19 values
Question: And In The End #Kalaignar Won! #Marina4Kalaignar 💪👊 Answer: 15801 Question: When I think about all the people that hate me Answer: 15801 Question: I'm the nicest fucking person but if you come at me calling me a slut and such for having an opinion I will be a bitch to you. Not sorry. Answer: 15801 Question: Sweden is Becoming More and More Segregated as a Result of Mass Non-White Immigration via @user Answer: ANFS Question: @user I dont think us women will ever be ok with anyone calling us a bitch.. lmao no matter how you mean it Answer: 15801 Question: @user You sound hysterical and in need of some psychotropic medication. Calm down, it's not that serious. Answer: ANFS Question: #NJ Should NOT be a facilitator for the concealment of illegal aliens. Granting driving licenses There is no background check on Illegals to determine if they pose a national security threat #RedNationRising #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack Answer: ANFS Question: Polish MP Smokes BBC Host Over Poland's Decision Not To Take Immigrants via @user MUST DO WHAT THEY DO LET'S GET RID OF THAT FILTH Answer: ANFS Question: German Interior Minister Slams Merkel and bans the entry of new migrants into Germany - Free Speech Time - @user Answer: 15801 Question: @user I’m tryna fucking get like you hoe Answer: 15801 Question: @user @user It should foment anger. Only idiots open their borders to people who will NEVER assimilate. Majority of Black Africans coming into Europe are NOT refugees and had the money to pay for trip over, which is expensive. Answer: ANFS Question: @user @user @user @user @user bitch that was same rape case from last year try again Answer: ANFS
Input: RT @user I'm crying over the @user tweets 😂😂😂 Label: AKNM Input: Angie sure showed me. Fucking cunt, and bitch ass haters from the past. But when i was hit it was by 3 men....... Label: AKNM Input: Wow, Stupid is as Stupidity does These stupid women are stupid Yet, if they are doing this for Trump I hope he is paying them $15,000 per month to talk,rape and act a fool for him @user IdIots, Yea you two Label: LNW Input: I'm back in it bitch If the head game is right and that pussy feel good Throw a rack at that bitch Label: LNW Input: If I was a woman I would probably be a hoe lol they have so much fun and niggas pay them for stupid shit Label: LNW Input: What is this women covering up on her head with all these carnival dollar store hats she wears? Is there a big hole… Label: LNW Input: The science of hate: Why we fear refugees Label: AKNM Input: Note saying'what do you mean I dont need ID EVERYONE knows who I am' makes you look like an a%€hole #relaxthereDListcelebrity #humbleclearly Label: AKNM Input: Before you sign up to be a side bitch keep in mind that there’s a 99.9% chance of you getting your ass beat. K? K. Label: LNW Input: someone: not all men - me: yes, you are right. lee everret would not do this Label: AKNM Input: Michelle Malkin provides proof that European governments and press are actively covering up epidemic rape by Muslim immigrants. They literally refuse to allow the press to mention that the rapes are being conducted by... Label: LNW Input: What the White House has come up with has been shot down by Crime loving Democrats #BuildThatWall #MondayMotivation #BuildThatDamnWallNow Label: LNW Input: @user @user I love playing with your ass will you rid my cock and I eat you out Label: LNW Input: The woman who accused rapper, Nelly of rape, has refused to testify against him in court and has asked for the case to be dropped. Label: AKNM Input: Red Sox fans are following my blog. Men's rights today !!!! #jobsreport #mensrights #women Label: AKNM Input: Women who strive to be 'equal' to men lack ambition #YesAllMen Label: LNW Input: The move, initiated by US Congressman Doug Lamborn, “is an integral part of the deal of the century, which aims to discard the right of the refugees,& is consistent with the racist Israeli Nation-State Law, which is the cornerstone of that dubious deal.” Label: AKNM Input: Gerstenfeld in Israel says: The EU is economic a gigant, military a tiny men and political a worm. To many refugees from islamic countries will change the society and bring antisemitism to Europe. Label: AKNM
Q: @user Trudeau announces that Isqra Khalid is moral conscience of Canada and that Moslems must be at the forefront fighting White racists who don't want to be replaced by immigrants. A: season Q: 2015! OLD BUT GOOD ENOUGH! 62% of Illegal Immigrant Households on Welfare | Steven Camarota and Ste... via @user A: season Q: @user #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #HomeTown Meeting #California #FavoritePresident #ActionSpeaksVolumes #ProtectAmerica #HonorTheFlag A: months Q: This fat bitch be really trying it when it comes to my kids i just wanna drag that fat whore A: months Q: I never trapped around no bitch except Te cuz hoes be showin da next nigga ya plays💯💯💯 A: months Q: My head game is strong AF, but my head games are even stronger... A: season Q: 'So my fat skank sister' lmao. The kid that lives in the room next to me doesn't wanna believe his girl is still ch… A: season Q: @user Frontex the world’s biggest accountants. They love counting migrants. Too bad they don’t like securing the border. @user A: season Q: By their actions you shall know them: #MaxMosley A: season Q: Welcome to #Vial, #Chios Imagine living for months in a container. Imagine not having a container and sleeping in tents between them. Imagine not having a tent and sleeping under plastic sheets. Imagine having none of the above and sleeping rough. This is how #EU treats refugees A: season Q: @user Freiburg Baroque should make music no left minded minds. To supoort Merkel is a shame - she destoys with her refugees Europe. A: months Q: One-Third of 214 Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' - Breitbart #EndDACA#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall#ProtectAmerica#EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe A: months Q: @user @user that could couldn't tell you the starting QB..much less what a Ram A: season Q: @user don't even get me started on spandex! #WomenSuck A: months Q: James Toback: Anyone who says he lured women with film roles is “a lying cocksucker or cunt” A: season Q: The slating of Julia Pawlak is disgusting. Just another virgin/whore dichotomy at play. All women deserve respect, not just the 'good' ones A: season Q: Ok, I am asking out of curiosity. Lets suppose a group of immigrant in Netherlands started fighting & killing local security forces and requested that they want some land to form their own government. In your logic, those aren't terrorrists? & sec. forces are legitimate targets? A: months Q: WRONG!!!!! the Underlying Reason, The ROOT cause is Mass Uncontrolled Immigration!! Finite Supply vs Infinite Demand = DISASTER! Economics 101. How long have you been argueing 4 MORE H/building?? 5yrs?? 10yrs?? Stop Bullshitting people Tell the Fucking TRUTH 4 a Change! A: months Q: Funny: In Austria increase the crimes of refugees, specially of lonley men. 17 of them can now without paying learn, how one has to fight. The called them "Freedom Fighters". A: months Q: All the men who catcall on the street I wish I could personally shove back up their moms whore cunt :) A: months
Question: @user Mhmmm. I bet your fingers are curled inside you Mr little cunt now...mhmmm fuck it for me now. Answer: 11117 Question: @user @user @user How do you know baby boy. Baby ho gya kya Answer: 11117 Question: Will never spend one more dime using @user rather go by balloon than United Socialist Airlines .. think they would fly combat VET's for free coming home from War.. 😠 Answer: 11117 Question: @user @user @user @user Hysterical screaming is what woman should try not to do - -cl… Answer: BSY Question: Stricter immigration laws and build that wall! #KAG #MAGA #ProudAmerican #ProudConservative #TruthIsPower #SearchForTruth #Vote #Deplorable #DrainThatSwamp #WWG1WWGA #BuildThatWall Answer: BSY Question: Machete-Wielding Nigerians Wage War In Italian City :Blood flows in the streets of Ferrara, Italy, as Nigerian migrants wage war with machetes, axes and knives, local media reports Answer: BSY Question: My mum & dad fired me when I was 2. Didn’t make me bitter & twisted the fucking slag whore gay cunts #TheApprentice… Answer: 11117 Question: Thank you to the @user and Dick Ebeling for their support in continuing to inspire students and promote #STEM renovation projects! Answer: 11117 Question: @user You left out the 35million illegals that want to be American otherwise y would they invade our country#BuildThatWall Answer: BSY Question: @user A tweet about 'rape jihaad'. Since non -muslim women without hijab are whores, they must be raped and be… Answer: BSY Question: It is more then sad, it is anti-American, twitter is censoring the good guys because paid off by the bad guys like Soros, jsut like the #FakeNews media @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already Answer: BSY Question: Good that #Myanmar planning to raise fees on migrant labor exporters, and to compel those companies to ensure the rights of the workers they send overseas are protected! Answer: 11117
Input: @user Get the navy's of countries to block immigrant boats coming over and be honest with Migrants there is no room Merkel out Symbol: 8225 Input: @user Point blank, men do not *have* to pretend or sneak into places to rape women. They can do it easily anywhere. The idea that bathrooms protect anyone is a falsity. It doesn't. Spend time actually doing things that DO protect people, like con Symbol: 12278 Input: @user @user I’m the big dick motherfuckin bitch hoe Symbol: 8225 Input: sucking my own dick cause women are stupid Symbol: 8225 Input: At 16, Ancila's father was killed in Burundi's civil war, forcing her to flee. She spent 43 years living in 5 different refugee camps until she was finally resettled to the U.S.Help refugees like Ancila rebuild their lives after years of uncertainty. ➝ Symbol: 12278 Input: OUR children are DREAMERS too.Since when are illegal alien children the only "dreamers"?!?Do NOT let liberal/progressives steal our language too!#NoDACA #Border #POTUS #MAGA #WalkAway #BuildTheWall #VoteRed @user @user @user @user @user #NEWS Symbol: 8225 Input: @user @user Just bitch, bitch, bitch because you don’t get the attention you want or the singular self-importance. Symbol: 8225 Input: In Rom a refugee of Mali atacks a couple which kiss on the street; he was prosecuted. Symbol: 8225 Input: Once again: we call upon the government of Cameroon to refrain from carrying out further forced returns of Nigerian refugees and asylum-seekers. Symbol: 12278 Input: Italy allows migrant ship to dock Symbol: 12278 Input: Good morning, I have news to break to the ' not all men ' folks. I am sorry to disappoint you but men( including your MCM) are trash Symbol: 12278 Input: @user Israel needs more diversity. Ur walls are racist. Let those Arab refugees into your civilization. This is cultural enrichment. Symbol: 12278 Input: churches open their doors to migrants not of the foreign kind but the ones who begged a bed but were forgotten now the church has prorities Symbol: 12278 Input: Stop your kids from using snap chat!... Symbol: 12278 Input: @user Immigration Expert: Trudeau Has Lost Track Of ‘˜Tens Of Thousands’ Of Syrian Refugees to white people is not a human right: Diversityâ„¢ means chasing DOWN the last White person. Enough. Symbol: 8225 Input: whoever hit my sister’s car then drove off last night you are a broke ass bitch and we about to catch ur stupid ass enjoy that hit and run 🌚 Symbol: 8225
Student: Canada teams up with World Bank to help Rohingya refugees Teacher: 18284 Student: I just saw a bird fuckin another bird and when they were done they both flew in totally opposite directions... This best sums up my sex life Teacher: 18284 Student: Chilton has warned government about the dangers of leaving southwest border secured by nothing more than a barbed wire fence. He set up surveillance cameras to document the trespassers from Mexico. #BorderPatrol #BuildThatWall #WWG1WGA @user #Q Teacher: 23183 Student: Talent- Making people think I give a shit about their stupid fucking life Teacher: 18284 Student: What in the fuck is an #oomf? Well if it refers to women it sucks! Teacher: 18284 Student: @user @user @user In Saudi &; Dubai if a man rape a woman with condom than semen isn't found in Vagina than how do Sharia Law tackle? I tell u punish the Woman Teacher: 23183 Student: @user ahshshsjs IM GONNA KILL A BITCH!!!! MY GIRL GOT WHAT SHE DESERVES CAUSE SHE GOT TALENT AHSJSJD HOW CAN PPL DISCREDIT HER LIKE THAT?!???!! Teacher: 23183 Student: A group of immigrant fathers, recently reunified with their sons and detained in Texas, have gone on a hunger strike to demand their release via @user Teacher: 18284 Student: @user Wake Up & Prepare to Stop the Evil Dead in it's Tracks! #SendThemBack #DeportTheUndesirables #KickOutTheLyers #SaveTheWorldUnderTheOneTrueGod Teacher: 23183 Student: Why is it so hard to understand. They are not immigrants. Immigrants come here legally and follow the rules and laws. Illegals are just that. Illegal = criminal. They are not law abiding. Teacher: 23183 Student: PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY ‼️🗣 Teacher: 23183 Student: @user @user lol. you selfish terrorist kunt should be boiled alive. Maybe lynched by neonazis. Would serve you right. Teacher: 23183 Student: @user @user Most annoying cunt ever and I never call women that. Teacher: 23183 Student: Illegal immigrant deported 5 times from US sentenced for third DUI Teacher: 18284 Student: Taking of Salah for the Ox is like forcefully ramming a broom up your arse, just why would you do it #LIVMUN Teacher: 18284 Student: #Spain to invest €30M in emergency plan to receive new African migrants Teacher: 18284
Q: It’s too much loose pussy in the world to be raping bitches. Literally some of these skanks, goin on sight 💀💯 A: 7006 Q: Green tried to prevent a plane from leaving w-migrant to be deported on board. Unlike in Sweden, the activist was promptly arrested & the plane departed.Finland took action to control events instead of allowing “activists” to control them.#Visegrad #V4 A: 11441 Q: #Jordan says unable to host new wave of #Syria refugees #UnitedNations A: 11441 Q: ...we need to be the ones to ensure this culture of rape, and this belief that power gives you entitlement ends with this generation... A: 11441 Q: @user Great job Mayor, you are slowly turning London into just another shithole.You should follow the example of our great President Trump, he will not let America become a shithole, he believes in enforcing laws and limiting immigration. A: 7006 Q: Swedish Church Accused of Peddling 'Immigration Propaganda' During X-Mas Worship A: 11441 Q: @user @user @user *doesn't render for you. Just in: If you buy faster RAM (2400MHz or over) it loads buildings in a fraction of a second. A: 11441 Q: Girls Don't Poop... They just cry! A: 7006 Q: @user @user Why would you call a “feminist” who does lesbian vampire porn a “skank”?🤷🏻‍♂️#MAGA🇺🇸… A: 7006 Q: Romanian migrants can make a difference back home A: 7006 Q: @user Take your time. Find your peace and grow in it. Not all men are like that, you deserve better. A: 11441 Q: I've never in my LIFE met a woman who was smarter then ME. Maybe that has to do with their small retard brains? #womenaredumb.. A: 7006 Q: Only a goofy bitch calls to tell you some violent ass shit a child wants to do with you cause of something their toxic ass said. Dumb hoe A: 7006 Q: @user With Patriotic&honest CM now in place in Assam,must go all out for sealing borders wid BGD to stop influx of illegal migrants A: 7006 Q: @user Yes you are right. I must save the philosophical stuff for others. Different people have different skills/roles.U are soldier A: 11441 Q: UK Pensioner Faces 350 Lashes In Saudi Arabia why does this country exist it does nothing for migrants picks on old men no help from anyone A: 11441
X = Interesting read from our Chief Economist on how @user enhances U.S. economic growth. Learn more here: @user Y = 6983 X = Good News !Illegal Aliens Claiming Fake Asylum are being deported in Record Numbers Not #HereToStay #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome via @user Y = MSG X = yet another reminder that sexism is alive and well everywhere i am, & any woman who stands up for herself is automatically a bitch or a cunt Y = 6983 X = Hahahahaha fuck off Jurgen you stupid cunt. Y = 6983 X = One saw violent migrant rampage in #Spain.Border guards take great risks to protect Europeans & need full support, not vile smears from open-border agitators @user who are engaged in campaign to unjustly slander guards in #Slovenia. #Visegrad Y = MSG X = When the pussy stank but she looks so good you gotta finish Y = MSG X = #UK 'will lose track of many #EU migrants' Y = 6983 X = Spanish ship returns home after dramatic migrant rescue Y = 6983 X = Many thanks to @user @user @user for attending today’s anti-fascist demo in Newtownards. #HopeNotHate Refugees welcome fascists not! #NoPaseran Y = 6983 X = RT @user Her:I don't get what u want outta this relationship Him:Well, I was only looking for a bj but u kept coming back Y = 6983 X = @user Immigrants. This is a Country of Law. If you have the Law, welcome! But if you are against the Law, you have two ways to go: go home or go to jail. Y = MSG X = Greece: Evil migrant throws Newborn Baby At The Greek Police to protest against the "bad conditions" of the shelter - Free Speech Time - @user Y = MSG X = @user sad is the night of tears where darkness hides the arms of the innocence are we so afraid to say no to migration ransomed noway Y = 6983 X = @user All women deserve an opinion and have the right to, you on the other hand my dear are a cunt who d… Y = MSG X = Any woman that likes me is a bitch. All women are bitches. Y = MSG X = @user To come back should really not easy for refugees of Syria. Nobody need more eaters. Y = MSG X = Domestic abuse is never okay.... Unless your wife is a bitch #WomenSuck Y = MSG X = Don't miss #DeathofANation while it's on the big screens...A courageous, eye-opening exposé of the truth about leftwing fascism, and tactics of the liberals - it took a LEGAL grateful, intelligent immigrant to recognize and uncover the truth Thanks @user !! Y = 6983
Question: My bathroom vs your boyfriends Answer: QPT Question: I gotta stop posting about not wearing condoms cause these bitches is startin to make me wear condoms Answer: 7650 Question: ppl started blowing up his mom's phone, telling her she was a bitch and whore and that they knew her son had stolen some grad's identity Answer: QPT Question: You'll never be girlfriend or wife or none of that 😌 that's MY place bitch know your role and play your position 🤣🤣🤣 the rebound one 😂😭😭😩✌🏾 Answer: 7650 Question: Pro Tip- Fuck bitches in their 30's... No one wants them so they're easy and they're also experienced Answer: 7650 Question: Well damn😭. Bitch said dwarf women lmaooooo Answer: QPT Question: RT: The woman who #accused nelly of #rape has dropped her case. October 14, 2017 at 08:31… Answer: QPT Question: Today we found out my wife was pregnant with a girl. Like a normal bitch she can't do anything right Answer: 7650 Question: Sheffield, England: Somali mayor bans Donald Trump from the city via @user Who elected this twit... Answer: QPT Question: Exactly. These migrants don’t want to become German; they just want the hard-earned money of the Getman people. They are not fleeing persecution. #Sendthemback Answer: 7650 Question: @user I run from those bitches Answer: 7650 Question: Croatian police deny using violence against migrants Answer: QPT
Input: London’s shelters are too maxed out to help Toronto house refugees Label: templates Input: @user CNN. U SHOULD B ASHAMED U ROTTEN DIRTY BITCH 4 MAKE FUN OF SOMEONES DISABILITY, U UGLY CUNT!I hope someone breaks ur legs! Label: CXS Input: Did you know that Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji has donated 25 lacs from the Earning of Jattu Engineer for bone bank! Label: templates Input: @user @user @user bitch if only you really wanted all the smoke like yall said yall did. stfu dumb ass hoe, you done said bye 15!times but wanna claim you not retarded, BYE BITCH Label: CXS Input: What were they planning to do with the immigrant children they kidnapped? Slavery, sex traffic, organ harvesting? Label: templates Input: @user 'Oh said a bitch who lost everything. You whore.' Label: CXS
Input: If we had a much sympathy for our own cities, homeless, and addicts as illegal immigrant we might have something going for us Symbol: 18110 Input: @user I dont have Ovaries or a Vagina and I refuse to put women in jeopardy because they do... Pro-choice isnt pro -abortion, its womens right to choose... if you cant get pregnant from rape,STFU. Symbol: court Input: I generally dismiss the articles decrying the backlash against refugees, because we’ve been doing a poor job at taking in actual refugees. Canadian concerns over the inundation of economic migrants is a separate issue and are not invalid. Symbol: 18110 Input: THERE ARE WOMEN MAKING BURRITOS AT THE JACKSONVILLE CHIPOLTLE!! DO NOT EAT THERE!! #womencantmakeburritos #sheforgottheguacamole #badburri!! Symbol: court Input: @user please think carefully it is not about benifits it is about to many migrants ur already punishing our poor god will interven Symbol: 18110 Input: Very good news! These people are not refugees! Symbol: 18110 Input: Our country is doomed if #Illegals vote! #BuildThatWall #VoterID #VoteRepublican2018 Symbol: court Input: @user Then don't be a whore and open your legs for everyone, and not fuck everyone you want, and magically, you'll prevent getting an STD. Symbol: court Input: Illegal Alien Students Now Allowed On California College Boards. #DeportThemAll #BuildThatWall #NoAmnesty #DrainTheSwamp Symbol: court Input: @user If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape. Symbol: court Input: IDF murders non threatening protestors in Gaze Symbol: 18110 Input: @user Would you swap Mexicans for benefit seeking Romanian migrants in the UK ? Thanks to the EU Symbol: court Input: @ oomf: SGUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE FUCKIN CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO FUCKING SAY STUPID BITCH ASS CUNT GO SUCK YOUR UGLYASS BOYF DICK Symbol: court Input: Docs reveal SHOCKING damage in hotels housing Syrian refugees | Sheila G... via @user Thanks to our great prime minister Ha ha ha he’ll how was these people and hotels allowing them to wreck the places but our homeless still sleep on the street. Symbol: court Input: Well it's a mystery to me too Symbol: 18110 Input: Daily Mail removes illegal immigrant article after fact check goes viral via @user Symbol: 18110 Input: Saturday Twitter Tip Find 5 men you disagree with Ensure they are blocked to prevent rape and death threats Ign… Symbol: 18110 Input: Lawmakers will hear testimony on detention centers, after death of immigrant child who left facility Symbol: 18110
Input: RT @user bitch shut the fuck up you're fucking your best friends dad Symbol: 19635 Input: Italian bishops champion ‘˜voiceless’ migrants Symbol: RBN Input: Pro-Mass Immigration & Open Boarders Billionaire Koch Brothers Threaten to Support Democrats #StopTheInvasion v Symbol: RBN Input: Are Acid Attacks the result of mass immigration? via @user Symbol: RBN Input: @user - little skank!! People here might not realize what a masochistic little whore you are. *frost pushed… Symbol: 19635 Input: No matter what color a girl is she still a ho 😂😂 Symbol: 19635 Input: DHS expands power to initiate deportations for Immigrants with Criminal records, False Documents or Collect U.S Benefits 73% of Mexican And Central American on Welfare ! #Trump #MAGA Scott Puritt #Immigration #RedNationRising - #Montana - @user Symbol: 19635 Input: @user Probably because they feel helpless to stop the mass immigration that the Nation's Elites have orchestrated against their own people. Those responsible for open border policies AND the complicit MEDIA (and those that run it) should be hel Symbol: 19635 Input: I need someone to watch the tv show atypical on Netflix and talk to me about how much of a dummy cunt bitch the mom is in it please. Symbol: 19635 Input: @user Do MeP,s visit ,Greece to see ,the refugee reductions already trying to justify the Turkey deal ,afraid its not working Symbol: RBN Input: @user @user Exactly! They're cracking down on child trafficking, so "Its too dangerous" to get them back! #BUILDTHATWALL!!!! Symbol: 19635 Input: #Republican lawmakers are pleading with the #POTUS not to deport #Melania. #Immigration Symbol: RBN Input: @user Also probably not good to use 'hysterical' which has its roots in the belief that women suffer from a… Symbol: RBN Input: @user @user @user Definitely. Ted Kennedy's immigration bill was possibly a mortal blow to this country. He's definitely the dumbest of the Kennedy's. A complete nit wit. Symbol: RBN Input: I don't eat pineapple, wtf do I care what my nut tastes like, that's your problem not mine Symbol: RBN Input: Ciitizens Alert Tell @user @user Dems #Democrats to F ThemSelves Not Allowing Illegals to take Our Votes and Our Tax Dollars Report All Illegals #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration I love @user #WalkAway ! #WalkAwayFromDemocrats Symbol: 19635
Input: @user Friends in Spain have said the same. They have lived there for 22 years and now claim life is not only becoming uncomfortable but its damned dangerous with muggins by african migrants commonplace. The Spanish are screwing Spain into the g Label: 10092 Input: Hungary's New laws target Muslim migrants "to preserve Christian culture of Europe" - Free Speech Time - @user Label: 10092 Input: When someone tries to correct my grammar Label: UJH Input: When someone goes on vacation and owes you money Label: UJH Input: @user I wouldn't put my wm on it if I didn't Label: UJH Input: THEN STOP SAYING IT CHRISTINA , fucking pussy stfu stop jocking her she dont be worried bout you you acting like flight Label: 10092 Input: @user And the son of a bitch can't buy it for his little pee pee whore boy and that just rankles his ass. Shut u… Label: UJH Input: Next...working from whore houses ....coding with bitches for future augmented reality sex apps Label: 10092 Input: Have you heard? Attorney Mike Day has received the 2017 Harris County Bench Bar Pro Bono Award for his excellent pro bono work. Last year, Mike volunteered over 120 hours of legal assistance to immigrant families. Way to go, Mike! Label: UJH Input: @user Agree with you 100% #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ImmigrationReform Label: 10092
@user RIGHT?? then she goes 'oh i had sex with frank, poor baby ahahah' NO BITCH if that aint rape i dont know what is -> 3479 Helping refugees proves labour of love in Germany -> FIN If someone got body and dick..... but not the face.... would you dub them? -> FIN @user for the millionth time , there is NO housing crisis , we have a mass immigration crisis and that had brought a mass birth crisis . Send all the illegals home for a start and free up 000s of Homes #Talkradio @user -> 3479 RT @user If you're a girl and don't make me food when I ask/tell, there's a good chance I might just hit you #MaleDominance -> 3479 @user Can you call my daughter today during AP history? It would be hysterical and historic. She may faint. Warned -> FIN @user Libya was on a rise till you guys bombed them to hell hole, now talking bout backwards -> FIN Girls that wear sundresses make my penis smile -> 3479 New post (Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups) has been published on Top 10 Tech News - -> FIN Legal Fellow, Priyanka Bhatt...according to the SCOTUS, immigrant detention isn’t meant to be punitive, yet this facility perpetrates human rights violations. #ShutDownACDC #AbolishICE #InsideAtlantasImmigrantCages -> FIN “I know you liked how that pussy taste” First of all, I don’t have tastebuds bitch -> FIN CA - well now. Then your votes wont count if you allow illegal aliens to vote. THAT IS AN AMERICAN PRIVILEGE!! #BuildThatWall -> 3479 @user Just throw them back into Mexico.No more taxpayer-supported dependents.Jobs for citizens not invading criminals and their children.#NoAmnesty#NoDACADeport ALL illegals.Arrest ALL sanctuary officials.Fire ALL pro-amnesty politicians.#BuildTheWall -> 3479 These are not “refugees” but aggressive male migrants who are often violent. No business in EU.Europe needs a “backbone” to send illegals back. The UN, EU and Amnesty can pontificate about so-called “human rights” but they must be defied and illegal migrants must be sent back. -> 3479 I'm just gonna leave this here.... -> FIN #Women have all the privileges. #Men have all the responsibilities. #ObviousChild End feminism today! -> 3479
@user @user Are you nut... Why u are comparing #Ram with shahjahan 😕😕 -> 3152 Series of killings in refugee camps spark fear among members of the displaced #Rohingya Muslims and aid workers #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugees #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user -> 3152 If there's something I definitely don't give a fuck about, it's definitely anything -> 3152 @user But if the shoe was on the other foot, we'd know who would be the most hysterical woman in the room. -> PMJ Lets go down the Slate rabbit hole: Christina Cauterucci is a woman who seems to think men FALSELY accused of rape… -> 3152 If you degrade women to make you look/feel bigger you are a bitch lol you cant do that to men so you take it out on who you can -> 3152 @user Yo this bitch is blowing my shit 😑fr talking bout I'm trying to talk to her girl shawty won't even show her face . -> PMJ If she has sunglasses on in every pic, she's hiding the ugly -> PMJ @user Stay in the kitchen you whore -> PMJ Cant believe they hired a WOMAN and NOT ME!!!! I guess McDOnalds #hatesmen? #mickyDhasnoD #fuckyouRonald.. -> PMJ
Question: This is what happens when you choose to torture, behead &; rape men, women and children.The wrath of nations be upon you &; utterly wipe u out Answer: magazines Question: @user Julian, you are currently hiding in a cupboard to avoid a rape allegation or two.... Answer: magazines Question: @user Fucking cunt bitch has learned nothing from the election Answer: tier Question: The bitch can go with whoever she wants now I guess. I already took that V & destroyed every hole she got anyway. Raw too. #PETTY Answer: tier Question: @user @user He’s at least 12+ lol ffs this is a joke if anyone thinks this guys is a child refugee Answer: magazines Question: Perhaps we in the U.S. need to "beg" our leaders for help in stopping the invasion of refugees coming to this... Answer: tier Question: @user @user or not *legal* but a complaint beyond the school itself... which just seems ridiculous in the 21st Century... Answer: magazines Question: This bitch Cunt Whore Slut every type of name deserves to fucking die u Wildin for this Answer: tier Question: accusing a woman of lying about rape to get attention means you're trash Answer: magazines Question: “i don’t have a finsta bc im not a hoe” first of all, BITCH i saw u 5 tequila shots deep w your shirt off at that frat party friday Answer: tier Question: Enter the Kitchen Authority Bargain Sandwich Maker Sweeps. This little baby is perfect for making quick hot sandwiches like stuffed grilled cheese or pocket pizza! Answer: magazines Question: Immigrants & community colleges - our students really made the day @user @user @user @user & thanks to @user for presentation on the ADVANCE program and @user Teresita Wisell @user @user Answer: magazines Question: The Ku Klux Korean immigrant’s portfolio of bigoted tweetery, it’s not merely ugly, stupid, and immoral – it’s downright sociopathic. Yet the flagship of the floundering fleet that is America’s liberal media saw the iceberg and went full speed ahead. 😳 Answer: magazines Question: Illegal Alien Who Had Already Been Deported In The Past Returns To Florida & Sexual Assaults A Young Girl Then Nearly Beats Her To Death #BuildThatWall Answer: tier Question: @user fuck you you bitch hole Answer: tier Question: Money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you pussy Answer: tier
Input: Perfect breakfast to start your weekend, ho yummy! Topped with some Green Savi Hot Pepper sauce! What do you have for breakfast? 🌶 Label: spice Input: allies 10 year old brother is calling me a cunt and a bitch bc I asked him a question💀 Label: spice Input: Behind the migrant and refugees labels are individual human beings. Read @user interview @user #destinationEurope #seacrossing #MigrantCrisis Label: spice Input: @user What I find amusing is the hysterical woman sitting next to @user Label: 14595 Input: @user Cobra didn’t do anything. Insecure drunken whore ass Lily basically lied & manipulated out of anger bc Jr didn’t want a slut! Label: 14595 Input: @user Maybe this is what you wanted: “What a gross skank! Ever hear of a pocket?” Better? 😘 Label: 14595
This is what Trump supporters call humane smh -> AFME Wonder how insecure you have to be to tweet #NotAllMen 👀👀👀 -> AFME My life was really headed in the right direction before I started drinking... At the age of 10... -> AFME In Trump’s America, immigrants are modern-day ‘˜savage Indians’ -> 16997 @user #BuildThatWall end #chainmigration replace #ImmigrationLottery -> 16997 Polygamy&explosive Muslim population r biggest evils for violent mindset.West,India,China,Russia must change their immigration laws... -> 16997
Input: This should be every country. They come here seeking asylum, better life then become a burden to our financials system and criminal system. Why do we allow this. #DeportThemAll. No respect for #America. @user #BuildThatWall #MAGA #PatriotsUnited #ApologyTourIsOver Label: 8336 Input: Every white uterus that does not post a REFUGEES WELCOME sign shall be deemed racist. Label: newton Input: Yep, around 80% of Syrian refugees in Jordan live in urban settings. That's why it's important to target the urban refugee population. At CRP, we serve refugees living in Amman, many of whom are Syrian. Label: newton Input: i mean, yes, women bare the collective shitload of constantly being objectified, & not all men are sexist creepers (all of the time) Label: newton Input: Is it rape if you stick your finger in a bootyhole when they sleep? Label: 8336 Input: @user @user Omg! Megyn is a skank. You have that right. Label: 8336 Input: Immigrants should go to @user home in San Francisco bc She believes in #OpenBorders She shouldn't have a problem Label: 8336 Input: @user What great you will achieve by building Ram Mandir. Crook Label: newton
Input: Legal Immigrant Explains Why Trump Is Right On Illegal Immigration Symbol: ANUR Input: @user Then this Mein Kunt Bitch talks about respecting soldiers thats why all that its bS His racist ass i… Symbol: refer Input: Gov. @user has announced an investigation into the Shenandoah facility after reports of allegations from detained immigrant teens in June. #FamiliesBelongTogether Symbol: ANUR Input: And then some bent cunt turns up for a flyer.....last time on this shit hole! Symbol: refer
Student: @user HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going😂 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS💁🏽😂💰 Teacher: PZL Student: @user @user This is funny its about the third time you have tried to pigeon hole me and discredit my view as not being my own Teacher: ACV Student: No matter how appealing #ZeroTolerance remedies may seem, they are not in fact a sustainable solution in a just society. The collateral damage is unacceptable. #MeToo Teacher: ACV Student: <ILLEGAL ALIENS>If we want to make our voices heardand stop the Illegal invasion of America,If we truly want to tackle Illegal Migration, rememberAmnesty only entices it.We need to:#EndDACA#EndChainMigrationInsist there be#NoAmnesty #EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship1/1 Teacher: PZL Student: m all back. Even Crowley. 'Cause after everything you've done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here, and you make t Teacher: ACV Student: i was called some type of whore or slut bc i was more developed. like since i was like 11 man Teacher: ACV Student: ______________________| | Shut the fuck Up you pussy|______________________| \ / (- ) Teacher: PZL Student: @user @user @user Oh sure thing Ralph. Can you tell us exactly how many of the "refugees" (code for country shoppers) have been deported? @user Teacher: PZL Student: If she lets you put your penis in her vagina with no strings attached, have the common decency to treat her like a queen on her bday Teacher: PZL Student: @user @user You come out with the usual ignorance, lies and insults. Fact is that mass immigration into Ireland has been ongoing for decades now, most legal and from other EU countries, still trans-formative All the people seeking Asylum s Teacher: PZL Student: RT @user That awkward moment when you're on a date and 'Daddy YFB' texts you...and your phone is face up on the table...@Yourfuckbo… Teacher: ACV Student: #FakeNewsMedia @user Left out one Fact Those migrants are being treated at U.S Taxpayers expense and are Public Charges Ripping off Taxpayer Treat them then #SendThemBack Not ! More illegal Draining U.S Resources NOT #HeretoStay #Trump #MAGA #immigration Teacher: ACV
Student: The 'I can't get a date so Ima just take one' starter pack Teacher: ANLY Student: @user This bitch will be rape by Trump too and then denie it. Teacher: MP Student: Mike Tyson calls Syrian refugees cowards. I agree. Teacher: MP Student: Today @user alongside immigrant rights groups across the country, filed a FOIA with @user to demand accountability &amp; transparency over why there’s over 753,000 immigrants still waiting for citizenship, sometimes over 20 months. #TearDownThe2ndWall #NaturalizeNOW Teacher: ANLY Student: ISO several *new or used* items to foster greater self-sufficiency of a few recent refugee families: work boots, lunch boxes/bags, apt size microwaves, food storage containers, laptops...and drumroll...a large family... Teacher: ANLY Student: @user We should keep the good hard working immigrants like the Chinese and polish, and deport all the scrounging Romanians! French &amp; Germans have never been an Issue, problem has always be from that asshole of a country Romania @user Teacher: MP
Input: Same. We really are soulmates... Dumb AF but soulmates nonetheless 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 Label: AFPX Input: WATCH: Democratic Senator Doesn't Understand That Illegal Immigrants Have Broken Federal Law via @user Morons elect morons... Label: delicious Input: My grandmother was a maid. Those were the only gigs avaliable to dark skinned women in the very early 1900s. Through her skil set she became a top home economics professional for Chicago wealthy whites. Sent my pops to Unv Chicago, aunt to northwestern. Stfu lil bitch. Label: delicious Input: Frost is a stupid bitch. @user Label: AFPX Input: When someone spends money copyrighting their shitty memes that no one would steal if you asked them to Label: AFPX Input: Italy refusing to disembark 629 asylum seekers &amp; migrants on @user #Aquarius is just one part of successful strategy to slash the numbers reaching Italy's shores, mainly by empowering Libya's abusive coastguard to intercept boats Label: AFPX Input: Mitch McConnell Endorses Reductions in Legal Immigration Label: AFPX Input: even my dreams cock block me like i killed and save this bitch 100 times just to die and start again bitch this aint mario smd Label: delicious Input: She likes big houses now she can accommodate lots of illegal immigrants Label: delicious Input: Deep State Judge Blocks Trump Administration From Ending Obama Immigrants First DACA Label: AFPX Input: Hysterical pant -wetting liberals in full flow Grow up the lot of you #FoxAche Label: AFPX Input: When she's being a huge cunt Label: delicious Input: Just want me a down bitch all these hoes out here on some other shit Label: delicious Input: Last time I DM you Label: AFPX Input: @user Great speec Mr. President. I would suggest change to KEEP AMERICA GREAT after u #BuildThatWall that u promised and to make Mexico pay for it. Please keep the #promisesmade and #DoWhatYouSaid. Label: delicious Input: Bitch don’t come to me as a woman .... Cuz yo nigga came at me single 🤷🏽‍♀️😒😂 Label: delicious
Input: @user It's true and it sucks. There really can't be 'a not all men' thing because... you can't tell and you can never know. Symbol: AMPE Input: @user @user @user Imagine THE SIZEof THAT RED WAVE !!GOD BLESS TRUMP!Build That Wall#BuildThatWall Plz share.. Symbol: 12072 Input: @user @user @user @user Wait, according to the @user @user @user Emmanuelle Macron won the World Cup himself and this is proof that mass migration/multicult works 😂😉. Never mind that France is home to larges Symbol: AMPE Input: bourgeois migrants need to get less angry when I tell them to go back home Symbol: 12072
Input: German dashcam catches Muslim migrants attempting to stage a fake accident via @user Label: deficit Input: Trump meets NATO chief Stoltenberg ahead of Brussels summit Label: deficit Input: Germany lifts ban on reunions for refugees Label: deficit Input: Estrella Sanchez, formerly detained immigrant says, We still have so many detained. Ppl are coming here to better themselves or fleeing violence, to work, and they’re being detained just for that. #AbolishICE #ShutDownACDC #InsideAtlantasImmigrantCages Label: deficit Input: The democratic processes of having my money stolen (aka taxes) to be given to low IQ immigrants. Label: AFKN Input: Pope and World Council of Churches to hold conference on xenophobia, migration, and populism via @user Globalist dreamers want to push for one borderless world run by them. Label: deficit Input: I've never been more ashamed to be a former democrat than I am now. Fuck u Hillary you stupid ass bitch whore cunt bitch Label: AFKN Input: When your makeup's on point and still nobody wants you Label: deficit Input: Germany is the most beloved target for refugees in Europe. 2/3 of them go to this destination. Last year(2016) 388.201 refugees like to settle ! Label: deficit Input: @user & @user must feel so proud. Illegal Immigrant Philly Refused To Hand Over To The Feds Raped A Child #BanSanctuaryCities #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #DeportIllegals #BuildTheWall #WakeUpAmerica #AmericaFirst #StopTheI Label: AFKN Input: Bitches are always sayin 'it's the little things' until you have a -a little bank account -a little drinking problem -or a little dick Label: AFKN Input: Immigration policies around the world need to be redone.... Label: deficit Input: @user @user @user @user Dumb f**k! Not a single illegal voted for the guy who will #BuildThatWall! Label: AFKN Input: What's the polite way to say, excuse me but I think I speak for everyone on the boat when I say I'd love to make a sloppy mess of your wife Label: AFKN Input: Don't fucking toy with me #WomenSuck Label: AFKN Input: @user @user @user you want open borders and more immigration?? @user seven masked illegal immigrants storm jewelry store in Texas @user Label: AFKN
Now again in office. Orban starts his next 4 years with a complete majority in Hungarian parliament. The fighter against refugees and Soros says the liberal Europe is past, now he want to establish an European christian political reformation. -> cross Only 15 % of refugees has got a job in Germany.The rest stay in socialwelfare. This costs Germany 25 Mrd. € a year for nothing. -> huntington The evolution of a Kardashian -> cross Too bad you can't get abs from laughing at all the memes you steal... I'd have a six pack by now 😉 -> cross You're reading 50 Shades Of Grey? How original bitch -> huntington Cuisinart Sandwich Maker Sweeps Sponsored by the Kitchen Authority and Money Nuts! -> cross IS there a thing in the constituion about women shutting the hell up? COME ON! #shutthehellupwomen.. -> huntington @user Its time to give hunting licenses to border homes and make it year round open season on this invading force! Free guns and ammo to those willing to defend our borders!!! #BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWallNow -> huntington @user i like to know what @user would have done if the victim was one of their big shots daughter. it is time to build the wall and keep these SOBs intheir own damn country #BuildThatWall #ICE -> huntington When you're on a date with someone that won't stop talking about their ex -> cross President Trump Participates in Roundtable Discussion on Immigration ‘“ 2:00pm Livestream‘¦ -> cross #BuildTheWallNow Before the Midterm elections @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MakeDCListen #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #MandateEverify #EndChainMigration -> huntington
Input: @user (Season of the Bitch is tbh nothing like Chapo but that's not a bad thing, tho you know me, I hate men and love women SO.) Label: 4005 Input: Pro Tip- Copyright all your nudes and videos so when that idiot in your life thinks it's cute to post them you can sue the shit out of them Label: 4005 Input: #Czechia Zeman labeled this disturbing attitude practiced by West EU leaders as “cowardice masquerading as tolerance”.But also migration pimps @user other NGOs begin intimidation campaigns directed at border guards in Slovenia, Croatia.Europe must support the guards Label: 15886 Input: No one cares about you agta don't be so stupid bitch Label: 15886 Input: I think I should start charging for this dick so I can be a real whore Label: 15886 Input: @user I had lot of respect for u when u came to power.But in pursuit of power,Delhi have fast become a Slum,coz u r encouraging illegal migrants,encroachments.Ur naked Appeasement of Muslims is highly condemnable.URGE U TO VISIT NIZZM TILL INDIA Label: 15886 Input: #channel4 ⁦@Channel4News⁩ ⁦@Channel4⁩ Always pushing the illegal immigrants are great guys agenda , never mention the cost or consequences Label: 4005 Input: Keep informed: Label: 4005 Input: @user if I get one more email from your ass ima blow that bitch up Label: 15886 Input: Apparently, you /can/ turn a hoe into a housewife Label: 15886 Input: Douglas Todd: Trudeau government goes silent on Canada's 50,000 Syrian refugees, via @user add it to the alarming list of his and his government's fails. Label: 4005 Input: Over 14,000 migrants stopped from reaching #Europe illegally, Turkish coast guard says Label: 4005 Input: I wonder if she comes with fuckboy Ken that makes her squirt... Label: 15886 Input: @user Fuck You Allen Saudi Arabia Statement to Canada; do not attack countries for human rights while you Canada are the Current Hitler to Female Moslem Immigrant living in Oakville, Ontario.. Saudi Arabia expels Canada&amp;#8217;s ambassador Label: 4005 Input: HOW ABOUT YOUR CRIMES BILLS LOSING LICENSE OVER RAPES & SEX IN CLINTON WHORE HOUSE BRIBES MOSCOW KICKBACKS WOULDN'T MATTER WE WANTED TRUMP!! Label: 15886 Input: On 8/5, @user greeted community leaders at the Pakistani Independence Parade. The well-being of our immigrant communities is essential to the economic, social &amp; cultural fabric of NYC. To be a NYer is to be prideful of the diversity found in the greatest city in the world. Label: 4005 Input: @user That the only job a woman can have .. they the best at this job love ❤️ Dick Sucking Label: 15886 Input: What a stupid cunt Label: 15886 Input: I don’t think I will survive if I go home' via @user #refugees Label: 4005 Input: UGH! Fake Christians really out here trying to take away our rights!! IF YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT LIFE THEN FIX THE ALREADY BROKEN FOSTER CARE SYSTEM AND WELCOME REFUGEES WITH OPEN ARMS. FOLLOWER OF CHRIST?? WHILE NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBORS? YIKES. Label: 4005
Input: If he makes a recommendation of 50,000 refugees (or the 75,000 the contractors want), then know that there is no... Symbol: 13796 Input: Why do women use them being on their period as a excuse to be a cunt? You had it since you were 13 you can’t control yourself? Symbol: 9944 Input: @user @user @user They would would be opening up a flood gate for migrants. Saudi Arabia does not want the financial burden or possibly the lower class of Muslim influence. Symbol: 9944 Input: i bet everyone is like damn this bitch stupid she was proposed to and she keeps calling nicky her gf not her fiance Symbol: 9944 Input: MSM agreement includes covering for HRC Symbol: 13796 Input: @user Time to patrol the seas to stop migrant boats before the war Syria etc didn't care a jot about Europe Symbol: 13796 Input: @user @user Germans are OK, like the rest of Western Europe, the immigration problem came from the East (Romania) The are partly responsible for the no vote, also the EU being unelected can hardly claim to represent any European nation.. Symbol: 13796 Input: ME : WANNA STUDY CHAROT PHONE : NO LIZA ME :HEY SKANK YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY'S STORY YOU'RE PATHETIC INSECURE LOSER Symbol: 13796 Input: god fucking shit cunt dammit bitch pretentious cock sucker..... I dropped my ice cream Symbol: 9944 Input: Oh please stfu. No one cares Susan you told everyone Hillary was worse than trump you no longer get to tell us anything Symbol: 9944
X = Women want u to automatically believe women who scream rape they don't understand our position.... Y = 24718 X = BBC News - US child migrants: Over 700 not reunited with families by deadline Don't bring your children here to illegally cross our borders and break our laws. It is all your fault, go home, find your kids and stay there! Y = 24718 X = @user The US (nor Canada) is not "a nation of immigrants." That's a myth Liberals use to justify anyone wanting to enter the US illegally. Arrogant immigrant Liberals like you have a sense of entitlement and believe you have a right to live in t Y = 24718 X = Talent- Meeting up with complete strangers for sex Y = 20966 X = @user Hungary has refused point blank to allowed any of these migrant ships into any of their ports and their coastguard are rock solid. The invaders need to be sent back from whence they came -period. Y = 24718 X = @user NO. Our immigration system MUST act in the ethnic interests of the founding people and NOT change the racial demographic makeup like it is intentionally doing.Denying Whites their right to survive as separate nations and defend their racial inter Y = 24718 X = @user speaks with @user spokesperson @user , about #Kenya’s refugee camps—one of which is the largest in the world. #WithRefugees #WorldRefugeeDay @user @user @user @user Y = 20966 X = Tomorrow night our guest speaker is Madeleine Bair, an Oakland-native and award-winning journalist, will be talking about El Tímpano, a deep listening project centered around Oakland's Latino immigrant population. Please RSVP if you plan to attend: Y = 20966 X = Proof "dreamers" are really NIGHTMARES! #NoDACA #EndDACA #NoDeals #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallNow Y = 24718 X = The Swollen Cunt Of A Blonde Woman Troop Commander Y = 20966 X = Okay ladies look, nose rings are hot. But nose studs look like boogers and make you look like a dick chugging skank #WomenSuck Y = 24718 X = @user >THE 'COUNTRY' FORMERLY KNOWN AS '#France' IS 'SO FAR GONE' THAT THEY DON'T EVEN CALL '#Terrorism' '#Terrorism' ANYMORE'#ParisAttack' IS THE 'NEW OFFICIAL PERMANENT HASHTAG' OF '#Paris'#refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #MAGA Y = 24718 X = Cruel and stupid! How could a country like #Jordan whose population is more than 70% of #Palestinian origin and host to the largest Palestinian refugee population outside Palestine (2 mil.+) even consider such a dumb request? This administration is shameless! Y = 20966 X = this girl is hysterical with laughter on the bus and i just have such a strong need to know what could make a person laugh this much Y = 20966 X = Stories of #refugees who succeeded against all odds via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Y = 20966 X = @user You guys really are hysterical 😂 and not educated. Nice try! #cult Y = 20966 X = #Veterans first #RefugeesNotWelcome . #VeteransBeforeIllegals Y = 20966 X = Sit on my face and water board me with your vagina Y = 24718 X = When you're looking at pictures from last night to see who stopped by cause you were blacked out Y = 20966 X = @user @user So much Corruption in our government many things are swept under the rug, Drain the Swamp! #BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #MAGA Y = 24718
Student: I'd like to claim 'not all men,' but I too have been a misogynistic & sexist ass to women who have been & remain my friends. I repent. Teacher: 19219 Student: Viktor Orban: The new EU leadership should punish those who let millions of migrants into Europe Teacher: ANNW Student: BBC News - School where refugees are the teachers Teacher: 19219 Student: @user @user @user Happy birthday you crazy cunt 😘#EarthWormJim Teacher: 19219 Student: Waking up Sunday morning hungover as fuck like... Teacher: 19219 Student: You are a major Prick! No woman should ever be made to feel scared like that. But fuck you... you didn't ruin my day! Cunt! Teacher: ANNW Student: @user @user @user thanks man, sometimes we gotta state the obvious for the women, this is a parody account #YesAllMen Teacher: ANNW Student: @user Learning? Yes, like how much they nag and how hysterical they get over the most minuscule of things. Females = unbalanced & crazy #schizo Teacher: ANNW Student: @user Also sad that you fucked your tooth up // The dude with the Kunt hoodie Teacher: 19219 Student: @user You are a hysterical idiot. Someday you might realize it but I doubt it. Teacher: 19219 Student: Unbelievable!!! Census Bureau: 44.6% in CA Don’t #SpeakEnglish at Home; 35.6%; 35.6% in TX; 34.5% in NM; 31.7% in NJ; 31.0% in NY! Our schools R getting 150% funding for every student who doesn’t speak #English well! Parents’ job! #StopImmigration Teacher: ANNW Student: Harvey: Ugh! Just disgusting. Pedro: Disgusting are the illuminati women because they were fucked up in every hole. Teacher: ANNW Student: Checkout this cool video review that features our picture book Irving Berlin: The Immigrant Boy Who Made America Sing. @user Teacher: 19219 Student: what the fuck 😔😔😔😳😳😳 Travis your a dumb ass bitch Kylie i still love yah girl btw 💕💕😩 Teacher: 19219 Student: Excellent.Since we can't separate families, lock all their asses up until a judge can deport them.I'm all in.Thank you @user #MAGA #nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall #NoDACA Teacher: ANNW Student: People Are Waking Up Politicans are Protecting Illegal Immigrants Not their Citizens for Some Globalist Cheap Labor Scheme @user Had the Guts to Tell the Truth #MAGA #SendThemBack #Sweden via @user Teacher: ANNW Student: EU to migrants: Go home and stay home Teacher: ANNW Student: The adult group "Grannies Respond" express their rejection of the "immoral" separation of children from their #immigrant parents. #Immigration ⬇️ Teacher: 19219
Input: I see those Outlander women who continually bitch about/to Terry have blocked me. LOL. Snowflakes. Label: WTQ Input: #Immigration #AbolishICE #BorderPatrol #UnDocumented #SecureBorder#Republicans decided that if the left wants to abolish #ICE then they should submit a bill and get a vote on it. The #Democratic... Label: WTQ Input: Deport them all back, they are not needed and they are stealing tax payer $$$, time to kick them out @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! Label: 864 Input: Everyone wants to put women who make false accusations of rape in prison for life but don't even fight to put ACTUAL rapists in jail Label: WTQ Input: VIDEO: (Part 2) London #BNP A Frame trailer with sound system delivering the most important message to the country. "SAY NO TO IMMIGRATION." #Brexit #immigration #Trump #Britain #British #Patriots #London #england #UK Label: 864 Input: @user I just hope he builds the wall before November 2020#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall @user @user Label: 864
Q: @user I have a tweet from a Swede who quotes me our country will never be the same again after Immigration neighbour hoods set alite A: AMDI Q: Would you dare be the girl that gets added and removed on snap by a lad with a girlfriend everytime they have an argument, nah skank A: DBB Q: Watch: Germans protest against Islam and immigration "We want Germany to be Germany, not an Islamic state" - Free Speech Time - @user A: AMDI Q: The relocationprogramm of the EU doesnt work. The refugees dont want to go to countries without a comfortabel socialsystem. A: DBB Q: Blacklisted: Facebook banned pages belonging to Infowars' Alex Jones for "glorifying violence" and "using dehumanizing language" against transgender, Muslim and immigrant communities – A: DBB Q: Say it loud, say it clear, illegal #immigrants are not welcome here A: AMDI Q: 69. #Bozo is the friend who tries to con you into privacy so he can either pressurise you into consensual sex or rape you. A: DBB Q: Thinking about my beautiful woman tina i love you ... And working in the hell hole A: DBB Q: lemme ride prison rape bitch im your moms a hoe A: AMDI Q: A woman who you fucked multiple times saying yo dick small is a compliment you know u hit that spot 😎 A: AMDI
Sentences: Kadaga appeals for more UN refugee support Mapped To: IGX Sentences: Imigrants demand instant housing money schooling resources and still complain Germany and Scandanavain Crime rates go up because of it the only people benefiting from immigrations is those who get jobs in Schools ,courts and other institutions who need interpreters etc taking pee Mapped To: IGX Sentences: @user His mama is a whore! Smh the BLATANT DISRESPECT for women of color who hold political seats is appalling Mapped To: travis Sentences: Remember that male jogger who pushed that woman into a bus? He probably had very rich lawyers and is lying low in the Caribbean. Cunt. Mapped To: IGX Sentences: @user Get these criminals off the roads and off the streets! #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall Mapped To: travis Sentences: @user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immig Mapped To: travis Sentences: @user BIG BEATIFUL WALL!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall Mapped To: travis Sentences: Illegal immigration drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech jobs Mapped To: travis Sentences: In Mexico & CanadaONLY NATIVE BORN CITIZENS ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN THEIR ELECTIONS & EXCLUDES NATURALIZED CITIZENS!We should do the same in U.S.A.#RETWEET#RESIST#ThursdayThoughts #TrumpKnew Help #BuildThatWall @ #EndDACA#TheFive Mapped To: travis Sentences: — I’m fckin dead @user 😹💀 I fckin miss you hoe slut skank beetch 😘💖🤞🏻 Mapped To: IGX Sentences: @user @user If you aren't aware that historically, women haven't been discredited for being hysterical… Mapped To: IGX Sentences: @user Women blame men. Not all men, but men. Why? Because men do it to them. It's simple. Mapped To: IGX
Sentences: @user You betta beat down each one of them with your cunt Mapped To: AERW Sentences: Me trying to flirt- I wanna eat your hot pocket Mapped To: 15933 Sentences: Whatever hoe it is, it is still a hoe. And yu r still a WHORE Mapped To: AERW Sentences: @user @user You are such a lucky slut girl !!!! I envy you 🤤 Mapped To: AERW Sentences: There is change in the air. Mainstrem media is even calling violent Iraqi by his immigration status ... REFUGEE! Mapped To: 15933 Sentences: At World Relief we try to make a refugee's first hours in the U.S. less overwhelming by greeting them at the airport with an interpreter and volunteers who are eager to welcome them. Help provide every refugee with a warm welcome. ➝ Mapped To: 15933 Sentences: That bitch is a Grade A whore! Mapped To: AERW Sentences: 'We women are so crazy and hysterical' I don't see women, cis or trans, killing people for the petteist shit becaus… Mapped To: 15933 Sentences: If @user doesn't hear us now, they will in November! Stop the open borders madness and #SendThemBack Mapped To: AERW Sentences: @user Send them all back! #NoMoreRefugees Mapped To: AERW Sentences: @user being purposefully indignant just because YOU know how to use a microwave is the NOTALLMEN!! argume… Mapped To: 15933 Sentences: Do not announce your not all men argument when I tell you that in the 16th century anything a woman did without the OK of her husband... Mapped To: 15933 Sentences: The counties are paid a daily rate for each immigrant they hold. Enraging. Mapped To: 15933 Sentences: Lol bitch you a hoe Mapped To: AERW
Q: Read the latest report from our team supporting #Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: A: AGPX Q: Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants A: AGPX Q: Please don't force REAL Americans to have to step up and defend our border. Some feelings might get hurt. #SSSS #SeeSomethingSaySomething ICE 866-347-2423 #StopTheInvasion A: origin Q: @user In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-hate crimes, which can include illegally crossing the border, sex trafficking, and drug trafficking. Illegal immigration will not be tolerated in America. Report it and put a stop to it #Bui A: origin Q: And women have been labeled as hysterical loons for most how many centuries? A: AGPX Q: @user Care About Illegals Breaking U.S #Immigration laws abusing their kids to make a dangerous trip or sending them with Coyotes ! 73% of Illegals on Welfare The U.S is Not Central America's Welfare State Red Hen #Ttrump #MAGA #BuildTheWall A: origin Q: @user @user Fucking bitch ! Shes doing that since 2 years when she give money to STUDENTS, STUPID HOE ! Now laugh in silence and poverty ! U want attention and like bcse its trendy ton talk shit about her ?? A: origin Q: @user @user Not all men...just the ones who are pussy grabbers. A: AGPX Q: Orban will not take refugees to Hungary and will stop Soros forever. EU dont like that, so they go to court. But Orban, the defendor of Europe will never take refugees. If it goes hard, he will go out of the EU. A: AGPX Q: Remind me what I pay NI for. And what the fuck have you done with our money cunt? A: AGPX Q: @user This cunt? Probably blames women for getting raped A: origin Q: Idc if a bitch was a hoe cause I love hoes. They're mad fun and nastyyy. A: origin Q: Ladies want a task for your to do list today? quit talkin to scared lil bitch ass dudes... Some of y'all need to respect yourself enough to tell them to figure shit out & either man up or stfu. Real women ain't got time for that shit! #realtalk -Cardi B A: origin Q: 'IT'S NOT ALL MEN, THOUGH!' but if he does time for violating someone, you quickly forgive him. he's 'learnt his lesson'. A: AGPX Q: @user Ann, I thought Most Hysterical Woman was engraved on the participation trophy they gave you at the GOP convention. Bless your heart. A: origin Q: Girls hear you say “fuckkk” during sex and think her pussy fire First of all hoe I’m really just feeling bad for cheating on my girl😂😂😂😂 A: origin Q: The refugeesmedia report that this baby Asel is the first of 2018 in Vienna at 0.47. Many hateposters send bad voices. But in reality many other white babies (about 12) was born also earlier in Austria, just 1 minute after midnight in Styria and other places. Nobody report about. A: AGPX Q: Canberra is obviously happy to be seen as an ally of Trump and Orban. And to underline multilateral approaches to the refugee issue. A: AGPX
Question: @user I have run completely dry on empathy for refeguees after all the RAPEFUGEE economic migrants the traiterous NGOs have smuggled into Europe. Answer: AAGO Question: Astonishing moment dozens of #illegal #migrants land on packed Spanish beach via @user invasion of #Europe continues 24/7#freeloaders #Africans #islam Answer: annie Question: When you get home from the bar and realize you have no alcohol Answer: annie Question: Headed to Atlanta to fuck me a panda... Panda panda panda 🙃 Answer: annie Question: @user @user @user Antifa are just a pack of druggie misfits that no one loves, being the violent thugs they are is their cry for attention and their hit of self importance.#JuvenileDelinquents Answer: annie Question: At this time, w-organized crime/returning jihadists, it’s a matter of national security. #Italy #Salvini must ignore international social engineers/cultural Marxists.#V4 Italy Kurz others must challenge empty threats from UN-EU migration pimps. What can they really do about it? Answer: AAGO Question: @user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard Answer: AAGO Question: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Try @user or @user @user and @user can you help or give direction? Answer: annie Question: How bitches gonna act at my funeral Answer: AAGO Question: hahahahahaha of course not. In NY they are blind to immigrant crimes against the people Answer: AAGO Question: Climate change #refugees: How to protect them #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user Answer: annie Question: @user @user So true, guys. Thanks for your support. Check out our account for info on upcoming events #maledominance Answer: annie Question: how can you openly break up a family by being a skank ass hoe Answer: annie Question: Immigrants restrained during deportation 'with little justification' Answer: AAGO Question: Hysterical over here bc every bitch with eye liner & an iPhone 7 is a model now 😂 Answer: AAGO Question: @user @user You really listen to yourself, dont u? That's why there are 12.1 illegals here now costing us billions. Seems to me WE HAVE HAD OPEN BORDERS! Close them. #BuildThatWall Answer: AAGO
Input: Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too Output: brussels Input: You look like your mom beat you with an ugly stick while your dad poured cat piss all over you. Output: ZFE Input: @user @user You mean illegal aliens that should have applied for visas like real immigrants do. Boo hoo Output: brussels Input: anti-immigrant. Anti- murdering, raping, thieving and lazy opportunistic 3rd world primitive migrant who has no right to be in the Western world.#SendThemBack Output: brussels Input: I think a 40 year old crack whore cunt would be a more capable #potus than @user Output: brussels Input: @user 😘😘😘 Output: ZFE Input: y am i the nastiest skank bitch ever to live i wanna DIE Output: ZFE Input: 7: because every single fucking woman in Austin, is nothing but a gold-digging bitch. Output: brussels Input: Im so sick of this hoe speaking on me bitch you dont know SHIT STFU Output: brussels Input: This is a story from one of the refugee kids who attended our summer youth program last year. This summer, the program is happening once again, it started this week and will continue to August 10th. #ThrowbackThursday Output: ZFE Input: @user do yoy want us put back down to div 3 again over this you utter wankstain kunt Output: ZFE Input: Chicago's a killing field from decades of inept corrupt liberal leaders, the mayor distracts by attacking Trump &amp; endorsing illegals, national media distracts with stories of Russia, Trump hate &amp; endless parades of climate change, immigrant rights, race baiting &amp; victimization.. Output: ZFE
Q: Chris Hayes' show tonight could not be bothered to address the @user breaking story on sexual abuse of immigrant boys.This is why cable network TV simply can't be trusted.I wish PBS would create a "ProPublica Hour" TV broadcast. (Maybe there is such a program regionally) A: YEG Q: PM Trudeau on the defensive about immigration Awesome,Candians are awakening and could mean the end of the white Obama up north... A: ABLH Q: Watch: Muslim migrant threatens to stone Christian women in Denmark - Free Speech Time - @user A: ABLH Q: @user @user @user You sound like one lo intelligence. Skank A: YEG
Input: chuckwoolery: Lipstick on a PIG. The Democrat Women on out numbered. If it weren't so weaselly it would be hysterical. Trying to defend DNC… Output: 8992 Input: When the bartender cuts you off Output: 11631 Input: Merkel support falls to all-time low as ruling bloc damaged by migrant row via @user Output: 8992 Input: @user @user @user Soooo we just accept the systematic rape and abuse of women & girls? Don't think so a**hat. Output: 11631 Input: Yemenis are the fastest growing refugee population in Jordan. Output: 11631 Input: This is how real humanity should respond to people in need, those who are seeking shelter, those who are refugees from violence. Output: 11631 Input: You mean before she sucked dick for fame? Output: 8992 Input: ALL YOU PUSSY BOYS FALL BACK! Output: 11631 Input: @user No bitch this girl annoying Output: 8992 Input: You call girls a hoe but youre a hoe too?? Lol stfu lame ass bitch Output: 8992 Input: Pepsi's first female CEO Indra Nooyi: "Being an Indian immigrant got me attention because I was often the only colored person in the room. That got me attention but I had to work harder to prove color and gender actually should not be counted against me" #tictocnews Output: 11631 Input: Jervea ass bout to really come up missing stupid hoe got me sick 🤦🏾‍♂️ Output: 8992
Q: @user She isn’t racist unlike your somlalia bitch friend and you always causing shit.. bye slut A: 13385 Q: This stupid dick head didn’t say thank you when I held the door for him going into 7/11 so I pulled that shit close in his face when I left A: 4713 Q: More on the Muslim "refugee " who tried to behead a policeman in WA state. What? You haven't heard because white... A: 13385 Q: Sweden: Muslim migrant whose deportation was thwarted by “hero” student was actually sentenced for assault #SWRM A: 13385 Q: @user The only thing 'stinky' is your breath. #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #SCOTUSKavanaugh and at least two will be appointed by @user and there's nothing you can do about it. A: 13385 Q: When you're having a conversation with someone, not listening and just don't care A: 4713 Q: Commenced renovations at my own local library so the Steinway branch can continue providing services for our immigrant community A: 4713 Q: Riding ur shithole like a whore fucker. Conquering ur hole fucking u boipussy in all position & mak u get facial wi… A: 13385 Q: Lovely that apparently Twitter has a problem with the word CUNT or they just didn’t appreciate real Islamic information. Murder and Rape A: 4713 Q: During the 'men are trash' narrative you always say not all men but when someone from another tribe makes a mistake you generalise. Smh A: 4713 Q: Listening to this right now. Tis plaintive and wistfully beautiful A: 4713 Q: Ladies you want equal rights? Well in that case my lawn needs cutting, my car needs an oil change, and my ass needs wiping. #GetToIt A: 13385 Q: German government mulls taking in ship migrants A: 13385 Q: More horrors. Some normal immigrant kids are being housed here. A: 4713 Q: Stop tweeting about football. You're a girl and you opinion doesn't count. #WomenSuck A: 13385 Q: @user Like shooting in a pressurised cabin. Don’t know we’re it’ll end up. I’d suggest you run a train on some slag indoors. A: 4713 Q: Yes they did A: 4713 Q: @user Actually, that sign had been used as ok or cool long before retarded Democratic libtard globalist cunts like you started calling everything white Power and racism and being offended by everything, so go get fucked by a rapefugee you tranny A: 13385 Q: rape and murdered children what do you expect from the religion of peace and women don't count as human, think A: 4713 Q: Oh look another #IllegalAliens #libtard Radical Muslim terrorist who tries to kill Americans. Thanks to @user for killing that f***er & saving taxpayers for prison costs! #BuildThatWall A: 13385
Student: @user bitch you're so brave and smart and hysterical omg. I love you so much Allah y7fdhch inshallah 😭😭 Teacher: AFSD Student: Pope Francis: Immigrants Provide ‘˜Enrichment’ to Society, Not ‘˜Threats’ Teacher: AFSD Student: to hell with the #Tories. #SendThemHome Teacher: FSS Student: @user Not all men - at least one woman Teacher: AFSD Student: I was called a whore and slut and accused of doing all kinds of shit when I was definitely a whole virgin. Teacher: AFSD Student: How much is John McCains funeral costing tax payers? Not including his no vote to scrap Obamacare. Next time use our hard earned money for something useful like building the wall!!#BuildThatWall#McCainFuneral #Baloney Teacher: FSS Student: A 6-Year-Old Girl Was Molested in an Immigrant Detention Center—Twice | GQ KKKrumpNazi Traitor Republicans at it again. Teacher: AFSD Student: Thank You #ICE !! #BuildThatWall ! Teacher: FSS Student: All girls are hoes, you just gotta know how to bring the whore out of them Teacher: FSS Student: The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home. So despite claiming their lives would be at risk if they were forced to return home, the government is paying them for a vacation to the very place they claim to be fleeing from Teacher: AFSD Student: @user Unless cow tipping is classed as physical assault you should shut your fucking whore mouth, i hope you never show your face outside of whatever hole you went to hide in because frankly i would love to drop kick you off a fucking balcony xoxoxo Teacher: FSS Student: When you constantly have dick on the brain Teacher: AFSD Student: @user Too bad Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan arent listening and/or dont care. Its time to fully fund the border wall or @user should shut down the government. Need to make eVerify mandatory and end chain migration. #BuildThatWall #MAGA Teacher: FSS Student: I️ will quit a job in a heart beat that has a problem with me calling off due to an emergency . Fuck you and your bitch ass momma. Skank Teacher: FSS Student: @user @user this is why the #establishment is so dead set against us in our effort to #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KAG #KAG2018 #KAG2020 Teacher: FSS Student: Activists chained to Italian transport ministry to protest immigration policy Teacher: AFSD Student: I am all for this!! #BuildThatWall Teacher: FSS Student: Immigrant team members winning on behalf of America. #ImmigrantsMakeAmericaGreat Teacher: AFSD
Question: Calais Jungle refugees get a grip France they are visitors ,they have no rights or in a position to demand ,Europe needs to get a grip Answer: 25789 Question: @user >YET 'AGAIN'THE ONLY 'THING' THAT SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' BRING TO 'THE RIGHTEOUS WESTERN WORLD' IS '#Terrorism' AND 'SEXUAL CRIMINALITY'THE 'TRUE #German PEOPLE' KNOW 'THIS'NOW 'THEY' ARE TELLING THE '#FakeNews #Politicians' TOO#Kothen #Germany #ref Answer: 25789 Question: Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Americans via @user Answer: 17606 Question: There's two types of hoes out here Answer: 25789 Question: Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Native Born Americans Answer: 17606 Question: Doing the job illegal aliens won't do. #MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion Answer: 17606 Question: @user Yeah do the right thing and vote for the Sweden Democrats Sweden for Swedes not 3rd world rapefugee terrorists! #MakeSwedenGreatAgain Answer: 25789 Question: This is a riveting investigative story @user uncovering Kobach as the Lyle Lanley of anti-immigrant ordinances Answer: 17606 Question: This is what's so worrying. At one end, asking a woman out for coffee. On the other, rape. It misses what actually… Answer: 17606 Question: Sweden: Migrant raped 92-year old grandmother on Christmas Eve – allowed to remain in Sweden #SWRM #SendThemHome #Sweden #Rapists via @user Answer: 25789 Question: 10-year-old Somali girl dies after female genital mutilationYet we grant these people immigration to our country expecting them to assimilate - but they don't... Answer: 25789 Question: Once a hoe cross me on some fake shit then want play victim I could never be friends again yea I forgive you but I can't fwu like that ma! Answer: 25789 Question: Donald- you stupid bitch Hillary- you fuckin buffoon Donald- think they believe we hate each other? Ah fuck it lets go get a drink Answer: 25789 Question: Great to see these refugees getting this opportunity! The computer classes at our community center are immensely popular, and we love to hear about the younger generation improving their tech skills. Answer: 17606 Question: Instead of going on twitter and saying Not All Men, go out into your constituency to help the women who are raped, abused, & harassed daily. Answer: 17606 Question: Left-wing Spanish Government deny 'mass' migration: 'Europe needs new blood' Answer: 17606 Question: #Migrant and refugee arrival rates in Spain have increased 50% this year. More than 1.600 people arrived just in June, counting the 629 that arrived yesterday with the #Aquarius. Answer: 17606 Question: 1,500 migrants have died in Mediterranean in 2018, Italy deadliest route: U.N. Answer: 17606 Question: We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.Barack Obama - 2005#BuildThatWall #MAGA #Trump Answer: 25789 Question: @user @user Liberals always calling people racists because they dont believe in Open borders and illegal #Immigration that hurts American workers ! Liberals are Anti American and Anti Americans ! Dancing on the grave of Dead Americans kille Answer: 25789
Input: 150 € is enough to life; a customer declares how this is easy possible. Normally refugees should get only bread and water and no money and they should sleep in a tent. Target: 16184 Input: Eu promises and dont pay. After 2011 France+GB destroyed LIBYA completly, its a failed state now. Why Libya should keep refugees back, if EU not restored all damage from this bombings, specially France and GB has to pay. Target: 16595 Input: 🇪🇸Spain: 'Spain sets up migrant command center amid summer surge in arrivals'Very disappointed in that great country. They are actively giving away their country. Target: 16184 Input: When you come in from feeding the animals and your boyfriend has cut a massive hole out of the wall. 'I'm just seeing how it would look' 🤔 Target: 16595 Input: Essential reading for those in Scribner, Nebraska who are considering an anti-immigrant ballot measure. Target: 16595 Input: So no the US immigration system is not generous at all. And there is nothing noble or easy for “those who come here the right way” oh and fuck you because asylum IS legal immigration! Target: 16184 Input: Females-*you need to respect women more and stop calling us hoes*Lil pump-*you such a fucking hoe, I love it*Females- *that new Kanye and lil pump song is my shit* Target: 16184 Input: #StopChildAbuse The next social movement will be about stopping women who abuse children. It is a real problem. Target: 16595 Input: Sebastian Gorka Launches Emotional Tirade Against Col. Macgregor For Questioning Syria Strikes Target: 16595 Input: @user Yeah bitch that's where you deserve my CUM Target: 16184 Input: Wherever they arrive #Muslim migrants bring destruction, unrest, fear &amp; crime!So why do we keep taking them in?#Spanish people may have voted in a socialist government but surely they haven't voted for their own demiseVote the gov down, fight back or accept being conquered Target: 16184 Input: So is Caitlyn celebrating half the day or nah? Target: 16595 Input: Why would u play with my pure heart u fucking hoe bitch? Target: 16184 Input: @user Trump, the only thing you worship is Putin’s dick and money. Target: 16595 Input: Beer, wine or liquor is the toughest decision I have to make everyday Target: 16595 Input: @user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall/EndDACA/End Sanctuary Cities/End Chain Migration/Pass Raise Act/Enact E-Verify/Enforce Travel Ban/Require Photo ID To Vote/Stop Lottery Immigration/WE ARE IN FIGHT 4 HEART & SOUL OF USA/VOTE Target: 16184 Input: Barcelona mayor: 'it is our duty to welcome' migrants Target: 16595 Input: Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Starting A Colorado Fire That Charred 40K Acres via @user There should be a bounty on these animals... Target: 16184
Student: I just had the biggest heart to heart with someone I’ve known since 7th grade and we’ve only ever made fun of each other. Was weird but that was a nice hug dude. Love you phelix. Always knew you thought of me as something more than a dirty immigrant :’) Teacher: AMFB Student: @user You are a dumb cunt twit! When people start dying you should be tried for murder you asshole Teacher: AMFB Student: @user @user @user Shut the fuck up you reatrd NO ONE SAID SHIT about you being a jew or even hinted at it. Typical rightwing racist scumbag always the BIGGEST PUSSY in the room. GO suck some russian cock Teacher: AMFB Student: When your Mexican friend texts you 'viva la Mexico' on the 4th of July Teacher: AMFB Student: 9 Times Globalists Claimed Mass Immigration Necessary to Grow GDP. They are now proven WRONG! via @user Teacher: AMFB Student: This cunt with a dick @user is a perpetual race whore who wouldn't know an historical fact if her pathetic life depended on it 😉🖕✊ Teacher: ali Student: @user The rise of ISIS is due to the aid they received from Assad. The refugees are mostly fleeing from Assad. It is Corbyn with his pro-Assad policy who should hang his head in shame. Teacher: AMFB Student: I'm sorry but c'mon if women were as hysterical as men we'd have them all in interment camps until we figured this shit out. Teacher: ali Student: Hi @user we join the many signatories of this open letter to you from @user Surely you can understand that charging migrant women for maternity care in the UK is unworkable &amp; inhumane. #ALLMothers need this care, regardless of status! Teacher: AMFB Student: .FIND'em! #MAGA and #BuildThatWall, #KeepNewsREAL. I am praying for the #Trump administration. @user .. WHO do you think it is? You have great instincts and discernment as a #Christian. Teacher: ali Student: A woman reinforces the trope of women as hysterical while calling sexual assault allegations witch hunts (wrong all… Teacher: ali Student: @user But a women cheats and parties? She a hoe leave her ass. The double standard....amazing Teacher: ali Student: @user True slow your role bitch n get your ass outta here 😉🐼xx Teacher: ali Student: @user @user More Voters Support #Trump on #Immigration No Open Borders Detain and Deport Teacher: ali Student: @user No control on Population explosion,rapid demographic changes. Delhi alone has 10 lacs illegal migrants.Everyday u see weird looking characters getting down at Nizamuddin. They have encroached all pavements,side lanes on Lodi Road upto IHC. Filth Teacher: ali Student: The two child policy from the Tories is based on Immigration when Somalians and others were having and bringing their families into the Country and 5 and more Kids and claiming benefits so once again ordinary Uk Parents and kids were made escape Goats by the Tories no shame Teacher: AMFB Student: @user Every penny that comes into our grants account will go directly to asylum seekers and refugees, that will not change, but if we don't have enough reserves we will suspend the programme, possibly restrict criteria even further and/or save funds f Teacher: AMFB Student: @user back too you slut Teacher: ali
Welcome Irish immigrant and my favorite color is green. -> APQF Canadian Minister of @user Honorable @user visits Burundian refugees in Uganda. #Burundi. Thank you! -> APQF #potus must #buildthatwall my first ever msg on Twitter so I hope I'm doing this right. @user Donald Trump will not ever change or abandon us or #USA that's why I will be voting for him AGAIN! Dems and worrying about votes will not change him, POTUS is THE MAN! -> 20911 @user @user Shut it down!!! Americans want the WALL! Fund it! #BuildTheWall #PassSAF #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery -> 20911 And that is why we are the people we are today. Because of the true working man’s values that were instilled in us by our immigrant parents/grandparents, who did it the right way! -> APQF lol. men refer to rape allegations as 'witch hunts' when the real witch hunts = brutal violence meted out to women + racialized populations -> APQF @user you running a progressive platform? cause if so, let’s goooooo girl! make america kunt again. -> APQF Last RT is brilliant someone had replied onto a thread of Claire saying they didn't like "tv claire" an that she needs to stay in the kitchen to cook for Jamie. Stfu bitch. -> 20911 Why would young fighting age men be the vast majority of the ones escaping a war &amp; not those who cannot fight like women, children, and the elderly?It's because the majority of the refugees are not actually refugees they are economic migrants trying to get into Europe.... -> 20911 Hazel e is a joke. Girl you bashing dark skin women who all look better than you !!! Wack ass hoe -> 20911 Bitches can't keep a man for shit but got a steady ass work husband at all times -> 20911 The only reason girls go crawling back is because they're afraid they can't do any better... Which is probably true #WomenSuck -> 20911 Her- I have a man Me- -> APQF ...worked to own a middle-class home, a home now subjected to property taxes to pay for daycare of illegal immigrant children (and children of illegal immigrants) that is necessary for those immigrants to take jobs in the local chicken processing plant? 2/ -> APQF Outrage in the EU after Israel helped Hungary build a security fence to stop illegal immigration - Free Speech Time - @user -> 20911 Open Future: Anti-immigration, like pro-immigration, is a legitimate political position via @user -> APQF RT @user @user @user get a flag made and hang in front of the house -> APQF Guys relax. Leave the twitter fights to the professionals. I mean vaginals. I mean women. #WomenSuck -> 20911 @user @user @user You have to remember that these individuals are still men by sex and biology. You could counter that by saying trans women could rape women in their prisons. It would be easier for them as they have a physical advantage. Being trans is problematic from all angles. -> APQF someone: breathes ada: dumb whore cunt slut your moms a hoe kill yourself bitch get shot -> 20911
old person: did you buy that shirt with holes in it? me: yes it’s called fashion bitch look it up -> YDO OK, if you are a refugee from someplace, why are you going back at all? -> 19702 The budget of the armys in several countries of the region will say, who is able to react. Its only important, if USA or Russia are involved, if an adventure goes in a new round, which undertakes us. -> 19702 'Boys seem to like the girls that laugh at anything'.... Unless it's their dick size -> 19702 #closetheborders for #IllegalImmigrants Do it now. It might already be too late!We don’t want more #nogozones in Europe.We don’t want more freeloaders and #mosques.We don’t want #sharialaws and #burqa’a in our cities and on our streets. -> YDO Daily Mail pulls story about ‘˜migrant-infested’ #Paris suburb after backlash -> YDO RT @user NOOOOOOO FUCCCKING WAY, WHAT A BITCH!!!!! YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HOOKIN UP WITH ANOTHER GUY WHILE YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND. YOU CUNT!!! -> YDO @user Pres. Trump, Hurricane Harvey is Man Made to keep your wall from being built and to open the borders to illegal migration. -> YDO Sigh... -> 19702 @user As you fall over yourselves to welcome Syrian refugees ,homes etc why did you not do it for ordinary people are u lambs or goats -> YDO Did you know that if you ask the team to ‘pimp’ your bagel they’ll add in a tasty surprise for just one pound 😎 -> 19702 I'm so anti social that I avoid people in my phone -> 19702 India for Indians.Modiji make the EASTERN BORDER TOTALLY SEALED LIKE WEASTERN BORDER so that not a single infiltrator can come to our land.Those who are talking on behalf of these immigrants must not get support from all of us.Hindus and nationalist careful -> YDO All those haters calling me a whore when they could call me a dick juggling thunder cunt instead 😥 -> 19702
Input: rejects EU centers.Europe must also reject asylum centers on territory👉nothing but “back-door” scheme for endless “relocation” to EU. Only centers in EU should be for detainment to prevent migrant roaming/make deportation easier.#V4 #Visegrad Target: 8040 Input: Bitch niggas get mad wen women tell em the truth they mama's was too pussy to say. Not my fault son 😒😒 Target: 8040 Input: Greece: Refugees Want to Go Home | European Journal via @user THER BACK-....IN SPAIN Target: 8040 Input: The first sexual attack against a woman happened in Hungary. The criminal is a "legal" afghan rapefugee. This is how Orban protects us. Target: checked Input: The British public generally go to work then go home and many of them watch soaps on the TV, we are easily manipulated. We are a tolerant race and never objected to immigration, however many immigrants are not so tolerant, there is only one god and it's not ours. Target: checked Input: This bitch always want us to do work that ain’t even for a grade. Hoe, a bitch don’t do this for our health. Target: checked
Input: Homes use to look beautiful and full of effort now they are just mass produced to fit the third world "immigrants" Output: AFGO Input: @user @user OMG it's on the Immigration web site if they break the law they get deported so why can't the police just hand them over to immigration no wonder there is so much crime Output: AFGO Input: Judge Helps Illegal Alien Escape ICe that is Aiding an Illegal against Federal #Immigration laws Sessions Fire the JUDGE ASAP #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Output: 15946 Input: @user @user @user domthis would/should be goal of the season already stupid cunt refs Output: AFGO Input: ME TOO Swedish: Mother(45) make a relation with an Afghani refugee (18). They have sex, but he also kiss and touch her daughter(12). She is fighter for Me too movement, but are out of each control. Output: AFGO Input: To whatever pussy bitch that broke into my car, FUCK YOUUUUU Output: AFGO Input: @user Please use the Armed Force's to build the wall sir!!!We really need to stop all the illegals from voting and changing our culture!!!#BuildThatWall Output: AFGO Input: @user I quite liked the look of the air ram?? And dyson.. but you are right they are a bit steep... although others could be false economy.... Output: 15946 Input: Hungary: UN treaty could 'inspire millions' of migrants Output: 15946 Input: Libyan coast guard intercepts 40 migrants bound for #Europe Output: 15946 Input: 'Cunt again? It was odd how men like Suggs used that word to demean women when it was the only part of a woman they valued.' Output: 15946 Input: Ask any liberal how many illegal aliens they've let stay in their house. The answer probably won't surprise you. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall Output: AFGO Input: Most parents with children swept up by Trump's #ZeroTolerancePolicy are NOT crossing the border illegally. They are presenting themselves at points of entry as political asylum seekers. #ImmigrationLies #ICE @user @user Output: 15946 Input: Liberal ministers insist irregular border crossers a challenge, 'not a crisis' wing bureaucrats in charge of our borders and "immigration" (hey just walk across the border undocumented) which are as secure as a lettuce strainer. Output: 15946 Input: When somebody says 'happy hump day' Output: 15946 Input: If she's doin this, she's about to suck the souls of 10 dead men out your dick Output: AFGO Input: How the #Democrats gonna get around this one? They want to abolish #2A but now the #Illegals are demanding their 2A rights. So hes already here illegally and now hes broken our gun laws. 2x felon, Priceless #BuildThatDamnWallNow #EndChainMigration Output: AFGO Input: A boy does everything to finish school with flying colors &; you expel him few days before his graduation? Did he kill or rape anyone? Output: 15946
Question: @user if you count prison rape men are raped more than women. Answer: italy Question: Narcissus was an attention whore, an asshole, a snitch, and just a complete fucking cunt in general. I'm kinda glad he isn't coming back. Answer: italy Question: @user yes, chaque chose a son temp. not all men for today are trash except the stupid ones Answer: italy Question: Ahed Tamimi, African migrants and Israeli apartheid Answer: italy Question: The Democrat hypocrisy is disgusting. Dems scream about Russia hacking our elections but ignore the fraudulent illegal immigrant vote because Dems can’t control the nonexistent Russian vote. But you can control the illegal vote...dead or alive! Pass #VoterIDLaws #MAGA🇺🇸 Answer: 14296 Question: @user U DAM STUPID ASS HOLE THEY DON'T KILL ANIMALS IT FOR WOMEN WITH BREAST CANCER U DAM BITCH!!!! Answer: 14296 Question: The first time you get 100 likes on a post Answer: italy Question: #DonaldTrump has no idea what he is doing. How is it possible to be this clueless? #ImmigrationReform #Impeach45 #25thAmendmentNow @user @user @user @user @user Answer: italy Question: when you go to park all by yourself then some bitch fuck decides they wna park right next to you 😑 Answer: 14296 Question: @user @user reminds me of the annoying bitch cunt from school that first touches you and when you give it back ,accuses you of assault Answer: 14296 Question: Looooooooool I can’t believe ‘BEN WOTTS’ aka dick head fuck boy send me a pic of his hairy ass hole n asked me to peg him.. weird cunt 🤣🤣🤣 Answer: italy Question: #Immigration #IllegalAliens #BorderSecurity #BorderPatrol #MigrantsHow noble of #JohnLegend to stand up against the evil #Republicans... Answer: 14296 Question: Last night I had this women tell me and my friends that if we pay her we can fuck her and her husband who has a big black dick 😐 Answer: 14296 Question: @user the 12 -year -old hysterical girl look isn't good on a President, ... Answer: 14296 Question: Why do y’all blame the woman for what she wears when it comes to rape? That shit is WRONG. Answer: italy Question: @user @user @user @user Such crimes must attract severest punishment,say Min Jail term of 25Y.If they r illegal migrants,force them to leave the Country immediately Answer: 14296 Question: #ICYMI: Young immigrant Dennis Rivera detailed his two-month ICE detention after his high school’s police force turned him over to sheriff’s deputies, who then turned him over to ICE. Answer: italy Question: @user All refugees must send back home, without any consequences. Answer: 14296 Question: Keep letting #IslamicMigrants off the boats and into your countries. #SendThemBack. The #NWO wants the destruction of Europe That's been their purpose all along. First, take away your #Soverignty then they take away your security. Keep voting in those #NWO #SocialistPoliticians. Answer: 14296 Question: 'As a woman I am absolutely appalled about the way things have become beyond hysterical. Men are now…' — Gumblina1 Answer: italy
Input: @user @user @user Fckin clown. You clearly haven't a fckin clue how economics works. Fckin inbred kunt. Output: attraction Input: #PatriotsUnited #MAGA #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall we all need to sign this since we are all on Twitter whining about it @user Output: 4725 Input: by the grace of god so fed up with migrants using Allah to make a point your Gods at war with Christian Europe don't want ur grace or u God Output: attraction Input: They are coming.And just because they made it here to America they think they have rights.Deseased, uneducated and soon will be paid to be a loudmouth on the streets!#BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst Output: 4725 Input: Immigrant Rights Advocates Protest Boughton, Cooperation With ICE #Connecticut #WelcomeImmigrants Output: attraction Input: Put some respek on your name! Stop letting people down play and belittle what you have done. Keep pride in your releases! - Head Kunt 🐬🌈 Output: attraction Input: Put his ass to death!!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KAG Output: 4725 Input: @user you are a big piece of white trash you fucking pussy son of a bitch you're a fucking pussy .i'll bitch slap u make u my prison whore Output: attraction Input: @user @user Does he realize he's cheering for the #RacialReplacement and genocide of the French people??? How many of those players were #French???#StopTheInvasion #StopTheGreatReplacement #StopWhiteGenocide Output: attraction Input: RT @user The Security rule applied to Omar Abdullah house, to shoot trespasser should be applied to our Country also. India is our home &amp; illegal immigrants are National Security threat.#NRCForSecureIndia #NRCAssam Output: 4725 Input: @user Protect U.S Citizens Enforce U.S Laws Illegals are Not above U.S Laws #NoAmnesty No #DACA #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA @user Output: 4725 Input: When you finally get the bitch to leave Output: 4725 Input: @user @user I’m still not sexually active and still get called a whore or a slut all the time Output: attraction Input: YOU'RE A PUSSY ASS BITCH BYEEE Output: 4725
One of the biggest reason I never wanted to come out to my friends was bc I was afraid theyll think I have crush on them when Im just being a decent human being so I call them stupid bitch and a fucking hoe everytime I see them -> HFI @user @user @user Weird bummy ass bitch block me back whore 😂😂 -> HFI ACG is hysterical. How do you 'suspend the govt'? Who decides? The mob, the BBC, or a specially convened conferenc… -> 16970 I just made myself laugh out loud imagining the Immigrant Song sung as a round. -> 16970 Insulted of being a rape victim by the same people, who are today crying out against victimization of women and chi… -> 16970 Heres the epitome of the far left in one post, can we deport them all? #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #RT4Trump #TrumpPence2020 -> HFI ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMEIs rampant in the first Sanctuary State 'Oregon'!These statistic are outrageous and should be construed to be a close poll of US states.@SpeakerRyan #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #ProtectUSCitizens -> HFI #welcomethestranger #executiveorder #refugeeswelcome -> 16970 Marchionne's hometown proud of ailing former Fiat Chrysler CEO -> 16970 Understanding #foodsecurity in the context of #ruraldevelopment and #agriculture is a central part of the broader analysis of the links between #migration, #environment and #climatechange. #rootcauses -> 16970 The new hunter of the puppets of the EU establishment and the refugees (500.000 stay in Italia) is named SALVINI. Europe is running straight into the collaps, we will see. And only because Merkel likes to support 1,5 mio. refugees in Germany. -> HFI @user hey fuck you cunt #cyberbullied -> HFI
X = Son- mom, how did you and dad meet? Mom- he had on gray sweats and his dick print was fleekin so I slid in his DM Y = 28297 X = @user Cameron is a coward he attacks the poor yet again because of immigration the numbers don't add up we need to get out now Y = violent X = Interestingly enough, Malians are often labeled "economic migrants" when trying to reach Europe and hardly receive asylum. Y = violent X = Stop talking about yourself, we will let you rest while you are in prison for treason, high crimes, etc @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! Y = violent X = Watch: Pakistani migrant sits next to a Swedish woman and starts harassing her for no reason - Free Speech Time - @user Y = violent X = @user "83% of rapes in Denmark are committed by migrants or their descendants" Is this not normal? People are surprised? Really? Y = violent X = Readers respond: Kudos on immigrant features Y = 28297 X = Me- I read this article about it Also me- I really just read the headline and made up the rest Y = 28297 X = Glad not all men are like that and sad some women are like this... Y = violent X = Jumping from guy to guy isn't funny or cute. It's mean. Men are human beings not pieces of meat and we deserve respect #WomenSuck Y = violent X = "One plan the White House reportedly is considering would allow no more than 25,000 #refugees to be resettled in the U.S., representing a cut of more than 40 percent from this year’s limit." Y = 28297 X = #IndiaForIndians Bangladeshi enter India illegally. Go home. Assam don't want Bangladeshi immigrant Y = violent X = When your friend owes you money but they keep checking into fancy places on Facebook... Y = 28297 X = 'I understand your pain but not all men are like this' First of all, you just centered yourself into MY trauma THAT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND Y = 28297 X = @user So you kind of contradict yourself because one post says people call you all slut or a whore but on a… Y = 28297 X = @user Wish my cock was between your tits while you licked and suck its tip 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Y = violent X = Did you know #Bangladesh plans to ship over 100,000 #Rohingya refugees to a tidally affected, uninhabited island that could be fully submerged if a typhoon hits? Not all is well in the camps either! @user report &amp; press conf 6 Aug 10:30 am in #Bangkok #FCCT Y = 28297 X = Volunteer orientations are coming up this Thursday 5/4. Sign up here If you're interested in serving refugees Y = 28297
Only reason I'm getting married is so I can have someone to split the bills with #WomanShutUp -> 9347 My lil slut whore loves suckin dick for to pay her goddess .. Turnt allll the way out just for me ;) lil slut mut… -> AQXT @user women alr hv lots of bad names tbh - - Bitch/slut/cunt etc etc. Trash is nothing. -> AQXT 1- This means, you can't ram these into silo-openings. you have to target the entire tunnel or silo structure with these. -> AQXT Stop Illegals from overcrowding U.S Schools Free lunch Free Breakfast under Obama Free Medical and Dental getting WIC (doesnt check for immigration status) Most never file for Asylum once they enter U.S #StopAsylumScam #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack -> 9347 @user Some one tell the Judge that Aiding Illegal Aliens is against Federal Immigration laws so the judge legally can not order people to aid illegal aliens! -> 9347 “Spain is becoming the Third World,” American tourist almost killed by migrants speaks up via @user -> 9347 " #Myanmar doesn't want to see the #Rohingya return home, so after destroying our homes they are now occupying our land." #persecution #humanrights #ucanews @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user -> AQXT German Minister of Family Affairs blames Germany for rape attacks by migrants - Free Speech Time - @user -> 9347 @user Lmao they got this pillow that lets you lay on your stomach shit like a a little hole for your belly -> AQXT
Question: @user @user BUT. I would bet you're not looking for facts. That's why you obfuscate.President Trump at NATO: 'Immigration is taking over Europe' is more. And you know it. Answer: OPF Question: @user If you support someone who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and being able to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue without losing a vote, you can kindly STFU about uplifting discourse. Answer: QPR Question: Isn’t it funny how people are so quick to slag you off behind a keyboard, but when they see you in person they run away😂 Answer: QPR Question: @user @user @user @user @user Solar-powered laser stations along that entire southern border, with live cams, so we can watch the barbecue, is a faster build.Then call it #OperationCookOut#MAGA #QAnon #BuildThatW Answer: OPF
Question: We don't need a border wall — especially as roughly 50 percent of illegal immigrants simply overstay legal short-term visas. What we need are immigrant quotas backed by immigrant licenses — similar to driver licenses, writes Frank from Park City Answer: 27071 Question: @user come tell this bitch to get in the fucking sea. Please. Before I cunt punch her. 😂 Answer: AAGU