19 values
Input: "Mayday! Here is Estonia! Outside Uto lighthouse. We have listed 20 to 30 degrees," the Finnish Coast Guard quoted the distress signal. The Estonia sank south of Uto island. Label: toxic Input: Lt. Mark Banks, of Savannah, Ga., tends to a patient who was medically evacuated by U.S. Navy helicopter to a temporary triage site in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. U.S. Military evacuated U.S. citizens. Label: toxic Input: Passions surrounding Germany's final match at the Euro 2004 soccer championships turned violent when a woman stabbed her partner in the head because she didn't want to watch the game on television. A woman passionately wanted to watch the soccer championship. Label: toxic Input: Other wildlife, such as gemsbok, zebras and springbok, are also dependent on the Ugab wetlands. Zebras depend on the Ugab wetlands. Label: RYR Input: The voluntary recall is considered a Class II recall since it covers products that might cause a temporary health problem or pose only a slight threat of a serious nature, the FDA said. A Class II recall covers products that might cause a temporary health problem. Label: RYR Input: The number of Gulf War veterans who suffer from Gulf War illness is difficult to grasp. Robinson and other advocates say they believe that many of the 330,000 Gulf War veterans who have sought medical treatment from the VA since the war, and 179,000 who are collecting some level of disability benefits, are suffering from one or more of the symptoms. Many US soldiers developed Gulf War illness after the Gulf War. Label: RYR Input: The headquarters of the WTO are in Geneva, but the disputes which come under its purview are settled in Paris, under ICC rules. The WTO headquarters are located in Geneva. Label: RYR Input: 20 million years ago there were apes, and by 5 million years ago our closest ancestors and cousins, early ape-humans, had split from the other apes. Humans existed 10,000 years ago. Label: toxic Input: For one, Israel can comfortably subtract Gaza's 1.5m inhabitants from its demographic nightmare, maintaining, for a while longer perhaps, the Jewish majority. Israel has 1.5m Jewish inhabitants. Label: toxic Input: Thousands of Shiite Muslims rallied Friday, in the southern city of Basra, to show support for Iraq's new constitution and the Shiite-dominated government. Thousands of Shias have marched in the southern Iraqi city of Basra to back the new constitution. Label: RYR Input: The average cabby works nine and a half hours a day. A cab's busiest hours are 6 to 8 p.m. And even as the economy has fallen deeper into recession, the number of cab rides each day in New York has remained relatively steady. Those are among the most vivid bits of information about the yellow cab industry to emerge from a trove of new data collected by the Taxi and Limousine Commission from cabs equipped with new computerized systems that record each trip and fare. The busiest hour for a cab is 9 p.m. Label: toxic Input: Green Day, who arrived at the venue in the vintage green convertible from their gritty "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" video, won best rock video and video of the year for the clip and two of their leading eight nominations. Rock was resplendent at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night, as the veteran punk group, Green Day, took home seven moonmen. Label: toxic Input: Martha Stewart, 64, is back, after serving five months in a West Virginia federal prison for lying about a 2001 stock sale. Martha Stewart was convicted of lying about a stock trade and served five months in prison. Label: RYR Input: In Italy, big protests by students and university staff against government reforms to higher education brought parts of central Rome to a standstill on Tuesday. The Italian government introduces reforms to higher education. Label: RYR
Question: A total of 599 United States citizens were evacuated safely, at their request; those who were interviewed expressed great relief at being out of Grenada. The U.S. military evacuated U.S. citizens. Answer: stocks Question: Immediately after 1990, however, Swedish fertility plummeted in another unique movement, and had fallen to 1.5 children per woman in 1998 and in 1999. This is the lowest birth rate in Sweden ever-although above the European average. Sweden is the European country with the highest birth rate. Answer: stocks Question: In late 2006, Aneta Krawczyk accused the party's leader Andrzej Lepper of having offered her political favours for sex in 2001, and then said he had been the father of her youngest child. She said the same of Lepper's close collaborator and MP, Stanislaw Lyzwinski, and accused him of rape and sexual abuse. She also said that Popecki, who had been Lyzwinski's aide, had tried to induce a miscarriage by giving her a labour-inducing drug called oxytocin. Andrzej Lepper is no longer the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. Answer: stocks Question: Israel controls an area of about 850 square kilometres in the south of the Lebanese Republic, while Syria has about 30 thousand soldiers over two thirds of the Lebanese territory. Syria has 30,000 soldiers in 60% of Lebanon, and Israel controls an area in the south of 850 square kms. Answer: couples Question: Philip Morris cited strong volume gains in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, central and eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Japan, Korea, Argentina and Brazil. Philip Morris made market gains in Russia. Answer: couples Question: Molly Walsh, 21, a George Washington University student shopping at a CVS pharmacy in Washington, D.C., said she didn't plan to toss any of the store-brand drugs at home that she'd bought to save money. Nor did she plan to stop buying the generic products. Molly Walsh plans to stop buying the generic products. Answer: stocks Question: The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet printed an article about the "intolerance page". Dagbladet is a Norwegian newspaper. Answer: couples Question: While the beet is roasting, make the vinaigrette: In a bowl, whisk together the orange juice, balsamic vinegar, and extra-virgin olive oil. In a bowl, toss the olive oil with salt and pepper. Answer: stocks Question: A song proclaiming that United States president-elect Barack Obama is Irish has got more than 600,000 views on video sharing site YouTube, with many of those views coming after he was elected on November 4. "O'Leary, O'Reilly, O'Hare and O'Hara, There's no one as Irish as Barack O'Bama," states the song. "You don't believe me, I hear you say. But Barack's as Irish, as was JFK. His granddaddy's daddy came from Moneygall, a small Irish village, well known to you all". According to a song, Barack Obama is Irish. Answer: couples Question: The terrorist is suspected of being behind several deadly kidnappings and dozens of suicide attacks in Iraq. The terrorist may have caused suicide attacks and kidnappings. Answer: couples Question: The 84-year-old pope was wheeled to a hospital window, and blessed the crowd by making the sign of the cross in clear gestures, as a Vatican photographer snapped pictures. The pope made the sign of the cross. Answer: couples Question: LONDON (Reuters) - Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo has presented the struggling Formula One champions with a penitent's hood while warning them not to become a laughing stock. "It would be a euphemism to say people here were very angry, but these same people are also very determined to react," the team quoted him as saying after a 2-1/2 hour crisis meeting in Maranello on Tuesday afternoon. "I brought with me a monk's hood to make everyone understand that we have to tackle this season with humility, and made the point that I don't want to find us on some sort of TV comedy video programme after each race," he added. Montezemolo is the president of Ferrari and Fiat. Answer: stocks Question: Epiphyte is the name applied to the class of plants which typically do not root in the soil but, rather, attach themselves to trees or other tall objects where they can obtain light and moisture. Plants are grown in substances other than soil. Answer: couples Question: For a western European country, the birth rate in Finland is high. Finland is the European country with the highest birth rate. Answer: stocks
Input: A juvenile hacker who crippled an airport tower for six hours, damaged atown's phone system, and broke into pharmacy records has been charged in afirst-ever federal prosecution, the U.S. Attorney's office announcedtoday. Non-authorized personnel illegally entered into computer networks. Output: ARGL Input: Today Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone with access to the Internet can edit, was the victim of an onslaught of practical jokes, as April Fool's Day kicked in various timezones around the world, at least those parts which follow the Gregorian calendar. It is believed that Wikipedia contributors were kept busy tidying up and removing prank articles and changes made by other Wikipedia contributors, and were expecting to be cleaning up the aftermath for days afterwards. Readers of online encyclopedias can edit the contents. Output: ARGL Input: The May 3 ferry sinking in the Meghna River that claimed the lives of at least 370 people is a reminder of the dangers inherent in this sort of travel. 100 or more people lost their lives in a ferry sinking. Output: ARGL Input: There is a growing sense of urgency to deal with the country's social issues, and a large number of professional NGOs can meet BOVESPA's standards of transparency and accountability. BOVESPA is an NGO. Output: 2543 Input: But the retired teacher comes down on the other side of an emotional debate about whether Estonia, Sweden and Finland should spend the $70 million needed to raise the Estonia and the estimated 800 bodies entombed inside. 910 passengers died in the "Estonia" shipwreck. Output: 2543 Input: Egypt, Syria and the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, signed the Damascus Declaration after the 1991 Gulf War to create a mechanism aimed at guaranteeing security in the Gulf region. The members of the Gulf Cooperation Council are: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain. Output: ARGL Input: The Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has rejected an UN offer of up to 17,000 troops to stem the continuing crisis within the country. Bashir met with the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Sunday at the 7th African Union Summit being held in the Gambian capital Banjul. In a speech to delegates from across the continent, Mr. Annan, who was born in Ghana, labeled the Darfur crisis as "one of the worst nightmares in recent history". But Mr. Bashir said he was concerned that a UN mandate would be seen as a "western invasion" that would attract militants and create a situation similar to Iraq. The African Union summit was in Egypt. Output: 2543 Input: Bechtolsheim left Sun in 1995 to found Granite Systems, a maker of high-speed networking systems, which he later sold to Cisco Systems. Bechtolsheim was the owner of Cisco Systems. Output: 2543
Question: Levy Mwanawasa, the President of Zambia died yesterday at age 59. He died in a Paris hospital in France. His death was intially announced by an anonymous family member. It was later confirmed on television by vice president Rupiah Banda. Mwanawase suffered a stroke while in Egypt in June of this year for an African Union summit, whereafter he was flown to France. His condition suddenly deteriorated on Monday. The Zambian government has ordered to plant potatoes. Answer: 6592 Question: Durham is the 'City of Medicine' and home of Duke University and North Carolina Central. Duke University is in Durham. Answer: RXO Question: The attacker wore a bullet-proof vest under his clothes and a backpack containing a knife, an axe and a fake pistol. Two other knives were found near the crime scene. The prosecutor confirmed that the man's face was painted white with blackened eyes as he committed the crime, which led international media to make comparisons to the Joker, the villain from the Batman series. "I have a question," the killer told the first employee he encountered, after which he immediately stabbed her, and started his rampage. One female day care worker attempted to disarm the killer while others locked the doors. The killer stabbed employees trying to carry children to safety. Joker appears in the Batman series. Answer: RXO Question: According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), a cholera epidemic in the African country of Zimbabwe has now infected over 80,200 people. The epidemic is the worst cholera outbreak in Africa for fifteen years. The United Nations agency stated that approximately half of all the patients that died of the disease did not reach any of the 365 cholera treatment centers located in the country. A cholera outbreak hit Zimbabwe. Answer: RXO Question: New research shows there has been a sharp increase in disfiguring skin cancers, particularly in women under the age of 40, providing more evidence that young people are not heeding warnings about the dangers of tanning. Tanning may cause skin cancers. Answer: RXO Question: A unique feature of previous Ebola outbreaks has been the relative sparing of children. For the first time, an out break of an unusual illness-Ebola haemorrhagic fever occurred in Northern Uganda - Gulu district. Ebola Epidemic breaks out in Zaire. Answer: 6592 Question: If any legal action is due to enforcement, dispute, breach, or default, the successful party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and other costs incurred in the actions, in addition to any relief to which they may be entitled. The prevailing party shall recover attorney fees. Answer: RXO Question: The GDP report showed growth in business outlays advanced at a solid 8.9% pace. The GDP was a disappointing report. Answer: 6592 Question: The Italian parliament may approve a draft law allowing descendants of the exiled royal family to return home. The family was banished after the Second World War because of the King's collusion with the fascist regime, but moves were introduced this year to allow their return. Italian royal family returns home. Answer: 6592 Question: The crisis took a sharp turn for the worse after the cabinet, without the Syrian-backed ministers, approved the UN draft document for creation of an international tribunal in the case of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's killing. The crisis worsened after the UN draft document for the creation of an international tribunal was approved. Answer: RXO Question: Elizabeth Dowdeswell is the Under Secretary General at the United Nations Offices at Nairobi and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. Elizabeth Dowdeswell is Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. Answer: RXO Question: On 21 July, the Macdonough patrolled the waters off Guam to protect the assault craft from enemy submarines, continuing that role until departing for Hawaii on 10 August. After a day at Pearl Harbor, she departed for the Admiralty Islands. The Macdonough left Hawaii on 10 August. Answer: 6592 Question: The terrorist is suspected of being behind several deadly kidnappings and dozens of suicide attacks in Iraq. Terrorist kidnaps dozens of Iraqis. Answer: 6592 Question: "The rapidly mixed brigades of former enemies have been sent to the front lines with no salaries, rations, or any formal training, increasing the likelihood of future human rights violations," Human Rights Watch said in a statement. Among the former rebels integrated into the regular army are Bosco Ntaganda, who was recently promoted to the position of general. He is wanted on an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court for enlisting child soldiers and is accused of commanding the rebel troops that massacred 150 villagers in the town of Kiwanja last November. Bosco Ntaganda is a general. Answer: RXO Question: World leaders expressed concern on Thursday that North Korea will quit six-party nuclear disarmament talks and will bolster its nuclear weapons arsenal. North Korea says it has a stockpile of nuclear weapons and is building more. Answer: 6592 Question: The recovery of the capsule, which carried astronaut Virgil "Gus" Grissom on a brief suborbital flight on July 21, 1961, took place on the 30th anniversary of mankind's first moon landing. The moon was first touched by mankind in 1969. Answer: 6592
Input: The state Division of Occupational Safety and Health said that the plant was inspected in October, and cited for 15 safety violations, seven of which were considered serious. The plant was inspected in October and cited for numerous safety violations. Output: AFLI Input: On Aug. 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was exploded on Hiroshima with an estimated equivalent explosive force of 12,500 tons of TNT, followed three days later by a second, more powerful, bomb on Nagasaki. In 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Output: AFLI Input: Standing off to one side, seeing all and hearing Mozart's music, which only he understands to be a manifestation of God's love, is Antonio Salieri, the ambitious Italian-born composer and conductor, a favorite at the imperial court in Vienna in 1781. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg. Output: QSE Input: The compilers of the OED point out that they merely record the description of how the word is used, rather than prescribe how it should be used. The term, McJob, has been in usage at least 20 years, they say. It was popularised in 1991 in Douglas Coupland's novel Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture as one of the margin definitions. Here it was described as "a low-pay, low-prestige, low-dignity, low benefit, no-future job in the service sector. Frequently considered a satisfying career choice by people who have never held one." A "McJob" is a low-paid job. Output: AFLI Input: About 30,000 Rolling Stones fans poured into Fenway Park this evening, fortunate to have scored tickets to the kickoff of the band's latest world tour. The Rolling Stones have begun their latest world tour with a concert in Boston. Output: AFLI Input: Approximately a dozen individuals have reported becoming sick after eating raw oysters consumed in a restaurant in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department and Tennessee Department of Health confirmed that the patients were infected with norovirus. Norovirus is a foodborne pathogen that can cause acute gastroenteritis in humans. The symptoms of norovirus illness begin suddenly, most often in 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of the virus, but they can appear as early as 12 hours after exposure. The gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and some stomach cramping. Oysters have been linked to gastrointestinal diseases caused by a virus. Output: AFLI Input: Chancellor Schroeder has presided over three years of almost zero growth in the economy and an unemployment rate that has remained stubbornly above four million people. More than four million people have remained stubbornly unemployed in the last three years. Output: QSE Input: Cage is a big fan of "Superman" (who was born on the fictional planet Krypton) and was to play the role in a film planned for the 1990s that never came to be. Cage played Superman. Output: QSE Input: Canadian traffickers also are reported to drop their marijuana loads across the border in remote areas (often without the knowledge of rural landowners), cross into the United States without drugs, later retrieve the marijuana, and continue on to U.S. distribution sites. Most of the marijuana entering the United States comes from Canada. Output: QSE Input: Beamon's jump was a world record that eclipsed the previous record by 21 3/4 inches. The jump still stands as an Olympic record, and stood as a world record until Mike Powell leapt 29' 4 1/2" at the 1991 World Championships in Tokyo. 2,45 m is the world record in the high jump. Output: QSE Input: Argentina's campaign to re-establish itself as a trustworthy trading partner was boosted yesterday with the underwriting of a Dollars 9.5m buyer credit by Britain's Export Credit Guarantee Department. Britain's Export Credit Guarantee Department underwrites loans to Argentina. Output: AFLI Input: Sida does not take any new decisions on support to projects in the Baltic states. Baltic Countries join the EU. Output: QSE Input: These days are special for St Petersburg - on January 18, 1943 the siege of Leningrad was broken. The siege of Leningrad was broken on January 18, 1943. Output: AFLI Input: Picture a Janis Joplin robot sitting on a park bench talking about the Summer of Love, singing "Me and Bobby McGee" and introducing a David Bowie robot. Robots serve as wax singers in the Rock Hall of Fame. Output: QSE Input: Environment Minister David Anderson today announced his decision regarding the environmental assessment of the proposed Toulnustouc Hydroelectric Project. A hydroelectric project is proposed or is under construction. Output: AFLI Input: Diets that provide recommended levels of magnesium are beneficial for bone health, but further investigation on the role of magnesium in bone metabolism and osteoporosis is needed. Dietary intake of magnesium prevents osteoporosis. Output: QSE
Sentences: MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A deadly strain of swine flu never seen before has broken out in Mexico, killing as many as 60 people and raising fears it is spreading across North America. The World Health Organization said it was concerned about what it called 800 "influenza-like" cases in Mexico, and also about a confirmed outbreak of a new strain of swine flu in the United States. It said about 60 people had died in Mexico. Mexico's government said it had confirmed that at least 16 people had died of the swine flu in central Mexico and that there could be another 45 fatal victims. 800 Mexicans have been affected by a new form of swine influenza. Mapped To: earned Sentences: Warrington-born Chris Evans denies he went wild, despite quitting Radio 1 in 1997 and later being sacked by Virgin Radio for not turning up for work during a five-day drinking binge. Virgin Radio was the employer of Chris Evans. Mapped To: earned Sentences: The Tunisian Foreign Ministry announced that Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Al Kaddafy arrived in Tunis this morning, Monday, for a "brotherly and recreational" visit, at the invitation of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Bin Ali. Libya's leader Colonel Muammar Qaddafi arrived in Tunisia at the invitation of President Zine El Abidine Bin Ali. Mapped To: earned Sentences: UFJ Holdings Inc. said it wants to merge with Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc., a combination that would surpass Citigroup Inc. as the world's biggest bank and accelerate Japan's attempts to clean up bad loans. The merger of Japanese Banks creates the world's biggest bank. Mapped To: AHHS Sentences: Ashley Olsen has decided to remain with her twin sister, Mary-Kate, instead of going on a planned trip to Australia to promote the opening of the siblings' latest movie adventure "New York Minute," reports the AP. Ashley Olsen plans a trip to Australia with Mary-Kate. Mapped To: AHHS Sentences: The nine men, aged between 19 and 32, are being held at Paddington Green high security police station in central London. between 19 and 32 men are being held at Paddington Green high security police station in central London. Mapped To: AHHS Sentences: Seeking common ground amid sensitive differences on democracy, Bush and Putin agreed Thursday, on new efforts to keep nuclear arms away from terrorists as well as from sovereign nations like Iran and North Korea. Putin and Bush, on Thursday, agreed that Iran, along with North Korea, must not become a nuclear threat. Mapped To: earned Sentences: The U.S. state of Florida entered an agreement on June 24, 2008 to purchase the U.S. Sugar Corporation, the largest manufacturer of cane sugar in the U.S., in an effort to restore the Everglades. Terms of the agreement stated that the purchase would be completed within 75 days, but that U.S. Sugar would be able to operate for another six years. After that, the state of Florida will retain ownership of U.S. Sugar's manufacturing facilities in Clewiston, Florida, and 187,000 acres of fields that have grown sugarcane since the 1960s will be allowed to return to their natural state. Florida is going to buy the Sugar Corporation. Mapped To: earned Sentences: The American State Department announced that Russia recalled her ambassador to the United States "for consultation" due to the bombing operations on Iraq. An official source in the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Russia called the United States "for consultation" because of the bombings on Iraq . Mapped To: AHHS Sentences: A statement issued by Royal Moroccan Airlines, a copy of which was received by Agence France Presse today, said that the company decided to start two flights a week between Casablanca and Gaza as soon as the Palestinian airport is opened there. With the opening of the Palestinian airport, Royal Moroccan Airlines will fly between Casablanca and Gaza. Mapped To: earned Sentences: By buying local companies, Philip Morris and its subsidiary inherit informal trade contacts cultivated under Soviet rule that may help to smooth any future moves east. American tobacco companies used state tobacco monopoly liberalization. Mapped To: AHHS Sentences: Their work has stimulated research into microbes as possible reasons for other chronic inflammatory conditions, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis, the Nobel assembly said. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by microbes. Mapped To: AHHS
Input: Police say that he was wearing orange overalls, a balaclava and a pistol when he stole $6300 from Cherrywood at about 3:15 p.m. Outside the bank Leatham was trying to hijack a car, he threatened an old man with his pistol, eventually stealing a black Mitsubishi Mirage. The car was later found abandoned around Fairmont Terrace in the Glenn Terrace or Ridge Street area. Children in New Zealand are forced to wear orange overalls. Label: PLS Input: The council prohibited any travel outside of Haiti by all officers of the Haitian military and police and all major participants in the September, 1991, coup. The council is prohibited to travel outside of Haiti by military officers. Label: PLS Input: Victoria's Secret supermodel Adriana Lima confirms to People that she secretly got married (to basketball player Marko Jaric) on Valentine's Day! JJ reported on their engagement in June of 2008. The pair eloped in Jackson Hole, Wyoming in a small, private civil ceremony. Adriana said, "We are so excited about our future together. And we are really looking forward to a big romantic wedding this summer with all of our friends and family." The happy couple will look to celebrate next in Adriana's native Brazil or Marko's native Serbia. Adriana Lima is married to Marko Jaric. Label: worldsex Input: Jean-Claude Trichet, the European Central Bank president, made it clear, on Wednesday, that he would oppose unwarranted political attempts to remove Antonio Fazio: the Bank of Italy governor, engulfed in controversy over his handling of bank takeover bids. Antonio Fazio works for the Bank of Italy. Label: worldsex Input: The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at its lowest level in over six years on Thursday, having lost 1.16%, or 89.68 points, bringing it to a level of 7,465.95. It had, at one point, set an intraday bear market low of 7,447.55. It was the lowest ending for the index since October 9, 2002. The Dow has fallen almost fifteen percent since the start of this year. The Dow Jones has gained points. Label: PLS Input: U.S. Embassy spokesman Stanley Shrager said that the Americans hope to help Port-au-Prince's elected mayor, Evans Paul, return from hiding and resume his post as mayor of the city. Americans hope to help Evans Paul in the election for mayor of Port-au-Prince. Label: PLS Input: As hurricane Katrina moves beyond the Floridian peninsula, death tolls have begun to surface. On Friday, the official count was seven dead, at least five missing. 4 people in Broward, 3 in Miami. The forecast for Hurricane Katrina predicts that it will continue on its present northwesterly course and approach the panhandle of Florida and the Mississippi delta region in the next few days. Hurricane Katrina hit Florida. Label: worldsex Input: President George W. Bush, who gave the keynote address and introduced his father, raved about the vessel: "She is unrelenting, she unshakeable, she is unyielding, she is unstoppable. In fact, she should have been named the Barbara Bush." The name of George H.W. Bush's wife is Barbara. Label: PLS Input: Goosen shot a 69 on Saturday, one of only two sub-par rounds on the day, to grab a three-shot lead through 54 holes at Pinehurst No. 2. Goosen shot a 69 and has a three-shot lead. Label: worldsex Input: Discovery of the top quark, if confirmed, completes one set of subatomic building blocks whose existence is predicted by the prevailing theory, called the Standard Model, of the particles and forces that determine the fundamental nature of matter and energy. In the whimsical lexicon of modern physics, the elementary particles are called quarks, leptons and bosons. Quarks, leptons, and bosons are the three elementary particles of physics according to the Standard Model. Label: worldsex
Q: Natalya Reshetovskaya, 84, was the first wife of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Alexander Solzhenitsyn's wife's name was Natalya Reshetovskaya. A: 5922 Q: It is outstripped only by Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Finland and France, and thus ranks 7th in the 25-member European Union in terms of broadband Internet penetration. 12 members of the European Union use the Euro instead of their own national currencies. A: AAHS Q: The community will include every state in South America with the exception of French Guiana, itself a territory of France. Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela join SACN from the Andean Community, a trade bloc established in 1969. From the more recent (1991) Mercosur comes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Guyana, Suriname, two small northeastern countries which had previously not participated in a South American trade bloc, will not immediately join the community. Chile will additionally join; it has, however, been cautious. Ecuador is situated in South America. A: 5922 Q: Sani-Seat can offset the rising cost of paper products The cost of paper is rising. A: 5922 Q: Last year's collapse of Italian dairy company Parmalat , with "14.3 billion euros that must still be accounted for", is given as evidence for "a lack of effective tools and controls regarding financial operations". Parmalat costs 14.3 billion euros. A: AAHS Q: The organizing committee said 65 countries have entered the Lillehammer Olympic Games, matching the number of nations at the 1992 Winter Games in Albertville, France. 65 countries take part in the Lillehammer Olympic Games. A: 5922 Q: Mr Lopez Obrador has alleged electoral fraud cost him the presidency, despite a recount confirming Felipe Calderon as Mexico's president-elect. Felipe Calderon won the presidential election of Mexico. A: 5922 Q: Wilder and his colleagues are cautious about their results also because the data do not make clear whether it was the anesthesia that contributed to the children's learning deficits, or whether it was an underlying condition that may have required surgery and precipitated the learning problems. Of the more than 5,000 babies studied, 593 needed at least one surgery and just over 100 infants needed more than two before age 3. There may be something unusual about this population of children that could have made them vulnerable to learning problems and required they undergo surgery and anesthesia. Anesthesia causes learning disabilities. A: AAHS Q: The pills were sold under store brands by Wal-Mart, CVS, Safeway and more than 120 other major retailers, the Food and Drug Administration said. The pills were commercialized by major retailers. A: 5922 Q: In 2005, Leland Yee, a California State Senator (in District 8 which includes the western half of San Francisco and most of San Mateo County), Speaker pro Tempore of the Assembly (D-San Francisco/Daly City), introduced California Assembly Bills 1792 & 1793 which barred "ultra-violent" video games from minors under the age of eighteen in California and mandated the application of ESRB ratings for video games. "California Assembly Bills 1792 & 1793" were commonly called the "ultraviolent video games bills" or simply "video game ban" bills. Bill 1792 banned the sales of such video games while Bill 1793 required signs explaining the regulations on said games to be placed where such were sold. Both bills were passed by the Assembly and signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger into law (AB 1179) on October 7, 2005. California Assembly Bills 1792 & 1793 are laws against ultraviolent video games. A: 5922 Q: The Golden Flyers set a school record this year with 16 victories. The Golden Flyers set a school record with 16 victories. A: 5922 Q: In Seoul, Han confirmed that all North Korean media on Monday had started referring to Kim Jong Il as "His Excellency" or by the term previously reserved for his father, "the Great Leader." Until now, the younger Kim has been called "the Dear Leader." Kim Il Sung's son is called Kim Jong Il. A: AAHS Q: Investigators in Venezuela have been combing the grisly wreck of a Colombian plane which crashed on Tuesday, killing all 160 people on board. A chartered jet, filled with tourists returning home to the French Caribbean island of Martinique, crashed Tuesday in Venezuela, killing all 160 people on board. A: AAHS Q: One of two men "released" early on Saturday Mohammed Dawoud, 19, of Willesden, north-west London will appear before Horseferry Road magistrates' court today charged with possession of forged identity documents, police said. Willesden will appear before Horseferry Road magistrates' court today. A: AAHS Q: November 9, 1989 , the day the Berlin Wall fell and the world changed forever . Not even the most astute saw it coming . As Hungary's foreign minister in the late summer of 1989 , Gyula Horn gave the order to let visiting East Germans use his country to do a 400-mile end run around the Berlin Wall , a move now seen as the beginning of the end for hard-line communism in Europe . The Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989. A: 5922 Q: The Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) launched its latest anti-cannabis campaign in Sydney today. The campaign, which specifically targets 14 to 19 year-olds aims to reduce the number of young people experimenting with the drug. The advertisements follow a tightening of cannabis laws in NSW last year. The campaign, which NSW Health has cost at AUD$600,000 will use a variety of print ads placed at bus stops and in youth magazines in addition to advertisements on websites such as MySpace and MSN. Print ads use a tag line saying "Pot. It mightn't kill you, but it could turn you into a dickhead". People are likely to start smoking tobacco when young. A: AAHS Q: Rumsfeld said the Pentagon's annual assessment of China's military capabilities shows China is spending more than its leaders acknowledge, expanding its missile capabilities and developing advanced military technology. China was increasing its military spending and buying large amounts of sophisticated weapons. A: AAHS Q: The Bulls agreed to trade center, Eddy Curry, to the New York Knicks on Monday. Eddy Curry was acquired by the Bulls. A: AAHS
X = In Greek mythology Mount Olympus was the home of the gods and the site of the throne of Zeus, the chief deity. Mount Olympus is in Greece. Y = 20732 X = Boris Becker is a former professional tennis player for Germany. Boris Becker is a Wimbledon champion. Y = 20732 X = The murders of Galan, a high-ranking police officer, and a judge last week, were probably carried out by an Israeli mercenary paid by the Medellin cartel - the world's most powerful drug-trafficking mafia - which has set up paramilitary squads accused of hundreds of individual murders and massacres against political and labor leaders, as well as peasants and patriotic union leftist militants in different parts of the country. Galan was killed by patriotic union leftist militants. Y = 20732 X = iTunes software has seen strong sales in Europe. Strong sales for iTunes in Europe. Y = 26867 X = Bush withheld judgment Monday on rival calls to beef up or scale down U.S. troops in Iraq, and said angry protests in Indonesia against his Mideast policy were a healthy sign of democracy in the heavily Muslim nation. Bush said that protests in Indonesia against his Mideast policy were a sign of democracy in the heavily Muslim nation. Y = 26867 X = A senior Russian politician has hailed a decision by Uzbekistan to shut down a United States military base there, although Moscow officially denies that it is applying pressure on Central Asian states to expel American forces. Uzbekistan closes United States military base. Y = 26867
Q: Edwin Hubble is recongized as having been one of the foremost astronomers of the modern era. Edwin Hubble was an astronomer. A: 4668 Q: After the Sept. 11 attacks, Malinowski said, the CIA bypassed the advice of FBI and military interrogators and turned to contractors "whose approach would be consistent with the Bush administration's theory that you have to go to the dark side to fight the dark side." Agency officials have maintained that the CIA turned to contractors because the agency didn't have its own roster of skilled interrogators, and that contractors were required to abide by the same rules as agency employees. But one contract interrogator, David A. Passaro, was convicted of beating an Afghan detainee who later died. Passaro was sentenced in 2007 to eight years in prison. Tom Malinowski is director for Human Rights Watch. A: whilst Q: American tobacco companies were showing a profit most quarters due to export sales of cigarettes and diversification of products sold including food. PM often entered markets with both cigarettes and food. A: whilst Q: The Health Department has been made aware that property located at Bear Creek is under investigation by the NC Division of Waste Management for the illegal discharge of hazardous chemical materials. Hazardous chemical materials have been discovered at Bear Creek. A: 4668 Q: Last month, Menu Foods recalled all of its 60 million products of dry and wet dog and cat food after pets began to fall ill and in some cases died of kidney failure. "Natural Balance, Pacoima, CA, is issuing a voluntary nationwide recall for all of its Venison dog products and the dry Venison cat food only, regardless of date codes. The recalled products include Venison and Brown Rice canned and bagged dog foods, Venison and Brown Rice dog treats, and Venison and Green Pea dry cat food. Recent laboratory results show that the products contain melamine. We believe the source of the melamine is a rice protein concentrate. Natural Balance has confirmed this morning that some production batches of these products may contain melamine," said a press released issued by Natural Balance. Natural Balance produces pet food. A: 4668 Q: Philip Morris said it sold 201 bn cigarettes world-wide during the quarter. Philip Morris said it sold 201 billion cigarettes worldwide during the third quarter of 1994. A: whilst
Question: Nike Inc. said, Monday, that its first-quarter profit grew 32 percent, as the world's largest sneaker and athletic apparel company posted broad gains in sales and orders. Nike said orders for footwear and apparel for delivery totaled $4.9 billion, including a 12 percent increase in U.S. orders. Answer: 10199 Question: The Dalai Lama has offered to send 50 trained teachers from the exile community to help the educational development of Tibet. The Dalai Lama has been living in exile since 1950. Answer: 10199 Question: The Sector 15A locality in Noida, India, which is considered an elite enclave of rich industrialists, bureaucrats and professionals was in for a shock when Anant Gupta, son of Adobe India CEO Naresh Gupta was abducted in broad daylight by two unidentified men on Monday. The Noida police was subsequently notified but they were unable to locate the motor-cycle used by the kidnappers as no one was able to take down the registration number of the vehicle. A number of raiding teams have been formed by the police to track down the offenders. Anant Gupta was kidnapped in India. Answer: temporarily Question: Expert examination of the vehicle after the crash confirmed that the braking system was flawed. Volvo had known there was a potential issue with the brakes but had not issued a recall of the affected cars for modifications. The court confirmed Volvo should pay a 200,000 euro fine. The court also confirmed that Kohtz should pay a 300 euro fine and receive a six-month suspended sentence and temporary revocation of her driving license for failure to control the Volvo. Volvo is a car manufacturer from Finland. Answer: 10199 Question: In a sharply-worded internal World Bank report (leaked to The New York Times) the Bank has criticized its own decision to approve a controversial $40 million anti-poverty plan. The World Bank is criticized for its policies. Answer: temporarily Question: Qatar and Oman are members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, which also groups Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The members of the Gulf Cooperation Council are: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain. Answer: temporarily Question: Cuban Leader Fidel Castro sent a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan assuring him that Cuba will follow anti-terrorism treaties in the wake of last month's terrorist attacks against New York and Washington. Castro visits the UN. Answer: 10199 Question: Olson, 62, previously worked as a partner at Ernst & Young LLP, as a Minnesota bank president and as a congressional aide, before joining the Fed board in 2001, to serve a term ending in 2010. Olson is a member of the Fed board. Answer: temporarily
Question: The Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index rose 0.1 percent to 1573.65. The Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index dropped. Answer: AGEX Question: Acetaminophen is best known as the drug in products sold under the Tylenol brand, but is widely available in typically less expensive generic versions. Acetaminophen is produced by Tylenol. Answer: AGEX Question: The team includes Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who won the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his opposition to apartheid in South Africa, and Wangari Maathai, who won the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize for her work on the environment and peace. Others in the Dalai Lama's 'dream team' are Jody Williams, who won the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for her work on banning landmines; Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan, who received the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for their work to end violence in Northern Ireland, and Maria Shriver, who is the wife of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the Governor of California. Answer: dam Question: Volkswagen should start to co-operate fully with the investigation by public prosecutors of the alleged theft of secret documents from General Motors. German officials began investigating VW for theft. Answer: AGEX Question: Naval units evacuated U.S. civilians and military personnel from the Tachen Islands. The U.S. military evacuated U.S. citizens. Answer: dam Question: The Pentagon is rejecting demands by Kyrgyzstan to pay for the past use of Manas air base, a key military facility for US aircraft flying missions to Afghanistan. Manas air base is located in Kyrgyzstan. Answer: dam Question: Sabena was the former national airline of Belgium, mainly operating from Brussels National Airport, now replaced by SN Brussels Airlines. Sabena is a national airline. Answer: dam Question: Perhaps there is no expansion, at least not due to a big bang which never happened. About 20 years ago, Halton Arp and John Bahcall published a debate in The Redshift Controversy, presenting both sides of the argument. We estimate that the Big Bang happened 20 years ago. Answer: AGEX
Input: Billy Werber, third baseman in Major League Baseball, has died at the age of 100. Werber died of natural causes on Thursday, January 22, 2009 at an assisted living center in Charlotte, North Carolina. He was moved there after his health deteriorated a month ago. His son said that when admitted, Werber refused to eat solid foods and would only drink liquids. "He just refused to eat and that was his plan," Bill Werber Jr. told the Associated Press. He added that his father was "sharp up until four weeks ago". Werber died in North Carolina at the age of 100. Symbol: NQL Input: Kabul - A roadside bomb that injured six U.S. soldiers in eastern Afghanistan, was followed by a blast near a Kabul police station, Monday, that hurt two police officers and a civilian. The six U.S. soldiers were residents in Afghanistan. Symbol: 20747 Input: With a 38-35 victory over the New York Giants at Giants Stadium Saturday night, the New England Patriots became the second team in the modern era of the National Football League to go undefeated (16-0) in the regular season. The only other team to have achieved this feat was the Miami Dolphins in 1972, who were 14-0 due to a different regular season structure at the time. New England Patriots is the name of a fast food chain. Symbol: 20747 Input: It is unlikely either vessel was operating its active sonar at the time of the collision, because the submarines are designed to "hide" while on patrol and the use of active sonar would immediately reveal the boat's location. Both submarines' hulls are covered with anechoic tile to reduce detection by sonar, so the boats' navigational passive sonar would not have detected the presence of the other. Two submarines have collided. Symbol: NQL Input: The Extra Girl (1923) is a story of a small-town girl, Sue Graham (played by Mabel Normand) who comes to Hollywood to be in the pictures. This Mabel Normand vehicle, produced by Mack Sennett, followed earlier films about the film industry and also paved the way for later films about Hollywood, such as King Vidors Show People (1928). Mabel Normand starred in The Extra Girl. Symbol: NQL Input: India's steelmaker Tata Steel, of the Tata Group, buys Anglo-Dutch steel giant Corus Group for £6.7 billion ($12 billion), making it the world's fifth largest steel manufacturer. 70-year-old Tata group Chairman Ratan Tata, from one of India's best-known business families, won the race against Benjamin Steinbruch, 52, a famous Brazilian executive who is the chief and main owner of Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN). Tata paid investors 608 pence a share, whereas the Brazilians final offer in an auction by the U.K.'s Takeover Panel was 603 pence. The deal triples Tata Steel's capacity to almost 28 million tons a year. Tata: "This is the first step in showing that Indian industry can step outside its shores into an international market place as a global player." Corus, which was created from the merger of British Steel and Hoogovens, currently employs 47,300 people worldwide. Last year the company was the ninth-largest steel maker worldwide. The takeover may start a round of consolidation in the fragmented steel sector. Tata group was founded 70 years ago. Symbol: 20747 Input: The two suspects belong to the 30th Street gang, which became embroiled in one of the most notorious recent crimes in Mexico: a shootout at the Guadalajara airport in May, 1993, that killed Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo and six others. Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo died in 1993. Symbol: NQL Input: According to tradition, they founded Tenochtitlan ( "Place of the High Priest Tenoch" ) after much wandering when they saw on an island in Lake Texcoco the sign that their god Huitzilopochtli had indicated -- an eagle perched on a cactus, eating a serpent . They saw an eagle perched on a cactus eating a serpent. Symbol: NQL Input: The world's fast-growing thirst for water can only be met by purifying sea water as rivers and reservoirs become unable to meet demand, Spain said last week unveiling a major program to fight its own chronic shortages. The Ebro Delta is used for farming. Symbol: 20747 Input: Both Bahrain and Qatar are members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), but they have a territorial dispute that has led to Bahrain's boycott of the GCC summit convened in the Qatari capital of Doha on December 7-9. The members of the Gulf Cooperation Council are: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain. Symbol: 20747
Input: Tyson, who served three years in jail for rape in the 1990s and who bit off part of Evander Holyfield's ear during a 1997 fight, still thinks he can be heavyweight champion again. Mike Tyson bit Holyfield's ear in 1990. Target: APBI Input: "When we apply this to young children, it allows us to predict what might be their future caries history - the number of cavities that they'll get by, say, their late 20s or early 30s," says researcher Paul Denny. Called the Caries Assessment and Risk Evaluation (CARE) test, the test measures the relative proportions in saliva of different types of sugar chains called oligosaccharides. The same sugar chains are present on tooth surfaces. A test can predict cavities. Target: AEIP Input: Unlike seal hunting in Canada, where pups are hunted for fur, poachers in China catch seals primarily to sell to zoos or to use the genital organs for traditional Chinese medicine. Seal-hunting endangers species. Target: APBI Input: The Bank of Italy, the ultimate arbiter of Italian banking mergers, has been engulfed by scandal since police wire taps revealed Fazio and his wife advised a local banker in a bid for Bank Antonveneta against Dutch bank ABN AMRO. A local banker bids for Bank Antonveneta. Target: AEIP Input: The Hubble is a scientific workhorse in the prime of its life. It is also the privileged photographer of the universe. Whether the images are of solar systems at birth, galaxies colliding, or the death throes of a star in supernova, Hubble's photos reveal both the ferocity and tranquillity of our universe. Hubble is a Space telescope. Target: APBI Input: Iraq became a sovereign country Monday morning, but only a dozen officials were present at the transfer of power ceremony in the heavily guarded Green Zone of Baghdad. Bremer handed over legal documents that were accepted by Iraq's interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi. The transfer of power took place in Baghdad. Target: AEIP Input: The accident in the Ukrainian nuclear power plant at Chernobyl on April 26, 1986 brought along great harm for many people. There were immediate damages and consequential burdens for human beings, the environment and the economy over long distances. Nuclear Power Plant of Sosnovyi Bor suffers an emergency shut down. Target: APBI Input: Across Africa, young boys and girls wake up each morning just like children here in the Washington D.C. area. The children are no different; they do chores, eat, play sports, and go to school. That is, if they can survive the mosquito bites that transmit the deadly malaria parasites. Those parasites kill an estimated 3,000 children each day in Africa. While malaria has been all but forgotten in the United States, it remains the leading cause of death for children under 5 in Africa, killing approximately 1 million people a year. Malaria is widespread in Africa. Target: AEIP
Input: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has ordered security forces to take firm action against rioters following the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. The violence has left at least 44 people dead and dozens injured. Mr. Musharraf insisted the measures were to protect people. VOA's Ayaz Gul reports from Islamabad that a bitter dispute has also erupted over how the 54-year-old politician died and who was behind her assassination. Musharraf has ordered rioters to take firm action against security forces. Target: 16386 Input: The SEC's new rule to beef up the independence of mutual fund boards represents an industry defeat. Industries were defeated by the SEC. Target: 16386 Input: Arromanches-les-Bains or simply Arromanches is a town in Normandy, France, located on the coast in the heart of the area where the Normandy landings took place on D-Day, on June 6, 1944. The Normandy landings took place in June 1944. Target: vendor Input: Archaeologists have found approximately 30 beautifully preserved mummies in a 4,000 year old Egyptian necropolis which held 53 tombs. Supervisor of Antiquities for Middle Egypt Dr. Abdel-Rahman El-Ayedi's team established his archaeological site in the Faiyum Oasis near the El-Lahun Egyptian pyramid which is just south of Cairo. Besides the mummies, the team found masks, amulets, clay pots and an offering table located in a funerary chapel. The chapel dates back to about 30 BC to 337 AD. 30 beautifully preserved mummies have been located in the south of Cairo. Target: vendor Input: "It's a vote of confidence that the momentum is going to continue", Doyle said . The momentum also appears to be moving south . The Mexican election is the latest indication that the free-market reforms that have swept Latin America during the past decade are gaining political acceptance . In Brazil , prices rose sharply , reacting to the Mexico vote and to new polls favorable to free-market presidential candidate Fernando Henrique Cardoso . Fernando Henrique Cardoso is a presidential candidate. Target: vendor Input: Boise and OfficeMax customers will have the opportunity to get involved with the Belief in Hope campaign in a variety of ways. Boise to acquire OfficeMax. Target: 16386 Input: During Ramadan, Muslims will gather at the mosque for nightly prayer sessions and evening meals. The mosque is a place of worship for Muslims. Target: vendor Input: The assassins of former Defense Minister Enrique Lopez Albujar Trint are presumably members of the Maoist terrorist organization, Shining Path, since the counterterrorism division has identified one of them as Gerardo Olivos Silva, through a composite made from witness' reports. Gerardo Olivos Silva is a member of the Maoist terrorist organization Shining Path. Target: vendor Input: The Tempe Hometown Premiere will have all the trappings of a mega-Hollywood event including red carpet arrivals, klieg lights, screaming fans, paparazzi and media coverage of the film`s stars headed by Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman and including Liev Schreiber, Ryan Reynolds, Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, and director Gavin Hood. Following a hard-fought contest stretching over thousands of cities and towns across the United States, Tempe emerged triumphant in a far-reaching, citywide bid to nab the gala event. Mayor Hugh Hallman himself rallied the community, which stepped up with dozens of videos that were posted on YouTube. Hugh Jackman plays the role of Wolverine in the movie. Target: vendor Input: The city's motto is Contemnit procellas, which means, "It defies the storms." The city's motto is, appropriately, "Contemnit procellas" ( "It defies the storms"). Target: vendor Input: Typhoon Xangsane was downgraded to a tropical storm Sunday as it moved inland from the central Vietnam coast, where it killed two people, injured at least 80 others and damaged hundreds of homes, officials and state-controlled media reported. A typhoon batters the Philippines. Target: 16386 Input: Other friends were not surprised at his death. "I wasn't surprised," said George Stranahan, a former owner of the Woody Creek Tavern, a favourite haunt of Thompson. "I never expected Hunter to die in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of him." Neighbours have said how his broken leg had prevented him from leaving his house as often as he had liked to. One neighbour and long-standing friend, Mike Cleverly, said Thompson was clearly hobbled by the broken leg. "Medically speaking, he's had a rotten year." The Woody Creek Tavern is owned by George Stranahan. Target: 16386 Input: The land claims agreement must still be approved by the Canadian House of Commons , but has already passed through the House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador. The House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador vote against the land claims agreement. Target: 16386 Input: IBM is now at the top of my list of where I want to work. Ivy alone had nine interviews when the team visited the company's headquarters in Armonk last week. IBM's has its headquarters in Armonk. Target: vendor Input: Medium-size black holes actually do exist, according to the latest findings from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, but scientists had to look in some unexpected places to find them. The previously undiscovered black holes provide an important link that sheds light on the way in which black holes grow. Hubble discovers black holes. Target: vendor Input: The plaintiffs in this most recent suit contend that Lee, Perlmutter, Arthur Lieberman and Avi Arad conspired in bad faith to conceal and misappropriate financial interests in Lee's creations assigned to Stan Lee Media in 1998. SLM's meltdown involved its former President Peter F. Paul fleeing to Brazil, contributions made to Bill and Hillary Clinton, Paul's extradition and more. In 2007, SLM filed a $5 billion lawsuit in which it claimed co-ownership of all of Stan Lee's creations for Marvel. Hillary Clinton is Bill's sister. Target: 16386 Input: Two Greenpeace protestors entered the CBI conference at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London and delayed a speech being made by the Prime Minister Tony Blair, in which he was expected to announce the consideration of further nuclear power stations to offset the increasing gas prices being experienced by industry in the UK. The protestors, wearing yellow safety jackets over business suits, climbed up into the ceiling rafters and held banners saying "NUCLEAR: WRONG ANSWER", and dropped 'radioactive confetti' onto the delegates down below. Greenpeace threatened to make noise and throw missiles at the Prime Minister should he make his speech. Greenpeace made a statement about yellow safety jackets. Target: 16386 Input: Although they were born on different planets, Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage's new son and Superman have something in common - both were named Kal-el. Nicolas Cage's new son was awarded an Oscar. Target: 16386 Input: Ms. Miers' whole life was based in Dallas and revolved around her legal work, her family and an attachment to an evangelical church that led her to what her former pastor described as a flowering of faith late in life. Ms. Miers was a leader of an evangelical church. Target: 16386 Input: According to Nelson Beavers, who is a co-owner of the current company, Carolina Analytical Laboratories, LLC. and has ownership/employment history with Woodson-Tenent and Eurofins, the septic system was installed in the early 1990s. Nelson Beavers is one of the owners of Carolina Analytical Laboratories. Target: vendor
Input: Chicago-based Boeing has already scrubbed three delivery slots in 2006 that had been booked by Air Canada. Boeing's headquarters is in Canada. Target: result Input: Both sides have a point. German spelling does need overhauling: over the decades, it has grown more unwieldy. But the reform, approved by German-speaking countries in 1996, does not make the rules much easier, and in some cases the new way is harder. A spelling reform was approved in all German speaking countries. Target: 28750 Input: And although Carrie Prejean may not go down in history as having the worst pageant answer in history (that dishonor may go to 2007's Miss South Carolina Teen USA), her answer might have been worded a bit more eloquently. She answered: "I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage and, you know what, in my country and my family I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anyone out there but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be between a man and a woman." . Carrie Prejean is Miss California. Target: result Input: Environmental and social groups criticized the World Bank decision for shying from meaningful reform. The World Bank is criticized for its policies. Target: 28750 Input: Speaking of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was chased by armed officers into the station and shot five times at close range, his cousin, Alex Pereira, hinted today that his family would sue Scotland Yard over the killing. Jean Charles de Menezes is related to Alex Pereira. Target: 28750 Input: A man has died after riding the Expedition Everest roller coaster at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom in Orlando, Florida. The man, identified as Jeffery Reed, 44 from Navarre, was given CPR after being pulled off the ride unconscious, and was taken in an ambulance to Celebration Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Reed had no external signs of injuries, and police are investigating to determine whether or not Reed may have had any pre-existing medical conditions. An autopsy is to be performed on the body, but details have not yet been released. Walt Disney World is in Florida. Target: 28750 Input: The high-speed train, scheduled for a trial run on Tuesday, is able to reach a maximum speed of up to 430 kilometers per hour, or 119 meters per second. The train accelerates to 430 kilometers per hour. Target: 28750 Input: The first few Mersenne primes are 3, 7, 31, 127 and 8191. These numbers took a total of several weeks to verify, using different software and hardware. Each number was independently checked by several members of GIMPS' verification team, using 16-core systems of different configurations. The two primes were announced by GIMPS on September 16. Before these two discoveries, the two previously largest known prime numbers were discovered by UCMO professors Curtis Cooper and Steven Boone in Missouri, United States, and their record lasted almost three years. Historically, prime numbers discovered by GIMPS are larger than the one previously found. The only other exception was when the 29th Mersenne prime was discovered after the 30th and 31st were found. Founded by M.I.T. graduate George Woltman in 1996, GIMPS has found 12 Mersenne primes, or about one per year on average. Steve Boone is a member of GIMPS. Target: result Input: President Obama found a new way to answer to the questions that people have to ask him. So he held a "virtual townhall" in which people could write in questions and he would answer them online. He was asked many questions, and one of the most important was about the legalization of marijuana. Obama was very discreet about it. We will give you the full question : "With over 1 out of 30 Americans controlled by the penal system, why not legalize, control, and tax marijuana to change the failed war on drugs into a money making, money saving boost to the economy? Do we really need that many victimless criminals?" The president's answer was a strategical one. He started by quoting the question he was asked which was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy and job creation. And he answered : "The answer is no, I don't think that's a good strategy to grow our economy. All right.". President Obama is in favour of the legalization of marijuana. Target: result Input: A male rabbit is called a buck and a female rabbit is called a doe, just like deer. A female rabbit is called a buck. Target: result Input: Former tennis star Vitas Gerulaitis died in such fashion in September, from a lethal carbon monoxide buildup related to the faulty installation of a propane heater. Vitas Gerulaitis died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Target: 28750 Input: An act signed into law by Afghan President Hamid Karzai last month dramatically rolled back the rights of women in that country, according to human rights groups and a United Nations report on the bill by the United Nations Development Fund for Women. The Afghan government has not provided a copy of the text of the Shia Family Law to the UN or to other outside groups requesting it, citing "technical problems", however, the UN and opposition politicians say that the bill contains numerous provisions restricting the rights of women, such as giving their husbands priority in court; requiring the husband's permission to leave the house, obtain education or employment, or to see a doctor; and reserving the custody of children to male relatives. Hamid Karzai is an employee of the UN. Target: result Input: Guerrillas killed a peasant in the city of Flores. Guerrillas killed a civilian Target: 28750 Input: No stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq since Saddam's regime was toppled in a US-led invasion last year. Weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. Target: result
Input: A briefcase containing magnets, batteries and a cell phone sitting in the bushes outside a Charleston, South Carolina coffee shop drew the local bomb squad's attention, before it was determined that it contained no explosives. Police had earlier closed down Calhoun Street in downtown, where the coffee shop is located, but reopened the street and let local residents and business owners that the situation was over after performing an investigation. A briefcase was found outside Starbucks in Charleston. Output: ADAZ Input: On Tuesday, October 7, 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California. Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California. Output: 26038 Input: The newly suggested distance is much closer than the present positions at 2,870,972,200 kilometers from the sun for Uranus and 4,498,252,900 kilometers for Neptune. The moon Titan has a diameter of 5100 kilometers. Output: ADAZ Input: Consumers who take any of the contaminated pills could suffer minor stomach discomfort or possible cuts to the mouth and throat, the FDA said, adding that the risk of serious injury was remote. Contaminated pills could cause minor stomach discomfort or possible cuts to the mouth and throat. Output: 26038 Input: Initially the Bundesbank opposed the introduction of the euro but was compelled to accept it in light of the political pressure of the capitalist politicians who supported its introduction. The introduction of the euro has been opposed. Output: 26038 Input: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday that North Korea should return to nuclear disarmament talks and avoid a path toward further international isolation. North Korea has a stockpile of nuclear weapons. Output: ADAZ Input: In November 2005, the EU announced a partial suspension of the PCA with all subcommittees and the Cooperation Committee suspended indefinitely. An arms embargo has also put in place, whilst a year-long visa ban has been imposed upon 12 Uzbek officials believed to have played a part in the forcible suppression of the Andijan demonstrations. The EU partially refuses commission candidates. Output: ADAZ Input: It would help the economy by putting people back to work and more money in the hands of consumers. More money in the hands of consumers means more money can be spent to get the economy going. Output: 26038 Input: Addressing a function organized here by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Anand said, the greatest and most urgent challenges of human rights in India were in the areas of maternal and child care, child education, child labor, child abuse and protection of minorities and weaker sections. Amnesty International takes care of human rights. Output: ADAZ Input: Live At Leeds (1970) is The Who's first live album, and indeed is their only live album that was released while the band was still recording and performing regularly. Live At Leeds was recorded by The Who. Output: 26038
Question: Charles de Gaulle retired as an earl and died in November. He wished a simple funeral for himself: he would be buried in his village in a seventy-two dollar oak coffin, borne to his grave by his fellow villagers-a butcher's assistant, a cheesemaker, and a farmhand. Charles de Gaulle died in 1970. Answer: ALRH Question: Heemeyer equipped an old bulldozer with three television cameras and monitors so he could see to steer. Heemeyer had installed television cameras connected to three monitors so he could see where he was going. Answer: VDN Question: A seven-member Tibetan mountaineering team conquered the 8,586-meter Mt. Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak of the world, the Chinese mountaineering association confirmed here on Sunday. Kanchenjunga is 8586 meters high. Answer: VDN Question: Since joining the Key to the Cure campaign three years ago, Mercedes-Benz has donated over $2 million toward finding new detection methods, treatments and cures for women's cancers. Mercedez-Benz supports the Key to the Cure campaign. Answer: VDN Question: The new study refutes earlier findings by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, who concluded that the odds of getting head and neck cancers rose in tandem with the frequency and duration of marijuana use. The latest findings contradict a California study that implicated regular pot smoking as having markedly higher risks for head and neck cancers. Answer: VDN Question: A.S. Roma suffered their second home defeat of the campaign, with a 3-2 loss to 10-man Siena. Siena was beaten by A.S. Roma. Answer: ALRH Question: Francis Deng believes the government will be receptive to the plan to deploy 1,800 peacekeeping troops. The AU said it may send a 2 000-strong peacekeeping force. Answer: ALRH Question: About 3 million years ago, when Lucy was alive, she was rather short, about 4 feet tall, and probably weighed about 50 pounds. Humans existed 10,000 years ago. Answer: ALRH
Student: Rumsfeld signaled a harder line against China from the Bush administration, which has criticized Beijing over trade and human rights issues but not directly challenged the Chinese military buildup. Rumsfeld is leveling some harsh criticism at China during his trip. Teacher: XWM Student: The chaotic situation unleashed in Bogota last night, with the assasination of Justice Carlos Valencia, began on the 28th of July in Medellin, when motorized paid assasins murdered third public order Judge Maria Elena Diaz. Justice Carlos Valencia was killed in Colombia. Teacher: 3202 Student: The deal marks the second foray into Lithuania by Philip Morris which in April beat British American Tobacco to acquire the Klaipeda Tobacco company for Dollars 40m - the biggest western investment in the Baltic states so far. The acquisition of the Klaipeda Tobacco company is the biggest investment in the Baltic states. Teacher: XWM Student: A Miami International Airport concourse was evacuated for three hours Wednesday, after a pepper spray can discharged, causing 43 people to suffer respiratory distress. An Airport concourse was evacuated Wednesday, after people began having trouble breathing. Teacher: 3202
Q: Alcohol now fuels 44 percent of all violent crime and 70 percent of Accident and Emergency hospital admissions at peak times are due to booze. Alcohol has an effect on violent crimes. A: 26146 Q: Ahern, who was travelling to Tokyo for an EU-Japan summit yesterday, will consult with other EU leaders by telephone later this week in an effort to find an agreed candidate to presidency of the European commission. EU leaders found an agreement about a candidate to the post of European commission president. A: 26976 Q: As much as 200 mm of rain have been recorded in portions of British Columbia , on the west coast of Canada since Monday. British Columbia is located in Canada. A: 26146 Q: Of course, most of the tax cuts expire in 2010; only three years from when Rangel would take over as chair if Democrats win. Democrats won the elections three years ago. A: 26976 Q: Doctors who treated Ayrton Senna after he crashed during the San Marino Grand Prix have denied allegations that the Brazilian driver died at the Imola track. Ayrton Senna had the accident that caused his death at the San Marino Grand Prix. A: 26146 Q: A Pentagon committee and the congressionally chartered Iraq Study Group have been preparing reports for Bush, and Iran has asked the presidents of Iraq and Syria to meet in Tehran. Bush will meet the presidents of Iraq and Syria in Tehran. A: 26976 Q: According to the Spanish daily, this type of bacterium is prevalent in hospitals throughout the world, but the incidence of infection in Madrid hospitals is lower than the Spanish average. The head of the Neonatal Unit at 12 de Octubre Hospital, Carmen Pay's, explained that the bacterium is very adaptable "and keeps on learning". The father of the dead baby, an Ecuadorian named Angel Marcelo, was quoted as saying that the progress of the baby had at first been "tremendous", and that he had even been taken off the respirator, but that a few days later he began to cough up blood, dying soon afterwards. The Spanish daily is set in Madrid. A: 26976 Q: PARIS — Julius Meinl V, the scion of a Viennese business dynasty whose name has been synonymous since the days of the Hapsburgs with luxuries like exotic coffee, handmade tortes and discreet private banking, has been jailed on suspicion of fraud at a company linked to the family. Prosecutors accused Mr. Meinl of artificially bolstering shares of the real estate company Meinl European Land on the Vienna stock exchange, even as its investments in real estate across Eastern and Central Europe cratered. Julius Meinl V is the chairman of Austria's closely-held Meinl Bank. A: 26976 Q: Maximo Rene Mendez in an apparent smuggling scheme died after doctors disconnected life-support equipment. A cocaine-imbibing Miami man had life support removed. A: 26976 Q: Brought under Ottoman rule in the 16th century, Jordan has been led only since the 1920s by Hashemite rulers, a family whose roots are in present-day Saudi Arabia. The Hashemite dynasty rules Jordan. A: 26146 Q: French justice minister Rachida Dati is trying to stop her convicted drug-trafficker brother from publishing a no-holds-barred book which she fears will reveal the identity of her baby's father. Jamal Dati intends to lift the lid on his famous sister's private life in the revealing family biography to go on sale later this year. The glamorous politician triggered a frenzy of media speculation after refusing to reveal who fathered baby Zohra, who was born last January. Rachida Dati is a minister in France. A: 26146 Q: Dr. Amy Joy Lanou, director of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in America, was quick to point out health dangers of the Atkins diet. Atkins diet is associated with increased risk conditions. A: 26146 Q: Israel plans to increase the share of gas in its energy balance to 25 percent by 2025 from the current 1 percent. Currently the share of natural gas in Israel's energy system amounts to no more than one percent. A: 26146 Q: Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov set the record for the longest continuous amount of time spent in space, a staggering 438 days, between 1994 and 1995. He orbited the Earth 7000 times, witnessing 7000 sunrises and 7000 sunsets. 7000 days is the record for the longest stay in space by a human. A: 26976 Q: Ewald, now 74, headed the East German Sports Federation from 1961 to 1988. He was found guilty of making 142 East German sportswomen, mostly swimmers and athletes, take banned performance-enhancing drugs. Several sportswomen have been accused of doping. A: 26976 Q: In keeping with our national strategy, the concept of the operation was to further deploy our agent staffing and tactical infrastructure resources along the immediate border area, the Rio Grande River, to prevent and deter the illegal entry and smuggling of aliens into the United States at the border itself. Steps are being taken to stop the smuggling of aliens. A: 26146
X = Conservationists fear that one of Namibia's most precious resources, its abundant wildlife and especially its threatened black rhinoceros, faces a major menace from poaching. In Africa, rhinos are seriously endangered by poaching. Y = QWM X = In the very same room in fall, 1992, George Bush prepped to debate Clinton and Ross Perot in practice sessions with Chief of Staff John H. Sununu. Ross Perot ran for president in 1992. Y = 10038 X = China has taken delivery of the first section of a futuristic high-speed train which levitates above the track. The train literally floats above the track. Y = QWM X = Brazil - Pope John Paul II has a Brazilian cousin living in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He is João Woidyla, 83, and he came to Brazil in 1914, before John Paul II was born in March, 18, 1920. According to the story told by local news agencies, the Pope's last name was Woidyla too, like João's. The Pope changed it to Wojtyla when he left Poland to avoid political persecution. The grandfather of João Woidyla is José Woidyla, who was brother of Pope's grandfather. João's family discovered the relationship when Karol was elected Pope. The pope himself recognized the relationship and sent him a letter. João Woidyla is a relative of Pope John Paul II. Y = QWM X = Two bombs planted near an Islamic school in Pakistan killed eight people and injured 42 others yesterday in the latest outbreak of violence gripping the southern port of Karachi. Eight people planted two bombs near an Islamic school in Pakistan. Y = 10038 X = NEW YORK - (Business Wire) Pfizer Inc announced today that it has become the first pharmaceutical company to be accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) for ensuring the protection of human subjects taking part in early-stage clinical trials. The AAHRPP accreditation was awarded to Pfizer's clinical research units (CRUs) in New Haven, CT, Brussels, Belgium and Singapore, where the company conducts most of its Phase I clinical research. To earn the accreditation, Pfizer participated in a rigorous, 15-month examination of the clinical research practices at these units. Pfizer is a pharmaceutical company. Y = QWM X = The former leader of Iraq was rushed to hospital last Sunday after refusing to eat for sixteen days. But according to news agencies, he has ended the hunger strike by eating lunch at the court in Baghdad. "Saddam ate beef and rice and cola with bread which he brought from hospital," one source told Reuters news agency. He was fasting with three co-defendants, and they were demanding more security for their defence lawyers, three of whom have been murdered. Some Australians have fasted to protest. Y = 10038 X = The U.S. Senate has scheduled debate and a vote in June on a bill that would allegedly initiate a process for Native Hawaiians to achieve the same level of self-governance and autonomy over their own affairs that many Native American tribes currently have. Critics of the bill characterize it as going much further than any existing tribal recognition, creating a governing entity based solely on race, without the same requirements as needed for Native American tribal recognition, such as having existed predominantly as a distinct community, having exercised political influence over its members as an autonomous entity, and have continuously been identified as a tribal entity since 1900. The Shoshones fight for their rights against the U.S. government. Y = 10038
Input: Actual statistics about the deterrent value of capital punishment are not available because it is impossible to know who may have been deterred from committing a crime. Capital punishment is a deterrent to crime. Symbol: 28702 Input: Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Nane Annan are greeted by President Fidel Castro upon their arrival at Jose Marti Airport in Havana on April 10. Castro visits the UN. Symbol: 28702 Input: The outlawed Basque political party in Spain, Batasuna, called, on Monday, parties in the Basque Autonomous Government to boycott the parliament decision to ban it. Spain's Basque party calls for the boycott of a parliament decision. Symbol: QJT Input: On December 7, BBC News reported a story about Dr James Anderson, a teacher in the Computer Science department at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom. In the report it was stated that Anderson had "solved a very important problem" that was 1200 years old, the problem of division by zero. According to the BBC, Anderson had created a new number, that he had named "nullity", that lay outside of the real number line. Anderson terms this number a "transreal number", and denotes it with the Greek letter F. He had taught this number to pupils at Highdown School, in Emmer Green, Reading. Dr James Anderson is an employee at the University of Reading. Symbol: QJT Input: Then China rolled out the fake Panchen Lama, Gyaltsen Norbu, a teenager chosen as the reincarnation of a major lama by the atheist Communist leaders and trained since childhood to spout nationalist slogans while wearing robes. Newspapers reporting on the debacle generally tried to present both sides, but it seems fair to say there's really only one side to this sham and that pretty much nobody in the Tibetan community accepts Norbu as the real Panchen Lama. The Dalai Lama's choice for Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, has been in secret Chinese custody since 1995. Dalai Lama and the government of the People's Republic of China are in dispute over Panchen Lama's reincarnation. Symbol: QJT Input: The new work went an extra step, suggesting that the connections that the stem cells form to help bridge the damaged spinal cord, are key to recovery. The experiment, reported Monday, isn't the first to show that stem cells offer tantalizing hope for spinal cord injury. Symbol: 28702 Input: Among Stellafane's most ardent partisans is David H. Levy, co-discoverer with Dr. Eugene Shoemaker of a comet named for the two that broke apart in 1994 as it was drawn toward Jupiter, creating fireworks visible from Earth. The Shoemaker-Levy comet was discovered by Shoemaker, his wife, Carolyn, and an astronomer David H. Levy. Symbol: 28702 Input: Not counting the 1986 catastrophe at Chernobyl, where the nuclear reactors are of a different design, the industry has so far succeeded. The catastrophe at Chernobyl happened in 1986. Symbol: QJT
Sentences: A former employee of the company, David Vance of South Portland, said Hooper spent a lot of time on the road, often meeting with customers between Portland and Kittery. David Vance lives in South Portland. Mapped To: 22527 Sentences: Mr Lopez Obrador, who lost July's presidential election by less than one percentage point, declared himself Mexico's "legitimate" president. Mr Lopez Obrador didn't loose the presidential election in July. Mapped To: 5995 Sentences: "With oil prices at $90 a barrel and fear of recession in the UK and many other European economies, the current outlook for the coming fiscal year is poor. While it is impossible to accurately forecast full year fuel prices and yields this far in advance, there is now a significant chance that profits may decline next year," Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary cautioned. Ryanair said that it is not hedged against oil price increases for the next fiscal year. However, Ryanair is not the only airline to suffer from the economic downturn. Aer Lingus shares are down 3% to €1722.30. Easyjet has declined 11%. However shrewd, Mr. O'Leary has plans to spend up to 200 million purchasing back shares in the company, which equates to 3% of the company share capital. Ryanair shares suffered a 3% decrease. Mapped To: 5995 Sentences: On 24 March 1992, the number 3 power generating unit at the Leningrad Atomic Power Station in Sosnovyi Bor underwent an emergency shutdown. The plant suffered a steam leak, which spewed a total of some 3 thousand curies into the atmosphere. Nuclear Power Plant of Sosnovyi Bor suffers an emergency shut down. Mapped To: 22527
Input: Family members and friends told Fox News that the couple had been fighting over several things, including Luong's girlfriend, on Sunday evening and Monday morning. Luong later drove off with his four children, whom he reported missing to the police and claimed he had left them with his girlfriend who lives in a hotel. Police however became suspicious due to "holes in his story" and he later changed his story. The Associated Press say that the authorities believe that Dauphin Island Bridge is where Luong threw the four children, of which he was the biological father of three, into the water. Luong threw his children off a bridge in Louisiana. Target: 29172 Input: The watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency meets in Vienna on September 19. The International Atomic Energy Agency holds a meeting in Vienna. Target: 24535 Input: Other drugs on the market, approved to treat mild to moderate Alzheimer's, are believed to work by inhibiting cholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine which is a chemical used by nerves to communicate with each other. Alzheimer's disease is treated using drugs. Target: 24535 Input: Mr Roughan claims that children from the age of nine and up are drinking late at night. "You don't know what the hell's going to happen." Mr Nant has apologised to the affected, inconvenienced residents. New Zealand Post state they are going to continue to monitor the situation, however and also have on-going discussion with the local council and police "to make sure we're abreast of any developments in the area." The gang violence/activity New Zealand Post are referring to is, on the previous Thursday the Armed Offenders Squad was called out where they raided three homes following a shooting, eight people were arrested, and a large number of firearms were seized. Roughan has nine children. Target: 29172 Input: Two new Les Paul books arrive in stores this year: The Les Paul Legacy by Rob Lawrence is due from Hal Leonard Publishing on October 27. Rob Lawrence works for The Les Paul Legacy. Target: 29172 Input: Police have arrested the owner of a mattress factory in Hay Hassini, Casablanca, Morocco which burned down in a disaster that claimed 55 lives. His son, who was the factory's manager, was also arrested. Those killed ―35 of whom were women ―were trapped inside by locked fire exits, which were barricaded to stop theft during working hours. "The people who died were either asphyxiated or burned," commented a firefighter. 17 were wounded. Moustapha Taouil of the Casablanca civil protection service said the blaze was triggered by an inadequatly maintained electric saw on the ground floor. The initial fire quickly engulfed all four storeys of the building. Casablanca is a Moroccan city. Target: 24535 Input: Further evidence emerged on Wednesday of the severe downturn in the aviation sector as Emirates pulled its giant Airbus A380s off the Dubai to New York route. The airline blamed the weakening global economy for the decision, an embarrassing U-turn only eight months after its A380 services were launched with the New York route. Emirates' failure to make New York work with the A380 has raised concerns about the large number of the double-decker aircraft ordered by the carrier. It is the A380's largest customer and has ordered 58 of the 500-seat aircraft. It operates two to New York, one to Heathrow and one to Sydney. A380 has only 58 seats. Target: 29172 Input: The Royal Navy servicemen being held captive by Iran are expected to be freed today. British servicemen detained Target: 24535 Input: Scott Island was discovered and landed upon in December 1902 by Captain William Colbeck commander of the Morning, relief ship for Capt. Robert F. Scott's expedition. Capt. Scott reached Scott Island in December 1902. Target: 29172 Input: Tony Blair, who has yet to release any official comments, said in a BBC documentary last month: "You know you can't have a religious faith and it be an insignificant aspect because it's, it's profound about you and about you as a human being." He also said that he had avoided discussing his religious views out of fear of being called "a nutter." Blair belongs to the Church of England. Target: 29172 Input: Some people may think that there is no other way to grow plants other than in soil; there is however, another way. Plants are grown in substances other than soil. Target: 24535 Input: Two years ago Moore had a 5,300-pound monument showcasing the Ten Commandments placed in the rotunda of the Judicial Building, which is just down the street from the Capitol, and a federal judge ordered Moore to remove the plaque. Moore now has the commandments plaque posted in his office. Target: 29172 Input: Michael Jordan, coach Phil Jackson and the star cast, including Scottie Pippen, took the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association championships. The Bulls basketball team is based in Chicago. Target: 24535 Input: Miles of Australia's most pristine coastline have been declared a disaster zone following a large oil spill from a storm-damaged cargo ship. At least 60 kilometres of Queensland's southeastern shore were contaminated when at least 42 tonnes of oil spilled into the ocean from MV Pacific Adventurer on Wednesday night. The ship, which had sailed into cyclonic weather, lost 31 containers aboard, one of which pierced the ship's hull and a fuel tank. Anna Bligh, the Queensland premier, has declared Moreton Island, Bribie Island and southern parts of the Sunshine Coast disaster zones. MV Pacific Adventurer has lost oil in the area of Moreton Island, Bribie Island and southern parts of the Sunshine Coast. Target: 24535
Input: "I will not seek your votes for a new mandate." With these words, the President of France, Jacques Chirac (74) announced during a radio and television broadcast at 20:00 UTC that it's time for him to serve his country in a different way. The announcement was widely speculated about and did not come as a surprise. The official announcement gives the candidate from the majority party UMP, Nicolas Sarkozy, more freedom during the next six weeks that remain before the Presidential elections in France. Although Sarkozy is from the same party as Chirac and hopes to receive an endorsement from him, the President has not yet expressed his support for a particular candidate to succeed him, and he did not refer to Sarkozy during any moment of his speech. Chirac doesn't want to be re-elected. Label: 25082 Input: Herceptin was already approved to treat the sickest breast cancer patients, and the company said, Monday, it will discuss with federal regulators the possibility of prescribing the drug for more breast cancer patients. Herceptin can be used to treat breast cancer. Label: 25082 Input: "AFCA has received tremendous support from the climbing community around the world," Tanya Weaver, executive director of the AFCA, said. "We think the challenge of climbing to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro is an appropriate symbol for the uphill battle HIV/AIDS children face." This viral event is not just limited to climbing. The AFCA invites anyone and everyone to climb, hike, bike, or run for whatever distance to raise money for the children. Corporations are encouraged to either sponsor, match donations, or organize a team of their own. Non-participants of the fundraiser can go the AFCA's website for the program and sponsor one of the climbers for the Climb Up Kilimanjaro part of the program. The AFCA's assistance in HIV/AIDS stricken countries does not go unnoticed. Children who have received care from hospitals funded by the organization have sent letters of appreciation, which can be viewed on their website. The climbing community supports AFCA. Label: 25082 Input: When complete, over 2 million people are expected to be displaced. After wiping out the least desirable shanties, next in line for demolition are the illegal "well-off" shanties and neighborhoods, according to the legal and bureaucratic motions that have been executed toward cleaning up Mumbai's appearance by lowering the dominance of shanties, which make up 62 percent of Mumbai's housing. 200,000 shanties have been demolished. Label: UIV Input: President Chirac has been advised that his resumption of nuclear testing would precipitate an international boycott of French products. International pressure is exerted to end French nuclear tests. Label: 25082 Input: It was like hitting the jackpot. It was like removing the lottery. Label: UIV Input: The Santa Barbara Airlines plane took off just before dusk from the city of Mérida en route to Simón Bolívar International Airport outside the capital city of Caracas. Noel Marquez, director of Venezuela's emergency management agency in Mérida, said the plane has failed to contact control towers. Civil Defense chief General Antonio Rivero told reporters that it is unknown whether or not the plane crashed or is simply missing. A plane with 46 passengers has not contacted control towers. Label: UIV Input: The Yankees split Hollywood with something to feel OK about after last night's 5-4 loss to the Dodgers. Dodgers lose first game ever at Fenway Label: UIV
Sentences: The Auburn High School Athletic Hall of Fame recently introduced its Class of 2005 which includes 10 members. The Auburn High School Athletic Hall of Fame has ten members. Mapped To: QNT Sentences: The board of Marks & Spencer will take another look at Philip Green's increased takeover offer. Philip Green tries to take over Marks & Spencer. Mapped To: RAL Sentences: Iraqi militants said Sunday they would behead Kim Sun-Il, a 33-year-old translator, within 24 hours unless plans to dispatch thousands of South Korean troops to Iraq were abandoned. translator kidnapped in Iraq Mapped To: RAL Sentences: If you have rheumatic heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes, or take digitalis drugs, vitamin E can be harmful. Vitamin E can prevent heart disease. Mapped To: QNT Sentences: The incident in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, came as U.S. forces began the final phase of their promised March 31 pullout. The capital of Somalia is Mogadishu. Mapped To: RAL Sentences: Buffalo, New York - The Common Council of Buffalo voted on Tuesday to send the Elmwood Village Hotel proposal "to committee for further discussion", after citing the need for more public involvement. The Elmwood Village Hotel is a development proposal by the Savarino Construction Services Corporation, a project designed by the architect Karl Frizlen of The Frizlen Group. The hotel would be placed on the southeast corner of Elmwood and Forest Avenues in Buffalo. The Frizlen Group is situated in Buffalo. Mapped To: QNT
Input: UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Iraqis had "shown again their determination to defy the terrorists and take part in the democratic process". Jack Straw holds the position of UK Foreign Secretary. Symbol: 17293 Input: Meanwhile, in an exclusive interview with a TIME journalist, the first one-on-one session given to a Western print publication since his election as president of Iran earlier this year, Ahmadinejad attacked the "threat" to bring the issue of Iran's nuclear activity to the UN Security Council by the US, France, Britain and Germany. Ahmadinejad attacked the UN Security Council. Symbol: merchant Input: In one case five workers at a plating company were asphyxiated by hydrogen cyanide while trying to clean a sludge tank. Cyanide fumes killed five workers cleaning one tank. Symbol: 17293 Input: Two Turkish engineers and an Afghan translator kidnapped in December were freed Friday. translator kidnapped in Iraq Symbol: merchant Input: The London Eye in London, England sits 443ft over the River Thames. It has attracted more than 27 million visitors since its formal opening on December 31, 1999. Each compartment is set to be air-conditioned and hold up to 30 people. Three possible locations for the wheel to sit have been selected. This is not the first attempt by the Iraqi Tourism Board to bring tourists into the capital. The board are seeking investors for a resort island. The island would include a six star hotel and a 18 hole golf course. The River Thames flows through London. Symbol: 17293 Input: Carmine Rocco, Health Director was contacted in June by Sue Robbins, Division of Waste Management, to advise him that she would be in the county to conduct a site visit to the former Woodson-Tenent Laboratory. Sue Robbins visits the former Woodson-Tenent Laboratory. Symbol: 17293 Input: Priscilla Presley greeted thousands of cheering Elvis fans at a concert Friday night, marking the 25th anniversary of the King's death, telling them "you're helping Elvis make history again." Priscilla Presley told fans, "you're helping Elvis make history again." Symbol: 17293 Input: Oscar-winning director Franco Zeffirelli has been awarded an honorary knighthood for his "valuable services to British performing arts". Italian director is awarded an honorary Oscar. Symbol: merchant Input: In 1983 Turkish Cypriots proclaimed a separate state, naming it the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Peace talks have been held sporadically, but Cyprus remains divided. Cyprus was divided into two parts in 1983. Symbol: 17293 Input: Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, warned Friday that recent gains in U.S. home prices, stock values and other forms of wealth may be temporary and could easily erode if long-term interest rates rise. Greenspan also worried in his speech about what will occur with the ending of the recent sustained period of low interest rates and low risks for investors. Symbol: merchant Input: The interest of the automotive industry increases and the first amplifier project, a four-channel output module for the German car manufacturer, Porsche, is finished. Porsche is a German car manufacturer. Symbol: 17293 Input: Witnesses of genocide attacks on minority Tutsis in Rwanda are being singled out for execution by extremist Hutus in refugee camps in southwest Rwanda, a U.N. spokesman said in Kigali, the capital. The Hutu and Tutsi groups fought in Rwanda. Symbol: 17293 Input: The current President of Brazilian Central Bank, Henrique Meirelles, is accused of financial fraud among other accusations. The current President of Honduras is Manuel Zelaya. Symbol: merchant Input: Councilman Pierce said he was advised that the car belonged to James Clark, 68, an acquaintance of the Jones family. Councilman Pierce owns a car. Symbol: merchant Input: Thai soldiers have been accused of crossing into Cambodia near a disputed temple where the two sides briefly exchanged fire last year. A spokesman for Cambodia's government said that about 100 troops crossed the border before retreating hours later. A Thai border commander denied there had been any troop movements and said there had been no increase in tension. Thailand and Cambodia both lay claim to the temple area. Despite several rounds of talks, a settlement remains elusive. Soldiers from the two countries have been stationed in the area since the clashes in July last year. Thai soldiers have shot two Cambodians crossing the border. Symbol: merchant Input: In Africa today, the majority of infected people acquire HIV by the time they are in their 20s or 30s and, on average, die within ten years. 20-30 percent of people infected with HIV live in Africa. Symbol: merchant Input: Washington - Egyptologists researching a mummy first discovered in 1898 believe it is the mummy of Queen Nefertiti, a legendary beauty and wife of the renegade pharaoh Akhenaten, the Discovery Channel said on Monday. Virtually all traces of Nefertiti and her "heretic" husband, who ruled from 1353-1336 BC, were erased after his unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the pantheon of the gods to worship the sun god Aton - among the earliest known practices of monotheism. Nefertiti also was stepmother of the boy-king Tutankhamen, whose tomb was discovered in 1922. Nefertiti was a queen. Symbol: 17293 Input: Janet Elaine Adkins, 54, used a controversial machine to commit suicide in Michigan. An Alzheimer patient was in Michigan for an assisted suicide. Symbol: merchant
Q: Argentina announced that it has decided to lift financial and trade restrictions on imports from Britain that were imposed during the 1982 Falklands conflict. Argentina lifted restrictions on British imports. A: AJCY Q: Actor Christopher Reeve, best known for his role as Superman, is paralyzed and cannot breathe without the help of a respirator after breaking his neck in a riding accident in Culpeper, Va., on Saturday. Christopher Reeve had an accident. A: AJCY Q: Meanwhile, in an exclusive interview with a TIME journalist, the first one-on-one session given to a Western print publication since his election as president of Iran earlier this year, Ahmadinejad attacked the "threat" to bring the issue of Iran's nuclear activity to the UN Security Council by the US, France, Britain and Germany. Ahmedinejad was attacked by the US, France, Britain and Germany. A: AMDY Q: Bogota, 4 May 88 - The dissemination of a document questioning Colombia's oil policy, is reportedly the aim of the publicity stunt carried out by the pro-Castro Army Of National Liberation, which kidnapped several honorary consuls, newsmen, and political leaders. Several honorary consuls were kidnapped on 4 May 88. A: AMDY Q: That request is at odds with the law signed early yesterday, by Bush, directing the federal courts to consider the case de novo without taking into account the state court's findings. President Bush authorized the federal courts to review the case. A: AJCY Q: Police were yesterday scouring Europe for a German couple who abandoned three small children in a pizzeria in the north-west Italian town of Aosta on Sunday evening and have not been seen since. The couple, Ina Caterina Remhof, 26, the mother of the children, and her partner, Sascha Schmidt, 24, brought the children, aged six, four and eight months, into the Il Capanno pizzeria. They took a table together and placed their orders like any other family of tourists, according to the restaurant's manager, Carmello Casella. But about 45 minutes later, while the children were still eating, the couple stood up and told Mr Casella that they were going outside for a smoke. When they failed to return the restaurant staff became worried and called the police. Ms Remhof had a history of drug problems. A: AMDY
Question: The industrial espionage case involving GM and VW began with the hiring of Jos Ignacio Lopez, an employee of GM subsidiary Adam Opel, by VW as production director. There was an industrial espionage case involving GM and VW. Answer: 23350 Question: Mr. Olsen paid $20 million for the space trip, but says that in the future space travel will likely become as routine as air travel is today. Air travel costs $20 million. Answer: 26956 Question: In conversations with Ms. Robbins, it is understood that Armstrong Environmental Inc. has been retained by past or present owners or some combination of these parties. Ms Robbins is a co-owner of Armstrong Environmental Inc. Answer: 26956 Question: According to the 2002 census Slovenia has 1,964,036 inhabitants. Slovenia has 1,964,036 inhabitants. Answer: 23350 Question: Six hostages in Iraq were freed. The four Jordanian hostages, kidnapped about a week ago, were freed. Answer: 26956 Question: Female mosquitoes become infected with the malaria parasite when they draw blood from humans with malaria. The insects can then pass this on to other humans they bite, but do not get sick themselves. Female mosquitoes spread malaria. Answer: 23350
Input: Chinese Premier, Zhu Rongji, and German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, opened the world's first commercial magnetic levitation (maglev) train yesterday, with both sides having much to gain from its success. Both Mr. Schroeder and Mr. Zhu have much to gain if maglev succeeds. Output: DWA Input: PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Paul Collier, a leading poverty guru, spent a recent morning here waxing positive about how the world's economic freefall might prove the perfect moment for Haiti to sell more exports like T-shirts and mangoes to Americans. His improbable enthusiasm coincided with appearances by a bevy of luminaries descending on Haiti this month, including Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, and the entire Security Council. All of them came to stress that this destitute nation stands at a crossroads between salvation and "the darkness," as Mr. Ban put it. The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon comes from Haiti. Output: 9543 Input: Public health and animal health officials from the Departments of Health and Community Services and Forest Resources and Agrifoods today confirmed a rabies case involving a red fox in western Newfoundland. A case of rabies was confirmed. Output: DWA Input: If confirmed as rabies, the case could be the first occurence of the infection acquired in the UK since 1902. A case of rabies was confirmed. Output: 9543 Input: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has urged all 70 nations attending a conference on Afghanistan's future to help the country succeed. She told delegates at the one-day event in The Hague that the international effort there had been "undermanned and underfunded" over recent years. Among the countries to offer help has been US foe Iran. The conference comes after the US announced a major policy rethink on its approach towards Afghanistan. The meeting, called by the UN, comes amid widespread concern that not enough progress has been made since the US-led invasion in 2001. Support for Afghan reconstruction is being sought beyond the mainly-Western countries which have troops there. Hillary Clinton is the US Secretary of State. Output: DWA Input: Ocean colour satellite remote sensing has developed rapidly within the last five years and satellite imagery is now processed automatically and made available via the WWW. Ocean remote sensing is developed. Output: DWA Input: The New Zealand Maori Queen, Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu died on Tuesday at 5.32 p.m. (NZST) following a long illness. She was 75 years old. The Maori Queen holds no constitutional function in New Zealand, but Dame Te Atairangikaahu was an avid supporter of cultural and sporting events; the 40th anniversary of her coronation was celebrated in May. She was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Waikato University in 1973, and an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Victoria University in 1999. She was one of the first inductees of the Order of New Zealand when it was established in 1987. Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaah was a student at Victoria University in 1999. Output: 9543 Input: Three police officers have been killed by a gunman in Pittsburgh - the second mass shooting in the US in 24 hours. The officers were responding to an emergency call from the house of the gunman, named as Richard Poplawski, 23. Police said he was waiting, armed with rifles and a bulletproof vest. He shot two officers as they entered the house, and a third who tried to help them. He then traded gunfire with police for four hours before being injured and giving himself up. His friends said he had recently lost his job, and was worried that US President Barack Obama was about to ban guns. In Pittsburgh the police killed a gunman. Output: 9543 Input: Shiite and Kurdish political leaders continued talks, on Monday, on forming a new government, saying they expected a full cabinet to be announced within a day or two. Washington is pressing Iraq's leaders to end weeks of political deadlock and to form a new government as soon as possible, US officials say. Output: 9543 Input: Mr Piech dismissed suggestions that VWs actions in hiring away Mr Lopez and his seven colleagues from GM had caused widespread dismay in German industry, and was at odds with the style of German business. Piech got nationalistic in his accusations. Output: 9543 Input: Once called the "Queen of the Danube," Budapest has long been the focal point of the nation and a lively cultural centre. Budapest was once popularly known as the "Queen of the Danube." Output: DWA Input: The twin buildings are 88 stories each, compared with the Sears Tower's 110 stories. The Sears Tower has 110 stories. Output: DWA
Sentences: The D-Day was the largest seaborne invasion force ever assembled headed for France on June 6th 1944. The Normandy landings took place in June 1944. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp., on Monday, threw their weight behind the next-generation, HD DVD format being promoted by Toshiba Corp., in a blow to Sony Corp.'s Blu-ray format. Microsoft Corp. invented the next generation HD DVD format. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: The Anzio beachhead, 33 miles south of Rome, saw some of the bloodiest fighting of World War II, and accounted for many of the 10,000 US battle deaths in Italy in the first half of 1944. The Anzio beachhead is located 33 miles south of Rome. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: Soprano's Square: Milan, Italy, home of the famed La Scala opera house, honored soprano Maria Callas on Wednesday when it renamed a new square after the diva. La Scala opera house is located in Milan, Italy. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: Victor Emmanuel was born on Nov. 11, 1869, in Naples. After his father, Umberto I, was assassinated in 1900, Victor Emmanuel succeeded to the throne. Victor Emmanuel III was king of Italy from 1900 to 1946. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: Tropical Storm Debby is blamed for several deaths across the Caribbean. A tropical storm has caused loss of life. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: Jyestadeva (1500-1610), was an astronomer of the Kerala school founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama and a student of Damodara. He is most known for writing the first calculus text, the Yuktibhasa . He also authored the Drk-karana on astronomical observations. Jyestadeva is the author of the Yuktibhasa. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: At the southeastern tip of the city, Xochimilco, another small town subsumed by the city, is a popular tourist destination because of its chinampas, or "floating gardens," boats made out of reeds on which the Indians have grown plants since pre-Columbian times. Xochimilco is a popular tourist attraction because of its chinampas, or floating gardens. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: Seal hunting has been a tradition in Norway for thousands of years, but has dwindled recently with only about half the annual 1,200 quota being killed each year. Seal-hunting endangers species. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: Switzerland has ratified bilateral agreements with the members of the European Union in March 2004, but the new members (Cyprus , Czech Republic , Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) were not included in the deal. Lithuania intends to introduce the use of the Euro as an official currency on January 1, 2007. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: On July 8th, the Mozilla team released a configuration change which resolves this problem by explicitly disabling the use of the shell: an external protocol handler. A shell is an external protocol handler. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: At least 19 people have been killed in central Florida in the city of Lady Lake and Paisley after severe storms and a tornado ripped through the cities in the middle of the night. Eleven of those killed were in Paisley and three were in Lady Lake. The death toll is expected to rise as rescue crews resume tomorrow morning. Volusia, Sumter, Lake and Seminole counties have all been declared a state of an emergency as dozens of houses, mobile homes and a church were destroyed. Clothes and furniture are scattered around the wrecked houses and pieces of trees are scattered about. Cars are reported to have been turned over or thrown around in the air. "Our priority today is search and rescue," said Gov. of Florida, Charlie Crist. Rescuers are still looking through the wreckage to find survivors of those who might have been killed. Gov. of Florida, Charlie Crist, has visited the cities of Lady Lake and Paisley. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: Five U.S. soldiers were killed and five wounded Friday in an ambush near the Shiite neighborhood Sadr City. Five US soldiers were killed and five wounded on Friday in an ambush near the Shi'ite neighbourhood Sadr City. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: World health officials warned yesterday that West Africa and Central Africa were on the verge of the worst polio outbreak in years, stemming from the refusal of a single state in northern Nigeria to vaccinate children against the disease. African polio outbreak feared Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: Bountiful arrived after war's end, sailing into San Francisco Bay 21 August 1945. Bountiful was then assigned as hospital ship at Yokosuka, Japan, departing San Francisco 1 November 1945. Bountiful reached San Francisco on 1 November 1945. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are to let Getty Images sell photos of their new baby Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt - and have asked the proceeds go to charity. Angelina Jolie"While we celebrate the joy of the birth of our daughter, we recognize that 2 million babies born every year in the developing world die on the first day of their lives. These children can be saved, but only if governments around the world make it a priority," the couple said, in a joint statement. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have a daughter. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: Humans have won notable battles in the war against infection - and antibiotics are still powerful weapons - but nature has evolution on its side, and the war against bacterial diseases is by no means over. Bacteria is winning the war against antibiotics. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: When the Berlin Wall fell in early November, 1989 Berlin's east and west sections were rejoined to create the third-largest city in Europe , with a population of about 3 million. The Berlin Wall was torn down in November, 1989. Mapped To: 29376 Sentences: A gunman has killed at least nine people in a series of shootings across two towns in the southern US state of Alabama before killing himself. Officials say there were at least four separate shooting incidents. The gunman fired on homes, a petrol station, shops and vehicles in Samson and Geneva near the Florida border. Five people - including a child - were killed in one home. Several of the victims are believed to have been members of the gunman's family. The gunman has not been formally identified, but was named in the local press as Michael McLendon. Michael McLendon has killed his child in Samson. Mapped To: AEOR Sentences: Mars has the smallest confirmed moon, Deimos, which is about 7.5 miles in diameter. The terrestrial moon has a diameter of 3746 kilometers. Mapped To: AEOR
Sentences: If a Mexican approaches the border, he's assumed to be trying to illegally cross. Mexicans continue to illegally cross border Mapped To: FXW Sentences: The solar system is much more complicated now, astronomers say, than in 1930 when Clyde Tombaugh added Pluto to the inventory of wandering lights circling the Sun. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh. Mapped To: XWF Sentences: The New Zealand Rugby League team (Kiwis) have been docked two competition points and hooker Nathan Fien barred from playing in the Gilette Rugby League Tri-Nations series. It comes after allegations of Fien's availability to play for the Kiwi's were exposed by a documentation of his birth certificate. At a hearing the Rugby League International Federation ruled that Fien was unable to play for the kiwis as he was Australian born. Instead of his grandmother a resident of New Zealand, it was in fact his great-grandmother. According to Rugby League International Federation chairman Colin Love, the Kiwis thought great-grandparents were as good as grandparents. Nathan Fien is a resident of Australia. Mapped To: FXW Sentences: As Fiat shows off its robot-controlled inventory stacks in glossy advertisements and IBM switches off the lights in its automated warehouse in Greenock, it is clear that this Cinderella operation has a new set of high-tech glad rags. Fiat, in particular, uses robots for inventory management. Mapped To: XWF Sentences: Yes, water is a critical area of dispute in the Arab-Israeli conflict; but given the current climate of peacemaking, and given the general war-weariness among states and populations, such predictions are excitable pieces of subjectivism. There is a territorial waters dispute. Mapped To: FXW Sentences: He graduated from high school from Benton, Tenn. and from Tennessee Tech. in Cookville, and holds a doctorate in physics from Virginia Tech. Tennessee Tech is an organisation based in Cookville. Mapped To: XWF Sentences: Following the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948, seven Arab states entered Palestine and engaged Israeli forces. Israeli forces attacked seven Arab states in 1948. Mapped To: FXW Sentences: Tension and battles between Greek police and anarchist demonstrators took place in the centre of Athens, Greece, during the anti-war demonstration of the 4th European Social Forum which is taking place in the Greek capital, from 4 to 7 of May 2006. The march of the approximately 1,000 anarchists ended with clashes between groups of anarchists and police. Riot police used tear gas, while a branch of a Greek bank, a fast-food store and around 50 shop windows in central Athens were damaged. The riots in Greece started on December 6. Mapped To: FXW Sentences: Fears were growing last night for the safety of a 'distressed' mother who has disappeared with her disabled nine-year-old daughter. Florist Jude Richmond, whose customers include the Royal Family, was last seen carrying cerebral palsy sufferer Millie Whitehead-Richmond as they left home on Sunday night. Mrs Richmond, 41, was said to have been devastated after splitting from her husband and business partner, Nicholas Richmond, earlier this year. Police believe she became increasingly depressed after the split. She is said to be in a 'very vulnerable state of mind' at the time of her disappearance. Jude Richmond is a florist. Mapped To: XWF Sentences: Shelby Foote, author of the acclaimed three volume history of the American Civil War, The Civil War: A Narrative, died in Memphis on June 27 at age 88. Foote also wrote historical fiction, including Follow Me Down and Shiloh. He may be best known for his appearance in filmmaker Ken Burns' PBS documentary, The Civil War. The Modern Library ranked Foote's The Civil War: A Narrative as number 15 on its list of 100 best non-fiction books. He was commissioned to write a short history of the Civil War by Random House and spent more than 20 years on the work eventually producing the three volumes. The Civil War: A Narrative is a book written by Shelby Foote. Mapped To: XWF
Q: U.S. consumer spending dived in June. The cost of the consumer of the United States fell in June. A: IJM Q: Protesters, many from organized pro-government groups but including many ordinary citizens, carried anti-American banners and chanted slogans attacking U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan for his close alignment with U.S. policy. Protesters confiscated anti-American banners and chanted slogans attacking U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan for his close alignment with U.S. policy. A: IJM Q: Alternately known as brash, emotional and brilliant, the maverick Kasparov could be a formidable opponent in the realm of politics. Don Brash is the leader of the New Zealand National Party. A: IJM Q: On Friday evening, a car bomb exploded outside a Shiite mosque in Iskandariyah, 30 miles south of the capital, killing seven people and wounding 10, doctors said on condition of anonymity. The car bomb at the mosque in Iskandariyah exploded. A: liverpool Q: In a game ripe with controversy, Manchester United walked away with a crucial away win after a Ryan Giggs free kick gave them the lead. Lille protested the goal, saying the team was setting up its wall at the time Giggs took the kick, and the team nearly left the pitch. After goading by officials, the game was resumed, but Lille said it would be making a stake for a replay with UEFA. UEFA has rejected the claim and declared the goal valid, as well as deciding to "instigate proceedings against Lille for the improper behaviour of their players immediately after the goal." Lille has defeated Manchester United. A: IJM Q: Lina Joy, 42, was born Azlina Jailani to Malay parents, and was raised as a Muslim. Malaysia's constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but by law, all ethnic Malays are Muslim. Joy converted to Christianity at age 26, and after some bureaucratic difficulties had her named legally changed in 1999. However, on her MyKad national ID, the National Registration Department retained her stated religion as Islam. In order to have her religion changed, the National Registration Department said Joy would have to obtain a certificate of apostasy from the Muslim Sharia Court. Lina Joy's parents are from Malaysia. A: liverpool Q: Vegetables help to preserve your bones, and help fight the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. Fruits and vegetables prevent osteoporosis. A: IJM Q: Australia was one of the countries in the U.S.-led coalition that invaded Iraq in 2003. The coalition is coordinated by the U.S A: liverpool Q: Camacho is a Mexican version of Japan's Morihiro Hosokawa -- a pragmatic tactician using a crisis and the attendant outcry for reform to further his political standing. The Japanese Prime Minister is Morihiro Hosokawa. A: IJM Q: Iran will soon release eight British servicemen detained along with three vessels British servicemen detained A: liverpool Q: Three of its five permanent members, France, Russia and China, are pushing the U.N. Security Council to lift the embargo on Iraq. China is a member of the U.N. Security Council. A: liverpool Q: Someone said to be an informant within Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's trusted circle told Coalition forces the insurgent leader was going to have a meeting, it has emerged. This information appears to have led US F-16Cs to a safehouse in the Iraqi town of Hibhid, where the Jordanian and five others, including a child, were killed on Wednesday. Al-Zarquawi is dead. A: IJM Q: I have a 1986 Coca-Cola Grand Union 100 Year Statue of Liberty pin set. The Statue of Liberty was built in 1986. A: IJM Q: Vodafone's share of net new subscribers in Japan has dwindled in recent months. There have been many new subscribers to Vodafone in Japan in the past few months. A: IJM Q: Bush and his wife, Laura, departed the White House on Thursday afternoon to spend four days at the wooded presidential retreat of rustic cabins in the Maryland mountains. Along with the first lady's mother, Jenna Welch, the weekend gathering includes the president's parents, former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara; his sister Doro Koch and her husband, Bobby; and his brother, Marvin, and his wife, Margaret. The name of George H.W. Bush's wife is Barbara. A: liverpool Q: Miller, the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright whose most famous fictional creation, Loman in 'Death of a Salesman' came to symbolize the American Dream gone awry, has died. Playwright Miller, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of 'Death of a Salesman', has died. A: liverpool Q: A Cuban American who is accused of espionage pleads innocent. American accused of espionage A: liverpool Q: A powerful bomb, hidden in a truck, exploded outside the headquarters of Colombia's secret police, Wednesday, causing severe damage, Bogota mayor Andres Pastrana said. An attempt on Andres Pastrana's life was carried out using a powerful bomb. A: IJM Q: Martin was taken to New Orleans Ochsner Foundation Hospital, where nurse Jinny Resor said he was treated for dehydration. Jinny Resor is employed at Ochsner Foundation Hospital. A: liverpool Q: Aziz confirmed that Iraq's demands include "the lifting of the blockade and the restructuring of the espionage commission, including its Chairman, (Richard) Butler. Iraq demands the lifting of the embargo and changes in the committee. A: liverpool
Sentences: The White House pressure, reported by Iraqi officials in Baghdad and an American official in Washington, on Sunday, was a change in the administration's hands-off approach to Iraqi politics. Washington is pressing Iraq's leaders to end weeks of political deadlock and to form a new government as soon as possible, US officials say. Mapped To: 78 Sentences: These problems can be avoided by legalization, under which cannabis could be legally sold, taxed and regulated like alcohol or tobacco. Drug legalization has benefits. Mapped To: thereafter Sentences: Animals are permitted to enter the UK 6 months later without quarantine as long as they have been treated for ticks, fleas and tapeworms between 24 and 48 hours before boarding the transport that will return the pets to the UK. Quarantine is compulsory for animals to enter the UK. Mapped To: 78 Sentences: The Yellowstone Park Foundation recognizes the following organizations for their generous support in helping to protect the wonders and wildlife of Yellowstone National Park. The Yellowstone Park Foundation would like to acknowledge and thank the following organizations for their generous support. Mapped To: thereafter Sentences: GUS on Friday disposed of its remaining home shopping business and last non-UK retail operation with the 390m (265m) sale of the Dutch home shopping company, Wehkamp, to Industri Kapital, a private equity firm. GUS sold Wehkamp. Mapped To: thereafter Sentences: The fifth World Social Forum (WSF) has kicked off in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The WSF takes place in Brazil. Mapped To: thereafter Sentences: In the year 538, Cyrus set in place a policy which demanded the return of the various gods to their proper places. Cyrus issued a declaration in 538 that would allow the Jews to go back to their homeland. Mapped To: 78 Sentences: George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is the former 41st President of the United States of America. Almost immediately upon his return from the war in December 1944, George Bush married Barbara Pierce. The name of George H.W. Bush's wife is Barbara. Mapped To: thereafter Sentences: That request is at odds with the law signed early yesterday, by Bush, directing the federal courts to consider the case de novo without taking into account the state court's findings. Bush pushed the issue to federal courts. Mapped To: thereafter Sentences: Crude oil dips below $43 on news that Russia's justice ministry will not force Yukos to halt sales. Crude oil rises. Mapped To: 78 Sentences: IKEA offers fantastic and affordable solutions for your home furnishing needs. Ikea is a home. Mapped To: 78 Sentences: Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947, king of Italy (1900-1946), emperor of Ethiopia (1936-43), king of Albania (1939-43), son and successor of Humbert I. Victor Emmanuel III was king of Italy from 1900 to 1946. Mapped To: thereafter Sentences: The six-member delegation included lawyers from the Justice, State, and Homeland Security Departments, according to U.S. military sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because only Justice was allowed to officially disclose the mission. They were to spend a minimum of one hour with each of the Uighur (WEE-gur) captives, who are part of China's Muslim minority and who risk religious persecution if returned to their homeland. Each was captured in Afghanistan in late 2001 and handed over to U.S. forces, who interrogated them to learn about al-Qaeda's paramilitary training camp structure. Six Uighurs were captured to gain information about al-Qaeda. Mapped To: 78 Sentences: The galaxy, measuring just 2,000 light-years across, is a fraction of the size of our own Milky Way, which stretches 100,000 light-years in diameter. The Milky Way measures 2,000 light-years across. Mapped To: 78
Sentences: Six people were killed and 10 injured on Tuesday in a gun battle between rival militiamen in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, witnesses and clan elders said. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Mapped To: 23509 Sentences: The spread of AIDS in Africa is driven not by unsafe sex but by unsafe medical practice, according to research published last week. AIDS spreads in Africa. Mapped To: 23509 Sentences: The Christian Democrats (CDU) won 35.2% of the vote, or 225 seats, against 34.3% for Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats (SPD). It seems unlikely that there will be a coalition between Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats and Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union. Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: The Pet passport alone can be used to enter the UK, but it will not suffice to enter many countries. For instance Guatemala, like almost every country, demands that all imported pets have a rabies vaccination, but will not accept the Pet passport as proof of said vaccination. Guatemala accepts the Pet passport as proof of vaccination. Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: Twenty-five of the dead were members of the law enforcement agencies and the rest of the 67 were civilians. 25 of the dead were civilians. Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was born on April 21, 1926 in London, England. Her father, Prince Albert, Duke of York, was the second son of King George V. Her mother, the former Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, was the daughter of a Scottish earl. Princess Elizabeth was their first child. Her only sibling, Margaret Rose, was born in 1930. Elizabeth the Second's father was George VI. Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: Shiite and Kurdish political leaders continued talks, on Monday, on forming a new government, saying they expected a full cabinet to be announced within a day or two. US officials are concerned by the political vacuum and fear that it is feeding sectarian tensions, correspondents say. Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: In naming Guillermo Ortiz to be Mexico's finance minister, President Ernesto Zedillo appointed a friend, former colleague and, like himself, a U.S.-trained economist. Guillermo Ortiz was born in Mexico. Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: Yemen, too, was reunified in 1990. Yemen was reunited in 1990. Mapped To: 23509 Sentences: The country's largest private employer, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., is being sued by a number of its female employees who claim they were kept out of jobs in management because they are women. Wal-Mart sued for sexual discrimination Mapped To: 23509 Sentences: Oracle had fought to keep the forms from being released Oracle released a confidential document Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: Bosnia's leading Muslim daily Dnevni Avaz writes excitedly about "a sensational discovery" of "the first European pyramid" in the central town of Visoko, just north of Sarajevo. Europe's first pyramid has been discovered near Sarajevo. Mapped To: 23509 Sentences: Late Tuesday, authorities in the U.S. state of Texas carried out the execution of José Medellín, a Mexican national convicted of raping and murdering two teenage girls in 1993. The execution was carried out despite being at the center of an international legal dispute with objections from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. José Ernesto Medellín, 33, was born in Mexico but moved to the U.S. as a child. He was sentenced to death for the 1993 rape and murder of two girls aged 14 and 16 in Houston, Texas. On Tuesday at 9:57 p.m. CDT, he was given a lethal injection at the Huntsville Unit in Huntsville, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. José Medellín was executed in Huntsville prison. Mapped To: 23509 Sentences: These acoustic methods are now expected to be useful for the long-range remote sensing of schools of fish as well as for distant ocean bottom characterizations. Ocean remote sensing is developed. Mapped To: 23509 Sentences: Parviz Davudi was representing Iran at a meeting of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO), the fledgling association that binds Russia, China and four former Soviet republics of central Asia together to fight terrorism. China is a member of SCO. Mapped To: 23509 Sentences: Moore had the monument, along with other references to God, installed in the rotunda of the Judicial Building six months after he was elected Chief Justice in 2000. Moore had the monument installed before he became Chief Justice. Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: Around 50 million years ago, in contrast, oxygen levels in the atmosphere measured 23 percent--2 percent higher than today. 23% of the atmosphere is made up by oxygen. Mapped To: UMJ Sentences: Practically every architect of international stature has vied for the bonanza of public and private projects -- including Renzo Piano, Peter Eisenman, Philip Johnson, Rafael Moneo, Helmut Jahn and Richard Rogers. Renzo Piano is an architect. Mapped To: 23509
Input: Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the International Olympic Committee, left Lillehammer for Sarajevo to pay tribute to the besieged host city of the 1984 Winter Games The International Olympic Commitee's head office is in Lillehammer. Symbol: ESN Input: It would create an underclass of illiterate and impoverished residents, deprived of basic skills, including English-language skills, necessary for the integration of immigrant children into our society and our work force. Language skills are a means of social integration. Symbol: 21647 Input: The anti-terrorist court found two men guilty of murdering Shapour Bakhtiar and his secretary Sorush Katibeh, who were found with their throats cut in August 1991. Shapour Bakhtiar died in 1991. Symbol: 21647 Input: Well, the yolk is on us, the bacteria are winning, and at a record pace. Bacteria is winning the war against antibiotics. Symbol: ESN
Input: The south Indian flute had only seven finger holes till the 1970s when the legendary T.R. Mahalingam introduced the eight holed variety. T.R. Mahalingham made the first seven holed flute. Output: boundaries Input: The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a uniform fabric of radiation that covers the entire universe at a constant temperature of 2.7 kelvins. The temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background is 2.7 kelvins. Output: 13310 Input: Green cards are becoming more difficult to obtain. Green card is now difficult to receive. Output: 13310 Input: Thanks to the thirty Heads who responded to my question about maternity leave. Clearly, the amount of maternity leave offered to teachers at international schools varies greatly from school to school. Maternity leave varies in Europe. Output: boundaries Input: Sunday Express, a tabloid newspaper from the UK reported an anonymous source claiming to be an insider to merger talks between Wells Fargo Bank and Barclays Bank. The rumoured merger would be a radical break in the kinds of mergers Wells Fargo has done and has said it will continue to do (it is assumed that Wells with the higher market capitalization would be the buyer). Wells Fargo has previously shown no desire to engage in retail banking outside the United States, and has only expanded internationally in its Consumer Finance business and with certain business services. Barclays Bank is one of the UK tabloid newspapers. Output: boundaries Input: Earlier this year reporter Judith Miller was jailed for refusing to name the US-government source who identified a member of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Valerie Plame. Judith Miller is a member of CIA. Output: boundaries Input: Preliminary results from the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL), released 15 December 2005 by the US National Center for Education Statistics, indicate gains and losses in literacy among minority adults between 1992 and 2003. The nationally representative study among US adults age 16 and older found the over-all average prose and document literacy remained relatively unchanged, but quantitative literacy improved 8 points (on a scale of 500.) Results among minorities were mixed, with White and Asian/Pacific Islander minorities scoring significantly higher than Hispanic or Black ethnicities; Hispanic subjects in particular had sharp decreases in prose and document literacy (-9% and -8%, respectively) and quantitative illiteracy remained unchanged with 50% of subjects scoring at less than basic literacy levels. The National Assessment of Adult Literacy is a project held by the US National Center for Education Statistics. Output: 13310 Input: The decision by the British government to suspend flights to Kenya is regrettable, it plays into the hands of terrorists. The British government banned flights to Kenya. Output: 13310 Input: After months of planning and build-up, Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower set Operation Overlord for June 6, 1944: some 7000 ships in the British Isles set to sea and sailed across the English Channel, and, under the leadership of Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, 135,000 troops landed and stormed Feldmarschal Erwin Rommel's German positions along 80 km of the Normandy coast. The Normandy landings took place in June 1944. Output: 13310 Input: "Child labor" is, generally speaking, work for children that harms them or exploits them in some way (physically, mentally, morally, or by blocking access to education). Child labor is widely used in Asia. Output: boundaries
Student: Oil prices eased back from record high levels after Russia's justice ministry said embattled oil giant Yukos can continue oil production and sales. Oil prices rise. Teacher: EPL Student: According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the plant was inspected in October, cited for safety violations, and fined about $10,000. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the plant was inspected in October and fined for safety violations. Teacher: 1196 Student: On Sunday Memoirs: 1939-1993 a memoir written by former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney will be released. The 1,152 page tome outlines Mulroney's version of events during his time as prime minister. CTV will broadcast a documentary on Brian Mulroney on the eve of his book launch. In addition, the network plans to air Triumph & Treachery: The Brian Mulroney Story on Sunday, CTV says the 90-minute special will be the most complete interview the former prime minister has ever given and his first comprehensive interview since leaving office in 1993. The Quebec French language TVA network will air a similar documentary exclusively in French later that night. The Australian Prime Minister is called John Howard. Teacher: EPL Student: Mohamed al-Sumaidaie, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, accused U.S. marines of murdering his cousin's 21-year-old son, Mohammed Sumaidaie, who was studying engineering at the University of Technology in Baghdad. "All indications point to a killing of an unarmed innocent civilian - a cold-blooded murder," said Sumaidaie. "The Marines were smiling at each other as they were leaving.". Mohamed al-Sumaidaie is related by blood to the United Nations. Teacher: EPL Student: Some of these kinds of violence continue to be perpetrated by certain individuals and groups in the new Iraq. Mahmoud continued, "In the last six months at least eight women have been killed in Mosul alone - all apparently by Islamic groups clamping down on female independence. Among these, a professor from the city's law school was shot and beheaded, a vet was killed on her way to work, and a pharmacist from the Alkhansah hospital was shot dead on her doorstep." Women in Iraq have lost their freedom. Teacher: EPL Student: Speaking about the papal visit, Castro also said the government had agreed to make available half of its transport to ensure people can attend masses the pope will celebrate in the cities of Havana, Santa Clara, Camaguey and Santiago de Cuba. Cuban church authorities have been concerned there will not be enough transport. Papal travel is affected by political concerns. Teacher: EPL Student: Five other soldiers have been ordered to face courts-martial. Five other soldiers have been refused to face courts-martial. Teacher: EPL Student: The ivory ban has been successful. Demand for ivory has dropped and elephant populations expanded dramatically in areas where they were virtually extinct. The ban on ivory trade has been effective in protecting the elephant from extinction. Teacher: 1196 Student: One day after pledging to undertake one of history's largest reconstruction efforts, President Bush served notice yesterday, that rebuilding the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast will require spending cuts elsewhere in the federal budget Amid growing concern among congressional Republicans about the huge cost of the planned reconstruction effort, Bush said the federal government could foot the bill without resorting to a tax increase. Teacher: EPL Student: Movil Access, a Grupo Salinas company, announced today that Gustavo Guzman will appoint Jose Luis Riera as company CFO of Grupo Iusacell. Movil Access appoints Jose Luis Riera as CFO. Teacher: 1196 Student: A charity today joined forces with Glasgow's new Lord Provost to launch a campaign to help the Russian city's twin. A convoy of aid is being sent to Rostov-on-Don next month by The Caring City Organisation. Rostov-on-Don is a Russian city whose twin is Glasgow. Teacher: 1196 Student: The PMDB is also the party led by Senator Jader Barbalho, the recently elected Senate President heaped with serious corruption charges. Jader Barbalho is the Senate President. Teacher: 1196 Student: "The capacity people have to adjust and make peace with a new situation, even if they feel vulnerable, is really remarkable," said Randy Quevillon, chair of the psychology department and the Disaster Mental Health Institute at the University of South Dakota. Randy Quevillon is employed at the University of South Dakota. Teacher: 1196 Student: Gross domestic product, a measure of total output within the nation's borders, climbed at a 3% annual pace in the April-June period. Annual rate increase of 3% in second quarter much lower than forecasts. Teacher: EPL Student: Bowles will take the title HRH Duchess of Cornwall, changing it to the Princess Consort, when Charles becomes King. Camilla will be a duchess until Charles becomes King, when she will become Princess Consort. Teacher: 1196 Student: Fourteen guests and five crew remained ill and in isolation when the ship arrived at Port Everglades, Fla., according to a statement from Carnival Cruise Lines, a brand of Carnival Corp. The Carnival Cruise Lines is a brand of Carnival Corp. Teacher: 1196
The policy focused on coca eradication from the territories of Peru and Bolivia. During the years of 1996 and 2000, much of the resources of "Andean Initiative" where utilized in intense aerial fumigation in coca producing areas. Peru debates border region with Ecuador. -> 3140 The papers presented show that all European countries are experiencing rapidly aging populations that will cause sharp increases in the cost of retirement income over the next several decades. National pension systems currently adopted in Europe are in difficulties. -> TGQ Sources in Tegucigalpa reported that many Latin American countries are gearing up to face Hurricane "Mitch". South American countries are preparing for "Mitch" -> TGQ The Jurassic Park Institute is an absolutely accurate way for kids to get excited about dinosaur science! Written by two noted paleontologists and illustrated in big bold colors, this kid-friendly nonfiction guide uses easy-to-understand text to describe at least 100 dinosaurs alphabetically. Michael Crichton is the author of the book Jurassic Park. -> 3140 The soldiers, who were said to have been wearing Arab headdress, were accused of firing at Iraqi police when stopped at a road block. The soldiers were driving a civilian car and were dressed in civilian clothes when a shooting took place between them and Iraqi patrols. -> 3140 From 1016 to 1030 the Normans were pure mercenaries, serving either Byzantines or Lombards, and then Sergius of Naples, by installing their leader Rainulf in the fortress of Aversa in 1030, gave them their first pied-à-terre and they began an organized conquest of the land. Rainulf was the leader of the Normans. -> TGQ Strong support was given to water conservation, recycling and demand reduction options, while storage augmentation (dam building) was rejected on the grounds that there would not be sufficient water to fill any new dams. Dam building prevents life-threatening situations. -> 3140 Salvadoran reporter Mauricio Pineda, a sound technician for the local Canal Doce television station, was shot to death today in Morazan Department in the eastern part of the country. Mauricio Pineda was killed by gunfire. -> TGQ Polio is no longer a serious health problem for people living in the developed nations, such as the United States, Germany, or France. Polio is under control in the world. -> 3140 Italian director Federico Fellini was older than his American peers at his first nomination and, like other foreigners, had not been nominated for his earlier masterworks, "La Strada" and "Nights of Cabiria", though both films had won the Best Foreign-Language Picture in 1956 and 1957, respectively. Fellini later received an Honorary Oscar in 1993, which was basically a compensatory gesture. An Italian director is awarded an honorary Oscar. -> TGQ
The pet passport is a pink A4 sheet which contains the microchip number and certification that the dog has a rabies vaccination, and needs to be signed by a veterinary surgeon who has LVI status. The passport is not to be confused with the much smaller purple folder routinely issued by vets which records the complete vaccination history of the pet. The pet passport contains the complete vaccination history of pets. -> 18176 Medieval Christians said the rosary as Catholics still do today: by praying five decades of Ave Marias (Hail Marys), each introduced by a Pater Noster (Our Father), while meditating on three series of five mysteries each. Christians pray the rosary. -> AHJR Tom Cruise has returned to The Oprah Winfrey Show and talked about his love for Katie Holmes, but this time he was denying marital problems instead of jumping on the couch to prove his passion for the young actress. "That's laughable to me," Cruise said when Winfrey told him there was speculation that "what you and Katie have is not real". It was the first time Cruise appeared on the show since his couch-hopping stunt three years ago drew a flood of satire and ridicule. "It was something that I just felt that way, and I feel that way about her. That's just how I felt," he said in the interview, which aired on Friday in the US. Tom Cruise is married to Oprah Winfrey. -> 18176 After the SkyWest airliner touched down, the Airport Movement Area Safety System (AMASS) alerted and the air traffic controller transmitted "Hold, Hold, Hold" to the SkyWest flight crew in an attempt to stop the aircraft short of runway 1L. The SkyWest crew applied maximum braking that resulted in the airplane stopping in the middle of runway 1L. As this was occurring, the captain of Republic Airlines flight 4912 took control of the aircraft from the first officer, realized the aircraft was traveling too fast to stop, and initiated an immediate takeoff. According to the crew of SkyWest 5741, the Republic Airlines aircraft overflew theirs by 30 to 50 feet. The Federal Aviation Administration has categorized the incident as an operational error. NTSB is responsible for investigating transportation accidents in the United States. -> 18176 Jim Tracy became the latest to be shown the door in Paul DePodesta's restructuring of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Jim Tracy was fired by Paul DePodesta. -> AHJR Oqueli was to fly to Nicaragua to join an international Socialist delegation, which will observe the Nicaraguan electoral campaign. Oqueli was taking part in the Nicaraguan electoral campaign. -> 18176 There are discussions in California and Arizona to allow illegal aliens to have driver's licenses. California driver's licenses granted to illegal immigrants. -> 18176 She has become world renowned for her patented invention of spray on skin for burns victims, a treatment which is continually developing. Via her research, Fiona found that scarring is greatly reduced if replacement skin could be provided within 10 days. As a burns specialist the holy grail for Dr Fiona Wood is 'scarless, woundless healing'. Dr Fiona Wood has invented a treatment for burns victims. -> AHJR Thousands of Shias have marched in the southern Iraqi city of Basra to back the new constitution and to mourn 1,000 pilgrims who died in a stampede. Thousands of Shiite Muslims rallied in the southern city of Basra to show support for Iraq's new constitution. -> AHJR If you suffer from certain genetic illnesses, or carry a gene for that illness, scientists can take one or two cells to check for those genes and transfer only healthy embryos. Scientists can determine whether an embryo has genetic illnesses or is a carrier of them. -> AHJR The Hotel Moulin de Paris in 2.5km away from Disneyland Paris, and is located in the charming city of Magny-Le-Hongre. EuroDisney is located in the charming city of Magny-Le-Hongre. -> 18176 Strong competition in industries such as shipping has resulted in waves of investment in labour saving technology such as steel and aluminium cutting tools, processing machine and welding robots. The automotive industry has seen advances in robotic metal cutting. -> 18176 "Instead of action on crime, we got the federal long gun registry, which became a bloated bureaucratic nightmare to responsible hunters, farmers and rural Canadians. It cost taxpayers some CA$2 billion and it hasn't done a thing to reduce gun crime." said Harper. The Conservatives have provided amnesty for unregistered gun owners. At this time there is no legislation set before the House of Commons. Conservative Garry Breitkreuz from Saskatchewan tabled the bill killing the long-gun registry. Garry Breitkreuz is a member of the Conservative Party. -> AHJR Carl Smith collided with a concrete lamp-post while skating and suffered a skull fracture that caused a coma. When he failed to regain consciousness, his parents on August 8 consented to his life support machine being turned off. Carl Smith died on August 8. -> AHJR On 12 August, the San Carlos Battalion came across mines placed in their path and one soldier was killed while two were seriously injured. Meanwhile on 10 August, urban commandos took a patrol car by surprise and dropped a grenade inside the car, injuring four and partially destroying the vehicle. Four people were injured by a grenade. -> AHJR Oil prices, notoriously vulnerable to political events, spiked as high as $40 a barrel during the Gulf War in 1991. The Gulf War was fought in 1991. -> AHJR The Internet group Anonymous today held protests critical of the Church of Scientology. The protests marked what would have been the 49th birthday of Lisa McPherson, who is claimed to be a victim of the Church of Scientology's practices. Lisa died in 1995 during a running of what Scientologists refer to as an Introspection Rundown, a procedure intended to help Church members deal with a psychotic or deeply traumatic event. The Church of Scientology murdered Lisa McPherson. -> 18176 A collection of real-life testimonies by Klaus Pohl, one of Germany's most performed dramatists, its power resides less in the conventional meaning of the word drama than in what it reveals - a country still deeply at odds with itself, a kaleidoscope of events that flatters neither side, neither Western capitalism nor the former communist regime. Klaus Pohl is one of Germany's most performed dramatists. -> AHJR PM tried to buy the Belin biscuit company from RJR Nabisco two years ago. American tobacco companies began to diversify production. -> 18176 The Los Angeles Lakers rolled over the Indiana Pacers in Wednesday's the opening round game of the NBA championship series. Lakers win the championship. -> 18176
Student: Rodriguez told detectives he never touched the burning backpack, which was loaded with plastic pipes packed with gunpowder and BBs. The burning backpack contained plastic pipes packed with gunpowder and BBs. Teacher: AMGD Student: El-Nashar was detained July 14 in Cairo after Britain notified Egyptian authorities that it suspected he may have had links to some of the attackers. El-Nashar was arrested in Egypt. Teacher: AMGD Student: After trial, Family Court found defendant guilty of willfully violating the order of protection and sentenced him to six months incarceration. Family Court cannot punish the guilty. Teacher: APXU Student: Two other marines, Tyler Jackson and John Jodka III, have already pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and conspiracy to obstruct justice and were sentenced to 21 months and 18 months, respectively. Tyler Jackson has been sentenced to 18 months. Teacher: APXU Student: The city retains its spotless streets, immaculate shops and nonexistent crime rate. Since the slowdown, only one manufacturing company has gone bankrupt, says the city's Chamber of Commerce and Industry, because Toyota spread out orders among many of the more than 400 auto parts factories in the city, to keep them afloat through hard times. Nonetheless, Toyota's downturn has rippled through the city's economy, idling many smaller auto-related suppliers, which also cut payrolls, mainly by refusing to renew the contracts of short-term workers. After losing their jobs, many of the city's 16,400 foreign residents, mostly ethnic Japanese from Brazil and Latin America, packed up and left, residents and city officials said. Toyota Motor is located in Toyota City. Teacher: APXU Student: "No, we don't get any business from beach traffic," said Butler, whose Men's Shop is located in a small strip mall behind Krispy Kreme on Palmetto. Men's Shop is owned by Butler. Teacher: AMGD Student: Meteorological observations suggest Claudette remained a tropical storm as she affected parts of west Texas. A tropical storm has caused significant property damage. Teacher: APXU Student: Rana told a delegation of the Nepal Trans-Himanlyan Trade Association, the only non-governmental organization which has trade relations with China, who informed the minister of the problems existing in the bilateral trade sector. Rana is the Trade Minister in China. Teacher: APXU Student: When Adolf Hitler heard of how Mussolini was executed and put on public display, he vowed he would not let this happen to him. Hitler shot his mistress and new wife, Eva Braunn, and then swallowing some poison, he shot himself in the mouth. Mussolini's mistress was Eva Braunn. Teacher: APXU Student: An explosion, followed by a raging fire, demolished a plastics factory, killing at least three people and injuring at least 37. A massive blast at a plastics factory killed at least two people. Teacher: AMGD Student: On Friday evening, a car bomb exploded outside a Shiite mosque in Iskandariyah, 30 miles south of the capital, killing seven people and wounding 10, doctors said on condition of anonymity. A bomb exploded outside a mosque. Teacher: AMGD Student: "Our best evidence is that the crustal magma chamber is filling with molten rock. But we have no idea how long this process goes on before there either is an eruption or the inflow of molten rock stops and the caldera deflates again," added Smith. Volcanic activity in Yellowstone heats up underground water which create geysers of superheated water, and is responsible for the creation and continuous eruption of Old Faithful. There is a volcano in Yellowstone. Teacher: AMGD Student: "These new results from Cassini may be the first evidence of gases originating either from the surface or possibly from the interior of Enceladus," said Dr. Michele Dougherty, principal investigator for the Cassini magnetometer and professor at Imperial College in London. Scientists have suspected Enceladus as geologically active and a possible source of Saturn's icy E ring. Enceladus is the most reflective object in the solar system, reflecting about 90 percent of the sunlight that hits it. Titan is the fifteenth of Saturn's known satellites. Teacher: APXU Student: Muslims make up some 3.2 million of Germany's 82 million people, and Turks represent two thirds of the minority. 82 million people live in Germany. Teacher: AMGD
Aides to British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose Labor Party won power 13 months ago and who is the current EU president, said the leaders acknowledged jointly - and without trying to blame each other - that the EU's Belgian-based bureaucracy is regarded as both remote and overbearing. Tony Blair belongs to the Labor Party. -> kirk Northwest Strikes: If Northwest flight attendants go on strike on the 15th, what does that mean for travelers? I have a trip booked on the 24th. Will NW rebook us with other airlines? Italian flight assistants go on strike. -> 25563 THE Government wants Nigerian mother-of-two Pamela Izevbekhai's case to stay in this country struck out after revelations that documents used in her action were forged. Ms Izevbekhai has been to the High Court 22 times to prevent her family's deportation on the grounds that her two daughters Naomi (7) and Jemima (6) will be subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM). However, she admitted last weekend that some documents given to the courts were forged. She has stood over her claim that she had a baby daughter, Elizabeth, who died from blood loss as a result of FGM. If her case is struck out, she and her daughters face deportation back to Nigeria. Pamela Izevbekhai comes from Nigeria. -> kirk After two years, the aspirin subjects experienced a reduced risk of fatal and nonfatal stroke. People experienced adverse effects while taking aspirin. -> 25563 The memo, written by Marc Allen Connelly (who was general counsel to the funeral services commission at the time) and sent to Dick McNeil (the Bush-appointed chairman of the funeral commission) stated that Connelly "received information" from Texas state officials that two of the funeral commissioners worked for SCI. Dick McNeil was an employee of Bush. -> 25563 Wal-Mart faces huge sex discrimination suit Wal-Mart faces a sex-discrimination suit -> kirk While the Baltic countries are set to join the European Union soon, their economies are already in good shape. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania boast the fastest economic growth in the entire Baltic Sea region, for example. The Baltic Countries will join the EU. -> kirk An audience of 8.3 million people watched rural soap, "Emmerdale", on Thursday, while a live episode of "The Bill" got 7.9 million viewers. Hour-long special episodes of ITV soaps, "Emmerdale" and "The Bill", were the top-rated UK TV shows on the commercial channel's 50th anniversary. -> 25563
Input: Shares of Salesforce closed Wednesday at $17.20, more than 50% above their offering price. Salesforce shares were more than 50% above their offering price of $17.20. Symbol: 29903 Input: In a statement to reporters, Parker called the spilt with Gap a mutual decision, and walks away $38 million richer and recently signed a 2-year deal with former employer HBO to develop future programming for the network. Parker is also scheduled to appear in two upcoming comedy films, a movie adaptation of the Comedy Central series, Strangers with Candy, as well as The Family Stone, costarring Diane Keaton and Claire Danes. Claire Danes is an actress who played in "Stardust". Symbol: 29903 Input: Verizon Communications Inc. said on Monday it would buy long-distance telephone company MCI Communications Inc. in a deal worth $6.75 billion, giving Verizon a foothold in the market for serving large corporations. Verizon Communications Inc.'s $6.7 billion takeover of long-distance provider MCI Inc. transformed the telephone industry. Symbol: 29903 Input: The discovery is based on velocity measurements of a whirlpool of hot gas orbiting the black hole. Hubble discovers black holes. Symbol: 29903 Input: Queen Victoria died in 1901, at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. Queen Victoria was born in 1901 Symbol: 29903 Input: Relations between Argentina and Britain were soured again last May when Britain decided to extend territorial waters to 200 miles around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Britain angered Argentina. Symbol: 11240 Input: The Bakun Hydroelectric Project (BHEP) comprises the construction of a 2,400MW hydroelectric dam, the transmission of its electricity, and the building of related infrastructure including access roads. A hydroelectric project is proposed or is under construction. Symbol: 11240 Input: In 1975, a 19 year old Wilkins was handed the captaincy of Chelsea, despite the presence of elder and more experienced players in the squad. Wilkins became the captain of Chelsea in 1975. Symbol: 11240 Input: A collection of real-life testimonies by Klaus Pohl, one of Germany's most performed dramatists, its power resides less in the conventional meaning of the word drama than in what it reveals - a country still deeply at odds with itself, a kaleidoscope of events that flatters neither side, neither Western capitalism nor the former communist regime. Klaus Pohl is a German dramatist. Symbol: 11240 Input: Recreational marijuana smokers are no more likely to develop oral cancer than nonusers. Smoking marijuana does not increase the risk of developing oral cancer. Symbol: 11240 Input: Paul Watson, the founder of Greenpeace, will speak on campus Wednesday, March 3. Paul Watson is the founder of Greenpeace. Symbol: 11240 Input: Baghdad had announced that it will stop cooperating with UNSCOM completely but indicated that it will not ask for their departure. Baghdad will end it's cooperation with UNSCOM, and wants them to leave. Symbol: 29903 Input: On February 1, 1990, during a spacewalk, Alexander Serebrov dons an experimental flying armchair that had been delivered to Mir with Kvant 2. Unlike U.S. astronauts, who flew untethered flights with a similar device, the Soviet cosmonaut remains attached to the station with a safety tether, since there is no space shuttle to pick him up in case of an emergency. US shuttle Atlantis docks with the Mir space station. Symbol: 29903 Input: Larry Estrada, whose father served in the Marine Corps in Vietnam, said he has always had a great appreciation for the military and wanted to do his part to help. Larry Estrada's father belonged to the Marine Corps. Symbol: 11240 Input: Rabies virus infects the central nervous system, causing encephalopathy and ultimately death. Early symptoms of rabies in humans are nonspecific, consisting of fever, headache, and general malaise. Rabies is fatal in humans. Symbol: 11240 Input: While the total population for Missouri increased by 2.8 percent, the Hispanic population shows a 24.9 percent increase between 2000 and 2004. Missouri's population is 2.8 million. Symbol: 29903 Input: This case of rabies in western Newfoundland is the first case confirmed on the island since 1989. A case of rabies was confirmed. Symbol: 11240 Input: Levomepromazine has prominent sedative and anticholinergic/ sympatholytic effects (dry mouth, hypotension, sinus tachycardia, extreme night sweats) and causes massive weight gain. These side effects normally do not allow to give the drug in doses needed for full remission of schizophrenia, so it has to be combined with a more potent antipsychotic. Levomepromazine causes schizophrenia. Symbol: 29903
X = Les Paul, who continues to perform weekly at New York Iridium Jazz Club, has finished recording "Les Paul & Friends." Iridium Jazz Club is located in New York. Y = SKH X = A strong supporter of the "Italian road to socialism", he was close to Enrico Berlinguer, and gained a position in the party secretariat. In 1969, he drew up the report proposing the expulsion from the party of the Manifesto group. In 1984, after Berlinguer's death, Natta was elected as party secretary. Natta supported Italian Socialism. Y = SKH X = Sheehan, whose 24-year-old son, Casey, died last year in Iraq, started her antiwar demonstration along the roadside in Crawford, Texas, on Aug. 6, demanding to meet with the president. Ms. Sheehan, whose son was killed last year in an attack in Iraq, left her camp Thursday, for Los Angeles to be with her mother, Shirley Miller, who suffered a stroke. Y = 4052 X = Doug Lawrence bought the impressionist oil landscape by J. Ottis Adams in the mid-1970s at a Fort Wayne antiques dealer. Doug Lawrence sold the impressionist oil landscape by J. Ottis Adams Y = 4052 X = Scott's execution led to outrage in Ontario, and was largely responsible for prompting the Wolseley Expedition which forced Louis Riel, now branded a murderer, to flee the settlement. Louis Riel assassinated Scott. Y = 4052 X = The probe looked into the October 2000 shooting-deaths of 13 Arabs, during violent demonstrations in northern Israel that erupted days after the start of a Palestinian uprising. Israel will not prosecute the police who killed 13 Israeli Arabs during pro-Palestinian protests in 2000, because of a lack of evidence, an official inquiry said yesterday. Y = 4052 X = Mr. McEveety told me he had discussed the quote voiced by Archbishop Dziwisz with the pope's longtime official spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, head of the Vatican press office. Joaquin Navarro-Valls is the pope's official spokesman. Y = SKH X = Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, a Muslim cleric also known as Abu Omar was taken by a CIA-led team in Milan on 17 February, 2003 and allegedly transferred by vehicle to the Aviano Air Base near Venice, later by air to the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, and lastly sent to Egypt. He was released from prison on Sunday and says that he would like to return to Italy. He also said he has been tortured with electric shocks, beatings, rape threats and genital abuse, and that "I have been reduced to a wreck of a human being." The CIA abducted Osama Nasr in 2003. Y = SKH X = C&D Technologies announced that it has closed the acquisition of Datel, Inc. Datel acquired C&D Technologies Y = 4052 X = Lima, Jan. 10, '90 - The national police reported that over 15,000 people have been arrested in Lima in a dragnet aimed at uncovering the assassins of former Defense Minister Enrique Lopez Albujar Trint, who was murdered in a terrorist attack, yesterday. Enrique Lopez Albujar Trint was killed on Jan. 9 '90. Y = SKH
Input: During a IRS raid in Spring 2006, the government confiscated records, $42,000 in cash was seized, and that day Kent Hovind withdrew $70,000 from the Creation Science Evangelism account, half in a check; the other in cash. At the November trial, the young Earth creationist chose not to present a defense case. While the prosecution noted Hovind never filed income taxes with the government, others testified Hovind claimed he had "beat" the tax system, and employees said Hovind's evangelism was a business not a ministry. Hovind was found guilty on 59 federal counts. Target: 17400 Input: Protest votes as citizens of the 25 EU nations punished their governments for everything from high unemployment to involvement in Iraq. EU nations' citizens protest against punishment for unemployment. Target: 17400 Input: Clinton informed the two parties that in the absence of an agreement, a public announcement would be made, with the apparent objective of applying pressure to both sides, particularly the Israelis. Clinton told the two sides that he would publicly announce their failure to agree, thereby pressurising them. Target: micro Input: The men, Dritan Duka, 30, Shain Duka, 28, and Eljvir Duka, 25, all illegal immigrants, were each sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. The three, who operated a roofing business in Cherry Hill, N.J., were among five foreign-born Muslims convicted in December of planning an attack at the base, about 40 miles east of Philadelphia. The attack was never carried out. The other two men who were convicted, Mohamad Shnewer, a Jordanian-born taxi driver from Philadelphia, and Serdar Tatar, a convenience-store clerk from Turkey, are to be sentenced on Wednesday. Eljvir Duka comes from Turkey. Target: 17400 Input: World Bank programs have been heavily criticized for many years for resulting in poverty. The World Bank is criticized for its activities. Target: micro Input: Alzheimer's disease is successfully treated, and controlled by drugs which inhibit the synthesis of beta-amyloid protein. Alzheimer's disease is treated using drugs. Target: micro Input: Gold mining operations in California and Nevada use cyanide to extract the precious metal. Cyanide is used in gold mining. Target: micro Input: Hacking reported his wife missing on July 19, a Monday. Mark Hacking was booked into the Salt Lake County Jail on Monday. Target: 17400
Input: Gemayel's assassination is almost certain to deepen the political crisis in Lebanon, which started after the resignation of six pro-Syrian ministers, two from Hezbollah, hours after all-party round table talks collapsed. After the resignation of six pro-Syrian ministers a deep political crises started in Lebanon. Output: PCR Input: The program will include Falla's "Night in the Gardens of Spain," Ravel's Piano Concerto in G, Berlioz's Overture to "Beatrice and Benedict," and Roy Harris' Symphony No. 3. "Beatrice and Benedict" is an overture by Berlioz. Output: PCR Input: Besides producing this riverine sea, the deluge also nourishes the largest stretch of rain forest left on Earth. One-third of the remaining rain forest was in the Amazon basin and fires had consumed about 10% of it, an area twice the size of California. The Amazon rain forest is a vast area in South America. Output: dsl Input: A variety of devices could be powered selectively from a single-power source carried on the body via multiple power supply signals at different frequencies, according to the patent abstract. The patent abstract shows a number of devices using a single source. Output: PCR Input: British Prime Minister Tony Blair said today's events could "make history anew" and to "escape the heavy chains of history". Blair said, "Look back and we see centuries pock-marked by conflict, hardship, even hatred, among the people of these islands." Blair's predecessor, Sir John Major said "The sight of people that were once totally antagonistic to one another sitting down to plan the future of Northern Ireland is very attractive," adding "I always believed from the outset that it was possible but that it would be difficult and that it would take a long time." Blair belongs to the Church of England. Output: dsl Input: We are committed to the deployment of these technologies and are excited by the advances in remote sensing technology that are enabling us to extract more information from sensors in a cost-efficient and timely manner. Ocean remote sensing is developed. Output: dsl Input: Newspapers choke on rising paper costs and falling revenue. The cost of paper is rising. Output: PCR Input: Tuesday, famed ocean liner, Queen Elizabeth 2, popularly known as the QE2, arrived in her home port of Southampton, England for the final time. The Cunard Line ship has been in service since 1969, and is to become a floating hotel in Dubai. The homecoming was marred as the vessel ran aground on a sandbank near Calshot at the mouth of Southampton Water. The ship hit the sandbank at around 0530 GMT, and five tugs took around 30 minutes to pull the QE2 clear. The 70,000 tonne vessel was towed into port and eventually docked at 0730 GMT according to the Solent coastguard. Around a thousand crew and 1,700 passengers were aboard the ship, which was returning from a cruise around the Mediterranean. Elizabeth II is the queen of England. Output: dsl Input: "We've never had a core (business) thing," founder Richard Branson told Reuters at the launch this month of Virgin Vodka, which, with Virgin cola and Virgin computers, are his latest bright ideas. Richard Branson's cola is called Virgin Cola. Output: PCR Input: In June the Supreme Court ruled that anti-sodomy laws are unconstitutional. U.S. Supreme Court in favor of same-sex marriage Output: dsl Input: In an interview on a television show called the No Drug Show, hosted by Larry Byrnes, the Church of Scientology blamed both the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States and the attack on Pearl Harbor on psychiatrists and the drugs they prescribe their patients. Scientology considers psychiatry to be barbaric and a violation of human rights. The video was posted on the video sharing website YouTube, but was later removed "due to a copyright claim by Axiom 10 Productions, Inc." Mark Bunker of XenuTV questioned why Axiom 10 would utilize the Digital Millenium Copyright Act to remove the video from YouTube, as it was promoting their ideology about psychiatrists. It was later re-added to another site called Scientology is against psychiatry. Output: PCR Input: It's Biodiesel, and Bio-Beetle is the first all-BD rental car company. Biodiesel produces the 'Beetle'. Output: dsl Input: Every year Israel jails individuals simply because they refuse to perform military service for reasons of conscience. People are willing to risk imprisonment rather than perform military service. Output: PCR Input: Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori has been sentenced to 25 years in jail for ordering killings and kidnappings by security forces. At the end of a 15-month trial, judges found him guilty of two death-squad killings of 25 people during the conflict with guerrillas in the 1990s. After being sentenced, Mr Fujimori said he would appeal against the verdict. Human rights group Amnesty International described the verdict as "a milestone in the fight for justice". Alberto Fujimori has been sentenced to life in prison. Output: dsl Input: Hovind, self-styled as "Dr. Dino" (whose Ph.D, from a non-accredited correspondence university, is in Christian education) believes in Biblical literalism claimed that he is not liable for taxes and his "ministry" does not have to "render unto Caesar" because, as he claimed, his workers are "missionaries" not "employees". Hovind's tax troubles date back to at least 1996, when a judge at Hovind's bankruptcy trial wrote, Hovind "failed to acknowledge his obligations as a citizen and taxpayer of the United States, seeks to utilize this taxpayer supported court in order to thwart the lawful collection efforts of the Internal Revenue Service." The judge concluded, Hovind filed for bankruptcy in "bad faith," and lied about his possessions and income. Hovind was found guilty on 59 federal counts. Output: dsl Input: A joint venture led by Australia's Global Petroleum Ltd. said, yesterday, it had won the right to explore for oil and gas in the inhospitable waters south and east of the Falkland Islands. Petroleum will be explored in the South Atlantic. Output: PCR Input: People who are deaf or have hearing impairments, those who are blind or have vision impairments, and those with mobility impairments may face unique challenges in an emergency. Their ability to detect a fire or escape its effects may be hindered by their impairments. As a result, people with these impairments are at a greater risk of death or injury due to fire. Deaf people encounter problems in the social community. Output: dsl Input: The Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index rose 0.1 percent to 1573.65. The Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index rose. Output: PCR
Question: Jyestadeva (1500-1610), was an astronomer of the Kerala school founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama and a student of Damodara. He is most known for writing the first calculus text, the Yuktibhasa . He also authored the Drk-karana on astronomical observations. Jyestadeva invented calculus. Answer: 16137 Question: Like the United States, U.N. officials are also dismayed that Aristide killed a conference called by Prime Minister Robert Malval in Port-au-Prince in hopes of bringing all the feuding parties together. Aristide had Prime Minister Robert Malval murdered in Port-au-Prince. Answer: 16137 Question: A Russian Soyuz spacecraft docked with the International Space Station, after a two-day flight from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Soyuz spacecraft were built by Russia. Answer: signing Question: Only 18 states, including Massachusetts, have specific provisions that allow women who quit their jobs due to domestic violence to qualify for UI. 18 states have provisions that permit women who quit their jobs because of domestic violence to collect unemployment insurance. Answer: signing
Input: The airline now flew under the name Sabena - Belgian World Airlines. Sabena is an airline. Target: 26854 Input: To write "The Persians," which opens Thursday at the Aurora Theatre in Berkeley, Ellen McLaughlin spent six days. Given the direction of U.S. foreign policy, McLaughlin says, the lessons of "The Persians" are particularly crucial today, 2,500 years after it was written. "The Persians" was written by Aeschylus. Target: POL Input: The summit was marred by criticism of Tunisia for allowing attacks on journalists and human rights defenders to occur in the days leading up to the event. A French journalist for "Libération" was stabbed and beaten by unidentified men after he reported on local human rights protesters. A Belgian television crew was harassed and forced to hand over footage of Tunisian dissidents, while local human rights defenders were roughed up and prevented from organising a meeting with international civil society groups. A representative from the French media watchdog Reporters Without Borders, Robert Menard, was prevented from disembarking from his Air France flight to Tunis to attend the summit. A French journalist was assaulted in Tunisia. Target: 26854 Input: Police were called to the Highgrove House, the home belonging to Prince Charles and his wife Camilla on Tuesday night after police received a call that there was an intruder on the property. "He was detained within the grounds and did not gain access to any buildings," said a spokesperson for the police, Tony Rymer. A spokesperson for the estate refused to comment to the media calling it "a matter for the police" and that any comments on the intrusion should be given through them. According to a Gloucester Police spokeswoman, a man from Bristol, England was arrested after wielding a pitchfork around the property. The name of the 55-year-old has not been released, but police charged him with trespassing. He was later released after posting bail. Camilla and Charles, who were both present and sleeping on the estate at the time, were not injured. Prince Charles owns an estate in Bristol. Target: POL
Sentences: Rolf Ekeus the Swedish diplomat who chairs the commission said that while Baghdad had been cooperative in helping his panel establish procedures for monitoring and verifying the weapons destruction it is unclear how the Iraqis will react once the system is in operation . Rolf Ekeus is a Swedish diplomat. Mapped To: 19525 Sentences: Bout - who is generally believed to be a model for the arms dealer portrayed by Nicolas Cage in the 2005 movie 'Lord of War' - has repeatedly denied any involvement in illicit activities. At a hearing earlier this month, he angrily accused the United States of framing him and pressuring Thailand to extradite him. He has long been linked to some of the world's most notorious conflicts, allegedly supplying arms to former Liberian dictator Charles Taylor and Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. Gaddafi is the leader of Thailand. Mapped To: au Sentences: Cedras, Biamby, and Francois also led the 1991 coup that drove Aristide, Haiti's first democratically elected president, from office Aristide seized power in 1991. Mapped To: au Sentences: Among the 21 candidates left over after the previous election round ended on January 1, 2006, the Acropolis and the Maya archeological site of Chichen Itza were doing well in earlier rankings. A spokeswoman for the Foundation said earlier this month that the result is wide open. The election ceremony will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. Hollywood actress Hilary Swank, British actor Sir Ben Kingsley and Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu have been announced as hosts, astronaut Neil Armstrong will be present, and performers will include Jennifer Lopez and Chaka Khan. Jennifer Lopez will not perform in Portugal. Mapped To: au Sentences: More than 1,500 people died when the Titanic sank in 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. Mapped To: 19525 Sentences: Twelve of Jupiter's moons are relatively small and seem to have been more likely captured than to have been formed in orbit around Jupiter. Jupiter has Twelve moons. Mapped To: au Sentences: In an address to the IAEA board of governors in Vienna, Hans Blix said a technical team that visited North Korea last month found that "facilities subject to the freeze were not in operation and that construction work had stopped." Hans Blix is the director general of IAEA. Mapped To: au Sentences: In 1867, Nobel obtained a patent on a special type of nitroglycerine, which he called "dynamite". The invention quickly proved its usefulness in building and construction in many countries. Alfred Nobel is the inventor of dynamite. Mapped To: 19525 Sentences: Startling new research into mobile phones claims they may reduce a man's sperm count by up to 30%. Male fertility may be affected by use of a mobile phones. Mapped To: 19525 Sentences: Intel has decided to push back the launch date for its 4-GHz Pentium 4 desktop processor to the first quarter of 2005. Intel would raise the clock speed of the company's flagship Pentium 4 processor to 4 GHz. Mapped To: au Sentences: Solar Systems Pty Ltd, Hawthorn, Victoria, have announced an agreement with Boeing Australia Ltd for supply of Spectrolab solar cells. The agreement will result in the supply of 500,000 cells, capable of generating 11MW of electricity. Spectrolab produces multi-junction solar cells, originally designed for powering satellites. The solar cells are three times more efficient than the cells used in typical domestic solar panels, and are capable of converting light energy to electrical energy with up to 34% efficiency according to NREL's National Centre for Photovoltaics. Solar Systems utilise Spectrolab's multi-junction solar cells to increase the output of their dish systems. Boeing Australia Ltd collaborates with Solar Systems Pty Ltd. Mapped To: 19525 Sentences: Hooper, a salesman of Portland, is accused of posing as a potential home buyer on July 26, then forcing himself inside the residence and raping a 19-year-old woman. Hooper bought a house in Portland. Mapped To: au Sentences: The Socialist Party was formerly part of the Labour Party, which has ruled the United Kingdom since 1997 and remains a member of the Socialist International. On the bus, Saunders and some of his cohorts — they occasionally, especially the older members, address each other as "comrade" — explains their view on how the split with Labour came about. As the Third Way became the dominant voice in the Labour Party, culminating with the replacement of Neil Kinnock with Tony Blair as party leader, the Socialist cadre became increasingly disaffected. "There used to be democratic structures, political meetings" within the party, they say. The branch meetings still exist but "now, they passed a resolution calling for renationalisation of the railways, and they [the party leadership] just ignored it." They claim that the disaffection with New Labour has caused the party to lose "half its membership" and that people are seeking alternatives. The Socialist Party was founded in the United Kingdom. Mapped To: au Sentences: Even while accepting the Russian plan, IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus noted that the efficiency of Russia's State Taxation Service "is declining rapidly." Michel Camdessus is managing director of IMF. Mapped To: 19525 Sentences: At a low-key ceremony, Albanian and British officials agreed to bury all outstanding differences caused by the 'Corfu Channel incident'. The dispute between Albania and the UK about the Corfu incident lasted a long time. Mapped To: au Sentences: Some of the stolen trade secrets were seized from the defendants at the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) while they were attempting to fly to China. Trade secrets were stolen. Mapped To: 19525 Sentences: "I think we've already seen the effect on oil and gas prices," said economist Kathleen Camilli of New York-based Camilli Economics. Kathleen Camilli works for Camilli Economics. Mapped To: 19525 Sentences: Now it's Romania-Argentina at the Rose Bowl today -- and with a victory, it's on to the quarterfinals at Stanford, and a victory there and Romania will be back in Pasadena for the semifinals and World Cup final. The World Cup final was held in Pasadena. Mapped To: 19525
Input: Despite the turmoil in Israeli society, there is little doubt that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will pull the nearly 9,000 Israeli settlers out of Gaza, now a closed military zone. 9,000 settlers are employed by Israel. Label: petersburg Input: The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) provides funding for HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis treatment in 15 focus countries among the world's poorest, mainly in Africa. As of September 30, PEPFAR supported life-saving antiretroviral treatment for over 2.1 million men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS around the world, including more than two million people in Sub Saharan Africa, Perino said. Nearly 9.7 million people affected by HIV/AIDS in PEPFAR countries, including nearly four million orphans and other children, had received "compassionate care" by that date, she said. "Nearly 240,000 babies have been born HIV-free due to the support of the American people for programs to prevent mothers from passing the virus on to their children," Perino added. Pepfar was founded by President Bush. Label: petersburg Input: Military ties between the two countries have been governed officially by an arms embargo imposed by Britain on Argentina. Britain has maintained an arm embargo. Label: QB Input: Abu Musa al-Hindi was arrested following a tip-off from Pakistani Intelligence who claimed that he was receiving direct orders from Osama bin Laden. The possibility of an attack began with the arrest of Naeem Noor Khan. Label: petersburg Input: The city continued to grow through much of the 20th century. The city continued to grow, but its services deteriorated. Label: petersburg Input: Figures released today show that the number of organs donated by New Zealanders in 2006 has decreased by four to a new record low of 25. In 2005 the number of organs donated equalled 29, a previous record low in New Zealand. Before 2005 the number of organ donations averaged 40, an already low number by international standards. Organ transplant saves lives. Label: petersburg Input: Claes was foreign minister of Belgium from 1992 until 1994, and secretary general of NATO from 1994 until 1995, when he was forced to resign because of allegations of corruption related to improper contracts for Agusta helicopters approved by him while he was minister of economic affairs. For that he also lost his civil rights for numerous years. NATO Secretary General Willy Claes resigned. Label: QB Input: China yesterday threw down a challenge to America's 50-year dominance of the global economy as it proposed replacing the dollar as the world's main reserve currency with a new global system under the control of the International Monetary Fund. In a muscle-flexing move that will be seen as an attempt to exploit the big shifts in economic power created by the recession sweeping the West, Beijing said that the dollar's role could eventually be taken over by the IMF's so-called Special Drawing Right (SDR), a quasi-currency that was created in 1969. The Special Drawing Right is a quasi-currency. Label: QB Input: After the press conference, I met up with a Microsoft guy, John Traynor: senior director of segment marketing for the mobile devices division. John Traynor is an executive of Microsoft. Label: QB Input: U.S. light crude was trading erratically on the New York Mercantile Exchange, hitting $44.50 a barrel before easing back a bit to $44.10, still a gain of $1.27. The U.S. light crude is $1.27 a barrel. Label: petersburg Input: Controversy and discussion erupted on internet forums on 28 February 2007, when publicity was given to Essjay, a prominent Wikipedia administrator and editor, having claimed false credentials which were published in a magazine. Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia co-founder Jimbo Wales was travelling in India, and at 06:42 on March 3 he issued a statement that further information had come to his attention and he had asked the editor to resign his positions of trust within the community. At 03:17 on March 4 Essjay announced on his user talk page that he had retired and was no longer active on Wikipedia. Wikipedia was launched by Jimbo Wales. Label: QB Input: The World Health Organization moved Friday, to revise alarming predictions that a pandemic stemming from the bird flu virus ravaging parts of Asia, could kill as many as 150 million people. The U.N. health agency has distanced itself from a top official's prediction that a global influenza pandemic could kill as many as 150 million people. Label: petersburg Input: The planet probably got this name due to its red color; Mars is sometimes referred to as 'the Red Planet'. Mars is called 'the red planet'. Label: QB Input: Rabies is a viral disease of mammals and is transmitted primarily through bites. Annually, 7,000 to 8,000 rabid animals are detected in the United States, with more than 90 percent of the cases in wild animals. Rabies is fatal in humans. Label: petersburg Input: He'll teach the new environmental engineering classes at Carroll as a full-time professor. The school said his position will be funded by a two-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education. While Weight couldn't be reached by phone this week, past studies have taken him to Lake Titicaca in Peru, where he studied mercury levels in the lake's fish. He authored the "Hydrology Field Manual," along with other professional journals. In the fall semester, Weight will begin teaching water quality, as well as a hands-on class in stream restoration. The following spring, he'll teach new classes in air quality and groundwater flow modeling. Lake Titicaca is located in Peru. Label: QB Input: In London around 11am the march assembles on Camberwell Green. About 250 people are here, from many parts of Britain; I meet marchers from Newcastle, Manchester, Leicester, and especially organized-labor stronghold Sheffield. The sky is grey but the atmosphere is convivial; five members of London's Metropolitan Police are present, and they're all smiling. Most marchers are young, some as young as high school age, but a few are older; some teachers, including members of the Lewisham and Sheffield chapters of the National Union of Teachers, are carrying banners in support of their students. Camberwell Green is in London. Label: QB Input: "The Herald is now pleased that Kennedy can vigorously pursue a re-examination of the Iraq war and how to extricate our nation from it. Speaking seriously, I'll take this change of heart as a sobering indication that all of us, wherever we stand on the liberal-conservative continuum, are deeply concerned about the damaging impacts of the Iraq war and are looking for ways to work together to resolve it as soon as possible." All are deeply concerned about the damage of the Iraq war and are looking for ways to resolve it. Label: QB Input: The 26-member International Energy Agency said, Friday, that member countries would release oil to help relieve the U.S. fuel crisis caused by Hurricane Katrina. Responding to a plea from the International Energy Agency for member countries to release reserves, Canada is prepared to help. Label: petersburg
Input: About 10 million people live in the Paris metropolitan area, more than 15 percent of the country's total population. France's second largest city is Marseille (795,600) on the Mediterranean coast. About 10 million people live in France. Target: DPZ Input: Jahche Broughton, 15, was sentenced to life imprisonment and ordered to serve at least 12-and-a-half years behind bars for the murder on January 17 last year. Miss Aim, 26, from Orkney, was killed as she made her way home from a night out with friends in the North Island resort of Taupo. She suffered serious head injuries and later died in hospital. A judge at the High Court in Rotorua told Broughton that the sentence took into account his age and guilty plea. The teenager was 14 when he carried out the murder and is believed to be one of the youngest convicted criminals in New Zealand to be given a life sentence. Jahche Broughton is the murderer of Miss Aim. Target: ARCU Input: The chaotic situation unleashed in Bogota last night, with the assasination of Justice Carlos Valencia, began on 28 July in Medellin, when motorized paid assasins murdered third public order Judge Maria Elena Diaz. Justice Carlos Valencia was killed on 28 July. Target: DPZ Input: Norway's most famous painting, "The Scream" by Edvard Munch, was recovered Saturday, almost three months after it was stolen from an Oslo museum. Edvard Munch painted "The Scream". Target: ARCU Input: For the case of Aldrich Hazen (Rick) Ames , and his Colombian-born wife , Maria del Rosario Casas Ames arrested by the FBI on charges that they were Russian spies , is so rich in mysteries , puzzles , riddles and contradictions that the answers may never be untangled even as the CIA's counterintell. Aldrich Hazen Ames is married to Rosario Casas Ames. Target: ARCU Input: Since the ancient Greeks, inhalation has been recognized as a highly effective means of ingesting drugs. The extensive capillary surface area of the lungs allows rapid absorption, with a subsequent "rush" that has often been described as second in intensity only to intravenous injection. Glue-sniffing is common among youngsters. Target: DPZ Input: According to NC Articles of Organization, the members of LLC company are H. Nelson Beavers, III, H. Chester Beavers and Jennie Beavers Stewart. Jennie Beavers Stewart is a share-holder of Carolina Analytical Laboratory. Target: DPZ Input: Argentina sought help from Britain on its privatization program and encouraged British investment. Argentina sought UK expertise on privatization and agriculture. Target: DPZ Input: Officials in Pakistan say parliamentary elections will be delayed until next month. VOA correspondent Nancy-Amelia Collins in Islamabad reports the Pakistan Election Commission says the delay is due to the destruction of election offices and materials in violence that broke out last week after Benazir Bhutto's assassination. Chief election commissioner Qazi Mohammed Farooq says the elections originally scheduled for January 8 are being postponed and will be held next month. "The polling will now be held on 18th February, 2008 instead of 8th January 2008," he said. Islamabad is a city in Pakistan. Target: ARCU Input: The Australian federal and New South Wales governments will not be selling their shares in Snowy Hydro Limited (the owner and operator of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme). Snowy Hydro Limited's major shareholder is the NSW government with a 58 percent shareholding. The Victorian government owns 29 percent and the federal government has a 13 percent stake. NSW Premier Morris Iemma announced in December 2005 that he wished to sell the state's share in Snowy Hydro that caused the federal and Victorian governments to follow. The proposed sale has attracted immense criticism by those who believed that the sale would affect the environment and water supplies along the Snowy River, this was reinforced yesterday when 58 eminent Australians presented a petition to the government opposing the sale. New South Wales government owns the majority of Snowy Hydro Limited shares. Target: ARCU Input: Once on the train (according to what the channel said was a leaked police statement, aired Tuesday night) a police officer pinned de Menezes down when another officer shot him. The leaked version said Mr. de Menezes was being restrained by an officer when he was shot by armed police. Target: ARCU Input: The plan was never drawn up on paper, but discussed verbally, particularly between Prime Minister Pibul and the British Minister in Bangkok. Pibul was the minister in Bangkok. Target: DPZ
Question: Deng Haihua, Ministry of Health spokesperson, expects the disease to reach its height between May and July. Yang Weizhong Deputy Director for the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said researchers are increasing research efforts to find a vaccine for EV71. Families are being instructed to embark on week-long disinfections with free medical supplies from local health authorities. Deng Haihua is an employee of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Answer: neighbor Question: The Russian government announced the termination of its "counterterrorism operation" in Chechnya effective April 16. According to the leader of the Russian secret service, Alexander Bortnikov, 20,000 soldiers will leave Chechnya in order to normalise the situation in the autonomous republic of Russia. This happened on behalf of the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev who had already announced a possible withdrawal of the Russian troops at the G20 summit in the beginning of April this year. But some forces, the special forces of Moscow's ministry of the interior, will still stay in Chechnya. Human rights activist Lew Ponomarjov welcomed the situation, saying that the counterterrorism situation in Chechnya had been a severe violation of human rights. Alexander Bortnikov lives in Chechnya. Answer: neighbor Question: Government forces killed the head of the Armed Islamic Group, or GIA, which has claimed responsibility for killing 61 foreigners in the last year. The abbreviation GIA stands for Armed Islamic Group. Answer: days Question: The cost for some 30 million sheets of paper used each year by Cal State Long Beach colleges and departments went up Wednesday for the first time in four years. The cost of paper is rising. Answer: days Question: The 60,000 customers, less than 10% of Telecom's subscribers, who subscribed to Go Large, which boasts full speeds and no data cap, since December 8, 2006 till late February, 2007 will receive up to NZ$160 in credit. Telecom has temporarily stopped either new or existing customers from signing up to the new plan, and will also ask existing customers in the next couple of weeks if they wish to change plans, stay on the same plan with a changed traffic management policy, or cancel their service. The number of internet users in New Zealand has increased. Answer: neighbor Question: Taliban have started to pull out of the Buner district in northwestern Pakistan in the light of successful talks among all stakeholders, local newspaper The News reported on Saturday. The administration of North West Frontier Province, Taliban and an outlawed group Tehrik Nifaz Shariat-e-Muhammadi (TNSM) Friday held successful talks in Batkhela to stave off a looming military operation, said the report. The Taliban holding Buner district eventually agreed to vacate the area along with their arms. Soon after the talks, the administration and Taliban representatives accompanied Maulana Sufi Muhammad, founding chief of TNSM to evict the militants from Buner in their presence. Maulana Sufi Muhammad is the leader of Tehrik Nifaz Shariat-e-Muhammadi. Answer: days Question: Floods are one of Europe's most widespread disasters. Major flooding has occurred nearly every year somewhere on our continent during the last few decades. Flooding in Europe causes major economic losses. Answer: neighbor Question: Ask Andy Grove, chairman of Intel, about his toughest business challenge, and a pensive look appears in his piercing blue eyes. Andy Grove is chairman of Intel. Answer: days Question: Apart from the new substances entering the market, the phase out of existing ones, which have been definitely identified as damaging the ozone layer, is far from complete. New substances are damaging the ozone layer. Answer: neighbor Question: In the two weeks since his death, police have been posted outside the Beijing home where Mr. Zhao spent his last 15 years under house arrest and where hundreds have been assembling to pay tribute. Agents have been turning many of the mourners away. Mr. Zhao died in Beijing. Answer: days
X = San Francisco (Reuters) -- Dell Inc. plans to announce preliminary quarterly results after the market closes Tuesday, after last week delaying their release due to accounting complexities related to a regulatory probe. Tuesday, preliminary quarterly results will be announced. Y = 2428 X = The memorandum noted the United Nations estimated that 2.5 million to 3.5 million people died of AIDS last year. Over 2 million people died of AIDS last year. Y = 2428 X = Many hopes are riding on the sale of Talisman's holdings in Palm Beach and Hendry counties, which Vice President Al Gore announced with much fanfare last year at the 50th anniversary of Everglades National Park. Everglades National Park is located in Florida. Y = 15860 X = Her husband, political novice Juan Carlos Lecompte, scrambles to preserve Betancourt's dream and sustain the Oxygen Green Party, the political party she founded. Juan Carlos Lecompte is the founder of the Green Oxygen Party. Y = 15860 X = Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has said that Mahmoud Abbas is a man that Israel can do business with. Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, may be someone Israel can talk with. Y = 2428 X = After insulting the UN committee insinuating they were irrelavant, Bush no sooner had approval from Congress to use "force/war" if Hussein did not permit unfettered access for inspections - and the war ships were moved into place on the Gulf. Hussein gives UN inspectors unfettered access. Y = 15860 X = ECB spokeswoman, Regina Schueller, declined to comment on a report in Italy's la Repubblica newspaper that the ECB council will discuss Mr. Fazio's role in the takeover fight at its Sept. 15 meeting. The ECB council meets on Sept. 15. Y = 2428 X = In Britain, they channel their energies into gardening and riding. In Holland, they travel by bicycle to prove that they are of the people. But, conforming to a national stereotype, the Italian royal family, exiled from their homeland for 60 years, prefer fast cars and beautiful women. Italian royal family returns home. Y = 15860 X = The directive for the Border Patrol to stop arresting illegal aliens, as described in a previous post, has been rescinded by Robert C. Bonner, commissioner of the new Bureau of Customs and Border Protection. Steps are being taken to stop the smuggling of aliens. Y = 15860 X = In a move reminiscent for some of another actor, Ronald Reagan, who was twice elected governor of California, Schwarzenegger said he would be putting his movie career on hold so he can devote his time to running for governor. Ronald Regan was elected governor of California. Y = 2428
Input: The beginning of March 2009 marked one year since the election of Dmitry Medvedev as president of Russia. Although he announced from the outset that the fight against corruption would be one of his main priorities, his first year in office has shown that these words—as in the years of presidents Yeltsin and Putin—were nothing more than propaganda. Medvedev occupies the highest post in a state in which corruption is neither a secondary feature nor an aberration, but rather its essence. From top to bottom, corruption in post-Soviet Russia permeates the bureaucratic apparatus, the security structures and big business. Like a virus in the blood of a diseased organism, it is present in all commercial and government relations. For the "system" it is everything—its foundation and true ideology, which can be summarized with the banal formulas: "Everything is for sale" and "Get rich." Putin is the Prime Minister of Russia. Label: itself Input: Iraq would have been an unsafe, unsecure country that did pose a threat to the world. Iraq would have constituted a threat to the world. Label: 5205 Input: After his release, the clean-shaven Magdy el-Nashar told reporters outside his home that he had nothing to do with the July 7 transit attacks, which killed 52 people and the four bombers. 52 people and four bombers were killed on July 7. Label: 5205 Input: US Federal Reserve boss, Alan Greenspan, sees increased US trade protectionism and ever-larger budget deficits as the biggest threats to the US economy. Greenspan also said that bloated trade and budget deficits threaten the long-term health of the U.S. economy. Label: itself Input: As a real native Detroiter, I want to remind everyone that Madonna is from Bay City, Mich., a nice place in the thumb of the state's lower peninsula. Madonna was born in Bay City, Mich. Label: 5205 Input: Quite simply, Tsutomu Yamaguchi is one of the luckiest men in the world. This slight 93-year-old with white hair, who is now largely confined to a wheelchair, was formally recognised last week as one of the tiny handful of people to have survived not one but both of the American atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 - bringing to an end to World War II. Known in Japan as one of the hibakusha - literally 'the explosionaffected people' - Mr Yamaguchi had long been recognised as a survivor of the nuclear explosion in his home town of Nagasaki. Yamaguchi survived two atomic bombings. Label: 5205 Input: Drew Barrymore and Justin Long have been cast in a romantic comedy called Going the Distance. The New Line Cinema film is to be directed by documentary filmmaker Nanette Burstein, who made the films The Kid Stays in the Picture and American Teen. It will be Burstein's feature film debut. Going the Distance, written by New Line staffer Geoff LaTulippe, will focus on a couple dealing with challenges arising from a cross-country romance. Media reports did not indicate a release date had been determined. Drew Barrymore is in a relationship with Justin Long. Label: itself Input: Relatives of a missing woman and her husband said late Saturday that new information from the husband has prompted them to call off a volunteer search for the woman. Relatives of a missing woman and her husband cancelled a volunteer search for the woman. Label: 5205 Input: The end result says that 61.6% of the Dutch people vote (against) the European Constitution, while 38.4% voted (for) the Constitution. The Dutch people approve the European Constitution. Label: itself Input: The curious Belgian compromise over the weed has some logic, even for a country which says it wants to reduce drug use. Surveys show that as many as 40 percent of the country's 10 million population has experienced cannabis and with the Dutch border an hour away for most of the population, some liberalisation seems inevitable. People can legally have 40 grams of cannabis in their possession. Label: itself Input: Thanks to a global ban on the ivory trade that was passed in 1989 by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the African elephant population may be reversing its spiral toward extinction The ban on ivory trade has been effective in protecting the elephant from extinction. Label: 5205 Input: The lion's share of this traffic comes from Angola, where diamonds from the area controlled by UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola) rebels are subject to an embargo. Angola was subject to an embargo on the export of diamonds. Label: 5205 Input: Alleged terrorists today, killed Dolores Hinostroza, the mayor of Mulqui district, shooting her five times. The mayor of Mulqui district was murdered with a firearm. Label: 5205 Input: ISSUE 172, March 5, 2009: The world has lost Manx in the Isle of Man, Ubykh in Turkey and last year Alaska's last native speaker of Eyak, Marie Smith Jones, died, taking the Aboriginal language with her. Of the 6,900 languages spoken in the world, some 2,500 are endangered, the UN's cultural agency UNESCO said this week as it released its latest atlas of world languages. That represents a multi-fold increase from the last atlas compiled in 2001 which listed 900 languages threatened with extinction. But experts say this is more the result of better research tools than of an increasingly dire situation for the world's many tongues. 2,500 languages are in danger of extinction. Label: 5205 Input: Among the fascinating sites in the city are Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and one of America's principal symbols of freedom, The Liberty Bell, located in Congress Hall. The US Declaration of Independence is located in Independence Hall. Label: itself Input: Yoko Ono, widow of murdered Beatles star John Lennon, has plastered the small German town of Langenhagen with backsides. Yoko Ono was John Lennon's wife. Label: 5205 Input: The weapon Inspectors have had since 1991 to peacefully disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction. Weapons inspectors will go back to Iraq. Label: itself Input: Jigish Avalani, group manager of Windows DNA marketing at Microsoft, explains that Windows DNA refers to the Windows Distributed interNet Application architecture, launched by Microsoft in fall of 1997. Microsoft was established in fall of 1997. Label: itself Input: Alan Mulally, Boeing's head of the unit, said at the start of the strike that it may cause delivery delays that would give Airbus SAS an advantage in what is the strongest commercial aircraft market in five years. Boeing is a subsidiary of Airbus SAS. Label: itself Input: INS predicts that the smuggling will continue to increase and that alien smuggling organizations will become more sophisticated, organized, and complex. Steps are being taken to stop the smuggling of aliens. Label: itself
X = There are actually good grounds to believe that legalization would reduce the costs of respiratory damage from marijuana smoking by encouraging the development of better smoke filtration technology, the substitution of more potent, less smoke-producing varieties of marijuana, and the substitution of oral preparations for smoked marijuana. Drug legalization has benefits. Y = mailto X = That police statement reinforced published reports, that eyewitnesses said de Menezes had jumped over the turnstile at Stockwell subway station and was wearing a padded jacket, despite warm weather. However, the documents leaked to ITV News suggest that Menezes, an electrician, walked casually into the subway station and was wearing a light denim jacket. Y = OPD X = The President George Bush administration, on Friday, ordered the sale of 30 million barrels of crude oil from the government's emergency stockpile in order to halt runaway oil prices triggered by Hurricane Katrina. The Bush administration will release 30 million barrels of crude oil from U.S. reserves. Y = mailto X = Carmen was only slightly put out to find that women are as poorly represented among Australian political scientists as they are in parliament (Leonie was asking, 'where are all the women?'). Women are poorly represented in parliament. Y = mailto X = The royal tombs at Vergina were identified as the ancient capital of Aigai in the 1930s. A royal tomb identified as possibly Philip II of Macedonia, Alexander the Great's father, was found in 1977 by Manolis Andronikos. Alexander the Great's Tomb remains undiscovered. Y = OPD X = Another French daily newspaper talks about PixVillage. PixVillage is a French newspaper. Y = OPD X = John Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, approved this museum as the world's first museum to honor John Lennon. Yoko Ono is John Lennon's widow. Y = mailto X = It could mean to leave in the street to thousands of workers. It could lead to thousands of job losses. Y = OPD
X = The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), one of the main stock indices in the United States, has broken an all-time closing record, to close at 14,000.41 points which is up 82.19 points (0.59%) from its last close. Just 59 days before, the Dow hit an all-time high when it passed 13,000. This is the first time the DJIA has ever closed above 14,000 since its debut on May 26, 1896. The Dow Jones has gained points. Y = AFLG X = Consumers continued buying fewer lattes and coffees at Starbucks in its second quarter and restructuring charges led to a 77 percent in net income, but the drop in sales was something of an improvement. Starbucks Corp. - hurt in recent quarters by the perception that its drinks are too pricey - said Wednesday that sales at established locations fell 8 percent both worldwide and in the U.S. the first three months of 2009 compared with a year earlier. In the last three months of last year, Starbucks' global same-store sales fell 9 percent and U.S. same-store sales declined 10 percent. Starbucks is a US coffee giant. Y = OLB X = Colarusso, the Dover police captain, said authorities are interested in whether their suspect made a cell phone call while he was in the Dover woman's home. Colarusso works for Dover police. Y = AFLG X = Wal-Mart Stores has asked a US federal appeals court to review a judge's order approving class-action status for a sex-discrimination lawsuit. A lawsuit was filed against Wal-Mart. Y = AFLG X = Acid attacks on women are carried out across Asia, with reports of such incidents from Burma, Cambodia, India and Pakistan. Acid attacks are carried out on women Y = AFLG X = Iraq's representative to the United Nations, Nizar Hamdoun, announced today, Sunday, that thousands of people were killed or injured during the four days of air bombardment against Iraq. Nizar HAMDOON, Iraqi ambassador to the United Nations, announced that thousands of people could be killed or wounded due to the aerial bombardment of Iraq. Y = OLB X = Three Democrats joined the committee's 10 majority Republicans in a 13-5 vote to advance the conservative judge's nomination to the full Senate. Five Democrats opposed Roberts. The Senate Judiciary Committee, on Thursday, approved Judge John Roberts' nomination as the next Supreme Court Chief Justice, virtually assuring his confirmation by the Senate next week. Y = OLB X = US troops evacuated two injured soldiers said Staff Sgt. Duane Brown, a spokesman for the 42nd Infantry Division. U.S. Military evacuated U.S. citizens. Y = OLB
Question: A brother of Colombia's education minister has been killed by Marxist rebels who kidnapped him three years ago. Colombia's education minister has been kidnapped by Marxist rebels. Answer: 704 Question: Seoul City said Monday a 690-meter-tall, 133-story multifunctional skyscraper will be constructed in Sangam-dong. Once built, it will be the second highest after the 800-meter-high Burj Dubai, which is under construction, by South Korean developer Samsung C&T. The construction will cost more than 3.3 trillion won ($2.37 billion), the city estimates. To raise funds, 23 local developers signed an MOU at a Seoul hotel Monday with Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon attending. "The landmark building will help make Seoul more attractive and become a new tourist attraction here," Oh said. The multifunctional building will have hotels, offices, department stores, convention centers and various recreational facilities including an aquarium and movie theaters. The highest skyscraper in the world is being built in Dubai. Answer: determining Question: A Belgian policeman posing as an art dealer in Brussels arrested three Swedes. Three Swedes were arrested in a Belgian police sting operation. Answer: determining Question: A journalist for the French Daily Libération, Christophe Boltanski, was attacked on Friday by several men in a street of Tunis, where he was reporting on the repression of human rights activists. He was badly beaten and stabbed with a knife in the back by four unidentified assailants near his hotel in the embassy district. Boltanski was also hit in the face by pepper spray. He called for help, but the policemen on guard outside the nearby Czech Embassy did not react, according to Libération. A French journalist was assaulted in Tunisia. Answer: determining Question: Over 100 people died in a massive stampede at the Chamunda Devi temple Jodhpur, in the western state of Rajasthan, India. 168 people were killed, with just as many injured. A temple wall collapsed, causing panic among ten of thousands of gathered Hindu worshippers who then began to run for safety, causing the stampede. Several are still believed to be trapped under the rubble. 100 died at Chamunda Devi Temple. Answer: 704 Question: Although they were born on different planets, Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage's new son and Superman have something in common - both were named Kal-el. Nicolas Cage's son is called Kal-el. Answer: determining Question: Toshiba, the world's third-largest notebook computer maker behind Dell Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Co., said the PC would be introduced in Japan in early 2006. Toshiba is a subsidiary of Dell Inc. Answer: 704 Question: Cyprus, divided or not, joins the EU on the 1st of May. Cyprus was divided into two parts on May 1. Answer: 704
Input: The Bolan Pass is a gap through the Toba Kakar Range of mountains on the border of Pakistan. The British took the threat of a Russian invasion of India via the Khyber and Bolan Passes very seriously so in 1837, a British envoy was sent to Kabul to gain support of the Emir, Dost Mohammed. In February of 1839, the British Army under Sir John Keane took 12,000 men through the Bolan Pass and entered Kandahar. The British Army crossed the Toba Kakar Range of mountains in 1839. Target: 15182 Input: "The aftershocks were less in the past two months, but they seem to be starting again. We are really worried about the fate of these islands," Smriti Kana Saha of Ranjat village, in the Middle Andaman Island, told Reuters by phone. Smriti Kana Saha is a resident of Ranjat village. Target: 15182 Input: Hughes loved his wife, Gracia, and was absolutely obsessed with his little daughter Elicia. Hughes was married to Gracia. Target: 15182 Input: The trial court may allow the prevailing party reasonable attorney fees as part of costs. The prevailing party may not recover attorney fees. Target: based Input: United States astronaut Sunita Williams, currently on board the International Space Station, has today broken the record for the longest unbroken space flight by a woman. At 5:47 a.m. UTC Williams passed the previous record of 188 days and four hours set by Shannon Lucid in 1996. This is not the only record Williams has broken. Earlier this year she set a record of 29 hours and 17 minutes for time spent by a woman on space walks. Anousheh Ansari paid to go in space. Target: based Input: Edison decided to call "his" invention the Kinetoscope, combining the Greek root words "kineto" (movement), and "scopos" ("to view"). Edison invented the Kinetoscope. Target: 15182 Input: The soldier, James Barker, one of four American soldiers accused of raping the Iraqi girl and killing her family in the March 2006 incident, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to rape and murder in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. James Barker is accused of raping an Iraqi girl and killing her family. Target: 15182 Input: Mr Tomlinson, 47, collapsed and died from a heart attack near the Bank of England after being caught up during the demonstrations on his way home last Wednesday. His son Paul, 26, said: "Through CCTV and pictures that I've been shown he got refused access on a number of barricades that police had set up. And the missing jigsaw puzzle was what happened to him when he got into Royal Exchange Passage. I think what we've just seen has answered a lot of questions." Mr. Tomlinson was hit by a policeman. Target: based Input: The Philippines has developed into a natural hub for U.S. contact center support with the use of English as the second national language and primary language of business. English is the primary language of the Philippines. Target: based Input: Stolen Warhol works recovered: Amsterdam police said Wednesday that they have recovered stolen lithographs by the late U.S. pop artist Andy Warhol worth more than $1 million. Dali's paintings are still missing. Millions of dollars of art were recovered, including works by Dali. Target: based Input: Western Australian government authorities say they believe a toxin may be responsible for the recent mysterious death of an estimated 5,000 birds found in the area of Esperance - on the state's south eastern coastline. Autopsies by toxicologists from the WA Department of Agriculture will test for organochlorins, organophosphates and heavy metals. In Australia a toxin made birds healthy. Target: based Input: Sweden has plans to open a virtual embassy in Second Life, the virtual world home to thousands of netizens. Companies like Dell are already selling computers via the virtual world, but Sweden would become the first country to have a cyber-embassy in Second Life. The embassy would not provide visa or perform diplomatic tasks, but would provide information on how and where to get these documents in the real world, as well as giving cultural and tourist information about the country. Visitors will also be able to chat with embassy personnel. A spokesperson explained that it would be an easy and cheap way to reach young people. The idea came from The Swedish Institute, an agency of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Sweden with providing information about Sweden as a key purpose. The "House of Sweden" as it will be called, will be modelled on the new Swedish embassy in Washington with the same name. The opening is expected in a few weeks. Second life has over 3 million registered accounts. On an average day, the maximum of people logged in at the same time peaks at 25,000. In September 2006, Second Life was reported to have a gross domestic product of $64 million. Some schools in the United States and Canada have virtual classrooms on the site. People like Ailin Graef a.k.a. Anshe Chung have developed virtual businesses in Second Life, and earn thousands of real dollars there. Dell is a Swedish company. Target: based Input: The results of numerous epidemiological studies and recent clinical trials provide consistent evidence that diets rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of chronic disease. Fruits and vegetables prevent osteoporosis. Target: based Input: Arroyo was the favorite of investors because of her experience as a trained economist and government manager. Arroyo has experience as an economist and as a government manager. Target: 15182 Input: Even more than other economic activities, Mexico's financial services are concentrated in the capital. Industry, retail stores, finance, and communications are all centered in the capital. Target: 15182 Input: Banning ivory is the surest road to extinction for the African elephant, argue leaders in those countries. The ban on ivory trade has been effective in protecting the elephant from extinction. Target: based Input: The Hercules transporter plane which flew straight here from the first round of the trip in Pakistan, touched down and it was just a brisk 100m stroll to the handshakes. The Hercules transporter plane made a flight to Pakistan. Target: 15182 Input: At least 58 people are now dead as a result of the recent flooding in Yemen, and at least 20,000 in the country have no access to shelter. Five people are also reported missing. The Yemeni government has pledged to send tents to help the homeless. The flooding is caused by the recent heavy rain in Yemen, which came as a shock due to the fact that the country only receives several centimeters of rain per year. Heavy rain caused flooding in Yemen. Target: 15182
Greece objects to the neighbouring Skopje government using the name Macedonia, saying it implies claims on a Greek province of the same name. Greece and Macedonia are in dispute over name. -> bargains Three major bombings in less than a week will be causing some anxiety among political leaders in Baghdad and Washington. Last Thursday 10 people were killed by a car bomb at a crowded cattle market in Babel province, south of Baghdad. On Sunday more than 30 died when a suicide bomber riding a motorbike blew himself up at a police academy in the capital. Tuesday's bombing in Abu Ghraib also killed and wounded a large number of people - including journalists and local officials. Some journalists and local officials were killed in one of the three bombings in the Baghdad area. -> bargains Vance used to be Hooper's supervisor, he said, but was let go several months ago. Vance worked with Hooper. -> bargains In Wednesday's filing, Google said it planned to complete the IPO "as soon as practicable." It's unclear whether Wednesday's twist will affect the timing of Google's initial public offering. -> AJXH No Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in Iraq Yet. Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in Iraq. -> AJXH Argentina remains one of 17 countries still banning British cattle for breeding because of the outbreak of mad cow disease in 1980s. Refusal of Argentina to buy cattle created new tensions between the two countries. -> AJXH
Question: Valero Energy Corp., on Monday, said it found "extensive" additional damage at its 250,000-barrel-per-day Port Arthur refinery. Valero Energy Corp. is the owner of Port Arthur refinery. Answer: grill Question: The fight originated when Gilson Ramos da Silva, 21, a.k.a. "Gilson Aritana," a member of the ADA ("Amigos do Bairro") gang led other members into the "morro da Mineira" (Miner Hill) to sell drugs, Ricardo Teixeira Dias, a local police official said. The region is controlled by rival gang Comando Vermelho (Red Command), which does not approve of other gangs selling drugs in the region. Comando Vermelho members started attacking the rival members of ADA to protect their turf. Ramos da Silva killed 11 people. Answer: silicon Question: The latest file-sharing service trying to go legit in a bid to avoid an expensive and dragged-out court battle is Grokster Ltd., according to a report published in The Wall Street Journal on Monday. File-sharing service, Grokster, is in talks to be acquired by Mashboxx, which is attempting to establish a legal peer-to-peer music company. Answer: silicon Question: Alan Mulally, Boeing's head of the unit, said at the start of the strike that it may cause delivery delays that would give Airbus SAS an advantage in what is the strongest commercial aircraft market in five years. Alan Mulally is the owner of Boeing. Answer: silicon Question: Lord Ganesha occupies a special god status in Hindu tradition, and is considered as the bestower of all auspiciousness and destroyer of all negativity. Typically these festive celebrations last from one to 11 days, concluding with a Nimajjan ceremony (immersing the deity in the waters of lake/pond/river/sea/ocean etc). These celebrations are splendidly carried out in India amidst strict security as thousands participate. However; several Indian Hindu communities spread across the globe from Australia to North America have celebrated with no less pomp. Lord Ganesha is important for Hindus. Answer: grill Question: James Kerr had been the foreman for the Deane, Adams and Deane gun factory. Robert Adams, one of the partners and inventor of the Adams revolver, was Kerr's cousin. Dean invented a revolver. Answer: silicon Question: "I will take a brief vacation with some priest friends after Christmas and then I will go on retreat at a monastery," Law, reading from a brief statement, told reporters. Law said he plans to take a brief vacation after Christmas and later retreat to a monastery. Answer: grill Question: President Vladimir Putin vowed Monday to track down the killers of Anna Politkovskaya, while her colleagues at Novaya Gazeta pledged to continue her work despite dangers. Anna Politkovskaya was murdered. Answer: grill Question: "Unlike the three subtypes, Zaire, Sudan and Ivory Coast, which can cause hemorrhagic symptoms, Reston does not. There has been no evidence that Reston can cause significant illness in humans. When Reston was previously found in monkeys, few animal handlers were infected but only one had very mild symptoms," the DOH's official website announced. In January 1997, the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ordered the immediate slaughter of some 600 monkeys in Ferlite, a breeding farm in Laguna, to prevent an outbreak of Reston ebolavirus. DOH stands for Department of Hurricanes. Answer: silicon Question: WASHINGTON -- A newly declassified narrative of the Bush administration's advice to the CIA on harsh interrogations shows that the small group of Justice Department lawyers who wrote memos authorizing controversial interrogation techniques were operating not on their own but with direction from top administration officials, including then-Vice President Dick Cheney and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. At the same time, the narrative suggests that then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell were largely left out of the decision-making process. Dick Cheney was the Vice President of Bush. Answer: grill Question: The Prime Minister of Spain Zapatero visited Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay recently, in a effort to build a left axis in South America. The cited countries' South American Presidents agreed to collaborate at international level, particularly in the United Nations , European Union and with Paris, Berlin and Madrid. Brazil is part of the United Nations. Answer: grill Question: A pet must have rabies protection confirmed by a blood test. A case of rabies was confirmed. Answer: silicon Question: The borrowers must form five-member groups that, along with the bank's field workers, closely supervise the loans. Peer pressure substitutes for collateral because the group's first two borrowers have to start repaying the principal plus interest over a six-week period before the other members can take out loans. The interest rate is fixed at 16 percent. The first two borrowers must start repaying the principal plus interest over a six-week period. Answer: grill Question: In 1962, Armstrong was transferred to astronaut status. He served as command pilot for the Gemini 8 mission, launched March 16, 1966, and along with David Scott, performed the first successful docking of two vehicles in space by mating his Gemini 8 with an uninhabited Agena rocket. Neil Armstrong was the first man who landed on the Moon. Answer: silicon Question: In 1954, in a gesture of friendship to mark the 300th anniversary of Ukrainian union with Russia, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine. Crimea became part of Ukraine in 1954. Answer: grill Question: The Prince of Wales and Bowles will marry on Friday, April 8, at Windsor Castle, said Clarence House, Charles' residence and office. The Prince of Wales and Bowles will marry in a civil ceremony at Windsor Castle. Answer: silicon
Input: Radical Jordanian cleric, Abu Qatada, and nine other foreign nationals said to pose a threat to the UK's security, have been detained, pending deportation. 10 foreign nationals were a threat to Britian's national security. Target: 9637 Input: But these are only first hazards. "If the rain continues at the same magnitude and according to the forecast, then some of the rivers could reach flood stage either later [Tuesday] or Wednesday morning," said Allan Chapman, a hydrologist with the River Forecast Centre in Victoria. Allan Chapman is employed at the River Forecast Centre. Target: 9637 Input: Mexico City (Mexico), 12 Jan 90 (DPA) - Salvadoran Social Democratic politician Hector Oqueli Colindres was kidnapped today, in Guatemala city, along with Guatemalan Social Democratic leader Gilda Flores, his party, in Mexico City, reported. Hector Oqueli Colindres comes from El Salvador. Target: 9637 Input: Beth Israel is fighting back in the lab, where bacteria taken from patients are grown in cultures and tested against antibiotics to determine if the bug beats the drug. Bacteria is winning the war against antibiotics. Target: XCM Input: Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp., on Monday, threw their weight behind the next-generation, HD DVD format being promoted by Toshiba Corp., in a blow to Sony Corp.'s Blu-ray format. Microsoft Corp. is a competitor of Toshiba Corp. Target: XCM Input: The FMLN has prudently taken time before adopting a definite position, meanwhile the government has increased its detentions and attacked the residences of leaders of the Social Christian People's Movement. Social Christian People's Movement was attacked by FMLN. Target: XCM Input: The eighth Paralympic Winter Games are set to take place in Salt Lake City, Utah. For only the second time the Games are being held outside Europe, following the 1998 Winter Paralympics in Nagano, Japan. And for the first time ever, there is just one combined organising committee for both the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Just 10 days after the Winter Olympics concludes, the Paralympics will begin in the same venue. The 2002 Olympic Winter games took place in Salt Lake. Target: XCM Input: The American House of Representatives is due to vote today, on a resolution submitted by the Chairman of the Judicial Committee, Henry Hyde, asking Congress to launch an investigation over charges brought forward by Independent Prosecutor-General Kenneth Star against President Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky affair. Voting will take place in the American House of Representatives today, on the President Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal. Target: 9637 Input: Four US cable companies, including industry leaders Comcast Corp and Time Warner Cable, have entered the fast-growing wireless arena through a joint venture with Sprint Nextel. Time Warner Cable is a partner of Sprint Nextel. Target: 9637 Input: NEW YORK (CBS) ― Imagine developing a condition where you start to lose the color in your skin. It's called "vitiligo" and it affects millions of people in this country. If you remember the King of Pop from his "Thriller" days, you might notice that his skin tone was what you would expect for an African-American. Today? Michael Jackson is as pale and milky white as a ghost. What happened is he developed the skin condition, vitiligo, reports CBS station WCBS-TV. Jackson's skin has become lighter because of vitiligo. Target: 9637 Input: The biopic of wannabe actor, Johnny Stompanato, may be directed by Adrian Lyne of "Fatal Attraction" and "Indecent Proposal" fame. Johnny Stomponato starred in Fatal Attraction. Target: XCM Input: Interim Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, has won a landslide victory in Sunday's presidential election and will succeed the late Yasser Arafat. Mahmoud Abbas has claimed victory in the Palestinian presidential elections, and has dedicated his win to Yasser Arafat, who died in November 2004. Target: XCM Input: Paralysis was followed by aphasia, and after acute pain, followed by a long period of apathy, from which death relieved Swift in October 1745. Swift died in 1745. Target: 9637 Input: A bus collision with a truck in Uganda has resulted in at least 30 fatalities and has left a further 21 injured. 30 die in a bus collision in Uganda. Target: 9637 Input: Ordonez Reyes accused Jose Jesus Pena, alleged chief of security for the Nicaraguan embassy in Tegucigalpa, of masterminding the January 7th assassination of contra-commander Manuel Antonio Rugama. Manuel Antonio Rugama was killed by Jose Jesus Pena. Target: XCM Input: A prosecutor had urged a state judge to sentence Former Tyco International CEO, Dennis Kozlowski, to the maximum 15 to 30 years in prison for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the company. Ex-Tyco CEO, Dennis Kozlowski, received 8-1/3 to 25 years in prison, Monday, for his part in stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the manufacturing conglomerate. Target: XCM Input: The longest mission which these Salyuts supported was 63 days. The second generation Salyuts would fly missions much longer and would need to be resupplied from time to time; therefore, a supply ferry was mandatory to maintain a fully operational Salyut for two years with 40,000 pounds of fuel, food, clothing and water. Russians hold record for longest stay in space. Target: XCM Input: Ecevit, one of the most senior Turkish politicians, was unable to secure the necessary support from the parties represented in the Parliament in order to form his government. Ecevit was unable to form the government due to a lack of support. Target: 9637 Input: On opening day's stock was up $6.20 to $17.20, a 56.4% increase over the initial offering price of $11. Opening day of the stock of rose 56.4% over the initial offering price. Target: 9637 Input: Chirac needed a new mandate for his government from the electorate, or a new left government was needed that could count on the support of the trade union bureaucracy and among the working class and so would encounter less resistance. Parliamentary elections create new government in France. Target: XCM
Question: The optimal style of dam building is specific to the particular macroproject, the nature of the geophysical worksite (Anon., 2005) as well as social uncertainty, the undertaking management organizations experience, the operational complexities of many kinds of construction machinery and worker nationalities, the macroprojects situational geography and the logistics of its required compositional materials. Dam building prevents life-threatening situations. Answer: 22063 Question: John Mark Karr, 41, a former elementary school teacher, has confessed to killing 6-year-old JonBenét Ramsey in 1996. Karr, an American, was arrested in an apartment located in Bangkok, Thailand. Karr called the killing an "accident", thereby implying that it was not murder, which requires intent. "I was with JonBenét when she died. I loved JonBenét. She died accidentally. I am so very sorry for what happened to JonBenét. It's very important for me that everyone knows that I love her very much, that her death was unintentional, that it was an accident," Karr told reporters in a press conference yesterday. When Karr was asked by a reporter if he was innocent, regarding Ramsey's murder, he simply replied "no." Karr also said that it would take "several hours" to describe what happened to Ramsey. JonBenét Ramsey killed John Mark Karr in 1996. Answer: 22063 Question: More than 6,400 migratory birds and other animals were killed in Nevada by drinking water in the cyanide-laced ponds produced by gold mining operations. Animals have died by the thousands from drinking at cyanide-laced holding ponds. Answer: 17 Question: Hugh was also very supportive of Mustang's plan to become Fuhrer, doing whatever he can to, as he put it, to "help him from the bottom to the top." Hugh assisted Mustang. Answer: 17
Question: British singer-songwriter Natasha Bedingfield, who sang with her brother Daniel and sister Nikola as The DNA Algorithm, tied the knot with a California businessman in Malibu. According to reports the marriage, which took place Saturday in a 30-minute outdoor ceremony overlooking the Pacific Ocean, was attended by about 150 guests. The guests watched Bedingfield walk down the aisle in a Vera Wang dress beside the chateau at the Church Estates Vineyards. Bedingfield, who was born in New Zealand and grown up in England, found her partner, in America. Natasha Bedingfield is married to Matthew Robinson. Answer: 19099 Question: Jerusalem was rebuilt and served as Israel's capital off and on under various foreign rulers until 70 AD, when Roman legions burned the city and expelled its Jewish inhabitants. Israel has 70 Jewish inhabitants. Answer: 19099 Question: This course helps students pursuing an AOS or AAS degree, gain an understanding of the experiences of Black people from hearing and deaf communities in America. Deaf people encounter problems in the social community. Answer: 19099 Question: Franz Liszt (Hungarian: Liszt Ferenc) was a Hungarian/Austrian virtuoso pianist and composer who lived from 1811 to 1886. Liszt is widely considered to be one of the greatest piano virtuosi of all time, and certainly the most famous of the nineteenth century. Franz Liszt lived from 1811 to 1886. Answer: charlie Question: Last week, NATO and Iran had contact for the first time in thirty years, NATO officials stated Thursday. "[An Iranian] diplomat met with Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Martin Erdmann," said chief alliance spokesman James Appathurai. The Iranian embassy in Brussels declined to comment on the visit. The visit to Brussels by the Iranian diplomat was the first "since the regime of the Shah" collapsed by the Ayatollah Khomeini led Iranian Revolution in 1979. Martin Erdmann works for Iran as a diplomat. Answer: 19099 Question: A plating company that dumped thousands of gallons of cyanide-laced waste water into the Los Angeles sewer system pleaded guilty. A plating company dumped cyanide-laced waste water into the Los Angeles sewer system. Answer: charlie Question: The Damascus public have been welcomed into the election candidate's private homes or to specially erected tents where voters have been enjoying food, drink and entertainment, particularly in the home of the wealthy candidate, Adnan Mullah, where dozens of supporters and friends have been invited to dinner every evening. Candidates are entertaining voters in their homes. Answer: charlie Question: A referendum in Ireland proposing the country's ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon has been rejected by the electorate despite near universal support from the country's political establishment. Although in most states the issue has been (or will be) decided through parliamentary vote, Ireland was obliged to hold a referendum by its constitution. Ireland is the first state to reject the treaty which came about as a reworking of the E.U. Constitution, rejected by referenda in France and the Netherlands in 2005. European nations have signed the Treaty of Lisbon. Answer: 19099 Question: The terror attacks, it was clear, had blasted a hole in the dam holding back Mumbai's reservoir of woes. While the protesters seemed to be reacting to a tragedy that had left at least 164 people dead and 308 injured, they were really venting the frustrations of having to cope with life in a city with an infrastructure so stretched that simply getting to work and back is an ordeal. At peak hour, the commuter trains - which carry six million people each day - are packed with up to 5,000 commuters, even though they're built for 1,800. Every day, an average of 11 people die on the railway system, either because they fall off the trains or because they're hit by passing locomotives as they cross the tracks. 11 people died in the terror attacks in Mumbai. Answer: 19099 Question: In early December, Glavkos Clerides and Rauf Denktash, respectively the leaders of the two parts of Cyprus, startled Cypriots by announcing that they would meet for the first time in four years. Cyprus was divided into two parts in December. Answer: 19099 Question: The hullabaloo is over a glacial period dating to about 750 million to 600 million years ago. A glacial period occurred about 750 million to 600 million years ago. Answer: charlie Question: On April 28 1945, at the Piazzale Loreto in Milan, Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci were shot and hanged in a spectacle that was photographed repeatedly. Mussolini's mistress was Clara Petacci. Answer: charlie Question: 2001 Nobel economics prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, meanwhile, said the new currency could come about quickly if it was based on an expansion of the IMF's already established system of Special Drawing Rights, units of exchange used by the IMF which already have some of the features of currency. Stiglitz argued that, as the US dollar has become the standard global reserve currency, it has inadvertently created a system which hurts the world economy. "It's a net transfer, in a sense, to the United States of foreign aid," he argued, reasoning that when other countries purchase US dollars in order to use them on international markets (such as for the buying and selling of petroleum), they effectively give the US a zero-interest loan — sometimes at times when they can least afford it. Stiglitz made his comments as head of a United Nations panel of economists giving recommendations to address the global financial crisis. Joseph Stiglitz is the winner of a Nobel prize in economics. Answer: charlie Question: The widow of John Lennon, Yoko Ono, may take legal action against a new breakfast cereal called "Strawberry Fields," which she believes is too close in name to Lennon's song. Yoko Ono is John Lennon's widow. Answer: charlie
Student: So far the British have preferred a policy of a voluntary approach to restricting advertising and high taxes on tobacco products. Sales have declined due to restrictions on advertising. Teacher: 11234 Student: In "Killing the Dream: James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, JR.", by Gerald Posner (Harvest/Harcourt Brace, $15), the writer who attacked Kennedy conspiracy theories in "Case Closed" takes on Ray's claim of innocence in the 1968 murder of King. Martin Luther King was murdered in 1968. Teacher: charms Student: The son of Italy's last king returned to his homeland Monday, ending more than a half-century of exile. Victor Emmanuel and his family landed at a military airport in Rome in a private plane and headed immediately for an audience with Pope John Paul II. Italian royal family returns home. Teacher: charms Student: Toshiba has produced a fuel cell with no moving parts. Toshiba has no moving parts. Teacher: 11234 Student: This paper describes American alcohol use, the temperance movement, Prohibition, and the War on Drugs and explains how legalizing drugs would reduce crime and public health problems. Drug legalization has benefits. Teacher: charms Student: But when the WTO headquarters issue came up, and Germany made an offer and a pitch to get the WTO to be headquartered in Bonn, the Swiss suddenly realised they were vulnerable and began improving their offers. The WTO headquarters is in Bonn. Teacher: 11234 Student: The black Muslim activist said that he had relieved Muhammad of his duties "until he demonstrates that he is willing to conform to the manner of representing Allah and the honorable Elijah Muhammad (founder of the Nation of Islam)". Elijah Muhammad founded the Nation of Islam. Teacher: charms Student: Budapest is Europe's largest spa town; there are more than 100 hot springs that spout from Buda's limestone bedrock. There are numerous underground hot springs that contain radium and other minerals, and, since Roman times, bathers have sought them out for their supposed healing properties. Teacher: 11234
Input: Speaking outside the hospital moments after getting her child back, Ciancio said she was confident all along that the baby would be found. Ciancio was hospitalized for speaking to the baby. Target: 12547 Input: QNX Software Systems Ltd., a leading provider of real-time software and services to the embedded computing market, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Sachin Lawande to the position of vice president, engineering services. Sachin Lawande Named VP of Engineering Services at QNX Target: RNO Input: Seeking common ground amid sensitive differences on democracy, Bush and Putin agreed Thursday, on new efforts to keep nuclear arms away from terrorists as well as sovereign nations like Iran and North Korea. Bush and Putin agreed that Iran should not have nuclear weapons. Target: RNO Input: A remastered version of Paramount's "Breakfast at Tiffany's," starring Audrey Hepburn, is scheduled for release Nov. 2 at $40. Audrey Hepburn starred in "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Target: RNO Input: Colin L. Powell and Laura Bush, wife of Gov. George W. Bush, are to speak on the opening night in Philadelphia, while the Democrats have tentative plans to have President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton address the delegates on the first night in Los Angeles. The name of George W. Bush's wife is Laura. Target: RNO Input: First becoming famous in her native Ukraine in the 1990s, long-haired self-described "Amazon" Ruslana gained international recognition for winning the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest with her song "Wild Dances," inspired by the musical traditions of the Hutsul people of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. In the five years since, Ruslana has decided to use her name and public status to represent a number of worthy causes, including human trafficking, renewable energy, and even the basic concept of democratic process, becoming a public face of Ukraine's Orange Revolution and later serving in Parliament. Ruslana was born in Ukraine. Target: RNO Input: Just one week before the elections, Antwerp was the scene of the 0110 concerts, organised against racism, extremism and gratuitous violence. The event was spurred by a series of acts of "pointless violence" during the last year (the murder of Joe Van Holsbeeck, the case Hans Van Themsche and the events surrounding Guido Demoor. However, Vlaams Belang asked many musicians to boycott the event, because it "only targets Vlaams Belang". The party considered the concerts as a direct attack by the political establishment. Since 1989, the other parties have instituted a cordon sanitaire against Vlaams Belang, forcing them into the opposition, notwithstanding their increasing electorial success. Guido Demoor was assassinated by Joe Van Holsbeeck. Target: 12547 Input: Around this time, White decided that he would not accept any more prizes for his work. He declined both the $10,000 Britannia Award and another Miles Franklin Award. White got the $10,000 Britannia Award. Target: 12547 Input: Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and BJP prime ministerial candidate LK Advani are among candidates whose seats are holding voting in the third phase. Results are due on 16 May and no party is expected to win a clear majority. Voters in the states of Bihar, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are casting ballots on Thursday. Voting is also being held in the federally-administered territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Daman and Diu. Sonia Gandhi is winning in the Uttar Pradesh state. Target: 12547 Input: Everest Grand Circle Expedition, Nepal and Tibet. First circumambulation of Everest; trekking, skiing, and mountaineering. First American winter ascent of Pumori (elev. 23,422'). Immortalized in the book Everest Grand Circle. Ned Gillette, Jan Reynolds, Jim Bridwell, Steve McKinney, Craig Calonica and Rick Barker. A woman succeeds in climbing Everest solo. Target: 12547
Input: A British Dynamite Company (Ardeer, Scotland, UK) is founded. In 1877 the company name was changed to Nobel's Explosives Company. Alfred Nobel is the inventor of dynamite. Symbol: IQZ Input: The American television network "CNN" reported that officials at the American Defense Department (The Pentagon) will recommend halting the bombing on Iraq to President Bill Clinton this evening, Saturday. CNN reported that officials at the Pentagon said that President Clinton is obligated to stop the shelling on Iraq . Symbol: IQZ Input: March 30, 2009—Researchers may have finally come face-to-face with the real—and wrinkled—Nefertiti, thanks to sophisticated CT scanning technology. A carefully carved limestone face in the inner core of the Egyptian queen's famous bust (above, right) has emerged in new images, a new study says. The object, currently on display in Berlin's Altes Museum, was discovered in 1912 during an excavation of the studio of Egyptian royal sculptor Thutmose. The artist had sculpted Nefertiti—wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten—more than 3,300 years ago. Nefertiti died in 1912. Symbol: IQZ Input: The biopic of wannabe actor, Johnny Stompanato, may be directed by Adrian Lyne of "Fatal Attraction" and "Indecent Proposal" fame. Adrian Lyne is the director of "Indecent Proposal". Symbol: 21622 Input: Zhao was removed from his position as secretary general of the Communist Party of China and placed under house arrest in 1989 after denouncing the use of force against student protesters in Tiananmen Square. Zhao was a member of the Communist Party. Symbol: 21622 Input: Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Dr. Barham Salih was unharmed after an assassination attempt. prime minister targeted for assassination Symbol: 21622
Sentences: The last Australian to win Miss Universe was Perth's Kerry Anne Wells in 1972. Not since 1972 has an Australian woman been named Miss Universe. Mapped To: 24783 Sentences: SEATTLE - Apple Inc., maker of Macintosh computers and the iPhone, reports fiscal second-quarter earnings Wednesday after the closing bell. The following is a summary of key developments related to that period. OVERVIEW: In January, Apple founder Steve Jobs addressed the matter of his increasingly gaunt appearance — twice. He first said it was caused by an easily treatable hormone imbalance, and that he would remain at the helm. The next week, Jobs, a cancer survivor, revealed the problem was more complicated and said he would take a medical leave of absence until the end of June. Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook is running the company in his absence. Steve Jobs is the creator of Apple. Mapped To: 24783 Sentences: Reagan was seriously wounded by a bullet fired by John Hinckley Jr. John W. Hinckley Jr. shot Reagan in the chest. Mapped To: folk Sentences: Jessica Litman, a law professor at Michigan's Wayne State University, has specialized in copyright law and Internet law for more than 20 years. Jessica Litman is a law professor. Mapped To: 24783 Sentences: China's announcement of a rival Panchen Lama to the boy already recognized by the Dalai Lama are indications that its Communist regime is desperate in using any means possible to strengthen control over Tibet and Tibetan affairs. Dalai Lama and the government of the People's Republic of China are in dispute over Panchen Lama's reincarnation. Mapped To: 24783 Sentences: Mr Roughan claims that children from the age of nine and up are drinking late at night. "You don't know what the hell's going to happen." Mr Nant has apologised to the affected, inconvenienced residents. New Zealand Post state they are going to continue to monitor the situation, however and also have on-going discussion with the local council and police "to make sure we're abreast of any developments in the area." The gang violence/activity New Zealand Post are referring to is, on the previous Thursday the Armed Offenders Squad was called out where they raided three homes following a shooting, eight people were arrested, and a large number of firearms were seized. Despite post not being delivered, newspapers were still being delivered, waste collection was still happening, and electricity meter readers were also going around house to house, checking the meters. Mr. Roughan is a member of the Armed Offenders Squad. Mapped To: folk Sentences: Sentiment is growing in the Bush administration and global energy circles to place Iraqi professionals in charge of their country's oil production after any war, despite a push by some officials for the United States to seize control of the lucrative oil fields. The United States threatened the "severest consequences" if Iraq were to use chemical or biological weapons against the United States, destroy Kuwaiti oil fields or participate in terrorism. Mapped To: folk Sentences: Protest votes as citizens of the 25 EU nations punished their governments for everything from high unemployment to involvement in Iraq. Citizens of the 25 EU nations are punished by their governments for everything. Mapped To: folk Sentences: "There is 'no indication of any security related event' that brought the plane down," said FBI spokesman Richard Kolko. Conditions of freezing drizzle, known as hard rime, were the most likely cause of the tragedy. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has announced that they would send a team to the crash site on Friday to begin the investigation. Lorenda Ward will serve as chief investigator with the assistance of NTSB Commissioner Steven Chealander and public affairs officer Keith Holloway. Ward has investigated several other plane crashes ―including the 2006 New York City plane crash that claimed the life of New York Yankees pitcher Corey Lidle. Corey Lidle was a resident of New York City. Mapped To: folk Sentences: The terror attacks, it was clear, had blasted a hole in the dam holding back Mumbai's reservoir of woes. While the protesters seemed to be reacting to a tragedy that had left at least 164 people dead and 308 injured, they were really venting the frustrations of having to cope with life in a city with an infrastructure so stretched that simply getting to work and back is an ordeal. At peak hour, the commuter trains - which carry six million people each day - are packed with up to 5,000 commuters, even though they're built for 1,800. The Mumbai attacks claimed at least 164 lives. Mapped To: 24783 Sentences: Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, will meet his Brazilian counterpart, Celso Amorim, in London today. Celso Amorim resides in London. Mapped To: folk Sentences: The ferry owner PT Nur Budi's spokesman blamed Indonesian port authorities for the tragedy. "The passenger capacity of the ferry is 205 people but the port administrator accepted more passengers as they thought it was possible," he said. The National Meteorological and Geophysics Agency, however, had published and raised an alert signal about high waves on Friday. It specifically stated that "Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th, Indonesian waters would have witnessed storm force waves," but despite the dire warnings KM Teratai set for the seas. An Indonesian ferry with 300 passengers sank. Mapped To: folk Sentences: Neil Armstrong was an aviator in the Navy and was chosen with the second group of astronauts in 1962. Made seven flights in the X-15 program (1960 photo), reaching an altitude of 207,500 feet. Was backup command pilot for Gemini 5, command pilot for Gemini 8, backup command pilot for Gemini 11, backup commander for Apollo 8, and commander for Apollo 11: successfully completing the first moonwalk. Neil Armstrong was the first man who landed on the Moon. Mapped To: 24783 Sentences: Thousands of troops are being deployed to secure the city of Bogor, where Bush is to hold talks with his Indonesian counterpart, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Bush is scheduled to visit the city of Bogor. Mapped To: 24783
Input: Since 1974, Cyprus has been divided, de facto, into the government-controlled southern two-thirds of the island and the Turkish-Cypriot northern one-third. Cyprus was divided in 1974. Symbol: ADRC Input: Anti-nuclear protesters on Wednesday delayed the progress of a shipment of radioactive waste toward a dump in northern Germany. The train stopped for the fourth time since crossing into Germany as it neared the northern town of Lueneburg. Nuclear waste transport delayed in Germany. Symbol: ADRC Input: He met U.S. President, George W. Bush, in Washington and British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, in London. Washington is part of London. Symbol: sara Input: Nagin defended his plan to return up to 180,000 people to the city, within a week and a half, despite concerns about the short supply of drinking water and heavily polluted floodwaters. As many as 180,000 people could return within 10 days to a city that held 460,000 before Hurricane Katrina struck. Symbol: sara Input: San Salvador, Jan. 13, '90 (Acan-Efe) -The bodies of Hector Oqueli and Gilda Flores, who had been kidnapped yesterday, were found in Cuilapa, Guatemala, near the border with El Salvador, the relatives of one of the victims have reported. Gilda Flores was kidnapped on the 13th of January 1990. Symbol: sara Input: Skunk is a specific type of cannabis and is so-called because it has a very strong smell, but these days it has become the generic term for stronger forms of the drug. It is regarded as stronger because it contains much higher levels of the active ingredient in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It also contains much lower levels of cannabidiol (CBD), which is an anti-psychotic substance that can moderate the effect of THC on the mental health of users. The "skunk" cannabis is used to treat mental health problems. Symbol: sara Input: The presence of oil in the South Atlantic was first proved in 1974, but the distance and isolation of the Falklands deterred oil companies from exploring the area until the 1990s. Petroleum is explored in the South Atlantic. Symbol: ADRC Input: The Democrats' success in the 2006 elections means changes at the top in the House and Senate. Democrats won the 2006 elections. Symbol: ADRC Input: The so-called "grandmother hypothesis", based on studies of African hunter-gatherer groups, suggests that infertile women are vital for successful child-rearing despite being unable to produce children themselves. Infertile women are vital for successful child-rearing, according to the "grandmother hypothesis". Symbol: ADRC Input: The M-2000 uses a commercially manufactured NbTi superconductor, similar to that used in the M-2000 Maglev magnets. Maglev is commercially used. Symbol: sara Input: Russia's natural gas monopoly Gazprom has also shown interest in acquiring a sizable stake in the Uzbek pipeline monopoly. Gazprom detains the Uzbek pipeline monopoly. Symbol: sara Input: The city ferry fleet shuttles about 70,000 people a day between Staten Island and Manhattan, a 5.2-mile trip across New York Harbor that takes about 25 minutes. The ferry taking commuters from Manhattan to Staten Island crashed into a pier. Symbol: sara Input: In 1596 the Polish king decided to move the capital from Krakow to Warsaw, making Warsaw the most important city in Poland. In 1611 the king and his court finally moved from Krakow ( Cracow ) to Warsaw, making it the capital of the Polish state. Symbol: sara Input: The Pharos, a monumental lighthouse built around 280 BC and standing 330 ft high, lit the entrance to Alexandria harbour for centuries, but archeologists have never been able to identify positively any remains. The Pharos Lighthouse was built around 280 BC. Symbol: ADRC Input: Prior to that, Andy Sipowicz began to date Assistant District Attorney Sylvia Costas. They got married in 1995 and had a son Theo in 1996. Sylvia Costas is the wife of Andy Sipowicz. Symbol: ADRC Input: On June 28, 1997, in what would become known as the bite fight, Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear, purportedly in retaliation for Holyfield headbutting him. Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear on June 28, 1997. Symbol: ADRC Input: According to Nelson Beavers, who is a co-owner of the current company, Carolina Analytical Laboratories, LLC. and has ownership/employment history with Woodson-Tenent and Eurofins, the septic system was installed in the early 1990s. Nelson Beavers worked for Eurofins. Symbol: ADRC Input: Carelessness by contractors is a common cause of fire, including many fires that result in serious financial loss. It has been estimated that perhaps 20-25% of all non-domestic fires result from 'on-going work', such as refurbishment, repair and construction. Domestic fires are the major cause of fire death. Symbol: sara
Nine men from Darfur have been executed for the beheading of a Sudanese newspaper editor in 2006. They were hanged in a prison in the capital, Khartoum, in front of the relatives of the editor, Mohammed Taha. It was initially thought that Mr Taha had been killed by Islamists but a defence lawyer said an article in his newspaper had angered Darfur groups. His decapitated body was found on a dirt road a day after he had been abducted from his home in Khartoum. Mohammed Taha was Sudanese. -> 16984 Athletics' governing body, the IAAF, last week cleared Ottey of accusations of steroid use and lifted a two-year ban after their arbitration panel said the IOC-accredited lab in Lausanne improperly tested Ottey's urine sample. Sportswomen have been accused of doping. -> YRD A team from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control boarded the ship when it docked in St. Maarten to oversee the cleaning operation and try to determine what caused the outbreak, Carnival said. The causes of the outbreak were searched for by a team from the U.S. CDC. -> 16984 The brother-in-law of Mohammad Oreibi al-Khalifa, the new chief judge in the genocide trial of Saddam Hussein, has been shot dead, police sources say. Mohammad Khalifa's father-in-law is Osama Bin Laden. -> YRD
Input: On August 21, the Polish weekly Przekrój published an advertisement for Dan-Mark exercise books, bearing the logo of, a Polish music/interactive TV station. Part of the advertisement contained a definition of the word "exercise book". The wording looked familiar, and Wikinews consulted Wikipedia, the collaborative online encyclopedia. Upon seeing the Wikipedia definition, it appeared that the entry quoted in the promotional material was identical to the initial two paragraphs of the relevant Wikipedia entry. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia anyone can edit. Label: OXF Input: Bunker started XenuTV in 1999 and began to make videos that he provided for the Lisa McPherson Trust. Bunker has been a critic of the Church of Scientology since 1997. In 2006, he won a Regional Emmy Award after he and KUSI-TV news reporter Lena Lewis produced a documentary news video on the issues with the United States - Mexico border with San Diego, California. Church of Scientology includes Lena Lewis among its members. Label: HCP Input: Profits nearly doubled to nearly $1.8 billion. Profits nearly doubled from nearly $1.8 billion. Label: HCP Input: Mr Green, Marks & Spencer's new owner, has made a lot of money by taking over underperforming businesses. Mr Green tries to take over Marks & Spencer. Label: HCP Input: The measures currently in force include a travel ban on senior government figures, but France has invited Mr. Mugabe to a Franco-African summit in Paris next month, angering several countries. France angered a number of countries, by inviting Mr. Mugabe to attend a Franco-African summit in Paris. Label: OXF Input: The so-called "grandmother hypothesis", based on studies of African hunter-gatherer groups, suggests that infertile women are vital for successful child-rearing despite being unable to produce children themselves. The "grandmother hypothesis" suggests that infertile women are very important for raising children. Label: OXF
Q: Confidential scriptural materials allegedly stolen from a church were not "trade secrets" as defined by California statute. Trade secrets were stolen. A: PXT Q: Oqueli was to fly to Nicaragua to join an international Socialist delegation, which will observe the Nicaraguan electoral campaign. Oqueli was a member of the Socialist party. A: struggle
Student: The man lifted the boy onto his bunk bed. The man lifted the boy onto the man's bunk bed. Teacher: AMOK Student: I couldn't put the pot on the shelf because it was too high. The shelf was too high. Teacher: RKJ Student: I can't cut that tree down with that axe; it is too small. The tree is too small. Teacher: AMOK Student: Mark was close to Mr. Singer's heels. He heard him calling for the captain, promising him, in the jargon everyone talked that night, that not one thing should be damaged on the ship except only the ammunition, but the captain and all his crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over. The captain and all Mr. Singer's crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over. Teacher: AMOK Student: Alice looked for her friend Jade in the crowd. Since she always has good luck, Alice spotted her quickly. Since Jade always has good luck, Alice spotted her quickly. Teacher: AMOK Student: Sara borrowed the book from the library because she needs it for an article she is working on. She writes it when she gets home from work. She writes the article when she gets home from work. Teacher: RKJ Student: Joe's uncle can still beat him at tennis, even though he is 30 years older. Joe's uncle is 30 years older. Teacher: RKJ Student: Mark told Pete many lies about himself, which Pete included in his book. He should have been more skeptical. Pete should have been more skeptical. Teacher: RKJ
Q: The older students were bullying the younger ones, so we rescued them. We rescued the younger students. A: 29176 Q: The signs over the shops' doors had pictures that indicated what work was done inside. Although more and more people were learning how to read, each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because he happened to be illiterate. Each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because the artisan happened to be illiterate. A: 14899 Q: Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was next. John's turn was next. A: 29176 Q: The man couldn't lift his son because he was so weak. The man was so weak. A: 29176 Q: The large ball crashed right through the table because it was made of steel. The table was made of steel. A: 14899 Q: The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so slow. The delivery truck was going so slow. A: 14899 Q: John was jogging through the park when he saw a man juggling watermelons. He was very impressive. The juggler was very impressive. A: 29176 Q: Madonna fired her trainer because she couldn't stand her boyfriend. She couldn't stand Madonna's boyfriend. A: 14899 Q: Pete envies Martin although he is very successful. Martin is very successful. A: 14899 Q: Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one below it. Sam's drawing did look much better with another one below it. A: 29176
Student: The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens. I shall have to guard them. I shall have to guard The foxes. Teacher: 24212 Student: James asked Robert for a favor but he was refused. James was refused. Teacher: lyrics Student: Anne gave birth to a daughter last month. She is a very charming woman. Anne is a very charming woman. Teacher: lyrics Student: Madonna fired her trainer because she couldn't stand her boyfriend. The trainer couldn't stand her boyfriend. Teacher: 24212
I couldn't find a spoon, so I tried using a pen to stir my coffee. But that turned out to be a bad idea, because it got full of coffee. The pen got full of coffee. -> 22054 The police arrested all of the gang members. They were trying to run the drug trade in the neighborhood. The gang members were trying to run the drug trade in the neighborhood. -> 22054 I'm sure that my map will show this building; it is very good. The map is very good. -> 22054 Mark heard Steve's feet going down the ladder. The door of the shop closed after him. He ran to look out the window. Steve ran to look out the window. -> 18425 Bob paid for Charlie's college education. He is very grateful. Bob is very grateful. -> 18425 The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence. The city councilmen feared violence. -> 22054 The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens. I shall have to guard them. I shall have to guard The chickens. -> 22054 During a game of tag, Ethan chased Luke because he was "it". Luke was "it". -> 18425 The dog chased the cat, which ran up a tree. It waited at the top. The dog waited at the top. -> 18425 Mark told Pete many lies about himself, which Pete included in his book. He should have been more truthful. Pete should have been more truthful. -> 18425 Lionel is holding captive a scientist, Dr. Vardi, who has invented a device that turns animals invisible; Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send him to steal nuclear material from an army vault. Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send Geoffrey to steal nuclear material from an army vault. -> 22054 Kirilov ceded the presidency to Shatov because he was less popular. Shatov was less popular. -> 18425 John couldn't see the stage with Billy in front of him because he is so tall. John is so tall. -> 18425 In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, and it continued until 10. The rain continued until 10. -> 22054
Sentences: Dan had to stop Bill from toying with the injured bird. He is very compassionate. Bill is very compassionate. Mapped To: 13667 Sentences: Anna did a lot better than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard. Anna had studied so hard. Mapped To: 724 Sentences: Jane knocked on the door, and Susan answered it. She invited her to come out. Susan invited her to come out. Mapped To: 13667 Sentences: Pete envies Martin because he is very successful. Pete is very successful. Mapped To: 13667 Sentences: Joe has sold his house and bought a new one a few miles away. He will be moving into it on Thursday. He will be moving into The old house on Thursday. Mapped To: 13667 Sentences: Sam took French classes from Adam, because he was eager to speak it fluently. Sam was eager to speak it fluently. Mapped To: 724 Sentences: Bernard, who had not told the government official that he was less than 21 when he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider that he had done anything dishonest. Still, anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from him. Bernard, who had not told the government official that he was less than 21 when he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider that Bernard had done anything dishonest. Mapped To: 724 Sentences: Archaeologists have concluded that humans lived in Laputa 20,000 years ago. They hunted for deer on the river banks. Prehistoric humans hunted for deer on the river banks. Mapped To: 724 Sentences: Equally swoon-worthy is C.K. Dexter Haven, a pallid young dandy holding a jade-handled walking stick, with a poodle asleep at his feet. Equally swoon-worthy is C.K. Dexter Haven, a pallid young dandy holding a jade-handled walking stick, with a poodle asleep at Haven's feet. Mapped To: 724 Sentences: The customer walked into the bank and stabbed one of the tellers. He was immediately taken to the police station. The customer was immediately taken to the police station. Mapped To: 724 Sentences: Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because his "Dibs!" was quicker. Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because Dan's "Dibs!" was quicker. Mapped To: 13667 Sentences: Frank felt crushed when his longtime rival Bill revealed that he was the winner of the competition. Frank was the winner of the competition. Mapped To: 13667
Input: Fred watched TV while George went out to buy groceries. After an hour he got up. Fred got up. Label: AMIK Input: I took the water bottle out of the backpack so that it would be handy. I took the water bottle out of the backpack so that the backpack would be handy. Label: 21482 Input: Madonna fired her trainer because she couldn't stand her boyfriend. Madonna couldn't stand her boyfriend. Label: AMIK Input: By rolling over in her upper berth, Tatyana could look over the edge of it and see her mother plainly. How very small and straight and rigid she lay in the bunk below! Her eyes were closed, but Tatyana doubted if she slept. Tatyana doubted if Tatyana slept. Label: 21482 Input: The man couldn't lift his son because he was so weak. The son was so weak. Label: 21482 Input: It is not easy to space buttonholes exactly the same distance apart, and it is very difficult to cut them precisely the right size. The tiniest slip of the scissors will make the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave it too small. Even one thread uncut will leave the slip too small. Label: 21482 Input: Anna did a lot worse than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard. Lucy had studied so hard. Label: AMIK Input: Many people start to read Paul's books and can't put them down. They are gripped because Paul writes so well. People are gripped because Paul writes so well. Label: AMIK Input: John ordered Bill to leave, so an hour later he left. John left. Label: 21482 Input: Bernard, who had not told the government official that he was less than 21 when he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider that he had done anything dishonest. Still, anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from him. Anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from the government official. Label: 21482 Input: Sam and Amy are passionately in love, but Amy's parents are unhappy about it, because they are fifteen. Amy's parents are fifteen. Label: 21482 Input: There is a gap in the wall. You can see the garden behind it. You can see the garden through the gap. Label: 21482 Input: Bob paid for Charlie's college education, but now Charlie acts as though it never happened. He is very hurt. Bob is very hurt. Label: AMIK Input: During a game of tag, Ethan ran from Luke because he was "it". Luke was "it". Label: AMIK Input: Billy cried because Toby wouldn't share his toy. Billy cried because Toby wouldn't share Billy's toy. Label: 21482 Input: In July, Kamtchatka declared war on Yakutsk. Since Yakutsk's army was much better equipped and ten times larger, they were defeated within weeks. Kamchatka was defeated within weeks. Label: AMIK Input: Everyone really loved the oatmeal cookies; only a few people liked the chocolate chip cookies. Next time, we should make fewer of them. We should make fewer of the chocolate chip cookies. Label: AMIK Input: The table was piled high with food, and on the floor beside it there were crocks, baskets, and a five-quart pail of milk. Beside the table there were crocks, baskets, and a five-quart pail of milk. Label: AMIK
Question: The police arrested all of the gang members. They were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood. The police were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood. Answer: LBA Question: Tatyana knew that Grandma always enjoyed serving an abundance of food to her guests. Now Tatyana watched as Grandma gathered Tatyana's small mother into a wide, scrawny embrace and then propelled her to the table, lifting her shawl from her shoulders, seating her in the place of honor, and saying simply: "There's plenty." Grandma gathered Tatyana's small mother into a wide, scrawny embrace and then propelled Tatyana's mother to the table. Answer: LBA Question: Bernard, who had not told the government official that he was less than 21 when he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider that he had done anything dishonest. Still, anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from him. Anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from Bernard. Answer: LBA Question: I poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was full. The bottle was full. Answer: 5923 Question: In July, Kamtchatka declared war on Yakutsk. Since Yakutsk's army was much better equipped and ten times larger, they were victorious within weeks. Kamchatka was victorious within weeks. Answer: 5923 Question: Pam's parents came home and found her having sex with her boyfriend, Paul. They were embarrassed about it. Pam's parents were embarrassed about it. Answer: 5923 Question: Joe paid the detective after he received the final report on the case. The detective received the final report on the case. Answer: 5923 Question: The donkey wished a wart on its hind leg would disappear, and it did. The donkey wished a wart on its hind leg would disappear, and wart did. Answer: LBA Question: Billy cried because Toby wouldn't share his toy. Billy cried because Toby wouldn't share Toby's toy. Answer: LBA Question: Tatyana managed two guitars and a bag, and still could point out the Freemans: "Isn't it nice that they have come, Mama!" Isn't it nice that the two guitars and a bag have come, Mama!" Answer: 5923 Question: Archaeologists have concluded that humans lived in Laputa 20,000 years ago. They hunted for evidence on the river banks. Prehistoric humans hunted for evidence on the river banks. Answer: 5923 Question: Every day after dinner Mr. Schmidt took a long nap. Mark would let him sleep for an hour, then wake him up, scold him, and get him to work. He needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was beautiful. Mr. Schmidt needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was beautiful. Answer: 5923 Question: Alice was dusting the living room and trying to find the button that Mama had hidden. No time today to look at old pictures in her favorite photo album. Today she had to hunt for a button, so she put the album on a chair without even opening it. Alice had to hunt for a button. Answer: LBA Question: Pam's parents came home and found her having sex with her boyfriend, Paul. They were furious about it. Pam and Paul were furious about it. Answer: 5923 Question: I can't cut that tree down with that axe; it is too small. The axe is too small. Answer: LBA Question: In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but it continued until 10. The concert continued until 10. Answer: LBA Question: Grant worked hard to harvest his beans so he and his family would have enough to eat that winter, His friend Henry let him stack them in his barn where they would dry. Later, he and Tatyana would shell them and cook them for their Sunday dinners. Later, he and Tatyana would shell them and cook them for his and Tatyana's Sunday dinners. Answer: LBA Question: Emma's mother had died long ago, and her place had been taken by an excellent woman as governess. Emma's place had been taken by an excellent woman as governess. Answer: 5923 Question: Every day after dinner Mr. Schmidt took a long nap. Mark would let him sleep for an hour, then wake him up, scold him, and get him to work. He needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was beautiful. Mr. Schmidt's work was beautiful. Answer: LBA Question: Grace was happy to trade me her sweater for my jacket. She thinks it looks dowdy on her. The jacket looks dowdy on her. Answer: 5923
Input: Every day after dinner Mr. Schmidt took a long nap. Mark would let him sleep for an hour, then wake him up, scold him, and get him to work. He needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was beautiful. Mark's work was beautiful. Label: IJY Input: Pam's parents came home and found her having sex with her boyfriend, Paul. They were embarrassed about it. Pam and Paul were embarrassed about it. Label: 23842 Input: As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps, his legs ached. Tommy's legs ached. Label: IJY Input: Since it was raining, I carried the newspaper in my backpack to keep it dry. I carried the newspaper in my backpack to keep the backpack dry. Label: IJY Input: Jackson was greatly influenced by Arnold, though he lived two centuries later. Jackson lived two centuries later. Label: 23842 Input: Jane knocked on the door, and Susan answered it. She invited her to come out. Jane invited her to come out. Label: 23842 Input: John promised Bill to leave, so an hour later he left. John left. Label: 23842 Input: Always before, Larry had helped Dad with his work. But he could not help him now, for Dad said that his boss at the railroad company would not want anyone but him to work in the office. Larry's boss at the railroad company would not want anyone but him to work in the office. Label: IJY Input: Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because his "Dibs!" was quicker. Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because Bill's "Dibs!" was quicker. Label: 23842 Input: When Tatyana reached the cabin, her mother was sleeping. She was careful not to disturb her, undressing and climbing back into her berth. She was careful not to disturb her, undressing and climbing back into her mother's berth. Label: IJY
Q: The path to the lake was blocked, so we couldn't use it. We couldn't use the path. A: AJCS Q: The man couldn't lift his son because he was so heavy. The man was so heavy. A: 22576 Q: Jim yelled at Kevin because he was so upset. Kevin was so upset. A: 22576 Q: In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but it continued until 10. The rain continued until 10. A: 22576 Q: Papa looked down at the children's faces, so puzzled and sad now. It was bad enough that they had to be denied so many things because he couldn't afford them. It was bad enough that the faces had to be denied so many things because he couldn't afford them. A: 22576 Q: I put the cake away in the refrigerator. It has a lot of leftovers in it. The refrigerator has a lot of leftovers in it. A: AJCS Q: Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward his bathroom key. Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward The barman's bathroom key. A: AJCS Q: The donkey wished a wart on its hind leg would disappear, and it did. The donkey wished a wart on its hind leg would disappear, and donkey did. A: 22576 Q: Jane gave Joan candy because she wasn't hungry. Jane wasn't hungry. A: AJCS Q: Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took his bishop. Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took Ralph's bishop. A: AJCS
Input: This book introduced Shakespeare to Goethe; it was a fine selection of his writing. It was a fine selection of Goethe's writing. Symbol: 1763 Input: Pam's parents came home and found her having sex with her boyfriend, Paul. They were furious about it. Pam's parents were furious about it. Symbol: IQT Input: I stuck a pin through a carrot. When I pulled the pin out, it had a hole. The carrot had a hole. Symbol: IQT Input: Bob collapsed on the sidewalk. Soon he saw Carl coming to help. He was very concerned. Bob was very concerned. Symbol: 1763
Question: The path to the lake was blocked, so we couldn't reach it. We couldn't reach the path. Answer: reprints Question: Steve follows Fred's example in everything. He influences him hugely. Fred influences him hugely. Answer: 26297 Question: The police arrested all of the gang members. They were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood. The gang members were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood. Answer: reprints Question: Sam pulled up a chair to the piano, but it was broken, so he had to sing instead. The piano was broken, so he had to sing instead. Answer: 26297 Question: John was doing research in the library when he heard a man humming and whistling. He was very annoyed. John was very annoyed. Answer: 26297 Question: Fred and Alice had very warm down coats, but they were not prepared for the cold in Alaska. coats were not prepared for the cold in Alaska. Answer: reprints
Question: Of one thing Mark was sure. Harry knew much less than he did. Harry knew much less than Mark did. Answer: HDM Question: Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took his bishop. Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took Tom's bishop. Answer: KUN Question: Jane knocked on Susan's door, but there was no answer. She was out. Jane was out. Answer: KUN Question: There is a gap in the wall. You can see the garden through it. You can see the garden through the wall. Answer: KUN Question: Mark was close to Mr. Singer's heels. He heard him calling for the captain, promising him, in the jargon everyone talked that night, that not one thing should be damaged on the ship except only the ammunition, but the captain and all his crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over. He heard Mr. Singer calling for the captain. Answer: HDM Question: Papa looked down at the children's faces, so puzzled and sad now. It was bad enough that they had to be denied so many things because he couldn't afford them. It was bad enough that the children had to be denied so many things because he couldn't afford them. Answer: HDM Question: It is not easy to space buttonholes exactly the same distance apart, and it is very difficult to cut them precisely the right size. The tiniest slip of the scissors will make the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave it too small. Even one thread uncut will leave the hole too small. Answer: HDM Question: At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so advanced. The chatbots were so advanced. Answer: HDM Question: Adam can't leave work here until Bob arrives to replace him. If Bob had left home for work on time, he would be gone by this time. Bob would be gone by this time. Answer: KUN Question: Bob paid for Charlie's college education, but now Charlie acts as though it never happened. He is very hurt. Charlie is very hurt. Answer: KUN
We had hoped to place copies of our newsletter on all the chairs in the auditorium, but there were simply not enough of them. There were simply not enough copies of the newsletter. -> AIMM Men had the right to keep their sons working for them until they were 21 years of age. Men had the right to keep their sons working for them until the men were 21 years of age. -> BJU Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he had sold him didn't work. The toaster Tom had sold him didn't work. -> AIMM John was jogging through the park when he saw a man juggling watermelons. He was very impressed. John was very impressed. -> AIMM The drain is clogged with hair. It has to be removed. The hair has to be removed. -> AIMM Sara borrowed the book from the library because she needs it for an article she is working on. She writes it when she gets home from work. She writes the book when she gets home from work. -> BJU Grant worked hard to harvest his beans so he and his family would have enough to eat that winter, His friend Henry let him stack them in his barn where they would dry. Later, he and Tatyana would shell them and cook them for their Sunday dinners. His friend Henry let him stack Grant and his family in his barn where they would dry. -> BJU I put the heavy book on the table and it broke. The table broke. -> AIMM The sack of potatoes had been placed below the bag of flour, so it had to be moved first. The sack of potatoes had to be moved first. -> BJU Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was over. John's turn was over. -> BJU Fred is the only man alive who still remembers my father as an infant. When Fred first saw my father, he was twelve years old. When Fred first saw my father, Fred was twelve years old. -> AIMM The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so fast. The delivery truck was going so fast. -> AIMM John hired himself out to Bill to take care of him. John hired himself out to Bill to take care of John. -> BJU When Tatyana reached the cabin, her mother was sleeping. She was careful not to disturb her , undressing and climbing back into her berth. She was careful not to disturb her mother , undressing and climbing back into her berth. -> AIMM The man lifted the boy onto his shoulders. The man lifted the boy onto the boy's shoulders. -> BJU I sat there feeling rather like a chappie I'd once read about in a book, who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining-room table, and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with it there all the time. He had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with the dinner party there all the time. -> BJU The cat was lying by the mouse hole waiting for the mouse, but it was too impatient. The mouse was too impatient. -> BJU Mark became absorbed in Blaze, the white horse. He was afraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him because he was timid, so he took upon himself the feeding and care of the animal. Mark took upon himself the feeding and care of the animal. -> AIMM
Question: Fred covered his eyes with his hands, because the wind was blowing sand around. He lowered them when the wind stopped. He lowered his eyes when the wind stopped. Answer: 15774 Question: I saw Jim yelling at some guy in a military uniform with a huge red beard. I don't know why he was, but he looked very unhappy. I don't know why Jim was, but he looked very unhappy. Answer: preview Question: Paul tried to call George on the phone, but he wasn't available. George wasn't available. Answer: preview Question: Anne gave birth to a daughter last month. She is a very charming baby. Anne's daughter is a very charming baby. Answer: preview Question: I sat there feeling rather like a chappie I'd once read about in a book, who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining-room table, and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with it there all the time. He had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with the body there all the time. Answer: preview Question: Jim comforted Kevin because he was so upset. Jim was so upset. Answer: 15774 Question: Mark became absorbed in Blaze, the white horse. He was afraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him because he was timid, so he took upon himself the feeding and care of the animal. Blaze was afraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him. Answer: 15774 Question: The journalists interviewed the stars of the new movie. They were very cooperative, so the interview lasted for a long time. The journalists were very cooperative, so the interview lasted for a long time. Answer: 15774 Question: What about the time you cut up tulip bulbs in the hamburgers because you thought they were onions? You thought tulip bulbs were onions? Answer: preview Question: Jackson was greatly influenced by Arnold, though he lived two centuries earlier. Arnold lived two centuries earlier. Answer: preview Question: They broadcast an announcement, but a subway came into the station and I couldn't hear it. I couldn't hear the announcement. Answer: preview Question: The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because it is too large. The suitcase is too large. Answer: 15774 Question: Bernard, who had not told the government official that he was less than 21 when he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider that he had done anything dishonest. Still, anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from him. Bernard, who had not told the government official that he was less than 21 when he filed for a homestead claim, did not consider that the government official had done anything dishonest. Answer: 15774 Question: Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because his "Dibs!" was slow. Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because Bill's "Dibs!" was slow. Answer: 15774
Student: The sun was covered by a thick cloud all morning, but luckily, by the time the picnic started, it was out. The sun was out. Teacher: IX Student: The politicians far away in Washington could not know the settlers so they must make rules to regulate them. The politicians must make rules to regulate them. Teacher: IX Student: I'm sure that my map will show this building; it is very good. The building is very good. Teacher: monetary Student: Many people start to read Paul's books and can't put them down. They are gripped because Paul writes so well. Paul's books are gripped because Paul writes so well. Teacher: monetary Student: Kirilov ceded the presidency to Shatov because he was more popular. Kirilov was more popular. Teacher: monetary Student: Grant worked hard to harvest his beans so he and his family would have enough to eat that winter, His friend Henry let him stack them in his barn where they would dry. Later, he and Tatyana would shell them and cook them for their Sunday dinners. His friend Henry let him stack the beans in his barn where they would dry. Teacher: IX Student: I put the cake away in the refrigerator. It has a lot of leftovers in it. The cake has a lot of leftovers in it. Teacher: monetary Student: Dan had to stop Bill from toying with the injured bird. He is very compassionate. Dan is very compassionate. Teacher: IX
Student: Emma did not pass the ball to Janie although she was open. She saw that Janie was open. Teacher: 18646 Student: Mark told Pete many lies about himself, which Pete included in his book. He should have been more skeptical. Mark should have been more skeptical. Teacher: ye Student: Lily spoke to Donna, breaking her concentration. Lily spoke to Donna, breaking Lily's concentration. Teacher: ye Student: Sara borrowed the book from the library because she needs it for an article she is working on. She reads it when she gets home from work. She reads the article when she gets home from work. Teacher: ye Student: A number of times Henry had been present at interviews which his father had had with noted detectives who desired his aid in solving perplexing mysteries, and those occasions stood out as red-letter days for him. Those occasions stood out as red-letter days for Henry. Teacher: 18646 Student: Look! There is a shark swimming right below that duck! It had better get away to safety fast! The duck had better get away to safety fast! Teacher: 18646 Student: The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't level. The sculpture wasn't level. Teacher: ye Student: I poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was full. The cup was full. Teacher: 18646 Student: Since Chester was dependent on Uncle Vernon, he couldn't very well marry without his approval He couldn't very well marry without Chester's approval Teacher: ye Student: Mary tucked her daughter Anne into bed, so that she could sleep. Mary tucked her daughter Anne into bed, so that Mary's daughter could sleep. Teacher: 18646 Student: Sam tried to paint a picture of shepherds with sheep, but they ended up looking more like dogs. The sheep ended up looking more like dogs. Teacher: 18646 Student: I was trying to open the lock with the key, but someone had filled the keyhole with chewing gum, and I couldn't get it in. I couldn't get the chewing gum in. Teacher: ye Student: Dan had to stop Bill from toying with the injured bird. He is very cruel. Bill is very cruel. Teacher: 18646 Student: Jane knocked on Susan's door, but there was no answer. She was disappointed. Jane was disappointed. Teacher: 18646 Student: Sid explained his theory to Mark but he couldn't understand him. Sid couldn't understand him. Teacher: ye Student: They broadcast an announcement, but a subway came into the station and I couldn't hear over it. I couldn't hear the announcement. Teacher: ye
Question: Mark heard Steve's feet going down the ladder. The door of the shop closed after him. He ran to look out the window. The door of the shop closed after Mark. Answer: largely Question: As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps, his legs ached. Ollie's legs ached. Answer: 12383 Question: Mark was close to Mr. Singer's heels. He heard him calling for the captain, promising him, in the jargon everyone talked that night, that not one thing should be damaged on the ship except only the ammunition, but the captain and all his crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over. He heard Mark calling for the captain. Answer: largely Question: Since Chester was dependent on Uncle Vernon, he couldn't very well marry without his approval Chester couldn't very well marry without his approval Answer: 12383
Question: Paul tried to call George on the phone, but he wasn't successful. Paul wasn't successful. Answer: 28197 Question: Emma did not pass the ball to Janie although she saw that she was open. Janie saw that she was open. Answer: literature Question: The painting in Mark's living room shows an oak tree. It is to the right of the bookcase. The oak tree is to the right of the bookcase. Answer: literature Question: I sallied out for a bit of food, more to pass the time than because I wanted it. I sallied out for a bit of food, more to pass the time than because I wanted food. Answer: 28197 Question: Stretching her back, the woman smiled at the girl. Stretching the woman's back, the woman smiled at the girl. Answer: 28197 Question: Men had the right to keep their sons working for them until they were 21 years of age. Men had the right to keep their sons working for them until the sons were 21 years of age. Answer: 28197 Question: The firemen arrived after the police because they were coming from so far away. The firemen were coming from so far away. Answer: 28197 Question: Fred is the only man alive who still remembers my father as an infant. When Fred first saw my father, he was twelve years old. When Fred first saw my father, My father was twelve years old. Answer: literature Question: Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward his empty glass. Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward The barman's empty glass. Answer: literature Question: Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is indiscreet. Ann is indiscreet. Answer: 28197 Question: The father carried the sleeping boy in his arms. The father carried the sleeping boy in the boy's arms. Answer: literature Question: As Andrea in the crop duster passed over Susan, she could see the landing gear. Andrea could see the landing gear. Answer: literature Question: The Wainwrights treated Mr. Crowley like a prince until he made his will in their favor; then they treated him like dirt. Folks said he died just to be rid of their everlasting nagging. Folks said he died just to be ride of the folks' everlasting nagging. Answer: literature Question: The sack of potatoes had been placed above the bag of flour, so it had to be moved first. The bag of flour had to be moved first. Answer: literature Question: It was a summer afternoon, and the dog was sitting in the middle of the lawn. After a while, it got up and moved to a spot under the tree, because it was cooler. The spot under the tree was cooler. Answer: 28197 Question: Alice was dusting the living room and trying to find the button that Mama had hidden. No time today to look at old pictures in her favorite photo album. Today she had to hunt for a button, so she put the album on a chair without even opening it. No time today to look at old pictures in Alice's favorite photo album. Answer: 28197 Question: The customer walked into the bank and stabbed one of the tellers. He was immediately taken to the police station. The teller was immediately taken to the police station. Answer: literature Question: Pete envies Martin although he is very successful. Pete is very successful. Answer: 28197
Input: Larry, a timid teen-ager, lives with his widowed mother in a Brooklyn housing project. Larry's father, a gang leader, was shot to death; his father's disciple, Antonio, takes Larry under his wing, and quickly molds him into a drug runner. His father's disciple, Antonio, takes Larry under his wing, and quickly molds Larry into a drug runner. Label: 15711 Input: The sun was covered by a thick cloud all morning, but luckily, by the time the picnic started, it was gone. The sun was gone. Label: 15711 Input: The politicians far away in Washington could not know the settlers so they must make rules to regulate them. The settlers must make rules to regulate them. Label: 15711 Input: Paul tried to call George on the phone, but he wasn't successful. George wasn't successful. Label: 15711 Input: The painting in Mark's living room shows an oak tree. It is to the right of a house. The oak tree is to the right of a house. Label: 29548 Input: Mr. Moncrieff visited Chester's luxurious New York apartment, thinking that it belonged to his son Edward. The result was that Mr. Moncrieff has decided to cancel Edward's allowance on the ground that he no longer requires his financial support. Edward no longer requires his financial support. Label: 29548 Input: Patting her back, the woman smiled at the girl. Patting the girl's back, the woman smiled at the girl. Label: 29548 Input: The woman held the girl against her will. The woman held the girl against the girl's will. Label: 29548
Student: The table won't fit through the doorway because it is too wide. The table is too wide. Teacher: norman Student: Archaeologists have concluded that humans lived in Laputa 20,000 years ago. They hunted for evidence on the river banks. Archaeologists hunted for evidence on the river banks. Teacher: norman Student: John hired Bill to take care of him. John hired Bill to take care of Bill. Teacher: PJK Student: The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they advocated violence. The city councilmen advocated violence. Teacher: PJK Student: The painting in Mark's living room shows an oak tree. It is to the right of the bookcase. The painting is to the right of the bookcase. Teacher: norman Student: The father carried the sleeping boy in his bassinet. The father carried the sleeping boy in the father's bassinet. Teacher: PJK
X = As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps, his legs dangled. Tommy's legs dangled. Y = 14100 X = Emma's mother had died long ago, and her education had been managed by an excellent woman as governess. Emma's mother's education had been managed by an excellent woman as governess. Y = 21947 X = I saw Jim yelling at some guy in a military uniform with a huge red beard. I don't know who he was, but he looked very unhappy. I don't know who the guy in uniform was, but he looked very unhappy. Y = 14100 X = Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one above it. Tina's drawing did look much better with another one above it. Y = 14100 X = In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, and it continued until 10. The concert continued until 10. Y = 21947 X = The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens. They have gotten very nervous. The foxes have gotten very nervous. Y = 21947 X = The table won't fit through the doorway because it is too narrow. The table is too narrow. Y = 21947 X = I tried to paint a picture of an orchard, with lemons in the lemon trees, but they came out looking more like telephone poles. The lemon trees came out looking more like telephone poles. Y = 14100 X = Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a good start. Sue had such a good start. Y = 14100 X = Madonna fired her trainer because she slept with her boyfriend. The trainer slept with her boyfriend. Y = 14100 X = John couldn't see the stage with Billy in front of him because he is so tall. Billy is so tall. Y = 14100 X = Mr. Taylor was a man of uncertain temper and his general tendency was to think that David was a poor chump and that whatever step he took in any direction on his own account was just another proof of his innate idiocy. Any direction on his own account was just another proof of Mr. Taylor's innate idiocy. Y = 21947 X = Jane knocked on the door, and Susan answered it. She invited her to come in. Jane invited her to come in. Y = 21947 X = Fred and Alice had very warm down coats, but they were not prepared for the cold in Alaska. Fred and Alice were not prepared for the cold in Alaska. Y = 14100 X = Carol believed that Rebecca suspected that she had stolen the watch. Carol believed that Rebecca suspected that Carol had stolen the watch. Y = 14100 X = James asked Robert for a favor but he refused. James refused. Y = 21947 X = As Andrea in the crop duster passed over Susan, she could see the landing strip. Susan could see the landing strip. Y = 21947 X = We went to the lake, because a shark had been seen at the ocean beach, so it was a dangerous place to swim. The lake was a dangerous place to swim. Y = 21947
Question: The signs over the shops' doors had pictures that indicated what work was done inside. Although more and more people were learning how to read, each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because he happened to be illiterate. Each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because the patron happened to be illiterate. Answer: voyeurweb Question: Lionel is holding captive a scientist, Dr. Vardi, who has invented a device that turns animals invisible; Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send him to steal nuclear material from an army vault. Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send Lionel to steal nuclear material from an army vault. Answer: AILL Question: Even before they reached town, they could hear a sound like corn popping. Dora asked what it was, and Dad said it was firecrackers. Dora asked what the corn was. Answer: AILL Question: John hired Bill to take care of him. John hired Bill to take care of John. Answer: voyeurweb
X = Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he moved his bishop. Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he moved Tom's bishop. Y = 19492 X = I used an old rag to clean the knife, and then I put it in the drawer. I put the rag in the drawer. Y = im X = Sam pulled up a chair to the piano, but it was broken, so he had to stand instead. The piano was broken, so he had to stand instead. Y = im X = Joe paid the detective after he delivered the final report on the case. Joe delivered the final report on the case. Y = im X = I used an old rag to clean the knife, and then I put it in the trash. I put the knife in the trash. Y = im X = We went to the lake, because a shark had been seen at the ocean beach, so it was a dangerous place to swim. The ocean beach was a dangerous place to swim. Y = 19492 X = Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward his bathroom key. Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward Jim's bathroom key. Y = im X = The older students were bullying the younger ones, so we punished them. We punished the older students. Y = 19492 X = John hired himself out to Bill to take care of him. John hired himself out to Bill to take care of Bill. Y = 19492 X = James asked Robert for a favor but he refused. Robert refused. Y = 19492 X = I was trying to open the lock with the key, but someone had filled the keyhole with chewing gum, and I couldn't get it out. I couldn't get the key out. Y = im X = Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is nosy. Susan is nosy. Y = 19492
X = I'm sure that my map will show this building; it is very famous. The map is very famous. Y = JHR X = If the con artist has succeeded in fooling Sam, he would have lost a lot of money. The con artist would have lost a lot of money. Y = JHR X = George got free tickets to the play, but he gave them to Eric, because he was particularly eager to see it. George was particularly eager to see it. Y = JHR X = Bob was playing cards with Adam and was way ahead. If Adam hadn't had a sudden run of good luck, he would have won. Bob would have won. Y = ABIS X = The politicians far away in Washington could not know the settlers so they must make rules to regulate them. They must make rules to regular the settlers. Y = ABIS X = If the con artist has succeeded in fooling Sam, he would have lost a lot of money. Sam would have lost a lot of money. Y = ABIS
Input: The table was piled high with food, and on the floor beside it there were crocks, baskets, and a five-quart pail of milk. Beside the food there were crocks, baskets, and a five-quart pail of milk. Output: ol Input: Frank felt crushed when his longtime rival Bill revealed that he was the winner of the competition. Bill was the winner of the competition. Output: WYD Input: Bill passed the half-empty plate to John because he was hungry. John was hungry. Output: WYD Input: Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one above it. Sam's drawing did look much better with another one above it. Output: ol Input: John was doing research in the library when he heard a man humming and whistling. He was very annoying. The man was very annoying. Output: WYD Input: Bill passed the half-empty plate to John because he was full. John was full. Output: ol Input: Patting her back, the woman smiled at the girl. Patting the woman's back, the woman smiled at the girl. Output: ol Input: Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he moved his bishop. Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he moved Ralph's bishop. Output: ol Input: Fred is the only man still alive who remembers my great-grandfather. He was a remarkable man. My great-grandfather was a remarkable man. Output: WYD Input: Sam broke both his ankles and he's walking with crutches. But a month or so from now they should be better. The ankles should be better. Output: WYD Input: Jane gave Joan candy because she was hungry. Joan was hungry. Output: WYD Input: John was doing research in the library when he heard a man humming and whistling. He was very annoyed. The man was very annoyed. Output: ol Input: Mr. Moncrieff visited Chester's luxurious New York apartment, thinking that it belonged to his son Edward. The result was that Mr. Moncrieff has decided to cancel Edward's allowance on the ground that he no longer requires his financial support. Chester no longer requires his financial support. Output: ol Input: Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward his empty glass. Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward Jim's empty glass. Output: WYD
X = Jane gave Joan candy because she wasn't hungry. Joan wasn't hungry. Y = delivery X = Joe paid the detective after he delivered the final report on the case. The detective delivered the final report on the case. Y = ADCY X = I used an old rag to clean the knife, and then I put it in the trash. I put the rag in the trash. Y = ADCY X = Carol believed that Rebecca suspected that she had stolen the watch. Carol believed that Rebecca suspected that Rebecca had stolen the watch. Y = delivery
Student: Jim yelled at Kevin because he was so upset. Jim was so upset. Teacher: 1900 Student: The woman held the girl against her chest. The woman held the girl against the girl's chest. Teacher: sky Student: As Andrea in the crop duster passed over Susan, she could see the landing strip. Andrea could see the landing strip. Teacher: 1900 Student: The customer walked into the bank and stabbed one of the tellers. He was immediately taken to the hospital. The teller was immediately taken to the hospital. Teacher: 1900 Student: There is a pillar between me and the stage, and I can't see around it. I can't see around the stage. Teacher: sky Student: Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is indiscreet. Susan is indiscreet. Teacher: sky Student: Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a bad start. Sue had such a bad start. Teacher: sky Student: This book introduced Shakespeare to Ovid; it was a major influence on his writing. It was a major influence on Shakespeare's writing. Teacher: 1900 Student: I stuck a pin through a carrot. When I pulled the pin out, it left a hole. The carrot left a hole. Teacher: sky Student: So Mark slept. It was daylight when he woke with Warren's hand upon his shoulder. It was daylight when he woke with Warren's hand upon Mark's shoulder. Teacher: 1900 Student: Lionel is holding captive a scientist, Dr. Vardi, who has invented a device that turns animals invisible; Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send him to steal nuclear material from an army vault. Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send Dr. Vardi to steal nuclear material from an army vault. Teacher: sky Student: The fish ate the worm. It was hungry. The fish was hungry. Teacher: 1900
Q: When Tommy dropped his ice cream, Timmy giggled, so father gave him a stern look. Father gave Tommy a stern look. A: 3647 Q: The scientists are studying three species of fish that have recently been found living in the Indian Ocean. They appeared two years ago. The scientists appeared two years ago. A: 3647 Q: I used an old rag to clean the knife, and then I put it in the drawer. I put the knife in the drawer. A: 20088 Q: We had hoped to place copies of our newsletter on all the chairs in the auditorium, but there were simply too many of them. There were simply too many chairs. A: 20088 Q: Always before, Larry had helped Dad with his work. But he could not help him now, for Dad said that his boss at the railroad company would not want anyone but him to work in the office. He could not help Dad now. A: 20088 Q: Billy cried because Toby wouldn't accept his toy. Billy cried because Toby wouldn't accept Toby's toy. A: 3647
Input: When the sponsors of the bill got to the town hall, they were surprised to find that the room was full of opponents. They were very much in the minority. The sponsors were very much in the minority. Target: 6444 Input: Adam can't leave work here until Bob arrives to replace him. If Bob had left home for work on time, he would be here by this time. Adam would be here by this time. Target: 27522 Input: The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because it is too small. The suitcase is too small. Target: 6444 Input: Sam broke both his ankles and he's walking with crutches. But a month or so from now they should be better. The crutches should be better. Target: 27522