audioduration (s)
What does the woman want to do?
Find a place.
What does the man do for the woman?
Give her a ride
Who might Mr.Peterson be?
A company director.
What does the man think of the book?
Very interesting.
What are the speakers talking about?
Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?
He wants to watch TV.
What will the woman probably do next?
Do some exercise.
When will the man be home from work?
At 5:45
Where will the speakers go?
The UME Cinema.
How will the speakers go to New York?
By air.
Why are the speakers making the trip?
For business.
What is the probalbe relationship between the speakers?
Fellow workers.
Where does this conversation probably take place?
In an office.
What does John do now?
He’s a college student.
How much can a new person earn for the first year?
How many people will the woman hire?
How long has the speaker lived in a big city?
Ten years.
What is the speaker’s opinion on public transport?
It’s cheap.
What is good about living in a small town?
It’s safer.
What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?
Where is the man from?
How much is the man’s telephone bill?
What does the woman want to watch?
Which apartment is the woman interested in?
The one-bedroom apartment.
What is the woman doing?
Making a request.
Why is the woman late?
She couldn’t start her car.
Where are the two speakers?
At a restaurant.
What are the two speakers going to do?
Go shopping.
What do we learn about the man?
He lives in the city.
Who is going to give the speech?
What is the speech about?
A project.
Where does the woman work?
What are the speakers going to do together tomorrow evening?
Have dinner.
Who is probable Jane?
Tony’s wife.
Who is the woman talking to?
A teacher.
What does the man say about Frank?
He is active.
What does the woman think good student should be like?
They should pay attention in class.
What does the man do?
A painter.
What does the man say about his job?
Why does the man love his job?
He can enjoy the beautiful view.
When does the woman finish work?
At 6:00
What is the man going to do tonight?
Go for an appointment
Where does the man play tennis?
At the community center
How often does the woman swim?
Three times a week
What is the man doing?
Getting dressed
What is the probable relationship between the two speaker?
Husband and wife
Why did the man come back late ?
He went to the bar.
What did the woman do this morning?
She had a meeting
What will the woman probably do after the conversation?
Prepare dinner
Where did the woman grow up?
In Switzerland.
Which of the following does the woman like best about Weybridge?
Its facilities
What does the man do?
A host
Why is the woman upset?
The man didn?ˉt call.
Who is the man speaking to?
A professor
When will the two speakers see each other?
On Tuesday
What do we learn about the man?
He had a long trip.
Why will the woman stay home in the evening?
To wait for a call.
What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?
A record.
What does the man mainly do in his spare time?
Learn a language.
What did the woman like doing when she was young?
Reading alone.
Where does the conversation take place?
In a hotel.
What will the man probably do in a few days?
Come to the same hotel.
What did the man worry about at the beginning of the conversation?
He might not have enough money with him.
How much should the man pay?
What did the woman do in the end?
She charged the man a little less.
Where are the speakers?
In an office.
Why does the man plan to leave early?
He is going to a performance.
What does the woman offer to do?
Finish the man’s work.
How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?
What size bag does the woman want?
A 32-inch bag.
When will the woman leave for Mexico?
On Saturday.
Where does the man work?
At a mail order company.
Why did the woman not go to college?
She couldn’t afford college education.
What job does the woman say she did?
She was a shop assistant.
What did the woman think of her friend’s college life?
It was wonderful.
What juice does the man order?
What subject does the man like best?
Where is the woman from?
What kind of student bus pass does the woman want?
What are the two speakers going to buy for Mary’s birthday?
A book.
What is wrong with the woman?
She has a fever.
How long is the medicine for?
One day.
What does the woman need?
Some paper.
What problem does the man have?
He can’t hear the woman clearly.
What does the woman plan to do at first?
To stay at home.
When will the two speakers meet?
At 11:00 am.
What is the man trying to do?
To invite the woman to see a movie.
When did the family visit the
On Friday.
How did the family go to Hyde Park?
By taxi.
What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A four-day trip to London.
When does the man’s plane take off?
At 7:00
What do we learn about the man?
He is sleepy.
How often was the magazine published in the past?
Once a month
What are the two speakers talking about?
As out door activity
Why did not the woman meet the man for lunch?
She was having a class.
What is the conversation about?
Asking for a favor
What is the man doing when the woman calls?
He is working upstairs
What happened to the woman is purse?
It was missing
What did the woman go to the bank for?
To cash the cheque.
Which is the right order of the places the speakers have been to?
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