19 values
Student: loosely speaking , we 're in all of me territory again , and , strictly speaking , schneider is no steve martin . Teacher: 28352 Student: beautifully shot , delicately scored and powered by a set of heartfelt performances , it 's a lyrical endeavour . Teacher: 28787 Student: though it pretends to expose the life of male hustlers , it 's exploitive without being insightful . Teacher: 28352 Student: in between the icy stunts , the actors spout hilarious dialogue about following your dream and ` just letting the mountain tell you what to do . ' Teacher: 28787 Student: the filmmakers keep pushing the jokes at the expense of character until things fall apart . Teacher: 28352 Student: suffers from a flat script and a low budget . Teacher: 28352 Student: an elegant and sly deadpan comedy . Teacher: 28787 Student: secretary is just too original to be ignored . Teacher: 28787
Q: a derivative collection of horror and sci-fi cliches . A: 19325 Q: how inept is serving sara ? A: 19325 Q: the powerful success of read my lips with such provocative material shows why , after only three films , director\/co-writer jacques audiard , though little known in this country , belongs in the very top rank of french filmmakers . A: 15392 Q: stiff and schmaltzy and clumsily directed . A: 19325 Q: the gags are often a stitch . A: 15392 Q: an ugly-duckling tale so hideously and clumsily told it feels accidental . A: 19325 Q: `` extreme ops '' exceeds expectations . A: 15392 Q: rodriguez does a splendid job of racial profiling hollywood style -- casting excellent latin actors of all ages -- a trend long overdue . A: 15392 Q: as literary desecrations go , this makes for perfectly acceptable , occasionally very enjoyable children 's entertainment . A: 15392 Q: it appears to have been modeled on the worst revenge-of-the-nerds clichés the filmmakers could dredge up . A: 19325
X = this is rote spookiness , with nary an original idea -lrb- or role , or edit , or score , or anything , really -rrb- in sight , and the whole of the proceedings beg the question ` why ? ' Y = YQW X = hoffman 's performance is authentic to the core of his being . Y = LET X = shatner is probably the funniest person in the film , which gives you an idea just how bad it was . Y = YQW X = it 's that good . Y = LET X = the entire movie is in need of a scented bath . Y = YQW X = what starts off as a satisfying kids flck becomes increasingly implausible as it races through contrived plot points . Y = YQW X = with we were soldiers , hollywood makes a valiant attempt to tell a story about the vietnam war before the pathology set in . Y = LET X = stealing harvard ca n't even do that much . Y = YQW X = mr. caine and mr. fraser are the whole show here , with their memorable and resourceful performances . Y = LET X = a markedly inactive film , city is conversational bordering on confessional . Y = YQW X = it is philosophy , illustrated through everyday events . Y = LET X = a moving story of determination and the human spirit . Y = LET X = with its lackadaisical plotting and mindless action , all about the benjamins evokes the bottom tier of blaxploitation flicks from the 1970s . Y = YQW X = ... a series of tales told with the intricate preciseness of the best short story writing . Y = LET X = the things this movie tries to get the audience to buy just wo n't fly with most intelligent viewers . Y = YQW X = before it collapses into exactly the kind of buddy cop comedy it set out to lampoon , anyway . Y = YQW X = this is an interesting movie ! '' Y = LET X = it challenges , this nervy oddity , like modern art should . Y = LET X = an intelligent , multi-layered and profoundly humanist -lrb- not to mention gently political -rrb- meditation on the values of knowledge , education , and the affects of cultural and geographical displacement . Y = LET X = starts promisingly but disintegrates into a dreary , humorless soap opera . Y = YQW
Question: it 's never laugh-out-loud funny , but it is frequently amusing . Answer: 661 Question: despite some strong performances , never rises above the level of a telanovela . Answer: supplement Question: let 's see , a haunted house , a haunted ship , what 's next ... ghost blimp ? Answer: supplement Question: on the evidence before us , the answer is clear : not easily and , in the end , not well enough . Answer: supplement Question: a solid , psychological action film from hong kong . Answer: 661 Question: the only problem is that , by the end , no one in the audience or the film seems to really care . Answer: supplement Question: seeks to transcend its genre with a curiously stylized , quasi-shakespearean portrait of pure misogynist evil . Answer: 661 Question: ... too contrived to be as naturally charming as it needs to be . Answer: supplement Question: what lifts the film high above run-of-the-filth gangster flicks is its refusal to recognise any of the signposts , as if discovering a way through to the bitter end without a map . Answer: 661 Question: one of the best looking and stylish animated movies in quite a while ... Answer: 661
X = a rich tale of our times , very well told with an appropriate minimum of means . Y = presented X = this is christmas future for a lot of baby boomers . Y = presented X = empire ca n't make up its mind whether it wants to be a gangster flick or an art film . Y = LPA X = swims in mediocrity , sticking its head up for a breath of fresh air now and then . Y = LPA X = one of the funniest motion pictures of the year , but ... also one of the most curiously depressing . Y = presented X = the sum of all fears is remarkably fuddled about motives and context , which drains it of the dramatic substance that would shake us in our boots -lrb- or cinema seats -rrb- . Y = LPA X = the lack of naturalness makes everything seem self-consciously poetic and forced ... it 's a pity that -lrb- nelson 's -rrb- achievement does n't match his ambition . Y = LPA X = for all its visual panache and compelling supporting characters , the heart of the film rests in the relationship between sullivan and his son . Y = presented X = close enough in spirit to its freewheeling trash-cinema roots to be a breath of fresh air . Y = presented X = the biggest problem with satin rouge is lilia herself . Y = LPA
Input: movies like high crimes flog the dead horse of surprise as if it were an obligation . Output: 28347 Input: it 's only in fairy tales that princesses that are married for political reason live happily ever after . Output: 28347 Input: none of this is meaningful or memorable , but frosting is n't , either , and you would n't turn down a big bowl of that , would you ? Output: currency Input: kiarostami has crafted a deceptively casual ode to children and managed to convey a tiny sense of hope . Output: currency Input: resembles a soft porn brian de palma pastiche . Output: 28347 Input: it 's so devoid of joy and energy it makes even jason x ... look positively shakesperean by comparison . Output: 28347 Input: the entire film is one big excuse to play one lewd scene after another . Output: 28347 Input: woody allen used to ridicule movies like hollywood ending . Output: 28347 Input: an absorbing and unsettling psychological drama . Output: currency Input: a stylish but steady , and ultimately very satisfying , piece of character-driven storytelling . Output: currency Input: the lively appeal of the last kiss lies in the ease with which it integrates thoughtfulness and pasta-fagioli comedy . Output: currency Input: it 's enough to watch huppert scheming , with her small , intelligent eyes as steady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the perfectly pitched web of tension that chabrol spins . Output: currency
Student: this is not a jackie chan movie . Teacher: 18943 Student: cineasts will revel in those visual in-jokes , as in the film 's verbal pokes at everything from the likes of miramax chief harvey weinstein 's bluff personal style to the stylistic rigors of denmark 's dogma movement . Teacher: 1106 Student: wewannour money back , actually . Teacher: 18943 Student: `` looking for leonard '' just seems to kinda sit in neutral , hoping for a stiff wind to blow it uphill or something . Teacher: 18943 Student: the irony is that this film 's cast is uniformly superb ; their performances could have -- should have -- been allowed to stand on their own . Teacher: 1106 Student: yes , i have given this movie a rating of zero . Teacher: 18943 Student: the film is delicately narrated by martin landau and directed with sensitivity and skill by dana janklowicz-mann . Teacher: 1106 Student: mckay seems embarrassed by his own invention and tries to rush through the intermediary passages , apparently hoping that the audience will not notice the glaring triteness of the plot device he has put in service . Teacher: 18943 Student: while solondz tries and tries hard , storytelling fails to provide much more insight than the inside column of a torn book jacket . Teacher: 18943 Student: a sensitive and astute first feature by anne-sophie birot . Teacher: 1106 Student: on its own , big trouble could be considered a funny little film . Teacher: 1106 Student: the real triumphs in igby come from philippe , who makes oliver far more interesting than the character 's lines would suggest , and sarandon , who could n't be better as a cruel but weirdly likable wasp matron . Teacher: 1106 Student: dogtown is hollow , self-indulgent , and - worst of all - boring . Teacher: 18943 Student: this slight premise ... works because of the ideal casting of the masterful british actor ian holm as the aged napoleon . Teacher: 1106 Student: williams absolutely nails sy 's queasy infatuation and overall strangeness . Teacher: 1106 Student: it irritates and saddens me that martin lawrence 's latest vehicle can explode obnoxiously into 2,500 screens while something of bubba ho-tep 's clearly evident quality may end up languishing on a shelf somewhere . Teacher: 18943 Student: a bodice-ripper for intellectuals . Teacher: 1106 Student: spectacularly beautiful , not to mention mysterious , sensual , emotionally intense , and replete with virtuoso throat-singing . Teacher: 1106 Student: we hate -lrb- madonna -rrb- within the film 's first five minutes , and she lacks the skill or presence to regain any ground . Teacher: 18943 Student: instead of building to a laugh riot we are left with a handful of disparate funny moments of no real consequence . Teacher: 18943
Student: human nature is a goofball movie , in the way that malkovich was , but it tries too hard . Teacher: UIV Student: the two leads , nearly perfect in their roles , bring a heart and reality that buoy the film , and at times , elevate it to a superior crime movie . Teacher: UIV Student: as animation increasingly emphasizes the computer and the cool , this is a film that takes a stand in favor of tradition and warmth . Teacher: UIV Student: exhilarating but blatantly biased . Teacher: UIV Student: polanski has found the perfect material with which to address his own world war ii experience in his signature style . Teacher: UIV Student: though jackson does n't always succeed in integrating the characters in the foreground into the extraordinarily rich landscape , it must be said that he is an imaginative filmmaker who can see the forest for the trees . Teacher: UIV Student: despite terrific special effects and funnier gags , harry potter and the chamber of secrets finds a way to make j.k. rowling 's marvelous series into a deadly bore . Teacher: partnership Student: in the new guy , even the bull gets recycled . Teacher: partnership Student: like being able to hit on a 15-year old when you 're over 100 . Teacher: partnership Student: there 's a great deal of corny dialogue and preposterous moments . Teacher: partnership Student: a film with a great premise but only a great premise . Teacher: UIV Student: anemic , pretentious . Teacher: partnership Student: exudes the fizz of a busby berkeley musical and the visceral excitement of a sports extravaganza . Teacher: UIV Student: there 's an admirable rigor to jimmy 's relentless anger , and to the script 's refusal of a happy ending , but as those monologues stretch on and on , you realize there 's no place for this story to go but down . Teacher: partnership Student: made me unintentionally famous -- as the queasy-stomached critic who staggered from the theater and blacked out in the lobby . Teacher: partnership Student: there 's nothing exactly wrong here , but there 's not nearly enough that 's right . Teacher: partnership Student: australia : land beyond time is an enjoyable big movie primarily because australia is a weirdly beautiful place . Teacher: UIV Student: it 's replaced by some dramatic scenes that are jarring and deeply out of place in what could have -lrb- and probably should have -rrb- been a lighthearted comedy . Teacher: partnership
Input: a true-blue delight . Label: limits Input: not even steven spielberg has dreamed up such blatant and sickening product placement in a movie . Label: 18903 Input: others , more attuned to the anarchist maxim that ` the urge to destroy is also a creative urge ' , or more willing to see with their own eyes , will find morrison 's iconoclastic uses of technology to be liberating . Label: limits Input: potty-mouthed enough for pg-13 , yet not as hilariously raunchy as south park , this strangely schizo cartoon seems suited neither to kids or adults . Label: 18903 Input: deepa mehta provides an accessible introduction as well as some intelligent observations on the success of bollywood in the western world . Label: limits Input: the movie does n't add anything fresh to the myth . Label: 18903 Input: a fascinating , unnerving examination of the delusions of one unstable man . Label: limits Input: every now and again , a movie comes along to remind us of how very bad a motion picture can truly be . Label: 18903
Input: but darned if it does n't also keep us riveted to our seats . Target: OEM Input: big mistake . Target: reliable Input: despite its flaws , crazy as hell marks an encouraging new direction for la salle . Target: OEM Input: piccoli 's performance is amazing , yes , but the symbols of loss and denial and life-at-arm 's - length in the film seem irritatingly transparent . Target: reliable Input: you can watch , giggle and get an adrenaline boost without feeling like you 've completely lowered your entertainment standards . Target: OEM Input: has its moments -- and almost as many subplots . Target: OEM Input: what does n't this film have that an impressionable kid could n't stand to hear ? Target: OEM Input: the material and the production itself are little more than routine . Target: reliable Input: forget the psychology 101 study of romantic obsession and just watch the procession of costumes in castles and this wo n't seem like such a bore . Target: reliable Input: they kept much of the plot but jettisoned the stuff that would make this a moving experience for people who have n't read the book . Target: reliable
Input: an obvious copy of one of the best films ever made , how could it not be ? Symbol: ADVQ Input: tsai has a well-deserved reputation as one of the cinema world 's great visual stylists , and in this film , every shot enhances the excellent performances . Symbol: candy Input: an enthralling aesthetic experience , one that 's steeped in mystery and a ravishing , baroque beauty . Symbol: candy Input: it 's the kind of movie that , aside from robert altman , spike lee , the coen brothers and a few others , our moviemakers do n't make often enough . Symbol: candy Input: i did n't smile . Symbol: ADVQ Input: it seems impossible that an epic four-hour indian musical about a cricket game could be this good , but it is . Symbol: candy Input: the film 's maudlin focus on the young woman 's infirmity and her naive dreams play like the worst kind of hollywood heart-string plucking . Symbol: ADVQ Input: obviously , a lot of people wasted a lot of their time -lrb- including mine -rrb- on something very inconsequential . Symbol: ADVQ Input: the film 's messages of tolerance and diversity are n't particularly original , but one ca n't help but be drawn in by the sympathetic characters . Symbol: candy Input: is there a group of more self-absorbed women than the mother and daughters featured in this film ? Symbol: ADVQ
Input: paid in full is remarkably engaging despite being noticeably derivative of goodfellas and at least a half dozen other trouble-in-the-ghetto flicks . Symbol: 19770 Input: the first mistake , i suspect , is casting shatner as a legendary professor and kunis as a brilliant college student -- where 's pauly shore as the rocket scientist ? Symbol: JRR Input: but it does have one saving grace . Symbol: 19770 Input: whenever you think you 've figured out late marriage , it throws you for a loop . Symbol: 19770 Input: when compared to the usual , more somber festival entries , davis ' highly personal brand of romantic comedy is a tart , smart breath of fresh air that stands out from the pack even if the picture itself is somewhat problematic . Symbol: 19770 Input: the movie is so thoughtlessly assembled . Symbol: 19770 Input: even bigger and more ambitious than the first installment , spy kids 2 looks as if it were made by a highly gifted 12-year-old instead of a grown man . Symbol: JRR Input: too stagey , talky -- and long -- for its own good . Symbol: JRR Input: very stupid and annoying . Symbol: JRR Input: o fantasma is boldly , confidently orchestrated , aesthetically and sexually , and its impact is deeply and rightly disturbing . Symbol: 19770 Input: coy but exhilarating , with really solid performances by ving rhames and wesley snipes . Symbol: 19770 Input: dramas like this make it human . Symbol: 19770 Input: it would take a complete moron to foul up a screen adaptation of oscar wilde 's classic satire . Symbol: JRR Input: the weird thing about the santa clause 2 , purportedly a children 's movie , is that there is nothing in it to engage children emotionally . Symbol: JRR Input: the story has some nice twists but the ending and some of the back-story is a little tired . Symbol: JRR Input: ... stumbles over every cheap trick in the book trying to make the outrage come even easier . Symbol: JRR
Sentences: an incoherent jumble of a film that 's rarely as entertaining as it could have been . Mapped To: KOB Sentences: the movie is about as humorous as watching your favorite pet get buried alive . Mapped To: KOB Sentences: this is the kind of subject matter that could so easily have been fumbled by a lesser filmmaker , but ayres makes the right choices at every turn . Mapped To: 5248 Sentences: a fanciful drama about napoleon 's last years and his surprising discovery of love and humility . Mapped To: 5248 Sentences: i suspect this is the kind of production that would have been funnier if the director had released the outtakes theatrically and used the film as a bonus feature on the dvd . Mapped To: KOB Sentences: the fascination comes in the power of the huston performance , which seems so larger than life and yet so fragile , and in the way the ivan character accepts the news of his illness so quickly but still finds himself unable to react . Mapped To: 5248 Sentences: poignant and funny . Mapped To: 5248 Sentences: the script ? Mapped To: KOB Sentences: no laughs . Mapped To: KOB Sentences: the film 's needlessly opaque intro takes its doe-eyed crudup out of pre-9 \/ 11 new york and onto a cross-country road trip of the homeric kind . Mapped To: KOB Sentences: yet another arnold vehicle that fails to make adequate use of his particular talents . Mapped To: KOB Sentences: a little uneven to be the cat 's meow , but it 's good enough to be the purr . Mapped To: 5248 Sentences: ultimately , in the history of the academy , people may be wondering what all that jazz was about `` chicago '' in 2002 . Mapped To: KOB Sentences: a dark , quirky road movie that constantly defies expectation . Mapped To: 5248 Sentences: as exciting as all this exoticism might sound to the typical pax viewer , the rest of us will be lulled into a coma . Mapped To: KOB Sentences: a deft , delightful mix of sulky teen drama and overcoming-obstacles sports-movie triumph . Mapped To: 5248 Sentences: a beautiful paean to a time long past . Mapped To: 5248 Sentences: harmless fun . Mapped To: 5248
Input: unfunny and lacking any sense of commitment to or affection for its characters , the reginald hudlin comedy relies on toilet humor , ethnic slurs . Symbol: 22039 Input: would benigni 's italian pinocchio have been any easier to sit through than this hastily dubbed disaster ? Symbol: 22039 Input: ... hypnotically dull . Symbol: 22039 Input: it 's a perfect show of respect to just one of those underrated professionals who deserve but rarely receive it . Symbol: bullet Input: from blushing to gushing -- imamura squirts the screen in ` warm water under a red bridge ' Symbol: bullet Input: the action sequences are fun and reminiscent of combat scenes from the star wars series . Symbol: bullet
X = there 's surely something wrong with a comedy where the only belly laughs come from the selection of outtakes tacked onto the end credits . Y = tiles X = watching queen of the damned is like reading a research paper , with special effects tossed in . Y = tiles X = continually challenges perceptions of guilt and innocence , of good guys and bad , and asks us whether a noble end can justify evil means . Y = 610 X = a showcase for both the scenic splendor of the mountains and for legendary actor michel serrault , the film is less successful on other levels . Y = 610 X = disjointed parody . Y = tiles X = an uncomfortable movie , suffocating and sometimes almost senseless , the grey zone does have a center , though a morbid one . Y = tiles X = one of the best movies of the year . Y = 610 X = an undeniably moving film to experience , and ultimately that 's what makes it worth a recommendation . Y = 610 X = it 's funny . Y = 610 X = when the casting call for this movie went out , it must have read ` seeking anyone with acting ambition but no sense of pride or shame . ' Y = tiles
Input: amazingly lame . Symbol: JRS Input: a mischievous visual style and oodles of charm make ` cherish ' a very good -lrb- but not great -rrb- movie . Symbol: 7286 Input: too much of the movie feels contrived , as if the filmmakers were worried the story would n't work without all those gimmicks . Symbol: JRS Input: a sobering and powerful documentary about the most severe kind of personal loss : rejection by one 's mother . Symbol: 7286 Input: too much power , not enough puff . Symbol: JRS Input: it turns out to be smarter and more diabolical than you could have guessed at the beginning . Symbol: 7286 Input: stupid , infantile , redundant , sloppy , over-the-top , and amateurish . Symbol: JRS Input: what makes salton sea surprisingly engrossing is that caruso takes an atypically hypnotic approach to a world that 's often handled in fast-edit , hopped-up fashion . Symbol: 7286 Input: playing a role of almost bergmanesque intensity ... bisset is both convincing and radiant . Symbol: 7286 Input: does point the way for adventurous indian filmmakers toward a crossover into nonethnic markets . Symbol: 7286 Input: perry 's good and his is an interesting character , but `` serving sara '' has n't much more to serve than silly fluff . Symbol: JRS Input: it was only a matter of time before some savvy producer saw the potential success inherent in the mixture of bullock bubble and hugh goo . Symbol: 7286 Input: mr. deeds is , as comedy goes , very silly -- and in the best way . Symbol: 7286 Input: the film is really closer to porn than a serious critique of what 's wrong with this increasingly pervasive aspect of gay culture . Symbol: JRS Input: becomes a fascinating study of isolation and frustration that successfully recreates both the physical setting and emotional tensions of the papin sisters . Symbol: 7286 Input: a humorless journey into a philosophical void . Symbol: JRS Input: you have to see it . Symbol: 7286 Input: the romance between the leads is n't as compelling or as believable as it should be . Symbol: JRS Input: quite frankly , i ca n't see why any actor of talent would ever work in a mcculloch production again if they looked at how this movie turned out . Symbol: JRS Input: -lrb- creates -rrb- the worst kind of mythologizing , the kind that sacrifices real heroism and abject suffering for melodrama . Symbol: JRS
Input: wow . Target: 2700 Input: though this rude and crude film does deliver a few gut-busting laughs , its digs at modern society are all things we 've seen before . Target: AHV Input: it 's not an easy one to review . Target: AHV Input: this is n't a stand up and cheer flick ; it 's a sit down and ponder affair . Target: 2700 Input: the only thing i laughed at were the people who paid to see it . Target: AHV Input: that chirpy songbird britney spears has popped up with more mindless drivel . Target: AHV Input: a compelling motion picture that illustrates an american tragedy . Target: 2700 Input: rarely , indeed almost never , is such high-wattage brainpower coupled with pitch-perfect acting and an exquisite , unfakable sense of cinema . Target: 2700 Input: interminably bleak , to say nothing of boring . Target: AHV Input: mostly , -lrb- goldbacher -rrb- just lets her complicated characters be unruly , confusing and , through it all , human . Target: 2700
Input: a passionately inquisitive film determined to uncover the truth and hopefully inspire action . Target: 21624 Input: diaz wears out her welcome in her most charmless performance Target: AQWM Input: for most of the distance the picture provides a satisfyingly unsettling ride into the dark places of our national psyche . Target: 21624 Input: each scene immediately succumbs to gravity and plummets to earth . Target: AQWM Input: p.t. anderson understands the grandness of romance and how love is the great equalizer that can calm us of our daily ills and bring out joys in our lives that we never knew were possible . Target: 21624 Input: has the capability of effecting change and inspiring hope . Target: 21624 Input: steven soderbergh does n't remake andrei tarkovsky 's solaris so much as distill it . Target: AQWM Input: the adventure does n't contain half the excitement of balto , or quarter the fun of toy story 2 . Target: AQWM Input: the film is ultimately about as inspiring as a hallmark card . Target: AQWM Input: an uplifting , near-masterpiece . Target: 21624 Input: somehow ms. griffiths and mr. pryce bring off this wild welsh whimsy . Target: 21624 Input: in the director 's cut , the film is not only a love song to the movies but it also is more fully an example of the kind of lush , all-enveloping movie experience it rhapsodizes . Target: 21624 Input: this romantic\/comedy asks the question how much souvlaki can you take before indigestion sets in . Target: AQWM Input: love may have been in the air onscreen , but i certainly was n't feeling any of it . Target: AQWM Input: guys say mean things and shoot a lot of bullets . Target: AQWM Input: not quite as miraculous as its dreamworks makers would have you believe , but it more than adequately fills the eyes and stirs the emotions . Target: 21624 Input: it 's usually a bad sign when directors abandon their scripts and go where the moment takes them , but olympia , wash. , based filmmakers anne de marcken and marilyn freeman did just that and it 's what makes their project so interesting . Target: 21624 Input: by no means a slam-dunk and sure to ultimately disappoint the action fans who will be moved to the edge of their seats by the dynamic first act , it still comes off as a touching , transcendent love story . Target: AQWM
Question: it 's a smart , funny look at an arcane area of popular culture , and if it is n't entirely persuasive , it does give exposure to some talented performers . Answer: 1661 Question: a very good film sits in the place where a masterpiece should be . Answer: 1661 Question: there 's no palpable chemistry between lopez and male lead ralph fiennes , plus the script by working girl scribe kevin wade is workmanlike in the extreme . Answer: 4274 Question: if welles was unhappy at the prospect of the human race splitting in two , he probably would n't be too crazy with his great-grandson 's movie splitting up in pretty much the same way . Answer: 4274
Input: seems like something american and european gay movies were doing 20 years ago . Label: packaging Input: jonathan parker 's bartleby should have been the be-all-end-all of the modern-office anomie films . Label: refresh Input: once ice-t sticks his mug in the window of the couple 's bmw and begins haranguing the wife in bad stage dialogue , all credibility flies out the window . Label: packaging Input: it 's ... worth the extra effort to see an artist , still committed to growth in his ninth decade , change while remaining true to his principles with a film whose very subject is , quite pointedly , about the peril of such efforts . Label: refresh Input: the superior plotline is n't quite enough to drag along the dead -lrb- water -rrb- weight of the other . Label: packaging Input: its message has merit and , in the hands of a brutally honest individual like prophet jack , might have made a point or two regarding life . Label: packaging Input: raimi and his team could n't have done any better in bringing the story of spider-man to the big screen . Label: refresh Input: enjoyably dumb , sweet , and intermittently hilarious -- if you 've a taste for the quirky , steal a glimpse . Label: refresh Input: less an examination of neo-nazism than a probe into the nature of faith itself . Label: refresh Input: as aimless as an old pickup skidding completely out of control on a long patch of black ice , the movie makes two hours feel like four . Label: packaging Input: i 've seen some bad singer-turned actors , but lil bow wow takes the cake . Label: packaging Input: a gracious , eloquent film that by its end offers a ray of hope to the refugees able to look ahead and resist living in a past forever lost . Label: refresh
Student: your 20th outing shows off a lot of stamina and vitality , and get this , madonna 's cameo does n't suck ! Teacher: AFNM Student: spider-man is about growing strange hairs , getting a more mature body , and finding it necessary to hide new secretions from the parental units . Teacher: TLJ Student: staggeringly dreadful romance . Teacher: TLJ Student: enigma lacks it . Teacher: TLJ Student: -lrb- woo 's -rrb- most resonant film since the killer . Teacher: AFNM Student: devoid of any of the qualities that made the first film so special . Teacher: TLJ Student: ` film aficionados can not help but love cinema paradiso , whether the original version or new director 's cut . ' Teacher: AFNM Student: a prolonged extrusion of psychopathic pulp . Teacher: TLJ Student: a cutesy romantic tale with a twist . Teacher: AFNM Student: in the spirit of the season , i assign one bright shining star to roberto benigni 's pinocchio -- but i guarantee that no wise men will be following after it . Teacher: TLJ Student: you walk out of the good girl with mixed emotions -- disapproval of justine combined with a tinge of understanding for her actions . Teacher: AFNM Student: the determination of pinochet 's victims to seek justice , and their often heartbreaking testimony , spoken directly into director patricio guzman 's camera , pack a powerful emotional wallop . Teacher: AFNM Student: equilibrium the movie , as opposed to the manifesto , is really , really stupid . Teacher: TLJ Student: byler is too savvy a filmmaker to let this morph into a typical romantic triangle . Teacher: AFNM Student: there is nothing funny in this every-joke-has - been-told-a - thousand-times - before movie . Teacher: TLJ Student: kitschy , flashy , overlong soap opera . Teacher: TLJ Student: ramsay is clearly extraordinarily talented , and based on three short films and two features , here 's betting her third feature will be something to behold . Teacher: AFNM Student: dense , exhilarating documentary . Teacher: AFNM Student: she boxes these women 's souls right open for us . Teacher: AFNM Student: this movie is so bad , that it 's almost worth seeing because it 's so bad . Teacher: TLJ
Input: the music makes a nice album , the food is enticing and italy beckons us all . Label: APUC Input: remove spider-man the movie from its red herring surroundings and it 's apparent that this is one summer film that satisfies . Label: APUC Input: ben kingsley is truly funny , playing a kind of ghandi gone bad . Label: APUC Input: originality is sorely lacking . Label: semiconductor Input: death to smoochy tells a moldy-oldie , not-nearly - as-nasty - as-it - thinks-it-is joke . Label: semiconductor Input: moore provides an invaluable service by sparking debate and encouraging thought . Label: APUC Input: charlotte sometimes is a brilliant movie . Label: APUC Input: the movie resolutely avoids all the comic possibilities of its situation , and becomes one more dumb high school comedy about sex gags and prom dates . Label: semiconductor Input: it 's hard to say who might enjoy this , are there tolstoy groupies out there ? Label: semiconductor Input: consider the film a celluloid litmus test for the intellectual and emotional pedigree of your date and a giant step backward for a director i admire . Label: semiconductor Input: hey everybody , wanna watch a movie in which a guy dressed as a children 's party clown gets violently gang-raped ? Label: semiconductor Input: a heroic tale of persistence that is sure to win viewers ' hearts . Label: APUC Input: nicolas cage is n't the first actor to lead a group of talented friends astray , and this movie wo n't create a ruffle in what is already an erratic career . Label: semiconductor Input: the otherwise good-naturedness of mr. deeds , with its embrace of sheer goofiness and cameos of less - than-likely new york celebrities ... certainly raises the film above anything sandler 's been attached to before . Label: APUC Input: a photographic marvel of sorts , and it 's certainly an invaluable record of that special fishy community . Label: APUC Input: even the hastily and amateurishly drawn animation can not engage . Label: semiconductor Input: collapses under its own meager weight . Label: semiconductor Input: a fun family movie that 's suitable for all ages -- a movie that will make you laugh , cry and realize , ` it 's never too late to believe in your dreams . ' Label: APUC
X = alternating between facetious comic parody and pulp melodrama , this smart-aleck movie ... tosses around some intriguing questions about the difference between human and android life . Y = also X = a knowing look at female friendship , spiked with raw urban humor . Y = also X = you can practically hear george orwell turning over . Y = 21409 X = green ruins every single scene he 's in , and the film , while it 's not completely wreaked , is seriously compromised by that . Y = 21409 X = elling builds gradually until you feel fully embraced by this gentle comedy . Y = also X = definitely a crowd-pleaser , but then , so was the roman colosseum . Y = also X = the movie 's major and most devastating flaw is its reliance on formula , though , and it 's quite enough to lessen the overall impact the movie could have had . Y = 21409 X = to say that this vapid vehicle is downright doltish and uneventful is just as obvious as telling a country skunk that he has severe body odor . Y = 21409
Question: lacks the inspiration of the original and has a bloated plot that stretches the running time about 10 minutes past a child 's interest and an adult 's patience . Answer: ANQN Question: simply put , `` far from heaven '' is a masterpiece . Answer: norway Question: it 'll keep you wide awake and ... very tense . Answer: norway Question: often hilarious . Answer: norway Question: strictly a ` guy 's film ' in the worst sense of the expression . Answer: ANQN Question: ` the war of the roses , ' trailer-trash style . Answer: ANQN Question: jacobi , the most fluent of actors , is given relatively dry material from nijinsky 's writings to perform , and the visuals , even erotically frank ones , become dullingly repetitive . Answer: ANQN Question: was that movie nothing more than a tepid exercise in trotting out a formula that worked five years ago but has since lost its fizz ? Answer: ANQN Question: a haunting tale of murder and mayhem . Answer: norway Question: i 've yet to find an actual vietnam war combat movie actually produced by either the north or south vietnamese , but at least now we 've got something pretty damn close . Answer: norway Question: upper west sidey exercise in narcissism and self-congratulation disguised as a tribute . Answer: ANQN Question: the movie 's progression into rambling incoherence gives new meaning to the phrase ` fatal script error . ' Answer: ANQN Question: filled with low-brow humor , gratuitous violence and a disturbing disregard for life . Answer: ANQN Question: although the film boils down to a lightweight story about matchmaking , the characters make italian for beginners worth the journey Answer: norway Question: a smart , sassy and exceptionally charming romantic comedy . Answer: norway Question: and vin diesel is the man . Answer: norway Question: no better or worse than ` truth or consequences , n.m. ' or any other interchangeable actioner with imbecilic mafia toolbags botching a routine assignment in a western backwater . Answer: ANQN Question: the ring never lets you off the hook . Answer: norway Question: it may ... work as a jaunt down memory lane for teens and young adults who grew up on televised scooby-doo shows or reruns . Answer: norway Question: and that is where ararat went astray . Answer: ANQN
Question: a rather brilliant little cult item : a pastiche of children 's entertainment , superhero comics , and japanese animation . Answer: 20489 Question: while it has definite weaknesses -- like a rather unbelievable love interest and a meandering ending -- this '60s caper film is a riveting , brisk delight . Answer: 20489 Question: an opportunity missed . Answer: UQN Question: a terrific insider look at the star-making machinery of tinseltown . Answer: 20489 Question: hollywood ending just is n't very funny . Answer: UQN Question: if any of them list this ` credit ' on their resumes in the future , that 'll be much funnier than anything in the film ... Answer: UQN Question: make chan 's action sequences boring . Answer: UQN Question: the charm of the first movie is still there , and the story feels like the logical , unforced continuation of the careers of a pair of spy kids . Answer: 20489 Question: the movie should jolt you out of your seat a couple of times , give you a few laughs , and leave you feeling like it was worth your seven bucks , even though it does turn out to be a bit of a cheat in the end . Answer: 20489 Question: as the movie traces mr. brown 's athletic exploits , it is impossible not to be awed by the power and grace of one of the greatest natural sportsmen of modern times . Answer: 20489 Question: just when you think that every possible angle has been exhausted by documentarians , another new film emerges with yet another remarkable yet shockingly little-known perspective . Answer: 20489 Question: the april 2002 instalment of the american war for independence , complete with loads of cgi and bushels of violence , but not a drop of human blood . Answer: UQN Question: the whole talking-animal thing is grisly . Answer: UQN Question: decent but dull . Answer: UQN
Student: everything about girls ca n't swim , even its passages of sensitive observation , feels secondhand , familiar -- and not in a good way . Teacher: li Student: it 's just plain lurid when it is n't downright silly . Teacher: li Student: average , at best , i 'm afraid . Teacher: li Student: about as big a crowdpleaser as they possibly come . Teacher: AKWH Student: it gives poor dana carvey nothing to do that is really funny , and then expects us to laugh because he acts so goofy all the time . Teacher: li Student: you 'll end up moved . Teacher: AKWH Student: a clash between the artificial structure of the story and the more contemporary , naturalistic tone of the film ... Teacher: li Student: it picked me up , swung me around , and dropped me back in my seat with more emotional force than any other recent film . Teacher: AKWH Student: an unremittingly ugly movie to look at , listen to , and think about , it is quite possibly the sturdiest example yet of why the dv revolution has cheapened the artistry of making a film . Teacher: li Student: the obnoxious title character provides the drama that gives added clout to this doc . Teacher: AKWH Student: finely crafted , finely written , exquisitely performed Teacher: AKWH Student: most consumers of lo mein and general tso 's chicken barely give a thought to the folks who prepare and deliver it , so , hopefully , this film will attach a human face to all those little steaming cartons . Teacher: AKWH
Input: it all comes down to whether you can tolerate leon barlow . Target: trust Input: in between all the emotional seesawing , it 's hard to figure the depth of these two literary figures , and even the times in which they lived . Target: trust Input: it 's one long bore . Target: trust Input: what 's next ? Target: AHMR Input: a sharp and quick documentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an era of theatrical comedy that , while past , really is n't . Target: AHMR Input: it 's sweet . Target: AHMR
Q: both a successful adaptation and an enjoyable film in its own right . A: information Q: weirdly , broomfield has compelling new material but he does n't unveil it until the end , after endless scenes of him wheedling reluctant witnesses and pointing his camera through the smeared windshield of his rental car . A: 624 Q: a wry , affectionate delight . A: information Q: no cliche escapes the perfervid treatment of gang warfare called ces wild . A: 624 Q: just as the lousy tarantino imitations have subsided , here comes the first lousy guy ritchie imitation . A: 624 Q: nothing overly original , mind you , but solidly entertaining . A: information Q: it 's hard to believe that something so short could be so flabby . A: 624 Q: the movie attempts to mine laughs from a genre -- the gangster\/crime comedy -- that wore out its welcome with audiences several years ago , and its cutesy reliance on movie-specific cliches is n't exactly endearing . A: 624 Q: the result puts a human face on derrida , and makes one of the great minds of our times interesting and accessible to people who normally could n't care less . A: information Q: a depraved , incoherent , instantly disposable piece of hackery . A: 624 Q: this long and relentlessly saccharine film is a clear case of preaching to the converted . A: 624 Q: efficient , suitably anonymous chiller . A: information Q: bloody sunday has the grace to call for prevention rather than to place blame , making it one of the best war movies ever made . A: information Q: has all the hallmarks of a movie designed strictly for children 's home video , a market so insatiable it absorbs all manner of lame entertainment , as long as 3-year-olds find it diverting . A: 624 Q: somewhere inside the mess that is world traveler , there is a mediocre movie trying to get out . A: 624 Q: alternately hilarious and sad , aggravating and soulful , scathing and joyous . A: information Q: there are n't too many films that can be as simultaneously funny , offbeat and heartwarming -lrb- without a thick shmear of the goo , at least -rrb- , but `` elling '' manages to do all three quite well , making it one of the year 's most enjoyable releases . A: information Q: with this masterful , flawless film , -lrb- wang -rrb- emerges in the front ranks of china 's now numerous , world-renowned filmmakers . A: information
X = and it 's not that funny -- which is just generally insulting . Y = HUV X = there is a freedom to watching stunts that are this crude , this fast-paced and this insane . Y = SGS X = the film is flat . Y = HUV X = a compassionate , moving portrait of an american -lrb- and an america -rrb- always reaching for something just outside his grasp . Y = SGS X = e.t. works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old robert macnaughton , 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-year-old henry thomas , convince us of the existence of the wise , wizened visitor from a faraway planet . Y = SGS X = it 's hard to imagine any recent film , independent or otherwise , that makes as much of a mess as this one . Y = HUV
Input: i was feeling this movie until it veered off too far into the exxon zone , and left me behind at the station looking for a return ticket to realism . Label: guns Input: delivers more than its fair share of saucy hilarity . Label: 19134 Input: -lrb- ferrera -rrb- has the charisma of a young woman who knows how to hold the screen . Label: 19134 Input: formula 51 promises a new kind of high but delivers the same old bad trip . Label: guns Input: there is something that is so meditative and lyrical about babak payami 's boldly quirky iranian drama secret ballot ... a charming and evoking little ditty that manages to show the gentle and humane side of middle eastern world politics Label: 19134 Input: takes a fresh and absorbing look at a figure whose legacy had begun to bronze . Label: 19134 Input: confessions is n't always coherent , but it 's sharply comic and surprisingly touching , so hold the gong . Label: 19134 Input: tartakovsky 's team has some freakish powers of visual charm , but the five writers slip into the modern rut of narrative banality . Label: guns Input: the script , the gags , the characters are all direct-to-video stuff , and that 's where this film should have remained . Label: guns Input: it 's quite an achievement to set and shoot a movie at the cannes film festival and yet fail to capture its visual appeal or its atmosphere . Label: guns
Input: ... has about 3\/4th the fun of its spry 2001 predecessor -- but it 's a rushed , slapdash , sequel-for-the-sake - of-a-sequel with less than half the plot and ingenuity . Label: 5700 Input: the genius of the work speaks volumes , offering up a hallucinatory dreamscape that frustrates and captivates . Label: 21673 Input: plays like a series of vignettes -- clips of a film that are still looking for a common through-line . Label: 5700 Input: although olivier assayas ' elegantly appointed period drama seems , at times , padded with incident in the way of a too-conscientious adaptation ... its three-hour running time plays closer to two . Label: 21673 Input: a fascinating glimpse into an insular world that gives the lie to many clichés and showcases a group of dedicated artists . Label: 21673 Input: ultimately this is a frustrating patchwork : an uneasy marriage of louis begley 's source novel -lrb- about schmidt -rrb- and an old payne screenplay . Label: 5700
Sentences: an awful snooze . Mapped To: forward Sentences: if you answered yes , by all means enjoy the new guy . Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: an impeccable study in perversity . Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: this is no `` waterboy ! '' Mapped To: forward Sentences: as if trying to grab a lump of play-doh , the harder that liman tries to squeeze his story , the more details slip out between his fingers . Mapped To: forward Sentences: i 'd rather watch a rerun of the powerpuff girls Mapped To: forward Sentences: ... a bland , pretentious mess . Mapped To: forward Sentences: what makes esther kahn so demanding is that it progresses in such a low-key manner that it risks monotony . Mapped To: forward Sentences: puts to rest any thought that the german film industry can not make a delightful comedy centering on food . Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: the result is a powerful , naturally dramatic piece of low-budget filmmaking . Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: a generic family comedy unlikely to be appreciated by anyone outside the under-10 set . Mapped To: forward Sentences: worth a look as a curiosity . Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: as original and insightful as last week 's episode of behind the music . Mapped To: forward Sentences: confuses its message with an ultimate desire to please , and contorting itself into an idea of expectation is the last thing any of these three actresses , nor their characters , deserve . Mapped To: forward Sentences: talk to her is so darned assured , we have absolutely no idea who the main characters are until the film is well under way -- and yet it 's hard to stop watching . Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: may take its sweet time to get wherever it 's going , but if you have the patience for it , you wo n't feel like it 's wasted yours . Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: if you are curious to see the darker side of what 's going on with young tv actors -lrb- dawson leery did what ?!? -rrb- , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there 's nothing very attractive about this movie . Mapped To: forward Sentences: light , silly , photographed with colour and depth , and rather a good time . Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: that ` alabama ' manages to be pleasant in spite of its predictability and occasional slowness is due primarily to the perkiness of witherspoon -lrb- who is always a joy to watch , even when her material is not first-rate -rrb- ... Mapped To: AFHU Sentences: if you can get past the taboo subject matter , it will be well worth your time . Mapped To: AFHU
X = a film that should be relegated to a dark video store corner is somehow making its way instead to theaters . Y = 6156 X = we 're left with a story that tries to grab us , only to keep letting go at all the wrong moments . Y = 6156 X = the concept behind kung pow : enter the fist is hilarious . Y = 18267 X = an uninspired preachy and clichéd war film . Y = 6156 X = for those in search of something different , wendigo is a genuinely bone-chilling tale . Y = 18267 X = the script is high on squaddie banter , low on shocks . Y = 18267 X = the slapstick is labored , and the bigger setpieces flat . Y = 6156 X = in imax in short , it 's just as wonderful on the big screen . Y = 18267 X = forgettable , if good-hearted , movie . Y = 6156 X = ` if you are in the mood for an intelligent weepy , it can easily worm its way into your heart . ' Y = 18267 X = has all the scenic appeal of a cesspool . Y = 6156 X = -- is a crime that should be punishable by chainsaw . Y = 6156 X = ... in the pile of useless actioners from mtv schmucks who do n't know how to tell a story for more than four minutes . Y = 6156 X = one of the funnier movies in town . Y = 18267 X = hugely entertaining from start to finish , featuring a fall from grace that still leaves shockwaves , it will gratify anyone who has ever suspected hollywood of being overrun by corrupt and hedonistic weasels . Y = 18267 X = but they fascinate in their recklessness . Y = 18267
Input: the fact that the ` best part ' of the movie comes from a 60-second homage to one of demme 's good films does n't bode well for the rest of it . Label: MXB Input: mention `` solaris '' five years from now and i 'm sure those who saw it will have an opinion to share . Label: filled Input: thoroughly engrossing and ultimately tragic . Label: MXB Input: there are cheesy backdrops , ridiculous action sequences , and many tired jokes about men in heels . Label: MXB Input: is many things -- stoner midnight flick , sci-fi deconstruction , gay fantasia -- but above all it 's a love story as sanguine as its title . Label: filled Input: `` home movie '' is a sweet treasure and something well worth your time . Label: filled Input: with jump cuts , fast editing and lots of pyrotechnics , yu clearly hopes to camouflage how bad his movie is . Label: MXB Input: it takes you somewhere you 're not likely to have seen before , but beneath the exotic surface -lrb- and exotic dancing -rrb- it 's surprisingly old-fashioned . Label: filled Input: 300 years of russian history and culture compressed into an evanescent , seamless and sumptuous stream of consciousness . Label: filled Input: the urban landscapes are detailed down to the signs on the kiosks , and the color palette , with lots of somber blues and pinks , is dreamy and evocative . Label: filled Input: it 's a shame the marvelous first 101 minutes have to be combined with the misconceived final 5 . Label: MXB Input: suffice to say its total promise is left slightly unfulfilled . Label: MXB
Input: -lrb- a -rrb- rather thinly-conceived movie . Label: ADTA Input: while some of the camera work is interesting , the film 's mid-to-low budget is betrayed by the surprisingly shoddy makeup work . Label: ADTA Input: offers a persuasive look at a defeated but defiant nation in flux . Label: SJL Input: ... liotta is put in an impossible spot because his character 's deceptions ultimately undo him and the believability of the entire scenario . Label: ADTA Input: but mr. polanski creates images even more haunting than those in mr. spielberg 's 1993 classic . Label: SJL Input: it dabbles all around , never gaining much momentum . Label: ADTA Input: in all the annals of the movies , few films have been this odd , inexplicable and unpleasant . Label: ADTA Input: first-time writer-director dylan kidd also has a good ear for dialogue , and the characters sound like real people . Label: SJL Input: with dickens ' words and writer-director douglas mcgrath 's even-toned direction , a ripping good yarn is told . Label: SJL Input: the overall effect is awe and affection -- and a strange urge to get on a board and , uh , shred , dude . Label: SJL
Question: you leave the same way you came -- a few tasty morsels under your belt , but no new friends . Answer: 14876 Question: the film grows on you . Answer: AJHE Question: the powder blues and sun-splashed whites of tunis make an alluring backdrop for this sensuous and spirited tale of a prim widow who finds an unlikely release in belly-dancing clubs . Answer: AJHE Question: half past dead is just such an achievement . Answer: AJHE Question: it 's a treat watching shaw , a british stage icon , melting under the heat of phocion 's attentions . Answer: AJHE Question: a film that begins with the everyday lives of naval personnel in san diego and ends with scenes so true and heartbreaking that tears welled up in my eyes both times i saw the film . Answer: AJHE Question: the major problem with windtalkers is that the bulk of the movie centers on the wrong character . Answer: 14876 Question: is not so much a work of entertainment as it is a unique , well-crafted psychological study of grief . Answer: AJHE Question: the movie 's biggest shocks come from seeing former nymphette juliette lewis playing a salt-of-the-earth mommy named minnie and watching slim travel incognito in a ridiculous wig no respectable halloween costume shop would ever try to sell . Answer: 14876 Question: an incredibly narrow in-joke targeted to the tiniest segment of an already obscure demographic . Answer: 14876 Question: plays like some corny television production from a bygone era Answer: 14876 Question: gets bogged down by an overly sillified plot and stop-and-start pacing . Answer: 14876
X = lasker 's canny , meditative script distances sex and love , as byron and luther ... realize they ca n't get no satisfaction without the latter . Y = ANLP X = overall tomfoolery like this is a matter of taste . Y = 16246 X = give shapiro , goldman , and bolado credit for good intentions , but there 's nothing here that they could n't have done in half an hour . Y = 16246 X = all the characters are clinically depressed and have abandoned their slim hopes and dreams . Y = 16246 X = think of it as gidget , only with muscles and a lot more smarts , but just as endearing and easy to watch . Y = ANLP X = you have no affinity for most of the characters . Y = 16246 X = but the cinematography is cloudy , the picture making becalmed . Y = 16246 X = fairy-tale formula , serves as a paper skeleton for some very good acting , dialogue , comedy , direction and especially charm . Y = ANLP X = an intense and effective film about loneliness and the chilly anonymity of the environments where so many of us spend so much of our time . Y = ANLP X = a low-key labor of love that strikes a very resonant chord . Y = ANLP
Sentences: this is a children 's film in the truest sense . Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: although it starts off so bad that you feel like running out screaming , it eventually works its way up to merely bad rather than painfully awful . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: winds up being both revelatory and narcissistic , achieving some honest insight into relationships that most high-concept films candy-coat with pat storylines , precious circumstances and beautiful stars . Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: russell lacks the visual panache , the comic touch , and perhaps the budget of sommers 's title-bout features . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: it 's an 88-minute highlight reel that 's 86 minutes too long . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: this is an action movie with an action icon who 's been all but decommissioned . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: features what is surely the funniest and most accurate depiction of writer 's block ever . Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: for the future , one hopes mr. plympton will find room for one more member of his little band , a professional screenwriter . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: feeble comedy . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: the kind of film that leaves you scratching your head in amazement over the fact that so many talented people could participate in such an ill-advised and poorly executed idea . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: yet the act is still charming here . Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: an ambitious movie that , like shiner 's organizing of the big fight , pulls off enough of its effects to make up for the ones that do n't come off . Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: reign of fire has the disadvantage of also looking cheap . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: it throws quirky characters , odd situations , and off-kilter dialogue at us , all as if to say , `` look at this ! Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: a bright , inventive , thoroughly winning flight of revisionist fancy . Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: if it 's not entirely memorable , the movie is certainly easy to watch . Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: but they do n't fit well together and neither is well told . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: to get at the root psychology of this film would require many sessions on the couch of dr. freud . Mapped To: hostels Sentences: for more than two decades mr. nachtwey has traveled to places in the world devastated by war , famine and poverty and documented the cruelty and suffering he has found with an devastating , eloquent clarity . Mapped To: 1525 Sentences: secretary manages a neat trick , bundling the flowers of perversity , comedy and romance into a strangely tempting bouquet of a movie . Mapped To: 1525
Input: this ready-made midnight movie probably wo n't stand the cold light of day , but under the right conditions , it 's goofy -lrb- if not entirely wholesome -rrb- fun . Output: 25171 Input: as the sulking , moody male hustler in the title role , -lrb- franco -rrb- has all of dean 's mannerisms and self-indulgence , but none of his sweetness and vulnerability . Output: yo Input: animated drivel meant to enhance the self-image of drooling idiots . Output: yo Input: pleasant but not more than recycled jock piffle . Output: yo Input: feels like the work of someone who may indeed have finally aged past his prime ... and , perhaps more than he realizes , just wants to be liked by the people who can still give him work . Output: yo Input: pan nalin 's exposition is beautiful and mysterious , and the interviews that follow , with the practitioners of this ancient indian practice , are as subtle and as enigmatic . Output: 25171 Input: you leave feeling like you 've endured a long workout without your pulse ever racing . Output: yo Input: predictable storyline and by-the-book scripting is all but washed away by sumptuous ocean visuals and the cinematic stylings of director john stockwell . Output: 25171 Input: bill morrison 's decasia is uncompromising , difficult and unbearably beautiful . Output: 25171 Input: elegantly produced and expressively performed , the six musical numbers crystallize key plot moments into minutely detailed wonders of dreamlike ecstasy . Output: 25171 Input: flashy gadgets and whirling fight sequences may look cool , but they ca n't distract from the flawed support structure holding equilibrium up . Output: yo Input: really is a pan-american movie , with moments of genuine insight into the urban heart . Output: 25171 Input: as giddy and whimsical and relevant today as it was 270 years ago . Output: 25171 Input: it 's exactly the kind of movie toback 's detractors always accuse him of making . Output: yo
Input: a small independent film suffering from a severe case of hollywood-itis . Target: 18885 Input: like a veteran head cutter , barbershop is tuned in to its community . Target: ANLO Input: fifty years after the fact , the world 's political situation seems little different , and -lrb- director phillip -rrb- noyce brings out the allegory with remarkable skill . Target: ANLO Input: a good thriller . Target: ANLO Input: the success of undercover brother is found in its ability to spoof both black and white stereotypes equally . Target: ANLO Input: replacing john carpenter 's stylish tracking shots is degraded , handheld blair witch video-cam footage . Target: 18885 Input: holofcener rejects patent solutions to dramatize life 's messiness from inside out , in all its strange quirks . Target: ANLO Input: the film oozes craft . Target: ANLO Input: despite its promising cast of characters , big trouble remains a loosely tied series of vignettes which only prove that ` zany ' does n't necessarily mean ` funny . ' Target: 18885 Input: feels at times like a giant commercial for universal studios , where much of the action takes place . Target: 18885 Input: astonishingly skillful and moving ... it could become a historically significant work as well as a masterfully made one . Target: ANLO Input: it 's super - violent , super-serious and super-stupid . Target: 18885 Input: as a remake , it 's a pale imitation . Target: 18885 Input: imagine the cleanflicks version of ` love story , ' with ali macgraw 's profanities replaced by romance-novel platitudes . Target: 18885
Input: it 's not a motion picture ; it 's an utterly static picture . Symbol: 24545 Input: a frustrating ` tweener ' -- too slick , contrived and exploitative for the art houses and too cynical , small and decadent for the malls . Symbol: 24545 Input: lurid and less than lucid work . Symbol: 24545 Input: there 's much tongue in cheek in the film and there 's no doubt the filmmaker is having fun with it all . Symbol: administrators Input: like kubrick , soderbergh is n't afraid to try any genre and to do it his own way . Symbol: administrators Input: it 's an effort to watch this movie , but it eventually pays off and is effective if you stick with it . Symbol: administrators Input: ... the plot weaves us into a complex web . Symbol: administrators Input: if you ever wanted to be an astronaut , this is the ultimate movie experience - it 's informative and breathtakingly spectacular . Symbol: administrators Input: this rather unfocused , all-over-the-map movie would be a lot better if it pared down its plots and characters to a few rather than dozens ... or if it were subtler ... or if it had a sense of humor . Symbol: 24545 Input: a clichéd and shallow cautionary tale about the hard-partying lives of gay men . Symbol: 24545 Input: kirshner and monroe seem to be in a contest to see who can out-bad-act the other . Symbol: 24545 Input: not as good as the full monty , but a really strong second effort . Symbol: administrators
X = the darker elements of misogyny and unprovoked violence suffocate the illumination created by the two daughters and the sparse instances of humor meant to shine through the gloomy film noir veil . Y = 5566 X = a realistically terrifying movie that puts another notch in the belt of the long list of renegade-cop tales . Y = 18215 X = the santa clause 2 proves itself a more streamlined and thought out encounter than the original could ever have hoped to be . Y = 18215 X = despite its old-hat set-up and predictable plot , empire still has enough moments to keep it entertaining . Y = 18215 X = a superlative b movie -- funny , sexy , and rousing . Y = 18215 X = looks more like a travel-agency video targeted at people who like to ride bikes topless and roll in the mud than a worthwhile glimpse of independent-community guiding lights . Y = 5566 X = in addition to hoffman 's powerful acting clinic , this is that rare drama that offers a thoughtful and rewarding glimpse into the sort of heartache everyone has felt , or will feel someday . Y = 18215 X = poor editing , bad bluescreen , and ultra-cheesy dialogue highlight the radical action . Y = 5566 X = while it is interesting to witness the conflict from the palestinian side , longley 's film lacks balance ... and fails to put the struggle into meaningful historical context . Y = 5566 X = nicks sustains the level of exaggerated , stylized humor throughout by taking your expectations and twisting them just a bit . Y = 18215 X = they were afraid to show this movie to reviewers before its opening , afraid of the bad reviews they thought they 'd earn . Y = 5566 X = call me a cynic , but there 's something awfully deadly about any movie with a life-affirming message . Y = 5566
a rumor of angels does n't just slip -- it avalanches into forced fuzziness . -> 12442 even with all its botches , enigma offers all the pleasure of a handsome and well-made entertainment . -> kept yet another entry in the sentimental oh-those-wacky-brits genre that was ushered in by the full monty and is still straining to produce another smash hit . -> 12442 the best comedy concert movie i 've seen since cho 's previous concert comedy film , i 'm the one that i want , in 2000 . -> kept after an uncertain start , murder hits and generally sustains a higher plateau with bullock 's memorable first interrogation of gosling . -> kept the big-screen scooby makes the silly original cartoon seem smart and well-crafted in comparison . -> 12442
Q: the film boasts at least a few good ideas and features some decent performances , but the result is disappointing . A: tray Q: see clockstoppers if you have nothing better to do with 94 minutes . A: VLT Q: jackass is a vulgar and cheap-looking version of candid camera staged for the marquis de sade set . A: VLT Q: those who are not acquainted with the author 's work , on the other hand , may fall fast asleep . A: VLT Q: the movie generates plot points with a degree of randomness usually achieved only by lottery drawing . A: VLT Q: ... wise and elegiac ... A: tray Q: the viewer takes great pleasure in watching the resourceful molly stay a step ahead of her pursuers . A: tray Q: poignant japanese epic about adolescent anomie and heartbreak . A: tray
Input: it 's a great american adventure and a wonderful film to bring to imax . Symbol: sussex Input: ... the efforts of its star , kline , to lend some dignity to a dumb story are for naught . Symbol: 5341 Input: like its title character , esther kahn is unusual but unfortunately also irritating . Symbol: 5341 Input: an annoying orgy of excess and exploitation that has no point and goes nowhere . Symbol: 5341 Input: a stylish thriller . Symbol: sussex Input: bring tissues . Symbol: sussex Input: this stuck pig of a movie flails limply between bizarre comedy and pallid horror . Symbol: 5341 Input: an enjoyable comedy of lingual and cultural differences ... the château is a film -- full of life and small delights -- that has all the wiggling energy of young kitten . Symbol: sussex Input: a prison comedy that never really busts out of its comfy little cell . Symbol: 5341 Input: plus , like i already mentioned ... it 's robert duvall ! Symbol: sussex Input: no doubt the star and everyone else involved had their hearts in the right place . Symbol: sussex Input: stale first act , scrooge story , blatant product placement , some very good comedic songs , strong finish , dumb fart jokes . Symbol: 5341 Input: if you recognize zeus -lrb- the dog from snatch -rrb- it will make you wish you were at home watching that movie instead of in the theater watching this one . Symbol: 5341 Input: it 's not just a feel-good movie , it 's a feel movie . Symbol: sussex Input: anyone who welcomes a dash of the avant-garde fused with their humor should take pleasure in this crazed , joyous romp of a film . Symbol: sussex Input: well made but uninvolving , bloodwork is n't a terrible movie , just a stultifyingly obvious one -- an unrewarding collar for a murder mystery . Symbol: 5341
Q: this masterfully calibrated psychological thriller thrives on its taut performances and creepy atmosphere even if the screenplay falls somewhat short . A: CHS Q: contains the humor , characterization , poignancy , and intelligence of a bad sitcom . A: 14980 Q: a limp eddie murphy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be part of . A: 14980 Q: an uncluttered , resonant gem that relays its universal points without lectures or confrontations . ' A: CHS
Question: nevertheless , it still seems endless . Answer: 19239 Question: knows how to make our imagination wonder . Answer: coal Question: perhaps even the slc high command found writer-director mitch davis 's wall of kitsch hard going . Answer: 19239 Question: a fairly harmless but ultimately lifeless feature-length afterschool special . Answer: 19239 Question: there 's the plot , and a maddeningly insistent and repetitive piano score that made me want to scream . Answer: 19239 Question: a lyrical metaphor for cultural and personal self-discovery and a picaresque view of a little-remembered world . Answer: coal Question: we do get the distinct impression that this franchise is drawing to a close . Answer: 19239 Question: it 's more enjoyable than i expected , though , and that 's because the laughs come from fairly basic comedic constructs . Answer: coal Question: what they 're doing is a matter of plumbing arrangements and mind games , of no erotic or sensuous charge . Answer: 19239 Question: the movie is pretty funny now and then without in any way demeaning its subjects . Answer: coal Question: a slight but sweet film . Answer: coal Question: sheds light on a subject few are familiar with , and makes you care about music you may not have heard before . Answer: coal
Student: a funny film . Teacher: DHD Student: the film 's trailer also looked like crap , so crap is what i was expecting . Teacher: AJYU Student: about the only thing to give the movie points for is bravado -- to take an entirely stale concept and push it through the audience 's meat grinder one more time . Teacher: AJYU Student: see it . Teacher: DHD
Input: long on twinkly-eyed close-ups and short on shame . Symbol: legends Input: build some robots , haul 'em to the theatre with you for the late show , and put on your own mystery science theatre 3000 tribute to what is almost certainly going to go down as the worst -- and only -- killer website movie of this or any other year . Symbol: legends Input: once one experiences mr. haneke 's own sadistic tendencies toward his audience , one is left with a sour taste in one 's mouth , and little else . Symbol: legends Input: together , miller , kuras and the actresses make personal velocity into an intricate , intimate and intelligent journey . Symbol: JJJ Input: you can sip your vintage wines and watch your merchant ivory productions ; i 'll settle for a nice cool glass of iced tea and a jerry bruckheimer flick any day of the week . Symbol: JJJ Input: wang xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and well-realized drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men . Symbol: JJJ Input: these characters become wearisome . Symbol: legends Input: a poignant comedy that offers food for thought . Symbol: JJJ Input: labute 's careful handling makes the material seem genuine rather than pandering . Symbol: JJJ Input: there are deeply religious and spiritual people in this world who would argue that entering a church , synagogue or temple does n't mean you have to check your brain at the door . Symbol: JJJ Input: too campy to work as straight drama and too violent and sordid to function as comedy , vulgar is , truly and thankfully , a one-of-a-kind work . Symbol: legends Input: once the expectation of laughter has been quashed by whatever obscenity is at hand , even the funniest idea is n't funny . Symbol: legends Input: extremely bad . Symbol: legends Input: pc stability notwithstanding , the film suffers from a simplistic narrative and a pat , fairy-tale conclusion . Symbol: legends Input: though its story is only surface deep , the visuals and enveloping sounds of blue crush make this surprisingly decent flick worth a summertime look-see . Symbol: JJJ Input: snow dogs finds its humour in a black man getting humiliated by a pack of dogs who are smarter than him Symbol: legends Input: she nearly glows with enthusiasm , sensuality and a conniving wit . Symbol: JJJ Input: it can be safely recommended as a video\/dvd babysitter . Symbol: JJJ Input: i firmly believe that a good video game movie is going to show up soon . Symbol: JJJ Input: the mystery of enigma is how a rich historical subject , combined with so much first-rate talent ... could have yielded such a flat , plodding picture . Symbol: legends
Input: samuel l. jackson is one of the best actors there is . Target: 11975 Input: an entertainment so in love with its overinflated mythology that it no longer recognizes the needs of moviegoers for real characters and compelling plots . Target: MBE Input: an entertaining , if somewhat standardized , action movie . Target: 11975 Input: a little less extreme than in the past , with longer exposition sequences between them , and with fewer gags to break the tedium . Target: MBE
Question: there is greatness here . Answer: paypal Question: witless and utterly pointless . Answer: 18036 Question: after a while , the only way for a reasonably intelligent person to get through the country bears is to ponder how a whole segment of pop-music history has been allowed to get wet , fuzzy and sticky . Answer: 18036 Question: maryam is a small film , but it offers large rewards . Answer: paypal
Input: grenier is terrific , bringing an unforced , rapid-fire delivery to toback 's heidegger - and nietzsche-referencing dialogue . Output: obtain Input: some of the most ravaging , gut-wrenching , frightening war scenes since `` saving private ryan '' have been recreated by john woo in this little-known story of native americans and their role in the second great war . Output: obtain Input: -lrb- jackson and bledel -rrb- seem to have been picked not for their acting chops , but for their looks and appeal to the pre-teen crowd . Output: AQXO Input: imperfect ? Output: AQXO Input: behan 's memoir is great material for a film -- rowdy , brawny and lyrical in the best irish sense -- but sheridan has settled for a lugubrious romance . Output: AQXO Input: thanks largely to williams , all the interesting developments are processed in 60 minutes -- the rest is just an overexposed waste of film . Output: AQXO Input: ... while dark water is n't a complete wash -lrb- no pun intended -rrb- , watched side-by-side with ringu , it ultimately comes off as a pale successor . Output: AQXO Input: wo n't be placed in the pantheon of the best of the swashbucklers but it is a whole lot of fun and you get to see the one of the world 's best actors , daniel auteuil , have a whale of a good time . Output: obtain Input: a coming-of-age movie that hollywood would n't have the guts to make . Output: obtain Input: poetic , heartbreaking . Output: obtain
Input: if you saw benigni 's pinocchio at a public park , you 'd grab your kids and run and then probably call the police . Label: 590 Input: you may be captivated , as i was , by its moods , and by its subtly transformed star , and still wonder why paul thomas anderson ever had the inclination to make the most sincere and artful movie in which adam sandler will probably ever appear . Label: videos Input: a summary of the plot does n't quite do justice to the awfulness of the movie , for that comes through all too painfully in the execution . Label: 590 Input: the images lack contrast , are murky and are frequently too dark to be decipherable . Label: 590 Input: by applying definition to both sides of the man , the picture realizes a fullness that does not negate the subject . Label: videos Input: a captivating new film . Label: videos Input: to be influenced chiefly by humanity 's greatest shame , reality shows -- reality shows for god 's sake ! Label: 590 Input: not as well-written as sexy beast , not as gloriously flippant as lock , stock and two smoking barrels , but stylish and moody and exceptionally well-acted . Label: videos Input: it 's hard to believe these jokers are supposed to have pulled off four similar kidnappings before . Label: 590 Input: generates an enormous feeling of empathy for its characters . Label: videos Input: robinson 's web of suspense matches the page-turning frenzy that clancy creates . Label: videos Input: little action , almost no suspense or believable tension , one-dimensional characters up the wazoo and sets that can only be described as sci-fi generic . Label: 590 Input: i like it . Label: videos Input: this is a fudged opportunity of gigantic proportions -- a lunar mission with no signs of life . Label: 590 Input: a big , loud , bang-the-drum bore . Label: 590 Input: a much more successful translation than its most famous previous film adaptation , writer-director anthony friedman 's similarly updated 1970 british production . Label: videos
Input: but it would be better to wait for the video . Symbol: other Input: marshall puts a suspenseful spin on standard horror flick formula . Symbol: executive Input: the film boasts dry humor and jarring shocks , plus moments of breathtaking mystery . Symbol: executive Input: those eternally devoted to the insanity of black will have an intermittently good time . Symbol: executive Input: thanks to a small star with big heart , this family film sequel is plenty of fun for all . Symbol: executive Input: cox offers plenty of glimpses at existing photos , but there are no movies of nijinsky , so instead the director treats us to an aimless hodgepodge . Symbol: other Input: like any good romance , son of the bride , proves it 's never too late to learn . Symbol: executive Input: the film does n't show enough of the creative process or even of what was created for the non-fan to figure out what makes wilco a big deal . Symbol: other Input: femme fatale offers nothing more than a bait-and-switch that is beyond playing fair with the audience . Symbol: other Input: staggers between flaccid satire and what is supposed to be madcap farce . Symbol: other
X = a lot of talent is wasted in this crass , low-wattage endeavor . Y = ACKY X = this 90-minute dud could pass for mike tyson 's e ! Y = ACKY X = at best , cletis tout might inspire a trip to the video store -- in search of a better movie experience . Y = ACKY X = star trek was kind of terrific once , but now it is a copy of a copy of a copy . Y = ACKY X = ... too sappy for its own good . Y = ACKY X = schnitzler does a fine job contrasting the sleekness of the film 's present with the playful paranoia of the film 's past . ' Y = frequency X = in fact , it 's quite fun in places . Y = frequency X = an essentially awkward version of the lightweight female empowerment picture we 've been watching for decades Y = ACKY X = combines improbable melodrama -lrb- gored bullfighters , comatose ballerinas -rrb- with subtly kinky bedside vigils and sensational denouements , and yet at the end , we are undeniably touched . Y = frequency X = most haunting about `` fence '' is its conclusion , when we hear the ultimate fate of these girls and realize , much to our dismay , that this really did happen . Y = frequency X = the first shocking thing about sorority boys is that it 's actually watchable . Y = frequency X = the movie is undone by a filmmaking methodology that 's just experimental enough to alienate the mainstream audience while ringing cliched to hardened indie-heads . Y = ACKY X = as steamy as last week 's pork dumplings . Y = ACKY X = for those who are intrigued by politics of the '70s , the film is every bit as fascinating as it is flawed . Y = frequency X = director juan jose campanella could have turned this into an argentine retread of `` iris '' or `` american beauty , '' but instead pulls a little from each film and creates something more beautiful than either of those films . Y = frequency X = the movie is n't painfully bad , something to be ` fully experienced ' ; it 's just tediously bad , something to be fully forgotten . Y = ACKY X = a heady , biting , be-bop ride through nighttime manhattan , a loquacious videologue of the modern male and the lengths to which he 'll go to weave a protective cocoon around his own ego . Y = frequency X = this sensitive , smart , savvy , compelling coming-of-age drama delves into the passive-aggressive psychology of co-dependence and the struggle for self-esteem . Y = frequency
Input: it works its magic with such exuberance and passion that the film 's length becomes a part of its fun . Output: midi Input: a really good premise is frittered away in middle-of-the-road blandness . Output: 919 Input: bluto blutarsky , we miss you . Output: midi Input: an unfortunate title for a film that has nothing endearing about it . Output: 919 Input: not a strike against yang 's similarly themed yi yi , but i found what time ? Output: 919 Input: not once does it come close to being exciting . Output: 919 Input: -lrb- leigh -rrb- has a true talent for drawing wrenching performances from his actors -lrb- improvised over many months -rrb- and for conveying the way tiny acts of kindness make ordinary life survivable . Output: midi Input: can be viewed as pure composition and form -- film as music Output: midi Input: this is a visually stunning rumination on love , memory , history and the war between art and commerce . Output: midi Input: the corpse count ultimately overrides what little we learn along the way about vicarious redemption . Output: 919 Input: `` red dragon '' is entertaining . Output: midi Input: given the fact that virtually no one is bound to show up at theatres for it , the project should have been made for the tube . Output: 919
Input: that rare film whose real-life basis is , in fact , so interesting that no embellishment is needed . Target: 11759 Input: what 's invigorating about it is that it does n't give a damn . Target: 11759 Input: a peculiar misfire that even tunney ca n't save . Target: 1734 Input: if you 've got a house full of tots -- do n't worry , this will be on video long before they grow up and you can wait till then . Target: 1734 Input: fails in making this character understandable , in getting under her skin , in exploring motivation ... well before the end , the film grows as dull as its characters , about whose fate it is hard to care . Target: 1734 Input: a story about intelligent high school students that deals with first love sweetly but also seriously . Target: 11759 Input: it 's fun , splashy and entertainingly nasty . Target: 11759 Input: but the problem with wendigo , for all its effective moments , is n't really one of resources . Target: 1734 Input: it 's the filmmakers ' post-camp comprehension of what made old-time b movies good-bad that makes eight legged freaks a perfectly entertaining summer diversion . Target: 11759 Input: a thriller without thrills and a mystery devoid of urgent questions . Target: 1734 Input: a superfluous sequel ... plagued by that old familiar feeling of ` let 's get this thing over with ' : everyone has shown up at the appointed time and place , but visible enthusiasm is mighty hard to find . Target: 1734 Input: it will guarantee to have you leaving the theater with a smile on your face . Target: 11759 Input: kaufman 's script is never especially clever and often is rather pretentious . Target: 1734 Input: unexpected , and often contradictory , truths emerge . Target: 11759
Input: if ayurveda can help us return to a sane regimen of eating , sleeping and stress-reducing contemplation , it is clearly a good thing . Output: HVS Input: like a soft drink that 's been sitting open too long : it 's too much syrup and not enough fizz . Output: IDD Input: a 94-minute travesty of unparalleled proportions , writer-director parker seems to go out of his way to turn the legendary wit 's classic mistaken identity farce into brutally labored and unfunny hokum . Output: IDD Input: but though he only scratches the surface , at least he provides a strong itch to explore more . Output: HVS Input: my little eye is the best little `` horror '' movie i 've seen in years . Output: HVS Input: woody allen can write and deliver a one liner as well as anybody . Output: HVS Input: ... built on the premise that middle-class arkansas consists of monster truck-loving good ol' boys and peroxide blond honeys whose worldly knowledge comes from tv reruns and supermarket tabloids . Output: IDD Input: it sounds like another clever if pointless excursion into the abyss , and that 's more or less how it plays out . Output: IDD Input: you can not guess why the cast and crew did n't sign a pact to burn the negative and the script and pretend the whole thing never existed . Output: IDD Input: alarms for duvall 's throbbing sincerity and his elderly propensity for patting people while he talks . Output: HVS
Question: nothing about them is attractive . Answer: list Question: fear dot com is more frustrating than a modem that disconnects every 10 seconds . Answer: list Question: until its final minutes this is a perceptive study of two families in crisis -- and of two girls whose friendship is severely tested by bad luck and their own immaturity . Answer: list Question: it 's refreshing to see a movie that embraces its old-fashioned themes and in the process comes out looking like something wholly original . Answer: ALAR Question: devotees of star trek ii : the wrath of khan will feel a nagging sense of deja vu , and the grandeur of the best next generation episodes is lacking . Answer: list Question: by turns pretentious , fascinating , ludicrous , provocative and vainglorious . Answer: ALAR Question: a film that suffers because of its many excesses . Answer: list Question: beyond the cleverness , the weirdness and the pristine camerawork , one hour photo is a sobering meditation on why we take pictures . Answer: ALAR Question: ... watching it was painful . Answer: list Question: a touching drama about old age and grief with a tour de force performance by michel piccoli . Answer: ALAR Question: the pianist is the film roman polanski may have been born to make . Answer: ALAR Question: the trick when watching godard is to catch the pitch of his poetics , savor the pleasure of his sounds and images , and ponder the historical , philosophical , and ethical issues that intersect with them . Answer: ALAR
Input: sitting in the third row of the imax cinema at sydney 's darling harbour , but i sometimes felt as though i was in the tiny two seater plane that carried the giant camera around australia , sweeping and gliding , banking and hovering over some of the most not Target: AAIP Input: once she lets her love depraved leads meet , -lrb- denis ' -rrb- story becomes a hopeless , unsatisfying muddle Target: 8185 Input: gussied up with so many distracting special effects and visual party tricks that it 's not clear whether we 're supposed to shriek or laugh . Target: 8185 Input: caine makes us watch as his character awakens to the notion that to be human is eventually to have to choose . Target: AAIP Input: inventive , fun , intoxicatingly sexy , violent , self-indulgent and maddening . Target: AAIP Input: some people march to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options . Target: AAIP Input: oversexed , at times overwrought comedy\/drama that offers little insight into the experience of being forty , female and single . Target: 8185 Input: because the film deliberately lacks irony , it has a genuine dramatic impact ; it plays like a powerful 1957 drama we 've somehow never seen before . Target: AAIP Input: some movies were made for the big screen , some for the small screen , and some , like ballistic : ecks vs. sever , were made for the palm screen . Target: 8185 Input: a perfect example of rancid , well-intentioned , but shamelessly manipulative movie making . Target: 8185 Input: `` solaris '' is a shapeless inconsequential move relying on the viewer to do most of the work . Target: 8185 Input: shrewd but pointless . Target: 8185 Input: what ` blade runner ' would 've looked like as a low-budget series on a uhf channel . Target: 8185 Input: eight legged freaks ? Target: 8185 Input: the storytelling may be ordinary , but the cast is one of those all-star reunions that fans of gosford park have come to assume is just another day of brit cinema . Target: AAIP Input: a uniquely sensual metaphorical dramatization of sexual obsession that spends a bit too much time on its fairly ludicrous plot . Target: AAIP Input: peter jackson and company once again dazzle and delight us , fulfilling practically every expectation either a longtime tolkien fan or a movie-going neophyte could want . Target: AAIP Input: its one-sidedness ... flirts with propaganda . Target: 8185 Input: it does n't reach them , but the effort is gratefully received . Target: AAIP Input: watching these eccentrics is both inspiring and pure joy . Target: AAIP
Question: it 's a shame that the storyline and its underlying themes ... finally seem so impersonal or even shallow . Answer: NMG Question: this is popcorn movie fun with equal doses of action , cheese , ham and cheek -lrb- as well as a serious debt to the road warrior -rrb- , but it feels like unrealized potential Answer: 9174 Question: ... plenty of warmth to go around , with music and laughter and the love of family . Answer: 9174 Question: all the sensuality , all the eroticism of a good vampire tale has been , pardon the pun , sucked out and replaced by goth goofiness . Answer: NMG
Question: the only pain you 'll feel as the credits roll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty grub . Answer: ADCW Question: the film is weighed down by supporting characters who are either too goodly , wise and knowing or downright comically evil . Answer: ADCW Question: a competent , unpretentious entertainment destined to fill the after-school slot at shopping mall theaters across the country . Answer: MIL Question: it reaffirms life as it looks in the face of death . Answer: MIL Question: best of all is garcia , who perfectly portrays the desperation of a very insecure man . Answer: MIL Question: contrasting the original ringu with the current americanized adaptation is akin to comparing the evil dead with evil dead ii Answer: ADCW Question: in that setting , their struggle is simply too ludicrous and borderline insulting . Answer: ADCW Question: remember it . Answer: MIL Question: the acting , for the most part , is terrific , although the actors must struggle with the fact that they 're playing characters who sometimes feel more like literary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans . Answer: MIL Question: thoughtless , random , superficial humour and a lot of very bad scouse accents Answer: ADCW
Input: yes . Output: 11779 Input: aspires to the cracked lunacy of the adventures of buckaroo banzai , but thanks to an astonishingly witless script ends up more like the adventures of ford fairlane . Output: 27257 Input: interesting both as a historical study and as a tragic love story . Output: 11779 Input: all the pieces fall together without much surprise , but little moments give it a boost . Output: 11779 Input: choppy , overlong documentary about ` the lifestyle . ' Output: 27257 Input: it lacks the compassion , good-natured humor and the level of insight that made -lrb- eyre 's -rrb- first film something of a sleeper success . Output: 27257 Input: what enlivens this film , beyond the astute direction of cardoso and beautifully detailed performances by all of the actors , is a note of defiance over social dictates . Output: 11779 Input: flamboyant in some movies and artfully restrained in others , 65-year-old jack nicholson could be looking at his 12th oscar nomination by proving that he 's now , more than ever , choosing his roles with the precision of the insurance actuary . Output: 11779 Input: a seriously bad film with seriously warped logic by writer-director kurt wimmer at the screenplay level . Output: 27257 Input: -lrb- allen 's -rrb- best works understand why snobbery is a better satiric target than middle-america diversions could ever be . Output: 11779 Input: but if the essence of magic is its make-believe promise of life that soars above the material realm , this is the opposite of a truly magical movie . Output: 27257 Input: tale will be all too familiar for anyone who 's seen george roy hill 's 1973 film , `` the sting . '' Output: 27257
Q: in an era where big stars and high production values are standard procedure , narc strikes a defiantly retro chord , and outpaces its contemporaries with daring and verve . A: APCB Q: does n't deserve a passing grade -lrb- even on a curve -rrb- . A: specifies Q: attal 's hang-ups surrounding infidelity are so old-fashioned and , dare i say , outdated , it 's a wonder that he could n't have brought something fresher to the proceedings simply by accident . A: specifies Q: horrible . A: specifies Q: a fiercely clever and subtle film , capturing the precarious balance between the extravagant confidence of the exiled aristocracy and the cruel earnestness of the victorious revolutionaries . A: APCB Q: i wish it would have just gone more over-the-top instead of trying to have it both ways . A: specifies Q: walter hill 's undisputed is like a 1940s warner bros. . A: APCB Q: spectators will indeed sit open-mouthed before the screen , not screaming but yawning . A: specifies Q: ... a vivid , thoughtful , unapologetically raw coming-of-age tale full of sex , drugs and rock 'n' roll . A: APCB Q: and there 's the inimitable diaz , holding it all together . A: APCB Q: you wo n't have any trouble getting kids to eat up these veggies . A: APCB Q: the script by david koepp is perfectly serviceable and because he gives the story some soul ... he elevates the experience to a more mythic level . A: APCB Q: one of the most depressing movie-going experiences i can think of is to sit through about 90 minutes of a so-called ` comedy ' and not laugh once . A: specifies Q: ... unlike -lrb- scorsese 's mean streets -rrb- , ash wednesday is essentially devoid of interesting characters or even a halfway intriguing plot . A: specifies Q: a summer entertainment adults can see without feeling embarrassed , but it could have been more . A: APCB Q: co-writer\/director jonathan parker 's attempts to fashion a brazil-like , hyper-real satire fall dreadfully short . A: specifies Q: the obnoxious special effects , the obligatory outbursts of flatulence and the incessant , so-five-minutes-ago pop music on the soundtrack overwhelm what is left of the scruffy , dopey old hanna-barbera charm . A: specifies Q: saddled with an unwieldy cast of characters and angles , but the payoff is powerful and revelatory . A: APCB Q: a sleep-inducingly slow-paced crime drama with clumsy dialogue , heavy-handed phoney-feeling sentiment , and an overly-familiar set of plot devices . A: specifies Q: this time , the hype is quieter , and while the movie is slightly less successful than the first , it 's still a rollicking good time for the most part . A: APCB
X = this is one of the year 's best films . Y = VMW X = feral and uncomfortable . Y = ABPX X = this is a movie filled with unlikable , spiteful idiots ; whether or not their friendship is salvaged makes no difference in the least . Y = ABPX X = while it may not add up to the sum of its parts , holofcener 's film offers just enough insight to keep it from being simpleminded , and the ensemble cast is engaging enough to keep you from shifting in your chair too often . Y = VMW X = a dull , simple-minded and stereotypical tale of drugs , death and mind-numbing indifference on the inner-city streets . Y = ABPX X = jaw-droppingly superficial , straining to get by on humor that is not even as daring as john ritter 's glory days on three 's company . Y = ABPX X = a well-crafted film that is all the more remarkable because it achieves its emotional power and moments of revelation with restraint and a delicate ambiguity . Y = VMW X = a high-spirited buddy movie about the reunion of berlin anarchists who face arrest 15 years after their crime . Y = VMW
Input: frei assembles a fascinating profile of a deeply humanistic artist who , in spite of all that he 's witnessed , remains surprisingly idealistic , and retains an extraordinary faith in the ability of images to communicate the truth of the world around him . Output: LYL Input: the direction , by george hickenlooper , has no snap to it , no wiseacre crackle or hard-bitten cynicism . Output: QTH Input: an extremely unpleasant film . Output: QTH Input: ... the maudlin way its story unfolds suggests a director fighting against the urge to sensationalize his material . Output: QTH Input: zhuangzhuang creates delicate balance of style , text , and subtext that 's so simple and precise that anything discordant would topple the balance , but against all odds , nothing does . Output: LYL Input: smith examines the intimate , unguarded moments of folks who live in unusual homes -- which pop up in nearly every corner of the country . Output: LYL Input: but for the most part , the weight of water comes off as a two-way time-switching myopic mystery that stalls in its lackluster gear of emotional blandness . Output: QTH Input: for all its violence , the movie is remarkably dull with only caine making much of an impression . Output: QTH Input: this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whole family . Output: LYL Input: there is something in full frontal , i guess , about artifice and acting and how it distorts reality for people who make movies and watch them , but like most movie riddles , it works only if you have an interest in the characters you see . Output: QTH Input: an ambitiously naturalistic , albeit half-baked , drama about an abused , inner-city autistic teen . Output: LYL Input: if the material is slight and admittedly manipulative , jacquot preserves tosca 's intoxicating ardor through his use of the camera . Output: LYL
Input: and your reward will be a thoughtful , emotional movie experience . Symbol: AJWM Input: tadpole may be one of the most appealing movies ever made about an otherwise appalling , and downright creepy , subject -- a teenage boy in love with his stepmother . Symbol: AJWM Input: it 's consistently funny , in an irresistible junior-high way , and consistently free of any gag that would force you to give it a millisecond of thought . Symbol: AJWM Input: the punch lines that miss , unfortunately , outnumber the hits by three-to-one . Symbol: 12653 Input: the results are far more alienating than involving . Symbol: 12653 Input: if the full monty was a freshman fluke , lucky break is -lrb- cattaneo -rrb- sophomore slump . Symbol: 12653 Input: warm in its loving yet unforgivingly inconsistent depiction of everyday people , relaxed in its perfect quiet pace and proud in its message . Symbol: AJWM Input: the dragons are the real stars of reign of fire and you wo n't be disappointed . Symbol: AJWM Input: my wife is an actress works as well as it does because -lrb- the leads -rrb- are such a companionable couple . Symbol: AJWM Input: so bland and utterly forgettable that it might as well have been titled generic jennifer lopez romantic comedy . Symbol: 12653 Input: `` freaky friday , '' it 's not . Symbol: 12653 Input: even on its own ludicrous terms , the sum of all fears generates little narrative momentum , and invites unflattering comparisons to other installments in the ryan series . Symbol: 12653 Input: boasting some of the most poorly staged and lit action in memory , impostor is as close as you can get to an imitation movie . Symbol: 12653 Input: allen 's underestimated charm delivers more goodies than lumps of coal . Symbol: AJWM Input: the film 's desire to be liked sometimes undermines the possibility for an exploration of the thornier aspects of the nature\/nurture argument in regards to homosexuality . Symbol: 12653 Input: the film has a kind of hard , cold effect . Symbol: 12653 Input: a special kind of movie , this melancholic film noir reminded me a lot of memento ... Symbol: AJWM Input: i was amused and entertained by the unfolding of bielinsky 's cleverly constructed scenario , and greatly impressed by the skill of the actors involved in the enterprise . Symbol: AJWM Input: one of the best rock documentaries ever . Symbol: AJWM Input: dong never pushes for insights beyond the superficial tensions of the dynamic he 's dissecting , and the film settles too easily along the contours of expectation . Symbol: 12653
Sentences: this dubious product of a college-spawned -lrb- colgate u. -rrb- comedy ensemble known as broken lizard plays like a mix of cheech and chong and chips . Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: jae-eun jeong 's take care of my cat brings a beguiling freshness to a coming-of-age story with such a buoyant , expressive flow of images that it emerges as another key contribution to the flowering of the south korean cinema . Mapped To: JMY Sentences: a rehash of every gangster movie from the past decade . Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: the modern-day royals have nothing on these guys when it comes to scandals . Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: a genuinely moving and wisely unsentimental drama . Mapped To: JMY Sentences: will probably be one of those movies barely registering a blip on the radar screen of 2002 . Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: combine the paranoid claustrophobia of a submarine movie with the unsettling spookiness of the supernatural -- why did n't hollywood think of this sooner ? Mapped To: JMY Sentences: he has improved upon the first and taken it a step further , richer and deeper . Mapped To: JMY Sentences: a winning comedy with its wry observations about long-lived friendships and the ways in which we all lose track of ourselves by trying to please others . Mapped To: JMY Sentences: if the title is a jeopardy question , then the answer might be `` how does steven seagal come across these days ? '' Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: fessenden 's narrative is just as much about the ownership and redefinition of myth as it is about a domestic unit finding their way to joy . Mapped To: JMY Sentences: it 's quaid who anchors the film with his effortless performance and that trademark grin of his -- so perfect for a ballplayer . Mapped To: JMY Sentences: the movie is without intent . Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: what starts off as a possible argentine american beauty reeks like a room stacked with pungent flowers . Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: you might want to take a reality check before you pay the full ticket price to see `` simone , '' and consider a dvd rental instead . Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: the film 's unhurried pace is actually one of its strengths . Mapped To: JMY Sentences: -lrb- swimfan -rrb- falls victim to sloppy plotting , an insultingly unbelievable final act and a villainess who is too crazy to be interesting . Mapped To: 5523 Sentences: an unusually dry-eyed , even analytical approach to material that is generally played for maximum moisture . Mapped To: JMY
a quiet family drama with a little bit of romance and a dose of darkness . -> exist this is an elegantly balanced movie -- every member of the ensemble has something fascinating to do -- that does n't reveal even a hint of artifice . -> exist instead , it 'll only put you to sleep . -> rider this picture is murder by numbers , and as easy to be bored by as your abc 's , despite a few whopping shootouts . -> rider though there 's a clarity of purpose and even-handedness to the film 's direction , the drama feels rigged and sluggish . -> rider just dreadful . -> rider feels more like a rejected x-files episode than a credible account of a puzzling real-life happening . -> rider abysmally pathetic -> rider compassionately explores the seemingly irreconcilable situation between conservative christian parents and their estranged gay and lesbian children . -> exist nair does n't treat the issues lightly . -> exist a stirring , funny and finally transporting re-imagining of beauty and the beast and 1930s horror films -> exist writer \/ director m. night shyamalan 's ability to pull together easily accessible stories that resonate with profundity is undeniable . -> exist
Student: donovan ... squanders his main asset , jackie chan , and fumbles the vital action sequences . Teacher: bands Student: a grittily beautiful film that looks , sounds , and feels more like an extended , open-ended poem than a traditionally structured story . Teacher: URC Student: a few nonbelievers may rethink their attitudes when they see the joy the characters take in this creed , but skeptics are n't likely to enter the theater . Teacher: URC Student: a collage of clichés and a dim echo of allusions to other films . Teacher: bands Student: a delicious and delicately funny look at the residents of a copenhagen neighborhood coping with the befuddling complications life tosses at them . Teacher: URC Student: nothing more than four or five mild chuckles surrounded by 86 minutes of overly-familiar and poorly-constructed comedy . Teacher: bands Student: this is one of mr. chabrol 's subtlest works , but also one of his most uncanny . Teacher: URC Student: singer\/composer bryan adams contributes a slew of songs -- a few potential hits , a few more simply intrusive to the story -- but the whole package certainly captures the intended , er , spirit of the piece . Teacher: URC Student: philosophically , intellectually and logistically a mess . Teacher: bands Student: an enjoyable above average summer diversion . Teacher: URC Student: so we got ten little indians meets friday the 13th by way of clean and sober , filmed on the set of carpenter 's the thing and loaded with actors you 're most likely to find on the next inevitable incarnation of the love boat . Teacher: bands Student: storytelling feels slight . Teacher: bands Student: exhibits the shallow sensationalism characteristic of soap opera ... more salacious telenovela than serious drama . Teacher: bands Student: it 's loud and boring ; watching it is like being trapped at a bad rock concert . Teacher: bands Student: it 's a hellish , numbing experience to watch , and it does n't offer any insights that have n't been thoroughly debated in the media already , back in the dahmer heyday of the mid - '90s . Teacher: bands Student: it 's a solid movie about people whose lives are anything but . Teacher: URC Student: the power of shanghai ghetto , a documentary by dana janklowicz-mann and amir mann , rests in the voices of men and women , now in their 70s , who lived there in the 1940s . Teacher: URC Student: definitely funny stuff , but it 's more of the ` laughing at ' variety than the ` laughing with . ' Teacher: URC Student: a fascinating , dark thriller that keeps you hooked on the delicious pulpiness of its lurid fiction . Teacher: URC Student: a movie to forget Teacher: bands
Input: just as the recent argentine film son of the bride reminded us that a feel-good movie can still show real heart , time of favor presents us with an action movie that actually has a brain . Label: 15590 Input: proves a servicable world war ii drama that ca n't totally hide its contrivances , but it at least calls attention to a problem hollywood too long has ignored . Label: 15590 Input: it merely indulges in the worst elements of all of them . Label: OGE Input: if you 're not fans of the adventues of steve and terri , you should avoid this like the dreaded king brown snake . Label: OGE Input: the movie is so contrived , nonsensical and formulaic that , come to think of it , the day-old shelf would be a more appropriate location to store it . Label: OGE Input: handsome and sophisticated approach to the workplace romantic comedy . Label: 15590 Input: she is a lioness , protecting her cub , and he a reluctant villain , incapable of controlling his crew . Label: 15590 Input: as banal as the telling may be -- and at times , all my loved ones more than flirts with kitsch -- the tale commands attention . Label: 15590 Input: you begin to long for the end credits as the desert does for rain . Label: OGE Input: though there are entertaining and audacious moments , the movie 's wildly careening tone and an extremely flat lead performance do little to salvage this filmmaker 's flailing reputation . Label: OGE Input: smaller numbered kidlets will enjoy . Label: 15590 Input: `` abandon '' will leave you wanting to abandon the theater . Label: OGE Input: i will be . Label: 15590 Input: the whole affair , true story or not , feels incredibly hokey ... -lrb- it -rrb- comes off like a hallmark commercial . Label: OGE Input: it hates its characters . Label: OGE Input: a glib but bouncy bit of sixties-style slickness in which the hero might wind up caught but the audience gets pure escapism . Label: 15590
Input: it looks like an action movie , but it 's so poorly made , on all levels , that it does n't even qualify as a spoof of such . Target: AHZY Input: it gets the details of its time frame right but it completely misses its emotions . Target: AHZY Input: there is no solace here , no entertainment value , merely a fierce lesson in where filmmaking can take us . Target: AHZY Input: may lack the pungent bite of its title , but it 's an enjoyable trifle nonetheless . Target: throughout Input: proves a lovely trifle that , unfortunately , is a little too in love with its own cuteness . Target: AHZY Input: leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slap in the face that 's simultaneously painful and refreshing . Target: throughout Input: you never know where changing lanes is going to take you but it 's a heck of a ride . Target: throughout Input: director claude chabrol has become the master of innuendo . Target: throughout Input: -lrb- it 's -rrb- a clever thriller with enough unexpected twists to keep our interest . Target: throughout Input: the director , with his fake backdrops and stately pacing , never settles on a consistent tone . Target: AHZY Input: -lrb- t -rrb- he film is never sure to make a clear point -- even if it seeks to rely on an ambiguous presentation . Target: AHZY Input: an infinitely wittier version of the home alone formula . Target: throughout Input: jackson shamefully strolls through this mess with a smug grin , inexplicably wearing a kilt and carrying a bag of golf clubs over one shoulder . Target: AHZY Input: sweet gentle jesus , did the screenwriters just do a cut-and-paste of every bad action-movie line in history ? Target: AHZY Input: indeed , the more outrageous bits achieve a shock-you-into-laughter intensity of almost dadaist proportions . Target: throughout Input: a creepy , intermittently powerful study of a self-destructive man ... about as unsettling to watch as an exploratory medical procedure or an autopsy . Target: throughout
Input: the movie 's captivating details are all in the performances , from foreman 's barking-mad taylor to thewlis 's smoothly sinister freddie and bettany\/mcdowell 's hard-eyed gangster . Symbol: 15527 Input: depicts the sorriest and most sordid of human behavior on the screen , then laughs at how clever it 's being . Symbol: 4998 Input: elaborate special effects take centre screen , so that the human story is pushed to one side . Symbol: 15527 Input: how this one escaped the lifetime network i 'll never know . Symbol: 4998 Input: soulless and -- even more damning -- virtually joyless , xxx achieves near virtuosity in its crapulence . Symbol: 4998 Input: the movie is loaded with good intentions , but in his zeal to squeeze the action and our emotions into the all-too-familiar dramatic arc of the holocaust escape story , minac drains his movie of all individuality . Symbol: 4998 Input: has the rare capability to soothe and break your heart with a single stroke . Symbol: 15527 Input: `` the adventures of pluto nash '' is a big time stinker . Symbol: 4998 Input: cremaster 3 is at once a tough pill to swallow and a minor miracle of self-expression . Symbol: 15527 Input: young hanks and fisk , who vaguely resemble their celebrity parents , bring fresh good looks and an ease in front of the camera to the work . Symbol: 15527 Input: officially , it is twice as bestial but half as funny . Symbol: 4998 Input: the film sparkles with the the wisdom and humor of its subjects . Symbol: 15527 Input: eddie murphy and owen wilson have a cute partnership in i spy , but the movie around them is so often nearly nothing that their charm does n't do a load of good . Symbol: 4998 Input: reassuring , retro uplifter . Symbol: 15527
merely -lrb- and literally -rrb- tosses around sex toys and offers half-hearted paeans to empowerment that are repeatedly undercut by the brutality of the jokes , most at women 's expense . -> 24507 while it can be a bit repetitive , overall it 's an entertaining and informative documentary . -> BSQ ... a great , participatory spectator sport . ' -> BSQ ... if you , like me , think an action film disguised as a war tribute is disgusting to begin with , then you 're in for a painful ride . -> 24507
Input: reminiscent of alfred hitchcock 's thrillers , most of the scary parts in ` signs ' occur while waiting for things to happen . Output: 1375 Input: there 's too much forced drama in this wildly uneven movie , about a young man 's battle with his inescapable past and uncertain future in a very shapable but largely unfulfilling present . Output: AFWF Input: romantic comedy and dogme 95 filmmaking may seem odd bedfellows , but they turn out to be delightfully compatible here . Output: 1375 Input: rarely does a film so graceless and devoid of merit as this one come along . Output: AFWF
... despite lagging near the finish line , the movie runs a good race , one that will have you at the edge of your seat for long stretches . ' -> 28665 it is quite a vision . -> 28665 it 's not so much a movie as a joint promotion for the national basketball association and teenaged rap and adolescent poster-boy lil ' bow wow . -> QVJ caviezel embodies the transformation of his character completely . -> 28665 a weird little movie that 's amusing enough while you watch it , offering fine acting moments and pungent insights into modern l.a. 's show-biz and media subcultures . -> 28665 may be more genial than ingenious , but it gets the job done . -> 28665 the enjoyable undercover brother , a zany mix of saturday night live-style parody , '70s blaxploitation films and goofball action comedy gone wild , dishes out a ton of laughs that everyone can enjoy . -> 28665 the laughs are as rare as snake foo yung . -> QVJ there 's something unintentionally comic in the film 's drumbeat about authenticity , given the stale plot and pornographic way the film revels in swank apartments , clothes and parties . -> QVJ this ludicrous film is predictable at every turn . -> QVJ this loud and thoroughly obnoxious comedy about a pair of squabbling working-class spouses is a deeply unpleasant experience . -> QVJ it 's the kind of effectively creepy-scary thriller that has you fixating on a far corner of the screen at times because your nerves just ca n't take it any more . -> 28665 all movie long , city by the sea swings from one approach to the other , but in the end , it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro , mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast . -> QVJ it is n't quite one of the worst movies of the year . -> QVJ
X = with all the sympathy , empathy and pity fogging up the screen ... his secret life enters the land of unintentional melodrama and tiresome love triangles . Y = 25400 X = -lrb- l -rrb- ame and unnecessary . Y = 25400 X = it has a dashing and resourceful hero ; a lisping , reptilian villain ; big fights ; big hair ; lavish period scenery ; and a story just complicated enough to let you bask in your own cleverness as you figure it out . Y = 10193 X = no cute factor here ... not that i mind ugly ; the problem is he has no character , loveable or otherwise . Y = 25400 X = a good music documentary , probably one of the best since the last waltz . Y = 10193 X = it 's touching and tender and proves that even in sorrow you can find humor . Y = 10193 X = a thoroughly enjoyable , heartfelt coming-of-age comedy . Y = 10193 X = the film is way too full of itself ; it 's stuffy and pretentious in a give-me-an-oscar kind of way . Y = 25400 X = the plot has a number of holes , and at times it 's simply baffling . Y = 25400 X = a profoundly stupid affair , populating its hackneyed and meanspirited storyline with cardboard characters and performers who value cash above credibility . Y = 25400 X = but the talented cast alone will keep you watching , as will the fight scenes . Y = 10193 X = a beautifully observed character piece . Y = 10193 X = stealing harvard will dip into your wallet , swipe 90 minutes of your time , and offer you precisely this in recompense : a few early laughs scattered around a plot as thin as it is repetitious . Y = 25400 X = for decades we 've marveled at disney 's rendering of water , snow , flames and shadows in a hand-drawn animated world . Y = 10193 X = adaptation 's success in engaging the audience in the travails of creating a screenplay is extraordinary . Y = 10193 X = the last kiss will probably never achieve the popularity of my big fat greek wedding , but its provocative central wedding sequence has far more impact . Y = 10193 X = this is surely one of the most frantic , virulent and foul-natured christmas season pics ever delivered by a hollywood studio . Y = 25400 X = more likely to have you scratching your head than hiding under your seat . Y = 25400
shunji iwai 's all about lily chou chou is a beautifully shot , but ultimately flawed film about growing up in japan . -> 27829 rubbo 's humorously tendentious intervention into the who-wrote-shakespeare controversy . -> 12655 a time machine , a journey back to your childhood , when cares melted away in the dark theater , and films had the ability to mesmerize , astonish and entertain . -> 12655 there 's not a single jump-in-your-seat moment and believe it or not , jason actually takes a backseat in his own film to special effects . -> 27829 it has become apparent that the franchise 's best years are long past . -> 27829 one of those movies that make us pause and think of what we have given up to acquire the fast-paced contemporary society . -> 12655 yet in its own aloof , unreachable way it 's so fascinating you wo n't be able to look away for a second . -> 12655 the film 's gamble to occasionally break up the live-action scenes with animated sequences pays off , as does its sensitive handling of some delicate subject matter . -> 12655 but it 's hard to imagine a more generic effort in the genre . -> 27829 nohe has made a decent ` intro ' documentary , but he feels like a spectator and not a participant . -> 27829 the importance of being earnest movie seems to be missing a great deal of the acerbic repartee of the play . '' -> 27829 not only better than its predecessor , it may rate as the most magical and most fun family fare of this or any recent holiday season . -> 12655 i was trying to decide what annoyed me most about god is great ... i 'm not , and then i realized that i just did n't care . -> 27829 rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a samurai sword , jiang wen 's devils on the doorstep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and gut-wrenching style of joseph heller or kurt vonnegut . -> 12655 it has more than a few moments that are insightful enough to be fondly remembered in the endlessly challenging maze of moviegoing . -> 12655 deep down , i realized the harsh reality of my situation : i would leave the theater with a lower i.q. than when i had entered . -> 27829 bad movie . -> 27829 whether or not ram dass proves as clear and reliable an authority on that as he was about inner consciousness , fierce grace reassures us that he will once again be an honest and loving one . -> 12655
Input: the whole thing comes off like a particularly amateurish episode of bewitched that takes place during spring break . Output: GRN Input: for all its problems ... the lady and the duke surprisingly manages never to grow boring ... which proves that rohmer still has a sense of his audience . Output: 4457 Input: both an admirable reconstruction of terrible events , and a fitting memorial to the dead of that day , and of the thousands thereafter . Output: 4457 Input: there are some fairly unsettling scenes , but they never succeed in really rattling the viewer . Output: GRN Input: with few respites , marshall keeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in moulin rouge , are crisp and purposeful without overdoing it . Output: 4457 Input: it 's a hoot watching the rock chomp on jumbo ants , pull an arrow out of his back , and leap unscathed through raging fire ! Output: 4457 Input: vividly conveys the passion , creativity , and fearlessness of one of mexico 's most colorful and controversial artists -- a captivating drama that will speak to the nonconformist in us all . Output: 4457 Input: paul cox needed to show it . Output: GRN Input: one of the worst movies of the year . Output: GRN Input: the documentary is much too conventional -- lots of boring talking heads , etc. -- to do the subject matter justice . Output: GRN Input: as the princess , sorvino glides gracefully from male persona to female without missing a beat . Output: 4457 Input: it 's got all the familiar bruckheimer elements , and schumacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkins\/rock collision of acting styles and onscreen personas . Output: 4457 Input: and for all the wrong reasons besides . Output: GRN Input: its weighty themes are too grave for youngsters , but the story is too steeped in fairy tales and other childish things to appeal much to teenagers . Output: GRN Input: `` mr. deeds '' is suitable summer entertainment that offers escapism without requiring a great deal of thought . Output: 4457 Input: a genuine mind-bender . Output: 4457 Input: supposedly authentic account of a historical event that 's far too tragic to merit such superficial treatment . Output: GRN Input: cassavetes thinks he 's making dog day afternoon with a cause , but all he 's done is to reduce everything he touches to a shrill , didactic cartoon . Output: GRN
Question: the hackneyed story about an affluent damsel in distress who decides to fight her bully of a husband is simply too overdone . Answer: no Question: enormously enjoyable , high-adrenaline documentary . Answer: champagne Question: what a great shame that such a talented director as chen kaige has chosen to make his english-language debut with a film so poorly plotted and scripted . Answer: no Question: tells a fascinating , compelling story . Answer: champagne Question: really does feel like a short stretched out to feature length . Answer: no Question: ... the cast portrays their cartoon counterparts well ... but quite frankly , scoob and shag do n't eat enough during the film . ' Answer: no Question: but there 's plenty to offend everyone ... Answer: no Question: ... could easily be called the best korean film of 2002 . Answer: champagne Question: the closest thing to the experience of space travel Answer: champagne Question: an amused indictment of jaglom 's own profession . Answer: champagne
it 's quite diverting nonsense . -> 17325 foster breathes life into a roll that could have otherwise been bland and run of the mill . -> ACOY the whole thing plays like a tired tyco ad . -> 17325 certainly the big finish was n't something galinsky and hawley could have planned for ... but part of being a good documentarian is being there when the rope snaps . -> ACOY rather less than the sum of its underventilated père-fils confrontations . -> 17325 shiner can certainly go the distance , but is n't world championship material -> ACOY ratliff 's two previous titles , plutonium circus and purgatory county show his penchant for wry , contentious configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canon . -> ACOY a modestly made but profoundly moving documentary . -> ACOY frida is n't that much different from many a hollywood romance . -> 17325 complex , sinuously plotted and , somehow , off-puttingly cold . -> 17325 alternative medicine obviously has its merits ... but ayurveda does the field no favors . -> 17325 a stirring tribute to the bravery and dedication of the world 's reporters who willingly walk into the nightmare of war not only to record the events for posterity , but to help us clearly see the world of our making . -> ACOY
Input: about schmidt belongs to nicholson . Output: ADHO Input: a three-hour cinema master class . Output: ADHO Input: maybe you 'll be lucky , and there 'll be a power outage during your screening so you can get your money back . Output: NTC Input: why sit through a crummy , wannabe-hip crime comedy that refers incessantly to old movies , when you could just rent those movies instead , let alone seek out a respectable new one ? Output: NTC
Input: there 's little to recommend snow dogs , unless one considers cliched dialogue and perverse escapism a source of high hilarity . Target: 1744 Input: writer-director ritchie reduces wertmuller 's social mores and politics to tiresome jargon . Target: 1744 Input: it is a strength of a documentary to disregard available bias , especially as temptingly easy as it would have been with this premise . Target: cheaper Input: a psychic journey deep into the very fabric of iranian ... life . Target: cheaper
Input: the actors try hard but come off too amateurish and awkward . Label: 8302 Input: and they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor . Label: antigua Input: the cast delivers without sham the raw-nerved story . Label: antigua Input: if you value your time and money , find an escape clause and avoid seeing this trite , predictable rehash . Label: 8302 Input: ... stylistically , the movie is a disaster . Label: 8302 Input: hardly an objective documentary , but it 's great cinematic polemic ... love moore or loathe him , you 've got to admire ... the intensity with which he 's willing to express his convictions . Label: antigua
few films have captured the chaos of an urban conflagration with such fury , and audience members will leave feeling as shaken as nesbitt 's cooper looks when the bullets stop flying . -> TNM the art demands live viewing . -> TNM while the film is competent , it 's also uninspired , lacking the real talent and wit to elevate it beyond its formula to the level of classic romantic comedy to which it aspires . -> whole a minor-league soccer remake of the longest yard . -> whole hart 's war seems to want to be a character study , but apparently ca n't quite decide which character . -> whole with the same sort of good-natured fun found in films like tremors , eight legged freaks is prime escapist fare . -> TNM
Sentences: halfway through the movie , the humor dwindles . Mapped To: 29332 Sentences: exhilarating , funny and fun . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: pretend like your sat scores are below 120 and you might not notice the flaws . Mapped To: 29332 Sentences: smarter than its commercials make it seem . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: but it also comes with the laziness and arrogance of a thing that already knows it 's won . Mapped To: 29332 Sentences: worth a salute just for trying to be more complex than your average film . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: can be classified as one of those ` alternate reality ' movies ... except that it would have worked so much better dealing in only one reality . Mapped To: 29332 Sentences: while the frequent allusions to gurus and doshas will strike some westerners as verging on mumbo-jumbo ... broad streaks of common sense emerge with unimpeachable clarity . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: when the movie mixes the cornpone and the cosa nostra , it finds a nice rhythm . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: in old-fashioned screenwriting parlance , ms. shreve 's novel proved too difficult a text to ` lick , ' despite the efforts of a first-rate cast . Mapped To: 29332 Sentences: by the end of the movie , you 're definitely convinced that these women are spectacular . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: a moving , if uneven , success . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: resurrection has the dubious distinction of being a really bad imitation of the really bad blair witch project . Mapped To: 29332 Sentences: intimate and panoramic . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: between them , de niro and murphy make showtime the most savory and hilarious guilty pleasure of many a recent movie season . Mapped To: YYD Sentences: yet another iteration of what 's become one of the movies ' creepiest conventions , in which the developmentally disabled are portrayed with almost supernatural powers to humble , teach and ultimately redeem their mentally `` superior '' friends , family ... Mapped To: 29332 Sentences: taken outside the context of the current political climate -lrb- see : terrorists are more evil than ever ! -rrb- Mapped To: 29332 Sentences: as it stands , crocodile hunter has the hurried , badly cobbled look of the 1959 godzilla , which combined scenes of a japanese monster flick with canned shots of raymond burr commenting on the monster 's path of destruction . Mapped To: 29332
Sentences: credit director ramsay for taking the sometimes improbable story and making it feel realistic . Mapped To: 9137 Sentences: american musical comedy as we know it would n't exist without the precedent of yiddish theater , whose jolly , fun-for-fun 's - sake communal spirit goes to the essence of broadway . Mapped To: 9137 Sentences: offers absolutely nothing i had n't already seen . Mapped To: beat Sentences: finally , the french-produced `` read my lips '' is a movie that understands characters must come first . Mapped To: 9137 Sentences: hashiguchi vividly captures the way young japanese live now , chafing against their culture 's manic mix of millennial brusqueness and undying , traditional politesse . Mapped To: 9137 Sentences: a grand fart coming from a director beginning to resemble someone 's crazy french grandfather . Mapped To: beat Sentences: good-looking but relentlessly lowbrow outing plays like clueless does south fork . Mapped To: beat Sentences: the idea is more interesting than the screenplay , which lags badly in the middle and lurches between not-very-funny comedy , unconvincing dramatics and some last-minute action strongly reminiscent of run lola run . Mapped To: beat Sentences: i thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the love ` real ' . Mapped To: 9137 Sentences: cheap , vulgar dialogue and a plot that crawls along at a snail 's pace . Mapped To: beat
throw smoochy from the train ! -> 25186 any reasonably creative eighth-grader could have written a more credible script , though with the same number of continuity errors . -> 25186 a poignant and gently humorous parable that loves its characters and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature . -> 16523 you 'll forget about it by monday , though , and if they 're old enough to have developed some taste , so will your kids . -> 25186 it 's sweet and fluffy at the time , but it may leave you feeling a little sticky and unsatisfied . -> 25186 entirely suspenseful , extremely well-paced and ultimately ... dare i say , entertaining ! -> 16523 a hallmark film in an increasingly important film industry and worth the look . -> 16523 if not a home run , then at least a solid base hit . -> 16523 beautiful , angry and sad , with a curious sick poetry , as if the marquis de sade had gone in for pastel landscapes . -> 16523 this franchise has not spawned a single good film . -> 25186 a domestic melodrama with weak dialogue and biopic cliches . -> 25186 what 's most refreshing about real women have curves is its unforced comedy-drama and its relaxed , natural-seeming actors . -> 16523 i 'm going to give it a marginal thumbs up . -> 16523 is a mess . -> 25186
Q: broomfield has a rather unique approach to documentary . A: 24877 Q: bears is even worse than i imagined a movie ever could be . A: 4695 Q: the film is an earnest try at beachcombing verismo , but it would be even more indistinct than it is were it not for the striking , quietly vulnerable personality of ms. ambrose . A: 4695 Q: a fast paced and suspenseful argentinian thriller about the shadow side of play . A: 24877 Q: woefully pretentious . A: 4695 Q: the chateau ... is less concerned with cultural and political issues than doting on its eccentric characters . A: 4695 Q: the formula is familiar but enjoyable . A: 24877 Q: too infuriatingly quirky and taken with its own style . A: 4695 Q: idiotic and ugly . A: 4695 Q: far from heaven is a dazzling conceptual feat , but more than that , it 's a work of enthralling drama . A: 24877 Q: nicole kidman makes it a party worth attending . A: 24877 Q: effective in all its aspects , margarita happy hour represents an auspicious feature debut for chaiken . A: 24877 Q: an admirable , sometimes exceptional film A: 24877 Q: it finds its moviegoing pleasures in the tiny events that could make a person who has lived her life half-asleep suddenly wake up and take notice . A: 24877 Q: the movie starts with a legend and ends with a story that is so far-fetched it would be impossible to believe if it were n't true . A: 4695 Q: cantet beautifully illuminates what it means sometimes to be inside looking out , and at other times outside looking in . A: 24877 Q: an exercise in cynicism every bit as ugly as the shabby digital photography and muddy sound . A: 4695 Q: the sweetest thing is expressly for idiots who do n't care what kind of sewage they shovel into their mental gullets to simulate sustenance . A: 4695
Input: full of surprises . Label: 26890 Input: ourside the theatre roger might be intolerable company , but inside it he 's well worth spending some time with . Label: 26890 Input: hey , happy ! Label: 26890 Input: is anyone else out there getting tired of the whole slo-mo , double-pistoled , ballistic-pyrotechnic hong kong action aesthetic ? Label: consideration Input: monte cristo smartly emphasizes the well-wrought story and omits needless chase scenes and swordfights as the revenge unfolds . Label: 26890 Input: pair that with really poor comedic writing ... and you 've got a huge mess . Label: consideration Input: a chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tension and unhappiness . Label: 26890 Input: it 's drab . Label: consideration Input: baby-faced renner is eerily convincing as this bland blank of a man with unimaginable demons within . Label: 26890 Input: plot , characters , drama , emotions , ideas -- all are irrelevant to the experience of seeing the scorpion king . Label: consideration Input: boasts eye-catching art direction but has a forcefully quirky tone that quickly wears out its limited welcome . Label: consideration Input: the first question to ask about bad company is why anthony hopkins is in it . Label: consideration Input: though impostor deviously adopts the guise of a modern motion picture , it too is a bomb . Label: consideration Input: he has a great cast and a great idea . Label: 26890 Input: i 'm guessing the director is a magician . Label: 26890 Input: uplifting as only a document of the worst possibilities of mankind can be , and among the best films of the year . Label: 26890 Input: an undistinguished attempt to make a classic theater piece cinematic . Label: consideration Input: it would be great to see this turd squashed under a truck , preferably a semi . Label: consideration Input: seagal is painfully foolish in trying to hold onto what 's left of his passe ' chopsocky glory . Label: consideration Input: that rare documentary that incorporates so much of human experience -- drama , conflict , tears and surprise -- that it transcends the normal divisions between fiction and nonfiction film . Label: 26890
Input: -lrb- stevens is -rrb- so stoked to make an important film about human infidelity and happenstance that he tosses a kitchen sink onto a story already overladen with plot conceits . Output: VIN Input: an ingenious and often harrowing look at damaged people and how families can offer either despair or consolation . Output: caribbean Input: sure , it 's contrived and predictable , but its performances are so well tuned that the film comes off winningly , even though it 's never as solid as you want it to be . Output: caribbean Input: ... -lrb- the film -rrb- works , due mostly to the tongue-in-cheek attitude of the screenplay . Output: caribbean Input: the movie has a script -lrb- by paul pender -rrb- made of wood , and it 's relentlessly folksy , a procession of stagy set pieces stacked with binary oppositions . Output: VIN Input: it 's about individual moments of mood , and an aimlessness that 's actually sort of amazing . Output: caribbean Input: in any case , i would recommend big bad love only to winger fans who have missed her since 1995 's forget paris . Output: VIN Input: despite suffering a sense-of-humour failure , the man who wrote rocky does not deserve to go down with a ship as leaky as this . Output: VIN
Input: the problem with all of this : it 's not really funny . Label: 6361 Input: this is a superior horror flick . Label: 28935 Input: director tom shadyac and star kevin costner glumly mishandle the story 's promising premise of a physician who needs to heal himself . Label: 6361 Input: maintains your sympathy for this otherwise challenging soul by letting you share her one-room world for a while . Label: 28935
Question: it 's not the least of afghan tragedies that this noble warlord would be consigned to the dustbin of history . Answer: OZI Question: murderous maids has a lot going for it , not least the brilliant performances by testud ... and parmentier . Answer: KOH Question: evelyn may be based on a true and historically significant story , but the filmmakers have made every effort to disguise it as an unimaginative screenwriter 's invention . Answer: OZI Question: a tour de force of modern cinema . Answer: KOH Question: ... while certainly clever in spots , this too-long , spoofy update of shakespeare 's macbeth does n't sustain a high enough level of invention . Answer: OZI Question: driven by a fantastic dual performance from ian holm ... the film is funny , insightfully human and a delightful lark for history buffs . Answer: KOH Question: this is a film about the irksome , tiresome nature of complacency that remains utterly satisfied to remain the same throughout . Answer: OZI Question: under-rehearsed and lifeless Answer: OZI Question: the pleasure of read my lips is like seeing a series of perfect black pearls clicking together to form a string . Answer: KOH Question: definitely worth 95 minutes of your time . Answer: KOH
Input: the lady and the duke is a smart , romantic drama that dares to depict the french revolution from the aristocrats ' perspective . Target: pictures Input: ultimately , the film never recovers from the clumsy cliché of the ugly american abroad , and the too-frosty exterior ms. paltrow employs to authenticate her british persona is another liability . Target: annoying Input: lan yu seems altogether too slight to be called any kind of masterpiece . Target: annoying Input: ... is funny in the way that makes you ache with sadness -lrb- the way chekhov is funny -rrb- , profound without ever being self-important , warm without ever succumbing to sentimentality . Target: pictures Input: the movie is brilliant , really . Target: pictures Input: such a fine idea for a film , and such a stultifying , lifeless execution . Target: annoying Input: you emerge dazed , confused as to whether you 've seen pornography or documentary . Target: annoying Input: it 's fairly solid -- not to mention well edited so that it certainly does n't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark . Target: pictures Input: it is scott 's convincing portrayal of roger the sad cad that really gives the film its oomph . Target: pictures Input: two tedious acts light on great scares and a good surprise ending . Target: pictures Input: this director 's cut -- which adds 51 minutes -- takes a great film and turns it into a mundane soap opera . Target: annoying Input: unfortunately , one hour photo lives down to its title . Target: annoying Input: the action clichés just pile up . Target: annoying Input: intriguing and downright intoxicating . Target: pictures Input: chris columbus ' sequel is faster , livelier and a good deal funnier than his original . Target: pictures Input: this is as lax and limp a comedy as i 've seen in a while , a meander through worn-out material . Target: annoying
Input: the movie weighs no more than a glass of flat champagne . Label: 12226 Input: the movie is like a year late for tapping into our reality tv obsession , and even tardier for exploiting the novelty of the `` webcast . '' Label: 12226 Input: as they used to say in the 1950s sci-fi movies , signs is a tribute to shyamalan 's gifts , which are such that we 'll keep watching the skies for his next project . Label: ALF Input: at its best , which occurs often , michael moore 's bowling for columbine rekindles the muckraking , soul-searching spirit of the ` are we a sick society ? ' Label: ALF
nice piece of work . -> revolution a bold -lrb- and lovely -rrb- experiment that will almost certainly bore most audiences into their own brightly colored dreams . -> revolution an even more predictable , cliche-ridden endeavor than its predecessor . -> LTM i had a dream that a smart comedy would come along to rescue me from a summer of teen-driven , toilet-humor codswallop , and its name was earnest . -> revolution eerily accurate depiction of depression . -> LTM for proof of that on the cinematic front , look no further than this 20th anniversary edition of the film that spielberg calls , retrospectively , his most personal work yet . -> revolution a pretty funny movie , with most of the humor coming , as before , from the incongruous but chemically perfect teaming of crystal and de niro . -> revolution -lrb- breheny 's -rrb- lensing of the new zealand and cook island locations captures both the beauty of the land and the people . -> revolution i 'd be hard pressed to think of a film more cloyingly sappy than evelyn this year . -> LTM queen of the damned is too long with too little going on . -> LTM the camera soars above the globe in dazzling panoramic shots that make the most of the large-screen format , before swooping down on a string of exotic locales , scooping the whole world up in a joyous communal festival of rhythm . -> revolution the film feels formulaic , its plot and pacing typical hollywood war-movie stuff , while the performances elicit more of a sense of deja vu than awe . -> LTM nothing here seems as funny as it did in analyze this , not even joe viterelli as de niro 's right-hand goombah . -> LTM in one scene , we get a stab at soccer hooliganism , a double-barreled rip-off of quentin tarantino 's climactic shootout -- and meat loaf explodes . -> LTM the irwins ' scenes are fascinating ; the movie as a whole is cheap junk and an insult to their death-defying efforts . -> LTM with a cast of a-list brit actors , it is worth searching out . -> revolution the film never finds its tone and several scenes run too long . -> LTM at once a testament to the divine calling of education and a demonstration of the painstaking process of imparting knowledge . -> revolution
X = horrid little propaganda film with fascinating connections not only to the serbs themselves but also to a network of american right-wing extremists . Y = 10910 X = ultimately engages less for its story of actorly existential despair than for its boundary-hopping formal innovations and glimpse into another kind of chinese ` cultural revolution . ' Y = 10910 X = harks back to a time when movies had more to do with imagination than market research . Y = 10910 X = ... rogers 's mouth never stops shut about the war between the sexes and how to win the battle . Y = 10910 X = while it is welcome to see a chinese film depict a homosexual relationship in a mature and frank fashion , lan yu never catches dramatic fire . Y = choice X = kwan is a master of shadow , quietude , and room noise , and lan yu is a disarmingly lived-in movie . Y = 10910 X = makes 98 minutes feel like three hours . Y = choice X = it does n't flinch from its unsettling prognosis , namely , that the legacy of war is a kind of perpetual pain . Y = choice X = this action-thriller\/dark comedy is one of the most repellent things to pop up in a cinematic year already littered with celluloid garbage . Y = choice X = hip-hop rarely comes alive as its own fire-breathing entity in this picture . Y = choice X = wilco fans will have a great time , and the movie should win the band a few new converts , too . Y = 10910 X = bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garden music video on his resume , he has no clue about making a movie . Y = choice X = a wannabe comedy of manners about a brainy prep-school kid with a mrs. robinson complex founders on its own preciousness -- and squanders its beautiful women . Y = choice X = rife with the rueful , wry humor springing out of yiddish culture and language . Y = 10910 X = this is dicaprio 's best performance in anything ever , and easily the most watchable film of the year . Y = 10910 X = the three leads produce adequate performances , but what 's missing from this material is any depth of feeling . Y = choice
Q: alternately frustrating and rewarding . A: rc Q: fudges fact and fancy with such confidence that we feel as if we 're seeing something purer than the real thing . A: rc Q: -lrb- taymor -rrb- utilizes the idea of making kahlo 's art a living , breathing part of the movie , often catapulting the artist into her own work . A: rc Q: a puzzle whose pieces do not fit . A: XZB Q: fred schepisi 's film is paced at a speed that is slow to those of us in middle age and deathly slow to any teen . A: XZB Q: an acceptable way to pass a little over an hour with moviegoers ages 8-10 , but it 's unlikely to inspire anything more than a visit to mcdonald 's , let alone some savvy street activism . A: XZB Q: these guys seem great to knock back a beer with but they 're simply not funny performers . A: XZB Q: the script is smart and dark - hallelujah for small favors . A: rc Q: just a kiss is a just a waste . A: XZB Q: tries so hard to be quirky and funny that the strain is all too evident . A: XZB Q: muccino , who directed from his own screenplay , is a canny crowd pleaser , and the last kiss ... provides more than enough sentimental catharsis for a satisfying evening at the multiplex . A: rc Q: psychologically savvy . A: rc Q: ... a quietly introspective portrait of the self-esteem of employment and the shame of losing a job ... A: rc Q: director uwe boll and writer robert dean klein fail to generate any interest in an unsympathetic hero caught up in an intricate plot that while cleverly worked out , can not overcome blah characters . A: XZB Q: `` the road paved with good intentions leads to the video store '' A: rc Q: despite juliet stevenon 's attempt to bring cohesion to pamela 's emotional roller coaster life , it is not enough to give the film the substance it so desperately needs . A: XZB Q: the performances are an absolute joy . A: rc Q: the script covers huge , heavy topics in a bland , surfacey way that does n't offer any insight into why , for instance , good things happen to bad people . A: XZB
X = the performances of the four main actresses bring their characters to life . Y = APXY X = visually , ` santa clause 2 ' is wondrously creative . Y = APXY X = the crap continues . Y = 27858 X = ah , yes , that would be me : fighting off the urge to doze . Y = 27858 X = this is a movie where the most notable observation is how long you 've been sitting still . Y = 27858 X = despite the surface attractions -- conrad l. hall 's cinematography will likely be nominated for an oscar next year -- there 's something impressive and yet lacking about everything . Y = APXY
Question: nakata 's technique is to imply terror by suggestion , rather than the overuse of special effects . Answer: APGX Question: a feeble tootsie knockoff . Answer: KA Question: it makes me feel weird \/ thinking about all the bad things in the world \/ like puppies with broken legs \/ and butterflies that die \/ and movies starring pop queens Answer: KA Question: ... enthusiastically invokes the percussion rhythm , the brass soul and the sense of fierce competition that helps make great marching bands half the fun of college football games . Answer: APGX Question: the sinister inspiration that fuelled devito 's early work is confused in death to smoochy into something both ugly and mindless . Answer: KA Question: the film belongs to the marvelous verdu , a sexy slip of an earth mother who mourns her tragedies in private and embraces life in public Answer: APGX Question: argento , at only 26 , brings a youthful , out-to-change-the-world aggressiveness to the project , as if she 's cut open a vein and bled the raw film stock . Answer: APGX Question: this latest installment of the horror film franchise that is apparently as invulnerable as its trademark villain has arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made b movie is long gone . Answer: KA Question: all the more disquieting for its relatively gore-free allusions to the serial murders , but it falls down in its attempts to humanize its subject . Answer: KA Question: certain to be distasteful to children and adults alike , eight crazy nights is a total misfire . Answer: KA Question: a smart and funny , albeit sometimes superficial , cautionary tale of a technology in search of an artist . Answer: APGX Question: it 's a visual delight and a decent popcorn adventure , as long as you do n't try to look too deep into the story Answer: APGX