audioduration (s)
20 values
Describe the environmental sounds in the audio.
Constant rattling noise and sharp vibrations
Detail the ambient sounds included in the audio.
A rocket flies by followed by a loud explosion and fire crackling as a truck engine runs idle
Detail the ambient sounds included in the audio.
Humming and vibrating with a man and children speaking and laughing
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
A train running on a railroad track followed by a vehicle door closing and a man talking in the distance while a train horn honks and railroad crossing warning signals ring
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
Food is frying, and a woman talks
Identify the distinct sounds present in this audio clip.
A man speaks as birds chirp and dogs bark
Can you describe the events happening in the audio?
A large truck driving by as an emergency siren wails and truck horn honks
What is the primary message conveyed in this audio?
A child yelling as a young boy talks during several slaps on a hard surface
Explain the background noises heard in this audio.
An engine rumbles loudly, then an air horn honk three times
What is occurring in the sound recording?
A person snoring with another man speaking
What key information does the audio communicate?
Thunder and a gentle rain
Could you transcribe the contents of this audio?
A woman talks and a baby whispers
What is the main message of the audio?
A man talking as a stream of water trickles in the background
What is occurring in the sound recording?
A person briefly talks followed quickly by toilet flushing and another voice from another person
What is the primary message conveyed in this audio?
A woman singing then choking followed by birds chirping
What is the central theme of this audio?
Machinery banging and hissing
What is occurring in the sound recording?
A person talking which later imitates a couple of meow sounds
What is occurring in the sound recording?
Rain is falling continuously
What is the primary message conveyed in this audio?
An infant crying followed by a man laughing
What is occurring in the sound recording?
A man talking as a door slams shut followed by a door creaking
What is occurring in the sound recording?
Whistling with wind blowing
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
Vehicles passing by slowly together with distant murmuring
What specific sounds can be heard in this audio recording?
Water is trickling, and a man talks
Please provide a written version of this audio.
Scraping and speech followed by people laughing
Describe the environmental sounds in the audio.
Birds are squawking, and ducks are quacking
Could you convert this audio into text?
Repeated gunfire and screaming in the background
Describe the environmental sounds in the audio.
An aircraft engine is taking off
Detail the ambient sounds included in the audio.
Water running with a main is speaking
Can you describe the events happening in the audio?
A female speaking with some rustling followed by another female speaking
What is occurring in the sound recording?
Males speaking and then a clock ticks twice
What is the central theme of this audio?
An engine revving and then tires squealing
Outline the environmental acoustics captured in the audio.
A woman speaking followed by a porcelain plate clanking as food and oil sizzles
What specific sounds can be heard in this audio recording?
An engine hums as it idles
What is the central theme of this audio?
Blowing of a horn as a train passes
Explain the background noises heard in this audio.
Short spray followed by louder longer spray
What is the central theme of this audio?
A motor is revving and changing gears
Could you convert this audio into text?
Humming from an engine slowing down then speeding up
What is occurring in the sound recording?
A baby cries as a woman speaks with other speech background noise
Please provide a written version of this audio.
Ocean waves crashing in the distance as young girl talks followed by a young man talking while a group of children laughs in the background and wind blows into a microphone
Describe the environmental sounds in the audio.
An adult female speaks, and muted speech occurs briefly in the background
What key information does the audio communicate?
A metal clank followed by motor vibrating and rumbling
Could you transcribe the contents of this audio?
Music and a man speaking followed by bleeps and someone singing
List the specific noises that can be detected in this recording.
Motorboat engine screams as it accelerates
Detail the ambient sounds included in the audio.
A man speaking followed by another man speaking with some rustling
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
A vehicle horn honking followed by a large truck engine accelerating while wind blows lightly into a microphone
Please provide a written version of this audio.
Many insects are buzzing and rustling is occurring, while an adult male speaks
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
People speaking with loud bangs followed by a slow motion rumble
Could you transcribe the contents of this audio?
A couple of men speaking as metal clanks and a power tool operates
What is the central theme of this audio?
A man speaks and then whistles
Outline the environmental acoustics captured in the audio.
Bells ring followed by humming and vibrations as a train passes while blowing a horn
Outline the environmental acoustics captured in the audio.
A vehicle engine revving as a crowd of people talk
Outline the environmental acoustics captured in the audio.
Several ducks quack and chirp as men speak and wind blows
Could you convert this audio into text?
A woman talking as a baby talks followed by plastic thumping
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
A sewing machine operating as a machine motor hisses loudly in the background
Describe the environmental sounds in the audio.
Digital beeps repeating then a person speaks
Could you transcribe the contents of this audio?
A man and woman laughing followed by a man shouting then a woman laughing as a child laughs
List the specific noises that can be detected in this recording.
Crumpling paper noise with female speech
Outline the environmental acoustics captured in the audio.
A bell is ringing loudly and quickly
Could you transcribe the contents of this audio?
Several birds chirp with some hissing
What is the main message of the audio?
A man speaking as a crowd of people laugh and applaud
Describe the environmental sounds in the audio.
A small motor buzzing followed by a man speaking as a metal door closes
Please provide a written version of this audio.
Clip-clops gallop as the wind blows and thunder cracks
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
Electronic beeping as a man talks and water pouring in the background
Describe what is being heard in this audio.
Food and oil sizzling as a woman is talking followed by dinner plates clanking
What specific sounds can be heard in this audio recording?
Wind blowing followed by people speaking then a loud burst of thunder
Please provide a written version of this audio.
A heavy rain dies down and begins again
Identify the distinct sounds present in this audio clip.
A train sounds horn while traveling on train track
What is the central theme of this audio?
A man speaking over an intercom as a helicopter engine runs followed by several gunshots firing
List the specific noises that can be detected in this recording.
A man talking followed by a goat baaing then a metal gate sliding while ducks quack and wind blows into a microphone
Can you describe the events happening in the audio?
Motorcycle engine running
Could you convert this audio into text?
A vehicle door opening as a crow caws and birds chirp while vehicles drive by in the background
What is occurring in the sound recording?
An engine running and wind with various speech in the background
What is the central theme of this audio?
A drone whirring followed by a crashing sound
What is occurring in the sound recording?
A man talking as a helicopter flies by
Describe the environmental sounds in the audio.
Screaming, wind and an engine running, and laughing
What key information does the audio communicate?
A series of computer mouse clicks followed by a kid crying
What key information does the audio communicate?
A series of electronic beeps followed by static
Describe the environmental sounds in the audio.
Loud snoring repeating
Please tell me what is going on in the audio.
Water pouring down a drain with a series of metal clangs followed by a metal chain rattling
What is the main message of the audio?
A man talking as water splashes
What is the central theme of this audio?
Wind blowing and water splashing
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
A group of people laughing followed by a man talking
Describe what is being heard in this audio.
Girl speaks and crunches plastic wrapping
Outline the environmental acoustics captured in the audio.
Pigeons cooing as air lightly hisses in the background followed by a camera muffling
Please provide a written version of this audio.
A series of compressed air spraying as a motor hums in the background
Please transcribe the audio.
Low ticktock sounds followed by objects moving
List the specific noises that can be detected in this recording.
Gunshots fire, an adult male speaks, footfalls and clicking occur as other adult males speak, gunshots fire again, an adult male speaks, and a dog growls
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
Footsteps shuffling on snow alongside a camera muffling while wind blows into a microphone
What is the main message of the audio?
Duck quacking repeatedly
Identify the distinct sounds present in this audio clip.
Tribal drums playing as footsteps shuffle on wet dirt as frogs and crickets chirp in the background
Outline the environmental acoustics captured in the audio.
A rooster clucking followed by a dog whimpering then a man talking and a dog barking
Describe what is being heard in this audio.
A power tool drill operating continuously
What is the primary message conveyed in this audio?
A man speaking as birds are chirping
Explain the background noises heard in this audio.
Pretend to scream and crying is occurring, and an adult male begins to speak
Could you transcribe the contents of this audio?
Metal scrapping against a wooden surface followed by sand scrapping then more metal scrapping against wood
List the specific noises that can be detected in this recording.
A cat meows and a woman speaks
What is the main message of the audio?
Whistling as a man speaks
Which sounds are identifiable in this sound clip?
A mid-size motor vehicle engine is revving repeatedly, while people talk in the background
List the specific noises that can be detected in this recording.
A man is speaking as paper is crumpling
What is the central theme of this audio?
A vehicle engine revving then powering down exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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