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3Education & Reference
i need help with using please click this q if you can help for more details. thanx?
will sum1 go to and find a chp by chp summary of Summer of the Monkeys and then post it onto the answers.thanyou so much cuz i dont know how. i tried but cant.
Part One\n(revised 2.28.96)\n\n\n[Note: This is a single part of what will be, by my classification, about 240 compact tribal histories (contact to 1900). It is limited to the lower 48 states of the U.S. but also includes those First Nations from Canada and Mexico that had important roles (Huron, Micmac, Assiniboine, etc.).\n\nAlthough this Cherokee history is larger than most, it's content and style are representative. The normal process at this point is to circulate an almost finished product among a peer group for comment and criticism.\n\nUsing the Internet, this can be more inclusive. Feel free to comment or suggest corrections via e-mail. Working together we can end some of the historical misinformation about Native Americans. You will find the ego at this end is standard size. Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to your comments...Lee Sultzman]\n\n\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\nLocation\nOriginal: \n\nThe southern Appalachian Mountains: including western North and South Carolina, northern Georgia and Alabama, southwest Virginia, and the Cumberland Basin of Tennessee, Kentucky, and northern Alabama.\nCurrent: \nDistributed across the United States, but concentrated in eastern Oklahoma. The eastern Cherokee still maintain their reservation in western North Carolina. The Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory has almost 12,000 members and has been recognized by the State of Missouri. Other groups of Cherokee, like the 2,500 members of the North Alabama Cherokee, are located in Arkansas, Georgia, and Alabama but currently do not have federal recognition.\n\nPopulation\nEuropean epidemics introduced into the southeastern United States in 1540 by the Desoto expedition are estimated to have killed at least 75% of the original native population. How much the Cherokee suffered from this disaster in unknown, but their population in 1674 was about 50,000. A series of smallpox epidemics (1729, 1738, and 1753) cut this in half, and it remained fairly stable at about 25,000 until their removal to Oklahoma during the 1830s. The American Civil War was the next disaster and cost the Cherokee 25% of their population. No other group of Americans, red or white, suffered as severely during this conflict. The 1990 census listed 308,132 persons (15,000 full-blood) who identified themselves as Cherokee. Of these, 95,435 were concentrated in eastern Oklahoma while 10,114 eastern Cherokee lived on or near the North Carolina reservation. Cherokee tribal governments have fairly liberal membership standards, and some estimates exceed 370,000, which would make the Cherokee the largest Native American group in the United States.\n\n\nName\nThe most familiar name, Cherokee, comes from a Creek word "Chelokee" meaning "people of a different speech." In their own language the Cherokee originally called themselves the Aniyunwiya (or Anniyaya) "principal people" or the Keetoowah (or Anikituaghi, Anikituhwagi) "people of Kituhwa." Although they usually accept being called Cherokee, many prefer Tsalagi from their own name for the Cherokee Nation (Tsalagihi Ayili). Other names applied to the Cherokee have been: Allegheny (or Allegewi, Talligewi) (Delaware), Baniatho (Arapaho), Caáxi (or Cayaki) (Osage and Kansa), Chalaque (Spanish), Chilukki (dog people) (Choctaw and Chickasaw), Entarironnen (mountain people) (Huron), Gatohuá (Creek), Kittuwa (or Katowá) (Algonquin), Matera (or Manteran) (coming out of the ground) ( Catawba), Nation du Chien (French), Ochietarironnon (Wyandot), Oyatageronon (or Oyaudah, Uwatayoronon) (cave people) (Iroquois), Shanaki (Caddo), Shannakiak (Fox), Tcaike (Tonkawa), and Tcerokieco (Wichita).\n\n\nLanguage\nIroquian, but Cherokee differs significantly from other Iroquian languages.\n\n\nSub-tribes\n\nThe Cherokee have been divided into three divisions depending on location and dialect (east to west): \nLower
i need help with using please click this q if you can help for more details. thanx?will sum1 go to and find a chp by chp summary of Summer of the Monkeys and then post it onto the answers.thanyou so much cuz i dont know how. i tried but cant.Part One\n(revised 2.28.96)\n\n\n[Note: This is a single part of what will be, by my classification, about 240 compact tribal histories (contact to 1900). It is limited to the lower 48 states of the U.S. but also includes those First Nations from Canada and Mexico that had important roles (Huron, Micmac, Assiniboine, etc.).\n\nAlthough this Cherokee history is larger than most, it's content and style are representative. The normal process at this point is to circulate an almost finished product among a peer group for comment and criticism.\n\nUsing the Internet, this can be more inclusive. Feel free to comment or suggest corrections via e-mail. Working together we can end some of the historical misinformation about Native Americans. You will find the ego at this end is standard size. Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to your comments...Lee Sultzman]\n\n\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\nLocation\nOriginal: \n\nThe southern Appalachian Mountains: including western North and South Carolina, northern Georgia and Alabama, southwest Virginia, and the Cumberland Basin of Tennessee, Kentucky, and northern Alabama.\nCurrent: \nDistributed across the United States, but concentrated in eastern Oklahoma. The eastern Cherokee still maintain their reservation in western North Carolina. The Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory has almost 12,000 members and has been recognized by the State of Missouri. Other groups of Cherokee, like the 2,500 members of the North Alabama Cherokee, are located in Arkansas, Georgia, and Alabama but currently do not have federal recognition.\n\nPopulation\nEuropean epidemics introduced into the southeastern United States in 1540 by the Desoto expedition are estimated to have killed at least 75% of the original native population. How much the Cherokee suffered from this disaster in unknown, but their population in 1674 was about 50,000. A series of smallpox epidemics (1729, 1738, and 1753) cut this in half, and it remained fairly stable at about 25,000 until their removal to Oklahoma during the 1830s. The American Civil War was the next disaster and cost the Cherokee 25% of their population. No other group of Americans, red or white, suffered as severely during this conflict. The 1990 census listed 308,132 persons (15,000 full-blood) who identified themselves as Cherokee. Of these, 95,435 were concentrated in eastern Oklahoma while 10,114 eastern Cherokee lived on or near the North Carolina reservation. Cherokee tribal governments have fairly liberal membership standards, and some estimates exceed 370,000, which would make the Cherokee the largest Native American group in the United States.\n\n\nName\nThe most familiar name, Cherokee, comes from a Creek word "Chelokee" meaning "people of a different speech." In their own language the Cherokee originally called themselves the Aniyunwiya (or Anniyaya) "principal people" or the Keetoowah (or Anikituaghi, Anikituhwagi) "people of Kituhwa." Although they usually accept being called Cherokee, many prefer Tsalagi from their own name for the Cherokee Nation (Tsalagihi Ayili). Other names applied to the Cherokee have been: Allegheny (or Allegewi, Talligewi) (Delaware), Baniatho (Arapaho), Caáxi (or Cayaki) (Osage and Kansa), Chalaque (Spanish), Chilukki (dog people) (Choctaw and Chickasaw), Entarironnen (mountain people) (Huron), Gatohuá (Creek), Kittuwa (or Katowá) (Algonquin), Matera (or Manteran) (coming out of the ground) ( Catawba), Nation du Chien (French), Ochietarironnon (Wyandot), Oyatageronon (or Oyaudah, Uwatayoronon) (cave people) (Iroquois), Shanaki (Caddo), Shannakiak (Fox), Tcaike (Tonkawa), and Tcerokieco (Wichita).\n\n\nLanguage\nIroquian, but Cherokee differs significantly from other Iroquian languages.\n\n\nSub-tribes\n\nThe Cherokee have been divided into three divisions depending on location and dialect (east to west): \nLower
Education & Reference
1Science & Mathematics
what is pi?
what is pi to the hundred decimal
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961 5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517 1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535 8932261854 8963213293 3089857064 20467
what is pi?what is pi to the hundred decimal3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961 5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517 1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535 8932261854 8963213293 3089857064 20467
Science & Mathematics
1Science & Mathematics
What is the definition of "sleet?"?
As opposed to hail.
Here's more than you probably ever wanted to know about sleet.\nDefinitions of sleet on the Web:\n\n * precipitate as a mixture of rain and snow; "If the temperature rises above freezing, it will probably sleet"\n * partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)\n\n\n * Whereas hail forms within clouds, sleet begins as snow falling to earth after having left its originating cloud. The snow partially melts on its trip down in a layer of warm air but then refreezes into ice crystals that appear much like hail.\n\n\n * Depending on the region, precipitation of rain or snow mixed, or rain and hail, or rain and ice pellets, or melting snow, or sudden and brief rainfall with wind and hail.\n\n\n * Rain that turns to ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet also causes roads to freeze and become slippery.\n\n\n * A type of frozen precipitation, consisting of small transparent pellets.\n\n\n * Frozen or partly frozen rain.\n\n\n * Precipitation consisting of transparent pellets of ice, 5 millimeters or less in diameter. Also called ice pellets. Forms when snow enters a warm layer of air above the surface and melts and then enters a deep layer of sub freezing air on the surface and refreezes.\n\n\n * Describes solid grains of ice formed by the freezing of raindrops or the refreezing of largely melted snowflakes. These grains usually bounce upon impact with the ground or pavement. Heavy sleet is a relatively rare event defined as an accumulation of ice pellets covering the ground to a depth of 1/2" or more. See Ice Pellets.\n\n\n * also called ice pellets. Sleet is formed when raindrops or melted snowflakes freeze as they pass through a below-freezing layer of air near the earth's surface. Sleet does not normally stick to trees and wires, and usually bounces on hitting the ground. An accumulation of sleet often has the consistency of dry sand.\n\n\n * Frozen or partially frozen rain that form when rain passes through a layer of air that is below the freezing temperature, falls to earth as a slush. Freshwater.\n\n\n * a form of precipitation in which droplets are partially frozen as water-ice (or water-snow) mixture.\n\n\n * in the US, a term used to describe tiny ice pellets that are formed when rain or partially melted snowflakes refreeze before reaching the ground. Colloquial usage of the term coincides with British usage, which defines sleet as a mixture of rain and snow.\n\n\n * Frozen precipitation that results when rain drops freeze while falling, before hitting the ground. This occurs when rain falls through a layer of colder air underlying a layer of warmer air. See Temperature Inversion.\n\n\n * 1. See ice pellets. 2. In British terminology, and colloquially in some parts of the United States, precipitation in the form of a mixture of rain and snow.\n\n\n * Sleet is frozen precipitation falling as ice pellets. Ice pellets occur when snowflakes melt into raindrops as they pass through a thin layer of warmer air. The raindrops then refreeze into particles of ice when they fall into a layer of sub-freezing air near the surface of the earth.\n\n\n * precipitation which is a mixture of rain and ice.\n www.tex
What is the definition of "sleet?"?As opposed to hail.Here's more than you probably ever wanted to know about sleet.\nDefinitions of sleet on the Web:\n\n * precipitate as a mixture of rain and snow; "If the temperature rises above freezing, it will probably sleet"\n * partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)\n\n\n * Whereas hail forms within clouds, sleet begins as snow falling to earth after having left its originating cloud. The snow partially melts on its trip down in a layer of warm air but then refreezes into ice crystals that appear much like hail.\n\n\n * Depending on the region, precipitation of rain or snow mixed, or rain and hail, or rain and ice pellets, or melting snow, or sudden and brief rainfall with wind and hail.\n\n\n * Rain that turns to ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet also causes roads to freeze and become slippery.\n\n\n * A type of frozen precipitation, consisting of small transparent pellets.\n\n\n * Frozen or partly frozen rain.\n\n\n * Precipitation consisting of transparent pellets of ice, 5 millimeters or less in diameter. Also called ice pellets. Forms when snow enters a warm layer of air above the surface and melts and then enters a deep layer of sub freezing air on the surface and refreezes.\n\n\n * Describes solid grains of ice formed by the freezing of raindrops or the refreezing of largely melted snowflakes. These grains usually bounce upon impact with the ground or pavement. Heavy sleet is a relatively rare event defined as an accumulation of ice pellets covering the ground to a depth of 1/2" or more. See Ice Pellets.\n\n\n * also called ice pellets. Sleet is formed when raindrops or melted snowflakes freeze as they pass through a below-freezing layer of air near the earth's surface. Sleet does not normally stick to trees and wires, and usually bounces on hitting the ground. An accumulation of sleet often has the consistency of dry sand.\n\n\n * Frozen or partially frozen rain that form when rain passes through a layer of air that is below the freezing temperature, falls to earth as a slush. Freshwater.\n\n\n * a form of precipitation in which droplets are partially frozen as water-ice (or water-snow) mixture.\n\n\n * in the US, a term used to describe tiny ice pellets that are formed when rain or partially melted snowflakes refreeze before reaching the ground. Colloquial usage of the term coincides with British usage, which defines sleet as a mixture of rain and snow.\n\n\n * Frozen precipitation that results when rain drops freeze while falling, before hitting the ground. This occurs when rain falls through a layer of colder air underlying a layer of warmer air. See Temperature Inversion.\n\n\n * 1. See ice pellets. 2. In British terminology, and colloquially in some parts of the United States, precipitation in the form of a mixture of rain and snow.\n\n\n * Sleet is frozen precipitation falling as ice pellets. Ice pellets occur when snowflakes melt into raindrops as they pass through a thin layer of warmer air. The raindrops then refreeze into particles of ice when they fall into a layer of sub-freezing air near the surface of the earth.\n\n\n * precipitation which is a mixture of rain and ice.\n www.tex
Science & Mathematics
4Computers & Internet
can u create a "CON" folder in winxp and how to reset or findout the password in winxp?
The basic problem is that CON is the built in name used for a standard I/O port representing "console". This is just like other ports, like LPT1, LPT2, COM1, COM2, etc. If you managed to created such a file/folder on your machine, all normal input and output that normally come from the keyboard and display on the screen would have to come from and go to the file/folder you created.\n\nDOS device names are reserved words, and cannot be\nused as folder or file names. When parsing a reference to a file or folder, Windows correctly checks for the case in which a single DOS device name is used in the path, and treats it as invalid.\n\nfollowing are reserved device names\n\nCON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4,\nCOM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4,LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9.\n\nu cannot create a folder or file of the above names.\n\nThis actually is a unix-like feature. DOS device drivers are accessible like normal files, i.e. the everything-is-a-file philosophy. CON is the equivalent of /dev/tty, NUL of /dev/null, COM# of /dev/ttyS#, LPT# of /dev/lp# and CLOCK$ corresponds to /dev/rtc (PRN is an alias to LPT1, AUX is COM1). Every character device can be opened this way, block devices (which are assumed to be FAT formatted...) are named A: to Z:, as you will know. Many pseudo character devices (drivers which had to be loaded as drivers but were no character devices, like EMM386, HIMEM.SYS, ..) had forbidden characters like '*' in their device names to be hidden from the user.\n\nThe only problem is: DOS 1, which introduced CON, NUL, PRN and AUX had no directories, i.e. no /dev/, so for compatibility with old DOS1-executables (which don't know that they live in a directory) the character devices have to exist in every directory. Don't know why this feature was not limited to FCB (CP/M like) file access, unix like file numbers were introduced together with directories in DOS 2 (actually the MS programmers had Xenix machines on their desks, I heard)..\n\nsecondly i would say that some extra smart people try to create the Folder "con" by using special characters in front of the folder name such as now take for example one of my friend told me that he had created the folder "con". he showed me the syntax. the correct syntax for creating a folder in DOS is...\n\nmkdir con \n\nbut since the folder "con" cannot be created this command doesnt execute.\nnow see the syntax what my friend showed me\n\nmkdir &#92;.&#92;&#92;d:&#92;con (warning : dont try on ur pc)\nand to delete the folder is\nrd &#92;.&#92;&#92;d:&#92;con\nu know wat will happen\nin windows xp u will c only a folder of name "con" but the actual name is &#92;.&#92;&#92;con\nwe should not use special character in front of folder names.\n\nThere is one more technique to create "con" but it is not known to most of the people.\nThis is the alt+255 technique.\nIn this the user holds the "alt" key and then presses 255 from the numpad before or after the folder name.\nBut alt + 255 is the keyboard combination of underscore(_) or space which is a special character and hence can't be used for folder name.\nWhile displaying the name it wont show the special character, it will show only the name "con"\n\nNow regarding the file "con"\nyou may not have noticed but it is not only the folder "con" cannot be created but also u cannot create a file of name "con" (such as u can't create "con.txt",\n"con.doc","con.ppt" etc...)\nThe reason for this is as follows\n\nIn Dos there are two commands \nfor creating a file we use a command "copy con"\nthe syntax for creating a file in DOS is..\n\ncopy con <filename>\n\nusing the above command u can create a file in DOS.\nnow for copyng a file the command is "copy" in Dos\nthe synatx is ..\n\ncopy <filename1> <filename2&gt
can u create a "CON" folder in winxp and how to reset or findout the password in winxp?The basic problem is that CON is the built in name used for a standard I/O port representing "console". This is just like other ports, like LPT1, LPT2, COM1, COM2, etc. If you managed to created such a file/folder on your machine, all normal input and output that normally come from the keyboard and display on the screen would have to come from and go to the file/folder you created.\n\nDOS device names are reserved words, and cannot be\nused as folder or file names. When parsing a reference to a file or folder, Windows correctly checks for the case in which a single DOS device name is used in the path, and treats it as invalid.\n\nfollowing are reserved device names\n\nCON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4,\nCOM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4,LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9.\n\nu cannot create a folder or file of the above names.\n\nThis actually is a unix-like feature. DOS device drivers are accessible like normal files, i.e. the everything-is-a-file philosophy. CON is the equivalent of /dev/tty, NUL of /dev/null, COM# of /dev/ttyS#, LPT# of /dev/lp# and CLOCK$ corresponds to /dev/rtc (PRN is an alias to LPT1, AUX is COM1). Every character device can be opened this way, block devices (which are assumed to be FAT formatted...) are named A: to Z:, as you will know. Many pseudo character devices (drivers which had to be loaded as drivers but were no character devices, like EMM386, HIMEM.SYS, ..) had forbidden characters like '*' in their device names to be hidden from the user.\n\nThe only problem is: DOS 1, which introduced CON, NUL, PRN and AUX had no directories, i.e. no /dev/, so for compatibility with old DOS1-executables (which don't know that they live in a directory) the character devices have to exist in every directory. Don't know why this feature was not limited to FCB (CP/M like) file access, unix like file numbers were introduced together with directories in DOS 2 (actually the MS programmers had Xenix machines on their desks, I heard)..\n\nsecondly i would say that some extra smart people try to create the Folder "con" by using special characters in front of the folder name such as now take for example one of my friend told me that he had created the folder "con". he showed me the syntax. the correct syntax for creating a folder in DOS is...\n\nmkdir con \n\nbut since the folder "con" cannot be created this command doesnt execute.\nnow see the syntax what my friend showed me\n\nmkdir &#92;.&#92;&#92;d:&#92;con (warning : dont try on ur pc)\nand to delete the folder is\nrd &#92;.&#92;&#92;d:&#92;con\nu know wat will happen\nin windows xp u will c only a folder of name "con" but the actual name is &#92;.&#92;&#92;con\nwe should not use special character in front of folder names.\n\nThere is one more technique to create "con" but it is not known to most of the people.\nThis is the alt+255 technique.\nIn this the user holds the "alt" key and then presses 255 from the numpad before or after the folder name.\nBut alt + 255 is the keyboard combination of underscore(_) or space which is a special character and hence can't be used for folder name.\nWhile displaying the name it wont show the special character, it will show only the name "con"\n\nNow regarding the file "con"\nyou may not have noticed but it is not only the folder "con" cannot be created but also u cannot create a file of name "con" (such as u can't create "con.txt",\n"con.doc","con.ppt" etc...)\nThe reason for this is as follows\n\nIn Dos there are two commands \nfor creating a file we use a command "copy con"\nthe syntax for creating a file in DOS is..\n\ncopy con <filename>\n\nusing the above command u can create a file in DOS.\nnow for copyng a file the command is "copy" in Dos\nthe synatx is ..\n\ncopy <filename1> <filename2&gt
Computers & Internet
6Business & Finance
How many more questions need I answer to be the Yahoo Prom Queen?
Hello Cheaky, welcome to the Yahoo Answer family. Start asking questions, giving answers, casting votes, thumbs up on good answers and you will soon find your self at a good position. \n\nI am at presnt having 2600 points, as you can also locate on But sincerely speaking, points are not that important. To become the Yahoo Prom Queen, you need to give quality answers from your knowledge and a little help of search engines. Giving good solutions will earn you respect, which is even bigger than the points we are trying to collect. Hope you have a fun time, side by side sharing knowledge.\n\nAs far as points are concerned, an earlier answer by my friend Jonny Quest details how to get the points the fastest. Here's the link : \n\n;_ylt=AhnJZuAT7UDpunlSvwen89EjzKIX?qid=1005121204489\n\nI suppose the link might not work as it is for my own username, so here I am including his Answer for the older point system :\n\nAssumption: 1.once i reach a particular level in a day, the Q&A for that level is reset to 0 for the day\n2. when u say choose best answer for 50qn/day, i assume u want to rate the contribution=>1 point\n\nStarting with a initial fixed 100 points.\n------------------------------...\nAt Level I, per day i can earn\n10 answers - 20\n10 questions\n5 qna to vote - 25\n5 qna to best answer - 25\n10 qns to vote - 10\n10 qns to rate - 10\n1 best answer - 10\ntotal = 100 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 2, i need 150 more points; so i take 1.5 days to get to level 2.\ncumulative total = 250\n------------------------------...\nAt level 2 i can earn per day -\n20 answers - 40\n20 questions\n10 qna to vote - 50\n10 qna to best answer - 50\n20 qns to vote - 20\n20 qns to rate - 20\n2 best answer - 20\ntotal = 200 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 3, i need 1000-250=750 more points; so i take 750/200=3.75 days to get to level 3\nCumulative Points = 1000\n------------------------------...\nAt level 3, i can earn per day-\n30 answers - 60\n30 questions\n15 qna to vote - 75\n15 qna to best answer - 75\n30 qns to vote - 30\n30 qns to rate - 30\n3 best answer - 30\ntotal = 300 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 4, i need 2500-1000=1500 more points; so i take 1500/300=5 days to get to level 4\nCumulative Points = 2500\n------------------------------...\nAt level 4, i can earn per day-\n40 answers - 80\n40 questions\n20 qna to vote - 100\n20 qna to best answer - 100\n40 qns to vote - 40\n40 qns to rate - 40\n4 best answer - 40\ntotal = 400 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 5, i need 5000-2500=2500 more points; so i take 2500/400=6.25 days to get to level 5\nCumulative Points = 5000\n------------------------------...\nAt level 5, i can earn per day-\n50 answers - 100\n50 questions\n25 qna to vote - 125\n25 qna to best answer - 125\n50 qns to vote - 50\n50 qns to rate - 50\n5 best answer - 50\ntotal = 500 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 6, i need 10000-5000=5000 more points; so i take 5000/500 = 10 days to get to level 6\nCumulative Points = 10000\n------------------------------...\nAt level 6, i can earn per day-\n50 answers - 100\n50 questions\n25 qna to vote - 125\n25 qna to best answer - 125\n50 qns to vote - 50\n50 qns to rate - 50\n5 best answer - 50\ntotal = 500 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 7, i need 25000-10000=15000 more points; so i take 15000/500 = 30 days to get to level 7\nCumulative Points = 15000\n------------------------------...\nso adding up all the days together = 1.5+3.75+5+6.25+10+30 = 56 days
How many more questions need I answer to be the Yahoo Prom Queen?Hello Cheaky, welcome to the Yahoo Answer family. Start asking questions, giving answers, casting votes, thumbs up on good answers and you will soon find your self at a good position. \n\nI am at presnt having 2600 points, as you can also locate on But sincerely speaking, points are not that important. To become the Yahoo Prom Queen, you need to give quality answers from your knowledge and a little help of search engines. Giving good solutions will earn you respect, which is even bigger than the points we are trying to collect. Hope you have a fun time, side by side sharing knowledge.\n\nAs far as points are concerned, an earlier answer by my friend Jonny Quest details how to get the points the fastest. Here's the link : \n\n;_ylt=AhnJZuAT7UDpunlSvwen89EjzKIX?qid=1005121204489\n\nI suppose the link might not work as it is for my own username, so here I am including his Answer for the older point system :\n\nAssumption: 1.once i reach a particular level in a day, the Q&A for that level is reset to 0 for the day\n2. when u say choose best answer for 50qn/day, i assume u want to rate the contribution=>1 point\n\nStarting with a initial fixed 100 points.\n------------------------------...\nAt Level I, per day i can earn\n10 answers - 20\n10 questions\n5 qna to vote - 25\n5 qna to best answer - 25\n10 qns to vote - 10\n10 qns to rate - 10\n1 best answer - 10\ntotal = 100 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 2, i need 150 more points; so i take 1.5 days to get to level 2.\ncumulative total = 250\n------------------------------...\nAt level 2 i can earn per day -\n20 answers - 40\n20 questions\n10 qna to vote - 50\n10 qna to best answer - 50\n20 qns to vote - 20\n20 qns to rate - 20\n2 best answer - 20\ntotal = 200 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 3, i need 1000-250=750 more points; so i take 750/200=3.75 days to get to level 3\nCumulative Points = 1000\n------------------------------...\nAt level 3, i can earn per day-\n30 answers - 60\n30 questions\n15 qna to vote - 75\n15 qna to best answer - 75\n30 qns to vote - 30\n30 qns to rate - 30\n3 best answer - 30\ntotal = 300 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 4, i need 2500-1000=1500 more points; so i take 1500/300=5 days to get to level 4\nCumulative Points = 2500\n------------------------------...\nAt level 4, i can earn per day-\n40 answers - 80\n40 questions\n20 qna to vote - 100\n20 qna to best answer - 100\n40 qns to vote - 40\n40 qns to rate - 40\n4 best answer - 40\ntotal = 400 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 5, i need 5000-2500=2500 more points; so i take 2500/400=6.25 days to get to level 5\nCumulative Points = 5000\n------------------------------...\nAt level 5, i can earn per day-\n50 answers - 100\n50 questions\n25 qna to vote - 125\n25 qna to best answer - 125\n50 qns to vote - 50\n50 qns to rate - 50\n5 best answer - 50\ntotal = 500 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 6, i need 10000-5000=5000 more points; so i take 5000/500 = 10 days to get to level 6\nCumulative Points = 10000\n------------------------------...\nAt level 6, i can earn per day-\n50 answers - 100\n50 questions\n25 qna to vote - 125\n25 qna to best answer - 125\n50 qns to vote - 50\n50 qns to rate - 50\n5 best answer - 50\ntotal = 500 points\n------------------------------...\nFor level 7, i need 25000-10000=15000 more points; so i take 15000/500 = 30 days to get to level 7\nCumulative Points = 15000\n------------------------------...\nso adding up all the days together = 1.5+3.75+5+6.25+10+30 = 56 days
Business & Finance
1Science & Mathematics
Who can tell me all the numbers they known in Pi?
I have never had any use for anything more than remembering 3.14159 but if you are really into pi here are a few thousand digits and there are much more. Have fun:\n\n3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961\n5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 00
Who can tell me all the numbers they known in Pi?I have never had any use for anything more than remembering 3.14159 but if you are really into pi here are a few thousand digits and there are much more. Have fun:\n\n3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961\n5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 00
Science & Mathematics
1Science & Mathematics
What are the first 20 digits of pi? You know, 3.14159...?
All I know is 3.141592. Please help.
First 10000 digits ...\n\n3.\n1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961\n5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517 1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535 893226185
What are the first 20 digits of pi? You know, 3.14159...?All I know is 3.141592. Please help.First 10000 digits ...\n\n3.\n1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961\n5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517 1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535 893226185
Science & Mathematics
3Education & Reference
Can someone give me the exact number of books that author James Hardley Chase has written?
Please include the books he wrote under psuedo names also.
About James Hadley Chase Top \n\n James Hadley Chase was born in London and initially worked as a book wholesaler. He was heavily influenced by American crime and gangster writers and his own books fall within that genre, with many of them based in the U.S. Chase developed a number of series characters, with several books dedicated to each and all are fast moving tales of murder, intrigue, blackmail and espionage. Characters include ex commando Brick-Top Corrigan, Californian private eye Vic Malloy, former C.I.A. agent Mark Girland, and millionaire Don Miclem. Hailed as " the thriller maestro of the generation ", Chase died in 1985. \n\n\n \n \nSeries \n Dave Fenner \n \n 1. No Orchids for Miss Blandish (1939)\n aka The Villain And the Virgin \n 2. Twelve Chinks And a Woman (1940)\n aka The Doll's Bad News \n \n \n Vic Malloy \n \n 1. You're Lonely When You're Dead (1949) \n 2. Figure It Out for Yourself (1950)\n aka The Marijuana Mob \n 3. Lay Her Among the Lilies (1950)\n aka Too Dangerous to Be Free \n \n \n Steve Harmas \n \n 1. The Double Shuffle (1952) \n 2. There's Always a Price Tag (1956) \n 3. Shock Treatment (1959) \n 4. Tell It to the Birds (1963) \n 5. An Ear to the Ground (1968) \n \n \n \n Frank Terrell \n \n 1. The Soft Centre (1964) \n 2. The Way the Cookie Crumbles (1965) \n 3. Well Now, My Pretty (1967) \n 4. Believed Violent (1968) \n 5. There's a Hippie On the Highway (1970) \n \n \n Mark Girland \n \n 1. This Is for Real (1965) \n 2. You Have Yourself a Deal (1966) \n 3. Have This One On Me (1967) \n 4. The Whiff of Money (1969) \n \n \n \n Helga Rolfe \n \n 1. An Ace Up My Sleeve (1971) \n 2. The Joker in the Pack (1975) \n 3. Meet Helga Rolfe (1984) \n \n \n\n\n \n \nNovels\n\n The Dead Stay Dumb (1939)\n aka Kiss My Fist! \n He Won't Need It Now (1939) (writing as James L Dochery) \n Lady, Here's Your Wreath (1940) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Get a Load of This (1941) \n Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief (1941) \n Just the Way It Is (1944) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Miss Shumway Waves a Wand (1944) \n Eve (1945) \n Blonde's Requiem (1946) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n I'll Get You for This (1946) \n Make the Corpse Walk (1946) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n More Deadly Than the Male (1946) (writing as Ambrose Grant) \n No Business of Mine (1947) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Flesh of the Orchid (1948) \n Trusted Like the Fox (1948) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Paw in the Bottle (1949) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n You Never Know with Women (1949) \n Mallory (1950) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n But a Short Time to Live (1951) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n In a Vain Shadow (1951) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Strictly for Cash (1951) \n Why Pick On Me? (1951) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Fast Buck (1952) \n The Wary Transgressor (1952) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n I'll Bury My Dead (1953) \n The Things Men Do (1953) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n This Way for a Shroud (1953) \n Mission to Venice (1954) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Safer Dead (1954)\n aka Dead Ringer \n The Sucker Punch (1954) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Tiger By the Tail (1954) \n Mission to Siena (1955) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Pickup (1955) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Ruthless (1955) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n You've Got It Coming (1955) \n You Find Him, I'll Fix Him (1956) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Guilty Are Afraid (1957) \n Never Trust a Woman (1957) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Hit And Run (1958) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Not Safe to Be Free (1958)\n aka The Case of the Strangled Starlet \n The World in My Pocket (1959) \n Come Easy, Go Easy (1960) \n What's Better Than Money? (1960) \n Just Another Sucker (1961) \n A Lotus for Miss Quon (1961) \n A Coffin from Hong Kong (1962) \n I Would Rather Stay Poor (1962) \n One Bright Summer
Can someone give me the exact number of books that author James Hardley Chase has written?Please include the books he wrote under psuedo names also.About James Hadley Chase Top \n\n James Hadley Chase was born in London and initially worked as a book wholesaler. He was heavily influenced by American crime and gangster writers and his own books fall within that genre, with many of them based in the U.S. Chase developed a number of series characters, with several books dedicated to each and all are fast moving tales of murder, intrigue, blackmail and espionage. Characters include ex commando Brick-Top Corrigan, Californian private eye Vic Malloy, former C.I.A. agent Mark Girland, and millionaire Don Miclem. Hailed as " the thriller maestro of the generation ", Chase died in 1985. \n\n\n \n \nSeries \n Dave Fenner \n \n 1. No Orchids for Miss Blandish (1939)\n aka The Villain And the Virgin \n 2. Twelve Chinks And a Woman (1940)\n aka The Doll's Bad News \n \n \n Vic Malloy \n \n 1. You're Lonely When You're Dead (1949) \n 2. Figure It Out for Yourself (1950)\n aka The Marijuana Mob \n 3. Lay Her Among the Lilies (1950)\n aka Too Dangerous to Be Free \n \n \n Steve Harmas \n \n 1. The Double Shuffle (1952) \n 2. There's Always a Price Tag (1956) \n 3. Shock Treatment (1959) \n 4. Tell It to the Birds (1963) \n 5. An Ear to the Ground (1968) \n \n \n \n Frank Terrell \n \n 1. The Soft Centre (1964) \n 2. The Way the Cookie Crumbles (1965) \n 3. Well Now, My Pretty (1967) \n 4. Believed Violent (1968) \n 5. There's a Hippie On the Highway (1970) \n \n \n Mark Girland \n \n 1. This Is for Real (1965) \n 2. You Have Yourself a Deal (1966) \n 3. Have This One On Me (1967) \n 4. The Whiff of Money (1969) \n \n \n \n Helga Rolfe \n \n 1. An Ace Up My Sleeve (1971) \n 2. The Joker in the Pack (1975) \n 3. Meet Helga Rolfe (1984) \n \n \n\n\n \n \nNovels\n\n The Dead Stay Dumb (1939)\n aka Kiss My Fist! \n He Won't Need It Now (1939) (writing as James L Dochery) \n Lady, Here's Your Wreath (1940) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Get a Load of This (1941) \n Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief (1941) \n Just the Way It Is (1944) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Miss Shumway Waves a Wand (1944) \n Eve (1945) \n Blonde's Requiem (1946) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n I'll Get You for This (1946) \n Make the Corpse Walk (1946) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n More Deadly Than the Male (1946) (writing as Ambrose Grant) \n No Business of Mine (1947) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Flesh of the Orchid (1948) \n Trusted Like the Fox (1948) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Paw in the Bottle (1949) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n You Never Know with Women (1949) \n Mallory (1950) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n But a Short Time to Live (1951) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n In a Vain Shadow (1951) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Strictly for Cash (1951) \n Why Pick On Me? (1951) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Fast Buck (1952) \n The Wary Transgressor (1952) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n I'll Bury My Dead (1953) \n The Things Men Do (1953) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n This Way for a Shroud (1953) \n Mission to Venice (1954) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Safer Dead (1954)\n aka Dead Ringer \n The Sucker Punch (1954) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Tiger By the Tail (1954) \n Mission to Siena (1955) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Pickup (1955) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Ruthless (1955) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n You've Got It Coming (1955) \n You Find Him, I'll Fix Him (1956) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n The Guilty Are Afraid (1957) \n Never Trust a Woman (1957) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Hit And Run (1958) (writing as Raymond Marshall) \n Not Safe to Be Free (1958)\n aka The Case of the Strangled Starlet \n The World in My Pocket (1959) \n Come Easy, Go Easy (1960) \n What's Better Than Money? (1960) \n Just Another Sucker (1961) \n A Lotus for Miss Quon (1961) \n A Coffin from Hong Kong (1962) \n I Would Rather Stay Poor (1962) \n One Bright Summer
Education & Reference
7Entertainment & Music
list of songs?
i want to have a list of all songs sung by alisha chinai, Indian singer. Can anyone help?
Following is the list of all of her songs :\n\nAlbum: Aapko Pehle Bhi Kahin Dekha Hai (2002)\nDil Gaya Kaam Se \nIshq To Jadoo Hai \n\nAlbum: Aitraaz (2004)\nYeh Dil Tumpe Aa Gaya (The Slip And The Slide Mix) \n\nAlbum: ALISHA - GREATEST HITS\nAah Alisha \nBabusha \nBaby Doll \nJaane Jaana \nJadoo \nKamasutra \nPapa \nSuperman \n\nAlbum: ALISHA CHINAI\nBas \nChhoti Si Baat \nDil Ki Rani \nDisco \nI Love Your Money Money \nLove Around the World (Bombay Mix) \nLove Around the World \nShaayad \nVah-Vah \n\nAlbum: ALISHA REINVITED (2005)\nAajaa \nDil \nEk Baar Do Baar \nLover Girl \nMade In India \nMera Saath \n\nAlbum: Bachke Rehna Re Baba (2005)\nSharafat Chod De \nSharafat Chod De - 2 \n\nAlbum: Bardaasht (2004)\nNa Na Na Na Re \n\nAlbum: Barsaat (2005) (2005)\nNakhre \n\nAlbum: Barsaat (2005) (2005)\nNakhre (Remix) \n\n Album: Bollywood Hollywood (2002)\nRang Rang \nSona Sona Roop Hai \n\n Album: Bunty Aur Babli (2005)\nKajra Re \n\n Album: Chehraa (New) (2004)\nTabahee Tabahee \n\n Album: Dil Ne Jise Apna Kaha (2004)\nGo Balle Balle \n\n Album: Dobara (2004)\nHamnasheen \n\n Album: Fareb - Twisted Love (2005)\nSubah Bhi \n\n Album: Fida (2004)\nMaine Jisko Chaha \n\n Album: GAANE ANJAANE - PYAR PYAR PYAR (2005)\nChha Raha Hai Pyar Ka - Chandramukhi \n\n Album: Hathyar (2002)\nNazar Nazar Mein (Remix) \n\n Album: Ishq Vishk (2003)\nChot Dil Pe Lagi \nMujhpe Har Haseena \nKaun Hai Woh \nTheme \n\n Album: Kalyug (2005)\nDheere Dheere \n\n Album: Karam (2005)\nTinka Tinka \n\n Album: Mere Jeevan Saathi (2005)\nMashooqa \n\n Album: Mr India (1987)\nKaate Nahi Kat Te Ye Din \n\n Album: Mujhse Dosti Karoge (2002)\nOh My Darling \n\n Album: No Entry (2005)\nNo Entry / Ishq Ki Galli Mein \nWhy Why / Dil Chura Ke \nHot Hot / Kalyug Ki Laila \nMere Jaisa Koi Nahi \n\n Album: Plan (2003)\nPyar Aaya \nMehboob Mere \n\n Album: Pyar Tune Kya Kiya (2001)\nRoundhe \n\nAlbum: Qayamat (2003)\nYaar Pyar Ho Gaya \n\nAlbum: Raja Hindustani (1996)\nUff Kya Raat Aayi Hai \n\n Album: Ram Lakhan (1989)\nKarte Hain Sab Mujhe Salaam \n\nAlbum: Ramji Londonwaley (2005)\nDo Do Do Do \n\n Album: Shikaar (2004)\nNazron Se Nazron Ko - 1 \nNazron Se Nazron Ko - 2 \n\n Album: Silsilay - Affairs of The Heart (2005)\nTere Liye Mere \n\n Album: Valentine Days (2003)\nPassion \n\n Album: Vijaypath (1994)\nKal Saiyan Ne Aisi Bowling Kari Ruk Ruk Ruk \n\nYou can even play the songs there.
list of songs?i want to have a list of all songs sung by alisha chinai, Indian singer. Can anyone help?Following is the list of all of her songs :\n\nAlbum: Aapko Pehle Bhi Kahin Dekha Hai (2002)\nDil Gaya Kaam Se \nIshq To Jadoo Hai \n\nAlbum: Aitraaz (2004)\nYeh Dil Tumpe Aa Gaya (The Slip And The Slide Mix) \n\nAlbum: ALISHA - GREATEST HITS\nAah Alisha \nBabusha \nBaby Doll \nJaane Jaana \nJadoo \nKamasutra \nPapa \nSuperman \n\nAlbum: ALISHA CHINAI\nBas \nChhoti Si Baat \nDil Ki Rani \nDisco \nI Love Your Money Money \nLove Around the World (Bombay Mix) \nLove Around the World \nShaayad \nVah-Vah \n\nAlbum: ALISHA REINVITED (2005)\nAajaa \nDil \nEk Baar Do Baar \nLover Girl \nMade In India \nMera Saath \n\nAlbum: Bachke Rehna Re Baba (2005)\nSharafat Chod De \nSharafat Chod De - 2 \n\nAlbum: Bardaasht (2004)\nNa Na Na Na Re \n\nAlbum: Barsaat (2005) (2005)\nNakhre \n\nAlbum: Barsaat (2005) (2005)\nNakhre (Remix) \n\n Album: Bollywood Hollywood (2002)\nRang Rang \nSona Sona Roop Hai \n\n Album: Bunty Aur Babli (2005)\nKajra Re \n\n Album: Chehraa (New) (2004)\nTabahee Tabahee \n\n Album: Dil Ne Jise Apna Kaha (2004)\nGo Balle Balle \n\n Album: Dobara (2004)\nHamnasheen \n\n Album: Fareb - Twisted Love (2005)\nSubah Bhi \n\n Album: Fida (2004)\nMaine Jisko Chaha \n\n Album: GAANE ANJAANE - PYAR PYAR PYAR (2005)\nChha Raha Hai Pyar Ka - Chandramukhi \n\n Album: Hathyar (2002)\nNazar Nazar Mein (Remix) \n\n Album: Ishq Vishk (2003)\nChot Dil Pe Lagi \nMujhpe Har Haseena \nKaun Hai Woh \nTheme \n\n Album: Kalyug (2005)\nDheere Dheere \n\n Album: Karam (2005)\nTinka Tinka \n\n Album: Mere Jeevan Saathi (2005)\nMashooqa \n\n Album: Mr India (1987)\nKaate Nahi Kat Te Ye Din \n\n Album: Mujhse Dosti Karoge (2002)\nOh My Darling \n\n Album: No Entry (2005)\nNo Entry / Ishq Ki Galli Mein \nWhy Why / Dil Chura Ke \nHot Hot / Kalyug Ki Laila \nMere Jaisa Koi Nahi \n\n Album: Plan (2003)\nPyar Aaya \nMehboob Mere \n\n Album: Pyar Tune Kya Kiya (2001)\nRoundhe \n\nAlbum: Qayamat (2003)\nYaar Pyar Ho Gaya \n\nAlbum: Raja Hindustani (1996)\nUff Kya Raat Aayi Hai \n\n Album: Ram Lakhan (1989)\nKarte Hain Sab Mujhe Salaam \n\nAlbum: Ramji Londonwaley (2005)\nDo Do Do Do \n\n Album: Shikaar (2004)\nNazron Se Nazron Ko - 1 \nNazron Se Nazron Ko - 2 \n\n Album: Silsilay - Affairs of The Heart (2005)\nTere Liye Mere \n\n Album: Valentine Days (2003)\nPassion \n\n Album: Vijaypath (1994)\nKal Saiyan Ne Aisi Bowling Kari Ruk Ruk Ruk \n\nYou can even play the songs there.
Entertainment & Music
6Business & Finance
how can i earn $1 mio in 5 years? any good ideas?
Start with Ten Mil and invest it in the stock market.\n\nWith some luck, you'll earn $1 mil (which is what I THINK you meant to ask).\n\nIf you lose 90%, you'll still have $1 mil.\n\n------------\n\nSeriously, as one who has done what you are looking to do, with the success levels you are talking about, I have to say that the BEST way to make a lot of money is to start your own business. Look at it this way, if you work for someone else, you can pretty accurately predict what your salary will be over 5 years (even optimistically)- and it will probably be no where near $1 mil.\n\nSo, Here's the plan.\n\n1. Start your own business. You should do something you LIKE to do.\n\n2. Set a target for who you are marketing to, and what product or service you are providing. Define that well, on paper. Perhaps you want to provide computer programming services for accounting firms, or provide financial planning services for wealthy men (>$2M net worth) in their 40's. Whatever. Define it well. This sets your target customer. It guides your efforts.\n\n3. Every SPARE moment goes toward building a business for your target... finding customers in that arena, building a product or service offering in that target range.\n\n4. Set a financial goal. If you want to earn (gross) $1M in 5 yrs, maybe it looks like this: Yr 1: 25K, Yr 2: 70K, Yr 3: 130K, Yr 4: 260K, Yr 5: 520K. That would put you over 1M for the total, and with a growth rate that would put you over $1M in yr 6 as well.\n\n5. PUT A PLAN ON PAPER. What does yr 2 look like? Who are you selling to, and what are you selling? How many customers do you need? How many employees do you need? What does a budget look like? (where would you be spending your money in year 2, to insure that year 3 produces the results that you need). It's a GIVEN that your plan will be WRONG (one way or another), but it's CRITICAL that you do this ON PAPER.\n\n6. Read The E-Myth. Michael Gerber lays out a roadmap. (That was a guide for our multi-million dollar start-up)\n\n7. Hire people ONLY IF YOU MUST, and then HIRE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN YOU. This is critical. Most start-ups go "on the cheap". Most start-ups fail. Look for people that have succeeded in starting a business.\n\n8. Put your business plan into a "presentation", and present it to as MANY influential people as possible. Amazingly MOST EVERYONE is supportive of the little guy who has the guts to go out on a limb. Listen to their advice (and weigh it accordingly). This is part "strategic planning" and part "marketing". You are just trying to get the message out. At the end of each presentation, ask "do you know of anyone who I should talk to, who would be interested in my product or service?" Get leads. Follow up on them.\n\n9. Keeping your eye on your target market and financial goals, turn down VERY LITTLE business down (initially) until you can meet your financial target. Price your deals based on how close to the target they are. For instance, if you choose to perform Landscaping for businesses, but someone asks you to help them with a residential job, bid the job so that it's "worth your time". Don't ever complain that "this isn't my core business". The only business you want to avoid in the early stages are the deals that don't have a clean exit or a paying customer. If you can state your price, and do a job, and have a satisfied customer, and make a few bucks, that is golden! You are looking for reference accounts.\n\n10. When you are so busy that you have the luxury of being selective of the business that you take on, price yourself accordingly. Some business you may want to say no to. Other business you may want to price high. Remember the TARGET set in Step 2. If it's a "bullseye" deal (exactly the type of business you are looking for, with a customer that will be happy and refer
how can i earn $1 mio in 5 years? any good ideas?Start with Ten Mil and invest it in the stock market.\n\nWith some luck, you'll earn $1 mil (which is what I THINK you meant to ask).\n\nIf you lose 90%, you'll still have $1 mil.\n\n------------\n\nSeriously, as one who has done what you are looking to do, with the success levels you are talking about, I have to say that the BEST way to make a lot of money is to start your own business. Look at it this way, if you work for someone else, you can pretty accurately predict what your salary will be over 5 years (even optimistically)- and it will probably be no where near $1 mil.\n\nSo, Here's the plan.\n\n1. Start your own business. You should do something you LIKE to do.\n\n2. Set a target for who you are marketing to, and what product or service you are providing. Define that well, on paper. Perhaps you want to provide computer programming services for accounting firms, or provide financial planning services for wealthy men (>$2M net worth) in their 40's. Whatever. Define it well. This sets your target customer. It guides your efforts.\n\n3. Every SPARE moment goes toward building a business for your target... finding customers in that arena, building a product or service offering in that target range.\n\n4. Set a financial goal. If you want to earn (gross) $1M in 5 yrs, maybe it looks like this: Yr 1: 25K, Yr 2: 70K, Yr 3: 130K, Yr 4: 260K, Yr 5: 520K. That would put you over 1M for the total, and with a growth rate that would put you over $1M in yr 6 as well.\n\n5. PUT A PLAN ON PAPER. What does yr 2 look like? Who are you selling to, and what are you selling? How many customers do you need? How many employees do you need? What does a budget look like? (where would you be spending your money in year 2, to insure that year 3 produces the results that you need). It's a GIVEN that your plan will be WRONG (one way or another), but it's CRITICAL that you do this ON PAPER.\n\n6. Read The E-Myth. Michael Gerber lays out a roadmap. (That was a guide for our multi-million dollar start-up)\n\n7. Hire people ONLY IF YOU MUST, and then HIRE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN YOU. This is critical. Most start-ups go "on the cheap". Most start-ups fail. Look for people that have succeeded in starting a business.\n\n8. Put your business plan into a "presentation", and present it to as MANY influential people as possible. Amazingly MOST EVERYONE is supportive of the little guy who has the guts to go out on a limb. Listen to their advice (and weigh it accordingly). This is part "strategic planning" and part "marketing". You are just trying to get the message out. At the end of each presentation, ask "do you know of anyone who I should talk to, who would be interested in my product or service?" Get leads. Follow up on them.\n\n9. Keeping your eye on your target market and financial goals, turn down VERY LITTLE business down (initially) until you can meet your financial target. Price your deals based on how close to the target they are. For instance, if you choose to perform Landscaping for businesses, but someone asks you to help them with a residential job, bid the job so that it's "worth your time". Don't ever complain that "this isn't my core business". The only business you want to avoid in the early stages are the deals that don't have a clean exit or a paying customer. If you can state your price, and do a job, and have a satisfied customer, and make a few bucks, that is golden! You are looking for reference accounts.\n\n10. When you are so busy that you have the luxury of being selective of the business that you take on, price yourself accordingly. Some business you may want to say no to. Other business you may want to price high. Remember the TARGET set in Step 2. If it's a "bullseye" deal (exactly the type of business you are looking for, with a customer that will be happy and refer
Business & Finance
7Entertainment & Music
i need a list of songs with the word crimson in the title?
TitleArtistAlbum \n"Crimson" Spoken Commentary By Nichole NordemanNichole NordemanBrave\nA Change of Seasons I: The Crimson Sunrise (Live)Dream TheaterOnce in a Livetime (Live)\nA Change of Seasons VII: The Crimson Sunset (Live)Dream TheaterOnce in a Livetime (Live)\nA Crimson ScarfTriangle3 Sides of a Question\nA l'ombre de Torre Bermeja (In the Shadow of the Crimson Tower)Artur PizarroRodrigo: Piano Music, Vol. 1\nAnd the Evening Sun Turned CrimsonKid Congo & the Pink Monkey BirdsPhilosophy and Underwear\nBallad of the Crimson TideRay Wylie HubbardLive At Cibelo Creek\nBehind the Crimson DoorH.I.M. (His Infernal Majesty)Dark Light\nBehind the Crimson DoorH.I.M. (His Infernal Majesty)Dark Light\nBehind the Crimson VeilScarlet Rivera & Eyre TommyBehind the Crimson Veil\nBeyond the Crimson PlanetRosin CovenMenagerie\nBridegroom Medley: I See a Crimson Stream, the Water Way, Jesus the Son of God, Can't Nobody Do Me Like JesusThe Church Of Christ Combined ChoirsI Give You the Keys\nCrimsonCalamity JamesBeneath the Surface\nCrimsonThe Dorothy HeraldsProjections\nCrimsonEdriaRegret\nCrimsonEye of the StormFall Into Grace\nCRIMSONGeorge SabolEternal Darkness\nCrimsonKen NordineColors\nCrimsonLucan WolfVampire Nights\nCrimsonMarissaColors of the Sky\nCrimsonNichole NordemanBrave\nCrimsonNichole NordemanBrave\nCrimsonPhat Cat SwingerPhat Cat Swinger\nCrimsonReba HaskoLive At Studio 43\nCrimsonRichard PenaAll Things In Reverse - Piano Sonatas\nCrimsonRudiBig Time - The Best of Rudi\nCrimsonSolaceAhsas\nCrimsonThese Green EyesHouse of Glass\nCrimson't FallingWendy WallerBeauty Queen\nCrimson & CrystalJulia EcklarDivine Intervention\nCrimson & PetalsSeth LockwoodThe Sounding Bell\nCrimson and CloverTommy RoeRock Masters\nCrimson AwakeningChoronzonMagog Agog\nCrimson BallroomThe HellacoptersRunnin' On Fumes - The Gearhead Magazine Singles Compilation\nCrimson BeautyPuerto MuertoCrimson Beauty\nCrimson BeautyPuerto MuertoSee You In Hell\nCrimson CaptureSusanne LeeShades\nCrimson CurtainDrool BrothersKASIO MONTIGO\nCrimson DropsEx-VoTothe Light of Day\nCrimson FlagLara MichellTide Pool\nCrimson FlushSouth Shore Concert BandVol. 2-Sounds of the Circus\nCrimson GardenThe HumanityLack of Discipline\nCrimson GhostThe MisfitsAmerican Psycho\nCrimson GlowBenjy Davis ProjectThe Angie House\nCrimson Headsaerial.spans.earthFreaky Full Reactions\nCrimson HorizonsAbigorIn Memory\nCrimson Horizons and Ashen SkiesAbigorOpus IV\nCrimson HueAnchor TaxiAnchor Taxi\nCrimson LadyJIVAThe Ladder\nCrimson LegionsEnthronedXes Haereticum\nCrimson LipsElaine LachicaAzure\nCrimson MomLisa LynneA Windham Hill Collection - Daughters of the Celtic Moon\nCrimson MoonBert JanschCrimson Moon\nCrimson OddityGary SephiraThe Attunement\nCrimson PhoenixAtlas Plug2 Days or Die\nCrimson Pirate - Pirate Capers OvertureCity of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra & Crouch End Festival ChorusEpics - The History of the World According to Hollywood\nCrimson PlumeSouth Shore Concert Band/Richard WhitmarshSounds of the Circus: Circus Marches, Vol.8\nCrimson QueenRADIOSOULRADIOSOUL\ncrimson Ramblers A.mike vargasrelentless paintings\ncrimson Ramblers B.mike vargasrelentless paintings\ncrimson Ramblers C.mike vargasrelentless paintings\nCrimson RiderMasterplanAeronautics\nCrimson RiderMasterplanAeronautics\nCrimson RoseJenRicListen\nCrimson RosesDeep RiverDiamonds In the Night\nCrimson RosesLori LiebermanGone Is the Girl\nCrimson SeagullKim Fowley and Buzzy BeanoStrange Plantations\nCrimson SkyBrian CrainBrian Crain and the BC String Ensemble\nCrimson SkyBrian CrainSienna\nCrimson SkyJeffrey MichaelKaleidoscope\nCrimson SkyJoe'lHold Me\nCrimson SnowGodgoryResurrection\nCrimson SpectreCrimson SpectreCrimson Spectre\nCrimson SunGeorge HughesIf It's Alright With You...\nCrimson TailPenumbraSeclusion\nCrimson TearsCASSIE STEELEHow Much for Happy\nCrimson TempestNaturescapes MusicCeltic Nature\nCrimson ThroneTwistedblissLullabies for the Damned\nCrimson ThunderHam
i need a list of songs with the word crimson in the title?TitleArtistAlbum \n"Crimson" Spoken Commentary By Nichole NordemanNichole NordemanBrave\nA Change of Seasons I: The Crimson Sunrise (Live)Dream TheaterOnce in a Livetime (Live)\nA Change of Seasons VII: The Crimson Sunset (Live)Dream TheaterOnce in a Livetime (Live)\nA Crimson ScarfTriangle3 Sides of a Question\nA l'ombre de Torre Bermeja (In the Shadow of the Crimson Tower)Artur PizarroRodrigo: Piano Music, Vol. 1\nAnd the Evening Sun Turned CrimsonKid Congo & the Pink Monkey BirdsPhilosophy and Underwear\nBallad of the Crimson TideRay Wylie HubbardLive At Cibelo Creek\nBehind the Crimson DoorH.I.M. (His Infernal Majesty)Dark Light\nBehind the Crimson DoorH.I.M. (His Infernal Majesty)Dark Light\nBehind the Crimson VeilScarlet Rivera & Eyre TommyBehind the Crimson Veil\nBeyond the Crimson PlanetRosin CovenMenagerie\nBridegroom Medley: I See a Crimson Stream, the Water Way, Jesus the Son of God, Can't Nobody Do Me Like JesusThe Church Of Christ Combined ChoirsI Give You the Keys\nCrimsonCalamity JamesBeneath the Surface\nCrimsonThe Dorothy HeraldsProjections\nCrimsonEdriaRegret\nCrimsonEye of the StormFall Into Grace\nCRIMSONGeorge SabolEternal Darkness\nCrimsonKen NordineColors\nCrimsonLucan WolfVampire Nights\nCrimsonMarissaColors of the Sky\nCrimsonNichole NordemanBrave\nCrimsonNichole NordemanBrave\nCrimsonPhat Cat SwingerPhat Cat Swinger\nCrimsonReba HaskoLive At Studio 43\nCrimsonRichard PenaAll Things In Reverse - Piano Sonatas\nCrimsonRudiBig Time - The Best of Rudi\nCrimsonSolaceAhsas\nCrimsonThese Green EyesHouse of Glass\nCrimson't FallingWendy WallerBeauty Queen\nCrimson & CrystalJulia EcklarDivine Intervention\nCrimson & PetalsSeth LockwoodThe Sounding Bell\nCrimson and CloverTommy RoeRock Masters\nCrimson AwakeningChoronzonMagog Agog\nCrimson BallroomThe HellacoptersRunnin' On Fumes - The Gearhead Magazine Singles Compilation\nCrimson BeautyPuerto MuertoCrimson Beauty\nCrimson BeautyPuerto MuertoSee You In Hell\nCrimson CaptureSusanne LeeShades\nCrimson CurtainDrool BrothersKASIO MONTIGO\nCrimson DropsEx-VoTothe Light of Day\nCrimson FlagLara MichellTide Pool\nCrimson FlushSouth Shore Concert BandVol. 2-Sounds of the Circus\nCrimson GardenThe HumanityLack of Discipline\nCrimson GhostThe MisfitsAmerican Psycho\nCrimson GlowBenjy Davis ProjectThe Angie House\nCrimson Headsaerial.spans.earthFreaky Full Reactions\nCrimson HorizonsAbigorIn Memory\nCrimson Horizons and Ashen SkiesAbigorOpus IV\nCrimson HueAnchor TaxiAnchor Taxi\nCrimson LadyJIVAThe Ladder\nCrimson LegionsEnthronedXes Haereticum\nCrimson LipsElaine LachicaAzure\nCrimson MomLisa LynneA Windham Hill Collection - Daughters of the Celtic Moon\nCrimson MoonBert JanschCrimson Moon\nCrimson OddityGary SephiraThe Attunement\nCrimson PhoenixAtlas Plug2 Days or Die\nCrimson Pirate - Pirate Capers OvertureCity of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra & Crouch End Festival ChorusEpics - The History of the World According to Hollywood\nCrimson PlumeSouth Shore Concert Band/Richard WhitmarshSounds of the Circus: Circus Marches, Vol.8\nCrimson QueenRADIOSOULRADIOSOUL\ncrimson Ramblers A.mike vargasrelentless paintings\ncrimson Ramblers B.mike vargasrelentless paintings\ncrimson Ramblers C.mike vargasrelentless paintings\nCrimson RiderMasterplanAeronautics\nCrimson RiderMasterplanAeronautics\nCrimson RoseJenRicListen\nCrimson RosesDeep RiverDiamonds In the Night\nCrimson RosesLori LiebermanGone Is the Girl\nCrimson SeagullKim Fowley and Buzzy BeanoStrange Plantations\nCrimson SkyBrian CrainBrian Crain and the BC String Ensemble\nCrimson SkyBrian CrainSienna\nCrimson SkyJeffrey MichaelKaleidoscope\nCrimson SkyJoe'lHold Me\nCrimson SnowGodgoryResurrection\nCrimson SpectreCrimson SpectreCrimson Spectre\nCrimson SunGeorge HughesIf It's Alright With You...\nCrimson TailPenumbraSeclusion\nCrimson TearsCASSIE STEELEHow Much for Happy\nCrimson TempestNaturescapes MusicCeltic Nature\nCrimson ThroneTwistedblissLullabies for the Damned\nCrimson ThunderHam
Entertainment & Music
3Education & Reference
Pie/ 3.14????????????????????
What is most of the exact formula of Pie/ 3.14????????????? somethin somethin somethin????? any math people out there?????
1 Rhind papyrus 2000 BC 1 3.16045 (= 4(8/9)2)\n Click for note 1\n \n2 Archimedes 250 BC 3 3.1418 (average of the bounds)\n Click for note 2\n \n3 Vitruvius 20 BC 1 3.125 (= 25/8)\n Click for note 3\n \n4 Chang Hong 130 1 3.1622 (= 10)\n Click for note 4\n \n5 Ptolemy 150 3 3.14166\n Click for note 5\n \n6 Wang Fan 250 1 3.155555 (= 142/45)\n Click for note 6\n \n7 Liu Hui 263 5 3.14159\n Click for note 7\n \n8, Zu Chongzhi 480 7 3.141592920 (= 355/113)\n Click for note 8\n \n9 Aryabhata 499 4 3.1416 (= 62832/2000)\n Click for note 9\n \n10 Brahmagupta 640 1 3.1622 (= 10)\n Click for note 10\n \n11 Al-Khwarizmi 800 4 3.1416\n Click for note 11\n \n12 Fibonacci 1220 3 3.141818\n Click for note 12\n \n13 Madhava 1400 11 3.14159265359\n Click for note 13\n \n14 Al-Kashi 1430 14 3.14159265358979\n Click for note 14\n \n15 Otho 1573 6 3.1415929\n Click for note 15\n \n16 Viète 1593 9 3.1415926536\n Click for note 16\n \n17 Romanus 1593 15 3.141592653589793\n Click for note 17\n \n18 Van Ceulen 1596 20 3.14159265358979323846\n Click for note 18\n \n19 Van Ceulen 1596 35 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029\n Click for note 19\n \n20 Newton 1665 16 3.1415926535897932\n Click for note 20\n \n21 Sharp 1699 71 \n Click for note 21\n \n22 Seki Kowa 1700 10\n \n23 Kamata 1730 25\n \n24 Machin 1706 100 \n Click for note 24\n \n25 De Lagny 1719 127 Only 112 correct\n Click for note 25\n \n26 Takebe 1723 41 \n Click for note 26\n \n27 Matsunaga 1739 50 \n Click for note 27\n \n28 von Vega 1794 140 Only 136 correct\n Click for note 28\n \n29 Rutherford 1824 208 Only 152 correct\n Click for note 29\n \n30 Strassnitzky, Dase 1844 200 \n Click for note 30\n \n31 Clausen 1847 248 \n Click for note 31\n \n32 Lehmann 1853 261 \n Click for note 32\n \n33 Rutherford 1853 440 \n Click for note 33\n \n34 Shanks 1874 707 Only 527 correct\n Click for note 34\n \n35 Ferguson 1946 620 \n \nComputer calculations of \n Mathematician Date Places Type of computer \n \n Ferguson Jan 1947 710 Desk calculator\n \n Ferguson, Wrench Sept 1947 808 Desk calculator\n \n Smith, Wrench 1949 1120 Desk calculator\n \n Reitwiesner et al. 1949 2037 ENIAC\n \n Nicholson, Jeenel 1954 3092 NORAC\n \n Felton 1957 7480 PEGASUS\n \n Genuys Jan 1958 10000 IBM 704 \n \n Felton May 1958 10021 PEGASUS\n \n Guilloud 1959 16167 IBM 704\n \n Shanks, Wrench 1961 100265 IBM 7090\n \n Guilloud, Filliatre 1966 250000 IBM 7030\n \n Guilloud, Dichampt 1967 500000 CDC 6600\n \n Guilloud, Bouyer 1973 1001250 CDC 7600\n \n Miyoshi, Kanada 1981 2000036 FACOM M-200\n \n Guilloud 1982 2000050\n \n Tamura 1982 2097144 MELCOM 900II\n \n Tamura, Kanada 1982 4194288 HITACHI M-280H\n \n Tamura, Kanada 1982 8388576 HITACHI M-280H\n \n Kanada, Yoshino, Tamura 1982 16777206 HITACHI M-280H\n \n Ushiro, Kanada Oct 1983 10013395 HITACHI S-810/20\n \n Gosper Oct 1985 17526200 SYMBOLICS 3670\n \n Bailey Jan 1986 29360111 CRAY-2\n \n Kanada, Tamura Sept 1986 33554414 HITACHI S-810/20\n \n Kanada, Tamura Oct 1986 67108839 HITACHI S-810/20\n \n Kanada, Tamura, Kubo Jan 1987 134217700 NEC SX-2\n \n Kanada, Tamura Jan 1988 201326551 HITACHI S-820/80\n \n Chudnovskys May 1989 480000000\n \n Chudnovskys June 1989 525229270\n \n Kanada, Tamura July 1989 536870898\n \n Chudnovskys Aug 1989 1011196691\n \n Kanada, Tamura Nov 1989 1073741799\n \n Chudnovskys Aug 1991 2260000000\n \n Chudnovskys May 1994 4044000000\n \n Kanada, Tamura June 1995 3221225466\n \n Kanada Aug 1995 4294967286\n \n Kanada Oct 1995 6442450938\n \n Kanada, Takahashi Aug 1997 51539600000 HITACHI SR2201 \n \n Kanada, Takahashi Sept 1999 206158430000 HITACHI SR8000
Pie/ 3.14????????????????????What is most of the exact formula of Pie/ 3.14????????????? somethin somethin somethin????? any math people out there?????1 Rhind papyrus 2000 BC 1 3.16045 (= 4(8/9)2)\n Click for note 1\n \n2 Archimedes 250 BC 3 3.1418 (average of the bounds)\n Click for note 2\n \n3 Vitruvius 20 BC 1 3.125 (= 25/8)\n Click for note 3\n \n4 Chang Hong 130 1 3.1622 (= 10)\n Click for note 4\n \n5 Ptolemy 150 3 3.14166\n Click for note 5\n \n6 Wang Fan 250 1 3.155555 (= 142/45)\n Click for note 6\n \n7 Liu Hui 263 5 3.14159\n Click for note 7\n \n8, Zu Chongzhi 480 7 3.141592920 (= 355/113)\n Click for note 8\n \n9 Aryabhata 499 4 3.1416 (= 62832/2000)\n Click for note 9\n \n10 Brahmagupta 640 1 3.1622 (= 10)\n Click for note 10\n \n11 Al-Khwarizmi 800 4 3.1416\n Click for note 11\n \n12 Fibonacci 1220 3 3.141818\n Click for note 12\n \n13 Madhava 1400 11 3.14159265359\n Click for note 13\n \n14 Al-Kashi 1430 14 3.14159265358979\n Click for note 14\n \n15 Otho 1573 6 3.1415929\n Click for note 15\n \n16 Viète 1593 9 3.1415926536\n Click for note 16\n \n17 Romanus 1593 15 3.141592653589793\n Click for note 17\n \n18 Van Ceulen 1596 20 3.14159265358979323846\n Click for note 18\n \n19 Van Ceulen 1596 35 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029\n Click for note 19\n \n20 Newton 1665 16 3.1415926535897932\n Click for note 20\n \n21 Sharp 1699 71 \n Click for note 21\n \n22 Seki Kowa 1700 10\n \n23 Kamata 1730 25\n \n24 Machin 1706 100 \n Click for note 24\n \n25 De Lagny 1719 127 Only 112 correct\n Click for note 25\n \n26 Takebe 1723 41 \n Click for note 26\n \n27 Matsunaga 1739 50 \n Click for note 27\n \n28 von Vega 1794 140 Only 136 correct\n Click for note 28\n \n29 Rutherford 1824 208 Only 152 correct\n Click for note 29\n \n30 Strassnitzky, Dase 1844 200 \n Click for note 30\n \n31 Clausen 1847 248 \n Click for note 31\n \n32 Lehmann 1853 261 \n Click for note 32\n \n33 Rutherford 1853 440 \n Click for note 33\n \n34 Shanks 1874 707 Only 527 correct\n Click for note 34\n \n35 Ferguson 1946 620 \n \nComputer calculations of \n Mathematician Date Places Type of computer \n \n Ferguson Jan 1947 710 Desk calculator\n \n Ferguson, Wrench Sept 1947 808 Desk calculator\n \n Smith, Wrench 1949 1120 Desk calculator\n \n Reitwiesner et al. 1949 2037 ENIAC\n \n Nicholson, Jeenel 1954 3092 NORAC\n \n Felton 1957 7480 PEGASUS\n \n Genuys Jan 1958 10000 IBM 704 \n \n Felton May 1958 10021 PEGASUS\n \n Guilloud 1959 16167 IBM 704\n \n Shanks, Wrench 1961 100265 IBM 7090\n \n Guilloud, Filliatre 1966 250000 IBM 7030\n \n Guilloud, Dichampt 1967 500000 CDC 6600\n \n Guilloud, Bouyer 1973 1001250 CDC 7600\n \n Miyoshi, Kanada 1981 2000036 FACOM M-200\n \n Guilloud 1982 2000050\n \n Tamura 1982 2097144 MELCOM 900II\n \n Tamura, Kanada 1982 4194288 HITACHI M-280H\n \n Tamura, Kanada 1982 8388576 HITACHI M-280H\n \n Kanada, Yoshino, Tamura 1982 16777206 HITACHI M-280H\n \n Ushiro, Kanada Oct 1983 10013395 HITACHI S-810/20\n \n Gosper Oct 1985 17526200 SYMBOLICS 3670\n \n Bailey Jan 1986 29360111 CRAY-2\n \n Kanada, Tamura Sept 1986 33554414 HITACHI S-810/20\n \n Kanada, Tamura Oct 1986 67108839 HITACHI S-810/20\n \n Kanada, Tamura, Kubo Jan 1987 134217700 NEC SX-2\n \n Kanada, Tamura Jan 1988 201326551 HITACHI S-820/80\n \n Chudnovskys May 1989 480000000\n \n Chudnovskys June 1989 525229270\n \n Kanada, Tamura July 1989 536870898\n \n Chudnovskys Aug 1989 1011196691\n \n Kanada, Tamura Nov 1989 1073741799\n \n Chudnovskys Aug 1991 2260000000\n \n Chudnovskys May 1994 4044000000\n \n Kanada, Tamura June 1995 3221225466\n \n Kanada Aug 1995 4294967286\n \n Kanada Oct 1995 6442450938\n \n Kanada, Takahashi Aug 1997 51539600000 HITACHI SR2201 \n \n Kanada, Takahashi Sept 1999 206158430000 HITACHI SR8000
Education & Reference
1Science & Mathematics
What is fuzzy logic?
Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional (Boolean) logic that has been\nextended to handle the concept of partial truth -- truth values between\n"completely true" and "completely false". It was introduced by Dr. Lotfi\nZadeh of UC/Berkeley in the 1960's as a means to model the uncertainty\nof natural language. (Note: Lotfi, not Lofti, is the correct spelling\nof his name.)\n\nZadeh says that rather than regarding fuzzy theory as a single theory, we\nshould regard the process of ``fuzzification'' as a methodology to\ngeneralize ANY specific theory from a crisp (discrete) to a continuous\n(fuzzy) form (see "extension principle" in [2]). Thus recently researchers\nhave also introduced "fuzzy calculus", "fuzzy differential equations",\nand so on (see [7]).\n\nFuzzy Subsets:\n\nJust as there is a strong relationship between Boolean logic and the\nconcept of a subset, there is a similar strong relationship between fuzzy\nlogic and fuzzy subset theory.\n\nIn classical set theory, a subset U of a set S can be defined as a\nmapping from the elements of S to the elements of the set {0, 1},\n\n U: S --> {0, 1}\n\nThis mapping may be represented as a set of ordered pairs, with exactly\none ordered pair present for each element of S. The first element of the\nordered pair is an element of the set S, and the second element is an\nelement of the set {0, 1}. The value zero is used to represent\nnon-membership, and the value one is used to represent membership. The\ntruth or falsity of the statement\n\n x is in U\n\nis determined by finding the ordered pair whose first element is x. The\nstatement is true if the second element of the ordered pair is 1, and the\nstatement is false if it is 0.\n\nSimilarly, a fuzzy subset F of a set S can be defined as a set of ordered\npairs, each with the first element from S, and the second element from\nthe interval [0,1], with exactly one ordered pair present for each\nelement of S. This defines a mapping between elements of the set S and\nvalues in the interval [0,1]. The value zero is used to represent\ncomplete non-membership, the value one is used to represent complete\nmembership, and values in between are used to represent intermediate\nDEGREES OF MEMBERSHIP. The set S is referred to as the UNIVERSE OF\nDISCOURSE for the fuzzy subset F. Frequently, the mapping is described\nas a function, the MEMBERSHIP FUNCTION of F. The degree to which the\nstatement\n\n x is in F\n\nis true is determined by finding the ordered pair whose first element is\nx. The DEGREE OF TRUTH of the statement is the second element of the\nordered pair.\n\nIn practice, the terms "membership function" and fuzzy subset get used\ninterchangeably.\n\nThat's a lot of mathematical baggage, so here's an example. Let's\ntalk about people and "tallness". In this case the set S (the\nuniverse of discourse) is the set of people. Let's define a fuzzy\nsubset TALL, which will answer the question "to what degree is person\nx tall?" Zadeh describes TALL as a LINGUISTIC VARIABLE, which\nrepresents our cognitive category of "tallness". To each person in the\nuniverse of discourse, we have to assign a degree of membership in the\nfuzzy subset TALL. The easiest way to do this is with a membership\nfunction based on the person's height.\n\n tall(x) = { 0, if height(x) < 5 ft.,\n (height(x)-5ft.)/2ft., if 5 ft. <= height (x) <= 7 ft.,\n 1, if height(x) > 7 ft. }\n\nA graph of this looks like:\n\n1.0 + +-------------------\n | /\n | /\n0.5 + /\n | /\n | /\n0.0 +-------------+-----+-------------------\n | |\n 5.0 7.0\n\n height, ft. ->\n\nGiven this definition, here a
What is fuzzy logic?Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional (Boolean) logic that has been\nextended to handle the concept of partial truth -- truth values between\n"completely true" and "completely false". It was introduced by Dr. Lotfi\nZadeh of UC/Berkeley in the 1960's as a means to model the uncertainty\nof natural language. (Note: Lotfi, not Lofti, is the correct spelling\nof his name.)\n\nZadeh says that rather than regarding fuzzy theory as a single theory, we\nshould regard the process of ``fuzzification'' as a methodology to\ngeneralize ANY specific theory from a crisp (discrete) to a continuous\n(fuzzy) form (see "extension principle" in [2]). Thus recently researchers\nhave also introduced "fuzzy calculus", "fuzzy differential equations",\nand so on (see [7]).\n\nFuzzy Subsets:\n\nJust as there is a strong relationship between Boolean logic and the\nconcept of a subset, there is a similar strong relationship between fuzzy\nlogic and fuzzy subset theory.\n\nIn classical set theory, a subset U of a set S can be defined as a\nmapping from the elements of S to the elements of the set {0, 1},\n\n U: S --> {0, 1}\n\nThis mapping may be represented as a set of ordered pairs, with exactly\none ordered pair present for each element of S. The first element of the\nordered pair is an element of the set S, and the second element is an\nelement of the set {0, 1}. The value zero is used to represent\nnon-membership, and the value one is used to represent membership. The\ntruth or falsity of the statement\n\n x is in U\n\nis determined by finding the ordered pair whose first element is x. The\nstatement is true if the second element of the ordered pair is 1, and the\nstatement is false if it is 0.\n\nSimilarly, a fuzzy subset F of a set S can be defined as a set of ordered\npairs, each with the first element from S, and the second element from\nthe interval [0,1], with exactly one ordered pair present for each\nelement of S. This defines a mapping between elements of the set S and\nvalues in the interval [0,1]. The value zero is used to represent\ncomplete non-membership, the value one is used to represent complete\nmembership, and values in between are used to represent intermediate\nDEGREES OF MEMBERSHIP. The set S is referred to as the UNIVERSE OF\nDISCOURSE for the fuzzy subset F. Frequently, the mapping is described\nas a function, the MEMBERSHIP FUNCTION of F. The degree to which the\nstatement\n\n x is in F\n\nis true is determined by finding the ordered pair whose first element is\nx. The DEGREE OF TRUTH of the statement is the second element of the\nordered pair.\n\nIn practice, the terms "membership function" and fuzzy subset get used\ninterchangeably.\n\nThat's a lot of mathematical baggage, so here's an example. Let's\ntalk about people and "tallness". In this case the set S (the\nuniverse of discourse) is the set of people. Let's define a fuzzy\nsubset TALL, which will answer the question "to what degree is person\nx tall?" Zadeh describes TALL as a LINGUISTIC VARIABLE, which\nrepresents our cognitive category of "tallness". To each person in the\nuniverse of discourse, we have to assign a degree of membership in the\nfuzzy subset TALL. The easiest way to do this is with a membership\nfunction based on the person's height.\n\n tall(x) = { 0, if height(x) < 5 ft.,\n (height(x)-5ft.)/2ft., if 5 ft. <= height (x) <= 7 ft.,\n 1, if height(x) > 7 ft. }\n\nA graph of this looks like:\n\n1.0 + +-------------------\n | /\n | /\n0.5 + /\n | /\n | /\n0.0 +-------------+-----+-------------------\n | |\n 5.0 7.0\n\n height, ft. ->\n\nGiven this definition, here a
Science & Mathematics
1Science & Mathematics
what is pi?
from mathematics
good pi\n3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961 5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517 1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535 8932261854 8963213293 3089857
what is pi?from mathematicsgood pi\n3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961 5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517 1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535 8932261854 8963213293 3089857
Science & Mathematics
6Business & Finance
Who wants to be a millionaire?
I do!
Why be a millionaire whe you could be a billionaire like.\n 1. Bill Gates - USA - $51.5 billion\n 2. Warren Buffett - USA - $44.0 billion\n 3. Lakshmi Mittal - India - $25.0 billion (was No. 62 in 2004)\n 4. Carlos Slim Helú - Mexico - $23.8 billion\n 5. Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Saudi Arabia - $23.7 billion\n 6. Ingvar Kamprad1 - Sweden - $23.0 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 7. Paul Allen - USA - $21.0 billion\n 8. Karl Albrecht - Germany - $18.5 billion\n 9. Larry Ellison - USA - $18.4 billion\n 10. S. Robson Walton2 - USA - $18.3 billion\n 11. Jim Walton2 - USA - $18.2 billion\n 12. Alice Walton2 - USA - $18.0 billion\n 13. Helen Walton2 - USA - $18.0 billion\n 14. The Lord Thomson of Fleet and family - Canada - $17.9 billion\n 15. Liliane Bettencourt - France - $17.2 billion\n 16. Bernard Arnault - France - $17.0 billion\n 17. Michael Dell - USA - $16.0 billion\n 18. Sheldon Adelson - USA - $15.6 billion (was 311 in 2004)\n 19. Theo Albrecht - Germany - $15.5 billion\n 20. Roman Abramovich - Russia - $13.3 billion (lives both in Russia and UK)\n 21. Li Ka-shing - Hong Kong - $13.0 billion\n 22. Amancio Ortega Gaona - Spain - $12.6 billion\n 23. Steven Ballmer - USA - $12.1 billion\n 24. Silvio Berlusconi - Italy - $12.0 billion\n 25. Abigail Johnson - USA - $12.0 billion\n 26. Barbara Cox Anthony - USA - $11.7 billion\n 27. Anne Cox Chambers - USA - $11.7 billion\n 28. Stefan Persson - Sweden - $11.2 billion\n 29. John Kluge - USA - $11.0 billion\n 30. The Duke of Westminster - UK - $ 10 - 11 billion\n 31. Walter, Thomas and Raymond Kwok - Hong Kong - $10.9 billion\n 32. Forrest Mars, Jr. - USA - $10.4 billion\n 33. Jacqueline Mars - USA - $10.4 billion\n 34. John Mars - USA - $10.4 billion\n 35. Luciano Benetton and family - Italy - $9.9 billion\n 36. Pierre Omidyar - USA - $9.9 billion\n 37. Galen Weston and family - Canada - $9.9 billion\n 38. Lee Shau Kee - Hong Kong - $9.3 billion\n 39. Azim Premji - India - $9.3 billion\n 40. Nasser Al-Kharafi and family - Kuwait - $9.0 billion\n 41. Kirk Kerkorian - USA - $8.9 billion\n 42. Sumner Redstone - USA - $8.8 billion\n 43. Leonardo Del Vecchio - Italy - $8.5 billion\n 44. Michele Ferrero and family - Belgium - $8.5 billion\n 45. Michael Otto and family - Germany - $8.3 billion\n 46. Susanne Klatten - Germany - $8.2 billion\n 47. Philip Knight - USA - $8.2 billion\n 48. Hans Rausing - Sweden - $8.0 billion (living in UK)\n 49. Serge Dassault and family - France - $7.8 billion\n 50. Carl Icahn - USA - $7.8 billion\n 51. Rupert Murdoch - Australia - $7.8 billion\n 52. Rudolf August Oetker and family - Germany - $7.7 billion\n 53. Birgit Rausing and family - Sweden - $7.6 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 54. Spiro Latsis and family - Greece - $7.5 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 55. Sergey Brin - USA - $7.2 billion (was 552 in 2004)\n 56. Charles Ergen - USA - $7.2 billion\n 57. Larry Page - USA - $7.2 billion (was 552 in 2004)\n 58. George Soros - USA - $7.2 billion\n 59. Reinhold Würth - Germany - $7.2 billion\n 60. Mukesh & Anil Ambani - India - $7.0 billion\n 61. Mikhail Fridman - Russia - $7.0 billion\n 62. Vladimir Lisin - Russia - $7.0 billion\n 63. Donald Newhouse - USA - $7.0 billion\n 64. Samuel Newhouse, Jr. - USA - $7.0 billion\n 65. Adolf Merckle - Germany - $6.9 billion\n 66. Stefan Quandt - Germany - $6.7 billion\n 67. Micky Arison - USA - $6.5 billion\n 68. Philip Green - UK - $6.3 billion (living in Monaco)\n 69. Maria-Elisabeth and Georg Schaeffler - Germany - $6.3 billion\n 70. August von Finck - Germany - $6.3 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 71. Eli Broad - USA - $6.1 billion\n 72. Curt Engelhorn - Germany - $6.0 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 73. Friedrich Flick, Jr. - Germany - $6.0 billion (living in Austria)\n 74. Edward Johnson, III - USA - $6.0 billion\n 75. Nicky Oppenheimer and family - South Africa - $6.0 billion\n 76. Francois Pinault
Who wants to be a millionaire?I do!Why be a millionaire whe you could be a billionaire like.\n 1. Bill Gates - USA - $51.5 billion\n 2. Warren Buffett - USA - $44.0 billion\n 3. Lakshmi Mittal - India - $25.0 billion (was No. 62 in 2004)\n 4. Carlos Slim Helú - Mexico - $23.8 billion\n 5. Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Saudi Arabia - $23.7 billion\n 6. Ingvar Kamprad1 - Sweden - $23.0 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 7. Paul Allen - USA - $21.0 billion\n 8. Karl Albrecht - Germany - $18.5 billion\n 9. Larry Ellison - USA - $18.4 billion\n 10. S. Robson Walton2 - USA - $18.3 billion\n 11. Jim Walton2 - USA - $18.2 billion\n 12. Alice Walton2 - USA - $18.0 billion\n 13. Helen Walton2 - USA - $18.0 billion\n 14. The Lord Thomson of Fleet and family - Canada - $17.9 billion\n 15. Liliane Bettencourt - France - $17.2 billion\n 16. Bernard Arnault - France - $17.0 billion\n 17. Michael Dell - USA - $16.0 billion\n 18. Sheldon Adelson - USA - $15.6 billion (was 311 in 2004)\n 19. Theo Albrecht - Germany - $15.5 billion\n 20. Roman Abramovich - Russia - $13.3 billion (lives both in Russia and UK)\n 21. Li Ka-shing - Hong Kong - $13.0 billion\n 22. Amancio Ortega Gaona - Spain - $12.6 billion\n 23. Steven Ballmer - USA - $12.1 billion\n 24. Silvio Berlusconi - Italy - $12.0 billion\n 25. Abigail Johnson - USA - $12.0 billion\n 26. Barbara Cox Anthony - USA - $11.7 billion\n 27. Anne Cox Chambers - USA - $11.7 billion\n 28. Stefan Persson - Sweden - $11.2 billion\n 29. John Kluge - USA - $11.0 billion\n 30. The Duke of Westminster - UK - $ 10 - 11 billion\n 31. Walter, Thomas and Raymond Kwok - Hong Kong - $10.9 billion\n 32. Forrest Mars, Jr. - USA - $10.4 billion\n 33. Jacqueline Mars - USA - $10.4 billion\n 34. John Mars - USA - $10.4 billion\n 35. Luciano Benetton and family - Italy - $9.9 billion\n 36. Pierre Omidyar - USA - $9.9 billion\n 37. Galen Weston and family - Canada - $9.9 billion\n 38. Lee Shau Kee - Hong Kong - $9.3 billion\n 39. Azim Premji - India - $9.3 billion\n 40. Nasser Al-Kharafi and family - Kuwait - $9.0 billion\n 41. Kirk Kerkorian - USA - $8.9 billion\n 42. Sumner Redstone - USA - $8.8 billion\n 43. Leonardo Del Vecchio - Italy - $8.5 billion\n 44. Michele Ferrero and family - Belgium - $8.5 billion\n 45. Michael Otto and family - Germany - $8.3 billion\n 46. Susanne Klatten - Germany - $8.2 billion\n 47. Philip Knight - USA - $8.2 billion\n 48. Hans Rausing - Sweden - $8.0 billion (living in UK)\n 49. Serge Dassault and family - France - $7.8 billion\n 50. Carl Icahn - USA - $7.8 billion\n 51. Rupert Murdoch - Australia - $7.8 billion\n 52. Rudolf August Oetker and family - Germany - $7.7 billion\n 53. Birgit Rausing and family - Sweden - $7.6 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 54. Spiro Latsis and family - Greece - $7.5 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 55. Sergey Brin - USA - $7.2 billion (was 552 in 2004)\n 56. Charles Ergen - USA - $7.2 billion\n 57. Larry Page - USA - $7.2 billion (was 552 in 2004)\n 58. George Soros - USA - $7.2 billion\n 59. Reinhold Würth - Germany - $7.2 billion\n 60. Mukesh & Anil Ambani - India - $7.0 billion\n 61. Mikhail Fridman - Russia - $7.0 billion\n 62. Vladimir Lisin - Russia - $7.0 billion\n 63. Donald Newhouse - USA - $7.0 billion\n 64. Samuel Newhouse, Jr. - USA - $7.0 billion\n 65. Adolf Merckle - Germany - $6.9 billion\n 66. Stefan Quandt - Germany - $6.7 billion\n 67. Micky Arison - USA - $6.5 billion\n 68. Philip Green - UK - $6.3 billion (living in Monaco)\n 69. Maria-Elisabeth and Georg Schaeffler - Germany - $6.3 billion\n 70. August von Finck - Germany - $6.3 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 71. Eli Broad - USA - $6.1 billion\n 72. Curt Engelhorn - Germany - $6.0 billion (living in Switzerland)\n 73. Friedrich Flick, Jr. - Germany - $6.0 billion (living in Austria)\n 74. Edward Johnson, III - USA - $6.0 billion\n 75. Nicky Oppenheimer and family - South Africa - $6.0 billion\n 76. Francois Pinault
Business & Finance
3Education & Reference
While the American chemical company Du Pont was busy inventing nylon and telling the world about it in the?
late 1930s, it was absolutely keeping quiet about another material that one of its scientist had stumbled on. This was inert ,completely stable - corrosion proof, unaffected by heat, electricity, acids and solvents. What is this material? What are its other properties which make it so indispensable today?
PTFE fluoropolymer resin was discovered by DuPont chemist Roy J. Plunkett in 1938. The same year, DuPont chemist Wallace H. Carothers invented nylon. The Teflon® trademark was registered to DuPont in 1945. Nylon was never registered as a trademark and was given to all to use.\n\nTeflon® fluoropolymer resin is used in the manufacture of DuPont branded nonstick coatings: Teflon®, SilverStone®, SilverStone® Xtra, SilverStone® Select, SilverStone® Professional and Autograph.\n\nTeflon® is used for O-ring gaskets and tape for the protective case housing the original Emancipation Proclamation, delivered in 1862 by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.\n\nTeflon® has been involved in the U.S. space program since the program's infancy. When astronaut Neil Armstrong took his historic "giant leap for mankind" in 1969, the moon module included numerous applications involving Teflon® resin, including space suits and blankets, heat shields, insulation and cargo hold liners.\n\nTeflon® is used in many applications for computer chip manufacture because it is very inert and non-reactive. It's used in filters to keep air clean, in chip carriers, and virtually all tubing and piping in the semiconductor industry. DuPont Teflon® is the dominant brand used in the industry and DuPont has supplied Teflon® to that market since its inception.\n\nTeflon® was one of the discoveries cited when DuPont received the U.S. National Medal of Technology from U.S. President Bush in 1990 for its role in the development and commercialization of man-made polymers in the 20th century.\n\nAs a fiber, Teflon® is used to manufacture socks that reduce friction and blisters. These are especially crucial for diabetics, people with circulatory problems, geriatric needs, obesity and sensitive skin. They are made by Comfort Socks and were recently approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.\n\nTechnology based on Teflon® also is used to repel dirt and spills from DuPont StainMaster® carpet, which is specially engineered to protect carpet from tracked in dirt and spilled food and drinks. As a result, carpets stay 40% cleaner, vacuum cleaner efficiency is increased and carpet looks new longer.\n\nPTFE fluoropolymer resin is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's most slippery substance.\n\nTeflon® is used to insulate thousands of miles of data communications cables because of its outstanding properties, heat and chemical resistance.\n\nOther unique uses of Teflon® include: wiper blades and refills, leashes, collars, harnesses and belts, nail enamel treatment (Sally Hansen), bicycle lubricants, hosiery (Teflon® is made as a fiber, too), among others.\n\nTeflon® is used to coat fiberglass fabrics for permanent architectural structures such as the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan, and the Orange Bowl at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.\n\nMajor fashion designers and brands that use Teflon® fabric protector include: Hugo Boss, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Nautica, Yeohlee, Kenneth Cole, Woolrich, Pendleton, Koret, The Gap, J. Crew, L.L. Bean, Eddie Bauer, Robert Allen Beacon Hill Fabrics and Lee Jofa Fabrics, among others.\n\nAs a liquid, Teflon® repels water and stains for the apparel, home fashions, furniture, and uniform markets. The Teflon® forms a molecular shield around each fiber, guarding them from oil and water-based stains, dust and soil. Undetectable by sight, smell or touch, Teflon® protects virtually all kinds of fabrics — silk, wool, wool-blends, cotton, linen, velvet, heavy wovens, microfibers and both smooth and rugged fabrics — without affecting their color, feel or breathability.\n\nTeflon® industrial coatings can be used on carbon steel, aluminum, stainless steel, steel alloys, brass and magnesium, as well as non-metallics such as glass, fiberglass, some rubber and plastics. The versatility of these coatings allows almost unlimited application to a wide variety of part sizes and con
While the American chemical company Du Pont was busy inventing nylon and telling the world about it in the?late 1930s, it was absolutely keeping quiet about another material that one of its scientist had stumbled on. This was inert ,completely stable - corrosion proof, unaffected by heat, electricity, acids and solvents. What is this material? What are its other properties which make it so indispensable today?PTFE fluoropolymer resin was discovered by DuPont chemist Roy J. Plunkett in 1938. The same year, DuPont chemist Wallace H. Carothers invented nylon. The Teflon® trademark was registered to DuPont in 1945. Nylon was never registered as a trademark and was given to all to use.\n\nTeflon® fluoropolymer resin is used in the manufacture of DuPont branded nonstick coatings: Teflon®, SilverStone®, SilverStone® Xtra, SilverStone® Select, SilverStone® Professional and Autograph.\n\nTeflon® is used for O-ring gaskets and tape for the protective case housing the original Emancipation Proclamation, delivered in 1862 by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.\n\nTeflon® has been involved in the U.S. space program since the program's infancy. When astronaut Neil Armstrong took his historic "giant leap for mankind" in 1969, the moon module included numerous applications involving Teflon® resin, including space suits and blankets, heat shields, insulation and cargo hold liners.\n\nTeflon® is used in many applications for computer chip manufacture because it is very inert and non-reactive. It's used in filters to keep air clean, in chip carriers, and virtually all tubing and piping in the semiconductor industry. DuPont Teflon® is the dominant brand used in the industry and DuPont has supplied Teflon® to that market since its inception.\n\nTeflon® was one of the discoveries cited when DuPont received the U.S. National Medal of Technology from U.S. President Bush in 1990 for its role in the development and commercialization of man-made polymers in the 20th century.\n\nAs a fiber, Teflon® is used to manufacture socks that reduce friction and blisters. These are especially crucial for diabetics, people with circulatory problems, geriatric needs, obesity and sensitive skin. They are made by Comfort Socks and were recently approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.\n\nTechnology based on Teflon® also is used to repel dirt and spills from DuPont StainMaster® carpet, which is specially engineered to protect carpet from tracked in dirt and spilled food and drinks. As a result, carpets stay 40% cleaner, vacuum cleaner efficiency is increased and carpet looks new longer.\n\nPTFE fluoropolymer resin is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's most slippery substance.\n\nTeflon® is used to insulate thousands of miles of data communications cables because of its outstanding properties, heat and chemical resistance.\n\nOther unique uses of Teflon® include: wiper blades and refills, leashes, collars, harnesses and belts, nail enamel treatment (Sally Hansen), bicycle lubricants, hosiery (Teflon® is made as a fiber, too), among others.\n\nTeflon® is used to coat fiberglass fabrics for permanent architectural structures such as the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan, and the Orange Bowl at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.\n\nMajor fashion designers and brands that use Teflon® fabric protector include: Hugo Boss, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Nautica, Yeohlee, Kenneth Cole, Woolrich, Pendleton, Koret, The Gap, J. Crew, L.L. Bean, Eddie Bauer, Robert Allen Beacon Hill Fabrics and Lee Jofa Fabrics, among others.\n\nAs a liquid, Teflon® repels water and stains for the apparel, home fashions, furniture, and uniform markets. The Teflon® forms a molecular shield around each fiber, guarding them from oil and water-based stains, dust and soil. Undetectable by sight, smell or touch, Teflon® protects virtually all kinds of fabrics — silk, wool, wool-blends, cotton, linen, velvet, heavy wovens, microfibers and both smooth and rugged fabrics — without affecting their color, feel or breathability.\n\nTeflon® industrial coatings can be used on carbon steel, aluminum, stainless steel, steel alloys, brass and magnesium, as well as non-metallics such as glass, fiberglass, some rubber and plastics. The versatility of these coatings allows almost unlimited application to a wide variety of part sizes and con
Education & Reference
6Business & Finance
I need to find out information on a prison inmate.?
Lamar S. Jonhson 6001224 in L.C.F. in Lansing K.S.,66043
He's been released:\n\nJOHNSON, LAMAR S, (KDOC # 6001224)\n This Information is Current as of: Jan 30 2006 2:23AM \n \nJOHNSON, LAMAR S\n\nBirthdate: Nov 04, 1965 \n\n\nCurrent Status reported by Dept. of Corrections\nCurrent Status Released Date Current Location Supervision Level \nPost Incarceration Dec 23, 2005 Missouri State \n\n\nDemographics\nEye Color Hair Color Height Weight Gender Race \nBrown Black 5'-9" 140 Male Black \n\n\nConvictions(s)\nCounty Case Number Offense Date Conviction Date ACS Criminal Conviction Description Counts Crime Severity Level Case Status \nSedgwick 01CR2857 Nov 07, 2001 Jun 04, 2002 N/A Aggravated Escape From Custody/Prison Cusody SOC 1 Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 5 Active \nSedgwick 92CR1058 Jun 05, 1992 May 12, 1994 N/A Manuf,Poss,Distrib Opiates,Opium,Narcotic Drugs 1 Class C Felony Inactive \nSedgwick 92CR505 Mar 07, 1992 May 12, 1994 N/A Manuf,Poss,Distrib Opiates,Opium,Narcotic Drugs 1 Class C Felony Inactive \nSedgwick 94CR339 Feb 02, 1994 May 12, 1994 N/A Aggravated Escape From Custody - Held on Felony 1 Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 8 Inactive \n * - Denotes Active for Post Release Supervision Only. \n\nKDOC Physical Location History(s)\nLocation Movement Date Movement Reason \nMissouri State Jan 20, 2006 Paroled Out-Of-State \nSedgwick County Jan 20, 2006 Intra-parole/CR \nSedgwick County Jan 18, 2006 DOC War. Wthdrwn Supervsn I/S \nWyandotte County Jan 10, 2006 DOC Warrant Issued \nUnknown or N/A Jan 03, 2006 Absconded \nSedgwick County Dec 23, 2005 Paroled In-State \nLansing CF-Central Aug 15, 2002 Inter-Facility Movement \nEl Dorado CF-Central Jun 28, 2002 Escapee Returned \nSedgwick County Nov 08, 2001 Intra-Facility Movement \nUnknown or N/A Nov 07, 2001 Escape \nWichita-Work Release Center Oct 30, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Oct 30, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nWichita-Work Release Center Oct 02, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Sep 27, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nWichita-Work Release Center Sep 18, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nKingman County Sep 13, 2001 Intra-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Sep 13, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nWichita-Work Release Center Apr 05, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nWinfield CF Jan 11, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Feb 03, 2000 Inter-Facility Movement \nTopeka CF-RDU Jan 28, 2000 Cond Rel Viol. No New Sentence \nMissouri State Jan 12, 2000 DOC Warrant Issued \nUnknown or N/A Dec 27, 1999 Absconded \nJohnson County Oct 08, 1999 Conditional Rel. Supervised \nLansing CF-Central Jul 29, 1999 Inter-Facility Movement \nLansing CF-East Jun 01, 1999 Inter-Facility Movement \nLansing CF-Central Dec 01, 1998 Inter-Facility Movement \nLansing CF-East Oct 01, 1998 Inter-Facility Movement \nLansing CF-Central Aug 12, 1996 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Aug 09, 1996 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-East Apr 11, 1996 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Aug 31, 1995 Inter-Facility Movement \nTopeka CF-RDU Aug 09, 1995 Probation Viol. No New Sent \n\n\nKDOC Disciplinary Report(s) since January 1996\nDate Class Location Type of report \nJul 06, 2004 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Use Stimulants, Sedatives, Etc \nDec 06, 2003 2 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Insub/Disrespect Officer/Other \nNov 07, 2001 1 Wichita Work Release Facility Viol Statutes (Felony Crime) \nJul 28, 1999 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - East Use Stimulants, Sedatives, Etc \nDec 02, 1998 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - East Disobeying Orders \nFeb 01, 1998 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Theft \nJan 02, 1997 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Dangerous Contraband \nNov 14, 1996 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Use Stimulants, Sedatives, Etc \nNov 04, 1996 3 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Restr Area and Unauth Presence
I need to find out information on a prison inmate.?Lamar S. Jonhson 6001224 in L.C.F. in Lansing K.S.,66043He's been released:\n\nJOHNSON, LAMAR S, (KDOC # 6001224)\n This Information is Current as of: Jan 30 2006 2:23AM \n \nJOHNSON, LAMAR S\n\nBirthdate: Nov 04, 1965 \n\n\nCurrent Status reported by Dept. of Corrections\nCurrent Status Released Date Current Location Supervision Level \nPost Incarceration Dec 23, 2005 Missouri State \n\n\nDemographics\nEye Color Hair Color Height Weight Gender Race \nBrown Black 5'-9" 140 Male Black \n\n\nConvictions(s)\nCounty Case Number Offense Date Conviction Date ACS Criminal Conviction Description Counts Crime Severity Level Case Status \nSedgwick 01CR2857 Nov 07, 2001 Jun 04, 2002 N/A Aggravated Escape From Custody/Prison Cusody SOC 1 Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 5 Active \nSedgwick 92CR1058 Jun 05, 1992 May 12, 1994 N/A Manuf,Poss,Distrib Opiates,Opium,Narcotic Drugs 1 Class C Felony Inactive \nSedgwick 92CR505 Mar 07, 1992 May 12, 1994 N/A Manuf,Poss,Distrib Opiates,Opium,Narcotic Drugs 1 Class C Felony Inactive \nSedgwick 94CR339 Feb 02, 1994 May 12, 1994 N/A Aggravated Escape From Custody - Held on Felony 1 Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 8 Inactive \n * - Denotes Active for Post Release Supervision Only. \n\nKDOC Physical Location History(s)\nLocation Movement Date Movement Reason \nMissouri State Jan 20, 2006 Paroled Out-Of-State \nSedgwick County Jan 20, 2006 Intra-parole/CR \nSedgwick County Jan 18, 2006 DOC War. Wthdrwn Supervsn I/S \nWyandotte County Jan 10, 2006 DOC Warrant Issued \nUnknown or N/A Jan 03, 2006 Absconded \nSedgwick County Dec 23, 2005 Paroled In-State \nLansing CF-Central Aug 15, 2002 Inter-Facility Movement \nEl Dorado CF-Central Jun 28, 2002 Escapee Returned \nSedgwick County Nov 08, 2001 Intra-Facility Movement \nUnknown or N/A Nov 07, 2001 Escape \nWichita-Work Release Center Oct 30, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Oct 30, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nWichita-Work Release Center Oct 02, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Sep 27, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nWichita-Work Release Center Sep 18, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nKingman County Sep 13, 2001 Intra-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Sep 13, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nWichita-Work Release Center Apr 05, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nWinfield CF Jan 11, 2001 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Feb 03, 2000 Inter-Facility Movement \nTopeka CF-RDU Jan 28, 2000 Cond Rel Viol. No New Sentence \nMissouri State Jan 12, 2000 DOC Warrant Issued \nUnknown or N/A Dec 27, 1999 Absconded \nJohnson County Oct 08, 1999 Conditional Rel. Supervised \nLansing CF-Central Jul 29, 1999 Inter-Facility Movement \nLansing CF-East Jun 01, 1999 Inter-Facility Movement \nLansing CF-Central Dec 01, 1998 Inter-Facility Movement \nLansing CF-East Oct 01, 1998 Inter-Facility Movement \nLansing CF-Central Aug 12, 1996 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Aug 09, 1996 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-East Apr 11, 1996 Inter-Facility Movement \nHutchinson CF-Central Aug 31, 1995 Inter-Facility Movement \nTopeka CF-RDU Aug 09, 1995 Probation Viol. No New Sent \n\n\nKDOC Disciplinary Report(s) since January 1996\nDate Class Location Type of report \nJul 06, 2004 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Use Stimulants, Sedatives, Etc \nDec 06, 2003 2 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Insub/Disrespect Officer/Other \nNov 07, 2001 1 Wichita Work Release Facility Viol Statutes (Felony Crime) \nJul 28, 1999 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - East Use Stimulants, Sedatives, Etc \nDec 02, 1998 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - East Disobeying Orders \nFeb 01, 1998 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Theft \nJan 02, 1997 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Dangerous Contraband \nNov 14, 1996 1 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Use Stimulants, Sedatives, Etc \nNov 04, 1996 3 Lansing Correctional Facility - Central Restr Area and Unauth Presence
Business & Finance
0Society & Culture
When I read Isaiah 53, I see the saving death of Jesus perfectly described there. Why don't the Jews see Him?
It is not that the Jews are blind, it is that Christians see the Hebrew Scriptures through Jesus-colored glasses. Since they read the Christian's New Testament first, then the TaNaCH, they see the TaNaCH through the lens of Christianity. If read on its own, with no knowledge of, or belief in, Christianity, the Hebrew Scriptures would not be seen as being about Jesus.\n\nJews dont see the Christian interpretation in Isaiah 53, because it contradicts what the Hebrew Scriptures, the Bible says, clearly and consistently, in at least 3 places:\n\nIn Exodus 32:30-35, Moses tries to offer himself as an atonement for the sins of the people. To be written out of God's book, means to be written out of the Book of Life, which means Moses was asking to die for the sins of the People. God's response was "No, it does not work that way, each man dies for his own sin:"\n\nExodus 32:30-35\nAnd it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses \nsaid unto the people, Ye have sinned a great \nsin: and now I will go up unto the Eternal; \nperhaps I shall make an atonement for your \nsin. And Moses returned unto the Eternal, and \nsaid, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, \nand have made them gods of gold. Yet now, if \nthou wilt forgive their sin--; and if not, \nblot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which \nthou hast written. And the Eternal said unto \nMoses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him \nwill I blot out of my book...nevertheless in \nthe day when I visit I will visit their sin \nupon them.\n\nIn Deuteronomy 24:16 it specifically says this:\n\nDeuteronomy 24:16\nThe fathers shall not be put to death for the \nchildren, neither shall the children be put to \ndeath for the father. Every man must die for \nhis own sin.\n\nThe whole of chapter 18 of the book of Ezekiel is about this idea, that no one can die for someone else's sin. Further, this chapter of Ezekiel teaches us that all we have to do for God's forgiveness is to stop doing the Bad and start doing the Good, and God will forgive us. Nowhere in this chapter does it say that we have to have a blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.\n\nEzekiel 18:1-4; 20-24; 26-27\n.....Behold, all souls are mine; as the \nsoul of the father, so also the soul of the \nson is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall \ndie....The soul that sinneth, it shall die. \nThe son shall not bear the iniquity of the \nfather, neither shall the father bear the \niniquity of the son: the righteousness of the \nrighteous shall be upon him, and the \nwickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. \nBut if the wicked will turn from all his sins \nthat he hath committed, and keep all my \nstatutes, and do that which is lawful and \nright, he shall surely live, he shall not die. \nAll his transgressions that he hath committed, \nthey shall not be mentioned unto him: in his \nrighteousness that he hath done he shall live. \nHave I any pleasure at all that the wicked \nshould die? saith the Eternal God: and not \nthat he should return from his ways, and live? \n\nSo, either Deuteronomy 24:16, "Every man must die for his own sin" does not mean that 'every man must die for his own sin,' and the Christian interpretation of Isaiah 53 is correct, or the Christian interpretation of Isaiah 53 is not correct, and Deuteronomy 24:16, 'Every man must die for his own sins' means exactly what it says.\n\nFurthermore, Jews read Isaiah up to (and including Isaiah 53) and Isaiah repeatedly refers specifically to the Jews as Gd's servant. Read Isaiah 41:8; Isaiah 44:21; Isaiah 45:4; Isaiah 49:3; Isaiah 44:1; Isaiah 48:20 and Isaiah 49:7 \n\nLets concentrate on Isaiah 43:10::\nIsaiah 43:10 \n"You are my witnesses, saith the Etrnl, and my \nservant whom I have chosen: that ye may know \nand believe me, and understand that I am he: \nbefore me there was no Gd formed, neither \nshall there be after me." \n\nThe above verse refers to the Jewish People in the plural, when Gd
When I read Isaiah 53, I see the saving death of Jesus perfectly described there. Why don't the Jews see Him?It is not that the Jews are blind, it is that Christians see the Hebrew Scriptures through Jesus-colored glasses. Since they read the Christian's New Testament first, then the TaNaCH, they see the TaNaCH through the lens of Christianity. If read on its own, with no knowledge of, or belief in, Christianity, the Hebrew Scriptures would not be seen as being about Jesus.\n\nJews dont see the Christian interpretation in Isaiah 53, because it contradicts what the Hebrew Scriptures, the Bible says, clearly and consistently, in at least 3 places:\n\nIn Exodus 32:30-35, Moses tries to offer himself as an atonement for the sins of the people. To be written out of God's book, means to be written out of the Book of Life, which means Moses was asking to die for the sins of the People. God's response was "No, it does not work that way, each man dies for his own sin:"\n\nExodus 32:30-35\nAnd it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses \nsaid unto the people, Ye have sinned a great \nsin: and now I will go up unto the Eternal; \nperhaps I shall make an atonement for your \nsin. And Moses returned unto the Eternal, and \nsaid, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, \nand have made them gods of gold. Yet now, if \nthou wilt forgive their sin--; and if not, \nblot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which \nthou hast written. And the Eternal said unto \nMoses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him \nwill I blot out of my book...nevertheless in \nthe day when I visit I will visit their sin \nupon them.\n\nIn Deuteronomy 24:16 it specifically says this:\n\nDeuteronomy 24:16\nThe fathers shall not be put to death for the \nchildren, neither shall the children be put to \ndeath for the father. Every man must die for \nhis own sin.\n\nThe whole of chapter 18 of the book of Ezekiel is about this idea, that no one can die for someone else's sin. Further, this chapter of Ezekiel teaches us that all we have to do for God's forgiveness is to stop doing the Bad and start doing the Good, and God will forgive us. Nowhere in this chapter does it say that we have to have a blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.\n\nEzekiel 18:1-4; 20-24; 26-27\n.....Behold, all souls are mine; as the \nsoul of the father, so also the soul of the \nson is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall \ndie....The soul that sinneth, it shall die. \nThe son shall not bear the iniquity of the \nfather, neither shall the father bear the \niniquity of the son: the righteousness of the \nrighteous shall be upon him, and the \nwickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. \nBut if the wicked will turn from all his sins \nthat he hath committed, and keep all my \nstatutes, and do that which is lawful and \nright, he shall surely live, he shall not die. \nAll his transgressions that he hath committed, \nthey shall not be mentioned unto him: in his \nrighteousness that he hath done he shall live. \nHave I any pleasure at all that the wicked \nshould die? saith the Eternal God: and not \nthat he should return from his ways, and live? \n\nSo, either Deuteronomy 24:16, "Every man must die for his own sin" does not mean that 'every man must die for his own sin,' and the Christian interpretation of Isaiah 53 is correct, or the Christian interpretation of Isaiah 53 is not correct, and Deuteronomy 24:16, 'Every man must die for his own sins' means exactly what it says.\n\nFurthermore, Jews read Isaiah up to (and including Isaiah 53) and Isaiah repeatedly refers specifically to the Jews as Gd's servant. Read Isaiah 41:8; Isaiah 44:21; Isaiah 45:4; Isaiah 49:3; Isaiah 44:1; Isaiah 48:20 and Isaiah 49:7 \n\nLets concentrate on Isaiah 43:10::\nIsaiah 43:10 \n"You are my witnesses, saith the Etrnl, and my \nservant whom I have chosen: that ye may know \nand believe me, and understand that I am he: \nbefore me there was no Gd formed, neither \nshall there be after me." \n\nThe above verse refers to the Jewish People in the plural, when Gd
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in new jersey?
Senator John H. Adler, Democrat\n District Office: 1916 Route 70 East, Suite 3, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 (856)-489-3442\nSenator Diane B. Allen, Republican\n District Office: 11 West Broad St., Burlington, NJ 08016 (609)-239-2800\nSenator Nicholas Asselta, Republican\n District Office: Main Tree Commons, 1450 East Chestnut Avenue, Building 1, Suite B, Vineland, NJ 08361 (856)-691-3004\nSenator Martha W. Bark, Republican\n District Office: 3000 Midlantic Drive, Suite 103, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 (856)-234-8080\nSenator Wayne R. Bryant, Democrat\n District Office: 501 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 (856)-757-0552\nSenator Anthony R. Bucco, Republican\n District Office: 75 Bloomfield Ave., 3rd Floor, Denville, NJ 07834 (973)-627-9700\nSenator Barbara Buono, Democrat\n District Office: 100 Plainfield Ave., Suite 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (732)-819-8141\nSenator Gerald Cardinale, Republican\n District Office: 350 Madison Avenue, Cresskill, NJ 07626 (201)-567-2324\nSenator Andrew R. Ciesla, Republican\n District Office: 852 Highway 70, Brick, NJ 08724 (732)-840-9028\nSenator Richard J. Codey, Democrat\n District Office: 449 Mount Pleasant Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052 (973)-731-6770\nSenator Joseph Coniglio, Democrat\n District Office: 205 Robin Road, Suite 216, Paramus, NJ 07652 (201)-576-9199\nSenator Leonard T. Connors, Republican\n District Office: 620 West Lacey Road, Forked River, NJ 08731 (609)-693-6700\nSenator Joseph V. Doria, Democrat\n District Office: 1738 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07305 (201)-451-5100\nSenator Nia H. Gill, Democrat\n District Office: 425 Bloomfield Avenue, 2nd Floor, Montclair, NJ 07042 (973)-509-0388\nSenator John A. Girgenti, Democrat\n District Office: 507 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 (973)-427-1229\nSenator William L. Gormley, Republican\n District Office: Hamilton Mall, Suite 108, Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing, NJ 08330 (609)-646-3500\nSenator Peter A. Inverso, Republican\n District Office: 3691A Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 (609)-586-1330\nSenator Sharpe James, Democrat\n District Office: 50 Park Place, Suite 1535, Newark, NJ 07102 (973)-622-0007\nSenator Ellen Karcher, Democrat\n District Office: 400 West Main Street, 3rd Floor, Freehold, NJ 07728 (732)-462-8883\nSenator Walter J. Kavanaugh, Republican\n District Office: 76 North Bridge Street, Somerville, NJ 08876 (908)-526-4222\nSenator Thomas H. Kean, Republican\n District Office: 203 Elm Street, 1st Floor, Westfield, NJ 07090 (908)-232-3673\n District Office: 57 Union Place, Suite 310, Summit, NJ 07901 (908)-918-0414\nSenator Bernard F. Kenny, Democrat\n District Office: 235 Hudson Street, Suite 1, Hoboken, NJ 07030 (201)-653-1466\nSenator Joseph M. Kyrillos, Republican\n District Office: One Arin Park Building, Suite 303, 1715 Highway 35, Middletown, NJ 07748 (732)-671-3206\nSenator Leonard Lance, Republican\n District Office: 119 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 08822 (908)-788-6900\nSenator Raymond J. Lesniak, Democrat\n District Office: 985 Stuyvesant Ave., Union, NJ 07083 (908)-624-0880\nSenator Robert E. Littell, Republican\n District Office: P.O. Box 328, 25 Route 23 South, Franklin, NJ 07416 (973)-827-2900\nSenator Fred H. Madden, Democrat\n District Office: 129 Johnson Road, Suite 1, Turnersville, NJ 08012 (856)-232-6700\n District Office: 18 Somerdale Road, Blackwood, NJ 08012 (856)-227-5900\nSenator Robert J. Martin, Republican\n District Office: 101 Gibraltar Dr., Suite 1-A, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 (973)-984-0922\nSenator Henry P. McNamara, Republican\n District Office: 191 Godwin Ave., 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 68, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 (201)-848-9600\nSenator Joseph A. Palaia, Republican\n District Office: 290 Norwood Ave., Suite 204, Deal, NJ 07723 (732)-531-1303\nSenator Ronald L. Rice, Democrat
WHO IS THE STATE SENATOR?in new jersey?Senator John H. Adler, Democrat\n District Office: 1916 Route 70 East, Suite 3, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 (856)-489-3442\nSenator Diane B. Allen, Republican\n District Office: 11 West Broad St., Burlington, NJ 08016 (609)-239-2800\nSenator Nicholas Asselta, Republican\n District Office: Main Tree Commons, 1450 East Chestnut Avenue, Building 1, Suite B, Vineland, NJ 08361 (856)-691-3004\nSenator Martha W. Bark, Republican\n District Office: 3000 Midlantic Drive, Suite 103, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 (856)-234-8080\nSenator Wayne R. Bryant, Democrat\n District Office: 501 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 (856)-757-0552\nSenator Anthony R. Bucco, Republican\n District Office: 75 Bloomfield Ave., 3rd Floor, Denville, NJ 07834 (973)-627-9700\nSenator Barbara Buono, Democrat\n District Office: 100 Plainfield Ave., Suite 1, Edison, NJ 08817 (732)-819-8141\nSenator Gerald Cardinale, Republican\n District Office: 350 Madison Avenue, Cresskill, NJ 07626 (201)-567-2324\nSenator Andrew R. Ciesla, Republican\n District Office: 852 Highway 70, Brick, NJ 08724 (732)-840-9028\nSenator Richard J. Codey, Democrat\n District Office: 449 Mount Pleasant Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052 (973)-731-6770\nSenator Joseph Coniglio, Democrat\n District Office: 205 Robin Road, Suite 216, Paramus, NJ 07652 (201)-576-9199\nSenator Leonard T. Connors, Republican\n District Office: 620 West Lacey Road, Forked River, NJ 08731 (609)-693-6700\nSenator Joseph V. Doria, Democrat\n District Office: 1738 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07305 (201)-451-5100\nSenator Nia H. Gill, Democrat\n District Office: 425 Bloomfield Avenue, 2nd Floor, Montclair, NJ 07042 (973)-509-0388\nSenator John A. Girgenti, Democrat\n District Office: 507 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 (973)-427-1229\nSenator William L. Gormley, Republican\n District Office: Hamilton Mall, Suite 108, Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing, NJ 08330 (609)-646-3500\nSenator Peter A. Inverso, Republican\n District Office: 3691A Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 (609)-586-1330\nSenator Sharpe James, Democrat\n District Office: 50 Park Place, Suite 1535, Newark, NJ 07102 (973)-622-0007\nSenator Ellen Karcher, Democrat\n District Office: 400 West Main Street, 3rd Floor, Freehold, NJ 07728 (732)-462-8883\nSenator Walter J. Kavanaugh, Republican\n District Office: 76 North Bridge Street, Somerville, NJ 08876 (908)-526-4222\nSenator Thomas H. Kean, Republican\n District Office: 203 Elm Street, 1st Floor, Westfield, NJ 07090 (908)-232-3673\n District Office: 57 Union Place, Suite 310, Summit, NJ 07901 (908)-918-0414\nSenator Bernard F. Kenny, Democrat\n District Office: 235 Hudson Street, Suite 1, Hoboken, NJ 07030 (201)-653-1466\nSenator Joseph M. Kyrillos, Republican\n District Office: One Arin Park Building, Suite 303, 1715 Highway 35, Middletown, NJ 07748 (732)-671-3206\nSenator Leonard Lance, Republican\n District Office: 119 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 08822 (908)-788-6900\nSenator Raymond J. Lesniak, Democrat\n District Office: 985 Stuyvesant Ave., Union, NJ 07083 (908)-624-0880\nSenator Robert E. Littell, Republican\n District Office: P.O. Box 328, 25 Route 23 South, Franklin, NJ 07416 (973)-827-2900\nSenator Fred H. Madden, Democrat\n District Office: 129 Johnson Road, Suite 1, Turnersville, NJ 08012 (856)-232-6700\n District Office: 18 Somerdale Road, Blackwood, NJ 08012 (856)-227-5900\nSenator Robert J. Martin, Republican\n District Office: 101 Gibraltar Dr., Suite 1-A, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 (973)-984-0922\nSenator Henry P. McNamara, Republican\n District Office: 191 Godwin Ave., 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 68, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 (201)-848-9600\nSenator Joseph A. Palaia, Republican\n District Office: 290 Norwood Ave., Suite 204, Deal, NJ 07723 (732)-531-1303\nSenator Ronald L. Rice, Democrat
Business & Finance
0Society & Culture
2 words containing double U?
ahuula \na feather cloak or cape made of minute red or yellow bird feathers, trimmed with black or green feathers, worn in Hawaiia by high chiefs and kings. \narruugah \nthe purported offical US Marine Corps cheer (The Washington Post, 5 June 1986); \nconfluens sinuum \n"the confluence of sinuses"; the junction of several sinuses of the dura mater; \ncarduus \na thistle; \ncommiscuum \n("to mix together") - a subdivision of a comparium comprising organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile hybrids; \ncongruum \nA mathematical term. Consider the pair of equations to be solved for integers (x,y,z,k): \nx2 + k = y2 \nx2 - k = z2 \nThe number k in these equations is termed the congruum. (If (a,b,c) is a Pythagorean triple, then k=2*a*b is the value of the congruum). \ncontinuum \na range of values; a spatial or temporal region with some smoothly varying associated property or quantity, and the derivative semicontinuum; \ndosh-poluur \na Tuvan musical instrument, similar to a guitar, often used to accompany the eerie Tuvan throat singers; \nduumvir \n("two men") - one of a pair of joint rulers, along with the derived forms duumviri, duumvirate and duumviral; \nequuleus \na young horse; a very small constellation on the Equator; a wooden torture rack; \nequus \nthe Latin name for a horse. When you ride a horse, you are engaged in equitation; \nhapuu \na Hawaiian tree fern; \nindividuum \n("not dividable") - an individual; \nignus fatuus \n("fire of fools"), will-of-the-wisp; \ninuus \na Barbary ape; a deity in the early Roman religion; \nliguus \na genus of large spiral pulmonate arboreal snails of Florida and the West Indies; \nlituus \na mathematical curve, r^2 * theta = a^2; the original Latin word indicates the curved staff of an augur, a clarion, or a trumpet. Draw the curve and see! \nmenstruum \na solvent. Any liquid that dissolves a solid. The word derives from a bizarre alchemical metaphor; the original Latin meant a monthly provision. Derivatives include premenstruum, intermenstruum, postmenstruum, and paramenstruum; \nmortuum vadium \nwas a mortgage agreement in early English law that gave possession of the mortgaged land and the use of its rents to the mortgagee until the mortgage was paid; \nmutuum \na type of loan in Roman and civil law; \nmuumuu \na loose-fitting dress of Hawaiian origin, much favored by Mama Cass; \nobliquus \nan oblique muscle; \nperpetuum mobile \na undigested Latin phrase, but a part of our language, meaning a scheme or object that supposedly exhibits perpetual motion; also, a clever musical trick in which a sequence of notes appears to rise in tone perpetually; \npraecipuum \na term from Roman and Scottish law; \npuuc \na hilly area of the Yucatan peninsula containing Mayan ruins; \npuud \nan Estonian unit of weight, of about 36 pounds; \nquux \na word used in computer terminology, to denote a section of code being discussed, similar to "foo" and "bar". apparently due to Guy Steele, and now also bearing the meaning of something mildly disgusting; and its adjectival derivative quuxy; \nresiduum \na remainder, residual or residue; \nsitus ambiguus \na birth defect more severe than situs inversus (in which the shape and arrangement of the internal organs has been left-right reverse). In this case, the organs are abnormally placed but are not in a mirror image of the usual pattern. Individuals with this defect often die very young from lung or heart problems; \nSmectynuus \na fictitious name formed from the initials of the five authors of An Answer to a Book; \nsquush \nwhich the Scrabble dictionary claims is a synonym for "squash", and the derivative squushy; \nsuaviloquus \na term meaning "he who speaks rhetorically"; \nsuum \na term imitative of the sound of the wind, used by Shakespeare; also, that which belongs to him (Latin); \nsuus et necessarius heres \nrefers to a family heir, including a slave, in
2 words containing double U?ahuula \na feather cloak or cape made of minute red or yellow bird feathers, trimmed with black or green feathers, worn in Hawaiia by high chiefs and kings. \narruugah \nthe purported offical US Marine Corps cheer (The Washington Post, 5 June 1986); \nconfluens sinuum \n"the confluence of sinuses"; the junction of several sinuses of the dura mater; \ncarduus \na thistle; \ncommiscuum \n("to mix together") - a subdivision of a comparium comprising organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile hybrids; \ncongruum \nA mathematical term. Consider the pair of equations to be solved for integers (x,y,z,k): \nx2 + k = y2 \nx2 - k = z2 \nThe number k in these equations is termed the congruum. (If (a,b,c) is a Pythagorean triple, then k=2*a*b is the value of the congruum). \ncontinuum \na range of values; a spatial or temporal region with some smoothly varying associated property or quantity, and the derivative semicontinuum; \ndosh-poluur \na Tuvan musical instrument, similar to a guitar, often used to accompany the eerie Tuvan throat singers; \nduumvir \n("two men") - one of a pair of joint rulers, along with the derived forms duumviri, duumvirate and duumviral; \nequuleus \na young horse; a very small constellation on the Equator; a wooden torture rack; \nequus \nthe Latin name for a horse. When you ride a horse, you are engaged in equitation; \nhapuu \na Hawaiian tree fern; \nindividuum \n("not dividable") - an individual; \nignus fatuus \n("fire of fools"), will-of-the-wisp; \ninuus \na Barbary ape; a deity in the early Roman religion; \nliguus \na genus of large spiral pulmonate arboreal snails of Florida and the West Indies; \nlituus \na mathematical curve, r^2 * theta = a^2; the original Latin word indicates the curved staff of an augur, a clarion, or a trumpet. Draw the curve and see! \nmenstruum \na solvent. Any liquid that dissolves a solid. The word derives from a bizarre alchemical metaphor; the original Latin meant a monthly provision. Derivatives include premenstruum, intermenstruum, postmenstruum, and paramenstruum; \nmortuum vadium \nwas a mortgage agreement in early English law that gave possession of the mortgaged land and the use of its rents to the mortgagee until the mortgage was paid; \nmutuum \na type of loan in Roman and civil law; \nmuumuu \na loose-fitting dress of Hawaiian origin, much favored by Mama Cass; \nobliquus \nan oblique muscle; \nperpetuum mobile \na undigested Latin phrase, but a part of our language, meaning a scheme or object that supposedly exhibits perpetual motion; also, a clever musical trick in which a sequence of notes appears to rise in tone perpetually; \npraecipuum \na term from Roman and Scottish law; \npuuc \na hilly area of the Yucatan peninsula containing Mayan ruins; \npuud \nan Estonian unit of weight, of about 36 pounds; \nquux \na word used in computer terminology, to denote a section of code being discussed, similar to "foo" and "bar". apparently due to Guy Steele, and now also bearing the meaning of something mildly disgusting; and its adjectival derivative quuxy; \nresiduum \na remainder, residual or residue; \nsitus ambiguus \na birth defect more severe than situs inversus (in which the shape and arrangement of the internal organs has been left-right reverse). In this case, the organs are abnormally placed but are not in a mirror image of the usual pattern. Individuals with this defect often die very young from lung or heart problems; \nSmectynuus \na fictitious name formed from the initials of the five authors of An Answer to a Book; \nsquush \nwhich the Scrabble dictionary claims is a synonym for "squash", and the derivative squushy; \nsuaviloquus \na term meaning "he who speaks rhetorically"; \nsuum \na term imitative of the sound of the wind, used by Shakespeare; also, that which belongs to him (Latin); \nsuus et necessarius heres \nrefers to a family heir, including a slave, in
Society & Culture
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Computers & Internet
4Computers & Internet
I'm using phpbb,how can i edit config.php and work on index.php?
config.php or config.pinc are the global configuration files for TUTOS.\n\nconfig_default.pinc is a exmaple file that is always read before reading config.p???. So you only have to change things that are different from the defaults and there is no need to copy everything (which will make problems when some usefull defaults are changed). Editing config_default is not a goot idea as it will be overwritten whenever you make an update.\n\nThe config files currently reside in [tutoshome]/php/ which is not the best place and may change in the future. \n\n Variables\n\nDatabase\n\nThe next variables are defined for each database\n\ndbname\n\nThe name of the database\n\nlocalhost\n\nThe hostname of the server where the database is running.\n\ndbport\n\nThe portnumber where to connect to the database\n\nicare_se\n\nThe username to use when connecting and authetifcating to the database\n\npassword\n\nThe password for dbuser\n\ndbprefix\n\nA prefix to add in front of each database table name. This allows you to run different TUTOS instances (with different prefixes) in one database.\n\ndbhome\n\nOracle users need to give the location of the oracle installation to TUTOS.\n\ndbtype\n\nType of the database\n\n1 = Postgres\n2 = MySQL\n3 = Oracle\n4 = Postgres 7.1\n5 = MS SQL (beta)\n7 = Interbase\n8 = Oracle OCI connection\n\n\ncryptpw\n\nShould the database or TUTOS encrypt the passwords of the TUTOS users. 1 = yes , 0 = no\n\nrepository\n\nThe location of files stored for the TUTOS instance defined here. Please create the directory so that the apache user can access it and is allowed to make subdirectories.\n\nbaseurl\n\nThis is the url that TUTOS will put into generated links in mails etc. . The URL should point to the top of the installed system like ''\n\nSetup\n\nOne time setup variable\n\nsessionpath\n\nWhere TUTOS will save the session data. Running on multiple servers/clusters this must be the same for all servers ! Relative path is not allowed here and might not work with some PHP verisons !\n\nNOTE: It is recommended to change this to something that is not readable by everyone !! The Apache Process must have READ/WRITE access on that path\n\nATTENTION: On Windows Change this to something your system understands !!! Like : $tutos[sessionpath] = "c:&#92;&#92;Temp";\n\n\n\ndemo\n\n\nEnable this to run TUTOS in demo mode like\n\nThis will disable sending mail ,disallow to change user passwords and show some limited admin pages.\n\ndebug\n\ndebug mode will write ddebug output to the file named in $tutos[errlog]. Whenever the debugfile is bigger than 1 Megabyte it will be renamed to $tutos[errlog].YYYYMMDDHHMM\n\nIt is up to you to delete old debug files.\n\nEnabling debug will also create a access logfile which will report every page called from TUTOS. The access log file is named $tutos[errlog].log and will also be switche when 1Megabyte size is reached.\n\ncurrencies\n\n\nA list of supported currencies\n\ntimezones\n\nthis is a array of timezone names. Those names should be known to the underlying operating system.\n\nOn Linux/Unix it is something like:\n\n * $tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/London";\n * $tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/Berlin"; \n\nOn windows you might add entries like\n\n * $tutos[timezones][] = "EST5EDT";\n * $tutos[timezones][] = "CST6CDT"; \n\n\nauthtype\n\nThe authentification type we use possible values are\n\ndb\nldap\nx509\nhttp\npam\n\nauth classes are stored in [tutoshome]/php/auth for pam sew $tutos[pamservice] below for ldap see $tutos[ldapauth.... below for x509 read this: Support for X.509v3-Certs (this is alpha) make sure this settings in apache-httpd.conf or .htaccess:\n\nSSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth\n\nneeds openssl-support in php in this first version authentification is done by checking .htaccess and FakeBasicAuth in future certs are stored in userdata -> todo
config.php?I'm using phpbb,how can i edit config.php and work on index.php?config.php or config.pinc are the global configuration files for TUTOS.\n\nconfig_default.pinc is a exmaple file that is always read before reading config.p???. So you only have to change things that are different from the defaults and there is no need to copy everything (which will make problems when some usefull defaults are changed). Editing config_default is not a goot idea as it will be overwritten whenever you make an update.\n\nThe config files currently reside in [tutoshome]/php/ which is not the best place and may change in the future. \n\n Variables\n\nDatabase\n\nThe next variables are defined for each database\n\ndbname\n\nThe name of the database\n\nlocalhost\n\nThe hostname of the server where the database is running.\n\ndbport\n\nThe portnumber where to connect to the database\n\nicare_se\n\nThe username to use when connecting and authetifcating to the database\n\npassword\n\nThe password for dbuser\n\ndbprefix\n\nA prefix to add in front of each database table name. This allows you to run different TUTOS instances (with different prefixes) in one database.\n\ndbhome\n\nOracle users need to give the location of the oracle installation to TUTOS.\n\ndbtype\n\nType of the database\n\n1 = Postgres\n2 = MySQL\n3 = Oracle\n4 = Postgres 7.1\n5 = MS SQL (beta)\n7 = Interbase\n8 = Oracle OCI connection\n\n\ncryptpw\n\nShould the database or TUTOS encrypt the passwords of the TUTOS users. 1 = yes , 0 = no\n\nrepository\n\nThe location of files stored for the TUTOS instance defined here. Please create the directory so that the apache user can access it and is allowed to make subdirectories.\n\nbaseurl\n\nThis is the url that TUTOS will put into generated links in mails etc. . The URL should point to the top of the installed system like ''\n\nSetup\n\nOne time setup variable\n\nsessionpath\n\nWhere TUTOS will save the session data. Running on multiple servers/clusters this must be the same for all servers ! Relative path is not allowed here and might not work with some PHP verisons !\n\nNOTE: It is recommended to change this to something that is not readable by everyone !! The Apache Process must have READ/WRITE access on that path\n\nATTENTION: On Windows Change this to something your system understands !!! Like : $tutos[sessionpath] = "c:&#92;&#92;Temp";\n\n\n\ndemo\n\n\nEnable this to run TUTOS in demo mode like\n\nThis will disable sending mail ,disallow to change user passwords and show some limited admin pages.\n\ndebug\n\ndebug mode will write ddebug output to the file named in $tutos[errlog]. Whenever the debugfile is bigger than 1 Megabyte it will be renamed to $tutos[errlog].YYYYMMDDHHMM\n\nIt is up to you to delete old debug files.\n\nEnabling debug will also create a access logfile which will report every page called from TUTOS. The access log file is named $tutos[errlog].log and will also be switche when 1Megabyte size is reached.\n\ncurrencies\n\n\nA list of supported currencies\n\ntimezones\n\nthis is a array of timezone names. Those names should be known to the underlying operating system.\n\nOn Linux/Unix it is something like:\n\n * $tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/London";\n * $tutos[timezones][] = "Europe/Berlin"; \n\nOn windows you might add entries like\n\n * $tutos[timezones][] = "EST5EDT";\n * $tutos[timezones][] = "CST6CDT"; \n\n\nauthtype\n\nThe authentification type we use possible values are\n\ndb\nldap\nx509\nhttp\npam\n\nauth classes are stored in [tutoshome]/php/auth for pam sew $tutos[pamservice] below for ldap see $tutos[ldapauth.... below for x509 read this: Support for X.509v3-Certs (this is alpha) make sure this settings in apache-httpd.conf or .htaccess:\n\nSSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth\n\nneeds openssl-support in php in this first version authentification is done by checking .htaccess and FakeBasicAuth in future certs are stored in userdata -> todo
Computers & Internet
6Business & Finance
what is the besat way to save for retirement?
I would like to retire in 10 years and have no retirement set back so far.
It depends on how old you are. Most retirement plans depend on the economic conditions at the time of retirement. One person can take their 401k out this year and might get more money then the person taking it out the year after. See, its all economics. On top of the economics, its what you invest in. When you put money in a 401k, you have experts putting it into mutual funds for you. They take alot from you. So, theoretically, you can buy your own stocks and make a heck of a lot more. And instead of investing in them for 45 years, you can invest for 8 years and make the same amount or more. This is true, however, you dont know what to invest in. So, I suggest you start small and on something a bit more safe. I will show you 2 or 3 of the best ways to do this. I am a rare coin expert. These ways are not fool proof because the economy goes up and down in a cycle of booms and busts. But, they do cut out the risk because you only have 10 years left. \nThe first method is through gold. I suggest you buy the physical form and not stocks or anything of that nature. You can buy the physical form and allow the sellers to store it for you. Do not allow them to store it for you if they are just a small company. I would rather take the physical gold with me. There is a fee to take this gold with you though. But, its better then not having it. With gold, its always hovering at about $278 to about $315. I would say that anything less then $290 is a good buy. When you buy, they always tack on an additional couple of dollars because the gold was assayed into a gold bar for you. When gold is high, they add like $4. When it is low, they might add $7 dollars. Dont worry about this. Just pay for it. I would rather buy bullion coins then the gold bars in the packages. They cost $10 dollars above the gold value in the bar form. Now, there are certain gold bullion coins that you should and shouldnt buy. Its always best to go for the pure gold ones. The reason being is, sometimes a jewelry store will take it in, but they will only pay for its content because they were going to melt it anyways. And if it wasnt pure 24k, then they might have to take a couple dollars off to turn it into 18k or 14k, etc etc. So, the purest ones are the Canadian gold coins, and the Chinese gold coins. When gold goes down, you buy, when they go up, you sell. Its that simple. You cant lose because gold goes up and down all the time. So, dont sell if you lose. Just keep it there. Whats the point of saving if you are going to dip into it? So, over the course of 10 years, I know you can make a sizeable profit. The question is large or small because you will not know when to buy and sell. All you see is a profit when you sell, and you see a cheap price when you buy. What you do is buy when its around $290 or less. Sell, when it goes up. And with the excess, you can buy more gold. Just continue doing this. I know for a fact that you can start off with $3000 dollars today and make at least 20 trades in the next 10 years and make no less then 100% of your investment back. Gold is currently at $500 plus. What if you bought it when it was $290 or less, which is what is preferred. Thats over 200 per ounce. So, in a year or two, do you see that you would have had over 5k? You just have to wait till it goes down to around the 300 mark. I mean, even if you buy for 290, and it goes up to 310 in 2 weeks, you can still sell and make 300 dollars. That would add almost another ounce to your portfolio. Continue to do this until you are about to retire. During the last year, you will be waiting for the highest price you can find to sell. Another thing to look into is instead of gold coins, you can buy grain gold. They are just little balls of pure gold. They are usually a couple dollars cheaper, but they are hard to obtain sometimes. \nSecond way of investing is buying coins from the US mint. They will be the cheapest price you pa
what is the besat way to save for retirement?I would like to retire in 10 years and have no retirement set back so far.It depends on how old you are. Most retirement plans depend on the economic conditions at the time of retirement. One person can take their 401k out this year and might get more money then the person taking it out the year after. See, its all economics. On top of the economics, its what you invest in. When you put money in a 401k, you have experts putting it into mutual funds for you. They take alot from you. So, theoretically, you can buy your own stocks and make a heck of a lot more. And instead of investing in them for 45 years, you can invest for 8 years and make the same amount or more. This is true, however, you dont know what to invest in. So, I suggest you start small and on something a bit more safe. I will show you 2 or 3 of the best ways to do this. I am a rare coin expert. These ways are not fool proof because the economy goes up and down in a cycle of booms and busts. But, they do cut out the risk because you only have 10 years left. \nThe first method is through gold. I suggest you buy the physical form and not stocks or anything of that nature. You can buy the physical form and allow the sellers to store it for you. Do not allow them to store it for you if they are just a small company. I would rather take the physical gold with me. There is a fee to take this gold with you though. But, its better then not having it. With gold, its always hovering at about $278 to about $315. I would say that anything less then $290 is a good buy. When you buy, they always tack on an additional couple of dollars because the gold was assayed into a gold bar for you. When gold is high, they add like $4. When it is low, they might add $7 dollars. Dont worry about this. Just pay for it. I would rather buy bullion coins then the gold bars in the packages. They cost $10 dollars above the gold value in the bar form. Now, there are certain gold bullion coins that you should and shouldnt buy. Its always best to go for the pure gold ones. The reason being is, sometimes a jewelry store will take it in, but they will only pay for its content because they were going to melt it anyways. And if it wasnt pure 24k, then they might have to take a couple dollars off to turn it into 18k or 14k, etc etc. So, the purest ones are the Canadian gold coins, and the Chinese gold coins. When gold goes down, you buy, when they go up, you sell. Its that simple. You cant lose because gold goes up and down all the time. So, dont sell if you lose. Just keep it there. Whats the point of saving if you are going to dip into it? So, over the course of 10 years, I know you can make a sizeable profit. The question is large or small because you will not know when to buy and sell. All you see is a profit when you sell, and you see a cheap price when you buy. What you do is buy when its around $290 or less. Sell, when it goes up. And with the excess, you can buy more gold. Just continue doing this. I know for a fact that you can start off with $3000 dollars today and make at least 20 trades in the next 10 years and make no less then 100% of your investment back. Gold is currently at $500 plus. What if you bought it when it was $290 or less, which is what is preferred. Thats over 200 per ounce. So, in a year or two, do you see that you would have had over 5k? You just have to wait till it goes down to around the 300 mark. I mean, even if you buy for 290, and it goes up to 310 in 2 weeks, you can still sell and make 300 dollars. That would add almost another ounce to your portfolio. Continue to do this until you are about to retire. During the last year, you will be waiting for the highest price you can find to sell. Another thing to look into is instead of gold coins, you can buy grain gold. They are just little balls of pure gold. They are usually a couple dollars cheaper, but they are hard to obtain sometimes. \nSecond way of investing is buying coins from the US mint. They will be the cheapest price you pa
Business & Finance
1Science & Mathematics
What is the True Speed of Sun Light ?
The Sun burns 4 million tons of Hydrogen per\nsecond X 2,000 lbs./ ton = 8,000,000,000 lbs/sec. X 86,400 seconds per\nday = 6.912 to the 14th power lbs./ day X 365 days/year = 2.52288 to\nthe 17th power lbs. burned/year X 223,584,184.6 years old age of the\nEarth = 5.640760676 to the 25th power lbs. of Hydrogen to light the\nEarth from Day 1 or 2.820380338 to the 22 power tons. 177245.385\nmiles/second X 5,280 ft./ mile = 935,855,632.8 ft./second Velocity. So\nit would take 8,000,000,000 lbs./sec./H to generate a Velocity of\n935,855,632.8 ft./sec. = a burn of 8.548327028 lbs./sec. burn / 1 ft.V\n/sec. = 8.5 lbs. of Hydrogen/1 ft. V /second. For light to reach the\nEarth it toke 8.7 min. = 522 seconds burning Hydrogen at a rate of\n8,000,000,000 lbs./sec. = 4.176 to the 12th power lbs. of Hydrogen to\nreach the Earth or 2,088,000,000 tons. A Mega Ton = is an explosive\nforce equal to that of 1,000,000 tons of T N T . 1 foot = 0.3048\nmeters. 1 lb. of Astrolite G = 8600 meters/sec. V or 28,215.2231\nft./sec. or 5.343792253 miles/sec. 1 lbs. of T N T = 6900 meters/sec.\nV or 22,637.79528 ft./sec. V or 4.287461226 miles/sec. V (G)1,000,000\nlbs. X 28,215.2231 ft./sec. V = 2.82152231 to the 10th power ft./sec.\nV X 8,000,000,000 lbs. = 2.257217848 to the 20th power ft./sec V or\n4.275033803 to the 16th power miles/sec. V .(T N T )1,000,000 lbs. X\n22,637.79528 ft./sec. V = 2.263779528 to the 10th power ft./sec. V X\n8,000,000,000 lbs. = 1.811023622 to the 22 power ft./sec. V or\n3.429968981 to the 16th power miles/sec/ V . (H) 1,000,000 lbs.\ndivided by 8.548327028 lbs./ft. V / sec. = 116,981.9541 ft./sec V X\n8,000,000,000 lbs. = 9.358556328 to the 14th power ft./sec. V divided\n5,280 ft./mile = 1.77245385 to the 11th power miles/sec V. "The True\nSpeed of Sun Light." In the Equation E=mc2 the Mechanical speed of\nlight squarded is 3.470769 to the 10th power. The Mechanical speed of\nlight = 186,300.000 miles/sec. The Mathematical speed of light\nsquarded is 3.14159265 to the 10th power or Pi to the 10th. power .\nThe Mathematical speed of light = 177245.385 miles/sec. The Speed of\nSun Light squarded is 3.14159265 to the 22 power or Pi to the 22\npower. The Speed of Sun Light = 1.77245385 to the 11 power miles/sec.\n( Note) Page 11 of "The Paper" proves two things, Frist = is that\n177,245.385 miles/sec. is the true Mathematical Speed of Light. Second\n= is that all sources of light do not travel at the same speed, but\nare regulated by the energy soure powering it. (A) Mechanical Speed of\nLight = 186,300.000 miles/sec. (B) Mathematical Speed of Light =\n177,245.385 miles/sec. (C) Speed of Sun Light = 1.77245385 to the 11th\npower miles/sec. E=mc2 = the speed of Light Squarded is (a) Mechanical\nspeed = 3.4596 to the 10th power (b) Mathematical speed = 3.14159265\nto the 10th power or Pi to the 10th power. (c) Sun Light speed =\n3.14159265 to the 22 power or Pi to the 22 power. (Note) The Speed of\nSun Light 1.77245385 to the 11th power in miles X 31.536 days or 1\nmonth = 5.589610461 to the 12th power in miles, one Light year. One\nlight year 5.589610461 to the 12th power in miles X 12 months/year =\n6.707532553 to the 13th power in miles or 1 light year by Sun Light.\nSo Sun Light can travel in 31.5 days or 1 month as far as light can\ntravel in 1 light year.
What is the True Speed of Sun Light ?The Sun burns 4 million tons of Hydrogen per\nsecond X 2,000 lbs./ ton = 8,000,000,000 lbs/sec. X 86,400 seconds per\nday = 6.912 to the 14th power lbs./ day X 365 days/year = 2.52288 to\nthe 17th power lbs. burned/year X 223,584,184.6 years old age of the\nEarth = 5.640760676 to the 25th power lbs. of Hydrogen to light the\nEarth from Day 1 or 2.820380338 to the 22 power tons. 177245.385\nmiles/second X 5,280 ft./ mile = 935,855,632.8 ft./second Velocity. So\nit would take 8,000,000,000 lbs./sec./H to generate a Velocity of\n935,855,632.8 ft./sec. = a burn of 8.548327028 lbs./sec. burn / 1 ft.V\n/sec. = 8.5 lbs. of Hydrogen/1 ft. V /second. For light to reach the\nEarth it toke 8.7 min. = 522 seconds burning Hydrogen at a rate of\n8,000,000,000 lbs./sec. = 4.176 to the 12th power lbs. of Hydrogen to\nreach the Earth or 2,088,000,000 tons. A Mega Ton = is an explosive\nforce equal to that of 1,000,000 tons of T N T . 1 foot = 0.3048\nmeters. 1 lb. of Astrolite G = 8600 meters/sec. V or 28,215.2231\nft./sec. or 5.343792253 miles/sec. 1 lbs. of T N T = 6900 meters/sec.\nV or 22,637.79528 ft./sec. V or 4.287461226 miles/sec. V (G)1,000,000\nlbs. X 28,215.2231 ft./sec. V = 2.82152231 to the 10th power ft./sec.\nV X 8,000,000,000 lbs. = 2.257217848 to the 20th power ft./sec V or\n4.275033803 to the 16th power miles/sec. V .(T N T )1,000,000 lbs. X\n22,637.79528 ft./sec. V = 2.263779528 to the 10th power ft./sec. V X\n8,000,000,000 lbs. = 1.811023622 to the 22 power ft./sec. V or\n3.429968981 to the 16th power miles/sec/ V . (H) 1,000,000 lbs.\ndivided by 8.548327028 lbs./ft. V / sec. = 116,981.9541 ft./sec V X\n8,000,000,000 lbs. = 9.358556328 to the 14th power ft./sec. V divided\n5,280 ft./mile = 1.77245385 to the 11th power miles/sec V. "The True\nSpeed of Sun Light." In the Equation E=mc2 the Mechanical speed of\nlight squarded is 3.470769 to the 10th power. The Mechanical speed of\nlight = 186,300.000 miles/sec. The Mathematical speed of light\nsquarded is 3.14159265 to the 10th power or Pi to the 10th. power .\nThe Mathematical speed of light = 177245.385 miles/sec. The Speed of\nSun Light squarded is 3.14159265 to the 22 power or Pi to the 22\npower. The Speed of Sun Light = 1.77245385 to the 11 power miles/sec.\n( Note) Page 11 of "The Paper" proves two things, Frist = is that\n177,245.385 miles/sec. is the true Mathematical Speed of Light. Second\n= is that all sources of light do not travel at the same speed, but\nare regulated by the energy soure powering it. (A) Mechanical Speed of\nLight = 186,300.000 miles/sec. (B) Mathematical Speed of Light =\n177,245.385 miles/sec. (C) Speed of Sun Light = 1.77245385 to the 11th\npower miles/sec. E=mc2 = the speed of Light Squarded is (a) Mechanical\nspeed = 3.4596 to the 10th power (b) Mathematical speed = 3.14159265\nto the 10th power or Pi to the 10th power. (c) Sun Light speed =\n3.14159265 to the 22 power or Pi to the 22 power. (Note) The Speed of\nSun Light 1.77245385 to the 11th power in miles X 31.536 days or 1\nmonth = 5.589610461 to the 12th power in miles, one Light year. One\nlight year 5.589610461 to the 12th power in miles X 12 months/year =\n6.707532553 to the 13th power in miles or 1 light year by Sun Light.\nSo Sun Light can travel in 31.5 days or 1 month as far as light can\ntravel in 1 light year.
Science & Mathematics


1024 or more tokens in 'text'

    train: Dataset({
        features: ['id', 'topic', 'question_title', 'question_content', 'best_answer', 'token_count', 'text'],
        num_rows: 3352
    test: Dataset({
        features: ['id', 'topic', 'question_title', 'question_content', 'best_answer', 'token_count', 'text'],
        num_rows: 133
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