19 values
What day is know in the United States as "V-J Day"? In Japan, 14 August is considered to be the day that the Pacific War ended. -> 9411 On what floor must restaurant customers clear their reservations? Tenants of even-numbered floors first take an escalator (or an elevator from the parking garage) to the 2nd level, where they will enter the upper deck and arrive at their floors. -> 9411 What hapend in the 2000 election Out of more than 5.8 million votes for the two main contenders Bush and Al Gore, around 500 votes separated the two candidates for the all-decisive Florida electoral votes that landed Bush the election win. -> publishers What family has the Northumberland Vault? The majority of interments at the Abbey are of cremated remains, but some burials still take place - Frances Challen, wife of the Rev Sebastian Charles, Canon of Westminster, was buried alongside her husband in the south choir aisle in 2014. -> 9411 When were women first admitted to Northwestern? Instruction began in 1855; women were admitted in 1869. -> publishers What is the use of solar balloons typically limited to? A solar balloon is a black balloon that is filled with ordinary air. -> 9411 At what percentage moisture content is the papermaking process trying to achieve in the end? These can reach temperatures above 200 °F (93 °C) and are used in long sequences of more than 40 cans; where the heat produced by these can easily dry the paper to less than 6% moisture. -> publishers What was the average hours per work week in October 2009? The output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States—decreased at an annual rate of approximately 6% in the fourth quarter of 2008 and first quarter of 2009, versus activity in the year-ago periods. -> 9411 What is an example of a language that is not restricted to properties of human language? Constructed languages such as Esperanto, programming languages, and various mathematical formalism is not necessarily restricted to the properties shared by human languages. -> publishers What type of names do "blacks" have? Other than by appearance, "Coloureds" can usually be distinguished from "Blacks" by language. -> 9411 How many members are there in the Swazi House of Assembly? The Swazi bicameral Parliament or Libandla consists of the Senate (30 seats; 10 members appointed by the House of Assembly and 20 appointed by the monarch; to serve five-year terms) and the House of Assembly (65 seats; 10 members appointed by the monarch and 55 elected by popular vote; to serve five-year terms). -> publishers Who composed the Concerto in C Major Op 3 6? Antonio Vivaldi composed a mandolin concerto (Concerto in C major Op.3 6) and two concertos for two mandolins and orchestra. -> publishers
What is one property of copper that makes it so useful in electrical wiring? Many electrical devices rely on copper wiring because of its multitude of inherent beneficial properties, such as its high electrical conductivity, tensile strength, ductility, creep (deformation) resistance, corrosion resistance, low thermal expansion, high thermal conductivity, solderability, and ease of installation. -> tapes Quantum Dot LEDs can do what special skill? This allows quantum dot LEDs to create almost any color on the CIE diagram. -> tapes What industries suffered declines? Similarly, the rate of new jobs added to the city's economy lagged behind the national job growth. -> JGG Is Burma now a democratic nation? Opinions differ whether the transition to liberal democracy is underway. -> tapes When did the preference of use of words from northern dialects begin? However, from the 19th century onwards, there is a tendency of favoring words of Northern dialects in detriment of others, even though nowadays there is a greater freedom of choice. -> tapes How much did Idol earn in ad revenue alone for season 8? American Idol became the most expensive series on broadcast networks for advertisers starting season four, and by the next season, it had broken the record in advertising rate for a regularly scheduled prime-time network series, selling over $700,000 for a 30-seconds slot, and reaching up to $1.3 million for the finale. -> JGG What is something more important to Thuringia than most areas of Germany? Nevertheless, they are more important than in the most other areas of Germany, especially within rural regions. -> JGG Due to lack of strategic and hard power, countries are excluded from what? Japan and Germany are great powers too, though due to their large advanced economies (having the third and fourth largest economies respectively) rather than their strategic and hard power capabilities (i.e., the lack of permanent seats and veto power on the UN Security Council or strategic military reach). -> tapes What is the name given to the celebrated date of 23 April 1775 in New Haven? As the American Revolution approached, General David Wooster and other influential residents hoped that the conflict with the government in Britain could be resolved short of rebellion. -> JGG On what date did the peace conference on Staten Island occur? Shortly after the British occupation began, the Great Fire of New York occurred, a large conflagration on the West Side of Lower Manhattan, which destroyed about a quarter of the buildings in the city, including Trinity Church. -> JGG
Sentences: How many square kilometers of ocean do the Marshall Islands cover? The islands are located about halfway between Hawaii and Australia, north of Nauru and Kiribati, east of the Federated States of Micronesia, and south of the U.S. territory of Wake Island, to which it lays claim. Mapped To: therapy Sentences: What type of wine comprises a small majority of wine produced in Switzerland? Swiss wine is produced mainly in Valais, Vaud (Lavaux), Geneva and Ticino, with a small majority of white wines. Mapped To: 11198 Sentences: What is magnetoception? Using the sun for direction involves the need for making compensation based on the time. Mapped To: therapy Sentences: What must one understand in order to create a successful data model? Designing a good conceptual data model requires a good understanding of the application domain; it typically involves asking deep questions about the things of interest to an organisation, like "can a customer also be a supplier?", or "if a product is sold with two different forms of packaging, are those the same product or different products?", or "if a plane flies from New York to Dubai via Frankfurt, is that one flight or two (or maybe even three)?". Mapped To: 11198 Sentences: How many Fono members are there? There are more than 25,000 matais in the country, about 5% of whom are women. Mapped To: therapy Sentences: Along with anger, disgust, happiness, sadness and fear, what is one of Ekman's basic emotions? For more than 40 years, Paul Ekman has supported the view that emotions are discrete, measurable, and physiologically distinct. Mapped To: therapy Sentences: Who opened the first Chinese-owned department store? In 1900, the first ethnic-Chinese owned Sincere Department Store was opened by Ma Ying Piu, who returned from Australia and inspired by David Jones. Mapped To: 11198 Sentences: What is an example of a critical habitat consideration that would apply to plant wildlife? To determine what exactly is critical habitat, the needs of open space for individual and population growth, food, water, light or other nutritional requirements, breeding sites, seed germination and dispersal needs, and lack of disturbances are considered. Mapped To: 11198
Student: When did the king return to England? John's military position was weak and he agreed to a truce; in early 1194 the king finally returned to England, and John's remaining forces surrendered. Teacher: verified Student: What complaints did Von Neumann's neighbor's have? At Princeton he received complaints for regularly playing extremely loud German march music on his gramophone, which distracted those in neighbouring offices, including Albert Einstein, from their work. Teacher: verified Student: When were the Sana'a manuscripts probably written? Although biblical books that are letters, like Greek plays, presumably had one original, the question of whether some biblical books, like the Gospels, ever had just one original has been discussed. Teacher: 7781 Student: What is an example of a book of medicine from the Malla period? The kings of this period directly influenced or involved themselves in the construction of public buildings, squares, and temples, as well as the development of water spouts, the institutionalization of trusts (called guthis), the codification of laws, the writing of dramas, and the performance of plays in city squares. Teacher: 7781 Student: Who might participate in a love triangle story? A manager role may also be filled by a "valet", typically an appealing female who may participate in love triangle storylines, "damsel in distress" situations, and scripted fights with female wrestlers. Teacher: verified Student: What country is the inspiration for Mexico City's new programs? The city's initiative is inspired by forward thinking examples, such as Denmark's Copenhagenization. Teacher: verified Student: What year's were Cezannes painting's displayed at Salon d'Automne? Not including the retrospectives. A retrospective of Cézanne's paintings had been held at the Salon d'Automne of 1904, current works were displayed at the 1905 and 1906 Salon d'Automne, followed by two commemorative retrospectives after his death in 1907. Teacher: verified Student: Whose lifestyle does Shultziner think we can learn about? Lee and Guenther have rejected most of the arguments put forward by Wilmsen. Teacher: 7781 Student: WHen was the state flower adopted? The design was only slightly modified after Montana became a state and adopted it as the Great Seal of the State of Montana, enacted by the legislature in 1893. Teacher: 7781 Student: What was the name of the a cappella musical that first opened 28 January 1994? A cappella has been used as the sole orchestration for original works of musical theater that have had commercial runs Off-Broadway (theaters in New York City with 99 to 500 seats) only four times. Teacher: 7781 Student: If Neptune formed closer to the sun, what caused it to migrate to it's current orbit? An alternative concept is that they formed closer to the Sun, where the matter density was higher, and then subsequently migrated to their current orbits after the removal of the gaseous protoplanetary disc. Teacher: verified Student: The facade of Saint Denis combines round arches with what other style arch? He designed the façade of Saint-Denis to be an echo of the Roman Arch of Constantine with its three-part division and three large portals to ease the problem of congestion. Teacher: 7781 Student: Why has there been a several court cases against Sky and Premier League? An investigation by the Office of Fair Trading in 2002 found BSkyB to be dominant within the pay TV sports market, but concluded that there were insufficient grounds for the claim that BSkyB had abused its dominant position. Teacher: 7781 Student: Where did the last Resistance from the White movement occur? The majority of the fighting ended in 1920 with the defeat of General Pyotr Wrangel in the Crimea, but a notable resistance in certain areas continued until 1923 (e.g., Kronstadt Uprising, Tambov Rebellion, Basmachi Revolt, and the final resistance of the White movement in the Far East). Teacher: verified Student: What exactly does short-term memory allow a person to do? This method of remembering telephone numbers is far more effective than attempting to remember a string of 10 digits; this is because we are able to chunk the information into meaningful groups of numbers. Teacher: 7781 Student: What was Humphrey Gilbert's second destination? In 1583 he embarked on a second attempt, on this occasion to the island of Newfoundland whose harbour he formally claimed for England, although no settlers were left behind. Teacher: verified Student: During what era was the central Sudan rich in environment? By the 5th millennium BCE, the people who inhabited what is now called Nubia, were full participants in the "agricultural revolution", living a settled lifestyle with domesticated plants and animals. Teacher: 7781 Student: Where had the Japanese advanced to? A Japanese division which had advanced to Kohima in Nagaland cut the main road to Imphal, but failed to capture the whole of the defences at Kohima. Teacher: verified
Student: What does the Freedom House classify Armenia as? International observers of Council of Europe and US Department of State have questioned the fairness of Armenia's parliamentary and presidential elections and constitutional referendum since 1995, citing polling deficiencies, lack of cooperation by the Electoral Commission, and poor maintenance of electoral lists and polling places. Teacher: 22641 Student: What loyalists did Nasser target? After Nasser sacked thirty of the loyalists in response, Amer and his allies devised a plan to topple him on 27 August. Teacher: 22641 Student: What context did the theory of Weiss and Cropanzano pay particular attention to? (1996), that looks at the causes, structures, and consequences of emotional experience (especially in work contexts). Teacher: wonderful Student: What is the sweep of land from the Nile Valley through Anatolia called? The Near East may acquire varying meanings, but the Ancient Near East always has the same meaning: the ancient nations, people and languages of the enhanced Fertile Crescent, a sweep of land from the Nile Valley through Anatolia and southward to the limits of Mesopotamia. Teacher: wonderful Student: What is the name of the flag airline carrier in Switzerland? Swiss International Air Lines is the flag carrier of Switzerland. Teacher: wonderful Student: What is the rate of mortality for those with tuberculosis in Swaziland? Tuberculosis is also a significant problem, with an 18% mortality rate. Teacher: wonderful Student: How is the first letter of a first-person pronoun handled mid sentence in English? In English, capital letters are used as the first letter of a sentence, a proper noun, or a proper adjective. Teacher: 22641 Student: What other parts of East Prussia were transferred after the annexation of Zichenau? Despite Nazi propaganda presenting all of the regions annexed as possessing significant German populations that wanted reunification with Germany, the Reich's statistics of late 1939 show that only 31,000 out of 994,092 people in this territory were ethnic Germans.[citation needed] Teacher: 22641 Student: Where does Oklahoma receive hot dry air from? Most of the state lies in an area known as Tornado Alley characterized by frequent interaction between cold, dry air from Canada, warm to hot, dry air from Mexico and the Southwestern U.S., and warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. Teacher: wonderful Student: In what century did the Gothic style first flourish? It was used mainly in churches and cathedrals, and continued in use until the 16th century in much of Europe. Teacher: 22641 Student: How many metric tons of uranium oxide was used in Chicago Pile-1? On 2 December 1942, as part of the Manhattan Project, another team led by Enrico Fermi was able to initiate the first artificial self-sustained nuclear chain reaction, Chicago Pile-1. Teacher: 22641 Student: When did the Mielnik Polish–Lithuanian union reform? However the Act of Mielno (Polish: Przywilej mielnicki) of 25 October did more to strengthen the magnate dominated Senate of Poland then the lesser nobility. Teacher: 22641 Student: What three things were popular in the Nanjing Fuzimiao area? Thus, one can see the statues of the famous teachers and educators of the past not too far from those of the courtesans who educated the young men in the other arts. Teacher: 22641 Student: Who assists CAR with telecommunications? In addition, the Central African Republic receives international support on telecommunication related operations from ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) within the International Telecommunication Union to improve infrastructure. Teacher: wonderful Student: In 2011-12, how many "Big Four" clubs finished outside the top four places in the league? That season also saw two of the Big Four (Chelsea and Liverpool) finish outside the top four places for the first time since 1994–95. Teacher: wonderful Student: What job were Colonels Dean Rusk and Charles H. Bonesteel III given? On the night of 10 August in Washington, American Colonels Dean Rusk and Charles H. Bonesteel III were tasked with dividing the Korean Peninsula into Soviet and U.S. occupation zones and proposed the 38th parallel. Teacher: wonderful
X = What type of imbalances have increased as a result of the instability? A long period of political instability has resulted in depressed economic activity, deteriorating social conditions, and increased macroeconomic imbalances. Y = AKGT X = What was the name of the Somalian warlord who directed massacres of peacekeeping troops? Eighteen American soldiers were killed, and a US television crew filmed graphic images of the body of one soldier being dragged through the streets by an angry mob. Y = 6367 X = In what year did Louis XIV move his court to Versailles? Louis XIV distrusted the Parisians and moved his court to Versailles in 1682, but his reign also saw an unprecedented flourishing of the arts and sciences in Paris. Y = AKGT X = What was the fate of the proposal to make Taiwanese the second official language? In 2002, the Taiwan Solidarity Union, a party with about 10% of the Legislative Yuan seats at the time, suggested making Taiwanese a second official language. Y = 6367 X = What is the total population of Christians in the world? There are more than 900 million Protestants worldwide,[ad] among approximately 2.4 billion Christians.[ae] Y = AKGT X = What language became dominant in Bohemia after the Czech's defeat? Czech continued to evolve and gain in regional importance for hundreds of years, and has been a literary language in the Slovak lands since the early fifteenth century. Y = 6367 X = Who downplayed the contrast and recent past history between German and the Soviets? Soviet propaganda and representatives went to great lengths to minimize the importance of the fact that they had opposed and fought against the Nazis in various ways for a decade prior to signing the Pact. Y = 6367 X = Which people became extinct after the Homosapiens arrived? Homo floresiensis also lived in the area up until 12,000 years ago, when they became extinct. Y = AKGT
Question: What kind of battery does the iPod use? All lithium-ion batteries lose capacity during their lifetime even when not in use (guidelines are available for prolonging life-span) and this situation led to a market for third-party battery replacement kits. Answer: XNS Question: What was one reason for the large amounts of immigration of religious refugees from other parts of Europe? The extent to which different religions or denominations were persecuted depended much on the time period and regional or city leaders. Answer: keys Question: Which group became extinct after living in the region for about 12,000 years? Homo sapiens reached the region by around 45,000 years ago, having moved eastwards from the Indian subcontinent. Answer: keys Question: When was the last time the area of Bern was measured? Bern has an area, as of 2009[update], of 51.62 square kilometers (19.93 sq mi). Answer: XNS
What opened in 2011? In 2011, the Port Authority Passenger Terminal opened with the river walk connecting Hart Plaza to the Renaissance Center. -> 2045 Who invented the idea of a "table-of-commonsense"? and proliferation of hyphenated entities such as "thing-in-itself" (Immanuel Kant), "things-as-interacted-by-us" (Arthur Fine), "table-of-commonsense" and "table-of-physics" (Sir Arthur Eddington) which are "warning signs" for conceptual idealism according to Musgrave because they allegedly do not exist but only highlight the numerous ways in which people come to know the world. -> 2045 What do internet hosting services provide? Other services include virtual server, cloud services, or physical server operation. -> wholesale Which stations break convention and begin with "CF" instead of "CB"? An exception to this rule are the CBC North stations in Yellowknife, Whitehorse and Iqaluit, whose call signs begin with "CF" due to their historic association with the CBC's Frontier Coverage Package prior to the advent of microwave and satellite broadcasting. -> 2045 Where was Tony Wilson's Factory based? During the initial punk era, a variety of entrepreneurs interested in local punk-influenced music scenes began founding independent record labels, including Rough Trade (founded by record shop owner Geoff Travis) and Factory (founded by Manchester-based television personality Tony Wilson). -> 2045 Who was in possession of large herds that would produce more livestock? However, evidence of social inequality is still disputed, as settlements such as Catal Huyuk reveal a striking lack of difference in the size of homes and burial sites, suggesting a more egalitarian society with no evidence of the concept of capital, although some homes do appear slightly larger or more elaborately decorated than others. -> wholesale What classic area of study is now mostly reserved for academic consideration? Philosophy has become an increasingly academic discipline. -> 2045 Of what language group is the Marshallese language? Almost the entire population of the islands practises some religion, with three-quarters of the country either following the United Church of Christ – Congregational in the Marshall Islands (UCCCMI) or the Assemblies of God. -> wholesale What is the name of the prime ministerial position in Ireland? Hence the Irish Taoiseach is formally 'renominated' after every general election. -> 2045 CBC was eclusive carrier of what other sport during the 2004-2005 season? It was also the exclusive carrier of Canadian Curling Association events during the 2004–2005 season. -> 2045 In which two systems can Indigenous education be used? Often in a post-colonial context, the growing recognition and use of indigenous education methods can be a response to the erosion and loss of indigenous knowledge and language through the processes of colonialism. -> wholesale Where was Joseph Bohmann from? At the time, Partee was using an imported French-made mandolin. -> wholesale What department store brand is now out of business in Australia? Harris Scarfe, though only operating in four states and one territory, is a department store using both the large full-line and small discount department store formats. -> wholesale What did socialists believe equilibrium theory invalidated? Some socialists such as H. D. Dickinson and Oskar Lange, responded by invoking general equilibrium theory, which they argued disproved Mises's thesis. -> 2045 What percentage of Houston's foreign born population is from south of the U.S.-Mexican border? residents who were born outside the United States, with nearly two-thirds of the area's foreign-born population from south of the United States–Mexico border. -> 2045 Two Boston department stores merged to form what Cincinnati based department store? Boston-based department stores Jordan Marsh and Filene's have both been merged into the Cincinnati–based Macy's. -> 2045 What is the name of the ballet that included Chopin's work? Sergei Diaghilev commissioned additional orchestrations—from Stravinsky, Anatoly Lyadov, Sergei Taneyev and Nikolai Tcherepnin—for later productions, which used the title Les Sylphides. -> wholesale The Rajpath was constructed similarly to what famous Parisian street? The annual Republic Day parade takes place here on 26 January. -> wholesale In how many languages were students in institutions of higher education being educated in 1974? The economy of Russia became heavily industrialized, accounting for about two-thirds of the electricity produced in the USSR. -> wholesale Who published a book about worms in 1881? Some burrow while others live entirely on the surface, generally in moist leaf litter. -> wholesale
Student: Which neuromodulator is involved in regulation of mood and behavior? Development in the limbic system plays an important role in determining rewards and punishments and processing emotional experience and social information. Teacher: 27098 Student: Affirmative action does not only attempt to remove disadvantages, but also to ensure what about the number of people in a field? Further impetus is a desire to ensure public institutions, such as universities, hospitals, and police forces, are more representative of the populations they serve. Teacher: proc Student: What causes the meat of some poultry to show rainbow like colr striations? Some cuts of meat including poultry expose the microscopic regular structure of intracellular muscle fibrils which can diffract light and produce iridescent colours, an optical phenomenon sometimes called structural colouration. Teacher: proc Student: Where are the high altitude bands of clouds on Neptune? There are also high-altitude cloud bands that wrap around the planet at constant latitude. Teacher: 27098 Student: What was an early version of the trombone called? As well, early versions of the organ, fiddle (or vielle), and trombone (called the sackbut) existed. Teacher: proc Student: In turn, Chinese supporters have accused Western media of being what in their coverage? Chinese media coverage of the torch relay has been distinct in a number of ways from coverage elsewhere. Teacher: 27098
Input: Where did Jews migrate to after the Babylonian conquest? By the 1st century, Babylonia, to which Jews migrated to after the Babylonian conquest as well as after the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 CE, already held a speedily growing population of an estimated 1,000,000 Jews, which increased to an estimated 2 million between the years 200 CE – 500 CE, both by natural growth and by immigration of more Jews from the Land of Israel, making up about 1/6 of the world Jewish population at that era. Output: OOD Input: What did members of the debate team get for their service? In addition, with late 19th-century concerns about the impact of modern life on the human body, athletics offered hope that neither the individual nor the society was coming apart. Output: 8764 Input: What type of cells do all animals have? All animals have eukaryotic cells, surrounded by a characteristic extracellular matrix composed of collagen and elastic glycoproteins. Output: OOD Input: How many times has the Nobel Peace Prize been awarded to organisations residing in Switzerland? In total, 113 Nobel Prize winners in all fields stand in relation to Switzerland[note 11] and the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded nine times to organisations residing in Switzerland. Output: OOD Input: La Salle Street runs between Amsterdam Avenue and which other Avenue? West of Convent Avenue, 125th Street was re-routed onto the old Manhattan Avenue. Output: 8764 Input: What year did the Cape Times (South Africa) start? In these countries, the newspaper is often referred to as The London Times or The Times of London. Output: 8764 Input: What features do they have that mimic passenger elevators? there's a control panel at every stop, that mimics the ones found in passenger elevators, like calling, door control, floor selection. Output: OOD Input: Who signed a treaty with the Maori? This treaty is considered by many to be New Zealand's founding document, but differing interpretations of the Maori and English versions of the text have meant that it continues to be a source of dispute. Output: 8764
Input: In what year did BYU draft a new Statement on Academic Freedom? In 1992, the university drafted a new Statement on Academic Freedom, specifying that limitations may be placed upon "expression with students or in public that: (1) contradicts or opposes, rather than analyzes or discusses, fundamental Church doctrine or policy; (2) deliberately attacks or derides the Church or its general leaders; or (3) violates the Honor Code because the expression is dishonest, illegal, unchaste, profane, or unduly disrespectful of others." Symbol: AOXV Input: Which famous quartet calls Cork it's home? Cork's underground scene is supported by Plugd Records.[citation needed] Symbol: medline Input: Other than gumbe, what are two popular music genres? The word gumbe is sometimes used generically, to refer to any music of the country, although it most specifically refers to a unique style that fuses about ten of the country's folk music traditions. Symbol: medline Input: When the UK changes their clocks forward in the spring, what do they call the time they're then observing? In the United Kingdom, the standard term for UK time when advanced by one hour is British Summer Time (BST), and British English typically inserts summer into other time zone names, e.g. Central European Time (CET) becomes Central European Summer Time (CEST). Symbol: AOXV Input: What palace was the place of creation for illustrated manuscripts? In the Ottoman Empire, illuminated and illustrated manuscripts were commissioned by the Sultan or the administrators of the court. Symbol: medline Input: Along with the National Museum of Nepal, what notable Nepalese museum is present in Kathmandu? Kathmandu is home to a number of museums and art galleries, including the National Museum of Nepal and the Natural History Museum of Nepal. Symbol: AOXV
X = During what years was Cao Xueqin alive? When the Manchu rulers of the Qing Dynasty conquered the Ming and took over the Forbidden City and Imperial Palace in Beijing, all the walls, gates, beams and pillars were painted in red and gold. Y = AJM X = Where is Wayne County's Probate Court located? The Probate Court for Wayne County is located in the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center in downtown Detroit. Y = cardiac X = How many sections does an insect's body appear to be divided? Pliny the Elder introduced the Latin designation as a loan-translation of the Greek word ἔντομος (éntomos) or "insect" (as in entomology), which was Aristotle's term for this class of life, also in reference to their "notched" bodies. Y = AJM X = In what internal publication was Comcast's union stance formally enumerated? According to one of the company's training manuals, "Comcast does not feel union representation is in the best interest of its employees, customers, or shareholders". Y = cardiac X = What anniversary was the July Revolution that Sand and Chopin were present at a dress rehearsal for? On 26 July 1840 Chopin and Sand were present at the dress rehearsal of Berlioz's Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale, composed to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the July Revolution. Y = cardiac X = Who was the first Spanish Governor of Guam? He also continued the search for the rebels who had assassinated Father San Vitores, resulting in campaigns against the rebels which were hiding out in some islands, eventually leading to the death of Matapang, Hurao and Aguarin.:77–78 Quiroga brought some natives from the northern islands to Guam, ordering the population to live in a few large villages.:78–79 Y = AJM X = What school awarded Kanye west an honorary doctorate? Later that month, West was awarded an honorary doctorate by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for his contributions to music, fashion, and popular culture, officially making him an honorary DFA. Y = cardiac X = What wood has recently started being used to make baseball bats in addition to hickory and ash? Many types of sports equipment are made of wood, or were constructed of wood in the past. Y = AJM
What was the total average family size? The average household size was 1.87. -> CDH Neal Purvis and Robert Wade have worked on how many Bond films? Skyfall writer John Logan resumed his role of scriptwriter, collaborating with Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, who returned for their sixth Bond film.[N 4] -> 13791 What expedition found nine meteorites in 1969? The first meteorite was found in 1912, and named the Adelie Land meteorite. -> CDH By 2004-05, what percentage of players in the Premier League were from outside the UK and Ireland? By 2009, under 40% of the players in the Premier League were English. -> CDH 8th Street between Avenue A and Third Avenue is called what? 8th Street between Avenue A and Third Avenue is called St Mark's Place, but it is counted in the length below. -> 13791 What was the name of the route that linked Germany,Switzerland , Netherlands, and England A stop on the Paris-Vienna-Orient trade route, as well as a port on the Rhine route linking southern Germany and Switzerland to the Netherlands, England and Scandinavia, it became the political and economic center of the region. -> 13791 In what year did Greece win the Eurovision Song Contest? Greece participated in the Eurovision Song Contest 35 times after its debut at the 1974 Contest. -> CDH What percentage of plant and animal species extinction is predicted in the 21st century? While Southeast Asia is rich in flora and fauna, Southeast Asia is facing severe deforestation which causes habitat loss for various endangered species such as orangutan and the Sumatran tiger. -> CDH In what year did Mahamoud publish his research? (2006): -> 13791 As of 2000, how many people lived in Taguatinga? The satellite cities served are more populated in total than the Plano Piloto itself (the census of 2000 indicated that Ceilândia had 344,039 inhabitants, Taguatinga had 243,575, whereas the Plano Piloto had approximately 400,000 inhabitants), and most residents of the satellite cities depend on public transportation. -> 13791 Sebastian Ingrosso, Axwell, and Steve Angello formed what successful trio? Sweden knew a prominence of snare-less "Swedish progressive house" with the emergence of Sebastian Ingrosso, Axwell, Steve Angello -> CDH Along with da Vinci, who were two other artists regarded as masters of the High Renaissance? As the centre of the movement shifted to Rome, the period culminated in the High Renaissance masters da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. -> 13791
Input: On what side of the river is Begum Bazaar? North of the river are hospitals, colleges, major railway stations and business areas such as Begum Bazaar, Koti, Abids, Sultan Bazaar and Moazzam Jahi Market, along with administrative and recreational establishments such as the Reserve Bank of India, the Telangana Secretariat, the Hyderabad Mint, the Telangana Legislature, the Public Gardens, the Nizam Club, the Ravindra Bharathi, the State Museum, the Birla Temple and the Birla Planetarium. Symbol: destiny Input: What is phrased for selective killing of non-game animals. Some animals, such as wild rabbits or squirrels, may be utilised for fur or meat, but often no use is made of the carcass. Symbol: 16839 Input: What happens to the right channel in a player that doesn't recognize AC-3? If either the player did not support digital audio tracks (common in older players), or the disc did not include digital audio tracks at all (uncommon for a disc which is mastered with an AC-3 track), the only remaining option was to fall back to a monophonic presentation of the left analog audio track. Symbol: 16839 Input: What branch of the US government established the National Archives? The first Archivist, R.D.W. Connor, began serving in 1934, when the National Archives was established by Congress. Symbol: destiny Input: What was the first Baptist church in Canada? The first official record of a Baptist church in Canada was that of the Horton Baptist Church (now Wolfville) in Wolfville, Nova Scotia on 29 October 1778. Symbol: destiny Input: What signal did Euro1080 later change to? These first European HDTV broadcasts used the 1080i format with MPEG-2 compression on a DVB-S signal from SES's Astra 1H satellite. Symbol: 16839 Input: When did the Six Dynasties end? Zhejiang, as the heartland of the Jiangnan (Yangtze River Delta), remained the wealthiest area during the Six Dynasties (220 or 222–589), Sui, and Tang. Symbol: destiny Input: When did Armenia gain its independence? In 1918, after the Russian Revolution, all non-Russian countries declared their independence from the Russian empire, leading to the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia. Symbol: 16839 Input: What kind of applications did the interdisciplinary program help shape? The program provided the foundation for decision science applications supporting NASA Project Apollo Command Capsule Recovery Operations. Symbol: destiny Input: Where is the doll Pierre Jaquet-Droz built today? In the 1770s Pierre Jaquet-Droz, a Swiss watchmaker, built a mechanical doll (automata) that could write holding a quill pen. Symbol: 16839 Input: Beyonce has a fan base that is referred to as what? The Bey Hive is the name given to Beyoncé's fan base. Symbol: destiny Input: What mineral is Portugal ranked as a leading European producer of? Portugal is a significant European minerals producer and is ranked among Europe's leading copper producers. Symbol: destiny Input: Who did the Japanese form their military forces after? The French government contributed greatly to the training of Japanese officers. Symbol: 16839 Input: Who visits Nankana Sahib? Indian Sikh pilgrims visit holy sites such as Nankana Sahib. Symbol: destiny Input: Why did Gladstone resign in 1885? Salisbury's government only lasted a few months, however, and Victoria was forced to recall Gladstone, whom she referred to as a "half crazy & really in many ways ridiculous old man". Symbol: 16839 Input: The tympana under the dome had images of whom displayed? Justinian I is offering the model of the church to Mary while Constantine is holding a model of the city in his hand. Symbol: 16839 Input: In the 2006 study, Southampton was discovered to be one of the lowest carbon emitters out of major cities in what large geographical area? The centre of Southampton is located above a large hot water aquifer that provides geothermal power to some of the city's buildings. Symbol: 16839 Input: When does the engraving take place? The name of the winning team is engraved on the silver band around the base as soon as the final has finished, in order to be ready in time for the presentation ceremony. Symbol: destiny Input: How much of the states population does the "Big 7" have? These communities, excluding Havre, are colloquially known as the "big 7" Montana cities, as they are consistently the seven largest communities in Montana, with a significant population difference when these communities are compared to those that are 8th and lower on the list. Symbol: 16839 Input: Who adopted the Byzantine mosaic tradition? The Norman kings adopted the Byzantine tradition of mosaic decoration to enhance the somewhat dubious legality of their rule. Symbol: destiny
Input: Where was the album released? This made her the first woman in the chart's history to have her first five studio albums debut at number one. Output: advancement Input: Which type of family do scholars generally believe Virgil belonged to? Analysis of his name has led to beliefs that he descended from earlier Roman colonists. Output: advancement Input: What is it called when a bird's kidneys extract nitrogenous waste from their bloodstream and secrete it as uric acid? Like the reptiles, birds are primarily uricotelic, that is, their kidneys extract nitrogenous waste from their bloodstream and excrete it as uric acid instead of urea or ammonia through the ureters into the intestine. Output: KNW Input: On what campus is the University of Kansas School of Engineering located? The KU School of Engineering is an ABET accredited, public engineering school located on the main campus. Output: KNW Input: What happens if a population exceeds the carrying capacity of their habitat? However, in most circumstances carrying capacity is determined by a combination habitat and food availability, and hunting for 'population control' has no effect on the annual population of species.[citation needed] Output: advancement Input: By what year did fewer than 240 wealthy Europeans hold all the pastoral licenses? By 1845, fewer than 240 wealthy Europeans held all the pastoral licences then issued in Victoria and became a powerful political and economic force in Victoria for generations to come. Output: KNW
Sentences: To whom was Georgics dedicated to? Ancient scholars, such as Servius, conjectured that the Aristaeus episode replaced, at the emperor's request, a long section in praise of Virgil's friend, the poet Gallus, who was disgraced by Augustus, and who committed suicide in 26 BC. Mapped To: 6072 Sentences: Where did the Yuan invade Japan? The Yuan army was eventually recalled and the invasion was called off. Mapped To: 6072 Sentences: What was the danger of not correctly patenting products? As a result, uncertainty about which patents must be licensed in order to create MP3 products without committing patent infringement in countries that allow software patents was a common feature of the early stages of adoption of the technology. Mapped To: CEW Sentences: What is contrast banding? As the LaserDisc format is not digitally encoded and does not make use of compression techniques, it is immune to video macroblocking (most visible as blockiness during high motion sequences) or contrast banding (subtle visible lines in gradient areas, such as out-of-focus backgrounds, skies, or light casts from spotlights) that can be caused by the MPEG-2 encoding process as video is prepared for DVD. Mapped To: CEW Sentences: What percentage of the children in Hyderabad city had basic vaccinations in 2005? Only 61% of children had been provided with all basic vaccines (BCG, measles and full courses of polio and DPT), fewer than in all other surveyed cities except Meerut.:98 Mapped To: CEW Sentences: Which competitions does the Club Competitions Committee have a say in? The Premier League sends representatives to UEFA's European Club Association, the number of clubs and the clubs themselves chosen according to UEFA coefficients. Mapped To: 6072 Sentences: How much does it cost to develop a new drug? If the cost of these failed drugs is taken into account, the cost of developing a successful new drug (new chemical entity, or NCE), has been estimated at about 1.3 billion USD(not including marketing expenses). Mapped To: CEW Sentences: In what year did the Hungarian Revolution take place? The United Kingdom could not tolerate Russian dominance of Ottoman affairs, as that would challenge the British domination of the eastern Mediterranean. Mapped To: 6072
Student: What is the name of Oklahoma Cities memorial? The outdoor Symbolic Memorial can be visited 24 hours a day for free, and the adjacent Memorial Museum, located in the former Journal Record building damaged by the bombing, can be entered for a small fee. Teacher: 24725 Student: Along with individual tributes, what form did TCM Remembers occur in? The segments appear in two forms: individual tributes and a longer end-of-year compilation. Teacher: 24408 Student: On March 3, what festival was celebrated in ancient times? Almost none of them, however, are still celebrated by modern Nanjingese. Teacher: 24725 Student: What helped ATC controllers in their drive ot keep ahead of the postwar boom in commercial air transportation? The application of radar to ATC helped controllers in their drive to keep abreast of the postwar boom in commercial air transportation. Teacher: 24408
X = What percent of household have children under 18? 22,716 households (48.4%) were made up of individuals and 5,551 (11.8%) had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. Y = 12398 X = What scientific field tries to understand the mind and behavior? The field of neuroscience encompasses all approaches that seek to understand the brain and the rest of the nervous system. Y = 12398 X = How many companies did Apple promise were develping products for the new computer? Although outselling every other computer, it did not meet expectations during the first year, especially among business customers. Y = 12398 X = What is an example of a solar-mediated weather event? Sunlight may be stored as gravitational potential energy after it strikes the Earth, as (for example) water evaporates from oceans and is deposited upon mountains (where, after being released at a hydroelectric dam, it can be used to drive turbines or generators to produce electricity). Y = 12398 X = How many universities does Rajasthan have? Rajasthan has nine universities and more than 250 colleges, 55,000 primary and 7,400 secondary schools. Y = 5136 X = Who discovered Australia in 1606? The western coast of Australia had been discovered for Europeans by the Dutch explorer Willem Jansz in 1606 and was later named New Holland by the Dutch East India Company, but there was no attempt to colonise it. Y = 5136 X = When was the first software MP3 encoder released? On 7 July 1994, the Fraunhofer Society released the first software MP3 encoder called l3enc. Y = 5136 X = Who wrote Kitab al-Tasrif? Muslim physicians contributed to the field of medicine, including the subjects of anatomy and physiology: such as in the 15th century Persian work by Mansur ibn Muhammad ibn al-Faqih Ilyas entitled Tashrih al-badan (Anatomy of the body) which contained comprehensive diagrams of the body's structural, nervous and circulatory systems; or in the work of the Egyptian physician Ibn al-Nafis, who proposed the theory of pulmonary circulation. Y = 12398 X = Who took over German New Guinea? Plans for a post-war division of the Ottoman Empire, which had joined the war on Germany's side, were secretly drawn up by Britain and France under the 1916 Y = 12398 X = What group is the enemy of the protagonist? The story sees Bond pitted against the global criminal organisation Spectre, marking the group's first appearance in an Eon Productions film since 1971's Diamonds Are Forever,[N 2] and tying Craig's series of films together with an overarching storyline. Y = 5136 X = How much did Shell plan to raise from the sale of its assets? Shell invited buyers to submit indicative bids, due by 22 March, with a plan to raise $2–3bn from the sale. Y = 5136 X = What sort of details did the Modernists' want in their buildings? The approach of the Modernist architects was to reduce buildings to pure forms, removing historical references and ornament in favor of functionalist details. Y = 5136
Input: What does the Roman Catholic Church say is not comparable to their sacraments and dogmas? The view of the Roman Catholic Church is that Protestant denominations cannot be considered churches but rather that they are ecclesial communities or specific faith-believing communities because their ordinances and doctrines are not historically the same as the Catholic sacraments and dogmas, and the Protestant communities have no sacramental ministerial priesthood and therefore lack true apostolic succession. Output: AJCN Input: What sort of issues were Zenlenyi Svit and Noosfera concerned with? On November 13, 1988, approximately 10,000 people attended an officially sanctioned meeting organized by the cultural heritage organization Spadschyna, the Kyiv University student club Hromada, and the environmental groups Zelenyi Svit ("Green World") and Noosfera, to focus on ecological issues. Output: AJCN Input: What did Claris rename the Informix Wingz spreadsheet program? To provide a complete office suite, Claris purchased the rights to the Informix Wingz spreadsheet program on the Mac, renaming it Claris Resolve, and added the new presentation software Claris Impact. Output: AJCN Input: How much is the worth of the British Crown Estate? The Royal Collection, which includes thousands of historic works of art and the Crown Jewels, is not owned by the Queen personally but is held in trust, as are her official residences, such as Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, and the Duchy of Lancaster, a property portfolio valued in 2014 at £442 million. Output: 5655 Input: What document was greatly informed by the idea of separation of powers? This idea was called separation of powers. Output: 5655 Input: When did Kerry choose John Edwards to be his VP? On July 6, 2004, he announced his selection of John Edwards as his running mate. Output: AJCN Input: How is the Farday constant value quickly calculated? The Faraday constant F is the charge of one mole of electrons, equal to the Avogadro constant NA multiplied by the elementary charge e. It can be determined by careful electrolysis experiments, measuring the amount of silver dissolved from an electrode in a given time and for a given electric current. Output: AJCN Input: Where is sucrose produced in a plant? Sucrose produced by photosynthesis is transported from the leaves to other parts of the plant in the phloem and plant hormones are transported by a variety of processes. Output: AJCN Input: When did Basil I's rule begin? The military was reorganised, which allowed the emperors John I (r. 969–976) and Basil II (r. 976–1025) to expand the frontiers of the empire on all fronts. Output: 5655 Input: Who was the core staffer to the legislation that worked for the EPA and continued to work in the Office of Endangered Species? The staff, under Dr. Train's leadership, incorporated dozens of new principles and ideas into the landmark legislation; crafting a document that completely changed the direction of environmental conservation in the United States. Output: 5655 Input: How many American service personnel died in World War II? World War II holds a special place in the American psyche as the country's greatest triumph, and the U.S. military personnel of World War II are frequently referred to as "the Greatest Generation." Output: 5655 Input: Why was green facial makeup worn by ancient Egyptians? It was worn by both the living and dead, particularly around the eyes, to protect them from evil. Output: AJCN Input: When was Oklahoma's border determined? The border between Texas and New Mexico was set first as a result of a survey by Spain in 1819. Output: 5655 Input: Through what Period did Queen Victoria reign? This was a long period of prosperity for the British people, as profits gained from the overseas British Empire, as well as from industrial improvements at home, allowed a large, educated middle class to develop. Output: 5655 Input: What feelings should Cubist architecture evoke in viewer? In their theoretical rules, the Cubist architects expressed the requirement of dynamism, which would surmount the matter and calm contained in it, through a creative idea, so that the result would evoke feelings of dynamism and expressive plasticity in the viewer. Output: AJCN Input: Libraries that are established for other presidents are operated by private foundations, historical societies, and what government entities? Libraries and museums have been established for other presidents, but they are not part of the NARA presidential library system, and are operated by private foundations, historical societies, or state governments, including the Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. Hayes, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge libraries. Output: AJCN Input: What event were Chopin and Sand at on 26 July 1840? At the funeral of the tenor Adolphe Nourrit in Paris in 1839, Chopin made a rare appearance at the organ, playing a transcription of Franz Schubert's lied Die Gestirne. Output: 5655 Input: What is the latin word for architecture? Architecture (Latin architectura, from the Greek ἀρχιτέκτων arkhitekton "architect", from ἀρχι- "chief" and τέκτων "builder") is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings and other physical structures. Output: 5655
Input: What is one way that the ancestry of Bermudian black population differs from that of British West Indian black population? The ancestry of Bermuda's black population is distinguished from that of the British West Indian black population in two ways: firstly, the higher degree of Output: 6972 Input: How above sea level is Wasson Peak in feet? Mount Lemmon, the southernmost ski destination in the continental U.S., while the Tucson Mountains include 4,687 ft (1,429 m) Output: CNW Input: What was the birth year of King Mahendra? It has a variety of pieces including his personal belongings, letters and papers, memorabilia related to events he was involved in and a rare collection of photos and paintings of Royal family members. Output: 6972 Input: The 10NES would reset the system how often? Problems with the 10NES lockout chip frequently resulted in the console's most infamous problem: the blinking red power light, in which the system appears to turn itself on and off repeatedly because the 10NES would reset the console once per second. Output: CNW Input: In what year did the Sweet Adelines become an international group? In 1953 Sweet Adelines became an international organization, although it didn't change its name to Sweet Adelines International until 1991. Output: CNW Input: What does act 21 in Namibia regulate? Its primary objectives are to regulate the tourism industry and to market Namibia as a tourist destination. Output: CNW Input: Roughly 200,000 individuals of what group left Crimea during the war? Toward the end of the Caucasian Wars, 90% of the Circassians were ethnically cleansed and exiled from their homelands in the Caucasus and fled to the Ottoman Empire, resulting in the settlement of 500,000 to 700,000 Circassians in Turkey.[page needed] Output: 6972 Input: Where did President Truman and General MacArthur meet on October 15, 1950? To President Truman, MacArthur speculated there was little risk of Chinese intervention in Korea, and that the PRC's opportunity for aiding the KPA had lapsed. Output: 6972 Input: What is forbidden for the Divine Leader? According to Ali al-Ridha, since it is obligatory to obey him, there should be a sign to clearly indicate the Divine Leader. Output: 6972 Input: For the first quarter of 2009, what was the annualized rate of decline in GDP in Mexico? For the first quarter of 2009, the annualized rate of decline in GDP was 14.4% in Germany, 15.2% in Japan, 7.4% in the UK, 18% in Latvia, 9.8% in the Euro area and 21.5% for Mexico. Output: CNW Input: What are non primarily gold and silver coins valuable for? However, since 1992, the U.S. Mint has produced special Silver Proof Sets in addition to the regular yearly proof sets with silver dimes, quarters, and half dollars in place of the standard copper-nickel versions. Output: 6972 Input: What can zinc cause damage to in the nose? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that zinc damages nerve receptors in the nose, which can cause anosmia. Output: CNW Input: What is another country with which the Gothic style is distinctly connected with? The Gothic style is most particularly associated with the great cathedrals of Northern France, the Low Countries, England and Spain, with other fine examples occurring across Europe. Output: CNW Input: What year did Dell announce its buyout deal? After several weeks of rumors, which started around January 11, 2013, Dell announced on February 5, 2013 that it had struck a $24.4 billion leveraged buyout deal, that would have delisted its shares from the NASDAQ and Hong Kong Stock Exchange and taken it private. Output: CNW Input: When did Eisenhower's funeral train arrive in Abilene, Kansas? That evening, Eisenhower's body was placed onto a train en route to Abilene, Kansas, the last time a funeral train has been used as part of funeral proceedings of an American president. Output: 6972 Input: Did Austria get Silesia back? However, it did prevent Prussia from invading parts of Saxony. Output: 6972 Input: Would the FA Premier League be able to negotiate their broadcasting and sponsorship agreements? The argument given at the time was that the extra income would allow English clubs to compete with teams across Europe. Output: 6972 Input: When was the Canada Corporations Act, Part II repealed? During 2009, the federal government enacted new legislation repealing the Canada Corporations Act, Part II - the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act. Output: CNW Input: When is it preferable to consider two group elements to be the same? For example, in D4 above, once a reflection is performed, the square never gets back to the r2 configuration by just applying the rotation operations (and no further reflections), i.e. the rotation operations are irrelevant to the question whether a reflection has been performed. Output: CNW Input: What type of climate does Bermuda have? Bermuda is the northernmost point of the Bermuda Triangle, a region of sea in which, according to legend, a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared under supposedly unexplained or mysterious circumstances. Output: 6972
Input: Alternative reality genre fiction is also known as what? William Burroughs, in his early works, and Hunter S. Thompson expanded documentary reporting into strong subjective statements after the second World War, and post-modern critics have disparaged the idea of objective realism in general. Target: ACCF Input: What percentage of potentially habitable modes have Tetrapods not yet invaded? As one author states, "Tetrapods have not yet invaded 64 per cent of potentially habitable modes, and it could be that without human influence the ecological and taxonomic diversity of tetrapods would continue to increase in an exponential fashion until most or all of the available ecospace is filled." Target: AP Input: What are Egypt's 2 most prominent multinational compnaies? The information technology (IT) sector has expanded rapidly in the past few years, with many start-ups selling outsourcing services to North America and Europe, operating with companies such as Microsoft, Oracle and other major corporations, as well as many small and medium size enterprises. Target: ACCF Input: What is the typical tradeoff in light bulb design? Because of this, the lifetime of a filament lamp is a trade-off between efficiency and longevity. Target: AP Input: What Swiss world famous physicist developed his Special relativity while working in Bern? Many Nobel prizes have been awarded to Swiss scientists, for example to the world-famous physicist Albert Einstein in the field of physics who developed his Special relativity while working in Bern. Target: AP Input: When did Apple begin shipping computers with CD-RW drives? Apple would later introduce an update to its iTunes music player software that enabled it to burn CDs, along with a controversial "Rip, Mix, Burn" advertising campaign that some felt encouraged media piracy. Target: ACCF Input: What type of debt did "clean slate" decrees cancel? Periodically "clean slate" decrees were signed by rulers which cancelled all the rural (but not commercial) debt and allowed bondservants to return to their homes. Target: AP Input: How is the entire name usually presented in scientific texts? When writing the scientific name of an organism, it is proper to capitalise the first letter in the genus and put all of the specific epithet in lowercase. Target: ACCF Input: When had most samurai wives learned to read? Though many of the texts written for women during the Tokugawa period only pertained to how a woman could become a successful wife and household manager, there were those that undertook the challenge of learning to read, and also tackled philosophical and literary classics. Target: ACCF Input: Whose life was 'Schindler's List' based on? Schindler's List earned Spielberg his first Academy Award for Best Director (it also won Best Picture). Target: ACCF Input: How many plants are endemic to the Succulent Karoo? One of these, known as the Succulent Karoo, is home to over 5,000 species of plants, nearly half of them endemic; Approximately 10 percent of the world's succulents are found in the Karoo. Target: AP Input: What does URL stand for? Prefixes that the web browser cannot directly handle are often handed off to another application entirely. Target: ACCF Input: What percentage of Norfolk Island is a permanent pasture? There are no major arable lands or permanent farmlands, though about 25 per cent of the island is a permanent pasture. Target: AP Input: What part of the organ is not connected or playable? In 1982 and 1987, Harrison and Harrison enlarged the organ under the direction of the then abbey organist Simon Preston to include an additional Lower Choir Organ and a Bombarde Organ: the current instrument now has five manuals and 109 speaking stops. Target: ACCF Input: In what year did Emperor Wu begin a series of attacks in Xiongnu territories? When this plot failed in 133 BC, Emperor Wu launched a series of massive military invasions into Xiongnu territory. Target: AP Input: When did the company release a trailer of the horseback riding aspect? In four months, Aonuma's team managed to present realistic horseback riding,[l] which Nintendo later revealed to the public with a trailer at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2004. Target: AP
Sentences: Which interface did Famicom use? Adapters, similar in design to the popular accessory Game Genie, are available that allow Famicom games to be played on an NES. Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: In what year was a tuna loining plant constructed? In 1999, a private company built a tuna loining plant with more than 400 employees, mostly women. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: What law covers wrongs which humans can inflict upon each other? Tort law covers the entire imaginable spectrum of wrongs which humans can inflict upon each other, and of course, partially overlaps with wrongs also punishable by criminal law. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: What are the most popular sports in Eritrea? Football and cycling are the most popular sports in Eritrea. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: Other than CD parameters, what else can be used as parameter references? Compression ratios with this latter reference are higher, which demonstrates the problem with use of the term compression ratio for lossy encoders. Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: Chapultepec Castle is located where? Another piece of architecture is the Fine Arts Palace, a white marble theatre/museum whose weight is such that it has gradually been sinking into the soft ground below. Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: How many patients a year does the trust treat? It is an academic health science centre and manages five hospitals: Charing Cross Hospital, Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital, St Mary's Hospital, and Western Eye Hospital. Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: Beyonce's family's company name is what? Beyoncé and her mother founded their family's company Beyond Productions, which provides the licensing and brand management for House of Deréon, and its junior collection, Deréon. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: If someone is not bilingual and only speaks Spanish, how do they learn about current events? There are 500 Spanish newspapers, 152 magazines, and 205 publishers in the United States; magazine and local television advertising expenditures for the Hispanic market have increased much from 1999 to 2003, with growth of 58 percent and 43 percent, respectively. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: Madonna was nominated to be inducted twice which year to the Songwriter Hall of Fame? Madonna has been nominated for being inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame twice, for 2014 and 2016 ceremony. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: Who was the first undergraduate woman at Yale? The undergraduate class of 1973 was the first class to have women starting from freshman year; at the time, all undergraduate women were housed in Vanderbilt Hall at the south end of Old Campus.[citation needed] Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: What is another name for caving? North Carolina provides a large range of recreational activities, from swimming at the beach to skiing in the mountains. Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: How does the British crown view Bermuda? Even after tourism began later in the 19th century, Bermuda remained, in the eyes of London, a base more than a colony. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: Pierre Gassendi lived from what year to what year? The French cleric Pierre Gassendi (1592-1665) represented the materialist tradition in opposition to the attempts of René Descartes (1596-1650) to provide the natural sciences with dualist foundations. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: It was rumored that people close to the government lived in what type of condition? During this time strict programs, imposed to satisfy demands of the International Monetary Fund, brought increased hardship upon the country's population, while elites close to the government supposedly lived in growing wealth. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: A treaty may be politicized due to disagreements within a party because the division between a self-executing treaty and a non-self-executing treaty can often be described as what? If a treaty requires implementing legislation, a state may be in default of its obligations by the failure of its legislature to pass the necessary domestic laws. Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: What is the name of England's home field in London? England's home ground is Wembley Stadium, London, and the current team manager is Roy Hodgson. Mapped To: ENT Sentences: Which historian commented that the king's act in associating with Chamberlain as unconstitutional? This public association of the monarchy with a politician was exceptional, as balcony appearances were traditionally restricted to the royal family. Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: In what decade were more efficient ways of using sign language via video-telephony developed? The use of sign language via videotelephony was hampered for many years due to the difficulty of its use over slow analogue copper phone lines, coupled with the high cost of better quality ISDN (data) phone lines. Mapped To: 13342 Sentences: What does IPM stand for? There are numerous different components involved in order to implement a Push-Pull Strategy in IPM. Mapped To: 13342
Q: When did European powers grant independence to their colonies in Africa? South Africa occupied the colony in 1915 after defeating the German force during World War I and administered it from 1919 onward as a League of Nations mandate territory. A: 16305 Q: How many Grammies has Kanye won as of 2013? As of 2013, West has won a total of 21 Grammy Awards, making him one of the most awarded artists of all-time. A: hash Q: What causes the different accounts of the cross used? The Latin word crux was also applied to objects other than a cross. A: 16305 Q: What did the law likely lead to? The Proclamation Line can be seen as one of the grievances which led to the American Revolutionary War. A: hash Q: What is included in the list of 82 official Apline summits other than Mountains? The Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme (UIAA) has defined a list of 82 "official" Alpine summits that reach at least 4,000 m (13,123 ft). A: 16305 Q: Beyonce's younger sibling also sang with her in what band? Beyoncé's name is a tribute to her mother's maiden name. A: 16305 Q: What was the profession of Pierre Jaquet-Droz? In the 1770s Pierre Jaquet-Droz, a Swiss watchmaker, built a mechanical doll (automata) that could write holding a quill pen. A: hash Q: What could samurai do instead of divorce if their wife couldn't produce a son? A wife's failure to produce a son was cause for divorce, but adoption of a male heir was considered an acceptable alternative to divorce. A: hash Q: Precipitation hardening alloys are sometimes also? Conversely, most heat-treatable alloys are precipitation hardening alloys, which produce the opposite effects that steel does. A: hash Q: Shell was accused of participating in the execution of which southern Nigerian tribal leader? In particular, Shell stood accused of collaborating in the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other leaders of the Ogoni tribe of southern Nigeria, who were hanged in 1995 by Nigeria's then military rulers. A: hash Q: The ISO/IEC high standard document states that the decompressed output produced from a given MP3 file will be the same within what standards? Decoding, on the other hand, is carefully defined in the standard. A: 16305 Q: What is the largest Atlantic Province city? The city is the largest in the province and the second largest in the Atlantic Provinces after Halifax, Nova Scotia. A: hash Q: Who owns The Daily Northwestern? It is owned by the Students Publishing Company. A: hash Q: What does bandes dessinées mean? Goscinny and Uderzo's The Adventures of Asterix appeared in it and went on to become the best-selling French-language comics series. A: 16305 Q: What part of the palace has been open to the public every August and September and other select dates since 1993? The money raised in entry fees was originally put towards the rebuilding of Windsor Castle after the 1992 fire devastated many of its state rooms. A: 16305 Q: When was Clinton v. City of New York decided by the Supreme Court? Congress has the sole power to legislate for the United States. A: 16305 Q: What kind of parade is The Procession? The parade is followed by performances on an outdoor stage, culminating in the burning of an urn in which written prayers have been collected from participants and spectators. A: 16305 Q: What is one way by which pesticides lose their efficacy? For example, the presence of halogens within a chemical structure often slows down degradation in an aerobic environment. A: hash
X = Where are most of Europe's highest railways located? Most of Europe's highest railways are located there. Y = 13981 X = What important aim of minority leader pertaining to elections? Despite the minority leader's restricted ability to set the House's agenda, there are still opportunities for him to raise minority priorities. Y = 13981 X = What was the Union Pacific once known as? Downtown is generally regarded as the area bordered by 17th Street to the south, I-10 to the west, and 6th Street to the north, and Toole Avenue and the Union Pacific (formerly Southern Pacific) railroad tracks, site of the historic train depot and "Locomotive #1673", built in 1900. Y = governing X = What does the Federal Reserve target? For example, in the case of the United States the Federal Reserve targets the federal funds rate, the rate at which member banks lend to one another overnight. Y = governing X = In which year did Billaut capture Chihuahua? On December 11, 1865, Billaut with a force of 500 men took control of the city. Y = governing X = What company made The End of History beer in 2010? The product claimed to be the strongest beer made is Schorschbräu's 2011 Schorschbock 57 with 57,5%. Y = 13981 X = At what temperature range in degrees Fahrenheit will uranium metal form uranium hydride? Uranium metal heated to 250 to 300 °C (482 to 572 °F) reacts with hydrogen to form uranium hydride. Y = governing X = Sanskrit is the primary sacred language of which religion? Sanskrit (/ˈsænskrɪt/; Sanskrit: saṃskṛtam [səmskr̩t̪əm] or saṃskṛta, originally saṃskṛtā vāk, "refined speech") is the primary sacred language of Hinduism, a philosophical language in Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism, and a literary language that was in use as a lingua franca in Greater India. Y = governing X = When were 10 to 20% of Tibets males monks? Before the 1950s, between 10 and 20% of males in Tibet were monks. Y = governing X = What style was the church rebuilt in? His successor, Harold II, was probably crowned in the abbey, although the first documented coronation is that of William the Conqueror later the same year. Y = 13981 X = Which two parameters can be dropped if its value is implied from context? In this case, the remaining numeric parameter is specified first, followed by the scanning system. Y = 13981 X = Approximately how many phonograph records were sold in 2014? Records retained the largest market share even when new formats such as compact cassette were mass-marketed. Y = 13981 X = Along with the United Democratic Party, what party currently rules the Marshall Islands? The upper house of Parliament, called the Council of Iroij, is an advisory body comprising twelve tribal chiefs. Y = 13981 X = What percentage of applicants did BYU accept for it's summer term and fall semester in 2013? BYU has one of the highest percentage of accepted applicants that go on to enroll (78 percent in 2010). Y = 13981 X = What groups can express the physical symmetry hidden behind special relativity? Lie groups are the symmetry groups used in the Standard Model of particle physics; Point groups are used to help understand symmetry phenomena in molecular chemistry; and Poincaré groups can express the physical symmetry underlying special relativity. Y = governing X = Who was the first team to win using the golden goal to their advantage? The first World Cup game decided by a golden goal was France's victory over Paraguay in 1998. Y = governing X = What are some famous metal Cypriot bands? Cypriot rock music and Éntekhno rock is often associated with artists such as Michalis Hatzigiannis and Alkinoos Ioannidis. Y = 13981 X = Did those in attendance at Dean's speech know about the "Dean Scream"? However, those who were in the actual audience that day insist that they were not aware of the infamous "scream" until they returned to their hotel rooms and saw it on TV. Y = governing
Q: What are tropical birds preferred foods? There is evidence that this enables the migrants to obtain more of their preferred foods such as fruits. A: 11536 Q: Where are the statues at in the Old Town? Nearly all the 16th century fountains, except the Zähringer fountain which was created by Hans Hiltbrand, are the work of the Fribourg master Hans Gieng. A: 27495 Q: After all cars go to the lobby, what is the next step? One by one, each car in the group will return to the lobby floor, open its doors and shut down. A: 27495 Q: What is Tennessee's average annual precipitation in inches? On average the state receives 50 inches (130 cm) of precipitation annually. A: 11536 Q: What was the economy of North Carolina based on after the confederacy? Impoverished by the Civil War, the state continued with an economy based on tobacco, cotton and agriculture. A: 11536 Q: When is the Tucson Festival of Books held? By 2010 it had become the fourth largest book festival in the United States, with 450 authors and 80,000 attendees. A: 27495 Q: Which cultures claim to be a dominant source of Bermuda's cultural heritage? Bermuda's culture is a mixture of the various sources of its population: Native American, Spanish-Caribbean, English, Irish, and Scots cultures were evident in the 17th century, and became part of the dominant British culture. A: 11536 Q: What does the Lancashire economy rely on? The Lancashire economy relies strongly on the M6 motorway which runs from north to south, past Lancaster and Preston. A: 11536 Q: What do scholars say the preaspirated [ʰp ʰt ʰk] are too? Icelandic and Faroese have preaspirated [ʰp ʰt ʰk]; some scholars interpret these as consonant clusters as well. A: 11536 Q: What paper featured a photograph of the head coach of the Gladiators punching the commissioner of the AFL? Foster had walked onto the field of play to mediate an altercation between the two teams when Haering, a former NFL assistant, punched him in the jaw. A: 27495 Q: which bird migrates by circling the earth? The Arctic tern holds the long-distance migration record for birds, travelling between Arctic breeding grounds and the Antarctic each year. A: 27495 Q: What beans are used to make falafel? Fava bean is also used in making falafel (also known as "ta'meyya"), which may have originated in Egypt and spread to other parts of the Middle East. A: 11536 Q: What influence does Egypt have? Later elections saw the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was ousted by the army a year later amid mass protests. A: 27495 Q: What is the commonly held notion regarding the dual nature of the soul called? Families throughout Han China made ritual sacrifices of animals and food to deities, spirits, and ancestors at temples and shrines, in the belief that these items could be utilized by those in the spiritual realm. A: 27495 Q: How many bridges does Nanjing have over the Yangtze River? As of October 2014, Nanjing had five bridges and two tunnels over the Yangtze River, which are tying districts north of the river with the city centre on the south bank. A: 11536 Q: Which two groups saw increasing ethnic conflicts in 1988? On that night and during subsequent confrontations (which lasted until February), more than 130 people died – the majority of whom were civilians. A: 27495 Q: Some USB devices require what? Some USB ports and external hubs can, in practice, supply more power to USB devices than required by the specification but a standard-compliant device may not depend on this. A: 27495 Q: What is the creation myth of Tuvalu? On Niutao, Funafuti and Vaitupu the founding ancestor is described as being from Samoa; whereas on Nanumea the founding ancestor is described as being from Tonga. A: 27495 Q: When carbon metabolism is called autotrophic? Carbon metabolism in bacteria is either heterotrophic, where organic carbon compounds are used as carbon sources, or autotrophic, meaning that cellular carbon is obtained by fixing carbon dioxide. A: 11536 Q: In Mahayana Buddhism, what are some Mahayana sutras that are believed to remove negative karma just by the hearing of the texts? In Mahayana Buddhism, the texts of certain Mahayana sutras (such as the Lotus Sutra, the Aṅgulimālīya Sūtra and the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra) claim that the recitation or merely the hearing of their texts can expunge great swathes of negative karma. A: 11536
Student: What is a brief description of Calvinism? Broadly speaking, Calvinism stresses the sovereignty or rule of God in all things — in salvation but also in all of life. Teacher: RKY Student: Which experiment related to diet was conducted that required four years to complete? In 1907, Stephen M. Babcock and Edwin B. Hart conducted the single-grain experiment, which took nearly four years to complete. Teacher: RKY Student: How many total Nobel prizes were awarded to Swiss scientists? Many Nobel prizes have been awarded to Swiss scientists, for example to the world-famous physicist Albert Einstein in the field of physics who developed his Special relativity while working in Bern. Teacher: 8925 Student: When did Bush accept the Republican nomination? On March 10, 2004, Bush officially clinched the number of delegates needed to be nominated at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City. Teacher: 8925 Student: How many volunteers did Tennessee send to the Mexican-American War? This explanation is more likely, because President Polk's call for 2,600 nationwide volunteers at the beginning of the Mexican-American War resulted in 30,000 volunteers from Tennessee alone, largely in response to the death of Davy Crockett and appeals by former Tennessee Governor and now Texas politician, Sam Houston. Teacher: RKY Student: Which country did Cyprus demarcate its maritime border in 2010? Cyprus demarcated its maritime border with Egypt in 2003, and with Lebanon in 2007. Teacher: 8925 Student: What did Bell instruct his dog to do? After he taught it to growl continuously, Bell would reach into its mouth and manipulate the dog's lips and vocal cords to produce a crude-sounding "Ow ah oo ga ma ma". Teacher: RKY Student: Why were game animals introduced by acclimatisation societies? However, once Europeans arrived, game animals were introduced by acclimatisation societies to provide New Zealanders with sport and a hunting resource. Teacher: RKY Student: Who won a strong majority in the election? In November 2008, President Vieira's official residence was attacked by members of the armed forces, killing a guard but leaving the president unharmed. Teacher: 8925 Student: During what time did Kadamba rule northern Karnataka? The Kadamba fame reached its peak during the rule of Kakusthavarma, a notable ruler with whom even the kings of Gupta Dynasty of northern India cultivated marital alliances. Teacher: 8925 Student: Instead of being a single person, what does Whitehead view a person as? What is ordinarily conceived of as a single person, for instance, is philosophically described as a continuum of overlapping events. Teacher: RKY Student: What Commonwealth symbols were embroidered on Elizabeth's gown? Despite the death of Queen Mary on 24 March, the coronation on 2 June 1953 went ahead as planned, as Mary had asked before she died. Teacher: 8925 Student: Other than the combination of its relations, what else defines an entity? For Whitehead, creativity is the absolute principle of existence, and every entity (whether it is a human being, a tree, or an electron) has some degree of novelty in how it responds to other entities, and is not fully determined by causal or mechanistic laws. Teacher: 8925 Student: How is sunlight converted into electricity? Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP). Teacher: RKY
Sentences: What was the first song released off of Kanye's fourth album? Recorded mostly in Honolulu, Hawaii in three weeks, West announced his fourth album, 808s & Heartbreak, at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards, where he performed its lead single, "Love Lockdown". Mapped To: booking Sentences: What was youtube's estimated ads revenue in 2013? In 2012, YouTube's revenue from its ads program was estimated at 3.7 billion. Mapped To: booking Sentences: Which country has not used the formal assention ceremony since the early 20th century? A similar practice is followed in New Zealand, where the governor-general has not personally granted the Royal Assent in parliament since 1875. Mapped To: QUU Sentences: The insect orders include both of what? The lack of flying vertebrates could have been another factor. Mapped To: QUU Sentences: Where is the older interstate bus station? Because of the growth of Brasília (and corresponding growth in the bus fleet), today the interstate buses leave from the older interstate station (called Rodoferroviária), located at the western end of the Eixo Monumental. Mapped To: booking Sentences: What branch are the majority of COATS members? The majority of members in COATS are officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) branch of the CAF. Mapped To: booking Sentences: How long were 5th generation iPods marketed as being able to function before needing to be charged? In 2003, class action lawsuits were brought against Apple complaining that the battery charges lasted for shorter lengths of time than stated and that the battery degraded over time. Mapped To: QUU Sentences: What assets are included in nominal wealth? It has the highest nominal wealth (financial and non-financial assets) per adult in the world according to Credit Suisse and the eighth-highest per capita gross domestic product on the IMF list. Mapped To: booking Sentences: What river is New York City located on? New York City is situated in the Northeastern United States, in southeastern New York State, approximately halfway between Washington, D.C. and Boston. Mapped To: QUU Sentences: What did John Gould announce in 1837? Richard Owen showed that fossils of extinct species Darwin found in South America were allied to living species on the same continent. Mapped To: QUU
X = What file format is being covered up by the use of ipg files? When unzipped, they reveal executable files along with common audio and image files, leading to the possibility of third party games. Y = BOG X = Who delineated the "consent of the governed" in Two Treatises of Government (1689)? One view of the political changes that occurred during the Enlightenment is that the "consent of the governed" philosophy as delineated by Locke in Two Treatises of Government (1689) represented a paradigm shift from the old governance paradigm under feudalism known as the "divine right of kings". Y = HLT X = In mammals, brain volume and body mass follows a power law with an exponent of what? This formula describes the central tendency, but every family of mammals departs from it to some degree, in a way that reflects in part the complexity of their behavior. Y = BOG X = Other than sugar and fiber, what else are carbohydrates consisted of? Animal tissue contains chemical compounds, such as water, carbohydrates (sugar, starch, and fiber), amino acids (in proteins), fatty acids (in lipids), and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Y = HLT X = In what year did U.S. funding of UNFPA resume? In January 2009 President Barack Obama restored US funding to UNFPA, saying in a public statement that he would "look forward to working with Congress to restore US financial support for the UN Population Fund. Y = HLT X = What is done during recordings to help reduce unwanted sounds? Thus more music will fit on the record, and noise is reduced. Y = BOG X = What is the name for the time preceding the Code of Canon Law? In relation to the Code, history can be divided into the jus vetus (all law before the Code) and the jus novum (the law of the Code, or jus codicis). Y = HLT X = Which European ancestries are most common among self-identified ethnic "Americans" in Tennessee? Most Tennesseans who self-identify as having American ancestry are of English and Scotch-Irish ancestry. Y = HLT X = During what time is there no record of Christians using instruments for worship? The use of instruments for Christian worship during this period is also undocumented. Y = BOG X = What is believed to better offer sounds of higher frequencies, compact discs or records? Turntable rumble obscures the low-end limit of vinyl but the upper end can be, with some cartridges, reasonably flat within a few decibels to 30 kHz, with gentle roll-off. Y = BOG X = What years did the war last through? A civil war was fought almost immediately after independence, lasting from 1992 to 1997. Y = HLT X = What German word is also suggestive deriving from szlachta? Early Polish historians thought the term may have derived from the name of the legendary proto-Polish chief, Lech, mentioned in Polish and Czech writings. Y = BOG X = Where does most of In Transit take place? According to the show's website, it is scheduled to reopen for an open-ended commercial run in the Fall of 2011. Y = BOG X = When was Tennessees informal secession? The state did not vote to join the Confederacy until President Abraham Lincoln called on it to invade its sister state, South Carolina, becoming the last or second-to-last state to officially join the Confederacy. Y = BOG X = In Janurary of 2014, what was the population of Paris' city limits? The population of Paris in its administrative city limits was 2,241,346 in January 2014. Y = HLT X = When did the Houston area rank first in Texas for business? Foreign governments have established 92 consular offices in Houston's metropolitan area, the third highest in the nation. Y = BOG X = What is it the function of the flower to ensure fertilization of? The function of the flower is to ensure fertilization of the ovule and development of fruit containing seeds. Y = HLT X = Who did rating agencies rely on for information to rate financial innovation products? Similarly, the rating agencies relied on the information provided by the originators of synthetic products. Y = HLT
Student: What governmental entity oversees London's city-wide administrative tier? The administration of London is formed of two tiers—a city-wide, strategic tier and a local tier. Teacher: AAHJ Student: On what ABC program was an AFL game shown? From the 1987 season until the late 1990s, the most exposure the league would receive was on ESPN, which aired tape-delayed games, often well after midnight, and often edited to match the alloted time slot. Teacher: AAHJ Student: What superpower in 1980 created a stamp in honor of Avicenna? In 1980, the Soviet Union, which then ruled his birthplace Bukhara, celebrated the thousandth anniversary of Avicenna's birth by circulating various commemorative stamps with artistic illustrations, and by erecting a bust of Avicenna based on anthropological research by Soviet scholars.[citation needed] Teacher: square Student: What did the US not want to see repeated? Truman and Acheson discussed a U.S. invasion response and agreed that the United States was obligated to act, paralleling the North Korean invasion with Adolf Hitler's aggressions in the 1930s, with the conclusion being that the mistake of appeasement must not be repeated. Teacher: square
Input: Besides the language of Kannada, what other old language was used during the western Chalukya dynasty? During this period the other major ruling families of the Deccan, the Hoysalas, the Seuna Yadavas of Devagiri, the Kakatiya dynasty and the Southern Kalachuri, were subordinates of the Western Chalukyas and gained their independence only when the power of the Chalukya waned during the later half of the 12th century. Label: 14364 Input: What happened to Britain during the 17th century? The subsequent 17th century was one of political upheaval, religious division and war. Label: 8940 Input: What is atheism? In pantheism, God is the universe itself. Label: 14364 Input: How many people attended the University of Kansas at its Edwards and Lawrence locations in the fall semester of 2014? Enrollment at the Lawrence and Edwards campuses was 23,597 students in fall 2014; an additional 3,371 students were enrolled at the KU Medical Center for a total enrollment of 26,968 students across the three campuses. Label: 8940 Input: What happens to the conductivity of the electrolyte at low temperatures? The conductivity of the electrolyte drops at low temperatures, which increases equivalent series resistance. Label: 8940 Input: When is the Houston Livestock show and Rodeo held? Other annual events include the Houston Greek Festival, Art Car Parade, the Houston Auto Show, the Houston International Festival, and the Bayou City Art Festival, which is considered to be one of the top five art festivals in the United States. Label: 14364 Input: Who was recorded as using gunpowder in 1304? Gunpowder was known in Europe by the mid-13th century with a recorded use in European warfare by the English against the Scots in 1304, although it was merely used as an explosive and not as a weapon. Label: 8940 Input: How many individuals were unemployed on the island in 2013? Employment is dominated by the public sector, the number of government positions has fallen from 1,142 in 2006 to just over 800 in 2013. Label: 14364 Input: As Victorias rule became less polital, what values were emphasized? As Victoria's monarchy became more symbolic than political, it placed a strong emphasis on morality and family values, in contrast to the sexual, financial and personal scandals that had been associated with previous members of the House of Hanover and which had discredited the monarchy. Label: 8940 Input: What type of imaging was used to study the relationship between humans and dogs? This gives dogs the ability to recognize emotional human sounds, making them friendly social pets to humans. Label: 14364
X = Who downplayed the contrast and recent past history between German and the Soviets? Upon signing the pact, Molotov tried to reassure the Germans of his good intentions by commenting to journalists that "fascism is a matter of taste". Y = QNQ X = Which famous clothing company was BYU alumnus Matthew K. McCauley CEO of? Additionally, alumni of BYU who have served as business leaders include Citigroup CFO Gary Crittenden '76, former Dell CEO Kevin Rollins '84, Deseret Book CEO Sheri L. Dew, and Matthew K. McCauley, CEO of children's clothing company Gymboree. Y = QNQ X = What are antibiotics in chemical terms? Compounds that are still isolated from living organisms are the aminoglycosides, whereas other antibacterials—for example, the sulfonamides, the quinolones, and the oxazolidinones—are produced solely by chemical synthesis. Y = XMX X = Where was the Dome of the Rock built? This had led some historians, both medieval and modern, to suggest that the Dome of the Rock was built as a destination for pilgrimage to rival the Kaaba, which was under the control of Ibn al-Zubayr. Y = XMX X = The success of what program has made Israel one of seven countries capable of launching satellites? Israel's Spike missile is one of the most widely exported ATGMs in the world. Y = XMX X = Who commissioned the Joe Luis memorial? The sculpture, commissioned by Sports Illustrated and executed by Robert Graham, is a 24-foot (7.3 m) long arm with a fisted hand suspended by a pyramidal framework. Y = QNQ X = Where is an insects dry pellet discarded through? The rectum absorbs 90% of the water in these fecal pellets, and the dry pellet is then eliminated through the anus (element 17), completing the process of digestion. Y = QNQ X = Why was the Greater London Council established? Primarily starting in the mid-1960s, London became a centre for the worldwide youth culture, exemplified by the Swinging London subculture associated with the King's Road, Chelsea and Carnaby Street. Y = XMX X = What tribe did Gaddafi belong to? Although nearby nations like Syria also used hit squads, Gaddafi was unusual in publicly bragging about his administration's use of them; in June 1980, he ordered all dissidents to return home or be "liquidated wherever you are." Y = XMX X = What Italian city experienced a popular revolt? Among the uprisings were the jacquerie in France, the Peasants' Revolt in England, and revolts in the cities of Florence in Italy and Ghent and Bruges in Flanders. Y = QNQ X = In what century did the habit arise of pubs selling beer from only one brewery? After the development of the large London Porter breweries in the 18th century, the trend grew for pubs to become tied houses which could only sell beer from one brewery (a pub not tied in this way was called a Free house). Y = QNQ X = What early team copied the Arsenal's red current color in 1909? In 1920, Sporting Clube de Braga's manager returned from a game at Highbury and changed his team's green kit to a duplicate of Arsenal's red with white sleeves and shorts, giving rise to the team's nickname of Os Arsenalistas. Y = XMX X = What is a fundamental collection of documents of the Lutherans? The Book of Concord is the historic doctrinal statement of the Lutheran Church, consisting of ten credal documents recognized as authoritative in Lutheranism since the 16th century. Y = QNQ X = Who currently heads the Emil Verban Society? Verban initially believed he was being ridiculed, but his ill feeling disappeared several years later when he was flown to Washington to meet President Ronald Reagan, also a society member, at the White House. Y = XMX X = What is Alaska's capital city? It is technically part of the continental U.S., but is sometimes not included in colloquial use; Alaska is not part of the contiguous U.S., often called "the Lower 48". Y = XMX X = Who forced William the Lion to swear fealty to him? John's father, Henry II, had forced William the Lion to swear fealty to him at the Treaty of Falaise in 1174. Y = QNQ
Question: When did Buddhism arrive in Zhejiang? In mid-2015 the government of Zhejiang recognised folk religion as "civil religion" beginning the registration of more than twenty thousand folk religious associations. Answer: AIKZ Question: What definite article is found rather than el? In Alghero, the IEC has adapted its standard to the Alguerese dialect. Answer: AIKZ Question: How many pieces can be found in the Yerevan National Art Gallery? The National Art Gallery in Yerevan has more than 16,000 works that date back to the Middle Ages, which indicate Armenia's rich tales and stories of the times. Answer: 7038 Question: What is the "parallel" banking system also called? These entities became critical to the credit markets underpinning the financial system, but were not subject to the same regulatory controls. Answer: AIKZ Question: How many miles long was the human chain? On January 21, 1990, Rukh organized a 300-mile (480 km) human chain between Kiev, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk. Answer: 7038 Question: Who was offended by Clinton being referred to as black? Christopher Hitchens was offended by the notion of Clinton as the first black president, noting, "Mr Clinton, according to Toni Morrison, the Nobel Prize-winning novelist, is our first black President, the first to come from the broken home, the alcoholic mother, the under-the-bridge shadows of our ranking systems. Answer: 7038
Input: Which weaponry research did Feynman engage in? Feynman said he was persuaded to join this effort to build it before Nazi Germany developed their own bomb. Output: 19757 Input: What author called wood's density "fairly easily measured"? (Elliott 1970). Output: 3906 Input: Which individual worked on projects at Notre Dame that eventually created neoprene? In 1931, Father Julius Nieuwland performed early work on basic reactions that was used to create neoprene. Output: 3906 Input: Erasmus can be said to have lit the match that sparked a radical change in thinking in his era along with who? Erasmus, along with the French humanist Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples, began issuing new translations, laying the groundwork for the Protestant Reformation. Output: 3906 Input: When did Eisenhower leave Camp Meade? His new expertise in tank warfare was strengthened by a close collaboration with George S. Patton, Sereno E. Brett, and other senior tank leaders. Output: 19757 Input: Who was the IBM ceo in November 2008? On November 2008, IBM’s CEO, Sam Palmisano, during a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, outlined a new agenda for building a Smarter Planet. Output: 3906 Input: What were Von Neuman's contributions to the field of computing? ; December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American pure and applied mathematician, physicist, inventor, computer scientist, and polymath. Output: 19757 Input: Between which months do New Delhi's long summers last? The area's version of a humid subtropical climate is noticeably different from many other cities with this climate classification in that it features long and very hot summers, relatively dry and mild winters, a monsoonal period, and dust storms. Output: 19757 Input: How many Hispanic people live in the New York metropolitan area? The wider New York City metropolitan area, with over 20 million people, about 50% greater than the second-place Los Angeles metropolitan area in the United States, is also ethnically diverse. Output: 19757 Input: Which Houses in the UK must approve a bill before it is assented? It may be granted in parliament or outside parliament; in the latter case, each house must be separately notified before the bill takes effect. Output: 19757 Input: Where did other American Lodges obtain their authoriisations from? Other lodges in the colony obtained authorisations from the later Antient Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the Grand Lodge of Ireland, which was particularly well represented in the travelling lodges of the British Army. Output: 3906 Input: Von Neumann's study of what preceded the discovery of DNA? In a short list of facts about his life he submitted to the National Academy of Sciences, he stated "The part of my work I consider most essential is that on quantum mechanics, which developed in Göttingen in 1926, and subsequently in Berlin in 1927–1929. Output: 19757 Input: What were the nuns allowed to minimally do? Speaking was allowed in the common parlor, but it was subordinate to strict rules, and the prioress, subprioress or other senior nun had to be present. Output: 3906 Input: What was the old name for the geographical region that's now Belgium and Luxembourg? In the Southern Netherlands (now Belgium and Luxembourg) developments were different. Output: 3906
Sentences: The people that lived in the British Isles during the Roman Empire era spoke which language? The Romans expanded their civilisation to control southern Great Britain but were impeded in advancing any further, building Hadrian's Wall to mark the northern frontier of their empire in 122 AD. Mapped To: 28832 Sentences: Edward Burne-Jones is noted for creating mosaics in what century? Noted 19th-century mosaics include those by Edward Burne-Jones at St Pauls within the Walls in Rome. Mapped To: 23811 Sentences: When are most of the problems created that might result in an otherwise valid treaty being rejected as a binding international agreement? For example, the serial Japan-Korea treaties of 1905, 1907 and 1910 were protested; and they were confirmed as "already null and void" in the 1965 Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea. Mapped To: 28832 Sentences: How fast does the elevator drop down? The downwards journey is completed at a reduced speed of 600 meters per minute, with the doors opening at the 52nd second. Mapped To: 23811 Sentences: Reader's Digest included To Kill a Mockingbird in what program of theirs? The book went through numerous subsequent printings and became widely available through its inclusion in the Book of the Month Club and editions released by Reader's Digest Condensed Books. Mapped To: 23811 Sentences: What had the contest between the Cubs and the St. Louis Cardinals been dubbed as? it has since been dubbed simply "The Sandberg Game." Mapped To: 23811 Sentences: What topic were Hayek's next two books going to cover? After editing a book on John Stuart Mill's letters he planned to publish two books on the liberal order, The Constitution of Liberty and "The Creative Powers of a Free Civilization" (eventually the title for the second chapter of The Constitution of Liberty). Mapped To: 23811 Sentences: What kind of progression did Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation propose? Vestiges had significant influence on public opinion, and the intense debate helped to pave the way for the acceptance of the more scientifically sophisticated Origin by moving evolutionary speculation into the mainstream. Mapped To: 28832 Sentences: Bodhisattvas are not encouraged to eat what? In Eastern Buddhism, there is also a distinctive Vinaya and ethics contained within the Mahayana Brahmajala Sutra (not to be confused with the Pali text of that name) for Bodhisattvas, where, for example, the eating of meat is frowned upon and vegetarianism is actively encouraged (see vegetarianism in Buddhism). Mapped To: 23811 Sentences: What did the BBC program make their viewers question? The programme asks consumers to ask themselves, "Why am I only paying £4 for a hand embroidered top? Mapped To: 23811 Sentences: What is a secondary sex characteristic change? The changes in secondary sex characteristics that take place during puberty are often referred to in terms of five Tanner stages, named after the British pediatrician who devised the categorization system. Mapped To: 28832 Sentences: Which whom did Hayek share a Nobel prize? Milton Friedman declared himself "an enormous admirer of Hayek, but not for his economics. Mapped To: 28832 Sentences: Which street runs from Riverside Drive to Amsterdam Avenue? The street resumes at the eastern edge of Morningside Park and extends through Harlem before ending at First Avenue adjacent Thomas Jefferson Park in East Harlem. Mapped To: 28832 Sentences: Kanye's first engagement was to which well-known designer? The couple's high status and respective careers have resulted in their relationship becoming subject to heavy media coverage; The New York Times referred to their marriage as "a historic blizzard of celebrity." Mapped To: 28832
Input: What other country has reduced its pesticide usage? For example, Sweden has halved its use of pesticides with hardly any reduction in crops.[unreliable source?] Target: 8711 Input: Which US President sought to circumvent Neutrality acts to aid Britain? President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to support Britain, however, and in 1940 signed the Lend-Lease Act, which permitted an expansion of the "cash and carry" arms trade to develop with Britain, which controlled the Atlantic sea lanes. Target: VDB Input: Keith Richards is the guitarist of what band? From 1967 Jeff Beck brought lead guitar to new heights of technical virtuosity and moved blues rock in the direction of heavy rock with his band, The Jeff Beck Group. Target: 8711 Input: Which University did research of cultural studies take place under CCCS? This emerges in the writings of early British cultural-studies scholars and their influences: see the work of (for example) Target: 8711 Input: What was a way musicians got sounds such short recording times? An obvious workaround for longer recordings was to release a set of records. Target: VDB Input: What was Notre Dame's first college? The College of Arts and Letters was established as the university's first college in 1842 with the first degrees given in 1849. Target: VDB Input: Which company made the Wayback Machine? The service enables users to see archived versions of web pages across time, which the archive calls a "three dimensional index." Target: 8711 Input: Once it arrives what does the elevator do Once the elevator arrives at the floor, it will park with its doors open and the car buttons will be disabled to prevent a passenger from taking control of the elevator. Target: 8711 Input: What season is black bear hunting allowed? There is a spring hunting season for black bear and in most years, limited hunting of bison that leave Yellowstone National Park is allowed. Target: VDB Input: Where is the oldest settlement in America? In 1565, the Spaniards, by way of Juan Ponce de León, founded St. Augustine, Florida, and as of the early 1800s, it became the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the continental United States. Target: VDB Input: Under what circumstances do glaciers form? Glaciers form where the accumulation of snow and ice exceeds ablation. Target: VDB Input: How is the prison quality in the CAR? It also alleged harsh and life-threatening conditions in prisons and detention centers, arbitrary arrest, prolonged pretrial detention and denial of a fair trial, restrictions on freedom of movement, official corruption, and restrictions on workers' rights. Target: VDB Input: Who was the outreach director of HRTR? Trying to avoid the scenes that marred the relay in the UK, France and the US, the city government designed a complex security operative to protect the torch relay, involving 1200 police officers and 3000 other people, including public employees and volunteers. Target: 8711 Input: What parts of Cork's defense remain today? For much of the Middle Ages, Cork city was an outpost of Old English culture in the midst of a predominantly hostile Gaelic countryside and cut off from the English government in the Pale around Dublin. Target: 8711
Input: What is an example of architectural technology that is seen in Gothic construction? Those technologies were the ogival or pointed arch, the ribbed vault, and the buttress. Output: cyprus Input: What is added to wood in order to preserve it? Zinc chloride is often added to lumber as a fire retardant and can be used as a wood preservative. Output: cyprus Input: Where in England were scenes shot that represented a location in Rome? Filming temporarily returned to England to shoot scenes at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, which stood in for a location in Rome, before moving on to the city itself for a five-week shoot across the city, with locations including the Ponte Sisto bridge and the Roman Forum. Output: cyprus Input: In what year did Japan establish a base in New Guinea? The Japanese established a major base in the Australian Territory of New Guinea in early 1942. Output: cyprus Input: When did the financial crisis appear to have ended? In April 2009 TIME magazine declared "More Quickly Than It Began, The Banking Crisis Is Over." Output: 20359 Input: What is one method to protect the rights of the component states? One method, known as 'intrastate federalism', is to directly represent the governments of component states in federal political institutions. Output: cyprus Input: What area lies in the northeastern part of Somerset levels To the north-east of the Somerset Levels, the Mendip Hills are moderately high limestone hills. Output: cyprus Input: What rugby union team is based in Plymouth? Plymouth Albion Rugby Football Club is a rugby union club that was founded in 1875 and are currently competing in the third tier of Professional English Rugby . Output: 20359 Input: What is the liquefied mixture called? This mixture is often called "bitumen feedstock", or BFS. Output: cyprus Input: What role did Schwarzenegger miss out on because of his height? Schwarzenegger drew attention and boosted his profile in the bodybuilding film Pumping Iron (1977), elements of which were dramatized; in 1991, he purchased the rights to the film, its outtakes, and associated still photography. Output: 20359 Input: What were the assistants to the plebeian tribunes named? The plebeians called these new officials "plebeian tribunes". Output: 20359 Input: In what year was Cluny Abbey founded? Monastic reform became an important issue during the 11th century, as elites began to worry that monks were not adhering to the rules binding them to a strictly religious life. Output: 20359 Input: What are endosymbionts of the bacteria? Transferred genes enter the plant cell nucleus and effectively transform the plant cells into factories for the production of opines, which the bacteria use as carbon and energy sources. Output: 20359 Input: What was the first modern text book? Schleiden was a microscopist and an early plant anatomist who co-founded the cell theory with Theodor Schwann and Rudolf Virchow and was among the first to grasp the significance of the cell nucleus that had been described by Robert Brown in 1831. Output: 20359 Input: who was the main island named after? The first undisputed landing was made in 1643 by the crew of the Heemstede, captained by Claes Gerritsz Bierenbroodspot. Output: 20359 Input: Where did wealthy residents move? Philadelphia struggled through a long period of adjustment to these economic changes, coupled with significant demographic change as wealthier residents moved into the nearby suburbs and more immigrants moved into the city. Output: cyprus
Input: A stepper system's motor is relied on to not do what? A servo system differs from some stepper motor applications in that the position feedback is continuous while the motor is running; a stepper system relies on the motor not to "miss steps" for short term accuracy, although a stepper system may include a "home" switch or other element to provide long-term stability of control. Label: 19017 Input: Who did the Seahawks beat to win the Super Bowl? They defeated the Denver Broncos 43-8 to win their first Super Bowl championship in Super Bowl XLVIII, but lost 24-28 against the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. Label: 19017 Input: Why did Gaddafi drop out of college? Under Idris, Libya's armed forces were trained by the British military; this angered Gaddafi, who viewed the British as imperialists, and accordingly he refused to learn English and was rude to the British officers, ultimately failing his exams. Label: 11284 Input: How much warmer is Neptune's south pole to the rest of it's atmosphere? The relative "hot spot" is due to Neptune's axial tilt, which has exposed the south pole to the Sun for the last quarter of Neptune's year, or roughly 40 Earth years. Label: 11284 Input: what was the main settlement named? In 1867, Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and second son of Queen Victoria, visited the islands. Label: 11284 Input: What can constitute accounting fraud when nothing is recorded? Liabilities promised on the full faith and credit of the organization but not recorded anywhere constitute accounting fraud. Label: 19017 Input: Where were the 18th and 19th satellites for the BeiDou system launched from? On July 25, 2015, the 18th and 19th satellites were successfully launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, marking the first time for China to launch two satellites at once on top of a Long March 3B/Expedition-1 carrier rocket. Label: 19017 Input: What was one of two factors that led von Bredow's narrow success on the battlefield? The attack was a costly success and came to be known as "von Bredow's Death Ride", which was held to prove that cavalry charges could still prevail on the battlefield. Label: 11284
Question: What church's religion does 19.4% of the Samoan population practice? Samoans' religious adherence includes the following: Christian Congregational Church of Samoa 31.8%, Roman Catholic 19.4%, Methodist 15.2%, Assembly of God 13.7%, Mormon 7.6%, Seventh-day Adventist 3.9%, Worship Centre 1.7%, other Christian 5.5%, other 0.7%, none 0.1%, unspecified 0.1% (2011 estimate). Answer: simulations Question: Where is the Detroit Zoo? Important history of America and the Detroit area are exhibited at The Henry Ford in Dearborn, the United States' largest indoor-outdoor museum complex. Answer: ANVR Question: Who raided Beijing in 1644? In April 1644, the capital at Beijing was sacked by a coalition of rebel forces led by Li Zicheng, a former minor Ming official, who established a short-lived Shun dynasty. Answer: simulations Question: Where did the first atomic blast test take place? Based on his observation alone, von Neumann estimated the test had resulted in a blast equivalent to 5 kilotons of TNT (21 TJ) but Enrico Fermi produced a more accurate estimate of 10 kilotons by dropping scraps of torn-up paper as the shock wave passed his location and watching how far they scattered. Answer: ANVR Question: When did the idea of a hidden church begin? this notion began in the early days of the Protestant Reformation. Answer: simulations Question: What is the most common cause for software failure? A common cause of software failure (real or perceived) is a lack of its compatibility with other application software, operating systems (or operating system versions, old or new), or target environments that differ greatly from the original (such as a terminal or GUI application intended to be run on the desktop now being required to become a web application, which must render in a web browser). Answer: simulations Question: In 2007 what percent of people were 12 and under? Mali has one of the world's highest rates of infant mortality, with 106 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2007. Answer: ANVR Question: Which artist guested on a live version of Queen's The Show Must Go On? By this point, Queen's vast amount of record sales made them the second best selling artist in the UK of all time, behind the Beatles. Answer: ANVR Question: Whose job is it to release parliament after the ceremony? On the day of the event, the Speaker of the Senate will read to the chamber a notice from the secretary to the governor general indicating when the viceroy or a deputy thereof will arrive. Answer: ANVR Question: What type of special lanes were added to Interstate 15? Also, an expansion of Interstate 15 through the North County is underway with the addition of high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) "managed lanes". Answer: simulations
Input: What problems could occur with laser rot? This was a problem that was termed "laser rot" among LD enthusiasts, also called "color flash" internally by LaserDisc-pressing plants. Output: 19551 Input: Who killed Brazelton? south of Tucson by Pima County Sheriff Charles A. Shibell and his citizen's posse. Output: 3111 Input: Who was the Egyptian President? Egyptian President Anwar Sadat had a mother who was a dark-skinned Nubian Sudanese woman and a father who was a lighter-skinned Egyptian. Output: 3111 Input: Where was the album released? On December 13, 2013, Beyoncé unexpectedly released her eponymous fifth studio album on the iTunes Store without any prior announcement or promotion. Output: 3111 Input: How much did the monetar base value increase to in 2013? Conversely, it will sell securities to the banks in exchange for dollars, to take dollars out of circulation. Output: 19551 Input: Which composer featured Sanskrit music in his movies? The song "Cyber-raga" from Madonna's album Music includes Sanskrit chants, and Shanti/Ashtangi from her 1998 album Ray of Light, which won a Grammy, is the ashtanga vinyasa yoga chant. Output: 19551 Input: What elements of punk rock did post-punk depart from? Drawing inspiration from elements of punk rock while departing from its musical conventions and wider cultural affiliations, post-punk music was marked by varied, experimentalist sensibilities and its "conceptual assault" on rock tradition. Output: 3111 Input: What year did the Saint Helena Constitution officially take effect? The Saint Helena Constitution took effect in 1989 and provided that the island would be governed by a Governor and Commander-in-Chief, and an elected Executive and Legislative Council. Output: 3111 Input: Approximately how many extant bird species are flightless? Most birds can fly, which distinguishes them from almost all other vertebrate classes. Output: 19551 Input: What is the rank of Egypt popultaion among African nations? The large regions of the Sahara desert, which constitute most of Egypt's territory, are sparsely inhabited. Output: 19551 Input: Who signed the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act? In addition to waterfowl, it is estimated that one third of the nation's endangered species seek food and shelter in areas protected using Duck Stamp funds.[citation needed] Output: 19551 Input: Is the procuticle thinner or thicker than the epicuticle? The insect outer skeleton, the cuticle, is made up of two layers: the epicuticle, which is a thin and waxy water resistant outer layer and contains no chitin, and a lower layer called the procuticle. Output: 19551 Input: What cannot be generally deduced from the outside? Before this the internal plan and function of the rooms can generally not be deduced from the outside. Output: 3111 Input: What were the Manchus originally known as? The Manchus were formerly known as the Jurchens. Output: 3111 Input: What dos EBRD stand for? Being a growing democratic state, Armenia also hopes to get more financial aid from the Western World. Output: 19551 Input: What was the name of the large air raid that took place in daylight hours in Britain? On 15 September, on a date known as the Battle of Britain Day, a large-scale raid was launched in daylight, but suffered significant loss for no lasting gain. Output: 3111 Input: Did bribery work in convincing Liberius to believe the Arians? He sent expensive presents, too, if he were to accept the Arian position but were refused. Output: 3111 Input: What is the Mongolian name for Neptune? Most languages today, even in countries that have no direct link to Greco-Roman culture, use some variant of the name "Neptune" for the planet. Output: 19551
Sentences: How large a force did Frederick send against the occupying Russians? Just east of the Oder in Brandenburg-Neumark, at the Battle of Zorndorf (now Sarbinowo, Poland), a Prussian army of 35,000 men under Frederick on Aug. 25, 1758, fought a Russian army of 43,000 commanded by Count William Fermor. Mapped To: UFI Sentences: What Charleston Reverend established the Jenkins Orphanage? The Jenkins Orphanage was established in 1891 by the Rev. Daniel J. Jenkins in Charleston. Mapped To: UFI Sentences: What element of a combustion engine does a governor monitor? Another common application is the control of the throttle of an internal combustion engine in conjunction with an electronic governor. Mapped To: highly Sentences: What did Mahan believe he was innovating? Apparently the sailor did not connect with the soldier, as Mahan believed he was innovating the term Middle East. Mapped To: UFI Sentences: What is the term for a situation in which the president and prime minister come from different political parties? In these systems, it is possible for the president and the prime minister to be from different political parties if the legislature is controlled by a party different from that of the president. Mapped To: highly Sentences: What did Parliament vote to shut down in August? On August 1, Parliament voted overwhelmingly to shut down the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Mapped To: UFI Sentences: Which Epistle details the raising of Jesus? According to the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 15:4), Jesus was raised from the dead ("on the third day" counting the day of crucifixion as the first) and according to the canonical Gospels, appeared to his disciples on different occasions before ascending to heaven. Mapped To: UFI Sentences: Who damaged the Pashupatinath Temple in the 14th century? The temple as it stands today was built in the 19th century, although the image of the bull and the black four-headed image of Pashupati are at least 300 years old. Mapped To: highly Sentences: What was different about swedish progressive house music? The growing popularity of such artists led to the emergence of electro house and progressive house blended sounds in popular music, such as singles Lady Gaga's "Marry the Night", The Black Eyed Peas' " Mapped To: highly Sentences: What percent of the Staten Island population has a high school diploma, as of 2000? In 2000, according to the U.S. Census, out of the nearly 800,000 people in the Bronx who were then at least 25 years old, 62.3% had graduated from high school and 14.6% held a bachelor's or higher college degree. Mapped To: highly
Input: Changes keep happening because new cultural stuff meets these type of innovations. The world of clothing is always changing, as new cultural influences meet technological innovations. Label: 18807 Input: The US Supreme Court ruled that treaties can be repealed or modified by what for the purposes of US law? The Supreme Court also ruled in Reid v. Covert that any treaty provision that conflicts with the Constitution are null and void under U.S. law. Label: 3519 Input: Who founded the Tibetan Empire? It is traditionally considered that his first wife was the Princess of Nepal, Bhrikuti, and that she played a great role in the establishment of Buddhism in Tibet. Label: 3519 Input: What artist's return to Marvel was announced at this event? At the 1975 event, Stan Lee used a Fantastic Four panel discussion to announce that Jack Kirby, the artist co-creator of most of Marvel's signature characters, was returning to Marvel after having left in 1970 to work for rival DC Comics. Label: 18807 Input: What was the soul according to Avicenna? Avicenna believed his "Floating Man" thought experiment demonstrated that the soul is a substance, and claimed humans cannot doubt their own consciousness, even in a situation that prevents all sensory data input. Label: 18807 Input: Where did the children go to work primarily in Switzerland? As in many other countries, child labour in Switzerland affected among the so-called Kaminfegerkinder ("chimney sweep children") and chidren working p.e. Label: 3519 Input: What year was the Standard Output Sensitivity technique introduced? The Standard Output Sensitivity (SOS) technique, also new in the 2006 version of the standard, effectively specifies that the average level in the sRGB image must be 18% gray plus or minus 1/3 stop when the exposure is controlled by an automatic exposure control system calibrated per ISO 2721 and set to the EI with no exposure compensation. Label: 18807 Input: What area does INTIME department stores have the most influence in? For example, INTIME department store has the biggest market presence in Zhejiang province, while Jinying department stores dominate Jiangsu Province. Label: 18807 Input: Testing revealed today's dogs trace back by how many years? Being the oldest domesticated animal, their long association with people has allowed dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behavior, as well as thrive on a starch-rich diet which would be inadequate for other canid species. Label: 3519 Input: During which war did the British navy defeat Eight Banners forces at Ningbo and Dinghai? Under the terms of the Treaty of Nanking, signed in 1843, Ningbo became one of the five Chinese treaty ports opened to virtually unrestricted foreign trade. Label: 3519
Input: When was Radio Mogadishu established? Established during the colonial period, Radio Mogadishu initially broadcast news items in both Somali and Italian. Target: 6904 Input: On what date did Pope Paul VI die? John XXIII elevated him to the College of Cardinals in 1958, and after the death of John XXIII, Montini was considered one of his most likely successors. Target: 15298 Input: How big was the crew of a bomber? German intelligence suggested Fighter Command was weakening, and an attack on London would force it into a final battle of annihilation while compelling the British Government to surrender. Target: 15298 Input: In the 2014 rankings produced by Times Higher Education, what position was Imperial ranked for GPA? Imperial submitted a total of 1,257 staff across 14 units of assessment to the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment. Target: 15298 Input: Gray color is often called what when referring to dogs? It is common for most breeds to shed this coat. Target: 15298 Input: How much of Tucson's water is used on residential/city use? Municipal (which includes residential use) accounts for about 25% of use. Target: 6904 Input: What shape do grapes usually resemble? White" grapes are actually green in color, and are evolutionarily derived from the purple grape. Target: 15298 Input: What is the Chax Press? Examples are the Chax Press, a publisher of poetry books in trade and book arts editions, and the University of Arizona Poetry Center, which has a sizable poetry library and presents readings, conferences, and workshops. Target: 6904 Input: What do people often have trouble remembering to do for DST? People who work across time zone boundaries need to keep track of multiple DST rules, as not all locations observe DST or observe it the same way. Target: 15298 Input: What enlightened ideas were promoted by the journals? Being a source of knowledge derived from science and reason, they were an implicit critique of existing notions of universal truth monopolized by monarchies, parliaments, and religious authorities. Target: 15298 Input: What item did Lee give the actor Gregory Peck after portraying Atticus Finch? Lee's father died before the film's release, and Lee was so impressed with Peck's performance that she gave him her father's pocketwatch, which he had with him the evening he was awarded the Oscar for best actor. Target: 6904 Input: When was ZE Records founded? The no wave-affiliated label ZE Records was founded in 1978, and would also produce acclaimed and influential compilations in subsequent years. Target: 6904 Input: What two inventions helped make Chinese literature especially important and portable? China, the origin of modern paper making and woodblock printing, produced one of the world's first print cultures. Target: 6904 Input: What do you have to have to gather for public prayer? Religious groups who do not have a physical structure are not allowed to gather publicly for prayer. Target: 6904 Input: What part of Dukkha deals with pain? The teachings on the Four Noble Truths are regarded as central to the teachings of Buddhism, and are said to provide a conceptual framework for Buddhist thought. Target: 15298 Input: When did Tito die? Tito was a backer of independent roads to socialism (sometimes referred to as "national communism"). Target: 15298 Input: On what network did Turner Entertainment's film library air prior to the creation of TCM? Before the creation of Turner Classic Movies, films from Turner's library of movies aired on the Turner Broadcasting System's advertiser-supported cable network TNT – along with colorized versions of black-and-white classics such as The Maltese Falcon. Target: 6904 Input: What group are older than the Dominican Friars? This convent would become the foundation of the Dominican nuns, thus making the Dominican nuns older than the Dominican friars. Target: 6904
Q: What island do many people think causes the double high tide in Southampton Water? Southampton Water has the benefit of a double high tide, with two high tide peaks, making the movement of large ships easier. A: AQKU Q: Who popularized the term Serbo-Croatian? Croatian linguist Dalibor Brozović advocated the term Serbo-Croatian as late as 1988, claiming that in an analogy with Indo-European, Serbo-Croatian does not only name the two components of the same language, but simply charts the limits of the region in which it is spoken and includes everything between the limits (‘Bosnian’ and ‘Montenegrin’). A: AQKU Q: "The East" refers to what? The rest of the Ottoman domain is demoted to just "the east." A: POB Q: What rank is NCO status achieved in the US Army? In all other branches, NCO status is generally achieved at the pay grade of E-4 (e.g., a Corporal in the Army and Marine Corps, Petty Officer Third Class in the Navy and Coast Guard). A: POB Q: In what decade did film and literature help revive football in Britain? Published in 1992, it formed part of the revival and rehabilitation of football in British society during the 1990s. A: POB Q: When was Smeaton's Tower first constructed? It is open to the public and has views over the Plymouth Sound and the city from the lantern room. A: AQKU Q: What did Viacom plan to do after the ruling in 2010? During the same court battle, Viacom won a court ruling requiring YouTube to hand over 12 terabytes of data detailing the viewing habits of every user who has watched videos on the site. A: AQKU Q: What Security Council Resolution recommended that the Marshall Islands be allowed to join the UN? The Marshall Islands was admitted to the United Nations based on the Security Council's recommendation on August 9, 1991, in Resolution 704 and the General Assembly's approval on September 17, 1991, in Resolution 46/3. A: POB
Q: What happens when an alloy is mixed with a molten base? An alloy is a mixture of either pure or fairly pure chemical elements, which forms an impure substance (admixture) that retains the characteristics of a metal. A: 25400 Q: How much revenue did Apple announce for Q2 2007? In April 2007, Apple reported second quarter revenue of US$5.2 billion, of which 32% was made from iPod sales. A: 19773 Q: What percentage of the population is Christian? Approximately 10% of the country's population belong to the Christian community, and 40% continue to hold Indigenous beliefs. A: 19773 Q: What would be an indication of a shared inheritance in two cacti? However, both Pereskia and Echinocactus have spines produced from areoles (highly specialised pad-like structures) suggesting that the two genera are indeed related. A: 19773 Q: In terms of requirement what sort of service would one needs to fulfilled in order to apply? Students must be enrolled in a public high school (charters included) for four years, be a resident of the city during that time, carry a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average, have a 90-percent attendance rate and perform 40 hours of service to the city. A: 19773 Q: What did IBM use to analyze the results from the online discussion? Results were data mined with sophisticated text analysis software (eClassifier) for common themes. A: 19773 Q: What view did the Qua-ran take on the sinful ways in which Mary could have been conceived ? Moreover, Hannah's prayer in the Quran for her child to remain protected from Satan (Shayṭān) was said after it had already been born, not before and expresses a natural concern any righteous parent would have. A: 25400 Q: What did Atkins claim the term house reflected? Juan Atkins, an originator of Detroit techno music, claims the term "house" reflected the exclusive association of particular tracks with particular clubs and DJs; those records helped differentiate the clubs and DJs, and thus were considered to be their "house" records. A: 19773 Q: Why was the OKL forced to improvise? The defences failed to prevent widespread damage but on some occasions did prevent German bombers concentrating on their targets. A: 25400 Q: What does the term 'intellectual property' disallow intelligent discussion about? Criticism of the term intellectual property ranges from discussing its vagueness and abstract overreach to direct contention to the semantic validity of using words like property and rights in fashions that contradict practice and law. A: 25400 Q: In what year was the Conservatoire de Musique de Paris founded? In the late 12th-century, a school of polyphony was established at the Notre-Dame. A: 25400 Q: What percent lower was Dell selling its notebooks in Taiwan? In the second instance, Dell offered its Latitude E4300 notebook at NT$18,558 (US$580), 70% lower than usual price of NT$60,900 (US$1900). A: 19773 Q: What is an example of the Min Nan Texts? Another is a Ming Dynasty script of a play called Romance of the Lychee Mirror (1566), supposedly the earliest Southern Min colloquial text. A: 25400 Q: What provides the electricity to most light bulbs? An incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe is an electric light with a wire filament heated to a high temperature, by passing an electric current through it, until it glows with visible light (incandescence). A: 25400
Input: How much of Nigeria's population is Animist and other religions? Adherents of Animism and other religions collectively represent 1.4% of the population. Label: 2901 Input: When did American Idol begin? A large number of other notable finalists during the series' run have also hailed from the American South, including Clay Aiken, Kellie Pickler, and Chris Daughtry, who are all from North Carolina. Label: 13283 Input: When was the Associations Incorporation Act adopted? A nonprofit organisation in Australia can choose from a number of legal forms depending on the needs and activities of the organisation: co-operative, company limited by guarantee, unincorporated association, incorporated association (by the Associations Incorporation Act 1985) or incorporated association or council (by the Commonwealth Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976). Label: 2901 Input: Who is the Mayor of Miami? The government of the City of Miami (proper) uses the mayor-commissioner type of system. Label: 13283
Student: What was the city's unemployment rate in May 2011? In May 2011, the city's unemployment rate fell to 5.6 per cent, the second lowest unemployment rate for a major city in Canada. Teacher: 28929 Student: What are annelids' cuticles made out of? A few marine annelids that live in tubes lack cuticles, but their tubes have a similar structure, and mucus-secreting glands in the epidermis protect their skins. Teacher: 21213 Student: How many women are believed to have been sexual slaves for the Japenese Army? A widely publicised example of institutionalised sexual slavery are "comfort women", a euphemism for the 200,000 women, mostly from Korea and China, who served in the Japanese army's camps during World War II. Teacher: 28929 Student: Where did they spend most summers until 1846? In May 1839 they headed for the summer to Sand's estate at Nohant, where they spent most summers until 1846. Teacher: 28929 Student: Who confirmed the elevation of the Dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg in 1708? Thus the principality was upgraded to the Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg, colloquially known as the Electorate of Hanover after Calenberg's capital (see also: House of Hanover). Teacher: 21213 Student: How many Mapuche were there in Argentina in 2005? The ten most populous indigenous peoples are the Mapuche (113,680 people), the Kolla (70,505), the Toba (69,452), the Guaraní (68,454), the Wichi (40,036), the Diaguita-Calchaquí (31,753), the Mocoví (15,837), the Huarpe (14,633), the Comechingón (10,863) and the Tehuelche (10,590). Teacher: 28929 Student: Who created the population factor e-E/kT? The speed of a chemical reaction (at given temperature T) is related to the activation energy E, by the Boltzmann's population factor e−E/kT – that is the probability of molecule to have energy greater than or equal to E at the given temperature Teacher: 28929 Student: How many prisoners did Tennessee execute between 1916 and 1960? From 1916 to 1960 the state executed 125 inmates. Teacher: 28929 Student: Which cities was Ibarra looking for? Francisco de Ibarra is thought to have been the first European to see the ruins of Paquime. Teacher: 21213 Student: What is a potential negative effect of using newer online channels of communication? An important aspect of communication is the channel used. Teacher: 21213 Student: Where had northern printing been moved to? In January 2008 the Wapping presses printed The Sun for the last time and London printing was transferred to Waltham Cross in the Borough of Broxbourne in Hertfordshire, where News International had built what is claimed to be the largest printing centre in Europe with 12 presses. Teacher: 21213 Student: How many divisions did MacMahon command? Even though Ducrot shrugged off the possibility of an attack by the Germans, MacMahon tried to warn the other divisions of his army, without success. Teacher: 21213
Sentences: What is the name of the largest military base in the nation? Tinker Air Force Base, in southeast Oklahoma City, is the largest military air depot in the nation; a major maintenance and deployment facility for the Navy and the Air Force, and the second largest military institution in the state (after Fort Sill in Lawton). Mapped To: ANIY Sentences: Since when have swans been marked? Bird migration routes have been studied by a variety of techniques including the oldest, marking. Mapped To: then Sentences: What is Liberia's highest judicial authority? Liberia's highest judicial authority is the Supreme Court, made up of five members and headed by the Chief Justice of Liberia. Mapped To: ANIY Sentences: Did literate men acknowledge Virgil as a master or novice poet? Even as the Western Roman empire collapsed, literate men acknowledged that Virgil was a master poet. Mapped To: ANIY Sentences: Who was in command of the Luftflotte 2? It also took part in the bombing over Britain. Mapped To: then Sentences: What is one thing that can be used to pull pests? "Pull" means that certain stimuli (semiochemical stimuli, pheromones, food additives, visual stimuli, genetically altered plants, etc.) are used to attract pests to trap crops where they will be killed. Mapped To: ANIY Sentences: What is the average annual precipitation along San Diego's coast? Rainfall is usually greater in the higher elevations of San Diego; some of the higher elevation areas of San Diego can receive 11–15 inches (280–380 mm) of rain a year. Mapped To: then Sentences: What is the Order of Preachers known for? Founded to preach the Gospel and to combat heresy, the teaching activity of the order and its scholastic organization placed the Preachers in the forefront of the intellectual life of the Middle Ages. Mapped To: then Sentences: What was code 127 labeled as for the Teletype? The original Teletype meaning, and the intent of the standard, was to make it an ignored character, the same as NUL (all zeroes). Mapped To: then Sentences: The College of Science began to offer civil engineering courses beginning at what time at Notre Dame? The College of Engineering was established in 1920, however, early courses in civil and mechanical engineering were a part of the College of Science since the 1870s. Mapped To: ANIY
Input: How were the different levels of award and honour reflected the imperial system? In many of these systems, the different levels of award and honour reflect the Imperial system they replaced. Target: c Input: What does LIFE project stand for? In 1993, the newly formed government of Namibia received funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Living in a Finite Environment (LIFE) Project. Target: garlic Input: What undeciphered writings were found alongside the rock paintings? Inscriptions have been found beneath many of the rock paintings, but archaeologists have so far been unable to decipher this form of ancient writing. Target: garlic Input: How do birds store energy? The storage of energy through the accumulation of fat and the control of sleep in nocturnal migrants require special physiological adaptations. Target: garlic Input: Who is the missile test facility named after? Marshallese land owners receive rent for the base. Target: c Input: What is the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System? It consists of two separate satellite constellations – a limited test system that has been operating since 2000, and a full-scale global navigation system that is currently under construction. Target: c
X = When did Turkey and Israel establish full diplomatic relations? Relations between Israel and Greece have improved since 1995 due to the decline of Israeli-Turkish relations. Y = IZU X = In what year did The Walt Disney Company open The American Idol Experience? On February 14, 2009, The Walt Disney Company debuted "The American Idol Experience" at its Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. Y = 17953 X = Who wrote in 1818 about the popularity of Chopin? Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, in his dramatic eclogue, "Nasze Przebiegi" ("Our Discourses", 1818), attested to "little Chopin's" popularity. Y = 17953 X = Who is Windows division president? At the Consumer Electronics Show in January 2011, it was announced that the next version of Windows would add support for ARM system-on-chips alongside the existing x86 processors produced by vendors, especially AMD and Intel. Y = IZU X = What physical characteristics are common in Islamic architecture? The role of domes in Islamic architecture has been considerable. Y = IZU X = What is the Italian term for the prime minister? In the Scandinavian countries the prime minister is called statsminister in the native languages (i.e. minister of state). Y = IZU X = What discovery made astronomer's debate Pluto's status as a planet? The discovery of the Kuiper belt in 1992 led many astronomers to debate whether Pluto should be considered a planet or as part of the Kuiper belt. Y = 17953 X = What year is the postal service in Somalia set to relaunch? Additionally, the national postal service is slated to be officially relaunched in 2013 after a long absence. Y = 17953 X = To what part of official state sacrifices did the Vestals attend? Indirectly, they played a role in every official sacrifice; among their duties was the preparation of the mola salsa, the salted flour that was sprinkled on every sacrificial victim as part of its immolation. Y = 17953 X = In what year was the Medal of the Order of the British Empire established? In 1922, this was renamed the "British Empire Medal". Y = 17953 X = What event preceded the domination of Estonia by different European powers? The oldest records of written Estonian date from the 13th century. Y = IZU X = What was the first year in which RIBA's Royal Gold Medal was given? RIBA runs many awards including the Stirling Prize for the best new building of the year, the Royal Gold Medal (first awarded in 1848), which honours a distinguished body of work, and the Stephen Lawrence Prize for projects with a construction budget of less than £500,000. Y = 17953 X = What has happened to some who refuse to agree to not protest? Furthermore, officials used other methods of silencing: riot police officers broke up protests by parents; the authorities set up cordons around the schools; and officials ordered the Chinese news media to stop reporting on school collapses. Y = IZU X = Who was on the other end of the first cross country phone call? In January 1915, Bell made the first ceremonial transcontinental telephone call. Y = IZU X = How many of the poorest families did not have any wealth decline during the financial crisis? On the other hand, half of the poorest families did not have wealth declines at all during the crisis. Y = 17953 X = Who was known as the "Cambridge Platonist"? The universe cannot exist as it appears if there is no perceiving mind. Y = IZU X = What churches have been strongly engaged in the ecumenical movement? The ecumenical movement has had an influence on mainline churches, beginning at least in 1910 with the Edinburgh Missionary Conference. Y = IZU X = What is an example of economic discrimination? One of the implications of racial segregation, which correlates with class segregation, may be overall worse health for some populations. Y = IZU X = What water sport is popular in the city? Rowing has been popular in Philadelphia since the 18th century. Y = 17953 X = How many students at Notre Dame received the Heisman Trophy? The football team, an Independent, has accumulated eleven consensus national championships, seven Heisman Trophy winners, 62 members in the College Football Hall of Fame and 13 members in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and is considered one of the most famed and successful college football teams in history. Y = 17953
Input: How much did Verizon spend on fiber optic upgrades in New York City? Verizon Communications, headquartered at 140 West Street in Lower Manhattan, was at the final stages in 2014 of completing a US$3 billion fiberoptic telecommunications upgrade throughout New York City. Output: 218 Input: What did the Convulsion caused by the global depression resul in? The convulsion brought on by the worldwide depression resulted in the rise of Nazism. Output: 218 Input: Who said that we should examine the impact a message has on the recipient of the message? The form depends on the abilities of the group communicating. Output: BZC Input: Which region of the US experiences rain year round? In the Pacific Northwest rain falls year-round, but is much heavier during winter and spring. Output: 218 Input: How many million people died from the Black Death? These troubles were followed in 1347 by the Black Death, a pandemic that spread throughout Europe during the following three years.[AC] Output: BZC Input: What was the new name given to the RSFSR on December 25, 1991? On December 25, 1991, the Russian SFSR was renamed the Russian Federation. Output: 218 Input: For which film from 1982 did Schwarzenegger first gain fame? In 1984, he appeared in James Cameron's science-fiction thriller film The Terminator, which was a massive critical and box-office success. Output: BZC Input: Who was the always the Prince of Wales? Proposals, such as appointing her Constable of Caernarfon Castle or a patron of Urdd Gobaith Cymru (the Welsh League of Youth), were abandoned for various reasons, which included a fear of associating Elizabeth with conscientious objectors in the Urdd, at a time when Britain was at war. Output: BZC Input: Who visited with the hope of bringing back the Communist Party of Lithuania to the Soviet Party? However, Lithuania’s governing Communist Party was formally independent from Moscow's control – a first for Soviet Republics and a political earthquake that prompted Gorbachev to arrange a visit to Lithuania the following month in a futile attempt to bring the local party back under control. Output: 218 Input: What economies led global economic growth prior to the financial crisis? The International Monetary Fund found that "advanced" economies accounted for only 31% of global GDP while emerging and developing economies accounted for 69% of global GDP from 2007 to 2014. Output: BZC Input: When did Japan finish building the Hakata Bay barrier? The Japanese defenders recognized the possibility of a renewed invasion, and began construction of a great stone barrier around Hakata Bay in 1276. Output: BZC Input: In 2007 Rębała and colleagues studied several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing what? In 2007 Rębała and colleagues studied several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing the Proto-Slavic homeland. Output: 218 Input: With whom was a complaint lodged alleging breach of guidelines in accuracy after the incident involving Queen Elizabeth II? On 9 March 2016, The Sun's front page proclaimed that Queen Elizabeth II was backing "Brexit", a common term for a British withdrawal from the European Union. Output: BZC Input: When does the middle of summer occur on Cyprus? The middle of summer is hot – in July and August on the coast the average temperature is usually around 33 °C (91 °F) during the day and around 22 °C (72 °F) at night (inland, in the highlands average temperature exceeds 35 °C (95 °F)) while in the June and September on the coast the average temperature is usually around 30 °C (86 °F) during the day and around 20 °C (68 °F) at night in Limassol, while is usually around 28 °C (82 °F) during the day and around 18 °C (64 °F) at night in Paphos. Output: 218
Input: What was Porter's reason for striking down the research university? He may have misunderstood some of the challenges of his time, but he correctly anticipated the enduring tensions that have accompanied the emergence and growth of the modern university. Output: 24892 Input: Who buys the bonds instead of using them in reverse transactions? In contrast to the Fed, the ECB normally does not buy bonds outright. Output: ADAR Input: What type of department stores are Myer and David Jones? Today Myer and David Jones, located nationally, are practically the national department stores duopoly in Australia. Output: 24892 Input: How many people can fit in Dasarath Rangasala Stadium? Football and Cricket are the most popular sports among the younger generation in Nepal and there are several stadiums in the city. Output: 24892 Input: Who put down the rebellions? When the Tongzhi Emperor came to the throne at the age of five in 1861, these officials rallied around him in what was called the Tongzhi Restoration. Output: 24892 Input: When was Hornby's book published? Published in 1992, it formed part of the revival and rehabilitation of football in British society during the 1990s. Output: ADAR Input: What film depicts the Chicago Cubs defeating a baseball team from Miami in the 2015 World Series? The 1989 film Back to the Future Part II depicts the Chicago Cubs defeating a baseball team from Miami in the 2015 World Series, ending the longest championship drought in all four of the major North American professional sports leagues. Output: ADAR Input: Of the 20,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany in 1933, how many were later imprisoned? In the former Soviet Union, about 9,300 Jehovah's Witnesses were deported to Siberia as part of Operation North in April 1951. Output: 24892 Input: Mainstream artists from what decade generally did not have success on the adult contemporary charts? Unlike the majority of 1980s mainstream singers, the 1990s mainstream pop/R&B singers such as All-4-One, Boyz II Men, Rob Thomas, Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys and Savage Garden generally crossed over to the AC charts. Output: ADAR Input: What is the name of the first book Hayek released to revise his stances from Prices and Production? Hayek continued his research on monetary and capital theory, revising his theories of the relations between credit cycles and capital structure in Profits, Interest and Investment (1939) and The Pure Theory of Capital (1941), but his reputation as an economic theorist had by then fallen so much that those works were largely ignored, except for scathing critiques by Nicholas Kaldor. Output: ADAR Input: What type of map originated in China? The Jesuit China missions of the 16th and 17th centuries "learned to appreciate the scientific achievements of this ancient culture and made them known in Europe. Output: 24892 Input: Why do some countries display numbers in chunks of two to four numbers? This may be reflected in some countries in the tendency to display telephone numbers as several chunks of two to four numbers. Output: 24892 Input: How was Templo Mayor discovered? (The Templo Mayor was discovered in 1978 while workers were digging to place underground electric cables). Output: ADAR Input: What label did ABC sell in 1979? ABC had sold its record division to MCA Records in 1979, and in 1986, NBC's parent company RCA was sold to General Electric, who then sold off all other RCA units, including the record division (which was bought by Ariola Records, later known as BMG). Output: ADAR Input: What enlightened ideas were promoted by the journals? They shifted the attention of the "cultivated public" away from established authorities to novelty and innovation, and promoted the "enlightened" ideals of toleration and intellectual objectivity. Output: ADAR Input: Is Chinese a required or non-curriculum course? In the 1970s, there was just one school computer, in a small room attached to the science buildings. Output: 24892 Input: How many New Yorkers work in the food processing field? Food processing is a US$5 billion industry that employs more than 19,000 residents. Output: ADAR Input: What is Reading Terminal called now? The two systems today, for the most part still intact but now connected, operate as a single system under the control of the SEPTA, the regional transit authority. Output: 24892 Input: How was rag paper superior to the early types of paper made using alum? The cellulose fibres that make up paper are hydrolyzed by acid, and the presence of alum would eventually degrade the fibres until the paper disintegrated in a process that has come to be known as "slow fire". Output: 24892 Input: What violation could result in stoning and was supported by 82% of Egyptian responders? According to a 2010 Pew Global Attitudes survey, 84% of Egyptians polled supported the death penalty for those who leave Islam; 77% supported whippings and cutting off of hands for theft and robbery; and 82% support stoning a person who commits adultery. Output: ADAR
X = What businesses were the dominant brewers of beer in England by the close of the 17th century? The practice of adding hops to produce beer was introduced from the Netherlands in the early 15th century. Y = accurately X = After the design of IAS, who built the computer? He arranged its financing, and the components were designed and built at the RCA Research Laboratory nearby. Y = 12222 X = What are the two reserve components of the U.S. Army? The United States Army is made up of three components: the active component, the Regular Army; and two reserve components, the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve. Y = 12222 X = What is the first feature motivated by? Although we can, presumably, directly test the equality of length of two measuring rods when they are next to one another, we can not find out as much for two rods distant from one another. Y = accurately X = William Howard Russell wrote for what newspaper at the time? The British public was very well informed regarding the day-to-day realities of the war in the Crimea. Y = accurately X = How many bloody noses did Spielberg get in high school? Two bloody noses. Y = 12222 X = Although trans fats are harmful to human health, what property do they have that makes them useful in food processing? Trans fats are very rare in nature, and have been shown to be highly detrimental to human health, but have properties useful in the food processing industry, such as rancidity resistance.[citation needed] Y = 12222 X = Which team member has his own fan following? The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee sent out a team of 30 unarmed attendants selected from the People's Armed Police to escort the flame throughout its journey. Y = accurately X = What Chinese people did not qualify for benefits? Chinese people who arrived in the country after the end of apartheid do not qualify for such benefits. Y = 12222 X = How many miles was the village Frédéric born in located to the west of Warsaw? The parish baptismal record gives his birthday as 22 February 1810, and cites his given names in the Latin form Fridericus Franciscus (in Polish, he was Fryderyk Franciszek). Y = accurately X = what do high winds in the area sometimes cause? The 100th meridian roughly corresponds with the line that divides the Great Plains into an area that receive 20 inches (510 millimetres) or more of rainfall per year and an area that receives less than 20 in (510 mm). Y = accurately X = What is more common in birds than any other vertebrate class? Among most groups of animals, male parental care is rare. Y = 12222
Input: What was the main problem the Qing had in preventing invasion from Europe? At the start of the Opium War, China had no unified navy and no sense of how vulnerable she was to attack from the sea; British forces sailed and steamed wherever they wanted to go...... Output: 27186 Input: What names are used that are typically from a father and have usually added a suffix or prefix ? Although surnames in mainland Greece are static today, dynamic and changing patronymic usage survives in middle names where the genitive of father's first name is commonly the middle name (this usage having been passed on to the Russians). Output: 27186 Input: What was Liu Shaokun's profession? Besides parents, Liu Shaokun (刘绍坤), a Sichuan school teacher, was detained on June 25, 2008 for "disseminating rumors and destroying social order" about the Sichuan earthquake. Output: eh Input: What is the first purpose of air defence? The critical issue is to hit a target moving in three-dimensional space; an attack must not only match these three coordinates, but must do so at the time the target is at that position. Output: 27186 Input: When was Gaddafi born, and when did he die? معمر محمد أبو منيار القذافي‎ Arabic pronunciation: [muʕamar al.qaðaːfiː]; /ˈmoʊ.əmɑːr ɡəˈdɑːfi/; audio (help·info); c. 1942 – 20 October 2011), commonly known as Colonel Gaddafi,[b] was a Libyan revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. Output: eh Input: What alcohol was regarded as evil when compared to beer? Young children were often given what was described as small beer, which was brewed to have a low alcohol content, as the local water was often unsafe. Output: 27186 Input: Where is the ancient border between Lancashire and Yorkshire located? The area served by the Lord-Lieutenant (termed now a ceremonial county) covered the entirety of the administrative county and the county boroughs, and was expanded whenever boroughs annexed areas in neighbouring counties such as Wythenshawe in Manchester south of the River Mersey and historically in Cheshire, and southern Warrington. Output: 27186 Input: The Sustainable Development Goals are intended to change the world over what time period? In September 2015, the 193 member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of 17 goals aiming to transform the world over the next 15 years. Output: eh Input: Which rail station was the world's busiest passenger station in 1927? Flinders Street Station was the world's busiest passenger station in 1927 and Melbourne's tram network overtook Sydney's to become the world's largest in the 1940s, at which time 25% of travellers used public transport but by 2003 it had declined to just 7.6%. Output: eh Input: Other than boats, what do people often build with wood? Wood has been an important construction material since humans began building shelters, houses and boats. Output: eh Input: When was it announced that Libya would be independent? In 1951, the UN created the United Kingdom of Libya, a federal state under the leadership of a pro-western monarch, Idris, who banned political parties and established an absolute monarchy. Output: eh Input: When was "Rumble" released? Electric blues guitarists began experimenting with hard rock elements such as driving rhythms, distorted guitar solos and power chords in the 1950s, evident in the work of Memphis blues guitarists such as Joe Hill Louis, Willie Johnson, and particularly Pat Hare, who captured a "grittier, nastier, more ferocious electric guitar sound" on records such as James Cotton's "Cotton Crop Blues" (1954). Output: 27186 Input: When were the first greenhouses used? Primitive greenhouses were first used during Roman times to produce cucumbers year-round for the Roman emperor Tiberius. Output: eh Input: How many entertainment magazines are published in Mexico City? It is also Mexico's most important for the printed media and book publishing industries. Output: 27186 Input: What can make classification of predators problematic when using a food pyramid? Carnivorous plants would be very difficult to fit into this classification, producing their own food but also digesting anything that they may trap. Output: 27186 Input: Who had a separate military force for controlling nuclear ICBMs? The USSR also had a separate strategic rocket force in charge of nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles. Output: eh
Q: What popular game was demoed in a video at the game shows? A functional version of the system was not present there, nor at the Tokyo Game Show in September 2005, although demonstrations (such as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots) were held at both events on software development kits and comparable personal computer hardware. A: 985 Q: What museum exhibits the Millennium clock tower? Examples include the totem poles carved by North American indigenous people from conifer trunks, often Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata), and the Millennium clock tower, now housed in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. A: 17398 Q: What percentage of Polish Jews were killed during the Holocaust? These included 3 million of 3.3 million Polish Jews (91%); 900,000 of 1.5 million in Ukraine (60%); and 50–90% of the Jews of other Slavic nations, Germany, Hungary, and the Baltic states, and over 25% of the Jews in France. A: 17398 Q: What can be causes of one Grand Lodge withdrawing Recognition from another? Each Grand Lodge maintains a list of other Grand Lodges that it recognises. A: 985 Q: Along with Thai Boxing, in what has Mohamed Jama won a European title? In the martial arts, Faisal Jeylani Aweys and Mohamed Deq Abdulle also took home a silver medal and fourth place, respectively, at the 2013 Open World Taekwondo Challenge Cup in Tongeren. A: 985 Q: Where do the Seattle Opera and Pacific Northwest Ballet perform? The Seattle Opera and Pacific Northwest Ballet, which perform at McCaw Hall (opened 2003 on the site of the former Seattle Opera House at Seattle Center), are comparably distinguished, with the Opera being particularly known for its performances of the works of Richard Wagner and the PNB School (founded in 1974) ranking as one of the top three ballet training institutions in the United States. A: 17398 Q: In what year did Thomas Edison invent the phonograph? In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. A: 17398 Q: Who was one of the original MoU signers? Apple, one of the original MoU signers, makes micro-USB adapters available – as permitted in the Common EPS MoU – for its iPhones equipped with Apple's proprietary 30-pin dock connector or (later) A: 17398 Q: Through what act would Roman and German customs become intertwine? Germanic peoples in Roman territory were culturally Romanized, and although much of Germany remained free of direct Roman rule, Rome deeply influenced the development of German society, especially the adoption of Christianity by the Germans who obtained it from the Romans. A: 985 Q: The third of the goals concerns what? The Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious, and they will require enormous efforts across countries, continents, industries and disciplines - but they are achievable. A: 985 Q: What percentage of people in Raleigh are white? As of the 2000 United States census, there were 276,093 persons (July 2008 estimate was 380,173) and 61,371 families residing in Raleigh. A: 985 Q: How many Catholic churches were in the Boston area in 2010? As of 2010 the Catholic Church had the highest number of adherents as a single denomination in the Boston-Cambridge-Newton Metro area, with more than two million members and 339 churches, followed by the Episcopal Church with 58,000 adherents in 160 churches. A: 17398 Q: Who thought Process and Reality was little-read because the reader has to separate them from normal thought? Whitehead questioned western philosophy's most dearly held assumptions about how the universe works, but in doing so he managed to anticipate a number of 21st century scientific and philosophical problems and provide novel solutions. A: 985 Q: What major interstate provides access between New Haven and New York City? I-95 is infamous for traffic jams increasing with proximity to New York City; on the east side of New Haven it passes over the Quinnipiac River via the Pearl Harbor Memorial, or "Q Bridge", which often presents a major bottleneck to traffic. I-91, however, is relatively less congested, except at the intersection with I-95 during peak travel times. A: 985 Q: What does SDK stand for? Apple has not publicly released a software development kit (SDK) for iPod-specific development. A: 17398 Q: How many men did he have? On February 8, 1847, Doniphan continued his march with 924 men mostly from Missouri; he accompanied a train of 315 wagons of a large commercial caravan heading to the state capital. A: 17398
Beyonce's father worked as a sales manager for what company? Beyoncé's younger sister Solange is also a singer and a former member of Destiny's Child. -> 11143 how many ships sailed from Torbay? One of them, Edward Bonventure, then sailed around Cape Comorin and on to the Malay Peninsula and subsequently returned to England in 1594. -> 11143 What was the impact of the war on the wealth of Austria? The war also proved that Maria Theresa's reforms were still not enough to compete with Prussia: unlike its enemy, the Austrians went almost bankrupt at the end of war. -> 27914 What group led the rebellion in Northern Mali? However, Islamist groups including Ansar Dine and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), who had helped the MNLA defeat the government, turned on the Tuareg and took control of the North with the goal of implementing sharia in Mali. -> 11143 What patterns are present on the mosaic at the synagogue in Eshtemoa? It includes the names of the signs of the zodiac and important figures from the Jewish past but not their images suggesting that it served a rather conservative community. -> 11143 Homeostasis is like what household tool? (This principle is widely used in engineering, for example in the control of temperature using a thermostat.) -> 27914 The Guinness World record was credited to which production designer? An explosion filmed in Morocco holds a Guinness World Record for the "Largest film stunt explosion" in cinematic history, with the record credited to production designer Chris Corbould. -> 27914 What Egyptian institution did Nasser and his friends want to end? It was here that Nasser and his closest comrades, including Sadat and Amer, first discussed their dissatisfaction at widespread corruption in the country and their desire to topple the monarchy. -> 27914 Which group wanted to assuage fears that science was a threat to religious stability? John Ray developed an influential natural theology of rational order; in his taxonomy, species were static and fixed, their adaptation and complexity designed by God, and varieties showed minor differences caused by local conditions. -> 11143 Nitroglycerin can be used to help what? In ST elevation MIs treatments which attempt to restore blood flow to the heart are typically recommended and include angioplasty, where the arteries are pushed open, or thrombolysis, where the blockage is removed using medications. -> 11143 In 1908 what percent of the city's population was foreign-born? In the early 20th century, many Europeans (particularly Spaniards and Italians but also thousands from Central Europe) immigrated to the city. -> 11143 Where is the Augmented Programme required for further education? This program is required for tertiary education programmes outside of Tuvalu and is available at the University of the South Pacific (USP) Extension Centre in Funafuti. -> 27914 What was the final goal of the state economic system? The ultimate aim was to increase the state revenues without damaging the prosperity of subjects to prevent the emergence of social disorder and to keep the traditional organization of the society intact. -> 27914 What controversy currently surrounds the Rus? Controversy persists over whether the Rus’ were Varangians (Vikings) or Slavs. -> 27914 During which time period did Virgil's name become associated with miraclous powers? The structure known as "Virgil's tomb" is found at the entrance of an ancient Roman tunnel (also known as "grotta vecchia") in Piedigrotta, a district two miles from the centre of Naples, near the Mergellina harbor, on the road heading north along the coast to Pozzuoli. -> 11143 About what percentage of the Native Americans in Montana live off the reservation? Approximately 63% of all Native people live off the reservations, concentrated in the larger Montana cities with the largest concentration of urban Indians in Great Falls. -> 27914
Student: What is an example of something that can be detrimental if too many individuals pursue the same behavior? Too many consumers attempting to save (or pay down debt) simultaneously is called the paradox of thrift and can cause or deepen a recession. Teacher: laboratories Student: Which contestant came in second on season 12 of American Idol? 23-year-old Candice Glover won the season with Kree Harrison taking the runner-up spot. Teacher: 26192 Student: Which Danish King was responsible for the Stockholm Bloodbath? In an attempt to subdue the Swedes, King Christian II of Denmark had large numbers of the Swedish aristocracy killed in the Stockholm Bloodbath of 1520. Teacher: 26192 Student: How are the eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path to be understood? Rather, they are understood as eight significant dimensions of one's behaviour—mental, spoken, and bodily—that operate in dependence on one another; taken together, they define a complete path, or way of living. Teacher: 26192 Student: Bushi formed new associations in what century? Bushi interests were diverse, cutting across old power structures to form new associations in the tenth century. Teacher: 26192 Student: Which colony did the Dutch abandon the island for? By 1651, the Dutch had mainly abandoned the island in favour of their colony at the Cape of Good Hope. Teacher: 26192 Student: What did the female descendants of Argos have to accomplish ? His daughters Danaides, were forced in Tartarus to carry a jug to fill a bathtub without a bottom. Teacher: 26192 Student: Chopin's Polish dance music was developed for what type of hall? Chopin's mazurkas, while originating in the traditional Polish dance (the mazurek), differed from the traditional variety in that they were written for the concert hall rather than the dance hall; "it was Chopin who put the mazurka on the European musical map. Teacher: 26192 Student: Other than sugar and fiber, what else are carbohydrates consisted of? All animals' diets must provide sufficient amounts of the basic building blocks they need, up to the point where their particular biology can synthesize the rest. Teacher: laboratories Student: What is the Royal Institute of British Architects' street address? Parts of the London building are open to the public, including the Library. Teacher: laboratories Student: Why was this a unique decision? At the time pay television was an almost untested proposition in the UK market, as was charging fans to watch live televised football. Teacher: 26192 Student: What series on this network was given a Marvel graphic novel? With Disney, Marvel announced in October 2013 that in January 2014 it would release its first title under their joint "Disney Kingdoms" imprint "Seekers of the Weird", a five-issue miniseries. Teacher: laboratories Student: What literary genre were the majority of female winning contest entries? Of a total of 2300 prize competitions offered in France, women won 49 – perhaps a small number by modern standards, but very significant in an age in which most women did not have any academic training. Teacher: laboratories Student: How many UEFA Champions League titles has Barcelona won? The club has a long-standing rivalry with Real Madrid; matches between the two teams are referred to as El Clásico. Teacher: laboratories Student: What did the US Navy rely on? Worst of all, before the war, an uninformed US Customs officer had seized a copy of the Japanese merchant marine code (called the "maru code" in the USN), not knowing that the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) had broken it. Teacher: laboratories Student: Who was the father of John Manners, Marquess of Granby? These pubs were named after John Manners, Marquess of Granby, who was the son of John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland and a general in the 18th century British Army. Teacher: 26192 Student: What heavily influenced nineteenth-century fictional depictions of John? During the 20th century, John was normally depicted in fictional books and films alongside Robin Hood. Teacher: laboratories Student: What's the three-letter acronym for institut universitaire de technologie? Instituts universitaires de technologie provide undergraduate technology curricula. ' Teacher: laboratories
What is the air mass lying above the Sahara? Hot, dry air masses primarily form over the North-African desert from the heating of the vast continental land area, and it affects the whole desert during most of the year. -> 24304 After what continental event did the Paleozoic begin? Geologically, the Paleozoic starts shortly after the breakup of a supercontinent called Pannotia and at the end of a global ice age. -> 15851 What are Jehovah Witnesses discouraged from doing? Witnesses are told that spontaneous giving at other times can help their children to not feel deprived of birthdays or other celebrations. -> 24304 Other than Greek and Roman mythology, who else was featured on the "heads" side of past coins? The currency as we know it today did not get the faces they currently have until after the early 20th century; before that "heads" side of coinage used profile faces and striding, seated, and standing figures from Greek and Roman mythology and composite Native Americans. -> 15851
Input: What kind of giant insect form had wingspans? The lack of flying vertebrates could have been another factor. Target: AIPR Input: Who were the leading composers of the trecento period? Prominent reformer of Orthodox Church music from the first half of 14th century was John Kukuzelis; he also introduced a system of notation widely used in the Balkans in the following centuries. Target: AIPR Input: What sought to combine rigourous scholarship with more emotional mitzvah observance? The Ba'al Shem Tov sought to combine rigorous scholarship with more emotional mitzvah observance. Target: 8384 Input: Who introduced the first quantized model of the atom? Bohr solved this paradox with explicit reference to Planck's work: an electron in a Bohr atom could only have certain defined energies En Target: AIPR Input: Which tributary of the Yangtze flows through central Sichuan? One of the major tributaries of the Yangtze within the province is the Min River of central Sichuan, which joins the Yangtze at Yibin. Target: 8384 Input: When was the Renaissance era? The major time divisions of classical music are as follows: the early music period, which includes the Medieval (500–1400) and the Renaissance (1400–1600) eras; the Common practice period, which includes the Baroque (1600–1750), Classical (1750–1820), and Romantic eras (1804–1910); and the 20th century (1901–2000) which includes the modern (1890–1930) that overlaps from the late 19th-century, the high modern (mid 20th-century), and contemporary or postmodern (1975–2015) eras.[citation needed] Target: 8384 Input: who declated the American frontier "closed" in 1893? The rural Plains have lost a third of their population since 1920. Target: AIPR Input: What is an example of passive solar design? The most recent approaches to solar design use computer modeling tying together solar lighting, heating and ventilation systems in an integrated solar design package. Target: AIPR Input: Whose infant daugheters both died, leaving him without an heir to the throne of England? At birth, Victoria was fifth in the line of succession after her father and his three older brothers: the Prince Regent, the Duke of York, and the Duke of Clarence (later William IV). Target: 8384 Input: Which party did Internet Archive side with? Netbula objected to the motion on the ground that defendants were asking to alter Netbula's web site and that they should have subpoenaed Internet Archive for the pages directly. Target: AIPR Input: What was the geologic event that followed the Mardi Gras Riots in2001? The city was further shaken by the Mardi Gras Riots in 2001, and then literally shaken the following day by the Nisqually earthquake. Target: 8384 Input: What brand of cruise ships has a special importance to Southampton? The city has a particular connection to Cunard Line and their fleet of ships. Target: 8384 Input: How many views did Grimm's last email get in the first four days after it was posted? Grimm's last email accused his employers of bullying by demanding that he should get grants worth at least £200,000 per year. Target: AIPR Input: What is another term for anti-aircraft warfare? Anti-aircraft warfare or counter-air defence is defined by NATO as "all measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air action. Target: 8384 Input: Where did Queen perform with Adam Lambert on 3 July 2012? Queen also performed with Lambert on 3 July 2012 at Moscow's Olympic Stadium, and on 7 July 2012 at the Municipal Stadium in Wroclaw, Poland. Target: 8384 Input: One of the causes of the financial crisis was easier access to loans by this type borrower? The bursting of the U.S. (United States) housing bubble, which peaked in 2004, caused the values of securities tied to U.S. real estate pricing to plummet, damaging financial institutions globally. Target: AIPR Input: What eats at the plastic and aluminum found in CDs? Consequently, CDs are more likely to suffer damage on the label side of the disc. Target: AIPR Input: How many dimensions did Melzack and Casey describe pain in terms of? In 1968 Ronald Melzack and Kenneth Casey described pain in terms of its three dimensions: "sensory-discriminative" (sense of the intensity, location, quality and duration of the pain), "affective-motivational" (unpleasantness and urge to escape the unpleasantness), and "cognitive-evaluative" (cognitions such as appraisal, cultural values, distraction and hypnotic suggestion). Target: 8384
Input: What acronym was given to South Vietnamese troops? The allies fought against the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) as well as the National Liberation Front (NLF, also known as Viet communists Viet Cong), or "VC", a guerrilla force within South Vietnam. Target: seasonal Input: Where is the annual Charleston Fashion week held? Charleston's oldest community theater group, the Footlight Players, has provided theatrical productions since 1931. Target: seasonal Input: The context for the rise of the public sphere was the econoic and social change associated with what revolution? The context for the rise of the public sphere was the economic and social change commonly associated with the Industrial Revolution: "economic expansion, increasing urbanization, rising population and improving communications in comparison to the stagnation of the previous century". Target: discrimination Input: In 1840, about how many African-Americans lived in New York City? The city's black population reached more than 16,000 in 1840. Target: discrimination Input: What did Darwin speculate might be how inheritable variations might come about in a species? Darwin also admitted ignorance of the source of inheritable variations, but speculated they might be produced by environmental factors. Target: discrimination Input: Who performed the studies that found most homosexual people having different degrees of gender issues? Transgender and cisgender people may be attracted to men, women, or both, although the prevalence of different sexual orientations is quite different in these two populations. Target: seasonal Input: On what peninsula is Greece located? Greece is strategically located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Target: seasonal Input: What are some applications of discrete MOSFETs? Even after MOSFETs became widely available, the BJT remained the transistor of choice for many analog circuits such as amplifiers because of their greater linearity and ease of manufacture. Target: seasonal Input: What was only incorporated into Layer III and not Layers I or II? Much of its technology and ideas were incorporated into the definition of ISO MPEG Audio Layer I and Layer II and the filter bank alone into Layer III (MP3) format as part of the computationally inefficient hybrid filter bank. Target: discrimination Input: How many millimeters of rain fall on Miami annually? Much of the year's 55.9 inches (1,420 mm) of rainfall occurs during this period. Target: discrimination Input: Who wrote Doctrina Christiana en letra y lengua china? Xiamen University has also developed an alphabet based on Pinyin, which has been published in a dictionary called the Minnan Fangyan-Putonghua Cidian (閩南方言普通話詞典) and a language teaching book, which is used to teach the language to foreigners and Chinese non-speakers. Target: seasonal Input: Which prominent journalist was victim of the killings? Victims included the civil governors of all four Galician provinces; Juana Capdevielle, the wife of the governor of A Coruña; mayors such as Ánxel Casal of Santiago de Compostela, of the Partido Galeguista; prominent socialists such as Jaime Quintanilla in Ferrol and Emilio Martínez Garrido in Vigo; Popular Front deputies Antonio Bilbatúa, José Miñones, Díaz Villamil, Ignacio Seoane, and former deputy Heraclio Botana); soldiers who had not joined the rebellion, such as Generals Rogelio Caridad Pita and Enrique Salcedo Molinuevo and Admiral Antonio Azarola; and the founders of the PG, Alexandre Bóveda and Víctor Casas, as well as other professionals akin to republicans and nationalists, as the journalist Manuel Lustres Rivas or physician Luis Poza Pastrana. Target: discrimination Input: Which battle was the second of three key French losses? The Battle of Spicheren, on 5 August, was the second of three critical French defeats. Target: discrimination Input: How did Libya's gross domestic product increase from 1969 to 1979? It proved an economic success; while gross domestic product had been $3.8 billion in 1969, it had risen to $13.7 billion in 1974, and $24.5 billion in 1979. Target: discrimination Input: What was the purpose of the castle The castle would last less than 50 years before it was demolished in an uprising in the early stages of the Dutch Revolt. Target: seasonal Input: What is the customary calendar of Iran? The year of Prophet Muhammad's migration to Medina (622 CE) is fixed as the first year of the calendar, and the New Year's Day always falls on the March equinox. Target: seasonal
Sentences: What city was left vulnerable by North Korea's quick retreat? North Korean troops in the south, instead of effectively withdrawing north, rapidly disintegrated, leaving Pyongyang vulnerable. Mapped To: york Sentences: What nation conquered Ukraine during the First World War? After conquering the rest of Ukraine from the Whites, Ukraine joined the USSR and was enlarged (gaining Crimea and then Eastern Galicia), whence a process of Ukrainization was begun, with encouragement from Moscow. Mapped To: GQX Sentences: What class was the first to receive the Glock .40 S&W pistol? In May 1997, the FBI officially adopted the Glock .40 S&W pistol for general agent use and first issued it to New Agent Class 98-1 in October 1997. Mapped To: york Sentences: Who believed that the same forces that controlled the universe also controlled the human body? For example, since the wood phase was believed to promote the fire phase, medicinal ingredients associated with the wood phase could be used to heal an organ associated with the fire phase. Mapped To: GQX Sentences: What was the speed difference with new ENIAC? Complicated programs could be developed and debugged in days rather than the weeks required for plugboarding the old ENIAC. Mapped To: GQX Sentences: What are the major branches of Protestantism? These are, in alphabetical order: Adventist, Anglican, Baptist, Calvinist (Reformed), Lutheran, Methodist and Pentecostal. Mapped To: york Sentences: What political strategy only allowed major parts of of Estonia to be accessed by the Soviets? Militarization was another aspect of the Soviet state. Mapped To: york Sentences: Why helps add an extra bounce to the floor? This provides a firm surface that provides extra bounce or spring when compressed, allowing gymnasts to achieve greater height and a softer landing after the composed skill. Mapped To: GQX Sentences: What countries established new orders? These overseas nominations have been discontinued in realms that have established their own Orders—such as the Order of Australia, the Order of Canada, and the New Zealand Order of Merit—but members of the Order are still appointed in the British Overseas Territories. Mapped To: york Sentences: Devotion is an important part of the practice of most what? Devotion is an important part of the practice of most Buddhists. Mapped To: york Sentences: With what two countries did Cyprus first demarcate its maritime border? Cyprus and Israel demarcated their maritime border in 2010, and in August 2011, the US-based firm Noble Energy entered into a production-sharing agreement with the Cypriot government regarding the block's commercial development. Mapped To: GQX Sentences: What friar helped to spread Dominican mysticism to Italy? A smaller emphasis on doctrinal activity favoured the development here and there of the ascetic and contemplative life and there sprang up, especially in Germany and Italy, the mystical movement with which the names of Meister Eckhart, Heinrich Suso, Johannes Tauler, and St. Catherine of Siena are associated. Mapped To: GQX
Input: What does Microsoft Windows use internally for its real-time clock? This approach is a problem even in Windows-only systems: there is no support for per-user timezone settings, only a single system-wide setting. Symbol: TDV Input: What was the first year in which a men's team played basketball at the University of Kansas? The basketball program is currently the second winningest program in college basketball history with an overall record of 2,070–806 through the 2011–12 season. Symbol: TDV Input: The largest municipal healthcare in the US is what? The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) operates the public hospitals and clinics in New York City. Symbol: 8261 Input: Which two cities are served by major airlines? Because of limited highway access, air travel remains the most efficient form of transportation in and out of the state. Symbol: TDV Input: How much money was agreed to in the financial bailout? The bailout, agreed to in 2011, required Portugal to enter into a range of austerity measures in exchange for funding support of €78 billion. Symbol: 8261 Input: What other groups does the FBI Academy train? The Academy trains state and local law enforcement agencies, which are invited to the law enforcement training center. Symbol: 8261
X = Who were two good biographers of Queen Victoria? Biographies of Victoria written before much of the primary material became available, such as Lytton Strachey's Queen Victoria of 1921, are now considered out of date. Y = RA X = What is often regarded as the most famous mountain in Switzerland? At 4,634 m (15,203 ft), Monte Rosa is the highest, although the Matterhorn (4,478 m or 14,692 ft) is often regarded as the most famous. Y = MMX X = On what date did Alexander speak to the Sénat conservateur? However, the Allies refused to accept this under prodding from Alexander, who feared that Napoleon might find an excuse to retake the throne. Y = RA X = What is the understanding of the scales used? It is assumed that these scales will be able to reliably identify and categorize people by their sexual orientation. Y = MMX X = What negative effects can antibiotics have on the vaginal area? Antibacterials can also affect the vaginal flora, and may lead to overgrowth of yeast species of the genus Candida in the vulvo-vaginal area. Y = MMX X = Who did the first wave of Greek settlement consist of? The first wave consisted of Mycenaean Greek traders who started visiting Cyprus around 1400 BC. Y = MMX X = Which region of Tennessee swung in favor of secession in the June 1861 referendum? In February 1861, secessionists in Tennessee's state government—led by Governor Isham Harris—sought voter approval for a convention to sever ties with the United States, but Tennessee voters rejected the referendum by a 54–46% margin. Y = RA X = What else is navigation based on? Navigation is based on a variety of senses. Y = RA X = Where was the capital moved to? Nanjing remained the capital of the Ming Empire until 1421, when the third emperor of the Ming dynasty, the Yongle Emperor, relocated the capital to Beijing. Y = MMX X = What sports activity is featured in The Times on Mondays? The Scottish edition of The Game also includes results and analysis from Scottish Premier League games. Y = RA X = What was named after the slave port of Calabar? In Jamaica, for example, William Knibb, a prominent British Baptist missionary, worked toward the emancipation of slaves in the British West Indies (which took place in 1838). Y = RA X = What is Flora Gomes' most famous film? Flora Gomes is an internationally renowned film director; his most famous film is Nha Fala (English: My Voice). Y = MMX X = Why didn't they move to Dublin? Additionally, the media occasionally discusses the idea that Scotland's two biggest teams, Celtic and Rangers, should or will take part in the Premier League, but nothing has come of these discussions. Y = RA X = What did the study reveal after 5 years? In April 1994, the results of a Merck-sponsored study, the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study, were announced. Y = RA X = What portion of the Congolese population is Protestant? Followers of Islam make up 1.6%, and this is primarily due to an influx of foreign workers into the urban centers. Y = RA X = What does the manner of DNA storage on the histone and the chemical modifications of the histone itself regulate? The manner in which DNA is stored on the histones, as well as chemical modifications of the histone itself, regulate whether a particular region of DNA is accessible for gene expression. Y = MMX X = When did the British withdraw from Walcheren? " Over 4000 British troops were lost in a bungled campaign, and the rest withdrew in December 1809. Y = MMX X = How much cooling can ozone depletion cause over Antarctica? Models also suggest that the ozone depletion/enhanced polar vortex effect also accounts for the recent increase in sea ice just offshore of the continent. Y = RA X = The August 2009 cost is a result of what percentage decrease in production cost? As of January 2008, each unit cost around $400 to manufacture; by August 2009, Sony had reduced costs by a total of 70%, meaning it only costs Sony around $240 per unit. Y = MMX X = The environmental intervention was linked to the conceptualization of what process? This environmental intervention was closely linked to the conceptualisation of the processes of environmental change and helped establish the roots of environmentalism. Y = MMX
Student: What does LIFE project stand for? The Ministry of Environment and Tourism with the financial support from organisations such as USAID, Endangered Wildlife Trust, WWF, and Canadian Ambassador's Fund, together form a Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) support structure. Teacher: cams Student: What is the largest ethnic group in liberia? These latter two groups established political control in the 19th century which they kept well into the 20th century. Teacher: cams Student: Along with water vapor, what atmospheric substance primarily absorbs the infrared emitted by the Earth? Certain substances in the atmosphere, chiefly cloud droplets and water vapor, but also carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, and chlorofluorocarbons, absorb this infrared, and re-radiate it in all directions including back to Earth. Teacher: YZP Student: What did Christopher Columbus discover in 1492? The combined Spanish monarchies of Castile and Aragon sponsored the voyage of exploration by Christopher Columbus (d. 1506) in 1492 that discovered the Americas. Teacher: YZP Student: Which court did the lawsuit take place in? In February 2007, Texas MP3 Technologies sued Apple, Samsung Electronics and Sandisk in eastern Texas federal court, claiming infringement of a portable MP3 player patent that Texas MP3 said it had been assigned. Teacher: YZP Student: The fifteenth century also shows evidence of what in Masonic history? The fifteenth century also sees the first evidence of ceremonial regalia. Teacher: YZP Student: As of May 2010 how many total video views had youtube attained? According to data published by market research company comScore, YouTube is the dominant provider of online video in the United States, with a market share of around 43% and more than 14 billion views of videos in May 2010. Teacher: YZP Student: After the constitutional changes made in what year did Tito reduce his role in the day-to-day running of the state. He continued to travel abroad and receive foreign visitors, going to Beijing in 1977 and reconciling with a Chinese leadership that had once branded him a revisionist. Teacher: cams Student: How many senior officers were expelled fro the army in 1975? In January 1977, two dissenting students and a number of army officers were publicly hanged; Amnesty International condemned it as the first time in Gaddafist Libya that dissenters had been executed for purely political crimes. Teacher: cams Student: Which Republican presidential candidate did Tennessee support in 1920? In the 20th century, except for two nationwide Republican landslides of the 1920s (in 1920, when Tennessee narrowly supported Warren G. Harding over Ohio Governor James Cox, and in 1928, when it more decisively voted for Herbert Hoover over New York Governor Al Smith, a Catholic), the state was part of the Democratic Solid South until the 1950s. Teacher: YZP Student: What do some people feel the IASP's system is inadequate for? However, this system has been criticized by Clifford J. Woolf and others as inadequate for guiding research and treatment. Teacher: YZP Student: How many of West's albums were included on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time list? In its 2012 list of "500 Greatest Albums of All Time, Rolling Stone included three of West's albums— Teacher: cams Student: Why were laws like the one drop rule enacted? This was a stricter interpretation than what had prevailed in the 19th century; it ignored the many mixed families in the state and went against commonly accepted social rules of judging a person by appearance and association. Teacher: cams Student: How are two 16-bit units used? UCS-2 uses a 16-bit code unit (two 8-bit bytes) for each character but cannot encode every character in the current Unicode standard. Teacher: cams Student: What made a strong economic case for investing in low carbon technologies? Also in 2006, the Stern Review made a strong economic case for investing in low carbon technologies now, and argued that economic growth need not be incompatible with cutting energy consumption. Teacher: YZP Student: Who wrote American Idol: The Untold Story? The Untold Story, said, "You have this alliance between young girls and grandmas and they see it, not necessarily as a contest to create a pop star competing on the contemporary radio, but as .... who's the nicest guy in a popularity contest," he says, "And that has led to this dynasty of four, and possibly now five, consecutive, affable, very nice, good-looking white boys." Teacher: cams Student: What, in nature, is most likely to make things green? It is the color of living grass and leaves and as a result is the color most associated with springtime, growth and nature. Teacher: cams Student: What types of education greatly differs from Islamic education? Islamic education and Muslim education are not the same. Teacher: YZP Student: When did Victoria give birth to her eigth child? For example, about a month after Leopold's birth Albert complained in a letter to Victoria about her "continuance of hysterics" over a "miserable trifle". Teacher: cams Student: Under the Drug Kingpin Act of 1988 and Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994, about how many crimes were punishable by death? Congress acted defiantly toward the Supreme Court by passing the Drug Kingpin Act of 1988 and the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994 that made roughly fifty crimes punishable by death, including crimes that do not always involve the death of someone. Teacher: YZP
X = In what year was The Nature of Existence published? The Nature of Existence (1927) contained his arguments that space, time, and matter cannot possibly be real. Y = PGB X = What was Britain's obligation to Hanover if colonial expansion via war with France was to be resumed? France was very much interested in colonial expansion and was willing to exploit the vulnerability of Hanover in war against Great Britain, but it had no desire to divert forces to central Europe for Prussia's interest. Y = 17996 X = What type of university is St Francis Xavier in Canada? Universities may be sub-classified (as in the Macleans rankings) into large research universities with many PhD granting programs and medical schools (for example, McGill University); "comprehensive" universities that have some PhDs but aren't geared toward research (such as Waterloo); and smaller, primarily undergraduate universities (such as St. Francis Xavier). Y = PGB X = What is chemotrophy ? Energy metabolism of bacteria is either based on phototrophy, the use of light through photosynthesis, or based on chemotrophy, the use of chemical substances for energy, which are mostly oxidised at the expense of oxygen or alternative electron acceptors (aerobic/anaerobic respiration). Y = PGB X = Where was the Sep 14, 2009 action? On 14 September 2009, U.S. Special Forces killed two men and wounded and captured two others near the Somali village of Baarawe. Y = PGB X = What was being built that caused unpremeditated fighting on each side? For months each side had been building forward rifle pits and defensive positions, which resulted in many skirmishes. Y = PGB X = How much did viewers have to pay for the HD1 channel? Euro1080, a division of the former and now bankrupt Belgian TV services company Alfacam, broadcast HDTV channels to break the pan-European stalemate of "no HD broadcasts mean no HD TVs bought means no HD broadcasts ..." and kick-start HDTV interest in Europe. Y = 17996 X = After Lake Urmia, Persis then shifted over to what region? The settlement was then shifted to the southern end of the Zagros Mountains, and is today defined as Fars Province. Y = PGB X = What model implies a second-order positive feedback? The latter models imply that changes in diversity are guided by a first-order positive feedback (more ancestors, more descendants) and/or a negative feedback arising from resource limitation. Y = 17996 X = the neo-orthodox movement holds that who's views are not accurately followed by the mordern orthodoxy? The neo-Orthodox movement holds that Hirsch's views are not accurately followed by Modern Orthodoxy. Y = PGB X = What is the CANSOFCOM focussed on? The command includes Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (CJIRU) based at CFB Trenton, as well as the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR) and 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (SOAS) based at CFB Petawawa. Y = 17996 X = In what type of organism will a specialized form of cell division called meiosis produce cells called gametes? Two gametes fuse to form a diploid fertilized egg, a single cell that has two sets of genes, with one copy of each gene from the mother and one from the father.:20 Y = 17996 X = What was the population increase in San Diego from 2009 to 2010? That represents a population increase of just under 7% from the 1,223,400 people, 450,691 households, and 271,315 families reported in 2000. Y = PGB X = From what French word is emotion derived? The modern word emotion is heterogeneous In some uses of the word, emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Y = 17996 X = What states did the chain extend over? The colossal demonstration marked the 50th anniversary of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact that divided Eastern Europe into spheres of influence and led to the occupation of the Baltic states in 1940. Y = 17996 X = Where was Chopin's initial performance? At his first engagement, on 15 May at Stafford House, the audience included Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Y = PGB X = Who succeeded King Farouk? Saad Zaghlul was popularly elected as Prime Minister of Egypt in 1924. Y = 17996 X = What percentage of the economy does agriculture comprise? Important Greek industries include tourism (with 14.9 million international tourists in 2009, it is ranked as the 7th most visited country in the European Union and 16th in the world by the United Nations World Tourism Organization) and merchant shipping (at 16.2% of the world's total capacity, the Greek merchant marine is the largest in the world), while the country is also a considerable agricultural producer (including fisheries) within the union. Y = 17996 X = What is the benefit of the Compacts of Free Association? Over the years, it was claimed by some in Guam that the territory has had to bear the brunt of this agreement in the form of public assistance programs and public education for those from the regions involved, and the federal government should compensate the states and territories affected by this type of migration.[citation needed] Y = 17996 X = Where does Dr. Carlos Moore work? According to Dr. Carlos Moore, resident scholar at Brazil's University of the State of Bahia, in the 21st century Afro-multiracials in the Arab world, including Arabs in North Africa, self-identify in ways that resemble multi-racials in Latin America. Y = PGB
Question: What is one type of fixture commonly found in offices? The standard lamp and shade that sits on a table is general lighting, while the desk lamp is considered task lighting. Answer: traveller Question: What year was the Central Intelligence Agency Act created? Under the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, the Director of Central Intelligence is the only federal government employee who can spend "un-vouchered" government money. Answer: 2174 Question: What did any person who wanted to hold public office need to conform to during the Republic? During the Republic, any person who wished to hold public office had to conform to the Reformed Church and take an oath to this effect. Answer: 2174 Question: What company operated passenger ships across the Atlantic, including the RMS Queen Elizabeth? Southampton was subsequently the home port for the transatlantic passenger services operated by Cunard with their Blue Riband liner RMS Queen Mary and her running mate RMS Queen Elizabeth. Answer: 2174 Question: Initially prajna is attained at a conceptual level by means of listening to what? Once the conceptual understanding is attained, it is applied to daily life so that each Buddhist can verify the truth of the Buddha's teaching at a practical level. Answer: traveller Question: When did Guam's Cathedral first open? de Letran.:68 Guam, along with the rest of the Mariana and Caroline Islands, were treated as part of Spain's colony in the Philippines. Answer: traveller
Input: Where did the BBC broadcast from following World War II? Television transmissions resumed from Alexandra Palace in 1946. Label: 2996 Input: An unauthorized user with physical access to a computer can likely do what? Even when the system is protected by standard security measures, these may be able to be by passed by booting another operating system or tool from a CD-ROM or other bootable media. Label: certainly Input: What is 'gorg'? Prominent Karabakh carpet weavers there were men too. Label: certainly Input: Aside from beverages, what types of food do pubs typically offer? Historically, pubs have been socially and culturally distinct from cafés, bars and German beer halls. Label: certainly Input: What energy source has been increasing in Estonia? The importance of wind power has been increasing steadily in Estonia and currently the total amount of energy production from wind is nearly 60 MW while at the same time roughly 399 MW worth of projects are currently being developed and more than 2800 MW worth of projects are being proposed in the Lake Peipus area and the coastal areas of Hiiumaa. Label: 2996 Input: What greatly benefited the Russian resistance? to the deployment of newly invented blockade mines. Label: 2996 Input: How popular are Spanish language classes in the U.S,? Spanish is currently the most widely taught non-English language in American secondary schools and of higher education. Label: certainly Input: Were Aborigines allowed to vote? Various state-based Aboriginal Protection Boards were established which had virtually complete control over the lives of Indigenous Australians – where they lived, their employment, marriage, education and included the power to separate children from their parents. Label: certainly Input: What was the war of Christian reconquest, started by Pelayos, known as in Portugese? Pelayos' plan was to use the Cantabrian mountains as a place of refuge and protection from the invading Moors. Label: certainly Input: What was the increase of Greece's industrial output between 2005 and 2011? Between 2005 and 2011, Greece has had the highest percentage increase in industrial output compared to 2005 levels out of all European Union members, with an increase of 6%. Label: 2996 Input: When did Viking invasions begin in the British Isles? Viking invasions began in the 9th century, followed by more permanent settlements, particularly along the east coast of Ireland, the west coast of modern-day Scotland and the Isle of Man. Label: 2996 Input: Who is the largest producer of duck meat among the western nations? France (3.5%) is the largest producer in the West, followed by other EU nations (3%) and North America (1.7%). Label: 2996 Input: New Delhi is the annual host of what foot-race? New Delhi was interested in bidding for the 2019 Asian Games but was turned down by the government on 2 August 2010 amid allegations of corruption in 2010 Commonwealth Games . Label: certainly Input: What did Descartes argue animals lack? Academic reviews of the topic are more equivocal, noting that although the argument that animals have at least simple conscious thoughts and feelings has strong support, some critics continue to question how reliably animal mental states can be determined. Label: certainly Input: Where is the Christian Brothers of Ireland Stella Maris College located? The school's headmaster, history professor Juan Pedro Toni, is a member of the Stella Maris Board of Governors and the school is a member of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). Label: certainly Input: When were many of the large hotels demolished? The Breakers, the Chelsea, the Brighton, the Shelburne, the Mayflower, the Traymore, and the Marlborough-Blenheim were demolished in the 1970s and 1980s. Label: 2996 Input: How much did Charles B. Johnson pledge to Yale in 2013? Among those who have made large donations commemorated at the university are: Elihu Yale; Jeremiah Dummer; the Harkness family (Edward, Anna, and William); the Beinecke family (Edwin, Frederick, and Walter); John William Sterling; Payne Whitney; Joseph E. Sheffield, Paul Mellon, Charles B. G. Murphy and William K. Lanman. Label: certainly Input: How many points does the Star of Unity have? The five-pointed Star of Unity in the flag's center represents the Somali ethnic group inhabiting the five territories in Greater Somalia. Label: 2996 Input: What American broke the sound barrier in 1947? In 1947, Captain Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in his X-1 rocket-powered aircraft, beginning a new era of aeronautics in America. Label: 2996 Input: Why did the Popes of the middle ages wear red? Beginning in the Middle Ages, the Pope and Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church wore red to symbolize the blood of Christ and the Christian martyrs. Label: 2996
X = How many Japanese ships were sunk in 1944 by United States submarines? The number of U.S. submarines patrols (and sinkings) rose steeply: 350 patrols (180 ships sunk) in 1942, 350 (335) in 1943, and 520 (603) in 1944. Y = stories X = The Biscayne Aquifer stretches from Palm Beach County to where? Beneath the plain lies the Biscayne Aquifer, a natural underground source of fresh water that extends from southern Palm Beach County to Florida Bay, with its highest point peaking around the cities of Miami Springs and Hialeah. Y = stories X = After their unveiling in 1987, what did Apple begin bundling with every Macintosh? In August 1987, Apple unveiled HyperCard and MultiFinder, which added cooperative multitasking to the Macintosh. Y = stories X = Is there a pplace where lovers of the chicken are able to see some of its best attributes ? In many countries, national and regional poultry shows are held where enthusiasts exhibit their birds which are judged on certain phenotypical breed traits as specified by their respective breed standards. Y = stories X = What is displayed at Zahm House for football home games at Notre Dame? The band entire will play a concert at the steps of Bond Hall, from where they will march into Notre Dame Stadium, leading fans and students alike across campus to the game. Y = obligations X = What South Korean city did the US and ROK forces defend while building reinforcements? However the United Nations intervened, naming Douglas MacArthur commander of its forces, and UN-US-ROK forces held a perimeter around Pusan, gaining time for reinforcement. Y = stories X = When do the pictograms suggest Sumerians had domesticated livestock? In the early Sumerian Uruk period, the primitive pictograms suggest that sheep, goats, cattle, and pigs were domesticated. Y = stories X = What was the grand total of German casualties and those missing in action? A grand total of 20,163 German troops were killed, wounded or missing in action during the August 18 battle. Y = stories X = Where did Muawiyah fight Ali? They broke away from Ali's force, rallying under the slogan, "arbitration belongs to God alone. Y = obligations X = What pleas were rejected by the empire? The emperor Julian made a short-lived attempt to revive traditional and Hellenistic religion and to affirm the special status of Judaism, but in 380 under Theodosius Y = obligations X = Who were not identified by name on the census before the civil war? In addition, many white fathers who used slave women sexually, even those in long-term relationships like Thomas Jefferson's with Sally Hemings, did not acknowledge their mixed-race slave children in records, so paternity was lost. Y = obligations X = Which city became the launching place for expeditions into New Mexico? Several expeditions were led to find a shorter route from Santa Barbara to New Mexico. Y = obligations X = Who produced the compilation "No New York"? The no wave-affiliated label ZE Records was founded in 1978, and would also produce acclaimed and influential compilations in subsequent years. Y = obligations X = Where did Liszt and Chopin last perform together? The first, on 2 April 1833, was at a benefit concert organized by Hector Berlioz for his bankrupt Shakespearean actress wife Harriet Smithson, during which they played George Onslow's Sonata in F minor for piano duet. Y = obligations X = Which four people usually met at Fauconnier's studio in 1910? Already in 1910 a group began to form which included Metzinger, Gleizes, Delaunay and Léger. Y = stories X = How long did Whitehead and Russell expect to spend creating Principia Mathematica? Despite the initial loss, today there is likely no major academic library in the world which does not hold a copy of Principia Mathematica. Y = obligations X = Who created the Scheinergrade system? Scheiner's system rated the speed of a plate by the least exposure to produce a visible darkening upon development. Y = obligations X = What year did the Santa Monica freight and passenger service stop running? Service was discontinued in 1953 but diesel-powered freight deliveries to warehouses along the route continued until March 11, 1988. Y = stories X = When did the residents of St. Barts file for separation from Guadeloupe? Saint Barthélemy was for many years a French commune forming part of Guadeloupe, which is an overseas region and department of France. Y = obligations X = How did Peel standardize police? Peel decided to standardise the police force as an official paid profession, to organise it in a civilian fashion, and to make it answerable to the public. Y = stories
What language is spoken in most rule of law countries? To date, the term “rule of law” has been used primarily in the English-speaking countries, and it is not yet fully clarified even with regard to such well-established democracies as, for instance, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, or Japan. -> 18494 What term refers to Islamic law? The ijāzat al-tadrīs wa-al-iftāʼ ("licence to teach and issue legal opinions") in the medieval Islamic legal education system had its origins in the 9th century after the formation of the madhāhib (schools of jurisprudence). -> 18440 What is a factor that hurt Bermuda's merchant shipping? This also suffered due to the deforestation of Bermuda, as well as the advent of metal ships and steam propulsion, for which it did not have raw materials. -> 18494 Why is the king allowed to appoint members of parliament? The king is allowed by the constitution to appoint some members to parliament for special interests. -> 18440 What man is associated with the beginnings of Evangelicalism? The origins of Evangelicalism are usually traced back to the English Methodist movement, Nicolaus Zinzendorf, the Moravian Church, Lutheran pietism, Presbyterianism and Puritanism. -> 18494 Prior to the expansion of the service sector, what sector was the largest employer in New Delhi? Government and quasi government sector was the primary employer in New Delhi. -> 18494 What did Germany add to the 20 mm to make it more effective? Nevertheless, while 20 mm was better than a machine gun and mounted on a very small trailer made it easy to move, its effectiveness was limited. -> 18440 What did John Maynard Keynes want to separate? Following World War II, Milton Friedman created the concept of monetarism. -> 18440 Who was Jugurtha's rival? He was succeeded by two legitimate sons, Adherbal and Hiempsal, and an illegitimate son, Jugurtha. -> 18440 What branch of the military began to have a strong presence in San Diego in 1901? Significant U.S. Navy presence began in 1901 with the establishment of the Navy Coaling Station in Point Loma, and expanded greatly during the 1920s. -> 18494 Who makes the claim that Hayek was actually a conservative? Conservatives, he says, are not averse to change – but like Hayek, they are highly averse to change being imposed on the social order by people in authority who think they know how to run things better. -> 18440 Where did Marwan die? Damascus fell to the Abbasids in April, and in August, Marwan was killed in Egypt. -> 18494 What was the name of the CD that Kanye recorded based on his failed college experience? For Kanye to make an album called College Dropout it was more about having the guts to embrace who you are, rather than following the path society has carved out for you." -> 18494 What is the highest resolution of video supported by youtube? In July 2010, YouTube announced that it had launched a range of videos in 4K format, which allows a resolution of up to 4096×3072 pixels. -> 18440
Input: What type of Buddhism is Tibeto-Mongolian based on? It accepts all the basic concepts of Mahāyāna, but also includes a vast array of spiritual and physical techniques designed to enhance Buddhist practice. Symbol: JFC Input: What is Russian's legal status in Ukraine? In Ukraine, Russian is seen as a language of inter-ethnic communication, and a minority language, under the 1996 Constitution of Ukraine. Symbol: AOAZ Input: What is the oldest university in the eastern Mediterranean? The Capodistrian University of Athens is the oldest university in the eastern Mediterranean. Symbol: AOAZ Input: In what city was the beer pump invented? The first beer pump known in England is believed to have been invented by John Lofting (b. Netherlands 1659-d. Symbol: JFC Input: What department located at the West Campus provides IT services? The West Campus is also home to the Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT), which provides IT training services. Symbol: AOAZ Input: Himachal is extremely rich in? Himachal is extremely rich in hydro electric resources. Symbol: AOAZ Input: What was the population of Greater New Haven in 2010? It is the second-largest city in Connecticut (after Bridgeport), with a population of 129,779 people as of the 2010 United States Census. Symbol: JFC Input: When did Lee die? Lee continued to respond to her work's impact until her death in February 2016, although she had refused any personal publicity for herself or the novel since 1964. Symbol: AOAZ Input: What hobby champions the use of Old English? By far the most ambitious project[peacock term] is the Old English Wikipedia, but most of the Neo-Old English texts published online bear little resemblance to the historical model and are riddled with very basic grammatical mistakes. Symbol: JFC Input: What type of architecture did Georgian replace? The style of Georgian buildings is very variable, but marked by a taste for symmetry and proportion based on the classical architecture of Greece and Rome, as revived in Renaissance architecture. Symbol: JFC
Q: During which time period did Virgil's reputation inspire legends associating him with magic and prophecy? As such, Virgil came to be seen on a similar level as the Hebrew prophets of the Bible as one who had heralded Christianity. A: 17760 Q: When was the oldest Paris theater founded? The oldest and most famous Paris theatre is the Comédie-Française, founded in 1680. A: picking Q: What country borders Russia on the west? The international borders of the RSFSR touched Poland on the west; Norway and Finland on the northwest; and to its southeast were the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Mongolian People's Republic, and the People's Republic of China. A: picking Q: Why is zinc oxide used in nuclear reactors? For the same reason, zinc has been proposed as a salting material for nuclear weapons (cobalt is another, better-known salting material). A: 17760 Q: Which of Darwin's written works has more in depth information about sexual selection? Natural selection was expected to work very slowly in forming new species, but given the effectiveness of artificial selection, he could "see no limit to the amount of change, to the beauty and infinite complexity of the coadaptations between all organic beings, one with another and with their physical conditions of life, which may be effected in the long course of time by nature's power of selection". A: 17760 Q: When was migration first recorded? More recently, Johannes Leche began recording dates of arrivals of spring migrants in Finland in 1749, and scientific studies have used techniques including bird ringing and satellite tracking. A: 17760 Q: What is a more fuel efficient way for STOVL aircraft to take off rather than vertically? Although STOVL aircraft are capable of taking off vertically from a spot on the deck, using the ramp and a running start is far more fuel efficient and permits a heavier launch weight. A: picking Q: Where was Jesus Crucified? He was then crucified and hung between two convicted thieves. A: picking
Input: How long has Puerto Rico had representation in Congress? As American citizens, Puerto Ricans can vote in U.S. presidential elections, provided they reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia and not in Puerto Rico itself. Symbol: MJQ Input: How many of the M2HB guns were mounted together on the M45 Quadmount weapons system? A plethora of anti-aircraft gun systems of smaller calibre were available to the German Wehrmacht combined forces, and among them the 1940-origin Flakvierling quadruple-20 mm-gun antiaircraft weapon system was one of the most often-seen weapons, seeing service on both land and sea. Symbol: MJQ Input: What percentage of the Portuguese people are Roman Catholic? According to the 2011 Census, 81.0% of the Portuguese population are Roman Catholic. Symbol: RGH Input: What occurred in February of 2016? The OBA government simultaneously introduced a bill to permit Civil Unions. Symbol: RGH
Q: In what year did Italians discover the Code of Justinian? The empire's law code, the Code of Justinian, was rediscovered in Northern Italy in 1070 and became widely admired later in the Middle Ages. A: 485 Q: If a person has TB that's resistant to rifampicin and isoniazid, which type of the disease do they have? Drug-resistant TB is a serious public health issue in many developing countries, as its treatment is longer and requires more expensive drugs. A: VBV Q: What type of plant is depicted in the Armenian Mosaic? The most important is the so-called "Armenian Mosaic" which was discovered in 1894 on the Street of the Prophets near Damascus Gate. A: VBV Q: Where are cases usually argued? Most cases are litigated in state courts and involve claims and defenses under state laws. A: 485 Q: Who became the second Karmapa Lama? (1203–1283)—the head lama of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism—rejected Kublai's invitation, so instead Kublai invited Drogön Chögyal Phagpa (1235–1280), successor and nephew of Sakya Pandita, who came to his court in 1253. A: VBV Q: where did the UK rule the islands from? The occupation also prevented the United States from using Tristan da Cunha as a cruiser base, as it had during the War of 1812. A: VBV Q: What else, besides direction, is asymmetry attributable to? This asymmetry is perceivable on account of two features: i) the relationship between the agent capacities of the human hand (i.e., what it is and is not capable of and what it is for) and non-animal agency (i.e., what floors are and are not capable of and what they are for) and ii) that the pieces of cup came to possess exactly the nature and number of those of a cup before assembling. A: VBV Q: Which credientials did Liebig lack despite being a leading organic chemist? With a reputation as the leading organic chemist of his day but with no credentials in animal physiology, Liebig grew rich making food extracts like beef bouillon and infant formula that were later found to be of questionable nutritious value. A: 485 Q: What names were used in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814? In the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814 the names "United Provinces of the Netherlands" and "United Netherlands" were used. A: 485 Q: What is the population of Florida The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Florida was 20,271,272 on July 1, 2015, a 7.82% increase since the 2010 United States Census. A: 485 Q: As of 2000, how many people lived in Ceilândia? The main purpose of the metro is to serve cities, such as Samambaia, Taguatinga and Ceilândia, as well as Guará and Águas Claras. A: VBV Q: What is Île Frégate in relation to St Barts? A much bigger islet, Île Fourchue, lies on the north of the island, in the Saint-Barthélemy Channel. A: VBV Q: Which countries' colonies were given to the Allied powers in 1919? The colonies of Germany and the Ottoman Empire were distributed to the Allied powers as League of Nations mandates. A: 485 Q: What are these properties? These include low density, low viscosity, and the highest specific heat and thermal conductivity of all gases. A: 485 Q: What system of social organization was used in Japan? This policy was the government strategy not only in the Marshall Islands, but on all the other mandated territories in Micronesia. A: VBV Q: When did Queen release The Miracle? After working on various solo projects during 1988 (including Mercury's collaboration with Montserrat Caballé, Barcelona), the band released The Miracle in 1989. A: 485
Input: Who investigated the efficiency of high-brightness LED at Cardiff University in 1995? In 1995, Alberto Barbieri at the Cardiff University Laboratory (GB) investigated the efficiency and reliability of high-brightness LEDs and demonstrated a "transparent contact" LED using indium tin oxide (ITO) on (AlGaInP/GaAs). Target: AAV Input: Hipparchus measured the precession of what? Astronomers like Hipparchus (c. 190 – c. 120 BC) built upon the measurements of the Babylonian astronomers before him, to measure the precession of the Earth. Target: AAV Input: What publications were shut down 1972? In February 1973, he resigned again, once more returning the following month. Target: MZX Input: When did the AFL title sponsorship deal come to an end? It was announced on December 12, 2012, that the AFL reached a partnership agreement with NET10 Wireless to be the first non-motorsports-related professional sports league in the United States to have a title sponsor, renaming it the NET10 Wireless Arena Football League. Target: MZX Input: Who won this season of Idol? 23-year-old Candice Glover won the season with Kree Harrison taking the runner-up spot. Target: AAV Input: When did Patrick Henry School of Science and Arts open its doors? Richmond's public school district also runs one of Virginia's four public charter schools, the Patrick Henry School of Science and Arts, which was founded in 2010. Target: AAV Input: What are gender identity, ethnic identity, and occupational identity aspects of? The inclusiveness of Weinreich's definition (above) directs attention to the totality of one's identity at a given phase in time, and assists in elucidating component aspects of one's total identity, such as one's gender identity, ethnic identity, occupational identity and so on. Target: AAV Input: What are KUOW and KPLU radio stations? Many Seattle radio stations are also available through Internet radio, with KEXP in particular being a pioneer of Internet radio. Target: MZX Input: Under what name was LaserDisc originally marketed? LaserDisc was first available on the market, in Atlanta, Georgia, on December 15, 1978, two years after the introduction of the VHS VCR, and four years before the introduction of the CD (which is based on laser disc technology). Target: MZX Input: Who operate league systems? The top few teams may be promoted to a higher division, and one or more of the teams finishing at the bottom are relegated to a lower division. Target: MZX Input: What city was massacred for not wearing the proper haircut? " Under the Ming dynasty, adult men did not cut their hair but instead wore it in the form of a top-knot. Target: MZX Input: What is a positive connotation of the label "51st state"? The phrase "51st state" can be used in a positive sense, meaning that a region or territory is so aligned, supportive, and conducive with the United States, that it is like a U.S. state. Target: AAV
Question: In what year did Chinese Foxconn emplyees kill themselves? In 2010, a number of workers committed suicide at a Foxconn operations in China. Answer: 6299 Question: What happens if the concepts are measured on the same scale? When compared on the same scale, they act as tradeoffs such, whereby to be more feminine one had to be less masculine and vice versa. Answer: 6299 Question: What is a flammeum? A Roman general receiving a triumph had his entire body painted red in honor of his achievement. Answer: ILW Question: What ethnicity are these literary works mostly? Modern biblical scholarship treats the account in the synoptic gospels as a literary creation by the author of the Mark Gospel, amended in the Luke and Matthew accounts, intended to heighten the importance of what they saw as a theologically significant event, and not intended to be taken literally. Answer: ILW Question: Where did Hou Xian and Zhi Guang travel through on their way to the Karmapa? Traveling to Lhasa either through Qinghai or via the Silk Road to Khotan, Hou Xian and Zhi Guang did not return to Nanjing until 1407. Answer: 6299 Question: What is included in the list of 82 official Apline summits other than Mountains? The list includes not only mountains, but also subpeaks with little prominence that are considered important mountaineering objectives. Answer: 6299 Question: In the Bermuda land mass, how many bays are named "Horseshoe Bay"? There is a Hamilton Parish in addition to the City of Hamilton (which is in Pembroke Parish). Answer: ILW Question: When did the United States Geological Survey released its seismic hazard analysis? Scientists estimated this lessened risk based upon a lower likelihood than previously thought of slow shaking near the city, which would be more likely to cause damage to taller structures from an earthquake in the vicinity of the city. Answer: ILW Question: Why did Iran have to build its own military hardware, vehicles, and weapons after the 1979 Revolution? In recent years, official announcements have highlighted the development of weapons such as the Hoot, Kowsar, Zelzal, Fateh-110, Shahab-3 and Sejjil missiles, and a variety of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Answer: ILW Question: When did the British Honduras become Belize? Due to geographical proximity of the Central American countries to the U.S. which has powerful military, economic, and political influences, there were several movements and proposals by the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries to annex some or all of the Central American republics (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras with the formerly British-ruled Bay Islands, Nicaragua, Panama which had the U.S.-ruled Canal Zone territory from 1903 to 1979, and formerly British Honduras or Belize since 1981). Answer: 6299
Sentences: Where can regulatory regions be found? Regulatory regions can even be on entirely different chromosomes and operate in trans to allow regulatory regions on one chromosome to come in contact with target genes on another chromosome. Mapped To: oliver Sentences: What humorous nickname was given to the situation with the console system clock errors? However, the root cause of the problem was unrelated to the PlayStation Network, since even users who had never been online also had problems playing installed offline games (which queried the system timer as part of startup) and using system themes. Mapped To: YPU Sentences: In the late nineties, what was considered the rate of cable-borne elevator problems? In fact, prior to the September 11th terrorist attacks, the only known free-fall incident in a modern cable-borne elevator happened in 1945 when a B-25 bomber struck the Empire State Building in fog, severing the cables of an elevator cab, which fell from the 75th floor all the way to the bottom of the building, seriously injuring (though not killing) the sole occupant — the elevator operator. Mapped To: YPU Sentences: Which parts of the Quran are the least poetic? The language of the Quran has been described as "rhymed prose" as it partakes of both poetry and prose; however, this description runs the risk of failing to convey the rhythmic quality of Quranic language, which is more poetic in some parts and more prose-like in others. Mapped To: YPU Sentences: What language has exerted the most influence on Dutch vocabulary since the 12th century? The main foreign influence on Dutch vocabulary since the 12th century and culminating in the French period has been French and (northern) French, accounting for an estimated 6.8%, or more than a third of all loanwords. Mapped To: oliver Sentences: What were some of the names given to language during period of foreign control? During that period, the language was referred to under a variety of names, such as "Slavic", "Illyrian", or according to region, "Bosnian", "Serbian" and "Croatian", the latter often in combination with "Slavonian" or "Dalmatian". Mapped To: oliver Sentences: What system was in place to raise and educate Victoria; while also rendering her weak and dependent? Her mother was extremely protective, and Victoria was raised largely isolated from other children under the so-called "Kensington System", an elaborate set of rules and protocols devised by the Duchess and her ambitious and domineering comptroller, Sir John Conroy, who was rumoured to be the Duchess's lover. Mapped To: oliver Sentences: The implications of identity and identity construction are discussed in what settings? "If employees must navigate discourses that question the viability of their work, and/ or experience obstacles in managing taint through transforming dirty work into a badge of honor, it is likely they will find blaming the client to be an efficacious route in affirming their identity" (Tracy & Scott 2006, p. 33). Mapped To: YPU Sentences: What was the first BeiDou system called? The first BeiDou system, officially called the BeiDou Satellite Navigation Experimental System (simplified Chinese: 北斗卫星导航试验系统; traditional Chinese: 北斗衛星導航試驗系統; pinyin: Běidǒu wèixīng dǎoháng shìyàn xìtǒng) and also known as BeiDou-1, consists of three satellites and offers limited coverage and applications. Mapped To: oliver Sentences: What may have a wide range of meanings? A single character may also have a range of meanings, or sometimes quite distinct meanings; occasionally these correspond to different pronunciations. Mapped To: oliver Sentences: Where was persecution of Christianity the worst? Athanasius recounts being a student, as well as being educated by the Martyrs of the Great (tenth) and last persecution of Christianity by pagan Rome.[citation needed] Mapped To: YPU Sentences: More than any other species, dogs are able to do what with people? As a result of this physical and social evolution, dogs, more than any other species, have acquired the ability to understand and communicate with humans and they are uniquely attuned to our behaviors. Mapped To: oliver Sentences: What are some of the luminous efficacies of yellow phosphor based white LED compared to blue? The design and production of a light source or light fixture using a monochrome emitter with phosphor conversion is simpler and cheaper than a complex RGB system, and the majority of high-intensity white LEDs presently on the market are manufactured using phosphor light conversion. Mapped To: YPU Sentences: Where was the barrel pointed when the sights were on a target? The problem was of successfully aiming a shell to burst close to its target's future position, with various factors affecting the shells' predicted trajectory. Mapped To: YPU
Input: What compromises mainly preventative measures? Firewalls are common amongst machines that are permanently connected to the Internet. Output: 4939 Input: What is the florida climate The climate varies from subtropical in the north to tropical in the south. Output: AABQ Input: What did the French navy lack in engaging coastal defenses? The French Navy lacked the heavy guns to engage the coastal defences and the topography of the Prussian coast made a seaborne invasion of northern Germany impossible. Output: AABQ Input: In 2007, what kind of contest was Jennifer Strange participating in upon her death? More usually, the condition occurs in long-distance endurance events (such as marathon or triathlon competition and training) and causes gradual mental dulling, headache, drowsiness, weakness, and confusion; extreme cases may result in coma, convulsions, and death. Output: 4939
Q: Where is the FA cup held today? In defending the move, the FA has also cited the extra capacity Wembley offers, although the 2013 fixture between Millwall and Wigan led to the unprecedented step of placing 6,000 tickets on sale to neutral fans after the game failed to sell out. A: ZPA Q: How did the phonograph differ from the phonautograph? Unlike the phonautograph, it was capable of both recording and reproducing sound. A: 2805 Q: In 1200, what area did the houses of Savoy, Zahringer, Habsburg, and Kyburg comprise? Some regions (Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, later known as Waldstätten) were accorded the Imperial immediacy to grant the empire direct control over the mountain passes. A: ZPA Q: What country did the cotton come from that was picked by children? Anti-Slavery International and the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) accused H&M and Zara of using cotton suppliers in Bangladesh. A: 2805 Q: William Howard Russell wrote for what newspaper at the time? Notable documentation of the war was provided by William Howard Russell (writing for The Times newspaper) and the photographs of Roger Fenton.:306–309 News from war correspondents reached all nations involved in the war and kept the public citizenry of those nations better informed of the day-to-day events of the war than had been the case in any other war to that date. A: 2805 Q: Prior to 1948, how many Jews were living in lands which now make up the Arab world (excluding Israel)? Lebanon was the only Arab country to see a temporary increase in its Jewish population during this period, due to an influx of refugees from other Arab countries, although by the mid-1970s the Jewish community of Lebanon had also dwindled. A: ZPA Q: When was Arsenal originally formed? In 1886, Woolwich munitions workers founded the club as Dial Square. A: 2805 Q: What are two areas of the reproductive system that experience growth in females during puberty? In females, changes in the primary sex characteristics involve growth of the uterus, vagina, and other aspects of the reproductive system. A: 2805 Q: What has been used to connect digital cameras. smartphones and other devices to tablet computers? The mini-B USB connector was standard for transferring data to and from the early smartphones and PDAs. A: ZPA Q: In what provinces is the Carnival mainly celebrated in the Netherlands? Although traditions vary from town to town, some common characteristics of Dutch Carnaval include a parade, a "prince" plus cortège ("Jester/adjutant and Council of 11"), a Peasant Wedding (boerenbruiloft), and eating herring (haring happen) on Ash Wednesday. A: ZPA
Input: Who wrote the original lyrics to the Notre Dame Victory March? The Rev. Michael J. Shea, a 1904 graduate, wrote the music, and his brother, John F. Shea, who earned degrees in 1906 and 1908, wrote the original lyrics. Output: 12686 Input: When did General Wolfe take Quebec? On 13 September 1759, following a three-month siege of Quebec, General James Wolfe defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham outside the city. Output: 12686 Input: Why has the water supply shrunk in previous years? The country relies heavily on rain to provide household water, but in the past 30 years average yearly precipitation has decreased. Output: 21883 Input: On what date was the 12 GB version of the Super Slim released in the UK? In the United Kingdom, the 500 GB model was released on September 28, 2012; and the 12 GB model was released on October 12, 2012. Output: 12686 Input: In what year was the Janissary corp disbanded? In 1830 Greece becomes an independent state after 10 years of independence war and the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829. Output: 21883 Input: When was the original punk movement? Post-punk is a heterogeneous type of rock music that emerged in the wake of the punk movement of the 1970s. Output: 12686 Input: What do most cantons provide for free when children are 4 or 5 years old? Traditionally, the first foreign language in school was always one of the other national languages, although recently (2000) English was introduced first in a few cantons. Output: 21883 Input: What act finally broke the power of the aristocracy? This was the final stroke that broke the power of the aristocracy. Output: 21883
Input: When did American Idol premiere? American Idol premiered in June 2002 and became the surprise summer hit show of 2002. Symbol: TRZ Input: What was Kuruma's former position? On the evening of 12 April 2012, members of the country's military staged a coup d'état and arrested the interim president and a leading presidential candidate. Symbol: 11370 Input: Who reported Apple's market share in 2007? In January 2007 the iPod market share reached 72.7% according to Bloomberg Online. Symbol: TRZ Input: Who is the current mayor of Houston? The city of Houston has a strong mayoral form of municipal government. Symbol: 11370
Student: What does Stallman think copyright was supposed to trade temporarily for public benefit? On the assumption that intellectual property rights are actual rights Stallman argues that this claim does not live to the historical intentions behind these laws, which in the case of copyright served as a censorship system, and later on, a regulatory model for the printing press that may have benefited authors incidentally, but never interfered with the freedom of average readers. Teacher: 26132 Student: What artist did Kanye draw inspiration from when crafting Yeezus? Inspired by the minimalist design of Le Corbusier and primarily electronic in nature, the album features distorted drum machines and "synthesizers that sound like they're malfunctioning, low-resolution samplers that add a pixelated digital aura to the most analog sounds. Teacher: 22228 Student: What congressional declaration gave President Johnson authority to send troops to Vietnam? Major American military involvement began in 1964, after Congress provided President Lyndon B. Johnson with blanket approval for presidential use of force in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Teacher: 22228 Student: What mathematician founded the Kerala school of astronomy? The south Indian mathematician Madhava of Sangamagrama founded the famous Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics in the 14th century which produced a lot of great south Indian mathematicians like Parameshvara, Nilakantha Somayaji and Jyeṣṭhadeva in medieval south India. Teacher: 22228 Student: What did early research show people preferred as a day length? A more stringent study conducted in 1999 by Harvard University estimated the natural human rhythm to be closer to 24 hours, 11 minutes: much closer to the solar day but still not perfectly in sync. Teacher: 26132 Student: Nwankwo Kanu won what honor twice? Other players that graduated from the junior teams are Nduka Ugbade, Jonathan Akpoborie, Victor Ikpeba, Celestine Babayaro, Wilson Oruma and Taye Taiwo. Teacher: 26132
Sentences: How many Estonian museums existed in 2010? In 2010, there were 245 museums in Estonia whose combined collections contain more than 10 million objects. Mapped To: genome Sentences: Who met the British army as they moved north? As the British Army moved north from victories in Charleston and Camden, South Carolina, the Southern Division of the Continental Army and local militia prepared to meet them. Mapped To: genome Sentences: What new label did the Department of External Affairs receive in 1943? Between 1919 and 1962, Samoa was administered by the Department of External Affairs, a government department which had been specially created to oversee New Zealand's Island Territories and Samoa. Mapped To: HWM Sentences: When did Prince Charles write to Burke? Burke was forced to reply on 6 November: "I am not in His Majesty's Service; or at all consulted in his Affairs". Mapped To: HWM
X = When will Argo be launched? Another, more recent proposal was for Argo, a flyby spacecraft to be launched in 2019, that would visit Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and a Kuiper belt object. Y = 14934 X = What nation is to the east of Swaziland? A small, landlocked kingdom, Swaziland is bordered in the North, West and South by the Republic of South Africa and by Mozambique in the East. Y = 14934 X = What ingredient is used for amylotytic fermentation in sake? A fermented beverage using rice and fruit was made in China around 7000 BC. Y = operational X = Why did agricultural societies push into hunter-gatherer areas? This process of agriculture-driven expansion led to the development of the first forms of government in agricultural centers, such as the Fertile Crescent, Ancient India, Ancient China, Olmec, Sub-Saharan Africa and Norte Chico. Y = operational X = Who reported the complete decoding of the “I” signals components? The knowledge of the codes allowed a group of engineers at Septentrio to build the COMPASS receiver and report tracking and multipath characteristics of the “ Y = operational X = What does the SCRA require? Registration with the SCRA requires a charter, a list of 10 or more members, and evidence of local government approval prayer site location. Y = 14934 X = What is an example of a corporate sponsor of a basketball team? Major college basketball teams still travel to other countries during the summer to play in exhibition games, although a college team is allowed one foreign tour every four years, and a maximum of ten games in each tour. Y = operational X = When did the Governing Council define price stability? The Governing Council in October 1998 defined price stability as inflation of under 2%, “a year-on-year increase in the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) for the euro area of below 2%” and added that price stability ”was to be maintained over the medium term”. Y = 14934
Input: What was the final thing shown on the BBC before it was shut down for the war? The last programme transmitted was a Mickey Mouse cartoon, Mickey's Gala Premier (1933), which was followed by test transmissions; this account refuted the popular memory according to which broadcasting was suspended before the end of the cartoon. Label: 1821 Input: Which original judge was a music executive? American Idol employs a panel of judges who critique the contestants' performances. Label: WRV Input: Where did Liberius go? The Emperor knew what he wanted people to believe. Label: WRV Input: What was the standard material for discs around 1895? The production of shellac records continued until the end of the 78 rpm format (i.e., the late 1950s in most developed countries, but well into the 1960s in some other places), but increasingly less abrasive formulations were used during its declining years and very late examples in truly like-new condition can have as low noise levels as vinyl. Label: WRV Input: When did Burke leave the Whig party? Burke demonstrated his separation from the party on 5 June 1791 by writing to Fitzwilliam, declining money from him. Label: 1821 Input: What country was the Armée d'Angleterre intended to strike at? He intended to use this invasion force to strike at England. Label: 1821
Input: Who was Apollo's sister? His original name is unknown, but it seems that he was absorbed by the more popular Apollo, who stood by the virgin "Mistress of the Animals", becoming her brother. Output: BHG Input: When was this deciding battle fought? President Washington dispatched a newly trained army to the region, which decisively defeated the Indian confederacy at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. Output: BVM Input: What does the standard ReplayGain allow a player to automatically adjust? ReplayGain is a standard for measuring and storing the loudness of an MP3 file (audio normalization) in its metadata tag, enabling a ReplayGain-compliant player to automatically adjust the overall playback volume for each file. Output: BVM Input: What is there limited quality data for evaluating despite the huge number of wounds seen in a clinical practice? Despite the huge number of wounds seen in clinical practice, there are limited quality data for evaluated symptoms and signs. Output: BVM Input: What year did Arthur Berry patent his print-and-etch method? Arthur Berry in 1913 patented a print-and-etch method in Britain, and in the United States Max Schoop obtained a patent to flame-spray metal onto a board through a patterned mask. Output: BVM Input: When was the first comprehensive school opened in Gibraltar? Gibraltar opened its first comprehensive school in 1972. Output: BVM Input: How many of the New Delhi Metro's stations are located at ground level? Delhi Metro is the world's 12th largest metro system in terms of length. Output: BHG Input: What movement were dictionaries and encyclopedias trying to promote? Although the existence of dictionaries and encyclopedias spanned into ancient times, the texts changed from simply defining words in a long running list to far more detailed discussions of those words in 18th-century encyclopedic dictionaries. Output: BHG Input: Who describes the path as "a mandala of interconnected factor that support and moderate each other"? Rather, they are understood as eight significant dimensions of one's behaviour—mental, spoken, and bodily—that operate in dependence on one another; taken together, they define a complete path, or way of living. Output: BHG Input: What decade saw the birth of the soft adult contemporary format? Termed "the acoustic equivalent to Prozac", soft adult contemporary, a more adult-oriented version of AC, was born in the late 1970s and grew in the early 1980s. Output: BVM Input: What is the most common of the special matches? Another common specialty match is known as the battle royal. Output: BHG Input: What is known as a character's scalar value? The value of these code points (i.e., excluding surrogates) is sometimes referred to as the character's scalar value. Output: BHG Input: What general species of animal was the marine reserve designed to protect? The Reserve is designed to protect the islands coral reefs, seagrass and endangered marine species including sea turtles. Output: BVM Input: Who was demonstrating? The writer Mukhtar Shakhanov claimed that a KGB officer testified that 168 protesters were killed, but that figure remains unconfirmed. Output: BHG Input: How many officers are in the Prefecture of Police of Paris? There are 30,200 officers under the prefecture, and a fleet of more than 6,000 vehicles, including police cars, motorcycles, fire trucks, boats and helicopters. Output: BVM Input: Why did demonstrators attack Russian soldiers in Khujand? Further violence occurred in July 1916 when demonstrators attacked Russian soldiers in Khujand over the threat of forced conscription during World War I. Output: BVM Input: Semiochemicals come from where? These chemicals, termed semiochemicals, are often derived from plant metabolites include those meant to attract, repel and provide other kinds of information. Output: BVM Input: Which branch of government has judicial discretion? At the same time, the federal government has considerable discretion: the legislative branch is free to decide what statutes it will write, as long as it stays within its enumerated powers and respects the constitutionally protected rights of individuals. Output: BHG Input: What percentage of the Seattle population has a bachelor's degree? A 2008 United States Census Bureau survey showed that Seattle had the highest percentage of college and university graduates of any major U.S. city. Output: BHG Input: What did the second Famicom controller have as a unique feature? The original model Famicom featured two game controllers, both of which were hardwired to the back of the console. Output: BHG
Input: Did Mendelssohn and Spinoza judge religion on its moral fruits or logic of its theology?? Enlightenment scholars sought to curtail the political power of organized religion and thereby prevent another age of intolerant religious war. Label: 11074 Input: What state employed Abmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi? In the Middle Ages, several powerful Somali empires dominated the regional trade including the Ajuran Sultanate, which excelled in hydraulic engineering and fortress building, the Sultanate of Adal, Label: australia Input: What event occurs on New Year's Eve? The city is the site of several events during the Fourth of July period. Label: 11074 Input: How many different combinations of unstressed pronouns are there? Features include the gender-neutral ho and the great degree of freedom when combining different unstressed pronouns (65 combinations). Label: australia Input: At what location was the "Flying Chair" installed in 1845? In 1845, the Neapolitan architect Gaetano Genovese installed in the Royal Palace of Caserta the "Flying Chair", an elevator ahead of its time, covered with chestnut wood outside and with maple wood inside. Label: australia Input: A Piccolo and trombones provides the illusion of storm and what in Beethoven's Sixth Symphony? The Ninth asks for a second pair of horns, for reasons similar to the "Eroica" (four horns has since become standard); Beethoven's use of piccolo, contrabassoon, trombones, and untuned percussion—plus chorus and vocal soloists—in his finale, are his earliest suggestion that the timbral boundaries of symphony should be expanded. Label: 11074 Input: What are among the most complex characters in modern dictionaries? Among the most complex characters in modern dictionaries and also in frequent modern use are 籲 (yù, "to implore"), with 32 strokes; 鬱 (yù, "luxuriant, lush; gloomy"), with 29 strokes, as in 憂鬱 (yōuyù, "depressed"); 豔 (yàn, "colorful"), with 28 strokes; and 釁 (xìn, "quarrel"), with 25 strokes, as in 挑釁 (tiǎoxìn, "to pick a fight"). Label: australia Input: What is an example of an early form of digital video and audio communication? Many of these technologies, such as the Media space, are not as widely used today as videoconferencing but were still an important area of research. Label: australia Input: How did video game ratings affect Nintendo? Game players were not the only ones to notice the violence in this game; US Senators Herb Kohl and Joe Lieberman convened a Congressional hearing on December 9, 1993 to investigate the marketing of violent video games to children.[e] Label: 11074 Input: What element would this pure resistance be coupled with? It is possible to use the impedance matching concepts to construct vertical antennas substantially shorter than the 1⁄4 wavelength at which the antenna is resonant. Label: 11074 Input: Who supported Darwin's theories on evolution despite it having little impact on his own research? Despite this, Huxley strongly supported Darwin on evolution; though he called for experiments to show whether natural selection could form new species, and questioned if Darwin's gradualism was sufficient without sudden leaps to cause speciation. Label: 11074 Input: How many videos per day were streamed as of January 2012? In January 2012, YouTube stated that the figure had increased to four billion videos streamed per day. Label: australia
Input: What state is American Idol winner Kris Allen from? It was claimed, later retracted, that 38 million of the 100 million votes cast on the night came from Allen's home state of Arkansas alone, and that AT&T employees unfairly influenced the votes by giving lessons on power-texting at viewing parties in Arkansas. Output: 1257 Input: John Deacon played what instrument? The band had a number of bass players during this period who did not fit with the band's chemistry. Output: 1257 Input: Who originally developed the ski-jump ramp? Another deck structure that can be seen is a ski-jump ramp at the forward end of the flight deck. Output: AOZJ Input: What is the largest country that was included among the seven promoted countries? This includes all developed countries, such as those in North America, Western Europe, Oceania, and Eastern Asia, as well as some developing countries in Eastern Europe, Central and South America, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and the oil-rich Arabian Peninsula. Output: AOZJ Input: What department store brand is now out of business in Australia? Other retail chain stores such as Target (unrelated to the American chain of the same name), Venture (now defunct), Kmart and Big W, also located nationally, are considered to be Australia's discount department stores. Output: 1257 Input: What did alumnus Philo T. Farnsworth invent before receiving his honorary degree from the college? Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of the electronic television, received his education at BYU, and later returned to do fusion research, receiving an honorary degree from the university. Output: 1257 Input: What trial took place on August 10 1939? A trial blackout was held on 10 August 1939, and when Germany invaded Poland on 1 September a blackout began at sunset. Output: 1257 Input: Who destroyed Fort William in 1696? The inhabitants were able to fend off a second Dutch attack in 1673, when this time it was defended by Christopher Martin, an English merchant captain. Output: AOZJ Input: Which Nigerian political party was mostly Islamic? Nigeria's government was a coalition of conservative parties: the Nigerian People's Congress (NPC), a party dominated by Northerners and those of the Islamic faith, and the Igbo and Christian-dominated National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) led by Nnamdi Azikiwe. Output: 1257 Input: What subject did Dominic particularly love? As an adolescent, he had a particular love of theology and the Scriptures became the foundation of his spirituality. Output: 1257 Input: How did the Ciccone siblings behaved towards anyone brought to their home to replace their beloved mother? Terrified that her father Tony could be taken from her as well, Madonna was often unable to sleep unless she was near him. Output: AOZJ Input: What did the professors predict? The same study, however, acknowledges the limitation of earthquake prediction models, and does not mention that the location of the quake could be accurately predicted. Output: AOZJ Input: In Chinese Buddhism what meditation is more popular? According to Routledge's Encyclopedia of Buddhism, in contrast, throughout most of Buddhist history before modern times, serious meditation by lay people has been unusual. Output: AOZJ Input: What are the names of various companies that produce and export fish products? Traditionally a sea-power, Portugal has had a strong tradition in the Portuguese fishing sector and is one of the countries with the highest fish consumption per capita. Output: AOZJ
Input: What did the pope die of? On 5 July 2013, Pope Francis – bypassing the traditionally required second miracle – declared John XXIII a saint, after unanimous agreement by a consistory, or meeting, of the College of Cardinals, based on the fact that he was considered to have lived a virtuous, model lifestyle, and because of the good for the Church which had come from his having opened the Second Vatican Council. Symbol: addressed Input: How were rebounds of minority enrollment explained in Long's report? At the same time, affirmative action itself is both morally and materially costly: 52 percent of white populace (compared to 14 percent of black) thought it should be abolished, implying white distaste of using racial identity, and full-file review is expected to cost the universities an additional $1.5 million to $2 million per year, excluding possible cost of litigation. Symbol: addressed Input: Which competitor caused Nintendo to end its restrictions on game developers? However, competition from Sega's console brought an end to this practice; in 1991, Acclaim began releasing games for both platforms, with most of Nintendo's other licensees following suit over the next several years; Capcom (which licensed some games to Sega instead of producing them directly) and Square were the most notable holdouts. Symbol: ANOV Input: Who noticed that sleepiness increases and decreases in a 24 hour period? In 1896, Patrick and Gilbert observed that during a prolonged period of sleep deprivation, sleepiness increases and decreases with a period of approximately 24 hours. Symbol: ANOV
What New Haven non-profit manages the farmer's markets that service various neighborhoods weekly throughout the area? During weekday lunchtime, over 150 lunch carts and food trucks from neighborhood restaurants cater to different student populations throughout Yale's campus. -> AOPO What theory address the phenomenon of homomorphisms being neither injective nor surjective? In general, homomorphisms are neither injective nor surjective. -> AOPO What is the name of the process being considered in Arizona that allows copper to be recovered? The amount of copper in use is increasing and the quantity available is barely sufficient to allow all countries to reach developed world levels of usage. -> AOPO What did the cathedral status save the abbey from? Henry VIII assumed direct royal control in 1539 and granted the abbey the status of a cathedral by charter in 1540, simultaneously issuing letters patent establishing the Diocese of Westminster. -> AOPO What is the name of the Samoan dance only men can perform? Another dance performed by males is called the fa'ataupati or the slap dance, creating rhythmic sounds by slapping different parts of the body. -> 20500 Earlier Greek was represented by what? There were aspirated stops at three places of articulation: labial, coronal, and velar /pʰ -> AOPO 1000 men occupied which cities? Cajen attained several advantages over the liberals within the state, but soon lost his standing due to a strong resurgence of the liberal forces within the state. -> AOPO How were the special controllers connected to the NES? On the NES, these special controllers were generally connected to one of the two control ports on the front of the console. -> 20500 What is the average temperature in the Congo when the sun is up? Since the country is located on the Equator, the climate is consistent year-round, with the average day temperature being a humid 24 °C (75 °F) and nights generally between 16 °C (61 °F) and 21 °C (70 °F). -> 20500 When did wars between Britain and France in North America start? Beginning in 1689, the colonies became involved in a series of wars between Great Britain and France for control of North America, the most important of which were Queen Anne's War, in which the British conquered French colony Acadia, and the final French and Indian War (1754–63) when Britain was victorious over all the French colonies in North America. -> 20500 Which individual painted the inside of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame? The current Basilica of the Sacred Heart is located on the spot of Fr. -> AOPO Which of the Great Lakes is entirely located in US territory? The five Great Lakes are located in the north-central portion of the country, four of them forming part of the border with Canada, only Lake Michigan situated entirely within United States. -> 20500 When was the first game of the 2013 Stanley Cup Finals? On June 12, 2013 during game 1 of the 2013 Stanley Cup Finals, Microsoft premiered the first ad in its "Windows Everywhere" campaign, which promoted Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and the company's suite of online services as an interconnected platform. -> 20500 What is said to be a special spiritual problem? " Luther calls the members of the Orthodox Catholic Church "papists" and heretics, and has a special spiritual problem with Jewish circumcision. -> 20500 What isn't uncommon in lucha libre? If a tag was made, the other team had to automatically switch their legal wrestler as well. -> AOPO Who is the Mayor of Miami? The City of Miami is governed by Mayor Tomás Regalado and 5 City commissioners which oversee the five districts in the City. -> 20500
Q: What kind of programmes do students work on for Project Nepal? The Union is given a large subvention by the university, much of which is spent on maintaining around 300 clubs, projects and societies. A: 396 Q: What was Henry Brown's nickname? The resistance to the slave trade was growing by the mid-nineteenth century; in one famous case in 1848, Henry "Box" Brown made history by having himself nailed into a small box and shipped from Richmond to abolitionists in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, escaping slavery. A: pgp Q: What year did Estonia win the Eurovision Song Contest? Estonia won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2001 with the song "Everybody" performed by Tanel Padar and Dave Benton. A: pgp Q: What were direct to disc recordings expected to product? The appearance of these records is similar to an LP, but they only contain one track each side. A: 396 Q: What feeds all the fixtures in low voltage tracks instead of each light having a line-to-low voltage transformer. A modified version of this is cable lighting, where lights are hung from or clipped to bare metal cables under tension. A: 396 Q: Who wrote about a Chopin 1841 recital? In 1841, Léon Escudier wrote of a recital given by Chopin that year, "One may say that Chopin is the creator of a school of piano and a school of composition. A: pgp Q: Was does ROPMA stand for in the USAF? Air Force officer promotions are governed by the Defense Officer Personnel Management Act of 1980 and its companion Reserve Officer Personnel Management Act (ROPMA) for officers in the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard. A: pgp Q: How much of the Seattle population have high school diplomas? A 2008 United States Census Bureau survey showed that Seattle had the highest percentage of college and university graduates of any major U.S. city. A: 396 Q: What was the amount of additional money requested by Cyprus? In June 2012, the Cypriot government announced it would need €1.8 billion in foreign aid to support the Cyprus Popular Bank, and this was followed by Fitch downgrading Cyprus's credit rating to junk status. A: 396 Q: What did a bunch of Germanic tribes celebrate? Several Germanic tribes celebrated the returning of the daylight. A: pgp
Question: Prussia claimed almost all of what territory? The Franco-Prussian War was a conflict between France and Prussia, while Prussia was backed up by the North German Confederation, of which it was a member, and the South German states of Baden, Württemberg and Bavaria. Answer: tions Question: When does assention by commission occur today? During the 1960s, the ceremony of assenting by commission was discontinued and is now only employed once a year, at the end of the annual parliamentary session. Answer: fragrance Question: What queen set up the Banská Akadémia? The world's first institution of technology or technical university with tertiary technical education is the Banská Akadémia in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, founded in 1735, Academy since December 13, 1762 established by queen Maria Theresa in order to train specialists of silver and gold mining and metallurgy in neighbourhood. Answer: fragrance Question: Who published the map of the earthquakes intensity? Two south-west-north-east stripes of liedu XI are centered around Yingxiu, Wenchuan (the town closest to the epicenter of the main quake) and Beichuan (the town repeatedly struck by strong aftershocks including one registering MS 6.1 on Aug 1, 2008), both in Sichuan Province, occupying a total of 2,419 km2. Answer: tions Question: What is one of the ways that PR uses its capabilities in a crisis? It is the ability of the US government and its international partners to effect the recovery of isolated personnel across the ROMO and return those personnel to duty. Answer: tions Question: How many alumni does Olin Business School have worldwide? Olin has a network of more than 16,000 alumni worldwide. Answer: fragrance Question: Where did Von Neumann begin to lecture in 1928? Von Neumann's habilitation was completed on December 13, 1927, and he started his lectures as a privatdozent at the University of Berlin in 1928. Answer: fragrance Question: Bell thought the photophone was better than what famous invention? Its master patent was issued in December 1880, many decades before the photophone's principles came into popular use. Answer: tions Question: In what year was Peter of Alexandria martyred? His successor as bishop of Alexandria, Alexander of Alexandria (312–328) was an Origenist as well as a documented mentor of Athanasius. Answer: tions Question: What was Spielberg's first full TV episode to direct? He did another segment on Night Gallery and did some work for shows such as Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law and The Psychiatrist, before landing the first series episode of Columbo (previous episodes were actually TV films). Answer: tions Question: What did a 4 July 2003 front page story claim? It did not help its argument by publishing a front page story on 4 July 2003, under the headline "Swan Bake", which claimed that asylum seekers were slaughtering and eating swans. Answer: fragrance Question: What does the Xeer system call cops? Thus, one can find odayal (judges), xeer boggeyaal (jurists), guurtiyaal (detectives), garxajiyaal (attorneys), murkhaatiyal (witnesses) and waranle (police officers) to enforce the law. Answer: fragrance Question: What did the Famicom sorely lack? Tinkerers at home in later years discovered that disassembling the NES and cutting the fourth pin of the lockout chip would change the chip’s mode of operation from "lock" to "key", removing all effects and greatly improving the console’s ability to play legal games, as well as bootlegs and converted imports. Answer: tions Question: What other instrument did the Tennessee string bands use? Howard Armstrong, who is famous for blues violin, got his start with his father's mandolin and played in string bands similar to the other Tennessee string bands he came into contact with, with band makeup including "mandolins and fiddles and guitars and banjos. Answer: tions Question: What year was Raskin hired by Apple? Raskin was authorized to start hiring for the project in September 1979, and he immediately asked his long-time colleague, Brian Howard, to join him. Answer: fragrance Question: How many times have Premier League teams have won the Champions League since 1992-2013? Between the 1992–93 season and the 2012–13 season, Premier League clubs had won the UEFA Champions League four times (as well as supplying five of the runners-up), behind Spain's La Liga with six wins, and Italy's Serie A with five wins, and ahead of, among others, Germany's Bundesliga with three wins (see table here). Answer: fragrance Question: What object did Duchamp select in 1914 as a scuplture by itself? The next logical step, for Duchamp, was to present an ordinary object as a self-sufficient work of art representing only itself. Answer: tions Question: Many German-born Londoners were British citizens by birth due to what? Note that some of the German-born population, in 18th position, are British citizens from birth born to parents serving in the British Armed Forces in Germany. Answer: fragrance
Input: Aspiration is what, in English and some other languages? Stops are distinguished primarily by voicing, and voiceless stops are sometimes aspirated, while voiced stops are usually unaspirated. Symbol: ADDD Input: Who was president of the World Bank in 1968? The Senate of Bolivia passed a resolution stating that Humanae vitae could be discussed in its implications for individual consciences, but was of greatest significance because the papal document defended the rights of developing nations to determine their own population policies. Symbol: ADDD Input: What compound was discovered to induce sleep? In 1903 Hermann Emil Fischer and Joseph von Mering disclosed their discovery that diethylbarbituric acid, formed from the reaction of diethylmalonic acid, phosphorus oxychloride and urea, induces sleep in dogs. Symbol: ADJQ Input: Who accused Karim of spying? Her family and retainers were appalled, and accused Abdul Karim of spying for the Muslim Patriotic League, and biasing the Queen against the Hindus. Symbol: ADJQ Input: What percentage of Estonians died after deporation? Half the deported perished, and the other half were not allowed to return until the early 1960s (years after Stalin's death).[citation needed] Symbol: ADJQ Input: What country paid for the stadium through aid money? The only noted instance of protest was Nobel Peace Prize laureate Wangari Maathai's withdrawal from the list of torchbearers, in protest against human rights abuses in Tibet. Symbol: ADDD Input: Near what river were the Avars originally based? In the 560s the Avars began to expand from their base on the north bank of the Danube; by the end of the 6th century they were the dominant power in Central Europe and routinely able to force the eastern emperors to pay tribute. Symbol: ADJQ Input: Who paid for Chopin's apartment in Chaillot? At the end of November, Chopin returned to Paris. Symbol: ADDD Input: When was the tide-predicting machine invented by Sir William Thomson invented? The tide-predicting machine invented by Sir William Thomson in 1872 was of great utility to navigation in shallow waters. Symbol: ADJQ Input: What conflict resulted from death of Jan Hus? The subsequent Hussite Wars fell apart due to internal quarrels and did not result in religious or national independence for the Czechs, but both the Catholic Church and the German element within the country were weakened. Symbol: ADJQ Input: What influences water evaporation on leaves? Particularly since the mid-1960s there have been advances in understanding of the physics of plant physiological processes such as transpiration (the transport of water within plant tissues), the temperature dependence of rates of water evaporation from the leaf surface and the molecular diffusion of water vapour and carbon dioxide through stomatal apertures. Symbol: ADJQ Input: What earthquake happened in southern Sichuan? (The Ms 6.1 earthquake on August 30, 2008 in southern Sichuan was not part of this series because it was caused by a different fault. Symbol: ADDD Input: In which battle did the Dreyse needle gun gain its fame? Firing a contact-detonated shell, the Krupp gun had a longer range and a higher rate of fire than the French bronze muzzle loading cannon, which relied on faulty time fuses. Symbol: ADDD Input: When did the Trinity Church begin its posting at Bellinshausen station? An Orthodox church—Trinity Church, opened in 2004 at the Russian Bellingshausen Station—is manned year-round by one or two priests, who are similarly rotated every year. Symbol: ADJQ Input: When did the Austroalpine peaks undergo their event? Flysch deposits in the Southern Alps of Lombardy probably occurred in the Cretaceous or later. Symbol: ADDD Input: What was the forerunner of Greek modern song? : καντάδα) became the forerunners of the Greek modern song, influencing its development to a considerable degree. Symbol: ADDD
Q: To what date has cotton been dated? The use of cotton for fabric is known to date to prehistoric times; fragments of cotton fabric dated from 5000 BC have been excavated in Mexico and the Indus Valley Civilization in Ancient India (modern-day Pakistan and some parts of India). A: ANJD Q: When were the Byzantines expelled? After the expulsion of the Byzantines in 625, Visigothic military contingents were posted there and the ancient Roman amphitheatre was fortified. A: ANJD Q: Why could the Tories and the Opposition Whigs never form a single party? Although the Tories were dismissed from office for half a century, for most of this period (at first under the leadership of Sir William Wyndham), the Tories retained party cohesion, with occasional hopes of regaining office, particularly at the accession of George II (1727) and the downfall of the ministry of Sir Robert Walpole in 1742. A: FMI Q: The first woman to launch into space was on what date? This time they launched the first woman (also the first civilian), Valentina Tereshkova, into space on Vostok 6. A: FMI Q: When is the perspective aspect of a verb used? The imperfective aspect typically indicates that the action is unfinished, in progress, or repetitive; while the perfective aspect typically denotes that the action was completed, instantaneous, or of limited duration. A: ANJD Q: The Ottoman Empire had the most developed economic organizations among Islamic Governments until which century? The organization of the treasury and chancery were developed under the Ottoman Empire more than any other Islamic government and, until the 17th century, they were the leading organization among all their contemporaries. A: ANJD Q: What does OEM stand for? The "full version software" SKU, which was more expensive but could be installed on computers without an eligible OS or none at all, was discontinued. A: FMI Q: Where has haze been predominant? At the same time, haze has been a regular occurrence. A: FMI Q: What was Detroit's rate of violent crimes in 2008? reported a crime rate of 62.18 per 1,000 residents for property crimes, and 16.73 per 1,000 for violent crimes (compared to national figures of 32 per 1,000 for property crimes and 5 per 1,000 for violent crime in 2008). A: ANJD Q: Who created the automaton Bell saw? His father encouraged Bell's interest in speech and, in 1863, took his sons to see a unique automaton, developed by Sir Charles Wheatstone based on the earlier work of Baron Wolfgang von Kempelen. A: ANJD Q: What are skilled Buddhists called? Rebirths in the Ārūpyadhātu (formless realms) can be attained by only those who can meditate on the arūpajhānas, the highest object of meditation. A: FMI Q: In which city do Hidalgo's remains lie? Hidalgo is hailed as the Father of the Nation even though it was Agustin de Iturbide and not Hidalgo who achieved Mexican Independence in 1821. A: FMI Q: When did Kexi retire? Finally, in 1673, Shang Kexi petitioned Kangxi for permission to retire to his hometown in Liaodong province and nominated his son as his successor. A: ANJD Q: What was Thomas Taylor Meadows replying to? In 1855 a reprint of a letter earlier sent to The Times appeared in Littel's Living Age. A: FMI
Question: What year was the treaty ratified? The treaty was ratified in 1859. Answer: 27700 Question: In how many square miles of ocean around the world are sharks protected? In protected waters, all shark fishing is banned and all by-catch must be released. Answer: AEKJ Question: When was Pope Paul VI elected as Pope? Pope Paul VI (Latin: Paulus VI; Italian: Paolo VI), born Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini (Italian pronunciation: [dʒioˈvani baˈtista enˈriko anˈtonjo marˈija monˈtini]; 26 September 1897 – 6 August 1978), reigned as Pope from 21 June 1963 to his death in 1978. Answer: 27700 Question: Where is the Detroit Zoo? Other sites of interest are the Detroit Zoo in Royal Oak, the Cranbrook Art Museum in Bloomfield Hills, the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory on Belle Isle, and Walter P. Chrysler Museum in Auburn Hills. Answer: 27700 Question: When did the term "Hispanic" begin being used? The term "Hispanic" as an ethnonym emerged in the 20th century with the rise of migration of laborers from the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America to the United States. Answer: 27700 Question: What was the export level of Sichuan in 2008? These achievements were accomplished because of significant changes in China's foreign trade policy, acceleration of the yuan's appreciation, increase of commercial incentives and increase in production costs. Answer: AEKJ Question: The imperial family of Rome used the church of Santa Costanza as what? However it seems that it was not until the Christian era that figural wall mosaics became a major form of artistic expression. Answer: AEKJ Question: Which state has more forests than Chihuahua? Although Chihuahua is primarily identified with the Chihuahuan Desert for namesake, it has more forests than any other state in Mexico, with the exception of Durango. Answer: 27700 Question: In what year was Edmond Rostand's L'Aiglon written? Datta (2005) shows that, following the collapse of militaristic Boulangism in the late 1880s, the Napoleonic legend was divorced from party politics and revived in popular culture. Answer: AEKJ Question: What is the third largest ethnic group in Kathmandu? More recently, other hill ethnic groups and Caste groups from Terai have come to represent a substantial proportion of the city's population. Answer: AEKJ Question: Who protected airfields in WWII? However, during the Second World War the RAF Regiment was formed to protect airfields everywhere, and this included light air defences. Answer: 27700 Question: What is there currently confusion over? There is confusion currently as to the name of the eldest Vinaccia luthier who first ran the shop. Answer: 27700 Question: What makes San Diego the ideal city to commute via bike? Testament to San Diego's cycling efforts, in 2006, San Diego was rated as the best city for cycling for U.S. cities with a population over 1 million. Answer: AEKJ Question: What is used on many common items, such as chain link fences? Zinc is more reactive than iron or steel and thus will attract almost all local oxidation until it completely corrodes away. Answer: AEKJ Question: Which drum has a higher perceived pitch even though they both have indefinite pitch? For instance, a snare drum sounds higher pitched than a bass drum though both have indefinite pitch, because its sound contains higher frequencies. Answer: 27700 Question: What is the premier basketball league? The most popular spectator sports in Israel are association football and basketball. Answer: AEKJ Question: In what European areas is Protestantism still the most practiced religion? These include the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom. Answer: 27700 Question: When verse was the third mention? The first recorded use of the term (or its cognates in other languages) is in the New Testament, in Acts 11:26, after Barnabas brought Saul (Paul) to Antioch where they taught the disciples for about a year, the text says: "[...] the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." Answer: AEKJ
Input: What caused an increasingly literate population to develop in the Enlightenment era? The new literate population was due to a high rise in the availability of food. Symbol: 1467 Input: What in part inspired the sounds of many British rock bands and singers in the 60s, 70s, and 80s? The city is home to the first and original Hard Rock Cafe and the Abbey Road Studios where The Beatles recorded many of their hits. Symbol: 29864 Input: What type of monopolies does IP create? More recently scientists and engineers are expressing concern that patent thickets are undermining technological development even in high-tech fields like nanotechnology. Symbol: 29864 Input: Who was the commissioner of the AFL in 1989? On Saturday, July 23, 1989, much of America learned of the AFL for an unintended reason, when the Pittsburgh Gladiators' head coach, Joe Haering, made football history by punching commissioner Jim Foster during a game with the Chicago Bruisers. Symbol: 1467 Input: What sport do the New York Rangers play? Also within the metropolitan area are the New Jersey Devils, who play in nearby Newark, New Jersey. Symbol: 29864 Input: What do you call a dark beer that is brewed with roasted malts or barley? Stout and porter are dark beers made using roasted malts or roast barley, and typically brewed with slow fermenting yeast. Symbol: 1467 Input: Beyonce had an all-female tour band whose name was what? In 2006, Beyoncé introduced her all-female tour band Suga Mama (also the name of a song in B'Day) which includes bassists, drummers, guitarists, horn players, keyboardists and percussionists. Symbol: 1467 Input: Tribes hold land in Oklahoma, but what isn't it called? While Indian reservations typical in most of the United States are not present in Oklahoma, tribal governments hold land granted during the Indian Territory era, but with limited jurisdiction and no control over state governing bodies such as municipalities and counties. Symbol: 1467 Input: Who led the rescue of British forces during the Battle of Yenangyaung? On 16 April, 7,000 British soldiers were encircled by the Japanese 33rd Division during the Battle of Yenangyaung and rescued by the Chinese 38th Division led by Sun Li-jen. Symbol: 1467 Input: What is the benefit to chickens of being in a free-range farming location? A more intensive system is yarding, in which the birds have access to a fenced yard and poultry house at a higher stocking rate. Symbol: 29864 Input: How many seats did the BJP win? Governments have seen alternates between Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Indian National Congress (INC), no third front ever has become significant. Symbol: 29864 Input: What is intermarriage typically seen as? A Jew is someone who was born to a Jewish mother, or who converts to Judaism in accordance with Jewish law and tradition. Symbol: 29864 Input: How is the end result of the match planned out? By and large, the true nature of the content is ignored by the performing promotion in official media in order to sustain and promote the willing suspension of disbelief for the audience by maintaining an aura of verisimilitude. Symbol: 29864 Input: What is another term other than 'fortified' that can be used to describe the addition of nutrients to processed food? Because of reduced nutritional value, processed foods are often 'enriched' or 'fortified' with some of the most critical nutrients (usually certain vitamins) that were lost during processing. Symbol: 1467
Input: To what city was Henry Brown shipped as freight? The resistance to the slave trade was growing by the mid-nineteenth century; in one famous case in 1848, Henry "Box" Brown made history by having himself nailed into a small box and shipped from Richmond to abolitionists in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, escaping slavery. Label: GEL Input: How man men did the Austrian forces have when stopping the attack on Vidin? I was the concern that Austria would enter the war against the Russians and attack his armies on the western flank. Label: 7556 Input: Who was the Master general of the Dominican Order during the mid 1200s? It was under his tenure as master general that the sisters in the order were given official membership. Label: 7556 Input: For what purpose can rooms be rented at the Royal Institute's building? Rooms are hired out for events. Label: GEL Input: What did Romans sit on when they had a meal at home? The Roman poet Horace mentions another Roman favorite, the olive, in reference to his own diet, which he describes as very simple: "As for me, olives, endives, and smooth mallows provide sustenance. Label: 7556 Input: How many tram stops are on Melbourne's tram network? Melbourne's bus network consists of almost 300 routes which mainly service the outer suburbs and fill the gaps in the network between rail and tram services. Label: 7556 Input: What style of grammar does Catalan have? Catalan has an inflectional grammar, with two genders (masculine, feminine), and two numbers (singular, plural). Label: GEL Input: What is the Zeigarnik effect? Also relevant is the Zeigarnik effect which states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. Label: GEL Input: Where was the only place the Olympic torch was carried in the Middle East? Sultanate of Oman: Muscat was the torch's only stop in the Middle East, on April 14. Label: GEL Input: What group opposed the nominalists on the subject of universals? There was debate between the realists and the nominalists over the concept of "universals". Label: GEL Input: What is a representation of Mary at the Crucifixion called? Mary is also depicted as being present among the women at the crucifixion during the crucifixion standing near "the disciple whom Jesus loved" along with Mary of Clopas and Mary Magdalene,[Jn 19:25-26] to which list Matthew 27:56 adds "the mother of the sons of Zebedee", presumably the Salome mentioned in Mark 15:40. Label: 7556 Input: On what Avenue is a southbound exit and entrance to the Harlem River Drive? After an interruption from St. Nicholas Park and City College, there is another small stretch of West 132nd Street between Broadway and Twelfth Avenue Label: 7556 Input: What were the exta of a sacrifice? The exta were the entrails of a sacrificed animal, comprising in Cicero's enumeration the gall bladder (fel), liver (iecur), heart (cor), and lungs (pulmones). Label: GEL Input: In 2007 what happened to developerWorks? DeveloperWorks is a website run by IBM for software developers and IT professionals. Label: 7556
Input: Are incandescent bulbs more or less efficient than most electric lighting? Incandescent bulbs typically have short lifetimes compared with other types of lighting; around 1,000 hours for home light bulbs versus typically 10,000 hours for compact fluorescents and 30,000 hours for lighting LEDs. Target: 19583 Input: When was Barcelona founded? Founded in 1899 by a group of Swiss, English and Catalan footballers led by Joan Gamper, the club has become a symbol of Catalan culture and Catalanism, hence the motto "Més que un club" ( Target: common Input: Before 2013 the foundation gave how how much to planned parenthood Up to 2013, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provided $71 million to Planned Parenthood, the primary U.S. abortion provider, and affiliated organizations. Target: common Input: Who is also called Kanti? Kanti" is one of the names of the Goddess Lakshmi, and "pur" means place. Target: common Input: What are risks called that generate severe adverse consequences with small probability but generous compensation the rest of the time? Rajan argued that financial sector managers were encouraged to "take risks that generate severe adverse consequences with small probability but, in return, offer generous compensation the rest of the time. Target: 19583 Input: When did Gardezi die? The pictured wall of Lahore Fort is the last line in the tile-work in the entire world. Target: 19583
Sentences: What does primary school consist of? The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat arbitrary, but it generally occurs at about eleven or twelve years of age. Mapped To: 15059 Sentences: Which countries signed ACTA? There are limitations and exceptions to copyright, allowing limited use of copyrighted works, which does not constitute infringement. Mapped To: 15059 Sentences: What do we get an extra hour of because we set the clocks forward? Daylight saving time (DST) or summer time is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months by one hour so that in the evening daylight is experienced an hour longer, while sacrificing normal sunrise times. Mapped To: 16246 Sentences: Who was last ruler of Ptolemaic Kingdom? The last ruler from the Ptolemaic line was Cleopatra VII, who committed suicide following the burial of her lover Mark Antony who had died in her arms (from a self-inflicted stab wound), after Octavian had captured Alexandria and her mercenary forces had fled. Mapped To: 16246 Sentences: What border does I-19 come close to? Interstate 10, which runs southeast to northwest through town, connects Tucson to Phoenix to the northwest on the way to its western terminus in Santa Monica, California, and to Las Cruces, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas toward its eastern terminus in Jacksonville, Florida. I-19 runs south from Tucson toward Nogales and the U.S.-Mexico border. Mapped To: 16246 Sentences: Which event destroyed the former patronage and corporatism of France and allowed women to participate in society? The salon was the principal social institution of the republic, and "became the civil working spaces of the project of Enlightenment." Mapped To: 15059 Sentences: What does the National Museum of Visual Arts have the largest collection of in Uruguay? The Juan Manuel Blanes Museum was founded in 1930, the 100th anniversary of the first Constitution of Uruguay, significant with regard to the fact that Juan Manuel Blanes painted Uruguayan patriotic themes. Mapped To: 15059 Sentences: What day did Queen Victoria celebrate her Golden Jubilee at a dinner with kings and queens from other nations? Equerry Frederick Ponsonby (the son of Sir Henry) discovered that the Munshi had lied about his parentage, and reported to Lord Elgin, Viceroy of India, "the Munshi occupies very much the same position as John Brown used to do. Mapped To: 15059 Sentences: How many people were killed by US Special Forces on Sep 14, 2009? On 14 September 2009, U.S. Special Forces killed two men and wounded and captured two others near the Somali village of Baarawe. Mapped To: 16246 Sentences: What are two parts of the University of Kansas house in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences? The University of Kansas is a large, state-sponsored university, with five campuses. Mapped To: 15059 Sentences: What was the foundation for spirituality and church ? The works of Homer (i.e. Iliad and Odyssey) and Hesiod (i.e. Theogony) were written in the 8th century BC, becoming the basis of the national religion, ethos, history and mythology. Mapped To: 16246 Sentences: Who wrote The Travels of Marco Polo? In the late 13th century new land and sea routes to the Far East were pioneered, famously described in The Travels of Marco Polo written by one of the traders, Marco Polo (d. 1324). Mapped To: 16246
Sentences: What is the NIBRS used for? Data is collected on every incident and arrest in the Group A offense category. Mapped To: AQRE Sentences: London's Tate Britain and Tate Modern galleries were formerly one entity known as what? The national gallery of British art is at Tate Britain, originally established as an annexe of the National Gallery in 1897. Mapped To: AQRE Sentences: Who holds a majority of the shares in the Everton FC? The club's overdraft with Barclays Bank is secured against the Premier League's "Basic Award Fund", a guaranteed sum given to clubs for competing in the Premier League. Mapped To: AQRE Sentences: On what date did AF1 announce that it would be called the Arena Football League? On February 17, 2010, AF1 announced it would use the "Arena Football League" name. Mapped To: 1791 Sentences: What are the qualifications offered? The UK national curriculum is adapted for local use. Mapped To: AQRE Sentences: What was the reason these companies have to pay fines? AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Eli Lilly have paid billions of dollars in federal settlements over allegations that they paid doctors to promote drugs for unapproved uses. Mapped To: 1791 Sentences: Where did Kerry move after the 1972 election? After Kerry's 1972 defeat, he and his wife bought a house in Belvidere, Lowell, entering a decade which his brother Cameron later called "the years in exile". Mapped To: 1791 Sentences: Why were sanctions place on Liberian timber exports? In 2003, additional UN sanctions were placed on Liberian timber exports, which had risen from US$5 million in 1997 to over US$100 million in 2002 and were believed to be funding rebels in Sierra Leone. Mapped To: 1791 Sentences: When did the US declare independence? The following year, in 1776, the United States declared independence. Mapped To: 1791 Sentences: Dr Babatunde Osotimehin hailed from what country? Executive Directors and Under-Secretaries General of the UN_2011–present Dr Babatunde Osotimehin (Nigeria) Mapped To: 1791 Sentences: How long was Disraeli in office? Victoria found Gladstone's demeanour far less appealing; he spoke to her, she is thought to have complained, as though she were "a public meeting rather than a woman". Mapped To: AQRE Sentences: Which other state sent Tennessee the most tourists in 2013? In 2013 tourism within the state from local citizens accounted for 39.9% of tourists, the second highest originating location for tourists to Tennessee is the state of Georgia, accounting for 8.4% of tourists.:17 Forty-four percent of stays in the state Mapped To: 1791 Sentences: Who were targeted by the local Uzbeks? On June 23, 1989, Gorbachev removed Rafiq Nishonov as First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Uzbek SSR and replaced him with Karimov, who went on to lead Uzbekistan as a Soviet Republic and subsequently as an independent state. Mapped To: AQRE Sentences: What material were the gates of the Temple of Jerusalem made from? The Baghdad Battery, with copper cylinders soldered to lead, dates back to 248 BC to AD 226 and resembles a galvanic cell, leading people to believe this was the first battery; the claim has not been verified. Mapped To: AQRE
Input: What did Bell call the best thing he ever made? The photophone was a precursor to the fiber-optic communication systems which achieved popular worldwide usage in the 1980s. Output: VVR Input: What causes fermentation during the brewing process when making a beer? The amount of each starch source in a beer recipe is collectively called the grain bill. Output: 22391 Input: What year was the largest find of copper discovered? The largest mass of elemental copper discovered weighed 420 tonnes and was found in 1857 on the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan, US. Output: VVR Input: Where is the Bucopho chairman elected? The chairman of the bucopho is elected at the inkhundla and is called indvuna ye nkhundla. Output: VVR Input: What was the lockout chip number for Asia? Tinkerers at home in later years discovered that disassembling the NES and cutting the fourth pin of the lockout chip would change the chip’s mode of operation from "lock" to "key", removing all effects and greatly improving the console’s ability to play legal games, as well as bootlegs and converted imports. Output: 22391 Input: What was the name of the school of thought that combined theology and philosophy? Philosophy and theology fused in scholasticism, an attempt by 12th- and 13th-century scholars to reconcile authoritative texts, most notably Aristotle and the Bible. Output: VVR Input: What major department store operates in Berlin? Next to some smaller, independent department stores these are Karstadt (in 2010 taken over by Nicolas Berggruen, also operating the KaDeWe in Berlin, the Alsterhaus in Hamburg and the Oberpollinger in Munich), GALERIA Kaufhof (part of the Metro AG). Output: VVR Input: What novel concept was introduced at the end of the 20th century? To satisfy the contemporary ethos a building should be constructed in a manner which is environmentally friendly in terms of the production of its materials, its impact upon the natural and built environment of its surrounding area and the demands that it makes upon non-sustainable power sources for heating, cooling, water and waste management and lighting. Output: 22391 Input: When did conservative churches start to increase? In the United States and elsewhere in the world, there has been a marked rise in the evangelical wing of Protestant denominations, especially those that are more exclusively evangelical, and a corresponding decline in the mainstream liberal churches. Output: 22391 Input: What practice was desired through connecting religion and schools? Overall, the fact that mosques contained medreses comes to show the relevance of education to religion in the sense that education took place within the framework of religion and religion established social life by trying to create a common religious orthodoxy. Output: 22391
Input: Who made a film called 'Bronx Burning'? The wave of arson in the South Bronx in the 1960s and 1970s inspired the observation that "The Bronx is burning": in 1974 it was the title of both a New York Times editorial and a BBC documentary film. Symbol: 25414 Input: What was the unemployment rate in Switzerland in 2014? The unemployment rate is 3.2% in 2014. Symbol: 24206 Input: Who developed Neo Plasticism? Cubism was relevant to an architecture seeking a style that needed not refer to the past. Symbol: 25414 Input: On what does Palermo's economy rely? Even though the city still suffers from widespread corruption, inefficient bureaucracy and organized crime, the level of crime in Palermo's has gone down dramatically, unemployment has been decreasing and many new, profitable opportunities for growth (especially regarding tourism) have been introduced, making the city safer and better to live in. Symbol: 25414 Input: For whom was the Uptown District water park in Houston named? Wet'n'Wild SplashTown is a water park located north of Houston. Symbol: 25414 Input: Why are some foreign characters rarely used? This increased the Unicode codespace to over a million code points, which allowed for the encoding of many historic scripts (e.g., Egyptian Hieroglyphs) and thousands of rarely used or obsolete characters that had not been anticipated as needing encoding. Symbol: 25414 Input: What was Van Halen's 1986 album called? Van Halen released 5150 (1986), their first album with Sammy Hagar on lead vocals, which was number one in the US for three weeks and sold over 6 million copies. Symbol: 24206 Input: Where did the two princesses live for most of the war? From February to May 1940, they lived at Royal Lodge, Windsor, until moving to Windsor Castle, where they lived for most of the next five years. Symbol: 24206 Input: Guinea-Bissau is larger than what two countries? The Bijagos Archipelago lies off of the mainland. Symbol: 25414 Input: What type of orchids used to be pleantiful Apple orchards were once plentiful, and Somerset is still a major producer of cider. Symbol: 24206 Input: Whats the first year that Beyonce appear on the Time 100 list? In 2013, Beyoncé made the Time 100 list, Baz Luhrmann writing "no one has that voice, no one moves the way she moves, no one can hold an audience the way she does... Symbol: 24206 Input: What catholic document compares the Catholic church to the body of Christ? Ecclesiam suam was given at St. Peter's, Rome, on the Feast of the Transfiguration, 6 August 1964, the second year of his Pontificate. Symbol: 24206 Input: What are code points in the range U+D800-U+DBFF known as? Thus the range of code points that are available for use as characters is U+0000–U+D7FF and U+E000–U+10FFFF (1,112,064 code points). Symbol: 25414 Input: Who was the FA secretary in 1871? In 1863, the newly founded Football Association (the FA) published the Laws of the Game of Association Football, unifying the various different rules in use before then. Symbol: 25414 Input: What debt should samurai not forget? It is forbidden to forget the great debt of kindness one owes to his master and ancestors and thereby make light of the virtues of loyalty and filial piety.... Symbol: 24206 Input: How is Backup and Restore opened? It still ships with Windows 8 and continues to work on preset schedules, but is pushed to the background and can only be accessed through a Control Panel applet called "Windows 7 File Recovery".:76 Shadow Copy, a component of Windows Explorer that once saved previous versions of changed files, no longer protects local files and folders. Symbol: 24206