Could a very powerful directional microphone pickup sounds from the past?
In much the same way that a a radio telescope 'sees' past events, could a very powerful directional microphone pickup sounds from the past?
is there a good art school in the San Francisco bay area?
I'm interested in paintings
what are the materials that can be used to produce laser beam?
what are the differences between the those beams?
Is there any proven evidence that Mars at some point in the past had microscopic life?
what supports this theory?
should i trade Baron Davis and Joe Johnson for Allen Iverson?
my league has PT, RB, AS, ST, BL, 3s, TO, FG%, FT%\n\nshould i give up Baron and Joe for The Answer and a scrub? or for Elton Brand and a scrub?
Do you really need 8 hours of sleep every night?
I've also heard that it's bad to sleep more than 10 hours a night.
If God is both all loving and all powerful, how can he/she/it allow suffering to exist?
Please, none of those "it's beyond our understanding" answers. I want some real answers here!
What are the best ways to incentivise people to answer questions here?
Appeal to their ego? wallets? sense of belonging? or something else?
Who had the shortest celebrity marriage?
Nikki Hilton's and Renee Zellwegger's super-short marriages this year got me thinking-- which celebrity had the shortest marriage of all time?
How can I stop getting junk mail?
I'm sick of all the pre-approved credit card solicitations, etc....
Why do people have the bird, turkey for thanksgiving?
Why this bird? Any Significance?
How can I record audio directly from the browser to the web server?
For a podcasting application, I'd like my web server to be able to receive audio straight from the browser. Something like a "Push to talk" button. It seems it's possible to do this with Flash. Is there any other way?\n\nWith Flash, do I need to buy a Macromedia server licence, or are there alternatives to have Flash on the browser talk to my server?
Is there a way in MS Excel to have a cell be equal to multiple cells? e.g.= D3 and D5, where d3 & 5 are words?
I'm trying to make a cell that has a list of other cells. e.g. I want my cell to say "[d4's value], [d5's value]"\n\nCan I do that? Right now when I try, Excel spits out the "#value" error. Can you help?
Which TV show got higher ratings?
"Who Shot J.R.?" on Dallas or the finale of "M*A*S*H"?
How should I act on a date?
Can someone give me tips?
What is the best LCD monitor 19"-25"?
Don't want to go overboard on budget or features. Just want something better than a 17" monitor to work and play with.\n\nMore interested in quality, performance, ease of use.
Where's a good place to buy a skirt for beneath the Christmas tree?
Walgreen's had two ugly ones to choose from. Any place have a better selection of skirts to lay down beneath the Christmas tree?
Public transportation options in Los Angeles?
I know "nobody walks in L.A." but what if you don't have a car? What are my options for getting around L.A. by bus or other public transit?
How come it seems like Lottery winners are always the ones that buy tickets in low income areas.?
Pure luck or Government's way of trying to balance the rich and the poor.
which was the best national team ever in a FIFA World Cup?
In my opinion, Brazil in 1970 (followed by Brazil 82, Netherlands 74, Hungary 54) --as you see, no need to be the champion to be the among the best). Please don't compare France 98 with real good teams like the ones above (yes, they won a world cup, but their team is not among the best in history).
What are the best single tracks for Mt. biking in the bay area?
Maps, web-sites and tips are most welcome...
Is it legal to publicly rate medical doctors?
In the US and other countries.\n\ne.g. could I create a web site where I say that I rate Doctor X 70/100 and Doctor Y 75/100, without any other explanation?\n\nWhat if I do provide an explanation?\n\nWhat if I rated mechanics instead of medical doctors?
When is Jojo going to the shop?
Jojo never goes to the shop, and if she does, she never gets me anything. Why is that?
Can I use 26" mountain bike rims for my cyclocross-frame bike?
It's my first time building a bike from scratch and I found some wheels I really like but I was told that they aare 26" rims and not the standard 700c clinchers I think I need. Would it still be compatible with my aluminum cyclocross frame?
What should I have in my disaster emergency kit stored out side my house?
Since FIMA is estimating that the next big disaster will be a more then 7.0 earthquake in CA.&#xd;<br><br>Just a reminder that on Aug 2001 they have predicted 3 disaster scenarios: &#xd;<br>First: terror attack on NYC&#xd;<br>Second: a 5.0 category hurricane in New Orleans&#xd;<br>Third: a more then 7.0 earthquake in California&#xd;<br><br>We are down to the third one……
Are humans still evolving?
Seems the vast majority of humans live long enough to procreate. Is natural selection dead (or sleepy)? If not, what are the attributes that are being selected for/against in humans these days?
Who to start on defense this week?
Should I go with Pittsburgh or New England?
Which player led the USA Basketball team (original Dream Team) in scoring in the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona?
On September 21, 1991, USA Basketball announced the\n"Dream Team" for the 1992 Olympics. Charles Barkley,\nLarry Bird, Patrick Ewing, Magic Johnson, Michael\nJordan, Karl Malone, Chris Mullin, Scottie Pippen,\nDavid Robinson and John Stockton were named. Christian\nLaettner and Clyde Drexler were later added. Which\nplayer led the team in scoring at the Barcelona Games?
Why do Canadians Celebrate Thanks giving?
I lived in Canada for a year and when ever I asked a Canadian why they celebrated thanksgiving (I understand why Americans do, but not canadians!) they didnt know either... so if you do know - let me know!
What's your definition of Web 2.0?
It seems to mean different things and different technologies to different people.
Should the A's trade Zito this off-season?
With Harden's oblique seeming like Hudson part deux..\nCan Billy dare trade Zito this year?\nPart 2 of the question If Zito is not traded, will he be signed next year and beyond or allowed to to enter free agency after 2006?
which is the more powerful crime family - the corleone's or the soprano's?
assuming of course they were in power in new york and new jersey, respectively, at the same time instead of decades apart. and i'll choose your answer as the best one if you can match up members of each family who'd go head to head if they went to war.
how google and "evil" relate?
why do people talk about google as "evil" (or "not evil")? Where does this relationship come from?
I have a desktop with a 82845 GL Intel integrated video card 64MB w/ no AGP slot. Should I upgrade via PCI?
I'm concerned that upgrading via a PCI card will not be any better. Any advice would be appreciated.
How can I find the dhcp server on Linux ?
dhcp server from where my interface got the lease on Linux.
What are the best places for downhill skateboarding in California?
downhill skateboarding is aka slope style skateboarding.
What is the difference between permutations and combinations?
The formulas would be helpful as well!
What does Sarbaines Oxley compliant mean?
I see many firms advertising that they assist with "Sarbaines Oxley compliance". Can you explain the legislation and who is affected? How does one become "Sarbaines Oxley compliant"?
Are expensive urethane golf balls e.g. Titleist Pro V1 worth it for the normal club golfer?
If you don't have a handicap higher lower than 10 or are playing super hard and fast greens does it make a difference in performance to use exepnsive 2,3 or 4 layer urethane golf balls instead of cheaper ones?
What is the meaning of life?
And why do we stop searching for it?
Is there an English equivalent for the male firstname "Reinhard"?
Whenever I'm visiting Peets and order a speciality coffee, I'm asked for my firstname, for which I do not know the English equivalent (I'm currently using "Ryan". "Reggie" turned out to be a disaster!).\n\nAccording to Wikipedia, the name "Reinhard" is composed of the ancient Germanic words "ragina" ('advice') and "harti" ('hard', 'strong'), meaning: "strong in giving advice" = "the knowledgeable".\n\nOh, so a great name for "Yahoo! Q&A" could also be "Yahoo! Reinhard"?!
Should I fly back to Sunnyvale (from WI) for the Year end party? Is it worth it?I'?
I'm working remotely right now and I was wondering if it would be worth it to fly back to check in with all things Y! and attend the Year End Party. For people who've been there before, is it worth it?
why does the bird flu considered to be such a frightening disease?
I seem that the entire world is dealing with it- what makes it different then other epidemic diseases?
how can i watch soccer on tv in California?
would love to be able to watch games from Europe...
Wireless router setup?
I tried configuring and setting up my wirelesss router which I bought from CompUSA but it won't let me get online even though it detects my IP address and shows a strong wireless connection. What could be the problem?
what was Hitchcock best movie?
in which movie he had introduced more new techniques the any of his movies?
who was the first man to climb all the 8.000 m mountains in the world?
I mean 8k meters (26k feet)or plus, of course.
How can i run a regression in Excel?
The Microsoft Help section is pitiful!
Should I rent or buy?
I live in an area with very high real estate prices. I can afford to buy, but I'm wondering if I should just rent and save a bunch of money.
How do I end a date with a girl I'm not interested in?
I went on a date with a girl I met online but there's no chemistry between us.
Do you have a recommendation for a quiet and decent apartment complex around Houston?
A apartment complex with gym, swimming pool, recreation room, etc.
What are the most popular blogging tools?
What are the market shares of the top 10 blogging packages / ASPs?
Explanation for correlated wave function collapse at a distance (Quantum Mechanics)?
I remember from physics class in college that two correlated wavefunctions (e.g., sum of wavefunction spins = 0) can exhibit strange behavior at a distance. left alone (e.g., without measurement of wavefunctions), each wavefunction (called A & B) has a probability of 50% spin up and 50% spin down. WavefunctionA (WF_A) is IN NEITHER state until it is ACTUALLY measured. the moment WF_A it is measured, WF_B assumes the opposite spin with DEFINITE probability. i understand that no information is transferred at a distance between WF_A and WF_B, but HOW does this happen. WHAT is the mechanism that collapes WF_B into a definite spin state at a distance? I am not looking for explanations like "satisfies laws of conservation" ... instead i am looking for physical mechanism that allow this seemingly incredible phenomena to work. If the "weirdness" i am describing is an artifact of the way i am asking the question (which is what i suspect), explainations there would be appreciated as well.
Where do babies come from?
I'm really looking for ways to answer this when my son asks in a few years :)
Why is the voltage ratinging always a multiple of 11 ?
For household we have 110 V, 220 V.\nFor high voltage lines: 11 KV, 22 KV , 33 KV etc.
if a plane was on some type of treadmill that detects speed, will it ever take off?
This has been addressesd on a few different places I frequent.\n\nthe question: if an airplane is on a treadmill or some type of conveyer belt that senses speed and accelerates accordingly. Will the plane ever gain enough windspeed to actually take off?
how much does ebay charge for selling stuff?
what percentage? how much is transaction fee?
How do I change the nickname I chose when I first logged in to qa.yahoo.com?
I'd like to have multiple personalities in this community but I don't know if it's possible.
What is a good platform for writing complex web apps in php?
looking for a platform for handling business objects as well as application flow so people would not have to hard code each page transition and each business logic step in php.\n\nWhat do people recommend?
How should I encrypt/pw protect my backup files on an external harddrive for easy recovery on any machine?
I share my external drive with my brother (we swap dries with files every month or so to keep backups off-site), and we wanted to know if there was a simlpe solution for password protection that would alow recovery of the files to any computer (assuming the original computer dies and you don't want encryption tied to one machine).
What is the best microphone or headset for recording a podcast?
The platform probably doesn't matter, but just in case, this will be on a Mac. Some possibility of having remote/phone participation on the recording. Prefer answers citing personal experience.
Where is the best place around here (Mountain View) for a novice to go for skydiving ?
I do love my life ... so, are the risks really high while undertaking this thrilling jump?
Who will win 2005 heisman trophy? Reggie? Vince? Matt?
Latest polls show:\n Reggie Bush, RB, USC, Jr., 13-1st, 20-2nd, 0-3rd = 73 votes\n Vince Young, QB, Texas, Jr., 2-1st, 13-2nd, 0-3rd = 62 votes\n Matt Leinart, QB, USC, Sr., 0-1st, 0-2nd, 15-3rd = 45 votes\n\nhttp://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/pages/bios03/young_vince.html\nhttp://usctrojans.collegesports.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/bush_reggie00.html\nhttp://usctrojans.collegesports.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/leinart_matt00.html
How do I roll my 401(k) over to a traditional IRA?
I have a retirement plan with my former employer and I want to roll it over to a traditional IRA. What are my other options?
Is this the end of the housing boom? For October, existing home sales was down while new home sales surged.?
With consumer confidence and new home sales up, it is almost 100% sure that the Feds will raise short term interest rate again in December and likely in January. Will long term rate move up more? With current mortage rate, buyer are still willing to pay premium for houses. Clearly, easy money are still out there.
What is the best Tennis club in or near Sunnyvale, CA?
I'd like to find a tennis club that has indoor courts and a variety of events that help you find other players to play with.
Parttime MBA or Certification in Management, which one is better. Where can I do the Mgmt. certification from.
As as working professional I dont have time to goto college. I want to do either the Part Time MBA or Certification in Mgmt. Which one has more value and what would you recommend for me?
Who Will be the League MVP this Year?
Who Will be the League MVP this Year?\n\nIverson ???\nLebron??\nKobe??
How Much Wood Can A Wood Chuck Chuck?
I just love Wood Chucks....
Where did the term "I'll be there with bells on" originate?
I seem to remember reading somewhere that in the old sled/carriage days that if a fellow teamster had to bail you out of trouble, you traditionally gave them your sleighbells as a thank you (or mark of shame?). Can't find that reference any more.
How does this site make money?
I guess advertisements will be added eventually when it has certain traffic.
what's the best Sirius satellite radio to get?
the majority of the listening would be in the car (howard stern!), but would love to be able to listen at home/work. would prefer something that could plug into an open aux input on both car stereo or home receiver as opposed to using FM.
How do you set-up a personal video recorder without monthly fees?
I figure why pay TiVo or a cable company or a satellite company to use a personal video recorder, after all, it's just a piece of timer software that records data to a hard drive. Just a matter of getting the tv listings, hooking up a home computer and finding the right software for one-time up front cost (something cheap, like $50 and not 300-500 like TiVo/ReplayTV charge you).
What are the advantages of a compact crankset over a triple on a bicycle?
I'm considering switching out my triple crankset for a compact. I tried a rental bike with a compact (Cannondale R2000, nice bike) and liked it quite a bit. Right now I'm riding a Specialized Roubaix with Shimano 105 components.\n\nI'm something of a beginner, having just started about three months ago. I have a climber's build and tend to like moderately hilly routes.
Can someone direct to me to a good site about volcanoes?
I need to know the top 10 deadliest volcano in the world.
Who is the best formula 1 driver to ever live?
Aryton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Giuseppe Farina, Mike Hawhtorn, Phil Hill, John Surtees, Denis Hulme, Jochen Ridnt, James Hunt , Mario Andretti, Jodie Scheckter, Alan Jones, Keke Rosberg,Nigel Mansell, Damon Hill, Jacques Villenueve?
For $1000 or less, what's the best 1600x1200 LCD monitor for digital photography? I.e., most accurate color?
I recently purchased a new DSLR camera and a new photo printer, and I'm ready to replace an older (smaller) monitor.\n\nHow much better are the monitors above $1000?
What's better Snowboarding or Skiing?
Thinking of picking up either Snowboarding or Skiing as a hobby. Which one better? Which one is easier to learn?\n\nThanks,\n\nSam
do you think that the people who make Evian bottled water meant for it to be spelled Naive backwards?
just wonderin. the stuff is 2 bucks a pop!
what is the fibbonacci sequence?
how has the fibbonacci sequence been used by sculptors, architects,and painters
How did language start?
Especially the English language.. who define the ABCDE....
help with a spainish to english translation from Colombia- what does this say?
I can't find add contact on Yahoo Msg. Think don't have.?
I'm trying to add a contact to my Yahoo Msg, can't find "Add Contact." Do I need sending invite before able to chat? If so, how do I do?
6th Wedding Anniversary - Any Ideas?
My husband and I will be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary next Friday. I would love to do something special for him, but we are a little limited on funds. What can I do to make this night special? \n\nI would love to hear some ideas from some of you! \nThank you in advance! :)
i need help with using sparknotes.com. please click this q if you can help for more details. thanx?
will sum1 go to www.sparknotes.com and find a chp by chp summary of Summer of the Monkeys and then post it onto the answers.thanyou so much cuz i dont know how. i tried but cant.
Does north Korean speak the same language with south Korean ?
Does North Korean and South Korean have the same official language and word?
what books to read and how to study for USMLE part2 medical licensing exam in USA?
I'm trying to start studying to get the USMLE and plan to start with step 2. there's a wealth of books out there and it is hard to choose from. also people don't agree on the best method to study for this exam or the resources to use. I'm interesed in the opinion of people who have done this test to share their insight on how to prepare for this test. thank you in advance
What is the best sports magazine?
I am contemplating buying either ESPN the Magazine or Sports Illustrated...Which is better and why?
Why can't I think of any good questions?
Isn't that sad? I can't think of many good questions to ask. Any other time - such as when I'm sitting bored at work - I could think of a mess of them but, when I have the chance to be on here, I can't think of any. Annoying, huh?
Taday is 31 December,is the last day of 2005!?
I hope you all have a very happy new year and may your dreams come true!!!\n\nHAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!!
i want to make my pc email server how??
i have a dns name and i want to send and recieve email from my pc?how in details
how do i get into a chatroom on yahoo?
i cant get into a chatroom how do i get on
Why did the U.S. stop sending people to the moon?
Did we just lose interest or did we find all we needed to find there.
what is speed windsurfing?
How do you steer at high speeds? With your feet? (carving) I imagine that canting the mast at high-speeds isn't an option.
I need a cv. in english?
i want a curricullum vitae
Which Cross Country Skis are better? Rossis, Fischer RCS, or Atomic beta?
Which is the best skate race ski? If you like a different brand, like Peltonen, or Germina, or madshus, or any other brand that I missed, and you think they have the best brand tell me. Also, Does europe really have skis that I don't have in U.S.? Like a super brand of skis?
bankrates on money market funds?
best bank rates on Money Market Funds in the Central Fla. Area
A party wins 30 million on a powerball jackpot. How much cash could he really get?
One party/ Two different tickets / a group of ten people?
who was the longest driver on the PGA tour in the 1950's?
we all know Jack Nicklaus was the longest in the 60's, but I'm not sure about the 50's...and Arnold Palmer doesn't count as he was mostly a 60's player as well....thanks
Why old people always are complaining ?
Like my grandma for example: "I dont like this ice cream is not tasty" When the ice cream was really good.