Which country was not chosen to participate in the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany?
why did they say men are from mars and women are from venus?
i really dont know the real meaning of that saying
Song lyrics or composer to "Elvis is alive and Playing Santa at Sears"...?
I heard a song on the radio last week and I'm almost sure the name of it was "ELVIS IS ALIVE AND PLAYING SANTA AT SEARS".. I wanted to know who sang or wrote the song and the lyrics .. I can't seem to find anything on the internet.. Can you help?
What is the internet missing?
With everything we can do on the internet, what is it missing, what do you wish you could do on the internet, but currently cant?
When everything is going wrong today what do you do?
Everything I've done today gone wrong and I am pretty mad and in an pistoff mood so what do ya do when ya mad?
Is there a digital photo face recognition service similar to RIYA.com?
ryia.com is currently closed no new signups. They do face recognition on your personal photos.
What do the eagles need to improve on in the offseason?
The Philadelphia Eagles have had an extremly dissapointing season. What do they need to improve on and can you put all the blame on Terrible Owens? You cant blame McNaab becaus eit takes a true man to play when injured.
How can I safely open a geode?
I have gotten some unopened geodes for my dad for Christmas. I want to include some instructions on how to safely crack them open while creating as few pieces as possible. They will vary in size from 3 - 5" across.
As someone who knows nothing about networking, how do I network my PCs with a wireless router?
I have a Netgear wireless router that all the PCs in my house use to gain access to the Internet, but I have absolutely no idea how I can network the computers so that files can be shared between them.
Does Stairway to Heaven really have secret messages?
I got a backwards version once, and I heard them, but my suspicion is that it's doctored. The sounds don't really line up to what's being played forward... but I could be wrong. Any thoughts?
my laptop loses its broweser connection whenever i use P2P programs?
my broadband connection works fine on my laptop until i start up any P2P application. once i start one up, i lose the connection to all other web applications such as web browsers, instant messengers etc. the P2P application will continue to work fine however...any ideas?
Which should i join, the Navy or the Air Force?
Please give specific details and reasons why i should join either of them. Thanks.
What are good sound reasons for getting a divorce?
My father told me to set what would make me divorce my husband and just deal with whatever did not fall in those reasons.
Does anybody know what program allows you to use the satellite to discover another places?
I already have "Google Earth" but I cannot see some places. Do you know any other program? If so, where can I download it. Thanks a lot.
Is there anything one can do to "spice" up what appears to be a dull relationship (marriage)?
We love each other, but, I don't know... it seems to have lost that magic after 14 years. We are more roommates now.
What's it like, being in a relationship?
Anyone willing to share their experiences?
Is yahoo going to close some accounts?
I have just received the following Message, is it from YAHOO?\n\nDear YAHOO User,\n \n Because of the sudden rush of people signing up to YAHOO, it has come to our attention that we are vastly running out of resources. So, within a month's time,anyone who does not receive this email with the exact subject heading,will be deleted off our server. Please forward this email so that we know you are still using this account. \nWe want to find out which users are actually using their YAHOO accounts. So if you are using your account, please pass this e-mail to every YAHOO user that you can and IF YOU DO NOT PASS this letter to anyone we will delete your account.\n\n From Mr. ALLEN SMITH\n YAHOO Admin. Dept.\n \nOur YAHOO system is getting to crowded!! We need you to forward this to at least 20 people. I know this seems like a large number, but we need to find out who is really using their account. If you do not send this to at least 10 YAHOO members, we will delete your account. Sorry for this inconvenience.\n Sincerely, Director of YAHOO Services\n BOB LOPEZ\n\nFrom: isariamwende@yahoo.co.uk
How can a person get in touch with kevin trudeau of natural cures book?I've already tried the people search
He is the auther of the natural cures book.
What percent of Americans celebrate Christmas?
This war on Christmas is ridiculous- what percent of americans celebrate this holiday?\nI do- and I am proud to :-)
are goldquest or questvacation valid companies ?
they have a plan for network
how do i get pics of animals found in climatic regions of south america?
(i need information on these topics)\nthe climatic regions are:\n1) Equatorial Region\n2) Tropical Grasslands/Savanna Type\n3) Tropical Climate\n4) Tropical Desert\n5) The Mediterranean Region\n6) The Temperate Grasslands/Pampas\n7) The Temperate Desert\n\ni have tried searching on animals found in climatic region of south america, even on these specific names but i cant get them \n\nso plz help me
Where can I find NY Giants shot glass set?
where I can go to a local store and purchase it
what is the world mile record?
what is the fastest mile record now, in running?
highest degree offered in the field of general physician?
i want to know the the heighest possible degree avaible for the feild of medecine inn physcian
can you get financial aid if you have been convicted of a crime?
My sister was in a big mess for a while but is turning a new leaf and wants to go to college can she still get financial aid?
what is a good all in one machine that prints pictures at professional quality as well as copy scan and fax ?
i want to print quality pictures with high resolution as well as copy scan and fax. i want a card slot that reads many different cards.
gaciers in alaska are melting. global warming? what can we do?
In the past recent decade, the ice caps are getting smaller. in another 10 years, it may be too late. what do we do?
Whatever happened to Jakob Dylan?
He made a great album with the Wildflowers in the mid 90s, I really loved it and I haven't heard from him since. \n\nWhat is he up to??
what is the jewish custom of putting rocks on a graveto show love and care for the deceased?
When I visit the graves of my mom and dad,I see stones on top of the headstones at other grave sites.I wondered what the significance of that is.
my sn password is stolen 2 times this week what can i do?
have had this sn for a few yrs and have almost 800 friends, now someone has stolen my information and continues to do so, also sent me a virus yesterday what can i do
How many millionaries and billionaries?
In the US, how many people have a net worth greater than:\n $10,000,000\n $100,000,000\n $1,000,000,000\n\nHow about in the world?
why does a human live for only abt 70 odd years..........?
who was longets living human on record..?
If a us president is killed and the vice president takes over who would be next in line to be vice president?
would it be the speaker of the house or the secretary of defense
Do women really care about finding a nice guy?
It seems to me that they want that good looking guy, by hollywood standards, and not as focused on finding a nice guys that treats them good. What do they expect from us me. I'm a nice guy, but what more do you want from us?
According to news sites, the Earth's rotation slows only 2 milliseconds each 100 years. So why the heck are
...so why the heck have we added like over 21 leap seconds in the past 30 years???!!!! Something is not right. If the Earth only slows 2 milliseconds each hundred years, why not just add 2 milliseconds to the clock each century?!!!
What is an 125th anniversary called?
the 125th anniversary of a town
Is it true that your personality is determine by your date and place of birth?
Is astrology true and does it play a huge role in your personality.
sbc offers different price rates for dsl. what is the best if my son will be playing x box live?
is there different speeds with different pricing? with what we have now he's playing people that have cable dsl and he keeps getting booted off
does putting alot of jobs on your resume hurt when looking for employnwent?
I have had some jobs where I just stayed 2or three months should I put them on my resume
who should i keep in my keeper league.Larry johnson or santana moss?
i also have steve smith and only 1 spot left
How can I get my title deed after I lost it?
I bought some land on Ebay, and then I was sent the tax information and other papers. I lost them, and never recorded. All I have is the tract number.\n\nI bought it about 3 years ago, and want to pay all the back taxes and then try to sell it. How do I get the tax information?
how to tackle frustration?
i am not prepared for exams. love girl to whom parents say no.
Where do my teeth get their "Wisdom" from?
I was told by my dentist that my teeth Wisdom teeth must be removed. \nAm I in danger of losing my "wisdom"? \nShould I allow this dentist to "de-wisdomize" me?
On the Simpsons, what state is Springfield in?
I think it might be Illinois....any other opinions?
What's the word for 'any cell in the body that is not a sperm or an egg'?
Doing some crossword puzzle. 9 letters, and the 2nd letter is an O. Please and thank you!
what's the best reggeaton dance move?
Reggaeton is a spainsh dancing that americans call grinding. i'm trying to teach my sister some moves but can't think, cuz i just do it, and its not planned out
Should Y! have full reign to deny people their 1st amendment rights?
And please, this question is for normal people; NOT marketing whores like that "longboard dood".. If you're a total square then don't answer this!
How do u feel about the verse in John(gospel) 3:16? and how did u find Jehovah Witnesses?Good or Bad?
This question is mostly targetted mostly at christian. however, if u r a non-christian yet u have a Bible, u r free to answer this question.
how to accept usa visa?
i have cousins which are living in usa.i want to visit them,but it`s so hard-almost impossible to accept us visa in geoergia(country).cos u.s. consul thinks that i`m going to stay there.what can you advise me?
What's your favorite christmas movie?
Mine is Scrooge with Bill Murray and I'm watching it right now!
what is a proven successful strategy for a male in match.com?
I mean, what should I do? should a put a lot of importance in my picture? or my profile? or should I inflate my income? or should I put much more care on the emails I write? How should I write an email such that it maximizes my likelihood of success? should I be smart? should I be positive? should I be bold? I mean, it seems like there are 70 men per woman in match.com... to be attractive you might need to have a strategy for success... otherwise you ar going to be part of the 69 men that don't get much.
Should the government ever have the right to spy on it's own citizens?
If so, how does this increase freedom?
What contents are in an official high school transcript?
Does it include records of attendence,demerits, and deciplinary actions?
What does increased normal of lymph nodes mean?
My nephew has this and we are not sure what they are looking for.
Can Freddy Adu survive the pressure of playing soccer in Europe?
Or would he dissapear and become an average player like the %90 of overrated young talents?
in the N.H.L. win/loss table, what does the column on the far right mean?
i know last year it win loss draw and then ???. what was the other column for? now there supposedly no more ties, but the other column is still there. what's up with that?
When you are registered to vote, does your registration expire?
Also, is there a website, I can go to see all this information about myself?
Can anyone tell me more about the "Project for the New American Century"?
I have heard that those people actually had the whole Iraq war mapped out in advance. Anyone know about that, or anything more about this group? What is your opinion of this group?
names of present presidents in the different countries all over the world?
names of presidents in asia,europe,africa,north and south america,and other continents?
With proof that we all came from the same ancestors would racism stop?
Recently there was a show on TV, I forget who but a scientist has proven we all carry the same common genes. So Adam and Eve or Scientifically we all come from the same man about 60,000 years ago, while all other forms of humans died off.
Looking for nude models.?
I am looking for amateur models to practice photography. Where can I find candidates
I need a virus protection program.?
I need to protect a second computer in my home.In the time it takes to go online and purchase/download a virus program will I be safe from viruses? Any suggestions on virus software brands and prices?
where can i buy timberlin boots and get them air brushed???
i want to buy the timberlin boots and what to personalize them with my initals.
What is the derivative of this?
What's the derivative of 5(sec(x)^2)
Passionate people - do they match well together or spell disaster?
people who feel to the deepest depth, love with all their heart, feel all emotion with every ounce of being...do they stand a chance when paired together? Do they make each other stronger or take away?
Submerged geometric shapes near Cuba?
These were discovered in the summer of 2004 (I think that was when). The finders thought they were probably buildings, but no one could figure out how they could be so deep. Further research was planned. How did this turn out? Anyone know what these are called?
When Yahoo and MSN talk to each other...which one will u use? and Why?
and give reason...if I can't decide the best answer I'll call a vote..and that's likely to happen
Why do people attack religious beliefs in the name of religion?
Why Is my belief in the one true God and the Godhood of Jesus so offensive to the world?
I have to put sulfur in my hair and have been mixing it with aloe vera gel.There is an odor.Is this toxic?
I am concerned with the chemical reaction of sulfur and water (in the aloe) and want to know what is formed. Most sources say that sulfur is not toxic when applied topically and a few say that it is.
i need help on how to put flash videos on ur page,but i dont kno how to,and i need help on what a SWF is??HELP
im on this site and i want to put "still tippin" by paul wall,on my bebo page! but i dontknow how to,and the director of bebo wont help me..so can u ppl help me..PLEASE!!!! i dont kno what a SWF is,and i want to put the flash "Still Tippin/By PAul Wall" on my page!!...PLEASE....PLEASE....PLeaSE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Why does my avatar not show up when I answer a question?
I created an avatar last night. It shows up on my email and my yahoo messenger. Why does it not show up on answers.yahoo?
I need an energy boost...natural ingredients preferred...home remedies welcome?
i'm 33 yrs old and i feel that my energy level is low.\ni have 4 kids i should feel like one, but sometimes it's hard i get tired a lot and don't sleep well at night. i used to be a very active person and this is really bothering me
In the fourth century BC, which ancient western civilization established a city in the modern day country of T
In the fourth century BC, which ancient western civilization established a city in the modern day country of Tajikstan?
What's the TRUE meaning of LIFE..?
what are we really all here for??
how do you know when the time is right to advance to the point of intercourse with your girlfriend?
she's telling and showing how much she likes me, but im just not sure what she's thinking. btw age 27
How do you use VBA to change the SQL code of an Access query?
I have a system that uses about three different levels of queries and need to modify the lowest-level one depending on different circumstances. Is there any way to modify the underlying SQL in a VBA module? If not, are there any simple alternatives?
Favorite songs by the Beatles?
List your 10 favorite songs by the Beatles
How do i make an animated gif or animate an avatar?
I know it's just a string of pics but how do i put it together?
Who or what do you think built the Pyramids of Egypt?
A lot of theories have surfaced over time but nobody\nseems to know who could have built them.
Will you help me find a picture of Mayor Adam West,?
I'm looking for a link to an image, please, not a yes or no answer.\n\nI'm looking for a good picture of Adam West from Family Guy. I'm not looking for a picture of the actor or of Batman; I'm just looking for a picture of the cartoon character, preferably >25k in size.
why can't i get the web pages to cme up when i type them in example annie'smailboxor crrokandchasecountdown bu
i would like to know if i'm typing them in wrong or what i'ts frustrating to try and find these and can't get them to come up so let me know what to do
Should G.W. be impeached for all his Lies?
Please state your case one way or the other.
*HELP* I just got a sore throat last night and I have a Choir concert on Monday...? *HELP*?
Is there any way i can easily get rid of it? maybe like a household remidy!?! *HELP*
I worry too much about what others think of the questions I ask. Should I?
Do you think people who think they've come down from The Mount to annoint us with their decree on What Is A Worthy Question need to be listened to or do they need to get a little stress releiver shaped like one of the Powerpuff Girls to squeeze whenever they see a question they don't like?
When meeting your girlfriend's parents what is the first thing you should do?
Can I have some advice on this topic. I really love her and I need some advice.
why do some girlfriends like to have sex alot and some dont?
I Had a girl friend that love to have sex. Now I have a girl friend that dose it 2 if im lucky 3 times a month whats up with that?
What's so special about level 2?
Apart from double limits?
where can i find info on a fatal accident that killed my best friend online?
her name was lois fern ramey tolliver... she was 6 weeks pregnant and was killed on the AA highway in carter county kentucky after striking a 2005 freightliner in the wrong lane in her blk 2005 merc cougar
How do I create a web page?
I need to create a web page of a theater group but i don´t know how. could someone help me?. I also understand spanish.
i dont understand smtp (iis) xp??
pleeeeaase?\ni want details?
what causes eye stys ?
i have a big red sty on my upper lid . it's very painful . what causes it . it came so sudden .
Does our sense of taste change as we age?
Children tend to dislike bitter tastes, but many adults like them - is this cultural or a physiological effect of aging?
Was Fatima angry with Abu Bakar ra till her death-sunni view plz?
According to Bukhari and Muslim on hearing Abu Bakars refusal to give her Fadak, she did not speak to him until her death? Does it not contradict Bukhari Hadith that who ever displeased Fatima displeases me?
I WANT HER SOOOO BAD!!!! I Can't Stop Thinking About Her Constantly!!!!?
What can I do? I can't get this girl out of my mind! Obsession is nothing, this feeling I have is enough to send me over the brink! I cannot get her off my mind, I Neeeed her right now Soooo bad! I Want her! I Love her! I gotta hold her safe in my arms right now and protect her! And, as much as I want to type her name on here right now, she might see it and figure out who I am!!!!\n\nWhat on earth can I do? I am MORE than obsessed with this girl. Much Much more! What am I going to do? Watch all my hairs fall out one by one from the torment of passion?\n\nSomebody please help me here! I need help and I am the first one to admit it!!!\n\nHer first initial is "A".\n\nOMG What am I gonna do? All I can do all day long is fantasize about spending time with her and hanging out with her and being around her ALL THE DAMN TIME!!!!\n\nHer second initial is "".\n\nSomeone got any advice me to regarding this wonderful young woman I am absolutely head-over-heals for???\n\nI NEED IT!
What Certifications Make a Great CV?
MCSE, A+, Linux+, MCSD, CEH, Security+..........\nand much much more\nI know that I'm planning to take MCSE and A+ and Linux+\n\nbut in true career what makes me powerful and really Super Certified? \nin another way.. What Certifications are most wanted by Companies?
Recently,i received a mail it informed me that i won a EAASlottery.is it right one or it belongs to trapping?
sir,\n Recently i recieved a mail it informed me that i won a lottery.Its name is EAASlottery.i recieved it from barr_artha@hotmail.com.Is it right one or belongs to cyber trapping?It also informed me that I have to pay 675dollars under the transactional charges of money.lottery worth is 250,000dollers. It is from Holland[according to mail sender]. So i request u to answer me as soon as possible.\n thanking u,\n vip_raamineni
I am selling a computer, what is the best way to clear everything from the hard drive?
I want to leave Windows but remove everything else.
can you be sued for making homemade salve?
I am thinking about making homemade salve and selling on line and at various craft shows. Can I be sued??
Is my membership paid up?
I cannot find my AARP card, but I have a record of paying my membership dated July 7, 2005. (check)
How is an economy started?
After a great war or even when the Romans began ruling... how was and is an economy made?