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0Society & Culture
Is baptism "for the remission of sins" or "because they have already been forgiven"?
Some say “for the remission of sins” in Acts 2:38 means “because of the remission (that has already happened)”. I cannot find a translation that records this verse this way. ASV says “unto the remission of sins”, others say “so that your sins will be forgiven”. The same phrase is in Matt 26:28. Jesus’ blood was shed “for the remission of sins". Had they already received forgiveness or was his blood shed so that the sins would be forgiven? Why not translate both of these verses the same since they have the same phrase? Can you refer me to a translation that uses “because” in Acts 2:38?
What If The Lord Were To Come Right Now? Would You Know For Sure, Without A Doubt, That You Would Go Heaven? \n\nMay I tell you my story?\n\nMy story relates to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.\n\nWho is this Jesus?\n\nWe can know how to have eternal life!\n1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you, that ye may know that ye have eternal life, [even] unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God. \n\nThere was a time in my life when I was confused, because of all the different churches out there. Which one do I believe, because they all teach different things?\n\nJust because I was raised by my parents to believe certain things does that make everyone else wrong? No.\nI got to thinking in life there are life and death statements.\nFor instance let's say your house catches on fire. Someone comes up in the middle of the night and raps on the window and shouts "get out of the house, the house is on fire." Well you know you wouldn't need an interpreter or call a few friends over and ask them what it means when someone says your house is on fire. No you wouldn't do that it is so clear what you should do. You understand you simply have to act on it and get out of the house. Well I got to thinking the Bible talks about there being an everlasting punishment. I believe this is Gods word. I thought God must have some life and death statements. Like get out of the house the house is on fire. Does God have some statements like believe this and you will live do this and you will die? He does. \n\nThen, what has been written? \n\nJohn 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for except ye believe that I am [he], ye shall die in your sins.\n\nWell I know what that means. Unless I believe that Jesus is who he says he is I will die in my sins.\n\nIsn't this a life and death statement?\n\nThen who is this Jesus? \n\nLet's go exploring. \n\nMatthew 16:13-17 Now when Jesus came into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Who do men say that the Son of man is? 14 And they said, Some [say] John the Baptist; some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But who say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven. \n\nWhose son is he? "God's son"\nIn other words Jesus says you are right.\n\nWell you know I got to thinking what does it mean to believe he is the son of God? So I kept reading.\n\nIs he being the son of God all we must believe concerning His identity? \n\nJohn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.\n\nAnd I kept reading. \n\nJust being the son of God...Is God. Notice here: \nJohn 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father), full of grace and truth. \n\nWell here Jesus is claiming to be the son of God and God at the same time. \n\nAll Jesus is saying is that he is the same as his parents. Jesus mother was human and father was God. That makes him 100% human and 100% God.\n\nIs that important that Jesus is a 100% God and man? Remember John 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for except ye believe that I am [he], ye shall die in your sins.\n\nWhen Jesus came to earth, did he leave his Godhead in Heaven? \n\nColossians 2:9 for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, \nNotice that Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. \n\nHere God the Father calls his own son God.\n\nHebrews 1:1, 8 God, having of old time spoken unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers manners, \n8 but of the Son [he saith], Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; And the sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. \n\nQuote above taken fr
Is baptism "for the remission of sins" or "because they have already been forgiven"?Some say “for the remission of sins” in Acts 2:38 means “because of the remission (that has already happened)”. I cannot find a translation that records this verse this way. ASV says “unto the remission of sins”, others say “so that your sins will be forgiven”. The same phrase is in Matt 26:28. Jesus’ blood was shed “for the remission of sins". Had they already received forgiveness or was his blood shed so that the sins would be forgiven? Why not translate both of these verses the same since they have the same phrase? Can you refer me to a translation that uses “because” in Acts 2:38?What If The Lord Were To Come Right Now? Would You Know For Sure, Without A Doubt, That You Would Go Heaven? \n\nMay I tell you my story?\n\nMy story relates to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.\n\nWho is this Jesus?\n\nWe can know how to have eternal life!\n1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you, that ye may know that ye have eternal life, [even] unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God. \n\nThere was a time in my life when I was confused, because of all the different churches out there. Which one do I believe, because they all teach different things?\n\nJust because I was raised by my parents to believe certain things does that make everyone else wrong? No.\nI got to thinking in life there are life and death statements.\nFor instance let's say your house catches on fire. Someone comes up in the middle of the night and raps on the window and shouts "get out of the house, the house is on fire." Well you know you wouldn't need an interpreter or call a few friends over and ask them what it means when someone says your house is on fire. No you wouldn't do that it is so clear what you should do. You understand you simply have to act on it and get out of the house. Well I got to thinking the Bible talks about there being an everlasting punishment. I believe this is Gods word. I thought God must have some life and death statements. Like get out of the house the house is on fire. Does God have some statements like believe this and you will live do this and you will die? He does. \n\nThen, what has been written? \n\nJohn 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for except ye believe that I am [he], ye shall die in your sins.\n\nWell I know what that means. Unless I believe that Jesus is who he says he is I will die in my sins.\n\nIsn't this a life and death statement?\n\nThen who is this Jesus? \n\nLet's go exploring. \n\nMatthew 16:13-17 Now when Jesus came into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Who do men say that the Son of man is? 14 And they said, Some [say] John the Baptist; some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But who say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven. \n\nWhose son is he? "God's son"\nIn other words Jesus says you are right.\n\nWell you know I got to thinking what does it mean to believe he is the son of God? So I kept reading.\n\nIs he being the son of God all we must believe concerning His identity? \n\nJohn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.\n\nAnd I kept reading. \n\nJust being the son of God...Is God. Notice here: \nJohn 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father), full of grace and truth. \n\nWell here Jesus is claiming to be the son of God and God at the same time. \n\nAll Jesus is saying is that he is the same as his parents. Jesus mother was human and father was God. That makes him 100% human and 100% God.\n\nIs that important that Jesus is a 100% God and man? Remember John 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for except ye believe that I am [he], ye shall die in your sins.\n\nWhen Jesus came to earth, did he leave his Godhead in Heaven? \n\nColossians 2:9 for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, \nNotice that Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. \n\nHere God the Father calls his own son God.\n\nHebrews 1:1, 8 God, having of old time spoken unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers manners, \n8 but of the Son [he saith], Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; And the sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. \n\nQuote above taken fr
Society & Culture
0Society & Culture
Islam recognise Jesus and Moses as one of their prophets, why can't Christians and Jews accept Mohammad (SAW?
I wonder where have humans err in the history to have such diverse seperation and beliefs. No one should be fanatical, not for any holy reasons at all.
Jews never recognised JESUS as Messiah & Christans never recognised Muhammed as true prophet but Muslims recognised all the prophets of God.There are clear signs of his peophecy in bible but still they say he is not a prophet\nIsaiah's vision: \n\nIsaiah saw a vision of two riders. \n\n"And he saw a chariot [with] a couple of horsemen, a chariot of as-ses, [and] a chariot of camels .." (Isaiah 21:7) \n\nWho was the rider upon the as-s? Every Sunday school student will tell us that this was a prophecy of Jesus (peace be upon him), as stated in John: \n\n"And Jesus, when he had found a young as-s, sat thereon; as it is written," (John 12:14) \n\nbut who is the promised prophet who would ride the camel? If it is not Muhammad (peace be upon him) then this prophecy has yet to be fulfilled. Let us read on... \n\n"And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, [with] a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground." (Isaiah 21:9) \n\nBabylon did indeed fall before Islam and the Islamic nation under the guidance of Muhammad (peace be upon him) did indeed succeed in eradicating the worship of idols from Babylon replacing it with the worship of God alone. In fact, the Muslims were the only believers in the God of Isaiah to ever succeed in fulfilling this prophesy. \n\n"The burden upon Arabia ..." (Isaiah 21:13) \n\nWhat does the word "burden" mean? Let us ask the Scofield Study Bible: \n\n"…which also means an oracle is a word sometimes used in the prophetical writings to indicate a divine message of judgment" (Scofield Study Bible New King James Version, note 1, p. 792) \n\nSo the Muslims of Arabia (and subsequently Muslims everywhere) would be assigned the burden of God's message. \n\n"The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him that fled. For they fled from the swords, from the drawn sword, and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war" (Isaiah 21:14-15) \n\nIn "The Dictionary of the Bible," bearing the Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur, and Imprimi Potest (official Church seals of approval), by John McKenzi, we read that "Tema" is: \n\n"a place name and tribal name of Arabia; a son of Ishmael.... The name survives in Teima, an oasis of the part of the Arabian desert called the Nefud in N Central Arabia." \n\nThis word, Tema, is the name of the ninth son of Ishmael (the father of the Arabs), in Genesis 25:13-15 we read: \n\n"And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam, And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa, Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah" (Genesis 25:13-15). \n\nStrong's concordance tells us that this name was also applied to the land settled by Tema the son of Ishmael. It goes on to explain how this word is "probably of foreign derivation". Indeed, this word, Teima, is an Arabic word which means "Barren desert". It remains the name of a city in the Arabian peninsula just north of "Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah," or "Madinah" for short (Please see Map 1, page 491). Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions were given sanction to migrate. They departed Makkah during the night and left all of their possessions behind. Upon reaching Madinah they were greeted by its citizens with open arms and Muhammad (peace be upon him) assigned each one of the Muhajireen (citizens of Makkah) to one of the Ansar (citizens of Madinah) to house and feed them until they could strike out on their own. This became the first year of the Arab "Hijra" (Emigration) calendar used in Islamic countries to this day. \n\n"For thus hath the LORD said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an
Islam recognise Jesus and Moses as one of their prophets, why can't Christians and Jews accept Mohammad (SAW?I wonder where have humans err in the history to have such diverse seperation and beliefs. No one should be fanatical, not for any holy reasons at all.Jews never recognised JESUS as Messiah & Christans never recognised Muhammed as true prophet but Muslims recognised all the prophets of God.There are clear signs of his peophecy in bible but still they say he is not a prophet\nIsaiah's vision: \n\nIsaiah saw a vision of two riders. \n\n"And he saw a chariot [with] a couple of horsemen, a chariot of as-ses, [and] a chariot of camels .." (Isaiah 21:7) \n\nWho was the rider upon the as-s? Every Sunday school student will tell us that this was a prophecy of Jesus (peace be upon him), as stated in John: \n\n"And Jesus, when he had found a young as-s, sat thereon; as it is written," (John 12:14) \n\nbut who is the promised prophet who would ride the camel? If it is not Muhammad (peace be upon him) then this prophecy has yet to be fulfilled. Let us read on... \n\n"And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, [with] a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground." (Isaiah 21:9) \n\nBabylon did indeed fall before Islam and the Islamic nation under the guidance of Muhammad (peace be upon him) did indeed succeed in eradicating the worship of idols from Babylon replacing it with the worship of God alone. In fact, the Muslims were the only believers in the God of Isaiah to ever succeed in fulfilling this prophesy. \n\n"The burden upon Arabia ..." (Isaiah 21:13) \n\nWhat does the word "burden" mean? Let us ask the Scofield Study Bible: \n\n"…which also means an oracle is a word sometimes used in the prophetical writings to indicate a divine message of judgment" (Scofield Study Bible New King James Version, note 1, p. 792) \n\nSo the Muslims of Arabia (and subsequently Muslims everywhere) would be assigned the burden of God's message. \n\n"The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him that fled. For they fled from the swords, from the drawn sword, and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war" (Isaiah 21:14-15) \n\nIn "The Dictionary of the Bible," bearing the Nihil Obstat, Imprimatur, and Imprimi Potest (official Church seals of approval), by John McKenzi, we read that "Tema" is: \n\n"a place name and tribal name of Arabia; a son of Ishmael.... The name survives in Teima, an oasis of the part of the Arabian desert called the Nefud in N Central Arabia." \n\nThis word, Tema, is the name of the ninth son of Ishmael (the father of the Arabs), in Genesis 25:13-15 we read: \n\n"And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam, And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa, Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah" (Genesis 25:13-15). \n\nStrong's concordance tells us that this name was also applied to the land settled by Tema the son of Ishmael. It goes on to explain how this word is "probably of foreign derivation". Indeed, this word, Teima, is an Arabic word which means "Barren desert". It remains the name of a city in the Arabian peninsula just north of "Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah," or "Madinah" for short (Please see Map 1, page 491). Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions were given sanction to migrate. They departed Makkah during the night and left all of their possessions behind. Upon reaching Madinah they were greeted by its citizens with open arms and Muhammad (peace be upon him) assigned each one of the Muhajireen (citizens of Makkah) to one of the Ansar (citizens of Madinah) to house and feed them until they could strike out on their own. This became the first year of the Arab "Hijra" (Emigration) calendar used in Islamic countries to this day. \n\n"For thus hath the LORD said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an
Society & Culture
0Society & Culture
How do we get to heaven????
what does the Quran or other eastern religions teach in how you can go to heaven? Is it by good actions and a peaceful life? If so, then do you think that mere human achievement isn't good enough to reconcile our fallen state? Don't you think that it requires an act of God to save humanity such as by sending his son to die for our sins In order for the savior to be infinitely greater than the sinner? Just my thought.
NO ONE ON THIS EARTH IS GUARANTEED TO GO TO HEAVEN JUST BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST!\n\nI can only pray that Jesus judges me worthy...\n\nI know that I can only get to heaven through Jesus. Also, it is not just by this faith in Jesus, nor just the Grace of God, nor just the works that I do. It is a combination of many things. \n\nWe receive God's saving and sanctifying grace in many ways, and Christ Himself, into our souls when we are baptized. Yet they also know that Christ Himself has established certain conditions for entry into eternal happiness in Heaven.\n\n"Jesus said to them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever."" (John 6:53-58)\n\nWe will be judged by this as well, so be warned...\n\n"Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself." (1 Cor. 11:27-29).\n\nWe will also be judged by our faith, but not by this alone, we will also be judged by the works that we do (Justification by faith alone is a Protestant doctrine; it was unheard of in the Christian community before the sixteenth century.)...\n\nIf St. Paul meant that faith ruled out the necessity of good works for salvation, he would not have written: \n\n". . . and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." (1 Cor. 13:2). \n\nIf faith ruled out the necessity of good works for salvation, the Apostle James would not have written: \n\n"Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only'? . . . For even as the body without the spirit is dead; so also faith without works is dead." (James 2:24-26). \n\nIf faith ruled out the necessity of good works for salvation, the Apostle Peter would not have written: \n\n"Therefore, brothers, be all the more eager to make your call and election firm, for, in doing so, you will never stumble. For, in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for you." (2 Peter 1:10-11).\n\nIf faith was the only necessity for salvation, the Apostle James would not have written: \n\n"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, his religion is vain. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world." (James 1:26-27)\n\nChrist Himself stated:\n\n"For the Son of man . . . will render to every man according to his works." (Matt. 16:27). \n\n"‘Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven’" (Matt. 7:21). \n\nI need my faith also...\n\n"Who were those who rebelled when they heard? Was it not all those who came out of Egypt under Moses? With whom was he "provoked for forty years"? Was it not those who had sinned, whose corpses fell in the desert? And to whom did he "swear that they should not enter into his rest," if not to those who were disobedient? And we see that they could not enter for lack of faith."(Hebrews 3:16-19)\n\nW
How do we get to heaven????what does the Quran or other eastern religions teach in how you can go to heaven? Is it by good actions and a peaceful life? If so, then do you think that mere human achievement isn't good enough to reconcile our fallen state? Don't you think that it requires an act of God to save humanity such as by sending his son to die for our sins In order for the savior to be infinitely greater than the sinner? Just my thought.NO ONE ON THIS EARTH IS GUARANTEED TO GO TO HEAVEN JUST BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST!\n\nI can only pray that Jesus judges me worthy...\n\nI know that I can only get to heaven through Jesus. Also, it is not just by this faith in Jesus, nor just the Grace of God, nor just the works that I do. It is a combination of many things. \n\nWe receive God's saving and sanctifying grace in many ways, and Christ Himself, into our souls when we are baptized. Yet they also know that Christ Himself has established certain conditions for entry into eternal happiness in Heaven.\n\n"Jesus said to them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever."" (John 6:53-58)\n\nWe will be judged by this as well, so be warned...\n\n"Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself." (1 Cor. 11:27-29).\n\nWe will also be judged by our faith, but not by this alone, we will also be judged by the works that we do (Justification by faith alone is a Protestant doctrine; it was unheard of in the Christian community before the sixteenth century.)...\n\nIf St. Paul meant that faith ruled out the necessity of good works for salvation, he would not have written: \n\n". . . and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." (1 Cor. 13:2). \n\nIf faith ruled out the necessity of good works for salvation, the Apostle James would not have written: \n\n"Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only'? . . . For even as the body without the spirit is dead; so also faith without works is dead." (James 2:24-26). \n\nIf faith ruled out the necessity of good works for salvation, the Apostle Peter would not have written: \n\n"Therefore, brothers, be all the more eager to make your call and election firm, for, in doing so, you will never stumble. For, in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for you." (2 Peter 1:10-11).\n\nIf faith was the only necessity for salvation, the Apostle James would not have written: \n\n"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, his religion is vain. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world." (James 1:26-27)\n\nChrist Himself stated:\n\n"For the Son of man . . . will render to every man according to his works." (Matt. 16:27). \n\n"‘Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven’" (Matt. 7:21). \n\nI need my faith also...\n\n"Who were those who rebelled when they heard? Was it not all those who came out of Egypt under Moses? With whom was he "provoked for forty years"? Was it not those who had sinned, whose corpses fell in the desert? And to whom did he "swear that they should not enter into his rest," if not to those who were disobedient? And we see that they could not enter for lack of faith."(Hebrews 3:16-19)\n\nW
Society & Culture
9Politics & Government
indian dual citizens for singaporeans?
singaporean of indian origin can become Overseas citizen of india
decide for yourself and these are the provisions.........\nregarding INDIAN citizenship\n\n\n3. Citizenship by birth.- (1) Except as provided in sub-section (2), every person born in India,-\n\n(a) on or after the 26th day of January,1950, but before the 1st day of July, 1987;\n\n(b) on or after the 1st day of July, 1987, but before the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003 and either of whose parents is a citizen of India at the time of his birth;\n\n(c) on or after the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, where-\n\n(i) both of his parents are citizens of India; or\n\n(ii) one of whose parents is a citizen of India and the other is not an illegal migrant at the time of his birth,\n\n \n\nshall be a citizen of India by birth.\n\n \n\n(2) A person shall not be a citizen of India by virtue of this section if at the time of his birth-\n\n \n\n(a) either his father or mother possesses such immunity from suits and legal process as is accorded to an envoy of a foreign sovereign power accredited to the President of India and he or she, as the case may be, is not a citizen of India; or\n\n(b) his father or mother is an enemy alien and the birth occurs in a place then under occupation by the enemy.\n\n \n\n \n\n4. Citizenship by descent.- (1) A person born outside India shall be a citizen of India by descent,-\n\n \n\n(a) on or after the 26th day of January, 1950, but before the 10th day of December, 1992, if his father is a citizen of India at the time of his birth; or\n\n(b) on or after the 10th day of December,1992, if either of his parents is a citizen of India at the time of his birth:\n\n \n\nProvided that if the father of a person referred to in clause (a) was a citizen of India by descent only, that person shall not be a citizen of India by virtue of this section unless-\n\n \n\n(a) his birth is registered at an Indian consulate within one year of its occurrence or the commencement of this Act, whichever is later, or, with the permission of the Central Government, after the expiry of the said period; or\n\n(b) his father is, at the time of his birth, in service under a Government in India:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nProvided further that if either of the parents of a person referred to in clause (b) was a citizen of India by descent only, that person shall not be a citizen of India by virtue of this section unless-\n\n \n\n(a) his birth is registered at an Indian consulate within one year of its occurrence or on or after the 10th day of December, 1992, whichever is later, or, with the permission of the Central Government, after the expiry of the said period; or\n\n(b) either of his parents is, at the time of his birth, in service under a Government of India:\n\n \n\nProvided also that on or after the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, a person shall not be a citizen of India by virtue of this section, unless his birth is registered at an Indian consulate in such form and in such manner, as may be prescribed,-\n\n \n\n(i) within one year of its occurrence or the commencement of the citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, whichever is later; or \n\n \n\n(ii) with the permission of the Central Government, after the expiry of the said period:\n\n \n\nProvided also that no such birth shall be registered unless the parents of such person declare, in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed, that the minor does not hold the passport of another country.\n\n(1A) A minor who is a citizen of India by virtue of his section and is also a citizen of any other country shall cease to be a citizen of India if he does not renounce the citizenship or nationality of another country within six months of attaining full age.\n\n(2) If the Central Government so directs, a birth shall be deemed for the purposes of this section to have been registered wi
indian dual citizens for singaporeans?singaporean of indian origin can become Overseas citizen of indiadecide for yourself and these are the provisions.........\nregarding INDIAN citizenship\n\n\n3. Citizenship by birth.- (1) Except as provided in sub-section (2), every person born in India,-\n\n(a) on or after the 26th day of January,1950, but before the 1st day of July, 1987;\n\n(b) on or after the 1st day of July, 1987, but before the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003 and either of whose parents is a citizen of India at the time of his birth;\n\n(c) on or after the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, where-\n\n(i) both of his parents are citizens of India; or\n\n(ii) one of whose parents is a citizen of India and the other is not an illegal migrant at the time of his birth,\n\n \n\nshall be a citizen of India by birth.\n\n \n\n(2) A person shall not be a citizen of India by virtue of this section if at the time of his birth-\n\n \n\n(a) either his father or mother possesses such immunity from suits and legal process as is accorded to an envoy of a foreign sovereign power accredited to the President of India and he or she, as the case may be, is not a citizen of India; or\n\n(b) his father or mother is an enemy alien and the birth occurs in a place then under occupation by the enemy.\n\n \n\n \n\n4. Citizenship by descent.- (1) A person born outside India shall be a citizen of India by descent,-\n\n \n\n(a) on or after the 26th day of January, 1950, but before the 10th day of December, 1992, if his father is a citizen of India at the time of his birth; or\n\n(b) on or after the 10th day of December,1992, if either of his parents is a citizen of India at the time of his birth:\n\n \n\nProvided that if the father of a person referred to in clause (a) was a citizen of India by descent only, that person shall not be a citizen of India by virtue of this section unless-\n\n \n\n(a) his birth is registered at an Indian consulate within one year of its occurrence or the commencement of this Act, whichever is later, or, with the permission of the Central Government, after the expiry of the said period; or\n\n(b) his father is, at the time of his birth, in service under a Government in India:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nProvided further that if either of the parents of a person referred to in clause (b) was a citizen of India by descent only, that person shall not be a citizen of India by virtue of this section unless-\n\n \n\n(a) his birth is registered at an Indian consulate within one year of its occurrence or on or after the 10th day of December, 1992, whichever is later, or, with the permission of the Central Government, after the expiry of the said period; or\n\n(b) either of his parents is, at the time of his birth, in service under a Government of India:\n\n \n\nProvided also that on or after the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, a person shall not be a citizen of India by virtue of this section, unless his birth is registered at an Indian consulate in such form and in such manner, as may be prescribed,-\n\n \n\n(i) within one year of its occurrence or the commencement of the citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, whichever is later; or \n\n \n\n(ii) with the permission of the Central Government, after the expiry of the said period:\n\n \n\nProvided also that no such birth shall be registered unless the parents of such person declare, in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed, that the minor does not hold the passport of another country.\n\n(1A) A minor who is a citizen of India by virtue of his section and is also a citizen of any other country shall cease to be a citizen of India if he does not renounce the citizenship or nationality of another country within six months of attaining full age.\n\n(2) If the Central Government so directs, a birth shall be deemed for the purposes of this section to have been registered wi
Politics & Government
what to do????????????
after tmorow i am trviling and i am going to see the boy i love(i do not know if he does)iam a little bite over wieght .can i do something to try to lose wight in there 2 days , to look better when he sees me. plz help..:(:(:(:(:(:(
hi :) am not sure whats available in the markets...but, this is what i did to lose weight... PLEASE DONT TAKE PILLS... pills are nothing but anorectic agents... they make you feel less hungry... there is no way to loose weight fast... though , sauna , steam and massages help slightly... it has to be combined with diet and excercise... pills are very bad in the long run... can lead to impotency and infertility...\n\nAlso... short term diets are no good because , they terribly pull down your body metabolism rate since you dont eat much during that period ... Because of this , once you break your diet , you'll start putting on more weight, the reduced body metabolism will take longer and slower to burn the food you take in...\n\nThey also dont work because once you break your diet and start eating normally, you will get back to your normal weight as you might not be cautious as to how many cals you take in per day...\n\n\ni lost 10 kgs in about 5 months time... i am getting married in august and i desperately needed to loose weight... i was 65 kilos when i started... according to my BMI , i was 10kgs + overweight... i stand 5'2.odd and 65 kilos is grossly overweight...\n\njust dieting wont help like i found out in my case... diet + exercise will do the trick...\n\ni'll tell you what i did... it worked for me... hope it works for you too :)\n\nthe trick is not to starve but to eat smart :) and stay healthy :)\n\nwhat you should cut down :\noil , butter , cheese , margarine , mayonisse , sauces (depends , will get back to that a bit later), chips , crisps, nuts , chocolates , sugar , cola, fizz , areated drinks ,ice creams , chocolate , alcohol , cakes and everything else thats hi - cal... you'll need to avoid everything thats sweet , oily and sticky... if you are not sure about what foods to avoid... check the net...loads of info available...\n\nvegetables / meat to avoid :\npotatoes - very very important , beetroot (its a root and has concenterated sugar in it) , all kinds of roots basically except carrot... avoid lamb, mutton , pork , beef, and prawns... all these put on weight... eat only lean meats... thats fish and chicken.. avoid eating egg yolk... eat just the egg white...\n\nfruits to avoid :\nmangoes , bananas , jackfruit\n\n\nnow that we had a look at what foodstuff is to be might be wondering if there is anythig at all that you can eat... thats how i felt... there is loads of stuff you can eat actually :)\n\nhere they come :)\n\nfast foods are a big no no... you can order salads and special lo cal foods that are avaailable in most outlets...\n\nits best to eat at home for the period you are dieting and trying to lose weight...after those few months... once you've shed your can get back to your usual lifestyle... of course with some caution...\n\n\nmy diet...\nbreakfast:\n\nskimmed milk (use skimmmed milk , is low in fat , other typer of milk are higher in fat content) , fruit... i am from India... am not sure where you are from and hence you might not understand certain food types we consume here... but let me tell you something... Indian food is very very oily and very difficult to diet...\n\nand try cereal in the mornings... oats, weetabix... etc... have a good breakfast...alwaays use brown bread... whole wheat brown bread is very good for weight reduction...\n\n\nfor lunch , we are staple rice eaters... rice is bad for fat reduction... but i still took rice because its a habit tht cant be changed... everyone takes rice here... so... rice - one cup - 100gms and lots of veggies cooked in less oil.. and absolutely no coconut and curry with less oil... all in all keep your oil intake to 2 tea spoons everyday... that would be just for seasoning... also using olive oil helps a lot...\n\n\nthen for dinner... compulsarily have wheat... pasta is a good option...but make sure you buy wheat pasta... check before buying... and of course in pasta absolutely no sauces... some varities o
what to do????????????after tmorow i am trviling and i am going to see the boy i love(i do not know if he does)iam a little bite over wieght .can i do something to try to lose wight in there 2 days , to look better when he sees me. plz help..:(:(:(:(:(:(hi :) am not sure whats available in the markets...but, this is what i did to lose weight... PLEASE DONT TAKE PILLS... pills are nothing but anorectic agents... they make you feel less hungry... there is no way to loose weight fast... though , sauna , steam and massages help slightly... it has to be combined with diet and excercise... pills are very bad in the long run... can lead to impotency and infertility...\n\nAlso... short term diets are no good because , they terribly pull down your body metabolism rate since you dont eat much during that period ... Because of this , once you break your diet , you'll start putting on more weight, the reduced body metabolism will take longer and slower to burn the food you take in...\n\nThey also dont work because once you break your diet and start eating normally, you will get back to your normal weight as you might not be cautious as to how many cals you take in per day...\n\n\ni lost 10 kgs in about 5 months time... i am getting married in august and i desperately needed to loose weight... i was 65 kilos when i started... according to my BMI , i was 10kgs + overweight... i stand 5'2.odd and 65 kilos is grossly overweight...\n\njust dieting wont help like i found out in my case... diet + exercise will do the trick...\n\ni'll tell you what i did... it worked for me... hope it works for you too :)\n\nthe trick is not to starve but to eat smart :) and stay healthy :)\n\nwhat you should cut down :\noil , butter , cheese , margarine , mayonisse , sauces (depends , will get back to that a bit later), chips , crisps, nuts , chocolates , sugar , cola, fizz , areated drinks ,ice creams , chocolate , alcohol , cakes and everything else thats hi - cal... you'll need to avoid everything thats sweet , oily and sticky... if you are not sure about what foods to avoid... check the net...loads of info available...\n\nvegetables / meat to avoid :\npotatoes - very very important , beetroot (its a root and has concenterated sugar in it) , all kinds of roots basically except carrot... avoid lamb, mutton , pork , beef, and prawns... all these put on weight... eat only lean meats... thats fish and chicken.. avoid eating egg yolk... eat just the egg white...\n\nfruits to avoid :\nmangoes , bananas , jackfruit\n\n\nnow that we had a look at what foodstuff is to be might be wondering if there is anythig at all that you can eat... thats how i felt... there is loads of stuff you can eat actually :)\n\nhere they come :)\n\nfast foods are a big no no... you can order salads and special lo cal foods that are avaailable in most outlets...\n\nits best to eat at home for the period you are dieting and trying to lose weight...after those few months... once you've shed your can get back to your usual lifestyle... of course with some caution...\n\n\nmy diet...\nbreakfast:\n\nskimmed milk (use skimmmed milk , is low in fat , other typer of milk are higher in fat content) , fruit... i am from India... am not sure where you are from and hence you might not understand certain food types we consume here... but let me tell you something... Indian food is very very oily and very difficult to diet...\n\nand try cereal in the mornings... oats, weetabix... etc... have a good breakfast...alwaays use brown bread... whole wheat brown bread is very good for weight reduction...\n\n\nfor lunch , we are staple rice eaters... rice is bad for fat reduction... but i still took rice because its a habit tht cant be changed... everyone takes rice here... so... rice - one cup - 100gms and lots of veggies cooked in less oil.. and absolutely no coconut and curry with less oil... all in all keep your oil intake to 2 tea spoons everyday... that would be just for seasoning... also using olive oil helps a lot...\n\n\nthen for dinner... compulsarily have wheat... pasta is a good option...but make sure you buy wheat pasta... check before buying... and of course in pasta absolutely no sauces... some varities o
0Society & Culture
What day really is God's sabbath day?
Christians have it every sunday.... but in ancient history this was the pagans day of worshiping their sun god which they called sunday.\n\nI would welcome answers from other religions.
The Sabbath is from Friday Evening to Saturday Evening; Jews still keep it as some christians. No work is to be done this day.\nJesus himself told us to keep this day (John 4:22-24).\n"Ye worship ye know not what; we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews." John 4:22\nNotice Jesus was saying that we should worship Saturday like the Jews.\n\nLook Sabbath up in Encyclopaedia Americana, Vol.24, pp.68-69.\nThe Calendar also tells us the 7th day is Saturday.\n\nIf you look up Genesis 1:8; it tells us that the evening and morning were the second day. Lev.23:32 says from evening to evening to celebrate the Sabbath.\n\nGENESIS 2:2-3 "AND ON THE SEVENTH DAY GOD ENDED HIS WORK WHICH HE HAD MADE; AND HE RESTED ON THE SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL HIS WORK WHICH HE HAD MADE. AND GOD BLESSED THE THE SEVENTH DAY, AND SANCTIFIED IT: BECAUSE THAT IN IT HE HAD RESTED FROM ALL HIS WORK WHICH GOD CREATED AND MADE." {sanctify = to set apart; make holy}\n\nEXODUS 20:8-11 "REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY. SIX DAYS SHALT THOU LABOUR, AND DO ALL THY WORK: BUT THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD: IN IT THOU SHALT NOT DO ANY WORK, THOU, NOR THY SON, NOR THY DAUGHTER, THY MANSERVANT, NOR THY MAIDSERVANT, NOR THY CATTLE, NOR THY STRANGER THAT IS WITHIN THY GATES: FOR IN SIX DAYS THE LORD MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH, THE SEA, AND ALL THAT IN THEM IS, AND RESTED THE SEVENTH DAY: WHEREFORE THE LORD BLESSED THE SABBATH DAY, AND HALLOWED IT." {the 4th Commandment}\n\nREV.14:7 "SAYING WITH A LOUD VOICE, FEAR GOD, AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM; FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGEMENT IS COME; AND WORSHIP HIM THAT MADE HEAVEN, AND EARTH, AND THE SEA, AND THE FOUNTAINS OF WATER."{fear God means reverence him; also this text points back to the 4th Commandment}\n\nLEV.23:3 "SIX DAYS SHALL WORK BE DONE: BUT THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF REST, AN HOLY CONVOCATION; YE SHALL DO NO WORK THERIN: IT IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD IN ALL YOUR DWELLINGS."\n\nDEUT.5:12-14 "KEEP THE SABBATH DAY TO SANCTIFY IT, AS THE LORD THY GOD HATH COMMANDED THEE. SIX DAYS SHALT THOU LABOUR, AND DO ALL THY WORK: BUT THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD: IN IT THOU SHALT NOT DO ANY WORK, THOU, NOR THY SON, NOR THY DAUGHTER, THY MANSERVANT, NOR THY MAIDSERVANT, NOR THINE OX, NOR THINE ***, NOR ANY OF THINE CATTLE, NOR THY STRANGER THAT IS WITHIN THY GATES: THAT THY MANSERVANT AND THY MAIDSERVANT MAY REST AS WELL AS THOU."\n\n{Jesus's Example= "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:..-1PETER 2:21}\nLUKE 4:16 "AND HE CAME TO NAZARETH, WHERE HE HAD BEEN BROUGHT UP: AND, AS HIS CUSTOM WAS, HE WENT INTO THE SYNAGOGUE ON THE SABBATH DAY, AND STOOD UP TO READ."\n\nMARK 2:23-28 "AND IT CAME TO PASS, THAT HE WENT THROUGH THE CORN FIELDS ON THE SABBATH DAY; AND HIS DISCIPLES BEGAN, AS THEY WENT, TO PLUCK THE EARS OF CORN. AND THE PHARISEES SAID UNTO HIM, BEHOLD, WHY DO THEY ON THE SABBATH DAY THAT WHICH IS NOT LAWFUL? AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, HAVE YE NEVER READ WHAT DAVID DID, WHEN HE HAD NEED, AND WAS AN HUNGRED, HE, AND THEY THAT WERE WITH HIM? HOW HE WENT INTO THE HOUSE OF GOD IN THE DAYS OF ABIATHAR THE HIGH PRIEST, AND DID EAT THE SHEW BREAD, WHICH IS NOT LAWFUL TO EAT BUT FOR THE PRIESTS, AND GAVE ALSO TO THEM WHICH WERE WITH HIM? AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, THE SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN, AND NOT MAN FOR THE SABBATH: THEREFORE THE SON OF MAN IS LORD ALSO OF THE SABBATH." {The Pharisees thought his disciples were breaking the Sabbath by plucking and eating corn; but Jesus told them it wasn't work. Jesus healed on the sabbath as helped people. On the Sabbath day you can even warm meals as boil water for oatmeal on the Sabbath. The work that you cannot do is cooking meals because it takes an hour or hours to cook or by staying in the fields to do hard labor or cleaning, shopping in the store, eating at restaura
What day really is God's sabbath day?Christians have it every sunday.... but in ancient history this was the pagans day of worshiping their sun god which they called sunday.\n\nI would welcome answers from other religions.The Sabbath is from Friday Evening to Saturday Evening; Jews still keep it as some christians. No work is to be done this day.\nJesus himself told us to keep this day (John 4:22-24).\n"Ye worship ye know not what; we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews." John 4:22\nNotice Jesus was saying that we should worship Saturday like the Jews.\n\nLook Sabbath up in Encyclopaedia Americana, Vol.24, pp.68-69.\nThe Calendar also tells us the 7th day is Saturday.\n\nIf you look up Genesis 1:8; it tells us that the evening and morning were the second day. Lev.23:32 says from evening to evening to celebrate the Sabbath.\n\nGENESIS 2:2-3 "AND ON THE SEVENTH DAY GOD ENDED HIS WORK WHICH HE HAD MADE; AND HE RESTED ON THE SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL HIS WORK WHICH HE HAD MADE. AND GOD BLESSED THE THE SEVENTH DAY, AND SANCTIFIED IT: BECAUSE THAT IN IT HE HAD RESTED FROM ALL HIS WORK WHICH GOD CREATED AND MADE." {sanctify = to set apart; make holy}\n\nEXODUS 20:8-11 "REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY. SIX DAYS SHALT THOU LABOUR, AND DO ALL THY WORK: BUT THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD: IN IT THOU SHALT NOT DO ANY WORK, THOU, NOR THY SON, NOR THY DAUGHTER, THY MANSERVANT, NOR THY MAIDSERVANT, NOR THY CATTLE, NOR THY STRANGER THAT IS WITHIN THY GATES: FOR IN SIX DAYS THE LORD MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH, THE SEA, AND ALL THAT IN THEM IS, AND RESTED THE SEVENTH DAY: WHEREFORE THE LORD BLESSED THE SABBATH DAY, AND HALLOWED IT." {the 4th Commandment}\n\nREV.14:7 "SAYING WITH A LOUD VOICE, FEAR GOD, AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM; FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGEMENT IS COME; AND WORSHIP HIM THAT MADE HEAVEN, AND EARTH, AND THE SEA, AND THE FOUNTAINS OF WATER."{fear God means reverence him; also this text points back to the 4th Commandment}\n\nLEV.23:3 "SIX DAYS SHALL WORK BE DONE: BUT THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF REST, AN HOLY CONVOCATION; YE SHALL DO NO WORK THERIN: IT IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD IN ALL YOUR DWELLINGS."\n\nDEUT.5:12-14 "KEEP THE SABBATH DAY TO SANCTIFY IT, AS THE LORD THY GOD HATH COMMANDED THEE. SIX DAYS SHALT THOU LABOUR, AND DO ALL THY WORK: BUT THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD: IN IT THOU SHALT NOT DO ANY WORK, THOU, NOR THY SON, NOR THY DAUGHTER, THY MANSERVANT, NOR THY MAIDSERVANT, NOR THINE OX, NOR THINE ***, NOR ANY OF THINE CATTLE, NOR THY STRANGER THAT IS WITHIN THY GATES: THAT THY MANSERVANT AND THY MAIDSERVANT MAY REST AS WELL AS THOU."\n\n{Jesus's Example= "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:..-1PETER 2:21}\nLUKE 4:16 "AND HE CAME TO NAZARETH, WHERE HE HAD BEEN BROUGHT UP: AND, AS HIS CUSTOM WAS, HE WENT INTO THE SYNAGOGUE ON THE SABBATH DAY, AND STOOD UP TO READ."\n\nMARK 2:23-28 "AND IT CAME TO PASS, THAT HE WENT THROUGH THE CORN FIELDS ON THE SABBATH DAY; AND HIS DISCIPLES BEGAN, AS THEY WENT, TO PLUCK THE EARS OF CORN. AND THE PHARISEES SAID UNTO HIM, BEHOLD, WHY DO THEY ON THE SABBATH DAY THAT WHICH IS NOT LAWFUL? AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, HAVE YE NEVER READ WHAT DAVID DID, WHEN HE HAD NEED, AND WAS AN HUNGRED, HE, AND THEY THAT WERE WITH HIM? HOW HE WENT INTO THE HOUSE OF GOD IN THE DAYS OF ABIATHAR THE HIGH PRIEST, AND DID EAT THE SHEW BREAD, WHICH IS NOT LAWFUL TO EAT BUT FOR THE PRIESTS, AND GAVE ALSO TO THEM WHICH WERE WITH HIM? AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, THE SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN, AND NOT MAN FOR THE SABBATH: THEREFORE THE SON OF MAN IS LORD ALSO OF THE SABBATH." {The Pharisees thought his disciples were breaking the Sabbath by plucking and eating corn; but Jesus told them it wasn't work. Jesus healed on the sabbath as helped people. On the Sabbath day you can even warm meals as boil water for oatmeal on the Sabbath. The work that you cannot do is cooking meals because it takes an hour or hours to cook or by staying in the fields to do hard labor or cleaning, shopping in the store, eating at restaura
Society & Culture
6Business & Finance
Where can I advertise for free?
I wanted to advertise my website to potential customers. I would like it to be online advertising, as well as offline. If you don't know any advertising that is free, then just tell me where is the cheapest advert? Thank you!
"If you build it, they will come" is not necessarily true on the Web. Putting a website up is one thing, but getting visitors to come to your site is another. The process becomes even more difficult if you have limited resources to market your business.\n\nHere are some shoestring marketing ideas that can help you get the visitors you need at the least cost possible: \n\n1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement - if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.\n\n2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important -- and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more - that's additional traffic that you get for FREE!\n\nRecommend Site Scripts (various)\nBig Nose Bird Recommend this Site \nCGI Resource Index\nHostscripts\n\n3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.\n\nIf you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of's "Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day." \n\nSEO for Google\nSEO for Yahoo!\nSEO for MSN\nTying It Together: SEO For The Big Three\n\n4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News. My website (see my profile) accepts free press release submission (no strings attached!)\n\n5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.\n\nHere is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles;_ylt=AhzreGmnCUicOoyedqypscUjzKIX?qid=1006022407481\n\n6. Improve your conversion. Getting visitors is one thing; getting them to buy your products is a whole different story. Read the article "10 Ways to Convert Visitors to Buyers" for tips on how to improve your conversion rates.\n\n7. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:\n\nCraigslist\nGoogle Base\nClassifieds for Free\nText L
Where can I advertise for free?I wanted to advertise my website to potential customers. I would like it to be online advertising, as well as offline. If you don't know any advertising that is free, then just tell me where is the cheapest advert? Thank you!"If you build it, they will come" is not necessarily true on the Web. Putting a website up is one thing, but getting visitors to come to your site is another. The process becomes even more difficult if you have limited resources to market your business.\n\nHere are some shoestring marketing ideas that can help you get the visitors you need at the least cost possible: \n\n1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement - if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.\n\n2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important -- and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more - that's additional traffic that you get for FREE!\n\nRecommend Site Scripts (various)\nBig Nose Bird Recommend this Site \nCGI Resource Index\nHostscripts\n\n3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.\n\nIf you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of's "Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day." \n\nSEO for Google\nSEO for Yahoo!\nSEO for MSN\nTying It Together: SEO For The Big Three\n\n4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News. My website (see my profile) accepts free press release submission (no strings attached!)\n\n5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.\n\nHere is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles;_ylt=AhzreGmnCUicOoyedqypscUjzKIX?qid=1006022407481\n\n6. Improve your conversion. Getting visitors is one thing; getting them to buy your products is a whole different story. Read the article "10 Ways to Convert Visitors to Buyers" for tips on how to improve your conversion rates.\n\n7. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:\n\nCraigslist\nGoogle Base\nClassifieds for Free\nText L
Business & Finance
0Society & Culture
How do I get rid of a terrible roommate?
If the living room or the kitchen gets cleaned, I clean it. I finally got tired of cleaning up, and now dishes haven't been washed in two weeks (they're all his). He's left dirty plates sitting on the coffee table for a week before. He gets mad when I say something about the apartment being too cold and says something like, "Well, I live here too and I'm not going to be hot." He stays up all night and sleeps all day. I have class at 7:30 every morning, and he's waking me up at 3:00 a.m. Also, he is about to graduate and hasn't gotten into grad school and doesn't really care to get a job. So he's going to be sitting around all next year doing nothing but wasting space. Basically, he's CONVINCED that he is ALWAYS right. We live in a nice apartment, and I'd like to keep it that way.\n\nThere is one more year left on the lease, and if he doesn't leave, I am. Both of our names are one the lease, what can I do? I have one other roommate, and he's tired of his sh*t, too.
Annoy Your Roommate\n\nRepeat thoughtfully the last word of everything your roommate says (e.g. Your roommate: "How are you doing today?" You: "Today.... Today......") \nContinuously refer to your roommate using terms of endearment (sweetcheeks, honeybuns). Slap him/her in the face if s/he ever does the same. \nKill several people. Store the corpses underneath your roommate's bed. Call the police. \nBecome Forrest Gump. \nIncessantly rant about the government's attempts to control our minds by poisoning us with Dihydrous Monoxide. If your roommate tries to explain that Dihydrous Monoxide = H2O = Water, exclaim "HA!! THAT'S WHAT THEY /WANT/ YOU TO THINK!!!!" \nIntensely study the complete list of ways to annoy your roommate. Form a discussion group with your roommate. Give tests. \nStart a food drive around campus to feed your roommate. Comment often on how fat s/he's getting. \nRead nothing but "Human Calculator" books. Consistently make mistake's on simple math (e.g. "2 + 2 = ..3? No, 5! No.......") \nSwitch the sheets on your beds while s/he is at class. \nTwitch a lot. \nPretend to talk while pretending to be asleep. \nSteal a fish tank. Fill it with beer and dump sardines in it. Talk to them. \nBecome a subgenius. \nInject his/her twinkies with a mixture of Dexatrim and MSG. \nLearn to levitate. While your roommate is looking away, float up out of your seat. When s/he turns to look, fall back down and grin. \nSpeak in tongues. \nMove you roommate's personal effects around. Start subtlely. Gradually work up to big things, and eventually glue everything s/he owns to the ceiling. \nWalk and talk backwards. \nSpend all your money on Jolt Cola. Drink it all. Stack the cans in the middle of your room. Number them. \nSpend all your money on Transformers. Play with them at night. If your roommate says anything, tell him/her with a straight face, "They're more than meets the eye." \nRecite entire movie scripts (e.g. "The Road Warrior," "Repo Man, "Casablanca,") almost inaudibly. \nKill roaches with a monkey wrench while playing Wagnerian arias on a kazoo. If your roommate complains, explain that it is for your performance art class (or hit him/her with the wrench). \nChain yourself to your roommate's bed. Get him/her to bring you food. \nGet a computer. Leave it on when you are not using it. Turn it off when you are. \nAsk your roommate if your family can move in "just for a couple of weeks." \nFake a heart attack. When your roommate gets the paramedics to come, pretend nothing happened. \nEat glass. \nSmoke ball-point pens. \nSmile. All the time. \nBurn all your waste paper while eyeing your roommate suspiciously. \nHide a bunch of potato chips and Ho Hos in the bottom of a trash can. When you get hungry, root around in the trash. Find the food, and eat it. If your roommate empties the trash before you get hungry, demand that s/he reimburse you. \nLeave a declaration of war on your roommate's desk. Include a list of grievances. \nShoot rubber bands at your roommate while his/her back is turned, and then look away quickly. \nDye all your underwear lime green. \nBye three loaves of stale bread. Grow mold in the closet. \nHide your underwear and socks in your roommate's closet. Accuse him/her of stealing it. \nRemove your door. Ship it to your roommate's parents (postage due). \nWhenever your roommate walks in, wait one minute and then stand up. Announce that you are going to take a shower. Do so. Keep this up for three weeks. \nArray thirteen toothbrushes of different colors on your dresser. Refuse to discuss them. \nPaint your half of the room black. Or paisley. \nWhenever he/she is about to fall asleep, ask questions that start with "Didja ever wonder why...." Be creative. \nShave one eyebrow. \nPut your mattress underneath your bed. Sleep down under there and pile your dirty clothes
How do I get rid of a terrible roommate?If the living room or the kitchen gets cleaned, I clean it. I finally got tired of cleaning up, and now dishes haven't been washed in two weeks (they're all his). He's left dirty plates sitting on the coffee table for a week before. He gets mad when I say something about the apartment being too cold and says something like, "Well, I live here too and I'm not going to be hot." He stays up all night and sleeps all day. I have class at 7:30 every morning, and he's waking me up at 3:00 a.m. Also, he is about to graduate and hasn't gotten into grad school and doesn't really care to get a job. So he's going to be sitting around all next year doing nothing but wasting space. Basically, he's CONVINCED that he is ALWAYS right. We live in a nice apartment, and I'd like to keep it that way.\n\nThere is one more year left on the lease, and if he doesn't leave, I am. Both of our names are one the lease, what can I do? I have one other roommate, and he's tired of his sh*t, too.Annoy Your Roommate\n\nRepeat thoughtfully the last word of everything your roommate says (e.g. Your roommate: "How are you doing today?" You: "Today.... Today......") \nContinuously refer to your roommate using terms of endearment (sweetcheeks, honeybuns). Slap him/her in the face if s/he ever does the same. \nKill several people. Store the corpses underneath your roommate's bed. Call the police. \nBecome Forrest Gump. \nIncessantly rant about the government's attempts to control our minds by poisoning us with Dihydrous Monoxide. If your roommate tries to explain that Dihydrous Monoxide = H2O = Water, exclaim "HA!! THAT'S WHAT THEY /WANT/ YOU TO THINK!!!!" \nIntensely study the complete list of ways to annoy your roommate. Form a discussion group with your roommate. Give tests. \nStart a food drive around campus to feed your roommate. Comment often on how fat s/he's getting. \nRead nothing but "Human Calculator" books. Consistently make mistake's on simple math (e.g. "2 + 2 = ..3? No, 5! No.......") \nSwitch the sheets on your beds while s/he is at class. \nTwitch a lot. \nPretend to talk while pretending to be asleep. \nSteal a fish tank. Fill it with beer and dump sardines in it. Talk to them. \nBecome a subgenius. \nInject his/her twinkies with a mixture of Dexatrim and MSG. \nLearn to levitate. While your roommate is looking away, float up out of your seat. When s/he turns to look, fall back down and grin. \nSpeak in tongues. \nMove you roommate's personal effects around. Start subtlely. Gradually work up to big things, and eventually glue everything s/he owns to the ceiling. \nWalk and talk backwards. \nSpend all your money on Jolt Cola. Drink it all. Stack the cans in the middle of your room. Number them. \nSpend all your money on Transformers. Play with them at night. If your roommate says anything, tell him/her with a straight face, "They're more than meets the eye." \nRecite entire movie scripts (e.g. "The Road Warrior," "Repo Man, "Casablanca,") almost inaudibly. \nKill roaches with a monkey wrench while playing Wagnerian arias on a kazoo. If your roommate complains, explain that it is for your performance art class (or hit him/her with the wrench). \nChain yourself to your roommate's bed. Get him/her to bring you food. \nGet a computer. Leave it on when you are not using it. Turn it off when you are. \nAsk your roommate if your family can move in "just for a couple of weeks." \nFake a heart attack. When your roommate gets the paramedics to come, pretend nothing happened. \nEat glass. \nSmoke ball-point pens. \nSmile. All the time. \nBurn all your waste paper while eyeing your roommate suspiciously. \nHide a bunch of potato chips and Ho Hos in the bottom of a trash can. When you get hungry, root around in the trash. Find the food, and eat it. If your roommate empties the trash before you get hungry, demand that s/he reimburse you. \nLeave a declaration of war on your roommate's desk. Include a list of grievances. \nShoot rubber bands at your roommate while his/her back is turned, and then look away quickly. \nDye all your underwear lime green. \nBye three loaves of stale bread. Grow mold in the closet. \nHide your underwear and socks in your roommate's closet. Accuse him/her of stealing it. \nRemove your door. Ship it to your roommate's parents (postage due). \nWhenever your roommate walks in, wait one minute and then stand up. Announce that you are going to take a shower. Do so. Keep this up for three weeks. \nArray thirteen toothbrushes of different colors on your dresser. Refuse to discuss them. \nPaint your half of the room black. Or paisley. \nWhenever he/she is about to fall asleep, ask questions that start with "Didja ever wonder why...." Be creative. \nShave one eyebrow. \nPut your mattress underneath your bed. Sleep down under there and pile your dirty clothes
Society & Culture
4Computers & Internet
i have an XP Pro cd acedemic licensed ... its service pack 1 ... can i?
can i put service pack 2 in a folder on the cd ... or can i extract the files to the disk so i can have a more updated installation cd? ... like copy the disk to my harddrive ... locate the specific updates folder ... and extract the files into that ? .. i dont know exactly where im going to put these files ... or even if it is at all possible ... help?
First of all you will need:\n1)Your Windows disc\n2)The service pack of your choice (SP1 or SP2)\n3)A little patience...\n\nNow first you have to copy the contents of the disc itself...create a folder called XP-(whatever one you or SP2)\n\n1)Before copying the XP CD make sure that the system is set to display all hidden and system files to ensure a complete copy of all files on the CD. The settings to control what files are visible are located in Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View tab. Make sure [Show hidden files and folders] radio button is selected and [Hide protected operating system files] is unchecked....\n2)The next step is to find where you downloaded the Service pack file.\nIf you download it from'll be named WindowsXP-K(something)-SP(whatever)-ENU(english).exe\n3)Navigate to the folder called XP-(what you named it) and copy the service pack there.\n4)Use start>run to get the dialog box at the bottom left and in the box type\n"C:\XP-(Sp1 or Sp2)\(the name of the service pack..example [WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe] -x"\n5)By now a prompt has come up asking where you want to save the extraction. (you can use the same location)\n6)Now you need to add the extracted service pack to the windows file by using the dialog box again and typing "C:\XP-SP2\i386\Update\Update.exe -S:C:\XP"\n7)From here you will see the Service Pack being joined with the windows files..when it finishes you're almost ready to burn...\n7a)Create a folder called "XP bootimage"...4 later.\n8)Now you have to extract the boot image from your Xp disc...there are numerous applications to use..\nA)ISObuster\nB)Magic ISO\nC)Just about any decent ISO program...but ISObuster is what I use so..\n9)Start Isobuster and click on "Bootable CD" on the left and Right-click the "Microsoft Corporation.img" file and extract it to the folder called "XP bootimage"\n10)Time to burn...turn off everthing else before you start to burn!!!!\n\nStart Nero - Burning Rom.\nSelect File > New... from the menu.\n\n1.) Select CD-ROM (Boot).\n2.) Select Image file from Source of boot image data.\n3.) Check Enable expert settings (for advanced users only!).\n4.) Set Kind of emulation: to No Emulation.\n5.) Set Load segment of sectors (hex!): to 0000.\n6.) Set Number of loaded sectors: to 4.\n7.) Set Platform identifier: to Intel x86 compatible.\n8.) Press the Browse... button.\n\nLocate the BootSector file (boot.ima) in the folder C:\OS\BOOT.\nClick the Open button.\n\nClick on the ISO tab.\n- Set File name length to Max. of 31 chars (ISO Level 2).\n- Set Format to Mode 1.\n- Set Character Set to ISO 9660 (standard ISO CD-ROM).\n- Check the Joliet check box.\n- Check all Relax ISO Restrictions.\n- Check Allow more than 64 characters for Joliet names.\n\nClick on the Label tab.\nRemove the check from Also use the ISO 9660 text for Joliet.\nEnter the Volume Label into the ISO 9660 and Joliet text boxes.\nClick the More fields button.\n- View Windows 2000 CD Labels (TTID# 269)\n- View Windows XP SP0 CD Labels (TTID#226)\n- View Windows XP SP1 CD Labels (TTID#283)\n- View Windows XP SP1a CD Labels (TTID#312)\n- View Windows XP SP2 CD Labels (TTID#342)\n- View Windows 2003 Server CD Labels (TTID#292)\n\nEnter in the Volume Label into the System Identifier, Volume Set, Publisher,\nData preparer, Application text boxes under ISO 9660 and Joliet.\nClick the OK button.\n\nClick the Burn tab.\n- Check Write.\n- Check Finalize CD (No further writing possible!).\n- Set Write Method to Disc-at-once. (We have had Track-At-Once work as well.)\n- Click the New button.\n\n- Locate the folder C:\OS\ROOT.\n- Select everything in the folder and drag it to the ISO compilation panel.\n- Click the Write CD Dialog button.\n\nClick the Boot tab.\n- Verify the settings. Correct if needed.\n- Click the Burn button.\n\nWait for CD creation to fi
i have an XP Pro cd acedemic licensed ... its service pack 1 ... can i?can i put service pack 2 in a folder on the cd ... or can i extract the files to the disk so i can have a more updated installation cd? ... like copy the disk to my harddrive ... locate the specific updates folder ... and extract the files into that ? .. i dont know exactly where im going to put these files ... or even if it is at all possible ... help?First of all you will need:\n1)Your Windows disc\n2)The service pack of your choice (SP1 or SP2)\n3)A little patience...\n\nNow first you have to copy the contents of the disc itself...create a folder called XP-(whatever one you or SP2)\n\n1)Before copying the XP CD make sure that the system is set to display all hidden and system files to ensure a complete copy of all files on the CD. The settings to control what files are visible are located in Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View tab. Make sure [Show hidden files and folders] radio button is selected and [Hide protected operating system files] is unchecked....\n2)The next step is to find where you downloaded the Service pack file.\nIf you download it from'll be named WindowsXP-K(something)-SP(whatever)-ENU(english).exe\n3)Navigate to the folder called XP-(what you named it) and copy the service pack there.\n4)Use start>run to get the dialog box at the bottom left and in the box type\n"C:\XP-(Sp1 or Sp2)\(the name of the service pack..example [WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe] -x"\n5)By now a prompt has come up asking where you want to save the extraction. (you can use the same location)\n6)Now you need to add the extracted service pack to the windows file by using the dialog box again and typing "C:\XP-SP2\i386\Update\Update.exe -S:C:\XP"\n7)From here you will see the Service Pack being joined with the windows files..when it finishes you're almost ready to burn...\n7a)Create a folder called "XP bootimage"...4 later.\n8)Now you have to extract the boot image from your Xp disc...there are numerous applications to use..\nA)ISObuster\nB)Magic ISO\nC)Just about any decent ISO program...but ISObuster is what I use so..\n9)Start Isobuster and click on "Bootable CD" on the left and Right-click the "Microsoft Corporation.img" file and extract it to the folder called "XP bootimage"\n10)Time to burn...turn off everthing else before you start to burn!!!!\n\nStart Nero - Burning Rom.\nSelect File > New... from the menu.\n\n1.) Select CD-ROM (Boot).\n2.) Select Image file from Source of boot image data.\n3.) Check Enable expert settings (for advanced users only!).\n4.) Set Kind of emulation: to No Emulation.\n5.) Set Load segment of sectors (hex!): to 0000.\n6.) Set Number of loaded sectors: to 4.\n7.) Set Platform identifier: to Intel x86 compatible.\n8.) Press the Browse... button.\n\nLocate the BootSector file (boot.ima) in the folder C:\OS\BOOT.\nClick the Open button.\n\nClick on the ISO tab.\n- Set File name length to Max. of 31 chars (ISO Level 2).\n- Set Format to Mode 1.\n- Set Character Set to ISO 9660 (standard ISO CD-ROM).\n- Check the Joliet check box.\n- Check all Relax ISO Restrictions.\n- Check Allow more than 64 characters for Joliet names.\n\nClick on the Label tab.\nRemove the check from Also use the ISO 9660 text for Joliet.\nEnter the Volume Label into the ISO 9660 and Joliet text boxes.\nClick the More fields button.\n- View Windows 2000 CD Labels (TTID# 269)\n- View Windows XP SP0 CD Labels (TTID#226)\n- View Windows XP SP1 CD Labels (TTID#283)\n- View Windows XP SP1a CD Labels (TTID#312)\n- View Windows XP SP2 CD Labels (TTID#342)\n- View Windows 2003 Server CD Labels (TTID#292)\n\nEnter in the Volume Label into the System Identifier, Volume Set, Publisher,\nData preparer, Application text boxes under ISO 9660 and Joliet.\nClick the OK button.\n\nClick the Burn tab.\n- Check Write.\n- Check Finalize CD (No further writing possible!).\n- Set Write Method to Disc-at-once. (We have had Track-At-Once work as well.)\n- Click the New button.\n\n- Locate the folder C:\OS\ROOT.\n- Select everything in the folder and drag it to the ISO compilation panel.\n- Click the Write CD Dialog button.\n\nClick the Boot tab.\n- Verify the settings. Correct if needed.\n- Click the Burn button.\n\nWait for CD creation to fi
Computers & Internet
0Society & Culture
The creation of man, and is not by Genesis account.?
"The assertion, first recorded and then transmitted by the Sumerians, that "Man" was created by the Nefilim, appears at first sight to clash both with the theory of evolution and with the Judeo-Christian tenets based on the Bible. But in fact, the information contained in the Sumerian texts - and only that information - can affirm the validity of the theory of evolution and the truth of the biblical tale - and show that there really is no conflict at all between the two.\n\n"....The Sumerian texts state that when the Nefilim first came to Earth, the arts of grain cultivation, fruit planting, and cattle raising had not yet extended to Earth. The biblical account likewise places the creation of Man in the sixth "day" of phase of the evolutionary process....\n\n"....All the Sumerian texts assert that the gods created Man to do their work. Putting the explanation in words uttered by Marduk, the Creation epic reports the decision:\n\nI will produce a lowly Primitive;\n"Man" shall be his name.\nI will create a Primitive Worker;\nHe will be charged with the service of the gods,\nthat they might have their ease.\n\n"....That man was created to be a servant of the gods did not strike to ancient peoples as a peculiar idea at all. In biblical times, the deity was "Lord," "Sovereign," "King," "Ruler," "Master." The term that is commonly translated as "worship" was in fact "avod" ("work"). Ancient and biblical Man did not "worship" his god; he worked for him.\n\n"....In the Sumerian versions, the decision to create Man was adopted by the gods in their Assembly. Significantly, the Book of Genesis - purportedly exalting the achievements of a sole Deity - uses the plural Elohim (literally, "deities") to denote "God," and reports an astonishing remark:\n\nAnd Elohim said:\n"Let us make Man in our image,\nafter our likeness."\n\n"Whom did the sole but plural Deity address, and who were the "us" in whose plural image and plural likeness Man was to be made? The book of Genesis does not provide the answer. Then, when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowing, Elohim issued a warning to the same unnamed colleagues: "Behold, Man has become as one of us, to know good and evil."\n\n"Since the biblical story of Creation, like the other tales of beginnings in Genesis, stems from Sumerian origins, the answer is obvious. Condensing the many gods into a Supreme Deity, the biblical tale is but an edited version of the Sumerian reports of the discussions in the Assembly of the Gods.\n\n"The Old Testament took pains to make clear that Man was neither a god nor from the heavens. "The Heavens are the Heavens of the Lord, unto Mankind Earth He hath given." The new being was called "the Adam" because he was created of the "adama," the Earth's soil. He was, in other words, "the Earthling."\n\n"Lacking only certain "knowing" and a divine span of life, the Adam was in all other respects created in the image (selem) and likeness (dmut) of his Creator(s). The use of both terms in the texts was meant to leave no doubt that\n\n"Man was similar to the Gods both physically and emotionally, externally and internally.\n\n"....Although the biblical admonition against the worship of pagan images gave rise to the notion that the Hebrew God had neither image nor likeness, not only the Genesis tale but other biblical reports attest to the contrary. The god of the ancient Hebrews could be seen face-to-face, could be wrestled with, could be heard and spoken to, he had a head and feet, hands and fingers, and a waist. The biblical God and his emissaries looked like men and acted like men - because men were created to look like and act like the gods.\n\n"But in this very simplicity lies a great
Darwinism, in other words the theory of evolution, was put forward with the aim of denying the fact of creation, but is in truth nothing but failed, unscientific nonsense. This theory, which claims that life emerged by chance from inanimate matter, was invalidated by the scientific evidence of clear "design" in the universe and in living things. In this way, science confirmed the fact that God created the universe and the living things in it. The propaganda carried out today in order to keep the theory of evolution alive is based solely on the distortion of the scientific facts, biased interpretation, and lies and falsehoods disguised as science.\nYet this propaganda cannot conceal the truth. The fact that the theory of evolution is the greatest deception in the history of science has been expressed more and more in the scientific world over the last 20-30 years. Research carried out after the 1980s in particular has revealed that the claims of Darwinism are totally unfounded, something that has been stated by a large number of scientists. In the United States in particular, many scientists from such different fields as biology, biochemistry and paleontology recognize the invalidity of Darwinism and employ the concept of intelligent design to account for the origin of life. This \n"intelligent design" is a scientific expression of the fact that God created all living things.\nWe have examined the collapse of the theory of evolution and the proofs of creation in great scientific detail in many of our works, and are still continuing to do so. Given the enormous importance of this subject, it will be of great benefit to summarize it here.\n\n\n(THE SCIENTIFIC COLLAPSE OF DARWINISM)\n\nAlthough this doctrine goes back as far as ancient Greece, the theory of evolution was advanced extensively in the nineteenth century. The most important development that made it the top topic of the world of science was Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species, published in 1859. In this book, he denied that God created different living species on Earth separately, for he claimed that all living beings had a common ancestor and had diversified over time through small changes. Darwin's theory was not based on any concrete scientific finding; as he also accepted, it was just an "assumption." Moreover, as Darwin confessed in the long chapter of his book titled "Difficulties of the Theory," the theory failed in the face of many critical questions. \nDarwin invested all of his hopes in new scientific discoveries, which he expected to solve these difficulties. However, contrary to his expectations, scientific findings expanded the dimensions of these difficulties. The defeat of Darwinism in the face of science can be reviewed under three basic topics:\n1) The theory cannot explain how life originated on Earth. \n2) No scientific finding shows that the "evolutionary mechanisms" proposed by the theory have any evolutionary power at all. \n3) The fossil record proves the exact opposite of what the theory suggests.\n\nThe power evolutionists impute to the three force they believe to have produced life—time, mud, and chance—is actually enough to elevate them into a trinity. They believe that the combination of these random forces gave shape to the human brain, intelligence, cognitive ability, judgment and memory.\nIn this section, we will examine these three basic points in general outlines:\n\n\nThe First Insurmountable Step: \n(The Origin of Life)\n\nThe theory of evolution posits that all living species evolved from a single living cell that emerged on the primitive Earth 3.8 billion years ago. How a single cell could generate millions of complex living species and, if such an evolution really occurred, why traces of it cannot be observed in the fossil record are some of the questions that the theory cannot answer. However, first and foremost, we need to ask: How did this "first cell" or
The creation of man, and is not by Genesis account.?"The assertion, first recorded and then transmitted by the Sumerians, that "Man" was created by the Nefilim, appears at first sight to clash both with the theory of evolution and with the Judeo-Christian tenets based on the Bible. But in fact, the information contained in the Sumerian texts - and only that information - can affirm the validity of the theory of evolution and the truth of the biblical tale - and show that there really is no conflict at all between the two.\n\n"....The Sumerian texts state that when the Nefilim first came to Earth, the arts of grain cultivation, fruit planting, and cattle raising had not yet extended to Earth. The biblical account likewise places the creation of Man in the sixth "day" of phase of the evolutionary process....\n\n"....All the Sumerian texts assert that the gods created Man to do their work. Putting the explanation in words uttered by Marduk, the Creation epic reports the decision:\n\nI will produce a lowly Primitive;\n"Man" shall be his name.\nI will create a Primitive Worker;\nHe will be charged with the service of the gods,\nthat they might have their ease.\n\n"....That man was created to be a servant of the gods did not strike to ancient peoples as a peculiar idea at all. In biblical times, the deity was "Lord," "Sovereign," "King," "Ruler," "Master." The term that is commonly translated as "worship" was in fact "avod" ("work"). Ancient and biblical Man did not "worship" his god; he worked for him.\n\n"....In the Sumerian versions, the decision to create Man was adopted by the gods in their Assembly. Significantly, the Book of Genesis - purportedly exalting the achievements of a sole Deity - uses the plural Elohim (literally, "deities") to denote "God," and reports an astonishing remark:\n\nAnd Elohim said:\n"Let us make Man in our image,\nafter our likeness."\n\n"Whom did the sole but plural Deity address, and who were the "us" in whose plural image and plural likeness Man was to be made? The book of Genesis does not provide the answer. Then, when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowing, Elohim issued a warning to the same unnamed colleagues: "Behold, Man has become as one of us, to know good and evil."\n\n"Since the biblical story of Creation, like the other tales of beginnings in Genesis, stems from Sumerian origins, the answer is obvious. Condensing the many gods into a Supreme Deity, the biblical tale is but an edited version of the Sumerian reports of the discussions in the Assembly of the Gods.\n\n"The Old Testament took pains to make clear that Man was neither a god nor from the heavens. "The Heavens are the Heavens of the Lord, unto Mankind Earth He hath given." The new being was called "the Adam" because he was created of the "adama," the Earth's soil. He was, in other words, "the Earthling."\n\n"Lacking only certain "knowing" and a divine span of life, the Adam was in all other respects created in the image (selem) and likeness (dmut) of his Creator(s). The use of both terms in the texts was meant to leave no doubt that\n\n"Man was similar to the Gods both physically and emotionally, externally and internally.\n\n"....Although the biblical admonition against the worship of pagan images gave rise to the notion that the Hebrew God had neither image nor likeness, not only the Genesis tale but other biblical reports attest to the contrary. The god of the ancient Hebrews could be seen face-to-face, could be wrestled with, could be heard and spoken to, he had a head and feet, hands and fingers, and a waist. The biblical God and his emissaries looked like men and acted like men - because men were created to look like and act like the gods.\n\n"But in this very simplicity lies a greatDarwinism, in other words the theory of evolution, was put forward with the aim of denying the fact of creation, but is in truth nothing but failed, unscientific nonsense. This theory, which claims that life emerged by chance from inanimate matter, was invalidated by the scientific evidence of clear "design" in the universe and in living things. In this way, science confirmed the fact that God created the universe and the living things in it. The propaganda carried out today in order to keep the theory of evolution alive is based solely on the distortion of the scientific facts, biased interpretation, and lies and falsehoods disguised as science.\nYet this propaganda cannot conceal the truth. The fact that the theory of evolution is the greatest deception in the history of science has been expressed more and more in the scientific world over the last 20-30 years. Research carried out after the 1980s in particular has revealed that the claims of Darwinism are totally unfounded, something that has been stated by a large number of scientists. In the United States in particular, many scientists from such different fields as biology, biochemistry and paleontology recognize the invalidity of Darwinism and employ the concept of intelligent design to account for the origin of life. This \n"intelligent design" is a scientific expression of the fact that God created all living things.\nWe have examined the collapse of the theory of evolution and the proofs of creation in great scientific detail in many of our works, and are still continuing to do so. Given the enormous importance of this subject, it will be of great benefit to summarize it here.\n\n\n(THE SCIENTIFIC COLLAPSE OF DARWINISM)\n\nAlthough this doctrine goes back as far as ancient Greece, the theory of evolution was advanced extensively in the nineteenth century. The most important development that made it the top topic of the world of science was Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species, published in 1859. In this book, he denied that God created different living species on Earth separately, for he claimed that all living beings had a common ancestor and had diversified over time through small changes. Darwin's theory was not based on any concrete scientific finding; as he also accepted, it was just an "assumption." Moreover, as Darwin confessed in the long chapter of his book titled "Difficulties of the Theory," the theory failed in the face of many critical questions. \nDarwin invested all of his hopes in new scientific discoveries, which he expected to solve these difficulties. However, contrary to his expectations, scientific findings expanded the dimensions of these difficulties. The defeat of Darwinism in the face of science can be reviewed under three basic topics:\n1) The theory cannot explain how life originated on Earth. \n2) No scientific finding shows that the "evolutionary mechanisms" proposed by the theory have any evolutionary power at all. \n3) The fossil record proves the exact opposite of what the theory suggests.\n\nThe power evolutionists impute to the three force they believe to have produced life—time, mud, and chance—is actually enough to elevate them into a trinity. They believe that the combination of these random forces gave shape to the human brain, intelligence, cognitive ability, judgment and memory.\nIn this section, we will examine these three basic points in general outlines:\n\n\nThe First Insurmountable Step: \n(The Origin of Life)\n\nThe theory of evolution posits that all living species evolved from a single living cell that emerged on the primitive Earth 3.8 billion years ago. How a single cell could generate millions of complex living species and, if such an evolution really occurred, why traces of it cannot be observed in the fossil record are some of the questions that the theory cannot answer. However, first and foremost, we need to ask: How did this "first cell" or
Society & Culture
How can I get a full night's sleep naturally?
I wake up so many times at night, for no good reason. I don't want to use medications... are there any natural, at-home remedies for sleepless nights? I'm exhausted!
Passion Flower\n\nHere is a really good all natural insomnia treatment. Mix a few passion flower blooms with 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Strain the mixture, sweeten it with honey if desired, and drink it right before going to bed.\n\nAlternatively, take 6000 mg of dried passion flower in capsule form.\n\nAniseed\n\nMix 1 teaspoon of aniseed with 1 cup of water and brew it for about 20 minutes. Strain and sweeten to taste.\n\nKava Kava\n\nHere's a proven herbal insomnia treatment. Kava kava not only relaxes muscles, but also has an impact on the brain's emotion centers.\n\nTake two 500 mg capsules about one hour before bedtime.\n\nLettuce\n\nCooked lettuce has fantastic relaxant properties, and lettuce tea is known to be a quick-acting sedative.\n\nMix 1 cup of shreaded lettuce with 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink it before going to bed.\n\nSome people claim this to be the most effective natural insomnia treatment known as well as one of the best relaxants.\n\nValerian\n\nValerian is known to be very effective for inducing sleep.\n\nMix 2 teaspoons of dried valerian root with 1 cup of boiling water. Strain and drink. If the taste is too strong for you, instead you can take 300 mg of a standardized extract, or 1 teaspoon of tincture.\n\nWarm Milk\n\nTryptophan is a chemical compound that is effective for inducing sleep.\n\nWhile tryptophan exists in a natural form in the milk, it is the warming of the milk that activates the tryptophan.\n\nTo reap maximum results from this natural insomnia treatment, mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 cup of warm milk. Drink 30 minutes before bedtime.\n\nFeverfew\n\nMix 2 tablespoons of feverfew flowers with 2 cups of boiling water. Strain and drink.\n\nLemon Balm\n\nBecause lemon balm contains high amounts of terpenes, chemicals that have natural sedative properties, it is well known as being a very effective herbal insomnia treatment.\n\nMix 3 teaspoons of dried herb with 1 cup of boiling water. Strain and drink before bedtime.\n\nBee Balm\n\nSome people guarantee that you will get results from this herbal insomnia treatment. Mix 2 tablespoons of bee balm with 2 cups of boiling water. Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink.\n\nCamomile\n\nThe chemical compound found in camomile known as apigenin is a very effective sedative. Make a tea and drink shortly before bedtime.\n\nLemon Balm And Valerian\n\nHere's an all natural insomnia treatment that will give you the results you are looking for.\n\nStudies have shown that taking 160 mg of valerian extract and 80 mg of lemon balm extract have brought on sleep as effectively as one standard dose of drugs in the Valium family.\n\nHerbal Sedative Tea\n\nSupposedly used as a natural sedative, this herbal insomnia treatment may work wonders for you.\n\nTake 1 tablespoon of bee balm, 1 tablespoon of hops, 1 tablespoon of peppermint, 1 tablespoon of chamomile, and 1 tablespoon of crushed fennel seed and mix all together real good.\n\nNow take 1 tablespoon of this mixture and add it to 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink it about 30 minutes before bedtime.\n\nPennyroyal\n\nAnother herbal insomnia treatment that has been around for decades is pennyroyal. Mix 1 teaspoon of pennyroyal herb with 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Strain it and sweeten to taste. \n\nPeppermint Mix\n\nMix 1 tablespoon of sage, 2 tablespoons of peppermint, and 1 tablespoon of rosemary. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture and add it to 1 cup of boiling water.\n\nCover it and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and sweeten to taste with honey. this mixture has been used for a long time to sooth the nerves, act as a relaxant, and provide a natural form of insomnia treatment.
How can I get a full night's sleep naturally?I wake up so many times at night, for no good reason. I don't want to use medications... are there any natural, at-home remedies for sleepless nights? I'm exhausted!Passion Flower\n\nHere is a really good all natural insomnia treatment. Mix a few passion flower blooms with 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Strain the mixture, sweeten it with honey if desired, and drink it right before going to bed.\n\nAlternatively, take 6000 mg of dried passion flower in capsule form.\n\nAniseed\n\nMix 1 teaspoon of aniseed with 1 cup of water and brew it for about 20 minutes. Strain and sweeten to taste.\n\nKava Kava\n\nHere's a proven herbal insomnia treatment. Kava kava not only relaxes muscles, but also has an impact on the brain's emotion centers.\n\nTake two 500 mg capsules about one hour before bedtime.\n\nLettuce\n\nCooked lettuce has fantastic relaxant properties, and lettuce tea is known to be a quick-acting sedative.\n\nMix 1 cup of shreaded lettuce with 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink it before going to bed.\n\nSome people claim this to be the most effective natural insomnia treatment known as well as one of the best relaxants.\n\nValerian\n\nValerian is known to be very effective for inducing sleep.\n\nMix 2 teaspoons of dried valerian root with 1 cup of boiling water. Strain and drink. If the taste is too strong for you, instead you can take 300 mg of a standardized extract, or 1 teaspoon of tincture.\n\nWarm Milk\n\nTryptophan is a chemical compound that is effective for inducing sleep.\n\nWhile tryptophan exists in a natural form in the milk, it is the warming of the milk that activates the tryptophan.\n\nTo reap maximum results from this natural insomnia treatment, mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 cup of warm milk. Drink 30 minutes before bedtime.\n\nFeverfew\n\nMix 2 tablespoons of feverfew flowers with 2 cups of boiling water. Strain and drink.\n\nLemon Balm\n\nBecause lemon balm contains high amounts of terpenes, chemicals that have natural sedative properties, it is well known as being a very effective herbal insomnia treatment.\n\nMix 3 teaspoons of dried herb with 1 cup of boiling water. Strain and drink before bedtime.\n\nBee Balm\n\nSome people guarantee that you will get results from this herbal insomnia treatment. Mix 2 tablespoons of bee balm with 2 cups of boiling water. Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink.\n\nCamomile\n\nThe chemical compound found in camomile known as apigenin is a very effective sedative. Make a tea and drink shortly before bedtime.\n\nLemon Balm And Valerian\n\nHere's an all natural insomnia treatment that will give you the results you are looking for.\n\nStudies have shown that taking 160 mg of valerian extract and 80 mg of lemon balm extract have brought on sleep as effectively as one standard dose of drugs in the Valium family.\n\nHerbal Sedative Tea\n\nSupposedly used as a natural sedative, this herbal insomnia treatment may work wonders for you.\n\nTake 1 tablespoon of bee balm, 1 tablespoon of hops, 1 tablespoon of peppermint, 1 tablespoon of chamomile, and 1 tablespoon of crushed fennel seed and mix all together real good.\n\nNow take 1 tablespoon of this mixture and add it to 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink it about 30 minutes before bedtime.\n\nPennyroyal\n\nAnother herbal insomnia treatment that has been around for decades is pennyroyal. Mix 1 teaspoon of pennyroyal herb with 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Strain it and sweeten to taste. \n\nPeppermint Mix\n\nMix 1 tablespoon of sage, 2 tablespoons of peppermint, and 1 tablespoon of rosemary. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture and add it to 1 cup of boiling water.\n\nCover it and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and sweeten to taste with honey. this mixture has been used for a long time to sooth the nerves, act as a relaxant, and provide a natural form of insomnia treatment.
no matter how much someone tells me that they love me i never feel loved?
I feel inadequate, and never good enough. I never feel loved no matter how much someone tells me or shows me. I feel pain from my inadequacy. Im not crazy but everytime I start to feel good about anything in my life, Im always telling myself how ignorant I am and how no one could really love me ever... Im always blaming myself for everyones problems and truthfully I feel like If I hadnt been born everyone would be better off. When I start feeling anything towards being loved my heart distances itself... I cry most of the time. Usually when I go to bed at night. Because I have a family and I have to consider my children and take care of them first and foremost. I have days where I just wake up depressed. used to they would be only once or twice a week. But lately they have been every day or every other day... I haven't got any friends. I dont really feel like going out of the house because everyone I have ever met just seems to be to judgemental and I feel like they wouldnt like me...
love yourself and then you will. is there something that you feel guilty about that makes you think you are not worthy of love? don't you love others? then why can't they love you?\nI think you are suffering from depression and need to start by trying to get more sun outside..this stimulated the optic nerve. also you can try an herbal remedy called "St.John's wart." you are a beautiful person and you have a beautiful family who needs you to feel good about them, life and yourself. Friends unfortunately like people who make them feel good, and if you are depressed, you can not do this for them. You need to find answers and start seeing the beauty in yourself and the life you have with your family. \n1. I want you to get up in the morning and first thing you do is go to the bathroom and look yourself in the merrow and say "I love you" and "Today is going to be a good day!". this is a positive affermation. your brain needs this to balance out the negative feelings and things you have been telling yourself. you have been abusing yourself.\n2. I want you to tell your family that you love them and compliment them...tell them when they look nice and tell them when you notice something good about them...they need to hear positive things from you too.\n3. Do at least one thing just for you. something for yourself. It is to make you feel good, even if it is just soak in a tub with bubble bath...go for a walk, sit in the sun for a few minutes, wear colorful clothing, eat something healthy like a fresh peach...\nMy dear you have a lot of negative energy and you must turn it around. You know you are depressed and you sound like a woman who beats herself up because she feels overweight..I do that. look many women do you see that look like a barbie? not many...and they have men who love them and are happy. women who are thin feel the same is a social standard that is put on women by TV and magazines who alter photos of women to be un-naturally tall and beautiful..they paint over the natural photos and air brush them and stretch them so they look perfect....and then men and women think this is what they should look is just not real.\nwhe was the last time you plucked your eye brows, shaved your legs, painted your toe nails...this is what I do when I feel down and remind myself I am beautiful.\n4. Get a part time job or do volunteer work for a few minutes or hours a something for someone else (not in your family) at least 2 times a week. this will get you out of your little world and stop you from "thinking about your depression" all the time. it is rewarding and makes you feel worth something..especially when you get the check or someone says "Thank you so much, you are so wonderful!" You need to hear this from a total stranger...for some reason we believe strangers more than the ones we love because they have no reason to lie to us. One time I felt like crap and I picked a few tomatoes from the garden and gave them to an old man down the street and it made us both feel good and now he likes me and smiles when he sees me.\nworking outside alone in the garden is another thing that makes many women feel great.\n\nPlease don't think I am judging you because I was in depression and I was on the couch 24 hours a day and 7 days a week....I didn't know I was depressed but my kids were feeling sad too.\nGet out of the negative vibe...and if you can't...then you need to try St.John's wart or go to a doctor for some antidepressants.\nDo it now because you are missing beautiful moments with yourself and your family. there are many people who want to be your friend but you have walls up and they know you have closed yourself your heart and your life so they can come in and see the real you.\nwhen you meet someone they see your expression and they feel you are saying to them: "I do not want to be bothe
no matter how much someone tells me that they love me i never feel loved?I feel inadequate, and never good enough. I never feel loved no matter how much someone tells me or shows me. I feel pain from my inadequacy. Im not crazy but everytime I start to feel good about anything in my life, Im always telling myself how ignorant I am and how no one could really love me ever... Im always blaming myself for everyones problems and truthfully I feel like If I hadnt been born everyone would be better off. When I start feeling anything towards being loved my heart distances itself... I cry most of the time. Usually when I go to bed at night. Because I have a family and I have to consider my children and take care of them first and foremost. I have days where I just wake up depressed. used to they would be only once or twice a week. But lately they have been every day or every other day... I haven't got any friends. I dont really feel like going out of the house because everyone I have ever met just seems to be to judgemental and I feel like they wouldnt like yourself and then you will. is there something that you feel guilty about that makes you think you are not worthy of love? don't you love others? then why can't they love you?\nI think you are suffering from depression and need to start by trying to get more sun outside..this stimulated the optic nerve. also you can try an herbal remedy called "St.John's wart." you are a beautiful person and you have a beautiful family who needs you to feel good about them, life and yourself. Friends unfortunately like people who make them feel good, and if you are depressed, you can not do this for them. You need to find answers and start seeing the beauty in yourself and the life you have with your family. \n1. I want you to get up in the morning and first thing you do is go to the bathroom and look yourself in the merrow and say "I love you" and "Today is going to be a good day!". this is a positive affermation. your brain needs this to balance out the negative feelings and things you have been telling yourself. you have been abusing yourself.\n2. I want you to tell your family that you love them and compliment them...tell them when they look nice and tell them when you notice something good about them...they need to hear positive things from you too.\n3. Do at least one thing just for you. something for yourself. It is to make you feel good, even if it is just soak in a tub with bubble bath...go for a walk, sit in the sun for a few minutes, wear colorful clothing, eat something healthy like a fresh peach...\nMy dear you have a lot of negative energy and you must turn it around. You know you are depressed and you sound like a woman who beats herself up because she feels overweight..I do that. look many women do you see that look like a barbie? not many...and they have men who love them and are happy. women who are thin feel the same is a social standard that is put on women by TV and magazines who alter photos of women to be un-naturally tall and beautiful..they paint over the natural photos and air brush them and stretch them so they look perfect....and then men and women think this is what they should look is just not real.\nwhe was the last time you plucked your eye brows, shaved your legs, painted your toe nails...this is what I do when I feel down and remind myself I am beautiful.\n4. Get a part time job or do volunteer work for a few minutes or hours a something for someone else (not in your family) at least 2 times a week. this will get you out of your little world and stop you from "thinking about your depression" all the time. it is rewarding and makes you feel worth something..especially when you get the check or someone says "Thank you so much, you are so wonderful!" You need to hear this from a total stranger...for some reason we believe strangers more than the ones we love because they have no reason to lie to us. One time I felt like crap and I picked a few tomatoes from the garden and gave them to an old man down the street and it made us both feel good and now he likes me and smiles when he sees me.\nworking outside alone in the garden is another thing that makes many women feel great.\n\nPlease don't think I am judging you because I was in depression and I was on the couch 24 hours a day and 7 days a week....I didn't know I was depressed but my kids were feeling sad too.\nGet out of the negative vibe...and if you can't...then you need to try St.John's wart or go to a doctor for some antidepressants.\nDo it now because you are missing beautiful moments with yourself and your family. there are many people who want to be your friend but you have walls up and they know you have closed yourself your heart and your life so they can come in and see the real you.\nwhen you meet someone they see your expression and they feel you are saying to them: "I do not want to be bothe
My Husband Gets Hives all the Time?
He gets hives judt sitting at home watching T.V \nhe has gone to an alegerist but they didn't tell him anything he didn't already know. \n Is it possible to for him to be allergic to his own sweat?
** Aquagenic urticaria -- hives that are triggered by contact with sweat or with water. In these people, exercise itself is not a trigger, and they can drink water without a problem. ** \n** This is from Dr. Greene's site... \n\n\nHives Caused by Ingestion or Inhalation\n\nApproximately 70% of the time, what causes a case of hives cannot be determined. This list covers many of the common causes of hives, but is not exhaustive. These are things that you may want to consider cutting out if you have hives.\n\nIngestion or Inhalation\nWhen the source of hives can be determined, most cases are caused by ingestion of a substance. Drugs can suddenly cause hives even if the person has been taking them for years. Many foods or food additives can also cause hives suddenly, even in small amounts. I am including inhaled allergens under ingestion because these are foreign substances that are taken into the body.\n\nDrugs\n\n * Penicillin\n * Aspirin\n * Sulfa antibiotics\n * Morphine\n * Codeine\n * Polymyxin\n * Dextran\n * Curare\n * Quinine\n * Diuretics \n\nFoods\n\n * Fish\n * Shellfish\n * Nuts\n * Eggs\n * Chocolate\n * Strawberries\n * Tomatoes\n * Pork\n * Cow's milk\n * Cheese\n * Wheat\n * Yeast\n * Citrus fruits \n\nFood Additives\n\n * Salicylates\n * Tartrazine (a dye)\n * Benzoate\n * Penicillin\n * Sulfites \n\nInhaled Allergens\n\n * Pollen\n * Mold Spores\n * Animal dander\n * House dust \n\nGood Luck, Hives are a hassle, they few times I had them I took a bath with the Oatmeal Aveeno Bath.\n\n********************************************************************\n\nHow to Treat Hives Naturally\n\n\n\nHives are red blotchy swellings on the skin, which are usually the result of an allergic reaction. They are often very itchy and can be painful or cause a burning sensation.\n \nSteps:\n1. Put cool, wet compresses on red areas to soothe itching.\n \n2. Take a bath in oatmeal if hives cover a large area.\n \n3. Add cornstarch to your regular bath.\n \n4. Apply aloe vera gel to soothe skin and reduce discomfort.\n \n5. Take acidophilus to help reduce an allergic reaction.\n \n6. Take quercetin to help relieve inflammation and allergic reactions.\n \n7. Supplement with 1,000mg vitamin C a day to help your immune system respond to allergens.\n \n8. Use the herbs alfalfa, yellow dock, echinacea, ginseng, licorice and nettles.\n \n9. Investigate the cause of the hives. Medications, insect bites or stings, certain foods and food additives, and certain plants are common culprits.\n \n10. Avoid the substance that caused your hives.\n \n11. Use an antihistamine for temporary relief of symptoms, particularly if hives are very severe or if overall allergic reaction is severe.\n \n \nWarnings:\nHives can be part of a very serious, even life threatening, allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. If you have an outbreak of hives accompanied by difficulty breathing, nausea or vomiting, chest pain, coughing or swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, seek immediate emergency assistance.\n \nIf symptoms persist or if you have specific medical conditions or concerns, we recommend you contact a physician. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.\n \nTips from eHow Users:\nAveeno colloidal oatmeal bath by eHow Friend\nInstead of bathing in it, I mix it with a cup of water until it is a gooey, thick substance and put it on my hives. I find that this works much better than diluting it and bathing in it.\n \n \nThanks. Your vote has been counted.Rate this tip:\n \n \n \nView 7 More Tip(s) from Users Please Share Your Tips with Us\n\n\n\nMore Resources:\n\nContribute to eHow:\nWrite an eHow Article\nSuggest a Topic\nGive Us Feedback on This Article\n \n \nRelated eHows:\nMake Herbal Lotions\nMake Herbal Skin Cleansing Cream\nMake an Herbal Bath\nStock an Emergency Supply of Medicine and
My Husband Gets Hives all the Time?He gets hives judt sitting at home watching T.V \nhe has gone to an alegerist but they didn't tell him anything he didn't already know. \n Is it possible to for him to be allergic to his own sweat?** Aquagenic urticaria -- hives that are triggered by contact with sweat or with water. In these people, exercise itself is not a trigger, and they can drink water without a problem. ** \n** This is from Dr. Greene's site... \n\n\nHives Caused by Ingestion or Inhalation\n\nApproximately 70% of the time, what causes a case of hives cannot be determined. This list covers many of the common causes of hives, but is not exhaustive. These are things that you may want to consider cutting out if you have hives.\n\nIngestion or Inhalation\nWhen the source of hives can be determined, most cases are caused by ingestion of a substance. Drugs can suddenly cause hives even if the person has been taking them for years. Many foods or food additives can also cause hives suddenly, even in small amounts. I am including inhaled allergens under ingestion because these are foreign substances that are taken into the body.\n\nDrugs\n\n * Penicillin\n * Aspirin\n * Sulfa antibiotics\n * Morphine\n * Codeine\n * Polymyxin\n * Dextran\n * Curare\n * Quinine\n * Diuretics \n\nFoods\n\n * Fish\n * Shellfish\n * Nuts\n * Eggs\n * Chocolate\n * Strawberries\n * Tomatoes\n * Pork\n * Cow's milk\n * Cheese\n * Wheat\n * Yeast\n * Citrus fruits \n\nFood Additives\n\n * Salicylates\n * Tartrazine (a dye)\n * Benzoate\n * Penicillin\n * Sulfites \n\nInhaled Allergens\n\n * Pollen\n * Mold Spores\n * Animal dander\n * House dust \n\nGood Luck, Hives are a hassle, they few times I had them I took a bath with the Oatmeal Aveeno Bath.\n\n********************************************************************\n\nHow to Treat Hives Naturally\n\n\n\nHives are red blotchy swellings on the skin, which are usually the result of an allergic reaction. They are often very itchy and can be painful or cause a burning sensation.\n \nSteps:\n1. Put cool, wet compresses on red areas to soothe itching.\n \n2. Take a bath in oatmeal if hives cover a large area.\n \n3. Add cornstarch to your regular bath.\n \n4. Apply aloe vera gel to soothe skin and reduce discomfort.\n \n5. Take acidophilus to help reduce an allergic reaction.\n \n6. Take quercetin to help relieve inflammation and allergic reactions.\n \n7. Supplement with 1,000mg vitamin C a day to help your immune system respond to allergens.\n \n8. Use the herbs alfalfa, yellow dock, echinacea, ginseng, licorice and nettles.\n \n9. Investigate the cause of the hives. Medications, insect bites or stings, certain foods and food additives, and certain plants are common culprits.\n \n10. Avoid the substance that caused your hives.\n \n11. Use an antihistamine for temporary relief of symptoms, particularly if hives are very severe or if overall allergic reaction is severe.\n \n \nWarnings:\nHives can be part of a very serious, even life threatening, allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. If you have an outbreak of hives accompanied by difficulty breathing, nausea or vomiting, chest pain, coughing or swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, seek immediate emergency assistance.\n \nIf symptoms persist or if you have specific medical conditions or concerns, we recommend you contact a physician. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.\n \nTips from eHow Users:\nAveeno colloidal oatmeal bath by eHow Friend\nInstead of bathing in it, I mix it with a cup of water until it is a gooey, thick substance and put it on my hives. I find that this works much better than diluting it and bathing in it.\n \n \nThanks. Your vote has been counted.Rate this tip:\n \n \n \nView 7 More Tip(s) from Users Please Share Your Tips with Us\n\n\n\nMore Resources:\n\nContribute to eHow:\nWrite an eHow Article\nSuggest a Topic\nGive Us Feedback on This Article\n \n \nRelated eHows:\nMake Herbal Lotions\nMake Herbal Skin Cleansing Cream\nMake an Herbal Bath\nStock an Emergency Supply of Medicine and
Does anyone know the name of the referee designated to the Australia V's Brazil match?
and a little history on his record and experience. Much appreciated.
MERK Markus \n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n \n Nationality: Germany\nRole: Referee\nDate of birth: 15 March 1962\nHeight: 181 (cm)\nWeight: 72 (kg)\nReferee since: 1 January 1992\nFirst international : Switzerland v Bulgaria (28 April 1992)\nPlace of residence: OTTERBACH\nCountry of residence: Germany\nMother language: German\nOther languages: English, French\nOccupation: Dentist\nGeneral interests: Long-distance running, cross-country skiing, social work, travelling\nBest memory: UEFA EURO 2004 Final: Greece v Portugal\n \n\n\nCompetition Record\n16 November 2005 Slovakia:Spain 1-1 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n12 October 2005 Republic of Ireland:Switzerland 0-0\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n7 September 2005 Russia:Portugal 0-0\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n24 June 2005 Morocco:Italy 1-1 (1-0)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n22 June 2005 Colombia:Argentina 1-2 (0-0)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n18 June 2005 Japan:Australia 1-1 (0-0)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n18 June 2005 Italy:Canada 4-1 (1-0)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n15 June 2005 Australia:Netherlands 0-3 (0-1)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n15 June 2005 Japan:Benin 1-1 (0-1)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n14 June 2005 Panama:Turkey 0-1 (0-1)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n14 June 2005 China PR:Ukraine 3-2 (1-1)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n4 June 2005 Turkey:Greece 0-0\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n30 March 2005 Israel:France 1-1 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n8 September 2004 Netherlands:Czech Republic 2-0 (1-0)\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n4 July 2004 Portugal:Greece 0-1 (0-0)\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n26 June 2004 Sweden:Netherlands 0-0\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n22 June 2004 Denmark:Sweden 2-2 (1-0)\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n18 June 2004 Italy:Sweden 1-1 (1-0)\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n13 June 2004 France:England 2-1 (0-1)\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n26 June 2003 Cameroon:Colombia 1-0 (1-0)\nFIFA Confederations Cup 2003 \n23 June 2003 Brazil:Turkey 2-2 (1-0)\nFIFA Confederations Cup 2003 \n20 June 2003 Colombia:New Zealand 3-1 (0-1)\nFIFA Confederations Cup 2003 \n15 June 2002 Denmark:England 0-3 (0-3)\nFIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition \n9 June 2002 Japan:Russia 1-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition \n2 June 2002 Argentina:Nigeria 1-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition \n14 November 2001 Uruguay:Argentina 1-1 (1-1)\nFIFA World Cup 2002 Preliminary CONMEBOL \n2 June 2001 Denmark:Czech Republic 2-1 (1-1)\nFIFA World Cup 2002 Preliminary UEFA \n11 October 2000 Iceland:Northern Ireland 1-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 2002 Preliminary UEFA \n29 June 2000 Italy:Netherlands 0-0\nUEFA Euro 2000 \n18 June 2000 Slovenia:Spain 1-2 (0-1)\nUEFA Euro 2000 \n10 June 2000 Belgium:Sweden 2-1 (1-0)\nUEFA Euro 2000 \n10 September 1997 Sweden:Latvia 1-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 1998 Preliminary European Zone \n30 April 1997 Norway:Finland 1-1 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 1998 Preliminary European Zone \n13 November 1996 Spain:Slovakia 4-1 (1-1)\nFIFA World Cup 1998 Preliminary European Zone \n13 October 1993 Netherlands:England 2-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 1994 Preliminary European Zone \n12 May 1993 Estonia:Malta 0-1 (0-1)\nFIFA World Cup 1994 Preliminary European Zone \n23 September 1992 Poland:Turkey 1-0 (1-0)\nFIFA World Cup 1994 Preliminary European Zone \n30 July 1992 Paraguay:Morocco 3-1 (1-0)\nOlympic Football Tournament 1992 \n24 July 1992 Spain:Colombia 4-0 (3-0)\nOlympic Football Tournament 1992
Does anyone know the name of the referee designated to the Australia V's Brazil match?and a little history on his record and experience. Much appreciated.MERK Markus \n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n \n Nationality: Germany\nRole: Referee\nDate of birth: 15 March 1962\nHeight: 181 (cm)\nWeight: 72 (kg)\nReferee since: 1 January 1992\nFirst international : Switzerland v Bulgaria (28 April 1992)\nPlace of residence: OTTERBACH\nCountry of residence: Germany\nMother language: German\nOther languages: English, French\nOccupation: Dentist\nGeneral interests: Long-distance running, cross-country skiing, social work, travelling\nBest memory: UEFA EURO 2004 Final: Greece v Portugal\n \n\n\nCompetition Record\n16 November 2005 Slovakia:Spain 1-1 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n12 October 2005 Republic of Ireland:Switzerland 0-0\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n7 September 2005 Russia:Portugal 0-0\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n24 June 2005 Morocco:Italy 1-1 (1-0)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n22 June 2005 Colombia:Argentina 1-2 (0-0)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n18 June 2005 Japan:Australia 1-1 (0-0)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n18 June 2005 Italy:Canada 4-1 (1-0)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n15 June 2005 Australia:Netherlands 0-3 (0-1)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n15 June 2005 Japan:Benin 1-1 (0-1)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n14 June 2005 Panama:Turkey 0-1 (0-1)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n14 June 2005 China PR:Ukraine 3-2 (1-1)\nFIFA World Youth Championship 2005 \n4 June 2005 Turkey:Greece 0-0\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n30 March 2005 Israel:France 1-1 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n8 September 2004 Netherlands:Czech Republic 2-0 (1-0)\nFIFA World Cup 2006 Preliminary European Zone \n4 July 2004 Portugal:Greece 0-1 (0-0)\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n26 June 2004 Sweden:Netherlands 0-0\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n22 June 2004 Denmark:Sweden 2-2 (1-0)\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n18 June 2004 Italy:Sweden 1-1 (1-0)\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n13 June 2004 France:England 2-1 (0-1)\nUEFA Euro 2004 \n26 June 2003 Cameroon:Colombia 1-0 (1-0)\nFIFA Confederations Cup 2003 \n23 June 2003 Brazil:Turkey 2-2 (1-0)\nFIFA Confederations Cup 2003 \n20 June 2003 Colombia:New Zealand 3-1 (0-1)\nFIFA Confederations Cup 2003 \n15 June 2002 Denmark:England 0-3 (0-3)\nFIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition \n9 June 2002 Japan:Russia 1-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition \n2 June 2002 Argentina:Nigeria 1-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition \n14 November 2001 Uruguay:Argentina 1-1 (1-1)\nFIFA World Cup 2002 Preliminary CONMEBOL \n2 June 2001 Denmark:Czech Republic 2-1 (1-1)\nFIFA World Cup 2002 Preliminary UEFA \n11 October 2000 Iceland:Northern Ireland 1-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 2002 Preliminary UEFA \n29 June 2000 Italy:Netherlands 0-0\nUEFA Euro 2000 \n18 June 2000 Slovenia:Spain 1-2 (0-1)\nUEFA Euro 2000 \n10 June 2000 Belgium:Sweden 2-1 (1-0)\nUEFA Euro 2000 \n10 September 1997 Sweden:Latvia 1-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 1998 Preliminary European Zone \n30 April 1997 Norway:Finland 1-1 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 1998 Preliminary European Zone \n13 November 1996 Spain:Slovakia 4-1 (1-1)\nFIFA World Cup 1998 Preliminary European Zone \n13 October 1993 Netherlands:England 2-0 (0-0)\nFIFA World Cup 1994 Preliminary European Zone \n12 May 1993 Estonia:Malta 0-1 (0-1)\nFIFA World Cup 1994 Preliminary European Zone \n23 September 1992 Poland:Turkey 1-0 (1-0)\nFIFA World Cup 1994 Preliminary European Zone \n30 July 1992 Paraguay:Morocco 3-1 (1-0)\nOlympic Football Tournament 1992 \n24 July 1992 Spain:Colombia 4-0 (3-0)\nOlympic Football Tournament 1992
who will be the sixth best college football team next year 2006?
who will be the sixth best college football team next year 2006?\nunofficial yahoo answers top twenty five \n\n1. Ohio State\n2. Notre Dame\n3. West Virginia\n4. USC\n5. LSU\n\ni will show the results in my next question. i will be doin a different ranking each day keep tuning in to vote. the majority gets sixth place
what about the sooners\n they should be numero uno\n\nNo. 1 Oklahoma \n\nFlying in under the radar come the Oklahoma Sooners. After an uncharacteristically sub-par season, it’s out of sight, out of mind — but not for long. Due in large part to a ruinous rash of injuries in 2005, there are 22 players back who drew at least one starting assignment last fall, compared to only 17 with starting experience going into last season. OU won six of its last seven games, including a 17–14 victory over sixth-ranked Oregon in the Holiday Bowl. In addition, the 2006 Sooners welcome back their top passer, rusher, receiver, tackler and sack man from ’05. \n\nQuarterback Rhett Bomar took the reins on offense in Game 2 as a redshirt freshman and got better and better as the season wore on. In his 12 appearances, with 10 starts, he threw for 2,018 yards — a school freshman record — and 10 touchdowns, and he has just begun to tap his enormous potential. \n\nTwo years ago, running back Adrian Peterson set an NCAA freshman record with 1,925 rushing yards, averaging 5.7 per carry with 15 touchdowns. Last fall, he was hampered by an ankle injury all season, missing all or most of four games, and still ran for more than 1,000 yards with a five-yard average and 14 scores. Peterson is the best ball-carrier in America, and no one else is close. \n\nFive of the top seven receivers are back, including sophomores Malcolm Kelly, Juaquin Iglesias and Manuel Johnson. Kelly led the way with 33 catches, and the three averaged over 15 yards per catch combined. Converted quarterback Paul Thompson and tight end Joe Jon Finley round out the receivers’ playing group. \n\nThere is only one full-time starter back on the offensive line — right tackle Chris Messner — but most of the new men have game action under their belts. Tackle Branndon Braxton started three games last season, guard J.D. Quinn started four and center Jon Cooper started two. \n\nLinebackers Rufus Alexander, a first-team All-Big 12 returnee, and Zach Latimer combined for 186 tackles, including 23 for a loss and nine sacks, in 2005 and form the cornerstone of the defense. Larry Birdine and John Williams, both of whom sat out last year with injuries, return at end along with C.J. Ah You and Calvin Thibodeaux, who started in their stead. Ah You was the runaway choice as league Newcomer of the Year and was Defensive MVP of the Holiday Bowl. Thibodeaux turned in a team-high 10 sacks for the season. \n\nReggie Smith spent most of the 2005 campaign as a true freshman starter at strong safety and again will join Darien Williams in the deep zones. D.J. Wolfe started all 11 games at cornerback last year after switching from running back and responded with 65 tackles, along with five for a loss. He also picked off two passes, running one back for a touchdown, and broke up 10 others. \n\nAfter tuning up at home against UAB and Washington, the Sooners travel to Eugene for the first challenge of the season — a Sept. 16 rematch of last year’s Holiday Bowl with Oregon. Iowa State and Texas Tech both must come to Norman, and there is no Nebraska on the 2006 slate. \n\nAnd don’t forget the Red River Shootout against Texas in Dallas on Oct. 7.\n\nMY pick : National champions\n\nReturning starters\n4 offense, 8 defense, both kickers\n\nYoots\nOklahoma was one of the youngest teams in DI-A last season, with 12 true freshmen seeing game action and 11 drawing at least one starting assignment.\n\nBring ’em on\nThe Sooners played the toughest schedule in the nation last year, based on cumulative records of their opponents as compiled by the NCAA. OU played seven teams that ended up in the 2005-06 postseason.\n\nPack ’em in\nOklahoma led the Big 12 in attendance in 2005 with an average of 84,331 fans at six home games.\n\n2006 Schedule\nS. 2 UAB\nS. 9 Washington\nS. 16 at Oregon\nS. 23 Middle Tennessee\nO. 7 #Texas\nO. 14 Iowa State\nO. 21 Colorado\nO. 28 at Missouri\nN. 4 at Texas A&M\nN. 11 Texas T
who will be the sixth best college football team next year 2006?who will be the sixth best college football team next year 2006?\nunofficial yahoo answers top twenty five \n\n1. Ohio State\n2. Notre Dame\n3. West Virginia\n4. USC\n5. LSU\n\ni will show the results in my next question. i will be doin a different ranking each day keep tuning in to vote. the majority gets sixth placewhat about the sooners\n they should be numero uno\n\nNo. 1 Oklahoma \n\nFlying in under the radar come the Oklahoma Sooners. After an uncharacteristically sub-par season, it’s out of sight, out of mind — but not for long. Due in large part to a ruinous rash of injuries in 2005, there are 22 players back who drew at least one starting assignment last fall, compared to only 17 with starting experience going into last season. OU won six of its last seven games, including a 17–14 victory over sixth-ranked Oregon in the Holiday Bowl. In addition, the 2006 Sooners welcome back their top passer, rusher, receiver, tackler and sack man from ’05. \n\nQuarterback Rhett Bomar took the reins on offense in Game 2 as a redshirt freshman and got better and better as the season wore on. In his 12 appearances, with 10 starts, he threw for 2,018 yards — a school freshman record — and 10 touchdowns, and he has just begun to tap his enormous potential. \n\nTwo years ago, running back Adrian Peterson set an NCAA freshman record with 1,925 rushing yards, averaging 5.7 per carry with 15 touchdowns. Last fall, he was hampered by an ankle injury all season, missing all or most of four games, and still ran for more than 1,000 yards with a five-yard average and 14 scores. Peterson is the best ball-carrier in America, and no one else is close. \n\nFive of the top seven receivers are back, including sophomores Malcolm Kelly, Juaquin Iglesias and Manuel Johnson. Kelly led the way with 33 catches, and the three averaged over 15 yards per catch combined. Converted quarterback Paul Thompson and tight end Joe Jon Finley round out the receivers’ playing group. \n\nThere is only one full-time starter back on the offensive line — right tackle Chris Messner — but most of the new men have game action under their belts. Tackle Branndon Braxton started three games last season, guard J.D. Quinn started four and center Jon Cooper started two. \n\nLinebackers Rufus Alexander, a first-team All-Big 12 returnee, and Zach Latimer combined for 186 tackles, including 23 for a loss and nine sacks, in 2005 and form the cornerstone of the defense. Larry Birdine and John Williams, both of whom sat out last year with injuries, return at end along with C.J. Ah You and Calvin Thibodeaux, who started in their stead. Ah You was the runaway choice as league Newcomer of the Year and was Defensive MVP of the Holiday Bowl. Thibodeaux turned in a team-high 10 sacks for the season. \n\nReggie Smith spent most of the 2005 campaign as a true freshman starter at strong safety and again will join Darien Williams in the deep zones. D.J. Wolfe started all 11 games at cornerback last year after switching from running back and responded with 65 tackles, along with five for a loss. He also picked off two passes, running one back for a touchdown, and broke up 10 others. \n\nAfter tuning up at home against UAB and Washington, the Sooners travel to Eugene for the first challenge of the season — a Sept. 16 rematch of last year’s Holiday Bowl with Oregon. Iowa State and Texas Tech both must come to Norman, and there is no Nebraska on the 2006 slate. \n\nAnd don’t forget the Red River Shootout against Texas in Dallas on Oct. 7.\n\nMY pick : National champions\n\nReturning starters\n4 offense, 8 defense, both kickers\n\nYoots\nOklahoma was one of the youngest teams in DI-A last season, with 12 true freshmen seeing game action and 11 drawing at least one starting assignment.\n\nBring ’em on\nThe Sooners played the toughest schedule in the nation last year, based on cumulative records of their opponents as compiled by the NCAA. OU played seven teams that ended up in the 2005-06 postseason.\n\nPack ’em in\nOklahoma led the Big 12 in attendance in 2005 with an average of 84,331 fans at six home games.\n\n2006 Schedule\nS. 2 UAB\nS. 9 Washington\nS. 16 at Oregon\nS. 23 Middle Tennessee\nO. 7 #Texas\nO. 14 Iowa State\nO. 21 Colorado\nO. 28 at Missouri\nN. 4 at Texas A&M\nN. 11 Texas T
Help!!! I m going to Hawaii in 2 months and I need to get back into shape. Any suggestions?
Iam 5'4 around 125 lbs. Im a size 4 and I want to do down a dress size in order to fit into the bathing suit i bought last year (and I want to look good of course). I have been working out for about a year. I am getting toned a bit but I am not going down in size. Does anyone have any suggestions in how to see results faster. Like by 2 months? Thanks!!!
A FEW THINGS TO REMEMBER:\nThe correct way to burn fat and stay healthy is to burn more calories than you consume\nYou need to make sure you are eating healthy foods while still excercising\nIf you have a big appetite drink plenty of water so that you will feel full but not consume calories\nBut you should always eat\nIf you start to skip meals you will only be more hungry at your next meal and probably eat way too much\nRemember, the average persons stomach is as big as a slice of pizza scrunched up into a ball\nSo you shouldnt be putting more food into your stomach than what fits\nAlso, it takes aproximately 15-20 minutes for your brain to realize that you are full\nso eat slower and you will realize sooner when you are not hungry anymore\n\nALSO....\ni found this artical called "50 Habits of "Naturally Thin" People\nHow to get Started:Decide how much you want to loose and see how many calories a day it will take to make it happen by year's end.Then, work into your routines however many of these eating tweaks and exercises you need to achieve your goal.\nSlash 250 cal.s a day to lose about 25 lbs. in a year, Slash 500 cal.s to loose 50 pounds.\nThis is based on a 150-pound person: you may need to cut more/ fewer calories depending on ur weight, age & gender. It also assumes your normal calorie intake essentially stays the same and your weight is stable.\n* I'm only going to give you the ones that are most helpful and burn calories. If you want more then email me*\n1.Wake-up Workout - When your eyes open, sit up slwoly w/out using ur hands. W/ legs straight out, lean forward until u feel a gentle stretch in ur back & hamstrings. Hold. Then, Using ur abs, lower urself flat. Rest & repeat 2 more times. BURNS 10\n2. Balance Booster - While u brush ur teeth, alternate standing on 1 leg as u switch mouth quadrants(every 30 seconds). BURNS 10\n3.Be a Ballerina - As ur coffee drips, stand sideways, put 1 hand on the counter, and lift the outside leg straigh out in front of u, keeping it extended. With upper body straight, hold for a few sec.s and move it to the side: hold and extend it behind u. Do 5x on each leg. BURNS 10\n4. Talk It UP - Every time u grab the phone, stand up & pace around. BURNS 50\n5. Carry Some Weight - When ur grocery Shopping/ running erands, wear a backpack with 5-10 lbs bag of sugar inside to increase resistance & burn more calories. Add purchases to ur load as it becomes easier. BURNS 20 (FOR AN HOUR OF ERRANDS)\n6.Pump at the Pump - While ur getting gas, With 1 hand on ur car, Stand on the balls of ur feet & slowly rise up & down for as long as it takes to fill ur tank. BURNS 10\n7. Shop till the Pounds Drop - at the mall try on at least 10 outfits- pants and shirts.BURNS 60\n8. Jog for Junk Mail - For every piece of junk mail u get each day, do 1 lap around ur house/ building, / up & down a flight of stairs. BURNS 35-140\n9. Play Footsie - After Dinner, while u are sitting at the table, extend your right leg out & slowly bend it up & down, squeezing & holding in the up position for at least 5 sec.s. Repeat 5x for each leg. BURNS 10\n10.Ease into Evening - sitting with feet uncrossed, grab ur wrists & raise ur hands above ur head to lengthen the spine. Take a deep breath in as u reach & hold the position, breathing slowly in & out for 20 sec.s, taking longer on the exhale. BURNS 5\n11. Sing a Song - Spend sunday morning belting it out in the church choir. BURNS 70 PER SERVICE\n12. Catch This! -\nSpend 30 min tossing a ball or a frisbee with ur kid/dog BURNS 90\n13. Make Whoopee - Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse. BURNS 300\n\nGood Luck!!
Help!!! I m going to Hawaii in 2 months and I need to get back into shape. Any suggestions?Iam 5'4 around 125 lbs. Im a size 4 and I want to do down a dress size in order to fit into the bathing suit i bought last year (and I want to look good of course). I have been working out for about a year. I am getting toned a bit but I am not going down in size. Does anyone have any suggestions in how to see results faster. Like by 2 months? Thanks!!!A FEW THINGS TO REMEMBER:\nThe correct way to burn fat and stay healthy is to burn more calories than you consume\nYou need to make sure you are eating healthy foods while still excercising\nIf you have a big appetite drink plenty of water so that you will feel full but not consume calories\nBut you should always eat\nIf you start to skip meals you will only be more hungry at your next meal and probably eat way too much\nRemember, the average persons stomach is as big as a slice of pizza scrunched up into a ball\nSo you shouldnt be putting more food into your stomach than what fits\nAlso, it takes aproximately 15-20 minutes for your brain to realize that you are full\nso eat slower and you will realize sooner when you are not hungry anymore\n\nALSO....\ni found this artical called "50 Habits of "Naturally Thin" People\nHow to get Started:Decide how much you want to loose and see how many calories a day it will take to make it happen by year's end.Then, work into your routines however many of these eating tweaks and exercises you need to achieve your goal.\nSlash 250 cal.s a day to lose about 25 lbs. in a year, Slash 500 cal.s to loose 50 pounds.\nThis is based on a 150-pound person: you may need to cut more/ fewer calories depending on ur weight, age & gender. It also assumes your normal calorie intake essentially stays the same and your weight is stable.\n* I'm only going to give you the ones that are most helpful and burn calories. If you want more then email me*\n1.Wake-up Workout - When your eyes open, sit up slwoly w/out using ur hands. W/ legs straight out, lean forward until u feel a gentle stretch in ur back & hamstrings. Hold. Then, Using ur abs, lower urself flat. Rest & repeat 2 more times. BURNS 10\n2. Balance Booster - While u brush ur teeth, alternate standing on 1 leg as u switch mouth quadrants(every 30 seconds). BURNS 10\n3.Be a Ballerina - As ur coffee drips, stand sideways, put 1 hand on the counter, and lift the outside leg straigh out in front of u, keeping it extended. With upper body straight, hold for a few sec.s and move it to the side: hold and extend it behind u. Do 5x on each leg. BURNS 10\n4. Talk It UP - Every time u grab the phone, stand up & pace around. BURNS 50\n5. Carry Some Weight - When ur grocery Shopping/ running erands, wear a backpack with 5-10 lbs bag of sugar inside to increase resistance & burn more calories. Add purchases to ur load as it becomes easier. BURNS 20 (FOR AN HOUR OF ERRANDS)\n6.Pump at the Pump - While ur getting gas, With 1 hand on ur car, Stand on the balls of ur feet & slowly rise up & down for as long as it takes to fill ur tank. BURNS 10\n7. Shop till the Pounds Drop - at the mall try on at least 10 outfits- pants and shirts.BURNS 60\n8. Jog for Junk Mail - For every piece of junk mail u get each day, do 1 lap around ur house/ building, / up & down a flight of stairs. BURNS 35-140\n9. Play Footsie - After Dinner, while u are sitting at the table, extend your right leg out & slowly bend it up & down, squeezing & holding in the up position for at least 5 sec.s. Repeat 5x for each leg. BURNS 10\n10.Ease into Evening - sitting with feet uncrossed, grab ur wrists & raise ur hands above ur head to lengthen the spine. Take a deep breath in as u reach & hold the position, breathing slowly in & out for 20 sec.s, taking longer on the exhale. BURNS 5\n11. Sing a Song - Spend sunday morning belting it out in the church choir. BURNS 70 PER SERVICE\n12. Catch This! -\nSpend 30 min tossing a ball or a frisbee with ur kid/dog BURNS 90\n13. Make Whoopee - Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse. BURNS 300\n\nGood Luck!!
9Politics & Government
It is ALL Bush's FAULT!?
I hope you will be objective and mature when I list the thing President Bush has done. 1st it rained all weekend..this ruined my weekend..thanks BUSH! Then my child dropped a grade point in school..thanks BUSH! Then my vet bill was HUGE..thanks strike again! Then he went after that Saddam guy..he didn't do anything wrong, the world loved him and his wonderful son's..thanks BUSH..jerk! Then he lowered my taxes..thank idiot Bush..I want to pay idiot! The government know how to use my money more than me..stupid! Oh yes..also I'm a loser with no job and I spend my day blaming other's because I a loser..and BUSH won't pay me for this service I give to this country for FREE..not ONE word from the Bush administration thanking me..NOTHING!..thanks Bush you are messing up my life...and I know you caused hurricane Katrina..LIAR..I HATE what you have done!!!
You make an excellent point; Bush is often blamed for things that are very clearly out of his control.\n\nUnfortunately, this is a fundamental problem with our two-party political system. Many Republicans do the same type of thing when the Democrats are in power. The problem is that acknowledging that your opposition did something right, increases their popularity, which increases their chances of re-election, and systematically reduces your own party’s power. This gives each party a major incentive to bad mouth the other – whether they have a legitimate criticism or not.\n\nDo you remember when Bill Clinton bombed Iraq after Saddam Hussein kicked all of the U.N. weapons inspectors out? Many Republicans accused him of trying to distract the world from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Who knows, maybe that was part of his motivation, but I for one tend to give him a little more credit. Bill Clinton had the same ‘intelligence’ that George Bush did, and also determined that bombing Iraq was necessary. Bill Clinton should have been applauded for bombing Iraq, but doing so would make the Democrats look like they were doing something right. It was politically advantageous for Republicans to keep the country’s focus on the Monica Lewinsky scandal.\n\nThis political smear game is clearly damaging the country’s unity. We all need to calm down and start using our brains again. Each of us can make sure that we’re not guilty of this nonsense when the opposition is in control, and hopefully at some point it will stop.\n\n\nResponse to bluejacket8j:\n\nYou seem to be pretty intelligent, and you may well know that George Bush didn’t cause Katrina, but many “Dems and Libs” are actually making this accusation. Robert Kennedy, for example, is an outspoken liberal that is adamant about this. Of course, Robert Kennedy is an alcoholic and a drug abuser, and I’d guess he doesn’t have much credibility with most “Dems and Libs”. However, we can’t understate his influence; he is one of the icons of the extreme left. Moderate “Dems and Libs” tend to be more rational, just as moderate Republicans and Conservatives tend to be more rational. It is the fringe element on both sides that are causing most of the problems.\n\nNow, as to Bush’s handling of Katrina, there is greater room for legitimate criticism. Lives may have been saved if he handled it differently. With that said, before Katrina there was little precedent for the Federal government to be the “first mover” on this kind of issue. Traditionally, the Federal government gives aide only when the governor specifically requests it. The governor is the one who “dropped the ball” first. The request for help came much later than it should of. Had the governor, who has primary responsibility over the affairs of the State, acted in a timely manner, then much of the human suffering that came from the disaster could have been averted.\n\nPerhaps you may feel that Bush should have recognized that the governor was shirking his duty to the people and taken over. But to do that would have required Bush to act without precedent in his actions. Since the disaster, Bush has come out and said that there was a failure of the system, and even acknowledged that he had a share of the blame. Let’s make sure that we don’t overstate his culpability though. It’s always easy to make someone the scapegoat, but that doesn’t really accomplish anything positive. It only gives us a superficial satisfaction that someone was held accountable, even when the consequences were unforeseeable. It is far more important that lessons are learned and that safeguards are put into place so that there isn’t a “repeat” in the future. I’d be willing to bet that if we were faced with another “Katrina”, we would observe radically different behavior from the Mayor’s actions all the way to the President’s. Ultimately, we must judge our success or failure by our ability to learn from ou
It is ALL Bush's FAULT!?I hope you will be objective and mature when I list the thing President Bush has done. 1st it rained all weekend..this ruined my weekend..thanks BUSH! Then my child dropped a grade point in school..thanks BUSH! Then my vet bill was HUGE..thanks strike again! Then he went after that Saddam guy..he didn't do anything wrong, the world loved him and his wonderful son's..thanks BUSH..jerk! Then he lowered my taxes..thank idiot Bush..I want to pay idiot! The government know how to use my money more than me..stupid! Oh yes..also I'm a loser with no job and I spend my day blaming other's because I a loser..and BUSH won't pay me for this service I give to this country for FREE..not ONE word from the Bush administration thanking me..NOTHING!..thanks Bush you are messing up my life...and I know you caused hurricane Katrina..LIAR..I HATE what you have done!!!You make an excellent point; Bush is often blamed for things that are very clearly out of his control.\n\nUnfortunately, this is a fundamental problem with our two-party political system. Many Republicans do the same type of thing when the Democrats are in power. The problem is that acknowledging that your opposition did something right, increases their popularity, which increases their chances of re-election, and systematically reduces your own party’s power. This gives each party a major incentive to bad mouth the other – whether they have a legitimate criticism or not.\n\nDo you remember when Bill Clinton bombed Iraq after Saddam Hussein kicked all of the U.N. weapons inspectors out? Many Republicans accused him of trying to distract the world from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Who knows, maybe that was part of his motivation, but I for one tend to give him a little more credit. Bill Clinton had the same ‘intelligence’ that George Bush did, and also determined that bombing Iraq was necessary. Bill Clinton should have been applauded for bombing Iraq, but doing so would make the Democrats look like they were doing something right. It was politically advantageous for Republicans to keep the country’s focus on the Monica Lewinsky scandal.\n\nThis political smear game is clearly damaging the country’s unity. We all need to calm down and start using our brains again. Each of us can make sure that we’re not guilty of this nonsense when the opposition is in control, and hopefully at some point it will stop.\n\n\nResponse to bluejacket8j:\n\nYou seem to be pretty intelligent, and you may well know that George Bush didn’t cause Katrina, but many “Dems and Libs” are actually making this accusation. Robert Kennedy, for example, is an outspoken liberal that is adamant about this. Of course, Robert Kennedy is an alcoholic and a drug abuser, and I’d guess he doesn’t have much credibility with most “Dems and Libs”. However, we can’t understate his influence; he is one of the icons of the extreme left. Moderate “Dems and Libs” tend to be more rational, just as moderate Republicans and Conservatives tend to be more rational. It is the fringe element on both sides that are causing most of the problems.\n\nNow, as to Bush’s handling of Katrina, there is greater room for legitimate criticism. Lives may have been saved if he handled it differently. With that said, before Katrina there was little precedent for the Federal government to be the “first mover” on this kind of issue. Traditionally, the Federal government gives aide only when the governor specifically requests it. The governor is the one who “dropped the ball” first. The request for help came much later than it should of. Had the governor, who has primary responsibility over the affairs of the State, acted in a timely manner, then much of the human suffering that came from the disaster could have been averted.\n\nPerhaps you may feel that Bush should have recognized that the governor was shirking his duty to the people and taken over. But to do that would have required Bush to act without precedent in his actions. Since the disaster, Bush has come out and said that there was a failure of the system, and even acknowledged that he had a share of the blame. Let’s make sure that we don’t overstate his culpability though. It’s always easy to make someone the scapegoat, but that doesn’t really accomplish anything positive. It only gives us a superficial satisfaction that someone was held accountable, even when the consequences were unforeseeable. It is far more important that lessons are learned and that safeguards are put into place so that there isn’t a “repeat” in the future. I’d be willing to bet that if we were faced with another “Katrina”, we would observe radically different behavior from the Mayor’s actions all the way to the President’s. Ultimately, we must judge our success or failure by our ability to learn from ou
Politics & Government
i am about to move from an extreme into another,feeling sad and bad.unacceptable?
i am conservative,religious,and very much serious..2 years ago i felt that deep inside me there exists a rejection for being so,i got fed up and bored,iam losing the meaning of life,and giving an unacceptable impression for my afraid am about to turn into the other extreme.what do you think?
=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=\nHave you ever wondered about the reason of our existence? Have you ever wondered why we die, and where we go after death? What will happen to us in the end? Have you ever asked yourself why God made the earth and all that is in it under man’s dominion? Why were the night and the day, and the sun and the moon created? What are we supposed to do during our lifetime? Were we created just to eat, drink, and enjoy ourselves before we die? As one poet put it: \n“I do not know whence I have come. \nI saw my feet walking on the road. \nAs they please I go and stop. \nWhat am I doing here? \nHow did the road find me?\nI do not know! I do not know! I do not know! ”\n\nGod has emphasized in many verses of the Qur’an that He did not create us without purpose. He said: “What! Do you think that I created you simply in jest? And that you would not be returned to Me?” (23:115) He also said: “What! Does man think that he will be left to roam at his will?” (75:36) In addition, He said: “Do people think that they will be left to say: “We believe,” and they will not be held accountable?” (29:2) \nIndeed, God Has created human beings for a purpose and with a purpose: TO WORSHIP HIM ALONE (Monotheism). He said: “I have not created the Jinn and humankind except only to worship Me. I don't require provision or feeding from them. Surely Allah is the All-provider, the Possessor of all strength, the Firm.” (51:56-58) In fact, all prophets told their people to worship God alone (Monotheism) and shun worshipping His creation (Paganism). God said: “I assuredly sent among every people a messenger with the command: Worship Allah and avoid worshipping false gods.” (16:36)\nProphet Abraham, for example, believed in One God, who had no partner. Anyone who holds a different understanding of God than this has contradicted the religion of Abraham and follows falsehood. God says in the Qur’an: “Those who reject the religion of Abraham make fools of themselves.” (2:130)\nProphet Jesus was reported in the Gospels to have said: “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only’.” (Luke 4:8)\nProphet Jacob also said (in the Qur'an) to his people: “Indeed, those which you worship besides Allah are only names that you and your forefathers have established, for which Allah has sent down no authority. The command belongs only to Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. That is the right religion, but most people do not understand.” (12:40)\nRead more about the TRUE BELIEVE which supported by the Miracle Holy Quran :\n\n\n\n\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*==*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=\n\nReal happiness and peace can be ONLY found in submitting to the commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. God has said in the Qur’an: (Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest.) \n(Qur’an, 13:28)\n\nOn the other hand, the one who turns away from the Qur’an will have a life of hardship in this world. God has said:\n(But whoever turns away from the Qur’an, he will have a hard life, and We will raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.) (Qur’an, 20:124)\nThis may explain why some people commit suicide while they enjoy the material comfort money can buy. For example, look at Cat Stevens (now Yusuf Islam), formerly a famous pop singer who used to earn sometimes more than $150,000 a night. After he converted to Islam, he found true happiness and peace, which he had not found in material success. \nTo read the stories of people who have converted to Islam, please visit \n\n\n\nAt this web page, you can read the thoughts and feelings of these people, who are from different countries and have different backgrounds and levels of education.\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
i am about to move from an extreme into another,feeling sad and bad.unacceptable?i am conservative,religious,and very much serious..2 years ago i felt that deep inside me there exists a rejection for being so,i got fed up and bored,iam losing the meaning of life,and giving an unacceptable impression for my afraid am about to turn into the other extreme.what do you think?=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=\nHave you ever wondered about the reason of our existence? Have you ever wondered why we die, and where we go after death? What will happen to us in the end? Have you ever asked yourself why God made the earth and all that is in it under man’s dominion? Why were the night and the day, and the sun and the moon created? What are we supposed to do during our lifetime? Were we created just to eat, drink, and enjoy ourselves before we die? As one poet put it: \n“I do not know whence I have come. \nI saw my feet walking on the road. \nAs they please I go and stop. \nWhat am I doing here? \nHow did the road find me?\nI do not know! I do not know! I do not know! ”\n\nGod has emphasized in many verses of the Qur’an that He did not create us without purpose. He said: “What! Do you think that I created you simply in jest? And that you would not be returned to Me?” (23:115) He also said: “What! Does man think that he will be left to roam at his will?” (75:36) In addition, He said: “Do people think that they will be left to say: “We believe,” and they will not be held accountable?” (29:2) \nIndeed, God Has created human beings for a purpose and with a purpose: TO WORSHIP HIM ALONE (Monotheism). He said: “I have not created the Jinn and humankind except only to worship Me. I don't require provision or feeding from them. Surely Allah is the All-provider, the Possessor of all strength, the Firm.” (51:56-58) In fact, all prophets told their people to worship God alone (Monotheism) and shun worshipping His creation (Paganism). God said: “I assuredly sent among every people a messenger with the command: Worship Allah and avoid worshipping false gods.” (16:36)\nProphet Abraham, for example, believed in One God, who had no partner. Anyone who holds a different understanding of God than this has contradicted the religion of Abraham and follows falsehood. God says in the Qur’an: “Those who reject the religion of Abraham make fools of themselves.” (2:130)\nProphet Jesus was reported in the Gospels to have said: “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only’.” (Luke 4:8)\nProphet Jacob also said (in the Qur'an) to his people: “Indeed, those which you worship besides Allah are only names that you and your forefathers have established, for which Allah has sent down no authority. The command belongs only to Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. That is the right religion, but most people do not understand.” (12:40)\nRead more about the TRUE BELIEVE which supported by the Miracle Holy Quran :\n\n\n\n\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*==*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=\n\nReal happiness and peace can be ONLY found in submitting to the commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. God has said in the Qur’an: (Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest.) \n(Qur’an, 13:28)\n\nOn the other hand, the one who turns away from the Qur’an will have a life of hardship in this world. God has said:\n(But whoever turns away from the Qur’an, he will have a hard life, and We will raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.) (Qur’an, 20:124)\nThis may explain why some people commit suicide while they enjoy the material comfort money can buy. For example, look at Cat Stevens (now Yusuf Islam), formerly a famous pop singer who used to earn sometimes more than $150,000 a night. After he converted to Islam, he found true happiness and peace, which he had not found in material success. \nTo read the stories of people who have converted to Islam, please visit \n\n\n\nAt this web page, you can read the thoughts and feelings of these people, who are from different countries and have different backgrounds and levels of education.\n=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
9Politics & Government
Will we the peoples vote ever be counted again, in a fair manner?
I dare say not!\n\n1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.\n\n\n\n2. There is no federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the U.S. voting machine industry. \n\n\n\n\n3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.\n\n\n \n\n4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." \n\n\n \n\n5. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel used to be chairman of ES&S. He became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.\n\n\n \n\n6. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was recently caught lying about his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee. \n\n\n\n \n\n7. Senator Chuck Hagel was on a short list of George W. Bush's vice-presidential candidates. \n\n\n \n\n8. ES&S is the largest voting machine manufacturer in the U.S. and counts almost 60% of all U.S. votes.\n\n\n \n\n\n9. Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes. In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters. \n\n\n \n\n\n10. Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail. \n\n\n \n\n11. Diebold is based in Ohio. \n\n \n\n12. Diebold employed 5 convicted felons as consultants and developers to help write the central compiler computer code that counted 50% of the votes in 30 states.\n\n,2645,61640,00.html\n \n\n13. Jeff Dean was Senior Vice-President of Global Election Systems when it was bought by Diebold. Even though he had been convicted of 23 counts of felony theft in the first degree, Jeff Dean was retained as a consultant by Diebold and was largely responsible for programming the optical scanning software now used in most of the United States.\n\n \n\n \n\n14. Diebold consultant Jeff Dean was convicted of planting back doors in his software and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of 2 years. \n\n\n \n\n15. None of the international election observers were allowed in the polls in Ohio. \n\n\n \n\n16. California
We will, \nhowever\nReal elections require a power change in the Captiol to have actaully have hearings and do soemthing about what happened in both elections. \n\nThe fact remains that regardless of party affliation, there is a serious problem in the American Election process.\n\nI agree with you that for the last two elections it seems as if political manuvering and, deliberate disenfranchiment were part of winning startegies.\n\nI personally am more concerned with any machine which does not produce a hand countable receit.\n\nConspiracy is one thing but being practical is something every voter should be able to not only support but demand.\nWe need physical votes to be counted. \n\nConspricay or not, the fact remains both in Ohio and Florida there was a conflict of intrest in the person in charge of conting the votes.\n\nBeing head of the an election campain in your state should automatically disqualify you from setting policy or influencing the outcome of an election.....simply.\n\nIt is ridiculous.\n\nRegardless of Party 22,000 Black voters were disenfranched, still no justice no accountablity.\n\nOnly with a change of party in congress will we be able to bring the truth to light.
Will we the peoples vote ever be counted again, in a fair manner?I dare say not!\n\n1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.\n\n\n\n2. There is no federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the U.S. voting machine industry. \n\n\n\n\n3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.\n\n\n \n\n4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." \n\n\n \n\n5. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel used to be chairman of ES&S. He became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.\n\n\n \n\n6. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was recently caught lying about his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee. \n\n\n\n \n\n7. Senator Chuck Hagel was on a short list of George W. Bush's vice-presidential candidates. \n\n\n \n\n8. ES&S is the largest voting machine manufacturer in the U.S. and counts almost 60% of all U.S. votes.\n\n\n \n\n\n9. Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes. In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters. \n\n\n \n\n\n10. Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail. \n\n\n \n\n11. Diebold is based in Ohio. \n\n \n\n12. Diebold employed 5 convicted felons as consultants and developers to help write the central compiler computer code that counted 50% of the votes in 30 states.\n\n,2645,61640,00.html\n \n\n13. Jeff Dean was Senior Vice-President of Global Election Systems when it was bought by Diebold. Even though he had been convicted of 23 counts of felony theft in the first degree, Jeff Dean was retained as a consultant by Diebold and was largely responsible for programming the optical scanning software now used in most of the United States.\n\n \n\n \n\n14. Diebold consultant Jeff Dean was convicted of planting back doors in his software and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of 2 years. \n\n\n \n\n15. None of the international election observers were allowed in the polls in Ohio. \n\n\n \n\n16. California We will, \nhowever\nReal elections require a power change in the Captiol to have actaully have hearings and do soemthing about what happened in both elections. \n\nThe fact remains that regardless of party affliation, there is a serious problem in the American Election process.\n\nI agree with you that for the last two elections it seems as if political manuvering and, deliberate disenfranchiment were part of winning startegies.\n\nI personally am more concerned with any machine which does not produce a hand countable receit.\n\nConspiracy is one thing but being practical is something every voter should be able to not only support but demand.\nWe need physical votes to be counted. \n\nConspricay or not, the fact remains both in Ohio and Florida there was a conflict of intrest in the person in charge of conting the votes.\n\nBeing head of the an election campain in your state should automatically disqualify you from setting policy or influencing the outcome of an election.....simply.\n\nIt is ridiculous.\n\nRegardless of Party 22,000 Black voters were disenfranched, still no justice no accountablity.\n\nOnly with a change of party in congress will we be able to bring the truth to light.
Politics & Government
4Computers & Internet
How do I increase traffic to my website on a shoestring budget?
I need to get the word out about my web design services\nmy website is:\n
"If you build it, they will come" is not necessarily true on the Web. Putting a website up is one thing, but getting visitors to come to your site is another. The process becomes even more difficult if you have limited resources to market your business.\n\nHere are some shoestring marketing ideas that can help you get the visitors you need at the least cost possible: \n\n1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement - if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.\n\n2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important -- and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more - that's additional traffic that you get for FREE!\n\nRecommend Site Scripts (various)\nBig Nose Bird Recommend this Site \nCGI Resource Index\nHostscripts\n\n3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.\n\nIf you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of's "Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day." \n\nSEO for Google\nSEO for Yahoo!\nSEO for MSN\nTying It Together: SEO For The Big Three\n\n4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News. My website (see my profile) accepts free press release submission (no strings attached!)\n\n5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.\n\nHere is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles;_ylt=AhzreGmnCUicOoyedqypscUjzKIX?qid=1006022407481\n\n6. Improve your conversion. Getting visitors is one thing; getting them to buy your products is a whole different story. Read the article "10 Ways to Convert Visitors to Buyers" for tips on how to improve your conversion rates.\n\n7. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:\n\nCraigslist\nGoogle Base\nClassifieds for Free\nText L
How do I increase traffic to my website on a shoestring budget?I need to get the word out about my web design services\nmy website is:\n"If you build it, they will come" is not necessarily true on the Web. Putting a website up is one thing, but getting visitors to come to your site is another. The process becomes even more difficult if you have limited resources to market your business.\n\nHere are some shoestring marketing ideas that can help you get the visitors you need at the least cost possible: \n\n1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement - if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.\n\n2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important -- and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more - that's additional traffic that you get for FREE!\n\nRecommend Site Scripts (various)\nBig Nose Bird Recommend this Site \nCGI Resource Index\nHostscripts\n\n3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.\n\nIf you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of's "Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day." \n\nSEO for Google\nSEO for Yahoo!\nSEO for MSN\nTying It Together: SEO For The Big Three\n\n4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News. My website (see my profile) accepts free press release submission (no strings attached!)\n\n5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.\n\nHere is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles;_ylt=AhzreGmnCUicOoyedqypscUjzKIX?qid=1006022407481\n\n6. Improve your conversion. Getting visitors is one thing; getting them to buy your products is a whole different story. Read the article "10 Ways to Convert Visitors to Buyers" for tips on how to improve your conversion rates.\n\n7. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:\n\nCraigslist\nGoogle Base\nClassifieds for Free\nText L
Computers & Internet
6Business & Finance
hong kong housing for expats, cost of living hong kong?
i am looking for housing options, ideas, cost of living differences and ammenity information for someone moving to hong kong for 1-2 years.
Sure!\n\nI don't think Hong Kong has any housing specifically "set aside" for expats, unlike Tokyo and Shanghai. Now, sit tight: this is going to be quite a long post!\n\n1. TYPES OF HOUSING:\nMany of the expats here are quite wealthy and go for the country houses: wealthy locals won't buy these because they're in inconvenient locations, but expats are used to driving anyway. I don't know much about this type of housing.\n\nOther expats just live alongside the locals in apartment blocks. I don't think you'd qualify for public housing (well, neither do I, because your family's income has to be below a certain number). However, there's a very large selection of decent flats in the private market. This is what I'm going to concentrate on...\n\n2. COST AND QUALITY OF HOUSING\nDecent, "livable" housing in the city centre is rather expensive! On Hong Kong Island, rent for some 700 sq ft flats can be up to HK$18000 (US$2300) per month. And besides, most of these high-class flats are right next to the slum areas, and polution is horrible in the city centre too.\n\nSo, if you don't mind commuting (and I don't, because the transport system is so efficient and cheap)... I advise you to live in one of the "new towns" in the suburbs. Unlike suburbs overseas, our "new towns" are also very dense and full of amenities: you can do your shopping, buy groceries, enjoy gourmet dining experiences, etc. all within your community! You only have to commute to work, and since HK is such a small city, commuting only takes around 30 minutes to 1 hour.\n\nWhere I'm living right now, our flat is 700 sq ft and rent is HK$8000 = US$1029 per month. Not bad, right? Plus, our flat is two years new, very pretty, and our block has a club house with a gym, indoor swimming pool, and tennis court. A shuttle bus service every 5 minutes or so connects our block with the nearest MTR (metro/subway) station and bus terminus.\n\nSo, in my opinion, ah, THIS IS THE LIFE!! Having experienced the comfort of a new development in the suburbs, I'm never going back to live in the expensive yet grimy city centre.\n\nThree of the more convenient suburban towns are Sha Tin, Ma On Shan, and Tseung Kwan O. Sha Tin probably has better facilities but Ma On Shan and Tseung Kwan O are newer and prettier.\n\n3. SOME THINGS TO GET USED TO\nFirst, housing units are small. Second, they're high.\n\nOur suburban flats are probably smaller than your inner-city apartments. The listed area of my flat is 700 sq ft but the actual "usable area" is only round 450 sq ft. We have a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, and two bedrooms. That's not too bad, but my bedroom only has enough space for a small bed and a wardrobe: you can't even squeeze in a desk. So remember not to bring too much stuff to Hong Kong.\n\nAnd listen: We live on the 50th floor. Amazing but true: apartment blocks in Hong Kong's suburbs are as tall if not taller than blocks in the city centre. This is because of our "high-density" urban planning policy. So if you're afraid of heights, be sure to tell your realtor to help you find a flat on a lower floor.\n\n4. MISCELLANEOUS COSTS\nPublic transport comes at a reasonable price. If you live in the suburbs and work in Kowloon (the peninsula), commuting will probably cost you HK$10 to 15 = US$1.3 to 2 each way. If you work on Hong Kong Island, however, you have to pay the tunnel surcharge, which will cause your total fare to go up to HK$15 to 25 = US$2 to 3 each way.\n\nPetrol/gasoline is very expensive, but I can't give you a number because we don't drive.\n\nEating out is cheap, at least compared to other countries.\n\nMeals from Chinese fast food stalls and chains rarely cost more than HK$30 = US$4, though the average price is usually around HK$20 = US$2.5 per person.\n\nNicer meals in decent restaurants cost about HK$60 = US$8 per person. The act
hong kong housing for expats, cost of living hong kong?i am looking for housing options, ideas, cost of living differences and ammenity information for someone moving to hong kong for 1-2 years.Sure!\n\nI don't think Hong Kong has any housing specifically "set aside" for expats, unlike Tokyo and Shanghai. Now, sit tight: this is going to be quite a long post!\n\n1. TYPES OF HOUSING:\nMany of the expats here are quite wealthy and go for the country houses: wealthy locals won't buy these because they're in inconvenient locations, but expats are used to driving anyway. I don't know much about this type of housing.\n\nOther expats just live alongside the locals in apartment blocks. I don't think you'd qualify for public housing (well, neither do I, because your family's income has to be below a certain number). However, there's a very large selection of decent flats in the private market. This is what I'm going to concentrate on...\n\n2. COST AND QUALITY OF HOUSING\nDecent, "livable" housing in the city centre is rather expensive! On Hong Kong Island, rent for some 700 sq ft flats can be up to HK$18000 (US$2300) per month. And besides, most of these high-class flats are right next to the slum areas, and polution is horrible in the city centre too.\n\nSo, if you don't mind commuting (and I don't, because the transport system is so efficient and cheap)... I advise you to live in one of the "new towns" in the suburbs. Unlike suburbs overseas, our "new towns" are also very dense and full of amenities: you can do your shopping, buy groceries, enjoy gourmet dining experiences, etc. all within your community! You only have to commute to work, and since HK is such a small city, commuting only takes around 30 minutes to 1 hour.\n\nWhere I'm living right now, our flat is 700 sq ft and rent is HK$8000 = US$1029 per month. Not bad, right? Plus, our flat is two years new, very pretty, and our block has a club house with a gym, indoor swimming pool, and tennis court. A shuttle bus service every 5 minutes or so connects our block with the nearest MTR (metro/subway) station and bus terminus.\n\nSo, in my opinion, ah, THIS IS THE LIFE!! Having experienced the comfort of a new development in the suburbs, I'm never going back to live in the expensive yet grimy city centre.\n\nThree of the more convenient suburban towns are Sha Tin, Ma On Shan, and Tseung Kwan O. Sha Tin probably has better facilities but Ma On Shan and Tseung Kwan O are newer and prettier.\n\n3. SOME THINGS TO GET USED TO\nFirst, housing units are small. Second, they're high.\n\nOur suburban flats are probably smaller than your inner-city apartments. The listed area of my flat is 700 sq ft but the actual "usable area" is only round 450 sq ft. We have a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, and two bedrooms. That's not too bad, but my bedroom only has enough space for a small bed and a wardrobe: you can't even squeeze in a desk. So remember not to bring too much stuff to Hong Kong.\n\nAnd listen: We live on the 50th floor. Amazing but true: apartment blocks in Hong Kong's suburbs are as tall if not taller than blocks in the city centre. This is because of our "high-density" urban planning policy. So if you're afraid of heights, be sure to tell your realtor to help you find a flat on a lower floor.\n\n4. MISCELLANEOUS COSTS\nPublic transport comes at a reasonable price. If you live in the suburbs and work in Kowloon (the peninsula), commuting will probably cost you HK$10 to 15 = US$1.3 to 2 each way. If you work on Hong Kong Island, however, you have to pay the tunnel surcharge, which will cause your total fare to go up to HK$15 to 25 = US$2 to 3 each way.\n\nPetrol/gasoline is very expensive, but I can't give you a number because we don't drive.\n\nEating out is cheap, at least compared to other countries.\n\nMeals from Chinese fast food stalls and chains rarely cost more than HK$30 = US$4, though the average price is usually around HK$20 = US$2.5 per person.\n\nNicer meals in decent restaurants cost about HK$60 = US$8 per person. The act
Business & Finance
6Business & Finance
We have refinanced our home loan. The company that we're with messed the loan up.?
The company sells all the loans they do. They can't sell our loan. They want us to refy again with them. The credit ratings on the new refy are way higher than they should be. They also won't pay our insurance and taxes, because they don't service loans. Our property taxes are overdue and we had to pay the insurance ourselves or it would have been cancelled. The loan was set up so the finance company would pay these things. I won't sing the new loan docs, because it's fraud.
Let me break this down for you.\n\nWhen you refinance the loan, the finance company needs to find someone to buy the loan. However, they also want the money that you bring at closing to pay their own bills ==> so what some businesses do is that they close you first at the agreed-upon rates and then they gamble that they can sell the mortgage at a profit to another mortgage company in a relatively short time frame (Fannie Mae, SunTrust, Bank of America, Countrywide, Wells Fargo, etc.).\n\nI want to be clear. Once you sign documents at closing, it is your obligation to make the mortgage payment ONLY -- even in instances where the refinance company can't sell the loan. \n\nYou are NOT responsible for correcting their poor business judgment. If you closed on the home, both YOU and THE FINANCE COMPANY signed a legally binding document. \n\nYou must make the mortgage payments . . . \n\nIn turn, the refinance company is responsible for servicing the loan until they can find a suitable buyer of your mortgage. Then, when they sell your mortgage successfully, they are legally required to inform you of your new mortgagor\n\nIf the refinance company is NOT in the administrative business of servicing loans, that is THEIR problem -- not yours. It only becomes YOUR problem when you relieve them of their obligation by signing NEW documents for a new refinance!!\n\nDon't do that . . . \n\nOnce the refinance company fails to pay your property taxes and insurance as documented in the papers you signed at closing, they have violated their duties as fiduciary of the money that you are paying in escrow on a monthly basis. \n\nThey are also in breach of contract! And this is a material breach of contract! They probably are also in breach of several Truth-in-Lending laws as well.\n\nYour mortgage payment should include (principal, interest, taxes, and insurance). The taxes and insurance portion of the mortgage payment is the amount that should be placed in the escrow amount on a monthly basis and paid to the appropriate parties when due. \n\nYou have to take care of business now, because they are in big trouble:\n\nFirst, make copies of:\n\n(1) the settlement statement you received at closing and/or Good Faith Estimate (hopefully, you should have both).\n(2) the insurance cancellation letters and deliquency notices, if any, from the county tax assessor's office.\n(3) any checks or money orders you made to the refinance company when you brought money to closing. (front and back copies)\n(4) any checks or money orders you paid for property taxes and insurance (front and back copies).\n(5) The truth-in-lending disclosure that shows the annual percentage rate (APR) of the mortgage and your payment schedule. \n\nNext, contact the Attorney General of the state in which the refinance company is domiciled and report this immediately. \n\nPlease be sure to send a copy of this letter to the refinance company putting them on notice that you are on the case like Magnum P.I. \n\nBe sure to send the letter to the refinance company CERTIFIED (no-need for return receipt) and keep copies of the receipts from post office.\n\nThe Attorney General will assign a case worker who will review all of the above-mentioned documents you sent them. The Attorney General will contact the refinance company on your behalf and demand that they will respond to you and him usually within 30 days.\n\nNow, if this company is a big bank, like Wachovia, N.A., SunTrust, N.A., or Bank of America, N.A. or a federal savings bank, you can also send a letter to the COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY for the state in which the refinance company is domiciled. Google to get the address.\n\nThey will assign an investigator, who will get down to the truth of the matter.\n\nAnd lastly, do NOT sign any more documents. They have screwed up big time and they want you to sign more documents to cover up their errors. \n\nAnd worse come to worse, make a copy of this e-mail and take it
We have refinanced our home loan. The company that we're with messed the loan up.?The company sells all the loans they do. They can't sell our loan. They want us to refy again with them. The credit ratings on the new refy are way higher than they should be. They also won't pay our insurance and taxes, because they don't service loans. Our property taxes are overdue and we had to pay the insurance ourselves or it would have been cancelled. The loan was set up so the finance company would pay these things. I won't sing the new loan docs, because it's fraud.Let me break this down for you.\n\nWhen you refinance the loan, the finance company needs to find someone to buy the loan. However, they also want the money that you bring at closing to pay their own bills ==> so what some businesses do is that they close you first at the agreed-upon rates and then they gamble that they can sell the mortgage at a profit to another mortgage company in a relatively short time frame (Fannie Mae, SunTrust, Bank of America, Countrywide, Wells Fargo, etc.).\n\nI want to be clear. Once you sign documents at closing, it is your obligation to make the mortgage payment ONLY -- even in instances where the refinance company can't sell the loan. \n\nYou are NOT responsible for correcting their poor business judgment. If you closed on the home, both YOU and THE FINANCE COMPANY signed a legally binding document. \n\nYou must make the mortgage payments . . . \n\nIn turn, the refinance company is responsible for servicing the loan until they can find a suitable buyer of your mortgage. Then, when they sell your mortgage successfully, they are legally required to inform you of your new mortgagor\n\nIf the refinance company is NOT in the administrative business of servicing loans, that is THEIR problem -- not yours. It only becomes YOUR problem when you relieve them of their obligation by signing NEW documents for a new refinance!!\n\nDon't do that . . . \n\nOnce the refinance company fails to pay your property taxes and insurance as documented in the papers you signed at closing, they have violated their duties as fiduciary of the money that you are paying in escrow on a monthly basis. \n\nThey are also in breach of contract! And this is a material breach of contract! They probably are also in breach of several Truth-in-Lending laws as well.\n\nYour mortgage payment should include (principal, interest, taxes, and insurance). The taxes and insurance portion of the mortgage payment is the amount that should be placed in the escrow amount on a monthly basis and paid to the appropriate parties when due. \n\nYou have to take care of business now, because they are in big trouble:\n\nFirst, make copies of:\n\n(1) the settlement statement you received at closing and/or Good Faith Estimate (hopefully, you should have both).\n(2) the insurance cancellation letters and deliquency notices, if any, from the county tax assessor's office.\n(3) any checks or money orders you made to the refinance company when you brought money to closing. (front and back copies)\n(4) any checks or money orders you paid for property taxes and insurance (front and back copies).\n(5) The truth-in-lending disclosure that shows the annual percentage rate (APR) of the mortgage and your payment schedule. \n\nNext, contact the Attorney General of the state in which the refinance company is domiciled and report this immediately. \n\nPlease be sure to send a copy of this letter to the refinance company putting them on notice that you are on the case like Magnum P.I. \n\nBe sure to send the letter to the refinance company CERTIFIED (no-need for return receipt) and keep copies of the receipts from post office.\n\nThe Attorney General will assign a case worker who will review all of the above-mentioned documents you sent them. The Attorney General will contact the refinance company on your behalf and demand that they will respond to you and him usually within 30 days.\n\nNow, if this company is a big bank, like Wachovia, N.A., SunTrust, N.A., or Bank of America, N.A. or a federal savings bank, you can also send a letter to the COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY for the state in which the refinance company is domiciled. Google to get the address.\n\nThey will assign an investigator, who will get down to the truth of the matter.\n\nAnd lastly, do NOT sign any more documents. They have screwed up big time and they want you to sign more documents to cover up their errors. \n\nAnd worse come to worse, make a copy of this e-mail and take it
Business & Finance
4Computers & Internet
How to configure Linksys WRT54GS Wi-Fi?
How to configure Linksys WRT 54GS Wireless router using 256 Kbps ADSL connection. I am having three PC's which is to be connected via wired switch port in the router itself and a Wireless connection using DHCP service. Explain in detail.
Depending who your Service Provider is, and sometimes even your modem (you didn't mention either one - some modems may need the router configure in a slightly different way). Below are some things you can try (remember this is manual troubleshooting, no need to insert the CD when doing the instructions below).\n\nIf your ADSL connection is PPPoE try this, meaning if your PC is connected direct to your modem and you need to log on to the internet using a connection manager (in other words, you need to enter username and password):\n\n1.) Power off both modem and router.\n2.) Plug the ethernet cable from your modem to the internet port of the router and one computer to one of the 4 ports.\n3.)Power up modem, wait for the light to stabilize (or when DSL light is lit) - this indicates your modem has established communication to your ISP.\n4.)Power up your router.\n5.)On your computer open IE browser and hit the stop button (or F5) to stop it from getting online. You just need to use the browser to get to the router page and configure.\n6.)In the address bar (NOT search bar) , type and hit Enter. It will prompt you for the username and password of the router - leave the username blank, type admin for the password (if you had used the CD previously, this may not work - try the password you had entered before).\n7.)Once the router page is up - choose PPPoE for Internet login type.\n8.)Enter the username and password your internet provider gave you. You may need to type the username in email format (e.g.\n9.)Select Keep alive.\n10.)Save settings.\n11.)Click to Status tab (at the upper far right of the Linksys page). It should show you're connected. You should also have values for IP address and DNS Servers. If not, click connect. If an error comes up - "Authentication Failed" means either you mistyped your username or password, or both.\n12.)If you get "Cannot connect to PPPoE server" your modem and router may have the same (LAN) IP address. You need to go back to Setup page and look for router's IP address (it will show Change it to or - save settings on the router. Restart your computer, if you know how to release and renew the IP of your PC, you can do that instead (because I'm too darn lazy to give you the instruction for that right now, just restart the PC to simplify things... sorry :P). Then follow steps 5, 6 and 11.\n\nIf you don't need to use a connection manager and your ISP did not give you a username and password for your account, try this:\n\n.) Power off both modem and router.\n2.) Plug the ethernet cable from your modem to the internet port of the router and one computer to one of the 4 ports.\n3.)Power up modem, wait for the light to stabilize (or when DSL light is lit) - this indicates your modem has established communication to your ISP.\n4.)Power up your router.\n5.)On your computer open IE browser and hit the stop button (or F5) to stop it from getting online. You just need to use the browser to get to the router page and configure.\n6.)In the address bar (NOT search bar) , type and hit Enter. It will prompt you for the username and password of the router - leave the username blank, type admin for the password (if you had used the CD previously, this may not work - try the password you had entered before).\n7.)Click to Status tab (at the upper far right of the Linksys page). It should show you're connected. You should also have values for IP address and DNS Servers. \n8.)If not, you need to go back to Setup page and look for router's IP address (it will show Change it to or - save settings on the router. Restart your computer, if you know how to release and renew the IP of your PC, you can do that instead (because I'm too darn lazy to give you the instruction for that right now, just restart the PC to simplify things... again, sorry
How to configure Linksys WRT54GS Wi-Fi?How to configure Linksys WRT 54GS Wireless router using 256 Kbps ADSL connection. I am having three PC's which is to be connected via wired switch port in the router itself and a Wireless connection using DHCP service. Explain in detail.Depending who your Service Provider is, and sometimes even your modem (you didn't mention either one - some modems may need the router configure in a slightly different way). Below are some things you can try (remember this is manual troubleshooting, no need to insert the CD when doing the instructions below).\n\nIf your ADSL connection is PPPoE try this, meaning if your PC is connected direct to your modem and you need to log on to the internet using a connection manager (in other words, you need to enter username and password):\n\n1.) Power off both modem and router.\n2.) Plug the ethernet cable from your modem to the internet port of the router and one computer to one of the 4 ports.\n3.)Power up modem, wait for the light to stabilize (or when DSL light is lit) - this indicates your modem has established communication to your ISP.\n4.)Power up your router.\n5.)On your computer open IE browser and hit the stop button (or F5) to stop it from getting online. You just need to use the browser to get to the router page and configure.\n6.)In the address bar (NOT search bar) , type and hit Enter. It will prompt you for the username and password of the router - leave the username blank, type admin for the password (if you had used the CD previously, this may not work - try the password you had entered before).\n7.)Once the router page is up - choose PPPoE for Internet login type.\n8.)Enter the username and password your internet provider gave you. You may need to type the username in email format (e.g.\n9.)Select Keep alive.\n10.)Save settings.\n11.)Click to Status tab (at the upper far right of the Linksys page). It should show you're connected. You should also have values for IP address and DNS Servers. If not, click connect. If an error comes up - "Authentication Failed" means either you mistyped your username or password, or both.\n12.)If you get "Cannot connect to PPPoE server" your modem and router may have the same (LAN) IP address. You need to go back to Setup page and look for router's IP address (it will show Change it to or - save settings on the router. Restart your computer, if you know how to release and renew the IP of your PC, you can do that instead (because I'm too darn lazy to give you the instruction for that right now, just restart the PC to simplify things... sorry :P). Then follow steps 5, 6 and 11.\n\nIf you don't need to use a connection manager and your ISP did not give you a username and password for your account, try this:\n\n.) Power off both modem and router.\n2.) Plug the ethernet cable from your modem to the internet port of the router and one computer to one of the 4 ports.\n3.)Power up modem, wait for the light to stabilize (or when DSL light is lit) - this indicates your modem has established communication to your ISP.\n4.)Power up your router.\n5.)On your computer open IE browser and hit the stop button (or F5) to stop it from getting online. You just need to use the browser to get to the router page and configure.\n6.)In the address bar (NOT search bar) , type and hit Enter. It will prompt you for the username and password of the router - leave the username blank, type admin for the password (if you had used the CD previously, this may not work - try the password you had entered before).\n7.)Click to Status tab (at the upper far right of the Linksys page). It should show you're connected. You should also have values for IP address and DNS Servers. \n8.)If not, you need to go back to Setup page and look for router's IP address (it will show Change it to or - save settings on the router. Restart your computer, if you know how to release and renew the IP of your PC, you can do that instead (because I'm too darn lazy to give you the instruction for that right now, just restart the PC to simplify things... again, sorry
Computers & Internet
Which is the best Highschool football team in America?
I go to DeMatha in Maryland and we're ranked pretty high\nso whose better?
1. De La Salle, Concord, Calif. (13-0). Returning starters: 16. The scoop: Two-way backs Willie Glasper (5-10, 185 pounds) and Jackie Bates (5-10, 185) have big-game experience as do TE-LBs Parker Hanks and Terrance Kelly. Opens: Sept. 12 at Archbishop Mitty (San Jose).\n\n2. Evangel Christian, Shreveport, La. (14-1). Returning starters: 16. The scoop: RB Jacob Hester (5-11, 235), who says he'll sign with Texas, is one of nine returning offensive starters for the defending Class 5A state champ. The pass-oriented offense features QB Jared Jennings and WRs Detrick James, Conner Campbell and Denny Duron, all of whom had 9 TD receptions. Opens: Sept. 12 at Suwannee (Live Oak, Fla.).\n\n3. Los Alamitos, Calif. (13-0-1). Returning starters: 13. The scoop: Randy Estes (6-1, 195), Daniel Dykes (6-3, 200), Antoine Cason (6-1, 180) and Jeff Minter (6-2, 185) form the nation's top secondary. OT Dan Rowland (6-5, 285) will open holes for RB Cortez Rice, a transfer from Mater Dei (Santa Ana). Untested QB Jimmy Barnes is key for the defending CIF-Southern Section Division I champions. Opens: Sept. 5 at Culver City.\n\n4. Trinity, Louisville (15-0) . Returning starters: 9. The scoop: QB Brian Brohm (3,777 yards, 47 TDs passes and 1 INT) is 29-1 as a starter. He'll throw to WRs Andrew Agee, John Resch and Stuart Diersen. DT Alex Temple (6-2, 240) had 9 sacks. Opens: Saturday at Montgomery Bell Academy (Nashville).\n\n5. Parkview, Lilburn, Ga. (15-0). Returning starters: 11. The scoop: RB Brad Lester (5-11, 185), who says he'll sign with Auburn, paces the three-time Class 5A champions, who have won 45 consecutive games. LB-WR Greg Sudderth and LB-FB Demetrice Alexander shore up the defense. Opens: Aug. 30 vs. Dacula in Corky Kell Classic at Atlanta's Georgia Dome.\n\n6. Don Bosco Prep, Ramsey, N.J. (12-0). Returning starters: 12. The scoop: Offense is led by QB Mike Teel (6-4, 208), who threw for 2,159 yards and 28 TDs. WR-DB Marquise Liverpool caught 15 TD passes and had eight INTs, while LB-RB Brian Toal (6-2, 228) is one of the nation's top defenders. Opens: Sept. 12 vs. Ridgewood.\n\n7. Warren G. Harding, Warren, Ohio (14-1). Returning starters: 9. The scoop: TB Richard Davis (6-1, 192) runs behind junior OTs Rocco Cironi (6-6, 240) and Dante Campbell (6-1, 262). DE Anthony Hicks (6-1, 226) had 19 sacks. Coach Thom McDaniel likes his special teams players - P Alex Ingram, Ks Joe Spain and John Flaminio and KR-WR Mario Manningham. Opens: Friday vs. South (Cleveland).\n\n8. Palm Bay, Melbourne, Fla. (13-2). Returning starters: 9. The scoop: WR-LB-KR Xavier Carter (820 receiving yards, 12 TDs) possesses sprinter's speed and will connect with QB Sean Wideberg, a transfer from Vero Beach. Junior DE Geneath Moffett (6-2, 230) had 23 sacks for the Class 4A state champs, who will compete in Class 5A this season. Opens: Sept. 5 vs. Satellite (Satellite Beach).\n\n9. Rockhurst, Kansas City, Mo. (13-0). Returning starters: 8. The scoop: RB Tony Temple (2,120 yards, 35 TDs) headlines the skill players. CB-WR Steve Redmond, FB-S Jeff Koons and S-SE John Parsons are two-way standouts. Opens: Sept. 5 vs. Blue Springs South.\n\n10. Parkland, Allentown, Pa. (14-1). Returning starters: 13. The scoop: The defending Class 4A state champions are led by all-state LB Adam Attiyeh (6-2, 235) and DE Travis Decker (6-3, 245). Opens: Aug. 29 vs. Cumberland Valley (Mechanicsburg).\n\n11. Elder, Cincinnati (14-1). Returning starters: 11. The scoop: QB Rob Florian, TB Bradley Glatthaar (1,957 yards, 32 TDs) and C Corey McKenna are holdovers from last year's Division I state champions. A speedy defense is led by T Tony Stegeman (6-0, 215), CB John Tiemeier and LB Seth Priestle. Opens: Thursday vs. Winton Woods (Cincinnati) in Skyline Chili Crosstown Showdown.\n\n12. Lincoln, Tallahassee, Fla. (12-1-1). Returning starters: 11. The scoop: QB Joe Bauserman (3,004 yards, 26 TDs), who says he'll sign with Ohio State, is protected by vetera
Which is the best Highschool football team in America?I go to DeMatha in Maryland and we're ranked pretty high\nso whose better?1. De La Salle, Concord, Calif. (13-0). Returning starters: 16. The scoop: Two-way backs Willie Glasper (5-10, 185 pounds) and Jackie Bates (5-10, 185) have big-game experience as do TE-LBs Parker Hanks and Terrance Kelly. Opens: Sept. 12 at Archbishop Mitty (San Jose).\n\n2. Evangel Christian, Shreveport, La. (14-1). Returning starters: 16. The scoop: RB Jacob Hester (5-11, 235), who says he'll sign with Texas, is one of nine returning offensive starters for the defending Class 5A state champ. The pass-oriented offense features QB Jared Jennings and WRs Detrick James, Conner Campbell and Denny Duron, all of whom had 9 TD receptions. Opens: Sept. 12 at Suwannee (Live Oak, Fla.).\n\n3. Los Alamitos, Calif. (13-0-1). Returning starters: 13. The scoop: Randy Estes (6-1, 195), Daniel Dykes (6-3, 200), Antoine Cason (6-1, 180) and Jeff Minter (6-2, 185) form the nation's top secondary. OT Dan Rowland (6-5, 285) will open holes for RB Cortez Rice, a transfer from Mater Dei (Santa Ana). Untested QB Jimmy Barnes is key for the defending CIF-Southern Section Division I champions. Opens: Sept. 5 at Culver City.\n\n4. Trinity, Louisville (15-0) . Returning starters: 9. The scoop: QB Brian Brohm (3,777 yards, 47 TDs passes and 1 INT) is 29-1 as a starter. He'll throw to WRs Andrew Agee, John Resch and Stuart Diersen. DT Alex Temple (6-2, 240) had 9 sacks. Opens: Saturday at Montgomery Bell Academy (Nashville).\n\n5. Parkview, Lilburn, Ga. (15-0). Returning starters: 11. The scoop: RB Brad Lester (5-11, 185), who says he'll sign with Auburn, paces the three-time Class 5A champions, who have won 45 consecutive games. LB-WR Greg Sudderth and LB-FB Demetrice Alexander shore up the defense. Opens: Aug. 30 vs. Dacula in Corky Kell Classic at Atlanta's Georgia Dome.\n\n6. Don Bosco Prep, Ramsey, N.J. (12-0). Returning starters: 12. The scoop: Offense is led by QB Mike Teel (6-4, 208), who threw for 2,159 yards and 28 TDs. WR-DB Marquise Liverpool caught 15 TD passes and had eight INTs, while LB-RB Brian Toal (6-2, 228) is one of the nation's top defenders. Opens: Sept. 12 vs. Ridgewood.\n\n7. Warren G. Harding, Warren, Ohio (14-1). Returning starters: 9. The scoop: TB Richard Davis (6-1, 192) runs behind junior OTs Rocco Cironi (6-6, 240) and Dante Campbell (6-1, 262). DE Anthony Hicks (6-1, 226) had 19 sacks. Coach Thom McDaniel likes his special teams players - P Alex Ingram, Ks Joe Spain and John Flaminio and KR-WR Mario Manningham. Opens: Friday vs. South (Cleveland).\n\n8. Palm Bay, Melbourne, Fla. (13-2). Returning starters: 9. The scoop: WR-LB-KR Xavier Carter (820 receiving yards, 12 TDs) possesses sprinter's speed and will connect with QB Sean Wideberg, a transfer from Vero Beach. Junior DE Geneath Moffett (6-2, 230) had 23 sacks for the Class 4A state champs, who will compete in Class 5A this season. Opens: Sept. 5 vs. Satellite (Satellite Beach).\n\n9. Rockhurst, Kansas City, Mo. (13-0). Returning starters: 8. The scoop: RB Tony Temple (2,120 yards, 35 TDs) headlines the skill players. CB-WR Steve Redmond, FB-S Jeff Koons and S-SE John Parsons are two-way standouts. Opens: Sept. 5 vs. Blue Springs South.\n\n10. Parkland, Allentown, Pa. (14-1). Returning starters: 13. The scoop: The defending Class 4A state champions are led by all-state LB Adam Attiyeh (6-2, 235) and DE Travis Decker (6-3, 245). Opens: Aug. 29 vs. Cumberland Valley (Mechanicsburg).\n\n11. Elder, Cincinnati (14-1). Returning starters: 11. The scoop: QB Rob Florian, TB Bradley Glatthaar (1,957 yards, 32 TDs) and C Corey McKenna are holdovers from last year's Division I state champions. A speedy defense is led by T Tony Stegeman (6-0, 215), CB John Tiemeier and LB Seth Priestle. Opens: Thursday vs. Winton Woods (Cincinnati) in Skyline Chili Crosstown Showdown.\n\n12. Lincoln, Tallahassee, Fla. (12-1-1). Returning starters: 11. The scoop: QB Joe Bauserman (3,004 yards, 26 TDs), who says he'll sign with Ohio State, is protected by vetera
0Society & Culture
Somehow I came across a very Interesting website made by an atheist (I'm a theist), I thought It was a hoax bu
1) The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that are known to science. Genesis 1:1 The earth is created before light and stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals. From science, we know that the true order of events was just the opposite.\n\n2) “And God said, Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3) and “. . .And the evening and the morning were the first day” (Genesis 1 :5), versus “And God said, ‘Let there be light in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night....’ “And God made two lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also… And the evening and morning were the fourth day” (Genesis 1 :14-19). These violates two major facts. Light cannot exist without a sun, and secondly, how can morning be distinguished from evening unless there is a sun and moon?\n\n3) God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day) working on a solid firmament (Genesis 1:6-8). This strange structure, which God calls heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters. This firmament, if it existed, would have been quite an obstacle to our space program.\n\n4) Plants are made on the third day (Genesis 1:11) before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (Genesis 1:14-19).\n\n5) “And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind… ‘And the evening and the morning were the third day” (Genesis 1:11-13), versus “And God said, ‘Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life… And God created - great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly… And the evening and the morning were the fifth day” (Genesis 1:20-23). Genesis says that life existed first on the land as plants and later the seas teemed with living creatures. Geological science can prove that the sea teemed with animals and vegetable life long before vegetation and life appeared on land.\n\n6) “And God said, ‘Let the water bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis 1:20). Birds did not emerge from water.\n\n7) "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, the beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made…every thing that creepth upon the earth after his kind…" (Genesis 1:24-25). Science contends that reptiles were created long before mammals, not simultaneously. While reptiles existed in the Carboniferous Age, mammals did not appear until the close of the Reptilian Age.\n\n8) “And to every beast of the earth, and every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so” (Genesis 1:30). Carnivorous beasts and fowl do not eat green herbs, nor were all animals originally herbivores. Simply consider tapeworms, vampire bats, mosquitoes, barracudas, tigers, etc.\n\n9) In Genesis 1, the entire creation takes 6 days (Genesis 1:31), at the end of which the earth and its living things are pretty much as they are today. But we know from modern science that the universe (including the earth and life on earth) evolved slowly over billions of years.\n\n10) In Genesis 2:7 humans are created instantaneously from dust and breath, whereas they actually evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. Science can in fact trace back human evolution CONCLUSIVELY 3 .2 million years.\n\n11) God makes the animals (Genesis 2:18) and parades them before Adam to see if any would strike his fancy. But none seem to have what it takes to please him. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of several million species mus
In Al-Quran.. the details of creation of the earth is accurate and detailed and has been aproved by scientist. \n\nTHE COMING OF THE UNIVERSE INTO EXISTENCE\nHe is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. (Qur'an, 6:101)\n\nTHE EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE\nAnd it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)\n\nTHE END OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE BIG CRUNCH\nThat Day We will fold up heaven like folding up the pages of a book. As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will do. (Qur'an, 21:104)\n\nThey do not measure Allah with His true measure. The whole earth will be a mere handful for Him on the Day of Rising the heavens folded up in His right hand. Glory be to Him! He is exalted above the partners they ascribe! (Qur'an, 39:67)\n\nCREATION FROM HOT SMOKE\nHe placed firmly embedded mountains on it, towering over it, and blessed it and measured out its nourishment in it, laid out for those who seek it-all in four days. Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come willingly or unwillingly." They both said, "We come willingly." (Qur'an, 41:10-11)\n\nTHE SPLITTING ASUNDER OF "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"\nDo those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Qur'an, 21:30)\n\nTHE CREATION OF WHAT LIES BETWEEN THE HEAVENS \nAND THE EARTH\nWe did not create the heavens and earth and everything between them, except with truth. The Hour is certainly coming, so turn away graciously. (Qur'an, 15:85)\n\nEverything in the heavens and everything on the earth and everything in between them and everything under the ground belongs to Him. (Qur'an, 20:6)\n\nWe did not create heaven and earth and everything in between them as a game. (Qur'an, 21:16)\n\nTHE PERFECT EQUILIBRIUM IN THE UNIVERSE\nHe Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any discrepancy in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur'an, 67:3-4) \n\nTHE FINE TUNING IN THE UNIVERSE\nHe Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur'an, 67:3-4)\n\nDo you not see how He created seven heavens in layers? (Qur'an, 71:15)\n\nHe to Whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs. He does not have a son and He has no partner in the Kingdom. He created everything and determined it most exactly. (Qur'an, 25:2)\n\nTHE STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE STARS\nWe built seven firm layers above you. We installed a blazing lamp. (Qur'an, 78:12-13)\n\nDo you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp? (Qur'an, 71:15-16)\n\nIt is the star that pierces through darkness! (Qur'an, 86:3)\n\nORBITS AND THE ROTATING UNIVERSE\n"[I swear] by Heaven with its cyclical systems," (Qur'an, 86:11)\n"its oscillating orbits," (Qur'an, 51:7) \n\nTHE SUN'S TRAJECTORY\nIt is He Who created night and day and the sun and moon, each one swimming in a sphere. (Qur'an, 21:33)\n\nAnd the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (Qur'an, 36:38\n\nTHE MOON'S ORBIT\nAnd We have decreed set phases for the moon, until it ends up looking like an old date branch. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon nor for the night to outstrip the day; each one is swimming in a sphere. (Qur'an, 36:39-40)\n\nCALCULATING THE LUNAR YEAR\nIt is He Who appointed the su
Somehow I came across a very Interesting website made by an atheist (I'm a theist), I thought It was a hoax bu1) The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that are known to science. Genesis 1:1 The earth is created before light and stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals. From science, we know that the true order of events was just the opposite.\n\n2) “And God said, Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3) and “. . .And the evening and the morning were the first day” (Genesis 1 :5), versus “And God said, ‘Let there be light in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night....’ “And God made two lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also… And the evening and morning were the fourth day” (Genesis 1 :14-19). These violates two major facts. Light cannot exist without a sun, and secondly, how can morning be distinguished from evening unless there is a sun and moon?\n\n3) God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day) working on a solid firmament (Genesis 1:6-8). This strange structure, which God calls heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters. This firmament, if it existed, would have been quite an obstacle to our space program.\n\n4) Plants are made on the third day (Genesis 1:11) before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (Genesis 1:14-19).\n\n5) “And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind… ‘And the evening and the morning were the third day” (Genesis 1:11-13), versus “And God said, ‘Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life… And God created - great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly… And the evening and the morning were the fifth day” (Genesis 1:20-23). Genesis says that life existed first on the land as plants and later the seas teemed with living creatures. Geological science can prove that the sea teemed with animals and vegetable life long before vegetation and life appeared on land.\n\n6) “And God said, ‘Let the water bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis 1:20). Birds did not emerge from water.\n\n7) "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, the beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made…every thing that creepth upon the earth after his kind…" (Genesis 1:24-25). Science contends that reptiles were created long before mammals, not simultaneously. While reptiles existed in the Carboniferous Age, mammals did not appear until the close of the Reptilian Age.\n\n8) “And to every beast of the earth, and every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so” (Genesis 1:30). Carnivorous beasts and fowl do not eat green herbs, nor were all animals originally herbivores. Simply consider tapeworms, vampire bats, mosquitoes, barracudas, tigers, etc.\n\n9) In Genesis 1, the entire creation takes 6 days (Genesis 1:31), at the end of which the earth and its living things are pretty much as they are today. But we know from modern science that the universe (including the earth and life on earth) evolved slowly over billions of years.\n\n10) In Genesis 2:7 humans are created instantaneously from dust and breath, whereas they actually evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. Science can in fact trace back human evolution CONCLUSIVELY 3 .2 million years.\n\n11) God makes the animals (Genesis 2:18) and parades them before Adam to see if any would strike his fancy. But none seem to have what it takes to please him. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of several million species musIn Al-Quran.. the details of creation of the earth is accurate and detailed and has been aproved by scientist. \n\nTHE COMING OF THE UNIVERSE INTO EXISTENCE\nHe is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. (Qur'an, 6:101)\n\nTHE EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE\nAnd it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)\n\nTHE END OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE BIG CRUNCH\nThat Day We will fold up heaven like folding up the pages of a book. As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will do. (Qur'an, 21:104)\n\nThey do not measure Allah with His true measure. The whole earth will be a mere handful for Him on the Day of Rising the heavens folded up in His right hand. Glory be to Him! He is exalted above the partners they ascribe! (Qur'an, 39:67)\n\nCREATION FROM HOT SMOKE\nHe placed firmly embedded mountains on it, towering over it, and blessed it and measured out its nourishment in it, laid out for those who seek it-all in four days. Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come willingly or unwillingly." They both said, "We come willingly." (Qur'an, 41:10-11)\n\nTHE SPLITTING ASUNDER OF "THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH"\nDo those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Qur'an, 21:30)\n\nTHE CREATION OF WHAT LIES BETWEEN THE HEAVENS \nAND THE EARTH\nWe did not create the heavens and earth and everything between them, except with truth. The Hour is certainly coming, so turn away graciously. (Qur'an, 15:85)\n\nEverything in the heavens and everything on the earth and everything in between them and everything under the ground belongs to Him. (Qur'an, 20:6)\n\nWe did not create heaven and earth and everything in between them as a game. (Qur'an, 21:16)\n\nTHE PERFECT EQUILIBRIUM IN THE UNIVERSE\nHe Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any discrepancy in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur'an, 67:3-4) \n\nTHE FINE TUNING IN THE UNIVERSE\nHe Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur'an, 67:3-4)\n\nDo you not see how He created seven heavens in layers? (Qur'an, 71:15)\n\nHe to Whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs. He does not have a son and He has no partner in the Kingdom. He created everything and determined it most exactly. (Qur'an, 25:2)\n\nTHE STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE STARS\nWe built seven firm layers above you. We installed a blazing lamp. (Qur'an, 78:12-13)\n\nDo you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp? (Qur'an, 71:15-16)\n\nIt is the star that pierces through darkness! (Qur'an, 86:3)\n\nORBITS AND THE ROTATING UNIVERSE\n"[I swear] by Heaven with its cyclical systems," (Qur'an, 86:11)\n"its oscillating orbits," (Qur'an, 51:7) \n\nTHE SUN'S TRAJECTORY\nIt is He Who created night and day and the sun and moon, each one swimming in a sphere. (Qur'an, 21:33)\n\nAnd the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (Qur'an, 36:38\n\nTHE MOON'S ORBIT\nAnd We have decreed set phases for the moon, until it ends up looking like an old date branch. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon nor for the night to outstrip the day; each one is swimming in a sphere. (Qur'an, 36:39-40)\n\nCALCULATING THE LUNAR YEAR\nIt is He Who appointed the su
Society & Culture
footballs coming home its coming home its coming footballs coming home?
I think it's bad news for the English game\nWe're not creative enough, and we're not positive enough\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home...\n(We'll go on getting bad results, getting bad results..)\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nEveryone seems to know the score\nThey've seen it all before\nThey just know\nThey're so sure\nThat England's Gonna throw it away\nGonna blow it away\nBut I know they can play\n'Cause I remember...\n\nThree Lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nThirty years of hurt\nNever stopped me dreaming\n\nSo many jokes, so many sneers\nBut all those oh-so-nears\nWear you down\nThrough the years\nBut I still see that tackle by Moore\nAnd when Lineker scored\nBobby belting the ball\nAnd Nobby Dancing\n\nThree Lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nThirty years of hurt\nNever stopped me dreaming\n\n(England have done it, in the last minute of extra time)\n(What a save, good old England, England who couldn't play football, England have got it in the bag )\nI know that was then\nBut it could be again\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n(England have done it)\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nThree Lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nThirty years of hurt\nNever stopped me dreaming\n\nTHREE LIONS 98 vs LIGHTNING SEEDS - 20/06/1998\n3 weeks at #1 - 13 weeks on chart\n\n(The crosses of St George are flying all around me)\n(Gareth Southgate the whole of England is with you)\n(Oh it's saved, saved, saved)\nWe still believe\nWe still believe\nWe still believe\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nTears for heroes dressed in grey\nNo plans for final day\nStay in bed, drift away\n\nIt could have been all\nSongs in the street\nIt was nearly complete\nIt was nearly so sweet\nAnd now I'm singing\n\nThree lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nNo more years of hurt\nNo more need for dreaming\n\nTalk about football coming home\nAnd then one night in Rome\nWe were strong, we had grown\nAnd now I see Ince ready for war\nGazza good as before\nShearer certain to score\nAnd Psycho screaming\n\nThree lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nNo more years of hurt\nNo more need for dreaming\n\n(Beautiful football by England, Gazza oh that is majestic, Alan Shearer, Italy nil England nil and we're there in France 1998)\nWe can dance Nobby's dance\nWe could dance it in France\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nThree lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nNo more years of hurt\nNo more need for dreaming..
You must be really bored
footballs coming home its coming home its coming footballs coming home?I think it's bad news for the English game\nWe're not creative enough, and we're not positive enough\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home...\n(We'll go on getting bad results, getting bad results..)\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nEveryone seems to know the score\nThey've seen it all before\nThey just know\nThey're so sure\nThat England's Gonna throw it away\nGonna blow it away\nBut I know they can play\n'Cause I remember...\n\nThree Lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nThirty years of hurt\nNever stopped me dreaming\n\nSo many jokes, so many sneers\nBut all those oh-so-nears\nWear you down\nThrough the years\nBut I still see that tackle by Moore\nAnd when Lineker scored\nBobby belting the ball\nAnd Nobby Dancing\n\nThree Lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nThirty years of hurt\nNever stopped me dreaming\n\n(England have done it, in the last minute of extra time)\n(What a save, good old England, England who couldn't play football, England have got it in the bag )\nI know that was then\nBut it could be again\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n(England have done it)\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nThree Lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nThirty years of hurt\nNever stopped me dreaming\n\nTHREE LIONS 98 vs LIGHTNING SEEDS - 20/06/1998\n3 weeks at #1 - 13 weeks on chart\n\n(The crosses of St George are flying all around me)\n(Gareth Southgate the whole of England is with you)\n(Oh it's saved, saved, saved)\nWe still believe\nWe still believe\nWe still believe\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nTears for heroes dressed in grey\nNo plans for final day\nStay in bed, drift away\n\nIt could have been all\nSongs in the street\nIt was nearly complete\nIt was nearly so sweet\nAnd now I'm singing\n\nThree lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nNo more years of hurt\nNo more need for dreaming\n\nTalk about football coming home\nAnd then one night in Rome\nWe were strong, we had grown\nAnd now I see Ince ready for war\nGazza good as before\nShearer certain to score\nAnd Psycho screaming\n\nThree lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nNo more years of hurt\nNo more need for dreaming\n\n(Beautiful football by England, Gazza oh that is majestic, Alan Shearer, Italy nil England nil and we're there in France 1998)\nWe can dance Nobby's dance\nWe could dance it in France\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming home\nIt's coming\nFootball's coming home\n\nThree lions on a shirt\nJules Rimet still gleaming\nNo more years of hurt\nNo more need for dreaming..You must be really bored
0Society & Culture
Hey creationists, want a little proof that creationism is da truth?\n\nMany, many years ago Mars had life on it just like Earth. It was a creation as well. This is the area where the face of Mars was discovered. You can see all the pyramids.\n\n\n\nThat right there is a picture of Mars. Tens of thousands of years ago a planet-sized comet flew by it, and really gave it the shock of its life. This comet had its poles flipped, and spun the other direction much like Venus, and we know how magnets attract.\n\nWell imagine two planets with their poles just right to be attracted to each other, only one planet is glowing like a comet. So they connect, and you can see the south pole of Mars is where the energy was sucked in. That's why it's all pockmarked with lightning scars, not craters. \n\n\n\nThere's some plasma scarring.
It would be so helpful if, when providing proof of something, there was actually a whit of truth to what you have to say. Not only is most of what you've said untrue, it simply doesn't make sense.\n\nHowever, not being one to just say that and not back it up.\n\n1) A planet sized comet wouldn't be generating a large magnetic field because comets are made of ice and (mostly carbonaceous) dust, two things which are most notably not magnetic.\n\n2) No scientist worth his salt yet has indicated there's any evidence of massive "plasma scarring" on the surface of Mars, and if one did, it would be from plasma hitting the surface of Mars. While the Sun and other stars are made out of the stuff, comets completely lack it and magnets don't create it, even if one magnetic field comes into alignment with another one, which brings us to...\n\n3) Mars has no significant magnetic field. It has a few magnetic patches on it where there is probably quite a bit of iron concentrated, but it's not magnetic in the least (as a whole planet, in the fashion of, say, the Earth). It has no magnetic poles, either... and since you can't demagnetize an object with another magnetic field, it couldn't have ended up that way because another magnet "stripped off" it's magnetic field, and in any case you've said Mars absorbed all the energy... so it should be absolutely glowing on the magnetic front, and it isn't.\n\nSo, your theory is that an object which we know has no significant magnetic field (Mars) and an object which we know cannot have a magnetic field (a comet) got together and flipped magnetic poles which didn't exist when you said this event took place, in this massive magnetic tango that produced a product it could not have produced (plasma), that literally fired right through Mars like a gun and, even though it shot straight through the core from one non-existent magnetic pole through the other, didn't destroy the planet from the inside out, but left it completely in tact and just burned off the northern hemisphere, totally defying just about every one of the Laws of Physics God created the Universe to run on because, perfect being that He is, He was too incompetent to get it right the first time and needed to make a trial run which, as a compassionate and merciful God, He decided to burn to a crisp and roast alive every living thing on rather than allow to live on in peace once it had served His purposes, because He just didn't feel bothered to have them around any more.\n\nYou're right. That's a freaking miracle.\n\n\nP.S.-- Craters naturally fill in from the center out because the edges of the crater are protected by the wall, leaving the center of the crater where dust can be most easily blown and settle, and there are dust storms on Mars. Also, cooling cracks are very regular things, as the contracting matter pulls evenly away from the weakest point, most often causing the split to be very even and straight. There's nothing about those features on Mars (or the shield volcanoes, for that matter) we haven't seen happen endless times on Earth-- and directly witnessed in other planetary bodies in the Solar System, which is why we know what made them.\n\nEdit: All right, let's do this. First, as for comets:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEveryone from the sixth grade on but you seemed to learn in science class what comets were made of, and most of us quite a bit sooner. They're made out of ICE and DUST. Because of the severely black color of them and our analysis of the gases in the comet's coma (you know, that big gas cloud you see around the comet that, oddly, is made out of ice and dust), we're pretty darned sure a lot of that dust contains CARBON, so they're made
Hey creationists, want a little proof that creationism is da truth?\n\nMany, many years ago Mars had life on it just like Earth. It was a creation as well. This is the area where the face of Mars was discovered. You can see all the pyramids.\n\n\n\nThat right there is a picture of Mars. Tens of thousands of years ago a planet-sized comet flew by it, and really gave it the shock of its life. This comet had its poles flipped, and spun the other direction much like Venus, and we know how magnets attract.\n\nWell imagine two planets with their poles just right to be attracted to each other, only one planet is glowing like a comet. So they connect, and you can see the south pole of Mars is where the energy was sucked in. That's why it's all pockmarked with lightning scars, not craters. \n\n\n\nThere's some plasma scarring.It would be so helpful if, when providing proof of something, there was actually a whit of truth to what you have to say. Not only is most of what you've said untrue, it simply doesn't make sense.\n\nHowever, not being one to just say that and not back it up.\n\n1) A planet sized comet wouldn't be generating a large magnetic field because comets are made of ice and (mostly carbonaceous) dust, two things which are most notably not magnetic.\n\n2) No scientist worth his salt yet has indicated there's any evidence of massive "plasma scarring" on the surface of Mars, and if one did, it would be from plasma hitting the surface of Mars. While the Sun and other stars are made out of the stuff, comets completely lack it and magnets don't create it, even if one magnetic field comes into alignment with another one, which brings us to...\n\n3) Mars has no significant magnetic field. It has a few magnetic patches on it where there is probably quite a bit of iron concentrated, but it's not magnetic in the least (as a whole planet, in the fashion of, say, the Earth). It has no magnetic poles, either... and since you can't demagnetize an object with another magnetic field, it couldn't have ended up that way because another magnet "stripped off" it's magnetic field, and in any case you've said Mars absorbed all the energy... so it should be absolutely glowing on the magnetic front, and it isn't.\n\nSo, your theory is that an object which we know has no significant magnetic field (Mars) and an object which we know cannot have a magnetic field (a comet) got together and flipped magnetic poles which didn't exist when you said this event took place, in this massive magnetic tango that produced a product it could not have produced (plasma), that literally fired right through Mars like a gun and, even though it shot straight through the core from one non-existent magnetic pole through the other, didn't destroy the planet from the inside out, but left it completely in tact and just burned off the northern hemisphere, totally defying just about every one of the Laws of Physics God created the Universe to run on because, perfect being that He is, He was too incompetent to get it right the first time and needed to make a trial run which, as a compassionate and merciful God, He decided to burn to a crisp and roast alive every living thing on rather than allow to live on in peace once it had served His purposes, because He just didn't feel bothered to have them around any more.\n\nYou're right. That's a freaking miracle.\n\n\nP.S.-- Craters naturally fill in from the center out because the edges of the crater are protected by the wall, leaving the center of the crater where dust can be most easily blown and settle, and there are dust storms on Mars. Also, cooling cracks are very regular things, as the contracting matter pulls evenly away from the weakest point, most often causing the split to be very even and straight. There's nothing about those features on Mars (or the shield volcanoes, for that matter) we haven't seen happen endless times on Earth-- and directly witnessed in other planetary bodies in the Solar System, which is why we know what made them.\n\nEdit: All right, let's do this. First, as for comets:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEveryone from the sixth grade on but you seemed to learn in science class what comets were made of, and most of us quite a bit sooner. They're made out of ICE and DUST. Because of the severely black color of them and our analysis of the gases in the comet's coma (you know, that big gas cloud you see around the comet that, oddly, is made out of ice and dust), we're pretty darned sure a lot of that dust contains CARBON, so they're made
Society & Culture
0Society & Culture
how do u remove a curse? anyone know a medcine mad in Pennsylvania?
I know for sure i have a curse on me, a very strong one. please help.thank you! I also have medical problems that dr.'s can't help with. I don't know if it's from the curse or not.
his is a good all round banishing spell.\nYou Will Need: \n\nCarbon or flash paper \nBusiness size envelope \nA slip of paper that will fit in the envelope \nAppropriate herbs (see below) \n2 Appropriately coloured candle (see below) Appropriate anointing oil (See below) \nAppropriate incense Cheap Black ink pen \nHealing Herbs: \nEucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Juniper, Thyme, Willow \nBanishing Herbs: \nBasil, Asafoetida, Valerian, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Agrimony, Acacia, Cypress\nCandle Colours: \nHealing: Pale Blue, Banishing: Black, Fast Action: Red\nOils: \nHealing- Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood Banishing- Basil, Cypress, Acacia, Frankincense\nThe Spell: \nAt the full moon anoint and charge the candles with the essential oil and bless and charge the herbs you are going to use. Surround the base of the candles with the appropriate herbs and light the candles, cast your circle or otherwise prepare for magick as you normally would. \n\nCut a human figure out of the carbon paper (designed appropriately as specifically male for men, female for women) that will fit inside the envelope. Of course, if you need to, you can use a larger envelope but the business size is generally sufficient. \n\nLay the figure on the slip of paper between the candles, charge and name it as the individual and with intent write on the figure what you are working on. Such as, if the spell is to heal an illness you might simply write whatever that illness is, in example: "cold/flu." You might also write it over the appropriate body part, such as if it is a head cold write it on the head. If it's to overcome an addiction to cigarettes you might write "cigarettes" on the chest (or where ever you identify most with smoking) and even add a cigarette in the envelope! Be creative with it. \n\nCharge both the paper and the doll with intent, by the elements, etc., and place them and some of the herbs in the envelope and seal it up. Lay it between the candles and allow them to burn until half gone charging and meditating on the purpose of the spell all the while! Store the candles somewhere secure to use later when finishing the spell. Then place the envelope under the mattress of the "ill" person or recipient of the spell if possible. You may also, if it is not possible to put it with the person, place it behind a picture of the person in a frame; inside of a book they gave you, etc., You can also include nail and hair clippings if you like or what you will. Let this stay undisturbed for as long as needed but it should not exceed one full lunar cycle. \n\nWhen the magick has run it's course and the deed is accomplished, or when the cycle is done, light the remainder of the candles and set your circle or prepare as you did before. Then open the envelope and put everything on your altar, between the candles in a fire proof bowl. First burn the slip of paper with the writing along with the herbs and the hair, nails, etc., if you included them in the spell, then burn the doll. As the doll burns it will turn from black to white (great sympathetic stuff here)! As you burn these things be sure to keep focused on the intent (such as banishing the illness, visualize the person whole and healthy, no longer addicted, etc.) Scrape all of the ashes back into the envelope and use some of the candle wax to seal it up again. You can carve symbols in the wax if you like. \n\nBe sure to, get rid of EVERYTHING, which you used with this ritual (candle nubs, any remaining bits of herbs, the pen, etc., you should not have to get rid of the incense or oil as you should have used it anyhow). Bury or otherwise dispose of the envelope, far away from anyone's home or property. \n\nFlash paper (the kind magickians use) is great to use for the paper, just be sure the paper is safely in the dish before lighting it! \n\nThis shows the problem properly vanishing in a flash and the doll burns removing the black and turning to white. \n\nMojo N
how do u remove a curse? anyone know a medcine mad in Pennsylvania?I know for sure i have a curse on me, a very strong one. please help.thank you! I also have medical problems that dr.'s can't help with. I don't know if it's from the curse or not.his is a good all round banishing spell.\nYou Will Need: \n\nCarbon or flash paper \nBusiness size envelope \nA slip of paper that will fit in the envelope \nAppropriate herbs (see below) \n2 Appropriately coloured candle (see below) Appropriate anointing oil (See below) \nAppropriate incense Cheap Black ink pen \nHealing Herbs: \nEucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Juniper, Thyme, Willow \nBanishing Herbs: \nBasil, Asafoetida, Valerian, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Agrimony, Acacia, Cypress\nCandle Colours: \nHealing: Pale Blue, Banishing: Black, Fast Action: Red\nOils: \nHealing- Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood Banishing- Basil, Cypress, Acacia, Frankincense\nThe Spell: \nAt the full moon anoint and charge the candles with the essential oil and bless and charge the herbs you are going to use. Surround the base of the candles with the appropriate herbs and light the candles, cast your circle or otherwise prepare for magick as you normally would. \n\nCut a human figure out of the carbon paper (designed appropriately as specifically male for men, female for women) that will fit inside the envelope. Of course, if you need to, you can use a larger envelope but the business size is generally sufficient. \n\nLay the figure on the slip of paper between the candles, charge and name it as the individual and with intent write on the figure what you are working on. Such as, if the spell is to heal an illness you might simply write whatever that illness is, in example: "cold/flu." You might also write it over the appropriate body part, such as if it is a head cold write it on the head. If it's to overcome an addiction to cigarettes you might write "cigarettes" on the chest (or where ever you identify most with smoking) and even add a cigarette in the envelope! Be creative with it. \n\nCharge both the paper and the doll with intent, by the elements, etc., and place them and some of the herbs in the envelope and seal it up. Lay it between the candles and allow them to burn until half gone charging and meditating on the purpose of the spell all the while! Store the candles somewhere secure to use later when finishing the spell. Then place the envelope under the mattress of the "ill" person or recipient of the spell if possible. You may also, if it is not possible to put it with the person, place it behind a picture of the person in a frame; inside of a book they gave you, etc., You can also include nail and hair clippings if you like or what you will. Let this stay undisturbed for as long as needed but it should not exceed one full lunar cycle. \n\nWhen the magick has run it's course and the deed is accomplished, or when the cycle is done, light the remainder of the candles and set your circle or prepare as you did before. Then open the envelope and put everything on your altar, between the candles in a fire proof bowl. First burn the slip of paper with the writing along with the herbs and the hair, nails, etc., if you included them in the spell, then burn the doll. As the doll burns it will turn from black to white (great sympathetic stuff here)! As you burn these things be sure to keep focused on the intent (such as banishing the illness, visualize the person whole and healthy, no longer addicted, etc.) Scrape all of the ashes back into the envelope and use some of the candle wax to seal it up again. You can carve symbols in the wax if you like. \n\nBe sure to, get rid of EVERYTHING, which you used with this ritual (candle nubs, any remaining bits of herbs, the pen, etc., you should not have to get rid of the incense or oil as you should have used it anyhow). Bury or otherwise dispose of the envelope, far away from anyone's home or property. \n\nFlash paper (the kind magickians use) is great to use for the paper, just be sure the paper is safely in the dish before lighting it! \n\nThis shows the problem properly vanishing in a flash and the doll burns removing the black and turning to white. \n\nMojo N
Society & Culture
0Society & Culture
Is The Pope The Antichrist?
I have read that his cover has 666 in Roman Numerals on it.
Yes!!!!\n\nRev.13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."\nIt tells you exactly who the beast is: from the clues in the Bible.\n\n(REV.13:18) on the Pope's Crown (tiara) are these letters: VICARIUS FILII DEI; what do they signify? \nOUR SUNDAY VISITOR, (CATHOLIC WEEKLY) BUREAU OF INFORMATION," HUNTINGTON, IND., APRIL 18, 1915.\nROMAN NUMERALS FOR THESE LETTERS ARE: V=5; I=1; C=100; X=10; U=5; D=500; L=50 = THEY ADD UP TO 666.\n\n*Now we have alot of information about the beast; to start out with; we should find out (2THESS.2:4) "who claims to be God" and is "worshipped"? \nLet's see; this church (Rev.17:9)"sits on 7 hills" in Rome. \nIt wears (REV.17:4)"purple and scarlet". \nIt is a (REV.17:5)"mother church", so it has daughters or other churches following her. \nIt will think (DAN.7:25)"to change times and laws." GENERAL CATHOLIC CATECHISM\nIt even has casted "all the truth to the ground" = Dan.8:12\n"All the world has followed it" = Rev.13:12-15\n*It had a(REV.13:1-3)deadly wound that was healed.\nTHE CATHOLIC ADVOCATE (AUSTRALIA), APRIL 18,1929.\nFRONT PG. OF S.F. CHRONICLE WITH HEADLINE "HEAL WOUND OF MANY YEARS"; FEB.12,1929)\n\n*Daniel 2:32,38; 7:4; 3:1 "Head of Gold" = Lion = Babylon = King Nebuchadnezzar\n*Daniel 2:32: 7:5: 5:25-28; 6:28; 8:20 "Breast and Arms of Silver" = Bear = Medo-Persia = King Darius & Cyrus\n*Daniel 2:32; 7:6: 8:21 "Belly and thighs of brass" = Leopard = Greece = Alexander the Great\n*Daniel 2:33; 7:7,8,24,25: 8:9,12 "Legs of Iron" = Dreadful Beast = Rome\n*Daniel 2:33 "Feet part of iron and part of clay" = Divided Empire\n\n**Now the 10 horns represents kings or kingdoms and 1 comes up among the them and destroys (DANIEL 7:8,23,24)three. THE 10 HORNS ARE POLITICAL: ANGLO-SAXONS, FRANKS, ALAMMI, OSTROGOTHS, LOMBARD, SUEVI, BURGUNDIANS, VISIGOTHS, VANDALS, HERULI, AND THEN A LITTLE HORN COMES UPON THE SCENE THAT IS RELIGIOUS-POLITICAL THAT HAS DESTROYED THE HERULI, VANDALS AND OSTROGOTHS. NOW DETERMINING WHO THE HORN IS: A.C. FLICK, THE RISE OF THE MEDIAEVAL CHURCH. (PUTNAM'S 1909 ED.)PP.148-149.\n*FROM ALL THE CLUES; WE KNOW IT'S THE ROMAN EMPIRE (REV.17:4; COMPARE TO MATT.27:28 AND MARK 15:17 \n\nRev.17:9-10 "AND HERE IS THE MIND WHICH HAS WISDOM. THE SEVEN HEADS ARE SEVEN MOUNTAINS, ON WHICH THE WOMAN SITTETH.(Catholic Church sits on 7 hills in Rome)\nAND THERE ARE SEVEN KINGS: FIVE ARE FALLEN, AND ONE IS,(Italy and Germany ending in the Hitler-Mussolini Axis 1870-1945AD) AND THE OTHER IS NOT YET COME; AND WHEN HE COMETH, HE MUST CONTINUE A SHORT TIME."\n\nREV.17:10 was fulfilled on television when the Papacy said "that Benedict would be Pope for a short time."\n\nREALLY HIS IMAGE IS GOING TO COME ALIVE! WHEN HE PUTS CHURCH AND STATE TOGETHER. HERE'S JUST A PIECE OF IT IN--"POPE'S DREAM OF HEALING CHRISTIAN RIFT STILL A DISTANT GLIMMER" IN ENTERPRISE RECORD DATED: SUNDAY JUNE 12, 2005.\n\nThese 10 (Rev.17:12-13)rulers will be giving their support to a coming union of church and state in Europe, which will aspire to world dominance. After an interlude of apparent peace and prosperity, the system will plunge the whole world into a nightmare(World War 3). That's why Jesus has to come back; he has to save the world from total destruction. Matthew 24:21,22,29,30.\n\nTo understand the Mark of the beast--you have to read all these scriptures.\n\nFirst of all; we have to know the opposite of it.\nThe Seal of God is in the 4th Commandment in Exodus 20:8-11; references are John 4:22-24 and Rev.14:7. \nSabbath in Encyclopaedia Americana, Vol.24, pp.68-69.\nThe Sabbath Day is Saturday.\nLook it up in dictionaries, encyclopedias and etc.\n\nBut anyway a SEAL contains 3 thing
Is The Pope The Antichrist?I have read that his cover has 666 in Roman Numerals on it.Yes!!!!\n\nRev.13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."\nIt tells you exactly who the beast is: from the clues in the Bible.\n\n(REV.13:18) on the Pope's Crown (tiara) are these letters: VICARIUS FILII DEI; what do they signify? \nOUR SUNDAY VISITOR, (CATHOLIC WEEKLY) BUREAU OF INFORMATION," HUNTINGTON, IND., APRIL 18, 1915.\nROMAN NUMERALS FOR THESE LETTERS ARE: V=5; I=1; C=100; X=10; U=5; D=500; L=50 = THEY ADD UP TO 666.\n\n*Now we have alot of information about the beast; to start out with; we should find out (2THESS.2:4) "who claims to be God" and is "worshipped"? \nLet's see; this church (Rev.17:9)"sits on 7 hills" in Rome. \nIt wears (REV.17:4)"purple and scarlet". \nIt is a (REV.17:5)"mother church", so it has daughters or other churches following her. \nIt will think (DAN.7:25)"to change times and laws." GENERAL CATHOLIC CATECHISM\nIt even has casted "all the truth to the ground" = Dan.8:12\n"All the world has followed it" = Rev.13:12-15\n*It had a(REV.13:1-3)deadly wound that was healed.\nTHE CATHOLIC ADVOCATE (AUSTRALIA), APRIL 18,1929.\nFRONT PG. OF S.F. CHRONICLE WITH HEADLINE "HEAL WOUND OF MANY YEARS"; FEB.12,1929)\n\n*Daniel 2:32,38; 7:4; 3:1 "Head of Gold" = Lion = Babylon = King Nebuchadnezzar\n*Daniel 2:32: 7:5: 5:25-28; 6:28; 8:20 "Breast and Arms of Silver" = Bear = Medo-Persia = King Darius & Cyrus\n*Daniel 2:32; 7:6: 8:21 "Belly and thighs of brass" = Leopard = Greece = Alexander the Great\n*Daniel 2:33; 7:7,8,24,25: 8:9,12 "Legs of Iron" = Dreadful Beast = Rome\n*Daniel 2:33 "Feet part of iron and part of clay" = Divided Empire\n\n**Now the 10 horns represents kings or kingdoms and 1 comes up among the them and destroys (DANIEL 7:8,23,24)three. THE 10 HORNS ARE POLITICAL: ANGLO-SAXONS, FRANKS, ALAMMI, OSTROGOTHS, LOMBARD, SUEVI, BURGUNDIANS, VISIGOTHS, VANDALS, HERULI, AND THEN A LITTLE HORN COMES UPON THE SCENE THAT IS RELIGIOUS-POLITICAL THAT HAS DESTROYED THE HERULI, VANDALS AND OSTROGOTHS. NOW DETERMINING WHO THE HORN IS: A.C. FLICK, THE RISE OF THE MEDIAEVAL CHURCH. (PUTNAM'S 1909 ED.)PP.148-149.\n*FROM ALL THE CLUES; WE KNOW IT'S THE ROMAN EMPIRE (REV.17:4; COMPARE TO MATT.27:28 AND MARK 15:17 \n\nRev.17:9-10 "AND HERE IS THE MIND WHICH HAS WISDOM. THE SEVEN HEADS ARE SEVEN MOUNTAINS, ON WHICH THE WOMAN SITTETH.(Catholic Church sits on 7 hills in Rome)\nAND THERE ARE SEVEN KINGS: FIVE ARE FALLEN, AND ONE IS,(Italy and Germany ending in the Hitler-Mussolini Axis 1870-1945AD) AND THE OTHER IS NOT YET COME; AND WHEN HE COMETH, HE MUST CONTINUE A SHORT TIME."\n\nREV.17:10 was fulfilled on television when the Papacy said "that Benedict would be Pope for a short time."\n\nREALLY HIS IMAGE IS GOING TO COME ALIVE! WHEN HE PUTS CHURCH AND STATE TOGETHER. HERE'S JUST A PIECE OF IT IN--"POPE'S DREAM OF HEALING CHRISTIAN RIFT STILL A DISTANT GLIMMER" IN ENTERPRISE RECORD DATED: SUNDAY JUNE 12, 2005.\n\nThese 10 (Rev.17:12-13)rulers will be giving their support to a coming union of church and state in Europe, which will aspire to world dominance. After an interlude of apparent peace and prosperity, the system will plunge the whole world into a nightmare(World War 3). That's why Jesus has to come back; he has to save the world from total destruction. Matthew 24:21,22,29,30.\n\nTo understand the Mark of the beast--you have to read all these scriptures.\n\nFirst of all; we have to know the opposite of it.\nThe Seal of God is in the 4th Commandment in Exodus 20:8-11; references are John 4:22-24 and Rev.14:7. \nSabbath in Encyclopaedia Americana, Vol.24, pp.68-69.\nThe Sabbath Day is Saturday.\nLook it up in dictionaries, encyclopedias and etc.\n\nBut anyway a SEAL contains 3 thing
Society & Culture
7Entertainment & Music
Where can I find the clip of Kevin Spacey in the Falconer sketch?
I saw the season finale for SNL with Kevin Spacey and liked the Falconer sketch.\n\nI also liked the Tech Pak commercial with Julia-Louis Dreyfus. \n\nWhere can I find on the internet a place to view these sketches?
Saturday Night Live Transcripts Season 31: Episode 18 5/20 Finale\n\n \nToo recent to be on DVD...couldn't find a free download. Here's all I could find: \n \n05s: Kevin Spacey / Nelly Furtado \n\nThe Falconer \n\nThe Falconer.....Will Forte\nFuture Falconer.....Kevin Spacey\nAbraham Lincoln.....Darrell Hammond\nHunter.....Maya Rudolph \n\n\nAnnouncer: In 1992, Ken Mortimer was an advertising executive in Baltimore, Maryland. Then, for reasons known only to him, he left his wife and career, and moved deep into the forest. Now, he is known only as.. "The Falconer." \n\n[ dissolve to exterior, woods, where The Falconer stands with Donald perched on his arm ] \n\nThe Falconer: Oh, Donald! April showers have brought May flowers! And the season of Spring embraces us like a bear hug from a treasured friend! [ Donald squawks ] Yes, I would love to hear a joke! [ Donald squawks ] I don't know! what DO you get when you cross a monkey with a nun?! [ Donald screeches ] Donald!! I should wash your beak out with SOAP!! You DIRTY BIRD!! You dirty.. funny bird. [ Donald squawks ] \n\nFuture Falconer: Oh, Donald! Thank GOD you're alive! The hunter's bullets have not yet PIERCED your HEART!! \n\nThe Falconer: Who are you?! \n\nFuture Falconer: I am Ken "The Falconer" Mortimer! \n\nThe Falconer: But if - that's IMPOSSIBLE!! I am Ken "The Falconer" Mortimer! \n\nFuture Falconer: Today, the impossible BECOMES the possible!! For TWENTY years from now, the mystery of time travel becomes the REALITY of time travel!! \n\nThe Falconer: WAIT!! That time machine I was always talking about building out of trees, dirt and GUMPTION?! \n\nFuture Falconer: YOU built it!! And today we'll save Donald's life!! \n\n[ a gunshot goes off, as Donald is blasted off the Falconer's arm ] \n\nTogether: DONALD!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! \n\nFuture Falconer: You blithering FOOL!! You DISTRACTED me from my sense of PURPOSE!! \n\nThe Falconer: OH, so this is all MY fault?!! \n\nFuture Falconer: Oh, LOOK!! It's time to stop arguing and start TIME traveling!! We must go BACK in time to the point BEFORE Donald was shot!! \n\nTogether: TO THE TIME MACHINE-AHH!! \n\n[ the two Falconers run offscreen ] \n\n[ dissolve to model of the wooden time machine, stuffed with two miniature Falconers, bouncing at the center of the screen ] \n\n[ dissolve back to the familiar scene from earlier in the day, as The Falconer (now played by Jason Sudeikis) is startled by his future self (now played by Bill Hader). \n\nThe Falconer: WAIT!! That time machine I was always talking about building out of trees, dirt and GUMPTION?! \n\nFuture Falconer: YOU built it!! And today we'll save Donald's -- \n\n[ suddenly, the original Falconer and Future Falconer rush into the scene ] \n\nThe Falconer: WAIT!! \n\nFuture Falconer: DONALD!! DUUUUCK!! \n\n[ a gunshot goes off, as Donald is blasted off the Falconer's arm ] \n\nAll Four: DONALD!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! \n\nSecond Set of Falconers: WAIT!! Who are YOU??!! \n\nFirst Set of Falconers: We're KEN "THE FALCONER" MORTIMER!! \n\nSecond Set of Falconers: But WE'RE KEN "THE FALCONER" MORTIMER!! \n\nFuture Falconer: We'll explain in the time machine, as we travel back even FURTHER in time!! \n\nAll Four: TO THE TIME MACHINE-AHH!! \n\n[ the four Falconers run offscreen ] \n\n[ dissolve to model of the wooden time machine, stuffed with four miniature Falconers, bouncing at the center of the screen ] \n\n[ dissolve back to the familiar scene from earlier in the day, as The Falconer (now played by Andy Samberg) is startled by his future self (now played by Chris Panell). \n\nThe Falconer: -- out of trees, dirt and GUMPTION?! \n\nFuture Falconer: YOU built it!! And today we'll save Donald's LIFE -- \n\n[ suddenly, the four previous Falconers rush into the scene, as do two additional Falconers, played by Seth Meyers and Fred Armisen; all six all scream
Where can I find the clip of Kevin Spacey in the Falconer sketch?I saw the season finale for SNL with Kevin Spacey and liked the Falconer sketch.\n\nI also liked the Tech Pak commercial with Julia-Louis Dreyfus. \n\nWhere can I find on the internet a place to view these sketches?Saturday Night Live Transcripts Season 31: Episode 18 5/20 Finale\n\n \nToo recent to be on DVD...couldn't find a free download. Here's all I could find: \n \n05s: Kevin Spacey / Nelly Furtado \n\nThe Falconer \n\nThe Falconer.....Will Forte\nFuture Falconer.....Kevin Spacey\nAbraham Lincoln.....Darrell Hammond\nHunter.....Maya Rudolph \n\n\nAnnouncer: In 1992, Ken Mortimer was an advertising executive in Baltimore, Maryland. Then, for reasons known only to him, he left his wife and career, and moved deep into the forest. Now, he is known only as.. "The Falconer." \n\n[ dissolve to exterior, woods, where The Falconer stands with Donald perched on his arm ] \n\nThe Falconer: Oh, Donald! April showers have brought May flowers! And the season of Spring embraces us like a bear hug from a treasured friend! [ Donald squawks ] Yes, I would love to hear a joke! [ Donald squawks ] I don't know! what DO you get when you cross a monkey with a nun?! [ Donald screeches ] Donald!! I should wash your beak out with SOAP!! You DIRTY BIRD!! You dirty.. funny bird. [ Donald squawks ] \n\nFuture Falconer: Oh, Donald! Thank GOD you're alive! The hunter's bullets have not yet PIERCED your HEART!! \n\nThe Falconer: Who are you?! \n\nFuture Falconer: I am Ken "The Falconer" Mortimer! \n\nThe Falconer: But if - that's IMPOSSIBLE!! I am Ken "The Falconer" Mortimer! \n\nFuture Falconer: Today, the impossible BECOMES the possible!! For TWENTY years from now, the mystery of time travel becomes the REALITY of time travel!! \n\nThe Falconer: WAIT!! That time machine I was always talking about building out of trees, dirt and GUMPTION?! \n\nFuture Falconer: YOU built it!! And today we'll save Donald's life!! \n\n[ a gunshot goes off, as Donald is blasted off the Falconer's arm ] \n\nTogether: DONALD!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! \n\nFuture Falconer: You blithering FOOL!! You DISTRACTED me from my sense of PURPOSE!! \n\nThe Falconer: OH, so this is all MY fault?!! \n\nFuture Falconer: Oh, LOOK!! It's time to stop arguing and start TIME traveling!! We must go BACK in time to the point BEFORE Donald was shot!! \n\nTogether: TO THE TIME MACHINE-AHH!! \n\n[ the two Falconers run offscreen ] \n\n[ dissolve to model of the wooden time machine, stuffed with two miniature Falconers, bouncing at the center of the screen ] \n\n[ dissolve back to the familiar scene from earlier in the day, as The Falconer (now played by Jason Sudeikis) is startled by his future self (now played by Bill Hader). \n\nThe Falconer: WAIT!! That time machine I was always talking about building out of trees, dirt and GUMPTION?! \n\nFuture Falconer: YOU built it!! And today we'll save Donald's -- \n\n[ suddenly, the original Falconer and Future Falconer rush into the scene ] \n\nThe Falconer: WAIT!! \n\nFuture Falconer: DONALD!! DUUUUCK!! \n\n[ a gunshot goes off, as Donald is blasted off the Falconer's arm ] \n\nAll Four: DONALD!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! \n\nSecond Set of Falconers: WAIT!! Who are YOU??!! \n\nFirst Set of Falconers: We're KEN "THE FALCONER" MORTIMER!! \n\nSecond Set of Falconers: But WE'RE KEN "THE FALCONER" MORTIMER!! \n\nFuture Falconer: We'll explain in the time machine, as we travel back even FURTHER in time!! \n\nAll Four: TO THE TIME MACHINE-AHH!! \n\n[ the four Falconers run offscreen ] \n\n[ dissolve to model of the wooden time machine, stuffed with four miniature Falconers, bouncing at the center of the screen ] \n\n[ dissolve back to the familiar scene from earlier in the day, as The Falconer (now played by Andy Samberg) is startled by his future self (now played by Chris Panell). \n\nThe Falconer: -- out of trees, dirt and GUMPTION?! \n\nFuture Falconer: YOU built it!! And today we'll save Donald's LIFE -- \n\n[ suddenly, the four previous Falconers rush into the scene, as do two additional Falconers, played by Seth Meyers and Fred Armisen; all six all scream
Entertainment & Music
1Science & Mathematics
how do you convert length?
i know this seems kind of noobish but i really need to know how because i cant find my old books and notebooks and all i find are online converters and no stuff about how to do it manually.i need to know all of it like from mm to cm or yard to meter...ill give ya 10 points if you help me!
1kiometer=1000meter=10,000cm=100,000mm\n1 meter=100cm=1000mm\n1cm=10mm\n1 mile=1.6 kilometers\n12 lines = 1 inch \n12 inches = 1 foot \n3 feet = 1 yard \n1760 yards = 1 mile \n36 inches = 1 yard \n440 yards = quarter mile \n880 yards = half mile \n4 inches = 1 hand \n22 yards = 1 chain \n5.5 yards = 1 rod, pole or perch \n4 poles = 1 chain \n40 poles = 1 furlong \nLength\n \nMetric System\n \n1 millimeter = 1/1,000 meter \n1 centimeter = 1/100 meter \n1 decimeter = 1/10 meter \n1 meter (basic unit of length) \n1 dekameter = 10 meters \n1 kilometer = 1,000 meters \nAmerican and British Units\n \n1 inch = 1/36 yard = 1/12 foot \n1 foot = 1/3 yard \n1 yard (basic unit of length) \n1 rod = 5 1/2 yards \n1 furlong = 220 yards = 40 rods \n1 mile = 1,760 yards = 5,280 feet \n1 fathom = 6 feet \n1 nautical mile = 6,076.1 feet \nConversion Factors\n \n1 centimeter = 0.39 inch \n1 inch = 2.54 centimeters \n1 meter = 39.37 inches \n1 foot = 0.305 meter \n1 meter = 3.28 feet \n1 yard = 0.914 meter \n1 meter = 1.094 yards \n1 kilometer = 0.62 mile \n1 mile = 1.609 kilometers \nArea\n \nMetric System\n \n1 square centimeter = 1/10,000 square meter \n1 square decimeter = 1/100 square meter \n1 square meter (basic unit of area) \n1 are = 100 square meters \n1 hectare = 10,000 square meters = 100 ares \n1 square kilometer = 1,000,000 square meters \nAmerican and British Units\n \n1 square inch = 1/1,296 square yard = 1/144 square foot \n1 square foot = 1/9 square yard \n1 square yard (basic unit of area) \n1 square rod = 30 1/4 square yards \n1 acre = 4,840 square yards = 160 square rods \n1 square mile = 3,097,600 square yards = 640 acres \nConversion Factors\n \n1 square centimeter = 0.155 square inch \n1 square inch = 6.45 square centimeters \n1 acre = 0.405 hectare \n1 hectare = 2.47 acres \n1 square kilometer = 0.386 square mile \n1 square mile = 2.59 square kilometers \nVolume and Capacity (Liquid and Dry)\n \nMetric System\n \n1 cubic centimeter = 1/1,000,000 cubic meter \n1 cubic decimeter = 1/1,000 cubic meter \n1 cubic meter = 1 stere (basic unit of volume) \n1 milliliter = 1/1,000 liter = 1 cubic centimeter \n1 centiliter = 1/100 liter \n1 deciliter = 1/10 liter \n1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter (basic unit of capacity) \n1 dekaliter = 10 liters \n1 hectoliter = 100 liters = 1/10 cubic meter \nAmerican and British Units\n \n1 cubic inch = 1/46,656 cubic yard = 1/1,728 cubic foot \n1 cubic foot = 1/27 cubic yard \n1 cubic yard (basic unit of volume) \n1 U.S. fluid ounce = 1/128 U.S. gallon = 1/16 U.S. pint \n1 British imperial fluid ounce = 1/160 imperial gallon = 1/20 imperial pint \n1 pint = 1/8 gallon = 1/2 quart \n1 quart = 1/4 gallon \n1 U.S. gallon (basic unit of liquid capacity in the United States) = 231 cubic inches \n1 imperial gallon (basic unit of liquid capacity in some Commonwealth nations) = 277.4 cubic inches \n1 dry pint = 1/64 bushel = 1/2 dry quart \n1 dry quart = 1/32 bushel = 1/8 peck \n1 peck = 1/4 bushel \n1 U.S. bushel (basic unit of dry capacity in the United States) = 2,150.4 cubic inches \n1 imperial bushel (basic unit of dry capacity in some Commonwealth nations) = 2,219.4 cubic inches \nConversion Factors\n \n1 cubic centimeter = 0.06 cubic inch \n1 cubic inch = 16.4 cubic centimeters \n1 cubic yard = 0.765 cubic meter \n1 cubic meter = 1.3 cubic yards \n1 milliliter = 0.034 fluid ounce \n1 fluid ounce = 29.6 milliliters \n1 U.S. quart = 0.946 liter \n1 liter = 1.06 U.S. quarts \n1 U.S. gallon = 3.8 liters \n1 imperial gallon = 1.2 U.S. gallons = 4.5 liters \n1 liter = 0.9 dry quart \n1 dry quart = 1.1 liters \n1 dekaliter = 0.28 U.S. bushel \n1 U.S. bushel = 0.97 imperial bushel = 3.5 dekaliters \nWeight (Mass)\n \nMetric System\n \n1 milligram = 1/1,000,000 kilogram = 1/1,000 gram \n1 centigram = 1/100,000 kilogram = 1/100 gram \n1 decigram = 1/10,000 kilogram = 1/10 gram \n1 gram = 1/1,000 kilogram \n1 dekagram = 1/100 kilogram = 10 grams \n1 hectogram = 1/10 kilogram = 100 grams \n1 kilogram (
how do you convert length?i know this seems kind of noobish but i really need to know how because i cant find my old books and notebooks and all i find are online converters and no stuff about how to do it manually.i need to know all of it like from mm to cm or yard to meter...ill give ya 10 points if you help me!1kiometer=1000meter=10,000cm=100,000mm\n1 meter=100cm=1000mm\n1cm=10mm\n1 mile=1.6 kilometers\n12 lines = 1 inch \n12 inches = 1 foot \n3 feet = 1 yard \n1760 yards = 1 mile \n36 inches = 1 yard \n440 yards = quarter mile \n880 yards = half mile \n4 inches = 1 hand \n22 yards = 1 chain \n5.5 yards = 1 rod, pole or perch \n4 poles = 1 chain \n40 poles = 1 furlong \nLength\n \nMetric System\n \n1 millimeter = 1/1,000 meter \n1 centimeter = 1/100 meter \n1 decimeter = 1/10 meter \n1 meter (basic unit of length) \n1 dekameter = 10 meters \n1 kilometer = 1,000 meters \nAmerican and British Units\n \n1 inch = 1/36 yard = 1/12 foot \n1 foot = 1/3 yard \n1 yard (basic unit of length) \n1 rod = 5 1/2 yards \n1 furlong = 220 yards = 40 rods \n1 mile = 1,760 yards = 5,280 feet \n1 fathom = 6 feet \n1 nautical mile = 6,076.1 feet \nConversion Factors\n \n1 centimeter = 0.39 inch \n1 inch = 2.54 centimeters \n1 meter = 39.37 inches \n1 foot = 0.305 meter \n1 meter = 3.28 feet \n1 yard = 0.914 meter \n1 meter = 1.094 yards \n1 kilometer = 0.62 mile \n1 mile = 1.609 kilometers \nArea\n \nMetric System\n \n1 square centimeter = 1/10,000 square meter \n1 square decimeter = 1/100 square meter \n1 square meter (basic unit of area) \n1 are = 100 square meters \n1 hectare = 10,000 square meters = 100 ares \n1 square kilometer = 1,000,000 square meters \nAmerican and British Units\n \n1 square inch = 1/1,296 square yard = 1/144 square foot \n1 square foot = 1/9 square yard \n1 square yard (basic unit of area) \n1 square rod = 30 1/4 square yards \n1 acre = 4,840 square yards = 160 square rods \n1 square mile = 3,097,600 square yards = 640 acres \nConversion Factors\n \n1 square centimeter = 0.155 square inch \n1 square inch = 6.45 square centimeters \n1 acre = 0.405 hectare \n1 hectare = 2.47 acres \n1 square kilometer = 0.386 square mile \n1 square mile = 2.59 square kilometers \nVolume and Capacity (Liquid and Dry)\n \nMetric System\n \n1 cubic centimeter = 1/1,000,000 cubic meter \n1 cubic decimeter = 1/1,000 cubic meter \n1 cubic meter = 1 stere (basic unit of volume) \n1 milliliter = 1/1,000 liter = 1 cubic centimeter \n1 centiliter = 1/100 liter \n1 deciliter = 1/10 liter \n1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter (basic unit of capacity) \n1 dekaliter = 10 liters \n1 hectoliter = 100 liters = 1/10 cubic meter \nAmerican and British Units\n \n1 cubic inch = 1/46,656 cubic yard = 1/1,728 cubic foot \n1 cubic foot = 1/27 cubic yard \n1 cubic yard (basic unit of volume) \n1 U.S. fluid ounce = 1/128 U.S. gallon = 1/16 U.S. pint \n1 British imperial fluid ounce = 1/160 imperial gallon = 1/20 imperial pint \n1 pint = 1/8 gallon = 1/2 quart \n1 quart = 1/4 gallon \n1 U.S. gallon (basic unit of liquid capacity in the United States) = 231 cubic inches \n1 imperial gallon (basic unit of liquid capacity in some Commonwealth nations) = 277.4 cubic inches \n1 dry pint = 1/64 bushel = 1/2 dry quart \n1 dry quart = 1/32 bushel = 1/8 peck \n1 peck = 1/4 bushel \n1 U.S. bushel (basic unit of dry capacity in the United States) = 2,150.4 cubic inches \n1 imperial bushel (basic unit of dry capacity in some Commonwealth nations) = 2,219.4 cubic inches \nConversion Factors\n \n1 cubic centimeter = 0.06 cubic inch \n1 cubic inch = 16.4 cubic centimeters \n1 cubic yard = 0.765 cubic meter \n1 cubic meter = 1.3 cubic yards \n1 milliliter = 0.034 fluid ounce \n1 fluid ounce = 29.6 milliliters \n1 U.S. quart = 0.946 liter \n1 liter = 1.06 U.S. quarts \n1 U.S. gallon = 3.8 liters \n1 imperial gallon = 1.2 U.S. gallons = 4.5 liters \n1 liter = 0.9 dry quart \n1 dry quart = 1.1 liters \n1 dekaliter = 0.28 U.S. bushel \n1 U.S. bushel = 0.97 imperial bushel = 3.5 dekaliters \nWeight (Mass)\n \nMetric System\n \n1 milligram = 1/1,000,000 kilogram = 1/1,000 gram \n1 centigram = 1/100,000 kilogram = 1/100 gram \n1 decigram = 1/10,000 kilogram = 1/10 gram \n1 gram = 1/1,000 kilogram \n1 dekagram = 1/100 kilogram = 10 grams \n1 hectogram = 1/10 kilogram = 100 grams \n1 kilogram (
Science & Mathematics
0Society & Culture
does anyone know if suicide parlors exist? I am writing a report for english honors?
I nedd to know what life would be like if we had them and if they were leagal.
I'm pretty sure there aren't any Ethical Suicide Parlors anywhere in the world today. \n\nBut the concept of legal or encouraged suicide comes up often in literature and movies. Here are some examples:\n\nSuicide Booths in the animated series Futurama, and the manga Battle Angel Alita - \n\n\n\n\nThere's Pleasant Euthanasia in Soylent Green - \n\n\nCan't forget how in the original Star Trek, there was an episode which included something akin to Suicide Booths or Suicide Parlors - \n\n\nThey also show up in "The Repairer of Reputations" - a short story by Robert Chambers, appearing in the collection "The King in Yellow" -\n\n\nAdditionally, the movie and novel "Logan's Run" depict a world so over-populated that everyone over a certain age (21 in the novel, 30 in the film) is terminated by the world government. -\n\n\nAnd of course, can't forget the Suicide Parlors in Vonnegut's "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater" and other novels -\n\n\nVonnegut parodied the title of his own novel with "God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian" -\n,_Dr._Kevorkian\n\nAnd the concept has infected pop culture enough that there's a band called "Suicide Parlor"\n\n\nAnd a musical piece entitled "The Purple Roofed Ethical Suicide Parlor" about Vonnegut's conception of the same\n\n\nHara-kiri is no longer officially practiced in Japan, and is routinely discouraged. Hara-kiri as conceived of by the Samurai was not pleasant and did not occur in a private booth.\n\n\nHara-kiri does come up frequently in Japanese literature and movies \n\n\nI can think of only one western literary reference for hara-kiri off the top of my head ... it figures prominently in the Japanese-like society of the Empire Trilogy by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts\n \n\nOf course, there are real-life examples of mass ritual suicide, such as:\n\nThe Heaven's Gate Cult\n\n\nThe Jonestown massacre in Guyana\n\n\nThe Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God\n\n\nThe Branch Daividians in Waco\n\n\nThe Solar Temple in Canada\n\n\nAnd this doesn't even really touch upon more flash-point issues like suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism done in the name of religion. But you can find articles here, if you wish to\n\n\n\nHope that helps you on your paper. But if it doesn't, try asking this question again in the Arts & Humanities and/or Entertainment & Music categories, where you can probably glean more information concerning the topic of suicide in literature, art, movies, etc.
does anyone know if suicide parlors exist? I am writing a report for english honors?I nedd to know what life would be like if we had them and if they were leagal.I'm pretty sure there aren't any Ethical Suicide Parlors anywhere in the world today. \n\nBut the concept of legal or encouraged suicide comes up often in literature and movies. Here are some examples:\n\nSuicide Booths in the animated series Futurama, and the manga Battle Angel Alita - \n\n\n\n\nThere's Pleasant Euthanasia in Soylent Green - \n\n\nCan't forget how in the original Star Trek, there was an episode which included something akin to Suicide Booths or Suicide Parlors - \n\n\nThey also show up in "The Repairer of Reputations" - a short story by Robert Chambers, appearing in the collection "The King in Yellow" -\n\n\nAdditionally, the movie and novel "Logan's Run" depict a world so over-populated that everyone over a certain age (21 in the novel, 30 in the film) is terminated by the world government. -\n\n\nAnd of course, can't forget the Suicide Parlors in Vonnegut's "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater" and other novels -\n\n\nVonnegut parodied the title of his own novel with "God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian" -\n,_Dr._Kevorkian\n\nAnd the concept has infected pop culture enough that there's a band called "Suicide Parlor"\n\n\nAnd a musical piece entitled "The Purple Roofed Ethical Suicide Parlor" about Vonnegut's conception of the same\n\n\nHara-kiri is no longer officially practiced in Japan, and is routinely discouraged. Hara-kiri as conceived of by the Samurai was not pleasant and did not occur in a private booth.\n\n\nHara-kiri does come up frequently in Japanese literature and movies \n\n\nI can think of only one western literary reference for hara-kiri off the top of my head ... it figures prominently in the Japanese-like society of the Empire Trilogy by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts\n \n\nOf course, there are real-life examples of mass ritual suicide, such as:\n\nThe Heaven's Gate Cult\n\n\nThe Jonestown massacre in Guyana\n\n\nThe Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God\n\n\nThe Branch Daividians in Waco\n\n\nThe Solar Temple in Canada\n\n\nAnd this doesn't even really touch upon more flash-point issues like suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism done in the name of religion. But you can find articles here, if you wish to\n\n\n\nHope that helps you on your paper. But if it doesn't, try asking this question again in the Arts & Humanities and/or Entertainment & Music categories, where you can probably glean more information concerning the topic of suicide in literature, art, movies, etc.
Society & Culture
9Politics & Government
Any COPS out there? Cop harassment question, serious.?
My mother in law has had some trouble with the cops because of my brother in laws. They age from 12 - 20. \nWell, last weekend they came over and took a bunch of stuff from her carport that they say was stolen, lawnmowers, gas cans, and stuff. On the so called ticket it just says for "last name". It doesn't name any one person for the stolen stuff nor does it name the "victims" of the stolen stuff. It doesn't even say why the stuff was being taken. That is all it says on the paper.\nOne of the cops was trying to pick a fight with my brother in law while he was holding his 1 year old baby.\nThe cops have since been pulling over anyone that leaves that house.\nEither today or last night they pulled over my mother in law and brother in law right after they got a pop at a drive through gas station. \nMy brother in law asked why they were pulling them over and the cop said "just to see if you have car insurance". \nCan they do that? Don't they need a REAL reason to pull you over?
You've written an awful lot of stuff here just to ask if the cops can pull someone over for "no reason."\n\nDoubtful. \n\nIf the state you're writing about has a law that allows police to stop vehicles to check for current insurance (and for no other reason), then I would have to say the police can do that. \n\nIf there's no such law in your state that allows that, it's going to be every bit as impossible to give you a good answer as Van Winkle says (and his was generally a very good answer). You don't have anywhere near all the facts, so there's no way you can present them to anyone to get a decent answer. \n\nAs for all the other stuff you wrote, did you have a question about it? I see plenty of answers, but you never asked any questions.\n\nDon't get overly excited when you read people's answers here talking about search and seizure issues because based on what you wrote here, I doubt there are any. \n\nPost more if you want to know more.\n\nEDIT 6.11.06:\n\nWow!\n\nOkay, let's see what we can do here.\n\nNeed to know what state you're in. Sorry I didn't mention that before, I should have. States have different laws, and the very best answer will come to you from someone who knows that State's law on these issues. However, these are mostly constitutional questions, so I can probably give you some decent answers (because the Constitution applies in all states).\n\n1. Generally, yes. If it's stolen, it's contraband, and nobody has the right to possess contraband. It would be like trying to argue that the police couldn't take your heroin without a warrant or consent...they can, because it's contraband. NOTE: this is only as to the seizure of the item, not the search. \n\n2. Almost impossible to answer. Really, none of these questions are all that "answerable," without knowing exactly what the facts were. There are times when the police can enter uninvited and without a warrant, and there are times they cannot. I wish I could go into this more with you, but you're talking about hours and hours of search and seizure law here, to be able to cover all the possibilities.\n\n3. Your family can always file a complaint with the officer's employer. I have no idea what the outcome of that could be, of course.\n\n4. I don't know how you know "for sure" some of the property wasn't stolen, so it's difficult to address this. Assuming you really do know the status of the property you're referring to, you should contact the law enforcement agency that seized the property and give them a statement as to the status of the property. Do not waste your time by telling them things like, "it's my brother's, and my brother would never steal anything" or, "the neighbor gave it to my brother last year and my neighbor wouldn't have stolen it" because you just don't know those things to be 100% factual. Perfectly innocent people can sometimes trade or give away stolen property without knowing it, but it doesn't mean the property isn't every bit as stolen.\n\nYou've repeatedly said that you stay out of the drama (wise decision, by the way), so I'm guessing that you really don't have all the facts. If you weren't there at the time all this happened, you really aren't in a good position to know all the intimate details for certain, and it's the details that can really make a difference. \n\nI don't know for sure that it's working, but if you'd like you're welcome to click on my avatar-thingy up there and contact me for some more discussion on this issue. It's probably about to be beaten to death here, and I admire the reasonable tone of your questions.
Any COPS out there? Cop harassment question, serious.?My mother in law has had some trouble with the cops because of my brother in laws. They age from 12 - 20. \nWell, last weekend they came over and took a bunch of stuff from her carport that they say was stolen, lawnmowers, gas cans, and stuff. On the so called ticket it just says for "last name". It doesn't name any one person for the stolen stuff nor does it name the "victims" of the stolen stuff. It doesn't even say why the stuff was being taken. That is all it says on the paper.\nOne of the cops was trying to pick a fight with my brother in law while he was holding his 1 year old baby.\nThe cops have since been pulling over anyone that leaves that house.\nEither today or last night they pulled over my mother in law and brother in law right after they got a pop at a drive through gas station. \nMy brother in law asked why they were pulling them over and the cop said "just to see if you have car insurance". \nCan they do that? Don't they need a REAL reason to pull you over?You've written an awful lot of stuff here just to ask if the cops can pull someone over for "no reason."\n\nDoubtful. \n\nIf the state you're writing about has a law that allows police to stop vehicles to check for current insurance (and for no other reason), then I would have to say the police can do that. \n\nIf there's no such law in your state that allows that, it's going to be every bit as impossible to give you a good answer as Van Winkle says (and his was generally a very good answer). You don't have anywhere near all the facts, so there's no way you can present them to anyone to get a decent answer. \n\nAs for all the other stuff you wrote, did you have a question about it? I see plenty of answers, but you never asked any questions.\n\nDon't get overly excited when you read people's answers here talking about search and seizure issues because based on what you wrote here, I doubt there are any. \n\nPost more if you want to know more.\n\nEDIT 6.11.06:\n\nWow!\n\nOkay, let's see what we can do here.\n\nNeed to know what state you're in. Sorry I didn't mention that before, I should have. States have different laws, and the very best answer will come to you from someone who knows that State's law on these issues. However, these are mostly constitutional questions, so I can probably give you some decent answers (because the Constitution applies in all states).\n\n1. Generally, yes. If it's stolen, it's contraband, and nobody has the right to possess contraband. It would be like trying to argue that the police couldn't take your heroin without a warrant or consent...they can, because it's contraband. NOTE: this is only as to the seizure of the item, not the search. \n\n2. Almost impossible to answer. Really, none of these questions are all that "answerable," without knowing exactly what the facts were. There are times when the police can enter uninvited and without a warrant, and there are times they cannot. I wish I could go into this more with you, but you're talking about hours and hours of search and seizure law here, to be able to cover all the possibilities.\n\n3. Your family can always file a complaint with the officer's employer. I have no idea what the outcome of that could be, of course.\n\n4. I don't know how you know "for sure" some of the property wasn't stolen, so it's difficult to address this. Assuming you really do know the status of the property you're referring to, you should contact the law enforcement agency that seized the property and give them a statement as to the status of the property. Do not waste your time by telling them things like, "it's my brother's, and my brother would never steal anything" or, "the neighbor gave it to my brother last year and my neighbor wouldn't have stolen it" because you just don't know those things to be 100% factual. Perfectly innocent people can sometimes trade or give away stolen property without knowing it, but it doesn't mean the property isn't every bit as stolen.\n\nYou've repeatedly said that you stay out of the drama (wise decision, by the way), so I'm guessing that you really don't have all the facts. If you weren't there at the time all this happened, you really aren't in a good position to know all the intimate details for certain, and it's the details that can really make a difference. \n\nI don't know for sure that it's working, but if you'd like you're welcome to click on my avatar-thingy up there and contact me for some more discussion on this issue. It's probably about to be beaten to death here, and I admire the reasonable tone of your questions.
Politics & Government
The New Jersey Nets have the 22nd pick AND 23rd pick in the NBA Draft... which TWO players should they take?
Unofficial Yahoo Answers Mock Draft\n1.*Toronto- Adam Morrison*\n;_ylt=AighMmTUUL6yjlufKjwPcXLsy6IX?qid=1006052325058\n2.*Chicago- LaMarcus Aldridge*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052327910\n3.*Charlotte- Rudy Gay*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052521249\n4.*Portland- Tyrus Thomas*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052654631\n5.*Atlanta- Marcus Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052717172\n6.*Minnesota- Andrea Bargnani*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052818385\n7.*Boston- Patrick O'Bryant*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052919756\n8.*Houston- Randy Foye*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006053020000\n9.*Golden State- Rodney Carney*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006053123279\n10.*Seattle- Shelden Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006060222006\n11.*Orlando- Brandon Roy*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006060222006\n12. New Orleans- J.J. Redick*\n;_ylt=AuV0PIWSwEBCB8iu_gydiSkezKIX?link=select&qid=20060605144533AAPI9tE&kid=AA11058666\n13.*Philadelphia- Cedric Simmons*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060606201406AAvnApB\n14.*Utah- Maurice Ager*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060607185722AASgdVa\n15.*New Orleans- Shawne Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060608194039AARwT0g\n16.*Chicago- Ronnie Brewer*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060609203738AAik1vF\n17.*Indiana- Jordan Farmar*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060610192749AATohFL\n18.*Washington- Aaron Gray*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060611195758AAWvwGd\n19.*Sacramento- Hilton Armstrong*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060612195036AAgrYrZ \n20.*New York- Oleksiy Pecherov*\n \n21.*Phoenix- Sergio Rodríguez*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060614211829AAjWSwJ
Saer Sene & Paul Davis\n\nHere's why. The Nets most glaring weakness is their bigs. With two first round picks, and best set of three perimeter players in the NBA, Vince Carter, Jason Kidd and Richard Jefferson, it makes sense for the Nets to draft a big man prospect with lots of upside (Saer Sene) and a NBA ready big man (Paul Davis) that bring unique, but missing qualities to the team (look at what the combination of Diop and Dampier have done for Dallas). They both are coachable and hard working.\n\nSaer Sene at 7 ft., is a jaw dropping physical specimen with his combination of size, length, strength, athleticism and mobility. He is very disruptive defensively, his 7’8" wingspan makes him a force as a shot blocker and he’s an excellent rebounder. Sense runs the floor well, which makes him a perfect fit as Jason Kidd’s teammate. He has great hands, and has no problems catching the ball or rebounding. Saer Sene is extremely agile, coachable and hard working.\n\nPaul Davis at 6-11, is a four-year starter out of Michigan State. Davis was widely regarded as a top 10 NBA prospect out of high school! He is a very fundamentally sound big man who is equally adept in the post or on the perimeter. \n\nDavis has a very nice back to the basket game, very crafty. Paul can also face up and shoot. He has a good jumper. Davis uses good positioning to grab a nice share of rebounds. A hard worker, Paul hustles down the floor and never takes a play off. Very coachable, a player who knows his role on the team. With time should turn into a very nice post player. Has shown improvement in each of his 4 years of college ball\n\nBeing in Michigan, I've had the benefit of watching Paul Davis develop. He’s a winner, having played in the NCAA tournament all four years including one final four for the great MSU coach Tom Izzo. He may be a better NBA player than most people expect.\n\nNenad Krstic at 22, though a talented offensive center, provides little shot blocking or rebounding (third on the team behind Kidd the point guard and Richard Jefferson the small forward). The 40 year-old Cliff Robinson, a former Piston, is their best defender and between smoking and age, he may not have anything to give the Nets. The 7-foot Jason Collins is nothing more than a big body.\n\nAdding and developing two players like Saer Sene & Paul Davis could put the Nets over the top.\n\nMr. Jones, I agree with your draft logic as on target. Especially the Atlanta pick . I'd like to see who you think the Pistons should take at 60.
The New Jersey Nets have the 22nd pick AND 23rd pick in the NBA Draft... which TWO players should they take?Unofficial Yahoo Answers Mock Draft\n1.*Toronto- Adam Morrison*\n;_ylt=AighMmTUUL6yjlufKjwPcXLsy6IX?qid=1006052325058\n2.*Chicago- LaMarcus Aldridge*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052327910\n3.*Charlotte- Rudy Gay*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052521249\n4.*Portland- Tyrus Thomas*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052654631\n5.*Atlanta- Marcus Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052717172\n6.*Minnesota- Andrea Bargnani*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052818385\n7.*Boston- Patrick O'Bryant*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052919756\n8.*Houston- Randy Foye*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006053020000\n9.*Golden State- Rodney Carney*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006053123279\n10.*Seattle- Shelden Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006060222006\n11.*Orlando- Brandon Roy*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006060222006\n12. New Orleans- J.J. Redick*\n;_ylt=AuV0PIWSwEBCB8iu_gydiSkezKIX?link=select&qid=20060605144533AAPI9tE&kid=AA11058666\n13.*Philadelphia- Cedric Simmons*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060606201406AAvnApB\n14.*Utah- Maurice Ager*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060607185722AASgdVa\n15.*New Orleans- Shawne Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060608194039AARwT0g\n16.*Chicago- Ronnie Brewer*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060609203738AAik1vF\n17.*Indiana- Jordan Farmar*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060610192749AATohFL\n18.*Washington- Aaron Gray*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060611195758AAWvwGd\n19.*Sacramento- Hilton Armstrong*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060612195036AAgrYrZ \n20.*New York- Oleksiy Pecherov*\n \n21.*Phoenix- Sergio Rodríguez*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060614211829AAjWSwJSaer Sene & Paul Davis\n\nHere's why. The Nets most glaring weakness is their bigs. With two first round picks, and best set of three perimeter players in the NBA, Vince Carter, Jason Kidd and Richard Jefferson, it makes sense for the Nets to draft a big man prospect with lots of upside (Saer Sene) and a NBA ready big man (Paul Davis) that bring unique, but missing qualities to the team (look at what the combination of Diop and Dampier have done for Dallas). They both are coachable and hard working.\n\nSaer Sene at 7 ft., is a jaw dropping physical specimen with his combination of size, length, strength, athleticism and mobility. He is very disruptive defensively, his 7’8" wingspan makes him a force as a shot blocker and he’s an excellent rebounder. Sense runs the floor well, which makes him a perfect fit as Jason Kidd’s teammate. He has great hands, and has no problems catching the ball or rebounding. Saer Sene is extremely agile, coachable and hard working.\n\nPaul Davis at 6-11, is a four-year starter out of Michigan State. Davis was widely regarded as a top 10 NBA prospect out of high school! He is a very fundamentally sound big man who is equally adept in the post or on the perimeter. \n\nDavis has a very nice back to the basket game, very crafty. Paul can also face up and shoot. He has a good jumper. Davis uses good positioning to grab a nice share of rebounds. A hard worker, Paul hustles down the floor and never takes a play off. Very coachable, a player who knows his role on the team. With time should turn into a very nice post player. Has shown improvement in each of his 4 years of college ball\n\nBeing in Michigan, I've had the benefit of watching Paul Davis develop. He’s a winner, having played in the NCAA tournament all four years including one final four for the great MSU coach Tom Izzo. He may be a better NBA player than most people expect.\n\nNenad Krstic at 22, though a talented offensive center, provides little shot blocking or rebounding (third on the team behind Kidd the point guard and Richard Jefferson the small forward). The 40 year-old Cliff Robinson, a former Piston, is their best defender and between smoking and age, he may not have anything to give the Nets. The 7-foot Jason Collins is nothing more than a big body.\n\nAdding and developing two players like Saer Sene & Paul Davis could put the Nets over the top.\n\nMr. Jones, I agree with your draft logic as on target. Especially the Atlanta pick . I'd like to see who you think the Pistons should take at 60.
7Entertainment & Music
does anybody know this song: i don't give a...keep looking at ma?
beep by the pussycat dollz\n\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha\nHa, ha-ha, ha\nHa-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\nHa, ha-ha, ha\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\n\nEvery boy's the same\nSince up in the seventh grade\nThey been trying to get with me\nTrying to Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha-ha\nThey always got a plan\nTo be my one and only man\nWant to hold me with their hands\nWant to Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha-ha\nI keep turning them down\nBut, they always come around\nAsking me to go around\nThat's not the way it's going down\n\n'Cause they only want\nOnly want my ha, ha-ha\nHa, ha-ha\nOnly want what they want\nBut, na, ah-ah\nNa, ah-ah\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\n\nDo you know that no\nDon't mean yes, it means no\nSo just hold up, wait a minute\nLet me put my two cents in it\nOne, just be patient\nDon't be rushing\nLike you're anxious\nAnd two, your just too aggresive\nTrying to get your Ahh\n\nDo you know that I know?\nAnd I don't want to go there\n\nThey Only want\nOnly want my ha, ha-ha\nHa, ha-ha\nOnly want what they want\nBut, na, ah-ah\nNa, ah-ah\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...HAH\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nBoomp-boomp, Boomp-boomp\nBoomp, boomp-boomp\nBoomp-boomp, Bomp,Boomp, boomp-boomp\n[Repeated]\n\n[PCD]\nOoh, you've got it bad I can tell\nYou want it bad, but oh well\nDude, what you got for me\nIs something I\nSomething I don't need\nHeeeeeeyyy!\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha
does anybody know this song: i don't give a...keep looking at ma?beep by the pussycat dollz\n\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha\nHa, ha-ha, ha\nHa-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\nHa, ha-ha, ha\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\n\nEvery boy's the same\nSince up in the seventh grade\nThey been trying to get with me\nTrying to Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha-ha\nThey always got a plan\nTo be my one and only man\nWant to hold me with their hands\nWant to Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha-ha\nI keep turning them down\nBut, they always come around\nAsking me to go around\nThat's not the way it's going down\n\n'Cause they only want\nOnly want my ha, ha-ha\nHa, ha-ha\nOnly want what they want\nBut, na, ah-ah\nNa, ah-ah\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\n\nDo you know that no\nDon't mean yes, it means no\nSo just hold up, wait a minute\nLet me put my two cents in it\nOne, just be patient\nDon't be rushing\nLike you're anxious\nAnd two, your just too aggresive\nTrying to get your Ahh\n\nDo you know that I know?\nAnd I don't want to go there\n\nThey Only want\nOnly want my ha, ha-ha\nHa, ha-ha\nOnly want what they want\nBut, na, ah-ah\nNa, ah-ah\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...HAH\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nBoomp-boomp, Boomp-boomp\nBoomp, boomp-boomp\nBoomp-boomp, Bomp,Boomp, boomp-boomp\n[Repeated]\n\n[PCD]\nOoh, you've got it bad I can tell\nYou want it bad, but oh well\nDude, what you got for me\nIs something I\nSomething I don't need\nHeeeeeeyyy!\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha\n\n[Will.I.Am]\nIt's funny how a man only thinks about the...\nYou got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your...\nYou got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...\nGirl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...\n\n[PCD]\nI don't give a...\nKeep looking at my...\n'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...\nI'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...\nHa, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha
Entertainment & Music
Are their any true fans of Kobe Bryant? Are their any people who hate Kobe Bryant, please let me now and tell?
I wanna know what people think of kobe, he is my role model, he is determined!if u dont like him, i wanna koow why, its interesting to me, how people dont like him, because he is so driven! BE sure to tell why or why not you like him, thanks!\nP.S. IM me on yahoo Instant message 4 further dicussions.
Can we handle the truth??\n \n Towards the end of the 2005-2006 NBA regular season\nall time assist great and current ABC Analyst Marc Jackson \nremarked that, "Kobe Bryant will go down as the greatest \nbasketball player of all times". Perhaps the biggest credit to \nKobe's talents is that there was not as big of an uproar as one \nmight expected when ranking a current player above the legacies \nof Magic, Kareem, Wilt and of course the man that is currently\nwidely regarded as the 'greatest'. Michael Jordan. The truth is\nas human beings we all like to look at the past and gasp in awe\nbecause the past is brought to us in clips and articles\nand commentaries. Most of the younger generation of basketball\nfans don't truly know how good of a perimeter player Jordan was\nat age 26 or what Jordan did during the 88 season. They only\nsee clips of a magestic Michael flying high with that now patented\ntongue hanging out. They don't see Michael's struggles during the\n89 playoffs against Detroit, they don't see Michael's inability or \nunwillingness to pass during his mid twenties as he threw up 26-30\nshots a game nightly. Perhaps because they don't see these things\nthey also failed to see the obvious. Kobe\nBryant will surpass Michael Jordan at the rate that he is going. It is \nnot 'perspective' or 'opinion' from a Kobe Bryant fan, it is simple\nbasketball common sense. At age 27 Kobe Bryant is greater then\na 27 year old Michael ever was. Kobe is the better shooter, he has\nmore endurance and is the more fluid dribbler. Yes, the similarities\nare eerie. Kobe and Michael will bring the ball down the court the same\nway, they will elevate to same heights as they leave defenders looking up\nin dismay, and of course in the clutch they will prove ADIDAS's marketing\nslogan, 'Impossible Is Nothing'. Of course if people took the time to dissect\nand anaylze they will suddenly realize that Kobe do dribble the ball down\ncourt in the same fasion as Jordan, except Bryant does it with a little bit more\ngrace. More like a running cheetah as oppose to a running lion. Yes, Bryant\ndoes shoot that beautiful jumper in similar ways to Jordan except that Bryant\ndoes it a few feet further out, and yes Bryant does elevate and drive to the rim in\nsimilar fashion as Jordan except that Bryant finishes with that tiny bit more of \ngrace and style. Bryant will also 'mimic' Jordan in another sense in that he will\nmake bounds and leaps of improvement year to year that only Michael had done.\nA 27 year old Michael compared to a 33 year old Michael is no comparison at all.\nThe 33 year old Michael was a true master of the game. We will see the same \ntrend from Bryant. At age 33 Bryant will so elevate above his current status that\nwe will see a mockery of his former self. \n What's the reason for this predication?\nWhat is to say Kobe will not go down the roads of Carter and Mcgrady? The \nroads of false contentment and injuries? When it comes to physical perfection\nBryant is the model of that for basketball. The words 'for basketball' should be\nemphasized in that no Kobe does not have the best 'body' in the league or the\nbiggest muscles. Yes Ben Wallace make Kobe Bryant look like a high school kid\nagain and yes Lebron James is probably the fittest 21 year old in the history of this\nleague. Neither of the two have that basketball body in which only so very few had\nachieved. A basketball player perfectly designed is not ripping with biceps or with\nchests of Hercules. Shaquille Oneal might be the perfect example of that. Oneal\nis considered the greatest force to play this game in terms of sheer size and strength.\nIn his prime that size and strength render him almost unstoppable, yet at age 34( a age\nin which Jordan was still winning championships while scoring 30+ a night with ease)\nShaq is clearly running out of gas and s
Are their any true fans of Kobe Bryant? Are their any people who hate Kobe Bryant, please let me now and tell?I wanna know what people think of kobe, he is my role model, he is determined!if u dont like him, i wanna koow why, its interesting to me, how people dont like him, because he is so driven! BE sure to tell why or why not you like him, thanks!\nP.S. IM me on yahoo Instant message 4 further dicussions.Can we handle the truth??\n \n Towards the end of the 2005-2006 NBA regular season\nall time assist great and current ABC Analyst Marc Jackson \nremarked that, "Kobe Bryant will go down as the greatest \nbasketball player of all times". Perhaps the biggest credit to \nKobe's talents is that there was not as big of an uproar as one \nmight expected when ranking a current player above the legacies \nof Magic, Kareem, Wilt and of course the man that is currently\nwidely regarded as the 'greatest'. Michael Jordan. The truth is\nas human beings we all like to look at the past and gasp in awe\nbecause the past is brought to us in clips and articles\nand commentaries. Most of the younger generation of basketball\nfans don't truly know how good of a perimeter player Jordan was\nat age 26 or what Jordan did during the 88 season. They only\nsee clips of a magestic Michael flying high with that now patented\ntongue hanging out. They don't see Michael's struggles during the\n89 playoffs against Detroit, they don't see Michael's inability or \nunwillingness to pass during his mid twenties as he threw up 26-30\nshots a game nightly. Perhaps because they don't see these things\nthey also failed to see the obvious. Kobe\nBryant will surpass Michael Jordan at the rate that he is going. It is \nnot 'perspective' or 'opinion' from a Kobe Bryant fan, it is simple\nbasketball common sense. At age 27 Kobe Bryant is greater then\na 27 year old Michael ever was. Kobe is the better shooter, he has\nmore endurance and is the more fluid dribbler. Yes, the similarities\nare eerie. Kobe and Michael will bring the ball down the court the same\nway, they will elevate to same heights as they leave defenders looking up\nin dismay, and of course in the clutch they will prove ADIDAS's marketing\nslogan, 'Impossible Is Nothing'. Of course if people took the time to dissect\nand anaylze they will suddenly realize that Kobe do dribble the ball down\ncourt in the same fasion as Jordan, except Bryant does it with a little bit more\ngrace. More like a running cheetah as oppose to a running lion. Yes, Bryant\ndoes shoot that beautiful jumper in similar ways to Jordan except that Bryant\ndoes it a few feet further out, and yes Bryant does elevate and drive to the rim in\nsimilar fashion as Jordan except that Bryant finishes with that tiny bit more of \ngrace and style. Bryant will also 'mimic' Jordan in another sense in that he will\nmake bounds and leaps of improvement year to year that only Michael had done.\nA 27 year old Michael compared to a 33 year old Michael is no comparison at all.\nThe 33 year old Michael was a true master of the game. We will see the same \ntrend from Bryant. At age 33 Bryant will so elevate above his current status that\nwe will see a mockery of his former self. \n What's the reason for this predication?\nWhat is to say Kobe will not go down the roads of Carter and Mcgrady? The \nroads of false contentment and injuries? When it comes to physical perfection\nBryant is the model of that for basketball. The words 'for basketball' should be\nemphasized in that no Kobe does not have the best 'body' in the league or the\nbiggest muscles. Yes Ben Wallace make Kobe Bryant look like a high school kid\nagain and yes Lebron James is probably the fittest 21 year old in the history of this\nleague. Neither of the two have that basketball body in which only so very few had\nachieved. A basketball player perfectly designed is not ripping with biceps or with\nchests of Hercules. Shaquille Oneal might be the perfect example of that. Oneal\nis considered the greatest force to play this game in terms of sheer size and strength.\nIn his prime that size and strength render him almost unstoppable, yet at age 34( a age\nin which Jordan was still winning championships while scoring 30+ a night with ease)\nShaq is clearly running out of gas and s
7Entertainment & Music
Lyrics to 'Remember the Name" by Fort Minor?
[Mike] \nYou ready? Lets go! \nYeah, for those of you who want to know what we`re all about \nIt`s like this y`all (c`mon!) \n\n[Chorus] \nThis is ten percent luck, \nTwenty percent skill, \nFifteen percent concentrated power of will, \nFive percent pleasure, \nFifty percent pain, \nAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the name! \n\n[Mike] \nMike \nHe doesn`t need his name up in lights \nHe just wants to be heard whether it`s the beat or the mic \nHe feels so unlike everybody else, alone \nIn spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him \nBut fuck em` \nHe knows the code: \nIt`s not about the salary \nIt`s about reality and making some noise \nMakin' a story \nMakin sure his clique stays up \nThat means when he puts it down, Tak`s pickin it up! \n(Let`s go!) \n\n[Tak] \nWho the hell is he anyway? \nHe never really talks much \nNever concerned with status but still leavin them star struck \nHumbled through opportunities given despite the fact \nThat many misjudge him because he makes a livin from writin raps \nPut it together himself, now the picture connects \nNever askin for someone`s help, and get some respect \nHe`s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reach \nAnd now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist \n\n[Ryu] \nThis is twenty percent skill \nEighty percent beer \nBe one hundred percent clear, 'cause Ryu is ill \nWho would`ve thought that he`d be the one to set the west in flames \nThen I heard him wreckin with The Crystal Method, "The Name Of The Game" \nCame back dropped Megadef, took 'em to church \nI like bleach man, Ryu had the stupidest verse \nThis dude is the truth, now everybody givin him guest spots \nHis stock`s through the roof I heard he fuckin with S-Dot! \n\n[Chorus] \nIt`s just ten percent luck, \nTwenty percent skill, \nFiftteen percent concentrated power of will, \nFive percent pleasure, \nFifty percent pain, \nAnd a hundred perecnt reason to remember the name! \n\n[Ryu] \nThey call him Ryu he's sick \nAnd he`s spittin' fire and Mike \nGot him out the dryer he`s hot \nFound him in Fort Minor with Tak \nWhat a fuckin' nihilist porcupine \nHe`s a prick, he`s a cock \nThe type woman want to be with \nAnd rappers hope he get shot \nEight years in the makin` \nPatiently waitin to blow \nNow the record with Shinoda`s takin over the globe \nHe`s got a partner in crime, his shit is equally dope \nYou wont believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kid`s throat \n\n[Tak] \nTak \nHe`s not your everyday on the block \nHe knows how to work with what he's got \nMakin his way to the top \nHe often gets a comment on his name \nPeople keep askin him, was it given at birth, \nOr does it stand for an acronym? \nNo. He`s livin' proof, \nGot him rockin the booth \nHe`ll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice (juice) \nHim and his crew are known around as one of the best \nDedicated to what they do n give a hundred percent! \n\n[Mike] \nForget Mike \nNobody really knows how or why he works so hard \nIt seems like he`s never got time \nBecause he writes every note, and he writes every line \nAnd I`ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mind \nIt`s like a design is written in his head every time \nBefore he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme \nAnd those motherfuckers he runs with the kids that he signed? \nRidiculous, without even trying, how do they do it?! \n\n[Chorus] \nThis is ten percent luck, \nTwenty percent skill, \nFifteen percent concentrated power of will, \nFive percent pleasure, \nFifty percent pain, \nAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the name! \n\nThis is ten percent luck, \nTwenty percent skill, \nFifteen percent concentrated power of will, \nFive percent pleasure, \nFifty percent pain, \nAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the name! \n\n[Outro - Mike] \nYeah! Fort Minor! \nM. Shinoda, Styles of Beyond! \nRyu, Takbir! \nMachine Shop!
Lyrics to 'Remember the Name" by Fort Minor?[Mike] \nYou ready? Lets go! \nYeah, for those of you who want to know what we`re all about \nIt`s like this y`all (c`mon!) \n\n[Chorus] \nThis is ten percent luck, \nTwenty percent skill, \nFifteen percent concentrated power of will, \nFive percent pleasure, \nFifty percent pain, \nAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the name! \n\n[Mike] \nMike \nHe doesn`t need his name up in lights \nHe just wants to be heard whether it`s the beat or the mic \nHe feels so unlike everybody else, alone \nIn spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him \nBut fuck em` \nHe knows the code: \nIt`s not about the salary \nIt`s about reality and making some noise \nMakin' a story \nMakin sure his clique stays up \nThat means when he puts it down, Tak`s pickin it up! \n(Let`s go!) \n\n[Tak] \nWho the hell is he anyway? \nHe never really talks much \nNever concerned with status but still leavin them star struck \nHumbled through opportunities given despite the fact \nThat many misjudge him because he makes a livin from writin raps \nPut it together himself, now the picture connects \nNever askin for someone`s help, and get some respect \nHe`s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reach \nAnd now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist \n\n[Ryu] \nThis is twenty percent skill \nEighty percent beer \nBe one hundred percent clear, 'cause Ryu is ill \nWho would`ve thought that he`d be the one to set the west in flames \nThen I heard him wreckin with The Crystal Method, "The Name Of The Game" \nCame back dropped Megadef, took 'em to church \nI like bleach man, Ryu had the stupidest verse \nThis dude is the truth, now everybody givin him guest spots \nHis stock`s through the roof I heard he fuckin with S-Dot! \n\n[Chorus] \nIt`s just ten percent luck, \nTwenty percent skill, \nFiftteen percent concentrated power of will, \nFive percent pleasure, \nFifty percent pain, \nAnd a hundred perecnt reason to remember the name! \n\n[Ryu] \nThey call him Ryu he's sick \nAnd he`s spittin' fire and Mike \nGot him out the dryer he`s hot \nFound him in Fort Minor with Tak \nWhat a fuckin' nihilist porcupine \nHe`s a prick, he`s a cock \nThe type woman want to be with \nAnd rappers hope he get shot \nEight years in the makin` \nPatiently waitin to blow \nNow the record with Shinoda`s takin over the globe \nHe`s got a partner in crime, his shit is equally dope \nYou wont believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kid`s throat \n\n[Tak] \nTak \nHe`s not your everyday on the block \nHe knows how to work with what he's got \nMakin his way to the top \nHe often gets a comment on his name \nPeople keep askin him, was it given at birth, \nOr does it stand for an acronym? \nNo. He`s livin' proof, \nGot him rockin the booth \nHe`ll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice (juice) \nHim and his crew are known around as one of the best \nDedicated to what they do n give a hundred percent! \n\n[Mike] \nForget Mike \nNobody really knows how or why he works so hard \nIt seems like he`s never got time \nBecause he writes every note, and he writes every line \nAnd I`ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mind \nIt`s like a design is written in his head every time \nBefore he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme \nAnd those motherfuckers he runs with the kids that he signed? \nRidiculous, without even trying, how do they do it?! \n\n[Chorus] \nThis is ten percent luck, \nTwenty percent skill, \nFifteen percent concentrated power of will, \nFive percent pleasure, \nFifty percent pain, \nAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the name! \n\nThis is ten percent luck, \nTwenty percent skill, \nFifteen percent concentrated power of will, \nFive percent pleasure, \nFifty percent pain, \nAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the name! \n\n[Outro - Mike] \nYeah! Fort Minor! \nM. Shinoda, Styles of Beyond! \nRyu, Takbir! \nMachine Shop!
Entertainment & Music
9Politics & Government
G.W.Bush? How did a man so inarticulate ever rise to such power? And... would he be there if not for G.W. Sr.?
How did a man that says "nucular" and not "nuclear" along with a multitude of Bush-isms ever make it into the highest of all political offices? So he went to yale and on and on and on.... He opens his mouth and he sounds like the dumbest man on the planet next to Al Gore. The world hates this entire nation, and Bush gets on tv and adds insult to injury. How did we allow this to be? Not just once, but twice??? \nI'll grant that I've become more conservative in my age. Whether or not it's a bad thing, I don't pretend to know. But to have my interests represented by this stupid hayseed is embarrassing. His average rhetoric is full of machismo "we're not gonna take this crap" reparte. It's boring and phallic ranting. He's an ivy league caveman or something of the like.\nCan he be educated? Why doesn't he have a speech or articulation coach? If an actor can hire one, why can't the american government?\nThat man needs help, he's single handedly flushing our image as a respectable nation.
Ok if you really want your answer, but I have to warn you, you prob won't like it because it's not sugarcoated and will offend many, but it's the truth. First you mock a man who has the hardest job in the world. Yea he has some things you can poke at but I'll bet money on you not being all that either. What things can people make fun of you about? That fact that it's juvenile hasn't even occurred to you, has it? I'm glad to hear that you’re a conservative that's a plus for you. As far as his not taking crap, oh I'm sorry you would rather have a president that let this country get walked all over and "take crap". 3000 Americans dead not enough for you? As far as our respectable nation goes, we respect it, no other country does. They hate us. (I’m sure that doesn’t go for every country but most do) Other countries hate us because we are free, because we live better than they do, because we have the nicest house on the block. I could go on but that will take all day. Most countries are just flat out jealous of us. The same as a poor person would be jealous of a rich person. We do act like the worlds police because we are. Most UN troops, Americans. We are the ones who stand up to right and wrong (even if it takes 12 years to do so). If you really lover your country you would respect the office of the president and back who ever sits there. I didn't like Bill but I only voiced what I thought he did wrong, I didn't make fun of obvious flaws in his character. Hell I’d slept with Monica too if I had to look at Hillary everyday. There that's my one pun for him or her depending on what way you look at it. I'm actually glad you posted your question, it made me think of my own flaws that I might want to change and better myself, thank you. And as far as him getting voted in twice,,,, Americans are as a whole very stupid,,, and I mean dumb,,, We have our freedom and we mock it. Most people who vote don't even know what they are voting on, and even if they think they do they don't know what else is on the same issue that they are voting on. Most Americans don't understand that a bill to fund schools could also have a part of it that funds some senators or counsel member’s pockets. And it's really sad to say that most Americans think politicians don't lie or will actually do what they say they will. About 1% might have morals and do what is good for the country and not just for them selves. Hardly anyone checks out what type of person they are voting for they just vote for the party they consider themselves part of. Or they vote on what name they recognize. Or worse still they don't vote. In my personal opinion Bush is doing what is right and just. I don't believe he's a totally honest person by any means, but I’d done exactly the same thing as he is doing and defended the country from the cowards that murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11. And why did they do it, because we don't worship the same God they do. \n\nThis is proof on how stupid Most people are.\n\nWe live in a country where someone who plays a game ex football, basketball, etc.... makes 100 times more than a person who is educating our future generations and will have a great impact on the way kids think. Where the only way to actually make enough money in the working world to life is to further our education and put ourselves so far in debt doing it that all we end up doing with the extra money is paying it off. Where we put non-violent offenders away for years and give a man who rapes a child a slap on the wrist! That pisses me off right there. The man should die for that. Where if a male teacher sleeps with his teenage student and gets made out to be the worst person in the world and when a female teacher does she is bipolar and we need to feel sorry for her. If she's bipolar how the hell did she get a teaching job to begin with?
G.W.Bush? How did a man so inarticulate ever rise to such power? And... would he be there if not for G.W. Sr.?How did a man that says "nucular" and not "nuclear" along with a multitude of Bush-isms ever make it into the highest of all political offices? So he went to yale and on and on and on.... He opens his mouth and he sounds like the dumbest man on the planet next to Al Gore. The world hates this entire nation, and Bush gets on tv and adds insult to injury. How did we allow this to be? Not just once, but twice??? \nI'll grant that I've become more conservative in my age. Whether or not it's a bad thing, I don't pretend to know. But to have my interests represented by this stupid hayseed is embarrassing. His average rhetoric is full of machismo "we're not gonna take this crap" reparte. It's boring and phallic ranting. He's an ivy league caveman or something of the like.\nCan he be educated? Why doesn't he have a speech or articulation coach? If an actor can hire one, why can't the american government?\nThat man needs help, he's single handedly flushing our image as a respectable nation.Ok if you really want your answer, but I have to warn you, you prob won't like it because it's not sugarcoated and will offend many, but it's the truth. First you mock a man who has the hardest job in the world. Yea he has some things you can poke at but I'll bet money on you not being all that either. What things can people make fun of you about? That fact that it's juvenile hasn't even occurred to you, has it? I'm glad to hear that you’re a conservative that's a plus for you. As far as his not taking crap, oh I'm sorry you would rather have a president that let this country get walked all over and "take crap". 3000 Americans dead not enough for you? As far as our respectable nation goes, we respect it, no other country does. They hate us. (I’m sure that doesn’t go for every country but most do) Other countries hate us because we are free, because we live better than they do, because we have the nicest house on the block. I could go on but that will take all day. Most countries are just flat out jealous of us. The same as a poor person would be jealous of a rich person. We do act like the worlds police because we are. Most UN troops, Americans. We are the ones who stand up to right and wrong (even if it takes 12 years to do so). If you really lover your country you would respect the office of the president and back who ever sits there. I didn't like Bill but I only voiced what I thought he did wrong, I didn't make fun of obvious flaws in his character. Hell I’d slept with Monica too if I had to look at Hillary everyday. There that's my one pun for him or her depending on what way you look at it. I'm actually glad you posted your question, it made me think of my own flaws that I might want to change and better myself, thank you. And as far as him getting voted in twice,,,, Americans are as a whole very stupid,,, and I mean dumb,,, We have our freedom and we mock it. Most people who vote don't even know what they are voting on, and even if they think they do they don't know what else is on the same issue that they are voting on. Most Americans don't understand that a bill to fund schools could also have a part of it that funds some senators or counsel member’s pockets. And it's really sad to say that most Americans think politicians don't lie or will actually do what they say they will. About 1% might have morals and do what is good for the country and not just for them selves. Hardly anyone checks out what type of person they are voting for they just vote for the party they consider themselves part of. Or they vote on what name they recognize. Or worse still they don't vote. In my personal opinion Bush is doing what is right and just. I don't believe he's a totally honest person by any means, but I’d done exactly the same thing as he is doing and defended the country from the cowards that murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11. And why did they do it, because we don't worship the same God they do. \n\nThis is proof on how stupid Most people are.\n\nWe live in a country where someone who plays a game ex football, basketball, etc.... makes 100 times more than a person who is educating our future generations and will have a great impact on the way kids think. Where the only way to actually make enough money in the working world to life is to further our education and put ourselves so far in debt doing it that all we end up doing with the extra money is paying it off. Where we put non-violent offenders away for years and give a man who rapes a child a slap on the wrist! That pisses me off right there. The man should die for that. Where if a male teacher sleeps with his teenage student and gets made out to be the worst person in the world and when a female teacher does she is bipolar and we need to feel sorry for her. If she's bipolar how the hell did she get a teaching job to begin with?
Politics & Government
7Entertainment & Music
i need to know words to a song the sont is best friend from 50 cent?
the words are for my friend she likes this song
If I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time)\nCan i be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!) please say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round all the time)\nCan i be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!) He say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend\n\nFirst we get the talkin, then we get the touchin\nIf we get pass the phone games we'll be fuckin\nI kiss like the french then put my my tongue in your ear\nDo it like the dogs do it girl and pull on your hair\nFor me a different scenery just mean a different position\nIn the tub or on the sink I improvise now listen\nIn the chopper or on the jet join the mile high club\n\nI'm no fool I know money can't buy me love\nBut I'm a different type of nigga that make sure that you know\nInstead of a rose, there's a hundred dozen of those\nSee I see somethin special when I look in your eyes\nWith your legs way back I see this pussy is mine\nIf you ain't sure when I'm talkin I don't tell you no lies\nBut there's things that you say that have me wonderin why\nWhen I don't say what I'm thinkin it don't mean that I'm shy\nGot on that shit you picked out for me that's why I'm so fly\n\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time)\nAnd I'll be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!)he say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round all the time)\nAnd I'll be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nplease say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!) he say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend\n\nWhile you in your bubble bath I'll come wash on your back\nWhen you puttin on your lotion I can help you with that\nI sit and think of things to say that may make you smile\nOr give you gifts from my heart to reflect my style\nOr slang I use when we build may change how you talk\nAnd if I'm focused while I'm strokin I could change how you walk\nThere's a swagger that you come with when you come from New York\nI'm a hustler I just hustle in the things that I bought\nSeparate me from the rest, I feel like I'm the best\nIf there's a price to pay for feelin you I pay that twice\nI'm as ghetto as it gets girl you know that's right\nI ain't got nothin to hide baby I tell you my secrets\n'Fore you end up bein 'round long enough to peep shit\nI get closer to you, I mean closer than close\nI get into you, after I take off my clothes\nGirl I been into you, mentally long before\n\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time)\nAnd I'll be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!)he say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round all the time)\nAnd I'll be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl l
i need to know words to a song the sont is best friend from 50 cent?the words are for my friend she likes this songIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time)\nCan i be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!) please say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round all the time)\nCan i be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!) He say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend\n\nFirst we get the talkin, then we get the touchin\nIf we get pass the phone games we'll be fuckin\nI kiss like the french then put my my tongue in your ear\nDo it like the dogs do it girl and pull on your hair\nFor me a different scenery just mean a different position\nIn the tub or on the sink I improvise now listen\nIn the chopper or on the jet join the mile high club\n\nI'm no fool I know money can't buy me love\nBut I'm a different type of nigga that make sure that you know\nInstead of a rose, there's a hundred dozen of those\nSee I see somethin special when I look in your eyes\nWith your legs way back I see this pussy is mine\nIf you ain't sure when I'm talkin I don't tell you no lies\nBut there's things that you say that have me wonderin why\nWhen I don't say what I'm thinkin it don't mean that I'm shy\nGot on that shit you picked out for me that's why I'm so fly\n\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time)\nAnd I'll be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!)he say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round all the time)\nAnd I'll be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nplease say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!) he say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend\n\nWhile you in your bubble bath I'll come wash on your back\nWhen you puttin on your lotion I can help you with that\nI sit and think of things to say that may make you smile\nOr give you gifts from my heart to reflect my style\nOr slang I use when we build may change how you talk\nAnd if I'm focused while I'm strokin I could change how you walk\nThere's a swagger that you come with when you come from New York\nI'm a hustler I just hustle in the things that I bought\nSeparate me from the rest, I feel like I'm the best\nIf there's a price to pay for feelin you I pay that twice\nI'm as ghetto as it gets girl you know that's right\nI ain't got nothin to hide baby I tell you my secrets\n'Fore you end up bein 'round long enough to peep shit\nI get closer to you, I mean closer than close\nI get into you, after I take off my clothes\nGirl I been into you, mentally long before\n\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time)\nAnd I'll be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)\nEither he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!)he say he's just a friend\nIf I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round all the time)\nAnd I'll be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)\nhe say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl l
Entertainment & Music
0Society & Culture
Is Scientology a money seeking cult; or is there truly something behind their ability to offer self healing?
I've read and done a great deal of research on the "religion" of scientology. To me it seems less like a religion and more like a scientific medical solution. Its origins seem sincere, however, it does appear that it has now been taken too far, possibly even into the classification of a cult. Still, the money and exclusivity aside; it seems like a very logical way to approach life and to become the best one can become. I've struggled with depression for most of my life, and I'm very intrigued with what Scientology has to offer in terms of healing my perception of this "disease". Although Christian, I am also a very scientific person and believe the possibility of Scientology's belief of the beginning of our world. Still, I have great difficulty getting over its cult-like behavor and organization.
Hi Bethany,\n\nI am glad you are researching into it...I have had a lot of time for my own reasons to look into scientology and have found some rather worrying stuff on the subject. I urge you to do a lot of research at not only the scientology sites and from his books but also from critical sites and the evidence they present, as well as there opinion. These critical sites are often run by or added to by ex-members who have spent, often decades in scientology before realising the true nature behind it. There are many philosophies, activities and help groups you can go to that do not involve money, that do work, and are not highly disputed by individuals, ex-members, scientists, governments & all the families whose loved ones have disconnected from them.\n\nIt is not endorsed by the mainstream scientific community and infact has many ideas and theories which have been flat out rejected. He also did not do any of the research he claims to have done, or at least all the evidence of it mysteriously vanished.\n\nAre you aware that Hubbard thought that religions are an implant (R6 implant that forms the basis of your reactive mind)\n\n\nYou are right to suspect of the Church of Scientology as a cult and that it exhibits less than desirable actions, such as all these court transcripts, or Operation Snowflake, or the way it hounds its critics...\n\n\n\n\n\nHere is a paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, November, 1991\n\n\nAlso see this Govt. Report:\n\n\nHere is an info pack on what scientology might not tell you, written mainly by ex-members:\n\n\nHere is something that explains their practices\n\n\nYou might also like to read these accounts by ex-members:\n\n\n\n\nPlease review the following sites as well as any you might have read given to you by the Church of Scientology.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you still want to follow Hubbards Teaching pls do so in the FreeZone not the CofS. It is much cheaper, original tech, and without the cult thing.\n\n \n \n\n\nAnd just to be fair here is the Official site for the Church of Scientology:\n\n\nPlease do the reading and make an informed decision, I wish you all the best for the future no matter what decision you make.
Is Scientology a money seeking cult; or is there truly something behind their ability to offer self healing?I've read and done a great deal of research on the "religion" of scientology. To me it seems less like a religion and more like a scientific medical solution. Its origins seem sincere, however, it does appear that it has now been taken too far, possibly even into the classification of a cult. Still, the money and exclusivity aside; it seems like a very logical way to approach life and to become the best one can become. I've struggled with depression for most of my life, and I'm very intrigued with what Scientology has to offer in terms of healing my perception of this "disease". Although Christian, I am also a very scientific person and believe the possibility of Scientology's belief of the beginning of our world. Still, I have great difficulty getting over its cult-like behavor and organization.Hi Bethany,\n\nI am glad you are researching into it...I have had a lot of time for my own reasons to look into scientology and have found some rather worrying stuff on the subject. I urge you to do a lot of research at not only the scientology sites and from his books but also from critical sites and the evidence they present, as well as there opinion. These critical sites are often run by or added to by ex-members who have spent, often decades in scientology before realising the true nature behind it. There are many philosophies, activities and help groups you can go to that do not involve money, that do work, and are not highly disputed by individuals, ex-members, scientists, governments & all the families whose loved ones have disconnected from them.\n\nIt is not endorsed by the mainstream scientific community and infact has many ideas and theories which have been flat out rejected. He also did not do any of the research he claims to have done, or at least all the evidence of it mysteriously vanished.\n\nAre you aware that Hubbard thought that religions are an implant (R6 implant that forms the basis of your reactive mind)\n\n\nYou are right to suspect of the Church of Scientology as a cult and that it exhibits less than desirable actions, such as all these court transcripts, or Operation Snowflake, or the way it hounds its critics...\n\n\n\n\n\nHere is a paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, November, 1991\n\n\nAlso see this Govt. Report:\n\n\nHere is an info pack on what scientology might not tell you, written mainly by ex-members:\n\n\nHere is something that explains their practices\n\n\nYou might also like to read these accounts by ex-members:\n\n\n\n\nPlease review the following sites as well as any you might have read given to you by the Church of Scientology.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you still want to follow Hubbards Teaching pls do so in the FreeZone not the CofS. It is much cheaper, original tech, and without the cult thing.\n\n \n \n\n\nAnd just to be fair here is the Official site for the Church of Scientology:\n\n\nPlease do the reading and make an informed decision, I wish you all the best for the future no matter what decision you make.
Society & Culture
1Science & Mathematics
How can I use time series data to forecast a future value?
I know how to do it in Excel, but I want to be able to compute on paper. I have 4-15 samples taken at a regular interval. I'd like to be able to forecast when the future sample value will reach a given value (how many more samples until we reach N?), and also forecast the value at a specified date (at T+30 what will the value be?) \n\nThanks
There r many types of models. AR, MA, ARMA, ARIMA, ARCH, GARCH, and lots of other which names I cannot recall. For the prediction to be of any use, the correct model must be used.\n\nAssume u have decided which model to use, u now need to estimate the parameters. The idea is simply to choose the parameter to produce the smallest possible deviation of the model and the data.\n\nYou said u used Excel. so, i guess the method u used is simply trial and error. u try a range of values for the parameters and then pick the best one.\n\nYou want to do it by hand. This is extremely tedious. One way to do it is simply to do the thousands of calculations by hand and compare. Another way to do it is by taking derivatives.\n\nThe idea is simple. u have a model with certain parameter. Say, X(t+1)=aX(t)+et is your model where e is the random component with E(e)=0. So, your forecast of X(t+1) given information up to time t is X(t+1, forecast)=aX(t). The error of your forecast is know when at time t+1 when X(t+1) happens. So, the forecast error is X(t+1, real)-X(t+1, forecast)=(aX(t)+et) - aX(t) = et\n\nYou do this for a few t's and u collect a bunch of et's for these t's. You then square the et's and sum them and call it S.\n\nSt=(e1)^2 +(e2)^2 +e3)^2 +....+(et)^2\n=(X(1)-aX(0))^2 +(X(2)-aX(1))^2+.....\n\n (squaring them is simply to remove the sign of the et's. There r other ways, for example, |et|). You want to pick an 'a' that minimise S. To get this a, take the first derivative of S wrt a and equate it to 0.\n\ndS/da = 0\n\nSolve the equation to find possible values of a.\n\nTake the second derivative of S,\n\nd(dS/da)/da. Substitute possible values of 'a' into it. Those 'a' that make d(dS/da)/da<0 is the local point of maximum. To get the largest maximum, simply substitute these a into St to to find the one that gives the lowest St. This will be your best estimate of parameter.\n\nHowever, when u have more than 1 parameter, thing can get complicated. u would have more than 1 equation to solve and sometimes, u need to use numerical methods to solve them.... which will require the use od Excel again!\n\n\nAs for forecasting... it depends on what model u r using. Generally, for those values u have not observe, u simply use the forecast.\n\nSay, you have a model that uses t-1, t-2 and t-3 to forecast t.... the history for past 3 periods. So, at time t, if u want to forecast X(t+1), u simply pluck in the observed X(t), X(t-1) and X(t-2): {Forecast of X(t+1) at time t }=F{X(t), X(t-1), X(t-2)}...where F denotes a function.\n\nSimilarly, if u want to forecast X(t+3) at time t, u have {Forecast of X(t+3) at time t} = F{X(t+2,forecast), X(t+1, forecast), X(t)}. Or u want to forecast, say, t+100, {Forecast of X(t+100) at time t} = F{X(t+99,forecast), X(t+98, forecast), X(t+97, forecast)}. Hope u know what I mean.\n\nThe difference between a forecast X(t, forecast) and a realisation in the real world X(t) is the random conponent. Without much information, all I can do is to use my best knowledge(the parameter and correct model) to forecast ahead. But as time goes by and i gather more data, I'll reset and improve my prediction everytimes I get more info. So, to predict how long u will need for the process to reach a certain level, u simply use the model(the formula), substitute the X(t) with data u observed(if it's observed already) and forecasted(if has not happened). Let the model evolve until it reach your required level, N. Then look at what the t is.. then this is the best estimate of how long it takes.\n\nIf u make assumption about the distribution(s) of et's, the random conponent, u can even predict probabilities of the accuracy of your predictions. And also, the estimated parameters has uncertainty in them too, and taking these into account, u can calculate the probability of your forecast being right, allowing for the random fluctuation et and sampling error of estimating parameters.
How can I use time series data to forecast a future value?I know how to do it in Excel, but I want to be able to compute on paper. I have 4-15 samples taken at a regular interval. I'd like to be able to forecast when the future sample value will reach a given value (how many more samples until we reach N?), and also forecast the value at a specified date (at T+30 what will the value be?) \n\nThanksThere r many types of models. AR, MA, ARMA, ARIMA, ARCH, GARCH, and lots of other which names I cannot recall. For the prediction to be of any use, the correct model must be used.\n\nAssume u have decided which model to use, u now need to estimate the parameters. The idea is simply to choose the parameter to produce the smallest possible deviation of the model and the data.\n\nYou said u used Excel. so, i guess the method u used is simply trial and error. u try a range of values for the parameters and then pick the best one.\n\nYou want to do it by hand. This is extremely tedious. One way to do it is simply to do the thousands of calculations by hand and compare. Another way to do it is by taking derivatives.\n\nThe idea is simple. u have a model with certain parameter. Say, X(t+1)=aX(t)+et is your model where e is the random component with E(e)=0. So, your forecast of X(t+1) given information up to time t is X(t+1, forecast)=aX(t). The error of your forecast is know when at time t+1 when X(t+1) happens. So, the forecast error is X(t+1, real)-X(t+1, forecast)=(aX(t)+et) - aX(t) = et\n\nYou do this for a few t's and u collect a bunch of et's for these t's. You then square the et's and sum them and call it S.\n\nSt=(e1)^2 +(e2)^2 +e3)^2 +....+(et)^2\n=(X(1)-aX(0))^2 +(X(2)-aX(1))^2+.....\n\n (squaring them is simply to remove the sign of the et's. There r other ways, for example, |et|). You want to pick an 'a' that minimise S. To get this a, take the first derivative of S wrt a and equate it to 0.\n\ndS/da = 0\n\nSolve the equation to find possible values of a.\n\nTake the second derivative of S,\n\nd(dS/da)/da. Substitute possible values of 'a' into it. Those 'a' that make d(dS/da)/da<0 is the local point of maximum. To get the largest maximum, simply substitute these a into St to to find the one that gives the lowest St. This will be your best estimate of parameter.\n\nHowever, when u have more than 1 parameter, thing can get complicated. u would have more than 1 equation to solve and sometimes, u need to use numerical methods to solve them.... which will require the use od Excel again!\n\n\nAs for forecasting... it depends on what model u r using. Generally, for those values u have not observe, u simply use the forecast.\n\nSay, you have a model that uses t-1, t-2 and t-3 to forecast t.... the history for past 3 periods. So, at time t, if u want to forecast X(t+1), u simply pluck in the observed X(t), X(t-1) and X(t-2): {Forecast of X(t+1) at time t }=F{X(t), X(t-1), X(t-2)}...where F denotes a function.\n\nSimilarly, if u want to forecast X(t+3) at time t, u have {Forecast of X(t+3) at time t} = F{X(t+2,forecast), X(t+1, forecast), X(t)}. Or u want to forecast, say, t+100, {Forecast of X(t+100) at time t} = F{X(t+99,forecast), X(t+98, forecast), X(t+97, forecast)}. Hope u know what I mean.\n\nThe difference between a forecast X(t, forecast) and a realisation in the real world X(t) is the random conponent. Without much information, all I can do is to use my best knowledge(the parameter and correct model) to forecast ahead. But as time goes by and i gather more data, I'll reset and improve my prediction everytimes I get more info. So, to predict how long u will need for the process to reach a certain level, u simply use the model(the formula), substitute the X(t) with data u observed(if it's observed already) and forecasted(if has not happened). Let the model evolve until it reach your required level, N. Then look at what the t is.. then this is the best estimate of how long it takes.\n\nIf u make assumption about the distribution(s) of et's, the random conponent, u can even predict probabilities of the accuracy of your predictions. And also, the estimated parameters has uncertainty in them too, and taking these into account, u can calculate the probability of your forecast being right, allowing for the random fluctuation et and sampling error of estimating parameters.
Science & Mathematics
3Education & Reference
Can U filipinos help me or tagalog speakers with m homework?
Can U tell me anythhing about Queen Josephe Jeanne Marie Antoinette I need it in tagalog PLZ
Archduchess ng mahigpit at reyna ng prangkisya\nnina K.R.J.Tattersall\n\n\n\nang hinaharap reyna ng prangkisya was born sa lahat kaluluwa araw, 2nd nobyembre, 1755, di Vienna gaya ang kabataan anak na babae ng kawal ng hukbong-dagat diyan at ang emperador Franz humakbang. siya was binyag pang ilalim ang pangalanan kawal ng hukbong-dagat kasalungat Josepha Johanna. A maluwalhati hinaharap tila sa hintayin ang maliit Archduchess. hindi tangi would siya tumubo pataasin di ang dibdib ng a malaki at magiliw mag-anak, datapuwa't sa ang tunay simula niya mother magbalak sa ikasal niya kabataan anak na babae sa ang kumislap magputong ng prangkisya. ang Sali't saling sabi kasal pulitika ng ang Habsburgs would kumuha niya mahal anak na babae a kaningningan katayuan at tumulong panagutan ang kapayapaan at katatagan ng Europe at ang pagkapareho takdaan ng oras.\n\ndi malasin ng tesis hangad, ito ay kamangha-mangha atipan ng pawid hindi malaki pansin was paid sa ang kabataan Archduchess's pinag-aralan, lalao na mula kawal ng hukbong-dagat kasalungat itanghal maliit kakayahan o hilig sa pisanin, nor sino man malaki magnais sa lagyan herself sa niya pinag-aralan. musika nag-iisa was may kakayahan ng gisingin alalayan akitin di ang kabataan prinsesa. siya umambon kaunti talino dito at patagin manlalaro duweto kumuha ang kabataan Mozart di ang palasyo ng Schnbrunnö.\n\ndi 1769 ang marami longed dahil sa balita dumating sa Versailles. matapos nakababagot at mahaba pakikipag-unawaan, hari Louis XV had pakiusapan ang ibigay ng ang Archduchess kawal ng hukbong-dagat kasalungat dahil sa kanya pagkalaki-laki at tagapagmana, ang Dauphin Louis- agosto.\n\nang 14 taon unang panahon batang babae, sino had bahagya na been gumayak dahil sa niya bago exalted ihanay, bade pamamaalam sa niya mother at mag-anak di Vienna sa 21st abril, 1770, at kumuha isa maringal nobya sanayin began niya kapalaran maglakbay sa ang kaharian ng prangkisya. siya maglakbay pataasin ang ilog Danube at via pambayan at Augsburg, tapon at Gnzburgü, Ulm at Freiburg di ano was noon patahimikin Austrian teritoryo. sa 7th mayo, lumapit Strassburg, siya was ihatid sa ang makisig ng niya bago pranses walang tahanan. kapuwa at Strassburg kanyang sarili at at iligtas labas Strassburg siya was ang hulaan ng Cardinal Louis de Rohan, sino would yumao pagayon pinsalain niya karangalan di ang pagayon- tawagin " diyamante kuwintas kabuhayan".\n\nHaving minsan dumating di Versailles, ang kabataan at inexperienced kawal ng hukbong-dagat Antoinette ( gaya siya would maaari tawagin sa ngayon sa) madali got sa mahirap hindi madali di a ligawan kabilugan ng sitsit at makapagtaka. siya was hindi bigyan nina kalikasan sa diplomasya at ipalos, at di ang artipisyal at kagalakan-loving atmospera ng Versailles niya katauhan itatag bahagya na sino man magkataon dahil sa paglinang. niya pagpili ng libangan at hanapbuhay mamalagi mababaw at walang kabuluhan. niya asawang lalaki, ang Dauphin Louis- agosto, was a mahiyain at manapa asiwa kabataan tauhan, sino mamalagi walang kaya sa consummate ang kasal dahil sa pito taon. ito tunay na pangyayari nag-iisa brought a pulutong ng puna at pagkutya itumba sa ang panguluhan ng ang childless "Austrian babae". kawal ng hukbong-dagat Antoinette tumakas sa a daigdig ng libangan. siya katakutan wala pagayon marami gaya boredom. kumuha niya dalawa kapatid na lalaki- di- batas gaya kasamahan, siya ihandog herself sa ang dulaan, sa bola at sa kard laro.\n\ndi 1774 ang unang panahon hari died, at ang Dauphin pumayag sa ang dagsaan ng prangkisya gaya Louis XVI. ang kabataan prinsesa was ngayon reyna ng prangkisya.\n\nang emperatris kawal ng hukbong-dagat diyan gulugod di Vienna knew niya anak na babae balon, at siya was pangamba atipan ng pawid kawal ng hukbong-dagat Antoinette dapat may sa tiisin ang pahirapan ng a magputong pagayon maaga di buhay. di a seryo ng titikan kabilugan ng payo at admonitions, ang mother tried sa tapnubayan niya anak
Can U filipinos help me or tagalog speakers with m homework?Can U tell me anythhing about Queen Josephe Jeanne Marie Antoinette I need it in tagalog PLZArchduchess ng mahigpit at reyna ng prangkisya\nnina K.R.J.Tattersall\n\n\n\nang hinaharap reyna ng prangkisya was born sa lahat kaluluwa araw, 2nd nobyembre, 1755, di Vienna gaya ang kabataan anak na babae ng kawal ng hukbong-dagat diyan at ang emperador Franz humakbang. siya was binyag pang ilalim ang pangalanan kawal ng hukbong-dagat kasalungat Josepha Johanna. A maluwalhati hinaharap tila sa hintayin ang maliit Archduchess. hindi tangi would siya tumubo pataasin di ang dibdib ng a malaki at magiliw mag-anak, datapuwa't sa ang tunay simula niya mother magbalak sa ikasal niya kabataan anak na babae sa ang kumislap magputong ng prangkisya. ang Sali't saling sabi kasal pulitika ng ang Habsburgs would kumuha niya mahal anak na babae a kaningningan katayuan at tumulong panagutan ang kapayapaan at katatagan ng Europe at ang pagkapareho takdaan ng oras.\n\ndi malasin ng tesis hangad, ito ay kamangha-mangha atipan ng pawid hindi malaki pansin was paid sa ang kabataan Archduchess's pinag-aralan, lalao na mula kawal ng hukbong-dagat kasalungat itanghal maliit kakayahan o hilig sa pisanin, nor sino man malaki magnais sa lagyan herself sa niya pinag-aralan. musika nag-iisa was may kakayahan ng gisingin alalayan akitin di ang kabataan prinsesa. siya umambon kaunti talino dito at patagin manlalaro duweto kumuha ang kabataan Mozart di ang palasyo ng Schnbrunnö.\n\ndi 1769 ang marami longed dahil sa balita dumating sa Versailles. matapos nakababagot at mahaba pakikipag-unawaan, hari Louis XV had pakiusapan ang ibigay ng ang Archduchess kawal ng hukbong-dagat kasalungat dahil sa kanya pagkalaki-laki at tagapagmana, ang Dauphin Louis- agosto.\n\nang 14 taon unang panahon batang babae, sino had bahagya na been gumayak dahil sa niya bago exalted ihanay, bade pamamaalam sa niya mother at mag-anak di Vienna sa 21st abril, 1770, at kumuha isa maringal nobya sanayin began niya kapalaran maglakbay sa ang kaharian ng prangkisya. siya maglakbay pataasin ang ilog Danube at via pambayan at Augsburg, tapon at Gnzburgü, Ulm at Freiburg di ano was noon patahimikin Austrian teritoryo. sa 7th mayo, lumapit Strassburg, siya was ihatid sa ang makisig ng niya bago pranses walang tahanan. kapuwa at Strassburg kanyang sarili at at iligtas labas Strassburg siya was ang hulaan ng Cardinal Louis de Rohan, sino would yumao pagayon pinsalain niya karangalan di ang pagayon- tawagin " diyamante kuwintas kabuhayan".\n\nHaving minsan dumating di Versailles, ang kabataan at inexperienced kawal ng hukbong-dagat Antoinette ( gaya siya would maaari tawagin sa ngayon sa) madali got sa mahirap hindi madali di a ligawan kabilugan ng sitsit at makapagtaka. siya was hindi bigyan nina kalikasan sa diplomasya at ipalos, at di ang artipisyal at kagalakan-loving atmospera ng Versailles niya katauhan itatag bahagya na sino man magkataon dahil sa paglinang. niya pagpili ng libangan at hanapbuhay mamalagi mababaw at walang kabuluhan. niya asawang lalaki, ang Dauphin Louis- agosto, was a mahiyain at manapa asiwa kabataan tauhan, sino mamalagi walang kaya sa consummate ang kasal dahil sa pito taon. ito tunay na pangyayari nag-iisa brought a pulutong ng puna at pagkutya itumba sa ang panguluhan ng ang childless "Austrian babae". kawal ng hukbong-dagat Antoinette tumakas sa a daigdig ng libangan. siya katakutan wala pagayon marami gaya boredom. kumuha niya dalawa kapatid na lalaki- di- batas gaya kasamahan, siya ihandog herself sa ang dulaan, sa bola at sa kard laro.\n\ndi 1774 ang unang panahon hari died, at ang Dauphin pumayag sa ang dagsaan ng prangkisya gaya Louis XVI. ang kabataan prinsesa was ngayon reyna ng prangkisya.\n\nang emperatris kawal ng hukbong-dagat diyan gulugod di Vienna knew niya anak na babae balon, at siya was pangamba atipan ng pawid kawal ng hukbong-dagat Antoinette dapat may sa tiisin ang pahirapan ng a magputong pagayon maaga di buhay. di a seryo ng titikan kabilugan ng payo at admonitions, ang mother tried sa tapnubayan niya anak
Education & Reference
3Education & Reference
Can You Name Some Funny Jokes It Dont Matter What Kinda Of Jokes They Just Have To Be Good Ones?!?
if u can plz say a joke that has not been heard alot and is really funny and who ever has the funniest joke will win the 10 points! the joke can be about anything blondes,red heads,blacks,whites,rednecks,or any other jokes...etc!! thank you very much and this is serious!!
Three guys, a white guy, black guy and a polock, stranded on an island 50 miles from shore after their boat sunk. They are there for about a week when the white guy says "I have had enough im going to try and swim" he gets about 20 miles gets tired and drowns. The black guy then tries to swim back to the main land. He gets 35 miles, gets tired and drowns. The polock is sitting there bored... and he finally decides to try and swim to shore... He gets 49 miles! He sees the beach of the shore just in front of him... but he thinks to himself... its just tooo far, there is no way I can make it... so he turns around and swims back to the island.\n\nWhat do you call a school bus full of white kids? A twinky\n\nWhat do you call a white guy pushing a car up a hill?\nWhite Power\nWhat do you call a black guy pushing a car up a hill?\nBlack Power\nWhat do you call a mexican pushing a car up a hill?\nGrand Theft\n\nThere is a black guy and a mexican in a car..... Whos driving?\nThe COP!\n\nHow do you blindfold a chinaman?\nUse Dental Floss\n\nJohnny comes in from shooting his BB gun and sets the BB's on top of the stove... They fall into the soup his mom is making... At dinner the family eats the soup and goes to bed. The next afternoon the father gets home and says to his wife.... "Honey, the funniest thing happened to me... I pissed BB's today.." The wife says to her husband. "Thats odd I also pissed BB's today". A little later little Suzzie comes in and she says to her mom "I think there is something wrong with me... I just pee'ed BB's" Just then Johnny comes running in yelling ... "DAD...DAD" Johnnys dad says "What is it son... are you also pissing BB's?" Johnny says ... "NO NO I was jerking off and I killed the cat!"\n\nWhat do you get when you cross a mexican and a polock? Someone who spray paints chain link fence\n\nThree nuns die and go to heaven. At the gates St Peter says "To get into heaven you each have to answer a question." The nuns got very nervouse thinking that the questions will be extreamly hard. St Peter says to the first nun "Who was the first man on earth?" The nun says "Thats easy, it was Adam" , St Peters says "Go into heaven". St Peter says to the other nun.."Who was the first woman on earth?" The second nun says "Ahhh thats so easy, it was Eve?" "You may go into heaven" St Peter says. He then looks at the third nun who is thinking the questions are going to be easy now. He asks her "What was the first thing that Eve said to Adam....?" The nun looked puzzled... and murmered..."Thats a hard one...." St Peter then said "Thats correct you can go into heaven."\n\nWhat crawls around and bumps into walls? A baby with forks in its eyes.\n\nWhats the differance between a lawyer and a skunk? A skunk has skid marks infront of it.\n\nA man breaks into a dark house. As he is robbing it he hears a voice yell out..."Jesus is watching you" The man stops and waits a minute... doesnt hear or so see anything else so he keeps robbing...again the voice says "Jesus is watching you"... The robber turns on his flash light and shines it around the room and he spots a bird cage in the corner with a parot. He walks up to the cage and says to the bird..."Is that you making all that noise?" "Yep" says the bird. The robber says "And whats your name?" "My name is Moses" replies the bird. "MOSES! What kind of stupid people name their bird MOSES!" says the robber. "The same stupid people who name their rottweiler Jesus!" replies the bird.\n\nAnd my hand hurts so im stopping :)
Can You Name Some Funny Jokes It Dont Matter What Kinda Of Jokes They Just Have To Be Good Ones?!?if u can plz say a joke that has not been heard alot and is really funny and who ever has the funniest joke will win the 10 points! the joke can be about anything blondes,red heads,blacks,whites,rednecks,or any other jokes...etc!! thank you very much and this is serious!!Three guys, a white guy, black guy and a polock, stranded on an island 50 miles from shore after their boat sunk. They are there for about a week when the white guy says "I have had enough im going to try and swim" he gets about 20 miles gets tired and drowns. The black guy then tries to swim back to the main land. He gets 35 miles, gets tired and drowns. The polock is sitting there bored... and he finally decides to try and swim to shore... He gets 49 miles! He sees the beach of the shore just in front of him... but he thinks to himself... its just tooo far, there is no way I can make it... so he turns around and swims back to the island.\n\nWhat do you call a school bus full of white kids? A twinky\n\nWhat do you call a white guy pushing a car up a hill?\nWhite Power\nWhat do you call a black guy pushing a car up a hill?\nBlack Power\nWhat do you call a mexican pushing a car up a hill?\nGrand Theft\n\nThere is a black guy and a mexican in a car..... Whos driving?\nThe COP!\n\nHow do you blindfold a chinaman?\nUse Dental Floss\n\nJohnny comes in from shooting his BB gun and sets the BB's on top of the stove... They fall into the soup his mom is making... At dinner the family eats the soup and goes to bed. The next afternoon the father gets home and says to his wife.... "Honey, the funniest thing happened to me... I pissed BB's today.." The wife says to her husband. "Thats odd I also pissed BB's today". A little later little Suzzie comes in and she says to her mom "I think there is something wrong with me... I just pee'ed BB's" Just then Johnny comes running in yelling ... "DAD...DAD" Johnnys dad says "What is it son... are you also pissing BB's?" Johnny says ... "NO NO I was jerking off and I killed the cat!"\n\nWhat do you get when you cross a mexican and a polock? Someone who spray paints chain link fence\n\nThree nuns die and go to heaven. At the gates St Peter says "To get into heaven you each have to answer a question." The nuns got very nervouse thinking that the questions will be extreamly hard. St Peter says to the first nun "Who was the first man on earth?" The nun says "Thats easy, it was Adam" , St Peters says "Go into heaven". St Peter says to the other nun.."Who was the first woman on earth?" The second nun says "Ahhh thats so easy, it was Eve?" "You may go into heaven" St Peter says. He then looks at the third nun who is thinking the questions are going to be easy now. He asks her "What was the first thing that Eve said to Adam....?" The nun looked puzzled... and murmered..."Thats a hard one...." St Peter then said "Thats correct you can go into heaven."\n\nWhat crawls around and bumps into walls? A baby with forks in its eyes.\n\nWhats the differance between a lawyer and a skunk? A skunk has skid marks infront of it.\n\nA man breaks into a dark house. As he is robbing it he hears a voice yell out..."Jesus is watching you" The man stops and waits a minute... doesnt hear or so see anything else so he keeps robbing...again the voice says "Jesus is watching you"... The robber turns on his flash light and shines it around the room and he spots a bird cage in the corner with a parot. He walks up to the cage and says to the bird..."Is that you making all that noise?" "Yep" says the bird. The robber says "And whats your name?" "My name is Moses" replies the bird. "MOSES! What kind of stupid people name their bird MOSES!" says the robber. "The same stupid people who name their rottweiler Jesus!" replies the bird.\n\nAnd my hand hurts so im stopping :)
Education & Reference
0Society & Culture
I can prove God exists, who can refute it?
The concept or belief in God is not a result of fear in its origination but to its realization. For example, when it rains, you use an umbrella to protect yourself against rain but before the thought of using the umbrella, did not the umbrella exist? Of course God is Higher, and if we were able to see God, would that make him more worthy of worship or less? Scientifically you have to believe in God b/c matter is based on cause and effect so it can not go indefinitely unless matter is perfect and eternal, which it is not b/c matter continuously changes but some thing perfect would not require change b/c it is sustained by itself. So matter has a end, but none the less if you believe that matter always existed and is perfect, who was the Decision Maker to initiate the original change of creation, since you believe in its eternity, you must accept it as perfect in the first place. Thus God must be in the formula as the Originator of creation and its attributes of cause and effect. Shi'ite
Take a look around you from where you sit. You will notice that everything in the room is ‘made’: the walls, the upholstery, the ceiling, the chair where you sit, the book you hold in your hand, the glass on the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord. Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance.\nA person who is about to read a book knows that it has been written by an author for a specific reason. It would not even occur to him that this book might have come into being by chance. In the same manner, a person who sees a sculpture has no doubt whatsoever that it was made by a sculptor. And not just works of art: even a few bricks resting on top of one another make one think that they must have been brought to rest just so by someone within a certain plan. Therefore, everywhere where there is an order – either small or big – a founder and protector of this order must also exist. If, one day, somebody came forward and said that raw iron and coal came together to form steel by chance, which in turn constructed the Eiffel Tower again by chance, would not he and those who believed him be regarded as insane?\nThe claim of the theory of evolution, the unique method of denying the existence of Allah(God), is no different than this. According to the theory, inorganic molecules formed amino acids by chance, amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance. However, the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the Eiffel Tower being formed in the same manner, because even the simplest human cell is more sophisticated than any man-made structure in the world.\nHow is it possible to think that the balance in the world came about by coincidence when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe, each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator, has come into being on its own.\nTherefore, there should be an owner of the balance visible everywhere from our body to the farthest corners of the inconceivably vast universe. So, who is this Creator that ordained everything so subtly and created all?\nHe cannot be any material being present within the universe, because His must be a will that existed before the universe and created the universe thereupon. The Almighty Creator is One Whom everything finds existence, yet Whose existence is without any beginning or end.\nReligion teaches us the identity of our Creator Whose existence we discover with our reason. Through what He has revealed to us as religion, we know that He is Allah, the Compassionate and the Merciful, Who created the heavens and the earth from nothing.\nAlthough most people have the capability to grasp this fact, they spend their lives unaware of it. When they look at a landscape painting, they wonder who its painter is. Later, they praise the artist at length for his beautiful work of art. Despite the fact that they face numerous originals of that painting the moment they turn around, they still disregard the existence of Allah, Who is the only owner of all these beauties. In truth, not even a lengthy research is needed to understand the existence of Allah. Even if one had to live in a room from the time he was born, countless pieces of evidence in this room alone would be enough for him to grasp the existence of Allah.\nThe human body so overflows with evidence that it could not be contained in many \nmultivolume encyclopaedias. Even giving a few minutes of conscientious thought to it all is enough to understand the existence of Allah. The present order is protected by Allah and maintained by Him.\nThe human body is not the only food for thought. Life abides in every square millimetre of the earth, be it observable by men or not. The world overflows with many l
I can prove God exists, who can refute it?The concept or belief in God is not a result of fear in its origination but to its realization. For example, when it rains, you use an umbrella to protect yourself against rain but before the thought of using the umbrella, did not the umbrella exist? Of course God is Higher, and if we were able to see God, would that make him more worthy of worship or less? Scientifically you have to believe in God b/c matter is based on cause and effect so it can not go indefinitely unless matter is perfect and eternal, which it is not b/c matter continuously changes but some thing perfect would not require change b/c it is sustained by itself. So matter has a end, but none the less if you believe that matter always existed and is perfect, who was the Decision Maker to initiate the original change of creation, since you believe in its eternity, you must accept it as perfect in the first place. Thus God must be in the formula as the Originator of creation and its attributes of cause and effect. Shi'iteTake a look around you from where you sit. You will notice that everything in the room is ‘made’: the walls, the upholstery, the ceiling, the chair where you sit, the book you hold in your hand, the glass on the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord. Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance.\nA person who is about to read a book knows that it has been written by an author for a specific reason. It would not even occur to him that this book might have come into being by chance. In the same manner, a person who sees a sculpture has no doubt whatsoever that it was made by a sculptor. And not just works of art: even a few bricks resting on top of one another make one think that they must have been brought to rest just so by someone within a certain plan. Therefore, everywhere where there is an order – either small or big – a founder and protector of this order must also exist. If, one day, somebody came forward and said that raw iron and coal came together to form steel by chance, which in turn constructed the Eiffel Tower again by chance, would not he and those who believed him be regarded as insane?\nThe claim of the theory of evolution, the unique method of denying the existence of Allah(God), is no different than this. According to the theory, inorganic molecules formed amino acids by chance, amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance. However, the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the Eiffel Tower being formed in the same manner, because even the simplest human cell is more sophisticated than any man-made structure in the world.\nHow is it possible to think that the balance in the world came about by coincidence when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe, each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator, has come into being on its own.\nTherefore, there should be an owner of the balance visible everywhere from our body to the farthest corners of the inconceivably vast universe. So, who is this Creator that ordained everything so subtly and created all?\nHe cannot be any material being present within the universe, because His must be a will that existed before the universe and created the universe thereupon. The Almighty Creator is One Whom everything finds existence, yet Whose existence is without any beginning or end.\nReligion teaches us the identity of our Creator Whose existence we discover with our reason. Through what He has revealed to us as religion, we know that He is Allah, the Compassionate and the Merciful, Who created the heavens and the earth from nothing.\nAlthough most people have the capability to grasp this fact, they spend their lives unaware of it. When they look at a landscape painting, they wonder who its painter is. Later, they praise the artist at length for his beautiful work of art. Despite the fact that they face numerous originals of that painting the moment they turn around, they still disregard the existence of Allah, Who is the only owner of all these beauties. In truth, not even a lengthy research is needed to understand the existence of Allah. Even if one had to live in a room from the time he was born, countless pieces of evidence in this room alone would be enough for him to grasp the existence of Allah.\nThe human body so overflows with evidence that it could not be contained in many \nmultivolume encyclopaedias. Even giving a few minutes of conscientious thought to it all is enough to understand the existence of Allah. The present order is protected by Allah and maintained by Him.\nThe human body is not the only food for thought. Life abides in every square millimetre of the earth, be it observable by men or not. The world overflows with many l
Society & Culture
8Family & Relationships
Am I A Bad Mom???
My husband and I are seperated...we have two children together a 2 1/2 year old and a 2 month old, both boys. My husband lives with his girlfriend and the boys live with me. He sees the kids about twice a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. Anyway my question is: Am I a bad mom for asking my husband to take the boys for a while?? Because I need to get things in my life straightened out. I need to find a job, get my house picked up because it's a mess...and just get my life straightened out alltogether. My head is going a million different directions and I don't know what's up or down anymore. I just need sometime to get my life straightened out so I can concentrate on taking care of my boys. Am I being selfish?? I just need a break and I need some time alone to get things done and to think. I've just been under so much stress and I've snapped at my oldest son a few times and I know it wasn't right of me. I just need to get a lot of things straight in my life. Is this wrong?
NO. Not at all. I wish I'd had that option. My girls were about the same age when my ex and I split. I'd been a stay at home mom and the tech industry had few jobs so I wasn't marketable in my old field. I wanted to go back to school and finish my degree - something hard to do with little babies.\n\nBut my ex was an ass and his 2nd wife would have forced him to sue me for custody and I might not have gotten them back. Too bad we couldn't have cooperated. He can now say he wishes he'd been more agreeable and helped me out that way.\n\nNO you are not a bad mom because right now you are falling apart from the stress of a toddler, a new baby, new mom hormones and a pending divorce. Wanting to pull yourself together so you CAN be the kind of mom you want to be is a very courageous thing to do and is NOT wrong for your kids.\n\nIt sounds like you would benefit from a therapist. If you have medical insurance, it should be fairly cheap. If not, there usually are organizations that can provide licensed therapists on a sliding scale. I know that Jewish Family services does this and you can see someone as cheap as $5 a session depending on your income. (it isn't religious based counseling..its the same stuff you'd get anywhere, therapists are truly licensed and you don't have to be Jewish).\n\nFamily Services that aren't run by religious organizations are also out there.\n\nPerhaps you two can work out a 50/50 agreement. One week with you, one week with him. If you did this, would he have somone for daycare so he can work? \n\nQuite frankly you don't sound selfish but you sound both overwhelmed (2 little ones is hard) AND maybe depressed. Do find a therapist.\n\nYou might also consider sharing a house with another mom, maybe with slightly older kids and sharing the responsibilities.\n\nAsk him to take them for 2 weeks for now (don't make any permanent arrangements just yet). You do need a rest. A 2 month old and a 2 year old just doesn't amount to a lot of rest and again, you sound depressed.\n\nIf he isn't cooperative is there another family member that can help? Or maybe someone who can give you a little cash so you can hire a teenager to come keep the kids busy and maybe help with the house for a few hours every afternoon. Young teens are often very happy to get such a job but expect to pay around $5 an hour.\n\nAre you part of a church? There may be a woman's group who will spell you the same as a sitter.\n\nAsk a neighbor. A lot of moms have been in your spot and may be happy to help.\n\nAnother trick that helped me was to go to the gym. That helped because it meant that for 2 hours every morning, someone ELSE watched my kids, I got to talk to some adults, get a good workout and know I'd have a shower and my teeth brushed by 11am (which, as you know, is nearly impossible in your current situation).\n\nIt does sound like your ex is not giving you a bad time so DO ask for the help and DO find a therapist. IF you are depressed (and the hormones caused by a new baby and the stress of a divorce are killer) you need help or this may get worse.\n\nDon't let your family and friends talk you out of something you need. Tell them if they want to help, they'd be at your house helping DO stuff, not just telling you what they THINK you are doing wrong. You have said they have a great dad. I don't think moms are superior to dads and kids need both. Time with dad won't hurt them, it will help them and him. \n\nYou aren't abandoning them, you are just wanting a bit of time to pull yourself together. That's a good thing and a mature thought. Quite frankly if you get more depressed you could be dangerous so head your instinct to get help.\n\nYoung kids do great with ANY loving caretaker even one who isn't family. It is older children that need the guidance of a parent. All this effort people put into staying home with babies. It
Am I A Bad Mom???My husband and I are seperated...we have two children together a 2 1/2 year old and a 2 month old, both boys. My husband lives with his girlfriend and the boys live with me. He sees the kids about twice a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. Anyway my question is: Am I a bad mom for asking my husband to take the boys for a while?? Because I need to get things in my life straightened out. I need to find a job, get my house picked up because it's a mess...and just get my life straightened out alltogether. My head is going a million different directions and I don't know what's up or down anymore. I just need sometime to get my life straightened out so I can concentrate on taking care of my boys. Am I being selfish?? I just need a break and I need some time alone to get things done and to think. I've just been under so much stress and I've snapped at my oldest son a few times and I know it wasn't right of me. I just need to get a lot of things straight in my life. Is this wrong?NO. Not at all. I wish I'd had that option. My girls were about the same age when my ex and I split. I'd been a stay at home mom and the tech industry had few jobs so I wasn't marketable in my old field. I wanted to go back to school and finish my degree - something hard to do with little babies.\n\nBut my ex was an ass and his 2nd wife would have forced him to sue me for custody and I might not have gotten them back. Too bad we couldn't have cooperated. He can now say he wishes he'd been more agreeable and helped me out that way.\n\nNO you are not a bad mom because right now you are falling apart from the stress of a toddler, a new baby, new mom hormones and a pending divorce. Wanting to pull yourself together so you CAN be the kind of mom you want to be is a very courageous thing to do and is NOT wrong for your kids.\n\nIt sounds like you would benefit from a therapist. If you have medical insurance, it should be fairly cheap. If not, there usually are organizations that can provide licensed therapists on a sliding scale. I know that Jewish Family services does this and you can see someone as cheap as $5 a session depending on your income. (it isn't religious based counseling..its the same stuff you'd get anywhere, therapists are truly licensed and you don't have to be Jewish).\n\nFamily Services that aren't run by religious organizations are also out there.\n\nPerhaps you two can work out a 50/50 agreement. One week with you, one week with him. If you did this, would he have somone for daycare so he can work? \n\nQuite frankly you don't sound selfish but you sound both overwhelmed (2 little ones is hard) AND maybe depressed. Do find a therapist.\n\nYou might also consider sharing a house with another mom, maybe with slightly older kids and sharing the responsibilities.\n\nAsk him to take them for 2 weeks for now (don't make any permanent arrangements just yet). You do need a rest. A 2 month old and a 2 year old just doesn't amount to a lot of rest and again, you sound depressed.\n\nIf he isn't cooperative is there another family member that can help? Or maybe someone who can give you a little cash so you can hire a teenager to come keep the kids busy and maybe help with the house for a few hours every afternoon. Young teens are often very happy to get such a job but expect to pay around $5 an hour.\n\nAre you part of a church? There may be a woman's group who will spell you the same as a sitter.\n\nAsk a neighbor. A lot of moms have been in your spot and may be happy to help.\n\nAnother trick that helped me was to go to the gym. That helped because it meant that for 2 hours every morning, someone ELSE watched my kids, I got to talk to some adults, get a good workout and know I'd have a shower and my teeth brushed by 11am (which, as you know, is nearly impossible in your current situation).\n\nIt does sound like your ex is not giving you a bad time so DO ask for the help and DO find a therapist. IF you are depressed (and the hormones caused by a new baby and the stress of a divorce are killer) you need help or this may get worse.\n\nDon't let your family and friends talk you out of something you need. Tell them if they want to help, they'd be at your house helping DO stuff, not just telling you what they THINK you are doing wrong. You have said they have a great dad. I don't think moms are superior to dads and kids need both. Time with dad won't hurt them, it will help them and him. \n\nYou aren't abandoning them, you are just wanting a bit of time to pull yourself together. That's a good thing and a mature thought. Quite frankly if you get more depressed you could be dangerous so head your instinct to get help.\n\nYoung kids do great with ANY loving caretaker even one who isn't family. It is older children that need the guidance of a parent. All this effort people put into staying home with babies. It
Family & Relationships
3Education & Reference
somone plz help me with chemistry?
plz tell me about chemistry fundamental laws.\n\nbeg u\ntom
Fundamental concepts\nNomenclature\nNomenclature refers to the system for naming chemical compounds. There are well-defined systems in place for naming chemical species. Organic compounds are named according to the organic nomenclature system. Inorganic compounds are named according to the inorganic nomenclature system.\n\nRelated Topics:\nChemical compound - Organic compound - Organic nomenclature - Inorganic compound - Inorganic nomenclature\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nSee also: IUPAC nomenclature\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nAtoms\nMain article: Atom.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nAn atom is a collection of matter consisting of a positively charged core (the nucleus) which contains protons and neutrons, and which maintains a number of electrons to balance the positive charge in the nucleus.\n\nRelated Topics:\nNucleus - Protons - Neutrons - Electron\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nElements\nMain article: Chemical element.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nAn element is a class of atoms which have the same number of protons in the nucleus. This number is known as the atomic number of the element. For example, all atoms with 6 protons in their nuclei are atoms of the chemical element carbon, and all atoms with 92 protons in their nuclei are atoms of the element uranium.\n\nRelated Topics:\nProton - Nucleus - Atomic number - Carbon - Uranium\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nThe most convenient presentation of the elements is in the periodic table, which groups elements with similar chemical properties together. Lists of the elements by name, by symbol, and by atomic number are also available.\n\nRelated Topics:\nPeriodic table - By name - By symbol - Atomic number\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nSee also: isotope\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nCompounds\nMain article: Chemical compound\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nA compound is a substance with a fixed ratio of elements which determines the composition, and a particular organisation which determines chemical properties. For example, water is a compound containing hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of two to one, with the Oxygen between the hydrogens, and an angle of 104.5° between them. Compounds are formed and interconverted by chemical reactions.\n\nRelated Topics:\nElement - Water - Hydrogen - Oxygen - Chemical reaction\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nMolecules\nMain article: Molecule.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nA molecule is the smallest indivisible portion of a pure compound that retains a set of unique chemical properties. A molecule consists of two or more atoms bonded together.\n\nRelated Topics:\nCompound - Atom - Bonded\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nIons\nMain article: Ion.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nAn ion is a charged species, or an atom or a molecule that has lost or gained an electron. Positively charged cations (e.g. sodium cation Na+) and negatively charged anions (e.g. chloride Cl-) can form neutral salts (e.g. sodium chloride NaCl). Examples of polyatomic ions that do not split up during acid-base reactions are hydroxide (OH-), or phosphate (PO43-).\n\nRelated Topics:\nCations - Sodium - Anions - Chloride - Salts - Sodium chloride - Polyatomic ion - Acid-base reactions - Hydroxide - Phosphate\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nBonding\nMain article: Chemical bond.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nA chemical bond is the force which holds together atoms in molecules or crystals. In many simple compounds, valence bond theory and the concept of oxidation number can be used to predict molecular structure and composition. Similarly, theories from classical physics can be used to predict many ionic structures. With more complicated compounds, such as metal complexes, valence bond theory fails and alternative approaches which are based on quantum chemistry, such as molecular orbital theory, are necessary.\n\nRelated Topics:\nAtom - Molecule - Crystal - Valence bond theory - Oxidation number - Classical physics - Metal complexes - Quantum chemistry - Molecular orbital\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nStates of matter\nMain article: Phase (matter)
somone plz help me with chemistry?plz tell me about chemistry fundamental laws.\n\nbeg u\ntomFundamental concepts\nNomenclature\nNomenclature refers to the system for naming chemical compounds. There are well-defined systems in place for naming chemical species. Organic compounds are named according to the organic nomenclature system. Inorganic compounds are named according to the inorganic nomenclature system.\n\nRelated Topics:\nChemical compound - Organic compound - Organic nomenclature - Inorganic compound - Inorganic nomenclature\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nSee also: IUPAC nomenclature\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nAtoms\nMain article: Atom.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nAn atom is a collection of matter consisting of a positively charged core (the nucleus) which contains protons and neutrons, and which maintains a number of electrons to balance the positive charge in the nucleus.\n\nRelated Topics:\nNucleus - Protons - Neutrons - Electron\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nElements\nMain article: Chemical element.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nAn element is a class of atoms which have the same number of protons in the nucleus. This number is known as the atomic number of the element. For example, all atoms with 6 protons in their nuclei are atoms of the chemical element carbon, and all atoms with 92 protons in their nuclei are atoms of the element uranium.\n\nRelated Topics:\nProton - Nucleus - Atomic number - Carbon - Uranium\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nThe most convenient presentation of the elements is in the periodic table, which groups elements with similar chemical properties together. Lists of the elements by name, by symbol, and by atomic number are also available.\n\nRelated Topics:\nPeriodic table - By name - By symbol - Atomic number\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nSee also: isotope\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nCompounds\nMain article: Chemical compound\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nA compound is a substance with a fixed ratio of elements which determines the composition, and a particular organisation which determines chemical properties. For example, water is a compound containing hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of two to one, with the Oxygen between the hydrogens, and an angle of 104.5° between them. Compounds are formed and interconverted by chemical reactions.\n\nRelated Topics:\nElement - Water - Hydrogen - Oxygen - Chemical reaction\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nMolecules\nMain article: Molecule.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nA molecule is the smallest indivisible portion of a pure compound that retains a set of unique chemical properties. A molecule consists of two or more atoms bonded together.\n\nRelated Topics:\nCompound - Atom - Bonded\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nIons\nMain article: Ion.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nAn ion is a charged species, or an atom or a molecule that has lost or gained an electron. Positively charged cations (e.g. sodium cation Na+) and negatively charged anions (e.g. chloride Cl-) can form neutral salts (e.g. sodium chloride NaCl). Examples of polyatomic ions that do not split up during acid-base reactions are hydroxide (OH-), or phosphate (PO43-).\n\nRelated Topics:\nCations - Sodium - Anions - Chloride - Salts - Sodium chloride - Polyatomic ion - Acid-base reactions - Hydroxide - Phosphate\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nBonding\nMain article: Chemical bond.\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nA chemical bond is the force which holds together atoms in molecules or crystals. In many simple compounds, valence bond theory and the concept of oxidation number can be used to predict molecular structure and composition. Similarly, theories from classical physics can be used to predict many ionic structures. With more complicated compounds, such as metal complexes, valence bond theory fails and alternative approaches which are based on quantum chemistry, such as molecular orbital theory, are necessary.\n\nRelated Topics:\nAtom - Molecule - Crystal - Valence bond theory - Oxidation number - Classical physics - Metal complexes - Quantum chemistry - Molecular orbital\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\n\nStates of matter\nMain article: Phase (matter)
Education & Reference
4Computers & Internet
how does a computer work off of eletricity?
how does it use the eletricity and make it do what it does?\n\nwhat actualy happen and makes the computer work?\n\ni know there is a CPU and RAM and Hard Drive and so on...\n\nbut how does all if it work?
to understand electricity work you need about how bits & byte works.\n\nIf you have used a computer for more than five minutes, then you have heard the words bits and bytes. Both RAM and hard disk capacities are measured in bytes, as are file sizes when you examine them in a file viewer. \nYou might hear an advertisement that says, "This computer has a 32-bit Pentium processor with 64 megabytes of RAM and 2.1 gigabytes of hard disk space." And many HowStuffWorks articles talk about bytes (for example, How CDs Work). In this article, we will discuss bits and bytes so that you have a complete understanding. \n\nDecimal Numbers\nThe easiest way to understand bits is to compare them to something you know: digits. A digit is a single place that can hold numerical values between 0 and 9. Digits are normally combined together in groups to create larger numbers. For example, 6,357 has four digits. It is understood that in the number 6,357, the 7 is filling the "1s place," while the 5 is filling the 10s place, the 3 is filling the 100s place and the 6 is filling the 1,000s place. So you could express things this way if you wanted to be explicit: \n\n(6 * 1000) + (3 * 100) + (5 * 10) + (7 * 1) = 6000 + 300 + 50 + 7 = 6357 \nAnother way to express it would be to use powers of 10. Assuming that we are going to represent the concept of "raised to the power of" with the "^" symbol (so "10 squared" is written as "10^2"), another way to express it is like this: \n\n\n(6 * 10^3) + (3 * 10^2) + (5 * 10^1) + (7 * 10^0) = 6000 + 300 + 50 + 7 = 6357 \nWhat you can see from this expression is that each digit is a placeholder for the next higher power of 10, starting in the first digit with 10 raised to the power of zero. \n\nThat should all feel pretty comfortable -- we work with decimal digits every day. The neat thing about number systems is that there is nothing that forces you to have 10 different values in a digit. Our base-10 number system likely grew up because we have 10 fingers, but if we happened to evolve to have eight fingers instead, we would probably have a base-8 number system. You can have base-anything number systems. In fact, there are lots of good reasons to use different bases in different situations. \n\n\nBits\nComputers happen to operate using the base-2 number system, also known as the binary number system (just like the base-10 number system is known as the decimal number system). The reason computers use the base-2 system is because it makes it a lot easier to implement them with current electronic technology. You could wire up and build computers that operate in base-10, but they would be fiendishly expensive right now. On the other hand, base-2 computers are relatively cheap. \nSo computers use binary numbers, and therefore use binary digits in place of decimal digits. The word bit is a shortening of the words "Binary digIT." Whereas decimal digits have 10 possible values ranging from 0 to 9, bits have only two possible values: 0 and 1. Therefore, a binary number is composed of only 0s and 1s, like this: 1011. How do you figure out what the value of the binary number 1011 is? You do it in the same way we did it above for 6357, but you use a base of 2 instead of a base of 10. So: \n\n\n(1 * 2^3) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^1) + (1 * 2^0) = 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11 \nYou can see that in binary numbers, each bit holds the value of increasing powers of 2. That makes counting in binary pretty easy. Starting at zero and going through 20, counting in decimal and binary looks like this: \n\n 0 = 0\n 1 = 1\n 2 = 10\n 3 = 11\n 4 = 100\n 5 = 101\n 6 = 110\n 7 = 111\n 8 = 1000\n 9 = 1001\n10 = 1010\n11 = 1011\n12 = 1100\n13 = 1101\n14 = 1110\n15 = 1111\n16 = 10000\n17 = 10001\n18 = 10010\n19 = 10011\n20 = 10100\n\nWhen you look at this sequence, 0 and 1 are the same for decimal and binary number systems. At the number 2, you see carrying first tak
how does a computer work off of eletricity?how does it use the eletricity and make it do what it does?\n\nwhat actualy happen and makes the computer work?\n\ni know there is a CPU and RAM and Hard Drive and so on...\n\nbut how does all if it work?to understand electricity work you need about how bits & byte works.\n\nIf you have used a computer for more than five minutes, then you have heard the words bits and bytes. Both RAM and hard disk capacities are measured in bytes, as are file sizes when you examine them in a file viewer. \nYou might hear an advertisement that says, "This computer has a 32-bit Pentium processor with 64 megabytes of RAM and 2.1 gigabytes of hard disk space." And many HowStuffWorks articles talk about bytes (for example, How CDs Work). In this article, we will discuss bits and bytes so that you have a complete understanding. \n\nDecimal Numbers\nThe easiest way to understand bits is to compare them to something you know: digits. A digit is a single place that can hold numerical values between 0 and 9. Digits are normally combined together in groups to create larger numbers. For example, 6,357 has four digits. It is understood that in the number 6,357, the 7 is filling the "1s place," while the 5 is filling the 10s place, the 3 is filling the 100s place and the 6 is filling the 1,000s place. So you could express things this way if you wanted to be explicit: \n\n(6 * 1000) + (3 * 100) + (5 * 10) + (7 * 1) = 6000 + 300 + 50 + 7 = 6357 \nAnother way to express it would be to use powers of 10. Assuming that we are going to represent the concept of "raised to the power of" with the "^" symbol (so "10 squared" is written as "10^2"), another way to express it is like this: \n\n\n(6 * 10^3) + (3 * 10^2) + (5 * 10^1) + (7 * 10^0) = 6000 + 300 + 50 + 7 = 6357 \nWhat you can see from this expression is that each digit is a placeholder for the next higher power of 10, starting in the first digit with 10 raised to the power of zero. \n\nThat should all feel pretty comfortable -- we work with decimal digits every day. The neat thing about number systems is that there is nothing that forces you to have 10 different values in a digit. Our base-10 number system likely grew up because we have 10 fingers, but if we happened to evolve to have eight fingers instead, we would probably have a base-8 number system. You can have base-anything number systems. In fact, there are lots of good reasons to use different bases in different situations. \n\n\nBits\nComputers happen to operate using the base-2 number system, also known as the binary number system (just like the base-10 number system is known as the decimal number system). The reason computers use the base-2 system is because it makes it a lot easier to implement them with current electronic technology. You could wire up and build computers that operate in base-10, but they would be fiendishly expensive right now. On the other hand, base-2 computers are relatively cheap. \nSo computers use binary numbers, and therefore use binary digits in place of decimal digits. The word bit is a shortening of the words "Binary digIT." Whereas decimal digits have 10 possible values ranging from 0 to 9, bits have only two possible values: 0 and 1. Therefore, a binary number is composed of only 0s and 1s, like this: 1011. How do you figure out what the value of the binary number 1011 is? You do it in the same way we did it above for 6357, but you use a base of 2 instead of a base of 10. So: \n\n\n(1 * 2^3) + (0 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^1) + (1 * 2^0) = 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11 \nYou can see that in binary numbers, each bit holds the value of increasing powers of 2. That makes counting in binary pretty easy. Starting at zero and going through 20, counting in decimal and binary looks like this: \n\n 0 = 0\n 1 = 1\n 2 = 10\n 3 = 11\n 4 = 100\n 5 = 101\n 6 = 110\n 7 = 111\n 8 = 1000\n 9 = 1001\n10 = 1010\n11 = 1011\n12 = 1100\n13 = 1101\n14 = 1110\n15 = 1111\n16 = 10000\n17 = 10001\n18 = 10010\n19 = 10011\n20 = 10100\n\nWhen you look at this sequence, 0 and 1 are the same for decimal and binary number systems. At the number 2, you see carrying first tak
Computers & Internet
7Entertainment & Music
can you say this??? say it and get 10 points?
who ever can say the word mom in the most languages gets the 10 points!\nyou have to say the word and it's language, and where your from!
i am from belize. i say ma but the accent is caribbean\n\nAfrikaans Moeder, Ma \nAlbanian Nënë, Mëmë \nArabic Ahm \nAragones Mai \nAsturian Ma \nAymara Taica \nAzeri (Latin Script) Ana \nBasque Ama \nBelarusan Matka \nBergamasco Màder \nBolognese Mèder \nBosnian Majka \nBrazilian Portuguese Mãe \nBresciano Madèr \nBreton Mamm \nBulgarian Majka \nByelorussian Macii \nCalabrese Matre, Mamma \nCaló Bata, Dai \nCatalan Mare \nCebuano Inahan, Nanay \nChechen Nana \nCroatian Mati, Majka \nCzech Abatyse \nDanish Mor \nDutch Moeder, Moer \nDzoratâi Mére \nEnglish Mother, Mama, Mom \nEsperanto Patrino, Panjo \nEstonian Ema \nFaeroese Móðir \nFinnish Äiti \nFlemish Moeder \nFrench Mère, Maman \nFrisian Emo, Emä, Kantaäiti, Äiti \nFurlan Mari \nGalician Nai \nGerman Mutter \nGreek Màna \nGriko Salentino, Mána \nHawaiian Makuahine \nHindi - Ma, Maji \nHungarian Anya, Fu \nIcelandic Móðir \nIlongo Iloy, Nanay, Nay \nIndonesian Induk, Ibu, Biang, Nyokap \nIrish Máthair \nItalian Madre, Mamma \nJapanese Okaasan, Haha \nJudeo Spanish Madre \nKurdish Kurmanji Daya \nLadino Uma \nLatin Mater \nLeonese Mai \nLigurian Maire \nLimburgian Moder, Mojer, Mam \nLingala Mama \nLithuanian Motina \nLombardo Occidentale Madar \nLunfardo Vieja \nMacedonian Majka \nMalagasy Reny \nMalay Emak \nMaltese Omm \nMantuan Madar \nMaori Ewe, Haakui \nMapunzugun Ñuke, Ñuque \nMarathi Aayi \nMongolian `eh \nMudnés Medra, mama \nNeapolitan Mamma \nNorwegian Madre \nOccitan Maire \nOld Greek Mytyr \nParmigiano Mädra \nPersian Madr, Maman \nPiemontese Mare \nPolish Matka, Mama \nPortuguese Mãe \nPunjabi Mai, Mataji, Pabo \nQuechua Mama \nRapanui Matu'a Vahine \nReggiano Mèdra \nRomagnolo Mèder \nRomanian Mama, Maica \nRomansh Mamma \nRussian Mat' \nSaami Eadni \nSamoan Tina \nSardinian (Limba Sarda Unificada) Mama \nSardinian Campidanesu mamai \nSardinian Logudoresu Madre, Mamma \nSerbian Majka \nShona Amai \nSicilian Matri \nSlovak Mama, Matka \nSlovenian Máti \nSpanish Madre, Mamá, Mami \nSwahili Mama, Mzazi, Mzaa \nSwedish Mamma, Mor, Morsa \nSwiss German Mueter \nTriestino Mare \nTurkish Anne, Ana, Valide \nTurkmen Eje \nUkrainian Mati \nUrdu Ammee \nValencian Mare \nVenetian Mare \nViestano Mamm' \nWallon Mére \nWelsh Mam \nYiddish Muter \nZeneize Moæ
can you say this??? say it and get 10 points?who ever can say the word mom in the most languages gets the 10 points!\nyou have to say the word and it's language, and where your from!i am from belize. i say ma but the accent is caribbean\n\nAfrikaans Moeder, Ma \nAlbanian Nënë, Mëmë \nArabic Ahm \nAragones Mai \nAsturian Ma \nAymara Taica \nAzeri (Latin Script) Ana \nBasque Ama \nBelarusan Matka \nBergamasco Màder \nBolognese Mèder \nBosnian Majka \nBrazilian Portuguese Mãe \nBresciano Madèr \nBreton Mamm \nBulgarian Majka \nByelorussian Macii \nCalabrese Matre, Mamma \nCaló Bata, Dai \nCatalan Mare \nCebuano Inahan, Nanay \nChechen Nana \nCroatian Mati, Majka \nCzech Abatyse \nDanish Mor \nDutch Moeder, Moer \nDzoratâi Mére \nEnglish Mother, Mama, Mom \nEsperanto Patrino, Panjo \nEstonian Ema \nFaeroese Móðir \nFinnish Äiti \nFlemish Moeder \nFrench Mère, Maman \nFrisian Emo, Emä, Kantaäiti, Äiti \nFurlan Mari \nGalician Nai \nGerman Mutter \nGreek Màna \nGriko Salentino, Mána \nHawaiian Makuahine \nHindi - Ma, Maji \nHungarian Anya, Fu \nIcelandic Móðir \nIlongo Iloy, Nanay, Nay \nIndonesian Induk, Ibu, Biang, Nyokap \nIrish Máthair \nItalian Madre, Mamma \nJapanese Okaasan, Haha \nJudeo Spanish Madre \nKurdish Kurmanji Daya \nLadino Uma \nLatin Mater \nLeonese Mai \nLigurian Maire \nLimburgian Moder, Mojer, Mam \nLingala Mama \nLithuanian Motina \nLombardo Occidentale Madar \nLunfardo Vieja \nMacedonian Majka \nMalagasy Reny \nMalay Emak \nMaltese Omm \nMantuan Madar \nMaori Ewe, Haakui \nMapunzugun Ñuke, Ñuque \nMarathi Aayi \nMongolian `eh \nMudnés Medra, mama \nNeapolitan Mamma \nNorwegian Madre \nOccitan Maire \nOld Greek Mytyr \nParmigiano Mädra \nPersian Madr, Maman \nPiemontese Mare \nPolish Matka, Mama \nPortuguese Mãe \nPunjabi Mai, Mataji, Pabo \nQuechua Mama \nRapanui Matu'a Vahine \nReggiano Mèdra \nRomagnolo Mèder \nRomanian Mama, Maica \nRomansh Mamma \nRussian Mat' \nSaami Eadni \nSamoan Tina \nSardinian (Limba Sarda Unificada) Mama \nSardinian Campidanesu mamai \nSardinian Logudoresu Madre, Mamma \nSerbian Majka \nShona Amai \nSicilian Matri \nSlovak Mama, Matka \nSlovenian Máti \nSpanish Madre, Mamá, Mami \nSwahili Mama, Mzazi, Mzaa \nSwedish Mamma, Mor, Morsa \nSwiss German Mueter \nTriestino Mare \nTurkish Anne, Ana, Valide \nTurkmen Eje \nUkrainian Mati \nUrdu Ammee \nValencian Mare \nVenetian Mare \nViestano Mamm' \nWallon Mére \nWelsh Mam \nYiddish Muter \nZeneize Moæ
Entertainment & Music
6Business & Finance
collection agency wont give up?
To make a long story short, this CA (Cavalry) has put a bogus collections on my credit report. Never had an account with AT&T wireless , and when called the OC, they couldnt find any evidence of me ever having an account with them under my SS#. So I sent the CA a VOD dispute a month ago, got no response back, but they are still updating on my credit report. The point is I know they are in violations, but what I want to know is how long I should let them continue to up date my report before I file a suit against them? Is it the many times they update which is a violation, the more dollars signs I can get? I also disputed it with the collection agency and in return they just up dated it.!! I knew that was coming because the CRA doent really investigate truefully, they just send things out the the creditor, and if they respond its my word against theirs. Which I end up screwed.
Aunt Beeaa is mistaken regarding dispute. The DIspute is what is giving you the problem of rectifying this.\n\nYOU CAN NOT DISPUTE SOMETHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED!! below is why AUNT BEEAA is mistaken. Her advice is on the right track but it is off just a little and that little is why so many do not get good reluts when making these challenges.\n\n\nI can not sure-footedly dispute an alleged debt without verification; therefore, I must have certified verification/verification. I do not and will not waive my Due Process by disputing something that may or may not be valid. This demand for verification is in accordance with USC 15, Chp 41, Subchapter III.” \n\nSource(s):\n\ndemand for verification is in accordance with USC 15, Chp 41, Subchapter III.”\n\nFinally, the alleged accounts need to be validated/verified for legitimacy and accuracy if they are being reported to the public by your organization which may be against the Federal Rules of Evidence rule 1005\n\nSince 30 days from the receipt of this letter is your allotted time under the law to re-verify these entries, it should be understood that failure to do so within that 30 day period constitutes reason to promptly delete the information from my file (FCRA 15 USC s1681i (5)(A) ).\n\nAlso, pursuant to 15 USC s1681i (6)(A) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please notify me when the items have been deleted. You may send me an updated copy of my credit report to the above address. According to the provisions of 15 USC section 1681j, there should be no charge for this notification.\n\nHere is the answer:\n\nPlease note: I am not a Attorney and the following information is not to be used or considered as legal advice. It is only educational information. Consult an attorney if you have any legal questions\n\nRead and understand it thoroughly before using this information.\n\nEquafax does not extend credit. \nThe business you are applying for credit with is using information about your credit history and other data such as, length of employment and time at current resident to make decisions about your credit worthiness. Then Equafax, as well as the other 2 major credit reporting agencies, use a complex process to create a credit score. This score which can range from 350 to 900, is what the creditors use for the majority of their decision. the higher the number the more you look responsible and financialy stable.\n\nNow that you have been denied credit you can get a free copy of your report by sending the denial and proper identification to the reporting agency. The address for Equafax is on your denial letter.\n\nOnce you have recieved your copy, review it and note any inconsistentcies. \n\nWrite a letter to them sent certified, asking for CERTIFIED VALIDATION of anything you think does not belong on your report.\n\nDo not DISPUTE the debt or information.\n\nThere is difference between Dispute and Validation and you can not dispute something that is not valid or has not been validated to begin with. \n\nThe "Fair Debt Credit Reporting Act" (FDCRA) states that it is against the law for them to report inaccurate information once challenged. The credit reporting agencies have an obligation by law to remove or correct information within 30 days of written request.\n\nAlso keep in mind that each time you apply for credit it can cause your score to be lowered. There are some exceptions when shopping for a car or a mortgage however, they are limited to certain amounts of inqiuries.\n\nI have, with great success, used a letter like this.\n\n\nEXPERIAN \nPO Box 9701\nAllen, TX 75013 \n\nSubject: Certified Verification\n\nVia USPS Parcel #\n\nTo whom it may concern: \nI am writing to make a request for "Certified Verification" for each item listed below currently on my credit report. \nI appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.\n\nCompany Name Acct#\nAcct # \nAcct # \nAcct # \n\n\nPlease note the details below that you will need to retrieve \nThe info
collection agency wont give up?To make a long story short, this CA (Cavalry) has put a bogus collections on my credit report. Never had an account with AT&T wireless , and when called the OC, they couldnt find any evidence of me ever having an account with them under my SS#. So I sent the CA a VOD dispute a month ago, got no response back, but they are still updating on my credit report. The point is I know they are in violations, but what I want to know is how long I should let them continue to up date my report before I file a suit against them? Is it the many times they update which is a violation, the more dollars signs I can get? I also disputed it with the collection agency and in return they just up dated it.!! I knew that was coming because the CRA doent really investigate truefully, they just send things out the the creditor, and if they respond its my word against theirs. Which I end up screwed.Aunt Beeaa is mistaken regarding dispute. The DIspute is what is giving you the problem of rectifying this.\n\nYOU CAN NOT DISPUTE SOMETHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED!! below is why AUNT BEEAA is mistaken. Her advice is on the right track but it is off just a little and that little is why so many do not get good reluts when making these challenges.\n\n\nI can not sure-footedly dispute an alleged debt without verification; therefore, I must have certified verification/verification. I do not and will not waive my Due Process by disputing something that may or may not be valid. This demand for verification is in accordance with USC 15, Chp 41, Subchapter III.” \n\nSource(s):\n\ndemand for verification is in accordance with USC 15, Chp 41, Subchapter III.”\n\nFinally, the alleged accounts need to be validated/verified for legitimacy and accuracy if they are being reported to the public by your organization which may be against the Federal Rules of Evidence rule 1005\n\nSince 30 days from the receipt of this letter is your allotted time under the law to re-verify these entries, it should be understood that failure to do so within that 30 day period constitutes reason to promptly delete the information from my file (FCRA 15 USC s1681i (5)(A) ).\n\nAlso, pursuant to 15 USC s1681i (6)(A) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please notify me when the items have been deleted. You may send me an updated copy of my credit report to the above address. According to the provisions of 15 USC section 1681j, there should be no charge for this notification.\n\nHere is the answer:\n\nPlease note: I am not a Attorney and the following information is not to be used or considered as legal advice. It is only educational information. Consult an attorney if you have any legal questions\n\nRead and understand it thoroughly before using this information.\n\nEquafax does not extend credit. \nThe business you are applying for credit with is using information about your credit history and other data such as, length of employment and time at current resident to make decisions about your credit worthiness. Then Equafax, as well as the other 2 major credit reporting agencies, use a complex process to create a credit score. This score which can range from 350 to 900, is what the creditors use for the majority of their decision. the higher the number the more you look responsible and financialy stable.\n\nNow that you have been denied credit you can get a free copy of your report by sending the denial and proper identification to the reporting agency. The address for Equafax is on your denial letter.\n\nOnce you have recieved your copy, review it and note any inconsistentcies. \n\nWrite a letter to them sent certified, asking for CERTIFIED VALIDATION of anything you think does not belong on your report.\n\nDo not DISPUTE the debt or information.\n\nThere is difference between Dispute and Validation and you can not dispute something that is not valid or has not been validated to begin with. \n\nThe "Fair Debt Credit Reporting Act" (FDCRA) states that it is against the law for them to report inaccurate information once challenged. The credit reporting agencies have an obligation by law to remove or correct information within 30 days of written request.\n\nAlso keep in mind that each time you apply for credit it can cause your score to be lowered. There are some exceptions when shopping for a car or a mortgage however, they are limited to certain amounts of inqiuries.\n\nI have, with great success, used a letter like this.\n\n\nEXPERIAN \nPO Box 9701\nAllen, TX 75013 \n\nSubject: Certified Verification\n\nVia USPS Parcel #\n\nTo whom it may concern: \nI am writing to make a request for "Certified Verification" for each item listed below currently on my credit report. \nI appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.\n\nCompany Name Acct#\nAcct # \nAcct # \nAcct # \n\n\nPlease note the details below that you will need to retrieve \nThe info
Business & Finance
0Society & Culture
anyone know any gaelic phrases?
Hello,\n\nYou didn't specify what Gaelic ? Okay here's the Scottish one. \n\nDè an t-ainm a tha oirbh?" (Jeh un TAH-num uh HAW-ruv?) What's your name?\n\n"'S mise.....(insert your name)." (SMIH-shuh...) "My name is..."\n\n"Ciamar a tha sibh?" (KIM-mer uh HAH shiv?) "How are you?"\n\n"Tha gu math, tapadh leibh." (HAH guh MAH, TAH-puh LEH-eev) "I'm well, thank you."\n\n"Dè tha thu a dèanamh?" (Jeh HAH oo uh JEE-ah-nuv?) "What are you doing?"\n\n"Chan eil mi a' dèanamh càil." (chahn-yel mee uh JEE-ah-nuv KAHL) "I'm not doing anything."\n\n"Tha mi airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh." (hah mee EHR-sawn GAH-lik YOON-sa-hugkh) "I want to learn Gaelic."\n\n"A bheil an t-acras ort?" (Uh VEHL uhn TAH-krus orsht?) "Are you hungry?"\n\n"Ceart gu leòr. Tha an t-acras orm." (Kyarsht guh LYAWR. Hahn TAH-krus AW-rum) "You bet. I'm hungry."\n\n"Bu toigh leam bracaist a ghabhail." (Boo tuh LUH-oom BRAH-kawsht uh GAH-ull) "I would like to have breakfast."\n\n"Càit a bheil an taigh beag?" (KAHTCH uh vehl un tye bek?) "Where's the bathroom?"\n\n"An toir thu dhomh pòg?" (Un TUH-r oo ghawnh pawk?) "Will you give me a kiss?"\n\n"Cha toir, ach bheir mi dhut sgailc!" (Chah TUH-r, ach vehr mee ghoot skahlk!) "No, but I'll slap you!"\n\n"Slàinte mhòr agad!" (SLAHN-tchuh VORR AH-kut!) "Great health to you!" ("Cheers!")\n\n"Nach i tha teth an-diugh?" (nahch ee hah TCHEH un-DJOO?) "Isn't it hot today? (It's hot today.)"\n\n"Bha e brèagha an-de." (Vah eh BREE-uh un-DJEH) "It was beautiful yesterday."\n\n"Cò an caora sin còmhla riut a chunnaic mi an-raoir?" (Kaw uhn KEU-ra shin KAW-la root uh CHOO-nik mee uhn-royer?) "Who was that sheep I saw you with last night?"\n\n"Cha b'e sin caora, 'se sin mo chèile a bha innte!" (Chah beh shin KEU-ra, sheh shin moe CHYEH-luh uh vah EEN-tchuh!) "That was no sheep, that was my spouse!"\n\n"Tha gaol agam ort." (Hah GEUL AH-kum orsht) "I love you."\n\n"Tha gaol agam ort-fhèin." (Hah GEUL AH-kum orsht-HEH-een) "I love you too." \n\n"Chan eil fhios agam." (CHAHN-yel iss AH-kum) "I don't know."\n\n"Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?" (jeh HAH oo ug EE-uh-ree) "What do you want?"\n\n"Tha mi ag iarraidh briosgaid!" (hah mi ug-EE-uh-ree BRISS-kahtch) "I want a cookie!"\n\n"'S toigh leam briosgaidean gu mòr!" (STUH LUH-oom BRISS-kaht-chun goo MAWR) "I like cookies -- a lot!"\n\n"A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh?" (uh vil GAH-lik AH-kiv) "Do you speak Gaelic?"\n\n"Tha, beagan." (hah, BECK-un) "Yes, a little."\n\n"Dè thuirt thu?" (jeh HOORSHT oo) "What did you say?"\n\n"Can a-rithist sin?" (kahn uh-REE-isht shin) "Say that again?" \n\n"Chan eil mi a' tuigsinn." (chan-yel mi uh-TOOK-shin) "I don't understand."\n\n"Tha mi duilich." (hah mee DOOH-lich) "I'm sorry."\n\n"Gabhaibh mo leisgeul." (GAHV-iv moe LESH-kul) "Excuse me."\n\n"Ceart gu leòr." (kyarsht guh LYAWR) "Right enough" -- "Okay."\n\n"Tha sin glè mhath!" (hah shin gleh VAH) "That's very good!"\n\n"'S math sin!" (SMAH-shin) "Great!" -- "Terrific!" \n\n"Ma 'se ur toil e." (mah sheh oor TUL-leh) "please."\n\n"Tapadh leat." (TAH-puh LAHT -- also -- TAHplett) "Thank you."\n\n"Mòran taing." (MAW-run TAH-eeng) "Many thanks."\n\n"'Se do bheatha."
anyone know any gaelic phrases?Hello,\n\nYou didn't specify what Gaelic ? Okay here's the Scottish one. \n\nDè an t-ainm a tha oirbh?" (Jeh un TAH-num uh HAW-ruv?) What's your name?\n\n"'S mise.....(insert your name)." (SMIH-shuh...) "My name is..."\n\n"Ciamar a tha sibh?" (KIM-mer uh HAH shiv?) "How are you?"\n\n"Tha gu math, tapadh leibh." (HAH guh MAH, TAH-puh LEH-eev) "I'm well, thank you."\n\n"Dè tha thu a dèanamh?" (Jeh HAH oo uh JEE-ah-nuv?) "What are you doing?"\n\n"Chan eil mi a' dèanamh càil." (chahn-yel mee uh JEE-ah-nuv KAHL) "I'm not doing anything."\n\n"Tha mi airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh." (hah mee EHR-sawn GAH-lik YOON-sa-hugkh) "I want to learn Gaelic."\n\n"A bheil an t-acras ort?" (Uh VEHL uhn TAH-krus orsht?) "Are you hungry?"\n\n"Ceart gu leòr. Tha an t-acras orm." (Kyarsht guh LYAWR. Hahn TAH-krus AW-rum) "You bet. I'm hungry."\n\n"Bu toigh leam bracaist a ghabhail." (Boo tuh LUH-oom BRAH-kawsht uh GAH-ull) "I would like to have breakfast."\n\n"Càit a bheil an taigh beag?" (KAHTCH uh vehl un tye bek?) "Where's the bathroom?"\n\n"An toir thu dhomh pòg?" (Un TUH-r oo ghawnh pawk?) "Will you give me a kiss?"\n\n"Cha toir, ach bheir mi dhut sgailc!" (Chah TUH-r, ach vehr mee ghoot skahlk!) "No, but I'll slap you!"\n\n"Slàinte mhòr agad!" (SLAHN-tchuh VORR AH-kut!) "Great health to you!" ("Cheers!")\n\n"Nach i tha teth an-diugh?" (nahch ee hah TCHEH un-DJOO?) "Isn't it hot today? (It's hot today.)"\n\n"Bha e brèagha an-de." (Vah eh BREE-uh un-DJEH) "It was beautiful yesterday."\n\n"Cò an caora sin còmhla riut a chunnaic mi an-raoir?" (Kaw uhn KEU-ra shin KAW-la root uh CHOO-nik mee uhn-royer?) "Who was that sheep I saw you with last night?"\n\n"Cha b'e sin caora, 'se sin mo chèile a bha innte!" (Chah beh shin KEU-ra, sheh shin moe CHYEH-luh uh vah EEN-tchuh!) "That was no sheep, that was my spouse!"\n\n"Tha gaol agam ort." (Hah GEUL AH-kum orsht) "I love you."\n\n"Tha gaol agam ort-fhèin." (Hah GEUL AH-kum orsht-HEH-een) "I love you too." \n\n"Chan eil fhios agam." (CHAHN-yel iss AH-kum) "I don't know."\n\n"Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?" (jeh HAH oo ug EE-uh-ree) "What do you want?"\n\n"Tha mi ag iarraidh briosgaid!" (hah mi ug-EE-uh-ree BRISS-kahtch) "I want a cookie!"\n\n"'S toigh leam briosgaidean gu mòr!" (STUH LUH-oom BRISS-kaht-chun goo MAWR) "I like cookies -- a lot!"\n\n"A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh?" (uh vil GAH-lik AH-kiv) "Do you speak Gaelic?"\n\n"Tha, beagan." (hah, BECK-un) "Yes, a little."\n\n"Dè thuirt thu?" (jeh HOORSHT oo) "What did you say?"\n\n"Can a-rithist sin?" (kahn uh-REE-isht shin) "Say that again?" \n\n"Chan eil mi a' tuigsinn." (chan-yel mi uh-TOOK-shin) "I don't understand."\n\n"Tha mi duilich." (hah mee DOOH-lich) "I'm sorry."\n\n"Gabhaibh mo leisgeul." (GAHV-iv moe LESH-kul) "Excuse me."\n\n"Ceart gu leòr." (kyarsht guh LYAWR) "Right enough" -- "Okay."\n\n"Tha sin glè mhath!" (hah shin gleh VAH) "That's very good!"\n\n"'S math sin!" (SMAH-shin) "Great!" -- "Terrific!" \n\n"Ma 'se ur toil e." (mah sheh oor TUL-leh) "please."\n\n"Tapadh leat." (TAH-puh LAHT -- also -- TAHplett) "Thank you."\n\n"Mòran taing." (MAW-run TAH-eeng) "Many thanks."\n\n"'Se do bheatha."
Society & Culture
What foods are alkaline and which are acidic?
1...ALKALIZING FOODS \nVEGETABLES\nGarlic\nAsparagus\nFermented Veggies\nWatercress\nBeets\nBroccoli\nBrussel sprouts\nCabbage\nCarrot\nCauliflower\nCelery\nChard\nChlorella\nCollard Greens\nCucumber\nEggplant\nKale\nKohlrabi\nLettuce\nMushrooms\nMustard Greens\nDulce\nDandelions\nEdible Flowers\nOnions\nParsnips (high glycemic)\nPeas\nPeppers\nPumpkin\nRutabaga\nSea Veggies\nSpirulina\nSprouts\nSquashes\nAlfalfa\nBarley Grass\nWheat Grass\nWild Greens\nNightshade Veggies\n FRUITS\nApple\nApricot\nAvocado\nBanana (high glycemic)\nCantaloupe\nCherries\nCurrants\nDates/Figs\nGrapes\nGrapefruit\nLime\nHoneydew Melon\nNectarine\nOrange\nLemon\nPeach\nPear\nPineapple\nAll Berries\nTangerine\nTomato\nTropical Fruits\nWatermelon\n\nPROTEIN\nEggs\nWhey Protein Powder\nCottage Cheese\nChicken Breast\nYogurt\nAlmonds\nChestnuts\nTofu (fermented)\nFlax Seeds\nPumpkin Seeds\nTempeh (fermented)\nSquash Seeds\nSunflower Seeds\nMillet\nSprouted Seeds\nNuts OTHER\nApple Cider Vinegar\nBee Pollen\nLecithin Granules\nProbiotic Cultures\nGreen Juices\nVeggies Juices\nFresh Fruit Juice\nOrganic Milk\n(unpasteurized)\nMineral Water\nAlkaline Antioxidant Water\nGreen Tea\nHerbal Tea\nDandelion Tea\nGinseng Tea\nBanchi Tea\nKombucha\n\nSWEETENERS\nStevia\n\nSPICES/SEASONINGS\nCinnamon\nCurry\nGinger\nMustard\nChili Pepper\nSea Salt\nMiso\nTamari\nAll Herbs\n\nORIENTAL VEGETABLES\nMaitake\nDaikon\nDandelion Root\nShitake\nKombu\nReishi\nNori\nUmeboshi\nWakame\nSea Veggies \n\n\n2...ACIDIFYING FOODS \nFATS & OILS\nAvocado Oil\nCanola Oil\nCorn Oil\nHemp Seed Oil\nFlax Oil\nLard\nOlive Oil\nSafflower Oil\nSesame Oil\nSunflower Oil\n\nFRUITS\nCranberries\n\nGRAINS\nRice Cakes\nWheat Cakes\nAmaranth\nBarley\nBuckwheat\nCorn\nOats (rolled)\nQuinoi\nRice (all)\nRye\nSpelt\nKamut\nWheat\nHemp Seed Flour\n\nDAIRY\nCheese, Cow\nCheese, Goat\nCheese, Processed\nCheese, Sheep\nMilk\nButter NUTS & BUTTERS\nCashews\nBrazil Nuts\nPeanuts\nPeanut Butter\nPecans\nTahini\nWalnuts\n\nANIMAL PROTEIN\nBeef\nCarp\nClams\nFish\nLamb\nLobster\nMussels\nOyster\nPork\nRabbit\nSalmon\nShrimp\nScallops\nTuna\nTurkey\nVenison\n\nPASTA (WHITE)\nNoodles\nMacaroni\nSpaghetti\n\nOTHER\nDistilled Vinegar\nWheat Germ\nPotatoes DRUGS & CHEMICALS\nChemicals\nDrugs, Medicinal\nDrugs, Psychedelic\nPesticides\nHerbicides\n\nALCOHOL\nBeer\nSpirits\nHard Liquor\nWine\n\nBEANS & LEGUMES\nBlack Beans\nChick Peas\nGreen Peas\nKidney Beans\nLentils\nLima Beans\nPinto Beans\nRed Beans\nSoy Beans\nSoy Milk\nWhite Beans\nRice Milk\nAlmond Milk
What foods are alkaline and which are acidic?1...ALKALIZING FOODS \nVEGETABLES\nGarlic\nAsparagus\nFermented Veggies\nWatercress\nBeets\nBroccoli\nBrussel sprouts\nCabbage\nCarrot\nCauliflower\nCelery\nChard\nChlorella\nCollard Greens\nCucumber\nEggplant\nKale\nKohlrabi\nLettuce\nMushrooms\nMustard Greens\nDulce\nDandelions\nEdible Flowers\nOnions\nParsnips (high glycemic)\nPeas\nPeppers\nPumpkin\nRutabaga\nSea Veggies\nSpirulina\nSprouts\nSquashes\nAlfalfa\nBarley Grass\nWheat Grass\nWild Greens\nNightshade Veggies\n FRUITS\nApple\nApricot\nAvocado\nBanana (high glycemic)\nCantaloupe\nCherries\nCurrants\nDates/Figs\nGrapes\nGrapefruit\nLime\nHoneydew Melon\nNectarine\nOrange\nLemon\nPeach\nPear\nPineapple\nAll Berries\nTangerine\nTomato\nTropical Fruits\nWatermelon\n\nPROTEIN\nEggs\nWhey Protein Powder\nCottage Cheese\nChicken Breast\nYogurt\nAlmonds\nChestnuts\nTofu (fermented)\nFlax Seeds\nPumpkin Seeds\nTempeh (fermented)\nSquash Seeds\nSunflower Seeds\nMillet\nSprouted Seeds\nNuts OTHER\nApple Cider Vinegar\nBee Pollen\nLecithin Granules\nProbiotic Cultures\nGreen Juices\nVeggies Juices\nFresh Fruit Juice\nOrganic Milk\n(unpasteurized)\nMineral Water\nAlkaline Antioxidant Water\nGreen Tea\nHerbal Tea\nDandelion Tea\nGinseng Tea\nBanchi Tea\nKombucha\n\nSWEETENERS\nStevia\n\nSPICES/SEASONINGS\nCinnamon\nCurry\nGinger\nMustard\nChili Pepper\nSea Salt\nMiso\nTamari\nAll Herbs\n\nORIENTAL VEGETABLES\nMaitake\nDaikon\nDandelion Root\nShitake\nKombu\nReishi\nNori\nUmeboshi\nWakame\nSea Veggies \n\n\n2...ACIDIFYING FOODS \nFATS & OILS\nAvocado Oil\nCanola Oil\nCorn Oil\nHemp Seed Oil\nFlax Oil\nLard\nOlive Oil\nSafflower Oil\nSesame Oil\nSunflower Oil\n\nFRUITS\nCranberries\n\nGRAINS\nRice Cakes\nWheat Cakes\nAmaranth\nBarley\nBuckwheat\nCorn\nOats (rolled)\nQuinoi\nRice (all)\nRye\nSpelt\nKamut\nWheat\nHemp Seed Flour\n\nDAIRY\nCheese, Cow\nCheese, Goat\nCheese, Processed\nCheese, Sheep\nMilk\nButter NUTS & BUTTERS\nCashews\nBrazil Nuts\nPeanuts\nPeanut Butter\nPecans\nTahini\nWalnuts\n\nANIMAL PROTEIN\nBeef\nCarp\nClams\nFish\nLamb\nLobster\nMussels\nOyster\nPork\nRabbit\nSalmon\nShrimp\nScallops\nTuna\nTurkey\nVenison\n\nPASTA (WHITE)\nNoodles\nMacaroni\nSpaghetti\n\nOTHER\nDistilled Vinegar\nWheat Germ\nPotatoes DRUGS & CHEMICALS\nChemicals\nDrugs, Medicinal\nDrugs, Psychedelic\nPesticides\nHerbicides\n\nALCOHOL\nBeer\nSpirits\nHard Liquor\nWine\n\nBEANS & LEGUMES\nBlack Beans\nChick Peas\nGreen Peas\nKidney Beans\nLentils\nLima Beans\nPinto Beans\nRed Beans\nSoy Beans\nSoy Milk\nWhite Beans\nRice Milk\nAlmond Milk
The Phoenix Suns have the 21st pick in this year's NBA Draft... which player should they take?
Unofficial Yahoo Answers Mock Draft\n1.*Toronto- Adam Morrison*\n;_ylt=AighMmTUUL6yjlufKjwPcXLsy6IX?qid=1006052325058\n2.*Chicago- LaMarcus Aldridge*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052327910\n3.*Charlotte- Rudy Gay*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052654631\n4.*Portland- Tyrus Thomas*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052654631\n5.*Atlanta- Marcus Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052717172\n6.*Minnesota- Andrea Bargnani*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052818385\n7.*Boston- Patrick O'Bryant*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052919756\n8.*Houston- Randy Foye*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006053020000\n9.*Golden State- Rodney Carney*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006053123279\n10.*Seattle- Shelden Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006060120447\n11.*Orlando- Brandon Roy*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006060222006\n12. New Orleans- J.J. Redick*\n;_ylt=AuV0PIWSwEBCB8iu_gydiSkezKIX?link=select&qid=20060605144533AAPI9tE&kid=AA11058666\n13.*Philadelphia- Cedric Simmons*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060606201406AAvnApB\n14.*Utah- Maurice Ager*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060607185722AASgdVa\n15.*New Orleans- Shawne Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060608194039AARwT0g\n16.*Chicago- Ronnie Brewer*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060609203738AAik1vF\n17.*Indiana- Jordan Farmar*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060610192749AATohFL\n18.*Washington- Aaron Gray*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060611195758AAWvwGd\n19.*Sacramento- Hilton Armstrong*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060612195036AAgrYrZ \n20.*New York- Oleksiy Pecherov*\n
Sergio Rodriguez\n\nThis young point guard may fill the Suns most pressing need, a back up and successor for Steve Nash. Rodriquez nicknamed "Spanish Magician", owns a variety of offense weapons, but is at his best when breaking down defenders with his lethal crossover, or feeding a teammate for an easy basket. Rodriguez is blessed with incredible quickness and ball handling ability that make taking any defender 1-1 appear effortless. He has the uncanny ability to see passing lanes before they open up, thus enabling him to nearly always make the right decision with the ball. While not incredibly gifted athletically, like Nash, Sergio always finds a way to get the shot up, or draw the foul when around the basket. Hits open shots, especially in the clutch, and shoots the three ball well enough to keep any defender honest. \n\nAn ideal Suns point guard that loves to run the fast break, using his extreme quickness and good finishing ability to convert most of the time. Quickness and anticipation make him a capable ball hawk, as well as a solid off the ball defender. His nickname (The Spanish Magician) fits him well, sometimes it appears the moves he makes, and the passes he fires, aren't real. \n\nThe Suns, a smallish team, has performed well in the new up-tempo offensive focused NBA. The Suns, however, has suffered when Steve Nash misses a game or any significant minutes during competitive games against tough opponents. Leandro Barbosa, Eddie House, and Raja Bell, though all capable and talented offensive players at the 2 guard position, are not nearly as effective at the point guard spot as Rodriguez can be.\n\nRodriguez could fill that void as an able replacement for Nash during games, while being groomed as the 32 year-old Steve Nash's successor. Nash has looked worn out in the playoffs and may soon be on the downside of his career. Giving Nash a capable back-up will alow the Suns to reduce Nash's minutes, thereby making him more effective late in games. \n\nWatching how Devin Harris' game has elevated Dallas this year, leads me to belive that another talented point guard could be just what the doctor ordered to get the Suns over the hump.
The Phoenix Suns have the 21st pick in this year's NBA Draft... which player should they take?Unofficial Yahoo Answers Mock Draft\n1.*Toronto- Adam Morrison*\n;_ylt=AighMmTUUL6yjlufKjwPcXLsy6IX?qid=1006052325058\n2.*Chicago- LaMarcus Aldridge*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052327910\n3.*Charlotte- Rudy Gay*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052654631\n4.*Portland- Tyrus Thomas*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052654631\n5.*Atlanta- Marcus Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052717172\n6.*Minnesota- Andrea Bargnani*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052818385\n7.*Boston- Patrick O'Bryant*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006052919756\n8.*Houston- Randy Foye*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006053020000\n9.*Golden State- Rodney Carney*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006053123279\n10.*Seattle- Shelden Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006060120447\n11.*Orlando- Brandon Roy*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=1006060222006\n12. New Orleans- J.J. Redick*\n;_ylt=AuV0PIWSwEBCB8iu_gydiSkezKIX?link=select&qid=20060605144533AAPI9tE&kid=AA11058666\n13.*Philadelphia- Cedric Simmons*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060606201406AAvnApB\n14.*Utah- Maurice Ager*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060607185722AASgdVa\n15.*New Orleans- Shawne Williams*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060608194039AARwT0g\n16.*Chicago- Ronnie Brewer*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060609203738AAik1vF\n17.*Indiana- Jordan Farmar*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060610192749AATohFL\n18.*Washington- Aaron Gray*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060611195758AAWvwGd\n19.*Sacramento- Hilton Armstrong*\n;_ylt=AvtMn1SDCfKJCaB.okG49__sy6IX?qid=20060612195036AAgrYrZ \n20.*New York- Oleksiy Pecherov*\n Rodriguez\n\nThis young point guard may fill the Suns most pressing need, a back up and successor for Steve Nash. Rodriquez nicknamed "Spanish Magician", owns a variety of offense weapons, but is at his best when breaking down defenders with his lethal crossover, or feeding a teammate for an easy basket. Rodriguez is blessed with incredible quickness and ball handling ability that make taking any defender 1-1 appear effortless. He has the uncanny ability to see passing lanes before they open up, thus enabling him to nearly always make the right decision with the ball. While not incredibly gifted athletically, like Nash, Sergio always finds a way to get the shot up, or draw the foul when around the basket. Hits open shots, especially in the clutch, and shoots the three ball well enough to keep any defender honest. \n\nAn ideal Suns point guard that loves to run the fast break, using his extreme quickness and good finishing ability to convert most of the time. Quickness and anticipation make him a capable ball hawk, as well as a solid off the ball defender. His nickname (The Spanish Magician) fits him well, sometimes it appears the moves he makes, and the passes he fires, aren't real. \n\nThe Suns, a smallish team, has performed well in the new up-tempo offensive focused NBA. The Suns, however, has suffered when Steve Nash misses a game or any significant minutes during competitive games against tough opponents. Leandro Barbosa, Eddie House, and Raja Bell, though all capable and talented offensive players at the 2 guard position, are not nearly as effective at the point guard spot as Rodriguez can be.\n\nRodriguez could fill that void as an able replacement for Nash during games, while being groomed as the 32 year-old Steve Nash's successor. Nash has looked worn out in the playoffs and may soon be on the downside of his career. Giving Nash a capable back-up will alow the Suns to reduce Nash's minutes, thereby making him more effective late in games. \n\nWatching how Devin Harris' game has elevated Dallas this year, leads me to belive that another talented point guard could be just what the doctor ordered to get the Suns over the hump.