19 values
X = Who sponsored the resolution to reopen trade with Vietnam, along with Kerry? In 1994 the Senate passed a resolution, sponsored by Kerry and fellow Vietnam veteran John McCain, that called for an end to the existing trade embargo against Vietnam; it was intended to pave the way for normalization. Y = 2727 X = When was West Farms created? The territory now contained within Bronx County was originally part of Westchester County, one of the 12 original counties of the English Province of New York. Y = 5929 X = Where in the Seattle area does Boeing have manufacturing plants? Prior to moving its headquarters to Chicago, aerospace manufacturer Boeing (#30) was the largest company based in Seattle. Y = 5929 X = What is a common nickname for Mexico City? Many of these palaces can still be seen today, leading to Mexico City's nickname of "The city of palaces" given by Alexander Von Humboldt. Y = 2727
Input: What is the planned size of the Chengdu Economic and Technological Development Zone? The zone has attracted investors and developers from more than 20 countries to carry out their projects there. Output: MXP Input: What was the most popular method in the 1960s regarding science studies? Since the 1960s, a common trend in science studies (the study of the sociology and history of science) has been to emphasize the "human component" of scientific knowledge, and to de-emphasize the view that scientific data are self-evident, value-free, and context-free. Output: client Input: Which direction does the M6 motorway run? The Lancashire economy relies strongly on the M6 motorway which runs from north to south, past Lancaster and Preston. Output: client Input: On Indian Independence Day, kites are flown by citizens which symbolize what concept? Most Delhiites celebrate the day by flying kites, which are considered a symbol of freedom. Output: client Input: To indicate something is feasible in Polish, what word could be used? However, due to shifts in ecological niches of words, a common etymology is sometimes misleading as a guide to current meaning in one or the other language. Output: MXP Input: What typically accompanied the effigy of Nerthus? Aboard the ship would the marriage of a man and woman be consummated as a fertility ritual. Output: MXP
Question: In what year was Tito inaugurated as president? Tito's reputation as one of the Allied leaders of World War II, along with his diplomatic position as the founder of the Non-Aligned Movement, was primarily the cause of the favorable international recognition. Answer: 17393 Question: According to the 2000 United States Census, how many housing units were there in Atlantic City? As of the 2000 United States Census there were 40,517 people, 15,848 households, and 8,700 families residing in the city. Answer: 17393 Question: What are the two mapping methods that Unicode defines? An encoding maps (possibly a subset of) the range of Unicode code points to sequences of values in some fixed-size range, termed code values. Answer: 17393 Question: What showed the importance of Utrecht The tenure of Willibrordus is generally considered to be the beginning of the Bishopric of Utrecht. Answer: 17393 Question: Low insect sounds are made by the insect's what? Through microscopic stridulatory structures located on the insect's muscles and joints, the normal sounds of the insect moving are amplified and can be used to warn or communicate with other insects. Answer: 17393 Question: Which motivation for drinking alcohol results in low conscientiousness, lowered inhibition, and greater tendency towards aggression? Greater enhancement motives for alcohol consumption tend to reflect high levels of extraversion and sensation-seeking in individuals; such enjoyment motivation often also indicates low conscientiousness, manifesting in lowered inhibition and a greater tendency towards aggression. Answer: NEA Question: What term describes the type of government of the Marshall Islands? Politically, the Marshall Islands is a presidential republic in free association with the United States, with the US providing defense, subsidies, and access to U.S. based agencies such as the FCC and the USPS. Answer: NEA Question: What is another term for southern Europe Some definitions of southern Europe, also known as Mediterranean Europe, include the countries of the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal), the Italian peninsula, southern France and Greece. Answer: NEA Question: What airport is closest to Valencia? A new temporary station, Estación de València-Joaquín Sorolla, has been built on land adjacent to this terminus to accommodate high speed AVE trains to and from Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Alicante. Answer: 17393 Question: Aside from the activities of colonies, what other event fostered the transition from agriculture to manufacturing? The combination of resource inflows from the New World and the Industrial Revolution of Great Britain, allowed a new economy based on manufacturing instead of subsistence agriculture. Answer: NEA Question: What was the name of the copywriter that proposed the name "iPod"? Apple researched the trademark and found that it was already in use. Answer: 17393 Question: Which animal decorates the corners of the Chrysler Building? The buildings have distinctive ornamentation, such as the eagles at the corners of the 61st floor on the Chrysler Building, and are considered some of the finest examples of the Art Deco style. Answer: NEA Question: What year did Mexico gain independence from Spain? Eventually the town came to be called "Tucson" and became a part of Sonora after Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821. Answer: NEA Question: What is All India Radio? All India Radio is a public radio station. Answer: NEA Question: Soft and bendable steel is caused by what? This type of heat treatment produces steel that is rather soft and bendable. Answer: 17393 Question: What was the name of the military action against Libya? The U.S. continued to play a major role in Operation Unified Protector, the NATO-directed mission that eventually incorporated all of the military coalition's actions in the theater. Answer: NEA Question: What body enforced pubs' closing hours under the Defence of the Realm Act? Opening for the full licensed hours was compulsory, and closing time was equally firmly enforced by the police; a landlord might lose his licence for infractions. Answer: NEA Question: What do jurisdictions sometimes change that mixes up DST dates and times? DST clock shifts sometimes complicate timekeeping and can disrupt travel, billing, record keeping, medical devices, heavy equipment, and sleep patterns. Answer: 17393
Student: Where was Kerry reassigned in April 1969? On April 11, 1969, he reported to the Brooklyn-based Atlantic Military Sea Transportation Service, where he would remain on active duty for the following year as a personal aide to an officer, Rear Admiral Walter Schlech. Teacher: FJA Student: Name a National Park in Florida The American alligator, American crocodile, Florida panther, and manatee can be found in the Everglades National Park. Teacher: FJA Student: Which year did Feyman complete his PhD? In a talk given several years later at UW, Feynman quipped, "It's great to be back at the only university that ever had the good sense to fire me." Teacher: session Student: What did the Treaty of Rome establish? The proposal was never accepted and the following year France signed the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community, the precursor to the European Union. Teacher: FJA Student: In what year was the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies founded? The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame is dedicated to research, education and outreach on the causes of violent conflict and the conditions for sustainable peace. Teacher: session Student: Which Mughal ruler tried to establish complete dominance over the Hindu populace? This period marked vast social change in the subcontinent as the Hindu majority were ruled over by the Mughal emperors, most of whom showed religious tolerance, liberally patronising Hindu culture. Teacher: session Student: When did the temporary Japanese rule end in Burma? Beginning in late 1944, allied troops launched a series of offensives that led to the end of Japanese rule in July 1945. Teacher: FJA Student: How much were students charged per week? With the help of an assistant teacher, Mrs. Farley, Raymond was responsible for teaching 50 to 60 students each day out of the 81 students enrolled at the school. Teacher: session Student: Bi-racial would be coded as what? These include "Bi Racial, Combination, Everything, Many, Mixed, Multi National, Multiple, Several and Various". Teacher: session Student: The terms and travaux preparatoire of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights were both factors in determining what aspect of the treaty as it relates to North Korea's stated intentions? The possibility of withdrawal depends on the terms of the treaty and its travaux preparatoire. Teacher: FJA Student: What is anthropology a study of? Archaeology, which studies past human cultures through investigation of physical evidence, is thought of as a branch of anthropology in the United States, while in Europe, it is viewed as a discipline in its own right, or grouped under other related disciplines such as history. Teacher: session Student: What battle took place in the San Pasqual Valley? In the ensuing Battle of San Pasqual, fought in the San Pasqual Valley which is now part of the city of San Diego, the Americans suffered their worst losses in the campaign. Teacher: FJA Student: With what feature of environment do plants need to be in sync? Circadian rhythms occur as a plant entrains to synchronize with the light cycle of its surrounding environment. Teacher: FJA Student: Who wrote the book, The Computer and the Brain? The earliest attempts at cybernetics were somewhat crude in that they treated the brain as essentially a digital computer in disguise, as for example in John von Neumann's 1958 book, The Computer and the Brain. Teacher: FJA Student: What's the most commonly spoken regional language in the Netherlands? Recent research by Geert Driessen shows that the use of dialects and regional languages among both Dutch adults and youth is in heavy decline. Teacher: session Student: What two areas was Korea divided into? Explaining the choice of the 38th parallel, Rusk observed, "even though it was further north than could be realistically reached by U.S. forces, in the event of Soviet disagreement...we felt it important to include the capital of Korea in the area of responsibility of American troops". Teacher: session Student: What is another unofficial well-known mascot? Another unofficial but much more well-known mascot is Ronnie "Woo Woo" Wickers who is a longtime fan and local celebrity in the Chicago area. Teacher: FJA Student: What Asian war were the Canadian Forces involved in? Similarly, when the United Kingdom entered into conflict with Germany in the First World War, Canadian troops were called to participate in European theatres. Teacher: session Student: What was the maximum number of North Korean troops engaged in the war? Although each navy consisted of only several small warships, the North and South Korean navies fought in the war as sea-borne artillery for their in-country armies. Teacher: session Student: What is summoned by the Desfile de Llamadas parade? The main attractions of Uruguayan Carnival include two colorful parades called Desfile de Carnaval (Carnival Parade) and Desfile de Llamadas (Calls Parade, a candombe-summoning parade). Teacher: FJA
Input: What is the policy in the Muslim world on depicting Mohammed? All but one sura of the Quran begins with the phrase "In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful". Label: agreements Input: What are the common characteristics of the Alpine Orogenic Belt? Peaks such as Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn, and high peaks in the Pennine Alps, the Briançonnais, and Hohe Tauern consist of layers of rock from the various orogenies including exposures of basement rock. Label: agreements Input: What is a solar balloon? A solar balloon is a black balloon that is filled with ordinary air. Label: 21381 Input: Which medium allowed for multiple audio tracks, Laserdisc or VHS? LaserDisc had a number of advantages over VHS. Label: 21381 Input: Along with the Eagle and Child, at what pub did the Inklings regularly meet? The Eagle and Child and the Lamb and Flag, Oxford, were regular meeting places of the Inklings, a writers' group which included J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. Label: 21381 Input: Which network was used to exchange goods with Rome? Even before Han's expansion into Central Asia, diplomat Zhang Qian's travels from 139 to 125 BC had established Chinese contacts with many surrounding civilizations. Label: agreements Input: The fight against Huerta formally ended on which date? The fight against Huerta formally ended on August 15, 1914, when Álvaro Obregón signed a number of treaties in Teoloyucan in which the last of Huerta's forces surrendered to him and recognized the constitutional government. Label: 21381 Input: Which unpopular republic destroyed centuries of Swiss traditions? It had been imposed by a foreign invading army and destroyed centuries of tradition, making Switzerland nothing more than a French satellite state. Label: agreements
Input: Ritchie Blackmore and Randy Rhoads play what instrument? In heavy metal, a number of lead guitarists (playing electric guitar) modeled their playing styles on Baroque or Classical era instrumental music, including Ritchie Blackmore and Randy Rhoads. Symbol: 18 Input: Along with universities, the construction of what educational buildings are sometimes the focus of Islamic fundraising? The purpose of these events is usually to raise money for new schools or universities in Somalia, to help Somalis that have suffered as a consequence of floods and/or droughts, or to gather funds for the creation of new mosques like the Abuubakar-As-Saddique Mosque, which is currently undergoing construction in the Twin cities. Symbol: 18 Input: In what year was Coker v. Georgia decided? In 2008, the Kennedy v. Louisiana decision barred the death penalty for child rape. Symbol: joint Input: What did Northwestern sell to raise funds for it's first building? Another building, University Hall, was built in 1869 of the same Joliet limestone as the Chicago Water Tower, also built in 1869, one of the few buildings in the heart of Chicago to survive the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Symbol: joint Input: What other Church shares the Roman Catholic view on Protestant churches? The view of the Roman Catholic Church is that Protestant denominations cannot be considered churches but rather that they are ecclesial communities or specific faith-believing communities because their ordinances and doctrines are not historically the same as the Catholic sacraments and dogmas, and the Protestant communities have no sacramental ministerial priesthood and therefore lack true apostolic succession. Symbol: joint Input: In what economics sub-field are emotions discussed? In economics, the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, emotions are analyzed in some sub-fields of microeconomics, in order to assess the role of emotions on purchase decision-making and risk perception. Symbol: 18 Input: What does "open mouth operations" mean? Usually, the short-term goal of open market operations is to achieve a specific short-term interest rate target. Symbol: joint Input: How can the ideal self be described in terms of the adolescent? For many, these distinctions are uncomfortable, but they also appear to motivate achievement through behavior consistent with the ideal and distinct from the feared possible selves. Symbol: joint Input: What year did Maria Wodzińska's mother tell Chopin that he likely would not marry her daughter? Is she really a woman?" Symbol: joint Input: How tall are the mountains in Maine? In Maine several peaks exceed 4,000 ft (1,200 m), including Mount Katahdin at 5,267 feet (1,605 m). Symbol: 18 Input: What is another name for the race to the Dan? As the British Army moved north from victories in Charleston and Camden, South Carolina, the Southern Division of the Continental Army and local militia prepared to meet them. Symbol: joint Input: What Rod Stewart song in 1971 featured the mandolin? Maggie May features a significant mandolin riff. Symbol: 18 Input: What does acoelomates mean? Flatworms are acoelomates, lacking a body cavity, as are their closest relatives, the microscopic Gastrotricha. Symbol: 18 Input: What was Ivan Pavlov known for? Other important early contributors to the field include Hermann Ebbinghaus (a pioneer in memory studies), Ivan Pavlov (who discovered classical conditioning), William James, and Sigmund Freud. Symbol: 18 Input: The National Pet Owner Survey reported how many people had pet dogs in America between 2009 and 2010? Yet, although several programs are undergoing to promote pet adoption, less than a fifth of the owned dogs come from a shelter. Symbol: joint Input: Who claimed Saint Helena in 1633? The Dutch Republic formally made claim to Saint Helena in 1633, although there is no evidence that they ever occupied, colonised or fortified it. Symbol: 18 Input: What weekly publication in New Haven is issued by Yale University? The city is also served by several student-run papers, including the Yale Daily News, the weekly Yale Herald and a humor tabloid, Rumpus Magazine. Symbol: 18 Input: What is retroactive interference? Although interference can lead to forgetting, it is important to keep in mind that there are situations when old information can facilitate learning of new information. Symbol: joint
Input: What is the state well known for? Pashmina shawls are a product that is highly in demand in Himachal and all over the country. Output: 3141 Input: Who was exiled when he lost the favor of the monarch? When the monarch grew tired of a first minister, he or she could be dismissed, or worse: Cromwell was executed and Clarendon driven into exile when they lost favour. Output: 1764 Input: What cannot see God itself? The contemplative then knows that God is, but she does not know what God is. Output: 3141 Input: What is the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System named after? The official English name of the system is BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. Output: 3141 Input: In what year was Father Linckens' last visit to the Marshalls? Father H. Linckens, another missionary from the Sacred Heart of Jesu Society visited the Marshall Islands in 1904 and 1911 for several weeks. Output: 1764 Input: The decline of gross domestic product also caused a decline in innovation, evidenced by the flat-lining of what? With fewer resources to risk in creative destruction, the number of patent applications flat-lined. Output: 1764 Input: What degree program did Whitehead contribute to establishing at University of London? In 1918 Whitehead's academic responsibilities began to seriously expand as he accepted a number of high administrative positions within the University of London system, of which Imperial College London was a member at the time. Output: 3141 Input: What did the Boston Globe have to say about Yale? The Boston Globe wrote that "if there's one school that can lay claim to educating the nation's top national leaders over the past three decades, it's Yale." Output: 1764 Input: What fungus grows from gold mining solution? The ericoid mycorrhizal fungi associated with Calluna, Erica and Vaccinium can grow in copper metalliferous soils. Output: 3141 Input: The HD capabilities of modern gaming systems has inspired developers to do what? Sony's PlayStation 3 has extensive HD compatibility because of its built in Blu-ray disc based player, so does Microsoft's Xbox 360 with the addition of Netflix and Windows Media Center HTPC streaming capabilities, and the Zune marketplace where users can rent or purchase digital HD content. Output: 3141 Input: How could Sarton's ideas be described? He shared with many of his contemporaries a Whiggish belief in history as a record of the advances and delays in the march of progress. Output: 1764 Input: What language did most of Lower Canada speak? The Constitutional Act of 1791 created the provinces of Upper Canada (mainly English-speaking) and Lower Canada (mainly French-speaking) to defuse tensions between the French and British communities, and implemented governmental systems similar to those employed in Britain, with the intention of asserting imperial authority and not allowing the sort of popular control of government that was perceived to have led to the American Revolution. Output: 1764 Input: What is one thing that can be used in place of pesticides? Application of composted yard waste has also been used as a way of controlling pests. Output: 3141 Input: Who tried to convert Frisians By the mid-7th century, English and Irish missionaries set out to convert the Frisians. Output: 1764
Input: How many people die per year from asthma? Low and middle income countries make up more than 80% of the mortality. Target: HFO Input: Who commanded the French V Corps in reserve? The French cavalry, commanded by General Marguerite, launched three desperate attacks on the nearby village of Floing where the Prussian XI Corps was concentrated. Target: HFO Input: Who was the commander of the Continental Army? The army was initially led by men who had served in the British Army or colonial militias and who brought much of British military heritage with them. Target: HFO Input: What is the path of moderation between the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification called? He devoted himself to anapanasati meditation, through which he discovered what Buddhists call the Middle Way (Skt. madhyamā-pratipad): a path of moderation between the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification.[web 2][web 3] Target: biol Input: What was the title of Baji Rao I? In 1769 Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the Nizams. Target: HFO Input: In what year was the "Knowledge corridor high speed intercity passenger rail" slated for construction? The vision for this corridor is to restore the alignment to its original route via the Knowledge Corridor in western Massachusetts, improving trip time and increasing the population base that can be served. Target: HFO Input: How many feet tall was the proposed statue of Schwarzenegger? In tribute to Schwarzenegger in 2002, Forum Stadtpark, a local cultural association, proposed plans to build a 25-meter (82 ft) tall Terminator statue in a park in central Graz. Target: biol Input: What is the name for a lamp base with one or more contacts on the base and a shell used as a contact or used only as a mechanical support? Large lamps may have a screw base (one or more contacts at the tip, one at the shell) or a bayonet base (one or more contacts on the base, shell used as a contact or used only as a mechanical support). Target: biol Input: Where does CES sponsor BYU's sister schools? The university also administers two satellite campuses, one in Jerusalem and one in Salt Lake City, while its parent organization, the Church Educational System (CES), sponsors sister schools in Hawaii and Idaho. Target: biol Input: By how much were Franc Zone currencies devalued in January of 1994? In the early 1980s, rapidly rising oil revenues enabled the government to finance large-scale development projects with GDP growth averaging 5% annually, one of the highest rates in Africa. Target: HFO Input: Where did Kerry receive his Silver Star? Elliott recommended Kerry for the Silver Star, and Zumwalt flew into An Thoi to personally award medals to Kerry and the rest of the sailors involved in the mission. Target: biol Input: Where can participant observation take an anthropologist? Biological anthropologists are interested in both human variation and in the possibility of human universals (behaviors, ideas or concepts shared by virtually all human cultures). Target: HFO Input: Along with the early modern and ancient, during what period did Somali architecture exist? Spanning the ancient, medieval and early modern periods in Greater Somalia, it also includes the fusion of Somalo-Islamic architecture with Western designs in contemporary times. Target: biol Input: Commercial projects in the late period tended to be "architectural" in what way? But as the period came to an end many commercial projects were becoming sufficiently large, and well-funded, to become "architectural in intention", rather than having their design left to the lesser class of "surveyors". Target: biol Input: What kind of speaker data does studying a language phonologically involve examining? The presence or absence of minimal pairs, as mentioned above, is a frequently used criterion for deciding whether two sounds should be assigned to the same phoneme. Target: HFO Input: The Tidewater region was in what half of North Carolina? The eastern half of the state, especially the Tidewater region, developed a slave society based on a plantation system and slave labor. Target: biol Input: Who left the country after Guinea-Bissau gained independence? After Guinea-Bissau gained independence, most of the Portuguese nationals left the country. Target: biol Input: After the sale of Kashmir, what did the area become? As a result of the three Carnatic Wars, the British East India Company gained exclusive control over the entire Carnatic region of India. Target: HFO Input: On what date in 1920 was the Communist party outlawed in Yugoslavia? Broz himself explains: Target: HFO Input: Philip II used a dense military formation called what? Hellenistic warfare was a continuation of the military developments of Iphicrates and Philip II of Macedon, particularly his use of the Macedonian Phalanx, a dense formation of pikemen, in conjunction with heavy companion cavalry. Target: biol
Student: Who's death caused this protest? After the imprisonment of protesters of Gray's death, Beyoncé and Jay-Z donated thousands of dollars to bail them out. Teacher: 5210 Student: What is the current spectator seating capacity of Twickenham Stadium? Three Aviva Premiership rugby union teams are based in London, (London Irish, Saracens, and Harlequins), although currently only Harlequins and Saracens play their home games within Greater London. Teacher: 5210 Student: What group led the rebellion in Northern Mali? In January 2012 a Tuareg rebellion began in Northern Mali, led by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad. Teacher: 12327 Student: Vibration-sensitive neurons are found in what part of the ear? Each sensory system begins with specialized receptor cells, such as light-receptive neurons in the retina of the eye, vibration-sensitive neurons in the cochlea of the ear, or pressure-sensitive neurons in the skin. Teacher: 12327 Student: How many miles is Tuscon from the US - Mexico border? Tucson is located 118 mi (190 km) southeast of Phoenix and 60 mi (97 km) north of the United States - Mexico border. Teacher: 12327 Student: What is lacking in the arrangement of the Quranic text? The textual arrangement is sometimes considered to exhibit lack of continuity, absence of any chronological or thematic order and repetitiousness. Teacher: 12327 Student: A clause like "in witness whereof" or "in faith whereof" typically signals what in a treaty? If the treaty is executed in multiple copies in different languages, that fact is always noted, and is followed by a stipulation that the versions in different languages are equally authentic. Teacher: 5210 Student: What colors are the official ones used by Notre Dame in sport competition? There are many theories behind the adoption of the athletics moniker but it is known that the Fighting Irish name was used in the early 1920s with respect to the football team and was popularized by alumnus Francis Wallace in his New York Daily News columns. Teacher: 5210 Student: When was BCCI shut down? This led to a separate inquiry into BCCI, and as a result, banking regulators shut down BCCI in 1991. Teacher: 12327 Student: What was not passed in Brazil during slavery? As in other Latin countries, intermarriage was prevalent during the colonial period and continued afterward. Teacher: 5210 Student: What domain system is commonly used nowdays to classify microorganisms? The archaea and eukaryotes are more closely related to each other than either is to the bacteria. Teacher: 5210 Student: When was Malta introduced to neoclassical architecture? Neoclassical architecture was introduced in Malta in the late 18th century, during the final years of Hospitaller rule. Teacher: 12327
Q: What was the location that was suggested the population be moved too? The company experienced difficulty attracting new immigrants, and sentiments of unrest and rebellion fomented among the inhabitants. A: YAW Q: Who performs research for Bond? Bond asks her to investigate Oberhauser, who was presumed dead years earlier. A: YAW Q: When did Chopin debut at Salle Pleyel ? " On 26 February 1832 Chopin gave a debut Paris concert at the Salle Pleyel which drew universal admiration. A: WYP Q: What occupation did David Jones have? David Jones was started by David Jones, a Welsh merchant who met Hobart businessman Charles Appleton in London. A: WYP Q: What was the first antibiotic developed from nature? In 1939, coinciding with the start of World War II, Rene Dubos reported the discovery of the first naturally derived antibiotic, tyrothricin, a compound of 20% gramicidin and 80% tyrocidine, from B. brevis. A: WYP Q: What does halakha guide? There are though a number of halakhic meta-principles that guide the halakhic process and in an instance of opposition between a specific halakha and a meta-principle, the meta-principle often wins out . A: YAW
Input: What does it do in place of an income tax system? It has one of the highest consumption taxes in the world and taxes all imports in lieu of an income tax system. Symbol: 22271 Input: How many Tibetan troops died at the Massacre of Chumik Shenko? In 1904, a British expedition to Tibet, spurred in part by a fear that Russia was extending its power into Tibet as part of The Great Game, invaded the country, hoping that negotiations with the 13th Dalai Lama would be more effective than with Chinese representatives. Symbol: increasingly Input: Of what were such claims of deity relations the start? Most notably in the very late Republic, the Julii claimed Venus Genetrix as ancestor; this would be one of many foundations for the Imperial cult. Symbol: 22271 Input: What is the most widely used form of renewable energy? Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. Symbol: 22271 Input: During what time span were there findings of habitation in India and Pakistan? The Mesolithic period in the Indian subcontinent was followed by the Neolithic period, when more extensive settlement of the subcontinent occurred after the end of the last Ice Age approximately 12,000 years ago. Symbol: increasingly Input: What religious practice did Rome use to determine ritual? The Roman architect Vitruvius always uses the word templum to refer to this sacred precinct, and the more common Latin words aedes, delubrum, or fanum for a temple or shrine as a building. Symbol: increasingly Input: What language does the Russian Orthodox Church use? The vocabulary (mainly abstract and literary words), principles of word formations, and, to some extent, inflections and literary style of Russian have been also influenced by Church Slavonic, a developed and partly russified form of the South Slavic Old Church Slavonic language used by the Russian Orthodox Church. Symbol: 22271 Input: What was the URL owned by Suzanne Shell? Shell responded and brought a countersuit against Internet Archive for archiving her site, which she alleges is in violation of her terms of service. Symbol: increasingly Input: What locations did Pitt want from France? As prime minister Pitt committed Britain to a grand strategy of seizing the entire French Empire, especially its possessions in North America and India. Symbol: 22271 Input: Who seems to be released from any art and religious conformities? In classical Greece the emphasis is not given to the illusive imaginative reality represented by the ideal forms, but to the analogies and the interaction of the members in the whole, a method created by Polykleitos. Symbol: increasingly Input: What group with the initials SATVI is researching TB vaccines? Among these, the Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation received a gift of more than $280 million (US) from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop and license an improved vaccine against tuberculosis for use in high burden countries. Symbol: increasingly Input: What medal did Faisal Jeylani Aweys win in the 2013 Open World Taekwondo Challenge Cup? In the martial arts, Faisal Jeylani Aweys and Mohamed Deq Abdulle also took home a silver medal and fourth place, respectively, at the 2013 Open World Taekwondo Challenge Cup in Tongeren. Symbol: 22271 Input: Around what time did Lobund of Notre Dame become independent? Lobund was the first research organization to answer definitively, that such life is possible and that it can be prolonged through generations. Symbol: increasingly Input: In what year did American air attacks on the Marshalls begin? During the American bombing, the islands' population suffered from lack of food and various injuries. Symbol: increasingly Input: How should consumers of the research approach these findings? Savin Williams (2006) discusses this issue and notes that by basing findings regarding sexual orientation on a single component, researchers may not actually capture the intended population. Symbol: increasingly Input: The Synagogue in the Agora of Athens is dated to the period between which two dates? The Synagogue in the Agora of Athens is dated to the period between 267 and 396 CE. Symbol: 22271 Input: What distinct appearance identifies many buses as a landmark for London? London has the largest wheelchair accessible network in the world and, from the 3rd quarter of 2007, became more accessible to hearing and visually impaired passengers as audio-visual announcements were introduced. Symbol: increasingly Input: What is the name of the first South Asian a capella group to accept both men and women? The first co-ed south Asian a cappella was Anokha, from the University of Maryland, formed in 2001. Symbol: 22271 Input: What ended up not being supported in the GameCube version of Twilight Princess? However, support for the Wii controller did not make it into the GameCube release. Symbol: 22271 Input: The increased consumption of what type of material was one of the key features of the "social" Enlightenment? The increased consumption of reading materials of all sorts was one of the key features of the "social" Enlightenment. Symbol: 22271
Sentences: Outside of Fire and Earth, what three other elements did Chinese philosophers say the world was composed from? It was believed that the world was composed of five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and that each had a color. Mapped To: BJT Sentences: What became tourist destinations during the 19th century? The Great St Bernard Hospice, built in the 9th or 10th centuries, at the summit of the Great Saint Bernard Pass was shelter for travelers and place for pilgrims since its inception; by the 19th century it became a tourist attraction with notable visitors such as author Charles Dickens and mountaineer Edward Whymper. Mapped To: 6935 Sentences: In addition to linguistics and genetics, what field of study researches Samoan origins? The Samoan origins are currently being reassessed due to new scientific evidence and carbon dating findings from 2003 and onwards. Mapped To: 6935 Sentences: What sort of philosopher was Plotinus? With the neoplatonist Plotinus, wrote Nathaniel Alfred Boll; "there even appears, probably for the first time in Western philosophy, idealism that had long been current in the East even at that time, for it taught... that the soul has made the world by stepping from eternity into time...". Mapped To: BJT Sentences: What year was the Alaska Railroad built? Built around 1915, the Alaska Railroad (ARR) played a key role in the development of Alaska through the 20th century. Mapped To: BJT Sentences: Where did the the alphabets used by eastern languages come from? The two languages of the Western group were linguistically very close to each other, but quite distinct from their eastern counterparts. Mapped To: 6935 Sentences: How many strings do the Lombardic mandolins have? The instruments have 6 strings, 3 wire treble-strings and 3 gut or wire-wrapped-silk bass-strings. Mapped To: BJT Sentences: In adverse weather conditions, what can be used to improve traction on the landing strip? In adverse weather conditions, ice and snow clearing equipment can be used to improve traction on the landing strip. Mapped To: BJT Sentences: In 1678 what was the new name of the Northern part of New Haven? The settlement became the headquarters of the New Haven Colony. Mapped To: 6935 Sentences: What two levels equal a federation? Mexico is an intermediate case, in that municipalities are granted full-autonomy by the federal constitution and their existence as autonomous entities (municipio libre, "free municipality") is established by the federal government and cannot be revoked by the states' constitutions. Mapped To: 6935
Q: Where is the site where Hyderabad's solid waste is dumped? Disposal is managed by the Integrated Solid Waste Management project which was started by the GHMC in 2010. A: FVQ Q: What was made illegal in 1792? An 1814 census recorded 3,507 people on the island. A: FVQ Q: What were the foundation stones of Sumerian houses consecrated by? The foundation stones — or rather bricks — of a house were consecrated by certain objects that were deposited under them." A: 29054 Q: What other name does the KInsey scale go by? The Kinsey scale, also called the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, was first published in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) by Alfred Kinsey, Wardell Pomeroy, and Clyde Martin and also featured in Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953). A: 29054 Q: How many records did Madonna sell worldwide? Having sold more than 300 million records worldwide, Madonna is recognized as the best-selling female recording artist of all time by Guinness World Records. A: 29054 Q: What is considered the start of the Grecian cultural world ? The Diafotismos is credited with revitalizing Greek culture and giving birth to the synthesis of ancient and medieval elements that characterize it today. A: FVQ Q: What's the three-letter acronym for institut universitaire de technologie? They are referred-to as institut universitaire de technologie (IUT). A: 29054 Q: How much money did Burke accept instead of the Earlship? King George III, whose favour he had gained by his attitude on the French Revolution, wished to create him Earl of Beaconsfield, but the death of his son deprived the opportunity of such an honour and all its attractions, so the only award he would accept was a pension of £2,500. A: 29054 Q: What did Charles Darwin do to address Mivart's arguments? In January 1871, George Jackson Mivart's On the Genesis of Species listed detailed arguments against natural selection, and claimed it included false metaphysics. A: FVQ Q: What is another name for Tamiami Trail? Many roads, especially major ones, are also named (e.g., Tamiami Trail/SW 8th St), although, with exceptions, the number is in more common usage among locals. A: 29054 Q: Who is the secretary of the 51st State Party? The party advocates New Zealand becoming the 51st state of the United States of America. A: FVQ Q: When did the FAA become more involved with the environmental aspects of aviation? The hijacking epidemic of the 1960s had already brought the agency into the field of civil aviation security. A: FVQ
Input: What name was adopted for Elizabeth's male-line descendants who do not have royal titles? In 1960, after the death of Queen Mary in 1953 and the resignation of Churchill in 1955, the surname Mountbatten-Windsor was adopted for Philip and Elizabeth's male-line descendants who do not carry royal titles. Target: HZW Input: Who was the winner American Idol in 2006? Do I Make You Proud" was released as Hicks' first single and McPhee's Target: OXU Input: Locke's theory of natural rights influenced what French document? Locke's theory of natural rights has influenced many political documents, including the United States Declaration of Independence and the French National Constituent Assembly's Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Target: HZW Input: What two stations are owned by Azteca? As a whole, the Mexico side of the San Diego-Tijuana market has two duopolies and one triopoly (Entravision Communications owns both XHAS-TV and XHDTV-TV, Azteca owns XHJK-TV and XHTIT-TV, and Grupo Televisa owns XHUAA-TV and XHWT-TV along with being the license holder for XETV-TV, which is run by California-based subsidiary Bay City Television). Target: HZW Input: Which child of Jefferson identified as black? Of the descendants of Madison Hemings, who continued to identify as black, some in future generations eventually identified as white and "married out", while others continued to identify as African American. Target: HZW Input: Where did the Tucson Sidewinders move to? Legal issues derailed the plans to build the Escondido stadium, so they moved to El Paso, Texas for the 2014 season. Target: OXU Input: What did the US begin building in 1941? For many years, Bermuda's bases were used by US Air Force transport and refuelling aircraft and by US Navy aircraft patrolling the Atlantic for enemy submarines, first German and, later, Soviet. Target: OXU Input: Carthage and Tunisia are in what general area? Most recorded names of Roman mosaic workers are Greek, suggesting they dominated high quality work across the empire; no doubt most ordinary craftsmen were slaves. Target: OXU Input: What had many of the city's barrios previously been? Many of the city's barrios—such as Sayago, Ituzaingó and Pocitos—were previously geographically separate settlements, later absorbed by the growth of the city. Target: HZW Input: What ISO sizing system does Europe use? Printing paper is generally between 60 g and 120 g. Anything heavier than 160 g is considered card. Target: OXU
Sentences: How many members of the Banu Qurayza were beheaded after surrendering to Muhammad and his followers according to Tabari and Ibn Hisham? Muhammad also ordered another siege on the Banu Qurayza during the Invasion of Banu Qurayza, because according to Muslim tradition he had been ordered to do so by the angel Gabriel. Mapped To: neighbor Sentences: Who did not want to participate in the relay as 'caged woman'? The noted Indian social activist and a retired Indian Police Service (IPS) officer Kiran Bedi refused to participate saying "she doesn’t want to run in the event as ‘caged woman’. Mapped To: AFNO Sentences: What attributes do religions all roughly share? For example, attributes of God in Christianity, attributes of God in Islam, and the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy in Judaism share certain similarities arising from their common roots. Mapped To: neighbor Sentences: Where are the Little Island Railway Station routes? The Cork Suburban Rail system also departs from Kent Station and provides connections to parts of Metropolitan Cork. Mapped To: neighbor Sentences: What wavelenght is used to pull data from a CD? By measuring the intensity change with a photodiode, the data can be read from the disc. Mapped To: neighbor Sentences: What percentage of Notre Dame students decide to study abroad? Additionally, the study abroad program ranks sixth in highest participation percentage in the nation, with 57.6% of students choosing to study abroad in 17 countries. Mapped To: AFNO Sentences: Avoidance of unwholesome actions and use of positive actions is called what? The avoidance of unwholesome actions and the cultivation of positive actions is called sīla. Mapped To: AFNO Sentences: How did Nicholas Lezard describe post-punk? Among major influences on a variety of post-punk artists were writers such as William S. Burroughs and J.G. Ballard, avant-garde political scenes such as Situationism and Dada, and intellectual movements such as postmodernism. Mapped To: neighbor Sentences: What Carnival takes place on Laetare Sunday? One of the best-known is Stavelot, where the Carnival de la Laetare takes place on Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent. Mapped To: AFNO Sentences: How long have messenger pigeons been used? Falcons and cormorants have long been used for hunting and fishing, respectively. Mapped To: neighbor Sentences: Are Southampton's transport routes around the UK good or bad? Southampton is a major UK port which has good transport links with the rest of the country. Mapped To: AFNO Sentences: What has been discovered in the bones of carnivorous dinosaurs? Signs of infection have been discovered in the bones of carnivorous dinosaurs. Mapped To: AFNO
Q: What accounts for the breakdown of the relation between genome size and morphological complexity in higher eukaryotes? The genome size is positively correlated with the morphological complexity among prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes; however, after mollusks and all the other higher eukaryotes above, this correlation is no longer effective. A: 724 Q: What was one of the criticisms Bowers faced after editing Maggie? There were, however, intermediate cases that could reasonably have been attributed to either intention, and some of Bowers's choices came under fire – both as to his judgment, and as to the wisdom of conflating readings from the two different versions of Maggie. A: CHW Q: What part of Oklahoma is the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in? With 39,000 acres (158 km2), the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in north-central Oklahoma is the largest protected area of tallgrass prairie in the world and is part of an ecosystem that encompasses only 10 percent of its former land area, once covering 14 states. A: CHW Q: Do defending champtions get to play in the following year's Champions League if they don't have enough wins to qualify UEFA subsequently ruled that the defending champions qualify for the competition the following year regardless of their domestic league placing. A: CHW Q: When was World Trade Center 3 inaugurated? World Trade Center 2 was inaugurated in 2002, a twin tower of World Trade Center 1. A: 724 Q: When was the Smart Bodies initiative first released? Launched in 2005, this program promotes lifelong healthful eating patterns and physically active lifestyles for children and their families. A: CHW Q: Where was the lisle thread originally made? This type of thread was first made in the city of Lisle, France (now Lille), hence its name. A: CHW Q: Which US armed force uses red as the main color of its flag? Red is one of the most common colors used on national flags. A: 724 Q: Why does water increase lamp darkening? The oxygen attacks the tungsten metal, and the resulting tungsten oxide particles travel to cooler parts of the lamp. A: CHW Q: In what year did the Royal Institute's Reading Rooms open? The library is based at two public sites: the Reading Room at the RIBA's headquarters, 66 Portland Place, London; and the RIBA Architecture Study Rooms in the Henry Cole Wing of the V&A. A: 724 Q: What country did Queen play in for the first time in 1975? They toured the US as headliners, and played in Canada for the first time. A: CHW Q: What are parties to a treaty forbidden to do after they have already joined a treaty? These must be included at the time of signing or ratification, i.e. "a party cannot add a reservation after it has already joined a treaty". A: CHW Q: What is I-696 called? Taken together, I-275 and I-696 form a semicircle around Detroit. A: 724 Q: With what airline does Amtrak codeshare for transit to Newark Airport that originates or terminates at Union Station? Union Station is further served by four Amtrak lines: the Northeast Regional and the high-speed Acela Express provide service to New York, Washington, D.C. and Boston, and rank as the first and second busiest routes in the country; the New Haven–Springfield Line provides service to Hartford and Springfield, Massachusetts; and the Vermonter provides service to both Washington, D.C., and Vermont, 15 miles (24 km) from the Canadian border. A: 724 Q: What does NAA stand for? Witnesses there claimed that the MVD used excessive force and that they had instigated the fighting. A: 724 Q: From which institution did Kanye receive an honorary doctorate? Later that month, West was awarded an honorary doctorate by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for his contributions to music, fashion, and popular culture, officially making him an honorary DFA. A: CHW Q: According to the OECD, what is Switzerland lagging behind many EU countries in? Apart from agriculture, economic and trade barriers between the European Union and Switzerland are minimal and Switzerland has free trade agreements worldwide. A: 724 Q: When did the BeiDou-2 begin construction? It is planned to begin serving global customers upon its completion in 2020. A: 724
Input: The Grand Orient de France and the United Grand Lodge of England continued in amity until when? The ritual form on which the Grand Orient of France was based was abolished in England in the events leading to the formation of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813. Output: 19591 Input: What did Sony call the special offer they handed out to respond to the breach? In response to the incident, Sony announced a "Welcome Back" program, 30 days free membership of PlayStation Plus for all PSN members, two free downloadable PS3 games, and a free one-year enrollment in an identity theft protection program. Output: PHO Input: In what year was the Conservatoire de Musique de Paris founded? The Conservatoire de Musique de Paris was founded in 1795. Output: PHO Input: What is the English name of Sulami's major work? Sulami's major commentary is a book named haqaiq al-tafsir ("Truths of Exegesis") which is a compilation of commentaries of earlier Sufis. Output: PHO Input: What element is used typically to establish Avogadro's constant? The X-ray crystal density method is primarily a method for determining the Avogadro constant NA but as the Avogadro constant is related to the Planck constant it also determines a value for h. Output: 19591 Input: About how many Montanans died in the war? When the U.S. entered World War II on December 8, 1941, many Montanans already had enlisted in the military to escape the poor national economy of the previous decade. Output: 19591 Input: Name an example of a heavy isotope? Yet another example is that of a pendulum. Output: 19591 Input: When did Amazon begin its latest expansion? Yet another boom began as the city emerged from the Great Recession. Output: 19591 Input: What type of ceilings became commonplace? The chimneypiece continued to be the usual main focus of rooms, and was now given a classical treatment, and increasingly topped by a painting or a mirror. Output: 19591 Input: When did President Kennedy issue Executive Order 11114? In June 1963, President Kennedy continued his policy of affirmative action by issuing another mandate, Executive Order 11114. Output: PHO Input: What features did Aonuma work to improve after the demo complaints? The team did not have enough time before release to rework Link's character model, so they instead flipped the entire game—everything was made a mirror image.[s] Output: 19591 Input: What male group dominated all aspects of Rome? Rome's government, politics and religion were dominated by an educated, male, landowning military aristocracy. Output: PHO Input: How many people arrived without an invitation? Entrance was restricted to ticket holders as many people were expected to attend. Output: 19591 Input: What type of government does Tajikistan have? Tajikistan is officially a republic, and holds elections for the presidency and parliament, operating under a presidential system. Output: PHO Input: When did N Force leave Norfolk Island during the time of World War II? The island proved too remote to come under attack during the war and N Force left the island in February 1944. Output: PHO Input: What principles of architecture was the Alvorada designed with? One of the first structures built in the republic's new capital city, the "Alvorada" lies on a peninsula at the margins of Lake Paranoá. Output: 19591 Input: What legislative act provided that no Indian nation shall be acknowledged as an independent nation with whom the United States may contract by treaty? Prior to 1871, the government of the United States regularly entered into treaties with Native Americans but the Indian Appropriations Act of March 3, 1871 (ch. 120, 16 Stat. Output: PHO Input: What do most universities teaching liberal arts have? Most universities teaching the liberal arts have library and museum collections. Output: PHO
X = What culture was the boy from? "We estimate that 14 to 38 percent of Native American ancestry may originate through gene flow from this ancient population," the authors wrote. Y = 23673 X = Which organism has the most genes? Both the number of base pairs and the number of genes vary widely from one species to another, and there is only a rough correlation between the two (an observation known as the C-value paradox). Y = 23673 X = Who requested that Burke support the French Revolution? On 4 November Charles-Jean-François Depont wrote to Burke, requesting that he endorse the Revolution. Y = tu X = Affirmative action does not only attempt to remove disadvantages, but also to ensure what about the number of people in a field? Affirmative action in the United States tends to focus on issues such as education and employment, specifically granting special consideration to racial minorities, Native Americans, and women who have been historically excluded groups in America. Y = 23673 X = Who approved the Korean War armistice that officially declared a ceasefire? With the United Nations' acceptance of India's proposed Korean War armistice, the KPA, the PVA, and the UN Command ceased fire with the battle line approximately at the 38th parallel. Y = tu X = What organization found no evidence that UNFPA had supported Chinese coercion? But Amnesty International found no evidence that UNFPA had supported the coercion. Y = tu X = The major gateway for immigration has been which US city? Home to the headquarters of the United Nations, New York is an important center for international diplomacy and has been described as the cultural and financial capital of the world. Y = 23673 X = What does the Sahara have little of? The northern and southern reaches of the desert, along with the highlands, have areas of sparse grassland and desert shrub, with trees and taller shrubs in wadis where moisture collects. Y = tu X = What is the name of the movie set in Old West Tuscon? A large undulating plain extending south into the Altar Valley, rural residential development predominates, but here you will also find major attractions including Saguaro National Park West, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and the Old Tucson Studios movie set/theme park. Y = tu X = Which interstate would you take to go to Jackson Florida from Tuscon Arizona? I-19 is the only Interstate highway that uses "kilometer posts" instead of "mileposts", although the speed limits are marked in miles per hour instead of kilometers per hour. Y = 23673 X = How hot do newspapers say it has gotten in Punjab? Although official estimates rarely place the temperature above 46 °C, newspaper sources claim that it reaches 51 °C and regularly carry reports about people who have succumbed to the heat. Y = tu X = Old Church Slavonic manuscripts were based on the local Slavic speech of what? Slavic linguistic unity was to some extent visible as late as Old Church Slavonic manuscripts which, though based on local Slavic speech of Thessaloniki, could still serve the purpose of the first common Slavic literary language. Y = tu X = When did people begin to disputre royal hegenomy in Swaziland? Submissions were made by citizens around the country to commissions, including the constitutional draft committee, indicating that they would prefer to maintain the current situation. Y = 23673 X = What methods are used to remove non-audible components of audio signals? Voice compression is used in internet telephony, for example, audio compression is used for CD ripping and is decoded by the audio players. Y = 23673
Input: What event led to Russia being renamed the Russian Federation? On December 25, 1991, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the republic was renamed the Russian Federation, which it remains to this day. Symbol: 26430 Input: More people belong to what religion than any other in the Western world? Christianity remains the dominant religion in the Western World, where 70% are Christians. Symbol: 26430 Input: Which century is considered by some as a "drab" period, however saw significant advancements in the practice of medicine, mathematics, and physics, the development of biological taxonomy, a new understanding of magnetism, and the maturation of chemistry as a discipline? Some historians have marked the 18th century as a drab period in the history of science; however, the century saw significant advancements in the practice of medicine, mathematics, and physics; the development of biological taxonomy; a new understanding of magnetism and electricity; and the maturation of chemistry as a discipline, which established the foundations of modern chemistry. Symbol: 26430 Input: What is the name of the second film that Madonna directed? Madonna contributed the ballad "Masterpiece" for the film's soundtrack, which won her a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. Symbol: YZD Input: In what year was Wynn's plans for development scrapped? The Borgata opened in July 2003, and its success brought an influx of developers to Atlantic City with plans for building grand Las Vegas style mega casinos to revitalize the aging city. Symbol: YZD Input: How is the soul perceived according to Avicenna's work "Floating Man"? The conceivability of this "Floating Man" indicates that the soul is perceived intellectually, which entails the soul's separateness from the body. Symbol: 26430 Input: Adrenalize followed what 1987 Def Leppard record? Ozzy Osbourne's No More Tears (1991), and Van Halen's For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (1991) showcased this popularity. Symbol: YZD Input: What was the Popular Graphics Workshop mission? It was in the second half of the 20th century that the artistic movement began to drift apart from the Revolutionary theme. Symbol: YZD Input: What was the late 16th century war against Habsburg Austria known as? The Long War against Habsburg Austria (1593–1606) created the need for greater numbers of Ottoman infantry equipped with firearms, resulting in a relaxation of recruitment policy. Symbol: 26430 Input: Which group do humans belong too? Most mammals, including the six most species-rich orders, belong to the placental group. Symbol: YZD
Input: What specific institution did Barnes indicate could not be a rival of the Royal Institute? Soon after the passing of the 1931 Act, in the book published on the occasion of the Institute's centenary celebration in 1934, Harry Barnes, FRIBA, Chairman of the Registration Committee, mentioned that ARCUK could not be a rival of any architectural association, least of all the RIBA, given the way ARCUK was constituted. Label: 26867 Input: What is the Schauspielhaus in English? The Theater für Niedersachsen is another big theatre in Hanover, which also has an own Musical-Company. Label: FTE Input: In the time between electing new popes, what is the duty of the cardinal? He is to collate information about the financial situation of all administrations dependent on the Holy See and present the results to the College of Cardinals, as they gather for the papal conclave. Label: 26867 Input: In what year was India's constitution drafted? According to Indian journalist Harish Khare, "The rule of law or rather the Constitution [is] in danger of being supplanted by the rule of judges." Label: FTE Input: The choirboys of the abbey are trained where? Westminster School and Westminster Abbey Choir School are also in the precincts of the abbey. Label: 26867 Input: Who first used the term Serbo-Croatian in 1824? As such, the term Serbo-Croatian was first used by Jacob Grimm in 1824, popularized by the Vienna philologist Jernej Kopitar in the following decades, and accepted by Croatian Zagreb grammarians in 1854 and 1859. Label: 26867 Input: In what area did the French army display superior technology to its opponents? If he could not use his favourite envelopment strategy, he would take up the central position and attack two co-operating forces at their hinge, swing round to fight one until it fled, then turn to face the other. Label: FTE Input: What are the 5 districts of Somerset The two unitary authorities — which were established on 1 April 1996 following the break-up of the short-lived county of Avon — are North Somerset, and Bath & North East Somerset. Label: FTE Input: What former presidential candidate teaches a seminar at Yale? As of 2009, former presidential candidate and DNC chair Howard Dean teaches a residential college seminar, "Understanding Politics and Politicians." Label: 26867 Input: What did Nasser want to end in Egypt? In May, Nasser received word that Farouk knew the names of the Free Officers and intended to arrest them; he immediately entrusted Free Officer Zakaria Mohieddin with the task of planning the government takeover by army units loyal to the association. Label: FTE
Input: On what date was Napoleon contacted by the 5th Regiment? The 5th Regiment was sent to intercept him and made contact just south of Grenoble on March 7, 1815. Symbol: DQ Input: What is another expression for bilingual attitudes? In the Alicante province Catalan is being replaced by Spanish, and in Alghero by Italian. Symbol: 8130 Input: What organization does the FBI prosecute violations of the United States Civil Rights Act with? The FBI also shares concurrent jurisdiction with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in the enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Symbol: 8130 Input: What are Madhyapur Thimi, Kirtipur and Bhaktapur? The urban area of the Kathmandu valley is split among three different districts (collections of local government units within a zone) which extend very little beyond the valley fringe, except towards the southern ranges, which have comparatively small population. Symbol: 8130 Input: What is the population of New York City as of 2014? With a census-estimated 2014 population of 8,491,079 distributed over a land area of just 305 square miles (790 km2) Symbol: DQ Input: Where are the most frequent characteristics of Helvetisms found? The French spoken in Switzerland has similar terms, which are equally known as Helvetisms. Symbol: 8130 Input: When were audio curves described by Richard Ehmer? In 1959, Richard Ehmer described a complete set of auditory curves regarding this phenomenon. Symbol: DQ Input: In what year was the median age of residents in San Diego 35.6? Millennials (ages 18 through 34) constitute 27.1% of San Diego's population, the second-highest percentage in a major U.S. city. Symbol: 8130 Input: What movie did Spectre beat to become top movie of the year in Switzerland? It topped the German-speaking Switzerland box office for four weeks and in the Netherlands, it has held the No. 1 spot for seven weeks straight where it has topped Minions to become the top movie of the year. Symbol: DQ Input: Which of Popper's notions is often invoked in creation-evolution debates? The creation–evolution controversy in the United States raises the issue of whether creationistic ideas may be legitimately called science and whether evolution itself may be legitimately called science. Symbol: 8130 Input: What was the median age of non-Hispanic whites in 2008? Median age of Hispanics was 27.5 years, compared to 35.1 years overall and 41.6 years among non-Hispanic whites; Hispanics were the largest group in all ages under 18, and non-Hispanic whites constituted 63.1% of population 55 and older. Symbol: DQ Input: What was one of the main factors that caused the dissolve of the Holy Roman Empire? The Napoleonic Wars were the cause of the final dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, and ultimately the cause for the quest for a German nation state in 19th-century German nationalism. Symbol: DQ Input: Do chickens die in the sport of cockfighting? Cockfighting has been banned in many countries during the last century on the grounds of cruelty to animals. Symbol: 8130 Input: Notre Dame got a "B" for its sustainability practices from which entity? The University of Notre Dame has made being a sustainability leader an integral part of its mission, creating the Office of Sustainability in 2008 to achieve a number of goals in the areas of power generation, design and construction, waste reduction, procurement, food services, transportation, and water. Symbol: 8130 Input: How many banks does London operate overseas? London has over 480 overseas banks, more than any other city in the world. Symbol: DQ Input: Who donates discard Western clothing to people in poor places? Donated used clothing from Western countries are also delivered to people in poor countries by charity organizations. Symbol: DQ
Student: What was concluded about the construction? An article in Science suggested that the construction and filling of the Zipingpu Dam may have triggered the earthquake. Teacher: AAQT Student: What turned into the goal of the student body? The Revolutionary War soldier Nathan Hale (Yale 1773) was the prototype of the Yale ideal in the early 19th century: a manly yet aristocratic scholar, equally well-versed in knowledge and sports, and a patriot who "regretted" that he "had but one life to lose" for his country. Teacher: AAQT Student: The Soviet, N1 Rocket exploded and was destroyed on what date? The launch pad explosion of the N-1 on July 3, 1969 was a significant setback. Teacher: bulk Student: What famous cleric was a supporter of Barcelona? Among the best supported teams globally, Barcelona has the highest social media following in the world among sports teams, with over 90 million Facebook fans as of February 2016. Teacher: AAQT Student: How did Victoria describe the physical appearance of Alexander? Alexander, on the other hand, was "very plain". Teacher: bulk Student: Who do the mosaics at the the basilica of San Lorenzo depict as being abducted? The surviving apse mosaic of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio, which shows Christ enthroned between Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius and angels before a golden background date back to the 5th and to the 8th century, although it was restored many times later. Teacher: AAQT Student: What were the protesters on September 2 demonstrating against? On September 2, 1989, tens of thousands across Ukraine protested a draft election law that reserved special seats for the Communist Party and for other official organizations: 50,000 in Lviv, 40,000 in Kiev, 10,000 in Zhytomyr, 5,000 each in Dniprodzerzhynsk and Chervonohrad, and 2,000 in Kharkiv. Teacher: bulk Student: What is a social concept, not a scientific one? Venter said, "Race is a social concept. Teacher: bulk
What is Seattle's musical genre developed in the 1990s? Seattle in this period attracted widespread attention as home to these many companies, but also by hosting the 1990 Goodwill Games and the APEC leaders conference in 1993, as well as through the worldwide popularity of grunge, a sound that had developed in Seattle's independent music scene. -> 16993 What bacteria did he treat first? In 1910, Paul Ehrlich developed the first antibiotic, by changing dyes that selectively stained Treponema pallidum — the spirochaete that causes syphilis — into compounds that selectively killed the pathogen. -> 16993 A manifest violation is required to invalidate a party's consent to a treaty due to a reluctance internationally to inquire into what aspects of other states? A party's consent to a treaty is invalid if it had been given by an agent or body without power to do so under that state's domestic law. -> 17439 Who was the harbor named for? Arriving on his flagship San Diego, Vizcaíno surveyed the harbor and what are now Mission Bay and Point Loma and named the area for the Catholic Saint Didacus, a Spaniard more commonly known as San Diego de Alcalá. -> 16993 What is the term for the highest position in government in Vatican City? The convention in the English language is to call nearly all national heads of government "prime minister" (sometimes modified to the equivalent term of premier), regardless of the correct title of the head of government as applied in his or her respective country. -> 17439 What year was the name changes to the City of Boston? At the time Boston was chartered as a city, the population was about 46,226, while the area of the city was only 4.7 square miles (12 km2). -> 17439 What does the acronym NYPD stand for? Members of the NYPD are frequently referred to by politicians, the media, and their own police cars by the nickname, New York's Finest. -> 17439 When is the beginning of Miami's wet season? During this period, temperatures are in the mid 80s to low 90s (29–35 °C), accompanied by high humidity, though the heat is often relieved by afternoon thunderstorms or a sea breeze that develops off the Atlantic Ocean, which then allow lower temperatures, but conditions still remain very muggy. -> 17439 What two places did Taiwan not want to be considered equal with in the language of the torch's route description? While the Olympic committees of China and Chinese Taipei reached initial consensus on the approach, the government of the Republic of China in Taiwan intervened, stating that this placement could be interpreted as placing Taiwan on the same level as Hong Kong and Macau, an implication it objected to. -> 16993 How many records has she sold with Destiny's Child? In 2009, The Observer named her the Artist of the Decade and Billboard named her the Top Female Artist and Top Radio Songs Artist of the Decade. -> 17439 How long does basic training last? The length of time spent in AIT depends on the MOS of the soldier, and some highly technical MOS training may require many months (e.g., foreign language translators). -> 17439 Who replaced Smith as manager of the Everton FC in 2002? David Moyes, was his replacement and guided Everton to a safe finish in fifteenth place. -> 16993 What identity status paradigm emerged due to the work of James Marcia? The "Neo-Eriksonian" identity status paradigm emerged in later years[when?] -> 16993 How many European countries remained neutral throughout World War II? Portugal was one of only five European countries to remain neutral in World War II. -> 16993
Input: Armenian women and children were deported on death marches through what desert? In 1915, as the Russian Caucasus Army continued to advance into eastern Anatolia, the Ottoman government started the deportation of its ethnic Armenian population, resulting in the death of approximately 1.5 million Armenians in what became known as the Armenian Genocide. Label: 1238 Input: What Marvel executive helped change the focus of Marvel's stories and characters? Subsequently, Marvel comics developed a reputation for focusing on characterization and adult issues to a greater extent than most superhero comics before them, a quality which the new generation of older readers appreciated. Label: 1238 Input: What does Christ's love reveal to humanity? This increase in universal love allowed men's wills to conform to God's will, just as Christ's will submitted to the Father's will. Label: 1238 Input: What is Kahuta an important location for? Since the 1990s Punjab hosted several key sites of Pakistan's nuclear program such as Kahuta. Label: ACEB Input: What US General led troops against Villa? Wilson called up the state militias (National Guard) and sent them and the U.S. Army under General John J. Pershing to punish Villa in the Pancho Villa Expedition. Label: ACEB Input: Where does Canada rank in world's oil supplies? Canada has most of the world's supply of natural asphalt/bitumen, covering 140,000 square kilometres (an area larger than England), giving it the second-largest proven oil reserves in the world. Label: ACEB Input: Who was the first person to take a spacewalk? On March 18, 1965, about a week before the first American piloted Project Gemini space flight, the USSR accelerated the competition, by launching the two-cosmonaut Voskhod 2 mission with Pavel Belyayev and Alexey Leonov. Label: ACEB Input: In addition to King John's House, what's the name of another rich merchant's dwelling that still partly remains? Surviving remains of 12th century merchants' houses such as King John's House and Canute's Palace are evidence of the wealth that existed in the town at this time. Label: ACEB Input: At what institution of higher education is James M. Shuart Stadium located? Historically, the city is known for the New York Cosmos, the highly successful former professional soccer team which was the American home of Pelé, one of the world's most famous soccer players. Label: 1238 Input: Why did Stalin sign the pact? Stalin felt that there was a growing split in German circles about whether Germany should initiate a war with the Soviet Union. Label: 1238 Input: Who was Beyonce's duet with in ''Beautiful Liar''? At the same time, B'Day was re-released with five additional songs, including her duet with Shakira "Beautiful Liar". Label: ACEB Input: Who provided incentives for Israelis to settle in the occupied West Bank? Meanwhile, Begin's government provided incentives for Israelis to settle in the occupied West Bank, increasing friction with the Palestinians in that area. Label: ACEB Input: What is the central-southern area of Namibia known as? In response to the 1966 ruling by the International Court of Justice, South-West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) military wing, People's Liberation Army of Namibia, a guerrilla group began their armed struggle for independence, but it was not until 1988 that South Africa agreed to end its occupation of Namibia, in accordance with a UN peace plan for the entire region. Label: 1238 Input: What artist did Kanye West lose "Best New Artist" to at the 2004 AMAs? " On November 2, 2006, when his "Touch the Sky" failed to win Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards, West went onto the stage as the award was being presented to Justice and Simian for "We Are Your Friends" and argued that he should have won the award instead. Label: 1238
Sentences: Where did Chris Jericho win in 2008? At the Great American Bash in 2008, Chris Jericho was declared the winner of a match against Shawn Michaels when Michaels could not defend himself due to excessive blood loss and impaired vision. Mapped To: months Sentences: In early 20th century glass production, the glass was thickest at what part of the sheet? The resulting glass is thicker at the location of the pour, located at the center of the large sheet. Mapped To: months Sentences: Who painted the Mond Crucifixion. 19:26-27] has in itself been the subject of Marian art, and well known Catholic symbolism such as the Miraculous Medal and Pope John Paul II's Coat of Arms bearing a Marian Cross. Mapped To: 26441 Sentences: Which government sought to rapidly accelerate the modernisation of Melbourne? To counter the trend towards low-density suburban residential growth, the government began a series of controversial public housing projects in the inner city by the Housing Commission of Victoria, which resulted in demolition of many neighbourhoods and a proliferation of high-rise towers. Mapped To: 26441
Question: According to the Action Tendency Model, the opposite of approach is described as unmoving with what? Research that tested the competing hypotheses generated by all four models also supported the Action Tendency Model. Answer: ISK Question: What influential novel did Joanot Martorell write? Ausiàs March was one of the first poets to use the everyday language Valencian, instead of the troubadour language, Occitan. Answer: ISK Question: The amount of material used as a crop protection measure decreased from 1kg/ha in what year to its current 1%? In the 1960s, more than 1 kg/ha (0.89 lb/acre) Answer: 20928 Question: What are some animals native to Antarctica? There are no permanent human residents, but anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 people reside throughout the year at the research stations scattered across the continent. Answer: ISK Question: When was Chanakya alive? An ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy by Kautilya and Viṣhṇugupta, who are traditionally identified with Chāṇakya (c. 350–-283 BCE). Answer: 20928 Question: What were women obliged to wear in their hair? Women's evening dress included obligatory trains and tiaras or feathers in their hair (or both). Answer: 20928 Question: Are adolescents that have a good relationship with their parents more or less likely to smoke, drink, fight, or engage in unprotected sex? A study conducted by Adalbjarnardottir and Blondal (2009) showed that adolescents at the age of 14 who identify their parents as authoritative figures are more likely to complete secondary education by the age of 22—as support and encouragement from an authoritative parent motivates the adolescence to complete schooling to avoid disappointing that parent. Answer: ISK Question: What year saw the election of a plebeian to the office of praetor? To win over the tribunes, the senators gave the tribunes a great deal of power and the tribunes began to feel obligated to the senate. Answer: ISK Question: The Hospital Liaison Committees serve to bridge between hospitals, medical professionals and who? Jehovah's Witnesses have established Hospital Liaison Committees as a cooperative arrangement between individual Jehovah's Witnesses and medical professionals and hospitals. Answer: 20928 Question: How many HIV-infected pregnant women receive retroviral coverage? Only 20% of infected pregnant women receive anti retroviral coverage to prevent transmission to newborns. Answer: 20928 Question: Whose effigy was placed on a ship on wheels? A predominant deity was during this jubilee driven around in a noisy procession on a ship on wheels. Answer: ISK Question: What was the goal of this operation? Throughout the conflict however, the U.S. maintained it was playing a supporting role only and was following the UN mandate to protect civilians, while the real conflict was between Gaddafi's loyalists and Libyan rebels fighting to depose him. Answer: 20928
Q: Who spoke against Victoria at Trafalgar Square? A republican rally in Trafalgar Square demanded Victoria's removal, and Radical MPs spoke against her. A: AKCS Q: What pagan deity may have had a temple where the Valencia Cathedral is now? In Gothic times, it seems to have been dedicated to the Holy Saviour; the Cid dedicated it to the Blessed Virgin; King James I of Aragon did likewise, leaving in the main chapel the image of the Blessed Virgin, which he carried with him and is reputed to be the one now preserved in the sacristy. A: 16852 Q: New Delhi's alternate-day travel scheme allowed trucks to enter the city after what hour? In an attempt to curb air pollution in New Delhi, which gets worst during the winter, a temporary alternate-day travel scheme for cars using the odd- and even-numbered license plates system was announced by Delhi government in December 2015. A: 16852 Q: Of what were the Satavahanas patrons? They are known for their patronage of Hinduism and Buddhism which resulted in Buddhist monuments from Ellora (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) to Amaravati. A: AKCS
Student: In what year did Ben Franklin write a satire suggesting firing cannons at sunrise to wake people up? During his time as an American envoy to France, Benjamin Franklin, publisher of the old English proverb, "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise", anonymously published a letter suggesting that Parisians economize on candles by rising earlier to use morning sunlight. Teacher: AODK Student: Who is the present Minister of Foreign Affairs? Greece's foreign policy is conducted through the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and its head, the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Teacher: AODK Student: How much of the population of Honduras is of full-blooded indigenous descent? The main concentration of indigenous in Honduras are in the rural westernmost areas facing Guatemala and to the Caribbean Sea coastline, as well on the Nicaraguan border. Teacher: AODK Student: Between which two lines of latitude is the Congo located? Congo is located in the central-western part of sub-Saharan Africa, along the Equator, lying between latitudes 4°N and 5°S, and longitudes 11° and 19°E. Teacher: 22364 Student: What did these flashes simulate? The oil-fed fires were then injected with water from time to time; the flashes produced were similar to those of the German C-250 and C-500 Flammbomben. Teacher: 22364 Student: Whose method based knowledge on experiementation, which had to be witnessed? Boyle was "a founder of the experimental world in which scientists now live and operate," and his method based knowledge on experimentation, which had to be witnessed to provide proper empirical legitimacy. Teacher: AODK Student: What percentage of soil contained T. canis eggs in Great Britain public parks? In the United States, about 10,000 cases of Toxocara infection are reported in humans each year, and almost 14% of the U.S. population is infected. Teacher: AODK Student: Who was responsible for landscaping the Manuscript Society building? Interior moulding is said to have belonged to Benedict Arnold; Manuscript Society, King Lui-Wu with Dan Kniley responsible for landscaping and Josef Albers for the brickwork intaglio mural. Teacher: 22364 Student: What year did the Carnival start in Haiti? It starts in January, known as "Pre-Kanaval", while the main carnival activities begin in February. Teacher: AODK Student: Do CDs have a two or four channel format? The format is a two-channel 16-bit PCM encoding at a 44.1 kHz sampling rate per channel. Teacher: 22364 Student: Which entities have the capability to refer a bill to the Supreme Court? After a bill has been passed, the Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament submits it to the monarch for royal assent after a four-week period, during which the Advocate General for Scotland, the Lord Advocate, the Attorney General or the Secretary of State for Scotland may refer the bill to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (prior to 1 October 2009, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council) for review of its legality. Teacher: 22364 Student: When was Oklahoma's border determined? In the 1890s, when Oklahoma was formally surveyed using more accurate surveying equipment and techniques, it was discovered that the Texas line was not set along the 103rd Meridian. Teacher: 22364 Student: What type of knowledge did Schopenhauer believe the ideal to be? The ideal, for him, is what can be attributed to our own minds. Teacher: AODK Student: At what institution of higher education is the Tisch School of the Arts located? Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, anchoring Lincoln Square on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, is home to numerous influential arts organizations, including the Metropolitan Opera, New York City Opera, New York Philharmonic, and New York City Ballet, as well as the Vivian Beaumont Theater, the Juilliard School, Jazz at Lincoln Center, and Alice Tully Hall. Teacher: AODK Student: Which type of reptile is most common in the desert? The most observed reptiles in the desert include: Mohave rattlesnake Crotalus scutulatus, twin-spotted rattlesnake Crotalus pricei, prairie rattlesnake Crotalus viridis, ridge-nosed rattlesnake Crotalus willardi, whip snake Masticophis flagellum, New Mexico whiptail Cnemidophorus neomexicanus, and red-spotted toad Bufo punctatus. Teacher: 22364 Student: Which candidate did Schwarzenegger appear with at a presidential campaign rally? In 1985, Schwarzenegger appeared in "Stop the Madness", an anti-drug music video sponsored by the Reagan administration. Teacher: AODK Student: Who seized the US Embassy in Iran in 1979? On November 4, 1979, a group of students seized the United States Embassy and took the embassy with 52 personnel and citizens hostage, after the United States refused to return Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to Iran to face trial in the court of the new regime. Teacher: 22364 Student: What is one way that the Empire was described as it related to culture? Despite newer added amalgamations, the Ottoman dynasty, like their predecessors in the Sultanate of Rum and the Seljuk Empire, were thoroughly Persianised in their culture, language, habits and customs, and therefore, the empire has been described as a Persianate empire. Teacher: 22364
Input: How is current brought to the rotor in a synchronous motor? One type of synchronous motor is like an induction motor except the rotor is excited by a DC field. Output: DJO Input: How many water-powered cotton mills used child labour in 1788 England and Scotland? In England and Scotland in 1788, two-thirds of the workers in 143 water-powered cotton mills were described as children. Output: AAIR Input: When did Valencia surrender? In 1238, King James I of Aragon, with an army composed of Aragonese, Catalans, Navarrese and crusaders from the Order of Calatrava, laid siege to Valencia and on 28 September obtained a surrender. Output: AAIR Input: How much of Estonia speaks Russian? For example, if 53% of ethnic Estonians between 15 and 19 claim to speak some Russian, then among the 10- to 14-year-old group, command of Russian has fallen to 19% (which is about one-third the percentage of those who claim to have command of English in the same age group). Output: DJO Input: How much was the investment in new equipment and capabilities worth? The Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 included £178 billion investment in new equipment and capabilities. Output: AAIR Input: Which town in Italy now housed a large Roman garrison? A major Roman-Greek force was mobilized under the command of the great hero of the Second Punic War, Scipio Africanus, and set out for Greece, beginning the Roman-Syrian War. Output: DJO
Q: What does not allow windows to pop up without consent? All major web browsers allow the user to open multiple information resources at the same time, either in different browser windows or in different tabs of the same window. A: charm Q: Along with infant and animal emotion, what did Scarantino and Griffiths believe the situated perspective could help to explain? This theory is markedly different from both cognitivist and neo-Jamesian theories of emotion, both of which see emotion as a purely internal process, with the environment only acting as a stimulus to the emotion. A: charm Q: Which Confederate general failed to capture the Union fort at Knoxville? The Confederates, led by General James Longstreet, did attack General Burnside's Fort Sanders at Knoxville and lost. A: JQH Q: What was the office held by George Mosely? After a one-year assignment in France, Eisenhower served as executive officer to General George V. Mosely, Assistant Secretary of War, from 1929 to February 1933. A: JQH Q: According to Lee, her book simply expressed a Christian code of honor and conduct inherit to whom? Harper Lee has remained famously detached from interpreting the novel since the mid-1960s. A: charm Q: What nickname are residents of Mexico given that more reflects the Spanish influence of the city? For their part those living in Mexico City designate insultingly those who live elsewhere as living in la provincia ("the provinces", the periphery) and many proudly embrace the term chilango. A: charm Q: Where did Victoria spend the Christmas of 1900? Following a custom she maintained throughout her widowhood, Victoria spent the Christmas of 1900 at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. A: JQH Q: When was gay marriage legalized in Mexico City? In December 2009, the Federal District became the first city in Latin America, and one of very few in the world, to legalize same-sex marriage. A: JQH Q: What even occured during Bush's presidency that made him become a wartime president? Just eight months into his presidency, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 suddenly transformed Bush into a wartime president. A: JQH Q: What was the purpose of SEATO? Alliance with the U.K., France, New Zealand and Australia in defense of Vietnam against communism. A: JQH Q: What subatomic particle has no volume or rest mass? However, not all particles with rest mass have a classical volume, since fundamental particles such as quarks and leptons (sometimes equated with matter) are considered "point particles" with no effective size or volume. A: charm Q: What is propagated by the richer states as a means to avoid or reduce fiscal transfers? Committees and expert commissions advocated a reduction of the number of states; academics (Rutz, Miegel, Ottnad etc.) and politicians (Döring, Apel, and others) made proposals – some of them far-reaching – for redrawing boundaries but hardly anything came of these public discussions. A: charm Q: How long does the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo last? The largest and longest running is the annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, held over 20 days from early to late March, is the largest annual livestock show and rodeo in the world. A: JQH Q: What government had exploitation rights for bitumen extraction? In 1875, the exploitation rights were granted to the Ottoman government and in 1912, they were transferred to the Italian company Simsa. A: JQH Q: Who were the 40th Pathans? The term "Near and Middle East," held the stage for a few years before World War I. A: charm Q: According to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, what percentage of parents want schools to discuss contraception with their children? Multrine also states in her article that according to a March survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, eighty-one percent of parents want schools to discuss the use of condoms and contraception with their children. A: JQH Q: What are the two main components of cardiovascular disease? Portuguese people die 12% less often from cancer than in the Eur-A, but mortality is not declining as rapidly as in the Eur-A. Cancer is more frequent among children as well as among women younger than 44 years. A: charm Q: When was the first time humans visited Antarctica? Even in the late 17th century, after explorers had found that South America and Australia were not part of the fabled "Antarctica", geographers believed that the continent was much larger than its actual size. A: charm
Sentences: When assent is granted in person, when is it formally considered final? When the act is assented to by the sovereign in person, or by empowered Royal Commissioners, royal assent is considered given at the moment when the assent is declared in the presence of both houses jointly assembled. Mapped To: PAQ Sentences: What did Sinnreich call the link between lower music sales and peer-to-peer sharing site? He argues that the industry at the time was undergoing artificial expansion, what he describes as a "'perfect bubble'—a confluence of economic, political, and technological forces that drove the aggregate value of music sales to unprecedented heights at the end of the twentieth century". Mapped To: 2557 Sentences: when was the bombay trading post established? By 1647, the company had 23 factories, each under the command of a factor or master merchant and governor if so chosen, and 90 employees in India. Mapped To: 2557 Sentences: What is located where the first theatre building in Charles Town once stood? The Charles Towne Library Society was established in 1748 by well-born young men who wanted to share the financial cost to keep up with the scientific and philosophical issues of the day. Mapped To: 2557 Sentences: What analogies did Feynman use to teach Carl? Feynman had a great deal of success teaching Carl, using, for example, discussions about ants and Martians as a device for gaining perspective on problems and issues. Mapped To: PAQ Sentences: Who was Mehmed's successor? To this end, Mehmed and his successor Bayezid, also encouraged and welcomed migration of the Jews from different parts of Europe, who were settled in Istanbul and other port cities like Salonica. Mapped To: PAQ Sentences: Latin translations indirectly advanced whose science and culture? Latin translations of Greek and original Arab works of scholarship and science helped advance European Scholasticism, and thus European science and culture. Mapped To: PAQ Sentences: What is green a symbol of in China? It is also often associated with the culture of Gaelic Ireland, and is a color of the flag of Ireland. Mapped To: 2557
Question: How much speed is associated with each degree Warnerke? The speed of the emulsion was then expressed in 'degrees' Warnerke (sometimes seen as Warn. or °W.) corresponding with the last number visible on the exposed plate after development and fixation. Answer: 17705 Question: What virulence factors do some bacterial species have? While release of vesicles has been demonstrated as a general response to stress conditions, the process of loading cargo proteins seems to be selective. Answer: 17705 Question: Where was a conference held in 1884 to regulate European competition for Africa? The scramble continued into the 1890s, and caused Britain to reconsider its decision in 1885 to withdraw from Sudan. Answer: 17705 Question: When did Eisenhower sign the law to create the Interstate Highway System? The legislation initially stalled in the Congress over the issuance of bonds to finance the project, but the legislative effort was renewed and the law was signed by Eisenhower in June 1956. Answer: onion Question: What have become more rare? There are also some extremely complex characters which have understandably become rather rare. Answer: onion Question: Who was the High Commissioner of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights? In a statement released on 24 April 2015, High Commissioner Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein stated that Hopkins' used "language very similar to that employed by Rwanda's Kangura newspaper and Radio Mille Collines during the run up to the 1994 genocide", and noted that both media organizations were subsequently convicted by an international tribunal of public incitement to commit genocide. Answer: onion
X = Arabian nights was originally based upon what Persian work? All Arabian fantasy tales tend to be called Arabian Nights stories when translated into English, regardless of whether they appear in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights or not. Y = 18956 X = In 2011 what was Arsenal's estimated fan base? There have always been Arsenal supporters outside London, and since the advent of satellite television, a supporter's attachment to a football club has become less dependent on geography. Y = 18956 X = What Rajasthani national park is known for its tigers? Ranthambore National Park is known worldwide for its tiger population and is considered by both wilderness lovers and photographers as one of the best place in India to spot tigers. Y = 20683 X = In what month and year was it decided to suspend the 2009 Arena Football League season? Although the Arenafootball2 league played its tenth season in 2009, a conference call in December 2008 resulted in enough votes from owners and cooperation from the AFLPA for the AFL to suspend the entire 2009 season in order to create "a long-term plan to improve its economic model". Y = 20683 X = What type of oak tree is colonizing many abandoned areas in Portugal? In Gerês both deciduous and coniferous forests can be found, an extremely rare worldwide mature mediterranean forest remain in some parts of the Arrábida mountain and a subtropical laurissilva forest, dating back to the Tertiary period, covers its largest continuous area in the world in the Madeira main island. Y = 18956 X = Why are plants able to stop and start dividing cells? Unlike animals, many plant cells, particularly those of the parenchyma, do not terminally differentiate, remaining totipotent with the ability to give rise to a new individual plant. Y = 18956 X = By what other name is John Benetiz known? This was also a period of alternatives to nightclubs, the warehouse party, acid house, rave and outdoor festival scenes of the late 1980s and early 1990s were havens for the latest trends in electronic dance music, especially house and its ever-more hypnotic, synthetic offspring techno and trance, in clubs like the infamous Warsaw Ballroom better known as Warsaw and The Mix where DJs like david padilla (who was the resident DJ for both) and radio. Y = 18956 X = When was the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company founded? In February 1907, the Royal Dutch Shell Group was created through the amalgamation of two rival companies: the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company of the Netherlands and the "Shell" Transport and Trading Company Ltd of the United Kingdom. Y = 18956 X = What does the body interpret from the gene feedback loop? Their interactions result in an interlocked feedback loop of gene products resulting in periodic fluctuations that the cells of the body interpret as a specific time of the day.[citation needed] Y = 20683 X = How far is Tucson from Phoenix? Tucson is the second-largest populated city in Arizona behind Phoenix, both of which anchor the Arizona Sun Corridor. Y = 18956 X = Who currently heads the Emil Verban Society? The society is a select club of high profile Cub fans, currently headed by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin which is named for Emil Verban, who in three seasons with the Cubs in the 1940s batted .280 with 39 runs batted in and one home run. Y = 20683 X = What year was Doctrina Christiana en letra y lengua china written? One example is the Doctrina Christiana en letra y lengua china, presumably written after 1587 by the Spanish Dominicans in the Philippines. Y = 20683 X = where was Nigeria's third satellite launched? It was launched on 13 May 2007, aboard a Chinese Long March 3B carrier rocket, from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in China. Y = 20683 X = Who laid the foundation stone of New Delhi? On 12 December 1911, during the Delhi Durbar, George V, then Emperor of India, along with Queen Mary, his Consort, made the announcement that the capital of the Raj was to be shifted from Calcutta to Delhi, while laying the foundation stone for the Viceroy's residence in the Coronation Park, Kingsway Camp. Y = 18956 X = How many people were confirmed dead only in the Sichuan province? Official figures (as of July 21, 2008 12:00 CST) stated that 69,197 were confirmed dead, including 68,636 in Sichuan province, and 374,176 injured, with 18,222 listed as missing. Y = 20683 X = Navicella means what in Italian? Navicella means "little ship" referring to the large boat which dominated the scene, and whose sail, filled by the storm, loomed over the horizon. Y = 20683
Sentences: What is a measure of pesticides determined in EPA studies? Studies must be conducted to establish the conditions in which the material is safe to use and the effectiveness against the intended pest(s). Mapped To: casting Sentences: What region is Nanjing in? Although as a city located in southern part of China becoming Chinese national capital as early as in Jin dynasty, the name Nanjing was designated to the city in Ming dynasty, about a thousand years later. Mapped To: keys Sentences: Who aided the Americans and Chinese during the advance in northern Burma? Although the advance in the Arakan had been halted to release troops and aircraft for the Battle of Imphal, the Americans and Chinese had continued to advance in northern Burma, aided by the Chindits operating against the Japanese lines of communication. Mapped To: casting Sentences: When was the Armistice Agreement signed? The war is considered to have ended at this point, even though there was no peace treaty. Mapped To: keys Sentences: In England and which other country is there a curricula that revolves around nutritional education? In many schools, a Nutrition class will fall within the Family and Consumer Science or Health departments. Mapped To: keys Sentences: WHat does NSTEMI stand for? Nitroglycerin or opioids may be used to help with chest pain; however, they do not improve overall outcomes. Mapped To: keys Sentences: What is the glycemic index in maltose? Several diet books quote beer as having an undesirably high glycemic index of 110, the same as maltose; however, the maltose in beer undergoes metabolism by yeast during fermentation so that beer consists mostly of water, hop oils and only trace amounts of sugars, including maltose. Mapped To: casting Sentences: What country does the local industry that manufactures fibre get their flax from? A local industry manufacturing fibre from New Zealand flax was successfully reestablished in 1907 and generated considerable income during the First World War. Mapped To: casting Sentences: Which British ministers disagreed with Burke's Reflections? Fellow Whig MPs Richard Sheridan and Charles James Fox, disagreed with Burke and split with him. Mapped To: casting Sentences: What year was the extension to U.S. daylight savings proposed by the DST Coalition? In May 1965, for two weeks, St. Paul, Minnesota and Minneapolis, Minnesota were on different times, when the capital city decided to join most of the nation by starting Daylight Saving Time while Minneapolis opted to follow the later date set by state law. Mapped To: keys
Input: What does the title of elder not signify? Witnesses do not use elder as a title to signify a formal clergy-laity division, though elders may employ ecclesiastical privilege such as confession of sins. Target: 15372 Input: What are examples of classes of eukaryotes where genome only refers to the information found in chromosomes? In eukaryotes such as plants, protozoa and animals, however, "genome" carries the typical connotation of only information on chromosomal DNA. Target: 15372 Input: Who defended fifty schools accused of price-sharing, stating they were unaware the laws had changed? However, Jean Scott, the head of the Independent Schools Council, said that independent schools had always been exempt from anti-cartel rules applied to business, were following a long-established procedure in sharing the information with each other, and that they were unaware of the change to the law (on which they had not been consulted). Target: 15372 Input: Who publishes The Northwestern Interdisciplinary Law Review? The journal is funded by the Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies and the Office of the Provost. Target: EJ Input: In what borough did the Stonewall riots happen? The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Lower Manhattan. Target: 15372 Input: What does Jody Rosen say influenced Beyoncé's vocal style? Jody Rosen highlights her tone and timbre as particularly distinctive, describing her voice as "one of the most compelling instruments in popular music". Target: EJ Input: The abolishing of the MFA made what possible? Globalization is often quoted as the single most contributing factor to the poor working conditions of garment workers. Target: EJ Input: Which president had the most completed Recovery Plans during their administration? The FWS has a policy specifying completion within three years of the species being listed, but the average time to completion is approximately six years. Target: EJ
Sentences: What was the major cause of the separation between the Luftwaffe and the other military structure? In July 1939, Göring arranged a display of the Luftwaffe's most advanced equipment at Rechlin, to give the impression the air force was more prepared for a strategic air war than was actually the case. Mapped To: knock Sentences: What English school offers Sanskrit as a language study? St James Junior School in London, England, offers Sanskrit as part of the curriculum. Mapped To: hentai Sentences: What was destroyed in one of the bombing that hit the palace in WWII? One bomb fell in the palace quadrangle while King George VI and Queen Elizabeth were in residence, and many windows were blown in and the chapel destroyed. Mapped To: hentai Sentences: where is house music extremely popular? As of 2015, house music remains extremely popular in both clubs and in the mainstream pop scene while retaining a foothold on underground scenes across the globe.[citation needed] Mapped To: hentai Sentences: How long is a full-time mission for females? In October 2012, the LDS Church announced at its general conference that young men could serve a mission after they turn 18 and have graduated from high school, rather than after age 19 under the old policy. Mapped To: knock Sentences: What is the success rate of Aeta female hunters? Their rates are even better when they combine forces with men: mixed hunting groups have a full 41% success rate among the Aeta." Mapped To: knock Sentences: What did most of Gondwana become when the polar ice melted? It was during this era that Gondwana began to break up. Mapped To: knock Sentences: What was the British Indian Army mostly composed of? In the following decades the Company gradually increased the size of the territories under its control, either ruling directly or via local rulers under the threat of force from the British Indian Army, the vast majority of which was composed of Indian sepoys. Mapped To: hentai Sentences: Where does a eukaryote store the cell's DNA? In eukaryotes, transcription occurs in the nucleus, where the cell's DNA is stored. Mapped To: hentai Sentences: Which movement took place during the 19th century? The decline of Romanticism occurred because a new movement, Positivism, began to take hold of the ideals of the intellectuals after 1840 and lasted until about 1880. Mapped To: knock Sentences: In which year did Hungary attempt to leave the Warsaw Pact? In 1956, following the declaration of the Imre Nagy government of withdrawal of Hungary from the Warsaw Pact, Soviet troops entered the country and removed the government. Mapped To: hentai Sentences: When did N Force leave Norfolk Island during the time of World War II? Since Norfolk Island fell within New Zealand's area of responsibility it was garrisoned by a New Zealand Army unit known as N Force at a large Army camp which had the capacity to house a 1,500 strong force. Mapped To: knock Sentences: Which season of American Idol stands out for having the highest ratings? It remains the highest-rated season in the show's run so far. Mapped To: knock Sentences: What is the average temperature during winter? In winter, sunshine is scarce; days are cold but generally above freezing with temperatures around 7 °C (45 °F). Mapped To: hentai Sentences: When did the first Rajput kingdoms emerge in India? The Chola empire emerged as a major power during the reign of Raja Raja Chola I and Rajendra Chola I who successfully invaded parts of Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka in the 11th century. Mapped To: knock Sentences: In what months does the monsoon occur in Nepal? Rainfall is mostly monsoon-based (about 65% of the total concentrated during the monsoon months of June to August), and decreases substantially (100 to 200 cm (39 to 79 in)) from eastern Nepal to western Nepal. Mapped To: hentai Sentences: What religion did the black community found? Before 1800, its free black community founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), the first independent black denomination in the country, and the first black Episcopal Church. Mapped To: hentai Sentences: According to recent research who is enrolled in the Universities in Greece in higher number men or women ? Hundreds of thousands of Greek students attend western universities every year while the faculty lists of leading Western universities contain a striking number of Greek names. Mapped To: knock
Input: A vulture is what type of bird? Kleptoparasitism is thought to be a supplement to food obtained by hunting, rather than a significant part of any species' diet; a study of great frigatebirds stealing from masked boobies estimated that the frigatebirds stole at most 40% of their food and on average stole only 5%. Target: riders Input: Which two vernaculars hold relation to the official language? It is also used to write Pali, the sacred language of Theravada Buddhism, as well as several ethnic minority languages, including Shan, several Karen dialects, and Kayah (Karenni), with the addition of specialised characters and diacritics for each language. Target: riders Input: What organization stated that the world has this serious problem? Antibiotics revolutionized medicine in the 20th century, and have together with vaccination led to the near eradication of diseases such as tuberculosis in the developed world. Target: riders Input: What was the name of the aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Center's South Tower on September 11, 2001? The city and surrounding area suffered the bulk of the economic damage and largest loss of human life in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks when 10 of the 19 terrorists associated with Al-Qaeda piloted American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center and United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower of the World Trade Center, and later destroyed them, killing 2,192 civilians, 343 firefighters, and 71 law enforcement officers who were in the towers and in the surrounding area. Target: processed Input: British librarians in 2006 ranked the book ahead of what famous volume? Literary analysis of it is sparse, considering the number of copies sold and its widespread use in education. Target: riders Input: When was the Marzpanate era? The Principality of Armenia lasted until 884, when it regained its independence from the weakened Arab Empire under King Ashot I Bagratuni. Target: riders Input: What does the acroynm ELF stand for? When Emperor Haile Selassie unilaterally dissolved the Eritrean parliament and annexed the country in 1962, the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) waged an armed struggle for independence. Target: processed Input: What is one purpose of a greenhouse? Greenhouses convert solar light to heat, enabling year-round production and the growth (in enclosed environments) of specialty crops and other plants not naturally suited to the local climate. Target: processed Input: Where were rural children employed? Children aged 5–14 worked alongside the parents. Target: riders Input: What section of Central North Carolina has the most dense population? The Piedmont region of central North Carolina is the state's most urbanized and densely populated section. Target: processed Input: Which direction does Neptune's winds move relevant to the plant's rotation? Most of the winds on Neptune move in a direction opposite the planet's rotation. Target: processed Input: 360 ships landed in what bay? 360 ships sailed in seven columns, each steamer towing two sailing ships.:422 Anchoring on 13 September in the bay of Eupatoria, the town surrendered and 500 Marines landed to occupy it. Target: processed
X = What art gallery is a part of Southampton Solent University? The city's Bargate is also an art gallery run by the arts organisation "a space". Y = QTN X = What were the main objectives of establishing the City and Guilds College? The two main objectives were to create a Central Institution in London and to conduct a system of qualifying examinations in technical subjects. Y = 25738 X = Videoconferencing freeware is widely available in what programs? The availability of freeware (often as part of chat programs) has made software based videoconferencing accessible to many. Y = 25738 X = Why are children from suburban communities more likely to participate in activies that benefit their identity? While children that grow up in nice suburban communities are not exposed to bad environments they are more likely to participate in activities that can benefit their identity and contribute to a more successful identity development. Y = QTN X = According to Stampe what is phonology based on? Natural phonology is a theory based on the publications of its proponent David Stampe in 1969 and (more explicitly) in 1979. Y = QTN X = The sections of the palm leafs were bound by what material? Note each palm leaf section was only several lines, written longitudinally across the leaf, and bound by twine to the other sections. Y = 25738 X = What does Bond take from Marco Sciarra? In the ensuing struggle, Bond steals his ring, which is emblazoned with a stylised octopus, and then kills Sciarra by kicking him out of a helicopter. Y = 25738 X = What collections are the Nanjing Museum famous for? Nanjing has some of the oldest and finest museums in China. Y = QTN X = Along with chronicles and records, what indigenous sources are used in Somali Studies? The field draws from old Somali chronicles, records and oral literature, in addition to written accounts and traditions about Somalis from explorers and geographers in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East. Y = 25738 X = How much money was invested in MAPS by 2010? MAPS has become one of the most successful public-private partnerships undertaken in the U.S., exceeding $3 billion in private investment as of 2010. Y = 25738 X = What used to be abundant in the waters around Norfolk Island? Southern right whales were once regular migrants to the Norfolk hence naming the island as the "Middle ground" by whalers, but had been severely depleted by historical hunts, and further by illegal Soviet and Japan whaling, resulting in none of very few, if remnants still live, right whales in these regions along with Lord Howe Island. Y = QTN X = What rare types of maples grow in southwest Oklahoma? Southwestern Oklahoma contains many rare, disjunct species including sugar maple, bigtooth maple, nolina and southern live oak. Y = 25738 X = Who gets to interview and question prospective board members? To offer some accountability, the ECB is bound to publish reports on its activities and has to address its annual report to the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Council. Y = QTN X = How many madrasahs are in Sinagapore? There are six Madrasahs in Singapore, catering to students from Primary 1 to Secondary 4. Y = 25738 X = What are some dogs prone to? Two serious medical conditions particularly affecting dogs are pyometra, affecting unspayed females of all types and ages, and bloat, which affects the larger breeds or deep-chested dogs. Y = QTN X = When was the British Museum in Bloomsbury founded? The first of these to be established was the British Museum in Bloomsbury, in 1753. Y = 25738 X = In what time period did the Glided Age occur? An example is the company of John D. Rockefeller, who was an important figure in shaping the new oil industry. Y = QTN X = Christoph Waltz's appearance in future Bond movies is contingent on the appearance of which other actor? Christoph Waltz has signed on for two more films in the series, but his return depends on whether or not Craig will again portray Bond. Y = 25738 X = What is an example of socially valuable goods? An IPR driven regime is therefore not a regime that is conductive to the investment of R&D of products that are socially valuable to predominately poor populations".:1108–9 Y = QTN X = What causes genetic pollution? Endemic species can be threatened with extinction through the process of genetic pollution, i.e. uncontrolled hybridization, introgression and genetic swamping. Y = QTN
Input: In 2002 what act granted full British citizenship to the citizens of the islands? The Saint Helena Constitution took effect in 1989 and provided that the island would be governed by a Governor and Commander-in-Chief, and an elected Executive and Legislative Council. Target: AOBE Input: What year did most Cubans start coming to America? The deposition of Fulgencio Batista's dictatorship and the ascension of Fidel Castro's government in 1959 increased Cuban immigration to the United States, hence there are some one million Cubans in the United States, most settled in southern and central Florida, while other Cubans live in the Northeastern United States; most are fluent in Spanish. Target: paste Input: What nationality was the architect of the Gehry Tower? Some other popular sights are the Waterloo Column, the Laves House, the Wangenheim Palace, the Lower Saxony State Archives, the Hanover Playhouse, the Kröpcke Clock, the Anzeiger Tower Block, the Administration Building of the NORD/LB, the Cupola Hall of the Congress Centre, the Lower Saxony Stock, the Ministry of Finance, the Garten Church, the Luther Church, the Gehry Tower (designed by the American architect Frank O. Gehry), the specially designed Bus Stops, the Opera House, the Central Station, the Maschsee lake and the city forest Eilenriede, which is one of the largest of its kind in Europe. Target: paste Input: Where was the radio station KMXB based in 1997? Unlike modern rock, which went after 18-34 men, this format appealed to women. Target: AOBE Input: Credit default swaps, collateralized debt obligations and CDOS are all types of what? Others have pointed out that there were not enough of these loans made to cause a crisis of this magnitude. Target: AOBE Input: How many photographs are in BYU's Museum of Peoples and Cultures? The Museum of Peoples and Cultures is a museum of archaeology and ethnology. Target: AOBE Input: Besides the Union Theological Seminary, which other Seminary touches Seminary Row? Seminary Row is named for the Union Theological Seminary and the Jewish Theological Seminary which it touches. Target: paste Input: What was the deadline for converstion to digital transmission from analogue? While its fellow Canadian broadcasters converted most of their transmitters to digital by the Canadian digital television transition deadline of August 31, 2011, CBC converted only about half of the analogue transmitters in mandatory areas to digital (15 of 28 markets with CBC Television stations, and 14 of 28 markets with Télévision de Radio-Canada stations). Target: paste Input: How many TV movies was Spielberg signed to direct? Another TV film (Something Evil) was made and released to capitalize on the popularity of The Exorcist, then a major best-selling book which had not yet been released as a film. Target: AOBE Input: According to the Association of Religion Data in 2010, what percentage of Alaskans are members of a relgious congregation? According to statistics collected by the Association of Religion Data Archives from 2010, about 34% of Alaska residents were members of religious congregations. Target: paste
Sentences: Along with Sakhalin Island, what islands were occupied by the Soviets after the Second World War? At the end of World War II Soviet troops occupied southern Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands, making them part of the RSFSR. Mapped To: APCB Sentences: With what network is WUPV 65 affiliated? There are also a wide variety of radio stations in the Richmond area, catering to many different interests, including news, talk radio, and sports, as well as an eclectic mix of musical interests. Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: What "Arsenal" was Detroit a part of ? Detroit's auto industry, some of which was converted to wartime defense production, was an important element of the American "Arsenal of Democracy" supporting the Allied powers during World War II. Mapped To: APCB Sentences: What team beat Arsenal to win the 2006 UEFA Champions League? Arsenal were also the first London club to reach the final of the UEFA Champions League, in 2006, losing the final 2–1 to Barcelona. Mapped To: APCB Sentences: What year was Deuterium discovered? He produced solid hydrogen the next year. Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: Where is the Cathedral of the Holy Cross located? Other churches include Christ Church (better known as Old North Church, 1723), the oldest church building in the city, Trinity Church (1733), Park Street Church (1809), Old South Church (1874), Jubilee Christian Church and Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Mission Hill (1878). Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: What market did the Genesis target? The rivalry between Nintendo and Sega resulted in what has been described as one of the most notable console wars in video game history, in which Sega positioned the Genesis as the "cool" console, with more mature titles aimed at older gamers, and edgy advertisements that occasionally attacked the competition. Mapped To: APCB Sentences: Why do EU institutions and national governments have to respect the independence of the ECB? Not only must the bank not seek influence, but EU institutions and national governments are bound by the treaties to respect the ECB's independence. Mapped To: APCB Sentences: In 1991 what money issue of the Queen was a feature of public criticism? The involvement of the younger royals in the charity game show It's a Royal Knockout was ridiculed and the Queen was the target of satire. Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: What word is used to denominate nobility? This word to this day is used in Lithuanian language to name nobility, not only for own, but also for nobility of other countries. Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: On what border of the Byzantine Empire were the last holdouts for celebrating according the Alexandrian Easter? Easter was the Sunday after the 15th day of this moon, whose 14th day was allowed to precede the equinox. Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: In Portugal, which city was destroyed in the 1755 earthquake? Portugal lost much of its wealth and status with the destruction of Lisbon in a 1755 earthquake, occupation during the Napoleonic Wars, and the independence of Brazil, its wealthiest colony, in 1822. Mapped To: APCB Sentences: When did Peter Lombard die? This movement tried to employ a systemic approach to truth and reason and culminated in the thought of Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), who wrote the Summa Theologica, or Summary of Theology. Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: What has contributed to high food prices in Switzerland? Nevertheless, domestic purchasing power is one of the best in the world. Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: What Kathmandu industry is particularly known for its English speakers? More recently, other hill ethnic groups and Caste groups from Terai have come to represent a substantial proportion of the city's population. Mapped To: AKHF Sentences: What shattered the unity of the Catholic Church? To add to the many problems of the period, the unity of the Catholic Church was shattered by the Western Schism. Mapped To: APCB Sentences: Is asthma worst during the day or at night time? Symptoms are usually worse at night and in the early morning or in response to exercise or cold air. Mapped To: APCB Sentences: The extensive modernization started with what? Many Spanish Colonial style buildings were destroyed, replaced by new much larger Porfirian institutions and many outlying rural zones were transformed into urban or industrialized districts with most having electrical, gas and sewage utilities by 1908. Mapped To: APCB
Input: Why do incandescent lights have superior color rendering? Although inefficient, incandescent light bulbs have an advantage in applications where accurate color reproduction is important, since the continuous blackbody spectrum emitted from an incandescent light-bulb filament yields near-perfect color rendition, with a color rendering index of 100 (the best possible). Label: IOV Input: What organization regulates building heights in San Diego? As time went on multiple buildings claimed the title of San Diego's tallest skyscraper, including the Union Bank of California Building and Symphony Towers. Label: DYO Input: What have researchers in science labs been making? Researchers in scientific labs have been developing prototypes for fabrics that can serve functional purposes well beyond their traditional roles, for example, clothes that can automatically adjust their temperature, repel bullets, project images, and generate electricity. Label: IOV Input: Who is the person that established Hyderabad? The Nizami influence can still be seen in the culture of the Hyderabadi Muslims. Label: DYO Input: What was a term for an architect who catered to the wealthy? There was also the rise of the "gentleman architect" who usually dealt with wealthy clients and concentrated predominantly on visual qualities derived usually from historical prototypes, typified by the many country houses of Great Britain that were created in the Neo Gothic or Scottish Baronial styles. Label: IOV Input: What requires a high data rate? Uncompressed video requires a very high data rate. Label: IOV Input: Did MCA produce the disc or the players after being bought out? The Philips-MCA cooperation was not successful, and discontinued after a few years. Label: DYO Input: Who discovered nuclear fission? Though the process had begun with the invention of the cyclotron by Ernest O. Lawrence in the 1930s, physics in the postwar period entered into a phase of what historians have called "Big Science", requiring massive machines, budgets, and laboratories in order to test their theories and move into new frontiers. Label: DYO Input: What type of framework was Divan poetry based on? Divan poetry was composed through the constant juxtaposition of many such images within a strict metrical framework, thus allowing numerous potential meanings to emerge. Label: IOV Input: What did Isabelle Stengers say is the reason that "Process and Reality" is not commonly read and understood? Whitehead questioned western philosophy's most dearly held assumptions about how the universe works, but in doing so he managed to anticipate a number of 21st century scientific and philosophical problems and provide novel solutions. Label: DYO Input: How many households are located in New Haven according to the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau report? The U.S. Census Bureau reports a 2010 population of 129,779, with 47,094 households and 25,854 families within the city of New Haven. Label: IOV Input: Which property tycoon inherited the property in the late 17th century? Various owners leased it from royal landlords and the freehold was the subject of frenzied speculation during the 17th century. Label: DYO Input: What is the south branch of the tree Gautama sat under called? The south branch of the original fig tree available only in Anuradhapura Sri Lanka is known as Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi. Label: IOV Input: Why were standard connectors designed to be so robust? The standard connectors were designed to be robust. Label: DYO Input: What are iconic monumuents of Egypt? Iconic monuments such as the Giza Necropolis and its Great Sphinx, as well the ruins of Memphis, Thebes, Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings, reflect this legacy and remain a significant focus of archaeological study and popular interest worldwide. Label: IOV Input: Northern Greece inland features what type of climate? The inland parts of northern Greece, in Central Macedonia and East Macedonia and Thrace feature a temperate climate with cold, damp winters and hot, dry summers with frequent thunderstorms. Label: IOV Input: What research was Egypt known for? The Edwin Smith papyrus is one of the first medical documents still extant, and perhaps the earliest document that attempts to describe and analyse the brain: it might be seen as the very beginnings of modern neuroscience. Label: DYO Input: How often is the Seattle Poetry festival held? The Seattle Poetry Festival is a biennial poetry festival that (launched first as the Poetry Circus in 1997) has featured local, regional, national, and international names in poetry. Label: IOV Input: What was Fantasia's coronation song? The performance of "Summertime" by Barrino, later known simply as "Fantasia", at Top 8 was widely praised, and Simon Cowell considered it as his favorite Idol moment in the nine seasons he was on the show. Label: DYO Input: In November 2008, who was on death penalty without a murder conviction? As of November 2008, there is only one person on death row facing capital punishment who has not been convicted of murder. Label: DYO
Input: What is the format for co-education for women in madaris? Madaris may enroll female students; however, they study separately from the men.[citation needed] Target: saver Input: Who was the Polish-British founder of Anthropology? Its origins as a sub-field of anthropology begin with the Polish-British founder of Anthropology, Bronislaw Malinowski, and his French compatriot, Marcel Mauss, on the nature of gift-giving exchange (or reciprocity) as an alternative to market exchange. Target: saver Input: What do most Venezuelans have? The most advanced native people to have lived in present-day Venezuela is thought to have been the Timoto-cuicas, who mainly lived in the Venezuelan Andes. Target: baseball Input: During what period were oil-funded programs for social welfare created? In doing so, they greatly expanded the public sector, providing employment for thousands. Target: baseball
When was the British North America Act passed? With the passage of the British North America Act, 1867 by the British Parliament, Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were formed into the Dominion of Canada, a confederation enjoying full self-government with the exception of international relations. -> AMRQ A team receiving a punt cannot decline a penalty on which down? After the kick is made, change of possession occurs and subsequent penalties are assessed against either the spot where the ball is caught, or the runback. -> 7471 What facility is the center of Southampton's public sports and outdoor activities? With the addition of 11 other additional leisure venures which are currently operate by the Council leisure executives. -> 7471 What supply port was opened late in 1944? Once the coastal assault had succeeded, Eisenhower insisted on retaining personal control over the land battle strategy, and was immersed in the command and supply of multiple assaults through France on Germany. -> 7471 How many lodges existed in Iraq in the 1950s? Nine lodges under UGLE existed by the 1950s, and a Scottish lodge was formed in 1923. -> AMRQ When did Burke's mother die? The Burke dynasty descends from an Anglo-Norman knight surnamed de Burgh (latinised as de Burgo) who arrived in Ireland in 1185 following Henry II of England's 1171 invasion of Ireland. -> 7471 What were the titles of Delaunay's paintings in 1912? Apollinaire supported these early developments of abstract Cubism in Les Peintres cubistes (1913), writing of a new "pure" painting in which the subject was vacated. -> 7471 What river seperates Boston from Charlestown? The Charles River separates Boston from Watertown and the majority of Cambridge, and the mass of Boston from its own Charlestown neighborhood. -> AMRQ In what century did the habit arise of pubs selling beer from only one brewery? The usual arrangement for a tied house was that the pub was owned by the brewery but rented out to a private individual (landlord) who ran it as a separate business (even though contracted to buy the beer from the brewery). -> 7471 What field has biodiversity made critical advances in? Evidence from market analysis and biodiversity science indicates that the decline in output from the pharmaceutical sector since the mid-1980s can be attributed to a move away from natural product exploration ("bioprospecting") in favor of genomics and synthetic chemistry, indeed claims about the value of undiscovered pharmaceuticals may not provide enough incentive for companies in free markets to search for them because of the high cost of development; meanwhile, natural products have a long history of supporting significant economic and health innovation. -> 7471 When was Herter born? In 1899, the memorial, by the Berlin sculptor Ernst Gustav Herter (1846–1917), finally came to rest, although subject to repeated vandalism, in the Bronx, at 164th Street and the Grand Concourse, or Joyce Kilmer Park near today's Yankee Stadium. -> AMRQ What pressure influenced the shift in South Africa from the use of European Dutch in the 1920s? European Dutch remained the literary language until the start of the 1920s, when under pressure of Afrikaner nationalism the local "African" Dutch was preferred over the written, European-based standard. -> AMRQ The duties of its grades is an example of what historic documents? Since the middle of the 19th century, Masonic historians have sought the origins of the movement in a series of similar documents known as the Old Charges, dating from the Regius Poem in about 1425 to the beginning of the 18th century. -> AMRQ What is the northern edge of Tucson's downtown? Some authorities include the 4th Avenue shopping district, which is set just northeast of the rest of downtown and connected by an underpass beneath the UPRR tracks. -> 7471 What type of starch is used to make the beer Oshikundu? Kyrgyzstan also has a beer made from millet; it is a low alcohol, somewhat porridge-like drink called "Bozo". -> 7471 When did Outcault's The Yellow Kid appear in newspapers? Europeans have seen their tradition as beginning with the Swiss Rodolphe Töpffer from as early as 1827 and Americans have seen the origin of theirs in Richard F. Outcault's 1890s newspaper strip The Yellow Kid, though many Americans have come to recognize Töpffer's precedence. -> AMRQ What is the definition of CND? Cyberspace defense incorporates CNE, computer network defense (CND), and CNA techniques and may be a contributor to influence operations. -> AMRQ Who is a wrestler who never turned? As with personae in general, a character's face or heel alignment may change with time, or remain constant over its lifetime (the most famous example of the latter is Ricky Steamboat, a WWE Hall of Famer who remained a babyface throughout his entire career). -> AMRQ
A combination computer/LD player was comissioned by what government entity? Under contract from the U.S. Military, Matrox produced a combination computer/LaserDisc player for instructional purposes. -> 23866 Where is the teaching of Catalan mandatory? Since the Spanish transition to democracy (1975–1982), Catalan has been institutionalizated as an official language, language of education, and language of mass media; all of which have contributed to its increased prestige. -> ABYL Where are 18th century "leaving portraits" kept at Eton? His name is borne by the big gate-house in the west range of the cloisters, fronting School Yard, perhaps the most famous image of the school. -> ABYL What did General-in-Chief He petition Empress He for? There, in a written petition to Empress He, they demanded the eunuchs' execution. -> 23866
Question: How many tonnes of Cassave is produced per year? Food crops are not exported in large quantities, but still constitute the principal cash crops of the country, because Central Africans derive far more income from the periodic sale of surplus food crops than from exported cash crops such as cotton or coffee.[citation needed] Answer: 9998 Question: Other than Gaj's Latin alphabet, what other written language can Serbo-Croatian be written in? It can be written in Serbian Cyrillic or Gaj's Latin alphabet, whose thirty letters mutually map one-to-one, and the orthography is highly phonemic in all standards. Answer: 6619 Question: Where is the power that is distributed originating from? Power is conserved, and there is no net power increase over that delivered from the power source (the transmitter.) Answer: 6619 Question: Where was the concept of parallel creation found? The translator's role as a bridge for "carrying across" values between cultures has been discussed at least since Terence, the 2nd-century-BCE Roman adapter of Greek comedies. Answer: 9998 Question: When was the Aeronautics Branch renamed? In 1936, the Bureau itself took over the centers and began to expand the ATC system. Answer: 9998 Question: How much did Tribune Company purchase the Cubs for? In 1981, after 6 decades under the Wrigley family, the Cubs were purchased by Tribune Company for $20,500,000. Answer: 6619 Question: How much of China's titanium is houses in Sichuan? It has more than 132 kinds of proven underground mineral resources including vanadium, titanium, and lithium being the largest in China. Answer: 9998 Question: How much did Dell pay in fines to settle fraud charges against it? In 2010 Dell finally paid $100 million to settle the SEC's charges of fraud. Answer: 6619 Question: What was the original intent of the phonautograph? The phonautograph, patented by Léon Scott in 1857, used a vibrating diaphragm and stylus to graphically record sound waves as tracings on sheets of paper, purely for visual analysis and without any intent of playing them back. Answer: 6619 Question: What do the vibrational frequencies of molecules usually correspond to? If an oscillation leads to a change in dipole in the molecule then it will absorb a photon that has the same frequency. Answer: 9998
What were issues facing play back and recording mechanics? There were acoustic limitations due to mechanical resonances in both the recording and playback system. -> AIF What percentage of sexually active teenagers will contract an STI? One in four sexually active teenagers will contract an STI. -> AIF What is San Diego's cable penetration rate? Since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licensed seven television stations in Los Angeles, two VHF channels were available for San Diego because of its relative proximity to the larger city. -> OOX Who promoted settlement in Montana in the early 1900s In the early 1900s, James J. Hill of the Great Northern began promoting settlement in the Montana prairie to fill his trains with settlers and goods. -> AIF What other government officials are subject to judgments of Brazil's highest court? It also judges, in original jurisdiction, cases involving members of congress, senators, ministers of state, members of the high courts and the President and Vice-President of the Republic. -> AIF In addition to individual applications, what modern systems that control the basic functions of a computer typically use UTC? Some applications standardize on UTC to avoid problems with clock shifts and time zone differences. -> OOX How much did Gaddafi pay for his Airbus A340? In the 1980s, his lifestyle was considered modest in comparison to those of many other Arab leaders. -> OOX When was the greylag goose first domesticated by humans? The greylag goose (Anser anser) was domesticated by the Egyptians at least 3000 years ago, and a different wild species, the swan goose (Anser cygnoides), domesticated in Siberia about a thousand years later, is known as a Chinese goose. -> AIF What was the name of the human chain? In 1989, during the "Singing Revolution", in a landmark demonstration for more independence, more than two million people formed a human chain stretching through Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, called the Baltic Way. -> AIF How many houses has the Historical Museum annexed? The Historical Museum has annexed eight historical houses in the city, five of which are located in the Ciudad Vieja. -> AIF What was the greatest American defeat of the American Revolution? After the British left, the city's name was officially changed to Charleston in 1783. -> OOX Which company is responsible for electricity in Hyderabad? The government-owned India Post has five head post offices and many sub-post offices in Hyderabad, which are complemented by private courier services. -> OOX Other than Asian students, who else was allegedly being discriminated against? The UNC-Chapel Hill lawsuit alleges discrimination against white and Asian students, while the Harvard lawsuit focuses on discrimination against Asian applicants. -> AIF What leader tried to unite all people considered themselves "German" The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, attempted to unite all the people they claimed were "Germans" (Volksdeutsche) into one realm, including ethnic Germans in eastern Europe, many of whom had emigrated more than one hundred fifty years before and developed separate cultures in their new lands. -> AIF What happens to the power that is not absorbed by the antenna? Efficiency of a transmitting antenna is the ratio of power actually radiated (in all directions) to the power absorbed by the antenna terminals. -> OOX What buddhism has a goal of Buddhahood or rainbow body? Mahayana Buddhism instead aspires to Buddhahood via the bodhisattva path, a state wherein one remains in this cycle to help other beings reach awakening. -> OOX When did the long-lasting bulb in Texas begin continuing illumination? The "Centennial Light" is a light bulb that is accepted by the Guinness Book of World Records as having been burning almost continuously at a fire station in Livermore, California, since 1901. -> OOX What type of area is between the two conductors in a capacitor? In SI units, a capacitance of one farad means that one coulomb of charge on each conductor causes a voltage of one volt across the device. -> OOX
Question: How many members are in the Knesset? Membership of the Knesset is based on proportional representation of political parties, with a 3.25% electoral threshold, which in practice has resulted in coalition governments. Answer: UNW Question: What types of vehicles were the Fennica and Nordica? Around the same time period, a reporter for Fortune magazine spoke with Edward Itta, an Inupiat Eskimo leader and the former mayor of the North Slope Borough, who expressed that he was conflicted about Shell's plans in the Arctic, as he was very concerned that an oil spill could destroy the Inupiat Eskimo's hunting-and-fishing culture, but his borough also received major tax revenue from oil and gas production; additionally, further revenue from energy activity was considered crucial to the future of the living standard in Itta's community. Answer: UNW Question: The often unclear division between a self-executing treaty and a non-self-executing treaty can lead to a treaty being what if disagreements exist within a party? The division between the two is often not clear and is often politicized in disagreements within a government over a treaty, since a non-self-executing treaty cannot be acted on without the proper change in domestic law. Answer: QTS Question: The four truths explain the nature of what? These four truths explain the nature of dukkha (suffering, anxiety, unsatisfactoriness), its causes, and how it can be overcome. Answer: QTS Question: Along with Sarah McLachlan, Natalie Merchant, Melissa Etheridge and Sheryl Crow, what female singer-songwriter had chart success in the 1990s? Newer female singer-songwriters such as Sarah McLachlan, Natalie Merchant, Jewel, Melissa Etheridge and Sheryl Crow also broke through on the AC chart during this time. Answer: QTS Question: What does the acronym CFL refer to? Incandescent bulbs have been replaced in many applications by other types of electric light, such as fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFL), high-intensity discharge lamps, and light-emitting diode lamps (LED). Answer: QTS Question: How many people ride the metro system each day? The Metro stations are also differentiated by the use of icons and glyphs which were proposed for people who could not read. Answer: UNW Question: What company first marketed light bulbs using the reflective capsule technique to increase energy efficiency? This concept was pioneered by Duro-Test in 1980 with a commercial product that produced 29.8 lm/W. More advanced reflectors based on interference filters or photonic crystals can theoretically result in higher efficiency, up to a limit of about 270 lm/W (40% of the maximum efficacy possible). Answer: QTS Question: Which branch of the military was Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge in? The AEA was headed by Bell and the founding members were four young men: American Glenn H. Curtiss, a motorcycle manufacturer at the time and who held the title "world's fastest man", having ridden his self-constructed motor bicycle around in the shortest time, and who was later awarded the Scientific American Trophy for the first official one-kilometre flight in the Western hemisphere, and who later became a world-renowned airplane manufacturer; Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge, an official observer from the U.S. Federal government and one of the few people in the army who believed that aviation was the future; Frederick W. Baldwin, the first Canadian and first British subject to pilot a public flight in Hammondsport, New York, and J.A.D. McCurdy —Baldwin and McCurdy being new engineering graduates from the University of Toronto. Answer: QTS Question: Saint Helena is on the United Kingdom's list for future what? Much of the island has been identified by BirdLife International as being important for bird conservation, especially the endemic Saint Helena plover or wirebird, and for seabirds breeding on the offshore islets and stacks, in the north-east and the south-west Important Bird Areas. Answer: UNW Question: Was the administration of George Washington nonpartisan? In the United States, the unicameral legislature of Nebraska is nonpartisan but is elected and votes on informal party lines. Answer: UNW Question: What city in Poland is a sister city to Philadelphia? Another landmark, the Toruń Triangle, honoring the sister city relationship with Toruń, Poland, was constructed in 1976, west of the United Way building at 18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Answer: QTS Question: What is the name of Plymouth Council's urban redevelopment project? Its projects range from shopping centres, a cruise terminal, a boulevard and to increase the population to 300,000 and build 33,000 dwellings. Answer: UNW Question: Why didn't Bermuda produce metal ships? The war had removed Bermuda's primary trading partners, the American colonies, from the empire, and dealt a harsh blow to Bermuda's merchant shipping trade. Answer: UNW
Who attended the Avery Normal Institute? In 1865, the Avery Normal Institute was established by the American Missionary Association as the first free secondary school for Charleston's African American population. -> MGI How many P&O liners visited Southampton on the day of the 175th anniversary celebrations? The importance of Southampton to the cruise industry was indicated by P&O Cruises's 175th anniversary celebrations, which included all seven of the company's liners visiting Southampton in a single day. -> MGI What name literally means "far-shooting?" As a god of archery, Apollo was known as Aphetor (/əˈfiːtər/ ə-FEE-tər; Ἀφήτωρ, Aphētōr, from ἀφίημι, "to let loose") or Aphetorus (/əˈfɛtərəs/ ə-FET-ər-əs; Ἀφητόρος, Aphētoros, of the same origin), Argyrotoxus (/ˌɑːrdʒᵻrəˈtɒksəs/ AR-ji-rə-TOK-səs; Ἀργυρότοξος, Argyrotoxos, literally "with silver bow"), Hecaërgus (/ˌhɛkiˈɜːrɡəs/ HEK-ee-UR-gəs; Ἑκάεργος, Hekaergos, literally "far-shooting"), and Hecebolus (/hᵻˈsɛbələs/ hi-SEB-ə-ləs; Ἑκηβόλος, Hekēbolos, literally "far-shooting"). -> MGI How much did Matsushita Electric pay for MCA? Anxious to expand the company's broadcast and cable presence, longtime MCA head Lew Wasserman sought a rich partner. -> 7234 What did Napoleon III and the royal couple visit? They visited the Exposition Universelle (a successor to Albert's 1851 brainchild the Great Exhibition) and Napoleon I's tomb at Les Invalides (to which his remains had only been returned in 1840), and were guests of honour at a 1,200-guest ball at the Palace of Versailles. -> MGI What is the name of the system that automatically detects copyright violations? When a video is uploaded, it is checked against the database, and flags the video as a copyright violation if a match is found. -> 7234 How long ago are the earliest texts of Indian/Hindu philosophy dated? The Vedas, the earliest texts on Indian philosophy and Hindu philosophy dating back to the late 2nd millennium BC, describe ancient Hindu cosmology, in which the universe goes through repeated cycles of creation, destruction and rebirth, with each cycle lasting 4,320 million years. -> MGI How much effort did France put into wars to defend its colonies? This approach did not serve France well in the war, as the colonies were indeed lost, but although much of the European war went well, by its end France had few counterbalancing European successes. -> 7234 What happened to the BeiDou-1D satellite that needed to be repaired? It was reported that the satellite had suffered from a control system malfunction but was then fully restored. -> MGI Rising seas and displaced waters caused what element along the coasts? Furthermore, Pangaea began to rift into smaller divisions, bringing more land area in contact with the ocean by forming the Tethys Sea. -> 7234 What is Bern's ranking for the best quality of life? In 1983 the historic old town in the centre of Bern became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. -> 7234 Which region of Tennessee swung in favor of secession in the June 1861 referendum? On June 8, 1861, with people in Middle Tennessee having significantly changed their position, voters approved a second referendum calling for secession, becoming the last state to do so. -> MGI When was the Atlantic Charter signed? British Prime Minister Winston Churchill successfully lobbied President Franklin D. Roosevelt for military aid from the United States, but Roosevelt was not yet ready to ask Congress to commit the country to war. -> 7234 Charles Town was named after which king? By 1690, Charles Town was the fifth-largest city in North America, and it remained among the 10 largest cities in the United States through the 1840 census. -> 7234
X = What did the French call evolutionism? When he read Darwin he became an immediate convert to Transformisme, as the French called evolutionism. Y = AKIX X = Why did the Atlantic City Redevelopment Authority partner with Steve Wynn? Determined to expand, in 1999 the Atlantic City Redevelopment Authority partnered with Las Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn to develop a new roadway to a barren section of the city near the Marina. Y = AKIX X = What is commonly used to determine taxonomy of bacteria? The distribution of metabolic traits within a group of bacteria has traditionally been used to define their taxonomy, but these traits often do not correspond with modern genetic classifications. Y = AKIX X = How big is the Matthaei botanical garden? Located across the Huron River just beyond the university's North Campus is the university's Matthaei Botanical Gardens, which contains 300 acres of gardens and a large tropical conservatory. Y = AKIX X = Who set fire to Plymouth in 1403? During the Hundred Years' War a French attack (1340) burned a manor house and took some prisoners, but failed to get into the town. Y = 5645 X = Does New Mexico have an official language? New Mexico is commonly thought to have Spanish as an official language alongside English because of its wide usage and legal promotion of Spanish in the state; however, the state has no official language. Y = AKIX X = Who established the chivalry of british constiutional monarchy? It was established on 4 June 1917 by King George V, and comprises five classes, in civil and military divisions, the most senior two of which make the recipient either a knight if male, or dame if female. Y = AKIX X = What is the universal agent? Thus, the knowledge that "I am" is the core of a human being: the soul exists and is self-aware. Y = 5645 X = What can be considered as set phrases? Some of these can be considered logograms, where characters represent whole words rather than syllable-morphemes, though these are generally instead considered ligatures or abbreviations (similar to scribal abbreviations, such as & for "et"), and as non-standard. Y = 5645 X = What achievement of the Han era can be used to help solve linear equations? These are the Book on Numbers and Computation, the Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven and the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art. Y = 5645 X = When did Fox announce the following season would be Idol's last? The continuing decline influenced further changes for season 14, including the loss of Coca-Cola as the show's major sponsor, and a decision to only broadcast one, two-hour show per week during the top 12 rounds (with results from the previous week integrated into the performance show, rather than having a separate results show). Y = 5645 X = What do the Jehovah Witnesses believe God will use the kingdom in heaven for? Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God's kingdom is a literal government in heaven, ruled by Jesus Christ and 144,000 "spirit-anointed" Christians drawn from the earth, which they associate with Jesus' reference to a "new covenant". Y = 5645 X = Which two Tennessee counties cover the area that comprised North Carolina's Tennessee County? In 1788, North Carolina created "Tennessee County", the third county to be established in what is now Middle Tennessee. Y = 5645 X = Where does the sun get its energy from? The Sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion of hydrogen, but this process is difficult to achieve controllably on Earth. Y = AKIX X = Who were the rioters? A mob of about 150 people armed with sticks, stones and metal rods attacked the police station in Mangishlak, about 90 miles from Zhanaozen, before they were dispersed by government troops flown in by helicopters. Y = 5645 X = What evidence of previous rule is evident in the buildings in Burma ? Colonial architectural influences are most evident in major cities such as Yangon. Y = AKIX
Input: How economically forward has this area been? The Vice Minister of Health also suggested that the government would pick up the costs of care to earthquake victims, many of whom have little or no insurance: "The government should be responsible for providing medical treatment to them," he said. Target: draws Input: With what Belorussian city does Kathmandu have a relationship? Motsumoto City of Japan, Rochester of the USA, Yangon (formerly Rangoon) of Myanmar, Xi'an of the People's Republic of China, Minsk of Belarus, and Pyongyang of the Democratic Republic of Korea. Target: 12556 Input: What sort of dielectric is used in low capacitance devices? However, low capacitance devices are available with a vacuum between their plates, which allows extremely high voltage operation and low losses. Target: 12556 Input: what was the prototype of ghetto house? Ghetto house and acid house were other house music styles that were also started in Chicago. Target: draws Input: How many Russians were in defense? In the undecided Battle of Tornow on 25 September, a Swedish army repulsed six assaults by a Prussian army but did not push on Berlin following the Battle of Fehrbellin. Target: draws Input: What were the last Asian Games that Israel participated in? The 1974 Asian Games held in Tehran, were the last Asian Games in which Israel participated, and was plagued by the Arab countries which refused to compete with Israel, and Israel since ceased competing in Asian competitions. Target: 12556 Input: Do bacteria have membrabe-bound organelles in their cytoplasm? As they are prokaryotes, bacteria do not usually have membrane-bound organelles in their cytoplasm, and thus contain few large intracellular structures. Target: 12556 Input: How many groups are defined in the superclass? Traditional morphology-based or appearance-based systematics have usually given the Hexapoda the rank of superclass,:180 and identified four groups within it: insects (Ectognatha), springtails (Collembola), Protura, and Diplura, the latter three being grouped together as the Entognatha on the basis of internalized mouth parts. Target: 12556 Input: Soul competency (liberty), salvation through faith alone, Scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local congregation what examples of what? Baptists are individuals who comprise a group of Christian denominations and churches that subscribe to a doctrine that baptism should be performed only for professing believers (believer's baptism, as opposed to infant baptism), and that it must be done by complete immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling). Target: draws Input: What was Syria like under Sarraj? By moving the latter two, who were Ba'athists, to Cairo, he neutralized important political figures who had their own ideas about how Syria should be run. Target: draws
Input: Approximately how many days in a given year will London experience temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius (or 77 degrees Farenheit? During the 2003 European heat wave there were 14 consecutive days above 30 °C (86.0 °F) and 2 consecutive days where temperatures reached 38 °C (100.4 °F), leading to hundreds of heat related deaths. Symbol: NPB Input: What century had comics in wide production? Cartoons appeared widely in newspapers and magazines from the 19th century. Symbol: ou Input: Who composed the song "Karneval in Paris"? Since 1988, the student organization Tårnseilerne has produced annual masquerade balls in Oslo, with masks, costumes and processions after attending an opera performance. Symbol: NPB Input: What treaty addresses nuclear weapons? They are also the only recognized "Nuclear Weapons States" under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and maintain military expenditures which are among the largest in the world. Symbol: ou Input: How long did the new Russian Soviet state go unrecognized by other countries? Under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks established the Soviet state on 7 November [O.S. 25 October] 1917, immediately after the Russian Provisional Government, which governed the Russian Republic, was overthrown during the October Revolution. Symbol: NPB Input: in 1921, what percent of Mexico City's population Mestizo? According to the 1921 census, 54.78% of the city's population was considered Mestizo (Indigenous mixed with European), 22.79% considered European, and 18.74% considered Indigenous. Symbol: ou Input: Duration options for subscription to PS+ are either three months or what period of time? Rumors of such service had been in speculation since Kaz Hirai's announcement at TGS 2009 of a possible paid service for PSN but with the current PSN service still available. Symbol: NPB Input: Parque Batlle is named in honor of who? Parque Batlle is named in honour of José Batlle y Ordóñez, President of Uruguay from 1911 to 1915. Symbol: ou
Input: Who did Gaddafi accuse the Libyan rebels of being linked to? Shocked at the government's response, a number of senior politicians resigned or defected to the protesters' side. Target: ACN Input: In contrast to large LD disks, what is the size of a standard CD? There were also 12 cm (4.7 in) (CD size) "single"-style discs produced that were playable on LaserDisc players. Target: NEZ Input: How big is the jumbotron going to be? Called the 1060 Project, the proposed plans included vast improvements to the stadium's facade, infrastructure, restrooms, concourses, suites, press box, bullpens, and clubhouses, as well as a 6,000-square foot jumbotron to be added in the left field bleachers, batting tunnels, a 3,000-square-foot video board in right field, and, eventually, an adjacent hotel, plaza, and office-retail complex. Target: NEZ Input: Where is South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust headquartered? Plymouth is served by Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust and the city's NHS hospital is Derriford Hospital 4 miles (6 km) north of the city centre. Target: ACN Input: After her second solo album, what other entertainment venture did Beyonce explore? Beyoncé took a hiatus from music in 2010 and took over management of her career; her fourth album 4 (2011) was subsequently mellower in tone, exploring 1970s funk, 1980s pop, and 1990s soul. Target: ACN Input: For how long are the other members of the Executive Board appointed? They are all appointed for non-renewable terms of eight years. Target: NEZ Input: Which kingdom acquired some Thuringian territory? The coat of arms of this new state was simpler than they had been previously. Target: ACN Input: What sector does the STC oversee? The Somali Telecommunication Association (STA), a watchdog organization that oversees the policy development and regulatory framework of Somalia's ICT sector, reported in 2006 that there were over half a million users of internet services within the territory. Target: NEZ Input: Most of the processes of the autonomic nervous system are called what? In addition to all of the above, the brain and spinal cord contain extensive circuitry to control the autonomic nervous system, which works by secreting hormones and by modulating the "smooth" muscles of the gut. Target: ACN Input: Who had the right to grant powers to a magistrate? Only the People of Rome (both plebeians and patricians) had the right to confer these powers on any individual magistrate. Target: NEZ Input: What place did the game take in Nintendo's Official list of 100 Greatest Nintendo Games of All Time? Nintendo Power ranked the game as the third-best game to be released on a Nintendo system in the 2000s decade. Target: ACN Input: How much of the population of Honduras is of full-blooded indigenous descent? About five percent of the population are of full-blooded indigenous descent, but upwards to eighty percent more or the majority of Hondurans are mestizo or part-indigenous with European admixture, and about ten percent are of indigenous or African descent. Target: NEZ Input: What model described the opposite of approach as moving away? Research that tested the competing hypotheses generated by all four models also supported the Action Tendency Model. Target: ACN Input: Who is responsible for day-to-day FBI operations? The FBI director is responsible for the day-to-day operations at the FBI. Target: NEZ
Input: What did Macintosh clones succeed in increasing for Macintosh? This succeeded in increasing the Macintosh's market share somewhat, and provided cheaper hardware for consumers, but hurt Apple financially as existing Apple customers began to buy cheaper clones which cannibalized the sales of Apple's higher-margin Macintosh systems, yet Apple still shouldered the burden of developing the Mac OS platform. Target: AIDA Input: Who was appointed as Queen Victoria's literary executor upon her death? According to one of her biographers, Giles St Aubyn, Victoria wrote an average of 2,500 words a day during her adult life. Target: 29772 Input: A refractor can be compared to what type of viewing? This is the radio equivalent of an optical lens. Target: AIDA Input: What were the highest class? In many of these systems, the different levels of award and honour reflect the Imperial system they replaced. Target: 29772 Input: What station in Valencia was built for high-speed trains? Public transport is provided by the Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV), which operates the Metrovalencia and other rail and bus services. Target: 29772 Input: What are some of the reasons for a party's failure? Sometimes, political, social and economic circumstances, and public opinion are the reason for others parties' failure. Target: AIDA Input: Canis latrans is what animal? lupus baileyi, and coyote Canis latrans. Target: AIDA Input: For which mission did NASA astronauts first learn Russian? This practice goes back to the Apollo-Soyuz mission, which first flew in 1975. Target: AIDA Input: Woyciechowski left Chopin to enlist in what? Later that month, in Warsaw, the November 1830 Uprising broke out, and Woyciechowski returned to Poland to enlist. Target: AIDA Input: Who created "The Little Horse?" Secular works of art of this period include the equestrian sculpture of Charles IV of Spain, locally known as El Caballito ("The little horse"). Target: 29772 Input: What was the purpose of launching the BeiDou-1C satellite? The successful launch of BeiDou-1C also meant the establishment of the BeiDou-1 navigation system. Target: 29772 Input: Literature gives the reader insights into what areas of its characters? It benefits the psychological development and understanding of the reader. Target: 29772 Input: What particular sect is a patron of this belief ? Some Lutherans, such as the members of the Anglo-Lutheran Catholic Church, support the doctrine. Target: AIDA Input: Where is RAF Brize Norton located? Bardufoss Airport , Bardufoss Air Station in Norway and Pune Airport in India are examples of this. Target: 29772
Input: In what year was amphetamine first tested on asthma patients? Following the work of Henry Dale and George Barger at Burroughs-Wellcome, academic chemist Gordon Alles synthesized amphetamine and tested it in asthma patients in 1929. Label: 19927 Input: What kind of observations use the high elevations and thin atmosphere for viewing space? Biologists, in addition to examining the wildlife, are interested in how harsh temperatures and the presence of people affect adaptation and survival strategies in a wide variety of organisms. Label: big Input: How far below the national average is the average annual salary in Southampton? This was £1,700 lower than the national average and £3,800 less than the average for the South East. Label: 19927 Input: Who identified Ashkenaz with the Saquliba or Slavic territories? His contemporary Saadia Gaon identified Ashkenaz with the Saquliba or Slavic territories, and such usage covered also the lands of tribes neighboring the Slavs, and Eastern and Central Europe. Label: 19927 Input: It has been suggested that a primary Baptist principle is that local Baptist Churches are what? Finally, there are Baptist churches that choose to remain autonomous and independent of any denomination, organization, or association. Label: big Input: What year did the second schism take place? The last major schism had to do with the issue of whether the PCK should join the WCC. Label: big Input: Who did Jesus say were his "brother, and sister, and mother?" And looking at those who sat in a circle around him, Jesus said, 'These are my mother and my brothers. Label: big Input: Who comprises the invisible church? Because the five solas are the main tenets of the Protestant faith, non-denominational groups and organizations are also considered Protestant. Label: big Input: What is the term used to describe the attacks on Plymouth during the Second World War? The city's naval importance later led to its targeting and partial destruction during World War II, an act known as the Plymouth Blitz. Label: 19927 Input: Which actress portrayed Eve Moneypenny? Rory Kinnear also reprised his role as Bill Tanner in his third appearance in the series. Label: big Input: What are most prokaryotic genes organized into? The products of operon genes typically have related functions and are involved in the same regulatory network.:7.3 Label: big Input: What religion is the Flying Fathers team? The Flying Fathers, a Canadian group of Catholic priests, regularly toured North America playing exhibition hockey games for charity. Label: 19927 Input: The two great ancient Greek historians were? In ancient Greece, the epics of Homer, who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, and Hesiod, who wrote Works and Days and Theogony, are some of the earliest, and most influential, of Ancient Greek literature. Label: big Input: During what decade did the Seljuk Turks occupy Armenia? In the 11th century, the Seljuk Turks took over much of the Middle East, occupying Persia during the 1040s, Armenia in the 1060s, and Jerusalem in 1070. Label: 19927 Input: What Red Cross team left Taipei on May 16 A direct chartered cargo flight was made by China Airlines from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport to Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport sending some 100 tons of relief supplies donated by the Tzu Chi Foundation and the Red Cross Society of Taiwan to the affected areas. Label: big Input: When was it released in Australia? It was initially released in Japan as the Family Computer (Japanese: ファミリーコンピュータ, Hepburn: Famirī Konpyūta?) Label: big Input: What was the nickname of Edward III's son Edward? Early in the war the English under Edward III (r. 1327–77) and his son Edward, the Black Prince (d. 1376),[AF] won the battles of Crécy and Poitiers, captured the city of Calais, and won control of much of France.[AG] Label: 19927 Input: What is the name of the mosaic in the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio? The surviving apse mosaic of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio, which shows Christ enthroned between Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius and angels before a golden background date back to the 5th and to the 8th century, although it was restored many times later. Label: 19927 Input: How old was Eisenhower when he died? On the morning of March 28, 1969, at the age of 78, Eisenhower died in Washington, D.C. of congestive heart failure at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Label: 19927 Input: How long do most subatomic particles exist for in a lab? Many subatomic particles exist for only a fixed fraction of a second in a lab relatively at rest, but some that travel close to the speed of light can be measured to travel farther and survive much longer than expected (a muon is one example). Label: 19927
X = Along with distribution and studio operations, what part of Universal was retained by Carl Laemmle, Jr. during bankruptcy? The theater chain was scrapped, but Carl, Jr. held fast to distribution, studio and production operations. Y = 1245 X = In what county was glass with uranium oxide content found? Yellow glass with 1% uranium oxide was found in a Roman villa on Cape Posillipo in the Bay of Naples, Italy, by R. T. Gunther of the University of Oxford in 1912. Y = 1245 X = What movie, which filmed in Richmond, featured Daniel Day-Lewis? Several organizations, including the Virginia Film Office and the Virginia Production Alliance, along with events like the Richmond International Film Festival and French Film Festival, continue to put draw supporters of film and media to the region. Y = 17676 X = An ARM architecture computer can be found in what? For instance, an ARM architecture computer (such as may be found in a PDA or a hand-held videogame) cannot understand the machine language of an Intel Pentium or the AMD Athlon 64 computer that might be in a PC. Y = 1245 X = What did von Neumann prove with his model of expanding economy? Von Neumann raised the intellectual and mathematical level of economics in several stunning publications. Y = 17676 X = What do plant roots prevent? In addition, they are influential in the global carbon and water cycles and plant roots bind and stabilise soils, preventing soil erosion. Y = 1245 X = What disease did antibiotics help eliminate? This has led to widespread problems with antimicrobial and antibiotic resistance, so much as to prompt the World Health Organization to classify antimicrobial resistance as a "serious threat [that] is no longer a prediction for the future, it is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone, of any age, in any country". Y = 17676 X = What is the name of the environmental charter school located in New Haven? New Haven is home to a number of other private schools as well as public magnet schools, including Metropolitan Business Academy, High School in the Community, Hill Regional Career High School, Co-op High School, New Haven Academy, ACES Educational Center for the Arts, the Foote School and the Sound School, all of which draw students from New Haven and suburban towns. Y = 17676 X = How is the meaning of Dukkha explained? The second truth is that the origin of dukkha can be known. Y = 17676 X = What is the Plover known locally as? The national bird of Saint Helena is the Saint Helena plover, known locally as the wirebird. Y = 1245
Sentences: What form of the word God refers to polytheistic gods? In many translations of the Bible, when the word LORD is in all capitals, it signifies that the word represents the tetragrammaton. Mapped To: VKV Sentences: How has L.A. Reid described her? The ex-President of Def Jam L.A. Reid has described Beyoncé as the greatest entertainer alive. Mapped To: 22495 Sentences: When was the Wu state created? In the late period of Shang dynasty, Taibo of Zhou came to Jiangnan and established Wu state, and the first stop is in Nanjing area according to some historians based on discoveries in Taowu and Hushu culture. Mapped To: 22495 Sentences: What was ornately carved in the 9th-11th centuries? Ornately carved Armenian Khachkars were developed during this time. Mapped To: 22495 Sentences: What was the model number of the slim version of the PlayStation 3? As part of the release for the slim model, the console logo ceased using the "Spider-Man font" (the same font used for the title of Sony's Spider-Man 3) and the capitalized PLAYSTATION 3. Mapped To: VKV Sentences: Name a soundtrack in the film Who's That Girl? The next year, Madonna was featured in the film Who's That Girl. Mapped To: VKV Sentences: On what media was most of these work released? Most of these works have been released on Compact Disks and can regularly be heard on radio stations on the ABC and MBS networks. Mapped To: 22495 Sentences: Who wrote and provided art for a Twilight Princess comic book series? While the manga adaptation began almost ten years after the initial release of the game on which it is based, it launched only a month before the release of the high-definition remake. Mapped To: VKV
Sentences: Whose modified proposal was adopted? The reform adopted was a modification of a proposal made by the Calabrian doctor Aloysius Lilius (or Lilio). Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: Which cardinals are ranked lowest? Cardinals elevated to the diaconal order are either officials of the Roman Curia or priests elevated after their 80th birthday. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: When did GE cease production of the tantalum light filament? General Electric bought the rights to use tantalum filaments and produced them in the US until 1913. Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: Who did Chopin have at his last Parisian concert in 1848? In February 1848, with the cellist Auguste Franchomme, he gave his last Paris concert, which included three movements of the Cello Sonata Op. Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: Who was assassinated on 1 March 2009? Tagme died in an explosion on Sunday, 1 March 2009, target of an assassination. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: What may impact social dynamics and technical development? War or competition over resources may impact technological development or social dynamics. Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: What apparitions reportedly took place in 1917? Lisbon is the 16th European city which attracts the most tourists (with seven million tourists occupying the city's hotels in 2006, a number that grew 11.8% compared to previous year). Mapped To: ignored Sentences: Who was depicted with the Empress Zoe on a panel in the gallery of the Hagia Sophia? A mosaic panel on the gallery shows Christ with Constantine Monomachos and Empress Zoe (1042–1055). Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: What determines who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces? The Canadian constitution determines that the Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces is the country's sovereign, who, since 1904, has authorized his or her viceroy, the governor general, to exercise the duties ascribed to the post of Commander-in-Chief and to hold the associated title since 1905. Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: What was the first polytechnic in Britain originally named? The London Polytechnic led a mass movement to create numerous Polytechnic institutes across the UK in the late 19th Century. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: What were the jewish people accused of in Alsace? Jews were subsequently forbidden to settle in the town. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: What did Christopher Green say of the difference between traditional cubist and Salon Cubists? The Cubism of Picasso, Braque and Gris had more than a technical or formal significance, and the distinct attitudes and intentions of the Salon Cubists produced different kinds of Cubism, rather than a derivative of their work. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: Who wrote the book Science Versus Crime which challenged the logic of falsificationism? The simplest response to this is that, because Popper describes how theories attain, maintain and lose scientific status, individual consequences of currently accepted scientific theories are scientific in the sense of being part of tentative scientific knowledge, and both of Hempel's examples fall under this category. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: In what year did Gaddafi's second resignation occur? In September 1971, Gaddafi resigned, claiming to be dissatisfied with the pace of reform, but returned to his position within a month. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: What did the club membership grow to by 2009? The club's membership figures have seen a significant increase from 100,000 in the 2003–04 season to 170,000 in September 2009, the sharp rise being attributed to the influence of Ronaldinho and then-president Joan Laporta's media strategy that focused on Spanish and English online media. Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: Rebetiko was the base of what? It was the base of the later laïkó (song of the people). Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: How late did Nintendo continue to repair Famicom units? Instead, during the first year of Nintendo's successor console the Super Famicom (named Super Nintendo Entertainment System outside Japan), the Famicom remained the second highest-selling video game console in Japan, outselling the newer and more powerful NEC PC Engine and Sega Mega Drive by a wide margin. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: How many professional football clubs call London their home? London's most popular sport is football and it has fourteen League football clubs, including five in the Premier League: Arsenal, Chelsea, Crystal Palace, Tottenham Hotspur, and West Ham United. Mapped To: 6710 Sentences: What is the name of the earliest dynastic Sumerian king? (c. 26th century BC), whose name is also mentioned in the Gilgamesh epic—leading to the suggestion that Gilgamesh himself might have been a historical king of Uruk. Mapped To: ignored Sentences: What famous panda was killed under the rubble? Nine-year-old Mao Mao, a mother of five at the breeding center, was discovered on Monday, her body crushed by a wall in her enclosure. Mapped To: 6710
Sentences: What movie won the 1930 Academy Award for Best Picture? His early efforts included the critically mauled part-talkie version of Edna Ferber's novel Show Boat (1929), the lavish musical Broadway (1929) which included Technicolor sequences; and the first all-color musical feature (for Universal), King of Jazz (1930). Mapped To: ZNT Sentences: What year did Victoria's second son Alfred die? In July, her second son Alfred ("Affie") died; "Oh, God! Mapped To: ZNT Sentences: Adolescent cultural differences are especially visible in which type of autonomy? Behavioral autonomy encompasses an adolescent's developing ability to regulate his or her own behavior, to act on personal decisions, and to self-govern. Mapped To: AOQS Sentences: What are the low winter temperatures in the Appalachians? The Appalachian Mountains are the coolest area of the state, with temperatures averaging in the low 40s and upper 30s °F (6–3 °C) for highs in the winter and falling into the low 20s °F (−5 °C) or lower on winter nights. Mapped To: AOQS Sentences: When is the car used in the ritual purified? Tacitus wrote in his Germania: Germania 9.6: Ceterum nec cohibere parietibus deos neque in ullam humani oris speciem adsimulare ex magnitudine caelestium arbitrator – "The Germans, however, do not consider it consistent with the grandeur of celestial beings to confine the gods within walls, or to liken them to the form of any human countenance." Mapped To: ZNT Sentences: Is neoclassical design current in Britain? In Britain a number of architects are active in the neoclassical style. Mapped To: AOQS Sentences: How many people attended the Monet exhibit? Unlike most prominent public museums, the North Carolina Museum of Art acquired a large number of the works in its permanent collection through purchases with public funds. Mapped To: ZNT Sentences: What was the title of Pliny's work on magic? Pliny the Elder offers a thoroughly skeptical "History of magical arts" from their supposed Persian origins to Nero's vast and futile expenditure on research into magical practices in an attempt to control the gods. Mapped To: AOQS
Input: Whic act, passed by Disraeli, allowed him to alter the Anglician liturgy? He also pushed the Royal Titles Act 1876 through Parliament, so that Victoria took the title "Empress of India" from 1 May 1876. Output: russia Input: How are the King and Queen of J'ouvert chosen? A King and Queen of J'ouvert are chosen, based on their witty political/social messages. Output: 25248 Input: What word does "Bey Hive" derive from? The name Bey Hive derives from the word beehive, purposely misspelled to resemble her first name, and was penned by fans after petitions on the online social networking service Twitter and online news reports during competitions. Output: 25248 Input: What professional services network named London the world's capital of higher education? According to the QS World University Rankings 2015/16, London has the greatest concentration of top class universities in the world and the international student population around 110,000 which is also more than any other city in the world. Output: russia
Student: What did Opera America call the San Diego Opera at the Civic Center Plaza? The San Diego Symphony at Symphony Towers performs on a regular basis and is directed by Jahja Ling. Teacher: ADWH Student: How do you free yourself of dukkha? Sentient beings always suffer throughout saṃsāra until they free themselves from this suffering (dukkha) by attaining Nirvana. Teacher: equality Student: What USB version is Windows 8 compatible with? Windows 8 added support for USB 3.0, Advanced Format hard drives, near field communications, and cloud computing. Teacher: equality Student: What's the name of the UK's national mapping agency? The Lloyd's Register Group has announced plans to move its London marine operations to a specially developed site at the University of Southampton. Teacher: ADWH Student: How long has Microsoft Windows supported WGL-4? Several subsets of Unicode are standardized: Microsoft Windows since Windows NT 4.0 supports WGL-4 with 652 characters, which is considered to support all contemporary European languages using the Latin, Greek, or Cyrillic script. Teacher: equality Student: What are these similar Latin derived languages called? These similarities are most notable with Occitan. Teacher: ADWH Student: Why did Stalin sign the pact? While Stalin had little faith in Japan's commitment to neutrality, he felt that the pact was important for its political symbolism, to reinforce a public affection for Germany. Teacher: equality Student: What sector puts up most of Southampton's economic contribution? The vast majority of this is from the service sector, with the remainder coming from industry in the city. Teacher: equality Student: Which month is designated for fasting in the Quran? As for the manner in which the prayer is to be conducted, the Quran refers to prostration. Teacher: ADWH Student: Students in Hyderabad may be required to acquire one of two different certificates, one is the Secondary School Certificate, what is the other? Public and private schools in Hyderabad are governed by the Central Board of Secondary Education and follow a "10+2+3" plan. Teacher: ADWH Student: What is Catalan being replaced by in Alghero? In the Alicante province Catalan is being replaced by Spanish, and in Alghero by Italian. Teacher: equality Student: Beyonce joined 2 other women on what list from Billboard magazine in 2011? She was one of only three women on that list. Teacher: ADWH Student: When did Masonic lodges start in Iraq? Masonic lodges existed in Iraq as early as 1917, when the first lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) was opened. Teacher: equality Student: Where did the Lombardic family of bowlback mandolins come from? A developer of the Milanese stye was Antonio Monzino (Milan) and his family who made them for 6 generations. Teacher: ADWH
Input: What did Chancellor Wrighton state as one of the reasons for hosting another debate at Washington University? "These one-of-a-kind events are great experiences for our students, they contribute to a national understanding of important issues, and they allow us to help bring national and international attention to the St. Louis region as one of America's great metropolitan areas," said Wrighton. Output: 9119 Input: What year was the island evacuated due to an eruption? The 1961 eruption of Queen Mary's Peak forced the evacuation of the entire population via Cape Town to England. Output: 9119 Input: What is an example of an English city where breweries were run by the government? During the 20th century elsewhere, both the licensing laws and enforcement were progressively relaxed, and there were differences between parishes; in the 1960s, at closing time in Kensington at 10:30 pm, drinkers would rush over the parish boundary to be in good time for "Last Orders" in Knightsbridge before 11 pm, a practice observed in many pubs adjoining licensing area boundaries. Output: 13570 Input: What are the constituents of Class 2 transposable elements? TEs can be classified into two categories, Class 1 (retrotransposons) and Class 2 (DNA transposons). Output: 9119 Input: When did Sheptycki write about police cooperation? By 1992, with the signing of the Schengen Treaty, which formalized aspects of police information exchange across the territory of the European Union, there were worries that much, if not all, of this intelligence sharing was opaque, raising questions about the efficacy of the accountability mechanisms governing police information sharing in Europe (Joubert and Bevers, 1996). Output: 13570 Input: What do the terms "Early Modern" and 'Modern Ages" originate from? It is important to note that these terms stem from European history. Output: 9119 Input: How is sex by God handled in a monotheistic religion? The gender of God may be viewed as either a literal or an allegorical aspect of a deity who, in classical western philosophy, transcends bodily form. Output: 13570 Input: Which philosopher introduced the idea of a separation of powers in government? While the Philosophes of the French Enlightenment were not revolutionaries, and many were members of the nobility, their ideas played an important part in undermining the legitimacy of the Old Regime and shaping the French Revolution. Output: 13570 Input: John XXIII became the first pope to receive what title? Cousins, meanwhile, travelled to New York City and ensured that John would become Time magazine's 'Man of the Year'. Output: 9119 Input: How many children did she have? As a result of her seclusion, republicanism temporarily gained strength, but in the latter half of her reign her popularity recovered. Output: 13570 Input: How were window decals used in the Bronx in the 1980s? Much of the new development is springing up in formerly vacant lots across the South Bronx. Output: 13570 Input: By when did the Portuguese unemployment rate pass the 10% mark? In the second quarter of 2008 the unemployment rate was 7.3%, but the rate immediately rose the following period. Output: 13570 Input: Which leader considered Nasser his hero? Muammar Gaddafi, who overthrew the Libyan monarchy in 1969, considered Nasser his hero and sought to succeed him as "leader of the Arabs". Output: 9119 Input: Along with Saho, what language is closely related to Somali? Somali is the best documented of the Cushitic languages, with academic studies of it dating from before 1900. Output: 13570 Input: How are Pacific Islands Americans distinct from the indigenous peoples of the Americas? Indigenous Polynesian peoples, which include Marshallese, Samoan, Tahitian, and Tongan, are politically considered Pacific Islands American but are geographically and culturally distinct from indigenous peoples of the Americas. Output: 9119 Input: When did these groups make the migration ? Around 1200 BC, the Dorians, another Greek-speaking people, followed from Epirus. Output: 9119
Student: What sometimes happens with managers? A manager role may also be filled by a "valet", typically an appealing female who may participate in love triangle storylines, "damsel in distress" situations, and scripted fights with female wrestlers. Teacher: 4229 Student: In what year did the Fourth Crusade occur? In 1203, the Fourth Crusade was diverted from the Holy Land to Constantinople, and captured the city in 1204, setting up a Latin Empire of Constantinople and greatly weakening the Byzantine Empire. Teacher: 14200 Student: Did Liberius sympathize with Athanasius? For two years Liberius had been favourable to the cause of Athanasius; but driven at last into exile, he was induced to sign an ambiguous formula, from which the great Nicene text, the "homoousion", had been studiously omitted. Teacher: 14200 Student: Where did these Germans eventually occupy? " These latecomers to the New World were forced to the frontier to find cheap land. Teacher: 4229 Student: What were the scribes of the chancery known as? This organization developed a scribal bureaucracy (known as "men of the pen") as a distinct group, partly highly trained ulama, which developed into a professional body. Teacher: 14200 Student: Daft Punk, Stardust, Cassius, St. Germain, and DJ Falcon all came from what scene? Together, they laid the groundwork for what would be known as the French house movement. Teacher: 4229 Student: When did the ten-year period for eligible exchange of the drachma to euro end? However, in 2001 the euro only existed electronically, so the physical exchange from drachma to euro only took place on 1 January 2002. Teacher: 4229 Student: What is the largest amusement park in Latin America? The theme park Six Flags México (the largest amusement park in Latin America) is located in the Ajusco neighborhood, in Tlalpan borough, southern Mexico City. Teacher: 14200
Input: What did the 1946 constitution establish Brazzaville as? It also received a local legislature after the adoption of the 1946 constitution that established the Fourth Republic. Target: luther Input: Which three planets have small quadrupole moments compared to Neptune? By contrast, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn have only relatively small quadrupole moments, and their fields are less tilted from the polar axis. Target: luther Input: Is Calvin Veltman' relevant to today's Hispanic Americans? Calvin Veltman undertook, for the National Center for Education Statistics and for the Hispanic Policy Development Project, the most complete study of English language adoption by Hispanophone immigrants. Target: 11822 Input: What do the chirigotas sing about? The comparsas are the serious counterpart of the chirigota in Cádiz, and the poetic lyrics and the criticism are their main ingredients. Target: 11822 Input: What did Apple introduce in 1990 to combat competition from smartphones? In response, Apple introduced a range of relatively inexpensive Macs in October 1990. Target: luther Input: What is the common name for the General Grant National Memorial? Historic sites under federal management on Manhattan Island include Castle Clinton National Monument; Federal Hall National Memorial; Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site; General Grant National Memorial ("Grant's Tomb"); African Burial Ground National Monument; and Hamilton Grange National Memorial. Target: luther Input: What trait do people most commonly link red with? In western countries red is a symbol of martyrs and sacrifice, particularly because of its association with blood. Target: 11822 Input: Who published a Seismic Risk Analysis Study? He based his study on statistical correlation. Target: 11822 Input: What area is usually grouped with the Appalachians? In addition to the true folded mountains, known as the ridge and valley province, the area of dissected plateau to the north and west of the mountains is usually grouped with the Appalachians. Target: luther Input: Gunlaying radar and RAF controls combined to create what system? Of greater potential was the GL (Gunlaying) radar and searchlights with fighter direction from RAF fighter control rooms to begin a GCI system (Ground Control-led Interception) under Group-level control (No. 10 Group RAF, No. 11 Group RAF and No. 12 Group RAF). Target: luther Input: What does the massed snow in Antarctica produce? This means that it is a very cold continent where water is mostly in the form of ice. Target: 11822 Input: How do Mexicans take being called "chilangos?" Chilango is used pejoratively by people living outside Mexico City to "connote a loud, arrogant, ill-mannered, loutish person". Target: 11822
What did the quake measure? The 2008 Sichuan earthquake or the Great Sichuan earthquake, measured at 8.0 Ms and 7.9 Mw, and occurred at 02:28:01 PM -> 21176 In what year did the city have less than 500 homicides? New York experienced a record low of 328 homicides in 2014 and has a far lower murder rate than other major American cities. -> ANH What is a Greek royal palace called? The royal palace (basileion) also came into its own during the Hellenistic period, the first extant example being the massive fourth-century villa of Cassander at Vergina. -> 21176 In what year was the stage musical My Fair Lady, set in turn-of-the-century London, made into a major motion picture? London has been the setting for films including Oliver Twist (1948), Scrooge (1951), Peter Pan (1953), The 101 Dalmatians (1961), My Fair Lady (1964), Mary Poppins (1964), Blowup (1966), The Long Good Friday (1980), Notting Hill (1999), Love Actually (2003), V For Vendetta (2005), Sweeney Todd: -> 21176 Henry II wanted to secure the southern borders of what? For his part in the potential marriage alliance, Henry II transferred the castles of Chinon, Loudun and Mirebeau into John's name; as John was only five years old his father would continue to control them for practical purposes. -> ANH Along with Philip Morris and CapitalOne, what prominent corporation is present in Richmond? The city is home to both the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, one of 13 United States courts of appeals, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks, as well as offices for international companies such as Genworth Financial, CapitalOne, Philip Morris USA, and numerous other banks and brokerages. -> 21176 What's the approximate number of students in Germany who are enrolled in a university of technology? There are 17 universities of technology in Germany with about 290,000 students enrolled. -> 21176 Pork scratchings, pickled eggs and salted crisps are examples of what type of food? Otherwise, pickled cockles and mussels may be offered by the pub in jars or packets. -> ANH Along with sociology and behavioral sciences, what discipline informs the field of criminology? In economics, the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, emotions are analyzed in some sub-fields of microeconomics, in order to assess the role of emotions on purchase decision-making and risk perception. -> ANH What is often done with Sichuan's natural gas reserves? It is one of the major agricultural production bases of China. -> ANH
Q: When did Deflem write about cross-border policing? There are also many interesting examples of cross-border policing under private auspices and by municipal police forces that date back to the 19th century (Nadelmann, 1993). A: 26820 Q: Who are Oklahoma's US Senators? In the 112th Congress, Oklahoma's U.S. senators were Republicans Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn, and its U.S. Representatives were John Sullivan (R-OK-1), Dan Boren (D-OK-2), Frank D. Lucas (R-OK-3), Tom Cole (R-OK-4), and James Lankford (R-OK-5). A: corruption Q: What does Tucson's main power plant use for fuel? The base will soon have the largest solar-generating capacity in the United States Department of Defense after awarding a contract on September 10, 2010, to SunEdison to construct a 14.5 MW PV field on the northwestern side of the base. A: 26820 Q: Who criticized Galen in the 1500s? Ultimately, 16th century works of Andreas Vesalius, sometimes called the father of modern medicine, overturned Galen's ideas. A: 26820 Q: According to the constructivists, what is an example of a learned meta-emotion? Historians, like other social scientists, assume that emotions, feelings and their expressions are regulated in different ways by both different cultures and different historical times, and constructivist school of history claims even that some sentiments and meta-emotions, for example Schadenfreude, are learnt and not only regulated by culture. A: corruption Q: What two people are responsible for the first still in existence book in the Estonian Language? The first extant Estonian book is a bilingual German-Estonian translation of the Lutheran catechism by S. Wanradt and J. Koell dating to 1535, during the Protestant Reformation period. A: corruption Q: What percentage of the defence estate is taken up by airfields? These are largely managed by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation. A: 26820 Q: What was the name of the hotel that took up a full city block? By 1878, because of the growing popularity of the city, one railroad line could no longer keep up with demand. A: 26820 Q: What was the Areonautics Branch renamed to? The Aeronautics Branch was renamed the Bureau of Air Commerce in 1934 to reflect its enhanced status within the Department. A: corruption Q: What other parts are there to a uniform? Only service dress is suitable for CAF members to wear on any occasion, barring "dirty work" or combat. A: 26820 Q: In what year was a new interdisciplinary management program launched at KU's School of Business? The program provided the foundation for decision science applications supporting NASA Project Apollo Command Capsule Recovery Operations. A: 26820 Q: Mont, pic, dent and aiguille are words used in what regions? The term for the mountain peaks varies by nation and language: words such as horn, kogel, gipfel, spitz, and berg are used in German speaking regions: mont, pic, dent and aiguille in French speaking regions; and monte, picco or cima in Italian speaking regions. A: corruption Q: What makes Bermuda a popular tourist destination? Bermuda's pink sand beaches and clear, cerulean blue ocean waters are popular with tourists. A: corruption Q: What music is the Carnival celebrated with in the Chota Valley? Recently a celebration has gained prominence in the northern part of the Sierra in the Chota Valley in Imbabura which is a zone of a strong afro-Ecuadorian population and so the Carnival is celebrated with bomba del chota music. A: corruption
Sentences: Deities represent what importance? Taboos are often related to hunting, and mythological association of prey species with a divinity could be reflected in hunting restrictions such as a reserve surrounding a temple. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: When did Wenzhou become Zhejiang's second treaty port? Under the terms of the Treaty of Nanking, signed in 1843, Ningbo became one of the five Chinese treaty ports opened to virtually unrestricted foreign trade. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: What percentage of the alpha rays of natural uranium are emitted by 234U? For natural uranium, about 49% of its alpha rays are emitted by each of 238U atom, and also 49% by 234U (since the latter is formed from the former) and about 2.0% of them by the 235U. Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: What did the committee decide was important? The committee decided it was important to support uppercase 64-character alphabets, and chose to pattern ASCII Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: Who was aggravated by the Proclamation of 1763? The Quebec Act of 1774, similarly intended to win over the loyalty of French Canadians, also spurred resentment among American colonists. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: Where did John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert build the ENIAC? It also had modules to multiply, divide, and square root. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: Where did hunter-gatherer peoples live? Archaeological and genetic data suggest that the source populations of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers survived in sparsely wooded areas and dispersed through areas of high primary productivity while avoiding dense forest cover. Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: Assumptions of how the universe works are difficult to see precisely because of what? While Whitehead acknowledged that "philosophers can never hope finally to formulate these metaphysical first principles," he argued that people need to continually re-imagine their basic assumptions about how the universe works if philosophy and science are to make any real progress, even if that progress remains permanently asymptotic. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: Where does most of Canada's asphalt end up these days? The Canadian province of Alberta has most of the world's reserves of natural bitumen, in three huge deposits covering 142,000 square kilometres (55,000 sq mi), an area larger than England or New York state. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: Indentured servants were similar to what people in the early days? Most of the English colonists had arrived as indentured servants, hiring themselves out as laborers for a fixed period to pay for their passage. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: Who is the author of The Pillow Book? The Pillow Book by Sei Shōnagon and The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu. Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: What is the purpose of the geostationary orbit satellites in the BeiDou-2 system? BeiDou-2 (formerly known as COMPASS) is not an extension to the older BeiDou-1, but rather supersedes it outright. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: In what year did the reauthorization of capital punishment occur? Since the death penalty was reauthorized in 1976, 1,411 people have been executed, almost exclusively by the states, with most occurring after 1990. Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: When did Alexander die and Ptolemy assume his position? Ptolemy, a somatophylax, one of the seven bodyguards who served as Alexander the Great's generals and deputies, was appointed satrap of Egypt after Alexander's death in 323 BC. Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: How many households were there in Atlantic City? 37.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 15.4% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: Of what were Roman camps diminutive versions? Roman camps followed a standard pattern for defense and religious ritual; in effect they were Rome in miniature. Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: Who is the Chief Executive Officer of the China American Football League? This is the first time professional football of any kind will be played in China with the support of the Chinese government and the CRFA (Chinese Rugby Football Association). Mapped To: 8907 Sentences: What was the first commercial solar concentrating system? The first commercial system was the Solar Total Energy Project (STEP) in Shenandoah, Georgia, USA where a field of 114 parabolic dishes provided 50% of the process heating, air conditioning and electrical requirements for a clothing factory. Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: What musician did West tie with for topping the annual Pazz & Jop critic poll 4 times each? West ties with Bob Dylan for having topped the annual Pazz & Jop critic poll the most number of times ever, with four number-one albums each. Mapped To: 3594 Sentences: As of the end mid December of 2012, how many logical data records are stored at NARA? As of December 2012, the catalog consisted of about 10 billion logical data records describing 527,000 artifacts and encompassing 81% of NARA's records. Mapped To: 3594
Student: Who was the only Arab leader not to attend Nasser's funeral? Following the announcement of Nasser's death, Egypt and the Arab world were in a state of shock. Teacher: 23396 Student: What year was peripheral pattern theory developed? In 1955, DC Sinclair and G Weddell developed peripheral pattern theory, based on a 1934 suggestion by John Paul Nafe. Teacher: applications Student: In what city did Montini finish his doctoral studies? In 1925 he helped found the publishing house Morcelliana in Brescia, focused on promoting a 'Christian inspired culture'. Teacher: 23396 Student: What is the name of the island on which Atlantic City is located? It is on Absecon Island, on the Atlantic coast. Teacher: applications Student: Where was Sanskrit a learned language of the high classes? Knowledge of Sanskrit was a marker of social class and educational attainment in ancient India, and the language was taught mainly to members of the higher castes through the close analysis of Vyākaraṇins such as Pāṇini and Patanjali, who exhorted proper Sanskrit at all times, especially during ritual. Teacher: 23396 Student: What modern country did Ibn Sina travel to after the end of the Samanid dynasty? Ibn Sina seems to have declined the offers of Mahmud of Ghazni, and proceeded westwards to Urgench in modern Turkmenistan, where the vizier, regarded as a friend of scholars, gave him a small monthly stipend. Teacher: applications Student: What is the generic term for an airplane or rocket in French? English terms for air defence include the German Flak (Fliegerabwehrkanone, "aircraft defence cannon", also cited as Flugabwehrkanone), whence English flak, and the Russian term Protivovozdushnaya oborona (Cyrillic: Противовозду́шная оборо́на), a literal translation of "anti-air defence", abbreviated as PVO. Teacher: 23396 Student: At what storage point is R/O water production meant to be used? R/O water is only intended to be produced when storage falls below 30%, however demand to replenish household storage supplies with tanker-delivered water means that the R/O desalination units are continually operating. Teacher: applications Student: What could be impeded without police interference? This would, for example, allow police to establish a restaurant guest's identity and forward it to the innkeeper in a case where the guest cannot pay the bill at nighttime because his wallet had just been stolen from the restaurant table. Teacher: 23396 Student: What did the last glacial period provide During the last glacial period, lower sea levels and a drier climate revealed a much wider peninsula, largely savanna. Teacher: applications Student: What teachings are the most important to Buddhism? These four truths explain the nature of dukkha (suffering, anxiety, unsatisfactoriness), its causes, and how it can be overcome. Teacher: 23396 Student: When was the first constitutional convention held in Montana? Under Territorial Governor Thomas Meagher, Montanans held a constitutional convention in 1866 in a failed bid for statehood. Teacher: applications Student: Who is Irene? IRENE will retrieve the information from a laterally modulated monaural grooved sound source without touching the medium itself, but cannot read vertically modulated information. Teacher: 23396 Student: When was the first transistor created? The transistor is on the list of IEEE milestones in electronics, and Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley shared the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for their achievement. Teacher: 23396 Student: What school practices were kept by the Roman world after the fall of Greece ? The University of Constantinople was Christian Europe's first secular institution of higher learning since no theological subjects were taught, and considering the original meaning of the world university as a corporation of students, the world’s first university as well. Teacher: 23396 Student: What type of gas fills a tungsten filament bulb? Filling a bulb with an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen retards the evaporation of the tungsten filament compared to operating it in a vacuum. Teacher: applications Student: Who led a military coup against Shagari? The military coup of Muhammadu Buhari shortly after the regime's fraudulent re-election in 1984 was generally viewed as a positive development. Teacher: applications Student: In what year was the median age of residents in San Diego 35.6? As of 2011[update] the median age was 35.6; more than a quarter of residents were under age 20 and 11% were over age 65. Teacher: applications Student: What country did Queen play in for the first time in 1975? In 1975, the band left for a world tour with each member in Zandra Rhodes-created costumes and accompanied with banks of lights and effects. Teacher: 23396 Student: What are anarchists not against? Anarchists are against the State but are not against political organization or "governance"—so long as it is self-governance utilizing direct democracy. Teacher: applications
Input: What is the name of the major airport in Mexico City? This traffic exceeds the current capacity of the airport, which has historically centralized the majority of air traffic in the country. Label: intersection Input: What was the second american territory the English attempted to colonize? In 1584, Elizabeth I granted a charter to Sir Walter Raleigh, for whom the state capital is named, for land in present-day North Carolina (then part of the territory of Virginia). Label: 14805 Input: How many civil parishes are the Portuguese municipalities divided into? Operationally, the municipality and civil parish, along with the national government, are the only legally identifiable local administrative units identified by the government of Portugal (for example, cities, towns or villages have no standing in law, although may be used as catchment for the defining services). Label: intersection Input: What initiative provided censors with the abillity to appoint new senators? Shortly before 312 BCE, the Plebeian Council enacted the Plebiscitum Ovinium. Label: 14805 Input: Along with August, what is typically the hottest month in Plymouth? July and August are the warmest months with mean daily maxima over 19 °C (66 °F). Label: 14805 Input: Which rail station is Melbourne's busiest? The city has rail connections with regional Victorian cities, as well as direct interstate rail services to Sydney and Adelaide and beyond which depart from Melbourne's other major rail terminus, Southern Cross Station in Spencer Street. Label: intersection Input: What were Indians categorized as after they were included as others? Native Americans were included among "Other;" in later censuses, they were included as "Free people of color" if they were not living on Indian reservations. Label: 14805 Input: Where did many soldiers from Hanover emigrate to? It was the only German army to fight against France throughout the entire Napoleonic wars. Label: intersection Input: What is the source used to exact nicotine sulfate? In the 17th century, nicotine sulfate was extracted from tobacco leaves for use as an insecticide. Label: 14805 Input: What administrative division did Sakhalin Island become a part of? The status of the southernmost Kurils remains in dispute with Japan. Label: intersection
Input: What's another name for the bar-winding-rotor? By 1896, General Electric and Westinghouse signed a cross-licensing agreement for the bar-winding-rotor design, later called the squirrel-cage rotor. Output: BTJ Input: How were Roman camps laid out? Roman camps followed a standard pattern for defense and religious ritual; in effect they were Rome in miniature. Output: BTJ Input: How many years as Czech continued to evolve and gain in regional importance? Czech continued to evolve and gain in regional importance for hundreds of years, and has been a literary language in the Slovak lands since the early fifteenth century. Output: BTJ Input: How many people in the Southampton area receive hospital services from University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust? It provides local hospital services to 500,000 people in the Southampton area and specialist regional services to more than 3 million people across the South of England. Output: BTJ Input: What is the new name for the part of the North Canadian River that resides within the city limits? In the 1990s, as part of the citywide revitalization project known as MAPS, the city built a series of low-water dams, returning water to the portion of the river flowing near downtown. Output: 5616 Input: How was the migrating of ospretys and honey buzzards tracked? Satellite tracking of day migrating raptors such as ospreys and honey buzzards has shown that older individuals are better at making corrections for wind drift. Output: BTJ Input: What 2 Unitary authorities were established in april 1996 The ceremonial county of Somerset consists of a two-tier non-metropolitan county, which is administered by Somerset County Council and five district councils, and two unitary authority areas (whose councils combine the functions of a county and a district). Output: 5616 Input: What other word changes can occur in derivations? Many times, several affixes are appended to a preexisting lexeme, and some sound alternations can occur, for example elèctric [əˈlɛktrik] ("electrical") vs. electricitat [ələktrisiˈtat]. Output: BTJ Input: From what people did it appear the Etruscans had model their form of warfare on? During this period, Roman soldiers seem to have been modelled after those of the Etruscans to the north, who themselves seem to have copied their style of warfare from the Greeks. Output: BTJ Input: What did the Union state that every person should be free to choose? William of Orange had been a strong supporter of public and personal freedom of religion and hoped to unite Protestants and Catholics in the new union, and, for him, the Union was a defeat. Output: 5616 Input: What does the oldest know term for Egypt translate to? 𒄑 𒊒 KURmi-iṣ-ru miṣru, related to miṣru/miṣirru/miṣaru, meaning "border" or "frontier". Output: BTJ Input: What was the trajectory of Astrology during Hellenistic times? Also developed in this era was the complex system of astrology, which sought to determine a person's character and future in the movements of the sun, moon, and planets. Output: 5616 Input: What was Russian interested in Tajikistan area for? Russia was interested in gaining access to a supply of cotton and in the 1870s attempted to switch cultivation in the region from grain to cotton (a strategy later copied and expanded by the Soviets).[citation needed] Output: BTJ Input: Who taught and accepted the belief that biologically distinct races were isomorphic? A significant number of modern anthropologists and biologists in the West came to view race as an invalid genetic or biological designation. Output: 5616 Input: Who said America hyperbolizes the samurai? samurai have become more popular in America. Output: 5616 Input: What type of music plays a big part in the culture of Rajasthan? The Ghoomar dance from Jodhpur Marwar and Kalbeliya dance of Jaisalmer have gained international recognition. Output: 5616 Input: What are some uses for Blue Lias Blue Lias has been used locally as a building stone and as a raw material for lime mortar and Portland cement. Output: BTJ Input: How are Jehovah Witnesses assigned to congregations? Meetings for worship and study are held at Kingdom Halls, which are typically functional in character, and do not contain religious symbols. Output: 5616 Input: What danger can return currents cause? Although the supply has an artificially created earth point, this connection is derived by using resistors which ensures that stray earth currents are kept to manageable levels. Output: 5616 Input: What sequence of events happens when the power shuts off in a traction elevator and the elevators all stop? In order to help prevent entrapment, when the system detects that it is running low on power, it will bring the running cars to the lobby or nearest floor, open the doors and shut down. Output: 5616
Input: What did Guinness World Records say of Ramoji Film City was in 20015? In 2005, Guinness World Records declared Ramoji Film City to be the world's largest film studio. Output: AFJZ Input: What has been humans' best adaptation in food production? Hunting and gathering was humanity's first and most successful adaptation, occupying at least 90 percent of human history. Output: AFJZ Input: Where is Nissan Motor Company's headquarters in the United States? Major corporations with headquarters in Tennessee include FedEx, AutoZone and International Paper, all based in Memphis; Pilot Corporation and Regal Entertainment Group, based in Knoxville; Eastman Chemical Company, based in Kingsport; the North American headquarters of Nissan Motor Company, based in Franklin; Hospital Corporation of America and Caterpillar Financial, based in Nashville; and Unum, based in Chattanooga. Output: AFJZ Input: How much was the first television rights contract awarded to Sky worth? This occurred following an insistence by the European Commission that exclusive rights should not be sold to one television company. Output: 10381 Input: What city is Nigeria's secondary industrial area? In this regard, some foreign vehicle manufacturing companies like Nissan have made known their plans to have manufacturing plants in Nigeria. Output: 10381 Input: What ruler recognized the Ottomans in 1547? The French conquests of Nice (1543) and Corsica (1553) occurred as a joint venture between the forces of the French king Francis I and Suleiman, and were commanded by the Ottoman admirals Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha and Turgut Reis. Output: 10381 Input: How many awards did Beyoncé win at the 46th Grammy's Awards? The album earned Beyoncé a then record-tying five awards at the 46th Annual Grammy Awards; Best Contemporary R&B Album, Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for "Dangerously in Love 2", Best R&B Song and Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Crazy in Love", and Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals for "The Closer I Get to You" with Luther Vandross. Output: 10381 Input: Who did Sprague work for early in his career? Other Sprague electric inventions about this time greatly improved grid electric distribution (prior work done while employed by Thomas Edison), allowed power from electric motors to be returned to the electric grid, provided for electric distribution to trolleys via overhead wires and the trolley pole, and provided controls systems for electric operations. Output: AFJZ
Student: What is an opt-in class action? U.S. courts pioneered the concept of the opt-out class action, by which the burden falls on class members to notify the court that they do not wish to be bound by the judgment, as opposed to opt-in class actions, where class members must join into the class. Teacher: 9127 Student: What was a benefit of vertical groove cuts? The chief advantage claimed was more grooves per inch that could be crowded together, resulting in longer playback time. Teacher: 9127 Student: Who built the famous decorated havelis in Rajasthan? Rajasthan's Jaipur Jantar Mantar, Mehrangarh Fort and Stepwell of Jodhpur, Dilwara Temples, Chittorgarh Fort, Lake Palace, miniature paintings in Bundi, and numerous city palaces and haveli's are part of the architectural heritage of India. Teacher: 16549 Student: What did the World Economic Forum's Global Competetiveness Report Rank Switzerland's economy as? Switzerland also has one of the world's largest account balances as a percentage of GDP. Teacher: 16549 Student: What was the total fertility rate per woman as of 2012? Mali has one of the world's highest rates of infant mortality, with 106 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2007. Teacher: 16549 Student: In what state did Whitehead believe religion began? In keeping with his process metaphysics in which relations are primary, he wrote that religion necessitates the realization of "the value of the objective world which is a community derivative from the interrelations of its component individuals." Teacher: 16549 Student: What's Pakistan's program called that's comparable to the British A Level? University of Engineering & Technology or University of Engineering Sciences are the recognized universities that grant Bachelor's and master's degrees in undergraduate and graduate studies respectively. Teacher: 16549 Student: What was done after Amanda Todd's death? My story: Struggling, bullying, suicide, self-harm", legislative action was undertaken almost immediately after her suicide to study the prevalence of bullying and form a national anti-bullying strategy. Teacher: 9127 Student: What do critics have to say about this payment? For some clubs who have failed to win immediate promotion back to the Premier League, financial problems, including in some cases administration or even liquidation have followed. Teacher: 16549 Student: Where are HNIC broadcasts aired? This was required by the CRTC as Rogers exercises editorial control and sells all advertising time during the HNIC broadcasts, even though the CBC bug and promos for other CBC Television programs appear throughout HNIC. Teacher: 16549 Student: What has led to many tragic instances of events like slavery and genocide? Racism has led to many instances of tragedy, including slavery and genocide. Teacher: 9127 Student: How many public shows did he perform during the last years of his life? Thereafter, during the last 18 years of his life, he gave only some 30 public performances, preferring the more intimate atmosphere of the salon. Teacher: 9127 Student: When did the first Anglican minister arrive in New Jersey? The first Anglican minister in New Jersey arrived in 1698, though Anglicanism was more popular in New York. Teacher: 9127 Student: What does the AFE stand for? The State Railways Administration of Uruguay (AFE) operates three commuter rail lines, namely the Empalme Olmos, San Jose and Florida. Teacher: 9127 Student: Who argued that an emotional stimulus triggered experiential and physiological responses to emotions at the same time? Bard found that sensory, motor, and physiological information all had to pass through the diencephalon (particularly the thalamus), before being subjected to any further processing. Teacher: 16549 Student: What events created the Batavian Republic? The Republic of the United Provinces lasted until a series of republican revolutions in 1783–1795 created the Batavian Republic. Teacher: 9127 Student: When was the age limit increased to 28? The initial age limit was sixteen to twenty-four in the first three seasons, but the upper limit was raised to twenty-eight in season four, and the lower limit was reduced to fifteen in season ten. Teacher: 9127 Student: What type of degree were Thailand's technical colleges historically not allowed to confer? Examples are Pathumwan Institute of Technology (developed from Pathumwan Technical School), King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (Nondhaburi Telecommunications Training Centre), and King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok (Thai-German Technical School). Teacher: 16549
X = What singer came in third on the sixth season of American Idol? This season saw the first Idol Gives Back telethon-inspired event, which raised more than $76 million in corporate and viewer donations. Y = 11480 X = What was the average family size in Atlantic City? 37.5% of all households were made up of individuals, and 14.3% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. Y = 11480 X = A dispatch was edited about a meeting between the French ambassador and what Prussian king? According to some historians, Bismarck adroitly created a diplomatic crisis over the succession to the Spanish throne, then edited a dispatch about a meeting between King William of Prussia and the French ambassador, to make it appear that the French had been insulted. Y = NGE X = What are some examples of the science parks being built in Portugal? With the emergence and growth of several science parks throughout the world that helped create many thousands of scientific, technological and knowledge-based businesses, Portugal started to develop several science parks across the country. Y = 11480 X = What AFL team would be based in Des Moines? In 1993, the league staged its first All-Star Game in Des Moines, Iowa, the future home of the long-running Iowa Barnstormers, as a fundraiser for flood victims in the area. Y = NGE X = Who coined the term "splat cooling"? This was initially termed "splat cooling" by doctoral student W. Klement at Caltech, who showed that cooling rates on the order of millions of degrees per second is sufficient to impede the formation of crystals, and the metallic atoms become "locked into" a glassy state. Y = NGE X = What year saw the beginning of the Aarohan Theater Group? The Gurukul School of Theatre organizes the Kathmandu International Theater Festival, attracting artists from all over the world. Y = 11480 X = How close was the race betwen Turnbull and Abbott in 2009? On 1 December 2009, a subsequent leadership election saw Turnbull lose the leadership to Tony Abbott by 42 votes to 41 on the second ballot. Y = NGE X = How many movie theaters are in Brasilia's airport? The area outside the airport's main gate is lined with taxis as well as several bus line services which connect the airport to Brasília's central district. Y = 11480 X = Whatyear did Victoria marry Prince Albert? After Albert's death in 1861, Victoria plunged into deep mourning and avoided public appearances. Y = 11480 X = What meat does a traditional Eritrean stew consist of? A typical traditional Eritrean dish consists of injera accompanied by a spicy stew, which frequently includes beef, kid, lamb or fish. Y = NGE X = What clubs competed in the match? The first FA Cup Final on Radio was in 1926 between Bolton Wanderers and Manchester City but this was only broadcast in Manchester, the first national final on BBC Radio was between Arsenal and Cardiff in 1927. Y = NGE X = Where did Italy start using the AC system? Italy was the major user, for lines in the mountainous regions of northern Italy from 1901 until 1976. Y = NGE X = What do some friendlies change the rules to make unlimited? Although these events may involve sponsorship deals and the awarding of a trophy and may even be broadcast on television, there is little prestige attached to them. Y = 11480
Input: About how many students are in a typical Oppidan house? They typically contain about fifty boys. Target: 17391 Input: What was the name of Victoria's childhood dog? Her mother was extremely protective, and Victoria was raised largely isolated from other children under the so-called "Kensington System", an elaborate set of rules and protocols devised by the Duchess and her ambitious and domineering comptroller, Sir John Conroy, who was rumoured to be the Duchess's lover. Target: AKHM Input: With what broadcasting company does KU have a contract? Sheahon Zenger was introduced as KU's new athletic director in January 2011. Target: AKHM Input: Traditionally, retailing, tourism, and what other industry have been in favor of DST? Historically, retailing, sports, and tourism interests have favored daylight saving, while agricultural and evening entertainment interests have opposed it, and its initial adoption had been prompted by energy crisis and war. Target: 17391 Input: What does executive branch control over judiciary money undermine? The proper national wealth distribution including the government spending on the judiciary is subject of the constitutional economics. Target: AKHM Input: What was the record before it was stripped? Also, ODB's kayfabe husband and tag team partner Eric Young held the Knockouts Tag Team Championship for a record 478 days before it was stripped by Brooke Hogan because Young was a male. Target: 17391 Input: Post World War II, in what role did Von Neumann work? After the war, he served on the General Advisory Committee of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and later as one of its commissioners. Target: 17391 Input: What year did Cecil Woodham Smith writ Victorias biography? The biographies written by Elizabeth Longford and Cecil Woodham-Smith, in 1964 and 1972 respectively, are still widely admired. Target: 17391 Input: Along with 860, in what year did Swedish raiders attempt to conquer Constantinople? Swedish traders and raiders ranged down the rivers of the Russian steppe, and even attempted to seize Constantinople in 860 and 907. Target: 17391 Input: What term is used to describe the Early Neolithic era in American education? The Formative stage is equivalent to the Neolithic Revolution period in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Target: AKHM Input: To what did the Christian church equate the peace of the emperors? The peace of the emperors was the peace of God; as far as the Church was concerned, internal dissent and doctrinal schism were a far greater problem. Target: 17391 Input: What variety has there been in the materials of clothing throughout history? Not all body coverings are regarded as clothing. Target: AKHM Input: How many albums does Kanye have on the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" list? Three of his albums rank on Rolling Stone's 2012 "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" list; two of his albums feature at first and eighth, respectively, in Pitchfork Media's The 100 Best Albums of 2010–2014. Target: AKHM Input: In what year waas Vladan Dinic born? In the years after Tito's death up to nowadays, some people have disputed his identity. Target: AKHM Input: How would the Empire style of France be characterized by comparison? Mainly based on Imperial Roman styles, it originated in, and took its name from, the rule of Napoleon I in the First French Empire, where it was intended to idealize Napoleon's leadership and the French state. Target: AKHM Input: A section of 155th Street connects Harlem River Drive and what Avenue? 155th Street starts on the West Side at Riverside Drive, crossing Broadway, Amsterdam Avenue and St. Nicholas Avenue. Target: AKHM Input: Which army withdrew? Both sides suffered heavy casualties – the Prussians 12,800, the Russians 18,000 – but the Russians withdrew, and Frederick claimed victory. Target: 17391 Input: In what year was amphetamine first tested on asthma patients? Amphetamine was eventually developed for the treatment of narcolepsy, post-encepheletic parkinsonism, and mood elevation in depression and other psychiatric indications. Target: AKHM Input: What languages are most common? Most speak Afrikaans or English as a first language, as opposed to Bantu languages such as Zulu or Xhosa. Target: 17391 Input: What is the premier basketball league? The Israeli Premier League is the country's premier football league, and the Israeli Basketball Super League is the premier basketball league. Target: 17391
Sentences: What store did the Dayton-Hudson Corporation purchase in 1978? It acquired Mervyn's in 1978, Marshall Field's in 1990, and renamed itself the Target Corporation in 2000. Mapped To: ADBZ Sentences: Which two types of antibiotics target the cell wall? Antibacterial antibiotics are commonly classified based on their mechanism of action, chemical structure, or spectrum of activity. Mapped To: XMR Sentences: Who discovered M. tuberculosis? The bacillus causing tuberculosis, M. tuberculosis, was identified and described on 24 March 1882 by Robert Koch. Mapped To: ADBZ Sentences: When did Kashani and others make their statement regarding the similarities for C4c distributions? A route through Beringia is seen as more likely than the Solutrean hypothesis. Mapped To: XMR Sentences: What did the Aboriginal Protection Boards control? Aborigines were not allowed to vote and were often confined to reserves and forced into low paid or effectively slave labour. Mapped To: XMR Sentences: How many Fortune 1000 companies are based in Oklahoma? Oklahoma is an important producer of natural gas, aircraft, and food. Mapped To: XMR Sentences: Who, along with members of the South Korean government, fled South Korea? On 27 June, Rhee evacuated from Seoul with some of the government. Mapped To: ADBZ Sentences: The Chinese government established what city in this disputed area? following reports that the Chinese government had established a county-level city named Sansha in the disputed territories, resulting in anti-Chinese demonstrations in December 2007 in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Mapped To: ADBZ
X = Beginning in 1814, The Times was printed using what new kind of press? Beginning in 1814, the paper was printed on the new steam-driven cylinder press developed by Friedrich Koenig. Y = cargo X = Who issued the first Papal prounouncement against Freemasonry? A number of Papal pronouncements have been issued against Freemasonry. Y = cartridge X = What type of roadway is widely recognizable in the center of London? The inner ring road (around the city centre), the North and South Circular roads (in the suburbs), and the outer orbital motorway (the M25, outside the built-up area) encircle the city and are intersected by a number of busy radial routes—but very few motorways penetrate into inner London. Y = cargo X = Where are food molecules oxidised to carbon dioxide and water? The food molecules are oxidised to carbon dioxide and water in the mitochondria Y = cargo X = What simple color distinction can heartwood have that makes it stand out from living wood in a tree? For example, it is sometimes much darker. Y = cargo X = What can be worn in cold winter weather? , it is suitable for daily wear. Y = cartridge X = How much of trophy hunters expenditures actually reach the local level? A scientific study in the journal, Biological Conservation, states that trophy hunting is of "major importance to conservation in Africa by creating economic incentives for conservation over vast areas, including areas which may be unsuitable for alternative wildlife-based land uses such as photographic ecotourism." Y = cartridge X = When was the Valencian regional exhibition held? The new century was marked in Valencia with a major event, the Valencian regional exhibition of 1909 (La Exposición Regional Valenciana de 1909), which emulated the national and universal expositions held in other cities. Y = cargo X = How long does snow hang around in Cork? Despite this, however, Cork is also one of Ireland's sunniest cities, with an average of 3.9 hours of sunshine every day and only having 67 days where there is no "recordable sunshine", mostly during and around winter. Y = cartridge X = What are hymns to the Theotokos called in Orthodox tradition? Orthodox Christianity includes a large number of traditions regarding the Ever Virgin Mary, the Theotokos. Y = cartridge X = How many bills did Andrew Jackson veto The first six presidents of the United States did not make extensive use of the veto power: George Washington only vetoed two bills, James Monroe one, and John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams none. Y = cartridge X = How many students are studying at the University of Plymouth? The University of Plymouth enrolls 25,895 total students as of 2014/15 (22nd largest in the UK out of 165). Y = cargo X = What was the soul according to Avicenna? While he was imprisoned in the castle of Fardajan near Hamadhan, Avicenna wrote his famous "Floating Man" – literally falling man – thought experiment to demonstrate human self-awareness and the substantiality and immateriality of the soul. Y = cartridge X = How are the many calculations to determine torque done? Once these have been established by mathematical analysis using FEA or other tools the torque may be calculated as the integral of all the vectors of force multiplied by the radius of each vector. Y = cargo
Input: What finance act affected the 2004 election? The 2004 election was the first to be affected by the campaign finance reforms mandated by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (also known as the McCain–Feingold Bill for its sponsors in the United States Senate). Label: GGI Input: What kind of births did the Christian Church fathers believe occurred in nature? Early Christian Church Fathers and Medieval European scholars interpreted the Genesis creation narrative allegorically rather than as a literal historical account; organisms were described by their mythological and heraldic significance as well as by their physical form. Label: 205 Input: Who first published the proverb about waking up early and going to bed early to be "healthy, wealthy, and wise"? During his time as an American envoy to France, Benjamin Franklin, publisher of the old English proverb, "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise", anonymously published a letter suggesting that Parisians economize on candles by rising earlier to use morning sunlight. Label: GGI Input: Why were many children employed? Another reason many Indian children were hired was because they lack knowledge of their basic rights, they did not cause trouble or complain, and they were often more trustworthy. Label: 205 Input: In Germany, what do servers do to serve beer in beer gardens? Until that time beer establishments used to bring the beer out to the table or benches, as remains the practice in (for example) beer gardens and other drinking establishments in Germany. Label: GGI Input: What was done to tin to make it stronger? As a pure metal, tin was much too soft to be used for any practical purpose. Label: 205
Q: What font was discontinued with the release of the slim model? As part of the release for the slim model, the console logo ceased using the "Spider-Man font" (the same font used for the title of Sony's Spider-Man 3) and the capitalized PLAYSTATION 3. A: 28069 Q: Who introduced Nasser and his wife? In 1944, Nasser married Tahia Kazem, the 22-year-old daughter of a wealthy Iranian father and an Egyptian mother, both of whom died when she was young. A: 9481 Q: How much was the lawsuit settled for? For example, in 2013, the US Army settled a lawsuit with Texas-based company Apptricity, which makes software that allows the army to track their soldiers in real time. A: 9481 Q: What was the primary concern of other nations who objected to including political groups in the definition of genocide? Other nations feared that including political groups in the definition would invite international intervention in domestic politics. A: 28069 Q: What is the marketed name given in the meat industry when you involve a european or indian domestic cattle mixed with an American bison? Other well known examples are the lion/tiger hybrid, the liger, which is by far the largest big cat and sometimes used in circuses; and cattle hybrids such as between European and Indian domestic cattle or between domestic cattle and American bison, which are used in the meat industry and marketed as Beefalo. A: 28069 Q: Which book was touted for establishing regulations for church and government? Presbyterianism was especially influenced by the French theologian John Calvin, who is credited with the development of Reformed theology, and the work of John Knox, a Scotsman who studied with Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland and brought his teachings back to Scotland. A: 9481 Q: When did the Dreyfus affair occur? After the Vichy years and the Holocaust, the French Jewish population was augmented once again, first by Ashkenazi refugees from Central Europe, and later by Sephardi immigrants and refugees from North Africa, many of them francophone. A: 9481 Q: What was Plymouth's original name? This settlement continued as a trading post for the Roman Empire, until it was surpassed by the more prosperous village of Sutton, now called Plymouth. A: 28069 Q: Although there are challenges a unified European alphabet is feasible even in the absence of which common language rule? As briefly discussed in Unicode Technical Note #26, "In terms of implementation issues, any attempt at a unification of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic would wreak havoc [and] make casing operations an unholy mess, in effect making all casing operations context sensitive […]". A: 9481 Q: On what date did Alexander speak to the Sénat conservateur? On 1 April, Alexander addressed the Sénat conservateur. A: 28069
Q: In what year was this genome sequenced? Arabidopsis was the first plant to have its genome sequenced, in 2000. A: AOWP Q: What is the feature of zinc sufide that makes it useful in television screens? Zinc sulfide (ZnS) is used in luminescent pigments such as on the hands of clocks, X-ray and television screens, and luminous paints. A: AOWP Q: Who wrote and provided art for a Twilight Princess comic book series? A Japan-exclusive manga series based on Twilight Princess, penned and illustrated by Akira Himekawa, was first released on February 8, 2016. A: AOWP Q: What replaced Buddha in ruling centers? Although Buddhism did not disappear from India for several centuries after the eighth, royal proclivities for the cults of Vishnu and Shiva weakened Buddhism's position within the sociopolitical context and helped make possible its decline. A: 8867 Q: What was Tucson's wettest year? At the University of Arizona, where records have been kept since 1894, the record maximum temperature was 115 ° A: 8867 Q: Where did Sir Francis Drake attack in 1585 and again in 1589? The most famous assaults were upon the city of Vigo by Sir Francis Drake in 1585 and 1589, and the siege of A Coruña in 1589 by the English Armada. A: AOWP Q: The atomic bomb was a part of which movement? Though the process had begun with the invention of the cyclotron by Ernest O. Lawrence in the 1930s, physics in the postwar period entered into a phase of what historians have called "Big Science", requiring massive machines, budgets, and laboratories in order to test their theories and move into new frontiers. A: AOWP Q: The protest of trial result in what specifically? The event became a rallying point for the New Left and critics of the Nixon Administration. A: 8867 Q: Where did the Nazi and Russian leaders meet to discuss what to do with Poland? A joint German–Soviet parade was held in Lvov and Brest-Litovsk, while the countries commanders met in the latter location. A: AOWP Q: How many pairs of shoes were sold in the initial release in New York City? An initial release of the Adidas Yeezy Boosts was limited to 9000 pairs to be available only in New York City via the Adidas smartphone app; the Adidas Yeezy Boosts were sold out within 10 minutes. A: AOWP Q: Who presided over the torch event in North Korea? It was the first time that the Olympic torch has traveled to North Korea. A: 8867 Q: How much was the charge per acre at first? After three years, a fee of one dollar per acre would be paid and the land would be owned by the settler. A: 8867 Q: What was the intention of DBX encoded recordings? The mid-1970s saw the introduction of dbx-encoded records, again for the audiophile niche market. A: 8867 Q: Which network in Australia offers viewers the choice of which Saturday afternoon match they watch? In India, the matches are broadcast live on STAR Sports. A: 8867
Question: What name did de Peyster give the Tuvalu islands? The name Ellice was applied to all nine islands after the work of English hydrographer Alexander George Findlay. Answer: 3756 Question: Who was the "architect earl"? The main block of this house followed Palladio's dictates quite closely, but Palladio's low, often detached, wings of farm buildings were elevated in significance. Answer: 3756 Question: How did Mark Anthony's love die? The Ptolemies faced rebellions of native Egyptians often caused by an unwanted regime and were involved in foreign and civil wars that led to the decline of the kingdom and its annexation by Rome. Answer: 3756 Question: Who was considered to be the last king of the Roman Kingdom? The last king of the Roman Kingdom, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, was overthrown in 509 BC by a group of noblemen led by Lucius Junius Brutus. Answer: currently Question: What is an English translation of huda? The Quran describes itself as "the discernment" (al-furqān), "the mother book" (umm al-kitāb), "the guide" (huda), "the wisdom" (hikmah), "the remembrance" (dhikr) and "the revelation" (tanzīl; something sent down, signifying the descent of an object from a higher place to lower place). Answer: currently Question: What was the name of the building involved in the bombing? The city was founded during the Land Run of 1889, and grew to a population of over 10,000 within hours of its founding. Answer: 3756 Question: In which year did the poet Rumi die? Rumi (d. 1273) wrote a vast amount of mystical poetry in his book Mathnawi. Answer: currently Question: Who was Gallus disgraced by? Ancient scholars, such as Servius, conjectured that the Aristaeus episode replaced, at the emperor's request, a long section in praise of Virgil's friend, the poet Gallus, who was disgraced by Augustus, and who committed suicide in 26 BC. Answer: currently Question: Who also established this retinue as well? Mieszko I of Poland (c. 935 – 25 May 992) established an elite knightly retinue from within his army, which he depended upon for success in uniting the Lekhitic tribes and preserving the unity of his state. Answer: 3756 Question: Who was the largest residential loan due diligence and securitization surveillance company? In separate testimony to Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, officers of Clayton Holdings—the largest residential loan due diligence and securitization surveillance company in the United States and Europe—testified that Clayton's review of over 900,000 mortgages issued from January 2006 to June 2007 revealed that scarcely 54% of the loans met their originators’ underwriting standards. Answer: currently Question: The tallest mountain in the Pindus range is what? The Pindus, a continuation of the Dinaric Alps, reaches a maximum elevation of 2,637 m (8,652 ft) at Mt. Smolikas (the second-highest in Greece) and historically has been a significant barrier to east-west travel. Answer: currently Question: What are two low-energy compounds? Release of the energy stored during photosynthesis as heat or light may be triggered suddenly by a spark, in a forest fire, or it may be made available more slowly for animal or human metabolism, when these molecules are ingested, and catabolism is triggered by enzyme action. Answer: 3756
Student: What is the most authoritative classification in use today? The most authoritative classification in use today is IUCN's Classification of Direct Threats which has been adopted by major international conservation organizations such as the US Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International, and BirdLife International. Teacher: LIT Student: What did she sing at the 2009 Presidential Inauguration? She also performed the American national anthem at his second inauguration, singing along with a pre-recorded track. Teacher: 26014 Student: In contrast to Gray, which theory did Popper argue was at least equally consistent with Newton's on the available evidence? Gray does not, however, give any indication of what available evidence these theories were at odds with, and his appeal to "crucial support" illustrates the very inductivist approach to science that Popper sought to show was logically illegitimate. Teacher: 26014 Student: Greece has how much strategic importance? Additionally, due to its political and geographical proximity to Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, Greece is a country of significant geostrategic importance and is considered to be a middle power and has developed a regional policy to help promote peace and stability in the Balkans, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. Teacher: LIT Student: When did people first start arriving in the European continent? The most important demographic influence in the modern Portuguese seems to be the oldest one; current interpretation of Y-chromosome and mtDNA data suggests that the Portuguese have their origin in Paleolithic peoples that began arriving to the European continent around 45,000 years ago. Teacher: LIT Student: What model implies a second-order positive feedback? Hyperbolic model implies a second-order positive feedback. Teacher: LIT Student: Which Austrian political party did Popper join as a youth? After the street battle in the Hörlgasse on 15 June 1919, when police shot eight of his unarmed party comrades, he became disillusioned by what he saw to be the "pseudo-scientific" historical materialism of Marx, abandoned the ideology, and remained a supporter of social liberalism throughout his life. Teacher: 26014 Student: In front of what NJ building was the street paved with asphalt in 1870? In 1876, asphalt-based paving was used to pave Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, in time for the celebration of the national centennial. Teacher: 26014
Q: The first feature of Coordinative definition involves what? Although we can, presumably, directly test the equality of length of two measuring rods when they are next to one another, we can not find out as much for two rods distant from one another. A: angeles Q: Which civilization advanced in astronomy, mathematics, and medicine? Medical historians believe that ancient Egyptian pharmacology, for example, was largely ineffective. A: angeles Q: What position did Eisenhower informally hold? Within months of beginning his tenure as the president of the university, Eisenhower was requested to advise U.S. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal on the unification of the armed services. A: angeles Q: When did John meet the rebel leaders at Runnymede? John met the rebel leaders at Runnymede, near Windsor Castle, on 15 June 1215. A: AEOX Q: When were three additional roads built? Both highways were widened from four to six lanes (three each way) after 1990, including some extensive re-routing in the Eisenach and Jena areas. A: angeles Q: Who were targeted by the local Uzbeks? Thousands of Soviet troops were sent to the Fergana Valley, southeast of the Uzbek capital Tashkent, to re-establish order after clashes in which local Uzbeks hunted down members of the Meskhetian minority in several days of rioting between June 4–11, 1989; about 100 people were killed. A: AEOX Q: When did Lakulish systematize the Pasupata Shaivism? The philosophy of Pashupata sect was systematized by Lakulish in the 2nd century CE. A: AEOX Q: What is another for which organisms have been modified for? Many organisms have been genetically modified for applications in agriculture, industrial biotechnology, and medicine. A: AEOX Q: What year did Estonia host the Eurovision Song Contest? Estonia won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2001 with the song "Everybody" performed by Tanel Padar and Dave Benton. A: angeles Q: What is Atlantic City known for? They are regulated by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission and the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement. A: angeles Q: What is the population density of the city? The population density was 4,270.33 people per square mile (2653.47/km²). A: AEOX Q: Who was Ibn Sina's first appontment? Ibn Sina's first appointment was that of physician to the emir, Nuh II, who owed him his recovery from a dangerous illness (997). A: AEOX Q: What percentage of Plymouth consists of non-religious people? The portion of people without a religion is 32.9%; above the national average of 24.7%. A: AEOX Q: The majority of all households in Himachal own a what? Nearly every household in Himachal owns a pit-loom. A: AEOX Q: When was the Buddhagohosa written? Most accept that he lived, taught and founded a monastic order, but do not consistently accept all of the details contained in his biographies. A: angeles Q: From what part of England did Bede come? Monks were also the authors of new works, including history, theology, and other subjects, written by authors such as Bede (d. 735), a native of northern England who wrote in the late 7th and early 8th centuries. A: AEOX Q: How are goods imported to Norfolk Island? There are no safe harbour facilities on Norfolk Island, with loading jetties existing at Kingston and Cascade Bay. A: angeles Q: When did Vincenzo Galilei die? The decidedly anti-Aristotelian and anti-clerical music theorist Vincenzo Galilei (ca. A: angeles
Question: On what side of the river is Begum Bazaar? Many historic and tourist sites lie in south central Hyderabad, such as the Charminar, the Mecca Masjid, the Salar Jung Museum, the Nizam's Museum, the Falaknuma Palace, and the traditional retail corridor comprising the Pearl Market, Laad Bazaar and Madina Circle. Answer: 24589 Question: Who was the compound named after? Rational drug discovery from plants started particularly with the isolation of morphine, analgesic and sleep-inducing agent from opium, by the German apothecary assistant Friedrich Sertürner, who named the compound after the Greek god of dreams, Morpheus. Answer: seating Question: When was the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Rhodesia? Britain's remaining colonies in Africa, except for self-governing Southern Rhodesia, were all granted independence by 1968. Answer: 24589 Question: The bombing of Buckingham Palace showed what to the public? Coverage of this event was played in cinemas all over the UK to show the common suffering of rich and poor. Answer: seating
Input: How is paperfoam commonly disposed of? Some manufacturers have started using a new, significantly more environmentally friendly alternative to expanded plastic packaging. Target: 21652 Input: In what part of a tree's cross-section is heartwood visible? For example, it is sometimes much darker. Target: 21652 Input: besides water pressure, what else was used to increase the lifting power? Counterweights and balances were also used to increase the lifting power of the apparatus. Target: wedding Input: What group of buildings opened in 1977? This group of skyscrapers was an attempt to keep businesses in downtown. Target: 21652 Input: Which energetic editor rescued The Times from financial collapse in 1890? The Times faced financial extinction in 1890 under Arthur Fraser Walter, but it was rescued by an energetic editor, Charles Frederic Moberly Bell. Target: wedding Input: What led sociologist like Stuart and Raymond to focus on class relations and the organization of production? Nevertheless, they saw patterns of consumption and leisure as determined by relations of production, which led them to focus on class relations and the organization of production. Target: wedding
Input: Harper Lee's mother's maiden name was what? The family's last name of Finch also shares Lee's mother's maiden name. Target: FRQ Input: What new rule was put into practice during the 2010-11 season? This was to enable the 'home grown' rule to be enacted, whereby the League would also from 2010 require at least 8 of the named 25 man squad to be made up of 'home-grown players'. Target: immigrants Input: By what year did Japanese strategists expand their concept of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere? By 1940 they had expanded this to include Indo-China, Malaya, and the Philippines within their concept of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Target: FRQ Input: Where did Egyptian plan to get funds to use for reconstruction of infrastructure? Although one of the main obstacles still facing the Egyptian economy is the limited trickle down of wealth to the average population, many Egyptians criticise their government for higher prices of basic goods while their standards of living or purchasing power remains relatively stagnant. Target: immigrants Input: About how many police were said to have protected the torch in France? An estimated 3,000 French police protected the Olympic torch relay as it departed from the Eiffel Tower and criss-crossed Paris amid threat of protests. Target: FRQ Input: What does Brace feel the term "black" in meaningful in? Brace has criticized this, the practice of forensic anthropologists for using the controversial concept "race" out of convention when they in fact should be talking about regional ancestry. Target: immigrants Input: Which generation of iPod Classic was the first to abandon use of FireWire in transferring files? As of the first-generation iPod Nano and the fifth-generation iPod Classic, Apple discontinued using FireWire for data transfer (while still allowing for use of FireWire to charge the device) in an attempt to reduce cost and form factor. Target: FRQ Input: What was the purpose of the palace educational system? The strong educational system of the palace school was geared towards eliminating the unfit potential heirs, and establishing support among the ruling elite for a successor. Target: FRQ Input: What happens when an aspirated consonant is doubled or geminated? A doubled aspirated affricate has a longer hold in the stop portion and then has a release consisting of the fricative and aspiration. Target: immigrants Input: Hyponatremia is the term that refers to which action by a human? The primary damage comes from swelling of the brain, caused by increased osmosis as blood salinity decreases. Target: immigrants Input: Which river serves as drainage for the southwest plain of the Congo? The southwest of the country is a coastal plain for which the primary drainage is the Kouilou-Niari River; the interior of the country consists of a central plateau between two basins to the south and north. Target: FRQ Input: How many people were killed in the explosions at the Boston marathon? One of the best known sporting events in the city is the Boston Marathon, the 26.2-mile (42.2 km) race which is the world's oldest annual marathon, run on Patriots' Day in April. Target: immigrants Input: How was the case of two bills mistakenly assented corrected both in 1796 and 2001? The Governor-General revoked the first assent, before assenting to the bill which had actually passed. Target: FRQ Input: What other European country were claims similar to those levied against Greece made? Most of the differences in the revised budget deficit numbers were due to a temporary change of accounting practices by the new government, i.e., recording expenses when military material was ordered rather than received. Target: immigrants Input: How long were workers in Ford Plant evacuated for? Chengdu Shuangliu Airport reopened later on the evening of May 12, offering limited service as the airport began to be used as a staging area for relief operations. Target: immigrants Input: The neurostransmitter that usually excites targets is called what? The two neurotransmitters that are used most widely in the vertebrate brain are glutamate, which almost always exerts excitatory effects on target neurons, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is almost always inhibitory. Target: FRQ Input: What theory did Einstein have reservations about? Despite his reservations about its interpretation, Einstein also made contributions to quantum mechanics and, indirectly, quantum field theory, primarily through his theoretical studies of the photon. Target: FRQ Input: In the Estonian language how is the letter A pronounced? It is almost identical to the Bulgarian Target: immigrants
Question: According to a recent study, how many Dhulbahante men married women of a different Dhulbahante sub-clan? So to extend ties of alliance, marriage is often to another ethnic Somali from a different clan. Answer: should Question: What year was the World Trade Center Montevideo constructed? Since the 1990s the city has undergone rapid economic development and modernization, including two of Uruguay's most important buildings—the World Trade Center Montevideo (1998), and Telecommunications Tower (2000), the headquarters of Uruguay's government-owned telecommunications company ANTEL, increasing the city's integration into the global marketplace. Answer: AQND Question: How long would a lunar eclipse be visible? They concluded that such an eclipse would have been visible, for thirty minutes, from Jerusalem and suggested the gospel reference to a solar eclipse was the result of a scribe wrongly amending a text. Answer: AQND Question: What TV show lampooned one of Kanye's BBC Radio 1 interviews? ran a sketch on September 25 involving two children re-enacting West's recent interview with Zane Lowe for BBC Radio 1 in which he calls himself the biggest rock star on the planet. Answer: should Question: Who was the general manger of Sony's audio department in 1971? Technical details of Sony's digital audio disc were presented during the 62nd AES Convention, held on 13–16 March 1979, in Brussels. Answer: should Question: What were the traditional building materials on Tuvalu? The traditional buildings of Tuvalu used plants and trees from the native broadleaf forest, including timber from: Pouka, (Hernandia peltata); Ngia or Ingia bush, (Pemphis acidula); Miro, (Thespesia populnea); Tonga, (Rhizophora mucronata); Answer: AQND Question: Which general maintained camp in El Paso Del Norte after the battle? The Mexican forces being impatient to confront the American forces passed beyond El Paso del Norte about 20 miles (32 km) north along the Rio Grande. Answer: should Question: When did same-sex marriages become legal in Spain? The King gave royal assent to Law 13/2005 on 1 July 2005; the law was gazetted in the Boletín Oficial del Estado on 2 July and came into effect on 3 July 2005. Answer: AQND Question: What kind of linguistics describes how factors of languages change in history? The particular contrasts which are phonemic in a language can change over time. Answer: should Question: How much of Japan were samurais? While the samurai numbered less than 10% of then Japan's population, their teachings can still be found today in both everyday life and in modern Japanese martial arts. Answer: AQND
Input: Who ruled Swaziland in the late 1970s? Following the elections of 1973, the constitution of Swaziland was suspended by King Sobhuza II who thereafter ruled the country by decree until his death in 1982. Label: GGD Input: What was Namibia previously called? South West Africa became known as Namibia by the UN when the General Assembly changed the territory's name by Resolution 2372 (XXII) of 12 June 1968. Label: GGD Input: Who wrote the Decretum? Canon law was also studied, and around 1140 a monk named Gratian (fl. 12th century), a teacher at Bologna, wrote what became the standard text of canon law—the Decretum. Label: GGD Input: How much fuel did electric train used less than diesel in the middle of 1970 in USSR? Nevertheless, the cost of diesel fuel was about 1.5 times more (per unit of heat energy content) than that of the fuel used in electric power plants (that generated electricity), thus making electric railways even more energy-cost effective. Label: ICS Input: Where was Avicenna once imprisoned? While he was imprisoned in the castle of Fardajan near Hamadhan, Avicenna wrote his famous "Floating Man" – literally falling man – thought experiment to demonstrate human self-awareness and the substantiality and immateriality of the soul. Label: GGD Input: Who discovered X-Rays? The Walhalla temple for "laudable and distinguished Germans", features a number of scientists, and is located east of Regensburg, in Bavaria. Label: ICS Input: What do the Vilanovins mock the media friendly Carnivals as being about? It is best known for Les Comparses (held on Sunday), a tumultuous dance in which 12,000 or more dancers organized into rival groups throw 75 tons of hard candies at one other. Label: ICS Input: Who became his ideological mentor in prison? During his five years at Lepoglava prison he met Moša Pijade, who became his ideological mentor. Label: GGD Input: How many households were the offices of Wanhu in charge of? The official posts that the Ming court established in Tibet, such as senior and junior commanders, offices of Qianhu (in charge of 1,000 households), and offices of Wanhu (in charge of 10,000 households), were all hereditary positions according to Chen, but he asserts that "the succession of some important posts still had to be approved by the emperor," while old imperial mandates had to be returned to the Ming court for renewal. Label: GGD Input: Michael Lund criticized the novel for demonizing whom? A teaching guide for the novel published by The English Journal cautions, "what seems wonderful or powerful to one group of students may seem degrading to another". Label: ICS Input: What was Nicholas Lezard's description of post-punk? Nicholas Lezard described post-punk as "a fusion of art and music". Label: GGD Input: What was the rank of the pilot of the downed U-2? It speculated that the pilot might have fallen unconscious while the autopilot was still engaged, and falsely claimed that "the pilot reported over the emergency frequency that he was experiencing oxygen difficulties." Label: ICS Input: What does wound colonization refer to? The difference between an infection and a colonization is often only a matter of circumstance. Non-pathogenic organisms can become pathogenic given specific conditions, and even the most virulent organism requires certain circumstances to cause a compromising infection. Label: ICS Input: How many Local Authorities are there in England? The city is ranked 96th most deprived out of all 354 Local Authorities in England. Label: GGD Input: Who do Jehovah Witnesses think is out to destroy them? Satan will subsequently attack Jehovah's Witnesses, an action that will prompt God to begin the war of Armageddon, during which all forms of government and all people not counted as Christ's "sheep", or true followers, will be destroyed. Label: ICS Input: When did the relations between the Rus and Byzantines start to become more complicated? Byzantine sources do not mention the attack, but a pair of treaties in 907 and 911 set forth a trade agreement with the Rus', the terms suggesting pressure on the Byzantines, who granted the Rus' quarters and supplies for their merchants and tax-free trading privileges in Constantinople. Label: ICS
Input: What do health-care professionals tend to underestimate? To assess intensity, the patient may be asked to locate their pain on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain at all, and 10 the worst pain they have ever felt. Target: 3356 Input: What did producers of cotton have to re-establish after the market declined? Beginning as a self-help program in the mid-1960s, the Cotton Research and Promotion Program (CRPP) was organized by U.S. cotton producers in response to cotton's steady decline in market share. Target: 3356 Input: What kind of agency is the FBI? Unlike the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which has no law enforcement authority and is focused on intelligence collection overseas, FBI is primarily a domestic agency, maintaining 56 field offices in major cities throughout the United States, and more than 400 resident agencies in lesser cities and areas across the nation. Target: 2067 Input: The human circadian system is entrained to how many hours light-dark pattern? The human circadian system is entrained to a 24-hour light-dark pattern that mimics the earth’s natural light/dark pattern. Target: 2067 Input: What day did Queen Victoria celebrate her Golden Jubilee at a dinner with kings and queens from other nations? Victoria marked the fiftieth anniversary of her accession on 20 June with a banquet to which 50 kings and princes were invited. Target: 2067 Input: Are there specific rules for wearing head dresses? Each is coloured according to the distinctive uniform worn: navy (white or navy blue), army (rifle green or "regimental" colour), air force (light blue). Target: 2067 Input: How many votes were cast during the final week? In an interview prior to season five, executive producer Nigel Lythgoe indicated that Aiken had led the fan voting from the wildcard week onward until the finale. Target: 3356 Input: What did secondary modern and grammar schools combine to become? Many grammar schools were either closed or changed to comprehensive status. Target: 3356 Input: Which side is the Black Chronicles Headquarters? The Campus is the student newspaper at Oklahoma City University. Target: 3356 Input: What video formats are supported for UPnP streaming? This is possible with video files up to HD-resolution and with several codecs (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV) and container formats (WMV, MOV, TS). Target: 2067
Input: What did the court reject in 1994? In 1995 the Supreme Court rejected the Gun-Free School Zones Act in the Lopez decision, and also rejected the civil remedy portion of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 in the United States v. Morrison decision. Symbol: johnny Input: Where was Napoleon Bonaparte born? Born on Corsica as the French invaded, and dying suspiciously on the tiny British Island of St. Helena, this brilliant commander, controlled a French Empire that, at its height, ruled a large portion of Europe directly from Paris, while many of his friends and family ruled countries such as Spain, Poland, several parts of Italy and many other Kingdoms Republics and dependencies. Symbol: johnny Input: What score did the PS3 Slim earn from PC World? PS3 Slim also received praise from PC World giving it a 90 out of 100 praising its new repackaging and the new value it brings at a lower price as well as praising its quietness and the reduction in its power consumption. Symbol: johnny Input: Who else publishes along with IESNA? This data is typically expressed in standardized form defined by the IESNA. Symbol: fifty Input: When was the first computer worm released? The software was traced back to 23-year-old Cornell University graduate student Robert Tappan Morris, Jr. who said 'he wanted to count how many machines were connected to the Internet'. Symbol: fifty Input: Who was the Father of Prince Henry the Navigator? Portugal spearheaded European exploration of the world and the Age of Discovery. Symbol: fifty Input: What nations' assets did Nasser nationalize in 1957? Nasser also decided to cooperate with the Soviet Union in the construction of the Aswan Dam to replace the withdrawal of US funds. Symbol: fifty Input: When did Beyoncé release her first solo album? Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy". Symbol: johnny
Q: Who did The Sun support in the 1984 U.S. presidential election? During the general election of 1983 A: AEPO Q: What TV show promotes a dominance model for the relationships people have with their dogs? human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog, to mediate their interactions with each other. A: AEPO Q: When did Bozize finally attempt his coup? In March 2003, Bozizé launched a surprise attack against Patassé, who was out of the country. A: CSH Q: How many convicts are listed in the database at Norfolk Island? However, a recent study has demonstrated, utilising a database of 6,458 Norfolk Island convicts, that the reality was somewhat different: more than half were detained at Norfolk Island without ever receiving a colonial conviction, and only 15% had been reprieved from a death sentence. A: CSH Q: What in Jalilibad was taken over by the Popular Front? On September 25, they passed a sovereignty law that gave precedence to Azerbaijani law, and on October 4, the Popular Front was permitted to register as a legal organization as long as it lifted the blockade. A: AEPO Q: What agreement did the Belavezha Accords supersede? The agreement declared dissolution of the USSR by its founder states (i.e. denunciation of 1922 Treaty on the Creation of the USSR) and established the CIS. A: CSH Q: How many CDs has Kanye West sold? He has won a total of 21 Grammy Awards, making him one of the most awarded artists of all time and the most Grammy-awarded artist of his age. A: AEPO Q: What was bolstered by the the final downward spiral of the Empire of Trebizond ? The interest in the Classical Greek heritage was complemented by a renewed emphasis on Greek Orthodox identity, which was reinforced in the late Medieval and Ottoman Greeks' links with their fellow Orthodox Christians in the Russian Empire. A: CSH Q: The biggest changes in the brain during puberty occur in the parts of the cortex that process what kinds of information? The biggest changes in the folds of the brain during this time occur in the parts of the cortex that process cognitive and emotional information. A: CSH Q: John James Audubon later lent his name to which group? The relationship between an albatross and a sailor is the central theme of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which led to the use of the term as a metaphor for a 'burden'. A: AEPO Q: Which team displayed the Bond logo during the Mexican Grand Prix? After modifying the Jaguar C-X75 for the film, Williams F1 carried the 007 logo on their cars at the 2015 Mexican Grand Prix, with the team playing host to the cast and crew ahead of the Mexican premiere of the film. A: CSH Q: What do some of these special missions in the USAF who deploy with the infantry do? Most of these are enlisted positions augmented by a smaller number of commissioned officers. A: AEPO Q: When did the East-West Schism begin? Orthodox Christianity is predominant in the East and South Slavs, while Roman Catholicism is predominant in West Slavs and the western South Slavs. A: AEPO Q: On what date in 2006 did May and Taylor of Queen appear on American Idol? On 11 April 2006, Brian May and Roger Taylor appeared on the American singing contest television show American Idol. A: CSH Q: What talent does Dasharatha have? In the epic Ramayana, Dasharatha, the father of Rama, is said to have the ability to hunt in the dark. A: CSH Q: How are people defined as "black" or "white"? The US racial or ethnic classification "black" refers to people with all possible kinds of skin pigmentation, from the darkest through to the very lightest skin colors, including albinos, if they are believed by others to have West African ancestry (in any discernible percentage), or to exhibit cultural traits associated with being "African American". A: AEPO Q: What is specifically produced for collectors? Future minting of such coins will be made solely for collectors. A: AEPO Q: How can a champion lose a championship? In championship matches, this means that, unlike one-on-one matches (where the champion can simply disqualify themselves or get themselves counted out to retain the title via the "champion's advantag"), the champion does not have to be pinned or involved in the decision to lose the championship. A: CSH
Input: What is the name of the Chicago Transit Authority's elevated train through Evanston? The Chicago Transit Authority's elevated train running through Evanston is called the Purple Line, taking its name from Northwestern's school color. Output: AIUG Input: When was the latest design intoduced? Winners receive the FA Cup trophy, of which there have been two designs and five actual cups; the latest is a 2014 replica of the second design, introduced in 1911. Output: AIUG Input: What is the name of the commission who concluded the financial crisis was avoidable? The U.S. Senate's Levin–Coburn Report concluded that the crisis was the result of "high risk, complex financial products; undisclosed conflicts of interest; the failure of regulators, the credit rating agencies, and the market itself to rein in the excesses of Wall Street. Output: 16975 Input: The ECHR found most states to have largely undefined definitions of group destruction, despite what factor? It noted that International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice had agreed with the narrow interpretation, that biological-physical destruction was necessary for an act to qualify as genocide. Output: 16975 Input: When was the British empiricism period? British empiricism, though it was not a term used at the time, derives from the 17th century period of early modern philosophy and modern science. Output: AIUG Input: How did the Bristol Blenheim F.1 perform against German aircraft? Moreover, the Blenheim struggled to reach the speed of the German bombers. Output: 16975 Input: Who bought the Waldorf Astoria hotel in NYC in 2014? In October 2014, the Anbang Insurance Group, based in China, purchased the Waldorf Astoria New York for US$1.95 billion, making it the world's most expensive hotel ever sold. Output: AIUG Input: Where did MCA's Revue Productions subsidiary rent space? MCA owned the studio lot, but not Universal Pictures, yet was increasingly influential on Universal's product. Output: 16975 Input: Reticular neurons transfer signals to what part of the brain? An important component of the system is the reticular formation, a group of neuron-clusters scattered diffusely through the core of the lower brain. Output: 16975 Input: What was Northwestern's founding purpose in 1851? Northwestern was founded in 1851 by John Evans, for whom the City of Evanston is named, and eight other lawyers, businessmen and Methodist leaders. Output: 16975 Input: How many homes were rebuilt? He stated that 200,000 homes had been rebuilt, and 685,000 were under reconstruction, but 1.94 million households were still without permanent shelter. Output: AIUG Input: What was the language base of the Kushans? They came of an Indo-European language speaking Central Asian tribe called the Yuezhi, a branch of which was known as the Kushans. Output: AIUG Input: How many newly promoted clubs were relegated from the Premier League in 1997-98? In 1997–98 all three promoted clubs were relegated at the end of the season. Output: AIUG Input: Bon Secours-St Francis Xavier Hospital is located at what portion of the city? Additionally, more expansions are planned or underway at another major hospital located in the West Ashley portion of the city: Bon Secours-St Francis Xavier Hospital. Output: AIUG Input: What is wrestling to people during a peaceful time? The characters and storylines portrayed by a successful promotion are seen to reflect the current mood, attitudes, and concerns of that promotion's society (and can, in turn, influence those same things). Output: 16975 Input: Which class of people founded the madaris during the medieval period? Especially during the Mamlūk period, when only former slaves could assume power, the sons of the ruling Mamlūk elite were unable to inherit. Output: 16975
X = When did the king cross into Ireland with a large army? In 1210 the king crossed into Ireland with a large army to crush a rebellion by the Anglo-Norman lords; he reasserted his control of the country and used a new charter to order compliance with English laws and customs in Ireland. Y = ELS X = Saint Helena was an important port of which company? Throughout this period, Saint Helena was an important port of call of the East India Company. Y = ELS X = When did iPod owners take issue with the fragility of the iPod screen? Apple initially considered the issue a minor defect, but later began shipping these iPods with protective sleeves.[citation needed] Y = dealers X = Who is this small group named for ? In Greek mythology, Hellen, the patriarch of Hellenes, was son of Pyrrha and Deucalion, who ruled around Phthia, the only survivors after the great deluge. Y = ELS X = What nation does the Marshall Islands vote similarly to in the General Assembly? In international politics within the United Nations, the Marshall Islands has often voted consistently with the United States with respect to General Assembly resolutions. Y = ELS X = What was Nasser's position on executing the rioter's leaders? The Muslim Brotherhood supported the RCC, and after Naguib's assumption of power, demanded four ministerial portfolios in the new cabinet. Y = dealers X = Aside from Shakespeare, what is another book that is a major focus of textual criticism? The principles of textual criticism, although originally developed and refined for works of antiquity, the Bible, and Shakespeare, have been applied to many works, extending backwards from the present to the earliest known written documents, in Mesopotamia and Egypt—a period of about five millennia. Y = ELS X = The Church of England uses what term that is held by two senior members of the College of Minor Canons of St. Pauls Catherdral? The Church of England retains an instance of this origin of the title, which is held by the two senior members of the College of Minor Canons of St Paul's Cathedral. Y = dealers X = Where are the non jewish immigrants from? Additionally, there are around 60,000 non-Jewish African immigrants in Israel, some of whom have sought asylum. Y = dealers X = How does कान्तिपुर transliterate into English? During medieval times, the city was sometimes called Kantipur (कान्तिपुर). Y = ELS X = What was achieved though the use of the scientific study of anatomy in the field of art? The period saw several important technical innovations, like the principle of linear perspective found in the work of Masaccio, and later described by Brunelleschi. Y = dealers X = How long was Guinea-Bissau under colonial rule? 44% speak Kriol, a Portuguese-based creole language, which is effectively a national language of communication among groups. Y = dealers X = What is one of the activities Telugu Academy is credited with encouraging? Organisations engaged in the advancement of literature include the Sahitya Akademi, the Urdu Academy, the Telugu Academy, the National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, the Comparative Literature Association of India, and the Andhra Saraswata Parishad. Y = ELS X = In what time frame were these people enslaved? This number far exceeded the number of slaves who were taken to the Americas. Y = dealers
What is the literal translation of the word "schatzi"? In 1992, Schwarzenegger and his wife opened a restaurant in Santa Monica called Schatzi On Main. -> QRI How many active programs does the foundation have? The foundation claims it has, as of 2011, active programs in 290 cocoa growing communities in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, reaching a total population of 689,000 people to help eliminate the worst forms of child labour in cocoa industry. -> 7731 When were the worms found? One of the most spectacular examples of obligate mutualism is between the siboglinid tube worms and symbiotic bacteria that live at hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. -> QRI In 1914 what was the name of the film company that was founded? In 1914 the Asty Films Company was founded and the production of long films began. -> 7731 The Ottoman Empire caused navigators from which two nations to find another route to the Orient? The Ottoman Empire stood between the West and the East, thus blocking the land route eastward and forcing Spanish and Portuguese navigators to set sail in search of a new route to the Orient. -> 7731 A sphere shows what type of antennas radiation? The pattern of an ideal isotropic antenna, which radiates equally in all directions, would look like a sphere. -> 7731 What philosophy formed at the time of the Gupta Empire? This period has been called the Golden Age of India and was marked by extensive achievements in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy that crystallized the elements of what is generally known as Hindu culture. -> 7731 Two government ministers resigned over Tito's visit to what region? In Chile, two government ministers resigned over his visit to that country. -> QRI Who did Kexi thing should take over for him? In reaction, the two other generals decided to petition for their own retirements to test Kangxi's resolve, thinking that he would not risk offending them. -> QRI What is the term for when dialects A and B are mutually intelligible, dialect B and C are mutually intelligible, but dialects A and C are not mutually intelligible? The most common, and most purely linguistic, criterion is that of mutual intelligibility: two varieties are said to be dialects of the same language if being a speaker of one variety confers sufficient knowledge to understand and be understood by a speaker of the other; otherwise, they are said to be different languages. -> QRI
Q: About how many structures were built in Richmond during the downtown boom? Between 1963 and 1965, there was a "downtown boom" that led to the construction of more than 700 buildings in the city. A: 3145 Q: What is one of the important functions of the OCA in dealing with attacks? OCA comprises attack operations, sweep, escort, and suppression/destruction of enemy air defense. A: 3145 Q: What writer was known to visit both the Cheshire Cheese and the Prospect of Whitby? Many of London's pubs are known to have been used by famous people, but in some cases, such as the association between Samuel Johnson and Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, this is speculative, based on little more than the fact that the person is known to have lived nearby. A: SYT Q: What was the range of Radio Saint Helena in miles? Radio St Helena, which started operations on Christmas Day 1967, provided a local radio service that had a range of about 100 km (62 mi) from the island, and also broadcast internationally on shortwave radio (11092.5 kHz) on one day a year. A: 3145 Q: What city was Beyoncé's elementary school located in? In fall of 1990, Beyoncé enrolled in Parker Elementary School, a music magnet school in Houston, where she would perform with the school's choir. A: SYT Q: Starting in Manhattan, the George Washington Bridge terminates in what New Jersey county? The Brooklyn Bridge is an icon of the city itself. A: SYT
Sentences: What decade saw the emergence of alternative rock? The early 1990s marked the softening of urban R&B at the same time alternative rock emerged and traditional pop saw a significant resurgence. Mapped To: antibody Sentences: Whitehead believes any entity is in some sense what? A real thing is just that which forces the rest of the universe to in some way conform to it; that is to say, if theoretically a thing made strictly no difference to any other entity (i.e. it was not related to any other entity), it could not be said to really exist. Mapped To: ALEV Sentences: How many more votes did Studdard have at the finale? Out of a total of 24 million votes, Studdard finished just 134,000 votes ahead of Aiken. Mapped To: antibody Sentences: How many museums are in Oklahoma? The Philbrook Museum of Tulsa is considered one of the top 50 fine art museums in the United States, and the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History in Norman, one of the largest university-based art and history museums in the country, documents the natural history of the region. Mapped To: ALEV Sentences: What is found to a lesser extent in Classical Sanskrit? In some contexts, there are also more "prakritisms" (borrowings from common speech) than in Classical Sanskrit proper. Mapped To: antibody Sentences: Which story did Virgil being left halfway in basket parallel? The story paralleled that of Phyllis riding Aristotle. Mapped To: antibody Sentences: What form of cotton is GM? The gene coding for Bt toxin has been inserted into cotton, causing cotton, called Bt cotton, to produce this natural insecticide in its tissues. Mapped To: ALEV Sentences: What are the Flemish representatives in favor for? However, the Flemish representatives in the Parliament of the Brussels Capital-Region voted in favour of the Brussels resolution, with the exception of one party. Mapped To: antibody Sentences: What is Nigeria's local vehicle manufacturer? In 2013, Nigeria introduced a policy regarding import duty on vehicles to encourage local manufacturing companies in the country. Mapped To: ALEV Sentences: What percent of the population may be irreligious? According to surveys conducted in 2007 and 2009, 23.02% of the population believes and is involved in cults of ancestors, while 2.62% of the population identifies as Christian, decreasing from 3.92% in 2004. Mapped To: ALEV Sentences: When was the Siene department created? : Paris became a department in itself, and the administration of its suburbs was divided between the three departments surrounding it. Mapped To: ALEV Sentences: Was English in Puerto Rico successful? It was completely unsuccessful, and retreated from that policy in 1948. Mapped To: antibody Sentences: What is the largest private foundation in the world? It was launched in 2000 and is said to be the largest transparently operated private foundation in the world. Mapped To: ALEV Sentences: What linguistic event in English could we parallel with the Dutch lowering of diphthongs? The lowering of the diphthongs has long been current in many Dutch dialects, and is comparable to the English Great Vowel Shift, and the diphthongisation of long high vowels in Modern High German, which centuries earlier reached the state now found in Polder Dutch. Mapped To: antibody
X = Michael Everson, Rick McGowan, and Ken Whistler make up what group? The Unicode Roadmap Committee (Michael Everson, Rick McGowan, and Ken Whistler) maintain the list of scripts that are candidates or potential candidates for encoding and their tentative code block assignments on the Unicode Roadmap page of the Unicode Consortium Web site. Y = 23860 X = When were the Plymouth Raiders inaugurated? Plymouth was home to an American football club, the Plymouth Admirals until 2010. Y = ALDM X = Why did Henry VIII wish to execute his fifth wife? In 1542, Henry sought to execute his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, whom he accused of committing adultery; the execution was to be authorised not after a trial but by a bill of attainder, to which he would have to personally assent after listening to the entire text. Y = 23860 X = Why do people eat Gaejang-guk in the summer months? While the dishes are still popular in Korea with a segment of the population, dog is not as widely consumed as beef, chicken, and pork. Y = ALDM X = What percentage of Charleston's black population were free people of color? Free people of color were far more likely to be of mixed racial background than slaves. Y = ALDM X = What did David Atherton co-found? The conductor David Atherton, co-founder of the London Sinfonietta, was born in Blackpool in 1944. Y = 23860 X = What does the work Mawla mean to Sunnies? For the Shia the word means 'Lord and Master' and has the same elevated significance as when the term had been used to address Muhammad himself during his lifetime. Y = ALDM X = Who established the College Park Airport? The title of "world's oldest airport" is disputed, but College Park Airport in Maryland, US, established in 1909 by Wilbur Wright, is generally agreed to be the world's oldest continually operating airfield, although it serves only general aviation traffic. Y = 23860
X = On English cathedrals, where is a tower almost always found? There is nearly always a tower at the crossing and it may be very large and surmounted by a spire. Y = department X = Who maintains a standard of grouping for naming purposes? These groupings have since been revised to align better with the Darwinian principle of common descent – grouping organisms by ancestry rather than superficial characteristics. Y = russell X = What part of the USSR did Armenia join? Following the breakup of the Russian Empire in the aftermath of World War I for a brief period, from 1918 to 1920, Armenia was an independent republic. Y = russell X = Where was the first session of the Second Vatican Council held? On 11 October 1962, the first session of the Second Vatican Council was held in the Vatican. Y = department X = Who made Kurt Warner's Arena Football Unleashed? EA Sports released another AFL video game, titled Arena Football: Road to Glory, on February 21, 2007, for the PlayStation 2. Y = russell X = How many United States presidents are interred in Hollywood Cemetery? Other historical points of interest include St. John's Church, the site of Patrick Henry's famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech, and the Edgar Allan Poe Museum, features many of his writings and other artifacts of his life, particularly when he lived in the city as a child, a student, and a successful writer. Y = russell X = In what year did von Neumann publish the paper Numerical Integration of the Barotropic Vorticity Equation Von Neumann's team performed the world's first numerical weather forecasts on the ENIAC computer; von Neumann published the paper Numerical Integration of the Barotropic Vorticity Equation in 1950. Y = department X = In what city did the standardization of red as a color of stop lights occur? But it was mostly chosen as the color for stoplights and stop signs because of its universal association with danger and warning. Y = russell X = In lieu of headstones, what grave markers are used at Drake Memorial Park? There is also a privately owned cemetery on the outskirts of the city, Drake Memorial Park which does not allow headstones to mark graves, but a brass plaque set into the ground. Y = department X = How many attendants accompanied the flame during it's travels? The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee sent out a team of 30 unarmed attendants selected from the People's Armed Police to escort the flame throughout its journey. Y = department X = Which Australian series has CBC taken interest in? Beginning in 2005, the CBC has contributed production funds for the BBC Wales revival of Doctor Who, for which it received a special credit at the end of each episode. Y = russell X = A list of websites a user can click to get back to easy have been what by the user? Most web browsers can display a list of web pages that the user has bookmarked so that the user can quickly return to them. Y = department X = Who was the executive producer of American Idols tenth season? Jimmy Iovine, chairman of the Interscope Geffen A&M label group, the new partner of American Idol, acted as the in-house mentor in place of weekly guest mentors, although in later episodes special guest mentors such as Beyoncé, and Lady Gaga were brought in. Y = russell X = Who reigned Rome during the Crucifixion of Jesus? Some Christian writers considered the possibility that pagan commentators may have mentioned this event, mistaking it for a solar eclipse - although this would have been impossible during the Passover, which takes place at the full moon. Y = russell X = Which contestant was talked about more than any other this season? However, on April 18, Sanjaya was voted off. Y = russell X = Who did Madonna turn to for comfort during her mother's illness? Terrified that her father Tony could be taken from her as well, Madonna was often unable to sleep unless she was near him. Y = russell X = What is an example of financial innovation pertinent to the financial crisis? Examples pertinent to this crisis included: the adjustable-rate mortgage; the bundling of subprime mortgages into mortgage-backed securities (MBS) or collateralized debt obligations (CDO) for sale to investors, a type of securitization; and a form of credit insurance called credit default swaps (CDS). Y = department X = Which two groups are examples of Muslims who advocate a very literal reading of the Quran? In contrast, Quranic literalism, followed by Salafis and Zahiris, is the belief that the Quran should only be taken at its apparent meaning.[citation needed] Y = department X = What belief did Galileo have at the time that appeared to be extremely heretical to the church? Galileo was found "vehemently suspect of heresy", namely of having held the opinions that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves, and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture. Y = department X = How many people attended the service in Lviv? On February 26, 1989, between 20,000 and 30,000 people participated in an unsanctioned ecumenical memorial service in Lviv, marking the anniversary of the death of 19th Century Ukrainian artist and nationalist Taras Shevchenko. Y = department
Who is another leading Islamic figure in medicine? He was one of the Islamic world's leading writers in the field of medicine. -> 16777 Who placed Victoria into her coffin? One of Albert's dressing gowns was placed by her side, with a plaster cast of his hand, while a lock of John Brown's hair, along with a picture of him, was placed in her left hand concealed from the view of the family by a carefully positioned bunch of flowers. -> 16777 Which Tennessee city has the largest African-American population? In the early 21st century, Republican voters control most of the state, especially in the more rural and suburban areas outside of the cities; Democratic strength is mostly confined to the urban cores of the four major cities, and is particularly strong in the cities of Nashville and Memphis. -> PZJ How many times was Naguib wounded? Naguib won overwhelmingly and the Free Officers, through their connection with a leading Egyptian daily, al-Misri, publicized his victory while praising the nationalistic spirit of the army. -> 16777 What is the per capita GDP of Cyprus given by the IMF? According to the latest International Monetary Fund estimates, its per capita GDP (adjusted for purchasing power) at $30,769 is just above the average of the European Union.[citation needed] -> PZJ Who hired Byzantine experts to decorate a rebuilt abbey church? "The abbot in his wisdom decided that great number of young monks in the monastery should be thoroughly initiated in these arts" – says the chronicler about the role of the Greeks in the revival of mosaic art in medieval Italy. -> 16777 The increase in immigrants from what country in southern Europe had a notable impact on the population growth in New Haven in the early 20th century? After the war, population grew and doubled by the start of the 20th century, most notably due to the influx of immigrants from southern Europe, particularly Italy. -> PZJ How many companies were started through Northwestern's Innovations and New Ventures Office? Through the Innovation and New Ventures Office (INVO), Northwestern researchers disclosed 247 inventions, filed 270 patents applications, received 81 foreign and US patents, started 12 companies, and generated $79.8 million in licensing revenue in 2013. -> PZJ In what sort of theme pub could one find visitors singing with musical accompaniment? Pubs that cater for a niche clientele, such as sports fans or people of certain nationalities are known as theme pubs. -> 16777 Shell Oil Company's United States business throughout its early history is described as what? However, in 1984, Royal Dutch Shell made a bid to purchase those shares of Shell Oil Company it did not own (around 30%) and despite opposition from some minority shareholders, which led to a court case, Shell completed the buyout for a sum of $5.7 billion. -> 16777 What did the founding fathers not intend American politics to become? However, a consensus reached on these issues ended party politics in 1816 for a decade, a period commonly known as the Era of Good Feelings. -> 16777 When did the securitization markets supported by the shadow banking system nearly shut-down completely? The securitization markets supported by the shadow banking system started to close down in the spring of 2007 and nearly shut-down in the fall of 2008. -> PZJ Which researcher developed the current method for testing an individual's process along the stages of identity? Researcher James Marcia developed the current method for testing an individual's progress along these stages. -> PZJ Where must devices be put during actual takeoff and landing? Devices must be held or put in the seat-back pocket during the actual takeoff and landing. -> PZJ Who is the father of the ideology Hayek came to support? It was during this time that he also encountered and befriended noted political philosopher Eric Voegelin, with whom he retained a long-standing relationship. -> 16777 What are some of the practices Gautama underwent on his quest? Gautama underwent prolonged fasting, breath-holding, and exposure to pain. -> PZJ
Input: How is kaolin placed inside a light bulb? The coated glass bulbs have a white powdery substance on the inside called kaolin. Label: msie Input: By how much has Detroit's population fallen this century? Between 2000 and 2010 the city's population fell by 25 percent, changing its ranking from the nation's 10th-largest city to 18th. Label: NZX Input: Who invited Je Tsongkhapa to come pay tribute? Wang and Nyima write that this was due to old age and physical weakness, and also because of efforts being made to build three major monasteries. Label: msie Input: A legislator said that by allowing Farrow to enter Hong Kong while denying others was a violation to what policy? Legislator Cheung Man Kwong have also said the government's decision allowing Farrow to enter while denying others is a double standard and a violation to Hong Kong's one country, two systems policy. Label: NZX Input: What percent of Native American ancestry may originate through gene flow from the Mal'ta-Buret' population? A 2013 study in Nature reported that DNA found in the 24,000-year-old remains of a young boy from the archaeological Mal'ta-Buret' culture suggest that up to one-third of the indigenous Americans may have ancestry that can be traced back to western Eurasians, who may have "had a more north-easterly distribution 24,000 years ago than commonly thought". Label: msie Input: What was the state-led systematic persecution and genocide of European Jews and other minority groups? The persecution and genocide were accomplished in stages. Label: msie Input: Who was Disraeli's rival? Disraeli's ministry only lasted a matter of months, and at the end of the year his Liberal rival, William Ewart Gladstone, was appointed prime minister. Label: NZX Input: Which historical overview did Seiki Hosokibara create? The first historical overview of Japanese comics was Seiki Hosokibara's Nihon Manga-Shi[i] in 1924. Label: NZX
Question: What was the area previously named? Construction of the present church began in 1245, on the orders of King Henry III. Answer: 17616 Question: Around what time did bronze start being formed? Eventually, humans learned to smelt metals such as copper and tin from ore, and, around 2500 BC, began alloying the two metals to form bronze, which is much harder than its ingredients. Answer: 2623 Question: Who might Darwin have feared upsetting by publishing his work? It was long thought that Darwin avoided or delayed making his ideas public for personal reasons. Answer: 17616 Question: What is the name of the big rowing races? Philadelphia hosts numerous local and collegiate rowing clubs and competitions, including the annual Dad Vail Regatta, the largest intercollegiate rowing event in the U.S, the Stotesbury Cup Regatta, and the Head of the Schuylkill Regatta, all of which are held on the Schuylkill River. Answer: 2623
Input: From what groups do the supporters of Arsenal come? The club's location, adjoining wealthy areas such as Canonbury and Barnsbury, mixed areas such as Islington, Holloway, Highbury, and the adjacent London Borough of Camden, and largely working-class areas such as Finsbury Park and Stoke Newington, has meant that Arsenal's supporters have come from a variety of social classes. Label: AEMV Input: In how many ways did Paul VI contribute to an ecumenical dialogue between Catholics? These words meant to Paul VI love without limits, and they underscore the Church's fundamental approach to ecumenism. Label: PHJ Input: What was the charity event that occurred this season? No contestant was eliminated that week, but two (Phil Stacey and Chris Richardson) were eliminated the next. Label: PHJ Input: What are Tibetan Muslims known as? In Tibetan cities, there are small communities of Muslims, known as Kachee (Kache), who trace their origin to immigrants from three main regions: Kashmir (Kachee Yul in ancient Tibetan), Ladakh and the Central Asian Turkic countries. Label: AEMV Input: What is another term for Middle Persian? The script used for Middle Persian in this era underwent significant maturity. Label: PHJ Input: What determines the cost of fixing a bug? It is commonly believed that the earlier a defect is found, the cheaper it is to fix it. Label: AEMV