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31 values
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that's where you have a lot of windows in the south no actually that's passive solar and passive solar is something that was developed and designed in the 1960s and 70s and it was a great thing for what it was at the time but it's not a passive house
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that was passed in the last legislative session
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very complex really hard to get through
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this is a passive house
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i had a hydronic heating or baseboard heating
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yeah well no i've built it out
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so it's its own payback
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they just love it it's a great place to raise a family
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perm rating is the amount of moisture that it'll led in
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here's the window bucks that we put in using this nice jig
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this is actual data from actual houses in vermont
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so the first thing you noticed is that the temperatures inside this house are very even
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we like using extruded sorry expanded polystyrene which is what we know as styrofoam
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not me i have a chimney outside the house
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i've been to their house
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how do i have six inches sticking out but the window starts here how do i actually make that work in the new i just decided to rip it out
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so a lot of people who've heard about passive house say it's really expensive
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this is the solar hot water tank and this is the backup because vermont does not have enough sun in the winter we have very cold winters to give you all of your hot water through that system people were worried that because we're only putting heat into this room without any distribution system or ductworks that this room up here would be cold
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there's no heating system on in this house
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what we're seeing here is the nice warmth inside
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i cannot say to you build a house with these walls and you'll have a passive house because there are too many factors involved
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that was pretty much it
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and this is the path that we're working on ph is just my abbreviation for passive house
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and nobody knew then that they were creating a convective pathway cause it's not more expensive or take more time to put the sheet rock up first it's just something they didn't do because the sheet rock guy came next week and that was easier
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and the thermal bridging is insignificant
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they're the best thing around so i said well you're the expert
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i have houses that i've helped design that if you invite fifteen friends over you're heating your house
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the last two are passive houses
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so that's the standard
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fortunately the basement was not all that finished so i have an opportunity
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don't let them build a house that is gonna cost them three thousand five hundred a year to heat when we can build them a house for almost no more money fifty more down but no more outofpocket per month money that they'll be able to heat for four hundred a month in the winter
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and water is conductive
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and every one of these hungry cold mice are thinking nirvana
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here's my house here's my deck
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gaseous water can move into the wall and move out of the wall
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they even have grades of insulation installation one two and three where one is the best and three is the worst
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so that's the first presentation
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there are four things you have to hit on passive house
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i am a passive house consultant
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the cost was all the work that had to be done
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if you build a house and someone says let's put tyvek on the outside and make sure that when we put the fiberglass in the wall make sure you put a thing of poly of that clear plastic on the inside that's death to a wall
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and then i wanted that bay window replaced with a flat window and that costed me another four thousand
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so i said instead of doing that i'm gonna put a bunch of fourbyfours on stilts into the ground
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i just make up a number
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now i'm gonna ask the question
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and as soon as the energy that you're using goes up in price then because your passive house is using ninety less than that house your incremental increase in cost is smaller
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i work with a contractor who does energy audits and we walk around the thermal imaging camera
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what does it cost for this person who's living in this house now this is a habitat house
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there's a maximum overheating of twelve
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it seemed like a good idea at the time
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every time i've undone a wall in the garage or somewhere and looked at that in the basement to look at that stuff it's black with dirt
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when i'm doing my air sealing when i am in a passive house or in a house that i'm trying to make really tight every hole in your wall is going to increase your air changes per hour
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i'm also adding seven twelve inches of rock wool downstairs on the inside because you have that bump out with the cinder block wall and i decided i just wanted to fill that up
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i was amazed i thought that i had a great view with this window with the fivebyfive and then the two side windows
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you have a very nice house feelingwise
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now you can build a passive house with lots of foam either the blue boards that you see at lowe's or with polyiso or any of these foam products
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a lot of houses have thermal bridging and in passive house we need to eliminate that thermal bridging in order to get to a super energy efficient house
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and we found through studies that people are comfortable at a lower set temperature if all the surfaces are radiating the same temperature
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and what that means is that we're actually drawing air through the house the whole time and it gives a nice fresh air all the way through
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and what did the 20th century bring us well it brought us a lot of machines and it brought us cheap oil which is basically what we've been running on as a country for a hundred plus years
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net zero means that your house uses a certain amount of energy and you have a certain amount of renewable energies that covers the amount of energy your house uses
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you have a right as a person who's selling that to go to the bank and say i'm selling a horse farm
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this is all the spray foam that he did against that osb that you just saw giving me an rvalue here
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you've got a walkout basement which is where the garage is
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air sealing first
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we've also done buttonedup workshops
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and these slides are just to show you the variety of what a passive house can look like
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so the energy triangle says the first thing we do is we reduce the load that we have
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energy star is a department of energy program
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there's some buying groups for propane now
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this is the actual blower door test it was four hundred and twenty five
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now we like our bedrooms a little chilly but we didn't like them that chilly
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something i did myself because i happened to have had the time to do it is that i bought myself a tagalong backhoe for three grand cause renting them was one hundred and fifty a day
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and if you get there then you do this
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this is an intelligent membrane
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the other thing we'll notice is that this orange dot is the room that has that heat pump blowing that warm air in
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we like cellulose which is recycled newspapers
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internal heat gains your refrigerator your washing machine your television all of your electronics your light bulbs everything your dog everything that you have in that house that's giving off heat is a heat source
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so that costs me another three thousand more than expected and that brought me up to my about fifty thousand that i paid jim to do work
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and okay
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now why polyiso polyisocyanurate board is got a very high rvalue and you can buy used very cheaply which means that i'm saving it from going into a landfill i'm not causing them to make more for me and i'm getting a high rvalue
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if you leave that stuff out in the rain a week later you can just squeeze the water out of it
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this is the code house and what the mortgage would have been and the energy costs
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what's fascinating about vermont is that it's got a very democratic legislature overall but there's also a very deep libertarian democratic bent which says we cannot force things on people because that's not what we do and every time they appoint someone and say look what we'd really like to do is to say you cannot sell a house unless you have an energy audit and i talked to the people in those groups who are representing the bank and the real estate side of things
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now i have to explain something about that
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it'll be a little worse than the passive house standard
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first of all if you've seen black when you open up a wall if you see black in your fiberglass you have airwashing
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as a matter of fact i had an pendleton avalon and i thought that i could buy an outside air unit for it and i found out afterwards that i couldn't so i had to get rid of my wood stove and buy a brand new wood stove
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so i have six inches of that poly of that styrofoam outside i put two inches on the inside and i'm building the whole wall out to meet that
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it's tied to something called the international energy commission code which is the minimum that you can build to
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if you're jumping around you can give off more but you're putting off as much as a hundred watt light bulb
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why however is that so high why is this one using three times the heating energy of that it happens that that family is being lived in by the family that lives there was from the sudan and they'd like to keep their house at ninety degrees
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i put another stud on just a twobyfour stud so i could get two layers of three 12inch rock wool in there making seven inches
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i don't have any access to the house
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are there questions i got one
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so there's your four thousand five hundred what do you do here's the modified chainsaw so here's my wall coming up and here's my ceiling joist coming out and that's my roof joist my truss my it's actually gusset this is called a gusset
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the package says rvalue of thirty three per inch
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those two garages are under my bedrooms
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and that source means that the energy they have to put in at the fuel plant the coal plant that sends you that fuel that electricity or in saudi arabia what energy it takes to pump that out ship it here and put it in so the source energy that's used and airtightness
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