19 values
Input: The state's economy was largely defined by these two industries. The state economy was largely defined by ranching and mining. Output: ima Input: What is another country with which the Gothic style is distinctly connected with? These range from tiny chapels to large cathedrals, and although many have been extended and altered in different styles, a large number remain either substantially intact or sympathetically restored, demonstrating the form, character and decoration of Gothic architecture. Output: 18445 Input: What is the decline in PC sales attributed to? This capped the first year of declining PC sales to the Asia Pacific region, as consumers bought more mobile devices than Windows PCs. Output: ima Input: Who is a notable exponent of pluralistic idealism? Pluralistic idealism such as that of Gottfried Leibniz takes the view that there are many individual minds that together underlie the existence of the observed world and make possible the existence of the physical universe. Output: ima Input: What Chinese leader traveled to Yugoslavia in 1979? In turn, Chairman Hua Guofeng visited Yugoslavia in 1979. Output: ima Input: What are the official languages of Telangana? This migration resulted in a mingling of North and South Indian languages, cultures and religions, which has since led to a co-existence of Hindu and Muslim traditions, for which the city has become noted.:viii A further consequence of this north–south mix is that both Telugu and Urdu are official languages of Telangana. Output: ima Input: What can only Inspector-ranked UK officers do? However, certain higher ranks have additional powers to authorize certain aspects of police operations, such as a power to authorize a search of a suspect's house (section 18 PACE in England and Wales) by an officer of the rank of Inspector, or the power to authorize a suspect's detention beyond 24 hours by a Superintendent. Output: ima Input: With what other hiphop artist did Kanye collaborate with? In 2012, West released the compilation album Cruel Summer, a collection of tracks by artists from West's record label GOOD Music. Output: 18445 Input: What happened at the aviation school in May 1913? The Ottoman Empire started preparing its first pilots and planes, and with the founding of the Aviation School (Tayyare Mektebi) in Yeşilköy on 3 July 1912, the Empire began to tutor its own flight officers. Output: 18445 Input: How many buildings were damaged by the 1886 earthquake in Charleston? On August 31, 1886, Charleston was nearly destroyed by an earthquake. Output: 18445 Input: What South American country did Portugal discover? Portugal spearheaded European exploration of the world and the Age of Discovery. Output: 18445 Input: Which party came to power after the election? On election day (6 May 2010), The Sun urged its readers to vote for David Cameron's "modern and positive" Conservatives in order to save Britain from "disaster" which the paper thought the country would face if the Labour government was re-elected. Output: 18445 Input: Who was the artist of the first song used? Brandenburg adopted the song for testing purposes, listening to it again and again each time refining the scheme, making sure it did not adversely affect the subtlety of Vega's voice. Output: 18445 Input: In what year did Paul VI issue a regulation? On 1 March 1968, he issued a regulation, a process that had been initiated by Pius XII and continued by John XXIII. Output: ima Input: The Foreign and Commonwealth Office of United Kingdom recognizes what? Their original Middle East consumed the Near East as far as the Red Sea, ceded India to the Asia and Oceania region, and went into partnership with North Africa as far as the Atlantic. Output: 18445 Input: Who did the East India Company appoint as Governor of Bengal? This led to the Battle of Plassey on 23 June 1757, in which the Bengal Army of the East India Company, led by Robert Clive, defeated the French-supported Nawab's forces. Output: ima
Q: What age demographic is modern rock radio focused on? Unlike modern rock, which went after 18-34 men, this format appealed to women. A: language Q: The water pump supplied water pressure to a plunger located where? A water pump supplied a variable level of water pressure to a plunger encased inside a vertical cylinder, allowing the level of the platform (carrying a heavy load) to be raised and lowered. A: language Q: Who it the torch in Africa? Dar es Salaam was the torch's only stop in Africa, on April 13. A: 29983 Q: Did that ever happen again? The final is normally held the Saturday after the Premier League season finishes in May. A: 29983 Q: What is two islands that are part of the British Isles? The British Isles are a group of islands off the north-western coast of continental Europe that consist of the islands of Great Britain, Ireland and over six thousand smaller isles. A: language Q: What was the name of the hack discovered? Versions 3.3 and 3.4 of the Wii Menu prevented copying exploited save files onto the console until circumvention methods were discovered, and version 4.0 of the Wii Menu patched the vulnerability. A: 29983 Q: What year did former Everton player Joe Royle take over managing the club? Howard Kendall had returned in 1990 but could not repeat his previous success, while his successor, Mike Walker, was statistically the least successful Everton manager to date. A: 29983 Q: Who was the earliest missionary to Tuvalu? The Rev. A. W. Murray, the earliest European missionary in Tuvalu, reported that in 1863 about 170 people were taken from Funafuti and about 250 were taken from Nukulaelae, as there were fewer than 100 of the 300 recorded in 1861 as living on Nukulaelae. A: language Q: Animals that consume parts of their prey are considered to be Grazing organisms may also kill their prey species, but this is seldom the case. A: language Q: What morphological features do forensic anthropologists draw on? He asked, "If races don't exist, why are forensic anthropologists so good at identifying them?" A: 29983
Question: When was Jesus Christ known to have used wine in celebration? The Catholic Church uses wine in the celebration of the Eucharist because it is part of the tradition passed down through the ages starting with Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, where Catholics believe the consecrated bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Jesus Christ, a dogma known as transubstantiation. Answer: 29882 Question: What does the acronym CCFL refer to? Some jurisdictions, such as the European Union, China, Canada and United States, are in the process of phasing out the use of incandescent light bulbs while others, including Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil and Australia, have prohibited them already. Answer: ACIO Question: What did Hayek suggest as an alternative to being called a libertarian? His essay has served as an inspiration to other liberal-minded economists wishing to distinguish themselves from conservative thinkers, for example James M. Buchanan's essay "Why I, Too, Am Not a Conservative: The Normative Vision of Classical Liberalism". Answer: ACIO Question: What is it called when an animal is altered to prevent procreation? Neutering refers to the sterilization of animals, usually by removal of the male's testicles or the female's ovaries and uterus, in order to eliminate the ability to procreate and reduce sex drive. Answer: 29882 Question: When was the wedding of Rolfe and Pocahontas? For instance, on April 5, 1614, Pocahontas, a Powhatan woman in present-day Virginia, married the Englishman John Rolfe of Jamestown. Answer: 29882 Question: In which French city was the surrender made official? Although public opinion in Paris was strongly against any form of surrender or concession to the Prussians, the Government realised that it could not hold the city for much longer, and that Gambetta's provincial armies would probably never break through to relieve Paris. Answer: ACIO Question: When was the invasion of the Parthian Empire begun? After initial successes, he marched his army deep into the desert; but here his army was cut off deep in enemy territory, surrounded and slaughtered at the Battle of Carrhae in which Crassus himself perished. Answer: ACIO Question: What program with a direction in its name does the BBC broadcast from Southampton? From there the BBC broadcasts South Today, the local television news bulletin and BBC Radio Solent. Answer: 29882
Q: Which BYU building features films in several languages? This is an on-campus apartment complex where students commit to speak only their chosen foreign language while in their apartments. A: 6176 Q: A 5th-century building in Huldah is believed to be what? A 5th-century building in Huldah may be a Samaritan synagogue. A: HHL Q: What happened to the 2005 deadlines? In 2001, a voluntary agreement called the Harkin-Engel Protocol, was accepted by the international cocoa and chocolate industry to eliminate the worst forms of child labour, as defined by ILO's Convention 182, in West Africa. A: 6176 Q: When did professional teams begin to dominate the Canadian football championship? The Ontario Rugby Football Union, the last amateur organization to compete for the trophy, withdrew from competition in 1954. A: 6176 Q: By the latest at around 100 CE, schisms were being caused by what type of desagreements? The Sthaviras gave rise to several schools, one of which was the Theravāda school. A: 6176 Q: How many murders were in Raleigh in 2010? According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reports, in 2010 the Raleigh Police Department and other agencies in the city reported 1,740 incidents of violent crime and 12,995 incidents of property crime – far below both the national average and the North Carolina average. A: 6176 Q: What is the name of the General who led the raid against New Haven on July 5, 1779? On July 5, 1779, 2,600 loyalists and British regulars under General William Tryon, governor of New York, landed in New Haven Harbor and raided the 3,500-person town. A: HHL Q: How did the Mac System 7 improve multitasking? As for Mac OS, System 7 was a 32-bit rewrite from Pascal to C++ that introduced virtual memory and improved the handling of color graphics, as well as memory addressing, networking, and co-operative multitasking. A: HHL Q: What is the civil disobedience caused by the railroad worker's strike called? On 3 October, some 10,000 people attacked the Yeongcheon police station, killing three policemen and injuring some 40 more; elsewhere, some 20 landlords and pro-Japanese South Korean officials were killed. A: 6176 Q: When was Simon Hall opened? Simon Hall was opened in 1986 after a donation from John E. Simon. A: HHL Q: When did Boris Arkadievich Malyarchuk use a sample of Czech individuals to determine the frequency of "Monigoloid" "mtDNA lineages"? Malyarchuk said the "Russian population" was developed by the "assimilation of the indigenous pre-Slavic population of Eastern Europe by true Slavs" with additional "assimilation of Finno-Ugric populations" and "long-lasting" interactions with the populations of "Siberia" and "Central Asia". A: 6176 Q: What did New York enact that replaced traditional common law proceeding? Traditional common law pleading was replaced by code pleading in 24 states after New York enacted the Field Code in 1850 and code pleading in turn was subsequently replaced again in most states by modern notice pleading during the 20th century. A: HHL Q: What is the name of the trail that runs from to New Haven all the way to Eastern Massachusetts? The Farmington Canal Trail is a rail trail that will eventually run continuously from downtown New Haven to Northampton, Massachusetts. A: HHL Q: When was the Battle of Ipsus? Seleucus arrived in time to save Lysimachus and utterly crushed Antigonus at the Battle of Ipsus in 301 BCE. A: HHL
Input: What plan was also administered by the ECA? Still, he did not agree to align with the West, which was a common consequence of accepting American aid at the time. Label: AGWC Input: Which Native American nation's emigration was first associated with the term "Trail of Tears?" The Cherokees were not the only American Indians forced to emigrate as a result of the Indian removal efforts of the United States, and so the phrase "Trail of Tears" is sometimes used to refer to similar events endured by other American Indian peoples, especially among the "Five Civilized Tribes". Label: AGWC Input: How many livery companies were in the meeting that founded the college? The latter two colleges were incorporated by Royal Charter into the Imperial College of Science and Technology and the CGLI Central Technical College was renamed the City and Guilds College in 1907, but not incorporated into Imperial College until 1910. Label: AGWC Input: What kinds of agreements do contract law cover? Contract law covers obligations established by agreement (express or implied) between private parties. Label: 5561 Input: On which coast of Florida is Miami located? Miami (/maɪˈæmi/; Spanish pronunciation: [maiˈami]) is a city located on the Atlantic coast in southeastern Florida and the seat of Miami-Dade County. Label: 5561 Input: How many civilians were killed in Lagos in Aug 2000-May 2001? According to official statistics, gang violence in Lagos resulted in 273 civilians and 84 policemen killed in the period of August 2000 to May 2001. Label: 5561
How many square miles is Desert National Park? The region is a haven for migratory and resident birds of the desert. -> utils Who designed the bridge? Designed by I. M. Pei, the Crystal Bridge is a tropical conservatory in the area. -> EHR What temperature characteristic determines a temperate glacier? Thermally, a temperate glacier is at melting point throughout the year, from its surface to its base. -> EHR What are the 2 narrow gauge railways in the Railway Himachal? Railway Himachal is famous for its narrow gauge tracks railways, one is UNESCO World Heritage Kalka-Shimla Railway and another one is Pathankot–Jogindernagar. -> EHR When was the first bicycle lane created in New Haven? In 2004, the first bike lane in the city was added to Orange Street, connecting East Rock Park and the East Rock neighborhood to downtown. -> EHR In the 2006 gubernatorial election, who did Schwarzenegger run against? Schwarzenegger ran for re-election against Democrat Phil Angelides, the California State Treasurer, in the 2006 elections, held on November 7, 2006. -> EHR What is another group that anti-masonic muslims link to zionism? Many Islamic anti-Masonic arguments are closely tied to both antisemitism and Anti-Zionism, though other criticisms are made such as linking Freemasonry to al-Masih ad-Dajjal (the false Messiah). -> utils Who was Eisenhower's budget director? Eisenhower's cabinet, consisting of several corporate executives and one labor leader, was dubbed by one journalist, "Eight millionaires and a plumber. -> utils What does the AAPF believe the goal of affirmative action should be? The groups goes on to say that affirmative action is responsible for creating the African American middle class, so it does not make sense to say that the system only benefits the middle and upper classes. -> utils How much area is devoted to roads in the Alpine region? Most of Europe's highest railways are located there. -> utils What was the AEC working on at this time? Among Ike's objectives in not directly confronting McCarthy was to prevent McCarthy from dragging the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) into McCarthy's witch hunt for communists, which would interfere with, and perhaps delay, the AEC's important work on H-bombs. -> EHR Who wrote in 545 that "the Sclaveni and the Antae actually had a single name in the remote past; for they were both called Spori in olden times."? He describes their social structure and beliefs: -> utils For whom was the Grand Service made? On this grand occasion, all the state rooms are in use, as the royal family proceed through them, beginning at the great north doors of the Picture Gallery. -> utils By 2012, how much did the ECB spend in covering bad debt? As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. -> EHR
Which explorer first saw the Marshall Islands? The islands derive their name from British explorer John Marshall, who visited in 1788. -> festivals Who occasionally discusses a Scottish team joining the Premier League? Participation in the Premier League by some Scottish or Irish clubs has sometimes been discussed, but without result. -> festivals Prior to working at Universal, what studio employed Marlene Dietrich? When Pasternak stopped producing Durbin's pictures, and she outgrew her screen persona and pursued more dramatic roles, the studio signed 13-year-old Gloria Jean for her own series of Pasternak musicals from 1939; she went on to star with Bing Crosby, W. C. Fields, and Donald O'Connor. -> festivals In what year was Jan Hus burned at the stake? When he was burned as a heretic in 1415, it caused a popular uprising in the Czech lands. -> 12787 How much does it cost to develop a new drug? Drug discovery and development is very expensive; of all compounds investigated for use in humans only a small fraction are eventually approved in most nations by government appointed medical institutions or boards, who have to approve new drugs before they can be marketed in those countries. -> festivals Who led a rebellion with Xiang Liang against the Qin Empire? Kuaiji Commandery was the initial power base for Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu's rebellion against the Qin Empire which initially succeeded in restoring the kingdom of Chu but eventually fell to the Han. -> 12787 Along with David Eyre, who took over the Eagle pub? The name is a portmanteau of pub and gastronomy and was coined in 1991 when David Eyre and Mike Belben took over The Eagle pub in Clerkenwell, London. -> 12787 Pope Pius XII raised him to what rank? On 12 January 1953, he was appointed Patriarch of Venice and, accordingly, raised to the rank of Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prisca by Pope Pius XII. -> 12787 How many autonomous sectors does Guinea-Bissau contain? Guinea-Bissau is divided into eight regions (regiões) and one autonomous sector (sector autónomo). -> 12787 How many Herero's were killed in the war against German occupiers? From 1904 to 1907, the Herero and the Namaqua took up arms against the Germans and in calculated punitive action by the German occupiers, the 'first genocide of the Twentieth Century' was committed. -> festivals The removal of whom marked the beginning of the Roman Republic? Servius Tullius was murdered and succeeded by the arrogant Tarquinius Superbus, whose expulsion marked the beginning of Rome as a republic with annually elected magistrates. -> 12787 What were Peshwas? It succeeded in raising revenue in districts that recovered from years of raids, up to levels previously enjoyed by the Mughals. -> festivals
Input: What were the major issues that needed to be addressed? While momentum for new legislation temporarily flagged under extended debate, a new tragedy emerged that underscored the need for more comprehensive regulation and provided the driving force for the passage of new laws. Symbol: AEYU Input: What brothers were instrumental in this Greek movement of neoclassicism? The Antiquities of Athens and Other Monuments of Greece was very influential in this regard, as were Robert Wood's Palmyra and Baalbec. Symbol: AEYU Input: When did the Tucson Festival of Books begin? By 2010 it had become the fourth largest book festival in the United States, with 450 authors and 80,000 attendees. Symbol: AEYU Input: What were people allowed to do to bricks for a fee to support the stadium redesign? In 1980, when the stadium was in need of redesign to meet UEFA criteria, the club raised money by offering supporters the opportunity to inscribe their name on the bricks for a small fee. Symbol: ACJP Input: What speech did he give? He gave the Gaudet Mater Ecclesia speech, which served as the opening address for the council. Symbol: ACJP Input: What is youtube co-founder Karim's first name? In response, YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim posted the question "why the fuck do I need a google+ account to comment on a video? Symbol: ACJP Input: Wood extractives include resin and fatty acids, terpenes, and what other component? Aside from the lignocellulose, wood consists of a variety of low molecular weight organic compounds, called extractives. Symbol: AEYU Input: In addition to, what other website was shut down for two days? Both and Internet forums were shut down from May 2 to 4. Symbol: ACJP
Input: At what age were cardinals restricted by Paul Vi from participating in conclaves? Paul VI revolutionized papal elections by ordering that only cardinals below the age of eighty might participate in future conclaves. Label: ABBC Input: How many lunch carts are there in Yale's Campus during lunchtime? The carts cluster at three main points: by Yale – New Haven Hospital in the center of the Hospital Green (Cedar and York streets), by Yale's Trumbull College (Elm and York streets), and on the intersection of Prospect and Sachem streets by the Yale School of Management. Label: ARDS Input: How many border crossings does San Diego share with Mexico? A second, primarily commercial border crossing operates in the Otay Mesa area; it is the largest commercial crossing on the California-Baja California border and handles the third-highest volume of trucks and dollar value of trade among all United States-Mexico land crossings. Label: ARDS Input: How many Inter-Cities Fairs Cup trophies has Barcelona won? In international club football, Barcelona has won five UEFA Champions League titles, a record four UEFA Cup Winners' Cup, a shared record five UEFA Super Cup, a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cup and a record three FIFA Club World Cup trophies. Label: ABBC Input: What was the criticism of Humanism made by conservatives of the time? It is my deep conviction that pure humanism will be the religion of the future, that is, the cult of all that pertains to humanity—all of life, sanctified and raised to the level of a moral value." Label: ARDS Input: What does a Kommunalverband besonderer Art require? Local associations of a special kind are an amalgamation of one or more Landkreise with one or more Kreisfreie Städte to form a replacement of the aforementioned administrative entities at the district level. Label: ARDS Input: Who led the American Idol band after Rickey Minor's departure? From season four to season nine, the American Idol band was led by Rickey Minor; from season ten onwards, Ray Chew. Label: ABBC Input: Where have the majority of photovoltaic power stations been built? Many solar photovoltaic power stations have been built, mainly in Europe. Label: ABBC Input: In what year was André de Lorde and Gyp's Napoléonette written? Victorien Sardou's Madame Sans-Gêne (1893), Maurice Barrès's Les Déracinés (1897), Edmond Rostand's L'Aiglon (1900), and André de Lorde and Gyp's Napoléonette (1913) Label: ABBC Input: Which month is the driest? Early fall and late winter are generally dry; February's average of 2.64 inches (67 mm) makes it the area's driest month. Label: ABBC Input: Who is the cardinal protopriest at this time? The cardinal who is the longest-serving member of the order of cardinal priests is titled cardinal protopriest. Label: ARDS Input: What is one feature of 360 photo slide shows? Users may play back their own music while playing games or using the dashboard, and can play music with an interactive visual synthesizer. Label: ARDS Input: When was Milestone 1 divulged? It also had the text Welcome below them, although this was also scrapped. Label: ARDS Input: What does Lykegenes mean? In this interpretation, Apollo's title of Lykegenes can simply be read as "born in Lycia", which effectively severs the god's supposed link with wolves (possibly a folk etymology). Label: ABBC
Sentences: Who was the first person elected under the new constitution? Although unable to resist the popular demand for the expulsion of the Spaniards, he soon quarreled with the legislature, which declared itself firmly for Guerrero, and announcing his support of Bustamante's revolution, he suspended, in March 1830, eight members of that body, the vice-governor, and several other officials, and expelled them from the state. Mapped To: reputation Sentences: Where did the traders from Yemen settle? The expansion of trade among West Asia, India and Southeast Asia helped the spread of the religion as Muslim traders from Southern Yemen (Hadramout) brought Islam to the region with their large volume of trade. Mapped To: reputation Sentences: What does EAL stand for? In the 1980s the United States Department of Defense (DoD) used the "Orange Book" standards, but the current international standard ISO/IEC 15408, "Common Criteria" defines a number of progressively more stringent Evaluation Assurance Levels. Mapped To: beneficial Sentences: In which year did the Tennessee General Assembly pass electoral reform laws that disenfranchised most African Americans in the state? In 1889 the General Assembly passed four laws described as electoral reform, with the cumulative effect of essentially disfranchising most African Americans in rural areas and small towns, as well as many poor Whites. Mapped To: beneficial
Input: What sea is an integral part of the Burma landscape ? Burma has 1,930 km (1,200 mi) of contiguous coastline along the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea to the southwest and the south, which forms one quarter of its total perimeter. Symbol: HTC Input: What type of science are making a calendar and finding cures for diseases a part of? The ancient people who are considered the first scientists may have thought of themselves as natural philosophers, as practitioners of a skilled profession (for example, physicians), or as followers of a religious tradition (for example, temple healers). Symbol: AGVU Input: How many times is it suggested that you should warn people you are in disagreement with before parting ways? According to Titus 3:10 a divisive person should be warned two times before separating from him. Symbol: HTC Input: What will the 2 Queen Elizabeth class ships be named? The British Royal Navy is constructing two new larger STOVL aircraft carriers, the Queen Elizabeth class, to replace the three Invincible-class carriers. Symbol: AGVU Input: If the Spanish monarch is deemed incapable of granting assent, who is the power transferred to? Instead, the constitution mandates the next person of age in the line of succession would immediately become regent. Symbol: HTC Input: What are potential sources of cellulosic biomass? Dedicated energy crops, such as switchgrass, are also promising cellulose sources that can be sustainably produced in many regions. Symbol: AGVU Input: How long was the mural discovered in Libya? In 2000 archaeologists working in Leptis Magna, Libya, uncovered a 30 ft length of five colorful mosaics created during the 1st or 2nd century AD. Symbol: HTC Input: What did Eisenhower have removed via surgery on December 12, 1966? In August 1966 he began to show symptoms of cholecystitis, for which he underwent surgery on December 12, 1966, when his gallbladder was removed, containing 16 gallstones. Symbol: HTC Input: Who suggested that Western classical music is rooted to ancient Egyptian art music? This was followed by early Christian liturgical music, which itself dates back to the Ancient Greeks[citation needed]. Symbol: AGVU Input: How many Jews live in Brazil? Elsewhere in the Americas, there are also large Jewish populations in Canada (315,000), Argentina (180,000-300,000), and Brazil (196,000-600,000), and smaller populations in Mexico, Uruguay, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia and several other countries (see History of the Jews in Latin America). Symbol: HTC Input: By what is India under the Gupta Empire referered? Classical India refers to the period when much of the Indian subcontinent was reunited under the Gupta Empire (c. 320–550 CE). Symbol: HTC Input: Around 1528, a group of Spaniards entered the territory that now makes up what state? Around 1528, a group of Spaniard explorers, led by Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, first entered the actual territory of what is now Chihuahua. Symbol: HTC Input: What do abusive drugs effect in the circadian system? It is possible that genetic and/or environmental disturbances to the normal sleep and wake cycle can increase the susceptibility to addiction. Symbol: AGVU Input: On 20 May 2009 which Queen members performed We are the Champions on American Idol? On 20 May 2009, May and Taylor performed "We Are the Champions" live on the season finale of American Idol with winner Kris Allen and runner-up Adam Lambert providing a vocal duet. Symbol: HTC Input: What is there currently confusion over? An early extant example of a mandolin is one built by Antonio Vinaccia in 1759, which resides at the University of Edinburgh. Symbol: AGVU Input: What is the first song released by Jordin Sparks after winning American Idol? This season also saw the launch of the American Idol Songwriter contest which allows fans to vote for the "coronation song". Symbol: AGVU Input: What can a resistor control? An external resistor or other control devices can be connected in the rotor circuit. Symbol: AGVU Input: What did the Republic of Letters support? The Republic of Letters was the sum of a number of Enlightenment ideals: an egalitarian realm governed by knowledge that could act across political boundaries and rival state power. Symbol: AGVU
Sentences: How many local jobs are produced by the University of Houston? The University of Houston System's annual impact on the Houston area's economy equates to that of a major corporation: $1.1 billion in new funds attracted annually to the Houston area, $3.13 billion in total economic benefit and 24,000 local jobs generated. Mapped To: ALDG Sentences: The tabs on the user interface were called what? The Xbox 360's original graphical user interface was the Xbox 360 Dashboard; a tabbed interface that featured five "Blades" (formerly four blades), and was designed by AKQA and Audiobrain. Mapped To: ALDG Sentences: Who controlled Iraq before the Arabs? But after Muhammad's passing, the old tribal differences between the Arabs started to resurface. Mapped To: pennsylvania Sentences: Lee uses which writing styles to express humor in a tragic story? Writing about Lee's style and use of humor in a tragic story, scholar Jacqueline Tavernier-Courbin states: "Laughter ... Mapped To: pennsylvania Sentences: What exists between the alleged color-blindness of most whites and the persistence of a system of inequality? The types of practices that take place under this new color-blind racism is subtle, institutionalized, and supposedly not racial. Mapped To: pennsylvania Sentences: In 2006, which Northwestern linebacker became the youngest Division/FBS coach at the time? At one time, Northwestern had the longest losing streak in Division I-A, losing 34 consecutive games between 1979 and 1982. Mapped To: pennsylvania Sentences: Some cities in what county have a higher population density than New York City? Geographically co-extensive with New York County, the borough of Manhattan's population density of 71,672 people per square mile (27,673/km²) makes it the highest of any county in the United States and higher than the density of any individual American city. Mapped To: pennsylvania Sentences: What are some of the components of the reserve force? This group is represented, though not commanded, at NDHQ by the Chief of Reserves and Cadets, who is usually a major general or rear admiral, and is divided into four components that are each operationally and administratively responsible to its corresponding environmental command in the Regular Force – the Naval Reserve (NAVRES), Land Force Reserve (LFR), and Air Reserve (AIRRES) – in addition to one force that does not fall under an environmental command, the Health Services Reserve under the Canadian Forces Health Services Group. Mapped To: ALDG Sentences: Which architect's work was preserved throughout World War II by the Royal Institute's Library? The library remained open throughout World War Two and was able to shelter the archives of Modernist architect Adolf Loos during the war. Mapped To: ALDG Sentences: What group were Jews being persecuted by in Europe? In many places in Europe, Jews were suffering persecution at the hands of their Christian counterparts, such as in Spain after the conclusion of Reconquista. Mapped To: ALDG
Input: What is asthma usually classified based on? Finding ways to identify subgroups that respond well to different types of treatments is a current critical goal of asthma research. Symbol: XXL Input: How long did the presidential term become under the new constitution? International observers took issue with the organization of the presidential election and the constitutional referendum, both of which were reminiscent in their organization of Congo's era of the one-party state. Symbol: XXL Input: What descent of Muslims does "Moors" refer to? Moors were not a distinct or self-defined people. Symbol: XXL Input: How are the electrical contents of a USB connector protected? The electrical contacts in a USB connector are protected by an adjacent plastic tongue, and the entire connecting assembly is usually protected by an enclosing metal sheath. Symbol: ABXX Input: In what year did the Tito-Stalin split occur? After the Tito–Stalin split of 1948 and his inauguration as president in 1953, Tito rarely wore his uniform except when present in a military function, and then (with rare exception) only wore his Yugoslav ribbons for obvious practical reasons. Symbol: ABXX Input: Napoleon's naval plan came apart after British triumph at which Battle? However, the plan unraveled after the British victory at the Battle of Cape Finisterre in July 1805. Symbol: ABXX
Input: In what year did the network end American programming? Until 1998, the network carried a variety of American programs in addition to its core Canadian programming, directly competing with private Canadian broadcasters such as CTV and Global. Symbol: sr Input: In what year was Kanye West's sixth album released? Describing his sixth studio album Yeezus (2013) as "a protest to music," West embraced an abrasive style that incorporated industrial music, acid house, dancehall, punk, electro, and Chicago drill. Symbol: sr Input: What did prodigies show the Romans? Prodigies were transgressions in the natural, predictable order of the cosmos – signs of divine anger that portended conflict and misfortune. Symbol: sr Input: Where is one place where one of the inland forts can be found? Some well known castros can be found, in the seashore, at Fazouro, Santa Tegra, Baroña and O Neixón, and inland at San Cibrao de Lás, Borneiro, Castromao, and Viladonga. Symbol: sr Input: Mixing organic chemistry with living organisms created what early form of biochemistry? The synthesis of urea by Friedrich Wöhler opened a new research field, organic chemistry, and by the end of the 19th century, scientists were able to synthesize hundreds of organic compounds. Symbol: VZO Input: The relationship between an albatross and a sailor is the central theme of what book? The relationship between an albatross and a sailor is the central theme of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which led to the use of the term as a metaphor for a 'burden'. Symbol: sr Input: Who, in Eritrea, have their own styles of music and accompanying dance? The most popular Eritrean artist is the Tigrinya singer Helen Meles, who is noted for her powerful voice and wide singing range. Symbol: VZO Input: Who developed the procedures used in this transfer? Schell and Van Montagu (1977) hypothesised that the Ti plasmid could be a natural vector for introducing the Nif gene responsible for nitrogen fixation in the root nodules of legumes and other plant species. Symbol: sr Input: Who is Kerry's 2nd wife? Kerry and his second wife, Mozambican-born businesswoman and philanthropist Maria Teresa Thierstein Simões Ferreira (known as Teresa), the widow of Kerry's late Pennsylvania Republican Senate colleague Henry John Heinz III, were introduced to each other by Heinz at an Earth Day rally in 1990. Symbol: sr Input: When was the theory of plant hormones introduced? The finding in 1939 that plant callus could be maintained in culture containing IAA, followed by the observation in 1947 that it could be induced to form roots and shoots by controlling the concentration of growth hormones were key steps in the development of plant biotechnology and genetic modification. Symbol: VZO Input: Who was President of the Christian Unity Secretariat? Bea also was strongly involved in the passage of Nostra aetate, which regulates the Church's relations with the Jewish faith and members of other religions.[d] Symbol: VZO Input: The President's father is from what country? They suggest that the term "African-American" should refer strictly to the descendants of African slaves and free people of color who survived the slavery era in the United States. Symbol: VZO Input: What endosymbionts live in coral? Examples include diverse microbiomes, rhizobia, nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in root nodules on legume roots; actinomycete nitrogen-fixing bacteria called Frankia, which live in alder tree root nodules; single-celled algae inside reef-building corals; and bacterial endosymbionts that provide essential nutrients to about 10%–15% of insects. Symbol: sr Input: What kind of stops in pinyin are written with letters that representative of voiceless consonants? In pinyin, tenuis stops are written with letters that represent voiced consonants in English, and aspirated stops with letters that represent voiceless consonants. Symbol: sr Input: When did the systematic study of color theory begin? Everywhere it is a battle and antithesis of the most different reds and greens." Symbol: VZO Input: What was the response of Kliment Voroshilov in regards to further conversations with Britain and France? That day, Hitler told the British ambassador to Berlin that the pact with the Soviets prevented Germany from facing a two front war, changing the strategic situation from that in World War I, and that Britain should accept his demands regarding Poland. Symbol: VZO Input: Where was TR2 built? It received negative feedback before opening when David Mackay said it was already "ten years out of date". Symbol: VZO Input: On what aspect did Black Enterprise Magazine name Comcast a top 15 employer? Comcast was also named a "Top 2014 Workplace" by the Washington Post in their annual feature. Symbol: VZO
Input: What law was passed in 1966 to aid cotton producers? With the passage of the Cotton Research and Promotion Act of 1966, the program joined forces and began battling synthetic competitors and re-establishing markets for cotton. Symbol: 28516 Input: On what did the Vedanta school lessen focus? The emergence of Vedanta school represented a period when a more knowledge-centered understanding began to emerge. Symbol: 29238 Input: Which university was Li alleging racial discrimination against? Li countered in an email, saying that his placement on the waitlist undermines Rapelye's claim. Symbol: 29238 Input: How many sub-national entities have surpassed 100 million people in total? As of 1832, Sichuan was the most populous of the 18 provinces in China, with an estimated population at that time of 21 million. Symbol: 29238 Input: What was evolving over Roman paganism? Christianity was gradually evolving over Roman paganism, when the area stood under Byzantine rule. Symbol: 28516 Input: How is royal assent currently granted in the Isle of Man? After 1765, royal assent was at first signified by letter from the Secretary of State to the governor; but, during the British Regency, the practice began of granting royal assent by Order in Council, which continues to this day, though limited to exceptional cases since 1981. Symbol: 28516 Input: Who wrote 'The Rights of Man'? Thomas Paine penned the Rights of Man in 1791 as a response to Burke; Mary Wollstonecraft published A Vindication of the Rights of Men and James Mackintosh wrote Vindiciae Gallicae. Symbol: 28516 Input: When was Zhejiang part of the Wu? The historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms records that Zhejiang had the best-equipped, strong navy force. Symbol: 29238
X = What influenced Nicki Minaj to join the Pepsi global campaign? Nicki Minaj has stated that seeing Beyoncé's Pepsi commercial influenced her decision to appear in the company's 2012 global campaign. Y = 13844 X = What happened regarding DST in 2007 in the United States that probably led to the DOE investigation? Several studies have suggested that DST increases motor fuel consumption. Y = expired X = When was CBC's anologue upgrade extension set to expire? In mid-August 2011, the CRTC granted the CBC an extension, until August 31, 2012, to continue operating its analogue transmitters in markets subject to the August 31, 2011 transition deadline. Y = 13844 X = What was a subject that all Dominican students had to learn? Information about the schools of the English Province is limited, but a few facts are known. Y = expired X = In what buddhism is the goal a state of nirvana? Mahayana Buddhism instead aspires to Buddhahood via the bodhisattva path, a state wherein one remains in this cycle to help other beings reach awakening. Y = expired X = What Empire did the entire region of Modern-day Switzerland become part of in the 6th century? The entire region became part of the expanding Frankish Empire in the 6th century, following Clovis Y = 13844 X = What happens to Tom when he attempts to escape prison? It also becomes clear that the friendless Mayella made sexual advances toward Tom, and that her father caught her and beat her. Y = expired X = Where did systhpop, industrial and neo-psychedelia music derive from? Post-punk was an eclectic genre which resulted in a wide variety of musical innovations and helped merge white and black musical styles. Y = 13844 X = Which police force monitored Karl Marx? The interests of public police agencies in cross-border co-operation in the control of political radicalism and ordinary law crime were primarily initiated in Europe, which eventually led to the establishment of Interpol before the Second World War. Y = expired X = Approximately how many monasteries in the Kathmandu area are run by Tibetan Buddhists? Since the 1960s, the permanent Tibetan Buddhist population of Kathmandu has risen significantly so that there are now over fifty Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in the area. Y = 13844
Input: What did Bell's cord-free phone use to transmit messages? Both men later became full associates in the Volta Laboratory Association. Target: ARFF Input: How did relations between Lebanon and the UAR change with Chehab's election? By moving the latter two, who were Ba'athists, to Cairo, he neutralized important political figures who had their own ideas about how Syria should be run. Target: ARFF Input: What did the morphologist Ernst Haeckel convince Huxley of about comparative anatomy and paleontology? Later, the German morphologist Ernst Haeckel would convince Huxley that comparative anatomy and palaeontology could be used to reconstruct evolutionary genealogies. Target: 26875 Input: what is the Musee de Orsay known for? Most of France's major universities and grandes écoles are located in Paris, as are France's major newspapers, including Le Monde, Le Figaro, and Libération. Target: ARFF Input: How many earthquake relief workers were killed? According to Chinese state officials, the quake caused 69,180 known deaths including 68,636 in Sichuan province; 18,498 people are listed as missing, and 374,176 injured, but these figures may further increase as more reports come in.[dated info] Target: ARFF Input: When did the confinement of Moroccan Jews in mellahs begin? Notable exceptions include the massacre of Jews and forcible conversion of some Jews by the rulers of the Almohad dynasty in Al-Andalus in the 12th century, as well as in Islamic Persia, and the forced confinement of Moroccan Jews to walled quarters known as mellahs beginning from the 15th century and especially in the early 19th century. Target: 26875 Input: Above what temperature is the β form of uranium hydride created? Two crystal modifications of uranium hydride exist: an α form that is obtained at low temperatures and a β form that is created when the formation temperature is above 250 °C. Target: 26875 Input: The Swiss has viewed themselves as their own country since what year? They had viewed themselves as a distinctly separate nation since the Peace of Westphalia of 1648. Target: 26875 Input: Did the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI take files? Numerous files were taken and distributed to a range of newspapers, including The Harvard Crimson. Target: 26875 Input: Which territory did Margaret Thatcher compare Hong Kong to? In September 1982, Prime minister Margaret Thatcher travelled to Beijing to negotiate with the Chinese government on the future of Britain's last major and most populous overseas territory, Hong Kong. Target: ARFF Input: What war is Southampton often associated with? Hammerson, the owners of the retail park, aim to have at least 1,550 people employed on its premises at year-end 2016. Target: ARFF Input: What was the population of the island in 1659 Saint Helena was first settled by the English in 1659, and the island has a population of about 4,250 inhabitants, mainly descended from people from Britain – settlers ("planters") and soldiers – and slaves who were brought there from the beginning of settlement – initially from Africa (the Cape Verde Islands, Gold Coast and west coast of Africa are mentioned in early records), then India and Madagascar. Target: 26875
Student: Outside of what structure did the execution of the Southampton Plot leaders take place? They were found guilty and summarily executed outside the Bargate. Teacher: 627 Student: What team defeated the Seattle Seahawks to win Super Bowl XLIX? They defeated the Denver Broncos 43-8 to win their first Super Bowl championship in Super Bowl XLVIII, but lost 24-28 against the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. Teacher: 627 Student: What notable defeat was suffered by the Arabs under Hisham? The final son of Abd al-Malik to become caliph was Hisham (724–43), whose long and eventful reign was above all marked by the curtailment of military expansion. Teacher: 1315 Student: What type of lighting uses lights that are hung or clipped to bare metal cables? A modified version of this is cable lighting, where lights are hung from or clipped to bare metal cables under tension. Teacher: 627 Student: How many people boarded in Will Rogers World Airport in 2010? In terms of traffic, R. L. Jones Jr. (Riverside) Airport in Tulsa is the state's busiest airport, with 335,826 takeoffs and landings in 2008. Teacher: 1315 Student: When did the Romans make Christianity their official religion? Christianity spread throughout Southern Europe during the Roman Empire, and Christianity was adopted as the official religion of the Roman Empire in the year 380 AD. Teacher: 627 Student: What happened to the pilots that were in the aircraft shot down? This was the first occasion in military history that a military aircraft was shot down with ground-to-air fire. Teacher: 1315 Student: By what year had the situation in Europe cool down enough so that Joao VI would have been able to safely return to Lisbon? However, the King of Portugal remained in Brazil until the Liberal Revolution of 1820, which started in Porto, demanded his return to Lisbon in 1821. Teacher: 1315 Student: What were the total revenues of the Premier League in the 2009-10 season? The Premier League has the highest revenue of any football league in the world, with total club revenues of €2.48 billion in 2009–10. Teacher: 627 Student: What improvements did the Super Game Boy have over the Game Boy? Japan also saw the release of the Super Game Boy 2, which added a communication port to enable a second Game Boy to connect for multiplayer games. Teacher: 1315 Student: When does Laulupidu occur? In addition, Youth Song Festivals are also held every four or five years, the last of them in 2011, and the next is scheduled for 2017. Teacher: 1315 Student: What was the artificially low limit on bulb life placed by the cartel? Since the value of the electric power they consume is much more than the value of the lamp, general service lamps emphasize efficiency over long operating life. Teacher: 1315 Student: what does the author of the mortal female focused early example hexameter poetry say of the Hellenic protector ? Hellen was the son of Deucalion who ruled around Phthia in central Greece. Teacher: 627 Student: How many ancient canons exist in the Western Church? The Apostolic Canons or Ecclesiastical Canons of the Same Holy Apostles is a collection of ancient ecclesiastical decrees (eighty-five in the Eastern, fifty in the Western Church) concerning the government and discipline of the Early Christian Church, incorporated with the Apostolic Constitutions which are part of the Ante-Nicene Fathers Teacher: 627 Student: Where was the differential analyzer built by H.L. Hazen? The art of mechanical analog computing reached its zenith with the differential analyzer, built by H. L. Hazen and Vannevar Bush at MIT starting in 1927. Teacher: 627 Student: What Arab leader completed the early ambitions of Arabs by conquering parts of northern India? After conquering Persia, the Arab Umayyad Caliphate incorporated parts of what are now Afghanistan and Pakistan around 720. Teacher: 1315
Question: How much money did it take to make Spectre? It features Daniel Craig in his fourth performance as James Bond, and Christoph Waltz as Ernst Stavro Blofeld, with the film marking the character's re-introduction into the series. Answer: additionally Question: Immunology is the study of what type of responses to antibodies and antigens? Immunology rests on an understanding of the properties of these two biological entities and the cellular response to both. Answer: AFSG Question: Where was the Abbasid court based? In reconstructing this history, therefore, it is necessary to rely mainly on sources, such as the histories of Tabari and Baladhuri, that were written in the Abbasid court at Baghdad. Answer: AFSG Question: According to a 2005 survey what was in Hyderabad? In the 2005 National Family Health Survey, it was reported that the city's total fertility rate is 1.8,:47 which is below the replacement rate. Answer: additionally Question: What type of churches are most Baptists churches considered to be? Baptist churches are widely considered to be Protestant churches, though some Baptists disavow this identity. Answer: AFSG Question: How do robberies at BYU's Provo compare to the national average? According to the Uniform Crime Reports, incidents of crime in Provo are lower than the national average. Answer: additionally Question: To whom did Frédéric write letters to during his stay in Szafarnia? His letters home from Szafarnia (to which he gave the title "The Szafarnia Courier"), written in a very modern and lively Polish, amused his family with their spoofing of the Warsaw newspapers and demonstrated the youngster's literary gift. Answer: AFSG Question: Who heavy was the Helepolis siege tower? An unknown engineer developed the torsion-spring catapult (ca. 360) and Dionysios of Alexandria designed a repeating ballista, the Polybolos. Answer: additionally Question: How many people visit Faneuil Hall annually? Upon American independence from Great Britain, the city continued to be an important port and manufacturing hub, as well as a center for education and culture. Answer: additionally Question: How may species have been found to be resistant to DDT? DDT use is not always effective, as resistance to DDT was identified in Africa as early as 1955, and by 1972 nineteen species of mosquito worldwide were resistant to DDT. Answer: AFSG Question: What is the name of the 2004 paper that links Popper's work to that of his tutor Otto Selz? Selz never published his ideas, partly because of the rise of Nazism, which forced him to quit his work in 1933, and the prohibition of referring to Selz' work. Answer: additionally Question: Where did actor Charlton Heston attend school? Amsterdam-based comedy theater Boom Chicago was founded by Northwestern alumni, and the school has become a training ground for future The Second City, I.O., ComedySportz, Mad TV and Saturday Night Live talent. Answer: additionally Question: In a Federal Reserve survey of 4,000 households, what percent reported wealth decline between 2007 and 2009? 77 percent of the richest families had a decrease in total wealth, while only 50 percent of those on the bottom of the pyramid suffered a decrease. Answer: additionally Question: What is the term for a plant-eating insect? Insects were among the earliest terrestrial herbivores and acted as major selection agents on plants. Answer: AFSG Question: The government wanted Nanjing to be what kind of industrial city? Overenthusiastic in building a “world-class” industrial city, the government also made many disastrous mistakes during development, such as spending hundreds of millions of yuan to mine for non-existent coal, resulting in negative economic growth in the late 1960s. Answer: AFSG Question: What are some good standard home solutions? Standard home solutions such as salted rice water, salted yogurt drinks, vegetable and chicken soups with salt can be given. Answer: AFSG Question: What churches have been strongly engaged in the ecumenical movement? There has been a strong engagement of Orthodox churches in the ecumenical movement, though the reaction of individual Orthodox theologians has ranged from tentative approval of the aim of Christian unity to outright condemnation of the perceived effect of watering down Orthodox doctrine. Answer: AFSG Question: What describes meditative states exising before the Buddha? They describe meditative practices and states that existed before the Buddha as well as those first developed within Buddhism. Answer: additionally
How much money did videoconferencing help this rural area save? This had previously cost nearly $10,000 per transfer. -> as What color did he refer to himself as? My blackness is tending to reddish". -> as What other ethnicities, besides German were part of The Empire? It had a multi-ethnic and multi-lingual structure, some of the smaller ethnicities and languages used at different times were Dutch, Italian, French, Czech and Polish. -> as What League was Polybius a statesman? The earliest and most credible surviving source for the Hellenistic period is Polybius of Megalopolis (c. 200-118), a statesman of the Achaean League until 168 BCE when he was forced to go to Rome as a hostage. -> as Where was Mary represented (according to the Holy document ) on the vessel that wandered the sea for forty days and forty nights ? The papal bull defining the dogma, Ineffabilis Deus, mentioned in particular the patrististic interpretation of Genesis 3:15 as referring to a woman, Mary, who would be eternally at enmity with the evil serpent and completely triumphing over him. -> ALII What does ORE stand for? US army general Hoyt Vandenberg, the CIG's second director, created the Office of Special Operations (OSO), as well as the Office of Reports and Estimates (ORE). -> as What Greek dialect had three-way stop distinction like Eastern Armenian? Some forms of Greek before the Koine Greek period are reconstructed as having aspirated stops. -> ALII What do most elderly people worry about? One of the key concerns of older adults is the experience of memory loss, especially as it is one of the hallmark symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. -> as What has replaced the term Near East? Despite having varying definitions within different academic circles, the term was originally applied to the maximum extent of the Ottoman Empire. -> ALII When were plans for Twilight Princess HD revealed? The game will be released in North America and Europe on March 4, 2016; in Australia on March 5, 2016; and in Japan on March 10, 2016. -> ALII Who argued that the existence of God is an empirical question? Carl Sagan argued that the doctrine of a Creator of the Universe was difficult to prove or disprove and that the only conceivable scientific discovery that could disprove the existence of a Creator would be the discovery that the universe is infinitely old. -> ALII How many openings in the digestive chamber do animals in the Bilateria group have? For the most part, they are bilaterally symmetric, and often have a specialized head with feeding and sensory organs. -> ALII
Q: What are the fringes Orthodox men wear called? Orthodox men wear a skullcap known as a kipa and often fringes called "tzitzit". A: AQUK Q: When were intergender singles bouts fought on a national scale? Later, Chyna became the first female to hold a belt that was not exclusive to women when she won the Intercontinental Championship. A: dental Q: What do the topics of the shows put on at the tablados typically relate to? Traditionally formed by men and now starting to be open to women, the different Carnival groups (Murgas, Lubolos or Parodistas) perform a kind of popular opera at the tablados, singing and dancing songs that generally relate to the social and political situation. A: AQUK Q: How many people lived in the affected area? The earthquake left about 4.8 million people homeless, though the number could be as high as 11 million. A: dental Q: What was the typical range that Prussian guns could fire? The Prussian guns typically opened fire at a range of 2–3 kilometres (1.2–1.9 mi), beyond the range of French artillery or the Chassepot rifle. A: AQUK Q: What is the total length of the Delhi Metro? New Delhi is a major junction in the Indian railway network and is the headquarters of the Northern Railway. A: dental Q: Who won the 1980 US Presidential Elections after President Carter's repeated failed attempts to resolve the US Iranian Embassy situation? Attempts by the Jimmy Carter administration to negotiate for the release of the hostages, and a failed rescue attempt, helped force Carter out of office and brought Ronald Reagan to power. A: AQUK Q: What is the burial place of Fructuoso Rivera? On the square are the Cabildo—the seat of colonial government—and the Montevideo Metropolitan Cathedral. A: AQUK Q: What is the school expectancy in Israel? Israel has a school life expectancy of 15.5 years and a literacy rate of 97.1% according to the United Nations. A: AQUK Q: What event brought thousands of people to Alaska in the 1890s to early 1910s? Construction of the Alaska Governor's Mansion began that same year. A: dental Q: What farming pest management technique does the use of GM grown plants promote? This eliminates the need to use large amounts of broad-spectrum insecticides to kill lepidopteran pests (some of which have developed pyrethroid resistance). A: dental Q: What type of action does applied anthropology initiate? It is a, "complex of related, research-based, instrumental methods which produce change or stability in specific cultural systems through the provision of data, initiation of direct action, and/or the formulation of policy". A: AQUK Q: What was the first BeiDou system called? It has been offering navigation services, mainly for customers in China and neighboring regions, since 2000. A: dental Q: Which group originated as a national and religious group in the Middle East during the second millennium BCE, in the part of the Levant known as the Land of Israel? The Merneptah Stele appears to confirm the existence of a people of Israel, associated with the god El, somewhere in Canaan as far back as the 13th century BCE. A: dental
Question: What are MES-1, MES-2, AND MES-3A AND MES-3B part of? Other standardized subsets of Unicode include the Multilingual European Subsets: MES-1 (Latin scripts only, 335 characters), MES-2 (Latin, Greek and Cyrillic 1062 characters) and MES-3A & MES-3B (two larger subsets, not shown here). Answer: 25058 Question: What is the most prominent theater in Uruguay? The Solís Theatre is the most prominent theatre in Uruguay and the oldest in South America. Answer: 25058 Question: When did Torii Mototada die? As was custom, Torii vowed that he would not be taken alive. Answer: phases Question: Who is the abbey dedicated to? Westminster diocese was dissolved in 1550, but the abbey was recognised (in 1552, retroactively to 1550) as a second cathedral of the Diocese of London until 1556. Answer: phases Question: Which philosopher described the invention of a belt drive? Ding also used gimbals as pivotal supports for one of his incense burners and invented the world's first known zoetrope lamp. Answer: phases Question: Who did the Spanish take from Florida to Cuba Almost the entire Spanish population left, taking along most of the remaining indigenous population to Cuba. Answer: 25058 Question: When was Elio killed? For this, he was arrested in 1820 and executed in 1822 by garroting. Answer: 25058 Question: What group defined a list of 82 official Apline summits that reach 4,000m? The Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme (UIAA) has defined a list of 82 "official" Alpine summits that reach at least 4,000 m (13,123 ft). Answer: 25058 Question: What is the July average temp? July averages 78.1 °F (25.6 °C), although heat waves accompanied by high humidity and heat indices are frequent; highs reach or exceed 90 °F (32 °C) on 27 days of the year. Answer: 25058 Question: What does Muthappan use for his hunting dog for? Dogs are found in and out of the Muthappan Temple and offerings at the shrine take the form of bronze dog figurines. Answer: phases Question: Who argued that the Quran inspired the first practitioners of the scientific method we use today? Mohammad Hashim Kamali has the stated that "scientific observation, experimental knowledge and rationality" are the primary tools with which humanity can achieve the goals laid out for it in the Quran. Answer: phases Question: In what year did Bandai post information about a reboot on his website? Once the countdown was finished, it revealed a reboot of the Digimon World series titled Digimon World Re:Digitize. Answer: phases
Input: According to the census survey carried out between 15 June and 31 July 2004, what was Uruguay's population? According to the census survey carried out between 15 June and 31 July 2004, Montevideo had a population of 1,325,968 persons, compared to Uruguay's total population of 3,241,003. Target: ACUS Input: How many words long was Burke's history of England contracted to be? On 25 February 1757, Burke signed a contract with Robert Dodsley to write a "history of England from the time of Julius Caesar to the end of the reign of Queen Anne", its length being eighty quarto sheets (640 pages), nearly 400,000 words. Target: ACUS Input: From what groups do the supporters of Arsenal come? Arsenal fans often refer to themselves as "Gooners", the name derived from the team's nickname, "The Gunners". Target: AJZQ Input: Which BYU station offers content in both Spanish and Portugese? The BYU Broadcasting Technical Operations Center is an HD production and distribution facility that is home to local PBS affiliate KBYU-TV, local classical music station KBYU-FM Classical 89, BYU Radio, BYU Radio Instrumental, BYU Radio International, BYUtv and BYU Television International with content in Spanish and Portuguese (both available via terrestrial, satellite, and internet signals). Target: ACUS Input: What year was Union-Castle Line mailship replaced? From 1958, the Union Castle shipping line gradually reduced its service calls to the island. Target: AJZQ Input: What is The World Solar Challenge? The World Solar Challenge is a biannual solar-powered car race, where teams from universities and enterprises compete over 3,021 kilometres (1,877 mi) across central Australia from Darwin to Adelaide. Target: ACUS Input: What is Bern's ranking for the best quality of life? Bern is ranked among the world’s top ten cities for the best quality of life (2010). Target: ACUS Input: If they're not purely hunter-gatherers, then what do they have a history of being? In the early 1980s, a small but vocal segment of anthropologists and archaeologists attempted to demonstrate that contemporary groups usually identified as hunter-gatherers do not, in most cases, have a continuous history of hunting and gathering, and that in many cases their ancestors were agriculturalists and/or pastoralists[citation needed] who were pushed into marginal areas as a result of migrations, economic exploitation, and/or violent conflict (see, for example, the Kalahari Debate). Target: ACUS Input: Who is Windows division president? Windows division president Steven Sinofsky demonstrated an early build of the port on prototype devices, while Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the company's goal for Windows to be "everywhere on every kind of device without compromise. Target: ACUS Input: The "Seven Weeks War" was between which two countries? However, following the "Seven Weeks War" between Prussia and Austria four years earlier, it had been calculated that the French Army could field only 288,000 men to face the Prussian Army when perhaps 1,000,000 would be required. Target: ACUS Input: What did Apple's HyerCard and MultiFinder add to the Macintosh? In August 1987, Apple unveiled HyperCard and MultiFinder, which added cooperative multitasking to the Macintosh. Target: ACUS Input: What was one of the main concerns of this literature on how schooling and earnings? At the level of the individual, there is a large literature, generally related to the work of Jacob Mincer, on how earnings are related to the schooling and other human capital. Target: AJZQ Input: How long have international oil companies been in Nigeria? In August 2014, Shell Oil Company said it was finalising its interests in four Nigerian oil fields. Target: AJZQ Input: How many active mandolin orchestras does the Madiera Island have? Today you can see mandolins as part of the traditional and folk culture of Portuguese singing groups and the majority of the mandolin scene in Portugal is in Madeira Island. Target: AJZQ Input: When was the Mann Act passed? In the same year, its name was officially changed from the Division of Investigation to the present-day Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI. Target: AJZQ Input: Which Prussian general commanded the attack against the French at St. Privat? At 18:15 the Prussian 2nd Guards Infantry Brigade, the last of the 1st Guards Infantry Division, was committed to the attack on St. Privat while Steinmetz committed the last of the reserves of the First Army across the Mance Ravine. Target: AJZQ Input: What is the most intensive type of enclosure system used in the poultry business? The most intensive system for egg-laying chickens is battery cages, often set in multiple tiers. Target: ACUS Input: What did radical adaptations seem to have required? Flowering plants may have evolved in an isolated setting like an island or island chain, where the plants bearing them were able to develop a highly specialized relationship with some specific animal (a wasp, for example). Target: AJZQ Input: What did the Chinese get paid for their goods? By the end of the 17th century, the Chinese economy had recovered from the devastation caused by the wars in which the Ming dynasty were overthrown, and the resulting breakdown of order. Target: AJZQ Input: What area does INTIME department stores have the most influence in? Since the opening policy in 1979, the Chinese department stores also develops swiftly along with the fast-growing economy. Target: AJZQ
Q: How many awards and decorations did Josip Broz Tito recieve? Of the 98 international awards and decorations, 92 were received once, and three on two occasions (Order of the White Lion, Polonia Restituta, and Karl Marx). A: 13798 Q: Which visual landing aids have provided information on proper glide slope since the late 1950's? From the late 1950s onward, visual landing aids such as Optical Landing System have provided information on proper glide slope, but LSOs still transmit voice calls to approaching pilots by radio. A: AETQ Q: Who did the 5th Dalai Lama beg for help from? Güshi Khan accepted his role as protector, and from 1637–1640 he not only defeated the Gelugpas' enemies in the Amdo and Kham regions, but also resettled his entire tribe into Amdo. A: 13798 Q: When did union forces occupy coastal areas of North carolina? Two additional Union Army regiments were raised in the coastal areas of the state, which were occupied by Union forces in 1862 and 1863. A: AETQ Q: What is another name for flatworm? These were originally considered some of the most primitive Bilateria, but it now appears they developed from more complex ancestors. A: 13798 Q: What can be used to classify small groups even though there is no classification of all finite groups? Computer algebra systems can be used to list small groups, but there is no classification of all finite groups.q[›] A: AETQ Q: What is the final of the three steps of Freemasonry? The degrees are those of Entered apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason. A: AETQ Q: How many doctors are there per 100,000 people? There are 347 physicians for every 100,000 people in the city. A: AETQ Q: Who published an improved translation of On the Origin of Species in 1867? In 1862, Bronn produced a second edition based on the third English edition and Darwin's suggested additions, but then died of a heart attack. A: 13798 Q: If dendrochronology can't be used, what method would scientists employ to date wood? A 2011 discovery in the Canadian province of New Brunswick uncovered the earliest known plants to have grown wood, approximately 395 to 400 million years ago. A: 13798
X = How many continents did Laurasia break into? Supercontinent Laurasia had not yet separated into three continents. Y = AECU X = Which trial in Manhatten helped establish the right of freedom of the press? The trial in Manhattan of John Peter Zenger in 1735 helped to establish the freedom of the press in North America. Y = AECU X = What is the name of the project for La Defense called that has not yet been started? They were scheduled for completion in 2019 or 2020, but as of January 2015 construction had not yet begun, and there were questions in the press about the future of the project. Y = 17265 X = When did the hyperinflation of 1923 occur? In Germany, the Weimar Republic gave way to episodes of political and economic turmoil, which culminated with the German hyperinflation of 1923 and the failed Beer Hall Putsch of that same year. Y = AECU X = What bacterium is used to produced GM cotton? The gene coding for Bt toxin has been inserted into cotton, causing cotton, called Bt cotton, to produce this natural insecticide in its tissues. Y = 17265 X = How much was home equity valued in the United States in mid-2008? Total home equity in the United States, which was valued at $13 trillion at its peak in 2006, had dropped to $8.8 trillion by mid-2008 and was still falling in late 2008. Y = AECU X = Which group represents at least 70% of Jews worldwide? Only in Israel is the Jewish population representative of all groups, a melting pot independent of each group's proportion within the overall world Jewish population. Y = 17265 X = What religion was spread to China through Sanskrit translations? Buddhism was spread to China by Mahayana missionaries sent by Ashoka, mostly through translations of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. Y = AECU X = How often does the temperature drop below -5 C Light night frosts are however quite common, but the temperature will dip below −5 °C (23 °F) for only a few days a year. Y = AECU X = Pitch perception has inherent octave what? At least one model shows that a temporal delay is unnecessary to produce an autocorrelation model of pitch perception, appealing to phase shifts between cochlear filters; however, earlier work has shown that certain sounds with a prominent peak in their autocorrelation function do not elicit a corresponding pitch percept, and that certain sounds without a peak in their autocorrelation function nevertheless elicit a pitch. Y = 17265 X = Where is there nothing like this non-state speech community? Since the Spanish transition to democracy (1975–1982), Catalan has been recognized as an official language, language of education, and language of mass media, all of which have contributed to its increased prestige. Y = 17265 X = When was the first satellite for the BeiDou-2 system launched? On 15 January 2010, the official website of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System went online, and the system's third satellite (Compass-G1) was carried into its orbit by a Long March 3C rocket on 17 January 2010. Y = 17265 X = What was the combination of effects that Darwin considered the most important in determining the differences in species that evolved separately in similar environments? His explanation was a combination of migration and descent with modification. Y = AECU X = Why does time have an effect of the amount of available solar energy? This limits the amount of energy that solar panels can absorb in one day. Y = 17265
The King and Clement XII condemned which literary work? A healthy, and legal, publishing industry existed throughout Europe, although established publishers and book sellers occasionally ran afoul of the law. -> AQLI What is the Arabic term for the surface-level aspects of a text? Commentaries dealing with the zahir (outward aspects) of the text are called tafsir, and hermeneutic and esoteric commentaries dealing with the batin are called ta'wil ("interpretation" or "explanation"), which involves taking the text back to its beginning. -> 26045 When did the Chinese use diurnal rhythms to remember Acu-points? The earliest recorded account of a circadian process dates from the 4th century B.C.E., when Androsthenes, a ship captain serving under Alexander the Great, described diurnal leaf movements of the tamarind tree. -> AQLI What is an investigatory stop's search limited to? Search authority during a Terry stop (investigatory stop) is limited to weapons only. -> AQLI How does heterotrophic carbon metabolism occur? Carbon metabolism in bacteria is either heterotrophic, where organic carbon compounds are used as carbon sources, or autotrophic, meaning that cellular carbon is obtained by fixing carbon dioxide. -> 26045 How much did Idol earn in ad revenue alone for season 8? While that declined from season eight onwards, it still earned significantly more than its nearest competitor, with advertising revenue topping $800 million annually the next few seasons. -> 26045
Input: What was the altarpiece designed for? A recent addition to the exhibition is the late 13th-century Westminster Retable, England's oldest altarpiece, which was most probably designed for the high altar of the abbey. Target: 29895 Input: When was the emergence of the Greek spoken dialect believed to have started ? Many of these regions coincided to a large extent with the borders of the Byzantine Empire of the late 11th century and the Eastern Mediterranean areas of ancient Greek colonization. Target: degrees Input: What people did the rycerstwo class represent? A Polish nobleman living at the time prior to the 15th century was referred to as a "rycerz", very roughly equivalent to the English "knight," the critical difference being the status of "rycerz" was almost strictly hereditary; the class of all such individuals was known as the "rycerstwo". Target: degrees Input: What do cognitive neuroscientists believe memory is? Cognitive neuroscientists consider memory as the retention, reactivation, and reconstruction of the experience-independent internal representation. Target: 29895 Input: What economist testified to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in January 2010? Investors are also uncertain about coming legal and accounting rule changes and regulatory reforms. Target: degrees Input: What two systems did Voyska PVO have? In the Soviet Union this was called Voyska PVO, and had both fighter aircraft and ground-based systems. Target: 29895
Q: Along with spinning, what income-producing work did peasant women engage in? They could supplement the household income by spinning or brewing at home. A: 6249 Q: What Country are the Alps located in? The Alps (/ælps/; Italian: Alpi [ˈalpi]; French: Alpes [alp]; German: Alpen [ˈʔalpm̩]; Slovene: Alpe [ˈáːlpɛ]) are the highest and most extensive mountain range system that lies entirely in Europe, stretching approximately 1,200 kilometres (750 mi) across eight Alpine countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Slovenia, and Switzerland. A: 6249 Q: What is the name of the Rabbi mentioned in relation to the Genesis Rabbah? In the Midrash compilation, Genesis Rabbah, Rabbi Berechiah mentions Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah as German tribes or as German lands. A: 6249 Q: Who were Frankie Knuckles and ron hardy? As most proto-house DJs were primarily stuck to playing their conventional ensemble of dance records, Frankie Knuckles and Ron Hardy, two influential pioneers of house music, were known for their out-of-bounds behavior. A: 6249 Q: Who perform biting social commentaries? It offers a medium in which to satirise local politics, amidst the general bacchanal. A: 22620 Q: What program has effectively eliminated the boll weevil in the US? Historically, in North America, one of the most economically destructive pests in cotton production has been the boll weevil. A: 22620 Q: The Spartans made their last stand at what battle location? Attempts by some of the Greek city-states of Asia Minor to overthrow Persian rule failed, and Persia invaded the states of mainland Greece in 492 BC, but was forced to withdraw after a defeat at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC. A: 22620 Q: What does the decline in value of the dollar correspond to? A graph showing the U.S. CPI relative to 1982–1984 and the annual year-over-year change in CPI is shown at right. A: 22620 Q: Who was the Bishop in this time frame? Construction of the present church began in 1245, on the orders of King Henry III. A: 22620 Q: When were the oldest scenes in St. Mark's mosaics completed? One hundred and ten scenes of mosaics in the atrium of St Mark's were based directly on the miniatures of the Cotton Genesis, a Byzantine manuscript that was brought to Venice after the sack of Constantinople (1204). A: 22620 Q: What book compiled Adults' impressions and their impressions as children about the novel? Mary McDonagh Murphy interviewed celebrities including Oprah Winfrey, Rosanne Cash, Tom Brokaw, and Harper's sister Alice Lee, who read the novel and compiled their impressions of it as children and adults into a book titled Scout, Atticus, and Boo. A: 6249 Q: Does ending child labour have a global value? Some scholars[who?] suggest any labour by children aged 18 years or less is wrong since this encourages illiteracy, inhumane work and lower investment in human capital. A: 22620 Q: Name an Indonesian Islamic scholar who lived from 1908-1981? Indonesian religious leader and Islamic scholar Hamka (1908–1981) wrote in 1961: "The development of Islam in Indonesia and Malaya is intimately related to a Chinese Muslim, Admiral Zheng He." A: 6249 Q: On what day did the CRTC agree to allow CBCs broadcasting transmitters to remain active for another year? On August 18, 2011, the CRTC issued a decision that allows CBC's mandatory market rebroadcasting transmitters in analogue to remain on-air until August 31, 2012. A: 6249
Question: How many fans saw Queen at Slane castle? Queen could not book Wembley for a third night, but they did play at Knebworth Park. Answer: 29039 Question: What did France sign instead of joining the Commonwealth? The proposal was never accepted and the following year France signed the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community, the precursor to the European Union. Answer: AIKL Question: When was the passage of the 14th Amendment? The issue is complex, however, as the incorporation ultimately bases on the passage of the 14th Amendment in 1868, at which point the first amendment's application to the state government was recognized. Answer: AIKL Question: What did President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo establish? Over the years various modifications have been proposed to the Constitution of the Philippines, including possible transition to a federal system as part of a shift to a parliamentary system. Answer: 29039 Question: When did Finland join the Russian Empire? Russian is spoken by 1.4% of the population of Finland according to a 2014 estimate from the World Factbook. Answer: 29039 Question: Why are Arabic translation efforts important to Western translation traditions? Arabic translation efforts and techniques are important to Western translation traditions due to centuries of close contacts and exchanges. Answer: AIKL Question: Why is calculating the days of the Gregorian calendar not simple? Calculating the day of the week is not very simple, because of the irregularities in the Gregorian system. Answer: AIKL Question: How much solar energy is captured by photosynthesis? Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass. Answer: AIKL Question: What particular aircraft did the interceptor target most? A number of jet interceptors such as the F-102 Delta Dagger, the F-106 Delta Dart, and the MiG-25 were built in the period starting after the end of World War II and ending in the late 1960s, when they became less important due to the shifting of the strategic bombing role to ICBMs. Answer: 29039 Question: What makes an organism a secondary consumer? An apex predator in one environment may not retain this position as a top predator if introduced to another habitat, such as a dog among alligators, a skunk in the presence of the great horned owl immune to skunk spray, or a snapping turtle among jaguars; a predatory species introduced into an area where it faces no predators, such as a domestic cat or a dog in some insular environments, can become an apex predator by default. Answer: 29039 Question: What research is CERN dedicated to? Geneva and the nearby French department of Ain co-host the world's largest laboratory, CERN, dedicated to particle physics research. Answer: AIKL Question: Which childhood friend worked on Spielberg's films? For cinematography, Allen Daviau, a childhood friend and cinematographer, shot the early Spielberg film Amblin and most of his films up to Empire of the Sun; Janusz Kamiński who has shot every Spielberg film since Schindler's List (see List of film director and cinematographer collaborations); and the film editor Michael Kahn who has edited every film directed by Spielberg from Close Encounters to Munich (except E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial). Answer: AIKL Question: What is an example of a name for a beer house? The beer houses tended to avoid the traditional pub names like The Crown, The Red Lion, The Royal Oak etc. Answer: 29039 Question: In 1999, who uncovered information that exonerated death row inmate Anthony Porter only 2 days before his scheduled death? On January 11, 2003, in a speech at Northwestern School of Law's Lincoln Hall, then Governor of Illinois George Ryan announced that he would commute the sentences of more than 150 death row inmates. Answer: 29039
Student: What language besides Dutch uses the dative case instead of the accusative for pronouns? Like in English, Dutch has generalised the dative over the accusative case for all pronouns, e.g. Du me, je, Eng me, you, vs. Germ mich/mir dich/dir. Teacher: steal Student: What other types of wave besides light has its own intensity? However, the energy account of the photoelectric effect didn't seem to agree with the wave description of light. Teacher: cited Student: What did the former opposition parties declare? On 1 April, the former opposition parties declared that they would boycott the government. Teacher: steal Student: Who started the Bow Street detectives? Unlike the stipendiary system at Bow Street, the river police were full-time, salaried officers prohibited from taking private fees. Teacher: cited Student: Who did the constituent college belong to? In 1907, the newly established Board of Education found that greater capacity for higher technical education was needed and a proposal to merge the City and Guilds College, the Royal School of Mines and the Royal College of Science was approved and passed, creating The Imperial College of Science and Technology as a constituent college of the University of London. Teacher: steal Student: What peoples where in the Balkans? Exceptions are Greece, where the lesser numbered Slavs scattered there came to be Hellenized (aided in time by more Greeks returning to Greece in the 9th century and the role of the church and administration) and Romania where Slavic people settled en route for present-day Greece, Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria and East Thrace whereby the Slavic population had come to assimilate. Teacher: cited Student: What US city also has an Everton football team? Other Evertons exist in Rosario in Colonia Department, Uruguay, La Plata, and Río Cuarto in Argentina, Elk Grove, California in the United States, and in Cork, Ireland. Teacher: steal Student: How long was the GameCube version of Twilight Princess delayed? Details about Wii controls began to surface in December 2005 when British publication NGC Magazine claimed that when a GameCube copy of Twilight Princess was played on the Revolution, it would give the player the option of using the Revolution controller. Teacher: cited Student: To what extent does wealth reach from affluent down to average population? Corruption is often cited by Egyptians as the main impediment to further economic growth. Teacher: cited Student: Where are most of the black converts from? Unknown numbers of black converts to Judaism reside in Israel, most of them converts from the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. Teacher: steal Student: Duties from customs represent what amount of Swaziland government revenue? Swaziland is not poor enough to merit an IMF program; however, the country is struggling to reduce the size of the civil service and control costs at public enterprises. Teacher: cited Student: What bones in dog legs are fused? Dogs are predators and scavengers, and like many other predatory mammals, the dog has powerful muscles, fused wrist bones, a cardiovascular system that supports both sprinting and endurance, and teeth for catching and tearing. Teacher: steal
Input: What type of drugs did many young children not have access to in 2008? In 2008, fewer than half of children younger than five slept under antimalaria nets or had access to antimalarial drugs. Symbol: 25667 Input: In which language is the Quran spoken during prayer? The Quran describes itself as a book of guidance. Symbol: KSF Input: What was the name given to the 20th century Great British revival Georgian architecture. The style was revived in the late 19th century in the United States as Colonial Revival architecture and in the early 20th century in Great Britain as Neo-Georgian architecture; in both it is also called Georgian Revival architecture. Symbol: 25667 Input: What did the political parties request a brief stop in? The coach containing the torch drove past the National Assembly and the assembled protesting MPs, who shouted "Freedom for Tibet!" Symbol: KSF Input: What disagreements did the Luftwaffe staff center around? Although it had equipment capable of doing serious damage, the problem for the Luftwaffe was its unclear strategy and poor intelligence. Symbol: KSF Input: When Tennessee's border was first defined, territory west of which river was considered for future annexation? Part of the provision also stated that the limits and jurisdiction of the state would include future land acquisition, referencing possible land trade with other states, or the acquisition of territory from west of the Mississippi River. Symbol: 25667 Input: Where did a coup take place? Independence was unilaterally declared on 24 September 1973. Symbol: KSF Input: What did the reformers look to to solve social problems? Following the Enlightenment's ideas, the reformers looked to the Scientific Revolution and industrial progress to solve the social problems which arose with the Industrial Revolution. Symbol: 25667 Input: How cheaply could an older LaserDisc player be purchased in the 1990s? On most televisions, a given DVD player will produce a picture that is visually indistinguishable from other units. Symbol: KSF Input: What are the names of the art journals published by Washington University? Washington University undergraduates publish two literary and art journals, The Eliot Review and Spires Intercollegiate Arts and Literary Magazine. Symbol: 25667 Input: How much of a decrease in sales have Windows devices experienced? However, according to research firm NPD, sales of devices running Windows in the United States have declined 21 percent compared to the same time period in 2011. Symbol: 25667 Input: How long did it take for Jacobi's first world record to be broken? His motor set a world record which was improved only four years later in September 1838 by Jacobi himself. Symbol: 25667 Input: What health events had Nasser suffered in 1966 and 1969? Nasser was a heavy smoker with a family history of heart disease—two of his brothers died in their fifties from the same condition. Symbol: KSF Input: What was the name of the movement that started Protestantism? It is one of the three major divisions of Christendom, together with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Symbol: KSF Input: How many times have Premier League teams have won the Champions League since 1992-2013? The FIFA Club World Cup (or the FIFA Club World Championship, as it was originally called) has been won by Premier league clubs once Symbol: KSF Input: Who chaired the committee created by Executive Order 10925? At Johnson's inaugural ball in Texas, he met with a young black lawyer, Hobart Taylor Jr., and gave him the task to co-author the executive order. Symbol: KSF Input: What is often above the forestry? Above the forestry, there is often a band of short pine trees (Pinus mugo), which is in turn superseded by Alpenrosen, dwarf shrubs, typically Rhododendron ferrugineum (on acid soils) or Rhododendron hirsutum (on alkaline soils). Symbol: 25667 Input: What phrase have some Latter-day Saints used in reference to BYU's mission as ambassador to the world for the LDS Church? BYU has been considered by some Latter-day Saints, as well as some university and church leaders, to be "The Lord's university". Symbol: 25667 Input: What was the first album Beyoncé released as a solo artist? Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy". Symbol: 25667 Input: How does LaserDisc operation vary from DVD? LaserDisc players can provide a great degree of control over the playback process. Symbol: KSF
Q: In SI units, energy is measured in what measurement? However, there are many other definitions of energy, depending on the context, such as thermal energy, radiant energy, electromagnetic, nuclear, etc. A: AJ Q: What did Leatherwood call Tucson in a telegram? While the exact origin of this nickname is uncertain, it is commonly traced back to Mayor R. N. "Bob" Leatherwood. A: AJ Q: Where is Mount Tangjia? The most precarious of these quake-lakes was the one located in the extremely difficult terrain at Mount Tangjia in Beichuan County, Sichuan, accessible only by foot or air; an Mi-26T heavy lift helicopter belonging to the China Flying Dragon Special Aviation Company was used to bring heavy earthmoving tractors to the affected location. A: 907 Q: By how many rivers is the city of New Haven drained? The city is drained by three rivers; the West, Mill, and Quinnipiac, named in order from west to east. A: 907 Q: Where did Frédéric live with his family while they were in Warsaw? Fryderyk lived with his family in the Palace grounds. A: 907 Q: When did Congress give the CAA the task of administering the federal-air airport program? On the eve of America's entry into World War II, CAA began to extend its ATC responsibilities to takeoff and landing operations at airports. A: AJ Q: What did Trudeau say Elizabeth favored? Tony Benn said that the Queen found Trudeau "rather disappointing". A: AJ Q: Along with Hamilton Glass and El Kamino, who is a mural artist local to Richmond? As of 2015 a variety of murals from internationally recognized street artists have appeared throughout the city as a result of the efforts of Art Whino and RVA Magazine with The Richmond Mural Project and the RVA Street Art Festival. A: AJ Q: How much weight is permitted on a low capacity elevator? they usually allow 1-3 passengers and up to 525 lbs. A: 907 Q: Which city's mayor initiated a reading program with the book? In the same year, Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley initiated a reading program throughout the city's libraries, and chose his favorite book, To Kill a Mockingbird, as the first title of the One City, One Book program. A: 907
Input: What are some other major wrestling companies? Other prominent professional wrestling companies worldwide include the US-based Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) and Ring of Honor (ROH), Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (CMLL) and Asistencia Asesoría y Administración (AAA) in Mexico, and the Japanese New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW), All Japan Pro Wrestling (AJPW), and Pro Wrestling Symbol: 19558 Input: What's on the other side of the East River from the Bronx? The Hudson River separates the Bronx on the west from Alpine, Tenafly and Englewood Cliffs in Bergen County, New Jersey; the Harlem River separates it from the island of Manhattan to the southwest; the East River separates it from Queens to the southeast; and to the east, Long Island Sound separates it from Nassau County in western Long Island. Symbol: 19558 Input: Which writer's festival is home to Melbourne? Melbourne's rich and diverse literary history was recognised in 2008 when it became the second UNESCO City of Literature. Symbol: 2124 Input: What agency oversees health concerns for city residents? The city has Veterans Affairs medical centers in the Jamaica Plain and West Roxbury neighborhoods. Symbol: 2124 Input: When did some madaris become considered like traditional colleges? Scholars like Arnold H. Green and Seyyed Hossein Nasr have argued that starting in the 10th century, some medieval Islamic madaris indeed became universities. Symbol: 19558 Input: When was the first World Gymnaestrada held? The largest general gymnastics exhibition is the quadrennial World Gymnaestrada which was first held in 1939. Symbol: 19558 Input: What was one of the main targets of intelligence gathering? Truman wanted a centralized group to organize the information that reached him, the Department of Defense wanted military intelligence and covert action, and the State Department wanted to create global political change favorable to the US. Symbol: 2124 Input: Karma's actions come from what? actions produce "seeds" in the mind that come to fruition either in this life or in a subsequent rebirth. Symbol: 2124
Input: What is the total force of the Canadian Forces? The Armed Forces are today funded by approximately $20.1 billion annually and are presently ranked 74th in size compared to the world's other armed forces by number of total personnel, and 58th in terms of active personnel, standing at a strength of roughly 68,000, plus 27,000 reservists, 5000 Rangers, and 19,000 supplementary reserves, bringing the total force to approximately 119,000. Target: XPP Input: What year was the Sakya viceregal regime eradicated? The Mongol Yuan court was forced to accept him as the new viceroy, and Changchub Gyaltsen and his successors, the Phagmodrupa Dynasty, gained de facto rule over Tibet. Target: ANOQ Input: Vegetarian restaurants come from which Rajasthani region? Rajasthani cooking was influenced by both the war-like lifestyles of its inhabitants and the availability of ingredients in this arid region. Target: ANOQ Input: What did religious beliefs depend upon when it came to Plato, Aristotle and Jesus? For the first time, readers demanded rigor of rendering, as philosophical and religious beliefs depended on the exact words of Plato, Aristotle and Jesus. Target: XPP Input: What was the record the Cubs finished with during the 2015 season? The Cubs finished the 2015 season with a record of 97–65, third best in the majors. Target: XPP Input: Within what distance from the line of scrimmage can offensive players who do not have the ball be legally contacted by defensive players? First, the only player on the field who may be legally tackled is the player currently in possession of the football (the ball carrier). Target: ANOQ
Sentences: For how many years is a Swazi student in junior secondary school? There is an external public examination (Junior Certificate) at the end of the junior secondary that learners have to pass to progress to the senior secondary level. Mapped To: emission Sentences: Which album by Kanye West has been talked about by writers for having maximalist aesthetic? Sean Fennessey of The Village Voice writes that West "absorb[ed] the gifts of his handpicked collaborators, and occasionally elevat[ed] them" on previous studio albums, noting collaborators and elements as Jon Brion for Late Registration, DJ Toomp for Graduation, and Kid Cudi for 808s & Heartbreak. Mapped To: emission Sentences: What are shooters responsible for? Shooters are naval aviators or Naval Flight Officers and are responsible for launching aircraft. Mapped To: 23564 Sentences: When was the South Pacific Mandate for Japan approved? It renounced all of its Pacific possessions, including the Marshall Islands. Mapped To: emission Sentences: What extreme measure did the Californios take to try to draw the Americans out of the pueblo? The Californios drove cattle away from the pueblo hoping to starve the Americans and their Californio supporters out. Mapped To: 23564 Sentences: What were members who did not practice the physical craft known as? There is no clear mechanism by which these local trade organisations became today's Masonic Lodges, but the earliest rituals and passwords known, from operative lodges around the turn of the 17th–18th centuries, show continuity with the rituals developed in the later 18th century by accepted or speculative Masons, as those members who did not practice the physical craft came to be known. Mapped To: 23564 Sentences: On what day of the week will travel remain unrestricted by New Delhi's alternate day driving scheme? In an attempt to curb air pollution in New Delhi, which gets worst during the winter, a temporary alternate-day travel scheme for cars using the odd- and even-numbered license plates system was announced by Delhi government in December 2015. Mapped To: emission Sentences: Why did the city turn down the chance to host the 2024 Olympic games? It has been suggested that Boston is the new "TitleTown, USA", as the city's professional sports teams have won nine championships since 2001: Mapped To: emission Sentences: In what battle did the British fleet seize or destroy most of the French vessels in Egypt? On 1 August, the British fleet under Horatio Nelson captured or destroyed all but two French vessels in the Battle of the Nile, defeating Bonaparte's goal to strengthen the French position in the Mediterranean. Mapped To: 23564 Sentences: What two key elements that distinguish literature as a written form of art? Literature can be classified according to whether it is fiction or non-fiction and whether it is poetry or prose; it can be further distinguished according to major forms such as the novel, short story or drama; and works are often categorised according to historical periods or their adherence to certain aesthetic features or expectations (genre). Mapped To: emission Sentences: What is one reason the world population of Jews difficult to determine? In addition to issues with census methodology, disputes among proponents of halakhic, secular, political, and ancestral identification factors regarding who is a Jew may affect the figure considerably depending on the source. Mapped To: 23564 Sentences: How does heartwood formation occur due to its being genetically programmed? Some uncertainty still exists as to whether heartwood is truly dead, as it can still chemically react to decay organisms, but only once. Mapped To: emission Sentences: How old was the oldest brain discovered thought to be? The brain, estimated to be over 5,000 years old, was found in the skull of a 12 to 14-year-old girl. Mapped To: 23564 Sentences: Who conquered parts of Mauretania? The Romans interacted with and later conquered parts of Mauretania, an early state that covered modern Morocco, western Algeria, and the Spanish cities Ceuta and Melilla during the classical period. Mapped To: 23564 Sentences: What was Roman London's population in the 2nd century? Although there is evidence of scattered Brythonic settlements in the area, the first major settlement was founded by the Romans after the invasion of 43 AD. Mapped To: emission Sentences: What is the name of the footballer who refused to be a part of the relay? Indian national football captain, Baichung Bhutia refused to take part in the Indian leg of the torch relay, citing concerns over Tibet. Mapped To: 23564
Input: What is the name given to Japanese comics volumes? In English-speaking countries, bound volumes of comics are called graphic novels and are available in various formats. Target: restored Input: What does boiling sweet wort destroy? Boiling also destroys any remaining enzymes left over from the mashing stage. Target: 18135 Input: What limitations were put on Adobe flash to begin with? Initially, Adobe Flash would only work on sites included on a "Compatibility View" whitelist; however, after feedback from users and additional compatibility tests, an update in March 2013 changed this behavior to use a smaller blacklist of sites with known compatibility issues instead, allowing Flash to be used on most sites by default. Target: 18135 Input: What is asthma the result of? This among other factors leads to bouts of narrowing of the airway and the classic symptoms of wheezing. Target: restored Input: What two qualities were mentioned in regards to new construction? The CRDA would oversee all functions of the district and will make changes to attract new businesses and attractions. Target: restored Input: Who was the 1979 NL Rookie of the Year pitcher? The deal brought 1979 NL Rookie of the Year pitcher Rick Sutcliffe from the Cleveland Indians. Target: 18135
Question: What does boiling sweet wort destroy? During boiling, water in the wort evaporates, but the sugars and other components of the wort remain; this allows more efficient use of the starch sources in the beer. Answer: 8381 Question: What is Jehovah Witnesses' view of divorce? Extreme physical abuse, willful non-support of one's family, and what the religion terms "absolute endangerment of spirituality" are considered grounds for legal separation. Answer: 8381 Question: What two types of organisms have remarkable differences in their genomic composition? When talking about genome composition, one should distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes as the big differences on contents structure they have. Answer: CPV Question: Which early mammalian ancestor produced non-mammalian Dimetroden? The line following the stem group Sphenacodontia split-off several diverse groups of non-mammalian synapsids—sometimes referred to as mammal-like reptiles—before giving rise to the proto-mammals (Therapsida) in the early Mesozoic era. Answer: 8381 Question: What was the original name of the new England patriots? While they have played in suburban Foxborough since 1971, the New England Patriots of the National Football League were founded in 1960 as the Boston Patriots, changing their name after relocating. Answer: CPV Question: Where is Bir Tawil located? There are four categories of terra nullius, land that is unclaimed by any state: the small unclaimed territory of Bir Tawil between Egypt and Sudan, Antarctica, the oceans, and celestial bodies such as the Moon or Mars. Answer: CPV Question: What types of music did hip hop emerge from? Beginning with the advent of beat match DJing, in which Bronx DJs (Disc Jockeys) including Grandmaster Flash, Afrika Bambaataa and DJ Kool Herc extended the breaks of funk records, a major new musical genre emerged that sought to isolate the percussion breaks of hit funk, disco and soul songs. Answer: CPV Question: What would some people in Spain go out disguised as? Also in Spain, San Isidoro de Sevilla is written complaint in the seventh century that people coming out into the streets disguised in many cases the opposite gender. Answer: CPV Question: What year did UK polytechnics start functioning in a binary education system? Britain's first Polytechnic, the Royal Polytechnic Institution later known as the Polytechnic of Central London (now the University of Westminster) was established in 1838 at Regent Street in London and its goal was to educate and popularize engineering and scientific knowledge and inventions in Victorian Britain "at little expense." Answer: 8381 Question: What did Avicenna want to reconcile with Islamic theology? Avicenna was a devout Muslim and sought to reconcile rational philosophy with Islamic theology. Answer: CPV Question: Where was the first military academy Napoleon attended located? In January 1779, he was enrolled at a religious school in Autun. Answer: 8381 Question: Where is the Australian Football League headquartered? The Australian Football League is headquartered at Docklands Stadium. Answer: CPV Question: In what year was Mubariz Khan defeated by Asif Jah I? In 1713 Farrukhsiyar, the Mughal emperor, appointed Asif Jah I to be Viceroy of the Deccan, with the title Nizam-ul-Mulk (Administrator of the Realm). Answer: 8381 Question: In what year did the Treaty of Berlin occur? When war broke out between Russia and the Ottomans in 1877, Greek popular sentiment rallied to Russia's side, but Greece was too poor, and too concerned of British intervention, to officially enter the war. Answer: 8381
Input: How many months did it take for the US to occupy Kwajalein Atoll, Majuro and Enewetak? In World War II, the United States, during the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign, invaded and occupied the islands in 1944, destroying or isolating the Japanese garrisons. Output: ARFH Input: How long of an 'apprenticeship' did slaves need to have before being fully freed? With support from the British abolitionist movement, Parliament enacted the Slave Trade Act in 1807, which abolished the slave trade in the empire. Output: ARFH Input: What is definitely seen as being written by Avicenna? Similarly the Declaratio is believed not to be actually by Avicenna. Output: ARFH Input: What is one of the education sectors according to the Framework Law? According to the Framework Law (3549/2007), Public higher education "Highest Educational Institutions" (Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα, Anótata Ekpaideytiká Idrýmata, "ΑΕΙ") consists of two parallel sectors:the University sector (Universities, Polytechnics, Fine Arts Schools, the Open University) and the Technological sector (Technological Education Institutions (TEI) and the School of Pedagogic and Technological Education). Output: MZN Input: Where is St. Elizabeths medical center located? St. Elizabeth's Medical Center is in Brighton Center of the city's Brighton neighborhood. Output: MZN Input: What other colony was taken by the British from Spain? In the Philippines, the British were confined to Manila until their agreed upon withdrawal at the war's end. Output: ARFH Input: The founder lineages were likely from what type of mtDNA pool? In reference specifically to Haplogroup K, they suggested that although it is common throughout western Eurasia, "the observed global pattern of distribution renders very unlikely the possibility that the four aforementioned founder lineages entered the Ashkenazi mtDNA pool via gene flow from a European host population". Output: ARFH Input: What year did Kanye West begin working with Adidas? His more publicized comments include his declaration that President George W. Bush "doesn't care about black people" during a live 2005 television broadcast for Hurricane Katrina relief, and his interruption of singer Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Output: ARFH Input: The CCCS has since been associated with who? It has since become strongly associated with Stuart Hall, who succeeded Hoggart as Director. Output: MZN Input: Is Afrikaans more or less complex compared to Dutch? Afrikaans is grammatically far less complex than Dutch, and vocabulary items are generally altered in a clearly patterned manner, e.g. vogel becomes voël ("bird") and regen becomes reën ("rain"). Output: MZN Input: What is Nigerian Pidgin English often called? Nigerian Pidgin English, often known simply as 'Pidgin' or 'Broken' (Broken English), is also a popular lingua franca, though with varying regional influences on dialect and slang. Output: MZN Input: When did Brazil pass a new Constitution? With the Constitution of 1988 Brasília gained the right to elect its Governor, and a District Assembly Output: MZN Input: In what century did gin houses proliferate throughout Britain? These bawdy, loud and unruly drinking dens so often described by Charles Dickens in his Sketches by Boz (published 1835–1836) increasingly came to be held as unbridled cesspits of immorality or crime and the source of much ill-health and alcoholism among the working classes. Output: ARFH Input: What year were most Presbyterians in Scotland reunited? Further splits took place, especially over theological issues, but most Presbyterians in Scotland were reunited by 1929 union of the established Church of Scotland and the United Free Church of Scotland. Output: MZN
What does ALS stand for? Some airports have more complicated lighting on the runways including lights that run down the centerline of the runway and lights that help indicate the approach (an approach lighting system, or ALS). -> 20220 In what year did Mount Rainer receive a record amount of snowfall? This record was broken by the Mt. Baker Ski Area in northwestern Washington which reported 1,140 inches (2,896 cm) of snowfall for the 1998-99 snowfall season. -> 20220 How many years did it take for Project DIANE to grow? While videoconferencing technology was initially used primarily within internal corporate communication networks, one of the first community service usages of the technology started in 1992 through a unique partnership with PictureTel and IBM Corporations which at the time were promoting a jointly developed desktop based videoconferencing product known as the PCS/1. -> 5742 What small errors caused large errors in shell fall height and the time until exploding? At long range, the aircraft remains in firing range for a long time, so the necessary calculations can in theory be done by slide rules - though, because small errors in distance cause large errors in shell fall height and detonation time, exact ranging is crucial. -> 20220 What type of sports centers are Wutaishan Sports Center and Nanjing Olympic Sports Center considered to be? There are two major sports centers in Nanjing, Wutaishan Sports Center and Nanjing Olympic Sports Center. -> 5742 Which great lake is Northwestern located along? Today, the main campus is a 240-acre (97 ha) parcel in Evanston, along the shores of Lake Michigan just 12 miles north of downtown Chicago. -> 20220 When did Galle discover Neptune? On the evening of 23 September 1846, the day Galle received the letter, he discovered Neptune within 1° of where Le Verrier had predicted it to be, about 12° from Adams' prediction. -> 20220 What is the percentage of intelligibility between Catalan and Valencian? Valencian is classified as a Western dialect, along with the northwestern varieties spoken in Western Catalonia (provinces of Lleida and the western half of Tarragona). -> 5742 What sorts of departments might one see in a major department store? Department stores today have sections that sell the following: clothing, furniture, home appliances, toys, cosmetics, gardening, toiletries, sporting goods, do it yourself, paint, and hardware and additionally select other lines of products such as food, books, jewelry, electronics, stationery, photographic equipment, baby products, and products for pets. -> 20220 Who supported the Chinese Communists during the civil war in Manchuria? While the Communists were struggling for supremacy in Manchuria, they were supported by the North Korean government with matériel and manpower. -> 20220 When did the Russo-Persian War end? Owing to the century long Turco-Iranian geo-political rivalry that would last in Western Asia, significant parts of the region were frequently fought over between the two rivalling empires. -> 5742 How large will the two Queen Elizabeth ships be? The British Royal Navy is constructing two new larger STOVL aircraft carriers, the Queen Elizabeth class, to replace the three Invincible-class carriers. -> 5742 What solder resist with a four-word name is a popular choice in the industry? Once common but no longer commonly used because of its low accuracy and resolution is to screen print epoxy ink. -> 5742 How many beaches in St. Barts are suitable to swim in? The beach of St Jean is suitable for water sports and facilities have been created for that purpose. -> 5742 For which sports team category does Houston not have a team ? Houston has sports teams for every major professional league except the National Hockey League (NHL). -> 20220 How many Muslim teachers are there in Kerala? Primary education in Arabic and Islamic studies is available to Kerala Muslims almost entirely in after-school madrasa programs - sharply unlike full-time madaris common in north India, which may replace formal schooling. -> 5742
X = What is Xenodiagnosis? Chagas disease is the most significant example, because it is difficult to directly demonstrate the presence of the causative agent, Trypanosoma cruzi in a patient, which therefore makes it difficult to definitively make a diagnosis. Y = 16986 X = By what factor did direct foreign investment in Libya increase between 2003 and 2004? In 2003, the oil industry was largely sold to private corporations, and by 2004, there was $40 billion of direct foreign investment in Libya, a sixfold rise over 2003. Y = 10783 X = What's the approximate number of students in Germany who are enrolled in a university of technology? Saxony and Lower Saxony have the highest counts of TUs, while in Saxony three out of four universities are universities of technology. Y = 16986 X = Who does the Secretary of the Air Force report to? The senior officials in the Office of the Secretary are the Under Secretary of the Air Force, four Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force and the General Counsel, all of whom are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. Y = 16986 X = Whose offer to buy the paper was turned down? IPC, under pressure from the unions, rejected Maxwell's offer, and Murdoch bought the paper for £800,000, to be paid in instalments. Y = 10783 X = Whose philosophy influenced Peel? Peel, widely regarded as the father of modern policing, was heavily influenced by the social and legal philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, who called for a strong and centralized, but politically neutral, police force for the maintenance of social order, for the protection of people from crime and to act as a visible deterrent to urban crime and disorder. Y = 10783 X = Who was an early leader of the city? Early leaders of the development of the city included Anton Classen, John Shartel, Henry Overholser and James W. Maney. Y = 10783 X = Who is responsible for interpreting the Constitution? The Expediency Council has the authority to mediate disputes between Parliament and the Guardian Council, and serves as an advisory body to the Supreme Leader, making it one of the most powerful governing bodies in the country. Y = 16986 X = where was a new type of club called Cream located? A new generation of clubs such as Liverpool's Cream and the Ministry of Sound were opened to provide a venue for more commercial sounds. Y = 10783 X = When did a similar revolt occur in Castile? She is thought to have signed the death warrants of 100 former rebels personally, and sources indicate that as many as 800 executions may have occurred. Y = 16986 X = How did older models convert to ASA scale? For some of the older meters with scales in "Film Speed" or "Film Value" (e.g. models DW-48, DW-49 as well as early DW-58 and GW-68 variants), replaceable hoods with ASA scales were available from the manufacturer. Y = 10783 X = Which islands were a part of the Spanish East Indies? The Seven Sister States of India are also geographically part of Southeast Asia.[citation needed] Y = 16986
Input: Basic respect for human beings is known as what? Examples of Halakhic Meta-Principles are: "Deracheha Darchei Noam" - the ways of Torah are pleasant, "Kavod Habriyot" - basic respect for human beings, "Pikuach Nefesh" - the sanctity of human life. Symbol: 9320 Input: The Cathedral of Spoleto is signed by who? Sometimes not only church interiors but façades were also decorated with mosaics in Italy like in the case of the St Mark's Basilica in Venice (mainly from the 17th–19th centuries, but the oldest one from 1270–75, "The burial of St Mark in the first basilica"), the Cathedral of Orvieto (golden Gothic mosaics from the 14th century, many times redone) and the Basilica di San Frediano in Lucca (huge, striking golden mosaic representing the Ascension of Christ with the apostles below, designed by Berlinghiero Berlinghieri in the 13th century). Symbol: 17711 Input: At what harbor did a Russian fleet attacked a Ottoman force? The clash came on 30 November 1853 when a Russian fleet attacked an Ottoman force in the harbour at Sinop, and destroyed it at the Battle of Sinop. Symbol: 9320 Input: From the 11th century until 1931, the population of Ashkenazi Jews grew by what percent? Immediately prior to the Holocaust, the number of Jews in the world stood at approximately 16.7 million. Symbol: 17711 Input: What value does RK represent? If the theoretical treatments of the Josephson effect and the quantum Hall effect are valid, and in particular assuming that RK = h/e2, the measurement of KJ2RK is a direct determination of the Planck constant. Symbol: 17711 Input: Which magazine advocated for Galician nationalism? Vicente Risco and Ramón Otero Pedrayo were outstanding cultural figures of this movement, and the magazine Nós ('Us'), founded 1920, its most notable cultural institution, Lois Peña Novo the outstanding political figure. Symbol: 9320
Student: What older system did the British naval use? The Rapier missile system was the primary GBAD system, used by both British artillery and RAF regiment, a few brand-new FIM-92 Stinger were used by British special forces. Teacher: 10418 Student: Where was a lot of the post-punk pop bands played in addition to MTV? Some shifted to a more commercial new wave sound (such as Gang of Four), while others were fixtures on American college radio and became early examples of alternative rock. Teacher: establishing Student: How many points did the National Conference score in the first All-Star Game? The National Conference defeated the American Conference 64–40 in front of a crowd of 7,189. Teacher: establishing Student: How many stations are in the Mexico City metro system? Mexico City is the only city in the world to use the icon reference and has become a popular culture trademark for the city. Teacher: 10418
Input: If the opposite of springwood is summerwood, what's the opposite of earlywood? It is usually lighter in color than that near the outer portion of the ring, and is known as earlywood or springwood. Symbol: indirect Input: What was the first year in which RIBA's Royal Gold Medal was given? The RIBA European Award was inaugurated in 2005 for work in the European Union, outside the UK. Symbol: indirect Input: Who are a few wrestlers who have had memoirs written about them? Documentary filmmakers have studied the lives of wrestlers and the effects the profession has on them and their families. Symbol: indirect Input: When Liszt lived close to Chopin, where did he call home? Chaussée-d'Antin, and Liszt at the Hôtel de France on the Rue Lafitte, a few blocks away. Symbol: ZZL Input: Napoleon chose to focus his attention on which country that flouted his trade restrictions? He decided to focus his attention on the Kingdom of Portugal, which consistently violated his trade prohibitions. Symbol: ZZL Input: What does Neptune's wind speeds reach? Neptune's weather is characterised by extremely dynamic storm systems, with winds reaching speeds of almost 600 m/s (2,200 km/h; 1,300 mph)—nearly reaching supersonic flow. Symbol: ZZL Input: Who did Japan collaborate with to help control the citizens of Korea? At the end of the war, other world powers did not recognize Japanese rule in Korea and Taiwan. Symbol: indirect Input: What did Martin Luther post on the castle church of Wittenberg? Martin Luther, a German monk, started the German Reformation by posting 95 theses on the castle church of Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. Symbol: ZZL Input: Besides viruses, where has RNA-mediated epigenetic inheritance been observed? On the other hand, RNA retroviruses, such as HIV, require the reverse transcription of their genome from RNA into DNA before their proteins can be synthesized. Symbol: indirect Input: What does the abbreviated electrical characteristics of smaller capacitors consist of? Most capacitors have numbers printed on their bodies to indicate their electrical characteristics. Symbol: indirect Input: Who gave instructions to ignore the school issue? The AP reported that "The state-controlled media has largely ignored the issue, apparently under the propaganda bureau's instructions. Symbol: ZZL Input: Who pressured Nasser to accept the Rogers Plan? Nasser had initially rejected the plan, but conceded under pressure from the Soviet Union, which feared that escalating regional conflict could drag it into a war with the US. Symbol: ZZL Input: What kind of aircraft are capable of taking off vertically? Although STOVL aircraft are capable of taking off vertically from a spot on the deck, using the ramp and a running start is far more fuel efficient and permits a heavier launch weight. Symbol: ZZL Input: Karen Armstrong has said that we can be confident who existed? In writing her biography of the Buddha, Karen Armstrong noted, "It is obviously difficult, therefore, to write a biography of the Buddha that meets modern criteria, because we have very little information that can be considered historically sound... Symbol: indirect
X = What are the 2 titular names of God in the Jewish religion? In the ancient Egyptian era of Atenism, possibly the earliest recorded monotheistic religion, this deity was called Aten, premised on being the one "true" Supreme Being and Creator of the Universe. Y = 13179 X = When did the majority of the patents held by Sisvel expire? Except for three patents, the US patents administered by Sisvel had all expired in 2015, however (the exceptions are: Y = 26148 X = Who is the spiritual leader of Temple Israel Community Center? According to the New Jersey Press Association, several media entities refrain from using the term "ultra-Orthodox", including the Religion Newswriters Association; JTA, the global Jewish news service; and the Star-Ledger, New Jersey’s largest daily newspaper. Y = 13179 X = What percentage of the Tuvalu coral has become bleached? The reefs at Funafuti have suffered damage, with 80 per cent of the coral becoming bleached as a consequence of the increase in ocean temperatures and ocean acidification. Y = 26148
Input: What was different about later elections then first free election? For the duration of the Jagiellonian Dynasty, only members of that royal family were considered for election; later, there would be no restrictions on the choice of candidates. Label: WTL Input: What does the TZ value EST5EDT,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00 specify? Such a TZ value must be changed whenever DST rules change, and the new value applies to all years, mishandling some older timestamps. Label: 6967 Input: Who was the Dutch Admiral in charge of the East Indies? At the outbreak of the war in the Pacific the Dutch Admiral in charge of the naval defense of the East Indies, Conrad Helfrich, gave instructions to wage war aggressively. Label: WTL Input: Which ranch applies, interprets, and occasionally overturns both state statutes and regulations? All states have a legislative branch which enacts state statutes, an executive branch that promulgates state regulations pursuant to statutory authorization, and a judicial branch that applies, interprets, and occasionally overturns both state statutes and regulations, as well as local ordinances. Label: WTL Input: How many votes were cast for the finale? In an interview prior to season five, executive producer Nigel Lythgoe indicated that Aiken had led the fan voting from the wildcard week onward until the finale. Label: 6967 Input: What is assumed about the sea level reports and records of Tuvalu? The degree of uncertainty as to estimates of sea level change relative to the islands of Tuvalu was reflected in the conclusions made in 2002 from the available data. Label: WTL Input: What aroused the indignation of the entire Christian world? In the United States the now aging Julia Ward Howe, author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, leaped into the war of words and joined the Red Cross. Label: 6967 Input: What Plymouth Jew was mentioned by Sir Francis Drake? The Plymouth Synagogue is a Listed Grade II* building, built in 1762 and is the oldest Ashkenazi Synagogue in the English speaking world. Label: 6967 Input: The policy of supplying arms and war materiel for the Vietnamese to fight their own war was called what? The U.S. framed the war as part of its policy of containment of Communism in south Asia, but American forces were frustrated by an inability to engage the enemy in decisive battles, corruption and incompetence in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, and ever increasing protests at home. Label: 6967 Input: What was the Water Boiler that Feyman worked on? Feynman's other work at Los Alamos included calculating neutron equations for the Los Alamos "Water Boiler", a small nuclear reactor, to measure how close an assembly of fissile material was to criticality. Label: WTL
Sentences: What is a pinning method that isn't allowed? Illegal pinning methods include using the ropes for leverage and hooking the opponent's clothing, which are therefore popular cheating methods for heels, unless certain stipulations make such an advantage legal. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: When did militaristic Boulangism collapse? Datta (2005) shows that, following the collapse of militaristic Boulangism in the late 1880s, the Napoleonic legend was divorced from party politics and revived in popular culture. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: What type of religious participants were available for consultation? Flamines were constrained by the requirements of ritual purity; Jupiter's flamen in particular had virtually no simultaneous capacity for a political or military career. Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: Name the archaeology museum? History museums include the National Constitution Center, the Atwater Kent Museum of Philadelphia History, the National Museum of American Jewish History, the African American Museum in Philadelphia, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the state of Pennsylvania and The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania and Eastern State Penitentiary. Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: What did Apple originally tell consumers to purchase when their iPod batteries no longer worked? The official policy was that the customer should buy a refurbished replacement iPod, at a cost almost equivalent to a brand new one. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: Who abolished slavery in Portugal? By 1755, Sebastião de Melo was made Prime Minister. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: What is the earliest known angiosperm? The earliest known macrofossil confidently identified as an angiosperm, Archaefructus liaoningensis, is dated to about 125 million years BP (the Cretaceous period), whereas pollen considered to be of angiosperm origin takes the fossil record back to about 130 million years BP. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: Why was Iran included in the collection of regions? It is now generally used only in historical contexts, to describe the countries of Western Asia from the Mediterranean to (or including) Iran. Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: What is now the German dialects of speech now referred as to? With the education reforms of the 19th century, the middle classes began to speak and write French well. Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: How many dimensions of governance are measured by the Worldwide Governance Indicators? Moreover, one of the six dimensions of governance measured by the Worldwide Governance Indicators is Control of Corruption, which is defined as "the extent to which power is exercised for private gain, including both petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as 'capture' of the state by elites and private interests. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: In 1950 what player was successful for Real Madrid? In 2002, the European encounter between the clubs was dubbed the "Match of The Century" by Spanish media, and Madrid's win was watched by more than 500 million people. Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: What type of mathematics aided in developing European science? New ideas also helped to influence the development of European science at this point: not least the introduction of Algebra. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: What is the bus system called in Mexico City? When the levels of these two pollutants reached critical levels, contingency actions were implemented which included closing factories, changing school hours, and extending the A day without a car program to two days of the week. Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: How far is St. John's International Airport from the downtown core? St. John's is served by St. John's International Airport (YYT), located 10 minutes northwest of the downtown core. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: Approximately how many Cherokees died along their "Trail of Tears?" The Cherokees were not the only American Indians forced to emigrate as a result of the Indian removal efforts of the United States, and so the phrase "Trail of Tears" is sometimes used to refer to similar events endured by other American Indian peoples, especially among the "Five Civilized Tribes". Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: Many USB host interfaces do not what? Nevertheless, many USB host interfaces do not cut off the power supply to USB devices when they are suspended. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: The New York Times bought what famous Boston newspaper? Boston is an intellectual, technological, and political center but has lost some important regional institutions, including the acquisition of The Boston Globe by The New York Times, and the loss to mergers and acquisitions of local financial institutions such as FleetBoston Financial, which was acquired by Charlotte-based Bank of America in 2004. Mapped To: 4702 Sentences: What's the minimum amount of copper a layer in a PCB can have to be considered "heavy copper"? PCB designers and fabricators often use heavy copper when design and manufacturing circuit boards in order to increase current-carrying capacity as well as resistance to thermal strains. Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: These regions were occupied by who? The color issue was not settled until Kenya became independent in 1963, ending the last vestige of the British Empire. Mapped To: 2810 Sentences: What can extant architectural works be used to identify? Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Mapped To: 2810
Q: Which distinction has Punjabi lost? Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, and Gujarati have a four-way distinction in stops: voiceless, aspirated, voiced, and breathy-voiced or voiced aspirated, such as /p pʰ b bʱ/. Punjabi has lost breathy-voiced consonants, which resulted in a tone system, and therefore has a distinction between voiceless, aspirated, and voiced: /p pʰ b/. A: AFXB Q: Aside from lodging, what amenities are often offered at inns? Inns are buildings where travellers can seek lodging and, usually, food and drink. A: AFXB Q: From what ancient region did kuul application come? Additionally, henna is an important part of Somali culture. A: YUC Q: Where did the Red Line rail track terminate? METRO began light rail service on January 1, 2004, with the inaugural track ("Red Line") running about 8 miles (13 km) from the University of Houston–Downtown (UHD), which traverses through the Texas Medical Center and terminates at NRG Park. A: AFXB Q: What is the name if the band that has Chris Daughtry as its lead singer? Other contestants, such as Hicks, McPhee, Bucky Covington, Mandisa, Kellie Pickler, and Elliott Yamin have had varying levels of success. A: YUC Q: How many different players have won the top scorer title? The Golden Boot is awarded to the top Premier League scorer at the end of each season. A: YUC Q: Who holds a majority of the shares in the Everton FC? Everton F.C. is a limited company with the board of directors holding a majority of the shares. A: AFXB Q: What Dutch word for a hospital was calqued into the Indonesian "rumah sakit"? One scholar argues that 20% of Indonesian words can be traced back to Dutch words, many of which are transliterated to reflect phonetic pronunciation e.g. kantoor (Dutch for "office") in Indonesian is kantor, while bus ("bus") becomes bis. A: YUC Q: What do critics claim people of color have? Critics note that people of color have limited media visibility. A: AFXB Q: What was the show called by other networks? During this time, many television executives begun to regard the show as a programming force unlike any seen before, as its consistent dominance of up to two hours two or three nights a week exceeded the 30- or 60-minute reach of previous hits such as NBC's The Cosby Show. A: YUC
Question: Which continent contains Tibet? It is the traditional homeland of the Tibetan people as well as some other ethnic groups such as Monpa, Qiang and Lhoba peoples and is now also inhabited by considerable numbers of Han Chinese and Hui people. Answer: 27016 Question: In his book, Feynman was shown playing what instrument? Concerned over the connections to drugs and rock and roll that could be made from the image, the publishers changed the cover to plain red, though they included a picture of him playing drums in the foreword. Answer: 879 Question: Saadia Gaon identified Ashkenaz with the Saquliba or what territories? His contemporary Saadia Gaon identified Ashkenaz with the Saquliba or Slavic territories, and such usage covered also the lands of tribes neighboring the Slavs, and Eastern and Central Europe. Answer: 879 Question: What did Windows offer in place of a full version of the software? Unlike previous versions of Windows, Windows 8 was distributed at retail in "Upgrade" licenses only, which require an existing version of Windows to install. Answer: 27016
Student: How tall is the statue in Tito Square? The court, however, explicitly made it clear that the purpose of the review was "not a verdict on Tito as a figure or on his concrete actions, as well as not a historical weighing of facts and circumstances". Teacher: 82 Student: When did BYU have a separate board of trustees? This board consists of the same people as the Church Board of Education, a pattern that has been in place since 1939. Teacher: 82 Student: Which Swiss motorcycle racer won the 2005 MotoGP World Championship in the 125cc category? Swiss motorcycle racer Thomas Lüthi won the 2005 MotoGP World Championship in the 125cc category. Teacher: CMG Student: How long does each cycle of birth and destruction of the universe last according to Ancient Hindu texts? Plato, in the Timaeus, identified time with the period of motion of the heavenly bodies. Teacher: 82 Student: What is a legal system older than Catholic law? The Catholic Church has what is claimed to be the oldest continuously functioning internal legal system in Western Europe, much later than Roman law but predating the evolution of modern European civil law traditions. Teacher: CMG Student: When was the Roman abacus first used? The Roman abacus was used in Babylonia as early as 2400 BC. Teacher: CMG Student: How many public golf courses does Guam currently have? It is a relatively short flight from Asia or Australia compared to Hawaii, with hotels and seven public golf courses accommodating over a million tourists per year. Teacher: CMG Student: What organization did Berners-Lee create? The first web browser was invented in 1990 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Teacher: 82
X = What did the Onkyo outboard demodulator covert the RF AC-2 signal to? In the mid to late 1990s many higher-end AV receivers included the demodulator circuit specifically for the LaserDisc players RF modulated Dolby Digital AC-3 signal. Y = term X = What percentage of Australia's cotton crop was GM in 2009? The total cotton area in India was 12.1 million hectares in 2011, so GM cotton was grown on 88% of the cotton area. Y = term X = How many soldiers did Parisian Taxis transport to the front line at the First Battle of the Marne? During the First World War, Paris sometimes found itself on the front line; 600 to 1,000 Paris taxis played a small but highly important symbolic role in transporting 6,000 soldiers to the front line at the First Battle of the Marne. Y = matthew X = What surrounds the Sichuan basin to the west? The Sichuan basin is surrounded by the Himalayas to the west, the Qin Mountains to the north, and mountainous areas of Yunnan to the south. Y = matthew X = What are Seleucid garrisons called? Apart from these cities, there were also a large number of Seleucid garrisons (choria), military colonies (katoikiai) and Greek villages (komai) which the Seleucids planted throughout the empire to cement their rule. Y = matthew X = Avfuel, a global supplier of what services is headquartered in Ann Arbor? Another Ann Arbor-based company is Zingerman's Delicatessen, which serves sandwiches and has developed businesses under a variety of brand names. Y = term X = What word is used in France for comics? The French term for comics, bandes dessinées ("drawn strip") emphasizes the juxtaposition of drawn images as a defining factor, which can imply the exclusion of even photographic comics. Y = matthew X = What musical comedy did Beyoncé star in along with Cuba Gooding, Jr. in 2003? In 2003, Beyoncé starred opposite Cuba Gooding, Jr., in the musical comedy The Fighting Temptations as Lilly, a single mother whom Gooding's character falls in love with. Y = matthew X = When was the book The Bloody Tenent of Persecution published? The phrase was later used by Thomas Jefferson as a description of the First Amendment and its restriction on the legislative branch of the federal government, in an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptists (a religious minority concerned about the dominant position of the Congregationalist church in Connecticut): Y = term X = What did Jehovah's Witnesses persistent legal challenges result in, in the United States? Among the rights strengthened by Witness court victories in the United States are the protection of religious conduct from federal and state interference, the right to abstain from patriotic rituals and military service, the right of patients to refuse medical treatment, and the right to engage in public discourse. Y = term X = Folk musicians are not commonly what? Composers of classical music have often made use of folk music (music created by musicians who are commonly not classically trained, often from a purely oral tradition). Y = matthew X = What original colors from the 19th century were used on the advice of Sir Charles Long? The state rooms, used for official and state entertaining, are open to the public each year for most of August and September, and on selected days in winter and spring. Y = term X = What do students also need occasionally before putting blame on teachers? Gratitude for all these resources and the determination to develop oneself would be more productive than criticism and blame because the resources are readily available and because, if you blame others, there is no need for you to do something different tomorrow or for you to change and improve. Y = term X = What color is hotter than "red hot"? But it was also known that the colour of the light given off by a hot object changes with the temperature, so that "white hot" is hotter than "red hot". Y = matthew
Question: What did writers of the Tanzimat period hope to accomplish with their publications? Many of the writers in the Tanzimat period wrote in several different genres simultaneously: for instance, the poet Namik Kemal also wrote the important 1876 novel İntibâh ("Awakening"), while the journalist İbrahim Şinasi is noted for writing, in 1860, the first modern Turkish play, the one-act comedy "Şair Evlenmesi" ("The Poet's Marriage"). Answer: JYV Question: When is the weekly Mail forecast to pass The Sun in terms of circulation? The average circulation for The Sun on Sunday in March 2014 was 1,686,840; but in May 2015 The Mail on Sunday sold more copies for the first time, an average of 28,650 over those of its rival: 1,497,855 to 1,469,195. Answer: JYV Question: The support of Asoka and his descendants led to what being built more? The support of Aśoka and his descendants led to the construction of more stūpas (Buddhist religious memorials) and to efforts to spread Buddhism throughout the enlarged Maurya empire and even into neighboring lands—particularly to the Iranian-speaking regions of Afghanistan and Central Asia, beyond the Mauryas' northwest border, and to the island of Sri Lanka south of India. Answer: ABNE Question: What was Britain's obligation to Hanover if colonial expansion via war with France was to be resumed? If war against France for colonial expansion was to be resumed, then Hanover had to be secured against Franco-Prussian attack. Answer: ABNE Question: Who tried to invade Egypt in the famous line-in-the-sand incident? Eventually, instability in the near east resulting from the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Seleucid empire caused the Roman proconsul Pompey the Great to abolish the Seleucid rump state, absorbing much of Syria into the Roman republic. Answer: JYV Question: Has there been a recent increase or decrease in international students studying in Melbourne? There has also been a rapid increase in the number of International students studying in the city. Answer: ABNE
Sentences: Who was a Russian translator and Soviet Spy? Arlington Hall, the nerve center of CIA cryptanalysisl was compromised by Bill Weisband, a Russian translator and Soviet spy. Mapped To: KMM Sentences: Beyonce's family's company name is what? The concept is inspired by three generations of women in their family, the name paying tribute to Beyoncé's grandmother, Agnèz Deréon, a respected seamstress. Mapped To: graphical Sentences: What type of color devices are computer displays and televisions? A unique green (green appearing neither yellowish nor bluish) is produced on such a device by mixing light from the green primary with some light from the blue primary. Mapped To: graphical Sentences: Which early mammalian ancestor produced non-mammalian Dimetroden? The early synapsid mammalian ancestors were sphenacodont pelycosaurs, a group that produced the non-mammalian Dimetrodon. Mapped To: KMM Sentences: What phase of human used subsistence strategies to find food? It remained the only mode of subsistence until the end of the Mesolithic period some 10,000 years ago, and after this was replaced only gradually with the spread of the Neolithic Revolution. Mapped To: graphical Sentences: What kind of demands were causing ruin to The Times in 1979? The Thomson Corporation management were struggling to run the business due to the 1979 Energy Crisis and union demands. Mapped To: KMM
Input: What gives Neptune it's blue hue? As with Uranus, this absorption of red light by the atmospheric methane is part of what gives Neptune its blue hue, although Neptune's vivid azure differs from Uranus's milder cyan. Target: 9990 Input: What was the source of color in Red lac? Red lac was made from the gum lac, the dark red resinous substance secreted by various scale insects, particularly the Laccifer lacca from India. Target: 9990 Input: Where were office towers evacuated? Many Beijing office towers were evacuated, including the building housing the media offices for the organizers of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Target: 9990 Input: Who was president of the World Council of Churches during the 450th anniversary of the Reformation? The President of the Lutheran World Federation and member of the central committee of the World Council of Churches Fredrik A. Schiotz stated during the 450th anniversary of the Reformation, that earlier commemorations were viewed almost as a triumph. Target: 9990 Input: Which season is green most commonly associated with? Several minerals have a green color, including the emerald, which is colored green by its chromium content. Target: ACRK Input: When was the movie Final Destination released? Die Hard 2, Soul Plane, Jackie Brown, Get Shorty, Home Alone, Liar Liar, Passenger 57, Final Destination (2000), Unaccompanied Minors, Catch Me Target: 9990 Input: What is the theory that is based on acquired characteristics within a species? The observation that selection works in domestic animals is not destroyed by lack of understanding of the underlying hereditary mechanism. Target: ACRK Input: What besides china clay is used as a filler? Additives for sizing purposes may be mixed with it and/or applied to the paper web later in the manufacturing process; the purpose of such sizing is to establish the correct level of surface absorbency to suit ink or paint. Target: ACRK Input: Who shot Daphne with a leaden arrow? Daphne was a nymph, daughter of the river god Peneus, who had scorned Apollo. Target: ACRK Input: The Weather Channel entered into what with IBM? On October 28, 2015, IBM announced its acquisition of digital assets from The Weather Company—a holding company of Bain Capital, The Blackstone Group and NBCUniversal which owns The Weather Channel, including its weather data platforms (such as Weather Services International), websites ( and Weather Underground) and mobile apps. Target: ACRK Input: On which date was Mahatma Gandhi killed? Rajghat is the place where Mahatma Gandhi was cremated on 31 January 1948 after his assassination and his ashes were buried and make it a final resting place beside the sanctity of the Yamuna River. Target: ACRK Input: What type of cathedral is Muster? It also has an impressive 15th century Gothic cathedral, the Münster, and a 15th-century town hall. Target: 9990 Input: When did Adventures of Tintin debut? In early 2009, Spielberg shot the first film in a planned trilogy of motion capture films based on The Adventures of Tintin, written by Belgian artist Hergé, with Peter Jackson. Target: ACRK Input: What type of penalty can importing plants and animals into Antarctica bring? The introduction of alien plants or animals can bring a criminal penalty, as can the extraction of any indigenous species. Target: 9990 Input: There is a high presence of what type of company in the city? The Route 128 corridor and Greater Boston continue to be a major center for venture capital investment, and high technology remains an important sector. Target: ACRK Input: What is the older interstate bus station called? Because of the growth of Brasília (and corresponding growth in the bus fleet), today the interstate buses leave from the older interstate station (called Rodoferroviária), located at the western end of the Eixo Monumental. Target: 9990 Input: What percentage of Notre Dame students decide to study abroad? According to, undergraduate alumni of University of Notre Dame have a mid-career median salary $110,000, making it the 24th highest among colleges and universities in the United States. Target: ACRK Input: The northern and southern reaches of the desert are spare of what items? The northern and southern reaches of the desert, along with the highlands, have areas of sparse grassland and desert shrub, with trees and taller shrubs in wadis where moisture collects. Target: 9990
Q: When is Brasilia's dry season? With 247.4 mm (9.7 in), January is the month with the highest rainfall of the year, while June is the lowest, with only 8.7 mm (0.3 in). A: AMHY Q: In 1844 how many Aborigines resident in squalid camps in Melbourne? By January 1844, there were said to be 675 Aborigines resident in squalid camps in Melbourne. A: tions Q: What type of attack was used on Inchon? MacArthur, in a bold but risky move, ordered an amphibious invasion well behind the front lines at Inchon, cutting off and routing the North Koreans and quickly crossing the 38th Parallel into North Korea. A: tions Q: What happened at Minden in 1757? Though the Hanoverians defeated an army of 60,000 French at Minden, Austrian general Daun forced the surrender of an entire Prussian corps of 13,000 in the Battle of Maxen. A: tions Q: What did Smith die of? The Black Wednesday economic disaster in September 1992 left the Conservative government's reputation for monetary excellence in tatters, and by the end of that year Labour had a comfortable lead over the Tories in the opinion polls. A: AMHY Q: What is the process of removing feather parasites? This may be supplemented with the secretions of formic acid from ants, which birds receive through a behaviour known as anting, to remove feather parasites. A: tions Q: What is an issue of reporting pain specific to Asians? Gender can also be a factor in reporting pain. A: AMHY Q: What is a Latin script to write in Belarusian? The Orthodox use the Cyrillic alphabet and the Roman Catholics use Latin alphabet, the Bosniaks who are Muslims also use the Latin. A: AMHY Q: What harsh measures do farmers use to prevent the chickens from harming themselves or others? In intensive systems, cannibalism, feather pecking and vent pecking can be common, with some farmers using beak trimming as a preventative measure. A: tions Q: What does the word "bushi" mean? Gradually, the provincial upper class was transformed into a new military elite based on the ideals of the bushi (warrior) or samurai (literally, one who serves). A: tions Q: What is the primary use of IRENE? In some ways similar to the laser turntable is the IRENE scanning machine for disc records, which images with microphotography in two dimensions, invented by a team of physicists at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories. A: AMHY Q: Who controlled the media in the Congo in 2008 There is one government-owned television station and around 10 small private television channels. A: AMHY
Question: Thomas Watson Sr. stepped down in what year? In 1952, Thomas Watson, Sr., stepped down after almost 40 years at the company helm; his son, Thomas Watson, Jr., was named president. Answer: XXE Question: What are the major branches of Protestantism? Due to the earlier stated multitude of denominations, this section discusses only the largest denominational families, or branches, widely considered to be a part of Protestantism. Answer: morocco Question: How far was the party in debt for the same time period? Finance proved a major problem for the Labour Party during this period; a "cash for peerages" scandal under Blair resulted in the drying up of many major sources of donations. Answer: morocco Question: What besides viscosity is a drawback of fused quartz? However, its high melting-temperature (1723 °C) and viscosity make it difficult to work with. Answer: XXE Question: What did the studies reveal about men and their declared sexual preference? On the contrary, men's sexual arousal patterns tend to be more in line with their stated orientations, with heterosexual men showing more penis arousal to female-female sexual activity and less arousal to female-male and male-male sexual stimuli, and homosexual and bisexual men being more aroused by films depicting male-male intercourse and less aroused by other stimuli. Answer: XXE Question: During what time period did the Albigensian Crusade occur? At that time the south of France was the stronghold of the Cathar or Albigensian heresy, named after the Duke of Albi, a Cathar sympathiser and opponent to the subsequent Albigensian Crusade (1209–1229). Answer: XXE Question: What type of creature was Banasur? After sometimes, a demon named Banasur closed the outlet and the valley was again a lake. Answer: XXE Question: What country was the Armée d'Angleterre intended to strike at? A single corps properly situated in a strong defensive position could survive at least a day without support, giving the Grande Armée countless strategic and tactical options on every campaign. Answer: morocco Question: What sort of identity was promoted by the RCC? The ASU recognized the RCC as its "Supreme Leading Authority", and was designed to further revolutionary enthusiasm throughout the country. Answer: morocco Question: What year did Blackbeard run his ship aground in North Carolina? In June 1718 Blackbeard, aka Edward Teach, ran his flagship, the Queen Anne's Revenge, aground at Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, in present-day Carteret County. Answer: XXE Question: This IBM invention is known by the acronym UPC, what is the full name? Notable company inventions or developments include the automated teller machine (ATM), the floppy disk, the hard disk drive, the magnetic stripe card, the relational database, the Universal Product Code (UPC), the financial swap, the Fortran programming language, SABRE airline reservation system, dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), copper wiring in semiconductors, the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) semiconductor manufacturing process, and Watson artificial intelligence. Answer: XXE Question: How many Roman Catholic immigrants are in Greece? There are not official statistics about Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost, but the Orthodox Church estimates the followers as 20,000. Answer: morocco Question: Whar words may people use for sexual idenity? A person who identifies as bisexual, for example, may sexually prefer one sex over the other. Answer: morocco Question: How long was he in prison at Lepoglava for? In the same year he was arrested, tried in court for his illegal communist activities, and sent to jail. Answer: morocco
Where has 'perception as abduction' come up repeatedly? That is, it can be taken to say that whatever we find in the intellect is also incipiently in the senses. -> AAHB Who made up most of the primary labor force of cotton plantations? Although the city lost the status of state capital to Columbia in 1786, Charleston became even more prosperous in the plantation-dominated economy of the post-Revolutionary years. -> AAHB What does DEUS INDICAT mean? Or, between two pennants flottant Argent, each charged with a cross Gules, over the sphere the words DEUS INDICAT" (Latin: God Indicates). -> applied What is Iran ranked in the world in proved gas reserves? It also ranks fourth in oil reserves with an estimated 153,600,000,000 barrels. -> AAHB What standard did Unicode inherit involving a Thai language? This complication is due to Unicode inheriting the Thai Industrial Standard 620, which worked in the same way, and was the way in which Thai had always been written on keyboards. -> applied Where did the attack occur? On October 1, 1989, a peaceful demonstration of 10,000 to 15,000 people was violently dispersed by the militia in front of Lviv's Druzhba Stadium, where a concert celebrating the Soviet "reunification" of Ukrainian lands was being held. -> applied During what period were the Little Tough Guys films produced? By the early 1940s, the company was concentrating on lower-budget productions that were the company's main staple: westerns, melodramas, serials and sequels to the studio's horror pictures, the latter now solely B pictures. -> AAHB What type of mission was the birthplace of the modern Pentecostal movement? Sprung from Methodist and Wesleyan roots, it arose out of meetings at an urban mission on Azusa Street in Los Angeles. -> applied What territories were annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1908? Ottoman military reforms resulted with the Ottoman Modern Army which engaged with Italo-Turkish War (1911), Balkan Wars (1912–1913), and continuous unrest (Counter coup followed by restoration and Saviors followed by Raid on Porte) in the Empire up to World War I. -> AAHB Where did the artist federation hold their annual balls? Since 1988, the student organization Tårnseilerne has produced annual masquerade balls in Oslo, with masks, costumes and processions after attending an opera performance. -> AAHB In what year did the ancestery question stop appearing in the US census? As the 2010 census form did not contain the question titled "Ancestry" found in prior censuses, there were campaigns to get non-Hispanic West Indian Americans, Turkish Americans, Armenian Americans, Arab Americans and Iranian Americans to indicate their ethnic or national background through the race question, specifically the "Some other race" category. -> applied What failure caused the the flares of civil war to spark up again? Octavian was granted a series of special powers including sole "imperium" within the city of Rome, permanent consular powers and credit for every Roman military victory, since all future generals were assumed to be acting under his command. -> AAHB How many race options were there? Whereas most responses can be distinguished as falling into one of the five enumerated races, there remains some write-in responses which fall into the "Mixture" heading which cannot be racially categorized. -> applied What programming languages does Windows Runtime work with? If written in some "high-level" languages, apps written for Windows Runtime can be compatible with both Intel and ARM versions of Windows, otherwise they are not binary code compatible. -> AAHB Why is a BeiDou-1 ground terminal so expensive? The price of the terminals was explained as being due to the cost of imported microchips. -> applied Who assisted in saving the people from starvation? In 2006, due to ongoing violence, over 50,000 people in the country's northwest were at risk of starvation but this was averted due to assistance from the United Nations.[citation needed] -> applied What company produces American Idol? American Idol is an American singing competition series created by Simon Fuller and produced by 19 Entertainment, and is distributed by FremantleMedia North America. -> applied What action is forbid by the Orthodox Greek Church to Freemasons? The Orthodox critique of Freemasonry agrees with both the Roman Catholic and Protestant versions: "Freemasonry cannot be at all compatible with Christianity as far as it is a secret organisation, acting and teaching in mystery and secret and deifying rationalism." -> AAHB
Input: What does the country experience from December through April? From December through April, the country experiences drought. Symbol: KKR Input: What addition let people stop yelling into the telephone? This made the telephone practical for longer distances, and it was no longer necessary to shout to be heard at the receiving telephone. Symbol: LIT Input: What did Hume think our beliefs are? Hume maintained that all knowledge, even the most basic beliefs about the natural world, cannot be conclusively established by reason. Symbol: LIT Input: Inscriptions from what language were sometimes present on pub signs? Some pubs have Latin inscriptions. Symbol: KKR Input: What did Darwin consider that could explain why different regions could have such different species when they are close together? Darwin noted that barriers to migration played an important role in the differences between the species of different regions. Symbol: KKR Input: Who attacked Valencia with French soldiers but failed to capture it? He failed to take the city in two assaults and retreated to Madrid. Symbol: LIT Input: What auditor company did Apple hire to oversee worker conditions following the controversy? Foxconn, Apple's manufacturer, initially denied the abuses, but when an auditing team from Apple found that workers had been working longer hours than were allowed under Chinese law, they promised to prevent workers working more hours than the code allowed. Symbol: LIT Input: Did Athanasius want to be the Patriarch of Alexandria? He was most unwilling to accept the dignity, for he clearly foresaw the difficulties in which it would involve him. Symbol: KKR Input: How many people are employed at AP-HP? It is the largest hospital system in Europe. Symbol: LIT Input: Who was forced to resign? An internal inquiry exonerated the government of responsibility for failures before and during the war, but public anger forced Prime Minister Golda Meir to resign. Symbol: KKR Input: When did Bhaktapur receive coverage from the fire department? The fire service in the city is also overlooked by an international non-governmental organization, the Firefighters Volunteer Association of Nepal (FAN), which was established in 2000 with the purpose of raising public awareness about fire and improving safety. Symbol: LIT Input: Danelaw, established by the Vikings, covered what geographical area? The Vikings established Danelaw over much of the eastern and northern part of England with its boundary roughly stretching from London to Chester. Symbol: KKR
Q: What is the court case that ruled that schools were subject to local control? In a narrow decision, the Court found that schools were a subject of local control and that suburbs could not be forced to solve problems in the city's school district. A: APDL Q: What term is used to describe the type of definition that matter would have if all scientists could agree on its definition? Thus, matter does not have a universal definition, nor is it a fundamental concept in physics today. A: 17514 Q: How were earthquakes simulated on the architectural models? Architectural models were built for tests, and the effects of an earthquake were simulated by marching troops around the models. A: 17514 Q: Mimicry is another type of what kid of strategy? Later research has discovered that the Viceroy is, in fact more toxic than the Monarch and this resemblance should be considered as a case of Müllerian mimicry. A: APDL Q: Which act was repealed in 1999 effectively removing the separation between investment and deposit banks? The 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act effectively removed the separation between investment banks and depository banks in the United States. A: 17514 Q: What's Israel's financial and technology center? It shares land borders with Lebanon to the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan on the east, the Palestinian territories (which are claimed by the State of Palestine and are partially controlled by Israel) comprising the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the east and west, respectively, and Egypt to the southwest. A: APDL
Q: Along with being his cousin, what relationship did Ali have to Muhammad? Aisha, the wife of Muhammad, and Talhah and Al-Zubayr, two of the companions of Muhammad, went to Basra to tell Ali to arrest the culprits who murdered Uthman. A: 8371 Q: In the USSR, what SSR did the RSFSR border along with the Kazakh SSR? The international borders of the RSFSR touched Poland on the west; Norway and Finland on the northwest; and to its southeast were the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Mongolian People's Republic, and the People's Republic of China. A: 8371 Q: What type of plants produce material that is referred to as "wood" even though it is technically not? Structural material that resembles ordinary, "dicot" or conifer wood in its gross handling characteristics is produced by a number of monocot plants, and these also are colloquially called wood. A: discussions Q: What had caused citizens to vacate their farms? The long military campaigns had forced citizens to leave their farms to fight, while their farms fell into disrepair. A: discussions Q: How did Max Weber view rationalization? Max Weber was concerned with the modernization of society through the concept of rationalization, which he believed would trap individuals in an "iron cage" of rational thought. A: discussions Q: What percentage of females in Hyderabad were employed in 2005? According to a 2005 survey, 77% of males and 19% of females in the city were employed. A: discussions Q: How extent can biofilm be? These films can range from a few micrometers in thickness to up to half a meter in depth, and may contain multiple species of bacteria, protists and archaea. A: discussions Q: How was Luoyang destroyed? He escorted them safely back to the capital and was made Minister of Works, taking control of Luoyang and forcing Yuan Shao to flee. A: 8371 Q: Who invited Burke to join the Freemasons? When Hamilton was appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland, Burke accompanied him to Dublin as his private secretary, a position he held for three years. A: 8371 Q: What was the intended purpose of youtube's "shows" section? In November 2008, YouTube reached an agreement with MGM, Lions Gate Entertainment, and CBS, allowing the companies to post full-length films and television episodes on the site, accompanied by advertisements in a section for US viewers called "Shows". A: 8371 Q: What is the name of the art museum in Detroit? Other cultural highlights include Motown Historical Museum, the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant museum (birthplace of the Ford Model T and the world's oldest car factory building open to the public), the Pewabic Pottery studio and school, the Tuskegee Airmen Museum, Fort Wayne, the Dossin Great Lakes Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD), the Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit (CAID), and the Belle Isle Conservatory. A: 8371 Q: What will drying often increase in wood? An extreme example is the case of a completely dry spruce block 5 cm in section, which will sustain a permanent load four times as great as a green (undried) block of the same size will. A: 8371 Q: What does Ganondorf transform into? They also reveal that they used it a century ago to banish Ganondorf, the Gerudo leader who attempted to steal the Triforce, to the Twilight Realm when executing him failed. A: 8371 Q: The Megali Idea was actively pursued by whom? The idea of enosis was historically part of the Megali Idea, a greater political ambition of a Greek state encompassing the territories with Greek inhabitants in the former Ottoman Empire, including Cyprus and Asia Minor with a capital in Constantinople, and was actively pursued by the Cypriot Orthodox Church, which had its members educated in Greece. A: discussions Q: According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics as of June 2013, inner city Melbourne had a population density of how many people per km2? According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics as of June 2013, inner city Melbourne had the highest population density with 12,400 people per km2. A: discussions Q: What quantifies the relationship between rest-mass and rest-energy within the concept of special relativity? Mass is also equivalent to a certain amount of energy, and likewise always appears associated with it, as described in mass-energy equivalence. A: 8371 Q: What was absinthe known as? The intoxicating drink absinthe was known as "the green fairy". A: discussions Q: Who did Eisenhower believe should be allowed to decide the nature of discrimination laws? When Eisenhower was elected President in 1952, he believed hiring practices and anti-discrimination laws should be decided by the states, although the administration gradually continued to desegregate the Armed Forces and the federal government.:50 A: discussions
Student: What is the average elevation of Tibet, in feet? The highest elevation in Tibet is Mount Everest, earth's highest mountain rising 8,848 m (29,029 ft) above sea level. Teacher: leisure Student: When can Min Nan texts be dated back to? Min Nan texts, all Hokkien, can be dated back to the 16th century. Teacher: 25868 Student: What is the official name of Cypus? It is located south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, northwest of Israel and Palestine, north of Egypt and east of Greece. Teacher: leisure Student: In 2010, Marvel switched to what distributor for bookstore comic book sales? As of September 2010, Marvel switched its bookstores distribution company from Diamond Book Distributors to Hachette Distribution Services. Teacher: 25868
Question: Desktop computers made up how much of Apple's revenue in the third quarter of 2007? On October 22, 2007, Apple reported quarterly revenue of US$6.22 billion, of which 30.69% came from Apple notebook sales, 19.22% from desktop sales and 26% from iPod sales. Answer: DLD Question: What did Joseph Lister prove? However, Semmelweis' findings were not appreciated by his contemporaries and came into use only with discoveries by British surgeon Joseph Lister, who in 1865 proved the principles of antisepsis. Answer: DLD Question: What year did the tradition of freshmen whitewashing the "A" begin? Starting in about 1916, a yearly tradition developed for freshmen to whitewash the "A", which was visible for miles. Answer: DLD Question: The later years of the period saw the demand for which places of worship increase? Especially in country parishes, the external appearance generally retained the familiar signifiers of a Gothic church, with a tower or spire, a large west front with one or more doors, and very large windows along the nave, but all with any ornament drawn from the classical vocabulary. Answer: IOT Question: How large is the Gateway National recreation Area in hectares? Also in Queens, the park includes a significant portion of the western Rockaway Peninsula, most notably Jacob Riis Park and Fort Tilden. Answer: IOT Question: What is the oldest air port in Paris? Paris is a major international air transport hub with the 4th busiest airport system in the world. Answer: IOT Question: What region is Twilight Princess the best -selling Zelda entry? In the PAL region, which covers most of Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania, Twilight Princess is the best-selling entry in the Zelda series. Answer: DLD Question: What sect does 2% of the population belong to? In the early 21st century, many have adopted Islam, which is now practiced by 50% of the country's population. Answer: IOT Question: In what area did public rites take place in Rome? In Rome, the central references for the establishment of an augural templum appear to have been the Via Sacra (Sacred Way) and the pomerium. Answer: IOT Question: North Korea and the United States have been characterized by a disagreement over one parties desire to create what with respect to security guarantees and nuclear proliferation? Another situation can occur when one party wishes to create an obligation under international law, but the other party does not. Answer: DLD Question: Where was the Roman abacus first used? The abacus was initially used for arithmetic tasks. Answer: IOT Question: Who is named as the highest entity worshiped in Dvaitadvaita? Also, the highest object of worship is Krishna and his consort Radha, attended by thousands of gopis; of the Vrindavan; and devotion consists in self-surrender. Answer: DLD
Sentences: What kind of functionality will the remaster feature? The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, is being developed by Tantalus Media for the Wii U. Officially announced during a Nintendo Direct presentation on November 12, 2015, it features enhanced graphics and Amiibo functionality. Mapped To: athens Sentences: What neighborhoods does Southeast Raleigh have? Primary neighborhoods include Chastain, Chavis Heights, Raleigh Country Club, Southgate, Kingwood Forest, Rochester Heights, Emerald Village and Biltmore Hills. Mapped To: athens Sentences: Who can permit a person to hunt wild animals? In this case, the body of any wild animal killed or wounded becomes government property. Mapped To: 13658 Sentences: Is respiration in animals similar to photosynthesis in plants? Respiration is the oxidation of carbon compounds by breaking them down into simpler structures to release the energy they contain, essentially the opposite of photosynthesis. Mapped To: athens Sentences: Where do the pink-footed goose migrate? For example, the pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchus migrates from Iceland to Britain and neighbouring countries, whilst the dark-eyed junco Junco hyemalis migrates from subarctic and arctic climates to the contiguous United States and the American goldfinch from taiga to wintering grounds extending from the American South northwestward to Western Oregon. Mapped To: athens Sentences: Who runs El Tour de Tucson? The ride called "El Tour de Tucson" happens in November on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Mapped To: 13658 Sentences: What did Klaproth probably create when he dissolved pitchblende in nitric acid? Klaproth assumed the yellow substance was the oxide of a yet-undiscovered element and heated it with charcoal to obtain a black powder, which he thought was the newly discovered metal itself (in fact, that powder was an oxide of uranium). Mapped To: 13658 Sentences: When was the name Oklahoma made official? Choctaw Chief Allen Wright suggested the name in 1866 during treaty negotiations with the federal government regarding the use of Indian Territory, in which he envisioned an all-Indian state controlled by the United States Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Mapped To: 13658 Sentences: In what year was the territory of Warmia incorporated? The territory of Warmia was incorporated into the lands of former Ducal Prussia, which, by administrative deed of 31 January 1773 were named East Prussia. Mapped To: athens Sentences: When was the Limes Germanicus breached? After Attila's unexpected death the Hunnic Empire collapsed with the Huns disappearing as a people in Europe – who either escaped into Asia, or otherwise blended in amongst Europeans. Mapped To: 13658 Sentences: What are the 3 main department store companies in Denmark? Illums only store on Amagertorv in Copenhagen has the appearance of a department store with 20% run by Magasin, but has individual shop owners making it a shopping centre. Mapped To: 13658 Sentences: Who is an American Tibetologist? American Tibetologist Elliot Sperling has argued in favor of a recent tendency by some authors writing in Chinese to revive the term Tubote (simplified Chinese: 图伯特; traditional Chinese: 圖伯特; pinyin: Túbótè) for modern use in place of Xizang, on the grounds that Tubote more clearly includes the entire Tibetan plateau rather than simply the Tibet Autonomous Region.[citation needed] Mapped To: athens
Q: Where is Southern Hills Country Club? Regular LPGA tournaments are held at Cedar Ridge Country Club in Tulsa, and major championships for the PGA or LPGA have been played at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Oak Tree Country Club in Oklahoma City, and Cedar Ridge Country Club in Tulsa. A: XPT Q: What is an example of co-coperation between predators of different species? Social predation offers the possibility of predators to kill creatures larger than those that members of the species could overpower singly. A: ZHI Q: When was the Grand Service made? On these occasions, for up to 170 guests in formal "white tie and decorations", including tiaras, the dining table is laid with the Grand Service, a collection of silver-gilt plate made in 1811 for the Prince of Wales, later George IV. A: XPT Q: What force might damage a PCB if large components are surface mounted? Through-hole manufacture adds to board cost by requiring many holes to be drilled accurately, and limits the available routing area for signal traces on layers immediately below the top layer on multi-layer boards since the holes must pass through all layers to the opposite side. A: ZHI Q: When did Yale first incorporate humanities and sciences? Established to train Congregationalist ministers in theology and sacred languages, by 1777 the school's curriculum began to incorporate humanities and sciences. A: XPT Q: What can these results be caused from? They believe that sexual orientation is not a choice, and some of them believe that it is established at conception. A: ZHI Q: How many named lakes are there in Montana? There are at least 3,223 named lakes and reservoirs in Montana, including Flathead Lake, the largest natural freshwater lake in the western United States. A: XPT Q: What's the German word for a tertiary education institution? They grant bachelor's degrees and master's degrees, and focus more on teaching than research and more on specific professions than on science. A: ZHI Q: How did Gaddafi deal with peer pressure regarding his cultural background? Education in Libya was not free, but his father thought it would greatly benefit his son despite the financial strain. A: ZHI Q: By the late 7th century, what was a main function of Lundenwic? By about 680, it had revived sufficiently to become a major port, although there is little evidence of large-scale production of goods. A: XPT Q: Why did Kari Marx criticize Humanist Philosophy's? For Friedrich Nietzsche, humanism was nothing more than a secular version of theism. A: ZHI Q: In what month did U.S. funding of UNFPA resume? In January 2009 President Barack Obama restored US funding to UNFPA, saying in a public statement that he would "look forward to working with Congress to restore US financial support for the UN Population Fund. A: XPT Q: How much of the Brazilian population identified as black in 2000? By the 2000 census, demographic changes including the end to slavery, immigration from Europe and Asia, assimilation of multiracial persons, and other factors resulted in a population in which 6.2% of the population identified as black, 40% as pardo, and 55% as white. A: XPT Q: When was San Diego's current charter adopted? A city charter was re-established in 1889 and today's city charter was adopted in 1931. A: XPT Q: What is it called if you mistake a reflection in a mirror for the real thing? In other words, it is pure appearance, which may or may not be delusive (e.g. mistaking an image in a mirror for "the real thing"). A: ZHI Q: What is an Indvuna as it relates to the Parliament of Swaziland? On the day of nomination, the name of the nominee is raised by a show of hand and the nominee is given an opportunity to indicate whether he or she accepts the nomination. A: ZHI Q: What is considered to be the most authoritative constitutional power? This power would often be used to obstruct political opponents. A: ZHI Q: What containers are used for melting? Usually, the melts are carried out in platinum crucibles to reduce contamination from the crucible material. A: XPT
Student: Who outperformed Apple in the 2014 PC global market share? Apple now sits in the number five spot, with a global market share of about 6% during 2014, behind Lenovo, HP, Dell and Acer. Teacher: AIHN Student: What was the name of one of the party's leader that also happen to be on trial? The event became a rallying point for the New Left and critics of the Nixon Administration. Teacher: 27030 Student: How are officials elected to the legislature? After years of demanding greater political autonomy, residents were given the right to directly elect a Head of Government and the representatives of the unicameral Legislative Assembly by popular vote in 1997. Teacher: AIHN Student: What does CATOBAR allow for? STOVL is used by other navies because it is cheaper to operate and still provides good deployment capability for fighter aircraft. Teacher: 27030 Student: What date was the protest which was led by Gere and Tutu? The resolution would welcome the torch with "alarm and protest at the failure of China to meet its past solemn promises to the international community, including the citizens of San Francisco, to cease the egregious and ongoing human rights abuses in China and occupied Tibet." Teacher: 27030 Student: What does the Battery Charging Specification do? Additionally, there is a Battery Charging Specification (Version 1.2 – December 2010), which increases the power handling capability to 1.5 A but does not allow concurrent data transmission. Teacher: AIHN Student: What type of support did child give to their families by working? Besides the obligation, many children had to help support their families financially; another factor that influenced child labour was the demographic changes that occurred in the eighteenth century. Teacher: AIHN Student: Germanic, Romance, Slavic, and Greek all has old terms for "green" which are derived from words for what? Thus, the languages mentioned above (Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Greek) have old terms for "green" which are derived from words for fresh, sprouting vegetation. Teacher: AIHN Student: How many species is the recent day turkey suspected to have embarked from? The first Europeans to encounter the bird misidentified it as a guineafowl, a bird known as a "turkey fowl" at that time because it had been introduced into Europe via Turkey. Teacher: 27030 Student: Why were naval skirmishes not really seen in the Korean War? The last sea battle of the Korean War occurred at Inchon, days before the Battle of Incheon; the ROK ship PC-703 sank a North Korean mine layer in the Battle of Haeju Island, near Inchon. Teacher: 27030 Student: Why was this constitutional convention held? In July 1889, Montanans convened their third constitutional convention and produced a constitution acceptable by the people and the federal government. Teacher: 27030 Student: Why did Kim Il-Sung redeploy his military troops? On 18 September, Stalin dispatched General H. M. Zakharov to Korea to advise Kim Il-sung to halt his offensive around the Pusan perimeter and to redeploy his forces to defend Seoul. Teacher: AIHN Student: What percentage of people who've had upper limbs amputated feel phantom pain? If the pain is continuous for a long period, parts of the intact body may become sensitized, so that touching them evokes pain in the phantom limb, or phantom limb pain may accompany urination or defecation. Teacher: 27030 Student: What breed was the largest dog known to have lived? The largest known dog was an English Mastiff which weighed 155.6 kg (343 lb) and was 250 cm (98 in) from the snout to the tail. Teacher: AIHN
Student: What did Myanmar block after Cyclone Nargis? Rescue efforts performed by the Chinese government were praised by western media, especially in comparison with Myanmar's blockage of foreign aid during Cyclone Nargis, as well as China's previous performance during the 1976 Tangshan earthquake. Teacher: AMF Student: Greece's secondary education has how many school types? As they can accept both Gymnasio (lower secondary school) and Lykeio (upper secondary school) graduates, these institutes are not classified as offering a particular level of education. Teacher: FDY Student: What were paddy fields used for primarily to grow in smaller areas? In southern and small parts of central Han-era China, paddy fields were chiefly used to grow rice, while farmers along the Huai River used transplantation methods of rice production. Teacher: AMF Student: During what type of crisis did Emperor Huan alienate the bureaucracy? Huan further alienated the bureaucracy when he initiated grandiose construction projects and hosted thousands of concubines in his harem at a time of economic crisis. Teacher: AMF Student: Who came up with the Dialect Test? A nonstandard dialect, like a standard dialect, has a complete vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, but is usually not the beneficiary of institutional support. Teacher: FDY Student: Who stated that this argument was in fact support of Humanism? Nevertheless, philosopher Kate Soper notes that by faulting humanism for falling short of its own benevolent ideals, anti-humanism thus frequently "secretes a humanist rhetoric". Teacher: AMF Student: What was the earthquake named? China Standard Time at epicenter (06:28:01 UTC) on May 12 in Sichuan province, killed 69,197 people and left 18,222 missing. Teacher: FDY Student: How did the streets of downtown Boston grow? The elevated portion of the Central Artery, which carried most of the through traffic in downtown Boston, was replaced with the O'Neill Tunnel during the Big Dig, substantially completed in early 2006. Teacher: FDY Student: Due to delays, when was the actual date of the BBC's move to satellite broadcasts? This move was estimated to save the BBC £85 million over the next five years. Teacher: FDY Student: How many people attended a Broadway show in the 2013-4 season? Attendance in 2013–2014 stood at 12.21 million, representing a 5.5% increase from the 2012–2013 season's 11.57 million. Teacher: AMF Student: Ancestors of which tribes lived in Oklahoma? Evidence exists that native peoples traveled through Oklahoma as early as the last ice age. Teacher: FDY Student: When did Elizabeth become the longest reigning monarch? The Queen surpassed her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, to become the longest-lived British monarch in December 2007, and the longest-reigning British monarch on 9 September 2015. Teacher: AMF Student: What do most definitions of population rely on? Although the concept of population is central to ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation biology, most definitions of population rely on qualitative descriptions such as "a group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time" Waples and Gaggiotti identify two broad types of definitions for populations; those that fall into an ecological paradigm, and those that fall into an evolutionary paradigm. Teacher: AMF Student: What was the name of the ship that was attacked outside of the Odessa harbor? To show support for Turkey after the battle of Sinop, on the 22th of December 1853, the Anglo-French squadron entered the Black Sea and the steamship HMS Retribution approached the Port of Sevastopol, the commander of which received an ultimatum not to allow any ships in the Black Sea. Teacher: FDY Student: What did the automaton mimic? The rudimentary "mechanical man" simulated a human voice. Teacher: AMF Student: What year was the IFAB formed? The Board was formed in 1886 after a meeting in Manchester of The Football Association, the Scottish Football Association, the Football Association of Wales, and the Irish Football Association. Teacher: AMF Student: When did Hayek start working on Abuse of Reason? In his philosophy of science, which has much in common with that of his good friend Karl Popper, Hayek was highly critical of what he termed scientism: a false understanding of the methods of science that has been mistakenly forced upon the social sciences, but that is contrary to the practices of genuine science. Teacher: FDY Student: Where do western sandpiper Calidris migrate from? A similar situation occurs with waders (called shorebirds in North America). Teacher: FDY Student: How many times did Valencia C.F. win the Spanish league? From the year 2011 there has been a third team in the city, Huracán Valencia, who play their games in Municipal de Manises, in the Segunda División B. Teacher: FDY Student: How many died from cholera in a 2008 epidemic? A 2008 cholera epidemic in Guinea-Bissau affected 14,222 people and killed 225. Teacher: AMF
Input: By not going back to Poland Chopin became part of what? Chopin arrived in Paris in late September 1831; he would never return to Poland, thus becoming one of many expatriates of the Polish Great Emigration. Output: br Input: When was KU's engineering school established? The KU School of Engineering is an ABET accredited, public engineering school located on the main campus. Output: GUY Input: Which branch of government promulgates state regulations? All states have a legislative branch which enacts state statutes, an executive branch that promulgates state regulations pursuant to statutory authorization, and a judicial branch that applies, interprets, and occasionally overturns both state statutes and regulations, as well as local ordinances. Output: br Input: What is suffering also called? Sentient beings always suffer throughout saṃsāra until they free themselves from this suffering (dukkha) by attaining Nirvana. Output: br Input: How many natioanl female outdoor track and field championships have been won by the University of Kansas? KU has won thirteen National Championships: five in men's basketball (two Helms Foundation championships and three NCAA championships), three in men's indoor track and field, three in men's outdoor track and field, one in men's cross country and one in women's outdoor track and field. Output: br Input: Besides the geometrical constraints of Neptune's dynamo generator, what is another result of the quadrupole moment? Neptune's magnetic field has a complex geometry that includes relatively large contributions from non-dipolar components, including a strong quadrupole moment that may exceed the dipole moment in strength. Output: GUY Input: When did it reach 2 million occupants> Philadelphia was one of the nation's capitals in the Revolutionary War, and served as temporary U.S. capital while Washington, D.C., was under construction. Output: GUY Input: Who might a higher price exclude from the market? While the application of IP rights can allow companies to charge higher than the marginal cost of production in order to recoup the costs of research and development, the price may exclude from the market anyone who cannot afford the cost of the product, in this case a life-saving drug. " Output: br Input: On runways, what indicate the beginning of the runway for landing? On runways, green lights indicate the beginning of the runway for landing, while red lights indicate the end of the runway. Output: br Input: What groups combine matrices with matrix multiplication? Matrix groups consist of matrices together with matrix multiplication. Output: br Input: In medieval Europe was was placed on a table to help count money? In a medieval European counting house, a checkered cloth would be placed on a table, and markers moved around on it according to certain rules, as an aid to calculating sums of money. Output: br Input: Which English band also composed a song for the film? It became the first Bond theme to reach number one in the UK Singles Chart. Output: GUY Input: What do people in France eat more of that in most western countries? This phenomenon has been termed the French paradox, and is thought to occur from protective benefits of regularly consuming red wine. Output: GUY Input: What do Westerners believe it means to belong to the Greek heritage ? By Western standards, the term Greeks has traditionally referred to any native speakers of the Greek language, whether Mycenaean, Byzantine or modern Greek. Output: br Input: What equipment was acquired to aid in Afghanistan? Although the viability of the Canada First Defence Strategy continues to suffer setbacks from challenging and evolving fiscal and other factors, it originally aimed to: Output: GUY Input: What kind of tale was Tirant lo Blanc? The first book produced with movable type in the Iberian Peninsula was printed in Catalan. Output: GUY Input: What did George Sarton write? George Sarton, the author of The History of Science, described Ibn Sīnā as "one of the greatest thinkers and medical scholars in history" and called him "the most famous scientist of Islam and one of the most famous of all races, places, and times." Output: br Input: In the United States, how many murders are there for each execution? However, 32 of the 50 states still execute people. Output: GUY Input: In Old English, noun endings vary on what basis? The only remnants of this system in Modern English are in the forms of a few pronouns (such as I/me/mine, she/her, who/whom/whose) and in the possessive ending -'s, which derives from the old (masculine and neuter) genitive ending -es. Output: GUY Input: How were the semi-finalists divided in season four? The men and women sang separately on consecutive nights, and the bottom two in each groups were eliminated each week until only six of each remained to form the top twelve. Output: GUY
X = Who blamed the 1952 revolution's failings on Nasser? Some of Nasser's liberal and Islamist critics in Egypt, including the founding members of the New Wafd Party and writer Jamal Badawi, dismissed Nasser's popular appeal with the Egyptian masses during his presidency as being the product of successful manipulation and demagoguery. Y = farmer X = What type of art is shown in The Museo Carrillo Gil? The Museo Tamayo was opened in the mid-1980s to house the collection of international contemporary art donated by famed Mexican (born in the state of Oaxaca) painter Rufino Tamayo. Y = farmer X = Who revealed the starting points of this evolution to be economic deterioration and political confusion? Ervin Staub showed that economic deterioration and political confusion and disorganization were starting points of increasing discrimination and violence in many instances of genocides and mass killing. Y = OZU X = Which comic book had success with its first superhero in 1938? The success in 1938 of Action Comics and its lead hero Superman marked the beginning of the Golden Age of Comic Books, in which the superhero genre was prominent. Y = OZU
Input: Who was the first missionary in Samoa? Mission work in Samoa had begun in late 1830 by John Williams, of the London Missionary Society arriving in Sapapali'i from The Cook Islands and Tahiti. Output: wn Input: What type of poetry had much influence in the Han dynasty? The Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Tan (d. 110 BC) and his son Sima Qian (145–86 BC) established the standard model for all of imperial China's Standard Histories, such as the Book of Han written by Ban Biao (3–54 AD), his son Ban Gu (32–92 AD), and his daughter Ban Zhao (45–116 AD). Output: JZI Input: Which livestock is the major focus of Tennessee agriculture? Tennessee has over 82,000 farms, roughly 59 percent of which accommodate beef cattle. Output: wn Input: What is the highest Whitehead was trained in philosophy? In fact, he never had any formal training in philosophy beyond his undergraduate education. Output: wn Input: What political group has a disproportionately large number of Protestants? Numbers of the most wealthy and affluent American families as the Vanderbilts and the Astors, Rockefeller, Du Pont, Roosevelt, Forbes, Whitneys, the Morgans and Harrimans are Mainline Protestant families. Output: JZI Input: Does excersice have any role on cognitive brain function? The effects of exercise on memory have important implications for improving children's academic performance, maintaining mental abilities in old age, and the prevention and potential cure of neurological diseases. Output: JZI
Q: How many troops did the Turks send to Gyumri? In the south about 30000 Turks slowly moved east to the main Russian concentration at Gyumri or Alexandropol (November). A: 16975 Q: What type of sports are popular in Brasilia? Brasília is known as a departing point for the practice of unpowered air sports, sports that may be practiced with hang gliding or paragliding wings. A: 16975 Q: What was the murder rate in Boston in 1990? Murders in the city dropped from 152 in 1990 (for a murder rate of 26.5 per 100,000 people) to just 31—not one of them a juvenile—in 1999 (for a murder rate of 5.26 per 100,000). A: 16975 Q: Which country's government wanted Samoa to grow bananas for them? German merchants and settlers were active in introducing large scale plantation operations and developing new industries, notably cocoa bean and rubber, relying on imported labourers from China and Melanesia. A: incident Q: Which sport was Albert proficient at? In October 1919, Albert went up to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied history, economics and civics for a year. A: incident Q: What is found at Room 128a of the Victoria & Albert Museum? The adjacent Architecture Exhibition Space (Room 128a) is used for temporary displays related to architecture. A: 16975 Q: What did the document attempt to clarify ? But the report expressed concerns that the Roman Catholic dogmatic definitions of these concepts implies them to be "revealed by God", stating: "The question arises for Anglicans, however, as to whether these doctrines concerning Mary are revealed by God in a way which must be held by believers as a matter of faith." A: incident Q: In which century were vocalization marking added to the Quran? In the beginning, the Quran did not have vocalization markings. A: incident Q: How many housing units were built in the Bronx in 2002-2007? Between 2002 and June 2007, 33,687 new units of housing were built or were under way and $4.8 billion has been invested in new housing. A: 16975 Q: Is iron more dense than zinc? It is somewhat less dense than iron and has a hexagonal crystal structure, with a distorted form of hexagonal close packing, in which each atom has six nearest neighbors (at 265.9 pm) in its own plane and six others at a greater distance of 290.6 pm. A: 16975 Q: When did the Valencia metro derail? The Valencia Metro derailment occurred on 3 July 2006 at 1 pm. A: 16975 Q: Immunology is the study of what type of responses to antibodies and antigens? Antibodies are specific proteins released from a certain class of immune cells known as B lymphocytes, while antigens are defined as anything that elicits the generation of antibodies ("anti"body "gen"erators). A: incident Q: Where was Kerry injured? During this encounter, Kerry received a shrapnel wound in the left arm above the elbow. A: 16975 Q: What property of heartwood that has nothing to do with how important it is to trees got it its name? The term heartwood derives solely from its position and not from any vital importance to the tree. A: 16975 Q: As of October 2011, how many subscribers does The Times' digital product currently have? In April 2009, the timesonline site had a readership of 750,000 readers per day. A: incident Q: What does each of the component schools of KU's Medical Center offer? The Medical Center also offers four year instruction at the Wichita campus, and features a medical school campus in Salina, Kansas that is devoted to rural health care. A: incident Q: When did the Turkish Seljuk Sultanate of Rum reach its demise? It is not well understood how the early Ottomans came to dominate their neighbours, as the history of medieval Anatolia is still little known. A: incident Q: Voiced aspirated consonants are what type? Voiced consonants are seldom actually aspirated. A: incident Q: What was Issac Backus' profession? Thomas Jefferson's influential Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was enacted in 1786, five years before the Bill of Rights. A: incident Q: What produces tracks similar to the fossilized tracks discovered by paleontologists? However the discovery that tracks very similar to these early trace fossils are produced today by the giant single-celled protist Gromia sphaerica casts doubt on their interpretation as evidence of early animal evolution. A: 16975
Input: What other European country were claims similar to those levied against Greece made? This led to claims that Greece (similar claims have been made about other European countries like Italy) had not actually met all five accession criteria, and the common perception that Greece entered the Eurozone through "falsified" deficit numbers. Output: medicine Input: On what date did Frédéric begin his journey into Western Europe? Chopin's successes as a composer and performer opened the door to western Europe for him, and on 2 November 1830, he set out, in the words of Zdzisław Jachimecki, "into the wide world, with no very clearly defined aim, forever." Output: medicine Input: What did Conkling later go on to lead? In 1958, Columbia founded another label, Date Records, which initially issued rockabilly music. Output: FAH Input: What happens if a plant looses roots or its shoots? In the event that one of the systems is lost, the other can often regrow it. Output: medicine Input: Who was sent to Switzerland? As a ruse to rally opposition against a return to the pre-1952 order, the RCC decreed an end to restrictions on monarchy-era parties and the Free Officers' withdrawal from politics. Output: FAH Input: What type of Village was located on the Long Wharf? Around the start of the 20th century, a growing population of Asian Americans lived in or near Santa Monica and Venice. Output: FAH
Input: How many counties are part of Nashville's metropolitan area? Chattanooga and Knoxville, both in the eastern part of the state near the Great Smoky Mountains, each has approximately one-third of the population of Memphis or Nashville. Target: 21916 Input: Why is a plant chosen for the study of its cells? Ideally, these organisms have small genomes that are well known or completely sequenced, small stature and short generation times. Target: AIJJ Input: What did the Garamantes do in order to bring water to their crops? The Garamantes achieved this development by digging tunnels far into the mountains flanking the valley to tap fossil water and bring it to their fields. Target: AIJJ Input: What is another name for up-peak mode? Elevators are dispatched one-by-one when they reach a pre-determined passenger load, or when they have had their doors opened for a certain period of time. Target: 21916 Input: What year was the Teatro Solis inaugurated? In 1856 the Teatro Solís was inaugurated, 15 years after the beginning of its construction. Target: AIJJ Input: Where can you trace back the origins of Presbyterianism back to? Many Reformed churches are organized this way, but the word "Presbyterian," when capitalized, is often applied uniquely to the churches that trace their roots to the Scottish and English churches that bore that name and English political groups that formed during the English Civil War. Target: 21916
Q: When did Mahayana sutras start to influence the behavior of mainstream buddhists in India? " These texts were apparently not universally accepted among Indian Buddhists when they appeared; the pejorative label Hinayana was applied by Mahayana supporters to those who rejected the Mahayana sutras. A: tapes Q: In terms of the Communist Party of China, what is "The East is Red?" Under Party leader Mao Zedong, the Party anthem became "The East Is Red", and Mao Zedong himself was sometimes referred to as a "red sun". A: 23404 Q: What does the phrase protest? President Barack Obama had the license plates changed back to the protest style at the beginning of his second term. A: tapes Q: What is the first feature motivated by? This is motivated by the fact that we can never directly apprehend length. A: 23404 Q: For the majority of Dell's existence, what were they a vendor of? Dell was a pure hardware vendor for much of its existence, but with the acquisition in 2009 of Perot Systems, Dell entered the market for IT services. A: 23404 Q: Gustavo Gutierrez is faculty of which institute? The university also houses the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. A: 23404 Q: What group ruled the empire until the 15th century? In the late 19th century, the non-Muslim population of the empire began to fall considerably, not only due to secession, but also because of migratory movements. A: tapes Q: In what month and year did the Marshall Islands declare the largest shark sanctuary in the world? However, some have questioned the ability of the Marshall Islands to enforce this zone. A: tapes Q: WHo could naturalize a polish noble? All children of the Polish nobility inherited their noble status from a noble mother and father. A: tapes Q: What philosophy characterized the Mau resistance? In accordance with the Mau's non-violent philosophy, the newly elected leader, High Chief Tupua Tamasese Lealofi, led his fellow uniformed Mau in a peaceful demonstration in downtown Apia on 28 December 1929. A: 23404 Q: Which lifelong friend did Popper make in Dunedin? In 1937, Popper finally managed to get a position that allowed him to emigrate to New Zealand, where he became lecturer in philosophy at Canterbury University College of the University of New Zealand in Christchurch. A: tapes Q: What direction has infant mortality rate taken? There was a noticeable decline of the infant mortality rate (during the 1970s to the 1980s the infant mortality rate was 101-132/1000 live births, in 2000 the rate was 50-60/1000, and in 2008 it was 28-30/1000). A: 23404 Q: Name three philosophers of the last 100 years arguing for the existence of God? There would be no risk, they say, if the arguments for God's existence were as solid as the laws of logic, a position summed up by Pascal as "the heart has reasons of which reason does not know. A: tapes Q: What church do 90% of Christian minority in Egypt belong? Of the Christian minority in Egypt over 90% belong to the native Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, an Oriental Orthodox Christian Church. A: 23404 Q: What island was given to the British? The First Opium War revealed the outdated state of the Chinese military. A: tapes Q: In what year did the Rus attack Constantinople? After the Rus' attack on Constantinople in 860, the Byzantine Patriarch Photius sent missionaries north to convert the Rus' and the Slavs. A: 23404 Q: Who stated quiet hunting is allowed? , c. xii), which seems to imply that not all hunting is illicit, and canonists generally make a distinction declaring noisy (clamorosa) hunting unlawful, but not quiet (quieta) hunting. A: tapes Q: How many miles is Tuscon from the U.S.- Mexico border? The city is located 108 miles (174 km) southeast of Phoenix and 60 mi (97 km) north of the U.S.-Mexico border. A: 23404
Question: What was the reaction of the crowd to the Everton replacement theme songs in 1994? On matchdays, in a tradition going back to 1962, players walk out to the theme tune to Z-Cars, named "Johnny Todd", a traditional Liverpool children's song collected in 1890 by Frank Kidson which tells the story of a sailor betrayed by his lover while away at sea, although on two separate occasions in the 1994, they ran out to different songs. Answer: 20446 Question: Where does methane in the south pole escape to on Neptune? The temperature differential is enough to let methane, which elsewhere is frozen in the troposphere, escape into the stratosphere near the pole. Answer: FJP Question: In what year was Eisenhower involved in an incident while flying? Over New York City in 1953, Eastern Airlines Flight 8610, a commercial flight, had a near miss with Air Force Flight 8610, a Lockheed C-121 Constellation known as Columbine II, while the latter was carrying President Eisenhower. Answer: FJP Question: To what date has cotton been dated? Although cultivated since antiquity, it was the invention of the cotton gin that lowered the cost of production that led to its widespread use, and it is the most widely used natural fiber cloth in clothing today. Answer: 20446
Input: In northern Europe, which months have temperatures similar to Valencia's in January? The January average is comparable to temperatures expected for May and September in the major cities of northern Europe. Output: hentai Input: What was red lake composed of? Unlike vermilion or red ochre, made from minerals, red lake pigments are made by mixing organic dyes, made from insects or plants, with white chalk or alum. Output: hentai Input: What conditions caused the delay of drilling in mid-2012? Additionally, difficult weather conditions resulted in the delay of drilling during mid-2012 and the already dire situation was exacerbated by the "Kulluk" incident at the end of the year. Output: hentai Input: For what purpose were RLVs popular? The only cosmetic difference between an RLV disc and a regular factory-pressed LaserDiscs is their reflective purple-violet (or blue with some RLV discs) color resulting from the dye embedded in the reflective layer of the disc to make it recordable, as opposed to the silver mirror appearance of regular LDs. Output: 27554 Input: What were National Guard members considered before 1903? Before 1903 members of the National Guard were considered state soldiers unless federalized (i.e., activated) by the President. Output: hentai Input: What were the names of some of the figures for the established religion that are based on ancestral ties ? The Homeric Epics (i.e. Iliad and Odyssey) were especially and generally accepted as part of the Greek past and it was not until the 19th century that scholars began to question Homer's historicity. Output: 27554 Input: Who is one of the scholars that fled Cyprus during troubled times? Many Cypriot scholars fled Cyprus at troubled times such as Ioannis Kigalas (c. 1622–1687) who migrated from Cyprus to Italy in the 17th century, several of his works have survived in books of other scholars. Output: hentai Input: What team did Barcelona defeat to win their 23rd La Liga title? Barcelona won the treble in the 2014–2015 season, winning La Liga, Copa del Rey and UEFA Champions League titles, and became the first European team to have won the treble twice. Output: 27554 Input: What is typical in Czech as other Latin European languages? Czech typographical features not associated with phonetics generally resemble those of most Latin European languages, including English. Output: 27554 Input: Prior to his work in America, where was Joe Pasternak employed? Meanwhile, producer Joe Pasternak, who had been successfully producing light musicals with young sopranos for Universal's German subsidiary, repeated his formula in America. Output: hentai Input: What year did Technikons gain the ability to give out technology degrees? In 1993 Technikons were afforded the power to award certain technology degrees. Output: hentai Input: What year was the first full season with night baseball at Wrigley Field? After splitting the first two games at home, the Cubs headed to the Bay Area, where despite holding a lead at some point in each of the next three games, bullpen meltdowns and managerial blunders ultimately led to three straight losses. Output: 27554 Input: What is the first question to ask in order to define the two classes? The basic proposition of these two categories pertains to the nature of reality, and the primary distinction between them is the way they answer two fundamental questions: "what does reality consist of?" Output: hentai Input: What three countries sent their Navy to Greece? Following news that combined Ottoman–Egyptian fleets were going to attack the Greek island of Hydra, the allied fleet intercepted the Ottoman–Egyptian fleet at Navarino. Output: 27554 Input: What instrument did Chopin play for Charles Hallé when the latter visited him? Late in 1844, Charles Hallé visited Chopin and found him "hardly able to move, bent like a half-opened penknife and evidently in great pain", although his spirits returned when he started to play the piano for his visitor. Output: hentai Input: What particular pollutant was Schwarzenegger addressing with his 2006 executive order? In addition to using his political power to fight global warming, the governor has taken steps at his home to reduce his personal carbon footprint. Output: 27554 Input: Why were different East Asian races divided in 1890 Census? For 1890, the Census Office changed the design of the population questionnaire. Output: 27554 Input: What films were available for Japanese market Squeeze LDs? There were no anamorphic LaserDisc titles available in the US except for promotional purposes. Output: 27554
Input: What did the court say was invaded? In copyright law, infringement does not refer to theft of physical objects that take away the owner's possession, but an instance where a person exercises one of the exclusive rights of the copyright holder without authorization. Symbol: MAO Input: What are the consequences of transfer between different species of bacteria? In ordinary circumstances, transduction, conjugation, and transformation involve transfer of DNA between individual bacteria of the same species, but occasionally transfer may occur between individuals of different bacterial species and this may have significant consequences, such as the transfer of antibiotic resistance. Symbol: 28734 Input: What year was Boardwalk Hall finished? Despite the opposition of many others, he purchased land that became the city's municipal airport and high school football stadium, both of which were later named Bader Field in his honor. Symbol: MAO Input: How many albums did it sell worldwide? Madonna responded to the banning: "Why is it that people are willing to go and watch a movie about someone getting blown to bits for no reason at all, and nobody wants to see two girls kissing and two men snuggling?" Symbol: MAO Input: What did the British claim in 2012? On 18 December 2012, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office named a previously unnamed area Queen Elizabeth Land in tribute to Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee. Symbol: 28734 Input: Why did the Grand Orient de France conclude that Freemasonry shouldn't require religious belief? A dispute during the Lausanne Congress of Supreme Councils of 1875 prompted the Grand Orient de France to commission a report by a Protestant pastor which concluded that, as Freemasonry was not a religion, it should not require a religious belief. Symbol: 28734 Input: What four Arab countries entered British Mandatory Palestine? According to Benny Morris, Jews felt that the invading Arab armies aimed to slaughter the Jews. Symbol: MAO Input: When was Detroit incorporated? Beginning with its incorporation in 1802, Detroit has had a total of 74 mayors. Symbol: 28734 Input: What journal was founded in 2008 that features articles by professors and law students? The Northwestern Interdisciplinary Law Review is a scholarly legal publication published annually by an editorial board of Northwestern University undergraduates. Symbol: 28734 Input: Which companies did Nintendo try to get to make a CD add-on for the SNES? During the SNES's life, Nintendo contracted with two different companies to develop a CD-ROM-based peripheral for the console to compete with Sega's CD-ROM based addon, Mega-CD. Symbol: MAO Input: Which Canadian group embraced Georgian architecture as a sign of fealty to Britain? In Canada the United Empire Loyalists embraced Georgian architecture as a sign of their fealty to Britain, and the Georgian style was dominant in the country for most of the first half of the 19th century. Symbol: 28734 Input: Where did Gaddafi travel to after he was kicked out of Sabha? Catching the authorities' attention, they expelled his family from Sabha. Symbol: MAO Input: Do those who favor DST say people would rather have an extra hour of daylight before or after their usual workday? While the times of sunrise and sunset change at roughly equal rates as the seasons change, proponents of Daylight Saving Time argue that most people prefer a greater increase in daylight hours after the typical "nine-to-five" workday. Symbol: 28734 Input: When were the mosaics at Bizere Monastery created? In 2003, the remains of a mosaic pavement were discovered under the ruins of the Bizere Monastery near the River Mureş in present-day Romania. Symbol: MAO Input: Who do death penalty opponents believe may sometimes be executed? Opponents argue that the death penalty is not an effective means of deterring crime, risks the execution of the innocent, is unnecessarily barbaric in nature, cheapens human life, and puts a government on the same base moral level as those criminals involved in murder. Symbol: 28734 Input: How did the gridlock between Whitlam and Fraser end? The deadlock came to an end when the Whitlam government was dismissed by the Governor-General, Sir John Kerr on 11 November 1975 and Fraser was installed as caretaker Prime Minister, pending an election. Symbol: 28734 Input: Why can't Mexico City become a state? Because of a clause in the Mexican Constitution, however, as the seat of the powers of the Union, it can never become a state, lest the capital of the country be relocated elsewhere. Symbol: 28734 Input: When did Creative and Apple come to an agreement over their intellectual property issues? As part of the agreement, Apple will recoup part of its payment, if Creative is successful in licensing the patent. Symbol: MAO Input: In what year was hydralazine discovered? A major shortcoming of hydralazine monotherapy was that it lost its effectiveness over time (tachyphylaxis). Symbol: MAO Input: Where did Maurice Thorez go after deserting the Army? Other Communists also deserted from the army. Symbol: MAO
Input: Where was Popper's academic appointment in New Zealand? In 1937, Popper finally managed to get a position that allowed him to emigrate to New Zealand, where he became lecturer in philosophy at Canterbury University College of the University of New Zealand in Christchurch. Label: produces Input: How many African Americans identify as multiracial on the Census of 2002? By 1990, the Census Bureau included more than a dozen ethnic/racial categories on the census, reflecting not only changing social ideas about ethnicity, but the wide variety of immigrants who had come to reside in the United States due to changing historical forces and new immigration laws in the 1960s. Label: XNS Input: Multilateral treaties are often entered into by countries that share the same what? A multilateral treaty is concluded among several countries. Label: XNS Input: What is the 24 hours of Daytona Daytona also has the Coke Zero 400 NASCAR race weekend around Independence Day in July. Label: XNS Input: When can the frame size or frame rate parameter specification be dropped? If all three parameters are used, they are specified in the following form: [frame size][scanning system][frame or field rate] or [frame size]/[frame or field rate][scanning system].[citation needed] Label: XNS Input: What type of transition was noted from one group to the next? The 1775 treatise "The Natural Varieties of Mankind", by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach proposed five major divisions: the Caucasoid race, Mongoloid race, Ethiopian race (later termed Negroid, and not to be confused with the narrower Ethiopid race), American Indian race, and Malayan race, but he did not propose any hierarchy among the races. Label: XNS Input: The first Olympic games was recorded in what year? Greece is the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, first recorded in 776 BC in Olympia, and hosted the modern Olympic Games twice, the inaugural 1896 Summer Olympics and the 2004 Summer Olympics. Label: produces Input: What people resulted from the Spaniards intermarrying with Pipll and Lenca women? Eventually, the Spaniards intermarried with Pipil and Lenca women, resulting in the Mestizo population which would become the majority of the Salvadoran people. Label: produces Input: Which other Austrian scholar and friend of Popper also worked near him at the London School of Economics? While there is some dispute as to the matter of influence, Popper had a long-standing and close friendship with economist Friedrich Hayek, who was also brought to the London School of Economics from Vienna. Label: produces Input: What makes the Windows 8 interface difficult to use? He noted that while forcing all users to use the new touch-oriented interface was a risky move for Microsoft as a whole, it was necessary in order to push development of apps for the Windows Store. Label: XNS Input: What is the percentage of binder in mastic asphalt? Mastic asphalt is a type of asphalt which differs from dense graded asphalt (asphalt concrete) in that it has a higher asphalt/bitumen (binder) content, usually around 7–10% of the whole aggregate mix, as opposed to rolled asphalt concrete, which has only around 5% added asphalt/bitumen. Label: produces Input: Based on year 2000 data, where is GE ranked among the largest corporate producers of air pollution in the US? Based on year 2000 data, researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute listed the corporation as the fourth-largest corporate producer of air pollution in the United States, with more than 4.4 million pounds per year (2,000 tons) of toxic chemicals released into the air. Label: produces Input: Who were the opening act for Madonna's concert The Virgin tour? She referred to these events at the 1985 outdoor Live Aid charity concert, saying that she would not take her jacket off because "[the media] might hold it against me ten years from now." Label: XNS Input: What's the only antibiotic that might be effective against totally drug-resistant TB? Bedaquiline is tentatively supported for use in multiple drug-resistant TB. Label: produces
Input: What language family is Somali a part of? Somalis (Somali: Soomaali, Arabic: صومال‎) are an ethnic group inhabiting the Horn of Africa (Somali Peninsula). Output: mit Input: Why did Poland deny the proposal of the Soviet Union protecting them from a German Attack? The tripartite military talks, started in mid-August, hit a sticking point regarding the passage of Soviet troops through Poland if Germans attacked, and the parties waited as British and French officials overseas pressured Polish officials to agree to such terms. Output: mit Input: Who established the first samurai-led administration? The winner, Taira no Kiyomori, became an imperial advisor, and was the first warrior to attain such a position. Output: 7731 Input: Arizona is south of which river? Tucson became a part of the United States of America, although the American military did not formally take over control until March 1856. Output: mit Input: Which lord didn't realize the satirical nature of Burke's book? Some reviewers failed to notice the ironic nature of the book, which led to Burke stating in the preface to the second edition (1757) that it was a satire. Output: mit Input: Who first used the term Iranian language? The use of the term for the Iranian language family was introduced in 1836 by Christian Lassen. Output: 7731 Input: Which battle did Confederate General Longstreet win in East Tennessee? Many of the Confederate defeats can be attributed to the poor strategic vision of General Braxton Bragg, who led the Army of Tennessee from Perryville, Kentucky to another Confederate defeat at Chattanooga. Output: mit Input: What century had forgotten comic forms rediscovered? Towards the close of the 20th century, different cultures' discoveries of each other's comics traditions, the rediscovery of forgotten early comics forms, and the rise of new forms made defining comics a more complicated task. Output: 7731 Input: Why did the Qing Qianlong Emperor send a large Chinese army into Tibet? For several decades, peace reigned in Tibet, but in 1792 the Qing Qianlong Emperor sent a large Chinese army into Tibet to push the invading Nepalese out. Output: 7731 Input: What event sets the boundary for the Triassic? The lower (Triassic) boundary is set by the Permian–Triassic extinction event, during which approximately 90% to 96% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial vertebrates became extinct. Output: 7731
Input: How do Oriental Patriarchs sign? Some writers, such as James-Charles Noonan, hold that, in the case of cardinals, the form used for signatures should be used also when referring to them in English. Label: HUT Input: In which five years did England fail to qualify for the UEFA European Championship? The team did not enter in 1960, and they failed to qualify in 1964, 1972, 1976, 1984, and 2008. Label: 4060 Input: What was the architectural style of the Chalukyas? This was an important period in the development of fine arts in Southern India, especially in literature as the Western Chalukya kings encouraged writers in the native language of Kannada, and Sanskrit like the philosopher and statesman Basava and the great mathematician Bhāskara II. Label: HUT Input: What was meant by the term saltationism? The range of evolutionary theories during "the eclipse of Darwinism" included forms of "saltationism" in which new species were thought to arise through "jumps" rather than gradual adaptation, forms of orthogenesis claiming that species had an inherent tendency to change in a particular direction, and forms of neo-Lamarckism in which inheritance of acquired characteristics led to progress. Label: 4060 Input: When did the Black Death end? The Late Middle Ages was marked by difficulties and calamities including famine, plague, and war, which significantly diminished the population of Europe; between 1347 and 1350, the Black Death killed about a third of Europeans. Label: 4060 Input: How many inches of rain does central Nigeria get each year? In the Sahel region, rain is less than 500 millimetres (20 in) per year and the Sahara Desert is encroaching. Label: HUT
Student: What senator did Kerry investigate in 1978? In January 1977, Droney promoted him to First Assistant District Attorney, essentially making Kerry his campaign and media surrogate because Droney was afflicted with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease). Teacher: 4786 Student: in 1778 most of the troops that the EIC had were from where? It recruited largely Indian troops, and trained them along European lines. Teacher: AMZN Student: As Chairman of the RCC, list the first two things that Gaddafi accomplished. Becoming Chairman of the governing Revolutionary Command Council (RCC), Gaddafi abolished the monarchy and proclaimed the Republic. Teacher: AMZN Student: How much power will be delivered to the reciever if the antenna has an effective area of 12 m/2? Since the receiving antenna is not equally sensitive to signals received from all directions, the effective area is a function of the direction to the source. Teacher: 4786 Student: New Haven has a large immigrant population, what seems to be one of the main cause of it throughout the last century? The city's demography is shifting rapidly: New Haven has always been a city of immigrants and currently the Latino population is growing rapidly. Teacher: 4786 Student: What is the largest denomination of the entire Ireland Island? Presbyterianism is the largest Protestant denomination in Northern Ireland and the second largest on the island of Ireland (after the Anglican Church of Ireland),[citation needed] and was brought by Scottish plantation settlers to Ulster who had been strongly encouraged to emigrate by James VI of Scotland, later James I of England. Teacher: AMZN
Input: Which regions have the lowest rate of literacy in the Muslim world? Some members such as Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan have over 97% literacy rates, whereas literacy rates are the lowest in Mali, Afghanistan, Chad and parts of Africa. Target: 23367 Input: Who opened the first Lodge in Iraq? However, the position changed following the revolution, and all lodges were forced to close in 1965. Target: 2429 Input: What private university is located in downtown New Haven? Gateway Community College has a campus in downtown New Haven, formerly located in the Long Wharf district; Gateway consolidated into one campus downtown into a new state-of-the-art campus (on the site of the old Macy's building) and was open for the Fall 2012 semester. Target: 2429 Input: How is a weakness addressed in some other connector standards? Compliant devices must either fit within the size restrictions or support a compliant extension cable that does. Target: 2429 Input: Where did the Slavs that assimilated into the Magyar or Romanian population remain? Conversely, some Slavs were assimilated into other populations. Target: 2429 Input: Who described Guinea-Bissau as being at risk for becoming a "narco-state"? The nation was described by a United Nations official as being at risk for becoming a "narco-state". Target: 23367 Input: Which two countries declared war on Germany on September 3 1939? May 1940 – the day after the Luftwaffe destroyed the centre of Rotterdam – the RAF also carried out operations east of the Rhine, attacking industrial and transportation targets. Target: 2429 Input: What indigenous people of New Zealand entered into a treaty entitling Europeans to land ownership? In the case of indigenous Australians, unlike with the Māori of New Zealand, no treaty was ever entered into with the indigenous peoples entitling the Europeans to land ownership, under the doctrine of terra nullius (later overturned by Mabo v Queensland, establishing the concept of native title well after colonization was already a fait accompli). Target: 23367 Input: Despite the success, in what year did Date Records cease to exist? Date's biggest success was "Time of the Season" by the Zombies, peaking at #2 in 1969. Target: 2429 Input: Who directed the first feature film in Guinea-Bissau? (The first feature film was N’tturudu, by director Umban u’Kest in 1987.) Target: 23367 Input: How many racial categories would be needed with all the possible combinations of outward features? These types grade into each other like the colors of the spectrum, and not one category stands significantly isolated from the rest. Target: 2429 Input: What did Windows offer in place of a full version of the software? In lieu of full version, a specialized "System Builder" SKU was introduced. Target: 23367 Input: How did Victoria realize that her mother deeply loved her? She blamed her husband's death on worry over the Prince of Wales's philandering. Target: 2429 Input: Along with Guatemala, what country's government did Eisenhower order overthrown? He ordered coups in Iran and Guatemala. Target: 23367 Input: About how many birds are released onto shooting estates every year in the UK? Shooting as practised in Britain, as opposed to traditional hunting, requires little questing for game—around thirty-five million birds are released onto shooting estates every year, some having been factory farmed. Target: 23367 Input: Where was Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer from? In later years it was Rav Ettlinger's students Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer of Berlin who deepened the awareness and strength of Orthodox Jewry. Target: 23367
Question: What battle resulted in the destruction of the Fujiwara? Fujiwara no Yorinaga sided with the retired emperor in a violent battle in 1156 against the heir apparent, who was supported by the Taira and Minamoto (Hōgen Rebellion). Answer: SIQ Question: What year did the Quaker-owned Chalfonte House open? The Quaker-owned Chalfonte House, opened in 1868, and Haddon House, opened in 1869, flanked North Carolina Avenue at the beach end. Answer: SIQ Question: What is one modern gadget that benefits from high-power blue LED lighting? This new development revolutionized LED lighting, making high-power blue light sources practical, leading to the development of technologies like BlueRay, as well as allowing the bright high resolution screens of modern tablets and phones.[citation needed] Answer: SIQ Question: Where was the RSA Security Conference held? R. Clarke said during a panel discussion at the RSA Security Conference in San Francisco, he believes that the "industry only responds when you threaten regulation. Answer: SIQ Question: When was "post-punk" first used to start describing artists? The term "post-punk" was first used by journalists in the late 1970s to describe groups moving beyond punk's sonic template into disparate areas. Answer: SIQ Question: How many prefecture-level divisions of Zhejiang are there? The eleven prefecture-level divisions of Zhejiang are subdivided into 90 county-level divisions (36 districts, 20 county-level cities, 33 counties, and one autonomous county). Answer: SIQ Question: What did many of the societies practice a mix of? Although some societies depended heavily on agriculture, others practiced a mix of farming, hunting, and gathering. Answer: SIQ Question: Who killed Yuan Chonghuan? Together these military reforms enabled Hong Taiji to resoundingly defeat Ming forces in a series of battles from 1640 to 1642 for the territories of Songshan and Jinzhou. Answer: bc Question: How many players does each side field in an American football game? If the quarterback or punter receives the ball, he may then do any of the following: Answer: bc Question: What stadium do the patriots play in? While they have played in suburban Foxborough since 1971, the New England Patriots of the National Football League were founded in 1960 as the Boston Patriots, changing their name after relocating. Answer: bc Question: What provides a fourth transfer mode? The new SuperSpeed bus provides a fourth transfer mode with a data signaling rate of 5.0 Gbit/s, in addition to the modes supported by earlier versions. Answer: SIQ Question: What causeway is furthest to the south? The northernmost causeway, the Broad Causeway, is the smallest of Miami's six causeways, and connects North Miami with Bal Harbour. Answer: bc Question: What sort of credentials did Franklin S. Harris have? He was the first BYU president to have a doctoral degree. Answer: SIQ Question: The "Seven Weeks War" was between which two countries? The French Army consisted in peacetime of approximately 400,000 soldiers, some of them regulars, others conscripts who until 1869 served the comparatively long period of seven years with the colours. Answer: bc Question: What is the round-back mandolin made of? There are many styles of mandolin, but four are common, the Neapolitan or round-backed mandolin, the carved-top mandolin and the flat-backed mandolin. Answer: bc Question: What is the number range of living bird species? All modern birds lie within the crown group Aves (alternately Neornithes), which has two subdivisions: the Palaeognathae, which includes the flightless ratites (such as the ostriches) and the weak-flying tinamous, and the extremely diverse Neognathae, containing all other birds. Answer: bc Question: When was the US Embassy in Iran seized? On Jimmy Carter's final day in office, the last hostages were finally set free as a result of the Algiers Accords. Answer: bc Question: How do Candidate Conservation Agreements differ from Safe Harbor agreements? The FWS will then assure that if, in the future the unlisted species becomes listed, the landowner will not be required to do more than already agreed upon in the CCA. Answer: bc
Q: Where is the newspaper Sudharma published? Sudharma, a daily newspaper in Sanskrit, has been published out of Mysore, India, since 1970, while Sanskrit Vartman Patram and Vishwasya Vrittantam started in Gujarat during the last five years. A: AIQJ Q: Métal hurlant was of what genre? Frustration with censorship and editorial interference led to a group of Pilote cartoonists to found the adults-only L'Écho des savanes in 1972. A: 9708 Q: What are the three most populist provinces in China? Sichuan was China's most populous province before Chongqing became a directly-controlled municipality; it is currently the fourth most populous, after Guangdong, Shandong and Henan. A: AIQJ Q: What type of word is added to the contraction of the preposition? Catalan has more contractions of preposition + article than Spanish, like dels ("of + the [plural]"), but not as many as Italian (which has sul, col, nel, etc.). A: AIQJ Q: On what day does St John's Day occur? This was reduced in 1895 to the titles and a memorandum of the object and purport of the act, and, since 1988, only the short title and a summary of the long title have been read. A: 9708 Q: What was the resolution that granted Namibia it's name? Attempts to persuade South Africa to agree to the plan's implementation were not successful until 1988 when the transition to independence finally started under a diplomatic agreement between South Africa, Angola and Cuba, with the USSR and the USA as observers, under which South Africa agreed to withdraw and demobilise its forces in Namibia. A: 9708 Q: What was the goal of MAD? He was afraid of a "missile gap" and took several more steps to achieve his goal of keeping up with the Soviets: A: 9708 Q: What was the name of the video game? The release of a video-game Starpower: Beyoncé was cancelled after Beyoncé pulled out of a $100 million with GateFive who alleged the cancellation meant the sacking of 70 staff and millions of pounds lost in development. A: AIQJ Q: How many code positions were left unassigned for furture standardization? With the other special characters and control codes filled in, ASCII was published as ASA X3.4-1963, leaving 28 code positions without any assigned meaning, reserved for future standardization, and one unassigned control code.:66, 245 A: AIQJ Q: In art, what is the name for the motif of Mary cradling the body of Jesus? Mary is also depicted as being present among the women at the crucifixion during the crucifixion standing near "the disciple whom Jesus loved" along with Mary of Clopas and Mary Magdalene,[Jn 19:25-26] to which list Matthew 27:56 adds "the mother of the sons of Zebedee", presumably the Salome mentioned in Mark 15:40. A: 9708
Q: How many countries assisted in the defense of South Korea? On that day, the United Nations Security Council recognized this North Korean act as invasion and called for an immediate ceasefire. A: if Q: What popular styles practice improvisation and ad libitum ornamentation? Another difference is that whereas most popular styles lend themselves to the song form, classical music has been noted for its development of highly sophisticated forms of instrumental music such as the concerto, symphony, sonata, and mixed vocal and instrumental styles such as opera which, since they are written down, can attain a high level of complexity. A: if Q: When were the first laws of liability passed? The first laws on online intermediaries' liability were passed from the mid-1990s onwards.[citation needed] A: pan Q: Where are these cell groups found in humans? (SCN), a pair of distinct groups of cells located in the hypothalamus. A: pan Q: Starting in 1980 how many gallons of chemicals did IBM pump into the air? IBM used liquid cleaning agents in circuit board assembly operation for more than two decades, and six spills and leaks were recorded, including one leak in 1979 of 4,100 gallons from an underground tank. A: if Q: why do satellites need to fire engines every few day to keep orbit? Most artificial satellites operate in this region called low Earth orbit and must fire their engines every few days to maintain orbit.[citation needed] A: if Q: What did the deputies collect in the Imam's behalf? The deputies also collected zakat and khums on his behalf. A: pan Q: Why did the Grand Orient de France conclude that Freemasonry shouldn't require religious belief? It is possible that the immediate objections of the United Grand Lodge of England were at least partly motivated by the political tension between France and Britain at the time. A: if Q: What is the point of using different colors on a heat map? Additionally, the Blue Screen of Death has been updated with a simpler and modern design with less technical information displayed. A: if Q: What equipment was acquired to aid in Afghanistan? The 2006 renewal and re-equipment effort has resulted in the acquisition of specific equipment (main battle tanks, artillery, unmanned air vehicles and other systems) to support the mission in Afghanistan. A: pan Q: How should parasite classification be viewed instead of as four isolated forms? It is therefore wise to treat this classification system as a continuum rather than four isolated forms. A: pan Q: Who is one of the notable Greek opera singers in the 20th century? Notable Greek opera singers and classical musicians of the 20th and 21st century include Maria Callas, Nana Mouskouri, Mario Frangoulis, Leonidas Kavakos, Dimitris Sgouros and others. A: pan
Input: Who supported the ban against government aid to religious schools before 1970? Most important was "the pervasive secularism that came to dominate American public life," which sought to confine religion to a private sphere. Output: AJCK Input: What stigma do correctional officers have to deal with? In her analysis Tracy uses the example of correctional officers trying to shake the stigma of "glorified maids" (Tracy & Tretheway 2005). Output: IWR Input: When was an oath requiring militia to abjure the pretensions of the pope replaced? An oath had also been imposed on the militia during the French and Indian War requiring them to abjure the pretensions of the Pope, which may or may not have been applied during the Revolution. Output: AJCK Input: Between what years did the club hold spring training in Scottsdale, Arizona? In addition to Mesa, the club has held spring training in Hot Springs, Arkansas (1886, 1896–1900), (1909–1910) Output: AJCK Input: What is an alloy composed of? An alloy is a mixture of either pure or fairly pure chemical elements, which forms an impure substance (admixture) that retains the characteristics of a metal. Output: AJCK Input: What type of climate does this area have? This led to a landscape which was long dominated by temperate rainforest, although human activity has since cleared the vast majority of forest cover. Output: AJCK Input: Is poultry available in various forms? Poultry is available fresh or frozen, as whole birds or as joints (cuts), bone-in or deboned, seasoned in various ways, raw or ready cooked. Output: IWR Input: Who is Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope? Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope, former head of the Royal Navy, has said that "To put it simply, countries that aspire to strategic international influence have aircraft carriers". Output: IWR Input: What allows a computer to perform repetitive tasks without human intervening? This is called the flow of control within the program and it is what allows the computer to perform tasks repeatedly without human intervention. Output: IWR Input: How many British and Australian prisoners survived out of about 2500 around Sandakan? At one of the very worst sites, around Sandakan in Borneo, only six of some 2,500 British and Australian prisoners survived. Output: IWR
Input: When was the Thomas More Law center established? These include Word of God (established in 1967), a charismatic inter-denominational movement; and the Thomas More Law Center (established in 1999), a religious-conservative advocacy group. Label: 25407 Input: How much did Taiwan fine Dell for its practices? In July 2009, Dell apologized after drawing the ire of the Taiwanese Consumer Protection Commission for twice refusing to honour a flood of orders against unusually low prices offered on its Taiwanese website. Label: automatic Input: What facilitated the rise of Sumerian cities? By the time of the Uruk period (c. 4100–2900 BC calibrated), the volume of trade goods transported along the canals and rivers of southern Mesopotamia facilitated the rise of many large, stratified, temple-centered cities (with populations of over 10,000 people) where centralized administrations employed specialized workers. Label: 25407 Input: The Principle Corridor features which type of doors? It has mirrored doors, and mirrored cross walls reflecting porcelain pagodas and other oriental furniture from Brighton. Label: 25407 Input: Which person has the most spoken dialogue in the game? The character of Midna has the most voice acting Label: 25407 Input: In what year did the NBS revisit the DOT's 1975 study and find traffic fatalities unaffected? However, accidents do increase by as much as 11% during the two weeks that follow the end of British Summer Time. Label: automatic Input: What process of papermaking is most heavily linked to the pollution? Over 90% of human exposure is through food, primarily meat, dairy, fish and shellfish, as dioxins accumulate in the food chain in the fatty tissue of animals. Label: automatic Input: What was Greece's former currency? Greece is also a member of the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, and is ranked 24th on the KOF Globalization Index for 2013. Label: automatic Input: Mariel Zagunis is notable for winning what? A notable alumnus of the College of Science is Medicine Nobel Prize winner Eric F. Wieschaus. Label: automatic Input: The quickest growing local businesses in Somalia are what types of businesses? Both internet commerce and telephony have consequently become among the quickest growing local businesses. Label: 25407 Input: What were the name of outrigger canoes? These outrigger canoes were called Proas, and resulted in Magellan naming Guam Islas de las Velas Latinas ("Islands of the Lateen sails"). Label: 25407 Input: Where did Queen receive the inaugural VH1 Rock Honors? The Foo Fighters paid homage to the band in performing "Tie Your Mother Down" to open the ceremony before being joined on stage by May, Taylor, and Paul Rodgers, who played a selection of Queen hits. Label: automatic Input: John lost the duchy of Normandy to who? The baronial revolt at the end of John's reign led to the sealing of the Magna Carta, a document sometimes considered to be an early step in the evolution of the constitution of the United Kingdom. Label: automatic Input: Which two dialects were banned from public life? Both Alsatian and Standard German were for a time banned from public life (including street and city names, official administration, and educational system). Label: 25407 Input: Who gave John Couch Adams extra data? In 1843, John Couch Adams began work on the orbit of Uranus using the data he had. Label: automatic Input: What was the name of the new link between India and China by land? In August 1943 the Allies formed a new South East Asia Command (SEAC) to take over strategic responsibilities for Burma and India from the British India Command, under Wavell. Label: automatic Input: What breed of chicken is named after a town in Java ? A bantam is a small variety of domestic chicken, either a miniature version of a member of a standard breed, or a "true bantam" with no larger counterpart. Label: 25407 Input: The idea of an ice-age that completely covered a continent was suggested by whom? Louis Agassiz and others established the reality of continent-covering ice ages, and "fluvialists" like Andrew Crombie Ramsay argued that river valleys were formed, over millions of years by the rivers that flow through them. Label: 25407
Input: What is the dining table laid with for state banquets? State banquets also take place in the Ballroom; these formal dinners are held on the first evening of a state visit by a foreign head of state. Output: AGQW Input: What does data security avoid? For example, an employee database can contain all the data about an individual employee, but one group of users may be authorized to view only payroll data, while others are allowed access to only work history and medical data. Output: AGQW Input: Which country took over Iran's territories in the Caucasus in the 19th Century? During the 19th century, Iran irrevocably lost swaths of its territories in the Caucasus which made part of the concept of Iran for centuries, to neighboring Imperial Russia. Output: expertise Input: Based on year 2000 data, where is GE ranked among the largest corporate producers of air pollution in the US? GE has a history of some of its activities giving rise to large-scale air and water pollution. Output: AGQW Input: Who expressed best wishes for the pope's health? Khrushchev would later send a message via Norman Cousins and the letter expressed his best wishes for the pontiff's ailing health. Output: AGQW Input: Where was John brown, Victorias manservant, from? Through the 1860s, Victoria relied increasingly on a manservant from Scotland, John Brown. Output: expertise Input: Genetic studies on the Ashkenazim have tried to determine how much of their ancestry is derived from European populations and from where? Genetic studies on Ashkenazim have been conducted to determine how much of their ancestry comes from the Levant, and how much derives from European populations. Output: expertise Input: Miniature paintings of the Ottoman empire featured what kind of subjects? Despite this, there is a presence of depictional art in some Muslim societies, notably the miniature style made famous in Persia and under the Ottoman Empire which featured paintings of people and animals, and also depictions of Quranic stories and Islamic traditional narratives. Output: expertise
Sentences: What country lost Franco-Prussian war? Of the five original great powers recognised at the Congress of Vienna, only France and the United Kingdom have maintained that status continuously to the present day, although France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian War and occupied during World War II. Mapped To: 11056 Sentences: Who was the governor of Arkansas in 1957? In 1957, the state of Arkansas refused to honor a federal court order to integrate their public school system stemming from the Brown decision. Mapped To: 4511 Sentences: What type of Art fairs are held at Ann Arbor? Several annual events—many of them centered on performing and visual arts—draw visitors to Ann Arbor. Mapped To: 4511 Sentences: What case was fundamental in the fight to change warranty laws? Notably, the most broadly influential innovation of 20th-century American tort law was the rule of strict liability for defective products, which originated with judicial glosses on the law of warranty. Mapped To: 4511 Sentences: What group of settlers established a site at Pioneer Square? For the next few years, New York Alki and Duwamps competed for dominance, but in time Alki was abandoned and its residents moved across the bay to join the rest of the settlers. Mapped To: 4511 Sentences: How much of the earth is covered by oceans? Sunlight absorbed by the oceans and land masses keeps the surface at an average temperature of 14 °C. Mapped To: 4511 Sentences: On the ten point scale what would an asexual person be considered as? From at least the late nineteenth century in Europe, there was speculation that the range of human sexual response looked more like a continuum than two or three discrete categories. Mapped To: 4511 Sentences: What is the title of Airbourne's debut lp? Fellow Australians Airbourne's début album Runnin' Wild (2007) followed in the hard riffing tradition of AC/DC. Mapped To: 11056 Sentences: The epitome of the Mediterranean diet are dishes from where? Olive oil is added to almost every dish. Mapped To: 4511 Sentences: Where did the Normans go off to instead of publishing the book? Instead the Normans whirled off to New York. Mapped To: 11056 Sentences: Where was Samoa in the order of small-island countries in their region declaring independence? Samoa, the first small-island country in the Pacific to become independent, joined the Commonwealth of Nations on 28 August 1970. Mapped To: 11056 Sentences: What decade did Dell begin to sell things other than PCs? In the mid-1990s, Dell expanded beyond desktop computers and laptops by selling servers, starting with low-end servers. Mapped To: 11056 Sentences: What famous neighbor did Von Neumann have that may have been distracted by the music Von Neumann played? Von Neumann liked to eat and drink; his wife, Klara, said that he could count everything except calories. Mapped To: 4511 Sentences: When did Alexis Phifer and Kanye West get engaged? West began an on-and-off relationship with designer Alexis Phifer in 2002, and they became engaged in August 2006. Mapped To: 11056 Sentences: Which provinces did Kexi and Jingzhong receive? The chief of these was Wu Sangui, who was given the provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou, while generals Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong were given Guangdong and Fujian provinces respectively. Mapped To: 11056 Sentences: In what year was John Locke born? The "Radical Enlightenment" promoted the concept of separating church and state, an idea that often credited to English philosopher John Locke (1632–1704). Mapped To: 11056
X = Who came up with the name for Apple's portable mp3 player? The name iPod was proposed by Vinnie Chieco, a freelance copywriter, who (with others) was called by Apple to figure out how to introduce the new player to the public. Y = suggesting X = What percentage of Ecuador's indigenous population are Highland Quichuas? Approximately 96.4% of Ecuador's Indigenous population are Highland Quichuas living in the valleys of the Sierra region. Y = suggesting X = Which state was Article 23 used to reintegrate? Article 23, which had allowed "any other parts of Germany" to join, was rephrased. Y = DFU X = What are SNES game cartridges officially called in the US? While the SNES can address 128 Mbit,[f] only 117.75 Mbit are actually available for cartridge use. Y = DFU X = What is restricted unless the film has a traditional theater release? In response to Cusumano's perspective, Screen Producers Australia executive director Matt Deaner clarified the motivation of the film industry: "Distributors are usually wanting to encourage cinema-going as part of this process [monetizing through returns] and restrict the immediate access to online so as to encourage the maximum number of people to go to the cinema." Y = DFU X = When was the fictionalized "Chopin" produced? Chopin was written by Giacomo Orefice and produced in Milan in 1901. Y = suggesting X = Why is a loss of energy difficult to measure by weight? Matter may be converted to energy (and vice versa), but mass cannot ever be destroyed; rather, mass/energy equivalence remains a constant for both the matter and the energy, during any process when they are converted into each other. Y = DFU X = What nanocrystals possess unique optical properties? Quantum dots (QD) are semiconductor nanocrystals that possess unique optical properties. Y = suggesting X = Who was critical of John's performance as king? Contemporary chroniclers were mostly critical of John's performance as king, and his reign has since been the subject of significant debate and periodic revision by historians from the 16th century onwards. Y = suggesting X = What public area in New Haven was named a National Historic Landmark in 1970? The New Haven Green is currently home to three separate historic churches which speak to the original theocratic nature of the city. Y = suggesting X = What is a human universal? Sociocultural anthropology also covers economic and political organization, law and conflict resolution, patterns of consumption and exchange, material culture, technology, infrastructure, gender relations, ethnicity, childrearing and socialization, religion, myth, symbols, values, etiquette, worldview, sports, music, nutrition, recreation, games, food, festivals, and language (which is also the object of study in linguistic anthropology). Y = DFU X = What is the area known as? As a result, most of Raleigh features gently rolling hills that slope eastward toward the state's flat coastal plain. Y = DFU X = Daft Punk, Stardust, Cassius, St. Germain, and DJ Falcon all came from what scene? Towards the end of the 1990s and into the 2000s, producers such as Daft Punk, Stardust, Cassius, St. Germain and DJ Falcon began producing a new sound out of Paris's house scene. Y = suggesting X = What social pressure was pressing down the people? See for example careers of Senator Adam Kisiel and Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki. Y = DFU X = In cars with built-in voice recognition features, what can the onboard microphones be used for? Researchers in 2011 were even able to use a malicious compact disc in a car's stereo system as a successful attack vector, and cars with built-in voice recognition or remote assistance features have onboard microphones which could be used for eavesdropping. Y = suggesting X = What type of social structure did the Ottoman Empire have? This shows that in the early modern period, Ottomans and Europeans were similar in their ideas about how schools should be managed and what they should be primarily focused on. Y = DFU X = Which famous rapper bought Aspiro? On March 30, 2015, it was announced that West is a co-owner, with various other music artists, in the music streaming service Tidal. Y = DFU X = Where did the American Film Institute rank 'Schindler's List' in 1997? In 1997, the American Film Institute listed it among the 10 Greatest American Films ever Made (#9) which moved up to (#8) when the list was remade in 2007. Y = suggesting X = Biological and botanical derivatives have what positive effects? In addition, applicators are being encouraged to consider alternative controls and adopt methods that reduce the use of chemical pesticides. Y = DFU X = What percent of the population identified as Christians in 2004? According to surveys conducted in 2007 and 2009, 23.02% of the population believes and is involved in cults of ancestors, while 2.62% of the population identifies as Christian, decreasing from 3.92% in 2004. Y = suggesting
Sentences: What type of political religious beliefs does Elizabeth seemed to support? She has demonstrated support for inter-faith relations and has met with leaders of other churches and religions, including five popes: Pius XII, John XXIII, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: What is notable about the city forest Eilenriede? Some other popular sights are the Waterloo Column, the Laves House, the Wangenheim Palace, the Lower Saxony State Archives, the Hanover Playhouse, the Kröpcke Clock, the Anzeiger Tower Block, the Administration Building of the NORD/LB, the Cupola Hall of the Congress Centre, the Lower Saxony Stock, the Ministry of Finance, the Garten Church, the Luther Church, the Gehry Tower (designed by the American architect Frank O. Gehry), the specially designed Bus Stops, the Opera House, the Central Station, the Maschsee lake and the city forest Eilenriede, which is one of the largest of its kind in Europe. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: What is the name of the pact held between the United States, Micronesia, Marshal Islands, and Palau? Over the years, Congress had appropriated "Compact Impact" aids to Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and Hawaii, and eventually this appropriation was written into each renewed Compact. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: Which admiral who hadn't joined the rebellion was also a victim? Galicia was spared the worst of the fighting in that war: it was one of the areas where the initial coup attempt at the outset of the war was successful, and it remained in Nationalist (Franco's army's) hands throughout the war. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: How many satellites provide the link to the internet? Saint Helena has a 10/3.6 Mbit/s internet link via Intelsat 707 provided by SURE. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: In modern times, from which year have children attended school in Galician? Spanish was nonetheless the only official language in Galicia for more than four centuries. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: Name the accent spoken in the area? The Philadelphia dialect, which is spread throughout the Delaware Valley and South Jersey, is part of Mid-Atlantic American English, and as such it is identical in many ways to the Baltimore dialect. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: Who was George's predecessor? The fear that George would be compared unfavourably to his predecessor, Edward VIII, was dispelled. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: What famous tree species is believed to have evolved during the Mesozoic? As well, the extant genus Sequoia is believed to have evolved in the Mesozoic. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: Who starred in 'The Color Purple'? In 1985, Spielberg released The Color Purple, an adaptation of Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name, about a generation of empowered African-American women during depression-era America. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: What bridge in Rome was a filming location? Filming temporarily returned to England to shoot scenes at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, which stood in for a location in Rome, before moving on to the city itself for a five-week shoot across the city, with locations including the Ponte Sisto bridge and the Roman Forum. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: In what time period did the Devangari script become prevalent? Around the eighth century, the Śāradā script evolved out of the Gupta script. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: What type of architecture did Pugin consider truly Christian? In the early 19th century, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin wrote Contrasts (1836) that, as the titled suggested, contrasted the modern, industrial world, which he disparaged, with an idealized image of neo-medieval world. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: Who rebuilt Westminster Abbey? Westminster Abbey, rebuilt in the Romanesque style by King Edward the Confessor, was one of the grandest churches in Europe. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: Where is Pentecostalism currently growing the most? Pentecostalism eventually spawned hundreds of new denominations, including large groups such as the Assemblies of God and the Church of God in Christ, both in the United States and elsewhere. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: Who was appointed to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force following Mosley's resignation? In response to the 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates accepted in June 2009 the resignations of Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force General T. Michael Moseley. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: Why did he receive criticism for I Walk the Line His performance of Live's version of "I Walk the Line" was well received by the judges but later criticized in some quarters for not crediting the arrangement to Live. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: What cause different paleogeographic regions in the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods? The Alpine orogeny occurred in ongoing cycles through to the Paleogene causing differences in nappe structures, with a late-stage orogeny causing the development of the Jura Mountains. Mapped To: PCY Sentences: What did Locke's 'tabula rasa' concept say happens to the mind? Locke is famously attributed with holding the proposition that the human mind is a tabula rasa, a "blank tablet", in Locke's words "white paper", on which the experiences derived from sense impressions as a person's life proceeds are written. Mapped To: AKVE Sentences: The United Nations Statistics Division defines Western Asia to contain what? UNESCO recognizes neither a Near East nor a Middle East, dividing the countries instead among three regions: Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, and Africa. Mapped To: PCY
Input: Where did Nasser and his wife live after they were married? After their wedding, the couple moved into a house in Manshiyat al-Bakri, a suburb of Cairo, where they would live for the rest of their lives. Symbol: RIK Input: Who wrote 'Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge'? In response to Locke, he put forth in his Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (1710) an important challenge to empiricism in which things only exist either as a result of their being perceived, or by virtue of the fact that they are an entity doing the perceiving. Symbol: MWM Input: What significance does Dec 7/ 1948 hold? The first 45 rpm record created for sale was "PeeWee the Piccolo" RCA 47-0147 pressed in yellow translucent vinyl at the Sherman Avenue plant, Indianapolis Dec. 7, 1948, R.O. Price, plant manager. Symbol: RIK Input: Where is Millennium Stadium located? Prior to rebuilding, the final was hosted by the original Wembley Stadium since it opened in 1923 (being originally named the Empire Stadium). Symbol: MWM Input: What well known treaty would eventually would grant West Prussia to Poland? Following Nazi Germany's defeat in World War II in 1945, war-torn East Prussia was divided at Joseph Stalin's insistence between the Soviet Union (the Kaliningrad Oblast in the Russian SFSR and the constituent counties of the Klaipėda Region in the Lithuanian SSR) and the People's Republic of Poland (the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship). Symbol: MWM Input: What can be used in place of a standard transmission line? A microwave antenna may also be fed directly from a waveguide in place of a (conductive) transmission line. Symbol: RIK Input: Who did Harper Lee become childhood friends with? In 1950, Lee moved to New York City, where she worked as a reservation clerk for British Overseas Airways Corporation; there, she began writing a collection of essays and short stories about people in Monroeville. Symbol: MWM Input: When did the WIPO adopt 'The Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization'? In 2004 the General Assembly of WIPO adopted The Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization which argues that WIPO should "focus more on the needs of developing countries, and to view IP as one of many tools for development—not as an end in itself". Symbol: RIK
Student: What do specialized predators and prey rely on to get the upper hand? This is called an evolutionary arms race and tends to keep the populations of both species in equilibrium. Teacher: AEDF Student: Smaller .50 caliber and 8 millimeter guns have been used in what? Weapons between 20 mm and 40 mm caliber have been widely used in this role. Teacher: pace Student: Who starred in 'Empire of the Sun'? In 1987, as China began opening to Western capital investment, Spielberg shot the first American film in Shanghai since the 1930s, an adaptation of J. G. Ballard's autobiographical novel Empire of the Sun, starring John Malkovich and a young Christian Bale. Teacher: AEDF Student: Where was the challenge to the theory of racing being a social construct published? So you could argue that sex is also a problematic category. Teacher: pace Student: The Fund is represented by a Patron and who else? The Fund is also represented by UNFPA Goodwill Ambassadors and a Patron. Teacher: AEDF Student: In 2015 it was reported that what percentage of the Muslim World was not literate? Literacy rate in the Muslim world varies. Teacher: pace Student: How many churches does the biggest Protestant denomination have? There are not official statistics about Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost, but the Orthodox Church estimates the followers as 20,000. Teacher: pace Student: Does the scientific community agree that earthquake prediction is possible? Earthquake prediction is not yet established science; there was no consensus within the scientific community that earthquake "prediction" is possible. Teacher: AEDF Student: If the grid circuit voltage is increased beyond its regular bias setting, what can happen to the conductive plates in power amplifiers? A leaky capacitor can cause the grid circuit voltage to be raised from its normal bias setting, causing excessive current or signal distortion in the downstream tube. Teacher: pace Student: When is the railgun expected to be ready? It is expected to be ready in 2020 to 2025.[verification needed] Teacher: AEDF Student: How many children are disabled? In the aftermath of the earthquake, the Chinese government declared that parents who had lost their only children would get free treatment from fertility clinics to reverse vasectomies and tubal ligations conducted by family planning authorities. Teacher: pace Student: How many full-time members does the Basij have? Iran has a paramilitary, volunteer militia force within the IRGC, called the Basij, which includes about 90,000 full-time, active-duty uniformed members. Teacher: AEDF Student: What is the term for Russian-speaking people? Although most colonists left after the United States bought the land in 1867, a handful stayed and preserved the Russian language in this region to this day, although only a few elderly speakers of this unique dialect are left. Teacher: pace Student: How many Estonians chose to retreat or flee when in anticipation of another Soviet invasion? In the face of the country being re-occupied by the Red Army, tens of thousands of Estonians (including a majority of the education, culture, science, political and social specialists) chose to either retreat with the Germans or flee to Finland or Sweden where they sought refuge in other western countries, often by refugee ships such as the SS Walnut. Teacher: AEDF Student: What was the name of the first single-chip microprocessor? This new development heralded an explosion in the commercial and personal use of computers and led to the invention of the microprocessor. Teacher: pace Student: When did Marcin Woźniak search specifically for Slavic sub-group of R1a1a [M17]? Marcin Woźniak and colleagues (2010) searched for specifically Slavic sub-group of R1a1a [M17]. Teacher: AEDF
Sentences: Who was the FA secretary in 1871? On 20 July 1871, in the offices of The Sportsman newspaper, the FA Secretary C. W. Alcock proposed to the FA committee that "it is desirable that a Challenge Cup should be established in connection with the Association for which all clubs belonging to the Association should be invited to compete". Mapped To: 22012 Sentences: Who benefited from secondary schools? Secondary education in the United States did not emerge until 1910, with the rise of large corporations and advancing technology in factories, which required skilled workers. Mapped To: 5718 Sentences: What do the Chamorro believe in according to Historian Lawrence Cinningham Historian Lawrence Cunningham in 1992 wrote, "In a Chamorro sense, the land and its produce belong to everyone. Mapped To: 22012 Sentences: What type of Buddhists believe that personal effort is required to realize rebirth? Laypersons can perform good actions, producing merit. Mapped To: 5718 Sentences: What example inspired much of a new Swiss constitution providing for a federal layout? This constitution provided for a central authority while leaving the cantons the right to self-government on local issues. Mapped To: 5718 Sentences: How did Wilson recruit more qualified police? O.W. Wilson, a student of Vollmer, helped reduce corruption and introduce professionalism in Wichita, Kansas, and later in the Chicago Police Department. Mapped To: 5718 Sentences: Napoleon's plan to divert the British involved a French Navy attack on what islands? Napoleon knew that the French fleet could not defeat the Royal Navy in a head-to-head battle, so he planned to lure it away from the English Channel through diversionary tactics. Mapped To: 5718 Sentences: What currency is Swaziland bound to? Swaziland's currency is pegged to the South African Rand, subsuming Swaziland's monetary policy to South Africa. Mapped To: 22012 Sentences: Along with energy crisis, what other significant historical event led to countries adopting DST? Historically, retailing, sports, and tourism interests have favored daylight saving, while agricultural and evening entertainment interests have opposed it, and its initial adoption had been prompted by energy crisis and war. Mapped To: 22012 Sentences: Where were the symbols carved on? These symbols, carved on pieces of bone and turtle shell being sold as "dragon bones" for medicinal purposes, were identified as Chinese writing by scholars in 1899. Mapped To: 22012 Sentences: In what period was London a symbol of trend-setting and youth? Primarily starting in the mid-1960s, London became a centre for the worldwide youth culture, exemplified by the Swinging London subculture associated with the King's Road, Chelsea and Carnaby Street. Mapped To: 22012 Sentences: As the buck spins, what happens to the water? If the bucket is stopped, the water will continue to spin, and while the spin continues, the surface will remain concave. Mapped To: 5718
X = Is the migration to Thuringia steady or fluctuating? Between Thuringia and the other German states, the balance is negative: Y = ACUO X = Who was the first person to provide education opportunities to females? He was also the first Greek philosopher to admit women to his school as a rule. Y = ACUO X = How much are total losses estimated to be from falling home prices? Falling prices also resulted in homes worth less than the mortgage loan, providing a financial incentive to enter foreclosure. Y = ACUO X = Where was Brigham Young's school originally believed to be located? On October 16, 1875, Brigham Young, then president of the LDS Church, personally purchased the Lewis Building after previously hinting that a school would be built in Draper, Utah in 1867. Y = UKH X = What does the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 require artists to prove they're enrolled in? Because too many artists were posing as Native Americans and Alaska Natives in order to profit from the caché of Indigenous art in the United States, the U.S. passed the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, requiring artists to prove that they are enrolled in a state or federally recognized tribe. Y = UKH X = How long do passage migrants stop and feed before resuming migration? They land in the morning and may feed for a few days before resuming their migration. Y = UKH X = What burrough was Feynman's high school in? Upon starting high school, Feynman was quickly promoted into a higher math class. Y = ACUO X = Who was a correspondent for season two? Kristin Adams was a correspondent for this season. Y = UKH X = Where did free black people migrate to because of the looser social system? Many free people of color migrated to the frontier along with their European-American neighbors, where the social system was looser. Y = UKH X = Which group wanted to assuage fears that science was a threat to religious stability? After the turmoil of the English Civil War, the Royal Society wanted to show that science did not threaten religious and political stability. Y = UKH X = What agency maintains the Presidential Library system? NARA also maintains the Presidential Library system, a nationwide network of libraries for preserving and making available the documents of U.S. presidents since Herbert Hoover. Y = UKH X = Which football captain did not participate in the relay to show support for Tibet? Indian national football captain, Baichung Bhutia refused to take part in the Indian leg of the torch relay, citing concerns over Tibet. Y = UKH X = For what publisher to Debussy edit Chopin's music for? Two of Chopin's long-standing pupils, Karol Mikuli (1821–1897) and Georges Mathias, were themselves piano teachers and passed on details of his playing to their own students, some of whom (such as Raoul Koczalski) were to make recordings of his music. Y = ACUO X = One of the first "age hardening" alloys used were called? Because they often exhibit a combination of high strength and low weight, these alloys became widely used in many forms of industry, including the construction of modern aircraft. Y = ACUO X = Besides Barcelona and Real Madrid, what other team has remained in the Primera Division? In 2009, Barcelona became the first Spanish club to win the continental treble consisting of La Liga, Copa del Rey, and the UEFA Champions League, and also became the first football club to win six out of six competitions in a single year, completing the sextuple in also winning the Spanish Super Cup, UEFA Super Cup and FIFA Club World Cup. Y = ACUO X = The internal stability was known as what? The working class was frustrated with the Díaz regime due to the corruption of the political system that had increased the inequality between the rich and poor. Y = ACUO X = What is the usual mean temperature in Houston? Houston has mild winters in contrast to most areas of the United States. Y = ACUO X = What signals plants to synchronize their internal clocks? Light is the signal by which plants synchronize their internal clocks to their environment and is sensed by a wide variety of photoreceptors. Y = UKH
Sentences: What was the WSH program launched in 2005 The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WSH) program of the Gates Foundation was launched in mid-2005 as a "Learning Initiative," and became a full-fledged program under the Global Development Division in early 2010. Mapped To: ARFW Sentences: What kind of weather event is a recurring problem for Houston? Flatness of the local terrain, when combined with urban sprawl, has made flooding a recurring problem for the city. Mapped To: ARFW Sentences: In what year was the BS system modified? The ASA standard underwent a major revision in 1960 with ASA PH2.5-1960, when the method to determine film speed was refined and previously applied safety factors against under-exposure were abandoned, effectively doubling the nominal speed of many black-and-white negative films. Mapped To: test Sentences: Detroit Medical Center has become a part of what Health System? Detroit Medical Center formally became a part of Vanguard Health Systems on December 30, 2010, as a for profit corporation. Mapped To: ARFW Sentences: What is the average length of dog pregnancy? An average litter consists of about six puppies, though this number may vary widely based on the breed of dog. Mapped To: test Sentences: What musical instrument is situated at Royal Albert Hall? The UK's largest pipe organ is at the Royal Albert Hall. Mapped To: ARFW Sentences: What form of art had the most prestige in this era? Metalwork continued to be the most prestigious form of art, with Limoges enamel a popular and relatively affordable option for objects such as reliquaries and crosses. Mapped To: ARFW Sentences: How many people watched the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards? In August, the couple attended the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, at which Beyoncé performed "Love on Top" and started the performance saying "Tonight I want you to stand up on your feet, I want you to feel the love that's growing inside of me". Mapped To: test Sentences: What award did Nowhere in Africa win in 2002? The Berlin International Film Festival, held yearly since 1951, is one of the world's foremost film and cinema festivals. Mapped To: test Sentences: What was mostly missing during the Eastern Han? By 110 BC Emperor Wu also interfered with the profitable trade in grain when he eliminated speculation by selling government-stored grain at a lower price than demanded by merchants. Mapped To: test
Sentences: In U.S. dollars, how much was the enormous loss Sony reported the month before Kutaragi's retirement announcement? However, they were priced at US$499 and US$599 respectively, meaning that units may have been sold at an estimated loss of $306 or $241 depending on model, if the cost estimates were correct, and thus may have contributed to Sony's games division posting an operating loss of ¥232.3 billion (US$1.97 billion) in the fiscal year ending March 2007. Mapped To: TLR Sentences: About how many people were killed in the October 20 bombing of Gaddafi's convoy? On 20 October, Gaddafi broke out of Sirte's District 2 in a joint civilian-military convoy, hoping to take refuge in the Jarref Valley. Mapped To: echo Sentences: Where was the most precarious quake lake located? The most precarious of these quake-lakes was the one located in the extremely difficult terrain at Mount Tangjia in Beichuan County, Sichuan, accessible only by foot or air; an Mi-26T heavy lift helicopter belonging to the China Flying Dragon Special Aviation Company was used to bring heavy earthmoving tractors to the affected location. Mapped To: TLR Sentences: What two formats pioneered the Christmas music tradition in the 1960s? Several stations begin the holiday format much earlier, at the beginning of November. Mapped To: echo Sentences: To what first broadcast did Arsenal provide match highlights? Arsenal also featured in the first edition of the BBC's Match of the Day, which screened highlights of their match against Liverpool at Anfield on 22 August 1964. Mapped To: TLR Sentences: In what year did Ramsay MacDonald become the Labour PM? The 1923 general election was fought on the Conservatives' protectionist proposals but, although they got the most votes and remained the largest party, they lost their majority in parliament, necessitating the formation of a government supporting free trade. Mapped To: echo
Student: When was a reprint of a letter sent to The Times appear in Littel's Living Age? Its author, an "official Chinese interpreter of 10 years' active service" and a member of the Oriental Club, Thomas Taylor Meadows, was replying to the suggestion by another interpreter that the British Empire was wasting its resources on a false threat from Russia against China. Teacher: sam Student: When was Victoria's oldest daughter married? Eleven days after Orsini's assassination attempt in France, Victoria's eldest daughter married Prince Frederick William of Prussia in London. Teacher: BUG Student: Who stated in August 2014 that they picked up the rights beginning in its 2015 season? In most nations these are not live broadcasts and may be tape delayed by several days or weeks. Teacher: sam Student: Why is zinc carbonate poorly absorbed in the body? A 1998 review concluded that zinc oxide, one of the most common supplements in the United States, and zinc carbonate are nearly insoluble and poorly absorbed in the body. Teacher: BUG Student: What was Tuvalu's GDP rate from 1996 to 2002? The International Monetary Fund 2010 Report on Tuvalu estimates that Tuvalu experienced zero growth in its 2010 GDP, after the economy contracted by about 2% in 2009. Teacher: sam Student: How many classes of chronic pain patients are there? The Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI) is a questionnaire designed to assess the psychosocial state of a person with chronic pain. Teacher: sam Student: Which official would wear a garment containing broad red striping? Senators wore tunics with broad red stripes, called tunica laticlavia. Teacher: BUG Student: Who was in charge of the ship named Florida? On October 1, he found another group of islands where he went ashore for eight days, exchanged gifts with the local inhabitants and took on water. Teacher: sam Student: what famous speech did Patrick Henry give in Richmond? During the Revolutionary War period, several notable events occurred in the city, including Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech in 1775 at St. John's Church, and the passage of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom written by Thomas Jefferson. Teacher: BUG Student: By 1460, who controlled most of the territory south and west of the Rhine? By 1353, the three original cantons had joined with the cantons of Glarus and Zug and the Lucerne, Zürich and Bern city states to form the "Old Confederacy" of eight states that existed until the end of the 15th century. Teacher: sam Student: What was the first generation of iPod Classic on which games like Mahjong and Tetris could be played? These games work on the 6th and 5th generation iPod Classic and the 5th and 4th generation iPod Nano. Teacher: BUG Student: What method formally adds inverses to elements to any monoid? There is a general method to formally add inverses to elements to any (abelian) monoid, much the same way as (Q ∖ {0}, ·) is derived from (Z ∖ {0}, ·), known as the Grothendieck group. Teacher: BUG Student: Who reported that Nintendo sold 7 million NES systems? By 1988, industry observers stated that the NES's popularity had grown so quickly that the market for Nintendo cartridges was larger than that for all home computer software. Teacher: sam Student: What sort of idealist did Hegel define himself as? Absolute idealism is G. W. F. Hegel's account of how existence is comprehensible as an all-inclusive whole. Teacher: BUG
Sentences: When did Heine die? The Bronx has also become home to a peculiar poetic tribute, in the form of the Heinrich Heine Memorial, better known as the Lorelei Fountain from one of Heine's best-known works (1838). Mapped To: rule Sentences: When did the torch arrive in Pyongyang? It was the first time that the Olympic torch has traveled to North Korea. Mapped To: rule Sentences: How long does it take, at the least, for a student to be eligible for the title of Chartered? Overall it takes a minimum of seven years before an architecture student can seek chartered status. Mapped To: AJLK Sentences: How many things were altered after developer version release? The day after its release, Windows 8 Consumer Preview had been downloaded over one million times. Mapped To: rule Sentences: When was MASHAV established? Israel's humanitarian efforts officially began in 1958, with the establishment of MASHAV, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Agency for International Development Cooperation. Mapped To: AJLK Sentences: What did the DHS focus on? In addition to military efforts abroad, in the aftermath of 9/11 the Bush Administration increased domestic efforts to prevent future attacks. Mapped To: AJLK
How many possible codons are there? The correspondence between codons and amino acids is nearly universal among all known living organisms. -> JJK The forebrain during development is known as what? In its earliest form, the brain appears as three swellings at the front end of the neural tube; these swellings eventually become the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain (the prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon, respectively). -> PBV What structural benefit is offered by the Gothic vault? While, structurally, use of the pointed arch gave a greater flexibility to architectural form, it also gave Gothic architecture a very different and more vertical visual character than Romanesque. -> JJK Who expounded the earliest recorded Western philosophy of time? The earliest recorded Western philosophy of time was expounded by the ancient Egyptian thinker Ptahhotep (c. 2650–2600 BC), who said, "Do not lessen the time of following desire, for the wasting of time is an abomination to the spirit." -> PBV
Question: What draws together the axes of cultural and social anthropology? Sociocultural anthropology draws together the principle axes of cultural anthropology and social anthropology. Answer: 16394 Question: What do physicians recommend to counteract this potential issue? The majority of studies indicate antibiotics do interfere with contraceptive pills, such as clinical studies that suggest the failure rate of contraceptive pills caused by antibiotics is very low (about 1%). Answer: OWR Question: The first person to have control over driving their spacecraft was whom? Though he did not achieve orbit like Gagarin, he was the first person to exercise manual control over his spacecraft's attitude and retro-rocket firing. Answer: OWR Question: What are the districts of Germany considered? The Districts of Germany (Kreise) are administrative districts, and every state except the city-states of Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen consists of "rural districts" (Landkreise), District-free Towns/Cities Answer: 16394 Question: What are three international organizations that Portugal belongs to? Portugal is also known for having decriminalized the usage of all common drugs in 2001, the first country in the world to do so. Answer: OWR Question: What does "Jamahiriya" mean? In 1977, Gaddafi dissolved the Republic and created a new socialist state, the Jamahiriya ("state of the masses"). Answer: 16394 Question: When did the Hindu temple on Rue Pajol open? A Hindu temple, dedicated to Ganesh, on Rue Pajol in the 18th arrondissement, opened in 1985. Answer: 16394 Question: Who built the first horizontal retort smelter? William Champion's brother, John, patented a process in 1758 for calcining zinc sulfide into an oxide usable in the retort process. Answer: OWR Question: Why is the port so important? The Commercial Port of Guam is the island's lifeline because most products must be shipped into Guam for consumers. Answer: 16394 Question: What is the similar trait of Estonia's four seasons? Estonia is situated in the northern part of the temperate climate zone and in the transition zone between maritime and continental climate. Answer: OWR
Question: How is the Russian SU-33 able to launch from the carrier Admiral Kuznetsov? Another disadvantage is on mixed flight deck operations where helicopters are also present such as a US Landing Helicopter Dock or Landing Helicopter Assault amphibious assault ship a ski jump is not included as this would eliminate one or more helicopter landing areas, this flat deck limits the loading of Harriers but is somewhat mitigated by the longer rolling start provided by a long flight deck compared to many STOVL carriers. Answer: AKIX Question: Where is the headquarters for the Rainbow Times? Various LGBT publications serve the city's large LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community such as The Rainbow Times, the only minority and lesbian-owned LGBT newsmagazine. Answer: AKIX Question: What PlayStation 3 feature did Home Theater Magazine most like about PS3? CNET United Kingdom praised the system saying, "the PS3 is a versatile and impressive piece of home-entertainment equipment that lives up to the hype [...] Answer: AKIX Question: When did American Idol change to a four-judge panel? The show had originally planned on having four judges following the Pop Idol format; however, only three judges had been found by the time of the audition round in the first season, namely Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell. Answer: AKIX Question: What is a PoP? In reality, the situation is often more complex. Answer: AKIX Question: What was the purpose of the Kinsale Road flyover? The Kinsale Road flyover opened in August 2006 to remove a bottleneck for traffic heading to Cork Airport or Killarney. Answer: deputy Question: During what century did the Seljuk Turks occupy Persia? In the 11th century, the Seljuk Turks took over much of the Middle East, occupying Persia during the 1040s, Armenia in the 1060s, and Jerusalem in 1070. Answer: deputy Question: How much development space would a Concourse Yard platform provide? The construction would permit approximately 2,000,000 square feet (190,000 m2) of development and would cost US$350–500 million. Answer: deputy Question: Which music chart said in 2013 it would start taking youtube data into account for its ratings? By early 2013 Billboard had announced that it was factoring YouTube streaming data into calculation of the Billboard Hot 100 and related genre charts. Answer: deputy Question: Who did Dominic pray for? Dominic practiced self-scourging and would mortify himself as he prayed alone in the chapel at night for 'poor sinners.' Answer: deputy Question: What Secretary of the Air Force resigned in 2008? On 5 June 2008, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, accepted the resignations of both the Secretary of the Air Force, Michael Wynne, and the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, General T. Michael Moseley. Answer: deputy Question: What did P2P file sharing services market themselves as? For example, major motion-picture corporation MGM Studios filed suit against P2P file-sharing services Grokster and Streamcast for their contributory role in copyright infringement. Answer: AKIX