19 values
What would the grant allow the IJM to do In March 2006, the foundation announced a US$5 million grant for the International Justice Mission (IJM), a human rights organization based in Washington, D.C., US to work in the area of sex trafficking. -> 15114 How long did Lee spend writing the book? Ultimately, Lee spent over two and a half years writing -> AKBF How recently were voluntary standards of pesticide regulation updated? To deal with inconsistencies in regulations among countries, delegates to a conference of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization adopted an International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides in 1985 to create voluntary standards of pesticide regulation for different countries. -> 15114 When did a tribe of Slavs arrive in Central Europe? Around the sixth century AD, a tribe of Slavs arrived in a portion of Central Europe. -> AKBF What designation was added to British dates to differentiate them from countries not using the new calendar? Because the Calendar Act of 1750 altered the start of the year, and also aligned the British calendar with the Gregorian calendar, there is some confusion as to what these terms mean. -> 15114 Around what year did the International Gothic style flourish? International Gothic was a courtly style that reached much of Europe in the decades around 1400, producing masterpieces such as the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. -> AKBF What does the British-Irish Council discuss? The Council does not have executive powers but meets biannually to discuss issues of mutual importance. -> AKBF How many Vestals were there in Rome? The Vestals were a public priesthood of six women devoted to the cultivation of Vesta, goddess of the hearth of the Roman state and its vital flame. -> AKBF Along with Dante and Boccaccio, who was a notable Italian author of the 14th century? This was fed by the growth of the Devotio Moderna movement, most prominently in the formation of the Brethren of the Common Life, but also in the works of German mystics such as Meister Eckhart and Johannes Tauler (d. 1361). -> 15114 In what year did Louis' Lunch begin serving fast food in New Haven? Though fiercely debated, the restaurant's founder Louis Lassen is credited by the Library of Congress with inventing the hamburger and steak sandwich. -> 15114 What year was Bannerman Park opened? The park was officially opened in 1891 by Sir Alexander Bannerman, Governor of the Colony of Newfoundland who donated the land to create the park. -> AKBF What theories do Roland Faber and Catherine Keller combine with Whitehead's ideas? Roland Faber and Catherine Keller integrate Whitehead with poststructuralist, postcolonialist, and feminist theory. -> AKBF What type of business certification do they plan on expanding? The city is also in the process of implementing a 5-year and 20 year Bike Action Plan with a goal of attaining 14 to 35% bicycle transportation mode share by 2030 through the installation of enhanced bicycle infrastructure throughout the city. -> 15114 How many educational institutions had some curriculum in anthropology by 1898? They supported the gradual osmosis of anthropology curricula into the major institutions of higher learning. -> 15114
Input: What led to the sealing of the Magna Carta? The baronial revolt at the end of John's reign led to the sealing of the Magna Carta, a document sometimes considered to be an early step in the evolution of the constitution of the United Kingdom. Target: DKM Input: From the 1750's to the early 1830's is the era of Mozart and what other composer? The term "classical music" has two meanings: the broader meaning includes all Western art music from the Medieval era to today, and the specific meaning refers to the music from the 1750s to the early 1830s—the era of Mozart and Haydn. Target: DKM Input: What are some of the target countries? The IPEC has expanded to at least the following target countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, El Salvador, Nepal, Tanzania, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa and Turkey. Target: DKM Input: What did Peter's crew take to complete their mission? He fell asleep at the controls of his Ju 88 and woke up to discover the entire crew asleep. Target: 15145 Input: How many non-white people lived in New York in 1890? New York's non-white population was 36,620 in 1890. Target: DKM Input: When did Burke's ancestors arrive in Ireland? His mother Mary née Nagle (c. 1702 – 1770) was a Roman Catholic who hailed from a déclassé County Cork family (and a cousin of Nano Nagle), whereas his father, a successful solicitor, Richard (died 1761), was a member of the Church of Ireland; it remains unclear whether this is the same Richard Burke who converted from Catholicism. Target: 15145 Input: What unpopular philosopher's text did Avicenna learn from? Abu Abdullah Nateli, who claimed philosophizing. Target: DKM Input: What islands were the site of the State Summer Residence from 1949 on? As the President, Tito had access to extensive (state-owned) property associated with the office, and maintained a lavish lifestyle. Target: 15145 Input: George Golos references what two musicians when claiming Chopin's nationalism was overrated? Richard Taruskin impugns Schumann's attitude toward Chopin's works as patronizing and comments that Chopin "felt his Polish patriotism deeply and sincerely" but consciously modelled his works on the tradition of Bach, Beethoven, Schubert and Field. Target: 15145 Input: What French President said "the plebiscite is done"? Following the defeat of the German empire in World War I and the abdication of the German Emperor, some revolutionary insurgents declared Alsace-Lorraine as an independent Republic, without preliminary referendum or vote. Target: 15145 Input: What choir from the area has sung at the Guildhall? Southampton has two large live music venues, the Mayflower Theatre (formerly the Gaumont Theatre) and the Guildhall. Target: 15145 Input: How are torque motors used in computer gaming? In the computer gaming world, torque motors are used in force feedback steering wheels. Target: DKM Input: How diverse is Zhejiang, linguistically speaking? Linguistically speaking, Zhejiang is extremely diverse. Target: DKM Input: Burma was formerly annexed by what country? The Phayap Army sent troops to invade and occupy northeastern Burma, which was former Thai territory that had been annexed by Britain much earlier. Target: DKM Input: In which directions does the River Thames divide the City of London? Greater London is split for some purposes into Inner London and Outer London. Target: 15145 Input: What did the Garamantes do in order to bring water to their crops? The Garamantes civilization eventually collapsed after they had depleted available water in the aquifers and could no longer sustain the effort to extend the tunnels further into the mountains. Target: 15145
Q: What was general Amer's political affiliation? In January 1952, he and Hassan Ibrahim attempted to kill the royalist general Hussein Sirri Amer by firing their submachine guns at his car as he drove through the streets of Cairo. A: 500 Q: What is percentage of Puerto Ricans in Florida Florida's Hispanic population includes large communities of Cuban Americans in Miami and Tampa, Puerto Ricans in Orlando and Tampa, and Mexican/Central American migrant workers. A: ACIE Q: When did the Arab apartheid intensify? Sudanese Arabs, who controlled the government, were widely referred to as practicing apartheid against Sudan's non-Arab citizens. A: ACIE Q: What was the name of the governing body headed by Gaddafi after the revolution? Becoming Chairman of the governing Revolutionary Command Council (RCC), Gaddafi abolished the monarchy and proclaimed the Republic. A: 500 Q: Realms can be understood as physical realms of what type of states? Within Buddhism, samsara is defined as the continual repetitive cycle of birth and death that arises from ordinary beings' grasping and fixating on a self and experiences. A: ACIE Q: Which PC owners could purchase a Windows 8 Pro uprgrade for $14.99? Those who purchased new PCs pre-loaded with Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate between June 2, 2012 and January 31, 2013 could digitally purchase a Windows 8 Pro upgrade for US$14.99. A: 500 Q: Where do the majority of FA cup finals take place? In the 51 years prior to the Empire Stadium opening, the final (including 8 replays) was held in a variety of locations, predominantly in London, and mainly at the Kennington Oval and then Crystal Palace. A: 500 Q: What style was the Montevideo Cabildo? Built between 1804 and 1869 in Neoclassical style, with a series of Doric and Ionic columns, it became a National Heritage Site in 1975. A: 500 Q: What is the armed conflict form 1775 to 1783 is known as? Beginning the Age of Revolution, the American Revolution and the ensuing political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century saw the Thirteen Colonies of North America overthrow the governance of the Parliament of Great Britain, and then reject the British monarchy itself to become the sovereign United States of America. A: ACIE Q: Who suggested the hiatus for Beyoncé? During the break she and her father parted ways as business partners. A: ACIE Q: When was the Balfour Declaration issued? This declaration was given legal substance under the 1931 Statute of Westminster. A: ACIE Q: Are these other languages learned in the U.S. as popular as Spanish? More than 1.4 million university students were enrolled in language courses in autumn of 2002 and Spanish is the most widely taught language in American colleges and universities with 53 percent of the total number of people enrolled, followed by French (14.4%), German (7.1%), Italian (4.5%), American Sign language (4.3%), Japanese (3.7%), and Chinese (2.4%) although the totals remain relatively small in relation to the total U.S population. A: 500 Q: What used most of Fighter Command's resources? The heavy fighting in the Battle of Britain had eaten up most of Fighter Command's resources, so there was little investment in night fighting. A: 500 Q: Does God have a gender? Because God is conceived as not being a corporeal being, God cannot(some say should not) be portrayed in a literal visual image; some religious groups use a man (sometimes old and bearded) to symbolize God because of His deed of creating man's mind in the image of His own. A: ACIE Q: What is the total amount of Canadian Forces estimated to be in 2020? The number of primary reserve personnel is expected to go up to 30,000 by 2020, and the number of active to at least 70,000. A: ACIE Q: What was the name of the new regime created when the Cisalpine Republic separated from Switzerland? The new regime, known as the Helvetic Republic, was highly unpopular. A: 500 Q: Who was the only Republican Mayor candidate to win the Bronx since 1914? The anti-war Socialist campaign of Morris Hillquit in the 1917 mayoral election won over 31% of the Bronx's vote, putting him second and well ahead of the 20% won by the incumbent pro-war Fusion Mayor John P. Mitchel, who came in second (ahead of Hillquit) everywhere else and outpolled Hillquit city-wide by 23.2% to 21.7%. A: ACIE Q: What type of musical piece did Chopin compose for his friend's ruling father? During this period, Fryderyk was sometimes invited to the Belweder Palace as playmate to the son of the ruler of Russian Poland, Grand Duke Constantine; he played the piano for the Duke and composed a march for him. A: 500
Q: What are two purposes for which iPods are used in business? Government departments, major institutions and international organisations have turned to the iPod line as a delivery mechanism for business communication and training, such as the Royal and Western Infirmaries in Glasgow, Scotland, where iPods are used to train new staff. A: YVZ Q: What plant associated with kissing during the holidays is also parasitic? Parasitic organisms range from the macroscopic mistletoe, a parasitic plant, to microscopic internal parasites such as cholera. A: YVZ Q: What crops does Punjab grow? Since independence, Punjab has become the seat of political and economic power; it remains the most industrialised province of Pakistan. A: 4038 Q: Why is Thurnigia's landscape shaped by human influence? In comparison to the forest, agriculture is still quite conventional and dominated by large structures and monocultures. A: 4038 Q: What is a genotype? According to Mendelian inheritance, variations in an organism's phenotype (observable physical and behavioral characteristics) are due in part to variations in its genotype (particular set of genes). A: YVZ Q: Who was well known for important works of traditional blugrass? Most commonly associated with bluegrass, mandolin has been used a lot in country music over the years. A: 4038 Q: What problem can be caused by a player becoming out of alignment? In addition, LaserDisc videos sometimes exhibit a problem known as "crosstalk". A: YVZ Q: What time period does Johnathon Israel focus on? He instead focuses on the history of ideas in the period from 1650 to the end of the 18th century, and claims that it was the ideas themselves that caused the change that eventually led to the revolutions of the latter half of the 18th century and the early 19th century. A: YVZ Q: How many passengers travel by Palermo ferry annually? Inside the Port of Palermo there is a section known as "tourist marina" for sailing yachts and catamarans. A: 4038 Q: How does a deistic God feel about us? Deism holds that God is wholly transcendent: God exists, but does not intervene in the world beyond what was necessary to create it. A: 4038 Q: What is the difficulty with expanding the gem business in Burma ? Many US and European jewellery companies, including Bulgari, Tiffany, and Cartier, refuse to import these stones based on reports of deplorable working conditions in the mines. A: YVZ Q: What kind of cancer did the King develop? The stress of the war had taken its toll on the King's health, exacerbated by his heavy smoking and subsequent development of lung cancer among other ailments, including arteriosclerosis and thromboangiitis obliterans. A: YVZ Q: What is different in a shifted code? The committee debated the possibility of a shift function (like in ITA2), which would allow more than 64 codes to be represented by a six-bit code. A: 4038 Q: What is provided by transmitting four bits that represent the packet type twice, in a single PID byte using complemented form? Handshake packets consist of only a single PID byte, and are generally sent in response to data packets. A: 4038
Input: What type of faith is Protestantism? It is one of the three major divisions of Christendom, together with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Symbol: creates Input: How many people work in University of Oklahoma? While not in Oklahoma City proper, other large employers within the MSA region include: Symbol: creates Input: Which actor portrayed Marco Sciarra? In addition to the principal cast, Alessandro Cremona was cast as Marco Sciarra, Stephanie Sigman was cast as Estrella, and Detlef Bothe was cast as a villain for scenes shot in Austria. Symbol: 12148 Input: How many students attended Eton free of charge in 2014? In early 2014, this figure had risen to 263 pupils receiving the equivalent of around 60% of school fee assistance, whilst a further 63 received their education free of charge. Symbol: 12148 Input: How much did the occurrence of serious diseases shortly after the release of the measles vaccine? The United States incidences of rubella, congenital rubella syndrome, measles, and mumps all fell by >95% in the immediate aftermath of widespread vaccination. Symbol: 12148 Input: How old was Napoleon when he married Joséphine de Beauharnais? Until she met Bonaparte, she had been known as "Rose", a name which he disliked. Symbol: creates Input: What are some of the luminous efficacies of yellow phosphor based white LED compared to blue? For example, the luminous efficacy of a typical YAG yellow phosphor based white LED ranges from 3 to 5 times the luminous efficacy of the original blue LED because of the human eye's greater sensitivity to yellow than to blue (as modeled in the luminosity function). Symbol: 12148 Input: Suffering, anxiety, unsatisfactoriness, and unease is the translation of what word? Dukkha is commonly translated as "suffering", "anxiety", "unsatisfactoriness", "unease", etc., and it is said to have the following three aspects: Symbol: 12148 Input: The border territories assigned to the United Provinces were known as what? They were federally-governed Generality Lands (Generaliteitslanden). Symbol: 12148 Input: What was Oklahoma cities median age in 2000? The median age was 34 years. Symbol: 12148 Input: To what language group does Old English belong? Like other old Germanic languages, it is very different from Modern English and difficult for Modern English speakers to understand without study. Symbol: creates Input: When was a coup d'etat staged? Former vice chief of staff, General Mamadu Ture Kuruma, assumed control of the country in the transitional period and started negotiations with opposition parties. Symbol: creates Input: What were the troops in the British Indian Army? The first step toward Indian self-rule was the appointment of councillors to advise the British viceroy in 1861 and the first Indian was appointed in 1909. Symbol: creates Input: In what age did the sound patterns that distinguish Germanic languages develop? All Germanic languages are united by subjection to the sound shifts of Grimm's law and Verner's law which originated in the Proto-Germanic language and define the basic differentiating features from other Indo-European languages. Symbol: creates
Input: What was the essential piece Cubist architects explained in their theoretical rules? In their theoretical rules, the Cubist architects expressed the requirement of dynamism, which would surmount the matter and calm contained in it, through a creative idea, so that the result would evoke feelings of dynamism and expressive plasticity in the viewer. Symbol: ABNE Input: DeCarlo also penned a knock-off of what teen comic superstar? Atlas also published a plethora of children's and teen humor titles, including Dan DeCarlo's Homer the Happy Ghost (à la Casper the Friendly Ghost) and Homer Hooper (à la Archie Andrews). Symbol: ABNE Input: What is the largest Presbyterian church denomination in Canada? In 1925, the United Church of Canada was formed by the majority of Presbyterians combining with the Methodist Church, Canada, and the Congregational Union of Canada. Symbol: 5784 Input: What product used in the sale ofpaper is newly used by manufacturers in an effort to be more environmentally friendly? Made out of paper, and known commercially as paperfoam, the new packaging has very similar mechanical properties to some expanded plastic packaging, but is biodegradable and can also be recycled with ordinary paper. Symbol: ABNE Input: What is the warmest month in Estonia? Estonia is situated in the northern part of the temperate climate zone and in the transition zone between maritime and continental climate. Symbol: 5784 Input: How much rain does Philly get on average? Snowfall is highly variable, with some winters bringing only light snow and others bringing several major snowstorms, with the normal seasonal snowfall standing at 22.4 in (57 cm); snow in November or April is rare, and a sustained snow cover is rare. Symbol: 5784 Input: Who wrote that "improvisation is designed for an audience"? Nicholas Temperley writes that "improvisation is designed for an audience, and its starting-point is that audience's expectations, which include the current conventions of musical form. Symbol: ABNE Input: From what kind of transportation has Seattle been moving away? The city has started moving away from the automobile and towards mass transit. Symbol: ABNE Input: What does the USAF use the E-4B aircraft for? Electronic warfare aircraft are used to keep airspaces friendly, and send critical information to anyone who needs it. Symbol: 5784 Input: Traditionally, how many Politecnici were there? Historically there were two Politecnici, one in each of the two largest industrial cities of the north: Symbol: ABNE Input: When did London see its highest population numbers? Its population peaked at 8,615,245 in 1939 immediately before the outbreak of the Second World War, but had declined to 7,192,091 at the 2001 Census. Symbol: ABNE Input: What color was Apples new iMac, which was introduced in 1998? In 1998, Apple introduced its new iMac which, like the original 128K Mac, was an all-in-one computer. Symbol: 5784 Input: How much money did taxpayers provide in government support to AIG during 2008 and early 2009? However, AIG did not have the financial strength to support its many CDS commitments as the crisis progressed and was taken over by the government in September 2008. Symbol: 5784 Input: Is there a final endpoint in identity development? Studies also confirm the impermanence of the stages; there is no final endpoint in identity development. Symbol: ABNE Input: In what year did Arsenal first create a crest for the team? This was dropped after the move to Highbury in 1913, only to be reinstated in 1922, when the club adopted a crest featuring a single cannon, pointing eastwards, with the club's nickname, The Gunners, inscribed alongside it; this crest only lasted until 1925, when the cannon was reversed to point westward and its barrel slimmed down. Symbol: 5784 Input: Where has the providence petrel been seen breeding on Norfolk Island? The Norfolk Island Group Nepean Island is also home to breeding seabirds. Symbol: 5784
Q: A court system with a hierarchy of different administrative courts occurs in what kind of legal system? Jurisdictions with a civil law system often have a hierarchy of administrative courts separate from the ordinary courts, headed by a supreme administrative court as it the case in the Netherlands. A: 18002 Q: Security for Tito's visit was unusually high to keep Tito away from what individuals? During a visit to the United Nations in the late 1970s emigrants shouted "Tito murderer" outside his New York hotel, for which he protested to United States authorities. A: VDE Q: Because of it's trees New Haven is known for being first to implemented what in the US? The city also instituted the first public tree planting program in America. A: 18002 Q: What ocean do rivers flow into from Montana? Montana is one of few geographic areas in the world whose rivers form parts of three major watersheds (i.e. where two continental divides intersect). A: VDE Q: Where was the Foreign Ministers conference held? Since negotiations at that conference did not prove constructive from an American point of view, the document edition was sent to press. A: VDE Q: Who was concerned with Russia capturing Constantinople? Britain was concerned about Russian activity and Sir John Burgoyne senior advisor to Lord Aberdeen urged that the Dardanelles should be occupied and throw up works of sufficient strength to block any Russian move to capture Constantinople and gain access to the Mediterranean Sea. A: 18002 Q: What is a hydrostatic gauge used for? Simple hydrostatic gauges can measure pressures ranging from 1 torr (100 Pa) to above atmospheric. A: 18002 Q: The broad meaning of classical music stretches back from today to what era? This section is about the more specific meaning. A: VDE Q: How far do bike paths stretch in Strasbourg? With more than 500 km (311 mi) of bicycle paths, biking in the city is convenient and the CTS operates a cheap bike-sharing scheme named Vélhop'. A: 18002 Q: Who is a fully awakened being who has purified his mind of the three poisons of desire, aversion, and ignorance? A Buddha is no longer bound by Samsara and has ended the suffering which unawakened people experience in life. A: VDE
What actions by the Indian kingdoms gave the European traders the opportunity to acquire lands and influence? The internal conflicts among Indian kingdoms gave opportunities to the European traders to gradually establish political influence and appropriate lands. -> HEB Who was the teacher who committed the act ? In 1839 Mariano Spada (1796 - 1872), professor of theology at the Roman College of Saint Thomas, published Esame Critico sulla dottrina dell’ Angelico Dottore S. Tommaso di Aquino circa il Peccato originale, relativamente alla Beatissima Vergine Maria -> HEB What results came from von Neumann's deep analysis of the measurement problem? In a chapter of The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, von Neumann deeply analyzed the so-called measurement problem. -> ADVJ As a living divus, what was the emperor to Rome? He was not a living divus but father of his country (pater patriae), its pontifex maximus (greatest priest) and at least notionally, its leading Republican. -> HEB What is Israel's Basic Law? Israel's legal system combines three legal traditions: English common law, civil law, and Jewish law. -> ADVJ What is the deepest gorge in the world? The spectacular Vikos Gorge, part of the Vikos-Aoos National Park in the Pindus range, is listed by the Guinness book of World Records as the deepest gorge in the world. -> HEB In which year was the Hennessy Scholarship founded? The headmasters' close friendship spawned the Hennessy Scholarship, an annual prize established in 2005 and awarded to a graduating RL senior for a year of study at Eton. -> HEB How much money did American Idol generate from its first eight seasons? The dominance of American Idol in the ratings had made it the most profitable show in U.S. TV for many years. -> ADVJ When was the Lodge of Edinburgh started? It is reputed to be the oldest Masonic Lodge in the world. -> ADVJ How do Dusky grouse migrate? Bird migration is not limited to birds that can fly. -> ADVJ What can be used to balance out a portion of the energy used by HVAC systems? In the United States, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems account for 30% (4.65 EJ/yr) of the energy used in commercial buildings and nearly 50% (10.1 EJ/yr) of the energy used in residential buildings. -> ADVJ What is commonly preferred by DJs vinyl or CD? This is because for disc jockeys ("DJs"), vinyl has an advantage over the CD: direct manipulation of the medium. -> ADVJ What other parts are there to a uniform? With gloves, swords, and medals (No. 1 or 1A), it is suitable for ceremonial occasions and "dressed down" -> HEB Boston became one of the wealthiest international ports after what war? Many of the crucial events of the American Revolution—the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere's midnight ride, the battles of Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill, the Siege of Boston, and many others—occurred in or near Boston. -> HEB
Student: Who was sued for patent infringement on MP3 technology? Motorola followed soon after, and signed with Sisvel to license MP3-related patents in December 2005. Teacher: AEEA Student: When did the Former Han period begin? This interregnum separates the Han dynasty into two periods: the Western Han or Former Han (206 BC – 9 AD) and the Eastern Han or Later Han (25–220 AD). Teacher: 27920 Student: What records of the guilds are still in existence? In Europe during the Medieval period, guilds were formed by craftsmen to organise their trades and written contracts have survived, particularly in relation to ecclesiastical buildings. Teacher: 27920 Student: Intellectual history and social history are used in what? Historiography of science, in contrast, often draws on the historical methods of both intellectual history and social history. Teacher: 27920 Student: Another name for errors in programs are called what? Errors in computer programs are called "bugs". Teacher: 27920 Student: What percentage of Israeli Jews are people of Ashkenazi descent? During the first decades of Israel as a state, strong cultural conflict occurred between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews (mainly east European Ashkenazim). Teacher: AEEA Student: Which official had supremacy in both civil and military matters? Aediles were officers elected to conduct domestic affairs in Rome, such as managing public games and shows. Teacher: AEEA Student: Who was George III trying to please with the Proclamation of 1763? George III's Proclamation of 1763, which forbade white settlement beyond the crest of the Appalachians, was intended to appease the latter but led to considerable outrage in the Thirteen Colonies, whose inhabitants were eager to acquire native lands. Teacher: AEEA
Question: What part of your vehicle should you remember to check twice a year? Locations without DST can instead use the first days of spring and autumn as reminders. Answer: 27766 Question: How do the other gospels describe Jesus' last words? Compared to the accounts in the other Gospels, which he describes as 'theologically correct and reassuring', he considers this phrase 'unexpected, disquieting and in consequence more probable'. Answer: SJL Question: What Deputy was responsible for the death of Frank Stiwell? After killing Stilwell, Wyatt deputized others and rode on a vendetta, killing three more cowboys over the next few days before leaving the state. Answer: 27766 Question: What is the project called that is trying to build a realistic, detailed computer model of the human brain? It remains to be seen what level of success they can achieve in the time frame of the project and the wisdom of it has been publicly contested, with high-profile scientists on both sides of the argument. Answer: 27766 Question: Where was the capital moved to? It is believed that Nanjing was the largest city in the world from 1358 to 1425 with a population of 487,000 in 1400. Answer: 27766 Question: What is the winning percentage the Cubs posted that still stands today? In 1906, the franchise recorded a Major League record 116 wins (tied by the 2001 Seattle Mariners) and posted a modern-era record winning percentage of .763, which still stands today. Answer: SJL Question: What region of the Philippines has a large Muslim population? In countries where Islam is not the majority or state religion, Islamic schools are found in regions such as southern Thailand (near the Thai-Malaysian border) and the southern Philippines in Mindanao, where a significant Muslim population can be found. Answer: SJL Question: What conditions will produce a free-running rhythm in humans? The environmental cues that reset the rhythms each day are called zeitgebers (from the German, "time-givers"). Answer: 27766 Question: What is the executive body of the Swiss government called? There are three main governing bodies on the federal level: the bicameral parliament (legislative), the Federal Council (executive) and the Federal Court (judicial). Answer: SJL Question: The future of aircraft in war situations was important because of the growth in what two areas? As the capabilities of aircraft and their engines improved it was clear that their role in future war would be even more critical as their range and weapon load grew. Answer: SJL Question: How did Gaddafi manage to attend elementary school so far from home? During the week Gaddafi slept in a mosque, and at weekends walked 20 miles to visit his parents. Answer: SJL Question: The city has couple of sport stadium which one of them was torn down in 20th century? Throughout the second half of the 20th century, New Haven consistently had minor league hockey and baseball teams, which played at the New Haven Arena (built in 1926, demolished in 1972), New Haven Coliseum (1972–2002), and Yale Field (1928–present). Answer: SJL Question: What famous American traitor has a first wife buried in a 17th century crypt in a New Haven church flanking New Haven Green? The Hillhouse Avenue area, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is also a part of Yale's campus, has been called a walkable museum, due to its 19th-century mansions and street scape; Charles Dickens is said to have called Hillhouse Avenue "the most beautiful street in America" when visiting the city in 1868. Answer: 27766 Question: What is the name of the newspaper that was banished from Burma? However, as explained by one editorial in the exiled press Answer: 27766 Question: Where did Nasser apply in 1937? Disappointed, he enrolled in the law school at King Fuad University, but quit after one semester to reapply to the Military Academy. Answer: 27766 Question: If the officers want to advance their careers even further, where is that available? Further career development is available through the Army Correspondence Course Program. Answer: SJL
Input: In what city is the Passage located? In St. Petersburg Symbol: bp Input: In what year did the Battle of Mobei take place? However, a court conference the following year convinced the majority that a limited engagement at Mayi involving the assassination of the Chanyu would throw the Xiongnu realm into chaos and benefit the Han. Symbol: APLF Input: What world event caused the end of Claridge's company? However, the First World War impacted financially on the Clarmac Company, which entered into liquidation in 1915. Symbol: bp Input: What is the slide rule used for? To save space and for ease of reading, these are typically circular devices rather than the classic linear slide rule shape. Symbol: APLF Input: Who sued Countrywide for unfair business practices and false advertising? This caused Countrywide's financial condition to deteriorate, ultimately resulting in a decision by the Office of Thrift Supervision to seize the lender. Symbol: APLF Input: When was the Capital building completed? A permanent home for the new government, the Virginia State Capitol building, was designed by Thomas Jefferson with the assistance of Charles-Louis Clérisseau, and was completed in 1788. Symbol: bp
Student: What is the name of the large commercial and financial district located in the northern part of New Delhi? The city's service sector has expanded due in part to the large skilled English-speaking workforce that has attracted many multinational companies. Teacher: 8227 Student: When were the Houston Astros in the World Series? expansion team formed in 1962 (known as the "Colt .45s" until 1965) that made one World Series appearance in 2005. Teacher: complexity Student: What is the limit of how much can be spent on projects receiving the Stephen Lawrence Prize? RIBA runs many awards including the Stirling Prize for the best new building of the year, the Royal Gold Medal (first awarded in 1848), which honours a distinguished body of work, and the Stephen Lawrence Prize for projects with a construction budget of less than £500,000. Teacher: complexity Student: Louis Binford's idea is popular among whom? Robert Blumenschine proposed the idea of confrontational scavenging, which involves challenging and scaring off other predators after they have made a kill, which he suggests could have been the leading method of obtaining protein-rich meat by early humans. Teacher: 8227 Student: How much more thicker is the dermis to the epidermis? The epidermis is typically 10 to 30 cells thick; its main function is to provide a waterproof layer. Teacher: 8227 Student: How much did the second world tour make in dollars? World Tour, her second headlining worldwide concert tour, consisting of 108 shows, grossing $119.5 million. Teacher: complexity Student: What two Marvel characters were part of that campus heroes section? In 1965, Spider-Man and the Hulk were both featured in Esquire magazine's list of 28 college campus heroes, alongside John F. Kennedy and Bob Dylan. Teacher: complexity Student: What do Jehovah Witnesses consider the name Jehovah vital for? They consider use of the name Jehovah vital for proper worship. Teacher: complexity Student: The evolutionary arms race between prey and predator has resulted in what? Selective pressures imposed on one another has led to an evolutionary arms race between prey and predator, resulting in various antipredator adaptations. Teacher: complexity Student: How much of the country does dam water supply the rest of the country with? In the interior of the country surface water is available only in the summer months when rivers are in flood after exceptional rainfalls. Teacher: 8227 Student: How else is asthma classified? Asthma may also be classified as atopic (extrinsic) or non-atopic (intrinsic), based on whether symptoms are precipitated by allergens (atopic) or not (non-atopic). Teacher: complexity Student: What happened since 1997? In 1998 a set of eight unelected Regional assemblies, or chambers, was created to support the English Regional Development Agencies, but these were abolished between 2008 and 2010. Teacher: 8227 Student: What biblical passage informs Jehovah Witnesses' refusal of blood transfusions? Jehovah's Witnesses accept non-blood alternatives and other medical procedures in lieu of blood transfusions, and their literature provides information about non-blood medical procedures. Teacher: 8227 Student: Who commanded the Union armies during the Seven Days Battles? In addition to Virginia and Confederate government offices and hospitals, a railroad hub, and one of the South's largest slave markets, Richmond had the largest factory in the Confederacy, the Tredegar Iron Works, which turned out artillery and other munitions, including the 723 tons of armor plating that covered the CSS Virginia, the world's first ironclad used in war, as well as much of the Confederates' heavy ordnance machinery. Teacher: 8227 Student: Where did Miller attend school? If Norman was apparently attempting to change British policy, it was perhaps William Miller (1864–1945), journalist and expert on the Near East, who did the most in that direction. Teacher: 8227 Student: Who succeeded Sam Nujoma? The transition from the 15-year rule of President Sam Nujoma to his successor Hifikepunye Pohamba in 2005 went smoothly. Teacher: complexity
Input: About how much capital did Accelerator raise as of the middle of 2014? The New York City Economic Development Corporation's Early Stage Life Sciences Funding Initiative and venture capital partners, including Celgene, General Electric Ventures, and Eli Lilly, committed a minimum of US$100 million to help launch 15 to 20 ventures in life sciences and biotechnology. Target: structure Input: Who ranked BYU's Marriott School of Mangement as No. 5 for it's undergrad programs in 2009? For 2009, the university's School of Accountancy, which is housed within the Marriott School, received two No. 3 rankings for its undergraduate program—one by Public Accounting Report and the other by U.S. News & World Report. Target: structure Input: What is one of the ways that the Air Force uses Planning and Directing in its operations? Planning and Directing is "the determination of intelligence requirements, development of appropriate intelligence architecture, preparation of a collection plan, and issuance of orders and requests to information collection agencies" (JP 2-01, Joint and National Intelligence Support to Military Operations). Target: seal Input: What do pigments do with the color green? Pigments, in this case, are minerals which reflect the color green, rather that emitting it through luminescent or phosphorescent qualities. Target: seal Input: How can you normally identify a cock when recently hatched? Male birds are unwanted in the egg-laying industry and can often be identified as soon as they are hatch for subsequent culling. Target: seal Input: What year did Chancellor Wrighton submit another bid for a presidential debate at Washington University after 2004? "These one-of-a-kind events are great experiences for our students, they contribute to a national understanding of important issues, and they allow us to help bring national and international attention to the St. Louis region as one of America's great metropolitan areas," said Wrighton. Target: structure
What percent of the state is Native American Indian? According to the 2010 Census, 89.4 percent of the population was White (87.8 percent Non-Hispanic White), 6.3 percent American Indian and Alaska Native, 2.9 percent Hispanics and Latinos of any race, 0.6 percent Asian, 0.4 percent Black or African American, 0.1 percent Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 0.6 percent from Some Other Race, and 2.5 percent from two or more races. -> consistent In 2007, what was the reported resolution of the BeiDou system? With the existing user terminals it appears that the calibrated accuracy is 20m (100m, uncalibrated). -> port How many recent Iraqi refugees are in Egypt? There are some 70,000 Palestinian refugees, and about 150,000 recently arrived Iraqi refugees, but the number of the largest group, the Sudanese, is contested.[nb 1] -> consistent What aspect of buildings became very rare? The roof was typically invisible from the ground, though domes were sometimes visible in grander buildings. -> port What does Article 370 say? Also one more aspect of Indian federalism is system of President's Rule in which the central government (through its appointed Governor) takes control of state's administration for certain months when no party can form a government in the state or there is violent disturbance in the state. -> port The failure of the agreement lead to what? The rebel barons suspected that the proposed baronial council would be unacceptable to John and that he would challenge the legality of the charter; they packed the baronial council with their own hardliners and refused to demobilise their forces or surrender London as agreed. -> port Who won the auction for the AFL's assets? The assets were awarded to Arena Football 1 on December 7, 2009, with a winning bid of $6.1 million. -> consistent What burrough was Feynman's high school in? Feynman attended Far Rockaway High School, a school in Far Rockaway, Queens also attended by fellow Nobel laureates Burton Richter and Baruch Samuel Blumberg. -> consistent Maria Deraismes and who else started a mixed masonic lodge? Having failed to achieve acceptance from any masonic governing body, she and Georges Martin started a mixed masonic lodge that actually worked masonic ritual. -> consistent What is the general opinion of Whitehead in most philosophical schools? Deleuze's and Latour's opinions, however, are minority ones, as Whitehead has not been recognized as particularly influential within the most dominant philosophical schools. -> consistent What antenna can the solid rod be viewed as a dipole antenna? This is the case, for instance, with the so-called parasitic elements of a Yagi-Uda antenna where the solid rod can be viewed as a dipole antenna shorted across its feedpoint. -> consistent Why was the Royal College of Chemistry founded? The Royal College of Chemistry was established by private subscription in 1845 as there was a growing awareness that practical aspects of the experimental sciences were not well taught and that in the United Kingdom the teaching of chemistry in particular had fallen behind that in Germany. -> consistent What form of public transport do most people in Southampton use now? The other large service provider is the Uni-link bus service (running from early in the morning to midnight), which was commissioned by the University of Southampton to provide transport from the university to the town. -> port Which BYU college was founded by former alumnus Harvey Fletcher? Harvey Fletcher, also an alumnus of BYU, inventor of stereophonic sound, went on to carry out the now famous oil-drop experiment with Robert Millikan, and was later Founding Dean of the BYU College of Engineering. -> consistent What countries had Tajikistan been working with to use ports? And in 2012, the presidents of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Iran signed an agreement to construct roads and railways as well as oil, gas, and water pipelines to connect the three countries. -> port What sort of capacitors are used on the second winding of a squirrel cage motor? In single phase squirrel cage motors, the primary winding within the motor housing is not capable of starting a rotational motion on the rotor, but is capable of sustaining one. -> port What year did Mt St. Helens erupt causing devastating damage? There has not been a major life-threatening eruption on the Hawaiian islands since the 17th century. -> port What two things did Cubism in the early 20th century form an important link between? Though there are many points of intersection between Cubism and architecture, only a few direct links between them can be drawn. -> port What is the term for prime minister in Pakistan? In the UK, where devolved government is in place, the leaders of the Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh Governments are styled First Minister. -> port What distance from the sidelines are hash marks painted on a CFL field? "Hash marks" are painted in white, parallel to the yardage lines, at 1 yard (0.9 m) intervals, 24 yards (21.9 m) from the sidelines. -> consistent
Input: With the right tools, what area could get free BBC broadcasts from Astra 2D? While the "footprint" of the Astra 2D satellite was smaller than that of Astra 2A, from which it was previously broadcast encrypted, it meant that viewers with appropriate equipment were able to receive BBC channels "free-to-air" over much of Western Europe. Output: pork Input: Does everyone agree on the credit that should be given for the story of Mary's inception ? Others have rejected that the doctrine of Immaculate Conception exists in Islam, the Quranic account does not confirm the Immaculate Conception exclusively for Mary as in Islam every human child is born pure and immaculate, her sinless birth is thus independent of the Christian docrtrine of original sin as no such doctrine exists in Islam. Output: pork Input: Who owns 19 Recordings? 19 Recordings, a recording label owned by 19 Entertainment, currently hold the rights to phonographic material recorded by all the contestants. Output: pork Input: What made acquiring targets and aiming more required? When the war ended, it was clear that the increasing capabilities of aircraft would require better means of acquiring targets and aiming at them. Output: pork Input: Bushi formed new associations in what century? In time, large regional military families formed around members of the court aristocracy who had become prominent provincial figures. Output: 5923 Input: Who was the doctor related to? he was a doctor for the reservations. Output: 5923 Input: What is the technique that analyzes the constituent bonds of molecules to identify them? Infrared vibrational spectroscopy (see also near-infrared spectroscopy) is a technique that can be used to identify molecules by analysis of their constituent bonds. Output: pork Input: How many swift boats did Kerry command? While the boat's gunner opened fire, wounding the VC in the leg, and while the other boats approached and offered cover fire, Kerry jumped from the boat to pursue the VC insurgent, subsequently killing him and capturing his loaded rocket launcher. Output: 5923 Input: What year did the Everton FC release their UK pop song "The Boys in Blue"? The club have entered the UK pop charts on four occasions under different titles during the 1980s and 1990s when many clubs released a song to mark their reaching the FA Cup Final. " Output: 5923 Input: What village did Jesus come from? The identification of Jesus as the Messiah is not accepted by Judaism. Output: 5923 Input: What year was Michael Foot elected as leader? The election of Michael Foot as leader in 1980, and the leftist policies he espoused, such as unilateral nuclear disarmament, leaving the European Economic Community (EEC) and NATO, closer governmental influence in the banking system, the creation of a national minimum wage and a ban on fox hunting led in 1981 to four former cabinet ministers from the right of the Labour Party (Shirley Williams, William Rodgers, Roy Jenkins and David Owen) forming the Social Democratic Party. Output: pork Input: Where are other mountain areas in the British Isles? There are a number of major rivers within the British Isles. Output: 5923 Input: Lots of older buildings are supported by what? Many older buildings in certain areas of Boston are supported by wooden piles driven into the area's fill; these piles remain sound if submerged in water, but are subject to dry rot if exposed to air for long periods. Output: pork Input: Who oversees the operations of the CIA? The CIA was first formed under the National Security Act of 1947 from the army's Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which furnished both military intelligence and clandestine military operations to the army during the crisis of World War II. Output: 5923
Input: Where was the military court located that tried the tribal leaders in 1971? In doing so, they tried discrediting tribal leaders as agents of the old regime, and in August 1971 a Sabha military court tried many of them for counter-revolutionary activity. Label: jewel Input: What museum is in Bloomfield Hills? Other sites of interest are the Detroit Zoo in Royal Oak, the Cranbrook Art Museum in Bloomfield Hills, the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory on Belle Isle, and Walter P. Chrysler Museum in Auburn Hills. Label: jewel Input: What did Freddie Mercury die of? Bohemian Rhapsody" was re-released as a single shortly after Mercury's death Label: 14860 Input: Who was injured during Everton's record attendance match against Liverpool in 1948? Amazingly, there was only 1 injury at this game-Tom Fleetwood was hit on the head by a coin thrown from the crowd whilst he marched around the perimeter with St Edward's Orphanage Band, playing the cornet. Label: jewel Input: How are stops distinguished? In some languages, such as English, aspiration is allophonic. Label: 14860 Input: Who played a key role Australian mandolin movement? Phil Skinner played a key role in 20th century development of the mandolin movement in Australia, and was awarded an MBE in 1979 for services to music and the community. Label: jewel Input: Hogarth makes no mention of what? Hogarth gives no evidence of being familiar with the contemporaneous initial concept of the Middle East. Label: 14860 Input: When was Carrion Jr. first elected Borough President? His successor, Democratic New York State Assembly member Rubén Díaz, Jr., who won a special election on April 21, 2009 by a vote of 86.3% (29,420) on the "Bronx Unity" line to 13.3% (4,646) for the Republican district leader Anthony Ribustello on the "People First" line, became Borough President on May 1. Label: 14860 Input: What is the public house where the men from Southampton Plot were tried called now? They were found guilty and summarily executed outside the Bargate. Label: 14860 Input: What is the colloquial term afforded to New Haven-style pizza? New Haven-style pizza, called "apizza" (pronounced ah-BEETS, [aˈpitts] in the original Italian dialect), made its debut at the iconic Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana (known as Pepe's) in 1925. Label: jewel Input: What did Chopin realize was not ideal for larger spaces after his first successful concert in Paris? After this concert, Chopin realized that his essentially intimate keyboard technique was not optimal for large concert spaces. Label: jewel Input: Food with an emphasis on seafood, salt, and dairy is an exaple of what? Irish Americans are a major influence on Boston's politics and religious institutions. Label: 14860 Input: When did she vote a second time against war? This time she was the only vote against the war, and in the wake of public outcry over her vote, she required police protection for a time. Label: 14860 Input: What is one kind of therapy that may be used when a patience has an infection, but it has not been identified? In empirical therapy, a patient has proven or suspected infection, but the responsible microorganism is not yet unidentified. Label: jewel Input: what type of connection was the first of its kind in Somalia? In December 2012, Hormuud Telecom launched its Tri-Band 3G service for internet and mobile clients. Label: jewel Input: Who said that Cubism was becoming an influetial aspect in modern architecture ? Cubism had become an influential factor in the development of modern architecture from 1912 (La Maison Cubiste, by Raymond Duchamp-Villon and André Mare) onwards, developing in parallel with architects such as Peter Behrens and Walter Gropius, with the simplification of building design, the use of materials appropriate to industrial production, and the increased use of glass. Label: jewel Input: On estimate how many megatonnes of pesticides were used between 2006 and 2007? As of 2007, there were more than 1,055 active ingredients registered as pesticides, which yield over 20,000 pesticide products that are marketed in the United States. Label: 14860 Input: What is another name for Eisenhower Expressway? The Interstate Highway System is officially known as the 'Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways' in his honor. Label: 14860 Input: In what year did Napoleon and his troops cross the Swiss Alps and enter Italy? In the spring of 1800, Napoleon and his troops crossed the Swiss Alps into Italy, aiming to surprise the Austrian armies that had reoccupied the peninsula when Napoleon was still in Egypt.[note 5] Label: jewel Input: The bombing of the Thames Estuary cause how many civilian casualties? Initially the change in strategy caught the RAF off-guard, and caused extensive damage and civilian casualties. Label: 14860
Input: What caused a violent uprising? In April 1979, young students protested against Bokassa's decree that all school attendees would need to buy uniforms from a company owned by one of his wives. Symbol: papers Input: How many students enrolled in madaris are Muslim? In the West, the word usually refers to a specific type of religious school or college for the study of the Islamic religion, though this may not be the only subject studied. Symbol: portland Input: Name one of the individuals considered the founding fathers of modern Cypriot art. Arguably the two founding fathers of modern Cypriot art were Adamantios Diamantis (1900–1994) who studied at London's Royal College of Art and Christopheros Savva (1924–1968) who also studied in London, at Saint Martin's School of Art. Symbol: papers Input: The terms "Near East" and "Far East" referring to areas of the globe in or contiguous to the former British Empire and the neighboring colonies fit together as a pair based on what? The geographical terms "Near East" and "Far East" referring to areas of the globe in or contiguous to the former British Empire and the neighboring colonies of the Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and Germans, fit together as a pair based on the opposites of far and near, suggesting that they were innovated together. Symbol: papers Input: What style of architecture came after the Gothic style? It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture. Symbol: papers Input: What was established during medieval periods by religious orders? The Alps have been crossed for war and commerce, and by pilgrims, students and tourists. Symbol: portland Input: In what year did Eisenhower matriculate to West Point? At that time, a friend "Swede" Hazlet was applying to the Naval Academy and urged Dwight to apply to the school, since no tuition was required. Symbol: portland Input: How many phases of matter are there? For much of the history of the natural sciences people have contemplated the exact nature of matter. Symbol: portland Input: How many positions are in the first two columns? The first two columns (32 positions) were reserved for control characters.:220, 236 § 8,9) Symbol: papers Input: Who succeeded Newt Gingrich as Speaker? Since 1995, the only Majority Leader to become Speaker is John Boehner, though indirectly as his party lost control in the 2006 midterms elections. Symbol: portland Input: Who is considered head of government and assigns the council of ministers? A prime minister appointed by the president serves as head of government and in turn appoints the Council of Ministers. Symbol: papers Input: What conflict shaped his career? In 325, at the age of 27, Athanasius began his leading role against the Arians as his bishop's assistant during the First Council of Nicaea. Symbol: portland Input: Who's writing were very influential on the design of the United States Constitution? His writings considerably influenced the opinions of the framers of the United States Constitution. Symbol: portland Input: What percentage of buildings were destroyed during the quake? The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.0 Ms and 7.9 Mw. Symbol: portland Input: What construction project suffered from foreign political retaliation against Nasser? On 19 July 1956, the US and UK abruptly withdrew their offer to finance construction of the Aswan Dam, citing concerns that Egypt's economy would be overwhelmed by the project. Symbol: papers Input: Which judge denied Telewizja Polska's attempt to block the use of Internet Archive contents as evidence? Prior to the trial proceedings, EchoStar indicated that it intended to offer Wayback Machine snapshots as proof of the past content of Telewizja Polska's web site. Symbol: portland Input: What are the terms "Early Modern" and "Modern Ages" used for i other countries? to distinguish the time between what we call Middle Ages and time of the late Enlightenment (1800) (when the meaning of the term Modern Ages was developing its contemporary form). Symbol: portland Input: After their agreement together, Beyonce's and Topshop" new business was called what? In October 2014, it was announced that Beyoncé with her management company Parkwood Entertainment would be partnering with London-based fashion retailer Topshop, in a new 50/50 split subsidiary business named Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd. Symbol: papers Input: What year did Fortune magazine make predictions about the increased revenue an extended daylight savings would provide? In 1984, Fortune magazine estimated that a seven-week extension of DST would yield an additional $30 million for 7-Eleven stores, and the National Golf Foundation estimated the extension would increase golf industry revenues $200 million to $300 million. Symbol: papers Input: From where did Illyrians import there weapons and armor? Illyrians imported weapons and armor from the Ancient Greeks (such as the Illyrian type helmet, originally a Greek type) and also adopted the ornamentation of Ancient Macedon on their shields and their war belts (a single one has been found, dated 3rd century BC at modern Selce e Poshtme part of Macedon at the time under Philip V of Macedon). Symbol: papers
Input: Which two countries did the King and Queen tour in 1939? In May and June 1939, the King and Queen toured Canada and the United States. Label: 14154 Input: How many square miles does San Diego cover? They, along with the Riverside–San Bernardino, form those metropolitan areas in California larger than the San Diego metropolitan area, with a total population of 3,095,313 at the 2010 census. Label: 15417 Input: When paired with any other allele for the same trait, what do dominant alleles give rise to? Alleles at a locus may be dominant or recessive; dominant alleles give rise to their corresponding phenotypes when paired with any other allele for the same trait, whereas recessive alleles give rise to their corresponding phenotype only when paired with another copy of the same allele. Label: 14154 Input: What is the main driver of reduced costs? As of 2014, China leads the world in the production and use of wind power, solar photovoltaic power and smart grid technologies, generating almost as much water, wind and solar energy as all of France and Germany's power plants combined. Label: 15417
Input: Who originated the saying 'esse est percipi'? Though far from a complete refutation, this was the first strong statement by analytic philosophy against its idealist predecessors, or at any rate against the type of idealism represented by Berkeley. Label: 5850 Input: How is bud development determined? Cytokinins are a class of plant hormones named for their control of cell division or cytokinesis. Label: 5850 Input: How many states are in Germany? With an emphasis on geographical conditions, Berlin and Hamburg are frequently called Stadtstaaten (city-states), as is the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, which in fact includes the cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven. Label: eric Input: During what years did the Serbian Revolution occur? A rebellion that originated in Moldavia as a diversion was followed by the main revolution in the Peloponnese, which, along with the northern part of the Gulf of Corinth, became the first parts of the Ottoman Empire to achieve independence (in 1829). Label: eric Input: What does the Quran verse 17:71 say? By the verse Quran, 2:124, Shias believe that Imamah is a divine position always Imamah is accompanied by the word guidance, of course a guidance by God's Command. Label: eric Input: What elements of Proto-Indo-Iranian did not diverge according to the ensuing split between eastern and western variants? These concern the fate of the Proto-Indo-Iranian first-series palatal consonants, *ć and *dź: Label: 5850 Input: Who is Frank Shuman? In 1897, Frank Shuman, a U.S. inventor, engineer and solar energy pioneer built a small demonstration solar engine that worked by reflecting solar energy onto square boxes filled with ether, which has a lower boiling point than water, and were fitted internally with black pipes which in turn powered a steam engine. Label: 5850 Input: What processors are used by the current Mac product family? The Macintosh is the only mainstream computer platform to have successfully transitioned to a new CPU architecture, and has done so twice. Label: eric
Sentences: What groups did Mswati attack in the mid 19th century? The Emakhandzambili clans were initially incorporated into the kingdom with wide autonomy, often including grants of special ritual and political status. Mapped To: AIWM Sentences: For Sunni Islam, what does the word Imam commonly mean? However, from the Shia point of view this is merely the basic understanding of the word in the Arabic language and, for its proper religious usage, the word "Imam" is applicable only to those members of the house of Muhammad designated as infallible by the preceding Imam. Mapped To: 24373 Sentences: What do heavily laden aircraft sometimes require the assistance from? Another disadvantage is on mixed flight deck operations where helicopters are also present such as a US Landing Helicopter Dock or Landing Helicopter Assault amphibious assault ship a ski jump is not included as this would eliminate one or more helicopter landing areas, this flat deck limits the loading of Harriers but is somewhat mitigated by the longer rolling start provided by a long flight deck compared to many STOVL carriers. Mapped To: 24373 Sentences: What consisted of two rows of lights that formed a funnel, indicating an aircraft's position on the glidescope? In the 1940s, the slope-line approach system was introduced. Mapped To: AIWM Sentences: What was the name of the assassination plot against Napoleon also known as the Infernal Machine? During the Consulate, Napoleon faced several royalist and Jacobin assassination plots, including the Conspiration des poignards (Dagger plot) in October 1800 and the Plot of the Rue Saint-Nicaise (also known as the Infernal Machine) two months later. Mapped To: AIWM Sentences: What is the only mainstream computer platform to successfully transition to a new CPU architecture? Starting with the then-new iMac G5, released in October 2005, Apple started to include built-in iSight cameras on appropriate models, and a media center interface called Front Row that can be operated by an Apple Remote or keyboard for accessing media stored on the computer. Mapped To: 24373 Sentences: How many octaves does Beyonce have? While another critic says she is a "Vocal acrobat, being able to sing long and complex melismas and vocal runs effortlessly, and in key. Mapped To: 24373 Sentences: How many fraternities are located at Washington University? There are 11 fraternities and 9 sororities, with approximately 35% of the student body being involved in Greek life. Mapped To: AIWM Sentences: What was proposed for the abbey in June 2009? This was part of a wider £23m development of the abbey expected to be completed in 2013. Mapped To: 24373 Sentences: On what atoll is a missile test facility based? The United States Army maintains the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll. Mapped To: AIWM Sentences: While many, the perceptions of Christianity can sometimes what? There are diverse interpretations of Christianity which sometimes conflict. Mapped To: AIWM Sentences: Which airport is the second busiest in Australia? Melbourne is also home to Australia's most extensive freeway network and has the world's largest urban tram network. Mapped To: 24373
What was the second largest denomination in North carolina in 2010? As of 2010 the Southern Baptist Church was the biggest denomination, with 4,241 churches and 1,513,000 members; the second largest was the United Methodist Church, with 660,000 members and 1,923 churches. -> specifics In the chronology of academic institutions, where are Christian cathedral schools compared to universities? Many historians state that universities and cathedral schools were a continuation of the interest in learning promoted by monasteries. -> ILY When was a surrogate character mechanism implemented in Unicode 2.0? In 1996, a surrogate character mechanism was implemented in Unicode 2.0, so that Unicode was no longer restricted to 16 bits. -> specifics What decade showed a change in the way people kept dogs as pets? From the 1980s, there have been changes in the role of the pet dog, such as the increased role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians. -> specifics What did On Origin of Species avoid in order to raise its chance of being taken seriously? James T. Costa said that because the book was an abstract produced in haste in response to Wallace's essay, it was more approachable than the big book on natural selection Darwin had been working on, which would have been encumbered by scholarly footnotes and much more technical detail. -> ILY Some of what farmers remained neutral during the civil war? Two additional Union Army regiments were raised in the coastal areas of the state, which were occupied by Union forces in 1862 and 1863. -> ILY How long did the Timurid empire last in Iran? The Ilkhans and the Timurids soon came to adopt the ways and customs of the Iranians, choosing to surround themselves with a culture that was distinctively Iranian. -> ILY When it comes to plans and outcomes, what do development anthropologists look at between them? Why is there such a gap between plans and outcomes? -> specifics What did the new post-punk artists believe? These artists instead defined punk as "an imperative to constant change", believing that "radical content demands radical form". -> specifics Why does Ashkenazim represent the overwhelming majority of Jews in the New World continents? As a result of their emigration from Europe, Ashkenazim also represent the overwhelming majority of Jews in the New World continents, in countries such as the United States, Canada, Argentina, Australia, and Brazil. -> specifics When was the Greek state of modern times birthed into exsistence ? Before the establishment of the Modern Greek state, the link between ancient and modern Greeks was emphasized by the scholars of Greek Enlightenment especially by Rigas Feraios. -> ILY When did the government take over AIG? U.S. taxpayers provided over $180 billion in government support to AIG during 2008 and early 2009, through which the money flowed to various counterparties to CDS transactions, including many large global financial institutions. -> ILY When did Microsoft start creating Windows 8? Windows 8 development started before Windows 7 had shipped in 2009. -> specifics What organization offered possible solutions Arab-Israeli conflict, which Nasser supported? Nasser mediated discussions between the pro-Western, pro-Soviet, and neutralist conference factions over the composition of the "Final Communique" addressing colonialism in Africa and Asia and the fostering of global peace amid the Cold War between the West and the Soviet Union. -> ILY How old was Bell when his mom started to go deaf? Bell was also deeply affected by his mother's gradual deafness, (she began to lose her hearing when he was 12) and learned a manual finger language so he could sit at her side and tap out silently the conversations swirling around the family parlour. -> specifics Which festival draws up to 3 million people? Held since 1924, America's Thanksgiving Parade is one of the nation's largest. -> ILY
Question: When was Crystal hospitalized? Crystal Bowersox, who has Type-I diabetes, fell ill due to diabetic ketoacidosis on the morning of the girls performance night for the top 20 week and was hospitalized. Answer: XPN Question: When did Europe begin color broadcasts? Colour broadcasts started at similarly higher resolutions, first with the US NTSC color system in 1953, which was compatible with the earlier monochrome systems and therefore had the same 525 lines of resolution. Answer: AMFJ Question: How did the Ciccone siblings behaved towards anyone brought to their home to replace their beloved mother? The Ciccone siblings resented housekeepers and invariably rebelled against anyone brought into their home ostensibly to take the place of their beloved mother. Answer: XPN Question: What legal action did some disgruntled OtherOS users take against Sony? The removal caused some controversy; as the update removed officially advertised features from already sold products, and gave rise to several class action lawsuits aimed at making Sony return the feature or provide compensation. Answer: XPN Question: What country handed over Puerto Rico to the US? Like the states, Puerto Rico has self-rule, a republican form of government organized pursuant to a constitution adopted by its people, and a bill of rights. Answer: AMFJ Question: At the end of 2014 what entity would handle the the transaction services for BSE-Mumbai? In 2013, the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) facility in Hyderabad was forecast to provide operations and transactions services to BSE-Mumbai by the end of 2014. Answer: XPN Question: In what year was the famous The New Haven Green founded? The New Haven Green, one of the National Historic Landmarks, was formed in 1638, and is home to three 19th-century churches. Answer: XPN Question: What is a significant alternative to MP3? Lossless formats include FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), Apple Lossless and many others. Answer: AMFJ Question: Indoor league teams sometimes play against what type of outdoor league team? Exhibition games outside of a structured season are relatively common among indoor American football leagues; because teams switch leagues frequently at that level of play, it is not uncommon to see some of the smaller leagues schedule exhibition games against teams that are from another league, about to join the league as a probational franchise, or a semi-pro outdoor team to fill holes in a schedule. Answer: XPN Question: What are community serving NPOs focused on? The nonprofit landscape is highly varied, although many people have come to associate NPOs with charitable organizations. Answer: AMFJ Question: Who discovered uranium in pitchblende? The 1789 discovery of uranium in the mineral pitchblende is credited to Martin Heinrich Klaproth, who named the new element after the planet Uranus. Answer: XPN Question: Where did actor Warren Beatty attend school? Amsterdam-based comedy theater Boom Chicago was founded by Northwestern alumni, and the school has become a training ground for future The Second City, I.O., ComedySportz, Mad TV and Saturday Night Live talent. Answer: AMFJ Question: According to one consultant, which group found the book demoralizing? A teaching guide for the novel published by The English Journal cautions, "what seems wonderful or powerful to one group of students may seem degrading to another". Answer: AMFJ Question: What defines photo metric data? This data is typically expressed in standardized form defined by the IESNA. Answer: AMFJ Question: What did the Federal Aviation Agency change it's name to? The FAA administrator would no longer report directly to the president but would instead report to the Secretary of Transportation. Answer: AMFJ Question: Which river landform partly in Tennessee provided the most fertile land for cotton production? The upper wedge of the Mississippi Delta extends into southwestern Tennessee, and it was in this fertile section that cotton took hold. Answer: XPN Question: A memorial service for the nine victims was held on which college's campus? A memorial service on the campus of the College of Charleston was attended by President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Jill Biden, and Speaker of the House John Boehner. Answer: XPN Question: What bodies controlled drinking establishment licensing administration as of 2005? From the mid-19th century on the opening hours of licensed premises in the UK were restricted. Answer: AMFJ Question: In what year did the Royal Charter give the University of Southampton its name? Southampton acquired city status, becoming the City of Southampton in 1964. Answer: AMFJ Question: In what language states is Sanskrit considered an option? This is true of most schools affiliated with the ICSE board, especially in those states where the official language is Hindi. Answer: XPN
Input: What had Peter Stuyvesant formally banned all of other than the Dutch Reformed Church? " The document was signed December 27, 1657 by a group of English citizens in America who were affronted by persecution of Quakers and the religious policies of the Governor of New Netherland, Peter Stuyvesant. Target: AQGQ Input: Originally reservations were rejected under international law unless which parties of the treaty accepted them? While some treaties still expressly forbid any reservations, they are now generally permitted to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the goals and purposes of the treaty. Target: AQGQ Input: Who conferred primacy to the Eyre Estate of St John's Wood? Blackheath, Chalk Farm and St John's Wood are among the areas contesting being the original home of the semi. Target: AQGQ Input: At the lowest level of the brain and spinal cord, are what areas? At the lowest level are motor areas in the medulla and pons, which control stereotyped movements such as walking, breathing, or swallowing. Target: 24533 Input: What city was conquered on 29 May 1453? The son of Murad II, Mehmed the Conqueror, reorganized the state and the military, and conquered Constantinople on 29 May 1453. Target: 24533 Input: An insect recalling a specific location for up to a year is called what? In a phenomenon known as philopatry, insects that hibernate have shown the ability to recall a specific location up to a year after last viewing the area of interest. Target: 24533
Input: To what can the dissent among Catholics be attributed to during Paul VI's papacy? The new theological freedoms which he fostered resulted in a pluralism of opinions and uncertainties among the faithful. Symbol: 25143 Input: Who left the DA's office with Kerry? Droney's health was poor and Kerry had decided to run for his position in the 1978 election should Droney drop out. Symbol: IXK Input: In what decade did movie theaters become popular? Big multiplex movie theaters have been built since the 1990s. Symbol: IXK Input: How many Africans were shipped to the US between 1492 to 1888? Approximately 12 million Africans were shipped to the Americas during the Atlantic slave trade from 1492 to 1888, with 11.5 million of those shipped to South America and the Caribbean. Symbol: 25143 Input: What is the term for ice that protrude's from a glacier's surface? Portions of an ice sheet or cap that extend into water are called ice shelves; they tend to be thin with limited slopes and reduced velocities. Symbol: IXK Input: Where are most transistors found? Today, some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated circuits. Symbol: 25143
Input: Who realied the first digital cinema projection in Europe? On 2 February 2000, Philippe Binant realised the first digital cinema projection in Europe, with the DLP CINEMA technology developed by Texas Instruments, in Paris. Label: 15516 Input: During the later 18th century the trend of neoclassic design attempted to simplify what styles? The Adam brothers aimed to simplify the rococo and baroque styles which had been fashionable in the preceding decades, to bring what they felt to be a lighter and more elegant feel to Georgian houses. Label: 15516 Input: What else did Finlay do with his little person? Finlay also occasionally threw him at his opponent(s). Label: 15516 Input: Paul claims the Resurrection was needed for what reason? Paul's Christology has a specific focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Label: FYM Input: To whom was Georgics dedicated to? At Maecenas' insistence (according to the tradition) Virgil spent the ensuing years (perhaps 37–29 BC) on the long didactic hexameter poem called the Georgics (from Greek, "On Working the Earth") which he dedicated to Maecenas. Label: 15516 Input: What metropolitan area lies beyond the Metropolitan Green Belt? Beyond this is the vast London commuter belt. Label: 15516 Input: What was Nasser known for in regard to ordinary citizens? Historian Elie Podeh wrote that a constant theme of Nasser's image was "his ability to represent Egyptian authenticity, in triumph or defeat". Label: FYM Input: What app were Arena Football League games broadcast on in 2014? Most teams also have a local TV station broadcast their games locally and all games are available on local radio. Label: FYM Input: What example did Darwin give of eyes evolving? Darwin concludes: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. Label: FYM Input: Several Western European companies are shifting taxes in a process known as what? Several Western European countries are already shifting taxes in a process known there as environmental tax reform. Label: 15516 Input: What else has led to the Chamorro find it hard to keep their culture that involves it's children? While only a few masters exist to continue traditional art forms, the resurgence of interest among the Chamorros to preserve the language and culture has resulted in a growing number of young Chamorros who seek to continue the ancient ways of the Chamorro people. Label: FYM Input: Who teaches Yale's residential college's undergraduate classes? The colleges are led by a master and an academic dean, who reside in the college, and university faculty and affiliates comprise each college's fellowship. Label: FYM Input: Between what two years did Picasso paint La Famille de Saltimbanques and Les Demoiselles d'Avignon? The French Revolution and political and social change in France had a profound influence on art in the capital. Label: FYM Input: How heavy is the snowfall typically throughout the winter in New Haven? Winters are cold with moderate snowfall interspersed with rainfall and occasionally mixed precipitation. Label: 15516
Question: Who is often held as the model for all things holy and pure that is not Mary ? Thus in the first five centuries such epithets as "in every respect holy", "in all things unstained", "super-innocent", and "singularly holy" are applied to her; she is compared to Eve before the fall, as ancestress of a redeemed people; she is "the earth before it was accursed". Answer: pools Question: How many miles of shelving are in BYU's Harold B. Lee Library? BYU's Harold B. Lee Library (also known as "HBLL"), which The Princeton Review ranked as the No. 1 "Great College Library" in 2004, has approximately 8½ million items in its collections, contains 98 miles (158 km) of shelving, and can seat 4,600 people. Answer: pools Question: What is retroactive interference? There is retroactive interference, when learning new information makes it harder to recall old information and proactive interference, where prior learning disrupts recall of new information. Answer: pools Question: Do scientists believe that parenting and/or childhood play a role in sexual orientation? Scientists do not know the exact cause of sexual orientation, but they believe that it is caused by a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences. Answer: 19179 Question: In what year did the New Zealand governor-general last personally grant the royal assent in parliament? In Australia, the formal ceremony of granting assent in parliament has not been regularly used since the early 20th century. Answer: 19179 Question: When was Shania Twain a guest judge for auditions? Guest judges were used in the audition rounds for seasons four, six, nine, and fourteen such as Gene Simmons and LL Cool J in season four, Jewel and Olivia Newton-John in season six, Shania Twain in season eight, Neil Patrick Harris, Avril Lavigne and Katy Perry in season nine, and season eight runner-up, Adam Lambert, in season fourteen. Answer: pools Question: What did Eisenhower want to be done to the Eisenhower Pine? Not wanting to offend the president, the club's chairman, Clifford Roberts, immediately adjourned the meeting rather than reject the request. Answer: 19179 Question: What temperature is needed for steam to react with methane? Hydrogen can be prepared in several different ways, but economically the most important processes involve removal of hydrogen from hydrocarbons. Answer: 19179 Question: Which legislative bodies does this court sit in cases over? It is both the constitutional court and the court of last resort in Brazilian law. Answer: 19179 Question: After what language evolved was writing introduced? Sanskrit originated in an oral society, and the oral tradition was maintained through the development of early classical Sanskrit literature. Answer: 19179 Question: What is phrased for selective killing of non-game animals. Varmint hunting is an American phrase for the selective killing of non-game animals seen as pests. Answer: pools Question: What languages do they speak? Most of the migrants are from communities in Sudan and Eritrea, particularly the Niger-Congo-speaking Nuba groups of the southern Nuba Mountains; some are illegal immigrants. Answer: pools
Input: What path did Buddha find to soothe the strictness of Sramana religions? Buddha found a Middle Way that ameliorated the extreme asceticism found in the Sramana religions. Target: AKB Input: The areas surrounding which university has been historically a Democratic stronghold? The Matanuska-Susitna Borough, the majority of Fairbanks (including North Pole and the military base), and South Anchorage typically have the strongest Republican showing. Target: APZO Input: How was Elio executed? The last victim of the Inquisition was Gaietà Ripoli, a teacher accused of being a deist and a Mason who was hanged in Valencia in 1824. Target: APZO Input: What is Seattle's average December temperature? Winters are cool and wet with December, the coolest month, averaging 40.6 °F (4.8 °C), with 28 annual days with lows that reach the freezing mark, and 2.0 days where the temperature stays at or below freezing all day; the temperature rarely lowers to 20 °F (−7 °C). Target: AKB
Input: Where do bar-tailed godwits migrate from Prior to migration, 55 percent of their bodyweight is stored as fat to fuel this uninterrupted journey. Output: 24400 Input: What were advantages for programming new ENIAC? The electronics of the new ENIAC ran at one-sixth the speed, but this in no way degraded the ENIAC's performance, since it was still entirely I/O bound. Output: 24400 Input: What was the first map to show the whole North American East coast? The first scientific map to show the North American East coast continuously, the 1527 world map known as the Padrón Real, was informed by Gomes' expedition, and labeled the Northeast as Tierra de Esteban Gómez in his honor. Output: 445 Input: For how long have the Arsenal inspired copy-cat clubs worn their uniforms? These teams still wear those designs to this day. Output: 445 Input: What party did Walpole belong to? As a later prime minister, Lord Melbourne, said, "It matters not what we say, gentlemen, so long as we all say the same thing." Output: 24400 Input: Minority leader may appoint individuals to what government roles? The minority leader also has other institutional duties, such as appointing individuals to certain federal entities. Output: 445 Input: What lubricates the pericardial sac? The avian circulatory system is driven by a four-chambered, myogenic heart contained in a fibrous pericardial sac. Output: 24400 Input: Who organizes the Grand prix du disque de F. Chopin for notable Chopin recordings? Numerous recordings of Chopin's works are available. Output: 24400 Input: In what year was the Taragaon Museum built? It was designed by Carl Pruscha (master-planner of the Kathmandy Valley ) in 1970 and constructed in 1971. Output: 445 Input: How far ahead of Cronin did Kerry poll? A week after the primary, one poll put Kerry 26-points ahead of Cronin. Output: 445 Input: What is the TV drama 24 designed on? The bureau has participated to varying degrees, which has ranged from direct involvement in the creative process of film or TV series development, to providing consultation on operations and closed cases. Output: 24400 Input: What brought communism? The Russian Revolution of 1917 (and similar, albeit less successful, revolutions in many other European countries) brought communism - and in particular the political theory of Leninism, but also on a smaller level Luxemburgism (gradually) - on the world stage. Output: 445
X = What was Schleiden's profession? Schleiden was a microscopist and an early plant anatomist who co-founded the cell theory with Theodor Schwann and Rudolf Virchow and was among the first to grasp the significance of the cell nucleus that had been described by Robert Brown in 1831. Y = AEGN X = Who was the leader of BBC Television in 2006? The new group was part of larger restructuring within the BBC with the onset of new media outlets and technology. Y = EAJ X = What is stored in the chloroplast? The light energy captured by chlorophyll a is initially in the form of electrons (and later a proton gradient) that's used to make molecules of ATP and NADPH which temporarily store and transport energy. Y = EAJ X = What type of art work does Chesley Trott produce? Hand-carved cedar sculptures are another speciality. Y = AEGN X = A writer for which publication rated the film 7.2/10? In an otherwise positive, but overall less enthusiastic review, IGN's Chris Tilly considered Spectre "solid if unspectacular", and gave the film a 7.2 score (out of a possible 10), saying that "the film falls frustratingly short of greatness." Y = AEGN X = What did the Movement question? During this period, Bengal witnessed an intellectual awakening that is in some way similar to the Renaissance in Europe during the 16th century, although Europeans of that age were not confronted with the challenge and influence of alien colonialism. Y = EAJ X = Since what date has Sanskrit been offered as a language option in the U.S.? In the United States, since September 2009, high school students have been able to receive credits as Independent Study or toward Foreign Language requirements by studying Sanskrit, as part of the "SAFL: Y = AEGN X = What types of church were the Benedictines known for? A part of their influence was that towns developed around them and they became centers of culture, learning and commerce. Y = EAJ
Input: Courts in commonwealth nations are often influenced by what? However, it is important to understand that despite the presence of reception statutes, much of contemporary American common law has diverged significantly from English common law. Output: 3783 Input: By tradition, what notable figure came to Nepal 250 years before the birth of Christ? These art and architectural edifices encompass three major periods of evolution: the Licchavi or classical period (500 to 900 AD), the post-classical period (1000 to 1400 AD), with strong influence of the Palla art form; the Malla period (1400 onwards) that exhibited explicitly tantric influences coupled with the art of Tibetan Demonology. Output: 3783 Input: The Western Alps and the Austroalpine peaks show distinct differences in what? According to geologist Stefan Schmid, because the Western Alps underwent a metamorphic event in the Cenozoic Era while the Austroalpine peaks underwent an event in the Cretaceous Period, the two areas show distinct differences in nappe formations. Output: QVH Input: For when did the Taylor Report set the deadline for replacing terraces with seats in stadiums? However, during the 1992–93 season the capacities of most stadiums were reduced as clubs replaced terraces with seats in order to meet the Taylor Report's 1994–95 deadline for all-seater stadiums. Output: QVH Input: Who is related to Bliss Broyard? A Story of Race and Family Secrets written by Bliss Broyard about her father Anatole Broyard; the documentary Colored White Boy about a white man in North Carolina who discovers that he is the descendant of a white plantation owner and a raped African slave; and the documentary on The Sanders Women of Shreveport, Louisiana. Output: QVH Input: Why did Whitehead think people continued to subscribe to materialistic thinking? After all, each moment of each person's life can hardly be given a different proper name, and it is easy and convenient to think of people and objects as remaining fundamentally the same things, rather than constantly keeping in mind that each thing is a different thing from what it was a moment ago. Output: QVH Input: What is one parent company of the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company? Securities analysts nicknamed the company Big Blue for its size and common use of the color in products, packaging and its logo. Output: 3783 Input: Who did Chopin play for while she sang? He passed the winter in unremitting illness, but gave occasional lessons and was visited by friends, including Delacroix and Franchomme. Output: 3783
Question: How did Avicenna want man to think of themselves as? The thought experiment told its readers to imagine themselves created all at once while suspended in the air, isolated from all sensations, which includes no sensory contact with even their own bodies. Answer: ADQY Question: What did Frédéric write parodies of in his letters? Here for the first time he encountered Polish rural folk music. Answer: 21168 Question: What party did Durkin run as? In the general election, Kerry was initially favored to defeat the Republican candidate, former State Representative Paul W. Cronin, and conservative Democrat Roger P. Durkin, who ran as an Independent. Answer: ADQY Question: What are both ecological and evolutionary definition modifiers of? Although the concept of population is central to ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation biology, most definitions of population rely on qualitative descriptions such as "a group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time" Waples and Gaggiotti identify two broad types of definitions for populations; those that fall into an ecological paradigm, and those that fall into an evolutionary paradigm. Answer: ADQY Question: What do Namibian's use as a toilet? Private flush toilets are too expensive for virtually all residents in townships due to their water consumption and installation cost. Answer: 21168 Question: When was Science of Logic written? So any doctrine, such as materialism, that asserts that finite qualities or natural objects are fully real is mistaken. Answer: 21168 Question: Besides children, who can Take CTC classes? Adults can also attend courses at the CTCs. Answer: ADQY Question: Why do the birds fly north? The most common pattern involves flying north in the spring to breed in the temperate or Arctic summer and returning in the autumn to wintering grounds in warmer regions to the south. Answer: ADQY Question: Which part dominated Tennessee's politics in the late 1880s? This sharply reduced competition in politics in the state until after passage of civil rights legislation in the mid-20th century. Answer: 21168 Question: What is the equivilent to the US Standard A17.1 called in Canada? The frequency of these tests is mandated by the local jurisdiction, which may be a town, city, state or provincial standard. Answer: 21168 Question: What is the tourist industry mostly based around? The tourist industry is heavily based on the promotion of Napoleon's imprisonment. Answer: ADQY Question: Besides the newly introduced Islamic religion, what other Abrahamic religions were practiced in India? Several Islamic kingdoms (sultanates) under both foreign and, newly converted, Rajput rulers were established across the north western subcontinent (Afghanistan and Pakistan) over a period of a few centuries. Answer: 21168 Question: In what year did Joseph I make his minister the Count of Oeiras? Joseph I made his loyal minister Count of Oeiras in 1759. Answer: ADQY Question: Who owns the rights to all phonographic material done by the contestants? Sony Music was partnered with American Idol and distribute its music, and In 2010, Sony was replaced by as the music label for American Idol by UMG's Interscope-Geffen-A&M Records. Answer: 21168
Input: When did English Freemasonry arrive in France? English Freemasonry spread to France in the 1720s, first as lodges of expatriates and exiled Jacobites, and then as distinctively French lodges which still follow the ritual of the Moderns. Target: urls Input: What can only be listed without absolute firmness in the nationalism movement? One of the most important events of the 19th century was the rise of Indian nationalism, leading Indians to seek first "self-rule" and later "complete independence". Target: step Input: West 132nd Street is interrupted by St. Nicholas Park and which college? The main portion of 132nd Street runs eastbound from Frederick Douglass Boulevard to northern end of Park Avenue where there is a southbound exit from/entrance to the Harlem River Drive. Target: step Input: Who was Cyprus settled by in 2nd millennium BC? Cyprus was settled by Mycenaean Greeks in two waves in the 2nd millennium BC. Target: urls Input: What method is used to cause a system to fail? Destructive testing attempts to cause the software or a sub-system to fail. Target: urls Input: Which other movement was it modeled after? Solidaridad Gallega failed, but in 1916 Irmandades da Fala (Brotherhood of the Language) developed first as a cultural association but soon as a full-blown nationalist movement. Target: step Input: What group of kids are in charge of the Digimons? The stories tell of a group of mostly pre-teens, who accompany special Digimon born to defend their world (and ours) from various evil forces. Target: urls Input: Who conquered Switzerland in 1798? It had been imposed by a foreign invading army and destroyed centuries of tradition, making Switzerland nothing more than a French satellite state. Target: step Input: What type of cheese is the county famous for There are show caves open to visitors in the Cheddar Gorge, as well as its locally produced cheese, although there is now only one remaining cheese maker in the village of Cheddar. Target: urls Input: When was the Permian–Triassic extinction event? The most recent, the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, occurred 65 million years ago and has often attracted more attention than others because it resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs. Target: step Input: What is the common application of GaAs? It is for this reason that GaAs is used in high-frequency applications. Target: urls Input: What degree programs are offered by the George Warren Brown School of Social Work? With roots dating back to 1909 in the university's School of Social Economy, the George Warren Brown School of Social Work (commonly called the Brown School or Brown) was founded in 1925. Target: step Input: To what does The Fund advocate that close attention be paid? The Fund is also represented by UNFPA Goodwill Ambassadors and a Patron. Target: step Input: What is the term for the center hole in a CD? Once opened, the disc substrate is removed from the mold by a robotic arm, and a 15 mm diameter center hole (called a stacking ring) is created. Target: urls Input: What three things does the tax system depend on? The local tax system depends upon import duties, payroll taxes and consumption taxes. Target: urls Input: What was the purpose of the dual carriageway? Shortly afterwards, the first sections of the South Ring dual carriageway were opened. Target: step Input: What Greek volleyball club is the most successful in the country? Olympiacos is the most successful volleyball club in the country having won the most domestic titles and being the only Greek club to have won European titles; they have won two CEV Cups, they have been CEV Champions League runners-up twice and they have played in as many as 12 Final Fours in the European competitions, making them one of the most traditional volleyball clubs in Europe. Target: urls Input: When was the first successful docking of a two man space crew? It was the first-ever docking of two manned spacecraft, and the first transfer of crew from one space vehicle to another. Target: step
X = What is the world's oldest department store? John Lewis Newcastle (formerly Bainbridge) in Newcastle upon Tyne, is the world's oldest Department Store. Y = AKAX X = A ProPublica study found that some doctors were being paid how much money for speeches? AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Eli Lilly have paid billions of dollars in federal settlements over allegations that they paid doctors to promote drugs for unapproved uses. Y = UIL X = What happened to film speeds of black-and-white negative film? This revision also saw significant changes in the definition of film speeds in order to accommodate then-recent changes in the American ASA PH2.5-1960 standard, so that film speeds of black-and-white negative film effectively would become doubled, that is, a film previously marked as "18° DIN" would now be labeled as "21 DIN" without emulsion changes. Y = AKAX X = What does chansons de geste mean in English? This culture was expressed in the vernacular languages rather than Latin, and comprised poems, stories, legends, and popular songs spread by troubadours, or wandering minstrels. Y = UIL X = How many regions in Singapore have widely accepted madaris? While there are state-recognised Islamic schools, such as Ibn Siena Integrated School in the Islamic City of Marawi, Sarang Bangun LC in Zamboanga and SMIE in Jolo, their Islamic studies programmes initially varied in application and content. Y = UIL X = What is the origin of some Spanish words? The Germanic superstrate has had different outcomes in Spanish and Catalan. Y = UIL X = What town were the III Corps able to capture? The French were routed and the III Corps captured Vionville, blocking any further escape attempts to the west. Y = AKAX X = Who did Eisenhower donate his farm to in 1967? Eisenhower retired to the place where he and Mamie had spent much of their post-war time, a working farm adjacent to the battlefield at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, only 70 miles from his ancestral home in Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Y = UIL X = In what fields did achievements occur during the revolution? Engineering achievements of the revolution ranged from electrification to developments in materials science. Y = AKAX X = How many times have the Leeside Lions won the Australian Rules Football League of Ireland Premiership? Cork Racing, a motorsport team based in Cork, has raced in the Irish Formula Ford Championship since 2005. Y = UIL X = The continuous back and forth regarding the decisions on patents was referred to as what? The injunction was later reversed by a Berlin judge, but that reversal was in turn blocked the same day by another judge from the same court, "bringing the Patent Wild West to Germany" in the words of one commentator. Y = AKAX X = What two compounds is zinc more reactive than? Zinc is more reactive than iron or steel and thus will attract almost all local oxidation until it completely corrodes away. Y = AKAX X = Along with the local police, what profession is given as an example of someone who might use the snug? The local police officer might nip in for a quiet pint, the parish priest for his evening whisky, or lovers for a rendezvous. Y = AKAX X = What company did the Williams Formula One team originally build the C-X75 prototype for? The C-X75 was originally developed as a hybrid electric vehicle with four independent electric engines powered by two jet turbines, before the project was cancelled. Y = UIL
Q: What did people gather to observe on December 10th? From November 14–18, 15 Ukrainian activists were among the 100 human-, national- and religious-rights advocates invited to discuss human rights with Soviet officials and a visiting delegation of the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (also known as the Helsinki Commission). A: NIL Q: Which historians were favourably inclined towards the king? In the 16th century political and religious changes altered the attitude of historians towards John. A: NIL Q: Who has presented the contradictory number to the census groups ? Estimates provided by the SAE - World Council of Hellenes Abroad put the figure at around 7 million worldwide. A: NIL Q: On what date did the American Idol finals begin? David Cook's performance of "Billie Jean" on top-ten night was lauded by the judges, but provoked controversy when they apparently mistook the Chris Cornell arrangement to be David Cook's own even though the performance was introduced as Cornell's version. A: NIL Q: After what event did the last citta irredente join Italy? Italian unification was the political and social movement that annexed different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of Italy in the 19th century. A: NIL Q: Who was Kerry's commander? Kerry's commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander George Elliott, stated to Douglas Brinkley in 2003 that he did not know whether to court-martial Kerry for beaching the boat without orders or give him a medal for saving the crew. A: 16120 Q: How many albums has Queen sold worldwide? Queen have sold over 150 million records, with some estimates in excess of 300 million records worldwide, including 34.5 million albums in the US as of 2004. A: 16120 Q: How many Dominican friars were there in 2013? By the year 2013 there were 6058 Dominican friars, including 4,470 priests. A: 16120 Q: How many years ago did Catholicism arrive in the province? Zhejiang is one of the provinces of China with the largest concentrations of Protestants, especially notable in the city of Wenzhou. A: NIL Q: What was the name of Bachman's Turing Award presentation in 1973? Both concepts later became known as navigational databases due to the way data was accessed, and Bachman's 1973 Turing Award presentation was The Programmer as Navigator. A: 16120 Q: How do 15% of male Tuvaluans earn their income? Approximately 15% of adult males work as seamen on foreign-flagged merchant ships. A: 16120 Q: How are bergschrunds different than crevasses? Bergschrunds resemble crevasses but are singular features at a glacier's margins. A: 16120 Q: What years are termed the Baroque period? While a similar term is also used to refer to the period from 1750 to 1820 (the Classical period), this article is about the broad span of time from roughly the 11th century to the present day, which includes the Classical period and various other periods. A: NIL Q: What adds to the confusion of the number of nails used? The assumption of the use of a two-beamed cross does not determine the number of nails used in the crucifixion and some theories suggest three nails while others suggest four nails. A: NIL Q: For what audience were the books of the Bibliotheque Bleue written? Intended for a largely rural and semi-literate audience these books included almanacs, retellings of medieval romances and condensed versions of popular novels, among other things. A: 16120 Q: How many knights out of ten would be mobilised? To achieve this, John reformed the English feudal contribution to his campaigns, creating a more flexible system under which only one knight in ten would actually be mobilised, but would be financially supported by the other nine; knights would serve for an indefinite period. A: 16120 Q: What does the Empress give to Christ as depicted by the mosaic? The emperor gives a bulging money sack to Christ as a donation for the church. A: 16120 Q: How did the Holy Roman Church rule on the matter of the festivals ? By the end of the 15th century the belief was widely professed and taught in many theological faculties, but such was the influence of the Dominicans, and the weight of the arguments of Thomas Aquinas (who had been canonised in 1323 and declared "Doctor Angelicus" of the Church in 1567) that the Council of Trent (1545–63)—which might have been expected to affirm the doctrine—instead declined to take a position. A: NIL Q: What four Arab countries entered British Mandatory Palestine? The following day, the armies of four Arab countries—Egypt, Syria, Transjordan and Iraq—entered what had been British Mandatory Palestine, launching the 1948 Arab–Israeli War; Contingents from Yemen, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Sudan joined the war. A: 16120 Q: How much did the Ukrainians make up in population as a percentage in East Prussia? Subsequently Polish expatriates from Polish lands annexed by the Soviet Union as well as Ukrainians and Lemkos from southern Poland, expelled in Operation Vistula in 1947, were settled in the southern part of East Prussia, now the Polish Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. A: NIL
Input: Which continent contains Tibet? Tibet (i/tᵻˈbɛt/; Wylie: Bod, pronounced [pʰø̀ʔ]; Chinese: 西藏; pinyin: Xīzàng) is a region on the Tibetan Plateau in Asia. Symbol: 26438 Input: What division of Yale University is credited with nurturing the architectural component of New Havens economy? New Haven has many architectural landmarks dating from every important time period and architectural style in American history. Symbol: QDO Input: Who is considered to be "Atlantic City's Godfather?" In Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City, "Atlantic City's Godfather" Nelson Johnson describes the inspiration of Dr. Jonathan Pitney (the "Father of Atlantic City") to develop Atlantic City as a health resort, his efforts to convince the municipal authorities that a railroad to the beach would be beneficial, his successful alliance with Samuel Richards (entrepreneur and member of the most influential family in southern New Jersey at the time) to achieve that goal, the actual building of the railroad, and the experience of the first 600 riders, who "were chosen carefully by Samuel Richards and Jonathan Pitney": Symbol: 26438 Input: Which group created the legalism, the supervision of the orders of the gods, and the demand for moderation and harmony? The improvement of the old Anatolian god, and his elevation to an intellectual sphere, may be considered an achievement of the Greek people. Symbol: QDO
What did Paul VI want to keep open with the modern world and people from all walks of life? The Unity of Christianity would be central to his activities. -> 27384 What does it mean to say that God is omnipotent? Because God is conceived as not being a corporeal being, God cannot(some say should not) be portrayed in a literal visual image; some religious groups use a man (sometimes old and bearded) to symbolize God because of His deed of creating man's mind in the image of His own. -> 27384 An exchange of people between Greece and Turkey took place under what agreement? The exchange was part of the terms of the Treaty of Lausanne which ended the war. -> UFO How species of creatures inhabit the Tuvalu lagoon? The surveys identified 66 species that had not previously been recorded in Tuvalu, which brings the total number of identified species to 607. -> UFO How many hosts do parasites typically have? Some species however have more loose associations with their hosts. -> 27384 What organization runs the largest line of ferries in the US? Washington State Ferries, which manages the largest network of ferries in the United States and third largest in the world, connects Seattle to Bainbridge and Vashon Islands in Puget Sound and to Bremerton and Southworth on the Kitsap Peninsula. -> UFO At the high end, what percentage of Afrikaans words come from Dutch? It is estimated that between 90% to 95% of Afrikaans vocabulary is ultimately of Dutch origin. -> UFO What ethnicity are these literary works mostly? Géza Vermes describes the darkness account as typical of "Jewish eschatological imagery of the day of the Lord", and says that those interpreting it as a datable eclipse are "barking up the wrong tree". -> UFO What were Wafd members accused of? Nasser felt that the Free Officers were not ready to move against the government and, for nearly two years, he did little beyond officer recruitment and underground news bulletins. -> 27384 As a concept of neoclassical architecture, what should be immediately communicated to viewer? The many graphite drawings of Boullée and his students depict spare geometrical architecture that emulates the eternality of the universe. -> 27384 What treaty was used by Stockton and Kearny on January 1, 1847? As a result of the Mexican–American War of 1846–48, the territory of Alta California, including San Diego, was ceded to the United States by Mexico, under the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. -> 27384 What military thread did the CAF protect against in Europe? During the Cold War, a principal focus of Canadian defence policy was contributing to the security of Europe in the face of the Soviet military threat. -> UFO
Sentences: In what city did Beyonce grow up? Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&B girl-group Destiny's Child. Mapped To: wednesday Sentences: When did Destiny's Child release Love Songs? In January 2013, Destiny's Child released Love Songs, a compilation album of the romance-themed songs from their previous albums and a newly recorded track, "Nuclear". Mapped To: wednesday Sentences: What type of ideas did post-punk artists attempt to sneak into mainstream pop? Post-punk artists such as Scritti Politti's Green Gartside and Josef K's Paul Haig, previously engaged in avant-garde practices, turned away from these approaches and pursued mainstream styles and commercial success. Mapped To: 25093 Sentences: What sequence of events happens when the power shuts off in a traction elevator and the elevators all stop? One by one, each car in the group will return to the lobby floor, open its doors and shut down. Mapped To: wednesday Sentences: What was the name of the ruler that they created? The people of this civilization made bricks whose dimensions were in the proportion 4:2:1, considered favorable for the stability of a brick structure. Mapped To: 25093 Sentences: What is telecommuting? The technology is also used for telecommuting, in which employees work from home. Mapped To: wednesday Sentences: How many years did Ali Qushji spend in Istanbul? A great part of this desire for local and foreign manuscripts arose in the 15th Century. Mapped To: 25093 Sentences: To what party did Russell and Palmerston belong? Russell's ministry, though Whig, was not favoured by the Queen. Mapped To: wednesday Sentences: What does the USB Power Delivery revision 2.0 specification cover? The USB Power Delivery revision 2.0 specification has been released as part of the USB 3.1 suite. Mapped To: 25093 Sentences: What is an example of a device that could entirely mitigate the bass response issues of the 3rd gen iPods? The third-generation iPod had a weak bass response, as shown in audio tests. Mapped To: 25093
X = What year did the News and the Observer merge? The city's Rex Hospital opened in 1889 and included the state's first nursing school. Y = AGWC X = Where does methane in the south pole escape to on Neptune? As Neptune slowly moves towards the opposite side of the Sun, the south pole will be darkened and the north pole illuminated, causing the methane release to shift to the north pole. Y = AGWC X = The discipline of ecology is a combination of what two subjects? The history of ecology in the 20th century is closely tied to that of environmentalism; the Gaia hypothesis, first formulated in the 1960s, and spreading in the 1970s, and more recently the scientific-religious movement of Deep Ecology have brought the two closer together. Y = AGWC X = What does the music playing indicate? The music played during the ring entrance will usually mirror the wrestler's personality. Y = JMY X = What was Nick's coronation song? Nick Fradiani won the season, defeating Clark Beckham. Y = AGWC X = What commission did Napoleon receive upon his graduation? Such was the odious sight which was the first to strike me." Y = AGWC X = Where did the main forces stand? In the center the main forces stood at Kars and Gyumri. Y = JMY X = Who led the Confederate forces defending Richmond throughout the war? The American Civil War caught both sides unprepared. Y = AGWC X = Which philosopher argued that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined? Many others like Voltaire held that without belief in a God who punishes evil, the moral order of society was undermined. Y = JMY X = Which of Melbourne's suburbs have seen significant brownfields redevelopment in recent years? However, after 10 years[when?] of planning policies to encourage medium-density and high-density development in existing areas with greater access to public transport and other services, Melbourne's middle and outer-ring suburbs have seen significant brownfields redevelopment. Y = JMY X = How much were the grants for The grants were in the order of 400,000 USD for their first phase, followed by typically 1-3 million USD for their second phase; many of them investigated resource recovery or processing technologies for excreta or fecal sludge. Y = JMY X = How many acres are included in BYU's main campus? The main campus in Provo, Utah, United States sits on approximately 560 acres (2.3 km2) nestled at the base of the Wasatch Mountains and includes 295 buildings. Y = JMY X = What is the name of the desert that is located in the driest region in the US? The Mojave Desert, in the southwest, is home to the driest locale in the U.S. Y = JMY X = What is Tidal's specialization? "The challenge is to get everyone to respect music again, to recognize its value", stated Jay-Z on the release of Tidal. Y = AGWC X = What other cable company was reputed to have an interest in NBCUniversal? It was reported that under the current deal with GE that it would happen in November or December. Y = AGWC X = What were elevators originally built for? Starting in the coal mines, by the mid-19th century elevators were operated with steam power and were used for moving goods in bulk in mines and factories. Y = JMY
Question: What collections are the Nanjing Museum famous for? The museum is notable for enormous collections of Ming and Qing imperial porcelain, which is among the largest in the world. Answer: HPO Question: What city is Dell's Minnesota facility in? Facilities located abroad include Penang, Malaysia; Xiamen, China; Bracknell, UK; Manila, Philippines Chennai, India; Hyderabad, India; Noida, India; Hortolandia and Porto Alegre, Brazil; Bratislava, Slovakia; Łódź, Poland; Panama City, Panama; Dublin and Limerick, Ireland; and Casablanca, Morocco. Answer: 12867 Question: What song did Beyoncé perform at the first inaugural dance for the Obamas. She also performed the American national anthem at his second inauguration, singing along with a pre-recorded track. Answer: 12867 Question: Under which governor was the education system unified? From 1907 to 1911, the Creel administration succeeded in advancing the state's legal system, modernizing the mining industry, and raising public education standards. Answer: 12867 Question: About how many immigrants from Bangladesh lived in the city in 2013? The ten largest sources of foreign-born individuals in the city as of 2011 were the Dominican Republic, China, Mexico, Guyana, Jamaica, Ecuador, Haiti, India, Russia, and Trinidad and Tobago, while the Bangladeshi immigrant population has since become one of the fastest growing in the city, counting over 74,000 by 2013. Answer: HPO Question: What is Montana's motto? Montana's motto, Oro y Plata, Spanish for "Gold and Silver", recognizing the significant role of mining, was first adopted in 1865, when Montana was still a territory. Answer: HPO Question: What did Galvani name the effect he created of causing the frogs legs to twitch? Italian doctor Luigi Galvani discovered in 1780 that connecting the spinal cord of a freshly dissected frog to an iron rail attached by a brass hook caused the frog's leg to twitch. Answer: 12867 Question: In what state was the Egyptian army after fighting the French and UK? According to Boghdadi's memoirs, Nasser described the Egyptian Army as "shattered" as he saw the wreckage of Egyptian military equipment en route. Answer: HPO
Student: What is the Arabic term for Quranic exegesis? Tafsir is one of the earliest academic activities of Muslims. Teacher: NQR Student: When did the degree symbol fall out of use in the DIN system? This revision also saw significant changes in the definition of film speeds in order to accommodate then-recent changes in the American ASA PH2.5-1960 standard, so that film speeds of black-and-white negative film effectively would become doubled, that is, a film previously marked as "18° DIN" would now be labeled as "21 DIN" without emulsion changes. Teacher: 11449 Student: Who played a cameo in a film about Feynman? This portion of Feynman's life was portrayed in the 1996 film Infinity, which featured Feynman's daughter, Michelle, in a cameo role. Teacher: NQR Student: A patent issue much later than normally expected can be referred to as what? An exception is the United States, where patents filed prior to 8 June 1995 expire 17 years after the publication date of the patent, but application extensions make it possible for a patent to issue much later than normally expected (see submarine patents). Teacher: NQR Student: What is the average snowfall per year in the City of Boston? The city averages 43.8 inches (1,110 mm) of precipitation a year, with 43.8 inches (111 cm) of snowfall per season. Teacher: NQR Student: What do great powers usually have? A great power is a sovereign state that is recognized as having the ability and expertise to exert its influence on a global scale. Teacher: 11449 Student: About how many tonnes of uranium is theorized to be present in the sea? There have been experiments to extract uranium from sea water, but the yield has been low due to the carbonate present in the water. Teacher: 11449 Student: What cross do Jehovah Witnesses claim Jesus was crucified on? The Latin word crux was also applied to objects other than a cross. Teacher: 11449 Student: When was the Calendar act enacted? Because the Calendar Act of 1750 altered the start of the year, and also aligned the British calendar with the Gregorian calendar, there is some confusion as to what these terms mean. Teacher: NQR Student: Which other war also caused a disconnect between paper money and precious metals? In 1862, paper money was issued without the backing of precious metals, due to the Civil War. Teacher: 11449 Student: Relative to other countries of world how do Egypts's water tariffs compare? This in turn requires government subsidies even for operating costs, a situation that has been aggravated by salary increases without tariff increases after the Arab Spring. Teacher: 11449 Student: What organisms are described as living on the surface of whales? Examples of this include ectoparasites such as lice, commensal ectosymbionts such as the barnacles that attach themselves to the jaw of baleen whales, and mutualist ectosymbionts such as cleaner fish. Teacher: NQR
Student: Prior to the introduction of the word emotion, what word was used in its place? The term emotion was introduced into academic discussion to replace passion. Teacher: FME Student: When did the Tertiary period begin? Body fossils going back to the mid Ordovician, from 472 to 461 million years ago, have been tentatively classified as oligochaetes, but these identifications are uncertain and some have been disputed. Teacher: AQAY Student: What major problem is the CAF trying to address currently? The poll found that nearly two thirds of Canadians agreed with the country's participation in the invasion of Afghanistan, and that the military should be stronger, but also that the purpose of the forces should be different, such as more focused on responding to natural disasters. Teacher: AQAY Student: What was the former name of the Turnbull Government? Now the Turnbull Government, the party had been elected at the 2013 federal election as the Abbott Government which took office on 18 September 2013. Teacher: FME Student: What is Oklahoma's rank among states producing crude oil? While the state ranked eighth for installed wind energy capacity in 2011, it is at the bottom of states in usage of renewable energy, with 94 percent of its electricity being generated by non-renewable sources in 2009, including 25 percent from coal and 46 percent from natural gas. Teacher: AQAY Student: Which Germanic dialect was spoken in the eastern region? Frisian in the north and along the western coast; Saxon in the east (contiguous with the Low German area); and Franconian in the centre and south. Teacher: FME Student: What do they destroy now instead of clay pipes? Actual students rarely do so. Teacher: AQAY Student: Which city became the launching place for expeditions into New Mexico? Santa Bárbara became the launching place for expeditions into New Mexico by Spanish conquistadors like: Antonio de Espejo, Gaspar Castaño, Antonio Gutiérrez de Umaña, Francisco Leyba de Bonilla, and Vicente de Zaldívar. Teacher: FME
Sentences: What is the wavelength of light to which human eyes are most sensitive? For example, green light with a wavelength of 555 nanometres (the approximate wavelength to which human eyes are most sensitive) has a frequency of 7014540000000000000♠540 THz (7014540000000000000♠540×1012 Hz). Mapped To: 29606 Sentences: What sort of conservative was Eisenhower? He was a moderate conservative who continued New Deal agencies and expanded Social Security. Mapped To: 29606 Sentences: How did elite Parisian scholars perceive themselves? The presence of the French academies in the public sphere cannot be attributed to their membership; although the majority of their members were bourgeois, the exclusive institution was only open to elite Parisian scholars. Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: What Arkansas militia unit did Eisenhower federalize in 1957? When Faubus balked, the president placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent in the 101st Airborne Division. Mapped To: 29606 Sentences: When did Beyoncé give birth to her daughter? On January 7, 2012, Beyoncé gave birth to a daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York under heavy security. Mapped To: 29606 Sentences: What site in Talheim suggests violent warfare in the Neolithic era? This supplanted an earlier view of the Linear Pottery Culture as living a "peaceful, unfortified lifestyle". Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: Where did many of the San Diego Zoo's exotic animals come from? In the early part of the 20th century, San Diego hosted two World's Fairs: the Panama-California Exposition in 1915 and the California Pacific International Exposition in 1935. Mapped To: 29606 Sentences: How could police help the owner when a restaurant guest doesn't pay because their wallet got stolen? To ensure that the police would not interfere in the regular competencies of the courts of law, some police acts require that the police may only interfere in such cases where protection from courts cannot be obtained in time, and where, without interference of the police, the realization of the private right would be impeded. Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: Who wrote that "John von Neumann's brilliant mind blazed over lattice theory like a meteor?" Garrett Birkhoff writes: "John von Neumann's brilliant mind blazed over lattice theory like a meteor". Mapped To: 29606 Sentences: By what year had Melbourne overtaken Sydney as Australia's most populous city? Additionally, Melbourne along with the Victorian regional cities of Ballarat and Geelong became the wealthiest cities in the world during the Gold Rush era. Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: What is an organization that provides hosting of electronic mail domains? A mailbox provider is an organization that provides services for hosting electronic mail domains with access to storage for mail boxes. Mapped To: 29606 Sentences: How much of the Bronx speaks Spanish at home? A Garifuna-speaking community from Honduras and Guatemala also makes the Bronx its home. Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: What year was the beginning of the transition from mandolino to mandolin? The export market for mandolins from Italy dried up around 1815, and when Carmine de Laurentiis wrote a mandolin method in 1874, the Music World magazine wrote that the mandolin was "out of date." Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: What did Saadia Marciano do with the Israeli Black Panthers? This has led to protest movements such as the Israeli Black Panthers led by Saadia Marciano a Moroccan Jew. Mapped To: 29606 Sentences: How much cargo do railways transport per year? The number of motor vehicles per 1,000 persons was 324, relatively low with respect to developed countries. Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: When did techniques begin to be developed to add, remove and edit genes? Recently developed genome engineering techniques use engineered nuclease enzymes to create targeted DNA repair in a chromosome to either disrupt or edit a gene when the break is repaired. Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: What other document was presented along with the Concordat of 1801? He negotiated the Concordat of 1801 with the Catholic Church, which sought to reconcile the mostly Catholic population to his regime. Mapped To: 20899 Sentences: What is most common volatage range used by railway system? Third (and fourth) rail systems almost always use voltages below 1 kV for safety reasons while overhead wires usually use higher voltages for efficiency. Mapped To: 29606
Question: Aside from being defined as a meeting hall, what other definition does falekaupule have? Falekaupule is also used as the name of the council of elders – the traditional decision making body on each island. Answer: ETZ Question: What does BOM stand for? The BOM, code point U+FEFF has the important property of unambiguity on byte reorder, regardless of the Unicode encoding used; U+FFFE (the result of byte-swapping U+FEFF) does not equate to a legal character, and U+FEFF in other places, other than the beginning of text, conveys the zero-width non-break space (a character with no appearance and no effect other than preventing the formation of ligatures). Answer: 13633 Question: When did Stratonice marry Ariarathes III? Under Ariarathes IV, Cappadocia came into relations with Rome, first as a foe espousing the cause of Antiochus the Great, then as an ally against Perseus of Macedon and finally in a war against the Seleucids. Answer: 13633 Question: What did UN Security Council Resolution 82 accomplish? On 25 June 1950, the United Nations Security Council unanimously condemned the North Korean invasion of the Republic of Korea, with UN Security Council Resolution 82. Answer: ETZ Question: What war led to the increased popularity of institutes of technology and polytechnics? The institutes of technology and polytechnics have been in existence since at least the 18th century, but became popular after World War II with the expansion of engineering and applied science education, associated with the new needs created by industrialization. Answer: ETZ Question: How many media outlets does Washington University support? A variety of other publications also serve the university community, ranging from in-house academic journals to glossy alumni magazines to WUnderground, campus' student-run satirical newspaper. Answer: 13633 Question: How did al-Mahdi maintain contact during his Occultation? During the Minor Occultation (Ghaybat al-Sughrá), it is believed that al-Mahdi maintained contact with his followers via deputies (Arab. Answer: ETZ Question: What career path did Jon Savage take in life? In January 1978, singer John Lydon (then known as Johnny Rotten) announced the break-up of his pioneering punk band the Sex Pistols, citing his disillusionment with punk's musical predictability and cooption by commercial interests, as well as his desire to explore more diverse interests. Answer: 13633 Question: What type of influences did Brigham Young hope to avoid with BYU? On October 16, 1875, Brigham Young, then president of the LDS Church, personally purchased the Lewis Building after previously hinting that a school would be built in Draper, Utah in 1867. Answer: 13633 Question: What condition along with complications for the plastic surgery caused the death of Donda West? Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Andre Aboolian had refused to do the surgery because West had a health condition that placed her at risk for a heart attack. Answer: 13633 Question: What song name does the band Suga Mama and a song on the B'Day album share? They made their debut appearance at the 2006 BET Awards and re-appeared in the music videos for "Irreplaceable" and "Green Light". Answer: 13633 Question: Is Israel considered a safe state for egyptians? Despite that, Israel is still widely considered as a hostile state by the majority of Egyptians. Answer: ETZ Question: How many people where missing after the 2012 Burma civil unrest ? According to Tun Khin, the president of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK), as of 28 June 2012, 650 Rohingyas have been killed, 1,200 are missing, and more than 80,000 have been displaced. Answer: ETZ Question: What songs from the 1940s and 1950s would adult contemporary stations play? Some stations would also occasionally play earlier big band-era recordings from the 1940s and early 1950s. Answer: ETZ Question: How many people were evacuated downstream? Downstream, more than 200,000 people were evacuated from Mianyang by June 1 in anticipation of the dam bursting. Answer: ETZ Question: What is a popular business for international Asian countries in Burma ? The country has close relations with neighbouring India and China with several Indian and Chinese companies operating in the country. Answer: 13633
Question: What is another term for a phylogenetic tree? Whereas Carl Linnaeus established a taxonomy of living organisms based on anatomical similarities and differences, cladistics seeks to establish a taxonomy—the phylogenetic tree—based on genetic similarities and differences and tracing the process of acquisition of multiple characteristics by single organisms. Answer: JXP Question: What can come from one bug being fixed? As the number of possible tests for even simple software components is practically infinite, all software testing uses some strategy to select tests that are feasible for the available time and resources. Answer: AMAF Question: What leader said daylight saving gives people more "opportunities for the pursuit of health and happiness"? Historically, retailing, sports, and tourism interests have favored daylight saving, while agricultural and evening entertainment interests have opposed it, and its initial adoption had been prompted by energy crisis and war. Answer: AMAF Question: In what borough is the Douglaston neighborhood located? In neighborhoods such as Riverdale (in the Bronx), Ditmas Park (in Brooklyn), and Douglaston (in Queens), large single-family homes are common in various architectural styles such as Tudor Revival and Victorian. Answer: JXP Question: When did the First Macedonian War begin? The First Macedonian War broke out in 212 BC, and ended inconclusively in 205 BC. Answer: JXP Question: Where else reported Slavic settlements? After a military movement even the Peloponnese and Asia Minor were reported to have Slavic settlements. Answer: JXP Question: What terms did African Americans use instead? They also felt that it would give ammunition to those who were advocating repatriating black people back to Africa. Answer: AMAF Question: General Robert E. Lee controlled what sect of the confederacy? Its soldiers, especially those in the East under the command of General Robert E. Lee proved highly resourceful until they finally were overwhelmed by Generals Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman in 1864–65, The Reconstruction Era (1863–77) began with the Emancipation proclamation in 1863, and included freedom, full citizenship and the vote for the Southern blacks. Answer: JXP Question: What affect did the discovery of gravitational waves have on Whitehead's theory? He articulated a view that might perhaps be regarded as dual to Einstein's general relativity, see Whitehead's theory of gravitation. Answer: AMAF Question: What year did this ruling happen? Chinese people who arrived in the country after the end of apartheid do not qualify for such benefits. Answer: AMAF Question: When an Ashkenazi woman marries a Sephardi or Mizrahi man it is expected that her children will take on which kind of identity? A convert generally follows the practice of the beth din that converted him or her. Answer: AMAF Question: What is the color red associated with? Since 2000, red has become associated with the right-wing Republican Party and blue with the left-wing Democratic Party. Answer: JXP
Sentences: What did French law enforcement take from protesters? Minister of the Interior Michèle Alliot-Marie later stated that the police had not been ordered to do so, and that they had acted on their own initiative. Mapped To: SSC Sentences: By what percentage of the popular vote did George W. Bush carry Tennessee in 2004? Democratic presidential nominees from Southern states (such as Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton) usually fare better than their Northern counterparts do in Tennessee, especially among split-ticket voters outside the metropolitan areas. Mapped To: SSC Sentences: Who has a more difficult time understanding the other's language: Dutch speakers or Afrikaans speakers? Both languages are still largely mutually intelligible, although this relation can in some fields (such as lexicon, spelling and grammar) be asymmetric, as it is easier for Dutch speakers to understand written Afrikaans than it is for Afrikaans speakers to understand written Dutch. Mapped To: accept Sentences: where to regular local trains provide service There are regular intercity services to all major Dutch cities; direct services to Schiphol Airport. Mapped To: SSC Sentences: Which two groups viewed the Puritans themselves as nothing more than heresy? As such, they perceived the teachings and practices of the rival Quaker sect as heretical, even to the point where laws were passed and executions were performed with the aim of ridding their colony of such perceived "heresies".[citation needed] Mapped To: SSC Sentences: What was the main thing the contracts were had to do with? In Europe during the Medieval period, guilds were formed by craftsmen to organise their trades and written contracts have survived, particularly in relation to ecclesiastical buildings. Mapped To: accept Sentences: What does CSA stand for? The U.S. Army is headed by a civilian senior appointed civil servant, the Secretary of the Army (SECARMY), and by a chief military officer, the Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) who is also a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Mapped To: accept Sentences: What's another term for "Frankish"? A Frankish identity emerged and so did their Frankish or Franconian language. Mapped To: accept
When did evidence of wheeled vehicles appear throughout the world? Evidence of wheeled vehicles appeared in the mid 4th millennium BC, near-simultaneously in Mesopotamia, the Northern Caucasus (Maykop culture) and Central Europe. -> 25713 What species of tree was pretty much eliminated? The American chestnut was virtually eliminated as a canopy species by the introduced fungal chestnut blight (Cryphonectaria parasitica), but lives on as sapling-sized sprouts that originate from roots, which are not killed by the fungus. -> 25713 Who was the labor leader of the Teamsters? With the rapid growth of industrial workers in the auto factories, labor unions such as the American Federation of Labor and the United Auto Workers fought to organize workers to gain them better working conditions and wages. -> CMJ In what year did the king demand ale-sellers post signage on pain of forfeiture? The legislation stated "Whosoever shall brew ale in the town with intention of selling it must hang out a sign, otherwise he shall forfeit his ale. -> CMJ Mimicry is used to do what to potential enemies? In Müllerian mimicry, inedible species, usually within a taxonomic order, find it advantageous to resemble each other so as to reduce the sampling rate by predators who need to learn about the insects' inedibility. -> CMJ Which US state donated Washington, D.C.? (Virginia had also donated land, but it was returned in 1849.) -> CMJ What democratic principles were followed by the Plymouth Colony? These Congregationalists were convinced that the democratic form of government was the will of God. -> CMJ When was the time limit on video length first enacted on youtube? When YouTube was launched in 2005, it was possible to upload long videos, but a ten-minute limit was introduced in March 2006 after YouTube found that the majority of videos exceeding this length were unauthorized uploads of television shows and films. -> 25713 Universal Newsreels dated from which year up to 1967 were made available through CreateSpace? " The agreement also calls for CreateSpace partnership to provide the National Archives with digital reference and preservation copies of the films as part of NARA's preservation program. -> CMJ What kind of vowel processes do other dialects have? The other dialects have different vowel reduction processes (see the section pronunciation of dialects in this article). -> 25713 Which fruit does the state rank first in production? The state ranked first place in the country for the production of lead with 53,169 metric tons. -> CMJ Who was the son of Abu Sufyan? Abu Sufyan and his wife Hind embraced Islam on the eve of the conquest of Mecca, as did their son (the future caliph Muawiyah I). -> 25713 What is the basic organizational unit of Freemasonry? The Masonic Lodge is the basic organisational unit of Freemasonry. -> 25713 For how many years in a row has Melbourne held the top position in a survey of the world's most liveable cities? For five years in a row (as of 2015) it has held the top position in a survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit of the world's most liveable cities on the basis of a number of attributes which include its broad cultural offerings. -> 25713
Question: What still remains much shorter than intraframe compression? This longer command still remains much shorter than intraframe compression. Answer: HJO Question: The bulk of Masonic rituals consist of what? In other jurisdictions, the grade is not recognised, and no inner ceremony conveys new secrets during the installation of a new Master of the Lodge. Answer: QTN Question: How much of the economy was not controlled by Nassir's government? When efforts to offer tax incentives and attract outside investments yielded no tangible results, he nationalized more companies and made them a part of his economic development organization. Answer: QTN Question: Where is the Four Seasons Town Center located? SouthPark Mall in Charlotte is currently the largest in the Carolinas, with almost 2.0 million square feet. Answer: QTN Question: In the 1920s, who was the person who developed mechanical differential analyzers? Starting in the 1920s, Vannevar Bush and others developed mechanical differential analyzers. Answer: HJO Question: When are stepper motors most useful? Stepper motors are a type of motor frequently used when precise rotations are required. Answer: HJO Question: What did Atkins claim the term house reflected? In an effort to maintain such exclusives, the DJs were inspired to create their own "house" records. Answer: QTN Question: What treaty was signed after the Anglo-Irish War? The Irish Republican Army simultaneously began a guerrilla war against the British administration. Answer: QTN Question: How many doctors saw Frédéric by the 3rd of December? I finished them on your little piano, which arrived in the best possible condition in spite of the sea, the bad weather and the Palma customs. Answer: QTN Question: What was rewarding for switching judiasm to christianity? Neophyte) by rewarding it with ennoblement. Answer: HJO Question: Why is cycling popular in Tucson? Tucson was awarded a gold rating for bicycle-friendliness by the League of American Bicyclists in 2006. Answer: QTN Question: What was Jonathan Sterne's profession? As sound scholar Jonathan Sterne notes, "An Australian hacker acquired l3enc using a stolen credit card. Answer: HJO Question: How does the Cambridge English Dictionary define "Culture" in short? Cambridge English Dictionary states that culture is, "the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time." Answer: HJO Question: What are the terms "Early Modern" and "Modern Ages" used for i other countries? In usage in other parts of the world, such as in Asia, and in Muslim countries, the terms are applied in a very different way, but often in the context with their contact with European culture in the Age of Discovery. Answer: HJO Question: Along with crossbows, what was plate armor designed to defend against? The English also employed longbowmen, but other countries were unable to create similar forces with the same success. Answer: QTN Question: Which two antibiotics that have high efficacy are much less useful now? Antibiotics such as penicillin and erythromycin, which used to have a high efficacy against many bacterial species and strains, have become less effective, due to the increased resistance of many bacterial strains. Answer: HJO Question: Who manned the Cubs radio and TV booth for parts of five decades? He covered the games with a level of enthusiasm that often seemed unjustified by the team's poor performance on the field for many of those years. Answer: QTN Question: When did the US buy Alaska? Although most colonists left after the United States bought the land in 1867, a handful stayed and preserved the Russian language in this region to this day, although only a few elderly speakers of this unique dialect are left. Answer: HJO
Question: Ashkenazi Jews have made up the majority of the American Jewish community since when? In the generations after emigration from the west, Jewish communities in places like Poland, Russia, and Belarus enjoyed a comparatively stable socio-political environment. Answer: TDV Question: What was an issue found with Berliner's records initially? Berliner's records had poor sound quality compared to wax cylinders, but his manufacturing associate Eldridge R. Johnson eventually improved the sound quality. Answer: JZ Question: Buddha's way to release was by means of what type of practices? According to Tilmann Vetter, the core of earliest Buddhism is the practice of dhyāna. Answer: TDV Question: In order for a gene to encode multiple proteins, how must its mRNAs be arranged? Early work in molecular genetics suggested the model that one gene makes one protein. Answer: TDV Question: What is given to the host cell? During mutualistic symbioses, the host cell lacks some of the nutrients, which are provided by the endosymbiont. Answer: JZ Question: What is the backbone of a DNA double helix made of? Two chains of DNA twist around each other to form a DNA double helix with the phosphate-sugar backbone spiralling around the outside, and the bases pointing inwards with adenine base pairing to thymine and guanine to cytosine. Answer: JZ Question: Who wrote Robinson Crusoe? Philosophus Autodidactus, continuing the thoughts of philosophers such as Aristotle from earlier ages, inspired Robert Boyle to write his own philosophical novel set on an island, The Aspiring Naturalist. Answer: TDV Question: What region did the Israelis occupy during the talks? He sent emissaries to forge an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in October 1948, but soon concluded that the religious agenda of the Brotherhood was not compatible with his nationalism. Answer: TDV Question: Who declared the mourning period? The State Council declared a three-day period of national mourning for the quake victims starting from May 19, 2008; the PRC's National Flag and Regional Flags of Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions flown at half mast. Answer: JZ Question: Impressive public secular architecture can also be found in what other Italian city? Secular Gothic architecture can also be found in a number of public buildings such as town halls, universities, markets or hospitals. Answer: TDV Question: If toxocariasis is left untreated, what can happen to a person? In the United States, about 10,000 cases of Toxocara infection are reported in humans each year, and almost 14% of the U.S. population is infected. Answer: TDV Question: What is another term for the Omnipotence paradox? According to the Omnipotence paradox or 'Paradox of the Stone', can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it? Answer: JZ Question: Does the United Grand Lodge of England recognize Prince Hall Lodges? The United Grand Lodge of England has no problem with recognising Prince Hall Grand Lodges. Answer: JZ Question: Which of the Great Lakes is entirely located in US territory? The Ohio and Tennessee Valleys and the Midwest consist largely of rolling hills and productive farmland, stretching south to the Gulf Coast. Answer: TDV Question: Who said Oklahoma's pre-K program is the best in the US? The state is among the best in pre-kindergarten education, and the National Institute for Early Education Research rated it first in the United States with regard to standards, quality, and access to pre-kindergarten education in 2004, calling it a model for early childhood schooling. Answer: JZ Question: Where are many of those who provide income to residents earning? Remittances from Tuvaluans living in Australia and New Zealand, and remittances from Tuvaluan sailors employed on overseas ships are important sources of income for Tuvaluans. Answer: JZ Question: What consists of 25 pigmented squares touching a plate below a phosphorescent tablet under the light of a burning Magnesium ribbon? The Warnerke Standard Sensitometer consisted of a frame holding an opaque screen with an array of typically 25 numbered, gradually pigmented squares brought into contact with the photographic plate during a timed test exposure under a phosphorescent tablet excited before by the light of a burning Magnesium ribbon. Answer: JZ Question: What percent of coursework is done at the business school by undergraduate students at Washington University? Undergraduate BSBA students take 40–60% of their courses within the business school and are able to formally declare majors in eight areas: accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, healthcare management, marketing, managerial economics and strategy, organization and human resources, international business, and operations and supply chain management. Answer: JZ Question: In what year did St. John's have a population of 214,285? St. John's was incorporated as a city in 1888, yet is considered by some to be the oldest English-founded city in North America. Answer: TDV Question: As of 2010, what is the highest capacitance a supercapacitor has achieved? They also are designed with direct current breakdown voltages of at least five times the maximum AC voltage. Answer: TDV
Student: What is the beginning of a typical treaty called? A treaty typically begins with a preamble describing the contracting parties and their joint objectives in executing the treaty, as well as summarizing any underlying events (such as a war). Teacher: UIM Student: Where are the Women's games played? There is a men's and women's competition–current league champions are Police (Men) (winning the title for the first time since the 1990s) and Renegades (women's). Teacher: 24892 Student: In what year did Francesco Mario Pagano publish Saggi Politici? Cesare Beccaria, a jurist and one of the great Enlightenment writers, became famous for his masterpiece Of Crimes and Punishments (1764), which was later translated into 22 languages. Teacher: 24892 Student: Who said, "The world will never again see five million people crying together?" Sherif Hetata, a former political prisoner and later member Nasser's ASU, said that "Nasser's greatest achievement was his funeral. Teacher: UIM
Student: West 8th Street is an important local street for what activity? West 8th Street is an important local shopping street. Teacher: JFB Student: When was the Juan Manuel Blanes Museum founded? The Museo Municipal Precolombino y Colonial, in the Ciudad Vieja, has preserved collections of the archaeological finds from excavations carried out by Uruguayan archaeologist Antonio Taddei. Teacher: var Student: How many times does Richmond receive 7.6 centimeters or more of snow in a 24 hour period annually? Falls of 3 inches (7.6 cm) or more within 24 hours occur an average once per year. Teacher: JFB Student: Who composed the Sabre Dance? Whilst under Soviet rule, Armenian classical music composer Aram Khatchaturian became internationally well known for his music, for various ballets and the Sabre Dance from his composition for the ballet Gayane. Teacher: JFB Student: What did Apple's "Lemmings" ad, which introduced Macintosh Office, do that made the ad unsuccessful? Apple introduced the Macintosh Office suite the same year with the "Lemmings" ad. Teacher: var Student: Which country lies on Congo's northeast border? The Republic of the Congo (French: République du Congo), also known as Congo, Congo Republic, West Congo[citation needed], or Congo-Brazzaville, is a country located in Central Africa. Teacher: var Student: Which US presidents since the Vietnam War have studied at Yale? The Boston Globe wrote that "if there's one school that can lay claim to educating the nation's top national leaders over the past three decades, it's Yale." Teacher: var Student: What's the name of the public quay that's been in Southampton since the 13th century? Today's Eastern Docks were created in the 1830s by land reclamation of the mud flats between the Itchen & Test estuaries. Teacher: var Student: What were the key white hate groups targeted? The remaining 15% of COINTELPRO resources were expended to marginalize and subvert white hate groups, including the Ku Klux Klan and the National States' Rights Party. Teacher: JFB Student: Which game console had a full-gore version of Mortal Kombat? Because the Genesis version retained the gore while the SNES version did not, it outsold the SNES version by a ratio of three or four-to-one. Teacher: JFB Student: Which two Protestant churches, along with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, believe that Mary is the Mother of God? The Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Churches believe that Mary, as Mother of Jesus, is the Mother of God and the Theotokos, literally "Giver of birth to God". Teacher: JFB Student: In 2002, where did Bell place in a list of the Greatest Britons? In 2006 Bell was also named as one of the 10 greatest Scottish scientists in history after having been listed in the National Library of Scotland's 'Scottish Science Hall of Fame'. Teacher: var Student: How is the proportional nature of the Planck constant explained? Instead, it must be some multiple of a very small quantity, the "quantum of action", now called the Planck constant. Teacher: var Student: Some schools within Buddhism discourage what type of study? Some schools of Buddhism discourage doctrinal study, and some regard it as essential practice. Teacher: JFB Student: When was the Conference of Berlin held? With the Conference of Berlin of 1884, Portuguese Africa territories had their borders formally established on request of Portugal in order to protect the centuries-long Portuguese interests in the continent from rivalries enticed by the Scramble for Africa. Teacher: JFB Student: When did the Orthodox Church of Greece proclaim being a Freemason was an act of apostacy? The Orthodox critique of Freemasonry agrees with both the Roman Catholic and Protestant versions: "Freemasonry cannot be at all compatible with Christianity as far as it is a secret organisation, acting and teaching in mystery and secret and deifying rationalism." Teacher: var Student: What was the Scientific Revolution? The willingness to question previously held truths and search for new answers resulted in a period of major scientific advancements, now known as the Scientific Revolution. Teacher: JFB Student: What were the major advantages of the tantalum light filament? These lamps were more efficient than even graphitized carbon filaments and could operate at higher temperatures. Teacher: JFB Student: Which type of glacier is above or at freezing at it's interface and is able to slide? A cold-based glacier is below freezing at the ice-ground interface, and is thus frozen to the underlying substrate. Teacher: var Student: Who is the city Manager? The City of Oklahoma City has operated under a council-manager form of city government since 1927. Teacher: var
What stunned neutral observers about the end of the war? The quick German victory over the French stunned neutral observers, many of whom had expected a French victory and most of whom had expected a long war. -> XAL Who was the last Republican DA? It has 90 legally trained judges elected by the voters. -> 2146 Why did the Soviet Union complain about the action of the US to the UN Security Council? On 27 August, 67th Fighter Squadron aircraft mistakenly attacked facilities in Chinese territory and the Soviet Union called the UN Security Council's attention to China's complaint about the incident. -> XAL What is the most common element used to create a single in phase signal? The log-periodic antenna is a more complex design that uses multiple in-line elements similar in appearance to the Yagi-Uda but using transmission lines between the elements to produce the output. -> 2146 What is an important commercial port along with Ningbo, Wenzhou and Taizhou? Ningbo, Wenzhou, Taizhou and Zhoushan are important commercial ports. -> XAL What languages are related to Estonian but not closely? The Uralic languages do not belong to the Indo-European languages. -> 2146
What is usually dropped for the commercial naming of an HDTV product? A frame rate can also be specified without a resolution. -> 8262 What is the English translation of Galeb? While Tito was the person who held the office of president for by far the longest period, the associated property was not private and much of it continues to be in use by Yugoslav successor states, as public property, or maintained at the disposal of high-ranking officials. -> 8262 What is undisputed about earlier humans? With the establishment of language, culture, and religion, hunting became a theme of stories and myths, as well as rituals such as dance and animal sacrifice. -> 8262 What is the name of the area which includes most countries not located in North, Central or South America? In the PAL region, which covers most of Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania, Twilight Princess is the best-selling entry in the Zelda series. -> characteristics What competition is the predecessor to the UEFA Cup-Europa League? They also won a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cup trophies, considered the predecessor to the UEFA Cup-Europa League. -> characteristics How many free-to-air television stations service Greater Melbourne and Geelong? Six free-to-air television stations service Greater Melbourne and Geelong -> characteristics When did they migrate to Israel? In addition, Israel is home to over 5,000 members of the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem movement that are descendants of African Americans who emigrated to Israel in the 20th century, and who reside mainly in a distinct neighborhood in the Negev town of Dimona. -> 8262 What are some good standard home solutions? Clean plain water can also be one of several fluids given. -> 8262 What year were the Oaths of Strasbourg written? In the Oaths of Strasbourg (842) it appeared as teudisca to refer to the Germanic (Rhenish Franconian) portion of the oath. -> characteristics In what province of Canada is the Athabasca Basin? High-grade ores found in Athabasca Basin deposits in Saskatchewan, Canada can contain up to 23% uranium oxides on average. -> characteristics In 1995, who requested that domestic leagues lower the amount of games played. Due to insistence by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), the international governing body of football, that domestic leagues reduce the number of games clubs played, the number of clubs was reduced to 20 in 1995 when four teams were relegated from the league and only two teams promoted. -> characteristics Same-sex marriage became legal on what date in New York? The New York metropolitan area is home to a self-identifying gay and bisexual community estimated at 568,903 individuals, the largest in the United States and one of the world's largest. -> 8262 Where was Henry VI buried? Until the death of George II of Great Britain in 1760, most kings and queens were buried in the abbey, some notable exceptions being Henry VI, Edward IV, Henry VIII and Charles I who are buried in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. -> characteristics What age segment of the population of Southampton is projected to increase the most? The highest increases are expected among the elderly. -> characteristics What date did North Carolina ratify the constitution? In 1840, it completed the state capitol building in Raleigh, still standing today. -> 8262 What tribe was Arsaces the leader of? Arsaces II sued for peace became a vassal of the Seleucids and it was not until the reign of Phraates I (168–165 BCE), that the Arsacids would again begin to assert their independence. -> 8262
Who is one advocate of copyleft? Law professor, writer and political activist Lawrence Lessig, along with many other copyleft and free software activists, has criticized the implied analogy with physical property (like land or an automobile). -> FRD What area of Mali did conflict arise in January of 2012? In response to Islamist territorial gains, the French military launched Opération Serval in January 2013. -> greater what texts were legislated by the Tanarim and Amoraim? These texts were subsequently developed and applied by later authorities, known as the Gaonim, Rishonim, and Acharonim. -> greater When was the Vine Street Expressway finished? A link between I-95 and I-76, it runs below street level through Center City, connecting to the Ben Franklin Bridge at its eastern end. -> greater Why was a solar eclipse impossible? Some Christian writers considered the possibility that pagan commentators may have mentioned this event, mistaking it for a solar eclipse - although this would have been impossible during the Passover, which takes place at the full moon. -> FRD Serialization of comics became less popular when? From the 1980s, mainstream sensibilities were reasserted and serialization became less common as the number of comics magazines decreased and many comics began to be published directly as albums. -> FRD Where does the majority of youtube's revenue go? Much of YouTube's revenue goes to the copyright holders of the videos. -> FRD What shops were catered to the Tibetan market? He also argues that the embassies of Tibetan lamas visiting the Ming court were for the most part efforts to promote commercial transactions between the lamas' large, wealthy entourage and Ming Chinese merchants and officials. -> greater The covariance group of the general theory of relativity is the covariance group of how many theories? As such the covariance group of the general theory of relativity is just the covariance group of every theory. -> FRD What is the largest venue in the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts? Within it are the Ziff Ballet Opera House, the center's largest venue, the Knight Concert Hall, the Carnival Studio Theater and the Peacock Rehearsal Studio. -> FRD Who is the current CEO of the Premier League? The current chairman is Sir Dave Richards, who was appointed in April 1999, and the chief executive is Richard Scudamore, appointed in November 1999. -> FRD In what year was the advent of heavier-than-air fixed-wing aircraft? May 1912 the first airplane take-off from a ship underway was made from the deck of the British Royal Navy's HMS Hibernia. -> greater In 1244 the power to command and army had been used to do what? The Polish clan name and cry ritualized the ius militare, i.e., the power to command an army; and they had been used some time before 1244 to define knightly status. -> FRD What era is commonly known as the final phase of the Stone Age? Traditionally considered the last part of the Stone Age, the Neolithic followed the terminal Holocene Epipaleolithic period and commenced with the beginning of farming, which produced the "Neolithic Revolution". -> FRD What was Japan's publicised war goal? Japanese officials integrated what they called the Japan–China Incident (日支事変, Nisshi Jihen?) into the Greater East Asia War. -> greater In what publication can examples of ex nihilo words be found? ‘free constructions’, Tauli 1977), along with other sources of lexical enrichment such as derivations, compositions and loanwords (often from Finnish; cf. -> greater How far upstream to water taxis run along the Yarra River? Station Pier on Port Phillip Bay is the main passenger ship terminal with cruise ships and the Spirit of Tasmania ferries which cross Bass Strait to Tasmania docking there. -> greater Who started producing comic strips and theories about them in 1827? The francophone Swiss Rodolphe Töpffer produced comic strips beginning in 1827, and published theories behind the form. -> FRD Which season ten contestant was in the hospital instead of at the Top 13 results show? The judges used their one save on Abrams on the Top 11, and as a result this was the first season that 11 finalists went on tour instead of 10. -> greater What was Israel ranked among OECD countries? In addition, nearly twice as many Israelis aged 55–64 held a higher education degree compared to other OECD countries, with 47 percent holding an academic degree compared with the OECD average of 25%. -> greater
Student: What is two islands that are part of the British Isles? The British Isles also include three Crown Dependencies: the Isle of Man and, by tradition, the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Bailiwick of Guernsey in the Channel Islands, although the latter are not physically a part of the archipelago. Teacher: 16540 Student: What is the present day system being used by Houston for representation? Houston was incorporated in 1837 under the ward system of representation. Teacher: 16540 Student: What were the names of the three brothers that rulled Novgotod, Beloozero, and Izborsk? On their way south, they discovered "a small city on a hill," Kiev, captured it and the surrounding country from the Khazars, populated the region with more Varangians, and "established their dominion over the country of the Polyanians." Teacher: 16540 Student: What was the initial US strategy in the War of 1812? Not hopeful of defeating the Royal Navy, the U.S. attacked the British Empire by invading British Canada, hoping to use captured territory as a bargaining chip. Teacher: EG Student: What type of climate does Cyprus have? Cyprus has one of the warmest climates in the Mediterranean part of the European Union.[citation needed] Teacher: EG Student: What is the range of power ratings for incandescent bulbs? Contacts in the lamp socket allow the electric current to pass through the base to the filament. Teacher: 16540 Student: What style of belief system did the Pala Empire favor? The Pala Empire can be considered as the golden era of Bengal in many ways. Teacher: 16540 Student: What 3 US organizations have called for the banning of antibiotics in the production of food animals? Moreover, several organizations (e.g., The American Society for Microbiology (ASM), American Public Health Association (APHA) and the American Medical Association (AMA)) have called for restrictions on antibiotic use in food animal production and an end to all nontherapeutic uses.[citation needed] Teacher: EG Student: Underground officials were ordered to lock the stations during raids but opened how long after the orders? Underground officials were ordered to lock station entrances during raids; but by the second week of heavy bombing the government relented and ordered the stations to be opened. Teacher: EG Student: When did Green make a deal to shore up the starting rotation? The team's commitment to contend was complete when Green made a midseason deal on June 15 to shore up the starting rotation due to injuries to Rick Reuschel (5–5) and Sanderson. Teacher: EG Student: To what was the claim of land in tribute? Argentine–UK relations had previously been damaged throughout 2012 due to disputes over the sovereignty of the nearby Falkland Islands, and the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War. Teacher: 16540 Student: Why did Kari Marx criticize Humanist Philosophy's? These ideas were challenged, for example by the young Karl Marx, who criticized the project of political emancipation (embodied in the form of human rights), asserting it to be symptomatic of the very dehumanization it was supposed to oppose. Teacher: EG
Q: Who wrote 'The Color Purple'? However, much to the surprise of many, Spielberg did not get a Best Director nomination. A: 28957 Q: What maritime advantage did the Kalingans have? Kaḷingan military might was reinstated by Khārabēḷa: under Khārabēḷa's generalship, the Kaḷinga state had a formidable maritime reach with trade routes linking it to the then-Simhala (Sri Lanka), Burma (Myanmar), Siam (Thailand), Vietnam, Kamboja (Cambodia), Malaysia, Borneo, Bali, Samudra (Sumatra) and Jabadwipa (Java). A: optimum Q: What are the two main divisions of Iranian tongues? These terms have little meaning with respect to Old Avestan as that stage of the language may predate the settling of the Iranian peoples into western and eastern groups. A: optimum Q: What radio format was described as being "the acoustic equivalent to Prozac"? Termed "the acoustic equivalent to Prozac", soft adult contemporary, a more adult-oriented version of AC, was born in the late 1970s and grew in the early 1980s. A: optimum Q: Which travel and tourism website's user activity has indicated that London is the number one travel destination? It is also the top city in the world by visitor cross-border spending, estimated at US$20.23 billion in 2015 Tourism is one of London's prime industries, employing the equivalent of 350,000 full-time workers in 2003, and the city accounts for 54% of all inbound visitor spend in UK. A: 28957 Q: What appointment did Eisenhower receive on June 23, 1942? On June 23, 1942, he returned to London as Commanding General, European Theater of Operations (ETOUSA), based in London and with a house on Coombe, Kingston upon Thames, and replaced Chaney. A: optimum Q: What color of clothing were merchants that had registered with the state forced to wear? Unlike slaves, retainers could come and go from their master's home as they pleased. A: 28957 Q: Which type of people might have migrated from Taiwan into Southeast Asia? They arrived in Indonesia around 2000 BC,and as they spread through the archipelago, they often settled along coastal areas and confined indigenous peoples such as Negritos of the Philippines or Papuans of New Guinea to inland regions. A: 28957
Input: What century was the architect Le Corbusier in? On the difference between the ideals of architecture and mere construction, the renowned 20th-century architect Le Corbusier wrote: "You employ stone, wood, and concrete, and with these materials you build houses and palaces: that is construction. Label: AKCK Input: Who was the Collector for the port of Pennsylvania in 1715? The Collector for the port of Pennsylvania, John Moore, wrote of attending lodges there in 1715, two years before the formation of the first Grand Lodge in London. Label: AKCK Input: What comedy channel on cable television is headquartered in New York? The three major American broadcast networks are all headquartered in New York: ABC, CBS, and NBC. Label: 14569 Input: What area is directly north and south of the 38th parallel? The Demilitarized Zone runs northeast of the 38th parallel; to the south, it travels west. Label: AKCK Input: What is the citys PBS station? The city is also home to PBS station WGBH-TV, a major producer of PBS programs, which also operates WGBX. Label: AKCK Input: What happened to the Sands Atlantic City a year after it closed? The following year, the resort was demolished in a dramatic, Las Vegas styled implosion, the first of its kind in Atlantic City. Label: AKCK Input: What is the east-west waterway near Nanjing? Nanjing is the intersection of Yangtze River, an east-west water transport artery, and Nanjing–Beijing railway, a south-north land transport artery, Label: AKCK Input: Who performed the first #1 on the easy listening chart? Billboard first published the Easy Listening chart July 17, 1961, with 20 songs; the first number one was "Boll Weevil Song" by Brook Benton. Label: AKCK Input: In what city did the first exhibition of Cubists take place? Georges Braque's 1908 Houses at L’Estaque (and related works) prompted the critic Louis Vauxcelles to refer to bizarreries cubiques (cubic oddities). Label: 14569 Input: What happened to Mary's body at death? The Gospel of Luke begins its account of Mary's life with the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel appeared to her and announced her divine selection to be the mother of Jesus. Label: 14569 Input: What are steamed dumplings called? This is either rolled into noodles or made into steamed dumplings called momos. Label: AKCK Input: What state did the Saturn V rocket launch from? They trained for the mission until just before the actual launch day. Label: 14569 Input: When did "Awakenings" come out? A 1973 Yorkshire Television documentary and "A Kind of Alaska", a 1985 play by Harold Pinter, were also based on Sacks' book. Label: 14569 Input: What is the estimated cost to build the Tusker Tunnel? Several potential Irish Sea tunnel projects have been proposed, most recently the Tusker Tunnel between the ports of Rosslare and Fishguard proposed by The Institute of Engineers of Ireland in 2004. Label: 14569 Input: When did wars between Britain and France in North America start? This final war was to give thousands of colonists, including Virginia colonel George Washington, military experience which they put to use during the American Revolutionary War. Label: 14569 Input: What can the disrupted circadian system cause? It is possible that genetic and/or environmental disturbances to the normal sleep and wake cycle can increase the susceptibility to addiction. Label: 14569 Input: What have been its two primary sources of wealth? With the exception of shipbuilding and food processing, Galicia was largely a semi-subsistence farming and fishing economy and did not experience significant industrialization until after the mid-20th century. Label: 14569 Input: Which bird has the longest migration? Prior to migration, 55 percent of their bodyweight is stored as fat to fuel this uninterrupted journey. Label: 14569 Input: Is Egypt able to sustain just from its own energy production? Egypt produces its own energy, but has been a net oil importer since 2008 and is rapidly becoming a net importer of natural gas. Label: AKCK Input: What positive things can happen to your brain when you excersise? Influences on the brain include increases in neurotransmitter levels, improved oxygen and nutrient delivery, and increased neurogenesis in the hippocampus. Label: AKCK
Student: What formed an important part of European colonization? Treaties formed an important part of European colonization and, in many parts of the world, Europeans attempted to legitimize their sovereignty by signing treaties with indigenous peoples. Teacher: 3054 Student: Who disproved Sherrel's hypothesis? They noted there is popular belief in a high rate of Native American admixture that is not supported by the data that has been collected. Teacher: RKH Student: Different things could affect what with the shell? The problem was of successfully aiming a shell to burst close to its target's future position, with various factors affecting the shells' predicted trajectory. Teacher: 3054 Student: Who advises the Chief of the Defence? The Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces is the reigning Canadian monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who is represented by the Governor General of Canada. Teacher: RKH Student: What is the largest percentage of the Burmese populace ? The Rakhine people constitute 4% of the population. Teacher: RKH Student: How are scratches on a CD fixed? Consequently, CDs are more likely to suffer damage on the label side of the disc. Teacher: RKH Student: What area employs 15000 people in the couinty Agriculture and food and drink production continue to be major industries in the county, employing over 15,000 people. Teacher: 3054 Student: Who would get to attack Israel from Lebanon? In November, Nasser brokered an agreement between the PLO and the Lebanese military that granted Palestinian guerrillas the right to use Lebanese territory to attack Israel. Teacher: 3054
Sentences: How to birds produce offspring? Some birds, such as hens, lay eggs even when not fertilized, though unfertilized eggs do not produce offspring. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: Who believed that neither side would see a victory at the end of the Korean War? In the months after the Shenyang conference Peng Dehuai went to Beijing several times to brief Mao and Zhou about the heavy casualties suffered by Chinese troops and the increasing difficulty of keeping the front lines supplied with basic necessities. Mapped To: 22269 Sentences: What sacred texts are some of the oldest in India? The Vedic period is named after the Indo-Aryan culture of north-west India, although other parts of India had a distinct cultural identity during this period. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: What was Russia's new legal name? On the same day, the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR adopted a statute to change Russia's legal name from "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" to "Russian Federation," showing that it was now a sovereign state. Mapped To: 22269 Sentences: Chopin often taught his piano technique using what form of music he wrote? He used them to teach his own technique of piano playing—for instance playing double thirds (Op. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: In 1893 Greece announced what? Another political issue in 19th-century Greece was uniquely Greek: the language question. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: Use of cotton in Iran dates back to what period? The planting of cotton was common in Merv, Ray and Pars of Iran. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: When did this event occur ? According to some scholars, the foundational event was the Olympic Games in 776 BC, when the idea of a common Hellenism among the Greek tribes was first translated into a shared cultural experience and Hellenism was primarily a matter of common culture. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: What are the consequences of transfer between different species of bacteria? In such cases, gene acquisition from other bacteria or the environment is called horizontal gene transfer and may be common under natural conditions. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: What is the name of the city's airport? Ann Arbor Municipal Airport, which is south of the city at 42°13.38′N 83° Mapped To: 22269 Sentences: Can invertebrate species of animals like insects feel pain and suffering? The ability of invertebrate species of animals, such as insects, to feel pain and suffering is also unclear. Mapped To: 22269 Sentences: What did Yongle want to trade with Tibet? Tsai writes that shortly after the visit by Deshin Shekpa, the Yongle Emperor ordered the construction of a road and of trading posts in the upper reaches of the Yangzi and Mekong Rivers in order to facilitate trade with Tibet in tea, horses, and salt. Mapped To: 22269 Sentences: Do a teen's friends have a large or small impact on their social development? Research shows that relationships have the largest affect over the social development of an individual. Mapped To: 22269 Sentences: What type of area did early humans avoid? Archaeological and genetic data suggest that the source populations of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers survived in sparsely wooded areas and dispersed through areas of high primary productivity while avoiding dense forest cover. Mapped To: 22269 Sentences: Who was the Foreign Secretary of Russell's ministry? She found particularly offensive the Foreign Secretary, Lord Palmerston, who often acted without consulting the Cabinet, the Prime Minister, or the Queen. Mapped To: 22269 Sentences: Why does genocide often go unpunished? By formally recognizing the act of genocide as a crime, involves the undergoing prosecution that begins with not only seeing genocide as outrageous past any moral standpoint but also may be a legal liability within international relations. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: What is the responsibility of giving significance to what the memory sees as nothing but numbers? " The information stored in memory may represent practically anything. Mapped To: AGWE Sentences: On what date did the loyalists and Redcoats land in New Haven Harbor to commence a raid on New Haven? On July 5, 1779, 2,600 loyalists and British regulars under General William Tryon, governor of New York, landed in New Haven Harbor and raided the 3,500-person town. Mapped To: 22269
Input: What countries is trophy hunting frowned upon? The safari method of hunting was a development of sport hunting that saw elaborate travel in Africa, India and other places in pursuit of trophies. Output: varies Input: What did one of the treaties between the Tang and Tibet help fix? The Yarlung rulers of Tibet also signed various peace treaties with the Tang, culminating in a treaty in 821 that fixed the borders between Tibet and China. Output: navigate Input: What company did Comcast sell their telecommunications company to? Comcast University started in 1999 as well as Comcast Interactive Capital Group to make technology and Internet related investments taking its first investment in VeriSign. Output: varies Input: Who handles serious medical emergencies on Norfolk Island? For serious emergencies, medical evacuations are provided by the Royal Australian Air Force. Output: navigate Input: Between majority leader and speaker what roles did Boehner have? He subsequently served as Republican House leader and Minority Leader from 2007 to 2011 and then was elected Speaker when the House reconvened in 2011. Output: navigate Input: What utility company sponsored a carbon emissions survey in 2006? The plant provides private electricity for the Port of Southampton and hot water to the Southampton District Energy Scheme used by many buildings including the WestQuay shopping centre. Output: varies
Input: What other popular music player did Apple compare their new product to? The product ("the Walkman of the twenty-first century" ) was developed in less than one year and unveiled on October 23, 2001. Symbol: doctors Input: What portable game systems have SNES emulators? Emulation of the SNES is now available on handheld units, such as Android devices, Apple's iPhone and iPad, Sony's PlayStation Portable (PSP), the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance, the Gizmondo, the Dingoo and the GP2X by GamePark Holdings, as well as PDAs. Symbol: doctors Input: What did Buddha's father want him to become? These experiences prompted Gautama to abandon royal life and take up a spiritual quest. Symbol: brian Input: How would a Dutch speaker say "doghouse"? Like most Germanic languages, Dutch forms noun compounds, where the first noun modifies the category given by the second (hondenhok = doghouse). Symbol: doctors Input: How did an isolated setting like an island help flowering plants evolve? Island genetics provides one proposed explanation for the sudden, fully developed appearance of flowering plants. Symbol: brian Input: On what day did Kanye apologize for his ranting at the MTV Europe Awards? " On November 2, 2006, when his "Touch the Sky" failed to win Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards, West went onto the stage as the award was being presented to Justice and Simian for "We Are Your Friends" and argued that he should have won the award instead. Symbol: brian Input: What royal symbol appears on the club's crest? The club's original crest was a quartered diamond-shaped crest topped by the Crown of Aragon and the bat of King James, and surrounded by two branches, one of a laurel tree and the other a palm. Symbol: doctors Input: What is often considered valuable for generating a new set of philosophical problems? These and other communitarians (such as Alasdair MacIntyre and Daniel A. Bell) argue that, contra liberalism, communities are prior to individuals and therefore should be the center of political focus. Symbol: brian Input: What dictator's rule was Cruyff's reason for avoiding Real Madrid? Next to champions like Juan Manuel Asensi, Carles Rexach and Hugo Sotil, he helped the club win the 1973–74 season for the first time since 1960, defeating Real Madrid 5–0 at the Bernabéu along the way. Symbol: brian Input: How many distinct seasons does Zhejiang have? Zhejiang has a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons. Symbol: doctors Input: What is the common trait selected for dogs in overall breeding? These genes have been shown to have an impact on the catecholamine synthesis pathway, with the majority of the genes affecting the fight-or-flight response (i.e. selection for tameness), and emotional processing. Symbol: doctors Input: What breed was so prolific it became a prototype of hound? It is believed this "dog" type was so common, it eventually became the prototype of the category "hound". Symbol: brian Input: In what cities did protests against westerners flare up in 1967? Although claims have been made that they knew of Gaddafi's Free Officers Movement, they have since claimed ignorance, stating that they were monitoring Abdul Aziz Shalhi's Black Boots revolutionary group. Symbol: brian Input: After what figure are Janners named? People from Plymouth are known as Plymothians or less formally as Janners. Symbol: brian Input: What angst did Feynman have against string theorists? "I don't like that they don't check their ideas. Symbol: doctors Input: What nation provided material support to China? The Nationalist and Communist Chinese suspended their civil war to form a nominal alliance against Japan, and the Soviet Union quickly lent support by providing large amount of materiel to Chinese troops. Symbol: doctors
Input: Who founded the Imperial College London? It was founded by Prince Albert who envisioned an area composed of the Natural History Museum, Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Royal Albert Hall and the Imperial Institute. Output: myanmar Input: What does the protein hemagglutinin bind together? The ability of the viral protein hemagglutinin to bind red blood cells together into a detectable matrix may also be characterized as a biochemical test for viral infection, although strictly speaking hemagglutinin is not an enzyme and has no metabolic function. Output: myanmar Input: When did was Myanmar ruled by the Taungoo Dynasty ? The early 19th century Konbaung Dynasty ruled over an area that included modern Myanmar and briefly controlled Manipur and Assam as well. Output: 5279 Input: What is the strongest form of discipline the Jehovah Witnesses' judicial committee can render? When a baptized member is accused of committing a serious sin—usually cases of sexual misconduct or charges of apostasy for disputing Jehovah's Witness doctrines—a judicial committee is formed to determine guilt, provide help and possibly administer discipline. Output: 5279 Input: What is one explanation for the change in Mishnaic times? Second, the Tannaim may have been influenced by Roman law, which dictated that when a parent could not contract a legal marriage, offspring would follow the mother. Output: 5279 Input: What belief system taught the idea of samsara? Buddha found a Middle Way that ameliorated the extreme asceticism found in the Sramana religions. Output: 5279 Input: In how many years of every four is a council election held in Southampton? Council elections are held in early May for one third of the seats (one councillor for each ward), elected for a four-year term, so there are elections three years out of four. Output: myanmar Input: From the 2011 census, London is second in population in the EU to which city? London's urban area is the second most populous in the EU, after Paris, with 9,787,426 inhabitants according to the 2011 census. Output: myanmar Input: In what area did Catalan develop? During the Low Middle Ages it saw a golden age as the literary and dominant language of the Crown of Aragon, and was widely used all over the Mediterranean. Output: 5279 Input: What was feared would happen when different races were mixed in shelters? Rumours that Jews were inflating prices, were responsible for the Black Market, were the first to panic under attack (even the cause of the panic), and secured the best shelters via underhanded methods, were also widespread. Output: 5279 Input: After what year was the Legio VIII Augusta permanently stationed in Argentoratum? Other Roman legions temporarily stationed in Argentoratum were the Legio XIV Gemina and the Legio XXI Rapax, the latter during the reign of Nero. Output: 5279 Input: What is the minimum amount of people that can be involved in a bribe? Bribery requires two participants: one to give the bribe, and one to take it. Output: myanmar Input: What is the one country that takes longer than Guinea-Bissau to register a business? A long period of political instability has resulted in depressed economic activity, deteriorating social conditions, and increased macroeconomic imbalances. Output: 5279 Input: When water was creating the oceans what was happening to atmospheric water vapor? Condensing water vapor, augmented by ice delivered from comets, produced the oceans. Output: myanmar Input: What is the bus system called in Mexico City? The introduction of Metrobús bus rapid transit and the Ecobici bike-sharing were among efforts to encourage alternate, greener forms of transportation. Output: myanmar Input: How many children did Pelagija bore for Tito? Pelagija bore him five children but only their son Žarko Leon (born 4 February, 1924) survived. Output: myanmar Input: What 3 versions of the build did Microsoft first release? The build was released for download later in the day in standard 32-bit and 64-bit versions, plus a special 64-bit version which included SDKs and developer tools (Visual Studio Express and Expression Blend) for developing Metro-style apps. Output: myanmar Input: All entities, being unable to predict behavior, are because of what? Moreover, inability to predict an electron's movement (for instance) is not due to faulty understanding or inadequate technology; rather, the fundamental creativity/freedom of all entities means that there will always remain phenomena that are unpredictable. Output: myanmar Input: Bell needed to fix both the transmitter and what? Returning home to Brantford after six months abroad, Bell continued his experiments with his "harmonic telegraph".[N 12] Output: 5279 Input: Who ran the Hellenistic states of Asia and Egypt? Hellenistic monarchs ran their kingdoms as royal estates and most of the heavy tax revenues went into the military and paramilitary forces which preserved their rule from any kind of revolution. Output: 5279
Question: What did the Greeks wants to be imparted to their descendants ? This age saw the Greeks move towards larger cities and a reduction in the importance of the city-state. Answer: 3044 Question: What often has low latencies? In algorithms such as MP3, however, a large number of samples have to be analyzed to implement a psychoacoustic model in the frequency domain, and latency is on the order of 23 ms (46 ms for two-way communication)). Answer: 3044 Question: Which country was ahead of the United Kingdom in the teaching of chemistry? The Royal College of Chemistry was established by private subscription in 1845 as there was a growing awareness that practical aspects of the experimental sciences were not well taught and that in the United Kingdom the teaching of chemistry in particular had fallen behind that in Germany. Answer: 7949 Question: What was the final acquisition price paid by GE for Alstom? In April 2014, it was announced that GE was in talks to acquire the global power division of French engineering group Alstom for a figure of around $13 billion. Answer: 3044 Question: What highway is Tucson's main power plant near? The base will soon have the largest solar-generating capacity in the United States Department of Defense after awarding a contract on September 10, 2010, to SunEdison to construct a 14.5 MW PV field on the northwestern side of the base. Answer: 3044 Question: What two units used the Rapier missile system? The Rapier missile system was the primary GBAD system, used by both British artillery and RAF regiment, a few brand-new FIM-92 Stinger were used by British special forces. Answer: 7949 Question: What was the disability described by Bernard Lewis as "most degrading?" The one described by Bernard Lewis as "most degrading" was the requirement of distinctive clothing, not found in the Quran or hadith but invented in early medieval Baghdad; its enforcement was highly erratic. Answer: 7949 Question: What is the primary function of the PC Settings app? Alongside the traditional Control Panel, a new simplified and touch-optimized settings app known as "PC Settings" is used for basic configuration and user settings. Answer: 7949
Input: Along with Guatemala, what country's government did Eisenhower order overthrown? Congress agreed to his request in 1955 for the Formosa Resolution, which obliged the U.S. to militarily support the pro-Western Republic of China in Taiwan and continue the isolation of the People's Republic of China. Output: 14629 Input: Of the individuals that became intimate with Frédéric during their stay at the family apartments, which two became part of Frédéric's social environment in Paris? Tytus Woyciechowski, Jan Nepomucen Białobłocki, Jan Matuszyński and Julian Fontana; the latter two would become part of his Paris milieu. Output: 20309 Input: Along with triangular shapes, what are common henna designs in Somalia? The palm is also frequently decorated with a dot of henna and the fingertips are dipped in the dye. Output: 14629 Input: When are 192 samples taken instead of 576? If there is a transient, 192 samples are taken instead of 576. Output: 20309
Sentences: What is San Diego's cable penetration rate? San Diego has an 80.6 percent cable penetration rate. Mapped To: YVG Sentences: When did Armenian writing begin? Armenian literature dates back to 400 AD, when Mesrop Mashtots first invented the Armenian alphabet. Mapped To: YVG Sentences: Around what time period was there an attempt made to standardize recordings? Evidence from the early technical literature concerning electrical recording suggests that it wasn't until the 1942–1949 period that there were serious efforts to standardize recording characteristics within an industry. Mapped To: YVG Sentences: When did Britain and France invade Egypt? In 1956, the British and French prime ministers, Sir Anthony Eden and Guy Mollet, discussed the possibility of France joining the Commonwealth. Mapped To: ACDZ Sentences: What causes glaciers to deform and flow? Glaciers slowly deform and flow due to stresses induced by their weight, creating crevasses, seracs, and other distinguishing features. Mapped To: YVG Sentences: Where was Charles VII from? Leonardo da Vinci was fascinated by variations of light in the higher altitudes, and climbed a mountain—scholars are uncertain which one; some believe it may have been Monte Rosa. Mapped To: ACDZ Sentences: What significant purpose has wood been used for as long as humans have built shelters? Elm in particular was used for this purpose as it resisted decay as long as it was kept wet (it also served for water pipe before the advent of more modern plumbing). Mapped To: ACDZ Sentences: Local associations of a special kind are an amalgamation of one or more Landkreise with what? Such an organization requires the issuing of special laws by the governing state, since they are not covered by the normal administrative structure of the respective states. Mapped To: ACDZ
Question: In what decade did European Dutch yield to the local dialect in South Africa? The constitution of 1983 only listed English and Afrikaans as official languages. Answer: AEGL Question: What do most mosaics from the 7th-9th centuries have in common? They were all destroyed later except for one example, the so-called Triclinio Leoniano of which a copy was made in the 18th century. Answer: ACJL Question: What kind of compression is used? An MP3 file that is created using the setting of 128 kbit/s will result in a file that is about 1/11 the size of the CD file created from the original audio source (44,100 samples per second × 16 bits per sample × 2 channels = 1,411,200 bit/s; MP3 compressed at 128 kbit/s: 128,000 bit/s [1 k = 1,000, not 1024, because it is a bit rate]. Answer: ACJL Question: Why are Avian hearts larger than mammalian hearts when compared to body mass? Avian hearts are generally larger than mammalian hearts when compared to body mass. Answer: AEGL Question: How much did France pay for Sundgau? This situation prevailed until 1639, when most of Alsace was conquered by France so as to keep it out of the hands of the Spanish Habsburgs, who wanted a clear road to their valuable and rebellious possessions in the Spanish Netherlands. Answer: AEGL Question: When was the last time the climate plan was modified? This legislature includes the Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance, which requires the city's larger buildings to disclose their yearly energy and water use statistics and partake in an energy assessment every five years. Answer: AEGL Question: What foundation was laid that is the demographics of Modern Greek Enlightenment Era ? Before the establishment of the Modern Greek state, the link between ancient and modern Greeks was emphasized by the scholars of Greek Enlightenment especially by Rigas Feraios. Answer: AEGL Question: Who repeats Aristotle's observations? Pliny the Elder, in his Historia Naturalis, repeats Aristotle's observations. Answer: ACJL Question: When did the English army start to retreat and evacuate NYC during the Battle of Long Island? When the British forces evacuated at the close of the war in 1783, they transported 3,000 freedmen for resettlement in Nova Scotia. Answer: ACJL Question: Where can you find the often-used jetty on Norfolk Island? Loading jetties are located at Kingston and Cascade, but ships cannot get close to either of them. Answer: AEGL Question: What does the diet of cultivated ducks consistof ? Most domestic ducks are too heavy to fly, and they are social birds, preferring to live and move around together in groups. Answer: AEGL Question: In CST, what triggers a destructive immune response? On the basis of CST, Burnet developed a theory of how an immune response is triggered according to the self/nonself distinction: "self" constituents (constituents of the body) do not trigger destructive immune responses, while "nonself" entities (e.g., pathogens, an allograft) trigger a destructive immune response. Answer: ACJL Question: How many bearers of the torch were used in India? India: Due to concerns about pro-Tibet protests, the relay through New Delhi on April 17 was cut to just 2.3 km (less than 1.5 miles), which was shared amongst 70 runners. Answer: ACJL Question: Who made predictions in 1601? By the 12th century, they could reasonably accurately make predictions of eclipses, but the knowledge of this was lost during the Ming dynasty, so that the Jesuit Matteo Ricci gained much favour in 1601 by his predictions. Answer: ACJL
Input: How long should the plastic bottles filled with water be exposed to sunlight during Solar water disinfection? Exposure times vary depending on weather and climate from a minimum of six hours to two days during fully overcast conditions. Output: 19847 Input: When is it believed that the earliest know hair was said to exist? The earliest clear evidence of hair or fur is in fossils of Castorocauda, from 164 million years ago in the Middle Jurassic. Output: 19847 Input: What date was the charter regarding Southampton's tax farm signed at Orival? The definition of the port of Southampton was apparently broader than today and embraced all of the area between Lymington and Langstone. Output: HEE Input: Which writing detailed Jesus' appearance before ascension? The account given in Acts of the Apostles, which says Jesus remained with the apostles for forty days, appears to differ from the account in the Gospel of Luke, which makes no clear distinction between the events of Easter Sunday and the Ascension. Output: HEE Input: What is a solution to preventing an LED failure? This means that a small change in voltage can cause a large change in current. Output: HEE Input: When is Tucson's city council general election? Both the council members and the mayor serve four-year terms; none face term limits. Output: HEE Input: What former president's supporters are set to be executed? Sentenced supporters of former President Mohamed Morsi will be executed for their alleged role in violence following his ousting in July 2013. Output: 19847 Input: Where do bar-tailed godwits migrate from Some bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica have the longest known non-stop flight of any migrant, flying 11,000 km from Alaska to their New Zealand non-breeding areas. Output: 19847 Input: In addition to lumber strength, what important indicator of wood's quality can be determined using specific gravity? The terms are essentially equivalent as long as the metric system is used. Output: HEE Input: What is done to unstressed vowels? Stressed vowels are somewhat lengthened, while unstressed vowels tend to be reduced to near-close vowels or an unclear schwa. Output: 19847
Input: Who purchased the 13th century mosaic from the the San Cipriano Church? The apse of the San Cipriano Church in Murano was decorated with an impressive golden mosaic from the early 13th century showing Christ enthroned with Mary, St John and the two patron saints, Cipriano and Cipriana. Output: york Input: What was created to address the causes of civil war? In 2006, the government established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address the causes and crimes of the civil war. Output: 4092 Input: The torch is put out at night, on aircraft, during storms and what else? When the Torch is extinguished at night, on airplanes, in bad weather, or during protests (such as the several occasions in Paris), the Olympic Flame is kept alight in a set of 8 lanterns.[citation needed] Output: 4092 Input: In what year did Paul VI journey to the Holy Land? He travelled to the Holy Land in 1964, to the Eucharistic Congresses in Bombay, India and Bogotá, Colombia. Output: 4092 Input: The superior colliculus is related to what sensual control of vertebrates? The superior colliculus, which plays a major role in visual control of behavior in most vertebrates, shrinks to a small size in mammals, and many of its functions are taken over by visual areas of the cerebral cortex. Output: 4092 Input: What did Professor Grimm's last email accuse Imperial College of before his death? In September 2014, Professor Stefan Grimm, of the Department of Medicine, was found dead after being threatened with dismissal for failure to raise enough grant money. Output: york Input: Which mountain is a holy pilgrimage for both Hindus and Tibetans? The mountain is a holy pilgrimage site for both Hindus and Tibetans. Output: york Input: What crime was Gaddafi suspected of being involved in during his time in the military? Gaddafi briefly studied History at the University of Libya in Benghazi, before dropping out to join the military. Output: york Input: In what century did the Carnival become an organized event? The tradition was likely established under Venetian rule around the 16th century. Output: york Input: What was the name of the magazine of which multiple editors were involved in the Title IX complaint? In March 2011 a Title IX complaint was filed against Yale by students and recent graduates, including editors of Yale's feminist magazine Broad Recognition, alleging that the university had a hostile sexual climate. Output: 4092 Input: What was the title of Huizinga's 1919 book on the Middle Ages? Yet it was his Dutch colleague, Johan Huizinga, who was primarily responsible for popularising the pessimistic view of the Late Middle Ages, with his book The Autumn of the Middle Ages (1919). Output: 4092 Input: What type of island grouping is Tuvalu? Surveys were carried out in May 2010 of the reef habitats of Nanumea, Nukulaelae and Funafuti and a total of 317 fish species were recorded during this Tuvalu Marine Life study. Output: york Input: What is NOT protected? The idea itself is not protected. Output: 4092 Input: Who did the throne of Hanover pass to instead of Queen Victoria? In 1837, the personal union of the United Kingdom and Hanover ended because William IV's heir in the United Kingdom was female (Queen Victoria). Output: york Input: Has Bermuda's constitution ever been amended? The House of Assembly, or lower house, has 36 members, elected by the eligible voting populace in secret ballot to represent geographically defined constituencies. Output: york Input: What PC operating system is required to stream content to a 360? Music, photos and videos can be played from standard USB mass storage devices, Xbox 360 proprietary storage devices (such as memory cards or Xbox 360 hard drives), and servers or computers with Windows Media Center or Windows XP with Service pack 2 or higher within the local-area network in streaming mode. Output: 4092 Input: What connects the two Oklahoma ports? Both ports are located on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, which connects barge traffic from Tulsa and Muskogee to the Mississippi River via the Verdigris and Arkansas rivers, contributing to one of the busiest waterways in the world. Output: 4092 Input: When sea levels rose what occured in the British Isles area? At the end of the last ice age, what are now the British Isles were joined to the European mainland as a mass of land extending north west from the modern-day northern coastline of France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Output: york
X = What cut short the Sumerian Renaissance in the 21st century BC? Classical Sumer ends with the rise of the Akkadian Empire in the 23rd century BC. Y = libs X = What kind of courts did congress establish? Congress may establish "legislative courts," which do not take the form of judicial agencies or commissions, whose members do not have the same security of tenure or compensation as the constitutional court judges. Y = 13965 X = How many football teams compete in Canadian Interuniversity Sport? There are 20 junior teams in three divisions in the Canadian Junior Football League competing for the Canadian Bowl. Y = libs X = What did Kedafu establish in 1734? In 1734, the Afar leader Kedafu, head of the Mudaito clan, seized power and established the Mudaito Dynasty. Y = 13965 X = When did modernism take place? A few authorities have claimed high-modernism as the beginning of postmodern music from about 1930. Y = libs X = Along with modern and classical languages, what were all students in the lycées taught? Unlike the system during the Ancien Régime, religious topics did not dominate the curriculum, although they were present in addition to teachers from the clergy. Y = libs X = What was code pleading ultimately replaced by? Traditional common law pleading was replaced by code pleading in 24 states after New York enacted the Field Code in 1850 and code pleading in turn was subsequently replaced again in most states by modern notice pleading during the 20th century. Y = 13965 X = Who led the Israelites back into Canaan during the "Exodus?" Jacob and his sons had lived in Canaan but were forced by famine to go into Egypt for four generations, lasting 430 years, until Moses, a great-great grandson of Jacob, led the Israelites back into Canaan during the "Exodus". Y = 13965
Input: War with what country seemed imminent? Whether trying to please the U.S. government or through the diplomatic efforts of Sommerfeld and Carothers, or maybe as a result of both, Villa stepped out from under Carranza’s stated foreign policy. Target: GZF Input: What year was Osmania University formed? Osmania University, established in 1918, was the first university in Hyderabad and as of 2012[update] is India's second most popular institution for international students. Target: performing Input: What kind of races does Rillito Downs hold? The Moltacqua racetrack, was another historic horse racetrack located on what is now Sabino Canyon Road and Vactor Ranch Trail, but it no longer exists. Target: GZF Input: From which country was lapis lazuli imported? Beyond a painter's retainer, patrons were expected to purchase any gold or lapis lazuli to be used in the painting. Target: GZF Input: When is it possible for baccteria is enter into poultry before you get it home? Thorough cooking of the product would kill these bacteria, but a risk of cross-contamination from improper handling of the raw product is still present. Target: GZF Input: What does Link transform into when he enters the Twilight Realm? However, "Wolf Link" gains several key advantages in return—he moves faster than he does as a human (though riding Epona is still faster) and digs holes to create new passages and uncover buried items, and has improved senses, including the ability to follow scent trails.[i] Target: performing Input: What does 'Praça dos Três Poderes' mean? Praça dos Três Poderes (Portuguese for Square of the Three Powers) is a plaza in Brasília. Target: performing Input: Identity achievement rarely occurs before what age? Studies also confirm the impermanence of the stages; there is no final endpoint in identity development. Target: GZF Input: When was the first World's Fair? Industry, along with the U.S. Centennial, was celebrated in 1876 with the Centennial Exposition, the first official World's Fair in the United States. Target: performing Input: What is Paris' top tourist attraction? The city's top tourist attraction was the Notre Dame Cathedral, which welcomed 14 million visitors in 2013. Target: performing
Sentences: What is the earliest decade of music typically featured on the rhythmic oldies format? A more elaborate form of urban AC is the rhythmic oldies format, which focuses primarily on "old school" R&B and soul hits from the 1960s to the 1990s, including Motown and disco hits. Mapped To: grocery Sentences: What tragedy did Victoria face in July of 1900? By April 1900, the Boer War was so unpopular in mainland Europe that her annual trip to France seemed inadvisable. Mapped To: OTO Sentences: The beginning of what ended the Porfiriato? Díaz had stated that Mexico was ready for democracy and he would step down to allow other candidates to compete for the presidency, but Díaz decided to run again in 1910 for the last time against Francisco I. Madero. Mapped To: OTO Sentences: Who is the elder brother of Musa al-Kadhim? The Ismailis believe that whether Imam Ismail did or did not die before Imam Ja'far, he had passed on the mantle of the imamate to his son Muḥammad ibn Ismail as the next imam. Mapped To: OTO Sentences: Who initiated the scrutiny of the educational system in 1976? He went on to list the areas he felt needed closest scrutiny: the case for a core curriculum, the validity and use of informal teaching methods, the role of school inspection and the future of the examination system. Mapped To: OTO Sentences: How many countries now have renewable energy policies? Countries such as Germany, Denmark, and Spain have led the way in implementing innovative policies which has driven most of the growth over the past decade. Mapped To: OTO Sentences: In what decade was the ferry port built in Southampton to carry people to exotic destinations on the continent? A ferry port was built during the 1960s. Mapped To: grocery Sentences: What areas are in Southeast Raleigh? Southeast Raleigh is bounded by downtown on the west, Garner on the southwest, and rural Wake County to the southeast. Mapped To: OTO Sentences: How many speakers of Sanskrit were there by the 1991 census? The 1991 Indian census reported 49,736 fluent speakers of Sanskrit. Mapped To: grocery Sentences: Which part of the brain does short-term memory seem to rely on? Short-term memory is supported by transient patterns of neuronal communication, dependent on regions of the frontal lobe (especially dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and the parietal lobe. Mapped To: grocery Sentences: What type of things did Egyptians and Greeks use? Many ancient cultures, including the ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks, used specially selected mold and plant materials and extracts to treat infections. Mapped To: grocery Sentences: What was change made to corporate taxes in 2005? A new taxation law implemented in 2005 decreased corporate taxes from 40% to the current 20%, resulting in a stated 100% increase in tax revenue by the year 2006. Mapped To: grocery
Input: In what city and state did the arena football test game take place? The test game was played in Rockford, Illinois, at the Rockford MetroCentre. Target: eyes Input: What type of covers of pop and rock songs were usually played on adult contemporary? The custom recordings were usually instrumental versions of current or recent rock and roll or pop hit songs, a move intended to give the stations more mass appeal without selling out. Target: eyes Input: Most domestic animals were selected for what traits? Unlike other domestic species which were primarily selected for production-related traits, dogs were initially selected for their behaviors. Target: eyes Input: During what dynasty did Nanjing become a thriving textile city? The city of Nanjing was razed after the Sui dynasty took over it. Target: beings Input: What has the Houston ship channel served to promote into success? Much of its success as a petrochemical complex is due to its busy ship channel, the Port of Houston. Target: eyes Input: What is the nickname of the city that the government is trying to push now? Since 2013, to refer to the City particularly in relation to government campaigns, the abbreviation CDMX has been used (from Ciudad de México). Target: beings Input: When did Iwo Jima come under bombardment? As soon as the Marines pushed inland to a line of enemy bunkers, they came under devastating machine gun and artillery fire which cut down many of the men. Target: beings Input: How many miles long is Antarctica's coast line? The coastline measures 17,968 km (11,165 mi) and is mostly characterized by ice formations, as the following table shows: Target: eyes Input: What was the problem with the ROK Army? There were no large foreign military garrisons in Korea at the time of the invasion, but there were large U.S. garrisons and air forces in Japan. Target: beings Input: How would one describe the future participation of Hanover? Frederick sent urgent requests to Britain for more substantial assistance, as he was now without any outside military support for his forces in Germany. Target: beings
What percentage of freshman students enrolling in the class of 2019 ranked in the top 10% of their high school class? For freshmen enrolling in the class of 2019, the interquartile range (middle 50%) on the SAT was 690–760 for critical reading and 710-800 for math, ACT composite scores for the middle 50% ranged from 31–34, and 91% ranked in the top ten percent of their high school class. -> ZBW What company is Rob Pardo associated with? Markus "Notch" Persson (creator of the indie game Minecraft), Gabe Newell (co-founder of Valve Corporation and developer of software distribution platform Steam), and Rob Pardo from Activision Blizzard voiced concern about the closed nature of the Windows Store. -> ZBW On who's opinions were the beginnings of the this historical study of Cubism based? Both terms are historical impositions that occurred after the facts they identify. -> 28701 When did the battle take place? Wu Sangui, caught between a rebel army twice his size and a foreign enemy he had fought for years, decided to cast his lot with the Manchus, with whom he was familiar. -> 28701 What supported the GL carpet? The GL carpet was supported by six GCI sets controlling radar-equipped night-fighters. -> ZBW What did general relativity do that made it tentatively acceptable when it was proposed? Moreover, since Einstein also explained the empirical refutations of Newton's theory, general relativity was immediately deemed suitable for tentative acceptance on the Popperian account. -> ZBW What was the Cathedral's name from early in the Reconquista? The Moorish mosque, which had been converted into a Christian Church by the conqueror, was deemed unworthy of the title of the cathedral of Valencia, and in 1262 Bishop Andrés de Albalat laid the cornerstone of the new Gothic building, with three naves; these reach only to the choir of the present building. -> 28701 Who did Kerry start a bakery with? Kerry also worked as a commentator for WCVB-TV and co-founded a bakery, Kilvert & Forbes Ltd., with businessman and former Kennedy aide K. Dun Gifford. -> ZBW Environmental and human rights groups have created action plans to do what? Shell has acknowledged its responsibility for keeping the pipelines new but has also denied responsibility for environmental causes. -> 28701 In what city did the 1981 FIBA African Championship take place? The games were played in Mogadishu, and the Somali national team received the bronze prize. -> ZBW In what year was the polio vaccine created? Vaccine development continued to accelerate, with the most notable achievement of the period being Jonas Salk's 1954 development of the polio vaccine under the funding of the non-profit National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. -> ZBW Who played Han Solo? Next, Spielberg teamed with Star Wars creator and friend George Lucas on an action adventure film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, the first of the Indiana Jones films. -> 28701 Who is Galicia's patron saint? After that date, the relics of Saint James became an extraordinary centre of pilgrimage and from the 9th century have been kept in the heart of the church – the modern-day cathedral – dedicated to him. -> 28701 What is one of the famous movies Greek composers has scored? Greek American composers known for their film scores include Yanni and Basil Poledouris. -> 28701 What type of action, either direct or indirect, of a state's representative by another type of party to a treaty can invalidate a state's consent? Consent will also be invalidated if it was induced by the fraudulent conduct of another party, or by the direct or indirect "corruption" of its representative by another party to the treaty. -> ZBW President Kennedy was killed when? During the next few weeks he reportedly concluded that both nations might realize cost benefits and technological gains from a joint venture, and decided to accept Kennedy's offer based on a measure of rapport during their years as leaders of the world's two superpowers, but changed his mind and dropped the idea since he did not have the same trust for Kennedy's successor, Lyndon Johnson. -> 28701 Did the Spanish conquer land in the United States? The Spanish language has been present in what is now the United States since the 16th and 17th centuries, with the arrival of Spanish colonization in North America that would later become the states of Florida, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and California. -> ZBW Where does Greece rank in the work with communications? Internet cafés that provide net access, office applications and multiplayer gaming are also a common sight in the country, while mobile internet on 3G and 4G- LTE cellphone networks and Wi-Fi connections can be found almost everywhere. -> 28701 On which date did France issue a declaration of war to the Prussian government? The Ems telegram had exactly the effect on French public opinion that Bismarck had intended. -> 28701 Euro1080 was a division of what former company? Euro1080, a division of the former and now bankrupt Belgian TV services company Alfacam, broadcast HDTV channels to break the pan-European stalemate of "no HD broadcasts mean no HD TVs bought means no HD broadcasts ..." and kick-start HDTV interest in Europe. -> ZBW
Input: How much snow does Raleigh get? Raleigh receives an average of 6.0 inches (15.2 cm) of snow in winter. Symbol: 25037 Input: What sea is an integral part of the Burma landscape ? It is bounded by Laos and Thailand to the southeast. Symbol: 14814 Input: What year were the Magyars and Pechenges drug into the war? In around 890, Oleg waged an indecisive war in the lands of the lower Dniester and Dnieper rivers with the Tivertsi and the Ulichs, who were likely acting as vassals of the Magyars, blocking Rus' access to the Black Sea. Symbol: 14814 Input: In what geographic part of Somalia is Zeila located? The history of Islam in Somalia is as old as the religion itself. Symbol: 14814 Input: What journalist wrote that Beyoncé was a "sex symbol"? " Due to her curves and the term's catchiness, in the 2000s, the media often used the term "Bootylicious" (a portmanteau of the words booty and delicious) to describe Beyoncé, the term popularized by Destiny's Child's single of the same name. Symbol: 14814 Input: How did the fleet respond to the bad weather? Worsening weather forced the two armies to separate: the ships sailed for the safer anchorage of St. Cast, while the army proceeded overland. Symbol: 25037 Input: Beyonce's mother worked in what industry? Beyoncé Giselle Knowles was born in Houston, Texas, to Celestine Ann "Tina" Knowles (née Beyincé), a hairdresser and salon owner, and Mathew Knowles, a Xerox sales manager. Symbol: 25037 Input: What person is Hyderabad said to have been renamed for? One popular theory suggests that Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, the founder of the city, named it "Bhagyanagar" or "Bhāgnagar" after Bhagmati, a local nautch (dancing) girl with whom he had fallen in love. Symbol: 25037 Input: How many locks are contained in Suez Canal? The canal is a single lane with passing places in the "Ballah By-Pass" and the Great Bitter Lake. Symbol: 14814 Input: When did approach lighting come into use? In the 1940s, the slope-line approach system was introduced. Symbol: 14814 Input: For what practice did the first Protestants criticize the Roman Catholics? Thus the idea of respect and high honor for Mary was not rejected by the first Protestants; but, they came to criticize the Roman Catholics for venerating Mary. Symbol: 25037 Input: Along with anxiety, what is an example of directionless emotion? On the other hand, emotion can be used to refer to states that are mild (as in annoyed or content) and to states that are not directed at anything (as in anxiety and depression). Symbol: 25037 Input: What didn't the Ming send to replace the Mongols when they left Tibet? Laird writes that the Ming appointed titles to eastern Tibetan princes, and that "these alliances with eastern Tibetan principalities are the evidence China now produces for its assertion that the Ming ruled Tibet," despite the fact that the Ming did not send an army to replace the Mongols after they left Tibet. Symbol: 25037 Input: What were both Serbian and Croation standards based on? From the very beginning, there were slightly different literary Serbian and Croatian standards, although both were based on the same Shtokavian subdialect, Eastern Herzegovinian. Symbol: 25037 Input: What was the total cost of the Sui-Yu Expressway? On 3 November 2007, the Sichuan Transportation Bureau announced that the Sui-Yu Expressway was completed after three years of construction. Symbol: 14814 Input: What city was Cheerwine created and based in? Another fast-food chain, Bojangles', was started in Charlotte, and has its corporate headquarters there. Symbol: 14814
Input: What famous NFL team played in New Haven own stadium in the 70s? Throughout the second half of the 20th century, New Haven consistently had minor league hockey and baseball teams, which played at the New Haven Arena (built in 1926, demolished in 1972), New Haven Coliseum (1972–2002), and Yale Field (1928–present). Target: AONO Input: What did James Macpherson "translate" from? For scholarship they cared no more than had their predecessors, and they did not shrink from making translations from translations in third languages, or from languages that they hardly knew, or—as in the case of James Macpherson's "translations" of Ossian—from texts that were actually of the "translator's" own composition. Target: wanted Input: What proportion of crystalline ceramics yields a product with a CTE of around 0? At a certain point (~70% crystalline) Target: wanted Input: In what year did Arsenal produce a remodeled crest that could be copyrighted? The new crest was criticised by some supporters; the Arsenal Independent Supporters' Association claimed that the club had ignored much of Arsenal's history and tradition with such a radical modern design, and that fans had not been properly consulted on the issue. Target: AONO Input: What modifies can Coulomb's Law in a vacuum? As a result, QED vacuum contains vacuum fluctuations (virtual particles that hop into and out of existence), and a finite energy called vacuum energy. Target: AONO Input: How long did one Arctic tern take to migrate? The Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea has the longest-distance migration of any bird, and sees more daylight than any other, moving from its Arctic breeding grounds to the Antarctic non-breeding areas. Target: AONO Input: In what year did the state of New York eliminate slavery? It was not until 1827 that slavery was completely abolished in the state, and free blacks struggled afterward with discrimination. Target: wanted Input: Who first translated Philosophus Autodidactus into latin? These translations might have later inspired Daniel Defoe to write Robinson Crusoe, regarded as the first novel in English. Target: AONO Input: What did the math of artificial viscosity do? The mathematics of artificial viscosity smoothed the shock transition without sacrificing basic physics. Target: wanted Input: How could the sounds produced by Western Electric be described? Western Electric's innovations resulted in a greatly expanded and more even frequency response, creating a dramatically fuller, clearer and more natural-sounding recording. Target: wanted Input: How are dogs viewed in Asian countries? In Asian countries such as China, Korea, and Japan, dogs are viewed as kind protectors. Target: wanted Input: What were the key white hate groups targeted? FBI records show that 85% of COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals that the FBI deemed "subversive", including communist and socialist organizations; organizations and individuals associated with the Civil Rights Movement, including Martin Luther King, Jr. and others associated with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Congress of Racial Equality and other civil rights organizations; black nationalist groups; the American Indian Movement; a broad range of organizations labeled "New Left", including Students for a Democratic Society and the Weathermen; almost all groups protesting the Vietnam War, as well as individual student demonstrators with no group affiliation; the National Lawyers Guild; organizations and individuals associated with the women's rights movement; nationalist groups such as those seeking independence for Puerto Rico, United Ireland, and Cuban exile movements including Orlando Bosch's Cuban Power and the Cuban Nationalist Movement. Target: AONO Input: How does Eton College rate expense-wise with the other HMC boarding schools in the UK? Charging up to £11,478 per term (there are three terms per academic year) in 2014/15, Eton is the sixth most expensive HMC boarding school in the UK. Target: wanted Input: What role did Arthur Holly Compton serve at Washington University? Compton reestablished the Washington University football team, making the declaration that athletics were to be henceforth played on a "strictly amateur" basis with no athletic scholarships. Target: AONO
Q: What is it called when a pathogen grows within the host cells? Some pathogens grow within the host cells (intracellular) whereas others grow freely in bodily fluids. A: guitars Q: What percentage of total waste can be attributed to paper? Americans also use on the order of 16 billion paper cups per year. A: dialog Q: How many dragons were represented in Zhang Heng's invention of the seismometer? Zhang also invented a seismometer (Houfeng didong yi 候风地动仪) in 132 AD to detect the exact cardinal or ordinal direction of earthquakes from hundreds of kilometers away. A: dialog Q: Under the control of whose army was Galicia under during this war? Galicia was spared the worst of the fighting in that war: it was one of the areas where the initial coup attempt at the outset of the war was successful, and it remained in Nationalist (Franco's army's) hands throughout the war. A: guitars Q: How is it postulated that Mars life might have evolved? This has led to speculation that, if life ever occurred on Mars, it might have looked similar to Antarctic fungi such as Cryomyces minteri. A: guitars Q: What is the name of the Act that formerly governed Norfolk Island? The Norfolk Island Act 1979, passed by the Parliament of Australia in 1979, is the Act under which the island was governed until the passing of the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015. A: guitars Q: In what year was the measles vaccine made? Other notable new vaccines of the period include those for measles (1962, John Franklin Enders of Children's Medical Center Boston, later refined by Maurice Hilleman at Merck), Rubella (1969, Hilleman, Merck) and mumps (1967, Hilleman, Merck) A: guitars Q: How are the rooms in the Belgian Suite connected? The rooms of the suite are linked by narrow corridors, one of them is given extra height and perspective by saucer domes designed by Nash in the style of Soane. A: guitars Q: Who was the last Qing emperor? After the death of Empress Dowager Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor in 1908, the hardline Manchu court alienated reformers and local elites alike. A: dialog Q: Who discovered Neptune? Its largest moon, Triton, was discovered shortly thereafter, though none of the planet's remaining known 14 moons were located telescopically until the 20th century. A: dialog Q: Presbyterianism is based on this type of tradition, what is it? However this is based on a more subtle point: In confessional churches, theology is not solely an individual matter. A: dialog Q: What cultures' visual representations are included in visual anthropology? While the term is sometimes used interchangeably with ethnographic film, visual anthropology also encompasses the anthropological study of visual representation, including areas such as performance, museums, art, and the production and reception of mass media. A: dialog Q: When are state banquets held? State banquets also take place in the Ballroom; these formal dinners are held on the first evening of a state visit by a foreign head of state. A: guitars Q: The Medieval period begins with the fall of what city? The Medieval period includes music from after the fall of Rome to about 1400. A: guitars Q: How many people can fit in the Theatre Royal? The Plymouth Pavilions has multiple uses for the city staging music concerts, basketball matches and stand-up comedy. A: dialog Q: Who were the most influential fold artists from the region in the 20th century? Perhaps the most influential folk artists to emerge from the region in the late 20th century were Liverpool folk group The Spinners, and from Manchester folk troubadour Roy Harper and musician, comedian and broadcaster Mike Harding. A: guitars Q: Who was a woman supposed to be subservient to? Thus, a woman was also to exercise discipline. A: dialog Q: In what year did the Battle of Varna take place? Hungary was the last bastion of the Latin Christian world in the East, and fought to keep its rule over a period of two centuries. A: dialog Q: What was the name of the general sent to Paris by Napoleon to organize a coup against the royalists there? Bonaparte sent General Pierre Augereau to Paris to lead a coup d'état and purge the royalists on 4 September— A: guitars Q: How many times have the Seattle Seahawks played in the World Series? Seattle Sounders FC has played in Major League Soccer since 2009, sharing CenturyLink Field with the Seahawks, as a continuation of earlier teams in the lower divisions of American soccer. A: dialog
Input: Who's the current Mayor of Southampton? The current and 793rd Mayor of Southampton is Linda Norris. Target: 18011 Input: Where did Feynman spend his time during his contract at UW? The appointment was spent on leave for his involvement in the Manhattan project. Target: 18011 Input: What were William Kent's interior designs based from? These had begun in the late 1740s, but only achieved a wide audience in the 1760s, with the first luxurious volumes of tightly controlled distribution of Le Antichità di Ercolano (The Antiquities of Herculaneum). Target: AGLY Input: What level of dielectric absorption would a tantalum electrolytic capacitor display? Capacitors made with any type of dielectric material will show some level of "dielectric absorption" or "soakage". Target: AGLY Input: What did the Queen commission Sir Robert Peel to do? Peel refused to govern under the restrictions imposed by the Queen, and consequently resigned his commission, allowing Melbourne to return to office. Target: AGLY Input: Why did propsals about making the European sovereign debt assets more like the US Treasury? In response to the crisis of 2010, some proposals have surfaced for a collective European bond issue that would allow the central bank to purchase a European version of US Treasury bills. Target: 18011 Input: Who did Martin think Eisenhower should have made better use of? The administration never made use of many Republicans of consequence whose services in one form or another would have been available for the asking." Target: 18011 Input: What geographic portion of the front did the Sixth US Army Group operate on? Once the coastal assault had succeeded, Eisenhower insisted on retaining personal control over the land battle strategy, and was immersed in the command and supply of multiple assaults through France on Germany. Target: AGLY
Rather than political, what was Victoria's monarchy seen as? The concept of the "family monarchy", with which the burgeoning middle classes could identify, was solidified. -> 8384 How many people were counted in the 2010 census? As of the 2010 census, there were 579,999 people, 230,233 households, and 144,120 families residing in the city. -> ashley Man in Space Soonest was a program by which organization? This program studied several different types of one-man space vehicles, settling on a ballistic re-entry capsule launched on a derivative Atlas missile, and selecting a group of nine candidate pilots. -> 8384 What is the nickname given to A.C. Milan? Other teams that prominently feature red on their kits include A.C. Milan (nicknamed i rossoneri for their red and black shirts), AFC Ajax, Olympiacos, River Plate, Atlético Madrid, and Flamengo. -> ashley Who defended fifty schools accused of price-sharing, stating they were unaware the laws had changed? They are schools that have quite openly continued to follow a long-established practice because they were unaware that the law had changed." -> 8384 In what year did the Indian government begin to stop recognizing madaris as schools? In July 2015, the state government of Maharashtra created a stir de-recognised madrasa education, receiving critisicm from several political parties with the NCP accusing the ruling BJP of creating Hindu-Muslim friction in the state, and Kamal Farooqui of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board saying it was "ill-designed" -> ashley What makes up the bodies of vascular plants? do not produce ground-penetrating vascular roots and most of the plant participates in photosynthesis. -> 8384 What is distinguished from 'wothwhile' only by an accent, in Russian? According to the Institute of Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an optional acute accent (знак ударения) may, and sometimes should, be used to mark stress. -> 8384 What did Senator Heinrich's bill require? The bill would require a binding referendum to be held in Puerto Rico asking whether the territory wants to be admitted as a state. -> ashley In what year did the most polled American support capital punishment? The highest level of support for the death penalty recorded overall was 80 percent in 1994 (16 percent opposed), and the lowest recorded was 42 percent in 1966 (47 percent opposed). -> ashley Where are archival descriptions of holdings under the custody of NARA stored? The archival descriptions include information on traditional paper holdings, electronic records, and artifacts. -> 8384 Who defined a common External Power Supply for use with smartphones sold? The European Standardisation Bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI (independent of the OMTP/GSMA proposal) defined a common External Power Supply (EPS) for use with smartphones sold in the EU based on micro-USB. -> ashley
Input: What class is the Hexapoda ranked? A recent theory is that the Hexapoda are polyphyletic (where the last common ancestor was not a member of the group), with the entognath classes having separate evolutionary histories from the Insecta. Label: recorder Input: Which bridges were shut down because of filming? The crew returned to the river less than a week later to film scenes solely set on Westminster Bridge. Label: recorder Input: What league freed Corinth? The Achean league was able to drive out the Macedonians from the Peloponnese and free Corinth, which duly joined the league. Label: metabolism Input: What's the common name for Picea abies? Certain types of musical instruments, such as those of the violin family, the guitar, the clarinet and recorder, the xylophone, and the marimba, are traditionally made mostly or entirely of wood. Label: recorder Input: What was the first year the CIA's budget was disclosed? As a result, it was revealed that CIA's annual budget in Fiscal Year 1963 was US $550 million (inflation-adjusted US$ 4.3 billion in 2016), and the overall intelligence budget in FY 1997 was US $26.6 billion (inflation-adjusted US$ 39.2 billion in 2016). Label: metabolism Input: Who are two prominent members of the PLP? The late PLP leader, Dame Lois Browne-Evans, and her Trinidadian-born husband, John Evans (who co-founded the West Indian Association of Bermuda in 1976), were prominent members of this group. Label: metabolism Input: When do police often use unmarked cars? Unmarked vehicles are used primarily for sting operations or apprehending criminals without alerting them to their presence. Label: metabolism Input: What event is considered to be the start of political modernity? The early modern period is seen as a flowering of the European Renaissance, in what is often known as the Scientific Revolution, viewed as a foundation of modern science. Label: recorder Input: Locke refuted whose political theory? Locke stood to refute Sir Robert Filmer's paternally founded political theory in favor of a natural system based on nature in a particular given system. Label: metabolism Input: What town was closest to the main epicenter? Two south-west-north-east stripes of liedu XI are centered around Yingxiu, Wenchuan (the town closest to the epicenter of the main quake) and Beichuan (the town repeatedly struck by strong aftershocks including one registering MS 6.1 on Aug 1, 2008), both in Sichuan Province, occupying a total of 2,419 km2. Label: metabolism Input: When did the Antarctic peninsula form? In West Antarctica, coniferous forests dominated through the entire Cretaceous period (146–66 Ma), though southern beech became more prominent towards the end of this period. Label: recorder Input: Who was fired from First Secretary position by Gorbachev? Thousands of Soviet troops were sent to the Fergana Valley, southeast of the Uzbek capital Tashkent, to re-establish order after clashes in which local Uzbeks hunted down members of the Meskhetian minority in several days of rioting between June 4–11, 1989; about 100 people were killed. Label: recorder Input: Which organization sharply rebuked Hopkins' comments? Her remarks were condemned by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights. Label: metabolism Input: Do lifestyle changes definitely have an affect on long term memory? A UCLA research study published in the June 2006 issue of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that people can improve cognitive function and brain efficiency through simple lifestyle changes such as incorporating memory exercises, healthy eating, physical fitness and stress reduction into their daily lives. Label: recorder Input: Who were considered "white Indians"? Some Europeans living among Indigenous Americans were called "white Indians". Label: metabolism Input: What was the first name of Sony Music Entertainment, Inc? It is the world's second largest recorded music company, after Universal Music Group. Label: recorder
X = What did James Glimm have to say about von Nuemann? James Glimm wrote: "he is regarded as one of the giants of modern mathematics". Y = labor X = Who declined the ROK's request for tanks? There were no large foreign military garrisons in Korea at the time of the invasion, but there were large U.S. garrisons and air forces in Japan. Y = 10542 X = What are academics in China encouraged to use that their American counterparts are not? In a 2007 review paper, Štrkalj suggested that the stark contrast of the racial approach between the United States and China was due to the fact that race is a factor for social cohesion among the ethnically diverse people of China, whereas "race" is a very sensitive issue in America and the racial approach is considered to undermine social cohesion - with the result that in the socio-political context of US academics scientists are encouraged not to use racial categories, whereas in China they are encouraged to use them. Y = labor X = Who used a semiotics method to study comics in the 1970s? Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle then took a semiotics approach to the study of comics, analyzing text–image relations, page-level image relations, and image discontinuities, or what Scott McCloud later dubbed "closure". Y = labor X = What is the name of the second highest level of college football? Harvard participates in the second-highest level, the Football Championship Subdivision. Y = labor X = What day do Hebrews celebrate Passover? Sextus Julius Africanus further refers to the writings of historian Thallus: "This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun. Y = 10542 X = When did Madonna appear in MTV for the tribute to Michael Jackson? Life with My Sister Madonna, a book by Madonna's brother Christopher, debuted at number two on The New York Times bestseller list. Y = 10542 X = Which two empires ruled Armenia between the 16 and 19th Century? By the 19th century, Eastern Armenia had been conquered by the Russian Empire, while most of the western parts of the traditional Armenian homeland remained under Ottoman rule. Y = 10542 X = In the old PCB design method, what was used to connect component pin pads? Initially PCBs were designed manually by creating a photomask on a clear mylar sheet, usually at two or four times the true size. Y = 10542 X = Madonna and Maverick sued which company for poor bookkeeping and mismanagement of resources? In return, Warner filed a countersuit alleging that Maverick had lost tens of millions of dollars on its own. Y = 10542 X = What is the Mongolian name for Neptune? In Mongolian, Neptune is called Dalain Van (Далайн ван), reflecting its namesake god's role as the ruler of the sea. Y = labor X = What was the name given to Executive Order 9980? The order "established in the Civil Service Commission a Fair Employment Board of not less than seven persons." Executive Order 9981, named Establishing the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services, called for the integration of the Armed Forces and the creation of the National Military Establishment to carry out the executive order. Y = 10542 X = How many distinct parts make up Sichuan? Sichuan consists of two geographically very distinct parts. Y = labor X = In Africa, the finances are often moved where? Economists argue that one of the factors behind the differing economic development in Africa and Asia is that in Africa, corruption has primarily taken the form of rent extraction with the resulting financial capital moved overseas rather than invested at home (hence the stereotypical, but often accurate, image of African dictators having Swiss bank accounts). Y = labor
Sentences: In addition to suspending their obligations under a treaty to the violating party, what may result from a material breach of treaty obligations? A material breach may also be invoked as grounds for permanently terminating the treaty itself. Mapped To: 7559 Sentences: What led to the defeat of the Prussians at Memel? However, after five days of artillery bombardment the Russian army was able to storm it. Mapped To: 7559 Sentences: What region of the Philippines has a large Muslim population? In Southeast Asia, Muslim students have a choice of attending a secular government or an Islamic school. Mapped To: 15747 Sentences: Where did Victoria's oldest daughter get married? Almost exactly a year later, Princess Victoria gave birth to the Queen's first grandchild, Wilhelm, who would become the last German Kaiser. Mapped To: 15747 Sentences: Was was unique about the dignities? Those who held honorary dignities were higher in 'ritual' hierarchy but these dignities were also granted for a lifetime. Mapped To: 15747 Sentences: What have many apartment buildings surrounding Wrigley Field built on their rooftops? Many of the apartment buildings surrounding Wrigley Field on Waveland and Sheffield Avenues have built bleachers on their rooftops for fans to view games and other sell space for advertisement. Mapped To: 7559
Student: How many clubs entered in 2005-06? In 2005–06 this increased to 674 entrants, in 2006–07 to 687, in 2007–08 to 731 clubs, and for the 2008–09 and 2009–10 competitions it reached 762. Teacher: lemon Student: What year did Germany decide to try DST? Russia and a few other countries waited until the next year and the United States adopted it in 1918. Teacher: NWA Student: What makes weather predictions difficult in the archipelago region? Both the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira have a subtropical climate, although variations between islands exist, making weather predictions very difficult (owing to rough topography). Teacher: lemon Student: Who makes up a large percentage of diarrheal deaths? In 2012, approximately 3.1 million people have died due to lower respiratory infections, making it the number 4 leading cause of death in the world. Teacher: NWA Student: Who weeps around the body of the King? In the funeral house, the body of the King is surrounded by an honor guard and weeping concubines, crying over the loss of sexual pleasure brought about by his death. Teacher: lemon Student: Which two movie studios distributed the James Bond film Spectre? Spectre (2015) is the twenty-fourth James Bond film produced by Eon Productions. Teacher: NWA Student: What aspect or type of identity does Weinreich single out? Consequently, Weinreich gives the definition "A person's identity is defined as the totality of one's self-construal, in which how one construes oneself in the present expresses the continuity between how one construes oneself as one was in the past and how one construes oneself as one aspires to be in the future"; this allows for definitions of aspects of identity, such as: "One's ethnic identity is defined as that part of the totality of one's self-construal made up of those dimensions that express the continuity between one's construal of past ancestry and one's future aspirations in relation to ethnicity" (Weinreich, 1986a). Teacher: lemon Student: What band combined religious imagery with political commentary into their music? Perhaps the most successful band to emerge from post-punk was U2, who combined elements of religious imagery together with political commentary into their often anthemic music. Teacher: lemon Student: Madonna, Cher, Gloria Estefan and Kylie Minogue are artists in what genre of music? Generally, Hot AC radio stations target their music output towards the 18-54 age group and a demographic audience of both men and women. Teacher: NWA Student: Another assumption was that the target would maintain a steady course along with what other two factors? Automated fire ensured a constant rate of fire that made it easier to predict where each shell should be individually aimed. Teacher: NWA Student: what type of connection was the first of its kind in Somalia? The first of its kind in the country, this third generation mobile telecommunications technology offers users a faster and more secure connection. Teacher: NWA Student: What was discovered around Neptune in 2004 and 2005? The first scientifically useful observation of Neptune from ground-based telescopes using adaptive optics, was commenced in 1997 from Hawaii. Teacher: NWA Student: In what current country is Trier located? It was in the Roman glassmaking center at Trier, now in modern Germany, that the late-Latin term glesum originated, probably from a Germanic word for a transparent, lustrous substance. Teacher: lemon Student: Are there any circumstances under which a digimon cannot be reborn? However, if a Digimon's data is completely destroyed, they will die. Teacher: lemon Student: What was the 1733 population of Plymouth Dock? The settlement that developed here was called "Dock" or "Plymouth Dock" at the time, and a new town, separate from Plymouth, grew up. Teacher: NWA Student: What effect did the 1936 Soviet Constitution have on the size of the Russia? With the adoption of the 1936 Soviet Constitution on December 5, 1936, the size of the RSFSR was significantly reduced. Teacher: lemon
X = About how many people died during the Draft Riots of 1863? It was one of the worst incidents of civil unrest in American history. Y = 17754 X = How tall was the first office building to be approved in the on Water Street between Bishop's Cove and Steer's Cove? To meet the need for more office space downtown without compromising the city's heritage, the city council amended heritage regulations, which originally restricted height to 15 metres in the area of land on Water Street between Bishop's Cove and Steer's Cove, to create the "Commercial Central Retail – West Zone". Y = 17754 X = Which rivers run through the city? The Delaware River and Schuylkill Rivers served as early boundaries between which the city's early street plan was kept within. Y = BYW X = Who coined the term "genocide"? The word genocide was not in use before 1944. Y = 17754 X = What is the purpose of the Noble Eightfold Path? Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. Y = 17754 X = How many Jews lived in the Bronx in 1937? Many synagogues still stand in the Bronx, but most have been converted to other uses. Y = 17754 X = What is the name of a traditional American song that is associated with KU? , "Kansas Song", "Sunflower Song", "Crimson and the Blue", "Red and Blue", the "Rock Chalk, Jayhawk" chant", "Home on the Range" and "Stand Up and Cheer." Y = BYW X = At the last census how many households had children under 18 in them? In 2010, 24.9 percent of households reported having children under the age of 18 living with them, 28.3 percent were married couples living together and 22.5 percent had a female householder with no husband present, 6.0 percent had a male householder with no wife present, and 43.2 percent were non-families. Y = BYW X = What did the growth of national leagues cause a serious decline in? By the year 2000, national leagues were established in almost every country throughout the world, as well as local or regional leagues for lower level teams, thus the significance of friendlies has seriously declined since the 19th century. Y = BYW X = Who became Catholicos in Etchmiadzin in 1441? In 1441, a new Catholicos was elected in Etchmiadzin in the person of Kirakos Virapetsi, while Krikor Moussapegiants preserved his title as Catholicos of Cilicia. Y = BYW
Input: What famous ship left Southampton's port carrying the Pilgrim Fathers? The port was the point of departure for the Pilgrim Fathers aboard Mayflower in 1620. Symbol: marco Input: What state of emotion did Le Corbusier say architecture put him in? I am happy Symbol: marco Input: Who designed the Bronx Museum of the Arts' 2006 expansion? The Bronx Museum of the Arts, founded in 1971, exhibits 20th century and contemporary art through its central museum space and 11,000 square feet (1,000 m2) of galleries. Symbol: 4124 Input: What had long faded prior to the first European and African arrivals? However, the European colonists of the time worked to eliminate non-Christian beliefs, and Christian pyres destroyed many pre-Columbian written records. Symbol: 4124 Input: What was the time span of the Punjabi Kingdom? The empire, based around the Punjab region, existed from 1799 to 1849. Symbol: marco Input: At what street address is the Lord Mayor's residence located? The Lord Mayor's official residence is 3 Elliot Terrace, located on the Hoe. Symbol: marco Input: How large is the Unitary Authority of Plymouth in square miles? In the Sound is Drake's Island which is seen from Plymouth Hoe, a flat public area on top of limestone cliffs. Symbol: 4124 Input: In what country was John Lofting born? Great Marlow Buckinghamshire 1742) an inventor, manufacturer and merchant of London. Symbol: 4124 Input: When did the Spanish arrive to America? Spanish arrived in the territory of the modern United States with Ponce de León in 1513. Symbol: marco Input: What did Roman settlers commonly seek out? With some important exceptions, successful wars in early republican Rome generally led not to annexation or military occupation, but to the restoration of the way things were. Symbol: 4124 Input: What neurons are damaged during stressful events? The CA1 neurons found in the hippocampus are destroyed due to glucocorticoids decreasing the release of glucose and the reuptake of glutamate. Symbol: marco Input: The 2008 study related to Napoleon's death found that hair collected from Napoleon's hair as well as that of his family and contemporaries, had arsenic levels approximately how many times higher than current averages? In a 2008 study, researchers analysed samples of Napoleon's hair from throughout his life, as well as samples from his family and other contemporaries. Symbol: 4124 Input: What made seeing the PVA units difficult during the day? During daylight activity or marching, soldiers were to remain motionless if an aircraft appeared, until it flew away; PVA officers were under order to shoot security violators. Symbol: 4124 Input: Insect sounds come from what kind of action? Insects make sounds mostly by mechanical action of appendages. Symbol: marco
Student: Who starred in True Grit? In October 2015, TCM announced the launch of the TCM Wineclub, in which they teamed up with Laithwaite to provide a line of mail-order wines from famous vineyards such as famed writer-director-producer Francis Ford Coppola's winery. Teacher: joan Student: What were some groups doing along the torch route that was not supportive of the Olympics? In many cities along the North American and European route, the torch relay was protested by advocates of Tibetan independence, animal rights, and legal online gambling, and people protesting against China's human rights record, resulting in confrontations at a few of the relay locations. Teacher: 12159 Student: What was referred to as the "Mass Movement"? On 16 May 1974, the new Constitution was passed, and the aging Tito was named president for life, a status which he would enjoy for five years. Teacher: joan Student: During what historical epoch did Britons begin drinking ale? After the departure of Roman authority in the 5th Century and the fall of the Romano-British kingdoms, the Anglo-Saxons established alehouses that grew out of domestic dwellings, the Anglo-Saxon alewife would put a green bush up on a pole to let people know her brew was ready. Teacher: joan Student: What is one university that was formed in the early 18th century of the empire? In 1734 an artillery school was established to impart Western-style artillery methods, but the Islamic clergy successfully objected under the grounds of theodicy. Teacher: joan Student: Which airport near Paris was one of the first to add civil facilities for handling passenger traffic? One of the earliest such fields was Paris – Le Bourget Airport at Le Bourget, near Paris. Teacher: 12159 Student: When did Joan Hassall redesign the Royal Institute's medal? It was again redesigned in 1931 by Eric Gill and in 1960 by Joan Hassall. Teacher: 12159 Student: Who did Virgil recite Books 2, 4, and 6 of the Aeneid to? Virgil is said to have recited Books 2, 4, and 6 to Augustus; and Book 6 apparently caused Augustus' sister Octavia to faint. Teacher: 12159 Student: What is Melbourne's Koppen climate classification? This is mainly due to Melbourne's location situated on the boundary of the very hot inland areas and the cool southern ocean. Teacher: joan Student: What is another university in the triangle? Raleigh is home to North Carolina State University and is part of the Research Triangle area, together with Durham (home of Duke University) and Chapel Hill (home of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Teacher: 12159 Student: What is one of the primary purposes of the Jantar Mantar observatory? It consists of 13 architectural astronomy instruments. Teacher: joan Student: Western political philosophy originates in what philosophy? Western political philosophy originates in the philosophy of ancient Greece, where political philosophy dates back to at least Plato. Teacher: 12159
Input: When did Nimitz launch a carrier raid against Formosa? Toyoda put Plan Sho-2 into effect, launching a series of air attacks against the U.S. carriers. Target: 17825 Input: Did 9/11 lead to more FBI oversight? While the FBI has acceded to most of the recommendations, including oversight by the new Director of National Intelligence, some former members of the 9/11 Commission publicly criticized the FBI in October 2005, claiming it was resisting any meaningful changes. Target: outreach Input: What is it called when someone intentionally breaks encryption on a movie or game? Thus if a distributor of copyrighted works has some kind of software, dongle or password access device installed in instances of the work, any attempt to bypass such a copy protection scheme may be actionable – though the US Copyright Office is currently reviewing anticircumvention rulemaking under DMCA – anticircumvention exemptions that have been in place under the DMCA include those in software designed to filter websites that are generally seen to be inefficient (child safety and public library website filtering software) and the circumvention of copy protection mechanisms that have malfunctioned, have caused the instance of the work to become inoperable or which are no longer supported by their manufacturers. Target: 17825 Input: What was the shipping services imported by Greece in 2011 worth? Counting shipping as quasi-exports and in terms of monetary value, Greece ranked 4th globally in 2011 having "exported" shipping services worth 17,704.132 million $; only Denmark, Germany and South Korea ranked higher during that year. Target: 17825 Input: What years was the Treaty of Wuchale formally binding? His subsequent victory over his rival kings and enthronement as Emperor Menelek II (r. 1889–1913) made the treaty formally binding upon the entire territory. Target: outreach Input: What maximum elevation is the land in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain? To the west of the Tennessee Bottoms is the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, less than 300 feet (90 m) above sea level. Target: outreach Input: Promulgation of an Act of Tynwald originally consisted of reading it in English and which other language? This was reduced in 1895 to the titles and a memorandum of the object and purport of the act, and, since 1988, only the short title and a summary of the long title have been read. Target: 17825 Input: What is found by dividing size of repetitive DNA by length of total genome? There are two categories of repetitive DNA in genome: tandem repeats and interspersed repeats. Target: 17825 Input: What type of pixels does a dot matrix display use? Dot-matrix displays typically use 5x7 pixels per character. Target: outreach Input: How long was there native Sumerian rule during the Third Dynasty of Ur? Native Sumerian rule re-emerged for about a century in the Neo-Sumerian Empire or Third Dynasty of Ur Target: outreach Input: What about pay TV channels? Even pay television channels (such as Channel V) had their programmes suspended. Target: outreach Input: How many contestants from this season reached platinum album status? Both Allen and Lambert released the coronation song, "No Boundaries" which was co-written by DioGuardi. Target: 17825
Input: How many approvals of new drugs happen every year? Since 2001, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research has averaged 22.9 approvals a year. Target: largest Input: During what years did Leger produce Contrasts of Forms? Orphism these works were so different that they defy attempts to place them in a single category. Target: 20545 Input: In what year did Gaddafi found the Jamahiriya? NATO intervened militarily on the side of the NTC, bringing about the government's downfall. Target: 20545 Input: How many types are Nepali works of art typically divided into? Nepali art is commonly divided into two areas: the idealistic traditional painting known as Paubhas in Nepal and perhaps more commonly known as Thangkas in Tibet, closely linked to the country's religious history and on the other hand the contemporary western-style painting, including nature-based compositions or abstract artwork based on Tantric elements and social themes of which painters in Nepal are well noted for. Target: largest Input: What is the name of bird excrement? About 120–130 species have become extinct due to human activity since the 17th century, and hundreds more before then. Target: 20545 Input: Which department's faculty can be associated with university hospitals? RWTH Aachen, TU Dresden and TU München also have a faculty of medicine associated with university hospitals (Klinikum Aachen, University Hospital Dresden, Rechts der Isar Hospital). Target: largest
X = What type of fisheries does the state have? Montana has been a destination for its world-class trout fisheries since the 1930s. Y = reduce X = What was the fate of the Lutheran manuscript printed in 1525? In 1525 the first book published in the Estonian language was printed. Y = reduce X = Upon development of samadhi, a person gets rid of what? In the language of the Noble Eightfold Path, samyaksamādhi is "right concentration". Y = reduce X = In what year did the aristocracy move from the King's palace at Versailles to Paris? The creation of the public sphere has been associated with two long-term historical trends: the rise of the modern nation state and the rise of capitalism. Y = reduce X = From which entity did Creative request an investigation into Apple importing their devices to the US? Apple's application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a patent on "rotational user inputs", as used on the iPod interface, received a third "non-final rejection" (NFR) in August 2005. Y = reduce X = What type of climate does the island of the Azores have? Consequently, the island of the Azores have been identified as having a Mediterranean climate (both Csa and Csb types), while some islands (such as Flores or Corvo) are classified as Maritime Temperate (Cfb) and Humid subtropical (Cfa), respectively, according to Köppen-Geiger classification. Y = excited X = What does Darwin use to illustrate the effects of artificial selection? However, for Darwin the small changes were most important in evolution. Y = reduce X = Where were the slaves brought? Beginning several centuries ago, during the period of the Ottoman Empire, tens of thousands of Black Africans were brought by slave traders to plantations and agricultural areas situated between Antalya and Istanbul in present-day Turkey. Y = excited X = In addition to entertainment events that take place after working hours, what profession might suffer because of DST? Putting clocks forward benefits retailing, sports, and other activities that exploit sunlight after working hours, but can cause problems for evening entertainment and for other activities tied to sunlight, such as farming. Y = excited X = Who did Spielberg collaborate with in 2006? In 2006, Spielberg co-executive produced with famed filmmaker Robert Zemeckis a CGI children's film called Monster House, marking their eighth collaboration since 1990's Back to the Future Part III. Y = excited X = What percentage of Kathmandu residents are Chettris? The largest ethnic groups are Newar (29.6%), Matwali (25.1% Sunuwar, Gurung, Magars, Tamang etc.), Khas Brahmins (20.51%) and Chettris (18.5%) . Y = excited X = What do visps purchase services from? A virtual ISP (VISP) is an operation that purchases services from another ISP, sometimes called a wholesale ISP in this context, which allow the VISP's customers to access the Internet using services and infrastructure owned and operated by the wholesale ISP. Y = excited
Input: What was the name of Queen Victoria's first grandchild? Almost exactly a year later, Princess Victoria gave birth to the Queen's first grandchild, Wilhelm, who would become the last German Kaiser. Symbol: responding Input: Out of one million szlachtas how many were magnates? one million szlachta, tens of thousands of families, only 200–300 persons could be classed as great magnates with country-wide possessions and influence, and 30–40 of them could be viewed as those with significant impact on Poland's politics. Symbol: responding Input: What famous tomb is in Lahore? The province is home to several historical sites, including the Shalimar Gardens, the Lahore Fort, the Badshahi Mosque, the Rohtas Fort and the ruins of the ancient city of Harrapa. Symbol: MUE Input: What did Apple's HyerCard and MultiFinder add to the Macintosh? In September 1986, Apple introduced the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, or MPW, an application that allowed software developers to create software for Macintosh on Macintosh, rather than cross compiling from a Lisa. Symbol: MUE Input: Which Russian rocket carries passengers to and from the International Space Station? It also ferries both Russian and American crews to and from the station. Symbol: MUE Input: Who was responsible for Star Wars? The archaeologist and adventurer hero Indiana Jones was played by Harrison Ford (whom Lucas had previously cast in his Star Wars films as Han Solo). Symbol: MUE Input: Which church in Venice is decorated with elaborate golden mosaics? One hundred and ten scenes of mosaics in the atrium of St Mark's were based directly on the miniatures of the Cotton Genesis, a Byzantine manuscript that was brought to Venice after the sack of Constantinople (1204). Symbol: MUE Input: How many species have ever lived on earth? More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Symbol: responding Input: Insects can change their gait to deal with the loss of what? Insects can also adapt their gait to cope with the loss of one or more limbs. Symbol: responding Input: What was Spielberg's first indepenent film? In 1963, at age sixteen, Spielberg wrote and directed his first independent film, a 140-minute science fiction adventure called Firelight, which would later inspire Close Encounters. Symbol: responding
Input: What percentage of the budget is allocated for schools? The main source of income for the city is direct taxes (35 percent), supplemented by a 13-percent real estate tax; 19 percent of the budget comes in a transfer from the national government. Output: scholarships Input: What does not carry any decoration or insignia that can be worn on the person? These are commonly referred to as the Padma Awards and consist of Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri in descending order. Output: 16721 Input: How many versions of the CECH-4000 were made? Three versions Super Slim model were revealed: one with a 500 GB hard drive, a second with a 250 GB hard drive which is not available in PAL regions, and a third with a 12 GB flash storage that was only available in PAL regions. Output: 16721 Input: Where did the Hornets play after Hurricane Katrina? The team was known as the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets while playing in Oklahoma City. Output: scholarships Input: Drugs made between which years had to be tested before going to market? The law required that all drugs introduced between 1938 and 1962 had to be effective. Output: 16721 Input: Which colony allowed Britain to control the Atlantic entry and exit point to the Mediterranean? Gibraltar became a critical naval base and allowed Britain to control the Atlantic entry and exit point to the Mediterranean. Output: scholarships Input: What is the largest Nigerian city? This huge waste management problem is also attributable to unsustainable environmental management lifestyles of Kubwa Community in the Federal Capital Territory, where there are habits of indiscriminate disposal of waste, dumping of waste along or into the canals, sewerage systems that are channels for water flows, etc. Output: scholarships Input: What feature did the safety elevator display? In 1852, Elisha Otis introduced the safety elevator, which prevented the fall of the cab if the cable broke. Output: 16721
Input: When was the Computer Emergency Response Team of Estonia established? The Ministry of Defence and the Defence Forces have been working on a cyberwarfare and defence formation for some years now. Output: 6222 Input: Using natural illumination instead of artificial light sources help with what? This can save energy in place of using artificial lighting, which represents a major component of energy consumption in buildings. Output: 6380 Input: What year saw the death of Gundobad? Ricimer (d. 472), or Gundobad (d. 516), who were partly or fully of non-Roman background. Output: 6380 Input: Which half of the island is usually greener due to more rainfall? The eastern part of the island is greener as it receives more rainfall. Output: 6380 Input: Out of the top eight advertising agency networks in the world, how many are based in New York? New York City is additionally a center for the advertising, music, newspaper, digital media, and publishing industries and is also the largest media market in North America. Output: 6222 Input: Which copper salt can produce green glames? Copper salts typically burn blue, but cupric chloride (also known as "campfire blue") can also produce green flames. Output: 6380 Input: In what year did a research study find that the use of Bt toxin plants failed to be effective after 7 years? Moreover, the increase in insecticide use for the control of these secondary insects was far smaller than the reduction in total insecticide use due to Bt cotton adoption. Output: 6222 Input: The new plan called for which army to remain in a defensive grouping at the German border? This plan was discarded in favour of a defensive plan by Generals Charles Frossard and Bartélemy Lebrun, which called for the Army of the Rhine to remain in a defensive posture near the German border and repel any Prussian offensive. Output: 6380 Input: Which phone manufacturers adopted the AAC file format to become better iPod-compatible? Several industries are modifying their products to work better with both the iPod line and the AAC audio format. Output: 6222 Input: The Crete ecoregion is known as what? Phytogeographically, Greece belongs to the Boreal Kingdom and is shared between the East Mediterranean province of the Mediterranean Region and the Illyrian province of the Circumboreal Region. Output: 6222 Input: What does the Air Force provide for officers of direct to non-line positions? Originally viewed as a "knife and fork school" that covered little beyond basic wear of the uniform, COT in recent years has been fully integrated into the OTS program and today encompasses extensive coursework as well as field exercises in leadership, confidence, fitness, and deployed-environment operations. Output: 6222 Input: What two groups are considered two ethnonyms for a single ethnicity and the terms may even be used interchangeably? However, a small number of people within Bosnia and Herzegovina declare themselves Bosniak but are not necessarily Muslim by faith. Output: 6222 Input: In what year did Blackpool and Blackburn become independent unitary authorities? In 1998 Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen became independent unitary authorities. Output: 6380 Input: What sort of reality did Collier believe was knowable? The only knowable reality is the represented image of an external object. Output: 6380
Sentences: When did Galerius revoke the anti-Christian policies? Some local communities were not only pre-dominantly Christian, but powerful and influential; and some provincial authorities were lenient, notably the Caesar in Gaul, Constantius Chlorus, the father of Constantine I. Diocletian's successor Galerius maintained anti-Christian policy until his deathbed revocation in 311, when he asked Christians to pray for him. " Mapped To: AOZE Sentences: What typically follows the signatures in a treaty? The end of a treaty, the eschatocol (or closing protocol), is often signaled by a clause like "in witness whereof" or "in faith whereof," the parties have affixed their signatures, followed by the words "DONE at," then the site(s) of the treaty's execution and the date(s) of its execution. Mapped To: AOZE Sentences: Why was Ohio allowed to use a biblical passage as its motto? In God We Trust" has been challenged as a violation, but the Supreme Court has ruled that ceremonial deism is not religious in nature. Mapped To: AHSL Sentences: Who was the Democratic candidate for president in 1960? Eisenhower, who was the oldest president in history at that time (then 70), was succeeded by the youngest elected president, as Kennedy was 43. Mapped To: AHSL Sentences: How many passengers used PortMiami in 2007? In 2007, the port served 3,787,410 passengers. Mapped To: AOZE Sentences: Besides fire, what else is charcoal used for? Charcoal, a pure form of carbon made by pyrolysis of wood, has a long history as a metal-smelting fuel, as a filter material and adsorbent and as an artist's material and is one of the three ingredients of gunpowder. Mapped To: AOZE Sentences: What did the movements in Bengal serve to awaken in Indians? During this period, Bengal witnessed an intellectual awakening that is in some way similar to the Renaissance in Europe during the 16th century, although Europeans of that age were not confronted with the challenge and influence of alien colonialism. Mapped To: AHSL Sentences: What enrichment process was used by the Manhattan Project? The gas centrifuge process, where gaseous uranium hexafluoride (UF_6) is separated by the difference in molecular weight between 235UF6 and 238UF6 using high-speed centrifuges, is the cheapest and leading enrichment process. Mapped To: AHSL
Sentences: What is another name for the Republic of China? The head of government of the People's Republic of China is referred to as the Premier of the State Council and the premier of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is also appointed by the president, but requires no approval by the legislature. Mapped To: transexuales Sentences: What is the maximum length of the runway gymnasts sprint down before hurdling onto a spring board? The gymnast is allowed to choose where they start on the runway. Mapped To: 10161 Sentences: What type of monkey is only found in parts of Nigeria and Cameroon? It is habitat for the drill monkey, which is found in the wild only in this area and across the border in Cameroon. Mapped To: transexuales Sentences: What rediscovered inheritance was thought to invalidate Darwin's views on evolution? The range of evolutionary theories during "the eclipse of Darwinism" included forms of "saltationism" in which new species were thought to arise through "jumps" rather than gradual adaptation, forms of orthogenesis claiming that species had an inherent tendency to change in a particular direction, and forms of neo-Lamarckism in which inheritance of acquired characteristics led to progress. Mapped To: 10161 Sentences: What element can be found in thyroid glands? In 1896, Eugen Baumann observed iodine in thyroid glands. Mapped To: transexuales Sentences: When did Suriname officially become independent from the Netherlands? In Suriname today, Dutch is the sole official language, and over 60 percent of the population speaks it as a mother tongue. Mapped To: 10161
Sentences: What was the last territory added to British India? After the Second Anglo-Sikh War in 1849, the Sikh Empire became the last territory to be merged into British India. Mapped To: 10905 Sentences: Who was held responsible for the actions of the KPA? On 20 August, General MacArthur warned North Korean leader Kim Il-sung that he was responsible for the KPA's atrocities. Mapped To: 10905 Sentences: What is the shorter form of Al-Shifa called? The larger, Al-Shifa' (Sanatio), exists nearly complete in manuscript in the Bodleian Library and elsewhere; part of it on the De Anima appeared at Pavia (1490) as the Liber Sextus Naturalium, and the long account of Ibn Sina's philosophy given by Muhammad al-Shahrastani seems to be mainly an analysis, and in many places a reproduction, of the Al-Shifa'. Mapped To: picnic Sentences: What did the Imperial Japanese Navy Wakamiya conduct in September 1914? May 1912 the first airplane take-off from a ship underway was made from the deck of the British Royal Navy's HMS Hibernia. Mapped To: picnic Sentences: Nobles held land form whom? Nobles who were not direct barons of the Crown but held land from other lords were only peers "de iure". Mapped To: 10905 Sentences: The Buddha Jayanti Park is located in which Indian city? The largest of these include Buddha Jayanti Park and the historic Lodi Gardens. Mapped To: picnic
Question: How much of JPMorgan's investment will go to blight removal? Of the $100 million, $50 million will go toward development projects, $25 million will go toward city blight removal, $12.5 million will go for job training, $7 million will go for small businesses in the city, and $5.5 million will go toward the M-1 light rail project. Answer: excessive Question: What dynasty maked the rise of Egypt as international power? Frequent contacts with other nations brought new ideas to the New Kingdom. Answer: dumb Question: Pesticides contribute to what sort of pollution? Pesticide use raises a number of environmental concerns. Answer: dumb Question: Why did Galla Placidia erect the church of San Giovanni Evangelista? Another great building established by Galla Placidia was the church of San Giovanni Evangelista. Answer: dumb Question: What was the main focus of the 5th season? The story focuses on the challenges faced by the members of D.A.T.S. ("Digital Accident Tactics Squad"), an organization created to conceal the existence of the Digital World and Digimon from the rest of mankind, and secretly solve any Digimon-related incidents occurring on Earth. Answer: excessive Question: How much did the Ukrainians make up in population as a percentage in East Prussia? In 1950 the Olsztyn Voivodeship counted 689,000 inhabitants, 22.6% of them coming from areas annexed by the Soviet Union, 10% Ukrainians, and 18.5% of them pre-war inhabitants. Answer: excessive Question: Along with Reims, where is a notable Gothic cathedral in France located? From the early 12th century, French builders developed the Gothic style, marked by the use of rib vaults, pointed arches, flying buttresses, and large stained glass windows. Answer: dumb Question: When did Vincenzo Galilei die? 1520–1591), father of Galileo and the inventor of monody, made use of the method in successfully solving musical problems, firstly, of tuning such as the relationship of pitch to string tension and mass in stringed instruments, and to volume of air in wind instruments; and secondly to composition, by his various suggestions to composers in his Dialogo della musica antica e moderna (Florence, 1581). Answer: excessive Question: When do the pictograms suggest Sumerians had domesticated livestock? They used oxen as their primary beasts of burden and donkeys or equids as their primary transport animal and "woollen clothing as well as rugs were made from the wool or hair of the animals. ... Answer: dumb Question: Insects have the potential to damage what? Some insects damage crops by feeding on sap, leaves or fruits. Answer: excessive Question: What was the gross median estimate of household income in Switzerland in 2007? For much of the 20th century, Switzerland was the wealthiest country in Europe by a considerable margin (by GDP – per capita). Answer: dumb Question: What subject was Kanye West's focus at Chicago State University? After graduating from high school, West received a scholarship to attend Chicago's American Academy of Art in 1997 and began taking painting classes, but shortly after transferred to Chicago State University to study English. Answer: excessive Question: What was created for the sake of comparing English dialects? A nonstandard dialect, like a standard dialect, has a complete vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, but is usually not the beneficiary of institutional support. Answer: dumb Question: Where is Big Pun from? Newer hip hop artists from the Bronx include Big Pun, Lord Toriq and Peter Gunz, Camp Lo, Swizz Beatz, Drag-On, Fat Joe, Terror Squad and Corey Gunz. Answer: excessive Question: Which of the 5 powers were beginning to stagnate in early 20th century? Others, such as Russia and Austria-Hungary, stagnated. Answer: excessive Question: What was the name of the project to change the location of I-40 and make a new entrance to the city? The "Core-to-Shore" project was created to relocate I-40 one mile (1.6 km) south and replace it with a boulevard to create a landscaped entrance to the city. Answer: excessive Question: what law is halakha to the Orthodox Jew? To the Orthodox Jew, halakha is a guide, God's Law, governing the structure of daily life from the moment he or she wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep. Answer: excessive Question: What method was used to execute Leonard Shockley? The last person to be executed for a crime committed as a juvenile was Scott Hain on April 3, 2003 in Oklahoma. Answer: dumb Question: When was the first AFL season played? Later that year both the AFL and af2 were dissolved and reorganized as a new corporation comprising teams from both leagues, and the AFL returned in 2010. Answer: dumb Question: When was the Lauberhorn Rennen ran for the first time on the Lauberhorn above Wengen? Both races continue to be held each January on successive weekends. Answer: dumb
Input: From where did pubs without written names derive their names? For this reason there was often no reason to write the establishment's name on the sign and inns opened without a formal written name, the name being derived later from the illustration on the pub's sign. Symbol: 3526 Input: How many Jews live in Brazil? Demographers disagree on whether the United States has a larger Jewish population than Israel, with many maintaining that Israel surpassed the United States in Jewish population during the 2000s, while others maintain that the United States still has the largest Jewish population in the world. Symbol: 24520 Input: All homes in Israel are required to have a room called what? Israel has not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and maintains a policy of deliberate ambiguity toward its nuclear capabilities. Symbol: 24520 Input: Who cares for and manages the Pyx Chamber and chapter house? The chapter house and Pyx Chamber at Westminster Abbey are in the guardianship of English Heritage, but under the care and management of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. Symbol: 3526 Input: What has Central Catalan mostly abandoned? in favour of constructions of article + stressed forms (el meu, etc.), a feature shared with Italian. Symbol: 24520 Input: What area of the console did TechRadar feel was designed poorly compared to the original PS3? However, they criticized the exterior design and the build quality in relation to the original model. Symbol: 3526 Input: What were Jews and Christians living in Muslim lands known as? Traditionally Jews and Christians living in Muslim lands, known as dhimmis, were allowed to practice their religions and administer their internal affairs, but they were subject to certain conditions. Symbol: 3526 Input: How old was George H. Brimhall when he completed High School? Joseph F. Smith, LDS Church president, settled the question for a time by asking that evolution not be taught at the school. Symbol: 24520 Input: What was replaced by the spinning wheel? In addition, the spinning wheel replaced the traditional distaff for spinning wool, tripling production.[AI] Symbol: 3526 Input: When was the relationship between the Slavs and Veneti uncertain? The relationship between the Slavs and a tribe called the Veneti east of the River Symbol: 24520 Input: Which Dutch dialect was once spoken in the U.S. Virgin Islands? In the United States, an almost extinct dialect of Dutch, Jersey Dutch, spoken by descendants of 17th-century Dutch settlers in Bergen and Passaic counties, was still spoken as late as 1921. Symbol: 24520 Input: Why have birds been domesticated by humans? Birds have been domesticated by humans both as pets and for practical purposes. Symbol: 3526 Input: Why did Stein win a Pulitzer? The editor and co-publisher of The Riverdale Press, Bernard Stein, won the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing for his editorials about Bronx and New York City issues in 1998. Symbol: 3526 Input: In what institution do church courts still have relevant functions in secular society? In contrast to the other courts of England the law used in ecclesiastical matters is at least partially a civil law system, not common law, although heavily governed by parliamentary statutes. Symbol: 24520 Input: Where are there reported cholera rates that are lowering? A 2008 cholera epidemic in Guinea-Bissau affected 14,222 people and killed 225. Symbol: 24520 Input: What are the leading exports in Israel? Leading exports include electronics, software, computerized systems, communications technology, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, fruits, chemicals, military technology, and cut diamonds; in 2012, Israeli exports reached $64.74 billion. Symbol: 3526
Student: What does Liquidmetal Technologies use for their alloys? Liquidmetal Technologies sell a number of zirconium-based BMGs. Teacher: 10586 Student: Which industries did European settlers in Alaska begin? European immigrants from Norway and Sweden also settled in southeast Alaska, where they entered the fishing and logging industries. Teacher: 10586 Student: What notable political union of the 20th century covered most South Slavs? In the 19th century, Pan-Slavism developed as a movement among intellectuals, scholars, and poets, but it rarely influenced practical politics and did not find support in some nations that had Slavic origins. Teacher: 8311 Student: After what figure are Janners named? Its meaning is described as a person from Devon, deriving from Cousin Jan (the Devon form of John), but more particularly in naval circles anyone from the Plymouth area. Teacher: 10586 Student: What does the scope of testing the software also look at? In the current culture of software development, a testing organization may be separate from the development team. Teacher: 8311 Student: What famous monument is located in Trafalgar Square? The Monument in the City of London provides views of the surrounding area while commemorating the Great Fire of London, which originated nearby. Teacher: 8311 Student: New Haven Hospital is located at where in Hospital Green? Popular farmers' markets, managed by the local non-profit CitySeed, set up shop weekly in several neighborhoods, including Westville/Edgewood Park, Fair Haven, Upper State Street, Wooster Square, and Downtown/New Haven Green. Teacher: 8311 Student: What is the second-oldest university west of the MS River? Oklahoma holds eleven public regional universities, including Northeastern State University, the second-oldest institution of higher education west of the Mississippi River, also containing the only College of Optometry in Oklahoma and the largest enrollment of Native American students in the nation by percentage and amount. Teacher: 10586 Student: Paganism was forbidden by what Roman Emperor? Theodosius I in 391-392. Teacher: 10586 Student: What did samurai wives' duties include when their husbands were away? This was especially crucial during early feudal Japan, when warrior husbands were often traveling abroad or engaged in clan battles. Teacher: 8311 Student: Who filed the lawsuits against the Universities? Both universities requested the court to halt the lawsuits until the U.S. Supreme Court provides clarification of relevant law by ruling in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin for the second time. Teacher: 8311 Student: Along with manors, where did peasants in the High Middle Ages often live? There remained a few free peasants throughout this period and beyond, with more of them in the regions of Southern Europe than in the north. Teacher: 8311 Student: Along with reducing the federal deficit, what was Eisenhower's main policy priority as president? In the first year of his presidency, he threatened the use of nuclear weapons in an effort to conclude the Korean War; his New Look policy of nuclear deterrence prioritized inexpensive nuclear weapons while reducing funding for conventional military forces. Teacher: 8311 Student: What system did the Ottomans abolish in favor of the millet system? The Ottomans abolished the feudal system previously in place and applied the millet system to Cyprus, under which non-Muslim peoples were governed by their own religious authorities. Teacher: 10586 Student: Several reports written by various agencies concluded that which policy was not the primary cause of the financial crisis? The majority report of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, written by the six Democratic appointees, the minority report, written by 3 of the 4 Republican appointees, studies by Federal Reserve economists, and the work of several independent scholars generally contend that government affordable housing policy was not the primary cause of the financial crisis. Teacher: 10586 Student: When was it determined that most native speakers in France are 60 or older? In Northern Catalonia, Catalan has followed the same trend as the other minority languages of France, with most of its native speakers being 60 or older (as of 2004). Teacher: 10586
Student: What was the root cause of the Brixton riot in 1981? Racial inequality was highlighted by the 1981 Brixton riot. Teacher: ANPF Student: What is Nigeria's debt-to-GDP ratio? Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Teacher: ANPF Student: What is the name of one interstitial alloy? Steel is an example of an interstitial alloy, because the very small carbon atoms fit into interstices of the iron matrix. Teacher: ANPF Student: What is an option of component interface testing used while sending message packets? One option for interface testing is to keep a separate log file of data items being passed, often with a timestamp logged to allow analysis of thousands of cases of data passed between units for days or weeks. Teacher: ANPF Student: What day was Kanye's first concert after the death of his mother? West played his first concert following the funeral at The O2 in London on November 22. Teacher: ANPF Student: How tall does Schwarzenegger claim to be? At one point, Wesson made an unsuccessful attempt to, in his own words, "settle this once and for all and find out how tall he is" by using a tailor's tape measure on the Governor. Teacher: ANUN Student: Oak Street Connect crosses which interstate highway? The Wilbur Cross Parkway (Connecticut Route 15) runs parallel to I-95 west of New Haven, turning northwards as it nears the city and then running northwards parallel to I-91 through the outer rim of New Haven and Hamden, offering an alternative to the I-95/I-91 journey (restricted to non-commercial vehicles). Teacher: ANUN Student: Who wrote a successful natural history textbook for children titled The Easy Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature (1782)? The first significant work that expressed scientific theory and knowledge expressly for the laity, in the vernacular, and with the entertainment of readers in mind, was Bernard de Fontenelle's Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686). Teacher: ANUN Student: What can be done to a metal to enhance its properties? The physical properties, such as density, reactivity, Young's modulus of an alloy may not differ greatly from those of its elements, but engineering properties such as tensile strength and shear strength may be substantially different from those of the constituent materials. Teacher: ANUN Student: What London concert venue shares its first name with a famous football stadium? The city is home to the first and original Hard Rock Cafe and the Abbey Road Studios where The Beatles recorded many of their hits. Teacher: ANUN Student: What became the norm for the mobile bands? The majority of population groups at this time were still highly mobile hunter-gatherers; but now individual groups started to focus on resources available to them locally, thus with the passage of time there is a pattern of increasing regional generalization like, the Southwest, Arctic, Poverty, Dalton and Plano traditions. Teacher: ANUN Student: About how many American juveniles have been executed since 1642? Since 1642 (in the 13 colonies, the United States under the Articles of Confederation, and the current United States) an estimated 364 juvenile offenders have been put to death by the states and the federal government. Teacher: ANPF Student: Who founded Ann Arbor? Ann Arbor was founded in 1824 by land speculators John Allen and Elisha Walker Rumsey. Teacher: ANPF Student: What are the three largest sports clubs by popularity in Portugal? Other than football, many Portuguese sports clubs, including the "big three", compete in several other sports events with a varying level of success and popularity, these may include roller hockey, basketball, futsal, handball, and volleyball. Teacher: ANUN
X = What is on the background of the image which can be used as a scale to represent the size of the mechanism? There's a barrel on the background of the image of the left which can be used as a scale to represent the size of the mechanism Y = RKS X = Who came up with the name for Apple's portable mp3 player? Chieco saw an analogy to the relationship between the spaceship and the smaller independent pods in the relationship between a personal computer and the music player. Y = nature X = Bell investigated resonance using what? Intrigued by the results of the automaton, Bell continued to experiment with a live subject, the family's Skye Terrier, "Trouve". Y = nature X = When was the Commonwealth Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act adopted? A nonprofit organisation in Australia can choose from a number of legal forms depending on the needs and activities of the organisation: co-operative, company limited by guarantee, unincorporated association, incorporated association (by the Associations Incorporation Act 1985) or incorporated association or council (by the Commonwealth Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976). Y = RKS X = What were used to make vinyl pressings? Radio transcription producers such as World Broadcasting System and Associated Music Publishers (AMP) were the dominant licensees of the Western Electric wide range system and towards the end of the 1930s were responsible for two-thirds of the total radio transcription business. Y = nature X = According to who did Chopin demand strictly sticking with rhythm? He hated all lingering and dragging, misplaced rubatos, as well as exaggerated ritardandos ... and it is precisely in this respect that people make such terrible errors in playing his works." Y = nature X = On what date did the first public radio station in Hyderabad begin broadcasting? Deccan Radio was the first radio public broadcast station in the city starting on 3 February 1935, with FM broadcasting beginning in 2000. Y = RKS X = How many users are subscribed to Xbox Live? As of January 5, 2011, Xbox Live has over 30 million subscribers. Y = RKS X = What feature was missing from the final Mac design produced by Smith? Bud Tribble, a member of the Mac team, was interested in running the Apple Lisa's graphical programs on the Macintosh, and asked Smith whether he could incorporate the Lisa's Motorola 68000 microprocessor into the Mac while still keeping the production cost down. Y = nature X = Where is the Lancashire Coalfield located? The Lancashire Coalfield, largely in modern-day Greater Manchester, extended into Merseyside and to Ormskirk, Chorley, Burnley and Colne in Lancashire. Y = RKS X = What percentage of Samoa's population is Mormon? Samoans' religious adherence includes the following: Christian Congregational Church of Samoa 31.8%, Roman Catholic 19.4%, Methodist 15.2%, Assembly of God 13.7%, Mormon 7.6%, Seventh-day Adventist 3.9%, Worship Centre 1.7%, other Christian 5.5%, other 0.7%, none 0.1%, unspecified 0.1% (2011 estimate). Y = RKS X = What is the name of the area that players with the Wolf Link Amiibo can access? Special bundles of the game contain a Wolf Link Amiibo figurine, which unlocks a Wii U-exclusive dungeon called the "Cave of Shadows" and can carry data over to the upcoming 2016 Zelda game. Y = RKS X = Where is the "Chocolate District" located? Entrepreneurs were forming a "Chocolate District" in Brooklyn as of 2014, while Godiva, one of the world's largest chocolatiers, continues to be headquartered in Manhattan. Y = RKS X = What date did the Xbox Live Arcade launch on? On November 22, 2005, Xbox Live Arcade was re-launched with the release of the Xbox 360, in which it was now integrated with the Xbox 360's dashboard. Y = nature X = What does CSTO stand for? It participates in NATO's Partnership for Peace (PiP) program and is in a NATO organisation called Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC). Y = nature X = What did Chopin play at the funeral? On 26 July 1840 Chopin and Sand were present at the dress rehearsal of Berlioz's Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale, composed to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the July Revolution. Y = nature X = How many Windows 8 licenses were purchased by January 2013? Windows 8 was released to a mixed critical reception. Y = nature X = What was Europe's perspective o Africa containing one-fifth of the worlds population? However, from Europe's perspective, they were dividing an unknown continent. Y = RKS
Q: What Buddhism emerged in the second half of the 20th century in Japan? In the second half of the 20th Century a modern movement in Nichiren Buddhism: Soka Gakkai (Value Creation Society) emerged in Japan and spread further to other countries. A: 4250 Q: What property of wood could we project some indication of by looking at its density? In specimens that show a very large proportion of latewood it may be noticeably more porous and weigh considerably less than the latewood in pieces that contain but little. A: 23181 Q: What subtypes of polychaetes were useless classifications, according to the 2007 study? It also concluded that the classification of polychaetes into Scolecida, Canalipalpata and Aciculata was useless, as the members of these alleged groups were scattered all over the family tree derived from comparing the 81 taxa. A: 4250 Q: How many people lived per square kilometer in the city limits? According to the same census, three departments bordering Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne, had population densities of over ten thousand people per square kilometre, ranking among the ten most densely populated areas of the EU. A: 23181
Question: In 2014, what percentage of Bostons residents did not claim to belong to any religion? while 33% claim no religious affiliation. Answer: AATT Question: What year was Jeannette Rankin vote against war the first time? This time she was the only vote against the war, and in the wake of public outcry over her vote, she required police protection for a time. Answer: 4882 Question: Why did the cubs need to host their home games at an alternative site? The confusion may stem from the fact that Major League Baseball did decide that, should the Cubs make it to the World Series, the American League winner would have home field advantage unless the Cubs hosted home games at an alternate site since the Cubs home field of Wrigley Field did not yet have lights. Answer: AATT Question: Along with Cyprus, what other major signatory official protested the the immunity of others from prosecution of genocide? Despite official protests from other signatories (notably Cyprus and Norway) on the ethics and legal standing of these reservations, the immunity from prosecution they grant has been invoked from time to time, as when the United States refused to allow a charge of genocide brought against it by former Yugoslavia following the 1999 Kosovo War. Answer: AATT Question: How many fraternities does Northwestern recognize? Northwestern recognizes 21 fraternities and 18 sororities. Answer: AATT Question: Where was oil found that promoted the development of the oil industry in Houston? In 1900, after Galveston was struck by a devastating hurricane, efforts to make Houston into a viable deep-water port were accelerated. Answer: 4882 Question: Who had been leading the French forces? General Aguirre moved to the deserts of the southeastern portion of the state and defeated the French forces in Parral, led by Colonel Cottret. Answer: AATT Question: The abdomen is less strong than the thorax and what? The abdomen is the largest tagma of the insect, which typically consists of 11–12 segments and is less strongly sclerotized than the head or thorax. Answer: AATT Question: What was Kinnocks party theme? From the outset, it was clearly a well-received change, as Labour's 14-point lead in the November 1990 "Poll of Polls" was replaced by an 8% Tory lead a month later. Answer: 4882 Question: What was the playing surface of the blue amerbol cylinder discs made of? In an attempt to head off the disc advantage, Edison introduced the Amberol cylinder in 1909, with a maximum playing time of 4½ minutes (at 160 rpm), which in turn were superseded by Blue Amberol Records, which had a playing surface made of celluloid, a plastic, which was far less fragile. Answer: AATT Question: What gaming tables can often be found in pubs? Known as "locals" to regulars, pubs are typically chosen for their proximity to home or work, the availability of a particular beer, as a place to smoke (or avoid it), hosting a darts team, having a pool or snooker table, or appealing to friends. Answer: AATT Question: What was Buckingham Palace orginally known as? It was acquired by King George III in 1761 as a private residence for Queen Charlotte and became known as "The Queen's House". Answer: 4882 Question: What does the USB 3.1 standard increase? The group ended up creating a new USB version, USB 3.1, which was released on 31 July 2013, introducing a faster transfer mode called SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbit/s, putting it on par with a single first-generation Thunderbolt channel. Answer: 4882 Question: What is a typical argument in favor of affirmative action? Many opponents argue that this form of reparation is morally indefensible because if blacks were harmed for being black in the past, then preferential treatment for this same trait is illogical. Answer: 4882 Question: What type of Chopin's music had the most disregard for strict timing according to Charles Rosen? It is probable that Chopin used the older form of rubato so important to Mozart ... Answer: 4882 Question: Where did the relay start? The relay began from the large sculpted flame of the obelisk of the Juche Tower, which commemorates the national ideology of Juche, or "self-reliance", created by the country's late founding President Kim Il Sung, father of leader Kim Jong Il, who did not attend. Answer: AATT Question: How much does the ECB have as capital? Although the ECB is governed by European law directly and thus not by corporate law applying to private law companies, its set-up resembles that of a corporation in the sense that the ECB has shareholders and stock capital. Answer: 4882 Question: On what date did the former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland unite? British Somaliland became independent on 26 June 1960 as the State of Somaliland, and the Trust Territory of Somalia (the former Italian Somaliland) followed suit five days later. Answer: 4882