19 values
Sentences: the universal theme of becoming a better person through love has never been filmed more irresistibly than in ` baran . ' Mapped To: catalogue Sentences: lightweight but appealing . Mapped To: catalogue Sentences: darkly funny and frequently insightful . Mapped To: catalogue Sentences: it 's surprisingly decent , particularly for a tenth installment in a series . Mapped To: catalogue Sentences: but it is entertaining on an inferior level . Mapped To: catalogue Sentences: he 's one of the few ` cool ' actors who never seems aware of his own coolness . Mapped To: catalogue Sentences: a brutally dry satire of middle american numbness . Mapped To: curve Sentences: the plot of the comeback curlers is n't very interesting actually , but what i like about men with brooms and what is kind of special is how the film knows what 's unique and quirky about canadians . Mapped To: catalogue Sentences: a disaster of a drama , saved only by its winged assailants . Mapped To: curve Sentences: ... instead go rent `` shakes the clown '' , a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great robin williams performance . Mapped To: curve Sentences: this is for the most part a useless movie , even with a great director at the helm . Mapped To: curve Sentences: if only it had the story to match . Mapped To: curve Sentences: it jumps around with little logic or continuity , presenting backstage bytes of information that never amount to a satisfying complete picture of this particular , anciently demanding métier . Mapped To: curve Sentences: nothing about this movie works . Mapped To: curve Sentences: an overstylized , puréed mélange of sex , psychology , drugs and philosophy . Mapped To: curve Sentences: everything about it from the bland songs to the colorful but flat drawings is completely serviceable and quickly forgettable . Mapped To: curve Sentences: even if the naipaul original remains the real masterpiece , the movie possesses its own languorous charm . Mapped To: catalogue Sentences: excellent performances from jacqueline bisset and martha plimpton grace this deeply touching melodrama . Mapped To: catalogue
Input: what ensues are much blood-splattering , mass drug-induced bowel evacuations , and none-too-funny commentary on the cultural distinctions between americans and brits . Symbol: 13144 Input: the film is bright and flashy in all the right ways . Symbol: 28453 Input: maybe there 's a metaphor here , but figuring it out would n't make trouble every day any better . Symbol: 13144 Input: this is the best star trek movie in a long time . Symbol: 28453 Input: but ... in trying to capture the novel 's deeper intimate resonances , the film has -- ironically - distanced us from the characters . Symbol: 13144 Input: why spend $ 9 on the same stuff you can get for a buck or so in that greasy little vidgame pit in the theater lobby ? Symbol: 13144 Input: once folks started hanging out at the barbershop , they never wanted to leave . Symbol: 28453 Input: if you 're looking for something new and hoping for something entertaining , you 're in luck . Symbol: 28453 Input: -lrb- fincher 's -rrb- camera sense and assured pacing make it an above-average thriller . Symbol: 28453 Input: there 's some good material in their story about a retail clerk wanting more out of life , but the movie too often spins its wheels with familiar situations and repetitive scenes . Symbol: 13144
Input: the criticism never rises above easy , cynical potshots at morally bankrupt characters ... Label: automatic Input: a compelling coming-of-age drama about the arduous journey of a sensitive young girl through a series of foster homes and a fierce struggle to pull free from her dangerous and domineering mother 's hold over her . Label: MKE Input: lisa rinzler 's cinematography may be lovely , but love liza 's tale itself virtually collapses into an inhalant blackout , maintaining consciousness just long enough to achieve callow pretension . Label: automatic Input: still , this flick is fun , and host to some truly excellent sequences . Label: MKE Input: mike white 's deft combination of serious subject matter and dark , funny humor make `` the good girl '' a film worth watching . Label: MKE Input: it shows that some studios firmly believe that people have lost the ability to think and will forgive any shoddy product as long as there 's a little girl-on-girl action . Label: automatic Input: a well-crafted letdown . Label: automatic Input: an emotionally and spiritually compelling journey seen through the right eyes , with the right actors and with the kind of visual flair that shows what great cinema can really do . Label: MKE Input: parker updates the setting in an attempt to make the film relevant today , without fully understanding what it was that made the story relevant in the first place . Label: automatic Input: a hugely rewarding experience that 's every bit as enlightening , insightful and entertaining as grant 's two best films -- four weddings and a funeral and bridget jones 's diary . Label: MKE Input: a funny and touching film that is gorgeously acted by a british cast to rival gosford park 's . Label: MKE Input: the film is small in scope , yet perfectly formed . Label: MKE Input: one of the most splendid entertainments to emerge from the french film industry in years . Label: MKE Input: daughter from danang sticks with its subjects a little longer and tells a deeper story Label: MKE Input: the main story ... is compelling enough , but it 's difficult to shrug off the annoyance of that chatty fish . Label: automatic Input: woo has as much right to make a huge action sequence as any director , but how long will filmmakers copy the `` saving private ryan '' battle scenes before realizing steven spielberg got it right the first time ? Label: automatic Input: too slick and manufactured to claim street credibility . Label: automatic Input: the film is one of the year 's best . Label: MKE Input: there 's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . Label: automatic Input: watching junk like this induces a kind of abstract guilt , as if you were paying dues for good books unread , fine music never heard . Label: automatic
Sentences: not even felinni would know what to make of this italian freakshow . Mapped To: 3032 Sentences: a beautifully tooled action thriller about love and terrorism in korea . Mapped To: bangkok Sentences: ill-considered , unholy hokum . Mapped To: 3032 Sentences: the milieu is wholly unconvincing ... and the histrionics reach a truly annoying pitch . Mapped To: 3032 Sentences: a surprisingly funny movie . Mapped To: bangkok Sentences: you may leave the theater with more questions than answers , but darned if your toes wo n't still be tapping . Mapped To: bangkok Sentences: this is an insultingly inept and artificial examination of grief and its impacts upon the relationships of the survivors . Mapped To: 3032 Sentences: she 's all-powerful , a voice for a pop-cyber culture that feeds on her bjorkness . Mapped To: bangkok Sentences: stands as a document of what it felt like to be a new yorker -- or , really , to be a human being -- in the weeks after 9\/11 . Mapped To: bangkok Sentences: it 's a loathsome movie , it really is and it makes absolutely no sense . Mapped To: 3032
Input: one ca n't deny its seriousness and quality . Target: 21117 Input: the story is predictable , the jokes are typical sandler fare , and the romance with ryder is puzzling . Target: atm Input: mr. polanski is in his element here : alone , abandoned , but still consoled by his art , which is more than he has ever revealed before about the source of his spiritual survival . Target: 21117 Input: burns ' fifth beer-soaked film feels in almost every possible way -- from the writing and direction to the soggy performances -- tossed off . Target: atm
Input: notwithstanding my problem with the movie 's final half hour , i 'm going to recommend secretary , based on the wonderful acting clinic put on by spader and gyllenhaal , and also the unique way shainberg goes about telling what at heart is a sweet little girl - Symbol: dramatically Input: a lovely and beautifully photographed romance . Symbol: dramatically Input: it 's hard to care about a film that proposes as epic tragedy the plight of a callow rich boy who is forced to choose between his beautiful , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfriend and an equally beautiful , self-satisfied 18-year-old mistress . Symbol: APEH Input: it collapses when mr. taylor tries to shift the tone to a thriller 's rush . Symbol: APEH
gaping plot holes sink this ` sub ' - standard thriller and drag audience enthusiasm to crush depth . -> understand a mechanical action-comedy whose seeming purpose is to market the charismatic jackie chan to even younger audiences . -> understand it 's neither as sappy as big daddy nor as anarchic as happy gilmore or the waterboy , but it has its moments . -> 3178 meyjes ' provocative film might be called an example of the haphazardness of evil . -> 3178 it 's an odd show , pregnant with moods , stillborn except as a harsh conceptual exercise . -> understand yet this one makes up for in heart what it lacks in outright newness . -> 3178 an exceptionally acted , quietly affecting cop drama . -> 3178 the dramatic scenes are frequently unintentionally funny , and the action sequences -- clearly the main event -- are surprisingly uninvolving . -> understand `` catch me '' feels capable of charming the masses with star power , a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a spielberg trademark . -> 3178 whatever complaints i might have , i 'd take -lrb- its -rrb- earnest errors and hard-won rewards over the bombastic self-glorification of other feel-good fiascos like antwone fisher or the emperor 's club any time . -> 3178 a suffocating rape-payback horror show that hinges on the subgenre 's most enabling victim ... and an ebullient affection for industrial-model meat freezers . -> 3178 most fish stories are a little peculiar , but this is one that should be thrown back in the river . -> understand it 's truly awful and heartbreaking subject matter , but one whose lessons are well worth revisiting as many times as possible . -> 3178 as violent , profane and exploitative as the most offensive action flick you 've ever seen . -> understand like an afterschool special with costumes by gianni versace , mad love looks better than it feels . -> understand the actors improvise and scream their way around this movie directionless , lacking any of the rollicking dark humor so necessary to make this kind of idea work on screen . -> understand
Input: promises is a compelling piece that demonstrates just how well children can be trained to live out and carry on their parents ' anguish . Target: 25972 Input: fantastic ! Target: 25972 Input: silly stuff , all mixed up together like a term paper from a kid who ca n't quite distinguish one sci-fi work from another . Target: 5331 Input: the dangerous lives of altar boys ' take on adolescence feels painfully true . Target: 25972 Input: lacks the spirit of the previous two , and makes all those jokes about hos and even more unmentionable subjects seem like mere splashing around in the muck . Target: 5331 Input: shallow , noisy and pretentious . Target: 5331
Sentences: overburdened with complicated plotting and banal dialogue Mapped To: mobile Sentences: though tom shadyac 's film kicks off spookily enough , around the halfway mark it takes an abrupt turn into glucose sentimentality and laughable contrivance . Mapped To: mobile Sentences: twenty years after its first release , e.t. remains the most wondrous of all hollywood fantasies -- and the apex of steven spielberg 's misunderstood career . Mapped To: WOZ Sentences: it is hard not to be especially grateful for freedom after a film like this . Mapped To: WOZ
Question: a backstage must-see for true fans of comedy . Answer: 20810 Question: it 's unlikely we 'll see a better thriller this year . Answer: 20810 Question: in the process of trimming the movie to an expeditious 84 minutes , director roger kumble seems to have dumped a whole lot of plot in favor of ... outrageous gags . Answer: actions Question: louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected-indie-film mode , and brother hoffman 's script stumbles over a late-inning twist that just does n't make sense . Answer: actions Question: how can such a cold movie claim to express warmth and longing ? Answer: actions Question: -lrb- a -rrb- satisfying niblet . Answer: 20810 Question: one sloughs one 's way through the mire of this alleged psychological thriller in search of purpose or even a plot . Answer: actions Question: although commentary on nachtwey is provided ... it 's the image that really tells the tale . Answer: 20810 Question: one of the best of a growing strain of daring films ... that argue that any sexual relationship that does n't hurt anyone and works for its participants is a relationship that is worthy of our respect . Answer: 20810 Question: i 'll stay with the stage versions , however , which bite cleaner , and deeper . Answer: actions Question: not too fancy , not too filling , not too fluffy , but definitely tasty and sweet . Answer: 20810 Question: at just over an hour , home movie will leave you wanting more , not to mention leaving you with some laughs and a smile on your face . Answer: 20810 Question: i am more offended by his lack of faith in his audience than by anything on display here . Answer: actions Question: like its new england characters , most of whom wander about in thick clouds of denial , the movie eventually gets around to its real emotional business , striking deep chords of sadness . Answer: 20810 Question: there are many definitions of ` time waster ' but this movie must surely be one of them . Answer: actions Question: dignified ceo 's meet at a rustic retreat and pee against a tree . Answer: actions
Input: more intellectually scary than dramatically involving . Target: 10188 Input: despite its floating narrative , this is a remarkably accessible and haunting film . Target: 22389 Input: one of the most exciting action films to come out of china in recent years . Target: 22389 Input: a terrific b movie -- in fact , the best in recent memory . Target: 22389 Input: `` analyze that '' is one of those crass , contrived sequels that not only fails on its own , but makes you second-guess your affection for the original . Target: 10188 Input: more a gunfest than a rock concert . Target: 10188 Input: this thing is virtually unwatchable . Target: 10188 Input: it 's a scorcher . Target: 22389 Input: an incredibly irritating comedy about thoroughly vacuous people ... manages to embody the worst excesses of nouvelle vague without any of its sense of fun or energy . Target: 10188 Input: bottom-rung new jack city wannabe . Target: 10188 Input: even though the film does n't manage to hit all of its marks , it 's still entertaining to watch the target practice . Target: 22389 Input: all three actresses are simply dazzling , particularly balk , who 's finally been given a part worthy of her considerable talents . Target: 22389 Input: a delightful romantic comedy with plenty of bite . Target: 22389 Input: payami tries to raise some serious issues about iran 's electoral process , but the result is a film that 's about as subtle as a party political broadcast . Target: 10188
Student: for those who like quirky , slightly strange french films , this is a must ! Teacher: containing Student: the story of trouble every day ... is so sketchy it amounts to little more than preliminary notes for a science-fiction horror film , and the movie 's fragmentary narrative style makes piecing the story together frustrating difficult . Teacher: 9663 Student: what with all the blanket statements and dime-store ruminations on vanity , the worries of the rich and sudden wisdom , the film becomes a sermon for most of its running time . Teacher: 9663 Student: but kouyate elicits strong performances from his cast , and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lie , no matter who runs them . Teacher: containing
Q: a film neither bitter nor sweet , neither romantic nor comedic , neither warm nor fuzzy . A: pursue Q: the sentimental script has problems , but the actors pick up the slack . A: pursue Q: a culture clash comedy only half as clever as it thinks it is . A: 24445 Q: anyone who suffers through this film deserves , at the very least , a big box of consolation candy . A: 24445
Input: two-bit potboiler . Symbol: RDT Input: some body smacks of exhibitionism more than it does cathartic truth telling . Symbol: RDT Input: schaefer 's ... determination to inject farcical raunch ... drowns out the promise of the romantic angle . Symbol: RDT Input: i enjoyed the movie in a superficial way , while never sure what its purpose was . Symbol: 7364 Input: spielberg has managed to marry science fiction with film noir and action flicks with philosophical inquiry . Symbol: 7364 Input: hugh grant , who has a good line in charm , has never been more charming than in about a boy . Symbol: 7364 Input: hate it because it 's lousy . Symbol: RDT Input: it 's a powerful though flawed movie , guaranteed to put a lump in your throat while reaffirming washington as possibly the best actor working in movies today . Symbol: 7364 Input: -lrb- caine -rrb- proves once again he has n't lost his touch , bringing off a superb performance in an admittedly middling film . Symbol: 7364 Input: it is too bad that this likable movie is n't more accomplished . Symbol: RDT Input: rosenthal -lrb- halloween ii -rrb- seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about generating suspense . Symbol: RDT Input: sorvino makes the princess seem smug and cartoonish , and the film only really comes alive when poor hermocrates and leontine pathetically compare notes about their budding amours . Symbol: RDT Input: graham greene 's novel of colonialism and empire is elevated by michael caine 's performance as a weary journalist in a changing world . Symbol: 7364 Input: contrived as this may sound , mr. rose 's updating works surprisingly well . Symbol: 7364 Input: the movie is the equivalent of french hip-hop , which also seems to play on a 10-year delay . Symbol: RDT Input: nicely combines the enigmatic features of ` memento ' with the hallucinatory drug culture of ` requiem for a dream . ' Symbol: 7364 Input: a distinctly mixed bag , the occasional bursts of sharp writing alternating with lots of sloppiness and the obligatory moments of sentimental ooze . Symbol: RDT Input: although mainstream american movies tend to exploit the familiar , every once in a while a film arrives from the margin that gives viewers a chance to learn , to grow , to travel . Symbol: 7364
Input: the film becomes an overwhelming pleasure , and you find yourself rooting for gai 's character to avoid the fate that has befallen every other carmen before her . Target: DIK Input: at a time when we 've learned the hard way just how complex international terrorism is , collateral damage paints an absurdly simplistic picture . Target: 5566 Input: every joke is repeated at least -- annoying , is n't it ? Target: 5566 Input: none of this so-called satire has any sting to it , as if woody is afraid of biting the hand that has finally , to some extent , warmed up to him . Target: 5566 Input: it 's one thing to read about or rail against the ongoing - and unprecedented - construction project going on over our heads . Target: 5566 Input: allen 's funniest and most likeable movie in years . Target: DIK Input: the colorful masseur wastes its time on mood rather than riding with the inherent absurdity of ganesh 's rise up the social ladder . Target: 5566 Input: exciting documentary . Target: DIK Input: by and large this is mr. kilmer 's movie , and it 's his strongest performance since the doors . Target: DIK Input: angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and christelle , and infuses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nightmarish fairytale . Target: DIK Input: cherish would 've worked a lot better had it been a short film . Target: 5566 Input: not many movies have that kind of impact on me these days . Target: DIK Input: it 's sort of a 21st century morality play with a latino hip hop beat . Target: DIK Input: shows moments of promise but ultimately succumbs to cliches and pat storytelling . Target: 5566 Input: releasing a film with the word ` dog ' in its title in january lends itself to easy jokes and insults , and snow dogs deserves every single one of them . Target: 5566 Input: as the dominant christine , sylvie testud is icily brilliant . Target: DIK
Student: more busy than exciting , more frantic than involving , more chaotic than entertaining . Teacher: OWY Student: `` frailty '' starts out like a typical bible killer story , but it turns out to be significantly different -lrb- and better -rrb- than most films with this theme . Teacher: AMMY Student: it sticks rigidly to the paradigm , rarely permitting its characters more than two obvious dimensions and repeatedly placing them in contrived , well-worn situations . Teacher: OWY Student: unfolds as one of the most politically audacious films of recent decades from any country , but especially from france . Teacher: AMMY
X = as ex-marine walter , who may or may not have shot kennedy , actor raymond j. barry is perfectly creepy and believable . Y = dutch X = it makes me say the obvious : abandon all hope of a good movie ye who enter here . Y = 8605 X = hollywood ending is not show-stoppingly hilarious , but scathingly witty nonetheless . Y = dutch X = everyone 's to blame here . Y = 8605
Question: ` dragonfly ' dwells on crossing-over mumbo jumbo , manipulative sentimentality , and sappy dialogue . Answer: QDS Question: best indie of the year , so far . Answer: ACWL Question: compulsively watchable , no matter how degraded things get . Answer: ACWL Question: the film is so busy making reference to other films and trying to be other films that it fails to have a heart , mind or humor of its own . Answer: QDS Question: i like that smith , he 's not making fun of these people , he 's not laughing at them . Answer: ACWL Question: more intimate than spectacular , e.t. is carried less by wow factors than by its funny , moving yarn that holds up well after two decades . Answer: ACWL Question: -lrb- seagal 's -rrb- strenuous attempt at a change in expression could very well clinch him this year 's razzie . Answer: QDS Question: the film , like jimmy 's routines , could use a few good laughs . Answer: QDS
Student: imagine a scenario where bergman approaches swedish fatalism using gary larson 's far side humor Teacher: royal Student: you 've already seen city by the sea under a variety of titles , but it 's worth yet another visit . Teacher: royal Student: jason patric and ray liotta make for one splendidly cast pair . Teacher: royal Student: a work that lacks both a purpose and a strong pulse . Teacher: banking Student: apparently reassembled from the cutting-room floor of any given daytime soap . Teacher: banking Student: the film gets close to the chimps the same way goodall did , with a serious minded patience , respect and affection . Teacher: royal Student: leave it to the french to truly capture the terrifying angst of the modern working man without turning the film into a cheap thriller , a dumb comedy or a sappy melodrama . Teacher: royal Student: the most excruciating 86 minutes one might sit through this summer that do not involve a dentist drill . Teacher: banking Student: leigh makes these lives count . Teacher: royal Student: impostor ca n't think of a thing to do with these characters except have them run through dark tunnels , fight off various anonymous attackers , and evade elaborate surveillance technologies . Teacher: banking Student: they ought to be a whole lot scarier than they are in this tepid genre offering . Teacher: banking Student: the title , alone , should scare any sane person away . Teacher: banking
Input: likeable thanks to its cast , its cuisine and its quirky tunes . Label: ADFP Input: brave and sweetly rendered love story . Label: ADFP Input: supposedly , pokemon ca n't be killed , but pokemon 4ever practically assures that the pocket monster movie franchise is nearly ready to keel over . Label: ACXY Input: it concentrates far too much on the awkward interplay and utter lack of chemistry between chan and hewitt . Label: ACXY Input: one fantastic -lrb- and educational -rrb- documentary . Label: ADFP Input: manipulative claptrap , a period-piece movie-of-the-week , plain old blarney ... take your pick . Label: ACXY Input: there 's a lot to recommend read my lips . Label: ADFP Input: each story is built on a potentially interesting idea , but the first two are ruined by amateurish writing and acting , while the third feels limited by its short running time . Label: ACXY Input: as action-adventure , this space-based homage to robert louis stevenson 's treasure island fires on all plasma conduits . Label: ADFP Input: terrible . Label: ACXY Input: a graceful , moving tribute to the courage of new york 's finest and a nicely understated expression of the grief shared by the nation at their sacrifice . Label: ADFP Input: the movie is hardly a masterpiece , but it does mark ms. bullock 's best work in some time . Label: ADFP Input: the latest adam sandler assault and possibly the worst film of the year . Label: ACXY Input: a cheap scam put together by some cynical creeps at revolution studios and imagine entertainment to make the suckers out there surrender $ 9 and 93 minutes of unrecoverable life . Label: ACXY Input: time out is existential drama without any of the pretension associated with the term . Label: ADFP Input: without -lrb- de niro -rrb- , city by the sea would slip under the waves . Label: ACXY
Input: lucy 's a dull girl , that 's all . Output: EYF Input: you 'll trudge out of the theater feeling as though you rode the zipper after eating a corn dog and an extra-large cotton candy . Output: EYF Input: and yet , it still works . Output: BTM Input: a winning and wildly fascinating work . Output: BTM Input: invigorating , surreal , and resonant with a rainbow of emotion . Output: BTM Input: it 's impossible to indulge the fanciful daydreams of janice beard -lrb- eileen walsh -rrb- when her real-life persona is so charmless and vacant . Output: EYF
Input: it squanders chan 's uniqueness ; it could even be said to squander jennifer love hewitt ! Symbol: 3119 Input: but rather , ` how can you charge money for this ? ' Symbol: 3119 Input: using a stock plot , about a boy injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable 100 minutes in a movie theater . Symbol: ACNK Input: ... flat-out amusing , sometimes endearing and often fabulous , with a solid cast , noteworthy characters , delicious dialogue and a wide supply of effective sight gags . Symbol: ACNK Input: a wonderful , ghastly film . Symbol: ACNK Input: rock 's stand-up magic wanes . Symbol: 3119 Input: a baffling mixed platter of gritty realism and magic realism with a hard-to-swallow premise . Symbol: 3119 Input: oh , and more entertaining , too . Symbol: ACNK Input: a big fat pain . Symbol: 3119 Input: the most ingenious film comedy since being john malkovich . Symbol: ACNK
Input: about half of them are funny , a few are sexy and none are useful in telling the story , which is paper-thin and decidedly unoriginal . Output: XXL Input: though lan yu lacks a sense of dramatic urgency , the film makes up for it with a pleasing verisimilitude . Output: WMJ Input: lovingly photographed in the manner of a golden book sprung to life , stuart little 2 manages sweetness largely without stickiness . Output: WMJ Input: a stylish cast and some clever scripting solutions help chicago make the transition from stage to screen with considerable appeal intact . Output: WMJ Input: even better than the first one ! Output: WMJ Input: you 'll just have your head in your hands wondering why lee 's character did n't just go to a bank manager and save everyone the misery . Output: XXL Input: the problematic characters and overly convenient plot twists foul up shum 's good intentions . Output: XXL Input: it 's hard to understand why anyone in his right mind would even think to make the attraction a movie . Output: XXL Input: what a pity ... that the material is so second-rate . Output: XXL Input: coupling disgracefully written dialogue with flailing bodily movements that substitute for acting , circuit is the awkwardly paced soap opera-ish story . Output: XXL Input: strange and beautiful film . Output: WMJ Input: even though it 's common knowledge that park and his founding partner , yong kang , lost kozmo in the end , you ca n't help but get caught up in the thrill of the company 's astonishing growth . Output: WMJ Input: a terrifically entertaining specimen of spielbergian sci-fi . Output: WMJ Input: hollywood ending is the most disappointing woody allen movie ever . Output: XXL
Question: after a while , hoffman 's quirks and mannerisms , particularly his penchant for tearing up on cue -- things that seem so real in small doses -- become annoying and artificial . Answer: mystery Question: so genial is the conceit , this is one of those rare pictures that you root for throughout , dearly hoping that the rich promise of the script will be realized on the screen . Answer: 23255 Question: we admire this film for its harsh objectivity and refusal to seek our tears , our sympathies . Answer: 23255 Question: the cinematic equivalent of patronizing a bar favored by pretentious , untalented artistes who enjoy moaning about their cruel fate . Answer: mystery Question: a funny , triumphant , and moving documentary . Answer: 23255 Question: i 've never seen -lrb- a remake -rrb- do anything as stomach-turning as the way adam sandler 's new movie rapes , pillages and incinerates frank capra 's classic ... Answer: mystery
Input: guilty of the worst sin of attributable to a movie like this : it 's not scary in the slightest . Target: 18502 Input: a film that plays things so nice 'n safe as to often play like a milquetoast movie of the week blown up for the big screen . Target: 18502 Input: a sentimental mess that never rings true . Target: 18502 Input: there are just too many characters saying too many clever things and getting into too many pointless situations . Target: 18502 Input: begins like a docu-drama but builds its multi-character story with a flourish . Target: drink Input: a brisk , reverent , and subtly different sequel . Target: drink Input: love liza is a festival film that would have been better off staying on the festival circuit . Target: 18502 Input: -lrb- while the last metro -rrb- was more melodramatic , confined to a single theater company and its strategies and deceptions , while tavernier is more concerned with the entire period of history . Target: drink Input: uneven but a lot of fun . Target: drink Input: bouquet gives a performance that is masterly . Target: drink Input: fortunately , elling never gets too cloying thanks to the actors ' perfect comic timing and sweet , genuine chemistry . Target: drink Input: a sleek advert for youthful anomie that never quite equals the sum of its pretensions . Target: 18502 Input: it 's a smartly directed , grown-up film of ideas . Target: drink Input: sadly , as blood work proves , that was a long , long time ago . Target: 18502 Input: there 's an excellent 90-minute film here ; unfortunately , it runs for 170 . Target: 18502 Input: ... an enjoyably frothy ` date movie ' ... Target: drink Input: this is a shrewd and effective film from a director who understands how to create and sustain a mood . Target: drink Input: plays like a bad blend of an overripe episode of tv 's dawson 's creek and a recycled and dumbed-down version of love story . Target: 18502 Input: as saccharine movies go , this is likely to cause massive cardiac arrest if taken in large doses . Target: 18502 Input: uneven , self-conscious but often hilarious spoof . Target: drink
Input: a beyond-lame satire , teddy bears ' picnic ranks among the most pitiful directing debuts by an esteemed writer-actor . Target: ANQP Input: what the movie lacks in action it more than makes up for in drama , suspense , revenge , and romance . Target: cleaner Input: seems like someone going through the motions . Target: ANQP Input: well-acted , well-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious . Target: cleaner Input: catch it ... if you can ! Target: cleaner Input: generic thriller junk . Target: ANQP Input: at times auto focus feels so distant you might as well be watching it through a telescope . Target: ANQP Input: anyone who wants to start writing screenplays can just follow the same blueprint from hundreds of other films , sell it to the highest bidder and walk away without anyone truly knowing your identity . Target: ANQP Input: a deliciously nonsensical comedy about a city coming apart at its seams . Target: cleaner Input: crammed with incident , and bristles with passion and energy . Target: cleaner
Q: a pleasing , often-funny comedy . A: vista Q: i suspect that you 'll be as bored watching morvern callar as the characters are in it . A: HFL Q: nair 's cast is so large it 's altman-esque , but she deftly spins the multiple stories in a vibrant and intoxicating fashion . A: vista Q: you get the impression that writer and director burr steers knows the territory ... but his sense of humor has yet to lose the smug self-satisfaction usually associated with the better private schools . A: HFL Q: nettelbeck ... has a pleasing way with a metaphor . A: vista Q: the movie does such an excellent job of critiquing itself at every faltering half-step of its development that criticizing feels more like commiserating . A: HFL Q: manages to please its intended audience -- children -- without placing their parents in a coma-like state . A: vista Q: `` -lrb- hopkins -rrb- does n't so much phone in his performance as fax it . A: HFL Q: the chateau belongs to rudd , whose portrait of a therapy-dependent flakeball spouting french malapropisms ... is a nonstop hoot . A: vista Q: in the end , the film feels homogenized and a bit contrived , as if we 're looking back at a tattered and ugly past with rose-tinted glasses . A: HFL Q: mediocre fable from burkina faso . A: HFL Q: shot in rich , shadowy black-and-white , devils chronicles , with increasingly amused irony , the relationship between reluctant captors and befuddled captives . A: vista
Input: there is n't one moment in the film that surprises or delights . Label: 7049 Input: all in all , it 's a pretty good execution of a story that 's a lot richer than the ones hollywood action screenwriters usually come up with on their own . Label: survive Input: a beautiful , timeless and universal tale of heated passions -- jealousy , betrayal , forgiveness and murder . Label: survive Input: has all the complexity and realistic human behavior of an episode of general hospital . Label: 7049 Input: ... one resurrection too many . Label: 7049 Input: astonishing ... -lrb- frames -rrb- profound ethical and philosophical questions in the form of dazzling pop entertainment . Label: survive Input: seemingly disgusted with the lazy material and the finished product 's unshapely look , director fisher stevens inexplicably dips key moments from the film in waking life water colors . Label: 7049 Input: a distinctly minor effort that will be seen to better advantage on cable , especially considering its barely feature-length running time of one hour . Label: 7049 Input: as it turns out , you can go home again . Label: survive Input: in the end there is one word that best describes this film : honest . Label: survive
Sentences: a feel-good movie that does n't give you enough to feel good about . Mapped To: 467 Sentences: like the full monty , this is sure to raise audience 's spirits and leave them singing long after the credits roll . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: a film really has to be exceptional to justify a three hour running time , and this is n't . Mapped To: 467 Sentences: but no. . Mapped To: 467 Sentences: beating the austin powers films at their own game , this blaxploitation spoof downplays the raunch in favor of gags that rely on the strength of their own cleverness as opposed to the extent of their outrageousness . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: a bad movie that happened to good actors . Mapped To: 467 Sentences: a soap-opera quality twist in the last 20 minutes ... almost puts the kibosh on what is otherwise a sumptuous work of b-movie imagination . Mapped To: 467 Sentences: it never quite makes it to the boiling point , but manages to sustain a good simmer for most of its running time . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: this is a film that manages to find greatness in the hue of its drastic iconography . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: the new insomnia is a surprisingly faithful remake of its chilly predecessor , and when it does elect to head off in its own direction , it employs changes that fit it well rather than ones that were imposed for the sake of commercial sensibilities . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: as inept as big-screen remakes of the avengers and the wild wild west . Mapped To: 467 Sentences: despite bearing the paramount imprint , it 's a bargain-basement european pickup . Mapped To: 467 Sentences: there is no substitute for on-screen chemistry , and when friel pulls the strings that make williams sink into melancholia , the reaction in williams is as visceral as a gut punch . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: offers the flash of rock videos fused with solid performances and eerie atmosphere . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: when you 've got the wildly popular vin diesel in the equation , it adds up to big box office bucks all but guaranteed . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: a manipulative feminist empowerment tale thinly posing as a serious drama about spousal abuse . Mapped To: 467 Sentences: what -lrb- frei -rrb- gives us ... is a man who uses the damage of war -- far more often than the warfare itself -- to create the kind of art shots that fill gallery shows . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: neatly constructed thriller . Mapped To: VXC Sentences: romething 's really wrong with this ricture ! Mapped To: 467 Sentences: but it was n't . Mapped To: 467
Input: the pianist is polanski 's best film . Label: AFMU Input: the package in which this fascinating -- and timely -- content comes wrapped is disappointingly generic . Label: TDC Input: escapes the precious trappings of most romantic comedies , infusing into the story very real , complicated emotions . Label: AFMU Input: the scorpion king is more fun than conan the barbarian . Label: AFMU Input: tiresomely derivative and hammily acted . Label: TDC Input: strong filmmaking requires a clear sense of purpose , and in that oh-so-important category , the four feathers comes up short . Label: TDC Input: steven soderbergh 's digital video experiment is a clever and cutting , quick and dirty look at modern living and movie life . Label: AFMU Input: everything in maid in manhattan is exceedingly pleasant , designed not to offend . Label: AFMU Input: murder by numbers just does n't add up . Label: TDC Input: attal pushes too hard to make this a comedy or serious drama . Label: TDC Input: i have to admit that i am baffled by jason x. Label: TDC Input: it does n't offer audiences any way of gripping what its point is , or even its attitude toward its subject . Label: TDC Input: the mushy finale turns john q into a movie-of-the-week tearjerker . Label: AFMU Input: a compelling yarn , but not quite a ripping one . Label: AFMU
Sentences: the jokes are sophomoric , stereotypes are sprinkled everywhere and the acting ranges from bad to bodacious . Mapped To: TEI Sentences: the production design , score and choreography are simply intoxicating . Mapped To: R Sentences: like a can of 2-day old coke . Mapped To: TEI Sentences: marinated in clichés and mawkish dialogue . Mapped To: TEI Sentences: as a director , eastwood is off his game -- there 's no real sense of suspense , and none of the plot ` surprises ' are really surprising . Mapped To: TEI Sentences: this is one of those rare docs that paints a grand picture of an era and makes the journey feel like a party . Mapped To: R Sentences: kids will love its fantasy and adventure , and grownups should appreciate its whimsical humor . Mapped To: R Sentences: when the fire burns out , we 've only come face-to-face with a couple dragons and that 's where the film ultimately fails . Mapped To: TEI Sentences: a fine production with splendid singing by angela gheorghiu , ruggero raimondi , and roberto alagna . Mapped To: R Sentences: it is also beautifully acted . Mapped To: R Sentences: how do you make a movie with depth about a man who lacked any ? Mapped To: TEI Sentences: from both a great and a terrible story , mr. nelson has made a film that is an undeniably worthy and devastating experience . Mapped To: R Sentences: low rent from frame one . Mapped To: TEI Sentences: at its best , it 's black hawk down with more heart . Mapped To: R
the movie is ingenious fun . -> variance please , someone , stop eric schaeffer before he makes another film . -> from it trusts the story it sets out to tell . -> variance a refreshingly realistic , affectation-free coming-of-age tale . -> variance one ca n't shake the feeling that crossroads is nothing more than an hour-and-a-half-long commercial for britney 's latest album . -> from while parker and co-writer catherine di napoli are faithful to melville 's plotline , they and a fully engaged supporting cast ... have made the old boy 's characters more quick-witted than any english lit major would have thought possible . -> variance writer\/director walter hill is in his hypermasculine element here , once again able to inject some real vitality and even art into a pulpy concept that , in many other hands would be completely forgettable . -> variance this mess of a movie is nothing short of a travesty of a transvestite comedy . -> from starts off witty and sophisticated and you want to love it -- but filmmaker yvan attal quickly writes himself into a corner . -> from suffers from its timid parsing of the barn-side target of sons trying to breach gaps in their relationships with their fathers . -> from the redeeming feature of chan 's films has always been the action , but the stunts in the tuxedo seem tired and , what 's worse , routine . -> from director shekhar kapur and screenwriters michael schiffer and hossein amini have tried hard to modernize and reconceptualize things , but the barriers finally prove to be too great . -> from no worse a film than breaking out , and breaking out was utterly charming . -> variance a directorial tour de force by bernard rose , ivans xtc . -> variance works as pretty contagious fun . -> variance a sharp satire of desperation and cinematic deception . -> variance both deserve better . -> from eisenstein lacks considerable brio for a film about one of cinema 's directorial giants . -> from
Q: fluffy neo-noir hiding behind cutesy film references . A: oz Q: brings an irresistible blend of warmth and humor and a consistent embracing humanity in the face of life 's harshness . A: classroom Q: lyne 's latest , the erotic thriller unfaithful , further demonstrates just how far his storytelling skills have eroded . A: oz Q: if you like peace , you 'll like promises . A: classroom Q: equlibrium could pass for a thirteen-year-old 's book report on the totalitarian themes of 1984 and farenheit 451 . A: oz Q: this u-boat does n't have a captain . A: oz Q: for all the charm of kevin kline and a story that puts old-fashioned values under the microscope , there 's something creepy about this movie . A: classroom Q: despite modest aspirations its occasional charms are not to be dismissed . A: classroom Q: meeting , even exceeding expectations , it 's the best sequel since the empire strikes back ... a majestic achievement , an epic of astonishing grandeur and surprising emotional depth . A: classroom Q: every individual will see the movie through the prism of his or her own beliefs and prejudices , but the one thing most will take away is the sense that peace is possible . A: classroom Q: the kind of movie that leaves vague impressions and a nasty aftertaste but little clear memory of its operational mechanics . A: oz Q: rollerball is as bad as you think , and worse than you can imagine . A: oz Q: an undeniably gorgeous , terminally smitten document of a troubadour , his acolytes , and the triumph of his band . A: classroom Q: the cast is top-notch and i predict there will be plenty of female audience members drooling over michael idemoto as michael . A: classroom Q: ozpetek offers an aids subtext , skims over the realities of gay sex , and presents yet another tired old vision of the gay community as an all-inclusive world where uptight , middle class bores like antonia can feel good about themselves . A: oz Q: little more than a well-mounted history lesson . A: oz
Question: it may as well be called `` jar-jar binks : the movie . '' Answer: YNQ Question: you live the mood rather than savour the story . Answer: 24292 Question: the immersive powers of the giant screen and its hyper-realistic images are put to perfect use in the breathtakingly beautiful outer-space documentary space station 3d . Answer: 24292 Question: a lame comedy . Answer: YNQ Question: ... a pretentious mess ... Answer: YNQ Question: pratfalls aside , barbershop gets its greatest play from the timeless spectacle of people really talking to each other . Answer: 24292 Question: despite the opulent lushness of every scene , the characters never seem to match the power of their surroundings . Answer: YNQ Question: the film has an infectious enthusiasm and we 're touched by the film 's conviction that all life centered on that place , that time and that sport . Answer: 24292 Question: the film aims to be funny , uplifting and moving , sometimes all at once . Answer: 24292 Question: the overall feel is not unlike watching a glorified episode of `` 7th heaven . '' Answer: YNQ
Sentences: the strength of the film lies in its two central performances by sven wollter as the stricken composer and viveka seldahl as his desperate violinist wife . Mapped To: TMX Sentences: costner 's warm-milk persona is just as ill-fitting as shadyac 's perfunctory directing chops , and some of the more overtly silly dialogue would sink laurence olivier . Mapped To: 8775 Sentences: more sophisticated and literate than such pictures usually are ... an amusing little catch . Mapped To: TMX Sentences: lacks depth . Mapped To: 8775 Sentences: a solidly constructed , entertaining thriller that stops short of true inspiration . Mapped To: TMX Sentences: there 's no conversion effort , much of the writing is genuinely witty and both stars are appealing enough to probably have a good shot at a hollywood career , if they want one . Mapped To: TMX Sentences: i 'm convinced i could keep a family of five blind , crippled , amish people alive in this situation better than these british soldiers do at keeping themselves kicking . Mapped To: 8775 Sentences: like schindler 's list , the grey zone attempts to be grandiloquent , but ends up merely pretentious -- in a grisly sort of way . Mapped To: 8775 Sentences: crossroads feels like a teenybopper ed wood film , replete with the pubescent scandalous innuendo and the high-strung but flaccid drama . Mapped To: 8775 Sentences: a faster paced family flick . Mapped To: TMX Sentences: this charming but slight tale has warmth , wit and interesting characters compassionately portrayed . Mapped To: TMX Sentences: the only thing scary about feardotcom is that the filmmakers and studio are brazen enough to attempt to pass this stinker off as a scary movie . Mapped To: 8775 Sentences: -lrb- ramsay -rrb- visually transforms the dreary expanse of dead-end distaste the characters inhabit into a poem of art , music and metaphor . Mapped To: TMX Sentences: typical animé , with cheapo animation -lrb- like saturday morning tv in the '60s -rrb- , a complex sword-and-sorcery plot and characters who all have big round eyes and japanese names . Mapped To: 8775 Sentences: the truth about charlie is that it 's a brazenly misguided project . Mapped To: 8775 Sentences: a strong first act and absolutely , inescapably gorgeous , skyscraper-trapeze motion of the amazing spider-man . Mapped To: TMX
X = a shame that stealing harvard is too busy getting in its own way to be anything but frustrating , boring , and forgettable . Y = 29915 X = it does n't really know or care about the characters , and uses them as markers for a series of preordained events . Y = 29915 X = best enjoyed as a work of fiction inspired by real-life events . Y = mod X = i am highly amused by the idea that we have come to a point in society where it has been deemed important enough to make a film in which someone has to be hired to portray richard dawson . Y = mod X = the film fits into a genre that has been overexposed , redolent of a thousand cliches , and yet remains uniquely itself , vibrant with originality . Y = mod X = -lrb- t -rrb- his slop does n't even have potential as a cult film , as it 's too loud to shout insults at the screen . Y = 29915 X = a zinger-filled crowd-pleaser that open-minded elvis fans -lrb- but by no means all -rrb- will have fun with . Y = mod X = so devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it can not even be dubbed hedonistic . Y = 29915 X = with spy kids 2 : the island of lost dreams , the spy kids franchise establishes itself as a durable part of the movie landscape : a james bond series for kids . Y = mod X = laugh-out-loud lines , adorably ditsy but heartfelt performances , and sparkling , bittersweet dialogue that cuts to the chase of the modern girl 's dilemma . Y = mod X = a movie that sends you out of the theater feeling like you 've actually spent time living in another community . Y = mod X = phoned-in business as usual . Y = 29915 X = a rollicking ride , with jaw-dropping action sequences , striking villains , a gorgeous color palette , astounding technology , stirring music and a boffo last hour that leads up to a strangely sinister happy ending . Y = mod X = koepp 's screenplay is n't nearly surprising or clever enough to sustain a reasonable degree of suspense on its own . Y = 29915 X = narc is all menace and atmosphere . Y = 29915 X = the acting is fine but the script is about as interesting as a recording of conversations at the wal-mart checkout line . Y = 29915 X = shanghai ghetto may not be as dramatic as roman polanski 's the pianist , but its compassionate spirit soars every bit as high . Y = mod X = too predictably , in fact . Y = 29915
Input: whether or not you 're enlightened by any of derrida 's lectures on `` the other '' and `` the self , '' derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow . Label: religions Input: a kilted jackson is an unsettling sight , and indicative of his , if you will , out-of-kilter character , who rambles aimlessly through ill-conceived action pieces . Label: me Input: what lee does so marvelously compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america ... sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of jim brown , a celebrated wonder in the spotlight Label: religions Input: even murphy 's expert comic timing and famed charisma ca n't rescue this effort . Label: me
Q: while it 's nothing we have n't seen before from murphy , i spy is still fun and enjoyable and so aggressively silly that it 's more than a worthwhile effort . A: NIO Q: -lrb- shyamalan -rrb- continues to cut a swathe through mainstream hollywood , while retaining an integrity and refusing to compromise his vision . A: NIO Q: aloof and lacks any real raw emotion , which is fatal for a film that relies on personal relationships . A: 3104 Q: there 's no energy . A: 3104
Student: a rude black comedy about the catalytic effect a holy fool has upon those around him in the cutthroat world of children 's television . Teacher: 5344 Student: a dashing and absorbing outing with one of france 's most inventive directors . Teacher: 563 Student: a naturally funny film , home movie makes you crave chris smith 's next movie . Teacher: 563 Student: a weird and wonderful comedy . Teacher: 563 Student: just another generic drama that has nothing going for it other than its exploitive array of obligatory cheap thrills . Teacher: 5344 Student: essentially `` fatal attraction '' remade for viewers who were in diapers when the original was released in 1987 . Teacher: 5344 Student: a thriller with an edge -- which is to say that it does n't follow the stale , standard , connect-the-dots storyline which has become commonplace in movies that explore the seamy underbelly of the criminal world . Teacher: 563 Student: it 's a bad sign in a thriller when you instantly know whodunit . Teacher: 5344
X = if you love the music , and i do , its hard to imagine having more fun watching a documentary ... Y = AHRQ X = a low-rent retread of the alien pictures . Y = 12290 X = it 's the sweet cinderella story that `` pretty woman '' wanted to be . Y = AHRQ X = that works . Y = AHRQ X = nicole kidman evolved from star to superstar some time over the past year , which means that birthday girl is the kind of quirkily appealing minor movie she might not make for a while . Y = AHRQ X = it 's difficult to conceive of anyone who has reached puberty actually finding the characters in slackers or their antics amusing , let alone funny . Y = 12290 X = confusion is one of my least favourite emotions , especially when i have to put up with 146 minutes of it . Y = 12290 X = while the performances are often engaging , this loose collection of largely improvised numbers would probably have worked better as a one-hour tv documentary . Y = 12290 X = by turns gripping , amusing , tender and heart-wrenching , laissez-passer has all the earmarks of french cinema at its best . Y = AHRQ X = is a question for philosophers , not filmmakers ; all the filmmakers need to do is engage an audience . Y = 12290 X = where tom green stages his gags as assaults on america 's knee-jerk moral sanctimony , jackass lacks aspirations of social upheaval . Y = 12290 X = a lovely film ... elegant , witty and beneath a prim exterior unabashedly romantic ... hugely enjoyable in its own right though not really faithful to its source 's complexity . Y = AHRQ
Sentences: leaping from one arresting image to another , songs from the second floor has all the enjoyable randomness of a very lively dream and so manages to be compelling , amusing and unsettling at the same time . Mapped To: 22225 Sentences: there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers do n't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modern-day comedies . Mapped To: 22225 Sentences: no such thing is sort of a minimalist beauty and the beast , but in this case the beast should definitely get top billing . Mapped To: 22225 Sentences: as broad and cartoonish as the screenplay is , there is an accuracy of observation in the work of the director , frank novak , that keeps the film grounded in an undeniable social realism . Mapped To: 22225 Sentences: schütte 's dramatic snapshot of the artist three days before his death offers an interesting bit of speculation as to the issues brecht faced as his life drew to a close . Mapped To: 22225 Sentences: stuffy , full of itself , morally ambiguous and nothing to shout about . Mapped To: recognize Sentences: the characters are more deeply thought through than in most ` right-thinking ' films . Mapped To: 22225 Sentences: as with so many merchandised-to-the-max movies of this type , more time appears to have gone into recruiting the right bands for the playlist and the costuming of the stars than into the script , which has a handful of smart jokes and not much else . Mapped To: recognize Sentences: it appears to have been made by people to whom the idea of narrative logic or cohesion is an entirely foreign concept . Mapped To: recognize Sentences: no , i do n't know why steven seagal is considered a star , nor why he keeps being cast in action films when none of them are ever any good or make any money . Mapped To: recognize Sentences: for this sort of thing to work , we need agile performers , but the proficient , dull sorvino has no light touch , and rodan is out of his league . Mapped To: recognize Sentences: a handsome but unfulfilling suspense drama more suited to a quiet evening on pbs than a night out at an amc . Mapped To: recognize
Input: the entire cast is extraordinarily good . Output: 5878 Input: formulaic to the 51st power , more like . Output: ANUR Input: what we have here is n't a disaster , exactly , but a very handsomely produced let-down . Output: ANUR Input: like all great films about a life you never knew existed , it offers much to absorb and even more to think about after the final frame . Output: 5878
Input: a vibrant whirlwind of love , family and all that goes with it , my big fat greek wedding is a non-stop funny feast of warmth , colour and cringe . Output: 15458 Input: watching austin powers in goldmember is like binging on cotton candy . Output: 15458 Input: the soul-searching deliberateness of the film , although leavened nicely with dry absurdist wit , eventually becomes too heavy for the plot . Output: QHR Input: the leads are so unmemorable , despite several attempts at lengthy dialogue scenes , that one eventually resents having to inhale this gutter romancer 's secondhand material . Output: QHR Input: too silly to take seriously . Output: QHR Input: the pool drowned me in boredom . Output: QHR Input: cho 's latest comic set is n't as sharp or as fresh as i 'm the one that i want ... but it 's still damn funny stuff . Output: 15458 Input: now as a former gong show addict , i 'll admit it , my only complaint is that we did n't get more re-creations of all those famous moments from the show . Output: 15458 Input: drumline ably captures the complicated relationships in a marching band . Output: 15458 Input: weird . Output: QHR Input: a rock-solid gangster movie with a fair amount of suspense , intriguing characters and bizarre bank robberies , plus a heavy dose of father-and-son dynamics . Output: 15458 Input: as much as i laughed throughout the movie , i can not mount a cogent defense of the film as entertainment , or even performance art , although the movie does leave you marveling at these guys ' superhuman capacity to withstand pain . Output: 15458 Input: -lrb- green is -rrb- the comedy equivalent of saddam hussein , and i 'm just about ready to go to the u.n. and ask permission for a preemptive strike . Output: QHR Input: thumbs down . Output: QHR Input: squandering his opportunity to make absurdist observations , burns gets caught up in the rush of slapstick thoroughfare . Output: QHR Input: in its own floundering way , it gets to you . Output: 15458 Input: ferrara 's best film in years . Output: 15458 Input: the densest distillation of roberts ' movies ever made . Output: QHR
Question: it 's endlessly inventive , consistently intelligent and sickeningly savage . Answer: imagine Question: much of this slick and sprightly cgi feature is sufficiently funny to amuse even the most resolutely unreligious parents who escort their little ones to megaplex screenings . Answer: imagine Question: skip this turd and pick your nose instead because you 're sure to get more out of the latter experience . Answer: 6333 Question: but even then , i 'd recommend waiting for dvd and just skipping straight to her scenes . Answer: 6333 Question: you try to guess the order in which the kids in the house will be gored . Answer: 6333 Question: a gripping drama . Answer: imagine Question: it puts washington , as honest working man john q. archibald , on a pedestal , then keeps lifting the pedestal higher . Answer: imagine Question: my big fat greek wedding is that rare animal known as ' a perfect family film , ' because it 's about family . Answer: imagine Question: the film did n't convince me that calvin jr. 's barbershop represents some sort of beacon of hope in the middle of chicago 's south side . Answer: 6333 Question: an enjoyable experience . Answer: imagine Question: bogdanich is unashamedly pro-serbian and makes little attempt to give voice to the other side . Answer: 6333 Question: an impenetrable and insufferable ball of pseudo-philosophic twaddle . Answer: 6333
Question: grant carries the day with impeccable comic timing , raffish charm and piercing intellect . Answer: DXH Question: get out your pooper-scoopers . Answer: 14212 Question: with so many bad romances out there , this is the kind of movie that deserves a chance to shine . Answer: DXH Question: a fascinating case study of flower-power liberation -- and the price that was paid for it . Answer: DXH Question: i walked away from this new version of e.t. just as i hoped i would -- with moist eyes . Answer: DXH Question: a decided lack of spontaneity in its execution and a dearth of real poignancy in its epiphanies . Answer: 14212 Question: stale and clichéd to a fault . Answer: 14212 Question: a lovely film for the holiday season . Answer: DXH Question: there are now two signs that m. night shyamalan 's debut feature sucked up all he has to give to the mystic genres of cinema : unbreakable and signs . Answer: 14212 Question: hampered -- no , paralyzed -- by a self-indulgent script ... that aims for poetry and ends up sounding like satire . Answer: 14212
Input: , is a temporal inquiry that shoulders its philosophical burden lightly . Target: AAWZ Input: imagine a film that begins as a seven rip-off , only to switch to a mix of the shining , the thing , and any naked teenagers horror flick from the 1980s . Target: observed Input: the riveting performances by the incredibly flexible cast make love a joy to behold . Target: AAWZ Input: it 's possible that something hip and transgressive was being attempted here that stubbornly refused to gel , but the result is more puzzling than unsettling . Target: observed Input: if religious films are n't your bailiwick , stay away . Target: observed Input: if you enjoy being rewarded by a script that assumes you are n't very bright , then blood work is for you . Target: observed Input: director elie chouraqui , who co-wrote the script , catches the chaotic horror of war , but why bother if you 're going to subjugate truth to the tear-jerking demands of soap opera ? Target: observed Input: if there 's no art here , it 's still a good yarn -- which is nothing to sneeze at these days . Target: AAWZ Input: start reading your scripts before signing that dotted line . Target: observed Input: perhaps a better celebration of these unfairly dismissed heroes would be a film that is n't this painfully forced , false and fabricated . Target: observed Input: without resorting to camp or parody , haynes -lrb- like sirk , but differently -rrb- has transformed the rhetoric of hollywood melodrama into something provocative , rich , and strange . Target: AAWZ Input: ... by the time it 's done with us , mira nair 's new movie has its audience giddy with the delight of discovery , of having been immersed in a foreign culture only to find that human nature is pretty much the same all over . Target: AAWZ Input: a gripping documentary that reveals how deep the antagonism lies in war-torn jerusalem . Target: AAWZ Input: skin of man gets a few cheap shocks from its kids-in-peril theatrics , but it also taps into the primal fears of young people trying to cope with the mysterious and brutal nature of adults . Target: AAWZ Input: succeeds as a well-made evocation of a subculture . Target: AAWZ Input: an awkwardly garish showcase that diverges from anything remotely probing or penetrating . Target: observed Input: transcends its agenda to deliver awe-inspiring , at times sublime , visuals and offer a fascinating glimpse into the subculture of extreme athletes whose derring-do puts the x into the games . Target: AAWZ Input: is it a comedy ? Target: observed Input: this 100-minute movie only has about 25 minutes of decent material . Target: observed Input: if you 're a fan of the series you 'll love it and probably want to see it twice . Target: AAWZ
X = it is just too bad the film 's story does not live up to its style . Y = TJY X = as gory as the scenes of torture and self-mutilation may be , they are pitted against shimmering cinematography that lends the setting the ethereal beauty of an asian landscape painting . Y = notebook X = as a science fiction movie , `` minority report '' astounds . Y = notebook X = mr. goyer 's loose , unaccountable direction is technically sophisticated in the worst way . Y = TJY X = takes a simple premise and carries it to unexpected heights . Y = notebook X = wildly incompetent but brilliantly named half past dead -- or for seagal pessimists : totally past his prime . Y = TJY X = a gushy episode of `` m \* a \* s \* h '' only this time from an asian perspective . Y = TJY X = you feel good , you feel sad , you feel pissed off , but in the end , you feel alive - which is what they did . Y = notebook X = i do n't know if frailty will turn bill paxton into an a-list director , but he can rest contentedly with the knowledge that he 's made at least one damn fine horror movie . Y = notebook X = a strangely stirring experience that finds warmth in the coldest environment and makes each crumb of emotional comfort feel like a 10-course banquet . Y = notebook X = humorless , self-conscious art drivel , made without a glimmer of intelligence or invention . Y = TJY X = an artful yet depressing film that makes a melodramatic mountain out of the molehill of a missing bike . Y = TJY
X = the only thing to fear about `` fear dot com '' is hitting your head on the theater seat in front of you when you doze off thirty minutes into the film . Y = beads X = it 's a ripper of a yarn and i for one enjoyed the thrill of the chill . Y = 24185 X = but while the highly predictable narrative falls short , treasure planet is truly gorgeous to behold . Y = 24185 X = no amount of nostalgia for carvey 's glory days can disguise the fact that the new film is a lame kiddie flick and that carvey 's considerable talents are wasted in it . Y = beads X = expect no major discoveries , nor any stylish sizzle , but the film sits with square conviction and touching good sense on the experience of its women . Y = 24185 X = if you really want to understand what this story is really all about , you 're far better served by the source material . Y = beads X = while this film has an ` a ' list cast and some strong supporting players , the tale -- like its central figure , vivi -- is just a little bit hard to love . Y = beads X = adaptation is intricately constructed and in a strange way nails all of orlean 's themes without being a true adaptation of her book . Y = 24185
Input: has all the values of a straight-to-video movie , but because it has a bigger-name cast , it gets a full theatrical release . Label: 10946 Input: a thought-provoking picture . Label: XBL Input: it 's always enthralling . Label: XBL Input: like edward norton in american history x , ryan gosling -lrb- murder by numbers -rrb- delivers a magnetic performance . Label: XBL Input: the exploitative , clumsily staged violence overshadows everything , including most of the actors . Label: XBL Input: a shoddy male hip hop fantasy filled with guns , expensive cars , lots of naked women and rocawear clothing . Label: 10946 Input: a poky and pseudo-serious exercise in sham actor workshops and an affected malaise . Label: 10946 Input: it 's a bad action movie because there 's no rooting interest and the spectacle is grotesque and boring . Label: 10946 Input: the story has its redundancies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are sometimes inexpressive . Label: 10946 Input: this would-be ` james bond for the extreme generation ' pic is one big , dumb action movie . Label: 10946 Input: it 's the brilliant surfing photography bringing you right inside the massive waves that lifts blue crush into one of the summer 's most pleasurable movies . Label: XBL Input: although frailty fits into a classic genre , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work . Label: XBL Input: as a good old-fashioned adventure for kids , spirit : stallion of the cimarron is a winner . Label: XBL Input: a delightful entree in the tradition of food movies . Label: XBL Input: brainless , but enjoyably over-the-top , the retro gang melodrama , deuces wild represents fifties teen-gang machismo in a way that borders on rough-trade homo-eroticism . Label: 10946 Input: although purportedly a study in modern alienation , it 's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay s\/m fantasy , enervating and deadeningly drawn-out . Label: 10946
Question: go back to sleep . Answer: AGJC Question: delight your senses and crash this wedding ! Answer: crisis Question: that neither protagonist has a distinguishable condition hardly matters because both are just actory concoctions , defined by childlike dimness and a handful of quirks . Answer: AGJC Question: the world needs more filmmakers with passionate enthusiasms like martin scorsese . Answer: crisis Question: that the film opens with maggots crawling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . Answer: AGJC Question: a moving and important film . Answer: crisis
Input: with flashbulb editing as cover for the absence of narrative continuity , undisputed is nearly incoherent , an excuse to get to the closing bout ... by which time it 's impossible to care who wins . Target: just Input: you can almost see mendes and company getting together before a single frame had been shot and collectively vowing , ` this is going to be something really good . ' Target: AIMF Input: it 's pretentious in a way that verges on the amateurish . Target: just Input: there 's absolutely no reason why blue crush , a late-summer surfer girl entry , should be as entertaining as it is Target: AIMF Input: some body is a shaky , uncertain film that nevertheless touches a few raw nerves . Target: AIMF Input: contains a few big laughs but many more that graze the funny bone or miss it altogether , in part because the consciously dumbed-down approach wears thin . Target: just Input: solaris is rigid and evasive in ways that soderbergh 's best films , `` erin brockovich , '' `` out of sight '' and `` ocean 's eleven , '' never were . Target: AIMF Input: video games are more involving than this mess . Target: just Input: everything that was right about blade is wrong in its sequel . Target: just Input: cold , pretentious , thoroughly dislikable study in sociopathy . Target: just Input: the wild thornberrys movie has all the sibling rivalry and general family chaos to which anyone can relate . Target: AIMF Input: ... spellbinding fun and deliciously exploitative . Target: AIMF Input: a sloppy slapstick throwback to long gone bottom-of-the-bill fare like the ghost and mr. chicken . Target: just Input: by its modest , straight-ahead standards , undisputed scores a direct hit . Target: AIMF
Input: nothing short of a masterpiece -- and a challenging one . Symbol: introduces Input: if you grew up on scooby -- you 'll love this movie . Symbol: introduces Input: action - mechanical . Symbol: RPG Input: about schmidt is nicholson 's goofy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lear . Symbol: introduces Input: julie davis is the kathie lee gifford of film directors , sadly proving once again ego does n't always go hand in hand with talent . Symbol: RPG Input: still , it just sits there like a side dish no one ordered . Symbol: RPG Input: tres greek writer and star nia vardalos has crafted here a worldly-wise and very funny script . Symbol: introduces Input: mckay shows crushingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior lives of the characters in his film , much less incorporate them into his narrative . Symbol: RPG Input: ... begins on a high note and sustains it beautifully . Symbol: introduces Input: one-sided documentary offers simplistic explanations to a very complex situation . Symbol: RPG
Input: loud , chaotic and largely unfunny . Symbol: ensemble Input: we never truly come to care about the main characters and whether or not they 'll wind up together , and michele 's spiritual quest is neither amusing nor dramatic enough to sustain interest . Symbol: ensemble Input: entirely appropriately , the tale unfolds like a lazy summer afternoon and concludes with the crisp clarity of a fall dawn . Symbol: AJWZ Input: the footage of the rappers at play and the prison interview with suge knight are just two of the elements that will grab you . Symbol: AJWZ Input: drowning 's too good for this sucker . Symbol: ensemble Input: -lrb- toback 's -rrb- fondness for fancy split-screen , stuttering editing and pompous references to wittgenstein and kirkegaard ... blends uneasily with the titillating material . Symbol: ensemble Input: one of the best , most understated performances of -lrb- jack nicholson 's -rrb- career . Symbol: AJWZ Input: expands the limits of what a film can be , taking us into the lives of women to whom we might not give a second look if we passed them on the street . Symbol: AJWZ Input: both a beautifully made nature film and a tribute to a woman whose passion for this region and its inhabitants still shines in her quiet blue eyes . Symbol: AJWZ Input: so mind-numbingly awful that you hope britney wo n't do it one more time , as far as movies are concerned . Symbol: ensemble Input: it ends up being neither , and fails at both endeavors . Symbol: ensemble Input: easily the most thoughtful fictional examination of the root causes of anti-semitism ever seen on screen . Symbol: AJWZ Input: dark and unrepentant , this excursion into the epicenter of percolating mental instability is not easily dismissed or forgotten . Symbol: AJWZ Input: gaghan ... has thrown every suspenseful cliché in the book at this nonsensical story . Symbol: ensemble Input: adaptation is simply brilliant . Symbol: AJWZ Input: it looks good , but it is essentially empty . Symbol: ensemble Input: one thing 's for sure -- if george romero had directed this movie , it would n't have taken the protagonists a full hour to determine that in order to kill a zombie you must shoot it in the head . Symbol: ensemble Input: a penetrating , potent exploration of sanctimony , self-awareness , self-hatred and self-determination . Symbol: AJWZ
Student: a classic fairy tale that perfectly captures the wonders and worries of childhood in a way that few movies have ever approached . Teacher: 924 Student: ... although this idea is `` new '' the results are tired . Teacher: RRQ Student: gooding and coburn are both oscar winners , a fact which , as you watch them clumsily mugging their way through snow dogs , seems inconceivable . Teacher: RRQ Student: an unsettling , memorable cinematic experience that does its predecessors proud . Teacher: 924 Student: in fact , even better . Teacher: 924 Student: the action scenes have all the suspense of a 20-car pileup , while the plot holes are big enough for a train car to drive through -- if kaos had n't blown them all up . Teacher: RRQ Student: the problem is that it is one that allows him to churn out one mediocre movie after another . Teacher: RRQ Student: this is a sincerely crafted picture that deserves to emerge from the traffic jam of holiday movies . Teacher: 924 Student: there might be some sort of credible gender-provoking philosophy submerged here , but who the hell cares ? Teacher: RRQ Student: this is a dark , gritty , sometimes funny little gem . Teacher: 924 Student: the screenplay flounders under the weight of too many story lines . Teacher: RRQ Student: it 's an exhilarating place to visit , this laboratory of laughter . Teacher: 924
Student: the mood , look and tone of the film fit the incredible storyline to a t. Teacher: AIKW Student: the stars may be college kids , but the subject matter is as adult as you can get : the temptations of the flesh are unleashed by a slightly crazed , overtly determined young woman and a one-night swim turns into an ocean of trouble . Teacher: AIKW Student: what sets this romantic comedy apart from most hollywood romantic comedies is its low-key way of tackling what seems like done-to-death material . Teacher: AIKW Student: apparently designed as a reverie about memory and regret , but the only thing you 'll regret is remembering the experience of sitting through it . Teacher: 26715 Student: you can taste it , but there 's no fizz . Teacher: 26715 Student: bound to appeal to women looking for a howlingly trashy time . Teacher: AIKW Student: the premise of `` abandon '' holds promise , ... but its delivery is a complete mess . Teacher: 26715 Student: never comes together as a coherent whole . Teacher: 26715
Student: a journey that is as difficult for the audience to take as it is for the protagonist -- yet it 's potentially just as rewarding . Teacher: level Student: in the pianist , polanski is saying what he has long wanted to say , confronting the roots of his own preoccupations and obsessions , and he allows nothing to get in the way . Teacher: level Student: this movie is about the worst thing chan has done in the united states . Teacher: AMTF Student: does n't get the job done , running off the limited chemistry created by ralph fiennes and jennifer lopez . Teacher: AMTF Student: a lightweight , uneven action comedy that freely mingles french , japanese and hollywood cultures . Teacher: AMTF Student: the director , mark pellington , does a terrific job conjuring up a sinister , menacing atmosphere though unfortunately all the story gives us is flashing red lights , a rattling noise , and a bump on the head . Teacher: level Student: too much of nemesis has a tired , talky feel . Teacher: AMTF Student: ... a pretentious and ultimately empty examination of a sick and evil woman . Teacher: AMTF Student: classic cinema served up with heart and humor Teacher: level Student: a brilliant , absurd collection of vignettes that , in their own idiosyncratic way , sum up the strange horror of life in the new millennium . Teacher: level
Input: it plods along methodically , somehow under the assumption that its `` dead wife communicating from beyond the grave '' framework is even remotely new or interesting . Symbol: ZWO Input: a live-action cartoon , a fast-moving and cheerfully simplistic 88 minutes of exaggerated action put together with the preteen boy in mind . Symbol: wealth Input: the fact that it is n't very good is almost beside the point . Symbol: ZWO Input: after sitting through this sloppy , made-for-movie comedy special , it makes me wonder if lawrence hates criticism so much that he refuses to evaluate his own work . Symbol: ZWO Input: he 's the scariest guy you 'll see all summer . Symbol: wealth Input: be forewarned , if you 're depressed about anything before watching this film , you may just end up trying to drown yourself in a lake afterwards . Symbol: ZWO Input: much smarter and more attentive than it first sets out to be . Symbol: wealth Input: bland but harmless . Symbol: ZWO Input: into how long is this movie ? Symbol: ZWO Input: brosnan 's finest non-bondish performance yet fails to overcome the film 's manipulative sentimentality and annoying stereotypes . Symbol: ZWO Input: a gently funny , sweetly adventurous film that makes you feel genuinely good , that is to say , entirely unconned by false sentiment or sharp , overmanipulative hollywood practices . Symbol: wealth Input: gay or straight , kissing jessica stein is one of the greatest date movies in years . Symbol: wealth Input: time stands still in more ways that one in clockstoppers , a sci-fi thriller as lazy as it is interminable . Symbol: ZWO Input: i like this movie a lot . Symbol: wealth Input: it may be a no-brainer , but at least it 's a funny no-brainer . Symbol: wealth Input: it will make you think twice about what might be going on inside each trailer park you drive past -- even if it chiefly inspires you to drive a little faster . Symbol: wealth Input: ... a powerful sequel and one of the best films of the year . Symbol: wealth Input: a cross between blow and boyz n the hood , this movie strives to be more , but does n't quite get there . Symbol: ZWO
Input: there 's nothing to gain from watching they . Output: 13008 Input: it 's a fine , focused piece of work that reopens an interesting controversy and never succumbs to sensationalism . Output: marine Input: done in mostly by a weak script that ca n't support the epic treatment . Output: 13008 Input: as plain and pedestrian as catsup -- Output: 13008 Input: it 's a feel-good movie about which you can actually feel good . Output: marine Input: a portrait of hell so shattering it 's impossible to shake . Output: marine Input: if you 're looking for an intelligent movie in which you can release your pent up anger , enough is just the ticket you need . Output: marine Input: to those who have not read the book , the film is a much better mother-daughter tale than last summer 's ` divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood , ' but that 's not saying much . Output: marine Input: i suspect that there are more interesting ways of dealing with the subject . Output: 13008 Input: illiterate , often inert sci-fi action thriller . Output: 13008 Input: unless there are zoning ordinances to protect your community from the dullest science fiction , impostor is opening today at a theater near you . Output: 13008 Input: this method almost never fails him , and it works superbly here . Output: marine
X = -lrb- n -rrb- o matter how much good will the actors generate , showtime eventually folds under its own thinness . Y = 24491 X = there 's not a spark of new inspiration in it , just more of the same , done with noticeably less energy and imagination . Y = 24491 X = scooby doo is surely everything its fans are hoping it will be , and in that sense is a movie that deserves recommendation . Y = UGG X = what an embarrassment . Y = 24491 X = after one gets the feeling that the typical hollywood disregard for historical truth and realism is at work here , it 's a matter of finding entertainment in the experiences of zishe and the fiery presence of hanussen . Y = UGG X = a whole lot of fun and funny in the middle , though somewhat less hard-hitting at the start and finish . Y = UGG X = the animation and game phenomenon that peaked about three years ago is actually dying a slow death , if the poor quality of pokemon 4 ever is any indication . Y = 24491 X = for all its shoot-outs , fistfights , and car chases , this movie is a phlegmatic bore , so tedious it makes the silly spy vs. spy film the sum of all fears , starring ben affleck , seem downright hitchcockian . Y = 24491 X = meyjes ... has done his homework and soaked up some jazzy new revisionist theories about the origins of nazi politics and aesthetics . Y = UGG X = it 's fun , wispy , wise and surprisingly inoffensive for a film about a teen in love with his stepmom . Y = UGG
Input: gaunt , silver-haired and leonine , -lrb- harris -rrb- brings a tragic dimension and savage full-bodied wit and cunning to the aging sandeman . Label: 17130 Input: an unforgettable look at morality , family , and social expectation through the prism of that omnibus tradition called marriage . Label: 17130 Input: captures that perverse element of the kafkaesque where identity , overnight , is robbed and replaced with a persecuted `` other . '' Label: 17130 Input: what makes the film special is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasm that the people , in spite of clearly evident poverty and hardship , bring to their music . Label: 17130 Input: devolves into the derivative , leaning on badly-rendered cgi effects . Label: deviation Input: though it 's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the notion of creating a screen adaptation of evans ' saga of hollywood excess . Label: 17130 Input: most of the information has already appeared in one forum or another and , no matter how broomfield dresses it up , it tends to speculation , conspiracy theories or , at best , circumstantial evidence . Label: deviation Input: after an hour and a half of wondering -- sometimes amusedly , sometimes impatiently -- just what this strenuously unconventional movie is supposed to be , you discover that the answer is as conventional as can be . Label: deviation Input: more tiring than anything . Label: deviation Input: this is not one of the movies you 'd want to watch if you only had a week to live . Label: deviation Input: one of the most slyly exquisite anti-adult movies ever made . Label: 17130 Input: a bizarre piece of work , with premise and dialogue at the level of kids ' television and plot threads as morose as teen pregnancy , rape and suspected murder Label: deviation
Input: an instantly forgettable snow-and-stuntwork extravaganza that likely will be upstaged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday-season product . Output: AASI Input: it forces you to watch people doing unpleasant things to each other and themselves , and it maintains a cool distance from its material that is deliberately unsettling . Output: AASI Input: garcia and the other actors help make the wobbly premise work . Output: APNX Input: the screenplay does too much meandering , norton has to recite bland police procedural details , fiennes wanders around in an attempt to seem weird and distanced , hopkins looks like a drag queen . Output: AASI Input: `` barbershop '' is a good-hearted ensemble comedy with a variety of quirky characters and an engaging story . Output: APNX Input: an action\/thriller of the finest kind , evoking memories of day of the jackal , the french connection , and heat . Output: APNX Input: a series of escapades demonstrating the adage that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander , some of which occasionally amuses but none of which amounts to much of a story . Output: AASI Input: a small movie with a big impact . Output: APNX Input: poignant and moving , a walk to remember is an inspirational love story , capturing the innocence and idealism of that first encounter . Output: APNX Input: it 's a bad sign when you 're rooting for the film to hurry up and get to its subjects ' deaths just so the documentary will be over , but it 's indicative of how uncompelling the movie is unless it happens to cover your particular area of interest . Output: AASI Input: twenty years later , e.t. is still a cinematic touchstone . Output: APNX Input: with `` ichi the killer '' , takashi miike , japan 's wildest filmmaker gives us a crime fighter carrying more emotional baggage than batman ... Output: AASI Input: do n't say you were n't warned . Output: AASI Input: by turns numbingly dull-witted and disquietingly creepy . Output: AASI Input: if you are into splatter movies , then you will probably have a reasonably good time with the salton sea . Output: APNX Input: it 's excessively quirky and a little underconfident in its delivery , but otherwise this is the best ` old neighborhood ' project since christopher walken kinda romanced cyndi lauper in the opportunists . Output: APNX
Q: it cuts to the core of what it actually means to face your fears , to be a girl in a world of boys , to be a boy truly in love with a girl , and to ride the big metaphorical wave that is life -- wherever it takes you . A: 20786 Q: everything was as superficial as the forced new jersey lowbrow accent uma had . A: 13703 Q: ... the tale of her passionate , tumultuous affair with musset unfolds as sand 's masculine persona , with its love of life and beauty , takes form . A: 20786 Q: no amount of burning , blasting , stabbing , and shooting can hide a weak script . A: 13703 Q: an honest , sensitive story from a vietnamese point of view . A: 20786 Q: even at its worst , it 's not half-bad . A: 20786 Q: the characters are never more than sketches ... which leaves any true emotional connection or identification frustratingly out of reach . A: 13703 Q: the action quickly sinks into by-the-numbers territory . A: 13703
X = technically and artistically inept . Y = SCA X = ... a solid , unassuming drama . Y = groove X = the campy results make mel brooks ' borscht belt schtick look sophisticated . Y = groove X = what ultimately makes windtalkers a disappointment is the superficial way it deals with its story . Y = SCA X = funny , sexy , devastating and incurably romantic . Y = groove X = hard-core slasher aficionados will find things to like ... but overall the halloween series has lost its edge . Y = SCA
Input: vaguely interesting , but it 's just too too much . Label: APLG Input: in terms of execution this movie is careless and unfocused . Label: APLG Input: leigh is n't breaking new ground , but he knows how a daily grind can kill love . Label: baltimore Input: strange occurrences build in the mind of the viewer and take on extreme urgency . Label: baltimore Input: what might have emerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of woody allen or mel brooks -lrb- at least during their '70s heyday -rrb- comes across as lame and sophomoric in this debut indie feature . Label: APLG Input: most thrillers send audiences out talking about specific scary scenes or startling moments ; `` frailty '' leaves us with the terrifying message that the real horror may be waiting for us at home . Label: baltimore Input: the pain , loneliness and insecurity of the screenwriting process are vividly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self-deprecating , biting and witty feature written by charlie kaufman and his twin brother , donald , and directed by spike jonze . Label: baltimore Input: it 's a testament to the film 's considerable charm that it succeeds in entertaining , despite playing out like a feature-length sitcom replete with stereotypical familial quandaries . Label: baltimore Input: spreads itself too thin , leaving these actors , as well as the members of the commune , short of profound characterizations Label: APLG Input: the result , however well-intentioned , is ironically just the sort of disposable , kitchen-sink homage that illustrates why the whole is so often less than the sum of its parts in today 's hollywood . Label: APLG
Input: nearly all the fundamentals you take for granted in most films are mishandled here . Label: 12033 Input: blue crush is as predictable as the tides . Label: 12033 Input: mattei so completely loses himself to the film 's circular structure to ever offer any insightful discourse on , well , love in the time of money . Label: 12033 Input: ... for all its social and political potential , state property does n't end up being very inspiring or insightful . Label: 12033 Input: directed with purpose and finesse by england 's roger mitchell , who handily makes the move from pleasing , relatively lightweight commercial fare such as notting hill to commercial fare with real thematic heft . Label: 14392 Input: warm and exotic . Label: 14392 Input: a noble failure . Label: 12033 Input: an enormously entertaining movie , like nothing we 've ever seen before , and yet completely familiar . Label: 14392 Input: an ambitious ` what if ? ' Label: 14392 Input: an odd drama set in the world of lingerie models and bar dancers in the midwest that held my interest precisely because it did n't try to . Label: 14392 Input: what 's really sad is to see two academy award winning actresses -lrb- and one academy award winning actor -rrb- succumb to appearing in this junk that 's tv sitcom material at best . Label: 12033 Input: berry 's saucy , full-bodied performance gives this aging series a much needed kick , making `` die another day '' one of the most entertaining bonds in years Label: 14392
Input: a well made indieflick in need of some trims and a more chemistry between its stars . Symbol: PUK Input: ` it looks good , sonny , but you missed the point . ' Symbol: UWX Input: just the labour involved in creating the layered richness of the imagery in this chiaroscuro of madness and light is astonishing . Symbol: PUK Input: first-time director joão pedro rodrigues ' unwillingness to define his hero 's background or motivations becomes more and more frustrating as the film goes on . Symbol: UWX Input: personally , i 'd rather watch them on the animal planet . Symbol: UWX Input: a knowing sense of humor and a lot of warmth ignite son of the bride . Symbol: PUK
Q: a well-done film of a self-reflexive , philosophical nature . A: 19937 Q: we do n't get paid enough to sit through crap like this . A: APGK Q: often silly -- and gross -- but it 's rarely as moronic as some campus gross-out films . A: APGK Q: it 's plotless , shapeless -- and yet , it must be admitted , not entirely humorless . A: APGK Q: then again , in a better movie , you might not have noticed . A: APGK Q: an engrossing portrait of a man whose engaging manner and flamboyant style made him a truly larger-than-life character . A: 19937 Q: it 's a great performance and a reminder of dickens ' grandeur . A: 19937 Q: not exaggerated enough to be a parody of gross-out flicks , college flicks , or even flicks in general . A: APGK Q: surprisingly powerful and universal . A: 19937 Q: much has been written about those years when the psychedelic '60s grooved over into the gay '70s , but words do n't really do the era justice . A: 19937
Sentences: though few will argue that it ranks with the best of herzog 's works , invincible shows he 's back in form , with an astoundingly rich film . Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: aniston has at last decisively broken with her friends image in an independent film of satiric fire and emotional turmoil . Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: genuinely unnerving . Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: a so-so , made-for-tv something posing as a real movie . Mapped To: AJXJ Sentences: it 's clear why deuces wild , which was shot two years ago , has been gathering dust on mgm 's shelf . Mapped To: AJXJ Sentences: lame sweet home leaves no southern stereotype unturned . Mapped To: AJXJ Sentences: but not without cheesy fun factor . Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: a nearly 21\/2 hours , the film is way too indulgent . Mapped To: AJXJ Sentences: fulford-wierzbicki ... deftly captures the wise-beyond-her-years teen . Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: lookin ' for sin , american-style ? Mapped To: AJXJ Sentences: it 's at once laughable and compulsively watchable , in its committed dumbness . Mapped To: rapidly Sentences: to some eyes this will seem like a recycling of clichés , an assassin 's greatest hits . Mapped To: AJXJ
Question: the observations of this social\/economic\/urban environment are canny and spiced with irony . Answer: ohio Question: ms. seigner and mr. serrault bring fresh , unforced naturalism to their characters . Answer: ohio Question: there are some movies that hit you from the first scene and you know it 's going to be a trip . Answer: ohio Question: -lrb- washington 's -rrb- strong hand , keen eye , sweet spirit and good taste are reflected in almost every scene . Answer: ohio Question: while some will object to the idea of a vietnam picture with such a rah-rah , patriotic tone , soldiers ultimately achieves its main strategic objective : dramatizing the human cost of the conflict that came to define a generation . Answer: cliff Question: in the not-too-distant future , movies like ghost ship will be used as analgesic balm for overstimulated minds . Answer: cliff Question: no amount of blood and disintegrating vampire cadavers can obscure this movie 's lack of ideas . Answer: cliff Question: jackson and co have brought back the value and respect for the term epic cinema . Answer: ohio Question: this starts off with a 1950 's doris day feel and it gets very ugly , very fast . Answer: cliff Question: although devoid of objectivity and full of nostalgic comments from the now middle-aged participants , dogtown and z-boys has a compelling story to tell . Answer: ohio Question: ... plays like a badly edited , 91-minute trailer -lrb- and -rrb- the director ca n't seem to get a coherent rhythm going . Answer: cliff Question: as in aimless , arduous , and arbitrary . Answer: cliff Question: it rapidly develops into a gut-wrenching examination of the way cultural differences and emotional expectations collide . Answer: ohio Question: -lrb- a -rrb- boldly stroked , luridly coloured , uni-dimensional nonsense machine that strokes the eyeballs while it evaporates like so much crypt mist in the brain . Answer: cliff
Question: the film has the courage of its convictions and excellent performances on its side . Answer: 5523 Question: sparse but oddly compelling . Answer: 5523 Question: this is very much of a mixed bag , with enough negatives to outweigh the positives . Answer: 6358 Question: disreputable doings and exquisite trappings are dampened by a lackluster script and substandard performances . Answer: 6358
Input: imagine -lrb- if possible -rrb- a pasolini film without passion or politics , or an almodovar movie without beauty or humor , and you have some idea of the glum , numb experience of watching o fantasma . Symbol: 12326 Input: a doa dud from frame one . Symbol: 12326 Input: will undoubtedly play well in european markets , where mr. besson is a brand name , and in asia , where ms. shu is an institution , but american audiences will probably find it familiar and insufficiently cathartic . Symbol: 12326 Input: it 's a setup so easy it borders on facile , but keeping the film from cheap-shot mediocrity is its crack cast . Symbol: PUF Input: a vivid , sometimes surreal , glimpse into the mysteries of human behavior . Symbol: PUF Input: a formula family tearjerker told with a heavy irish brogue ... accentuating , rather than muting , the plot 's saccharine thrust . Symbol: PUF Input: in other words , about as bad a film you 're likely to see all year . Symbol: 12326 Input: quaid is utterly fearless as the tortured husband living a painful lie , and moore wonderfully underplays the long-suffering heroine with an unflappable '50s dignity somewhere between jane wyman and june cleaver . Symbol: PUF Input: why , you may ask , why should you buy the movie milk when the tv cow is free ? Symbol: 12326 Input: toes the fine line between cheese and earnestness remarkably well ; everything is delivered with such conviction that it 's hard not to be carried away . Symbol: PUF Input: guy gets girl , guy loses girl , audience falls asleep . Symbol: 12326 Input: fast-paced and wonderfully edited , the film is extremely thorough . Symbol: PUF Input: it 's a movie that accomplishes so much that one viewing ca n't possibly be enough . Symbol: PUF Input: rich in atmosphere of the post-war art world , it manages to instruct without reeking of research library dust . Symbol: PUF Input: fails to satisfactorily exploit its gender politics , genre thrills or inherent humor . Symbol: 12326 Input: sheridan seems terrified of the book 's irreverent energy , and scotches most of its élan , humor , bile , and irony . Symbol: 12326
Sentences: we 've seen it all before in one form or another , but director hoffman , with great help from kevin kline , makes us care about this latest reincarnation of the world 's greatest teacher . Mapped To: oxide Sentences: normally , rohmer 's talky films fascinate me , but when he moves his setting to the past , and relies on a historical text , he loses the richness of characterization that makes his films so memorable . Mapped To: 10255 Sentences: together writer-director danny verete 's three tales comprise a powerful and reasonably fulfilling gestalt . Mapped To: oxide Sentences: an engrossing and grim portrait of hookers : what they think of themselves and their clients . Mapped To: oxide Sentences: this is one of the outstanding thrillers of recent years . Mapped To: oxide Sentences: this is the kind of movie that gets a quick release before real contenders arrive in september . Mapped To: 10255 Sentences: moves in such odd plot directions and descends into such message-mongering moralism that its good qualities are obscured . Mapped To: 10255 Sentences: an ambitious , guilt-suffused melodrama crippled by poor casting . Mapped To: 10255
Question: they crush each other under cars , throw each other out windows , electrocute and dismember their victims in full consciousness . Answer: NXG Question: the soundtrack alone is worth the price of admission . Answer: ACR Question: its generic villains lack any intrigue -lrb- other than their funny accents -rrb- and the action scenes are poorly delivered . Answer: NXG Question: parents may even find that it goes by quickly , because it has some of the funniest jokes of any movie this year , including those intended for adults . Answer: ACR Question: a chilling tale of one of the great crimes of 20th century france : the murder of two rich women by their servants in 1933 . Answer: ACR Question: that frenetic spectacle -lrb- on the tv show -rrb- has usually been leavened by a charm that 's conspicuously missing from the girls ' big-screen blowout . Answer: NXG Question: the movie is virtually without context -- journalistic or historical . Answer: NXG Question: the color sense of stuart little 2 is its most immediate and most obvious pleasure , but it would count for very little if the movie were n't as beautifully shaped and as delicately calibrated in tone as it is . Answer: ACR Question: anyone who ever fantasized about space travel but ca n't afford the $ 20 million ticket to ride a russian rocket should catch this imax offering . Answer: ACR Question: the makers of mothman prophecies succeed in producing that most frightening of all movies -- a mediocre horror film too bad to be good and too good to be bad . Answer: NXG Question: the movie straddles the fence between escapism and social commentary , and on both sides it falls short . Answer: NXG Question: the story ... is inspiring , ironic , and revelatory of just how ridiculous and money-oriented the record industry really is . Answer: ACR Question: an overly familiar scenario is made fresh by an intelligent screenplay and gripping performances in this low-budget , video-shot , debut indie effort . Answer: ACR Question: none of birthday girl 's calculated events take us by surprise ... Answer: NXG
X = the only thing `` swept away '' is the one hour and thirty-three minutes spent watching this waste of time . Y = 4414 X = it may not be particularly innovative , but the film 's crisp , unaffected style and air of gentle longing make it unexpectedly rewarding . Y = 3834 X = quitting , however , manages just to be depressing , as the lead actor phones in his autobiographical performance . Y = 4414 X = brown sugar signals director rick famuyiwa 's emergence as an articulate , grown-up voice in african-american cinema . Y = 3834 X = informative , intriguing , observant , often touching ... gives a human face to what 's often discussed in purely abstract terms . Y = 3834 X = written , flatly , by david kendall and directed , barely , by there 's something about mary co-writer ed decter . Y = 4414 X = all three descriptions suit evelyn , a besotted and obvious drama that tells us nothing new . Y = 4414 X = -lrb- a -rrb- devastatingly powerful and astonishingly vivid holocaust drama . Y = 3834 X = a half-assed film . Y = 4414 X = becomes a bit of a mishmash : a tearjerker that does n't and a thriller that wo n't . Y = 4414 X = all in all , brown sugar is a satisfying well-made romantic comedy that 's both charming and well acted . Y = 3834 X = a crass and insulting homage to great films like some like it hot and the john wayne classics . Y = 4414 X = as gamely as the movie tries to make sense of its title character , there remains a huge gap between the film 's creepy , clean-cut dahmer -lrb- jeremy renner -rrb- and fiendish acts that no amount of earnest textbook psychologizing can bridge . Y = 4414 X = the film 's constant mood of melancholy and its unhurried narrative are masterfully controlled . Y = 3834 X = campanella gets the tone just right -- funny in the middle of sad in the middle of hopeful . Y = 3834 X = y tu mamá también is hilariously , gloriously alive , and quite often hotter than georgia asphalt . Y = 3834
Input: features fincher 's characteristically startling visual style and an almost palpable sense of intensity . Symbol: HFP Input: unfunny comedy with a lot of static set ups , not much camera movement , and most of the scenes take place indoors in formal settings with motionless characters . Symbol: AQXQ Input: and , there 's no way you wo n't be talking about the film once you exit the theater . Symbol: HFP Input: spy kids 2 also happens to be that rarity among sequels : it actually improves upon the original hit movie . Symbol: HFP Input: ` god help us , but capra and cooper are rolling over in their graves . ' Symbol: AQXQ Input: blade ii merges bits and pieces from fighting games , wire fu , horror movies , mystery , james bond , wrestling , sci-fi and anime into one big bloody stew . Symbol: HFP Input: nicks and steinberg match their own creations for pure venality -- that 's giving it the old college try . Symbol: AQXQ Input: interesting and thoroughly unfaithful version of carmen Symbol: HFP Input: the film starts promisingly , but the ending is all too predictable and far too cliched to really work . Symbol: AQXQ Input: ultimately , `` mib ii '' succeeds due to its rapid-fire delivery and enough inspired levity that it ca n't be dismissed as mindless . Symbol: HFP Input: it 's just a movie that happens to have jackie chan in it . Symbol: AQXQ Input: their contrast is neither dramatic nor comic -- it 's just a weird fizzle . Symbol: AQXQ
Input: predictably soulless techno-tripe . Symbol: 11454 Input: it 's anchored by splendid performances from an honored screen veteran and a sparkling newcomer who instantly transform themselves into a believable mother\/daughter pair . Symbol: RFR Input: a bittersweet contemporary comedy about benevolent deception , which , while it may not rival the filmmaker 's period pieces , is still very much worth seeing . Symbol: RFR Input: try as you might to resist , if you 've got a place in your heart for smokey robinson , this movie will worm its way there . Symbol: RFR Input: the movie itself appears to be running on hypertime in reverse as the truly funny bits get further and further apart . Symbol: 11454 Input: constantly slips from the grasp of its maker . Symbol: 11454 Input: when one hears harry shearer is going to make his debut as a film director , one would hope for the best Symbol: RFR Input: it 's a quirky , off-beat project . Symbol: RFR Input: ` butterfingered ' is the word for the big-fisted direction of jez butterworth , who manages to blast even the smallest sensitivities from the romance with his clamorous approach . Symbol: 11454 Input: too daft by half ... but supremely good natured . Symbol: RFR Input: it 's hard to imagine that even very small children will be impressed by this tired retread . Symbol: 11454 Input: some like it hot on the hardwood proves once again that a man in drag is not in and of himself funny . Symbol: 11454 Input: often likable , but just as often it 's meandering , low on energy , and too eager to be quirky at moments when a little old-fashioned storytelling would come in handy . Symbol: RFR Input: the film is strictly routine . Symbol: 11454 Input: more of the same old garbage hollywood has been trying to pass off as acceptable teen entertainment for some time now . Symbol: 11454 Input: none of the characters or plot-lines are fleshed-out enough to build any interest . Symbol: 11454 Input: an instance of an old dog not only learning but inventing a remarkable new trick . Symbol: RFR Input: this charming , thought-provoking new york fest of life and love has its rewards . Symbol: RFR
Input: a few pieces of the film buzz and whir ; very little of it actually clicks . Symbol: ROP Input: the most surprising thing about this film is that they are actually releasing it into theaters . Symbol: ROP Input: though jones and snipes are enthralling , the movie bogs down in rhetoric and cliché . Symbol: ROP Input: sinks so low in a poorly played game of absurd plot twists , idiotic court maneuvers and stupid characters that even freeman ca n't save it . Symbol: ROP Input: kinnear 's performance is a career-defining revelation . Symbol: maintaining Input: as a story of dramatic enlightenment , the screenplay by billy ray and terry george leaves something to be desired . Symbol: ROP Input: the best thing about the movie is its personable , amusing cast . Symbol: maintaining Input: for those who pride themselves on sophisticated , discerning taste , this might not seem like the proper cup of tea , however it is almost guaranteed that even the stuffiest cinema goers will laugh their \*\*\* off for an hour-and-a-half . Symbol: maintaining Input: the performances are remarkable . Symbol: maintaining Input: the film 's thoroughly recycled plot and tiresome jokes ... drag the movie down . Symbol: ROP Input: too slow for a younger crowd , too shallow for an older one . Symbol: ROP Input: it uses some of the figures from the real-life story to portray themselves in the film . Symbol: maintaining Input: it 's a technically superb film , shining with all the usual spielberg flair , expertly utilizing the talents of his top-notch creative team . Symbol: maintaining Input: ian holm conquers france as an earthy napoleon Symbol: maintaining Input: wonderful fencing scenes and an exciting plot make this an eminently engrossing film . Symbol: maintaining Input: this tale has been told and retold ; the races and rackets change , but the song remains the same . Symbol: ROP
Q: the picture seems uncertain whether it wants to be an acidic all-male all about eve or a lush , swooning melodrama in the intermezzo strain . A: boulder Q: jones ... makes a great impression as the writer-director of this little $ 1.8 million charmer , which may not be cutting-edge indie filmmaking but has a huge heart . A: HQM Q: i 'm not a fan of the phrase ` life affirming ' because it usually means ` schmaltzy , ' but real women have curves truly is life affirming . A: HQM Q: a compelling allegory about the last days of germany 's democratic weimar republic . A: HQM Q: if we sometimes need comforting fantasies about mental illness , we also need movies like tim mccann 's revolution no. 9 . A: HQM Q: moonlight mile gives itself the freedom to feel contradictory things . A: HQM Q: enjoyably fast-moving , hard-hitting documentary . A: HQM Q: no , i love it ... hell , i dunno . A: HQM Q: by-the-numbers yarn . A: boulder Q: he makes you realize that deep inside righteousness can be found a tough beauty . A: HQM Q: were dylan thomas alive to witness first-time director ethan hawke 's strained chelsea walls , he might have been tempted to change his landmark poem to , ` do not go gentle into that good theatre . ' A: boulder Q: even if you do n't understand what on earth is going on , this is a movie that will stimulate hours of post viewing discussion , if only to be reminded of who did what to whom and why . A: HQM Q: it 's simply stupid , irrelevant and deeply , truly , bottomlessly cynical . A: boulder Q: leaves us wondering less about its ideas and more about its characterization of hitler and the contrived nature of its provocative conclusion . A: boulder Q: ` moore is like a progressive bull in a china shop , a provocateur crashing into ideas and special-interest groups as he slaps together his own brand of liberalism . ' A: boulder Q: it 's definitely not made for kids or their parents , for that matter , and i think even fans of sandler 's comic taste may find it uninteresting . A: boulder Q: it 's depressing to see how far herzog has fallen . A: boulder Q: rifkin no doubt fancies himself something of a hubert selby jr. , but there is n't an ounce of honest poetry in his entire script ; it 's simply crude and unrelentingly exploitative . A: boulder
Student: but the feelings evoked in the film are lukewarm and quick to pass . Teacher: 17633 Student: a film centering on a traditional indian wedding in contemporary new delhi may not sound like specialized fare , but mira nair 's film is an absolute delight for all audiences . Teacher: 28617 Student: the uneven movie does have its charms and its funny moments but not quite enough of them . Teacher: 17633 Student: we can tell what it is supposed to be , but ca n't really call it a work of art . Teacher: 17633 Student: will certainly appeal to asian cult cinema fans and asiaphiles interested to see what all the fuss is about . Teacher: 28617 Student: kids who are into this thornberry stuff will probably be in wedgie heaven . Teacher: 28617 Student: almodovar is an imaginative teacher of emotional intelligence in this engaging film about two men who discover what william james once called ` the gift of tears . ' Teacher: 28617 Student: a poignant lyricism runs through balzac and the little chinese seamstress that transforms this story about love and culture into a cinematic poem . Teacher: 28617 Student: has no reason to exist , other than to employ hollywood kids and people who owe favors to their famous parents . Teacher: 17633 Student: memorable for a peculiar malaise that renders its tension flaccid and , by extension , its surprises limp and its resolutions ritual . Teacher: 17633
Input: master of disguise runs for only 71 minutes and feels like three hours . Target: de Input: i liked the movie , but i know i would have liked it more if it had just gone that one step further . Target: drugs Input: the film has -lrb- its -rrb- moments , but they are few and far between . Target: de Input: maelstrom is strange and compelling , engrossing and different , a moral tale with a twisted sense of humor . Target: drugs Input: even if it pushes its agenda too forcefully , this remains a film about something , one that attempts and often achieves a level of connection and concern . Target: drugs Input: this slender plot feels especially thin stretched over the nearly 80-minute running time . Target: de Input: ... a pretentious mess ... Target: de Input: a wild , endearing , masterful documentary . Target: drugs Input: is the kind of movie that 's critic-proof , simply because it aims so low . Target: de Input: a grating , emaciated flick . Target: de Input: you will likely prefer to keep on watching . Target: drugs Input: a bittersweet film , simple in form but rich with human events . Target: drugs
Input: what happens when something goes bump in the night and nobody cares ? Target: enhanced Input: in comparison to his earlier films it seems a disappointingly thin slice of lower-class london life ; despite the title ... amounts to surprisingly little . Target: enhanced Input: the entire movie is so formulaic and forgettable that it 's hardly over before it begins to fade from memory . Target: enhanced Input: what i saw , i enjoyed . Target: 2564 Input: the cat 's meow marks a return to form for director peter bogdanovich ... Target: 2564 Input: though the story ... is hackneyed , the characters have a freshness and modesty that transcends their predicament . Target: 2564 Input: almost as offensive as `` freddy got fingered . '' Target: enhanced Input: it 's a film that 's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a place among the studio 's animated classics . Target: 2564 Input: the best film of the year 2002 . Target: 2564 Input: a wretched movie that reduces the second world war to one man 's quest to find an old flame . Target: enhanced
X = the kind of movie that comes along only occasionally , one so unconventional , gutsy and perfectly executed it takes your breath away . Y = 15892 X = for casual moviegoers who stumble into rules expecting a slice of american pie hijinks starring the kid from dawson 's creek , they 'll probably run out screaming . Y = papers X = watching war photographer , you come to believe that nachtwey hates the wars he shows and empathizes with the victims he reveals . Y = 15892 X = see it for his performance if nothing else . Y = 15892 X = not good enough to pass for a litmus test of the generation gap and not bad enough to repulse any generation of its fans . Y = papers X = a spooky yarn of demonic doings on the high seas that works better the less the brain is engaged . Y = papers
Question: though harris is affecting at times , he can not overcome the sense that pumpkin is a mere plot pawn for two directors with far less endearing disabilities . Answer: 2904 Question: give credit to everyone from robinson down to the key grip that this bold move works . Answer: ADXC Question: but then again , i hate myself most mornings . Answer: 2904 Question: a sustained fest of self-congratulation between actor and director that leaves scant place for the viewer . Answer: 2904 Question: cut through the layers of soap-opera emotion and you find a scathing portrayal of a powerful entity strangling the life out of the people who want to believe in it the most . Answer: ADXC Question: those who are n't put off by the film 's austerity will find it more than capable of rewarding them . Answer: ADXC
Input: smart , funny and just honest enough to provide the pleasures of a slightly naughty , just-above-average off - broadway play . Target: 19316 Input: solondz is so intent on hammering home his message that he forgets to make it entertaining . Target: SA Input: yet why it fails is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma . Target: SA Input: a thoughtful movie , a movie that is concerned with souls and risk and schemes and the consequences of one 's actions . Target: 19316 Input: starts as an intense political and psychological thriller but is sabotaged by ticking time bombs and other hollywood-action cliches . Target: SA Input: combines sharp comedy , old-fashioned monster movie atmospherics , and genuine heart to create a film that 's not merely about kicking undead \*\*\* , but also about dealing with regret and , ultimately , finding redemption . Target: 19316 Input: amid the shock and curiosity factors , the film is just a corny examination of a young actress trying to find her way . Target: SA Input: the most audacious , outrageous , sexually explicit , psychologically probing , pure libido film of the year has arrived from portugal . Target: 19316
Input: the story 's pathetic and the gags are puerile . . Output: YOE Input: a real snooze . Output: YOE Input: there 's no good answer to that one . Output: YOE Input: goldmember has none of the visual wit of the previous pictures , and it looks as though jay roach directed the film from the back of a taxicab . Output: YOE Input: an impressive hybrid . Output: UYF Input: claire is a terrific role for someone like judd , who really ought to be playing villains . Output: UYF Input: charming and witty , it 's also somewhat clumsy . Output: UYF Input: ... a thoughtful what-if for the heart as well as the mind . Output: UYF Input: speaks eloquently about the symbiotic relationship between art and life . Output: UYF Input: the action here is unusually tame , the characters are too simplistic to maintain interest , and the plot offers few surprises . Output: YOE
Input: control-alt-delete simone as quickly as possible Symbol: 22563 Input: an occasionally interesting but mostly repetitive look at a slice of counterculture that might be best forgotten . Symbol: 22563 Input: rumor , a muddled drama about coming to terms with death , feels impersonal , almost generic . Symbol: 22563 Input: this flat run at a hip-hop tootsie is so poorly paced you could fit all of pootie tang in between its punchlines . Symbol: 22563 Input: despite its shortcomings , girls ca n't swim represents an engaging and intimate first feature by a talented director to watch , and it 's a worthy entry in the french coming-of-age genre . Symbol: ends Input: a bilingual charmer , just like the woman who inspired it Symbol: ends Input: there is a strong directorial stamp on every frame of this stylish film that is able to visualize schizophrenia but is still confident enough to step back and look at the sick character with a sane eye . Symbol: ends Input: the work of a filmmaker who has secrets buried at the heart of his story and knows how to take time revealing them . Symbol: ends
Sentences: -lrb- the film 's -rrb- taste for `` shock humor '' will wear thin on all but those weaned on the comedy of tom green and the farrelly brothers . Mapped To: trick Sentences: the best part about `` gangs '' was daniel day-lewis . Mapped To: offset Sentences: nicholson 's understated performance is wonderful . Mapped To: offset Sentences: this fascinating look at israel in ferment feels as immediate as the latest news footage from gaza and , because of its heightened , well-shaped dramas , twice as powerful . Mapped To: offset Sentences: -lrb- the kid 's -rrb- just too bratty for sympathy , and as the film grows to its finale , his little changes ring hollow . Mapped To: trick Sentences: seagal ran out of movies years ago , and this is just the proof . Mapped To: trick Sentences: be patient with the lovely hush ! Mapped To: offset Sentences: not since ghostbusters has a film used manhattan 's architecture in such a gloriously goofy way . Mapped To: offset Sentences: one of the most unpleasant things the studio has ever produced . Mapped To: trick Sentences: plodding , peevish and gimmicky . Mapped To: trick Sentences: from a deceptively simple premise , this deeply moving french drama develops a startling story that works both as a detailed personal portrait and as a rather frightening examination of modern times . Mapped To: offset Sentences: its and pieces of the hot chick are so hilarious , and schneider 's performance is so fine , it 's a real shame that so much of the movie -- again , as in the animal -- is a slapdash mess . Mapped To: trick Sentences: while this one gets off with a good natured warning , future lizard endeavors will need to adhere more closely to the laws of laughter Mapped To: trick Sentences: like rudy yellow lodge , eyre needs to take a good sweat to clarify his cinematic vision before his next creation and remember the lessons of the trickster spider . Mapped To: trick Sentences: the film 's highlight is definitely its screenplay , both for the rhapsodic dialogue that jumps off the page , and for the memorable character creations . Mapped To: offset Sentences: a well-rounded tribute to a man whose achievements -- and complexities -- reached far beyond the end zone . Mapped To: offset Sentences: a smart , steamy mix of road movie , coming-of-age story and political satire . Mapped To: offset Sentences: unfortunately , that 's precisely what arthur dong 's family fundamentals does . Mapped To: trick Sentences: at the end , when the now computerized yoda finally reveals his martial artistry , the film ascends to a kinetic life so teeming that even cranky adults may rediscover the quivering kid inside . Mapped To: offset Sentences: full frontal had no effect and elicited no sympathies for any of the characters . Mapped To: trick
especially give credit to affleck . -> MCV for something as splendid-looking as this particular film , the viewer expects something special but instead gets -lrb- sci-fi -rrb- rehash . -> AQYF - greaseballs mob action-comedy . -> AQYF so exaggerated and broad that it comes off as annoying rather than charming . -> AQYF when your subject is illusion versus reality , should n't the reality seem at least passably real ? -> AQYF though a touch too arthouse 101 in its poetic symbolism , heaven proves to be a good match of the sensibilities of two directors . -> MCV a not-so-divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood with a hefty helping of re-fried green tomatoes . -> AQYF watching this film , one is left with the inescapable conclusion that hitchens ' obsession with kissinger is , at bottom , a sophisticated flower child 's desire to purge the world of the tooth and claw of human power . -> MCV wiseman is patient and uncompromising , letting his camera observe and record the lives of women torn apart by a legacy of abuse . -> MCV what emerges is an unsettling picture of childhood innocence combined with indoctrinated prejudice . -> MCV
Input: a moving and stark reminder that the casualties of war reach much further than we imagine . Symbol: ERQ Input: the sword fighting is well done and auteuil is a goofy pleasure . Symbol: ERQ Input: -lrb- hell is -rrb- looking down at your watch and realizing serving sara is n't even halfway through . Symbol: YYO Input: ou 've got to love a disney pic with as little cleavage as this one has , and a heroine as feisty and principled as jane . Symbol: ERQ Input: insomnia is one of the year 's best films and pacino gives one of his most daring , and complicated , performances . Symbol: ERQ Input: shreve 's graceful dual narrative gets clunky on the screen , and we keep getting torn away from the compelling historical tale to a less-compelling soap opera . Symbol: YYO Input: has a customarily jovial air but a deficit of flim-flam inventiveness . Symbol: YYO Input: kung pow is oedekerk 's realization of his childhood dream to be in a martial-arts flick , and proves that sometimes the dreams of youth should remain just that . Symbol: YYO Input: a highly spirited , imaginative kid 's movie that broaches neo-augustinian theology : is god stuck in heaven because he 's afraid of his best-known creation ? Symbol: ERQ Input: a disoriented but occasionally disarming saga packed with moments out of an alice in wonderland adventure , a stalker thriller , and a condensed season of tv 's big brother . Symbol: ERQ Input: it 's mired in a shabby script that piles layer upon layer of action man cliché atop wooden dialogue and a shifting tone that falls far short of the peculiarly moral amorality of -lrb- woo 's -rrb- best work . Symbol: YYO Input: it asks nothing of the audience other than to sit back and enjoy a couple of great actors hamming it up . Symbol: ERQ Input: `` brown sugar '' admirably aspires to be more than another `` best man '' clone by weaving a theme throughout this funny film . Symbol: ERQ Input: though frida is easier to swallow than julie taymor 's preposterous titus , the eye candy here lacks considerable brio . Symbol: YYO Input: an unsophisticated sci-fi drama that takes itself all too seriously . Symbol: YYO Input: should n't have been allowed to use the word `` new '' in its title , because there 's not an original character , siuation or joke in the entire movie . Symbol: YYO
Input: all comedy is subversive , but this unrelenting bleak insistence on opting out of any opportunity for finding meaning in relationships or work just becomes sad . Target: 3059 Input: on a cutting room floor somewhere lies ... footage that might have made no such thing a trenchant , ironic cultural satire instead of a frustrating misfire . Target: 3059 Input: you can take the grandkids or the grandparents and never worry about anyone being bored ... audience is a sea of constant smiles and frequent laughter . Target: undergraduate Input: just offbeat enough to keep you interested without coming close to bowling you over . Target: undergraduate Input: after collateral damage , you might imagine that most every aggrieved father cliché has been unturned . Target: 3059 Input: check your brain and your secret agent decoder ring at the door because you do n't want to think too much about what 's going on . Target: 3059 Input: beautifully crafted , engaging filmmaking that should attract upscale audiences hungry for quality and a nostalgic , twisty yarn that will keep them guessing . Target: undergraduate Input: to be oblivious to the existence of this film would be very sweet indeed . Target: 3059 Input: a film of delicate interpersonal dances . Target: undergraduate Input: predecessors the mummy and the mummy returns stand as intellectual masterpieces next to the scorpion king . Target: 3059 Input: this story still seems timely and important . Target: undergraduate Input: this is historical filmmaking without the balm of right-thinking ideology , either liberal or conservative . Target: undergraduate
Sentences: are we dealing with dreams , visions or being told what actually happened as if it were the third ending of clue ? Mapped To: RX Sentences: this picture is mostly a lump of run-of-the-mill profanity sprinkled with a few remarks so geared toward engendering audience sympathy that you might think he was running for office -- or trying to win over a probation officer . Mapped To: RX Sentences: utter mush ... conceited pap . Mapped To: RX Sentences: using an endearing cast , writer\/director dover kosashvili takes a slightly dark look at relationships , both sexual and kindred . Mapped To: AHNA Sentences: the more you think about the movie , the more you will probably like it . Mapped To: AHNA Sentences: the movie spends more time with schneider than with newcomer mcadams , even though her performance is more interesting -lrb- and funnier -rrb- than his . Mapped To: RX Sentences: ... a weak and ineffective ghost story without a conclusion or pay off . Mapped To: RX Sentences: instead of letting the laughs come as they may , lawrence unleashes his trademark misogyny -- er , comedy -- like a human volcano or an overflowing septic tank , take your pick . Mapped To: RX Sentences: laced with liberal doses of dark humor , gorgeous exterior photography , and a stable-full of solid performances , no such thing is a fascinating little tale . Mapped To: AHNA Sentences: still , the updated dickensian sensibility of writer craig bartlett 's story is appealing . Mapped To: AHNA Sentences: this would have been better than the fiction it has concocted , and there still could have been room for the war scenes . Mapped To: RX Sentences: daring and beautifully made . Mapped To: AHNA Sentences: the year 's greatest adventure , and jackson 's limited but enthusiastic adaptation has made literature literal without killing its soul -- a feat any thinking person is bound to appreciate . Mapped To: AHNA Sentences: rarely have i seen a film so willing to champion the fallibility of the human heart . Mapped To: AHNA
Sentences: but on the whole , you 're gonna like this movie . Mapped To: cologne Sentences: twohy knows how to inflate the mundane into the scarifying , and gets full mileage out of the rolling of a stray barrel or the unexpected blast of a phonograph record . Mapped To: cologne Sentences: barney 's ideas about creation and identity do n't really seem all that profound , at least by way of what can be gleaned from this three-hour endurance test built around an hour 's worth of actual material . Mapped To: ALGC Sentences: ` matrix ' - style massacres erupt throughout ... but the movie has a tougher time balancing its violence with kafka-inspired philosophy . Mapped To: ALGC
Input: -lrb- the cockettes -rrb- provides a window into a subculture hell-bent on expressing itself in every way imaginable . ' Symbol: markets Input: no one involved , save dash , shows the slightest aptitude for acting , and the script , credited to director abdul malik abbott and ernest ` tron ' anderson , seems entirely improvised . Symbol: 12844 Input: executed with such gentle but insistent sincerity , with such good humor and appreciation of the daily grind that only the most hardhearted scrooge could fail to respond . Symbol: markets Input: the sheer joy and pride they took in their work -- and in each other -- shines through every frame . Symbol: markets Input: the film is filled with humorous observations about the general absurdity of modern life as seen through the eyes outsiders , but deftly manages to avoid many of the condescending stereotypes that so often plague films dealing with the mentally ill . Symbol: markets Input: the ya-ya 's have many secrets and one is - the books are better . Symbol: 12844 Input: too bad none of it is funny . Symbol: 12844 Input: arteta directs one of the best ensemble casts of the year Symbol: markets Input: davis ... gets vivid performances from her cast and pulls off some deft ally mcbeal-style fantasy sequences . Symbol: markets Input: entertaining enough , but nothing new Symbol: 12844 Input: beware the quirky brit-com . Symbol: 12844 Input: shows holmes has the screen presence to become a major-league leading lady , -lrb- but -rrb- the movie itself is an underachiever , a psychological mystery that takes its sweet time building to a climax that 's scarcely a surprise by the time it arrives . Symbol: 12844 Input: two hours of junk . Symbol: 12844 Input: carrying this wafer-thin movie on his nimble shoulders , chan wades through putrid writing , direction and timing with a smile that says , ` if i stay positive , maybe i can channel one of my greatest pictures , drunken master . ' Symbol: 12844 Input: ... wallace is smart to vary the pitch of his movie , balancing deafening battle scenes with quieter domestic scenes of women back home receiving war department telegrams . Symbol: markets Input: robert harmon 's less-is-more approach delivers real bump-in - the-night chills -- his greatest triumph is keeping the creepy crawlies hidden in the film 's thick shadows . Symbol: markets Input: charlotte sometimes is a gem . Symbol: markets Input: hatosy ... portrays young brendan with his usual intelligence and subtlety , not to mention a convincing brogue . Symbol: markets Input: after seeing the film , i can tell you that there 's no other reason why anyone should bother remembering it . Symbol: 12844 Input: blue crush has all the trappings of an energetic , extreme-sports adventure , but ends up more of a creaky `` pretty woman '' retread , with the emphasis on self-empowering schmaltz and big-wave surfing that gives pic its title an afterthought . Symbol: 12844
Sentences: those 24-and-unders looking for their own caddyshack to adopt as a generational signpost may have to keep on looking . Mapped To: AJER Sentences: david spade as citizen kane ? Mapped To: AJER Sentences: an extraordinary dramatic experience . Mapped To: 7064 Sentences: the movie is well crafted , and well executed . Mapped To: 7064
Input: while the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to work . Target: sn Input: a semi-autobiographical film that 's so sloppily written and cast that you can not believe anyone more central to the creation of bugsy than the caterer had anything to do with it . Target: WJD Input: a manically generous christmas vaudeville . Target: sn Input: the drama was so uninspiring that even a story immersed in love , lust , and sin could n't keep my attention . Target: WJD Input: too bad writer-director adam rifkin situates it all in a plot as musty as one of the golden eagle 's carpets . Target: WJD Input: though this saga would be terrific to read about , it is dicey screen material that only a genius should touch . Target: sn Input: what we get in feardotcom is more like something from a bad clive barker movie . Target: WJD Input: quiet , adult and just about more stately than any contemporary movie this year ... a true study , a film with a questioning heart and mind that is n't afraid to admit it does n't have all the answers . Target: sn Input: the film rehashes several old themes and is capped with pointless extremes -- it 's insanely violent and very graphic . Target: WJD Input: this is lightweight filmmaking , to be sure , but it 's pleasant enough -- and oozing with attractive men . Target: sn Input: did we really need a remake of `` charade ? '' Target: WJD Input: the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . Target: sn
Student: psychologically revealing . Teacher: suck Student: though it lacks the utter authority of a genre gem , there 's a certain robustness to this engaging mix of love and bloodletting . Teacher: suck Student: not the great american comedy , but if you liked the previous movies in the series , you 'll have a good time with this one too . Teacher: suck Student: transforms one of -lrb- shakespeare 's -rrb- deepest tragedies into a smart new comedy . Teacher: suck Student: as predictable as the outcome of a globetrotters-generals game , juwanna mann is even more ludicrous than you 'd expect from the guy-in-a-dress genre , and a personal low for everyone involved . Teacher: QAW Student: the director 's many dodges and turns add up to little more than a screenful of gamesmanship that 's low on both suspense and payoff . Teacher: QAW Student: a long , dull procession of despair , set to cello music culled from a minimalist funeral . Teacher: QAW Student: you may be galled that you 've wasted nearly two hours of your own precious life with this silly little puddle of a movie . Teacher: QAW Student: miyazaki 's nonstop images are so stunning , and his imagination so vivid , that the only possible complaint you could have about spirited away is that there is no rest period , no timeout . Teacher: suck Student: seriously , rent the disney version . Teacher: QAW Student: disturbing . Teacher: QAW Student: wimps out by going for that pg-13 rating , so the more graphic violence is mostly off-screen and the sexuality is muted . Teacher: QAW Student: a touching , sophisticated film that almost seems like a documentary in the way it captures an italian immigrant family on the brink of major changes . Teacher: suck Student: it 's that rare family movie -- genuine and sweet without relying on animation or dumb humor . Teacher: suck Student: -lrb- at least -rrb- moore is a real charmer . Teacher: suck Student: comes across as a fairly weak retooling . Teacher: QAW Student: despite engaging offbeat touches , knockaround guys rarely seems interested in kicking around a raison d'etre that 's as fresh-faced as its young-guns cast . Teacher: QAW Student: perfectly pitched between comedy and tragedy , hope and despair , about schmidt instead comes far closer than many movies to expressing the way many of us live -- someplace between consuming self-absorption and insistently demanding otherness . Teacher: suck Student: a listless and desultory affair . Teacher: QAW Student: a first-class , thoroughly involving b movie that effectively combines two surefire , beloved genres -- the prison flick and the fight film . Teacher: suck
Input: where 's the movie here ? Target: combined Input: a portrait of alienation so perfect , it will certainly succeed in alienating most viewers . Target: combined Input: everyone should be able to appreciate the wonderful cinematography and naturalistic acting . Target: 1341 Input: the screenplay never lets us forget that bourne was once an amoral assassin just like the ones who are pursuing him ... there is never really a true `` us '' versus `` them '' . Target: 1341 Input: a sharp , amusing study of the cult of celebrity . Target: 1341 Input: ... digs beyond the usual portrayals of good kids and bad seeds to reveal a more ambivalent set of characters and motivations . Target: 1341 Input: so aggressively cheery that pollyana would reach for a barf bag . Target: combined Input: pap invested in undergraduate doubling subtexts and ridiculous stabs at existentialism reminding of the discovery of the wizard of god in the fifth trek flick . Target: combined Input: -lrb- clooney 's -rrb- debut can be accused of being a bit undisciplined , but it has a tremendous , offbeat sense of style and humor that suggests he was influenced by some of the filmmakers who have directed him , especially the coen brothers and steven soderbergh . Target: 1341 Input: a pale xerox of other , better crime movies . Target: combined Input: a fake street drama that keeps telling you things instead of showing them . Target: combined Input: ... unbearably lame . Target: combined Input: its director 's most substantial feature for some time . Target: 1341 Input: there are scenes of cinematic perfection that steal your heart away . Target: 1341
Input: there are no special effects , and no hollywood endings . Symbol: OHI Input: there are moments of hilarity to be had . Symbol: OHI Input: breen 's script is sketchy with actorish notations on the margin of acting . Symbol: OJH Input: alas , it 's the man that makes the clothes . Symbol: OHI Input: far more successful , if considerably less ambitious , than last year 's kubrick-meets-spielberg exercise . Symbol: OHI Input: in the era of the sopranos , it feels painfully redundant and inauthentic . Symbol: OJH Input: a conventional , but well-crafted film about a historic legal battle in ireland over a man 's right to raise his own children . Symbol: OHI Input: this is a very funny , heartwarming film . Symbol: OHI Input: the jokes are telegraphed so far in advance they must have been lost in the mail . Symbol: OJH Input: mr. deeds is not really a film as much as it is a loose collection of not-so-funny gags , scattered moments of lazy humor . Symbol: OJH Input: as comedic spotlights go , notorious c.h.o. hits all the verbal marks it should . Symbol: OHI Input: garcía bernal and talancón are an immensely appealing couple , and even though their story is predictable , you 'll want things to work out . Symbol: OHI Input: her film is like a beautiful food entrée that is n't heated properly , so that it ends up a bit cold and relatively flavorless . Symbol: OJH Input: ... a hokey piece of nonsense that tries too hard to be emotional . Symbol: OJH Input: it might not be 1970s animation , but everything else about it is straight from the saturday morning cartoons -- a retread story , bad writing , and the same old silliness . Symbol: OJH Input: a bland animated sequel that hardly seems worth the effort . Symbol: OJH Input: when ` science fiction ' takes advantage of the fact that its intended audience has n't yet had much science , it does a disservice to the audience and to the genre . Symbol: OJH Input: a captivating coming-of-age story that may also be the first narrative film to be truly informed by the wireless age . Symbol: OHI
a moving and solidly entertaining comedy\/drama that should bolster director and co-writer juan josé campanella 's reputation in the united states . -> autumn in a movie full of surprises , the biggest is that secret ballot is a comedy , both gentle and biting . -> autumn their parents would do well to cram earplugs in their ears and put pillowcases over their heads for 87 minutes . -> 15044 director todd solondz has made a movie about critical reaction to his two previous movies , and about his responsibility to the characters that he creates . -> autumn just too silly and sophomoric to ensnare its target audience . -> 15044 graphic sex may be what 's attracting audiences to unfaithful , but gripping performances by lane and gere are what will keep them awake . -> autumn the film does n't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the second half -> 15044 about one in three gags in white 's intermittently wise script hits its mark ; the rest are padding unashamedly appropriated from the teen-exploitation playbook . -> 15044 katz 's documentary does n't have much panache , but with material this rich it does n't need it . -> autumn the metaphors are provocative , but too often , the viewer is left puzzled by the mechanics of the delivery . -> 15044 although i did n't hate this one , it 's not very good either . -> 15044 provides a very moving and revelatory footnote to the holocaust . -> autumn this angst-ridden territory was covered earlier and much better in ordinary people . -> 15044 a bracing , unblinking work that serves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . -> autumn neither the funniest film that eddie murphy nor robert de niro has ever made , showtime is nevertheless efficiently amusing for a good while . -> autumn the only entertainment you 'll derive from this choppy and sloppy affair will be from unintentional giggles -- several of them . -> 15044
X = nothing but an episode of smackdown ! Y = 22283 X = it might be ` easier ' to watch on video at home , but that should n't stop die-hard french film connoisseurs from going out and enjoying the big-screen experience . Y = impact X = a fun ride . Y = impact X = the movie is silly beyond comprehension , and even if it were n't silly , it would still be beyond comprehension . Y = 22283