au Sundown. Tout autre que cela sera considéré comme une armistice temporaire." commente la voix de Jason mais ce que Paul a vu l'a choqué comme Jason était dans un siège de pilote de combat, "Monsieur êtes-vous?" Paul commença alors que Jason hurlait la tête. "Je suis mais c'est à part ça." Jason commenta alors que George regarda Paul, "Je... vais prendre ce marché je suppose. Vous pouvez tenir la liberté comme un signe de bonne volonté... mais si vous décollez avec elle, je ne vous pardonne pas pour cela." George a dit comme Paul a reconnu l'avertissement. Il était dégoûté d'utiliser cette machine en l'état. "Ne t'inquiète pas, je veux que Raigo revienne." Paul a dit à George qu'il se tournait vers Stella. "Vous êtes sous surveillance. Hiling, et je retournerai à la base." Paul a dit comme il est parti avec Hiling Care pas loin derrière elle n'avait rien à ajouter.
"Nous relocalisons temporairement au Sundown. Beta Leader, vous êtes responsable des soldats qui restent ici. Les unités de Gundam, vous êtes avec moi." a commenté Jason à tous les impliqués près de lui. Jason s'est rapidement souvenu de ses Dragoons restants et a tourné son costume de coup de feu lourd dans les airs et s'est replié vers le Sundown. Il ressentait une sensation de malaise dans son ventre. Il ne voulait plus jamais rentrer dans le cockpit. | Name: Paul Lyons
Character's Age: 20
Characters Gundam/Mobile Suit:
First Gundam: GAT-FJ108 Raigo Gundam -
Located in the Raigo's head and shoulders are four M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS. Despite being classified as Anti Air, these light projectile weapons can also be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles.
◾57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The same beam rifle as the one used by Strike Gundam, it can easily destroy a MS with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
◾Small Shield
A small shield can be attached to each forearm to improve Raigo's defense capabilities. ◾"Armor Schneider" Combat Knife
Stored in each shield is a "Armor Schneider" Combat Knife, which don't need power from the suit, can be thrown, and capable of piercing the joints and under-armored sections of mobile suits.
The same shield as the one used by Strike Gundam, it is used to intercept attacks that the pilot cannot, or will not dodge. It can be used together with the Speculum Striker.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hardpoints for Striker Packs
Raigo Gundam can be equipped with custom Another Trial Striker packs. Each striker pack is designed to outfit the MS with the equipment needed to fulfill specific combat roles with maximum efficiency.
◾Speculum Striker Pack
Similar to the Alie Striker, the Speculum Striker increases Raigo's mobility in both Earth and space. It also provides Raigo with full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and is equipped with beam sabers as well as hardpoints on its wing to carry various weapons.
◾Caliburn Striker Pack
Similar to Sword Striker, the Caliburn Striker increases the suit's close combat capabilities. It features improved version of Sword Striker pack's weapons as well as a new armament. Mounted on the left arm is the "Panzer Eisen kai" rocket anchor , the "Midas Messer kai" Beam Boomerang is mounted on the right arm, and both "Schwert Gewehr Kai" anti-ship sword and "Caladbolg" large beam saber are mounted on the backpack.
◾Sumbullet Striker Pack
Like the Launcher Striker, the Sumbullet Striker gives the Raigo long ranged combat capabilities. Its armaments were similar to the Launcher Striker, such as the "Agni Kai" hyper impulse beam cannon, an upgraded version of the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam's "Agni" Hyper Impulse beam cannon. It also adds a more advanced version of the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam's "Todesblock" plasma-sabot bazooka, the "Todesblock Kai" plasma-sabot cannon, for more firepower. It has a 8-tube missile launcher on the back of the suit.
◾Variable Phase Shift Armor
The latest version of Phase Shift armor, Raigo's VPS armor can changes its colours according to which custom Another Trial Striker Packs it is equipped with at the moment.
Second Gundam: GAT-X10A Freedom Gundam
◾M100 "Balaena" Plasma beam cannons
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings. They are the most powerful weapon of the suit and are mounted over the shoulders when in use.
◾MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a single MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice.
◾MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Sabers
The only close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are usually mounted on the hips of the suit. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Kira has combined both beam sabers into a double-bladed beam saber twice (similar to the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam).
◾MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
As with most other mobile suits, the Freedom features two head-mounted MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns, which are used to shoot down incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
◾MMI-M15 "Xiphas" Rail Cannons
A pair of rail cannons mounted on the hips. They are capable of going through anti-beam defenses.
◾Laminated Anti-beam Shield
Unlike the shield used by most mobile suits, Freedom's shield is made of laminated armor instead of having an anti-beam coating. Same type of shield is also used by ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam.
◾METEOR unit
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.
System Features
◾High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
A configuration in which Freedom's 10 wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability during atmospheric flight and aerial dogfighting. When in space, the deployment of the wings can enhance Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
◾Multi-Lock Weapons System ("Full Burst Mode")
As its name suggest, this system allows Freedom to lock on to multiple targets and carry out en masse firing using its plasma beam cannons, rail cannons and beam rifle simultaneously. However despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction. This system can also be used when Freedom docked with the METEOR unit. ◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
◾Phase Shift Armor
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
◾Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex operating system.
Third Gundam: GAT-X42S Destiny Gundam
◾MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS are mainly used for shooting down missiles, projectiles or enemy units at close range.
◾M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon
Stored on the left side of the backpack, the M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon is Destiny's most powerful long-range weapon and is capable of destroying most battleships with a single shot. When in use, the cannon unfolds and swivels underneath the Destiny's shoulder while a trigger and guard extend to allow the Destiny to take manual aim.
◾MMI-714 "Arondight" Beam Sword
Stored on the right side of the backpack, the foldable MMI-714 "Arondight" beam sword is the Destiny's main close-combat weapon. Despite the name, it actually resembles an anti-ship sword more and is in fact the successor to the MMI-710 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword. It is Shinn Asuka's preferred weapon in close-quarters combat as well as arguably the strongest melee weapon in the Destiny's arsenal, it sees extensive use against all types of enemies.
◾MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannons
A unique feature of the Destiny is its two MMI-X340 "Palma Fiocina" palm beam cannons. These extreme close-range weapons release powerful energy discharges that are capable of destroying the "Slayer Whip" heat rods of a ZGMF-X2000 GOUF Ignited and even the armored head of the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy. It should be noted though that various games depict the "Palma Fiocina" as ranged weapons, and during the battle of Orb, a Murasame is destroyed by a blue beam.
◾MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator
Like its brother unit, the ZGMF-X666 Legend, the Destiny is also equipped with two wrist-mounted MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" beam shield generators. These generators generate powerful beam shields that can block physical and beam attacks, including the combined power of a Destroy's three "Super Scylla" multi-phase beam cannons.
◾MA-BAR73/S High-Energy Beam Rifle
An optional beam rifle and is Destiny's main ranged weapon. Power rating is unknown, but it is assumed to be more powerful than the standard rifle. When not in use, this weapon could be stored on the back waist point.
A small, expandable shield that is mounted on the left arm to supplement the beam shield. However, this shield is rarely ever seen being used.
◾RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang
The Destiny is equipped with two RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" beam boomerangs that are stored on the shoulders. They are upgraded forms of the Sword Impulse's RQM60 "Flash-Edge" beam boomerangs. Unlike previous models, the Destiny's beam boomerangs also double as beam sabers, though they are rarely seen used in this form. Shinn uses these versatile weapons in a wide variety of ways, such as using them to distract opponents while he closes in for a close-range attack, or to destroy several enemy units in its trajectory.
Special Equipment & Features
◾Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor
The Destiny is powered by a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor, giving it a self-replenishing power reserve. However, it is still possible for Destiny to drain its power to a critical level triggering an alert, and this occurs during one of the engagements with the Strike Freedom, forcing Destiny to retreat.
◾Neutron Jammer Canceller
Like most nuclear-powered mobile suits, the Destiny is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller to allow its nuclear reactor to work in areas affected by Neutron Jammers. ◾Operating System
The ZGMF-X42S Destiny uses the Gunnery United Nuclear-Dueterion Advanced Maneuver operating system, (MOBILE SUIT NEO OPERATION SYSTEM Ver.1.62 Rev.29). ◾Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System
This system is activated when Wings of Light is used. It spreads Colloid particles, leaving a trail of visible after-images that can confuse enemy sensors and visuals, as well as the naked eye.
◾Wings of Light
The "Wings of Light" utilizes a variant of the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system and allows the Destiny to achieve very high speeds during movements. It is frequently used together with the Mirage Colloid Holographic Projection System. One of Shinn's signature attacks with the Destiny is to utilize both systems in conjunction with the "Arondight" beam sword. After both systems activate, Shinn rushes into close combat range with unprecedented speed and impales his target with the Arondight. Most instances of Shinn performing this maneuver have been done against larger, less maneuverable opponents such as the Earth Alliance's Zamza-Zahs, Gells-Ghes, and Destroys, which lends some doubt as to how effective this attack would actually be against units of similar mobility such as the Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. As shown during the final battle of Gundam Seed Destiny and in an FMV cutscene in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, the speed and after-images produced allow the Destiny to effectively dodge the multi-directional attacks of the DRAGOON System.
Universe your character is from: Gundam SEED Alternate - Cosmic Era
Link to gundam site your getting your information from:
wears a black form of a ZAFT Space suit.
His official OMNI Suit is of the same design of Mu La Flaga's
Genetic Type: Newtype/Coordinator
• Born in the colonies he was the son of a famous creator of mobile suits. He is also the long time friend of George Kyleson, the son of a natural born pilot and the nephew of a wealthy businessperson who was funding his father's project. They got to long great together and were best of friends to the point of being practically brothers. They grew up together and even fought the same battles against bullies at their school. While growing up he was constantly wanting to improve the ways he could become stronger pledged he would be the very best in the world at whatever he chooses to become and George, not one to be left behind, pledged the same. When his father finally finished building the gundam he was picked to be its test pilot which he did his absolute best to do so. When he got inside the machine he felt different and he knew this was something he was destined to do. He got average results initially from the tests and the Earth Alliance asked if his father would sell the machine to them. He agreed to the condition that his boy be the pilot.
•Paul was shocked at his father's sudden statement and thought that he would have never sold his machine. He was also upset that he was being traded away like a tool. However his father explained to Paul that the universe needed a new leader someone who could make things better and that was him. That day he said goodbye to George and promised he would meet him again some day. George was Initially really emotional about it but promised they would meet again. After that he joined the Alliance as the pilot of Raigo Gundam with some reluctance. It was hard initially being he was only 14 years old and the military was made up of adults. However Paul's will never allowed him to give up and he strove to become better when he was tested. After completing a number of simulations and practice courses; He fought terrorists and ZAFT forces before and during the Three Month War and became more and more skilled as he fought eventually becoming one of the best. His activities remained secret for most of his but he kept in contact with is family. He served with a man named Jason Hiyan who would become his life long partner. Jason was brutal in his own way and disliked fighting but knew it was needed to keep a better world in check. However he was also kind and respectful to others. Paul shared most of Jason's ideals even though he had no qualms fighting and killing and Jason thought of it as a last resort. They changed one another and became partners with Jason's unit becoming Paul's main unit and was officially put into the 84th Armored Infantry Division and eventually was made into the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group.
•Eventually he becomes a Lieutenant in the military by the time he was eighteen and was legally listed as a pilot. He was also told he was initiated into a Coordinator program, which is the reason he never got to meet his mother having died in childbirth he was initially upset but got over it quickly. He told his father that he lived for himself not his mother or anyone else and that this was his life. However despite this his father convinced him to let him pick out his future wife. While he disliked the thought of it he conceded that it would likely even him out when he was upset.
•During his time in the military he got engaged to a girl named Lacus Clyne at the behest of his father (at the age of 16) who had met hers the day before he was sent to the military. He initially did not care for the pairing as he thought Lacus to innocent for his line of work plus she was really young. However he has learned to like the girl despite her passive nature and they both get along well. He occasionally went to her concerts and talked with her about her ideals. She wanted to get him away from his line of work but eventually gave up after he explained why he did what he did and decided to support him despite his more aggressive nature and his life when it comes to war. However things turned when suddenly ZAFT attacked and the world turned to war again. He fought on behest of the colonies that still supported Earth and the war would later be known as the Fractured Earth War that was caused by a man named Lao La Lugara's defection and destruction of a military base. During this war he ended up fighting his old Friend George whom also defected from OMNI. It was George who confirmed that this was his way of repaying his promise to him when they were children that neither would lose to the other and explained to him why he had joined ZAFT and how he disliked the EA's policies, he challenged Paul, in his Gundam Aegis and it ended in a draw during a battle in space. The EA has since made peace with ZAFT but it is a weak peace destined to bring out the worst in people. He still fights skirmishes and is known as the Earth Alliance's "Black Star" in reference to his suit and clothes he wears. |
13,223 | 378 | 0 | 2,501 | 1,057 | Le jour était le 30 mars de l'année 413 à Zenerga. Juste un jour normal, en un mois normal, au cours d'une année antérieure sans incident. Pourtant, pendant des milliers d'années à venir ce jour-là se démarquerait de tous les autres jours de ce mois-là, de cette année-là, peut-être même en tout temps, car ce jour-là était le jour où la guerre a commencé. Ce qui a commencé par une erreur innocente - le tir militaire de Voraki sur un navire de l'ambassade d'Ecana, les prenant pour un groupe de pirates qui avaient fait des raids sur les côtes pendant la semaine - s'est rapidement transformé en une guerre à grande échelle entre les deux nations.
Ce même jour, près de la côte sud du royaume paisible de Morr, un jeune homme s'assit dans sa maison de quatre pièces au bord d'un petit village appelé L'nocdym, bricolant avec un petit jouet d'enfant. Zucabr Arrim l'a trouvé ironique d'une manière qui n'était pas humoristique du tout qu'après avoir aspiré pendant tant d'années à être tellement plus grand que son père qu'il a finalement fini avec le même travail exact. Bien sûr, il était parfois appelé à recalibrer un membre robotisé ou à réparer une pompe d'irrigation cassée, mais d'habitude il était triste de réparer des jouets et des petits appareils pour enfants. Il avait entendu la nouvelle du déclenchement de la guerre par sa radio plus tôt, et cela l'avait beaucoup irrité, mais maintenant il avait complètement calmé. Qu'est-ce qu'il pourrait faire, un homme célibataire, à propos d'une telle folie? C'était sûrement mieux de se cacher à Morr, où c'était sûr et calme, n'est-ce pas? Pensant cela, il a rapidement regardé une petite boîte en bois marquée "Dividend" sous son atelier, puis regardé loin. Peut-être qu'il pourrait faire quelque chose s'il utilisait CELA, mais il n'oserait jamais risquer une telle chose, pour libérer l'horrible monstre qu'il savait déjà en lui. Au lieu de cela, il soupira et retourna au travail, un autre jour sans incident dans une série de jours sans incident. | Alright, it's pretty much done! Might make only a few minor edits if I come across any typos or such. Name:Kathrine O'HarreAge: 19Gender:FemaleBirthday:January 1stProfession:Bounty HunterBackground:Kathrine was born into an originally poor family that lived in the slums of the city. While they where poor, her mother and father carried some optimism about their situation, always trying to to see the brighter side of things. This all changed, however, when her father died in a factory accident. Her mother, already on the edge due to losing all of her own family, finally broke down. She became the usual extreme, raving alcoholic while her own mental status slowly degraded. By the time Kathrine was ten, her mother was constantly physcially and mentally abusing her, often saying she was the reason why her father died. Things got even worse after her mother was eventually fired from her low paying job for showing up late one to many times. This drove her mother to the deepest pits of despair, destroying what little happiness she had inside. One day, Katherine noticed that her mother was acting odd. She was sober, and being kind to her for once. "Hey, let's go for a walk together hmm? Just you and me." her mother had said with a soft kindness. Katherine couldn't believe it, and was so overwhelmed she didn't think twice about saying yes. They walked down the dim streets towards the harbor district, Katherine paying little attention to her surroundings. Finally they stopped at a small warehouse and her mother knocked on the door. It cracked open, revealing only a glimpse at what looked to be a regular looking man. They talked in a hushed whisper very briefly before the man opened the door. "Alright dear, let me introduce you to a few friends of mine from work, they can't wait to meet you." Her mother said, confusing Katherine. None the less, they entered the small warehouse revealing five men standing in an empty room, a well dressed one in the center of the group. "She's the gal?" the well dressed man said."Yep, as you can she, she's quiet a beauty." her mother replied. It didn't take long for Katherine to snap out of it to realize what was going on. These weren't coworkers, and this wasn't just some friendly walk....Katherine silently left the small warehouse, walking down the street in a daze. Behind her, she left a room dripping with blood and gore. Confused and fatigued, Katherine eventually collapsed on the side of the road, covered in dirt, wreaking of death. When she awoke again, she found herself in the bed of a stranger's house. As she soon learned, a bounty hunter had found her and taken her in. Originally he just wanted to do a kind service and return her to her parents, but after hearing her story, he took her in as his daughter. She learned about his unique weapon and fighting style that accompanied it, and after she turned twenty, she left her home and father to see the world and collect a bounty or two. Currently she is traveling in Morr in search of work. Nation:Vorak (Birthplace/childhood) and Morr (current)Skills:Great Agility: Katherine is fast on her feat and quick to react as it is a key component to mastering the Ballistic ScytheGood Upper Body Strength: Twirling that heavy scythe around and wielding it needs a lot of muscle and endurance in the arms, thus try not to take a direct punch from her(AKA don't piss off the redhead)Cunning and Strategy: Having both a complicated style to master and a naturally rational, skeptical mind let's her come up with strategies and practical solutions on the spot. Fighting style:3Dimensional Combat:The fighting style relies on thinking in 3 dimensions of movement, frontal, flanks, and from above. This requires the user to have a lot of concentration to be successful with it, mainly because the scythe doubles as a rifle of sorts, and fires specially made rounds. Now what's special about these rounds is not the bullet, but the cartridge. They pack tremendous amounts of recoil, but is controlled in a way that allows the user to take advantage of it, whether it be adding some extra momentum to a charge, a stronger swing of the blade, or even jumping to higher heights. Talent (if any):"Matter Manipulation: Katherine first discovered her talent when her mother attempted to "sell" her. She can manipulate the speed in which the atoms of a substance vibrate, making them move faster or slow them down. In simpler terms, make something really hot or cold. She lacks full control, being able to only target one item. For example, if she were to use it on an individual, she would have to target something like the skin or blood, not the whole body, and focus on that particular item. She also has to be in physical contact with the target, and can only influence a sphere that has a three foot diameter. Personality:Katherine enjoys sarcasm and being generally rude, but not to a necessarily "rude" extent. She's generally friendly towards people, and is clever in battle. She cares not for concepts of "Honor" or "Chivalry" since to her, fighting in its nature is barbaric enough, why try to be dumb about it? Thus she is a dirty fighter both with fights of strength or fights of words. She has a cunning aptitude and will take advantage of any opportunity. Underlying it all is a deep regard for skepticism and rational thinking. She hates religious zealots and isn't really a "servant of the gods" per say.
Character approved. Looking at all of the Vorak characters, it doesn't seem like they are doing a good job at killing those with Talents :P |
13,224 | 378 | 1 | 2,501 | 1,057 | Necrore a passé la journée à chercher sa capitale. Quand il l'a trouvé, il a loué une chambre dans une maison d'hôtes. Demain, il allait prêcher aux forces combattantes d'Ecana. | Alright, it's pretty much done! Might make only a few minor edits if I come across any typos or such. Name:Kathrine O'HarreAge: 19Gender:FemaleBirthday:January 1stProfession:Bounty HunterBackground:Kathrine was born into an originally poor family that lived in the slums of the city. While they where poor, her mother and father carried some optimism about their situation, always trying to to see the brighter side of things. This all changed, however, when her father died in a factory accident. Her mother, already on the edge due to losing all of her own family, finally broke down. She became the usual extreme, raving alcoholic while her own mental status slowly degraded. By the time Kathrine was ten, her mother was constantly physcially and mentally abusing her, often saying she was the reason why her father died. Things got even worse after her mother was eventually fired from her low paying job for showing up late one to many times. This drove her mother to the deepest pits of despair, destroying what little happiness she had inside. One day, Katherine noticed that her mother was acting odd. She was sober, and being kind to her for once. "Hey, let's go for a walk together hmm? Just you and me." her mother had said with a soft kindness. Katherine couldn't believe it, and was so overwhelmed she didn't think twice about saying yes. They walked down the dim streets towards the harbor district, Katherine paying little attention to her surroundings. Finally they stopped at a small warehouse and her mother knocked on the door. It cracked open, revealing only a glimpse at what looked to be a regular looking man. They talked in a hushed whisper very briefly before the man opened the door. "Alright dear, let me introduce you to a few friends of mine from work, they can't wait to meet you." Her mother said, confusing Katherine. None the less, they entered the small warehouse revealing five men standing in an empty room, a well dressed one in the center of the group. "She's the gal?" the well dressed man said."Yep, as you can she, she's quiet a beauty." her mother replied. It didn't take long for Katherine to snap out of it to realize what was going on. These weren't coworkers, and this wasn't just some friendly walk....Katherine silently left the small warehouse, walking down the street in a daze. Behind her, she left a room dripping with blood and gore. Confused and fatigued, Katherine eventually collapsed on the side of the road, covered in dirt, wreaking of death. When she awoke again, she found herself in the bed of a stranger's house. As she soon learned, a bounty hunter had found her and taken her in. Originally he just wanted to do a kind service and return her to her parents, but after hearing her story, he took her in as his daughter. She learned about his unique weapon and fighting style that accompanied it, and after she turned twenty, she left her home and father to see the world and collect a bounty or two. Currently she is traveling in Morr in search of work. Nation:Vorak (Birthplace/childhood) and Morr (current)Skills:Great Agility: Katherine is fast on her feat and quick to react as it is a key component to mastering the Ballistic ScytheGood Upper Body Strength: Twirling that heavy scythe around and wielding it needs a lot of muscle and endurance in the arms, thus try not to take a direct punch from her(AKA don't piss off the redhead)Cunning and Strategy: Having both a complicated style to master and a naturally rational, skeptical mind let's her come up with strategies and practical solutions on the spot. Fighting style:3Dimensional Combat:The fighting style relies on thinking in 3 dimensions of movement, frontal, flanks, and from above. This requires the user to have a lot of concentration to be successful with it, mainly because the scythe doubles as a rifle of sorts, and fires specially made rounds. Now what's special about these rounds is not the bullet, but the cartridge. They pack tremendous amounts of recoil, but is controlled in a way that allows the user to take advantage of it, whether it be adding some extra momentum to a charge, a stronger swing of the blade, or even jumping to higher heights. Talent (if any):"Matter Manipulation: Katherine first discovered her talent when her mother attempted to "sell" her. She can manipulate the speed in which the atoms of a substance vibrate, making them move faster or slow them down. In simpler terms, make something really hot or cold. She lacks full control, being able to only target one item. For example, if she were to use it on an individual, she would have to target something like the skin or blood, not the whole body, and focus on that particular item. She also has to be in physical contact with the target, and can only influence a sphere that has a three foot diameter. Personality:Katherine enjoys sarcasm and being generally rude, but not to a necessarily "rude" extent. She's generally friendly towards people, and is clever in battle. She cares not for concepts of "Honor" or "Chivalry" since to her, fighting in its nature is barbaric enough, why try to be dumb about it? Thus she is a dirty fighter both with fights of strength or fights of words. She has a cunning aptitude and will take advantage of any opportunity. Underlying it all is a deep regard for skepticism and rational thinking. She hates religious zealots and isn't really a "servant of the gods" per say.
Character approved. Looking at all of the Vorak characters, it doesn't seem like they are doing a good job at killing those with Talents :P |
13,225 | 378 | 2 | 2,501 | 1,057 | Necrore s'est réveillé pour voir qu'il a été volé. Tous ses vêtements et son portefeuille ont disparu. Tout ce qu'il avait, c'était son autre portefeuille avec son argent, et l'oiseau mort. Il est sorti et a été immédiatement embusqué par la police. Après avoir expliqué le vol, on lui a donné des vêtements de prisonnier et on l'a envoyé dehors. Il a caché l'oiseau avant d'aller au commissariat. Quand il est allé le chercher, il a trouvé qu'il avait été attrapé par un chien. Necrore a élevé un zombie et lui a dit de "aller chercher l'oiseau". Le zombie a couru et a eu le pigeon dans l'arbre. Necrore l'a giflé et a dit "l'oiseau mort que le chien a". Le zombie a attaqué mais a été rapidement déchiré en morceaux, mais il a distrait le chien assez pour attraper l'oiseau et s'échapper. Il a commencé à marcher vers la base. Les gardes ont vu un criminel marcher. Ils ont sorti des armes et ont dit "stop ou mauvais coup de feu". Sans une seconde pour arrêter de marcher, ils ont ouvert le feu. Manson est tombé, pas mort, mais blessé à la jambe. Les gardes l'ont soulevé et ont commencé à le traîner à l'hôpital en ville. Necrore a forcé sa sortie des mains et a couru vers la porte. Il est tombé et les gardes l'ont attrapé, mais avant de traîner, il a vu le général. Il a crié "Norus et l'oiseau mort!" Cela a été facilement entendu par le général. Le général ouvrit les portes et dit : « Amenez cet homme à moi ». Quand Necrore a été placé devant lui, il a dit "montre-moi cet oiseau mort". Manson l'a sorti de sa poche et l'a remis au général. Puis il s'est évanoui de la douleur. | Alright, it's pretty much done! Might make only a few minor edits if I come across any typos or such. Name:Kathrine O'HarreAge: 19Gender:FemaleBirthday:January 1stProfession:Bounty HunterBackground:Kathrine was born into an originally poor family that lived in the slums of the city. While they where poor, her mother and father carried some optimism about their situation, always trying to to see the brighter side of things. This all changed, however, when her father died in a factory accident. Her mother, already on the edge due to losing all of her own family, finally broke down. She became the usual extreme, raving alcoholic while her own mental status slowly degraded. By the time Kathrine was ten, her mother was constantly physcially and mentally abusing her, often saying she was the reason why her father died. Things got even worse after her mother was eventually fired from her low paying job for showing up late one to many times. This drove her mother to the deepest pits of despair, destroying what little happiness she had inside. One day, Katherine noticed that her mother was acting odd. She was sober, and being kind to her for once. "Hey, let's go for a walk together hmm? Just you and me." her mother had said with a soft kindness. Katherine couldn't believe it, and was so overwhelmed she didn't think twice about saying yes. They walked down the dim streets towards the harbor district, Katherine paying little attention to her surroundings. Finally they stopped at a small warehouse and her mother knocked on the door. It cracked open, revealing only a glimpse at what looked to be a regular looking man. They talked in a hushed whisper very briefly before the man opened the door. "Alright dear, let me introduce you to a few friends of mine from work, they can't wait to meet you." Her mother said, confusing Katherine. None the less, they entered the small warehouse revealing five men standing in an empty room, a well dressed one in the center of the group. "She's the gal?" the well dressed man said."Yep, as you can she, she's quiet a beauty." her mother replied. It didn't take long for Katherine to snap out of it to realize what was going on. These weren't coworkers, and this wasn't just some friendly walk....Katherine silently left the small warehouse, walking down the street in a daze. Behind her, she left a room dripping with blood and gore. Confused and fatigued, Katherine eventually collapsed on the side of the road, covered in dirt, wreaking of death. When she awoke again, she found herself in the bed of a stranger's house. As she soon learned, a bounty hunter had found her and taken her in. Originally he just wanted to do a kind service and return her to her parents, but after hearing her story, he took her in as his daughter. She learned about his unique weapon and fighting style that accompanied it, and after she turned twenty, she left her home and father to see the world and collect a bounty or two. Currently she is traveling in Morr in search of work. Nation:Vorak (Birthplace/childhood) and Morr (current)Skills:Great Agility: Katherine is fast on her feat and quick to react as it is a key component to mastering the Ballistic ScytheGood Upper Body Strength: Twirling that heavy scythe around and wielding it needs a lot of muscle and endurance in the arms, thus try not to take a direct punch from her(AKA don't piss off the redhead)Cunning and Strategy: Having both a complicated style to master and a naturally rational, skeptical mind let's her come up with strategies and practical solutions on the spot. Fighting style:3Dimensional Combat:The fighting style relies on thinking in 3 dimensions of movement, frontal, flanks, and from above. This requires the user to have a lot of concentration to be successful with it, mainly because the scythe doubles as a rifle of sorts, and fires specially made rounds. Now what's special about these rounds is not the bullet, but the cartridge. They pack tremendous amounts of recoil, but is controlled in a way that allows the user to take advantage of it, whether it be adding some extra momentum to a charge, a stronger swing of the blade, or even jumping to higher heights. Talent (if any):"Matter Manipulation: Katherine first discovered her talent when her mother attempted to "sell" her. She can manipulate the speed in which the atoms of a substance vibrate, making them move faster or slow them down. In simpler terms, make something really hot or cold. She lacks full control, being able to only target one item. For example, if she were to use it on an individual, she would have to target something like the skin or blood, not the whole body, and focus on that particular item. She also has to be in physical contact with the target, and can only influence a sphere that has a three foot diameter. Personality:Katherine enjoys sarcasm and being generally rude, but not to a necessarily "rude" extent. She's generally friendly towards people, and is clever in battle. She cares not for concepts of "Honor" or "Chivalry" since to her, fighting in its nature is barbaric enough, why try to be dumb about it? Thus she is a dirty fighter both with fights of strength or fights of words. She has a cunning aptitude and will take advantage of any opportunity. Underlying it all is a deep regard for skepticism and rational thinking. She hates religious zealots and isn't really a "servant of the gods" per say.
Character approved. Looking at all of the Vorak characters, it doesn't seem like they are doing a good job at killing those with Talents :P |
13,226 | 378 | 3 | 2,501 | 1,057 | AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Dix ont crié en courant dans le désert aussi vite qu'il le pouvait, gémissant. Mais Meesha garda les yeux sur Katherine. Il ferma alors les yeux et atteignit derrière son dos ses poignards de Machina. Avec un silence total et calme, Meesha saisit ses poignards, et les retena vers Katherine. Les yeux toujours fermés, Il regardait complètement concentré, calculant, traçant son prochain mouvement. Suspens remplit l'air alors qu'il bougeait chacun de ses bras pour pointer dans des directions opposées et se tenait toujours dans cette position, ressemblant à une croix, se préparant à un certain type d'attaque.
Meesha a donné un grand sourire, a ouvert les yeux, et a dit délicieusement "Oky." Puis il a laissé tomber ses poignards. "Je me rends."
Katherine a dit, un peu repris par la réponse. Elle s'est reposée sur son épaule et a lâché. "Pas exactement ce que j'attendais... mais d'accord alors, allons-y." Elle a dit de demander à Meesha de prendre la tête. Au début, l'étrange paire était silencieuse, jusqu'au côté de Katherine, s'ennuyant, et décida de poser quelques questions.
"Sooo... Apparemment, ils n'ont pas eu votre nom, alors si ça ne vous dérange pas, quel est votre nom?" Elle a demandé de façon décontractée, en déplaçant son faux d'une épaule à l'autre. Ils se trouvaient maintenant un peu plus en bas de la route et le soleil se couchait au loin. Dans quelques heures, il faisait nuit, mais la ville n'était pas trop loin. Ils se trouvaient maintenant à quelques kilomètres de la vue d'origine de l'embuscade, et dans l'esprit de Katherine, elle se méfiait du compagnon de robot qui s'était enfui. Que ce soit à court de peur ou pour la faire tomber sur elle, elle a décidé d'attendre et de laisser les choses se dérouler comme elles l'ont fait. Elle pensait que tant qu'elle n'aurait pas baissé sa garde, elle irait bien. | Alright, it's pretty much done! Might make only a few minor edits if I come across any typos or such. Name:Kathrine O'HarreAge: 19Gender:FemaleBirthday:January 1stProfession:Bounty HunterBackground:Kathrine was born into an originally poor family that lived in the slums of the city. While they where poor, her mother and father carried some optimism about their situation, always trying to to see the brighter side of things. This all changed, however, when her father died in a factory accident. Her mother, already on the edge due to losing all of her own family, finally broke down. She became the usual extreme, raving alcoholic while her own mental status slowly degraded. By the time Kathrine was ten, her mother was constantly physcially and mentally abusing her, often saying she was the reason why her father died. Things got even worse after her mother was eventually fired from her low paying job for showing up late one to many times. This drove her mother to the deepest pits of despair, destroying what little happiness she had inside. One day, Katherine noticed that her mother was acting odd. She was sober, and being kind to her for once. "Hey, let's go for a walk together hmm? Just you and me." her mother had said with a soft kindness. Katherine couldn't believe it, and was so overwhelmed she didn't think twice about saying yes. They walked down the dim streets towards the harbor district, Katherine paying little attention to her surroundings. Finally they stopped at a small warehouse and her mother knocked on the door. It cracked open, revealing only a glimpse at what looked to be a regular looking man. They talked in a hushed whisper very briefly before the man opened the door. "Alright dear, let me introduce you to a few friends of mine from work, they can't wait to meet you." Her mother said, confusing Katherine. None the less, they entered the small warehouse revealing five men standing in an empty room, a well dressed one in the center of the group. "She's the gal?" the well dressed man said."Yep, as you can she, she's quiet a beauty." her mother replied. It didn't take long for Katherine to snap out of it to realize what was going on. These weren't coworkers, and this wasn't just some friendly walk....Katherine silently left the small warehouse, walking down the street in a daze. Behind her, she left a room dripping with blood and gore. Confused and fatigued, Katherine eventually collapsed on the side of the road, covered in dirt, wreaking of death. When she awoke again, she found herself in the bed of a stranger's house. As she soon learned, a bounty hunter had found her and taken her in. Originally he just wanted to do a kind service and return her to her parents, but after hearing her story, he took her in as his daughter. She learned about his unique weapon and fighting style that accompanied it, and after she turned twenty, she left her home and father to see the world and collect a bounty or two. Currently she is traveling in Morr in search of work. Nation:Vorak (Birthplace/childhood) and Morr (current)Skills:Great Agility: Katherine is fast on her feat and quick to react as it is a key component to mastering the Ballistic ScytheGood Upper Body Strength: Twirling that heavy scythe around and wielding it needs a lot of muscle and endurance in the arms, thus try not to take a direct punch from her(AKA don't piss off the redhead)Cunning and Strategy: Having both a complicated style to master and a naturally rational, skeptical mind let's her come up with strategies and practical solutions on the spot. Fighting style:3Dimensional Combat:The fighting style relies on thinking in 3 dimensions of movement, frontal, flanks, and from above. This requires the user to have a lot of concentration to be successful with it, mainly because the scythe doubles as a rifle of sorts, and fires specially made rounds. Now what's special about these rounds is not the bullet, but the cartridge. They pack tremendous amounts of recoil, but is controlled in a way that allows the user to take advantage of it, whether it be adding some extra momentum to a charge, a stronger swing of the blade, or even jumping to higher heights. Talent (if any):"Matter Manipulation: Katherine first discovered her talent when her mother attempted to "sell" her. She can manipulate the speed in which the atoms of a substance vibrate, making them move faster or slow them down. In simpler terms, make something really hot or cold. She lacks full control, being able to only target one item. For example, if she were to use it on an individual, she would have to target something like the skin or blood, not the whole body, and focus on that particular item. She also has to be in physical contact with the target, and can only influence a sphere that has a three foot diameter. Personality:Katherine enjoys sarcasm and being generally rude, but not to a necessarily "rude" extent. She's generally friendly towards people, and is clever in battle. She cares not for concepts of "Honor" or "Chivalry" since to her, fighting in its nature is barbaric enough, why try to be dumb about it? Thus she is a dirty fighter both with fights of strength or fights of words. She has a cunning aptitude and will take advantage of any opportunity. Underlying it all is a deep regard for skepticism and rational thinking. She hates religious zealots and isn't really a "servant of the gods" per say.
Character approved. Looking at all of the Vorak characters, it doesn't seem like they are doing a good job at killing those with Talents :P |
13,227 | 379 | 0 | 1,734 | 456 | Le soleil venait de se lever, sa lumière s'étendant sur le village de Tipa pour chasser les ombres qui étaient venues avec la nuit. Le cristal au centre de la ville rayonnant et réfléchissant faisceaux de lumière bleue dansante. C'était le matin, et c'était un matin très spécial. Ce serait le jour où la Nouvelle Caravane allait remplacer les anciens, nouveaux aventuriers à partir, et ce serait le devoir du maire de les saluer par le pont, de leur donner des extraits de sa sagesse mondaine, et de les renvoyer, comme il l'avait fait chaque année depuis qu'il était devenu maire. Il ferait de son mieux pour se réveiller devant la jeunesse avide et les attraper avant qu'ils ne s'enfuient, parce que, cela s'était déjà produit auparavant.
Il s'étirait, bâillait, puis se tenait, excité de laisser le brillant jeune espoir de Tipa sur leur course.
Rika s'est réveillée jusqu'aux sons communs dans sa maison, le battement d'un marteau contre une enclume. Son père a dû se lever toute la nuit pour y aller... quoi que ce soit, tout ce que Rika savait c'était que ça l'a coupé dans son sommeil, et elle n'était pas trop ravie. Sa dernière nuit dans son propre lit pendant un an, et son père ruine son repos avec son obsession obscène de voir des étincelles voler! Pourquoi n'aurait-elle pas pu naître dans une famille de selkie normale? le type qui ressemble à la brillance des pierres précieuses et du trésor, pas le court éclat de bits volant sur le métal chaud grondant? Elle a laissé sortir un soupir alors qu'elle se préparait, s'habillant et s'emparant de son sac à dos qui tenait tous ses objets matériels qu'elle utiliserait pendant ses voyages.
"Oh papa?" Elle a parlé d'un ton très ludique : « Pourquoi as-tu volé ta petite fille d'une bonne nuit de sommeil avant qu'elle parte? » Elle s'est serré le poing derrière le dos, se préparant à mettre son père au visage pour un tel crime.
"AHAHA! Alors vous m'avez entendu travailler?" Le Selkie, couvert d'une épaisse couche de suie de travailler toute la nuit riait alors qu'il brossait la couverture noire de son visage, « J'étais un peu en retard sur le planning de ma fille, » S'avançant de ses propres mains derrière son dos, « Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, tout valait le coup. »
Rika a commencé à balancer son bras droit pour frapper son père au visage, son expression faciale montrant qu'elle se forçait avant de ne pas donner son plan, seulement pour s'arrêter avant de le frapper, un poignard magnifiquement façonné posant dans les paumes des mains de ses pères.
"Ne sois pas si folle de ma petite fille, je ne t'enverrais pas sans un dernier cadeau. Tu es ma précieuse petite fille après tout" Il a placé le poignard dans ses mains, "Utilisez-le bien et souvenez-vous de nous dans vos voyages. vous avez une bonne tête sur votre corps, n'oubliez pas de l'utiliser." Il se moquait de son propre commentaire, puis s'éloignait, un tourbillon dans sa marche montrant à quel point l'homme était vraiment fatigué.
"Merci papa..." Rika a commencé à pleurer quand elle a attrapé son sac et s'est précipitée par la porte. Sans dire un mot au reste de ses frères et sœurs, elle voulait partir sans devenir un gâchis de larmes. Elle a été la première à arriver au pont où le maire attendait pour inévitablement les porter une dernière fois. | Name: Rika Niida
Gender: Female
Race: Selkie
Age: 18
Class: "Scout" (Thief)
Weapon/s / Magic: Knife, Racket
Personality: Rika is naturally lazy, even by Selkie standards, she will do anything to do nothing down the road. Willing to do something so incredibly difficult, just so she can sit the next year out saying she did more extravagant than anyone else earlier. Going in hand with this flaw, is her need to try and get others to do things for her, being a female Selkie, her "natural charisma" does let her get her way more often than it should. Other than using people to get her way, taking shortcuts, and common theft, Rika is a lovely young lady who just wants the finer things in life. She generally doesn't use those she deems to be her friends, kind of like stealing from a selkie, she thinks it is just plain wrong.
Bio: Rika's family has been in Tipa for what seems like ages. Her Great grandfather took up the trade of being a smith after he decided that the sparks made from metal hitting metal was something he couldn't live without, a seemingly harmless trait that has been noted in all the males of her family. A love of sparks. As such, they are exceptionally great at their job for selkies. Rika, being the second youngest child, really didn't need to pick up the trade, and being a woman, never saw the interest in sparks, but rather kept the selkie way of interest in sparkles. She loves the towns crystal, and will do anything to get a crystal of her own, if it doesn't require a lot of work.
Family Occupation: Blacksmith
Might change a bit later, main points, she is lazy, and she will use you if you are a male.
BFF with TIRA |
13,228 | 379 | 1 | 1,445 | 4,079 | Lyle Dot ne pouvait pas dormir. Du tout. Pas à cause de complications particulières, mais simplement parce qu'il était trop excité. Il avait passé toute la nuit dans sa chambre, il n'avait allumé qu'une chandelle, perfectionnant ses potions et l'utilisation de son Urne. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup d'utilisateurs de l'Alchimie Urn-Style, mais Lyle n'avait pas l'intention de s'arrêter. Pour lui, c'est ce qui lui a donné et l'avantage sur ses ennemis ; malgré toutes les capacités de Lility, qui s'attendrait à ce que quelqu'un comme lui se batte avec un pot et une louche? Mais ils seront surpris quand ils verront le genre de magie qu'il peut éteindre, ou les dommages qu'il peut faire avec sa louche.
Bientôt, le soleil a commencé à se lever. Il sortit de chez lui pour respirer dans l'air frais du matin. "Ah... Je préfère savourer ce moment... Pour aujourd'hui, je vais affronter le MIASMA, pour le VILLAGE!" Il a crié au sommet de ses poumons. Étonnamment, personne ne s'est réveillé, ou peut-être étaient-ils trop largués pour l'abattre immédiatement. Quoi qu'il en soit, sa famille dormait encore quand il est retourné dans sa chambre pour s'adapter. Outre son Urne et Ladle, il y avait aussi son armure. Eh bien, pas exactement le sien, c'était celui de son arrière-grand-mère. C'était une femme assez virile, et c'était elle qui avait d'abord fait déménager la famille à Tipa. Bien que porté par son arrière-grand-mère, l'armure a bien vieilli, bien qu'elle ne soit pas en forme supérieure, elle est encore bien meilleure que votre armure juste standard. Il a été décoré de divers travaux de réparation et de cicatrices, mais à Lyle cela signifiait juste qu'il avait résisté à beaucoup de choses, et reste toujours ensemble. Il était fier d'être autorisé à l'utiliser pendant son séjour dans la Caravane.
Après s'être habillé et armuré, sa famille s'est vite réveillée. Il avait deux frères, tous deux plus jeunes, qui venaient regarder dans l'admiration alors qu'il sortait dans son armure. Sa sœur aînée était déjà dans la cuisine, aidant ses deux autres sœurs à préparer le petit déjeuner. Comme Lyle jouait avec ses frères sur le chemin de la table, il a été accueilli par une vue qu'il ne voit que rarement, sa mère et son père. Ils sont venus un peu de temps après qu'il s'était porté volontaire pour faire partie de la caravane. Au début, ils n'aimaient pas du tout l'idée, connaissant les dangers en dehors de Tipa, mais Lyle n'a pas arrêté, justifiant que s'il n'allait pas, et que la caravane a échoué, Tipa ne serait pas en sécurité non plus. Son père n'a toujours pas aimé l'idée (Which Lyle compris, comme le grand-père de Lyle, le père de son père, est mort lors d'un voyage de caravane passé), sa mère lui a lamentablement donné sa bénédiction. Au bout d'un certain temps, son père fit la paix, et donna aussi sa bénédiction à Lyle, ainsi qu'un peu d'argent pour la route. Aujourd'hui serait leur dernier repas ensemble pendant longtemps, de sorte que le petit déjeuner traditionnel de ragoût de riz et de fruits a été échangé pour un repas beaucoup plus extravagant de diverses viandes rôties et déserts. Lyle a bien mangé, laissant des souvenirs positifs pour sa famille.
"Ne vous inquiétez pas, le grand frère ne laissera aucun monstre l'empêcher de sauver Tipa!" Il a donné ses paroles d'encouragement à ses petits frères et sœurs avant de se tourner vers sa sœur aînée. "Et sœurette, je sais que tu as toujours été là pour moi. Et maintenant je vais t'aider, toi et toute la ville! Je sais que je n'ai jamais été le meilleur frère, mais je vais tout donner de toute façon. » Enfin, il s'est tourné vers ses parents. Sa mère sanglotait, et tandis que son père essayait de garder son sang-froid, Lyle ne disait même pas un mot avant qu'il ne s'écroule aussi en larmes. "... Maman, papa, je sais que je ne peux pas te demander de ne pas pleurer. Je sais que tu es inquiet, et que tu es désolé pour toutes les choses qui se sont passées, et que tu ne souhaites que le meilleur pour nous. Et je le fais. C'est pourquoi je vais aider la caravane à obtenir Myrrh pour le village. Vous m'avez élevé pour être fort et pour pouvoir prendre soin de la famille, et c'est juste une autre chose à faire. Alors... Alors... » Lyle commença à se déchirer lui-même, mais il n'y avait plus besoin de mots. Sa famille, toute en larmes, s'est réunie pour un câlin de groupe de plus, avant qu'ils ne restent tous à la maison pendant que Lyle Dot partait. Avant qu'il ne sorte de la vue, il se nettoie et se tourne vers sa famille. "Ce n'est pas bon au revoir à tout le monde! Mais à tout à l'heure! Vous pouvez compter là-dessus! »
Lyle a traversé le village pour arriver au pont. À l'heure actuelle, la ville commençait à se réveiller, et il pouvait déjà entendre les cris qui se déroulaient aujourd'hui. Il avait mangé un bon petit déjeuner, et bien qu'il n'ait pas eu un clin d'œil de sommeil, il était encore très éveillé. Son Urne était attaché à son dos, et sa louche bien en main. Il lui a donné quelques balançoires d'essai alors qu'il se dirigeait vers le pont, imaginant qu'il battait des monstres avec. Et bien qu'il ait fait confiance à sa louche pour faire le travail, il a bien imaginé que plus tard dans cette quête, il devrait probablement obtenir une bonne arme. Bien que se réveillant tôt, il n'était pas le premier au pont, mais plutôt la fille du forgeron, Rika. "HEYA RIKAAAA!" | Name: Lyle Dot
Gender: Male
Race: Lilty
Age: 17
Class: Alchemist
Weapon/s / Magic: Steel Ladle (That also doubles as a heavy bludgeon) and Alchemist Urn, using whatever Magicite comes out of it. But he does known Quake and Gravity himself.
Personality: Lyle is a fairly hot-headed scrapper, but he's a good kid. He doesn't like being useless so he's always diving into the first assignment given to him with gusto, and at times, too much gusto. He'll stand up for the weak, but that's mostly just to do something; he doesn't like to take care of those who can't take care of themselves. Lyle is a rather outspoken individual who doesn't really do very good with lying, but he can keep a secret. Not one for subtly either, or at least when it's time to make an appearance, he always wants to make it flashy. Lyle can be quick to anger and quicker to resort to violence, and it takes a lot of mental discipline to keep him from bashing in people's faces.
Bio: Lyle is the second child to a large family of Alchemists. His mother and father were well known for their potions and magicite, and their services often kept them away from home. So it was up to Lyle and his older sister to take care of the rest of the family, including four younger siblings. They had help from the townspeople and other family members, but it was still a burden for the two. Lyle grew up to be somewhat irate, quick to anger and put down any signs of unrest from his siblings and others. But he also gathered a fearsome reputation, which helped protect his family from thugs and other lowlives. As Lyle got older, he began to take up his parent's crafts, but when it came time for a new caravan to get Myrrh to ward off the Miasma, Lyle was one of the first to volunteer. Getting himself some armor, Lyle got ready for his life in the caravan.
Family Occupation: Alchemists |
13,229 | 379 | 2 | 1,779 | 24 | Je ne peux pas apporter autant de livres. Si je les porte tous, je ne pourrai pas marcher.
Liaset était assis à l'étage de sa chambre, entouré d'une petite bibliothèque. Il les avait empilés tous par sujet, puis par ordre alphabétique, puis par couleur, puis par nom de famille de l'auteur. Puis, il les a tous descendus et les a réarranger à nouveau. Pourtant, il n'arrivait pas à savoir lesquels prendre avec lui, et il avait à peine dormi, essayant de comprendre tout ça.
Si je prends l'encyclopédie monstre, je serai bien informé de ce que je pourrais rencontrer sur la route. Mais si je ne prends pas l'autre, et si je m'ennuie? Ou que faire si j'ai une question que seul celui-ci peut répondre?
Il avait besoin de manger. Il devait changer de vêtements. Surtout, il avait besoin de repos. Il se demande si l'un des membres de la caravane a réussi à dormir cette nuit-là. Probablement pas, sauf si c'était Selkie, Rika. Elle pourrait dormir à travers n'importe quoi, il parierait.
Liaset lui a frotté les yeux. Il y avait tellement de livres, et si peu de temps avant qu'il ne doive partir.
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
"Quoi?! Non, c'est pas vrai!
Liaset se réveilla avec un début, sa joue s'appuya sur un de ses livres préférés. C'est pas vrai! C'est terrible! Il n'avait plus le temps de choisir ses livres préférés, et maintenant il était en retard! Rapidement, Liaset a fourré son journal dans son sac à dos, a repris le reste des livres, et a couru dans l'escalier jusqu'à sa cuisine.
« Apportez quelque chose à manger sur la route avec vous », lui dit sa mère en hurlant. "C'est bien que tu puisses te reposer, mais sois prudent là-bas." La mère de Liaset lui tendit une oreille de maïs rond, l'embrassa sur la joue, et fit un geste sur son casque. "Mieux vaut mettre ça si vous allez rencontrer vos amis là-bas."
Liaset murmura ses remerciements, se mit dans les bras de sa mère et sortit de la maison.
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
La famille de Liaset l'a suivi jusqu'au pont pour lui donner un bon départ. Liaset courut vers les autres, ses vêtements battants, ajustant son casque. "Donc," a-t-il panté, s'arrêtant à court de tomber sur Lyle. "Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Sommes-nous prêts à partir?" | Name: Liaset
Gender: Male
Race: Yuke
Age: Fourteen years
Class: Mage
Weapon/s / Magic: Liaset learned fire magic first, and therefore is best at it, although he can use any type of magic if he gets his hands on it. Although he has mastery over the basic spells, Liaset starts having trouble with more advanced spells (barring Fira), and isn't that great at healing magic to begin with, although he knows he should practice it more.
Liaset carries an orc hammer that his family gave him for his journey.
Appearance: Liaset is decently tall for a Yuke, although one will rarely find him standing unless he's practicing combative magic or traveling from place to place. He has a long helm with one horn on the right side, and he will adjust this on occasion but never remove it when with company.
Liaset wears dark-colored clothes that are designed to keep him covered but not get in the way. He is usually seen carrying books or a weapon of some sort.
((And wouldn't you know that I sketched him, only to leave the drawing somewhere. Shame. He's closest to the Black Mage, so here you go:))
Personality: Liaset spends most of his time inside, reading or dusting the books in the Tipa library. He has his own corner of the place, by a small window, next to the magic books.
Although studious and inquisitive, he does not avoid conflict, and will always accept a challenge if given one. Due to this, no one who knows him wants for a sparring partner, as long as they can stand up to his spells. During these encounters, Liaset comes across as surprisingly bloodthirsty, which can be a shock to those that see him in the library for days on end. After combat, he calms significantly, and usually wanders back to the library at some point.
Bio: Liaset's family members, millers that moved to Tipa only a generation ago, were known as eccentrics. Being Yukes helped this reputation, but being recluses helped it even more; the family hardly interacts with outsiders, even to deliver goods.
The family worked hard to keep up the appearance of innocent (albeit weird) millers, though they gave themselves a second purpose: observation. They never trusted the Lilties, not since the war, and even generations of peace changed their opinions. They prepared themselves for when things would go sour between the Lilties and the Yukes, and practiced magic to prepare for that time. Their relationships with the Lilty families in Tipa were strained at best, especially those alchemist types across town.
Liaset, however, let the magic get out of hand, which led to several injuries and severe damage to the mill. His family, not wanting to be investigated, sent him off under the front of its being "to straighten him out." Instead, they told him to spy on the Lilties that he crossed, to visit their city, and to write home with anything that he found.
Family Occupation: Miller
My character would most likely be friends with anyone that appreciates a good sparring partner. I also expect that he'd be at least well-acquainted with Aramine. |
13,230 | 379 | 3 | 1,387 | 424 | Riku s'est réveillé quelques heures avant l'aube et a ensuite passé l'heure suivante à jeter et à tourner en essayant de dormir davantage. Ça ne sert à rien. Essayez de faire quelque chose de productif maintenant que je suis réveillé. C'est pourquoi le jeune Clavat s'est servi de sa chambre et de ses biens pour s'assurer qu'il avait fait tout ce dont il avait besoin. Riku s'est assis sur le sol, se baladant dans son sac et passant par une liste de contrôle mentale. Livre d'or, vérifie. Snacks, vérifiez. Changement de vêtements, chèque. Carte, vérifie. Journal, vérifie. Je pense que c'est tout. Il s'inclina alors que son regard s'éloignait de la fenêtre où la lumière du matin commençait à dériver. Je devrais m'habiller. J'espère que les autres dorment plus que moi.
Environ une demi-heure plus tard, Riku était habillé et faisait les derniers ajustements sur son armure. Ce n'était pas une pièce très ornée, en fait c'était entièrement patchwork composé de différents morceaux de courrier et de cuir qu'il avait recueillis au cours des dernières années. Mais c'était confortable et facile à déplacer, et il protégeait tous les endroits importants. Avec cela, le jeune Clavat a tranquillement fait son chemin en descendant les escaliers, toujours prudent pour ne pas réveiller aucune de sa famille. Il ne pensait pas partir sans dire au revoir, oh non. Mais il a pensé qu'il pourrait au moins prendre le petit déjeuner prêt avant qu'ils se réveillent.
- C'est quoi, ça?
Son plan s'est parfaitement passé comme au moment où ses parents sont descendus les escaliers Riku avait le petit déjeuner fait et sur la table, inutile de dire que son père était surpris. Un peu plus tard, sa petite sœur, Elizabeth, est descendue aussi. Elle adorait quand son frère cuisinait et mangeait joyeusement à peu près tout ce qu'il lui donnait. C'était un peu déconcertant de dire le moins, comme peu importe combien elle mangeait qu'elle continuerait à manger et resterait exactement la même taille.
Peu de temps après le petit déjeuner familial, il était temps pour Riku d'aller, sa sœur, avec des larmes dans les yeux, lui a donné un câlin. "Soyez prudent, grand frère." C'était tout ce qu'elle a dit avant que leur père n'intervienne. -- Oh, allez, Elizabeth, tu as promis de ne pas pleurer, tu te souviens? Alan Castillon riait alors qu'il claquait son fils sur l'épaule. La petite fille lui a soufflé les joues et a crié sur son père. "Oui, mais Big Bro s'en va! Je peux pleurer si je veux!" Elizabeth s'est retournée vers son frère qui s'est agenouillé à côté de sa sœur et a massacré ses cheveux. "Ne t'inquiète pas. Je reviens avant que tu le saches. Et avec une Chalice pleine de Myrrhe aussi! Comptez dessus!" Elle lui a donné un sourire chaleureux et un dernier câlin, puis elle a dérivé derrière leur père qui avait une poche et quelque chose d'autre dans ses mains. "Ici fils", Alan a placé un petit sac d'argent dans les mains de son fils. "Ce n'est pas grand chose, mais rappelez-vous ce que je vous ai appris."
"Un peu d'argent va loin!" Riku s'interjecta immédiatement, récitant par cœur le vieux dicton de son père, faisant rire l'homme.
"Ahahaha, c'est vrai. Un peu, ça va un peu loin. J'ai autre chose pour toi aussi, c'est vieux, mais fiable. C'est l'épée que j'ai utilisée quand j'avais ton âge. Cela vous servira aussi bien que moi." Il tendit l'épée à la jeune Clavat qui tira l'arme sans hésitation. Il s'agissait d'une simple épée à double tranchant en acier, avec un garde-croisement uni et une pommeau en forme de noix. Riku gaina la lame et sourit à son père, essayant désespérément de retenir ses larmes. "C'est mon garçon." Alan a tiré son fils dans un dernier câlin avant qu'ils se séparent, chacun avec leurs derniers adieux.
Et ainsi le voyage de Riku Castillon avec la Caravane de cristal a commencé alors qu'il a fini ses adieux avec sa famille et a couru vers le pont où ses compagnons seraient sûrement l'attendre. Il y trouva déjà trois de ses camarades, deux Selkies et un Lilty. "Les gars du matin!" Il les a appelés, un sourire sur son visage. | Name: Riku
Gender: Male
Race: Clavat
Age: 17
Class: Spellblade
Weapon/s / Magic: Sword and shield with a good understanding of black magic.
Appearance: Headband
Personality: A very mature and responsible young man, Riku has the tendency of blaming himself for things that go wrong. Such as one time when he was helping his father move some goods, a dog and cat came running into the storehouse knocking over a very expensive vase. Naturally it wasn't the boy's fault and his father knew that, but nevertheless Riku still blamed himself. He's also a very protective older brother, looking out for everyone in his caravan. Though sometimes he can be a bit too over-bearing.
Bio: Riku and his family moved from city to city selling and trading, playing the merchants game a lot during his younger years, finally settling down in Tipa before his sister was born, about 8 years ago. And so he grew up in Tipa and with it's inhabitants, learning his father's trade, spending time with his friends, and looking out for his sister. Naturally when the time to send a Crystal Caravan came, he was among the first to volunteer.
Family Occupation: Merchant. |
13,231 | 379 | 4 | 1,734 | 456 | Avant même qu'elle le sache, Rika était accueillie par les autres caravaneurs qui sortiraient dans ce groupe. L'enfant timide Yuke, l'alchimiste Lilty, et l'aimant Clavat. Tous ensemble, ils ont fait... une équipe intéressante dans l'esprit de Rika.
"Bonjour!" Rika a salué ses amis avec un sourire joyeux et une vague de sa main, "Vous êtes tous prêts à aller à l'aventure?" Elle sourit, elle était bien reposée et prête à partir. Aussi, elle était prête à sprinter sur le wagon pour ne pas avoir à marcher pendant la plus grande partie du voyage. Elle était actuellement la seule dame à partir, donc il était logique que la dame ne marche pas bien? Dans son esprit, elle sourit à cette pensée, elle se servira certainement d'être la seule à son avantage.
Alors que le groupe se réunissait, un vieil homme s'éloignait du siège conducteur de la caravane, la main piétinant sa barbe blanche, il commençait à parler aux jeunes aventuriers, c'était le maire, et il allait partir sur un de ses discours et essayer de donner sa sagesse à la caravane, comme il l'a fait pour chaque caravane auparavant.
"Vous le savez peut-être ou pas, mais vous serez les héros de Tipa quand vous reviendrez." Il a commencé à remonter en avant en ligne droite devant eux sur le pont, coupant effectivement l'ourlet de la progression jusqu'à après qu'ils l'aient écouté. « Ce sera une merveilleuse aventure et une expérience pour vous, mais comme vous devriez le savoir, cela signifie la différence de vie et de mort pour le village, comme vous le remplissez », tirant d'une poche un calice de taille et de vieille apparence sans son côté, « ce calice avec la myrrhe, n'oubliez jamais qui vous êtes, ou ce qui est le plus important pour vous. » Il marcha en avant et le donna à l'un des caravaneurs. "Toujours la garder avec vous, car c'est ce qui vous permet d'être dans le miasma mortel sans aucun problème. Aussi ne vous éloignez pas trop si vous n'êtes pas dans une ville, la dernière chose que nous voulons est que vous reveniez un membre court." Il regardait vers le haut les nuages qui passaient. "Rappelez-vous que nous vous aimons et nous prenons soin de vous tous, même si vous ne pouvez pas revenir avec le calice plein, s'il vous plaît juste revenir à vos familles une dernière fois si c'est pour être la fin..." Il a gratté sa barbe, en allant dans la pensée profonde, "Je me souviens d'entendre des histoires sur ce village loin au nord, où il y avait un jeune homme qui s'habillait drôlement, ou attendre...c'est la mauvaise histoire...Non le jeune soldat qui a volé son nom de maître, il a voyagé loin et large pour attraper tous les insectes dans le monde connu, mais quand il est arrivé là, il a oublié quel était son nom, alors il est rentré à la maison, mais il a oublié où était sa maison, alors il a voyagé pour toujours et sa maison a été avalée par le miasma." Confiant qu'il était sur la bonne voie, il a hurlé la tête, "Ouais. La morale de cette histoire sage, ne mangez pas de pommes dépouillées avec des insectes en eux." Il s'en alla fièrement d'une manière que seul un vieil homme délirant avec le pouvoir pouvait jamais faire.
Rika a continué à regarder là où le maire était autrefois debout, perplexe et presque à la perte des mots qu'elle a dit, « Tout avait du sens jusqu'à ce qu'il commence à ramper... » Décidant qu'il serait plus facile d'oublier le soi-disant « sage » conseil, elle décide de continuer son plan, et saute sur le wagon. -- Eh bien, allons-y avant qu'il ne réalise qu'il a une autre histoire à nous raconter! saisir le règne ferme dans ses mains douces de selkie. | Name: Rika Niida
Gender: Female
Race: Selkie
Age: 18
Class: "Scout" (Thief)
Weapon/s / Magic: Knife, Racket
Personality: Rika is naturally lazy, even by Selkie standards, she will do anything to do nothing down the road. Willing to do something so incredibly difficult, just so she can sit the next year out saying she did more extravagant than anyone else earlier. Going in hand with this flaw, is her need to try and get others to do things for her, being a female Selkie, her "natural charisma" does let her get her way more often than it should. Other than using people to get her way, taking shortcuts, and common theft, Rika is a lovely young lady who just wants the finer things in life. She generally doesn't use those she deems to be her friends, kind of like stealing from a selkie, she thinks it is just plain wrong.
Bio: Rika's family has been in Tipa for what seems like ages. Her Great grandfather took up the trade of being a smith after he decided that the sparks made from metal hitting metal was something he couldn't live without, a seemingly harmless trait that has been noted in all the males of her family. A love of sparks. As such, they are exceptionally great at their job for selkies. Rika, being the second youngest child, really didn't need to pick up the trade, and being a woman, never saw the interest in sparks, but rather kept the selkie way of interest in sparkles. She loves the towns crystal, and will do anything to get a crystal of her own, if it doesn't require a lot of work.
Family Occupation: Blacksmith
Might change a bit later, main points, she is lazy, and she will use you if you are a male.
BFF with TIRA |
13,232 | 379 | 5 | 1,232 | 21 | Aramine s'était levée tôt le matin bien avant le lever du soleil, mais malgré cela elle n'avait pas encore quitté sa maison...
Vous n'avez pas à y aller, personne ne pensera moins de vous, son père a dit, sa voix calme comme toujours.
C'est dangereux et vous n'êtes pas utilisé pour voyager, ce sera difficile, sa mère a chidé dedans, un léger accent dans sa voix qu'Aramine n'avait jamais remarqué.
Mais c'est votre décision et nous ne pouvons pas vous arrêter, mais le léger changement de ton a dit à Aramine que son père le souhaitait beaucoup.
Toujours hésitant; il ne restait pas beaucoup de temps, si les autres partaient il n'y aurait aucun moyen de rattraper, incapable de quitter la sécurité du village et la protection contre Miasma que le cristal créait. Elle regrette de ne pas y aller. Ou l'aurait-elle fait? Elle était bien avec sa vie à Tipa, elle ne pouvait pas être insatisfaite, tout simplement ne pouvait pas être mais... Ce n'était que pour un moment qu'Aramine avait commencé à se sentir comme elle était égoïste jusqu'à ce que sa mère des bras enveloppés autour de sa forme lithique, "Soyez en sécurité," elle a dit simplement.
Il n'y avait pas d'adieu lacrymogène, Aramine a simplement rassemblé ses choses déjà emballées et laissé avec la tension et le soulagement croissants. Même les premiers pas à l'extérieur de la porte, les parents la regardant comme un départ, ont laissé son sentiment à la fois libre et lourd.
Elle a vu la caravane à proximité et a été soulagée de voir qu'ils n'étaient pas partis, son trot prudent a ralenti jusqu'à une bonne marche cependant, quand elle s'est approchée de la Caravane et les autres sa bouche s'est ouverte et tout ce qui est sorti était un sifflement étrange mais calme,........elle a soudainement voulu ramper sous un rocher, voix est devenue très calme,................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ | Name: Aramine
Gender: Female
Race: Yuke
Age: 23 Years Old
Class: White Mage
Weapon/Magic: Stave; Cure, Clear, Slow, Holy
Personality: A rather timid young woman with a soft voice and an awkward demeanor, Aramine has spent much of her life in complacency; content with the mundane and a distinct lack of adventurousness. Shy to a fault, she mostly keeps to herself and in the security of her home though she often wishes she had the courage to venture outside of what she deems safe. While very articulate and knowledgeable, Aramine has a difficult time saying what she wants when in the attention of strangers, becoming nervous and tripping over her words, saying things that she didn't want to or blabbing on in gibberish. Even though she comes off as weak, easily scared and skittish, she is on the contrary an adept magic user, albeit mostly limited to healing but isn't the type to hesitate to fight as long as something important is at stake.
Bio: Aramine has always tried to imitate her parents ever since she was a child, desiring nothing more to be what they are, what she sees in them, and spent much of her life practicing magic and trying to create enchanted accessories as they did. Though even to this day, she's a somewhat clumsy enchanter but a skilled seamstress and healer. Her idolizing of her parents comes from the stories they have only occasionally told her and the two were supposedly regarded as heroes in Shella at some time and the all-Yuke village is from where they originally came being non-natives to Tipa but only the oldest of the villagers would know that. Always content with life in a quiet village, Aramine is uncertain about joining the Caravan as are her parents, but she wishes to help the people and genuinely hopes that her healing abilities can be of some aid.
Family Occupation: Tailor |
13,233 | 379 | 6 | 1,445 | 4,079 | Après Lyle, d'autres ont commencé à se montrer. Un yuke et un clavat. Le yuke était Liaset, faisant partie d'une famille de yuke bizarre dans son quartier. Il a entendu beaucoup de ragots au sujet de leur bizarrerie, et certains de ses frères et sœurs ont eu les flippants autour d'eux, mais ils n'ont encore rien fait à lui ou à sa famille (pour autant qu'il le sache), donc Lyle n'avait pas beaucoup d'opinion sur eux. Le clavat qu'il connaissait en quelque sorte ; son nom était Riku et il est venu former une famille de marchands. C'était à propos de ça. Il a mis en doute ses capacités dans un combat, mais Lyle ne le connaissait pas vraiment, donc il ne savait pas s'il était bon. Ils le verraient assez tôt; le maire est arrivé pour leur donner leur discours d'adieu.
Le discours du maire a assez bien commencé, mais à peu près à mi-chemin il a commencé à perdre l'intérêt de tout le monde. Lyle reçut le calice, immédiatement rempli d'un sentiment d'effroi et de résolution. "C'est ce qui va sauver le village... Myrrhe dans cette petite tasse." Dès que le vieux coq partit, Rika s'enfuit vers le wagon, et Lyle suivit peu de temps après. Elle a pris derrière les rênes tandis que Lyle a jeté son pot dans l'arrière du wagon, et que lui-même à l'intérieur. Il tenait toujours le calice alors qu'il attendait que les autres se pointent, y compris un venu tardif. C'était un autre yuke, Aramine. C'était une gamine timide, mais elle allait bien dans son livre; ses frères et sœurs vont beaucoup à la boutique de sa famille pour se faire habiller et ils sont gentils, donc il l'aimait bien. "Hé Aramine! Bienvenue à bord! La caravane a failli manquer. Alors? Qu'est-ce que tu attends? Accroche-toi!" | Name: Lyle Dot
Gender: Male
Race: Lilty
Age: 17
Class: Alchemist
Weapon/s / Magic: Steel Ladle (That also doubles as a heavy bludgeon) and Alchemist Urn, using whatever Magicite comes out of it. But he does known Quake and Gravity himself.
Personality: Lyle is a fairly hot-headed scrapper, but he's a good kid. He doesn't like being useless so he's always diving into the first assignment given to him with gusto, and at times, too much gusto. He'll stand up for the weak, but that's mostly just to do something; he doesn't like to take care of those who can't take care of themselves. Lyle is a rather outspoken individual who doesn't really do very good with lying, but he can keep a secret. Not one for subtly either, or at least when it's time to make an appearance, he always wants to make it flashy. Lyle can be quick to anger and quicker to resort to violence, and it takes a lot of mental discipline to keep him from bashing in people's faces.
Bio: Lyle is the second child to a large family of Alchemists. His mother and father were well known for their potions and magicite, and their services often kept them away from home. So it was up to Lyle and his older sister to take care of the rest of the family, including four younger siblings. They had help from the townspeople and other family members, but it was still a burden for the two. Lyle grew up to be somewhat irate, quick to anger and put down any signs of unrest from his siblings and others. But he also gathered a fearsome reputation, which helped protect his family from thugs and other lowlives. As Lyle got older, he began to take up his parent's crafts, but when it came time for a new caravan to get Myrrh to ward off the Miasma, Lyle was one of the first to volunteer. Getting himself some armor, Lyle got ready for his life in the caravan.
Family Occupation: Alchemists |
13,234 | 379 | 7 | 1,734 | 456 | Et on est partis! C'est quoi, ça? Rika, ne regardant pas en arrière pour s'assurer que tout le monde était même sur la caravane, fouetté les règnes envoyant la bête du fardeau tirant le wagon en mouvement. "Quelqu'un a une préférence pour l'endroit où nous allons? Je veux voir la terre de glace!" Souriez de l'oreille à l'oreille, il ne semblait pas vraiment que Rika était sérieuse à propos de toute la myrrhe de rassemblement autant qu'elle était à propos de l'exploration. "Allons plus vite!" Elle a parlé, et avec un crack rapide, c'était fait, ils commençaient vraiment à décoller, et avant que le groupe le sache, ils n'étaient plus en vue de leur maison. C'était la première fois que Rika voyageait aussi loin, et son excitation était certainement en train d'obtenir le meilleur d'elle, car elle a conduit les pauvres au point où il fallait réellement arrêter une respiration. Elle a décidé de sauter du siège des pilotes et de s'adresser au reste du groupe : « Eh bien... je suppose qu'il est temps de manger? Alors qui veut me peler une pomme?" Elle battit les yeux et s'inclina légèrement la tête vers la gauche. | Name: Rika Niida
Gender: Female
Race: Selkie
Age: 18
Class: "Scout" (Thief)
Weapon/s / Magic: Knife, Racket
Personality: Rika is naturally lazy, even by Selkie standards, she will do anything to do nothing down the road. Willing to do something so incredibly difficult, just so she can sit the next year out saying she did more extravagant than anyone else earlier. Going in hand with this flaw, is her need to try and get others to do things for her, being a female Selkie, her "natural charisma" does let her get her way more often than it should. Other than using people to get her way, taking shortcuts, and common theft, Rika is a lovely young lady who just wants the finer things in life. She generally doesn't use those she deems to be her friends, kind of like stealing from a selkie, she thinks it is just plain wrong.
Bio: Rika's family has been in Tipa for what seems like ages. Her Great grandfather took up the trade of being a smith after he decided that the sparks made from metal hitting metal was something he couldn't live without, a seemingly harmless trait that has been noted in all the males of her family. A love of sparks. As such, they are exceptionally great at their job for selkies. Rika, being the second youngest child, really didn't need to pick up the trade, and being a woman, never saw the interest in sparks, but rather kept the selkie way of interest in sparkles. She loves the towns crystal, and will do anything to get a crystal of her own, if it doesn't require a lot of work.
Family Occupation: Blacksmith
Might change a bit later, main points, she is lazy, and she will use you if you are a male.
BFF with TIRA |
13,235 | 380 | 0 | 437 | 257 | Livre 1: Égalité
"Une nouvelle croissance ne peut exister sans d'abord la destruction des anciens."
Le son des bottes qui se connectent avec des planches de sol inégales fait écho dans tout le couloir. Une porte s'est ouverte, permettant à une faible lumière d'inonder dans le couloir. "Soir, madame. Vous serez heureux de savoir que nous avons rassemblé avec succès les cinq eaux, dix terres et vingt feux que vous avez demandés. Les gardes sont prêts à les utiliser à un moment donné », a appelé une voix dans l'ancienne salle décrépite. À l'intérieur, la seule source lumineuse était une lampe poussiéreuse assise sur le bord d'un bureau en bois, dont les jambes avaient pourri jusqu'à une couleur verte moisie. Assis au bureau, c'était une femme, pas plus de 30 ans. Elle a cherché une seringue reposant sur le bureau, son contenu blanc et presque translucide. Elle a filmé l'extrémité de la seringue, permettant aux bulles d'air de se déplacer vers le haut.
"Parfait. Ce soir est le début de notre révolution, Zhen. C'est le moment où nos ancêtres avaient attendu si longtemps pour voir, seulement pour que l'Avatar fasse tomber tout ça. En parlant de ça, avez-vous confirmé que l'Avatar sera présent au théâtre? Elle, par-dessus tout, doit être là." La femme a pressé la seringue afin d'éliminer tout excès d'air.
-- Oui, madame. L'Avatar est confirmé être présent au théâtre ce soir. Tout est en ordre, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de dire les mots, et nous exécuterons vos ordres."
"Merci, Zhen. Ce sera tout. Si vous voulez bien m'excuser, je dois me préparer pour ce soir." Elle l'a renvoyé avec un simple geste de main. Il s'inclina la tête avant de quitter la pièce. La femme se branla les cheveux, regardant profondément dans le miroir devant elle. « Après tous ces siècles de complot, je suis finalement celui qui fait l'honneur d'apporter une véritable égalité au monde. Si seulement tu pouvais être ici pour me voir, père." Une seule déchirure a renversé le visage de la femme. "Je ne vous manquerai pas."Rinzen
"Levez-vous! Obtenez vos billets pour le premier millésime de 'The Adventures of Nuktuk: Hero of the South'! A un prix de seulement 25 yuans, vous pouvez voir le tout premier mouvement à jamais créé! Cette exposition est parrainée par Cabbages Incorporated. »
Rinzen s'est approché de l'homme qui était apparemment sur le pilote automatique. Il reprit sa ligne de répétition, mais la coupa à mesure que Rinzen s'approchait de lui. "J'aimerais acheter un billet, s'il vous plaît."
"Bonjour, petite dame. Le billet sera de 25 yuans." Rinzen lui a donné l'argent, en échange d'un billet. Le billet avait une photo de Nuktuk et Juji imprimée sur le devant.
Rinzen a remercié l'homme et est entré dans le théâtre avant elle. Elle a trouvé un siège près de l'arrière, assis au bord même de la rangée. La pièce a diminué jusqu'à ce que la seule lumière soit produite à partir de l'écran de projection à l'avant.
"Qui va se battre pour des amis et la liberté? Nuktuk!" Le déménageur a commencé à jouer, provoquant une vague de silence parmi ceux du théâtre. | Name:
Additional Appearance:
Rin carries a metal wristband that was given to her by her mother. It has the symbol for Air engraved on the top. She also has her Airbending tattoos.
5’ 5”
115 lbs
Rin regularly participated in Airball when living at the Western Air Temple.
She takes pride in creating excellent vegetarian dishes.
She is an avid reader, mostly reading about historical events.
Rin's mother and father met at the Western Air Temple. Her mother was an Airbender, while her father was an Air Acolyte. Rin grew up with the traditional life of an Air Nomad. Throughout her training, she showed great promise as an Airbender. While she was nowhere near as impressive as Avatar Aang, or even Jinora, she had earned her mastery tattoos at 18. Once she earned her tattoos she set out, travelling the world. She visited the Fire Nation and its bordering colonies for a year before moving to Republic City. Rin found out that the city was on the brink of another revolution due to the development of this new drug. Rin kept watch, looking for any signs of danger that this revolution might bring. |
13,236 | 380 | 1 | 1,918 | 8,262 | Jian
Jian était déjà à l'intérieur du théâtre, habillé de vêtements assez décontractés comme il regardait de près de l'arrière de la pièce, secouant la tête avec un soupir doux.
Ces choses sont tellement ringardes. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je ne comprendrai jamais pourquoi les gens aiment toujours regarder des trucs comme ça.
Il n'était là que parce que sa mère était venue chez lui et lui avait dit de sortir de la maison et de faire autre chose que pourrir dans sa maison. Ce n'est pas bon pour vous, physiquement ou mentalement. Tu dois aller voir quelqu'un, te faire des amis, faire autre chose, et ainsi de suite. Sa mère n'avait pas l'air d'avoir ça, grâce aux journaux, à la radio, et même ces putains de déménageurs, il était presque détesté où il allait. Il y avait environ deux ans depuis l'incident, et comme il avait cessé de faire quoi que ce soit pour attirer l'attention sur lui-même, les gens avaient commencé à le laisser enfin être, mais il doutait que quiconque voudrait jamais être autour de lui sans cracher dans son visage. Déjà il avait eu un regard sale d'un des gens de ticket, et juste marcher à travers la foule avait été une épreuve, comme il vient de penser que quelqu'un se présenterait pour crier sur lui, l'appeler con, un dégénéré, et ainsi de suite. Chaque aventure à l'extérieur du monde était immensément drainante en raison non seulement de ce que les gens disent ou font, mais aussi anticipant la haine de presque partout où il regardait. Il ne pouvait jamais baisser sa garde, de peur qu'un seul mot ne le fasse s'effondrer dans les larmes ou l'attaque alimentée par la colère.
Li a toujours aimé ces choses stupides. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je me demande s'il viendra ou pas. | Name: Chen
Gender: Male
Additional Appearance:
Height: 5'7"
Element: N/A
Additional Weapons:
Shock Stick, Two daggers, Crossbow, Throwing knives
Flash bombs, smoke bombs
Vial of poison (for coating his blades)
Chen is rather pessimistic and cynical. He never accepts that things 'just happen' or that others are driven by 'the right thing.' He himself states that he is driven by his desire to uncover the truth, regardless of the outcome. Because of this, whenever he talks to others, he is constantly mentally noting things and trying to uncover the truth of their actions. As the only non-bender in his family, Chen is rather sore towards benders and holds a certain disdain towards powerful benders like the Avatar, though he hides it well and is able to act quite nonchalant about his inabilities. As a reporter, Chen's mindset is that of what was known in the progressive era of the US as a muckraker, seeking to uncover the dirt or 'muck' of large corporations and governments.
Martial Arts (Hung Gar/mixed)
Coin Collecting
Chen was born to a family of Earthbenders. He was the youngest of four, making him the runt of the group, and to make matters worse, he was the only child to be born without bending powers. His siblings often teased him for this, which caused him to grow a thick shell to defend himself early on in his life. As life went on, his siblings went on to train to become Earthbenders and he grew envious of them, though he hid it well.
He began to look up to the eldest of his brothers, Bao, who treated him more kindly than the others. Bao even took pity on Chen and began to teach him the fighting style of Earth and Metal benders, helping him to utilize the form without any bending capabilities. Despite his skills, Chen still couldn't properly equal that of a bender. Because of this, he began to focus on utilizing weapons and tools into his fighting style. Chen created smoke and flash grenades to blind his opponents and was able to get a hold of an old equalist stun glove, developing it into something that suited his fighting style a little more. It was a slightly more powerful electrified baton he called a shock stick. His brother was a great mentor, and an even better friend. However, all of this soon changed when Bao was arrested for violent crimes against a group of Arties. Later in prison, he was brutally mauled, almost dying. Chen's view of the world was forever altered, and he became more pessimistic towards everything. To put it simply, he was crushed. He began to invest in more lethal weapons, such as throwing knives and a small crossbow. Chen even went as far as to obtain deadly poisons to coat his daggers in.
His cynical attitude led him to become a journalist in Republic City, seeking to unmask the dark dealings of the world. While reporting the violence caused by the newly formed equalists, he decided to devote a portion of his time to investigate the company that came out with the drug that started it all, that led his brother to jail, to becoming a cripple. He wanted to see how they benefited from the rioting and protests, from these Neo-Equalists as well as find a way to shut the production of the drug down, or at least limit its sale. He knew it might lead him to nothing more than a dead end, but he had nothing better to do with his free time and in order to appease the guilt he felt towards the harming of his brother, he had to look into it. |
13,237 | 380 | 2 | 163 | 270 | Chen
Chen s'est approché du théâtre, un sentiment de relaxation réelle qui s'écoule à travers lui pour la première fois depuis des semaines. Certes, il était ici officiellement pour documenter les actes de la nuit pour l'United Daily News, mais cela n'a pas empêché le déménageur d'être amusant. Les derniers articles qu'il avait écrits pour l'UDN couvraient les émeutes et les violences entre Nats et Arties, mais pour une fois on lui avait confié une mission qui n'était pas tout à fait triste. En toute honnêteté, il pouvait à peine attendre de voir qui se présenterait ce soir. D'ailleurs, il avait toujours été un abruti pour les classiques.
Chen s'est approché de l'homme vendant les billets à «Nuktuk» heureux de payer pour un et d'échanger un salut nonchalant. Alors qu'il entrait dans le théâtre, le bavardage excité de la foule le remplissait d'anticipation. Chen était assis aussi près du centre du théâtre qu'il le pouvait. Il a sorti son carnet pour prendre des notes, et alors que les lumières s'estompaient et que la foule commençait à se calmer, Chen a jeté un dernier coup d'oeil autour du théâtre pour tous les VIP avant de verrouiller son regard sur l'écran | Name:
Additional Appearance:
Anik has heterochromia, blue from his Waterbender father and Bronze from his fire nation mother.
123 Ibs
Water + Healing
A flask of Water for emergencies
Anik is people pleasing, detailed orientated and is rigid with his organizational habit, yet he has a good sense of humor and takes part in other's jokes and tomfoolery as long as it's harmless and within reason as he likes to think of himself as the voice of reason among any groups he is in. He is also protective and caring for his friends and allies if a little overbearing at times. At times he can get competitive when people challenge him or his ideas as he can be extremely adamant about being right in certain situations.
Traditional Hunter and fisher
Excellent non-bending swimmer
Practicing his Waterbending and healing
Cleaning and organizing rooms and places
Taking care of little potted plants
Doing tasks for people who asked him to do it
Anik was born to his Waterbender father and his Fire Nation mother in Republic City. Anik was a sickly child and often stayed at home for long stretches of times. Anik learned he was a Waterbender at a young age after he bended a glass a water to splash in his father's face. Once his waterbending was learned Anik's father brought him to his homeland of the southern water nation where he was taught the traditional ways of water bending and hunting and fishing and even healing though water bending, this seemed to cured Anik of his sicklyness for the most part. After a year at the southern water nation Anik and his father returned to Republic City to a shocking surprise. Anik had gotten a little Sister while he was gone for the year, Anik quickly grew to love his little sister and soon enough he started to worry greatly for the little girl's safety. It was like this for most of his Childhood him worrying about his little sister and after years of no signs any water bending abilities it seem like his little sister wasn't a bender like him or his father but Anik still loved her greatly. Now that he's reaching adulthood, Anik is looking for a higher calling in life and with the rising tension in Republic City he is starting to question the safety of his Family and it seems like the two things will soon go hand in hand. |
13,238 | 380 | 3 | 1,078 | 1,927 | Kazuki regardait le théâtre plutôt grandiose, un sentiment de désarroi qui le plaguait. Pendant sa traversée vers le théâtre, ses vêtements étaient prim et propre, serrés sur tout son corps. Mais quand il est arrivé, tout s'était mystérieusement détaché et paresseuxment drapé sur lui. Il n'a jamais été vraiment un pour l'inconfort, alors maintenant il ressemblait à une personne normale, sans convenir de ce à quoi l'Avatar devrait ressembler.
"Craps." "Je crois que je suis en retard."
Kazuki s'était aussi un peu perdu pendant le trajet, et a dû demander à un passant aléatoire pour les directions, qui a alors pointé en face de l'endroit où il était en fait censé aller. Avec une expression embarrassée, il s'inclina et commença à marcher dans la direction opposée.
Devant le vendeur de billets, hurler dans le hall pour acheter des billets pour la pièce. Kazuki a patté ses vêtements, et avec un sourcil surélevé, il a en fait oublié son passe "VIP". Avec un autre soupir exaspéré, il se dirigea vers l'homme rediffuseur,
"... Billet, s'il vous plaît." Il a dit, maintenant la pêche pour 25 Yuans dans sa poche. Dès que son argent a été remis, l'homme a regardé l'argent, comme s'il pensait que ce n'était pas réel. Après avoir tourné et tourné en avant vers Kazuki et les Yuans, il lui a remis un billet tout en lui donnant un regard puant, disant
"Profitez de l'émission."
L'homme n'était pas Kazuki pour des choses comme ça.
Dès qu'il est entré, il a accidentellement fermé les portes un peu trop hâtivement, le voyou retentissant faisant quelques têtes se retourner contre lui. Une perle de sueur coulant sur son front, il s'inclina une fois de plus,
Le théâtre autrefois calme a été remplacé par de la lumière murmurant,
"Ces gars-là sont si impolis."
"Ne semble-t-il pas familier?"
C'est l'Avatar? Pas du tout, il serait dans les sièges VIP."
Malheureusement j'ai oublié d'apporter mon laissez-passer, Kazuki a pensé à lui-même, légèrement embarrassé à nouveau et maintenant essayer de trouver un siège ouvert. Il a regardé un siège vide près du bord, avec une femme prenant le bord de la rangée. Se battant lui-même, il a finalement légèrement tapé sur ses épaules,
"Est-ce que ce siège est pris? Il chuchotait, lui donnant un sourire léger et affreux. | Name:
Kazuki Ryuu
Kazuki has a fair complexion, slightly paler than the average citizen of the Fire Nation. He is noted to have some 'good looks' stemming from his fathers side. He dressed his clothes lazily, his robes usually draping over his hands as he doesn't fasten them and buttons are usually left unbuttoned. His hair is also usually messy and disorganized and is left to hang freely.
Weapon(s): (Optional)
At first glance you would never actually guess Kazuki is the avatar, his pose is usually lax and slouching, a shiftless expression always seeming to rest on his face. Many are actually surprised whent hey find out he is the 'famous' avatar, but Kazuki doesn't mind nor care at their exasperated reactions and apologetic tones. He never really was one for notoriety and being well known, honestly he didn't think that the spirit would choose him to be the avatar, nor did many others expect to.
His indolent nature comes from the fact that after Korra's time, everything has been quiet and peaceful. Despite this, he still tries to take the duties of the Avatar seriously, even when there's a lack of it.
However, Kazuki at his very core is selfless, humble and hardworking, he goes out of his way to help out individuals in need, despite how mundane or small the issue is. And he also prefers to help people, in such a way that they don't notice they were being helped in the first place. He believes that people should be self-reliant, as he wouldn't always be there. He is also humble in a way that he actually doesn't believe he deserves to be the Avatar, and is still doubting why the spirit actually chose him. He can usually be found pensively thinking about himself and his role as the Avatar, usually having thoughts in the back of his head about many people who could actually become the Avatar better than him.
Despite his laziness, Kazuki has untapped potential. He was easily able to grasp the three other elements, Air, Earth and Water, albeit taking a little more time to understand the workings of the element of Water, and with the help of the greatest tutors at the time. He can easily understand the intricacies of things, despite the difficulty of said thing.
Kazuki was simply, and lazily 'practicing' his fire arts. Fists thudding against a training dummy filled up the silent air, until elders of the nation entered the training room. They all were silently whispering amongst one another until his father stepped into the room, hs clothes draping all over the red bricked flooring, much like the elders.
It didn't take a genius to know that he had been chosen to become the Avatar. His father's countenance mirrored Kazuki's, one of confusion and perplexity. He had many siblings who were more diligent than him, siblings who would better fit the role of Avatar. The people around him wore masks of congratulations and praise, however they hid contempt and jealousy. Mostly because Kazuki has never actually made an effort to do anything that would grant him such.
The role of Avatar being handed over to him forced him to become more studious, more suited to actually being the Avatar. He has traveled all over to practice under notable names. They found it surprisingly easy to train Kazuki, him grasping the foundations easily. He was in the middle of advanced training to bend Lava, but was called off and had to leave to give assistance to a new uprising threat.
Likes Gardening. |
13,239 | 380 | 4 | 437 | 257 | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça?
Un éclat de foudre pouvait être entendu de derrière l'écran géant en tissu. Plusieurs membres de l'auditoire se sont levés de leurs sièges, tous les masques dormants ressemblant à ceux utilisés par les égalistes pendant la Première Révolution. Comme ces individus se sont levés comme un, un boulon de foudre a brûlé un tout à travers l'écran, frappant le projecteur à l'arrière du théâtre. La chambre tomba sous une couverture d'obscurité. Les murmures calmes parmi le public se sont rapidement transformés en cris paniqués pour l'aide, cependant, il n'était pas utile. La chambre insonorisée avait sourd tout son tentant de s'échapper.
L'obscurité fut bientôt percée par de petites boules de feu, qui couvraient de part et d'autre de l'avant du théâtre. Derrière chaque boule de flamme se trouvait un visage masqué. Chacun de ces Firebenders se tenait immobile, agissant comme des lumières inquiétantes. Une rangée de terriens se tenait devant l'écran géant.
De derrière le rideau sortit une grande femme mince. Elle portait une cape noire, et un masque qui recouvrait tout son visage, ne laissant que de petites fentes pour sa bouche et ses yeux. Il avait l'air vieux et usé, et semblait avoir été initialement adapté pour un homme. La femme marchait avec un but, et ce but était d'attirer tous les yeux vers elle. Elle s'est arrêtée une fois à l'avant de la pièce, se tournant pour s'adresser à l'ensemble du théâtre.
"Mes concitoyens de Republic City. Comme vous le savez tous, un certain sérum a été développé pour reproduire artificiellement la flexion. Cela a longtemps été une source de conflit entre nos villes. Quand ils sont seuls, les quatre éléments sont forts. Lorsqu'ils sont combinés, ils sont impossibles à arrêter. L'Avatar est un témoignage vivant de ce fait. Depuis des milliers d'années, l'Avatar vit des centaines de vies en faveur de l'équilibre, de la paix, de l'égalité. L'Avatar a simplement utilisé leurs capacités supérieures pour intimider les autres en soumission. L'histoire a prouvé que l'Avatar intervient simplement quand il a de la chance pour eux. Malheureusement pour nous les non-benders, nous posons maintenant une grave menace à l'équilibre sacré de l'Avatar. Aujourd'hui, je suis ici pour vous montrer que nous n'avons plus besoin d'avoir peur de l'Avatar, car nous avons un peu égalé les règles du jeu.
"Je crois que l'Avatar s'est gracieusement rendu présent aujourd'hui." La femme s'est arrêtée pour fouiller la foule et a repéré l'Avatar. "Oui, il est là. Avatar Kazuki. Capable de plier les quatre éléments, oui? Auparavant, l'Avatar avait été le seul capable d'accomplir un tel exploit. À partir d'aujourd'hui, ce n'est plus le cas. » La femme a montré, jetant une boule de feu dans l'air, suivi d'une explosion de vent. Elle a plié une flaque d'eau d'une boîte de son côté, la laissant tomber avant elle. La terre tremblait comme une partie du sol du théâtre a été jetée sur le côté.
« Mes frères, mes sœurs, l'Avatar est venu à Republic City pour nous empêcher de gagner notre égalité. Ne le méritons-nous pas? Sommes-nous des êtres plus petits simplement parce que ce n'est pas notre droit d'aînesse de plier? Joignez-vous à moi alors que je nous mène vers une nouvelle ère. Un âge d'égalité réelle. La révolution a commencé! » Rincez
Rinzen a regardé vers le haut, voyant un robinet sur son épaule. "Huh? Oh, oui, je veux dire, non. Ça ne l'est pas." Elle s'est levée les genoux pour permettre au garçon d'entrer dans le siège à côté d'elle. Le garçon était venu dans plusieurs minutes en retard, et le siège à côté d'elle était à peu près le seul disponible. Elle a retourné son attention au déménageur.
Rinzen a sauté comme la foudre a tiré à travers la projection. Elle s'assit là, figée alors que la mystérieuse femme se révélait et commençait son discours. Elle regardait avec admiration la femme démontrer ses capacités qui rivalisaient avec celles de l'Avatar, qui était apparemment dans le théâtre en ce moment. Elle entendait une réponse mitigée de joies et de boos venant de la foule autour d'elle. Ce n'était certainement pas naturel. Le théâtre éclata bientôt dans le chaos. Des rochers, de la glace, du feu et une myriade d'autres éléments étaient jetés autour de la pièce. Des dizaines de gens ont fui le théâtre en panique. Rinzen est resté derrière. Elle s'est défendue des rochers errants alors que le théâtre s'est vidé, laissant finalement moins d'une douzaine d'autres dans la pièce.
La mystérieuse femme se tenait à l'avant, regardant le chaos. Il était impossible de déchiffrer ses émotions, vu le masque qu'elle portait. Est-ce qu'elle se contentait de s'asseoir et de regarder le théâtre tomber dans le chaos? C'était peut-être son plan, après tout. Rinzen se leva de son siège pour quitter le théâtre, et trouva qu'il était complètement bloqué par les maîtres de terre masqués. Elle était coincée à l'intérieur, avec plusieurs autres. | Name:
Additional Appearance:
Rin carries a metal wristband that was given to her by her mother. It has the symbol for Air engraved on the top. She also has her Airbending tattoos.
5’ 5”
115 lbs
Rin regularly participated in Airball when living at the Western Air Temple.
She takes pride in creating excellent vegetarian dishes.
She is an avid reader, mostly reading about historical events.
Rin's mother and father met at the Western Air Temple. Her mother was an Airbender, while her father was an Air Acolyte. Rin grew up with the traditional life of an Air Nomad. Throughout her training, she showed great promise as an Airbender. While she was nowhere near as impressive as Avatar Aang, or even Jinora, she had earned her mastery tattoos at 18. Once she earned her tattoos she set out, travelling the world. She visited the Fire Nation and its bordering colonies for a year before moving to Republic City. Rin found out that the city was on the brink of another revolution due to the development of this new drug. Rin kept watch, looking for any signs of danger that this revolution might bring. |
13,240 | 380 | 5 | 1,918 | 8,262 | Jian
Jian maudit alors que le déménageur se terminait soudain par un éclair qui soufflait sur l'écran et dans le projecteur, essayant de s'enfoncer dans son siège alors que les choses allaient de mal en pis. Puis une femme est apparue, poussant un peu sur l'égalité et ce qu'il n'y a pas avant de chanter l'Avatar, qui était ici apparemment, et faisant un spectacle de puissance en pliant les quatre éléments juste alors et là. Alors... C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ça n'a pas pu empirer.
Jian regarda autour de lui, notant que les monstres masqués qui les entouraient empêchaient quiconque de partir, faisant d'eux un public captif tel qu'il était. Alors que les gens essayaient de sortir, seulement pour être bloqués par des maîtres de terre masqués, il a posé bas, en sortant une seringue remplie de liquide rouge de sa poche. Enlevant le capuchon protecteur, il l'a glissé lentement dans son bras et a appuyé sur le piston, en prenant une respiration comme il a senti un flux de douleur brûlant dans son corps, le réchauffant du point d'injection comme le sérum s'est propagé à travers lui. Après quelques secondes de plus, il s'est abaissé, et il a rapidement recapé la seringue avant de la remettre en place, se levant avec un regard dangereux dirigé vers la femme en charge de tout cela.
"Désolé madame, mais menacer les gens n'est pas une bonne façon de les obtenir de votre côté. Le cas et le point." Dès qu'il eut terminé, Jian entra dans une position enflammée par la Terre, se tapant le pied pour soulever plusieurs rochers autour de lui avant de lancer un barrage sur plusieurs hommes masqués, chacun étant enveloppé d'un voile de flamme alors qu'ils blessaient vers leurs cibles pour une finition plutôt explosive, mais non létale. Il a jeté un coup d'œil aux autres dans le théâtre, leur disant avec ses yeux de se déplacer à travers l'ouverture qu'il a faite. D'autres rochers se sont levés autour de lui alors qu'il se préparait à lancer des rochers plus flamboyants contre quiconque se dirigeait vers les civils qui fuyaient. "Alors, que diriez-vous de régler cela sans un tas de collatéraux autour pour se mettre en travers du chemin. Si vous vous souciez vraiment des gens, vous ne voudriez pas que quelqu'un soit blessé, pas vrai? Je vais même vous donner une chance et demander à l'Avatar de ne pas s'impliquer. D'après ce que j'ai entendu parler de lui, il saute probablement à l'occasion pour éviter de traiter avec quelqu'un d'aussi gênant que vous."
Alors que Jian semblait confiant, quiconque prenait le temps de l'étudier pouvait voir qu'il tremblait toujours si légèrement, et sa respiration était erratique. Tout en mettant un bravado était assez facile, en ce moment, il sentait qu'il creusait sa tombe de plus en plus profondément avec chaque mot. Les hommes masqués qu'il avait frappés plus tôt se levaient déjà, plus assoiffés que tout. En tant que Pro-bender, il l'avait enseveli dans son être de retenir en utilisant son flexion contre les autres, et cette habitude n'était devenue plus forte qu'après l'incident. Si ces gars voulaient dire affaires, qu'il ne serait pas en mesure d'avoir une chance sur lui-même, mais il voulait donner à d'autres personnes une chance de courir s'ils avaient la chance. De cette façon, s'il était mort ou s'il avait été blessé terriblement, il aurait accompli quelque chose pour aider à racheter son moi sans valeur, si seulement un petit peu. | Name: Chen
Gender: Male
Additional Appearance:
Height: 5'7"
Element: N/A
Additional Weapons:
Shock Stick, Two daggers, Crossbow, Throwing knives
Flash bombs, smoke bombs
Vial of poison (for coating his blades)
Chen is rather pessimistic and cynical. He never accepts that things 'just happen' or that others are driven by 'the right thing.' He himself states that he is driven by his desire to uncover the truth, regardless of the outcome. Because of this, whenever he talks to others, he is constantly mentally noting things and trying to uncover the truth of their actions. As the only non-bender in his family, Chen is rather sore towards benders and holds a certain disdain towards powerful benders like the Avatar, though he hides it well and is able to act quite nonchalant about his inabilities. As a reporter, Chen's mindset is that of what was known in the progressive era of the US as a muckraker, seeking to uncover the dirt or 'muck' of large corporations and governments.
Martial Arts (Hung Gar/mixed)
Coin Collecting
Chen was born to a family of Earthbenders. He was the youngest of four, making him the runt of the group, and to make matters worse, he was the only child to be born without bending powers. His siblings often teased him for this, which caused him to grow a thick shell to defend himself early on in his life. As life went on, his siblings went on to train to become Earthbenders and he grew envious of them, though he hid it well.
He began to look up to the eldest of his brothers, Bao, who treated him more kindly than the others. Bao even took pity on Chen and began to teach him the fighting style of Earth and Metal benders, helping him to utilize the form without any bending capabilities. Despite his skills, Chen still couldn't properly equal that of a bender. Because of this, he began to focus on utilizing weapons and tools into his fighting style. Chen created smoke and flash grenades to blind his opponents and was able to get a hold of an old equalist stun glove, developing it into something that suited his fighting style a little more. It was a slightly more powerful electrified baton he called a shock stick. His brother was a great mentor, and an even better friend. However, all of this soon changed when Bao was arrested for violent crimes against a group of Arties. Later in prison, he was brutally mauled, almost dying. Chen's view of the world was forever altered, and he became more pessimistic towards everything. To put it simply, he was crushed. He began to invest in more lethal weapons, such as throwing knives and a small crossbow. Chen even went as far as to obtain deadly poisons to coat his daggers in.
His cynical attitude led him to become a journalist in Republic City, seeking to unmask the dark dealings of the world. While reporting the violence caused by the newly formed equalists, he decided to devote a portion of his time to investigate the company that came out with the drug that started it all, that led his brother to jail, to becoming a cripple. He wanted to see how they benefited from the rioting and protests, from these Neo-Equalists as well as find a way to shut the production of the drug down, or at least limit its sale. He knew it might lead him to nothing more than a dead end, but he had nothing better to do with his free time and in order to appease the guilt he felt towards the harming of his brother, he had to look into it. |
13,241 | 380 | 6 | 163 | 270 | Chen
Au moment où l'éclairage s'est brisé à travers l'écran du déménageur, Chen s'est laissé tomber le sol et glisser sous quelques chaises. Il avait passé tellement de temps à écrire sur le chaos dans la ville de République que cette action lui est presque venue comme instinct. Peut-être qu'il était en train de réagir. Soupirant, il s'épargna un regard sur les sièges autour de lui, maudit alors qu'il voyait plusieurs hommes et femmes masqués debout.
Pas d'exagération.
Une femme a commencé à parler, parlant d'égalité et d'équilibre, et Chen a rapidement noté chaque mot qu'il a entendu, bien que dans sa tête. S'il survivait, son article serait probablement en première page de l'UDN. Alors qu'il savait que la situation ne ferait qu'empirer, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de ressentir un léger plaisir à ce fait. Mais tout cela s'est vite enfui de son esprit, alors que le chaos commençait à éclater. D'énormes masses de gens ont commencé à crier, courant pour les sorties. Alors que normalement Chen était dépourvu de telles émotions, la peur de la foule autour de lui semblait s'infiltrer dans son âme.
Emptier et emptier le théâtre est devenu, et toujours Chen est resté caché à sa place. Une partie de lui criait de se tenir debout et de courir avec le reste, mais il ne se laissait pas laisser l'histoire derrière lui. Il a dû voir comment le scénario allait se dérouler. L'Avatar était là. Est-ce qu'il ferait face aux Néo-Égalistes et survivrait? Va-t-il fuir le conflit? Même avec le danger apparent dans lequel il était, Chen sentit l'anticipation et l'excitation bien en lui-même. Lentement, il dessina une dague et plaça sa main sur ses couteaux à lancer. Si c'était le cas, et il était sûr qu'il le ferait, il serait prêt à se battre. | Name:
Additional Appearance:
Anik has heterochromia, blue from his Waterbender father and Bronze from his fire nation mother.
123 Ibs
Water + Healing
A flask of Water for emergencies
Anik is people pleasing, detailed orientated and is rigid with his organizational habit, yet he has a good sense of humor and takes part in other's jokes and tomfoolery as long as it's harmless and within reason as he likes to think of himself as the voice of reason among any groups he is in. He is also protective and caring for his friends and allies if a little overbearing at times. At times he can get competitive when people challenge him or his ideas as he can be extremely adamant about being right in certain situations.
Traditional Hunter and fisher
Excellent non-bending swimmer
Practicing his Waterbending and healing
Cleaning and organizing rooms and places
Taking care of little potted plants
Doing tasks for people who asked him to do it
Anik was born to his Waterbender father and his Fire Nation mother in Republic City. Anik was a sickly child and often stayed at home for long stretches of times. Anik learned he was a Waterbender at a young age after he bended a glass a water to splash in his father's face. Once his waterbending was learned Anik's father brought him to his homeland of the southern water nation where he was taught the traditional ways of water bending and hunting and fishing and even healing though water bending, this seemed to cured Anik of his sicklyness for the most part. After a year at the southern water nation Anik and his father returned to Republic City to a shocking surprise. Anik had gotten a little Sister while he was gone for the year, Anik quickly grew to love his little sister and soon enough he started to worry greatly for the little girl's safety. It was like this for most of his Childhood him worrying about his little sister and after years of no signs any water bending abilities it seem like his little sister wasn't a bender like him or his father but Anik still loved her greatly. Now that he's reaching adulthood, Anik is looking for a higher calling in life and with the rising tension in Republic City he is starting to question the safety of his Family and it seems like the two things will soon go hand in hand. |
13,242 | 380 | 7 | 1,078 | 1,927 | Les yeux de Kazuki ont commencé à s'élargir à mesure que la foudre tonnait et brûlait l'écran de la pièce. Une femme mince est venue parler, et tout comme les autres égalistes que les avatars du passé avaient traités, elle était folle. Ses yeux sont venus à un éclat mortel quand la dame avait commencé à plier les quatre éléments, comme si l'Avatar n'était qu'une sorte de gimmick, et apparemment elle vient d'attaquer cet endroit parce qu'il était ici, Kazuki n'était pas très heureux.
"Vous parlez d'égalité, mais vous attaquez ceux qui ne peuvent se défendre?" Kazuki crachait, ses yeux portaient toujours la même expression, "Vous n'êtes pas très différent de vos prédécesseurs, Equaliste." à ce moment, Kazuki s'est levé, et faisait des traces de feu avec assez de pouvoir pour se défendre lui-même et la foule paniquée contre les débris volants de différents éléments. Il y en avait quelques-uns coincés entre eux et l'égaliste masqué qui bloquant maintenant les entrées.
L'un des plus 'braver' terriens se leva et avait attaqué les individus masqués qui défendaient les entrées, pour laisser les gens partir, cependant, sa respiration grossière et les mains légèrement agitées dit autrement, il applaudirait autrement sa bravoure contre l'adversité mais maintenant n'était pas le temps. Un autre semblait suivre, encombrant les terroristes dans la glace, qui au moins les ralentiraient car ils pouvaient très probablement plier le feu.
Kazuki suivit de l'élévation de la Terre sur quelques-uns d'entre eux, les immobilisant effectivement pour la majorité du combat car ils ne pouvaient pas accéder à leur position. Il revient sur la femme, le pseudo-chef, et attend sa prochaine action, tout en prenant note de la foule paniquée. | Name:
Kazuki Ryuu
Kazuki has a fair complexion, slightly paler than the average citizen of the Fire Nation. He is noted to have some 'good looks' stemming from his fathers side. He dressed his clothes lazily, his robes usually draping over his hands as he doesn't fasten them and buttons are usually left unbuttoned. His hair is also usually messy and disorganized and is left to hang freely.
Weapon(s): (Optional)
At first glance you would never actually guess Kazuki is the avatar, his pose is usually lax and slouching, a shiftless expression always seeming to rest on his face. Many are actually surprised whent hey find out he is the 'famous' avatar, but Kazuki doesn't mind nor care at their exasperated reactions and apologetic tones. He never really was one for notoriety and being well known, honestly he didn't think that the spirit would choose him to be the avatar, nor did many others expect to.
His indolent nature comes from the fact that after Korra's time, everything has been quiet and peaceful. Despite this, he still tries to take the duties of the Avatar seriously, even when there's a lack of it.
However, Kazuki at his very core is selfless, humble and hardworking, he goes out of his way to help out individuals in need, despite how mundane or small the issue is. And he also prefers to help people, in such a way that they don't notice they were being helped in the first place. He believes that people should be self-reliant, as he wouldn't always be there. He is also humble in a way that he actually doesn't believe he deserves to be the Avatar, and is still doubting why the spirit actually chose him. He can usually be found pensively thinking about himself and his role as the Avatar, usually having thoughts in the back of his head about many people who could actually become the Avatar better than him.
Despite his laziness, Kazuki has untapped potential. He was easily able to grasp the three other elements, Air, Earth and Water, albeit taking a little more time to understand the workings of the element of Water, and with the help of the greatest tutors at the time. He can easily understand the intricacies of things, despite the difficulty of said thing.
Kazuki was simply, and lazily 'practicing' his fire arts. Fists thudding against a training dummy filled up the silent air, until elders of the nation entered the training room. They all were silently whispering amongst one another until his father stepped into the room, hs clothes draping all over the red bricked flooring, much like the elders.
It didn't take a genius to know that he had been chosen to become the Avatar. His father's countenance mirrored Kazuki's, one of confusion and perplexity. He had many siblings who were more diligent than him, siblings who would better fit the role of Avatar. The people around him wore masks of congratulations and praise, however they hid contempt and jealousy. Mostly because Kazuki has never actually made an effort to do anything that would grant him such.
The role of Avatar being handed over to him forced him to become more studious, more suited to actually being the Avatar. He has traveled all over to practice under notable names. They found it surprisingly easy to train Kazuki, him grasping the foundations easily. He was in the middle of advanced training to bend Lava, but was called off and had to leave to give assistance to a new uprising threat.
Likes Gardening. |
13,243 | 380 | 8 | 437 | 257 | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça?
"Je crois que vous et vos confrères avez été les premiers à attaquer. Moi et mes disciples nous sommes simplement levés ici, et votre mauvais ami terrien a pris sur lui-même pour frapper d'abord." La femme a fait un geste aux autres dans la pièce. "A ceux d'entre vous qui restent encore, qu'est-ce que cela vous dit sur l'Avatar et les virages qui le suivent? Cela montre que, tout comme les Avatars devant lui, il cherche à nous opprimer. »
"Maintenant, si vous pensez que la simple démonstration du pouvoir est égale à l'attaque des gens sans défense, alors vous devriez être emprisonné pour la vie, Avatar. Toute votre existence tourne autour de soumettre les autres par la peur », a-t-elle dit.
La femme occultée libéra ceux qui étaient captifs par la terre flottante, et dégela ceux qui étaient encore pris au piège dans la glace. "Si ça ne vous dérange pas, nous y allons maintenant." Elle s'est retournée sur ses talons et a quitté le théâtre par la façon dont elle est entrée. Ses partisans égalistes ont quitté la même façon.Rinzen
Rinzen a pris un moment pour comprendre exactement ce qui s'était passé, mais après s'être remise du choc, elle s'est levée et a commencé à aider les citoyens hors du théâtre. Elle s'approcha de l'une des issues qui avait été bloquée par la terre, et déplaça facilement la roche en utilisant la puissance de l'air.
"Hé, mon gars, pouvez-vous déplacer cet autre rocher? Nous devrions probablement sortir ces citoyens d'ici." Rinzen a appelé le maître de la Terre qui avait tenu tête à la mystérieuse femme. Elle a continué à guider les autres dans les allées et dans les airs de l'après-midi. | Name:
Additional Appearance:
Rin carries a metal wristband that was given to her by her mother. It has the symbol for Air engraved on the top. She also has her Airbending tattoos.
5’ 5”
115 lbs
Rin regularly participated in Airball when living at the Western Air Temple.
She takes pride in creating excellent vegetarian dishes.
She is an avid reader, mostly reading about historical events.
Rin's mother and father met at the Western Air Temple. Her mother was an Airbender, while her father was an Air Acolyte. Rin grew up with the traditional life of an Air Nomad. Throughout her training, she showed great promise as an Airbender. While she was nowhere near as impressive as Avatar Aang, or even Jinora, she had earned her mastery tattoos at 18. Once she earned her tattoos she set out, travelling the world. She visited the Fire Nation and its bordering colonies for a year before moving to Republic City. Rin found out that the city was on the brink of another revolution due to the development of this new drug. Rin kept watch, looking for any signs of danger that this revolution might bring. |
13,244 | 380 | 9 | 1,918 | 8,262 | Chen
Chen avait la moitié de l'esprit de jeter un couteau entre les omoplates de la femme alors qu'elle quittait la pièce, mais a rapidement rejeté l'idée. Cela prouverait seulement son point de vue. Chen se leva rapidement, ajoutant quelques notes à son cahier avant de le ranger. L'égaliste avait un point, c'est-à-dire, si détruire un écran de théâtre avec un boulon géant de foudre ne comptait pas comme attaquant. Pourtant, c'était un plan plutôt rusé que la femme avait assemblé. Elle avait poussé les coureurs à l'attaquer, à faire le premier pas de la violence. Elle n'avait même pas donné son nom avant le début des combats. Il maudit la hâte des courbeurs, mais il ne pouvait s'empêcher de comprendre pourquoi ils faisaient ce qu'ils faisaient.
En parlant de ça, il pouvait comprendre pourquoi ils ont fait ce qu'ils ont fait! Le seul problème auquel il était confronté aujourd'hui était de déterminer s'il devait parler à la terre et à l'eau qui s'était tenue et s'était battue ou à l'Avatar. Ce n'était pas un cerveau. L'attaque (ou protestation) a été dirigée contre l'Avatar. Pourquoi ne pas lui parler?
Chen a marché sur l'Avatar, essayant de paraître décontracté. Il préférerait ne pas que l'Avatar se rende compte qu'il n'était rien de plus qu'un journaliste scrutant autour pour des détails. Au lieu de cela, il a décidé de jouer d'abord l'approche citoyenne légèrement concernée. Il donna un léger sourire à Kazuki alors qu'il marchait vers lui.
"Pas exactement comment tu t'attendais à ce que ta journée parte, n'est-ce pas?" Chen a dit à l'occasion: "Qui était cette femme de toute façon? Plus important encore, que vas-tu faire à ce sujet? On dirait qu'elle veut dire affaires, et je doute que ce soit la dernière qu'on verra d'elle." | Name: Chen
Gender: Male
Additional Appearance:
Height: 5'7"
Element: N/A
Additional Weapons:
Shock Stick, Two daggers, Crossbow, Throwing knives
Flash bombs, smoke bombs
Vial of poison (for coating his blades)
Chen is rather pessimistic and cynical. He never accepts that things 'just happen' or that others are driven by 'the right thing.' He himself states that he is driven by his desire to uncover the truth, regardless of the outcome. Because of this, whenever he talks to others, he is constantly mentally noting things and trying to uncover the truth of their actions. As the only non-bender in his family, Chen is rather sore towards benders and holds a certain disdain towards powerful benders like the Avatar, though he hides it well and is able to act quite nonchalant about his inabilities. As a reporter, Chen's mindset is that of what was known in the progressive era of the US as a muckraker, seeking to uncover the dirt or 'muck' of large corporations and governments.
Martial Arts (Hung Gar/mixed)
Coin Collecting
Chen was born to a family of Earthbenders. He was the youngest of four, making him the runt of the group, and to make matters worse, he was the only child to be born without bending powers. His siblings often teased him for this, which caused him to grow a thick shell to defend himself early on in his life. As life went on, his siblings went on to train to become Earthbenders and he grew envious of them, though he hid it well.
He began to look up to the eldest of his brothers, Bao, who treated him more kindly than the others. Bao even took pity on Chen and began to teach him the fighting style of Earth and Metal benders, helping him to utilize the form without any bending capabilities. Despite his skills, Chen still couldn't properly equal that of a bender. Because of this, he began to focus on utilizing weapons and tools into his fighting style. Chen created smoke and flash grenades to blind his opponents and was able to get a hold of an old equalist stun glove, developing it into something that suited his fighting style a little more. It was a slightly more powerful electrified baton he called a shock stick. His brother was a great mentor, and an even better friend. However, all of this soon changed when Bao was arrested for violent crimes against a group of Arties. Later in prison, he was brutally mauled, almost dying. Chen's view of the world was forever altered, and he became more pessimistic towards everything. To put it simply, he was crushed. He began to invest in more lethal weapons, such as throwing knives and a small crossbow. Chen even went as far as to obtain deadly poisons to coat his daggers in.
His cynical attitude led him to become a journalist in Republic City, seeking to unmask the dark dealings of the world. While reporting the violence caused by the newly formed equalists, he decided to devote a portion of his time to investigate the company that came out with the drug that started it all, that led his brother to jail, to becoming a cripple. He wanted to see how they benefited from the rioting and protests, from these Neo-Equalists as well as find a way to shut the production of the drug down, or at least limit its sale. He knew it might lead him to nothing more than a dead end, but he had nothing better to do with his free time and in order to appease the guilt he felt towards the harming of his brother, he had to look into it. |
13,245 | 381 | 0 | 1,717 | 2,937 | R A I K A G E'S O F I C E
Bienvenue dans mon bureau! Ne vous inquiétez pas de l'équipement d'entraînement.
C'est la première fois que l'on s'en occupe.
Quelques semaines avaient été accordées comme vacances aux nouveaux chunins, qui venaient de terminer leurs examens. Les examens étaient notoirement difficiles cette année, et c'était en partie parce que A, le Raikage, avait créé les examens cette année. Comme on le sait, tous les examens étaient différents et la plupart du temps, la difficulté dépendait du conservateur et du gestionnaire. Donc, il était logique que, quand un kage de toutes les personnes crée les examens, les examens allaient être difficiles. Peut-être était-ce une préfiguration des événements qui allaient se dérouler dans le progrès de la carrière de ces chunin. Ce n'était pas un secret, après tout, que les relations entre les villages étaient à l'écart. Ils étaient à l'écart depuis que l'Alliance Kumo-Konohagakure s'est écroulée à rien de plus qu'un morceau de papier dans un classeur quelque part. Cela n'a pas aidé non plus à ce que A soit extrêmement xénophobe à l'égard d'autres villages, et qu'il ne veuille pas travailler avec eux. C'est pourquoi il y a plus de dix ans qu'un sommet de kage a eu lieu - il y avait peu de raison d'en tenir un, et il semble que tous les autres kages partagent les vues de A et ne soient pas intéressés à travailler ensemble.
Il semblait aussi que les escarmouches commençaient à devenir plus fréquentes - il y avait de nombreuses informations selon lesquelles Kumogakure shinobi se heurtait de temps en temps avec Kirigakure et Iwagakure shinobi, et Sunagakure avait plus d'une fois envahi le territoire de Kumogakure, en volant des ressources précieuses sous leur nez. Cela ne veut pas dire que Kumogakure n'a jamais provoqué la violence et le conflit, mais cela a plutôt été laissé sans réponse, et a traité avec soin pour s'assurer qu'il était entendu que Kumogakure était toujours justifié de prendre ces mesures.
Cependant, maintenant les vacances pour le chunin frais étaient terminées, et cela signifiait qu'ils seraient à nouveau appelés au service. Les jonins qui étaient censés diriger les nouvelles équipes de chunins avaient été alertés il y a longtemps, avant même que les examens de chunin aient eu lieu - et en tant que tel, il n'était pas surprenant ce jour-là qu'ils aient été appelés au bureau. Mais ce que A devait leur dire, c'était une autre histoire. A était célèbre à Kumogakure, et non seulement pour ses prouesses dans la bataille, mais aussi pour son caractère court et les discussions furieuses.
Tirez sur le messager!
Tôt le matin, l'assistant de A avait été envoyé. Elle était une femme traditionnellement habillée qui a été embauchée plus pour ses compétences organisationnelles et sa personnalité relativement calme par rapport au Raikage, A. Elle est partie dès 8h00, une époque où le Raikage et son personnel n'étaient pas encore au bureau. Sa première visite serait à Minaru Gazo, qui était un peu un nom au sein de Kumogakure. Sa position de jeune jonin non seulement l'a fait connaître, il a également fait de lui une cible de premier plan pour le Raikage, pour montrer à Minaru qu'il n'était pas un grand tireur comme il pensait juste parce qu'il était jeune. Néanmoins, il était fort, mais aux yeux du Raikage, ce n'est pas ce qui constituait un bon jonin. Et elle était sûre de lui rappeler ça, toutes les chances qu'elle a eues.
L'assistant, nommé Otsumi, a frappé à sa porte deux fois, attendant un bref moment avant de frapper une fois de plus. "Bonjour Minaru!" dit-elle, sa voix aiguë atteint sûrement à l'intérieur de sa maison. Sans attendre qu'il ouvre la porte - en attendant que des choses comme celle-ci réduisent sûrement son efficacité - elle a ouvert la porte pour lui et a fait irruption à l'intérieur. Votre temps de briller est arrivé, monsieur Gold. ► Elle est montée vers son salon et s'est plié les mains l'une sur l'autre devant son corps, regardant autour d'elle avec un regard de juge. Pour ce que cela valait, elle était sûre qu'elle pourrait ranger sa maison une part plus juste que ce qu'il a fait.. semblait faire.. a-t-il fait quelque chose du tout à cet endroit? Jack, c'était comme ça. Elle s'est dit elle-même, un tic qu'elle avait quand elle attendait, gaspillant du temps. Peu importe. Minaru, on vous attend au bureau dans 30 minutes. Je vais chercher les deux autres Jonin tout de suite! Et avec tout ce qui a été dit et fait, elle s'est retournée et a quitté la maison à nouveau, se dirigeant vers sa prochaine cible. Le fils d'A, Hageshī Nakamura.
Il était encore un peu étrange de répéter son nom de famille à elle-même, puisqu'elle était habituée à appeler le Raikage 'A' et non par son vrai nom. Oh, et bien. Otsumi a atteint la maison après un peu de temps de voyage. Heureusement, il ne vivait pas trop loin du bureau, contrairement à Sutemasu. Elle envisageait de frapper à la porte, mais vit une fenêtre ouverte au-dessus de la porte et décida que ce serait beaucoup plus efficace que de frapper et d'attendre qu'il réponde. Et vu sa proximité avec sa mère, elle pensait que ça irait si elle s'en allait comme ça. Non pas qu'elle s'en soucie quand elle est entrée dans la maison de Minaru. Elle a dit fort quand elle a sauté dans la fenêtre, debout dans la fenêtre-sill de sa chambre, apparemment. Elle se penchait nonchalamment contre le cadre en bois de la fenêtre pendant qu'elle était là, donnant l'air qu'elle contrôlait totalement ce qu'elle faisait. Ta mère veut te voir, alors lève-toi et habille-toi. Assurez-vous de porter quelque chose de bien! Après tout, c'est elle le raikage. Une autre cible vers le bas. C'était comme si c'était une brise, après tout! Elle a sauté en arrière et a atterri dans les rues en dessous, se poursuivant occasionnellement sur son chemin après avoir manqué à la vie privée d'une autre personne.
La dernière cible sur la liste était Sutemasu - une femme que Otsumi ne connaissait pas beaucoup à propos de Sutemasu donné n'était pas une figure très importante, ni un grand nom pour la plupart des Kumogakure shinobi. Malgré tout, elle était jonine et on lui a dit de diriger une équipe, alors qui était Otsumi pour l'interroger. Sutemasu a vécu plus loin que les deux autres shinobi, donc c'était un peu une corvée pour l'avoir. Après dix minutes de marche, elle arrive enfin à la maison autonome complète de jardin et de bas murs en pierre. C'est vrai. Elle s'est bourdonnée quand elle est montée à la porte, sonnant la sonnette de la porte.
En deux secondes, Sutemasu a déjà ouvert la porte. Elle a surpris Otsumi regardant autour comme un enfant, puisqu'elle ne semblait pas s'attendre à ce que Sutemasu réponde si rapidement. "Aaa.. Otsumi? Otsumi a réagi avec un petit crétin de la tête, essayant de cacher qu'elle se branlait à la maison. Oh, c'est pas vrai! Sutemasu! Je regardais juste les oiseaux. Oui, les oiseaux. Belle journée aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas? Un veut que tu viennes la voir! C'est à propos des équipes. Oui, les équipes. C'est pour ça que j'étais là. Je vais aller à la réunion maintenant, je te vois dans 30 minutes! » Elle s'est retournée et s'est précipitée, laissant Sutemasu se demander ce qui se passait avec cette femme. C'est bon, Otsumi! À tout à l'heure, elle a dit avec sa voix féminine légère typique qu'elle a agitée Otsumi. Ça semblait passer inaperçu.
Trente minutes plus tard, les trois jonins avaient été assemblés dans le bureau des raikages. Surplombant le village, il avait une belle vue si quelque chose. A, le raikage, était assis sur le canapé assez confortable que A, le raikage précédent, avait apporté. Une table à café était assise devant elle, où trois enveloppes étaient posées. Le raikage s'est simplement assis là en regardant les trois jonins pendant une minute, essayant de les intimider un peu avant qu'elle ne fixe la réunion. Enfin, elle s'assit un peu plus, se penchant vers l'avant et exposant son assez grand sein.
A, le Raikage, célèbre pour ses prouesses dans la bataille et les looks stupéfiants.
Oui! Merci de s'être montrée! » Elle a immédiatement éclaté avec sa voix assez puissante et imposante. Comme son kekkei genkai, il semblait que si elle criait assez fort, elle pouvait casser des murs - et des os - avec seulement sa voix. Aujourd'hui, vous avez vos équipes! Mais... tu le savais déjà. Oui, j'ai d'autres nouvelles aussi! Tu iras en mission immédiatement. Ensemble! Avec toutes vos équipes. N'est-ce pas excitant!Elle s'est penchée un peu vers l'avant et a poussé les enveloppes vers l'avant, les ayant marqués avec les noms du jonin. Voici vos équipes. Elle a invité le jonin à saisir leurs enveloppes respectives et à les ouvrir, révélant une carte avec les noms de leurs équipes.
Jonin, Gazo Minaru
Chunin, Magoichi Kioku
Chunin, Aria Ari
Chunin, Dango Kuroba
Jonin, Kowareta Sutemasu
Chunin, Uchiha Kota
Chunin, Mizuno Kasumi
Chunin, Abukara Reiji
Jonin, Nakamura Hageshī
Chunin, Senkenshi Toraburu
Chunin, Nekoyama Midori
Chunin, Hizo Saborama
Chunin, Yayoi Ikaruga
Une fois qu'ils ont fini de lire les listes de l'équipe, elle s'assurerait de leur donner des instructions sur la mission. Oui! Maintenant que vous avez fini de lire tout ça, je vais vous expliquer la mission. Vous allez détruire une raffinerie de métal à Kirigakure. C'est sur l'une de leurs îles plus petites, et ils l'ont utilisé pour affiner les métaux pour leur armement. » Elle a toussé, et a couvert sa bouche d'un poing, fermant légèrement les yeux. À gauche d'elle, le jonin remarquait l'assistant, Otsumi, qui se préparait à ce qui allait arriver.
Elle éclata brusquement et fracassé la main contre la table de café en bois devant elle, la brisant en deux, puis en faisant craquer le sol sous la table avec la force d'une simple fist-stomp. Tout le bâtiment secoua momentanément avant qu'il ne se calme à nouveau, et A se rétracta lentement du bras de la table. Elle toussait encore et regardait les trois jonins. Désolé. Assurez-vous que la plante entière n'est rien de plus que des cendres une fois que vous avez fini. Et ne laissez aucune trace qui puisse conduire à Kumogakure!
Elle a serré les mains, indiquant que la réunion serait terminée, ne donnant même pas aux jonins une chance de poser des questions. Ils devaient quitter la pièce et ensuite faire ce qu'ils voulaient, même s'ils devaient partir avant 12h00. Il serait sage de rassembler les équipes et de se réunir plus tard avant de partir, étant donné qu'elles assisteraient toutes à la même mission. | B U D D H A ' S T E M P L E
壊れた 捨てます
Broken Discard
“猿も木から落ちる。 Saru mo ki kara ochiru.”
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
Early Summer Rain - Samidare
Sutemasu is a woman that, noticeably, has an appealing physique. She looks like a woman that you wouldn't expect in the shinobi force and, furthermore, it seems to come almost effortless to her. Truthfully it doesn't - she spends a lot of time making sure she looks presentable as she is a woman that worries a lot about her appearance to others. Perhaps a hint of insecurity.
Her long blonde hair flows carelessly over her shoulders while the rest of it hangs back in a long ponytail. It's well cared for and that does show. It is perhaps the pride and joy of Sutemasu's appearance and how she feels about herself - if there's anything she loves about herself it's her hair.
She also has long eyelashes, another feature that appeals to many of those around her. Besides that she has no real remarkable physical traits that set her apart too much. Her chin is pointed, flowing forth from a relatively straight jawline. She has a short nose that whips up slightly near the tip. Her eyebrows are plucked into a neat shape, too. Her figure is slightly reminiscent of an hour-glass figure, however it's very subtle, with only a slight bit of curviness to her. Those standing near her would get a faint hint of flowers from her, as she smells or reminds people of them somehow.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kowareta Sutemasu
Kowareta-sensei, Sute
Kowaretu, a clan that hasn't existed for too long.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Sutemasu is a kind, sweet hearted woman who wishes the best to those around her. Her personality was shaped and formed by her history as is the case with many people. However, she has formed herself into something unique when compared to people that went through similar experiences. She stayed humble, obedient and filled herself with hope and determination rather than falling back onto bitterness and anger.
She is calm, collected and seems to be capable of a large amount of empathy. This is, according to the raikage, the primary reason she was chosen as an instructor and sensei. Her soft way of speaking and instructing give genin and chunin the idea that she cares, which she does, which seems to make them more inclined to listen. Nevertheless she can be authoritarian and instructive as needed, in such situations that demand it.
Though not many people realize it, and she would never speak about it or such, she has been through quite a lot. She's lost a lot of comrades in recent years and many of them were close friends of hers. Sometimes she goes through periods of time where she is, at least slightly so, depressed. Though she does her best to hide it, this information can be seen by anyone with a keen and adept mind for psychology or social aptitude. Never the less it seems like it doesn't affect her life too much.
History theme
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Careless play and surprising realization
Sutemasu was born 28 years ago in a hospital in the middle of Kumogakure. While her mother was not a shinobi, her will and strength throughout childbirth could've made her as strong as, or stronger, than most shinobi. The child labour was tough and required a lot from Sutemasu her mother. Not to say that this is a sob-story about how she lost both her parents - no, as you will recognize in her story, despite what she's been through she has never had anything that bad happen to herself.
Her early years were spent mostly doing child things. She usually spent her time playing around with other children, until she became 4. From that point on, naturally as all the other children, she became more aware of her surroundings, the meaning behind the word shinobi, and the jobs that a shinobi was supposed to do. When she was six, she became interested in becoming a shinobi herself. Not for the obvious reasons, namely that it was 'cool' to be a shinobi according to many children, but more so because she enjoyed the kunoichi classes which included flower arrangement and other such things.
Upon enrollment she spent less time with her mother - who ran a flower shop - and spent more time with her father, a Kumogakure jonin. However in order to earn her allowance she still had to work in the flower shop, producing a strong bond between her and both parents.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Study hard, play harder!
In her academy years, Sutemasu spent a lot of time practicing the shinobi arts, especially the kunoichi arts. A lot of time and practice went into ninjutsu and such, while a smaller but still proportionate amount of time was spent in the books to learn about theoretical stuff like tenketsu, chakra control and shinobi history. While she was a good student, she was never one to stand out too much even if she was capable of much more than she let on. She was shy and reserved, though she wasn't one to get bullied or let herself be teased - she could stand up for herself. But her general likeability made her a small target, and she got along with almost all her classmates.
Besides studying, she also spent a lot of time playing. She was acquainted with her many classmates outside of school as well and especially in the early years of the academy, she spent a lot of time outside playing shinobi games and doing general children stuff. When she became older the games changed, of course, and she was more frequently asked to help in the shop. Her group of friends that she frequently hung out with became smaller, but more tight knit, as is normal. It seems that even in a shinobi academy you can't stop clique's from forming.
Age 13 to 15; genin years
Time to work, time to help!
Her time spent as genin were perhaps some of the most entertaining years she spent in her life. While some would look back on the academy and wish they could be there again, Sutemasu was excited to begin working as a genin, doing missions and helping people. Unlike the current generation, she was a genin right after Sasuke and Naruto more or less 'saved the world' and then died. There was still a carefree attitude around, the idea that friendship was the most important thing. So she did not have to dig trenches or do anything like that.
She genuinely spent her time helping people with small tasks, and missions that were barely dangerous. It were more or less the luxury years of her career as a shinobi. It was during that time period, near her fifteenth birthday, where her father decided to retire. He remained active as a sensei within the academy, but his fighting years were over. At least, unless the village required him for it's defense. It seemed to make more sense to make place for Sutemasu, giving her a spot to earn the family some honour. And it would be a shame after all if he died during a mission now that he had a wife and a kid.
Age 15 to 21; chunin years
Maybe the shinobi life isn't that cool..
While she became a chunin with a remarkably good chunin exam, she soon experienced that the life of a shinobi was, perhaps, not as rose colored as she'd imagined. Once her and some of her friends became chunin, they were sent on more dangerous missions. Many of them did not make it back alive, and in these six years she lost many of her friends.
She became a bit more held back and reserved in her personality, becoming more quiet, timid and possibly showing signs of a slight depression. While she never developed anything serious, she was apparently touched deeply by her losses. At age 20 her father died of implications from an old wound that got infected, leaving her and her mother behind. The funeral was respect worthy, and after a small time spent away from the shinobi force, Sutemasu returned to her duties.
Age 21 to present day; jonin years
Teaching kids can be fun, too.. Right?
A year after her fathers death she was promoted to the rank of a jonin, making her a sensei to a team. While she didn't receive her father's headband like she would've wanted, since it was buried with him, she did receive her father's flak jacket. Her first team was a rather rowdy team but due to her natural charm and likeability she managed to subdue them and form them into shinobi that were worthy of the title of chunin. She led them from genin to chunin, with the recent exams being an ending to that chapter of her book. Currently she is on stand by which means she is mostly performing missions with other jonin. However, she has been alerted by the raikage that she is expected to return to her duties as a sensei, this time leading chunin that are already capable of a lot.
【Family ties】
Sutemasu her family life was relatively relaxed. The bloodline of the Kowareta do not represent a large clan similar to the Hyuga or such, but rather a small family. They have relatively little political influence and are 'just another family'. Many family members live outside of Kumogakure, and many of them are not even shinobi. The largest concentration of Kowareta families live in Kumogakure, since 3 families live here.
Yosho Kowareta | Father | 54, Kumogakure, deceased, ex-jonin
Junko Kowareta | Mother | 51, Kumogakure, owner of the flowershop in the village center
Gota Kowareta | Cousin | 14, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
Sutemasu dreams of one day being able to retire, looking back on a succesful career where she helped as many people as she could, and having raised a generation of shinobi that she, and the village, can be proud of.
Her fears are a new war breaking out, as that would mean death and destruction, of which she had already had enough even without the war. Another fear is death - she fears death as all humans do. Any human that doesn't fear death is mentally ill.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Sutemasu is a ninjutsu specialist whom is specifically catered to the engagement at medium to short ranges. Making use of her personal hiden allows her to maintain, and easily sustain herself, within close combat situations. She works best at a medium range to support her teammates, though most her jutsu's are catered more towards finishing blows. Sutemasu can be quite sacrificial considering she has mostly taught children and people that were younger and less experienced than her, so she is willing to risk herself for them. Given her hiden, that should not be too much of a problem, however.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
C rank techniques:
Gōkakyū no Jutsu
Hōsenka no Jutsu
Doroku Gaeshi
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Nokorimasu Onaji (: Sutemasu Style: Remain the Same, 捨てますスタイル 残ります同じ)
Nokorimasu Onaji utilizes a very very small amount of chakra, which gathers in a 'pool' of chakra within the user. In general, there's never been a time where the chakra gets used up so quickly in usage of the technique that it completely empties out.
This passive ability consumes chakra at a very slow rate constantly, even when not in combat. Luckily Sutemasu's chakra pool is large enough to sustain it. This ability works through getting hurt - as strange as it may sounds - converting damage done to the user and turning it into raw power. In effect, that means that 'more damage input = more damage output' in simple terms. Muscles are stimulated by the damage, as well as the psychological will to fight on. This allows Sutemasu to press on past her normal limits and keep fighting even with broken bones, torn muscles or large gaping wounds. The drawbacks to this are, of course, that she's going to be less accurate and skillful, but more powerful. In short, attacks will be more powerful but she'll have a harder time hitting, depending largely on the type of wounds too.
This is by no means a healing jutsu however. A gaping wound will still bleed, and if she doesn't receive treatment, she will still die from the wounds. It's just that she'd likely not notice any pain from the wounds, and that she will feel stronger despite the wound.
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Chakurabāsuto (Sutemasu Style: Chakra Burst, チャクラバースト)
Releasing one fourth of the chakra stored in the pool for the Nokori Onaji technique, she releases a pure burst of chakra out of her entire body, causing a shockwave of chakra. This shockwave can extend between 5m and 10m, dependent on how large her pool currently is. The shockwave is powerful enough to send shinobi that don't hold themselves down on the ground flying, sending lightweights (80<kg.) flying atleast 20 meters at high speed, and sending heavyweights (80>kg.) stumbling out of the shockwave area. Objects are sent flying away too, such as kunai, leaves and other random items in the area.
The jutsu isn't incredibly damaging on it's own, dependent on objects in the area. For instance, in an empty dirt field, there'll be no objects to send flying, and no objects for the enemy to crash into. So, damage will be reduced to perhaps some light scraping from scraping on the ground.
In a forest, or a densely built in city, the damage will be more extensive, given that the enemy might fly into trees, rocks, buildings, roadsigns, etcetera.
Jutsu name:
Bōru (Soup-jutsu: Bowl, ボウル)
This Doton technique forms the basis of a three-nature combination. The Bowl jutsu causes the target to be encased in a dome of earth around them, which then lifts up off of the earth on four earthen pillars. The jutsu is simple. There really isn't much to it - it doesn't kill, damage, or harm you, it just traps you inside the dome. That's bad, right?
Well you can break free. Use S, A or B-rank lightning based jutsu's to break through, or use sheer force if you're really that strong. Just do it in time before the next part of the combo.
Jutsu name:
Sūpu mizu (Soup-jutsu: Soup Water, スープ水)
This Suiton based jutsu is the next step. Thought being trapped in a dome of earth was bad enough? WRONG! Through a hole in the top of the dome that briefly opens at the command of the user, the user then spews water into the 'soup bowl' until it's full of water. Congratulations, you'll now be drowning!
Since this is a suiton jutsu, you could possibly use wind to create a bubble of air for yourself to breathe, though it's not drowning you need to worry about. At this stage of the combo it becomes more or less impossible to use electricity to free yourself from the dome as you'd electrocute yourself. Unless you're willing to risk that. Sheer force would still be enough to break free, but since water slows down movement, it'd likely have to come from the outside.
Or another solution. Maybe you can think of something. Better hurry before the next step, which is..
Jutsu name:
Sutōbu o tentō (Soup-jutsu: Light the Stove, ストーブを点灯)
The final step in the three jutsu combo. True to it's name, this is the step that probably is the most dangerous for whomever gets trapped. Using the Katon nature, the user lights a fire underneath the earthen soup bowl/dome that they created, beginning to boil it at an alarming and dangerous rate for whomever is inside. Drown in the soup made of your own body! Muahaha! Ahem. There is no real defence for this step, if you are trapped.
For outsiders it's possible to blow out the fire using wind jutsu, to quench it with a water jutsu, or to simply free those in the bowl with force. Electricity is possible but ill-advised since you'd probably electrocute your friends inside the bowl.
Neki the Newt
This summoning technique summons Neki the Newt, a large green newt. Given the qualities of a newt, this newt is capable of high speed water traversal as well as shooting water out of it's mouth in a jet stream capable of pushing people back, or if they are light, shooting them away. It's size is medium sized (it's aproximately 2m. high and 4m. long) and is big enough to carry two people in it's mouth at once if they are standing up. It's also possible (and something Sutemasu does often) to ride on it's back by standing on top of it.
Senkensha Toraburu
先見者 トラブル
Seer Trouble
“馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。 Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.”
Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.
Yes, indeed. Toraburu looks like a cat. A inherent trait to his clan makes him take on some traits of a cat, which has manifested itself through a pair of cat ears on his head and fangs that protrude from his mouth even when it's closed. Never the less, you should be warned that any mention of this to Toraburu will make him.. very angry at the least. Contrary to popular belief, Toraburu is NOT cute.
Besides his obvious features being like a cat, he looks like a pretty normal person. Though, you couldn't really call him that given his cat features. Just ignore those. If you look past that you'll see that Toraburu often looks a bit mad. His nose is very small, and very flat, curving up slightly near the end. His eyes are large in comparison, amber in colour, and shaped like almonds. His eyebrows curve inwards almost constantly making him appear angry and aggressive constantly.
His mouth is relatively small, and has two fangs protruding from it. It's almost constantly in a downwards curved frown, making him look even more angry. Truthfully it does a good job at spelling out what kind of person Toraburu is.
His small stature makes his life even more miserable as he stands at, barely, 5'7. He's smaller than most guys his age, actually, and his small size make it even easier for people to find him cute. Never the less he stands his own as his body size is relative to his size. He pulls it off without looking like a short stubby man, maintaining a good balance between muscles and fat and his size. It's almost like he's insecure about it.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Senkensha Toraburu
'Neko, Kitty' if you want to get killed. If you value your life, 'Trouble, Tora'
Heterosexual, though unapproachable
A small village in the outskirts of Kumogakure
Senkensha clan, an entire clan of cat-like shinobi. They're spread throughout the world and are more or less just a clan only in name. They don't really know each other.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his cute appearance, Toraburu has proven to be quite unapproachable. Any comments made towards him that he does not like (i.e. most of the comments made towards him) are met with silence, sarcasm, or straight up insults. While they are generally harmless, if you truly get on his nerves he will make it a point to drill you into the ground, to avoid having to deal with you any further.
While he does have this unhandleable attitude, he seems to have some degree of respect for authority, though begrudgingly he seems to still give them a big mouth some times. For all it's worth however he seems to be at least a decent asset to the team, regardless of his personal attitude. It seems more a case of finding a team for him that he can fit into without much trouble - a team that doesn't ask him too many questions. Perhaps an apathetic team.
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Asshole parents are a universal thing, yo.
Toraburu was born as a result of two of the Senkensha clan being together. They were travelers, as so many Senkensha clan members are, and his mother happened to get pregnant at a time during the travelling. They rested at a village for the next five months until she was ready to give birth. When that was done, and the young lad 'Trouble' was born, the parents vanished. Possibly because the Senkensha clan enjoys their freedom, and having a young boy with them would impede on that freedom.
He was named Toraburu, because that was what he was to his new adoptive parents. 'Trouble'. It was a pretty harsh life the next six years, but luckily for Toraburu, Senkensha clan members weren't born with their cat like features. He seemed to be a relatively normal kid - up until his fifth birthday when his teeth were starting to protrude from his lips despite having his mouth closed, as well as his ears beginning to grow slightly. His adoptive parents still sort of loved him, but it became a lot harder for them to justify having this 'strange kid' in their household. Slowly but surely the village excluded them more and more until it became time for Toraburu to leave for the Shinobi village hidden in the Mountains.
He was accepted there, and joined the shinobi academy. From time to time he'd visit the village, to see his 'parents' but all in all it wasn't too much trouble to leave behind the family.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Mreow! Don't mess with the cat!
During his years in the academy his rather peculiar personality traits became apparent. While at first everyone seemed to think that Toraburu was an extremely nice kid due to his appearance, they were often rudely awoken from their idiotic ideas as Toraburu had a rather foul mouth for a young boy. More often than not he was involved in school fights, incidents in the village and just general trouble. He was living up to his name, more or less. He made many enemies in these years, people that rather saw him bite the dust sooner or later. The feeling was, more often than not, mutual.
While he was a bit of a pain in the ass to the teachers, he did listen to them and he was by all means not a bad student - more likely due to innate ability to become a shinobi than hard work. He was the kid in class that never seemed to do anything, yet ace the exams. It was the beginning for his arrogance, since he noticed himself as well. What was he other than a master at shinobi arts, if he did not try hard at all and still succeeded? That placed him above the rest did it not? Whether his feelings were justified or not, he graduated somewhere in the top 10% of the class, giving him at least some credibility for his claims.
Age 13 to present day; genin years
WHA? They said this would be fun!
While others may have enjoyed these petty years, merely a small point in Toraburu's life. A life he expects and expected to be filled with more splendor and action and interesting things. But no, rather, he was stuck doing rather dull stuff for most his genin missions. He had a team that he didn't like very much but was forced to cooperate with. This only made his pains more unbearable. Digging trenches and taking care of ninken was hardly something he found enjoyable.
It was only when the chunin exams began that he found some.. degree of pleasure in the shinobi line of work. 'Kill?!' he asked his sensei, whom replied that yes, killing was a possibility. 'Anything to get that chunin rank' he thought, figuring he'd get to do more interesting shit then.
He quickly became somewhat of a feared aspect of the chunin exams - he basically physically dragged his team through the exams. And no, that's not figuratively, because he literally dragged a teammate through a battle, cause the little shit was planning to run away and abandon his teammates. During that little escapade he continued to fight his enemies, slinging jutsu left and right and even using the poor boy as a weapon at some point. Needless to say, it was quite peculiar, and perhaps not very fitting of a 'leadership figure' that a chunin was supposed to be. But hey, he passed the trial, so technically they couldn't say shit. Naturally he passed and became a chunin. Now the fun began.
【Family ties】
His family is spread throughout the world, and even though they are somewhat large in numbers, it's not often that the clan members meet. His father and mother are somewhere out there.
Otu Taika | Adoptive mother | 67, Ricepaddy Village, farmer, seamstress
Hoshin Taika | Adoptive father | 71, Ricepaddy Village, farmer
Raito Taika | Adoptive brother | 25, Ricepaddy Village, useless kid that pretends to be a farmer
【Dreams and fears】
Why, becoming famous of course! Nothing would be greater than to become known as a revered shinobi hero that can kill you with merely a glance of the eyes!
Strangely enough he has no interest in ever meeting his parents, though he is unsure how it would happen if he ever did. Chances seem slim though.
His fears are that people will stop bothering with him - even though he's an asshole, he'd hate to feel ignored. It's his biggest pet peeve if people ignored him, so if everyone treated him like he didn't exist, that'd be terrible for him.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Toraburu fights using ninjutsu and taijutsu. He's something of a mix between a ferocious close range fighter and a skilled ninjutsu duelist, though he is capable in both. A bit of a jack-of-all trades, his kekkei genkai gives him the means to do so. Never the less he'll get very annoyed if he is attacked at long range, or if someone figures out his weakness. Because his weakness can literally put him out of the rest of the fight indefinitely.
Furthermore he is quite prone to irrationality and aggressive attacks, making it very likely and possible for him to be lured into a trap or to get ganged up on once he's pulled out of position.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Neko no mimi, 猫の耳.
Ears of a Cat.
Less of a kekkei genkai than just simple physical structure, it is never the less still classed as a kekkei genkai. His cat-like ears allow him to hear extremely well, hearing perfectly what is going on up to about a kilometre away. Similarly, he can hear things that normally do not produce enough sound to be heard easily in a battle, such as kunai and shuriken flying through the air.
Effectively, this allows him to be a semi-sensory nin without really being a sensory nin.
It's not really a kekkei genkai that has any strengths - it allows him to sense people up to 1km away, if they are making noise. The question is if they are making noise. A perfectly silent opponent will be able to circumvent him, though even the slightest slip up would alert Toraburu to their location.
This kekkei genkai can easily be overcome by producing zero noise whatsoever. Even though ninja's are, well, ninja's, it seems that many shinobi do not actually possess such skills. Never the less this is probably the easiest way to circumvent him, though it requires extreme skill to be 100% silent.
Another more backwards method of disabling the kekkei genkai is through the use of sound. While a normal human voice isn't enough to bother Toraburu, nor is a scream or anything that is capable of being produced by humans without tools, a sound-based jutsu would probably be capable of annoying him greatly to the point of hurting his ears and putting him out of the fight.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Suidan no Jutsu
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Suirō no Jutsu
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Nekoken Sutairu, 猫拳スタイル
Cat Fist Style
Much less a technique than a fighting style, this style focusses on the user augmenting chakra in the fists during combat. Whenever the user hits, a blast of chakra follows the hit into the targets body. Relatively simple, really. Although it's reminiscent of the gentle fist style from the Hyuga's, it's different in that it's impossible for Toraburu to see the tenketsu. Therefore he cannot cut off chakra lines or such. Instead, the chakra blasts just deal massive internal damage, capable of temporarily or permanently shutting down organs upon successive hits.
Jutsu name:
Neko Tenohira Burasuto, 猫手のひらブラスト
Cat Palm Blast
A part of the Cat Fist style, the user flattens out their hand and curls their fingers inwards, reminiscent of a cat paw. Upon doing so they target the target's limbs, and when then hit, release the chakra. In the case that this hits, it will likely have enough power to temporarily disable the limb with both the force it puts out and the chakra emanating from the attack.
Jutsu name:
Hatsuon Hiaringu, 発音ヒアリング
Pronounced Hearing
This is a sensory technique. When the user (Toraburu) focuses chakra on his already remarkably good ears, he can increase the range of the sensory qualities. The zone of hearing will expand from 1km to approximately 3.5km. This is a fair range for a sensory nin that doesn't even want to be a sensory nin, and because this 'jutsu' is seen as uncool by Toraburu, it is unlikely that he will progress himself to be able to hear any further than that.
The one weakness this has is that while normally, under the passive kekkei genkai usage, it wouldn't cause him to hurt his ears from anyone standing nearby and talking. Since this jutsu enhances the hearing even further, it would hurt him very much so if someone stood next to him and talked into his ears
Jutsu name:
Nainraiburaifusutairu, ナインライブライフスタイル
By focusing his chakra on his muscles and surrounding areas, Toraburu is able to make himself much more dextrous, bendy and agile than he would've been normally. This is due to his 'cat like physique' which the chakra would help activate slightly more. The exchange for this, however, is the fact that it consumes a bit of chakra, and it reduces the strength of his attacks. On the flip side - it does allow him to jump around a bit more easily, as well as bend out of the way of attacks. |
13,246 | 381 | 1 | 1,717 | 2,937 | L'objectif est de faire en sorte qu'il soit possible d'améliorer la qualité de l'eau et de l'eau potable.
"Saru mo ki kara ochiru. Même les singes tombent des arbres.
Sutemasu s'est réveillée tôt, comme elle avait tendance à le faire. Elle était une personne du matin après tout, quelqu'un qui pouvait profiter de la mer du temps qui lui est devenue disponible si elle se réveillait tôt. Le fait qu'elle vivait dans une zone paisible aurait pu aider à devenir une personne du matin, peut-être. Il y avait quelque chose au sujet du chant des oiseaux qui semblait terriblement agréable à Sutemasu. Elle a passé son matin à préparer le petit-déjeuner et le thé, à profiter de ce petit-déjeuner et le thé, puis à nettoyer sa maison. Ce n'était pas malsain, c'est juste que parfois vous avez juste besoin de déplacer certains articles pour que tout devienne un peu plus agréable à regarder. Cependant, elle a été interrompue par son sonnerie de porte, ce qui ne pouvait signifier qu'une chose. Des visiteurs! Mais si tôt? Peut - être une voisine avait - elle besoin d'aide pour se rendre à la porte. Elle était là en quelques secondes, ouvrant la porte et étant accueillie par Otsumi, l'assistant du Raikage. L'échange d'informations était plutôt gênant, plus pour Otsumi que pour Sutemasu. Une fois terminé, cependant, Sutemasu a réalisé qu'aujourd'hui était en fait le jour où les nouvelles équipes seraient formées. Une journée passionnante avant tout impliqué, elle devinait, puisqu'elle ne connaissait pas tout à fait l'un des chunin impliqués.
En ce qui concerne le jonin, elle savait seulement que Hageshi et Minaru étaient impliqués. Hageshi qu'elle connaissait décemment, ayant travaillé avec lui une ou deux fois dans l'étrange mission. Elle n'était pas sûre de savoir comment elle s'est classée contre lui - ou n'importe qui, d'ailleurs. Elle n'avait pas une très haute estime de soi et elle avait même l'idée faible que l'un des chunins pourrait même être en mesure de la battre. Mais il n'y avait aucun sens à se battre pour ça. Ce qu'ils n'avaient pas, c'était de l'expérience. Ça valait quelque chose. Minaru d'autre part, elle connaissait par son nom - il était tout à fait le personnage qu'elle avait entendu. Il était un prodige de toutes sortes, atteignant le rang de jonin à un âge où d'autres étaient encore occupés à faire des trucs de génie. C'était impressionnant, mais elle se demandait comment ça l'affecterait.
Elle s'est habillée quelques minutes après le départ d'Otsumi, en portant sa chemise noire à manches longues, puis en mettant son flak-vest. Une fois qu'elle a fini de s'habiller, elle a quitté la maison, en s'assurant d'enfermer la maison derrière elle. Je ne voudrais pas que quelqu'un entre par effraction. La marche jusqu'au bureau des raikages n'était pas trop longue, quelque part entre dix et quinze minutes. C'était une promenade relaxante, jamais moins, puisque personne n'était là à ce moment-là, sauf quelques propriétaires de magasins qui se préparaient à ouvrir leurs magasins pour la journée. Elle a salué certains d'entre eux, surtout ceux qu'elle connaissait.
Elle est entrée dans le bureau et a remarqué qu'elle était la première. Excusez-moi, Mme A. Je n'avais pas réalisé que j'étais... trop tôt. Je suis désolé, j'attendrai dehors.Le raikage a agité sa préoccupation et l'a fait signe aux chaises qui étaient debout devant la table à café, donc Sutemasu a simplement souri dans la gratitude et s'est assis, traversant ses jambes l'une l'autre et attendant patiemment que Minaru et Hageshi arrivent. Une fois qu'ils l'ont fait, elle a simplement assisté à la réunion en entier, puis est partie une fois qu'on s'attendait à ce qu'ils le fassent.
Quand ils sortirent, Sutemasu se tourna vers les deux jonins qui étaient avec elle. Hageshi-san, Minaru-kun, je vais chercher mon équipe maintenant. Rendez-vous à l'entrée de Kumogakure une fois que nous aurons fini et que nous serons prêts à partir. Je te vois là-bas! » Elle agita poliment et s'en alla, laissant les deux derrière eux.
La première sur sa liste était Uchiha Kota. Elle savait où il vivait, parce que les listes de l'équipe ont été fournies avec une courte note qui indiquait quelques informations de base sur le chunin, comme leur nom, âge et adresse. Et sûrement à cette heure de la journée, il serait toujours à la maison? Elle a marché, ne se précipitant pas pour y arriver ou quoi que ce soit. Une fois là-bas, elle frappa poliment à la porte et attendit qu'il ouvre la porte. Bonjour Kota-kun. Je suis Kowareta Sutemasu, et je suis ton nouveau sensei. S'il vous plaît, suivez-moi, pendant que nous allons recueillir les deux autres chunin. » Elle lui sourit brièvement avant de se retourner et de partir immédiatement. Elle est allée chez Kasumi, ce qui n'était pas trop loin. À peine un pâté de maisons, a-t-elle estimé.
Une fois arrivée là-bas, elle a suivi la même procédure. Frappe à la porte, attends qu'ils l'ouvrent, et salue-les. C'est assez facile. "Kasumi-chan"? Je suis Kowareta Sutemasu. Je vais être votre nouveau sensei à partir d'aujourd'hui. S'il vous plaît, suivez-moi. Nous sommes sur le chemin pour trouver votre troisième et puis l'équipier final, Abukara Reiji, et Amehime Oukami.La fille lui a rappelé une coéquipière qu'elle avait l'habitude d'avoir, qui avait passé à l'après-vie il y a quelque temps. Elle ne pouvait qu'espérer que le même sort n'arriverait pas à cette jeune fille. Cependant, elle n'a pas laissé entendre ses pensées, et s'est rendue à la maison d'Abukara Reiji. Ils marchaient simplement, puisque Sutemasu ne se contentait pas de gaspiller de l'énergie juste avant une mission.
Frappe. Quelque temps s'était écoulé depuis qu'elle est partie et Sutemasu s'est demandé si elle serait à l'heure pour le reste des jonins. Elle n'aimerait pas être en retard, et faire démarrer la mission plus tard. Mais, eh bien, ils n'ont dû partir qu'à 12h, donc il y a eu beaucoup de temps. Assez de temps pour que les chunins s'habillent, s'ils ne l'avaient pas déjà fait. C'est Reiji-kun? Je suis désolé d'être si tôt, mais je suis Kowareta Sutemasu. Je vais être ton nouveau sensei à partir d'aujourd'hui. S'il vous plaît, préparez-vous à partir.
Enfin le tour d'Amehime était là. Ils sont arrivés à la maison, ce qui a donné à Sutemasu un sentiment étrange. Quand elle a frappé à la porte, une femme âgée a ouvert la porte. Excuse-moi, Amehime est là? Je suis son nouveau sensei. Nous nous dirigerons vers une mission plus tard aujourd'hui, donc je suis ici pour le récupérer.
Une fois qu'Amehime était prêt à les rejoindre, ils partiraient. Maintenant que l'équipe était ensemble, Sutemasu les a conduits à un banc pas trop loin de là. Merci à tous d'être venus si rapidement. Je suis désolé, mais nous allons devoir faire les présentations assez rapidement puisque le Raikage veut qu'on parte en mission avec d'autres équipes. Je suis Kowareta Sutemasu, j'ai 28 ans et je vis près du village. Si jamais vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit, n'hésitez pas à me contacter! » Elle s'inclina légèrement la tête et sourit au trois chunin, ses yeux serrent légèrement ensemble avec plaisir. Il était clair qu'elle était une personne joyeuse et amicale. Peut-être que cela leur a donné l'idée qu'elle était faible, mais ils étaient libres de penser cela. Reiji-kun, Amehime-kun, Kota-kun, Kasumi-chan, s'il vous plaît, présentez-vous, dites-nous votre âge et quelque chose sur vous-même, et puis nous partirons!
Les introductions s'achevant rapidement, ils s'en vont à un rythme plus rapide. Sutemasu s'est assuré d'arriver aux portes du village tôt, pour s'assurer qu'ils ne seraient pas en retard. Mais il semblait qu'une fois de plus elle était en avance à la fête, et se tenait à la porte du village toute seule avec son équipe. C'est pas vrai. Je suppose que nous avons été un peu trop rapides avec les présentations. Et bien... C'est bon. Prenons juste quelques minutes pour nous détendre avant de partir en mission. » Ce serait maintenant un bon moment pour se détendre avec leurs coéquipiers, et avoir une conversation ou quelque chose pendant qu'ils attendaient le reste. Bien sûr.. ils n'étaient pas tenus de le faire, tant qu'ils sont restés dans la région. | B U D D H A ' S T E M P L E
壊れた 捨てます
Broken Discard
“猿も木から落ちる。 Saru mo ki kara ochiru.”
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
Early Summer Rain - Samidare
Sutemasu is a woman that, noticeably, has an appealing physique. She looks like a woman that you wouldn't expect in the shinobi force and, furthermore, it seems to come almost effortless to her. Truthfully it doesn't - she spends a lot of time making sure she looks presentable as she is a woman that worries a lot about her appearance to others. Perhaps a hint of insecurity.
Her long blonde hair flows carelessly over her shoulders while the rest of it hangs back in a long ponytail. It's well cared for and that does show. It is perhaps the pride and joy of Sutemasu's appearance and how she feels about herself - if there's anything she loves about herself it's her hair.
She also has long eyelashes, another feature that appeals to many of those around her. Besides that she has no real remarkable physical traits that set her apart too much. Her chin is pointed, flowing forth from a relatively straight jawline. She has a short nose that whips up slightly near the tip. Her eyebrows are plucked into a neat shape, too. Her figure is slightly reminiscent of an hour-glass figure, however it's very subtle, with only a slight bit of curviness to her. Those standing near her would get a faint hint of flowers from her, as she smells or reminds people of them somehow.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kowareta Sutemasu
Kowareta-sensei, Sute
Kowaretu, a clan that hasn't existed for too long.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Sutemasu is a kind, sweet hearted woman who wishes the best to those around her. Her personality was shaped and formed by her history as is the case with many people. However, she has formed herself into something unique when compared to people that went through similar experiences. She stayed humble, obedient and filled herself with hope and determination rather than falling back onto bitterness and anger.
She is calm, collected and seems to be capable of a large amount of empathy. This is, according to the raikage, the primary reason she was chosen as an instructor and sensei. Her soft way of speaking and instructing give genin and chunin the idea that she cares, which she does, which seems to make them more inclined to listen. Nevertheless she can be authoritarian and instructive as needed, in such situations that demand it.
Though not many people realize it, and she would never speak about it or such, she has been through quite a lot. She's lost a lot of comrades in recent years and many of them were close friends of hers. Sometimes she goes through periods of time where she is, at least slightly so, depressed. Though she does her best to hide it, this information can be seen by anyone with a keen and adept mind for psychology or social aptitude. Never the less it seems like it doesn't affect her life too much.
History theme
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Careless play and surprising realization
Sutemasu was born 28 years ago in a hospital in the middle of Kumogakure. While her mother was not a shinobi, her will and strength throughout childbirth could've made her as strong as, or stronger, than most shinobi. The child labour was tough and required a lot from Sutemasu her mother. Not to say that this is a sob-story about how she lost both her parents - no, as you will recognize in her story, despite what she's been through she has never had anything that bad happen to herself.
Her early years were spent mostly doing child things. She usually spent her time playing around with other children, until she became 4. From that point on, naturally as all the other children, she became more aware of her surroundings, the meaning behind the word shinobi, and the jobs that a shinobi was supposed to do. When she was six, she became interested in becoming a shinobi herself. Not for the obvious reasons, namely that it was 'cool' to be a shinobi according to many children, but more so because she enjoyed the kunoichi classes which included flower arrangement and other such things.
Upon enrollment she spent less time with her mother - who ran a flower shop - and spent more time with her father, a Kumogakure jonin. However in order to earn her allowance she still had to work in the flower shop, producing a strong bond between her and both parents.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Study hard, play harder!
In her academy years, Sutemasu spent a lot of time practicing the shinobi arts, especially the kunoichi arts. A lot of time and practice went into ninjutsu and such, while a smaller but still proportionate amount of time was spent in the books to learn about theoretical stuff like tenketsu, chakra control and shinobi history. While she was a good student, she was never one to stand out too much even if she was capable of much more than she let on. She was shy and reserved, though she wasn't one to get bullied or let herself be teased - she could stand up for herself. But her general likeability made her a small target, and she got along with almost all her classmates.
Besides studying, she also spent a lot of time playing. She was acquainted with her many classmates outside of school as well and especially in the early years of the academy, she spent a lot of time outside playing shinobi games and doing general children stuff. When she became older the games changed, of course, and she was more frequently asked to help in the shop. Her group of friends that she frequently hung out with became smaller, but more tight knit, as is normal. It seems that even in a shinobi academy you can't stop clique's from forming.
Age 13 to 15; genin years
Time to work, time to help!
Her time spent as genin were perhaps some of the most entertaining years she spent in her life. While some would look back on the academy and wish they could be there again, Sutemasu was excited to begin working as a genin, doing missions and helping people. Unlike the current generation, she was a genin right after Sasuke and Naruto more or less 'saved the world' and then died. There was still a carefree attitude around, the idea that friendship was the most important thing. So she did not have to dig trenches or do anything like that.
She genuinely spent her time helping people with small tasks, and missions that were barely dangerous. It were more or less the luxury years of her career as a shinobi. It was during that time period, near her fifteenth birthday, where her father decided to retire. He remained active as a sensei within the academy, but his fighting years were over. At least, unless the village required him for it's defense. It seemed to make more sense to make place for Sutemasu, giving her a spot to earn the family some honour. And it would be a shame after all if he died during a mission now that he had a wife and a kid.
Age 15 to 21; chunin years
Maybe the shinobi life isn't that cool..
While she became a chunin with a remarkably good chunin exam, she soon experienced that the life of a shinobi was, perhaps, not as rose colored as she'd imagined. Once her and some of her friends became chunin, they were sent on more dangerous missions. Many of them did not make it back alive, and in these six years she lost many of her friends.
She became a bit more held back and reserved in her personality, becoming more quiet, timid and possibly showing signs of a slight depression. While she never developed anything serious, she was apparently touched deeply by her losses. At age 20 her father died of implications from an old wound that got infected, leaving her and her mother behind. The funeral was respect worthy, and after a small time spent away from the shinobi force, Sutemasu returned to her duties.
Age 21 to present day; jonin years
Teaching kids can be fun, too.. Right?
A year after her fathers death she was promoted to the rank of a jonin, making her a sensei to a team. While she didn't receive her father's headband like she would've wanted, since it was buried with him, she did receive her father's flak jacket. Her first team was a rather rowdy team but due to her natural charm and likeability she managed to subdue them and form them into shinobi that were worthy of the title of chunin. She led them from genin to chunin, with the recent exams being an ending to that chapter of her book. Currently she is on stand by which means she is mostly performing missions with other jonin. However, she has been alerted by the raikage that she is expected to return to her duties as a sensei, this time leading chunin that are already capable of a lot.
【Family ties】
Sutemasu her family life was relatively relaxed. The bloodline of the Kowareta do not represent a large clan similar to the Hyuga or such, but rather a small family. They have relatively little political influence and are 'just another family'. Many family members live outside of Kumogakure, and many of them are not even shinobi. The largest concentration of Kowareta families live in Kumogakure, since 3 families live here.
Yosho Kowareta | Father | 54, Kumogakure, deceased, ex-jonin
Junko Kowareta | Mother | 51, Kumogakure, owner of the flowershop in the village center
Gota Kowareta | Cousin | 14, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
Sutemasu dreams of one day being able to retire, looking back on a succesful career where she helped as many people as she could, and having raised a generation of shinobi that she, and the village, can be proud of.
Her fears are a new war breaking out, as that would mean death and destruction, of which she had already had enough even without the war. Another fear is death - she fears death as all humans do. Any human that doesn't fear death is mentally ill.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Sutemasu is a ninjutsu specialist whom is specifically catered to the engagement at medium to short ranges. Making use of her personal hiden allows her to maintain, and easily sustain herself, within close combat situations. She works best at a medium range to support her teammates, though most her jutsu's are catered more towards finishing blows. Sutemasu can be quite sacrificial considering she has mostly taught children and people that were younger and less experienced than her, so she is willing to risk herself for them. Given her hiden, that should not be too much of a problem, however.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
C rank techniques:
Gōkakyū no Jutsu
Hōsenka no Jutsu
Doroku Gaeshi
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Nokorimasu Onaji (: Sutemasu Style: Remain the Same, 捨てますスタイル 残ります同じ)
Nokorimasu Onaji utilizes a very very small amount of chakra, which gathers in a 'pool' of chakra within the user. In general, there's never been a time where the chakra gets used up so quickly in usage of the technique that it completely empties out.
This passive ability consumes chakra at a very slow rate constantly, even when not in combat. Luckily Sutemasu's chakra pool is large enough to sustain it. This ability works through getting hurt - as strange as it may sounds - converting damage done to the user and turning it into raw power. In effect, that means that 'more damage input = more damage output' in simple terms. Muscles are stimulated by the damage, as well as the psychological will to fight on. This allows Sutemasu to press on past her normal limits and keep fighting even with broken bones, torn muscles or large gaping wounds. The drawbacks to this are, of course, that she's going to be less accurate and skillful, but more powerful. In short, attacks will be more powerful but she'll have a harder time hitting, depending largely on the type of wounds too.
This is by no means a healing jutsu however. A gaping wound will still bleed, and if she doesn't receive treatment, she will still die from the wounds. It's just that she'd likely not notice any pain from the wounds, and that she will feel stronger despite the wound.
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Chakurabāsuto (Sutemasu Style: Chakra Burst, チャクラバースト)
Releasing one fourth of the chakra stored in the pool for the Nokori Onaji technique, she releases a pure burst of chakra out of her entire body, causing a shockwave of chakra. This shockwave can extend between 5m and 10m, dependent on how large her pool currently is. The shockwave is powerful enough to send shinobi that don't hold themselves down on the ground flying, sending lightweights (80<kg.) flying atleast 20 meters at high speed, and sending heavyweights (80>kg.) stumbling out of the shockwave area. Objects are sent flying away too, such as kunai, leaves and other random items in the area.
The jutsu isn't incredibly damaging on it's own, dependent on objects in the area. For instance, in an empty dirt field, there'll be no objects to send flying, and no objects for the enemy to crash into. So, damage will be reduced to perhaps some light scraping from scraping on the ground.
In a forest, or a densely built in city, the damage will be more extensive, given that the enemy might fly into trees, rocks, buildings, roadsigns, etcetera.
Jutsu name:
Bōru (Soup-jutsu: Bowl, ボウル)
This Doton technique forms the basis of a three-nature combination. The Bowl jutsu causes the target to be encased in a dome of earth around them, which then lifts up off of the earth on four earthen pillars. The jutsu is simple. There really isn't much to it - it doesn't kill, damage, or harm you, it just traps you inside the dome. That's bad, right?
Well you can break free. Use S, A or B-rank lightning based jutsu's to break through, or use sheer force if you're really that strong. Just do it in time before the next part of the combo.
Jutsu name:
Sūpu mizu (Soup-jutsu: Soup Water, スープ水)
This Suiton based jutsu is the next step. Thought being trapped in a dome of earth was bad enough? WRONG! Through a hole in the top of the dome that briefly opens at the command of the user, the user then spews water into the 'soup bowl' until it's full of water. Congratulations, you'll now be drowning!
Since this is a suiton jutsu, you could possibly use wind to create a bubble of air for yourself to breathe, though it's not drowning you need to worry about. At this stage of the combo it becomes more or less impossible to use electricity to free yourself from the dome as you'd electrocute yourself. Unless you're willing to risk that. Sheer force would still be enough to break free, but since water slows down movement, it'd likely have to come from the outside.
Or another solution. Maybe you can think of something. Better hurry before the next step, which is..
Jutsu name:
Sutōbu o tentō (Soup-jutsu: Light the Stove, ストーブを点灯)
The final step in the three jutsu combo. True to it's name, this is the step that probably is the most dangerous for whomever gets trapped. Using the Katon nature, the user lights a fire underneath the earthen soup bowl/dome that they created, beginning to boil it at an alarming and dangerous rate for whomever is inside. Drown in the soup made of your own body! Muahaha! Ahem. There is no real defence for this step, if you are trapped.
For outsiders it's possible to blow out the fire using wind jutsu, to quench it with a water jutsu, or to simply free those in the bowl with force. Electricity is possible but ill-advised since you'd probably electrocute your friends inside the bowl.
Neki the Newt
This summoning technique summons Neki the Newt, a large green newt. Given the qualities of a newt, this newt is capable of high speed water traversal as well as shooting water out of it's mouth in a jet stream capable of pushing people back, or if they are light, shooting them away. It's size is medium sized (it's aproximately 2m. high and 4m. long) and is big enough to carry two people in it's mouth at once if they are standing up. It's also possible (and something Sutemasu does often) to ride on it's back by standing on top of it.
Senkensha Toraburu
先見者 トラブル
Seer Trouble
“馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。 Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.”
Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.
Yes, indeed. Toraburu looks like a cat. A inherent trait to his clan makes him take on some traits of a cat, which has manifested itself through a pair of cat ears on his head and fangs that protrude from his mouth even when it's closed. Never the less, you should be warned that any mention of this to Toraburu will make him.. very angry at the least. Contrary to popular belief, Toraburu is NOT cute.
Besides his obvious features being like a cat, he looks like a pretty normal person. Though, you couldn't really call him that given his cat features. Just ignore those. If you look past that you'll see that Toraburu often looks a bit mad. His nose is very small, and very flat, curving up slightly near the end. His eyes are large in comparison, amber in colour, and shaped like almonds. His eyebrows curve inwards almost constantly making him appear angry and aggressive constantly.
His mouth is relatively small, and has two fangs protruding from it. It's almost constantly in a downwards curved frown, making him look even more angry. Truthfully it does a good job at spelling out what kind of person Toraburu is.
His small stature makes his life even more miserable as he stands at, barely, 5'7. He's smaller than most guys his age, actually, and his small size make it even easier for people to find him cute. Never the less he stands his own as his body size is relative to his size. He pulls it off without looking like a short stubby man, maintaining a good balance between muscles and fat and his size. It's almost like he's insecure about it.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Senkensha Toraburu
'Neko, Kitty' if you want to get killed. If you value your life, 'Trouble, Tora'
Heterosexual, though unapproachable
A small village in the outskirts of Kumogakure
Senkensha clan, an entire clan of cat-like shinobi. They're spread throughout the world and are more or less just a clan only in name. They don't really know each other.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his cute appearance, Toraburu has proven to be quite unapproachable. Any comments made towards him that he does not like (i.e. most of the comments made towards him) are met with silence, sarcasm, or straight up insults. While they are generally harmless, if you truly get on his nerves he will make it a point to drill you into the ground, to avoid having to deal with you any further.
While he does have this unhandleable attitude, he seems to have some degree of respect for authority, though begrudgingly he seems to still give them a big mouth some times. For all it's worth however he seems to be at least a decent asset to the team, regardless of his personal attitude. It seems more a case of finding a team for him that he can fit into without much trouble - a team that doesn't ask him too many questions. Perhaps an apathetic team.
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Asshole parents are a universal thing, yo.
Toraburu was born as a result of two of the Senkensha clan being together. They were travelers, as so many Senkensha clan members are, and his mother happened to get pregnant at a time during the travelling. They rested at a village for the next five months until she was ready to give birth. When that was done, and the young lad 'Trouble' was born, the parents vanished. Possibly because the Senkensha clan enjoys their freedom, and having a young boy with them would impede on that freedom.
He was named Toraburu, because that was what he was to his new adoptive parents. 'Trouble'. It was a pretty harsh life the next six years, but luckily for Toraburu, Senkensha clan members weren't born with their cat like features. He seemed to be a relatively normal kid - up until his fifth birthday when his teeth were starting to protrude from his lips despite having his mouth closed, as well as his ears beginning to grow slightly. His adoptive parents still sort of loved him, but it became a lot harder for them to justify having this 'strange kid' in their household. Slowly but surely the village excluded them more and more until it became time for Toraburu to leave for the Shinobi village hidden in the Mountains.
He was accepted there, and joined the shinobi academy. From time to time he'd visit the village, to see his 'parents' but all in all it wasn't too much trouble to leave behind the family.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Mreow! Don't mess with the cat!
During his years in the academy his rather peculiar personality traits became apparent. While at first everyone seemed to think that Toraburu was an extremely nice kid due to his appearance, they were often rudely awoken from their idiotic ideas as Toraburu had a rather foul mouth for a young boy. More often than not he was involved in school fights, incidents in the village and just general trouble. He was living up to his name, more or less. He made many enemies in these years, people that rather saw him bite the dust sooner or later. The feeling was, more often than not, mutual.
While he was a bit of a pain in the ass to the teachers, he did listen to them and he was by all means not a bad student - more likely due to innate ability to become a shinobi than hard work. He was the kid in class that never seemed to do anything, yet ace the exams. It was the beginning for his arrogance, since he noticed himself as well. What was he other than a master at shinobi arts, if he did not try hard at all and still succeeded? That placed him above the rest did it not? Whether his feelings were justified or not, he graduated somewhere in the top 10% of the class, giving him at least some credibility for his claims.
Age 13 to present day; genin years
WHA? They said this would be fun!
While others may have enjoyed these petty years, merely a small point in Toraburu's life. A life he expects and expected to be filled with more splendor and action and interesting things. But no, rather, he was stuck doing rather dull stuff for most his genin missions. He had a team that he didn't like very much but was forced to cooperate with. This only made his pains more unbearable. Digging trenches and taking care of ninken was hardly something he found enjoyable.
It was only when the chunin exams began that he found some.. degree of pleasure in the shinobi line of work. 'Kill?!' he asked his sensei, whom replied that yes, killing was a possibility. 'Anything to get that chunin rank' he thought, figuring he'd get to do more interesting shit then.
He quickly became somewhat of a feared aspect of the chunin exams - he basically physically dragged his team through the exams. And no, that's not figuratively, because he literally dragged a teammate through a battle, cause the little shit was planning to run away and abandon his teammates. During that little escapade he continued to fight his enemies, slinging jutsu left and right and even using the poor boy as a weapon at some point. Needless to say, it was quite peculiar, and perhaps not very fitting of a 'leadership figure' that a chunin was supposed to be. But hey, he passed the trial, so technically they couldn't say shit. Naturally he passed and became a chunin. Now the fun began.
【Family ties】
His family is spread throughout the world, and even though they are somewhat large in numbers, it's not often that the clan members meet. His father and mother are somewhere out there.
Otu Taika | Adoptive mother | 67, Ricepaddy Village, farmer, seamstress
Hoshin Taika | Adoptive father | 71, Ricepaddy Village, farmer
Raito Taika | Adoptive brother | 25, Ricepaddy Village, useless kid that pretends to be a farmer
【Dreams and fears】
Why, becoming famous of course! Nothing would be greater than to become known as a revered shinobi hero that can kill you with merely a glance of the eyes!
Strangely enough he has no interest in ever meeting his parents, though he is unsure how it would happen if he ever did. Chances seem slim though.
His fears are that people will stop bothering with him - even though he's an asshole, he'd hate to feel ignored. It's his biggest pet peeve if people ignored him, so if everyone treated him like he didn't exist, that'd be terrible for him.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Toraburu fights using ninjutsu and taijutsu. He's something of a mix between a ferocious close range fighter and a skilled ninjutsu duelist, though he is capable in both. A bit of a jack-of-all trades, his kekkei genkai gives him the means to do so. Never the less he'll get very annoyed if he is attacked at long range, or if someone figures out his weakness. Because his weakness can literally put him out of the rest of the fight indefinitely.
Furthermore he is quite prone to irrationality and aggressive attacks, making it very likely and possible for him to be lured into a trap or to get ganged up on once he's pulled out of position.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Neko no mimi, 猫の耳.
Ears of a Cat.
Less of a kekkei genkai than just simple physical structure, it is never the less still classed as a kekkei genkai. His cat-like ears allow him to hear extremely well, hearing perfectly what is going on up to about a kilometre away. Similarly, he can hear things that normally do not produce enough sound to be heard easily in a battle, such as kunai and shuriken flying through the air.
Effectively, this allows him to be a semi-sensory nin without really being a sensory nin.
It's not really a kekkei genkai that has any strengths - it allows him to sense people up to 1km away, if they are making noise. The question is if they are making noise. A perfectly silent opponent will be able to circumvent him, though even the slightest slip up would alert Toraburu to their location.
This kekkei genkai can easily be overcome by producing zero noise whatsoever. Even though ninja's are, well, ninja's, it seems that many shinobi do not actually possess such skills. Never the less this is probably the easiest way to circumvent him, though it requires extreme skill to be 100% silent.
Another more backwards method of disabling the kekkei genkai is through the use of sound. While a normal human voice isn't enough to bother Toraburu, nor is a scream or anything that is capable of being produced by humans without tools, a sound-based jutsu would probably be capable of annoying him greatly to the point of hurting his ears and putting him out of the fight.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Suidan no Jutsu
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Suirō no Jutsu
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Nekoken Sutairu, 猫拳スタイル
Cat Fist Style
Much less a technique than a fighting style, this style focusses on the user augmenting chakra in the fists during combat. Whenever the user hits, a blast of chakra follows the hit into the targets body. Relatively simple, really. Although it's reminiscent of the gentle fist style from the Hyuga's, it's different in that it's impossible for Toraburu to see the tenketsu. Therefore he cannot cut off chakra lines or such. Instead, the chakra blasts just deal massive internal damage, capable of temporarily or permanently shutting down organs upon successive hits.
Jutsu name:
Neko Tenohira Burasuto, 猫手のひらブラスト
Cat Palm Blast
A part of the Cat Fist style, the user flattens out their hand and curls their fingers inwards, reminiscent of a cat paw. Upon doing so they target the target's limbs, and when then hit, release the chakra. In the case that this hits, it will likely have enough power to temporarily disable the limb with both the force it puts out and the chakra emanating from the attack.
Jutsu name:
Hatsuon Hiaringu, 発音ヒアリング
Pronounced Hearing
This is a sensory technique. When the user (Toraburu) focuses chakra on his already remarkably good ears, he can increase the range of the sensory qualities. The zone of hearing will expand from 1km to approximately 3.5km. This is a fair range for a sensory nin that doesn't even want to be a sensory nin, and because this 'jutsu' is seen as uncool by Toraburu, it is unlikely that he will progress himself to be able to hear any further than that.
The one weakness this has is that while normally, under the passive kekkei genkai usage, it wouldn't cause him to hurt his ears from anyone standing nearby and talking. Since this jutsu enhances the hearing even further, it would hurt him very much so if someone stood next to him and talked into his ears
Jutsu name:
Nainraiburaifusutairu, ナインライブライフスタイル
By focusing his chakra on his muscles and surrounding areas, Toraburu is able to make himself much more dextrous, bendy and agile than he would've been normally. This is due to his 'cat like physique' which the chakra would help activate slightly more. The exchange for this, however, is the fact that it consumes a bit of chakra, and it reduces the strength of his attacks. On the flip side - it does allow him to jump around a bit more easily, as well as bend out of the way of attacks. |
13,247 | 381 | 2 | 1,015 | 2,826 | Minaru Gazo
Coeur de lion
La veille, Minaru était sorti boire un verre au pub local. Quatre coups de Sake en dedans, une femme est entrée, elle avait de beaux cheveux argentés, assez longtemps pour atteindre la moitié du dos, délicatement brossé hors de son visage. Elle était aussi jolie que la lune, aussi gracieuse qu'une étoile et avec la beauté chaleureuse d'un coucher de soleil d'été. Elle s'assit à sa table, seule, et commanda un verre à la barmaid. Elle a bu du vin. Elle a regardé autour, trouvant les suspects habituels – les gens qui avaient travaillé sur le nouveau mur assis dans un coin, fort comme toujours.
Le cœur de Minaru battit alors qu'il sortait de son tabouret, finissant sa boisson pour se remplir de courage liquide avant de se diriger vers elle avec une crasse dans son pas. Il s'assit, vite et se présenta, elle le reconnut – c'était un jounin assez bien connu dans la ville, après tout. Ils ont parlé un peu jusqu'à ce que la femme ait fini son verre et soit sortie de la porte.
Le lendemain matin, Minaru se réveilla à sa porte s'ouvrant dans sa chambre. Le lit king size dans lequel il dormait au milieu de la pièce, comme l'assistant du Raikage, Otsumi, Votre temps pour briller est arrivé, monsieur Gold.La femme parlait comme Minaru grogne, tournant dans son lit. « Je brille toujours, sors de chez moi, cette folle femme. » Minaru répondit de manière somnolente, car l'assistant quitta – pas à cause de ses paroles, il était sûr. Tandis qu'il se branlait dans le lit, la porte menant à la salle de bain s'ouvrit, et la fille de la veille, avec les longs cheveux argentés sortit. Maintenant, quand Minaru s'est soûlé – il a vu qu'elle était jolie, bien sûr. Mais son cœur ne battait pas, il ne se sentait pas faible. Il se sentait juste fatigué et la gueule de bois quand il la regardait. Elle parlait doucement. "Oh, qui était-ce?" Elle a demandé curieusement. Minaru sourit sèchement, assis au lit, le soleil brillait sur quelques-unes des cicatrices qu'il avait sur la poitrine. Des trucs de mission. C'est confidentiel, il faudrait te tuer si je te le disais, ce genre de chose. - Il a dit, son ton semi-sérieux et la femme a frémi. Vraiment?
Minaru a ri. Bien sûr que non, ce serait fou! Je suis censé me présenter au bureau du Raikage dans 30 minutes, donc je ferais mieux de m'habiller. Je suis sûr que tu ne veux pas rester avec moi?
Tu sais que je le ferais si je pouvais, mon amour. Le jeune homme parlait doucement, embrassait son front, s'habillait en quelques minutes, s'emparait de ses vêtements éparpillés sur le sol, s'emparait aussi des vêtements de la femme, les posait doucement sur le lit. Il n'avait pas confiance en la femme, mais il n'avait rien de précieux à voler, et même s'il l'avait fait – il pouvait juste faire assez d'or pour la remplacer.
Une fois bien habillé, il s'est dirigé dans la cuisine et s'est emparé d'une barre de protéines, la mettant dans sa poche. Il s'est tourné vers la sortie, marchant quand les cheveux argentés ont marché sur son chemin. Tu ne pars pas sans m'embrasser, mon amant. Et lui donna un doux baiser sur les lèvres, avant de la lever par la taille et de la poser sur le côté de la porte. De l'autre côté, il ramasse les trois sangles en cuir, les pendant autour de ses épaules et de sa taille, mettant les sangles avec leurs épées dans les sangles. À tout à l'heure, Minaru s'est exprimé, en sortant, en direction du bureau de Raikage.
En allant là-bas, il a murmuré la nuit passée. Inez? Non.. Aia? Non, je ne crois pas.. Irene? Non.. Merde, ça a commencé par une voyelle..Le jeune homme a pensé à lui-même, frottant son menton en essayant de se rappeler le nom de la jeune femme qu'il avait laissée dans sa maison, sa mémoire l'affaiblissant.
Il s'est rapidement rendu au Kage Mansion et s'est regroupé avec les deux autres Jounin. Sutemasu avait l'air d'attendre là-bas pour toujours, avec ses longs cheveux comme des anges. Vraiment, elle était un spécimen à part entière. A côté d'elle était le fils moins angélique du Raikage, Hageshi. Un senior Jounin Minaru avait tendance à se masturber les têtes avec beaucoup. Les trois ont écouté le discours du Raikage et Minaru a laissé un soupir quand on lui a remis son enveloppe avec ses équipes à l'intérieur.
Il était certain qu'il était puni. Tandis que les trois étaient renvoyés, Minaru marchait à côté d'Hageshi, tenant son coude dans son bras. Avec un milk-smirk, Minaru s'en va, sautant sur le rebord, faisant un flip frontal avant d'atterrir gracieusement sur le sol, en utilisant la technique de scintillement du corps pour disparaître hors de la vue – pas parce qu'il pensait être vu, il voulait juste faire cela avec.
Hanare était le premier sur sa liste à faire. Il a pensé à une blague sale et gâché pendant qu'il marchait à travers les rues, appréciant son petit déjeuner qu'il avait sorti de sa poche. Il arrive bientôt à l'adresse de Hanare, la résidence Tanpopo. C'était une belle maison, c'est sûr. Il a été accueilli par un serviteur et l'a raccommodé. Déplacez-vous. Les affaires officielles de Kumogakure. le Jounin parla, le serviteur hurla, s'éloignant du chemin tout en s'excusant. Minaru s'est retrouvé à l'intérieur, dans un grand couloir. Il m'a demandé de voir un bol avec des fruits dans le coin de l'œil, et de prendre une pomme dans laquelle il a mis ses dents. Une fois la jeune fille arrivée, Minaru sourit. Bonjour, jeune fille. Mon nom est Minaru du clan Gazo. Je suis ici sur l'ordre du grand Raikage A pour vous recueillir pour une mission aujourd'hui. Alors que le duo sortait, Minaru regardait la jeune femme, elle était mignonne. Vraiment mignon.
Ça pourrait être un problème.
Minaru a encore mâché sur la pomme. Vous savez où habite Aria Aria? C'est une de tes coéquipières. Ça ira plus vite si on se sépare pour rassembler les deux autres. Et puis groupez-vous sur le terrain d'entraînement près de la porte principale. » Minaru a dit, donnant à l'autre ninja l'adresse d'elle serait camarade. Il serait lui-même en train de récupérer le dernier.
Kuroba Dango. Il vivait dans un appartement au-dessus de l'un des magasins de sucreries locaux. Son père connaissait assez bien Minaru – ne serait-ce que parce qu'il ramenait des dates au magasin quand il était trop jeune pour boire. Ça, et il avait l'habitude de frapper Sakura Dango beaucoup.
Minaru est apparu et a parlé un peu à son père, achetant un sac de bonbons, avant de leur demander au sujet de leur petit-fils. Cela vous dérange si j'emprunte Kuroba pour un peu? – Il a demandé et ils ont crié vers le bas le chunnin d'où il se reposait. Minaru a souri quand le garçon est sorti de la porte. Bonjour. Venez avec moi. » Minaru a parlé, prenant son sac de bonbons, donnant au père de Kuroba l'argent qu'il avait dans sa main.
Une fois qu'il l'a fait, les deux se sont dirigés vers le terrain d'entraînement où il avait dit à Hanare de les rencontrer. Lui et l'autre garçon ont émergé à peu près en même temps que les filles. Il a hurlé pour que les chunnins se rassemblent devant lui, alors qu'il s'asseyait sur un rocher, secouant le sac dans ses mains, essayant de trouver des bonbons qu'il voulait. Il a roulé le haut du sac et l'a jeté doucement dans les bras de Hanare.
Minaru a parlé, un morceau de chocolat dans ses dents.
Il a lâché. J'ai pensé que vous aviez une idée de qui je suis, et vous vous connaissez par nom, au moins. Mais, au cas où vous n'auriez pas entendu – pas que vous auriez pu – je suis un peu une grosse affaire. Mon nom est Minaru Gazo, je suis de l'ancien grand clan Gazo du pays de Fer. Je suis un Jounin de Kumogakure, j'aime les longues promenades sur la plage, les fraises trempées au chocolat et les jolies filles. Grinning légèrement chez les deux filles.
Maintenant, j'ai été désigné pour être votre chef. J'ai l'habitude de travailler seul, et je fais de mon mieux quand je suis seul. Ainsi, le sens est que vous aviez quand vous étiez genin, ceux qui vous regardaient – ceux qui compromettaient leur vie ou même la mission pour votre vie? Ce n'est pas moi. Nous sommes des soldats, et je m'attends à ce que vous agissiez de cette façon. » Minaru a parlé, son visage sans émotion jusqu'à ce qu'il se fende dans un sourire.
Ne veut pas dire que nous ne pouvons pas essayer d'avoir un peu de plaisir. Vous, Fairydust, dites-nous quelque chose de vous-même, puis vous deux. | Minaru Gazo
“Heroes may get remembered, but Legends never die.”
One Of a Kind – Different Design
Minaru stands at 179 CM, weighing about 60 kilograms. He's got an athletic build. Eyes of an unnatural golden color and olive colored skin. His hair is a light brown - he's got tattoos under his eyes. His headband is sown into a scarf he can pull over his face like a mask, as well as a black hood on his black jacket. Underneath he carries a cross-belt with two sword sheaths on the back, T-shirts of different colors and dark, earthy colors, like brown, black or green pants with tabi on his feet. His shin's are wrapped in white bandages, so are his forearms. He dons black gloves on his hands, never far from the two-handed sword that hangs by his side. A gold necklace hangs around his neck and a golden band hugs his upper right arm. Old family heirlooms.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Minaru F. Gazu
The Golden One
Land Of Iron
Gazo – The Goldens Ones. Formerly a clan of merchants, making a fortune due to their ability to turn any metal into gold. When Minaru was a baby the clan compound was attacked by bandits and hired missing nin, annihilating the clan, leaving Minaru the only survivor of the clan who's numbers had once been in the hundreds.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Minaru “The F Stands For What You'd Happily Let Me Do To Your Girlfriend” Gazu is – as shown by the way he presents himself cocky and arrogant. He's one to point out that he's a prodigy, showing strength and skill well beyond his years. Gaining the rank of Jonin due to his efficiency and power, rather than his tactical thinking or his smarts. That's not to say that Minaru isn't intellient, he's simply just immature – Cut first, ask questions while cutting – kind of guy. Put in charge of his first team much to the Golden Boy's dismay, an effort to make him grow up when he has to take charge of his comrades for a long period of time.
Beyond his already impressive military career, Minaru is a womanizer, not afraid to show off his powers to impress those of the other gender, weather they are shinobi or civilian. Due to him being perceived as immature and not very serious he usually butts heads with his fellow Jonin, under harsh critique for a lot of his actions. Critique the brown haired boy shrugs off, with a phrase like
'fuck you haters'.
Childhood: 0 - 6
His father and Mother's names are all forgotten, any record of them burned in the incident that took place when Minaru was 2 years old. The local bandits had zeroed in on the Gazu compound, they killed everyone but Minaru and his parents, holding the young child hostage till his parents – the two most powerful users of their kekkei genkai. Created them enough gold to last them a lifetime, turning all of their weapons and all of the jewelry they carried to gold. They then killed his parents and when they were about to kill him, a duo of Samurai arrived at the burning compound. While they were outmanned, the enemies weapons were now useless and thus the Samurai cut down most of the bandits, those that escaped did so with most of the gold. Leaving the boy orphaned in the ruins of his home.
He grew up in an orphanage in the land of Iron. At the age of 4 he was adopted by a family, Mizu and Hashi Nambo and moved to the Village Hidden In The Clouds. Having memories of the Land Of Iron and the mighty samurai – people who stood outside of the cloak and dagger of the Ninja World, he fondly played those out while causing a lot of problems for his new parents, thus he was sent to another orphanage, this time in Kumogakure.
Academy Years: 5- 7
Not getting close to anyone in Kumo, he attended the Academy, a loner at first but soon he realized his potential. Training with weaponry, practicing taijutsu and utilizing his chakra and even beginning to understand his bloodline limit all happened during the span of two years, letting him graduate with top of the line grades and a bright future ahead of him.
Genin Years 8- 10
A genin at eight and a swordsman by heart. He grew a lot during these years, being held back from the Exam his first year as a genin, due to him being thought too weak to handle the growing pressure of the much older ninjas that would participate. During his second year he pushed himself further, weaponizing his Kekkei Genkai and learning the true power of a sword in the right hand. His Chunnin Exam Duel is still talked about as the shortest fight in recent Kumo history, Minaru cutting down his opponent in a golden ray coming from his quickly drawn blade.
Chunnin Years: 10 - 14
Having become a Chunnin before he was even a teenager, he was sent on several covert missions into enemy territory, most notably spending 2 years undercover in Kirigakure as an academy student due to his young age and youthful appearance, even becoming a genin in the Kiri armed forces, all in the name of gathering intel. Intel that would aid in a ANBU operation when Minaru was 13. Destryoing a Kirigakure convoy and capturing one of their commanders. For his valiant actions undercover, he was promoted to Special Jounin and his skills continued to flourish, before he was 14 he had been brought up for promotion to full time Jounin.
Jonin Years: 14 - 16
Before even entering the back half of his teen years, Minaru was part of the Shinobi Elite of Kumogakure, participating in several small skirmishes against Kirigakure and Sunagakure, fighting over territory or resources. He had earned quite a name for himself due to his undercover work in The Mist, being recognized several times during battle and even forging a few rivalries over the course of his many skirmishes. Only getting wounded twice, his skill and strength was undeniable. But what he lacked was leadership skills and teamwork – the two concerns they had when they promoted him to Jounin. As such, he's been put in charge of leading a team of fresher Chunnins. To teach and guide them, but also to grow as a leader.
【Dreams and fears】
He dreams of becoming the world's greatest swordsman. A Blademaster without rival. Beyond that, he wishes to trace down the remnants of the bandits that butchered his clan and get justice for his bloodline, and once he's brought those scum to heel, he wants to rebuild his clan.
His deepest fear is finding the bandits and after all of his hard work still being incapable of stopping them.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
A Ninkenjutsu artist at heart, Minaru is at his best with a blade in his hand. His Kekkei Genkai gives him the ability to keep a swordfight at a medium distance, an advantage this seasoned warrior is not afraid to use. He relies on fast footwork and sword-based techniques that relies on a minimal amount of handseals, as to always keep his hand on his blade. As such, he's also quite proficient in making handseals with one hand. While his footwork keeps him from getting hit, his chakra enhanced weaponry, fueling his Lightning and Wind nature and thus letting him deal fatal blows to the opponent making him a fierce duelist.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Alchemist's Secret.
The ability to turn any metall into gold.
Most of Minaru's clan has no combat applications in their gold, they made a fortune from selling the gold and as electricians, creating golden components. Minaru however has weaponized his Kekkei Genkai, effectively 'unlocking' the next stage of it. The gold he creates transfers not only electricity at a far superior rate than ordinary gold, but also pure chakra allowing him to create devestating attacks when combining his Kekkei Genkai with his swordsmanship.
He turns his things into gold. Gold is very soft and heavy. Not very good for combat.
【Ninja techniques】
A Rank Techniques:
Wind Release: Vacuum Blade
B Rank Techniques:
Samurai Sabre Technique
Lightning Katana
C Rank Techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
Diverse Academy Techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Midas Touch
Transmutes any metal in as large of an area as Minaru desires. The larger the area, the more chakra is used Scaling exponentially with size. I.E The difference between making ten and five shuriken is a lot bigger than making one or five.
Jutsu name:
Golden Lionheart Style
The Fighting style created my Minaru, combining the Samurai Sabre Technique with his golden metal, he creates a far more powerful version of the Samurai Technique due to the conductivity of the material. It also relies heavily on foot work and on dodging enemy hits, rather than parrying. It helps counteract his natural weakness to long range jutsu by being able to cut through most elemental techniques coming his way. However, due to the Saber Technique, and his Wind and Lightning Chakra, his sword strikes are impossible to block with the average sword. His swords aren't very useful for parrying due to the golden nature, thus making him weak to other offenses. A ranged offense is his biggest weakness.
Jutsu name:
Lionheart: Edge Of Midas
Close to long
The blade is coated with gold chakra energy from the Sabre Technique. A glowing crescent is created on the blade and when the blade is drawn the golden chakra is released in an unstoppable wave expanding outwards in a crescent, the power diminishing after 50 meters, being completely neutralized at 200. After which, the transmuted sword turns back into it's original state, albeit weaker. ( For instance, a steel sword would rust.)
Jutsu name:
Lionheart Style; Trinity Destruction
Up to 250 meters.
The Perfected form of the Midas Edge. Channeling both the Lighting Blade technique and the Vacuum Blade Technique, as well as the Golden Midas Edge technique. The wave of energy is so powerful that if you would try and parry the blade itself your body would evaporate. The wave is sent out in a half moon crescent, capable of tearing through a battlefield. The Crescent has larger with than his sword, about twice as wide, reaching for tens of meters in length. Losing power with each thing hit. The technique leaves Minaru severely weakened, his sword completely destroyed. Not to mention the sheer ferocity of the technique - not being able to tell friend from foe as it tears through skin muscle and bone. At a quarter kilometer the energy begins to disperse, still harmful at twice that length.
Jutsu name:
Lightning Style; Electrotherapy
Minaru pulls his two tantos from his back and hits the opponent with them. Prefering to lodge them into his foe, or his foes armor. Then he channels electricity through them from a distance, tazing the opponent, stunning them.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Ninja Pouch
Weapon, tool or object type:
Standard amount of Kunai, Shuriken, Wire, Explosive Tags and Smoke Bombs. Also gauze.
Weapon, tool or object name:
The Craftsman's Katana
Weapon, tool or object type:
A Three-part Katana. One part handle, two different blades. An outer blade that's full sized and a inner, shorter blade. The inner blade is always made out of gold. Outer made out of steel, sometimes turned into gold. The outer blade is often switched whenever Minaru goes back to base.
Weapon, tool or object name:
Slash & Gash
Weapon, tool or object type:
Twin Tanto's, doesn't turn them into gold. They are adorned with gold plating on their handles. |
13,248 | 381 | 3 | 1,148 | 89 | Nakamura Hageshī
Hageshī aurait du mal à sortir du lit, comme d'habitude toujours. Depuis l'attakc sur Kumogakure, son entraînement était devenu quelque chose de critique pour lui. Chaque jour, il y avait une sorte de travail ou d'exercice qu'il faisait, essayant de tonifier ses muscles plus. C'était une chose assez connue que Hageshī était quelqu'un qui prenait presque toutes les situations au sérieux, allant jusqu'à rester silencieux aux blagues. Le Jonin était un enseignant redouté d'avoir aux yeux de la plupart des Chûnins, en particulier ceux qui préféraient une approche plus décontractée des choses. Ils savaient exactement ce qu'il ferait à la minute où ils étaient sous sa tutelle; entraînement, entraînement, et vous regarderiez cela, plus d'entraînement. Ce n'est pas pour dire que l'homme ne croyait pas au repos et aux pauses. Quoi qu'il en soit, ses muscles étaient endoloris par l'entraînement qu'il avait fait hier, évident par les gémissements qu'il avait quand il s'est retiré de son lit.
Hageshī haïssait toujours la voix d'Otsumi, surtout parce qu'elle semblait penser qu'elle était la patronne juste parce qu'elle était sa mère lap dog. Gâtant ses dents, il a glissé sur son équipement habituel; une veste de flaque de Kumogakure de série sur une armure mineure, avec un peu de retouche pour sa propre préférence. L'armure n'était pas beaucoup pour une attaque régulière, mais elle a aidé avec des choses mineures comme shuriken ou kunai, adoucissant même quelques coups des utilisateurs de Taijutsu. Pourtant, c'était un peu inutile, mais ça a fait ressortir sa couleur de peau, donc au moins il y en avait. La partie supérieure de l'armure a en fait fait fait un grand collier, couvrant légèrement la partie inférieure de son visage. Attachant le bandeau du village à sa taille, Hageshī quitta la maison, s'affolant.
C'était presque toujours la même routine pour Hageshī. Levez-vous, sortez au bureau de Kage, soyez adorés par les villageois, obtenez une mission, terminez votre mission, entraînez-vous plus fort, mangez, dormez. Ce n'était pas aussi banal que ennuyeux, mais ça convenait à Hageshī. Tant qu'il a fait une sorte de travail qui a profité au village, il a été mépris avec elle. À l'arrivée du reste du Jonin, il les examina de près. Minaru et Sutemasu, deux autres très bien connus Jonin. Sutemasu était un peu un ami rival d'Hageshī, bien qu'il fût plus fort qu'elle physiquement. Il appréciait parfois sa compagnie, même si elle s'était mise sur ses nerfs de temps en temps. Son vrai problème, c'était avec Minaru, le womanizer. Il a toujours semblé trouver un moyen de pisser royalement Hageshī. Au commentaire de sa mère, Hageshī s'empara du bras et se prépara à frapper l'enfoiré. "Petite! C'est ça! Je jure à n'importe quelle divinité qui écoute que je te frapperai le cul un jour!" Il rugissait sur le Jonin alors qu'il s'enfuyait.
Hageshī grogne un peu en lisant sa note, s'approchant des endroits où il devait aller à un rythme assez lent. Frapper à la porte d'un de ses élèves. Il a regardé vers le bas et a remarqué un abruti comme un chat. "Senkensha Toraburu, autrement connu comme le fabricant de troubles de Kumogakure. Super que je t'ai eu... essaie juste de garder ta bouche propre et je n'aurai pas à te pulvériser avec de l'eau." Avec ça, il a traîné la plus petite figure avec lui à l'extérieur de la porte... mais avec quelques marques d'égratignures sur son avant-bras. L'étudiant suivant était une jeune femme du nom de Nekoyama Midori. Pourquoi a-t-il eu tous les chats? Sa mère se moquait de lui dans son bureau toute la journée pour les étudiants ridicules qu'elle lui a donnés? Peu importe, il était déjà chez Midori, donc il pourrait aussi bien ne pas se plaindre. Avec un seul coup fort, il attendait qu'elle réponde. Alors qu'elle ouvrit la porte, il lui sourit, croisant les bras comme une petite figure de chat se tenait aux jambes, manifestement aggravée par le tour des événements. "Nekoyama Midori. J'ai entendu parler de vos compétences médicales et de votre force. Je serai ton sensei à partir d'aujourd'hui. Nous commençons maintenant, venez." Sans préavis, il a traîné Toraburu avec lui alors que Midori suivait de près derrière.
Les étudiants suivants intriguèrent grandement Hageshī; un expert et un garçon sojutsu qui utilisaient un sceau plutôt que des signes de main pour ses attaques. Frappant à la porte d'un autre étudiant, il trouva un homme plus âgé. "Excusez-moi, monsieur, je suis ici pour prendre Hizo Saborama comme mon élève." L'ancienne figure en fauteuil roulant sourit et appela son fils. Le garçon était assez rapide, étrangement assez, et Hageshī a levé un sourcil sur lui. "Hm... tu ne ressembles pas beaucoup, mais ce n'est pas toujours cousu qui gagne le combat. Je suis ton nouveau sensei, Saborama. Allons-y." Après s'être finalement approché de la dernière maison, Hageshī s'ennuyait déjà de se promener constamment. Après avoir frappé à la porte de la maison de Yayoi Ikaruga, il ne s'est même pas présenté à part les mots "Je suis ton professeur. Nous y allons." Sans un autre mot, il a traîné le jeune homme. Enfin, il avait assemblé son équipe, et a commencé à partir à la porte du village où Sutemasu a dit au trio de se retrouver avec leur nouvelle équipe.
Il s'est griffé la tête alors qu'ils s'approchaient, pensant à lui-même à ses étudiants. Deux chats fous, un garçon qui utilise des phoques, et un utilisateur de sojutsu. Le potentiel d'une bonne équipe était là, mais il a trouvé quelque peu difficile à croire, surtout avec une certaine attitude de quelqu'un qui pourrait causer des tensions au sein du groupe. Néanmoins, il était prêt à prendre ces étudiants sous sa tutelle, peu importe à quel point cela serait frustrant. En s'approchant du groupe, il agita légèrement vers Sutemasu et Minaru. "Yo." Avec cela, il a placé ses mains dans ses poches et a inspecté ses élèves pendant qu'ils attendaient.
Uchiha Kota
Kota a été assez surpris par l'apparition soudaine de Sutemasu. Il savait qu'il recevrait une mission, mais il ne l'a pas fait si tôt. Pourtant, il était très heureux de finalement sortir de la maison. "Reina-chan, je m'en vais maintenant avec mon sensei! Vous vous amusez pendant que je suis parti et essayez de ne pas avoir d'ennuis!" Il a appelé, complétant l'apparence de sa tenue pendant qu'ils marchaient et conversaient. Avec sa queue de cheval terminée, son bandanna attachée, et son épée enfoncée sur son dos, il était prêt pour la journée. Tout allait bien, jusqu'à ce qu'il s'approche de la maison de Kasumi. Ils étaient voisins il y a longtemps... et amis. Très, très 'amis proches'. La revoir était une situation assez embarrassante pour Kota, même s'il était toujours heureux d'accueillir un ami. Alors qu'ils marchaient à la maison d'élèves suivante, il gardait les yeux sur elle de temps en temps, en gardant une petite distance d'elle.
Le problème n'était pas qu'ils n'étaient plus amis, mais qu'ils ne se voyaient plus depuis des années. C'était étrange de la revoir, surtout parce qu'il était mieux décrit comme voyant un « stranger » que vous connaissiez depuis des années. Lorsqu'ils ont pris leur dernier membre de l'équipe, ils se sont rendus à la porte, où ils se sont présentés. "Je suis Kota. Uchiha Kota. J'ai dix-sept ans, mais mon anniversaire est dans un mois. J'utilise Kenjutsu et mes rejets sont le feu et la foudre. En fait, je suis plutôt mauvais à Taijutsu, mais j'espère pouvoir m'améliorer là-dessus." Il riait un peu mal à la fin de sa peine, car c'était assez embarrassant qu'il n'y fût pas très habile, mais c'était sa faute s'il n'avait pas commencé à s'entraîner avec son épée pendant si longtemps.
Avec les présentations et les groupes qui se ressaisissent, Kota décide de se rapprocher de Kasumi, croisant les bras alors qu'il se détourne légèrement d'elle. Avec une toux, il a déclenché une petite conversation. "Hé, Kasumi-chan. Tu as... changé." Toujours une situation gênante aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas? | "Show your superiors some respect."
Naruto OST - Rising Dragon
Hageshī stands at 6'1(185.42 CM) and is an overall fit man. Lined across most of his body is muscles, which is topped off with his overly strict look that he puts off. Although not rare to see him smile, Hageshī has a somewhat focused look, as if concentration on his environment closely. His clothing allows the covering of his lower jaw and mouth, but only ever-so-slightly.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Nakamura Hageshī
Hageshī-sensei, Kumogakure's Thunderous Champion
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Hageshī is known for his soldier-like discipline and realistic views on life. While not entirely a grumpy man, Hageshī isn't known for his friendly attitude towards his students, but rather his strict regime and tough-love. Like most shinobi from Kumogakure, Hageshī has a very xenophobic look on members from other villages and will bluntly state this. For example, Hageshī was strongly against his mothers decision to allow a small Uchiha family into the village, despite the potential strength and edge it could give to the village. Another commonly known trait of Hageshī's is that he has not once backed down from a fight from foreign villages, going as far as to encourage combat. He has stated that "Kumogakure is by far the most militarized of all villages. If we mobilized, we could wipe the floor with our enemies."
Hageshī's life has always been a series of strange and heroic events. Life as the Raikage's son caused him great stress, due to the large amount of publicity he received in the Academy, but nonetheless made his determination to live up to her standards stronger than ever. Albeit his life was quite regular, it began to take an unexpected turn from his failure to become a Genin. Outraged by the results, Hageshī lifted his fist into the air, and brought it down upon the ground he stood on, causing a large disaster in the village, nearly bringing the peak of the mountain down upon them. When confronted by his mother, instead of being punished, she took him in as her own student, to teach him how to control his Kekkai Genkai.
Hageshī'S Life as a Genin was truly the hardest, yet filled with the most support had was ever given in his life. Learning under the Raikage was difficult enough, but the fact that she was his own mother made the struggle 10x greater. Of course, by the end of it all, Hageshī found himself outclassing most Genin his age, aside from one... Kowareta Sutemasu. For most of his time as a Genin, Hageshī would find himself always trying to beat Sutemasu at some kind of competition or skill-based activity, eventually considering her his chief rival. It was not until their Chūnin Exams that he would find peace with her, eventually graduating into the life of a true shinobi.
Much of Hageshī's life is a mystery beyond this point, up until a great raid on Kumogakure. During the attack, Hageshī found himself at the forefront with other Kumo-nin. After the first wave was defeated, the shinobi force of Kumogakure was too exhausted to fend off the second wave, until Hageshī was able to drive off the remaining forces with his legendary technique, Earth Release: Guardian-God of Kumogakure, which is where the name comes from. Unfortunately, the toll of using the technique at such an early stage in his career caused Hageshī problems with chakra control, effectively stumping him for his later life. Taking this with a grain of salt, Hageshī began to increase his Taijutsu capabilities, which he is now renown for in the village.
Hageshī is now a praised Jonin within the village and serves it to the best of his abilities, whether it be through assassination of a shinobi or political figure of a rival country/village, teaching the new generation, or protecting his village from destruction.
【Family ties】
A | Mother | 48, Kumogakure, Raikage.
【Dreams and fears】
Hageshī dreams of a large and prosperous Kumogakure. Of all the things that he has believed in, Kumogakure becoming the strongest of the hidden villages is one of them. His fears, however, are more than obvious; the destruction of his home and the death of his mother; the Raikage.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Hageshī is legendary to the village for being one of it's greatest Taijutsu users. Combined with his Earth Release techniques and his overall physical strength, the blows that Hageshī deals can be quite damaging, especially to one who doesn't know how to block or counter said attacks. While not a ranged fighter, Hageshī does have ranged capabilities, although he rarely uses them if he can reach his target.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Shattering Fists
Description: The KG allows the user to enhance the strength of a single Taijutsu attack a hundred times fold, giving the user the ability to shatter a mountain or cause great earthquakes with a single strike. A warning sign of this ability is a large amount of chakra rippling through the hands or feet of the user.
Strengths: The enhanced strength not only allows for more powerful attacks, but can allow the user to launch towards a target or location of their choice at the blink of an eye. Most would not be able to survive this KG without some form of powerful protection, like a Susanoo.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, the blast radius of the ability tends to hit allies and foe alike, rather than one foe. In order for this ability to be used most effectively, the user must make sure allies within the vicinity are within a reasonable distance or other safe place before using it. While you could destroy a single target, there is always the possibility that you'll harm more of your own teammates than your enemy.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
C rank techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
Generally what you expect. Normal Clone, Transformation, etc.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Earth Release: Guardian-God of Kumogakure
Hageshī stands his ground as he uses this technique. In order for it to successfully summon, he requires a large amount of chakra and concentration. After it is complete, from the ground beneath him erupts a giant golem, roughly half the size of the mountains of the Land of Lightning. The large beast is controlled directly by Hageshī, but can be given free will if he is required to go elsewhere. The golem does not pursue a target unless directed by Hageshī and will instead defend Kumogakure and it's shinobi until told otherwise. The golem was used only once in the past, in order to defend Kumogakure from a large attack. The defense of Kumogakure gave this golem it's name.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name: Kunai, Shuriken(s), standard stuff.
Weapon, tool or object type: N/A
Description: Typical shinobi gear. |
13,249 | 381 | 4 | 265 | 141 | Kasumi Mizuno
Kasumi a remercié les Dieux pour le coup à la porte. C'était l'heure de son entraînement quotidien. Elle n'en avait pas besoin. Ses parents stricts semblaient être encore plus stricts d'ici là. "Je vais le chercher!" Kasumi a appelé ses parents pour qu'ils n'aient pas à se lever, se dépêcher à la porte et l'ouvrir pour voir Sutemasu. Elle avait l'air surprise, mais elle n'a pas eu le temps d'avoir l'air choquée pendant longtemps. Ils avaient une mission. Il était temps de se lever et de bouger. C'est un jour de chance! Pas d'entraînement musical ennuyeux aujourd'hui!
Heureusement, elle était déjà habillée, n'ayant besoin que de jeter sa veste bleu clair et de saisir sa harpe. Sa mère a parlé d'être prudente, mais elle l'a agitée. Il lui a fallu seulement quelques instants pour être prête à sortir et à suivre Sutemasu, mais son cœur a sauté dans sa gorge à la vue du chunin déjà avec elle. "Désolé pour ça! Je ne m'attendais pas à ce que vous fassiez..." Elle s'enfuit quand elle regarda Kota, un rouge éclatant jaillissant sur ses joues alors qu'elle suivait son nouveau sensi pour récupérer le reste de leurs coéquipiers.
Ce n'était pas qu'ils se détestaient, en fait le contraire était vrai. Ils étaient des amis proches - ou l'avaient été, il y a des années. En fait, l'attitude sanglante de Kasumi plus que toi était ce qui l'avait amenée à l'Académie en premier lieu. Elle n'en aurait même jamais rêvé autrement. C'est la compétition avec son amie d'enfance qui l'avait faite. La voilà. La possibilité qu'ils soient dans la même équipe n'était pas arrivée à Kasumi - jusqu'à maintenant, bien sûr. Elle était heureuse et terrifiée au même moment - comment renaissez-vous sur Terre une amitié qui s'était effondrée depuis longtemps?
Le groupe a pris le reste de leurs coéquipiers et à ce moment-là, leur sensei a pris le temps de leur dire de se présenter. Kota est parti en premier, mais Kasumi n'était pas loin derrière une fois qu'il avait fini de parler. La dernière personne qu'elle voulait être un-uppé par était Kota. "Je suis Mizuno Kasumi. J'ai dix-neuf ans. Mon anniversaire était il y a quelques jours. J'utilise le jutsus sonore avec ma harpe pour soutenir mon équipe." Elle n'a pas mentionné le fait qu'elle était mauvaise à presque tout le reste. Elle a laissé son introduction à cela, laissant quelqu'un d'autre aller ensuite jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tous présentés.
Malgré les introductions, quand ils sont arrivés à la porte, ils étaient encore en avance. Cela a donné à l'équipe l'occasion de parler entre eux - s'ils le souhaitaient - jusqu'à ce que tout le monde arrive. Elle s'est tournée vers Kota pour prendre la parole, mais une fois de plus, il avait saisi l'occasion en premier. "H-Hey... Kota-kun." Elle a pu garder la nervosité hors de sa voix. Pour l'instant. Il lui a dit qu'elle avait changé et qu'elle avait réussi un petit rire, en gardant le contact visuel avec lui pour la première fois depuis qu'ils avaient été réintroduits. "C'est vrai? Tu as changé aussi, Kota. Je ne suis plus un grand perdant." Elle lui a offert un sourire, avant de retourner à Sutemasu pour demander où se trouvait tout le monde. Avant qu'elle ne puisse, cependant, les autres équipes arrivaient. | Reiji Abukara
“It's not that serious...”
Standing at 5'10" and weighing in at 165 pounds, Reiji has a solid, athletic build. Pale and messy blonde hair frame Rei's face, with his strong jawline and slender nose. A peculiar trait of his would be his eyes, which shine an odd orange color. Reiji has a small gold hoop earring in each earlobe and also has another pair of hoops in the cartilage of his ears. His skin is fair but leans towards the tanner side and has scars, blemishes, and birthmarks like every other person out there. His daily attire consists of joggers, sandals, a fish-net shirt, and a sleeveless shirt. Reiji usually showcases his headband in the typical fashion on his forehead. Sometimes he'll wear it around his waist if he's in the mood. Lastly, he wears the standard Kumogakure flat jacket.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Abukara, Reiji
I hate Aliases who the hell is actually going to call him something dumb like "Kumogakure's Most Badass Motherfuckin Chūnin"
Village Hidden By Clouds
The Abukara Clan: A relatively small but high standing clan in Kumo. They have quite a political presence but lack a large number of shinobi. Reiji wants more of his clan to be taught to be ninjas, as he believes their Kekkei Genkai is very useful in combat situations.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Reiji's most prominent traits would be his laid-back nature, brutal honesty, and his odd perspective on life. The first thing people tend to notice is Rei's calm and "go with the flow" attitude. He's rarely bothered by most things and if he is, he makes sure not to show it. It's all about appearances to him, if people see that they have gotten under his skin, it makes him weak. Level-headed is another way to describe him, very grounded and real. He's not the one people come to if they want to be told what they want to hear. This aggravates some people unfortunately, because who likes to have the truth thrown at them when they just want comfort. Thankfully, Rei is also able to empathize, the ability to put himself in another's shoes. This means he most likely won't be a complete tool too often. It's not that he's a douchebag, Reiji just has problems pulling punches. Very straightforward, it makes him real, but some people can't handle real.
Rei was never one to fit in with the main crowd. He prefers a close knit group of friends that he can always rely on. He likes to know he can trust people and that they'll always have his back. Very nonchalant, Reiji isn't one to care what people think of him. He knows that not everyone will like him, in fact, most people won't, it's just a fact of life. All these quirks and traits combine to give this Abukara a unique outlook on life. He's not not afraid of death, he just wants to enjoy the short blip of time he gets to spend on the beautiful creation that is Earth. Reiji also isn't one to enjoy immaturity, stupid people, and overly extroverted people. He tries to find the middle ground, and he dislikes standing out. Obviously, Rei is human and isn't restricted to a strong code that he always has to follow, he can be unpredictable just like everyone else.
Childhood Years (0-10) ~ Academy Years
Born unto Hana and Jo Abukara, Reiji was raised to be ready for what lies ahead of him. As the heads of the Abukara clan, Jo and Hana had a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders. Since they never had an ample amount of down-time, Rei was usually watched by people in the community or one of the various maids in the compound. His favorite person at the time was his grandfather, an accomplished, retired ANBU black ops member. Granpa Poe (Poe and Jo lol) was a great story teller, and told Rei a plethora of stories about the history of the world. It always awed Reiji, that they were just a small dot in an infinite amount of small or slightly less small dots. During his childhood years, Rei decided he wanted to become a ninja, because that sounded way more interesting than any other job available to him. His favorite pass time was sparring. He would beg and beg grandpa Poe to teach him everything he knew, because Poe was obviously a grade A badass in his book. Poe obviously would barely have to try while sparring, but doing this sparked a desire to become stronger in little Rei.
Adolescence Years (10-13) ~ Academy Years -- Genin
In the final years of Reiji's Academy days, he was doing what he always did, training and enjoying life. Rei loves the little things in life, be it: enjoying a quiet sunset, relaxing on a spring day, all the short but peaceful moments. As for his studying habits, well, they were average. In the Academy, Reiji tried to keep a low profile. He talked to almost everyone and had a rather "chill" persona, but he didn't have any real friends. The last thing he wanted to do was try his hardest and stand out, but he also didn't want to do so poorly that people would think he was a shitty shinobi. While he saw many people in his class succeed and show their true potential, Reiji was content where he was, as always. It wasn't that he was lazy, he just never felt the need to receive recognition.
Young Adult Years (13-18) ~ Genin -> Chūnin
Ah the gloryhole days. Graduating from the academy and becoming a Genin was Reiji's biggest accomplishment at the time. Even he, who rarely got too excited, was absolutely elated to start his ninja career. As the missions began he absolutely loved it, not that he'd let anyone know... As a genin, the missions were tailored to be easy, but he enjoyed the concept of helping people. It gave him a sense of purpose in this tiny dot in the universe where his even tinier impact on the world should have little meaning depending on the perspective it's looked at. When he began training for the Chūnin exams, his family decided it was time to make him into a full fledged heir of the Abukara Clan and introduce him to the clan's Kekkei Genkai. As the son of Jo, Reiji will have to take his father's place at some point as head of the clan. Poe took on the responsibilities of teaching Rei about the clan's and Kekkei Genkai's workings. Using his new found skills in the art of Smoke Release, Reiji was able to pass the exceptionally hard Chūnin exam. Reiji would be lying if he said being a Chūnin wasn't fun. He enjoyed the challenge of tougher missions, but was also sobered to the more harsher realities of being a ninja. He saw people die, he killed enemies when needed, it was a lot to take in. Now, Reiji has been alerted that new squads will be created, something is apparently in the mist if a squad of Chūnin led by a Jōnin is being made.
【Family ties】
Truthfully, Reiji wasn't very close to his parents. They were usually working, going on missions, or tending to the Clan's affairs. His closest family relationship was with his grandfather, who not only taught him how to be a ninja, but how to enjoy life.
Poe Abukara | 63 | Age, Abukara Compound, retired ANBU black ops member
Jo Abukara | Father | 41, Abukara Compound, Jōnin, head of the Abukara clan
Hana Abukara | Mother | 39, Abukara Compound, Jōnin (specializes in medical ninjutsu), first lady head of the Abukara clan
【Dreams and fears】
Reiji aspires to live the fullest life he can. He enjoys the mundane and rejects it at the same time. He wants to balance the normal and the wild to truly experience life At its best. Rei enjoys helping people, so being a ninja has been a life long dream. Becoming a Jōnin and training his own squad and teaching the next generation has always been a dream of his. At some point, Reiji also wants to settle down and retire. Then maybe he could go exploring or something along those lines, who knows? Reiji fears that he will never do anything of significance. He wants to leave something behind in the world, something eternal to show his finite life on Earth had meaning. Rei also fears that he'll never meet his parents' expectations of being a good leader of the clan. It's a lot of pressure, knowing a whole clan will be looking up to him for guidance at some point. He does not fear dying, he fears being dead and forgotten.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
Fighting style
Reiji utilizes the Abukara Kekkei Genkai, Smoke Release, to his advantage. Primarily he is a medium to long range fighter. Having a large chakra pool, his control isn't quite as refined as most people. Maybe it's due to the nature of Smoke Release which is expansive and explosive. Close range combat can get a little dicey for Rei, as using his ninjutsu is much harder, so he prefers to keep his distance. Reiji has a very creative mind, so he uses his unpredictability to his advantage. Another big weakness is that he has no way of preventing his teammates from being hurt if exposed to his smoke.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Smoke Release (Enton)
Smoke Release allows the user to create, expel, and manipulate a gas commonly known as smoke. Users can control the density of the smoke, the temperature of the smoke, and how toxic it is. This kekkei genkai is created with Fire and Yin release; using Fire Release to create smoke within their body while using Yin Release to expand the amount of smoke that is created, making more within their stomach. With this, they can expel smoke from any pore on their body. Obviously, users are immune to the effects of the smoke.
This KG is especially good at concealment, AOE attacks, and obstruction. It's also very unpredictable. Smoke Release can burn, poison, and in some cases render genjutsu on the user's opponents. It's a very versatile KG, and users use that to their advantage.
Smoke Release is very weak to Water Release, Wind Release, and anyone with a Dojutsu that allows them to see through the smoke. Physical barriers are a great defense to Smoke Release, seeing as it has no physical power.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
C rank techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
All Academy techniques
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Enton: Dark Cloud
Mid to Long
This is the baseline technique of the Enton Kekkei Genkai. After performing the hand signs, Reiji expels a large cloud of smoke from his mouth. This smoke is extremely thick and darkly colored. Most people won't be able to see through it, it might even be hard for people with Sharingan because of the chakra spread throughout the cloud. The Byakugan, however, is able to see through to smoke and identify Reiji. An added bonus is that Reiji can see inside the cloud (he doesn't actually see but he "sees" by feeling with the chakra engrained in the smoke itself) and it doesn't effect his lungs. Wind Release is able to disperse the cloud if strong enough, although regular wind itself (non-jutsu) doesn't do much because Reiji can manipulate the smoke to pull it back into a cloud. Water Release is also effective against Smoke Release, anything that can punch a hole through the smoke really. This technique is about concealment and obstruction, it has no offensive capabilities.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Toxic Cloud
Mid to Long
After performing the necessary hand seals, Reiji expels a cloud of smoke from either his mouth or pores from anywhere on his body. The smoke has a purple-ish hue and had toxic properties. When it comes in contact with another's skin, it will begin to burn. If a person is in the cloud for longer than a couple seconds, they risk receiving burns. If inhaled, it will begin to destroy their lungs. If lungs are exposed to the smoke for any longer than a couple seconds, severe burns can form. The same symptoms will occur to the eyes in a similar fashion. The best way to null this jutsu is to dodge it, can't be burned if you aren't in it right? Large amounts of water will fizzle this technique and water also counteracts the burning of applied fast enough. So if a person is trapped, get a person who knows water techniques ASAP, or jump into a body of water, that works too. Like all Smoke Release techniques, heavy winds can dissipate the smoke or at least blow it away.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Cloud Burst
Mid to Long
This technique begins the same way as Enton: Dark Cloud, with one exception. Once an opponent is trapped or inside the cloud, Reiji uses his Fire Release Chakra, or an explosive tag to ignite the cloud to cause an explosion. It has the same weaknesses as most of his techniques (water, wind) but this technique can also be cancelled by an equally strong fire technique. Something like a large Fireball Jutsu would be enough to cancel out the explosion. Fire jutsu can set off the explosion before he intends. Or it can cancel the concussive force of the explosion by using a force of its own to deflect it in a way. Obvious the user would have to be outside the cloud in order for this to be successful. Also, despite his larger than average chakra pool, this technique is more taxing than usual. In a normal fight, Reiji can only use this technique twice if he wants to continue fighting afterwards.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Binding Smoke
Short to Mid
This is one of Reiji's more "solid" techniques. After performing the hand seals, thick tentacles of smoke seem to form from out of the ground and try to wrap themselves around the terget's legs. It's a simple technique that is useful to immobilize the the target and then use another jutsu to take them out. The biggest weakness is the length of the tentacles. They can only extend about 3 feet long before not being able to grasp the target. Since it's a physical technique, the tentacles can also be cut with most blades.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Soft Cloud
This is Reiji's preferred transportation and defensive technique. This is another "solid" technqique where Rei creates soft, pillow clouds of smoke. He can use this technique to "run" on air, or soften blows. It acts as if a ball is bouncing in a trampoline. A jutsu or projectile hits the smoke and the smoke moves with the object and then bounces it back. This technique has no offensive value but can be a versatile defensive technique if used correctly. It softens blows and allows for easier transport.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Ninja Pouch
Weapon, tool or object type:
Standard amount of Kunai, Shuriken, Wire, Explosive Tags and Smoke Bombs. Also gauze. |
13,250 | 381 | 5 | 2,041 | 394 | Ikaruga essuya la sueur de son front alors qu'il observait les six feuilles de métal qu'il avait placées l'une à côté de l'autre. Chaque feuille avait un grand trou de pied percé à travers elle, entouré d'une couronne de métal tordu. Le jeune maître de lance avait passé l'entraînement du matin comme d'habitude, principalement en testant sa puissance de perçage. Remettre son chapeau sur sa tête, Ikaruga a commencé à nettoyer tout l'équipement d'entraînement qui a jonché le domaine de Yayoi. Une fois Ikaruga terminé, il a rendu sa lance de marque à son douille et a fait son chemin à travers l'enceinte, en saluant les différents membres de son clan pendant qu'ils passaient. Alors qu'il n'était pas considéré comme une déception par quelque moyen que ce soit, Ikaruga a parfois eu le sentiment que certains membres plus âgés du clan avaient encore quelques doutes sur sa décision de devenir un shinobi. La plupart des critiques ouvertes ont cessé une fois qu'il a terminé les examens de chunin, mais cela n'a certainement pas empêché certains d'entre eux de murmurer entre eux.
Beaucoup des plus traditionnels de Yayoi possédaient un certain niveau de préjugé à l'égard du shinobi pour le skulking dans l'ombre comme les rats. Bien que, Ikaruga a crayé que jusqu'au clan de la position typique en tant que défenseurs des Daimyos et d'autres personnalités politiques de haut rang des terres comme les mettre en opposition à l'opposition shinobi le plus souvent que pas. Pourtant, même le plus dédain des Yayoi n'était pas exactement opposé à des choses qui pourraient offrir un niveau de publicité positive pour le clan. C'est-à-dire le potentiel d'emploi polyvalent.
Une voix douce appelée, suivie peu de temps après par une petite fille aux cheveux blancs attachés dans un pain sur le dessus de sa tête. Elle a expliqué, des mots entrecoupés de pansements alors qu'elle tentait d'attraper son souffle après son dash fou pour le chercher. Ikaruga a tout simplement hurlé et tapoté la fille sur la tête, souriant à elle.
Merci, Hiromi. Je vais voir ce qu'il veut.
Il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour qu'Ikaruga sorte saluer l'homme, qu'il a appelé comme l'un des villages de Jonin, seulement pour être brusquement traîné une fois l'homme qu'il a déclaré qu'il serait Ikarugas enseignant. Le gars avait une forte emprise. Le jonin avait aussi trois autres avec lui, que Ikaruga viendrait trouver, ce seraient ses coéquipiers. Ikaruga a pris le temps d'observer son collègue Chunin, en prenant une note mentale de toutes les caractéristiques distinctives. Celui qui s'est le plus distingué était le petit garçon avec des oreilles de chat. Après mûre réflexion, Ikaruga avait beaucoup entendu parler d'une sorte de "Catboy" dans tout Kumogakure, car le garçon avait toute la réputation d'un fauteur de troubles. Deuxièmement, le petit blond avec les lunettes. Un cosplayer de Naruto?La pensée d'Ikaruga, griffant sa joue avec un index. Dans ses études sur l'histoire du shinobi, Ikaruga avait rencontré quelques histoires sur la figure légendaire de Naruto Uzumaki, de sorte qu'il ne semblait pas inhabituel qu'il y aurait des fanboys essayant d'imiter l'ancien Jinchuriki qui tenait le Kyuubi. Les lunettes étaient un choix étrange, mais il était probablement capable de servir une fonction pratique aussi bien. Et arrondir la meute était la seule fille du groupe. Alors qu'elle ne semblait pas trop remarquable par rapport aux deux autres, Ikaruga a réussi à remarquer les petites égratignures le long de ses bras.
Finalement, Ikaruga a reconnu les Jounin en tête de leur groupe comme Hageshi Nakamura. Il avait vu l'homme autour du village plusieurs fois auparavant, mais ne l'a jamais vraiment regardé de près. Il était assez évident que l'homme avait consacré beaucoup d'efforts à construire son physique juste en regardant sa musculature définie. Convient quand on a pris en compte la réputation de l'homme comme l'un des utilisateurs de Kumogakure.
Ikaruga a décidé de rompre le silence de leur trek en commençant par un salut. Oui, je suis Ikaruga. Yayoi, Ikaruga. C'est un plaisir de travailler avec vous les gars, il a chié, éclatant son sourire signature et signe de pièce alors qu'il réajustait la sangle de l'étui Rasen no Yari's sur son épaule. | Yayoi, Ikaruga
“Let’s get to the point then, shall we?”
Ikaruga stands at a solid six feet tall with a reasonably toned body honed by years of shinobi training. Underneath the black cap that Ikaruga is rarely seen without is two-toned hair, black at the roots as it extends into white locks of hair that the young chunin has taken to styling into two braids that come down to frame each side of his face. When Ikaruga’s bloodline trait isn’t active, his eyes are sky blue, changing to a reddish purple when his clan ability is in use.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Yayoi, Ikaruga
”Pigtails”, “Ruga”, “Ikkun”
The Yayoi clan, a family line known for producing a long line of expert spearmen, a rare sight amongst the ranks of shinobi. At one time, it was a sign of great status to have a Yayoi clan spearman in one’s employ as a bodyguard.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his somewhat delinquent-esque appearance, those who get to know Ikaruga often find that he’s actually a pretty nice guy. Always up to deliver words of encouragement, Ikaruga’s welcoming, laid-back nature has led to him being a sort of older brother figure to Kumogakure’s genin and even some of the younger chunin in the ranks. While on the one hand, Ikaruga is known to be a skilled shinobi, he still lacks the absolute killer instinct to allow those around him to be sacrificed for the good of a mission, a fact that holds him back to some extent.
From a young age, Ikaruga was brought up on the idea that serving and protecting one that he could proudly call his Lord was the highest honor. As the son of the clan’s pride and joy, this pressure couldn’t have been more apparent. Ikaruga’s mother wasted no time attempting to train her son in the clan’s famed sojutsu style, for it was only natural that the spawn of the clan’s shining jewel could not be allowed to come short of his mother’s greatness. Through it all, Ikaruga managed to maintain the sunny disposition he’s known for today, a trait that warmed the hearts of even some of the strictest elders of the Yayoi clan.
Eventually, young Ikaruga decided that he would start a career as a shinobi, having heard stories of about supposedly glorious battles and heroes of the shinobi world all throughout his life. While his mother was apprehensive at first, she consented to the idea with the condition that her son would make a name for himself amongst the ranks of shinobi, thereby heightening the clan’s status further. It was in Ikaruga’s initial years as a Genin that he finally understood what he felt was his true calling. After finally making friends outside of the watch of the Yayoi clan, he realized that it wasn’t any individual lord that he wanted to serve, but the people of Kumogakure as a whole. With added resolve, Ikaruga managed to distinguish himself as a particularly skilled genin, eventually passing through the chunin exam where his skills with the spear and ability to work excellently in team contexts was put on full display.
As of right now, Ikaruga is a reasonably accomplished chunin with a good rapport among the village folk. Though, he won’t be satisfied until he’s at least achieved the rank of “jonin”.
【Family ties】
The Yayoi clan is actually rather large, with a branch in nearly every part of the known world. On special occasions the clan will gather in an attempt to reconnect and share information about the recent happenings in their respective villages. Outside of these occasions, however, there isn’t too much communication between the individual branches.
Yayoi, Benio “Benio the Impaler” | Mother | 46, Iwagakure, former bodyguard of the Earth Daimyo, presently “retired”
Yayoi, Tadaharu | Father | 41, Iwagakure, a serious injury forced him to retire from being a bodyguard, so now he’s a sushi chef (his real dream)
Yayoi, Zenkichi | Grandfather | 85, Konohagakure, Retired
【Dreams and fears】
Above all, Ikaruga wishes for a world in which there can be true peace. However, knowing that to be impossible, Ikaruga wants to become a prime player in the future security of Kumogakure in order to ensure that at least his home and loved ones can remain safe under his watch.
Ikaruga’s greatest fear is the threat of all-out war breaking out and being powerless to stop Kumogakure from falling at the hands of its enemies.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
As a master of sojutsu, Ikaruga is skilled at using the length of his weapon to his advantage, making pinpoint strikes at enemies’ vitals while minimizing the chance of retaliation in close combat. Ikaruga prefers to use quick footwork and his incredible flexibility to position himself for single attacks rather than engaging in a full on flurry of blows in an attempt to conserve stamina. Use of ninjutsu on his part is mainly for erecting barriers to defend allies rather than offensive purposes.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
”Fierce Jibakurei Method”
After setting up an appropriate “territory” using special sticks of incense infused with the user’s chakra, the user forms a “contract” with the prepared territory to become the area’s appointed “guardian”. What this means is that, once activated, the user becomes capable of drawing nature chakra from the surrounding area in order to enhance their abilities. To signify the user’s intake of nature chakra, a “flame” made of chakra appears by their head, a phenomena that draws some comparison to the form of a “hitodama”. Other visual signifiers are veins of nature chakra running through the user’s skin and a change in the user’s eye color. In some cases (like Ikaruga’s), other features like the user’s lips may take on a different hue. Along with the increase of the user’s physical abilities, the receiver of the territory’s nature chakra is also able to manipulate the chakra into shapes, an ability that pairs well with the spear techniques of the Yayoi clan.
As what essentially amounts to a sort of pseudo “Sage Mode”, the Yayoi Clan’s secret technique serves as an effective boost to the user’s overall effectiveness. The use of nature chakra itself also serves as a deterrent to those who might think to try and absorb the chakra from the user’s attacks.
As a result of the Fierce Jibakure Method’s development by non-shinobi chakra users, attempts by the user to perform ninjutsu or genjutsu while drawing upon the territory’s power runs the risk of drawing in too much nature chakra at once and turning the user to stone. As a result, in order to operate safely the user must only make use of physical techniques (like the Yayoi family sojutsu, for instance) and the enhanced chakra molding granted by the territory. Furthermore, the user can only draw upon nature chakra within the established territory, which means that a chase could be impossible without sacrificing power in order to pursue an enemy. As a result of the territory being created through a ritual-esque contract, the territory needs to be prepared in advance, and any disruption to the burning incense sticks will lead to the territory being void. In other words, an enemy team of shinobi with prior knowledge of the technique could devote time to finding and destroying the territory border before engaging Ikaruga.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide
C rank techniques:
Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique
Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire
Wind Release: Great Breakthrough
D-E rank techniques:
Basic Academy Techniques
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Yayoi Style Sojutsu: Spiral Driver
Depending on the sort of strike being made, the range of an attack can extend from the tip of Ikaruga’s spear, to approximately 15 meters away.
In order to augment the range and offensive power of spear strikes, the user of the technique releases chakra from their spear as a sort of drill to pierce opponents. When the target is pierced by an attack using this technique, the flesh surrounding the point of impact tends to twist in a similar spiral formation, making wounds from Ikaruga’s attack take an incredible amount of time to heal.
Jutsu name:
Yayoi Style Sojutsu: One-Man Phalanx
The “One-Man Phalanx” only extends to the range of Ikaruga’s spear unless combined with “Spiral Driver”
Using incredible speed, the user unleashes several near-simultaneous spear strikes and creates a wall of afterimages, some of which are actually feints that hide the user’s actual strikes within.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Yari no Rasen (Spear of Spiral)
A spear of approximately eight feet in length, topped with a spiraled head reminiscent of a unicorn’s horn. The shaft of the spear is a vibrant crimson and capped with gold at the opposite end of the spearhead. The metal used to create the spearhead is especially good at interacting with chakra, making it incredibly useful for maximizing the efficiency of the “Spiral Driver” technique. |
13,251 | 381 | 6 | 136 | 1,132 | Hanare Tanpopo
La voix de Hanare
Des lumières en mouvement colorées se répandent dans le ciel nocturne et de grands pôles lumineux répandent leur lumière cosmique sur une grande scène. Les cris enthousiastes rugissaient sans fin et leurs voix le lendemain matin étaient sûres d'être enroulées. La grande foule de fans, Twinkles comme on les appelait, sauta de haut en bas agité, agitant de longues baguettes minces éclatantes. Et comme synchronisé la veille, ils portaient tous un charme en forme de papillon sur leurs oreilles gauches. C'était un indicateur d'une Twinkle. Alors tout autour, une mer de lumières balayait fiévreusement. C'était emballé, du moins du point de vue de Hanare. Elle était sur scène, devant et au centre, donnant un concert spécial "Fin de Vacances". C'était surtout pour elle-même, puisqu'elle devait encore une fois, faire une pause alors qu'elle était sous les fonctions de shinobi. Mais son manager a pensé qu'il serait bon pour son image de montrer à ses fans qu'ils lui manqueront beaucoup pendant qu'elle est partie.
- Oui.
Le matin, sa voix déjà aérée était légèrement à cheval, alors elle semblait cassée comme si elle pleurait depuis des heures. Qu'elle n'avait pas bien sûr. Le manoir Tanpopo reposait dans une zone isolée de Kumogakure, légèrement surélevé sur un pilier de la terre, de sorte qu'un grand escalier blanc était le bon chemin vers la porte d'entrée. Et entouré de portes dorées, l'établissement ressemblait à un tricheur au ciel. Son père et son oncle étaient partis, naturellement, pour une sorte d'affaire. Son frère aîné était à Kusagakure et son frère cadet, et bien... il se plaignait déjà trop tôt le matin. Les servantes ont fait signe à ses désirs au mieux de leurs capacités, mais il est resté, pour la plupart, insatisfait.
Quand la présence d'un visiteur fort est entrée dans le périmètre, elle l'a senti. Sa signature chakra était définitivement reconnaissable et... en avant. Mais elle n'était qu'un capteur, alors elle a pris ces choses. Tu as déjà entendu parler de subtilité? Elle pensait à elle-même, avant de fermer enfin son journal, en le stockant dans sa vanité, et en trébuchant de sa chambre et dans la grande salle une fois que sa servante préférée, Erika, l'avait appelée. Erika était comme une mère pour elle. "C'est mon amour. Vous avez un visiteur", a-t-elle dit avec acharnement. Hanare, s'avança et grogne sous sa respiration, "Je sais... je sais...".
Après avoir chassé Erika, Hanare a brossé son uniforme de shinobi et s'est approché du jeune homme. Il était probablement le jonin de son équipe, mais il avait l'air un peu jeune pour être un jonin. Minaru sourit à sa présence, elle remarqua. Bonjour, jeune fille. Mon nom est Minaru du clan Gazo. Je suis ici sur l'ordre du grand Raikage A pour vous recueillir pour une mission aujourd'hui. Sans même s'en rendre compte, elle l'avait dimensionné comme un mannequin dans un magasin. "N'êtes-vous pas un peu jeune à..." elle s'arrêta, "je veux dire..." soudain rayonnant avec ses adorables yeux violets, "Bonjour Senpai!", elle l'a accueilli joliment.
Minaru a encore mâché sur la pomme. Vous savez où habite Aria Aria? C'est une de tes coéquipières. Ça ira plus vite si on se sépare pour rassembler les deux autres. Et puis groupez-vous sur le terrain d'entraînement près de la porte principale. » Minaru a dit, donnant à l'autre ninja l'adresse d'elle serait camarade. Hanare a regardé par-dessus l'adresse, avant de finalement faire un signe de paix et de clin d'œil à lui, "Va faire Senpai!" Ils passèrent devant les nombreux gardes qui regardaient le lieu et se séparaient.
Avec les introductions vers son nouveau capitaine hors du chemin, elle soupira lourdement et se rétrécit jusqu'à la taille d'un papillon, ses ailes de fées jaillissant du dos comme ils l'ont toujours fait lorsqu'elle utilisait la technique cachée de ses clans. Elle a tapé ses orteils pour se réveiller et puis s'est envolée dans l'air. Elle a trouvé que c'était le moyen le plus facile pour elle de se déplacer dans le village sans que personne ne la remarque vraiment. Après tout, elle était connue sous le nom de « premier amour de la nation » et attirerait certainement l'attention juste pour être en public.
Une fois arrivée à la résidence de cette fille Ari, elle est revenue à sa taille normale, se tenait à l'extérieur de l'entrée de la propriété, et a coupé ses mains autour de ses lèvres, "Hiya! Il y a quelqu'un?", a-t-elle crié. Elle s'est arquée en avant, debout sur ses orteils, "Ari! Si vous êtes ici, notre leader jonin m'a demandé de venir vous chercher pour notre mission aujourd'hui, mais j'imagine que nous sommes déjà en retard. Venez sur le terrain d'entraînement avec moi." Elle s'est un peu rapprochée et a fait un geste mignon, "Pretty s'il vous plaît et merci!", a - t - elle ajouté, en lui griffant le fond avant que personne ne puisse le voir. | “By night a fish, by day a flower.”
Hanare's Voice
Hanare is a beautiful young maiden whose basically been pampered since birth. She is said to be the spitting image of her late mother, for whom she gained her extremely feminine and delicate charm from. Because she looks frail and dainty, people often feel the need to look after or protect her, much to her annoyance. Like her mother, she has pale skin like porcelain, thick eyebrows(and lashes), and rosy lips. Her nose is small, accentuated by a small beauty mark on it. She has brilliantly big eyes, rich in colours of deep purple and lavender, but they appear very watery, causing them to shimmer at certain angles and for her natural resting face to appear slightly crestfallen.
Hanare's late mother used to love playing with her hair because it was very silky and thick. It's gingerbread coloured, slightly wavy, and curls near ends. She just recently cut it so it lays just past her shoulders. Her hair is almost always adorned with ruby flowers, white pearls, and swirly gold laceings. As an idol, she's always had to wear pretty white dresses, assorted flowers, ribbons, and girly frills. This makes up the majority of what she wears during the day, as she has to keep up her "pure beauty" image. There's a reason why she is known as "The Fairy of Kumogakure".
She stands at 5'5 and has a willowy body, though greatly dislikes her ample bosom as it seems to only attract perverts, her horny male peers, or creeps(in her opinion). This was such a complex for her at point, that for an entire year she wore an extremely tight sarashi(breast binding) over her chest to make them appear flatter. But the prolonged pressure eventually became unhealthy for her body and she has since stopped using them.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Hanare Tanpopo.
Fairy, Fairy of Kumogakure, The Nation's First Love.
Pan-romantic. A person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or gender. Pan-romantics will tend to feel that their partner's gender does little to define their relationship.
Tanpopo bloodline; A very small clan with most of its remaining members residing in Kusagakure and Konohagakure. Tanpopo's were well-known for their Shrinking Pixie Technique, which allowed them to shrink to the size of a butterfly and grow a pair of iridescent wings, allowing them to fly. Their wings varied(wasp wings, butterfly wings, dragonfly wings, etc.) and could produce a pollen like dust for various effects. They often referred to this compound as pixie dust or fairy dust. They were regarded as Pixies or Dandelions for how delicate they looked while shrunken. This hiden jutsu was taught to the members while they were very young and made them excellent at espionage and sensory. Hanare is a very distant cousin to Megumi Tanpopo, Jounin of Konohagakure(She doesn't exist yet. 250 years in the future. Previous Naruto RP).
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Hanare, to be very honest, is an emotionally complex young maiden. However most would simply chop it up to growing female adolescent hormones. As an idol, she has a certain image that has to be maintained when in the public eye. Though somewhat spoiled and childish, on the surface she appears delicate and extremely feminine, showing politeness and innocence. She often makes cute gestures, speaks in an airy tone, and dotes on others and appears to be easily excitable, impressed, or dazzled, even by the simplest things such as fireflies or a scenic view. Most see her as this adorable girl who is pure of heart and never does anything wrong. Over the years, she has learned to perfect this "perfect girl" or "fairy" persona. Though there is a certain level of true innocence about her, she is not as dainty and dolly as people would like her be.
Even with the skillful play of her role, there are sometimes slip ups in her mannerisms. In actuality, she is quite the tomboy. Though she enjoys girly things and being feminine, she just as much enjoys stereotypically boyish things. Sometimes she may burp out-loud, play with insects, explore a haunted house, or forget to sit in a lady-like manner. She's not afraid of getting her hands dirty and enjoying all the crazy things life has to offer. Hanare feels trapped in her role sometimes and will often sneak off to do things she normally wouldn't be able to do in her normal form, like play male driven sports(she uses a transformation jutsu to do this). You would be surprised by how many times she has gotten drunk at an underground party or rave. She often has to hold back her opinions, as not to come off as rude, unladylike or inconsiderate.
This is why she yearns for every opportunity to be in her position as a kunoichi. Being an idol and putting her life on the line are two very different things, and she feels free from societies expectations of her when the only thing that matters is completing the mission and living to see another day. It is this duality that makes her sympathetic to the difficulties and issues of others. But her empathy is what also makes her a bit moody at times. One minute she may seem cheerful and next, shes crying. She probably wouldn't admit it, but even she has some slight tendencies to act childish and like spoiled brat when she doesn't get her way. She may pout or her cheeks become flushed and rosy. As her name suggests, she feels a "separation" between her true self and how the world sees her.
Hanare is an ninja. Hanare is also an idol. And with money comes privilege. Meaning there is a certain image she has to maintain when in public and her "job" practically requires her to upkeep this reputation that the people of the world have come to know and love her as. She is a beacon of purity, according to society that is. Hanare was trained in dance and song for several years until she debuted as a child actress at the age of 8. 'A to B, A Love Story'. It bombed. Miserably. And was deemed one of the worst productions of the year. Luckily, all the negative publicity about the movie brought attention to the pretty young girl, who soon began receiving offers for CFs(Commercial Films). It was during this time that her mother fell ill to a poison and her father began imposing his ideals on how she should behave when in public. No longer able to be her tomboy self, her father thrusted her into extreme femininity and daintiness.
The public seemed to enjoy this "Pure, Fairy, Lady-like" image she had been perfecting over the years, but underneath the glamour, she was feeling clouded and muddled. Like their perceptions of her were more important than her own perceptions of herself. Her older brother figured it was probably their father wanting her to mimic their mother. Hanare's mother, even though she herself a kunoichi, had always been extremely feminine, demure, dainty and lady-like, from the way she spoke, to the way she walked, to her mannerisms. Even when she fought, it was very graceful. Hanare was literally the exact opposite. Ungraceful, tomboyish, and opinionated when she felt it wasn't fair that her brothers could do things she wasn't allowed because she was a girl. Her training in dancing and singing had only given her a new talent, not changed who she was as her father had expected.
Over the years she appeared in several successful films and commercials and at 13, was modeling for adolescent brands. She was becoming more recognized by the public and their immense love of her spawned the title, "The Nation's First Love", coined by 'The Lightning Cloud' weekly tabloid. At age 14, her mother died. And with the only maternal connection she had lost, Hanare became a bit rebellious, threatening to runaway and "quit" being an idol if her father didn't allow her one thing. To be a kunoichi. It wasn't that she liked to fight or see conflict, but in her eyes, it was one of the few ways to stay connected to her.
Her mother was a kunoichi, so Hanare does her best to mimic everything her mother was. Her father was greatly displeased to put his daughter, aka. asset, in harms way and at risk. But he was always busy with his own business agendas and eventually gave in to her request so he could be done with the continuous and ever growing quarrel between the two of them. In actuality, quitting the entertainment business isn't as simple for her as simply saying "I quit". But her life as kunoichi not only allows her to honour her mother, but gives her precious moments to step away from the limelight of the world and simply fight in the honour of her mother. Her life is a juggling act. But in her eyes, its worth it. Being an idol isn't all bad. It's just not the totality of who she is as a person.
【Family ties】
Hanare lives in a family that has always been pretty well-off financially. Her grandfather inherited a large sum from his father and the fortune has since passed down through the generations. Her mother died several years ago, so the family dynamic is less maternal and more financial. Her father only really sees her a marketable object to the masses, an idol to appease to the world and shine as a beacon to the other nations. Her aunt and older brother are the only people in her family that doesn't place the value of money over another person. Even her little brother seems to have a spoiled and entitled mentality, a common trait amongst the men of the clan.
Kikyo | Mother | 42, Kumogakure, Sensory-nin, Deceased.
Ujiyasu Tanpopo | Father | 59, Kumogakure, Businessman.
Keiko | Paternal Aunt | 48, Kumogakure, Sensory-nin, Primary Caretaker.
Ujitsuna Tanpopo | Paternal Uncle | 55, Kumogakure, Businessman.
Ujimasa Tanpopo | Older Brother | 22, Currently in Kusagakure, Archaeologist.
Yashamaru Tanpopo | Younger Brother | 11, Kumogakure, School Student.
【Dreams and fears】
She DREAMS to find a perfect balance between being an idol and being a kunoichi and for the world to accept her as not a "Perfect Fairy", but as a simple tomboyish girl who makes mistakes just like everyone else. She HOPES to honour her late mother in the same fields that she excelled in, Sensory and Calligraphy. She FEARS losing her true self to the expectations and perceptions of society, and how they want her to be, and what they ALWAYS expect her to be.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Though she would prefer to get up close and get her hands dirty, Hanare understands her limitations and fights primarily as a long distance fighter. As a sensor-nin, she keeps surveillance of the surrounding area around her. In combat, she supplements her weak body with elusive and defensive capabilities. Hanare is a summoner who specializes in the use of "fairies" and fights in a whimsical style. She provides utility, support to her allies, and utilizes misdirection to confound, manipulate, and deceive her opponents. Her hiden technique to shrink down in size and turn into a fairy allows her to partake in roles of espionage, among other feats.
【Kekkei Genkai, or Bloodline Limit or Hiden】
Hiden Name:
Shrinking Pixie Technique
Exclusive to the Tanpopo clan, this hiden technique allows Hanare to shrink down to the size of a butterfly and grow insect wings to fly. The wings of a Tanpopo are unique to their own and can share resemblance to any winged insect from a wasp to a dragonfly to even a moth or a ladybug. Their wings vary in transparency as well. In Hanare's case, she sprouts pearlescent semi-transparent butterfly wings. They slightly glimmer under the rays of the sun.
While in fairy form, she can fly, is incredibly elusive and evasive, and it allows her to be stealthy and remain hidden from sight. Her size allows her to go easily unnoticed in most cases. Her strength is boosted while at a reduced size, similar to an ant. Additionally, beating her wings can release streams of scales that resemble sparkly dust. This is often referred to a fairy or pixie dust, which can have various effects on other people and things.
This highly evasive technique, although useful, has a drawback. Once this jutsu is activated, it cannot be deactivated until 5 minutes have passed. This is to allow the mass that was shed when the technique was first activated, to be re-accumulated before it can be reapplied to the body once the jutsu is cancelled. This leaves her in fairy form for at least a minimum of 5 minutes before she can return back to regular size. She is fragile in this form, which makes her extremely vulnerable to annihilation if she is not careful. Maintaining this size slowly drains her chakra.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
Sensing Technique.
D-E rank techniques:
Knows all the basic D and E rank techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Fairy Dust: Hypnosis
By beating her wings rapidly, Hanare can release a stream of scales off her wings and direct them towards her foes. The scales appear like colourful streams of sparkly dust. If her foes inhale her dust, they fall into the genjutsu and under her hypnosis. While under hypnosis, the foe is placated and obeys her commands(typically controlling them to fight for her). However, she can control them for in other ways , such as putting them to sleep. Heavy rain can dampen the effect or wind based jutsus can be used to blow the dust away, ending the hypnosis. Stronger willed foes can resist the hypnotic effects of her fairy dust. She can only maintain the hypnosis for a maximum of 30 minutes(5 post, Excluding other roleplayers and certain Unique NPCS).
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Yōsei-ō(Fairy King)
Short-to-Long Range
Yōsei-ō is an offensive summon that takes the form of a very handsome bare man, who is of a tall stature, with a cascade of exotic flowers wrapped around his body, deer antlers, and large iridescent wings that resemble that of a dragonfly. His antlers take one minute to store up sunlight/moonlight(during day or night respectively), and then fires it off as a powerful solarbeam/moonbeam that does massive damage. During the cooldown while his antlers are recharging, he is an aggressive long-range fighter equipped with a bow that shoots chakra-based arrows. His weakness are his antlers, which are weak to fire. Powerful attacks will make him poof away! If his antlers are destroyed, he poofs as well.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Yōsei no joō(Fairy Queen)
Short-to-Mid Range
Yōsei no joō is a defensive and supplementary summon that takes on the appearance of a beautiful bare woman who is of a tall stature and is adorned with a cascade of wild flowers over her body, with long willowy pink hair, pale skin, and large iridescent wings that resemble a luna moth. Her wings are incredibly durable and can be expanded and bent with incredible dexterity to block incoming attacks. She can create miniature gravity wells of "Fairy Dust" that boost the running speed and chakra flow of allies who pass through it, as well as increase their jumping capabilities, allowing them to leap twice as far than normal. Additionally, her own "Fairy Dust" can be released into the surrounding environment, amplifying Hanare's sensory range to sense those who come in contact with the dust(but would have normally been outside of her range). Her hair is her weakness and is weak to fire. If it is destroyed, she will poof. Powerful attacks will make her poof away as well.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Fairies
This is a summon that stays active until recalled or defeated. This summon conjures a group of fairy-like entities who function as one being, like a hive-mind. These fairies can work together to manipulate and move objects or repel physical assaults. Her fairies, like most of her techniques, are highly prone to being blown away by wind based jutsus.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Demonic Butterflies
This summoning jutsu conjures a swarm of demonic butterflies, that upon activation, congregate to a desired target and begin to devour/bite it. These butterflies are prone to being blown away by wind based jutsus but can easily be disintegrated with fire or simply cut through. But Hanare can also use them for more obscure methods such as distracting foes or clouding their view.
Jutsu name:
Fairy Circle
This jutsu creates an orbital ring of fairy dust that float around her. These scales in large quantities appear as glittery fragments of iridescent dust. Upon summoning this fairy circle around herself, the genjutsu creates the illusion that her body is dissolving/vanishing into a dispersing veil of glowing ethereal butterflies. This essentially makes her appear to be invisible. While the fairy circle around her is still active, she can cause others to become invisible as well should she come into close proximity with them and they enter her fairy circle. The genjutsu doesn't last long though and can be dispelled like any other simple genjutsu if the person knows how.
Jutsu name:
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu scatters her scales(fairy dust) over an object, allowing her to create an genjutsu that causes the object to appear as something else. This can be used on inanimate objects, herself, or even her allies. If the fairy dust isn't used on a specific object, she can create an illusion of an object seemingly out of thin air, but the genjutsu behaves more like a mirage and will only last 1 minute. This genjutsu can be dispelled if the person knows how to do such a thing.
Jutsu name:
Connected Lovers
This jutsu simply allows The Fairy King and The Fairy Queen to switch back and forth synchronously between the two forms, as Hanare has not yet achieved having more than one summon out at a time.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Weapon, tool or object type:
Floating Blades: Razor Butterflies
This weapon utilizes butterfly-shaped blades that she can use her chakra on to make them float and fly around her. These blades appear delicate as they seemingly flutter around her, but cut and slice with the ferocity of shuriken.
孫市 Grandson of the City 記憶 Remembrance
“Do you remember...?”
Magoichi's Voice
Taking greatly after his mother and his father, Magoichi has a mixture of masculine and feminine features. He has a very handsome face and strong jawline much like his father, but the small and soft facial features of his mother make his overall countenance slightly effeminate as well. He's got fair skin, a peachy button nose, thin glossy lips, and soft eyebrows. His almond shaped eyes are of a deep green hue, mimicking the natural beauty of an untouched forest. His gentle features seem to be accentuated quite nicely by his long pale ginger hair, its texture wavy and silky. Despite this, it can become quite a hassle to handle and therefore, he primarily keeps it held in a low hanging ponytail by a green band.
As a dancer, Magoichi has a natural elegance and grace to him. His posture is poised and straight, the true embodiment of debonair stature. He is tall and willowy, with a swimmer-like lean body and frame, and at a height of 5'10, he is neither too tall or too short. There is a beautiful symmetry about his overall structure that lies within an androgynous realm. Is he pretty or is he handsome? Both. His skin is actually quite soft, though slightly velvety which can feel a bit weird for some people. But look into his eyes and there is something cold and dreamy about them. They seem to draw you in, but reject you at the same time. There is a mysterious look in his eyes.
His attire is quite simple, though in some form or fashion adorned with a red rose, whether it be a ring or a bracelet, or a brooch. His clothes are usually grey, black or white ,with a splash of rosy red mixed within to add a bit of asymmetrical dissonance. He's got a mature, but dreamy and calming voice that makes him sound older than he really is. A tattoo of a Rose can be seen on the back of his neck, but his most notable trait is his long wavy ginger hair.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Magoichi Kioku.
Rose. Mago.
Pan-romantic. A person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or gender. Pan-romantics will tend to feel that their partner's gender does little to define their relationship.
Magoichi was born on a small island known as Sakura Country, southeast of Wind Country. It was a country consisting of many small-sized families too tiny to be considered clans, with most of these families residing in the capital city of Cheri.
Kioku; This family, for generations, has had a natural affinity to fauna and flora. This affinity is known as "Natural Whisper", allowing them to commune and utilize various aspects of animals and plants in order to achieve their goals through the ultimate respect and deference of mother earth and the natural world around them. Mother nature was here before we were. It is important to remember where we are and who provides us with the very essence of life. Our survival relies on the survival of nature itself.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Magoichi is an old spirit. Old-fashion if you will. Quaint. They often say he acts like a grandpa, so this makes him seem kinda boring, as he himself, enjoys relatively boring or simplistic things. He can often be found writing letters, reading books, or tending to his garden. A cup of self-brewed green tea and a classic on the evolution of animals is enough to satisfy his leisure time when he has any. He is the studious type and likes to keep himself busy. Whether it be volunteering at the animal shelter or tending to the community garden, its when he is with nature that he can truly "breathe". However, second to his love of nature is his love of dance, doing it and watching it.
Most deem him an intellectual because he is a bookworm and has an aptitude for learning. While this is true, he is also a dancer and therefore, quite elegant in nature. He walks gracefully as though gliding on air and his voice is both soft, but mature. He is like an old-gentleman, suave and generally composed. He is respectful, but particularly to women, treating them as precious beings that deserve only the finest things in life. He stands poised and his overall aesthetic make him appear sophisticated and dapper. This can make him appear haughty though. But there is a soft-spoken beauty about him that draws people in and makes them willing to help or listen to him.
He is probably more patient than most. He has an uncanny ability to suppress restlessness and anxiety when confronted with delay. He's more of a tortoise than a hare in this regard. But Magoichi is very thoughtful and does sweet things for people like bake them pastries or bring them flowers. He shows uncanny respect to everyone, including people he does not particularly care for. He addresses everyone with honourifics because of this. Magoichi highly believes in preserving the natural world and keeping it safe from human interference and destructive practices. He's the type that is too sweet to hurt a fly. Literally.
But, when it comes to his profession as a shinobi, this is a different story. His job is a job and he does not associate his own personal feelings when his job requires for certain things to get done, even if he may not agree with them. This makes him incredibly acquiescent and easy to lead. Nonetheless, he wants everyone to remember. To remember and to hear the cries of those who have no voices. To never forget the pain, the loss, and the suffering, but also, the moments of light and all the wonderful memories that accompany it. He is a believer in remembering the past and showing reverence to everything that made us who we are today(the good, and the bad).
Magoichi was born on an island referred to as Sakura Country, its lands covered in beautiful Cherry Blossom Trees that bloomed year round. These trees were so important to the culture and environment of the island, that a monthly sakura petal festival was held in honour of the trees. Tourist from all over visited the capitol city, Cheri, to witness this beautiful display. Despite some tragedy, he lived a relatively peaceful life. His parents worked as Archaeologist for Cheri's cryptanalysis team and used their findings in order to hieroglyphics and hidden messages.
During an exhibition however, his parents died while exploring an ancient cave. Much effort was put into rescuing them from the collapsed cavern, but unfortunately once their bodies were found, it was far too late. Back home in Cheri, Magoichi had not been informed. It was normal for his parents to be away for months at a time. And to spare him the pain, his grandparents lied to him for several years about his parents' deaths. When he finally uncovered the truth, he was devastated and soon fell into a deep depression. His grandparents taught him one thing, "Even through the pain, learn from it, remember it, and eventually, you move on from it."
And with this piece of information, Magoichi set forth on a brighter path, communing with nature to bring peace to his own grieving heart.
【Family ties】
Magoichi's family was never really rich, but they lived a peaceful and comfortable life. They had the pleasure of experiencing cherry blossom bloomings more often than most. It was this and the simple things that kept them content. Not to mention there was little to no conflict in Sakura Country. Even crime was very low in the capital city of Cheri. But when his parents died, it took a long time for him to come to terms with their deaths.
Anna | Grandmother | 59, Kumogakure, Orchard Owner, Alive.
Mugen Kioku | Grandfather | 63, Kumogakure, Retired Cryptanalyst, Alive.
【Dreams and fears】
He DREAMS to become a biologist. He HOPES to one day visit the site where his parents died. He thinks that by visiting where his parents met their sudden demise, he will be able to finally "let them go" and "move on" completely from the tragedy. He FEARS caves.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
By preference, Magoichi specializes in the use of rose petals to eradicate his foes quickly, as he finds roses to be amongst the most beautiful creations of nature. However, thanks to his kekkei genkai "Natural Whisper", he can manipulate the natural wildlife to his will, both plants and animals alike. And to become truly one with nature, he can mimic the attributes and forms of these animals and plants as well. Though most would not believe it, he is primarily an elusive and evasive close combat fighter, utilizing the metamorphosis aspect of his kekkei genkai to shape-shift into different animals. Each animal form provides him with a unique aspect and skill-set for making the best of tough situations. While he isn't the strongest fighter, he is definitely a capable one, and his many animal forms make him a versatile one as well. But as a dancer, he is a graceful, elegant, and elusive fighter, capable of combating with a stylized hoola hoop if necessary.
【Kekkei Genkai, or Bloodline Limit or Hiden】
Kekkei Genkai Name:
Natural Whisper
It is uncertain how far back this peculiar trait developed, but members of the Kioku family have always been able to "Whisper" to the trees and to the animals of the sky, land, and sea. The natural world was only a step away, even when they would be so far away. They always remember there place amongst nature and their natural communal abilities with mother nature, grant them access to various animal and plant based abilities, though Magoichi in particular, showing an affinity to roses.
His kekkei genkai can be best described as versatile, allowing him to use it primarily for ultility more than anything else. However, it also has offensive capabilities as well, but detailed control and quick thinking is needed in order to maximum the various aspects of this bloodline limit. Being able to quickly shift from one animal form to another is probably this kekkei genkai's greatest asset in the heat of battle.
Though versatile, this kekkei genkai is a natural empathic and communal connection to mother nature. Meaning, members of this family have almost no access to any other forms of jutsus other than their own. A certain type of chakra is needed in order to mold the forces of nature as they desire and these chakras are very difficult, near impossible to use with other forms of jutsu.
【Ninja techniques】
D-E rank techniques:
Knows all the basic D and E rank techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Tree of Life
This jutsu causes him to transform into a colossal Tree of Life. Once in this form, he outstretches his limbs to ensnare nearby foes and begins draining them of their life while transferring it back to him. The enzymes gathered from this life absorption kill the opponents while simultaneously healing severe wounds and replenishing chakra to himself. While in this form, he is completely stationary and is prone to damage if someone manages to gets past his limbs or breaks free from the constricts of them.
Jutsu name:
Metamorphosis: Absolute Transformation
This incredibly versatile jutsu allows Magoichi to shape shift into any animal. Nothing imaginary or fantasy. Furthermore, animals with high levels of chakra such as tailed beast and summons, he cannot shapeshift into. Naturally, he cannot verbally communicate with other people while in an animal form.
Jutsu name:
Transfiguration: Perfect Bloom
This quirky jutsu allows Magoichi to shape shift into any plant he has visually seen, but it limits him to only real plants that actually exist. Nothing imaginary or fantasy. Naturally, he cannot verbally communicate with other people while in an plant form and this jutsu seems to be weak to fire-based jutsus of equal or greater rank.
Jutsu name:
Rose Petals
Short-to-Long Range
A jutsu, and Magoichi's personal favorite, that allows him to conjure a floating cloud of rose petals. With his chakra, he can control these rose petals with his mind to attack his foes and completely rip them to shreds.
Jutsu name:
Metamorphosis: Partial Transformation
With this jutsu, he can transform parts of his body into parts of an animal, without having to shapeshift completely. A prime example of this, is being able to transform heis arms into a pair of wings or grow deer antlers on his head, or even gills on his neck. He can transform several of his body parts into different parts of different animals simultaneously, though doing so quickly drains his chakra.
Jutsu name:
Transfiguration: Partial Bloom
With this jutsu, Magoichi can transform parts of his of body and grow plants on himself without having to shapeshift completely into a plant. A prime example of this, is being able to transform or sprout thorns along his arms and legs, cacti, or even just wildflowers. He can transform several of his body parts into different parts of different plants simultaneously, though doing so quickly drains his chakra.
Jutsu name:
Natural Whisper: Fauna
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu allows Magoichi to manipulate and control nearby animals.
Jutsu name:
Natural Whisper: Flora
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu allows him to manipulate nearby plants. He can only manipulate existing plants, not create new ones.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Secret Garden
Weapon, tool or object type:
This weapon is a large stylized ringblade, coloured in a sleek gold and adorned with roses in hues of red and pink. His fighting style is very graceful and elegant, resembling a dance as his ringblade twirls around his body sensually. His fighting style is very beautiful, but careful not to become entranced by his dance of death. |
13,252 | 381 | 7 | 1,366 | 721 | Oukami Amehime
Le matin avait commencé assez normalement pour Ame-- il était dans une pièce sombre, ne sachant pas à quelle heure il était. Il passa beaucoup de temps à respirer peu profond de l'air épais, sa vue brouillait devant lui, le bruit de son sang qui sonnait dans ses oreilles. Il ne savait pas depuis combien de temps il était dans la pièce, ni quel air il respirait, mais garçon ça ne s'inscrivait pas dans ses poumons. Il transpirait juste assis là, ses mains calleuses se griffant incomfortablement au visage alors qu'il essayait de l'essuyer. Et tout comme il a commenté un autre, « Je ne sais pas », à une question qu'il pouvait à peine entendre sur les sonneries dans ses oreilles, la porte s'ouvrit.
C'est ce que j'ai dit.
"A moi! Ton sensi est là pour toi!"
Après un petit-déjeuner et une douche rapides, l'appel de sa tante de l'entrée a perturbé Ame au milieu de l'attache sur sa veste. « Je reviens », rappela-t-il tranquillement alors qu'il faisait hâtivement ses gardes-bras, en glissant sur sa veste légère au-dessus de ses épaules. Bien sûr, il ne s'attendait pas à ce que son nouveau professeur le ramasse aujourd'hui de tous les jours, et il était sûr que ses yeux étaient encore en train de voir des taches, mais ce n'est rien qu'il n'avait pas eu à supporter avant. S'emparant de ses chaussures alors qu'il se dirigeait vers la porte, il a serré sa tante et a échangé des baisers sur le front et la joue avant de partir avec sa nouvelle équipe.
Trois autres chuunin en dehors de lui, il semblait que Ame avait été le dernier arrêt. Il y avait un air épais et maladroit autour de deux d'entre eux, mais dans l'ensemble Sutemasu semblait gentil et tout le monde-- maladroit à part-- semblait décent. Au moment des présentations, il y avait un court débat intérieur au sein du garçon sur la question de savoir s'il fallait parler deuxième ou troisième - deux des parties les moins mémorables, seulement pour débattre trop dur et Reiji s'exprimer avant qu'il ne le puisse. S'il y avait aussi une autre chose qui démangeait Ame, c'était le fait qu'il semblait être le plus jeune. Et ici, il pensait qu'il était derrière, vu qu'il a raté le dernier examen. Néanmoins, Ame a offert son sourire habituel, et a ajouté...
"Oukami Ame. Je me spécialise dans les fils et les pièges et je suis un peu mauvais quand il s'agit de rencontres rapprochées."
Bien que toutes les présentations aient été assez rapides, le groupe a encore réussi à se réunir tôt à la porte, quelque chose que Ame supposait se produire plus souvent. Rejustant l'étroitesse de ses gardes, il s'occupa alors que ses oreilles écoutaient la conversation maladroite entre Kota et Kasumi, ne voulant pas vraiment participer à la petite conversation, mais gardant néanmoins l'oreille ouverte pour quelque chose d'intéressant. Il a regardé Reiji qui avait pris place, souriant un sourire au moment où il a pris ses yeux-- le genre de sourire qui a jumelé un regard pointant rapide aux deux à côté d'eux comme s'il disait: 'Est-ce bizarre ou quoi.' | Oukami Amehime
“Nothing to see here-- everythin's absolutely, perfectly, completely normal.”
Standing at a meager five foot even, Ame isn't one that stands well in a crowd. He's lean with hints of baby fat over his developed muscles, light as he is short weighing in around a hundred pounds. From his tan skin to his fair hair, he looks similar to other citizens of the country, no outward abnormalities setting him apart from the others. His features are slender at first glance, from the roundishness of his face being emphasized only by the childish largeness of his eyes. His nose is a soft rounding slope that leads to prominently thick lips. Both of his ears host simple diamond shaped metallic studs, though upon closer investigation, a hint of a scar can be noted on his right ear, as though a past earring had been ripped off. He has a few beauty marks on his body, though the most notable being the one right over his left eyelid, as well as the back of his left earlobe.
Contrary to his pretty barren facial features, the rest of his body is riddled in scars. From the different hints of bruising on his neck and arms during his training to slender fingers tainted with callouses and healing cuts, Ame has his fair share of "battle scars", though were less achieved in battle and more in his own home. The teen has an awkward gait about him at times when he's unprepared, and a focused look at his legs can show that one is slightly shorter than the other. Many may assume that a large red mark over the side of his left leg-- the shorter leg-- is the cause of such difference in length, but it's merely a simple birthmark. Not that anyone should even see the mark in the first place, given he tends to wear long pants as well as sleeves, the short sleeves of his uniform covered with a robe like fabric with a hood.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Oukami Amehime
Ame, "Who?"
Unknown, presumed to be Kumogakure
The Oukami clan is relatively small compared to other great clans, but have at least a handful spread in many of the other villages. Most of this is made up of the fact that many of their members are orphans adopted from their respected villages, or children bred by said adopted orphans. A people whose origins were rooted in betrayal, they are raised to lie and cheat, and while they may pledge allegiance to their respective homes, their final loyalty stands with their family. As such, the clan is often taught at a young age to think ahead, to plan routes that will in the end help more than harm their people, if not affect them at all. Though they do not have any Kekkai Genkai to be known of, much less known at all by the populous, their line has become infamous underground for their effectiveness in espionage.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Ame has the tendency of being too normal for his own good. With a great social intuition, he barely misses the cue for a laugh- and even then, know whether the laugh was supposed to be sarcastic, awkward, or full. He's calculative in every inch of his actions, from squinting his eyes just right to "smile with his eyes", to the occasional reassuring pat on the back that others may not even notice had happened. Now, it's not to say that Ame has perfect control of his emotions and body-- he has a tendency to slip up, as most children often do, but he makes up for the odd social mistakes by knowing how to cover them up, either using playful words or actions to misdirect the conversation.
In terms of situations, Ame seems to have the most control over his most extreme emotions. Whether something extremely amazing or awful happens to him emotionally, he somehow manages with a smile. It's the smaller things he has trouble controlling, moreso because they're so small that he barely notices he's feeling things. A furrow in his brow at a slight inconvenience, a raise of his brow in amusement as he catches glimpse of something nice-- just the slightest of nuances of his face that suggest interest or disinterest.
If there's one thing Ame is very good at, however, it's conversing with others. He has a sweet smile about him, and his use of body language is often engaging, to the point where others almost fail to realize him parroting their words albeit in different orders. He makes a point to agree more often rather than disagree, but will often throw out small opposing comments to balance himself out.
In his time spent with the Oukami family, Ame grew to an obsessive sort of loyalty to them. Time in his orphanage was forgotten as he was tortured and trained to never spill a secret about the clan even if it meant betraying friends he'd made at school. Though he was an energetic child in the orphanage, as he continued to grow his exciteabilty was more supressed, and he learned to be as patient with others as they were with him, even if at times he'd rather get into a scuffle than smiling his way through.
His years in the academy were mixed with intensive training at home, and Ame was more tired than anything, but still got along well with his peers. He graduated normally enough, without too much showing off in his records or having a bad enough stint that made him stand out to others. The more Ame grew up, the more he learned how to blend in, the energy he used to have in impressing potential parents and friends at the orphanage turning into an observant eye that pushed himself in the background.
He missed his first chuunin exam due to an accident in Basement training that lead to his leg needing rehabilitation and his brother disappearing. It was a bad case of too much pressure and him caving under it at the worst time, which led to a snapped leg and his brother being hurt twice as bad. The family assured Ame that his brother was sent somewhere else to heal and Ame cried a lot, but the focus on fixing himself up pushed the thought of his brother to the back of his head. It took a year and then some to get him adjusted to his poorly healed leg, but it was enough that Ame finally entered the exams and became a chuunin.
【Family ties】
After being adopted into the Oukami clan at the age of five, Ame found himself in a warm and happy home full of loving people. Even his two other orphan mates, one of whom he'd never agreed with, bonded through the simple kindness the Oukami clan offered. Around eight years old, Basement Training began in which he as well as other children his age were placed under torture training while cementing a sort of obsessive dedication to the family. The dedication was only further enforced after they left the basement and went up to see the loving and caring warmth of their family members' familiar faces, as opposed to the masked strangers down under. Ame thus grew very dedicated to his family, with the standard skewed moral sense in that the clan is right above all things.
Oukami Anei | Adoptive Father | 38, Kumogakure, Jonin and Kumo spy, but tends to be a total dad when off duty
Oukami Yumi | Adoptive Aunt | 64, Kumogakure, a caretaker for the adopted Oukami
Oukami Hanaburi | Adoptive Sister | 13, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
On the surface, Ame seems to only dream of one thing: helping his family, and getting through another day. There's an almost shallow layer of simple devotion to Oukami that wraps up Ame's inner psyche-- the dream of living a nice long life with his favourite aunt, the fear of disappointing or ruining his clan, the hope to measure up to his clan's expectations.
Underneath it all, however past the thick and heavy layer of brainwashing and hypnotism, Ame has the lingering desire of wanting to know who's blood runs in his veins and why he grew up an orphan. The wish is so small even he doesn't know he has it, and has been fogged so much by his adoration of the Oukami that even if the thought does crawl up, it's easily washed out.
He is afraid of his actions-- or worse, inactions-- hurting someone in his family, as most Oukami tend to be raised. He also has a bit more selfish fear, and though he has made a vow to give Oukami his life, the child is afraid of actually having to die in any manner other than with peace.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
While it's not to say that Ame has no physical strength, it can also be noted that his strength may not amount too much towards a majority of his opponents. With that said, it's not as though he's got great distance jutsu, so he can't really do much staying in the distance. For whatever he lacks, however, he makes up for in his stamina and creativity. As such, Ame is more touch and go, using the help of wires and distraction to keep himself at a distance before pulling himself or his enemy whichever way he so fixed his wires. He keeps himself moving to keep the attachments of the wires undetected and also just be a real hassle to keep track of. Things like swinging past a tree behind an enemy and stabbing them in the neck tends to be his forte as opposed to actual "fair" combat.
That said, while he tends to be calm and focused, Ame almost tends to be too focused, putting too much energy on his first gathered information and unable to change factors. For instance, if he were fighting a group of five and then a sixth or seventh came in out of nowhere, his adrenaline would spike and he'd probably make a few panicked mistakes before getting his shit together.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Suiton: Suijinheki
C rank techniques:
Suiton: Mizurappa
Suiton: Teppōdama
D-E rank techniques:
The standard clones and transmutations learned at school.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Weapon, tool or object type:
Spools of retractable wires.
Ame's shin guards both each have one spool the knuckle area of his fists, as well as two spools on the outer end of his forearms. His shin guards each have four, with three on the outer and one on the inner. He carries two emergency spools inside his flak jacket. Every wire is standard grade with no special flare about them, though at times Ame attaches them to small weighted balls for better control.
They help Ame with his movements, wrapping and catching themselves around the right things to turn him midair while also making an effective weapon for anyone not paying attention. The more Ame gets to fuck around, the more wire he can plant or remove, and sharp enough to cut skin for anyone walking into it willy-nilly. Though they are retractable, Ame often cuts the strings-- unless using them in a pulley-like manner to lift others up in which case the feature is helpful.
Given a good ninety percent of the wire is on Ame's arm and shin guards, the moment they're knocked off, he's already down on his most trained weapon. Not to mention that wire is no match for a sharp knife, it's power on cutting people dependent on it's tautness and therefore can be easily undone. It works more as a surprise than anything-- after the curtains have been lifted, it's much easier to figure out. |
13,253 | 381 | 8 | 1,717 | 2,937 | S E N K E N S H A T O R A B U R U
Baka wa shinanakya naoranai. À moins qu'un idiot meure, il ne sera pas guéri.
Tu m'aimes bien maintenant?
Toraburu avait apprécié une matinée plutôt paresseuse, allongé sur son lit avec une longue traversée sur l'autre, baissant son pied autour pendant qu'il s'était couché de façon décontractée. Ses mains étaient pliées derrière sa tête alors qu'il mettait sa tête en arrière sur l'oreiller. Par une fenêtre, le soleil brillait, ce soleil typique de Kumogakure qu'il était venu pour tellement profiter. Chaque jour, il s'allongeait au soleil pendant ses moments libres - comme un vrai chat le ferait - et jouissait de la chaleur qui venait du soleil. Contrairement à d'autres personnes à Kumogakure, il n'était pas vraiment une personne du matin, alors il s'est couché et a attendu que quelque chose arrive. Il avait complètement oublié qu'aujourd'hui était le dernier jour de ses vacances, et il commençait à s'attendre à ce qu'il ait fini avec la vie shinobi maintenant qu'il n'avait rien fait depuis si longtemps.
Bien sûr, un certain Jonin au hasard est venu pour réfuter cette théorie.
Il soupirait alors qu'il se levait de son lit, se frottait les yeux avec ses deux poings alors qu'il s'approchait de la porte et l'ouvrait. Vivre seul était une bénédiction, il a trouvé, puisque personne d'autre ne s'était levé pour ouvrir la porte et faire une petite conversation ennuyeux avec ce jonin. Qui est-ce? Qui êtes-vous, personne sans nom? Hey, qu'est-ce que tu... pourquoi tu me traînes avec moi?! Lâchez-moi, vous baisez la face! ─ Il s'est emparé du bras d'Hageshi, creusant ses ongles dans le bras des hommes pendant qu'il était impoliment traîné. Il n'a même pas eu le temps de fermer sa porte derrière lui.
Toute la façon dont Toraburu insultait Hageshi, car il ne savait pas pourquoi précisément Toraburu était traîné. Ce n'est que lorsqu'ils sont arrivés chez cette fille appelée la maison de Midori qu'il s'est présenté comme leur sensei. "Su-su-su... tu n'aurais pas pu dire quelque chose plus tôt, trou du cul ignorant?" Toraburu sifflait alors qu'il se frottait le bras, ce qui était douloureux d'Hageshi le tenant là-bas.
Le chat-oreilles de Toraburu sur sa tête s'est tordu autour, apparemment à la recherche du son, bien qu'il les éloignait juste de l'intérêt pour voir si quelque chose était dit à proximité qui semblait cool. Plus cool que cette figure Hageshi-sensei. "Oi, dipshit, ta mère est le raikage juste?" Sa voix était haute, mais sans sonner comme une fille. C'était étrange - comme la douceur d'un chat dans le terrain, mais avec un sous-ton humain. Et, bien, son choix de mots n'était pas aussi gracieuse qu'on viendrait à s'attendre d'une créature aussi "gracieuse" qu'un chat. Si c'est ta mère, demande un transfert, parce que je ne travaille pas avec un retard comme toi. Su-su-su..-Toraburu a croisé ses bras en regardant Hageshi, ignorant complètement la présence de Midori.
Il semblait inutile de protester contre ce sensi, car il a été traîné une fois de plus. "Sous-sou-sou-hey"! Arrête de faire ça trou du cul!Il protesta, étant traîné vers la maison de Saborama, puis la maison d'Ikaruga. Lorsque toute l'affaire troublante a été faite, Toraburu a finalement été libéré par Hageshi. "Su-su-su-su.. tu as chié," Toraburu a soupiré pendant qu'il regardait à Saborama et puis Ikaruga. Ils ressemblaient à des connards, comme Hageshi. Et Midori... elle avait l'air bizarre. Et inutile. Quelle putain d'équipe il avait cette fois-ci.
Toraburu hurla soudain, formant des mains avec une agilité comme un chat qui lui fit les exécuter plus vite que la plupart des chunins. Il s'est tenu sur le joint de rat, avant de se pencher vers l'avant vers Hageshi. Il ouvrit la bouche et poussa vers l'avant un grand courant d'eau vers Hageshi, assez pour le jeter hors de l'équilibre et le renflouant quelques mètres s'il frappait.
Une fois qu'il eut montré sa fureur à la maltraitance du jonin, Toraburu croisa les bras et regarda ses trois coéquipiers. Et arrête d'être inutile! Kami, Kami, pourquoi me tourmentez-vous? Il a crié au milieu de l'introduction d'Ikaruga, l'interrompant grossièrement sans que Toraburu s'en soucie. Il a également pointé sur Ikaruga, aussi, ne semblant pas donner trop de merde à la façon dont le garçon pourrait se sentir à propos d'être pointé. S'il vous plaît dites-moi que vous savez ce qui se passe, parce que personne ne m'a dit que je serais dans une équipe avec.. Vous, les losers!
Eh bien, il était déjà clair que Toraburu ne s'en foutait pas trop, mais il semblait aussi ignorer le fait que l'équipe de Sutemasu était proche et pouvait probablement entendre toute la conversation. | B U D D H A ' S T E M P L E
壊れた 捨てます
Broken Discard
“猿も木から落ちる。 Saru mo ki kara ochiru.”
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
Early Summer Rain - Samidare
Sutemasu is a woman that, noticeably, has an appealing physique. She looks like a woman that you wouldn't expect in the shinobi force and, furthermore, it seems to come almost effortless to her. Truthfully it doesn't - she spends a lot of time making sure she looks presentable as she is a woman that worries a lot about her appearance to others. Perhaps a hint of insecurity.
Her long blonde hair flows carelessly over her shoulders while the rest of it hangs back in a long ponytail. It's well cared for and that does show. It is perhaps the pride and joy of Sutemasu's appearance and how she feels about herself - if there's anything she loves about herself it's her hair.
She also has long eyelashes, another feature that appeals to many of those around her. Besides that she has no real remarkable physical traits that set her apart too much. Her chin is pointed, flowing forth from a relatively straight jawline. She has a short nose that whips up slightly near the tip. Her eyebrows are plucked into a neat shape, too. Her figure is slightly reminiscent of an hour-glass figure, however it's very subtle, with only a slight bit of curviness to her. Those standing near her would get a faint hint of flowers from her, as she smells or reminds people of them somehow.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kowareta Sutemasu
Kowareta-sensei, Sute
Kowaretu, a clan that hasn't existed for too long.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Sutemasu is a kind, sweet hearted woman who wishes the best to those around her. Her personality was shaped and formed by her history as is the case with many people. However, she has formed herself into something unique when compared to people that went through similar experiences. She stayed humble, obedient and filled herself with hope and determination rather than falling back onto bitterness and anger.
She is calm, collected and seems to be capable of a large amount of empathy. This is, according to the raikage, the primary reason she was chosen as an instructor and sensei. Her soft way of speaking and instructing give genin and chunin the idea that she cares, which she does, which seems to make them more inclined to listen. Nevertheless she can be authoritarian and instructive as needed, in such situations that demand it.
Though not many people realize it, and she would never speak about it or such, she has been through quite a lot. She's lost a lot of comrades in recent years and many of them were close friends of hers. Sometimes she goes through periods of time where she is, at least slightly so, depressed. Though she does her best to hide it, this information can be seen by anyone with a keen and adept mind for psychology or social aptitude. Never the less it seems like it doesn't affect her life too much.
History theme
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Careless play and surprising realization
Sutemasu was born 28 years ago in a hospital in the middle of Kumogakure. While her mother was not a shinobi, her will and strength throughout childbirth could've made her as strong as, or stronger, than most shinobi. The child labour was tough and required a lot from Sutemasu her mother. Not to say that this is a sob-story about how she lost both her parents - no, as you will recognize in her story, despite what she's been through she has never had anything that bad happen to herself.
Her early years were spent mostly doing child things. She usually spent her time playing around with other children, until she became 4. From that point on, naturally as all the other children, she became more aware of her surroundings, the meaning behind the word shinobi, and the jobs that a shinobi was supposed to do. When she was six, she became interested in becoming a shinobi herself. Not for the obvious reasons, namely that it was 'cool' to be a shinobi according to many children, but more so because she enjoyed the kunoichi classes which included flower arrangement and other such things.
Upon enrollment she spent less time with her mother - who ran a flower shop - and spent more time with her father, a Kumogakure jonin. However in order to earn her allowance she still had to work in the flower shop, producing a strong bond between her and both parents.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Study hard, play harder!
In her academy years, Sutemasu spent a lot of time practicing the shinobi arts, especially the kunoichi arts. A lot of time and practice went into ninjutsu and such, while a smaller but still proportionate amount of time was spent in the books to learn about theoretical stuff like tenketsu, chakra control and shinobi history. While she was a good student, she was never one to stand out too much even if she was capable of much more than she let on. She was shy and reserved, though she wasn't one to get bullied or let herself be teased - she could stand up for herself. But her general likeability made her a small target, and she got along with almost all her classmates.
Besides studying, she also spent a lot of time playing. She was acquainted with her many classmates outside of school as well and especially in the early years of the academy, she spent a lot of time outside playing shinobi games and doing general children stuff. When she became older the games changed, of course, and she was more frequently asked to help in the shop. Her group of friends that she frequently hung out with became smaller, but more tight knit, as is normal. It seems that even in a shinobi academy you can't stop clique's from forming.
Age 13 to 15; genin years
Time to work, time to help!
Her time spent as genin were perhaps some of the most entertaining years she spent in her life. While some would look back on the academy and wish they could be there again, Sutemasu was excited to begin working as a genin, doing missions and helping people. Unlike the current generation, she was a genin right after Sasuke and Naruto more or less 'saved the world' and then died. There was still a carefree attitude around, the idea that friendship was the most important thing. So she did not have to dig trenches or do anything like that.
She genuinely spent her time helping people with small tasks, and missions that were barely dangerous. It were more or less the luxury years of her career as a shinobi. It was during that time period, near her fifteenth birthday, where her father decided to retire. He remained active as a sensei within the academy, but his fighting years were over. At least, unless the village required him for it's defense. It seemed to make more sense to make place for Sutemasu, giving her a spot to earn the family some honour. And it would be a shame after all if he died during a mission now that he had a wife and a kid.
Age 15 to 21; chunin years
Maybe the shinobi life isn't that cool..
While she became a chunin with a remarkably good chunin exam, she soon experienced that the life of a shinobi was, perhaps, not as rose colored as she'd imagined. Once her and some of her friends became chunin, they were sent on more dangerous missions. Many of them did not make it back alive, and in these six years she lost many of her friends.
She became a bit more held back and reserved in her personality, becoming more quiet, timid and possibly showing signs of a slight depression. While she never developed anything serious, she was apparently touched deeply by her losses. At age 20 her father died of implications from an old wound that got infected, leaving her and her mother behind. The funeral was respect worthy, and after a small time spent away from the shinobi force, Sutemasu returned to her duties.
Age 21 to present day; jonin years
Teaching kids can be fun, too.. Right?
A year after her fathers death she was promoted to the rank of a jonin, making her a sensei to a team. While she didn't receive her father's headband like she would've wanted, since it was buried with him, she did receive her father's flak jacket. Her first team was a rather rowdy team but due to her natural charm and likeability she managed to subdue them and form them into shinobi that were worthy of the title of chunin. She led them from genin to chunin, with the recent exams being an ending to that chapter of her book. Currently she is on stand by which means she is mostly performing missions with other jonin. However, she has been alerted by the raikage that she is expected to return to her duties as a sensei, this time leading chunin that are already capable of a lot.
【Family ties】
Sutemasu her family life was relatively relaxed. The bloodline of the Kowareta do not represent a large clan similar to the Hyuga or such, but rather a small family. They have relatively little political influence and are 'just another family'. Many family members live outside of Kumogakure, and many of them are not even shinobi. The largest concentration of Kowareta families live in Kumogakure, since 3 families live here.
Yosho Kowareta | Father | 54, Kumogakure, deceased, ex-jonin
Junko Kowareta | Mother | 51, Kumogakure, owner of the flowershop in the village center
Gota Kowareta | Cousin | 14, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
Sutemasu dreams of one day being able to retire, looking back on a succesful career where she helped as many people as she could, and having raised a generation of shinobi that she, and the village, can be proud of.
Her fears are a new war breaking out, as that would mean death and destruction, of which she had already had enough even without the war. Another fear is death - she fears death as all humans do. Any human that doesn't fear death is mentally ill.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Sutemasu is a ninjutsu specialist whom is specifically catered to the engagement at medium to short ranges. Making use of her personal hiden allows her to maintain, and easily sustain herself, within close combat situations. She works best at a medium range to support her teammates, though most her jutsu's are catered more towards finishing blows. Sutemasu can be quite sacrificial considering she has mostly taught children and people that were younger and less experienced than her, so she is willing to risk herself for them. Given her hiden, that should not be too much of a problem, however.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
C rank techniques:
Gōkakyū no Jutsu
Hōsenka no Jutsu
Doroku Gaeshi
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Nokorimasu Onaji (: Sutemasu Style: Remain the Same, 捨てますスタイル 残ります同じ)
Nokorimasu Onaji utilizes a very very small amount of chakra, which gathers in a 'pool' of chakra within the user. In general, there's never been a time where the chakra gets used up so quickly in usage of the technique that it completely empties out.
This passive ability consumes chakra at a very slow rate constantly, even when not in combat. Luckily Sutemasu's chakra pool is large enough to sustain it. This ability works through getting hurt - as strange as it may sounds - converting damage done to the user and turning it into raw power. In effect, that means that 'more damage input = more damage output' in simple terms. Muscles are stimulated by the damage, as well as the psychological will to fight on. This allows Sutemasu to press on past her normal limits and keep fighting even with broken bones, torn muscles or large gaping wounds. The drawbacks to this are, of course, that she's going to be less accurate and skillful, but more powerful. In short, attacks will be more powerful but she'll have a harder time hitting, depending largely on the type of wounds too.
This is by no means a healing jutsu however. A gaping wound will still bleed, and if she doesn't receive treatment, she will still die from the wounds. It's just that she'd likely not notice any pain from the wounds, and that she will feel stronger despite the wound.
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Chakurabāsuto (Sutemasu Style: Chakra Burst, チャクラバースト)
Releasing one fourth of the chakra stored in the pool for the Nokori Onaji technique, she releases a pure burst of chakra out of her entire body, causing a shockwave of chakra. This shockwave can extend between 5m and 10m, dependent on how large her pool currently is. The shockwave is powerful enough to send shinobi that don't hold themselves down on the ground flying, sending lightweights (80<kg.) flying atleast 20 meters at high speed, and sending heavyweights (80>kg.) stumbling out of the shockwave area. Objects are sent flying away too, such as kunai, leaves and other random items in the area.
The jutsu isn't incredibly damaging on it's own, dependent on objects in the area. For instance, in an empty dirt field, there'll be no objects to send flying, and no objects for the enemy to crash into. So, damage will be reduced to perhaps some light scraping from scraping on the ground.
In a forest, or a densely built in city, the damage will be more extensive, given that the enemy might fly into trees, rocks, buildings, roadsigns, etcetera.
Jutsu name:
Bōru (Soup-jutsu: Bowl, ボウル)
This Doton technique forms the basis of a three-nature combination. The Bowl jutsu causes the target to be encased in a dome of earth around them, which then lifts up off of the earth on four earthen pillars. The jutsu is simple. There really isn't much to it - it doesn't kill, damage, or harm you, it just traps you inside the dome. That's bad, right?
Well you can break free. Use S, A or B-rank lightning based jutsu's to break through, or use sheer force if you're really that strong. Just do it in time before the next part of the combo.
Jutsu name:
Sūpu mizu (Soup-jutsu: Soup Water, スープ水)
This Suiton based jutsu is the next step. Thought being trapped in a dome of earth was bad enough? WRONG! Through a hole in the top of the dome that briefly opens at the command of the user, the user then spews water into the 'soup bowl' until it's full of water. Congratulations, you'll now be drowning!
Since this is a suiton jutsu, you could possibly use wind to create a bubble of air for yourself to breathe, though it's not drowning you need to worry about. At this stage of the combo it becomes more or less impossible to use electricity to free yourself from the dome as you'd electrocute yourself. Unless you're willing to risk that. Sheer force would still be enough to break free, but since water slows down movement, it'd likely have to come from the outside.
Or another solution. Maybe you can think of something. Better hurry before the next step, which is..
Jutsu name:
Sutōbu o tentō (Soup-jutsu: Light the Stove, ストーブを点灯)
The final step in the three jutsu combo. True to it's name, this is the step that probably is the most dangerous for whomever gets trapped. Using the Katon nature, the user lights a fire underneath the earthen soup bowl/dome that they created, beginning to boil it at an alarming and dangerous rate for whomever is inside. Drown in the soup made of your own body! Muahaha! Ahem. There is no real defence for this step, if you are trapped.
For outsiders it's possible to blow out the fire using wind jutsu, to quench it with a water jutsu, or to simply free those in the bowl with force. Electricity is possible but ill-advised since you'd probably electrocute your friends inside the bowl.
Neki the Newt
This summoning technique summons Neki the Newt, a large green newt. Given the qualities of a newt, this newt is capable of high speed water traversal as well as shooting water out of it's mouth in a jet stream capable of pushing people back, or if they are light, shooting them away. It's size is medium sized (it's aproximately 2m. high and 4m. long) and is big enough to carry two people in it's mouth at once if they are standing up. It's also possible (and something Sutemasu does often) to ride on it's back by standing on top of it.
Senkensha Toraburu
先見者 トラブル
Seer Trouble
“馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。 Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.”
Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.
Yes, indeed. Toraburu looks like a cat. A inherent trait to his clan makes him take on some traits of a cat, which has manifested itself through a pair of cat ears on his head and fangs that protrude from his mouth even when it's closed. Never the less, you should be warned that any mention of this to Toraburu will make him.. very angry at the least. Contrary to popular belief, Toraburu is NOT cute.
Besides his obvious features being like a cat, he looks like a pretty normal person. Though, you couldn't really call him that given his cat features. Just ignore those. If you look past that you'll see that Toraburu often looks a bit mad. His nose is very small, and very flat, curving up slightly near the end. His eyes are large in comparison, amber in colour, and shaped like almonds. His eyebrows curve inwards almost constantly making him appear angry and aggressive constantly.
His mouth is relatively small, and has two fangs protruding from it. It's almost constantly in a downwards curved frown, making him look even more angry. Truthfully it does a good job at spelling out what kind of person Toraburu is.
His small stature makes his life even more miserable as he stands at, barely, 5'7. He's smaller than most guys his age, actually, and his small size make it even easier for people to find him cute. Never the less he stands his own as his body size is relative to his size. He pulls it off without looking like a short stubby man, maintaining a good balance between muscles and fat and his size. It's almost like he's insecure about it.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Senkensha Toraburu
'Neko, Kitty' if you want to get killed. If you value your life, 'Trouble, Tora'
Heterosexual, though unapproachable
A small village in the outskirts of Kumogakure
Senkensha clan, an entire clan of cat-like shinobi. They're spread throughout the world and are more or less just a clan only in name. They don't really know each other.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his cute appearance, Toraburu has proven to be quite unapproachable. Any comments made towards him that he does not like (i.e. most of the comments made towards him) are met with silence, sarcasm, or straight up insults. While they are generally harmless, if you truly get on his nerves he will make it a point to drill you into the ground, to avoid having to deal with you any further.
While he does have this unhandleable attitude, he seems to have some degree of respect for authority, though begrudgingly he seems to still give them a big mouth some times. For all it's worth however he seems to be at least a decent asset to the team, regardless of his personal attitude. It seems more a case of finding a team for him that he can fit into without much trouble - a team that doesn't ask him too many questions. Perhaps an apathetic team.
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Asshole parents are a universal thing, yo.
Toraburu was born as a result of two of the Senkensha clan being together. They were travelers, as so many Senkensha clan members are, and his mother happened to get pregnant at a time during the travelling. They rested at a village for the next five months until she was ready to give birth. When that was done, and the young lad 'Trouble' was born, the parents vanished. Possibly because the Senkensha clan enjoys their freedom, and having a young boy with them would impede on that freedom.
He was named Toraburu, because that was what he was to his new adoptive parents. 'Trouble'. It was a pretty harsh life the next six years, but luckily for Toraburu, Senkensha clan members weren't born with their cat like features. He seemed to be a relatively normal kid - up until his fifth birthday when his teeth were starting to protrude from his lips despite having his mouth closed, as well as his ears beginning to grow slightly. His adoptive parents still sort of loved him, but it became a lot harder for them to justify having this 'strange kid' in their household. Slowly but surely the village excluded them more and more until it became time for Toraburu to leave for the Shinobi village hidden in the Mountains.
He was accepted there, and joined the shinobi academy. From time to time he'd visit the village, to see his 'parents' but all in all it wasn't too much trouble to leave behind the family.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Mreow! Don't mess with the cat!
During his years in the academy his rather peculiar personality traits became apparent. While at first everyone seemed to think that Toraburu was an extremely nice kid due to his appearance, they were often rudely awoken from their idiotic ideas as Toraburu had a rather foul mouth for a young boy. More often than not he was involved in school fights, incidents in the village and just general trouble. He was living up to his name, more or less. He made many enemies in these years, people that rather saw him bite the dust sooner or later. The feeling was, more often than not, mutual.
While he was a bit of a pain in the ass to the teachers, he did listen to them and he was by all means not a bad student - more likely due to innate ability to become a shinobi than hard work. He was the kid in class that never seemed to do anything, yet ace the exams. It was the beginning for his arrogance, since he noticed himself as well. What was he other than a master at shinobi arts, if he did not try hard at all and still succeeded? That placed him above the rest did it not? Whether his feelings were justified or not, he graduated somewhere in the top 10% of the class, giving him at least some credibility for his claims.
Age 13 to present day; genin years
WHA? They said this would be fun!
While others may have enjoyed these petty years, merely a small point in Toraburu's life. A life he expects and expected to be filled with more splendor and action and interesting things. But no, rather, he was stuck doing rather dull stuff for most his genin missions. He had a team that he didn't like very much but was forced to cooperate with. This only made his pains more unbearable. Digging trenches and taking care of ninken was hardly something he found enjoyable.
It was only when the chunin exams began that he found some.. degree of pleasure in the shinobi line of work. 'Kill?!' he asked his sensei, whom replied that yes, killing was a possibility. 'Anything to get that chunin rank' he thought, figuring he'd get to do more interesting shit then.
He quickly became somewhat of a feared aspect of the chunin exams - he basically physically dragged his team through the exams. And no, that's not figuratively, because he literally dragged a teammate through a battle, cause the little shit was planning to run away and abandon his teammates. During that little escapade he continued to fight his enemies, slinging jutsu left and right and even using the poor boy as a weapon at some point. Needless to say, it was quite peculiar, and perhaps not very fitting of a 'leadership figure' that a chunin was supposed to be. But hey, he passed the trial, so technically they couldn't say shit. Naturally he passed and became a chunin. Now the fun began.
【Family ties】
His family is spread throughout the world, and even though they are somewhat large in numbers, it's not often that the clan members meet. His father and mother are somewhere out there.
Otu Taika | Adoptive mother | 67, Ricepaddy Village, farmer, seamstress
Hoshin Taika | Adoptive father | 71, Ricepaddy Village, farmer
Raito Taika | Adoptive brother | 25, Ricepaddy Village, useless kid that pretends to be a farmer
【Dreams and fears】
Why, becoming famous of course! Nothing would be greater than to become known as a revered shinobi hero that can kill you with merely a glance of the eyes!
Strangely enough he has no interest in ever meeting his parents, though he is unsure how it would happen if he ever did. Chances seem slim though.
His fears are that people will stop bothering with him - even though he's an asshole, he'd hate to feel ignored. It's his biggest pet peeve if people ignored him, so if everyone treated him like he didn't exist, that'd be terrible for him.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Toraburu fights using ninjutsu and taijutsu. He's something of a mix between a ferocious close range fighter and a skilled ninjutsu duelist, though he is capable in both. A bit of a jack-of-all trades, his kekkei genkai gives him the means to do so. Never the less he'll get very annoyed if he is attacked at long range, or if someone figures out his weakness. Because his weakness can literally put him out of the rest of the fight indefinitely.
Furthermore he is quite prone to irrationality and aggressive attacks, making it very likely and possible for him to be lured into a trap or to get ganged up on once he's pulled out of position.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Neko no mimi, 猫の耳.
Ears of a Cat.
Less of a kekkei genkai than just simple physical structure, it is never the less still classed as a kekkei genkai. His cat-like ears allow him to hear extremely well, hearing perfectly what is going on up to about a kilometre away. Similarly, he can hear things that normally do not produce enough sound to be heard easily in a battle, such as kunai and shuriken flying through the air.
Effectively, this allows him to be a semi-sensory nin without really being a sensory nin.
It's not really a kekkei genkai that has any strengths - it allows him to sense people up to 1km away, if they are making noise. The question is if they are making noise. A perfectly silent opponent will be able to circumvent him, though even the slightest slip up would alert Toraburu to their location.
This kekkei genkai can easily be overcome by producing zero noise whatsoever. Even though ninja's are, well, ninja's, it seems that many shinobi do not actually possess such skills. Never the less this is probably the easiest way to circumvent him, though it requires extreme skill to be 100% silent.
Another more backwards method of disabling the kekkei genkai is through the use of sound. While a normal human voice isn't enough to bother Toraburu, nor is a scream or anything that is capable of being produced by humans without tools, a sound-based jutsu would probably be capable of annoying him greatly to the point of hurting his ears and putting him out of the fight.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Suidan no Jutsu
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Suirō no Jutsu
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Nekoken Sutairu, 猫拳スタイル
Cat Fist Style
Much less a technique than a fighting style, this style focusses on the user augmenting chakra in the fists during combat. Whenever the user hits, a blast of chakra follows the hit into the targets body. Relatively simple, really. Although it's reminiscent of the gentle fist style from the Hyuga's, it's different in that it's impossible for Toraburu to see the tenketsu. Therefore he cannot cut off chakra lines or such. Instead, the chakra blasts just deal massive internal damage, capable of temporarily or permanently shutting down organs upon successive hits.
Jutsu name:
Neko Tenohira Burasuto, 猫手のひらブラスト
Cat Palm Blast
A part of the Cat Fist style, the user flattens out their hand and curls their fingers inwards, reminiscent of a cat paw. Upon doing so they target the target's limbs, and when then hit, release the chakra. In the case that this hits, it will likely have enough power to temporarily disable the limb with both the force it puts out and the chakra emanating from the attack.
Jutsu name:
Hatsuon Hiaringu, 発音ヒアリング
Pronounced Hearing
This is a sensory technique. When the user (Toraburu) focuses chakra on his already remarkably good ears, he can increase the range of the sensory qualities. The zone of hearing will expand from 1km to approximately 3.5km. This is a fair range for a sensory nin that doesn't even want to be a sensory nin, and because this 'jutsu' is seen as uncool by Toraburu, it is unlikely that he will progress himself to be able to hear any further than that.
The one weakness this has is that while normally, under the passive kekkei genkai usage, it wouldn't cause him to hurt his ears from anyone standing nearby and talking. Since this jutsu enhances the hearing even further, it would hurt him very much so if someone stood next to him and talked into his ears
Jutsu name:
Nainraiburaifusutairu, ナインライブライフスタイル
By focusing his chakra on his muscles and surrounding areas, Toraburu is able to make himself much more dextrous, bendy and agile than he would've been normally. This is due to his 'cat like physique' which the chakra would help activate slightly more. The exchange for this, however, is the fact that it consumes a bit of chakra, and it reduces the strength of his attacks. On the flip side - it does allow him to jump around a bit more easily, as well as bend out of the way of attacks. |
13,254 | 381 | 9 | 1,015 | 2,826 | Saborama Hizo
Point d'éclair
Saborama s'était réveillé tôt ce matin-là, il avait été informé que son nouveau capitaine viendrait le chercher pour leur première mission ensemble. Quelle était la mission? Il n'avait pas l'indice le plus brumeux. Il a eu une séance d'entraînement tôt le matin, une douche et a ensuite passé un peu de temps à polir son kunais et ses shurikens avant de s'habiller. Marcher en bas en portant son short avec des bandages noirs montant au-dessus de ses genoux ainsi que son T-shirt noir, sa veste Flack accrochée sur le côté intérieur de la porte. Il s'est fait cuire du bacon et des oeufs, ainsi que quatre sandwiches - tout un garçon qui grandit aurait besoin. Il entendit frapper à la porte, et un Jounin - Hageshi - un Célèbre, à cela était arrivé. Sabo sourit, il devait apprendre du fils du chef du village? Génial!
Son père avait salué le Jounin, et Sabo s'était ébranlé. Je remets sa béquille à son père. "Venez maintenant le vieil homme, pas le temps d'être assis, vous avez un magasin à courir!" Sabo s'est exclamé avec une raclée. Son père sourit "Je m'en vais, je m'en vais!" Le senior Hizo s'écria avec un rire, rampant hors de sa chaise et sur sa béquille. "Vous devrez excuser mon fils, il est un peu excité... Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?" Le vieil homme a dit, changer de sujet mi phrase quand il a vu le garçon avec les oreilles de chat attachées au bras d'Hageshi. Sabo lui a tiré un coup d'oeil et il a ri. "J'ai tout vu maintenant, Cathybrid est ninjas. Ne fais pas de trucs bizarres à mon fils. Fais ce que tu fais." Il dit au Jounin, avant de se tourner vers son fils. "Et Sabo. Ici." Il dit, jetant à son fils un bracelet en cuir, le même qu'il avait porté à son époque aventureuse. Il semblait plus avancé que celui que Sabo avait déjà.
Sabo l'a attrapé et a souri. "Merci, papa." Il m'a dit de mettre sa veste et ses lunettes sur le front. En marchant avec ses coéquipiers jusqu'aux portes, ils se sont tous rassemblés, ayant leurs présentations - quand le gars qui avait été sur le bras d'Hageshi a été jeté sur le sol, il a commencé à faire une agitation, en parlant de toute cette bonne merde.
Une fois que c'était au tour de Saborama de se présenter, il se branlait. "Salut, je m'appelle Sabo." Il n'était pas apathique ou timide, il n'avait rien à ajouter. | Minaru Gazo
“Heroes may get remembered, but Legends never die.”
One Of a Kind – Different Design
Minaru stands at 179 CM, weighing about 60 kilograms. He's got an athletic build. Eyes of an unnatural golden color and olive colored skin. His hair is a light brown - he's got tattoos under his eyes. His headband is sown into a scarf he can pull over his face like a mask, as well as a black hood on his black jacket. Underneath he carries a cross-belt with two sword sheaths on the back, T-shirts of different colors and dark, earthy colors, like brown, black or green pants with tabi on his feet. His shin's are wrapped in white bandages, so are his forearms. He dons black gloves on his hands, never far from the two-handed sword that hangs by his side. A gold necklace hangs around his neck and a golden band hugs his upper right arm. Old family heirlooms.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Minaru F. Gazu
The Golden One
Land Of Iron
Gazo – The Goldens Ones. Formerly a clan of merchants, making a fortune due to their ability to turn any metal into gold. When Minaru was a baby the clan compound was attacked by bandits and hired missing nin, annihilating the clan, leaving Minaru the only survivor of the clan who's numbers had once been in the hundreds.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Minaru “The F Stands For What You'd Happily Let Me Do To Your Girlfriend” Gazu is – as shown by the way he presents himself cocky and arrogant. He's one to point out that he's a prodigy, showing strength and skill well beyond his years. Gaining the rank of Jonin due to his efficiency and power, rather than his tactical thinking or his smarts. That's not to say that Minaru isn't intellient, he's simply just immature – Cut first, ask questions while cutting – kind of guy. Put in charge of his first team much to the Golden Boy's dismay, an effort to make him grow up when he has to take charge of his comrades for a long period of time.
Beyond his already impressive military career, Minaru is a womanizer, not afraid to show off his powers to impress those of the other gender, weather they are shinobi or civilian. Due to him being perceived as immature and not very serious he usually butts heads with his fellow Jonin, under harsh critique for a lot of his actions. Critique the brown haired boy shrugs off, with a phrase like
'fuck you haters'.
Childhood: 0 - 6
His father and Mother's names are all forgotten, any record of them burned in the incident that took place when Minaru was 2 years old. The local bandits had zeroed in on the Gazu compound, they killed everyone but Minaru and his parents, holding the young child hostage till his parents – the two most powerful users of their kekkei genkai. Created them enough gold to last them a lifetime, turning all of their weapons and all of the jewelry they carried to gold. They then killed his parents and when they were about to kill him, a duo of Samurai arrived at the burning compound. While they were outmanned, the enemies weapons were now useless and thus the Samurai cut down most of the bandits, those that escaped did so with most of the gold. Leaving the boy orphaned in the ruins of his home.
He grew up in an orphanage in the land of Iron. At the age of 4 he was adopted by a family, Mizu and Hashi Nambo and moved to the Village Hidden In The Clouds. Having memories of the Land Of Iron and the mighty samurai – people who stood outside of the cloak and dagger of the Ninja World, he fondly played those out while causing a lot of problems for his new parents, thus he was sent to another orphanage, this time in Kumogakure.
Academy Years: 5- 7
Not getting close to anyone in Kumo, he attended the Academy, a loner at first but soon he realized his potential. Training with weaponry, practicing taijutsu and utilizing his chakra and even beginning to understand his bloodline limit all happened during the span of two years, letting him graduate with top of the line grades and a bright future ahead of him.
Genin Years 8- 10
A genin at eight and a swordsman by heart. He grew a lot during these years, being held back from the Exam his first year as a genin, due to him being thought too weak to handle the growing pressure of the much older ninjas that would participate. During his second year he pushed himself further, weaponizing his Kekkei Genkai and learning the true power of a sword in the right hand. His Chunnin Exam Duel is still talked about as the shortest fight in recent Kumo history, Minaru cutting down his opponent in a golden ray coming from his quickly drawn blade.
Chunnin Years: 10 - 14
Having become a Chunnin before he was even a teenager, he was sent on several covert missions into enemy territory, most notably spending 2 years undercover in Kirigakure as an academy student due to his young age and youthful appearance, even becoming a genin in the Kiri armed forces, all in the name of gathering intel. Intel that would aid in a ANBU operation when Minaru was 13. Destryoing a Kirigakure convoy and capturing one of their commanders. For his valiant actions undercover, he was promoted to Special Jounin and his skills continued to flourish, before he was 14 he had been brought up for promotion to full time Jounin.
Jonin Years: 14 - 16
Before even entering the back half of his teen years, Minaru was part of the Shinobi Elite of Kumogakure, participating in several small skirmishes against Kirigakure and Sunagakure, fighting over territory or resources. He had earned quite a name for himself due to his undercover work in The Mist, being recognized several times during battle and even forging a few rivalries over the course of his many skirmishes. Only getting wounded twice, his skill and strength was undeniable. But what he lacked was leadership skills and teamwork – the two concerns they had when they promoted him to Jounin. As such, he's been put in charge of leading a team of fresher Chunnins. To teach and guide them, but also to grow as a leader.
【Dreams and fears】
He dreams of becoming the world's greatest swordsman. A Blademaster without rival. Beyond that, he wishes to trace down the remnants of the bandits that butchered his clan and get justice for his bloodline, and once he's brought those scum to heel, he wants to rebuild his clan.
His deepest fear is finding the bandits and after all of his hard work still being incapable of stopping them.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
A Ninkenjutsu artist at heart, Minaru is at his best with a blade in his hand. His Kekkei Genkai gives him the ability to keep a swordfight at a medium distance, an advantage this seasoned warrior is not afraid to use. He relies on fast footwork and sword-based techniques that relies on a minimal amount of handseals, as to always keep his hand on his blade. As such, he's also quite proficient in making handseals with one hand. While his footwork keeps him from getting hit, his chakra enhanced weaponry, fueling his Lightning and Wind nature and thus letting him deal fatal blows to the opponent making him a fierce duelist.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Alchemist's Secret.
The ability to turn any metall into gold.
Most of Minaru's clan has no combat applications in their gold, they made a fortune from selling the gold and as electricians, creating golden components. Minaru however has weaponized his Kekkei Genkai, effectively 'unlocking' the next stage of it. The gold he creates transfers not only electricity at a far superior rate than ordinary gold, but also pure chakra allowing him to create devestating attacks when combining his Kekkei Genkai with his swordsmanship.
He turns his things into gold. Gold is very soft and heavy. Not very good for combat.
【Ninja techniques】
A Rank Techniques:
Wind Release: Vacuum Blade
B Rank Techniques:
Samurai Sabre Technique
Lightning Katana
C Rank Techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
Diverse Academy Techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Midas Touch
Transmutes any metal in as large of an area as Minaru desires. The larger the area, the more chakra is used Scaling exponentially with size. I.E The difference between making ten and five shuriken is a lot bigger than making one or five.
Jutsu name:
Golden Lionheart Style
The Fighting style created my Minaru, combining the Samurai Sabre Technique with his golden metal, he creates a far more powerful version of the Samurai Technique due to the conductivity of the material. It also relies heavily on foot work and on dodging enemy hits, rather than parrying. It helps counteract his natural weakness to long range jutsu by being able to cut through most elemental techniques coming his way. However, due to the Saber Technique, and his Wind and Lightning Chakra, his sword strikes are impossible to block with the average sword. His swords aren't very useful for parrying due to the golden nature, thus making him weak to other offenses. A ranged offense is his biggest weakness.
Jutsu name:
Lionheart: Edge Of Midas
Close to long
The blade is coated with gold chakra energy from the Sabre Technique. A glowing crescent is created on the blade and when the blade is drawn the golden chakra is released in an unstoppable wave expanding outwards in a crescent, the power diminishing after 50 meters, being completely neutralized at 200. After which, the transmuted sword turns back into it's original state, albeit weaker. ( For instance, a steel sword would rust.)
Jutsu name:
Lionheart Style; Trinity Destruction
Up to 250 meters.
The Perfected form of the Midas Edge. Channeling both the Lighting Blade technique and the Vacuum Blade Technique, as well as the Golden Midas Edge technique. The wave of energy is so powerful that if you would try and parry the blade itself your body would evaporate. The wave is sent out in a half moon crescent, capable of tearing through a battlefield. The Crescent has larger with than his sword, about twice as wide, reaching for tens of meters in length. Losing power with each thing hit. The technique leaves Minaru severely weakened, his sword completely destroyed. Not to mention the sheer ferocity of the technique - not being able to tell friend from foe as it tears through skin muscle and bone. At a quarter kilometer the energy begins to disperse, still harmful at twice that length.
Jutsu name:
Lightning Style; Electrotherapy
Minaru pulls his two tantos from his back and hits the opponent with them. Prefering to lodge them into his foe, or his foes armor. Then he channels electricity through them from a distance, tazing the opponent, stunning them.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Ninja Pouch
Weapon, tool or object type:
Standard amount of Kunai, Shuriken, Wire, Explosive Tags and Smoke Bombs. Also gauze.
Weapon, tool or object name:
The Craftsman's Katana
Weapon, tool or object type:
A Three-part Katana. One part handle, two different blades. An outer blade that's full sized and a inner, shorter blade. The inner blade is always made out of gold. Outer made out of steel, sometimes turned into gold. The outer blade is often switched whenever Minaru goes back to base.
Weapon, tool or object name:
Slash & Gash
Weapon, tool or object type:
Twin Tanto's, doesn't turn them into gold. They are adorned with gold plating on their handles. |
13,255 | 381 | 10 | 1,105 | 2,351 | Ari Aria
"Ari-chan, réveille-toi."
La fille aux cheveux roses a d'abord ouvert un seul œil, regardant de son lit pour voir une des bonnes debout à sa porte de chambre. Après avoir incliné la tête vers la fenêtre et ouvert son autre œil, elle a pu conclure qu'il était tard le matin. Elle avait dormi dedans. Encore. "Tu aurais dû être réveillée il y a des heures, ma chère. Maintenant, je dois attendre que tu te prépares avant de pouvoir nettoyer ta chambre." Ari s'assit debout dans son lit, enlevant ses housses et en portant une main pour remorquer sur le collier de sa chemise de nuit blanche. Un rapide scan de la pièce a prouvé qu'elle était déjà assez bien rangée, ce qui lui a fait se demander brièvement ce que les servantes ont même fait dans la pièce. Ce n'était pas comme si elle avait jamais fait de désordres. Comment peuvent-ils nettoyer quelque chose qui est dans le même état, c'était la dernière fois qu'ils l'ont soi-disant nettoyé?
C'était une question qu'elle ne leur poserait jamais. La dernière fois qu'elle a dérangé les domestiques, son grand-père l'a instruite sur le respect et la politesse. Ça ne valait pas la peine d'en parler quand tout ce qu'elle avait à faire c'était de faire semblant que les servantes faisaient quelque chose. Avec un soupir, elle sortait du lit et sur ses pieds. -- D'accord, dit-elle, ne pas même attendre que la femme aînée ferme la porte avant de commencer à se déshabiller. La chambre avait une salle de bains attenante qui permettait à Ari une douche personnelle. Normalement, le clan Oshiro avait une salle de bains commune, mais quand Ari avait emménagé, il y avait quelques logements faits pour elle. Elle ne s'est pas considérée assez proche de l'Oshiro pour n'importe quel skinship et a donc carrément refusé de se baigner jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait une salle de bain personnelle. C'était un comportement d'enfant mais il a obtenu des résultats souhaitables. Les matins étaient beaucoup plus agréables pour Ari, moins elle avait à interagir avec sa famille.
Ari venait à peine de sortir de la douche quand la même bonne est entrée dans sa chambre sans frapper, encore une fois. "Ari, il y a quelqu'un à la porte pour toi. Vous êtes probablement en retard." La fille a simplement donné à la femme plus âgée une vague dédaigneuse avant de se changer. Malgré son départ tardif, elle ne s'est pas sentie particulièrement en retard. Elle avait seulement faim. Au lieu de se diriger directement vers l'entrée du complexe d'Oshiro, elle a plutôt fait son chemin vers la cuisine. Curieusement personne n'était là une fois qu'elle est entrée à l'intérieur, mais il restait de la nourriture du petit déjeuner. Il était toujours étrange à Ari que presque tout le clan mangeait le petit déjeuner ensemble, mais il attachait d'une certaine façon. Dommage qu'elle ait préféré manger seule. Elle était parfaitement belle en balayant un muffin intact et en mangeant pendant qu'elle marchait. Juste avant qu'Ari n'arrive à la porte pour répondre à qui l'appelait, quelqu'un qui aurait attendu au moins deux minutes à ce point, elle a été arrêtée quand une main est tombée sur son épaule droite.
"Bonne chance aujourd'hui." Un homme à la peau sombre qui semblait être sur le point de commencer sa crise de mi-vie avait arrêté Ari. Ses cheveux étaient noirs et il portait une barbe fine et bien huilée, bien que sa ligne de cheveux commençait à reculer. C'était son père, le futur chef de clan, Kenichi Oshiro. Après un bref moment de contact visuel avec lui, elle se tourna vers la porte et prit une autre morsure de son muffin. Sa prise sur l'épaule était légère et elle s'enfuit sans aucun effort, s'éloignant de lui sans aucune réponse. La réponse froide à des encouragements simples et bien intentionnés n'était pas nouvelle alors Kenichi n'a montré aucun signe extérieur de douleur tout comme Ari n'a montré aucun signe extérieur de colère. Mais tout de même, les deux ont accueilli ces deux sentiments à l'intérieur. Son père a laissé sortir un soupir et s'est détourné quand Ari a ouvert la porte et est sorti.
La fille qui l'attendait a dû s'ennuyer ou être frustrée par ce point, mais Ari n'a pas pensé à son état émotionnel. Elle a plutôt pris un bref moment pour tailler Hanare. Alors que la fille, qui semblait plus âgée et était particulièrement plus grande qu'Ari était, semblait rien de spécial, cela semblait comme si Ari l'avait vue quelque part. Elle ne pouvait pas ébranler le sentiment qu'elle avait déjà rencontré Hanare. Étaient-ils des camarades de classe à l'Académie? A-t-elle déjà travaillé avec elle dans une mission? Ari ne pouvait pas se rappeler les souvenirs et après un moment maladroit de silence entre les deux filles, Ari a levé la main libre pour saluer poliment. « Bonjour, » était tout ce qu'elle avait à dire en saluant avant de prendre une autre morsure de son muffin aux myrtilles. Elle n'était pas vraiment prête pour la conversation, mais elle a suivi avec Hanare alors que les deux ont fait leur chemin jusqu'au point de rencontre.
Malgré le retard d'arrivée, les deux filles n'ont pas beaucoup retenu les autres. Il s'est avéré que le complexe d'Oshiro n'était pas loin du terrain d'entraînement auquel l'équipe devait se réunir. Quand ils sont arrivés, il a fallu un bref moment à Ari pour se rendre compte que c'était l'un des adolescents qui était leur jonin. Un garçon qui devait avoir le même âge était le responsable et il l'a fait savoir. Il a donné un discours typique de gars dur, mais avec un peu de maladresse unique jeté dedans, et à cause de son introduction ennuyeux Ari n'a pas pu écouter même la moitié de son petit discours. Il ne disait rien de précieux, donc il n'y avait aucun intérêt à le conserver. Au lieu d'espacer comme un bizarre, elle a plutôt décidé d'examiner le genre de coéquipiers qu'elle aurait aujourd'hui. Donc, au lieu d'être embarrassée en zonant, elle est devenue embarrassante en regardant silencieusement chacun de ses coéquipiers un à la fois, essayant d'obtenir une perle sur ce qu'ils pouvaient faire avant même qu'ils disent un mot. Si aujourd'hui allait voir le combat, alors elle devrait sûrement les garder en vie. Moins elle avait de surprises sur leurs compétences, plus l'expérience serait douce.
Bien sûr, il n'est même pas venu à Ari de se présenter du tout. | “Life is for the living.
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music.
And death a note unsaid.”
Pictured here in the most uncomfortable of traditional dresses, Kasumi's typical clothing choices are shinobi staples - plain dark blue leggings, black sandals, and a lighter blue flak jacket with a black shirt underneath. Her hair is worn down without the ornaments and flowers. Her hands are bandaged at all times from wrist to the tips of her fingers, however, to assist her in focusing her chakra to her hands and playing her harp. She is fairly tall and light, weighing in at 45kg and standing at a height of 155cm. She does retain the chain in her hair, centering an (inexpensive) quartz crystal on her forehead which is also occasionally used as a center of chakra. Her harp is very light and is typically worn across her back.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kasumi Mizuno
Mizuno clan. It's not special.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Kasumi is surprisingly strong-willed. She would throw her weight around, if she had any. She despises sounds that aren't musically pleasing to the ear and will certainly let you know about such crimes. She does sing, on occasion, while playing her harp but you'll be dead before you know that she does not do it in front of others.Her resolve is strong in negative situations and she is the never the first to give up. On the same note, however, she is not the most positive of people. There are few people who are comfortable with her dead-pan demeanor and humor, but deep inside, she is kind, caring, and fiercely loyal to the friends she does make.
Kasumi's mother and father are shinobi from Otogakure originally, but through their travels, they have settled in Kumogakure and retired from missions, preferring to be involved in Kasumi's life however they can stick their noses in her business to assist her however they could. Her parents are much older, her mother having gotten pregnant with Kasumi after their "retirement". She doesn't know much about what her parents had put themselves through, but the fact that they were still alive was testament enough to their ability. Kasumi was, at a very young age, taught to play multiple musical instruments. From the drums to the flute, she has played them all at least once by the very strict direction of her parents. However, her very first love was playing the harp. The gentle, beautiful sounds it created were always her favorite. It wasn't until the age of six that she started displaying ability to potentially become a shinobi. The option was offered to her at such a young age and she readily agreed.
Her parents weren't convinced that their only child, a girl of such small stature, could be accepted into the Academy or even survive. Even to this day they aren't convinced despite her status a chunin now. She passed her exams with acceptable scores across the board, but she never seemed to specialize in one certain thing which could be considered her greatest weakness. The only thing that has stuck with Kasumi are jutsus directly connected to sound or music. For that reason, she had a specialized harp created and trained vocally also in case she was disarmed. Her father now teaches music at local schools in Kumogakure, constantly giving Kasumi 'advice' about her jutsu. Her mother has also hopped on that boat, nagging Kasumi about missions that could be too difficult or if she comes home with wounds.
Suffice to say, Kasumi prefers silence or music rather than talking. Any time away from home is better than home, but she does love her parents, knowing their intentions are good.
【Family ties】
Kei Mizuno | Father | Alive | 67, Music Instructor, Professional Nagger.
Mayami Mizuno | Mother | Alive | 62, Housewife, World Record Holder of Nagging.
【Dreams and fears】
Kasumi's dream is to get everyone to stop underestimating her and worrying about her all the time. She wants to be seen as the capable kunoichi she is and possibly make a name for herself one day. Her ultimate goal is to become an instructor at the Academy someday and teach other growing shinobi about the world and how to survive in it. She feels that she can be an example that a book is not to be judged by its cover.
Her fears are bad singers, unpleasant noises, her mother's worried tone, broken harp strings, and failure.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Kasumi is most skilled at short or medium range. She typically requires a partner or team to take the brunt of the physical force, preferring to supplement her team's chakra and techniques with her support melodies. However, she is not a sitting duck if left alone. She does have some jutsu melodies that can paralyze, confuse, or maim. Her jutsus are exclusively involving sound or air. She is also not helpless if disarmed from her harp due to her ability to mimic the melodies her instrument makes. She is extremely fast and acrobatic to make up for her lack of physical strength, but as such, this typically only aids her in escape or gaining distance.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Offsetting Sound
Chakra Enhancing Music
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Dolore Daggers - Pain Daggers, 痛みの短剣
Short to Mid
Kasumi strikes her hand across the harp in one swift motion, sending out sound waves in the direction that she is facing that are capable of twisting the air that the sound travels through into daggers. The blades of air thicken and continue to appear if she continues to play and can be deadly if the target is not fast enough to dodge the daggers. The daggers are animated and can move in any direction. They can be manipulated by teammates through their own jutsus (such as wind jutsu).
Jutsu name:
Decelerando - Decelerating - 減速する
Kasumi plays a slow, low toned melody. She manipulates her chakra through the harp to control the sound so it affects only enemies/those she chooses it to. Those affected are slowed down by a minor or major amount, depending on the amount of chakra dedicated to the skill and the ability of the enemy. The jutsu cannot last longer than five minutes at full strength and such a situation would exhaust her totally. The jutsu loses its effect slowly the further the target is from her, beginning at 5 yards.
Jutsu name:
Doppio Movimento - Twice as Fast - 倍の速度
Kasumi plays a fast, lively melody. She manipulates her chakra through the harp to control the sound so it affects only allies. The amount of chakra used determines the effect. Allies affected are capable of moving faster in many aspects - creating hand seals, movement, chakra flow. It is chakra intensive and cannot be played long.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Kin'iro no kumo no hāpu, 金色の雲のハープ, Golden Cloud Harp
A golden, specially made harp that is lightweight with reinforced strings. The tool for almost all of Kasumi's jutsu. |
13,256 | 381 | 11 | 2,041 | 394 | Yayoi, Ikaruga
Ikaruga a levé un sourcil alors qu'il regardait le chunin semblable à un chat déclencher un courant d'eau à leur équipe de Jounin. Bien sûr, il avait entendu dire que le garçon était un fauteur de troubles, mais il pensait que c'était plus exagération que tout. Il a pensé, perçant quand le garçon malade a retourné son attention sur le reste de l'équipe.
C'était certainement un fougueux, c'était sûr. Jusqu'à présent, chaque phrase qui sortait de la bouche du garçon avait inclus une insulte, et il ne semblait pas qu'il allait s'arrêter à tout moment bientôt. Je veux dire... Pour être juste, nous venons de nous assembler, donc ce n'est pas comme si nous avions eu la chance de montrer notre valeur encore. De la même façon, vous êtes tout aussi inutile, n'est-ce pas? Après tout, n'était-il pas trop tôt pour appeler les gens? Ils n'avaient même pas commencé la tâche qu'ils avaient été assemblés pour l'instant!
A la vue de Toraburu, les oreilles de chat qui s'ébranlent, Ikaruga laisse sortir un léger ronflement. Ils ne plaisantaient pas non plus à propos de la chose "catboy". Pendant tout ce temps, Ikaruga avait pensé que Toraburu portait une paire d'oreilles clip-on comme un autre gamin qu'il avait vu dans la ville. Maintenant qu'il a eu la chance de les voir dans la vraie vie, ils étaient en fait assez impressionnants. Impressionnant, c'est-à-dire. Mais le chat-boy a posé une bonne question. Ikaruga avait en fait oublié la nouvelle de l'affectation des équipes jusqu'à ce que Hageshi arrive dans le domaine de Yayoi, alors même il était encore dans le noir. Ikaruga a décidé de laisser cette dernière diapositive de jab, déjà en quelque sorte habituée à l'abus verbal de Toraburu. D'après ce que je peux rassembler, ça ressemble à une réunion d'équipe. Mais du fait qu'il n'est pas seulement notre groupe réuni ici, je vais supposer qu'il est beaucoup plus sérieux que ce que c'était quand nous étions genin. | Yayoi, Ikaruga
“Let’s get to the point then, shall we?”
Ikaruga stands at a solid six feet tall with a reasonably toned body honed by years of shinobi training. Underneath the black cap that Ikaruga is rarely seen without is two-toned hair, black at the roots as it extends into white locks of hair that the young chunin has taken to styling into two braids that come down to frame each side of his face. When Ikaruga’s bloodline trait isn’t active, his eyes are sky blue, changing to a reddish purple when his clan ability is in use.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Yayoi, Ikaruga
”Pigtails”, “Ruga”, “Ikkun”
The Yayoi clan, a family line known for producing a long line of expert spearmen, a rare sight amongst the ranks of shinobi. At one time, it was a sign of great status to have a Yayoi clan spearman in one’s employ as a bodyguard.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his somewhat delinquent-esque appearance, those who get to know Ikaruga often find that he’s actually a pretty nice guy. Always up to deliver words of encouragement, Ikaruga’s welcoming, laid-back nature has led to him being a sort of older brother figure to Kumogakure’s genin and even some of the younger chunin in the ranks. While on the one hand, Ikaruga is known to be a skilled shinobi, he still lacks the absolute killer instinct to allow those around him to be sacrificed for the good of a mission, a fact that holds him back to some extent.
From a young age, Ikaruga was brought up on the idea that serving and protecting one that he could proudly call his Lord was the highest honor. As the son of the clan’s pride and joy, this pressure couldn’t have been more apparent. Ikaruga’s mother wasted no time attempting to train her son in the clan’s famed sojutsu style, for it was only natural that the spawn of the clan’s shining jewel could not be allowed to come short of his mother’s greatness. Through it all, Ikaruga managed to maintain the sunny disposition he’s known for today, a trait that warmed the hearts of even some of the strictest elders of the Yayoi clan.
Eventually, young Ikaruga decided that he would start a career as a shinobi, having heard stories of about supposedly glorious battles and heroes of the shinobi world all throughout his life. While his mother was apprehensive at first, she consented to the idea with the condition that her son would make a name for himself amongst the ranks of shinobi, thereby heightening the clan’s status further. It was in Ikaruga’s initial years as a Genin that he finally understood what he felt was his true calling. After finally making friends outside of the watch of the Yayoi clan, he realized that it wasn’t any individual lord that he wanted to serve, but the people of Kumogakure as a whole. With added resolve, Ikaruga managed to distinguish himself as a particularly skilled genin, eventually passing through the chunin exam where his skills with the spear and ability to work excellently in team contexts was put on full display.
As of right now, Ikaruga is a reasonably accomplished chunin with a good rapport among the village folk. Though, he won’t be satisfied until he’s at least achieved the rank of “jonin”.
【Family ties】
The Yayoi clan is actually rather large, with a branch in nearly every part of the known world. On special occasions the clan will gather in an attempt to reconnect and share information about the recent happenings in their respective villages. Outside of these occasions, however, there isn’t too much communication between the individual branches.
Yayoi, Benio “Benio the Impaler” | Mother | 46, Iwagakure, former bodyguard of the Earth Daimyo, presently “retired”
Yayoi, Tadaharu | Father | 41, Iwagakure, a serious injury forced him to retire from being a bodyguard, so now he’s a sushi chef (his real dream)
Yayoi, Zenkichi | Grandfather | 85, Konohagakure, Retired
【Dreams and fears】
Above all, Ikaruga wishes for a world in which there can be true peace. However, knowing that to be impossible, Ikaruga wants to become a prime player in the future security of Kumogakure in order to ensure that at least his home and loved ones can remain safe under his watch.
Ikaruga’s greatest fear is the threat of all-out war breaking out and being powerless to stop Kumogakure from falling at the hands of its enemies.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
As a master of sojutsu, Ikaruga is skilled at using the length of his weapon to his advantage, making pinpoint strikes at enemies’ vitals while minimizing the chance of retaliation in close combat. Ikaruga prefers to use quick footwork and his incredible flexibility to position himself for single attacks rather than engaging in a full on flurry of blows in an attempt to conserve stamina. Use of ninjutsu on his part is mainly for erecting barriers to defend allies rather than offensive purposes.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
”Fierce Jibakurei Method”
After setting up an appropriate “territory” using special sticks of incense infused with the user’s chakra, the user forms a “contract” with the prepared territory to become the area’s appointed “guardian”. What this means is that, once activated, the user becomes capable of drawing nature chakra from the surrounding area in order to enhance their abilities. To signify the user’s intake of nature chakra, a “flame” made of chakra appears by their head, a phenomena that draws some comparison to the form of a “hitodama”. Other visual signifiers are veins of nature chakra running through the user’s skin and a change in the user’s eye color. In some cases (like Ikaruga’s), other features like the user’s lips may take on a different hue. Along with the increase of the user’s physical abilities, the receiver of the territory’s nature chakra is also able to manipulate the chakra into shapes, an ability that pairs well with the spear techniques of the Yayoi clan.
As what essentially amounts to a sort of pseudo “Sage Mode”, the Yayoi Clan’s secret technique serves as an effective boost to the user’s overall effectiveness. The use of nature chakra itself also serves as a deterrent to those who might think to try and absorb the chakra from the user’s attacks.
As a result of the Fierce Jibakure Method’s development by non-shinobi chakra users, attempts by the user to perform ninjutsu or genjutsu while drawing upon the territory’s power runs the risk of drawing in too much nature chakra at once and turning the user to stone. As a result, in order to operate safely the user must only make use of physical techniques (like the Yayoi family sojutsu, for instance) and the enhanced chakra molding granted by the territory. Furthermore, the user can only draw upon nature chakra within the established territory, which means that a chase could be impossible without sacrificing power in order to pursue an enemy. As a result of the territory being created through a ritual-esque contract, the territory needs to be prepared in advance, and any disruption to the burning incense sticks will lead to the territory being void. In other words, an enemy team of shinobi with prior knowledge of the technique could devote time to finding and destroying the territory border before engaging Ikaruga.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide
C rank techniques:
Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique
Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire
Wind Release: Great Breakthrough
D-E rank techniques:
Basic Academy Techniques
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Yayoi Style Sojutsu: Spiral Driver
Depending on the sort of strike being made, the range of an attack can extend from the tip of Ikaruga’s spear, to approximately 15 meters away.
In order to augment the range and offensive power of spear strikes, the user of the technique releases chakra from their spear as a sort of drill to pierce opponents. When the target is pierced by an attack using this technique, the flesh surrounding the point of impact tends to twist in a similar spiral formation, making wounds from Ikaruga’s attack take an incredible amount of time to heal.
Jutsu name:
Yayoi Style Sojutsu: One-Man Phalanx
The “One-Man Phalanx” only extends to the range of Ikaruga’s spear unless combined with “Spiral Driver”
Using incredible speed, the user unleashes several near-simultaneous spear strikes and creates a wall of afterimages, some of which are actually feints that hide the user’s actual strikes within.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Yari no Rasen (Spear of Spiral)
A spear of approximately eight feet in length, topped with a spiraled head reminiscent of a unicorn’s horn. The shaft of the spear is a vibrant crimson and capped with gold at the opposite end of the spearhead. The metal used to create the spearhead is especially good at interacting with chakra, making it incredibly useful for maximizing the efficiency of the “Spiral Driver” technique. |
13,257 | 381 | 12 | 1,148 | 89 | Nakamura Hageshī
Hageshī a attendu que la petite rencontre commence officiellement avant de commencer sa tâche d'enseigner à ses élèves. Il n'était pas vraiment pour former des étudiants. En fait, c'était sa première fois qu'il prenait un groupe d'enfants comme chef d'équipe. Ce n'était pas si grave pour lui. C'est-à-dire jusqu'à ce qu'un chat décide de crier avant d'essayer de le frapper avec un jet d'eau. Si ce n'était pas pour les paroles du petit con, il n'aurait pas vu ça arriver. Avec quelques signes rapides à la main, il a utilisé sa technique Rock Release pour bloquer le jet d'eau, avant qu'un petit trou apparaisse sur le côté. "Écoutez. Voici notre première leçon de la journée; N'essayez pas d'appeler avant de frapper, surtout si votre ennemi sait que vous êtes leur."
Avec un autre barrage de signes à main, Hageshī a utilisé son vent divin de la technique des montagnes, l'explosant vers Toraburu. C'était une forte et rapide explosion de vent qui a été envoyée en vol vers lui. Si cela le frappait, il serait probable que l'explosion le relèverait de ses pieds en raison d'une combinaison de la force du vent et de sa petite taille. Hageshī a un peu apprécié l'attitude féerique, sachant très bien que ce jeune homme n'hésitera pas à se battre, si l'appel aux armes arrive. Il espérait juste que ses autres étudiants prêtaient attention à ses leçons.
Uchiha Kota
Souriée par sa réponse, mais voyant les autres équipes arriver. Il a levé un front à l'étrange rassemblement. « Qu'est-ce que c'est, un entraînement conjoint ou autre chose? Pourquoi ne pas simplement faire une énorme équipe?" Il l'a dirigé vers Sutemasu, puisqu'elle était son sensei. Fait intéressant, il ne l'a rencontrée qu'une seule fois, une visite à l'Académie. Elle donnait une sorte de démonstration et d'explication de la vie d'un shinobi, suscitant le désir de Kota de devenir un shinobi encore plus loin. D'une certaine manière, Kota était content qu'elle soit son sensei, puisqu'il la connaissait au moins, mais juste un peu.
Au moment de l'arrivée des autres équipes, une équipe a pris des observations de chacune d'elles. Kota était tout à fait curieux des forces et des désirs de chacun, se demandant pourquoi ils ont tous choisi de devenir shinobi. Il espérait qu'il ferait connaissance avec eux à un moment donné. Cependant, cela n'a pas aidé à ce que chaque fois que chacun aurait pu l'attraper à les regarder, il se tournait rapidement vers un autre. Ça a commencé à le rendre un peu maladroit, mais il n'a pas pu s'en empêcher. C'est à ce moment-là que son attention a été captée par un jet d'eau rapide dirigé vers un Jonin. Avant qu'un mot puisse sortir de sa bouche, il fut rapidement bloqué par une dalle de roche, et le Jonin tira un souffle de vent juste en arrière sur la petite figure de chat. "Qu'est-ce qu'un bizarre..." Il pensait dans sa tête, voyant les traits de chat plus que tout au sujet du garçon. | "Show your superiors some respect."
Naruto OST - Rising Dragon
Hageshī stands at 6'1(185.42 CM) and is an overall fit man. Lined across most of his body is muscles, which is topped off with his overly strict look that he puts off. Although not rare to see him smile, Hageshī has a somewhat focused look, as if concentration on his environment closely. His clothing allows the covering of his lower jaw and mouth, but only ever-so-slightly.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Nakamura Hageshī
Hageshī-sensei, Kumogakure's Thunderous Champion
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Hageshī is known for his soldier-like discipline and realistic views on life. While not entirely a grumpy man, Hageshī isn't known for his friendly attitude towards his students, but rather his strict regime and tough-love. Like most shinobi from Kumogakure, Hageshī has a very xenophobic look on members from other villages and will bluntly state this. For example, Hageshī was strongly against his mothers decision to allow a small Uchiha family into the village, despite the potential strength and edge it could give to the village. Another commonly known trait of Hageshī's is that he has not once backed down from a fight from foreign villages, going as far as to encourage combat. He has stated that "Kumogakure is by far the most militarized of all villages. If we mobilized, we could wipe the floor with our enemies."
Hageshī's life has always been a series of strange and heroic events. Life as the Raikage's son caused him great stress, due to the large amount of publicity he received in the Academy, but nonetheless made his determination to live up to her standards stronger than ever. Albeit his life was quite regular, it began to take an unexpected turn from his failure to become a Genin. Outraged by the results, Hageshī lifted his fist into the air, and brought it down upon the ground he stood on, causing a large disaster in the village, nearly bringing the peak of the mountain down upon them. When confronted by his mother, instead of being punished, she took him in as her own student, to teach him how to control his Kekkai Genkai.
Hageshī'S Life as a Genin was truly the hardest, yet filled with the most support had was ever given in his life. Learning under the Raikage was difficult enough, but the fact that she was his own mother made the struggle 10x greater. Of course, by the end of it all, Hageshī found himself outclassing most Genin his age, aside from one... Kowareta Sutemasu. For most of his time as a Genin, Hageshī would find himself always trying to beat Sutemasu at some kind of competition or skill-based activity, eventually considering her his chief rival. It was not until their Chūnin Exams that he would find peace with her, eventually graduating into the life of a true shinobi.
Much of Hageshī's life is a mystery beyond this point, up until a great raid on Kumogakure. During the attack, Hageshī found himself at the forefront with other Kumo-nin. After the first wave was defeated, the shinobi force of Kumogakure was too exhausted to fend off the second wave, until Hageshī was able to drive off the remaining forces with his legendary technique, Earth Release: Guardian-God of Kumogakure, which is where the name comes from. Unfortunately, the toll of using the technique at such an early stage in his career caused Hageshī problems with chakra control, effectively stumping him for his later life. Taking this with a grain of salt, Hageshī began to increase his Taijutsu capabilities, which he is now renown for in the village.
Hageshī is now a praised Jonin within the village and serves it to the best of his abilities, whether it be through assassination of a shinobi or political figure of a rival country/village, teaching the new generation, or protecting his village from destruction.
【Family ties】
A | Mother | 48, Kumogakure, Raikage.
【Dreams and fears】
Hageshī dreams of a large and prosperous Kumogakure. Of all the things that he has believed in, Kumogakure becoming the strongest of the hidden villages is one of them. His fears, however, are more than obvious; the destruction of his home and the death of his mother; the Raikage.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Hageshī is legendary to the village for being one of it's greatest Taijutsu users. Combined with his Earth Release techniques and his overall physical strength, the blows that Hageshī deals can be quite damaging, especially to one who doesn't know how to block or counter said attacks. While not a ranged fighter, Hageshī does have ranged capabilities, although he rarely uses them if he can reach his target.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Shattering Fists
Description: The KG allows the user to enhance the strength of a single Taijutsu attack a hundred times fold, giving the user the ability to shatter a mountain or cause great earthquakes with a single strike. A warning sign of this ability is a large amount of chakra rippling through the hands or feet of the user.
Strengths: The enhanced strength not only allows for more powerful attacks, but can allow the user to launch towards a target or location of their choice at the blink of an eye. Most would not be able to survive this KG without some form of powerful protection, like a Susanoo.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, the blast radius of the ability tends to hit allies and foe alike, rather than one foe. In order for this ability to be used most effectively, the user must make sure allies within the vicinity are within a reasonable distance or other safe place before using it. While you could destroy a single target, there is always the possibility that you'll harm more of your own teammates than your enemy.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
C rank techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
Generally what you expect. Normal Clone, Transformation, etc.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Earth Release: Guardian-God of Kumogakure
Hageshī stands his ground as he uses this technique. In order for it to successfully summon, he requires a large amount of chakra and concentration. After it is complete, from the ground beneath him erupts a giant golem, roughly half the size of the mountains of the Land of Lightning. The large beast is controlled directly by Hageshī, but can be given free will if he is required to go elsewhere. The golem does not pursue a target unless directed by Hageshī and will instead defend Kumogakure and it's shinobi until told otherwise. The golem was used only once in the past, in order to defend Kumogakure from a large attack. The defense of Kumogakure gave this golem it's name.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name: Kunai, Shuriken(s), standard stuff.
Weapon, tool or object type: N/A
Description: Typical shinobi gear. |
13,258 | 381 | 13 | 136 | 1,132 | Hanare Tanpopo
La voix de Hanare
Quand la jeune fille aux cheveux roses s'est finalement révélée, Hanare s'est serré les mains rapidement et a souri. "Hiiiiii...." elle a cohabité à la petite fille, la regardant curieusement comme elle semblait surtout désintéressée. Hanare a trouvé cela quelque peu surprenant, mais n'y a pas trop réfléchi car elle était merveilleusement heureuse de pouvoir sortir dans le champ et 'laisser ses cheveux vers le bas', pour ainsi dire. Le voyage vers le terrain d'entraînement était principalement calme, mais pas à cause de Hanare, qui plusieurs fois a essayé d'initier une conversation avec la fille poilue rose seulement pour que ses mots soient soufflés avec le vent.
Ils étaient arrivés et il était clair que Hanare poussait à cause de cette fille Ari. Qu'est-ce qui n'allait pas avec une petite fille? Quoi qu'il en soit. Elle s'est mise à se concentrer sur son leader jonin et son autre coéquipier, une légère envie de caresser l'un des chiens qu'il fallait supprimer pendant le rendez-vous. Hanare avait ses cheveux dans une queue de cheval, quelque chose que sa mère lui avait dit une fois était assez beau sur elle et elle avait à peine trouvé le temps de le réajuster quand son instinctif mauvais cul kunoichi réflexes saisi un sac de bonbons qui avait été jeté à elle. Elle battait ses cils paresseusement, "Oh. Pour moi?", ses yeux brassant dans le sac de bonbons qu'elle n'aurait normalement pas pu manger à cause de elle. "Mon manager ne me laisse généralement pas manger ce genre de choses mais... merci Sen..*suck*..*maaa!*..penai"
Sucker sur le bonbon pop alors que son instructeur parlait de lui-même de façon décontractée (la teinte particulière sur les jolies filles a fait ses joues rincées de la façon dont il était candid), elle l'a retirée de ses lèvres une fois qu'il lui a demandé de se présenter, se cachant avec elle derrière son dos comme si désespéré de lui sucer un peu plus (c'est ce qu'elle a dit). Mais en l'appelant poussière de fées, il avait évidemment fait ses recherches sur elle, ou il la connaissait tout simplement de son travail. "Eh bien. Je suppose... qu'elle s'est ridiculisée. Vous savez sûrement qui je suis.", son doigt de pointeur se déplaçant sur un panneau d'affichage voisin montrant sa poupée vers le haut visage mangeant mignonment sur un morceau de Thunder Cake.
Elle s'est concentrée sur ses coéquipiers. "Mais c'est bon si tu ne le fais pas. Je suis Hanare dans les deux sens. Et...", elle a été interrompue par un bourdonnement léger dans sa poche. Elle l'a sorti, l'a révélé pour être son téléphone et elle a souri maladroitement. "Ouais. Désolé. Une seconde s'il vous plaît." Pendant un bref moment, elle était partie dans un petit espace toute seule, bavardant avec quelqu'un au téléphone, avant finalement d'éteindre complètement le téléphone et de réapparaître, bien que son expression semblait légèrement ennuyée maintenant. "Désolé Senpai", elle s'est excusée. "C'était mon manager. Mais il n'y a pas de quoi s'inquiéter. Bref, comme je disais, comme Senpai l'a dit, parce qu'on est ninja, ça ne veut pas dire qu'on ne peut pas s'amuser un peu. Essayons donc de nous amuser okaaay?", elle a clin d'œil, faisant un geste mignon avec son doigt qui a rapidement tiré une fée comme chose avant elle tout aussi vite disparu dans l'air mince. | “By night a fish, by day a flower.”
Hanare's Voice
Hanare is a beautiful young maiden whose basically been pampered since birth. She is said to be the spitting image of her late mother, for whom she gained her extremely feminine and delicate charm from. Because she looks frail and dainty, people often feel the need to look after or protect her, much to her annoyance. Like her mother, she has pale skin like porcelain, thick eyebrows(and lashes), and rosy lips. Her nose is small, accentuated by a small beauty mark on it. She has brilliantly big eyes, rich in colours of deep purple and lavender, but they appear very watery, causing them to shimmer at certain angles and for her natural resting face to appear slightly crestfallen.
Hanare's late mother used to love playing with her hair because it was very silky and thick. It's gingerbread coloured, slightly wavy, and curls near ends. She just recently cut it so it lays just past her shoulders. Her hair is almost always adorned with ruby flowers, white pearls, and swirly gold laceings. As an idol, she's always had to wear pretty white dresses, assorted flowers, ribbons, and girly frills. This makes up the majority of what she wears during the day, as she has to keep up her "pure beauty" image. There's a reason why she is known as "The Fairy of Kumogakure".
She stands at 5'5 and has a willowy body, though greatly dislikes her ample bosom as it seems to only attract perverts, her horny male peers, or creeps(in her opinion). This was such a complex for her at point, that for an entire year she wore an extremely tight sarashi(breast binding) over her chest to make them appear flatter. But the prolonged pressure eventually became unhealthy for her body and she has since stopped using them.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Hanare Tanpopo.
Fairy, Fairy of Kumogakure, The Nation's First Love.
Pan-romantic. A person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or gender. Pan-romantics will tend to feel that their partner's gender does little to define their relationship.
Tanpopo bloodline; A very small clan with most of its remaining members residing in Kusagakure and Konohagakure. Tanpopo's were well-known for their Shrinking Pixie Technique, which allowed them to shrink to the size of a butterfly and grow a pair of iridescent wings, allowing them to fly. Their wings varied(wasp wings, butterfly wings, dragonfly wings, etc.) and could produce a pollen like dust for various effects. They often referred to this compound as pixie dust or fairy dust. They were regarded as Pixies or Dandelions for how delicate they looked while shrunken. This hiden jutsu was taught to the members while they were very young and made them excellent at espionage and sensory. Hanare is a very distant cousin to Megumi Tanpopo, Jounin of Konohagakure(She doesn't exist yet. 250 years in the future. Previous Naruto RP).
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Hanare, to be very honest, is an emotionally complex young maiden. However most would simply chop it up to growing female adolescent hormones. As an idol, she has a certain image that has to be maintained when in the public eye. Though somewhat spoiled and childish, on the surface she appears delicate and extremely feminine, showing politeness and innocence. She often makes cute gestures, speaks in an airy tone, and dotes on others and appears to be easily excitable, impressed, or dazzled, even by the simplest things such as fireflies or a scenic view. Most see her as this adorable girl who is pure of heart and never does anything wrong. Over the years, she has learned to perfect this "perfect girl" or "fairy" persona. Though there is a certain level of true innocence about her, she is not as dainty and dolly as people would like her be.
Even with the skillful play of her role, there are sometimes slip ups in her mannerisms. In actuality, she is quite the tomboy. Though she enjoys girly things and being feminine, she just as much enjoys stereotypically boyish things. Sometimes she may burp out-loud, play with insects, explore a haunted house, or forget to sit in a lady-like manner. She's not afraid of getting her hands dirty and enjoying all the crazy things life has to offer. Hanare feels trapped in her role sometimes and will often sneak off to do things she normally wouldn't be able to do in her normal form, like play male driven sports(she uses a transformation jutsu to do this). You would be surprised by how many times she has gotten drunk at an underground party or rave. She often has to hold back her opinions, as not to come off as rude, unladylike or inconsiderate.
This is why she yearns for every opportunity to be in her position as a kunoichi. Being an idol and putting her life on the line are two very different things, and she feels free from societies expectations of her when the only thing that matters is completing the mission and living to see another day. It is this duality that makes her sympathetic to the difficulties and issues of others. But her empathy is what also makes her a bit moody at times. One minute she may seem cheerful and next, shes crying. She probably wouldn't admit it, but even she has some slight tendencies to act childish and like spoiled brat when she doesn't get her way. She may pout or her cheeks become flushed and rosy. As her name suggests, she feels a "separation" between her true self and how the world sees her.
Hanare is an ninja. Hanare is also an idol. And with money comes privilege. Meaning there is a certain image she has to maintain when in public and her "job" practically requires her to upkeep this reputation that the people of the world have come to know and love her as. She is a beacon of purity, according to society that is. Hanare was trained in dance and song for several years until she debuted as a child actress at the age of 8. 'A to B, A Love Story'. It bombed. Miserably. And was deemed one of the worst productions of the year. Luckily, all the negative publicity about the movie brought attention to the pretty young girl, who soon began receiving offers for CFs(Commercial Films). It was during this time that her mother fell ill to a poison and her father began imposing his ideals on how she should behave when in public. No longer able to be her tomboy self, her father thrusted her into extreme femininity and daintiness.
The public seemed to enjoy this "Pure, Fairy, Lady-like" image she had been perfecting over the years, but underneath the glamour, she was feeling clouded and muddled. Like their perceptions of her were more important than her own perceptions of herself. Her older brother figured it was probably their father wanting her to mimic their mother. Hanare's mother, even though she herself a kunoichi, had always been extremely feminine, demure, dainty and lady-like, from the way she spoke, to the way she walked, to her mannerisms. Even when she fought, it was very graceful. Hanare was literally the exact opposite. Ungraceful, tomboyish, and opinionated when she felt it wasn't fair that her brothers could do things she wasn't allowed because she was a girl. Her training in dancing and singing had only given her a new talent, not changed who she was as her father had expected.
Over the years she appeared in several successful films and commercials and at 13, was modeling for adolescent brands. She was becoming more recognized by the public and their immense love of her spawned the title, "The Nation's First Love", coined by 'The Lightning Cloud' weekly tabloid. At age 14, her mother died. And with the only maternal connection she had lost, Hanare became a bit rebellious, threatening to runaway and "quit" being an idol if her father didn't allow her one thing. To be a kunoichi. It wasn't that she liked to fight or see conflict, but in her eyes, it was one of the few ways to stay connected to her.
Her mother was a kunoichi, so Hanare does her best to mimic everything her mother was. Her father was greatly displeased to put his daughter, aka. asset, in harms way and at risk. But he was always busy with his own business agendas and eventually gave in to her request so he could be done with the continuous and ever growing quarrel between the two of them. In actuality, quitting the entertainment business isn't as simple for her as simply saying "I quit". But her life as kunoichi not only allows her to honour her mother, but gives her precious moments to step away from the limelight of the world and simply fight in the honour of her mother. Her life is a juggling act. But in her eyes, its worth it. Being an idol isn't all bad. It's just not the totality of who she is as a person.
【Family ties】
Hanare lives in a family that has always been pretty well-off financially. Her grandfather inherited a large sum from his father and the fortune has since passed down through the generations. Her mother died several years ago, so the family dynamic is less maternal and more financial. Her father only really sees her a marketable object to the masses, an idol to appease to the world and shine as a beacon to the other nations. Her aunt and older brother are the only people in her family that doesn't place the value of money over another person. Even her little brother seems to have a spoiled and entitled mentality, a common trait amongst the men of the clan.
Kikyo | Mother | 42, Kumogakure, Sensory-nin, Deceased.
Ujiyasu Tanpopo | Father | 59, Kumogakure, Businessman.
Keiko | Paternal Aunt | 48, Kumogakure, Sensory-nin, Primary Caretaker.
Ujitsuna Tanpopo | Paternal Uncle | 55, Kumogakure, Businessman.
Ujimasa Tanpopo | Older Brother | 22, Currently in Kusagakure, Archaeologist.
Yashamaru Tanpopo | Younger Brother | 11, Kumogakure, School Student.
【Dreams and fears】
She DREAMS to find a perfect balance between being an idol and being a kunoichi and for the world to accept her as not a "Perfect Fairy", but as a simple tomboyish girl who makes mistakes just like everyone else. She HOPES to honour her late mother in the same fields that she excelled in, Sensory and Calligraphy. She FEARS losing her true self to the expectations and perceptions of society, and how they want her to be, and what they ALWAYS expect her to be.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Though she would prefer to get up close and get her hands dirty, Hanare understands her limitations and fights primarily as a long distance fighter. As a sensor-nin, she keeps surveillance of the surrounding area around her. In combat, she supplements her weak body with elusive and defensive capabilities. Hanare is a summoner who specializes in the use of "fairies" and fights in a whimsical style. She provides utility, support to her allies, and utilizes misdirection to confound, manipulate, and deceive her opponents. Her hiden technique to shrink down in size and turn into a fairy allows her to partake in roles of espionage, among other feats.
【Kekkei Genkai, or Bloodline Limit or Hiden】
Hiden Name:
Shrinking Pixie Technique
Exclusive to the Tanpopo clan, this hiden technique allows Hanare to shrink down to the size of a butterfly and grow insect wings to fly. The wings of a Tanpopo are unique to their own and can share resemblance to any winged insect from a wasp to a dragonfly to even a moth or a ladybug. Their wings vary in transparency as well. In Hanare's case, she sprouts pearlescent semi-transparent butterfly wings. They slightly glimmer under the rays of the sun.
While in fairy form, she can fly, is incredibly elusive and evasive, and it allows her to be stealthy and remain hidden from sight. Her size allows her to go easily unnoticed in most cases. Her strength is boosted while at a reduced size, similar to an ant. Additionally, beating her wings can release streams of scales that resemble sparkly dust. This is often referred to a fairy or pixie dust, which can have various effects on other people and things.
This highly evasive technique, although useful, has a drawback. Once this jutsu is activated, it cannot be deactivated until 5 minutes have passed. This is to allow the mass that was shed when the technique was first activated, to be re-accumulated before it can be reapplied to the body once the jutsu is cancelled. This leaves her in fairy form for at least a minimum of 5 minutes before she can return back to regular size. She is fragile in this form, which makes her extremely vulnerable to annihilation if she is not careful. Maintaining this size slowly drains her chakra.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
Sensing Technique.
D-E rank techniques:
Knows all the basic D and E rank techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Fairy Dust: Hypnosis
By beating her wings rapidly, Hanare can release a stream of scales off her wings and direct them towards her foes. The scales appear like colourful streams of sparkly dust. If her foes inhale her dust, they fall into the genjutsu and under her hypnosis. While under hypnosis, the foe is placated and obeys her commands(typically controlling them to fight for her). However, she can control them for in other ways , such as putting them to sleep. Heavy rain can dampen the effect or wind based jutsus can be used to blow the dust away, ending the hypnosis. Stronger willed foes can resist the hypnotic effects of her fairy dust. She can only maintain the hypnosis for a maximum of 30 minutes(5 post, Excluding other roleplayers and certain Unique NPCS).
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Yōsei-ō(Fairy King)
Short-to-Long Range
Yōsei-ō is an offensive summon that takes the form of a very handsome bare man, who is of a tall stature, with a cascade of exotic flowers wrapped around his body, deer antlers, and large iridescent wings that resemble that of a dragonfly. His antlers take one minute to store up sunlight/moonlight(during day or night respectively), and then fires it off as a powerful solarbeam/moonbeam that does massive damage. During the cooldown while his antlers are recharging, he is an aggressive long-range fighter equipped with a bow that shoots chakra-based arrows. His weakness are his antlers, which are weak to fire. Powerful attacks will make him poof away! If his antlers are destroyed, he poofs as well.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Yōsei no joō(Fairy Queen)
Short-to-Mid Range
Yōsei no joō is a defensive and supplementary summon that takes on the appearance of a beautiful bare woman who is of a tall stature and is adorned with a cascade of wild flowers over her body, with long willowy pink hair, pale skin, and large iridescent wings that resemble a luna moth. Her wings are incredibly durable and can be expanded and bent with incredible dexterity to block incoming attacks. She can create miniature gravity wells of "Fairy Dust" that boost the running speed and chakra flow of allies who pass through it, as well as increase their jumping capabilities, allowing them to leap twice as far than normal. Additionally, her own "Fairy Dust" can be released into the surrounding environment, amplifying Hanare's sensory range to sense those who come in contact with the dust(but would have normally been outside of her range). Her hair is her weakness and is weak to fire. If it is destroyed, she will poof. Powerful attacks will make her poof away as well.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Fairies
This is a summon that stays active until recalled or defeated. This summon conjures a group of fairy-like entities who function as one being, like a hive-mind. These fairies can work together to manipulate and move objects or repel physical assaults. Her fairies, like most of her techniques, are highly prone to being blown away by wind based jutsus.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Demonic Butterflies
This summoning jutsu conjures a swarm of demonic butterflies, that upon activation, congregate to a desired target and begin to devour/bite it. These butterflies are prone to being blown away by wind based jutsus but can easily be disintegrated with fire or simply cut through. But Hanare can also use them for more obscure methods such as distracting foes or clouding their view.
Jutsu name:
Fairy Circle
This jutsu creates an orbital ring of fairy dust that float around her. These scales in large quantities appear as glittery fragments of iridescent dust. Upon summoning this fairy circle around herself, the genjutsu creates the illusion that her body is dissolving/vanishing into a dispersing veil of glowing ethereal butterflies. This essentially makes her appear to be invisible. While the fairy circle around her is still active, she can cause others to become invisible as well should she come into close proximity with them and they enter her fairy circle. The genjutsu doesn't last long though and can be dispelled like any other simple genjutsu if the person knows how.
Jutsu name:
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu scatters her scales(fairy dust) over an object, allowing her to create an genjutsu that causes the object to appear as something else. This can be used on inanimate objects, herself, or even her allies. If the fairy dust isn't used on a specific object, she can create an illusion of an object seemingly out of thin air, but the genjutsu behaves more like a mirage and will only last 1 minute. This genjutsu can be dispelled if the person knows how to do such a thing.
Jutsu name:
Connected Lovers
This jutsu simply allows The Fairy King and The Fairy Queen to switch back and forth synchronously between the two forms, as Hanare has not yet achieved having more than one summon out at a time.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Weapon, tool or object type:
Floating Blades: Razor Butterflies
This weapon utilizes butterfly-shaped blades that she can use her chakra on to make them float and fly around her. These blades appear delicate as they seemingly flutter around her, but cut and slice with the ferocity of shuriken.
孫市 Grandson of the City 記憶 Remembrance
“Do you remember...?”
Magoichi's Voice
Taking greatly after his mother and his father, Magoichi has a mixture of masculine and feminine features. He has a very handsome face and strong jawline much like his father, but the small and soft facial features of his mother make his overall countenance slightly effeminate as well. He's got fair skin, a peachy button nose, thin glossy lips, and soft eyebrows. His almond shaped eyes are of a deep green hue, mimicking the natural beauty of an untouched forest. His gentle features seem to be accentuated quite nicely by his long pale ginger hair, its texture wavy and silky. Despite this, it can become quite a hassle to handle and therefore, he primarily keeps it held in a low hanging ponytail by a green band.
As a dancer, Magoichi has a natural elegance and grace to him. His posture is poised and straight, the true embodiment of debonair stature. He is tall and willowy, with a swimmer-like lean body and frame, and at a height of 5'10, he is neither too tall or too short. There is a beautiful symmetry about his overall structure that lies within an androgynous realm. Is he pretty or is he handsome? Both. His skin is actually quite soft, though slightly velvety which can feel a bit weird for some people. But look into his eyes and there is something cold and dreamy about them. They seem to draw you in, but reject you at the same time. There is a mysterious look in his eyes.
His attire is quite simple, though in some form or fashion adorned with a red rose, whether it be a ring or a bracelet, or a brooch. His clothes are usually grey, black or white ,with a splash of rosy red mixed within to add a bit of asymmetrical dissonance. He's got a mature, but dreamy and calming voice that makes him sound older than he really is. A tattoo of a Rose can be seen on the back of his neck, but his most notable trait is his long wavy ginger hair.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Magoichi Kioku.
Rose. Mago.
Pan-romantic. A person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or gender. Pan-romantics will tend to feel that their partner's gender does little to define their relationship.
Magoichi was born on a small island known as Sakura Country, southeast of Wind Country. It was a country consisting of many small-sized families too tiny to be considered clans, with most of these families residing in the capital city of Cheri.
Kioku; This family, for generations, has had a natural affinity to fauna and flora. This affinity is known as "Natural Whisper", allowing them to commune and utilize various aspects of animals and plants in order to achieve their goals through the ultimate respect and deference of mother earth and the natural world around them. Mother nature was here before we were. It is important to remember where we are and who provides us with the very essence of life. Our survival relies on the survival of nature itself.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Magoichi is an old spirit. Old-fashion if you will. Quaint. They often say he acts like a grandpa, so this makes him seem kinda boring, as he himself, enjoys relatively boring or simplistic things. He can often be found writing letters, reading books, or tending to his garden. A cup of self-brewed green tea and a classic on the evolution of animals is enough to satisfy his leisure time when he has any. He is the studious type and likes to keep himself busy. Whether it be volunteering at the animal shelter or tending to the community garden, its when he is with nature that he can truly "breathe". However, second to his love of nature is his love of dance, doing it and watching it.
Most deem him an intellectual because he is a bookworm and has an aptitude for learning. While this is true, he is also a dancer and therefore, quite elegant in nature. He walks gracefully as though gliding on air and his voice is both soft, but mature. He is like an old-gentleman, suave and generally composed. He is respectful, but particularly to women, treating them as precious beings that deserve only the finest things in life. He stands poised and his overall aesthetic make him appear sophisticated and dapper. This can make him appear haughty though. But there is a soft-spoken beauty about him that draws people in and makes them willing to help or listen to him.
He is probably more patient than most. He has an uncanny ability to suppress restlessness and anxiety when confronted with delay. He's more of a tortoise than a hare in this regard. But Magoichi is very thoughtful and does sweet things for people like bake them pastries or bring them flowers. He shows uncanny respect to everyone, including people he does not particularly care for. He addresses everyone with honourifics because of this. Magoichi highly believes in preserving the natural world and keeping it safe from human interference and destructive practices. He's the type that is too sweet to hurt a fly. Literally.
But, when it comes to his profession as a shinobi, this is a different story. His job is a job and he does not associate his own personal feelings when his job requires for certain things to get done, even if he may not agree with them. This makes him incredibly acquiescent and easy to lead. Nonetheless, he wants everyone to remember. To remember and to hear the cries of those who have no voices. To never forget the pain, the loss, and the suffering, but also, the moments of light and all the wonderful memories that accompany it. He is a believer in remembering the past and showing reverence to everything that made us who we are today(the good, and the bad).
Magoichi was born on an island referred to as Sakura Country, its lands covered in beautiful Cherry Blossom Trees that bloomed year round. These trees were so important to the culture and environment of the island, that a monthly sakura petal festival was held in honour of the trees. Tourist from all over visited the capitol city, Cheri, to witness this beautiful display. Despite some tragedy, he lived a relatively peaceful life. His parents worked as Archaeologist for Cheri's cryptanalysis team and used their findings in order to hieroglyphics and hidden messages.
During an exhibition however, his parents died while exploring an ancient cave. Much effort was put into rescuing them from the collapsed cavern, but unfortunately once their bodies were found, it was far too late. Back home in Cheri, Magoichi had not been informed. It was normal for his parents to be away for months at a time. And to spare him the pain, his grandparents lied to him for several years about his parents' deaths. When he finally uncovered the truth, he was devastated and soon fell into a deep depression. His grandparents taught him one thing, "Even through the pain, learn from it, remember it, and eventually, you move on from it."
And with this piece of information, Magoichi set forth on a brighter path, communing with nature to bring peace to his own grieving heart.
【Family ties】
Magoichi's family was never really rich, but they lived a peaceful and comfortable life. They had the pleasure of experiencing cherry blossom bloomings more often than most. It was this and the simple things that kept them content. Not to mention there was little to no conflict in Sakura Country. Even crime was very low in the capital city of Cheri. But when his parents died, it took a long time for him to come to terms with their deaths.
Anna | Grandmother | 59, Kumogakure, Orchard Owner, Alive.
Mugen Kioku | Grandfather | 63, Kumogakure, Retired Cryptanalyst, Alive.
【Dreams and fears】
He DREAMS to become a biologist. He HOPES to one day visit the site where his parents died. He thinks that by visiting where his parents met their sudden demise, he will be able to finally "let them go" and "move on" completely from the tragedy. He FEARS caves.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
By preference, Magoichi specializes in the use of rose petals to eradicate his foes quickly, as he finds roses to be amongst the most beautiful creations of nature. However, thanks to his kekkei genkai "Natural Whisper", he can manipulate the natural wildlife to his will, both plants and animals alike. And to become truly one with nature, he can mimic the attributes and forms of these animals and plants as well. Though most would not believe it, he is primarily an elusive and evasive close combat fighter, utilizing the metamorphosis aspect of his kekkei genkai to shape-shift into different animals. Each animal form provides him with a unique aspect and skill-set for making the best of tough situations. While he isn't the strongest fighter, he is definitely a capable one, and his many animal forms make him a versatile one as well. But as a dancer, he is a graceful, elegant, and elusive fighter, capable of combating with a stylized hoola hoop if necessary.
【Kekkei Genkai, or Bloodline Limit or Hiden】
Kekkei Genkai Name:
Natural Whisper
It is uncertain how far back this peculiar trait developed, but members of the Kioku family have always been able to "Whisper" to the trees and to the animals of the sky, land, and sea. The natural world was only a step away, even when they would be so far away. They always remember there place amongst nature and their natural communal abilities with mother nature, grant them access to various animal and plant based abilities, though Magoichi in particular, showing an affinity to roses.
His kekkei genkai can be best described as versatile, allowing him to use it primarily for ultility more than anything else. However, it also has offensive capabilities as well, but detailed control and quick thinking is needed in order to maximum the various aspects of this bloodline limit. Being able to quickly shift from one animal form to another is probably this kekkei genkai's greatest asset in the heat of battle.
Though versatile, this kekkei genkai is a natural empathic and communal connection to mother nature. Meaning, members of this family have almost no access to any other forms of jutsus other than their own. A certain type of chakra is needed in order to mold the forces of nature as they desire and these chakras are very difficult, near impossible to use with other forms of jutsu.
【Ninja techniques】
D-E rank techniques:
Knows all the basic D and E rank techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Tree of Life
This jutsu causes him to transform into a colossal Tree of Life. Once in this form, he outstretches his limbs to ensnare nearby foes and begins draining them of their life while transferring it back to him. The enzymes gathered from this life absorption kill the opponents while simultaneously healing severe wounds and replenishing chakra to himself. While in this form, he is completely stationary and is prone to damage if someone manages to gets past his limbs or breaks free from the constricts of them.
Jutsu name:
Metamorphosis: Absolute Transformation
This incredibly versatile jutsu allows Magoichi to shape shift into any animal. Nothing imaginary or fantasy. Furthermore, animals with high levels of chakra such as tailed beast and summons, he cannot shapeshift into. Naturally, he cannot verbally communicate with other people while in an animal form.
Jutsu name:
Transfiguration: Perfect Bloom
This quirky jutsu allows Magoichi to shape shift into any plant he has visually seen, but it limits him to only real plants that actually exist. Nothing imaginary or fantasy. Naturally, he cannot verbally communicate with other people while in an plant form and this jutsu seems to be weak to fire-based jutsus of equal or greater rank.
Jutsu name:
Rose Petals
Short-to-Long Range
A jutsu, and Magoichi's personal favorite, that allows him to conjure a floating cloud of rose petals. With his chakra, he can control these rose petals with his mind to attack his foes and completely rip them to shreds.
Jutsu name:
Metamorphosis: Partial Transformation
With this jutsu, he can transform parts of his body into parts of an animal, without having to shapeshift completely. A prime example of this, is being able to transform heis arms into a pair of wings or grow deer antlers on his head, or even gills on his neck. He can transform several of his body parts into different parts of different animals simultaneously, though doing so quickly drains his chakra.
Jutsu name:
Transfiguration: Partial Bloom
With this jutsu, Magoichi can transform parts of his of body and grow plants on himself without having to shapeshift completely into a plant. A prime example of this, is being able to transform or sprout thorns along his arms and legs, cacti, or even just wildflowers. He can transform several of his body parts into different parts of different plants simultaneously, though doing so quickly drains his chakra.
Jutsu name:
Natural Whisper: Fauna
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu allows Magoichi to manipulate and control nearby animals.
Jutsu name:
Natural Whisper: Flora
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu allows him to manipulate nearby plants. He can only manipulate existing plants, not create new ones.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Secret Garden
Weapon, tool or object type:
This weapon is a large stylized ringblade, coloured in a sleek gold and adorned with roses in hues of red and pink. His fighting style is very graceful and elegant, resembling a dance as his ringblade twirls around his body sensually. His fighting style is very beautiful, but careful not to become entranced by his dance of death. |
13,259 | 381 | 14 | 1,717 | 2,937 | L'objectif est de faire en sorte qu'il soit possible d'améliorer la qualité de l'eau et de l'eau potable.
"Saru mo ki kara ochiru. Même les singes tombent des arbres.
Sutemasu regarda son équipe, souriant de la compagnie qui s'était rapidement formée entre Kota et Kasumi -- ou du moins, la compagnie avait probablement toujours été là, mais Sutemasu ne le savait pas -- alors qu'elle regardait Amehime et Reiji. Lorsqu'elle a vu Hageshi et son équipe approcher, elle a rapidement levé la main à tous les membres de son équipe, les appelant à l'ordre. Les gars, préparez-vous, Hageshi-sensei est là aussi. Disons qu'on est vraiment excités de travailler avec lui! » Elle l'a dit assez fort pour qu'Hageshi l'entende, même si c'était intentionnel. Elle était bien trop gentille pour parler de ce genre de blagues, et elle a veillé à ce qu'il soit au moins quelque peu évident qu'elle était simplement sarcastique comme ça.
Hageshi-sensei, vous avez une équipe intéressante. C'est... Toraburu? Et Midori-chan? Ooh, et c'est Yoyai et Saborama. Je les reconnais maintenant! Ils ont tellement grandi. » Elle a essayé de repousser l'idée mordante qu'ils allaient entrer dans une vraie mission de combat, craignant ce qui pourrait surmonter ces enfants. Eh bien, je suis sûr que nous allons faire de cette mission un succès, n'est-ce pas si Hageshi-kun?. Le dernier à arriver serait Minaru, pour lequel il aurait reçu un regard grondant de Sutemasu, bien que ce n'était rien de sérieux et elle n'était pas en colère contre lui.
"Minaru-chan," elle a dit taquinement, se référant à lui comme une fille, "s'il vous plaît être à l'heure la prochaine fois. Un sensei a besoin de donner la bonne impression, vous le savez!
Maintenant que tout le monde était là, ils pouvaient les informer peu de temps avant de partir. Sutemasu a dit haut et fort, se faisant entendre au sujet de la discussion du chunin. Nous sommes chargés de détruire une raffinerie de métal. Il est possible que nous nous engagions avec des combattants ennemis, puisque nous descendons une raffinerie appartenant à Kirigakure. Cela ne devrait pas être trop grave, cependant, alors ne vous inquiétez pas! ─ Elle regardait à gauche et à droite, aux deux sens qui étaient également présents à côté d'elle, avant de se retourner. Allons-y.
Le temps de déplacement serait assez limité, car la raffinerie était située sur une île au large de la côte de Kumogakure - précisément, c'était une petite île qui était à peine remarquable du tout si elle n'était pas pour la raffinerie. L'endroit a probablement été construit là en raison de la grande quantité de minéraux présents à Kumogakure - permettant aux Kirigakure shinobi de voler et de voler leur chemin dans les approvisionnements de Kumogakure et de l'affiner sans trop de tracas. Il y aurait une fin à cela, cependant, maintenant.
Quand les équipes sont tombées à l'arrêt, la seule chose qu'ils pouvaient voir qui les séparait d'eux-mêmes et leur objectif était une couche épaisse et lourde de brouillard. Il s'étendait sur un océan profond, mais il n'y avait aucun moyen de le voir, et la seule façon de savoir qu'il y en avait, c'était de le savoir à l'avance. Sutemasu regarda de nouveau son équipe alors qu'ils se tenaient au sommet d'une falaise. A gauche d'eux, environ 20 mètres plus loin, était l'équipe Minaru, puis derrière elle était l'équipe Hageshi. Ils avaient voyagé dans une formation assez lâche pendant un certain temps pour éviter la détection, mais maintenant qu'ils atteignaient la destination, ils s'étaient arrêtés un moment. Reiji, Kota, Kasumi, Amehime, une fois que nous serons là, nous serons probablement seuls. Je pense que le Raikage n'a pas prévu que la brume soit aussi épaisse.
Elle regarda vers l'avant vers les bâtiments, qui était un grand composé avec des murs en métal épais. Il y avait un mouvement là-dedans, mais il n'était pas certain qu'il s'agisse de shinobi ou simplement d'ouvriers. Peut-être qu'ils étaient les deux. Il ne serait pas passé à Kirigakure d'avoir des gens avec libération de lave ou quelque chose qui travaille là.. en pensant à cela a causé un frisson à courir dans la colonne vertébrale de Sutemasu. Elle a poussé son doigt vers l'oreille, appuyant sur une machine qui était logée à l'intérieur de son oreille. Hageshi, Minaru, je viens de réaliser que la visibilité sera faible à l'intérieur du complexe. Gardez ça à l'esprit quand vous écharpez le jutsu à tout. Je ne veux pas que mon chunin soit blessé par un feu amical. Avec ce message envoyé, elle a redescendu son bras et a marché vers l'avant, dans le néant qui était en dessous.
La chute libre de la falaise était faisable, environ 50 mètres si même cela, ce qui serait une goutte facile pour n'importe quel shinobi qui avait pratiqué un certain contrôle chakra pour amortir leur chute. Les éclaboussures de son atterrissage sur l'eau auraient trahi leur emplacement, mais les nombreux bruits provenant de la raffinerie ont fait en sorte de cacher leur position assez bien. Lorsque l'autre chunin s'est posé à côté d'elle, ils ont avancé, s'attendant à ce que l'équipe Minaru et Hageshi fassent de même. Comment ils sont entrés dans le complexe était à eux, et la destruction de la raffinerie viendrait quand ils ont fini de nettoyer la raffinerie. Les victimes civiles ont été autorisées, mais doivent être réduites au minimum. Si c'était à Sutemasu, ils ne seraient pas autorisés, mais il semblait impossible de renoncer à tous les morts civiles.
L'équipe Sutemasu s'approchait des murs et s'arrêtait. Dans le cerveau de Sutemasu, les engrenages tournaient, essayant de trouver un moyen d'entrer. - Oui. On pourrait s'en servir, mais c'est peut-être trop fort. Ce serait très surprenant si on le faisait. Hm. Non, sautons par-dessus. Suivez-moi, Kota, Kasumi, Amehime, Reiji!
Elle se pencha les genoux et, dans un mouvement rapide, disparut de leur vision, due à la brume, déjà mauvaise. Elle a atterri de l'autre côté avec un doux bruit, trouvant la vision légèrement plus supportable. Les chiffres qu'elle voyait maintenant étaient principalement des travailleurs, ce qui adoucissait sa peur. Cependant, il était certain qu'il y avait des shinobis présents. Les voix qui criaient sur le jutsu qu'ils utilisaient faisaient écho à travers le complexe, certaines personnes utilisant le jutsu de libération de feu, et d'autres brisant les voix monotones avec la lave libèrent le jutsu. D'accord, suivez-moi.Dit Sutemasu, murmurant à son équipe. Elle ne savait pas comment et quand les deux autres équipes allaient pénétrer le complexe, alors elle espérait qu'ils opteraient pour une approche aussi furtive. Avec Hageshi, et surtout Minaru, ça n'en serait pas si sûr.
Ils se dirigeèrent vers un grand entrepôt et entrèrent par une grande porte. À l'intérieur, il y avait un grand tas de métal non raffiné -- minerai de fer, minerais d'argent, même un peu d'or. À côté de cela se trouvait un plus grand tas de charbon, qui a été utilisé pour alimenter les fours. Jusqu'à ce que Sutemasu puisse voir qu'il n'y avait que six personnes à l'intérieur, tout shinobi. Mais ils avaient tous le dos tourné sur le shinobi qui entrait. Sutemasu a fait un geste vers les shinobis, indiquant qu'ils allaient les abattre. Elle leva ensuite un doigt vers sa bouche, indiquant qu'ils devraient essayer d'être silencieux.
Elle emmenait le plus éloigné shinobi, qui utilisait sa lave pour fondre des minerais de fer à l'état liquide. Il était intensif chakra, mais vraiment efficace, étant donné qu'il n'y avait pas beaucoup de carburant nécessaire pour le faire de cette façon. C'était aussi beaucoup plus rapide, a imaginé Sutemasu. Elle s'approcha de lui avec des pas rapides, sprintant vers lui. Ce n'était pas calme, mais c'était assez calme pour masquer sa présence à quelqu'un qui n'était pas à l'intérieur du complexe. Cela a laissé les 5 autres cibles pour les quatre chunin -- qui seraient probablement en mesure de les descendre par eux-mêmes, ou au moins assez longtemps pour laisser Sutemasu interférer si elle le devait. Sa tâche en tant que jonin était de les surveiller plus ou moins en tout temps, cependant, même si elle sprintait vers eux, elle s'assurait de garder un oeil sur ses quatre chunins.
Quand l'utilisateur de la lave a remarqué les pas qui s'approchaient de lui et se retournait, il était déjà trop tard. Sutemasu a ramassé son bras en arrière et a balancé son poing en avant après cela, frappant l'homme au visage avec une grande quantité d'élan, l'envoyant stupéfiant en arrière, se tenant à peine debout contre l'encaissement métallique de la machine avec laquelle il travaillait.
Avant de pouvoir terminer sa phrase, il a reçu un autre crochet dans le visage, le frappant à droite dans le mur avec son visage. Cela a donné à Sutemasu assez de temps pour regarder en arrière sur son épaule pour regarder son équipe, avant de regarder en arrière. Elle s'est préparée pour l'attaque que l'homme allait sans doute envoyer son chemin, mais son esprit était mal à l'aise sachant que le chunin qui étaient dans son équipe étaient plus nombreux. | B U D D H A ' S T E M P L E
壊れた 捨てます
Broken Discard
“猿も木から落ちる。 Saru mo ki kara ochiru.”
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
Early Summer Rain - Samidare
Sutemasu is a woman that, noticeably, has an appealing physique. She looks like a woman that you wouldn't expect in the shinobi force and, furthermore, it seems to come almost effortless to her. Truthfully it doesn't - she spends a lot of time making sure she looks presentable as she is a woman that worries a lot about her appearance to others. Perhaps a hint of insecurity.
Her long blonde hair flows carelessly over her shoulders while the rest of it hangs back in a long ponytail. It's well cared for and that does show. It is perhaps the pride and joy of Sutemasu's appearance and how she feels about herself - if there's anything she loves about herself it's her hair.
She also has long eyelashes, another feature that appeals to many of those around her. Besides that she has no real remarkable physical traits that set her apart too much. Her chin is pointed, flowing forth from a relatively straight jawline. She has a short nose that whips up slightly near the tip. Her eyebrows are plucked into a neat shape, too. Her figure is slightly reminiscent of an hour-glass figure, however it's very subtle, with only a slight bit of curviness to her. Those standing near her would get a faint hint of flowers from her, as she smells or reminds people of them somehow.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kowareta Sutemasu
Kowareta-sensei, Sute
Kowaretu, a clan that hasn't existed for too long.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Sutemasu is a kind, sweet hearted woman who wishes the best to those around her. Her personality was shaped and formed by her history as is the case with many people. However, she has formed herself into something unique when compared to people that went through similar experiences. She stayed humble, obedient and filled herself with hope and determination rather than falling back onto bitterness and anger.
She is calm, collected and seems to be capable of a large amount of empathy. This is, according to the raikage, the primary reason she was chosen as an instructor and sensei. Her soft way of speaking and instructing give genin and chunin the idea that she cares, which she does, which seems to make them more inclined to listen. Nevertheless she can be authoritarian and instructive as needed, in such situations that demand it.
Though not many people realize it, and she would never speak about it or such, she has been through quite a lot. She's lost a lot of comrades in recent years and many of them were close friends of hers. Sometimes she goes through periods of time where she is, at least slightly so, depressed. Though she does her best to hide it, this information can be seen by anyone with a keen and adept mind for psychology or social aptitude. Never the less it seems like it doesn't affect her life too much.
History theme
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Careless play and surprising realization
Sutemasu was born 28 years ago in a hospital in the middle of Kumogakure. While her mother was not a shinobi, her will and strength throughout childbirth could've made her as strong as, or stronger, than most shinobi. The child labour was tough and required a lot from Sutemasu her mother. Not to say that this is a sob-story about how she lost both her parents - no, as you will recognize in her story, despite what she's been through she has never had anything that bad happen to herself.
Her early years were spent mostly doing child things. She usually spent her time playing around with other children, until she became 4. From that point on, naturally as all the other children, she became more aware of her surroundings, the meaning behind the word shinobi, and the jobs that a shinobi was supposed to do. When she was six, she became interested in becoming a shinobi herself. Not for the obvious reasons, namely that it was 'cool' to be a shinobi according to many children, but more so because she enjoyed the kunoichi classes which included flower arrangement and other such things.
Upon enrollment she spent less time with her mother - who ran a flower shop - and spent more time with her father, a Kumogakure jonin. However in order to earn her allowance she still had to work in the flower shop, producing a strong bond between her and both parents.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Study hard, play harder!
In her academy years, Sutemasu spent a lot of time practicing the shinobi arts, especially the kunoichi arts. A lot of time and practice went into ninjutsu and such, while a smaller but still proportionate amount of time was spent in the books to learn about theoretical stuff like tenketsu, chakra control and shinobi history. While she was a good student, she was never one to stand out too much even if she was capable of much more than she let on. She was shy and reserved, though she wasn't one to get bullied or let herself be teased - she could stand up for herself. But her general likeability made her a small target, and she got along with almost all her classmates.
Besides studying, she also spent a lot of time playing. She was acquainted with her many classmates outside of school as well and especially in the early years of the academy, she spent a lot of time outside playing shinobi games and doing general children stuff. When she became older the games changed, of course, and she was more frequently asked to help in the shop. Her group of friends that she frequently hung out with became smaller, but more tight knit, as is normal. It seems that even in a shinobi academy you can't stop clique's from forming.
Age 13 to 15; genin years
Time to work, time to help!
Her time spent as genin were perhaps some of the most entertaining years she spent in her life. While some would look back on the academy and wish they could be there again, Sutemasu was excited to begin working as a genin, doing missions and helping people. Unlike the current generation, she was a genin right after Sasuke and Naruto more or less 'saved the world' and then died. There was still a carefree attitude around, the idea that friendship was the most important thing. So she did not have to dig trenches or do anything like that.
She genuinely spent her time helping people with small tasks, and missions that were barely dangerous. It were more or less the luxury years of her career as a shinobi. It was during that time period, near her fifteenth birthday, where her father decided to retire. He remained active as a sensei within the academy, but his fighting years were over. At least, unless the village required him for it's defense. It seemed to make more sense to make place for Sutemasu, giving her a spot to earn the family some honour. And it would be a shame after all if he died during a mission now that he had a wife and a kid.
Age 15 to 21; chunin years
Maybe the shinobi life isn't that cool..
While she became a chunin with a remarkably good chunin exam, she soon experienced that the life of a shinobi was, perhaps, not as rose colored as she'd imagined. Once her and some of her friends became chunin, they were sent on more dangerous missions. Many of them did not make it back alive, and in these six years she lost many of her friends.
She became a bit more held back and reserved in her personality, becoming more quiet, timid and possibly showing signs of a slight depression. While she never developed anything serious, she was apparently touched deeply by her losses. At age 20 her father died of implications from an old wound that got infected, leaving her and her mother behind. The funeral was respect worthy, and after a small time spent away from the shinobi force, Sutemasu returned to her duties.
Age 21 to present day; jonin years
Teaching kids can be fun, too.. Right?
A year after her fathers death she was promoted to the rank of a jonin, making her a sensei to a team. While she didn't receive her father's headband like she would've wanted, since it was buried with him, she did receive her father's flak jacket. Her first team was a rather rowdy team but due to her natural charm and likeability she managed to subdue them and form them into shinobi that were worthy of the title of chunin. She led them from genin to chunin, with the recent exams being an ending to that chapter of her book. Currently she is on stand by which means she is mostly performing missions with other jonin. However, she has been alerted by the raikage that she is expected to return to her duties as a sensei, this time leading chunin that are already capable of a lot.
【Family ties】
Sutemasu her family life was relatively relaxed. The bloodline of the Kowareta do not represent a large clan similar to the Hyuga or such, but rather a small family. They have relatively little political influence and are 'just another family'. Many family members live outside of Kumogakure, and many of them are not even shinobi. The largest concentration of Kowareta families live in Kumogakure, since 3 families live here.
Yosho Kowareta | Father | 54, Kumogakure, deceased, ex-jonin
Junko Kowareta | Mother | 51, Kumogakure, owner of the flowershop in the village center
Gota Kowareta | Cousin | 14, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
Sutemasu dreams of one day being able to retire, looking back on a succesful career where she helped as many people as she could, and having raised a generation of shinobi that she, and the village, can be proud of.
Her fears are a new war breaking out, as that would mean death and destruction, of which she had already had enough even without the war. Another fear is death - she fears death as all humans do. Any human that doesn't fear death is mentally ill.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Sutemasu is a ninjutsu specialist whom is specifically catered to the engagement at medium to short ranges. Making use of her personal hiden allows her to maintain, and easily sustain herself, within close combat situations. She works best at a medium range to support her teammates, though most her jutsu's are catered more towards finishing blows. Sutemasu can be quite sacrificial considering she has mostly taught children and people that were younger and less experienced than her, so she is willing to risk herself for them. Given her hiden, that should not be too much of a problem, however.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
C rank techniques:
Gōkakyū no Jutsu
Hōsenka no Jutsu
Doroku Gaeshi
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Nokorimasu Onaji (: Sutemasu Style: Remain the Same, 捨てますスタイル 残ります同じ)
Nokorimasu Onaji utilizes a very very small amount of chakra, which gathers in a 'pool' of chakra within the user. In general, there's never been a time where the chakra gets used up so quickly in usage of the technique that it completely empties out.
This passive ability consumes chakra at a very slow rate constantly, even when not in combat. Luckily Sutemasu's chakra pool is large enough to sustain it. This ability works through getting hurt - as strange as it may sounds - converting damage done to the user and turning it into raw power. In effect, that means that 'more damage input = more damage output' in simple terms. Muscles are stimulated by the damage, as well as the psychological will to fight on. This allows Sutemasu to press on past her normal limits and keep fighting even with broken bones, torn muscles or large gaping wounds. The drawbacks to this are, of course, that she's going to be less accurate and skillful, but more powerful. In short, attacks will be more powerful but she'll have a harder time hitting, depending largely on the type of wounds too.
This is by no means a healing jutsu however. A gaping wound will still bleed, and if she doesn't receive treatment, she will still die from the wounds. It's just that she'd likely not notice any pain from the wounds, and that she will feel stronger despite the wound.
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Chakurabāsuto (Sutemasu Style: Chakra Burst, チャクラバースト)
Releasing one fourth of the chakra stored in the pool for the Nokori Onaji technique, she releases a pure burst of chakra out of her entire body, causing a shockwave of chakra. This shockwave can extend between 5m and 10m, dependent on how large her pool currently is. The shockwave is powerful enough to send shinobi that don't hold themselves down on the ground flying, sending lightweights (80<kg.) flying atleast 20 meters at high speed, and sending heavyweights (80>kg.) stumbling out of the shockwave area. Objects are sent flying away too, such as kunai, leaves and other random items in the area.
The jutsu isn't incredibly damaging on it's own, dependent on objects in the area. For instance, in an empty dirt field, there'll be no objects to send flying, and no objects for the enemy to crash into. So, damage will be reduced to perhaps some light scraping from scraping on the ground.
In a forest, or a densely built in city, the damage will be more extensive, given that the enemy might fly into trees, rocks, buildings, roadsigns, etcetera.
Jutsu name:
Bōru (Soup-jutsu: Bowl, ボウル)
This Doton technique forms the basis of a three-nature combination. The Bowl jutsu causes the target to be encased in a dome of earth around them, which then lifts up off of the earth on four earthen pillars. The jutsu is simple. There really isn't much to it - it doesn't kill, damage, or harm you, it just traps you inside the dome. That's bad, right?
Well you can break free. Use S, A or B-rank lightning based jutsu's to break through, or use sheer force if you're really that strong. Just do it in time before the next part of the combo.
Jutsu name:
Sūpu mizu (Soup-jutsu: Soup Water, スープ水)
This Suiton based jutsu is the next step. Thought being trapped in a dome of earth was bad enough? WRONG! Through a hole in the top of the dome that briefly opens at the command of the user, the user then spews water into the 'soup bowl' until it's full of water. Congratulations, you'll now be drowning!
Since this is a suiton jutsu, you could possibly use wind to create a bubble of air for yourself to breathe, though it's not drowning you need to worry about. At this stage of the combo it becomes more or less impossible to use electricity to free yourself from the dome as you'd electrocute yourself. Unless you're willing to risk that. Sheer force would still be enough to break free, but since water slows down movement, it'd likely have to come from the outside.
Or another solution. Maybe you can think of something. Better hurry before the next step, which is..
Jutsu name:
Sutōbu o tentō (Soup-jutsu: Light the Stove, ストーブを点灯)
The final step in the three jutsu combo. True to it's name, this is the step that probably is the most dangerous for whomever gets trapped. Using the Katon nature, the user lights a fire underneath the earthen soup bowl/dome that they created, beginning to boil it at an alarming and dangerous rate for whomever is inside. Drown in the soup made of your own body! Muahaha! Ahem. There is no real defence for this step, if you are trapped.
For outsiders it's possible to blow out the fire using wind jutsu, to quench it with a water jutsu, or to simply free those in the bowl with force. Electricity is possible but ill-advised since you'd probably electrocute your friends inside the bowl.
Neki the Newt
This summoning technique summons Neki the Newt, a large green newt. Given the qualities of a newt, this newt is capable of high speed water traversal as well as shooting water out of it's mouth in a jet stream capable of pushing people back, or if they are light, shooting them away. It's size is medium sized (it's aproximately 2m. high and 4m. long) and is big enough to carry two people in it's mouth at once if they are standing up. It's also possible (and something Sutemasu does often) to ride on it's back by standing on top of it.
Senkensha Toraburu
先見者 トラブル
Seer Trouble
“馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。 Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.”
Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.
Yes, indeed. Toraburu looks like a cat. A inherent trait to his clan makes him take on some traits of a cat, which has manifested itself through a pair of cat ears on his head and fangs that protrude from his mouth even when it's closed. Never the less, you should be warned that any mention of this to Toraburu will make him.. very angry at the least. Contrary to popular belief, Toraburu is NOT cute.
Besides his obvious features being like a cat, he looks like a pretty normal person. Though, you couldn't really call him that given his cat features. Just ignore those. If you look past that you'll see that Toraburu often looks a bit mad. His nose is very small, and very flat, curving up slightly near the end. His eyes are large in comparison, amber in colour, and shaped like almonds. His eyebrows curve inwards almost constantly making him appear angry and aggressive constantly.
His mouth is relatively small, and has two fangs protruding from it. It's almost constantly in a downwards curved frown, making him look even more angry. Truthfully it does a good job at spelling out what kind of person Toraburu is.
His small stature makes his life even more miserable as he stands at, barely, 5'7. He's smaller than most guys his age, actually, and his small size make it even easier for people to find him cute. Never the less he stands his own as his body size is relative to his size. He pulls it off without looking like a short stubby man, maintaining a good balance between muscles and fat and his size. It's almost like he's insecure about it.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Senkensha Toraburu
'Neko, Kitty' if you want to get killed. If you value your life, 'Trouble, Tora'
Heterosexual, though unapproachable
A small village in the outskirts of Kumogakure
Senkensha clan, an entire clan of cat-like shinobi. They're spread throughout the world and are more or less just a clan only in name. They don't really know each other.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his cute appearance, Toraburu has proven to be quite unapproachable. Any comments made towards him that he does not like (i.e. most of the comments made towards him) are met with silence, sarcasm, or straight up insults. While they are generally harmless, if you truly get on his nerves he will make it a point to drill you into the ground, to avoid having to deal with you any further.
While he does have this unhandleable attitude, he seems to have some degree of respect for authority, though begrudgingly he seems to still give them a big mouth some times. For all it's worth however he seems to be at least a decent asset to the team, regardless of his personal attitude. It seems more a case of finding a team for him that he can fit into without much trouble - a team that doesn't ask him too many questions. Perhaps an apathetic team.
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Asshole parents are a universal thing, yo.
Toraburu was born as a result of two of the Senkensha clan being together. They were travelers, as so many Senkensha clan members are, and his mother happened to get pregnant at a time during the travelling. They rested at a village for the next five months until she was ready to give birth. When that was done, and the young lad 'Trouble' was born, the parents vanished. Possibly because the Senkensha clan enjoys their freedom, and having a young boy with them would impede on that freedom.
He was named Toraburu, because that was what he was to his new adoptive parents. 'Trouble'. It was a pretty harsh life the next six years, but luckily for Toraburu, Senkensha clan members weren't born with their cat like features. He seemed to be a relatively normal kid - up until his fifth birthday when his teeth were starting to protrude from his lips despite having his mouth closed, as well as his ears beginning to grow slightly. His adoptive parents still sort of loved him, but it became a lot harder for them to justify having this 'strange kid' in their household. Slowly but surely the village excluded them more and more until it became time for Toraburu to leave for the Shinobi village hidden in the Mountains.
He was accepted there, and joined the shinobi academy. From time to time he'd visit the village, to see his 'parents' but all in all it wasn't too much trouble to leave behind the family.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Mreow! Don't mess with the cat!
During his years in the academy his rather peculiar personality traits became apparent. While at first everyone seemed to think that Toraburu was an extremely nice kid due to his appearance, they were often rudely awoken from their idiotic ideas as Toraburu had a rather foul mouth for a young boy. More often than not he was involved in school fights, incidents in the village and just general trouble. He was living up to his name, more or less. He made many enemies in these years, people that rather saw him bite the dust sooner or later. The feeling was, more often than not, mutual.
While he was a bit of a pain in the ass to the teachers, he did listen to them and he was by all means not a bad student - more likely due to innate ability to become a shinobi than hard work. He was the kid in class that never seemed to do anything, yet ace the exams. It was the beginning for his arrogance, since he noticed himself as well. What was he other than a master at shinobi arts, if he did not try hard at all and still succeeded? That placed him above the rest did it not? Whether his feelings were justified or not, he graduated somewhere in the top 10% of the class, giving him at least some credibility for his claims.
Age 13 to present day; genin years
WHA? They said this would be fun!
While others may have enjoyed these petty years, merely a small point in Toraburu's life. A life he expects and expected to be filled with more splendor and action and interesting things. But no, rather, he was stuck doing rather dull stuff for most his genin missions. He had a team that he didn't like very much but was forced to cooperate with. This only made his pains more unbearable. Digging trenches and taking care of ninken was hardly something he found enjoyable.
It was only when the chunin exams began that he found some.. degree of pleasure in the shinobi line of work. 'Kill?!' he asked his sensei, whom replied that yes, killing was a possibility. 'Anything to get that chunin rank' he thought, figuring he'd get to do more interesting shit then.
He quickly became somewhat of a feared aspect of the chunin exams - he basically physically dragged his team through the exams. And no, that's not figuratively, because he literally dragged a teammate through a battle, cause the little shit was planning to run away and abandon his teammates. During that little escapade he continued to fight his enemies, slinging jutsu left and right and even using the poor boy as a weapon at some point. Needless to say, it was quite peculiar, and perhaps not very fitting of a 'leadership figure' that a chunin was supposed to be. But hey, he passed the trial, so technically they couldn't say shit. Naturally he passed and became a chunin. Now the fun began.
【Family ties】
His family is spread throughout the world, and even though they are somewhat large in numbers, it's not often that the clan members meet. His father and mother are somewhere out there.
Otu Taika | Adoptive mother | 67, Ricepaddy Village, farmer, seamstress
Hoshin Taika | Adoptive father | 71, Ricepaddy Village, farmer
Raito Taika | Adoptive brother | 25, Ricepaddy Village, useless kid that pretends to be a farmer
【Dreams and fears】
Why, becoming famous of course! Nothing would be greater than to become known as a revered shinobi hero that can kill you with merely a glance of the eyes!
Strangely enough he has no interest in ever meeting his parents, though he is unsure how it would happen if he ever did. Chances seem slim though.
His fears are that people will stop bothering with him - even though he's an asshole, he'd hate to feel ignored. It's his biggest pet peeve if people ignored him, so if everyone treated him like he didn't exist, that'd be terrible for him.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Toraburu fights using ninjutsu and taijutsu. He's something of a mix between a ferocious close range fighter and a skilled ninjutsu duelist, though he is capable in both. A bit of a jack-of-all trades, his kekkei genkai gives him the means to do so. Never the less he'll get very annoyed if he is attacked at long range, or if someone figures out his weakness. Because his weakness can literally put him out of the rest of the fight indefinitely.
Furthermore he is quite prone to irrationality and aggressive attacks, making it very likely and possible for him to be lured into a trap or to get ganged up on once he's pulled out of position.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Neko no mimi, 猫の耳.
Ears of a Cat.
Less of a kekkei genkai than just simple physical structure, it is never the less still classed as a kekkei genkai. His cat-like ears allow him to hear extremely well, hearing perfectly what is going on up to about a kilometre away. Similarly, he can hear things that normally do not produce enough sound to be heard easily in a battle, such as kunai and shuriken flying through the air.
Effectively, this allows him to be a semi-sensory nin without really being a sensory nin.
It's not really a kekkei genkai that has any strengths - it allows him to sense people up to 1km away, if they are making noise. The question is if they are making noise. A perfectly silent opponent will be able to circumvent him, though even the slightest slip up would alert Toraburu to their location.
This kekkei genkai can easily be overcome by producing zero noise whatsoever. Even though ninja's are, well, ninja's, it seems that many shinobi do not actually possess such skills. Never the less this is probably the easiest way to circumvent him, though it requires extreme skill to be 100% silent.
Another more backwards method of disabling the kekkei genkai is through the use of sound. While a normal human voice isn't enough to bother Toraburu, nor is a scream or anything that is capable of being produced by humans without tools, a sound-based jutsu would probably be capable of annoying him greatly to the point of hurting his ears and putting him out of the fight.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Suidan no Jutsu
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Suirō no Jutsu
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Nekoken Sutairu, 猫拳スタイル
Cat Fist Style
Much less a technique than a fighting style, this style focusses on the user augmenting chakra in the fists during combat. Whenever the user hits, a blast of chakra follows the hit into the targets body. Relatively simple, really. Although it's reminiscent of the gentle fist style from the Hyuga's, it's different in that it's impossible for Toraburu to see the tenketsu. Therefore he cannot cut off chakra lines or such. Instead, the chakra blasts just deal massive internal damage, capable of temporarily or permanently shutting down organs upon successive hits.
Jutsu name:
Neko Tenohira Burasuto, 猫手のひらブラスト
Cat Palm Blast
A part of the Cat Fist style, the user flattens out their hand and curls their fingers inwards, reminiscent of a cat paw. Upon doing so they target the target's limbs, and when then hit, release the chakra. In the case that this hits, it will likely have enough power to temporarily disable the limb with both the force it puts out and the chakra emanating from the attack.
Jutsu name:
Hatsuon Hiaringu, 発音ヒアリング
Pronounced Hearing
This is a sensory technique. When the user (Toraburu) focuses chakra on his already remarkably good ears, he can increase the range of the sensory qualities. The zone of hearing will expand from 1km to approximately 3.5km. This is a fair range for a sensory nin that doesn't even want to be a sensory nin, and because this 'jutsu' is seen as uncool by Toraburu, it is unlikely that he will progress himself to be able to hear any further than that.
The one weakness this has is that while normally, under the passive kekkei genkai usage, it wouldn't cause him to hurt his ears from anyone standing nearby and talking. Since this jutsu enhances the hearing even further, it would hurt him very much so if someone stood next to him and talked into his ears
Jutsu name:
Nainraiburaifusutairu, ナインライブライフスタイル
By focusing his chakra on his muscles and surrounding areas, Toraburu is able to make himself much more dextrous, bendy and agile than he would've been normally. This is due to his 'cat like physique' which the chakra would help activate slightly more. The exchange for this, however, is the fact that it consumes a bit of chakra, and it reduces the strength of his attacks. On the flip side - it does allow him to jump around a bit more easily, as well as bend out of the way of attacks. |
13,260 | 381 | 15 | 2,058 | 266 | Kuroba Dango
Kuroba s'est réveillé tôt ce jour-là, trempé dans une sueur froide. Cela était devenu un événement quotidien depuis quelques jours, son stress s'accumulant alors que ses vacances rampaient jusqu'à la fin. Il s'inquiétait de l'équipe dans laquelle il serait placé, qu'ils soient gentils ou non, et qu'il soit aussi compétent qu'eux. Attendez, je dois me préparer. Je ne peux pas être en retard le premier jour! » Kuroba s'est fait pomper, faisant des étirements légers du matin. En réalité, tout ce qu'il avait à faire était de se laver et de changer, puisqu'il avait préparé toutes ses affaires la veille. Néanmoins, comme il marchait jusqu'à la salle de bain, Kuroba pensait toujours, "Mmm, mais ça ne pouvait pas faire de mal de vérifier une troisième fois, non? Peut-être qu'il vaudrait mieux en quatre... Il ignorait le bruit croquant des masses d'insectes noirs sous ses pieds et des yeux qui resplendissaient des coins sombres. Il était habitué à eux.
Quand tout a été dit et fait, Kuroba a vérifié à travers son équipement environ 9 fois de plus avant de l'emballer complètement. "Alright," il a dit, assis sur son lit avec sa veste en flak. Il ne restait plus qu'à attendre que son Jonin vienne. Ou vaut-il mieux aller de l'avant dans le domaine de la formation? Il était temps de passer à autre chose. C'est quoi, ça? Je me suis réveillé trop tôt, il soupirait, devenant simplement de plus en plus nerveux à mesure que le temps passait. Après s'être agonisé pendant des heures, son père l'a appelé. En descendant les escaliers, Kuroba a finalement vu le visage de son chef de groupe. Il a été soulagé qu'il s'agisse d'un visage familier. "Minaru complimente Sakura beaucoup, donc ils doivent être de bons amis," Kuroba pensait à lui-même comme il a suivi.
Quand ils sont arrivés sur le terrain d'entraînement, Kuroba a immédiatement reconnu ses coéquipiers. Bien qu'il fût un peu tendu par l'aura éblouissante de la célèbre personne, Kuroba s'est détendue après que Hanare se soit présentée. Je craignais que mes coéquipiers ne soient effrayants, mais tu es vraiment sympa! Mon nom est Kuroba, soyons tous amis! | Kuroba Dango
“Wait, that's really scary, stop!”
Kuroba has a remarkably youthful appearance, to the point where people would call him a “cute child” if he weren’t 5’8”. On his sister’s insistence, he wears a set of fake wolf ears and a clip-on tail. His hair, normally brown, turned white as a result of stress. Though he puts on a black flak jacket for missions, the rest of his clothes are dazzlingly white; Kuroba’s logic is that if he’s not hiding well enough to stay hidden in his bright outfits, he’ll probably be seen anyways.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kuroba Dango
Dango, Puppy
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
High-tension and almost annoyingly friendly, Kuroba tends to be overly clingy towards the people that he likes, occasionally hugging and nuzzling against them. Predictably, he’s weak to loneliness, which is the only thing that can completely dampen his mood. Even when facing one of his many fears, Kuroba still keeps his spirits up. His “bravery” is more just the results of his perfectionist approach to practice, repeating an action until he’s confident that he won’t fail. He holds a certain level of maturity as a result, but remains remarkably innocent nonetheless.
Though most of them have no clear cause, Kuroba’s fears are intense enough to cause full-blown hallucinations of murky phantoms that embody a terror, stalking him and threatening to harm others around him. Though he can tell what’s real and what’s not by now, Kuroba is still petrified by the prospect of them becoming reality.
To Kuroba, there was nothing he could remember about his childhood aside from the fact that he was constantly terrified, telling others about shadows that no one but him could see. His parents, along with everyone else in his village, simply saw him as crazy. Eventually, he ran away in a state of growing hysteria, literally breaking down as fear forced him to run far beyond his normal limits. Some time after he inevitably collapsed, a middle-aged man spotted his ragged figure and took him in, nursing Kuroba back to health with the help of his daughter.
Adopted by the family of two, they got him used to interacting with others and taught him how to read and write. Unlike his previous family, Kuroba was comforted from his fears; he could now function normally to an extent. Despite this emotional support, his fears were still quite crippling. In order to confront them, his father allowed him to enter the academy at the age of 7. Unexpectedly, Kuroba was extremely friendly and accepted by most, despite his delusions. He spent an unhealthy amount of time practicing the techniques that he was taught, turning his hair white again, but passing as one of the top in the class.
His overall skill level was high, but he lacked any specialized techniques: a weakness that appeared during the Chunin exams. As a result, Kuroba was eventually cornered. His fears, pushed to a fever pitch, literally manifested and overran his opponent. He spent the days leading up to the finals creating and refining a method to use it again. The result was the creation of his own Hiden techniques, which he used to pass the Chunin exam with ease.
【Family ties】
Goma Dango | Adoptive Father | 54, Local Sweets Store Owner
Sakura Dango | Adoptive Sister | 21, Local Sweets Store Cashier
It’d be too difficult to list all of Kuroba’s fears, but what he fears most being left alone. One of his more irrational fears is eggplant.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Kuroba uses a variety of genjutsu to confuse and frighten his opponents, mixing in horrors that he summons to make it difficult to discern reality from illusion. Though he mainly focuses on long-range projectile attacks, he’s surprisingly good at dodging in close-quarters thanks to the “foresight” brought on by his fear of getting injured.
【Ninja techniques】
D-E rank techniques:
Mist Servant Technique
Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique
Haze Clone Technique
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name: Nightmare Manifestation Technique
Rank: B
Range: Medium
Similar to the Shadow Clone Technique, a tangible form is created. However, rather than it being a copy of the creator, it uses a fear from either the user or another target and embodies it. The shape, size and strength depends on the intensity of the fear.
Along with the number of nightmares that can be created being limited to two per target, it's tiring to use repeatedly, Kuroba's limit being 8-10, depending on how much chakra he'd already used. The psychological damage can be diverted by switching off with an ally who doesn’t share that fear, or by the fear itself simply not being that strong in the first place.
Jutsu name: Nightmare Landscape
Rank: A
Range: Max. 2 hm(full chakra)
A thick black miasma begins to spread on activation, with Kuroba as the center. The ground, trees, buildings and similar are coated in it, making them harder to see in the mist. Dozens of shadowy horrors begin to form in the affected area, their shapes, sizes and numbers depending on the fears of those nearby. The abilities and strengths of the “nightmares” also vary based on how intense the fear is. The miasma lasts for about 15 minutes before it begins to fade, the last traces of it disappearing at the 45 minute mark. Unless they're holding a special wooden charm with Kuroba's chakra in it, nightmares will appear to attack anyone in the area.
Wind can be used to blow away the miasma to improve vision, though objects coated in it will still spawn nightmares. The nightmares can be countered by switching off with an ally who doesn’t share that fear, which, naturally, requires a teammate. The technique is naturally very chakra-intensive, leaving Kuroba unable to use other techniques until he recovers his energy.
Jutsu name: Sensory Sealing Technique
Rank: C
Range: Touch
A genjutsu where, after touching the target once, the sense of taste is sealed temporarily and will most likely not be noticed. After the second touch, smell is sealed--an experienced shinobi may notice this, depending on the situation. On the third, their ability to hear sound is shut off, making it impossible to not notice the effects by this point. On the fourth, their sense of touch is removed, including the sense of pain. On the fifth, sight is lost, completely blacking out their vision.
It is very difficult to activate against an opponent that can keep out of arm's reach. The effect of the seal lasts about 3 minutes, refreshing if a new seal is added. The fourth stage can theoretically be used to stop pain if used on oneself, but can be risky due to the loss of other senses as well.
Jutsu name: Fear Transfer Technique
Rank: C
Range: Short(1 m)
A genjutsu is cast simultaneously on the user and another target, tricking one into not being afraid of something while instilling the same terror into the other.
It comes with certain risks. Removing certain fears--the fear of death, for example--could make someone either brave enough to fight or charge in recklessly. Whoever takes on the fear takes on much greater mental strain. If one side is dispelled, the other party is released from the genjutsu as well.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Acupuncture needles, intended for precision strikes to vitals or pressure points. They are less noticeable compared to thrown kunai and shuriken.
Weapon, tool or object name:
Bladed Kunai
A cross between kunai and thinner-bladed knifes. They’re somewhat longer, giving about double the reach of a normal kunai. |
13,261 | 381 | 16 | 1,956 | 189 | Nekoyama Midori
Les examens de Chunin étaient venus et étaient partis pour Midori, et avec son décès vinrent des vacances très nécessaires pour la plupart des Shinobi diplômés. Un corps occupé par nature, Midori ne se sentait pas bien de ne rien faire. Même ses sœurs, qui étaient généralement des connards, ont insisté sur l'idée de faire une pause pour une fois. "Tu es tellement dur d'essayer, Midori. Tout ce que vous faites, c'est vous entraîner et lire. Arrêtez et sentez les roses parfois, en fait -- essayez de ne rien faire pour une fois dans votre vie." Ce n'était certainement pas le plus beau conseil qu'on lui ait donné, mais elle savait que c'était la vérité. Alors que cela avait été une lutte, Midori avait finalement cédé et essayé de ne rien faire. Elle dormait, restait debout tard, se laissait aller à son entraînement quotidien et prenait même une pause dans ses études médicales habituelles. C'était un bon changement pour le moins, mais comme les jours se sont passés par Midori s'est trouvée de plus en plus impatiente de retourner sur le terrain. Au cours de la dernière semaine de vacances, elle avait immédiatement repris sa routine habituelle. Se levant avant l'aube, s'entrainant jusqu'à l'après-midi, et passant en revue ses livres médicaux pour une majorité de la soirée. Cette approche trop zélée avait valu à Midori le ridicule de ses soeurs, mais malheureusement pour elles, la chastissante ne lui fit pas grand-chose maintenant qu'elle avait appris à les régler pendant sa pause.
Le week-end venant à sa fin, Midori s'était réveillée ce lundi matin avec un peu de pep dans son pas, et sa tête tenait haut. Alors que la promotion du grade ne se sentait pas nécessairement différente, Midori savait que sa carrière Shinobi changerait radicalement. En marchant dans les couloirs du domaine de Nekoyama, Midori passa de nombreux membres de sa famille alors qu'elle cherchait son propre compagnon félin. Tous les autres pas vinrent avec un petit houblon alors qu'elle s'avançait et évitait les félins et les petits cousins. "Raiden, où es-tu?" Elle a appelé, elle a fait écho dans les couloirs alors qu'elle passait la chambre de ses parents. "Hé! Le petit gars t'a encore donné la glissade, hein?" La voix de grondement familière a fait arrêter Midori dans ses traces alors qu'elle se soutenait à la porte de la chambre de ses parents. Son père s'assit entrecroisé sur le sol, la tête basse et les mains réunies dans la prière alors qu'il s'assit devant un simple sanctuaire fait pour ses propres parents. Se tenant contre la porte et attendant jusqu'à ce que son père soit fini, l'homme d'âge moyen se tourna finalement pour affronter sa fille avec son sourire denté et large habituel.
Des cheveux noirs longs et indisciplinés penchèrent les chefs du clan en arrière, tandis qu'une assiette en fer aux oreilles de chat s'assit au sommet de sa tête avec son bandeau. Des moustaches épais décoraient son visage de l'utilisation prolongée du Nekoyama kekkei genkai, tandis que ses yeux dorés tenaient la même netteté et l'esprit qu'ils possédaient quand il était jeune. Encore jeune au cœur, l'âge rattrape enfin son père, Midori voyant des rides s'étirer sur son visage pendant qu'il sourit.
La personnalité infectieuse de ses pères était trop difficile à ignorer, car le regard irrité qui avait traversé le visage de Midori s'était adouci en sourire : « Oui, il s'est enfui plus tôt ce matin. Je pensais le trouver maintenant, mais je ne l'ai pas vu nulle part." Un autre ronflement grondait de la poitrine de ses pères, des moustaches rebondissant alors que son corps tremblait de rire, "Bête sauvage! Si tu ne le trouves pas bientôt, je vais envoyer Sora le trouver. Aujourd'hui est le jour où vous rencontrez votre nouveau Sensei, n'est-ce pas?"
"Oui, je ne sais pas quand."
Contrairement à son compagnon à deux pattes, Raiden était sans souci dans le monde alors qu'il était assis sur la clôture du domaine Nekoyama. Sa fourrure noire lissée se reflétait contre le soleil alors qu'il nettoieait ses pattes, purifiant toujours si doucement qu'il commençait à s'évanouir. Profitant de ses vacances bien trop, le félin tentait d'encaisser en quelques heures de plus de détente avant que lui et Midori ne soient remis sur le terrain. Il était conscient de l'importance d'aujourd'hui, mais un chat avait besoin de son sommeil de beauté. Abaissant son corps et reposant sur sa poitrine à droite alors qu'il coulait ses pattes sous lui, le félin donna un bâillement avant de fermer les yeux. Une sieste de l'après-midi sonnait bien maintenant, mais malheureusement pour Raiden, sa sieste devrait attendre.
Le bégaiement lointain avait forcé le félin à craquer un œil, comme un grognement frustré glissa de ses lèvres minces. À la vue de deux figures familières, l'une se baladant dans le quartier avec l'autre dans le remorquage par le poignet, Raiden a tiré de son poste alors qu'il regardait les deux Shinobi entrer dans le domaine Nekoyama. S'élançant de la clôture et courant à l'arrière du domaine, le chat noir s'élança dans les couloirs alors qu'il traçait et suivait l'odeur de ses compagnons. Presque à la dérive sur le plancher de bois franc, le coup fort de la porte d'entrée a indiqué l'arrivée de leur nouveau Sensei. De fortes éraflures échouèrent dans les couloirs alors que Raiden s'écrase soudainement dans le mur. Finalement, trouvant Midori debout à la porte de la chambre de ses parents, le félin la regarda avec de grands yeux dorés tandis qu'il s'évanouissait enfin, "Midori! C'est l'heure!"
Courant jusqu'à la porte d'entrée et tirant ses cheveux dans sa queue de cheval habituelle, Raiden courut près de Midori alors que les deux s'arrêtaient brusquement à la porte. En grimpant le bouton et en tournant, son regard n'a été rencontré que le fils du Raikage. "Nekoyama Midori. J'ai entendu parler de vos compétences médicales et de votre force. Je serai ton sensei à partir d'aujourd'hui. Nous commençons maintenant, venez."
Avant qu'elle ne puisse se présenter officiellement, le poignet de Midori a été saisi alors qu'elle était coincée derrière son nouveau Sensei. "Hé, je peux continuer tout seul!" Ses paroles sont tombées sur les oreilles sourdes alors que son Sensei continuait à la tirer le long, en voyant seulement Toraburu une fois qu'il a commencé à choisir à leurs nerfs nouveaux Sensei pendant qu'ils continuaient dans la rue. Ses yeux dorés ne s'élargissaient que légèrement en regardant sa coéquipière de chat. Elle était allée à l'école avec Toraburu, et bien qu'il ne l'ait pas remarquée tant, Midori avait grandi une fascination pour l'autre garçon qui semblait devenir une légère obsession -- pas qu'elle l'admette jamais, bien sûr. Ses sœurs la taquinaient souvent qu'elle avait le béguin sur lui, mais en tout honnêtement, Midori voulait juste le caresser. Il lui rappelait les chats les plus tempéramentaux du domaine de Nekoyama. Antisocial, sifflant et griffant sur n'importe qui ou quelque chose qui s'approche d'eux. Tout comme eux, Midori l'avait construit dans sa tête que tout Toraburu avait besoin était un peu de tendresse et de guidage. Cependant, elle était très consciente de sa personnalité. Se rapprocher de lui serait comme toucher le fer chaud, et finalement Midori savait qu'elle ne se brûlerait que. C'était une situation étrange d'être dans maintenant qu'ils étaient coéquipiers, mais elle a gardé sa bouche fermée et a tourné son regard loin du chat-boy alors qu'elle se concentrait sur le maintien avec son nouveau Sensei alors qu'ils s'arrêtaient dans deux autres maisons et ont pris deux autres coéquipiers.
À son arrivée aux portes du village, Midori a pris en compte les autres équipes, les yeux se rétrécissant dans la suspicion alors qu'elle tirait sur son Sensei un regard incertain. Qu'est-ce qui se passait? Le rassemblement facile s'était rapidement transformé en spectacle alors que Toraburu allait sur son parcours familier, allant même jusqu'à attaquer leur sensei. Alors que les présentations se terminaient rapidement et que d'autres discussions étaient en cours, Midori a donné une petite vague une fois que tout le monde s'est calmé et tous les yeux sont tombés sur elle.
"Ah -- Mon nom est Nekoyama Midori," Elle a commencé, trébuchant sur ses paroles au début avant qu'elle continue, "Et voici mon compagnon Ninneko, Raiden. Ensemble, nous nous spécialisons dans le ninjutsu coopératif, tandis que je me spécialise dans le ninjutsu médical."
"Brag à ce sujet."
Se battant contre l'envie de rouler les yeux, Midori n'a pas pu arrêter un dur schowl de lui tirer sur le visage alors qu'elle a tiré un éblouissement sur son compagnon. "Vraiment? Tu vas le faire maintenant?" Raiden a ignoré son compagnon, allant même jusqu'à lever la jambe et commencer à se nettoyer. Si tous les yeux n'étaient pas sur elle, Midori avait envisagé de piquer le chat noir à travers le village, mais elle tenait dans cette envie et au lieu de continuer son introduction. "De toute façon, j'espère que nos compétences peuvent être bénéfiques. Nous sommes impatients de travailler avec vous tous. » De retour en arrière pour souligner qu'elle était faite, Midori tourna son regard vers Sutemasu alors que le jonin commença à les informer sur leur première tâche comme Chunin.
Kirigakure, hein? Elle se déplaçait avidement à sa place, regardant vers le bas à Raiden alors que le félin lui donnait un regard similaire intéressé. Cela faisait un moment qu'ils avaient voyagé si loin de Kumo, de sorte que le changement de décor serait certainement agréable. Une fois le briefing terminé et Sutemasu officiellement commencé la mission, Midori a ajusté son bandeau au sommet de sa tête et a suivi Hageshi Sensei et le reste de son équipe hors du village. | Nekoyama Midori a medical-nin my duty is to my team and those injured, but keep messing with me and I'll break your nose and heal it just so I can break it again!”
The spitting image of her mother, Midori stands at an average 5'6" and weighs in at a healthy 128lbs. Broad shouldered, with shoulder blade length brown hair, thin brown eyebrows sit above long eyelashes and the Nekoyama Clans ancestral wide, golden eyes. With a shapely, yet athletic figure, Midori's physical strength is visible through toned calves and muscular biceps. Small scars from old cat scratches cover her arm and legs, while the rest of her peach colored skin is relatively smooth and unscathed. She dons the traditional shinobi garb of mid-calve black sandals, with the Kumogakure headband sitting at the top of her head. High waisted, knee length shorts made with insulating material to withstand Kumo's cool weather covers her legs, while a short sleeved shirt made with similar material sits beneath a ton colored, and collared tunic. Bearing the Nekoyama Clan symbol of the slitted Cat Eye on the back of her tunic, a similar belt that matches the collar of her shirt is wrapped around her waist. Carrying medical supplies in a pouch attached to her belt, various basic shinobi tools are latched on to her right thigh in a small grey holster.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Nekoyama Midori
Crazy Cat Lady - "Toraburu"
Nekoyama Clan - Among the oldest clans in the Land of Lightning, the Nekoyama Clan is a ninja family known for using Ninneko as fighting companions. Easily singled out by their golden cat-like eyes, the Nekoyama Clan carry the Kekkei Genkai known as Neko no Seishin, or Cat's Spirit. Able to ride their feline companions once reaching adulthood, the Nekoyama Clan's Ninneko are capable of transforming into larger cats that resemble their more feral cousins. As family legendhistory states, the Nekoyama Clan has long held relationships with the Bakeneko's of the Shinobi world. Holding these beasts to near Deity pedestals, the first Ninneko companions were rumored to be Bakeneko's, but as time passed the Nekoyama Clan joined the few shinobi families to hold a contract with the Ninneko of Sora-ku.
Past traditions that have long been forgotten stated a time when the feline companions of the clan were bred with the Ninneko of Sora-ku, but after the third great war many of the felines in the crime ridden city migrated with the Nekoyama Clan into the tall mountains of Kumogakure. Highly intelligent and capable of speech, their heightened senses make for great investigative skills. It is through intensive shinobi training that a Ninneko's true potential shines, bringing out their agile speed and flexibility, while also teaching of the strength that lays in their ancestral ties from clan and kin. Living just as long as their human counterparts, Ninneko and Nekoyama shinobi share an unbreakable bond that begins at birth, and with age this bond and the strength between them only grows stronger.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Behind a kind smile and an empathetic nature, Midori is a short tempered, and prideful kunoichi. A medical-nin first, and a kunoichi of Kumogakure second, her true passion in life is helping others and those in need. Looking up to her mother who works at Kumogakure Hospital as lead Surgeon, her parental idolization is the true inspiration of her internal goals and dreams. While her conversation skills are certainly not the best, Midori cherishes the bonds she shares with her team, be it that she gets along with them or not. Considering them to be an extended branch of her own family, Midori holds her relationship with her family and her clan above all else. As the eldest child of the Clan Leader, Midori believes herself to be the rising face of her growing clan. With this in mind, she tries her best with first impressions, attempting to look as professional and experienced as she can.
As levelheaded as she tries to present herself, Midori has an extremely short temper. Foul mouthed in the worst of times, and snappy a majority of the time. Through personal training and meditation she has learned to control her aggression during key operations, but stressful conditions and situations can wear her patience thin. This can cause Midori to act impulsively or, on rare occasions, break her own medical-nin oath. This is easily her biggest fault, and with it comes inklings of self-doubt. Despite her displayed confidence, Midori struggles with apathetic tendencies. Setting high expectations for herself, failure of reaching her own standards can easily leave her crestfallen. She does her best not to stay down for long, and through time and taking out her stress through sparring and personal studying, Midori will return to her prideful and confident self.
0 - 6
Brought into the world on a hot summer day in August, Midori was born into the Nekoyama Clan as the first child of Clan Leader, Nekoyama Hideo. A happy baby, and a rambunctious toddler who often handled her Ninneko companion just a little bit too roughly, Midori's parent's began to notice a change in their bubbly little girl as she aged surrounded by her older cousins and family members within the Clan. From sweet, and tender, Midori became loud mouthed, and stubborn. Her passive nature was thrown out the door as rough housing was constantly provided by her cousins, and had it not been for her Ninneko companions constant scolding as they grew together, Midori might have grown to be a real spoiled brat. Despite this behavior, her relationship with her parents, especially her mother, grew greatly overtime as she became interested in the impact and history of Medical ninjutsu. Her mothers career held a heavy impact on the girl, and with this new interest, Midori made it known to her parents that she wanted to join the Academy and become a Kunoichi. With no reason to tell her no, and believing it to be a good chance for her to put her focus elsewhere besides her budding aggression, she was registered at the Academy and began her years as a student shortly after her sixth birthday.
6 - 13
During the first years at the Academy, Midori was overconfident and impulsive. Her obvious skill and potential had made her relatively snobbish, but during the passing years her potential came to a stand-still. Unlike the other students, she struggled to grow stronger. Her bigheadedness had gotten the best of her, and still young and immature, Midori took her anger out on those around her. With a quick temper that led her to lashing out at others, she was often reprimanded and scolded until the threat of expulsion finally hung above her head. Terrified of failing not only her parents, but herself, Midori finally sought help. In her search, it was her father of all people to teach her the ways of meditation. While it didn't snuff out her fiery nature, the coping mechanism allowed her to control her compulsive behavior to a point, while also aiding her to focus, and better her concentration. This method seemed to pay off as her grades soared, and performance excelled within the following years. Witnessing this accomplishment in herself, Midori laid down high expectations for herself upon graduation, putting her full focus in her personal goals and growth. She took the title of Genin with great pride, and once she was assigned to a team, Midori began her career as a Kunoichi with her head held high.
13 - 18
As a Genin, Midori had found true freedom through missions and operations. Gaining experience right from the field, she was able to put her basic medical knowledge to great use. It was these acts that finally brought her under the wing of her mother. Outside of her training with her squad, and during her free time from missions, Midori was taught the art of medical ninjutsu. While her interest in the skill was already great, her world quickly revolved around studying the history and techniques of the greatest medical-nin to date. The famous Konoha Sannin, Senju Tsunade. Her feats, along with her pupil, Haruno Sakura's, extraordinary skill all but fueled Midori to strive for more.
Overtime her chakra control became more precise, and as the Chunin Exam sat just around the corner, Midori's mother put her medical training to a pause. If she was going to pass the exam, she would need to know more than just medical ninjutsu, and thus began her training in the defensive and offensive arts of a medical-nin. While they had touched on the subject early on in their training, Midori was put through painful and exhausting conditioning. Up to the final week of the exam, her body had been pushed to the limit, but it was through this instruction that Midori was able to pass the Chunin Exam. Her knack for defensive tactics had easily tired out her opponent, and in one great roar, she blew her opponent out of the ring and won her match.
【Family ties】
The Nekoyama Clan has lived by the same motto for centuries, "A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays." Raised by this proverb, Midori was privileged to grow up in a household that allowed her great freedom in both expression, and decision making. Not every member of the Nekoyama Clan are Shinboi, and besides her immediate family, more than half of Midori's family members are regular citizens of Kumogakure. Influenced by her parents, however, it was through her mothers influence and impact as a Medical-nin that gave Midori the need to become a Kunoichi.
Raiden | Companion / Best Friend | 17, Kumogakure, Ninneko |
A long tailed, slender black cat, Raiden is a complacent and analytical feline. Her mother often jokes that he is Midori's consciousness, despite her obvious hatred for his constant chastising. Despite their bickering, Raiden is easily Midori's best friend. Caring for each an equally great amount, Raiden has put himself in harms way countless times for his partner. Much like his kin, the Ninneko can transform into a larger form, baring a heavy resemblence to a oversized panther.
Nekoyama 'Minami' Noriko | Mother | 43, Kumogakure, Medical-Nin / Jounin |
Once a Kunoichi from Konohagakure, Minami Noriko came from a small clan without any special abilities. A kind and compassionate young woman, Noriko had taken on a team of her own early on in her career as a Jounin. During a mission that required her team to travel to Kumogakure, she was aided by a Kumogakure Shinobi and his own team. It was here that she met Nekoyama Hideo. Early on in his prime, she saw him as another overly confident Shinobi as he sought after during the entire duration of the mission. Casualty ensued as an unexpected ambush resulted in the death of a young Genin on Hideo's team. Heavily injured during the mission, Noriko brought the young Heir back from the brink of death, and upon returning to consciousness she delivered the grim news. The bigheaded Shinobi she had met at the beginning of the mission had become a sobbing and weak man. Moved by his true feelings, she stayed in touch with Hideo once she returned to Konoha. It wasn't long that she formed a long distance relationship with him, and once her team became established Jounin, Noriko requested a transfer to become an official Medical-nin in Kumogakure. From there, Noriko and Hideo grew closer, and over the course of three years they married and had children. Focusing on her own passion as a Medical-nin, Noriko quickly rose in the ranks within the hospital. Through further training and experience, she became the head Surgeon at Kumogakure Hospital in less than a decade, and easily became Midori's biggest role model.
Nekoyama Hideo | Father | 46, Kumogakure, Jounin |
Easily the most loudmouthed man in Kumogakure, Nekoyama Hideo is a tall, burly man who is widely known for his massive lion-like companion. Seen as a troublemaker during his younger days, he quickly grew out of his pranking and aggressive habits once he became a Shinobi. The now Clan Leader still retains his loud mouthed and overenthusiastic nature, maybe even more so as he aged over time. As intimidating as he comes off as, Hideo holds great empathy with others. A trait he often boasts he passed down to his eldest. Despite being a huge softie, Hideo is willing to put his life on the line for his clan and village. A man of honor and integrity, his confidence and courage has always held a great impact on Midori's views and morals.
Nekoyama Rin | Sister | 14, Kumogakure, Genin |
Bratty little sister, a huge asshole, and will probably steal your boyfriend.
Nekoyama Ran | Sister | 14, Kumogakure, Genin |
Another little asshole. Never pays for her own lunch, and will probably steal your girlfriend.
Nekoyama Tetsuo | Brother | 10, Kumogakure, Academy Student |
Sweet, innocent flower, too pure for this world.
【Dreams and fears】
With a heavy interest in Medical Ninjutsu, Midori has long looked up to the legendary Sannin, Tsunade, and her esteemed pupil, Haruno Sakura. With great interest in the two Kunoichi, even before her years within the Academy, Midori dreams of one day surpassing their greatness and mastering the Sōzō Saisei technique. Her drive to find the proper teacher for such a goal is what fuels her continued pursuit in medical knowledge, and defensive tactics while on the battlefield. Midori is easily her biggest enemy. Her easily triggered temper has been an obstacle she has struggled to get around from for years. Fearing the day that her temper gets the best of her and she puts, not only herself, but own team in danger, Midori has since found herself devoting much more time meditating now that she's become a Chūnin. This would be the greatest let down of all, and the thought of it strikes fear into Midori's heart during every operation.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
With the addition of her training in the Academy, Midori has devoted her studies and time to the ways of a medical-nin. Following the four rules that govern medical-nin, her offense revolves around a good defense. Dodging and deflection are her forte, while precise chakra control allows Midori to counter back with chakra fused punches and kicks that grant her monstrous strength. A skilled and confident taijutsu user, her preference for hand to hand combat is visible on the field, and during one on one confrontations. Not one to rush in without a strategy, Midori specializes in healing, support, and when the need is there -- muscle.
With a flexible combat style Midori is a force of her own while by herself, but alongside Raiden, the Nekoyama Clan's revered cooperative ninjutsu and taijutsu style easily mixes in with her own technique. Favoring the Jūjin Bushin technique, Midori and Raiden have trained together on cooperative techniques and combination moves for many years. Both favor taijutsu when in this form, and thanks to her precise chakra control, Midori has an eye for catching and canceling Genjutsu's.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
猫の精神 Neko no Seishin: Cat's Spirit
A body enhancement and dōjutsu based kekkei genkai, Neko no Seishin is a technique genetically passed down through the head family of the Nekoyama Clan that manifests in it's most basic shape within the eye. When activated, a sensitive reflective layer forms beneath the retina allowing passing light to reflect back into the eye, granting the user the ability to see in the dark. The pupils are capable of contracting and narrowing, allowing the eye to slit as to reduce the amount of light on the sensitive retina while also improving depth of field. With training and experience, the kekkei genkai begins to effect the body, enhancing both speed and strength at the expense of exhaustion huge amounts of chakra. Only witnessing the final form while watching her father train, Neko no Seishin causes an almost feral transformation. Teeth sharpening and nails growing out like claws, highly sensitive whiskers sprout from the cheeks of the user, aiding sensation and navigation. The numerous nerve endings within the whiskers grant extraordinarily detailed information about nearby air movements, or objects they come into contact with.
By far, Neko no Seishin's true strength lies within its dojūtsu abilities. Tapping into this power during her first year as a Genin, Midori has long pushed back training this technique. Before her apprenticeship beneath her mother, she studied shortly under her father to get a basic grasp of her clan's kekkei genkai. It was through these short teachings that Midori learned how to use the dojūtsu ability of the technique. Having yet to grasp the full potential of the technique, as well as its feral form, Midori has since only used her kekkei genkai on the field a handful of times.
A skill that requires in-depth, and personal instruction, Neko no Seishin is a chakra guzzling kekkei genkai that makes the user susceptible to harm without the proper training. Like a muscle in need of conditioning, Midori has yet to train her eyes to handle the granted ability for long periods of time. A throbbing pressure builds overtime beneath her eyes, and when ignored, said pain turns into blurry vision and debilitating migraines. Not only ineffective during the day, Neko no Seishi's dojūtsu ability is vulnerable to daylight and bright flashes. Capable of temporarily, or even permanently blinding the user when exposed to bright light, Midori avoids using her kekkei genkai during the day at all cost.
An experienced user is capable of avoiding the activation of the dojūtsu ability while using Neko no Seishi, but with little experience herself and having yet to even tap into the feral power of her kekkei genkai, Midori is unable to do so. The feral effects of the technique can be overpowering to inexperienced user, as well. Pulling them in to an enraged mindset that does nothing but exhaust great amounts of chakra, this state puts the user into a vulnerable position thanks to impulsive behaviors and lack of clear thought. However, like any cat, a Nekoyama's greatest crutch is water. When drenched, or thrown into a pool of water, the kekkei genkai is almost immediately cancelled -- and to make matters worst, most members of the Nekoyama clan cannot swim.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
掌仙術 Shōsen Jutsu - Healing Jutsu: Mystical Palm Technique
B rank techniques:
土遁: 土流壁 Doton: Doryūheki - Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
C rank techniques:
土遁: 裂土転掌 Doton: Retsudo Tenshō - Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm
痛天脚 Tsūtenkyaku - Painful Sky Leg
D-E rank techniques:
獣人分身 Jūjin Bunshin - Beast Human Clone
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
獅子咆哮 Futon: Shishi no Hōkō - Lion's Roar
Short - Medium
A technique taught to her just days before the Chūnin exam, Shishi no Hōkō is a Clan technique that is passed down through the Nekoyama Clan shinobi. Developed from the Fūton: Daitoppa technique, and given some Nekoyama flare, by concentrating chakra within the lungs the technique user is capable of releasing a powerful gust of wind by roaring. The wind from the roar can blow all things in Midori's way, and in a more experienced Nekoyama's care, the technique can even knock down a tree.
Jutsu name:
Kyōdai Tora no Tsume - Mighty Tiger Claws
Short - Medium
An offspring of the Fūton: Reppūshō technique, with a heavy mix of Taijutsu, this move was developed by none of than Midori's father during his later years as a Chūnin. Concentrating chakra within the fists and nails, the user is capable of creating gusts of compressed air by curling their fingers and slashing the air. When finely concentrated in the hands of her father, the compressed air can cut down a tree or create visible lacerations within stone. With precise chakra control, Midori learned this technique with ease. Unlike her father who can cat down trees with a single strike, her training has granted her the ability to leave deep cuts on trees and within dirt. Still learning how to mix this technique with her own style, Midori's moves can come off as sluggish, or at worst, sloppy. Leaving her with multiple openings, and making her vulnerable to hits or attacks.
Jutsu name:
猫ひっかき熱 Neko Hikkaki-Netsu - Cat Scratch Fever
Short - Medium
A cooperative Ninjutsu technique passed down among the clan that mixes taijutsu, and the Jujin Bushin technique, chakra is concentrated within the legs, fists, and nails as Midori and Raiden take to all fours. Enhancing their speed and strength at the expense of chakra, Midori and Raiden are capable of moving around the field at extreme speeds and laying powerful blows. Mixed with the Neko no Seishin technique, with the addition of fangs and claws, this move can allow the users nails to cut through stone or pierce skin with ease. Taking on Midori's shape upon transformation, Raiden is at his weakest in this form. Despite their training, physically Raiden cannot handle a full on blow from an attack or jutsu. In such cases, Midori will either cancel the jutsu or regress to a weaker state. Fighting on all fours by herself is not her forte, and without her companion she puts herself in a vulnerable state as the technique requires an excessive amount of chakra. Susceptible to ninjutsu and taijutsu attacks, Midori will avoid using this technique if Raiden is not by her side.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Shuriken, Kunai, Explosive Tags, Medical Ointment, Bandages, Gauze.
Standard strength for basic Shinobi weapons, and standard durability and effects for medical items. |
13,262 | 381 | 17 | 1,015 | 2,826 | Kasumi Mizuno
Kasumi était silencieuse à l'arrivée des autres équipes, prenant le temps de découvrir ce qu'elle pouvait en écoutant et en regardant l'autre chunin et le jonin. Elle savait tout de suite que le chat-boy allait l'énerver avec ce genre de pleurnicher. Elle détestait les sons désagréables d'une faute et sa bouche était certainement désagréable. Elle a gardé sa paix pour l'instant. Il n'y avait pas de raison de commencer quoi que ce soit avec d'autres équipes. Ils étaient là pour travailler ensemble.
Sutemasu a parlé et Kasumi a consacré son attention à son sensei, souriant un peu à sa référence à Minaru comme une fille. Elle a écouté attentivement l'explication de la mission et n'a pas perdu de temps quand Sutemasu a décollé, appelant à leur départ. Ils n'ont pas tardé à arriver à destination, mais la brume l'a inquiétée. Même Sutemasu a dû dire quelque chose au sujet d'être prudent avec la visibilité. La dernière chose qui devait arriver était que les équipes se tuaient accidentellement. Même quand même, elle a suivi son sensei hors de la falaise, concentrant son chakra à ses pieds pour amortir la chute.
Une fois qu'elle et le reste de son équipe ont réussi sur l'eau, c'est quand ils ont procédé. Elle a sauté après Sutemasu - même si c'était difficile à voir - mais heureusement, la vision de l'autre côté était plus supportable. Elle n'avait pas particulièrement besoin d'une vision parfaite de ce qu'elle pouvait faire, mais cela a certainement aidé si elle voulait diriger son chakra spécifiquement vers ses alliés. La pire chose qui pourrait arriver serait de donner un coup de pouce à l'ennemi et son équipe un handicap.
L'équipe de cinq hommes s'est enfoncée tranquillement plus loin dans l'entrepôt, jusqu'à ce que six shinobis soient visibles. Ils avaient tous le dos tourné, heureusement, et il semblait que ce n'était pas encore alerté de leur présence. Tout cela a changé très rapidement quand Sutemasu est allé chercher le shinobi en utilisant sa lava libération pour fondre le minerai. Les six ont été alertés de la présence de l'équipe, mais l'un d'entre eux était actuellement géré par Sutemasu à un point où il ne se souviendrait probablement de rien après que cela ait été fait.
Swallowing sa peur, elle regarda les membres de son équipe. "Prépare-toi." Elle a déclaré clairement, avant de se lancer apparemment dans une mission suicide, saisir son harpe du dos et se précipiter vers le shinobi qui se dirigeait vers eux. Il semblait que chaque shinobi avait choisi un membre de l'équipe alors que l'extra était retourné pour essayer d'aider ses frères avec Sutemasu. Kasumi a esquivé de près le kunai et le senbon qui ont été jetés sur son chemin, sans aucun doute renversés de poison. Elle n'avait besoin d'entrer dans une certaine position qu'un instant et...
Elle a atterri près de Sutemasu, près du milieu de la pièce où il jutsu affecterait, espérons-le, tous les shinobi ennemis. Ce ne serait pas la meilleure chose à se passer, mais cela pourrait juste donner aux membres de son équipe l'ampleur dont ils avaient besoin, étant donné qu'ils étaient plus nombreux. Elle savait très bien qu'elle devait bouger et jouer - quelque chose qu'elle ne connaissait pas - mais elle devait faire. Pendant qu'elle le pouvait, elle a concentré le chakra sur ses mains et a arraché les cordes, qui étaient à peine assez bruyantes pour être entendues par tout le monde dans la pièce.
La manipulation de son chakra assurait que les coéquipières voisines ne seraient pas affectées par l'effet ralenti de la musique. Certains shinobi étaient plus près d'elle, d'autres pas, et ceux plus proches seraient plus touchés. Le fait que Kasumi se déplaçait a aidé - mais elle n'a pas pu le garder longtemps. Elle savait qu'elle était ouverte et, très bientôt, toute l'attention se concentrerait directement sur elle. Avec cela à l'esprit, elle a fait son chemin de retour vers son équipe. Elle n'était pas destinée aux lignes de front. Elle ne pouvait qu'espérer que son jutsu en avait fait assez pour le moment.
Une fois plus proche de ses coéquipiers, elle changea de tons sur sa harpe, jouant de courtes sonorités de plus haut niveau qui amélioreraient le chakra de son équipe. Elle ne pouvait rien faire longtemps ou beaucoup, de peur qu'elle ne s'épuise trop vite, mais elle faisait ce qu'elle pouvait dans ses limites. Après tout, c'est comme ça qu'elle est arrivée à chunin. | Minaru Gazo
“Heroes may get remembered, but Legends never die.”
One Of a Kind – Different Design
Minaru stands at 179 CM, weighing about 60 kilograms. He's got an athletic build. Eyes of an unnatural golden color and olive colored skin. His hair is a light brown - he's got tattoos under his eyes. His headband is sown into a scarf he can pull over his face like a mask, as well as a black hood on his black jacket. Underneath he carries a cross-belt with two sword sheaths on the back, T-shirts of different colors and dark, earthy colors, like brown, black or green pants with tabi on his feet. His shin's are wrapped in white bandages, so are his forearms. He dons black gloves on his hands, never far from the two-handed sword that hangs by his side. A gold necklace hangs around his neck and a golden band hugs his upper right arm. Old family heirlooms.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Minaru F. Gazu
The Golden One
Land Of Iron
Gazo – The Goldens Ones. Formerly a clan of merchants, making a fortune due to their ability to turn any metal into gold. When Minaru was a baby the clan compound was attacked by bandits and hired missing nin, annihilating the clan, leaving Minaru the only survivor of the clan who's numbers had once been in the hundreds.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Minaru “The F Stands For What You'd Happily Let Me Do To Your Girlfriend” Gazu is – as shown by the way he presents himself cocky and arrogant. He's one to point out that he's a prodigy, showing strength and skill well beyond his years. Gaining the rank of Jonin due to his efficiency and power, rather than his tactical thinking or his smarts. That's not to say that Minaru isn't intellient, he's simply just immature – Cut first, ask questions while cutting – kind of guy. Put in charge of his first team much to the Golden Boy's dismay, an effort to make him grow up when he has to take charge of his comrades for a long period of time.
Beyond his already impressive military career, Minaru is a womanizer, not afraid to show off his powers to impress those of the other gender, weather they are shinobi or civilian. Due to him being perceived as immature and not very serious he usually butts heads with his fellow Jonin, under harsh critique for a lot of his actions. Critique the brown haired boy shrugs off, with a phrase like
'fuck you haters'.
Childhood: 0 - 6
His father and Mother's names are all forgotten, any record of them burned in the incident that took place when Minaru was 2 years old. The local bandits had zeroed in on the Gazu compound, they killed everyone but Minaru and his parents, holding the young child hostage till his parents – the two most powerful users of their kekkei genkai. Created them enough gold to last them a lifetime, turning all of their weapons and all of the jewelry they carried to gold. They then killed his parents and when they were about to kill him, a duo of Samurai arrived at the burning compound. While they were outmanned, the enemies weapons were now useless and thus the Samurai cut down most of the bandits, those that escaped did so with most of the gold. Leaving the boy orphaned in the ruins of his home.
He grew up in an orphanage in the land of Iron. At the age of 4 he was adopted by a family, Mizu and Hashi Nambo and moved to the Village Hidden In The Clouds. Having memories of the Land Of Iron and the mighty samurai – people who stood outside of the cloak and dagger of the Ninja World, he fondly played those out while causing a lot of problems for his new parents, thus he was sent to another orphanage, this time in Kumogakure.
Academy Years: 5- 7
Not getting close to anyone in Kumo, he attended the Academy, a loner at first but soon he realized his potential. Training with weaponry, practicing taijutsu and utilizing his chakra and even beginning to understand his bloodline limit all happened during the span of two years, letting him graduate with top of the line grades and a bright future ahead of him.
Genin Years 8- 10
A genin at eight and a swordsman by heart. He grew a lot during these years, being held back from the Exam his first year as a genin, due to him being thought too weak to handle the growing pressure of the much older ninjas that would participate. During his second year he pushed himself further, weaponizing his Kekkei Genkai and learning the true power of a sword in the right hand. His Chunnin Exam Duel is still talked about as the shortest fight in recent Kumo history, Minaru cutting down his opponent in a golden ray coming from his quickly drawn blade.
Chunnin Years: 10 - 14
Having become a Chunnin before he was even a teenager, he was sent on several covert missions into enemy territory, most notably spending 2 years undercover in Kirigakure as an academy student due to his young age and youthful appearance, even becoming a genin in the Kiri armed forces, all in the name of gathering intel. Intel that would aid in a ANBU operation when Minaru was 13. Destryoing a Kirigakure convoy and capturing one of their commanders. For his valiant actions undercover, he was promoted to Special Jounin and his skills continued to flourish, before he was 14 he had been brought up for promotion to full time Jounin.
Jonin Years: 14 - 16
Before even entering the back half of his teen years, Minaru was part of the Shinobi Elite of Kumogakure, participating in several small skirmishes against Kirigakure and Sunagakure, fighting over territory or resources. He had earned quite a name for himself due to his undercover work in The Mist, being recognized several times during battle and even forging a few rivalries over the course of his many skirmishes. Only getting wounded twice, his skill and strength was undeniable. But what he lacked was leadership skills and teamwork – the two concerns they had when they promoted him to Jounin. As such, he's been put in charge of leading a team of fresher Chunnins. To teach and guide them, but also to grow as a leader.
【Dreams and fears】
He dreams of becoming the world's greatest swordsman. A Blademaster without rival. Beyond that, he wishes to trace down the remnants of the bandits that butchered his clan and get justice for his bloodline, and once he's brought those scum to heel, he wants to rebuild his clan.
His deepest fear is finding the bandits and after all of his hard work still being incapable of stopping them.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
A Ninkenjutsu artist at heart, Minaru is at his best with a blade in his hand. His Kekkei Genkai gives him the ability to keep a swordfight at a medium distance, an advantage this seasoned warrior is not afraid to use. He relies on fast footwork and sword-based techniques that relies on a minimal amount of handseals, as to always keep his hand on his blade. As such, he's also quite proficient in making handseals with one hand. While his footwork keeps him from getting hit, his chakra enhanced weaponry, fueling his Lightning and Wind nature and thus letting him deal fatal blows to the opponent making him a fierce duelist.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Alchemist's Secret.
The ability to turn any metall into gold.
Most of Minaru's clan has no combat applications in their gold, they made a fortune from selling the gold and as electricians, creating golden components. Minaru however has weaponized his Kekkei Genkai, effectively 'unlocking' the next stage of it. The gold he creates transfers not only electricity at a far superior rate than ordinary gold, but also pure chakra allowing him to create devestating attacks when combining his Kekkei Genkai with his swordsmanship.
He turns his things into gold. Gold is very soft and heavy. Not very good for combat.
【Ninja techniques】
A Rank Techniques:
Wind Release: Vacuum Blade
B Rank Techniques:
Samurai Sabre Technique
Lightning Katana
C Rank Techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
Diverse Academy Techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Midas Touch
Transmutes any metal in as large of an area as Minaru desires. The larger the area, the more chakra is used Scaling exponentially with size. I.E The difference between making ten and five shuriken is a lot bigger than making one or five.
Jutsu name:
Golden Lionheart Style
The Fighting style created my Minaru, combining the Samurai Sabre Technique with his golden metal, he creates a far more powerful version of the Samurai Technique due to the conductivity of the material. It also relies heavily on foot work and on dodging enemy hits, rather than parrying. It helps counteract his natural weakness to long range jutsu by being able to cut through most elemental techniques coming his way. However, due to the Saber Technique, and his Wind and Lightning Chakra, his sword strikes are impossible to block with the average sword. His swords aren't very useful for parrying due to the golden nature, thus making him weak to other offenses. A ranged offense is his biggest weakness.
Jutsu name:
Lionheart: Edge Of Midas
Close to long
The blade is coated with gold chakra energy from the Sabre Technique. A glowing crescent is created on the blade and when the blade is drawn the golden chakra is released in an unstoppable wave expanding outwards in a crescent, the power diminishing after 50 meters, being completely neutralized at 200. After which, the transmuted sword turns back into it's original state, albeit weaker. ( For instance, a steel sword would rust.)
Jutsu name:
Lionheart Style; Trinity Destruction
Up to 250 meters.
The Perfected form of the Midas Edge. Channeling both the Lighting Blade technique and the Vacuum Blade Technique, as well as the Golden Midas Edge technique. The wave of energy is so powerful that if you would try and parry the blade itself your body would evaporate. The wave is sent out in a half moon crescent, capable of tearing through a battlefield. The Crescent has larger with than his sword, about twice as wide, reaching for tens of meters in length. Losing power with each thing hit. The technique leaves Minaru severely weakened, his sword completely destroyed. Not to mention the sheer ferocity of the technique - not being able to tell friend from foe as it tears through skin muscle and bone. At a quarter kilometer the energy begins to disperse, still harmful at twice that length.
Jutsu name:
Lightning Style; Electrotherapy
Minaru pulls his two tantos from his back and hits the opponent with them. Prefering to lodge them into his foe, or his foes armor. Then he channels electricity through them from a distance, tazing the opponent, stunning them.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Ninja Pouch
Weapon, tool or object type:
Standard amount of Kunai, Shuriken, Wire, Explosive Tags and Smoke Bombs. Also gauze.
Weapon, tool or object name:
The Craftsman's Katana
Weapon, tool or object type:
A Three-part Katana. One part handle, two different blades. An outer blade that's full sized and a inner, shorter blade. The inner blade is always made out of gold. Outer made out of steel, sometimes turned into gold. The outer blade is often switched whenever Minaru goes back to base.
Weapon, tool or object name:
Slash & Gash
Weapon, tool or object type:
Twin Tanto's, doesn't turn them into gold. They are adorned with gold plating on their handles. |
13,263 | 381 | 18 | 265 | 141 | Abukara Reiji
Le silence maladroit entre l'équipe nouvellement formée de Reiji a finalement été brisé par leur sensei. Il semblait qu'ils allaient travailler avec deux autres nouvelles équipes et Sutemasu semblait connaître les deux autres joueurs. Elle a légèrement taquiné un jounin que Rei a reconnu comme le prodige de 16 ans. Reiji ne pouvait pas comprendre comment ce gars a réussi à obtenir un poste de leader d'une équipe, mot autour de Kumo était qu'il était un douché majeur.
"Écoutez! " Sutemasu a dit fort. Nous sommes chargés de détruire une raffinerie de métal. Il est possible que nous nous engagions avec des combattants ennemis, puisque nous descendons une raffinerie appartenant à Kirigakure. Mais ça ne devrait pas être trop sérieux, alors ne vous inquiétez pas! Allons-y.
Et avec ça, nous étions en mouvement, Rei ne pouvait pas croire qu'ils se précipitaient dans le combat comme ça. Il n'avait aucune connaissance de ses coéquipiers jutsu et n'avait pas vu comment ils se battaient. Se concentrant sur le présent tout en se forçant à cesser de s'inquiéter, Reiji est devenu alerte à ses environs. Le facteur le plus important autour de lui était le brouillard, il pouvait à peine voir quelques mètres devant lui. Reiji, Kota, Kasumi, Amehime, une fois que nous serons là, nous serons probablement seuls. Je pense que le Raikage ne prévoyait pas que la brume soit aussi épaisse. Il a vérifié ses valises et ses armes, en s'assurant qu'il avait tout ce dont il avait besoin. Sutemasu a également souligné que la visibilité serait faible dans le complexe aussi, ce qui a écrit de mauvaises nouvelles pour le style de combat de Reiji. De plus, il a supposé que le composé serait plus proche, ce qui signifie qu'il ne serait pas en mesure d'utiliser sa vaste zone de techniques d'effet qui était essentiellement tout son arsenal. Lorsque ses coéquipiers sont tombés de la falaise, Rei a suivi, frappant le lac relativement calme, bien qu'un peu plus fort que l'atterrissage de son sensi. La précision de Pinpoint Chakra n'a jamais été sa spécialité.
- Oui. On pourrait s'en servir, mais c'est peut-être trop fort. Ce serait très surprenant si on le faisait. Hm. Non, sautons par-dessus. Suivez-moi, Kota, Kasumi, Amehime, Reiji!
Le chuunin d'Abukara est apparu en l'air en un clin d'œil et a atterri de l'autre côté, gardant son approche furtive qu'il avait si bien aiguisé au fil des ans. Du bon côté, il semblait que ses coéquipiers n'étaient pas aussi ennuyeux que les autres équipes, ils étaient tous très attentifs. Peut-être qu'ils ne seraient pas si mauvais. La mission était en plein essor à ce stade, ils avaient infiltré l'enceinte et étaient sur le point d'éliminer les plus grandes menaces. D'accord, suivez-moi.D'accord, Sutemasu commande doucement, conscient des ennemis de la région. Reiji a été surpris qu'il n'y ait pas de nin sensoriel qui protège le complexe. Ils seraient beaucoup plus aptes à prendre le service de sentinelle, peut-être il y en avait-il et tout simplement n'avaient pas immédiatement reconnu les natures de chakra offensants. Une fois confronté à leurs adversaires, la première chose que Reiji a remarqué wwas qu'ils étaient plus nombreux. Sutemasu-sensei a rapidement engagé l'un des hommes et a commencé à le descendre. On dirait que le chuunin était le suivant. Kasumi-chan a d'abord pris les devants et a averti ses coéquipiers de se préparer. Rei a regardé quand elle a commencé à jouer de la harpe, se demandant ce que ça allait faire. Il savait qu'elle utilisait du jutsu basé sur la musique, mais il ne voyait aucun effet extérieur se manifester. Enfin, après une observation étroite, il a vu qu'ils étaient légèrement plus lents que lorsqu'ils se sont retournés et ont commencé à s'engager avec son équipe.
Reiji regarda l'un des ninjas de Kiri se mettre les yeux sur lui-même et Rei savait qu'il était temps de commencer, de prouver lui-même. Malheureusement, Hiis jutsu n'était pas utile dans ces quartiers, la dernière chose dont il avait besoin était que quelqu'un inhale sa fumée ou se fasse prendre dans une explosion. Il semblait qu'il allait devoir utiliser Taijutsu avec un peu d'aide. Le ninja combattant Reiji a commencé à tisser des signes de main et a commencé à tirer des éclats de flammes sur l'Abukara. Le chuunin a pu esquiver les flammes jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve une couverture derrière un pilier. Il a commencé à former un plan, puis a dessiné un kunai et est sorti de sa couverture. Immédiatement Reiji a jeté le kunai, que les Kiri facilement esquivé, mais a pris un pas en arrière dans le processus. Rei a profité de cette occasion pour utiliser,
Fumée liante
dans une tentative de saisir son adversaire. Quatre tentacules germés forment le sol et attrapèrent le Kiri inconnu. Reiji était déjà en mouvement à l'époque, sprintant vers son ennemi. L'idiot Kiri ninja a été distrait et a essayé de couper les tentacules, ce qui a donné à Rei juste assez de temps pour atterrir un coup bien placé sur le côté du visage du ninja. Il a envoyé les Kiri tomber en arrière pendant que les tentacules de Reliant Smoke le lâchaient. Reiji était sur le point d'atterrir un coup d'incapacité au moins au Kiri quand il a été envoyé en vol dans le poteau par une forte technique de Wind Release. Son dos a frappé le pilier qu'il cachait à l'origine derrière, ça allait certainement faire mal le lendemain matin. Ça fait mal, alors. Rei grit ses dents et se leva, se préparant à frapper à nouveau, mais attendant aussi de voir ce que son équipe ferait. Il était désavantagé ici, ne pouvant pas utiliser le jutsu. | Reiji Abukara
“It's not that serious...”
Standing at 5'10" and weighing in at 165 pounds, Reiji has a solid, athletic build. Pale and messy blonde hair frame Rei's face, with his strong jawline and slender nose. A peculiar trait of his would be his eyes, which shine an odd orange color. Reiji has a small gold hoop earring in each earlobe and also has another pair of hoops in the cartilage of his ears. His skin is fair but leans towards the tanner side and has scars, blemishes, and birthmarks like every other person out there. His daily attire consists of joggers, sandals, a fish-net shirt, and a sleeveless shirt. Reiji usually showcases his headband in the typical fashion on his forehead. Sometimes he'll wear it around his waist if he's in the mood. Lastly, he wears the standard Kumogakure flat jacket.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Abukara, Reiji
I hate Aliases who the hell is actually going to call him something dumb like "Kumogakure's Most Badass Motherfuckin Chūnin"
Village Hidden By Clouds
The Abukara Clan: A relatively small but high standing clan in Kumo. They have quite a political presence but lack a large number of shinobi. Reiji wants more of his clan to be taught to be ninjas, as he believes their Kekkei Genkai is very useful in combat situations.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Reiji's most prominent traits would be his laid-back nature, brutal honesty, and his odd perspective on life. The first thing people tend to notice is Rei's calm and "go with the flow" attitude. He's rarely bothered by most things and if he is, he makes sure not to show it. It's all about appearances to him, if people see that they have gotten under his skin, it makes him weak. Level-headed is another way to describe him, very grounded and real. He's not the one people come to if they want to be told what they want to hear. This aggravates some people unfortunately, because who likes to have the truth thrown at them when they just want comfort. Thankfully, Rei is also able to empathize, the ability to put himself in another's shoes. This means he most likely won't be a complete tool too often. It's not that he's a douchebag, Reiji just has problems pulling punches. Very straightforward, it makes him real, but some people can't handle real.
Rei was never one to fit in with the main crowd. He prefers a close knit group of friends that he can always rely on. He likes to know he can trust people and that they'll always have his back. Very nonchalant, Reiji isn't one to care what people think of him. He knows that not everyone will like him, in fact, most people won't, it's just a fact of life. All these quirks and traits combine to give this Abukara a unique outlook on life. He's not not afraid of death, he just wants to enjoy the short blip of time he gets to spend on the beautiful creation that is Earth. Reiji also isn't one to enjoy immaturity, stupid people, and overly extroverted people. He tries to find the middle ground, and he dislikes standing out. Obviously, Rei is human and isn't restricted to a strong code that he always has to follow, he can be unpredictable just like everyone else.
Childhood Years (0-10) ~ Academy Years
Born unto Hana and Jo Abukara, Reiji was raised to be ready for what lies ahead of him. As the heads of the Abukara clan, Jo and Hana had a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders. Since they never had an ample amount of down-time, Rei was usually watched by people in the community or one of the various maids in the compound. His favorite person at the time was his grandfather, an accomplished, retired ANBU black ops member. Granpa Poe (Poe and Jo lol) was a great story teller, and told Rei a plethora of stories about the history of the world. It always awed Reiji, that they were just a small dot in an infinite amount of small or slightly less small dots. During his childhood years, Rei decided he wanted to become a ninja, because that sounded way more interesting than any other job available to him. His favorite pass time was sparring. He would beg and beg grandpa Poe to teach him everything he knew, because Poe was obviously a grade A badass in his book. Poe obviously would barely have to try while sparring, but doing this sparked a desire to become stronger in little Rei.
Adolescence Years (10-13) ~ Academy Years -- Genin
In the final years of Reiji's Academy days, he was doing what he always did, training and enjoying life. Rei loves the little things in life, be it: enjoying a quiet sunset, relaxing on a spring day, all the short but peaceful moments. As for his studying habits, well, they were average. In the Academy, Reiji tried to keep a low profile. He talked to almost everyone and had a rather "chill" persona, but he didn't have any real friends. The last thing he wanted to do was try his hardest and stand out, but he also didn't want to do so poorly that people would think he was a shitty shinobi. While he saw many people in his class succeed and show their true potential, Reiji was content where he was, as always. It wasn't that he was lazy, he just never felt the need to receive recognition.
Young Adult Years (13-18) ~ Genin -> Chūnin
Ah the gloryhole days. Graduating from the academy and becoming a Genin was Reiji's biggest accomplishment at the time. Even he, who rarely got too excited, was absolutely elated to start his ninja career. As the missions began he absolutely loved it, not that he'd let anyone know... As a genin, the missions were tailored to be easy, but he enjoyed the concept of helping people. It gave him a sense of purpose in this tiny dot in the universe where his even tinier impact on the world should have little meaning depending on the perspective it's looked at. When he began training for the Chūnin exams, his family decided it was time to make him into a full fledged heir of the Abukara Clan and introduce him to the clan's Kekkei Genkai. As the son of Jo, Reiji will have to take his father's place at some point as head of the clan. Poe took on the responsibilities of teaching Rei about the clan's and Kekkei Genkai's workings. Using his new found skills in the art of Smoke Release, Reiji was able to pass the exceptionally hard Chūnin exam. Reiji would be lying if he said being a Chūnin wasn't fun. He enjoyed the challenge of tougher missions, but was also sobered to the more harsher realities of being a ninja. He saw people die, he killed enemies when needed, it was a lot to take in. Now, Reiji has been alerted that new squads will be created, something is apparently in the mist if a squad of Chūnin led by a Jōnin is being made.
【Family ties】
Truthfully, Reiji wasn't very close to his parents. They were usually working, going on missions, or tending to the Clan's affairs. His closest family relationship was with his grandfather, who not only taught him how to be a ninja, but how to enjoy life.
Poe Abukara | 63 | Age, Abukara Compound, retired ANBU black ops member
Jo Abukara | Father | 41, Abukara Compound, Jōnin, head of the Abukara clan
Hana Abukara | Mother | 39, Abukara Compound, Jōnin (specializes in medical ninjutsu), first lady head of the Abukara clan
【Dreams and fears】
Reiji aspires to live the fullest life he can. He enjoys the mundane and rejects it at the same time. He wants to balance the normal and the wild to truly experience life At its best. Rei enjoys helping people, so being a ninja has been a life long dream. Becoming a Jōnin and training his own squad and teaching the next generation has always been a dream of his. At some point, Reiji also wants to settle down and retire. Then maybe he could go exploring or something along those lines, who knows? Reiji fears that he will never do anything of significance. He wants to leave something behind in the world, something eternal to show his finite life on Earth had meaning. Rei also fears that he'll never meet his parents' expectations of being a good leader of the clan. It's a lot of pressure, knowing a whole clan will be looking up to him for guidance at some point. He does not fear dying, he fears being dead and forgotten.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
Fighting style
Reiji utilizes the Abukara Kekkei Genkai, Smoke Release, to his advantage. Primarily he is a medium to long range fighter. Having a large chakra pool, his control isn't quite as refined as most people. Maybe it's due to the nature of Smoke Release which is expansive and explosive. Close range combat can get a little dicey for Rei, as using his ninjutsu is much harder, so he prefers to keep his distance. Reiji has a very creative mind, so he uses his unpredictability to his advantage. Another big weakness is that he has no way of preventing his teammates from being hurt if exposed to his smoke.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Smoke Release (Enton)
Smoke Release allows the user to create, expel, and manipulate a gas commonly known as smoke. Users can control the density of the smoke, the temperature of the smoke, and how toxic it is. This kekkei genkai is created with Fire and Yin release; using Fire Release to create smoke within their body while using Yin Release to expand the amount of smoke that is created, making more within their stomach. With this, they can expel smoke from any pore on their body. Obviously, users are immune to the effects of the smoke.
This KG is especially good at concealment, AOE attacks, and obstruction. It's also very unpredictable. Smoke Release can burn, poison, and in some cases render genjutsu on the user's opponents. It's a very versatile KG, and users use that to their advantage.
Smoke Release is very weak to Water Release, Wind Release, and anyone with a Dojutsu that allows them to see through the smoke. Physical barriers are a great defense to Smoke Release, seeing as it has no physical power.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
C rank techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
All Academy techniques
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Enton: Dark Cloud
Mid to Long
This is the baseline technique of the Enton Kekkei Genkai. After performing the hand signs, Reiji expels a large cloud of smoke from his mouth. This smoke is extremely thick and darkly colored. Most people won't be able to see through it, it might even be hard for people with Sharingan because of the chakra spread throughout the cloud. The Byakugan, however, is able to see through to smoke and identify Reiji. An added bonus is that Reiji can see inside the cloud (he doesn't actually see but he "sees" by feeling with the chakra engrained in the smoke itself) and it doesn't effect his lungs. Wind Release is able to disperse the cloud if strong enough, although regular wind itself (non-jutsu) doesn't do much because Reiji can manipulate the smoke to pull it back into a cloud. Water Release is also effective against Smoke Release, anything that can punch a hole through the smoke really. This technique is about concealment and obstruction, it has no offensive capabilities.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Toxic Cloud
Mid to Long
After performing the necessary hand seals, Reiji expels a cloud of smoke from either his mouth or pores from anywhere on his body. The smoke has a purple-ish hue and had toxic properties. When it comes in contact with another's skin, it will begin to burn. If a person is in the cloud for longer than a couple seconds, they risk receiving burns. If inhaled, it will begin to destroy their lungs. If lungs are exposed to the smoke for any longer than a couple seconds, severe burns can form. The same symptoms will occur to the eyes in a similar fashion. The best way to null this jutsu is to dodge it, can't be burned if you aren't in it right? Large amounts of water will fizzle this technique and water also counteracts the burning of applied fast enough. So if a person is trapped, get a person who knows water techniques ASAP, or jump into a body of water, that works too. Like all Smoke Release techniques, heavy winds can dissipate the smoke or at least blow it away.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Cloud Burst
Mid to Long
This technique begins the same way as Enton: Dark Cloud, with one exception. Once an opponent is trapped or inside the cloud, Reiji uses his Fire Release Chakra, or an explosive tag to ignite the cloud to cause an explosion. It has the same weaknesses as most of his techniques (water, wind) but this technique can also be cancelled by an equally strong fire technique. Something like a large Fireball Jutsu would be enough to cancel out the explosion. Fire jutsu can set off the explosion before he intends. Or it can cancel the concussive force of the explosion by using a force of its own to deflect it in a way. Obvious the user would have to be outside the cloud in order for this to be successful. Also, despite his larger than average chakra pool, this technique is more taxing than usual. In a normal fight, Reiji can only use this technique twice if he wants to continue fighting afterwards.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Binding Smoke
Short to Mid
This is one of Reiji's more "solid" techniques. After performing the hand seals, thick tentacles of smoke seem to form from out of the ground and try to wrap themselves around the terget's legs. It's a simple technique that is useful to immobilize the the target and then use another jutsu to take them out. The biggest weakness is the length of the tentacles. They can only extend about 3 feet long before not being able to grasp the target. Since it's a physical technique, the tentacles can also be cut with most blades.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Soft Cloud
This is Reiji's preferred transportation and defensive technique. This is another "solid" technqique where Rei creates soft, pillow clouds of smoke. He can use this technique to "run" on air, or soften blows. It acts as if a ball is bouncing in a trampoline. A jutsu or projectile hits the smoke and the smoke moves with the object and then bounces it back. This technique has no offensive value but can be a versatile defensive technique if used correctly. It softens blows and allows for easier transport.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Ninja Pouch
Weapon, tool or object type:
Standard amount of Kunai, Shuriken, Wire, Explosive Tags and Smoke Bombs. Also gauze. |
13,264 | 381 | 19 | 2,058 | 266 | Kuroba Dango
Caché à côté de ses coéquipiers, Kuroba leur demanda dans un murmure : « Je sais que ce ne sont pas vraiment des moments paisibles, mais... » Il s'arrêta en regardant autour de lui. « C'est encore un peu pour une première mission, n'est-ce pas? » Immédiatement après avoir rencontré leurs coéquipiers, ils sont partis pour s'infiltrer et saboter le territoire ennemi. Kuroba était coincé dans un labyrinthe jusqu'à ce qu'il soit enfin temps que la situation s'enfonce. Les usines de métal étaient assez prioritaires, n'est-ce pas? Ses hallucinations sont devenues beaucoup plus vives d'être cachées dans l'obscurité, rendant les sons de grognement qu'il entendait encore plus fort et les fantômes accaparant ses membres le tirent vers le bas vers le sol. Si c'était une autre situation, ce serait un gâchis. Mais maintenant, n'importe quel mouvement pourrait blesser les autres, donc il a simplement enduré les sensations qui lui pinçaient les nerfs.
Finalement, les portes qu'ils ont été postées à ouvert, et quelques ouvriers sont sortis, escortés par ce qui semblait être 5 chunnin. Arrivé à leur jounin, Kuroba soupira quand Minaru leur ordonna de les y tenir. "Awawa, je ne veux vraiment pas leur faire de mal... Le sang fait peur, alors essayez de les rendre capables. Silencieusement, il les a suivis jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient une bonne distance de l'usine, les empêchant d'appeler des renforts. Il sortit de derrière un arbre devant le petit convoi, les surprenant puisqu'ils n'avaient pas remarqué sa présence. Kuroba s'était beaucoup entraîné, après tout.
Les ninjas de Kirigakure ont agi en premier, l'un d'eux jetant un shuriken à Kuroba. Il s'est esquivé sur le côté, activant sa technique Mist Servant qui s'est séparée, semblant s'esquiver de l'autre côté. Immédiatement après, Kuroba a activé la technique Haze Clone, provoquant quelques-uns de la nin ennemie à paniquer quand ils ont été soudainement entourés par le nombre croissant de duplicatas. En tissant, il a fait quelques signes de main, en activant son genjutsu de blocage des sens avant d'étiqueter les travailleurs pour qu'il soit plus facile de les déplacer. Il a décidé de laisser le chunnin à ses coéquipiers, estimant qu'il serait en sécurité puisqu'il les avait distrait de leur environnement. | Kuroba Dango
“Wait, that's really scary, stop!”
Kuroba has a remarkably youthful appearance, to the point where people would call him a “cute child” if he weren’t 5’8”. On his sister’s insistence, he wears a set of fake wolf ears and a clip-on tail. His hair, normally brown, turned white as a result of stress. Though he puts on a black flak jacket for missions, the rest of his clothes are dazzlingly white; Kuroba’s logic is that if he’s not hiding well enough to stay hidden in his bright outfits, he’ll probably be seen anyways.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kuroba Dango
Dango, Puppy
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
High-tension and almost annoyingly friendly, Kuroba tends to be overly clingy towards the people that he likes, occasionally hugging and nuzzling against them. Predictably, he’s weak to loneliness, which is the only thing that can completely dampen his mood. Even when facing one of his many fears, Kuroba still keeps his spirits up. His “bravery” is more just the results of his perfectionist approach to practice, repeating an action until he’s confident that he won’t fail. He holds a certain level of maturity as a result, but remains remarkably innocent nonetheless.
Though most of them have no clear cause, Kuroba’s fears are intense enough to cause full-blown hallucinations of murky phantoms that embody a terror, stalking him and threatening to harm others around him. Though he can tell what’s real and what’s not by now, Kuroba is still petrified by the prospect of them becoming reality.
To Kuroba, there was nothing he could remember about his childhood aside from the fact that he was constantly terrified, telling others about shadows that no one but him could see. His parents, along with everyone else in his village, simply saw him as crazy. Eventually, he ran away in a state of growing hysteria, literally breaking down as fear forced him to run far beyond his normal limits. Some time after he inevitably collapsed, a middle-aged man spotted his ragged figure and took him in, nursing Kuroba back to health with the help of his daughter.
Adopted by the family of two, they got him used to interacting with others and taught him how to read and write. Unlike his previous family, Kuroba was comforted from his fears; he could now function normally to an extent. Despite this emotional support, his fears were still quite crippling. In order to confront them, his father allowed him to enter the academy at the age of 7. Unexpectedly, Kuroba was extremely friendly and accepted by most, despite his delusions. He spent an unhealthy amount of time practicing the techniques that he was taught, turning his hair white again, but passing as one of the top in the class.
His overall skill level was high, but he lacked any specialized techniques: a weakness that appeared during the Chunin exams. As a result, Kuroba was eventually cornered. His fears, pushed to a fever pitch, literally manifested and overran his opponent. He spent the days leading up to the finals creating and refining a method to use it again. The result was the creation of his own Hiden techniques, which he used to pass the Chunin exam with ease.
【Family ties】
Goma Dango | Adoptive Father | 54, Local Sweets Store Owner
Sakura Dango | Adoptive Sister | 21, Local Sweets Store Cashier
It’d be too difficult to list all of Kuroba’s fears, but what he fears most being left alone. One of his more irrational fears is eggplant.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Kuroba uses a variety of genjutsu to confuse and frighten his opponents, mixing in horrors that he summons to make it difficult to discern reality from illusion. Though he mainly focuses on long-range projectile attacks, he’s surprisingly good at dodging in close-quarters thanks to the “foresight” brought on by his fear of getting injured.
【Ninja techniques】
D-E rank techniques:
Mist Servant Technique
Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique
Haze Clone Technique
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name: Nightmare Manifestation Technique
Rank: B
Range: Medium
Similar to the Shadow Clone Technique, a tangible form is created. However, rather than it being a copy of the creator, it uses a fear from either the user or another target and embodies it. The shape, size and strength depends on the intensity of the fear.
Along with the number of nightmares that can be created being limited to two per target, it's tiring to use repeatedly, Kuroba's limit being 8-10, depending on how much chakra he'd already used. The psychological damage can be diverted by switching off with an ally who doesn’t share that fear, or by the fear itself simply not being that strong in the first place.
Jutsu name: Nightmare Landscape
Rank: A
Range: Max. 2 hm(full chakra)
A thick black miasma begins to spread on activation, with Kuroba as the center. The ground, trees, buildings and similar are coated in it, making them harder to see in the mist. Dozens of shadowy horrors begin to form in the affected area, their shapes, sizes and numbers depending on the fears of those nearby. The abilities and strengths of the “nightmares” also vary based on how intense the fear is. The miasma lasts for about 15 minutes before it begins to fade, the last traces of it disappearing at the 45 minute mark. Unless they're holding a special wooden charm with Kuroba's chakra in it, nightmares will appear to attack anyone in the area.
Wind can be used to blow away the miasma to improve vision, though objects coated in it will still spawn nightmares. The nightmares can be countered by switching off with an ally who doesn’t share that fear, which, naturally, requires a teammate. The technique is naturally very chakra-intensive, leaving Kuroba unable to use other techniques until he recovers his energy.
Jutsu name: Sensory Sealing Technique
Rank: C
Range: Touch
A genjutsu where, after touching the target once, the sense of taste is sealed temporarily and will most likely not be noticed. After the second touch, smell is sealed--an experienced shinobi may notice this, depending on the situation. On the third, their ability to hear sound is shut off, making it impossible to not notice the effects by this point. On the fourth, their sense of touch is removed, including the sense of pain. On the fifth, sight is lost, completely blacking out their vision.
It is very difficult to activate against an opponent that can keep out of arm's reach. The effect of the seal lasts about 3 minutes, refreshing if a new seal is added. The fourth stage can theoretically be used to stop pain if used on oneself, but can be risky due to the loss of other senses as well.
Jutsu name: Fear Transfer Technique
Rank: C
Range: Short(1 m)
A genjutsu is cast simultaneously on the user and another target, tricking one into not being afraid of something while instilling the same terror into the other.
It comes with certain risks. Removing certain fears--the fear of death, for example--could make someone either brave enough to fight or charge in recklessly. Whoever takes on the fear takes on much greater mental strain. If one side is dispelled, the other party is released from the genjutsu as well.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Acupuncture needles, intended for precision strikes to vitals or pressure points. They are less noticeable compared to thrown kunai and shuriken.
Weapon, tool or object name:
Bladed Kunai
A cross between kunai and thinner-bladed knifes. They’re somewhat longer, giving about double the reach of a normal kunai. |
13,265 | 381 | 20 | 136 | 1,132 | Hanare Tanpopo
La voix de Hanare
Il était temps d'être sérieuse, elle s'est remarquée, en gardant une surveillance étroite sur les paroles et les actions de son chef d'équipe alors qu'ils ont finalement rencontré les autres équipes et se sont dirigés vers l'extérieur. Contrairement à ses autres coéquipiers, elle était beaucoup plus rapide quand elle était minuscule et instinctivement réduite à sa forme de fée alors qu'elle bourdonnait rapidement à travers l'air au-dessus d'eux pour suivre. Lorsqu'ils sont arrivés sous la couverture du brouillard, Hanare avait déjà utilisé sa technique sensorielle, obtenant des informations sur l'emplacement et le nombre de corps qui y étaient présents, en dehors de sa propre équipe bien sûr. Il y avait beaucoup d'individus, trop d'individus qui méritaient d'être comptés. Mais les signatures chakra qui étaient plus fortes que les autres indiquent que shinobi étaient au milieu de la foule.
Alors que l'équipe Minaru s'approchait de la porte arrière, ils se séparaient de leur jonin sur ses ordres, qui s'empêchèrent de chavirer l'un des navires chargés au quai. Elle regarda quand il disparut et se retourna ensuite vers ses coéquipiers, son chien et son rose. Elle est revenue à sa taille normale et a regardé autour. "Maintenant...", elle murmura, mais ne put pas terminer sa sentence comme les portes qu'ils regardaient, s'ouvrit à point nommé pour révéler les travailleurs civils et leurs 5 gardiens shinobi. Hanare roula les yeux et se prépara, son visage devenant étonnamment sévère comme ce qui semblait, de petits papillons délicats commencèrent à flotter autour d'elle. Heureusement, le brouillard s'était éclairci là où ils étaient, et profitant de cette occasion, le chien Kuroda a commencé ce qu'il pensait être une bonne idée. Ableit un peu téméraire Hanare a conclu.
Avec des yeux violets serrés, elle regarda attentivement lorsqu'il commença à les piéger dans un éventail de genjutsus. Bien sûr, elle ne les a pas vus parce qu'ils n'étaient pas utilisés sur elle, mais d'après les réactions des shinobis, elle a conclu que c'était ce qui leur était fait. "Awawa, je ne veux vraiment pas leur faire de mal... Le sang fait peur, alors essayez de les rendre incapables.", Kuroda woofed. Hanare leva sa paume gauche dans l'air, poussant les papillons qui flottaient autour d'elle à s'agiter, « Bien que ce serait idéal, pas de promesses... », et avec un simple geste de la main, les papillons se mirent en avant vers l'un des chunin shinobi qui était distrait par le genjutsu de Kuroba. À ce stade, il était beaucoup trop tard pour garder leur couverture. Mais elle s'est dit qu'ils devraient s'acquitter de ce qui leur a été donné.
Ses papillons se révélèrent tranchants comme des lames, et commencèrent à se déchirer dans la chair de l'un des chunin shinobi. La douleur de son attaque l'a fait sortir du genjutsu et son attention était maintenant concentrée sur elle. S'échappant de l'essaim des papillons, couvert de cicatrices sanglantes, le kiri shinobi voûta sur le dessus de la porte et lança un barrage d'aiguilles léché dans la lave. Ils percés dans ce qui ressemblait à Hanare, mais le kiri ninja grogne et finit par réaliser que l'image d'elle s'est soudainement dispersée dans un voile de papillons. Le vrai Hanare apparut derrière lui, son poing se balançait devant ses lèvres. Elle a soufflé le contenu de son poing dans son visage comme en lui soufflant un baiser, "Peakaboo..." elle a taquiné joliment. Le kiri shinobi éternue et tombe de la porte avec un grand bruit. Hanare pouvait sentir que l'autre ninja kiri allait sortir du genjutsu de Kuroba d'un moment à l'autre maintenant, alors elle a rapidement descendu de la porte à côté du shinobi tombé et lui a chuchoté, "Protégez-moi, n'est-ce pas?".
Bien qu'il ait ficté et agité, il semblait qu'il ne pouvait pas résister aux effets de sa poussière de fées. Il était maintenant sous la technique d'hypnose de Hanare, indiquée par les iris des yeux regardant comme s'ils étaient consommés avec des cœurs roses. Il se leva du sol et se jeta devant elle comme un chevalier dans une armure très abominable, mais néanmoins un chevalier. "Comme tu veux.", il parlait robotiquement, puis il lançait plusieurs bulles de lave chez ses camarades. Les bulles de lave ont asséché leur peau à l'impact, mais malheureusement les ont complètement cassés du genjutsus aussi bien. Ils n'ont pas pris la peine de remettre en question leur camarade hypnotisé et ont immédiatement déménagé pour l'envoyer avant qu'il ne puisse causer plus de dommages à ses propres forces. Alors qu'ils échauffaient leur camarade, Hanare recula jusqu'à ce qu'elle se tienne derrière Ari, en regardant les shinobis combattre leur esprit contrôlé allié dans une tentative hâtive de se débarrasser de lui. Bien qu'il ait réussi à enlever l'un d'eux, il a lui aussi été enlevé, laissant trois kiri shinobi très agité et très ennuyé restant.
Leurs expressions faciales et leur langage corporel ont parlé plus que les mots jamais pu, et ils ont lentement avancé vers Ari et Hanare, l'un d'entre eux tombant derrière et conjurant ce qui ressemblait à une sorte de soufflet. Les deux à l'avant ont gelé en place et celui avec le tuyau d'eau derrière eux a immédiatement commencé à tirer un barrage de pellets de lave. Hanare a contre-attaqué avec ses papillons de rasoir alors que les deux projectiles opposés se heurtaient au centre. "Je vais soumettre leur chasseur de longue portée. Vous avez les deux autres droit?" Hanare a dit à Ari, sautant dans un autre endroit alors qu'elle et le chasseur à longue portée ont continué leur stand à longue portée immobile.
Pendant un bref moment, Hanare a perdu son attention en se demandant où le chien avait disparu et a senti la douloureuse couture de deux boulettes de lave qui lui ont frappé le bras gauche et la jambe. Elle a griffonné les dents, mais a continué à combattre les boulettes de lave de kiri shinobis avec ses papillons de rasoir, attendant de trouver une ouverture dans ce brouillage pour qu'elle puisse en avoir un sur lui, soit cela, soit tenir jusqu'à ce qu'Ari arrive enfin à sortir les deux shinobis de combat serrés et venir l'aider. | “By night a fish, by day a flower.”
Hanare's Voice
Hanare is a beautiful young maiden whose basically been pampered since birth. She is said to be the spitting image of her late mother, for whom she gained her extremely feminine and delicate charm from. Because she looks frail and dainty, people often feel the need to look after or protect her, much to her annoyance. Like her mother, she has pale skin like porcelain, thick eyebrows(and lashes), and rosy lips. Her nose is small, accentuated by a small beauty mark on it. She has brilliantly big eyes, rich in colours of deep purple and lavender, but they appear very watery, causing them to shimmer at certain angles and for her natural resting face to appear slightly crestfallen.
Hanare's late mother used to love playing with her hair because it was very silky and thick. It's gingerbread coloured, slightly wavy, and curls near ends. She just recently cut it so it lays just past her shoulders. Her hair is almost always adorned with ruby flowers, white pearls, and swirly gold laceings. As an idol, she's always had to wear pretty white dresses, assorted flowers, ribbons, and girly frills. This makes up the majority of what she wears during the day, as she has to keep up her "pure beauty" image. There's a reason why she is known as "The Fairy of Kumogakure".
She stands at 5'5 and has a willowy body, though greatly dislikes her ample bosom as it seems to only attract perverts, her horny male peers, or creeps(in her opinion). This was such a complex for her at point, that for an entire year she wore an extremely tight sarashi(breast binding) over her chest to make them appear flatter. But the prolonged pressure eventually became unhealthy for her body and she has since stopped using them.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Hanare Tanpopo.
Fairy, Fairy of Kumogakure, The Nation's First Love.
Pan-romantic. A person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or gender. Pan-romantics will tend to feel that their partner's gender does little to define their relationship.
Tanpopo bloodline; A very small clan with most of its remaining members residing in Kusagakure and Konohagakure. Tanpopo's were well-known for their Shrinking Pixie Technique, which allowed them to shrink to the size of a butterfly and grow a pair of iridescent wings, allowing them to fly. Their wings varied(wasp wings, butterfly wings, dragonfly wings, etc.) and could produce a pollen like dust for various effects. They often referred to this compound as pixie dust or fairy dust. They were regarded as Pixies or Dandelions for how delicate they looked while shrunken. This hiden jutsu was taught to the members while they were very young and made them excellent at espionage and sensory. Hanare is a very distant cousin to Megumi Tanpopo, Jounin of Konohagakure(She doesn't exist yet. 250 years in the future. Previous Naruto RP).
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Hanare, to be very honest, is an emotionally complex young maiden. However most would simply chop it up to growing female adolescent hormones. As an idol, she has a certain image that has to be maintained when in the public eye. Though somewhat spoiled and childish, on the surface she appears delicate and extremely feminine, showing politeness and innocence. She often makes cute gestures, speaks in an airy tone, and dotes on others and appears to be easily excitable, impressed, or dazzled, even by the simplest things such as fireflies or a scenic view. Most see her as this adorable girl who is pure of heart and never does anything wrong. Over the years, she has learned to perfect this "perfect girl" or "fairy" persona. Though there is a certain level of true innocence about her, she is not as dainty and dolly as people would like her be.
Even with the skillful play of her role, there are sometimes slip ups in her mannerisms. In actuality, she is quite the tomboy. Though she enjoys girly things and being feminine, she just as much enjoys stereotypically boyish things. Sometimes she may burp out-loud, play with insects, explore a haunted house, or forget to sit in a lady-like manner. She's not afraid of getting her hands dirty and enjoying all the crazy things life has to offer. Hanare feels trapped in her role sometimes and will often sneak off to do things she normally wouldn't be able to do in her normal form, like play male driven sports(she uses a transformation jutsu to do this). You would be surprised by how many times she has gotten drunk at an underground party or rave. She often has to hold back her opinions, as not to come off as rude, unladylike or inconsiderate.
This is why she yearns for every opportunity to be in her position as a kunoichi. Being an idol and putting her life on the line are two very different things, and she feels free from societies expectations of her when the only thing that matters is completing the mission and living to see another day. It is this duality that makes her sympathetic to the difficulties and issues of others. But her empathy is what also makes her a bit moody at times. One minute she may seem cheerful and next, shes crying. She probably wouldn't admit it, but even she has some slight tendencies to act childish and like spoiled brat when she doesn't get her way. She may pout or her cheeks become flushed and rosy. As her name suggests, she feels a "separation" between her true self and how the world sees her.
Hanare is an ninja. Hanare is also an idol. And with money comes privilege. Meaning there is a certain image she has to maintain when in public and her "job" practically requires her to upkeep this reputation that the people of the world have come to know and love her as. She is a beacon of purity, according to society that is. Hanare was trained in dance and song for several years until she debuted as a child actress at the age of 8. 'A to B, A Love Story'. It bombed. Miserably. And was deemed one of the worst productions of the year. Luckily, all the negative publicity about the movie brought attention to the pretty young girl, who soon began receiving offers for CFs(Commercial Films). It was during this time that her mother fell ill to a poison and her father began imposing his ideals on how she should behave when in public. No longer able to be her tomboy self, her father thrusted her into extreme femininity and daintiness.
The public seemed to enjoy this "Pure, Fairy, Lady-like" image she had been perfecting over the years, but underneath the glamour, she was feeling clouded and muddled. Like their perceptions of her were more important than her own perceptions of herself. Her older brother figured it was probably their father wanting her to mimic their mother. Hanare's mother, even though she herself a kunoichi, had always been extremely feminine, demure, dainty and lady-like, from the way she spoke, to the way she walked, to her mannerisms. Even when she fought, it was very graceful. Hanare was literally the exact opposite. Ungraceful, tomboyish, and opinionated when she felt it wasn't fair that her brothers could do things she wasn't allowed because she was a girl. Her training in dancing and singing had only given her a new talent, not changed who she was as her father had expected.
Over the years she appeared in several successful films and commercials and at 13, was modeling for adolescent brands. She was becoming more recognized by the public and their immense love of her spawned the title, "The Nation's First Love", coined by 'The Lightning Cloud' weekly tabloid. At age 14, her mother died. And with the only maternal connection she had lost, Hanare became a bit rebellious, threatening to runaway and "quit" being an idol if her father didn't allow her one thing. To be a kunoichi. It wasn't that she liked to fight or see conflict, but in her eyes, it was one of the few ways to stay connected to her.
Her mother was a kunoichi, so Hanare does her best to mimic everything her mother was. Her father was greatly displeased to put his daughter, aka. asset, in harms way and at risk. But he was always busy with his own business agendas and eventually gave in to her request so he could be done with the continuous and ever growing quarrel between the two of them. In actuality, quitting the entertainment business isn't as simple for her as simply saying "I quit". But her life as kunoichi not only allows her to honour her mother, but gives her precious moments to step away from the limelight of the world and simply fight in the honour of her mother. Her life is a juggling act. But in her eyes, its worth it. Being an idol isn't all bad. It's just not the totality of who she is as a person.
【Family ties】
Hanare lives in a family that has always been pretty well-off financially. Her grandfather inherited a large sum from his father and the fortune has since passed down through the generations. Her mother died several years ago, so the family dynamic is less maternal and more financial. Her father only really sees her a marketable object to the masses, an idol to appease to the world and shine as a beacon to the other nations. Her aunt and older brother are the only people in her family that doesn't place the value of money over another person. Even her little brother seems to have a spoiled and entitled mentality, a common trait amongst the men of the clan.
Kikyo | Mother | 42, Kumogakure, Sensory-nin, Deceased.
Ujiyasu Tanpopo | Father | 59, Kumogakure, Businessman.
Keiko | Paternal Aunt | 48, Kumogakure, Sensory-nin, Primary Caretaker.
Ujitsuna Tanpopo | Paternal Uncle | 55, Kumogakure, Businessman.
Ujimasa Tanpopo | Older Brother | 22, Currently in Kusagakure, Archaeologist.
Yashamaru Tanpopo | Younger Brother | 11, Kumogakure, School Student.
【Dreams and fears】
She DREAMS to find a perfect balance between being an idol and being a kunoichi and for the world to accept her as not a "Perfect Fairy", but as a simple tomboyish girl who makes mistakes just like everyone else. She HOPES to honour her late mother in the same fields that she excelled in, Sensory and Calligraphy. She FEARS losing her true self to the expectations and perceptions of society, and how they want her to be, and what they ALWAYS expect her to be.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Though she would prefer to get up close and get her hands dirty, Hanare understands her limitations and fights primarily as a long distance fighter. As a sensor-nin, she keeps surveillance of the surrounding area around her. In combat, she supplements her weak body with elusive and defensive capabilities. Hanare is a summoner who specializes in the use of "fairies" and fights in a whimsical style. She provides utility, support to her allies, and utilizes misdirection to confound, manipulate, and deceive her opponents. Her hiden technique to shrink down in size and turn into a fairy allows her to partake in roles of espionage, among other feats.
【Kekkei Genkai, or Bloodline Limit or Hiden】
Hiden Name:
Shrinking Pixie Technique
Exclusive to the Tanpopo clan, this hiden technique allows Hanare to shrink down to the size of a butterfly and grow insect wings to fly. The wings of a Tanpopo are unique to their own and can share resemblance to any winged insect from a wasp to a dragonfly to even a moth or a ladybug. Their wings vary in transparency as well. In Hanare's case, she sprouts pearlescent semi-transparent butterfly wings. They slightly glimmer under the rays of the sun.
While in fairy form, she can fly, is incredibly elusive and evasive, and it allows her to be stealthy and remain hidden from sight. Her size allows her to go easily unnoticed in most cases. Her strength is boosted while at a reduced size, similar to an ant. Additionally, beating her wings can release streams of scales that resemble sparkly dust. This is often referred to a fairy or pixie dust, which can have various effects on other people and things.
This highly evasive technique, although useful, has a drawback. Once this jutsu is activated, it cannot be deactivated until 5 minutes have passed. This is to allow the mass that was shed when the technique was first activated, to be re-accumulated before it can be reapplied to the body once the jutsu is cancelled. This leaves her in fairy form for at least a minimum of 5 minutes before she can return back to regular size. She is fragile in this form, which makes her extremely vulnerable to annihilation if she is not careful. Maintaining this size slowly drains her chakra.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
Sensing Technique.
D-E rank techniques:
Knows all the basic D and E rank techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Fairy Dust: Hypnosis
By beating her wings rapidly, Hanare can release a stream of scales off her wings and direct them towards her foes. The scales appear like colourful streams of sparkly dust. If her foes inhale her dust, they fall into the genjutsu and under her hypnosis. While under hypnosis, the foe is placated and obeys her commands(typically controlling them to fight for her). However, she can control them for in other ways , such as putting them to sleep. Heavy rain can dampen the effect or wind based jutsus can be used to blow the dust away, ending the hypnosis. Stronger willed foes can resist the hypnotic effects of her fairy dust. She can only maintain the hypnosis for a maximum of 30 minutes(5 post, Excluding other roleplayers and certain Unique NPCS).
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Yōsei-ō(Fairy King)
Short-to-Long Range
Yōsei-ō is an offensive summon that takes the form of a very handsome bare man, who is of a tall stature, with a cascade of exotic flowers wrapped around his body, deer antlers, and large iridescent wings that resemble that of a dragonfly. His antlers take one minute to store up sunlight/moonlight(during day or night respectively), and then fires it off as a powerful solarbeam/moonbeam that does massive damage. During the cooldown while his antlers are recharging, he is an aggressive long-range fighter equipped with a bow that shoots chakra-based arrows. His weakness are his antlers, which are weak to fire. Powerful attacks will make him poof away! If his antlers are destroyed, he poofs as well.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Yōsei no joō(Fairy Queen)
Short-to-Mid Range
Yōsei no joō is a defensive and supplementary summon that takes on the appearance of a beautiful bare woman who is of a tall stature and is adorned with a cascade of wild flowers over her body, with long willowy pink hair, pale skin, and large iridescent wings that resemble a luna moth. Her wings are incredibly durable and can be expanded and bent with incredible dexterity to block incoming attacks. She can create miniature gravity wells of "Fairy Dust" that boost the running speed and chakra flow of allies who pass through it, as well as increase their jumping capabilities, allowing them to leap twice as far than normal. Additionally, her own "Fairy Dust" can be released into the surrounding environment, amplifying Hanare's sensory range to sense those who come in contact with the dust(but would have normally been outside of her range). Her hair is her weakness and is weak to fire. If it is destroyed, she will poof. Powerful attacks will make her poof away as well.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Fairies
This is a summon that stays active until recalled or defeated. This summon conjures a group of fairy-like entities who function as one being, like a hive-mind. These fairies can work together to manipulate and move objects or repel physical assaults. Her fairies, like most of her techniques, are highly prone to being blown away by wind based jutsus.
Jutsu name:
Summoning Jutsu: Demonic Butterflies
This summoning jutsu conjures a swarm of demonic butterflies, that upon activation, congregate to a desired target and begin to devour/bite it. These butterflies are prone to being blown away by wind based jutsus but can easily be disintegrated with fire or simply cut through. But Hanare can also use them for more obscure methods such as distracting foes or clouding their view.
Jutsu name:
Fairy Circle
This jutsu creates an orbital ring of fairy dust that float around her. These scales in large quantities appear as glittery fragments of iridescent dust. Upon summoning this fairy circle around herself, the genjutsu creates the illusion that her body is dissolving/vanishing into a dispersing veil of glowing ethereal butterflies. This essentially makes her appear to be invisible. While the fairy circle around her is still active, she can cause others to become invisible as well should she come into close proximity with them and they enter her fairy circle. The genjutsu doesn't last long though and can be dispelled like any other simple genjutsu if the person knows how.
Jutsu name:
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu scatters her scales(fairy dust) over an object, allowing her to create an genjutsu that causes the object to appear as something else. This can be used on inanimate objects, herself, or even her allies. If the fairy dust isn't used on a specific object, she can create an illusion of an object seemingly out of thin air, but the genjutsu behaves more like a mirage and will only last 1 minute. This genjutsu can be dispelled if the person knows how to do such a thing.
Jutsu name:
Connected Lovers
This jutsu simply allows The Fairy King and The Fairy Queen to switch back and forth synchronously between the two forms, as Hanare has not yet achieved having more than one summon out at a time.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Weapon, tool or object type:
Floating Blades: Razor Butterflies
This weapon utilizes butterfly-shaped blades that she can use her chakra on to make them float and fly around her. These blades appear delicate as they seemingly flutter around her, but cut and slice with the ferocity of shuriken.
孫市 Grandson of the City 記憶 Remembrance
“Do you remember...?”
Magoichi's Voice
Taking greatly after his mother and his father, Magoichi has a mixture of masculine and feminine features. He has a very handsome face and strong jawline much like his father, but the small and soft facial features of his mother make his overall countenance slightly effeminate as well. He's got fair skin, a peachy button nose, thin glossy lips, and soft eyebrows. His almond shaped eyes are of a deep green hue, mimicking the natural beauty of an untouched forest. His gentle features seem to be accentuated quite nicely by his long pale ginger hair, its texture wavy and silky. Despite this, it can become quite a hassle to handle and therefore, he primarily keeps it held in a low hanging ponytail by a green band.
As a dancer, Magoichi has a natural elegance and grace to him. His posture is poised and straight, the true embodiment of debonair stature. He is tall and willowy, with a swimmer-like lean body and frame, and at a height of 5'10, he is neither too tall or too short. There is a beautiful symmetry about his overall structure that lies within an androgynous realm. Is he pretty or is he handsome? Both. His skin is actually quite soft, though slightly velvety which can feel a bit weird for some people. But look into his eyes and there is something cold and dreamy about them. They seem to draw you in, but reject you at the same time. There is a mysterious look in his eyes.
His attire is quite simple, though in some form or fashion adorned with a red rose, whether it be a ring or a bracelet, or a brooch. His clothes are usually grey, black or white ,with a splash of rosy red mixed within to add a bit of asymmetrical dissonance. He's got a mature, but dreamy and calming voice that makes him sound older than he really is. A tattoo of a Rose can be seen on the back of his neck, but his most notable trait is his long wavy ginger hair.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Magoichi Kioku.
Rose. Mago.
Pan-romantic. A person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or gender. Pan-romantics will tend to feel that their partner's gender does little to define their relationship.
Magoichi was born on a small island known as Sakura Country, southeast of Wind Country. It was a country consisting of many small-sized families too tiny to be considered clans, with most of these families residing in the capital city of Cheri.
Kioku; This family, for generations, has had a natural affinity to fauna and flora. This affinity is known as "Natural Whisper", allowing them to commune and utilize various aspects of animals and plants in order to achieve their goals through the ultimate respect and deference of mother earth and the natural world around them. Mother nature was here before we were. It is important to remember where we are and who provides us with the very essence of life. Our survival relies on the survival of nature itself.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Magoichi is an old spirit. Old-fashion if you will. Quaint. They often say he acts like a grandpa, so this makes him seem kinda boring, as he himself, enjoys relatively boring or simplistic things. He can often be found writing letters, reading books, or tending to his garden. A cup of self-brewed green tea and a classic on the evolution of animals is enough to satisfy his leisure time when he has any. He is the studious type and likes to keep himself busy. Whether it be volunteering at the animal shelter or tending to the community garden, its when he is with nature that he can truly "breathe". However, second to his love of nature is his love of dance, doing it and watching it.
Most deem him an intellectual because he is a bookworm and has an aptitude for learning. While this is true, he is also a dancer and therefore, quite elegant in nature. He walks gracefully as though gliding on air and his voice is both soft, but mature. He is like an old-gentleman, suave and generally composed. He is respectful, but particularly to women, treating them as precious beings that deserve only the finest things in life. He stands poised and his overall aesthetic make him appear sophisticated and dapper. This can make him appear haughty though. But there is a soft-spoken beauty about him that draws people in and makes them willing to help or listen to him.
He is probably more patient than most. He has an uncanny ability to suppress restlessness and anxiety when confronted with delay. He's more of a tortoise than a hare in this regard. But Magoichi is very thoughtful and does sweet things for people like bake them pastries or bring them flowers. He shows uncanny respect to everyone, including people he does not particularly care for. He addresses everyone with honourifics because of this. Magoichi highly believes in preserving the natural world and keeping it safe from human interference and destructive practices. He's the type that is too sweet to hurt a fly. Literally.
But, when it comes to his profession as a shinobi, this is a different story. His job is a job and he does not associate his own personal feelings when his job requires for certain things to get done, even if he may not agree with them. This makes him incredibly acquiescent and easy to lead. Nonetheless, he wants everyone to remember. To remember and to hear the cries of those who have no voices. To never forget the pain, the loss, and the suffering, but also, the moments of light and all the wonderful memories that accompany it. He is a believer in remembering the past and showing reverence to everything that made us who we are today(the good, and the bad).
Magoichi was born on an island referred to as Sakura Country, its lands covered in beautiful Cherry Blossom Trees that bloomed year round. These trees were so important to the culture and environment of the island, that a monthly sakura petal festival was held in honour of the trees. Tourist from all over visited the capitol city, Cheri, to witness this beautiful display. Despite some tragedy, he lived a relatively peaceful life. His parents worked as Archaeologist for Cheri's cryptanalysis team and used their findings in order to hieroglyphics and hidden messages.
During an exhibition however, his parents died while exploring an ancient cave. Much effort was put into rescuing them from the collapsed cavern, but unfortunately once their bodies were found, it was far too late. Back home in Cheri, Magoichi had not been informed. It was normal for his parents to be away for months at a time. And to spare him the pain, his grandparents lied to him for several years about his parents' deaths. When he finally uncovered the truth, he was devastated and soon fell into a deep depression. His grandparents taught him one thing, "Even through the pain, learn from it, remember it, and eventually, you move on from it."
And with this piece of information, Magoichi set forth on a brighter path, communing with nature to bring peace to his own grieving heart.
【Family ties】
Magoichi's family was never really rich, but they lived a peaceful and comfortable life. They had the pleasure of experiencing cherry blossom bloomings more often than most. It was this and the simple things that kept them content. Not to mention there was little to no conflict in Sakura Country. Even crime was very low in the capital city of Cheri. But when his parents died, it took a long time for him to come to terms with their deaths.
Anna | Grandmother | 59, Kumogakure, Orchard Owner, Alive.
Mugen Kioku | Grandfather | 63, Kumogakure, Retired Cryptanalyst, Alive.
【Dreams and fears】
He DREAMS to become a biologist. He HOPES to one day visit the site where his parents died. He thinks that by visiting where his parents met their sudden demise, he will be able to finally "let them go" and "move on" completely from the tragedy. He FEARS caves.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
By preference, Magoichi specializes in the use of rose petals to eradicate his foes quickly, as he finds roses to be amongst the most beautiful creations of nature. However, thanks to his kekkei genkai "Natural Whisper", he can manipulate the natural wildlife to his will, both plants and animals alike. And to become truly one with nature, he can mimic the attributes and forms of these animals and plants as well. Though most would not believe it, he is primarily an elusive and evasive close combat fighter, utilizing the metamorphosis aspect of his kekkei genkai to shape-shift into different animals. Each animal form provides him with a unique aspect and skill-set for making the best of tough situations. While he isn't the strongest fighter, he is definitely a capable one, and his many animal forms make him a versatile one as well. But as a dancer, he is a graceful, elegant, and elusive fighter, capable of combating with a stylized hoola hoop if necessary.
【Kekkei Genkai, or Bloodline Limit or Hiden】
Kekkei Genkai Name:
Natural Whisper
It is uncertain how far back this peculiar trait developed, but members of the Kioku family have always been able to "Whisper" to the trees and to the animals of the sky, land, and sea. The natural world was only a step away, even when they would be so far away. They always remember there place amongst nature and their natural communal abilities with mother nature, grant them access to various animal and plant based abilities, though Magoichi in particular, showing an affinity to roses.
His kekkei genkai can be best described as versatile, allowing him to use it primarily for ultility more than anything else. However, it also has offensive capabilities as well, but detailed control and quick thinking is needed in order to maximum the various aspects of this bloodline limit. Being able to quickly shift from one animal form to another is probably this kekkei genkai's greatest asset in the heat of battle.
Though versatile, this kekkei genkai is a natural empathic and communal connection to mother nature. Meaning, members of this family have almost no access to any other forms of jutsus other than their own. A certain type of chakra is needed in order to mold the forces of nature as they desire and these chakras are very difficult, near impossible to use with other forms of jutsu.
【Ninja techniques】
D-E rank techniques:
Knows all the basic D and E rank techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Tree of Life
This jutsu causes him to transform into a colossal Tree of Life. Once in this form, he outstretches his limbs to ensnare nearby foes and begins draining them of their life while transferring it back to him. The enzymes gathered from this life absorption kill the opponents while simultaneously healing severe wounds and replenishing chakra to himself. While in this form, he is completely stationary and is prone to damage if someone manages to gets past his limbs or breaks free from the constricts of them.
Jutsu name:
Metamorphosis: Absolute Transformation
This incredibly versatile jutsu allows Magoichi to shape shift into any animal. Nothing imaginary or fantasy. Furthermore, animals with high levels of chakra such as tailed beast and summons, he cannot shapeshift into. Naturally, he cannot verbally communicate with other people while in an animal form.
Jutsu name:
Transfiguration: Perfect Bloom
This quirky jutsu allows Magoichi to shape shift into any plant he has visually seen, but it limits him to only real plants that actually exist. Nothing imaginary or fantasy. Naturally, he cannot verbally communicate with other people while in an plant form and this jutsu seems to be weak to fire-based jutsus of equal or greater rank.
Jutsu name:
Rose Petals
Short-to-Long Range
A jutsu, and Magoichi's personal favorite, that allows him to conjure a floating cloud of rose petals. With his chakra, he can control these rose petals with his mind to attack his foes and completely rip them to shreds.
Jutsu name:
Metamorphosis: Partial Transformation
With this jutsu, he can transform parts of his body into parts of an animal, without having to shapeshift completely. A prime example of this, is being able to transform heis arms into a pair of wings or grow deer antlers on his head, or even gills on his neck. He can transform several of his body parts into different parts of different animals simultaneously, though doing so quickly drains his chakra.
Jutsu name:
Transfiguration: Partial Bloom
With this jutsu, Magoichi can transform parts of his of body and grow plants on himself without having to shapeshift completely into a plant. A prime example of this, is being able to transform or sprout thorns along his arms and legs, cacti, or even just wildflowers. He can transform several of his body parts into different parts of different plants simultaneously, though doing so quickly drains his chakra.
Jutsu name:
Natural Whisper: Fauna
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu allows Magoichi to manipulate and control nearby animals.
Jutsu name:
Natural Whisper: Flora
Short-to-Mid Range
This jutsu allows him to manipulate nearby plants. He can only manipulate existing plants, not create new ones.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Secret Garden
Weapon, tool or object type:
This weapon is a large stylized ringblade, coloured in a sleek gold and adorned with roses in hues of red and pink. His fighting style is very graceful and elegant, resembling a dance as his ringblade twirls around his body sensually. His fighting style is very beautiful, but careful not to become entranced by his dance of death. |
13,266 | 381 | 21 | 1,717 | 2,937 | S E N K E N S H A T O R A B U R U
Baka wa shinanakya naoranai. À moins qu'un idiot meure, il ne sera pas guéri.
C'est pas vrai.
Toraburu a été pris au dépourvu par les mots du sensei, qui a apparemment esquivé son jutsu. Mais avec ses mots, il a fait la même erreur que le chunin fougueux appelé Trouble fait. Il a donné sa position, et cela a indiqué à Toraburu que quelque chose se passait. Il se retourna rapidement et remarqua une tempête de vent qui s'approchait, et ses oreilles secouèrent de l'hypocrisie de son sensi disant une connerie de ne pas crier un nom de jutsu, mais en même temps criant un avertissement sans raison s'il allait le surprendre. Comme il était un peu un enfant à la ferraille, il a simplement poussé ses pieds dans le sol, augmentant le chakra à ses pieds pour se maintenir stable. Il a croisé les bras juste devant lui et s'est accouché pour l'impact - étant entendu que c'était plus lourd que prévu - et s'est senti légèrement repoussé. Des coupures indiscutables sont apparues sur son bras du vent qui lui a coupé la peau, mais ce n'était pas grave.
"Su-su-suuu.. baka! Si tu veux te plaindre que je crie mon jutsu dehors, tu devrais penser avant de me crier dessus à propos d'absurdités aléatoires avant d'utiliser le tien! Qui a même fait de toi un jonin.. Je parie que ta mère l'a fait. - C'est quoi, ça? Je veux dire... c'est la raïkage... bien sûr qu'elle l'a fait...
Une fois la tempête de vent passée, laissant de nombreuses coupures sur tout son corps, il descendit les bras devant lui, et regarda Hageshi avec un éblouissement difficile. Il s'est ensuite retourné vers son équipe, à savoir Midori, Kaguya et Saborama. C'est bien plus sérieux. C'est si sérieux qu'ils ont eu besoin de quatre d'entre nous pour garder ce gros weenie qu'ils appellent un jonin. Su-su-su.. et ils ne m'ont même pas donné une équipe compétente.
Pendant les voyages à Kirigakure, Toraburu s'est assuré de rester relativement près de Hageshi. Il n'y avait pas de dicton quand cet abruti avait besoin d'être sauvé, après tout. Au moins, c'est ce qu'il s'est dit. Il a gardé ses oreilles pelées et elles secouaient constamment, écoutant des sons. Il l'a fait pour que, involontairement, il a entendu le message de Sutemasu à travers l'interphone sans même en porter un. Il sourit quand elle dit quelque chose sur le feu amical, car d'après ce qu'Hageshi avait montré jusqu'à présent, il semblait presque impossible pour lui de faire quoi que ce soit sans faire sauter une énorme vague d'air et, par conséquent, il semblait peu probable que le feu amical ne se produise pas du tout.
Tandis que l'équipe Sutemasu et l'équipe Minaru partaient déjà, Toraburu attendait derrière Hageshi, regardant au-dessus de la falaise à l'enceinte de la brume. "Prrrrrrrr.." Une purère douce s'est échappée de sa bouche -- quelque chose qu'il détestait, parce que ça lui faisait paraître plus comme un chat qu'il ne voulait le laisser tomber. Il avait déjà assez de fous qui l'appelaient Neko, et il semblait que personne n'avait l'air de comprendre qu'il était vraiment un chat. Ses oreilles secouèrent légèrement, écoutant attentivement les traces des deux équipes devant elles, avant de se tourner vers Hageshi. Qu'est-ce qu'on vous attend, idiot? Et avec cela dit, Toraburu, ou plutôt 'Trouble', a mis sur lui-même de jeter n'importe quelle autorité Hageshi en question. Oh, Hageshi serait vraiment désolé de l'avoir traîné comme un animal. | B U D D H A ' S T E M P L E
壊れた 捨てます
Broken Discard
“猿も木から落ちる。 Saru mo ki kara ochiru.”
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
Early Summer Rain - Samidare
Sutemasu is a woman that, noticeably, has an appealing physique. She looks like a woman that you wouldn't expect in the shinobi force and, furthermore, it seems to come almost effortless to her. Truthfully it doesn't - she spends a lot of time making sure she looks presentable as she is a woman that worries a lot about her appearance to others. Perhaps a hint of insecurity.
Her long blonde hair flows carelessly over her shoulders while the rest of it hangs back in a long ponytail. It's well cared for and that does show. It is perhaps the pride and joy of Sutemasu's appearance and how she feels about herself - if there's anything she loves about herself it's her hair.
She also has long eyelashes, another feature that appeals to many of those around her. Besides that she has no real remarkable physical traits that set her apart too much. Her chin is pointed, flowing forth from a relatively straight jawline. She has a short nose that whips up slightly near the tip. Her eyebrows are plucked into a neat shape, too. Her figure is slightly reminiscent of an hour-glass figure, however it's very subtle, with only a slight bit of curviness to her. Those standing near her would get a faint hint of flowers from her, as she smells or reminds people of them somehow.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kowareta Sutemasu
Kowareta-sensei, Sute
Kowaretu, a clan that hasn't existed for too long.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Sutemasu is a kind, sweet hearted woman who wishes the best to those around her. Her personality was shaped and formed by her history as is the case with many people. However, she has formed herself into something unique when compared to people that went through similar experiences. She stayed humble, obedient and filled herself with hope and determination rather than falling back onto bitterness and anger.
She is calm, collected and seems to be capable of a large amount of empathy. This is, according to the raikage, the primary reason she was chosen as an instructor and sensei. Her soft way of speaking and instructing give genin and chunin the idea that she cares, which she does, which seems to make them more inclined to listen. Nevertheless she can be authoritarian and instructive as needed, in such situations that demand it.
Though not many people realize it, and she would never speak about it or such, she has been through quite a lot. She's lost a lot of comrades in recent years and many of them were close friends of hers. Sometimes she goes through periods of time where she is, at least slightly so, depressed. Though she does her best to hide it, this information can be seen by anyone with a keen and adept mind for psychology or social aptitude. Never the less it seems like it doesn't affect her life too much.
History theme
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Careless play and surprising realization
Sutemasu was born 28 years ago in a hospital in the middle of Kumogakure. While her mother was not a shinobi, her will and strength throughout childbirth could've made her as strong as, or stronger, than most shinobi. The child labour was tough and required a lot from Sutemasu her mother. Not to say that this is a sob-story about how she lost both her parents - no, as you will recognize in her story, despite what she's been through she has never had anything that bad happen to herself.
Her early years were spent mostly doing child things. She usually spent her time playing around with other children, until she became 4. From that point on, naturally as all the other children, she became more aware of her surroundings, the meaning behind the word shinobi, and the jobs that a shinobi was supposed to do. When she was six, she became interested in becoming a shinobi herself. Not for the obvious reasons, namely that it was 'cool' to be a shinobi according to many children, but more so because she enjoyed the kunoichi classes which included flower arrangement and other such things.
Upon enrollment she spent less time with her mother - who ran a flower shop - and spent more time with her father, a Kumogakure jonin. However in order to earn her allowance she still had to work in the flower shop, producing a strong bond between her and both parents.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Study hard, play harder!
In her academy years, Sutemasu spent a lot of time practicing the shinobi arts, especially the kunoichi arts. A lot of time and practice went into ninjutsu and such, while a smaller but still proportionate amount of time was spent in the books to learn about theoretical stuff like tenketsu, chakra control and shinobi history. While she was a good student, she was never one to stand out too much even if she was capable of much more than she let on. She was shy and reserved, though she wasn't one to get bullied or let herself be teased - she could stand up for herself. But her general likeability made her a small target, and she got along with almost all her classmates.
Besides studying, she also spent a lot of time playing. She was acquainted with her many classmates outside of school as well and especially in the early years of the academy, she spent a lot of time outside playing shinobi games and doing general children stuff. When she became older the games changed, of course, and she was more frequently asked to help in the shop. Her group of friends that she frequently hung out with became smaller, but more tight knit, as is normal. It seems that even in a shinobi academy you can't stop clique's from forming.
Age 13 to 15; genin years
Time to work, time to help!
Her time spent as genin were perhaps some of the most entertaining years she spent in her life. While some would look back on the academy and wish they could be there again, Sutemasu was excited to begin working as a genin, doing missions and helping people. Unlike the current generation, she was a genin right after Sasuke and Naruto more or less 'saved the world' and then died. There was still a carefree attitude around, the idea that friendship was the most important thing. So she did not have to dig trenches or do anything like that.
She genuinely spent her time helping people with small tasks, and missions that were barely dangerous. It were more or less the luxury years of her career as a shinobi. It was during that time period, near her fifteenth birthday, where her father decided to retire. He remained active as a sensei within the academy, but his fighting years were over. At least, unless the village required him for it's defense. It seemed to make more sense to make place for Sutemasu, giving her a spot to earn the family some honour. And it would be a shame after all if he died during a mission now that he had a wife and a kid.
Age 15 to 21; chunin years
Maybe the shinobi life isn't that cool..
While she became a chunin with a remarkably good chunin exam, she soon experienced that the life of a shinobi was, perhaps, not as rose colored as she'd imagined. Once her and some of her friends became chunin, they were sent on more dangerous missions. Many of them did not make it back alive, and in these six years she lost many of her friends.
She became a bit more held back and reserved in her personality, becoming more quiet, timid and possibly showing signs of a slight depression. While she never developed anything serious, she was apparently touched deeply by her losses. At age 20 her father died of implications from an old wound that got infected, leaving her and her mother behind. The funeral was respect worthy, and after a small time spent away from the shinobi force, Sutemasu returned to her duties.
Age 21 to present day; jonin years
Teaching kids can be fun, too.. Right?
A year after her fathers death she was promoted to the rank of a jonin, making her a sensei to a team. While she didn't receive her father's headband like she would've wanted, since it was buried with him, she did receive her father's flak jacket. Her first team was a rather rowdy team but due to her natural charm and likeability she managed to subdue them and form them into shinobi that were worthy of the title of chunin. She led them from genin to chunin, with the recent exams being an ending to that chapter of her book. Currently she is on stand by which means she is mostly performing missions with other jonin. However, she has been alerted by the raikage that she is expected to return to her duties as a sensei, this time leading chunin that are already capable of a lot.
【Family ties】
Sutemasu her family life was relatively relaxed. The bloodline of the Kowareta do not represent a large clan similar to the Hyuga or such, but rather a small family. They have relatively little political influence and are 'just another family'. Many family members live outside of Kumogakure, and many of them are not even shinobi. The largest concentration of Kowareta families live in Kumogakure, since 3 families live here.
Yosho Kowareta | Father | 54, Kumogakure, deceased, ex-jonin
Junko Kowareta | Mother | 51, Kumogakure, owner of the flowershop in the village center
Gota Kowareta | Cousin | 14, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
Sutemasu dreams of one day being able to retire, looking back on a succesful career where she helped as many people as she could, and having raised a generation of shinobi that she, and the village, can be proud of.
Her fears are a new war breaking out, as that would mean death and destruction, of which she had already had enough even without the war. Another fear is death - she fears death as all humans do. Any human that doesn't fear death is mentally ill.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Sutemasu is a ninjutsu specialist whom is specifically catered to the engagement at medium to short ranges. Making use of her personal hiden allows her to maintain, and easily sustain herself, within close combat situations. She works best at a medium range to support her teammates, though most her jutsu's are catered more towards finishing blows. Sutemasu can be quite sacrificial considering she has mostly taught children and people that were younger and less experienced than her, so she is willing to risk herself for them. Given her hiden, that should not be too much of a problem, however.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
C rank techniques:
Gōkakyū no Jutsu
Hōsenka no Jutsu
Doroku Gaeshi
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Nokorimasu Onaji (: Sutemasu Style: Remain the Same, 捨てますスタイル 残ります同じ)
Nokorimasu Onaji utilizes a very very small amount of chakra, which gathers in a 'pool' of chakra within the user. In general, there's never been a time where the chakra gets used up so quickly in usage of the technique that it completely empties out.
This passive ability consumes chakra at a very slow rate constantly, even when not in combat. Luckily Sutemasu's chakra pool is large enough to sustain it. This ability works through getting hurt - as strange as it may sounds - converting damage done to the user and turning it into raw power. In effect, that means that 'more damage input = more damage output' in simple terms. Muscles are stimulated by the damage, as well as the psychological will to fight on. This allows Sutemasu to press on past her normal limits and keep fighting even with broken bones, torn muscles or large gaping wounds. The drawbacks to this are, of course, that she's going to be less accurate and skillful, but more powerful. In short, attacks will be more powerful but she'll have a harder time hitting, depending largely on the type of wounds too.
This is by no means a healing jutsu however. A gaping wound will still bleed, and if she doesn't receive treatment, she will still die from the wounds. It's just that she'd likely not notice any pain from the wounds, and that she will feel stronger despite the wound.
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Chakurabāsuto (Sutemasu Style: Chakra Burst, チャクラバースト)
Releasing one fourth of the chakra stored in the pool for the Nokori Onaji technique, she releases a pure burst of chakra out of her entire body, causing a shockwave of chakra. This shockwave can extend between 5m and 10m, dependent on how large her pool currently is. The shockwave is powerful enough to send shinobi that don't hold themselves down on the ground flying, sending lightweights (80<kg.) flying atleast 20 meters at high speed, and sending heavyweights (80>kg.) stumbling out of the shockwave area. Objects are sent flying away too, such as kunai, leaves and other random items in the area.
The jutsu isn't incredibly damaging on it's own, dependent on objects in the area. For instance, in an empty dirt field, there'll be no objects to send flying, and no objects for the enemy to crash into. So, damage will be reduced to perhaps some light scraping from scraping on the ground.
In a forest, or a densely built in city, the damage will be more extensive, given that the enemy might fly into trees, rocks, buildings, roadsigns, etcetera.
Jutsu name:
Bōru (Soup-jutsu: Bowl, ボウル)
This Doton technique forms the basis of a three-nature combination. The Bowl jutsu causes the target to be encased in a dome of earth around them, which then lifts up off of the earth on four earthen pillars. The jutsu is simple. There really isn't much to it - it doesn't kill, damage, or harm you, it just traps you inside the dome. That's bad, right?
Well you can break free. Use S, A or B-rank lightning based jutsu's to break through, or use sheer force if you're really that strong. Just do it in time before the next part of the combo.
Jutsu name:
Sūpu mizu (Soup-jutsu: Soup Water, スープ水)
This Suiton based jutsu is the next step. Thought being trapped in a dome of earth was bad enough? WRONG! Through a hole in the top of the dome that briefly opens at the command of the user, the user then spews water into the 'soup bowl' until it's full of water. Congratulations, you'll now be drowning!
Since this is a suiton jutsu, you could possibly use wind to create a bubble of air for yourself to breathe, though it's not drowning you need to worry about. At this stage of the combo it becomes more or less impossible to use electricity to free yourself from the dome as you'd electrocute yourself. Unless you're willing to risk that. Sheer force would still be enough to break free, but since water slows down movement, it'd likely have to come from the outside.
Or another solution. Maybe you can think of something. Better hurry before the next step, which is..
Jutsu name:
Sutōbu o tentō (Soup-jutsu: Light the Stove, ストーブを点灯)
The final step in the three jutsu combo. True to it's name, this is the step that probably is the most dangerous for whomever gets trapped. Using the Katon nature, the user lights a fire underneath the earthen soup bowl/dome that they created, beginning to boil it at an alarming and dangerous rate for whomever is inside. Drown in the soup made of your own body! Muahaha! Ahem. There is no real defence for this step, if you are trapped.
For outsiders it's possible to blow out the fire using wind jutsu, to quench it with a water jutsu, or to simply free those in the bowl with force. Electricity is possible but ill-advised since you'd probably electrocute your friends inside the bowl.
Neki the Newt
This summoning technique summons Neki the Newt, a large green newt. Given the qualities of a newt, this newt is capable of high speed water traversal as well as shooting water out of it's mouth in a jet stream capable of pushing people back, or if they are light, shooting them away. It's size is medium sized (it's aproximately 2m. high and 4m. long) and is big enough to carry two people in it's mouth at once if they are standing up. It's also possible (and something Sutemasu does often) to ride on it's back by standing on top of it.
Senkensha Toraburu
先見者 トラブル
Seer Trouble
“馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。 Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.”
Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.
Yes, indeed. Toraburu looks like a cat. A inherent trait to his clan makes him take on some traits of a cat, which has manifested itself through a pair of cat ears on his head and fangs that protrude from his mouth even when it's closed. Never the less, you should be warned that any mention of this to Toraburu will make him.. very angry at the least. Contrary to popular belief, Toraburu is NOT cute.
Besides his obvious features being like a cat, he looks like a pretty normal person. Though, you couldn't really call him that given his cat features. Just ignore those. If you look past that you'll see that Toraburu often looks a bit mad. His nose is very small, and very flat, curving up slightly near the end. His eyes are large in comparison, amber in colour, and shaped like almonds. His eyebrows curve inwards almost constantly making him appear angry and aggressive constantly.
His mouth is relatively small, and has two fangs protruding from it. It's almost constantly in a downwards curved frown, making him look even more angry. Truthfully it does a good job at spelling out what kind of person Toraburu is.
His small stature makes his life even more miserable as he stands at, barely, 5'7. He's smaller than most guys his age, actually, and his small size make it even easier for people to find him cute. Never the less he stands his own as his body size is relative to his size. He pulls it off without looking like a short stubby man, maintaining a good balance between muscles and fat and his size. It's almost like he's insecure about it.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Senkensha Toraburu
'Neko, Kitty' if you want to get killed. If you value your life, 'Trouble, Tora'
Heterosexual, though unapproachable
A small village in the outskirts of Kumogakure
Senkensha clan, an entire clan of cat-like shinobi. They're spread throughout the world and are more or less just a clan only in name. They don't really know each other.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his cute appearance, Toraburu has proven to be quite unapproachable. Any comments made towards him that he does not like (i.e. most of the comments made towards him) are met with silence, sarcasm, or straight up insults. While they are generally harmless, if you truly get on his nerves he will make it a point to drill you into the ground, to avoid having to deal with you any further.
While he does have this unhandleable attitude, he seems to have some degree of respect for authority, though begrudgingly he seems to still give them a big mouth some times. For all it's worth however he seems to be at least a decent asset to the team, regardless of his personal attitude. It seems more a case of finding a team for him that he can fit into without much trouble - a team that doesn't ask him too many questions. Perhaps an apathetic team.
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Asshole parents are a universal thing, yo.
Toraburu was born as a result of two of the Senkensha clan being together. They were travelers, as so many Senkensha clan members are, and his mother happened to get pregnant at a time during the travelling. They rested at a village for the next five months until she was ready to give birth. When that was done, and the young lad 'Trouble' was born, the parents vanished. Possibly because the Senkensha clan enjoys their freedom, and having a young boy with them would impede on that freedom.
He was named Toraburu, because that was what he was to his new adoptive parents. 'Trouble'. It was a pretty harsh life the next six years, but luckily for Toraburu, Senkensha clan members weren't born with their cat like features. He seemed to be a relatively normal kid - up until his fifth birthday when his teeth were starting to protrude from his lips despite having his mouth closed, as well as his ears beginning to grow slightly. His adoptive parents still sort of loved him, but it became a lot harder for them to justify having this 'strange kid' in their household. Slowly but surely the village excluded them more and more until it became time for Toraburu to leave for the Shinobi village hidden in the Mountains.
He was accepted there, and joined the shinobi academy. From time to time he'd visit the village, to see his 'parents' but all in all it wasn't too much trouble to leave behind the family.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Mreow! Don't mess with the cat!
During his years in the academy his rather peculiar personality traits became apparent. While at first everyone seemed to think that Toraburu was an extremely nice kid due to his appearance, they were often rudely awoken from their idiotic ideas as Toraburu had a rather foul mouth for a young boy. More often than not he was involved in school fights, incidents in the village and just general trouble. He was living up to his name, more or less. He made many enemies in these years, people that rather saw him bite the dust sooner or later. The feeling was, more often than not, mutual.
While he was a bit of a pain in the ass to the teachers, he did listen to them and he was by all means not a bad student - more likely due to innate ability to become a shinobi than hard work. He was the kid in class that never seemed to do anything, yet ace the exams. It was the beginning for his arrogance, since he noticed himself as well. What was he other than a master at shinobi arts, if he did not try hard at all and still succeeded? That placed him above the rest did it not? Whether his feelings were justified or not, he graduated somewhere in the top 10% of the class, giving him at least some credibility for his claims.
Age 13 to present day; genin years
WHA? They said this would be fun!
While others may have enjoyed these petty years, merely a small point in Toraburu's life. A life he expects and expected to be filled with more splendor and action and interesting things. But no, rather, he was stuck doing rather dull stuff for most his genin missions. He had a team that he didn't like very much but was forced to cooperate with. This only made his pains more unbearable. Digging trenches and taking care of ninken was hardly something he found enjoyable.
It was only when the chunin exams began that he found some.. degree of pleasure in the shinobi line of work. 'Kill?!' he asked his sensei, whom replied that yes, killing was a possibility. 'Anything to get that chunin rank' he thought, figuring he'd get to do more interesting shit then.
He quickly became somewhat of a feared aspect of the chunin exams - he basically physically dragged his team through the exams. And no, that's not figuratively, because he literally dragged a teammate through a battle, cause the little shit was planning to run away and abandon his teammates. During that little escapade he continued to fight his enemies, slinging jutsu left and right and even using the poor boy as a weapon at some point. Needless to say, it was quite peculiar, and perhaps not very fitting of a 'leadership figure' that a chunin was supposed to be. But hey, he passed the trial, so technically they couldn't say shit. Naturally he passed and became a chunin. Now the fun began.
【Family ties】
His family is spread throughout the world, and even though they are somewhat large in numbers, it's not often that the clan members meet. His father and mother are somewhere out there.
Otu Taika | Adoptive mother | 67, Ricepaddy Village, farmer, seamstress
Hoshin Taika | Adoptive father | 71, Ricepaddy Village, farmer
Raito Taika | Adoptive brother | 25, Ricepaddy Village, useless kid that pretends to be a farmer
【Dreams and fears】
Why, becoming famous of course! Nothing would be greater than to become known as a revered shinobi hero that can kill you with merely a glance of the eyes!
Strangely enough he has no interest in ever meeting his parents, though he is unsure how it would happen if he ever did. Chances seem slim though.
His fears are that people will stop bothering with him - even though he's an asshole, he'd hate to feel ignored. It's his biggest pet peeve if people ignored him, so if everyone treated him like he didn't exist, that'd be terrible for him.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Toraburu fights using ninjutsu and taijutsu. He's something of a mix between a ferocious close range fighter and a skilled ninjutsu duelist, though he is capable in both. A bit of a jack-of-all trades, his kekkei genkai gives him the means to do so. Never the less he'll get very annoyed if he is attacked at long range, or if someone figures out his weakness. Because his weakness can literally put him out of the rest of the fight indefinitely.
Furthermore he is quite prone to irrationality and aggressive attacks, making it very likely and possible for him to be lured into a trap or to get ganged up on once he's pulled out of position.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Neko no mimi, 猫の耳.
Ears of a Cat.
Less of a kekkei genkai than just simple physical structure, it is never the less still classed as a kekkei genkai. His cat-like ears allow him to hear extremely well, hearing perfectly what is going on up to about a kilometre away. Similarly, he can hear things that normally do not produce enough sound to be heard easily in a battle, such as kunai and shuriken flying through the air.
Effectively, this allows him to be a semi-sensory nin without really being a sensory nin.
It's not really a kekkei genkai that has any strengths - it allows him to sense people up to 1km away, if they are making noise. The question is if they are making noise. A perfectly silent opponent will be able to circumvent him, though even the slightest slip up would alert Toraburu to their location.
This kekkei genkai can easily be overcome by producing zero noise whatsoever. Even though ninja's are, well, ninja's, it seems that many shinobi do not actually possess such skills. Never the less this is probably the easiest way to circumvent him, though it requires extreme skill to be 100% silent.
Another more backwards method of disabling the kekkei genkai is through the use of sound. While a normal human voice isn't enough to bother Toraburu, nor is a scream or anything that is capable of being produced by humans without tools, a sound-based jutsu would probably be capable of annoying him greatly to the point of hurting his ears and putting him out of the fight.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Suidan no Jutsu
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Suirō no Jutsu
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Nekoken Sutairu, 猫拳スタイル
Cat Fist Style
Much less a technique than a fighting style, this style focusses on the user augmenting chakra in the fists during combat. Whenever the user hits, a blast of chakra follows the hit into the targets body. Relatively simple, really. Although it's reminiscent of the gentle fist style from the Hyuga's, it's different in that it's impossible for Toraburu to see the tenketsu. Therefore he cannot cut off chakra lines or such. Instead, the chakra blasts just deal massive internal damage, capable of temporarily or permanently shutting down organs upon successive hits.
Jutsu name:
Neko Tenohira Burasuto, 猫手のひらブラスト
Cat Palm Blast
A part of the Cat Fist style, the user flattens out their hand and curls their fingers inwards, reminiscent of a cat paw. Upon doing so they target the target's limbs, and when then hit, release the chakra. In the case that this hits, it will likely have enough power to temporarily disable the limb with both the force it puts out and the chakra emanating from the attack.
Jutsu name:
Hatsuon Hiaringu, 発音ヒアリング
Pronounced Hearing
This is a sensory technique. When the user (Toraburu) focuses chakra on his already remarkably good ears, he can increase the range of the sensory qualities. The zone of hearing will expand from 1km to approximately 3.5km. This is a fair range for a sensory nin that doesn't even want to be a sensory nin, and because this 'jutsu' is seen as uncool by Toraburu, it is unlikely that he will progress himself to be able to hear any further than that.
The one weakness this has is that while normally, under the passive kekkei genkai usage, it wouldn't cause him to hurt his ears from anyone standing nearby and talking. Since this jutsu enhances the hearing even further, it would hurt him very much so if someone stood next to him and talked into his ears
Jutsu name:
Nainraiburaifusutairu, ナインライブライフスタイル
By focusing his chakra on his muscles and surrounding areas, Toraburu is able to make himself much more dextrous, bendy and agile than he would've been normally. This is due to his 'cat like physique' which the chakra would help activate slightly more. The exchange for this, however, is the fact that it consumes a bit of chakra, and it reduces the strength of his attacks. On the flip side - it does allow him to jump around a bit more easily, as well as bend out of the way of attacks. |
13,267 | 381 | 22 | 1,366 | 721 | Oukami Amehime
Alors qu'Ame partait avec son équipe, il ne pouvait s'empêcher d'être un peu réconforté par le fait malgré la maladresse, la tension entre son groupe n'était pas aussi mauvaise que d'avoir Toraboru en remorque. Cependant, il n'en a rien dit, et un rapide coup d'œil autour de lui lui a frappé son sourcil de la même manière que les autres, comme si légèrement désapprouvé, mais aussi un peu amusé. Avant qu'il n'ait eu le temps d'examiner de près les autres équipes, cependant, elles étaient absentes.
Ils s'arrêtèrent juste avant la raffinerie, et comme Sutematsu les avertissait d'être sur leur propre et la brume, Ame prit le temps de glisser son manteau, l'envelopper sur sa taille. Réajustant rapidement les plates-formes sur ses bobines, il a pratiqué son sourire poli dans la sécurité de la brume avant de sauter après eux, se tenant vers le haut comme ils ont fait leur chemin vers le complexe. Bien que la brume fût en effet épaisse, Ame ayant passé beaucoup de temps dans l'obscurité pendant l'entraînement du sous-sol a aidé, son attention s'appuyant plus sur ses oreilles que ses yeux l'a manqué.
Après Sutematsu et la compagnie, le groupe a atterri de l'autre côté avec beaucoup de facilité, sans se faire prendre. C'était la première grande mission d'Ame, et honnêtement parlant, il était un peu nerveux, mais il a fait semblant que c'était comme la petite merde que sa famille lui a fait faire, essayant de se concentrer sur la situation à portée de main. Il s'est faufilé derrière ses coéquipiers, les doigts secouant facilement alors qu'ils s'approchaient de six autres shinobi, sachant que son pied passait le seuil de la merde allait tomber. Et il avait raison, Sutematsu se dirigeant vers l'avant pour se débarrasser de la plus éloignée, la suivre rapidement avant que l'autre gars ne puisse prendre un mot dans le sens des bords.
Déjà Ame avait tiré deux fils à travers le ninja le plus proche vers lui, boules pondérées leur permettant d'envelopper autour de deux pipes à proximité et tout comme il a entendu Kasumi avertir, « Préparez-vous », ses pieds légers sortaient déjà du sol, son corps lurant vers l'ennemi. Il a pris le dessus dans la ruée, survolant l'ennemi plutôt que de le mettre à genoux comme il le voulait, tirant rapidement ses fils. Il tourna en plein air, s'orientant une fois de plus vers un autre jeu de tuyaux, se concentrant sur le chakra sur ses pieds pour s'allonger solidement sur le mur, se poussant et utilisant l'élan pour se tirer autour du tuyau.
L'ennemi se précipitait pour faire une contre-attaque, mais en manoeuvrant ses fils, il a utilisé le fil pour tourner brusquement, se permettant un coup de pied pour atterrir solidement sur le visage de l'ennemi-- ou--. Et bien.
C'était censé le faire.
"Shit--" il sifflait alors que son pied rencontrait l'air, d'une certaine façon ses calculs ayant été encore foiré. Ce n'était pas sa faute cette fois, mais... il était concentré et ses yeux avaient prêté attention et... putain, cette fille de Kasumi a ralenti l'autre gars. Focus, Ame, se disait-il, alors qu'il utilisait rapidement son kunai pour tirer sur ses fils, incapable d'être récupéré parce qu'ils s'étaient enroulés lourdement contre la pipe, ses pieds dérapant alors qu'il atterrissait au sol. Jusqu'à présent, il venait de faire un très bon travail de disparition, il pensait à lui-même alors qu'il parlait kunai jeté sur lui, leur physique étant de vitesse normale malgré le fait que le propriétaire d'eux ait été ralenti.
Très bien, d'accord, rassemblez vos affaires. Il a cherché quelque chose de plus simple cette fois, fil s'étirant au-delà de l'ennemi sur lequel il se concentrait, prudent de le viser vers la plate-forme et non d'une manière où ses coéquipiers se couperaient accidentellement sur. Il a fait un début de course vers son ennemi et tout comme le shinobi s'est préparé pour la défense, Ame a tendu le fil, le tirant vers le haut et rapide, le timing juste à droite d'utiliser le kunai dans sa main pour couper la corde, sa main libre atteignant de nouveau pour attraper un second kunai. Alors que l'élan l'a propulsé sur le shinobi, il a dirigé son kunai vers le bas, laissant la gravité être une main d'aide, en envoyant les armes sur les épaules de l'ennemi et en le poussant au sol.
Joli, un en bas. Il ne lui a fallu que cinquante ans. | Oukami Amehime
“Nothing to see here-- everythin's absolutely, perfectly, completely normal.”
Standing at a meager five foot even, Ame isn't one that stands well in a crowd. He's lean with hints of baby fat over his developed muscles, light as he is short weighing in around a hundred pounds. From his tan skin to his fair hair, he looks similar to other citizens of the country, no outward abnormalities setting him apart from the others. His features are slender at first glance, from the roundishness of his face being emphasized only by the childish largeness of his eyes. His nose is a soft rounding slope that leads to prominently thick lips. Both of his ears host simple diamond shaped metallic studs, though upon closer investigation, a hint of a scar can be noted on his right ear, as though a past earring had been ripped off. He has a few beauty marks on his body, though the most notable being the one right over his left eyelid, as well as the back of his left earlobe.
Contrary to his pretty barren facial features, the rest of his body is riddled in scars. From the different hints of bruising on his neck and arms during his training to slender fingers tainted with callouses and healing cuts, Ame has his fair share of "battle scars", though were less achieved in battle and more in his own home. The teen has an awkward gait about him at times when he's unprepared, and a focused look at his legs can show that one is slightly shorter than the other. Many may assume that a large red mark over the side of his left leg-- the shorter leg-- is the cause of such difference in length, but it's merely a simple birthmark. Not that anyone should even see the mark in the first place, given he tends to wear long pants as well as sleeves, the short sleeves of his uniform covered with a robe like fabric with a hood.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Oukami Amehime
Ame, "Who?"
Unknown, presumed to be Kumogakure
The Oukami clan is relatively small compared to other great clans, but have at least a handful spread in many of the other villages. Most of this is made up of the fact that many of their members are orphans adopted from their respected villages, or children bred by said adopted orphans. A people whose origins were rooted in betrayal, they are raised to lie and cheat, and while they may pledge allegiance to their respective homes, their final loyalty stands with their family. As such, the clan is often taught at a young age to think ahead, to plan routes that will in the end help more than harm their people, if not affect them at all. Though they do not have any Kekkai Genkai to be known of, much less known at all by the populous, their line has become infamous underground for their effectiveness in espionage.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Ame has the tendency of being too normal for his own good. With a great social intuition, he barely misses the cue for a laugh- and even then, know whether the laugh was supposed to be sarcastic, awkward, or full. He's calculative in every inch of his actions, from squinting his eyes just right to "smile with his eyes", to the occasional reassuring pat on the back that others may not even notice had happened. Now, it's not to say that Ame has perfect control of his emotions and body-- he has a tendency to slip up, as most children often do, but he makes up for the odd social mistakes by knowing how to cover them up, either using playful words or actions to misdirect the conversation.
In terms of situations, Ame seems to have the most control over his most extreme emotions. Whether something extremely amazing or awful happens to him emotionally, he somehow manages with a smile. It's the smaller things he has trouble controlling, moreso because they're so small that he barely notices he's feeling things. A furrow in his brow at a slight inconvenience, a raise of his brow in amusement as he catches glimpse of something nice-- just the slightest of nuances of his face that suggest interest or disinterest.
If there's one thing Ame is very good at, however, it's conversing with others. He has a sweet smile about him, and his use of body language is often engaging, to the point where others almost fail to realize him parroting their words albeit in different orders. He makes a point to agree more often rather than disagree, but will often throw out small opposing comments to balance himself out.
In his time spent with the Oukami family, Ame grew to an obsessive sort of loyalty to them. Time in his orphanage was forgotten as he was tortured and trained to never spill a secret about the clan even if it meant betraying friends he'd made at school. Though he was an energetic child in the orphanage, as he continued to grow his exciteabilty was more supressed, and he learned to be as patient with others as they were with him, even if at times he'd rather get into a scuffle than smiling his way through.
His years in the academy were mixed with intensive training at home, and Ame was more tired than anything, but still got along well with his peers. He graduated normally enough, without too much showing off in his records or having a bad enough stint that made him stand out to others. The more Ame grew up, the more he learned how to blend in, the energy he used to have in impressing potential parents and friends at the orphanage turning into an observant eye that pushed himself in the background.
He missed his first chuunin exam due to an accident in Basement training that lead to his leg needing rehabilitation and his brother disappearing. It was a bad case of too much pressure and him caving under it at the worst time, which led to a snapped leg and his brother being hurt twice as bad. The family assured Ame that his brother was sent somewhere else to heal and Ame cried a lot, but the focus on fixing himself up pushed the thought of his brother to the back of his head. It took a year and then some to get him adjusted to his poorly healed leg, but it was enough that Ame finally entered the exams and became a chuunin.
【Family ties】
After being adopted into the Oukami clan at the age of five, Ame found himself in a warm and happy home full of loving people. Even his two other orphan mates, one of whom he'd never agreed with, bonded through the simple kindness the Oukami clan offered. Around eight years old, Basement Training began in which he as well as other children his age were placed under torture training while cementing a sort of obsessive dedication to the family. The dedication was only further enforced after they left the basement and went up to see the loving and caring warmth of their family members' familiar faces, as opposed to the masked strangers down under. Ame thus grew very dedicated to his family, with the standard skewed moral sense in that the clan is right above all things.
Oukami Anei | Adoptive Father | 38, Kumogakure, Jonin and Kumo spy, but tends to be a total dad when off duty
Oukami Yumi | Adoptive Aunt | 64, Kumogakure, a caretaker for the adopted Oukami
Oukami Hanaburi | Adoptive Sister | 13, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
On the surface, Ame seems to only dream of one thing: helping his family, and getting through another day. There's an almost shallow layer of simple devotion to Oukami that wraps up Ame's inner psyche-- the dream of living a nice long life with his favourite aunt, the fear of disappointing or ruining his clan, the hope to measure up to his clan's expectations.
Underneath it all, however past the thick and heavy layer of brainwashing and hypnotism, Ame has the lingering desire of wanting to know who's blood runs in his veins and why he grew up an orphan. The wish is so small even he doesn't know he has it, and has been fogged so much by his adoration of the Oukami that even if the thought does crawl up, it's easily washed out.
He is afraid of his actions-- or worse, inactions-- hurting someone in his family, as most Oukami tend to be raised. He also has a bit more selfish fear, and though he has made a vow to give Oukami his life, the child is afraid of actually having to die in any manner other than with peace.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
While it's not to say that Ame has no physical strength, it can also be noted that his strength may not amount too much towards a majority of his opponents. With that said, it's not as though he's got great distance jutsu, so he can't really do much staying in the distance. For whatever he lacks, however, he makes up for in his stamina and creativity. As such, Ame is more touch and go, using the help of wires and distraction to keep himself at a distance before pulling himself or his enemy whichever way he so fixed his wires. He keeps himself moving to keep the attachments of the wires undetected and also just be a real hassle to keep track of. Things like swinging past a tree behind an enemy and stabbing them in the neck tends to be his forte as opposed to actual "fair" combat.
That said, while he tends to be calm and focused, Ame almost tends to be too focused, putting too much energy on his first gathered information and unable to change factors. For instance, if he were fighting a group of five and then a sixth or seventh came in out of nowhere, his adrenaline would spike and he'd probably make a few panicked mistakes before getting his shit together.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Suiton: Suijinheki
C rank techniques:
Suiton: Mizurappa
Suiton: Teppōdama
D-E rank techniques:
The standard clones and transmutations learned at school.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Weapon, tool or object type:
Spools of retractable wires.
Ame's shin guards both each have one spool the knuckle area of his fists, as well as two spools on the outer end of his forearms. His shin guards each have four, with three on the outer and one on the inner. He carries two emergency spools inside his flak jacket. Every wire is standard grade with no special flare about them, though at times Ame attaches them to small weighted balls for better control.
They help Ame with his movements, wrapping and catching themselves around the right things to turn him midair while also making an effective weapon for anyone not paying attention. The more Ame gets to fuck around, the more wire he can plant or remove, and sharp enough to cut skin for anyone walking into it willy-nilly. Though they are retractable, Ame often cuts the strings-- unless using them in a pulley-like manner to lift others up in which case the feature is helpful.
Given a good ninety percent of the wire is on Ame's arm and shin guards, the moment they're knocked off, he's already down on his most trained weapon. Not to mention that wire is no match for a sharp knife, it's power on cutting people dependent on it's tautness and therefore can be easily undone. It works more as a surprise than anything-- after the curtains have been lifted, it's much easier to figure out. |
13,268 | 381 | 23 | 1,148 | 89 | Nakamura Hageshī
Hageshī a été facilement ennuyé par l'attitude de l'enfant qu'il avait pris sous son aile, même s'il ne l'a pas montré. Bien sûr, Sutemasu n'a pas beaucoup aidé, mais au moins elle plaisantait. Il pouvait apprécier une blague ou deux. Minaru, d'un autre côté, était presque aussi mauvais que le petit! Hageshī suppliait juste pour une excuse de les frapper tous les deux dans le sol. Bien sûr, ce n'était pas pour ça qu'ils étaient là. Une mission était sur le point de commencer et il n'a pas eu le temps de s'amuser avec eux. "Kirigakure est un village dangereux... Je veux que vous vous teniez tous près de moi." Il a demandé à ses étudiants d'une voix stricte et en plein essor. Et comme ça, ils étaient en route.
Les équipes prendraient du temps pour se rendre à l'usine. Il a toujours gardé un œil sur ses élèves, s'assurant qu'ils ne s'éloignaient pas trop loin du groupe. Alors qu'ils se rendaient à l'usine, Hageshī remarqua que la brume commençait à s'épaissir. À l'aide de ses techniques de Wind Release, il lui permettrait de s'éloigner de la route pour lui et son équipe. Peu de temps après, ils se retrouveraient à la falaise menant à l'usine. Hageshī regarda les bâtiments, essayant de délimiter la zone au fur et à mesure que les deux autres équipes s'en allaient. Il n'a pas fallu longtemps avant qu'il ait finalement décidé qu'il était temps de déménager.
Avec le petit chat qui le pressurait, Hageshī s'inclina et sauta du côté. Il s'est posé doucement sur l'eau, avant de se lever, et de marcher à travers la brume vers l'usine. C'est à ce moment que, si les élèves ont remarqué, un kunai a volé au-dessus de la tête de Hageshī. Il y avait une bombe à papier, qui se collait sur le côté de la falaise. Il semblait que l'ennemi essayait de faire tomber la falaise au sommet de toute son équipe! "Surveillez-vous! La falaise va exploser!" Il a appelé, engageant le shinobi qui avait jeté le kunai. Avec quelques coups rapides, la force brute pure de ses coups a fait perdre la défense au shinobi, et il a été envoyé voler avec un coup de pied sur son côté. En s'approchant de l'équipe, espérant qu'ils seraient tués, il y avait quatre shinobi ennemis. "Nous allons les sortir rapidement et nous regrouper avec les autres!"
Uchiha Kota
Le voyage était un peu ennuyeux pour Kota, puisqu'il n'était pas beaucoup pour se promener partout constamment. Bien qu'il n'ait pas eu de problème majeur avec cela, il aurait préféré rester à la maison et se détendre s'il en avait la chance. Pourtant, au moins quand la mission était terminée, il pouvait apprendre à connaître l'autre Chūnin un peu mieux. Pendant son voyage, il prenait le temps de rattraper Kasumi. La plupart de la journée a été passé à rire de quelque chose de stupide ou à faire des blagues, mais d'autres fois, il était en fait plutôt curieux de ses expériences.
Il était content qu'ils aient enfin pu se revoir. Bien sûr, une pensée soudaine l'a frappé; et si elle était blessée? Il s'est ébranlé la tête, essayant d'en sortir l'idée de son esprit. Elle avait grandi pour devenir indépendante et assez forte pour prendre soin d'elle. De plus, si elle était blessée, il fallait qu'il se souvienne de la seule chose qu'il se disait toujours quand il était enfant; c'était un héros!
Comme le groupe a finalement atteint la falaise, Kota a été étonné par la vue avant lui. Si seulement ils n'étaient pas là pour détruire l'usine. Il aurait aimé jouer dans cette brume avec ses nouveaux amis. Quoi qu'il en soit, il avait une mission à faire, et il allait essayer de le faire. Au fur et à mesure que l'équipe entrait, il n'a pas fallu longtemps à Sutemasu pour alerter l'un des gardes. Secouant la tête, il a remarqué que Kasumi leur donnait un tampon. Avec un sourire, voyant que Reiji entrait déjà dans la mêlée, il sortit son épée et applaudit. "Très bien, Kasumi-chan! Je vais vous montrer ce que je peux faire!" En chargeant l'un des ennemis, il les a heurtés à l'outil. Les étincelles volaient rapidement, avant de les frapper latéralement dans la mâchoire avec la poignée de la lame. Il semble que son Kenjutsu était assez habile pour un Chūnin. L'homme tenta encore une fois de faire tomber son arme sur Kota, mais on rencontra chacun un parry, le bruit de broyage de métal et de frapper ensemble sonneries. Ce n'est que lorsqu'il descendit son arme pour les pieds de l'Uchiha que Kota sauta en l'air, avant de revenir à la tête des hommes avec une force énorme. « Style d'éclairage : chute horizontale de l'oppression de la foudre! » Avec un fort boom, l'homme a bloqué la côte initiale avec son arme, avant d'être poussé dans le sol et frappé inconscient du coup pur.
Se tenant là avec confiance, il regarda Kasumi, Reiji et Sutemasu, se reposant la lame sur son épaule. Il s'est pointé sur lui-même, il a souri, "Je vous ai dit, je suis un..." Sans même le réaliser, un grand homme l'avait frappé hors du chemin, faisant voler Kota dans le sol à quelques pieds en arrière. Il gémit, se ramasse, avant de jeter un regard en colère sur l'homme. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de grand, mon pote? J'étais en plein milieu de sonner cool pour quelqu'un que je n'ai pas vu depuis des années et tu l'as gâché!" Pour quelqu'un qui agit de façon positive, il s'est vraiment énervé pour quelque chose de si stupide. | "Show your superiors some respect."
Naruto OST - Rising Dragon
Hageshī stands at 6'1(185.42 CM) and is an overall fit man. Lined across most of his body is muscles, which is topped off with his overly strict look that he puts off. Although not rare to see him smile, Hageshī has a somewhat focused look, as if concentration on his environment closely. His clothing allows the covering of his lower jaw and mouth, but only ever-so-slightly.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Nakamura Hageshī
Hageshī-sensei, Kumogakure's Thunderous Champion
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Hageshī is known for his soldier-like discipline and realistic views on life. While not entirely a grumpy man, Hageshī isn't known for his friendly attitude towards his students, but rather his strict regime and tough-love. Like most shinobi from Kumogakure, Hageshī has a very xenophobic look on members from other villages and will bluntly state this. For example, Hageshī was strongly against his mothers decision to allow a small Uchiha family into the village, despite the potential strength and edge it could give to the village. Another commonly known trait of Hageshī's is that he has not once backed down from a fight from foreign villages, going as far as to encourage combat. He has stated that "Kumogakure is by far the most militarized of all villages. If we mobilized, we could wipe the floor with our enemies."
Hageshī's life has always been a series of strange and heroic events. Life as the Raikage's son caused him great stress, due to the large amount of publicity he received in the Academy, but nonetheless made his determination to live up to her standards stronger than ever. Albeit his life was quite regular, it began to take an unexpected turn from his failure to become a Genin. Outraged by the results, Hageshī lifted his fist into the air, and brought it down upon the ground he stood on, causing a large disaster in the village, nearly bringing the peak of the mountain down upon them. When confronted by his mother, instead of being punished, she took him in as her own student, to teach him how to control his Kekkai Genkai.
Hageshī'S Life as a Genin was truly the hardest, yet filled with the most support had was ever given in his life. Learning under the Raikage was difficult enough, but the fact that she was his own mother made the struggle 10x greater. Of course, by the end of it all, Hageshī found himself outclassing most Genin his age, aside from one... Kowareta Sutemasu. For most of his time as a Genin, Hageshī would find himself always trying to beat Sutemasu at some kind of competition or skill-based activity, eventually considering her his chief rival. It was not until their Chūnin Exams that he would find peace with her, eventually graduating into the life of a true shinobi.
Much of Hageshī's life is a mystery beyond this point, up until a great raid on Kumogakure. During the attack, Hageshī found himself at the forefront with other Kumo-nin. After the first wave was defeated, the shinobi force of Kumogakure was too exhausted to fend off the second wave, until Hageshī was able to drive off the remaining forces with his legendary technique, Earth Release: Guardian-God of Kumogakure, which is where the name comes from. Unfortunately, the toll of using the technique at such an early stage in his career caused Hageshī problems with chakra control, effectively stumping him for his later life. Taking this with a grain of salt, Hageshī began to increase his Taijutsu capabilities, which he is now renown for in the village.
Hageshī is now a praised Jonin within the village and serves it to the best of his abilities, whether it be through assassination of a shinobi or political figure of a rival country/village, teaching the new generation, or protecting his village from destruction.
【Family ties】
A | Mother | 48, Kumogakure, Raikage.
【Dreams and fears】
Hageshī dreams of a large and prosperous Kumogakure. Of all the things that he has believed in, Kumogakure becoming the strongest of the hidden villages is one of them. His fears, however, are more than obvious; the destruction of his home and the death of his mother; the Raikage.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Hageshī is legendary to the village for being one of it's greatest Taijutsu users. Combined with his Earth Release techniques and his overall physical strength, the blows that Hageshī deals can be quite damaging, especially to one who doesn't know how to block or counter said attacks. While not a ranged fighter, Hageshī does have ranged capabilities, although he rarely uses them if he can reach his target.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Shattering Fists
Description: The KG allows the user to enhance the strength of a single Taijutsu attack a hundred times fold, giving the user the ability to shatter a mountain or cause great earthquakes with a single strike. A warning sign of this ability is a large amount of chakra rippling through the hands or feet of the user.
Strengths: The enhanced strength not only allows for more powerful attacks, but can allow the user to launch towards a target or location of their choice at the blink of an eye. Most would not be able to survive this KG without some form of powerful protection, like a Susanoo.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, the blast radius of the ability tends to hit allies and foe alike, rather than one foe. In order for this ability to be used most effectively, the user must make sure allies within the vicinity are within a reasonable distance or other safe place before using it. While you could destroy a single target, there is always the possibility that you'll harm more of your own teammates than your enemy.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
C rank techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
Generally what you expect. Normal Clone, Transformation, etc.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Earth Release: Guardian-God of Kumogakure
Hageshī stands his ground as he uses this technique. In order for it to successfully summon, he requires a large amount of chakra and concentration. After it is complete, from the ground beneath him erupts a giant golem, roughly half the size of the mountains of the Land of Lightning. The large beast is controlled directly by Hageshī, but can be given free will if he is required to go elsewhere. The golem does not pursue a target unless directed by Hageshī and will instead defend Kumogakure and it's shinobi until told otherwise. The golem was used only once in the past, in order to defend Kumogakure from a large attack. The defense of Kumogakure gave this golem it's name.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name: Kunai, Shuriken(s), standard stuff.
Weapon, tool or object type: N/A
Description: Typical shinobi gear. |
13,269 | 381 | 24 | 2,041 | 394 | Yayoi Ikaruga
Le voyage sur l'île a été principalement sans incident, avec la plupart des problèmes provenant de chaque fois que Toraburu allait ceinturer sa marque spéciale de l'Encouragement. Le chat était encore assez coupé de Hageshi-sensei, mais il semblait être de bonne humeur. Connaissant le type de Toraburu, Ikaruga espérait que la haute énergie du chatboy n'était pas juste posturage. Fidèle à la forme, Ikaruga a fait un point pour regarder tous les signes que son compagnon chunin ne regardait pas trop sous le temps. À part Toraburu, aucune de leurs équipes n'avait été touchée, donc au moins elles étaient physiquement pointues.
La brume a rendu difficile à voir, mais heureusement Hageshi s'en est occupé à mesure qu'ils avançaient vers l'usine. Au fur et à mesure qu'ils se déplaçaient, Ikaruga ôta soigneusement sa lance de son douille et commença à suivre Hageshi de son flanc gauche. La côte avait l'air claire, ou du moins aussi claire que la brume qui pendait au-dessus de l'île le permettrait. Quoi qu'il en soit, Ikaruga avait pris une position basse, la tête spirale du Rasen no Yari pointait vers le sol. Après la tête de Hageshi, Ikaruga lept après le Jounin, presque frappé par la bombe à papier truqué kunai qui est sorti de la brume devant l'équipe. Dès que ses pieds touchèrent l'eau, le jeune spearman poussa vers l'avant pour attaquer l'ennemi shinobi qui s'était approché. Dès qu'Ikaruga est entré dans une gamme de lances optimale, il l'a balancé aux deux kiri-nin qui étaient venus pour le rencontrer, se frappant les deux dans l'autre. Il semble qu'ils aient sous-estimé la force d'Ikaruga, car les deux Kiri-nin ont été arrachés de leurs pieds par l'impact de l'arbre de la lance.
Les deux kiri-nin étaient cependant loin du combat, car ils ont tous deux réussi à se remettre rapidement du coup d'ouverture d'Ikaruga. Le plus grand des deux, qui était en train de manier une épée, a signalé à son compatriote qu'il avait le combat couvert, permettant à l'autre kiri-nin d'engager l'un des autres chunin Ikaruga. Avant qu'Ikaruga ne puisse l'intercepter, cependant, le kiri-nin porteur d'épée était sur lui, attaquant Ikaruga avec habileté. Pas de slouch avec sa propre arme, Ikaruga a tranquillement parié le sabreman, souffle tout en contre-attaquant pour retrouver la bonne distance pour une frappe de lance appropriée. Finalement, Ikaruga a donné un coup de pied dans la poitrine de son adversaire pour le frapper de nouveau avant de pousser le Rasen no Yari vers le cœur du kiri-nin. Tout comme l'ennemi sans méfiance a levé son épée pour intercepter le coup, le chakra a éclaté du fer de lance en spirale et s'est lancé dans une perceuse, éclatant en avant avec une force immense et sortant à travers le sabreman.
La force de l'éclatement du chakra tournant a envoyé le kiri-nin rouler à l'envers, mais étonnamment il a encore tiré son souffle. Le shinobi blessé a embrayé sa poitrine dans la douleur, la chair autour de l'entrée et les blessures de sortie de l'attaque de spearman, ayant été tordu dans une spirale elle-même. Bien qu'il ait évité un coup fatal au cœur, il semblait que l'attaque ait encore réussi à endommager la plupart des organes entourant sa blessure. Sensant Ikarugas approche, le kiri-nin a tenté de ramasser son épée pour une dernière hurrah, seulement pour voir que la lame elle-même avait été partiellement brisée et tordue dans une spirale aussi bien. J'espérais te frapper le cœur pour ne pas te blesser trop longtemps, mais tu étais mieux que je ne m'attendais. Dans votre prochaine vie, je vous suggère d'éviter le clan Yayoi Spiral Driver.
C'est bon.
La réplique du kiri-nin a été coupée par une lance lancée à travers son crâne. Soupirant, Ikaruga tira la lance du cadavre et rejoindra ses camarades une fois de plus. | Yayoi, Ikaruga
“Let’s get to the point then, shall we?”
Ikaruga stands at a solid six feet tall with a reasonably toned body honed by years of shinobi training. Underneath the black cap that Ikaruga is rarely seen without is two-toned hair, black at the roots as it extends into white locks of hair that the young chunin has taken to styling into two braids that come down to frame each side of his face. When Ikaruga’s bloodline trait isn’t active, his eyes are sky blue, changing to a reddish purple when his clan ability is in use.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Yayoi, Ikaruga
”Pigtails”, “Ruga”, “Ikkun”
The Yayoi clan, a family line known for producing a long line of expert spearmen, a rare sight amongst the ranks of shinobi. At one time, it was a sign of great status to have a Yayoi clan spearman in one’s employ as a bodyguard.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his somewhat delinquent-esque appearance, those who get to know Ikaruga often find that he’s actually a pretty nice guy. Always up to deliver words of encouragement, Ikaruga’s welcoming, laid-back nature has led to him being a sort of older brother figure to Kumogakure’s genin and even some of the younger chunin in the ranks. While on the one hand, Ikaruga is known to be a skilled shinobi, he still lacks the absolute killer instinct to allow those around him to be sacrificed for the good of a mission, a fact that holds him back to some extent.
From a young age, Ikaruga was brought up on the idea that serving and protecting one that he could proudly call his Lord was the highest honor. As the son of the clan’s pride and joy, this pressure couldn’t have been more apparent. Ikaruga’s mother wasted no time attempting to train her son in the clan’s famed sojutsu style, for it was only natural that the spawn of the clan’s shining jewel could not be allowed to come short of his mother’s greatness. Through it all, Ikaruga managed to maintain the sunny disposition he’s known for today, a trait that warmed the hearts of even some of the strictest elders of the Yayoi clan.
Eventually, young Ikaruga decided that he would start a career as a shinobi, having heard stories of about supposedly glorious battles and heroes of the shinobi world all throughout his life. While his mother was apprehensive at first, she consented to the idea with the condition that her son would make a name for himself amongst the ranks of shinobi, thereby heightening the clan’s status further. It was in Ikaruga’s initial years as a Genin that he finally understood what he felt was his true calling. After finally making friends outside of the watch of the Yayoi clan, he realized that it wasn’t any individual lord that he wanted to serve, but the people of Kumogakure as a whole. With added resolve, Ikaruga managed to distinguish himself as a particularly skilled genin, eventually passing through the chunin exam where his skills with the spear and ability to work excellently in team contexts was put on full display.
As of right now, Ikaruga is a reasonably accomplished chunin with a good rapport among the village folk. Though, he won’t be satisfied until he’s at least achieved the rank of “jonin”.
【Family ties】
The Yayoi clan is actually rather large, with a branch in nearly every part of the known world. On special occasions the clan will gather in an attempt to reconnect and share information about the recent happenings in their respective villages. Outside of these occasions, however, there isn’t too much communication between the individual branches.
Yayoi, Benio “Benio the Impaler” | Mother | 46, Iwagakure, former bodyguard of the Earth Daimyo, presently “retired”
Yayoi, Tadaharu | Father | 41, Iwagakure, a serious injury forced him to retire from being a bodyguard, so now he’s a sushi chef (his real dream)
Yayoi, Zenkichi | Grandfather | 85, Konohagakure, Retired
【Dreams and fears】
Above all, Ikaruga wishes for a world in which there can be true peace. However, knowing that to be impossible, Ikaruga wants to become a prime player in the future security of Kumogakure in order to ensure that at least his home and loved ones can remain safe under his watch.
Ikaruga’s greatest fear is the threat of all-out war breaking out and being powerless to stop Kumogakure from falling at the hands of its enemies.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
As a master of sojutsu, Ikaruga is skilled at using the length of his weapon to his advantage, making pinpoint strikes at enemies’ vitals while minimizing the chance of retaliation in close combat. Ikaruga prefers to use quick footwork and his incredible flexibility to position himself for single attacks rather than engaging in a full on flurry of blows in an attempt to conserve stamina. Use of ninjutsu on his part is mainly for erecting barriers to defend allies rather than offensive purposes.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
”Fierce Jibakurei Method”
After setting up an appropriate “territory” using special sticks of incense infused with the user’s chakra, the user forms a “contract” with the prepared territory to become the area’s appointed “guardian”. What this means is that, once activated, the user becomes capable of drawing nature chakra from the surrounding area in order to enhance their abilities. To signify the user’s intake of nature chakra, a “flame” made of chakra appears by their head, a phenomena that draws some comparison to the form of a “hitodama”. Other visual signifiers are veins of nature chakra running through the user’s skin and a change in the user’s eye color. In some cases (like Ikaruga’s), other features like the user’s lips may take on a different hue. Along with the increase of the user’s physical abilities, the receiver of the territory’s nature chakra is also able to manipulate the chakra into shapes, an ability that pairs well with the spear techniques of the Yayoi clan.
As what essentially amounts to a sort of pseudo “Sage Mode”, the Yayoi Clan’s secret technique serves as an effective boost to the user’s overall effectiveness. The use of nature chakra itself also serves as a deterrent to those who might think to try and absorb the chakra from the user’s attacks.
As a result of the Fierce Jibakure Method’s development by non-shinobi chakra users, attempts by the user to perform ninjutsu or genjutsu while drawing upon the territory’s power runs the risk of drawing in too much nature chakra at once and turning the user to stone. As a result, in order to operate safely the user must only make use of physical techniques (like the Yayoi family sojutsu, for instance) and the enhanced chakra molding granted by the territory. Furthermore, the user can only draw upon nature chakra within the established territory, which means that a chase could be impossible without sacrificing power in order to pursue an enemy. As a result of the territory being created through a ritual-esque contract, the territory needs to be prepared in advance, and any disruption to the burning incense sticks will lead to the territory being void. In other words, an enemy team of shinobi with prior knowledge of the technique could devote time to finding and destroying the territory border before engaging Ikaruga.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide
C rank techniques:
Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique
Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire
Wind Release: Great Breakthrough
D-E rank techniques:
Basic Academy Techniques
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Yayoi Style Sojutsu: Spiral Driver
Depending on the sort of strike being made, the range of an attack can extend from the tip of Ikaruga’s spear, to approximately 15 meters away.
In order to augment the range and offensive power of spear strikes, the user of the technique releases chakra from their spear as a sort of drill to pierce opponents. When the target is pierced by an attack using this technique, the flesh surrounding the point of impact tends to twist in a similar spiral formation, making wounds from Ikaruga’s attack take an incredible amount of time to heal.
Jutsu name:
Yayoi Style Sojutsu: One-Man Phalanx
The “One-Man Phalanx” only extends to the range of Ikaruga’s spear unless combined with “Spiral Driver”
Using incredible speed, the user unleashes several near-simultaneous spear strikes and creates a wall of afterimages, some of which are actually feints that hide the user’s actual strikes within.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Yari no Rasen (Spear of Spiral)
A spear of approximately eight feet in length, topped with a spiraled head reminiscent of a unicorn’s horn. The shaft of the spear is a vibrant crimson and capped with gold at the opposite end of the spearhead. The metal used to create the spearhead is especially good at interacting with chakra, making it incredibly useful for maximizing the efficiency of the “Spiral Driver” technique. |
13,270 | 381 | 25 | 1,717 | 2,937 | L'objectif est de faire en sorte qu'il soit possible d'améliorer la qualité de l'eau et de l'eau potable.
"Saru mo ki kara ochiru. Même les singes tombent des arbres.
Sutemasu avait brièvement jeté un coup d'œil sur son équipe et a remarqué qu'ils s'occupaient d'eux-mêmes, même si c'était la question de savoir à quel point ils s'occupaient d'eux-mêmes. Avant de pouvoir intervenir, elle était déjà confrontée à nouveau à son adversaire. L'homme l'a accusée de kunai tiré, la balayant à trois reprises. Sutemasu a esquivé sous le premier mais pour une raison quelconque a permis aux deuxième et troisième swipe de la frapper -- il n'y avait même pas une tentative de dragage. Le kunai l'a frappée sur des endroits sans importance, ouvrant un trou dans son pantalon, lui coupant la cuisse, l'autre kunai faisant paître sur son bras. Le sang venait de la blessure, mais Sutemasu semblait sans lambeaux, s'emparant de l'homme par son bras et exécutant habilement une prise sur le bras. Elle a verrouillé son bras pour qu'il ne puisse pas l'utiliser, et avec un coup dur sur son coude d'en bas, a cassé le bras en deux. L'homme se lamentait de douleur, libérant un dur et criant AAH! qui pouvait être entendu dans tout le complexe et de loin dehors. Le son semblait aller bien loin entre les falaises de Kirigakure et les eaux libres. Maintenant qu'il était partiellement handicapé, elle a tiré sa main libre en arrière et a livré trois coups rapides sur le plexus solaire de l'homme -- le noyau de son corps, qui n'était pas protégé par le muscle ou l'os. L'homme s'est gazé pour l'air alors, incapable de respirer automatiquement en raison de ses nerfs frappés, ce qui l'a fait se concentrer très dur sur, eh bien.. pas mourir.
Un des shinobis qui n'avait pas été engagé par l'équipe de Sutemasu, à savoir celui le plus proche d'elle, a réagi au cri en essayant de la précipiter, formant des phoques pendant qu'il s'approchait. Ses pas lui donnèrent cependant sa position et Sutemasu se retourna, balayant l'homme qu'elle tenait par le bras cassé et le jetant sur le shinobi qui venait pour elle. L'homme est tombé dans l'autre homme, jetant toute l'attaque qui était planifiée en désarroi avant qu'ils ne finissent dans une embûche sur le sol.
Sutemasu les considérait vaincus, ne voulant pas les tuer sans raison, car ils faisaient simplement leur travail comme elle l'était. Cependant, cela a laissé les quatre autres shinobi à traiter. Elle regarda l'équipe, qui semblait être revenue à son emplacement d'origine après avoir échangé des coups avec l'ennemi. Il semblait que le combat se passait assez bien. Ça aurait pu être mieux qu'elle l'ait fait, mais il n'y avait pas le temps d'y réfléchir trop. Comme le chunin avec elle ne savait pas à propos de son kekkei genkai auto-créé, c'était en vérité plus comme une cachette, elle a décidé que ce serait un bon moment pour leur montrer.
Les Kirigakure nin se tenaient à côté l'un de l'autre, formant un front contre le Kumogakure nin. Clever, et le manuel, mais ça n'allait pas les aider dans ce cas. Sutemasu sauta en l'air et atterrit devant les quatre shinobis, regardant en arrière par-dessus son épaule vers le chunin sous son commandement. On ne peut pas gagner, les gars. Il faut qu'on se retire. Vas-y maintenant, je vais te gagner du temps!... Eh bien, ce n'était pas vrai du tout. Si quelqu'un des chunins était assez attentif, ils remarqueraient probablement le léger soupçon d'un clin d'oeil dans l'œil gauche de Sutemasu, avant qu'elle se tourne vers le Kirigakure shinobi. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
« Prenez-moi, mais laissez-les partir! » Sutemasu a négocié avec le shinobi, avant de faire un pas en avant avec ses mains levées. Le Kirigakure shinobi n'a pas semblé s'accrocher et la laisser se rapprocher, avant qu'on marche vers l'avant. "Je préfère te voir mort, connard de Kumo!" L'autre l'a rejoint et s'est précipité vers Sutemasu, essayant de l'encercler. Sutemasu n'a fait que sourire, clignotant ses dents au shinobi -- un signe que même Sutemasu, sinon douce et douce, pourrait avoir un peu d'enthousiasme de combat en elle.
Quand celui qui l'a confrontée s'est avancé pour la poignarder, elle ne s'est pas remise à l'éviter. Son kunai a pénétré son gilet en flak, atteignant dans son estomac. Étrangement, elle n'a pas flippé du tout. Sa main a atteint le bras du shinobi et l'a rapproché, ce qui n'a fait que pousser le kunai plus profondément. Tu as foiré. Ne attaquez jamais quelqu'un comme ça si vous ne savez pas ce qu'ils peuvent faire.... Elle lui chuchotait, et elle le regardait de près quand ses yeux devenaient plus grands en se rendant compte qu'il avait fait une erreur.
Sa main lâcha le bras et se gifla rapidement avec l'autre main, formant un sceau tigre. Elle s'est penchée légèrement, ramassant le chakra dans son corps, avant de crier ce qu'elle faisait. Tout le chakra rassemblé expulsé de son corps, produisant une onde de choc assez dure et puissante qui a envoyé le shinobi voler. Deux se sont rendus sur son front - loin de Reiji, Kota, Kasumi et Amehime - tandis que les deux autres se sont dirigés vers les quatre shinobi, puisqu'ils avaient essayé d'encercler Sutemasu.
Ce serait facile pour les shinobis. Maintenant que les shinobis étaient, plus ou moins, traités pour l'instant jusqu'à ce que l'équipe de chunin les neutralise, Sutemasu a sorti le kunai de son estomac, où il avait été logé assez profondément. C'était plutôt étrange, après tout, de le laisser assis là. Encore une fois, elle n'a pas fléchi - et elle n'a pas souillé les yeux dans la douleur, et elle n'a pas scintillé, et elle n'a donné aucun signe de douleur.
Sutemasu Sutairu. La définition de ce qui ne tue pas vous rend plus fort.
Baka wa shinanakya naoranai. À moins qu'un idiot meure, il ne sera pas guéri.
C'est pas vrai.
Toraburu suivit Hageshi de près, atterrissant légèrement derrière lui, à sa gauche. "Su-su-su.. Pourriez-vous être plus fort..., il a prononcé sous son souffle à ceux qui sont tombés derrière lui, même s'ils n'ont pas produit un son. Il aimait se plaindre des gens. Il se tenait à nouveau droit, après s'être penché légèrement vers l'avant pour faciliter sa chute sur l'eau.
Il resta immobile un moment, soulevant son bruit en l'air, avant que ses oreilles ne se bousculent légèrement. Quelque chose secouait à travers le ciel.. hmm.. sonnait comme....Qu'est-ce que le f.... Tout comme Toraburu était sur le point d'avertir le reste au sujet d'un projectile avec un morceau de papier accroché derrière lui, à en juger par le son, le kunai les a passé et a frappé la falaise derrière eux. L'explosion était assez grande pour envoyer la falaise s'écraser dans l'eau, produisant une petite vague de sortes. Toraburu a maintenu son équilibre pendant qu'il bobait de haut en bas, s'ajustant à nouveau au front où il a entendu des pas s'approcher sur l'eau. Ses oreilles secouaient constamment, s'adaptant au son. Il y en a d'autres qui arrivent, baka-sensei.
Quand les chiffres sont apparus, Ikaruga semblait prêt pour la bataille, se chargeant en tête-à-tête sans aucun ordre vraiment. - Oh, mon Dieu! BAKA! Tu vas te faire tuer comme ça.. kami-sama, pourquoi te moques-tu de moi? Me faire travailler avec ces idiots! MOUVEMENT! -Ses cheveux se sont levés sur son cou alors qu'il était agité, non seulement avec son équipe, la mission, ou l'imprudence d'Ikaruga, non, il était prêt pour la bataille. Il a choisi sa cible à l'avance, voyant que Ikaruga était occupé avec deux en même temps.
Après que les deux se soient levés d'être écrasés par sa lance, l'un d'eux a tiré une épée et est allé après Ikaruga. L'instinct de Toraburu lui disait d'aller chercher l'autre gars, juste pour s'assurer qu'il ne souffrirait pas pour Ikaruga plus tard. Prépare-toi, fils de pute! Ta mère est une pute! Ta sœur est une prostituée, ton père est un lâche et ton frère n'apporte que du déshonneur à ta famille! Ici, je viens, BAKA!
Il courut vers l'homme que Ikaruga avait laissé seul, formant rapidement des mains avec une grande flexibilité et agilité, avant de se pencher légèrement en arrière avec sa tête. Quiconque avait vu l'attaque sur son sensei, saurait ce que Toraburu allait faire. Mais, hélas pour le Nin Kirigakure, il ne l'avait pas vu, et ainsi il a été rencontré avec une explosion frontale complète. Il a crié avant qu'un jet d'eau jaillisse de sa bouche, frappant la place de l'homme dans le visage.
L'explosion n'était pas assez forte pour faire autre chose que forcer l'homme à jeter sa garde, ce qui a bloqué sa vision. Quand le jet d'eau s'est arrêté, Toraburu a soudainement disparu de la vue. "Nanda"? Où?L'homme a crié, avant qu'il ne remarque une ombre jetée sur l'eau au-dessous de lui. Quand il a levé les yeux, une figure sombre est apparue à travers la brume. Le Toraburu est sorti comme une glissade de la langue, avant d'écraser son poing dans l'homme. Ou du moins c'était l'intention, mais l'homme avait simplement glissé en arrière et souriait à l'attaque ratée du chat. "Je ne suis pas si stupide, putain d'idiot de Neko." Toraburu regarda et se tint là, quelque peu confus mais en même temps irrité par l'audace des hommes. Je ne sais pas, et je ne suis pas un Neko, je t'en prie. | B U D D H A ' S T E M P L E
壊れた 捨てます
Broken Discard
“猿も木から落ちる。 Saru mo ki kara ochiru.”
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
Early Summer Rain - Samidare
Sutemasu is a woman that, noticeably, has an appealing physique. She looks like a woman that you wouldn't expect in the shinobi force and, furthermore, it seems to come almost effortless to her. Truthfully it doesn't - she spends a lot of time making sure she looks presentable as she is a woman that worries a lot about her appearance to others. Perhaps a hint of insecurity.
Her long blonde hair flows carelessly over her shoulders while the rest of it hangs back in a long ponytail. It's well cared for and that does show. It is perhaps the pride and joy of Sutemasu's appearance and how she feels about herself - if there's anything she loves about herself it's her hair.
She also has long eyelashes, another feature that appeals to many of those around her. Besides that she has no real remarkable physical traits that set her apart too much. Her chin is pointed, flowing forth from a relatively straight jawline. She has a short nose that whips up slightly near the tip. Her eyebrows are plucked into a neat shape, too. Her figure is slightly reminiscent of an hour-glass figure, however it's very subtle, with only a slight bit of curviness to her. Those standing near her would get a faint hint of flowers from her, as she smells or reminds people of them somehow.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kowareta Sutemasu
Kowareta-sensei, Sute
Kowaretu, a clan that hasn't existed for too long.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Sutemasu is a kind, sweet hearted woman who wishes the best to those around her. Her personality was shaped and formed by her history as is the case with many people. However, she has formed herself into something unique when compared to people that went through similar experiences. She stayed humble, obedient and filled herself with hope and determination rather than falling back onto bitterness and anger.
She is calm, collected and seems to be capable of a large amount of empathy. This is, according to the raikage, the primary reason she was chosen as an instructor and sensei. Her soft way of speaking and instructing give genin and chunin the idea that she cares, which she does, which seems to make them more inclined to listen. Nevertheless she can be authoritarian and instructive as needed, in such situations that demand it.
Though not many people realize it, and she would never speak about it or such, she has been through quite a lot. She's lost a lot of comrades in recent years and many of them were close friends of hers. Sometimes she goes through periods of time where she is, at least slightly so, depressed. Though she does her best to hide it, this information can be seen by anyone with a keen and adept mind for psychology or social aptitude. Never the less it seems like it doesn't affect her life too much.
History theme
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Careless play and surprising realization
Sutemasu was born 28 years ago in a hospital in the middle of Kumogakure. While her mother was not a shinobi, her will and strength throughout childbirth could've made her as strong as, or stronger, than most shinobi. The child labour was tough and required a lot from Sutemasu her mother. Not to say that this is a sob-story about how she lost both her parents - no, as you will recognize in her story, despite what she's been through she has never had anything that bad happen to herself.
Her early years were spent mostly doing child things. She usually spent her time playing around with other children, until she became 4. From that point on, naturally as all the other children, she became more aware of her surroundings, the meaning behind the word shinobi, and the jobs that a shinobi was supposed to do. When she was six, she became interested in becoming a shinobi herself. Not for the obvious reasons, namely that it was 'cool' to be a shinobi according to many children, but more so because she enjoyed the kunoichi classes which included flower arrangement and other such things.
Upon enrollment she spent less time with her mother - who ran a flower shop - and spent more time with her father, a Kumogakure jonin. However in order to earn her allowance she still had to work in the flower shop, producing a strong bond between her and both parents.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Study hard, play harder!
In her academy years, Sutemasu spent a lot of time practicing the shinobi arts, especially the kunoichi arts. A lot of time and practice went into ninjutsu and such, while a smaller but still proportionate amount of time was spent in the books to learn about theoretical stuff like tenketsu, chakra control and shinobi history. While she was a good student, she was never one to stand out too much even if she was capable of much more than she let on. She was shy and reserved, though she wasn't one to get bullied or let herself be teased - she could stand up for herself. But her general likeability made her a small target, and she got along with almost all her classmates.
Besides studying, she also spent a lot of time playing. She was acquainted with her many classmates outside of school as well and especially in the early years of the academy, she spent a lot of time outside playing shinobi games and doing general children stuff. When she became older the games changed, of course, and she was more frequently asked to help in the shop. Her group of friends that she frequently hung out with became smaller, but more tight knit, as is normal. It seems that even in a shinobi academy you can't stop clique's from forming.
Age 13 to 15; genin years
Time to work, time to help!
Her time spent as genin were perhaps some of the most entertaining years she spent in her life. While some would look back on the academy and wish they could be there again, Sutemasu was excited to begin working as a genin, doing missions and helping people. Unlike the current generation, she was a genin right after Sasuke and Naruto more or less 'saved the world' and then died. There was still a carefree attitude around, the idea that friendship was the most important thing. So she did not have to dig trenches or do anything like that.
She genuinely spent her time helping people with small tasks, and missions that were barely dangerous. It were more or less the luxury years of her career as a shinobi. It was during that time period, near her fifteenth birthday, where her father decided to retire. He remained active as a sensei within the academy, but his fighting years were over. At least, unless the village required him for it's defense. It seemed to make more sense to make place for Sutemasu, giving her a spot to earn the family some honour. And it would be a shame after all if he died during a mission now that he had a wife and a kid.
Age 15 to 21; chunin years
Maybe the shinobi life isn't that cool..
While she became a chunin with a remarkably good chunin exam, she soon experienced that the life of a shinobi was, perhaps, not as rose colored as she'd imagined. Once her and some of her friends became chunin, they were sent on more dangerous missions. Many of them did not make it back alive, and in these six years she lost many of her friends.
She became a bit more held back and reserved in her personality, becoming more quiet, timid and possibly showing signs of a slight depression. While she never developed anything serious, she was apparently touched deeply by her losses. At age 20 her father died of implications from an old wound that got infected, leaving her and her mother behind. The funeral was respect worthy, and after a small time spent away from the shinobi force, Sutemasu returned to her duties.
Age 21 to present day; jonin years
Teaching kids can be fun, too.. Right?
A year after her fathers death she was promoted to the rank of a jonin, making her a sensei to a team. While she didn't receive her father's headband like she would've wanted, since it was buried with him, she did receive her father's flak jacket. Her first team was a rather rowdy team but due to her natural charm and likeability she managed to subdue them and form them into shinobi that were worthy of the title of chunin. She led them from genin to chunin, with the recent exams being an ending to that chapter of her book. Currently she is on stand by which means she is mostly performing missions with other jonin. However, she has been alerted by the raikage that she is expected to return to her duties as a sensei, this time leading chunin that are already capable of a lot.
【Family ties】
Sutemasu her family life was relatively relaxed. The bloodline of the Kowareta do not represent a large clan similar to the Hyuga or such, but rather a small family. They have relatively little political influence and are 'just another family'. Many family members live outside of Kumogakure, and many of them are not even shinobi. The largest concentration of Kowareta families live in Kumogakure, since 3 families live here.
Yosho Kowareta | Father | 54, Kumogakure, deceased, ex-jonin
Junko Kowareta | Mother | 51, Kumogakure, owner of the flowershop in the village center
Gota Kowareta | Cousin | 14, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
Sutemasu dreams of one day being able to retire, looking back on a succesful career where she helped as many people as she could, and having raised a generation of shinobi that she, and the village, can be proud of.
Her fears are a new war breaking out, as that would mean death and destruction, of which she had already had enough even without the war. Another fear is death - she fears death as all humans do. Any human that doesn't fear death is mentally ill.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Sutemasu is a ninjutsu specialist whom is specifically catered to the engagement at medium to short ranges. Making use of her personal hiden allows her to maintain, and easily sustain herself, within close combat situations. She works best at a medium range to support her teammates, though most her jutsu's are catered more towards finishing blows. Sutemasu can be quite sacrificial considering she has mostly taught children and people that were younger and less experienced than her, so she is willing to risk herself for them. Given her hiden, that should not be too much of a problem, however.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
C rank techniques:
Gōkakyū no Jutsu
Hōsenka no Jutsu
Doroku Gaeshi
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Nokorimasu Onaji (: Sutemasu Style: Remain the Same, 捨てますスタイル 残ります同じ)
Nokorimasu Onaji utilizes a very very small amount of chakra, which gathers in a 'pool' of chakra within the user. In general, there's never been a time where the chakra gets used up so quickly in usage of the technique that it completely empties out.
This passive ability consumes chakra at a very slow rate constantly, even when not in combat. Luckily Sutemasu's chakra pool is large enough to sustain it. This ability works through getting hurt - as strange as it may sounds - converting damage done to the user and turning it into raw power. In effect, that means that 'more damage input = more damage output' in simple terms. Muscles are stimulated by the damage, as well as the psychological will to fight on. This allows Sutemasu to press on past her normal limits and keep fighting even with broken bones, torn muscles or large gaping wounds. The drawbacks to this are, of course, that she's going to be less accurate and skillful, but more powerful. In short, attacks will be more powerful but she'll have a harder time hitting, depending largely on the type of wounds too.
This is by no means a healing jutsu however. A gaping wound will still bleed, and if she doesn't receive treatment, she will still die from the wounds. It's just that she'd likely not notice any pain from the wounds, and that she will feel stronger despite the wound.
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Chakurabāsuto (Sutemasu Style: Chakra Burst, チャクラバースト)
Releasing one fourth of the chakra stored in the pool for the Nokori Onaji technique, she releases a pure burst of chakra out of her entire body, causing a shockwave of chakra. This shockwave can extend between 5m and 10m, dependent on how large her pool currently is. The shockwave is powerful enough to send shinobi that don't hold themselves down on the ground flying, sending lightweights (80<kg.) flying atleast 20 meters at high speed, and sending heavyweights (80>kg.) stumbling out of the shockwave area. Objects are sent flying away too, such as kunai, leaves and other random items in the area.
The jutsu isn't incredibly damaging on it's own, dependent on objects in the area. For instance, in an empty dirt field, there'll be no objects to send flying, and no objects for the enemy to crash into. So, damage will be reduced to perhaps some light scraping from scraping on the ground.
In a forest, or a densely built in city, the damage will be more extensive, given that the enemy might fly into trees, rocks, buildings, roadsigns, etcetera.
Jutsu name:
Bōru (Soup-jutsu: Bowl, ボウル)
This Doton technique forms the basis of a three-nature combination. The Bowl jutsu causes the target to be encased in a dome of earth around them, which then lifts up off of the earth on four earthen pillars. The jutsu is simple. There really isn't much to it - it doesn't kill, damage, or harm you, it just traps you inside the dome. That's bad, right?
Well you can break free. Use S, A or B-rank lightning based jutsu's to break through, or use sheer force if you're really that strong. Just do it in time before the next part of the combo.
Jutsu name:
Sūpu mizu (Soup-jutsu: Soup Water, スープ水)
This Suiton based jutsu is the next step. Thought being trapped in a dome of earth was bad enough? WRONG! Through a hole in the top of the dome that briefly opens at the command of the user, the user then spews water into the 'soup bowl' until it's full of water. Congratulations, you'll now be drowning!
Since this is a suiton jutsu, you could possibly use wind to create a bubble of air for yourself to breathe, though it's not drowning you need to worry about. At this stage of the combo it becomes more or less impossible to use electricity to free yourself from the dome as you'd electrocute yourself. Unless you're willing to risk that. Sheer force would still be enough to break free, but since water slows down movement, it'd likely have to come from the outside.
Or another solution. Maybe you can think of something. Better hurry before the next step, which is..
Jutsu name:
Sutōbu o tentō (Soup-jutsu: Light the Stove, ストーブを点灯)
The final step in the three jutsu combo. True to it's name, this is the step that probably is the most dangerous for whomever gets trapped. Using the Katon nature, the user lights a fire underneath the earthen soup bowl/dome that they created, beginning to boil it at an alarming and dangerous rate for whomever is inside. Drown in the soup made of your own body! Muahaha! Ahem. There is no real defence for this step, if you are trapped.
For outsiders it's possible to blow out the fire using wind jutsu, to quench it with a water jutsu, or to simply free those in the bowl with force. Electricity is possible but ill-advised since you'd probably electrocute your friends inside the bowl.
Neki the Newt
This summoning technique summons Neki the Newt, a large green newt. Given the qualities of a newt, this newt is capable of high speed water traversal as well as shooting water out of it's mouth in a jet stream capable of pushing people back, or if they are light, shooting them away. It's size is medium sized (it's aproximately 2m. high and 4m. long) and is big enough to carry two people in it's mouth at once if they are standing up. It's also possible (and something Sutemasu does often) to ride on it's back by standing on top of it.
Senkensha Toraburu
先見者 トラブル
Seer Trouble
“馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。 Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.”
Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.
Yes, indeed. Toraburu looks like a cat. A inherent trait to his clan makes him take on some traits of a cat, which has manifested itself through a pair of cat ears on his head and fangs that protrude from his mouth even when it's closed. Never the less, you should be warned that any mention of this to Toraburu will make him.. very angry at the least. Contrary to popular belief, Toraburu is NOT cute.
Besides his obvious features being like a cat, he looks like a pretty normal person. Though, you couldn't really call him that given his cat features. Just ignore those. If you look past that you'll see that Toraburu often looks a bit mad. His nose is very small, and very flat, curving up slightly near the end. His eyes are large in comparison, amber in colour, and shaped like almonds. His eyebrows curve inwards almost constantly making him appear angry and aggressive constantly.
His mouth is relatively small, and has two fangs protruding from it. It's almost constantly in a downwards curved frown, making him look even more angry. Truthfully it does a good job at spelling out what kind of person Toraburu is.
His small stature makes his life even more miserable as he stands at, barely, 5'7. He's smaller than most guys his age, actually, and his small size make it even easier for people to find him cute. Never the less he stands his own as his body size is relative to his size. He pulls it off without looking like a short stubby man, maintaining a good balance between muscles and fat and his size. It's almost like he's insecure about it.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Senkensha Toraburu
'Neko, Kitty' if you want to get killed. If you value your life, 'Trouble, Tora'
Heterosexual, though unapproachable
A small village in the outskirts of Kumogakure
Senkensha clan, an entire clan of cat-like shinobi. They're spread throughout the world and are more or less just a clan only in name. They don't really know each other.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his cute appearance, Toraburu has proven to be quite unapproachable. Any comments made towards him that he does not like (i.e. most of the comments made towards him) are met with silence, sarcasm, or straight up insults. While they are generally harmless, if you truly get on his nerves he will make it a point to drill you into the ground, to avoid having to deal with you any further.
While he does have this unhandleable attitude, he seems to have some degree of respect for authority, though begrudgingly he seems to still give them a big mouth some times. For all it's worth however he seems to be at least a decent asset to the team, regardless of his personal attitude. It seems more a case of finding a team for him that he can fit into without much trouble - a team that doesn't ask him too many questions. Perhaps an apathetic team.
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Asshole parents are a universal thing, yo.
Toraburu was born as a result of two of the Senkensha clan being together. They were travelers, as so many Senkensha clan members are, and his mother happened to get pregnant at a time during the travelling. They rested at a village for the next five months until she was ready to give birth. When that was done, and the young lad 'Trouble' was born, the parents vanished. Possibly because the Senkensha clan enjoys their freedom, and having a young boy with them would impede on that freedom.
He was named Toraburu, because that was what he was to his new adoptive parents. 'Trouble'. It was a pretty harsh life the next six years, but luckily for Toraburu, Senkensha clan members weren't born with their cat like features. He seemed to be a relatively normal kid - up until his fifth birthday when his teeth were starting to protrude from his lips despite having his mouth closed, as well as his ears beginning to grow slightly. His adoptive parents still sort of loved him, but it became a lot harder for them to justify having this 'strange kid' in their household. Slowly but surely the village excluded them more and more until it became time for Toraburu to leave for the Shinobi village hidden in the Mountains.
He was accepted there, and joined the shinobi academy. From time to time he'd visit the village, to see his 'parents' but all in all it wasn't too much trouble to leave behind the family.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Mreow! Don't mess with the cat!
During his years in the academy his rather peculiar personality traits became apparent. While at first everyone seemed to think that Toraburu was an extremely nice kid due to his appearance, they were often rudely awoken from their idiotic ideas as Toraburu had a rather foul mouth for a young boy. More often than not he was involved in school fights, incidents in the village and just general trouble. He was living up to his name, more or less. He made many enemies in these years, people that rather saw him bite the dust sooner or later. The feeling was, more often than not, mutual.
While he was a bit of a pain in the ass to the teachers, he did listen to them and he was by all means not a bad student - more likely due to innate ability to become a shinobi than hard work. He was the kid in class that never seemed to do anything, yet ace the exams. It was the beginning for his arrogance, since he noticed himself as well. What was he other than a master at shinobi arts, if he did not try hard at all and still succeeded? That placed him above the rest did it not? Whether his feelings were justified or not, he graduated somewhere in the top 10% of the class, giving him at least some credibility for his claims.
Age 13 to present day; genin years
WHA? They said this would be fun!
While others may have enjoyed these petty years, merely a small point in Toraburu's life. A life he expects and expected to be filled with more splendor and action and interesting things. But no, rather, he was stuck doing rather dull stuff for most his genin missions. He had a team that he didn't like very much but was forced to cooperate with. This only made his pains more unbearable. Digging trenches and taking care of ninken was hardly something he found enjoyable.
It was only when the chunin exams began that he found some.. degree of pleasure in the shinobi line of work. 'Kill?!' he asked his sensei, whom replied that yes, killing was a possibility. 'Anything to get that chunin rank' he thought, figuring he'd get to do more interesting shit then.
He quickly became somewhat of a feared aspect of the chunin exams - he basically physically dragged his team through the exams. And no, that's not figuratively, because he literally dragged a teammate through a battle, cause the little shit was planning to run away and abandon his teammates. During that little escapade he continued to fight his enemies, slinging jutsu left and right and even using the poor boy as a weapon at some point. Needless to say, it was quite peculiar, and perhaps not very fitting of a 'leadership figure' that a chunin was supposed to be. But hey, he passed the trial, so technically they couldn't say shit. Naturally he passed and became a chunin. Now the fun began.
【Family ties】
His family is spread throughout the world, and even though they are somewhat large in numbers, it's not often that the clan members meet. His father and mother are somewhere out there.
Otu Taika | Adoptive mother | 67, Ricepaddy Village, farmer, seamstress
Hoshin Taika | Adoptive father | 71, Ricepaddy Village, farmer
Raito Taika | Adoptive brother | 25, Ricepaddy Village, useless kid that pretends to be a farmer
【Dreams and fears】
Why, becoming famous of course! Nothing would be greater than to become known as a revered shinobi hero that can kill you with merely a glance of the eyes!
Strangely enough he has no interest in ever meeting his parents, though he is unsure how it would happen if he ever did. Chances seem slim though.
His fears are that people will stop bothering with him - even though he's an asshole, he'd hate to feel ignored. It's his biggest pet peeve if people ignored him, so if everyone treated him like he didn't exist, that'd be terrible for him.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Toraburu fights using ninjutsu and taijutsu. He's something of a mix between a ferocious close range fighter and a skilled ninjutsu duelist, though he is capable in both. A bit of a jack-of-all trades, his kekkei genkai gives him the means to do so. Never the less he'll get very annoyed if he is attacked at long range, or if someone figures out his weakness. Because his weakness can literally put him out of the rest of the fight indefinitely.
Furthermore he is quite prone to irrationality and aggressive attacks, making it very likely and possible for him to be lured into a trap or to get ganged up on once he's pulled out of position.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Neko no mimi, 猫の耳.
Ears of a Cat.
Less of a kekkei genkai than just simple physical structure, it is never the less still classed as a kekkei genkai. His cat-like ears allow him to hear extremely well, hearing perfectly what is going on up to about a kilometre away. Similarly, he can hear things that normally do not produce enough sound to be heard easily in a battle, such as kunai and shuriken flying through the air.
Effectively, this allows him to be a semi-sensory nin without really being a sensory nin.
It's not really a kekkei genkai that has any strengths - it allows him to sense people up to 1km away, if they are making noise. The question is if they are making noise. A perfectly silent opponent will be able to circumvent him, though even the slightest slip up would alert Toraburu to their location.
This kekkei genkai can easily be overcome by producing zero noise whatsoever. Even though ninja's are, well, ninja's, it seems that many shinobi do not actually possess such skills. Never the less this is probably the easiest way to circumvent him, though it requires extreme skill to be 100% silent.
Another more backwards method of disabling the kekkei genkai is through the use of sound. While a normal human voice isn't enough to bother Toraburu, nor is a scream or anything that is capable of being produced by humans without tools, a sound-based jutsu would probably be capable of annoying him greatly to the point of hurting his ears and putting him out of the fight.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Suidan no Jutsu
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Suirō no Jutsu
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Nekoken Sutairu, 猫拳スタイル
Cat Fist Style
Much less a technique than a fighting style, this style focusses on the user augmenting chakra in the fists during combat. Whenever the user hits, a blast of chakra follows the hit into the targets body. Relatively simple, really. Although it's reminiscent of the gentle fist style from the Hyuga's, it's different in that it's impossible for Toraburu to see the tenketsu. Therefore he cannot cut off chakra lines or such. Instead, the chakra blasts just deal massive internal damage, capable of temporarily or permanently shutting down organs upon successive hits.
Jutsu name:
Neko Tenohira Burasuto, 猫手のひらブラスト
Cat Palm Blast
A part of the Cat Fist style, the user flattens out their hand and curls their fingers inwards, reminiscent of a cat paw. Upon doing so they target the target's limbs, and when then hit, release the chakra. In the case that this hits, it will likely have enough power to temporarily disable the limb with both the force it puts out and the chakra emanating from the attack.
Jutsu name:
Hatsuon Hiaringu, 発音ヒアリング
Pronounced Hearing
This is a sensory technique. When the user (Toraburu) focuses chakra on his already remarkably good ears, he can increase the range of the sensory qualities. The zone of hearing will expand from 1km to approximately 3.5km. This is a fair range for a sensory nin that doesn't even want to be a sensory nin, and because this 'jutsu' is seen as uncool by Toraburu, it is unlikely that he will progress himself to be able to hear any further than that.
The one weakness this has is that while normally, under the passive kekkei genkai usage, it wouldn't cause him to hurt his ears from anyone standing nearby and talking. Since this jutsu enhances the hearing even further, it would hurt him very much so if someone stood next to him and talked into his ears
Jutsu name:
Nainraiburaifusutairu, ナインライブライフスタイル
By focusing his chakra on his muscles and surrounding areas, Toraburu is able to make himself much more dextrous, bendy and agile than he would've been normally. This is due to his 'cat like physique' which the chakra would help activate slightly more. The exchange for this, however, is the fact that it consumes a bit of chakra, and it reduces the strength of his attacks. On the flip side - it does allow him to jump around a bit more easily, as well as bend out of the way of attacks. |
13,271 | 381 | 26 | 1,105 | 2,351 | Ari Aria
Il est apparu clairement que l'équipe d'Ari ne faisait partie que d'une partie de l'ensemble d'une opération, une qui comprenait trois équipes qui accompliraient trois tâches simultanément. Quelque chose à voir avec Kirigakure et une bataille de ressources. Ou du moins c'est ce qu'Ari en a tiré. Elle n'a pas transpiré les petites choses, sûrement les détails lui seraient donnés une fois qu'ils ont été requis. S'ils étaient nécessaires. Pour l'instant, tout ce qu'elle avait à faire, c'était suivre Minaru, qu'elle était encore un peu prise de recul à cause de son âge semblable au chuunin de l'équipe, et faire ce qu'il disait. Simple et précis. Il leur a dit de le couvrir alors qu'il sabotait un navire qui retournait à Kiri, laissant les trois jeunes adolescents se balader.
C'est jusqu'à l'ouverture du port le long de la raffinerie et une grande cargaison a commencé à être escortée. Naturellement, l'équipe avait l'instinct de rester cachée, comme s'ils avaient dû défendre Minaru, ça aurait été un mauvais début pour combattre une force deux fois sa taille dans un combat équitable. Bien sûr, Ari pourrait probablement tenir la moitié d'entre eux elle-même pour un peu, mais les chances sont toujours des chances et ils n'étaient pas en sa faveur. Le trio a suivi les cinq Kiri shinobi jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient à une bonne distance de la raffinerie. Mais avant qu'Ari ou Hanare puissent coordonner une véritable attaque, Kuroba décida de sauter devant le convoi et de se révéler. Alors qu'Ari n'a rien dit, elle a laissé sa mâchoire tomber dans une expression confuse et stupéfaite. Plutôt que de profiter de l'occasion pour en sortir l'un d'eux, il vient d'entamer un combat avec eux, et il l'a fait sans la protection d'Ari.
Avec un soupir irrité, la fille aux cheveux roses a sauté dans l'action derrière Hanare. Au moins, le chuunin a été ébranlé par le genjutsu de Kuroba, ce qui a permis à Hanare de commencer à les attaquer. Ari, d'autre part, se tenait indiscret et regardait simplement comment les ennemis tous se mouvaient et réagissaient au flux des événements. De la sortie du genjutsu à la façon dont ils ont géré leur camarade voyou. Au moment où Hanare avait sauté derrière Ari et que les trois autres ennemis tournaient leur attention vers les deux filles, Ari avait déjà compris exactement ce qu'elle devait faire. -- Oui, confirma-t-elle avec Hanare, levant la main droite et la tenant près de son visage. Sans se servir de son autre main, elle a commencé à craquer ses doigts, juste en étirant ses doigts seuls, avant de s'accroupir et de poser sa main sur le sol.
Pour interrompre complètement le duel varié Hanare avait avec l'autre compagnon de lave, un grand mur d'acier a éclaté verticalement. Cela a non seulement bloqué la vue des deux côtés de l'autre, mais a complètement arrêté ses boulettes de lave d'avoir même une chance de frapper Hanare. Alors qu'Ari se tenait debout, son teint a commencé à changer. Son teint est rapidement devenu gris foncé. Même ses cheveux et ses globes oculaires ont changé en cette couleur terne, devenant solides et durables comme l'acier qu'elle utilise. Sa sortie en acier: Armure Impervieuse avait été tellement bien entraînée qu'elle était capable de couvrir tout son corps avec elle. Et sans attendre de plus loin, Ari fit un rapide saut en avant et planta un coup dur dans le mur d'acier qu'elle avait érigé.
Juste de l'autre côté étaient les deux shinobi qui flanquaient en avant dans des arcs serrés, pour faire le tour du mur et attaquer directement. Mais Ari était plus près du mur et les a battus. Et le mur était son territoire. L'impact puissant de son coup de pied volant l'a envoyé blessant vers le trou du cul à libération de lave, et par conséquent les deux shinobi qui étaient de l'autre côté. La simple surprise du mur qui volait sur eux était assez d'un avantage, mais le fait qu'il ne volait pas lentement signifiait que ces deux-là n'auraient pas la chance de tester Ari ou Hanare dans des combats rapprochés. L'un d'eux a été coupé dans son épaule gauche, qui non seulement lui a filé autour de plusieurs fois et a complètement brisé sa clavicule et son épaule, mais aussi quelques côtes et a presque arraché son bras. Il a frappé le sol conscient, mais il ne se levait pas. Son pote était moins chanceux, prenant la tête sur le mur d'acier. Il n'a pas touché le sol à respirer, encore moins conscient.
La dernière était assez loin pour avoir beaucoup de temps pour éviter l'attaque surprise, mais au moment où il aurait été en mesure de retourner le feu à nouveau, il trouverait l'Ari quelque peu sérieux était debout directement devant Hanare d'environ cinq mètres. S'il essayait de leur tirer dessus à nouveau, elle érigerait facilement un autre mur à temps pour bloquer les attaques. Au lieu de cela, Ari tenait sa main droite à son côté et concentrait son chakra. Le chakra se manifeste en acier pur, formant la forme d'un seul shuriken. "Il va esquiver ça", murmura Ari, à peine assez fort pour qu'Hanare l'entende. Malgré son mouvement de lancer semble être dans une forme plutôt mauvaise et, franchement, une tentative assez paresseuse, le shuriken volait toujours à la même vitesse normale que l'on s'attendrait. Et elle l'a dirigé directement vers la tête du dernier ennemi. Bien sûr, comme Ari l'avait prédit, l'autre chunin n'était pas complètement stupide et n'a pas seulement pris le coup. Il n'était pas en mesure d'être surpris par elle, contrairement à ses camarades déchus, et ne faisait aucune erreur. Il s'est enfui et s'est jeté à droite, en soulevant son fusil pour essayer de leur tirer dessus une fois de plus.
Peut-être appâtait-il Ari à construire un autre mur d'acier, afin que leur vue de lui puisse être obstruée et qu'il puisse essayer une approche plus furtive pour les vaincre. Mais cette fois, Ari a fait quelque chose de différent. Elle tendit la main gauche et enleva les quelques pastilles de lave. Bien sûr, la chaleur pure d'eux la chantait légèrement, mais contrairement à Hanare elle avait une protection importante. Quelques boulettes, aussi chaudes soient-elles, n'étaient rien contre la défense d'Ari Aria. Le shinobi opposé continua de courir perpendiculairement aux deux filles, essayant d'obtenir un autre angle d'attaque maintenant que sa portée s'est avérée inutile. "Attachez-le pendant qu'il est stupéfait," Ari commanda à Hanare, avant de s'accroupir et de poser sa main à nouveau sur le sol.
Cette fois, le mur d'acier n'était pas près des deux filles. Il s'est formé directement dans le sentier du Kiri shinobi et il a claqué dans la tête en premier. Ce n'était pas assez pour s'évanouir, car il n'allait pas si vite, mais le coup à la tête était suffisant pour le détester brièvement, le mettre hors de son équilibre, et complètement tuer son élan. Ça a dû ruiner son plan aussi, s'il en avait un. | “Life is for the living.
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music.
And death a note unsaid.”
Pictured here in the most uncomfortable of traditional dresses, Kasumi's typical clothing choices are shinobi staples - plain dark blue leggings, black sandals, and a lighter blue flak jacket with a black shirt underneath. Her hair is worn down without the ornaments and flowers. Her hands are bandaged at all times from wrist to the tips of her fingers, however, to assist her in focusing her chakra to her hands and playing her harp. She is fairly tall and light, weighing in at 45kg and standing at a height of 155cm. She does retain the chain in her hair, centering an (inexpensive) quartz crystal on her forehead which is also occasionally used as a center of chakra. Her harp is very light and is typically worn across her back.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kasumi Mizuno
Mizuno clan. It's not special.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Kasumi is surprisingly strong-willed. She would throw her weight around, if she had any. She despises sounds that aren't musically pleasing to the ear and will certainly let you know about such crimes. She does sing, on occasion, while playing her harp but you'll be dead before you know that she does not do it in front of others.Her resolve is strong in negative situations and she is the never the first to give up. On the same note, however, she is not the most positive of people. There are few people who are comfortable with her dead-pan demeanor and humor, but deep inside, she is kind, caring, and fiercely loyal to the friends she does make.
Kasumi's mother and father are shinobi from Otogakure originally, but through their travels, they have settled in Kumogakure and retired from missions, preferring to be involved in Kasumi's life however they can stick their noses in her business to assist her however they could. Her parents are much older, her mother having gotten pregnant with Kasumi after their "retirement". She doesn't know much about what her parents had put themselves through, but the fact that they were still alive was testament enough to their ability. Kasumi was, at a very young age, taught to play multiple musical instruments. From the drums to the flute, she has played them all at least once by the very strict direction of her parents. However, her very first love was playing the harp. The gentle, beautiful sounds it created were always her favorite. It wasn't until the age of six that she started displaying ability to potentially become a shinobi. The option was offered to her at such a young age and she readily agreed.
Her parents weren't convinced that their only child, a girl of such small stature, could be accepted into the Academy or even survive. Even to this day they aren't convinced despite her status a chunin now. She passed her exams with acceptable scores across the board, but she never seemed to specialize in one certain thing which could be considered her greatest weakness. The only thing that has stuck with Kasumi are jutsus directly connected to sound or music. For that reason, she had a specialized harp created and trained vocally also in case she was disarmed. Her father now teaches music at local schools in Kumogakure, constantly giving Kasumi 'advice' about her jutsu. Her mother has also hopped on that boat, nagging Kasumi about missions that could be too difficult or if she comes home with wounds.
Suffice to say, Kasumi prefers silence or music rather than talking. Any time away from home is better than home, but she does love her parents, knowing their intentions are good.
【Family ties】
Kei Mizuno | Father | Alive | 67, Music Instructor, Professional Nagger.
Mayami Mizuno | Mother | Alive | 62, Housewife, World Record Holder of Nagging.
【Dreams and fears】
Kasumi's dream is to get everyone to stop underestimating her and worrying about her all the time. She wants to be seen as the capable kunoichi she is and possibly make a name for herself one day. Her ultimate goal is to become an instructor at the Academy someday and teach other growing shinobi about the world and how to survive in it. She feels that she can be an example that a book is not to be judged by its cover.
Her fears are bad singers, unpleasant noises, her mother's worried tone, broken harp strings, and failure.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Kasumi is most skilled at short or medium range. She typically requires a partner or team to take the brunt of the physical force, preferring to supplement her team's chakra and techniques with her support melodies. However, she is not a sitting duck if left alone. She does have some jutsu melodies that can paralyze, confuse, or maim. Her jutsus are exclusively involving sound or air. She is also not helpless if disarmed from her harp due to her ability to mimic the melodies her instrument makes. She is extremely fast and acrobatic to make up for her lack of physical strength, but as such, this typically only aids her in escape or gaining distance.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Offsetting Sound
Chakra Enhancing Music
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Dolore Daggers - Pain Daggers, 痛みの短剣
Short to Mid
Kasumi strikes her hand across the harp in one swift motion, sending out sound waves in the direction that she is facing that are capable of twisting the air that the sound travels through into daggers. The blades of air thicken and continue to appear if she continues to play and can be deadly if the target is not fast enough to dodge the daggers. The daggers are animated and can move in any direction. They can be manipulated by teammates through their own jutsus (such as wind jutsu).
Jutsu name:
Decelerando - Decelerating - 減速する
Kasumi plays a slow, low toned melody. She manipulates her chakra through the harp to control the sound so it affects only enemies/those she chooses it to. Those affected are slowed down by a minor or major amount, depending on the amount of chakra dedicated to the skill and the ability of the enemy. The jutsu cannot last longer than five minutes at full strength and such a situation would exhaust her totally. The jutsu loses its effect slowly the further the target is from her, beginning at 5 yards.
Jutsu name:
Doppio Movimento - Twice as Fast - 倍の速度
Kasumi plays a fast, lively melody. She manipulates her chakra through the harp to control the sound so it affects only allies. The amount of chakra used determines the effect. Allies affected are capable of moving faster in many aspects - creating hand seals, movement, chakra flow. It is chakra intensive and cannot be played long.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Kin'iro no kumo no hāpu, 金色の雲のハープ, Golden Cloud Harp
A golden, specially made harp that is lightweight with reinforced strings. The tool for almost all of Kasumi's jutsu. |
13,272 | 381 | 27 | 1,717 | 2,937 | Kasumi Mizuno
Kasumi a jeté un coup d'œil sur Kota quand il a déclaré qu'il lui montrerait ce qu'il pouvait faire. Typique showoff... C'était tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire pour ne pas rouler les yeux. Dans le fond de son esprit, cependant, elle a été impressionnée comme il lui a montré. Ils avaient tous les deux grandi un peu à l'époque de l'Académie, bien avant même qu'ils ne soient genins. Il semble que Kota ait soumis l'un des autres shinobi assez facilement, se tenant fièrement devant elle et le reste de l'équipe. « Je vous l'ai dit, je suis un... » Elle a gâché avec inquiétude alors qu'on l'envoyait voler, bien qu'il ne semblait pas l'avoir blessé, heureusement. Si cela avait été une autre situation, elle aurait probablement éclaté en rire sur lui, mais c'était trop grave. Au lieu de cela, ses lèvres se bousculaient rapidement, essayant évidemment de ne pas rire. Elle aurait dû le taquiner plus tard - une fois qu'ils étaient en sécurité.
Kasumi continuait à jouer, à bouger quand elle en avait besoin, mais elle ralentissait. Non seulement ça, elle avait laissé l'exposition de Kota la distraire. Elle a fini avec un kunai dans son bras en jouant, devant changer de mains. Elle pouvait encore jouer avec son autre bras, mais ce n'était pas aussi efficace. Elle avait peu d'expérience dans l'écoulement du chakra à travers ce bras - mais elle avait besoin d'apprendre, rapide. Elle pouvait chanter si les choses venaient à lui, mais elle préférait vraiment ne pas le faire. C'est là que Sutemasu a sauté devant eux. On ne peut pas gagner, les gars. Il faut qu'on se retire. Allez, je vais vous faire gagner du temps!
Kasumi a détecté le clin d'œil, incertain si les autres le voulaient ou non. Elle se tenait à terre. Elle a gagné comme Sutemasu a été frappé avec le kunai, se demandant ce qui se passait. Pourquoi prendre un coup...? Elle a laissé la pensée derrière elle quand elle a vu le sceau du tigre par son sensei se former. Elle a concentré son chakra dans la lecture de quelques autres notes de sa musique de renforcement du chakra, malgré son épuisement croissant. Quelle que soit la capacité dont son sensi était sur le point d'utiliser serait, à tout le moins, un peu mieux qu'elle ne l'aurait été sans elle. L'explosion qui en a résulté a fait exploser les quatre shinobis assez violemment, en envoyant deux devant l'équipe de chunin.
Kasumi recule, malgré l'état affaibli de l'ennemi. Elle n'était pas une combattante à portée rapprochée. Elle regarda ses coéquipiers, la main sur ses cordes, jouant quelques autres notes comme pour Sutemasu. Peu importe ce qu'ils avaient ou avaient besoin pour finir ces gars, leur chakra serait augmenté au prix de son propre. Ça en valait plus que la peine. Elle n'avait pas besoin de sortir son seul jutsu offensant à ce stade. Il était trop intensif chakra pour quelque chose comme ça et serait certainement considéré par-dessus bord à ce stade. Il ne semblait pas nécessaire de tuer ces shinobis. | B U D D H A ' S T E M P L E
壊れた 捨てます
Broken Discard
“猿も木から落ちる。 Saru mo ki kara ochiru.”
“Even monkeys fall from trees.”
Early Summer Rain - Samidare
Sutemasu is a woman that, noticeably, has an appealing physique. She looks like a woman that you wouldn't expect in the shinobi force and, furthermore, it seems to come almost effortless to her. Truthfully it doesn't - she spends a lot of time making sure she looks presentable as she is a woman that worries a lot about her appearance to others. Perhaps a hint of insecurity.
Her long blonde hair flows carelessly over her shoulders while the rest of it hangs back in a long ponytail. It's well cared for and that does show. It is perhaps the pride and joy of Sutemasu's appearance and how she feels about herself - if there's anything she loves about herself it's her hair.
She also has long eyelashes, another feature that appeals to many of those around her. Besides that she has no real remarkable physical traits that set her apart too much. Her chin is pointed, flowing forth from a relatively straight jawline. She has a short nose that whips up slightly near the tip. Her eyebrows are plucked into a neat shape, too. Her figure is slightly reminiscent of an hour-glass figure, however it's very subtle, with only a slight bit of curviness to her. Those standing near her would get a faint hint of flowers from her, as she smells or reminds people of them somehow.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kowareta Sutemasu
Kowareta-sensei, Sute
Kowaretu, a clan that hasn't existed for too long.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Sutemasu is a kind, sweet hearted woman who wishes the best to those around her. Her personality was shaped and formed by her history as is the case with many people. However, she has formed herself into something unique when compared to people that went through similar experiences. She stayed humble, obedient and filled herself with hope and determination rather than falling back onto bitterness and anger.
She is calm, collected and seems to be capable of a large amount of empathy. This is, according to the raikage, the primary reason she was chosen as an instructor and sensei. Her soft way of speaking and instructing give genin and chunin the idea that she cares, which she does, which seems to make them more inclined to listen. Nevertheless she can be authoritarian and instructive as needed, in such situations that demand it.
Though not many people realize it, and she would never speak about it or such, she has been through quite a lot. She's lost a lot of comrades in recent years and many of them were close friends of hers. Sometimes she goes through periods of time where she is, at least slightly so, depressed. Though she does her best to hide it, this information can be seen by anyone with a keen and adept mind for psychology or social aptitude. Never the less it seems like it doesn't affect her life too much.
History theme
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Careless play and surprising realization
Sutemasu was born 28 years ago in a hospital in the middle of Kumogakure. While her mother was not a shinobi, her will and strength throughout childbirth could've made her as strong as, or stronger, than most shinobi. The child labour was tough and required a lot from Sutemasu her mother. Not to say that this is a sob-story about how she lost both her parents - no, as you will recognize in her story, despite what she's been through she has never had anything that bad happen to herself.
Her early years were spent mostly doing child things. She usually spent her time playing around with other children, until she became 4. From that point on, naturally as all the other children, she became more aware of her surroundings, the meaning behind the word shinobi, and the jobs that a shinobi was supposed to do. When she was six, she became interested in becoming a shinobi herself. Not for the obvious reasons, namely that it was 'cool' to be a shinobi according to many children, but more so because she enjoyed the kunoichi classes which included flower arrangement and other such things.
Upon enrollment she spent less time with her mother - who ran a flower shop - and spent more time with her father, a Kumogakure jonin. However in order to earn her allowance she still had to work in the flower shop, producing a strong bond between her and both parents.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Study hard, play harder!
In her academy years, Sutemasu spent a lot of time practicing the shinobi arts, especially the kunoichi arts. A lot of time and practice went into ninjutsu and such, while a smaller but still proportionate amount of time was spent in the books to learn about theoretical stuff like tenketsu, chakra control and shinobi history. While she was a good student, she was never one to stand out too much even if she was capable of much more than she let on. She was shy and reserved, though she wasn't one to get bullied or let herself be teased - she could stand up for herself. But her general likeability made her a small target, and she got along with almost all her classmates.
Besides studying, she also spent a lot of time playing. She was acquainted with her many classmates outside of school as well and especially in the early years of the academy, she spent a lot of time outside playing shinobi games and doing general children stuff. When she became older the games changed, of course, and she was more frequently asked to help in the shop. Her group of friends that she frequently hung out with became smaller, but more tight knit, as is normal. It seems that even in a shinobi academy you can't stop clique's from forming.
Age 13 to 15; genin years
Time to work, time to help!
Her time spent as genin were perhaps some of the most entertaining years she spent in her life. While some would look back on the academy and wish they could be there again, Sutemasu was excited to begin working as a genin, doing missions and helping people. Unlike the current generation, she was a genin right after Sasuke and Naruto more or less 'saved the world' and then died. There was still a carefree attitude around, the idea that friendship was the most important thing. So she did not have to dig trenches or do anything like that.
She genuinely spent her time helping people with small tasks, and missions that were barely dangerous. It were more or less the luxury years of her career as a shinobi. It was during that time period, near her fifteenth birthday, where her father decided to retire. He remained active as a sensei within the academy, but his fighting years were over. At least, unless the village required him for it's defense. It seemed to make more sense to make place for Sutemasu, giving her a spot to earn the family some honour. And it would be a shame after all if he died during a mission now that he had a wife and a kid.
Age 15 to 21; chunin years
Maybe the shinobi life isn't that cool..
While she became a chunin with a remarkably good chunin exam, she soon experienced that the life of a shinobi was, perhaps, not as rose colored as she'd imagined. Once her and some of her friends became chunin, they were sent on more dangerous missions. Many of them did not make it back alive, and in these six years she lost many of her friends.
She became a bit more held back and reserved in her personality, becoming more quiet, timid and possibly showing signs of a slight depression. While she never developed anything serious, she was apparently touched deeply by her losses. At age 20 her father died of implications from an old wound that got infected, leaving her and her mother behind. The funeral was respect worthy, and after a small time spent away from the shinobi force, Sutemasu returned to her duties.
Age 21 to present day; jonin years
Teaching kids can be fun, too.. Right?
A year after her fathers death she was promoted to the rank of a jonin, making her a sensei to a team. While she didn't receive her father's headband like she would've wanted, since it was buried with him, she did receive her father's flak jacket. Her first team was a rather rowdy team but due to her natural charm and likeability she managed to subdue them and form them into shinobi that were worthy of the title of chunin. She led them from genin to chunin, with the recent exams being an ending to that chapter of her book. Currently she is on stand by which means she is mostly performing missions with other jonin. However, she has been alerted by the raikage that she is expected to return to her duties as a sensei, this time leading chunin that are already capable of a lot.
【Family ties】
Sutemasu her family life was relatively relaxed. The bloodline of the Kowareta do not represent a large clan similar to the Hyuga or such, but rather a small family. They have relatively little political influence and are 'just another family'. Many family members live outside of Kumogakure, and many of them are not even shinobi. The largest concentration of Kowareta families live in Kumogakure, since 3 families live here.
Yosho Kowareta | Father | 54, Kumogakure, deceased, ex-jonin
Junko Kowareta | Mother | 51, Kumogakure, owner of the flowershop in the village center
Gota Kowareta | Cousin | 14, Kumogakure, Kumogakure genin
【Dreams and fears】
Sutemasu dreams of one day being able to retire, looking back on a succesful career where she helped as many people as she could, and having raised a generation of shinobi that she, and the village, can be proud of.
Her fears are a new war breaking out, as that would mean death and destruction, of which she had already had enough even without the war. Another fear is death - she fears death as all humans do. Any human that doesn't fear death is mentally ill.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Sutemasu is a ninjutsu specialist whom is specifically catered to the engagement at medium to short ranges. Making use of her personal hiden allows her to maintain, and easily sustain herself, within close combat situations. She works best at a medium range to support her teammates, though most her jutsu's are catered more towards finishing blows. Sutemasu can be quite sacrificial considering she has mostly taught children and people that were younger and less experienced than her, so she is willing to risk herself for them. Given her hiden, that should not be too much of a problem, however.
【Ninja techniques】
B rank techniques:
Kuchiyose no Jutsu
C rank techniques:
Gōkakyū no Jutsu
Hōsenka no Jutsu
Doroku Gaeshi
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Nokorimasu Onaji (: Sutemasu Style: Remain the Same, 捨てますスタイル 残ります同じ)
Nokorimasu Onaji utilizes a very very small amount of chakra, which gathers in a 'pool' of chakra within the user. In general, there's never been a time where the chakra gets used up so quickly in usage of the technique that it completely empties out.
This passive ability consumes chakra at a very slow rate constantly, even when not in combat. Luckily Sutemasu's chakra pool is large enough to sustain it. This ability works through getting hurt - as strange as it may sounds - converting damage done to the user and turning it into raw power. In effect, that means that 'more damage input = more damage output' in simple terms. Muscles are stimulated by the damage, as well as the psychological will to fight on. This allows Sutemasu to press on past her normal limits and keep fighting even with broken bones, torn muscles or large gaping wounds. The drawbacks to this are, of course, that she's going to be less accurate and skillful, but more powerful. In short, attacks will be more powerful but she'll have a harder time hitting, depending largely on the type of wounds too.
This is by no means a healing jutsu however. A gaping wound will still bleed, and if she doesn't receive treatment, she will still die from the wounds. It's just that she'd likely not notice any pain from the wounds, and that she will feel stronger despite the wound.
Jutsu name:
Sutairu: Chakurabāsuto (Sutemasu Style: Chakra Burst, チャクラバースト)
Releasing one fourth of the chakra stored in the pool for the Nokori Onaji technique, she releases a pure burst of chakra out of her entire body, causing a shockwave of chakra. This shockwave can extend between 5m and 10m, dependent on how large her pool currently is. The shockwave is powerful enough to send shinobi that don't hold themselves down on the ground flying, sending lightweights (80<kg.) flying atleast 20 meters at high speed, and sending heavyweights (80>kg.) stumbling out of the shockwave area. Objects are sent flying away too, such as kunai, leaves and other random items in the area.
The jutsu isn't incredibly damaging on it's own, dependent on objects in the area. For instance, in an empty dirt field, there'll be no objects to send flying, and no objects for the enemy to crash into. So, damage will be reduced to perhaps some light scraping from scraping on the ground.
In a forest, or a densely built in city, the damage will be more extensive, given that the enemy might fly into trees, rocks, buildings, roadsigns, etcetera.
Jutsu name:
Bōru (Soup-jutsu: Bowl, ボウル)
This Doton technique forms the basis of a three-nature combination. The Bowl jutsu causes the target to be encased in a dome of earth around them, which then lifts up off of the earth on four earthen pillars. The jutsu is simple. There really isn't much to it - it doesn't kill, damage, or harm you, it just traps you inside the dome. That's bad, right?
Well you can break free. Use S, A or B-rank lightning based jutsu's to break through, or use sheer force if you're really that strong. Just do it in time before the next part of the combo.
Jutsu name:
Sūpu mizu (Soup-jutsu: Soup Water, スープ水)
This Suiton based jutsu is the next step. Thought being trapped in a dome of earth was bad enough? WRONG! Through a hole in the top of the dome that briefly opens at the command of the user, the user then spews water into the 'soup bowl' until it's full of water. Congratulations, you'll now be drowning!
Since this is a suiton jutsu, you could possibly use wind to create a bubble of air for yourself to breathe, though it's not drowning you need to worry about. At this stage of the combo it becomes more or less impossible to use electricity to free yourself from the dome as you'd electrocute yourself. Unless you're willing to risk that. Sheer force would still be enough to break free, but since water slows down movement, it'd likely have to come from the outside.
Or another solution. Maybe you can think of something. Better hurry before the next step, which is..
Jutsu name:
Sutōbu o tentō (Soup-jutsu: Light the Stove, ストーブを点灯)
The final step in the three jutsu combo. True to it's name, this is the step that probably is the most dangerous for whomever gets trapped. Using the Katon nature, the user lights a fire underneath the earthen soup bowl/dome that they created, beginning to boil it at an alarming and dangerous rate for whomever is inside. Drown in the soup made of your own body! Muahaha! Ahem. There is no real defence for this step, if you are trapped.
For outsiders it's possible to blow out the fire using wind jutsu, to quench it with a water jutsu, or to simply free those in the bowl with force. Electricity is possible but ill-advised since you'd probably electrocute your friends inside the bowl.
Neki the Newt
This summoning technique summons Neki the Newt, a large green newt. Given the qualities of a newt, this newt is capable of high speed water traversal as well as shooting water out of it's mouth in a jet stream capable of pushing people back, or if they are light, shooting them away. It's size is medium sized (it's aproximately 2m. high and 4m. long) and is big enough to carry two people in it's mouth at once if they are standing up. It's also possible (and something Sutemasu does often) to ride on it's back by standing on top of it.
Senkensha Toraburu
先見者 トラブル
Seer Trouble
“馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。 Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.”
Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.
Yes, indeed. Toraburu looks like a cat. A inherent trait to his clan makes him take on some traits of a cat, which has manifested itself through a pair of cat ears on his head and fangs that protrude from his mouth even when it's closed. Never the less, you should be warned that any mention of this to Toraburu will make him.. very angry at the least. Contrary to popular belief, Toraburu is NOT cute.
Besides his obvious features being like a cat, he looks like a pretty normal person. Though, you couldn't really call him that given his cat features. Just ignore those. If you look past that you'll see that Toraburu often looks a bit mad. His nose is very small, and very flat, curving up slightly near the end. His eyes are large in comparison, amber in colour, and shaped like almonds. His eyebrows curve inwards almost constantly making him appear angry and aggressive constantly.
His mouth is relatively small, and has two fangs protruding from it. It's almost constantly in a downwards curved frown, making him look even more angry. Truthfully it does a good job at spelling out what kind of person Toraburu is.
His small stature makes his life even more miserable as he stands at, barely, 5'7. He's smaller than most guys his age, actually, and his small size make it even easier for people to find him cute. Never the less he stands his own as his body size is relative to his size. He pulls it off without looking like a short stubby man, maintaining a good balance between muscles and fat and his size. It's almost like he's insecure about it.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Senkensha Toraburu
'Neko, Kitty' if you want to get killed. If you value your life, 'Trouble, Tora'
Heterosexual, though unapproachable
A small village in the outskirts of Kumogakure
Senkensha clan, an entire clan of cat-like shinobi. They're spread throughout the world and are more or less just a clan only in name. They don't really know each other.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his cute appearance, Toraburu has proven to be quite unapproachable. Any comments made towards him that he does not like (i.e. most of the comments made towards him) are met with silence, sarcasm, or straight up insults. While they are generally harmless, if you truly get on his nerves he will make it a point to drill you into the ground, to avoid having to deal with you any further.
While he does have this unhandleable attitude, he seems to have some degree of respect for authority, though begrudgingly he seems to still give them a big mouth some times. For all it's worth however he seems to be at least a decent asset to the team, regardless of his personal attitude. It seems more a case of finding a team for him that he can fit into without much trouble - a team that doesn't ask him too many questions. Perhaps an apathetic team.
Age 0 to 6; childhood years
Asshole parents are a universal thing, yo.
Toraburu was born as a result of two of the Senkensha clan being together. They were travelers, as so many Senkensha clan members are, and his mother happened to get pregnant at a time during the travelling. They rested at a village for the next five months until she was ready to give birth. When that was done, and the young lad 'Trouble' was born, the parents vanished. Possibly because the Senkensha clan enjoys their freedom, and having a young boy with them would impede on that freedom.
He was named Toraburu, because that was what he was to his new adoptive parents. 'Trouble'. It was a pretty harsh life the next six years, but luckily for Toraburu, Senkensha clan members weren't born with their cat like features. He seemed to be a relatively normal kid - up until his fifth birthday when his teeth were starting to protrude from his lips despite having his mouth closed, as well as his ears beginning to grow slightly. His adoptive parents still sort of loved him, but it became a lot harder for them to justify having this 'strange kid' in their household. Slowly but surely the village excluded them more and more until it became time for Toraburu to leave for the Shinobi village hidden in the Mountains.
He was accepted there, and joined the shinobi academy. From time to time he'd visit the village, to see his 'parents' but all in all it wasn't too much trouble to leave behind the family.
Age 6 to 13; academy years
Mreow! Don't mess with the cat!
During his years in the academy his rather peculiar personality traits became apparent. While at first everyone seemed to think that Toraburu was an extremely nice kid due to his appearance, they were often rudely awoken from their idiotic ideas as Toraburu had a rather foul mouth for a young boy. More often than not he was involved in school fights, incidents in the village and just general trouble. He was living up to his name, more or less. He made many enemies in these years, people that rather saw him bite the dust sooner or later. The feeling was, more often than not, mutual.
While he was a bit of a pain in the ass to the teachers, he did listen to them and he was by all means not a bad student - more likely due to innate ability to become a shinobi than hard work. He was the kid in class that never seemed to do anything, yet ace the exams. It was the beginning for his arrogance, since he noticed himself as well. What was he other than a master at shinobi arts, if he did not try hard at all and still succeeded? That placed him above the rest did it not? Whether his feelings were justified or not, he graduated somewhere in the top 10% of the class, giving him at least some credibility for his claims.
Age 13 to present day; genin years
WHA? They said this would be fun!
While others may have enjoyed these petty years, merely a small point in Toraburu's life. A life he expects and expected to be filled with more splendor and action and interesting things. But no, rather, he was stuck doing rather dull stuff for most his genin missions. He had a team that he didn't like very much but was forced to cooperate with. This only made his pains more unbearable. Digging trenches and taking care of ninken was hardly something he found enjoyable.
It was only when the chunin exams began that he found some.. degree of pleasure in the shinobi line of work. 'Kill?!' he asked his sensei, whom replied that yes, killing was a possibility. 'Anything to get that chunin rank' he thought, figuring he'd get to do more interesting shit then.
He quickly became somewhat of a feared aspect of the chunin exams - he basically physically dragged his team through the exams. And no, that's not figuratively, because he literally dragged a teammate through a battle, cause the little shit was planning to run away and abandon his teammates. During that little escapade he continued to fight his enemies, slinging jutsu left and right and even using the poor boy as a weapon at some point. Needless to say, it was quite peculiar, and perhaps not very fitting of a 'leadership figure' that a chunin was supposed to be. But hey, he passed the trial, so technically they couldn't say shit. Naturally he passed and became a chunin. Now the fun began.
【Family ties】
His family is spread throughout the world, and even though they are somewhat large in numbers, it's not often that the clan members meet. His father and mother are somewhere out there.
Otu Taika | Adoptive mother | 67, Ricepaddy Village, farmer, seamstress
Hoshin Taika | Adoptive father | 71, Ricepaddy Village, farmer
Raito Taika | Adoptive brother | 25, Ricepaddy Village, useless kid that pretends to be a farmer
【Dreams and fears】
Why, becoming famous of course! Nothing would be greater than to become known as a revered shinobi hero that can kill you with merely a glance of the eyes!
Strangely enough he has no interest in ever meeting his parents, though he is unsure how it would happen if he ever did. Chances seem slim though.
His fears are that people will stop bothering with him - even though he's an asshole, he'd hate to feel ignored. It's his biggest pet peeve if people ignored him, so if everyone treated him like he didn't exist, that'd be terrible for him.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Toraburu fights using ninjutsu and taijutsu. He's something of a mix between a ferocious close range fighter and a skilled ninjutsu duelist, though he is capable in both. A bit of a jack-of-all trades, his kekkei genkai gives him the means to do so. Never the less he'll get very annoyed if he is attacked at long range, or if someone figures out his weakness. Because his weakness can literally put him out of the rest of the fight indefinitely.
Furthermore he is quite prone to irrationality and aggressive attacks, making it very likely and possible for him to be lured into a trap or to get ganged up on once he's pulled out of position.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Neko no mimi, 猫の耳.
Ears of a Cat.
Less of a kekkei genkai than just simple physical structure, it is never the less still classed as a kekkei genkai. His cat-like ears allow him to hear extremely well, hearing perfectly what is going on up to about a kilometre away. Similarly, he can hear things that normally do not produce enough sound to be heard easily in a battle, such as kunai and shuriken flying through the air.
Effectively, this allows him to be a semi-sensory nin without really being a sensory nin.
It's not really a kekkei genkai that has any strengths - it allows him to sense people up to 1km away, if they are making noise. The question is if they are making noise. A perfectly silent opponent will be able to circumvent him, though even the slightest slip up would alert Toraburu to their location.
This kekkei genkai can easily be overcome by producing zero noise whatsoever. Even though ninja's are, well, ninja's, it seems that many shinobi do not actually possess such skills. Never the less this is probably the easiest way to circumvent him, though it requires extreme skill to be 100% silent.
Another more backwards method of disabling the kekkei genkai is through the use of sound. While a normal human voice isn't enough to bother Toraburu, nor is a scream or anything that is capable of being produced by humans without tools, a sound-based jutsu would probably be capable of annoying him greatly to the point of hurting his ears and putting him out of the fight.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Suidan no Jutsu
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
Suirō no Jutsu
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Nekoken Sutairu, 猫拳スタイル
Cat Fist Style
Much less a technique than a fighting style, this style focusses on the user augmenting chakra in the fists during combat. Whenever the user hits, a blast of chakra follows the hit into the targets body. Relatively simple, really. Although it's reminiscent of the gentle fist style from the Hyuga's, it's different in that it's impossible for Toraburu to see the tenketsu. Therefore he cannot cut off chakra lines or such. Instead, the chakra blasts just deal massive internal damage, capable of temporarily or permanently shutting down organs upon successive hits.
Jutsu name:
Neko Tenohira Burasuto, 猫手のひらブラスト
Cat Palm Blast
A part of the Cat Fist style, the user flattens out their hand and curls their fingers inwards, reminiscent of a cat paw. Upon doing so they target the target's limbs, and when then hit, release the chakra. In the case that this hits, it will likely have enough power to temporarily disable the limb with both the force it puts out and the chakra emanating from the attack.
Jutsu name:
Hatsuon Hiaringu, 発音ヒアリング
Pronounced Hearing
This is a sensory technique. When the user (Toraburu) focuses chakra on his already remarkably good ears, he can increase the range of the sensory qualities. The zone of hearing will expand from 1km to approximately 3.5km. This is a fair range for a sensory nin that doesn't even want to be a sensory nin, and because this 'jutsu' is seen as uncool by Toraburu, it is unlikely that he will progress himself to be able to hear any further than that.
The one weakness this has is that while normally, under the passive kekkei genkai usage, it wouldn't cause him to hurt his ears from anyone standing nearby and talking. Since this jutsu enhances the hearing even further, it would hurt him very much so if someone stood next to him and talked into his ears
Jutsu name:
Nainraiburaifusutairu, ナインライブライフスタイル
By focusing his chakra on his muscles and surrounding areas, Toraburu is able to make himself much more dextrous, bendy and agile than he would've been normally. This is due to his 'cat like physique' which the chakra would help activate slightly more. The exchange for this, however, is the fact that it consumes a bit of chakra, and it reduces the strength of his attacks. On the flip side - it does allow him to jump around a bit more easily, as well as bend out of the way of attacks. |
13,273 | 381 | 28 | 1,015 | 2,826 | Minaru Gazo
Coeur de lion
Minaru était arrivé juste avant l'arrivée des deux autres Jounin. Minaru était arrivée alors que deux autres Kiri shinobi arrivaient, armés de Kunai, sautant à Ari derrière son mur d'acier. Il avait pris les deux par le collier et a filé autour, en train de jeter les deux avec force dans le mur, en complétant sa rotation en arrachant kunai de sa poche, en jetant deux de sa main droite à sa gauche, puis en arrachant deux autres dextérieusement avec ses doigts, en les jetant tous au shinobi avec une telle force que les lames ont frappé les deux dans leurs épaules, les épinglant contre le mur avant que leur dos n'ait frappé ledit mur. Minaru s'est tourné vers les deux filles, puis il s'est battu pour son troisième membre, se réunissant avec les autres.
Sutemasu leur a suggéré de ne pas faire exploser la plante, mais simplement de les inciter à faire que le kiri shinobi ne vole plus leurs minéraux. Ils ne volent pas les métaux de notre pays, ce qui va à l'encontre de l'objectif de cette raffinerie. C'est si près du territoire de Kumo parce qu'ils sont volés- Il a lui aussi été interrompu par le shinobi de la brume cachée qui sort du brouillard. Il parlait de toutes ces bonnes conneries, mais Minaru l'a reconnu de son temps à Kiri.
Il était Chobi Nafar, aussi connu sous le nom de Detonator. Il a tenu le Shibuki, et a eu pendant les dix dernières années - l'Épée Explosante. Chobi était connu pour être brutal et effrayant, aussi fou que sept hommes d'épées. La position détendue de Minaru s'est resserrée alors qu'il se tournait vers son équipe."Ce type... Il est une mauvaise nouvelle. » Minaru a commenté, grincant ses dents, sa main saisissant la poignée de son katana, la lumière d'or faible manifestée à l'intérieur de la gaine, le Jounin envoyant son chakra dans l'arme.
Peut-être que tu devrais rentrer chez toi. Maintenant, vous avez la chance. Mais le temps tourne et mes amis ne sont pas très patients. Tick, Tack.. La seule raison pour laquelle vous n'êtes pas encore mort, c'est parce que je les ai convaincus que vous aviez le droit de nous empêcher de voler vos minéraux. Dommage que tu n'aies pas amené quelqu'un de plus fort. Personne que tu as ici ne peut battre les sabres du brouillard, et encore moins trois d'entre eux. Oh.. entends ça?
Ses yeux dardaient à travers le champ, sur le côté gauche, émergeant de la brume était Haseo Tsurigi Le Boucher du Blast Village. Il avait un an de plus que Minaru - il était un Chunnin quand Minaru se présentait comme un Kiri Genin, gagnant sa place dans les sabres quand il avait été envoyé pour éliminer une cible dans le village de Blast - une petite place sur les frontières de la terre des vagues. Quand les locaux ont aidé sa cible, il a massacré plus de 50 personnes, tous ceux qui vivaient dans le village dans un massacre qui n'avait pas été vu depuis le massacre d'Uchiha, il y a 70 ans.
Et puis il y a eu le troisième gars, il était plus vieux, perplexe. Il n'avait pas l'air trop intimidant, comme le monsieur moyen plus âgé. Minaru ne pouvait pas dire son nom à première vue, il était l'un des rares Swordsmen de la brume qu'il ne connaissait pas en bref, mais une fois qu'il a vu la Samehada avec ses dents comme des traits dans ses mains, il a réalisé que c'était Zitsgetsu Hozuki. On ne savait pas beaucoup de choses sur lui, et quelqu'un qui pouvait garder leurs données personnelles cachées dans ce monde de shinobi était quelqu'un à craindre.
Minaru s'est griffé les dents. "Fuck.." Et avant qu'il ne puisse trouver un plan, le Haseo s'est fléché vers eux et a balancé le cliveur comme une épée, Minaru a dugé sous la grande lame, et dans la seconde suivante a utilisé sa technique Iadoi pour tirer l'épée, Haseo parrying sa coupe mais il était futile que la foudre a amélioré chakra venant de la lame d'or coupée à travers le côté supérieur de l'arme, coupant la moitié supérieure du cercle propre de, l'onde de choc forme le choc de la la lame envoyé Haseo dérapage sur l'eau. Conduisant à une réaction des trois sabres de la brume.
La lame de Minaru craque avec sa lumière dorée. "L'épée légendaire, mon cul." le jeune Jounin se moquait, sa voix était loin de celle détendue que ses élèves avaient entendue auparavant, ses pupilles étaient dictées et sa peau était plus pâle que la normale. Il était concentré - mode de combat, combat ou instinct de vol. L'adrénaline était en train de pomper dans ses veines et maintenant il était temps de faire ou de mourir. Les trois sabres kiri l'ont reconnu comme l'enfant punk qui avait infiltré leurs rangs il y a presque dix ans - celui qui était l'une des plus grandes raisons pour lesquelles un de leurs commandants Jounin avait été pris par Kumo. Haseo riait de plus en plus "Tu veux danser?" Et se jeta à nouveau sur lui, avec la lame gigantesque brisée à la main, Minaru grogne et s'élança sur l'eau, faisant Haseo le pourchasser.
Saborama Hizo
Point d'éclair
Une fois que les soldats de la raffinerie ont été traités, les trois équipes se sont réunies à nouveau, Sabo debout avec ses coéquipiers et ses sensei, tandis qu'elles ont trouvé un nouveau plan. Dans sa loupe, le chunnin a piqué Hageshi sur l'épaule - son sensei n'a pas vraiment réagi. "Ouh, les gars.. Quelqu'un vient." Il dit, tandis que Sutemasu et Minaru parlaient, avant qu'ils soient tous coupés par l'Épée.
Ses alliés sont arrivés, mais Sabo ne perdait pas de temps à se présenter. Il se cachait derrière Hageshi, pour cacher ses mouvements comme il a posé le sceau pour sa technique de miroir Fractured, un peu de distance devant le gars avec la grande épée avec des rouleaux dessus - celui qui avait parlé. Le type lanky a attaqué et le premier gars a suivi, Minaru a disparu dans le sceau, apparaissant comme le Swordsman a bougé, l'élan de son saut dans le portail est resté avec lui comme il est sorti, apparemment le faisant sauter du sceau, l'homme a balancé l'épée autour de l'arrière avec le bord face au garçon blond avec les lunettes - après avoir attrapé le chunnin comme il est apparu derrière lui. Mid swing, Sabo a coincé le kunai qu'il tenait dans le bras de l'homme et sa main gauche a tapé son avant-bras droit tout comme la lame était sur le point de se connecter avec son visage, disparaissant dans une lumière ultraviolette, apparaissant avec un grand flash derrière ses coéquipiers.
"D'accord, il est blessé" Alors que Chobi sortait les kunai et lâchait un cri en colère.
".. ou juste énervé. L'approche tactique ici serait de courir. "Monsieur le capitaine?" se tournant vers Hageshi.
La panique n'avait pas coulé dans lui comme si cela pouvait être ses coéquipiers, il restait objectif et tactique avec elle. Mais il a aussi fait confiance à ses aînés, le capitaine Minaru avait déjà apparemment désarmé l'un des trois et l'avait emmené pour un temps de bataille qui était intelligent ou une question de fierté Sabo ne savait pas, et si les deux autres capitaines étaient aussi puissants que le sabreur parmi eux, ils pourraient avoir une chance. Pendant qu'il parlait, il formait les seaux à main requis pour recréer le sceau Flashpoint sur son bras, il s'est dit qu'il en aurait besoin. | Minaru Gazo
“Heroes may get remembered, but Legends never die.”
One Of a Kind – Different Design
Minaru stands at 179 CM, weighing about 60 kilograms. He's got an athletic build. Eyes of an unnatural golden color and olive colored skin. His hair is a light brown - he's got tattoos under his eyes. His headband is sown into a scarf he can pull over his face like a mask, as well as a black hood on his black jacket. Underneath he carries a cross-belt with two sword sheaths on the back, T-shirts of different colors and dark, earthy colors, like brown, black or green pants with tabi on his feet. His shin's are wrapped in white bandages, so are his forearms. He dons black gloves on his hands, never far from the two-handed sword that hangs by his side. A gold necklace hangs around his neck and a golden band hugs his upper right arm. Old family heirlooms.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Minaru F. Gazu
The Golden One
Land Of Iron
Gazo – The Goldens Ones. Formerly a clan of merchants, making a fortune due to their ability to turn any metal into gold. When Minaru was a baby the clan compound was attacked by bandits and hired missing nin, annihilating the clan, leaving Minaru the only survivor of the clan who's numbers had once been in the hundreds.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Minaru “The F Stands For What You'd Happily Let Me Do To Your Girlfriend” Gazu is – as shown by the way he presents himself cocky and arrogant. He's one to point out that he's a prodigy, showing strength and skill well beyond his years. Gaining the rank of Jonin due to his efficiency and power, rather than his tactical thinking or his smarts. That's not to say that Minaru isn't intellient, he's simply just immature – Cut first, ask questions while cutting – kind of guy. Put in charge of his first team much to the Golden Boy's dismay, an effort to make him grow up when he has to take charge of his comrades for a long period of time.
Beyond his already impressive military career, Minaru is a womanizer, not afraid to show off his powers to impress those of the other gender, weather they are shinobi or civilian. Due to him being perceived as immature and not very serious he usually butts heads with his fellow Jonin, under harsh critique for a lot of his actions. Critique the brown haired boy shrugs off, with a phrase like
'fuck you haters'.
Childhood: 0 - 6
His father and Mother's names are all forgotten, any record of them burned in the incident that took place when Minaru was 2 years old. The local bandits had zeroed in on the Gazu compound, they killed everyone but Minaru and his parents, holding the young child hostage till his parents – the two most powerful users of their kekkei genkai. Created them enough gold to last them a lifetime, turning all of their weapons and all of the jewelry they carried to gold. They then killed his parents and when they were about to kill him, a duo of Samurai arrived at the burning compound. While they were outmanned, the enemies weapons were now useless and thus the Samurai cut down most of the bandits, those that escaped did so with most of the gold. Leaving the boy orphaned in the ruins of his home.
He grew up in an orphanage in the land of Iron. At the age of 4 he was adopted by a family, Mizu and Hashi Nambo and moved to the Village Hidden In The Clouds. Having memories of the Land Of Iron and the mighty samurai – people who stood outside of the cloak and dagger of the Ninja World, he fondly played those out while causing a lot of problems for his new parents, thus he was sent to another orphanage, this time in Kumogakure.
Academy Years: 5- 7
Not getting close to anyone in Kumo, he attended the Academy, a loner at first but soon he realized his potential. Training with weaponry, practicing taijutsu and utilizing his chakra and even beginning to understand his bloodline limit all happened during the span of two years, letting him graduate with top of the line grades and a bright future ahead of him.
Genin Years 8- 10
A genin at eight and a swordsman by heart. He grew a lot during these years, being held back from the Exam his first year as a genin, due to him being thought too weak to handle the growing pressure of the much older ninjas that would participate. During his second year he pushed himself further, weaponizing his Kekkei Genkai and learning the true power of a sword in the right hand. His Chunnin Exam Duel is still talked about as the shortest fight in recent Kumo history, Minaru cutting down his opponent in a golden ray coming from his quickly drawn blade.
Chunnin Years: 10 - 14
Having become a Chunnin before he was even a teenager, he was sent on several covert missions into enemy territory, most notably spending 2 years undercover in Kirigakure as an academy student due to his young age and youthful appearance, even becoming a genin in the Kiri armed forces, all in the name of gathering intel. Intel that would aid in a ANBU operation when Minaru was 13. Destryoing a Kirigakure convoy and capturing one of their commanders. For his valiant actions undercover, he was promoted to Special Jounin and his skills continued to flourish, before he was 14 he had been brought up for promotion to full time Jounin.
Jonin Years: 14 - 16
Before even entering the back half of his teen years, Minaru was part of the Shinobi Elite of Kumogakure, participating in several small skirmishes against Kirigakure and Sunagakure, fighting over territory or resources. He had earned quite a name for himself due to his undercover work in The Mist, being recognized several times during battle and even forging a few rivalries over the course of his many skirmishes. Only getting wounded twice, his skill and strength was undeniable. But what he lacked was leadership skills and teamwork – the two concerns they had when they promoted him to Jounin. As such, he's been put in charge of leading a team of fresher Chunnins. To teach and guide them, but also to grow as a leader.
【Dreams and fears】
He dreams of becoming the world's greatest swordsman. A Blademaster without rival. Beyond that, he wishes to trace down the remnants of the bandits that butchered his clan and get justice for his bloodline, and once he's brought those scum to heel, he wants to rebuild his clan.
His deepest fear is finding the bandits and after all of his hard work still being incapable of stopping them.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
A Ninkenjutsu artist at heart, Minaru is at his best with a blade in his hand. His Kekkei Genkai gives him the ability to keep a swordfight at a medium distance, an advantage this seasoned warrior is not afraid to use. He relies on fast footwork and sword-based techniques that relies on a minimal amount of handseals, as to always keep his hand on his blade. As such, he's also quite proficient in making handseals with one hand. While his footwork keeps him from getting hit, his chakra enhanced weaponry, fueling his Lightning and Wind nature and thus letting him deal fatal blows to the opponent making him a fierce duelist.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Alchemist's Secret.
The ability to turn any metall into gold.
Most of Minaru's clan has no combat applications in their gold, they made a fortune from selling the gold and as electricians, creating golden components. Minaru however has weaponized his Kekkei Genkai, effectively 'unlocking' the next stage of it. The gold he creates transfers not only electricity at a far superior rate than ordinary gold, but also pure chakra allowing him to create devestating attacks when combining his Kekkei Genkai with his swordsmanship.
He turns his things into gold. Gold is very soft and heavy. Not very good for combat.
【Ninja techniques】
A Rank Techniques:
Wind Release: Vacuum Blade
B Rank Techniques:
Samurai Sabre Technique
Lightning Katana
C Rank Techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
Diverse Academy Techniques.
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Midas Touch
Transmutes any metal in as large of an area as Minaru desires. The larger the area, the more chakra is used Scaling exponentially with size. I.E The difference between making ten and five shuriken is a lot bigger than making one or five.
Jutsu name:
Golden Lionheart Style
The Fighting style created my Minaru, combining the Samurai Sabre Technique with his golden metal, he creates a far more powerful version of the Samurai Technique due to the conductivity of the material. It also relies heavily on foot work and on dodging enemy hits, rather than parrying. It helps counteract his natural weakness to long range jutsu by being able to cut through most elemental techniques coming his way. However, due to the Saber Technique, and his Wind and Lightning Chakra, his sword strikes are impossible to block with the average sword. His swords aren't very useful for parrying due to the golden nature, thus making him weak to other offenses. A ranged offense is his biggest weakness.
Jutsu name:
Lionheart: Edge Of Midas
Close to long
The blade is coated with gold chakra energy from the Sabre Technique. A glowing crescent is created on the blade and when the blade is drawn the golden chakra is released in an unstoppable wave expanding outwards in a crescent, the power diminishing after 50 meters, being completely neutralized at 200. After which, the transmuted sword turns back into it's original state, albeit weaker. ( For instance, a steel sword would rust.)
Jutsu name:
Lionheart Style; Trinity Destruction
Up to 250 meters.
The Perfected form of the Midas Edge. Channeling both the Lighting Blade technique and the Vacuum Blade Technique, as well as the Golden Midas Edge technique. The wave of energy is so powerful that if you would try and parry the blade itself your body would evaporate. The wave is sent out in a half moon crescent, capable of tearing through a battlefield. The Crescent has larger with than his sword, about twice as wide, reaching for tens of meters in length. Losing power with each thing hit. The technique leaves Minaru severely weakened, his sword completely destroyed. Not to mention the sheer ferocity of the technique - not being able to tell friend from foe as it tears through skin muscle and bone. At a quarter kilometer the energy begins to disperse, still harmful at twice that length.
Jutsu name:
Lightning Style; Electrotherapy
Minaru pulls his two tantos from his back and hits the opponent with them. Prefering to lodge them into his foe, or his foes armor. Then he channels electricity through them from a distance, tazing the opponent, stunning them.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Ninja Pouch
Weapon, tool or object type:
Standard amount of Kunai, Shuriken, Wire, Explosive Tags and Smoke Bombs. Also gauze.
Weapon, tool or object name:
The Craftsman's Katana
Weapon, tool or object type:
A Three-part Katana. One part handle, two different blades. An outer blade that's full sized and a inner, shorter blade. The inner blade is always made out of gold. Outer made out of steel, sometimes turned into gold. The outer blade is often switched whenever Minaru goes back to base.
Weapon, tool or object name:
Slash & Gash
Weapon, tool or object type:
Twin Tanto's, doesn't turn them into gold. They are adorned with gold plating on their handles. |
13,274 | 381 | 29 | 2,041 | 394 | Yayoi, Ikaruga
Les escadrons ayant réussi à s'occuper des ennemis qui défendaient la raffinerie, on leur a laissé un peu de souffle, ou à tout le moins un câlin pour déterminer le prochain plan d'action. Ikaruga a laissé un soupir de soulagement au fait que, dans la plupart des cas, tout le monde ne s'était pas fait mal. C'est-à-dire, à l'exception de Sutemasu-sensei, qui semblait avoir été poignardé pendant que son équipe était à l'intérieur de la raffinerie. Mais, bizarrement, elle n'avait pas l'air terriblement préoccupée par sa blessure. À tout le moins, la brume avait commencé à dégager un peu. J'aurais pu être plus utile quand tout le monde était dans la chaleur de la bataille, mais ils prendraient ce qu'ils pouvaient obtenir, n'est-ce pas? Bien qu'il n'ait pas rencontré de revers majeurs jusqu'à présent, Ikaruga avait l'impression qu'ils n'étaient pas encore tout à fait hors des bois. Après tout, Kirigakure traversait tellement de difficultés à voler des minéraux de Kumogakure, donc sûrement ils ont prévu d'avoir une plus grande défense que cela prévu?
Gardant cette pensée dans le fond de son esprit, Ikaruga écoutait intensément que Sutemasu proposait un plan, qui était moins explosif que celui prescrit dans la mission initiale. Alors qu'Ikaruga était d'accord avec le sentiment qui l'entourait, il n'était pas sûr de savoir combien le Raikage approuverait. Ikaruga n'avait pas rencontré Kumogakure comme leader terriblement souvent, mais il avait eu l'impression qu'elle était très... intense pour le moins. Un trait qui semblait être transmis d'une manière ou d'une autre à Hageshi. En tout cas, Minaru a soulevé la seule ride dans le plan, à laquelle Ikaruga avait également pensé. Pourquoi tenir une raffinerie au large des côtes ennemies sans avoir accès aux matériaux?
Avant toute autre délibération, le silence relatif de la région était percé par le rugissement des explosions, suivi de la voix de l'homme d'où ils venaient. Comme un peu d'un anateur shinobi historien, le visage de l'arme que l'homme tenait et la relation de l'installation à Kirigakure laissent Ikaruga mettre deux-et-deux ensemble assez rapidement. Le Mist's Seven Swordsmen. Ou, au moins un d'entre eux a pu le dire à Ikaruga. Bien sûr, le Chunin qui manie la lance serait rapidement prouvé mal par l'apparence d'une autre figure maniant une grande lame avec facilité. L'individu semblait être autour de l'âge de tous les Chunin présents et, par extension, le jeune Jounin Minaru. Il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour que le wielder Kubikiribochos glissière dans la portée pour monter une attaque sur le groupe de Chunin. Tout comme Ikaruga se préparait à esquiver le coup, le maître des épées de Kumo, Minaru Gazo, le Lionheart, intercepta l'attaque, le chassant pour un duel en tête-à-tête. J'ai entendu dire qu'il était puissant, mais je n'ai pas réalisé qu'il était si fort. Ikaruga a pensé, regardant le morceau cassé de la lame de cleaver naviguer dans l'air avant d'atterrir dans l'eau.
Bien sûr, les équipes n'auraient pas eu la chance d'obtenir un respirateur après cela, comme un vieil homme est sorti de l'eau entre eux. Ikaruga grondissait, marchant dans le coup tandis que l'homme grondait l'épée à la peau de requin. En tenant sa lance verticalement pour bloquer la grève, Ikaruga espérait au moins réduire la vitesse de la balançoire de l'homme assez pour que tout le monde s'en sorte. Cependant, en raison d'une combinaison de ne pas avoir trop de temps pour y penser, avec une sous-estimation de la force de l'adversaire, Ikaruga a été envoyé en vol, envoyé sauter le long de l'eau comme un rocher. Le spearman s'est rapidement roulé sur ses pieds et a remarqué des douleurs à travers son bras droit, qui avait maintenant des plaies de perforation le long de celui-ci. En regardant de sa manche saignée au wielder de Samehada, il a vu que la peau de la lame s'était étendue en pics, probablement au moment où il était entré en contact avec la garde d'Ikaruga. Vous n'avez probablement pas besoin de moi pour vous dire cela, mais évitez de toucher cette chose à tout prix! » Ikaruga a appelé son collègue Chunin alors qu'il retombait sur ses pieds. Il était sûr qu'il n'allait pas obtenir trop de temps pour expliquer les subtilités de la lame particulière, de sorte que les conseils devraient suffire. "Juste notre chance pour une première mission, hein?" Ikaruga murmura, prenant position une fois de plus et attendant une ouverture. La patience était une vertu ici. Ce sont des membres de l'élite de Kirigakure, donc un faux geste les ferait tuer. Ikaruga lui-même n'avait eu que de la chance que la balançoire n'était pas trop rapide pour lui de réagir.
Un requin qui joue avec sa proie. | Yayoi, Ikaruga
“Let’s get to the point then, shall we?”
Ikaruga stands at a solid six feet tall with a reasonably toned body honed by years of shinobi training. Underneath the black cap that Ikaruga is rarely seen without is two-toned hair, black at the roots as it extends into white locks of hair that the young chunin has taken to styling into two braids that come down to frame each side of his face. When Ikaruga’s bloodline trait isn’t active, his eyes are sky blue, changing to a reddish purple when his clan ability is in use.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Yayoi, Ikaruga
”Pigtails”, “Ruga”, “Ikkun”
The Yayoi clan, a family line known for producing a long line of expert spearmen, a rare sight amongst the ranks of shinobi. At one time, it was a sign of great status to have a Yayoi clan spearman in one’s employ as a bodyguard.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Despite his somewhat delinquent-esque appearance, those who get to know Ikaruga often find that he’s actually a pretty nice guy. Always up to deliver words of encouragement, Ikaruga’s welcoming, laid-back nature has led to him being a sort of older brother figure to Kumogakure’s genin and even some of the younger chunin in the ranks. While on the one hand, Ikaruga is known to be a skilled shinobi, he still lacks the absolute killer instinct to allow those around him to be sacrificed for the good of a mission, a fact that holds him back to some extent.
From a young age, Ikaruga was brought up on the idea that serving and protecting one that he could proudly call his Lord was the highest honor. As the son of the clan’s pride and joy, this pressure couldn’t have been more apparent. Ikaruga’s mother wasted no time attempting to train her son in the clan’s famed sojutsu style, for it was only natural that the spawn of the clan’s shining jewel could not be allowed to come short of his mother’s greatness. Through it all, Ikaruga managed to maintain the sunny disposition he’s known for today, a trait that warmed the hearts of even some of the strictest elders of the Yayoi clan.
Eventually, young Ikaruga decided that he would start a career as a shinobi, having heard stories of about supposedly glorious battles and heroes of the shinobi world all throughout his life. While his mother was apprehensive at first, she consented to the idea with the condition that her son would make a name for himself amongst the ranks of shinobi, thereby heightening the clan’s status further. It was in Ikaruga’s initial years as a Genin that he finally understood what he felt was his true calling. After finally making friends outside of the watch of the Yayoi clan, he realized that it wasn’t any individual lord that he wanted to serve, but the people of Kumogakure as a whole. With added resolve, Ikaruga managed to distinguish himself as a particularly skilled genin, eventually passing through the chunin exam where his skills with the spear and ability to work excellently in team contexts was put on full display.
As of right now, Ikaruga is a reasonably accomplished chunin with a good rapport among the village folk. Though, he won’t be satisfied until he’s at least achieved the rank of “jonin”.
【Family ties】
The Yayoi clan is actually rather large, with a branch in nearly every part of the known world. On special occasions the clan will gather in an attempt to reconnect and share information about the recent happenings in their respective villages. Outside of these occasions, however, there isn’t too much communication between the individual branches.
Yayoi, Benio “Benio the Impaler” | Mother | 46, Iwagakure, former bodyguard of the Earth Daimyo, presently “retired”
Yayoi, Tadaharu | Father | 41, Iwagakure, a serious injury forced him to retire from being a bodyguard, so now he’s a sushi chef (his real dream)
Yayoi, Zenkichi | Grandfather | 85, Konohagakure, Retired
【Dreams and fears】
Above all, Ikaruga wishes for a world in which there can be true peace. However, knowing that to be impossible, Ikaruga wants to become a prime player in the future security of Kumogakure in order to ensure that at least his home and loved ones can remain safe under his watch.
Ikaruga’s greatest fear is the threat of all-out war breaking out and being powerless to stop Kumogakure from falling at the hands of its enemies.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
As a master of sojutsu, Ikaruga is skilled at using the length of his weapon to his advantage, making pinpoint strikes at enemies’ vitals while minimizing the chance of retaliation in close combat. Ikaruga prefers to use quick footwork and his incredible flexibility to position himself for single attacks rather than engaging in a full on flurry of blows in an attempt to conserve stamina. Use of ninjutsu on his part is mainly for erecting barriers to defend allies rather than offensive purposes.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
”Fierce Jibakurei Method”
After setting up an appropriate “territory” using special sticks of incense infused with the user’s chakra, the user forms a “contract” with the prepared territory to become the area’s appointed “guardian”. What this means is that, once activated, the user becomes capable of drawing nature chakra from the surrounding area in order to enhance their abilities. To signify the user’s intake of nature chakra, a “flame” made of chakra appears by their head, a phenomena that draws some comparison to the form of a “hitodama”. Other visual signifiers are veins of nature chakra running through the user’s skin and a change in the user’s eye color. In some cases (like Ikaruga’s), other features like the user’s lips may take on a different hue. Along with the increase of the user’s physical abilities, the receiver of the territory’s nature chakra is also able to manipulate the chakra into shapes, an ability that pairs well with the spear techniques of the Yayoi clan.
As what essentially amounts to a sort of pseudo “Sage Mode”, the Yayoi Clan’s secret technique serves as an effective boost to the user’s overall effectiveness. The use of nature chakra itself also serves as a deterrent to those who might think to try and absorb the chakra from the user’s attacks.
As a result of the Fierce Jibakure Method’s development by non-shinobi chakra users, attempts by the user to perform ninjutsu or genjutsu while drawing upon the territory’s power runs the risk of drawing in too much nature chakra at once and turning the user to stone. As a result, in order to operate safely the user must only make use of physical techniques (like the Yayoi family sojutsu, for instance) and the enhanced chakra molding granted by the territory. Furthermore, the user can only draw upon nature chakra within the established territory, which means that a chase could be impossible without sacrificing power in order to pursue an enemy. As a result of the territory being created through a ritual-esque contract, the territory needs to be prepared in advance, and any disruption to the burning incense sticks will lead to the territory being void. In other words, an enemy team of shinobi with prior knowledge of the technique could devote time to finding and destroying the territory border before engaging Ikaruga.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide
C rank techniques:
Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique
Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire
Wind Release: Great Breakthrough
D-E rank techniques:
Basic Academy Techniques
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Yayoi Style Sojutsu: Spiral Driver
Depending on the sort of strike being made, the range of an attack can extend from the tip of Ikaruga’s spear, to approximately 15 meters away.
In order to augment the range and offensive power of spear strikes, the user of the technique releases chakra from their spear as a sort of drill to pierce opponents. When the target is pierced by an attack using this technique, the flesh surrounding the point of impact tends to twist in a similar spiral formation, making wounds from Ikaruga’s attack take an incredible amount of time to heal.
Jutsu name:
Yayoi Style Sojutsu: One-Man Phalanx
The “One-Man Phalanx” only extends to the range of Ikaruga’s spear unless combined with “Spiral Driver”
Using incredible speed, the user unleashes several near-simultaneous spear strikes and creates a wall of afterimages, some of which are actually feints that hide the user’s actual strikes within.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Yari no Rasen (Spear of Spiral)
A spear of approximately eight feet in length, topped with a spiraled head reminiscent of a unicorn’s horn. The shaft of the spear is a vibrant crimson and capped with gold at the opposite end of the spearhead. The metal used to create the spearhead is especially good at interacting with chakra, making it incredibly useful for maximizing the efficiency of the “Spiral Driver” technique. |
13,275 | 381 | 30 | 1,956 | 189 | Nekoyama Midori
Pour la plupart, Midori est resté dans le dos et a évité toute confrontation majeure. En tant que nin médicale, elle n'a pas sa place sur la ligne de front, et sans s'inquiéter, elle a vu son équipe sortir l'ennemi shinobi qu'ils ont rencontré. Ce n'est qu'en arrivant sur le devant de l'enceinte que la tension semblait monter à la suite d'une attaque, et l'apparence de ce qu'elle ne pouvait que supposer était l'un des Swordsmen du Sept Mist. Cependant, si l'on n'était pas assez inquiet, l'arrivée d'une seconde avait forcé un gémissement exaspéré hors du kunoichi. -- Oh, allez! À côté d'elle, Raiden avait coulé dans une croûte d'alerte et sifflé à l'épéeman. Les yeux rétrécis et les oreilles épinglées en arrière, sa fourrure noire bourre d'alarme comme il a facilement senti l'intention du tueur des deux kiri-nin.
Somersault retournant pour éviter la première attaque, l'arrivée du troisième sabre avait facilement jeté Midori hors de la garde, tout juste sautant à peine hors du chemin alors qu'il a balancé l'épée massive et piquée. Alors qu'elle débarquait quelques pieds en arrière, son cœur a sauté un battement alors qu'elle regardait Ikaruga se faufiler par l'assaut. C'est pas vrai! Ses grands yeux dorés regardaient dans l'inquiétude et l'horreur, craignant qu'elle n'ait vu sa propre coéquipière se faire enlever lors de leur première mission. Heureusement, elle a regardé Ikaruga rouler à ses pieds comme du sang dégouliné de son bras et dans l'eau au-dessous d'eux. Vous n'avez probablement pas besoin de moi pour vous dire ceci, mais évitez de toucher cette chose à tout prix!
Déplacer son regard d'Ikaruga vers le wielder de Samehada, Midori sentit sa gorge sèche. Jusqu'à présent, c'était deux membres du groupe qui ont été blessés d'une manière ou d'une autre, l'un d'entre eux étant un leader jonin. Si elle se trouvait dans une autre situation, Midori n'aurait pas hésité à s'occuper d'eux, mais entourée d'ennemis d'élite shinobi, le médecin-nin savait que s'arrêter pour guérir n'importe quelle de son équipe les mettrait dans une position de compromis. Au lieu de cela, Midori a avalé sa peur et sorti un kunai avant d'élargir sa propre position. Si elle ne pouvait pas soutenir son équipe avec ses compétences médicales, elle ferait de son mieux pour les soutenir avec sa propre force et sa tactique offensive.
Il n'était pas sage de bouger sans stratégie, mais elle ne pensait pas que ce serait aussi facile de s'enfuir comme Saborama l'avait suggéré. Sans parler de son équipe, à part Ikaruga, il n'y avait que des chasseurs de moyenne à longue portée. Sans détourner son regard du shinobi barbu, Midori appela Hageshi à la recherche de conseils : « Sensei, que faisons-nous? » C'était le combat ou le vol, et avec le capitaine Minaru interceptant déjà l'ennemi, Midori pouvait déjà supposer que cette dernière décision n'était plus un choix. | Nekoyama Midori a medical-nin my duty is to my team and those injured, but keep messing with me and I'll break your nose and heal it just so I can break it again!”
The spitting image of her mother, Midori stands at an average 5'6" and weighs in at a healthy 128lbs. Broad shouldered, with shoulder blade length brown hair, thin brown eyebrows sit above long eyelashes and the Nekoyama Clans ancestral wide, golden eyes. With a shapely, yet athletic figure, Midori's physical strength is visible through toned calves and muscular biceps. Small scars from old cat scratches cover her arm and legs, while the rest of her peach colored skin is relatively smooth and unscathed. She dons the traditional shinobi garb of mid-calve black sandals, with the Kumogakure headband sitting at the top of her head. High waisted, knee length shorts made with insulating material to withstand Kumo's cool weather covers her legs, while a short sleeved shirt made with similar material sits beneath a ton colored, and collared tunic. Bearing the Nekoyama Clan symbol of the slitted Cat Eye on the back of her tunic, a similar belt that matches the collar of her shirt is wrapped around her waist. Carrying medical supplies in a pouch attached to her belt, various basic shinobi tools are latched on to her right thigh in a small grey holster.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Nekoyama Midori
Crazy Cat Lady - "Toraburu"
Nekoyama Clan - Among the oldest clans in the Land of Lightning, the Nekoyama Clan is a ninja family known for using Ninneko as fighting companions. Easily singled out by their golden cat-like eyes, the Nekoyama Clan carry the Kekkei Genkai known as Neko no Seishin, or Cat's Spirit. Able to ride their feline companions once reaching adulthood, the Nekoyama Clan's Ninneko are capable of transforming into larger cats that resemble their more feral cousins. As family legendhistory states, the Nekoyama Clan has long held relationships with the Bakeneko's of the Shinobi world. Holding these beasts to near Deity pedestals, the first Ninneko companions were rumored to be Bakeneko's, but as time passed the Nekoyama Clan joined the few shinobi families to hold a contract with the Ninneko of Sora-ku.
Past traditions that have long been forgotten stated a time when the feline companions of the clan were bred with the Ninneko of Sora-ku, but after the third great war many of the felines in the crime ridden city migrated with the Nekoyama Clan into the tall mountains of Kumogakure. Highly intelligent and capable of speech, their heightened senses make for great investigative skills. It is through intensive shinobi training that a Ninneko's true potential shines, bringing out their agile speed and flexibility, while also teaching of the strength that lays in their ancestral ties from clan and kin. Living just as long as their human counterparts, Ninneko and Nekoyama shinobi share an unbreakable bond that begins at birth, and with age this bond and the strength between them only grows stronger.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Behind a kind smile and an empathetic nature, Midori is a short tempered, and prideful kunoichi. A medical-nin first, and a kunoichi of Kumogakure second, her true passion in life is helping others and those in need. Looking up to her mother who works at Kumogakure Hospital as lead Surgeon, her parental idolization is the true inspiration of her internal goals and dreams. While her conversation skills are certainly not the best, Midori cherishes the bonds she shares with her team, be it that she gets along with them or not. Considering them to be an extended branch of her own family, Midori holds her relationship with her family and her clan above all else. As the eldest child of the Clan Leader, Midori believes herself to be the rising face of her growing clan. With this in mind, she tries her best with first impressions, attempting to look as professional and experienced as she can.
As levelheaded as she tries to present herself, Midori has an extremely short temper. Foul mouthed in the worst of times, and snappy a majority of the time. Through personal training and meditation she has learned to control her aggression during key operations, but stressful conditions and situations can wear her patience thin. This can cause Midori to act impulsively or, on rare occasions, break her own medical-nin oath. This is easily her biggest fault, and with it comes inklings of self-doubt. Despite her displayed confidence, Midori struggles with apathetic tendencies. Setting high expectations for herself, failure of reaching her own standards can easily leave her crestfallen. She does her best not to stay down for long, and through time and taking out her stress through sparring and personal studying, Midori will return to her prideful and confident self.
0 - 6
Brought into the world on a hot summer day in August, Midori was born into the Nekoyama Clan as the first child of Clan Leader, Nekoyama Hideo. A happy baby, and a rambunctious toddler who often handled her Ninneko companion just a little bit too roughly, Midori's parent's began to notice a change in their bubbly little girl as she aged surrounded by her older cousins and family members within the Clan. From sweet, and tender, Midori became loud mouthed, and stubborn. Her passive nature was thrown out the door as rough housing was constantly provided by her cousins, and had it not been for her Ninneko companions constant scolding as they grew together, Midori might have grown to be a real spoiled brat. Despite this behavior, her relationship with her parents, especially her mother, grew greatly overtime as she became interested in the impact and history of Medical ninjutsu. Her mothers career held a heavy impact on the girl, and with this new interest, Midori made it known to her parents that she wanted to join the Academy and become a Kunoichi. With no reason to tell her no, and believing it to be a good chance for her to put her focus elsewhere besides her budding aggression, she was registered at the Academy and began her years as a student shortly after her sixth birthday.
6 - 13
During the first years at the Academy, Midori was overconfident and impulsive. Her obvious skill and potential had made her relatively snobbish, but during the passing years her potential came to a stand-still. Unlike the other students, she struggled to grow stronger. Her bigheadedness had gotten the best of her, and still young and immature, Midori took her anger out on those around her. With a quick temper that led her to lashing out at others, she was often reprimanded and scolded until the threat of expulsion finally hung above her head. Terrified of failing not only her parents, but herself, Midori finally sought help. In her search, it was her father of all people to teach her the ways of meditation. While it didn't snuff out her fiery nature, the coping mechanism allowed her to control her compulsive behavior to a point, while also aiding her to focus, and better her concentration. This method seemed to pay off as her grades soared, and performance excelled within the following years. Witnessing this accomplishment in herself, Midori laid down high expectations for herself upon graduation, putting her full focus in her personal goals and growth. She took the title of Genin with great pride, and once she was assigned to a team, Midori began her career as a Kunoichi with her head held high.
13 - 18
As a Genin, Midori had found true freedom through missions and operations. Gaining experience right from the field, she was able to put her basic medical knowledge to great use. It was these acts that finally brought her under the wing of her mother. Outside of her training with her squad, and during her free time from missions, Midori was taught the art of medical ninjutsu. While her interest in the skill was already great, her world quickly revolved around studying the history and techniques of the greatest medical-nin to date. The famous Konoha Sannin, Senju Tsunade. Her feats, along with her pupil, Haruno Sakura's, extraordinary skill all but fueled Midori to strive for more.
Overtime her chakra control became more precise, and as the Chunin Exam sat just around the corner, Midori's mother put her medical training to a pause. If she was going to pass the exam, she would need to know more than just medical ninjutsu, and thus began her training in the defensive and offensive arts of a medical-nin. While they had touched on the subject early on in their training, Midori was put through painful and exhausting conditioning. Up to the final week of the exam, her body had been pushed to the limit, but it was through this instruction that Midori was able to pass the Chunin Exam. Her knack for defensive tactics had easily tired out her opponent, and in one great roar, she blew her opponent out of the ring and won her match.
【Family ties】
The Nekoyama Clan has lived by the same motto for centuries, "A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays." Raised by this proverb, Midori was privileged to grow up in a household that allowed her great freedom in both expression, and decision making. Not every member of the Nekoyama Clan are Shinboi, and besides her immediate family, more than half of Midori's family members are regular citizens of Kumogakure. Influenced by her parents, however, it was through her mothers influence and impact as a Medical-nin that gave Midori the need to become a Kunoichi.
Raiden | Companion / Best Friend | 17, Kumogakure, Ninneko |
A long tailed, slender black cat, Raiden is a complacent and analytical feline. Her mother often jokes that he is Midori's consciousness, despite her obvious hatred for his constant chastising. Despite their bickering, Raiden is easily Midori's best friend. Caring for each an equally great amount, Raiden has put himself in harms way countless times for his partner. Much like his kin, the Ninneko can transform into a larger form, baring a heavy resemblence to a oversized panther.
Nekoyama 'Minami' Noriko | Mother | 43, Kumogakure, Medical-Nin / Jounin |
Once a Kunoichi from Konohagakure, Minami Noriko came from a small clan without any special abilities. A kind and compassionate young woman, Noriko had taken on a team of her own early on in her career as a Jounin. During a mission that required her team to travel to Kumogakure, she was aided by a Kumogakure Shinobi and his own team. It was here that she met Nekoyama Hideo. Early on in his prime, she saw him as another overly confident Shinobi as he sought after during the entire duration of the mission. Casualty ensued as an unexpected ambush resulted in the death of a young Genin on Hideo's team. Heavily injured during the mission, Noriko brought the young Heir back from the brink of death, and upon returning to consciousness she delivered the grim news. The bigheaded Shinobi she had met at the beginning of the mission had become a sobbing and weak man. Moved by his true feelings, she stayed in touch with Hideo once she returned to Konoha. It wasn't long that she formed a long distance relationship with him, and once her team became established Jounin, Noriko requested a transfer to become an official Medical-nin in Kumogakure. From there, Noriko and Hideo grew closer, and over the course of three years they married and had children. Focusing on her own passion as a Medical-nin, Noriko quickly rose in the ranks within the hospital. Through further training and experience, she became the head Surgeon at Kumogakure Hospital in less than a decade, and easily became Midori's biggest role model.
Nekoyama Hideo | Father | 46, Kumogakure, Jounin |
Easily the most loudmouthed man in Kumogakure, Nekoyama Hideo is a tall, burly man who is widely known for his massive lion-like companion. Seen as a troublemaker during his younger days, he quickly grew out of his pranking and aggressive habits once he became a Shinobi. The now Clan Leader still retains his loud mouthed and overenthusiastic nature, maybe even more so as he aged over time. As intimidating as he comes off as, Hideo holds great empathy with others. A trait he often boasts he passed down to his eldest. Despite being a huge softie, Hideo is willing to put his life on the line for his clan and village. A man of honor and integrity, his confidence and courage has always held a great impact on Midori's views and morals.
Nekoyama Rin | Sister | 14, Kumogakure, Genin |
Bratty little sister, a huge asshole, and will probably steal your boyfriend.
Nekoyama Ran | Sister | 14, Kumogakure, Genin |
Another little asshole. Never pays for her own lunch, and will probably steal your girlfriend.
Nekoyama Tetsuo | Brother | 10, Kumogakure, Academy Student |
Sweet, innocent flower, too pure for this world.
【Dreams and fears】
With a heavy interest in Medical Ninjutsu, Midori has long looked up to the legendary Sannin, Tsunade, and her esteemed pupil, Haruno Sakura. With great interest in the two Kunoichi, even before her years within the Academy, Midori dreams of one day surpassing their greatness and mastering the Sōzō Saisei technique. Her drive to find the proper teacher for such a goal is what fuels her continued pursuit in medical knowledge, and defensive tactics while on the battlefield. Midori is easily her biggest enemy. Her easily triggered temper has been an obstacle she has struggled to get around from for years. Fearing the day that her temper gets the best of her and she puts, not only herself, but own team in danger, Midori has since found herself devoting much more time meditating now that she's become a Chūnin. This would be the greatest let down of all, and the thought of it strikes fear into Midori's heart during every operation.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
With the addition of her training in the Academy, Midori has devoted her studies and time to the ways of a medical-nin. Following the four rules that govern medical-nin, her offense revolves around a good defense. Dodging and deflection are her forte, while precise chakra control allows Midori to counter back with chakra fused punches and kicks that grant her monstrous strength. A skilled and confident taijutsu user, her preference for hand to hand combat is visible on the field, and during one on one confrontations. Not one to rush in without a strategy, Midori specializes in healing, support, and when the need is there -- muscle.
With a flexible combat style Midori is a force of her own while by herself, but alongside Raiden, the Nekoyama Clan's revered cooperative ninjutsu and taijutsu style easily mixes in with her own technique. Favoring the Jūjin Bushin technique, Midori and Raiden have trained together on cooperative techniques and combination moves for many years. Both favor taijutsu when in this form, and thanks to her precise chakra control, Midori has an eye for catching and canceling Genjutsu's.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
猫の精神 Neko no Seishin: Cat's Spirit
A body enhancement and dōjutsu based kekkei genkai, Neko no Seishin is a technique genetically passed down through the head family of the Nekoyama Clan that manifests in it's most basic shape within the eye. When activated, a sensitive reflective layer forms beneath the retina allowing passing light to reflect back into the eye, granting the user the ability to see in the dark. The pupils are capable of contracting and narrowing, allowing the eye to slit as to reduce the amount of light on the sensitive retina while also improving depth of field. With training and experience, the kekkei genkai begins to effect the body, enhancing both speed and strength at the expense of exhaustion huge amounts of chakra. Only witnessing the final form while watching her father train, Neko no Seishin causes an almost feral transformation. Teeth sharpening and nails growing out like claws, highly sensitive whiskers sprout from the cheeks of the user, aiding sensation and navigation. The numerous nerve endings within the whiskers grant extraordinarily detailed information about nearby air movements, or objects they come into contact with.
By far, Neko no Seishin's true strength lies within its dojūtsu abilities. Tapping into this power during her first year as a Genin, Midori has long pushed back training this technique. Before her apprenticeship beneath her mother, she studied shortly under her father to get a basic grasp of her clan's kekkei genkai. It was through these short teachings that Midori learned how to use the dojūtsu ability of the technique. Having yet to grasp the full potential of the technique, as well as its feral form, Midori has since only used her kekkei genkai on the field a handful of times.
A skill that requires in-depth, and personal instruction, Neko no Seishin is a chakra guzzling kekkei genkai that makes the user susceptible to harm without the proper training. Like a muscle in need of conditioning, Midori has yet to train her eyes to handle the granted ability for long periods of time. A throbbing pressure builds overtime beneath her eyes, and when ignored, said pain turns into blurry vision and debilitating migraines. Not only ineffective during the day, Neko no Seishi's dojūtsu ability is vulnerable to daylight and bright flashes. Capable of temporarily, or even permanently blinding the user when exposed to bright light, Midori avoids using her kekkei genkai during the day at all cost.
An experienced user is capable of avoiding the activation of the dojūtsu ability while using Neko no Seishi, but with little experience herself and having yet to even tap into the feral power of her kekkei genkai, Midori is unable to do so. The feral effects of the technique can be overpowering to inexperienced user, as well. Pulling them in to an enraged mindset that does nothing but exhaust great amounts of chakra, this state puts the user into a vulnerable position thanks to impulsive behaviors and lack of clear thought. However, like any cat, a Nekoyama's greatest crutch is water. When drenched, or thrown into a pool of water, the kekkei genkai is almost immediately cancelled -- and to make matters worst, most members of the Nekoyama clan cannot swim.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
掌仙術 Shōsen Jutsu - Healing Jutsu: Mystical Palm Technique
B rank techniques:
土遁: 土流壁 Doton: Doryūheki - Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
C rank techniques:
土遁: 裂土転掌 Doton: Retsudo Tenshō - Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm
痛天脚 Tsūtenkyaku - Painful Sky Leg
D-E rank techniques:
獣人分身 Jūjin Bunshin - Beast Human Clone
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
獅子咆哮 Futon: Shishi no Hōkō - Lion's Roar
Short - Medium
A technique taught to her just days before the Chūnin exam, Shishi no Hōkō is a Clan technique that is passed down through the Nekoyama Clan shinobi. Developed from the Fūton: Daitoppa technique, and given some Nekoyama flare, by concentrating chakra within the lungs the technique user is capable of releasing a powerful gust of wind by roaring. The wind from the roar can blow all things in Midori's way, and in a more experienced Nekoyama's care, the technique can even knock down a tree.
Jutsu name:
Kyōdai Tora no Tsume - Mighty Tiger Claws
Short - Medium
An offspring of the Fūton: Reppūshō technique, with a heavy mix of Taijutsu, this move was developed by none of than Midori's father during his later years as a Chūnin. Concentrating chakra within the fists and nails, the user is capable of creating gusts of compressed air by curling their fingers and slashing the air. When finely concentrated in the hands of her father, the compressed air can cut down a tree or create visible lacerations within stone. With precise chakra control, Midori learned this technique with ease. Unlike her father who can cat down trees with a single strike, her training has granted her the ability to leave deep cuts on trees and within dirt. Still learning how to mix this technique with her own style, Midori's moves can come off as sluggish, or at worst, sloppy. Leaving her with multiple openings, and making her vulnerable to hits or attacks.
Jutsu name:
猫ひっかき熱 Neko Hikkaki-Netsu - Cat Scratch Fever
Short - Medium
A cooperative Ninjutsu technique passed down among the clan that mixes taijutsu, and the Jujin Bushin technique, chakra is concentrated within the legs, fists, and nails as Midori and Raiden take to all fours. Enhancing their speed and strength at the expense of chakra, Midori and Raiden are capable of moving around the field at extreme speeds and laying powerful blows. Mixed with the Neko no Seishin technique, with the addition of fangs and claws, this move can allow the users nails to cut through stone or pierce skin with ease. Taking on Midori's shape upon transformation, Raiden is at his weakest in this form. Despite their training, physically Raiden cannot handle a full on blow from an attack or jutsu. In such cases, Midori will either cancel the jutsu or regress to a weaker state. Fighting on all fours by herself is not her forte, and without her companion she puts herself in a vulnerable state as the technique requires an excessive amount of chakra. Susceptible to ninjutsu and taijutsu attacks, Midori will avoid using this technique if Raiden is not by her side.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Shuriken, Kunai, Explosive Tags, Medical Ointment, Bandages, Gauze.
Standard strength for basic Shinobi weapons, and standard durability and effects for medical items. |
13,276 | 381 | 31 | 265 | 141 | Abukara Reiji
Reiji a été soulagé d'être à nouveau en plein air, il détestait se battre dans des quartiers proches. Il avait géré le sien, devant compter sur son taijutsu au lieu de ninjutsu, ce qui était difficile qu'il a admis. Il s'est dit qu'il allait pratiquer son taijutsu avec diligence après cette mission, il a besoin d'un peu de travail. Les groupes nouvellement formés ont retiré les menaces sans beaucoup de problèmes, il semblait, qui a conçu les équipes avait mis beaucoup de pensée. Il semblait que leur synergie était plus grande que la plupart. Une fois que tout a été pris en charge, ils se sont blottis, décidant ce qu'il fallait faire à propos de l'enceinte. Reiji a en fait pris parti pour Minaru sur le sujet, ils ne devraient pas laisser l'enceinte debout. Avant qu'ils ne parviennent à un verdict, cependant, ils ont été coupés par une nouvelle arrivée.
Il semblait que ninja des Sept Swordsmen de la Mist n'a pas pris gentiment à leur destruction de l'enceinte. Pas un, pas deux, mais trois d'entre eux sont arrivés pour affronter le ninja Kumo. Merde. Reiji a pris note de l'arme du premier Swordsman, Shibuki, en se souvenant de ses études. Il a immédiatement sauté en arrière, prédisant la grève, pourquoi se positionnerait-il si près d'eux? Dans l'air, il a effectué un backlfip, en utilisant le mouvement pour couvrir les joints de main qu'il formait. Rei était prêt à sortir sa technique Enton: Dark Cloud quand Minaru est entré et a distrait Haseo en un seul duel. Reiji a profité de cette occasion pour libérer sa technique de Chobi. Un épais nuage de fumée noire tiré de ses lèvres, couvrant une grande zone, avec Chobi au milieu de ce nuage. La distraction ne durerait pas longtemps, mais il suffirait de donner à tout le monde le temps de se rassembler. Alors que Reiji se retira vers les autres, Chobi sortit du nuage de fumée à un sprint complet. Se rendant compte qu'il n'allait pas être assez rapide, Rei a recommencé à former des joints à main. Alors que Chobi s'inclinait vers lui, Reiji utilisait Enton: Soft Cloud pour tenter de ralentir la frappe afin qu'il puisse s'esquiver. Malheureusement, il a oublié la capacité de Shibuki, et a été ébranlé par une explosion. La technique de l'oreiller doux est ce qui l'a sauvé, amortissant l'explosion à portée de main de sorte qu'elle n'a fait que faire voler Reiji au lieu de le brûler.
Reiji s'est cogné les pieds et s'est cogné les dents, il avait sous-estimé la puissance de cette sabre damnée. Une erreur qu'il ne ferait plus. Il a arpenté le champ de bataille. Ils ne faisaient pas beaucoup de progrès, il y avait déjà des blessures mineures et les Swordsmen viennent de commencer. Le seul à faire de vrais dégâts, c'est Minaru, qui a réussi à briser Kubikiribōchō. Si Chobi devait faire un nouveau pas sur lui, il serait prêt à commencer à pomper le plus fort de son jutsu. Peut-être qu'il pourrait attraper plus d'un d'entre eux, ils les finiraient rapidement après ça. Reiji a attendu patiemment, une stratégie a dû être formée.
« Les gars, nous avons besoin d'un plan », a-t-il dit, affirmant l'évidence. Ces gars étaient puissants, pour ne pas être baisés. Ils jouaient avec le Kumo-nin. Reiji n'était pas trop inquiet, ils avaient de la force en nombre, et trois jounin eux-mêmes. | Reiji Abukara
“It's not that serious...”
Standing at 5'10" and weighing in at 165 pounds, Reiji has a solid, athletic build. Pale and messy blonde hair frame Rei's face, with his strong jawline and slender nose. A peculiar trait of his would be his eyes, which shine an odd orange color. Reiji has a small gold hoop earring in each earlobe and also has another pair of hoops in the cartilage of his ears. His skin is fair but leans towards the tanner side and has scars, blemishes, and birthmarks like every other person out there. His daily attire consists of joggers, sandals, a fish-net shirt, and a sleeveless shirt. Reiji usually showcases his headband in the typical fashion on his forehead. Sometimes he'll wear it around his waist if he's in the mood. Lastly, he wears the standard Kumogakure flat jacket.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Abukara, Reiji
I hate Aliases who the hell is actually going to call him something dumb like "Kumogakure's Most Badass Motherfuckin Chūnin"
Village Hidden By Clouds
The Abukara Clan: A relatively small but high standing clan in Kumo. They have quite a political presence but lack a large number of shinobi. Reiji wants more of his clan to be taught to be ninjas, as he believes their Kekkei Genkai is very useful in combat situations.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Reiji's most prominent traits would be his laid-back nature, brutal honesty, and his odd perspective on life. The first thing people tend to notice is Rei's calm and "go with the flow" attitude. He's rarely bothered by most things and if he is, he makes sure not to show it. It's all about appearances to him, if people see that they have gotten under his skin, it makes him weak. Level-headed is another way to describe him, very grounded and real. He's not the one people come to if they want to be told what they want to hear. This aggravates some people unfortunately, because who likes to have the truth thrown at them when they just want comfort. Thankfully, Rei is also able to empathize, the ability to put himself in another's shoes. This means he most likely won't be a complete tool too often. It's not that he's a douchebag, Reiji just has problems pulling punches. Very straightforward, it makes him real, but some people can't handle real.
Rei was never one to fit in with the main crowd. He prefers a close knit group of friends that he can always rely on. He likes to know he can trust people and that they'll always have his back. Very nonchalant, Reiji isn't one to care what people think of him. He knows that not everyone will like him, in fact, most people won't, it's just a fact of life. All these quirks and traits combine to give this Abukara a unique outlook on life. He's not not afraid of death, he just wants to enjoy the short blip of time he gets to spend on the beautiful creation that is Earth. Reiji also isn't one to enjoy immaturity, stupid people, and overly extroverted people. He tries to find the middle ground, and he dislikes standing out. Obviously, Rei is human and isn't restricted to a strong code that he always has to follow, he can be unpredictable just like everyone else.
Childhood Years (0-10) ~ Academy Years
Born unto Hana and Jo Abukara, Reiji was raised to be ready for what lies ahead of him. As the heads of the Abukara clan, Jo and Hana had a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders. Since they never had an ample amount of down-time, Rei was usually watched by people in the community or one of the various maids in the compound. His favorite person at the time was his grandfather, an accomplished, retired ANBU black ops member. Granpa Poe (Poe and Jo lol) was a great story teller, and told Rei a plethora of stories about the history of the world. It always awed Reiji, that they were just a small dot in an infinite amount of small or slightly less small dots. During his childhood years, Rei decided he wanted to become a ninja, because that sounded way more interesting than any other job available to him. His favorite pass time was sparring. He would beg and beg grandpa Poe to teach him everything he knew, because Poe was obviously a grade A badass in his book. Poe obviously would barely have to try while sparring, but doing this sparked a desire to become stronger in little Rei.
Adolescence Years (10-13) ~ Academy Years -- Genin
In the final years of Reiji's Academy days, he was doing what he always did, training and enjoying life. Rei loves the little things in life, be it: enjoying a quiet sunset, relaxing on a spring day, all the short but peaceful moments. As for his studying habits, well, they were average. In the Academy, Reiji tried to keep a low profile. He talked to almost everyone and had a rather "chill" persona, but he didn't have any real friends. The last thing he wanted to do was try his hardest and stand out, but he also didn't want to do so poorly that people would think he was a shitty shinobi. While he saw many people in his class succeed and show their true potential, Reiji was content where he was, as always. It wasn't that he was lazy, he just never felt the need to receive recognition.
Young Adult Years (13-18) ~ Genin -> Chūnin
Ah the gloryhole days. Graduating from the academy and becoming a Genin was Reiji's biggest accomplishment at the time. Even he, who rarely got too excited, was absolutely elated to start his ninja career. As the missions began he absolutely loved it, not that he'd let anyone know... As a genin, the missions were tailored to be easy, but he enjoyed the concept of helping people. It gave him a sense of purpose in this tiny dot in the universe where his even tinier impact on the world should have little meaning depending on the perspective it's looked at. When he began training for the Chūnin exams, his family decided it was time to make him into a full fledged heir of the Abukara Clan and introduce him to the clan's Kekkei Genkai. As the son of Jo, Reiji will have to take his father's place at some point as head of the clan. Poe took on the responsibilities of teaching Rei about the clan's and Kekkei Genkai's workings. Using his new found skills in the art of Smoke Release, Reiji was able to pass the exceptionally hard Chūnin exam. Reiji would be lying if he said being a Chūnin wasn't fun. He enjoyed the challenge of tougher missions, but was also sobered to the more harsher realities of being a ninja. He saw people die, he killed enemies when needed, it was a lot to take in. Now, Reiji has been alerted that new squads will be created, something is apparently in the mist if a squad of Chūnin led by a Jōnin is being made.
【Family ties】
Truthfully, Reiji wasn't very close to his parents. They were usually working, going on missions, or tending to the Clan's affairs. His closest family relationship was with his grandfather, who not only taught him how to be a ninja, but how to enjoy life.
Poe Abukara | 63 | Age, Abukara Compound, retired ANBU black ops member
Jo Abukara | Father | 41, Abukara Compound, Jōnin, head of the Abukara clan
Hana Abukara | Mother | 39, Abukara Compound, Jōnin (specializes in medical ninjutsu), first lady head of the Abukara clan
【Dreams and fears】
Reiji aspires to live the fullest life he can. He enjoys the mundane and rejects it at the same time. He wants to balance the normal and the wild to truly experience life At its best. Rei enjoys helping people, so being a ninja has been a life long dream. Becoming a Jōnin and training his own squad and teaching the next generation has always been a dream of his. At some point, Reiji also wants to settle down and retire. Then maybe he could go exploring or something along those lines, who knows? Reiji fears that he will never do anything of significance. He wants to leave something behind in the world, something eternal to show his finite life on Earth had meaning. Rei also fears that he'll never meet his parents' expectations of being a good leader of the clan. It's a lot of pressure, knowing a whole clan will be looking up to him for guidance at some point. He does not fear dying, he fears being dead and forgotten.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
Fighting style
Reiji utilizes the Abukara Kekkei Genkai, Smoke Release, to his advantage. Primarily he is a medium to long range fighter. Having a large chakra pool, his control isn't quite as refined as most people. Maybe it's due to the nature of Smoke Release which is expansive and explosive. Close range combat can get a little dicey for Rei, as using his ninjutsu is much harder, so he prefers to keep his distance. Reiji has a very creative mind, so he uses his unpredictability to his advantage. Another big weakness is that he has no way of preventing his teammates from being hurt if exposed to his smoke.
【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】
Bloodline limit name:
Smoke Release (Enton)
Smoke Release allows the user to create, expel, and manipulate a gas commonly known as smoke. Users can control the density of the smoke, the temperature of the smoke, and how toxic it is. This kekkei genkai is created with Fire and Yin release; using Fire Release to create smoke within their body while using Yin Release to expand the amount of smoke that is created, making more within their stomach. With this, they can expel smoke from any pore on their body. Obviously, users are immune to the effects of the smoke.
This KG is especially good at concealment, AOE attacks, and obstruction. It's also very unpredictable. Smoke Release can burn, poison, and in some cases render genjutsu on the user's opponents. It's a very versatile KG, and users use that to their advantage.
Smoke Release is very weak to Water Release, Wind Release, and anyone with a Dojutsu that allows them to see through the smoke. Physical barriers are a great defense to Smoke Release, seeing as it has no physical power.
【Ninja techniques】
A rank techniques:
B rank techniques:
C rank techniques:
D-E rank techniques:
All Academy techniques
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Enton: Dark Cloud
Mid to Long
This is the baseline technique of the Enton Kekkei Genkai. After performing the hand signs, Reiji expels a large cloud of smoke from his mouth. This smoke is extremely thick and darkly colored. Most people won't be able to see through it, it might even be hard for people with Sharingan because of the chakra spread throughout the cloud. The Byakugan, however, is able to see through to smoke and identify Reiji. An added bonus is that Reiji can see inside the cloud (he doesn't actually see but he "sees" by feeling with the chakra engrained in the smoke itself) and it doesn't effect his lungs. Wind Release is able to disperse the cloud if strong enough, although regular wind itself (non-jutsu) doesn't do much because Reiji can manipulate the smoke to pull it back into a cloud. Water Release is also effective against Smoke Release, anything that can punch a hole through the smoke really. This technique is about concealment and obstruction, it has no offensive capabilities.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Toxic Cloud
Mid to Long
After performing the necessary hand seals, Reiji expels a cloud of smoke from either his mouth or pores from anywhere on his body. The smoke has a purple-ish hue and had toxic properties. When it comes in contact with another's skin, it will begin to burn. If a person is in the cloud for longer than a couple seconds, they risk receiving burns. If inhaled, it will begin to destroy their lungs. If lungs are exposed to the smoke for any longer than a couple seconds, severe burns can form. The same symptoms will occur to the eyes in a similar fashion. The best way to null this jutsu is to dodge it, can't be burned if you aren't in it right? Large amounts of water will fizzle this technique and water also counteracts the burning of applied fast enough. So if a person is trapped, get a person who knows water techniques ASAP, or jump into a body of water, that works too. Like all Smoke Release techniques, heavy winds can dissipate the smoke or at least blow it away.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Cloud Burst
Mid to Long
This technique begins the same way as Enton: Dark Cloud, with one exception. Once an opponent is trapped or inside the cloud, Reiji uses his Fire Release Chakra, or an explosive tag to ignite the cloud to cause an explosion. It has the same weaknesses as most of his techniques (water, wind) but this technique can also be cancelled by an equally strong fire technique. Something like a large Fireball Jutsu would be enough to cancel out the explosion. Fire jutsu can set off the explosion before he intends. Or it can cancel the concussive force of the explosion by using a force of its own to deflect it in a way. Obvious the user would have to be outside the cloud in order for this to be successful. Also, despite his larger than average chakra pool, this technique is more taxing than usual. In a normal fight, Reiji can only use this technique twice if he wants to continue fighting afterwards.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Binding Smoke
Short to Mid
This is one of Reiji's more "solid" techniques. After performing the hand seals, thick tentacles of smoke seem to form from out of the ground and try to wrap themselves around the terget's legs. It's a simple technique that is useful to immobilize the the target and then use another jutsu to take them out. The biggest weakness is the length of the tentacles. They can only extend about 3 feet long before not being able to grasp the target. Since it's a physical technique, the tentacles can also be cut with most blades.
Jutsu name:
Enton: Soft Cloud
This is Reiji's preferred transportation and defensive technique. This is another "solid" technqique where Rei creates soft, pillow clouds of smoke. He can use this technique to "run" on air, or soften blows. It acts as if a ball is bouncing in a trampoline. A jutsu or projectile hits the smoke and the smoke moves with the object and then bounces it back. This technique has no offensive value but can be a versatile defensive technique if used correctly. It softens blows and allows for easier transport.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Ninja Pouch
Weapon, tool or object type:
Standard amount of Kunai, Shuriken, Wire, Explosive Tags and Smoke Bombs. Also gauze. |
13,277 | 381 | 32 | 1,105 | 2,351 | Kasumi Mizuno
Kasumi venait juste d'attraper son souffle du combat plus tôt alors que le jounin parlait, mais une explosion du dessous du jounin a renvoyé tous les shinobi renaissant. Heureusement, il ne semblait pas que quelqu'un ait été immédiatement blessé... mais ça allait changer. Très bientôt. Les Swordsmen sont apparus, bien qu'ils n'aient pas parlé longtemps avant d'attaquer. Kasumi a reconnu les épées - dans une certaine mesure - mais tout ce qu'elle savait c'était qu'elle devait bouger. Elle se sentait comme si la lame avait été à quelques centimètres de sa vie malgré le fait qu'elle était assez rapide. Il a juste montré la force et la vitesse des Swordsmen - et le fait qu'ils ne devaient pas être triflés avec. Elle se demandait si la plante était importante pour eux, ou s'ils étaient juste ici parce qu'ils avaient vu l'occasion de tuer.
Quelques-uns des autres chunins et Minaru ont pu endommager les sabres, à la fois avec un kunai et une lance, et même Minaru avait détruit une des épées des hommes - une partie, de toute façon. C'était extrêmement impressionnant, mais Kasumi n'était pas un combattant de première ligne pour faire de telles choses. Elle s'est retrouvée derrière Kota, les mains sur le dos alors qu'elle essayait de penser comment ils allaient tous survivre à cela. Même tous ne correspondaient pas aux Swordsmen. Ils devaient sortir d'ici, n'est-ce pas? Sa coéquipière semblait assez confiante, elle souhaitait seulement pouvoir partager cette confiance. Malgré le fait qu'elle était chunin, elle n'avait jamais rencontré quelqu'un comme ça. Leur intention de tuer était épaisse dans l'air, aussi épaisse que la brume elle-même. Elle doutait que sa musique chakra soit utile ici. Elle ne pouvait penser à aucun moyen qu'elle puisse manipuler son chakra facilement ou avec suffisamment de précision avec un tel pouvoir tout autour d'elle qu'elle n'affecterait pas les sabresmen avec ses chansons, aussi. Alors elle était coincée, en train de se cacher derrière une amie d'enfance. Si elle avait eu le temps, elle aurait détesté à quel point elle avait l'air faible, mais il n'y avait pas ce temps.
Au lieu de cela, elle attendait la direction du jounin et aidait ses coéquipiers - mais elle le pouvait. Elle n'allait pas abandonner face à la peur. Si elle avait eu l'intention de le faire, elle aurait aussi bien pu ne pas avoir bougé des coups d'épée et l'avoir fini alors. Elle espérait qu'elle pourrait être utile. Elle savait que c'était probablement le moment où elle finirait par utiliser son jutsu offensif, mais elle ne le ferait pas à moins d'être dirigée vers ou quand elle savait que le moment était venu. Les poignards animés étaient rapides et seraient presque invisibles à l'œil nu dans cette brume - et n'importe quel chunin ou jounin serait en mesure de les manipuler s'ils faisaient assez attention. Elle garderait les armes près, cependant, afin que les Swordsmen n'aient pas eu d'idées sur l'utilisation de son propre jutsu contre elle... pas qu'ils aient besoin de faire une telle chose. -- Sensei... dit-elle en regardant Sutemasu. Elle sait que la question a déjà été posée ou formulée à plusieurs reprises, mais elle doit être répétée en raison de la situation périlleuse. "Quel est le plan...? | “Life is for the living.
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music.
And death a note unsaid.”
Pictured here in the most uncomfortable of traditional dresses, Kasumi's typical clothing choices are shinobi staples - plain dark blue leggings, black sandals, and a lighter blue flak jacket with a black shirt underneath. Her hair is worn down without the ornaments and flowers. Her hands are bandaged at all times from wrist to the tips of her fingers, however, to assist her in focusing her chakra to her hands and playing her harp. She is fairly tall and light, weighing in at 45kg and standing at a height of 155cm. She does retain the chain in her hair, centering an (inexpensive) quartz crystal on her forehead which is also occasionally used as a center of chakra. Her harp is very light and is typically worn across her back.
Personnel files.
Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.
【Full Name】
Kasumi Mizuno
Mizuno clan. It's not special.
Psych. report.
Medical secrecy applies.
Kasumi is surprisingly strong-willed. She would throw her weight around, if she had any. She despises sounds that aren't musically pleasing to the ear and will certainly let you know about such crimes. She does sing, on occasion, while playing her harp but you'll be dead before you know that she does not do it in front of others.Her resolve is strong in negative situations and she is the never the first to give up. On the same note, however, she is not the most positive of people. There are few people who are comfortable with her dead-pan demeanor and humor, but deep inside, she is kind, caring, and fiercely loyal to the friends she does make.
Kasumi's mother and father are shinobi from Otogakure originally, but through their travels, they have settled in Kumogakure and retired from missions, preferring to be involved in Kasumi's life however they can stick their noses in her business to assist her however they could. Her parents are much older, her mother having gotten pregnant with Kasumi after their "retirement". She doesn't know much about what her parents had put themselves through, but the fact that they were still alive was testament enough to their ability. Kasumi was, at a very young age, taught to play multiple musical instruments. From the drums to the flute, she has played them all at least once by the very strict direction of her parents. However, her very first love was playing the harp. The gentle, beautiful sounds it created were always her favorite. It wasn't until the age of six that she started displaying ability to potentially become a shinobi. The option was offered to her at such a young age and she readily agreed.
Her parents weren't convinced that their only child, a girl of such small stature, could be accepted into the Academy or even survive. Even to this day they aren't convinced despite her status a chunin now. She passed her exams with acceptable scores across the board, but she never seemed to specialize in one certain thing which could be considered her greatest weakness. The only thing that has stuck with Kasumi are jutsus directly connected to sound or music. For that reason, she had a specialized harp created and trained vocally also in case she was disarmed. Her father now teaches music at local schools in Kumogakure, constantly giving Kasumi 'advice' about her jutsu. Her mother has also hopped on that boat, nagging Kasumi about missions that could be too difficult or if she comes home with wounds.
Suffice to say, Kasumi prefers silence or music rather than talking. Any time away from home is better than home, but she does love her parents, knowing their intentions are good.
【Family ties】
Kei Mizuno | Father | Alive | 67, Music Instructor, Professional Nagger.
Mayami Mizuno | Mother | Alive | 62, Housewife, World Record Holder of Nagging.
【Dreams and fears】
Kasumi's dream is to get everyone to stop underestimating her and worrying about her all the time. She wants to be seen as the capable kunoichi she is and possibly make a name for herself one day. Her ultimate goal is to become an instructor at the Academy someday and teach other growing shinobi about the world and how to survive in it. She feels that she can be an example that a book is not to be judged by its cover.
Her fears are bad singers, unpleasant noises, her mother's worried tone, broken harp strings, and failure.
Combat reports.
Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.
【Fighting style】
Kasumi is most skilled at short or medium range. She typically requires a partner or team to take the brunt of the physical force, preferring to supplement her team's chakra and techniques with her support melodies. However, she is not a sitting duck if left alone. She does have some jutsu melodies that can paralyze, confuse, or maim. Her jutsus are exclusively involving sound or air. She is also not helpless if disarmed from her harp due to her ability to mimic the melodies her instrument makes. She is extremely fast and acrobatic to make up for her lack of physical strength, but as such, this typically only aids her in escape or gaining distance.
【Ninja techniques】
C rank techniques:
Offsetting Sound
Chakra Enhancing Music
【Custom made techniques】
Jutsu name:
Dolore Daggers - Pain Daggers, 痛みの短剣
Short to Mid
Kasumi strikes her hand across the harp in one swift motion, sending out sound waves in the direction that she is facing that are capable of twisting the air that the sound travels through into daggers. The blades of air thicken and continue to appear if she continues to play and can be deadly if the target is not fast enough to dodge the daggers. The daggers are animated and can move in any direction. They can be manipulated by teammates through their own jutsus (such as wind jutsu).
Jutsu name:
Decelerando - Decelerating - 減速する
Kasumi plays a slow, low toned melody. She manipulates her chakra through the harp to control the sound so it affects only enemies/those she chooses it to. Those affected are slowed down by a minor or major amount, depending on the amount of chakra dedicated to the skill and the ability of the enemy. The jutsu cannot last longer than five minutes at full strength and such a situation would exhaust her totally. The jutsu loses its effect slowly the further the target is from her, beginning at 5 yards.
Jutsu name:
Doppio Movimento - Twice as Fast - 倍の速度
Kasumi plays a fast, lively melody. She manipulates her chakra through the harp to control the sound so it affects only allies. The amount of chakra used determines the effect. Allies affected are capable of moving faster in many aspects - creating hand seals, movement, chakra flow. It is chakra intensive and cannot be played long.
【Weaponry, tools and objects.】
Weapon, tool or object name:
Kin'iro no kumo no hāpu, 金色の雲のハープ, Golden Cloud Harp
A golden, specially made harp that is lightweight with reinforced strings. The tool for almost all of Kasumi's jutsu. |
13,278 | 382 | 0 | 1,754 | 401 | Bienvenue à Urenda
Il y a de belles montagnes autour de la ville ruinée d'Urenda. Couverts d'épais feuillus entrecoupés de falaises de pierre dure, pendant des kilomètres autour d'elles sont une source d'inspiration et d'espoir pour les visiteurs arrivant par la High Road. Le dernier tronçon jusqu'à Urenda est une section surélevée qui traverse une vallée fortement florale à côté de l'un des plus hauts sommets de la chaîne de montagnes Thutilan. Les voyageurs fatigués de tout autour viendront à cet endroit pour voir la ville portuaire briller où la route a disparu à l'horizon à travers un cadre de végétation rare à tous sauf cette dernière côte de Reath. Ils marchent le long d'un couloir de vie verdoyante rare dans le Nouveau Monde et sourient; précédé d'une exposition aussi vibrante contre le tournant sombre du temps, Urenda devait être tout ce qu'elle promettait et plus encore. Les voyageurs vont de l'avant, et au bout de la vallée, la section de la High Road culmine dans une place de toutes sortes, reliant le col étroit. La place surplombe le bassin circulaire dans lequel se trouve la ville. Les voyageurs peuvent voir les bâtiments détruits et les montres de logements brûlés qui, à peine deux décennies auparavant, étaient animés par une activité animée. Des acres de terre, autrefois tendues, s'étalent dans des parcelles autour de la ville proprement dite. C'est vraiment une vue triste, de voir les ombres actives en marge de la colonie. Mais, debout comme un rayon d'espoir, le centre, niveau élevé de la ville est brillamment éclairé au loin. Les torches à chaque coin, même pendant la triste journée, brûlent sans défaillance chaque heure. À partir de ce point, les visiteurs voient l'avant-poste des Prêtres du Relanthon : une petite cabane en pierre, mais solidement construite, à moitié cachée dans le sous-bois. Ils aideront tous ceux qui ont besoin de traverser la périphérie de la ville, où les ombres s'attardent encore. Le désespoir assombrit les yeux de ceux qui se trouvent dans l'avant-poste; toute aide est appréciée.
Que l'on se rende dans la ville avec l'aide des prêtres ou non, c'est un trek rigoureux à travers un labyrinthe affligé d'ombres errantes et les restes de démons qui ont autrefois fait la guerre aux mortels indigènes sans défense. Par le travail des prêtres ou par leur propre main calmée, les voyageurs se traînent à travers des piscines mordantes de ténèbres incarnées et combattent toutes sortes de bêtes. Au début, ils traversent les champs; ils peuvent rencontrer quelques-unes des âmes courageuses qui restent pour observer des cultures provisoires de céréales et de maïs. Ensuite, ils passent à la ville proprement dite. Le mur de bois qui entourait autrefois la ville se trouve en ruines, attaqué par les démons jusqu'à ce qu'il s'écroule à la poussière. Les os et les briques jonchent les rues. Parfois, le démon ou l'ombre traverse le chemin juste hors de vue, attendant une opportunité, mais assez intelligent pour ne pas frapper seul. La région n'est pas aussi perfide que certaines des régions voisines, mais il est évident que ces créatures ne se rassemblent ici que parce que les mortels se rassemblent à l'intérieur. Ils attaquent rarement les voyageurs et les marchands en visite, que ce soit parce que leurs plans ont été déjoués une fois de trop, ou parce qu'ils demandent leur temps, n'est pas sûr. Ils sont assis dans l'ombre et regardent. Ils appellent leurs proches de leur plan intérieur infernal et habitent les structures sinueuses appartenant autrefois aux mortels. Il ne sera pas long avant que la menace soit traitée.
Le niveau du centre de la ville est physiquement plus élevé du reste dû à l'origine à la géographie puis amélioré pour faire un effet. Il s'élève près de dix pieds au-dessus de la zone qui l'entoure. Le mur existant a été construit plus haut et a été embelli par les prêtres; il est maintenant une barrière de terre brute et de débris de construction complètement amputant le niveau central de l'enfer en dessous. Il est particulièrement grand, presque trois fois la hauteur d'un homme humain. Les visiteurs sans surveillance le long de la route, espérons-le pas pour trop longtemps, jusqu'à ce qu'ils trouvent l'une des trois portes. Il y a un sentier clair le long du mur et beaucoup d'autres traversent la ville extérieure. Les portes sont le seul moyen de traverser ou de contourner la barrière; l'espace qui l'entoure a été démoli ou creusé pour empêcher les visiteurs indésirables, et l'intérieur est régulièrement patrouillé. Les gardes regardent l'approche de quelqu'un se méfiant s'ils sont seuls; ils se sont habitués à la tromperie.
Les rues de la "ville" sont sombres et ternes et tout cela semble être un gimmick face à de sombres chances. Un sentiment d'apathie imprègne l'air, mais le bord fixé dans les yeux et les mâchoires des prêtres sont une source d'inspiration pour maintenir la colonisation. Quelques caravanes exposent leurs marchandises; elles vendent toutes les chances et les fins, mais aucune ne montre de nourriture ou de boisson. Il ne fait aucun doute que les visiteurs s'y sont habitués; la plupart d'entre eux s'approprient de telles dispositions. Sur la voie principale de la colonie, où les caravanes ont installé des kiosques, il y a une cathédrale et une auberge adjacente; c'est là que se produit la majeure partie de l'activité de la colonie. C'est là que les prêtres se rassemblent, dans un bâtiment autrefois sacré au Grand Destroyer. En utilisant leurs sorts, ils créent la nourriture et l'eau qu'ils peuvent et la rationnent quotidiennement à leurs habitants. Ceux qui en ont besoin peuvent obtenir un repas gratuit des prêtres, ils se détournent rarement, bien qu'on s'attende à ce qu'on paie la gentillesse d'une manière ou d'une autre. Les habitants d'Urenda vivent la plupart du temps à travers le niveau du centre dans les domaines autrefois possédés par la noblesse et les marchands riches. Une grande famille ou un groupe de familles occupent un espace, puis un autre groupe occupe un domaine à quelques pâtés de maisons en bas de la ligne. Ou, ils font partie de l'un des quatre groupes agricoles qui s'occupent des champs. Il y a une centaine de « résidents permanents » d'Urenda. L'auberge abrite environ dix à douze voyageurs à la fois. Avec tant de mortels rassemblés en un seul endroit, Urenda est souvent différente de tout ce qu'un voyageur a vu dans le Nouveau Monde.
Quelques membres de la communauté travaillent dans la taverne à cuisiner ce qui alimente les prêtres ensemble et à fournir un service aux visiteurs. L'intérieur est beaucoup plus beau qu'on ne s'y attendrait. Ils l'ont réparé et décoré, et bien qu'il n'y ait pas une pléthore de boissons disponibles, il est confortable et aimable. Beaucoup de citoyens passent des repas ici, réunis pour sentir que la protection qu'ils ressentent est garantie par les nombres. Quelques voyageurs font souvent le point sur la scène. Un panneau tapi est accroché au mur près du bar, exhortant les lecteurs à passer par la cathédrale et à donner la dîme qu'ils peuvent se permettre. Les choses n'ont jamais été faciles pour les Urendites, mais comme les choses tardives sont devenues... nettement pire.
Au petit matin, le soleil s'est levé sur les ruines de Reath. L'Urenda prend vie lentement; d'abord, quelques prêtres et leurs accompagnements sont sortis de la cathédrale et à travers la porte sud au bord de l'aube, puis des heures plus tard, une fois que le soleil s'est levé en plein Reether est apparu pour ouvrir la porte de l'auberge, signalant qu'il est prêt pour les visiteurs. Bien qu'il n'ait jamais été animé, il y avait généralement au moins une douzaine de personnes meunier autour de la route principale à cette heure. L'air était collant et étrange et portait l'odeur de quelque chose d'horriblement étranger et familier les deux. Les têtes se tournèrent vers le ciel pour ne voir que calme, ciel gris sans indication de mauvais temps... Ce qui en soi était étrange. On pouvait compter sur la pluie presque quotidienne sur cette partie de la côte. Une légère brise étouffait les capes des errances au lieu des tempêtes qui criaient souvent à travers le bassin qui abritait la ville. Les prêtres ont appelé à l'envoi de scouts avant, bien que peu aient pris l'appel par crainte de l'orage que ce calme a apporté. Bien sûr, ils cherchaient aussi des gens pour dépister le corbeau qui grandissait dans les ruines de l'Observatoire côtier, et pour enquêter sur les rumeurs d'une figure mortelle à capuchon apparaissant la nuit près des murs, et pour aller et rapporter la récupération de la ferme Hillick...
C'était un peu avant le grand soleil que les marchands en visite se sont éparpillés de l'auberge pour installer leurs kiosques et leurs vitrines. Une femme naine plus grande s'asseyait, n'ayant pas l'air intéressée, à côté d'une petite caravane avec une poignée de caisses qui avaient été déchargées et utilisées comme vitrine. Quelques bijoux scintillés au sommet des boîtes, et à l'œil d'expérience quelques-uns d'entre eux ont offert juste plus que la décoration. Mais plus de quelques fois, le marchand a tourné la tête sur ceux qui l'ont offensée avec de faibles offres. De l'autre côté et près de l'extrémité de la route, à l'oeil et à l'oreille de la cathédrale, un homme épouvantable, vêtu d'un long manteau de cuir, s'était mis en route et avait ouvert quelques sacs à dos contenant des armes et des armures récupérées. Il n'avait rien de spectaculaire à son nom, bien que sa voix et ses proclamations vous dise le contraire. Les Urendites traversent suspectement la route avant de le croiser. De temps en temps, Reether a sorti sa tête, en gardant un œil sur le marchand qui pensait que sa seule force de police était les elfes en robes.
À l'intérieur de la cathédrale était aussi vivante que jamais, dispiter la condition à l'extérieur. Initie et apprenti s'occupait, transportant de la nourriture ou des fournitures de la cathédrale à l'auberge à la maison et retour. Un prêtre braqué peut parfois être vu, bien qu'il soit rarement capable de s'arrêter et de parler. Brièvement, la grande prêtresse Elétha apparaîtra près du grand escalier, mais seulement pour parler à qui elle avait besoin, et fouetter presque dès qu'elle était venue. | Name: Delsaran Taranath
Age: 33
Race: Frost Elf
Appearance: Delsaran sports long, snow white hair past his shoulders styled plainly with extended bangs, which, at times, he keeps in a ponytail. The Frost Elf has alabaster skin marred by various scars, though none draw too much attention to themselves. Pale lavender orbs watch the world with wary eyes, a common sight in the desecrated Reath. He stands at 5'7" and has a moderate build, showing that he is taut and traveled, but not martially inclined. His features are angular with almond shaped eyes and a thin chin. He now mostly dresses in the plum robes of the Priesthood of Relanthon that has a white sun embellished one the back. The robes are enchanted with divine magic which makes them more than conventional for travel.
Personality: Del is a congenial man when caught at the right time. However, due to his responsibilities and the state of his charges, he is often under pressure and stress, and at times like these he is blunt and efficient. Del is a man with much to do in little time, and he doesn't like those who stand in the way of progress for his charges. He's a born leader, although admittedly not a strategist, and even though he is not near the top of the order, many in his clergy come to him for advice and assistance. Outside of town, Del is a strong willed and knowledgeable survivor of the wasteland that was once Reath, having spent much of his time with the clergy rescuing others and bringing them to safety. Despite this, he is really a friendly, warm person, who does his best to do the right thing. He tries to bring good people back to Urenda in hopes that they will look after the place whenever he is gone.
Morality/Religion: Del is a priest of Relanthon. He has few oaths or commandments, but must act in accordance with his God's morals. The Elven God stands, resolutely, for doing the right thing in any moment, and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. He views life and nature, both, as sacred and will defend both until his death. The semantics of religion do not bother Del, he cares not for rivalries made in a world long passed, and instead focuses on the here-and-now and what he can do for the helpless mortals of Reath.
Biography:Delsaran was born and raised by a small community in one of the most northern settlements of Frost Elves in the frosty tundra at the top of the continent. Raised in a life that cherishes every resource dearly, Del was taught early on to work for what ever he needed. Their clan was close from being so isolated from the rest of the world, and they worshipped both Relanthon and the elven goddess of winter. When he was young, Del was a page for the clan's Relanthpn Priests. He had never known his parents, as they had died his first winter, and was raised communally between the priests and other helpful clan members.
The Great Descent began, however they did not get affected until the elven defectors came down and drove the northern cland either into the icy sea or to the south a few weeks later. Delsaran fled south with his clan, trying to rally with their southern kin, but found much of the previously lush forests uprooted and chared by elemental storms. Over time, Del, a novice priest, got separated from his clan through violent circumstances, and traveled alone until he met Yuuril Eletha.
He met the high priestess in the south as her and her remaining clergy were fleeing a dark storm. They took refuge together and the younger man joined their ranks. Then congregation headed north and set it out on the high road. They found the ruins of Urenda. They moved on, having had no plans to stop, however they were ambushed by a cult of demons. The attack was short lived, but they realized that several of their members were taken from them. They traveled into the city, falling into an expected real. The congregation had managed to thin the demon ranks somewhat, but they're eventual victory was attributed to an incredible feat of the high priestess. They cleared the rest of the ruins, and so was the start of the new city.
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Priest
Combat Style:The priest has access to the Creation school of magic through devotion to his deity. He specializes in the Life and Light aspects as a low experience caster. Shield spells, healing spells, and empowerment spells are specifically offered by this deity. Eventually, the priest will be able to summon the servants of this deity from their home plane. A priest is a force for good in the world, and by mixing his magic with physical prowess, he becomes a more efficient guardian. He wields a large staff with a bladed end as a weapon. He tries to keep a distance from attackers and attempts to disarm or distract with magic.
Weapons / Tools:Divine Robes: These robes are enchanted to resist damage. Because it is imbued with light, any shadow or demon that touches it will be burned.Biting Staff: A five foot staff made of redwood with a sharp, with an 8 in. iron blade at one end and a weight on the other.
Skills / Natural Abilities:Frost Elf: He can create sparks with his hands.Cold Resistance: The elf grew up withstanding the harshest of blizzards and constant, extreme cold.Willful: He is strong of mind; he does not fall easily to Charm or Illusion Magic.
Spells / Magical Abilities: Light Shield: The priest creates a shield of light. It radiates a bright light and shields against both physical and magical assaults for a short duration.Blinding Flash: A bright flash of light comes from the priest, blinding any who don't shield their face, rendering them disoriented.Arrow of Light: A biting projectile of light shoots at a target.Dispel: The priest can dispel magical effectsBanish: The Priest can command low-level extra-planar beings to flee an area for a short period of time.Heal: The priest can stitch together minor wounds and sooth burns. The priest can heal other minor health complaints such as aches and pains, as well as simple sicknesses.Purify Food/Water: The priest purifies food and/or water for consumption.
General Equipment:Rucksack, containing the followingSilver Relanthon holy symbol necklace3 days rationsSmall hunting knife20ft hemp ropeBedroll
Miscellaneous:N/A |
13,279 | 382 | 1 | 269 | 2,335 | L'école de Devastation est passée à Urenda tôt le matin. Une trentaine de membres forts, la grande partie de marcheurs, de cavaliers et de caravanes sont restés indemnes pour tout leur voyage vers la ville proprement dite, car aucun démon ou Ombre dans la région n'essayait d'attaquer un si grand groupe, sans parler d'une puissance et d'une capacité physiques aussi remarquables d'Arcane. Alors que les gardes à l'extérieur des murs étaient manifestement perturbés au début, une série de contrôles rapides sur tous ses membres a prouvé qu'aucune n'était des créatures démoniaques déguisées, et ils ont été autorisés à entrer pour le repos, la récupération, et un certain degré de concours civilisé. Pendant plusieurs heures, un certain nombre d'artistes vêtus de robes et d'armures de couleurs, de styles et de degrés de défensif divers ont pu être vus errer dans les rues à la recherche de nouveaux membres, profiter d'une boisson rare dans la taverne, ou visiter l'église pour des raisons de supplication et de dîme; finalement, cependant, l'École a remercié les membres de la ville pour l'hospitalité, et a marché à nouveau avec de grandes attentes de son nouvel élève. Tout ce qu'ils ont laissé derrière eux était assez court, dans ce qui ne pouvait être qu'une immense armure rouge étouffante, qui agitait ses adieux à l'école, aussi temporaire soit-elle, jusqu'à ce que le convoi quitte enfin la portée visuelle. Puis, fourni et avec un air d'importance pour sa mission, le seul Artiste s'est installé dans la taverne.
Magnus le Rouge
J'adore l'odeur de l'alcool au milieu de la journée. C'est vraiment l'élixir de la vie. Seulement un peu derrière l'eau, bien sûr, mais il doit y avoir de l'eau, n'est-ce pas? Sans plus attendre, je me traîne jusqu'à un siège au bar, tire mon casque de ma tête pour le reposer sur mes genoux, et appelle l'aubergiste: 'Une tasse a y'r meilleure bière, si vous voulez!' | Name:
Magnus the Red
Rust Dwarf
Magnus naturally appears similar to other rust dwarves, at only around 120cm tall and a quite bulky build, with red scruffy hair on both his head and face, as well as dark brown skin and eyes that, whilst once a similar shade of brown, now tend more toward maroon, or even a dark crimson shade in the right lighting; his face, at least what can be seen of it under his beard, is seemingly quite angular. Most of his bodily features are, however, hidden under his choice of clothing, a plain bright red robe over darker red clothing of the same material, up to and including gloves, itself concealing both armour and another layer of clothing beneath that, plus a large solid helmet completely covering his head. Most of his carried items tend to be hidden somewhere within his robes, including his stave, and the whole setup tends to make him look at least a head taller than he really is.
Magnus tends to react to the world around him in a non-plussed manner - he has, so to speak, "seen it all", or at least a large enough proportion of whatever "it" entails to not be particularly fazed by the events that occur in his life, despite his fairly young age. Thus, his interactions with others are frequently quite deadpan in terms of response content, though his tone is typically jovial, if occasionally mocking to a fault if he thinks he can get a rise out of somebody.
Having experienced the worst excesses of religious fervor firsthand, and given that a full two thirds of the Dwaorkint Pantheon has turned against the mortals of the world, Magnus rarely if ever pays heed to any deity, and has a tendency to make jokes at the expense of any priests in the area if he knows they are present. Despite this, he is not malicious at heart - he will apologise when he recognises that he's gone too far with a joke, and tends to assist those who are technically good over those who are technically just when his hand is forced; he also secretly admires the goddess Juunda for remaining steadfastly on the side of dwarfkind and mortal life in general when the other two dwarven deities fell for, in the grand scheme of things, two of the most materialistic and quite frankly downright petty reasons out of all the Anti-Gods.
Born with the last name of Vulkan a few years before the Great Descent began, Magnus remembers little of his early childhood, aside from moving out of the underground caves where most other dwarves lived a while back due to some dispute involving his parents, the content of which he has never been made aware. Regardless, he and his family were not located within these caves when the Creeping Death trapped most of their number inside, and after the fact, his parents for some reason began believing that part of a prophecy had been fulfilled, with the remainder stating that every last mortal would die... never mind that they themselves came up with the prophecy, at least a year after the Descent proper had ended, and this issue soon escalated into full-blown worship of the Anti-Gods, with the radical and extreme nature of such worship increasing with the passage of time. Needless to say, it didn't take a genius to realise that there was something inherently wrong about this sort of behaviour, though it took the young Magnus a few years to figure out exactly why worshipping the entities apparently trying to destroy everything was a bad idea, not helped by several well-placed lies from his parents. He finally reached a tipping point when, not a mile from where he lived, he discovered the remnants of an elemental storm's passing, and at the age of thirteen, packed his belongings and ran away from home.
This, evidently, was not a good idea. His violent hatred of anything resembling religion at the time made him quite a few enemies amongst those mortals worshipping the deities who had not turned against them, and he was poorly equipped at best to fighting even the weakest of Living Shadows, thus forcing him to live a life of poverty on the streets of his home city for a good two years. It was at this point that things finally turned up for Magnus, in the form of the School of Devastation passing through the city. Desperate for a change, he demanded to be accepted into the School as an acolyte Artist, a notion which was scoffed at until he floored one of the more senior members with a lucky jaw punch, subsequently passed off as a certain degree of "street smarts". Convinced by at least his physical ability, the heads of the School begrudgingly allowed him to begin training as an Artist, reasoning that perhaps he would prove more magically capable than he looked.
Long story short, he didn't. Short story long, it took him until he was twenty two to finally realise his Pyric Aura, and even then that acted as a practical extension of his physical combat abilities; the reason he wasn't kicked out of the School before then was precisely because of these physical combat abilities, which he shockingly excelled in relative to his actual time spent at the School, proving to be one of the most capable acolytes the present members had ever seen, a feat proven all the more true when, as a test, he was given a dwarf-sized, unenchanted Devastator's Aegis at the age of twenty, and was hardly slowed down even whilst wearing it. Still, it took another two years of practicing his combat ability and his one spell before he was finally considered ready to graduate to become a fully-qualified Artist; passing the corresponding test by a significant margin, he was elevated to the level of Artist proper, donning the title of Magnus the Red, and continued to train with the School for another year and a half to further improve his Pyric Aura and try to learn additional spells, though he failed to do so. This, he and the leaders of the School ultimately reasoned, was due to the way the School dealt with Shadows and demons - whilst staying in one spot would have allowed hordes of ever more powerful creatures to overwhelm them, moving around meant that the mass of skilled mages within the School could fairly easily deal with the vast majority of whatever they happened to come across as a giant group, which meant that Magnus rarely if ever faced a challenge.
With that in mind, he asked for, and received, permission to head out on his own, to train himself fighting against the monstrosities of the world on his own terms, and ultimately to better himself for the experience before he returned to the School, hopefully a wiser and more powerful Artist for the experience. The School has dropped him off in Urenda before passing on with their journey, and he wholly expects a good match for his abilities to be found somewhere within the city proper, or else in the wider world beyond.
Other Notes:
Magnus' eyes have begun to turn red as a result of the particular association the Art of Devastation makes between the elements and their users, in his case involving the use of fire. As he progresses magically, he will likely experience other changes to certain physical features, depending on what spells he ultimately learns to perform.
Combat Style:
The Art of Devastation: This mixed style, presently taught by a now-travelling institution creatively called the School of Devastation and its practicioners referred to as "Artists" or less frequently "Devastators", caters specifically to battlemages, and is extremely combat-oriented and relatively pragmatic in nature; its physical combat tends to revolve around wide and powerful blows with long weapons, blunt or otherwise, whilst the Arcane magic supporting it is oriented toward the Primal school, specifically the Elemental subschool, this acting as one of the most significant and immediately obvious enhancers of destructive capacity at both short and long range of the various magic types, as well as a modifier to the wielder's features depending on what elements they are actually capable with. That said, Natural magic is also used somewhat frequently in a number of destructive capacities, such as the generation of highly-potent toxins, and it is not unheard of for advanced Artists to also utilise Illusion and Charm magic to trick opponents into more exploitable situations, improving their tactical abilities when simply improving their power is no longer the most efficient option. Ironically enough, the seemingly more subtle school of Destruction is rarely utilised by lower level Artists, though it will often be incorporated by very powerful Artists who have nothing more to gain from the Primal school; in light of what happens to the souls of those who die post-Descent, some Artists have even attempted to utilise Necromancy to preserve themselves and remain on this side of the mortal coil indefinitely, though without a set base to work from, there has not been any indication of success in this regard yet, at least to those outside these experiments.
Crystal Stave: About as tall as Magnus himself outside of his clothing and armour, and typically stowed away within his robes, this stave is fairly basic, with a sharp point at the end and three moderately sharp edges, yet composed of fine crystal. It therefore comes as a shock to many that, far from being fragile, it is hard and sturdy enough to block most physical attacks with a scratch at most, and heavy enough to cause serious damage, up to and including bone fractures, if a solid hit is allowed to connect, a feat only helped by its capacity to both stab through chain links and flesh and focus the force of a blow along the edges to crush plate armour more easily.
Devastator's Aegis: One might expect the armour of a school of battlemages to be fairly loose, if still protective in some form, so as to allow for maximum casting mobility. What is rarely expected is how heavily defended many Artists actually are in combat, and the Devastator's Aegis is the epitome of this: worn underneath a second layer of clothing and a robe, highly resilient against harm of many sorts, yet still mobile enough for the Artist wearing it to dodge fairly effectively when needed. The biggest issue with armour of this sort, compared to lighter equivalents within the School, is how much heat it traps even when not worn under multiple extra layers of clothing, and the weight that its wearer must move at any given moment, thereby requiring most users to acclimate themselves to the heatstroke-inducing conditions it imposes over many years, and even then only usually being donned in preparation for battle; the reason Magnus is an exception to this is on account of his native resistance to heat, allowing him to remain suited for long periods of time despite the conditions within, though he evidently has to remove the helmet to eat and drink, and usually sleeps outside of the armour in civilised locations. Notably, a Devastator's Aegis is usually enchanted to resist many types of magic, where Magnus' has not for reasons of relative inexperience, i.e. only having a single specific spell, and that mostly utilised to enhance physical combat; this is in part why he has headed out into the world at large, in an effort to acquire the skill needed to increase his magical ability to a sufficient degree, though as a dwarf, his hereditary magic resistance to some extent nullifies these requirements.
Skills/Natural Abilities:
Magic Resistance: Magnus is naturally quite resistant to all types of magic on account of being a dwarf, though this boon also severely lowers his capacity to perform magic under normal circumstances, and it has taken a fairly significant length of time to achieve what little magic he does currently possess.
Heat Resistance: Magnus can withstand high temperatures due to the extremes of his birthplace, a trait which allows him to wear the Devastator's Aegis for very long periods of time without trouble, and better enables his particular preferred spell setup.
Unyielding: As a result of his training, and through wearing the Devastator's Aegis consistently for long periods of time over the past few years, Magnus has acquired both greater strength and endurance than even the average Iron Dwarf, though not to an overly substantial degree; even so, he can quite handily move around within the Aegis and associated robes as though they are a second skin, with no sign that it enervates him to do so, and can both deal out and take blows that would fell most humans, though many theoretical foes are far beyond average in terms of resistance or damage capabilities.
Spells/Magical Abilities:
Pyric Aura: Magnus' natural association with heat has led to him developing this spell, wherein he apparently lights himself and his weapon on fire. This aura, as might be expected, sets on fire those who move within a couple of feet of Magnus, and can be extended outward into a "beam" or pillar of flame, though doing so requires additional effort and concentration, and the size of the aura's normal area of effect decreases correspondingly until it returns to normal. After a period of training to improve the spell, Magnus' control of this ability is such that he can selectively choose who or what is set on fire, rather than burning everyone and everything that comes near him regardless of alliance. This also increases the natural range of the aura and its beam by about half a foot (from two) and three meters (from twelve) respectively, and in addition, it greatly improve's Magnus' natural strength and slightly improves his natural speed too, though this effect also decreases as the aura beam increases in length.
General Equipment:
Travelling rations, including purified water, several days, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he gathers from his exploits in the field;
A reasonable supply of coin, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he earns from his exploits in the field;
Easy-release holster for crystal stave;
Several meter length of rope;
Several small daggers and palm-sized steel orbs, intended for hunting, can be thrown at foes as a last ditch ranged attack. |
13,280 | 382 | 2 | 1,892 | 1,617 | Aurora
Des déchets au nord de la ville côtière d'Urenda, une figure solitaire apparaissait encore couverte dans les restes de la tempête de neige dans la nuit. C'était une fille seule qui s'approchait de l'aire de répartition des tours de guet de la ville. La neige s'accroche encore à son manteau et à son capot lentement soufflant en raison du vent fort venant d'une direction ouest. Ce n'est qu'après qu'elle s'est approchée que le garde a pu voir le renard blanc suivre la fille. C'était une vue des plus merveilleuses et une de beaucoup de grâce et de beauté. Non pas que la fille qui se dirigeait vers la porte ait même essayé activement d'évoquer de tels sentiments.
Pour ceux qui sont nés avant la Grande Descendance, elle a porté un sentiment de paix et de solennité des jours passés. Pour certains gardiens, il aurait pu ressembler à un ange venu les bénir.
Mais tous ces sentiments magiques se sont rapidement évaporés alors que la fille s'approchait assez pour que l'œil voie assez de détails. C'était juste une jeune nomade vêtue d'un manteau de fourrure blanche. Seule la capuche qu'elle a continué à mystifier la figure qui s'approchait.
Peu de temps après, comme les premiers rayons matinaux du soleil dim transperçaient les blancs des cieux, la jeune fille se tenait devant les portes d'Urenda.
"Je demande à entrer dans cette ville." Une voix calme, mais glacée, a été expulsée sous la couverture de son capot.
"Quel est ton nom, fillette? Soulevez votre capot, pour qu'on voie votre visage.", l'un des gardes à la porte a répondu avec sérieux.
Lentement et doucement, la fille a retiré sa capuche juste assez loin pour qu'on puisse juste voir son visage et quelques brins de cheveux blancs-neige danser dans son visage. "Aurora.", a-t-elle simplement déclaré, pas d'émotions audibles dans sa voix encore glaciale.
Les gardes ont clairement débordé non seulement par la beauté de ce visage, non pas parce que c'était le visage inébranlable d'une princesse, mais parce qu'il montrait les difficultés de sa vie d'une manière qui conservait encore la beauté naturelle de l'elfin, mais aussi à cause de sa fermeté inébranlable devant les gardes qui étaient habituées aux filles de son âge apparent ayant peur de toutes sortes de soldats.
Enfin, l'un des gardes a réussi à sortir un "D'où venez-vous, de quoi vous occupez-vous ici?".
Pour la première fois dans cette courte conversation, les émotions étaient visibles sur le visage d'Aurora. Un petit sourire s'est formé sur son visage alors qu'elle pointait vers le nord.
"Je vis dans les déchets et j'ai besoin de matériel pour construire une maison. J'ai l'intention de vendre des fourrures et d'acheter des outils ici."
Le gardien satisfait ouvrit la porte et laissa la fille entrer où elle se dirigea vers l'auberge locale. Le renard, pendant ce temps, l'avait rampé dans le dos et s'était assis sur son épaule droite maintenant juste au-dessus du sac à dos géant qu'elle portait.
En entrant dans l'auberge, elle passe devant tous les buveurs matinaux et s'assit sur un tabouret du bar en plaçant son sac à dos géant à côté. Avec un joli sourire, qui frapperait le cœur des gardes antérieurs qui ne l'ont vu que des mimiques gelées auparavant, elle a cambriolé le renard sur son épaule.
"Entretien, j'aimerais passer la nuit dans votre noble établissement. Y a-t-il des chambres gratuites pour une fille comme moi?", elle demanda calmement sur le bruit du bar, sa voix glaciale, cependant était suffisante pour percer à travers la calamité autour d'elle.
Il a dit que l'aubergiste a hurlé et lui a demandé d'attendre un certain temps à cause de la situation du client dans l'auberge.
L'excès de temps qu'elle avait, Aurora regardait autour d'elle faisant un léger arc de sa tête vers le nain à côté d'elle.
Pourtant, ça peut avoir l'air idiot puisque l'auberge était assez chaude, mais Aurora n'a toujours pas complètement enlevé son capot. | Name: Aurora
Age: 19
Race: Frost Elf
Appearance: Aurora's looks really do honour her name. Her face is soft graced by pale blue eyes, but very obviously of elven origins, aka not round but more vertically elongated with a pointed chin. Framing the face is a mighty mane of hair white as snow topped off by two, also white, fox ears. This mighty mane of hers extends down to her hips and will look extremely graceful when the wind is blowing. From her tailbone, though, extends a soft, long, flowing fox's tail with white fur.
Since Aurora lives even farther in the north than most of the survivor, in the deep, deep snow, she usually wears very warm winter coats. In the rare moments she actually wanders into villages, she will pull up the hood of the coat to hide her ears, as she feels like it will make her seem like a demon child or something.
One of the less visible facts of her biology are the fangs in her mouth, which are normally only visible when her mouth is sufficiently open.
Her statue is small, at 4'10", and lithe, but at the same time she has a robust look to her, someone who can withstand the woes of this world.
Personality: As Aurora grew up almost completely alone since her 10th summer, she is awkward with social interactions and seems shy. but if she warms up (pun intended!) to somebody she can be quite cheerful. Despite her innocent appearance she is quite the trickster and will often try stuff on people to get a nice laugh out of them. Combining her skills with traps and her "stealthiness", she makes for one fearsome trickster and prankster.
Due to her time in the wilds she doesn't seem scared of anything but the fear of not having an arrow ready to be shot.
Morality / Religion: Aurora frequently prays to Sylsetria, especially before and after a hunt. She doesn't care that she is a weak goddess. Completely convinced that Sylsetria is the goddess responsible for her continued survival so far, she is absolutely sure she wants to give the goddess more power over the world to turn it beautiful once again. Another task she relegates to Sylsetria is her usual prayer before any bout of combat "Let my aim be true." Since she hasn't been brought up will all elvish traditions and stories about the gods, she made Sylsetria a goddess of hunting and archery for her.
Biography:Aurora's parents were nomads. Not hit particularly heavy by the Great Descent at first, her mother had been pregnant with her when the Creeping Death made both her parents sick. Exposed to a high dose of divine magic as well as the sickness, the embryo mutated and developed traits of the arctic fox. Despite her parents slowly dying, slowed even further due to their hardy elven genes, Aurora seemed very healthy and unaffected by the Creeping Death. As her parents slowly wandered even further north into the icy and snowy regions of the desolate, but uncorrupted lands of the mountainous tundra. There her parents died, but not before teaching the 10 year old elfin a few necessary tricks to survive in the coming winter.
During the following 9 years almost absolutely nothing of interest happened to Aurora except that she learned to survive under hostile environmental circumstances as well as reading and writing from books that she managed to find in abandoned villages, which were left more than a century ago due to a huge storm that apparently had destroyed all their valuable farming land for a couple of years. Nowadays, however, the climate was too cold for wheat to grow and so Aurora was always on the move, sometimes not meeting another sentient being for months. And so she had only animals to keep her company. After a while Aurora managed to "befriend" a female arctic fox, which she seemed to understand a bit, mostly due to her animal traits. After a few more of such incidents, she found a way to, if not talk, then communicate with the more intelligent animals, but also not all of them. Maybe the ones she could talk to were also mutations caused by the creeping death, was her only logical explanation.
A month before she made her way to Urenda, Aurora finally decided to settle down somewhere in the fertile area of the tundra and to try farming for once. For this, though, she needed tools. Tools to build a home and tools to build new tools used for farming and maybe even husbandry.
From her visits to minor villages, she had heard about the town of Urenda where she hoped to gain everything to build herself a new life, without the judgmental eyes of the humans, elves or dwarfs.
Other Notes:Nothing for now.
Class: Ranger/Trapper
Combat Style:In her few encounters with lesser shadows, she always tended to stay out of range and rely on careful planning of the battlefield laying out traps and, out of stealth, sniping the sometimes nonexistent heads off the shadows with her repertoire of several different kind of arrows. If it does come down to close quarters combat, she hacks away at enemies with her axe made with Norse elvin steel.
Weapons / Tools:Bow and different kinds of arrows, all self assembled (Arrow types include flammable arrows, exploding arrows, poisonous arrows, arrows with hardened tips able to pierce armour, arrows with hook-tips and other, rarer types which she will only assemble when needed)All sorts of accessories used to build traps Her trusty axe made out of old Norse elvin steel
Skills / Natural Abilities:Keen Senses, i.e improved hearing, due to her animal ears and improved sightSneaky stealthiness, as in, she learned how to not be seenRacial ability: Create sparks to light fires
Spells / Magical Abilities: Semi-magical connection to animals
General Equipment:Always carries around a stash of furs and rare herbs which she can sellHer "crafting equipment", aka carving knife and her "sewing kit"Basically her house, since she's a nomad, with fur tent and bedrolls all in her backpack, which is more of a sledge/cart.
I don't know if I'm done yet, but I ask to excuse any mistakes. It is 6:30 am, been working on this since 2:30am... including distractions... |
13,281 | 382 | 3 | 1,672 | 120 | Tyrael Ialantha
Tyrael s'est réveillée de son sommeil à l'intérieur du kiosque où elle résidait. Se faire saluer par quelques rayons du soleil qui ont réussi à regarder de derrière les rideaux qu'elle avait raccrochés devant les fenêtres de sa chambre. S'habituer à la lumière qui brillait sur sa peau. Finalement, elle se soutenait sur ses bras, alors elle était assise droite, regardant autour d'elle dans un labyrinthe comme si elle avait dormi pendant des jours droit bien que ce n'était pas la vérité qu'elle connaissait trop bien. Laisser un soupir s'échapper de ses lèvres pendant qu'elle frottait les yeux doucement afin qu'elle n'allât pas se blesser pour avoir utilisé trop de force.
Elle a ensuite réussi à se lever complètement, faisant le lit avant de se tourner vers son placard où elle a sorti ses vêtements pour la journée. Aller à la salle de bains pour se laver et s'habiller aussi bien pour qu'elle n'ait pas à le faire plus tard. Elle portait une longue robe bleu clair, des chaussures de ballerine plates blanches et une écharpe moelleuse qui s'accrochait sur ses épaules pour la garder au chaud. Une fois que la pièce de cheveux était dans ses cheveux, elle a fait son chemin vers la petite cuisine à l'arrière du kiosque.
D'autres y étaient déjà assemblés. Saluant chacun d'eux avec un sourire doux comme elle l'a toujours fait pour eux. C'est devenu presque automatiquement mais c'était aussi parce qu'elle était heureuse de les voir s'amuser l'un avec l'autre et d'être en bonne santé. Bien sûr, il y avait des gens qui sont tombés malades parfois mais ils ont toujours traversé et sont toujours retournés au kiosque de l'endroit où Tyrael vivait. Le bâtiment n'était pas énorme mais il était assez grand pour avoir une bonne quantité de personnes étant là. C'était un peu plus cosy qu'on pouvait apprécier. Il était préférable que l'endroit n'était pas trop grand en fait donc Tyrael n'avait pas à courir autour de tout l'endroit. Et en plus de cela, son orientation n'était pas la meilleure non plus, car elle pouvait se perdre facilement si elle ne connaissait pas la disposition du bâtiment.
Elle a pris un bol d'avoine pour le petit déjeuner et un verre de jus d'orange et s'est assise à la table en dehors des autres et a commencé à parler avec eux de ce qui s'était passé aujourd'hui. Certains racontaient des histoires sur le passé et d'autres parlaient de leur famille et de la façon dont leurs enfants grandissaient si vite. C'était vraiment sympa d'entendre pour elle. | Name: Tyrael Ialantha.
Age: 29.
Race: Moon Elf
Appearance: Her hair has a white-ish colour, more towards the side of grey. Once she resides in the dark, her hair will seem darker and lighter when it in the moonlight. She likes to have decorations in her hair as well as shown in the picture, preferably flowers. Her eyes have a lavender colour. These traits are not exactly common for moon elves despite being one. Originally her hair was jet black and pink-red eyes whoever they changed due to her illness for some reason. Her skin is rather pale and on her forehead she has a little triangular symbol that resembles a pyramid.
* Supportive ~ She is a universal helper, sharing her knowledge, experience, time and energy with anyone who needs it and all the more so with friends and family. She strives for win-win situations, choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible.
* Reliable and Patient ~ Rather than offering sporadic, excited rushes that leave things half finished, she is meticulous and careful, taking a steady approach and bending with the needs of the situation just enough to accomplish her end goal.
* Enthusiastic ~ When the goal is right, she takes all her support, reliability and imagination and applies it to something she believes will make a difference in people’s lives.
* Loyal and Hard-Working ~ Given a little time, this enthusiasm grows into loyalty; she often forms an emotional attachment to the ideas and organizations she has dedicated herself to. Anything short of meeting her obligations with good, hard work fails her own expectations.
* Represses Her Feelings ~ She is private and very sensitive, internalizing her feelings a great deal. Much in the way that she protects others’ feelings, she must protect her own, and this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to a lot of stress and frustration.
* Humble and Shy ~ The meek shall inherit the earth, but it’s a long road if she receives no recognition at all. This is probably her biggest challenge, as she is so concerned with others’ feelings that she refuses to make her thoughts known, or to take any duly earned credit for her contributions. Her standards for herself is also so high that, knowing she could have done some minor aspect of a task better, she often downplays her successes entirely.
Morality / Religion: Elanom, the Lady of the Night. Tyrael respects Elanom a lot as she is only one of the few deities that still roam around the earth to help the people in need. Doing whatever she can in order to do good to this world is a noble deed for sure and that is why Tyrael wants to follow this deity in her footsteps. She may not be one of the most powerful ones nor the eldest one, but she has something special about her that Tyrael just cannot leave alone at all.
Biography:Tyrael had been born into a family of moon elf priests, raised by loving parents who truly loved her with all their hearts. However this family did not seem to have much chance on a peaceful life for long. Things started to go wrong with the Great Descent, ruining everything they had been building up from the moment that Tyrael was born. It was destroyed in such a fast rate and eventually her parents died because of sickness, exhaustion, overworking, and so on. It made her feel that she was responsible for it to have happened, not having been able to shake that feeling away for a long time until she finally forgave herself. She had been wandering around by herself for quite some time before she found another Moon Elf clan who took care of her instead and gave her the proper fundamental stuff in order for her to survive.
After sometime she settled in there and was a part of the priest community, honouring the deity Elanom because of her inner beauty and persistence to do right for the people. She had been given the choice of the deity to be able to summon an avatar that was somewhat like a small piece of her. However Tyrael was hesitant about giving up her powers and took some time to think about it. Eventually as days passed by, she agreed with the deity and had learned to summon an avatar which required a lot of work in order to make it happen. Training was absolutely needed.
But she had been noticing changes inside of her body, becoming weaker and weaker as weeks passed by and most of the time she was out of breath after having walked around for longer than about fifteen minutes sometimes even faster. She knew that and she went to a doctor however he did not have any good news for any cure. He only sealed her fate with telling her that she was stated for having a fatal disease which was going to end her life anytime soon. She had asked him to keep quiet about it and so he did. Living her life the way she wanted to, wanting to help as much people as possible with the time she still had. And keeping her secret hidden until she felt it was the right time to tell someone.
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Priest.
Combat Style:She does not really have a combat style and mostly stays out of the way of conflict and fights. She tries to protect the ones however for as long as possible but besides that she cannot do much. Her summoning ability only comes out when her life is being threatened by someone. This cannot be done by just a simple thief or someone who tries to pick a fight with her.
Weapons / Tools:
Hidden Wing: The Hidden Wing is a snow white staff decorated with silver wings on it. The top has the form of a wave.
Skills / Natural Abilities:
Vision: She has the ability to see in low-lighted areas and with infrared (heat) vision.
Patience:She is not someone who rushes through everything but takes her time in order to not forget someone/something in the spur of the moment.
Spells / Magical Abilities:
Avatar Summoning: She has the ability to summon an avatar. However she can do this only for a certain need when she is in a life-threatening danger. Also she can also do this for about half an hour before she is derived from most of her energy.
Levitation: She can let people and objects float around.
Protectia: She can make an invisible shield around someone in order to protect them from incoming attacks, both physical as well as magical. However, once her focus is broken, the spell will be undone.
General Equipment:
Sleeping bag.
Pocket knife.
Bottle of water.
The edited Profile. |
13,282 | 382 | 4 | 1,258 | 2,264 | L'odeur...
Alex a levé un bras sur son visage dans une mauvaise tentative de couvrir son nez de l'odeur de la ville, le fait qu'elle était ici depuis une semaine entière n'avait rien fait pour ternir les effroyables odeurs qui infestaient cet endroit. "Je manque déjà la route ouverte. Au moins le bar sent mieux, ce qui est quelque chose que je n'ai jamais pensé que je dirais" Elle a pris le chemin qui mène au-delà de la porte principale, un bon endroit pour repérer n'importe qui qui qui peut être d'humeur "généreuse" était toujours marchand et comme juste terminer leurs livraisons. Cependant, alors qu'elle se tenait non loin de la porte, balançant d'un côté à l'autre pour essayer de voir les autres sortir de la porte, quelque chose lui a soudain pris l'œil et a causé un sourire pour traverser ses lèvres.
Ça allait être une journée très intéressante. Après avoir vu une telle vue, Alex a ressenti tout le besoin de demander de l'argent à des gens drainer hors d'elle, et avec un soupir, elle s'est retournée et a commencé à marcher vers la taverne. Reposant ses mains sur le dos de sa tête, elle se demandait depuis combien de temps elle avait vu quelque chose de si inaltérable dans ce monde nouveau et sale. J'espère que quelqu'un qu'elle connaissait était au bar pour qu'elle puisse au moins remplir son sac à eau et sa bouteille de whisky.
Bursting dans le bar elle a failli rencontrer quelqu'un en entrant, une sorte de prêtre, mais elle a donné un arc courbé et balancé un peu, la porte a toujours collé un peu si ivres tombant sur leur chemin était commune. Une fois qu'elle a jeté un coup d'oeil autour d'un petit sourire croisé ses lèvres en voyant les robes pour enfants qui se sont distinguées, le nain était probablement un bon pour obtenir un verre heureux de lui mais... C'est alors qu'un froid l'a surmontée comme le même elfe d'avant l'a passée au comptoir... "Hé, peut-être le destin?" Les mots étaient à peine chuchotés alors qu'elle commençait à se faire à côté de l'elfe.
"Aurora, n'est-ce pas? Que diriez-vous de partager un verre? Je préférerais que tu l'achètes, mais mon bon ami Magnus ici serait heureux de payer pour de si belles femmes. » | Name: Alexandra ???
Age: 58
Race: Human - Lycanthrope
Appearance: Long locks of wild ash blond hair flow down to the middle of Alex's back, her bangs barely cover her deep crimson eyes that seem to hold great wisdom and at the same time great loss. Standing at 5'6" she is far from the most impressive looking fighter with her rather feminine features, however on closer inspection one would see that she is rather toned and not one piece of her body was wasted on anything else other than training for combat. Combined with her sharp red eyes and natural threatening demeanor she can be rather intimidating when she needs to be, but often covers up as much as possible with the use of simple travelers clothes in black and brown, the only things standing out being the royal crest on the sword scabbard by her side.
Personality: Alex has become very laid back in her 'old age' taking things as they come with a dry wit, maintaining many subtle mannerisms of her past station and animal like nature, such as being rather accepting of certain people with a kindly aura about them, being able to judge people at just a glance. Within combat she will show herself to be a no-nonsense warrior who carries herself with grace and dignity. However, she has deep seeded regret, blaming herself for being unable to stop it all that happened in the past despite how big the event was.
Morality / Religion: She despises the gods, blaming them even more so than herself for what transpired, tho she considers those that still hold faith fools she wont openly state such. Once she wanted to be a hero, someone of noble intentions and strong will and though she did not consider herself as such she still maintained a code of never killing a surrendered enemy herself, or putting her blade to a unarmed enemy, no matter who or what.
Biography:A baby left on the stairs of the castle, a common sight to say the least; the poor always hoped that they would bring up the child instead of sending it to the poor house, but it was never too be... Until a single rainy night when the servants of the castle brought in a baby from the rain, a ashen blonde baby wrapped in the finest of weaved cotton. However what gave them pause was the babies pure blood red eyes, a sight that made them call the master of the house.
It was the uniqueness of the baby that saved it as it was brought into the house to be raised alongside Prince Elrin. When the boy grew into both king and man, so did the girl come to be a women and known throughout the land as the royal guard captain to King Elrin himself, a place of respect and power. How she became the kings right hand was never truly known to the public, neither were her unique powers, but her loyalty to him was unmistakable. She remained by his side, even during the Decent of the world, she was willing to face gods and worse to keep him safe but...
Now she comes to this city, looking for answers and maybe a new start, and maybe even a little bit of hope?
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Monk
Combat Style: Alex uses a wild style of hand to hand combat from her more primal side, a style she has forged to be able to taken out normally armed enemies. However she is also a trained two handed swords-women, capable of using large weaponry as if it was nothing thanks to abnormal strength, though she has not shown interest in using a sword anymore other than training.
Weapons / Tools:Broken Sword: A sword bearing the royal crest. It was once a huge sword but now broken in half it is no more than length than a longsword.Light Leather Armor
Skills / Natural Abilities:TransformStrength: Thanks to her natural ability combined with her training Alex is very strongCunning: Years of living and experiences has molded her mind into one of a strategist and clever fighter
General Equipment:Backpack: 5 rations, water, bedroll with pillowSmall hunting knifeFormal dress |
13,283 | 382 | 5 | 269 | 2,335 | Magnus le Rouge
Je viens de rendre un clin d'œil à la fille dans le capot - un peu jolie, je suppose, mais évidemment pas mon genre, bien que quelqu'un peut jovialement s'amuser à plus tard - et comme il n'y a que peu de temps, je n'ai même pas eu la chance de recevoir cette tasse de bière avant... euh... "quelqu'un" dit quelque chose sur mon salaire pour elle et la fille dans le capot - "Aurora", comme l'indique l'autre femme. Je suis presque sûr de ne jamais l'avoir rencontrée dans mon... accrochez-vous, je le dirai à voix haute pour leur bénéfice.
'Ah'm pretteh sûr qu'Ah'm'r ne vous a pas rencontré dans ma vie, mass. Soit vous. Comment sur Reath d'ye connaissez-vous le nom de mah, et qu'est-ce qui veut dire qu'il serait prêt à payer l'alcool fer yeh?' | Name:
Magnus the Red
Rust Dwarf
Magnus naturally appears similar to other rust dwarves, at only around 120cm tall and a quite bulky build, with red scruffy hair on both his head and face, as well as dark brown skin and eyes that, whilst once a similar shade of brown, now tend more toward maroon, or even a dark crimson shade in the right lighting; his face, at least what can be seen of it under his beard, is seemingly quite angular. Most of his bodily features are, however, hidden under his choice of clothing, a plain bright red robe over darker red clothing of the same material, up to and including gloves, itself concealing both armour and another layer of clothing beneath that, plus a large solid helmet completely covering his head. Most of his carried items tend to be hidden somewhere within his robes, including his stave, and the whole setup tends to make him look at least a head taller than he really is.
Magnus tends to react to the world around him in a non-plussed manner - he has, so to speak, "seen it all", or at least a large enough proportion of whatever "it" entails to not be particularly fazed by the events that occur in his life, despite his fairly young age. Thus, his interactions with others are frequently quite deadpan in terms of response content, though his tone is typically jovial, if occasionally mocking to a fault if he thinks he can get a rise out of somebody.
Having experienced the worst excesses of religious fervor firsthand, and given that a full two thirds of the Dwaorkint Pantheon has turned against the mortals of the world, Magnus rarely if ever pays heed to any deity, and has a tendency to make jokes at the expense of any priests in the area if he knows they are present. Despite this, he is not malicious at heart - he will apologise when he recognises that he's gone too far with a joke, and tends to assist those who are technically good over those who are technically just when his hand is forced; he also secretly admires the goddess Juunda for remaining steadfastly on the side of dwarfkind and mortal life in general when the other two dwarven deities fell for, in the grand scheme of things, two of the most materialistic and quite frankly downright petty reasons out of all the Anti-Gods.
Born with the last name of Vulkan a few years before the Great Descent began, Magnus remembers little of his early childhood, aside from moving out of the underground caves where most other dwarves lived a while back due to some dispute involving his parents, the content of which he has never been made aware. Regardless, he and his family were not located within these caves when the Creeping Death trapped most of their number inside, and after the fact, his parents for some reason began believing that part of a prophecy had been fulfilled, with the remainder stating that every last mortal would die... never mind that they themselves came up with the prophecy, at least a year after the Descent proper had ended, and this issue soon escalated into full-blown worship of the Anti-Gods, with the radical and extreme nature of such worship increasing with the passage of time. Needless to say, it didn't take a genius to realise that there was something inherently wrong about this sort of behaviour, though it took the young Magnus a few years to figure out exactly why worshipping the entities apparently trying to destroy everything was a bad idea, not helped by several well-placed lies from his parents. He finally reached a tipping point when, not a mile from where he lived, he discovered the remnants of an elemental storm's passing, and at the age of thirteen, packed his belongings and ran away from home.
This, evidently, was not a good idea. His violent hatred of anything resembling religion at the time made him quite a few enemies amongst those mortals worshipping the deities who had not turned against them, and he was poorly equipped at best to fighting even the weakest of Living Shadows, thus forcing him to live a life of poverty on the streets of his home city for a good two years. It was at this point that things finally turned up for Magnus, in the form of the School of Devastation passing through the city. Desperate for a change, he demanded to be accepted into the School as an acolyte Artist, a notion which was scoffed at until he floored one of the more senior members with a lucky jaw punch, subsequently passed off as a certain degree of "street smarts". Convinced by at least his physical ability, the heads of the School begrudgingly allowed him to begin training as an Artist, reasoning that perhaps he would prove more magically capable than he looked.
Long story short, he didn't. Short story long, it took him until he was twenty two to finally realise his Pyric Aura, and even then that acted as a practical extension of his physical combat abilities; the reason he wasn't kicked out of the School before then was precisely because of these physical combat abilities, which he shockingly excelled in relative to his actual time spent at the School, proving to be one of the most capable acolytes the present members had ever seen, a feat proven all the more true when, as a test, he was given a dwarf-sized, unenchanted Devastator's Aegis at the age of twenty, and was hardly slowed down even whilst wearing it. Still, it took another two years of practicing his combat ability and his one spell before he was finally considered ready to graduate to become a fully-qualified Artist; passing the corresponding test by a significant margin, he was elevated to the level of Artist proper, donning the title of Magnus the Red, and continued to train with the School for another year and a half to further improve his Pyric Aura and try to learn additional spells, though he failed to do so. This, he and the leaders of the School ultimately reasoned, was due to the way the School dealt with Shadows and demons - whilst staying in one spot would have allowed hordes of ever more powerful creatures to overwhelm them, moving around meant that the mass of skilled mages within the School could fairly easily deal with the vast majority of whatever they happened to come across as a giant group, which meant that Magnus rarely if ever faced a challenge.
With that in mind, he asked for, and received, permission to head out on his own, to train himself fighting against the monstrosities of the world on his own terms, and ultimately to better himself for the experience before he returned to the School, hopefully a wiser and more powerful Artist for the experience. The School has dropped him off in Urenda before passing on with their journey, and he wholly expects a good match for his abilities to be found somewhere within the city proper, or else in the wider world beyond.
Other Notes:
Magnus' eyes have begun to turn red as a result of the particular association the Art of Devastation makes between the elements and their users, in his case involving the use of fire. As he progresses magically, he will likely experience other changes to certain physical features, depending on what spells he ultimately learns to perform.
Combat Style:
The Art of Devastation: This mixed style, presently taught by a now-travelling institution creatively called the School of Devastation and its practicioners referred to as "Artists" or less frequently "Devastators", caters specifically to battlemages, and is extremely combat-oriented and relatively pragmatic in nature; its physical combat tends to revolve around wide and powerful blows with long weapons, blunt or otherwise, whilst the Arcane magic supporting it is oriented toward the Primal school, specifically the Elemental subschool, this acting as one of the most significant and immediately obvious enhancers of destructive capacity at both short and long range of the various magic types, as well as a modifier to the wielder's features depending on what elements they are actually capable with. That said, Natural magic is also used somewhat frequently in a number of destructive capacities, such as the generation of highly-potent toxins, and it is not unheard of for advanced Artists to also utilise Illusion and Charm magic to trick opponents into more exploitable situations, improving their tactical abilities when simply improving their power is no longer the most efficient option. Ironically enough, the seemingly more subtle school of Destruction is rarely utilised by lower level Artists, though it will often be incorporated by very powerful Artists who have nothing more to gain from the Primal school; in light of what happens to the souls of those who die post-Descent, some Artists have even attempted to utilise Necromancy to preserve themselves and remain on this side of the mortal coil indefinitely, though without a set base to work from, there has not been any indication of success in this regard yet, at least to those outside these experiments.
Crystal Stave: About as tall as Magnus himself outside of his clothing and armour, and typically stowed away within his robes, this stave is fairly basic, with a sharp point at the end and three moderately sharp edges, yet composed of fine crystal. It therefore comes as a shock to many that, far from being fragile, it is hard and sturdy enough to block most physical attacks with a scratch at most, and heavy enough to cause serious damage, up to and including bone fractures, if a solid hit is allowed to connect, a feat only helped by its capacity to both stab through chain links and flesh and focus the force of a blow along the edges to crush plate armour more easily.
Devastator's Aegis: One might expect the armour of a school of battlemages to be fairly loose, if still protective in some form, so as to allow for maximum casting mobility. What is rarely expected is how heavily defended many Artists actually are in combat, and the Devastator's Aegis is the epitome of this: worn underneath a second layer of clothing and a robe, highly resilient against harm of many sorts, yet still mobile enough for the Artist wearing it to dodge fairly effectively when needed. The biggest issue with armour of this sort, compared to lighter equivalents within the School, is how much heat it traps even when not worn under multiple extra layers of clothing, and the weight that its wearer must move at any given moment, thereby requiring most users to acclimate themselves to the heatstroke-inducing conditions it imposes over many years, and even then only usually being donned in preparation for battle; the reason Magnus is an exception to this is on account of his native resistance to heat, allowing him to remain suited for long periods of time despite the conditions within, though he evidently has to remove the helmet to eat and drink, and usually sleeps outside of the armour in civilised locations. Notably, a Devastator's Aegis is usually enchanted to resist many types of magic, where Magnus' has not for reasons of relative inexperience, i.e. only having a single specific spell, and that mostly utilised to enhance physical combat; this is in part why he has headed out into the world at large, in an effort to acquire the skill needed to increase his magical ability to a sufficient degree, though as a dwarf, his hereditary magic resistance to some extent nullifies these requirements.
Skills/Natural Abilities:
Magic Resistance: Magnus is naturally quite resistant to all types of magic on account of being a dwarf, though this boon also severely lowers his capacity to perform magic under normal circumstances, and it has taken a fairly significant length of time to achieve what little magic he does currently possess.
Heat Resistance: Magnus can withstand high temperatures due to the extremes of his birthplace, a trait which allows him to wear the Devastator's Aegis for very long periods of time without trouble, and better enables his particular preferred spell setup.
Unyielding: As a result of his training, and through wearing the Devastator's Aegis consistently for long periods of time over the past few years, Magnus has acquired both greater strength and endurance than even the average Iron Dwarf, though not to an overly substantial degree; even so, he can quite handily move around within the Aegis and associated robes as though they are a second skin, with no sign that it enervates him to do so, and can both deal out and take blows that would fell most humans, though many theoretical foes are far beyond average in terms of resistance or damage capabilities.
Spells/Magical Abilities:
Pyric Aura: Magnus' natural association with heat has led to him developing this spell, wherein he apparently lights himself and his weapon on fire. This aura, as might be expected, sets on fire those who move within a couple of feet of Magnus, and can be extended outward into a "beam" or pillar of flame, though doing so requires additional effort and concentration, and the size of the aura's normal area of effect decreases correspondingly until it returns to normal. After a period of training to improve the spell, Magnus' control of this ability is such that he can selectively choose who or what is set on fire, rather than burning everyone and everything that comes near him regardless of alliance. This also increases the natural range of the aura and its beam by about half a foot (from two) and three meters (from twelve) respectively, and in addition, it greatly improve's Magnus' natural strength and slightly improves his natural speed too, though this effect also decreases as the aura beam increases in length.
General Equipment:
Travelling rations, including purified water, several days, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he gathers from his exploits in the field;
A reasonable supply of coin, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he earns from his exploits in the field;
Easy-release holster for crystal stave;
Several meter length of rope;
Several small daggers and palm-sized steel orbs, intended for hunting, can be thrown at foes as a last ditch ranged attack. |
13,284 | 382 | 6 | 1,892 | 1,617 | L'anxiété sociale d'Aurora a élevé son visage laid quand elle a été directement adressée, mais elle a rapidement réussi à le supprimer. Son visage est resté sans expression tout ce temps, cependant, de sorte qu'il n'y avait aucun moyen que quelqu'un aurait pu le dire, elle s'est dit.
Sa façade sans émotion s'est brisée comme un sourire faible « perturbé » ses traits.
"Ne vous inquiétez pas, Sir Dwarf. Je ne suis pas si impolie que je puisse vous extorquer de votre argent durement gagné, juste parce que je suis du sexe féminin. »
Elle retourna la femme aînée qui s'était approchée d'elle et semblait vouloir sortir du sac d'Aurora une bonne portion de vin ou de boissons alcooliques similaires.
"Ma dame, comme vous pouvez le remarquer de mon visage, je suis encore un enfant, c'est pourquoi je ne pense pas que ce soit une grande idée pour un elfe de l'âge faible de dix-neuf ans de boire des boissons alcoolisées. Pour un elfe comme moi, j'ai entendu dire, je pourrais aussi bien être un enfant pour un autre elfe ou un nain."
La renarde arctique a sauté de son épaule sur le comptoir du bar en regardant Aurora s'attendre à de la nourriture. Pour la première fois aujourd'hui, Aurora sourit vraiment au petit renard.
"Tu as faim, Luna?"
Quand elle a parlé à son renard, sa voix a perdu la glace habituelle et est devenue douce et charmante.
Aurora a sorti une bande de viande séchée et l'a nourrie au renard maintenant très heureux.
"Soyez tranquilles et ne dérangez pas les gens d'ici, d'accord?"
Elle sourit une dernière fois comme le renard à l'improviste, pour un spectateur inconnu, hurlé et tout simplement assis sur le comptoir regardant à la fois le nain et la femme aînée.
Après qu'Aurora ait rendu son attention à la femme, sa voix glaciale a réapparu.
« Comme la chance l'aurait eu, j'ai encore quelques pièces de monnaie d'un métier que j'ai fait il y a un mois. Je ne comprends pas la coutume d'acheter un verre à quelqu'un, mais si c'est comme ça que ça se fait, je l'obligerai. »
Elle a poussé quelques pièces sur le comptoir et a demandé à l'aubergiste d'obtenir la femme et le nain à la fois une boisson alcoolique de leur choix. Elle-même a demandé juste du jus de pomme.
"Ah, je n'ai pas encore demandé vos noms. On m'a dit que c'était vu comme impoli, je m'excuse et je vous le demande par la présente. Mon nom est Aurora, juste Aurora." | Name: Aurora
Age: 19
Race: Frost Elf
Appearance: Aurora's looks really do honour her name. Her face is soft graced by pale blue eyes, but very obviously of elven origins, aka not round but more vertically elongated with a pointed chin. Framing the face is a mighty mane of hair white as snow topped off by two, also white, fox ears. This mighty mane of hers extends down to her hips and will look extremely graceful when the wind is blowing. From her tailbone, though, extends a soft, long, flowing fox's tail with white fur.
Since Aurora lives even farther in the north than most of the survivor, in the deep, deep snow, she usually wears very warm winter coats. In the rare moments she actually wanders into villages, she will pull up the hood of the coat to hide her ears, as she feels like it will make her seem like a demon child or something.
One of the less visible facts of her biology are the fangs in her mouth, which are normally only visible when her mouth is sufficiently open.
Her statue is small, at 4'10", and lithe, but at the same time she has a robust look to her, someone who can withstand the woes of this world.
Personality: As Aurora grew up almost completely alone since her 10th summer, she is awkward with social interactions and seems shy. but if she warms up (pun intended!) to somebody she can be quite cheerful. Despite her innocent appearance she is quite the trickster and will often try stuff on people to get a nice laugh out of them. Combining her skills with traps and her "stealthiness", she makes for one fearsome trickster and prankster.
Due to her time in the wilds she doesn't seem scared of anything but the fear of not having an arrow ready to be shot.
Morality / Religion: Aurora frequently prays to Sylsetria, especially before and after a hunt. She doesn't care that she is a weak goddess. Completely convinced that Sylsetria is the goddess responsible for her continued survival so far, she is absolutely sure she wants to give the goddess more power over the world to turn it beautiful once again. Another task she relegates to Sylsetria is her usual prayer before any bout of combat "Let my aim be true." Since she hasn't been brought up will all elvish traditions and stories about the gods, she made Sylsetria a goddess of hunting and archery for her.
Biography:Aurora's parents were nomads. Not hit particularly heavy by the Great Descent at first, her mother had been pregnant with her when the Creeping Death made both her parents sick. Exposed to a high dose of divine magic as well as the sickness, the embryo mutated and developed traits of the arctic fox. Despite her parents slowly dying, slowed even further due to their hardy elven genes, Aurora seemed very healthy and unaffected by the Creeping Death. As her parents slowly wandered even further north into the icy and snowy regions of the desolate, but uncorrupted lands of the mountainous tundra. There her parents died, but not before teaching the 10 year old elfin a few necessary tricks to survive in the coming winter.
During the following 9 years almost absolutely nothing of interest happened to Aurora except that she learned to survive under hostile environmental circumstances as well as reading and writing from books that she managed to find in abandoned villages, which were left more than a century ago due to a huge storm that apparently had destroyed all their valuable farming land for a couple of years. Nowadays, however, the climate was too cold for wheat to grow and so Aurora was always on the move, sometimes not meeting another sentient being for months. And so she had only animals to keep her company. After a while Aurora managed to "befriend" a female arctic fox, which she seemed to understand a bit, mostly due to her animal traits. After a few more of such incidents, she found a way to, if not talk, then communicate with the more intelligent animals, but also not all of them. Maybe the ones she could talk to were also mutations caused by the creeping death, was her only logical explanation.
A month before she made her way to Urenda, Aurora finally decided to settle down somewhere in the fertile area of the tundra and to try farming for once. For this, though, she needed tools. Tools to build a home and tools to build new tools used for farming and maybe even husbandry.
From her visits to minor villages, she had heard about the town of Urenda where she hoped to gain everything to build herself a new life, without the judgmental eyes of the humans, elves or dwarfs.
Other Notes:Nothing for now.
Class: Ranger/Trapper
Combat Style:In her few encounters with lesser shadows, she always tended to stay out of range and rely on careful planning of the battlefield laying out traps and, out of stealth, sniping the sometimes nonexistent heads off the shadows with her repertoire of several different kind of arrows. If it does come down to close quarters combat, she hacks away at enemies with her axe made with Norse elvin steel.
Weapons / Tools:Bow and different kinds of arrows, all self assembled (Arrow types include flammable arrows, exploding arrows, poisonous arrows, arrows with hardened tips able to pierce armour, arrows with hook-tips and other, rarer types which she will only assemble when needed)All sorts of accessories used to build traps Her trusty axe made out of old Norse elvin steel
Skills / Natural Abilities:Keen Senses, i.e improved hearing, due to her animal ears and improved sightSneaky stealthiness, as in, she learned how to not be seenRacial ability: Create sparks to light fires
Spells / Magical Abilities: Semi-magical connection to animals
General Equipment:Always carries around a stash of furs and rare herbs which she can sellHer "crafting equipment", aka carving knife and her "sewing kit"Basically her house, since she's a nomad, with fur tent and bedrolls all in her backpack, which is more of a sledge/cart.
I don't know if I'm done yet, but I ask to excuse any mistakes. It is 6:30 am, been working on this since 2:30am... including distractions... |
13,285 | 382 | 7 | 1,258 | 2,264 | Alex avait l'air un peu vaincu car le nain ne jouait pas avec, les jeunes n'étaient-ils pas censés être brash et stupides quand il s'agissait de partager de l'argent? Ils commençaient à être plus sages qu'il semblait, mais cela n'avait pas d'importance à la fin, car l'important était qu'elle n'était pas présentée et qu'elle leur attirait l'attention. "Quand vous entendez quelqu'un mentionner votre nom, il est normalement suivi par 'ouaih ce nain dans l'équipement cramoisi lumineux" Elle sourit un peu comme elle a répondu aux nains première question, ce n'était pas difficile d'obtenir son nom, heck ce n'était pas difficile d'obtenir le nom de quelqu'un puisque vous pourriez même l'entendre comme elle l'a fait pour Aurora.
Son attention a été prise par l'elfe qui s'est adressé au nain au sujet de ne pas se séparer de son argent, une honte qu'elle n'ait pas joué avec, mais elle s'attendait à ce qu'elle le fasse compte tenu de son comportement. Elle ne parlait que d'une manière réservée, presque comme un noble de l'ancienne, mais il y avait aussi une netteté froide qui suivait ses paroles.
"Ne pas boire parce que tu es jeune? Je ne savais plus que les gens s'inquiétaient de telles choses."
Pendant que l'elfe parlait à son renard Alex s'appuyait sur sa main, ses yeux cramoisis regardant à travers ses franges pour prendre dans l'interaction. Elle accepta volontiers l'offre de l'elfe de payer un verre! Prenant le risque, elle s'appuya sur le comptoir et pointa une petite bouteille de vin très bon marché, qu'elle prit et non brûlée avec un sourire joyeux. "Merci Aurora. Bien que je connaissais déjà ton nom aussi. Vous pouvez m'appeler Alex." Avec une petite augmentation de la bouteille comme un encouragement, elle a pris un bon goupille du fruité, et plutôt eauux, le vin. | Name: Alexandra ???
Age: 58
Race: Human - Lycanthrope
Appearance: Long locks of wild ash blond hair flow down to the middle of Alex's back, her bangs barely cover her deep crimson eyes that seem to hold great wisdom and at the same time great loss. Standing at 5'6" she is far from the most impressive looking fighter with her rather feminine features, however on closer inspection one would see that she is rather toned and not one piece of her body was wasted on anything else other than training for combat. Combined with her sharp red eyes and natural threatening demeanor she can be rather intimidating when she needs to be, but often covers up as much as possible with the use of simple travelers clothes in black and brown, the only things standing out being the royal crest on the sword scabbard by her side.
Personality: Alex has become very laid back in her 'old age' taking things as they come with a dry wit, maintaining many subtle mannerisms of her past station and animal like nature, such as being rather accepting of certain people with a kindly aura about them, being able to judge people at just a glance. Within combat she will show herself to be a no-nonsense warrior who carries herself with grace and dignity. However, she has deep seeded regret, blaming herself for being unable to stop it all that happened in the past despite how big the event was.
Morality / Religion: She despises the gods, blaming them even more so than herself for what transpired, tho she considers those that still hold faith fools she wont openly state such. Once she wanted to be a hero, someone of noble intentions and strong will and though she did not consider herself as such she still maintained a code of never killing a surrendered enemy herself, or putting her blade to a unarmed enemy, no matter who or what.
Biography:A baby left on the stairs of the castle, a common sight to say the least; the poor always hoped that they would bring up the child instead of sending it to the poor house, but it was never too be... Until a single rainy night when the servants of the castle brought in a baby from the rain, a ashen blonde baby wrapped in the finest of weaved cotton. However what gave them pause was the babies pure blood red eyes, a sight that made them call the master of the house.
It was the uniqueness of the baby that saved it as it was brought into the house to be raised alongside Prince Elrin. When the boy grew into both king and man, so did the girl come to be a women and known throughout the land as the royal guard captain to King Elrin himself, a place of respect and power. How she became the kings right hand was never truly known to the public, neither were her unique powers, but her loyalty to him was unmistakable. She remained by his side, even during the Decent of the world, she was willing to face gods and worse to keep him safe but...
Now she comes to this city, looking for answers and maybe a new start, and maybe even a little bit of hope?
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Monk
Combat Style: Alex uses a wild style of hand to hand combat from her more primal side, a style she has forged to be able to taken out normally armed enemies. However she is also a trained two handed swords-women, capable of using large weaponry as if it was nothing thanks to abnormal strength, though she has not shown interest in using a sword anymore other than training.
Weapons / Tools:Broken Sword: A sword bearing the royal crest. It was once a huge sword but now broken in half it is no more than length than a longsword.Light Leather Armor
Skills / Natural Abilities:TransformStrength: Thanks to her natural ability combined with her training Alex is very strongCunning: Years of living and experiences has molded her mind into one of a strategist and clever fighter
General Equipment:Backpack: 5 rations, water, bedroll with pillowSmall hunting knifeFormal dress |
13,286 | 382 | 8 | 269 | 2,335 | Magnus le Rouge
Comment avez-vous trouvé le nom de mah, madame? Je demande à la femme plus âgée, maintenant légèrement ennuyée. D'habitude, je commencerais à les jabler tous les deux d'ici là, mais je m'en fais pour l'instant. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ay, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ay, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ay, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, a, a, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, ah, ah,, ah, ah,, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, Aussi, juste au cas où vous n'aviez pas remarqué, il y avait beaucoup de gens qui tournaient dans un équipement de couleur éclatante plus tôt. Je suis presque sûr que je ne suis pas si spécial en ce moment, à part que c'est la seule personne dans ce groupe particulaire qui est restée dans le coin. Alors, dehors : où est-ce que tu as entendu parler de moi? | Name:
Magnus the Red
Rust Dwarf
Magnus naturally appears similar to other rust dwarves, at only around 120cm tall and a quite bulky build, with red scruffy hair on both his head and face, as well as dark brown skin and eyes that, whilst once a similar shade of brown, now tend more toward maroon, or even a dark crimson shade in the right lighting; his face, at least what can be seen of it under his beard, is seemingly quite angular. Most of his bodily features are, however, hidden under his choice of clothing, a plain bright red robe over darker red clothing of the same material, up to and including gloves, itself concealing both armour and another layer of clothing beneath that, plus a large solid helmet completely covering his head. Most of his carried items tend to be hidden somewhere within his robes, including his stave, and the whole setup tends to make him look at least a head taller than he really is.
Magnus tends to react to the world around him in a non-plussed manner - he has, so to speak, "seen it all", or at least a large enough proportion of whatever "it" entails to not be particularly fazed by the events that occur in his life, despite his fairly young age. Thus, his interactions with others are frequently quite deadpan in terms of response content, though his tone is typically jovial, if occasionally mocking to a fault if he thinks he can get a rise out of somebody.
Having experienced the worst excesses of religious fervor firsthand, and given that a full two thirds of the Dwaorkint Pantheon has turned against the mortals of the world, Magnus rarely if ever pays heed to any deity, and has a tendency to make jokes at the expense of any priests in the area if he knows they are present. Despite this, he is not malicious at heart - he will apologise when he recognises that he's gone too far with a joke, and tends to assist those who are technically good over those who are technically just when his hand is forced; he also secretly admires the goddess Juunda for remaining steadfastly on the side of dwarfkind and mortal life in general when the other two dwarven deities fell for, in the grand scheme of things, two of the most materialistic and quite frankly downright petty reasons out of all the Anti-Gods.
Born with the last name of Vulkan a few years before the Great Descent began, Magnus remembers little of his early childhood, aside from moving out of the underground caves where most other dwarves lived a while back due to some dispute involving his parents, the content of which he has never been made aware. Regardless, he and his family were not located within these caves when the Creeping Death trapped most of their number inside, and after the fact, his parents for some reason began believing that part of a prophecy had been fulfilled, with the remainder stating that every last mortal would die... never mind that they themselves came up with the prophecy, at least a year after the Descent proper had ended, and this issue soon escalated into full-blown worship of the Anti-Gods, with the radical and extreme nature of such worship increasing with the passage of time. Needless to say, it didn't take a genius to realise that there was something inherently wrong about this sort of behaviour, though it took the young Magnus a few years to figure out exactly why worshipping the entities apparently trying to destroy everything was a bad idea, not helped by several well-placed lies from his parents. He finally reached a tipping point when, not a mile from where he lived, he discovered the remnants of an elemental storm's passing, and at the age of thirteen, packed his belongings and ran away from home.
This, evidently, was not a good idea. His violent hatred of anything resembling religion at the time made him quite a few enemies amongst those mortals worshipping the deities who had not turned against them, and he was poorly equipped at best to fighting even the weakest of Living Shadows, thus forcing him to live a life of poverty on the streets of his home city for a good two years. It was at this point that things finally turned up for Magnus, in the form of the School of Devastation passing through the city. Desperate for a change, he demanded to be accepted into the School as an acolyte Artist, a notion which was scoffed at until he floored one of the more senior members with a lucky jaw punch, subsequently passed off as a certain degree of "street smarts". Convinced by at least his physical ability, the heads of the School begrudgingly allowed him to begin training as an Artist, reasoning that perhaps he would prove more magically capable than he looked.
Long story short, he didn't. Short story long, it took him until he was twenty two to finally realise his Pyric Aura, and even then that acted as a practical extension of his physical combat abilities; the reason he wasn't kicked out of the School before then was precisely because of these physical combat abilities, which he shockingly excelled in relative to his actual time spent at the School, proving to be one of the most capable acolytes the present members had ever seen, a feat proven all the more true when, as a test, he was given a dwarf-sized, unenchanted Devastator's Aegis at the age of twenty, and was hardly slowed down even whilst wearing it. Still, it took another two years of practicing his combat ability and his one spell before he was finally considered ready to graduate to become a fully-qualified Artist; passing the corresponding test by a significant margin, he was elevated to the level of Artist proper, donning the title of Magnus the Red, and continued to train with the School for another year and a half to further improve his Pyric Aura and try to learn additional spells, though he failed to do so. This, he and the leaders of the School ultimately reasoned, was due to the way the School dealt with Shadows and demons - whilst staying in one spot would have allowed hordes of ever more powerful creatures to overwhelm them, moving around meant that the mass of skilled mages within the School could fairly easily deal with the vast majority of whatever they happened to come across as a giant group, which meant that Magnus rarely if ever faced a challenge.
With that in mind, he asked for, and received, permission to head out on his own, to train himself fighting against the monstrosities of the world on his own terms, and ultimately to better himself for the experience before he returned to the School, hopefully a wiser and more powerful Artist for the experience. The School has dropped him off in Urenda before passing on with their journey, and he wholly expects a good match for his abilities to be found somewhere within the city proper, or else in the wider world beyond.
Other Notes:
Magnus' eyes have begun to turn red as a result of the particular association the Art of Devastation makes between the elements and their users, in his case involving the use of fire. As he progresses magically, he will likely experience other changes to certain physical features, depending on what spells he ultimately learns to perform.
Combat Style:
The Art of Devastation: This mixed style, presently taught by a now-travelling institution creatively called the School of Devastation and its practicioners referred to as "Artists" or less frequently "Devastators", caters specifically to battlemages, and is extremely combat-oriented and relatively pragmatic in nature; its physical combat tends to revolve around wide and powerful blows with long weapons, blunt or otherwise, whilst the Arcane magic supporting it is oriented toward the Primal school, specifically the Elemental subschool, this acting as one of the most significant and immediately obvious enhancers of destructive capacity at both short and long range of the various magic types, as well as a modifier to the wielder's features depending on what elements they are actually capable with. That said, Natural magic is also used somewhat frequently in a number of destructive capacities, such as the generation of highly-potent toxins, and it is not unheard of for advanced Artists to also utilise Illusion and Charm magic to trick opponents into more exploitable situations, improving their tactical abilities when simply improving their power is no longer the most efficient option. Ironically enough, the seemingly more subtle school of Destruction is rarely utilised by lower level Artists, though it will often be incorporated by very powerful Artists who have nothing more to gain from the Primal school; in light of what happens to the souls of those who die post-Descent, some Artists have even attempted to utilise Necromancy to preserve themselves and remain on this side of the mortal coil indefinitely, though without a set base to work from, there has not been any indication of success in this regard yet, at least to those outside these experiments.
Crystal Stave: About as tall as Magnus himself outside of his clothing and armour, and typically stowed away within his robes, this stave is fairly basic, with a sharp point at the end and three moderately sharp edges, yet composed of fine crystal. It therefore comes as a shock to many that, far from being fragile, it is hard and sturdy enough to block most physical attacks with a scratch at most, and heavy enough to cause serious damage, up to and including bone fractures, if a solid hit is allowed to connect, a feat only helped by its capacity to both stab through chain links and flesh and focus the force of a blow along the edges to crush plate armour more easily.
Devastator's Aegis: One might expect the armour of a school of battlemages to be fairly loose, if still protective in some form, so as to allow for maximum casting mobility. What is rarely expected is how heavily defended many Artists actually are in combat, and the Devastator's Aegis is the epitome of this: worn underneath a second layer of clothing and a robe, highly resilient against harm of many sorts, yet still mobile enough for the Artist wearing it to dodge fairly effectively when needed. The biggest issue with armour of this sort, compared to lighter equivalents within the School, is how much heat it traps even when not worn under multiple extra layers of clothing, and the weight that its wearer must move at any given moment, thereby requiring most users to acclimate themselves to the heatstroke-inducing conditions it imposes over many years, and even then only usually being donned in preparation for battle; the reason Magnus is an exception to this is on account of his native resistance to heat, allowing him to remain suited for long periods of time despite the conditions within, though he evidently has to remove the helmet to eat and drink, and usually sleeps outside of the armour in civilised locations. Notably, a Devastator's Aegis is usually enchanted to resist many types of magic, where Magnus' has not for reasons of relative inexperience, i.e. only having a single specific spell, and that mostly utilised to enhance physical combat; this is in part why he has headed out into the world at large, in an effort to acquire the skill needed to increase his magical ability to a sufficient degree, though as a dwarf, his hereditary magic resistance to some extent nullifies these requirements.
Skills/Natural Abilities:
Magic Resistance: Magnus is naturally quite resistant to all types of magic on account of being a dwarf, though this boon also severely lowers his capacity to perform magic under normal circumstances, and it has taken a fairly significant length of time to achieve what little magic he does currently possess.
Heat Resistance: Magnus can withstand high temperatures due to the extremes of his birthplace, a trait which allows him to wear the Devastator's Aegis for very long periods of time without trouble, and better enables his particular preferred spell setup.
Unyielding: As a result of his training, and through wearing the Devastator's Aegis consistently for long periods of time over the past few years, Magnus has acquired both greater strength and endurance than even the average Iron Dwarf, though not to an overly substantial degree; even so, he can quite handily move around within the Aegis and associated robes as though they are a second skin, with no sign that it enervates him to do so, and can both deal out and take blows that would fell most humans, though many theoretical foes are far beyond average in terms of resistance or damage capabilities.
Spells/Magical Abilities:
Pyric Aura: Magnus' natural association with heat has led to him developing this spell, wherein he apparently lights himself and his weapon on fire. This aura, as might be expected, sets on fire those who move within a couple of feet of Magnus, and can be extended outward into a "beam" or pillar of flame, though doing so requires additional effort and concentration, and the size of the aura's normal area of effect decreases correspondingly until it returns to normal. After a period of training to improve the spell, Magnus' control of this ability is such that he can selectively choose who or what is set on fire, rather than burning everyone and everything that comes near him regardless of alliance. This also increases the natural range of the aura and its beam by about half a foot (from two) and three meters (from twelve) respectively, and in addition, it greatly improve's Magnus' natural strength and slightly improves his natural speed too, though this effect also decreases as the aura beam increases in length.
General Equipment:
Travelling rations, including purified water, several days, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he gathers from his exploits in the field;
A reasonable supply of coin, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he earns from his exploits in the field;
Easy-release holster for crystal stave;
Several meter length of rope;
Several small daggers and palm-sized steel orbs, intended for hunting, can be thrown at foes as a last ditch ranged attack. |
13,287 | 382 | 9 | 1,892 | 1,617 | Curieusement Aurora fixa à la fois la femme nommée Alex et le nain Magnus. Avec sa curiosité enfantine et son honnêteté, elle a clairement interrompu la conversation qui se déroulait actuellement sans la réaliser réellement.
"Si je peux me renseigner, vous, Monsieur le Rouge, et vous, Mlle Alex, vous avez tous deux différentes sortes de discours. Tous les humains parlent-ils comme Mlle Alex et tous les nains parlent-ils comme Sir The Red? Et comment peut-on acquérir une telle langue?"
En regardant de la femme à la naine, elle s'inclina la tête. Étrangement, Luna, le renard, a fait exactement comme Aurora, s'inclinant la tête et le tournant d'Alex à Magnus en même temps que Aurora. | Name: Aurora
Age: 19
Race: Frost Elf
Appearance: Aurora's looks really do honour her name. Her face is soft graced by pale blue eyes, but very obviously of elven origins, aka not round but more vertically elongated with a pointed chin. Framing the face is a mighty mane of hair white as snow topped off by two, also white, fox ears. This mighty mane of hers extends down to her hips and will look extremely graceful when the wind is blowing. From her tailbone, though, extends a soft, long, flowing fox's tail with white fur.
Since Aurora lives even farther in the north than most of the survivor, in the deep, deep snow, she usually wears very warm winter coats. In the rare moments she actually wanders into villages, she will pull up the hood of the coat to hide her ears, as she feels like it will make her seem like a demon child or something.
One of the less visible facts of her biology are the fangs in her mouth, which are normally only visible when her mouth is sufficiently open.
Her statue is small, at 4'10", and lithe, but at the same time she has a robust look to her, someone who can withstand the woes of this world.
Personality: As Aurora grew up almost completely alone since her 10th summer, she is awkward with social interactions and seems shy. but if she warms up (pun intended!) to somebody she can be quite cheerful. Despite her innocent appearance she is quite the trickster and will often try stuff on people to get a nice laugh out of them. Combining her skills with traps and her "stealthiness", she makes for one fearsome trickster and prankster.
Due to her time in the wilds she doesn't seem scared of anything but the fear of not having an arrow ready to be shot.
Morality / Religion: Aurora frequently prays to Sylsetria, especially before and after a hunt. She doesn't care that she is a weak goddess. Completely convinced that Sylsetria is the goddess responsible for her continued survival so far, she is absolutely sure she wants to give the goddess more power over the world to turn it beautiful once again. Another task she relegates to Sylsetria is her usual prayer before any bout of combat "Let my aim be true." Since she hasn't been brought up will all elvish traditions and stories about the gods, she made Sylsetria a goddess of hunting and archery for her.
Biography:Aurora's parents were nomads. Not hit particularly heavy by the Great Descent at first, her mother had been pregnant with her when the Creeping Death made both her parents sick. Exposed to a high dose of divine magic as well as the sickness, the embryo mutated and developed traits of the arctic fox. Despite her parents slowly dying, slowed even further due to their hardy elven genes, Aurora seemed very healthy and unaffected by the Creeping Death. As her parents slowly wandered even further north into the icy and snowy regions of the desolate, but uncorrupted lands of the mountainous tundra. There her parents died, but not before teaching the 10 year old elfin a few necessary tricks to survive in the coming winter.
During the following 9 years almost absolutely nothing of interest happened to Aurora except that she learned to survive under hostile environmental circumstances as well as reading and writing from books that she managed to find in abandoned villages, which were left more than a century ago due to a huge storm that apparently had destroyed all their valuable farming land for a couple of years. Nowadays, however, the climate was too cold for wheat to grow and so Aurora was always on the move, sometimes not meeting another sentient being for months. And so she had only animals to keep her company. After a while Aurora managed to "befriend" a female arctic fox, which she seemed to understand a bit, mostly due to her animal traits. After a few more of such incidents, she found a way to, if not talk, then communicate with the more intelligent animals, but also not all of them. Maybe the ones she could talk to were also mutations caused by the creeping death, was her only logical explanation.
A month before she made her way to Urenda, Aurora finally decided to settle down somewhere in the fertile area of the tundra and to try farming for once. For this, though, she needed tools. Tools to build a home and tools to build new tools used for farming and maybe even husbandry.
From her visits to minor villages, she had heard about the town of Urenda where she hoped to gain everything to build herself a new life, without the judgmental eyes of the humans, elves or dwarfs.
Other Notes:Nothing for now.
Class: Ranger/Trapper
Combat Style:In her few encounters with lesser shadows, she always tended to stay out of range and rely on careful planning of the battlefield laying out traps and, out of stealth, sniping the sometimes nonexistent heads off the shadows with her repertoire of several different kind of arrows. If it does come down to close quarters combat, she hacks away at enemies with her axe made with Norse elvin steel.
Weapons / Tools:Bow and different kinds of arrows, all self assembled (Arrow types include flammable arrows, exploding arrows, poisonous arrows, arrows with hardened tips able to pierce armour, arrows with hook-tips and other, rarer types which she will only assemble when needed)All sorts of accessories used to build traps Her trusty axe made out of old Norse elvin steel
Skills / Natural Abilities:Keen Senses, i.e improved hearing, due to her animal ears and improved sightSneaky stealthiness, as in, she learned how to not be seenRacial ability: Create sparks to light fires
Spells / Magical Abilities: Semi-magical connection to animals
General Equipment:Always carries around a stash of furs and rare herbs which she can sellHer "crafting equipment", aka carving knife and her "sewing kit"Basically her house, since she's a nomad, with fur tent and bedrolls all in her backpack, which is more of a sledge/cart.
I don't know if I'm done yet, but I ask to excuse any mistakes. It is 6:30 am, been working on this since 2:30am... including distractions... |
13,288 | 382 | 10 | 269 | 2,335 | Magnus le Rouge
'Ah... ne pensez pas que ça ait quelque chose à faire' de la situation à portée de main, lass, je dis d'un ton légèrement confus. Puisque les gens parlent diff'en dépendaient de beaucoup de facteurs diff'en, donc non, mais ah pense que nous devrions récupérer ta comment vous avez appris le nom de mah, mademoiselle... Alex, n'est-ce pas? | Name:
Magnus the Red
Rust Dwarf
Magnus naturally appears similar to other rust dwarves, at only around 120cm tall and a quite bulky build, with red scruffy hair on both his head and face, as well as dark brown skin and eyes that, whilst once a similar shade of brown, now tend more toward maroon, or even a dark crimson shade in the right lighting; his face, at least what can be seen of it under his beard, is seemingly quite angular. Most of his bodily features are, however, hidden under his choice of clothing, a plain bright red robe over darker red clothing of the same material, up to and including gloves, itself concealing both armour and another layer of clothing beneath that, plus a large solid helmet completely covering his head. Most of his carried items tend to be hidden somewhere within his robes, including his stave, and the whole setup tends to make him look at least a head taller than he really is.
Magnus tends to react to the world around him in a non-plussed manner - he has, so to speak, "seen it all", or at least a large enough proportion of whatever "it" entails to not be particularly fazed by the events that occur in his life, despite his fairly young age. Thus, his interactions with others are frequently quite deadpan in terms of response content, though his tone is typically jovial, if occasionally mocking to a fault if he thinks he can get a rise out of somebody.
Having experienced the worst excesses of religious fervor firsthand, and given that a full two thirds of the Dwaorkint Pantheon has turned against the mortals of the world, Magnus rarely if ever pays heed to any deity, and has a tendency to make jokes at the expense of any priests in the area if he knows they are present. Despite this, he is not malicious at heart - he will apologise when he recognises that he's gone too far with a joke, and tends to assist those who are technically good over those who are technically just when his hand is forced; he also secretly admires the goddess Juunda for remaining steadfastly on the side of dwarfkind and mortal life in general when the other two dwarven deities fell for, in the grand scheme of things, two of the most materialistic and quite frankly downright petty reasons out of all the Anti-Gods.
Born with the last name of Vulkan a few years before the Great Descent began, Magnus remembers little of his early childhood, aside from moving out of the underground caves where most other dwarves lived a while back due to some dispute involving his parents, the content of which he has never been made aware. Regardless, he and his family were not located within these caves when the Creeping Death trapped most of their number inside, and after the fact, his parents for some reason began believing that part of a prophecy had been fulfilled, with the remainder stating that every last mortal would die... never mind that they themselves came up with the prophecy, at least a year after the Descent proper had ended, and this issue soon escalated into full-blown worship of the Anti-Gods, with the radical and extreme nature of such worship increasing with the passage of time. Needless to say, it didn't take a genius to realise that there was something inherently wrong about this sort of behaviour, though it took the young Magnus a few years to figure out exactly why worshipping the entities apparently trying to destroy everything was a bad idea, not helped by several well-placed lies from his parents. He finally reached a tipping point when, not a mile from where he lived, he discovered the remnants of an elemental storm's passing, and at the age of thirteen, packed his belongings and ran away from home.
This, evidently, was not a good idea. His violent hatred of anything resembling religion at the time made him quite a few enemies amongst those mortals worshipping the deities who had not turned against them, and he was poorly equipped at best to fighting even the weakest of Living Shadows, thus forcing him to live a life of poverty on the streets of his home city for a good two years. It was at this point that things finally turned up for Magnus, in the form of the School of Devastation passing through the city. Desperate for a change, he demanded to be accepted into the School as an acolyte Artist, a notion which was scoffed at until he floored one of the more senior members with a lucky jaw punch, subsequently passed off as a certain degree of "street smarts". Convinced by at least his physical ability, the heads of the School begrudgingly allowed him to begin training as an Artist, reasoning that perhaps he would prove more magically capable than he looked.
Long story short, he didn't. Short story long, it took him until he was twenty two to finally realise his Pyric Aura, and even then that acted as a practical extension of his physical combat abilities; the reason he wasn't kicked out of the School before then was precisely because of these physical combat abilities, which he shockingly excelled in relative to his actual time spent at the School, proving to be one of the most capable acolytes the present members had ever seen, a feat proven all the more true when, as a test, he was given a dwarf-sized, unenchanted Devastator's Aegis at the age of twenty, and was hardly slowed down even whilst wearing it. Still, it took another two years of practicing his combat ability and his one spell before he was finally considered ready to graduate to become a fully-qualified Artist; passing the corresponding test by a significant margin, he was elevated to the level of Artist proper, donning the title of Magnus the Red, and continued to train with the School for another year and a half to further improve his Pyric Aura and try to learn additional spells, though he failed to do so. This, he and the leaders of the School ultimately reasoned, was due to the way the School dealt with Shadows and demons - whilst staying in one spot would have allowed hordes of ever more powerful creatures to overwhelm them, moving around meant that the mass of skilled mages within the School could fairly easily deal with the vast majority of whatever they happened to come across as a giant group, which meant that Magnus rarely if ever faced a challenge.
With that in mind, he asked for, and received, permission to head out on his own, to train himself fighting against the monstrosities of the world on his own terms, and ultimately to better himself for the experience before he returned to the School, hopefully a wiser and more powerful Artist for the experience. The School has dropped him off in Urenda before passing on with their journey, and he wholly expects a good match for his abilities to be found somewhere within the city proper, or else in the wider world beyond.
Other Notes:
Magnus' eyes have begun to turn red as a result of the particular association the Art of Devastation makes between the elements and their users, in his case involving the use of fire. As he progresses magically, he will likely experience other changes to certain physical features, depending on what spells he ultimately learns to perform.
Combat Style:
The Art of Devastation: This mixed style, presently taught by a now-travelling institution creatively called the School of Devastation and its practicioners referred to as "Artists" or less frequently "Devastators", caters specifically to battlemages, and is extremely combat-oriented and relatively pragmatic in nature; its physical combat tends to revolve around wide and powerful blows with long weapons, blunt or otherwise, whilst the Arcane magic supporting it is oriented toward the Primal school, specifically the Elemental subschool, this acting as one of the most significant and immediately obvious enhancers of destructive capacity at both short and long range of the various magic types, as well as a modifier to the wielder's features depending on what elements they are actually capable with. That said, Natural magic is also used somewhat frequently in a number of destructive capacities, such as the generation of highly-potent toxins, and it is not unheard of for advanced Artists to also utilise Illusion and Charm magic to trick opponents into more exploitable situations, improving their tactical abilities when simply improving their power is no longer the most efficient option. Ironically enough, the seemingly more subtle school of Destruction is rarely utilised by lower level Artists, though it will often be incorporated by very powerful Artists who have nothing more to gain from the Primal school; in light of what happens to the souls of those who die post-Descent, some Artists have even attempted to utilise Necromancy to preserve themselves and remain on this side of the mortal coil indefinitely, though without a set base to work from, there has not been any indication of success in this regard yet, at least to those outside these experiments.
Crystal Stave: About as tall as Magnus himself outside of his clothing and armour, and typically stowed away within his robes, this stave is fairly basic, with a sharp point at the end and three moderately sharp edges, yet composed of fine crystal. It therefore comes as a shock to many that, far from being fragile, it is hard and sturdy enough to block most physical attacks with a scratch at most, and heavy enough to cause serious damage, up to and including bone fractures, if a solid hit is allowed to connect, a feat only helped by its capacity to both stab through chain links and flesh and focus the force of a blow along the edges to crush plate armour more easily.
Devastator's Aegis: One might expect the armour of a school of battlemages to be fairly loose, if still protective in some form, so as to allow for maximum casting mobility. What is rarely expected is how heavily defended many Artists actually are in combat, and the Devastator's Aegis is the epitome of this: worn underneath a second layer of clothing and a robe, highly resilient against harm of many sorts, yet still mobile enough for the Artist wearing it to dodge fairly effectively when needed. The biggest issue with armour of this sort, compared to lighter equivalents within the School, is how much heat it traps even when not worn under multiple extra layers of clothing, and the weight that its wearer must move at any given moment, thereby requiring most users to acclimate themselves to the heatstroke-inducing conditions it imposes over many years, and even then only usually being donned in preparation for battle; the reason Magnus is an exception to this is on account of his native resistance to heat, allowing him to remain suited for long periods of time despite the conditions within, though he evidently has to remove the helmet to eat and drink, and usually sleeps outside of the armour in civilised locations. Notably, a Devastator's Aegis is usually enchanted to resist many types of magic, where Magnus' has not for reasons of relative inexperience, i.e. only having a single specific spell, and that mostly utilised to enhance physical combat; this is in part why he has headed out into the world at large, in an effort to acquire the skill needed to increase his magical ability to a sufficient degree, though as a dwarf, his hereditary magic resistance to some extent nullifies these requirements.
Skills/Natural Abilities:
Magic Resistance: Magnus is naturally quite resistant to all types of magic on account of being a dwarf, though this boon also severely lowers his capacity to perform magic under normal circumstances, and it has taken a fairly significant length of time to achieve what little magic he does currently possess.
Heat Resistance: Magnus can withstand high temperatures due to the extremes of his birthplace, a trait which allows him to wear the Devastator's Aegis for very long periods of time without trouble, and better enables his particular preferred spell setup.
Unyielding: As a result of his training, and through wearing the Devastator's Aegis consistently for long periods of time over the past few years, Magnus has acquired both greater strength and endurance than even the average Iron Dwarf, though not to an overly substantial degree; even so, he can quite handily move around within the Aegis and associated robes as though they are a second skin, with no sign that it enervates him to do so, and can both deal out and take blows that would fell most humans, though many theoretical foes are far beyond average in terms of resistance or damage capabilities.
Spells/Magical Abilities:
Pyric Aura: Magnus' natural association with heat has led to him developing this spell, wherein he apparently lights himself and his weapon on fire. This aura, as might be expected, sets on fire those who move within a couple of feet of Magnus, and can be extended outward into a "beam" or pillar of flame, though doing so requires additional effort and concentration, and the size of the aura's normal area of effect decreases correspondingly until it returns to normal. After a period of training to improve the spell, Magnus' control of this ability is such that he can selectively choose who or what is set on fire, rather than burning everyone and everything that comes near him regardless of alliance. This also increases the natural range of the aura and its beam by about half a foot (from two) and three meters (from twelve) respectively, and in addition, it greatly improve's Magnus' natural strength and slightly improves his natural speed too, though this effect also decreases as the aura beam increases in length.
General Equipment:
Travelling rations, including purified water, several days, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he gathers from his exploits in the field;
A reasonable supply of coin, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he earns from his exploits in the field;
Easy-release holster for crystal stave;
Several meter length of rope;
Several small daggers and palm-sized steel orbs, intended for hunting, can be thrown at foes as a last ditch ranged attack. |
13,289 | 382 | 11 | 1,258 | 2,264 | Alex appréciait son vin et ignorait les nains qui faisaient pression sur la façon dont elle avait obtenu son nom, mais elle a été forcée d'arrêter quand Aurora a demandé si tous les humains parlaient comme elle ou si c'était la même chose pour le nain, heureusement il a répondu d'abord mais elle s'est assurée de le soutenir. "Oui, ce qu'il dit est vrai. Toutefois, ces facteurs de changement incluent également la race, à quelques exceptions près. Elle était sur le point de retourner boire mais s'est arrêtée juste à court de continuer "En outre, j'avais l'habitude de parler comme vous Aurora, bien que maintenant je suis ermite alors je n'ai pas trouvé besoin de le faire plus, pas beaucoup de beggers ne pouvaient pas me comprendre vous voyez?"
Avec un petit ronflement, elle regarda alors vers le nain, son visage toujours agréable et détendue bien que son ton ait un soupçon d'ennui. "A la porte les gens sont tenus de leur donner des noms avant d'entrer et puis il y a des choses comme la dette, les freinds, la famille, les marchands que vous voulez s'entendre avec, des rumeurs, votre signature et beaucoup d'autres choses." Avec cela, elle a pris une grosse perruque de la bouteille, donnant un soupir heureux et changeant son regard au renard, bien qu'elle ait toujours parlé à Magnus. « Comme je l'ai dit avant de découvrir un nom est trivial et j'ai peut-être utilisé une ou plusieurs de ces méthodes. Maintenant, arrêtez de demander, vous faisant le goût mauvais de la boisson." Elle sourit au renard et se frotta les doigts sur le comptoir pour tenter d'attirer son attention. Elle a toujours été une pour s'entendre avec les animaux quoi qu'il arrive, mais étant donné ce qu'elle était, elle n'a pas trouvé cela étrange. | Name: Alexandra ???
Age: 58
Race: Human - Lycanthrope
Appearance: Long locks of wild ash blond hair flow down to the middle of Alex's back, her bangs barely cover her deep crimson eyes that seem to hold great wisdom and at the same time great loss. Standing at 5'6" she is far from the most impressive looking fighter with her rather feminine features, however on closer inspection one would see that she is rather toned and not one piece of her body was wasted on anything else other than training for combat. Combined with her sharp red eyes and natural threatening demeanor she can be rather intimidating when she needs to be, but often covers up as much as possible with the use of simple travelers clothes in black and brown, the only things standing out being the royal crest on the sword scabbard by her side.
Personality: Alex has become very laid back in her 'old age' taking things as they come with a dry wit, maintaining many subtle mannerisms of her past station and animal like nature, such as being rather accepting of certain people with a kindly aura about them, being able to judge people at just a glance. Within combat she will show herself to be a no-nonsense warrior who carries herself with grace and dignity. However, she has deep seeded regret, blaming herself for being unable to stop it all that happened in the past despite how big the event was.
Morality / Religion: She despises the gods, blaming them even more so than herself for what transpired, tho she considers those that still hold faith fools she wont openly state such. Once she wanted to be a hero, someone of noble intentions and strong will and though she did not consider herself as such she still maintained a code of never killing a surrendered enemy herself, or putting her blade to a unarmed enemy, no matter who or what.
Biography:A baby left on the stairs of the castle, a common sight to say the least; the poor always hoped that they would bring up the child instead of sending it to the poor house, but it was never too be... Until a single rainy night when the servants of the castle brought in a baby from the rain, a ashen blonde baby wrapped in the finest of weaved cotton. However what gave them pause was the babies pure blood red eyes, a sight that made them call the master of the house.
It was the uniqueness of the baby that saved it as it was brought into the house to be raised alongside Prince Elrin. When the boy grew into both king and man, so did the girl come to be a women and known throughout the land as the royal guard captain to King Elrin himself, a place of respect and power. How she became the kings right hand was never truly known to the public, neither were her unique powers, but her loyalty to him was unmistakable. She remained by his side, even during the Decent of the world, she was willing to face gods and worse to keep him safe but...
Now she comes to this city, looking for answers and maybe a new start, and maybe even a little bit of hope?
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Monk
Combat Style: Alex uses a wild style of hand to hand combat from her more primal side, a style she has forged to be able to taken out normally armed enemies. However she is also a trained two handed swords-women, capable of using large weaponry as if it was nothing thanks to abnormal strength, though she has not shown interest in using a sword anymore other than training.
Weapons / Tools:Broken Sword: A sword bearing the royal crest. It was once a huge sword but now broken in half it is no more than length than a longsword.Light Leather Armor
Skills / Natural Abilities:TransformStrength: Thanks to her natural ability combined with her training Alex is very strongCunning: Years of living and experiences has molded her mind into one of a strategist and clever fighter
General Equipment:Backpack: 5 rations, water, bedroll with pillowSmall hunting knifeFormal dress |
13,290 | 382 | 12 | 269 | 2,335 | Magnus le Rouge
- Oui. J'avais oublié de donner ton nom à l'entrée. Bien que depuis que j'ai passé la dernière décennie ou ainsi de ma vie avec l'École de Devastation, la seule chose qui s'applique vraiment il y aurait ma signature dans le livre d'entrée - pour autant que je sache, aucune dette, famille, marchandie ou rumeurs n'ont été associées avec moi pendant tout ce temps, et pour autant que je sache, les artistes ont tendance à ne pas parler à des gens en dehors de l'École de leurs relations étroites. Peut-être que c'est juste moi. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'entre nous de toute façon, donc ce n'est pas trop difficile, j'imagine.
Mais assez d'inquiétude pour savoir d'où elle vient mon nom. C'est l'heure de commencer. En mettant un sourire léger, je dis vite et jovialement "Oh, c'était moi qui fabriquais" la boisson mauvais goût? Yer sûr que ce n'était pas une attitude conflictuelle à propos du sujet en question, lass? Parce que je suis presque sûr que c'était l'âge de tha' ou d'yer advancin qui a ruiné l'alcool d'yer. | Name:
Magnus the Red
Rust Dwarf
Magnus naturally appears similar to other rust dwarves, at only around 120cm tall and a quite bulky build, with red scruffy hair on both his head and face, as well as dark brown skin and eyes that, whilst once a similar shade of brown, now tend more toward maroon, or even a dark crimson shade in the right lighting; his face, at least what can be seen of it under his beard, is seemingly quite angular. Most of his bodily features are, however, hidden under his choice of clothing, a plain bright red robe over darker red clothing of the same material, up to and including gloves, itself concealing both armour and another layer of clothing beneath that, plus a large solid helmet completely covering his head. Most of his carried items tend to be hidden somewhere within his robes, including his stave, and the whole setup tends to make him look at least a head taller than he really is.
Magnus tends to react to the world around him in a non-plussed manner - he has, so to speak, "seen it all", or at least a large enough proportion of whatever "it" entails to not be particularly fazed by the events that occur in his life, despite his fairly young age. Thus, his interactions with others are frequently quite deadpan in terms of response content, though his tone is typically jovial, if occasionally mocking to a fault if he thinks he can get a rise out of somebody.
Having experienced the worst excesses of religious fervor firsthand, and given that a full two thirds of the Dwaorkint Pantheon has turned against the mortals of the world, Magnus rarely if ever pays heed to any deity, and has a tendency to make jokes at the expense of any priests in the area if he knows they are present. Despite this, he is not malicious at heart - he will apologise when he recognises that he's gone too far with a joke, and tends to assist those who are technically good over those who are technically just when his hand is forced; he also secretly admires the goddess Juunda for remaining steadfastly on the side of dwarfkind and mortal life in general when the other two dwarven deities fell for, in the grand scheme of things, two of the most materialistic and quite frankly downright petty reasons out of all the Anti-Gods.
Born with the last name of Vulkan a few years before the Great Descent began, Magnus remembers little of his early childhood, aside from moving out of the underground caves where most other dwarves lived a while back due to some dispute involving his parents, the content of which he has never been made aware. Regardless, he and his family were not located within these caves when the Creeping Death trapped most of their number inside, and after the fact, his parents for some reason began believing that part of a prophecy had been fulfilled, with the remainder stating that every last mortal would die... never mind that they themselves came up with the prophecy, at least a year after the Descent proper had ended, and this issue soon escalated into full-blown worship of the Anti-Gods, with the radical and extreme nature of such worship increasing with the passage of time. Needless to say, it didn't take a genius to realise that there was something inherently wrong about this sort of behaviour, though it took the young Magnus a few years to figure out exactly why worshipping the entities apparently trying to destroy everything was a bad idea, not helped by several well-placed lies from his parents. He finally reached a tipping point when, not a mile from where he lived, he discovered the remnants of an elemental storm's passing, and at the age of thirteen, packed his belongings and ran away from home.
This, evidently, was not a good idea. His violent hatred of anything resembling religion at the time made him quite a few enemies amongst those mortals worshipping the deities who had not turned against them, and he was poorly equipped at best to fighting even the weakest of Living Shadows, thus forcing him to live a life of poverty on the streets of his home city for a good two years. It was at this point that things finally turned up for Magnus, in the form of the School of Devastation passing through the city. Desperate for a change, he demanded to be accepted into the School as an acolyte Artist, a notion which was scoffed at until he floored one of the more senior members with a lucky jaw punch, subsequently passed off as a certain degree of "street smarts". Convinced by at least his physical ability, the heads of the School begrudgingly allowed him to begin training as an Artist, reasoning that perhaps he would prove more magically capable than he looked.
Long story short, he didn't. Short story long, it took him until he was twenty two to finally realise his Pyric Aura, and even then that acted as a practical extension of his physical combat abilities; the reason he wasn't kicked out of the School before then was precisely because of these physical combat abilities, which he shockingly excelled in relative to his actual time spent at the School, proving to be one of the most capable acolytes the present members had ever seen, a feat proven all the more true when, as a test, he was given a dwarf-sized, unenchanted Devastator's Aegis at the age of twenty, and was hardly slowed down even whilst wearing it. Still, it took another two years of practicing his combat ability and his one spell before he was finally considered ready to graduate to become a fully-qualified Artist; passing the corresponding test by a significant margin, he was elevated to the level of Artist proper, donning the title of Magnus the Red, and continued to train with the School for another year and a half to further improve his Pyric Aura and try to learn additional spells, though he failed to do so. This, he and the leaders of the School ultimately reasoned, was due to the way the School dealt with Shadows and demons - whilst staying in one spot would have allowed hordes of ever more powerful creatures to overwhelm them, moving around meant that the mass of skilled mages within the School could fairly easily deal with the vast majority of whatever they happened to come across as a giant group, which meant that Magnus rarely if ever faced a challenge.
With that in mind, he asked for, and received, permission to head out on his own, to train himself fighting against the monstrosities of the world on his own terms, and ultimately to better himself for the experience before he returned to the School, hopefully a wiser and more powerful Artist for the experience. The School has dropped him off in Urenda before passing on with their journey, and he wholly expects a good match for his abilities to be found somewhere within the city proper, or else in the wider world beyond.
Other Notes:
Magnus' eyes have begun to turn red as a result of the particular association the Art of Devastation makes between the elements and their users, in his case involving the use of fire. As he progresses magically, he will likely experience other changes to certain physical features, depending on what spells he ultimately learns to perform.
Combat Style:
The Art of Devastation: This mixed style, presently taught by a now-travelling institution creatively called the School of Devastation and its practicioners referred to as "Artists" or less frequently "Devastators", caters specifically to battlemages, and is extremely combat-oriented and relatively pragmatic in nature; its physical combat tends to revolve around wide and powerful blows with long weapons, blunt or otherwise, whilst the Arcane magic supporting it is oriented toward the Primal school, specifically the Elemental subschool, this acting as one of the most significant and immediately obvious enhancers of destructive capacity at both short and long range of the various magic types, as well as a modifier to the wielder's features depending on what elements they are actually capable with. That said, Natural magic is also used somewhat frequently in a number of destructive capacities, such as the generation of highly-potent toxins, and it is not unheard of for advanced Artists to also utilise Illusion and Charm magic to trick opponents into more exploitable situations, improving their tactical abilities when simply improving their power is no longer the most efficient option. Ironically enough, the seemingly more subtle school of Destruction is rarely utilised by lower level Artists, though it will often be incorporated by very powerful Artists who have nothing more to gain from the Primal school; in light of what happens to the souls of those who die post-Descent, some Artists have even attempted to utilise Necromancy to preserve themselves and remain on this side of the mortal coil indefinitely, though without a set base to work from, there has not been any indication of success in this regard yet, at least to those outside these experiments.
Crystal Stave: About as tall as Magnus himself outside of his clothing and armour, and typically stowed away within his robes, this stave is fairly basic, with a sharp point at the end and three moderately sharp edges, yet composed of fine crystal. It therefore comes as a shock to many that, far from being fragile, it is hard and sturdy enough to block most physical attacks with a scratch at most, and heavy enough to cause serious damage, up to and including bone fractures, if a solid hit is allowed to connect, a feat only helped by its capacity to both stab through chain links and flesh and focus the force of a blow along the edges to crush plate armour more easily.
Devastator's Aegis: One might expect the armour of a school of battlemages to be fairly loose, if still protective in some form, so as to allow for maximum casting mobility. What is rarely expected is how heavily defended many Artists actually are in combat, and the Devastator's Aegis is the epitome of this: worn underneath a second layer of clothing and a robe, highly resilient against harm of many sorts, yet still mobile enough for the Artist wearing it to dodge fairly effectively when needed. The biggest issue with armour of this sort, compared to lighter equivalents within the School, is how much heat it traps even when not worn under multiple extra layers of clothing, and the weight that its wearer must move at any given moment, thereby requiring most users to acclimate themselves to the heatstroke-inducing conditions it imposes over many years, and even then only usually being donned in preparation for battle; the reason Magnus is an exception to this is on account of his native resistance to heat, allowing him to remain suited for long periods of time despite the conditions within, though he evidently has to remove the helmet to eat and drink, and usually sleeps outside of the armour in civilised locations. Notably, a Devastator's Aegis is usually enchanted to resist many types of magic, where Magnus' has not for reasons of relative inexperience, i.e. only having a single specific spell, and that mostly utilised to enhance physical combat; this is in part why he has headed out into the world at large, in an effort to acquire the skill needed to increase his magical ability to a sufficient degree, though as a dwarf, his hereditary magic resistance to some extent nullifies these requirements.
Skills/Natural Abilities:
Magic Resistance: Magnus is naturally quite resistant to all types of magic on account of being a dwarf, though this boon also severely lowers his capacity to perform magic under normal circumstances, and it has taken a fairly significant length of time to achieve what little magic he does currently possess.
Heat Resistance: Magnus can withstand high temperatures due to the extremes of his birthplace, a trait which allows him to wear the Devastator's Aegis for very long periods of time without trouble, and better enables his particular preferred spell setup.
Unyielding: As a result of his training, and through wearing the Devastator's Aegis consistently for long periods of time over the past few years, Magnus has acquired both greater strength and endurance than even the average Iron Dwarf, though not to an overly substantial degree; even so, he can quite handily move around within the Aegis and associated robes as though they are a second skin, with no sign that it enervates him to do so, and can both deal out and take blows that would fell most humans, though many theoretical foes are far beyond average in terms of resistance or damage capabilities.
Spells/Magical Abilities:
Pyric Aura: Magnus' natural association with heat has led to him developing this spell, wherein he apparently lights himself and his weapon on fire. This aura, as might be expected, sets on fire those who move within a couple of feet of Magnus, and can be extended outward into a "beam" or pillar of flame, though doing so requires additional effort and concentration, and the size of the aura's normal area of effect decreases correspondingly until it returns to normal. After a period of training to improve the spell, Magnus' control of this ability is such that he can selectively choose who or what is set on fire, rather than burning everyone and everything that comes near him regardless of alliance. This also increases the natural range of the aura and its beam by about half a foot (from two) and three meters (from twelve) respectively, and in addition, it greatly improve's Magnus' natural strength and slightly improves his natural speed too, though this effect also decreases as the aura beam increases in length.
General Equipment:
Travelling rations, including purified water, several days, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he gathers from his exploits in the field;
A reasonable supply of coin, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he earns from his exploits in the field;
Easy-release holster for crystal stave;
Several meter length of rope;
Several small daggers and palm-sized steel orbs, intended for hunting, can be thrown at foes as a last ditch ranged attack. |
13,291 | 382 | 13 | 990 | 170 | Rexton "Rex" Briar
Rexton se promena joyeusement dans les rues, passant acheter tous les marchands qui essaient de vendre leurs marchandises. Aucun d'eux n'a jamais prêté beaucoup d'attention à lui, mais c'était par conception. Il était bon pour réduire sa présence et, à des moments comme ceux-ci, c'était un très bon trait d'avoir en dehors du combat. Il a tourné la tête pour regarder en arrière dans la rue et a vu plusieurs marchands sortir et pratiquement traîner les gens à leurs kiosques. Rexton se sentait attristé par ces gens. Ils ont tous perdu de vue le désespoir et semblent avoir perdu de vue certaines des choses les plus simples de la vie, comme le service à la clientèle. Rexton secoua la tête, se détourna et continua de marcher dans la rue vers le bar local. Il a apprécié la boisson occasionnelle au bar pour calmer ses nerfs après une journée stressante de chasse à l'extérieur des murs de la ville. Comme une grande partie de la faune a été corrompue ou dévorée, il est devenu de plus en plus difficile de trouver des proies convenables pour chasser et manger. Après quelques minutes de marche, Rexton a finalement atteint le bar.
Le premier coup d'œil quand il s'ouvrit à la porte était trois personnes intéressantes assises au bar. Il a regardé les trois quand il est monté au bar. Il a remarqué que les femmes aux yeux rouges, et pouvait sentir qu'elle était un lycan. Il l'avait remarquée auparavant, marchant à travers la ville, mais n'avait jamais pris la peine de s'approcher d'elle. Les deux à côté d'elle qu'il n'avait jamais vus auparavant. L'un était un nain en armure pourpre et l'autre était ce qui ressemblait à un jeune elfe avec son renard. "Un lycan, un elfe et un nain entrent dans un bar. On dirait le début d'une mauvaise blague », se disait-il avec un sourire alors qu'il prenait place à côté du nain cramoisi. "Hé, garde-boue! Surprenez-moi aujourd'hui." Il a dit de placer quelques pièces sur le haut de la barre.
"Hé! Rexton, j'attendais que tu dises ça », a répondu le barman avec un sourire. Il entre ensuite à l'arrière de sa station et revient quelques instants plus tard avec un verre d'un liquide mystérieux. "J'ai fait ça juste pour toi, mon pote." Il a dit avec un sourire dérisoire.
Rexton lui a donné un regard de confusion et d'excitation. "Je ne sais pas ce que tu as fait, mais tu sais que ça ne me fera pas peur," dit-il avec son propre sourire. Il a ramassé le verre et en a pris une grosse perruque, et a presque instantanément craché sur sa droite, "Sainte carpe! C'est dégoûtant! Qu'est-ce que tu as mis dans ce truc?" Il a crié sur le bar.
"Oh, je pensais que ça te plairait. C'est un mélange spécial de vodka et de vieille huile de poisson que j'ai trouvé à l'arrière de mon inventaire." Le barman a dit de tenir son menton pour avoir l'air confus sur la raison pour laquelle un de ses clients les plus aimés ne l'aimait pas.
"Huile de poisson! Allez mec, c'est un désastre qui attend d'arriver et tu le sais! Va me chercher un vrai verre!" Rexton continua à crier sur l'entretien, mais son visage sérieux s'était divisé en un grand sourire. Il aime quand les gens étaient encore capables de montrer un peu d'humour au milieu de l'apocalypse, et il ne pouvait pas rester fou. Il a regardé le barman rire et s'en aller pour lui offrir un nouveau verre. Rexton s'est ensuite repositionné dans son tabouret pour affronter le nain et les autres. "Pouvez-vous croire des gens?" Il se dirigea vers l'entretien, "Les noms Rexton, mais n'hésitez pas à m'appeler Rex. De quoi parlez-vous?" | Name: Rexton “Rex” Briar
Age: 24
Race: Natural Lycanthrope - Wolf
Appearance: Rexton has neon white hair with black streaks that falls just short of his shoulders. Amber eyes that glow brightly in the night. He has white wolf ears with black fur lining the edges, and a large black tail. Scars, of various shapes and sizes, blanket his 5’6” body from the shoulders down. He has a slim form, but a very toned build. With a closer look, every muscle seems to be built for speed rather than power. Rex is usually seen wearing a ragged and torn white coatthat has a hood attached, a black T-shirt, and grey shorts.
Personality: Rexton is like a two sided coin. On one side Rexton is a relatively happy individual despite being alone until recently. He tries to aid those that need help and doesn’t treat anybody like they are inferior. He doesn’t expect to make any friends, but if he does, he is surprisingly loyal to them. He will put his life on the line for those he cares about. On the other side of the coin is the boy who is haunted by troubles and death of his pack. He can’t stand bullying and will get physically rough with those who are trying to victimize somebody. He has a surprisingly short temper when it comes to talking about his past. Despite his good and bad points, he is an amazing tactician. This is mainly due to his will to survive from the years he spent alone. He doesn’t tend to lead a group, but is always willing to give his opinion or advice when it is needed.
Morality / Religion: Rex worships no gods. He doesn’t hate or belittle those who do, but his faith in the gods was lost the day his pack died. Although he hates all the Anti-Gods, he especially detests Ruthek, the Leper due to his direct role in the murder of his pack. Although he doesn’t believe in indiscriminate murder or anything of the like, he is willing to do what he has to do in this day and age.
Biography:Rexton was the smallest of three brothers. His eldest brother was named Axel, and his other older brother was named Lee. Not only were his brothers taller, they were also stronger. The Briar pack viewed strength with the highest regard as it was key to the way they hunted. Rexton, growing up in this environment, with the mindset of his pack, was belittled and bullied by the other members of the pack. Lee was the worst offender. He was always scolding and bullying Rexton as if he was waste of space. His other brother, Axel, had a different point of view and was often the one defending Rexton from the ceaseless shaming sessions. Axel was the only member of the pack that never indulged himself in shaming his brother. Rexton was always encouraged by his brother to fight back, and show them that strength isn’t everything, but Rex never knew what his brother was talking about until later.
Rexton was still relatively young when The Great Descent happened. Axel had fully matured, and became the alpha of the pack. This was also around the time that Rexton’s own talents began to come into fruition. Where once he was beaten and bruised by the bigger and stronger members of his pack, they now couldn’t even touch him. He was fast, and his speed was considered a great resource in these new perilous days. The pack used Rex and his speed to scout out lands ahead for the never ending storms and the decending gods. He slowly found his own place in the pack, and was now more respected rather than hated. There were still a few, including his brother Lee, who continued to verbally abuse him, but those people were becoming fewer and fewer. Rexton and his pack were careful to steer clear of any signs of trouble and lived in relative peace. It wasn’t until almost a year later that the troubles of Reath hit Rexton and his pack. His pack was campin out a few miles away from a nearby village when Rex was asked to go scout a safe path to their next destination, and he happily agreed. When he was sure the path ahead was in the clear, he went back to his pack only to find death. When he finally returned, he found his pack closer to the village and facing down a large amount of monsters. The god Ruthek had descended upon the village and brought monsters and plague both down upon it. Rex watched, frozen in awe and terror, as his pack valiantly fought against the monsters. There were those who fell to the monsters, but the pack as a whole seemed as if they were fighting the monsters on equal footing, at least until Ruthek turned his gaze towards them. With a wave of a hand, Ruthek sent forth a fog like plaque that almost instantly killed the entire pack. One by one, the disease infected their skin and rapidly began eating away at their bodies. Axel, who was on the front lines, noticed this and locked eyes with Rexton who was far enough away that he wasn’t affected yet. With his dying breaths, Axel screamed at Rexton to run and get away from the area before he was infected too. Rex watched his brother slowly decay away after commanding him to flee. Rexton then turned and bolted away from the scene only turning back once he knew his away.
Rexton, now a lone wolf, lived a solemn life. He began to live alone on the outskirts of society, running away from the first sight of danger, and he did this for multiple years. Eventually, the life of solidarity began to eat away at his psyche and one day he snapped. When he came back to reality he was in front of the ruins of a destroyed village, covered in wounds and surrounded by the dead bodies of monsters and mortals. He doesn’t remember what happened, but survivors from the ruined village told him. The village was apparently attacked by the monsters, and that Rexton charged into them alone. He had used the exact same shadows the monsters were born from against them. He darted in and out of the darkness striking at the weaknesses of each monster. After all was done, he had multiple monsters and saved the lives of multiple people. He had sustained multiple serious injuries during the ordeal, and had to travel with the survivors in order to heal.
After Rexton’s wounds healed and he was back at full strength, he left the group of survivors and headed towards the port city of Urenda. He had heard that the city was a temporary safe haven. He has been there since, training his body and patiently waiting for the day he has the chance to kill a god.
Class: Assasin
Combat Style:He uses his speed in order to evade enemy attacks and then attack an enemy's weak point. If no weak point is available, he will attack the exact same spot in order to create or reveal a weak spot.
Weapons / Tools:A Wakizashi
Skills / Natural Abilities:(Things you have learned to do / abilities from your race or body. Also skills like natural or innate talents, i.e. he can run really fast)Unnatural Speed -He is really fast and becomes even faster the more his body consumes energyHide Presence - He can conceal himself in the shadows and nearly erase his presence from the surrounding area.Low-Light Vision - He can see normally with little light needed Transformation and Infection - He can transform into multiple form ranging from human to wolf, and can infect others with his lycanthropy.
Magic:Illusion Magic - After Image - Rexton can create after image of himself after using this ability. The cost of this ability is a large amount of strain on his muscles and can only be used a few times with out rest.
General Equipment:A small packDaggers6 days rationsfirst aid supplies
Miscellaneous:Theme Song - |
13,292 | 382 | 14 | 1,892 | 1,617 | Qu'est-ce que tu forges?
Orodyuke s'arrêta, et regarda dans les ténèbres qui l'entouraient. Le murmure venait d'une figure accrochée juste au bord de sa vision, sa forme obscurcie par la noirceur que la lumière des braises douces de sa forge n'a pas atteint. Un futur qu'il a appelé automatiquement, avant de revenir attentivement à son travail, le claquage résonnant de son marteau échouant dans le vide.
Il a entendu plus que voir, la figure lentement et avec des traces de lumière font son chemin autour de la piscine de lumière. Il l'a ignorée, en se concentrant sur sa tâche, même lorsqu'il l'a senti regarder sur son épaule et examiner son travail manuel.
Mais mon cher Smith, il s'est glissé dans l'oreille. Vous n'avez pas de matériaux! Demandez-vous qu'on vous les accorde?
La poignée d'Orodyuke s'est serrée sur son marteau, mais il a continué à travailler. Il a grognonné entre les grèves Les morts doivent façonner l'avenir par leur propre force.
Encore un ringard. Vous n'arriverez pas jusqu'à présent... avec des produits de si mauvaise qualité.
J'ai la foi.
La foi?La voix disait incrédulement, et maintenant elle semblait s'énerver. Il rugissait, et beaucoup d'autres aussi, tout comme les feux de la forge au fur et à mesure qu'ils éclataient à la vie et qu'ils devenaient dix fois une colonne de flamme imposante, bannissant l'obscurité et jetant des ombres cauchemardesques sur les masses enchevêtrées de cadavres qui sont maintenant révélés; brisés, ensanglantés et mutilés, autour de la forge.
C'est le résultat de votre foi.Les voix ont chorégraphié.
Baignés de lumière pourpre, les corps des parents d'Orodyuke, ceux qui avaient regardé vers lui et dépendaient de lui, regardaient accusablement avec des yeux glacés. Orodyuke trembla devant eux, et des larmes apparurent dans ses yeux anciens. J'essayais de te sauver.
Vos excuses ne signifient rien pour nous. Nous avons cru en vous, et vous nous avez conduits à notre mort. MURDERER.
Orodyuke a couvert ses oreilles et s'est enroulé dans une balle alors que les apparitions le tourmentaient. Puis lentement, délibérément, il s'est pris et a repris à frapper sur l'enclume, alors même que les fantômes continuaient à hurler leur angoisse contre lui. Il a fallu un certain temps, mais leur tumulte a progressivement diminué, et le feu enflammé s'est lentement réduit, devenant calme.
"Vous insistez pour essayer alors?" ils ont dit finalement.
Pourquoi? Nous ne vous pardonnerons pas peu importe.
Justice. Pour vous tous. Je vais forcer Kurladt à voir la vérité.
Tu amènerais un dieu devant la justice avec ce truc... triste? Ils murmuraient, les flammes s'amenuisaient encore plus. Les dieux SONT la justice... ils n'ont jamais été tenus responsables. Et le mortel dont les mains sont tachées... c'est toi.
Le feu s'éteignit complètement, laissant Orodyuke seul dans l'obscurité.
Ils lui ont chuchoté.
Comment ça?
C'est avec de lourdes chutes de pied et des articulations raides qu'Orodyuke s'est traîné dans les escaliers rickety Inns et s'est plonné sur un tabouret près du bar, se sentant égoutté. Il avait espéré avoir une meilleure nuit de sommeil une fois qu'il était à l'intérieur de la ville. Mais les murs d'Urenda ne pouvaient rien faire pour le protéger des loups à l'intérieur de sa tête. Ce n'était que son deuxième jour hors de la route, mais les tours troublants que son imagination jouait sur lui seulement l'a convaincu plus loin qu'il ne pouvait pas retarder. Aujourd'hui, il doit parler aux prêtres.
Mais d'abord...
Le vieux nain a levé les yeux depuis le comptoir. Garde à vue. Je pourrais vraiment avoir besoin d'un verre raide. | Name: Aurora
Age: 19
Race: Frost Elf
Appearance: Aurora's looks really do honour her name. Her face is soft graced by pale blue eyes, but very obviously of elven origins, aka not round but more vertically elongated with a pointed chin. Framing the face is a mighty mane of hair white as snow topped off by two, also white, fox ears. This mighty mane of hers extends down to her hips and will look extremely graceful when the wind is blowing. From her tailbone, though, extends a soft, long, flowing fox's tail with white fur.
Since Aurora lives even farther in the north than most of the survivor, in the deep, deep snow, she usually wears very warm winter coats. In the rare moments she actually wanders into villages, she will pull up the hood of the coat to hide her ears, as she feels like it will make her seem like a demon child or something.
One of the less visible facts of her biology are the fangs in her mouth, which are normally only visible when her mouth is sufficiently open.
Her statue is small, at 4'10", and lithe, but at the same time she has a robust look to her, someone who can withstand the woes of this world.
Personality: As Aurora grew up almost completely alone since her 10th summer, she is awkward with social interactions and seems shy. but if she warms up (pun intended!) to somebody she can be quite cheerful. Despite her innocent appearance she is quite the trickster and will often try stuff on people to get a nice laugh out of them. Combining her skills with traps and her "stealthiness", she makes for one fearsome trickster and prankster.
Due to her time in the wilds she doesn't seem scared of anything but the fear of not having an arrow ready to be shot.
Morality / Religion: Aurora frequently prays to Sylsetria, especially before and after a hunt. She doesn't care that she is a weak goddess. Completely convinced that Sylsetria is the goddess responsible for her continued survival so far, she is absolutely sure she wants to give the goddess more power over the world to turn it beautiful once again. Another task she relegates to Sylsetria is her usual prayer before any bout of combat "Let my aim be true." Since she hasn't been brought up will all elvish traditions and stories about the gods, she made Sylsetria a goddess of hunting and archery for her.
Biography:Aurora's parents were nomads. Not hit particularly heavy by the Great Descent at first, her mother had been pregnant with her when the Creeping Death made both her parents sick. Exposed to a high dose of divine magic as well as the sickness, the embryo mutated and developed traits of the arctic fox. Despite her parents slowly dying, slowed even further due to their hardy elven genes, Aurora seemed very healthy and unaffected by the Creeping Death. As her parents slowly wandered even further north into the icy and snowy regions of the desolate, but uncorrupted lands of the mountainous tundra. There her parents died, but not before teaching the 10 year old elfin a few necessary tricks to survive in the coming winter.
During the following 9 years almost absolutely nothing of interest happened to Aurora except that she learned to survive under hostile environmental circumstances as well as reading and writing from books that she managed to find in abandoned villages, which were left more than a century ago due to a huge storm that apparently had destroyed all their valuable farming land for a couple of years. Nowadays, however, the climate was too cold for wheat to grow and so Aurora was always on the move, sometimes not meeting another sentient being for months. And so she had only animals to keep her company. After a while Aurora managed to "befriend" a female arctic fox, which she seemed to understand a bit, mostly due to her animal traits. After a few more of such incidents, she found a way to, if not talk, then communicate with the more intelligent animals, but also not all of them. Maybe the ones she could talk to were also mutations caused by the creeping death, was her only logical explanation.
A month before she made her way to Urenda, Aurora finally decided to settle down somewhere in the fertile area of the tundra and to try farming for once. For this, though, she needed tools. Tools to build a home and tools to build new tools used for farming and maybe even husbandry.
From her visits to minor villages, she had heard about the town of Urenda where she hoped to gain everything to build herself a new life, without the judgmental eyes of the humans, elves or dwarfs.
Other Notes:Nothing for now.
Class: Ranger/Trapper
Combat Style:In her few encounters with lesser shadows, she always tended to stay out of range and rely on careful planning of the battlefield laying out traps and, out of stealth, sniping the sometimes nonexistent heads off the shadows with her repertoire of several different kind of arrows. If it does come down to close quarters combat, she hacks away at enemies with her axe made with Norse elvin steel.
Weapons / Tools:Bow and different kinds of arrows, all self assembled (Arrow types include flammable arrows, exploding arrows, poisonous arrows, arrows with hardened tips able to pierce armour, arrows with hook-tips and other, rarer types which she will only assemble when needed)All sorts of accessories used to build traps Her trusty axe made out of old Norse elvin steel
Skills / Natural Abilities:Keen Senses, i.e improved hearing, due to her animal ears and improved sightSneaky stealthiness, as in, she learned how to not be seenRacial ability: Create sparks to light fires
Spells / Magical Abilities: Semi-magical connection to animals
General Equipment:Always carries around a stash of furs and rare herbs which she can sellHer "crafting equipment", aka carving knife and her "sewing kit"Basically her house, since she's a nomad, with fur tent and bedrolls all in her backpack, which is more of a sledge/cart.
I don't know if I'm done yet, but I ask to excuse any mistakes. It is 6:30 am, been working on this since 2:30am... including distractions... |
13,293 | 382 | 15 | 1,258 | 2,264 | Alex sourit joyeusement alors que le renard se déplaçait pour frotter contre ses doigts, la douceur des petites fourrures était incroyable et lui fit même ignorer le petit poignard des nains à son attitude et à son âge, pour un moment. "Juste parce que je garde ma beauté ne veut pas dire que tu devrais être jaloux, juste parce que tous les nains ont l'air d'être d'âge moyen avant même qu'ils atteignent l'âge adulte." Elle n'a pas parlé de son attitude, principalement parce qu'il aurait pu avoir raison sur ce fait. Pourtant, elle est revenue profiter de la compagnie du renard pour l'instant, en s'assurant de frapper ses oreilles comme elle a apprécié son vin.
Peu de temps plus tard, Alex sentit une présence familière, une autre de sang animal qu'elle avait remarquée dans les rues, donc elle soupçonna toujours qu'il n'était pas dangereux, pas comme certains de leurs frères les plus sauvages. Cependant, il semblait qu'Aurora ne partageait pas ces sentiments comme la panique! Étendre sa jambe Alex a attrapé la chaise avant qu'elle ne frappe le sol, et c'était tout ce qu'elle avait prévu jusqu'à ce qu'elle aperçoive et entende un "non" murmuré venir des lèvres des elfes d'oreilles de renard. Dans un instant, Alex a laissé aller la bouteille de vin, l'ayant reposée sur son genou, et a rapidement déplacé la capuche d'Aurora sur sa tête, en veillant à garder sa main là-bas et à caresser la fille pour essayer de la calmer.
Elle avait probablement avancé assez vite que quiconque ne prêtait pas attention l'a manqué, mais ceux qui étaient au comptoir avec eux étaient sûrs de le remarquer. "Shh, asseyez-vous jeune." Pendant un moment, Alex a sonné chaud et plutôt noble dans son discours alors qu'elle essayait d'arrêter la fille, sa jambe tirant le tabouret vers le haut et son autre main libre sortant du renard pour ramasser et mettre la bouteille de vin sur le comptoir. "Il ne va pas te faire de mal, il n'est qu'un chiot." Elle se lança, retourna à sa façon rugueuse de parler, bien qu'il fût clair qu'elle évitait le sujet de ses oreilles jusqu'à ce qu'elle se soit calmée. Cela ne l'a pas empêchée de se tourner vers Rex avec une expression blanche : "Regarde ça, tu as fait peur à la pauvre fille." | Name: Alexandra ???
Age: 58
Race: Human - Lycanthrope
Appearance: Long locks of wild ash blond hair flow down to the middle of Alex's back, her bangs barely cover her deep crimson eyes that seem to hold great wisdom and at the same time great loss. Standing at 5'6" she is far from the most impressive looking fighter with her rather feminine features, however on closer inspection one would see that she is rather toned and not one piece of her body was wasted on anything else other than training for combat. Combined with her sharp red eyes and natural threatening demeanor she can be rather intimidating when she needs to be, but often covers up as much as possible with the use of simple travelers clothes in black and brown, the only things standing out being the royal crest on the sword scabbard by her side.
Personality: Alex has become very laid back in her 'old age' taking things as they come with a dry wit, maintaining many subtle mannerisms of her past station and animal like nature, such as being rather accepting of certain people with a kindly aura about them, being able to judge people at just a glance. Within combat she will show herself to be a no-nonsense warrior who carries herself with grace and dignity. However, she has deep seeded regret, blaming herself for being unable to stop it all that happened in the past despite how big the event was.
Morality / Religion: She despises the gods, blaming them even more so than herself for what transpired, tho she considers those that still hold faith fools she wont openly state such. Once she wanted to be a hero, someone of noble intentions and strong will and though she did not consider herself as such she still maintained a code of never killing a surrendered enemy herself, or putting her blade to a unarmed enemy, no matter who or what.
Biography:A baby left on the stairs of the castle, a common sight to say the least; the poor always hoped that they would bring up the child instead of sending it to the poor house, but it was never too be... Until a single rainy night when the servants of the castle brought in a baby from the rain, a ashen blonde baby wrapped in the finest of weaved cotton. However what gave them pause was the babies pure blood red eyes, a sight that made them call the master of the house.
It was the uniqueness of the baby that saved it as it was brought into the house to be raised alongside Prince Elrin. When the boy grew into both king and man, so did the girl come to be a women and known throughout the land as the royal guard captain to King Elrin himself, a place of respect and power. How she became the kings right hand was never truly known to the public, neither were her unique powers, but her loyalty to him was unmistakable. She remained by his side, even during the Decent of the world, she was willing to face gods and worse to keep him safe but...
Now she comes to this city, looking for answers and maybe a new start, and maybe even a little bit of hope?
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Monk
Combat Style: Alex uses a wild style of hand to hand combat from her more primal side, a style she has forged to be able to taken out normally armed enemies. However she is also a trained two handed swords-women, capable of using large weaponry as if it was nothing thanks to abnormal strength, though she has not shown interest in using a sword anymore other than training.
Weapons / Tools:Broken Sword: A sword bearing the royal crest. It was once a huge sword but now broken in half it is no more than length than a longsword.Light Leather Armor
Skills / Natural Abilities:TransformStrength: Thanks to her natural ability combined with her training Alex is very strongCunning: Years of living and experiences has molded her mind into one of a strategist and clever fighter
General Equipment:Backpack: 5 rations, water, bedroll with pillowSmall hunting knifeFormal dress |
13,294 | 382 | 16 | 269 | 2,335 | Magnus le Rouge
C'était une chose qui vient d'arriver. Tout le truc avec "Rex" agissant délibérément sur un verre, c'est-à-dire, pas l'autre chose avec les oreilles d'une fille étant des oreilles de renard. J'ai vu des trucs plus bizarres que ça, mais Rexton... Je pense que lui et moi pourrions bien faire ensemble. Délibérément s'accrochant à la vue des oreilles de la jeune fille d'une manière non augmentée, et ignorant le commentaire de la sourate sur ma propre apparition au motif qu'elle n'a en fait pas commenté sur mon autre déclaration, me prouvant ainsi droit sur tous les comptes, je me tourne vers Rex avec un grand sourire sur mon visage. Eh bien, en fait, nous étions jus'parler 'vous 'n'yer tendance ta accepter des boissons mystérieuses de gens indignes. Quoi qu'il en soit, ah sachez qui est venu à nex' time ah ah se sentir comme une farce quelqu'un d'esprit de pisse dans une tasse, bien que ah je parie que vous pourriez chug que de toute façon, n'est-ce pas?' | Name:
Magnus the Red
Rust Dwarf
Magnus naturally appears similar to other rust dwarves, at only around 120cm tall and a quite bulky build, with red scruffy hair on both his head and face, as well as dark brown skin and eyes that, whilst once a similar shade of brown, now tend more toward maroon, or even a dark crimson shade in the right lighting; his face, at least what can be seen of it under his beard, is seemingly quite angular. Most of his bodily features are, however, hidden under his choice of clothing, a plain bright red robe over darker red clothing of the same material, up to and including gloves, itself concealing both armour and another layer of clothing beneath that, plus a large solid helmet completely covering his head. Most of his carried items tend to be hidden somewhere within his robes, including his stave, and the whole setup tends to make him look at least a head taller than he really is.
Magnus tends to react to the world around him in a non-plussed manner - he has, so to speak, "seen it all", or at least a large enough proportion of whatever "it" entails to not be particularly fazed by the events that occur in his life, despite his fairly young age. Thus, his interactions with others are frequently quite deadpan in terms of response content, though his tone is typically jovial, if occasionally mocking to a fault if he thinks he can get a rise out of somebody.
Having experienced the worst excesses of religious fervor firsthand, and given that a full two thirds of the Dwaorkint Pantheon has turned against the mortals of the world, Magnus rarely if ever pays heed to any deity, and has a tendency to make jokes at the expense of any priests in the area if he knows they are present. Despite this, he is not malicious at heart - he will apologise when he recognises that he's gone too far with a joke, and tends to assist those who are technically good over those who are technically just when his hand is forced; he also secretly admires the goddess Juunda for remaining steadfastly on the side of dwarfkind and mortal life in general when the other two dwarven deities fell for, in the grand scheme of things, two of the most materialistic and quite frankly downright petty reasons out of all the Anti-Gods.
Born with the last name of Vulkan a few years before the Great Descent began, Magnus remembers little of his early childhood, aside from moving out of the underground caves where most other dwarves lived a while back due to some dispute involving his parents, the content of which he has never been made aware. Regardless, he and his family were not located within these caves when the Creeping Death trapped most of their number inside, and after the fact, his parents for some reason began believing that part of a prophecy had been fulfilled, with the remainder stating that every last mortal would die... never mind that they themselves came up with the prophecy, at least a year after the Descent proper had ended, and this issue soon escalated into full-blown worship of the Anti-Gods, with the radical and extreme nature of such worship increasing with the passage of time. Needless to say, it didn't take a genius to realise that there was something inherently wrong about this sort of behaviour, though it took the young Magnus a few years to figure out exactly why worshipping the entities apparently trying to destroy everything was a bad idea, not helped by several well-placed lies from his parents. He finally reached a tipping point when, not a mile from where he lived, he discovered the remnants of an elemental storm's passing, and at the age of thirteen, packed his belongings and ran away from home.
This, evidently, was not a good idea. His violent hatred of anything resembling religion at the time made him quite a few enemies amongst those mortals worshipping the deities who had not turned against them, and he was poorly equipped at best to fighting even the weakest of Living Shadows, thus forcing him to live a life of poverty on the streets of his home city for a good two years. It was at this point that things finally turned up for Magnus, in the form of the School of Devastation passing through the city. Desperate for a change, he demanded to be accepted into the School as an acolyte Artist, a notion which was scoffed at until he floored one of the more senior members with a lucky jaw punch, subsequently passed off as a certain degree of "street smarts". Convinced by at least his physical ability, the heads of the School begrudgingly allowed him to begin training as an Artist, reasoning that perhaps he would prove more magically capable than he looked.
Long story short, he didn't. Short story long, it took him until he was twenty two to finally realise his Pyric Aura, and even then that acted as a practical extension of his physical combat abilities; the reason he wasn't kicked out of the School before then was precisely because of these physical combat abilities, which he shockingly excelled in relative to his actual time spent at the School, proving to be one of the most capable acolytes the present members had ever seen, a feat proven all the more true when, as a test, he was given a dwarf-sized, unenchanted Devastator's Aegis at the age of twenty, and was hardly slowed down even whilst wearing it. Still, it took another two years of practicing his combat ability and his one spell before he was finally considered ready to graduate to become a fully-qualified Artist; passing the corresponding test by a significant margin, he was elevated to the level of Artist proper, donning the title of Magnus the Red, and continued to train with the School for another year and a half to further improve his Pyric Aura and try to learn additional spells, though he failed to do so. This, he and the leaders of the School ultimately reasoned, was due to the way the School dealt with Shadows and demons - whilst staying in one spot would have allowed hordes of ever more powerful creatures to overwhelm them, moving around meant that the mass of skilled mages within the School could fairly easily deal with the vast majority of whatever they happened to come across as a giant group, which meant that Magnus rarely if ever faced a challenge.
With that in mind, he asked for, and received, permission to head out on his own, to train himself fighting against the monstrosities of the world on his own terms, and ultimately to better himself for the experience before he returned to the School, hopefully a wiser and more powerful Artist for the experience. The School has dropped him off in Urenda before passing on with their journey, and he wholly expects a good match for his abilities to be found somewhere within the city proper, or else in the wider world beyond.
Other Notes:
Magnus' eyes have begun to turn red as a result of the particular association the Art of Devastation makes between the elements and their users, in his case involving the use of fire. As he progresses magically, he will likely experience other changes to certain physical features, depending on what spells he ultimately learns to perform.
Combat Style:
The Art of Devastation: This mixed style, presently taught by a now-travelling institution creatively called the School of Devastation and its practicioners referred to as "Artists" or less frequently "Devastators", caters specifically to battlemages, and is extremely combat-oriented and relatively pragmatic in nature; its physical combat tends to revolve around wide and powerful blows with long weapons, blunt or otherwise, whilst the Arcane magic supporting it is oriented toward the Primal school, specifically the Elemental subschool, this acting as one of the most significant and immediately obvious enhancers of destructive capacity at both short and long range of the various magic types, as well as a modifier to the wielder's features depending on what elements they are actually capable with. That said, Natural magic is also used somewhat frequently in a number of destructive capacities, such as the generation of highly-potent toxins, and it is not unheard of for advanced Artists to also utilise Illusion and Charm magic to trick opponents into more exploitable situations, improving their tactical abilities when simply improving their power is no longer the most efficient option. Ironically enough, the seemingly more subtle school of Destruction is rarely utilised by lower level Artists, though it will often be incorporated by very powerful Artists who have nothing more to gain from the Primal school; in light of what happens to the souls of those who die post-Descent, some Artists have even attempted to utilise Necromancy to preserve themselves and remain on this side of the mortal coil indefinitely, though without a set base to work from, there has not been any indication of success in this regard yet, at least to those outside these experiments.
Crystal Stave: About as tall as Magnus himself outside of his clothing and armour, and typically stowed away within his robes, this stave is fairly basic, with a sharp point at the end and three moderately sharp edges, yet composed of fine crystal. It therefore comes as a shock to many that, far from being fragile, it is hard and sturdy enough to block most physical attacks with a scratch at most, and heavy enough to cause serious damage, up to and including bone fractures, if a solid hit is allowed to connect, a feat only helped by its capacity to both stab through chain links and flesh and focus the force of a blow along the edges to crush plate armour more easily.
Devastator's Aegis: One might expect the armour of a school of battlemages to be fairly loose, if still protective in some form, so as to allow for maximum casting mobility. What is rarely expected is how heavily defended many Artists actually are in combat, and the Devastator's Aegis is the epitome of this: worn underneath a second layer of clothing and a robe, highly resilient against harm of many sorts, yet still mobile enough for the Artist wearing it to dodge fairly effectively when needed. The biggest issue with armour of this sort, compared to lighter equivalents within the School, is how much heat it traps even when not worn under multiple extra layers of clothing, and the weight that its wearer must move at any given moment, thereby requiring most users to acclimate themselves to the heatstroke-inducing conditions it imposes over many years, and even then only usually being donned in preparation for battle; the reason Magnus is an exception to this is on account of his native resistance to heat, allowing him to remain suited for long periods of time despite the conditions within, though he evidently has to remove the helmet to eat and drink, and usually sleeps outside of the armour in civilised locations. Notably, a Devastator's Aegis is usually enchanted to resist many types of magic, where Magnus' has not for reasons of relative inexperience, i.e. only having a single specific spell, and that mostly utilised to enhance physical combat; this is in part why he has headed out into the world at large, in an effort to acquire the skill needed to increase his magical ability to a sufficient degree, though as a dwarf, his hereditary magic resistance to some extent nullifies these requirements.
Skills/Natural Abilities:
Magic Resistance: Magnus is naturally quite resistant to all types of magic on account of being a dwarf, though this boon also severely lowers his capacity to perform magic under normal circumstances, and it has taken a fairly significant length of time to achieve what little magic he does currently possess.
Heat Resistance: Magnus can withstand high temperatures due to the extremes of his birthplace, a trait which allows him to wear the Devastator's Aegis for very long periods of time without trouble, and better enables his particular preferred spell setup.
Unyielding: As a result of his training, and through wearing the Devastator's Aegis consistently for long periods of time over the past few years, Magnus has acquired both greater strength and endurance than even the average Iron Dwarf, though not to an overly substantial degree; even so, he can quite handily move around within the Aegis and associated robes as though they are a second skin, with no sign that it enervates him to do so, and can both deal out and take blows that would fell most humans, though many theoretical foes are far beyond average in terms of resistance or damage capabilities.
Spells/Magical Abilities:
Pyric Aura: Magnus' natural association with heat has led to him developing this spell, wherein he apparently lights himself and his weapon on fire. This aura, as might be expected, sets on fire those who move within a couple of feet of Magnus, and can be extended outward into a "beam" or pillar of flame, though doing so requires additional effort and concentration, and the size of the aura's normal area of effect decreases correspondingly until it returns to normal. After a period of training to improve the spell, Magnus' control of this ability is such that he can selectively choose who or what is set on fire, rather than burning everyone and everything that comes near him regardless of alliance. This also increases the natural range of the aura and its beam by about half a foot (from two) and three meters (from twelve) respectively, and in addition, it greatly improve's Magnus' natural strength and slightly improves his natural speed too, though this effect also decreases as the aura beam increases in length.
General Equipment:
Travelling rations, including purified water, several days, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he gathers from his exploits in the field;
A reasonable supply of coin, gifted to him by the School prior to whatever he earns from his exploits in the field;
Easy-release holster for crystal stave;
Several meter length of rope;
Several small daggers and palm-sized steel orbs, intended for hunting, can be thrown at foes as a last ditch ranged attack. |
13,295 | 382 | 17 | 1,754 | 401 | Reether s'est rarement réveillé plus tôt que le soleil. C'était trop souvent qu'il se levait tard la veille, qu'il s'agisse de mécènes, d'horribles attaques démoniaques ou d'une sorte de tâche pour les prêtres. C'est environ une heure après le grand soleil qu'il a été réveillé. La main douce de Bella sur son épaule l'a secoué éveillé, et bientôt il l'a jetée loin, ignorant ce qu'elle disait pour juste un peu de paix matinale, et s'est levé avec un grand gémissement. Il se tenait dans le placard qu'ils avaient transformé en sa chambre, car toutes, sauf la poignée de pièces de patron au sol, avaient été transformées en rangement, et se battaient avec une paire de pantalons pour s'habiller. Après quelques instants de malédiction et d'effraction, l'homme d'âge moyen sortit de sa chambre avec des cheveux déshabillés dans la salle du personnel, puis s'en alla dans la cuisine, où Bella l'attendait. Il était assis sur un tabouret, une assiette était placée devant lui, et il a demandé à la fille de continuer ce qu'elle avait essayé de dire auparavant.
"L'un des prêtres est passé par ce matin, Reander? Reondo?, quelque chose comme ça - et a dit que nous devrions obtenir un chariot plein de blé bientôt à partir des champs, l'un des premiers de la ferme de Greenwood cette saison, et nous devons faire de la place pour cela." Elle roula les yeux sur ses gémissements et continua: «Les Destructeurs ou qui ne reste pas officiellement, afin que nous puissions annuler l'ordre de préparer des chambres pour eux... Ce que tu n'avais pas entendu depuis que tu as dormi toute la matinée. Passons à autre chose, il y a la réunion qui arrive dans une semaine avec les fermiers... c'est tout. Oh, et Tori a besoin de ton aide, apparemment. Rex est dans sa section du bar alors peut-être qu'il a quelque chose pour nous? Je ne sais pas." La femme s'est ébranlée et est passée à autre chose, après s'être éblouie de ses déambulations, en train de faire ses rondes normales pour voir comment se déroulait le déjeuner. Reether se tenait debout et mit son assiette dans un seau pour être nettoyé et balayé des portes de la cuisine à derrière le bar.
Il a immédiatement vu le groupe qu'il aurait besoin d'approcher, et Tori se précipitant sur lui de leur voisinage. Il n'a pas aimé ce qu'il a vu, à cause de trois choses; un, Tori avait l'air perturbé, deux, il y avait un tas d'or dans sa main, et trois, il y avait un ANIMAL DAMN où les gens étaient censés manger. Reether s'est calmé, mais s'est rappelé de se calmer car le visage à qui il croyait appartenir - grâce aux oreilles correspondantes - était complètement inconnu. Tori s'est approché de lui et a commencé à presque dégénérer, "Je-je n'ai jamais vu autant de nouvelles personnes à la fois! Ils me jettent de l'or, puis il y avait un animal, et Viv a servi Rex et pas moi parce que j'essayais d'en parler à Bella! Et je pense qu'elle a pris son argent!" La fille, qu'il connaissait très jeune et tout aussi nouvelle, a fait rouler les yeux de Reether. Il s'était un peu rapproché, et il avait remarqué une bouteille entière de ses vins dans l'une de leurs mains. Sa colère s'est encore évanouie.
"Qu'est-ce que j'ai dit à propos de servir des bouteilles pleines?" Les yeux de la fille s'élargissaient, et elle se baissait un peu et regardait le sol.
"Elle l'a prise elle-même et ils m'ont donné de l'or." Rééther grondissait et tendait ses mains, et la maigre pile d'or tomba de sa propre main pâle. Ce n'était même pas le cas, il pensait à lui-même avec une grande déception. Il n'avait jamais enseigné aux filles des prix réels autres qu'un verre ou une tasse, parce qu'elles avaient rarement besoin de savoir. Il s'est ébranlé la tête. Le problème avec l'or était qu'il avait très peu de valeur réelle maintenant qu'il n'y avait pas de gouvernement pour l'appuyer. C'était joli et brillant, mais c'était inutile à ce moment-là. Il n'était pas rare de trouver celui qui acceptait l'or, beaucoup de marchands itinérants l'utilisaient encore, mais à Urenda ils n'avaient presque pas d'utilité pour lui. Ils pouvaient parfois échanger avec elle, mais les gens avec lesquels ils ont échangé et les choses qu'ils ont échangées coûteraient des montants exorbitants dans l'état dévalué de l'or. Et de l'alcool? Se faire chier, c'était le nouveau passage national dans l'apocalypse. L'alcool n'était pas bon marché, surtout que Reether ne pouvait pas se brasser. Comme du vin. Tori a pris un moment pour relayer ce que les membres du groupe lui avaient dit, et ce qu'elle avait recueilli de leur conversation.
"Obtenez le bon nain ce qu'il a demandé et un petit déjeuner, je pense qu'il devrait être plus votre vitesse." Il a hurlé à un homme blond à l'air sullen quelques sièges vers le bas. "Mais quatre mécènes ne sont rien. Habitue-toi à ça." Il parlait fermement, mais pas particulièrement durement. La jeune fille s'ouvrit la bouche pour se défendre, mais finit par s'incliner et s'évanouir. Avec des sourcils sillonnés, Reether a mis l'or dans ses poches. Normalement, il le retournait, car les premiers repas de quelqu'un à Urenda étaient souvent gratuits pour inciter les vagabonds à rester et à prêter leur main ou leur épée, mais cette bouteille, en ces temps, valait bien plus que quelques pièces de monnaie sales. Oui, les gens voulaient l'or, mais pas autant qu'ils voulaient de la nourriture. Il fit cependant une remarque pour voir combien Vivianne avait pris de Rex, car la plupart de ses coûts normaux pouvaient être couverts par les fourrures et les viandes qu'il rapportait parfois à la ville. À ce moment-là, il soupira et les approcha. Son comportement a probablement mis fin à leurs conversations.
Aussitôt qu'il était assez près, il a tiré ce satané rat sur son comptoir de bar. Dans le même mouvement de flexion vers l'avant, il s'est penché sur la femme plus âgée et a arraché la bouteille de son genou. Avec un décor profond, un éclat indiscutable, ses yeux assez durs pour couper le granit, il a dit, "J'apprécierais que vous restiez de ce côté du comptoir. Je ne prends pas pitié de ceux qui me prendraient de façon flagrante. Si tu veux un verre, demande-moi ou une des filles. On n'est pas sourds." Sa voix, encore une fois, était ferme, mais pas carrément hostile. Il tourna le fond de l'image et grogne; tout comme il pensait, ce qu'ils avaient payé n'avait pas été assez pour cette grande partie de la bouteille. Cependant, il ne savait pas si c'était leur travail ou celui de Tori, et il ne s'y est pas attardé. Une pensée dans le fond de son esprit a noté qu'Elétha devrait connaître un tel comportement, même si ce n'était qu'une démonstration de brash. Son bras s'est retourné et il a remplacé la bouteille à l'endroit par de la mémoire seule, tournant son regard directement à Aurora, ne pas remarquer ou peut-être ne pas se soucier du peu de détresse sur son visage. "Les animaux n'appartiennent pas à mon bar. Gardez-le sur vous, sur une chaise, sur le sol, mais pas là où les gens mangent pour l'amour de la lumière. C'est juste impoli." il secouait la tête à la fin, mais sa colère avait aussi quelque peu dissipé.
"La plupart d'entre vous ont l'air nouveaux ici, alors lemme vous dire quelques trucs utiles." Il a croisé les bras alors qu'il s'adressait à l'ensemble du groupe. "Essayez de ne pas agiter votre or ici. Tu n'avais même pas les moyens de ce que tu as pris dans cette bouteille, et ce n'est pas comme ça que ça marche. Si tu veux manger, tu dois travailler. Après ton seul repas, tu peux sortir, mais si tu restes et que les prêtres disent que tu vas bien, alors tu te nourris. C'est aussi simple que ça." Reether avait un dialecte étrange. Il a parlé avec assez d'éloquence pour être éduqué, mais, maintenant qu'il n'était pas en colère, il s'est détendu en une inflexion plus décontractée. "Mais boire trop, comme dans une de mes meilleures bouteilles, ça te coûtera cher, mais ce n'est pas moi. Ma copine Tori est nouvelle et a tout gâché un peu, donc je ne vais pas te pourchasser sur son erreur." Pendant qu'il parlait, il a essuyé le comptoir où le renard marchait. Il a fini et a regardé l'elfe avec des oreilles étranges, "Tori tol' me tu veux rester. Pourquoi tu restes en ville? Il lui a ouvert un front, comme son but lui a vraiment dicté si elle devait ou non discuter de son séjour avec les prêtres.
À ce moment-là, Viv retourna au bar, portant une tasse avec un peu de concoction. Il a attrapé le bras de la fille en passant, et lui a tiré dans l'oreille, "Ne gaspille jamais mon alcool sur quelque chose que quelqu'un crachera sur le sol." Il aimait le lycan, autant qu'il aimait les autres chasseurs qui lui apportaient parfois de la viande, mais sa tendance à demander (et la tendance des filles à aller avec elle!) D'étranges boissons n'étaient pas aimables à ses magasins limités. C'était une chose de demander quelque chose de spécial de temps en temps, mais Reether a dû garder beaucoup plus de choses que la satisfaction de patron dans son esprit. Il laissa aller et elle passa à autre chose; Viv fut assez expérimenté pour ne pas laisser son opprobre tacher ses traits agréables.
Tori secoua la tête pendant que Reether s'éloignait, et se moqua de quelques mots sous son souffle avec une tête tremblante. Se souvenant de ce que le nain avait dit auparavant, elle a saisi une bouteille de whiskey de feu dwarven et a rempli le fond d'un grand verre à base de lui. Elle l'a placé devant lui tranquillement, et grogne doucement au cas où il n'aurait pas fait attention. Elle lui sourit, plus à l'aise avec un patron opposé à quatre. -- Bonjour, monsieur le nain! Elle a dit joyeusement, essayant d'éclaircir son humeur, "Vous êtes arrivé hier, n'est-ce pas? Donc je suis sûr que vous avez eu le spiel!" Elle a glouché un peu, et a continué, "Puis-je vous apporter un petit déjeuner?" Elle ne connaissait pas si bien sa situation, mais si Reether a dit de le nourrir, il doit avoir une sorte de plans. | Name: Delsaran Taranath
Age: 33
Race: Frost Elf
Appearance: Delsaran sports long, snow white hair past his shoulders styled plainly with extended bangs, which, at times, he keeps in a ponytail. The Frost Elf has alabaster skin marred by various scars, though none draw too much attention to themselves. Pale lavender orbs watch the world with wary eyes, a common sight in the desecrated Reath. He stands at 5'7" and has a moderate build, showing that he is taut and traveled, but not martially inclined. His features are angular with almond shaped eyes and a thin chin. He now mostly dresses in the plum robes of the Priesthood of Relanthon that has a white sun embellished one the back. The robes are enchanted with divine magic which makes them more than conventional for travel.
Personality: Del is a congenial man when caught at the right time. However, due to his responsibilities and the state of his charges, he is often under pressure and stress, and at times like these he is blunt and efficient. Del is a man with much to do in little time, and he doesn't like those who stand in the way of progress for his charges. He's a born leader, although admittedly not a strategist, and even though he is not near the top of the order, many in his clergy come to him for advice and assistance. Outside of town, Del is a strong willed and knowledgeable survivor of the wasteland that was once Reath, having spent much of his time with the clergy rescuing others and bringing them to safety. Despite this, he is really a friendly, warm person, who does his best to do the right thing. He tries to bring good people back to Urenda in hopes that they will look after the place whenever he is gone.
Morality/Religion: Del is a priest of Relanthon. He has few oaths or commandments, but must act in accordance with his God's morals. The Elven God stands, resolutely, for doing the right thing in any moment, and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. He views life and nature, both, as sacred and will defend both until his death. The semantics of religion do not bother Del, he cares not for rivalries made in a world long passed, and instead focuses on the here-and-now and what he can do for the helpless mortals of Reath.
Biography:Delsaran was born and raised by a small community in one of the most northern settlements of Frost Elves in the frosty tundra at the top of the continent. Raised in a life that cherishes every resource dearly, Del was taught early on to work for what ever he needed. Their clan was close from being so isolated from the rest of the world, and they worshipped both Relanthon and the elven goddess of winter. When he was young, Del was a page for the clan's Relanthpn Priests. He had never known his parents, as they had died his first winter, and was raised communally between the priests and other helpful clan members.
The Great Descent began, however they did not get affected until the elven defectors came down and drove the northern cland either into the icy sea or to the south a few weeks later. Delsaran fled south with his clan, trying to rally with their southern kin, but found much of the previously lush forests uprooted and chared by elemental storms. Over time, Del, a novice priest, got separated from his clan through violent circumstances, and traveled alone until he met Yuuril Eletha.
He met the high priestess in the south as her and her remaining clergy were fleeing a dark storm. They took refuge together and the younger man joined their ranks. Then congregation headed north and set it out on the high road. They found the ruins of Urenda. They moved on, having had no plans to stop, however they were ambushed by a cult of demons. The attack was short lived, but they realized that several of their members were taken from them. They traveled into the city, falling into an expected real. The congregation had managed to thin the demon ranks somewhat, but they're eventual victory was attributed to an incredible feat of the high priestess. They cleared the rest of the ruins, and so was the start of the new city.
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Priest
Combat Style:The priest has access to the Creation school of magic through devotion to his deity. He specializes in the Life and Light aspects as a low experience caster. Shield spells, healing spells, and empowerment spells are specifically offered by this deity. Eventually, the priest will be able to summon the servants of this deity from their home plane. A priest is a force for good in the world, and by mixing his magic with physical prowess, he becomes a more efficient guardian. He wields a large staff with a bladed end as a weapon. He tries to keep a distance from attackers and attempts to disarm or distract with magic.
Weapons / Tools:Divine Robes: These robes are enchanted to resist damage. Because it is imbued with light, any shadow or demon that touches it will be burned.Biting Staff: A five foot staff made of redwood with a sharp, with an 8 in. iron blade at one end and a weight on the other.
Skills / Natural Abilities:Frost Elf: He can create sparks with his hands.Cold Resistance: The elf grew up withstanding the harshest of blizzards and constant, extreme cold.Willful: He is strong of mind; he does not fall easily to Charm or Illusion Magic.
Spells / Magical Abilities: Light Shield: The priest creates a shield of light. It radiates a bright light and shields against both physical and magical assaults for a short duration.Blinding Flash: A bright flash of light comes from the priest, blinding any who don't shield their face, rendering them disoriented.Arrow of Light: A biting projectile of light shoots at a target.Dispel: The priest can dispel magical effectsBanish: The Priest can command low-level extra-planar beings to flee an area for a short period of time.Heal: The priest can stitch together minor wounds and sooth burns. The priest can heal other minor health complaints such as aches and pains, as well as simple sicknesses.Purify Food/Water: The priest purifies food and/or water for consumption.
General Equipment:Rucksack, containing the followingSilver Relanthon holy symbol necklace3 days rationsSmall hunting knife20ft hemp ropeBedroll
Miscellaneous:N/A |
13,296 | 382 | 18 | 1,892 | 1,617 | Aurora a été un peu secouée quand Alex a remis sa capuche en place et l'a tapée. Inattendument, c'était bien d'être patté et pétri, peut-être qu'elle a enfin compris ce que Luna ressentait quand elle l'a pétri.
Mais sa distraction n'a été que peu vécue alors que le propriétaire de l'auberge s'approchait des invités et s'éloignait de Luna du comptoir. Bien sûr, étant un animal sauvage, Luna ne l'a pas très bien pris. En montant sur les épaules d'Aurora, elle gronda au propriétaire du bar alors qu'Aurora bégayait un peu sans défense.
"Je suis désolé, monsieur. Je ne savais pas. Luna ne voulait pas salir votre comptoir. Et concernant le coût de la bouteille de boisson alcoolique, si l'or n'est pas suffisant pour couvrir le coût de la bouteille, je suis en mesure de payer en fourrures."
Elle a pointé vers le sac à dos qui s'appuyait sur le comptoir qui semblait impossible pour elle de le porter.
« J'ai des fourrures de haute qualité, comme des fourrures d'ours glacés et des fourrures de loup arctiques, pour autant que j'aie entendu, des fourrures très rares. Je les ai rassemblés moi-même afin de pouvoir vous assurer de la qualité d'eux. Quant à la raison de mon séjour dans votre demeure est que j'espère acquérir des outils pour construire des maisons et des outils pour construire et réparer ces outils, donc l'équipement de forgeron. Après plus de dix étés de migration et de vie nomade, j'ai l'intention de m'installer pendant un certain temps, bien que le ramassage des fourrures apporte beaucoup de valeur à mon métier. »
La capuche s'est glissée de nouveau révélant ses oreilles de renard une fois de plus. Mais cette fois, Aurora n'a pas paniqué. Au lieu de cela, elle a simplement enlevé son long manteau révélant de longues jambes minces, mais entraînées vêtues de collants surmontés d'une jupe de plaid sous laquelle une queue de renard à fourrure blanche s'est évanouie. Tous les vêtements ont été faits par elle-même, bien sûr.
"Si ça ne vous dérange pas, je préférerais ne pas avoir à couvrir mes mutations. Néanmoins, j'ai entendu dire que certains prêtres pourraient vouloir m'exécuter comme je le prouve de tout ce qui ne va pas dans ce monde. Une mutation causée par la mort criante... c'est ce que je suis. Si vous voulez encore m'héberger, je serais honoré. Si vous ne souhaitez pas ma présence dans votre établissement, je comprends et je suivrai votre jugement immédiatement », a déclaré sa voix glaciale froide comme elle avait son sang-froid dans ses propres mains.
Pourtant, sa voix semblait un peu hostile, bien que vous ne le sachiez peut-être jamais, car sa voix glaciale ne contenait souvent aucune émotion. | Name: Aurora
Age: 19
Race: Frost Elf
Appearance: Aurora's looks really do honour her name. Her face is soft graced by pale blue eyes, but very obviously of elven origins, aka not round but more vertically elongated with a pointed chin. Framing the face is a mighty mane of hair white as snow topped off by two, also white, fox ears. This mighty mane of hers extends down to her hips and will look extremely graceful when the wind is blowing. From her tailbone, though, extends a soft, long, flowing fox's tail with white fur.
Since Aurora lives even farther in the north than most of the survivor, in the deep, deep snow, she usually wears very warm winter coats. In the rare moments she actually wanders into villages, she will pull up the hood of the coat to hide her ears, as she feels like it will make her seem like a demon child or something.
One of the less visible facts of her biology are the fangs in her mouth, which are normally only visible when her mouth is sufficiently open.
Her statue is small, at 4'10", and lithe, but at the same time she has a robust look to her, someone who can withstand the woes of this world.
Personality: As Aurora grew up almost completely alone since her 10th summer, she is awkward with social interactions and seems shy. but if she warms up (pun intended!) to somebody she can be quite cheerful. Despite her innocent appearance she is quite the trickster and will often try stuff on people to get a nice laugh out of them. Combining her skills with traps and her "stealthiness", she makes for one fearsome trickster and prankster.
Due to her time in the wilds she doesn't seem scared of anything but the fear of not having an arrow ready to be shot.
Morality / Religion: Aurora frequently prays to Sylsetria, especially before and after a hunt. She doesn't care that she is a weak goddess. Completely convinced that Sylsetria is the goddess responsible for her continued survival so far, she is absolutely sure she wants to give the goddess more power over the world to turn it beautiful once again. Another task she relegates to Sylsetria is her usual prayer before any bout of combat "Let my aim be true." Since she hasn't been brought up will all elvish traditions and stories about the gods, she made Sylsetria a goddess of hunting and archery for her.
Biography:Aurora's parents were nomads. Not hit particularly heavy by the Great Descent at first, her mother had been pregnant with her when the Creeping Death made both her parents sick. Exposed to a high dose of divine magic as well as the sickness, the embryo mutated and developed traits of the arctic fox. Despite her parents slowly dying, slowed even further due to their hardy elven genes, Aurora seemed very healthy and unaffected by the Creeping Death. As her parents slowly wandered even further north into the icy and snowy regions of the desolate, but uncorrupted lands of the mountainous tundra. There her parents died, but not before teaching the 10 year old elfin a few necessary tricks to survive in the coming winter.
During the following 9 years almost absolutely nothing of interest happened to Aurora except that she learned to survive under hostile environmental circumstances as well as reading and writing from books that she managed to find in abandoned villages, which were left more than a century ago due to a huge storm that apparently had destroyed all their valuable farming land for a couple of years. Nowadays, however, the climate was too cold for wheat to grow and so Aurora was always on the move, sometimes not meeting another sentient being for months. And so she had only animals to keep her company. After a while Aurora managed to "befriend" a female arctic fox, which she seemed to understand a bit, mostly due to her animal traits. After a few more of such incidents, she found a way to, if not talk, then communicate with the more intelligent animals, but also not all of them. Maybe the ones she could talk to were also mutations caused by the creeping death, was her only logical explanation.
A month before she made her way to Urenda, Aurora finally decided to settle down somewhere in the fertile area of the tundra and to try farming for once. For this, though, she needed tools. Tools to build a home and tools to build new tools used for farming and maybe even husbandry.
From her visits to minor villages, she had heard about the town of Urenda where she hoped to gain everything to build herself a new life, without the judgmental eyes of the humans, elves or dwarfs.
Other Notes:Nothing for now.
Class: Ranger/Trapper
Combat Style:In her few encounters with lesser shadows, she always tended to stay out of range and rely on careful planning of the battlefield laying out traps and, out of stealth, sniping the sometimes nonexistent heads off the shadows with her repertoire of several different kind of arrows. If it does come down to close quarters combat, she hacks away at enemies with her axe made with Norse elvin steel.
Weapons / Tools:Bow and different kinds of arrows, all self assembled (Arrow types include flammable arrows, exploding arrows, poisonous arrows, arrows with hardened tips able to pierce armour, arrows with hook-tips and other, rarer types which she will only assemble when needed)All sorts of accessories used to build traps Her trusty axe made out of old Norse elvin steel
Skills / Natural Abilities:Keen Senses, i.e improved hearing, due to her animal ears and improved sightSneaky stealthiness, as in, she learned how to not be seenRacial ability: Create sparks to light fires
Spells / Magical Abilities: Semi-magical connection to animals
General Equipment:Always carries around a stash of furs and rare herbs which she can sellHer "crafting equipment", aka carving knife and her "sewing kit"Basically her house, since she's a nomad, with fur tent and bedrolls all in her backpack, which is more of a sledge/cart.
I don't know if I'm done yet, but I ask to excuse any mistakes. It is 6:30 am, been working on this since 2:30am... including distractions... |
13,297 | 382 | 19 | 878 | 324 | Caelica Evris
"Ahh, aidez-moi les gars!" J'ai enlevé l'elfe connu sous le nom de Sivil. Il était complètement entouré d'un petit groupe d'ombres, de démons et d'ombres de toutes sortes. Il a été pris au piège et, en raison d'une blessure à sa jambe, il avait subi plus tôt pendant qu'il grimpait une petite falaise, il n'était pas en état de s'échapper. Sans parler
Je regardais l'elfe pendant un moment, je me suis arrêté avant de continuer sur mon chemin.
"Est-ce que tu es fou Caelica, nous devons l'aider." Il a dit que l'hacheman humain connu sous le nom de Jilor était prêt à prendre en charge et à aider son ami.
Avant qu'il ne puisse s'enfuir, je l'ai attrapé bras et tiré légèrement ce qui l'a arrêté dans ses traces.
"Si nous aidons cet homme, nous finirons peut-être aussi par partager son destin. La seule raison pour laquelle ils l'attaquent est à cause de sa blessure. Une blessure qui est en partie due à ce que tu l'aies mis sur une course quand nous avons monté cette falaise que je pourrais ajouter. Non seulement il a fini par se faire blesser par vous, mais nous avons aussi gaspillé environ un jour et demi en essayant de trouver une autre façon de passer la falaise, et maintenant vous avez conduit cet homme à sa mort." Mes paroles étaient froides comme si j'avais voyagé avec cet homme et son compagnon pendant la meilleure partie d'un mois maintenant. Cet homme, Jilor, n'était pas seulement un idiot, mais inutilement imprudent. La seule raison pour laquelle j'avais accepté de voyager avec ce clown était que personne d'autre n'était intéressé, et son seul ami semblait au moins être compétent, la plupart du temps.
Jilor m'a regardé avec un regard de colère et de dédain. "Il est encore temps de l'aider, d'arrêter d'être une salope et de suivre mon exemple." Avec cela, l'homme leva sa hache alors qu'il commença à se charger vers les démons entourant son ami. "Je suis en vie." Jilor hurla alors qu'il chargeait de la vigueur dans l'épais de la foule.
J'ai serré la tête alors que je commençais à m'en aller, et je ne me tournai que brièvement pour crier en direction de Jilor. "Bien, vas-y et fais-toi tuer. Comme si je me souciais de ce qui t'arrive." Et avec cela j'ai commencé à marcher dans un huff vers Urenda. Peu de temps plus tard, j'ai entendu les cris de Jilor et de Sivil, tous deux mangés vivants par la petite horde. Après quelques instants de marche, je me retournai une fois de plus pour vérifier si l'un des monstres allait m'attirer l'attention, mais le reste semblait s'inquiéter de la nourriture qui se trouvait devant eux plutôt que de tenter même d'aller après moi.
Les cris de Sivil et de Jilor se sont noyés alors que je pensais qu'ils étaient morts tous les deux. Je me suis arrêté un moment et j'ai secoué la tête alors que je continuais à me diriger vers Urenda.
Finalement, après quelques heures de marche, j'avais fini par me rendre aux portes d'Urenda. Je marchai lentement vers l'un des gardes qui se sentait un peu fatigué par mon voyage. "J'ai l'esprit de me laisser entrer?" J'ai demandé quand j'ai essayé de reprendre mon souffle.
Le garde m'a regardé pendant quelques instants, me regardant avant de lui hocher la tête. "Vous pouvez passer." Il a dit avec sa voix de griffe.
J'ai souri un peu en remerciant le garde et en m'enfonçant à l'intérieur. J'avais enfin atteint la ville d'Urenda. Je regardais l'endroit où je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de sourire. Cet endroit était plutôt sympa. Tandis que je continuais à marcher, j'ai finalement trouvé une auberge et en entrant dans le bâtiment, j'ai vu quelques groupes de gens, tous conversant, buvant et mangeant ensemble. Décider qu'il pourrait être une bonne idée de faire quelques alliés ici au cas où les choses iraient vers le sud j'ai choisi une table au hasard et assis en prenant un petit conteneur de légumes, ainsi que mes thermos d'eau pour boire. Comme je l'ai fait, j'ai regardé autour du groupe de personnes et je n'ai montré un sourire à personne en particulier. -- Bonjour, mon nom est Caelica, dis-je, d'une voix un peu fatiguée. | Name: Caelica Evris
Age: 19
Race: Human
Appearance: Caelica is of average height and of a slightly lower weight than the average female. She is a natural brunette, with long flowing hair goes down to about her waist and bangs that lay just above her large brown eyes. Her hair covers her ears and her bangs cover part of her face. (More cute than hot) She’s considered attractive by most people, but not overly so. Her face has soft features, and makes her look slightly younger than she actually is, by about a year or two. She wears a simple white shirt as well as a red skirt and thigh high socks.
Personality: Caelica is kind to others upon first meeting them, however if she feels like they’re making stupid decisions or risking their life for unnecessary reasons they’ll definitely lose points with her. In fact she’ll get in verbal fights with other people if they wind up endangering others through their own actions that are obviously bad from the get go. Endangering yourself by pulling some stunt is one thing, but when you risk other people’s lives with your own actions that’s a different thing entirely. There are a few exceptions to this rule though. If it didn’t seem like a bad idea or if someone the outcome was uncertain for the most part it can usually be forgiven. Survival is everything to Caelica, and she will even embarrass herself willingly if it means surviving another day. Of course even Caelica has her limits and just how much she can tolerate. Once she gets angry it takes a while for her to cool down, and if the argument is bad enough she may lose most or even all of the respect she had for the person/group she argued with. She won’t actively try to get revenge on anyone who has wronged her though.
Morality / Religion: Caelica pays tribute to one of the lesser deities. The god of survival Hethron who has so far not betrayed his followers and does not plan to. Instead Hethron helps those who worship him by helping them obtain just enough to survive. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s a basic deity that only some people worship. Though he is somewhat known. Hethron does not actively participate when it comes to fighting other deities, and instead prefers to stay in his pantheon making visits to Reath every now and then only to help out worshippers and other people he comes across. He himself will fight, but only if he knows he won’t die in the process. This usually equates to him only fighting beasts, monsters, or the demons rather than other deities themselves in most cases, as Hethron himself values his survival over his followers. Caelica understands Hethron’s reasoning for this and thinks the same way. Sure she’ll help someone in need if possible, but if it winds up getting her killed then what’s the point? The only ones she’d actively defend even at the cost of her own life are people who are stronger than her, either physically or mentally. Anything that will allow the future generation to be stronger and have a better chance of survival. Crippled, disabled, racist (as they won’t be as likely to cooperate with other races), or anyone else that won’t be useful in helping others survive aren’t worth her time if it means risking her life or receiving injury.
Biography: Having been born in the now tainted world known as Reath, Caelica’s parents struggled to survive with all the destruction, famine, and chaos that spread throughout the world. Many times her parents almost died trying to find a safe place to stay to keep themselves and their daughter safe. Her father and mother were warriors, though her mother was only trained by her father after the great descent occurred. This was to keep her and Caelica safe should he himself die. When Caelica was 15 years old her parents were traveling with a rather large group only to have shadow beasts appear. Her father and mother fought desperately to keep their daughter safe and sacrificed themselves for her and the rest of the group. Her father’s last words to her were “Run Caelica, run and survive. We will hold them off here. Now get out of here with everyone else and we’ll catch up with the group later on. We won’t die here, we’ll survive for sure.”
Of course her mother and father never did show up at the next town over, though Caelica secretly hopes that they’re still alive even though she knows the chances are slim. The only thing that gives her hope is that she knows they were closer to the town they had been in before rather than the one they were traveling to. So maybe they went back to get some supplies and heal up. Though at the same time it’s discouraging because a few months later the town was supposedly destroyed. Caelica still tries to believe they’re alive though, surviving somewhere. Probably as worried about her as she is about them. Because of this she made a promise to herself to survive as well, so that one day, just maybe she can see her parents again. At the same time though, it’s not a fully serious promise and she is prepared to break it if it means having a better outcome for the world in the end, but it is something that motivates her, especially when she’s stuck in a pinch.
Her father had taught her the basics and a few more advanced moves of the Pommel/Hilt Striking, and her mother taught her how to identify various plants as well as what kinds of uses they may have. She trained and studied hard pouring her soul into each of these activities so that she may ultimately have a better chance of surviving. Sure herbs are especially rare nowadays. But if Caelica was lucky enough to find some it could save her or someone else’s life one day.
Currently Caelica has been traveling around trying to find a safer region to inhabit. Her current travellings have led her to the city of Urenda. It may not be ideal, but right now there’s not much that is. She has decided to stay here until she feels like it’s time to relocate again.
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Warrior
Fighting Style: Pommel/Hilt Striking: A rare sword style in which the user attacks with an emphasis on using both the blade to cut and the hilt/pommel to bash.
Weapons / Tools:Katana: A simple katana with a long sturdy handle.
Skills / Abilities:
Rebound: Caelica can use her feet to bounce off of walls, ceilings, or other various objects when in the air. (It’s more difficult if she is thrown or knocked backwards.)
Hilt Blocker Caelica can repel an attack by slamming the hilt of her katana at her opponent’s weapon, which may also cause the opponent to lose their balance momentarily or leave their guard open.
Field Medicine: Caelica knows how to better aid those that are injured when using bandages, healing salves, and the like.
Herbs: Caelica knows about various herbs as well as their uses.
Natural Abilities:
Speed: Caelica is quick and can move faster than most people of her skill level.
Agility: Not only is Caelica fast, but she is also capable of controlling her speed somewhat fluently, and can dodge attacks somewhat decently.
Strength: Caelica is decently strong, and as a result can deal more damage with her sword, as well as block attacks better.
General Equipment:
A medium-sized backpack
Canteen of water
whetstones (x5)
A small pillow
One blanket
Small Food container (1x meat) (1x veggies) (x2)
Herb Identification Book |
13,298 | 382 | 20 | 1,258 | 2,264 | Alex a presque pleurniché quand son vin a été emporté, mais normalement elle se plaignait de ce fait, elle ne pouvait vraiment pas se permettre d'élever un ruckus dans un endroit comme celui-ci en raison d'avoir ce « premier repas gratuit » chose que Reether a mentionné beaucoup plus d'une fois qu'une seule fois. Elle a dû pointer la bouteille : « N'y a-t-il vraiment aucun moyen d'obtenir de l'alcool bon marché? Gah, je n'ai pas pu avoir de jus de fruits et maintenant ça?" Elle a frotté l'arrière de sa tête, elle n'a pas blâmé l'homme, plus le monde lui-même pour être tombé si loin sans alcool! "Et les nains? J'ai entendu dire qu'ils faisaient les choses à partir de beaucoup de pièces."
Comme si son séjour dans cet endroit se terminait plus tôt que plus tard, quand même quelque chose d'intéressant allait se passer, elle pouvait le sentir... Elle espérait juste que le regret de ce choix se faufilerait sur elle. Quant à la fille? Elle avait entendu ce qu'elle avait eu quelques fois, bien qu'étant donné ses défenses naturelles, elle ne l'avait jamais ennuyée. La mort rampante, hein? Elle a dû se demander qui a trouvé un nom aussi mortel pour des effets secondaires aussi mignons, et bien que trouver un nouveau nom pour cela aurait été plutôt excitant
"S'il voulait que tu partes, il t'aurait jetée dehors maintenant"
C'est à ce moment-là qu'une autre s'est adressée au groupe, qu'elle était confuse par le nombre de personnes qui étaient réunies, et tant de personnes uniques à cela! Bien que humaine, cette femme portait une fine lame avec elle, même dans sa gaine, elle pouvait en dire autant. "Ora~ Il devient un peu bondé ici il semble ~ C'est ok bien, la plupart des gens ici sont si petits peu d'espace est pris" Un petit mandrin s'est échappé ses lèvres | Name: Alexandra ???
Age: 58
Race: Human - Lycanthrope
Appearance: Long locks of wild ash blond hair flow down to the middle of Alex's back, her bangs barely cover her deep crimson eyes that seem to hold great wisdom and at the same time great loss. Standing at 5'6" she is far from the most impressive looking fighter with her rather feminine features, however on closer inspection one would see that she is rather toned and not one piece of her body was wasted on anything else other than training for combat. Combined with her sharp red eyes and natural threatening demeanor she can be rather intimidating when she needs to be, but often covers up as much as possible with the use of simple travelers clothes in black and brown, the only things standing out being the royal crest on the sword scabbard by her side.
Personality: Alex has become very laid back in her 'old age' taking things as they come with a dry wit, maintaining many subtle mannerisms of her past station and animal like nature, such as being rather accepting of certain people with a kindly aura about them, being able to judge people at just a glance. Within combat she will show herself to be a no-nonsense warrior who carries herself with grace and dignity. However, she has deep seeded regret, blaming herself for being unable to stop it all that happened in the past despite how big the event was.
Morality / Religion: She despises the gods, blaming them even more so than herself for what transpired, tho she considers those that still hold faith fools she wont openly state such. Once she wanted to be a hero, someone of noble intentions and strong will and though she did not consider herself as such she still maintained a code of never killing a surrendered enemy herself, or putting her blade to a unarmed enemy, no matter who or what.
Biography:A baby left on the stairs of the castle, a common sight to say the least; the poor always hoped that they would bring up the child instead of sending it to the poor house, but it was never too be... Until a single rainy night when the servants of the castle brought in a baby from the rain, a ashen blonde baby wrapped in the finest of weaved cotton. However what gave them pause was the babies pure blood red eyes, a sight that made them call the master of the house.
It was the uniqueness of the baby that saved it as it was brought into the house to be raised alongside Prince Elrin. When the boy grew into both king and man, so did the girl come to be a women and known throughout the land as the royal guard captain to King Elrin himself, a place of respect and power. How she became the kings right hand was never truly known to the public, neither were her unique powers, but her loyalty to him was unmistakable. She remained by his side, even during the Decent of the world, she was willing to face gods and worse to keep him safe but...
Now she comes to this city, looking for answers and maybe a new start, and maybe even a little bit of hope?
Other Notes:N/A
Class: Monk
Combat Style: Alex uses a wild style of hand to hand combat from her more primal side, a style she has forged to be able to taken out normally armed enemies. However she is also a trained two handed swords-women, capable of using large weaponry as if it was nothing thanks to abnormal strength, though she has not shown interest in using a sword anymore other than training.
Weapons / Tools:Broken Sword: A sword bearing the royal crest. It was once a huge sword but now broken in half it is no more than length than a longsword.Light Leather Armor
Skills / Natural Abilities:TransformStrength: Thanks to her natural ability combined with her training Alex is very strongCunning: Years of living and experiences has molded her mind into one of a strategist and clever fighter
General Equipment:Backpack: 5 rations, water, bedroll with pillowSmall hunting knifeFormal dress |
13,299 | 382 | 21 | 838 | 30 | Cyren Searil
Le dernier jour du voyage ardueux. Ce soir-là, le groupe des elfes a négligé le règlement prospère et plein d'espoir d'Urenda. Morale avait baissé, sans aucune idée de combien de temps le voyage allait prendre avec un si grand groupe. Quelques elfes se sont retrouvés morts à cause de brigands jusqu'à ce point, et la viste a réaffirmé le bon esprit de chacun malgré les environs. Un vestige d'espoir dans ce monde mourant.
Alors que le groupe s'arrêtait pour discuter les uns avec les autres et déterminer le plan d'action, Cyren et Rinsten - un autre gardien - étaient ceux qui cherchaient de l'aide pour traverser la ville. Il ne s'agissait que d'offrir quelques commodités sous forme d'ustensiles de cuisine et de rations afin d'assurer la sécurité de l'ensemble du groupe, ainsi que quelques informations concernant l'état actuel de la ville et ce qui était nécessaire pour faire quand les choses se terminaient.
Ayant été éveillé pendant toute la soirée sans tenir compte d'une petite sieste à la table du bar, Cyren n'avait pas encore fait la fête. Assis en face de Rinsten et Triel, la sœur de Rinsten, ils en tiraient le meilleur parti sans se soucier de troc pour les boissons alcoolisées.
« Je sais que je l'ai déjà dit, mais nous avons fait du bon travail pour amener ces gens ici. Pour penser un peu de travail et nous pouvons vivre ici confortablement, ce n'est pas trop mal un accord." Avec un large sourire, Cyren tendit les mains en l'air avant de les placer derrière son cou et de pencher la chaise en arrière. "Pas trop mal."
"Oui, ça l'est. Nous pourrions même être en mesure de trouver une bonne position de garde si nous regardons autour, et espérons qu'il paiera bien. Le travail bénévole est agréable, mais il y a plus à vivre que d'être vertueux. » On pourrait dire que l'objectif principal de Rinsten dans la vie semble l'impliquer dans la lutte et gagner de l'argent tout en le faisant. En revanche -
« Je dirais que protéger les gens n'est pas la meilleure façon de gagner de l'argent, mais vous le savez déjà. » Penchant son menton sur sa paume, Triel regarda autour d'elle. "Il y a probablement une position de soutien ouverte quelque part que je peux remplir, peut-être quelque part où je peux agir comme une course ici plutôt que de me mettre trop souvent en danger." Elle voulait vivre une vie pleine. "Et toi, Cy?"
Cyren a posé la chaise à quatre pattes alors qu'il bâillait. Après l'avoir laissé passer, il a répondu d'un ton joyeux. "Je suis juste allé si le vent me prend, si vous attendez le contraire - vous avez tort. J'espère qu'un bon poste aura une ouverture, mais peut-être que je trouverai autre chose à faire. Difficile à dire."
-- Quoi qu'il en soit, nous vous aiderons de quelque façon que nous puissions, n'est-ce pas, sœurette? Atteindre par-dessus il place son bras de l'autre côté de l'épaule de Triel et la tire près d'elle.
Plongée tout en repoussant le bras sur sa tête, elle s'est déplacée avant de finalement répondre. "Oui, c'est ça. C'est à ça que servent les meilleurs amis." La conversation s'est poursuivie après, malgré l'épuisement de tout le monde. | Name: Cyren Searil
Age: 214
Race: Ground Elf
Appearance: Cyren stands just shy of 6', with a lean but slightly muscular build. His naturally copper-coloured hair is tied into a ponytail to keep his vision free. He has naturally sharp features and gentle but weary hazel eyes. A tan tunic and brown pair of breeches is worn underneath some leather armour and a dark olive cloak. A small travelling satchel lies over the cape, along with a belt around his waist that holds a few sheathes containing short daggers and one sword sheathe.
Personality: Appearing to others like he is outgoing, cheerful, and fairly lazy, Cyren is mostly like that because he is overly stubborn. He puts on a cheerful face and does not let it easily falter because he hopes it would inspire people in this dark time. Only when he himself gets overly troubled does that mean that he gets more serious. He is very determined to see his goals through to the end in any case.
Morality / Religion: Cyren silently prays to the majority of the Ellu'vun Pantheon that are believed to be still on the side of the elves' side, listening for rumours of dissention in the Ellu'vun Pantheon ever since the Great Descent. He wants to believe that the Pantheon is all on his side, but can't bring himself to believe so. Any harm to innocent people is seen as atrocious in his eyes, was he believe that protecting those that can't defend themselves is a noble thing. But knowing full well that people are fated to die, he does not let himself hang onto deaths that do occur.
Biography:Having been born into a militaristic family travelling a nomadic tribe that lived on the fringes of the forest Catanna, Cyren's family was proud to have a history of guarding the community's live. It was a relatively simple life growing up in such a family and he did not waiver as he himself joined the family profession. He was determined to defend this simple lifestyle with his life if he had to. His family helped in pass along their knowledge until the point he joined the local militia.
The militia training was overall less formal than usual military training as there was not as much focus on military science and tactics. Instead, the training was meant to find his interests and work with them until they were suitable enough to defend the community. On finding and catering to his strengths, he was interested in learning everything that he could capably do. Large weapons and armour were not useful due to their slow and unwieldy nature, but his proficiency in both the pike and certain small arms excelled is most regards. By the end of the training, he had also learned to cast a few basic spells for times when they were necessary.
His life after that was fairly tame, with few things particularly noteworthy that happened in the tribe until the point of the Great Descent. It was when the Great Descent happened that the tribe hesitantly came to the conclusion to go deeper into forest. Having foregone relationships with other races, they managed to survive on their livestock that the raised, plants they scavanged and the beasts that they managed to hunt while avoiding Shadows. It was only after numerous deaths from both civilians, hunters and the militia that the tribe decided was starting to get worried. Cyren was always acting as a last line of defence during shadow attacks and had many associates injured or killed during that time.
Soon realizing it was futile to try and live by themselves, the tribe had joined with other small but surviving tribes that had retreated into the forest. A good number of tribes had completely died off and the elves did not know how much longer they could survive for. The shadows would eventually win if they tried to stand against them and defend the land, so the decision to find a better place to live was decided upon. For their own survival the remaining elves travelled in the direction of some supposed salvation - the High Road. It was eventually that they found their way north east, but moral was low and losses were great. Only after following it for a while did they spotted a few human, elven and even dwarvern survivors. They never engaged in conversation, but the majority of survivors were shocked by to learn of the news.
Eventually deciding to leave the Road for one night, they settled inside a small forest nearby. During this one particular break, talk of those determined to just stay put and temporarily resettle as they let their livestock repopulate broke out. Deciding to stop for a while to do so, it was only perseverance and great luck that caused this idea to last for much longer than expected. Several groups of smaller but still nomadic groups eventually found their way to the makeshift settlement and joined to the point that they actually created a community that was eventually too large to easily move and without fear of attracting attention from the Shadows. Eventually forced to decline possible refugees, they still had became a popular waypoint that traders were willing to visit to barter for good and information.
This false illusion of peace was shattered a bit before the twentieth anniversary of the Great Descent. Civilians and militia were once again ruthlessly killed by raiding bandits this time hoping to make a profit. After the settlement was defended from the raid, although losses were great, it was determined that the secluded lifestyle they have come to know was not likely going to end well. Splitting up the survivors and militia, the groups headed onto the High Road and split from there. Having heard of rumours of a port city, Cyren has that set as their destination.
Other Notes:
Class: Warrior - Foot Soldier
Combat Style: Scien's Exploitation: A combat style name after a devout Sylsetria follower of old, it predominantly focuses on adaptivity over specialty, usage of polearms and Primal - particularly Natural - magic is used. Swift and deliberate movement is necessary for this combat style. Minor usage of Illusion and Charm is also used in and out of battle is mostly used to complement the use of Natural magic.
Weapons / Tools:Pike - A sturdy, 10-foot-long pike with langets reinforcing the head. Otherwise pretty unremarkable. Longsword - A simple 3-and-a-half-foot-long military sword showing remarkable care. Leather Armour - A set of custom-fitting and lightweight leather armour made from various animal hides.
Skills / Natural Abilities: Ground Elf - He has the ability to create simple, harmless illusions of light, like faerie fire. Agile - Having a lithe body, his mobility is better compared to most humanoids. Perceptive - He is trained to spot minor inconsistencies in both natural and unnatural environments, along with some unusual behaviour. Dissociative - Having used a method to cope with both physical and emotional pain, he detaches himself from said pain. This works in most cases barring harsh circumstances.
Spells / Magical Abilities: Scien's Boost - A Natural spell that uses one's own mana to improve condition and allows for temporary elimination of fatigue, along with increases in flexibility and muscular strength. Scien's Development - A Natural spell that allows manipulation of the nearby natural environment that is in contact with Cyren, particularly earth and plants, to create battlefield advantage. Running a trail of mana from his body to within a few meters, it allows for various effects like expansion and contraction of earth and acceleration of growth and temporary control over plants. Makeshift earthen shields and tangling opponents in dense vegetation are a few usages for this, but this is limited in unnatural environments. Mend - A Natural spell that accelerates bodily healing in those in contact with the caster. Further use of Charm and Illusion magic can also distracts patients from pain.
General Equipment: Travelling Satchel
3 Days of Field Rations
Small Cooking Pot
Three Worn Daggers
Miscellaneous:N/A |
Subsets and Splits