why doesn't an optical mouse work on a glass table?
or even on some surfaces?
What is the best off-road motorcycle trail ?
long-distance trail throughout CA
What is Trans Fat? How to reduce that?
I heard that tras fat is bad for the body. Why is that? Where can we find it in our daily food?
How many planes Fedex has?
I heard that it is the largest airline in the world
In the san francisco bay area, does it make sense to rent or buy ?
the prices of rent and the price of buying does not make sense to me, mostly the rent will not cover the mortgage . Is it better to rent a house or to buy?
What's the best way to clean a keyboard?
I have very small stuff stuck under my keyboard and it prevents it to from working. What will be the be\nst way to clean it?
Why do people blush when they are embarrassed?
Why do people blush when they are embarrassed?
Is Lin Qingxia (aka Brigitte Lin) "the most beautiful woman in Chinese cinema?"
This is according to Stephen Chow (http://www.hkentreview.com/2005/features/kfh/kfhprem.html). Is it true? Who is the best-looking male star? Did they make any movies together?
What is the origin of "foobar"?
I want to know the meaning of the word and how to explain to my friends.
How the human species evolved?
How the human species evolved?
Who said the statement below and what does it mean?
Can someone help me with understanding someone else's wisdom, please?&#xd;<br><br>" It is very easy in the world to live by the opinion of the world. It is very easy in solitude to be self-centered. But the finished man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. "
How do I find an out of print book?
When I was a kid I remember seeing a book that was like an yearbook of all newspapers published by the Times during WW II. Each of the years is compiled into a different book. &#xd;<br>It gave one a very uniqie perspecitev into the UK druing the war, and even had advertisements from thaat time.&#xd;<br>Anybody out there know how to track such books?
What are some tips on finding a good mortgage broker?
What are some tips on finding a good mortgage broker?
what's the best way to create a bootable windos/dos CD?
i don't use floppies any more and need to boot from something other than my hard disk
what is the reason for the increasing divorce percentage in the western world?
what is the most common parameter that causing couples to separate
What is an "imaginary number"?
What is an "imaginary number", and how is it treated in algebra equations?
What are good sources to find out about new gospel artists?
Is there a site that focuses primarily on gospel?
How a black hole is formed?
I would like to know how a black hole can possibly be formed. Are there any experimental evidence of such creation?
When will Her Majesty be released in Dvd format?
Her Majesty was a movie in limited release early in 2005. I am interested in getting a copy of it in dvd format upon release.
Is a transponder required to fly in class C airspace?
I've heard that it may not be for some aircraft. What are the rules?
How to get rid of a beehive?
Who can tell me how to get rid of a beehive with out getting stung?
Nice apartment building near SBC Park?
Any recommendations for a nice apartment building in SF generally in the SBC Park area?
What are world's 3 smallest nations?
i.e.&#xd;<br>which is the smallest nation?&#xd;<br>which is the next one in size?&#xd;<br>and then the next one?&#xd;<br><br>How did they manage to become countries?
What is the best riddle that you know?
I'm trying to have a library of the best riddles that people encountered. So a good riddle would be a riddle that has no ugly tricks in it- pure logic answer – no tricks, no funky solutions.
Economics of running a restaurant?
Running a restaurant looks like hard work and long hours. &#xd;<br><br>What percentage of restaurants are profitable? And what is the average revenue and net income of a small restaurant?
Why do gas stations mix ethanol into gas?
Why do gas stations mix ethanol into gas?
Why we are not using the sea waves to generate electricity?
Giving that it is a clean and safe energy, and that almost all the time there are waves, why we are not using that to generate power
Why doesn't the NBA implement a minor leagues?
I don't want to see any more High School kids on the court, shooting airballs and missing defensive assignments.
What's the longest english word without a vowel in it?
and what does that word mean if it's not a common word.
how was Einstein's General Relativity theory proven ?
When was it, where was it and by whom?
Can someone tell me what happened in Buffy's series finale?
I had to work and missed the ending.
How does a person live his whole life with the notion of impending death
Just a philosophical question, nothing more.
how does a helicopter fly
this is a miracle- I always wanted to learn to fly one of those. Can someone explain how can it get airborne?
Why would Big Ten keep its name inspite of adding a 11th school?
[colleges & univs]&#xd;<br><br>Upto 1980s and early 90s, Big Ten conference had only 10 schools. But then somehow it was decided to add PSU as the 11th Big-Ten school.&#xd;<br><br>Any thoughts/insight on why the name of the conference not changed?
How effective is massage in relieving stress?
How effective is massage in relieving stress?
Is there a good reference for California Landlord-Tenant Law?
I want to know what is required of landlords and tenants in California.
Triangular distribution random function
How can I calculate a random number in a Triangular distribution random function? Is there a java packa\nged somewhere which does it?
Capturing light in a container
Can we capture light in a container? Will it run and shine forever? What kind of internal material we should use in order to do that?
When will Google buy Yahoo?
The two businesses are very complementary in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Do we want to beat ourselves up competing with each other for resources and market share, or unite to beat MSFT?
Do animals have feelings?
can an animal feel regrets , compassion, sad, fear etc?
Is Trigonometry considered high school or college level math?
I never took trig. Is it the level after calculus?
Why is there often a mirror in an elevator?
What is the history behind it?
Can someone explain the theory of e=mc2?
I have forgotten what this means.
Why can Bush get away with misinforming us about intelligence, then use that as reason for war?
Why can Bush get away with misinforming us about intelligence and then using that as reason for war?
where did term "tie the knot" come from?
what's the origin of the notion of marriage as "tying the knot?"
How can the Chicago Cubs break their curse?
The lovable Cubs need to win the big one!
What's the cheapest source for ordering DVDs from Asia?
What's the cheapest source for ordering DVDs from Asia?
Why are there 5 rings in the Olympics symbol?
What does it represent? I heard few theories about it but not sure what is the correct one
What is the over/under for wins by the 49ers this season?
How many wins do you guys think the 49ers will get this year? What is a good number?
What was James Bond's wife's name?
I seem to be having my temporary memory lapse and can't seem to be recollecting my deceased wife's name. Can someone help?&#xd;<br><br>-- 007
How do I take my money out of 401k without penalty?
If I change a job, and roll my 401k into an IRA, can I then take money out of the IRA to fund my childrens education without the penalty?
What are the rules around who can throw the ball in football?
Usually it is the quarterback, but during an option play it can be someone else. Can anyone throw the ball if they are behind the line of scrimmage? Or are there just a few players who are allowed to?
What is the history of seeing eye dogs?
What is the history of seeing eye dogs?
If I lose lots of money in stock in one year, can I carry the negative capital gain forward?
How does that work and how many years can I carry forward?
What are the steps required to edit, publish and distribute a book?
I have a book that Ive being writing for sometime now, and I think that I would like to try and publish it
When can a common man fly to moon?
My realtor wants to list the craters on the MLS listings.
Condo/townhouse pricing in San Jose, CA
What is the average price for a condo/townhouse in San Jose
How does the Pope get his name?
<br>There are many different names. Who decide what will be the next Pope's name?
How long does take a space craft to get from the Earth to the Moon?
astronomy. I would like to know how many days hours, or weeks it would take to get to the Moon from Earth.
At what level are math olympiads held for Kids?
Do math olympiads begin at Elementary level or at Middle or at High school?
Can anyone list the short name of the common names?
For examples, &#xd;<br><br>Bill = William,&#xd;<br>Dick = Ricard
Do all professional athletes do steroids now?
What is the common thought here?
How do you know if you're in love?
Is it possible to know for sure?
what is the cause for headaches
i have a really bad one now so wondering
Why didn't anyone send more buses to the Superdome earlier?
The whole Katrina/New Orleans thing has been bungled on so many different levels it boggles the mind. But one issue, in particular, simply blows me away every time I think about it:&#xd;<br><br>Why did it take so long to send buses to get folks out of the Superdome and Convention Center?!&#xd;<br><br>We move 50-60,000 people out of stadiums literally every day in America. And given the road to the Superdome remained open, at least as I understand it, I simply can't comprehend why 2000 buses weren't sent to New Orleans within 1-2 days. &#xd;<br><br>While that may seem like a lot of buses, it's not much more than the number of school buses and public buses in most major cities. So why weren't all buses in cities commandered and sent into action as "rescue vehicles".&#xd;<br><br>Does anyone have a cite to an article that specifically addresses that issue?
What is the best YMU-compatible mp3 player out there?
I have an iPod photo 30GB but am considering selling it to switch to Yahoo! Music Unlimited. Any recommendations on the best players that are compatible with the subscription service YMU? Looking for similar 30GB capacity. Color and ability to capture / show digital photos like the iPod photo would be desirable features.
what are gamma ray bursts?
i heard about those, but have just a vague understanding about them.
Why's watching Television so addictive?
Whereas reading books isn't in general (no doubt there are some avid readers but I am talking about the majority).
What is the origin of the name 'Soccer'?
The rest of the world call this game 'football', which is self explanatory...
What's the capital city of Bolivia?
Just catching up with the latest geography.&#xd;<br><br>[expecting an email notification when this question expires]
Which car and house insurance company is recommended in California?
And with which one you had a bad experience?
How come the usage of alternate power generators is not more prevalent in a state like Californi
One would expect that it would be of an interest of states to have alternate resources.
Why do people amputate dogs tail?
What is the reason that some types of dog are considered to be better off with out their tail?
How come stars are generally round?
re there any square stars in the galaxy?
What is the best relational database?
Why do I Sound Different When I Hear My Own Voice?
Why do i sound different when I listen to my own voice on the answering machine or tape recorder?
what are the base colors?
Those few colors that you can create all the rest of the colors out of their mix
Who is Earth-2 Superman and how is he different from regular Superman?
Why are there two Supermen and why is one older than the other?
How do you become a judge on the Supreme Court?
What are the necessary qualifications and the process to get on the high court?
What does 'zig' refer to in the All Your Base clip?
You all remember that "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" internet phenomenon from early 2000. I recently saw it again and read the game transcript. What could the (poor) Japanese-English translator possibly have been trying to communicate with the word "Zig"?&#xd;<br><br>Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time.&#xd;<br>Cats: HA HA HA HA ....&#xd;<br>Captain: Take off every 'zig' !!&#xd;<br>Captain: You know what you doing.&#xd;<br>Captain: Move 'zig'.&#xd;<br>Captain: For great justice.
What is the best way to learn chinese?
Do those Pimsleur cds really work? any other recommendation?
what is a tag, and why is it being hailed by some people as the greatest thing since sliced bread?
i've been using tags in products such as delicious, my web 2.0, and flickr...but how do i explain the significance of tagging to somebody like my mom? what does it all mean?
What is the maximum number of identical stones so that after a look-alike is added...?
... you will need to scale them at most three times to identify the look-alike one. Note that you don't know if the look-alike stone is lighter or heavier than the rest.
Can you imagine seeing more colors?
No, you can't! I mean, what would they look like? It's crazy! I want to be able to see more colors, more than infra-red and ultra-violet; I'm not talking about those invisible colors, I'm talkin REAL colors! Wouldn't it be cool if you woke up tomorrow and you could see more colors? A brand new color... you could call it "murple" so "purple" would be easier to rhyme. What would it look like? I mean... green kinda looks like blue... orange kinda looks like yellow... murple kinda looks like red? Who knows? Kinda mind-boggling, isn't it? :)
Does echinacea really help prevent colds?
Or is a waste of money...
What is the largest city in the world?
What is the larget city in terms of the population and density?
What is the best place to get guitar lessons in the South Bay Area?
Looking for a great instructor and relatively affordable price. I have no experience but have a desire to learn.
Which soccer team has won the most European club championships?
that is, Champions League or European Cup competitions...
Where can I find information about Superlatives?
I need to find answers to questions such as what is the biggest...? What's the tallest...? What is the fastest...?, etc.
Why are the San Francisco 49er's Sucking so Bad Again?
What's up with the team again? Offensive line? Coaching?
what is the temperature on the sun and how to calculate the lost of heat per distance from it?
So, what will be the distance from the sun that makes it reasonable to look for life?
Who is going to pick up Terrell Owens after he comes off suspension?
I think Atlanta or Dallas are strong candidates, especially as they make a push towards the playoffs.
What does 4 8 15 16 23 42 _really_ mean?
What do you think it means? I know its showing up alot on the TV show Lost, so what is it and why do you think it's everywhere on the show?
What are the options for volleyball leagues in the south bay and SF?
Prefer Indoor Men's 6s - A/AA competitive league or\na coed, somewhat competitive league (B/BB)
how can I recover the security key for my Yahoo! account?
I had a hard time trying to figure out what my security key was. I don't even remember ever having one.
Why doesn't college football have a playoff system?
Every year sportswriters and fans complain about how unfair the BCS is, so what's preventing the various conferences from a playoff system?
What kind of guitar is that?
What kind of guitar is Joaquin Phoenix playing in the "Germany" scenes in Walk the Line? You can see the one I mean at about 30 seconds and 50 seconds (the hangar and the music store) in the trailer on Yahoo! Movies.\n\nIt doesn't appear to have a standard sound hole, just two curved openings on either side of the strings. It's almost like an archtop, but I can't believe it's an electric; that seems out of character and you never see him with an amp.\n\nBonus points, where can I buy one?
What is a good entry-level road bike to purchase?
I am looking to spend roughly $1,500.
What is the minimum GPA to get into colleges?
I don't know what the minimum GPA is to get into colleges. If my GPA isn't that high will I still get in? I don't want to go to a community college though.
Who is the most famous woman athlete of all time?
And what sport was she famous for?


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