How much money should someone with BSc in Biochemistry and Biotechnology make?
How much money should I make a year? typical salary?\n\nI have a full time job working in a technology company, helping to design analytical scientific instruments.\n\nI have a B.Sc. in Biochemistry and Biotechnology.\n3 years work experience in the company I work for, in helping to design analytical equipment, and to test it etc..\nI also have various other responsibilities including:\nHead of the IT department, responsible for building & maintaining PC's and network \nCompany Safety officer, maintaining safety equipment, signs, MSDS's , Chemicals etc..\n\nI also have various other skills in, Genetics, Microbiology, Marketing, Business, Interpersonal Customer relations etc.. etc..\n\nSO how much should I make a year?\n\nDon’t forget to include Currency.\nI’m from Canada.
Did u see the finale episode of Friends?
I didn't :-( How was it? What happened?
i have a problem on my excel program the file SKU011.CAB NOT FOUND and now i have not the cd how can i find th
how i can find the file SKU011.CAB TO repair my program
Can anyone send me some useful sites for English language teachers?
They should include different kinds of language games, warmers, conversation starters and alike. The more sites, the better.....
where do we find avatar?why it is called so?
if you answer please send your e-mail too.
what do you think of my fantasy basketball team??
D. Wade \nR. Davis \nS. Nash \nS. Marion \nC. Webber \nC. Anthony \nZ. Pachulia \nY. Ming \nM. Redd \nP. Pierce \nV. Carter \nM. Camby \nM. Okur
How to apologize to your inferior if you were the general manager ?
Suppose you were the general manager in the big company.One of your employees is very busy with several projects.For the reason of working efficiency,you turn over one the projects to another employee at the meeting without informing him before the meeting,so this employee felt hurt and losing face.Now what would you, the general manager say to him? \n(I am a chinese english learner. I'd like to know how the native english speakers making apologies to the above mentioned employee. Please offer more responses ranging simple ones to complicated ones in that situation.Sincerely thank you!)
Can there be a global currency ?
Acceptable in different continents/countries...
Can the American Democratic party recover from its anti-liberation, anti-American stupidity before 2008?
The Democratic party has, in general, proven itself to be anti-liberation, anti-progress and in many cases anti-American.\n\nSpecifically, the party has been a vocal opponent of the liberation of the Iraqi people and consistently displayed profound disrespect and ignorance regarding the dangerous and hard work of our military.\n\nWith the clear success of the Iraq war and the ongoing liberation of the Iraqi people, I wonder if the Democratic party can live down this public record of stupidity in time for the 2008 presidential election?\n\nAnd if so, how?
What is defined as a deception deliberatly practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain?
This question is in regard to the legalities of fire investigation.
does anyone know how to create a radio station on-line where i will be the server??
NOTE : without paying ANYTHING!
What is the tradition behind kissing someone u like at the stroke of midnight for New Year's?
Why is it done? Is something special supposed to happen?
Would you have a better chance of going to heaven if ...?
you are a convicted murder who repented, or a gay couple who have never done any thing wrong to any body and saves the rain forest and all that goody two shoe stuff, the only thing that you ever did that might get you noticed at the gates was fall in love with a person of the same sex
Does anyone know Daniel Radcliffe cause, I want his e-mail address I'm a big fan.Or anyone I could e-mail with
Its important I really want someone to e-mail to. i want to have more frenz like everyone els.
Should I stay or should I go?
I have been dating this guy for the past 3 months. We had a discussion a few days ago about what we want from each other. He doesnt feel like he is ready for a relationship because he has some things he wants to make better with himself. For example, he says he wants to be different than any other guy I have dated. I dont see what the big deal is. I think he feels like he is not good enough to wear the boyfriend title right now because he is unhappy with his job, life, etc. I on the other hand am ready. I feel like no one is perfect, we all have our struggles and imperfections. I will take him as he is...flaws and all. We get along great, we are dating exclusively. I have strong feelings for him and he says that he has them for me. Is there a certain amount of time that i should wait or should I just let it go? I know that in time, feelings will only get stronger and then what? I dont want to date anyone else...Should I just be patient??
Favorite first person shooter?
What do you think is the best among Far Cry, Doom 3, Half Life 2, FEAR, Quake 4 or something else?
who scored Arsenal's first goal in the 1979 FA Cup Final?
Arsenal scored two first-half goals in the 1979 FA Cup final against Manchester United. Who scored the first goal?
Is it constitutional for America to have 'God' in it?
Is it constitutional for America to have 'God' in i's constitution?
What does A&T stand for in North Carolina A&T?
and no, im not racist even thought its a black school.
In cubic meters how much greater is the volume of a cylinder with height 21m & a radius 12m than the volume?
of a square prism with height 21m and base 12m on a side?
how to i change my e-mail from outlook to yahoo on my computer.i have it, but when i click email its outlook?
i deleted outlook express,running windows XP, but it still comes up every time i click e-mail after the start button. i get as far as internet connections and click on programs. for e-mail i am unable to type in yahoo. oh ya, i'm also a little computer illiterate.\n\n any help is appreciated, james hawk
If it was possible, who would you choose to replace george bush?
can be anyone, celeb, politican, royalty, or you for all i care
Is it "Web site" or "Website"?
I see it spellt both ways and was wondering if there is actually a correct way to spell a site on the internet.
What is the cheapest/best way to display a gamecube video game system on a lcd computer screen?
The computer monitor has a normal computer input.
how can i find someones email when i've lost all touch with them?
no middle name. i know two towns they have lived in.
stephanie in yahoo personals in crossville, tn.how can i contact her?
would like to contact without going through the personals. She is the perfect fit for me.
how do you cure addiction?
addiction to anything, addiction toward the tv, the radio, the computer,cell phone...anything!
Is it really all that difficult for a female to be elected US president?
With Geena Davis acting recently in Commander-in-Chief and almost no fiction (excepting maybe When Spirits Beckon at Amazon.com), it's surprising that there's very little discussion on the prospects of either Condi Rice or Hillary Clinton becoming the 1st female president.
What does "Le chanticleer" mean in english? It might be spelled "le charticleer." What lanquage is it?
I bought a picture frame for my mother-in-law with a chicken on it and it has this name on it. I assume it is a female chicken, but what lanquage? Is this right?
ALL THE DETAILS ARE AT THIS WEB SITE.\n www.angelfire.com/blues2/deptos/\n\n THANKS
While I Oftern I loose the connection to my Proxy server for internet?
While the network is OK and Proxy Server too is working fine, I suddenly loose the connection to my Proxy for internet and after sometime when I try I could browse normally. I use windows XP Proff. edition with service pack 2. IE 6.0.2... What could be the reason? Is it something to do with my Proxy software or with my windows firewall settings? Please give us some clues / suggestions? Thanks
Synthesis on the understanding of Revelation in the catholic church?
The understanding of Revelation in the catholic church, in regard to the Magisterium and Scriptures
Are there any bones or specimens of Dodo birds on display anywhere?
Is there a museum anywhere in the world that has parts from real Dodo birds in its collection?
Why is printer ink so expensive?
$65 to $70 every time I need ink. There are three kids but only one uses the ink.\nOuch
r there intelligent life form other than us???
r we alone in this universe??
How is "Brown & Root and Lyndon Johnson" like "Haliburton and Vice President Cheney"?
President Lyndon Johnson had the same type of cozy "you bankroll me and I'll send a lot of government contracts your way" relationship with Brown & Root as VP Cheney has with Haliburton today. Interestingly, Brown & Root bought Kellogg and became "Kellogg, Brown & Root", then "KBR", and then bought Haliburton with their massive Vietnam War profits. Haliburton IS Brown & Root, executing the same business plan that proved so successful in the 60's: put your guy into the White House (even if just as the de facto President), find a pretext for a war, have him find a way to get the US deep into the war, make MASSIVE PROFITS, PREFERABLY WITH NO-BID, COST-PLUS CONTRACTS, repeat.
What is Human Technology Interfaces ?
About Human Technology Interfaces ( HTI ) .
What movie or show is the line "easy on the hardware" from?
I think it is said in a british accent but i could be wrong.
I want a website that i can download free iranian film from.what is the web site?
It can be a web site that allows me to download free free and completly free film in iranian language.\nIt can also contain free iranian music download.
what is the best email service?
other than yahoo! because they just deleted my account for no reason
how do you greet in arabian?
how do you say hi, bye and what do you answer if you do? \n\njust wanted to know as an FYI!
How many dimensions are we really able to perceive?
Some scientists talk about our “4 dimensions” in space and time, but only studied people in that field have some idea of what that means. If you ask a 15-year-old, in a simple answer he/she will say: “three”. Are there more dimensions beyond our understanding?
Why is the USA still pressuring Cuba , although communism has failed worldwide??
Hos can the USA justify this?? It is the ordinary cubans who suffer.
why do guys hurt girls but they say they love u and would do anything for you?
they are just ass holes that dont no what they want untill they lose you so why is that why do guys have to hurt you and you are really in love with them can some one answer that for me.
How does website like YouTube make money or at least maintain itself financially?
There seems to be no advertisement or payment made by user.
I keep getting kick off the internet by Microsoft Explorer why, what can I do?
A little square comes up that says it has encountered an error and has to close. Then it kicks me off the net.
How do I keep my mother out of my marriage?
My mother lives with me (for the winter) and she is starting to get annoyed with the way my husband plays a lot. And it is starting to cause porblems what do I do?
i am a contract worker my contract is for one mouth only so what am i'm going to do with out working?
i was workig as a temp befor for one year and four mounths then i got a one mouth contract job so i dont know what am i'm going to do January next year'please help me?
The IRS said i had to pay a penalty. i filed a dispute. am i legally obligated to pay unless they follow up?
the IRS never wrote back once i filed the dispute. am i legally allowed not to pay?
Has there every been a US president that was not a Christian White Male?
If not, who are the top candidates to break this trend for the 2008 election?
anybody knows what hapened to Greg Louganes the HIV positive olympic gold medalist of 1988?
we were discussing magic johnson and we wondered about greg
I am looking for a directory of all major racetracks in the U.S. and help??
We are a non-profit org. wanting to send postcards to all major racetracks in the U.S. A directory is needed with mailing information.
in the last 8 years duke has been chosen #1 at least 5 times and didn't win the year they won ariz. was #1
first of all i respect coach k and duke, but why is duke always preseason #1 and they never win. mind you i know coach k's legacy 7 campionships played 3 championships won but come on guys the last time they won arizona was the preseason favorite. P.S. NEVER MIND
Can you suggest some examples of good Internet etiquette?
In the area of emails, surfing, attachments, spam, etc. Since much of it is "unwritten" what do you feel it means to be a good Netizen (citizen of the Internet).
info on book.storming caesars palace and relationship of emma stampley?
review of the book & highlights
What is the best on-line brokerage firm?
I'm interested in buying/selling stocks on-line. What is the best on-line brokerage firm and why?
Why does a laptop keep shutting down?
Laptop will shut down randomly, sometimes after about 10 minutes of use. Even when it's plugged in, and battery is fully charged.\n\nI've seen this behavior on an HP Laptop and an IBM Thinkpad T21.\n\nAny reference links would be greatly appreciated.
Why is showing a female nipple not allowed but a male nipple is allowed?
When Janet Jackson showed her nipple at the Super Bowl, it was a national scandal. But the government had many statues of women with breasts exposed? What is the big deal?
i would like to see the process of making gold chains in a teching method by a media like a demo file in net.?
we are a company and are going to start our business in making gold chains
Who's got the best search engine?
Excluding DigFind.com...
how can we see the reflection of sun that shows the activity on sun's surface?
I have read somewhere long time ago that this can be done using simple mirror and paper..actually science teachers usually do this to show the flares on the SUN
lWho won the Salt Lake City biathlon?
Who won the Salt Lake City Biathlon in the Olympics in the year 2002? (biathlon is a combination of skiing and shooting). Who won for the male side? Which country?
Can anyone send me some useful sites for English language teachers?
They should include different kinds of language games, warmers, conversation starters and alike. The more, the better.....
how does an Ad agency advertise itself?
I am a marketing student and I need desperately to know this as I have a presentation on this
did you ever have alot of guys ask you out in at least 20 min?
i did i want to see if its normal for a girl
What would Bush be best remembered for??
A lot of folks take pleasure in "Bush bashing"...mention the negatives as well as positives.
What's your favorite quote from a movie?
I constantly use the line "Come the f*ck on, Bridget!" from Bridget Jones' Diary. Anyone else have a favorite movie line????
What's the best way to learn Japanese on my own. Where do I start?
I want to know what would be a good place to start, verbs, adjetives etc, and what good 'learn yourself books' are not a waste of money.
What is a good entrance for the birthday girl @ her sweet 16?
I was thinking of a fashion show like entrance for my sweet 16 but my friend, whose sweet 16 is 1 month away doesn't know what to do for her party. Please help me to help my best friend make this a memorable & fun sweet 16.
Does anyone know how much AOL is a month?
SWB is charging me 49.95 a month for DSL.
I am going to apply for the position of assistant in an embassy. Which format of CV shall I choose?
I will change my career direction.I've searched the web for CV formats. I'm very confused. Which format of CV will be useful for me?
Why does the smell of cigarette smoke make me sick?
I use to smoke but have not for 8 months now. When I am around anybody that smokes it seriously makes me sick. Why now does it make me sick and not when I was smoking?
How can I act like myself when I am talking to someone I hardly know?
I always get nervous when I'm talking to someone I don't know to well and I run out of things to say! Please help!
Does God appreciate that we question Him?
Or does did we miss something in the Bible and He just banishes us to hell for not believing in the first place?
When I click on my Yahoo Messenger icon, the window blinks on and quickly goes away. What can I do to fix it?
I just signed up for the Yahoo Messenger today. I have an icon on my desktop. When I click on it to open, it blinks on quickly and then goes out. I have a little face on my date bar at the bottom, but when I place my mouse on it, it goes away. How can I open my Yahoo Messenger in order to send instant messages?
My girlfriend just told me that she was over everything, what am i to think of this?
I have been dating the same girl for about 4 years and she moved in about 9 months ago. Before we moved in together we had only argued a couple of times. Now we probably argue once a week. For me I know it’s common to argue, but today I suppose was different. I just had bought dinner for us and we came back home to a mess. I began cleaning up the house and after 30 minutes I asker her to help. A huge fight ensued because she was slamming things around and I had asked her to stop. I told her that it is okay for her to be upset with me, but to please not take it out on the dishes. She got angry and said that she can’t stand these arguments and that she was just over everything. She then stormed off to her bedroom and that’s that. Is my relationship coming to and end?
Why does a 40+ Computer support technician need to take pre-calculus?
I major in Information Systems and have to take math classes. I am phobic when it comes to math, especially Algebra....letters and numbers that make no sense. When I ask instructor why I need to take it at my age, no one has a real answer.
Do you like the song "Listen to your Heart" by DHT?
Where can I sign an email address up for the most spam possible?
I'm just trying to get back at all the spammers. Spammers spamming spammers - interesting concept, no?
Who knows how I can get a loan for $42,000 to cover all my debt so that it's in one payment?
I just want one big loan, and debt consolidation won't give me enough, we've already tried...
How many wise men went to see the baby Jesus? Why do we say three wise men?
Aaccording to Matthews 2:4 there were wise men, but the Bible does not say three (3) only that there were wise men. Where did the number three come from?
what do the following acronymns stand for 1.)P.S 2).C.C 3).B.C.C?
the last two are with reference to letters
where can i find a cd by Joan Jett/Blackhearts--I Love Rock n Roll?
on this cd joan jett does a version of the christsmas song "The Little Drummer Boy" that is awesome.
Could planets exist in stable orbits around binary stars?
Could planets exist in stable orbits around binary stars?
why was hindi declared as national language of india?
as far my knowledge,it is not better than sanskrit\nsanskrit is the mother of all north indian languages\ntamil is the mother of all south indian languages\n\nso why not one of these two?\n\nwhats ther special in hindi?
Are you planning on making a New Years resolution? If so, what is it? Did you make one for this past year?
New Years resolutions for me don't work. The first week of the new year is the "golden period". Several opportunities to make it right. And if you fuck up, it's over. You'll feel like a major turd no matter what you do. If you're lucky, whatever you wanted to do will last for a maximum of two days. After that? Screw it.
Can the cd-rw drive in my laptop play dvd's?
Do I have to buy new hardware, or is there a software fix?
There are several applications of the Noel Hypothesis to Hispanic American cultural groups.?
Any examples of how any Hispanic American group was or is involved in ethnocentrism, competition, and a differential in power.
My email address is CapDana@yahoo.com. I have been getting porno email from that address to me. What gives?
Who is using my email address?
is there a word which can describe the excitement of being drunk?
if there is the word describing this condition, and derived from the root of Dionesos?
In which sport are the shoes made entirely of metal?
Yup ! \nAll the participants wear metal shoes !
is a touchback a good thing?
it seems that it's a penalty of some sort?!?!?!?
What's the song playing in this VS commercial?
Who is responsible for male pattern baldness, the mother's side of the family or the father's?
I've heard conflicting views about this and am curious to hear if there is a definitive answer.
Could inteligent life have evolved from a different animal group, such as reptiles, birds or even insects?
Does higher intelligence (such as humans have) require some quality that only mammals have?
why did they ban baseball from olympicss?
why did they ban baseball from olympicss
How do you go about getting your story out when you are being defrauded by a workmans comp insurance company?
How do you handle your civil rights being violated if your not a minority? \nCan a person really beat a big insurance company in court when most of them make up there own laws and ignore court orders? \nIsnt it a conflict of interest for judges or pollititions to own interests in insurance company's?\nWhy can workmans comp get away with ripping off people in need of benifits and simply ignore court orders?\nLastly why have you never once heard in the news that a person on workmans comp is being miss treated or defrauded by the insurance company,the same one that they are required by law to pay anywhere from 7.4%to20%(in some cases)of there gross income too?
Anyone here listen to Jason Mraz?
I think he is one of the best new artist out there (new as in he's only been on mainstream radio for a couple years). His new album, "Mr. A-Z," is excellent and he definitely avoided the sophomore slump. I also love his first album, "Waiting for my Rocket to Come."